1987 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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That was then, this is now. These lyrics very aptly apply to the La Salle story. Since the change in location from "Wister Woods" to the roiling green hills of Wyndmoor twenty-five years ago, our community has undergone many visible changes. Although we revere, of course, our past, we live the present and eagerly anticipate the future. Then, we were at Twentieth and Olney, strongly influenced by our city surroundings. Moving to our present location brought much hope of broadening La Salle's community and influence. This hope led directly to where we are now. Now, situated at 8605


Cheltenham Avenue, La Salle has amessed 25 years of transition and growth, culminating in a mix of city and suburban influences and interests. The combination is no where more clearly illustrated than in our vast academic and extracurricular successes, epitomized by our being declared an "Exemplary Private School" by President Ronald Reagan and the Secretary of Education. Our reputation can and will be attributed to the continued drive for excellence on the part of both faculty and students. No matter where we look, we can see that La Salle was then and is now a model institution .





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Without Brother John 0' Alfonso, no senior would survive the grueling college admission process. As the senior gUidance counselor, Brorher John is

constantly called upon to fill oul admission forms and help students choose

the college that is best for them, and somehow he also finds the time to moderate the alional Honor Society. In recognition of his hard work, we dedicate this yearbook to him.

Brother John attended La Salle when it was located at the 20th and Olney

campus, and went on to attend La Salle University, graduating with a B.A. and a Masters degree in Religion. He then

studied French at Georgetown and the University of Rennes in France. He re-

ceived a Masters degree in French from Middlebury College and a Masters in guidance from Villanova. Brother John has been teaching since 1960, when he taught Religion, French, and Latin at Bishop O'Connell High

School in Arlington, Virginia. He moved on to Central Catholic H.S. in Pittsburgh and La Salle University before coming to La Salle in 1970. He taught French and Spanish, and counseled underclassmen, until 1975, when he leh to leach at Archbishop Carroll H.S., where he was director of guidance. He returned to La Salle in 1960 as director of gUidance and NHS moderator. "He's a combination of dedication and true spiritual insight," said Brother Andrew Barr/ey~ a longtime friend of Brother John's. "He has earned the respect of thousands of explorers, because he gives personal attention to each student. He also has an excellent reputation with college admission officers because of his honesty and responsibility. The students agree thai "Brother John has been a great help to me and all of the seniors here at La Salle. If he hadn't been here to help us, few of us

would have gotten our applications in on time or been accepted to the college of our choice." Unfortunately for La Salle, this will be Brother John's last year here. Beginning next year, he will be responsible for training and counseling prospective Christian Brothers who are preparing to take final vows. As part of his new job, he will be traveling throughout the Philadelphia area to speak to candidates for the Brotherhood. "His future position is indicative of the special gifts he posesses and the respect that he commands among the Christian Brothers:' said Brother Andrew. As Brother John leaves La Salle, we all wish to express our gratitude for the work he has done here,and we can only hope that he will be happy and equally successful in his new position.



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Administration Brother Andrew Bartley is everything anyone could want in a principal; he is constantly available to students in need, and he still finds time to run the school smoothly chanting "We are La Salle."

Despite the fact that he is responsible for persecuting (oops, disciplining) students, Mr. David Diehl has become friends with many La Salle students.

Bro. James Rieck gives full support to the family that is La Salle seeing that all activities through the day are carried out efficiently and carefully.


Mr. David Diehl: Vice-Principal for Student Affairs

Brother James Rieck: Vice-Principal for Academic



Brother Andrew Butley: Principal


Mrs. Patricia Schaum

Mrs. Helen Gallagher

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen

Mr. Charles Hilpl: Business Manager

Mrs. Peggy Braca


Mr. Edward Molush: English 2, 3

Mr. Bernard McCabe: English 2, 4

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Mr. Dennis Bloh: English 1,3; Forensics Moderator


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Mrs. Clare Brown: English 1, 3; NHS tutoring program

English Mr. Dennis Bloh will soon conclude his second year in La Salle's English Department. Besides teaching English on the freshman and junior level, Mr. Blah is also the moderator of the Forum, and was director of the Fall Play. His contributions to the English department and successful work in his other activities have made Mr. Blah a valued member of La Salle.

All of us at La Salle have great sympathy for BrOlher David Rogers. Not only must he spend much of his time molding freshmen into a more respectable

life form, but he also much teach English 10 Sophomores and make them more "wise" Ihan "fool." However, Brother Dave's amiable personality and comprehension of literature make him more than up to the task.

Mr. Ed McCilbe is perhaps the most dramatic teacher at La Salle. Whether acting out the last scene from Shane or doing an Oedipus impersonation, Mr. McCabe always gives an award winning performance. Mrs. Claire Brown is one of the most relaxed teachers at la Salle. Her classes have such a relaxing atmosphere that sometimes you tend to zzz. Oh sorry, but seriously, in Mrs. Brown's classes you can enjoy the pleasure of relaxing while you learn (English I and EngliSh It).

have such a relaxing atmosphere that sometimes you tend to zu. Oh sorry, but seriously, in Mrs. Brown's classes you can enjoy the pleasure of relaXing while you learn (English I and English 11). Mr. Edward Molush is still disappointed about not winning last year's ational league MVP award. An ex-baseball-star turned English teacher, Mr. Molush IS currently coaching baseball at Villanova, in addition to teaching here at la Salle. Did we mention that he likes baseball? Ye,? Okay.

Brolher David Rogers: English 2; Freshman Guidance, Cross Country and Track Moderator, Indoor and

Outdoor Track coach

Doclor Joseph D'Angelo, another sports fan, is one of our new additions this year. He enlivens his freshman Eng¡ lish classes with a good supply of jokes and foreign accents: "The Scottish are verra good storrateliers, laddie." Mr. Bernard McCabe, the man who actually wears sneakers to school, is famous for using cliff notes while teaching his classes. But, if you ask him about it, he'll probably just respond "Nah, nah, get outta here." Mr. McCabe uses the English language in a way that only Eddie Murphy could truly appreciate. Mr. Michael O'Toole is noted for his abstract impressions which include searching for "the chair." According to him there's no such thing as a "blue wall."

Dr. Joseph 0' Angelo: English 1, 2

Mr. Edward McCabe: English 1,4; Asst. Cross Country coach

Mr. Michael O'Toole: Chairperson of English Department; English 4, AP, English Seminar, Creative Writing I, II; Gazebo Moderator; Moderator of swimming. 23

Foreign Languages For more than fifteen years, Mr. George Hohenleitner has served the La Salle German Department, originally with the help of others, but later alone. He has singlehandedly taught every level of German for several years, and his

student always count on his well¡ rounded understanding of the German

language and culture. He also often takes the time to speak to his students on matters of religious debate which are of vital importance today. Though he has relinquished control of the yearbook, Mr. William "Tom Wolfe" Ceiger still finds his way into print though the Wister ian. And, of course, he's proving to his latin students that they are reaping the Benefits Of Taking latin which he promised to them freshman year. Mrs. linda Donahue engages herself daily in a one-woman war to make la Salle students bilingual. In her efforts to reach this goal, Mrs. Donahue has created the theme concept of the Spanish Inquisition; poor students are bound and gagged until they promise to work harder. Mrs. Donahue's driving will has made her a respected (and slightly feared) faculty member. Mr. James Serpiello's unqiue presentalion of Spanish material makes his classes as lively as a can of Mexican

jumping beans. However, he has been known 10 duck oul of classes to get a cup of coffee at times. Brother William Riley always has a funny story to tell his students. His antics, both in class and on the tennis courts, are guaranteed to keep students attentive and entertained. Mr. David Manion, winner of la salle's Most Distinguished Bear Award for 1987, is truly multilingual, as the languages Department Head should be. ot only does he teach la Salle's higher level French courses, but he also teachers first-year Spanish. Or. James Oe"ine is la Salle's cross-cultural communications expert. Yes, he is also the director of Public Relations, but most of us know "The Doctor" as the owner of the '86 Mazda Rx-7. Brother James Steck, or "Frere Jacques," as his French students know him, is best known for teaching his classes entirely in French, confusing many of his students (especially those in French I). As he said, "En c1asse, je parle seulement en francais." Mr. Lucill Rotman is considered an im¡ porlant member to the Foreign language Department and we welcome him aboard.

Brother James Steck: French 1, 2X, Spanish 1; Crew Moderator, Ice Hockey Moderator

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Brother William Riley: Spanish 1,3, 3X, AP; Tennis Coach

Mr. William Geiger: latin 1, 2X, AP, Ecology, Journalism, English 3; Wisterian Moderator, Photography Club Moderator


Mr. James Serpiello: Spanish 1, lX, 2X, 3

Mr. David Manion: Chairperson of Foreign languages Department; French 3, lX, AP, Spanish I

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Mr. Luke Rotman: Spanish 1, 3, lX

Mr. Ceorge Hohenleitner: German 1,2,3, 3X, AP

Dr. James Devine: Spanish 4, Cross-Cultural Communicalions; Public Relalions DireClor



Mr. Michael Ponisciak: Algebra 1, lX, Statistics, Math Analysis I, II; esc CO-Moderator Ms. Maureen Dugan: Algebra 1, 2, 2X

Mathematics There are few men to undertake the task which Mr. James Bradley has. As the supreme leader of the rugged Mathletes, he often finds himself forced to use a whip and chair to conlrollheir wild numberlust. When not leading them on the mathematical warpath, he can be found leaching Algebra and Geometry without mercy. We can only hope that his fearless performance will continue in years to come. Mr. Joseph Radvansky teaches math, but often forgets that he's not on the football field. Parallel lines become yard markers, the distance from point A to point B is the yardage of a long pass, and elipses are footballs. At least his football players keep a good notebook, too. Mr. John Frizalone, "Mr. Friz," brings his own special exuberance to his classes. His enthusiasm for mathemtics has enlightened many a student. However, he has been known to scare small freshmen when he flexes his muscles while mo¡ derating the Track team.

Brother Thomas Dunn: Algebra 2, Geometry, Intro. Calculus, Programming 1; Wrestling Moderator, Men of La Salle Moderator

Maybe someday we can all chip and and buy Mr. James Roche some boxes of unbreakable chalk. The members of his Calculus BC class, all five of them, could get him nice new clothes, as well. But we still have to respect a man who knows that the integral is the inverse of the derivative (remember, you had no right to expect that). Brother James Dreis, one of the new recruits at La Salle this year, teaches Freshman Algebra and Chemistry. His favorite hobbies are watching St. Elsewhere and Hill Street Blues while marking test papers. Brother James is a regular Pierre Curie in Chemistry. Hey, Brother, why is this funny black smoke eating through the table? Brother Thomas Dunn, "The Equalizer," is known for his generosity and perfection; he is the only teacher at La Salle to never have made a mistake, only some minor oversights.

Mr. John Friz.alone: Analytic Geometry, Consumer Math, Trigonometry, Math Analysis I, II, Intro. Calculus; Asst. Track Coach


Mr. Michul Ponisciak is a math analysis and statistics genius. As half of La Salle's first husband and wife combination, Mr. Ponisdak always keeps his classes interested while he extolls the virtues of trigonometry_ Ms. Maureen Dugan represents the true essence of the Math Department.

Mr. James Bradley: Algebra 1,2, Geometry, Geometry/Trig; Moderator of Mathletes

Mr. James Roche: Chairperson of Mathematics Deparlment; Algebra 1X, 2V; Calculus AB, BC

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Brother James Dries: Algebra 1, Chemistry

, Mr. Joseph Radvansky: Algebra 2, 2X, Math Analysis I,ll, Geometry, Geometry with Trig; Freshman Football Coach


Science Mr. Anthony Viggiano is the ultimate teacher/athlete. He is strictly a scientist when teaching Physical Science and A.P. Biology, but he also attends as many La Salle sporting events as humanly possible, and teaches the rigorous athletic training course. He is the only man who can get you into shape and explain how your cells use your body's energy at the same time. Mr. Cerald Evans, the pride and joy of the Biology department, is sometimes mistaken for Richie Cunningham. Rumor has it that he reads out of the book when teaching his A.P. Biology class, but we know better, don't we? Actually, he does manage to liven up the Krebs cycle and the internal organels of a cell with a talent that only Darwin would appreciate. Notice how we didn't call him "Opie" once? Miss Lorraine Rimert not only teaches physics and electricity, where she makes sure that all her students remember F = ma (you should see it on blank walls), but is also head and only member of the Audio-Visual department. Her velocity is con~ stant between these two duties, although she can be found sneaking an occasional ride in the elevator. Mr. Anthony Viggiano: Physical Science, AP Biology, Athletic Training; Athletic Trainer

Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak doesn't say "If you will" too much at all. She has also dismissed the rumor that she can talk forever without taking a gasp of air to our

Mrs. Dorolhy Ponisciak: Chemistry, AP Chemistry

Mrs. Irene Pawlish: Computer literacy, Programming 1, Geometry

Ms. linda Means: Biology, Freshman Biology


Mr. Cerald Evans: Biology, AP Biology, Physical Science

\Its. Lorraine Rimert: Physics, Electricity 1, Z; Auido-Visual Director

Mrs. Julia Maher: Chairperson of Science Department; Chemistry, Physical Science; Student Council Moderator

Brother Talbot Ramsbottom: Biology, Freshman Biology; Moderator :>f Swimming

Brother Randolph Quinn: Physics, Religion 1

Mr. Robert Russell: Programming 2, 4, AP Computer Science, Physics, AP Physics

satisfaction. But seriously, Mrs. Ponisciak, why can't we put hydrochloric acid on alumnium fom "Fellas, you're supposed to be 17, not 7." Yes, ma'am. Mr. Anthony Amand, the Richard simmons of the faculty, still finds time to discuss his two favorite subjects, narcotics and alcohol. When not teaching floundering freshmen to swim, he can actually be found teaching health (that may be only a rumor, though.) The teaching of Biology is lead by Brother Talbot Ramsbottom. With over 27 years of dedication with the Christian Brothers, we are sure he has been forming future La Salle Biologists. Rumor has it that Mr. Robert Russell lives in the computer room, only venturing out occasinally to teach Physics class. When he does teach a Physics class, he is best known for pronouncing the books answers wrong. Howwever, it must be noted that he teaches more AP courses than anyone else at La Salle (two). The Lasalle community would like to welcome Ms. Linda Means and Bro. Randolph Quinn, both have proven to be excellent additions to the Science Department. Mrs. Irene Pawlish is another example of the dedicated teacher here at LaSalle.


Social Studies Department Brother Cui CI.ayton has moved from the Religion Department to History this year, and now teaches American History and Philosophy. His easygoing approach to teaching and lively sense of humor keep all of his classes interesting. As he once said in

Philosophy: "It's important not to put Descartes before the course."

When not coaching baseball, reading minds, or teaching Arabic, Mr. Joseph Parisi finds time to teach his regular (or perhaps irregular would be a better word) classes, passing on his mindreading trick 10 seniors after he teaches them how to spell

Mr. Joseph ColiSlra: Chairperson of Social Studies Department; American History 1, AP, Economics 1, 2; Head Football coach

"Psychology." The expression "1 hear where yOUf coming from" eminates many times from the mouth of Mr. John Grace while he

prompts his classes into intellectually stimulating discussions on subjects ranging from where Hitler made his mistakes 10 the significance of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. Now if we could only get him to buy some moustache clippers, okay, menl Social Studies Department Chairman, Mr. Joseph Colislra is a very imposing figure at la Salle. When people see him walking the halls, they generally tend to get out of his way. Now, if this could only rub off on his football players ... Mr. Thom~s Turner is the true meaning of the word cool. He is an excellent soccer coach and he can teach a little history too. What a manl Mr. Ger~ld Miller has taken responsibility for the Intramural events and has done a tremendous job. Mr. Miller is described as the "presence" of laSalle. Mr. Gerald Miller: American History 1,2, Vietnam; Intra murals Moderator, Asst. Baseball coach


Mr. John Cr..ce: American History 2, World Cultures, AP European History, Hitler and Nazi Germany, Communism; Football Moderator, Theater Moderator Mr. Joseph Parisi: World Cultures, American History 1, Psychology; Soccer Moderator, Baseball coach

Brother C..rl CI..yton: American History 2, Makers of the Modern Mind; Football Moderator

Mr. Thom..s Turner: World Cultures, American History 1; Soccer coach



Brother Aloysius Lumley is certainly the best friend of La Salle's freshmen. H~ has been preparing the underclassmen for what is expected of them for se long that only God remembers now, and he's still going strong.

Though he is hardly seen in the classroom, Mr. Pat Devine is a great asset te the La Salle faculty. Besides guiding the mislead juniors and coaching cross¡ country and track, Mr. Devine also teaches Christian Marriage.

Mr. Ceoffrey Nicoletli is well known for standing on desks when introducin~ an important concept to his freshmen and sophomore religion classes. Mr Nicoletti also has the arduous task of guiding the wayward editors of thi~ book. Good luck.

Mr. Alfred Puntel is the purveyor of morality to the students at La Salle. Hi~ one goal in life is to instill good Christian values into the "godless hordes" h~ must instruct. In his off hours, he can be found making transparencies for hi! overhead projector or collectinR loud ties.

Mrs. Muriel Mehr, teaches Death and Dying, as well as a number of at he religion courses. In her Death course, she tries to give her students a mOH realistic view of death than they had before taking the course. It is rumoree that she once said "I am going to live forever, or die trying." Field trips includ~ a sailing tour down the river Styx.

Mr. Patrick Devine: Marriage; Junior Guidance, Cross-Country and Track coach

Father Anthony Janton, reportedly once played racquetball with Cardina Krol. As our official chaplain, Father Janton is kept busy running the under¡ class retreats, serving mass, and leading the Christian Action Program.

In his first year at La Salle, Brother Ken Cook has proved to be a great asse both in teaching and in helping out here at the Blue and Gold. His friend lines' and kindness have made him popular with many students.

Mrs. Muriel Mehr: Chairperson of Religion Department; Religion 1, Death and Dying, Peace and Justice, Prayer

Mr. Ceoffrey Nicoletli: Religion 1, 2; Moderator





Father Anthony fanton: Campus Ministry, Christian Action Project

Brother Kenneth Cook: Religion 1, 2, World tures; Yearbook Co-Moderator

Mr. Alfred Puntel: Morality, The Once and Future Church, Church History, The Mystery of God, Moderator of CSC


Brother Aloysius Lumley: Religion 1; Golf coach



Brother Da\lid Rogers: Freshman Guidance

Mrs. Doris Daly: Sophomore Guidance Mrs. Marie Baer: Assistant Sophomore Guidance Mr. Patrick Devine: Junior Guidance Brother John 0' Alfonso: Guidance Director; NHS Moderator Mrs. Anne Funchion

Alumni Mrs. Florence Ward: Director of Alumni Affairs Brother Fred Stelmach: Director of Development; Art History; Mother's Club Moderator Mrs. Pat Dever: Alumni Office




Mrs. Doris Daly: Sophomore Guidance

Mrs. Marie Baer: Assistant Sophomore Guidance Brother John 0' Alfonso: Guidance Director; NHS Moderator

Brother Da\lid Rogers: Fresh-

man Guidance

Mr. Joseph Cicciamro: Chairperson of Music Department;

Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Music, Jazz, Small Ensembles Mrs. Diane McGovern: Art 1, 2, 3, Art Portfolio, Mechnical Drawing; Chairperson of Gen¡ era I Studies; Art Club Moderator

Mrs. Anne Funchion Mr. Patrick Devine: Junior Guidance



Mrs. Pat Dever: Alumni Office

Brother Fred Stelmach: Director of Development; Art History;

Mother's Club Moderator Mrs. Florence Ward: Director of Alumni Affairs

Music/ Art

Mr. Joseph CiccimilrO: Chairperson of Music Department; Intra¡ ductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Music; Jazz, Small Ensembles

Mrs. Diane McGovern: Art 1, 2, 3; Art Portfolio; Mechanical Drawing; Chairperson of General Studies; Art Club Moderator



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Mr. Frank Mullin: Bookstore Manager

Brother Edward Cannon: Proctor

Brother Miller Bosch: Proctor, Driver Education


Brother James McEntee: Driver Education

Brother linus Finn: Typing


Mr. Martin Stanczak: Athletic Director; Accounting Mr. Walter Farrel: Swimming

Brother Hilary McGovern: Physical Education

Specialties Brother Linus Finn: Typing Brother Millet Bosch: Proctor, Driver Education Brother Edward Cannon: Proctor

Mr. Anthony Amand (Mel): Health, Physical Education, Swimming Coach

Mr. Frank Mullin: Bookstore Manager Athletics Mr. Martin Stanczak: Athletic Director; Accounting Mr. Walter Farrell: Swimming BrOlher Hilary McCovern: Physical Education



• Mrs. E. Bosso

Mrs. Sayer

Mrs. Mary Mountain




Mrs. Ciccimara


Mrs. Barrell


o Mr. Guy Cimini

Mrs. Mary Diu

Mr. Bill uFonlaine


Cafeteria Staff: (left to right); (Back row): M. Mcfadden, H. Roman, J. Pintone, N. Livingood, M. Salem no, R. DiPinto, (from row) M. McClintock, B. BUller.


La Salle's Guiding Light D

ue to our separation from La

Blount, Mr. Elmer F. Hansen 111, Mr.

Salle Universtiy, a Board of

Dale lintner, Mr. William A. Meehan, Mr. John Metzger, Mr. Edward N. Patron, Mr. Kenneth J. Shaw, and Mr. Wil-

Trustees was needed for future

planning and making decisions for financial and legal affairs of La Salle College High School. In its fifth year, the Board of Trustees reviews complaints that are directed toward the schooL discusses, and votes on issues in a democratic manner.

The Board of Trustess for 1986-1987 is made up of eight laymen: Mr. James E.

liam Vincent. It also has seven Christian

Brothers: Brother Andrew Bartley, Brother Thomas Caldwell, Brother Joseph Mahon, Brother Emery Mollenhauer, Brother John Patzwall, Brother David Pendergast, and Brother Rene Sterner. The Ex-Officio members, who have no vote, are important in helping

out on decisions and doing work for the board. They are Mr. David Diehl, Brother James Rieck, and Mr. Charles Hilpl. These talented men come from many fields including Law, Education, and Business, which helps add a wealth of experience for the good of La Salle. La Salle is honored and proud to have such a fine group of men and is thankful for their hard work and dedicalion.

Members: (Left to right): Mr. James E. Blount, Bro. John Patzwall, F.S.C., Bro. David Pendergast, F.S.C., Mr. William Meehan, Mr. Charles Hipl, Mr.John Metzger, Bro. Rene Sterner, F.S.C., Bro. Andrew Bartley, F.S.C., Mr. David T. Diehl, Bro. Thomas Caldwell, F.S.c., Mr. Dale litner, Bro. Emery Mollenhauer, F.S.C., Mr. William Vincent, Mr. Edward Patrone, Bro. James Rieck, F.S.C., and Bro. Joseph Mahon, F.S.C. (missing: Mr. Kenneth 1. Shaw).


Public Relations his past year, one of the largest turn-outs of qualified students took La Salle's entrance exam. This high turnout can be attributed in a large part to La Salle's Admissions and Public Relations Departments, and its director, Dr. James Devine. Dr. Devine visited over 60 area grade schools through the fall and winter months. Students at these schools watched a video presentation about La Salle's curriculum, athletics and social life.


The Departments also organized and ran the Open House and Principal's dinner in November. The Blue and Gold Line, published by the staff, helps communicate La Salle's current happenings. The largest task which faced the Department this year was preparing for the Middle States Evaluation . Dr. Devine is assisted in running the Admission and Public Relations Department by Mr. James SerpieJlo, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, the Student Council and members of the National Honor Society.


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Doctor Devine???

Yo guys, get back to work!!!


I guess the girl on the right didn't get the joke

What are they looking at?

II is now traditional for La Salle to produce two plays every year, the first being in autumn, the second in spring. While the fall productions tend toward straightforward drama or comedy, the spring performances are usually musicals. A quick review of past plays shows that they have run the full gamut of dramatic possibilities, from the dignity and classical style of Macbeth and Merchant of Venice to the fun-loving cheerfulness of Dracula Baby. This year, producers of La Salle's fall drama chose 10 do The Good Doctor, written by popular American playwrite, Neil Simon. The play, which ran from November 14th through the 16th, is a take-off based on several short stories by the great nineteenth-century Russian dramatist, Anton Pavlovich Chekov. The play presents len shon pieces, each episode representing some unique facet of Chekov's existential philosophy. Mostly, the play deals with despair. In one story, Chekov is duped into haggling over the price of a show he does not even want to see. In another, he appears as a man so pathetic that he cannot even succeed at being a fool. In these instances, Chekov is alternate, dream-like endings for his stories, in which the small man triumphs over all. The principal players included Philip Keidel as the writer, Frank Nolan as Chekov as a younger man, and Michael Fegley and Mount Saint Joseph student Rita Augustine as some of Chekov's principal tormentors. Sets created for the play were suggestive, rather than realistic. The play's director, Mr. Dennis Bloh, who is also moderator of La Salle's speech and drama club, explained that this was done to "create the illusion that all of the stories are taking place in the mind of the writer." The show enjoyed a reasonable turnout, and those who allended were certainly not disappointed. As for the actors, they agreed that it had been an enriching, enjoyable experience, and quite a few determined to tryout for La Salle's upcoming spring production.

The director looks on


Father's Club

Pasl meets present

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Who's dad is a doclort


La Salle's crowd of distinguished alumni


.Hf One of the most significant and influential organizations in the La Salle community is the La Salle's Club, better known as the men of La Salle. This organization, through its social affairs, fosters wholesome and informal relationships among parents and teachers. It also contributes substantially to the financial growth and stability of the school as well as provide for social enjoyment and relaxation of its members and friends. This group has a long history of doing good for La Salle and its families. Much of the money raised by the Men of La Salle goes to help students in La Salle who find themselves in financial difficulties as a result of the deaths of their fathers. Each father and mother of a boy at La Salle is urged to respond affirmatively when asked to join the respective parents clubs and to lend support to their activities during the school year

Cozy touches to the Alumni house

80ys night out

The Alumni House - A flurry of activity


longer play, he cOnlinued expressin~ his love for sports by becoming a sportscaster, first in Boston and now in Phila¡ delphia. In his speech, Tilley empha¡ sized that sports are important, but thaI one cannot live on football alone. HE also told us that we needed friends ir troubled times. He could not have reo covered from his injury so quickly if il had not been for his friend Bob Bradley who helped him get back on his feet. With the combination of an excellenl speech and good food, this year's banquet was a great success.

The 37th Annual Father-Son Banquet, with guest speaker lou Tilley, was well attended this year, as it has been in the past. As always, the banquet was held at Williamson's Restauranl in Horsham. After the excellent dinner, Tilley gave a talk about his life and career. Tilley, who grew up in Frankford, played football at Northeast High School for four years, and went to Wake Forrest College on a football scholarship. In his lasl game, he injured his knee; the injury put an end to his football career. But, although he could no

I'm sotally tober occifer!

Whal are you doing, Mr. C.l

Somebody wake Marty up

The Ihree slooges


The Mother's Club

The La Salle Mother's Club is an organization of mothers of students here at La Salle as well as alumnae mothers. The Mothers' Club holds workshops, mailings and fundraisers to boost La Salle's popularity and economy. Over the years, the club has made many

contriuhtions to La Salle College High School. One of these contributions is the La Salle Room, located next to the main office. The mothers in the Mothers' Club very much enjoy being part of the La Salle family and helping provide the means to make the

school better by its efforts.


The Wisterian



, Hard at work

Friends to the end


Finish him off

Moderator - Wild Bill

Sports Editor - Josh Baer

Damn, I'm goodl

The Wisterian, La Salle's award¡winning student-run, student-written, and student-edited newspaper, has been a genuine tradition for many years. Fully backed by the student body, the paper is dedicated to serving the needs of the entire La Salle community. Although a long-time newspaper writer himself, the moderator, Mr. William Geiger, is usually content to leave most of the responsibilities to his crack staff, principally composed of the "big three": Editor Patrick Dunn, Copy Editor Robert Farrace, and Chief Editor Peter-Michael Bonfanti. Other leadership includes News Editor Michael Kelly, Sports Editor Josh Baer, and Feature Editor Chris Van Zandt. While the three principal edilOrs arrange or supervise such functions as layout and eoitorials, the lesser counterparts actually carry out the tedious and time-consuming process of editing. The writers themselves are too numerous to mention here. For the first part of the academic year, most of the copy for Ihe paper is generated by the students in Mr. Geiger's journalism class. Hopefully, an ample number of these students remain to write for the paper even after classes are through for the semester. The articles themselves run the gamut from editorials commenting on conlemporary issues to the papers regular humor column. Teacher profiles and interviews are common, and at least one review appears in every issue. This year, nine regular issues were published and, in addition, a tenth, spedal issue is put out for April Fool's Day. This issue is meant as a joke, and the usual strictures of good journalism are often compromised for the sake of amusement. In the course of running the paper, editors and frequent writers learn every aspect of the publishing process, a process they follow from the creative stages all the way up to the moment the proofs are sent off to the printer. In this process, it is the students, and not their editor, who are held ultimately responsible for the success of the paper. Ambitious student writers who devote their time and energy to the paper are often rewarded in later years with editorial status. Although the majority of the writers and all of the editors are seniors, underclassmen are free to try their skill at newspapering. Editors try to present each writer with a variety of articles, so that they may develop a talent for writing in every area of newspaper reporting. Stories are usually handed out for assignment two weeks before they are do, and are sent oullo be printed about a week after they're turned in to the editors.

FORUM SPEAKS OUT The Forum is La Salle's speech and de-

bate club, dedicated to the principle of "leadership through speech." By educating students in the areas of rhetoric, persuasive argument, and dramatic interpretation, the Forum attempts to

leave those students with an improved ability of self-expression and a confi-

dence for public address. At the core of the Forum lie the debaters, trained in affirmative and negative argument. In their event, opposing sides are presented with a topic for de-

bate and, through carefully structured procedural methods, attempt to convince the judge to opt for their position. Related to debate, yel usually

grouped with other speech events, is extemp; that is, extemporaneous speaking. Unlike debaters, extempers have no idea what kind of topic they will be called upon to write speeches about, except that they will concern current events. Therefore, extempers must spend much of their time ingesting vast amounts of information from magazines, newspapers, etc. The other main Forum events are in the area of dramatic or interpretive speaking, and include: oral interpretation of literature, oral interpretation of prose or poetry, dramatic interpretation, and original oratory. In interpretation of prose and poetry, contestants must read a prepared piece in an expressive or dramatic way. Dramatic interpretation is much like acting; centes-

Memorize this by tomorrow


I comprehend nada


Preparation before Ihe confronlalion

tants use gestures, character voices, and other dramatic devices. In original oratory, a speech must be both written by the person and expressively delivered. Until last year, Brother James Steek headed the Forum; however, last year the job passed to Mr. Dennis Blah. Mr. Blah had previously headed the forensic team at Holy Ghost Prep and is wellexperienced in every event. Under his guidance, the Forum, which has had many successes in past years, will continue to honor itself and La Salle in future victories.

Statistics uen'. ewerything, Bob



Not bad for a day's work

Preparation before the next confrontation


Members of the La Salle Chapter of the National Honor Society for the 1986-87 school year: Probably the greatest academic honor a La Salle student can receive is to be named to the National Honor Society. Only the

best students are inducted into this elite group. To enter the NHS, a student must possess a minimum 3.5 Grade point Average, demonstrate leadership qualities in and out of school, and actively participate in a number of extracurricular activities. Once induct-

ed. a member must continue to "promote the qualities of Character, Scholarship, leadership, and Service for which the National Honor Society stands," as the NHS charter puts it. This year's NHS was made up of 35 seniors, and was moderated, as in the past, by Brother John 0'Alfonso. As part of their responsibilities, all members students who were having academic difficulties, and also assisted at important school events. These included Back to School Night, the College Fair, Open House, and the school liturgies. Of course, all members were also expected to maintain their GPA and continue to be active outside the classroom. All in all, this year's HS more than lived up to its tradition to excellence in all areas. Charles Bogle, Kevin Ledger, Drew Reichart, Brother John D'Alphonso, James McColigan Class of 1987: Christopher Blatney Charles R. Bogle Peter-Michael Bonfati William P. Carey Samuel R. Casale Brendan M. Coghlan Steven J. Coladonato Gerald W. Cosgrove Thomas M. Depman Michael DiFebbo James J. Doyle Patrick M. Dunn Robert N. Farrace Timothy P. Fitzgerald Joseph l. Fry Albert R. Funk james A. Gabriele Charles l. Gemmi Doug E. Gregor Kevin F. Iaquinto John R. Kichula Patrick J. Kilbride Kevin J. Ledger Matthew C. Lochetto James J. Logan


Gerard J. Lucidi Robert M. Martin James J. McColigan Sean McElligott Thomas J. McGann J. Gavin Muir Kevin F. O'Donnell G. Richard Paulson Christopher M. Putro Christopher Raimondo Christopher J. Redd Drew D. Reichert Christopher W. Rile Jeffrey M. Ryan Michael E. Sawicky Gregory M. Scandone David W. Smith Taras W. Sowirka Brian R. Sullivan Christopher M. Susanin louis C. Talamo Jeffrey C. Tietjens Andrew C. Tripodi Christopher J. Van zandt Bruce S. Williamson Christopher D. Zajac

1986-1987 Senior Members of the National Honor Society

The College Fair

The 1986 La Salle College Fair is one of many ways the Class of 1967 has become familiar with its plans for next year. The idea of

going one on one with a college representative opens doors to the possibilities of various

schools. Most of the thirty-five represented colleges gave their view of what life would be like at their institutions. They gave official in-

........... .... .... ...... .... .... •••••••. h







sight on whether or not we might be admitted to their college. Each representative





~ ~

looked at our transcripts and gave his or her point of view as to whether we should apply or not. The La Salle College Fair gave each senior a welcoming light in a large dark tun-







Freshman Retreat The Freshman Retreat Program is a valuable part of the La Salle students' career. Upon entering the school, the

residence. In this relaxed atmosphere they can discuss problems, pressures, or just life in general with help from some

of the Brothers and upperclassmen. During the loosely structured day, been placed. ot knowing what to ex- there is a mass in the chapel and a time pect, he could feel alone and frustrated for quiet prayer and meditation. This is by the new demands made upon him by really an opportunity for the freshmen teachers and parents. This is why the to put their views in perspective. When Retreat program is so important. After the day is over, the student has an idea the first few weeks of school the pro¡ of what his own desired achievements gram allows for a break from the school are to be at La Salle before once again routine. In order to add to the feeling of immersing himself in school life. This is being separated from school affairs, the the goal of the Freshman Retreat Profreshmen spend the day at the Brother' gram. freshman may feel overwhelmed by the new environment into which he has

Cod finds Frosh

You can feel the excitement


Words hom above

..•••••••••••••• •••••••••••·, ..•••••••••••••• •••••••••••• .••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• • •••



~ ~

~ ~

••••••• -.

Enter at own risk

Sophomore Retreat The theme of the sophomore Retreat is one of encouragement. After having made it through the freshman year most

students are lulled into a "false sense of security." A feeling of being able to handle any situation sets in. While this isn't particularly bad, the student should be reminded thai his La Salle ca-

Deep in thought

reer is, by this stage, half gone. During this retreat the students are told not to lose sight of the goal they sel for themselves in the first year. The basic structure for the ret real is the same as the Freshman only the viewpoint is one of slUdents who are maturing.

The road toward salvation


Senior Retreat The Senior Retreat is perhaps the most important one taken by the stu-

dents. This retreat is the last one we will have as La Salle students. Therefore the focus is on our future lives in the "real"

world. One of the features that set this retreat apart from the others is the fact that is an overnight trip away from home. Senior Retreat is a retreat in the truest sense of the word because it fo-

cuses on an individual taking time out to reflect on past and future endeavors. In the midst of a very pressing time for a Senior he has the opportunity 10 get

away from the pressures which he must contend with in daily trials and tribulations. After such a retreat the seniors can then properly focus their priorities

such that they will be most beneficial for all involved.

What I wanled to say was ...



Overwhelmed with holiness


Junior Retreat


For the Junior Retreat the schedule is a bit different from that of previous re¡ treats. It lakes place for the most pan in

the school auditorium. This retreat is a focus on the problems the students face as adolescents. Father Joseph logrip is the guest speaker. The quality that is most appealing aboul Father logrip is his ability to relate the dangers of cer¡ lain things without coming across in a strict authoritarian manner. Due to the

relaxing influence he had, the students were able to discuss, at lengths with him, the dangers thai teenagers face (drugs, alcohol, sex, life, death, etc.). The general conclusion arrived at is that

although there are many different things we can get into in life, it isn't carved in stone that we have to do anything that goes against our beliefs in God and ourselves. Sit down, Waldo

Chantin' Janton

-,L,l a :=1


Practicing for papacy


Community Service Corps

The Community Service Corps, head-

ed by Thomas Depman, is designed to create an opportunity for those interested in helping others. The response 10 this opportunity is always great. The esc engaged in numerous activi-

ties this year. A popular event was the annual Basketball/Volleyball Tournament, which was held both in the fall and spring. Teams consisting of La Salle

Ted packs fudge.

faculty, administration and stl'dents entered the tournament, which successfully raised over $800.

Operation Santa Claus was, again, executed on Christmas Eve. La Salle's esc, along with students from many area schools, collected and distributed toys and gifts to the needy children of Philadelphia. Operation Swim and Incentive were weekly activities for the eSc. Operation Swim, which taught inner city children to swim, was held at La Salle's pool. Incentive occured once a week after school at Holy Family School. esc members tutored some students from city schools. Bread Basketball, which collects food for the poor, as usual, stirred up some homeroom competition.

"Swims like a rock, huh?"


The guys who made it all happen.

Thomas Depman and his royal court.

Hey, where did everybody go?


Band, The Best Year Ever

If you had heard the 1986-87 La Salle band playing at one of the many functions, you would not have guessed that this band was in a year of transition. The

band has lost some of its key members from last year due to graduation. However, many talented sophomores show promise of picking up where the seniors left off.

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro has once again directed this band to its great successes. Many people have commented on the fine play of the band at football

games, Middle States Evaluation dinner, and other various functions. The officers of the band gave tre-


mendous help to Mr. C. They are Mike Bolto and Sal Baldassano (co-presidents) and Tim Wood and Mike Difebbo (co-vice-presidents). Also giving support

and gUidance to the band was the band moderator, Brother Randy Quinn. He graciously consented to help the band when Brother Bill Riley could no longer be moderator because of illness. The Competition band, under the direction of Mr. David Orehowsky, answered many of the question marks that pop up with every new band. He has worked countless hours to help the competition band gain success. The combination of hard work,

Mr. Orehowsky, and ambitious instrumentalists resulted in great success at many competitions. The unheralded men in the band are the instrumental instructors. They give all band members a private lesson during school. The band was lucky again to have such excellent teachers. Mr. Rocco Bene was the trumpet teacher. The trombone teacher, in his second year, was Mr. Rich Genovese. The reed section had two instructors, Mr. Gene Ciccimaro and Mr. Joe Vi tori. Mr. Ray Dealy, Mr. Dominic Fiore, and Mr. Pat Mercuri instructed the rhythm section.


Joe stud

What's the latest gossip?


SPRING MUSICAL As in tradition every yNI. La salle puts on two

productions. In November the theater group did

Neil Simon's "The Good Doctor" ilnd now ha... e

put on "G,e_," The muslc,)l about the


highly louted i1round iludition lime in ~nuilry.

Students of illl abilities Hied out bUI only a few were selected. being INt the pby ~d a limited C~I. When the dust c1e.llred at auditions the INlds, Danny Zuko and ~ndy Dum broski, v.ere gl... en to ~homon~ Phil Keidel, .....ho is not stranger 10 the U Salle Slage ~ is R,ta Augustine, ill Mount s.emor. The IWO suppOrling roles which .lIe considered ~

good as Icam, ire "WI of Kenio.ie .lind Riuo. These Iwo parts were i1warded to junior Mike Fegley olInd Teddy Segal. a senior ill Springside Academy. Teddy WOIS a newcomer 10 the loll Salle 5Iage but her talen1. be.utiful ...oice .lind incredi¡ ble looks enlhu.lled and captiv.ated most 01 the student body .and.all those who .allended the perform<lnces. Mr. Denms Bloh .and Collen Durkln-Lipowsky

co-directed the pl.ay .and as usual Mr. Ciccimaro headed up the band. The band this year was in a diflerenl role than 10 other plilys. In this yeu's production the band bec.me a part of the scenery. The song a~pcct was directed by Mrs. Cindy Doyle, the wife of the lale director Peter Doyle. And the Choreography w.a~ produced by the wiZilrdly mind of Mrs. Jean WiU~ms. The two scenes in the play which most who allended seemed to enjoy were the all male chorus and dance routine 10 the song "Gre~ Lightin," Mike Fegley's Singing and (boeing enhanced the number. The other scene WltS Teddy Seg.al's solo perform<lnce of "There Are Worse Things I Could Do," .a slow ballad. Teddy's beautjful ..oice had not only the audience but the CHt as well totally uptiV<llled and in te.ars. O ..erallthe performance of "Gre.ase" WH popul.ar among the students due to the rock and roll be.al. Many agreed thaI this was one of the best productions l.a SOllie hH put on in years.

Jump back

Nothing to cheer about

Bililing out


The few. The proud. The Mathletes. About once per week in room 215. this

intrepid group can be found engaged in their never-ending struggle for numerical su-

premacy, under the guidance of Mr. James Bradley. Mr. Bradley is assisted by Peter-Michael Bonfanti, team president, Bill Carey, Vice President, and Brian Jay, Secretary. In their meetings, team members work on

problems distributed by the three mathematics leagues to which they belong. ThesE afterschool contests consist of six or seven problems, which students have thirty minutes to answer.

The team also competes in direct competi-

tion with other schools once per month. Al these meets, the mathletes compete in fiVE general mathematics events, one individua event, and a team problem. In the genera events, team members are given ten minutel to complete three problems in Algebra, Ge¡ ometry, and Trigonometry. The individua event is similar, but the resuhs count on I) towards each person's own score, not thE team's.

Huey, Louie, and Dewey

Practice makes perfecl


Oh wait, that's wrong!


One of the most important organizations in the La Salle family is the Photo

Club. Under the guidance of Mr. William Geiger. it has grown over the years.

This club provides the students with a chance to learn about many areas of photography and developing, especially the use of the 35mm camera. There is a strong concentration of underclassmen in the group because Mr. Geiger trains them in the ways of "photo men"

in order that they may one day cover school events like pep rallies. masses, and Father and Son Banquets. To the Photo Club falls the extensive task of recording school life. The members of the group have the unique distinction

and responsibility of visually capturing the school in action. tn examining the

Club. it is vital that no one underestimate its worth. Some may say they just take pictures but actually these students are historians: their pictures aren't 'just pictures' but fragments of our life and experiences at La Salle to be preser....ed for all future students to see.


Josh misses Goof's drive.

The excitement of photography.


Skiers Attack Vermont

lei's nip a coin

We should have p.iIIcked a lunch


Ski down the hill!

The ski club this season journeyed to Killington, Vermont where they spent three days enjoying some of the best skiing in years. The trip included plenty of entertainment and will be remembered for years to come. The newly elected officers, Bill lahr and Jerry lucidi, concluded that the trip was fun and more importantly safe. The moderator of the ski club, Mr. Robert Russel, did a remarkable job in making the season for everyone enjoyable. Weekend trips were spent at the Poconas and added to the excitement which was prevalent throughout the year. The sk i club gave everyone some quality time on {he slopes and all who were involved thank Mr. Russel for his commitment.

This is only the bunny hill

What a sucker


Going Looneytoones with The product of eight months IOlal dedication by a hard working staff is what you are now reading. This staff sacrificed many hours upon hours so that the year of 1987 in La Salle history will live on. The staff was comprised of all members of the La Salle community which helped this yearbook be so successful. Nine seniors look on the role as Editors of this task almost a year before it was to be completed and yet their

enthusiasm, although thin at times, would prove crucial for this years edition of the Blue and Cold. As one flips through these pages one

should keep in mind that this book should never be taken for granted. This book was published 10 symbolize a specific period in our lives and this was due

to a devoted bunch of students who were fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to do so. • The follOWing seniors should be congratulated for a job well done. Along with these seniors were two certain moderators who overlooked the entire operation and should be given due credit. Jerry Lucidi, Editor-in-Chief, this dedicated individual proved to be the driving force when meeting deadlines. His devotion was seen but mainly heard when anyone dared to enter his office. Jerry proved to everyone that he was born to be the boss because he always knew how (0 talk his way oul of a job he particularly didn't care for - such as layouts. Tom McGann, Editor, this senior proved that he was the backbone of this edition of the Blue and Gold. Tom was so good at his job that he was the only senior to be promoted. (or is that de· mated?) Tom was always sure to point out to the Editor·in·Chief what a true pain in the butt he really was. Tom went so far as to name a trophy after Jerry which was presented to the staff mem· ber who was subject to the most criticism in a weeks' span. Kevin O'Donnell, layoul Editor, this poor soul was given the job to create pages for the Tom and Jerry Show. These pages seemed (0 disappear at times but were completed about a half hour before the deadlines. Kevin was a

significant part of the staff and was always there to give havoc - I mean help! Da\lid Forde, Photography Editor, the job of taking all of these pictures was in the hands of this senior. ot only did he make sure the pictures were taken but he went so far as to create the events as the deadline approached. He was noted for marathon shoots where twenty activities were taken in a days span. After eight months of photo taking Dave can honestly say, "How do you load this camera?". Joseph Stelacio, Art Editor, this individual created the essence of the yearbook and if anyone figures it out please inform the entire Blue and Gold staff. Paul Dougherty, Business Editor, the money matters were left up to this senior. By the way Paul, how are your investments? Paul dealt with extricating money out of any place possible so that we could be free of any financial burden. One Smith and Peter Michael BonafanH, Co-Copy Edilors, this Odd Couple spent many hours in front of the typewriter and sacrificed school nights so that our deadlines would be met. These two were in constant battle to see who exactly was to do the least amount of work. It was a draw! Christopher Calhoun, Copy Editor, the efforts to put all the thoughts of the staff into words and to express this in areas which are included in this book was accomplished by him. Even though Chris is not as literate as he thinks, he did a remarkable job. Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti and Bro. Ken Cook, Moderators, these men put up with aggravation beyond one's beliefs. Without their constant support and input none of this would have been possible. They drew a line between help and hinderance because let's remember, "it's your yearbook"! These are the Editors and Moderators of the yearbook but they only represent the people who made this book possible. The sacrifice was immense for all involved but when all is said and done it will have been a worthwhile achievement which will haunt us for years to come.

Siaff members hard at work


the Tom and Jerry show

Jerry edits the copy

Our fearlull Leader

Jilnuary -

One done


Get bad: to work fio

The deadline is when!


Half Pepperoni, Geoff

Who gave Geoff a key?

This one is as good as Salesianum's

Key's crackpot Layout staff


1986-1987 Art Club Members

C L U 13 74

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he members of the Art Club gather each year to work together on a group project that will

enhance the school's image. One of the more notable products of this group is the mosaic of St. John Baptist de La Salle which hangs in the hallways of the first floor. This beautiful artwork serves as a motivator and guide for the students and faculty of La Salle. This year, the club is undertaken the task of a mural portraying a view of Toledo, Spain which was originally completed by the famed EI Greco. Each individual member of the club pUiS their talents to

work for the benefit of the school and the students. Along with the group project, each year the club participates in making posters and other art work for

various functions in and around the La Salle community. The club has plans for adding to the atmosphere of involvement by placing the growing number of stu· dent art projects around the school. We should all be appreciative for the time and effort which lhe Art Club devotes every year towards the betterment of the school.


Computer Club

The popularity of computers at La Salle has grown incredibly over the past few years. High enrollment in computer

classes, the addition of the Apple computers, and the fact thaI much faculty and administrative paper work is handled by computers shows that La Salle is indeed catching up with the computer age. The American Computer Science

league gives students the opportunity to learn more about computer science and programming through college-level competition. In these contests, which

take place


times a year, student

programmers take a written test on a programming problem and write a program on a stated topic within three

days' time. Their program must then be entered and debugged in 45 minutes. Under the guidance of programming teacher, Mr. Robert Russell, the 9 members of the club are active participants in the league.




la Salle's Racquetball Club, in its third year of existence,;s one of La Salle's most popular activities. This year, the Racquetball Club made two trips a week from September to April to the Upper Dublin Racquetball Club, only a short ride from la Salle. Brother James

Rieck, the moderator of the Racquetball Club, was enthused by the turnout and hopes for the same response from the students in the years to come. Because of the large tur·

nout, La Salle purchased several racquets for the students' use. In the past, they used rae· quets provided by the Upper Dublin Racquet Club (iasl year) and Fort Washington Courts

Where's the baUd

(two years ago).

Any student, whether an experienced rae· quetball player or not, could participate, and about 130 students turned in permission/ participation forms. A fewer number of students actually made one trip this year because of other commitments. Some faculty members participated at one time or another this year. Congratulations to the Racquetball Club for a successful year, and good luck for continued success in the future.

Nice Pose


Making Beautiful Music

The Seraphim is the musical group that accompanies all of the school liturgies. For the past seven years, they have been an integral part of the campus ministry program. This year they were directed by senior Mike DiFebbo and moderated by Father Anthony Janlon. The other members included Tim Wood, Phil Kiddel and Keith Miller. We hope that the Sera¡ phim will be able to continue to enhance the spiritual life of

La Salle students.


SPIRIT CLUB La Salle's Spirit Club A.K.A. (The At-

tack Pack) is the ever-present force behind La Salle's athletic teams. The Spirit Club, which was headed this year by seniors Jim Gabriele and Bruce Williamson, or~anized events such as the pep rallies and Blue and Gold Day. Though only a moderate number of stu-

dents attended meetings, every student was considered a member. La Salle students will continue to have this good reputation as long as there are La Salle teams to cheer on.

Students prepare for group shower


wins hoops contest

a I Not even close

) II Go ahead Dave, Scat me



The Student Council devoted themselves to fulfilling their promise of giving the school first rate dances and that

is exactly what they did. These dances were so successful that many a time did

the gym fill to capacity. The mixers were

such a hit due to The Whales and the Silver Sound O.J.'s and we thank them for a job well done. The mixers proved an important part of the La Salle community because it was a time when the students were given the opportunity to loosen their collars and let the good times roll. The students wish to thank the efforts of all who were involved for making this year memorable.

Get down and boogie

Beauty and the Beast.

Always and forever

Mike the mouth is a Iinle lower


WINTER DANCE The atlendance at this years Winter

Dance was remarked as being the best in years. This dance was special because it was a break from the everyday weekend scene. The Silver Sound provided the entertainment and did a great job. Bruce Williamson and Mrs. Julia Mehr should be given the credit for making

that night special. The preparation took a lot of time and they sacrificed their

time so that all would have a good time. Their efforts were appreciated. For all who attended this event they know if they would not have gone they would have missed out on an evening of

dance and laughter.

How did your hand get hurt

Get up and dance Woody

Having a good time


Our Leaders The 1986-87 Student Council proved to be an important part of the La Salle community. President Sam Hillanbrand, assisted by vice-presidents Tim Fitzgerald and AI Funk, focused on communication between the faculty and student body. Their attendance at summer work-

shops and state conventions enabled them to lead the school efficiently and with dedication. With the help of the council's new moderator, Mrs. Julia Maher. the council proved very effective. This year, the council sponsored mix-

ers featuring groups such as Whale and The Heat. Another popular fund raiser

was the raffle for Genesis concert tickets. From the proceeds of the dance and raffles, the council was able to initiate a teacher appreciation day, which fea~

tured a special breakfast served to the faculty and gifts presented throughout the day. Sports played a major role this year. The Spirit~boos{ing pep-rallies held this year were quite successful. Who could ever forget Mr. Turner's portrayal of Coach Colistra at the Thanksgiving ral~ Iyl The social events of the season were topped off by the ever popular Winter Dance. The auditorium was trans~ formed into a Winter Wonderland for the occasion. At the Valentine's Dance, couples danced late into the evening and everyone had fun. Hard work, pride, and dedication set the tone for this year's Council, who achieved the goals they had set out to accomplish in the manner of the true La Salle tradition. Foul shooting contest went over big

Student Council is seen and felt everywhere




Sam tells it like it is

Toga ... Toga ... Toga

, Sam accepts the challenge as P,esident


your l Un<JS

your lungs


a .;/4 Hour

give y.0u

A good cause is add'essed


_ 1986-87 Student Council officers


The pride shines Ihrough everywhere

Mr. G.Q.


Siudeni honors from Siudeni Council

, A yalid idea according to Mr. Diehl

Induction for Sam, Tim, and AI

Three Musketteers


Intramurals The La Salle intramurals program

football, basketball and baseball are

gives students in various homerooms

some of the sports played in inlramurthe opportunity to compete with each als. other in different sporting events. Students are highly recommended to There are many sports and hobbies to get involved in the inlramurals proget involved in. Hobby-like games such gram. The main reason for this proas chess and ping pong are used in the grams existence is the fact that many intramurals program to appeal to the students are not very athletic and the La majority of studenls al La Salle who do Salle community asks that everyone gel not wish to enler a sport or club. Golf, involved.

Phi slilmma jam mal

L r



The Mexican standoff


, /


Maybe, maybe not


Tom thinks he's bad











The battle lingers on

When's the ping-pong tournament



Who's he yelling




Only Doug and Mike

The yearbook drove me towards this

. U's positive .•. you're pregnant Schmoo

21 pictures on one frame, way to go Jer


A SPECIAL FAREWELL After len years of faithful and dedi· cated service to the faculty and student body of La Salle, our most beloved leader is leaving. Brother Andrew Bartley will not be alla Salle next year, but his memory will always be with everyone.

Although he wasn't always seen around school by many people, he was always there for all of us. Brother Andrew was and is an intricate part of La Salle's way of life. We will always remember him as our caring, almost palriarchial, leader and as a lover of nature, as we saw through his love for the group of ducks that he nurtured and helped grow. We, Ihe students of La Salle, are in many ways like this group of ducks. Brother Andrew has seen us grow and mature

during his years of service to the La Salle community, and for this we thank him and will always remember him. For years, Brother Andrew has given all of us his suppor! in all of our endeav· ors, both academic and athletic. He was often seen at the school's extracurricu· lar activities, giving his suppor! for La Salle. Brother Andrew was an excep· tionally good principal in his communi· cations with the La Salle community, including parents and teachers, and was Our fearless leader

Your resignation? But why?

Symbolism at its best


always trying to get the best for them and for the students. Many of Brother Andrew's fellow faculty members have remarked about how much he was interested in their growth and progress. The next year and all of the following years, we will never forget Brother Andrew Bartley, for he truly was and is La Salle.

Why is that student naked?

Brother looks forwud to a new C.ilreer


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() I.J t.1I

ryj[ l!


Joe Angelichio

Joe Beck

M Brescia

C Calvanese

C Cleary

Pat Cunnana

Dan Dangle

David Demara

Mike Donnelly

Brian Fedgehin

W Francoevr

M Gilbert

lohn Haines

Chris Hoover

Jamie Kehm

G Ledakis

Chris Jordal

Jack Meehan

Mike Maier

Wait a second, this picture is upside down

l Redcross

l Pidladan

Jim Ross

John Neary

C Schalleur

M O'Meara

Kevin Smith

Homeroom lA: Moderator: Muriel Mehr Good Homeroom: All Present Bob Stanton


Gene Sweeney

David Volpe

Jason Zoto

Michael Darcy

Jim Dever

Dan Donohue

Joseph Juliano

Shawn Kerns

Brian Lee

Bill Newell

Samuel Pierce

Martin Feeny

Chris Freier

Vincent Regan

W Rothenbach

JeU Halstead

Philip Howley

John Schonne

Darek Sol

Matt Taddei

Brian Waerig

Homeroom 2A: Moderator: Bro. James Dries Absent: Chris Cimieczki


Giye me five, Brian

N Caputo

Jerry Edwards

F Gioyannone

Matt Hansen

T Hutchinson

D Filippone

Erik Pietsch

Brian Roakes

Tom lennon


Vu Nguyen

A Rotondo

R Serianni

Homeroom lA: Moderator: Dennis Bloh Good Homeroom: All Present

Joseph Tagg


B Funchion

B Kalamias

E Miehle

lim Owens

Jesse Dayis

Chris Springer

John Manle

Chris SleJaci

J Bonargo

Ma'am, un you definitely identify the rapist?

A Bucceri

Kewin Carney


i"e Connell

Bob Dager

Brian Dean

Dawid Dewine

Jamie Elsasser

Chris FischeUi

M Gallagher

P McGinley

B McManus

Andrew Miles

G Motley

Mike Shannon

Chris Squillaro

Stewen Stewart

Mike Hayes


!nneth Kunz

Vince linns

Ryan Marsh

n Nicholson

Jeffrey Oyler

Frank Powers

Chris Ru~er

Homeroom 4A: Moderator: Tony Amand Good Homeroom: All Present

Michael Tell

James Wilson


Thomas Balshi

Paul Bonfat'ti

Jim Burke

Sleven Casale

James Convey

M Debelle

-• .


William Ennis

M Craham

K Hendrick

Sean laquinlo

Michael Lalena

John LipseU

Richard Sacco

Steve Shannol

Hunter Karr

Michul Martin

Professor McCann takes over AP Chemistry

, Peter Muir

C Norris

Steven Pacillio

Francis Prisco

Jeremiah Rock

Homeroom SA: Moderator: Bro. David Rodgers Absent: Francis Daley, James McColdrick

K SI. Clair

Brian Stokes

J Thompson

D Wood

R Barbalace

M Booth

G DiPasquale

R. Kyle Evans

Kevin Burke


J Cottingham

B Fitzgerald

R Gheen

M Gregan

Kevin Kearney

C Lazorcheck



B Mullen


T Nonk

J Pennington

David Pulro


Louis Mincarelli

P Rooney

Homeroom 6A: Moderator: Irene Pawl ish Good Homeroom: All Present

R Stagliano

Kevin Streeper

Timolhy Tilson

R Wozniak



Michael Bate

JIil Brendan Bo Ie

Kevin Crowley


Brian Dal

M Dellangelo

Kirk Dolaway

Sean Duffy

Jeffrey Fafara

W Bushkie

Piledriver! !!

P Ghegan

G Grigonis

Marc Minsker

M Nudonf

\ 11'1\ B O'Brien

er Michael Rafter

Frederick Rool

M Sanford

John SJowick

Paul Stankus

K Tsugami

Derek Zardu

Homeroom 7A: Moderator: Joseph Parisi Good Homeroom: All Present

F Summerill


M Bauerlein

T Brennan

Daniel Clash

, John Deluisi

R Donahue

M Filhy

Robert Fluehr

B Gibson

T Guagliardo

Kevin Hipp

Mark Kelly

Peter leah

M Malthews

Richard Mager

I'm so confused!!!

J McGowan III

J O'Donaghue

C Pico

C Rauch

Marc Medvitz

Christian Rosa


F Monaghan

o Smith

Homeroom 8A: Moderator: Bro. Kennelh Cook Good Homeroom: All Presenl

T Sianley

Chris Swanson

Kevin Vesci


M Adamucci

P Ban miller

And the lord said unto me ...

Thomas Hibbs

G Fassnacht

Chris Idler

Juslin Jones


Dave Kralz

J Palermo

M leaming

Colin Rahn

Sean Mahoney

John Ross

D McAuliffe

I Schmalbach

o Mclaughlin

Andrew Shire




Scott Kell


Dave Morasco

H Newman

Patrick Solley

M Szpindor

Jason Weems

James Wright

Homeroom Moderalor: Mr. lames Bradley 1B Absent: Matthew McDonald

Brian Vesey


Brian Casey

Drew Gontram

Thomas Kelly

James Kugler


A Cunningham

B Hamblin

R letak

A McCall

Ian McDowell

T McMahon

Dennis Morris

Austin Noonan

Jeffrey Peek

James Reed

M Rossanese



- Get him, Chuck

C Schwender

Brian Sili uini

Jason Sera

•James Weniz

Mark Young

Homeroom 2B: Moderator: Mr. Gerald Evans Absent: John Mangan

Arthur Tilson

David Wallace


-A Alvarez

Paul Fenn

S Brennan

M Beagle

M Cartner

M Goodyear

M Kensey

Damon Levine

Eric Chesna

M Corcoran

T Curran

T DunleilVy

I Hohenleilner

Brian lily

M Kaminski


Joseph Norton

A Moskowitz

Rejecled by Montco. John Regan

Ted Pileggi

, C Seega

lohn Simone

lohn Slack

Kevin Tinneny

lohn Walls

Homeroom 3B: Moderillor: Mr. Geoffrey NicoleUi Absent: John Dever. Jeffrey ladsan. Mike McCann

G Werner


Tyler legley

Eric Biggans

M Clement

M Corsello

J Cusimano

Robert Manus



T Devers

David Edling

P McGarvey

Chris Michiels

.. J Finnegan

David Cetzler

J Grasmeder

/ l

Brian Reilly

Gregory Ryan

T Segletes

JeHey Sink

Eric Walser

John Stanczak

Homeroom 48: Moderator: Mr. Thomas Turner Good Homeroom, All Present

M Whalen

Steve Yang


Daniel Clipper

A Cosselli

• 0' Alessandro

Keith Dicciani

Niels Eriksen

1 Gibbons

M Fitzgerald

Mike Howe

And if elected I promise to ...

M Marroletli

L McCormick


A Komanowsky

M Miehle


S O'Donnell

S Griffin

Fred Jerome

,....- _ Joseph Seifert

Frank Sistrunk


Edward Lynch

M Porreca

Jason Ripka


Colin Stowe


Homeroom 58: Moderator: Dr. Joseph 0' Angelo

;J I

T Wardle


Absent: Robert Musman





R Williams

M Keeley

Paul lalley



M Heine

Brian Willis

David Baker

I Cochrane

K lie Costello

G D' Allerio


Michael Erra


It's DOCTOR Devine!!!

A Gallagher


Brian Guckin

Edwin Heins

Alber' Hughes

N Matthews

E McCullough

W McGroart

Scott Roessler

Chris Saracino

A Sera no

Phillip Keidel


R MacNeal

A Mikulski

M Naughlon

Sean O'Hara

Patrick Pryor

M Smalla

Eric Strohl

lames Johnson



J Stone

Homeroom 68: Moderator: Miss Maureen Dugan Absent: Anthony Kostler, Robert Dick

William Watts

P Williamson


John Bang

Marc Borrelli

Chris Canlono

Michael Craig


" Chris Farrell

lunchroom lady's Pals


William Cilroy

R uurenzi

John Ormond

C Haarmeyer

Chris Johnslon

John Maher

Carl Mallia

J McDonald

M Quinn

A Roman

A Savysky



A McKern..n

Keilh Miller

KeshOliv Nayak

E Shields

Chris Solecki

E Subokow

Homeroom 78: Moderalor: Mr. Ceorge Hohenleilner Cood Homeroom, All Present

• C Ventresca


Edward Weber

Eric Wright

Cary Zemitis

Robert Akbari

Shaun Chun

J Atkinson

Steve Coruzzi

Erich Berke


G Dupee

M Delia


R Curt Flack

Elliot Fus

J Greenhalgh

K Hinderliter


Chris Susan in, evil scientist


J Mackowiak

S O'Donnell

R Matthew

Jason Skarbek

Homeroom lC: Moderator: Mr. Alfred Puntel Absent: James Russel

E Swanson

Richard E Trub

J Visco

S Wilhelm


T Gaddy

John Hasson

J Morrissey

E Q'Hanlon

Joseph Pickard

Sean Reilly

Homeroom 2C: Moderator -

J Saunders

R Kozloski

Thomas Lee

J Matthews


C Smith

Eugene Swider

Mr. Gerald Miller

Absent: Robert Kelly Thomas Flavin John Uhland


Karl Voss

W Williams

Adolf Hitler what???

tmes Bethke

o McNamara

M SrogillO

Robert Craig

M Dopkin

V Kennedy

M Krapf

Robert lewis

M Plagens

R Riethmiller III

John Schaefer

T Uszko

R Waldspurger


lee Mullen

Peter Tantala

Paul Edling

William Fogg

o Gilllagher

M McAllister

J Steinmetz

Homeroom 3C: Moderator - Mrs. Julia Maher Absent: Arturo Interian


W Dortonne

P Bartucci

M Beveridge

V Bruner

J Cantwell

C Croney

John Egan

Patrick Foley

Frank Gallo

Thomas Haldis

Chad Hellman

James Jagiello

W Kershner

W Kruckenbergel

W Maher

T Melson

Se;;; Murphy

R Palmer

Joseph Pluck

G Rietzke

Eugene Schall

Joseph Stevens

J Thompson

Homeroom 4C: Moderator - Mrs. linda Donahue Good Homeroom, All Present

Frank Vaccaro


C Walsh

Paul Wynn

L Angelichio

R Bloemker III

D Capponi

S Buonomo

R Colomeda

Stephen Fox

S Dachowski

Mark Haley

Scotl Johnson

K Kussay

T Poehlmann

Ryan Roat

G Schillinger

J Stewart

Homeroom 5C: Moderator -

Patrick Gibson

Dennis Yanan

Samuel Kim

Andrew Miles

K Minnick

Michael Tidd

John Valenti

J Penrose


Bro. Thomas Dunn

Good Homeroom, All Present


8 Archibald

John Dunn

Paul Oanell.

A Ferraro

John Fraunces

Mark Grady

T Herron

J Gutpelet

I Paul Kane


• J, E Kleinfelder

Kevin lange

• Hey little boy, wanl some candy?

K Milhous

W Newhouse

John Perillo

C Prader

J Roesser

S Seravalli

James Vesci

David Weikel

Wonjae Yang

Homeroom 6C: Moderator - Mr. James Serpiel Good Homeroom, All Present


W Shhecker

William Tight

Gerold Argero5


B Benner

C Burgoyne

John Graham

Joseph Herzog

M Oberholzer

T McGoldrick

M Simpson

J Sullivan


M Tomchewsky

Homeroom 7C: Moderator -

John Petko

Gregory Rolek

S Reb!

, Gerald Vile

Edward Wentz

Bro. Carl Clayton

Absent: William MarolCtli

S Zhelesnik

Michael Ziff





,'/< . - .---










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Challenges Lie Ahead Execution, Intensity, and Discipline

- the three words which set the tone for the 1966 La Salle football season. Preparation for the season started way back when the new school year began. The players dedicated themselves to weightlifting for power in the new and improved weight room, and running for speed, on the track. When summer

camp came on August 12, the team was in good physical condition and ready to tackle the Northern Division. La Salle's first preseason game came on September 5 against Upper Dublin

and the Explorers were psyched to win. Unfortunately, Upper Dublin seemed

to get the edge, and won 26·16. This, however, did not dampen the Explorers

hopes of a winning season, but only made them want more. The regular season started badly, however, when La

Salle lost the opening game to Father lowed by a muddy game against ArchJudge, 35-7. Unfazed, the team went on bishop Wood, in which the team lost to give a valiant but losing performance 20-6. Thanksgiving day provided the specagainst Cardinal Dougherty. The team only lost by a last-second field goal, by a tators with the traditional game against score of 26-24. La Salle then played SI. Joseph's Prep, which was probably Bishop Kenrick on October 4 and lost the best that the team played all season. 14-10. October 11 brought a crushing However, the Prep offense proved too much for the team, and La Salle lost a defeat against Bishop McDevitt, 27-0. These losses would have made other hearrheartbreaker by a score of 24-13. teams' morale and participation sink When the team was finished with the low, but not La Salle's. The team felt the season, they had an overall record of 1· only way to go was up, and up they went 7-0. Though it seeems that the season against orth Catholic on October 18, was not a good one, it rewarded Pat when they won 20-7. The victory Gibson, Doug Ward, Brendan prompted the team to play hard against McGowan, with All-Catholic status. the tough Archbishop Egan team on the Honorable mention AII·Catholic went 25th. Unfortunately, La Salle lost be· to Ace Amachi, John Casey, Bill Brown cause of a bad call, 14·13. The Explorers and Keith Vernon. Win or lose, the La played Archbishop Ryan on November Salle Varsity Football team truly seems 2 and were defeated 37·6. This was fol- to have had pride and dedication.

1966·87 Varsity Football Team


J. V. Football Team: Bade Row (left to right): F. Sistrunk, A. Hughes, P. Fenn, M. Jenkins, H. Helverson, R. Musman, J. Mc Donald, M. Borelli; Middle Row: J. Colistra (Head Coach), M. Gillen, C. IIder, B. Vessey, J. Herzog, E. Lynch, T. DeSimone, M. Rossanese, M. Spzindor, J. Maher (Trainer); Front Row: D. Clipner, A. Noonan, C. Mattia, D. Bellitto, B. Kelly(Coach),C. Schwender, A. Cummings, J. Dougherty


Which way should I gol

La Salle's Cheerleaders do their thing 1986-87 Freshman Football Team

Block that kickl


1986-87 Varsity Football Team - Seniors

Dog pile on the rabbit!

C'rnon on, get up and run.




AI least his hands slay warm


A TOUGH SEASON At the start of this year's season, hopes of a berth in the Catholic league North playoffs were high on everyone's

minds. Because of a very strong showing last year, La Salle was expected to be, once again, a team to be reckoned with.

However, the class of '86 took with it thirteen of the Explorers members, leaving the team with only seven returning varsity members. As the '86 season began, the Explorers were faced with the problems of a young learn. With seven sophomores, eight juniors, and six seniors, the team began with such immaturity to contend with; But, being led by veteran seniors Jeff Stever

and Gavin Muir, the Explorers made a name for themselves in the Catholic League.

When the season began, the immaturity was a prevalent factor in the team's games; But as the season pro¡ gressed, the young Explorers began to look like seasoned veteran, as they beat the number three ranked team in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Father Judge. At the halfway point of the season, a playoff berth was a definite possibility, but, once again, the youth became prevalent, as the Explorers lost some sure wins. With these losses, the hopes of a playoff berth were dashed.

1986-87 Varsity Soccer Team Big boot by Jeff


La Salle's players show their better side Chuck knocks another kid on his butt

•• o


1986-87 Junior Varsity Soccer Team




t ',.' ,

-" J


Coach Turner looks on


,""l ... ;


Keep your eye on the ball LaSalle fans watch intensely



Todd misses slide tackle

Aren't you supposed to kick the ball?

.. •

Where did the ball go?


..- -

•t I . I

No Greg, that is our goal you're shooting at

1986-87 Freshman Soccer Team


HARRIERS DOMINATE OPPONENTS La Salle continued its excellence in

Cross¡Country this year. Mr. Pal Devine, the head coach, knew that his team was a strong and experienced one that could challenge for the Catholic league Championships. This confidence was heightened early in the sea-

son with the defeat of SI. James, one of the premier teams. Our team continued the winning when they defeated Arch-

bishop Wood, another fine CrossCountry team. This winning continued throughout the Catholic league season as La Salle had a 23-0 record. The 14th victory was especially memorable because it was Mr. Pat Devine's 200th victory at La Salle. The team also did well in non-Catholic meets. They fared excep-


----_-: -

tionally well in such prestigious tournaments as the Conrad Weiser Invitational, the Manhattan Invitational and the Salesianum Invitational. Doing so well in these tournaments and the regular season, la Salle believed that if they ran a good race in the Catholic league Championship, they could win the title. Unfortunately for la Salle, their first Catholic league loss occurred during the championship. They came in third behind St. James and Archbishop Wood. Our team was lead by senior tri-captains Joe Young, Malt lane and Chris Van Zandt. Pat Costello and Mike Tyrrell, the other seniors, provided additionalleadership and experience to the


team. Joe Young and Matt lane, two 0 the senior captains, were named All Catholic for their excellent overall per formances. A bright spot for next year's team wil be All-Catholic Sam Kim. Sam will bl joined by other juniors Pat Mcfadden John Burger, and Paul Kane and sopho mores Paul Guilano and Joe Hohen leitner. Our freshman team, coached b. Mr. Edward McCabe, produced man; promosing runners. Jamie Elsasser, Bd an Wearing, Chris Norris, Brian am Dave Devine, and Dave Casale are soml of the runners on this talented class Next year's team will be a young tearT that can learn from the succcess the} had in 1986.


Where did they say the girls were going?

My butt itches

Mike looks a little winded


_;mJ• •o:"I-........,..


Lying down on the job

Coach Devine takes roll

Nice face, you Rebel


Swimming For the La Salle Swim Team, the 198687 swimming season proved itself to be tough. With the graduation of key seniors and the return of only two ail-Catholics, La Salle faced difficult meets against Bonner, O'Hara and SI. Joe's Prep. However, under the leadership of Coach Tony "Mel" Amand and senior captains Drew Reichert, Chris Susan in and Charles Bogle. tbe team was able to challenge competing teams for the Catholic league Title. Adding to the teams spirits was the breaking of a 19 year old record for the 100 yard free style. Drew Reichert broke the record

with a time of 49.6 seconds. Other senior members of the team included Mike Bolto, John Casey, Mike Gavin, Mike Scanlon, Sean McElligott and divers Chris Zajac and Bill Lahr. Juniors John Graham and John Schaeffer added to the teams success. Steve Brennan and Jack Pitts were great point scorers and freshmen Bill Francore and Bill Rothenbach have also contributed this year. With Mr. Amands coaching and the teams hard work and determination, the La Salle swim team has been and will remain a dominant force in the Catholic League.

'87 Seniors


Hats are Juniors' latest fashion

Swimmers show betterside

Mel? in the balcony?

Where's Tom? At Yearbook?


Wail, I found my dime.

Doody! Doody!


Casey displays his superior balance

Bus clears Scanlon's path

Scanlon leaches Casey butlerfly


Gel your butt up Dachowski!



A frosh jump shot


Due credil

Durkin pops


Air Coghlan

• The players and coaches of the 1987 La Salle Basketball Team had a tough challenge. They had 10 maintain their excellence on the court despite the loss of five key seniors and the head coach

from last year's team thaI went to the playoffs. They met part of this challenge by hiring Marty Jackson as head coach. He was the head coach of lasl year's

highly successful freshman team. The loss of last year's seniors left the team without a true superstar. They made up

Cetting psyched

for it by playing more as a team and working harder.

Coach Jackson counted on his captains, Malcolm Macklin and Dan Durkin, to lead this young team as well as his

other seniors. The other seniors were Dave Smith, Brendan Coghlan, Kevin Iaquinto, and Brendan McGowan. The team also needed production from the younger members of the team. They were juniors Bob Betchyk, Tom lee, Gene Schall, Tim Gaddy, and Terry Burke. The other contributing members of this team were sophomores Jack Stanczak, Mark Fitzgerald, and Brian Reilly. This was a year in the Catholic league North where there was no powerhouse. The league was very well balanced and practically all the teams had a legitimate shot at the playoffs. la Salle started the season on the right track by coming in second in the Archbishop Carroll Tournament. They continued on this track by beating tough Father Judge. The victory put la Salle in an early season tie for first place in the Catholic league orthern Division. The team hopes that the new coach's intense practices and their emphasis on teamwork can enable them (0 continue the excellence in basketball.




Up, up otnd ..way


Ower the top

Bombs away

The ultimate layup

Five to one says it goes




, f

1 . 2 . 3 . 4 - get the ...

Here we come to save the day



Coming around the corner

Runs like the wind


Not bad for one leg

INDOOR TRACK The 1986-1987 indoor track team, after a slow start, came on !i1rong to turn in another sterling performance. All the members of the team looked forward to successful competition this year, and they were hopeful of continuing La Salle's outstanding Irack tradition. This year's team was lead by runners Ace Amachi, Sam Kim, Pal Costello, Malt Lane, and Joe Young; Shol-putter Sam Hillanbrand, and pole-vaulter John

Alcorn. In fact, Alcorn sel the school record in the pole-vault with a height of 11'6", shattering the old record by half a foot. His feat was definitely one of the year's highlights. New team members included Brian Waerig, Dave Devine, Steve Casale, and Brian Devine. Under the guidance of Mr. Pat Devine and Brother David Rogers, this year's learn once again had an outstanding year.

Hi mom!

I know that dude

La Salle gets lapped


Hockey glides througl last season the La Salle Ice Hockey Club looked forward to a year of promise. There were seven seniors on the dub that looked like they would contribute to the best La Salle hockey team in years. But it was not to be. Not only

did the team fail to achieve the success it was looking for, it did not win a game. With half the team and the coach leaving, it seemed doubtful that there would even be a La Salle Ice Hockey Club in 1986. But after a strong effort to get those interested in playing hockey to sign up for the team there was an amazing twenty-some names on the list. In the past there has only been thirteen or fourteen players on the team. Many of those on the list however, were freshman and sophomores. So questions still remained. How good were they? Could they skate? Is the coach any good? Would the team now lose with freshman instead of seniors? When it was time for the first game those questions were answered. The team played well, considering it was their first game together. They managed a tie. Those who had watched the team struggle for the last few years were proud of this accomplishment. But now, a few months later, that tie is an embarrassment.

First year coach Joe McCann has instructed the team well and is largely respomible for it being the class of the league. Captain Jim Duffy leads the learn by example finding the net every game. They are supported by Junior goaltender AI Heaton, easily the best in the league. Senior Art Elchells, Sophomores Foster Garrison, Dave Marasco, and Freshmen, Greg Curci, Jim Dever, Ross Hibbert, Ray McKenzie, Brenden Mullen, and Jim Ross make up the powerfulla Salle offense. On defense, Senior Andy Glick, Sophomores, John Ross, Mike Lauf, Rodger Williams, and Freshman, Chris Russer keep the puck out of the La Salle end. In addition to these fine players there is another group of individuals who will become a big part of the La Salle Ice Hockey Club. These players make up the "taxi squad". They are as yet inexperienced hockey players but with practice they will become an integral part of future La Salle Ice Hockey teams. The La Salle Hockey team has come a long way in one year. From a team that had perfected losing, they have, with the help of a new coach, new players, and a new attitude, become a team that has dominated their league and should continue to do so for years to come.

• Shot - Score!



.. -L Hey Click, hit the showers, please!


nother season



A blistering sholl

La Salle Varsity Hockey team




Player waves to the fans


GRAPPLERS TAKE HOLD The 1986·1967 Wrestling team was one of new faces and transition. With only five returring members from ast years varsity there were many spofs to fill. The person coaching and motivating these young grapplers was first year coach Mr. Anthony V Viggiano. Using his expertise in fitness Mr. Viggiano made La Salle one of the best condition-

ed teams in the Catholic League. Backing up Mr. Viggiano were assistants Mr. Pal Henderson and Mr. Chris Mars who used their knowledge to help the young wrestlers learn the proper moves.

The team was led by captains Chris Redd in the 112 class and Gavin Muir in the Heavyweight class. The standout on the learn was Chris Redd who was at the top in his class in the Catholic league. These two were the backbone of the leam and helped the younger wrestlers

become better with each day of practice. The three other returning lettermen who were representing classes 119,132, and 167 were Curt Flack, Dan leFevre, and Rob Kozloski. The lighter classes were headed by Brendan Boyle at 96, Chris Meagher al 105, and Kevin Milhous at 126. leading the heavier classes were Chris Rile at 136, Ken Fisher at 145, Tim Fitzgerald at 155, and Peter Phalen at 185. The Junior Varsity had a successful year being led by Kevin Hendrick, Mike Hayes, Eric Biggins, and Brian Bray. Helping and cheering on the wres· tIers were moderators Brother Thomas Dunn, FSC and Mr. BilllaFontaine. The organization and guidance of these two men made the season enjoyable for par· ticipants and fans. The 1966-1987 season was one of learning.

lei me dip you just one more time


Dance fever

Ride'm cowboy

Eat dirt, slimeball

All I can do is wait


I'm laking this arm home with me

Say uncle


Take a good whiff


ROWERS GAIN EXPERIENCE D espite the loss of the Varsity 6's new Vespa!; eight oared shell, they came back to win both the Frostbite Regatta and the Bill Braxton Memorial Regatta. The winning boat in both races was coxswained by sophomore Chris Meagher. Mike Egonotovich stroked the varsity oarsmen to their first placed victories. The remainder of the boat was comprised of Ed Lemanowicz, Paul Dougherty, Mike Shannon, Sieve Wilhem, Pat Kilbride, Pal Me Cano, and Chris Blatney. After their slow start, the V-8 finished strong, completing the season successfully. The Junior Varsity 6 also had strong showings in their races. The JV-8 overcame advertsities to finish the season with a proud feeling. Throughout the season, the Novice 6 boat continued to progress and show development. The 1986 Fall campaign marked the fourth consecutive year in which the Novice 8 boat captured the title at the Bill Braxton Memorial Regatta. The Varsity 4 and the Junior Varsity 4, using the addition of their two new Vespoli 4's, had an equally successful showing in the Fall season. The V-4 had strong finishes in the various Head races, beating such teams as Temple, Princeton, and the University of Penn¡ sylvania. The Varsity 4 boat, coxswained by Ed Swanson, received medals at both the Head of the Connecticut and the Garden State Games this Fall. Mike Coyle, John Kichula, Bob Clinton and Maury Ledwith provided the manpower for the winning boats. The Junior Varsity 4 also placed in many races this fall. Overall, head coach Ken Shaw, along with his assistant coaches, Mark Valenti, Joe Sweeney and Bill Ernst were extremely pleased with the performance of this year's fall season. The Fall has typically been known as a time for rowers to gain experience and to begin working out in hopes of a prosperous spring season. Judging from the quality of the crew program here at La Salle and the dedication of all the rowers, we can all look forward to a strong showing in the upcoming spring season. For now the rowers will have a few weeks off, but by the end of January will be working even harder in preparation for the upcoming scheduled races in the Spring.

"Beagle, I thought I said LEAVE:'





Take the hat off Freck

Steve "Rocketman" Williamson in deep concentration.


• •


"Thanks, but I have enough medals,"

Jeff, look up it's picture time


The shiek takes over

Rowers head toward victory For most people, Crew represents a social event; something to do on a Sunday afternoon. But for those who row, it means much more. It means waking up at six in the morning on a bone-chilling February day. It means grueling practices every day after school. But when you ask rowers why they put up with the stress, the answer will invariably be "Because I love it I" The 1966 fall season was a very successful one for the La Salle crew. The Varsity-8 learn of Chris Blatney, Pat Kilbride, Steve Wilhelm, Mike "Freck" Shannon, Paul "Doc" Dougherty, Mike


"Eggy" Egnolovich, and Ed lemanowicz, with Chris Meagher as coxswain, went on to win the Bill Braxton and Frostbite Regattas. The Varsity-4, Morrie ledwith, Bob Clinton, John "Dink" Kichula, and Mike Coyle, with Ed Swanson as coxswain, placed second in the Head of Connecticut Regatta out of a field of thirty路four. The large underclass turnout pro路 duced a strong showing in the Fresh路 man, Novice, and Junior Varsity events, and promises a good future for future varsity crews. Coaches Bob Reinhardt and Bill Ernst were vital in preparing all

teams for their races. Strong Alumni support enabled the Crew to purchase three new shells for the fall and spring seasons. The boats purchased were two Vespoli Fours and one Vespoli Eight. With the strong background from the fall season, and the return of Drew Tripodi, Gavin Muir, and John Casey, the spring season was as successful as the fall. With excellent equipment and active student participation, these year's Crew continued their winning tradi路 tion.

A day on the Delaware


The true essence of crew

- --

-- - - ---."LP




is quicker than Ihe eye




Doc hides out during practice


-Slrooooooke!l! !!


Take a left guys

---- --~~


I was this tall last year


La Salle Baseball In the quest for their first league

Schall and Tom Poehlmann provided al¡

championship ever, the La Salle Baseball

most error-free defense. Senior catcher

Program fielded one of its strongest teams in the past few years. Under the

Dave Wolpert had another stellar year behind the plate and provided the club with an explosive bat as well. Other outstanding offensive players included the fleet footed Joe Romano, the left handed powerhouse Albert Funk, and the aggressive Jim Gabriele. Also noteworthy was the play of the IV Squad. Under the direction of coaches Nick Morrisand John Stanczak, the little Explorers battled their way to the top of the division. The future of La Salle Baseball looks promising, indeedl

direction of second year coach Mr. Joe Parisi, the Explorers played consistently well, proving themselves as one of the more competitive learns in the catholic League. Veteran hurlers Duke Wolpert and

Brendan McCowan, along with the strong armed tandom of Gene Schall and John Stanczak rounded out one of

the better pitching staffs in the Northern Division. Seniors Mike Sawicky and Dave Kuroc, along with juniors Gene


Gabe readies the pitch


Sprinting inlO filness

r Somebody through me a ball

Wolpert in spring Iraining

Coach Parisi is busy lying up the team

Romano eats dirt


Here il comes, ready or nol


Not in the (ace




Hitler's Heroes


I gol .II ... I got il


The stretch at least looks good


Joe squats into position

Bunt is on


Arlislic rendering of Greg

I In mid swing, Greg nOlices birds overhead

Greg Orr's excilabilily in action



The bailie field

An Ace

of a Season La Salle's varsity tennis team continued their tradition of excellence this

responsible for the purchase of an auto-

year. They have had another excellent season and stand a good chance of winning their fourth Catholic league title in a row. If they succeed, they will have

matic ball server which has helped the team greatly in practice. Although the loss of lasl year's greats Drew Stock mal and Dave Martella has hurt the team, they still retain their strong COfe of varsity players Greg Ore, Mark Ferraro, and John Simone. This, plus the new underclass talent added Ihis year, have helped create another winning season.

performed a feat unsurpassed by any

tennis team in the past. Coach Brother Bill Riley has done

nothing but the best for the team this year. He has worked very hard 10 drum up support for the team this year, and is


• Hey, where's Cregt

Trick shot


Roof Golfingl

What a twosomel

Senior Members: Brother AI lumley, Peter Bartels, Brian Sullivan, Doug Gregor. Mike Kelly Missing: Dan Cillp..ro


If one word could be used to describe La Salle's golf team it would be consistency. La Salle has won the CAtholic League Championship in 9 of the last 10 years. Head coach Brother AI Lumley gives each team member guidance and support whether a freshman or a senior. His amusing stories relieve any tense situation. La Salle has many key returners this

year in All-Catholics Doug Gregor, Pete Bartells and George Petrillis. Some other members who control the fate of the team are seniors Dan Caparo, Brian Sullivan, Mike Kelly and Tom Maguire. With all the depth and consistency on this years team, Brother AI should bring another Catholic League trophy to La Salle.

That's a funny looking fairway

1987 Varsity Golf Team Members


Spring Track This year's track team was nothing short of spectacular. The team in all

three areas: sprinting, distance running and field events. Mr. Devine and assis· tant coach Dave Thomas coach the distance runners, Brother Dave heads the sprinters and Mr. Frizz coached the field events. In the distance running category, four exceptional runners must be honored by haVing their names take up space in

the pages of thiS yearbook. They are David Devine, Brian Devine, Brian Waerig and Steve Ca~le. These four members of the learn have brought La Salle 10 a new rank of leadership in the distance running area. Of course, credit must be

given to Mr. Devine and Dave Thomas

for coaching these fine young athletes.

Their leadership has proven vital for the bloodstream of La Salle track. The sprinting side of La Salle's track team certainly had a nack for winning various titles this year. Brian Daly, Paul Stankus and Brian Fanfells are a few of the faster freshmen sprinters. Coached by Brother Dave, the sprinters are off to another winning season. The field events (shotput, discus, pole vault, long jump, high jump, and triple jump) seem to be heading for another recordbreaking year. With so much new talent, it seems that Mr. Frizz cannot not have a winning season. All in all, it seems that La Salle's Spring Track department is well covered.




• •

... Here comes lunch!


..... .


What a Hickey

Where's Ihe balhrooml

La Salle's Senior Irack team





__ v

r\:'" ..JU.NIO~ YEA~


OF "

"" /'





J~ \

Joshua Baer

Lawrence W. Becht

Michul Christopher Belcher





ID John C. Alcorn 6524 7th Street Phila, Pa. 19126 224-3828 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Pole-Vault 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 2 Joshua Baer 2D 341 Winding Way Glenside, Pa. 19038 576-6963 Soccer 1 ... Baseball 1, 2 ... Track 3, 4 ... Cross-Country 2, 3 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Winter Track 1,2,3,4 ... Student Council 4 Peter Eric Bartels 3D 301 Continental Drive Harleysville, Pa. 19438 268-0865 Golf 1, 2, 3, 4 ... (All-Catholic 2, 3) ... Intramurals 1

John C. Alcorn

4D Jonathon C. Beagle 94 East Endfield Rd. Featerville, Pa. 19047 347-1983 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Stage Crew 1, 2 ... C,ew " 2, 3 (l), 4 (l)

Lawrence W. Becht 5D 3002 Brambling lane Norristown, Pa. 19403 584-6191 Crew 2, 3 (l), 4 (l) Yearbook 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 1

Michael Christopher Belcher 6D 920 Tricorn Drive lansdale, Pa. 19446 584-0528 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Soccer 2, 3, 4 ... Cross-Country 1

Peter Eric Bartels


Ceoffrey W. Branscome Matthew D. Bradley

Richard H. Brennan, Jr.


William Brown

Christopher M. Bullick

Matthew O. Bradley 60 342 Roumfort Road Philadelphia, PA 19119 242-1543 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 2, 3 (ll, 4 (l) ... Ski Club 4 ... Racquetball 4 70 Ceoffrey W. Branscome 3008 Gowan lane lafayette Hill, PA 19444 625-3027 Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 2,3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 Brian J. Bray 10 8702 Montgomery Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 636-7290 Drama 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 3,4 ... Track and Field 2, 3 3D William Brown 6822 lawn IOn Street 462-6176 Football 2, 3, 4 (l) lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wister ian 2 Weightlifting 2, 3, 4 Richard H. Brennan, Jr. 20 603 Anthony Drive Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 825¡1288 Swimming 1 ... Wrestling 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2, Athletic Trainer 2, 3 Christopher M. Bullick 40 812 Cathedral Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 463-6315 Football 1,2, 3, 4 ... Track and Field 1, 2 ... Weightlifting 2, 3, 4

Brian J. Bray


William Coer

John P. Casey

Steven J. Colodonato

Thomas Cleary

John M. Casper


John P. Casey 6D 714 Spring Valley Rd Doylestown, PA 18901 346-2659 Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Swimming 1, 2(l), 4(l) Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Crew 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) Student Council 1, 4 John M. Casper 7D 1103 Highland Ave Abington, Pa 19001 665-7465 6asketball 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... SADD 4 CSC 2, 3, 4 ... Racquetball 2, 3 lD James P. Caswlia Morden Rd Huntingdon Valley, Pa 19006 698·8471 Football 1, 2, 3, 4(l) ... Wrestling 4{l) ... Track and Field 4(l) Thomas Cleary 2D Joshua Rd Philadelphia, Pa 673-9625 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Racquetball 1, 3 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 Robert H. Clinton


1083 Frederick Rd Meadowbrook, PA 19046 947-2956 Spring Crew 1, 2, 3, 4(l) ... Fall Crew 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3 Ski Club 2, 3 Football 1

Brendan M. Coghlan

4D William Coer 13 Virginia lane Horsham, PA 19044 443-8415 Bowling 2, 3 ... CSC 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4 Brendan M. Coghlan 5D 307 Plymouth Ave Oreland, PA 19075 666-9360 Basketball 1, 2, 4{l) ... Track and Field 3(l) ... Golf 4(l) NHS 3, 4 ... Student Council 1 Wisterian 3,4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ...

James P. Cuwlia

Robert H. Clinton

Sleven J. ColOOonalo 6D 2728 Rossiter Rd Roslyn, Pa 19001 657·4175 Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 . _. Cross Country 4{l)


Gerald Cosgrove




Francis T. Crane

Anthony D. Consolo

John R. Cowan


Patrick C. Costello

Mark Collins 70 400 S. Hogan St Philadelphia, Pa 673-7632 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 10 Anthony o. Consolo 240 Ripka St Philadelphia, Pa 19127 483-1419 Theater 1, 2, 3,4 ... CSC 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Gerald Cosgrove 20 1031 Woodland Ave Norristown, Pa 19401 584-0589 Basketball 1, 2 ... Scholastic "l" 1,23,4 · .. Forum 3, 4 (Vice-pres) ... NHS 3, 4 · .. Mathletes 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 · .. Wister ian 4

Stephen C. Coyle

30 Patrick C. Costello 1268 Fuller St Philadelphia, Pa 722-3630 Cross Country 2, 3, 4 (Ail-Catholic) Track 1, 2, 3, 4 (All-Catholic) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 1 40 John R. Cowan 713 Manatawna Ave Philadelphia, Pa 19128 482-2998 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 1, 2 Spirit Club 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 4 50 Michael Coyle 353 Marianne Rd lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 825-0118 Spring Crew 1, 2, 3 (l), 4(l) ... Spirit Club 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Art Club 3,4 Yearbook 1, 3 ... Wisterian 1,2,3,4 CSC 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4

Michael Coyle

Stephen C. Coyle 60 353 Marianne Rd lafayette Hi I, Pa 19444 825-0118 Swimming 1, 2, 3 Spirit Club 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Ski Club 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 3 ... Prom Committee 3,4. Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (President) 70 Francis T. Crane 1433 North Wales Rd North Wales, Pa 19454 368-2391 Intramurals 1. 2, 3 ... Racquetball 3

Mark Collins


Michael DiFebbo Jr. Christopher G. Dilenno

Thomas M. Depman

Stephen Diehl


Thomas M. Cush 10 302 Preston Road Flourtown, PA 19031 233-0591 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 Track 1,2,3,4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 1

Michael R. Dean 30 515 Hughes Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 666-6573 CSC 2, 3, 4 ... Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 6and " 2, 3, 4{l) Christian Mink Dejohn 2D 235 E. Waverly Road Wyncote, PA 19095 665-2306 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Cross-Country 1 ... Art Club 2 ... Wisterian 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... 5ADD 4 ... Football 4{l)

I Phillip M. DeMara

Thomas M. Cush

Phillip M. DeMara 40 8617 Steeple Drive Philadelphia, PA 19128 487-1105 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Baseball 2, 3, 4 Football 1 ... Scholastic "l" 3 Thomas M. Depman 50 605 Highland Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 665-3676 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 3, 4) ... NHS 3,4 Wister ian 3, 4 Yearbook 3 ... IntraScholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, murals 1, 2, 3, 4 4

Slephen Diehl 60 1030 Bridge Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 535-4566 Football 1, 2. 3, 4 Wister ian 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Prom Commit¡ tee 3, 4 Michael DiFebbo Jr. 342 W. Valley Forge Road King of Prussia, Pa 19406


337-2313 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (V.P.) ... NHS 3, 4 . Theatre 2, 3, 4 Mathletes 1, 2, 3, 4 . Wisterian 4 Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 2, 3, 4 Seraphim 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2

Christian Mark Dejohn

Christopher G. Dilenno 10 2375 Fairway Road Huntington Valley, PA 19006 657-1063 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1 Football 1 Student Council 2


James J. Doyle

Peter J. DuPont

Patrick J. Dougherty

Patrick M. Dunn

James R. Duffy


Patrick J. Dougherty


2647 Hazel Avenue North Hills. PA 19083 576-7826 Football 1, 2, 3, 4(l) ... Intramurals', 2, 3, 4

Paul A. Dougherty 6739 Sagamore Road Philadelphia, PA 19128


483-9577 Inlramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 (Business Mgr.) ... Crew 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Rae· quetball Club 3

Robert Francis Dougherty


1729 Bantry Drive

Dresher, PA 19025 646-7947 Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Sk; Club 1,2,3, 4 ... Track and Field 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Paul A. Dougherty


James ]. Ooyle 50 1438 Manor lane Blue Bell, PA 19422 64)·1193 Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4(l) Student Council 1, 2,3, 4 ... NHS 3, 4 SADD 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3,4 ... Scholas· tic "l" 1, 2, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 Christopher J. Dubil 214 Oakland Place North Wales, PA 19454 699-0536 Football 2 ... Track 1 Prom Committee 3, 4 2, 3, 4


Soccer 4 (l) Intramurals 1,

James R. Duffy 70 404 Concord lane lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-8432 Football' ... Ice Hockey ',2(l),3(l), 4(l) ... Intramurals', 2,3,4 ... Spirit Club 2, 3,4

Patrick M. Dunn

Christopher ]. Dubil

Robert Francis Dougherty

1D 1253 Paso Fino Drive Warrington, PA 18976 343·4859 Forensics 1, 2 ... Spring Track 2 ... Wis· terian 3. 4 (Editor) ... NHS 3, 4 ... French Club 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3,4 ... Photo Club 3, 4 ... Drama Production Staff 2, 3, 4

Peter J. DuPont 2D 714 Chapel Road Glenside, PA 19038 887·0313 Football 1, 2, 3 ... Wrestling 2 ... Ski Club 2, 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Daniel M. Durkin

Arthur Elchells


Michael S. Egnolovich


William ,. Eberhard



Daniel M. Durkin 3D 1044 Welsh Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 677-2047 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Basketball 1, 2(L), 3(l), 4{l) ... Wisterian 2 ... Baf>eball 1, 2

Frank P. Dwyer 1'6 Azalea Way Flourtown, PA 19031 233-2498 Band (Guitar Ensemble) 1, 2, 3, 4


William J. Eberhard 5034 0 Street Philadelphia, PA 19120



Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Swimming 1, 2, 3 4 ... Racquetball Club 2, 3, 4 Michael S. Egnotovich 807


. Fairway Road

Glenside, PA 19038 572-6690 Crew 2, 3(l), 4(l) . _. Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Racquetball Club 1, 2 ... Winter Track 1 Arthur Elchells 70 315 S. Sixth Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 922-5283 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Ice Hockey 'll), 2(l), 31ll, 4111

David Anthony Fecak, Jr.

.'1".-..... "..

Joseph Fafara 1D/ 626 Hermitage Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-8567 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wister ian 4 ... Yearbook 2


Robert N. hrrace 2D 8211 Castor Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19152 725-6955 Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres.)..Wisterian 2, 3, 4(Copy Ed.) ... Yearbook 2, 3 ... Scho· lastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NHS 3, 4 ... latin Club 2, 3, 4 (secretary)

Frank P. Dwyer

Joseph Fafara

Dayid Anlhony Fecak Jr. 3D 1184 Dickerson Road North Wales, PA 19454 368·1945 Wisterian 3, 4 ... Art Club 3, 4 Ski Club 3, 4 ... Intramurals 3, 4 Year· book 3, 4 (Asst. Photo Ed)


Harry J. Fisher


Daniel J. finn

4D Mark S. Ferraro 31 W. Northwestern Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 247-1932 Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Daniel J. Finn 5D 3036 Appledale Road Audubon, PA 19403 539-4743 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "l" 3

60 HilJry I. Fisher 1135 E. Cheltenham Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 266-6413 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Drama 2, 3, 4 Bowling 1(l), 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) Timolhy P. Fitzgerald 7D 1475 Mauck Road Norristown, PA 19403 277-3573 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . HS 3, 4 ... Basketball 1 ... Soccer 1 ... Wrestling 3, 4(l) ... Student Council 2, 3, 4(VP) Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 ... CSC 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1 David l. Forde, Jr. 1D 8016 Seminole Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 246-3204 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3 ... Yearbook 2,3,4 (Photo Ed.) . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Stage Crew 1, 2 . Band 1 ... Ski Club 1, 2, 4 ... Racquetball Club 2

lames A. Gabriele

Joseph l. Fry 3D 9813 Redd Rambler Drive Philadelphia, PA 19115 698-8424 Art Club 1 _.. Photo Club 2 ... Wisterian 3 ... NHS 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Band 2 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 Albert I. Funk 40 296 lamplighter lane Huntington Valley, PA 19006 947-7669 Basketball 1 ... Baseball 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... NHS 3, 4 Wisterian 1, 2,3,4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 4 (VP) ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2,3,4

Albert R. Funic

Marlc S. Ferraro

James A. Gabriele 5D 3009 Congress Road Norristown, PA 19403 584-0177 Football 1, 2(l), 3{l), 4(l) ... Weightlift;ng 3, 4 Baseball 1, 2, 3{l), 4(l) _ Wrestling 1 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 ... NHS 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 163

Charles M. Gemmi III

Jon Andrew Glide

1 -


~OlllJ, l

Bentley F. Gleeson

Frank Gagliano


Ramon Garcia


6D Frank Gagliano 8652 Belfry Dr. Philadelphia, PA 19128 N02·1071 Band 2, 3{l), 4 ... Intra murals 2, 3 7D James P. Gallagher 648 Country Club Dr. Blue Bell, PA 19422 641·1946 Track 1, 2 ... Wrestling 1,2,3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Racquetball 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 CSC 3, 4

Ramon Garcia lD 1361 St. Charles Place Roslyn, PA 19001 657·1897 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 2, 3 Michael K. Gavin 2D 222 Mimosa lane Halboro, Pa 19040 675·4962 Swimming 1,2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Wisterian 2, 3,4 ... Arl Club 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Charles M. Gemmi III 3D 56 Valley Dr. Furlong, PA 18925 794·5106 Ski Club 3, 4 ... NHS 3, 4 ... Intramura[s 1,2,3,4 ... 80wHng 1Il), 2(l), 3Il), 41l) (Capt.) ... Baseball 2 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2,3,4

Michael K. Gavin

Thomas Gilmore 4D 1405 Gypsy Hill Rd. Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 643·6220 Tennis 1, 4(l) ... Crew 2 ... Cross Country 2 ... Sludent Council 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... CSC 2, 3 Benlley F. Cleeson 1011 Wakeling Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 744-4879 Intramurals 3, 4

James P. Gallagher Thomas Gilmore


6D Jon Andrew Glick 103 Red Rambler Dr. lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 834-0119 Ice Hockey 1(l), 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... Drama 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 (Art Editor) ... Art Club 2 ... Inlramurals 1, 2, 4


Daniel J. Goodwin III 7D 8204 Solly Place Philadelphia, PA 19111 742·4657 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 1, 2, 3,4 ... Scholastic "l" 2 10 Charles D. Graham 5359 Morris St. Philadelphia, PA 19144 844-8837 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Commit· tee 3, 4 Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 ... Football 2,3,4 Track 2, 3,4 ... Indoor Track 2, 3 ... Student Council 1, 2 20 Douglas E. Gregor 1141 Olg Ford Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 379-0512 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 3, 4 ... Golf 1, 2, 3, 4 (Capt.) Cross Country 1 ... Latin Club 2, 3 NHS 3, 4 Wisteran 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 ... CSC 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1,2, 3, 4 Matthew J, Grexa 38 Chestnut Ave. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 667-0763 Crew 2, 3


4D Leonard T. Cryn, Jr. 3914 Manayunk Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-3790 Bowling 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Racquetball 2 Wister ian 1

Joseph C. Guagliargo

50 Joseph c. Gaugliardo PO Box 440 lahaska, PA 18931 294·5211 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Soccer 1 . Crew 1 Ill, 2, 3(l), 4(l) Sk; Club 3, 4 . Yearbook 3, 4 6D Kevin J. Guerin 1015 70th Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19126 424-6392 Football 1, 2, 3 ... Basketball 2, 3 Intra murals 1, 2, 3 70 Michael C. Cuerrelli 1200 laurel Ave. Warminster, PA 18974 441-5887 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Tennis 1,2 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2


Michael C. Guerrelli

Matthew J. Crexa

., .. , 'I kYJ'



Leonard T. Cryn, Jr.


Michael W. Houck

Duid F. HOiIUpenny SOiImuel 8. HiIIOiInbrOilnd

• John E. IzzOilrd


John P. Ha 10 134 Dana lane lafayette Hill, PA 19444 625-1307 esc 3, 4 ... SADD 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Photo Club 3, 4 David F. Halfpenny



1418 Daws Rd. Norristown, PA 19401

564-6753 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 3 ... C5C 4 Edward Hibbert 3002 Congree Rd.


Norristown, PA 19403 584-4753 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Drama 4 ... Bowling 4

Samuel B. Hillanbrand


J Edward Hibbett

Kevin F. Iaquinto


716 Hendren St. Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-0697 Indoor Track 3, 4 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (l) ... Track 2, 3,(l), 4(l) Student Council3, 4 (Pres.) ... esc 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Weight lifting 1, 2, 3, 4

Paul W. Hinderliter


412 Norristown Rd.

Horsham, PA 19044 Art Club 2, 3, 4(VP) ... Yearbook 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Michael W. Houck 60 2293 Meelinghouse Rd. Jamison, PA 18929 343-6461 Track 3(l), 4(l) ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... CSC 2, 3, 4 ... Ski Club 1, 2, 3 ... latin Club 2 , .. Intramurals 1, 2, 3 ... Scholastic "l" 1 Kevin F. Iaquinto 70 101 Woodspring Rd. Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 699-4235 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4 ... Yearbook 4 Spirit Club 2, 3 . Racquetball 2, 3 NHS 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1 John E. Izzard 10 7412 Stenton Ave. Apt. C9 Philadelphia, PA 19150 Crew 1, 2 ... Band 1,2,3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Paul W. Hinderliler


John R. Kichula

Michael D. Kelly


William J. Lahr IV Michael J. Korman


Michael D. Kelly 2D 21 Summit St. Philadelphia, PA 19118 247-6660 Football " 2 ... Golf 1(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... Crew 2, 3 ... Wisterian 1,2,3,4 (editor) ... latin Club 2, 3 ... Yearbook 2,4 ... Ski Club 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 4 · .. Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4(VP) Jeffrey C. Kerns 3D 7851 Michener Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 549-6725 Swimming 1, 2, 3(l) ... Band 1, 2, 3, 4 John R. Kichula 40 544 Byron Rd. Warminster, PA 16974 675-2264 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 Crew 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... Wi sterian 2 Racquetball 2, 3 · .. NHS 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4

Palrick J. Kilbride

David J. Kuruc


Patrick J. Kilbride SO 306 E. Aliens lane Philadelphia, PA 19119 242-4049 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wister ian 4 ... NHS 4 · .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 Stephen Kiszely 145 frog Hollow Rd. Churchville, PA 16966 357 -2256 Crew 3, 4(l) ... Soccer 1 · .. Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 · .. Racquetball 2, 3


Ski Club 3, 4 Yearbook 4

Michael J. Korman 70 6351 limekiln Pike Wyncote, PA 19095 576-1903 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wister ian 3 10 David J. Kuruc 6711 Old line Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-1075 Football 1, 2, 3(l) ... Baseball 1,2, 3(l), 4(l) ... lntramurals 4 ... NHS 3 William J. lahr IV 1770 Patimino Drive Warrington, PA 16976 343·2421 Scholastic "l" 1 ... Swimming 3, 4 Drama 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres.) ... Band 1, 2,


... Ski 3

Jeffrey C. Kerns


Daniel J. LeFevre

Joseph M. Lawless, Jr.

Edward P. Lemanowicz

Matthew H. Lane


Matthew H. Lime 3D 100 Heacock lane Wyncote, PA 19095 887¡5495 Cross Country 3(l), 4(l) ... Track 3(l), 4(l) ... Winter Track 3(l), 4(l) ... Intermurals 3, 4 40 Ronald J. Lauck, Jr. 863 Granite Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 535-2543 Baseball 2,4 Bowling 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Stage Crew 1 Joseph M. Lawless, Jr. 50 30 E. Germantown Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 828-7804 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... CSC 1, 2 ... Crew 1 Racquetball 2, 3 ... Swimming 2, 3 Golf 3, 4 ... Cross Country 1 ... Ski Club 4 Kevin J. Ledger, Jr. 7D 404 Pinecrest Rd. Norristown, PA 19401 279-7146 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Mathletes 1, 2, 3,4 ... Computer Science league 3 ... Forensics 4 Racquetball 2 NHS 3, 4 (Treasurer) Seraphim 1, 2 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 60 Daniel J. LeFevre 221 Newington Drive 672-9873 Band 2,3,4 Football 2 ... Wrestling 2, 3(l), 4(l) Intramurals 2, 3, 4

Kevin J. Ledger

Edward P. Lemanowic.r. 10 1312 Cory Orive Fort Washington, PA 19034 643-0213 Fall Crew 2, 3, 4 ... Spring Crew 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) Band 1,2,3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Spirit Club 3, 4 ... SAOO 4 Chuan lin 20 209 Green lane Philadelphia, PA 19127/ AV2-7922 Intramurals 1, 2, 3 ... Crew 2 ... CSC 2, 3

Ronald J. Lauck, Jr.

Dennis C. link

Dennis C. link 3D 2078 Pheasant Hill Rd. landsdale, PA 19446 368-5248 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Forum 1, 2(l), 3, 4 ... Gazebo 4 ... CSC 3,4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... French Club 4 .. _Scholastic "l" 1, 3, 4


. -





....... '


Malcolm C. Macklin

J. Logan Theodore 8. Loos


• Andrew little


741 Avenue 'G' Ardsley, Pa 19036 666-5626 Intramurals " 2, 3, 4 ... Community Service Corps 4 Yearbook 4

Thomas W. lobley 1755 Windsor Rd. orristown, Pa 19401 279-1739


Racquetball 3, 4 ... Art Club 1, 2, 4 Yearbook 4

Matlhew C. Lachetto


721 Alene Rd. Ambler, Pa 19002 643-0304 Intramurals " 2, 3. 4 Bowling 1 Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 2, 3 '" Racquetball 2, 3 Spirit Club 4 ... esc 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 4 ... NHS 3, 4

Andrew little

James J. logan


2327 Vista St. Philadelphia, Pa 19124 335-1181 Intra murals " 2, 3, 4 .. _ Basketball 1, 2 ... Football 1, 2, 3. 4(l) ... Student Council 1, 2, 4 ... Track and Field 3, 4 Scholastic "ltl 1,3 . .. HS 4 S.A.D.D. 4

Theodore 8. Loos


726 West Prospect Ave North Wales, Pa 19454 699-7292 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4(l) Soccer 1, 2 ... Football 4 Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 4

James H. Madden

Gerard J. lucidi 2D 212 Woodenbridge Rd. Holland, Pa 18966 355-1150 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 2 ... Racquetball 2, 3 Ski Club 3, 4 (Vicepres.) ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Public Relations 1, 2, 3 ... Yearbook 4 (Editor-inChief) . .. ational Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 3, 4 Malcolm C. MilCldin 30 8239 Thouron St. Philadelphia, Pa 19124 247-5947 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 2 ... Basketball 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) James H. Madden 4D 965 Sunset Or. Bluebell, Pa 19422 643-6412 Crew 3, 4 ... Drama 1,2 ... Pep Band 1, 2, 3 ... Compo Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Seraphim 1, 2

Matthew C. lochetto


James J, McColigan

Sean M. McAllister

Robert M. Martin Patrick M. McCann


5D Thomas G. Maguire 1360 Stonybrook lane lansdale, Pa 19446 362-1163 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Basketball 1 ... Golf 2, 3, 4 Racquetball 2, 3, 4 60 John J. Maiden 819 Caledonia St. Philadelphia, Pa 482-0489 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Cross-Country 2 70 Michael F. Malalesta 763 Penn Ave Ardsley, Pa 884-6088 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... C.S.c. 2,3,4 ... Bowling 1 ... Racquetball Club 2, 3, 4 Cross-Country 2, 4(l) ... Indoor Track 2, 4(l) ... Spring Track 4(l) ... Scholastic "l" 4

John J. Maiden

10 Robert M. Martin 134 Boncouer Rd. Cheltenham, Pa 635-6835 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Cross-Country 1,2 ... Track and Field 1, 2 ... NHS 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 3, 4

Sean T. McElligot

Thomas G. Maguire

5D Sean M. McAllister 327 Stevenson Court Philadelphia, Pa 828-7778 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Ski Club 1,2 Golf 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Racquetball 2, 3, 4 60 Patrick M. McCann 715 Vernon Rd. Philadelphia, Pa 19119 438-6984 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wister ian 2, 3 C.5.C. 3, 4 ... C'ew 2, 3(l), 4(l)

James J. McColigan 7D 483 Angrew Rd Huntingdon Valley, Pa 19006 947-9309 Crew 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... Fall Crew 3, 4 ... Wister ian 3, 4 NHS(Secretary)3, 4 ... eSc. 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Prom Committee 4 ... Racquetball elub 2, 3, 4

Sean T. McElligol 1D 923 Jenifer Rd. Horsham, Pa 19044 643-4875 eSc. 2, 3 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 2, Swimming 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) 3,4 ... Scholastic "l" 1,3,4 ... Outdoor Track and Michael F. Malatesta Michael F. Malatesla


Thomas J. McGann


J. McGovern

Patrick T. McGoni1lgle


Daniel J. Mcfarlane 20 1245 Cloverly Rd. Warminster, Pa 674-5467 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 2, 3 Thomas J. McGann 20 925 Bell lane Maple Glen, Pa 19002 643-7736 Swimming 1(l), 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor) ... NHS 3, 4 S.A.D.O. 4 ... Student Council 2 ... latin Club 2 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 4 Racquetball Club 2, 3 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 4 John R. McGeer 3D 404 Magee Ave Philadelphia, Pa 19111 725-5363 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 2, 3 ... Racquetball 3, 4

John R. McGeer

Daniel J. Mcfarlane

Patrick T. McGinn 30 1801 Holmes Rd Maple Glen, Pa 19002 646-8576 Crew 2, 3(l), 4{l) ... Scholastic "l" 4 ... SADD 4 Student Council 3, 4 Spirit Club 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3 Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 Patrick J. McGonagle 40 402 Burton Rd Oreland, Pa 636-9326 Cross~Country 1, 2, 3,4 ... Indoor Track 1,2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3(l), 4{l) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2 Matthew R. McGovern 50 lOS Herbert St. Philadelphia, Pa 269-1429 Jazz. Band 3, 4 ... Stage Band 3, 4 Camp. Band 3, 4 ... Forum 3 ... Drama 3

I Charles J. McGowan Matthew R. McGovern

Patrid J. McGovern 60 309 Forest Ave Willow Grove, Pa 19090 657-0207 Football 2 ... Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 4 •.. Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 Racquetball 3, 4 ... Ski Club 1 Charles J. McGowan 539 Quail Court Blue Bell, Pa 19422 626-6766 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4




Charles D. McNally

John M. Miles

Edmund M. Mirarchi Brendan T. McGowan


Brendan T. McCowan 70 144 Roberts Ave Glenside, Pa 19038 887-5378 Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4(l) ... Baseball 1, 2, 3{l), 4(l) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 John S. McHale 3122 Midvale Ave Philadelphia, Pa 19129 438-4137 tntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


David B. T. McMahon 7103 Sherman St Philadelphia, Pa 19119 247-3661 Wisterian 4 ... latin Club 2, 3, 4


Charles D. McNally 30 5219 Sylvester St Philadelphia, Pa 2B9-1416 Soccer 4(l) ... Wisterian 3, 4 Yearbook 3 ... Photo Club 2, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 John M. Miles 3532 Telon Rd Philadelphia, Pa 637-5163 Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 2 ... Cross Country' Athletic "l" 3

Albert Miralles

John S. McHale


Scholastic "l"" Wrestling 3 ...

Michael S. Minghenelli 50 412 St. David Dr Mt. laurel, N.J. 08054 778-02B3 Crew 3, 4 ... Intramurals ... Art Club 1, 2, 3 ... Racquetball 2, 3 Albert Miralles 60 3920 Country Wood lane Hatboro, Pa 19040 674-0530 Track 1 ... Wrestling 2, 3, 4 ... Inlramurals 1,2,3,4 Edmund M. Mirarchi 70 2120 Kent Rd Huntingdon Valley, Pa 19006 947-366B Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 3, 4 Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 3 Prom Committee 3, 4 Spirit Club





Christopher D. Murphy

Mark R. Milchell


Edward f. Moore

J. Gavin Muir

Mark R. Milchell 6312 E. Valley Green Rd Flourtown, Pa 19031 636-4216 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Edward F. Moore 4044 Fairway Rd lafayette Hills, Pa 19444 828-3940 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Swimming 2 ...

C5.C 3 J. Gnin Muir 3D 1929 Johnson Rd Norristown, Pa 19401 277-1665 Soccer 1, 2(l}, 3(l), 4(l) Wrestling 1, 2(l), 3{l) C,.w " 2(l), 3{l) (Ali-Catholic) 4(l) · .. Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 HS 3, 4 · .. Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 3 · .. Prom Committee 4 ational Merit Semi-Finalist 4

Frank J. Mullen

Francis Nolan

Frank J. Mullen 40 358 Marianne Rd lafayette Hill, Pa 626-0949 Track 1, 2 IntraCross Country 1, 2 murals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "l" 1, 2 Chrislopher D. Murphy 50 1912 Murray 5t Philadelphia, Pa 19115 673-1316 Swimming 1 Cross Country 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 4 ... Spirit Club 4 Spring Track 2,4 ... S.A.D.D. 4 Francis Nolan 60 1622 Madeira Ave Jenkintown, Pa 10046 667-6606 CSC 1, 2, 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Dra-

m.4 James J. O'Connell 70 7331 Hiola Rd Philadelphia, Pa 462-1396 Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4(l) ... Student Council 2 ... HS2,3 ... lntramurals3,4 ... Football 3 James J. O'Connell

Kevin T. O'Donnel

Kevin T. O'Donnell 1D 682 Deaver Dr Blue Bell, Pa 19422 542-9509 CSC 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 2, 3, 4 . Intra murals 2, 3, 4 Spirit Club 3, 4 . Yearbook (layout Editor) 4 ... 5.A.D.D. 4 NHS 4


Gerald P. O'Hara

Andrew P. Pezka


Gregory A. Ore

John J. Pilosi

Gerald P. O'Hara 2D 106 Homestead Drive Doylestown, Pa 16901 348-9280 Soccer 1 ... Band 1 ... Intra murals 1, 2 ... Baseball 4 Gregory A. Ore 3D 6444 N. 11th St. Philadelphia, PA 927-3181 Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 3 Edmondo J. Paludi 4D 7606 Ardleigh Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 248-3347 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Art Club 4 ... Racquetball 2, 3 ... Yearbook 4

Robert A. Perkinson

Brian Patrone

Briilln P~hone 5D 1350 Gypsy Hill Road Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 646-5906 Racquetball 3, 4 ... 5ki Club 2, 3, 4 Basketballl ... Soccer 1 ... Art Club 4 ... Wisterian 4 Robert A. Perkinson 6D 1653 Cavan Drive Dresher, PA 19025 646-7175 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club Andrew P. Pezka 7D 17 Glenn Cirefe Philadelphia, PA 19118 233-2639 Theater 1, 2, 3, 4 (Stage Manager) Spirit Club 4 ... Newspaper 4 ... Dances 2, 3, 4 ... leadership Program 3 Prom Commitlee 3, 4 ... CSc. 4 Academic "l" 1 ... Seraphim 2, 3, 4 Peter K. Phe an 6005 Cricket Road Flourtown, PA 19031 233-2958 Wrestling 3, 4 IntraFootball 1, 2, 3, 4 Ski Club murals 1, 2, 3. 4

Edmondo J. Pil1udi

Peter K. Phel'lIn

2D John J. Pilosi 359 Trevor lane Bata Cynwyd, PA 19004 664-3765 lntramurals 1, 2 ... Stage Crew 3 4 ... Art Club 3 ... Band 4 ... C.S.c. 2


Christopher G. Raimondo

G. Richard Poulson .~ ,.

Christopher J. Redd


Drew D. Reichert

laurence A. Polj 3D 316 South Main Street North Wales, PA 19454 699-8842 Crew 2, 3 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Racquetball Club 3, 4 G. Richiud Poulson 40 6916 Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19149 331-6858 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Drama Club 1 ... Stage Crew 1, 2 NHS 4 ... Scholastic "l" 2, 3 Christopher M. Pulro 50 7006 Cardin Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-9070 Mathletes 2, 3, 4 Computer Club 2, 3 ... Track 3,4 NHS 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 Christopher C. Raimondo 6D 118 Falcon Way Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 834-1006 Crew 3, 4(l) ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... CSC 4 . Yearbook 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 . .. HS 4 Edward Francis Reilly

laurence A. Poli

Joseph W. Rebl 7D 132 Puritan Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 828-7798 Cross-Country 1, 2(l), 4(l) ... Track 1,2, 3(l), 4(l) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 Prom Committee 4 Christopher J. Redd 10 798 Triumphe Way Warrington, PA 18976 343-3463 Wrestling 1(l), 2~l), 3(l), 4{l) ... Soccer 1 . .. HS 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4

Joseph W. Rebl

Drew D. Reichert 20 1517 Plymouth Blvd. Norristown, PA 19401 277-0780 Swimming 1(l), 2(l), 3(l), 4{l) Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 HS 3, 4 (Vice¡pres) ... Track 1 Yearbook 1,2, 3, 4 ... latin Club 2, 3 CSC 3, 4 ... Ski Club 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 Edward F. Reilly 3D 4069 Hillside Rd lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 825-4056 Tennis 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3, 4


David T. Sadowski

Mark Rzemieniewid:i


Jeffrey M. Ryan


Joseph A. Romano


Christopher W. Rile 40 8202 Newbold lane Philadelphia, PA 19118 233-1161 Wle~tlinK 2, 3, 4 ... NHS 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... C.S.c. 3,4 Wisterian 4

Christopher A. Roedell

John Rodia

John Rodia 11915 Barlow Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 %9-1054 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4


Chrislopher A. Roedell 8934 Alicia Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 671·8347 Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 terian 4 Scholastic "l" 2, 3, 4 matics 3 Chess Club 2



Joseph A. Romano 70 1419 Glenn Drive Maple Clenn, PA 19002 542-7795 Football " 2, 3(l) ... Baseball " 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Band " 2, 3 ... 5kl Club 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 10 David Rothwell 111 Hawntor Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 657-1561 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 2D JeHrey M. Ryan 64 Chapel Drive Churchville, PA 18966 355-3217 Crew 3, 4 ... Baseball 1, 2 ... Soccer 1 ... Yearbook 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 5ki Club 4 NHS 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 Spirit Club 3, 4

David Rothwell

Christopher W. Rile

Mark Rzemieniewiski 3D Morgan House Apartment 5l 242·1534 Inlramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3 ... Stage Crew 1, 2 ... Ski Club 1, 2 40 David T. Sadowski 327 Maple Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 345-0756 Band l(l), 2(l}, 3(l), 4{l) ... Intramurals 1, 2,3,4


Lee Schmal bach

Henry L. Schirmer

Michael E. Sawicky ,. Alberl-Fiel Salvador


J. Albert-Fiel Salvador 5D 5867 N. 6th St. Philadelphia, PA 19120 276-0661 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 2 ... Drama 4 ... Bowling 4 6D Michael E. Sawicky 545 Montgomery Road Ambler, PA 19002 542-7352 Soccer 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Baseball 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) Wisterian 1, 2,3,4 Yearbook 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2, 3, Scholastic "l" 1,3,4 ... Racquetball Club 2 ... SADD (VicePresident) Brian Saxon

7D Brian Saxon 4141 Christie Circle lafayette Hill, PA 19444 825-3391 Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1,2,4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 1

Cregory M. Scandone

Gregory M. Scandone 1D 26 Glen Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 348-1777 NHS 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 1, 2, 3, 4 Wislerian 1, 2, 3, Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 4 ... C.5.C. 1, 2, 3, 4 Michael R, Scanlon 2D 1385 Blue Bell Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 646-8167 Swimming 2, 4 ... Cross-Country 2, C.S.c. 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Junior Prom Committee

Vincent Schaeffer

Vincent Schaeffer 3D 8554 Cambell Road Philadelphia, PA 19118 482-9377 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1 Henry l. Schirmer Jr. 4D 1805 Ridge Road Sellersville, PA 257-7695 Inlramurals 1, 2 ... Football 1, 2, 3 Prom Committee 3, 4 lee Schmoalbach 5D 513 Marks Road Oreland, PA 19075 886-7578 Crew 1 ... Photo Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Michael P. Scanlon


Dnid W. Smith

Tilras W. Sowirka

Gregory Solley

Joseph Schmidt

William G. Shaeffer


Joseph Schmidt 6 Mountain Ash Lane Horsham, PA 19044 784-0808 " 2, 3(l), 4{l)


Mark Sciullo


847 Longstreth Road Philadelphia, PA Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "l" 1 William G. Shaeffer 3D 13441 lindsay Street Philadelphia, PA 698路7127 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Swimming 1

Panhj Sharma

Michael T. Shannon 20 130 Rochelle Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-4465 Crew 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Ski Club 2, 4 Spirit Club 3, 4 Pankaj Sharma 3D 420 Stuart Lane Ambler, PA 19002 643-7769 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 3, 4 ... Student Council 1


David W. Smith 40 609 Ederer lane Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 646-3910 NHS 3, 4 ... Yearbook 1,2,3,4 (Editor) Wister ian 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "l" 1, 2,3,4 Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 ... Racquet路 ball 3 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... latin Club 3, 4

J. Sciullo

.. [.,

Gregory Solley 50 1353 Westbury Drive Philadelphia, PA 19151 877路2503 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Tennis 2, 3, 4 ... Ski Club 3 Taras W. Sowirka 60 517 Baeder Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 886-0982 forensics 1, 2, 3 . .. HS 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 ... football (Statistician) 3, 4 Scholas路 tic "L" 1, 2, 3. 4 ... latin Club 2, 3, 4

Michael T. Shannon


7D James C. Slabilito 1324 Partridge Rd Roslyn, Pa 19001 657-0897 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Football Coach 4 lD Joseph Stelacio, Jr. 36 Traverse Dr Norristown, Pa 19401 279-8923 CSC 1,2,3,4 (V.P.) Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Forum 1, 2 Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 (Art Editor) ... Dramatics 2, 3, 4 Jeffrey SIever 4047 M St Philadelphia, Pa 289-3718 Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain) ball 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


BaseSadd 4

David M. Suder 3D 633 Tyson Ave Philadelphia, Pa 19111 342-4252 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3

Christopher M. Susanin

40 Brian R. Sullivan 3078 Pelham Place Doylestown, Pa 18901 794-8526 Golf 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NHS 3, 4 Ski Club Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 3,4 ... Wister ian 1, 2, 3, 4 Spirit Club 2,3 , " esc 4 Robert Sullivan 50 214 Suffolk Rd Flourtown, Pa 19031 233-5150 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 '" Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 1, 2, 3 ... Track 1 Christopher M. Susanin 60 4108 laurel Dr lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 233-3751 SWimming 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Tennis 1,2 ... Cross Country 1 Student Council 2, 3 ... Yearbook 4 Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . HS 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Scholastic "l" 1,2,3,4 Stanley A. Szpindor 7D 2807 Village Green lane Norristown, Pa 539-6285 Football 2, 3, 4 Track 3,4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Ski Club 2, 3


Robert Sullivan Slanley A. Szpindor

James C. Stabililo Joseph Stelacio. Jr.

___--.J_- . 1

Brian R. Sullivan

David M. Suder

Jeffrey Stever


Louis C. Talamo

Michael Tyrrell Christopher J. Van Zandt


10 Louis C. Talamo 2127 Turk Rd Doylestown, Pa 16901 346-7166 Football 1, 2, 3 ... Track 1,2,3,4 NHS 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2 _.. Scholastic "l" 1,2,3,4 Cregory Tiernan 20 925 Manatawana Ave Philadelphia, Pa 19126 482-1278 Wrestling 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Jeff Tietjens 3D 26 Hickory lane Chalfont, Pa 16914 822-1619 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NHS 3, 4 Track 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 3 Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Band 1, 2, 3 ... Basketball 1

Cregory Tiernan

Eric R. Toppy 40 650 Rector Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 482-1653 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wister ian 3, 4 Fall Crew 2, 3, 4 ... Spring Crew 1, 2, 3(L), 4{l). _. Spirit Club 4 ... Ski Club 3, 4 Andrew C. Tripodi 50 4356 Angus Circle Doylestown, PA 16901 794-6753 Soccer 1, 2(L), 4{L) ... Crew 1, 2, 3, 4(L) ... NHS 3, 4 Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3. 4 lntramurals 1,2,3,4


Jeff Tieljens

John Trotman Jr. 60 627 Magee Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 722-5450 Cross-Country 2 ... Track 2 ... Wrestling 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 70 Michael Tyrrell 1234 Forest Hill Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 643-1397 Cross-Country 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4{l) ... Track 1, 2(l), 4(L} ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

John Trotman Jr.

Christopher J. Van bndt 10 29 Union Avenue Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 664-4603 Cross-Country l(L), 2(L), 3(l), 4(l) ... Track 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... NHS 4 Yearbook 1,2,3 ... Intramurals 1, 2 Scholastic "l" 1,2,3,4

Andrew C. Tripodi


Gregory Watson





Keith Vernon 2D 7454 ormandy lane Melrose Park, PA 19126 635-2109 Foolba1l1, 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 1, 2 ... Track 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, J, 4 Student Council 1 Joseph C. Volpe 3D 600 Orchard Way Halboro, PA 19040 672-3173 Inlramurals 1, 2, 3,4 ... Racquetball 2, 3. Keith Vernon


Cregory J. Vrato 4D 9729 lochwood Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 673-6964 Intra murals 3, 4 ... Ski Club 3,4 Forum 3 · .. Racquetball 3, 4 Wesley Waninger 6D 1100 Archer lane lansdale, PA 19446 564-5676 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Football 2 Track 1,2, J, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1 7D Douglass M. Ward 2295 Mulberry lane lafayette Hill, PA 19444 626·5166 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Inlramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Cregory Watson 1D 1965 Sterling Street Philadelphia, PA 19136 276-0654 Art Club 1, 2 ... Forensics 2 ... Dramat· ics 3 ... Yearbook 4 Andrew J. Wiley 20 6511 N. 6th Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 224·4126 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 · .. Scholastic "l" 3 8ruce Williamson 3D 1940 Lardner Street Philadelphia, PA 533·1350 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain) ... Student Council 3, 4... HS 3,4 ... Yearbook 4 · _. Track 1, 2, 3,4 ... Intra murals 1, 2,3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2, 3, 4

Bruce Williamson


Steven L. Williamson 4D 249 Batleson Rd. Ambler, Pa 19002 641-0932 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 2 ... Intra¡ murals 1, 2, 3, 4 David L. Wolpert 5D 2538 Gypsy lane Glenside, Pa 19038 885-1942 Football 1, 2, 3 ... Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Wisterian 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Duke T. Wolpert 6D 2538 Gypsy lane Glenside, Pa 19038 885-1942 Football 1, 2, 3 ... Basketball 1 ... Wrestling 2 ... Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Intramurals Moderator 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Timothy D. Wood 92 Woodcrest lane Doylestown, Pa 18901 348-3248 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1 3 ... Dramatics 3, 4


Steven L. Williamson

David L. Wolpert

Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "l"

Joseph J. Young 10 1843 Glendale Rd Philadelphia, Pa 19111 745-7756 Cross Country 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 2, 3 Christian D. Zajac 2D 712 A Valley Rd Melrose Park, Pa 19126 635-3583 NHS 4 ... Intramurals 2, 3, 4 ... Football 2 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3 Christopher R. Zegley 760 lewis lane Blue Bell, Pa 19422 641-1371 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4



Timolhy D. Wood


Duke T. Wolpert

Joseph J. Young

Christian D. lajac Christopher R. legley


Senior Quotes 'ohn Alcorn: "Johnny A." "c.o, w~nni be" "Jake, C.pl.. in John" 12'0" "..com" lohn hl!'r: "J.8." "Vo. who's going dubbin' 10dayr" "bug" "Parties at eighth period" "Speedy" "Traffic ticket" "Mr. McCabe" "Senior Week" Pete Bartels: "Oh, grow up" "Bartles & james" "I ScI you up"

John 8e..sle: "Bowlen" "Crash boats" Llirry 8('(;hl: "joey P.f.S.C." "The SeilUon" "H.lI\'e

you c\'et" been Nd in C1ub~ndl" "Circle" "Yo, wanl\ll hook us up" "The Toe" "Rilsts M..nn gil up" "Snake bile in D.C." "Know why they nil him Rodney .. r" "What's a G,lVnua" "Sarooze Crooze" "Elvis sings again - Tower '86" "laler" "Nice Car"

Mike Belcher: "Spit on him, Belchl" "Sucker punch" "So)' of Summer" "Good Ball" Chris BIOItne)': "Mr. BlcHney" "c.upool" "the rocket" "The }eua gOI deered" "Oye C,lr;lm!>;ll" "lthx.ll"

Chris Blounl: "But officer, we were only illoking for dlre<lions" "Show me where il ~ys Ihilt" "Hey Jake, qUilrlers don'l fly" "Stop writing on my truck" "Grandma's" "PARP rules" "A.C. Soliciler" "'ello" "It's Blount!" "Samuel Adams" Ch.nles Bogle: "The animal" "EI Presidente" "No government is good government" Pele Bonl.mti: "Mickey" "Yes, I'm ::l''''Yesllosl Ihe g..lIeys, ~ whall" "C.vin's best friend" "Wh,lI, only .. 41J" Mike lotto: "Teddy" "This whole beuI" "Likes to jog back from 7-11" "Hey Jilck ... Whill'S hilppeningf" "Kev, Get OUI and Push" Bri..n Boyle: "Well Pal said" "Ed McMahon"" ... Thcn me and Pal did .. Mall Bradley: "MallY B" "You're such a slacker" "Aw Man!!" "Why doesn'l anybody nil mel" "The King of Monty-Fino" "Do you hilte mel" '·YoooM.luI" "gel none" "No respecl" "I'm 'The TermiOilltor'" Geoff 8foiinscome: "Dre.. m team baby-dre..m


teilm" "lighlweight" "Spud" "Mr. Giggles" "lsi.lh"

8,i..n Bray: "Yo Adrian, I won the figi'll" "Nice parly" Rich Brennan: "Dickie" "comotosic" "Marlboro Man" Bill Brown: "BlaSler" "Cool Guy" "Ouy" "Blastmobile"" .G" "Wall-build" Chris Bullid:: "Pokey!" Chris Calhoun: "Well, my brother Rick . . " "Corkey" "Dulch" "I'm on Ihe four-year freshman plan" ""lice garage" "It's real leather, I sware" "I love Cornell" Rich Cilme.on: "Richie Cunningham" "Gumby" Robert Cillmpion: "Camp" Bob Capaldi: "Booooools" "Let's drink orange juice" "no meal" "veggie" D..n C,J,p;aro: "Guido, David Giovanni" "Hotel rooms" "Where's Jennl" "AI Capone" "I won't lell ..nyone" "He hu a little friend" Bill C.uey: "Bulch" "Putt'n air shocks on the Sprinll" Mike (;lIfU50: "lillie Ragu" "Board" "Meatball" Sam CaSOlle: "eyebrow" "Boney-rat" John Casey: "Case-mo" "Case-nut" "Doyleslown" "Johnny-O" "Way 10 be 6'3" John" "Buck's CounlY's finest babysiller" "Boff" "Hey lohn, Coin' 10 Prxtice" John Cuper: "The voice of la ~lIe" "Friendly Ghost" "'\\'ildlTQn" "Boo" Jim CaSSOllia: "Cockroach" "Tony" "ScrubberJack" "Shot-loader" Tom Cleary: "Happy Trails" "carpool" "Cleary, watch out for Ihe curb" "Queary" "It's al leaSI S3000 damage" "Living on savings, only S10" "Tell me again Cleary" "Cleeeaaary" "Europe" Bob Clinlon: "That's the funnlesl Ihlng I've ever done" "Crew dog" "Traying" Bill Coe,: "Baby Huey" "Squid" Brendan Coushl.lln: "The firSI lady isn'l pulling

out" "Cogs" "B.IId timing Cogs" Steve Coladonilto: "Vulture" Mark Collins: "Spike" "N.E, boys" "Yoooooo High five, dream le.llm" "I'm gonna miss ya Doob" "lunchtime hoops" Anthony Consolo: "Where's my brlefcasel" "Ani" "Italian Stallion" Gerry COlisrove: "COlly-Bear" "Penn, uh . . Georgetown, uh ... Haverford, .. uh St.llnford" "Economic prodigy" P.IIt CosteUo: "Change many lires, Pilt'" "Fill'S buddy" "Meathook." "Slime" "One half of the disco lwins" John Cow.IIn: "Borough" "Shack" "Chemball" "DOn't mess with Ihe borough, dude" Mike Coyle: "Physics God" "Imported from latrobe, PA" "Declared as dependent on Mr. Kelly's laX relurn" "Ernie's pal" Sieve Coyle: "My nair's green from Ihe pool" "Cannonball '87" "Mel's buddy" "Rock lobster" "B-52's groupie" Frank Crane: "Buy a pack of buttsl only a buck" "Schnilz" "the cave" "Pil Crew" Tom Cush: "Flounder" "Flying Squirrel" Mike De..n: "live5 on a mountain" "Puffs" Chris Dejohn: "War monger" "Fetch" "The F-16 is infinilely superior 10 the F-15" Phil ~Mara: "Permanator" "Bro. Randy look. alike" Tom Depman: "Slinky )T." "Wubbie" Steve Diehl: "How's Uncle Dave" "Gol and mooeyl" "SCam" "N.E, Boys" "Dukes" "Check out thesc socks dude" Mike DiFebbo: "Sort of all four of U5 are in charge , .. plu5 Mr. c., of course" "Ironneck" "Tao" Chris Dilenno: "D. N.C." "the 'American' Club" Pat Dougherty: "Old man" "Watch your Goon gOI5" "Fulure toupee wearer" Paul Dousherty: "PotlStown" "Doc" "Yo Jily" "Borough" "Shack"" .E. wanna be" "BaNOilI" "Ice Cream" "Can you feel the beatl" "Nice clean

dose shave" Rob Dougherty: "layout AI" "Chrusher" "Yo shot load" "Sellembrind's Nightmare" Jim Doyle: "Jimbo Dolan" "Sweaty dance partner" "Hey Tom, wanna go get some trashcansl" "LP." "Schillings" "Can I get your coffee for youl" "lose your books much" "Do you guys like to party?" "The Bet" Chris Dubil: "ooobie""Mama's Boy" "Crazy Ukranian" "N.E. exile - lost in the 'burbs'" "0 my God, grass" "Tom, take me to Nicole's pleeeeze" "Tom, are you going to Terri's?" Jim Duffy: "Duf" "p.w. boy" Pilt Dunn: "Suspenders" "Punkerl"' "Peter Pan" "the original 'Boooots!'" "looks good in black" "Chicken Head" Pete DuPont: "I never tell a lie" "Tacks-Perelli's" "Top Gun" "Ninja" "The Dude" Dan Durkin: "Yo Jay" "Pulsations""lt hit the rim" "Furry Steering wheel" "0 SQRD" "Ice Cream" "Mardi Gras" "Spud" "U.B. rIlen" Fu.nk Dwyer: "Tie dyed t-shirts, psychedelic huhl" "I'm going to the Dead concert" "Jerry and I" "But dude, there's so many of them" Bill E!>erhud: "What, nothing?" Mike Egnotovich: "Eggy" "moon" "El;erythings okay campers" "liquid gold" "Traying" Art Etchells: "Did you see the Flyers game last night?" jot' Filfar.. : "Life for metal, die for Megadeath" "Neanderthal Man" Bob Filrrace: "Ace Farrace" "Cowboy Bob" "I know Mexican botany thoroughly" Dave Fecak: "Otto" "P.F.S.C." "The Sea lion" "Cirde" "Yo, wanna hook us up?" "Snake bite in O.c." "A day at the beach with Carl and Rodney" "Gimme the keys ... ""Gavnutl l" "Barooze Carooze" "Elvis sings again - Tower '66" "Florida '67" "leeds or bust" "Thanx Tom, lar. Mom & Dad" Mark Ferraro: "Head-banger" Dan Finn: "Hey, it's Boris Becker" "Huck" "Grubman" "But coach, it's Monday" Harry Fisher: "Fishman" Tim Fitzgerald: "Atlas, Stoney Creek" "See my brother yet" "Ewoktion" "V.P."

Dave Forde: "The Coffin" "40" "1 love 'Pilar'" "Rock-n-Roll ya Puke" "Dave the Rave" "... reigns of a horse and ride" "Mr. Trenchcoat" "Blonde hair?" "Europe" "Nice accent" "Jule's buddy" "Praise the 'Forde'" Joe Fry: "Doooooood" "loves English" "Most Dedicated Student" AI Funk: "Fudger" "The Funkster" "Funky" "Funk You" "Remember the bar lamp" "V.P." jim Gabriele: "Gimme a reason" "Gabe 10" "N'town" "Thinks the world of himself" Frank Gagliano: "New Shacker" lim Gallager: "I'm going to kill the 'Rat Pack'" "J.P." "Swallow" "you're so rude!" Ramon Gouda: "Hey, hey Raaamon" "I was born in East l.A." "put that back Ray" Mike Gavin: "What we have a test today?" Chuck Gemml: "You owe me for gas" Tom Gilmore: "Ithaca" "Prom theme - 'Jail House Rock'" "Just a drive through Monco" "Off roadin' with Weikel" "Thanks for the rides" "It was me and Snyder" Bentley Gleeson: "Who?" "Honey beel" "Bentley, time to do your homework" Jon Glick: "Nice moustache" "Mr. Clean" "Wants to be 'The Punisher'" "What a Scent" "Cartoon5" "Andy?" Dan Goodwin: "Hey Vinnie" "She's ugly as sin" "That ain't policy" "Guido" "l.l. Cool Dan" "N.E. Boys" "Yo big guy" Chuck Guham: "Chuck Chil1out" "Y' got a dime" "Run D.M.C." "C-G buddy" Dave Gregitis: "What a treat" Doug Gregor: "Candlelight '66" "We have time for 9 more holes" "Douger" "Fish" "Iron guts" "P.F.S.C." Mati Grexa: "line tap" "Yo dude" lenny Gryn: "Ha!" "No dude, my sack's on the roof" "len-nerd" "Manyunk's finest sonz" "Gonzo" "The Rat" Joe Guagliardo: "Carpool" "Frank" "Joe's Auto Shop" "Mr. Gagliardi" "Volvo Man" "I swear I'll pay you back" "I'm serious guys, my car broke down" "That kid is Bud" Kevin Guerin: "Grimace" "Twinkies" "Air Grimace" "The massive mound of rebound" "fast

Food" "Dream team-garbage man" "Trash" Mike Guerrelli: "Should I go to school today?" "Me absent!" john Ha: "Snowpea" "Couch Potatoe" "Why don't you just shut up" "AloHa" "Nice pursel 5having kit" "On-bus waste disposal engineer" "Eggrol1" "Ha, ha, aha, ha ... " Dave Halfpenny: "Drive in reverse much" "Stoney Creek" "Where's the 'Rat Pack'?" "look at his Gucd" Ed Hibbert: "My father owns a Stationary store" Sam Hillanbund: "Sambo" "Pres" "Stoney Creek" "Stump!" "vw Thighs" "You guys playing cards!" Paul Hinderliter: "Hinden-liter" "Paul Kitty-Utter"' Mike Houck: "Uncool Duhood" "Doabie Brothers" "Houckaholic" "Corn Cobb" "Smokes Banana Peels" "Surf O.c., N.j." "left early for BabaIonia" "look, it's Dave, Mike and Chris" "It's bird time dude" Kevin Iaquinto: "Dr. I" "Iceman" "Princetonl?1 Ha, HA" John Izzud: "lizard" "Rusty" "Grape Ape" "Wimpy" "Iuy, drive rolls much" Mike kelly: "Nice Shades" "Stogies" "Ace" "Goof" "Fore" "Dad, (;an I have the keys back?" "All you applications in yeti" "Me and Waah" "SPOT" "In ten years, you'll all be working for me" "Hell on skis" "Favorite person - Ken Shaw" "You call them, Mrs. Bates" jeff Kerns: "On the bus?" "Yo Govi" john Kichula: "Joe Rower" "Dink" "Hans" "Oh you God yo" "They only have a police-man fan club" Pal Kilbride: "loud" "Calm down, Pat" "Nice hairl" Steve KiSlely: "Loopy" "Banana" "No common sense" "Who did the bench" "Who made me g01" "lost" "Joe Sweeney" "Europe" "Full moon" "Brother it's only a glass" Mike Korman: "Harvy" "The words first infant Republican" "Needle nose" Dave KuruC: "Bucky" "Borough" "Shack" "Davy K" "17 year old paper boy" "I want to go to Roman"


8i11 u.hr: "Gummy Be..r" "I told you dboUI lhat" MoiIU Ltnc: "The Gredtest Americ..n Hero" "Mr. ChocoWle" "Mr. Poker" "Q-TIP" "huesl Cdr on the pbnel" "MoiIlly" ROfloilld Lauck: "Who1" J~ Lawless: "Sque..ky" "Worm" "I got a whisker, can we Ir,Jme itl" "Ski house" "Tom, let'S go 10 your ifuer-'~ hous.e thiS weekend" "Mr. O'ioole Cdn I RO e,Jt lunchl" "Good lillie baby' "TO" "2 Vl houn" "Oroilg )'our feet much" Kevin ledSer: "Sroilwny" "ledge-H,Jmme," Ooiln le(ene: "lei'S toillk ,Jboul wrestling lor- ,J choilnge" "No dedic,Jtlon" "Fiest'!" "Fish" "I'~e ne~er seen il Ihdt dose before" Ed hmoilnowiu: "RKe foilns, hOI rodders, hold il hold it .. "He)' mlIn, low rider chevy" "big tdlk" "Ed lem..ngoiltiU" "Huy John" ChUoil.n lin: "The Asidn ~y" ..Hi-y.... "Sofry,c..n'l mdke Ihe picture" ~nnis link: "hng" "Hit ,Jnd run" Andrew lillie: "Andy whol" "'imi Hendrix" Tom lobley: "Sub..ru" M,JII locheUo: "Axed" "Couldn't have done il wilhoul you, Man" Jim los..n: "S18 he,Jd" "Pal Riley" "No, lim throw the bdll 10 OUR team" "Always a good lime" "Wannd be oil Judge boy" "Thai's my date" "Crcampuff" "Run Ihe oplion" Ted loos: "ludcs" "Bootsl" "No respecl" Jerry lucidi: "Enjoys racing cops" "Can'l slay today, gOlla relake my license tcst" "Golia love iI, babe" "You gening alilhislil" "Must be nicc" "I have .. receipt for $300 Geoff" "Tom, where's CeofflHH" "Mr. Florida" "Senior Week with Frere" M..lcom M..cklin: "H..cklin" "Hack" "Feb. 13 Alter Ihe Judge game" "Beal Kenrick - Beal Kenrick - Think March ," "D..nces like a white IIldn"

Jim M..dden: "Mongo" "Mongo ..nd the lo)'ds" Tom M"suire: "Johnny Velcro" "Noodles" "Spinles~ jellyfish" "M,Jg pie""Air Noodles" "Pull up )'our zippe," John Moiliden: "Borough" "Shack" 'Johny M" "U2" Mike M.alatest.. : "Piggy" "M..blestide" "Clue-


less" "Don't wor-ry oiIboul It, Mike" Rob MoiIrtin: "Fingers" "Girl Fiend" "sell oul" "Spin-n-grin" "1 minule /VIJn" Se..n McAllister: "Asch" "Boney ROIl" "Pup" "p.. uick" PoiIl McCoiInn: "nice heigl'll" "Boston" '·Connectl· CUI" "B.. 11 oiInd Ch..in" "He.. thcliff" "Br..dlel':l':l':l':eel':e" Jim McColipn: "Rocky"" ice wile" "Sell-out" "le,Jve me ..Ionl':" "Six )'I':.. rs and Still holding hanl;b" "You need a ~ickle" Se.. n McElligOIl: "Se.. n~y" "But I'm Irish" ""\lhere's Ihe red dot" O..n Mchrlane: 'Who'" Tom Mc wnn: "Slop.ahonli~" "Pin br..in" "Airplane rides" 'RiU·R..U" "Hey 11m, lei'S use McGovern'~ ar oilS .. soccer net" "PoiIl your c..r died, AGAIN" "Jer, I'm gonN kill shmoo" "Jer, your not going 10 believe Ihis ... " "Yo boss" "A.C. Expresswoily-91 poilSsing in the right bne" "TM2" "Senior WCl':k with Frere" "Hoyoil Pdrdnoioil" John McGee,: "John Boy" P.. I Me Cinn: "The Social BUllcrlly" "Nice GUI" "Here's anOlher c..r son" "Hey Tom, look at thaI bird" "Thinks the party revolves around him" P. J. Mc Conagle: "Pecjl" "Oreland 80y" "Squedge" Mati Mc Covern: "Ro.ach" "Lasl years panUr" "Eddie Munster" P.., Me Covern: "The Crillcr" "Look Gentlemen, I spray painted my car" "The Govcrner" "Grandma" "Mol Loves him" "The Ultimate Mobile" "Rust never sleeps" Chuck Mc Cow..n: "Fred FUnstone" "Pushing 350" "Soloil" "TouShest man in Loil salle" "Cool Guy" Brendoiln Mc Cow.. n: "Kul" "Mr. Coochipsl" "Tobacco" Scott Me Hale: "Ste..1 Muchl" "Mike Rzeminiewsld's besl friend" One Me M..hon: "Umey" "I live in Monlery" Chuck Mc NoiIlly: "Ilhink she is Ihe one!" "MammlI'S boy" "Gee guys, I'm sensitive'" "Nice skill, Chuck" "I'm a lo... er nOI .. lighler" "Is there lile after Eddie Molush's doilSs" John Miles: "81h gude hookup" "Re..Uy I c..n gel

good looking girls" "8 10 88" Mille Minghenelli: "Ming" "owned the Critter'~ ~isler Cdr" AI Mi,..lIes: "/VIJureen's little mlIn" "Ex-Fish" Ed MirdTchi: "Look, it's Eddyl" "Ah y..h pr "Ah, ClKkoo" "You ruin my rooml" "Gimmy de Keys - I'll drive" "The Pike" ''The Red Fbsh" "Shul up" M..,k Mitchell: "Ah, Prune" "little drummer boy" Ed Moore: "GrNI Junior Prom, huh Edl" "R..nked first in the cbs.s" "I only h..ve one cbss, basket weoilving" "I C,Jn'I,lgon.. go OUI with COIroIyn" Cdvin Muir: "GoiIv-nut" "Spud" "Knees" "nice Moh..wk" "SCintillations" "hoarse at ~,house" fr..nll Mullen: "Funny" "Pinlo Power" "Campbell Soup boy" "h()'N'~ your sisterl" Chris Murphy: "The bird" "English h..n of f..me" "left for HoiIw..ii ..her grddUoillion" "Murph" "Nice manners" Frank Nol..n: "The milO from C. S. c." "The heir 10 AI Puntel" "Franky" J..me1i O'Connell: "Borough" "Nice Arm" "A~­ siSlanl Statislilion" "Uh-huh, Uh-huh, Uh-huh" Kevin O'Donnell: "Schmoo" "I swear I'm notlying, You can ask lim Doyle" "80110 you're out of S"S - AGAINIII" "What happened to Ihe while Citalion" Ceuld P. O'Hu..: "Watch out for thdt van!" Creg Ore: "Can I borrow a dollar" "Couldn't gct his picture in yearbook tennis" Ed P..ludi: "Watch thaI Yelloooow Buuuust" "Naaaa, Really" "Mr. Italy" Brian p.. hone: "Tom sawyer" "Richy Rich" "Me oiInd my Suburu" "You're lucky Jim 810unt didn't kill you" Rob Perkinson: "lie Muchl" "Perky" "CannOnbitll" "Nice girlfriend" "Honesly" "Tell me anolher" Andy Peu:koil: "Share Muchl" "nice beard" "how's Ihe lounge" Pele Phel.ln: "He..tmiser" "F + M" "Hdnds" John P'ilosi: "Johnny P. Good" "losi" lJirry Peli: "Cute" "gredSY duck" "Roli Poii" Rick Poulson: "Hey ... eh ... ehh ... Rick" "teen

dance ~n" Chris Plrlro: "Pooch" "Babncing Act" Chris Raimondo: "Nundo" "Toph" "Iu~tlearned to drive a ~tick" "Papa Bear" "The dry J M Fir~I" " 0 money" Joe Re~: "Heeeeyyy' "ht chich" "Vwre,. So Good" "Disk gun~" "He FlooriubU'S Cleanum" Chris Redd: "Cemury Club" "Chns Blue" Drew Reichert: "Andy" "P.F.S,C:' "Diesel" "Fi~Ia Bowl Pauies" Ed Reilly: "Sped" "How did you gel Monor" Chris RiJe: "00 you know Chuck Heybachl" John Rodia: "Rodia Clown" "I'll take conservat~ for 100, Wink" "Eh" "Howdy" Chris Roedel!: "Rodie" "Road Trip" "Baby Huey" "Ed Mc Cabe's pertoOnal dictionary" Joe Romilno: "Dave I'm 'ililing Analysi~" "You look tTaavelous" "lombardo'~ boy" "Buzz" "Yo, buddy" Dave Rothwell: "Ducky" "Turtle" "Any other huna" Jeff Ryan: "Jilke" "Disco wilgon" "Sammies" "Edge Hill + Terwood" "Trilyins" ""m on the phone, Dad" "Hi, Ho" "Kermit" Mark Rnmieniewski: "1lJIWHATIIII" "Mark Alphabet" "Could you ~pellthilt please" Dave Sadowski: "Esgman" "Stomach" "0-0-0Dave" AI Salvildor: "Airplane ear" "Dancin' On Air" "EI Salvador" "Alf" Mike Silwicky: "Crazy Uke #2" "Playing baseball this year" "I can't go, I've got Ukie school" "So what are you saying" "Kaka Pishu" Brian Saxon: "Bill Herbrick" "Cool guy down stairs" "Great date at dances" "Really Dad, I fell asleep" "Bret" Greg Sundom!': "Cowboy" "Tex" "Ride that cowr" "World cbs~ mooch" "Pretty boy" Mike Sc;InJon: "Twiggy" "Spaz attack" "Iilnkster" "Summers in the treefort" Vince Schaeffer: "Din" Hal Shirmer: "Henry" "Hank" "Buffalo, NY:' "500, wh<tt w;tS I sup~ to dol" Lee SchmOllboich: "laracious" "Quarter pounder with extril cheese" Joseph Schmidt: "Schmidtly" "Yo Dudes"

"Don't mess with me" "The reckin crew" "I ~hould hOlve gone 10 MC Devit" Millk Sciutto: "I see a sickle" "Nice PrimCf"" "Scquillo" "Spell thOlt 'lame" Bill Scha,effer: "Take Rad's cb~s much?" "Slush" "Sma~h a windshield" Mike Shannon: "Freck" "moon" "hat" Bobby Sharma: "Break-in" "Booooby" "BobbyShooo" "Spanky''' Dave Smith: "Slacker" "Pulsations" "It hit the 11m" "Quality playing time" GreS Solley: "Spike" "nice Hair" "Always in school early" Ted Sowirka: ''Tara~'' "let me expand on that" "Shut up Ted" "I hOlve two questions" Jim Stabilito: "Slab" "Nice car" "Coach" loe Stalacio: "Jumpin Joe" "OP" "Disco Joe" "H,mgs OUI in the arl c1au" Jeff Stever: "12:00 Curfew" "Don't nab me" "Jeff can you hook me up?" "twelve (0!>eS" "16th hole" "God's gift to soccer" Dave Suder: "Yo, Bob" "BB" "Where's Denny Barone?" "Mc Devin" BriOln SullivOln: "Leather" "Bernie?" "Fairfield" "I can't, my mom will find out" "Maybe I'll break 50" "Sure Brian, I'll go with you" Rob Sullivan: "Human (?)" "I don't care" "Lou Ann Marie" "totalled how many cars?" "Bailey's" "Pike" "Signs" "Fal chicks" Chris SU!>3nin: "P.F,S,C." "Bus" Sian Szpindor: "Nice footwook Stan" "Mad Max" "Another women, Stan?" "Ski weekend" Louis Talamo: "Funny Lou" "Where are my glassesl" "Mardi Gras" Greg Tiernan: "Borough" "She'~ fourteenl" "Shack" Jeff Tietjens: "Mr. Personality" "Big Jeff" "Yooo, s'up" "Another brilliant mind ruined by higher education" "shOlputter extraordinare" Eric Toppy: "E.r:' "Topster" "Joe Whoever" "golden" "Joe lightweight" "loud mouth" Drew Tripodi: "carpool" "Ithaca" "look at the Va!" "Brian's eyes" "You're gonna pay in a very big way" "It happened, I couldn't help it" John Trotman: "Hot to Trot" Mike Tyrrell: "Peace" "Booser" "T" "Cowboy X"

"share" "Burritoes" "Unle kid" "wash your car mock?" "Snow Pe.1I" Chris Van hndt: "Vessel" "Trans Am" ")ohn" "Fan ~nl" "Sell oot" "Queen Helene" "Vagabond" Keith Vernon: "Flex" "I.Q. - 4B" "Mickey" "Kef-K-E-F-Kef" "But Mrs. Dugan, r don't understand" Joe Volpe: "I'm a brain" "Loves rich people" "GIUseppe" "The Volpsler" Gres Vrollto: "Irish" "Amazing" Wesley Waninge,: "Wus" "Spear chucker" "Gel out of my way" "mix up name much" "Ya )amacOIn" Dous Ward: "Fastest fullback in La Salle's backfield" "Do the Burg" Gres Watson: "Doctor Who" "Comic books" "Bill Cosby" "Wears an Enterprise pin on his Mister Roger~ sweater" Drew Wiley: "take il light" "Wile E. Coyote" "Phy~ics stud" Bruce Williamson: "Marty's son in 100W" "Don't tell Mr, Vig" "Just get me back in the game coach!" "I'm all righl" "headhunter" Steve Williamson: "Drive much?" ""m going to Marietta on a crew scholarship" "Nice car" "Ohio is Awesome" "Nice Toga" David Wolpert:-"Waldo" "Duke?" "Ah, Ma" "Bu,," Duke Wolpert: "Dave?" "Slim Whiteman" "Dukester" "6oz" Tim Wood: "Zootl" "Zoot who?" Joe Young: "Hair" "Nice Earing" "bad guy" "Bones" "Ewing" "Other half 01 disco twins" Chris ZajOlc: "Karate Kid" "Perm" "Botlo, just in time for your bealingl" Chris Zegley: "Zeggerrrrrr" "The 'Z' man" "Zippy and the late night monkey cam"


Acknowledgements Editor-in-Chiel: Jerry Lucidi Moderators: Mr. Geoff Nicolelli and Bro. Ken Cook Editor: Tom McGann Copy Editor: Chris Calhoun


Layout Editor: Kevin O'Donnell Business Editor: Paul Dougherty Art Editor: Joseph Stelacio Typing Editors: Dave Smith and Peter-Michael Bonfanti Photo Editor: Dave Forde


Paul Bonfanti Michael Clancy Ken Madden Greg Dupee Dan Guarnaccia Kirk MarcoHna Tom McGann Chris Praeder

Peter-Michael Bonfanti Michael Botto Tim Curran Rob Donahue Art Etchels Jim Gabriel

Pal McGovern louis Mincarelli Shane O'Donnell Richard Sacco Carlos Sanchez

Kevin Kearney Marry Ledwith Dennis Link Tom McGuire

Matt Bauerlein

Paul Bonfanti

Steve Coyle

Joseph Atkinson Dave Gunn

Matt Oberholzer Many Whelan

AI Funk Doug Gregor

Matt Kaminski Drew Reichert

Greg Scan done Brian Sullivan

Sam Hillanbrand

John Uhland




Business John Casper Andrew Komanowsky

Chris Calhoun Jason Calhoun Chris Dejohn Ed Paludi Joseph Rebl

Jim Russell A.J. Tilson Tim Wilson

And Many Thanks to: Mr. Charles Hilpl and Mrs. Peggy Braea for Financial charity Mr. Diehl and Mrs. Mullen whenever a phone was desperately needed Mrs. Mountain for a red pencil applied to students' writings Bob Davine for constant criticism Abe Orlick for the proper use of a Brownie camera Da\lor staff for patience and fine photography Mr. William Geiger for life guard duty, saving Mr. Nicoletti


and (he rest of us from drowning. Brother Andrew and BrOlher James for ordering us into this pool of type and photos to teach responsibility Frodo and Shadow for another year of loyal companionship Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Lucidi, Me Gann, Me Gov~ ern, and Mrs. O'Donnell for their support during the anxious days of deadlines and their understanding when the reports came out.

Gold Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bate Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beveridge Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonargo Mr. and Mrs. William Brennan Mr. and Mrs. William Casey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coruzzi Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crane Mr. and Mrs. Francis Daley Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Daly Mr. and Mrs. James Danella Mr. and Mrs. George DeDomenic Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Evans Mr. and Mrs. William Fahy Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fecher Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleuhr Mr. and Mrs. William Fogg Mr. and Mrs. Karl Freier Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson Mr. and Mrs. James Gillon Mr. and Mrs. John Graham Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Guagliardo Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heaton Mr. and Mrs. William Herron Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hillanbrand Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hipp Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Juliano Mr and Mrs. Paul Juliano Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kalamos Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerns Mr. and Mrs. Erik Kleinfelder

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kovac Mr. and Mrs. William Kratz Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laurenzi Mrs. Elaine Mackowiak Mr. and Mrs. John R. McGenn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKernan Mr. and Mrs. George Meagher Dr. and Mrs. James Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. James Owens Mr. and Mrs. John Petko Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pileggi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pluck Mrs. Joanne Regan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roakes Mr. and Mrs. Albino Roman Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Ruser Mr. and Mrs. James Russell Mr. and Mrs. Mario Sacco Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seifert Mr. and Mrs. Richard Serano Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith Mr. and Mrs. Albert Solecki Mr. and Mrs. John Stack Mr. and Mrs. Edward Subokow Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tawtala Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tilson Mr. and Mrs. John Uhland Mr. and Mrs. John Walls Mr. and Mrs. Martin Whalon Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams


INDEX Admowledgemenls ... 227 Activities ... 42 Administration ... 20 Alumni Development ... 35 Athletics 37 Dedication 17 English Department ... 22 Foreign Language Department ... 24

Guidance ... 34 Index ... 228 Library and Infirmary 38 Lunch Room Ladies 34 Maintenance ... 34 Mathematics Department ... 26

Music and Art ... 35 Patrons ... 226 Public Relations ... 41 Religion Department Science Department Seniors ... 162 Senior Quotes 222 Social Studies 30 Special Honors 90 Specialties ... 36 Sports 116

32 28

Trustees 40 Underclass ... 92



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