1986 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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'Gable of Contents

Introduction............................................................ 1 'Dedication ............................................................. 16 FacultH .................................................................... 18 Activities................................................................ 40 U nderclass ................•...•....................................... 92 Sports ....................................................................116 Seniors ................................................................. 162 Quotable Quotes ............................................. 218 Acknowledgements ..........................................222 Gold 'Patrons ....................................................223 Index .................................................................... 224

• tn search of





;a n nervous anticipation,

the LaSalle Explorer prepares to embark upon his : l search The vast wasteland of the desert stretches forth in front of him. His thoughts dwell on the rumors he has heard of this desert路 sudden sandstorms of confusion caused by English class, the heat mirages which give false promise of no homework, and the dreaded scorpion's sting of Mr. Diehl. However, the promise of his goal is too great for the Explorer to resist and he sets out. Almost overcome by the exhaustion of football practice, the Explorer crawls to the top of a dune and from there peers out across desolation. But salvation Is in sight! The oasis of the weekend! The Explorer is satisfied with his progress so far, but he cannot rest long, for he has a great distance to travel before he completes his search




ow deep in the heart of the jungle, the Explorer proceeds !!!!!!!!!9 carefully, fearful of encounteringalion or a tiger or even a Mrs. Mountain. He counts himself lucky for escaping " The Pit," a pool of quicksand which has claimed the life of many an adventurer before him. Now, he presses forward, eager to complete his search. Suddenly, he is startled by a booming cry and a wild-looking man swinging overhead on a vine, but he lets out a sigh of relief, knowing that Mr. Vig is basically harmless. Trying to interpret and follow the direc路 lions given him by a member of the foreign language department, the Explorer soon discovers that he is hopelessly lost. Luckily, however, he happens upon a wandering tribe of guidance counselors, who point him in the right direction. In a short while the Explorer emerges from the jungle onto the bank of the Amazon river. From here, he knows, he'll be able to hitch a ride down the river with the crew team.










coking back, the Explorer is amazed that he has survived this much of his journey. Frostbite and c aten to overwhelm him at any moment. Though he passed safely through the mountainous Mid-Term Exams, the arctic wasteland in which he finds himself appears endless. The trails made here and there by members of the ski club are the only sign of civilization. The faint, eerie howl of the winter wolf sounds from far off, reminrung him of the wildly screaming fans at basketball games, especially when the cheerleaders arrive. Wondering how he ever got himself into such a tight spot, the Explorer flees across the frozen tundra from the rampaging polar bear, Mr. Colistra. He knew that he should have been more cautious in entering the dark cave of economics class! Comforted now only by the hope of an early spring thaw and the promise of the spring schedule, the Explorer struggles onward.



pace: the final frontier! The Ex· plorer, realizing that in order to ~) attain his goal he must boldly go ~ man has gone before, now streaks away from planet Earth at light speed. AJ. though his ship is quickly engulfed in the neb· ula of spring fever, it is not long before the determined Explorer recovers himself. His last-minute work is completed in a couple of "all·nighters." Then, Russell, his spaceship's computer, informs him that he will soon be passing through the asteroid belt of final ex· ams. Quick thinking and clever maneuvering of his ship enable him to survive the ordeal unscathed (although the computer nearly overloaded on Mr. Roche's exam). Excitement mounting within him, the Ex· plorer scouts the planet which he knows to be the object of his long and perilous search. Descending to the ground, the Explorer exits the spaceship to survey the beautiful new world which graduation has allowed him to enter. The horizon seems almost limitless in every direction.






name synonymous with the Christian Brothers for the last ~ fifty years has been Brother AI LUffifey:-uTthose fifty years since becoming a Novitiate in 1935, he has spent forty-nine teaching students in high schools . He launched his teaching career at St. Francis In Eddington, Pennsylvania, in 1936. Since his opening assignment, he has taught at St. John's College in Washington, D.C., Central Catholic H.S. in Pittsburgh, here at LaSalle from 1943-1948, Trinity H.S ., and Hudson Catholic H.S . in Jersey City. He returned to LaSalle in 1976. Brother Andrew Bartley, who has known him for more than forty years, characterizes Brother AI as a " man of deep faith" who believes In his morals and his teaching. AI· though he comes from the "Old School" of thinking, every student realizes that Brother

A =a

AI has a genuine concern for youth and its problems. His desire to give all he can is evident in the fact that he has been either a moderator or a coach at every school in which he has taught. At one time, he was President of the Board of Directors for the whole Catholic League of Philadelphia; this job demanded that he work out any disputes between rival athletic directors. Brother Al's pride and JOY is his golf team. In the last eight years, he has brought LaSalle seven titles. Last year, he took a team weak in talent to within one shot of an unprecedent· ed eighth straight title. " Hollywood Al's" coaching is not so much the technical aspects of the golf swing but rather a gUJdance toward proper sportsmanship and etiquette. To the LaSalle community, Brother AI has been a cornerstone for our academic and moral growth. Many students, particularly

upperclassmen, see him as a father figure . His affection for his students is readily appar· ent as one watches him walk the halls, greet· ing almost everyone by name. This fatherly image is exemplified by the comments of Mrs. Muriel Mehr, who described him as " a delight to the religion department". She speaks of him as a "humble person" who delights In seeing his students excel later In life. In closing, LaSalle is very lucky to have such a dedicated and guiding force in Brother AI. He touches everyone he meets, and many who study under him are left with his mark of excellence.





Whether welcoming incoming freshmen, warning against that dreaded disease known as sophomoritis, or chanting "We are La Salle." Brother Andre w Bartle y is sure to inspire us to new heights, as any Principal should. He is our tireless, dedicated support路 er of all La Salle Activities. When he's not busy torturing tardy stu. dents, Mr. David Diehl, our Vice Principal of Student Affairs, is probably a nice guy. In fact, just a week ago we found him walking down the corridor whistling to himself. Unfor路 tunately, the tune was Chopin's Death March. Whether on the racquetball court, or in his Vice Principal's office, Brother Jame s Rieck always has time to help a needy stu. dent. His humor may be lost in racquetball

competition, though, for he loves to win at racquetball. Hey Bro Jim, did we mention racquetball enough? 31 percent of our staff think we did so. Despite moving to a more roomy off1ce In the Alumni House, Mr. Charles Hilpl still has his finger on the pulse of La Salle. He holds a special place of importance with the Blue and Gold staff, however, for as the Business Manager, he and his assistant, Mrs. Peggy Braca. control the yearbook budget. Hey, Mr. H, how about some funds for a yearbook layout party? Nothing but praise and thanks can be giv路 en to Mrs. Helen Gallagher, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen. and Mrs. Patricia Schaum who keep La Salle's office running smoothly.

Brother Jamea Rieck, F.S.C.: Vice-Principal for Academic Affairs.

Mr. David Diehl: Vioe-Principal for Student Affairs.

Brother Andrew Bartley, F.S.C.: Prtndpal


, I Mr. Ch.,le• Hilpl: Business Manager.

Mr•. Patricia Scbaum

Mra. Mary Kay Mullen

Mr•. Helen Gallagher


Mr. Mic hae l O'Toole's disdain for seniors is only surpassed oy his disdain for underclass· men: "I don't mingle with underclassmen." He believes that in order to teach ancient Greek drama successfully he must first adopt their look and posture - the toga is at the cleaners. "He is the English teacher whom all seniors call evil " The classroom antics of Mr. Be rnard McCabe only serve to heighten his rapport with La Salle students (except for sophomores). What? - I don't see any spelling mistakes! (Atten· tion: anyone who finds a set of Cliff Notes for Beowulf, please return them to the English office immediately; Mr McCabe has a sophomore class 8th period). Even if he tried to shoot his brother once, Brother David Rogers is greatly respected by underclassmen, both for helping them through their mid-freshman year crises and for explain· ing the underlying meaning of such sophomore classics as Catcher in the Rye and Slaughterhouse Fiue.

Mr. Edward McCabe: English 1, 4; Assistant Cross Country Coach

From time to time, Mr. Edward McCabe becomes so frustrated, annoyed, or just plain angry at his students' Inability to comprehend the classics that he tends to throw chalk, erasers, books, or even whole desks at them. Only the smartest can stay on hts good side (that is, at least twenty feet directly behind him). Even though he's now a big-time college baseball coach, Mr. Edward Molush hasn't forgot· ten the "little people" back at La Salle. He's still busy trying to improve our grammar, spelling, and vocabulary, and we think he's doin a durned well job. The dauntless school sptrit of Mr. Dennis Blob along with his tireless work with the Forum has proven him a valuable asset to the La Salle family. Mr. Bloh experienced somewhat of a rude awakening here at La Salle after a number of years teaching at a girls' high school. No we don't write as legibly nor do we look as good ... but we're loud! Setting out to prove Thomi\s Wolfe wrong, Mr. Gerald Tremblay has come home again. The La Salle hall of farner has returned after nine years to teach sophomore English (heaven knows why) and lend his wit and wisdom to an already excellent English Department. Did we see some Sophomores carrying around a copy of Siddhartha?

Mr. Det~nl• Blob: English 1, 3; Forensics Moderator


Mr. Gerald Tremblay: Engllsh 2

Mr. Edward Moluh: Engllsh 2, 3

Mr. Michael O'Toole: English Seminar, Creative Writing, AP English, English 4 ; Gazebo Moderator

Brother David Roger•: English 2; Freshman Guidance, Cross Countty Moderator

,, ,....... .... ...........




Mrs. Clare Brown: English 1, 3

Mr. Bernard McCabe: English 2, 4


Mr. Jamee Serplello: Spanish lX. 2X. 3

Mr. &lorge Hobenleitner: German 1, 2, 3, 3X. AP German

Mr. William &llger: Latin 1, 2, AP Latin, Classical Elements, Ecology, Journalism; Blue and Gold, Moderator, Wisterian. Moderator. Photo Club Moderator

Brother William Riley: Spanish 2, 3X, AP Spantsh; Tenrus coach; Band Moderator


Mrt. Linda Donahue; Spanish 1, 2. 2X; Dramatics Moderator

The chairman of our language department, Mr. David Manion, has gained world renown as the only man who can both stroke his beard and scratch his head at the same time. His third and fourth-year French classes grow accustomed to this. Who's that suave, sophisticated man walking down the corridor? It's none other than Brother James Steck, La Salle's official plainclothes brother. He says that the reason he doesn't wear his habit is " I don't go in for stiff starched collars," but we think it's because of those ten pounds he's put on since his fitting. If he weren't so busy teaching all of La Salle's German classes, Mr. George Hohenleitner could teach morality. His speeches on subjects ranging from abortion to communism have lifted the conscience of many a German student. Brother Michael Kramer, in addition to teaching Spanish class, took on the ominous task of a freshman homeroom this year. Brother Mike speakes Spanish very eloquently; too bad he can't speak English as well.

The source of all bad jokes and goofy expressions has finally been discovered: Brother William Riley. Using a multitude of classroom anecdotes, Brother Bill instills in his students a solid understanding of the Spanish language. And his jokes aren't that bad . . .

Brother Michael Kramer: Religion 1, Spanish 1

When you see Mr. James Serpiello running down the third floor hall, you might think that he's rushing to his next class. But, it has been revealed that he's really running to get the last cup of coffee. Sometimes Dr. James Devine tries to impress the eighth graders he visits by speaking Spanish to them. This tireless man speaks to prospective La Salle boys from September to February as La Salle's Public relations and Admissions Director. ;,Aqul se habla espanol? Only in his Spanish IV classes. Yes, he does find time to teach. Mrs. Linda Donahue's impeccable teaching ability is paralleled only by her delightful personality and attitude toward her students. She is indubitably the prettiest member of the Language Department. Mr. William Geiger, better known as the gimp, would now rather play Scrabble than t ennis. He motivates many young men with his masterful manipulation of the English language. "And that reminds me of . .. " '~

Mr. David Maruon: Cbaltman of Language Department: French 3, 3X, 4 , AP French

Brother James Steck: French 1, 2, 2X: lee Hockey Moderator

Dr. James Devine: Spanish 4 , Cross Cultural Communications; PR Moderator


Mr. James Roche applies his expansive knowledge of mathematics to sports, acting as the faculty bookie. A common question concerning him is "What is he thinking about when he walks in the halls?" Nobody takes his math more seriously than Mr. Michael Ponisciack. No math problem is beyond his capabilities. His impeccable knowledge and reasoning shine as a guide through even the clouded darkness of statistics. Now about my report card grade ... After being overwhelmed by last year's programming classes, Mr. James Bradley wisely decided to stick to math, and we think he's doing a great job; he spices up class with anecdotes concerning everything from Euclid to Monty Python in a low-key style all his own. Just how important is a good notebook? Just ask Mr. Joseph Radvansky. Using clever metaphors and analogies, Mr. Rad will discourse on anything from doing homework to being a good assistant football coach. "Watch This! This is tremendous!" are common words you hear from Mr. John Frizalone in room 209 - even if you're in room 218. Mr. Friz offers a very enthusiastic and lively teaching style. Mr. Michael Ponisciak: Algebra 1, lX, Statistics,

Miss Maureen Dugan. an integral part of the math department, is known very well by her famous question; "How does that quadratic formula go again?"

Math Analysis 1, 2; CSC

Brother Thomas Dunn became a valuable addition to the La Salle community this year. Besides contributing to the math department by teaching geometry and intro. calculus, Brother Tom also contributed to the science department by teaching programming 1.

Brother Thomas Dunn: Geometry, lntro. CalcuiiU, Programming 1

Mr. Jame• Roche: Chairman of tbe Matb Department; Algebra lX, 2Y, Calcu!IU AB, BC


Mr. James Bradley: Algebra 1, 2, Geometry; Mathletes Moderator Mr. John Frizalone: Analytic Geometry, Consumer Math, Trigonometry,

Algebra I, lntro. Calculus

M.iss Maureen Dugan: Algebra 1, 2, 2X, Math Analysis 1, 2 Mr. Joaeph Radvansky: Algebra 2 , 2X, Math Analysis 1, 2, Geometry/ Trigonometry; Assistant Football Coach


Mr. Michael Bruno certainly deserves his position as department chairman . His ability to explain clearly even the most difficult chemistry problems is just one of the many skills for which students admire him, even if he did almost blow up the lab during last week's nuclear fis路 sion experiment. A defender of truth, justice, and Freshmen Civil Rights. Mr. Gerald Evans, is definitely one of the bravest teachers in La Salle (he is also proud of the fact that he attended Father Judge) Surely such an educator deserves more than a bunch of Opie JOkes This year, Mrs. Julia Maher has finally been able to get away from those freshman physical science classes and into some real classes (chemistry, that is). Although she still has a couple of sophomore classes, her students are now mainly juniors. Congratulations! It has been said that Mr. Robert Russell, the man with the personalized coffee cup, is more a t home with computers than with people. It has been recently discovered that this rumor is totally unfounded. So what if he has a top-secret account titled "I love IBM"? Many freshmen get a rude biological awakening at the hands of Bro. Talbot Ramsbottom. It's not uncommon in his class that statements of brilliance are met with blank or perplexed expressions. And that reminds me of the time I was captured by the Viet Cong .. . A conscientious teacher by day, Mr. Anthony Viggiano transforms into La Salle's Rambo as the last bell rings, when he's off to the weight room. He enjoys dazzling injured athletes with his extensive medical terminology.

Mr. Midta~J Bruno: Chairman of th~ Science Departm~nt; Chemistry,HonorsChemistry,APChemlstry

Besides spending more time at La Salle than her home. it has been recently discovered that Ms. Lonaine Rimert Is under federal investigation for illegally bootlegging 1950's physics films on videotape. She once requested her own Xerox machine. The La Salle computer department is greatly enriched by the presence of Mrs. Irene Pawlish. She takes on the arduous task of teaching freshmen computer literacy and programming 1

Mr. Anthony Amend's presence Is subtely felt among all La Salle students. He is Involved in a variety of areas including health, geometry, physical education, and swimming.

Ma. Lorraine Rimert: Physics, Honors Physics, Electricity 1, 2; Audio Visual


Mr. Anthony Viggiano: Physical Science, Biology; Athletlc Tralner

Brother Talbot Ramsbottom: Biology, Freshman Biology

Mr. Gerald Evans: AP Biology, Biology, Physical Sci路


Mr. Robert Russell: Programming 2, 3, 4 , AP Programming, Physics, AP Physics; Computer Science Soc!路 ety and SkJ Club Moderator

Mrs. Julia Maher: Honors Chemistry, Sophomore

Mr. Anthony Amand: Health, Geometry, Physical

Chemistry, Chemistry

Education; Swim Coach

Mrs. Irene Pawlish: Computer Uteracy, Programming 1


The greatest thinkers of all-time: "Plato, Aristotle, Colistra, Hofstadter ... " that is, of course, according to Mr. Joseph Colistra. Our head varsity football coach's energy in the classroom and on the field is approached only by his energy in the cafeteria. With a promotion to head varsity baseball coach, Mr. Joseph Parisi sees life at La Salle in a new light . . . but from the same height. His follies with Mr. Turner make the ladies in the office giggle. "Yeah, I hear ya. Now go a little further." These words originate, of course, from none other than Mr. John Grace. Even though he's finally stopped saying "expand on that,"

he's able to prompt even more classroom discussion with this new line. Also, Mr. Grace receives our hearty congratulations on his wedding earlier this year. When you hear "Hey fellas, get outta here!" you had better do just that, because Mr. Gerald Miller is on the rampage. How· ever, he was once seen smiling In the hallway. Mr. Thomas Turner's history classes should be subtitled " How to be cool like me." He has been known to take days off after tough losses in soccer. His motto: "What I don't know can't hurt me."

Mr. John Grace: AmericAn History 2, AP European

History, World Cultures, Hiller, Communism; Football Moderator, Drama Moderator.

Mr. Joeeph CoiJ• tra: Chaj rman of Social Studje• D epartment, American H1story 1, Economics 1 & 2, AP American History~

Football Coach.


Mr. Ge.rald Miller: American History 1 & 2: Moderator of Student CounciL

Mr. Thomas Turner: American History 1, World Cultures; Soccer Coach.

Mr. Joeepb Parisi: World Cultures, American History 1, Psychology: Moderator of Soccer, Director of lntramurals, BasebaU Coach


A Department Chairwoman should know all aspects of her subject, and Mrs. Muriel Mehr certainly succeeds here. Her work ranges from challenging us to hear God's call in Religion 1 to teaching us to accept our mortality in Death and Dying.

ever, as many freshmen would tell you. Brother AI, we hope you keep going for another 50.

A longtime subscriber to Gentleman's Quarterly, Mr. Alfred Puntel has spawned imitators amongst the student body. He plans to market Religious Trivial Persuit that will consist of questions from his tests and quizzes. Who can quote Old Testament and hit a nine-iron 130 yards? Why, La Salle's own answer to Bob Hope, Brother Aloysius Lumley. Brother, who just celebrated his golden jubilee, is as lively with the jokes as

He's back as a Christian Brother and better than ever. Mild mannered religion teacher, Brother Carl Clayton offers La Salle his perfected method of classroom discipline: " Hey guys, knock it off . . . please?"

Mr. Geoffrey Nicolette, one of La Salle's newest faculty members, imparts divine inspiration through his religion classes. His friendly personality and positive attitude encourage his students to do their best. Brother Richard Kestler, a great new addition to this year's Religion Department, has often been known to forget where he is.

In fact, when his picture was taken, he thought he was in West Catholic. Since then, he has been receiving counseling from Bro. Bill Riley who has taught him to stay in his zip code. As La Salle's official, bona fide, part-time Chaplain, father Tony Janton can be seen roaming the halls and mugging for Wister路 ian and Yearbook photographers. He seems right at home running the underclass retreat programs and celebrating Latin Masses, but, if we only could find him something to do! The enthusiasm of Mr. Patrick Devine for La Salle goes far beyond his Marriage class; he coaches the talented Cross-Country and track teams to victory after victory.

Mr. AJfred Puntel: Morality, Roots, Future Church, Mystery of God, Christian Action; esc Moderator.


Muri~l M~hr:

Chairwoman of Religion Department: Reli路

gion 1. Peace and Justlce, Death; Co-moderator of



Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti: Religion 1 & 2.

Mr. Patrick Devine: Marriage. Junior Counselor: Cross Country

Brother AI Lumley: Religion 1; Golf Coach.

Coach. Track Coach.

Brother Ri chard Kestler: Religion 2. Algebra 1; Moderator of Crew, Moderator of Men of La Salle.

Brother Carl Clayton: Religion 2, American HJStory 2 , Makers of the Modern Mtnd; Underclass

Father Anthony Janton: Chaplain



Who comforts juniors through their first SAT's? Who helps seniors choose the right college? Who makes filling out admission forms almost fun? Yes, it's Brother John D' Alfonso, our senior guidance counsellor.

When a person becomes a sophomore, he can't avoid seeing Mrs. Doris Daly at least once a marking period. However, if she de路 cides to call on you, you would be a bit reluctant to go on rainy days.

Whether you're talking two years into the future or two days into the past, Mr. Patrick Devine is the one to see If you're a junior. He will tell you to start thinking about college, or how to improve that 2.00 you got last report.

You say you want to raise your SAT scores? Well, the person to see is Mrs. Marie Baer, the assistant sophomore counsellor. Even though she can't tell left from right ... "You know what I mean?"

Mra. Anne Funchion

Brother John D'Aifonao, F.S.C.: Guidance Director: NHS Moderator.


The first person a freshman gets to know when he comes to La Salle is Brother David Rogers, the counsellor for future sophomores. He helps the frosh decide what to take in the next year, as well as tell them where their next class is. Brother John couldn't deal with all the sen路 iors alone. So, Mrs. Anne Funchion has the task of keeping order in the Senior Lounge, as well as typing various senior papers.

Brother David Rogers, F.S.C.: Freshman Guld路 ance.

Mr. Patrick Devine: Junior Guidance.

Mrs. Marie Baer: Assistant Sophomou Guidance.

M.... Doris Daly: Sophomore Guidance.

Mrs. Florence Ward: Alumni Director.

Mr. Joseph Cicclmaro: Chairman of Music Department; Alpha, Stage, Jazz, and Omega Bands

Mrs. Pat Dever: Alumni Office

Mrs. Diane McGovern: Art 1, Art 11, Art Ill, Mechanical DraWing: Moderator of Art Club


Brother Linus Finn: Typmg

Brother Edward Cannon: Proctor


Brother Miller Bosch: Driver Education. Proctor

Mr. Fra nk Mullin: Bookstore Manager

Brother HjJary McGovern: Physical Education

Mr. Walter Farrell: Swimming

Mr. Joseph Cotistn: Football coach

Mr. John Les Burke: Basketball coach

Mr. Martin Stanczak: Accounting; Athletic Director


Mrs. Mary Mountain: Librarian

Mrs. Susan Sayer: Library Assistant


Mrs. Alice Anne Bossow: Library Assistant

Mrs. Jennie Barratt, R.N.: School Nurse

Mr. Guy Cimini

BUI LaFontaine

Mrs. Mary Diaz

Cafeteria Staff; (left to right): (Back row): R. Dipinto, Mary SaJemno, J. Pintone, N. Livingood, H. Popiel, (Front row): M. McFadden, M. McClintock, H. Roman, S. Connaghan, B. Butler.



MC G-u I G-All



a Salle's financial stability, devel11 1a opment and use of property, and ==::I future planning are the responsibility of the Board of Trustees, which overall authority at La Salle. The Board reviews any complaints or criticisms which are leveled against La Salle. This year's Board consists of eight Christian Brothers and ten laymen. These men, chosen for their demonstration of skill, talent, and leadership, represent many fields of study such as Law, Business, and Education. This year's members are Brother Thomas Caldwell, F.S.C. (Chairman of the Board), Mr James E. Blount, Brother Andrew Bart· ley, F.S.C., Mr. William Vincent, Mr. John Metzger, Brother David Pendergast, F.S.C., Brother John Patzwall, F.S.C., Mr. Charles Hilpl, Mr. William Meehan, Brother Emery

Mollenhauer. F.S.C , Mr Dale Lintner, Brother James Rieck, F.S C. Mr Edward M. Patrone, Mr. David T Dtehl, Brother Rene Sterner, F.S.C., Mr. Ken Shaw, Brother Joseph Mahon, F S.C., and Mr Elmer F. Han· sen. These men meet periodically throughout the year to guide, in an official way, the affairs of La Salle. The Board is broken down into several commtttees each year, to address the diverse and often complicated issues which arise. These committees meet at various times throughout the school year and the summer months. As these committees address their own issues, they report to the meetings of the entire Board, where they share their findings. Issues brought before the Board are voted on and passed by a two-thirds majority, in

most cases. Each member is allowed to vote on any issue, except for the Ex Officio member: Mr. Charles Hilpl. Brother James Rieck, F.S.C., and Mr. David T. Diehl. These three men sit on the Board, but are essentially non· voting members. As a result of our separation from La Salle University four years ago, the Board of Trust· ees became necessary here at La Salle. Both La Salle College High School and La Salle University felt that the separation would benefit both schools, in that each would receive the proper amount of attention. In its fourth year of existence, the Board of Trust· ees is responsible for La Salle's long-term direction as well as the financial and legal affairs of the school.

Member•: (Left to right): Mr James E. Blount, Bro. John Patzwall, F S.C.. Bro David Pendergast, F.S.C., Mr. William Meehan, Mr. Charles Hilpl, Mr. John Metzger, Bro.

Rene Sterner, F.S.C., Bro Andrew Bartley, F.S.C., Mr. David T. Diehl, Bro. Thomas Caldwell, F.S.C., Mr. Dale Lmtner, Bro. Emery Mollenhauer, F.S.C., Mr William Vincent, Mr. Edward M Patrone, Bro. James Rieck, F S.C.• and Bro. Joseph Mahon, F S.C.


Dr. James Devine, Director of Public Relations

a Salle's Admissions and Public Relations Department, headed for the seventh year by Dr. James Devine, as once again finished a successful year of work. Dr. Devine spent the months of September through January visiting nearly ninety area grade schools, to inform potential La Salle students about the school. These students watched a video presentation about La Salle, its curriculum, its athletics, and its social life. Dr. Devine also spoke about admissions requirements and procedures, and he answered any questions which the future students asked. In addition, the Department has spent a considerable amount of time


since January preparing for the next year's visits. However, grade school visits are not the only tasks which have faced the Depart路 ment this year. The Department organized and ran both the Open House and the Principal's Dinner in November, as well as the planning of next year's calendar. The staff also prepares and publishes La Salle's newsletter, The Blue and Gold Line. This newsletter reaches students, their families, teachers, and grade schools, and informs them about what is going on around La Salle. The Blue and Gold Line helps La Salle communicate current events and happenings within the La Salle

community, and brings the La Salle family closer together. This year, Dr. Devine was assisted in running the Admissions and Public Relations Department by Mr. James Serpiello and Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen. Members of La Salle's student council and La Salle's chapter of the National Honor Society also helped Dr. Devine on his visits, at the Open House, and the Principal's Dinner. Congratulations to the Department for a successful year of hard work, and thanks for spreading the news about our "exemplary" school. ~


om Wolfe, Truman Capote, Gay Talese - the model writers for the staff of the 1985-86 Wisterian This year's publication centered around the Journalism class taught by Wistenan moderator, Wilham A. Geiger. The course cited examples of Wolfe, Capote, and Talese to illustrate the techniques of journalism Many articles which appeared in the Wisterian were written by members of the journalism class. The Wisterian strove to present a newspaper which Informed students of affairs around La Salle and current issues around the world. The members of the editorial staff set as their goal for the year to publish a newspaper which would be sound in both writing and appearance. Changes such as four instead of six page issues and monthly publication of the paper were instituted to both give the paper a more professionsallook and serve the student body with a more effective system of reporting. Each year the Wisterian attempts to build


CraJg Pomplas, Editor-tn路Chlef

You want it done by tomorrow. Sure, no problem.


Alan just glows In the dark.

Jtm looks like he knows what he's doing

Happiness Is meeting your deadhne.

Mark really enjoys do.ng this work.

Sir, would you accept my mom's grocery list Instead of my article.

Do you see the one who did it, ma'am?

on the previous year's publication, improving the paper progressively. This year the edito路 rial staff sought to carry this out by incorpo路 rating new ideas for the appearance of the paper, such as the smaller, floating banner and the shading of certain articles and boxes. In addition, the presentation of editorials which dealt with world issues expanded the horizons of the paper and attempted to relate La Salle to the world around it. This year's Editor-in-Chief was Craig Pomplas; the Editor was Alan Walsh. The two wrote and edited articles and columns, laid out the design of the paper, and supervised the work. They were assisted by Bill Matthews(Layout Editor), Bob Rich(News Editor), John Brown(Features Editor), and Brian Timoney(Sports Editor), and Tim Kilian(Copy Editor). Mr. William Geiger once again served as the moderator, contributing much time and effort into the organization and business end of the paper.

Hey, you left out the whole last paragraph!


•• he La Salle Theater's Fall Pro~ duction was a first for dramatics ~ here at La Salle. The production-:-Emed as 5-4-3, included five one-act plays, each of which was student-directed with a minimum of adult supervision. Four La Salle students and a student from Central High chose to direct plays they had selected. All male parts were played by boys from La Salle, and female parts were played by girls from Central High, Girls High, and the Mount. The sets were constructed by La Salle students under the direction of Mr. Chris Whelan. Mr. Whelan was also the overall director of the five plays. The lighting, designed by Mr. George McMahon, and sound were operated by La Salle students as well. The Fall Production was performed on November 15th, 16th, and 17th.

The production opened with "In The Way," directed by Amy Denker, a sopho· more at Central High. The play concerns the relationshtp of a father and a son on the day of their wife/mother's burial The father, played by senior Bob Toft, and the son, senior Craig Pomplas, interacted crisply onstage during this two-character drama. At the con· elusion of the play, the beginnings of a real relationship could be discerned between the father and the son. 5-4-3 proceeded with "Trouble on the T.A.R.D.I.S.," a play written by junior Gregory Watson and Andrew Glick, and directed by Gregory Watson. This comedy, a spoof of

public television's "Doctor Who'', was full of slapstick homor and entertaining fun In the play, Doctor Who, played by co-writer Glick. wanders through vanous dangers with his companions Triple E (Matthew McGovern), Always (Christopher Rodell), and PUR/SUN (Peter-Michael Bonfanti) The comedy climaxes with an encounter with the Doctor's archenemy Ackronine, played by Anthony McCall, and his cohorts (Dexter Vilar and Robert Adamski). The third feature, directed by senior Matt Herold, was the suspenseful "Sorry, Wrong Number." The play, starring Jessica Leftwich as Mrs. Stevenson, revolves around a phone call which she overhears. The phone call concerns two men who are plotting to murder a woman. Throughout the rest of the play, Stevenson tries ineffectively to con-

"You look mahvelous, dahhng!"

"Just one more -



"Hey, that's not in the $Cript!"

The school's new redecoration committee.

. . blows John over.

Matt 's powerful sneeze ...

vince the police to trace the call. The play ends with the murder of Mrs. Stevenson herself. LeftWich was backed by a cast including Walt Bass, Jeff Beck, Philip Keidel, Greg Lehr, Mike Porecca. and Bob Toft. After a brief intermission, the production continued with "The Black Comedy." Directed by senior Rich Webster, "The Black Comedy" tells the story of Brlnsley, played by Jeff Thomas. He is to have an interview with Mr. Bamburger, a wealthy art lover. To im路 press his guest, Brinsley and his fiancee Carol (Heather Egan) "borrow" nice furniture and impressive artworks from the apartment of his homosexual neighbor. Harold (Sean Dougherty). Brinsley's plot is crushed by the elec路 trical failure of his building and the arrival of Carol's father (Walt Bass). More complications arise with the entrance of Mrs. Furnival (Debbie Webster) and Brinsley's old love Clea (Harriet Elfring). The arrival of the repairman (Jim Weisenhutter) and Harold twists the plot even further. The play ends with the discovery of Brinsley's plot by Har路 old, the return of electric power, and the late arrival of Mr. Bamburger. The production concluded with "The Zoo Story", directed by senior Walt Lutz. This play starred John MacLeod as Jerry and Matt Buchdndn as Peter. As Peter sits reading on a park bench, Jerry, a stranger, walks up and begins to speak to Peter. Peter is eventually forced by Jerry to strike up a deep and revealing conversation. As the play continues it can be seen that Jerry is insecure and unhappy. The play ends with Jerry throwing himself on a knife, which he has coaxed Peter to hold. This play, as the conclusion to the Fall Production, was received by the audience as. without a doubt, the best of the five one-act plays. The La Salle Theater's Fall Production was dedicated to the memory of Mr. Peter Doyle, d1rector of La Salle's past dramatic t productions.

Pattents for " the good Doctor" .




n important part of the La Salle tradition is carried on by our parents, and a prime example of this is the La Salle's Mothers' Club. Moder· ated by Brother Fred Stelmach, F.S.C., this year the Mothers' Club once again set out to provide both social and financial contribu· tions to the La Salle community. This year's president, Mrs. Gerad Phelan, and vice-president, Mrs. William Clinton, have already organized and produced many successful events with more planned for the future. The Freshman Mothers' Tea, the Commu· nlon Dinner, and the Poinsettia Sale were just a few of the Mothers' Club activities this year. The "La Sale" Auction, run in conjunction with the Men of La Salle, was called "the most successful auction so far" by Brother Fred. One of the most recent events held by the Mothers' Club was the Christmas Cocktail Party on December 15. Run by Mrs. Henry


=a =a

The gang's all here.

"Would you like your coffee with cream or sug;,r?"

A blanket that could be shared by all for the annual slumber party


Darragh, Mrs. John Egan, and Mrs. Elmer Hanson, the event turned out to be a huge success. The theme was "A Dickens Christ· mas," and, like always, the mothers did a beautiful job of decorating the Brothers' House for the festive event. The party was attended by over 400 par· ents, teachers, and Brothers. "All those in· volved had a great time," exclaimed Mrs. Phelan. Other events which the Mothers' Club held include the Day of Recollection, an Irish Night, a Fashion Show held at the Adams Mark Hotel, and the senior Mother and Son Mass. Last year the Mothers' Club raised over $46,000, and because of the hard working mothers involved this year, the La Salle Mothers' Club appeared to have another suc· cessful year.

Dlppmg Into La Salle s petty cash.

., homas Wolfe once wrote "you ~ can't go home again." He was ~ proven wrong by the return of Johil"r. Lehman, Jr., class of 1960, to an enthusiastic welcome from a sell-out crowd attending La Salle's 36th annual Father and Son Banquet. Secretary of the Navy Lehman provided one of the many highlights of the evening when he spoke on America's naval power in the past and its growth to the present state of excellence. He also praised La Salle highly. Chairman Frank Bruno is to be congratu· lated on the smooth running of this year's banquet at Williamson's. All enjoyed the relaxing cocktail hour, the sumptuous dinner, the entertaining speeches, and the exciting prize drawings. Lucky winners took home a typewriter, a TV, a video cassette recorder, a stereo set, and a radio. The evening drew too quickly to a close. Complimentary comments resounded as fa· thers and sons exited the restaurant; definite promises to attend next year's banquet were already being made.

Well m y father Is a ..•

I always thought 11 was pronounced ex-emplary.

Halley's Comet Is patiently awaited.

"I'm telling you -

I'm not going bald!"


Another failed cloning experiment

he La Salle Forum, hesitantly but undeniably, emerged a forensics team to be dealt with once again this year. With a new moderator, Mr Dennis Bloh, and a new spirit, attitude, and membership, it was clear the Forum had enough energy to continue La Salle's tradition of success in forensics. This enthusiasm was often inspired by team-oriented individuals like Ken Lehr, who accomplished an unprecedented double first place win at Calvert Hall this year. His dual partner-in-crime, Brian Sullivan, also gained more than just a soclallife from his experience in interpretation events. Andrew Roedel! and Tony DeSimone illustrated La Salle's bright future in this category. In oratory, Bob Farrace was able to secure more than just a few trophies. Extemper Bernie "Who?" Kling re-joined the Forum for a second semester of strong competi· tion. But sophomore "Rev." Mike Tidd, proving why its called a speech AND debate team, stole the show in both extemp and Lincoln-Douglass debate. Alan Ramsay, never quite sure which event he was in until the day of the tournament, deserves praise for his versatility and dedication to the team. His successes, like the team's, extended into the murky realm of index cards, government documents, permutations, and OX boxes - the realm of cross-examination debate. Unwavering President Pete Lyons, when not off somewhere in North Jersey (mentally or physically), combined with Mike "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" Hanson to prove unquestiona· bly that good debate partners do not have to be best friends. Despite some imtial problems and setbacks, Mike put up with Pete long enough to win at least a few rounds. Outstanding sophomores Roy Waldspurger and Vince Brunner carried the team In the absence of some more experienced team members. Rookie (but certainly not novice) coach Kevin Hennessey receives credit for the organization of the debate squad. Moderator, Dennis Bloh, with support from assistant and speech coach, Steve Andrasko, must also claim some of the glory for giving the serious members of the Forum an opportunity for true success and achievement. Dealing with some of the Forum's unique characters is not very easy (which explains why most people don't). But all in all, the Forum stuck together for another eventful year.



Graduate of the Mr. Grace school of debating

The long walt .. •


"Roy, I hit your cat wtth the Oldsmobile."

For Sale, Cheap

"So what do you think, pilgrim?"

L toR . Varstty speech and debate: K Lehr, B. SuiUvan, 8 Holton, B Kling, R. Farrace. P Lyons, V. Bruner, N. Jessen, R. Waldsburger, T Sowirka, M Tidd Seated: D. Lmk "Find any good speeches up there?"


"Gee. I didn't know light bulbs came with instructions."

Another hard day at the off1ce

The legacy of the Forum lives on

"Where's Miss July?"


What does "underlying cause of the reactlonary legislation" mean?

"No, you can't give your speech In Spanish"

Larry, Moe, and Curly

"How do you like my AI



"How did hi• name get on this list?"

"What does he mean, we're ftred?"

"Brother Duke"

"Friends, Romans. Countrymen ..• "

"and therefore I conclude that your mother wears combat boots "


he National Honor Society, guided by Brother John D'Aifonso. has remained one of the most prestigious mstitutions at La Salle. Becoming a member of the NHS is an honor received by high school students who exhibit scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Once inducted, the member must be prepared to serve his school to the best of his ability, whether It be to tutor a student requiring academic assistance or to aid in the running of such school functions as the Principal's Dinner, Open House, Parent/Teacher meetings, and Back To School Night. In addition, the NHS member is expected to maintain the excellence in school which he has already achieved (a 3.5 GPA or higher) and in various extracurricular activities. He is a leader who should show high standards of honesty and reliability. As Brother John repeatedly affirms, the NHS member is not asked to do his best, he is expected to do his best. This challenge Is one which is met by every NHS member with pride and dedicalion


lif'Jb ==- ==-= e\ 1!!5'

La~\ ~~ lll•\ ==..@. Q~=-=-.,

Na tiODaJL

Cb ~\ Bit•\~ Y':a;a~ll/f' =:.~~6-

0 V \:f :a

HODO~ Socil~ty

Memben :

Michael G. Anderer John W. Brown Joseph Brozoski Mtchael N. Cantwell JohnS. Chun David F Ciand James F Devine James A Donahue Brian J . Grady Michael S. Hanson Emmett J. Harkins Todd R. Hellman Thomas K Houlahan Joseph J . Irwin Patrick D Kelly

Thomas D. Kent Charles P. Lee Kenneth W. Lehr John A. Uvingood Peter V. Lyons Frank A. Maguire David A. Martella Wilham W. Matthews Keith T. Melinson James T. Merritt John M. Morrissey Eagan C. O'Donnell Thomas J. O'Malley Shailesh M. Patel Richard Penuliar

Craig T . Pomplas Harry C. Portland Mark G. Sabo John J . Sillquinl Stephen G. Solecki Drew D. Stockmal Victor J Suchodolski Richard D. Sullivan James B Tannahill Tibor Terek Jeffrey S. Thomas Brian M. Timoney Alan J . Walsh Robert F. Weikel Karl E. Werner

Moderetor: Brother John D'Aifonso, F.S.C.


NHS Offlcen: M Anderer, R Weikel, B Matthews, S. Patel, and Moderato r: Bro. John D'Allonso, F.S.C.

!though he often doesn't realize it until it's too late, a senior has ~ =a many difficult decisions to m-al<'e beroTe his last year of high school has ended. He is called to make an evaluation of himself and formulate his plans for the future. The rest of his life depends on decisions made early in his senior year. One of the most difficult and most impor_tant of these decisions is choosing the college he wishes to attend. But thanks to a hard working La Salle administration and the special efforts of Brother John D' Alfonso, Director of Guidance, seniors received special aid in solving their problems. Over twenty of the finest universities in the area were invited to


La Salle so that seniors could be interviewed by representatives. Each person had at least a fifteen minute interview with the college representative. During this time, questions about the college were answered and each student got a truthful and sometimes a rather blunt evaluation of his chances of being accepted to the particular college. To promising candidates, applications were given and the students were well on their way toward a promising future. The College Fair was a huge success. It was both informative and convenient. Again, thanks to the dedicated La Salle administration, seniors will be able to relax when June rolls around. ...Âą

Representatives plan their attack.

"Well Niall, honestly ... "

Interested Seniors discuss college plans.


he Senior Retreat program La Salle has is a different exper~ ience than the retreats during the Ti'rSf three years of high schooL Seniors gain a better understanding of themselves and of God at the Cardinal Speelman Retreat House in the Bronx, New York. By spending time away from familiar surroundings, sen· iors learn a deeper meaning about their relationship with God, and how this relationship affects the relationships of themselves and their friends . While some people may not consider the Bronx as a good place for a retreat, the house, run by the Passionist Fa· thers, is surrounded by a natural environ· ment that allows students to better contem· plate the reason they are there, the problems they face now, and the problems they will face in the future. On the whole, the retreats prove helpful to the seniors. They help to clear some of the apprehensions the seniors have about the fu· ture, and help them to deal with the present. Each retreat provides a "much-needed" break from the daily routine of classes (even if make-up work has to be done). At the close of the retreat is a Mass, during which each senior is asked to tell what he learned on the retreat.


The many faces of retreat

The action . . .

Father Paul reaUy knows how to relax.


. . on the reflection

Religion can be found in unusual places.

Underclassmen watch as a girl passes.

The serious part of the retreat.


he underclass retreats are strictly business. Underclassmen go to :,a the Brothers' house and sit in discussion groups. However, the retreats all have the same purpose - to become closer to God by better understanding one's religion. Under the direction of Brother Carl Clayton and Father Anthony Janton, each homeroom spent one class day on retreat. They began by splitting into small groups, each under the guidance of a senior. These groups discussed personal and religious values, attitudes towards authority and individual responsibility. Then the students regrouped to watch a film about some problems that teenagers encounter, and how they might be dealt with. After more discussion, the students attended a special mass celebrated by Father Janton, who heard the students' confessions afterwards. Most students agreed that the retreats had been well worth their time, as they had learned about both themselves and God. The underclass retreats continue to be an important part of La Salle's continuing Christian education. ~

This was supposed to be a candid photo.

A senior gives his experiences to an underclassmen.


.. li

n 1985-86 La Salle produced what

1 many believed to be its best band =a ever Led by officers Scott Porecca,

Dave Cianci, and Mike Difebbo, this year proved to be an exceptional one both collecti路 vely and individually. Collectively, the band was seen at every major school function from awards ceremonies to Mass. and the La Salle chorus was the best ever. Individually, seniors John Meko. John Siliquini, and Scott Porecca placed well in the All-District orchestra and band. The competition band this year, under the direction of veteran trumpet virtuoso Mr. Dave Orehowski, entered its season with few question marks. But after much hard work the band produced outstanding soloists in John Meko, Wade Redcross, and Dave Cianci, not to mention top finishes in each competition. This year's teaching staff was complemented by the addition of Mr. Rich Genovese on bass trombone and the return of reed instructors Gene Ciccimaro and Joe Vitori, trumpet instructor Rocco Bene, and rhythm instructors Pat Mercuri, Dominic Fiore, and Ray Dealy. Clearly, any student would remember these men not only for their teaching but for their theories on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness through music. Now presenting some of the year's lighter moments from the lounge: What' No coffee . .. the reeds beat the brass in football .. . a refrigerator and now parties . . . you dropped the synthesizer,l'll kill ya . .. a January hockey game ... who put the hole in the ceiling? . Does anyone besides Scott and Dave have keys to the bandroom? ...

Why am I the only one playing?

The Chicago Bears doing their Instrumental album

Competition for a se11 t in the Lawrence Welk band

Hands on home keys, little boy

Somebody tell him that the chaplam hasn't finished yet.

How do you read a blank page?

I wonder If chewing bubble gum Is possible with t his.


Lonl Anderson attracts sax players' attention.

"Then the papa bear said to little bear .. No! No! Nol"


Drumming Is a lonely JOb.

Wake up, Mike!


CSC Offlc:er• (I to r): M. Dean, Mr Alfred Puntel (Moderator), S. McEJllgot, Mrs Julia Maher (Moderator), T. Depman, Mr. Michael Ponisclak (Moderator), J. Stelac1o.

Real Love always creates; it never destroys in thrs lies our greatest hope Leo Buscaglia


his has been the philosophy of the La Salle College High School Community Service Corps (CSC) since its Initiation at La Salle ten years ago. Supported by this hope, the CSC continues to provide a well balanced set of activities to serve the community. The 1985-86 school year has been one of the most successful years for the esc Not only has it taught inner city children how to swim, but it tutored, clothed the naked, fed the hungry, and brought joy to the elderly and children across the region. The people the La Salle esc served are not the only ones who benefitted. The students themselves gained tremendously. They have grown emotionally, religiously, intellectually, and socially while havmg a lot of fun. This year, La Salle's esc joined forces with other CSCs, most notably the Mount's, and became a leading part of the Archdiocesan program. esc members show their Christian joy and faith In the values of Saint John Baptist De La Salle through the programs In which they participate. In ten years, the CSC has grown from a small tutoring organization to a multifaceted organization offering many programs to accentuate the abilities of everyone In the student body. The members taught inner city ~



Helping out during "Operation Swim"

chUdren to swim at La Salle's pool with addi· tiona! volunteers coming from many high schools. They tutored students at Saint Ray· mond's in Reading and Math. They ran a three week long canned food drive, Bread Basketball, and a Hunger Awareness Day to raise money for famine relief. The annual Basketball and Volleyball Tournament that benefits Bread Basketball remained a huge success; this year, a second tournament was held to raise money for a trade school in Guatemala. Additionally, CSC collected clothes for the homeless and books for Inner city hospitals. A major gift collection and dis· tribution program, Operation Santa Claus, proved successful. For the third year in a row, La Salle has been named the largest participator in Operation Santa Claus in the Kensington-Germantown area. Lastly, the Christian Clowning Troupe continued to make monthly visits and spread their Chris· tian joy to nursing homes across the region. The entire student body should be proud of the accomplishments of CSC. By creating new programs and enthusiasm, esc contin· ues the tradition of serving the needs of the community and, in doing so, has become an integral part of the La Salle community. As for the future, we are confident that this tra clition will continue to grow. Joe Is caught trymg to steal cans for himself

Ted meditates on the meaning of life

Collecting cans for the food dnve


•• he La Salle Theatre continued its ~ fine tradition this year with the spring production of "Two Gen· tlemen of Verona''. The play, a modern, musical, and humorous adaption of Shake· spear's play, was presented on February 28 and March 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9. "Two Gentlemen of Verona" focused on the relationships of two couples: the first, Valentine and Sylvia, portrayed by senior Rick Webster and Jessica Leftwich of Girls High, and the second, Proteus and Julia, por· trayed by senior Jeff Beck and Rita Augus· tine of the Mount. The success of the musical was due In part to the strong and experienced cast. The inter· action of these cast members on stage held the audience spellbound, and their energy gave a lasting impression. The performances of the upperclassmen were bolstered by a group of dedicated freshman and sopho· mores. The efforts of Set Designer Chris Whelan, Stage Manager Karl Werner, and the stage and lighting crews embellished the cast's per· formance. Colleen Durkin-Lapowsky direct· ed the La Salle Theatre for the first time, and, as usual, Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro pro· duced the musical and provided the award· winning band. Mr. John Grace labored as Assistant Producer and spiritual advisor. The triumph of "Two Gentlemen of Ver· ona" also serves as a tribute to Mr. Peter Doyle. The sudden death of Mr. Doyle earlier this year was a shock and loss which was difficult for many members of the cast to overcome. But the cast did indeed overcome It, and presented a musical which will not be forgotten.


"Aren't these the cutut boys?"

Colleen shows how It's done.

Thinks he's some sort of playboy.

New religious cult performs its rites.

Strange things can happen in a La Salle musical.

"We use Colgate for these bright smiles!"

" Oh, no! Here comes Mr. Diehl!"

" A camera! And we look a mess!"

Another happy couple in La Salle's musical.


-·~ oderator Mr.. William Geiger


has focused and zoomed the Photo Club mto new heights. The Big G confessed, ''It was a tough job, but somebody had to do it " Mr. Geiger did an admirable job In teach· lng inexperienced photographers camera techniques and darkroom procedures. The club took field trips around LaSalle to cap· ture the beauty of nature with a click of a button. Photo displays were arranged to show off the Club's best pictures. The Photo Club also played a role In the developing, shooting and printing of the pictures for the Wisterian and the Yearbook. •

: l V:l

' \ Members: (l toR); H. Jordan, Mr. Bill Ge~ger (Moderator), K. Werner,!. Chernyk, J. Ha, M Whalen, T. Terek, B. Reinhardt .

"Enemy ships off port bow."

" What happens when I press this button, Bill?"


ou wait, pencil in hand, poised to begin. "You'll have ten minutes; go!" calls the voice in front of the room. Turning over your paper, you read "Find the radius of the inscribed circle in a 5-12-13 right triangle." You qutckly arrive at the answer two, but the next question stumps you. By the time you hear the proctor call "Stop!" you have no more right answers. Oh, well, better luck next event. Yes, a Mathlete's life is rough, but this year's twenty-man team was used to it; they returned each month to work on problem after problem, driven only by commitment and the promise of free doughnuts before



each meet. After two disappointing meets in 1985, during which they placed fourth and sixth out of seven teams, the team instituted regular practices before their meets, and scores qUickly rose, as did thetr image in the school. Now that they had elected officers for the second year in a row (Peter-Michael Bonfanti as President, William Carey as Vice President, and Michael Difebbo as Secretary), and had begun practicing, they were firmly established as a team to be taken seriously. This year's team was once again moderated by Mr. James Bradley, and good showings were made by Seniors Dave Cianci and Tibor

La SaUe Mathletes (L toR): M. Carey, G. Zemitis, B. Jay, W Carey, T. Terek, J McDonald, W.J . Wang, M. Oberholzer, P. Bonfanti, R. Trub. M DIFebbo, C. Putro, D. Cianci, K. Madden, E. O'Donnell, Mr. J. Bradley - Moderator

Senior members (L toR): E O' Donnell, D Cianci, T Terek

Terek, Juniors Chris Putro, Bill Carey, and Peter-Michael Bonfanti, and Sophomore Richard Trub. The Mathlete schedule this year Included three half-hour after school contests, and one three-hour Saturday morning competition per month, plus practices. Results of the after school contests were posted in the library the next day, while the Saturday results were announced in the Daily Bulletin. Overall, this year proved to be a successful and enjoyable one; there are sure to be many more ahead.

2+2 - 5

Ofnc:ers fo r 1985路86 (L toR): M Difebbo - secretary, P. Bonfanti - president, W. Carey - Vice president, Mr. J. Bradley - moderator


s winter approached and ski resorts were preparing for snow and a hopefully prosperous season, La Salle's Ski Club was unpacking its skis and coordinating =a ski trips for La Salle students. Headed by Mr. Russell and Mrs. Maher, the ski c!U6llas continued to be a welt represented activity at La Salle. Many students view the ski club and its trips as time to relax and have a good time with school friends while skiing. During this year's ski season, Mr. Russell and Mrs. Maher organized as many trips as possible, and they, of course, had the annual trip to Killington, Vermont, for three days after first semester exams. Trips that remained in Pennsylvania included Camelback Mountain and Elk Mountain. Both located in the Poconos, Camelback and Elk serve as excellent ski resorts for La Salle skiers as well as thousands of other area skiers. These two ski trips turned out to be very successful for the skiers. The weather cooperated fully and the skiers definitely took advantage of it. The trip to Killington was another adventure. Not only was the skiing superb, but the first semester exams were done completely before the annual trek. This provided every skier that went to Vermont a great time without homework, hassles, or havoc that accompanies school.


A double-axle-butt-slide.

The group at Killington


The migration of the penguins

Stick to acting, Jeff.


He fell on Impact

Guess who told the joke.


he racquetball club is in its second year here at La Salle. Broth:A er James Rieck introduced the program when he came to La Salle last year. Since then, it has become another one of La Salle's many successful extracurricular activities. Racquetball is a fast-paced sport that requires sharp hand-eye coordination, intense concentration, and stamina. It is great exercise for all of the students involved in the program. Racquetball provides heated competition and non-stop action for anyone. It is a fun and enjoyable sport even for the inexperienced player. Many of the students involved in the racquetball program do not participate in any of La Salle's other seasonal sports. Two trips leave La Salle each week for Fort Washington Racquetball club; one on Tuesday, the other on Thursday. Each of these trips are usually filled to capacity, with about 20 players going each week. For the inexperienced player, Brother James takes the time out to instruct and assist that player in the basics and fundamental rules of racquetbalL Racquetball is a sport that is easily understood, and in no time at all these students are playing it out among their friends. The goal of the Racquetball club is to organize teams among themselves, initiate competition between La Salle players and, ultimately, to take their skills on to challenge players from other schools. ~

The Agony of defeat

Socks match as well as knee braces?


"Hustlin"' Bro. Mike.

Picture路perfect form.


he main reason why you have this book in your hands is be· ~ cause there were about ten sen· iorscredicated enough to undertake this mammoth task. Either that or they were in· sane. But insanity often breeds brilliance; just ask Mr. Geiger. Nobody said it would be easy but it will be worth it for us in years to come; if only the human life span were longer. Our working on the yearbook has Jed to many memorable moments, those which will undoubtedly plague us in the future! The following paragraphs provide some description of the mainworkers: an ennead of excellent edi· torship.


Joe Irwin, Editor-in-Chief, who tried to get his picture on the cover, was dubbed "The King Of Misdirection" when he in· structed twenty people how to use a cropper the wrong way. He got eighty pages mailed back to him on Christmas Eve because he thought he was taking a short cut. Of all the editors, he was the most dependable, hardworking, organized, ... (quess who wrote this article}. He finally found out that he shouldn't ask Mr. Geiger for ideas for titles or captions or ... John Chun, Editor, tried, at all costs, to eschew work. He tried to get a picture of his dog on one of the color pages. Whenever a deadline was approaching, he would be absent four days in a row. He was known best for standing around with his hands in his pockets watching Si do layout (which is a rare sight anyway). He always kept us abreast of title and copy length by whipping out his trusty calculator. He had a unique, ribald humor when doing captions Mike Cantwell, Copy Editor, accidently left his key in the door to the Yearbook Off1ce and went home. It was given to Si. Thinking that he lost it, he used to tell Joe Irwin that it was at home somewhere. He will find out the truth as soon as he reads this paragraph. By the way, Si lost the key too. Si Pate l, Layout Editor, used all of the layout sheets to do his physics and math computations. He enjoyed cutting up Hillary for the picture quality. He wanted to write a controversial article for Ice Hockey and got it in past Joe Irwin and Mr. Geiger He liked to set up booby traps for Joe Irwin to fall into in the Yearbook Office and blame John Chun for them. Bob Franks, Layout Editor, alias "Mary Lou Retton," was a pivotal member of the staff. He was one of our triennial members; he came to work every third deadline (too


Editor· ln· Chlef: Joseph J. Irwin

bad we only had five deadlines). Just kidding, Bob. We could always count on him to come through for us; just kidding again, Bob. Hillary Jordan, Photo Editor, was not told that a yearbook is mostly pictures therefore he didn't think that actual know). edge of a camera was necessary. Hillary had a unique method of avoiding work. When Mr. Geiger or Joe Irwin would ask him to take some pictures, he would heartily consent while in his mind knowing quite well what his plans were after school - playing volleyball with a balloon. Al Walsh, Typing Editor, somehow had time to "type" our copy and edit the Wister· ian. It was earlier thought by the yearbook editors that he was trying to sabotage our yearbook because of the typing errors that abounded on the typesheets. We thought that Craig Pomplas, Typing Editor, was angry about "Thesbians" in a Wis Heading and that he convinced AI to type like a Chimpanzee. Perhaps he wanted us to feel the em bar-

assment too. Mr. Geiger was wrong in this silly paranoia; Craig and AI were working for the benefit of the yearbook. Shame on you Mr. G!

Jim Donahue, Business Editor, made sure that all of the newly composed letters got out on time. Right Jim? Or maybe we should tell the truth. But in any case, only a few fathers wrote life-threatening letters to Mr. Geiger; and out of those, only one actually attempted to follow through with his threat. Jim knew the trouble he was getting Mr. Geiger into and called on the help of Jim Tannahill and Kevin Miller, Assistant Business Editors. Sorry about the Gold Patrons J.T. Dexter Vilar, Art Editor, liked to call our mascot "The Idiot" (no, not Oostoevski's). "Art Editor" was a new Editorial Position for the yearbook. Because of that, no one knew what an Art Editor should have done. But Oex seized control and cranked out those

drawings with the able help of his staff. And to round things off(no pun intended), Mr. Bill Geiger, Moderator, probably did more work than Chun. He came up with out enigmatic theme. Joe Irwin would come in during homeroom and tell him that Chun was absent again and then watch hls face contort, swell, and ripen. He ruined all of Irwin's plans of a yearbook Tennis match because of his follies in the Fall. Even he couldn't get Chun to work. None of the editors can honestly say that the sarcastic comments in the first paragraph are true. All hard work over, the editors can count themselves lucky for having the chance to put together the yearbook for the Class of '86. " It Is a far far better thing that we did than we have ever done."

Editor. John Chun

Mr. William A. Geiger, Moderator, and Joe IrWin discuu the deadline.

Left to Right: Joe lrwln(Editor路ln..Chiel), John Chun(Editor). Pete BonfanH, Rob Franks{layout Editor). 51 Patel(layout EdJtor), and MJke CantweU(Copy Editor).


Sl and John wail for Bob's hair to grow to the table.

Why Is Bonfanti In this picture?


Quick, get the RAID.

Typing Editore: Craig Pomplas and Alan Walsh

Photo Editor: Hillary Jordan

Editors casually meet deadline.

Bu1lneee Editor, Jim Donahue, and Jim Tannahill (Ass't Business Ed.) Missing Kevin Miller



ne of the olde•t ln•lltulion• h••• at La Salle Is the art club. The successes of the art club are due in great part to the dedication of its modera· tor, Mrs. Diane McGovern, who also handles all of the art and mechanical drawing classes at La Salle. The work of the art club may be viewed in several different areas of the school: the mo· siac of St. John Baptist de La Salle on the first floor, the wood representation of our Explorer mascot hanging in the gym, and the sports mural outside the cafeteria. The art club was responsible for the decorations adorning the school during special occasions (for example, Open House, the La Salle Fete Auction, and shows in the La Salle Theater). In addition, the art club was intimately involved with the drama productions as the members helped to paint and build the sets and designed the program book. It can only be hoped that the future work of the art club will be able to equal the excellence of the fine art it has already produced.

Dexter Vllar shows them how it's done.

Art Club Membera: (Left to right); Mrs. Diane McGovern - Moderator, C. Haley, M Gallagher S. Connell P Hmderbter, J Pilosl, D. Bavuso, C Calhoun, D. VUar, G Watson , B Keenan, T Ernst


Underclassmen decorate c:afeteT\a


) "Is It safe to breathe yet?"

Blinded by artistic brilliance.

Art Club's latest sculpture.


a Salle's computer room is equipped with a PDP 11/34A Digital computer system. Over ~ twenty terminals can be used by students for their programming projects and needs. By the end of the 1985-86 school year, the computer system is expected to have a new microprocessor which will more than double its speed and efficiency. The primary reason for the existence of the La Salle Computer Club Is group participation In various leagues and other contests. This year there were about ten steady members who participated under the guidance of moder· ator Mr. Robert Russell. The goal of the computer league is to enable interested students to learn more about computer science through exposure to college level competitions. The American Computer Science League sponsors four contests each year. These contests consist of short problems, which is a written quiz on a programming problem, and a contestant is given three days to write a program on a stated topic and 45 minutes to enter and fix the program.


11 1a

• .. and John takes over.

The tension builds .•.

Left to rigbt: J Spera, G. Zemltts, T. Terek,

C. Putro, G. Casper, W Carey, K. Ledger, R Waldspurger, G Pltkul. Mr Robert Russell (Moderator), and H Jordan.


=.a ~

ow in its 20th year of publication, La Salle's Literary Magazine, The Gazebo, once again offered its readers a different view of the arts_ The grim swordsman wades through the bodies of a dozen fallen adversaries, approaching the sole remaining demon . " Okay guys, let's call it a day!" said Toby. Andy blinked and looked up, his daydreams broken by the gamemasters declaration; they had all lost their characters during the game session - all except his Fellblade! Tom Kent Moderated by Mr. Michael O'Toole, with Mrs. Diane McGovern as art consultant, The Gazebo displayed the creative minds of La Salle students hard at work, not using English or Social Studies papers, but rather collecting independent student writings from Creative Writing classes. Called " a meeting place for the Creative Arts at La Salle" by Mr. O 'Toole, The Gazebo covered poetry, short stories, commentary, drama, painting, and sketching. Editors John MacLeod and Joseph O 'Connor worked with the whole staff of The Gazebo to publish and exceiJent array of literal and artistic talents in both students and teachers.

Mr. O'Toole revtews Gazebo's work

The darkness filled the quiet world with awe. 1 stepped into the midnight and I saw the beauty was euer so near to me. In the stars and the moonlight, I was all by myself, strolling through the dark seeing the life around. Todd Hellmann

" To be or not to be _.. " That sounds vaguely famlltar.

This is the band.

"Uh, I think this Is the wrong book."


he Seraphim, La Salle's famed liturgical group, continues to liven the Masses with song and spirit despite the problems it faced this year. Without the excellent guidance, direction, and voice of Mr Stephen Krol, who in 1982 founded the group, the Seraphim was directed this year by senior Jeff Beck, keyboardist, lead vocal. and president of the group, with the help of junior Mike DiFebbo, the invaluable lead guitar and vice-president, and Fr. Anthony "Chantin"' Janton, La Salle's new chaplain who doesn't like rock alleluias. Despite the fact that the Seraphim had no acoustic guitar pickups, no microphones, and no PA system. the group managed to rock the masses at La Salle in its own unique way. After all, how many schools can say that when they celebrate Mass. they really "Jam for Jesus" ~



Seraphim smgs to the heavens.

n years past the school spirit at La Salle could be compared to a smolder~ ing fire, with only a few sparks fo life. It needed only a little fanning and direction. This year's student council was able to add the needed components to the sparks and emerge with a raging fire of enthusiasm. The smoldering fire sparked its first flame in the days of summer. The officers and a few council members traveled to workshops for student council leadership, where they were instilled with new ideas and great enthusiasm. The trick was to carry that energy over to the students. The fall season saw a record number of spectators at the athletic events. The key was communication. The council saw that every event , including athletic and social events, was publicized extensively. This, coupled with the timely installation of the "Attack Pack," produced a great surge of enthusiasm in the La Salle students. It was the open involvement of the student body that made everything come together. In years past it seemed that the council was just for its members. This year through its publi¡ cations and programs the council has sought to involve as many people as posible. Other examples of the council's success were the reinstallation of the Mixer program and winter dances. The students showed their support again through astronomical ticket sales. The first annual Homecoming featuring "Mark the Shark" was another great success with some three hundred La Salle students and their dates attending. Now the fire is lit and hopefully will never die d own again. The key to success is communication and student involvement. Let 's keep the fire burning. •

]f 1

La Salle's Attack Pack


The mixer: an Important part of La Salle.

La Salle Band gets radical.

Mr Diehl tries to find a date.

Some prospective John Travoltas

"I didn't know they allowed mixed couples... I""


Typical freshmen -

think they're cool

Here's a regular white god.

Is the band more fascinating than the girls?

The "bad guys" of La Salle

"He wants one of


to dance with him?!?"


;; ]!

f one word could sum up this year's Student Council, It would have to be ~ ACTIVITY. Since the summer, the StuCI"ent Council has been busy planning and executing its many programs and events. The Council, led by its Presidents Dave Martella and Vice路 Presidents Bob Gick and Drew Stockmal and forty student senators, has dedicated itself to reviving the old activities and creating new ones In response to the students' suggestions. That is exactly what it has done. This year it has increased the number of pep rallies and doubled the number of dances from last year. The Council also devoted much of its time supporting the many extracurricular activities within the school, from football games to the theatre company and everything in be路 tween. T his year the cafeteria was finally wired for sound as the Council installed and improved WCAF. Thanks to the Council, La Salle has seen many new ideas come to life. To reinforce spirit the Attack Pack was born. During Val路 entine's Day the Student Council sponsored a rose sale in which all proceeds were donated to bread basketball. For the first time in recent memory the dress code was relaxed to boost morale and also to raise money for a good cause. Great strides were also made this year m forming a S.A.D.D. chapter in La Salle. Because of the Student Council's dedication and hard work, La Salle IS not only an excellent learnmg experience but also a fun place to learn.


1985路86 Student CouocU OUicert, left to right Bob Gick, Vice President, D11ve Martell11, President, Drew Stockmal, VIce President, Bill M11tthews, Senior Sen11tor.

Senior Senatore: Bilek Row, left to right: J. Fltzplltrlck, J. Desmond, F. Gregor, B. Grady, B. Matthews Front Row; D: Lintner, E. Harkins, K Mellnson.

Junior Se.natore: Bilek Row,left to right C. SuS~~nln, B. WllJl~Smson, J. Gabriel, T. Fitzgerald G. Muir, J. Tletjens Front Row: D Gregor, M S11wicky, P McGinn, S Hill11nbrand, J Doyle.


The New Aminal House

tophomore Senators: Back Row,left to right: J. Atkinson, D. Gunn, Won Jae Yang,

>. Foley, K. Allen, S. Johnson: Front Row, J. Can twell, T. Herron, G. Rietzke, P .

Fruhman Senators: left to right: D'Alterlo, D. Clipner, G. Lahr, M. Rossanesen, L. McCormick, E. Subokow

• oftus.


NO, DREW ...


One of his better days.

friday's special -


a big success.

''La Salle Dating Service, may I help you?"

Mr. Miller shows his unique style.

The tie that launched a thousand ships.

One of La Salle's outdoor lovers.

Another Freshman Day finally over


The Punster at Work

Rtght from the lagoon

What the heck does "When therewithal we shall have cause of state." mean?

What? The Phone's for me?


and when I was a student at Oxford .•.

Trylng to see the light.

And please, let us beat the Prep.

Don't shoot!

"I am not an animal ... I am a VIGtable.

Me? Become a Brother?

I've told you a thousand t1mes: pneumonoultramlcroscoplcslllcovolcanoconlosis has no "k"


n Monday November 25, 1985, La Salle High School celebrated the honor of being named an "exemp y school by the National Board of Education. The following is Student Council President Dave Martella's speech from the ceremony: "Today we make a brief escape from the classroom and gather here to present an award of national recognition to whom it truly belongs I am speaking about all who are now seated in the bleachers and all who are seated on the floor. the students of La Salle. This past year, visitors from the Board of National Education in Washington D.C. came to evaluate our students. They found students who constantly strive to raise their class rank, stu-


dents who participate in extracurricular ac: tivities with uncompromtsmg heart and dedi· cation, and students who posses a great amount of pride In their school. These students serve as a model to other schools who are searching for the same outstandmg levels of performance. With all this in mind how can we hold any doubt in La Salle? There must be no room for apathetic and negative attitudes. We have worked too hard and have achieved too much. "ln a time when American education has come under much criticism this award Is proof that we are unwilling to fall victim to a second rate mentality. As President Reagan said in Washington, 'American education is beginning to take a turn for the better. And

schools like La Salle are on the cutting edge of that movement.' "Today is cause for great pride in our school. in our achievements, and in ourselves. And when we return to the classroom to resume the work that brought us here to· day we must take pride with us. "This award stands as a symbol of the quality of the students; not only those here today but also the many who have come be· fore us and the many who will follow. "In years to come this day may be forgot· ten and the banner's colors may fade but the qualities that have made La Salle what It is today will continue to be nothing short of excellent." +

The 25·year men •..

Wake me when 1t's over.


Shut uppa your face!

"Did all those in the stalls here that?" "! said that, didn't !?"

The excitement was contagious.

Of course, the President shook my hand first.

"! pledge allegiance to La Salle, the exemplary school of America."


Proven: Cal burgers have horse meat.

"I'm lucky I got my jacket off before this picture was taken."

Beef stew was a bad choice.


"Should we pork our data?"

Slightly camera shy.

Babies must play.

"Yo fue?" Voy a matarte.



Waiting for devine Inspiration






Brian Donne lly

Brian Hogan

George Fa..nacht

Matthew Keeley

Brian Jay

Michael Korejko

Michael Porreca

Jason Ripka

Christopher Saracino

Edward Shleld•

Thomas Smith

Homeroom Moderator: Mr•. Muriel Mehr Good Homeroom, All Prese nt

Jamu Wentz


Tyler Zegley

Eric Strohl

Brian Vesey

Daniel Bavuso

•avid D' Allesandro

Joseph Hob enleitner

Joseph Dougherty

Matthew Jenkins


Edward McFarlane

Sean O'Hara

Dominick Powell

Scott Roessler

Andrew Savysky

Chris Solecki

Homeroom Moderator: Bro. Ric hard Kestler Absent: Gerard Werner

Edward Subokow

Gary Zellliti8


Michael Gartner

Jamea Grasmeder

Chriatopber Hanaon

Edward Holmea

Fred Jerome

Jamea John1on

Kevin KeUy

I wonder what It tastes Uke. Patrick McGarvey

John Ormond

Dennla Pryor

Andrew Roman

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. DenoJa Blob Good Homeroom, All Pretent

Patrick Solley


Matthew Szpindor

John Wall•

MartJn Whalen

Alfred Alvarez

Eric Biggins

nie Buzzanca

Jeffrey DePolo

Brian Ferko

Mike Howe

Robert Hartner

icott Kelly

1m0n Levine

ason Spera

You mess with a runner ... You're messing with the wrong dude.

Robert Manus

Joseph Palermo

Michael Quinn

John Ron

Homeroom Moderator. Mr. Edward McCabe Absent: Thomas Green

Arthur Tilson

Charles Toneance


Frank Ammaturo

David Blllitto

Michael Campagna

David Edling




Matthew Heine

Go ahead •• , Make my day. Juatin Jonu

Thomaa Kelly

Jamu Kugler

Francia McCloakey

William McGroarty

Chrlatlan Loct

Keith Miller

Homeroom Moderator: Bro. David Roger• AbHnt: Mark Young Phillip Palmer Colin Rahn

John Simon

John Stack


Kevin Tinneoy

Timothy Wardle

Marc: Borrelli

Cbrla C.ntono

Robert Cole

Mark Fitzgerald

.. ,..,

Mlc:hael Gillon




Kevin Kaminski

Jeffrey Lad1on

Matthew Ken.ey

How many times do I have to teU you? It's Doctor Devine. "

Homeroom Moderator: Mrs. Irene Pawll1h Absent Stephen Rossmelsl

Au1dn Noonan

heodore Segletes

Jeffrey Sink

John Stanc:uk

Orlando Torre•

William Watts

Peter Williamson


Christian BradJey

Brian Cronin

Matthew M. CoUin•

Andrew Gallagher

Chris Idler

Erik McCuJJough

Dennis Morris

John Regan

Gregory Ryan

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Jo•eph Par'-1 Abtent: MJchael Lauf

Colin Stowe


Jame. Van Stone

Edward Weber

Eric Wright

Brian Casey

Gregory Brennan

AJ Cunningham

Paul Giuliano

Christopher Farrell

PauJ In

Brendan Keeley

John Maher

John Pitts

Joseph McDooaJd

Brian Reilly

Carl MattJa

Carlos Sanchez

Andrew Serano

Edward Stricker

Michael Smalla

Homeroom Moderator. Bro. Michael Kramer Good Homeroom, AJl Preeent

Christopher Ventresca

Ja.on Weems

James Wright


Thls little piggy went to market ...

Thomas Coleman

Charles Croney

Pauick McGuigan

Gregory Rolek

Michael Simpson

Robert Miller

Matthew Oberbolzer

Joseph Sullivan

William Tighe

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Jamu Bradley Good Homeroom, All Present

Edward Wentz


Wonjae Yang

Gerald Vile

c:bael Tomc:hewaky

Robert Colomeda

Stephen Oacboweki

Wilhem Oortonne

5 IOaeu-4-3

George Petrelli•

Sean ReiJJy

Jamea Ruaaell

.Jaaon Skarbek

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. GeraJd Evana Good Homeroom. All Preaent

.Joaeph Vlaco

Stephen Wilhelm

Steven ZheleanJk


Erich Berke

David Brendza

Terrence Burke

Jobn Egan

Patrick Foley

James Jagiello

Robert Lewis

Jamu Morriuey

Did I ever teU you about the time

Joseph Pickard

Homeroom Moderator: Bro. Talbor Ramabottom Good Homeroom, All Prqent

Eugene Swider


Richard Trub

Karl Vo. .

Michael Ziff


William Dramla

Michael Fegley

Stephen Fox

Frank Gallo

Homeroom Moderator. Mr. Thom.. Turner AbMnt: WlU Kruckenberger

Banished by the Queen of the Library on three counts of loud page turning.

u e Mullen

tJchaeJ Plagens

John Schaefer

J effrey Steinmetz

Peter Tantala

John Uhland

Theodore Uazko

Roy Waldspurger

William Williams



.....Steve Coruzzi

John Dunn

Anthony Ferraro

Patrick Gibson

Mark Haley

Hany Helverson

Paul Kane

Robert Kitchell

Alan Lovgren

Well, It worked yesteTday!

Raymond Palmer

Tom Poehlmann

Ryan Boat

Joseph Stevem

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. William Geiger Ab.ent: John Fraunc:es

Nicholu Teti


Frank Vaccaro

Chris Walsh

Steve Wonslew1

Oh, how sweet It Is ...

Bob Halfpenny

Sean Kane

Chris Lyncb

Chria Prader

Paul Munay


Kirk Marcolina

Steven Bodia

Andrew Milea

Greg Schillinger

Homeroom Moderator. Me. Maureen Dugan Good Homeroom, All Preaent.


John Valenti

Jonathan Wahoo

Paul Wynn


Jeffrey CoJadonato

M.i chael ubiedzinski I



John Perillo

HI Tech! Jonathan Roe..er

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. George HohenJeitoer Good Homeroom, All PreHnt.

Michael Tldd


James Vesc:i

David Weikel

Dennis Yana

John Alcorn

Thomas Cleary

Francis Crane

Michael Difebbo

Jame. Duffy

Harry Fisher

Frank Gagliano

James Logan

Cathcin' rays, La Salle style.

Kevin O'Donnell

Peter Phelan

Christopher Bedd

Mark Sciutto

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. AI Puntel Ab.ent: Gordon Conwell, Michael Egnotovlch, Emil Gondos, Ke路 vln Iaquinto. David Rothwell, Joseph Volpe

David Smith

Brian Sullivan

Eric Toppy

Stephen Williamson


Mic:bael Botto

Christopher Bulllc:k

Mic:bael Caru.o

Robert Clinton

Timothy Fltzgeral

Thorn .. Cu.h Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Gerald Miller AbHDt: John Ha

Edward Lemanowlc:z

Theodore Loo•

Mr. Diehl's solution to the parking problem


Mark Mltc:bell

Gerald O'Hara

John Pilo1i

Drew Relc:hert

Gregory Sc:andone



Tbomu Scott


~ .. 110

Andrew Tripodi



David Wolpert

Gregory Solley


Samuel Caeale

Brian Boyte

William Coer

Gerald Coegrove

Watch out! It bites!

David Halfpenny

Michael Kelly

Matthew Lane

Homeroom Moderator: Mrs. Julia Maher Good Homeroom. All Present

Larry Poll

Michael Scanlan

William Shaeffer

Tar.. Sowirka

Chrietopher Sueanio

John Trotman

Wesley Waoinger

Duke Wolpert


John &agle

Richard Cameron



Brendan Coghlan

Stanley Fota

MichaeJ Gavin

Mock Students

John McGeer

Gavin Muir

ChristopheT Rile

Vincent Schaeffer

Jamu Stablll

Homeroom Moderator: Mr•. Linda Donabue Good Homeroom, All Pre.ent

Stanley Szplndor


Michael Tyneil

Dougt.. Ward

Timothy W04

John Mile.



France• Mullen

John Rodla

Henry Schirmer

What did you call me? Robert Sharma

Homeroom Mode rator: Bro. Thoma• Dunn Good Homeroom, All Pre•ent

Low• Talamo

Gregory Wauon

Jose ph Young


Robert Capaldi

Jamee C:U..Ua

Mark Colllns

Mic:hael Coyle

Homeroom Moderator: Bro. Jamea Stec:k

Good Homeroom, AU Preeent

Frank Dwyer

With utter boredom, neck cramps set In

Thoma• Maguire

Lu Sc:hmalbac:b


Jeffrey Stever

Gregory Tieman

Cbrletopber VanZandt

Gregory Vrato

Andrew WUey

Cbrletlan Zajac:

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Michael Bruno Abeent: Andrew Glick

"This is what my mommy put In my lunch."

Stephe n Coyle

Chri1topher Dubll

.lame. Gabriele

John Maiden

Franci• Nolan

.loeeph Romano

Timothy Short

Keith Vernon



David Suder

Jeffre y Tietjen•

Chri1topher Zegley



c~ G~v1 /

~------~_J '!~~ ~~4e




or La Salle Football, the 1985

~ season represented an entrance

~ into a new era, the reign of new heaacoach Joseph Colistra, History Depart· ment Chairman. The change could be spot· ted as early as last spring, when an extensive weight-room was constructed in the upstairs locker room, in order that football players, as well as members of other teams, could work out to prepare for the upcoming season. Summer brought with it intense training, especially the week spent at Camp Neumann. However, another change soon emerged: the feeling that this year's team was a family. Also, assistants were added to the coaching staff including Ed Meehan, offensive coach, Bill McGee, quarterback coach, and Paul Kubeck, linebacker coach. Joining Colistra and returning coach Jim Maxwell were Joseph

Radvansky and John Hyman. Unfortunately, the beginning of the regula season was accompanied only by disappoint ment: two gut-wrenching losses to Cardina Dougherty and Archbishop Ryan. In both o those games, La Salle held the lead at somE point during the game. Inconsistency contin ued to plague the Explorers as the losse: amounted to an Q. 7 record for the followin~ games. Despite the travail on the field, how ever, the team fought their hardest and main tained a positive attitude. Co·captains MikE Anderer and Eugene Spirito helped the tearr to establish the proper attitude in order fot this to happen. The season ended on a win ning note with victories over Bishop Kenrid and St. Joe's Prep, both with identical 21-f scores.

A goal-line stand.

V •reity Footb8IJ: (left to right) (top row) J . Tietjens, P. Gibson, C. Calhoun, J . Casey, J . Pluck, B. McGowan, C. Ward, B. Wtlllamson, K. Vernon, J. Logan, K. Allen; (2n row) G. Stew11rt, J. Gllbrlele, D. Wolpert, J . Cassalia, Duke Wolpert, J . Alcorn, R. Dougherty, A. Amlchl; (Srd row) M. Caruso, J . Schmldt, J . Romano, B. Timoney, D. Lltner, \. Olivieri, T. Cush. A. MarSUIIek, J. Saunders; (4th row) J. CoUistra - Head Coach, B. Grady, $ . Chadwick, E. Koebert, N. McCall, A. Macklin, A. Mattia, J Fitzpatrick, • McGowan, J . Wentz, Bro. C. Clayton, J. Stemmetz- Asst. Coach; (5th row) J . Blount, D. Atkinson, R. Weikel , E. Harkins, M. Anderer, G. Spirito, L. Daly, A. Bonner, V. Bartl-


J.V. FootbaU: (left to right): (Top row); D. Finn, R. Kitchell, J. Vesel, R. Matthew. S. WUhelm , L Talamo, (2nd row); L. Mullen, M. Simpson, J. Hasson, J. Sullivan, H. Helverson, K. Kusay, G. Roller, (3rd row); J. Collstra Head Coach, F. Casey, J Morrissey. S Casale, S Szplndor, G. Rietzke, C. Blount, J. Radvansky - Asst. Coach, (Bottom row); B. Brown, P. Phelan, S Wonslewski. Missing: S. Diehl, S. Fox, F. Gallo, K. Lange, T Melson, T Cantono. N. Tetl.

Emmett(l9) pitches out to Charles Graham.

Freshman Football: (left to right): (Top row), M McDonald, M. Howe, T. Baker, A. Noonan, F. Sistrunk, B. Handlin. (2nd row); S Manley, T Kelly, L McCormick, A. De Simone, M. McCann, C. Bodner, J Wright, (3rd row): A. Hughes, C. Mattia, M. Maroletti, A Sativisky, C. Idler, D. Clipner, J. Dougherty, D. Edhng, (4th row); B Fahy - Asst. Coach, D. Gontram, C. Stowe, M. Corsello, B. Vesey, M. Jenkins, M. Rossanese, P. Fino, J. McDonald, A. Roller- Asst Coach; (Bottom row): D Blllitto, C Johnson, B. Silcox, D. Kratz, C Mattia - Head Coach, E. Weber, J. Stanczak, E Lynch, T Smlth. M1sslng: G. Brennan, C. Schawender, M. Gillen, D. Ryan - Asst Coach.

She will protect all Freshmen.

Mnlor Cl ... Football Play~r• (back row,left to right): E. Koebert, B. Grady, J Blount, D. Atkln$011 , R. Weikel, J Collstra (Head Coach), A. Macklin, S. Chadwick, A. Bonner, E. Harktns, A Marszalek. J . McGowan, J. Fitzpatrick (bottom row. left to right) G. Spirito, V. Barth, A. Malha, N McCaii, B. Tnnoney, V. Olivieri. M. Anderer, L. Daly, D




"Which way did he go?"


Another three points.

Got you coming and going


"Coach says I can play fifth quarter."

"Step on me! Step on me! Anybody else?"


Always ready to oblige.

Explorers commandingly take the field.

Hands on hips mean we stole second base.

Oh no! ...

. . . They scored again!

Cheerleaders captivate audience.




ven before the La Salle soccer

~ team started its season, hopes of


a birth in the Philadelphia Catho-

~e playoffs were foremost in the

minds and hearts of the players. Led by coach Tom Turner and the four captains Todd Hellmann, Ed DeAngelis, Drew Stockmal, and Matt Schools, the team of thirteen seniors, six juniors and two sophomores displayed the maturity which enabled them to rise above last year's inconsistency. These young men were willlng to give one hundred percent every day. Their hard work and dedication was readily apparant as the season progressed: tough wins over North Catholic and Archbishop Wood (once ranked second among all teams in Southeastern Pennsylvania), and a hard fought draw with Archbishop Ryan, a team which was once ranked second in the nation. These games proved to be the catalysts which spurred on the Explorers to even greater heights. This year's varsity was the culmination of four years of growth within the La Salle soccer program. They, supported this season by superb defense and consistant performance from the players, have clearly made La Salle a team to be reckoned with in the Catholic league. Although the loss of thirteen seniors for next year will be a severe one, the talents of the young and coming players are cause for definite hope for the future of La Salle soc¡ cer.

"I think I can!"

La Salle player in hot persuJt.


"Hey, where did everybody go?"

Varsity Soccer; (left to right); (Back row); T . Turner- Coach, B. Zamichielll, J . Cattie, K. Paulick, B. Gick, J. Stever, T. Hellmann, C. Hellmann, D. Tripodi, J. Merritt, M. Schools, E. DeAngelis, (Front row); G. Muir, J . Cunningham. D. Stockmal, J . Belcher, G. Argeros, G. Branscome, G. Scandone, J. Devine, T. Lefevre.

Drew forgets where he is. again.

J. V. Soccer; (left to right); (Back row); B. Miller, K. Madden, K. Christian, M. Belcher, W. Yang, J. Cicchiello, S. Coruzzi. D. McNamara, C. Croney, G. Vile, C. D'Angelo, M. Beveridge, M. Noel Coach, (Front row); C. Flack, J . Doyle, B. Archibold, J . Calhoun, T. Poehlmann, B. Fogg, R. Hugget, A. Lovegren.

Freshman Soccer; (left to right); (back row); J . Mullin - Coach, S . O'Hara, P. William路 son. D. Cooper, D. Wallace, P. McGarvey, A. Alvarez, J . Vanstone, B. McNeil, G. Ryan, J . D'Aiterlo. D. Shire, (Front row); J . Ross, T . Cassetti, J . Seifert, F. McCloskey, J. Peak, M. Craig. B. Casey, M. Kaminski, J . Grasmeder.

Ready for dance audition.


It's mine, and you can't have it!

La Salle's new weapon: karate.


"A head-start keeps me jumpln'!"

Friend -

or foe?

Drew presses on In the face (or stomach) of opposition.

Don't be afraid -

Keep your eyes on the camera, not the ball!

it's only a soccer ball.

Is this soccer or basketball?


a Salle has always had a tradition of excellence in long distance run· ning, and the 1985 Cross Country team s proven that it is no exception to the rule. Starting in the sweltering days of July, La Salle's harriers have worked to become one of the best teams in the Catholic League. The workouts continued into late August, when the team travelled to Pottstown PA to attend the Mensch Mill Cross Country Camp. While there, La Salle burned up the country roads, running twice a day and also winning the camp's annual invitational race, outdistancing such fine teams as Perkiomen Valley and West Chester. Entering the regular season La Salle placed favorably in such presti· gious races as the Conrad Weiser Invitational, Manhattan CoiJege Invitational, and the Salesianum Invitational. The team also finished the regular season with a record of 18-4, one of the best in league.

Hey, hurry up. The car's running.

The agony of defeat.


Coach Pat Devine and assistant coaches Edward McCabe and Brother David Rogers are no strangers to this position on the top of the Catholic League; La Salle's record since Mr. Devine took over in 1974 is 186 wins and 23 losses. Much of the success of the team this year was the result of the talent and leadership of senior Seamus McEIJigot. Seamus, leading the Explorers by example, remained unde· feated in regular Catholic League meets in 1985. " Seamus has really developed into one of the finest runners In the state of Penn· sylvania," said Mr. Devine. Along with McEIIigot, seniors John Livingood and Sean O'Halloran have provided the leadership needed to guide this young and inexperi· enced team. Another factor in the success of the Cross Country team in 1985 has been the perfor· mance of junior Joe Young. Young has estab-

lished himself as one of the top five runners in the Catholic League through his consistant performances throughout the year. Along with Young, juniors Chris Van Zandt, Matt Lane, and Mike Tyrell, and Sophomore Sam Kimm have molded together to form La Salle into a stronger contender in the Philadelphia Catholic League. The strength of any team can always be measured by the success of the Junior Varsity team. This year's JV team compiled an impressive record, winning such meets as the Salesianum and Manhattan lnvltationals. Runners such as seniors Tom Capper, Rich Penuliar, John Bottinger, Mike Stelacio, and Tom Houlahan, juniors Pat Costello, P.J. McGonagle, and Brian Saxon, and Sophomores Pat McFadden, John Burger, Sean Murphy, Jim Russell, and Paul Kane have contributed to the JV's success in 1985.

Last guy to the finish line buys the plua.

Coach Devine recommends a good cigar after each victory.

Seamus McElligott, one step ahead of the rut

7.425 . . . 7,426 . . . 7,427

985-86 Crou Country Sen1on: Back Row, (left to right): S O'Halloran, T apper, J. Bettinger, M Stelacio, J. Livingood, T Houlahan. KneeUng: R. Penullar, . McElligott, T. Darragh

What most runners saw this season.

I refuse to get down on the grass like that.

1985路86 Cross Country Tea m : left to right standing: P. Mcfadden, R Penul111r, T. A11vfn, P. K11ne, T Capper. B. Sazon, M. Stelacio, S. Murphy, J Russell. P J McGonagle, J. Bollinger, S Kim, P. CosteUo, J. Burger, J Bur. J Young, M. Lane. J. Liv.ngood, T Houl11han, T Darragh. Knullng: J Hohenlietner, D. Bavuso, P Gullano, E Holmes. T McMahon, K. Costello, S. Rossmelsl Sitting: M Tyrrell. M1ssang Seamus McElligott, Sean O'Halloran Chris VanZandt.




or the La Salle Swim T earn, the

~ 1985-86 swimming season

~ shaped up to be a tough challenge. Called a "rebuilding year" by coach Tony Amand, the season was marked by difficult meets against The Prep, O'Hara, and Father Judge. The team, lacking the seniors of years past, had to work hard in order to compete for the Catholic League title. With only two returning All-Catholics, the team needed new people to take up the slack. Seniors Andrew Bonner, Rich Fegley, Bob Gick, Phil Hagerty, Charles Lee, Joe Moran, Chas O'Brien, and Hillary Jordan offered much of the leadership in motivating the team. Also adding support and filling in the gaps were Juniors Charles Bogle, Drew Reichert, Sean McElligott, and Tom McGann. A surprisingly talented group of underclassmen aided the team, especially in the sprint events. Sophomores John Graham, Tom Reichard, and Freshmen Jack Pitts, and Brian Hogan led the younger swimmers and were excellent point scorers. With hard work, this "rebuilding" year had a good chance to be a banner year for La Salle Swimming. ¡\

Senior swimmers (L to R): R. Fegley, J. Moran. P Hagerty, A. Bonner, C. O'Brien. B. Glck. H. Jorda

Trying out for a role in ''Splash 2" Nice shades


Wake up. Chas! The Wall! The Wall!

Sophomore member• (L toR): L. Foley, J Schaefer, J. Grahm, J. Ottaviano, B. Delezzla, T . Reichard. S. Dachowskl

'reshma n member• (L toR): S. Brennan, T . Shields, B. Hogan, C. Idler, C. Seega, Pitts

Stop checkmg your toes and dive!

J:oior member~ (L to R): C. Lawless, C. Susanln, S. McElligott, C. Bogle, M. Botto, . Gavin, S. Coyle, D. Reichert. Ml••lng: T. McGann

-.-路----- ----


. ... . ... 路路-. --.





Hey, who Is that guy? All right, who stole the starting gun?

, "Faster than a speeding bullet

Close race Don't worry, we won


Sean is left behind - agllln.


Every man for himself

Looks like e definite suicide to me, chief.

We see you in the back. frosh'



he 1986 La Salle Basketball team started the season under !!!!!!!!!!~~ watchful eyes of basketball fans everywnere. Expectations were high for the defending Catholic League Northern Division Champs. Anticipation accompanied the be· ginning of tryouts on November 1 as the re· turning players were anxious to continue their winning tradition. Once final cuts were made the squad consisted of five seniors, four juniors, and two sophomores. The seniors were Emmett Harkins, Bill Lesorovage, Mike Casey, Matt Moyer, and McDonald's All Merlean nominee Mike Matthews. The juniors were Kevin Iaquinto, Dan Durkin, Malcolm Macklin, and Dave Smith, and the sophomores were Bob Betchyk and Tom Lee. Despite unfortunate preseason losses to West Catholic, Malvern, and Archbishop Carroll, everyone maintained faith in coach Les Burke and his fine corps of assistants, including Mike Soroka, Marty Jackson, and newcomer Bill McCullough. La Salle won its first Catholic League game in a close win over Ryan and its second in another close game at home against McDevitt. During these first few games, La Salle fans were introduced to the personalities of the new faces on the floor, namely Matt Moyer, Mike Casey, and Mike Matthews. Moyer proved to be a steady force and one of the better centers In the league. Casey was heralded as the unsung hero; those close to the team were able to apprectate hts competiveness and athletic ability. Mike Matthews, held by many to be the best player in the league, treated the fans to an array of slam dunks. He was nominated to McDonald's AJI American team, an honor which speaks for itself. Junior Dan Durkin guided the team, keeping a cool head in pressure-fiUed situations. Senior guard Emmett Harkins provided hustle, leadership, and perimeter shooting, while senior Bill Lesorovage proved his versatility In more than one position (in his case four) ~

Var•ity: •tandlng (L toR)· J Casper (Mgr), M. Soroka (Asst Coach), B. McGowan, B Betchyk, D Smith, M Moyer, M Matthews, M Casey, L. Burke (coach) Kneeling (L toR): M. Macklin, E. Harkins, T Lee, D. Durktn B. Lesoravage.

JV: etandlng (L toR): B McCullough (coach), G. Schall. B. Betchyk, D. Smith, P Gibson, B McGowan, P. Daugherty {Mgr), K laqumto. Sitting (L to R); T Gaddy , M. Macklin, T. Lee, T. Burke, F. Casey.


-I know what you're thinking

C'mon Guys! If you win I'll buy you . ..

La Salle's zone causes dlfficulty for opponents

Casey looks back court.

Freebman (L to R): B. Watts, B. Ferko, B. ReiUy, B. Musman , A. Alvarez, K. Tinney, B. Manus, M. Borrelli, S. Brown, J. Stanczak, M. Fitzgerald, M. Young, M. Jackson (coach).


Referees are always in the way.

Moyer completes a three-point play.

Can I have a show of hands?


Outta my way, I'm comln' through

Another free throw clears the glass.

Not the greatest form, but we'll take the hoop.

Emmett, once again, quarterbacks the offense.


Yes, that's a basketball, Brendan.

McGowan looks for a break downcourt.

Ul Salle resorts to black mag1c

A very poor shot by Kendrick La Salle's upcoming Freshman team.



The whistle 50unded, Mike. Remember, never lose hope.

-- --

I'll have a better chance If I don't look.

Trlple路leamed, Matt forces up an air baU



he 1985-86 Bowling season was marked with change, success, :,a and disappointment. Coach Tom Power sustained the hope of success and the possibility of a playoff berth throughout the entire season. The varsity squad, consisting of captam John Siliquini, Paul Minecci , Chuck Gemmi, Bill Coer, Bob Craig, and part-time bowlers Joe Irwin, Tom Houlahan, Bill Reinhardt, and Harry Fisher, adjusted quickly to the change of their home location from Adams Lanes to DeL Ennis Lanes. The scores of nearly every match showed im· provement over previous years. Despite the achievement of the best record and highest scores this year, the team suffered several disappointing losses. Crucial games were lost by only a handful of pins, dimming hopes for a playoff berth However. both the coach and the team can only look favorably on this year's accomplishments. Coach Power and the returning members are expecting next year's season to be a con· tinuation of the progress shown this year; the goal of winning the Northern Division remains to be reached. • ~

John domg his Travolta imitation


The first of three unique photos

Coach Power shows team the " proper style".

Let the pins fall where they may ...

That one pin always gets away.


he 1985-1986 indoor track team possessed all the necessary characteristics for a winning season AU the members on this dedicated team looked forward to ~ successful competition this year. and they were hopeful of carrying out La Salle's excerreilt track tradition This year's team was led by the outstanding senior class, with such experienced veterans as Seamus McElligott, John Brown, Sean McCook, Ron Bean, Mark Madison, and John Livingood. La Salle's best distance runner, Seamus McElligott, has received numerous scholarship offers from some of the most prestigious schools in the country for his great athletic ability. There Is also a strong future for La Salle track in the next few years because of the fine developing runners in the junior and sophomore classes. Joe Young, Chris VanZandt, Josh Baer, Matt Lane, and Pat Costello will have the responsibility of leading the runners next year as they become seniors. The sophomores moving up are Sam Kim. John Burger, Paul Kane, Pat Mcfadden, and Ace Amachi. With additional experience, it is hoped these young runners will produce a great team of their own. La Salle's fine track team could not win without the excellent direction of coach Mr. Pat Devine. Under hls able guidance, assisted by Bro. David Rogers, the team continually does extremely well year in and year out. •



J. Baer, S


J . Young, C. Van Zandt

Too Young to d1e


I lap down, 300 to go

L to R: S Coll1donato, P. Mcfadden. W. Redcross, P. Giulianno

L to R: M. Lane, P. Costello, J . Livingood, S. Kim


In nervous anticipation

No loitering

Last call for quiche


"Too late AI, Its in the net."

Was that the ht, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th whistle?

"The puck hasn't been dropped yet, Pete."

I think I see a puck!

La Salle Varsity lee Hockey Top L to R A Glick, S Patel, H Portland, J. Connors, M. Timmerman, A. Etchells Bottom L to R: P. Uesewskl, P. Rotelle , H. Portland (asst. coach), A. Haaton, R. Houk (coach), D. Morasco, J. Duffy.


h yes, La Salle doos have an ke hockey club! Thank you student <oundl fo• putting its schedule on those cute little winter sports calendars. Thank you student body for supporting it, if not physically than in your thoughts. The performance of the ice hockey club parallels the tremendous backing of the La Salle community. The La Salle Ice Hockey T earn is composed of a few very select and elite men who strive to achieve a winner's status. Seniors, J. Connor, P. Lisiewski, S. Patel, H. Portland, P. Rotelli, and M. Timmerman incorporate their experience and talent to become the skeleton of the team. Juniors, J. Duffy, A. Etchells, A. Glick, sophomores A. Heaton, and V. Kennedy and freshmen D. Morasco and J. Ross add the shape and strength necessary to make La Salle a formidable opponent. Although most of the parts are present, the La Salle Ice Hockey Team remains dismembered. The cause of the lack of cohesion is bewildering to coach Robert Houk Jr. At present, he seems to feel that it is a skating problem. Many practices are spent without the use of pucks. This seems to be a logical approach because the team has trouble breaking out and scoring. As the troubled ice hockey team struggles through another season, questions arise concerning its fate next year. The loss of six seniors may result in the loss of the team. Look on the bright side, then nobody would have to wonder why an ice hockey ticket was not included in the attack pack '85-'86. ,..,_

La Salle players pursuing a roll of tape.

AI covers. this time.

Confusion at center ice.


he La Salle wrestling team sa1.1. 1985-86 as a season of shiftin~ !!!!.II dependence. The superb uppet weig!iiSof 1984-85 had graduated, and nov. the experience rested with the lower weight classes. Six year veteran coach Dave Seigel. and third year assistant coach Pat Hendersor again headed the Explorers. After losing five varsity seniors, Cosello McCoy, Biggans, Kolsun, and Matthew, Lz Salle relied on five seniors and two juniors fo1 the majority of experience. The wrestlers with previous Varsity exper· ience each stepped up one weight class wit~ the exception of junior Gavin Muir at 185 lb Chris Redd, junior, moved to 105. Matt McLees, to 112, Keith Melinson to 119, Tirr. Lefevre to 126, Jim Tannahill to 132, anc Brian Timoney to 145. The other weight classes were filled with both experienced anc rookie wrestlers. Dan Lefevre, Tom Kent, and Robert Koz loski represented the 138, 155, and 16: pound weight classes respectively. Kent, sen ior, Lefevre, junior, and Kozloski, sopho more, have had junior varsity experience Mike Simon, senior, wrestled in the 185 slo when Muir was moved to the heavyweigh division. Curtis Flack, Brian Bray, and Gre~ Rolek filled Chris Redd's vacated spot at 9~ lbs. Bray and RoJek alternated at th' heavyweight spot. Stepping down from the prestigious posl tion of moderator was Brother John D' AI fonso, senior counselor. His replacement wa: Brother Thomas Dunn, FSC. Further spiritu al and physical guidance and assistance came from honorary coach and top fan , Bil LaFontaine. Parents, teachers, and othe· fans rooted the Explorers through an up anc down season.


Var•ity M embere; (I tor), Back Row; Bro. Tom Dunn (mod.) D. Lefevre, J. Tannahill, T Lefevre, K. Mellnson, M. Mclees. C. Redd, C. Aack, Dave Siegel (Coach}, Front row: P. Henderson (Coach), B. Timoney, T. Kent, R Kozloski, M Simon, G Muir, and G . Rolek

A typtcal practice

" Ouch!"

"What happened to the ref will happen to you." Another good place lor a stick-up.

Let your imagination speak for Itself.

"What do you mean you only dance with girls?"

"Hey, watch the leg!"

"Where did you buy those sneakers?"


s the 1986 La Salle Baseball season began, varsity and ju~ nior varsity players felt a new excitement in the spring air Not only was it a brand new season, but there was also a brand new coaching staff which was headed by Mr. Joseph Parisi. The reactions to Mr. Molush's resignation as Varsity head coach and the appointment of Mr. Parisi were basically equivalent among the players and coaches. The players regretted the resignation, but at the same time realized the opportunity for Mr. Molush's career at Villanova University. They also saw an opportunity for Mr. Parisi to bring a new atmosphere into the 1986 season. The season that began with voluntary practices in the early fall of 1985 ended on a upbeat mood, because with every game, both the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams steadily improved. This improvement gave the succeeding years of La Salle Baseball a positive and exhilarating outlook. During these early fall practice sessions, many returning Varsity players and other underclassmen commented on the upcoming season with excitement and much promise. Mr. Parisi expressed similar sentiments: " I am very privileged to be the Varsity coach and I am very confident that an overhaul of the baseball program will do tremendous good for both the Varsity and Junior Varsity. As evident already, the team is reflecting my ideas - enthusiasm and excitement." As a whole, the baseball program at La Salle looked at the 1986 season as a new beginning in which it could achieve better than in previous years. After each game the confidence grew, because during each game the spirit and self-encouragement enabled the players to play much better.


Team tries out new surface.

The rigors of trabting

Line starts here for weight-watchers

HaUey's Comet has yet to return.



The duck walk was never done so properly.

"Where's everybody!?!"

Perfecting the toss to second

It must be one wild pitcher who needs two catchers.

Nice stab

They fear nothing except the baseball.

AU patiently await their tutn.


On the beautiful Schuylkill


esplte the loss of the Varsity members from last year's successful team, the 1985 La Salle fall crew, comprised of experienced J.V. rowers, came back to an impressive fall season. The best varsity eight finish was achieved at the Head of t cticut Regatta, where the eight finished third out of sixteen entries. The first varstty four also finished third. The most promising sign for the future of the crew, however, was the sixth place finishes of both the second eight and the second four in their respective races. These successful results displayed the new depth of the crew. The fall crew rowed against such powers as Harvard and Yale In the Head of the Charles Regatta in Boston, then traveled to the Head of the Schuylkill Regatta, where the crew again demonstrated the depth of its talent. The first varsity eight finished tenth and the second eight finished twelfth, while the two varsity fours finished tenth and eleventh, respectively. The fall season ended in late November at home in a double-header weekend Although the crew did not capture a medal in the Frostbite Regatta, the team regrouped to win the J .V. four , the J . V. eight and novice races in the following day' sat the Braxdon Regatta. The varsity eight rowed to a third路place finish in an extremely close race, in which only a deck's length separated the first three boats. Looking ahead to the spring season, the future of the La Salle Crew seems bright. With the addition of two new Vespoli Eight-Oared Racing Shells, the team benefits from the best equipment of any competing high school. The competition between members of the team for seats on the varsity boats should strengthen La Salle in preparation for the season. The contributions of Brother Richard, including organization of trips and workouts, has allowed coaches, Ken Shaw, Mark Valente, and Joe Sweeney, to devote themselves to the rowers. The crew team looks forward to what well could be the most successful season ever.


Pile on Coach.

Let's take that little boat and go for a pizza

Preparing for a long practice.






Caught a crab


" Hey Andy, this thing's getting heavy."

It's about time they did their homework.

Another day at Boat House Row.

Anxious to get out In a shell

Mon overboord!


• •



l!':lllii 1!: ~... .(



~~ ~"t"!'!




Alwoys toke o whiff first.


ith Dave Martella and Drew Stockmal (both All Catholic singles players) at the helm, the La Sal e tennis team won its third straight championship last year. Relying on experience and depth, fourth year coach Brother William Riley enjoyed another successful season. Besides the expertise of captains Martella and Stockmal, the team was led by the consistent play of now路 graduated seniors Andy Regusa and Glenn Stockmal, junior Greg Ore (All Catholic sin路 gles) and sophomore Joe Pluck. And despite the challenges Imposed by rivals Ryan and Dougherty, the team earned its seventh title in eight years. Looking ahead to this season, Brother Ri路 ley is as confident and optimistic as ever. With newcomers Mark Ferrarro, John Si路 mone, and Tim Murphy being added to the lineup, Brother feels that this may be one of the strongest squads in recent years. With a little hard work, La Salle should continue the championship tradition to which we've been accustomed, a tradition which Dave and Drew have carried on In the enthusiasm and dedication they have given to the team through the years.

'fJ liNfl

Va... ity T~am: Standing Tim Murphy, Mark Ferraro, Greg Ore, Joe Pluck, Bro. Bill Riley (Moderator); Kneellng: Dave Martella, Drew Stockmal

Drew shows his method to teammate Greg


Can he juggle more than one?

Bro. Bill congratulates Drew as Dave and Greg look on.

Drew demonstrates another use for a racket



trength, speed, and endurance

~路 were the qualities that enabled


Salle Track: Back row 0 tor}: S. O'Halloran, R. Penuliar, J. Livingood, J Rebl, J Young, P. Co5tello, C VanZandt, J Baer Middle row 0 tor} S. Coladonato, T. Capper, S. McElbgott, A. Amachl, P. S. McDonagle, F Bruno, M Lane, P Kane, J . Hohenleitner. S. Kim. Front Row (Ito r}: C. Blount, J . Brown, S. Mc:Cook, R Bean, J. Burger, P. Mcfadden

Runners keep In shape for upcoming races

Ron Bean, John Brown. Sean Mc:Cook, Ace Amachl


~ the 1986 Spring Track Team to become one of the most successful squads in La Salle history. In past years, La Salle has been supported mainly by the team's endurance, while it has suffered from a lack of strength and speed. But in 1986, Head Coach Pat Devine and Assistant Coaches Brother Dave Rogers and Mr. John Frizalone have molded a well-bal路 anced team that possesses all three attrl路 butes. Led by Senior standout Seamus McEIII路 gott, the Explorers dominated traditional track rivals such as Archbishop Wood and Cardinal Dougherty. Senior John Livingood, along with Juniors Josh Baer, Joe Young, Chris Van Zandt, Pat Costello, Matt Lane, and P.J. McGonogle, and Sophomores Pat McFadden, Sam Kim, and John Burger all helped to keep La Salle's tradition as the most feared distance runners in the Catholic League. Speed has become the new calling card of the Explorers. Led by Seniors John Brown, Ron Bean, and Sean McCook, the sprinters have darted away from their competition, shattering school records in the process. Sophomore Ace Amachi and Freshman Paul Guiliano have contributed to La Salle's success in the shorter distances. This year's field men played an important role for the Explorers in 1986. Seniors Rob Weikel, Jim Blount, Matt Moyer, and Tim Johnson, and Juniors Jeff Tietjens, Sam Hillanbrand, Lou Talamo, Bruce Williamson, Rob Dougherty, John Alcorn, Tim Gatty, and West Wallinger were crucial contributers to the many wins in the Catholic League this year.

New prospect for the Phillles?

It seems that nothing can stop these people.

Are we going the right way?

La Salle's new Frisbee team.


n R

espite the fact that seven La Salle golfers received All-Catholic honors, a feat unprecendente n r nt Catholic League history, the team failed to capture the Philadelphia Catholic League Championship last year. The 1985 squad, coached by the effervescent Brother AI Lumley, placed a close second behind Cardinal O'Hara. The team is ready to bounce back, however, and regain the title which it had held for six consecutive years. The 1986 squad will be led by captain Frank "Paco" Gregor and his younger brother Doug, both of whom are two-time All-Catholics. Junior Pete Bartels, who palced second In the 1985 PCL Championship, junior Brian Sullivan, and senior Ned Moore round out the returning All Catholics. Returning lettermen Jeff Purtell and Andy Bonner will also contribute to the team. With the abundance of talent and enthusiasm present on the team, the winning La Salle tradition will continue. ..

"Actually, I prefer Dubonnet"

Senior• {L to R): A. BoMer, N. Moore, F Gregor


J.V Golf Team (L to R): S. McAllister. D. Caparo. B. Sullivan. P Bartels. G. Petrllhs. D Gregor

Brother AI Lumley: Moderator

Wow!! What a shot!!!






.lo.epb Belcher

Gerald Birch

Dougla• Atkin.on


Vincent Barth

MJcbael G. Anderer


3068 North Cloverly Drive Furlong, PA 18925 345-7942 Football 1, 2(L). 3(L). 4(L) • •. Crew 1, 2(L, 3(L), 4(L.) • Student Counc1l I , 2, 3, 4 . • NHS 3, 4 .. Y11arbook 3 • Sp•rll Club 1, 2, 3 , 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Oouglaa P. Atldnaon


185 Beaumont Road Devon, PA 19333 6686851 Football I, 2. 4(L) ••• Baseball 1 ••. Wrestlmg 4(L)

Vincent A. Barth 1300 Longshore Avenue


Philadelphia, PA 19111

722·2152 Football 1, 2, 4 . • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 School Paper 4

Ronald M. Bean 40 !!06 Columbia Avenue Lansdall'. PA 19446 368·5054 Track 1, 2, 3iL), 4(L) . . • Indoor Track 3. 4 .•• lntramurals I. 2. 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 Jeffrev F. Beck 1464 Leas Way Hatfield, PA 19440


855·6466 Seraphim 2. 3(Pre5.), 4(Pres.) . .. Photo Club 1, 2, 3(Pres.), 4(Pres.) • •. Bowling 1 .. . Ski Club 2, 3, 4 •• . Band 3, 4 • .. Theater 1, 2, 3. 4 •.• Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3. 4 ... National Merit Ftna· list 4, •. NHS 4

Joaeph J. Belcher


920 Tricorn Drive Lansdale, PA 19446

584·0528 Soccer 1, 2, 3(L). 4{L) ..• Tennls 2 .• • lntramur· als 1, 2, 3, 4 Gerald Birch


6 VaUey Creek Road Norristown, PA 19401 272-2897 Football1, 2 • Photo Club 3. 4 , , . !ntramurals l, 2,3 . , Band I. 2,3, 4 •. Scholasnc "L"l, 2

Jamea E. Blount


1039 66th Avenue Phlladelphta, PA 19126

9241727 Football I, 2, 3{L). 4(L) • • Track 3. 4 ... Crew 1 • • . Basketball 1

Jamea Blount


JoHph Bro:roskl

John Brown

John Bottioger



M. Boardmaa


802 Prtncl'lon Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19111

742-0607 Football l. 2, 3 . Basketball! . Track 1 . Wrestling 1 . Prom Committee 3. 4 ... Intra· murals 1, 2. 3, 4 .•. Religious Activities 4 ..• Computer Science League 4 Aacbe w W. Boaner


4059 Hillside Road Lafaylltte Hill, PA 19444 825-0241 Football I. 2, 4(L) ... Swimming l(L), 2(L), 3(L). 4(L) ... Golf 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Yearbook 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council!

Andrew Bonner

Pater R. &o..ow 7830 Flourtown Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19118


836-4137 Crew 2, 3. 4 •.. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... School Paper 4 ~oba

D. Bottintler


3334 Ainslie Street Philadelphia, PA 19129

Vl34434 Cross Country 2, 3(L). 4(L) ... Indoor Track 1. 2, 3, 4 • Track and Field I, 2, 3(L). 4(L) .. Football 1 ... lntramurals 1. 2. 3. 4

.John W. Brown 514 Plymouth Road


Glenside, PA 19038

886-5621 Indoor Track 1, 2. 3, 4 ... Track and Field 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Football 2 .. Cross Country 1 ... School Paper 4 (Editor) ... Ski Club 2, 3, 4 .. lntramurals 1 , 2, 3, 4 ... Sclwlastic "L" 1, 2. 3, 4 . National Merit Commendation 4

.loMpb M. Bro:zMkl


4428 Aldlne Street Philadelphia, PA 19136

333·6913 Cross Country 1, 2. 3. 4 ... Indoor Track 1, 2, 3 ... Track and Field 1. 2, 3 ... Wrestling 4 . NHS 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 ... CSC 1, 2 ... Art Club 2 ... Ski Oub 2. 3. 4 ... Scholastic

''L" 1, 2. 3 Fraac:t. .1. Bnmo 676 West Germantown PUce Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462


828-6680 Basketball 2 (manager) ... Soccer 3, 4 (manager) •.• Track 1, 3, 4

Mattllaw E. lloochanan


236 Oak Hill Drive Hatboro, PA 19040

672-0129 Theater 3, 4 ..• Mathll'les 1 •.• lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 School Paper 4

Pe ter &o.sow


c.--,-~----~-----.rt"' Joeeph Canavan


Thomas Capper

Edmund P . Butler 30 405 Hillcrest Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 233-5823 Crew 1. 2, 3(L), 4(L} .. School Paper 3, 4 . Yearbook 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... CSC 2 . lnlramurals l. 2, 3, 4 ... F.A.D.C. 1 . 2, 3. 4(secretary) Jonathan C. Caffey 235 West 64th Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19126 548.8337 Soccer 1 . Yearbook 2. lntramurals 1. 2. 3. 4


Crew 1, 2, 3 . ..

Joseph J . Canavan 50 490 Plymouth Road Glens1de, PA 19038 884-1093 Crew 1. 2(L). 3(L). 4(LJ . lntramurals 1 2. 3, 4 Spirit Club 1. 2. 3, 4 Michael N. Cantwell 60 42 Gatehouse Lane Doylestown, PA 18901 345-1843 Wre:thng 2, 3,1 . . . Yearbook 3, 4(Copy Edttor) . • . National Merit Finalist 4 . WiSterian 3, 4 . • • Ski Club 3. 4 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4. Scholastic ''L'' 1. 2. 3, 4 Thomas A. Capper 70 14008 Kelvin Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116 676-3067 Cro$s Country 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 • . Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Scholastic "L" 1 10 Michael D. Casey 15012 Theresa Drive Philadelphia. PA 19116 671-0475 Football 1 Basketball 1. 2. 3CL}. 4(L) .. . Baseball 1, 2. 3(L), 4(L) Jules R. Cattie 20 820 Hellerman Street Phlladelph1a, PA 19111 722-3827 Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 . .. Soccer 1. 2, 3, 4(L) lntramurals 1. 2. 3. 4

Scott T. Chadwick 30 1124 Me Kean Road Ambler, PA 19002 646·7957 Football 1, 2, 4(L} SWimming 1. 2 . Intra· murals 1, 2, 3. 4 Racquetball Club 3, 4

Jules Cattie


Tbomaa Connell

William Clinton

Steven Connell


John Chan

lbor B. Cbemyk 40 101 Sm1th Road Schwenksville, PA 19473 287-7682 Yearbook 2, 3, 4 •• ln!Tllmurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Photo Club 1. 2, 3, 4

Oleh I. Ch~!rnyk 101 Smith Road Schwenksville, PA 19473 287-7682 Photo Club 1, 2, 3, 4


60 John Chun 1425 Southwmd Way Dre,hcr, PA 19025 643-6155 Yearbook 2, 3, 4(Editor) . . Crew 3 . Chess Oub 3, 4 ... Mathletes l, 2. 3. 4 . . NHS 3, 4 ScholastiC "L" 1, 2, 3. 4 David F. Cianci


904 Flintlock Drtve Lansdale, PA 19446 584-6526 Band 1, 2. 3. 4(Vtce Pres.) ... Forum 1 .. , Religious Achvill<?s 1. 3, 4 . Swimming 3, 4 •• , lntramurals l , 4 ... Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4 Mathletes 3, 4 . • , NHS 3, 4 .•• Yearbook 4 • Scholastic "L" 1, 3. 4

10 William F. Clinton I083 Fredenck Road ~cadowbrook , PA 19046 947-2956 Football! . Crew I, 2. 3(L}. ~L). . Mathletes 2 esc 3 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4

Marc Colletti

Marc J. Colletti 2D 510 West Chesnut Hill Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 242-5257 Wrestling 3. '1 ••• lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4 W1stenan 3, 4

Steven C. Connell 30 21 Laurence Place Plymouth Meeung. PA 19462 828-3111 Art Club 4 ••. Racquetball 3, 4 lntramurals 2, 3, 4 .. , Yearbook 4 . Spirit Club 4 •. Soccer 1 ... F.A.D.C. 3, 4 . National Merit Commendation 4 Thoma~ V. Connell 6124 Reach Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 725-5628 Socce.r 1 .•• lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4


lbor Cbemyk


Tbomu Costello

Rldaawd Copley



John J. Connor 1649 Daws Road Norristown, PA 19401 279-3308

Ice Hockey 2, 3, 4 ..• Wtsterian 4 ... lntramur· als 1, 2, 3, 4

Richard E. Cople y


3024 Spring Mill Road

Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 828-9821

Wrestling 1 ... Swimming 2 lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4

. Track 2, 3 •..

Thoma• P. Coflello 693 Thomas Jefferson Road W11yne, PA 19087



lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4

Terence P. Cumming• 1155 Meadowbrook Road Southampton, PA 18966


357-5750 C•oss Cou..,lry 1 • Tract. l

Wi•!<?rian 4 Skt Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals l, 2. 3, 4

John J. Cunningham 1441 Balboa Bend Norristown, PA 19403



Soccer l, 2, 3, 4(L) .. . Racquetball Club 3, 4 .. . Ski Club 2. 3. 4 .•. lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 .. . Spirit Club 2, 3 •.. Scholastic "L'' l. 2. 4

Lawrence W. Daly 6303 Sunnybrook Road Flourtown, PA 19031


233-2946 Football 2, 3(L), 4(L) •.. Wrestling 1

•• Intra· murals 1, 2. 3, 4 •.. Racquetball Club 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3, 4

Anthony B. D'Angelo 3120 Spnng Mill Road Plymouth Meetmg. PA 19462 825-2181 Soccer 1, 2


Thomu G. Darragh 3 Vera Lane


Conshohocken, PA 19428 825-0743 Cross Country 1, 2. 3, 4(L) • • • Tennis 1 Track and Field 1, 4(L) •.• lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Edward DeAngeHa

Peter Dierkea

Richud DeVincent

Brian Dougans


Dana Device

Eclwar4 A.



2041 VaHey Road Meadowbrook, PA 19046

938.()390 Soccer 1, 2, 3(Ll. 4(L) •.. Intramural$ 1. 2. 3, 4 . School Paper 1, 2 . . Yearbook 1, 2 GeTal4 A. DesaaOINI 223 Fisher Road


Jenkintown, PA 19046 576-4014 Student Council 1, 4 . . • Basketball 1, 2 ... Track and Field 1, 4 . • Spirit Club 1, 3, 4(Chalr· man) • • . Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Intramural$

1, 2, 3, 4

Daaa DeVka

...... Donab•


1137 Brighton Stteet Philadelphia, PA 19111

342-8266 Crew 1, 2 . Wrestling 3. 4(L) ... Computer Science League 4 .•• Yearbook 4

Ridlar4 DeVInceat


2152 Clinton Road Huntingdon VaHey, PA 19006

947-8282 Baseball 2. JILl. 4(Ll .•• Soccer l. 3 . . Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Band 2. 3. 4 .•. Ski Oub 3

. 1 - F. DeviDa 30 3529 Teresa Circle Chalfont, PA 18914 822-1079 Soccer 1, 2, 4(L) . .. RacquetbaD Club 3 ... Student Council 2, 3, 4 .. . Yearbook 3, 4 . .• Wltterlan 3, 4 •.. NHS 3, 4 . .. Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 .•. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2. 4 Pater M. Dlark.. 741 St. Charles Avenue Warminster , PA 18974


672-4220 Art Club 4 ... lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4

, _.. A. Doaail•

50 350 Holly Knoll Drive Churchville, PA 18966 322-1842 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4(L) Yearbook 2, 3 , 4(8usiness Editor) .. NHS 3 , 4 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic " L" 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. National Merit Commendation 4


Brlall A. 1910 Fawn Drive Laverock, PA 19118


572-5385 Cross Country 1 •.. Crew 1, 2 . . lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4


Sean Dougherty 2461 Anthony Onve Colmar, PA 18915


822·2647 Band 1 . . Crew 1. 2 ..• CSC 2 .. Drama 4 Daniel J . Elcock 213 Germantown Pike


Laiayette Hill, PA 19444

828·6713 Band 1, 2, 3 . . Basketball 2 . . Soccer 3, 4(Manager) Timothy J , Ernst 20 225 Sylvania Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 887·9176 Crew 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) . Football! . . . Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Yearbook 3, 4 •.. Art Club 4 . . Scholastic "L" 1

William E. Fahy 821 Red Wing Lane


Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-3416 Football 1, 2, 3, 4(L) ... Track and Field 4 . .• Prom Committee 3, 4 Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Richard D. Fegley 1994 Falabella Circle Warrington, PA 18976


343-0777 Swlmmlng 3(L), 4(L) . . lntramurals 3, 4 David F. Fieber


7500 Boyer Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 2426271 Cross Country 1 . Indoor Track 1 . .. Football 2. 3(Manager) . . . lntramurals 4 John F. Fitzpatrick





Ambler, PA 19002 628-4407 Crew 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(1.) 4(L) • •• Student Council

John J . Forbes 3549 Shelmlre Street

Football!, 2 . 3(L).


Philadelphia. PA 19136 338-9363 Mathletes 1, 2 Student Council4 • .. NatiOnal Ment Finalist 4 . . NHS 4 .. Yearbook 4 ••. Intramural$ 1, 2, 3 • .. Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3, 4


Robert ~. Frank8 1836 Afton Street Phil!~delphl<~, PA 19111


725-5926 Bowling 1, 2, 3

• esc 1, 2, 3, 4 .•. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Yearbook 2, 3, 4 {Layout Editor) Scholastic "1." 1, 3 . National Merit Commendation 4

Robert R. Glck


2363 Greensward South Warrington, PA 18976

343-2455 Swimming 1, 2(L), 3Cll. 4(L). Soccer 1, 2, 3, 41L) ..• Student Council 4{V!ce President) ... lntramur!lls 1, 2, 3, 4


Andrew M. Giletti 958 Woodlawn Drive

Lansdale. PA 19446 368 1799 Crew l(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(Ll •• Library Oub 1, 2, 3, 4

. Skt Oub 1, 2, 3, 4 esc 4 .•• Intra-

murals 1, 2, 3, 4

Chri•topher D. Giuffrida 290 Norristown Road Blue Bell, PA 19422



lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Brlan J. Gradv 6524 North 6th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126



Basketball I ..• Football 4 ... Track 3, 4 •.. Student Council 3, 4 •.. NHS 3, 4 ... lntramur· als 1, 2, 3, 4 .•. S<:holastlc "L'' 1, 2, 4

Timothy E. Green


615 Juniper Dnve

Blue Bell, PA 19422 535-1737

Crew 3, 4

lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Frank Gregor 70 1141 Old Ford Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 379 0512 Golf 1, 2(L). 3ll), 4{L) • Student Counci13, 4 • Spirit Oub 2, 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 1D Robert R. Griffith 15 West Mill Road Flourtown, PA 19031 822-3360 Crew 2 Athletic Trainer 1, 2 . lntramurals I. 2. 3, 4

Robert Griffith


Tlmotbv Greea



Ke n .1. Hackmaa 1627 Linden Avenue H&tboro. PA 19040 672-7483 Baseb&U 1. 2 .. Football! • 3,4


lntramurals 1, 2,

Philip D. Hagerty 30 219 Hewett Road Wyncote, PA 884-8041 Swtmmlng1, 2. 3, 4(L) .• Yearbook 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 Chrletophe r .1. Haley 40 305 M&dison Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 9474455 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .•• Art Club 1, 4 •. Baseball 3, 4 . . Yearbook 4 ... Tenms 4 •.. Football 1 . Spirit Club 4 . Ski Oub 3, 4 Racquetball3.4 .• NHS4 •. Scholastic"L"l, 4

Etlpae .1. Hal.. 713 Longshore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 745-8079


Footba!l1(Managi!r), 2(AthletJc Trainer), 3{Ath-

letic Trainer) .•. CSC 1, 2, 3. 4 Elme r F. HanNa 60 7135 Sheaff Lane Fort Washington, PA 19034 646-6767 Cross Country 1, 2 .•. Golf 3, 4(L - Manager) Yearbook 4 ... Library Club 2, 3 ••. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 M.lc:hael S. Hant10n 70 133 Meetinghouse Road Doylestown, PA 18901 348-5835 Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 , . Mathletes 1. 2, 3 ... Nation· al Merit Commendation 4 .•. Gazebo 3, 4 •.. Computer Club 1, 2 ••• School Paper 4 .. Yearbook 4 ..• NHS3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Scholutic ''L'' 1, 2, 3, 4 Emme tt .1. Harkin• lD 103 East Levering Mill Road BaJa Cynwyd, PA 19004 667-5882 FootbaU 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4{ll Basl<etball 1. 2, 3(L), 4(L) Track 1, 3. 4. Student Council 1, 2, 3. 4 . . NHS 3, 4 . Yearbook 4 .

Scholastic "L" 1, 3, 4 Ste phen W. Harre r ZD 724 Cedar HiD Road Ambler, PA 19002 646-5835 Band 1. 2. 3, 4 .•. Theater 2. 3. t+ • • Yearbook 4 .. Photo Club 3, 4 •• • Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastrc "L" 2, 3


Bryce Holton


Tho- Houlahaa


Todd R. He Uman


63 Belmont Square

Doylestown, PA 18901 248-5472 Soccer 2(L), 3(L). 4(L -

Captain) ..• Student Coundl 2, 3 . • Yearbook 3, 4 •.. CSC 2. 3 . . • NHS 3, 4 .•• F.A D.C. (vice-pres.) ••• lntramurals 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L' ' 2. 3. 4 ••. Nat1onal

Merit Semifinalist 4 Henry K. H4!nczel 4D 1511 North Hills Avenue Willow Grove. PA 19090 659-9559 Ice Hockey l(L). 2 • .. CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4 Mattiu G. He rold 238 South Wayne Avenue


Hatfield, PA 19440 368-5811 Theater 2, 3, 4 . • Forum 1 .•. Wisterian 4 Chula E. Hofmann 1709 Bantry Drive


Dresher, PA 19025 643-3203

Crew 3, 4 •.. Forum 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Bryce D . Holton


346 Rosemary Avenue

Ambler, PA 19002 542-0182 Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 .. Scholast1c "L" 3

Thomu K. Houlahan


814 Skippack Pike

Blue Bell, PA 19422 646-3059

Bowling Club 1, 2, 3 ... Bowling Team 3, 4 . .. Chess Club 2, 3, 4 ... Cross Country 4 .. . Track and Field 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 .. . Scholastic "L" 1, 2. 3, 4 . . National Merit Com· mendation 4

Joeeph J. Irwin 1320 Longshore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 722.3950


Band 1 ••• Mathletes 1 . .• Christian Activities 4 . . Chess Club 2, 3. 4 .•. National Merit F'mabst

4 .•• Bowling Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bo-....1ing Team 2(L). 3(L), 4(L) •.. NHS 3, 4 ..• lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 •. Yearbook 1, 2. 3, 4(Edltor·ln.Chlef) • • Scholastic ''L" 1, 2. 3, 4 Chrlt .1. JacobMD


2703 Broadwe~y

Hatboro, PA 19040 674-3~

Wrestling 4 ••. Racquetball Club 3, 4 . . Prom Committee 3 .. • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Henry Henczel


Wfr., A. .Jeako


1232 Somers Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-4634 Racquetball 3, 4

Nell D . .laMa 823 Knorr Street Philadelphia, PA 19111


RA2·0499 Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wistertan4 .. • Yearbook 4 ••• Scholastic "L" 1 .. . National Merit Commendation 4

Ttmotb11 M. .lobneon 60 8606 Rugby Street Philadelphia, PA 19150 242-5987 Basketball Manager 1. 3, 4 Track and Preld 1, 3, 4 ••. Soccer 2(Manager) • .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Hlllary R. .lordaa 2467 Trewlgtown Road Colmar, PA 18915


822-7184 Racquetball 4 . , • Computer Science League 4 Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Audio-VIsual Assistant 3, 4 ••• National Merit Finalist 4 Stage Crew 1 Yearbook 3, 4(Photo Editor) ••• In· tramurals l(Rep), 2(Rep), 3, 4 . Chess Oub 3 . • Scholastic "L" 1 Wlsterlan 4(Photo Edt· tor)

Wlllt.m P. .laba 267 Magnolia Road Warminster, PA 18974 672-0285 Band 2, 3 . .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Matthew .1. Kaae 20 623 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 643-3156 Basketball1 . • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Student Coundl 1 Edward C. Kelly 30 1060 Appleby Court Blue Bell, PA 19422 628-9403 Basketball 1 . , Student Council 1 • • Prom Committee 3 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . SpiTit Oub 1, 4 •.• ScholastiC " L" 4 la1DUB.K.U11 132 Hendricks Street Ambler, PA 19002 643-3532 Racquetball 3, 4 GazebO 3, 4



Timothy Johnson

William Juba

.leffrey Je.ko


Thomu Kent

Mark Kootz

Eric: Klela.chaaidt


Ira Kema

Patrick D. Ke lly 50 21 Summit Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 247·6660 Crew 2, 3(L). 4(L) . . Golf 1, 2 . Yearbook 4 ... Wtsterlan 3, 4 .. . lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 •.. NHS 3. 4 . Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3. 4

Timothy Kilian

Thoma• D. Ke nt 60 2490 Pleasant Hill Road Hatboro, PA 19040 672·3812 Wrestling 2, 3. 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Merit Flna· Ust 4 Ira A. Kern• 70 1828 Falrgrounds Road Hatiteld. PA 19440 855·7358 Cross Country 2 • Golf 3 • Wisterlan 3 ..• L1brary Club 1 Timothy J. Kllia.n 10 224 Surrey Road Southampton. PA 18966 357·5632 lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 ..• Football 2 . • Year· book 4 .• . Wisterian 4


Eric Klelnec:hmidt 480 Martin Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-6541

lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4

Racquetball 4

Bernard G. Kling 30 1909 Sycamore Lane Flourtown. PA 19031 233·3783 Forum 1. 2, 3. 4 . lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 Edward J. Koebert 40 6129 North Sixth Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 924·5019 Football 1, 2, 4{L) . • lntrarnurals 1. 2, 3. 4 .. Wisterian 4 . • Theater 4 Mark A. Kootz 435 Geneva Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19120



Soccer (Trainer). 3(l). 4(L) •. Wrestling· (Tralner)3. 4 . Cross CountTyfframer) 2 • . • Basebl!ll!Tnuner) 2, 3. 4 .. lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4

Bernard Kllog


Andrew M . Kraft

60 1700 Penru Lane Maple Glen. PA 19002 6410888 Theater 2, 3, 4 Stage Crew 2, 3, 4 . Pro· duc110n Staff 3, ~Manager) lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 Scholastic ' L'' Peter S. Kretzu


7203 Valley Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-6562 Racquetball 3, 4 Bowhng I Field 2 Yearbook 4

Track and

.lohn C. Kuhn 3701 S Hereford Lane Philadelphia, PA 19114 632-8978 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4


Cluiatopber Kalp


304 Plymouth Avenue Oreland, PA 19075 886-6953

Wrestling 1 Wlstenan 1

Track 3, 4 . Yearbook I .• lntramurals 2. 3. 4

Mettbew .1. lAdwltb 30 214 Glendalough Road Erdenheim, PA 19118 233-3778 Crew I, 2, 3{L), 4{L) lntramural.s 1, 2, 3, 4 •• Splnt Club 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 Yearbook 3, 4 . Wl51erlan 3. 4 Charlea P. lAe 315 8.!1 Air Road Southampton, PA 18966 357 3839 Swimming 1, 2, 3(L), 41LI

Wlstenan 3 Yearbook 3


.• NHS 3, 4 •

National Menl Fmallst 4 Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4

Tlmotbv P. Lefevre :;n 221 Newington Drive Hatboro, PA 19040 672-3396 Soccer 1, 2, 3{L), 4(L) . WresUlng l(LI. 21L). 3(L), 4(L) • lntramurals 1. 2. 3. 4

Keonetb W. lAbr 60 1390 Joan Drive Southampton, PA 18966 355-0449 Forum 1, 2 3. 4{VP) . Yearbook 4 . NHS 3, 4 . . lntramurals 1, 2 •.. W1sterian 4 • • Schohtstic "L" 2, 3, 4 •. Natlooal Merit Commenda· lion 4

Andrew Kraft


Peter Kretzu

Timothy Lefevre

Charla Lee

Chriatopher Kalp

.lohn Kuhn



Plilllp J. Lcmbacb 70 19 East Cheltenham Avenue Cheltenham, PA 19012 635-3872 Cross Country 1, 2, 3 ••. Indoor Track 1. 2, 3 ••• Track and Field 1, 2, 3 , lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Scholafllt "L'' 1, 2 WlUiam Leeor•v•ge 1D 133 Homestead Road Doylestown. PA 18901 348·5044 Basketball 1. 2, 3, 4 .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

D•l• E. Llatner


1353 Revelation Road Meadowbrook , PA 19046

884-9222 Student Council 1. 3, 4 ••• Football 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) •. • Basketball 1 .• lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

P•.. M. Llsicweki 1170 Silo Circle Blue Bell, PA 19422


279·2679 Ice Hockev 2, 3. 4 •.• lntr<!imurals 2, 3, 4 RJcb•rd F. Lluewekl 40 3731 Levy Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947·7567 Baseball!. 2, 3(L). 4(L) . • . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4




333 Maple Avenue North Hills, PA 19038 886-6117 Cross Country I , 2(L), 3(l), 4(L. Co-Cap.) .•• Track 1, 2, 3(L), 4(l) .•• Wisterian 3, 4 •• Yearbook 4 •.• NHS 3. 4 .•• Scholastic "L" 1, 2. 3, 4 •.• National Ment Commendation 4

Joba B. Loaderg•n


1729 Triumph Way Warnngton, PA 18976 34J.4353 Crew 1, 2, 3 •.• Stage Crew 3 •.. football! . •• lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

George D. 1.-. 70 726 West Prospect Avenue North Wales, PA 19454 699-7292 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •• Crew 1. 2, 3, 4 •.. Yearbook 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 1, 3 ... Art Club 2

... CSC4


Peter Lyoa.


Ale.x Macklin

Mark A. Loec:biavo lD 924 Clyde Lane Philadelphia, PA 19128 482-3710 Wtsterian4 .. Baseballl,2, 3(L),4{L}. • Yearbook 4 •. Ski Club 3, 4 . • lntramural.s 1, 2. 3, 4 •.. Racquetball 3, 4 ..• Theater 2, 3 •.. Scholastic ''L" I. 2 Walter A. u u 20 735 Easton Road Philadelphia, PA 18976 343-3615 Bowling l, 2 ... Theater l, 2, 3, 4 ... Ski Club 3, 4 Peter V. Lyoaa 3D 5414 Westford Road Philadelphia, PA 19120 455-0540 NHS 3, 4 .•. Wrestling 1 ... Wlsterian 2 • , . Student Council 1, 2. 3 . . Gazebo 3 . . Math· letes 2, 3, 4 . • Forum 2, 3. 4(President) .. Computer Science League 2, 3 ... Scholastic "L'' 1, 2, 3, 4 . . National Merit finalist 4

Ale1l R. MaclillD 4D 8239 Thouron Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19150 247-5947 Football 1, 2, 3{L), 4{L) •.. Band 1, 2, 3. 4 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 John Madeocl 7405 Keiffer Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 483·5968 Theater 3, 4 ... Seraphim 3, 4


Marc: A. Madieon 60 8532 Williams Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19150 CH7-1247 Soccer 1 ... Track 1, 2, 4(L) ... NatiOnal Merit Commendation 4 Frana. A. Maguire 70 732 Millwood Road Philadelphia. PA 19115 677-1106 Trainer 2, 3, 4 ... NHS 3. 4 . . Forum 1, 2 3 •• • lntramurals 1, 2 , 3. 4 .. Scholastic ul" 1, 2.

3.4 1D Anclrew A. Marualek 739 Cricket Avenue Ardsley, PA 19038 884-9977 Football 1, 2, 4(L} . . Crew 1 ... Wisterian 2. 3 , Intramural• 1, 2, 3, 4. Track 3 .. Scholastic "L" 2, 3




Seaa McCook


Niall McCall

David A. Martella 20 2410 Old Forty Foot Road Harleysville, PA 19438 584-4177 Tennis 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ..• lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 , .• Student Coundl 4 (President) . .. Scholastic ''L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Mlcbael Matthew• 3D 103 East Levering Mill Road Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 667-5882 Basketball 4 . • • Track 4 .. . lntramurals 4 Pat MazzareUI

WIUiam W. Mattbewa 40 321 Paxon Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 885·2975 Baseball 2, 3(L), 4(L) •• . Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 , . NHS 3, 4{Presidenl) ... Student Council 2, 3, 4(Committee Head} . . Wistertan 1. 2. 3, 4(Layout Editor) .• Yearbook 4 Scholastic ''L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Arthur J. Mattia


2166 <;tPv!'n RO<\tl

Huntington Valley, PA 19006 947-5254 Footballl, 2, 3, 4 • • Golf 2, 3 ... Track 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

P..qual Mazzarelli 9762 Cowden Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 673·4 229 lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4


Cbarlea J. McAnally 7507 Culp Street Phll<~delphla, PA 19128 482-8738 Stage Crew 3 ... Yearbook 4 . , lntramurals 2, 3, 4


Niall K. McCall 1307 Haines Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 438-8605 Football 1, 2, 3 , 4(L)



Sean McCook 20 4185 Hoffman Road Hatboro, PA 19040 674·2294 Soccer 1, 2 • Track 1, 2, 3 , 4 • . . lntramu.rals 1, 2, 3, 4 , Band 1, 2 ••• Scholastic " L" l

Charlu McAnally


Se.m• McElligott


923 Jenlfer Road Horsham, PA 19044 643-4875 Cross Country 1. 2, 3, 4 Indoor Track l. 2, 3. 4. NHS4. CSC3,4. lntrlllTIUrals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1. 3

John P. McGowan 144 Roberts Avenue Glenside, PA 19038


887-5378 Football 1, 2. 3, 4 •.. Baseball 2, 3, 4 • .. Intra· murals l, 2, 4 Terrence P. McGuigan 50 13 Broadale Court Doylestown, PA 18901 345-7382 Soccer 2 NHS 4 . . . Band 2 . . . Yearbook 4 Ski Club 4 • .. lntramurc'lls 3. 4 . • Scholastic

"L" 2. 3, 4 Chari.. J. McKeanev 273 Aldrin Dnve Ambler, PA 19002 643-2070 Forum l Band 2, 3, 4 . lntrll!Tiurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Matthew J . McKenzie


Ski Club 2. 3 . . 70

8346 Cadwalader Avenue Elkins Park, PA 19117 635-0898 Footbc'lll Trainer 2. 3, 4 •. . Baseball Trainer 3, 4 Basketball Trainer 3, 4 Matthew J. MeLee• 10 268 Maple Ave. North Hills, PA 19038 572-7038 Wrestling 1, 2(L}, 3(L), ~L) • .. Crew 1, 2 . lntrc'lmurals 1, 2, 3, 4

John J . Meko 20 528 Long Meadow Lane Nornstown, PA 19403 539-5193 Band I, 2, 3, 4 •. . Yearbook 4 •. Soccer 1, 2 Wisterlan4 Dramallcsl,2,3,4 Band 1. 2, 3, 4 . •. Distnct Orchestra 4 . . Religious Acllvltles 3, 4 Keith T. Mellaeon 15040 Kelvin Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19116


698-1357 Track l • Band 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Pep Band l, 2, 3, 4 • NHS J. 4 • Student Councll 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wrestling l(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4{U • Scholastic "L" 1, 2. 3, 4 Na tiona! Merit Commendation 4

Matthew Mcl ees


Teneace McGaigan

Keith Mell11110n

Jolaa McGowan



Jame1 T. Merritt


350 Meadowbrook Road North Wales. PA 19454 699-5447 Soccer 4 •• . Wisterlan 3. 4 . •• Intramural$ 1, 2.

3. 4 Mic hael P. Mlehle 739 Dick Avenue Warminster, PA 18974 355-5435 Wrestling 1, 2 • . , lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Kevin J . MiUer


8723 Old Une Road Philadelphia. PA 19128 482-9309 Track 1 • .. Bowling 1, 2 . Band l, 2, 3, 4 , . Yearbook 3, 4 ... Theater 2, 3, 4 .. lntramur· als l, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities l, 2. 3, 4 ••. Scholastic "L" 1, 3, 4

Paul C. Mloecci


10 Dechert Road Conshocken, PA 19428 341-2436 &wling T4<4m 2, 3, 4{L) Wistetian 3, 4 • • . Yearbook 2, 3, 4 . . CSC 3, 4 ... Jntrarnurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ..• NHS 4 . . Photo Club 3, 4 . .. Prom Committee 3, 4 . Theater 3, 4

David A. Mit chell


2355 Fairway Road Huntington Valley, PA 19006

659-7095 Tennls 2, 4 .. . Wisterlan 4

John f . Monaghan 215 East Meade Street


Philadelphia, PA 19118

247·2666 Soccer 1. 3 ... Art Club 3 ... W!sterlan 4 ... Yearbook 4. Crew 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2,

3. 4 J oeeph P. Mooney


314 Charle~ Street Southampton, PA 18966

322-7605 Crew 2,3, 4 . .. Forum 1. 2 . . Sk!Ciub3. 4 •.. lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 Racquetball Club 3, 4

Edmund B. Moore


291 Pmecroft Place Ambler, PA 19002 641 ·1129 Cross Country 1 .•• Golf 1. 2, 3(L), 4{L) •.• Prom Committee 3. 4 ... Spuit Club l. 2, 3, 4 .•. Scholastic "L" 3, 4 .•• Intramural$ 1, 2, 3, 4


Carl Motz


.lobo Morrissev

.loeeph P. Morea 50 %5 Maldon Blue Bell, PA 19422 646-7061 Swimming 2, 3, 4. Track 2, 3, 4 . .. Skl Club

3, 4 .John M. Morrt...y 403 Toland Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034


628-2255 Swimming 1, 2 ... Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NHS 3. 4 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Rellglous Activities 3. 4 .•• Band 1, 2, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1. 2, 3, 4

Carl P. Motz 11909 Barlow Street


Philadelphia, PA 19116 677-3066 Track and Field 1, 2, 3 ... Student Counclll. Public Relations 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4

Matthew C. Moyer 116 Hendricks Street Ambler, PA 19002


646-8367 Basketball I, 2, 3(1.), 4(L) ••• Soccer 1 ..• Track 1. 2(L)

Tllllotby .1. Muphy 6 Broadale Road


Doylestown, PA 18901 345-6476 Soccer 2, 3 ... Tennis 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Wlstertan 4 ... Sptrlt Club 3 . . . Racquetball Club 3 ... lntramurals 2, 3, 4 . Scholastic "L"

2 M•rk .1. Noonen 30 320 Cherry Lane Glenside, PA 19038 884-8680 Ski Club 1. 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Chula F. O'Brien 11 OS Kenyon Drive


Fort Washington, PA 19034 542-8781 Swtmmlng 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 •.. Track 1, 2, 3, 4 .• Scholastic ''L" 1. 3. 4

.loeepb .1. O'Connor 201 Westbury Drive Warminster. PA 18974


674-0393 Bowling Team 1, 2 ... Bowling Club l. 2 ... Seraphim 1, 2, 3. 4 . • Yearbook 4 .. Wistertan 4 . Gazebo 3, 4 Racquetball Club 3, 4 ... Intramural$ 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic ''L" 3

Cherie• O'Brien


Vincent Olivieri




, ~

Kevin PavUc:k


Richard Peauliar


Eosan C. O'DonneU 50 945 Bradfield Road Roslyn, PA 19001 885-8237 Mathletes l, 2, 3, 4 .•. Bo<.IIUng 1 .. NHS 3, 4 . . Yearbook 4 ••• Wisrenan 4 .• , lntramwals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholashc "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 •• National Merit Commendation 4 70 Sean P. O'Halloran 2117 Woodlawn Avenue GI4>Mide, PA 19038 886-2845 Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Winter Tra.ck 1, 2. 3, 4 .. , Spring Track 1, 2, 3, 4 .•. NHS 4 .•• Scholashc "L" 2, 3

Eosan O'DoDJKI

Vincent S . Ollvlevrl 10 7301 Ryers Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 745-5461 Football1,4 .•. Baseball1 ••• ScholastiC ''L''l, 2

Tbomu J . O'Malley 20 5849 Newton Avenue PhUAdelphla, PA 19120 745-5978 Soccer 1, 2, 3 •.. Cross-Country 4 ..• Wistenan 2. 3, 4 , Yearbook 3, 4 , .. Intramural$ 1, 2, 3, 4 . NH::. 3, 4 . . Scholastic "L" 2. 3, 4 Jamu P. O'Mara 30 19 Scarlet Oak Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 825-6145 Baseball1, 2. 3(L), 4(L) •• Wistenan 4 . , Year· book 4 ... Racquetball Club 3, 4 .. . lntramurals l. 2. 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 1. 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1 ShaiJuh M. Patel 40 1286 Wright Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-2830 Ice Hockey 2, 3, 4 •.• NHS 3, 4(Vice President) . , , Mathletes 1, 2, 3. 4 ••. Yearbook 4(layout Edttor) , lntramurals 2, 3 . , Scholastic "L"1, 2, .l, 4 Nat1onal Merit CommendatiOn 4 Kevl.o J . Pavlick 50 1538 Daws Cttcle Nornstown, PA 19401 2799448 Track 1, 4(L) . Racquetball 3, 4 . • • Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Ski-Oub 1, 2. 3. 4 Rlcbarcl J . Penaliar 2918 Michele Drive Norristown, PA 19401 279 1907 Mathletes 1 •• Cross-Country 2. 3, 4 . Winter and Sprtng Track 2, 3, 4 • .• National Merit Ana list 4 . Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4


Tbaotla' S. Patdlll


356 Cricket Avenue North Hills. PA 19038 576-0956 Intramural• 1, 2, 3, 4 Crew 3, 4 Spirit Oub 3, 4 . CSC 4 .. Prom Committee 3, 4

Geo..,. I. Plc:kal


732 Kewtwood Street

Philadelphia, PA 19116 673-3427

Soccer(Tralner) 2 ... Football (Tralner)3, 4 . Skl·Oub 2, 3, 4 ..• ACL 4 •.. Scholaatlc "L" 1, 3 • National Merit Commendation 4

1 . _ T. P1Jeni 1301 Twining Road Dresher. PA 19025



Wrestling 2. . Band 1, 2, 3. 4 •.. SkJ·Ciub 3 ..• lntramuralt 1, 2, 3, 4

ChrlatopllluPoWck 3212 Manor Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006



Crew 2. 3, 4

em. T. P-pa.


960 Mueller Road Warminster, PA 18974 672·1686 Croes Country 1 ... Crew 1, 2, 3 . . Mathletes 1 YearbOok 2 , 3, 4(Typlng Editor) .•• Wister· ian 1, 2, 3, 4(Edltor·ln-chtef}. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. NHS 3, 4 •. Chett Club 3 .•• Theater 4 Scholastic "L" 1. 2, 3, 4 . . National Merit Commendation 4

David Scott Pomtca 1242 Gordon Road


Jenkintown, PA 19046 887-4278

Band 1. 2, 3, 4(presldent) ..• Theater 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Racquetball3. 4 •.• Seraphim 1, 2 ..• Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4. Scholastic "L'' 1, 2, 4 .. District Band 4 Harry C. PortlaDd 60 957 Wakellng Street Philadelphia. PA 19124 533-2352 Ice Hoclcey 2. 3. 4 •• Wtsterlan 3 . lntramur· alt 1 2, 3, 4 Scholaatic "L" 1, 2, 3

......... , J. hrtall


165 Slefghrtde Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 657·2476 Football! Track 1. 2 • Cross-Country 2. 3 • Golf 2, 3(U, 4(L) Student Councll3. Spirit Oub 2, 3. 4 . Wtsterlan 3. 4 Year· book 4 Prom Committee 3(Co-Chatrman) ••. Scholaat1c "L'' 1

Chrfetopber PoWck


Scott Porreaa

....... Pileggi



Pete,r Rotelle


RoHrt Rich


w. RaaNv


3320 Dogwood Drive Willow Grove, PA 659-4097 Forum 1, 2, 3. 4 . • lntramurals l, 2, 3 Scholastic "L'' 1 ••• National Merit Cornmllndation 4

Clinaon W. Redcron


505 E. Gorgas Lane Philadelphia, PA 19119 248-5133 Band 1, 2. 3, 4 , .. Track 1, 4 . .. Student Coun· ell 1, 2

WUUam R. Reinhardt


724 Marchman Road Philadelphia. PA 19115

9691491 Chess Oub 2. 3 . , • Yearbook 2, 3, 4 .. . Wister· ian 4 •.• Stagecrew 3, 4 ..• lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 ..• Ski-Oub 2. 3 ... Bowling 2, 3, 4 ..• Photo Oub 1, 2, 3, 4 •• Scholastic "L" 1 Robert .1. Rlcll 40 882 Vllloy" C;,.J.c Blue Bell, PA 19422 643-3281 Bowling 1. 2, 3 . .. Wtstetlan 4 .. • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Scholastic "L'" 3

Edward Rlttenh-


25 West Mill Road Flourtown. PA 233 4337 Crew 2, 3(L), 4(L) . , . Cross-Country 2 ••• Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Cletue A. Romano

60 258 North Spring Garden Street Ambler. PA 19002 646-7514 Band 1. 2. 3, 4 •.• Student Council! . . . Chus Club 3 •.• Scholastic "L" 3. 4

Peter RoteU. 70 351 Penllyn Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422 646-2389 Soccer J •• Wrestling 1, 2 .•. Ice Hockey I , 2. 3 , 4 •. • Skl-Oub 2, 3, 4 ••. lntramura.ls 1, 2, 3 , 4 •. Scholastic "L'' 3. 4 Nlcllolae Rll4a,ukv


107 Towanda Avanue Philadelphia. PA 19126 6353929 National Merit Commendation 4


Mark Sabo

Michael Sharkey

Paul Schaefer


CbriJI Sheedy

20 Mark G. Sabo 930 Woodbrook Lane PhUadelphlll, PA 19150 242-0334 Yearbook 4 , , , Wosterlan 1, 3 , 4 . , l'ltramurab l , 2 , 3, 4 . Scholastic " L" 1, 2, 3, 4 3D Michael L. Sarno 251 Casey Ctrcle Huntingdon Valley. PA 19006 355-7975 Band 1 . . Theater 2 .•. Student Council 2 ... CSC 3, 4 ..• 1ntramura1s 1. 2, 3, 4 . . National Merit Commendation 4

John J. Sca~Uo 604 Naomi St.


Phtladelphla, PA 19144 4386466 Cross Country 2 , . • Wre<JIIIng 3 •.. Band 1, 2

. . esc

1, 2, 3. 4

PauJ D. Schaefer 1541 Temple Drive


Maple Glen, PA 19002 646-1464 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4 •.. Racquetball 3, 4 •.• Spirit Club 3, 4

Matthew C. Schoo.. 60 344 Township Line Road Norristown , PA 19401 275-7428 Baseball 2 .. lntramurals l(Rep), 2, 3, 4 • Soccer 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L.Captaonl .. . Student Council 4

Michael S•mo

7D Michael Sharkey 7425 Hill Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 483·3908 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Crew 1. 2, 3 .•. Rae· quetball Club 3, 4 . • Ski Oub 2. 3, 4 , .. Wister· Jan 4 . , . Yearbook 4

Chrlatopher M. Sheedy


859 Euchd Avenue Wamngton, PA 18976 3431051 Bowling 1, 2 . . Sptrlt Oub 3, 4 ..• Baseball 3(L), 4(L) Intramural$ 1, 2. 3 , 4 •.. National Ment Semifinalist 4

John J. SUlquinl


50 Welsh Road Huntingdon VaUey, PA 19006 947-6946 Soccer 1. Bowling 2. 3, 4(L·Captaon) •.• Intra· murals l , 2, 3, 4 . . Chess Oub 2, 3, 4 •. Band 1, 2. 3, 4 .. Photo Oub 4 ... District Or~stra 4 .•. Yearbook 4 • Chnsttan Activities 4 .•• NHS 3 , 4




Michael F. Simon


3424 Vaux Street Phlledclphla, PA 19129 849 4750 Football 1, 2. 3 Wresthng 3, 4(L} murAls l, 2, 3, 4 Racquetball 3, 4

Kenneth M. Smith 1621 Bonnie Bnu>. Drlvll



Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

322·0760 lntremurals 1, 2, 3, 4

•. Track I

Stephen G. Solecki 6321 N Falrhlll Street


Phllad!!lphla, PA 19126

224-7068 Baseball 2, 4 Wisterletl3, 4 • NHS 3, 4 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3(Rep ), 4 Scholastic "t.•• 1.

3,4 Eugene J . Spirito 4033 Fallway Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444



Footballl, 2, 3, 4{L) Track 3, 4 .. lntramur· Scholastic "L" 2

els l, 2, 3, 4 .

Michael Stelaclo


562 Sanger Street Phlladclph!a, PA 19120 745-67~

Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 ltldoor Track 1, 2. 3, 4 . Spring Treck 1, 2, 3, 4 lntramuralsl, 2

Drew D. Stockmal


3352 Morris Road Landsdale, PA 1944o 584-4164 Soccer 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) , Tennis l(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4{L) • NHS 3, 4 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .• Student Council 3, 4{VIce-Prn ) •.• Schofas. tic

"L" 1, 2, 3, 4

. _ . . .. ......., 2582 Valley View Drive


Huntingdon Vall.y, PA 19006

947-3681 Soccer 1, 2, 4 • Student Council 4 .. NHS 4 Band 1, 2, 4 Sc:hoiAitic "L" 1, 2, 4

VIet• &.cladolakJ 922 Longfield Road


Erdenheim, PA 19118 836-4917 NHS 3, 4 Intramural. 1, 2 , 3, 4 •• Spirit Committee 1, 2, 4 ... Council District Confer

ence 3


Scholaatlc "L" 1. 2, 3, 4

Ronald Streeper

Eugene Spirito

Drew Stockmal


Jeffrey Thomas

Richard Sullivan

Brian Sullivan

Robert Sullivan


Tibor Terek

Brian K. Sullivan


447 Greenwood Avenue W~ncote, PA 19095 572-5934 Forum 1, 2, 3 , 4(NoY1Ce Master) Yearbook 2. 3.. lntramurals 2. 3. 4 . . Bowling Oub 1 . Scholastic " L" 3, 4

Richard D. Sulllvan


537 Evergreen Lane Lafayette Hill , PA 19444 82 ...02.1:\ Baseball!. 2, 3, 4 •. , lnlramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 .. , Yearbook 4 ... NHS 3. 4 .•. Scholastic ''L'' 1. 2, 3, 4 , , Nattonal Merit Commendation 4

Robert .1. SuiUvan


2307 South Gilinger Road Lafayette H1ll, PA 19444

.lames Tannahill

828·1285 Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4

Tbom.. .1. Tafe 88 Buckshire Drive


Holland, PA 18966 355·8874 Track and Field 1 Wrestling 2, 3 ... Baseball 2, 3 , 4 ..• Sk1 Club 2 •. lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4

.loacpb A. Tammaro


3109 Plymouth Rock Road Norristown, PA 19401

277.()64() Wrestling 1 . . lnrramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 . . • Photo Club 3 • . Racquetball Club 2, 3

.lame• B. TannabW


13471 Stevens Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 676·7649 Soccer 1, 2, 3 ... Wrestling 1, 2, 3 , 4 .. Nation· al Merit Fmalist 4 .. Wisterlan 3 , 4 .•. Year· book 4(Assistant Businl!ss Editor) .•. lntrdntUrcsl~ 1. 2, 3, 4 .. Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3, 4

Tlbor Terek 4509 North 4th Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 3 29.7075 Computer Sc•ence League 2. 3. 4 . 1, 2, 3 , 4 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 .. phy Club 2, 3, 4 •.. Chess Club 2. 3 2, 3, 4 . . Forum 3. 4 . . NHS 3. 4 . t>c


Mathleles Photogra· .. Bowl.ng . Scholas·

"L" I , 2, 3, 4

Jeffrey S. Thomaa 1905 Hemlock Road


Flourtown, PA 19031 233.5997 Band 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) Theater 3. 4 lntramurols 1, 2 , 3. 4 . Cross Country/Track 1, 2 .•. Rocquetball3, 4 • •• Scholastic "L" 1. 2, 4

Thoma• Tafe


Dexter Vilar

Jonathan Wahl

Brian Timoney

Robert Toft


Mark Timmerman

Mark Timmerman


2111 Chapman Circle Jamison, PA 18929 3434267 Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4(Ass. Capt.) . .. Wlsterian 3, 4 .•. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • National Merit Commendation 4

Brian Timoney b24 East Gravers Lane


Wyndmoor. PA 19118 233·2439 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterlan 1, 2, 3. 4 . . Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Scholastic ''L" 1, 2, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 . National Merit Commendation 4

70 Robert F. Toft Cedar Hill Road Springhou~e. PA 19477 643-0654 Theater 2, 3. 4 .• , Rellgious Activities 4 Yearbook 2, 3 .•. Wisterian 2. 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 • • esc 4 Dexter M. Vllar


11 Fawn Lane Horsham. PA 19044 443.{)917 Wisterlan 2, 4 . . Art Club 3, 4 .. . Theater and Stage Crew 4 . Scholastic "L" 1. 3, 4

Jonathan C. Wahl


146 Tennis Avenue Ambler, PA 19002


Crew l, 2. 3, 4 .. . Art Club 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3,4 Alan .J. Wal•b


232 Pepper Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-5376 Baseball 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) . Wistertan l, 2, 3, 4(Editor) .•• Yearbook 2, 3, 4{Typlng Editor} ._ . lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4 Racquetball Club 3. 4 •• Band 2, 3 , 4 • Scholaslic "L" 1. 2. 3, 4

Seth Walsh 20 Benezet Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 248-3057 CSC 1 • • • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Richard .J. Webster 7401 Keiffer Srreet Philadelphia, PA 19128

482-0424 Seraphim 1, 2, 3, 4 . •. Football 1, 2 . Theater 2, 3, 4 ,, . Band 1, 2, 3 , 4 . .. Scholastic "L" 1


Robert f. Weikel 6D 5769 S. Deer Run Road Doylestown, PA 18901 794-5684 FootbaU 1. 2, 3, 4. . Track and Field I, 2, 3, 4 .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Yearbook 3, 4 ••. Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4 ..• NHS 3, 4 Karl E. Weraer 7D 1435 N. Trooper Road #I Norristown, PA 19403 584·5800 Ski Club 2. 3, 4(Pre$1dent) . Photo Club I, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 2, 3, 4, Wbterian 2, 3, 4 .• Theater 1. 2, 3. 4 .•. Stage Crew(mgr) . NHS 3,4

Robert E. Wlaaloo 7635 Brookfield Road Cheltenham, PA I9012 635-1255 lntramurals I, 2. 3, 4


Jame a Wlesenhutter

Jam. . WleMDb•tter 2D 4 130 Davisville Road Hatboro, PA I9040 674-2940 Theater 2, 3, 4 esc 1, 2. 3. 4 .•. lntnmur· als 1, 2, 3, 4 Cbarlea T. WUeoo 3D 316 Montier Road Glenside, PA 19038 886-2983 Crew l(Ll. 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ..• esc 2. 3 ••• lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • • Spirit Oub 3, 4 ... F.A.D.C (President) Robert z..ldalell 4D 3018 Butler Pike Conshohocken, PA 19428 825-6582 Soccer 1, 2. 3, 4(U .. lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4

Robert Wbalon

2 16



Karl Werner

Charla WIIMn

Robert Weikel

Robert Zamichiell


Mike Anderer: "Mutant Lifter" "Yogurt" "Tackle It" "Capt'n" Doug Atkln•on: "Chestamania" "Ug!" "Excuse me while I flex" "Negative net loss!!" "Hey, Leon, my h11t' "LeiS Lift" Vince Barth: "Soap on a Rope" ''Epitome of the Lll Salle Don Juan" "Rhawnhurst Is my life" Jeff &ck: "Walt's best friend" "What's everyone storing 11t?" "T11Iks as fast liS he types" "I can't yell. 1t'll wreck my voice" Ron Bean: "Br011d and Lycoming" "Tastes great" "Runs the reds" "Almost Lll Salle's fastest" Joe Belcher: "Ye11h sure, that's what I did" "Greet open-net scorer" Jerry Birch: "Gerolds" "Turns yellow In· stead of ten" "Saxophone straps are In now" Jim Blount: "Bo" "king can" "proved he WliS more than just another pretty lace on the football field" Joe Boardman: "Neanderthel man" "La Salle's most unnoticed strong man" Andrew Bonner: "Fiend" "Where's the nurest mirror?" "Sit next to me during the test" "Look me In the eye and say th11t" Pete Bouow: "Thllt'sllcra~yldell " "I can go Into the library with my jacket" "slacker" "Kermit" "Siumoblle" John Bottlnger: "One more of Lll Salle's JBs" "lose to spnnters In the h11lf" "Freight traln" John Brown: "II your mother only knew" "llvllnte-gllrdtst gone awry{the thriltshop Wllrd· robe)" "Ukes dead things - the Grateful, the Milkmen" "Another JB" Joe Brozo•kl: "The other JB" "Joe Bro" "Smokln Joe" "I ate th11t up" "King of the Judge dances" Fran Bruno: "Snoot" "It's such fun" Matt Buchanan: "Bfll's best friend" "Buck· nan" "Bucheee" " K11~oooo" "Eyebrows" "Grell! dramauc sarcasm" Ed Butler: " Mr. Tllt·li·Whtrl" "Frld11y night jog." "Eddie-dog" "Only person with a Led Zep· pUn poster over his toilet" Jon Caffey: "Mush m11n" "Te11m Xerox" "Jon Crashy" "Reclusing" "The Punk" Joe Canavan: "alr-Canavlln" "dog killer" "C11naboy" "Birdman" "Te11m Xerox" "Dukes" Mike Cantwell: "Where's your key?" "The l11id back 4.8" "Yo, dude, I got sn11gged 11g11in" "Rat" "Bonng report c11rds" Tom Capper: "Void" "V11cuum" "Bruce rules" "Feeds the squirrels" "Lives in C11pe M11y County, N.J , 11nd loves It" "Oh yeeaah" Mike C.Ny: "The unsung hero" "J.Y D." "M11yor" "Brutse Brother I" "hook me up" "Thllt's what I mun" Julea Cattle: "Jules nut" "Who's your bllr· ber?" "Fre11k" 'D.F." "How's French?" 'Styl· lng mousse' Scott Chadwick: "Stink" "weed·mllster Scott 'Herblllife pioneer" "How's the snow f11ll?" "Have a coke and 11 smile" "Nice Bollt" lbor Cbemyk: "Ptng ding" "Ptcks on little kids - or Is It Oleh?" "One half of the terrorist twins''

Oleb Cbemyk: "Ping dong" "Picks on little kids - or Is It lhor?'' "The other terrorist com· rade" John Chun: "World's greatest driver" "Ab· sent for every Y·book deAdline" "Famous pencil twirler" "Black belt In time wasting" Dave Cianci: ''MuJ~c man" "slick" "Elvis polyster khaki - argyle - black patent le11ther shoes" BlU Clinton: "Weren't you supposed to go to McDevitt?" "Dropped thllt dime" "Dan- yell" "Team Xerox" "Hi, I'm BiU" Ma.rk Collettl: "Wh11t's that caterpillar?" Steve Connell: "Ellrthtones" "lkea shrimp pusher" "One of those guys who was let off with three ye11rs of Lll Salle"

Tom Connell: "Ryhmes with Steve Connell" "One of those Lawncrest ruflans" John Connor: "Almost rhymes with Tom and Steve" "What can we print, John, nobody wrote anything" "J.C." "Most likely to become a priest" Rich Copley: "American defector" "What's up Rich" "Bugman" "La Salle couldn't have done without you" Tom Coatdlo: "Dig ttl" "Ah. dad. I had an· other accident" "Columbian connection" "Sid ney" Terry Cummlnga: "Most llkely to be David Letterman" "Remember Sprmg Mountain?" "Spot. the dog-laced boy" John Cunningham: "Whitey" "J C." "Slammer" "Spe11k softly Md carry a big foot" "Al bino" "Just drop me off at Clover" Larry Daly: "Jack Is such a load" "Sire sqUire" "The odor of accomplishment" "Fred Flinstone" "Raiders socks" Tony D'Angelo: "Pony" "Dangalo" "I pony Tony" Tom Darragh:"Welghs himself on a postal scale" "mess with the wrong dudes" "great dl· rechons" Ed DeAngell•: "Eddie Fresh" "Miami VIce" Jerry Dumond: "De~" "00" "Mr Diehl's buddy'' "Turns black during the summer" "Stale" "Mountain lover" Dana DeVIce: "Sweatshirt collection from every college" "Fastest hands In the Ellst" "Met· al head" "X~rew guy" Rich DeVIncent: "Richle-D" "Schul t~ " "Dashing DeVIncent" "Cutback king" "Tele· phone operator" "Stang" "He'll say the wier· dest things sometimes" "How's the surf In Avalon?" Jim Devine: "Everybody's favorite" Pete Dierkea: "You better not go b11ck In O'Toole'sroom" "$300 fine" "But Mr Officer,l was only doing 150" "I wAS attAcked by a vam· p1re no. rully" "Most likely to succeed In not succeeding." Jim Donahue: "They call it the blue bomb" "I talk softly, but I carry a big GPA" "Bourgeois caplta!Js1" Brian Dougaot: "It's no fun" "The Pike" "Chevy" "N D.B.F" "Chigger" "Happy Ha· watilln" "Anyone wen Jerry?" 'It's casual" Sean Dougherty: "Sid" "South Street regu· Jar - thrift shop clothes" Dan Elcock: "Famous La Salle sports man· ager" "Big lines on the soccer field" "Bang yo head" "Sees the world through psychedelic col· ored glasses" " Mr. C's headache" Tim Ernat: "The acorn" "Stroker Ace" "Nova" "Row, row, row your bOllt" Bill Faby: "Billy Bob" "Ha, ha, ha" "Did any· one see Glui?" "Everything Is okay on my side" Rich Fegley: "Yo, c~~n I get a ride home?" Dave Fieber: "Harry" "Fish" "Beats the clock out of every class" John Fitzpatrick: "Fitz" "Barrel gut" "JAFO" " MC" "Hobbles Include Ballet dane lng" "Why I oughta ... naaa' "Lll Salle's fore· most mimic" "CoiiSrll's favorite target for verbal abuse" "Unapologetically bourgelos (the Saab,

polo s·lrts, horned rims" John Forbu: "Does the P.A work?" "You wMt 1t, you got tt'' "Election was fixed" "com· munication" Bob Franks: "'Flame hud" "'What happened to your crew cut?" ''Defective space shuttle warnmg beacon" "Rapunzel'' "Rufus" "Mary Lou Retton" Bob Gick: "V.P." "'I see h1m at mass" "Are you really that old?" Andy Giletti: "Surf's up" "Gmo's Garden Center" "Daddy.Q" "Rad" "I tell y11" "Big Guuuuy" Chria Giu.Hrioa: "Gets bus-sick" "CatHru" "South African scattermg vermin" "North American woodland vermin" "Feed the chick ens"

Brian Grady: "Yo, what's wrong with 01 ney?" "Le11ther" Tlm Green: "Gangus" "The Gang Green" "Want a cracker?" Frank Gregor: "Paco" "Pug" "Porky" "We could go on" Rob Griffith: "Oh yeah Rob, tell me another one" " KJII any monsters with your hands?" Ken Hackman: "Packm11n" "Gackman" "Kenny Huck" "Hacky sack" "Dancln' On Air shoes" "Ruor broke" Phil Hagerty: "Pumpkin cruiser" "All gilled up in barbed wire" "Show and tell" "Snowman" Cbria Haley: "Hae-lee" "Biological wASte product'' "Blue-green algae" "Fungus" "Commno Knowledge" "Plate" Eugene Halua: ''Muntng and Purpose" "An· other caterpill11r" "Palsley" "Ellrthdog" Bud Hanaen: "Elmer" "S.C.E." "Elm tree" "Yo fudd" Mike Hanaon: "Sorry. Mike, no reply at all" Emmett Harkina: "Ernmie-bear" "Wagg~e" " Main line elitism personified" "never one to underestimate his own abilities" "wishes he was Mark Di~~nno" ''The Perm" "Sweet J" "concussion" Steve Harrer: "Meko's Ed McMahon" "The shadow" Todd Hellmann: "Germlnator" "Turner's boy" " Are you really bored, or does It just seem that way?" Henry Henczel: "Seven Dutch boys trying to plug a dyke" "Old man" "PAStels" "Argyle house" " Mr. not-so-macho" "Later dude" Matt Herold: " Webster's best Friend" "54 3" "Hark" "Smile Much?" Skip Hofmann: "Skip's Postulate "69" "The Far Side Look" "I have three questions .•• and also a Suburban" "Flipper" "Skiperoo" Bryce Holton: "Reagan. teacher's pet" "Ma· nne boy" 'The eyebrow" "Favorite pllstlme: planning foreign policy" Tom Houlaban: "Beaker, Mr. Spock" "The whip" "Shark" "Cut him 11 break" Joe Irwin: "First person to get a 5.0 GPA'' "N1ce lunch Period" "Joey.'' "Yo-Joe" "Study Vocab Much?'' "Haley's comet fre11k" "Lurch" "Hud Y-book slacker" "Geiger's Fnend." "Si· necure' "Oavus Maximus"

Chris Jacobsen: "My knees hurt" "over· achiever" Jeff Je•ko: "Great mouse" "Arlen's best buddy" Neil Ju•en: "Funny man" "A man with a thousand sneers" "The Moth from Hell" "M11d M11n" "Neil Yessen" "LaSalle's most ridiculous laugh" Tim John•on: "T.J." "Hoops" "Doni be l11te for the prom" Hillary Jordan: "He11d photo club slacker" "AV-Man" "Yes, he Is a sWimmer" "Hill" "Jil· lary Hordan" "Hickory" Bill Juba: "Hanging out at Wendy's wtth Ka· ren" "Always gets a ride from Cummings" "Ju· Ju" Matt Kane: "Matt-heuuuuw" "The best an· swers In English IV history" "SAAD" Ed Kelly: "Goes to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays" "But Mrs. McGovern, I was sick on Friday" "over the hills and far away" "Flurries! Let's go skiing" Jim Kelly: "Wave man" "I'm going to do my religion homework In the pit" Pat Kelly: "Penn Football" "Barbed wire doesn't cut me" "Ray bans" "spot" "ya gotta love it" "Dingle Bells" "Flat" Tom Kent: "Super" "Urn, got any money?" "Freddie" "Wake up" "It's bugged" "Likes to sprint to the door" Ira Kern•: "Iron City" Tim Kilian: "Fud" "Neanderthal man" "Hits parked cars and kills snowmen" ''Yes, sir" ''Ogre·man''

Eric Klein•chmldt: "We won't print that one" "Ghetto member" "Guess what I did be· fore the economics exam" Bernie KUng: "I hate that kid, don't you?" "Kling" "Kiingon" "It's poetry" "Bernie McCabe JR" Ed Koebert: "From Italian food to fast food" "Gumby" "Hey, you, for the world" "How do you like your Hamburger" "when the wind blows" "big boot" "Pinky, nice kitchen floor" Mark Kootz: "Dio" "Ohio" "Fred" "Copklller" Andy Kraft: "Kraft Macaroni and Cheese" "Loves the Avalon pollee" "Small kraft warn· ings." "U-Haul" "Eggs much?" "Duck walk" "Demolition derby man" "Married yet?" Pete Kretzu: "reboog" "queer-bate" "Kara· te king" "Cianci's twin" "Cant miss Miami Vice" John Kuhn: "Burger King" "El Camino of life" "Wait, he doesn't have an El Camino" Chrl• Kulp: "Kulpster" "Want some pizza" "I have a girlfriend" "No biscuit" Matt Ledwith: "Summer blond" "Life· guard" "Malty-dog" "Matt, can I borrow your lemon oil?" "Thinks he can surf" "qulckdraw" " What tax bracket 11re you In, baby?" Charle• Lee: "Allergic to pool, but he's a swimmer'' •'zoomiee''

Tim LeFevre: "Jon Claude Capital" "Oh Jeeez" "Eat It, pig!" "Look Jake, a full moon"

"That how you warm up for a match, Tim?" "No way!" "Stab me in the back" Ken Lehr: "Always second behind Pete" "Loves Pears" "Posture perfect" Guy Lembach: "What a guy!" "What can you say?" Bill Le•oravage: "Hohum" ''Wild Willy" "Dustbuster" "Always ridin' his bike" "Let's go surfin" "Gimme a break guys, I've had a rough day" "Tubes in LB. I." Dale Lintner: "Interests: Amy, sports, math/ computers, Amy" "part of the legendary Assumpta clliSS of 1982" Paul Lmewski: "Moose" "Must be a mean checker" "If he was built more like a truck he'd be buUt like a tank" Rick Liszewski: "Hunting and fishing" "Tur· key, hunter" "Mountain man" "Polish clown who gets along great with Parisi on the field" John Livingood: "Dylngbad" "Slime" "verbs, verbs" "Doc Holiday's" "Morals?" "Even his name doesn't make sense" "Whls-peu man" " Ardsley's contribution to juvenile delln· quency" John Londergan: "Shaves twice a day" "Breakdance" "Doodle" "John, don't give my number to strange girls anymore" George Loos: "Don't mess" "Stay away" "Only Rangers fan around" "Loos" "Mr. New York" "George of the Jungle" Mark Loschiavo: ·• An Italian from Roxbor· ough- the worst kind" "Yoda" "Hey wow, It's Sears" "Where's the trash heap?" "How's your hair?" "Dont give me that smile" Walt Lutz: ''I'm always working, but I never get finished" "Waaaally" "How m11ny tickets does It take to lose a license?" "That typeWriter" "All the teacher's hate me" "It's not my fault" Pete Lyons: "Did I ever tell you about my trip to Spain?" "An intellectual oasis In the heart of Olney" "I'll do anything to be ranked first" Alex Mac.k lin: "I'm chlllin' and we'll be d!l· lin'" "I'm down With run" "LL cool J" "Abba Harlchrisna" John MacLeod: "Join the trench coat brl· gade" "Depeche Mode" "I don't make mon· keys, I just train them" "The mousse Is loose!" "O'Toole's pet" Marc Madison: "I ran a 9.2 in Freshman year" "I need a hair cut" "I gotta be home by three" "Sh, Sh, shut up!" Frank Maguire: "I don't know, does he wear a board behind his shirt?" "Loves Latin" "I thought you were racing" Andy Ma.rszalek: "He got huge" "Works at sev" "Blue boy" "I stepped on a shell" Dave Martella: "Mr. President - Dickie Nixon" "Fireball" "light My Fire" "Heat Mi· ser" "Fire and brimstone sermons" Mike Matthew•: "Phi Slamma Jamma" "M squared" "Manute Sol" "Diploma after one year at La Salle" "Willie McGee" Bill Matthews: "I'll drop you like a bad hab· it" "Mentally disturbed since states" "Ukes to double date" "La Salle'smost creative photogra· pher" "That's not right" "Cool, you're a man" "I got me a flim-flam on the green stamp" Art Mattia: "How was your ski trip?" "Should have gone to Ryan" Pat Mazzarelll: "Maza-Ball" "weighs ten ex· Ira pounds fully dressed(the chains)" "Phlegm man" "You're a ten today" "Gold" Chuck McAnally: "The poodle" "Uh, Mike, can I have a ride" "One of the reasons why Brother Thomas should have stayed In bed" Niall McCall: "Alex, I met this bad freak" "She had green eye.s" "River" "I'm down with run" "One half of the most creative La Salle football jackets" "Yo, you better play Power 99" Sean McCook: "Should have been black" "Tastes great" "Team Xerox" "peppercorn" "#19 boy" Seamus McElligott: "He must be from Southern Ireland" "How can you be late for class so many times?" "Seamus of the track" "Late slip collection" "Influenced by sprinters"

John McGowan:"Peanut" "Palooka" "John Pete" "Doesn't believe In handing anything in on time" "lr11nsplanted McDevitt person" " Alltime cafeteria grubber" "terrorizes underclassmen for fun" Terry McGuigan: "Yo Terr," " Ter·ree" C hip McKeaney: "Jimi McKeaney" "Real name?" "Steve Carlton twitch" "hves at Jim's house" Matt McKenzie: "Moran's shadow," "Yo Matt" Matt MeLee•: "Wake up" "Can't mistake that laugh" "Daryl" "North Hills boy" "slaved at Riuo's" "Thioplan look alike during wrestling season" "planned for senior week last August" John Meko: "Yes, I am a beach bum" "a lot of band credits" "Wait 'til my parents lind out" "Cool beans" 'Swellness" "#20 boy" "How late Is Carter's open?" Keith Melinson: "Darrel" "Wrestles 30 pounds under his weight" "Disco" "Beaver" "At21 boy" "This is the life" "Don't touch my hair" "That's why I came to La Salle" Jim Merritt: "Rocky V - the one he lost" "Wants to be a dentist" "AI Capone is Scarface" Mike Mlehle: "Spock" "The beaver" "Yo, La Salle" " What!!!" "Mr. Hollo's best friend"

Ke vin Miller: "Blush" "GieM Frey" Paul Minecci: "Bob Ucker" "Surely you jest" "Difficult clliSS work makes him laugh" Dave Mitchell; "Roff crawler" "crash" John Monaghan: "Victor Idol" "Speed Rae· er" "Great Mr. Puntel look alike" "lmaglnery Jeep" "WESTEC" "Taco Bell" "Dewey" Joe Mooney: "Moon man" "Moon unit" "My ancestors were astronomers" "Wann11 see my pictures" Ned Moore: "Elf" "Gotta smoke" J oe Moran: "Joe Morgan" "Get the phone" "The fifth Beatie" "Mr. Clorox" "Iced tea man" "Norton" "Calls shore pay phone from home" John Morrissey: "I'm gonna blow this year off" "Inventor of the Morrissey maneuver" "Gummy Bears" "Dr. Scrubb" "Uh, what stop sign?" "Where are all your hub caps?" Carl Motz: "Hunt" "That's the jawn" "American Gigolo" "Pud" "What did Fagloli call you?" Matt Moyer: "See ya In O.C." "Bruise Broth· er II" "M squared plus B squared" "Goldie· locks" "Uwe" "Trading Places"

Alan Ramaey: "Too often miStaken for Walsh" " Manuel Que" Wade Redcrota: •·suade'" "Oineson" "Obsequious" "Velvet' 'Slow down, Wade" "twen· ty band credits" "Snoopy" "saz symbol" BW Reinhardt: ''Pick 'em up don't leave 'em up" "When the tough gets going, the going gets tough" "Perpetual Laughter"

Tim Muayhy: "Smurf" "You're docked" "Turn It off back there" "Idol of the Intellectual ghetto" "C'mon, Larr" Mark Noonan: "They call me Mellow Yellow" Ch .. O'Brien: " Mel's best friend?" "AlE" Joe O'Connor: "How's your uncle?" "smurfs on cars -too wet In the ocean" "Raps Intellectual puns with O'Toole" "Let's hang In Brother James' office" Eogan O'Donnell: "Only Eogan In PA" "PUsbury dough boy" "Don't Interrupt me Eogan" "Cheese" "DQ guy" "You look mahvelous" "Wears hawaiian shirts every day" Sean O'Halloran: "G.Q." "B.A ... "I hate it It's such a sellout" "Samsonlte" "Extra baggage" "That's rough" Vince Olivieri: "Fun ski trip?" "Earring collectlon" "Chi-chi" Tom O'Malley~ "Another Lawncrest guy" "Spike" Jim O'Mara: "Hold the Mayo" "0 P." "Worships the porceline god" "Come on Mr Devine, tt's only 8:37" "I got the blazer today" SbaUub Patel: "Bagwaan Rajneesh" "Two college veteran already" "Help me with my math?" "La Salle's closet athlete" "51 Manubl, my favorite guy" Kevin Pavlick: "Who's that In the closet?" "Kev, It's for you" "On the phone again?" RJch Penuliar: "Riehle P." "Rowdy Rich" Tim Petrilli: "What are you trying to say?" "Who broke thal window?" "Teddy bear"

Bob Rich: " Mr Geiger, JR" ''Rich Bob" "RJ" "Arj" "Would I be peeping In these shorts?" " Watch the ears!' "Eggs" "Skate Away" Todd Ritteohoute: "Pee Wee" "Paige" "Ted" "Toddles" "Bat MobUe" Cletua Romano: "The list could go on" "OH nooo" "Leave me alone" "Bike rider" "ahead of his tune" '' Walks halls at record speeds" "Lost a fight with his locker" "Let's play hide and seek In the library" Pete Rotella: "Little Moose DuPont" "Spud" Nick Rudnytzky: "A day In the life of Nick" " KGB" "Pseudo-Intellectual" Mark Sabo: "Parks In teachers parking lot" '"Nixon Is not that bad" "I need more salt" "Moustache hasn't grown since Freshman year" "I got work to do - every college wants me badly" Mike Suoo: "The troll" "Freddy Kreuger" "Wah" "Zarno" "The Ninja from Trolland" "Bill Carter's best fnend" "Patton's spirit llves on" "Leaves Cobden at 2:45" John Scarpello: "Another Italian from Rox· borough" " Right guys" "South Street" ''You needn't say that" Paul Schaefer: "Lives in his big brother's shadow - steps on his little brother" "David Letterman" "Hello, hello" Matt Schoolt: "I'll bet his list hurts" "Escuelas" "Do you have directions to the BY ?'" Mlke Sharkey: "Can't keep a job" "Shark" "Where's Pollick?" Chrla Sheedy: "Forget the wmdslueld wiper, I'll use my arm" "309, I thought that was the speed limit" "Roy Hobbs" John Slllquinl: "ONLY a 4.8" "What did you get?" "The yellow heap" "Egomania" "Sell your watch & get a real car" "No Joe, walk!" Mike Simon: "Lencho" "Falls asleep in class - every class" "No really, Brother, I was Usten·

Brian Sullivan: "Irene's friend" "A)'s little brother" "Ed's grandson" Rich Sullivan: "Inch" '"Centerfield" "Trip face" "sleepy" "Chlck·fii·A" ''Kick back 4.5" Rob Sullivan: "What's the world look llke through those eyes?" Tom Tafe: "Tommy Tafee" "Head butt" "22 points" Joe Tammaro: "Cabbage Patch ktd" '"Pacman" " Anybody seen Jeff?" "Guido" "Cheeks" Jim Tannahill: "The ftsh "The falrlane" "Naval Academy" "We gotta talk, BUI" "0 1eez" "Blue bomber' "Physical specimen to be reckoned with" "Plebe" Tibor Terek: " Mr AP. course" '"Easy roster, nbor" "Russell's right hand man" Jeff Tbomaa: "Porrecca's other personality" " Midnight chases and unscheduled detours" "Evolved from a band guy to a theatre guy" Mark Timmerman: "Hockey" "Living proof that anyone can get a scholarship to La Salle" Brian Timoney: "Baked potato" "Lose your comb, dude?" " Most llkely to abridge Webster's dictionary" "Smiley" "Dude" "AAAH" Bob Toft: "La Salle's most phlltsophlcal cynDexter Vilar: "Menudo" "A senous power surge" "houselights" "There's an Engllsh paper due" "Roger Taylor haircut" Jon Wahl: " My favonte tWin sister" "bar·b-Q potato chips" "BS2s" "Salty sa!Jva" Alan Walah: "Chemist" "those bears" "Golden Chariot" "Did someone say baseball" "OPG" "Get a hop" "Feed the squirrels today?''


George Pickul: "George Is my friend" "Don't tape me up, George" "Tinted Glasses" "Jewish Ptckul" "Murray" Jim Pileggi: "Jerry's X-Brother-ln-law" "camping In the studlo" "Who's tn the band this week?" Chria Pollick: "Hey Chief' "Ever kill anyone on the ski slope?" "Hammer" "I don't want to be captam" "You c.all that a pushup?" '"Did anyone do the homework?'" Craig Pomplaa: "La Salle's most successful student as punker" "South Street Poverty" "How am I going to work with thlt kid all year?" "I gorta catch my bus" "AL-TARS" Scott Porreca: "Smaller than his Freshman brother" "Jeff Thomas' shadow" "D Scott" "Don't ask Chuck, he looks psychotic" "Talks too much" Harry Portland: "Tests Brother John's NHS tolerance to the maximum" "1"11 do better, Broth· er' Jeff Purtell: "Peddler of decadence and debauchery" "academically peaked out Freshman year" '"favorite streets: Bell's Mill Road and Li· meklln Plke"

Ken Smith: '"ABE" "Hey, dude,let'sbulldan engine" "Amish boy" "Flying jeep" "Watch me breakdance" Steve Solecki: "Does that shower come Wlth a massage?" " My man" Eugene Spirito: Gene, the dancln' ma· chine" "Eug" " What ls that In your ear'>" "Loves his work" "Earring betrays Italian her! tage" MJke Stelaclo: ''Tunnel vision driving" "Life doesn't revolve around Rising Sun and Levick, Stosh" "Right guys" Drew Stock mal: "Fire chief" "Scruff" " What do you have there, son?" "You ilUn', I'm chtllin"' Roo Streeper: "Streep" "Roue" "chromolids" "Rolland' 'Tm runntn' to Sea Isle" "I racked my car' "Don't touch my sister" VIctor Suchodolald: "Dr. Scrubb" "VIctor the Splctor" "Pilgrim shoes" "Mr Shoobie" "Favorite driving surfaces median strips" "You really hate to see that happen"

Seth wa..h: "It's paramount, you see, that we must par-ty" "I love snow days" "Drives without a llcense" "Got a nickel?" Rich Webater: "My salivary glands explode with delight" "Whatever happened to the batmoblle?" "Can anyone here play" ''Colour My World'?" "Classic theatre geek - and proud of it" "At last, a real human being" "knows all the answers none of the questions" Rob Weikel: "Wtnky" '"Could quit school and make millions mowing lawns" "Only non-farmer in LaHaska" •·Somehow you get an A" Karl Werner. '"Watch It bucko" "Pugsley" "Wild Werner" "Great man behind the scenes" "Dates the faculty's children" Bob Whalon: "I hate It more than O'Halloran" "Outlook on hfe: Nothing" Jim Wieaeohutter: " Wisenheimer" "Don't bring It 1n my car" "La Salle's social radical as conserative{Richard Hofstadter)" "Never one to be shy and quiet" Charlie Wiltao: "Oam-bake' 'Yaks In a stack" "Chuck, McGill's need thetr car washed" "Most tasteless, clusless fan In the history of La Salle basketball" John ZamicbieiJ: "Zamo" "I am last" "The end"

Editor-In-Chief: Joseph J. Irwin Moderator: Mr. William A. Geiger Editor: John Chun Copy Editor: Michael N. Cantwell Layout Editors: Robert J . Franks and Shailesh M. Patel Photo Editor: Hillary R. Jordan Business Editor: James A. Donahue Art Editor: Dexter M. Vilar Typing Editors: Craig T. Pomplas and Alan J. Walsh

Layout Peter Bonfanti Shawn Chun Tom Depman Bob Farrace Joe Guagliardo Phil Hagerty Chris Haley Ken Lehr Mark Loschiavo Pete Lyons Ken Madden John Meko Matt Oberholzer Eogan O'Donnell Drew Reichert Greg Scandone M1ke Sharkey Joe Thomp$0n Andrew Tripodi Chrls W11lsh Marty Wh11len Won J11e Yang

Typ latt Peter Bonfanti Jim Doyle AI Funk Tim Kilian Ken Lehr Charles McNally Drew Reichert Dave Smith

Pbotog raphert Jell Beck thor Chernyk Skip Hofmann Paul Mlnecct Bill Reinhardt Tlbor Terek Karl Werner Marty Whlllen

Art ists Mike Coyle Chris Haley Terry McGuigan Eogan O'Donnell Joe Sielac!o Lou Talamo Paul Wynn

Special Thanks to: Mr Charles Hllpl and Mrs Peggy Braca for undying serv1ce and a good sense of humor. Brother Andrew. Brother James. and Mr. Diehl for much support and criticism. Brother James Steck, Mr Pat Devine. and Mr. Mike Ma1cher for the1r excellent and very useful pictures Bob(Herb Score) Davine (note the spelling) and his wife Rita for their help and advice and good food. Abe Orlick, Gemma, Lee, and all at D11vor photo for their !me photography. The Math Department for tolerating thin walls. Mrs Dorothy Irwin (with an E) for all her help and moral support. especially with that Christmas Eve deadline Mr. and Mrs Baer for their Input and editing. Frodo. Shadow. Zephyrus. Muffy. and Blondie for their loyal companionship end hand licking Anyone who purchases their yearbook and anyone else we might have forgotten.


Writers Joe Atkln$0n Larry Becht Jeff Beck Peter Bonfanti Chris Calhoun James Cantwell Dave Oand Gerry Cosgrove Tom Depman Dana Device J1m Devine Bob Farr11ce Dave Forde Dave Gunn Chris Haley Emmett Harkins Steve Harrer Pat Kelly Tim Kilian Ken Lehr John Livingood Pete Lyons Dave Martella Bill Matthhews Thomas McGann Tim Murphy Joe O'Connor Tom O'Malley Scott Porreu Jeff Purtell Drew Reichert Bill Reinhardt Bob Rich Greg Rletzke J1m Russell Mark Rzemlenlewskl Greg Scandone John SillquJnl Rich Sullivan Jim Tannahill Brian Timoney Dexter Vllar Karl Werner Bualn e.. Bob Clinton Gerry Cosgrove Bob Farr11ce Chris Farrell Dave Forde Tim Kilian Andy Komanowsk: Kevin M1ller M1ke SaW1cky DliVC Smith Rich SulliVan Jim T11nnahlll

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andres Mr. and Mrs. James Archibald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Beveridge Mr. and Mrs. William J . Campion The Cantwell Family Mr. and Mrs. George J . Capaldi Mr. and Mrs. George C. Casper Mr. and Mrs. Won Chull Chun Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Clipner Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J . Coghlan Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Coladonato Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Crane Mr. and Mrs. James A. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Dopkin Mr. and Mrs. Donald Duffy Mr. and Mrs. William P. Durkin Mr. and Mrs. John Farrace Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Fecher Mr. and Mrs. William Fogg Dr. and Mrs. David L. Forde Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Franks Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fraunces The Geiger Family Mr. and Mrs. Nataniel Getzler Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Gilmore Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Giuliano Mr. and Mrs. Jerold A. Glick Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Goetzinger Mrs. Mary Goodyear Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. Charles J . Halfpenny Mr. and Mrs. Harry J . Helverson Mr. and Mrs. William E. Herron Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogan Mrs. Dorothy F. Irwin Mr . and Mrs. Hillary Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J . Kiszely Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J . Kovac Mr. and Mrs. WiiJiam L. Kratz Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kruckenberger

Mr. and Mrs. William J . Lahr Mr. and Mrs. Francis P . Lalley Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Laurenz! Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lemanowicz Mrs. Elaine Mackowiak Mr. and Mrs. James Madden Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J . McAuliffe Mr. Charles J . McGowan Mr. and Mrs. George E. Meagher Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Santo Minghenelli Mr. and Mrs. John J . Muir Dr. and Mrs. Manubhai R. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Patrone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pileggi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poehlman Mr. and Mrs. Norman V. Pomplas Mr. and Mrs. James Reed Mrs. Joanne R. Regan Mr. and Mrs. David E. Reichert Mr. and Mrs. Albino L. Roman Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Saxon Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Schmalbach Mr. and Mrs. George Shaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shields Mr. and Mrs. John J. Siliquini Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sink Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith Dr. and Mrs. John M. Stack Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Tantala Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Tiernan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tilson Mr. and Mrs. John Tyrrell Mr. and Mrs. James D. Vesci Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo V. Vilar Mr. and Mrs. John J . Walls Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Walser Mr. Edward M. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. James J . Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Martin Whalen

!I 223

Acknowledgements ................ 222 Art Club ...................................... 74 Band ............................................ 58 Baseball .................................... 148 Basketball ................................ 134 Blue & Gold ... .. ........................ 70 Board of Trustees ..................... 42 Bowling ..................................... 140 College Day ............................... 55 Computer Club .......................... 76 Cre w .......................................... 152 Cross-Country .......................... 128 esc ............................................. 62 Dedication .................................. 16 Exemplary Celebration ............. 88 Faculty ........................................ 18 Fall Drama ................................. 46


Father / Son Banquet ................. 49 Football ................................... 118 Forum ........................................ 50 Gazebo .................... .................... 77 Gold Patrons ........................... 223 Golf ......................................... 160 Ice Hockey .............................. 144 Index ......................................... 224 lntramurals ................................ 86 Mathletes ................................... 67 Miscellaneous ............................ 84 Mixers .. ....................................... 80 Mother's Club ........................... 48 National Honor Society ............ 54 Photo Club ................................. 66 Public Relations ........................ 43 Racquetball ................................ 69

As long as rivers shall run down to the sea, Or shadows touch the mountain slopes. Or stars graze ln the vault of heaven,

So long shall your honor, your name. Your praises endure. - Vergil

Retreats ...................................... 56 Senior Quotes .......................... 218 Seniors ...................................... 162 Seraphim .................................... 78 Ski Club ..................................... 68 Soccer ...................................... 124 Spirit Club ................................. 79 Spring Musical.. ......................... 64 Spring Track ............................ 158 Student Council ......................... 82 Swimming ................................ 130 Table of Contents ....................... 1 Tennis ....................................... 156 Underclassmen .......................... 92 Winter Track ........................... 142 Wisterian .................................... 44 Wrestling .................................. 146


1986 'Blue and Gold

La Salle College :High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue 'Philadelphia, 'Pa. 19118

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