1988 Blue and Gold Yearbook

Page 1

"TrrJMItIoru -

PoWJng the Gold"

The I9ll8La Salle Yearbook is appropriately called "TrmuItIona - Polishing the Gold." Now that we have successfully finished our fi..t 25 y.... on this present campus. we can proudly look back on a solid foundation for the future. One must. however, be able to adapt to the changing times and be able to prepare for the future. We. at La Salle, are doing that right now; continuing the excellence with some constructive changes. The biggest change is the change in principals. Brother Andrew Bartley has been replaced by Brother Robert Shea who wUI try to expand on the success 01 the former Principal. Besides this change. the La Salle family has ernbrac:ed some new additions. In order to meet the demanding need for athletlc fieIds,La Salle has converted the seldom used grass ..... referred to as the intramural field. Into fields for three different athletic sports. Also. there are some fine new teaeIte.. who wUl teach at the level that has gained La Salle ~ distinctions. II is easy to see that with these changes and additions that La Salle is "poIIshIng the goId"ln order to make the smooth transition fTom the past to the preoent and well into the future.
















Mr. Martin Stanczak "OK, GENTLEMAN, DEBITS IN THE FIRST COLUMN and CREDITS IN THE SECOND ... " Yes, with that booming voice resounding in the corridors of La Salle

(even though he's in a soundproof room with all of the doors in the school closed) SENIORS know, along with the rest of La Salle, that Marlin Stanczak has begun Ac' counting for the day. But our intrepid Athie' tic Director does rar more than whet the appetites of future investment bankers. With ill f1i!1ir and dash unseen since the days of Prince Matchabelli, he sets the fashion

world afire with bold new looks thai predate the trend. But beyond the plaid pants that would make any golfer beam, and beyond the Ac' counting texts (wrinen by a real estate company) is a man wilh a deep dedication to La

Salle and its students. Many of those stu' dents are engaged in extracurricular activi· ties and depend on the vans and school cars for transportation to and from various events. Mr. Stanczak is the man who tries to sort out 10 different claims on 4 vehicles on any given weekday or weekend. Without his patience and understanding, most ac' tivities would grind to a hall. It is with grati· tude and affection. then. for the many years he has labored to make La Salle the best that it can be for the thousands of students that have passed through its halls in his tenure that we dedicate this yearbook to him. Aside from teaching Accounting, Mr. Stanczak is a behind·the·scenes person. As Athletic Director, in conjunction with var' ious coaches, he has been vital in giving all

La Salle students the opportunity to partici· pate in, or at least support (through atten' dance at) all sorts of athletic events. Per· haps athletes at La Salle don't realize the enormous impact a man like Mr. Stanczak has on their ability to participate In school sports. Now, in this dedication, we, the en' tire community that is La Salle, salute you, Mr. Stanczak. Your tireless efforts, often unseen, help to make La Salle what it Is. In this public tribute we also make a wish: That the students of today, and tomorrow, may continue to acknowledge your share in the La Salle family. And may your example to future athletes, accountants, haberdash· ers. and all men of La Salle continue for many years to come.



I Brother Robert Shea With the arrival of the laSalle family's new principal, Brother Robert Shea, LaSalle has begun to "educate for the 21st cen' tury' . expand its facilities, and aid the professional development of the faculty, Brother Bob is always ready to greet bleary· eyed students in the morning and discuss student lind faculty proposals for change.


2. Brother James Rieck Brother James Rieck, laSalle's Vice Principal. is always full of vim and vigor. He is constantly ready to lIssiSI a student with a faculty roster or to demonstrllte a proper stroke to a racquetballer. He can be seen throughout the building or in his office ful· filling his everyday duties. After, school, well, you'd better not walk on the court if you don't want to be hit.

3. Mr. David Diehl Mr. David Diehl. LaSalle's "Enforcer", can be found strangling tardy students in his outer office or interrogating horrodilled offenders in his personal chamber. AI· though he appears rough and tough, Mr, Diehl is really a nice guy at heart. After all, he only has fifty sets of torture devices.

Bro. Robert Shea

4, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, Mr. Diehl's daz· zling assistant, handles the electrified late slips and then calls home to find out who's out with F, Bueller. Her lovely smile melts all fear when one goes for a late slip, but then someone disappears into Mr. Diehl's personal chamber. a slight snicker can be heard 5. Mrs. Schaum and Mrs, Gallagher Many thanks are in order for Mrs. Patri· cia Schaum and Mrs. Helen Gallagher who keep laSalle's main office running smooth· Iy. Mrs. Schaum admits to absolutely 10'1' ing her ;ob and Mrs. Gallagher looks for' ward to her grandson's entrance into La· Salle in the year 2000,

Bro. James Rieck


Mrs. Gallager

Mrs. Schaum

Mr. David Diehl


Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen

Mrs. Peggy Braccia

Mr. Hipl


Guidance Department For Freshman who lire called inlo lln of. fice for the first lime fears are instantly

calmed upon meeting Brother Dave Rogers.

this important year of school and about up'

coming p,uties at SAT test centers. Mrs.

Director of Freshman Guidance. His caring

Marie Baer. the sophomores' date for these "shindigs", deserves the credit for Lll

attltude and determination to support stray-

Salle's excellence in test scores.

Ing freshman creates a warm, friendly at路 mosphere which certainly deserves better than a third路f1oor stairwell office. Oh, well. they're only Freshman.

Sophomores who have just settled into comfortable laziness are soon awakened to their responsibilities by Mrs. Doris Daly. She tirelessly motivates them to care about

Involvement is the key to a successful balance In high school, and Mr. Pat Devine (Photo: Pg 22) preaches to all Juniors about the importances of extra-<:urricular activities. Including La Salle's excellent track program, of which he is the head coach. One would hope that his spirit and drive for success will rub off on Juniors as

Mrs. Logan


they begin then college plans at this impor' tant time in their scholastic careers. Troubled seniors can always find enlightenment in the lounge, er, office, of Brother Carl Clayton. He is a constant source of motivation, reminding us that the best time to start applying to colleges is NOW, and upon those who procrastlnate, he places his favorite Arab curse: "May the fleas of a thousand camels Infest your armpits." (Wow, that's motivation!)

Bro. Carl Clayton

Development Office

Bro. Fred Stelmach

The Dire<:tor of Development (Above Photo) and the two ladies that eKtend the family called La Salle.

Florence Ward

Pal Dever

Guidance Department

Bro. David Rogers

Mrs. Baer


Religion Department A track coach pretending to be 8 Marriage teacher? A Junior Guidllnce counselor masquerading as " track coach? Actually. Mr. Patrick Devine manages all of the above with equal skill.

Mr. Alfred Puntel is such a soft-

spoken guy that students in his classes suddenly find themselves agreeing with everything he says. He

claims that he doesn't understand sus any more than we do being modest.


he's Just

Chairperson; dedicated, compas· sionate, supportive and provides lead·

ership - she teaches us life by leach· ing about death. Mrs. Muriel Mehr also teaches some more conventional sounding courses like Peace (, Justlce.

Mrs. Muriel Mehr

Mr. Patrick Devine

When the Daily Bulletin announces his arrival. Father Anthony Janton's fan club always shows up in his of· fice. ("'Father, did you really Play golf wilh the Pope?") But with retreats. Christian Action. and liturgies, he of· ten lacks the time to talk and has to create it - which he does. Helping Father Janton this year is Brother Henry Werner. Brother Is quickly attracting his own groupies with his ever lastmg smile. Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti has a tough job. instilling freshmen and sophomores with a sense of righteousness. but he does it. Brother Kenneth Cook gives the Religion Department an added dimen' sion. His humor always makes rell' gion class a joy. A welcome addition to the religion department this year is Brother J0seph Myers. Brother is already famous for his qUick quips.

Father Anthony Janton


Brother Kenneth Cook Mr. Geoffrey N.icoletti

Brother Joseph Myers

M.r. Alfred Puntel


The Nordic-bred Department Chairper' son Michael O'Toole often embarks upon tundras of ignorance in search of pure. cold truth, as his shivering seniors will angrily confirm (close the window!). His enthusi· asm often causes him to s~ak in tongues, running through Chaucer with a medieval vengeance. He can also ~ seen sacrificing ram heads ~fore the Oxford English Dictionary, part of his being a disciple of the Phoenetic Convergence. Mr. Dennis Bloh brings to La Sillle the experience he gained from teaching in col, lege. His students are fortunate to learn from someone with such vast knowledge, quick wit, and a genuine caring attitude. Although her teaching career was at a standstill temporarily during last summer's return of the Grateful Dead, Mrs. Clare Brown has never left her Freshmen in the dark lIbout English. Despite her recent va· cation encounter with a bear while sitting in a gas - empty car. Mrs. Brown is fearless in exploring Faulkner's The Bear. Whether portraying Beowulf, spelling and pronouncing hard words, or reading Sophomore essays, Mr. Bernard McCabe distingUishes himself as one of the most popular teachers at La Salle. His teaching style is to lull people to sleep and then wake them up by using an interesting choice of words. When he's not talking about the libido or his chlldren, Mr. Edward McCabe teaches English in his unique style. The only way for students to fully appreciate his class is to assume that he is always correct. He is the only person who knows how each au' thor thought while writing. After a distinguished minor·league base· ball career, teaching English must be as easy to Mr. Edward Molush as striking out Mr. Belvedere. He stands atop a vast mound of knowledge, casting out daily challenges (and a few curves) to his stu· dents. His career at La Salle may soon be over, however; he was caught with an em' ery board in his pocket last spring. What he lacks in baseball skills. Mr. Joseph D'Angelo more thim compensates for with his enthusiasm and knowledge of triv· ia, HIS Juniors are enlightened by fascinat· Ing treatises on the nature of MacBeth, and by learning the winner of the 1953 World $eries. It is hard to believe that such a foun· tain of knowledge could emanate from behind 8 bow tie. Brother Dave Rogers Is known for his enlightenments, whether it be to Freshmen in need of guidance or Sophomores seeking knowledge of English. He is the only memo ber of the English Department to have his own office, even if it is the same size as ours.




I ,.

Mr. Edward McCabe

Mr. Michael O'Toole

Mr. Dennis Blah

Mr. Edward Molush

Mrs. Clare Brown

Bro. David Rogers

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo

Mr. Bernard McCabe


LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Next year. in addition to his Latin, English, and Ecology courses, Mr. William Geiger will teach Math I, CD, Anti¡Reaganism. Birth, and Subatomic Physics. thus becoming the first faculty member to teach in every department simultaneously. He also

plans to leave his masterful moderation of the Wisterian in order to teach the guys at Time a few things. When Mr. David Manion is in a rare nasty mood, his hobby is to let one of his French students entangle himself, until he regrets not having studied. Usually, however, Mr. Manion just

stays cool. Obstacles on the road to Paris are

removed. Mrs. Linda Donahue has been known to whip up her Spanish classes into a frenzy of learning. When they get a bit over-enthusias' tic, she finds it necessary to use a quick "Calmate!" Unlike the Frere Jacques in the song, Brother James Steck almost

never sleeps, except to compensate for jet lag on one of his many intercontinental trips. Because he speaks French and Spanish, he's happy in just about any country, as long as he looks sharp. Dr. James Devine sometimes takes a break from teaching Spanish and Cross Cultural Communications and goes out to recruit eighth graders for La Salle. Do they end up coming here because they liked his speech, or because they liked his clothes, or because they liked his car? Mr. George Hohenleitner will teach you everything you could possibly want to know about German. As an added bonus, he can also inform you on current ethical and moral issues. Sometimes even that's in German. We welcome Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch, Mr. Victor Gavin, and Mr. Gabriel Blanco to the La Salle foreign language department this year: Persons of experience and professionals.

Mr. Gabriel Blanco

• I

Mr. David Manion

Dr_James Devine Mr. William Geiger



:. I

• •

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch



,., •


Mr. George Hohenleitner

Bro. James Steck

Mr. Victor Gavin

Mrs. Linda Donahue


Social Studies Department Whenever you hear ZI booming voice

waxing eloquent on how important the economic motivlltions of the Founding Fathers were 10 the Constitution, you can be sure

that Mr. Jo~ph Colistra is nearby. Mr. Colistra, the chairman of the Social Studies Department and head Football coach, has been instrumental in opening up the mys' teries of history and economics for his stu-

Parisi. Along with Psychology and American History classes, he leads freshman, sophomores, and seniors to a deeper appreciation of the social sciences. Mr. Martin Jackson has proved to be an excellent addition to the history faculty at LaSalle this year. HIS calmness and humor sparks attention - half the battle won.

Mr. Joseph Colistra

dents, not Just through dry reading and debate, but often with a slory 10 add spice and



his classes.

Mr. John Grace. In his freshman Western

Gv. and Senior AP European classes. takes his students beyond these shores 10 the roots of Western life through European history. His emphasis on social history offers his cla:.ses 8 unique perspective on history, as students look at the p~st through the eyes of peasants and workers as well as statesmen and kings. When the bewildered freshman first steps Into a LaSalle history classroom, he finds his first plunge into the depths of Western Civilization guided by Mr. Joseph

Ever wonder if you could ever relate something in "real life" to history? Silly question. just ask Mr. Thomas Turner. His skill in relating the study of history to the ordinary concerns of his students has made him one of the most valuable components of the History Department at LaSalle. Mr. Gerald Miller, in his Vietnam and Hit路 ler courses, gives LaSalle historians路to路be the opportunity to branch off from broader studies of history into these fascinating spe' cific concentrations. His participant's slant on the Vietnam War especially allows him to channel important insights to his stu' dents.

Mr. John Grace


Mr. Martin Jackson

Mr. Joseph Parisi

Mr. Gerald Miller


Math Department Department Chairperson Mr. James Roche can usually be found in the worst nightmares of Calculus students who forget the definition of a limit. He can also be found in the Iibrllry where he is alwlIys accessible to help students with their mathmatJcal pro~ lems and where he is often seen looking through an old Algebra 1x:xMo;, apparently to

'slay fresh" Bro. Thomas Dunn is revered for keeping his students constantly on their toes, strivmg to excel and also to ctltch him making a mistake. Bro. Tom has never been known to make a mistake. only a few minor over-

sights. We asked him if anyone had ever

Mr, Michael Ponisciak

caught him in a mistake. and the Equalizer just smiled Mr. MIchael Ponisciak is. in the words of a

laSalle student.


real professional" when

it comes to leaching. His calm exterior and caring altitude makes hIm one of the most popular teachers in the school. And togeth路 er with his Wife, Mrs. Ponisciak, he forms what is undoubtedly the most popular husband and wife team at LaSalle. World-renowned for his expert quarterback' ing of the faculty football team, Mr. Joe Radvansky is also famous for throwing perfect mathmaticat spirals to his students. "Broadway Joe" is both a demanding and a helpful teacher, respected for his challeng' Ing tests and enlightening analogies.

Dr. James Bradley

"This is one of those spooky things And, magically, Snappo!" These incantations could only come from the intellectual tower of Dr. James Bradley, La Salle's own Merlin of Mathmatics. When not casling spells of knowledge upon his students, "The Doctor" can also be spotted training his own army of junior wizards, cleverly disguised as the Mathletes. The students of Mr, John Frizalone can always hear his enlightening voice (In fact. most of the school can hear it. and some of the surrounding neighborhood)_ His quest for scholastic perfection is only overmatched by his quest for physical perfection. as he strives to create the perfect Temple in which to house the fires of hiS knowl-

edge Bro. James Dreis was faced with two looming challenges at the beginning of the year The first was overcoming the famed 'sophomore Jinx", which can afflict teachers as well as students, but it's pretty obvious thai he has succeeded in that area. An even greater adversity, however, was dealing with Ihe internal strife which affected him upon the cancellation of "Hill Street Blues'


Miss M.aureen Dugan

Bro. James Dries Ms_ Maureen Dugan is known for her rigorous reputation when it comes to teaching Algebra to advanced freshman, but she is actually more rigorous in her homerooms where she cannot be impressed by a wellordered notebook

Mr. James Roche

Bro. Thomas Dunn

\ Mr. Joseph Radvansky

Mr. John Frlz.alone


You might encounter Mr. Anthony Viggiano in Physical Sci路 ence freshman year, He could POP up again senior year in AP Biology, In between, catch him on the fields or in the gym for Athletic Training, when he focuses attention on running shoes instead of frog legs. Mr. Gerald Evans shows his very best biology classes his prized lemming movie, in which hundreds of fuzzy creatures become cliff divers. Hilarious, right? After school, he sometimes trades in his lab coat for an incredibly official looking referee uniform. It's rumored that Ms, Lorraine Rimert, physics and electricity teacher, is president of the top'secret Albert Einstein Fan Club. And if you don't know that F=ma (F and a are vectors, of course), she'll dock you. When he's not diverting funds to Nicaragua via modem, Mr. Russel really enjoys stamping out bugs for frustrated program' mers. In fact, in AP Physics, he noted that "there is no limit to what r can do," Also helping out in the computer room this year is new faculty member Ms. Tina Shustack. With Mr. Amands (Photo: Pg. 38) reputation as a "jokester", students can't help but enjoy them even more if they are mem路 bers of his excellent swimming program,



Mrs. Ponisciak's rapid delivery of "common sense chem" in both her AP and regular chemistry classes always keeps the students alert and interested. Just as amazing is her patience during labs, even when students forget the "golden rule", or Mackowiak mistakes the cleaning solution for Paradichloroben' zene. Mrs. Linda Canobio experience is admired by her awestruck students.

Mr. Robert Russell



Mrs. Lorraine Rimert


Mrs, Dorothy Ponisciak

Science Department:

Mr. Anthony Viggiano

Mrs. Linda Canobio

Miss Tina Shustack

Mrs. Julia M.aher Mr. Gerald Evans OUT thanks to Mrs. Maher for her leadership and dedication. And we are grateful for the contribution of new staff member. Miss Shus-





Bro. Miller Bosch, Driver's Ed. Proctor

Bro. AI Lumley, Proctor.


Frank X. Mullin, Bookstore Proprietor.

NURSES OFFICE - . - . ' _ ..

./ -'

). ,-,., ......

Mrs. Ciccimaro

Mrs. Jennie Barratt



Diane McGovern

Joe Ciccimaro



Mrs. Mary Mountain

Susan Sayer


Alice Ann Bossow


, Guy Cimini

Mary Diaz

"Wild Bill" laFontaine

Bob Hillgrube


, L



... I I Cafeteria Staff: (left to right); (Back row): M, McFAdden, H. Roman, N Livingood, M. Salemno, R. DiPinto, (front row) M. McClintock, B. Butler.



Bro. Hillary McGovern

Mr. Anthony Amand


Mr. Martin Stanczak


Mr. Walter Farrell

"The Board Of Trustees: A Smooth Transition" Transition. The word can be one of hope, of holding on to established goals with one hand while reaching out to higher aspira' tions with the other. But it can also be a journey laden with anxiety. of longing for an unseen change. La Salle College High School made such an endeavor 25 years

ago, but at times in the leap for greater elevations, the ground seemed so rar away. It was evident that a body of officials was

needed to make La Salle's transition a smooth one. Thus. the Board of Trustees

was assembled. Made up of seven Christian Brothers, eight latmen, and three Ex Officio Mem'

bers. The 1987·1988 Board of Trustees holds a twofold purpose. Firstly, by han· dling conflicts and deciding legal affairs, the Board keeps one hand firmly on what the school has already accomplished. And secondly, by discussing financial policies, it reaches out to provide a more hopeful fu· ture for La Salle. The member of the 1987·1988 Board of Trustees are: Brother Robert F. Shea, Brother Rene Sterner, Brother David C. Pen· dergast, Brother John T. Patzwall, Brother Emery C. Mollenhauer, Brother Joseph F. Mahon, Brother Thomas Caldwell. and Brother James F. Reick. The lay members

are Mr. Elmer F. Hansen Ill, Mr. Dale Litner, Mr. William A. Meehan, Mr. John Metzger, Mr. Edward N. Patrone, Mr. Thomas J. Ryan, Mr. Kenneth J. Shaw, Jr., Mr. Wil· liam Vincent, Mr. Charles Hilpl, and Mr. Da· vid Diehl. But more important than the names are the faces, some of which are seen almost daily around La Salle and its social and athletic functions, faces which reflect the spirit, experience, and determi' nation needed to keep La Salle constantly in transition, one hand firmly anchored and one hand reaching out in high promise.

Board Of Trustees



~ ...."


":UA "u'"



GREG2: THE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS Forget Einstein. Forget Newton. Forget everything you ever le21rned about scientific formulas. Ah, forget it. To get an idea of what does work. you don't hllve to go any further than this, the 1988 Blue & Gold. The equation which produced this classic piece could be written as B£,G - G25/8: the leadership of both Gregs coupled with a truly dedicated staff over the span of eight long months of hard work. The result, 85 you

can see, has a great value. Greg Rietzke. Editor-In-Chief, is the first half of the Greg2 formula, and his efforts end leadership greatly benefitted the Blue & Gold. His spirit is also obvious. as he had to juggle his editorial responsibilities while

also contributing to the 1988 LII Salle Ex' plorers Football team. It could be said that "the limit of Greg's patience: as the: calendar approaches January is infinity", as he de:alt with de:adline problems with a de:te:rmination that would make both Mr. Roche and Mr_ Russell proud, even if he did fail AP Physics. Hey, maybe he was a little roo dedicated ... Editor Greg Dupee is the second part of La Salle's success equation, and his abilities are almost as complete as the refrigerator in his office, which, of course. he stocked. He instituted many new and fresh Yearbook policies. including the list of Yearbook·office words (e:xample "shmooky"), the Cafeteria·Tray Compilation System. and the ever·hallowed Door Of Seniors And Goofy-Looking Underclass· men (And Brother Carl). His gre:atest innovation, however, was the re-dedication of the 1988 Blue & Gold to Gunther, the late office: mascot. but it seems that his brainchild will never be realized. Layout Editor Shane O'Donnell is an-


other man whose invaluable contribution to the Blue & Gold is easily seen, almost as easily seen as Shane: Himself (He put 47 different pictures of himself in here). He is the powe:r supply of the well-run Layout Staff machine. the main cog in the ultimate Blue & Gold factory. and above all, one of the immortal perpetrators of the infamous Extra-Curricular Walk, which he performs almost daily before a plethora of frenzied disciples. One of his converted disciples, Elliot Fus, was inspired to give up his Jazz Club frequenting ("Really. I'm twenty-one") and assume the duties of Layout Co-Editor. Photography Editor Mike Clancy is loved for his many incredible achievements, most importantly supplying the refrigerator in the Yearbook Office. Mike can often be spotted prowling about at night. looking for something to "Goosh", a habit which often gets him into some minor trouble with the local police. Well, at least they let him take his own mug shots. The 1988 Blue: Er Gold could not possibly have been completed without the irrepla' ceable efforts of Copy Editor Won Jae Yang. He was the driving force behind the: book. which is an ever-present testimony to his unending quest for truth. By the way. he's also good at giving dictation. Pat McGarvey. Typing Editor, is the only Junior Editor and thus the "youngblood" of the staff. The rich experience he gained this year will surely be evident in next year's Blue & Gold, as next year's staff will benefit from Pat's Innovation of using erasable typing paper for all Yearbook assignments. Pat's enthusiasm and dedication were beautifully and pc>e:tically summed up by another member of the Editing Staff: "he likes to type_"

Editor and Chief; Greg Rietzke

Hanging Around

Shane O'Donnell being punished


Kate ÂŁ, Katie, Joan Jell, and the valley gi.

Mike Clancy pondering life itself.


The Eliot Fus Experience

Shane do us all a favor -


And yes it's theme" 6 ladies and gentlemen!


WISTERIAN: "The Excellence Continues



La Salle's newspaper. The Wisterian, also looked for a transition from last year's news~per Under the leadership of David

Gallagher and Edward O'Hanlon, and the moderation of Mr. William "Wild Bill" Gei· ger, La Sane's paper was changed.

A new heading was adoptl!d, editorials were tuned up and made more interesting,

sports coverage was expanded. and the humor column was given an added wit by the Wis.rester. Selin Kane. Senior Michael Tldd was given 8 monthly column, "On The Right", which expressed his views on issues of local, national, and worldly concern. Both the Feluure Page and the front page were also tuned up by the staff, and by brand new sections such as "Behind The Scenes", 8 look "t whllt happens beyond the sight of students, and "Take A. Closer Look", 1I look at what students do above and beyond the call of school duty. In lin attempt to regulllrly update sports and continue current running stories, the Wisterl8n printed smaller versions of the paper known as Wisterian Updates. This was received with an overwhelmingly posi· tive response. On April first. an enUre joke Updilte was run thllt students found both funny and enjoyable. David and Ed were aided by their competent and reliable staff which consisted of News Editor Kirk Marcolina, Feature Editor James Cantwell, Sports Editor Joseph Thompson, Copy Editor Scott Johnson, Art Editor Paul Wynn, and Photo Editor Michael Plagens. The staff received an extrll boost with the instllllment of their new computer, which was purchased via il much appreci' ated don8tion by Mr. Milrcolina. All in illl, the Wisterian staff is to be commended for their tremendous efforts in successfully making a transition - a transition that once again gives pride to La Salle and renews that vibrant phrll~ "Take a Wis!"


Mike says ... "More typos!"


The 1987-88 Wi sterian Staff

Editors pray before deadline.

Like my bush?


The staff yums on pizza.

A darn good picture???!!?!?!?!?

Paul contemplates the meaning of stuff.

Dave ÂŁ, Ed -

the men behind it all.

Another view of the same thing.


Ba Ba Boagh Boagh Boagh!!!!



"Okay. now. get together, and work."

Irs Christmas time in Wis·Ville!

A great shot of the key people.



The 1988 laSalle Forum. As it begins Its tenth year of existence at UI Salle. the laSalle Forum continues to exemplify success through the excellence of its members. Drawing from 8 wide scope of students, from those heavily into math and science to members with a deep involvement in LaSalle Dramatics. the learn represents a real cross section of excellence at LaSalle. Stephen Andrasko, an alumnus of LaSalle who was the team's

assistant director, became the director last year. Mr. Gavin, and Mr. George Hohen· lellner became moderators. Along with

these faculty leaders are the student offi· cers: Joe McMahon, president, Mike Tidd, Vice-president, Jerry Fecher, se<:retary. Together these students and faculty leaders have helped to keep the Forum's tradition of victory alive and well.


The team. according to vice'president Mike Tidd. has events open and suited toall types of students. For those into current events. cross-examination and debate and extemporaneous speaking are optimum. for they are focused on contemporary is· sues in the news. For those interested in dramatics or literature, oral and dramatic interpretation of literature as well as origi' nal oratory are available. For any wise phi' losophers at LaSalle. LincohDouglas De· bate with its focus on philosophic ques' tions of morality and politics is ideal. The Forum's schedule embraces a wide variety of tournament sizes. places, and lev· els of difficulty, This year, in addition to the numerous tournaments in the Phila Catholic Forensics League almost every week· end. the team traveled to New York city.

Atlanta. Boston, New Orleans, and Nash· ville. They have scored a number of suc' cesses nationally, with quarter finalist plac· ings at the New York City invitational, and with a first place victory in extemporaneous speaking at the St. Joseph's University tournament in November, as well as numerous team placements in the top five at local or state level tournaments. The team ac· tively seeks to share Its heritage of success with the LaSalle community, and opens Its doors to all who wish to participate. Present members are confident that the winning tradition of the past will continue, for in the words of the teams motto, from the words of Seneca: "the language of truth is sim· pie,"

We've got the biggest trophies in the Catholic League!

We talked their doors off!

Good, Vince. Now, can you find the car?



With the arrival of Autumn, the stage was once again prepared for La Salle's traditional Fall Play. This year, the stage was set for a Transylvanian scene complete with bats and everyone's favorite vampire, Count Dracul". In La Salle's version of Dracula, the Count decides to visit New York in order to find some new blood. His efforts are constantly thaTted by the ever present Doctor Van Helsing. Actors Michael Fegley, Christopher Smith, Derek Zardus, and Philip Keidel helped to capture the eerie atmosphere and bring the play to life through their interesting and vivid portrayals of their legendary characters. Low lighting and dark backgrounds created

a mysterious and deadly atmosphere. Placed appropriately on Halloween weekend, the play drew large crowds at all scheduled showings. Good reviews were received, and everyone looked forward to the continuation of La Salle's fine tradition in the Spring. Hard at work behind the scenes were Stage Manager James Bethke,Director Mrs, Colleen Durkin, moderators Mrs. Linda Dona路 hue and Mr. John Grace. Stage crews worked rigorously in order to meet their quickly approaching deadline. Auditions had been in early September, and the end of October seemed just around the corner. Hard work and dedication paid off, As the new year rolled around, auditions for "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" were held, and the stage crew began intensive work once again. The '87.'88 Fall and Spring Productions have continued to main' tain La Salle's excellent reputation in drama, and make one eager to see what will come next.

No. this is not dial-a star.


Seniors Mike Fegley and Ray Palmer show off Dracula.

Mental Preparation is key to a good production.

Stage Crew does all the dirty work as usual.

3路0 viewmaster is center of attention


Hands across La Salle never really got started.

Mike Clancy and Bill Williams sell candy.



Tuning up. One of the key seniors that the band will miss is drummer, Sal Baldassano. Beside drumming, Sal also is Band President and often conducted the pep band at football games when

Mr. Joseph Cicdmaro. the Band Director. was not there. Sal's dedication and devotion were passed to the other officers. They were Edward Gapsis, Matthew Oberholzer, and Craig Ebner. Also providing leadership were Seniors Won Jae Yang, Bill Kershner. Mike Plagens, and Bill Keenan. Thejuniors, tomorrow's leaders, were exceptionally talented. They were led by officer Edward Gapsis. Other key ju' niors were Jim Reed, Joe O'Connell, and Malt Kensey. There were some freshman to complement the older members of the band. Brothers Joe and Jim Sigmund and Chris Bonner added to the depth of the band. With all this returning talent: Mr. C's and Mr. 0'5 tutelage. and the fine instrumental in路 structors. there is reason to believe that they will be success路 ful next year.



Alright -

Who threw that?


The 1987-88 La Salle Jazz Band.

Playing for a packed house.

.. ''lJ&I:J New on playlist: "I Want Your Sax"


Is that . .. ?


Dances and Mixers

Mixers at La Salle this year were a combination of things for many different people. While most enjoyed them as great chances to socialize with girls from the academies surrounding La Salle. certain members of the mixer-going crowd may have made it harder for the La Salle community to have these opportunities in the fu-

ture. In the beginning of the school year, the Student Council sponsored well run events, with not many noticeable problems. The mixer on Dec. 18th, however, created

problems. Some students caused a situation that strained the abilities of the faculty and administration to maintain an atmosphere that would allaw the other students to

have fun. Most dances at La Salle this year were wellattended and organized successfully. Students d<mced through the night and as the photos show: a great time by all.

Kent Dance.

HAIR! Sean rocks the house.


Good Christian fun for all.

Ed plays LaSalle benefit with WHAM!

LaSalle to the Max!



The Art Club is an influential club at La Salle High School. The talents and dedication of its members can be seen throughout the schooL Over the years, the various projects added aesthetically 10 the interior design of the building.

One of the most notable efforts of the Art Club is the mosaic of St. John Baptist de La Salle located on the first floor neat the library. This example of La Salle Artwork, along with other drawings. murals. and posters shows the

talent and creativity of the club.

No! I will not kiss you!

The school environment is enriched culturally by the club's major projects. Also, the school publications show

examples of the artistic talent al La Salle. From year to year, the Art Club continues to develop and refine artistic abilities of interested students.

John Cleese wannabe: Bill Tighe


I know it's in here!!!!


The La Salle Photography Club under


direction of Mor. Geiger. is a favorite extra,<:ur


ricular activity with the students. The c1ut offers its members the opportunities to learr and improve their skills with the 35mm Cllm erl!. The Photography Club members gain exper

ience in concept, composition. and theory 8! well as producing the actual photograph. Mot Geiger allows the students to submit their beSI efforts and offers constructive criticism to lh~

members for improving their techniques. The Photography Clubs' experience is dem

onsltated throughout La Salle. Many of thf' photographs that are included in sch~ publl cations. such as the school newspaper line


yearbook. reflect the talents and interest of the Photography Clubs' members. This club re cords the daily life at La Salle and adds to the journalistic efforts with quality photography.

-'"-The 1988 Photo Club

Mike Clancy with a trendy WWII Bomber"s Jacket


Do you think my tongue will fit too? Essential Equipment



Time: 2:50 PM. Place: room 207. Date: various Wednes' days and Thursdays throughout the year. You are witnessing the ultimate struggle. the final encounter. The frantic, erratic scratching of graphite against wood pulp severs the hollow and ominous tick of the clock. A doctor is within reach. but cannot help the fourteen terror-stricken

students. They sit, incessantly twitching and shifting, and - maybe, just maybe - some kind of knowledge hidden deep within their aging memories will jar loose. and then ... AAAAHHHHHHH!1! Six students were gobbled up by

the evil two-minute warning beast; the remainder suc'

Senior Mathlete Nestor Handzy

cumbed to the suffocating, choking, poison guess gas. The La Salle Mathletes completed another contest. Luckily, La Salle doesn't have to worry about salary arbitration, free agency, drug testing. or strikes with this team - mathletes loyalty and effort are continuous and indifferentiable. Fearless Dr. JlImes Bradley leads the young team, highlighted by first team all-cathotic junior and co-president Brian Jay. Starting senior and co-presi路 dent Matt Oberholzer brings his experience and meth路 ematical agility to the squad ("Fake it!"). but only supplements the diverse and talented lineup of veteran seniors Rich Trub (Vice路 President), Nestor Handzy, and Roy Wald' spurger. Andy Komanowski (Vice- President), Mike Carey (Secretary), and Joe Norton represent an awesome junior force. Sophomore star Tim Tilson will be an integral part of the mathlete franchise of the next decade, 1Iiong with the rookie recruit Robert McCartney. The team competes in four different leagues, including the Saturday "tournaments" of the Greater Philadelphia Mathletes League. From one such tournament arose the Infamous controversy over the "home court adventege" in which one host school actually replaced the customary orange juice with milk. using the confusion of the switch to abscond with all the chocolate-filled doughnuts. (the Si!lme unidentified source uncovered the blacklisting scandal of the annual Newton路Leibnlz Memorial Trophy Candidate Selection Committee.) Algebra r. II, trigonometry, geometry. individual, and learn events - how do the mathletes stay on top? "Well ya' know," said a sophomore. "we just gotta take one contest at a time. ya' know?"

Just one of these easy problems.


The National Honor Society On 8 cold December night. feelings of warmth emanated from the La Salle auditorium where the National Honor Society induction was laking place for eligible Ju-

niors llnd Seniors. Parents, friends, and rela· ti .... es swelled with pride as the nllme of their

loved one was called. These new inductees have proven themselves through their willingness and ebility to cope with new challenges that accompany this great honor. The National Honor Society, under the guidance of the venerable Brother CllTI Clayton, Pres. David Gunn. Vice-President

Joseph "tkinson. and Sec. Shane OT)on· nell, was lead successfully through the school yl!:iU. Members of the N.H.S. must

be outstanding in the trails of scholarship.

The 1988 National Honor Society

service, leadership. and character. The stu· dent must maintain a 3.5 grade point aver· age, and must be involved in several activi· ties. The N.H.S. helps out with the Entrance Exams, Back to School Night, and numerous other noteworthy events throughout the year. With the arrival of new leadership, the N.H.S. instlilled A Speaker's Bureau, a board of students who go to grade schools and talk about La Salle courses, and the tutoring progrllm WliS reinforced lind redir' ected so thllt students could seek reliable help when it is necessary.

Pete Loftus tutoring

They even get free donuts!


C'rnon, Dave, it's not that boring!

American Computer Science League La Salle's Computer Club is growing little

by little each year. Computers are becoming very popular among La Salle students. Students find it much easier to do written assignments on computers. Enrollment in computer class has also increased over the past few years.

The American Computer Science

League gives students the chance to compete with other enthusiasts. La Salle stu'

dents have the chance to create programs and then be judged against college stu' dents. These student programmers enter contests which consist of taking a written test on a programming problem and then writing a program on a stated topic within three day's time. Each program then must be entered into the computer and debugged within forty¡five minutes. These La Salle students take much pride in their work as they are guided to success by Mr. Robert Russell.



-~-,. Just hangin' around


Merlin shows Ed how it's done.

Brother Miller -



The view from the rear


STUDENT COUNCIL La Salle's Student Council President, James Matthews, and two Vice-presidents, John McFadden and $al Baldassano, worked vigorously this school year to bring the student council to new heights and achievements. The year was characterized by the arrival of new soda machines, brand new speakers in the cafeteria, larger attendance at school games due to increased publicity. and a renewal of school spirit. A student council newsletter was received by the surprised student body, and PA announcements by Jim Malthews helped to keep the student body informed and in contact with an unusually, visible President. With the aid of the ever present moderator, Mrs. Julia Maher, several milters and dances were successfully held, the student council was opened to both student and faculty and compliments, and meetings and positions on the council were offered for the interested students who hadn't been elected. Students and faculty were brought closer together through such events as Teacher Appreciation Day and pep rallies. Blue and Gold Day and other festive holiday events served as bridges between the student路 faculty gap, The '87路'88 Council under strong leadership united both stu' dents and faculty into one family that deserves the title 'exem路 plary,'

President, Jim Matthews hard at work,

Sal practices yoga the hard way ...


No, this is not the lunch menu!

John's best Ms. Rimert impersonation.

Yes, we know. It's a door.

Jim Matthews while tripping on some really heavy stuff.


COMMUNITY SERVICE CORPS Perhaps the most spectacular transition occurs when a boy becomes a man. Independence and responsibility gradually enter a young man's lifestyle, and he begins to change. Although as an adolescent he has much to learn, he finds that he is responsible for himself. His decisions reflect his life experience during this time of growth.

When he realizes his worth as a responsible human being, he also acknowledges his role in the community. To say "I can help

others" signals the transition to adulthood. Tradition is the

esC's greatest strength.

Thanks to the experience and guidance of the comoderators, Mr. AI Puntel and Mr.

Michael Ponisciak, La Salle students ex' tended their service to new limits. Built upon last year's successful tutoring pro' gram at Holy Family Parish in Manayunk. Operation Incentive sharpened the math and reading skills of gradeschool kids. Op· eration Swim once again put smiles on the faces of both children and teenage volun· takes delight especial· teers alike. The Iy in the swimming program because stu· dents extend the encouragement needed for children to gain confidence in them· selves, thereby helping them to realize their own worth. La Salle reaches out personally in welcoming these children to the indoor pool. Every student at La Salle is given a chance to participate in the CSC through two main programs. Once again, Operation Santa Claus drew enormous response from


individual students as well as the homerooms. With homeroom gifts, La Salle's community directly influenced the Christ· mas celebration of sixty children. The wrapping party/social provided students the opportunity of meeting other teens who share similar goals (these "other teens" just happened to be students of St. Basil Acade· my). Delivery teams were driven by five spirited adults. including four La Salle teachers and one alumnus. La Salle home· rooms continued their consistent support for Operation Bread Basketball. Designed to restock area foodbanks, the program places Archdiocesan high schools in com· petition with each other to collect the most canned food. Part of this program includes the ultra·popular Basketball/Volleyball Tournament. a unique Explorer tradition. Two new faculty members have decided to become part of the La Salle tradition in the CSC, and hope to enrich each student with their own actions as examples of their values. The CSC salutes Brother Joseph Myers, F.S.C., and Miss Tina Shustack. The young men of the CSC have come to reallz.e the growth within themselves through their service to others. In each member there is the memory of a little girl, proud to have mastered multiplication of decimals. of a boy splashing in the water of which he was once afraid, of a child shout· ing at the surprise of Santa's knock, and of a man yelling, .. [ can help others!"

The nutty C.S.c. officers

Operation Swim -

Oooh, look at her bathing suit!

Eye contact is essential.


C'mon dude, it'll make you feel good1

1987-88 La Salle COS_CO

Iways a success!

"Hey YOU! On The Waterskis!!!!!"

Hey, WAIT! They look exactly alike!






1988 La Salle Mothers' Club The Mother's Club of La Salle consists of forty dedicated women who devote their time for the welfare of their sons' school. Meetings are held each month and business is conducted to organize the many projects which they accomplish throughout the year. Social and profit'making events are discussed, planned,

and executed. The Freshman Mother's Tea, The Auction, Fashion Show, Christmas Party, Community dinner, and retreat for their religious benefits, and many other diversified activities keep the mothers very busy.

With the profits, many needs of the school have been fulfilled or met each year. Last year the Mothers' Club dona路 tion helped to build the beautiful new athletic fields. The ladies have added their feminine touch for many years and will continue to do so for many years to come.


FATHER AND SON BANQUET This year's Father £, Son banquet was yet another in a line of traditionally enjoyable and satisfying gatherings of fac· ulty and family. Special guest Pat Croce, renowned physical therapist and trainer

for many Philadelphia teams as well as a popular radio personality was in atten· dance for the event, there were draw· ings, prizes. and overall atmosphere of togetherness. For the seniors in particu-

lar, this year's Father/Son night held special meaning. as it would be the last of these memorable nights during their

careers at La Salle. Where the Freshman are concerned, this would be their first exposure to an

event that has become one of the finest examples of the Men of La Salle's contri· butions towards the sense of unity and family.

The Sophomores took the gathering more instride than the Freshman, for this was their second banquet, and they were able to be more relaxed. Juniors were by now ....ery comfort· able with the gathering, and this fact led them to more fully appreciate the special meaning of the night. For the class of 88, this final Father/ Son Banquet was one that would truly be not forgotten.


Guest speaker Pal Croce Speaks to a host of explorers


Campus Ministry The campus ministry is an essential part

of the La Salle experience. It is headed by Father Anthony Janlon and Bro. Henry Werner. The campus ministry received a tremendous boost with the arrival of Brother Henry Werner. Brother Henry brought a new spiritual.awareness to the school. He

also gave a fresh viewpoint on certain ac' tivities that would be beneficial to the students. With his added help. this years spiri路 tual program proved to be the most suc' cessful in enriching the awareness of each students' individual spirituality. Father Janlon and Bro. Henry both worked 10 make the prayer service more meaningful with singing. They stressed singing as an important part of prayer. The campus ministry assisted each student at

La Salle to grow spiritually.

Student leadership at the Christmas liturgy

Father Anthony Janton sharing table fellowship

Bro. Henry Werner (Guides the Camp 72

All set

Come on down!

'\inistry) beside Father Tony 73

Racquetball Club One of the most popular activities at La Salle is the Racquetball Club, only in its fourth year of existence. The dub's moder路

alor. Brother James Reick, attributes its popularity to the fact thai the club offers something unique: getting involved in without the fulltime commitment neces' sary for playing - a sport. Participation is open to anyone, whether an experienced racquetball player or not, and about ninety students signed up. Because of the large turnout, La Salle provides purchased rac路 quets and balls for the students' use. Even

some faculty members participated alone time or another this year, most notably Brother James Dreis, who has been known to challenge and take on any and all comers.

This year, the Racquetball Club made trips on Tuesday and Thursdays nearly every week to the Upper Dublin Racquetball Club. only a short ride from La Salle. The groups are organized and then the intraclub competition begins and the fun starts.


Ski Club

While on a trip in Killington Vermont, the ski club enjoyed some of the best skiing of the season. This three day journey up to the upper east end of the U.S. created many good memo路 ries. The planning for the trip was done by Mr. Robert Russell along with his helpers, Leon Angelichlo and Matt Krapf. The trip was a success for everyone. The Ski Club also took many trips to the Poconos to enjoy a variety of skiing condi' tions, which were, for the most part. great. The entire club owes a lot to Mr. Russell and is greatly appreciative of the time and effort.






(; .J~"" I yo




Freshman: Class of 1991

Jllmal Allen

Aaron Bller

Jesse Belcer

Jamie Bilrton

Joe Be<:khllm

Btlan Benoett

fnmk IXrnardo

Robert Blasi

Aklo Bley


Brian BonsiIII

..JoIm Breckin

Matlin 8c'own

Louis Buonglorno

Peter Burg/ulrt

Stephen Burgo

John Bush

John Butler

Thomas Butler

Patrick 8yme

Francis CapptlleltJ

Mark C8boto

Brilln ellrr

Paul Chi,ik

Steven Chol

Gregory Clave,eUl


Keith Conlin

Chris Connelly

Jllmes Cosgrove

Mlch Cunninghllm

Justin Dellngells

Scott DEltlto

Christopher Dezzl

Frederick Dinl

Chris Doehne

Brilln Donllhue

Selin Donnelly

Timothy Oowns

Jeffrey Dunn

Brend:lln Dunwoody

Crllig Fitlgerllid

Thomlls Frllnce


Daniel Craig

Edwllrd Crillg


Curtis Eby

Jonllthlln Egnotovich

Gerllrd Fuhrmeister

Vine Gllizerilno

John Croney

we are in the ho

"nthony Garcia

TllomllS Gillon

Michael Gilroy

Chris Glennef

Jeffrey Goodwin

Kevin Grlly

Robert Griffith

Brilln Guckert

Ollmon Gulli

Joseph Green

:Xolt Hllgelln

C111yton Griffin

Blaise HilU

_.Willillm Hllmburger

Daniel Hllmilton

Lawrence Hllrbison

Jeffrey Hllrrer

Selin Hendflck

Michllel Horst

John Houck

Greg Kedzlera

fllichllel Keeley

iesence of God"


Vincent Hummel




Keith Humes



Robert Kllrwllckl


Daniel Keerum



Chris Hasson


Chris Kelly

Daniel Kelly

Mlchllel Kenenc


DlIniei Kim



Clulkrapol Liluanllnd


Gregory Unde

ArlU--Oy Lee

Erik Unk

James Lloyd



Domenlc MllldiI

Brady Martellll

Stephen Matthews

Andrew Maude

Michael McCaffrey

Mark 1"IcConn

Brian McDennou

Charles Malooe



Glenn Leader

Man 1'\cElvenny

William McFaddffi

Kevin 1"IcGeehan

Brian McCilI

Mark McGinnis

Thomas McGowan

Michael Mullen

PaUick Mulvey

John Murphy

Craig Neverosky

Dougills Nevins

Kholl Nguyen

Mark McKee

-- ----




Kevin O'Donnell

Wilhllm O"DonneU

Patrick O'HllllorM

Mark O'Neill

Chris Oberl'tolzer

Francis Orsino

Roben Pll,l,cell1

James Pescl

Jason Pero

James Pillno

Robert Pigeon

John Pluck


Brilln Poehlmann

J/l5Oll Potter

Stephen Reeder

Kevin Peinleln

Sean Rokltll


John Przybylowskl

Shllne Purdy

John Rider

Matthew Rivera

Gregory Rom/ln

Mllnhew Romlloo

Christian Rocclo

Rkhllrdo ROUllS

, FUlnk Roscioli

Willillm Rusnak

Chris Schmidt

Kevin Schmidt

Michllel Sinopoli

Danen Skulsky

C,lljg Smith

Chris Sunk

Child Stowe

George Streeper

Joseph Ruzzi

Michllel Saidulli

Michael Saracino

Richllrd Scali

John Schulden

Roben Scillscia

Kevin Scully

Andrew Scuttl

Willillm Seifert

Brlllll Shllnnon

WIlliam Shepherd

Frllllcis Sheridlln

JlImes Sigmund

Joseph Sigmund

Robert Silll

Keith Sink

William Spellring

Thomas Stack

Stephen Streibig


Stephen Stroh«ker

Jllme5 Summerill

Jeffrey Timloski

Keith TornetUi

Cllrlos Torres

John Trlliner

Rylln Tyrrell

Robert Vllientine

Junod Vile

Fred Vogt

John Willhelm

Jerry Volpe

Matthew Wllc;howskl

[u'nlel Willis

Jllmes Wlllters

Stephen Weinrich

Leo Wesolowski

Gerllrd White

John White

Michllel Wilken

• Joseph Williamson

Thomlls Wilson

Scott Wimmer


Olher Freshmlln: Michael Coyle. Dllvid Fegley. Quintin M«ke. Richard Petschler. Edwllrd Pr/ltowski. John Russo. Stephen SoUy Frederick Wise


Jerome Wentz

Stephen Ylltclllll

Rylln Young

Jllmes ZIlmlchlell

David Balcer

Thomfls Balshi

1'\icMeI Bate

Sophomores: The Class of 1990 Chllslopher Bergon

PillI,ll Bonfanti

1'I.althe.... Booth

...ndre .... Bove

Bfendilln Boyle

nmothy Brenl'Wln

Marlin Breslin

...ndre.... Bucceri

James Burke

Key," BUlke

Wilham Bushkie

Chllrles Calvanese

Nicholu Cillputo

Keyin Camey

Chll$tophoer Choby

Daniel Clash


Mkhael Brescia



l .......... z

• •

Vincent Caly;ui

Christopher Cl9ry


2 George Collins

Mkhael Connelly

James Convey

Jonn Cottingham

Frlln<:is Courtney

James Crawford

Patrick Cunnane

James Dever

Brilln Devine

David Devine

JUSlin Difilippo

Glanurlo Dipuqullle

KI.k DoIowlly


G.egory Curci

- .

MIChael Derey

David [)ema'a

Reben Donahue


Mllrk CH:orge

Mlltthew Cirllhllm

Ri<:hllid Gheen



Brilln Gibson

Mkhllel Gilben

Chris FlllChettl

Brian Fltlgfllllld

Brian Funchion

William Galardi

hson Gathman

Chris Ginie<:lki

F'llnk Glovllnoooe

Chris Gok!kllmp

Thorn Guaglillrdo


Kevin Hel'lllck

John Hames

DlIrnel Hoff",.nn JI

Ch'IS Hoover

Sean laqulnlo

Gilbert Idhaw



Eugene Jakominic:h


Jo5f!'Ph Julillno

Kevin Kearney


Ross Hibben

Kevin HIPP

Terllnce Hutctunton

Chris!llln Jo"iIIl


Hunter Kiln


Mark Kell)'



..Iorwlthan Hel'lr)'


Chris Kor",.n

James Kemm

Chris l.Ilzorche<:k

Nicholas L.alOlko

• Brllln Lee

Thomfls Lennon


Brian MacDonald

Janod Macklin

Richald Mager

.~ ,



Chris Matthews

MicMoel f'Urhn



MaruI' Mauhe...,

Ryan Marsh

Matthew McClure

Joseph McGowan

...lOOn McComb

Kevin McKenna

Edwllrd McQuIllen

Raymond McKenzie




Thomu Mclaughlin

Brier! MeMenus

John Meehan

Edwllld Mlehle

Plltrk;k McMonllgle

James McPhillips



....Joseph Mllnatik

louis Mincarelll

Marc Minsker

George: Naulty

John Neary

William Newell

Vu Nguyen

James Nicholson

Christopher Norris

Timothy Novak

Justin Oliver

James Owens

Jeffery Oyler

.....ndrew Miles

Edward Monahan

Joseph Mongan


\ ,






Joseph Mooney

Justin O'Donoghue

Steven Pacillio

Jason Pennington

Peter Oh

Christopher Pico

lemuel PId"'Olln

Erik Pietsch


Frank Powers

Francis Prisco

Ollvid Pulro

Micl'lael Rafter

Christopher Rauch

Lamar Rtdcross

Vlncenl Regan

'\ William Rotherlbech

....ndre... Rolondo

Chris Schalleur

Christopher RU5er

Robert Seriannl

Richard Sacco

Brian Sandella

Mictulel Shannon

Steven Shannon


Ollvid Smith

Kevin Srmth

Mk:1'Iae1 Sanford

Eric Shelton

Edward Scarcelle

John Slowk:k


Chris Springer




Kenneth St


Steven Stewart

Richard Stagliano

Blian Stokes

Kevin Streeper

Thomas Stanley

Robert StantOtl

Doug Stlludmeister

Francis Summerill

Chris Swanson

Matthew TISdel

Joseph Thompson

Kevin Veso:;i

()avid Volpe

Brian Waerlg Other Sophomores: Rlchard Barbalace, Donald Curtllin III, Jeffrey Halsteod, George Ledakls. Ber nord O"Brien, John SchanN'. Darek Sot, Brent Stanek, Chlls Stelacio. Joseph Tags, Mio:;hllel Tell

Marc Weston


James Wilson

Douglas Wood

Robert Wozniak

Derek lardus

Jason Zoto

Juniors: The Class of 1989 Marcu. Adamu<:cl

Bernard Mighlbe

Frenk Ammilluro

Ma,e: Borrelli

Christopher Bove

Ch,l.lilln Bradley

Stephen BrenOlln

Stephen Brown

Jamie Buuanca

MicMeI Cempegna

Michael Carey

Eric Chesl\8

Mlchocl Clemenl

OlInlel Clipner

John CochrM!:

<>the! Junion; MIChael Gillon. Ptllilop Keidel. Matthew McOonllId. Colin Rallo. F'ank SiSlrunk. Pauick Solley. Gerllld Werner MeUhe... Collin.

Courtney Connell

Michael CorcOflln


Anlhotl)' CQH:Ui

John Cusimano

K)'lie Costello

MicNel Craig

Brian Cronin

David O'Alessandlo

Al Cunningham

Gennaro O'Alterlo

Timothy Curran

Jeffrey Depolo

• TImothy [)evers

Anthon)' Deslmone

Keith Dicclllni

Robtrt Dick

Andre.. Duclle!<

Tom Dunleavy

Senior Kevin Lange in Economics Class

David Edling

Niels Eriksen

Michael Erra

Brian Donnelly

Chris farrell

Gerald Fecher


Paul Fenn


Andr"w Gallagher

Joseph Dougherty

Gf:orge flJSSOIKht

Edwl:lrd Qlpsis

Foster Qlrrlsoo

Mkhllel Garlrlt'r

Chl:lrles Gesing

David GeUler

Thomas Gibbons

Brandon Ginleczkl

Paul Guiliano

Michl:lel Goodyear

Stephen Griffin

BrIan Guckin

Chris Haarmeyer

Eric Hl:IgeUn

Bernl:lrd Hl:Imblin

Robert Hartner

James Hesdon

Thomu Hibbs

Robert Hughes

Christopher Idler

Seniors Ed Swanson and Sean Murphy


--~. Bril:ln Hogan

Brian Jay



Matthew Helrlt'

EdwIn Heins

Albert Hughes

Joseph Hohenleitner

Edward Holmes

Michael Howe

Malthew Jenkins

Fred Jerome

Christopher Johnston


Justin Jonn

Kevin Kaminski

Matthew Kaminski

Kevin Kelly

Scott Kelly

Thomas Kelly

MicMeI Korejko

Paul Lalley

Michael Lauf

Robert Laurenzi

Michllel Learning

Robert Manus

Neill Matthews

Senior Jim Greenhalgh working away!

Damon levine


eatl Mattia

Drew Mc.... ulrffe

Michael McCann

Raymond Lelak

Francis McCloskey

Louis McCormick

Eirk McCullough

llOlhy McMllhon

Chris Mellgher

Edwllrd M,chiels

Mllithew Mlehle

Adam Mikulski

drew Moskow;IZ

Ffllncis Mulvey

Roberl MUSmlln

Michllel Nllughton

Keshav NllYllk

Joseph O'Connell

Selin O'Donnell

Jo5eph Norlon

Joseph McDonllld

Mllithew McDonllld

Keith Miller

Dennis MOlris

Henry Newnllm

AuSI;n Noonlln

---..... ,

Seniors Jim Lauf, Torrey Bracken, ÂŁ, Jerry Argeros


John Ormond



Chris Saracino

Jeffrey Peek

Ted Pileggi

Andrew Savysky

Christopher Seego

Andrew Ser.no

Ed""lIrd Shields

John Pitts

Ja5(lft lihpk.

John Regan

Jeffrey Stnk


~ Plllefll'lO

Theodore Segleles

Chris Solecki

Scott Roesslef

John Stack


A rthur Til!lOfl

Eric Wright

John Stanczak

Colin Stowe

Erk Strohl

Edward Subokow

Matthe.... Szplndor

• Kevin Tinneny

James Wrlgh1

Orlando TOfrt$

SIeve Yang


James Van StOfle

ChrIs Ventresca

John Walls

Erk Walser

Timothy Wardle

Edward Weber

JallOl'l Weems

James Wenll

Rodger Williams

Petei' Williamson

Tyler Zegley

Gary Zemilis

Mark Young




Will1am Walts

Brilln Willis


A Flashback to 1988


"You all are healed, my friends"

j •




Pat Croce speaks at FatherlSon Banquet


The 1988 "La Sale"

Those nutty seniors

laSalle's Band packs them in


"And the winner is, Tom Melson!"


"Friends are like Flowers, in the Garden of life."

... Dance Fever rocks laSalle


Give the man some room!

What a sight to behold





\;, • (




LaSalle's Football

LaSalle's football program was looking to recover from last year's 1·9 season. They realized it would be tough but with hard work and determination they would again be contenders for the Catholic Northern Di· vision championship. The season started with a heartbreaking loss to Father Judge, 27·25. LaSalle's defense rose to the occa· sion against Upper Dublin, shutting them out in a 17·0 romp. Cardinal Dougherty was the Explorers next challenge, but fell short, 30·\3. LaSalle then travelled to Bishop Ken· rick where they were victorious in a game they dominated. LaSalle looked poised to have a winning season and possibly con· tend for the championship. The team was psyched to destroy the defending champs, Bishop McDevitt, but the Lancers overpowered the Explorers re' suiting In a 28,7 defeat. LaSalle's next oppo· nent was the powerhouse, North Catholic, The Explorer's lost 34·21 in an offensive struggle. LaSalle expected an easy win against previously winless Bishop Egan, but a fumble recovery deep in LaSalle terri· tory and a 4o.yard punt return sealed a vic· tory for LaSalle, 14·9. LaSalle went on to lose their next two games. After a pep rally to get the players psyched for the game, LaSalle was ready for the St. Joseph Prep Hawks. The team wanted to end the season on an up beat and make the last game for the seniors a win. LaSalle crushed the Hawks in a 22·0 blowout at the end of the season. If the success of a team was measured in hard work, LaSalle would definitely have had a winning season and we look for great things in the future.

1988 Freshman Football Team

Put it there Jackie!

The Elite Sophomores 109

1988 Seniors

A midogame conference.







Just before it all begins


A really organized huddle.

The 1988 Juniors

Looking on from the sidelines.

Ace powers his way through

Pat gets his much deserved trophy


-The 1988 laSalle ... Football team -'


I LaSalle celebrates the Thanksgiving Day victory.

Running with the ball



The La Salle soccer team started this season with cautious expectations. A new coach, Mr. Bob Peffle, succeeded previous coach Mr. Tom Turner, who was promoted 1051. Joseph's University. The team also lost many players last year, resulting in a very young team. This created the problem of inconsistency. Even though the team possessed much individual talent, it was hard to put everything together in the games. This inconsistency

caused the Explorers to have a 3·1 H league record and a 7·12·1 overall record. White looking back on the season, Coach Peffle felt that the team came up just a little bit short in too many games. Coach Peffle also feels that the future looks bright with as many as 10 players returning from this year's varsity along with players from the J.V.• who had a good season. The Freshmen team was also very successful with a 1{}1·1 record.

Coach Peffle gives orders!

The 1988 La Salle Varsity Soccer Team


Finalists in First Annual Chugging Contest.

Prep man shies from ball.

Chad takes them all on.

Jason performs traditional halftime Moonwalk.

The 1988 Junior Varsity Soccer Team.



Team makes for McDonald's.

What if we don't want to, Father?

La Salle's Varsity Seniors.

Thanks, John. A Gatorade Keg.


Chad Hellman defended by Larry and Moe.

Senior Joe Andres. Finalists in Best Buns Competition.

FALL CREW ROWS TO VICTORY For many, Fall Crew is seen only as an opportunity for preparation for the spring season, but unto itself the 1987-88 Fall Crew season was a success. With fine per' formances by all the cox - swains and oarsmen, with special regards to the varsity eight, varsity four, junior varsity eight and junior varsity four. this season was ex' tremely productive. With supreme guidance from the coach and his assistants, the teams overall quality and individual performance levels were en' hanced. Also aiding this successful season was the large turnout for the freshmen, nov' ke, and junior varsity positions. With the knowledge and experience from the rest, and guidance from the coaches, the season was very satisfying. and promis路 ing for this spring and years to come.





A four on the tranquil black waters of the Schuykill.

Boat house row starts to light up!

The demon rower from the 7th plane.


Cross Country The success that this year's Cross Coun' try team has experienced began back in late July, when we started to get In shape by lifting wieghts and enduring long dis· tance runs. By the time August 24th came, and our summer camp began, the team was prepared both physically and mentally for the tough Cross Country season that lay ahead. And thanks to the fine coaching of Mr. Pat Devine Mr. Ed McCabe and Mr. Dave Thomas, we ran strongly and com' petitively in the Philadelphia Catholic League this year. Our early races allowed us to build confi· dence and team unity liS we defeated such formidable foes as St. James, Archbishop Ryan, and North Catholic. In the third regu· lar season race, we were defeated by Arch· bishop WocxIand realized that we had a lot of work to do. Throughout the regular sea· son, our record was 22·6. Besides the Catholic League races the team ran very well in outside invitationals. The varsity squad placed second in the Eastern Champs Varsity "C" race at Van Courtland Park In New York. and fourth at the Sale' sianium Invitational. The Junior Varsity team had an exceptional season. They placed second in both the Salesianium and

Manhattan lnvitationals. On November 8th we ran in the Catholic League Champs at Belmont Plateau. The Varsity ran well to place fourth. Meanwhile, the J.V. squad got second behind Archbish· op WocxI. The Freshman team placed third. Seniors Sam Kim, Pat McFadden, John Burger, and Paul Kane provided the leadership on our learn. Both Sam and Pat at· tained AIl·Catholic honors for Cross Coun· try this year. Next year's team is sure to fare well since there will be seven returning Varsity run' ners. Juniors Joe Hohenleitner lind Ian McDowell and sophomores Brian Waerig. Brian Devine, Chris Ruser. Chris Norris, and Ed Miehle all ran Varsity for La Salle this year. Sophomore Brian Waerig attained All· Catholic honors this year, and Chris Ruser won the Junior Varsity champs. Be sure to also look for returning Juniors Kylie Cos' tello. Paul Giuliano, and Dan Bavuso, and Sophomores Andy Bove, Brian McManus, Jamie Elsasser. Dave Devine, and Chris Ginieczki as a strong contributing factor on next year's team. Freshman Dan Keenan, Brian Carr, and Dan Kim all were medal winners at the Freshman champs and will certainly be a bright spot in the future.

Sam sweats


Climb every mountain

No stopping!

Follow that rabbit

Legging it out.


SWIMMING When the weather turns brisk. you know

that some students at laSalle: ere going to hit the water. That's righi, take e dip. You can alwllys tell who these students are, too, because their hair gets a slight greenish tint to it. Yes, the beginning of the swim season. At the start of the 1987·88 swimming seeson, the members of the LaSalle Swim

Team and lheircoach, Tony "Mel" Amand, knew th1l1 their competition in the Catholic League North would be tough and that having a gocxl season would be a challenge. They knew they had no superstars and couldn't just doggie paddle their way to a Catholic League Championship. Even ~

fore the first meets, the so-called experts were: predicting that St. Joe's Prep and Archbishop Wood would battle for first place and that laSalle would finish in fourth or fifth place. However. LaSalle ex' pected to be in third place or better when the season is completed. Mr. Amll/)d cred· its the team·s positive altitude and charac· ter for setting its own goals and not minding the pre·season polls. Towards mid·season, race times were

dropping sigmficantly as a result of the rig' orous practice schedule laid out for the team by Coach Amand. The Swimmers practiced both before and after school: 7:00 to 8:15 A.M. and 3:00 to 5:00 P.M., every day. An outside observer might think that such a practice would lead to burn-out and low morale on the team. but this is not the case thanks to the strong leadership offered by seniors Pat Foley and John Graham In motivating the team. Juniors Brandon Ginczi. Jack Plus, and Brian Hogan added support to the seniors and were key memo bers of the team. Underclassmen were vital to the team's success this year and their importance cannot be downplayed. Sophomores Bill Francoeur, Jason Gathman. Bill Rothenback and Chris Shalleur added strength and versatility to the team, and freshmen Ryan Young and Kevin Day add, ed depth and contributed as excellent point scorers. With hard work and focus on the ultimate goal of a Catholic League Cham' pionship, led by coach Amand, the fortunes of the LaSalle Swim Team should only im· prove.

A flying start

Coach cools 'em down

For shore!

A ten way tie

Do we get to keep the penny? 121

Smile! You're on Candid Camera!

The team swims hard!


Okay, now pretend that you're superman!


Pre-practice meeting.

The pool, from a coaches perspective.

The mystery swimmer from lane two!

A post practice meeting??????




Some practice? Yes thanks . .. have some.

a bird"s eye view.


2 pts. slabby dimmy dong!

Last minute strategies.

The team. History has shown that no matter how good a single star of a sports team (or any team for that matter) seems to be, the success of that team will ultimately not depend on how that one player performs. but instead how this player interacts with his teammates to achieve the desired success. In the case of basketball at UI Salle. no one dominates the Freshman, Junior Varsity, or Varsity teams, more importantly the aforementioned idea of the "team", that crucial ingredient in the recipe for victory, controls the atmosphere; the positive results are shown in the teams' winning records. ''I'm very pleased with the quality program that has taken shape over the years," affirmed Mr. Marty Jackson, Varsity coach. Along with JV coach Chris O'Srien, Frosh coach Mr. Joe Parisi, Asst. coaches Dan Kelleher and Chip Greenberg, and Mod路 erator Brother James Driess, Mr. Jackson hopes to continue to strengthen this pro' gram, and perhaps capture the elusive championship that has eluded La Salle reo cently. In regards to future prospects of success, Mr. Jackson stressed the need for hard work and self'discipline as key ingredients for continued positive results, adding that "just showing up" for games and practices does not make for winning teams. He also added that another good way for the play' ers to constantly stay on top of their game is by playing hard during the summer. It Is commitment like this, as shown by this year's seniors, expecially Terry Burke and Tom Lee who have set a "tremendous ex' ample for the very talented underclass路 men" that always seems to produce, and according to all sources will continue to produce quality That this year created OT games and playoff hopes.

Look how big Jarrocfs gotten!




No guys, killing opponen

Pretty matching sneakers.

Some elbow?


DOH! They',


·not groovy or cool!

Hey Gene, think fast!


Will you shoot already!





Under the direction of a new moderator, Mr. Ger<!lld Miller. the bowling team contin째 ued tts rich tr8dition at La Salle. Mr. Miller wes helped by his two senior capteins, Erik Kleinfelder and Bob Cr<!lig. Along with the c8ptllins, senior Ray Bloem<!lker provided the leadership to the other seven members on the team. The leam suffered the loss of mllny seniors and is regarded as a young team. The beginners. however, are gaining valuable experience by bowling in two games a week. When not in competition, they 8re practicing at Del Ennis Lanes. With 811 the practice and competition the te8m should have no problem in rolling over their opponents.

Spinning around, Ray gloats over North kid with nice shirt. 128

Erik -

so close.

The main keglers.

Mr. Miller ponders North's nice shirts.

Using Body English to beat the infamous 1-0 split.


WINTER TRACK The 1987路19881ndoor track learn, under the guidance of coaches Pat Devine and Brother David Rogers, began the season

slowly, due to inadequate practice time caused by inclement weather. But the team peaked at mid-season, just in time for the Catholic League Championships and completed another successful season, continuo

ing in LaSalle's excellent track tradition. Although the indoor season is generally regarded as II time during which track and field participants hone their skills for II SUC' cessful outdoor season. each team member

competed to the best of his ability. The motivation and leadership the team needed came from Iri-<:aptains Sam Kim, Ace Amachi, and Pat McFadden and Seniors John Burger and Paul Kane. Junior runners Paul Juliano. Joe Hohenlitner. Kylie Costello and Greg Ryan were consistent conlribulors this year. Brian Waerig, Ed Miehle, Brian Devine, Chris Norris and Dave Devine, and Brian McManus in the distance events, made up a strong corps of sophomores and added to lhe team's success, New Team members included freshmen Dan Keenan, John Murphy and Bill McFadden. The field even IS were carried by shot putters Martin F~ney and Tim Wardle. With a crop of young !alent. Indoor Track team's prospects and performances should only improve.

They're slanted.


Ace -

in a race!

Running Ed McCabe style.


O.K. Just stand like that for a little while.



lh no, it's gonna hit the window.


Ice Hockey Goes to the Net The La Salle Ice Hockey Club seems

to be off to a great start this season. Led by goalie AI Heaton, center Jim Deavor, wingeTs Greg Curcie and Mark McCann and defensemen Chris Rousser and Mike Donnelly, the dub is young and fast.

Coached by Joe McCann, the team is of championship quality with much tal' ent, and, essentially. much time. Be-

cause some of the best players are sophomores the team has lots of time to develop the abundance of talent in our ice

hockey club.

The spectators seem to enjoy the games very much. They have noticed a particular style that is an inherent part of

the learn's style of play. There is high hopes that this exciting team, with their great talent will win the championship.

La Salle player shows great skill


Catch this one


Fight for it!

One on one


WRESTLING The wrestling team was given a new spark this year with the addition of three new coaches and a promising crop of future champions. Coaches Michael Rae, Anthony 5ta99liano, and

Thomas "Ox" Closson showed the grapplers some new tricks and gave plenty of inspiration. It was a young and energetic team. led by senior captains Rob Kozloski, Curt Flack, and Kevin Milhous. Other outstanding upperclassmen were Greg Schillinger, Gavin Bray, and Tyler legley. They provided moral support and lots of experience for the newer wrestlers. Some

outstanding underclassmen were Mike O'MeaT, Eric Chellen, Gilber Enhall, Mike Hayes. Brent Stanek. and Mike Bate. Aside from trying for the Catholic League Playoffs, a major goal of the new coaches was to develop a special "La Salle style" of wrestling. This would incorporate a winning, deter路 mined ideology and also some new techniques, combining the experience of the coaches with the personal talents of the wres路 tier. The team wants to be known for their own unique "La Salle style" whenever they wrestle, expressed in their moves on the mat and their spirit for wrestling and for their school. With the new style that was promised, LaSalle eagerly awaits for the upcoming season, The enthusiastic coaches are excited about next year's possibilities with the talented young members.

A classical education

A pin in progress

The new olympian: men of La Salle



With the loss of many talented seniors from last year's team, it is strange to find

Mr. Joseph Parisi, the manager of the \988 LA SALLE BASEBALL TEAM, eagerly awaiting the upcoming season. He expects continued success with this year's team. With the abundance of talented players, he has every reason to have such high hopes. The team will be led by senior tri-captains Gene Schall, Tom Poehlmann. and John

Perillo. Other seniors who are expected to contribute are Joe Pluck, Terry Burke, and T.J. Mahoney. They are not only expected to provide leadership to the underclassmen. but they are also expected to perform well on the field. The seniors, however, cannot do everything by themselves. The team is also counting on the efforts of Jack Stanczak and Jeff Peek as well as sophomores Chris Massela and Jason Pennington. Mr. Parisi is also certain that the freshmen will contrib路 ute to the program. Along with the team's success. Mr. Parisi is watching the personal success of senior Gene Schall. He regards Gene as one of the best players in the Phila. area. As an encore performance to his first team AII路Catholic last year, Mr. Parisi expects Gene to be first team AlI'Catholic for outfield AND pitcher! One can easily see the high expectations that the team has set for themselves. They have much individual talent. as well as fluid teamwork. This combination should be un' beatable. The team hopes so. Mr. Parisi summed it up best when he said. "We want to be the only playoff team to win their last game."

"And this ball is way, way outta here!"

Junior Ed Weber waits for the throw home


Sophomore Chris Massela (a.k.a. Catfish Hunter) shows good form

Outfielder covers his eyes because of lunar eclipse!

Dave Kratz shows off his arm


It looks like they might be interested

This is no place for softball!

Keep the ball in front of you


LaSalle began practicing in March in the gym

He just threw the ball over the backstop

Tony Cossetti displays determination


SPRING CREW LOOKS FOR CHAMPIONSHIP Once again La Salle Spring Crew continues its Itlldition of excellence. with its twin pillars of rigorous training and maximum effort on the river. Under the overall direc-

tion of Ken Shaw, who is also the novice and freshman coach, and with assistance from Mr. Robert Reinhart, varsity and JV

coach. and Mr. Bill Ernest, light and mid路 weight coach, the crew is poised at the beginning of its season to continue its winning ways. Crew is one of the most popular



LaSalle, with literally dozens of

freshmen vying for the relatively few fresh路 man slots on the learn. In tetmsof theentire

schoors population, 1 in every 9 laSalle students!s II member of La Salle Crew. For Iho~ of us who lire not rowers, however, the nature of the event and the training reqUired for it are somewhat mysterious. Training for returning spring rowers begins inearly December. At that time the primary goal of trllining is to get the rowers back Into shape. This goal of training is to get the rowers back into shape. This goal is accomplished. according to senior Anthony Ferraro, through strenuous weight training and running. These pre-sellson practices run until 5:30-6:00 every other evening. As spring llpproaches, however, freshman recruitment begins. This usually means trying to fight off the large numbers of frosh who want to get on this prestlgious tellm. The winning process now begins. With II combi' nlltion of strength tests and evaluations of efforts expended at practices, these freshmen who exhibit the most promise are selected. Now workouts of the entire team begin, with the same goal of the December efforts: to build strength and endurance, essential for any good crew. The scene switches to the Schuylkill River on February 20th. the earliest date the city of Philadelphia permits practices on the river. in consideration of the winter weather. ow down in their medium, experienced rowers bring their technique back to its nationally competitive levels of the past spring, while freshmen and novices of all classes become familiar with the essentials of rowing technique. The first test of this training is March 20th. the first race in the Manny Flick Cup Series. From then until High School Nationals, over the Memorial Day weekend, the team defends its reputation in such races as the Stotesbury Regatta, the Phila. Catholic League Championships, the City Championships, and other regattas. All in all. La Salle Crew is more than prepared to promote La Salle's name and positive image to the local and national rowing community_


Rowers ponder thrOWing Ed overboard

It's Miller time!

"Guys, don't you want to catch that other boat.

The shiphands show comradery


Hypnotism is secret to success

laSalle willfully surrenders


"Michelob Light, for the winners"

"Watch out for the bridge Ed!!!"

/ 142



They give back boat and underclassmen



Steve Wilhelm is possessed by Demon

Boathouse row shows why it is the best Crew organization

Tom Melson in deep concentration

"Steady as she goes, mate"


Tennis 1988: What a raquet The animal is back. What is the "animal:' you ask. It's laSalle's new head tennis cOllch. of course, Drew Stockmal. Yes. the familiar rallying cry of the former LaSalle tennis player himself has returned to hopefully spark a new victory flame.

Last season's disappointing loss in the championship left many of the learn in


stupor. That misfortune. coupled with the news of Brother Bill Riley's death, cllused confusion, worry, and doubt in many of the players' minds. For II while there was a

juggling act going on: from no coach. to faculty member ,... then B. then C. and so on. But finally a new coach was named, Drew Smock!al. and many of the individual players were given a new sense of encouragement. and the poSSibility of winning a season. It's true that it will definitely be hard to match the record that Brother Bill amassed as LaSalle's head tennis cooch for several years, but hopefully Drew will be able to fill Brother Bitrs shoes, and deliver the same quality and competitive nature thi!lt writhed under the former coach. With Senior Frank Vaccaro. John Petko, Tim McCormick and others leading the way. along with the underclass members of the varsity squad. not to mention the "JV' team set up and directed with masterful skill by Mrs. Sayer, this year is looking promising now that all matters concerning the team are cemented firm. Even though the rest of the Catholic League remains relatively strong and very competitive, a winning record, and perhaps a playoff spot could possibly highlight the start of a new er" of tennis at LaSalle. "If the players in the years to come are guided by Drew as well <!IS Brother Bill led us. tennis at UlSalle looks like it will no doubt continue to thrive with qu"tity seasons," remarked Senior team member Kirk Marcolina, Kirk's statement are echoed by the rest of the entirety of the team, with a special note of thanks and gratitude from the senior players to the cOliching staff and fellow players of the LaSalle varsity squad for making tennis not only a very competitive sport for them, but also for offering such a quality program that will no doubt continue to mold great LaSalle tennis players in the future.

Senior Andy Miles looks toward Championship season

The 1988 laSalle Senior members of the Tennis team


Now what kind of form is that?

Jason Calhoun practices new technique

Senior John Petko sets up for next shot


Spring Track

The 1988 Spring Track and Field team turned in another excellent season under the coaching of Mr. Patrick Devine, Brother David Rogers, and Mr. John Frizalone. Mr. Devine coached the distance and middle distance runners, Brother Dave coached the sprinters, and Mr. Frizalone coached the field events. Mr. Friz put the members of the team through extremely painful preseason workouts. and it is rumored that he spends his summer thinking up even more strenous exercises. Co-captains Sam Kim and Pat McFadden led the way in the distance events with con· sistently good performances. Juniors Kylie Costello and Joe Hohenleitner also had ex' cellent performance in these events. A strong corps of underclassmen. including sophomores Brian Waerig, Brian Devine, Chris Norris. Ed Miehle. and Andy Bove. and freshmen Dan Keenan. Mike Vile and Bill McFadden had great seasons in the dis· tance events. This group of underclassmen will be the nucleus of the La Salle track teams of the future. Seniors Ace Amachi and John Burger led the younger sprinters by example by having first· rate seasons. Juniors Paul Guiliano, Greg Ryan and George Fassnacht and sophs Dave Devine and Brian Sandella were invaluable in every meet. Seniors Shane O·Donnell and Rob Lewis carried the team in the hurdle events - Shane hopping, skipping and jumping his way to first place in the Triple Jump. Our thanks to Martin Feeny for perfor· mances in the shot put.

Ace Amachi out in front as usual

How long does he plan to stay like that

Last one there is a rotten egg


Get out of my way!

Coach Devine checking the solution


laSalle's version of David Lee Roth on Stage

I'm gonna get that rabbit!

The 1988 outdoor track team


Golf Tearn looks for Crown In 88 In spite of an excellent season last year, the favored Explorers lost the highly com'

petitive Catholic League Championships to Bishop Egan by a single stroke. 488 to 489. Team captain Doug Gr~r won the low medalist honors in that tourney, and he

along with juniors George Petrellis and Jeff Mackowiak made the AU-Catholic team. Unfortunately. the learn 1051 five highly valued seniors and head coach Brother Aloy· sius Lumley is now looking towards numer' ous, promising underclassmen to fill the va'

cancles. Returning lettermen this year will be seniors George Petretlis, Jeff Mackowiak, and outstanding sophomore Joe Bonargo. Ex-

pected 10 help the team are Tim Herron. Eric Strohl, Joe Mooney, Phil Keidel, Ted Heins, Keith Dicciani and Pete Benmiller, although playoffs for the Varsity are just beginning. While this years team is inexperienced, Brother AI, who has led the Explor' ers to a remarkable eight Catholic League Championships and a 128·11·1 record in regular season play, expects another com' petitive and successful year.

Choosing the right weapon

What follow through!


A perfect swing

Nail biting memory of a close win

It's got good speed!

He is on his thirteenth try!

Golfer sums up the situation










Kevin P. Allen

..... •

Ahame:fula Amachi

Bob Akbari

Geoffrey Aton

Brian J. Archibald


Salvatore Baldassano

'--_ J28 Royal A.\l~ !'Iofth Wa,"- PA. 194504

51" CNb I 2. 3. 4(Pres.) In"am",els 1 2. J. 4



I 2 ) ...

htridI •. aart.c:d 29«l N Whttehall Rd


""IoI".. IOW~ f'A 19403

6319498 St.1 Club'" WfStft"1lIfl 4 Inttamunll' I. 2. 3 4 TUKk Fcid ...

........ a-



Phl~ P" 19111 483-2722 Tt-o". 1 2 3. 4

JoMpIa C. AtkI_ 71' 8uU~1'lUt C,r


81_ Bell. PA 19422

Patrick R. Bartuchi

Leon Angelichio

....." Student Council 1.2. 3. 4 l<:Mirpersonj Intramural, I 2 J 4 NHS 3. 4 (\'il:e PlesidenIJ. WIste1"WIfl I. 2

J.4 4

SAoo).4 SchoMo,uc 'L" 1 3Yearbook2 RlICq_tben 2. 3. 4

"'.8"'" L a.w...._ 908 SI


C~lr ..


lane PA 19(38

""4280 Soo:cer 1,2 4(Lj Pres.

Track I esc 1 Band l(l). 2(l), 3(U Student Council 4 (Vice Prnldefll)

0e0f'Iwy P. AtoD 2D 121 A.rdwtck Ter~ undsale. PA 19446 Crew 2. 3 r_l' "lll Wi,wian 1. 2. 3 5A.003, .. Inlramural, I. 2. J. .. DramatICS I. 2

Gerad C. At.... 8101 HeI,t~ SI Ph~1B PA. 19111


722 ,,.,

Soo:cer I l(tJ Jell 4(l) Baskelbell 1.2 Scholastll: l ... "'1I8m",r". 1 2 3 4 SplIlt Oub 2

....... ""......


" Clayton R,.

Joseph C. Atkinson

Walter M. Bass

Hatboro PA 190«) 674&160 Sotter I 2. 3 Wrestling 2 tntrarnuroit I 2. 3...


Blake H. Benner

Raymond B. Bloemker

-, ....-:

.. w Otr PIce




7.'"_''' "",... C_ .. ~


PA 1031

'''0-2. ID



IlIIdIMI J ........' n Out Dttve


Holl'nd PA 19118


Imramurll& I


Michael J. Beveridge

Torrey J. Bracken

.. 140 Kotder DriYe Lata ttl PI\ 19444


..----_~tnnmur. 1

2. 3."

~~ ... ~l



Robert Betchyk Jr.



Gavin R. Bray

M.atthew J. Brogan

John M.. Burger


0..111 R. Bra, 8702 MorII~y Aye


Wyndmoor PI 19118

83&129<' Wr~lhng




Q. BrUI 1)\1 Pr~lon A~ Phtkldo'lphl8,:>a 19111 FQQlbfln I 2 3


~r-nl"ng " 4 NHS 3, 4 lnu.murah 1 2.) 4 ScholastIC L 1.2 J. 4

Stephen " - 430 Suglif M I R08d HUnl.-.gdorl V.lliley. PI 19006

94750n Bend I 2 J ,lnu.mural, 1. 2. ,. 4 "iHS J, 4 S<:"""'"..... 'l 1 2 3,4 Yearbook 4 Student Coun


*ltItew J. ........ 539 W.lntol une


PhIl"phl8, P. 19128 483-21'7 Football I, 2. J. 4 (ItlinerlBaske1bell 1.2, J, 4 (l •• lnoPf) &M:boll 2, ) WrKlling 2, 3 So<:ce-r 1

Inulmun.... I

Vlncenl W. Bru.-


8 Park Ave

Otelond, Po 1907' Foren~lc:s 1, 2, J, 4 Pholog.aphy 3. 4 CSC 2. 3, 4 W,'terian 3. 4 Yellrbook 4 Inllllmu'll, 1. 2. 3. 4 Jobll JIll. BllI"ter 1129 Goodman Dr FOfl Woshing1on, PI



InTramural.. l. 2. J. 4


COlInt.)! 1, 2. 3(l1. 4/l1

Wlnle. Sp'mg T.ac:k 1. 2. 3, 4111



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2264 Black Hot.. Dr

WamngtOf" PI 18976 )4.l371) Stage C.ew Dr.ma), 4 W'$I"",n 4 Yee'bool! 41nt,.. murals I. 2. 3. 4

Christopher Burgoyne


Stephen L. Coruzzi

... _e-aI


I'NOLudweI Dr ~ Olen. Pa. 9D02


hr_ _





... Sl .... D.I:II....... e.bylon Rd.




Ar!'Ibler ,. 19002

RIlquIbIII" InUllftWfM I 2. ..

SWlmonHIlg I 2,3 4(l

I .. yMrtJoolo. ..


....... crall


7'5I1.awndII1e 51 ~h911 ~7784


Bowling I 2 3 .. (~t

DuMI •. CoudI, 122 Bonnetl tAne tt.tboro h 90«)


Inll.mural. 1

6""" IntAmur'" I 2 3.. IoIMrt

Robert E. Colomeda

Slldd ..

e...... Cohn...

728 WrtQht 0 Maple (Jen h ~. y~




I 2

NttS 3"


bquettlel 1 2 3"






..... ".Ceeda


4019 Artt Ave lAI til. Pa. 190144


....... 3


John J. Coscia


Thomas J. Flavin III

John J. Egan

• •

", •

Thomas A. Haldis Jr.

James H. Greenhalgh

Patrick l. Gibson

John P. Graham Jr.


n.o...,......... 907 F,ltlf!f Rd Rydal PA 190ÂŤ:1 ~76-58J8

Intremur"l. Ski Club 3. 4


" - HeMy 01"_....... Il~ Goodmen Duw Fen '*ashlr>g'lon. PA 19034 643-!l8n Inlr.murels I 2.3.4 Wosteo-illn I. 2 3.4

2ll) JIll

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htrldl t...~ G...... 416 G_ynMdd Valley [)riw, G_)<nnNd "el~. PA 19437


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Boske!blllI 2


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10 112 l.Jber1y A\If! ~mson",f1e. PA 19403 539-1304 Int,emuflIt. 1.2.3. 4 W~t"ng I. 2 Ski Club2. 3. 4





129 Barbfotr, Rd

riorth Wo,". PA 194~ 699-7342 S_,mmJng I. 2(ll. JILl. 4(ll 2. 4 ~Il)f Splrltuallty 4

David J. Gunn

CSC 3 Intramural, 1.

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'0 1473 Whitwood Dri..~ Cefltr~ Sq.... ~. PA 19401 272 7779 NHSJ.4IPrulderll) Student Council I. 2. 3\Publtc Cha,,). 4 (Cemm, Chlllr. 0I11ric:1 Aid) ScholaSItc: l'I.23,4 WlSlerlanl.2.3,4 Yflrrbook2.4 CSC 3 4 RlKquelba1l2. 3. 4 Inlfamuf1Ill 1.2.3. 4 -

5tudMt CoordlNltOf

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01024 Br... l...Irw "".~te H P P..... 19444



4 (PretOclMl)

....'amurehl 23.4 ArIC1ub23. Yearbook 3. 4 CSC 3

Daniel F. Guamaccia Frank E. Gallo


John V. Hasson

1 •


Arturo Interian

Scott R. Johnson


, •

J _ Antltoa, J ......


27)!) Mo"e< 'il Phd~lpl'IlII. PA 191!U. 969-IJJ9 ae"'t'tbell I Int,.murals I 2, J 4 till", NeP_ )827 Te<TK-. Sf



Ph ladr-lptllol PA 19128 48J~12

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RltqUdblll 1 k.tt......... 7)4



A.. ~

W.,m"",,,,, PA 18974 672"16

Joseph A. Herzog

Kevin L Hinderliter

Student C(lUnc;1l I, 2 J 4 ((;hlllrmitn) CSC 3 .. w,.terllon J, 41<:op)' ed,tor) Yearbook" NHS J. .. Fortn~s 1, 2 Tennis J, 4 RaquetbeU l. 2 Ptom Comm,"ee 3. 4 Inuamurals I 2 J. 4 S<holashc 'l' I 2. J, 4


J . . . . ",.H. . . Jr. 1~7 Dublin Rd 1'\eple O~, PA 19002 6467319 Football I. J 4(l) Track J InlflmU,als 1 2. J. 4


K.,.ln L. Hlrwllertlter 412 tiorrillown Rd. Horsham. PA 19044 44).8)47

-, ....... 197~


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FOQIballl Rlq~lbeI12.4 Inllimurais 1 2. 3. 4



Il\uhletlbe<g Dr lans&l~ PA 19446 5819273 Goll] 4l,l) Sfudent CouncIl I, 4 /'tHS 3, .. SADO • SkI Club 2, 3 4 WISleriDn 3. 4 lntr.mur.b I. 2. J. 4 S<~SlOC VN'b<;xJk 4 l 2. 3 4

6723 KlI'Clnod Sf PhlIedrIptIMI. PA 19149 742-7777

Socce I 2. 3 SchcMstK:



Intr.mur.ls 1.2.3."

I 2


Raymond J. Palmer


Joseph R. Stevens

Jeffrey Steinmetz

• •

• •


Michael W. Simpson




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PA ,•


VVlUJAM RJI£Y rsc /9J7-I987 ~

graJ(ftJ'outJr',.m ~ crtlJlign,•••

aSTaclQW 9!Jr ~ us all'..

~-~IIII!z"'J ,1&

(@uotablr (@uotrs: Bob Akbari: "Mr. Mod" "Red Cloud" "Richie Cunningham wanna be!" "Akleberry" ... "KasTl'"

Kevin Allcn: "Is he Princeton material" "Still going out with Lisa 11. no.


-Kev. don't ever change"

"Future Mor. Benkert"

Ace Amachi: "No I'm here" "Ace, you're Just too slow"

Leon Angelichio: "Leon, that's my "How

about a lite snack?"

Brian Archibald: "Let's go to the van" ·'Honest. guys" "Eternal"' "AnisSll" "Nice clothes there not yours" "Look, a Dou' ble car"

Gerry Argeros: "Just Kiddin" ... "Just Kiddin" "Discount sneaker" ... "4th + Central ... "Summer

"87" "She looked at me like I had two heads" "

"KoHler Drive"

Joe Atkinson: "He's huge" .,. "Nice turtlenecks!" .,. "Where's Dave", . '" most certainly not!!" Geoff Aton: "Red Sea Pedestrians" . , , "Hoi Tub Club" " , "Talks too much" , "$ean's is better"", "Oh my Ged, I want her!!" , , . "Kosher" ... "Walking Attitude" Sal Baldassano: "16 oz of Heaven" "77 Vetta", ., "Road Runner"". "Mystery Vlln" " "Did you get it going" "I was very sober" ... "Good with his hands" " , "Bring Chllin t " "Yo Ron" Pat Bartucc:i: "Pit Crew" "Snake" 'Bro, James soph. year" Walt Bass: "Whats this weeks hair style?" "Hi, W;,lter" "Ham· mer" 'Faith Foundation Forever" "Rebe:!" Joe Bellitto: 'Clean" "L.L. Cool Joey B" "Nice scent" " '1 love Edmonton Blake Benner: ''I'm hammed" " , 'Sleepy' '1 c;,n't go 1"11 be In


Erich Berke: "Breath" "Berkey" "Who" "Have you been here "Chronic" all four ye;,rs" Bob Betchyk: "Attractive" 'Doesn't Sweat" "Bobby Knight's newphew"

Joe Andres: "HellmotC . "Moof' "I swear I'm quilting" "Tracy" "Yo, you going to crash the Northeast, Polo?"

calculator calculator!"

Bloomsburg' "Krishna-Patch Kids". ''I'm too good for any girl" .. "Kottler Drive" "Yah, Right Ger"

Jim Bethke: "Oonger" .. "Cold Pizza" "How's your hllir Jim?' Mike Beveridge: "Hi!lystack" ,. ''I'm going to be the best damn food "BEV" manager you ever saw!" " " . "Brogan's Heroes" "I love Rochester" Ray Bloemaker: "Death before Disco", "Perpetual Buzzsaw" "\7;,nd alrei!ldy married" , ''I'm becoming more and more" Torrey Bracken: "Dorothy, You're fired" "Tor·bags" .. "Was da hap Bra?" "Used to live on Kottler Drive" " , "Where is thi!lt little girl" . .. "The Stork" " , "And then we embraced" Gavin Bray: "Drives Well" , , , "Ro' sey" " , "Dates a palm tree" " , "Pockets" "Swoop" ." "Nice Hair" , , , "Hot Tub Club" , .. "1 wanl 10 date the world" .. , "Gavin has been USING a lot of Dave Weikel's things lately" " , "Madonna·Wanna·

Be" James Brill: "Lochness" . , , "Catch 'em Ed!" . 'Where's your car Jim" ... "Don't You know that your not athletic" "Hair spray" "Where's your license?" Matt Brogan: "English Hag!" "Yout my friend" , , , "Mateo Brogan' ini" ... "Almost ate the wall" "That's Him, That's the one. You" Vince Bruner: "Blushes" "Tough Gut'· "I'm on scam·patrol" .. "Iudus" ,,"hedonism" "Get your hands" "Watch me Flex" 'Helpppppppp!"

Steve Buonomo: "Is it Blond?" , "Evie" , , , "Bananas" "Diamond Girl" . "GUIdo Sarducci" ,. "Paul Schaefer" "Hook me up" ..

"Volley ball Stud" John Burger: "Barn Owl" "Vince's brother who lives in con· stant fear" .,. "Evil Kenevil Bike" ... "Aerosmith" "That's classic me" ... "YoL Freeman" "Ft. Washington's version of Danny Ainge sportsmanlike qualities", , "Yes, of ficer, I will" Chris Burgoyne: "There's that van again" ... "Marlboro posterchild" .. "Floydage" . _ "I love mono" Te.rry Burke: "For three" "No conscience on the floor" ... "Any' where, anytime, anyplace" . , , Jason Calhoun: "Nice Jaw" , .. "Has no forehead" , " "J;,y, get stuffed much!" .. , "WH, but who had more points!" , , , "Thee Huxti!lble" Jim Cantwell: "What chord is that?" , , . "laSalle to the Max'" , , , "Susie Wong?" , .. "Chong's garden , , , Hmm , , . Hardly Wendy's Garden spot" , .. "That's so offensive" Dam Capponi: "HOM BOY" . "Nice license plate" , , , "Fester" . "Snaglepuss" " , "Mr. Mardi Gras' . .. "Dom's Pizza" ", "Where's the Peruvian" Shawn Chun: "You talk too much" , ., "Nestor, you're the cancer, I'm the cure!" , . , John Cicchiello: "How's G.B." " , "old girlfriend could dunk!" , , , "Johnnn!" ... "Just a minute" " , "Amazon Date" .,. "Doesn't know French, at all" Mike Clancy: "No guys, I'm really serious" " , "pledge" .. , gooosh" , , , "Mr. Photo" ... "All terrain skier" , . , "missing link" Ted Colomeda: "Heavy metal rockin ;,xeman ·2" " , "Robert PI;,nt's best friend" ,,"1 am so dead" ,,"My friend's call me Ted, but you can call me Rob (Betty)" , , , "M;,rtin Luther King Day" , , , "Shut the door" Dan Connelly: "Masculinity i!lt its finest" ... "Elaine" Chris Conway: "Didn't your eyes used to be brown" , " "Sleepy·Pie

· , . "Nationwide Discount Sleep Centers" ... "I was a green belt" , .. "Mom, I feel sick" Steve Coruzzi: "She'sdriving it" ... "Did you ask her yet". . "Gene, is the wall moving" . , . "that yellow n0tebook" ... "Brogan's heroes" John Coscia: .. , "Jumping ability" ,., "Athletic Redshirt" , .. "He can jump over a telephone, . , book" ... "A little one on one or what?" Bob Craig: "My favorite bowler" ... "Bobby C and the G.c. Crew" Chuck Croney: "Look! My lab is only 13.23% of my grade" , , , "Think I should tell her?" ... "Thanks for the . ride Chuck, here's a quarter!" . "Yah, I'll be in the Varsity eight" "Mr. Peffle, how did I do today?" .. , "Cen I see your paper. . just for a second" Stephen Dachowski: "J.P." ... "P<..IDGE" ... "laSalle's best swim' mer" , .. "Cougars" ... "Steve, what are we?" "P.S.F.C. II" ... "Chuck" "Cute brothers" . , . "Duck man" Paul C. Danella: "Chugger" ... "Down's them like water ., "What's Vinny doing over there" ... "Feed me at the top of the key so that 1 can slam on Willie D." Chris D'Angelo: "Stork" . , "McDevitt Wanna Be". ,"Hey Har' ry" , . , "Dead head" ... "Gettin any" , ,. "ebony and ivory" ... "Got a mountain house" Mike DeLia: "Magic" " , "Easy Mike" .. , "Knows everything about sports." Matt Dopkin: "CGA all the way" ... "Yo, where's Vince" ,. "Hey Dude" .. "DaddyO" ... "Whal's up son" · " "Vince's Big Brother" ... "Hey John, At this point we don't knoe."

Wil Dortonne: "David Rivers" .. , "Loyal Sixers Fan" ... ' Butter Lover" .. "How's your cub" ... "Georgetown choked" Bill Dramis: "Whal's that on your neck" ... "Phil Collins Stunt Double" · . , "Yo, you got to come down one of these weekends" ... "welkman" John Dunn: "Dan Marino Football camp" .. , "The mountain man" ... "Want to go to the ISV game?" "It's aaa,ite".,. "July II, 1987" .,. "Ded Hed" ... Stephen Dunn: "Yah! Today I got to

school in seven minutes!" ... "110 on 309. yah thal's right" , .. '" never got a ticket. I outran all those cops" · .. "060 in ... eh ... 2.5 sec."

John Fraunces: "Moses" .,. "Mad' man" ... "Animal" "Look what American society has come to" , .. "Let's talk about Mozart"

Greg Dupee: "The rockin metropolis of Maple Glen" 'The omniscient sidekick spanky" "At the boathouse." ... "Down with trendy music, and DEA TH to mall chicks!" ... "What do you mean?"

Bill Frio: "Bookie" ... "Hace Frio" · .. "Italy rules" ... "How much you got for me" ... "My dad owns two restau rants" . . . "Souffilly"

Craig Ebner: "Yo, Vince!" "Meat" ... "Ron·Ald" .. , "Good with his fingers" , .. Nice car! ... "Craig, get a haircut!" ., , "Jen who?" Paul Edling: "Bloomsburg Bound" ... "Scall King".,. "Torrey. I wasn't there" .. , "Girl of the month dub" · ., "Cougars" ,., "4x before Que' bec" ... "Smoking cures cancer" John Egan: "Nice G.P.A." .,. "call Beth Lately?" "The Borough" ... "Is John in today" ... "Shave" ... "Sponge'''. . "Rino! Rino!" Mike Fegley: "Vivarin" "Frozen Twix bars, yum, yum" "are you really an exchange student from Ger· many?" .. "Sticks and stones may Anthony Ferraro: "Geraldine" ... Pat, Pat ... Splash" ... "Mike, do you have my gas money or what?" ... "It's not that big of a cliff, Tony" · .. "Captllin Mld·Lightweights" Curt Flack: "Tough guy" ... "Slack' er .,. "Chaka" ... "wishes he was Lex Luger" . , . "ex·Flax ... " Didn't you see the speed trapr" .. "Ches' ter" Tom Flavin: "Mi·Mi little woogle" · .. "Green Monster" ... "Got any rope?" "H.F.T,M.'· , .. "Chicken Man" "Shave much" , .. "Looks like he is 30" "Packs 12 sand, "Homework??" wiches a day"

Bill Fogg: "Alf" "Chinese Eyes" , .. "Hey Bill, can you whistle?" ... "Mom, I had a little run in with the D.C. police" , . , "Midnight ice runs" · .. "Hot tub dub" ... "That's not Bill, Allison got her hair cut." Pat Foley: "Team Xerox" ... "As' signed Risk" .. , "Yo, wes that the cops?" ... "Sticks up for Nester" , .. "Mr. Russel. please Steve Fox: "Nice Temper" ... "Likes to hit himself over the head with Logs" ... "Hasson's best friend" · . , "The exterminator" . ,. "watch the guard rail" , .. "Breaks 35 pound weights with bare fingers"

Elliot Fus: "E.F. go home" ... "Two easy pieces" .. , "We gotta talk" "No sir. we iJre 21 - No, really!' Tim Gaddy: "Put Gaddy in!" ... "Rudy" . , . "Air Gaddy" ... "What's wrong with you?" , .. "Michigan is " 1" "Stay in your own homeroom. Dave Gallagher: "What are Dav's papers" , .. "Coot" ... "David Bryne" Frank Gallo: "McDevitt wanna be" · .. "Mid week headaches" .. "Skips school, goes to practice" "Can't come in, McDevitt has off" ... "Perfect 8ltendance" Pat Gibson: "Nut" ... "Is that your real voice or do you have a cold" ... "Thumper 2, 3, etc." ... "Oh the roads are fine. lets just go" M.ark Grady: "Crashes anything" · .. "It's a diesel engine with a 2.8 titer per second .. , " "Nice basketball skills" . , . "How much for the glllss" ... "Two cen Sam" ... "Tracy, will you marry me?" John Graham: "Unde Fester" .. "Obese" ... "Just big bones" .. "Night in Venice '87" ... "Hey cuz" · .. "Yea, Of course I love her" . , . "Excuse me, but do I know you?" James Greenhalgh: "Fudge" .,. "Potsy" ,., "Potsie's Pavilion" .,. "Jim did you study? No I was playing tennis with my sister." ... "Iceman" · , . "Mid term exams - optional" Dan Guarnacda: "Dan Gargantua" . .. "Mr. Material" "Get your license yet?" Dave Gunn: "Where's JOE" ... "Joined by an invisible three foot chord" ... "It's 1:06 officer" , .. "Cheez·whiz" ... "YRENNT" Thomas Haldis: "Duck" ... "Stu' dent of the month wanna be" ... "Nice Party" ... "arrogant thief! So what" Mark Haley: "pick a college yet?" · , . "I smell hairspray" ... "The Killer D's in 3d." ... "The kangolkid" Rob Halfpenny: .,. "My brother


mllrried 1I morman" ... "Major Mal· function" ... "Isn't that fisher's girl' friend?" .. "Hot tub club" ... "150 shots". "I hour and 23 minutes, I swellr" Ne.tor Handzey: ... "Nestor, How come your nlIme isn't George?" ... "Come on guys nock it off; stop clllI· ing him Nestor" ... "Monogrammed l4teslips!" , , , Chris Hartman: "You Putz" ... "Chrissy" .. "Koor' ... "Get out much" T.J. Haslam: "Yo Tee" ... "What period is this?" ... "Nice Monte Dude". A.K.A. Paco" "Who picked this course" John Has.on: "Look lit me John" ... "Steve Fox's best friend" ... "We're tlilking WaWa" ... "Summer '86". . "Yo, I got 1I surprise"

AI Heaton: "Cindarella Rocks WYSP" "Inverness rocks" ,., "AL Keifer" ... "Did he die" .. , "LeI's visit my uncle" ... "What col, or do you got AI?" Chad Hellmann: "Sue em, get the money!" , . , "Chugger" , .. "Steve, give me your math homework" ... .. Anybody do accounting" .. "ripped Polo shirt" , " "why didn't I get lIthlete of the month?" . , . "Dave McNamllra's best friend" ... "Nice Attitude" Harry Helverson: "Meatloaf" ... "A.K,A, Richie Sambora" ... "Did you guys do any homework?" ... "1 need my sugar" . ,. "Whitesnake's gonn.! rock" Tim Herron: "Nice Semester" .. , "I shot an 80" .. "Cinema 309" ., . "McFadden Caddy instructor school" "Shadow" ." "Captain, Team Xerox" "Bear hunting with the twins" "I told ya so" Joe Herzog: "Zog Rocks the House" "Let's go to Glenside" ... "You know, Mean Gene, that's a legal move!" "What's your name dude')" Kevin Hinderliter: ., "What's that on the stairs?" Ray Huggett: "HO HO's best friend, 'It's a long walk home" "NOire Dame baseball star Art Interian: "It·s from Yiddish, meaning Help. there's a hog in the kitchen" "Anything for a buck." 'Not today Mr. Diehl"


Jim Jagiello: "Jimmy Joe" "Lee's twin" Scott Johnson: "Goes out with 4·7 yecH olds" .. "'Nice walk" , .. "Gimme a ride home?"' Paul Kane: "Rodney" .. "Baby hair" "Mr Stats" "Can't run in bare feef' Bill Keenan: "Gonzo!" .,. "Pooh· bear" "I don't mean to sound like a cornball but, " "Hey! I know her!!!" Sean Kane: "Mr, Microphone" "Infantile but effective humor" Rob Kelly: year plan" 'Geez Rob"

I love O'Toole" '5 "Team Xerox" "

Vince Kennedy: "Nice car!" "Pennco Tech" .. "Good driver" 'Tm hooked up this weekend" "TwO'Can Sam" "one pony tony" Bill Kershner: "Good paint job" ... "Who cares?' "Who's your girl· friend this week?'" .. , "The ultimate dancer" .. 'I can't go out guys [ have a major Puntel quiz in two weeks." "Geez, only a 4,1" Sam Kim: 'Orient Express" .. Samba Kimba" . . "I get all the Korean babes" Erik Kleinfelder: "\01 ways to kilt the Chemistry teacher" .. , "wipe that brown stuff off your nose" Joe Klinger: "Dates his friends sIs, ters" .. , I'm not in the mooe!!" . " "Nice sneeze" ... "Operation swIm" Andrew Korman: "Get up and dance, WOODY!!" ,., "Andrew stop it!, please! ,., Andrew! , .. Alright, Andrew. Just get out!" Rob Kozloski: "Polish Power" ,., "Bos" , .. "Blockhead" ... "Beefcake" Matt Krapf: "Shahy" , . , "'Yo, Leah" ,. "I love Herb.". . "Matt· man" ... '"The boy with the voice of tomorrow." . . "Monty" Bill Kruckenberger: "watch the timid creature" . "New Shoe:s" .. , '"Kruck Dude" '"I make a lot of money" ., "Irs my trademark" ... "Oh, I heard we are getting three feet of snow. Ken Kussay: "Come on I'll take you

on" . _. "Me and Tom'JI take ya ., Tom? Tom??'" "Plays with A I bottles" .. ··St. Williams Carnival 86" ... "Loves McDevitt girls"

Kevin Lange: "Nice face" , , . "You can just never tell, Kev" ... '"Love Handles" , .. "Fastest quarterback in LaSalle's history" , .. "Team Xerox" · . , "Discrepancy?" . . . "'DllInk'U' Broter" ... "Well officer if you let my friend go, can't I go too. Really, 'never hang out with these kids." Jim Lauf: "'Comb your hair down much?" ... "Story teller" ... "I SllIW II JOO,(XX) thousand dollar car yester· day" ... "Hey Jim, there are no toll gates on the turnpike" Mike Lebiedzinski: , . , '"Cousin Oli· ver" .. _ "Red, White, Of Black Fiero this week"' ... "Don't mess with Zog" Morie Ledwith: "J.B, lit the shore" , .. "Nice Truck" ... "Is that sophomore? How old is she?" .. "Morrie, seeing any girls from Maryland?" .. , "'Injured much?" Tom Lee: "Cheezy Mustache" "Tee Lee" ... "I need T Love" .. "Tommy Lee for three from the top of the key ... "Coach I am ISO!'" Rob Lewis: "Mr. Mechanical Draw· ing!" , .. "Dude Party" , . , "Bruuuce! -I"' Pete Loftus: "Afraid of the Puck" , ,. "Mike Emerich look alike" ". "A friend I can count on" ". "Dude Love"' .,. "Joe, pick me up at 60th St. around 4"' AI Lovgren: "Nice car" ., , "Polo! Polo! Polo!" ... '"Skiing at the beach" · .. "Love Glove" .. "'No Dice" .. "Your grounded for what!"'

Jim Lyons: "You won't believe what Steph's saying'" ". "Jamming at Palermo's" ,., "7 Atlases under one roof' .,. "Quick Chair repair" ,., "'Team Xerox" , .. '"Honest mom, I stayed at McFadden's" .. , "Somebody must be having a party." Jeff Mackowiak: "Uncle Makoves" , . , "I agree with nothing" .. , "Nice golf tie" , .. '"Way to go Jeff!" " "Evil" ... "Bro. AVlln18le"' ... "Ye shall be expurgated!" Ken Madden: "Malibu Classic Mad, mobi~" ... '"The ultimate goof" ... '"Kenny Mad·Man" Mike Maguire: "Hello McFly!" ... "Got his drivers license in a Cheerios box" B.J. Maher: '"Sea Isle Kid" , .. "Red" · .. "Oanny from the Partridge Fam· ily " . "Mardi Gras" .. "nice laugh"

T,J, Mahoney: "Tennant" , , "Vince Kennedy's idol" ... "Can I borrow S200"

Lee Mullen: "Yo dude, what's up?" , ,. "The Mulinizer" ." "the hair

Kirk Marcolina: "Captain Kirk" ... "Relax Kirk" ... "Shut up Paul"

Sean Murphy: "Nice Girlfriend" ... "Locker buddy" ... "So I said to my self. .. . .. "Guidomobile" , , , "tapmaster" ... "Hey, what can I say?Girls dig me!"

Rich Matthew: "Doctor Who's big' gest fan" . , . "You gonna eat that" Jim Matthews: "Bandroom?" ... "What floor are we on?" ... "What's that Jagu2lr doing on my lawn?" Connell McConeghy: "Marty's pal" . ,. "Where's Duffy?" .,. "Study' ing?" . , . "Glenside Gunner" John McFadden: "Team Xerox" . , , "The Cure" ... "It is easy to be dead." Pat McFadden: "Don't worry, I wes found guilty too." ... "Too much blood sugar." ... "Don't mess with me or I'll run." Tim McGoldrick: "C'mon guys, celm down" ... "Big Bill" ... 'Didn't you leernj)" .. , "Nice checkered pants" Pat McGuigan: "Squiggles" , .. "Notre Dame's mescot" ... "Sheve much?" , .. "Skull head" Joe McMahon: "George McFly" ... "No Joe, your just plain wrong." ,. "I think that deserves a response" , . , "Anyone wanna ermwrestlej)" Dave McNamara: "MacDude!" ., . "Athlete of the month" '" "Nice brown Courdoroys" , . , "Wrong way down the tracks Tom Melson: "Who took my chocolate cake?" . , . "Let's cull" .. , "Ken Shaw's best friend" Andrew Mile.: "Long·hair" ... "Get a haircut" , , . "Flyers" Kevin Milhous: "Guido" , .. "Nice truck" . , . "Nice record' Rob Miller: "Nobody's fool" , .. "Rowdy Rob" .. , "Want a calcula· tor?"



Bill Newhouse: "Billum" .,. "Bill where'd you get the jacket?" .. , "Dewy" Matt Oberholzer: "Ax·man I" ... "Big red Machine" ... "Mr. Wizard" ... "Elbowhoser" Shane O'Donnell: "Dave Letter man!!!" ., . "Burn your eyebrows Much?" ... "Stare at a cemera flash!" , .. "Basically" Jaime Ottaviano: "Danny Tenee" ... " ice scarf' ... "Guido, the killer Pimp" , .. "Blue Bomber" Ray Palmer: "I am a regular" .. "The show" ... "Will you be my friend?" " ice car" . , , "Dandn On Air" "Ray, 17, LaSalle" Joe Penrose: "What's in the bag Joe?" , .. "Killer elbow" , .. "oil· change" .. , "Schoolbag Lifting Champion" '" "Joe, I need some pliers" John Perillo: Elmer Fudd,., "John, when is Baseball?" .. , "like, you know" John Petko: "Blondie" . , , "Grades aren't that important!" ... "Blank Pi, rate .. , "Salmon Loaf" "Madonna - Wanna Be" George Petrellis: "Golf much?" , , . "Cougars" ... "Nature Boy" , , . "George of the jungle" , . , "Get sick at the doctors much?" Joe Pickard: "What's up your sleeve?" ... "Bruiser" ... "Program' ming stinks" ... "I don't remember"

Ken Minnick: "Smart?" ... "Drives a maverick" .. , "Looks like Fr, Paul Fagon"

Mike Plagens: "Ma's pal" ... "Only person who knew the Physic's an' swers lind wouldn't shllre them" ... "No Vince, it's 33 mm"

Chris Moffa: "Boogie" .,. "Moff' man" .,. "Roxborough?" , .. "Dr. Devine I don't know my lines" ... "MUPPET BABY" . , , "They're milk, ing the clock"

Joe Pluck: "Bronco" ... "Spit Much?" ... Pluckster ... "Truck fits personality" "Kate, Wanna go to the dance" ... "The Bus Massacre" , , . "Garden State"

Jim Morrissey: "The Fly"", "JDM 111" , .. "Mr. Miller's buddy" ." "Green trucks"

Tom Poehlmann: "XR4Ti" ... "Puma Pioneers" "Noonan" ... "Put me up" ... "Give me a ride" "Parisi's

pal" ,., "Runs like an ostrich" '" "Northeast Glenside, Baby"


Chris Prader: "Nice Antenna" .,. "Mister P" "Jodi's back" .,. "Bacar' dicoke" ... "Pre-Tard" Steve Rebl: "Rebel" ... "Call me R.U.N," ... "I love Man Chi Chi" . , . "Tough guy" ... "Dude, no serious dude" ... "Sid Vicious" Tom Reichard: "Mr. Personality" · , . "Heather Thomas?" ... "I don't understand" "You're really pretty ... Sean Reilly: "Riles" ... "Cougar" Rob Riethmiller: "Yo Duuuuuude"

.. , "G<x>d driver" "Future 7-11 manager" .. , "Country squire" , , , "Thiefmiller" , . , "I, a Thief? Greg Rietzke: "Kroeter" ... "Runs up the score" '" "Death before Disco" ... "Snowball" "Cheech wenna be" ... ''I'm sorry Mr. Branka" ... " ice chucks" ... "Right-skee" ... "Leader of P,A,F" · ., "Never sleeps before deadline" · , . "Greitzke" ... "You can put dat away, I scene dat before" ... "Snow' ball on three, ready, break'" ... "John Grace's Friend" Ryan Roal: "I thought he was Andy Korman ,., "Moler' "1350 SAT 2.00 GPA, That's what I call a well, rounded student"


John Roesseler: "Shut·up Roes' seIer" .,. "Archie Bunker sound, alike" Jim Russell: "Nipsy" ... "Russ" . , . "Nice courses" ... "Zeil Mail" .,. "exchange student from Germany" "McRussell, thanks for the free food" Joe Saunders: "Get a haricut Joe" ... "Joe, stay awake" ... "I don't have 8 dollars" , , . "Attention K·Mart shoppers, Blue-Isle special today" John Schaefer: "Schaef" .. , "High Files all around" ... "Cabergies" ... "Jake" "Night in vehicle 87" .,. "Pushing 130" ... "My Mom said I could" , .. "Courtney MacNamara" · .. "Oh - MR. Ed - Long" .. , "Stickman" " . "Old York Road" Gene Schall: "Mean Gene" ." "Gene-O" ... "Pretty good et b-ball" · .. "Terwood" "Do r have to babysit you" ... "Get a clue" .. , "Nice prac· tical joke" . , . "Brogan's heroes" .. "So, what's your point" Greg Schillinger: "Schill Dog" , . ,


"Your nuts" ... "Fish" ... "Gregorlo" ... "Greg Brady" "Phila. Cricket club" ... "No way. don't tell her" Steve Seravalli: "Me and my Judge boys" "Jr. Mr. T. kit chains in· "s l000n Denver" ... "Is c1uded" that a shirt. or a jacket" .,. "PSSI, what did you get for 1·12" Mike Simpson: "CralY Mike" ... "U2" .. "Ski much" ... "Mike where's your sister?'" ... "Only memo ber of the Ron Sutter fan club" Jason Starbek: "I like Metallica" . .. "Yo T' ... "J.J Starbuck" ... "I ain't no dimedropper" ... "Nice Roll.' borogh accent" ... "AKA J·&ne" , .. "Out of his box" , .. Chris Smith: "LaSalle's next Saint" , .. "Para Bailar La Bamba" ... "Ker· mit the Frog" "Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Smith" Jeff Steinnetz: "KISS" "French Fry" "I crack you up" "RUN D.M.C. Kick Axe" "No. I'm from New Jer~y, red means go" Joe Stevens: "Snoopy" "Bea' ver" ... "Love Chariot" "limo love" .. , "Fried Eggs" .. , "Basement tunes" ... "Jug·head" Jerry Stewart: "Jack Bone" .. "LL Cool Jer" "Look Kevin, Da, Da, 000, Da ... "Scranton" "Mr. Movie Man" "Soul Train Scramble Board" ... "My room looks like 309· Cinema" Bill Strohecker: "Milky" .,. "Wild' Bill" "Striker" . , . Joe Sullivan: "B·ball Third period" "Banna man" "Stinky ... "Chair tipper" , .. "Remember that nighO" Ed Swanson: "Marty Jackson Wanna be" "Grow!" "lives in the city" "Chingar" "Heh, I'm down here." ... "Nice SAT's 1700? ... "Bob's best friend" ... "Where's Sean?'" "Where's Bob?" .. "Nice GPA" "Does a 101 of hom~work"

Pete Tantala: "Roy Waldspurger" , , "Mr. Excitement" ... "no, but really" Joe Thompson: "Bow·Doinnnl" . , , "I think not!" ... "That truck mental' ity" ... "Joe. son of a thomp" , .. "Wouldn't have done that four months ago" Mike Tidd: ... "Waiting for Stern


Hal Day at Penn" . , , "College Tuition Loans from Beveridge National Bank" "I'm not an extremist" ... "LaSalle's pillar of morality" .. "Where has La Salle debate gone?'" Bill Tighe: Yes . . , "I draw gocxlly" ... "Hockey God" ... "You should have seen my hockey game last night" ... "Did you see Letterman/ Python last night" . , . Mike Tomchewsky: "Mikel" ... "Weights" "Nice car, what a waste" .. , "Nice sun glasses" ... "K' 2 Flex Tester" ... Rich Trub: "Thanks Dick" ... "Mr. Computer" ... "Nice tool box" John U1hand: "little Man!" ... "Good shot!" .. "Who cares John?'" ... "Pump up the volume" "Your driving!", "309 Maria" . Ted Uszko: "I don't know, anything that's A.P. sounds like you have to disect stuff'" .. ''I'm on the five year plan". . "World's oldest senior" ... "Drivin' that train ... " Frank Vaccaro: "He's so mod!" .. , "Nice clothes" .. _ John Valenti: "Rhawnhurst is my life.... , "CYO AII·Star" ... "Sellout" .. ''1'11 pay you tomorrow" . , . "Where's Ziffl" . "I benched 235 yesterday" Jim Vesci: "Naah" , ,. "School, that's where t get in most of my acci· dents" ,., "Look, it's jim. now the party can start!" , , . "I got eight cheat sheets for Church History" Gerry Vile: "Eat at Ger's" . , . "Big Gerr" ,., "Caroline's cousin" ,., "Frosty the Snowman" .. , "Learn how to run" ,. "Style by Vile" . Joe Visco: 'Boom Shanka" . "Sheep Dog" .. "Visco Duck" , .. "Pit Crew" "Boots" ... "Does your girlfriend really have a mo' hawk" "She used to be preppy ... Karl Voss: "Yo Vossy, got any mon° . ey?" , .. "Can I have a ride?" "Who Is she?'" ... "Police siren" . Roy Waldspurger: ... "Alex Lifeson look·a·like" .. , "Disco!" ... "Debi Moore'sa goddess" .. , "No, 00 but the thing is" ... "Half a punk" , .. "California here I comer' , .. "John Cafferty wannabee" , .. "Eric Clap' ton is God" ... "RR numero uno" ... "Roy is i!lbsent, what's the use of Eng' lish class?"

Chris Walsh: "Happy Clown" ... "Ronald McDonald" ... "Nice poem" , .. "Rusty Jones" . , . "X" ... ''I'm just a manor threat" ... "Straight edge" . , . "For Life" ... "Skin head in disgui~" ... John Walton: "00 1 look O.K." ... "WaWa" ... "Michele" "George" ... "Stop touchin' me" "Grim reaper" ... "The Plague" "You're freaking me out. man , .. "Jonboy" .. , "It's a snowstorm" ... "The Spider walk" . , . Dave Weikel: "Nice truck" . , . "Big Rig" ... "Naked Chicken" .. , "Sleep in driveways much?" "Flamewear" ... "Hi, Grandma" .,. "Senior Week 1,2,3,4", ,. "Sea Lion 87,88" .. , "Mom £i Dad. Get off my back" "I miss my jeep" , .. "Nice neck" "Hotel Ford Escort" .. , "Grasshopper" ... "Team Xerox" Ed Wentz: "Little Punk Skate Rat" , .. "Top of the hill?" ... "Army R~ ~rve" ... Steve Wilhelm: "00 it Steve!" ... "I just hit a bull dozer" ... "Green Gra· nada" ''I'm telling on you!" ... "Heime" . Bill Williams: "Bill squared" . "D.J. dollar bill" ... "Nogales" . "Big bad Bill" . , . "Golden chariot" Paul Wynn: "Mr. cheap date" ,., "pick flowers. it's cheaper" , . , Dennis Vanan: "Swallowed a water' mellon" ... "What's a Yanan?" ,., Won Jae Yang: "L.L. Won J" .. , "Harvard? Princeton?, Yale?, Manteo!!" , .. Mike Zit(: "Ziffer" , .. "All right guys" '" feel like I'm baby sit· ting." "Ziffman" ... "Spiffness" . , . "Spiffy Ziffy"

1988 Blue and Gold Editor·in·Chief: Gregory Rietzke

Editor: Greg Dupee Moderator: Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti

Elliot FUI (editor) SNnt O'[)onell (edllor) Rich Sacco Ed Scarcelle Louis Mincatelll John Cicchlello


Art Slit":

Pat McGorvey (editor)

Ja$Ofl Calhoun (editor) Bill Kee\an (editor)

Mett Kaminski


KIN<; Mareclina

Dan McGoc:kln

Gavin Brey Bill TIgN: Pete Loftus Dan BaIlUSQ Joe Visco

Mike l.ebiedzlnskl Ted Seglettl

Kashlu Nia!

Ray PaIn-

Joe Norton

Callos SzInchcz

1'\ll1l Miehle


Business Stllff

Photo Stllf!; Mlcl\oel Clancy (editor) Robert Colomeda


Jim Van Slone Greg Ryan Andrew McKern.en

Won Joe Yang (editor)

J,,1IleS Matthews (ediIOl')

Mkl\ael Todd Jamie Cantwell Mall Bauerlein Mike Beveridge Dave Gallagher

Paul Giuliano Paul Edling Bob Betchyk A.J, Tilson

Pete Loftus

Tim Tilson

Joe Pickard Brilln McDeflnott Chuck Croney

Ed Lynch

Frllnk I\mmlliura

Frllnk Vecuro Mil\! Oberholzer

Rob Donahue

Sieve Dachowskl

Mi<:ha~ Plagens Vince Bruner

Ed Subokow Jet.y Fechfo:r A.J. Tilson

Met! Heil'le We would likt to ptrsonllily thllnk llil of thoS<!: ptoplt ....ho rllllltd to our CllUS<!: lit tht tOO of tllch delldllr't<!:. Samt of thoS<!: peoplt llrt; Bro. Linus, Jllmle OUll' villno. Stevt Buonomo. Bill Tighe. Matt Obtrholzer. lind <!:Speclllily Mlchllel Beverldgt.

Kevin Kelly

And Very Special Thanks To:

· .. Bro. Robert Shea, Bro. James Rieck, and Mr. Dave Diehl for all the support and Wisdom that they bestowed on all of us. · .. Mr. William Geiger, who with his technological ingenuity made all of those large tasks seem much easier (and fas· ter). · .. Bro. Carl Clayton and Bro. Henry Werner for offering all their divine knowledge and extra time to counsel angry editors. · .. Mr. Robert Devine and his lovely wife Rita who made this year's book possible, for putting up with all of the late deadlines, and to everyone else at Herff Jones. · .. To everyone at Davor Photo, Mr. Lange, Mr. O'mera, Jill at Acme, and everyone else who made each picture glisten. · . _To the founders of the First Amendment, for without their keen foresight, we would have to watch everything we

say_ · .. And finally, we would like to thank our parents for allowing us to work late on the book, keeping dinners warm, forgetting our grades. 211

~ol(l fIlr. E. Mrs. David Baker fIlr. f, Mrs. James J. Bethke fIlr. (, Mrs. Joseph Bergan Mr. r. Mrs. Robert Blasi fIlr. [, Mrs. Joseph J. Bonargo Eileen Boyle·Uszko Mr. [, Mrs. David Bradley Mrs. Marion Cole Mr. £. Mrs. Alfred G. Cunningham Dr. £', Mrs. Joseph Curci Mr. [,. Mrs. Gerald W. Curran

Brian Daly fIlr. £. Mrs. George DeDominic fIlr. Mr. fIlr. fIlr. fIlr.

[, & [,. (,. [.

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Alfred Dezzi F. Donnelly William F. Dunwoody Gerald W. Edwards

Mrs. Thomas C. Elsasser

Mrs. William J. Ennis Mrs. Mary M. Farrell The Fecher Family Mr. (, Mrs. Paul Fenn fIlr. [, Mrs. Charles Gallagher The Galzerano Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Ginieczki Mrs. Mary Goodyear Dr. £, Mrs. Joseph P. Guagliardo The C.S. Hagelin Family fIlr. £, Mrs. Joseph Hogan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kaminski Mr. fj Mrs. Joseph J. Kovac Mr. [. Mrs. Francis J. Lauf Mr [, Mrs. Robert F. MacNeal fIlT. [,


patrons Mr. [, Mrs. James R. Matthews Mr. (, Mrs. Martin J. Matthews Mr. [, Mrs. William McKee Mr. [, Mrs. Joseph McKernan Mr. (, Mrs. Bruno M. Mercuri Dr. (, Mrs. James Nicholson Mr. (, Mrs. Joseph A. Norton Mr. (, Mrs. William F. O'Donnell Mr. (, Mrs. Michael O'Donoghue Mr. (, Mrs. Kevin M. O'Neill The Peek Family Mr. (, Mrs. Lewis R. Porreca Mr. Raymond Potter Mrs. Joanne Regan Mr. (, Mrs. Albing L. Roman Mr. (, Mrs. Michael Ruser Mr. (, Mrs. Mario Sacco Mr. (, Mrs, Sam F, Sandella Mr. [, Mrs. Edward L. Scarcel1e Mr. £, Mrs. Robert Serianni Mr. f, Mrs. Rudolph E. Stanek Mr. [, Mrs. John Tyrell The Uk Family Mrs. Mary Jane Vogt Dr. [, Mrs. Jon Walheim Mr. [, Mrs. John J. Walls Mr. [, Mrs. J. Wardle Mr. [, Mrs. Edward Weinrich Mr. [, Mrs. Joseph A. Williamson Mr. [, Mrs. Edward J. Wilson Mr. [, Mrs. Clement J. Wimmer Mr. [, Mrs. Robert J. Zegley

Acknowledgements Administration Alumni. Art Art Club Athletics., Autographs Bands _ Baseball _ Basketball Board of Trustees Bowling .. , Campus Ministry Community Service Corps Computer Club Crew, Fall Crew, Spring Cross Country Dedication English Department Father and Son Banquet Football Forum Freshmen Gold Patrons

Golf Guidance Ice Hockey Indoor Track Infirmary Juniors _ Language Department Library Math Department Mathletes Maintenance Memoriam: Brother Bill Riley, F.S.C Mixers and Dances Mother's Club Music _ National Honor Society Photo Club Plays Racquetball Club Religion Science Seniors Senior Quotes , Ski Club Soccer Social Studies Department Sophomores Specialties Sports Student Council Swimming Table of Contents Theme - "Transitions" Tennis Track and Field (Spring) Underclassmen Wisterian Wrestling Yearbook

page 211


20 60 38 214

54 138 124

39 128

72 68 65 117 140 118 16 24

71 109 50 78 212 148 21 132 130

35 95 26 36 30 63 37 204 58 70

20 64 62 52 74 22 32 150 206 75 113 28


34 106 66 120 1

2 144 page 146 76

46 134 42


Football Wild Kingdom


oming off of an 8·4 c;,mpaign in 1990.

the '91 Explorers had a difficult task to improve on their predecessors' suc' cessful season. This team not only improved. but they were undefeated in both league and

preseltson play. Before the regular season began, several sports writers picked LaSalle 10

be among the middle lier of the Catholic League. but the Explorers proved these writers wrong by finishing first in their league and possessing one of the best records in the Delllware Valley.

In their first test fresh from Camp Canandens!s (a.k.a. Camp Paradise?). the team earned the first shutout (of their four this past

season) against Valley Forge Military Academy. 14{}. This same Velley forge learn would later defeat several college teams. laSalle's next task was perennial Suburban One pow' erhouse Plymouth·Whitemarsh. The Explor' ers' disciplined defense managed to hold the Colonlllis to 26 points below their season av' erage, Jetting up 1I mere 7 points. The Ex· p~rers' final preseason tune-up was against II Southern Division team. Cardinal O'Hara. The team showed resilience and determina· tion by coming back twice to defeat O'Hara

21·13. On September 28. the team begen their regular season. In their first two games the Ex· plorers had no trouble in defeating Father

Judge and Archbishop Wood. The offense showed its power by collecting over 400 yards of total offense behind a huge offensive line and strong play by the offensive backfield. The next week the team hosted the Wood Vikings. This time the defense shined, holding a 13{) shutout. Team captains Dave Gathman and Mark Houck anchored the defensive front and backfields In helping to preserve this score. The Explorers' first real test of the season was agllinst Archbishop Ryan. This battle of evenly matched teams finally ended in a 7·7 tie. The team kept their heads up and soundly defeated Bishop Egan 41·0. The very next week the Explorers faced neighborhood rival, Boshop McDevitt. A late field goal boosted the team over the Lancers, 10-7. The team finished out the regular season by convincingly defeating Cardinal Dougherty 40-1) and North Catholic 45·0. After an extremely successful regular sea· son the Explorers met with a disappointing 17·7 semi-final playoff loss against Father Judge. This team did not Win the PhiladelphIa Catholic League Championship but they proudly own the league's best record at 38·8· 1 in the last four years after a 10·1·1 yeaT. - by Mike Van Stone Bill Nichols

·Just "'hilt par! of the Hok ey Pokey anI! you doing?"

)0000000 Geoff e,n,foed hIInds otf me'·


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