1989 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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aSalle's ongoing commit路

tended to provide 8 more effi路

ment to excellence was

cient display of progress. With

the center of attention this year 8S the school commu路 nlty tied up some loo5t: ends. This y~r saw both Internal and

external improvements In the laSalle tradition. Academically, the morking period was ex路

improved facilities such



expanded faculty dining room


touch of class with the incorporlilian of ties In the dress code. The improvements instituted during this school year, both

renovated gymnasium,

tllnglble end Intangible. will

teachers and students hllve shown more pride in their com

serve to bind our loyalty to the Lasalle tradition.


mitment to excellence. The new scholastic year also 58W added

The 1968 LaSalle Varsity Baseball Team capped off a remarkable season by winning the Catholic League Championship as they defeated St. John Neumann 5-2 on June thle 8th. Aklng with thle Catholic League title. the Explorers accom' ptished another impressive feat ak>ng the way. The team ended the year with a number one ranking in The Philadelphia In' quirer's rankings for ali-Southeastern Pennsylvania with a 21-4 record. It might be interest· ing to add that laSalle had been ranked number one for the previous four weeks. which meant a good two-thirds of the season. Another interesting fact, which had been revealed to coach Joe Parisi. was that the Expk>rers were also ranked number one in the entire state of Pennsylvania at one point during the season according to an unofficial rank· ing in another part of the state. So, as a result of the publicity concerning the team. the Ex· plorers found themselves going Into the title game as the favor-


ite. The tllsk of winning the championship game woukl be difficult, nonetheless. laSalle wouk! be going up against the Southern Diviston's MVP Rob Carfagno. who was undefeated (12-{}) as a varsity baseball pitcher. But the Explorers cook! at least match that with the Northern Division's MVP, Gene Schall (12-1), going on the mound for them. laSalle jumped off to an ear· Iy 3-0 lead in the top of the first when Jeff Peek, the explorer's c~ter fielder and second hitter in the lineup, scored from third on a balk. Peek had been hit by a pitch to reach first, went to second on Schall's single, was advanced to third on cleanup hitter Tom Poehlmann's single to left, and finally scored the first run. Jack Stanczak, the right fielder and fifth hitter, scored Schall on a sacrifice fly to left. The third run was tallied when 8 hit by Bill Watts, who ended the gamewith three hits and a great diving catch in left, scored Poe:Imann. The Explor-

ers added another run in the second when first baseman Ter· ry Burke got on with two out, stole second, advanced to third on Peek's hit, and eventually scored on a hit by Schall. After two runs by Neumann In the third, laSalle again scored a run, the final run of the game, in the fourth when Burke singled,

stole second, and scored on Tony Cassetti single, who wer 2 for 4 In the game. Other noll ble efforts include catcher E Weber who threw out a runn~ attempting to steal in the firl and shortstop Chris Massell who ended the game by turni a double play.

The 1966 team won the Catholic League Championship at Eagle Lodge by beating 14 other teams. LaSalle (487) won over its nearest competition, Ryan (50?), McDevitt (508), and OHara (517). All Catholic hon· ors were gathered by George Pe'

trellis 76, Joe Bonargo 80, Pete Williamson 81. Keith Dicciani 8\, and Pete Banmiller 63. La· Salle has captured 8 out of the last 10 championships with George Petrellis winning the in' dividual title.


A yearbook theme is delermined by whzlt is unique in that year; a theme for an education¡ al institution can be determined

by those charged with leadership roles within her. There has







our school

which has been more than lin ideal; it has been a reality. We. the yearbook staff, wish to hon-

isclllks. They have made a Ct tribution to our school throu

or that ideal and that reality; The La&llle Family.

and Community Service Coq For Mr. Ponisciak It oft

Symbolil.ing the experience of family lit u.&llle llre the Pon-

meant driving kids to Incentj. delivering food to distributl

the organizations of S.A.D.

centers, and arranging transpor' tation to tutoring sessions. The Ponisciaks, as parents of three children, are witnesses to us about the values of com mitt· ment and support in a fammily in working out care for their


three sons and meeting la· Salle's schedules and demands. In doing this they point to the lay faculty's sacrifices and the Christian Brothers' eKample of making family a felt eKper' ience.

Each person, student, staff, alumni, who makes a com mitt· ment to the school, who ties the knot, keeps alive a perennial theme at laSalle: dedication to the family.






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Mr. OfIvkl Diehl: VIce-Principal

Brother Jllmes Rieck: Vice Principal


Mrs. Sclulum





Mr Dolen


Brother Joseph Myers starts his second year at LaSalle. Brother helps all students on their day with his famous greeting of '·HELLOOOOOO·'.

Brother Kenneth Cook is another strong part of our religion department. Brother Ken and his hu· mor make any day at La· Salle an educational one.

Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti adds to LaSalle communi, ty by teaching Freshmen and Sophomore religion classes and also is the moderator of the year· book. Mr. Nicoletti can be found on his free time in the Dining Hall heckling seniors for yearbook pho· tos.

Mrs. Muriel Mehrdraws upon her experience and years of service to our school. Her work ranges from Freshman religion to teaching students how to accept there mortality in death and Dying.

Mr. Alfred Punte/takes over the helm of the Religion Department as he en' ters his first year as Chair· person. Mr. Puntel also donates much of his time to the CSC program at La· Salle.


Mr. Patrick Devine's in· vovlement in LaSalle goes far beyond teaching chris· tian marriage. Mr. Devine leads our Juniors as the Guidance Counselor and is also responsible for the success of our track and field team.




Mr, Edward McCabe Mr. Edward McCabe is appreciated by his attentive students, His abilitity to simplify difficult explanations in a classroom is certainly noteworthy, Mr, McCabe is certainly an as' set to the school. Mr. Michael O'Toole Whether reacting to Greek mythology or Be0wulf. Mr. O'Toole is al· ways Willing to put the en' thusiasm and warmth back into the cold rooms in which he teaches. He stands atop a vast mound of knowledge, casting out daily challenges to his stu' dents, He is always full of vim and vigor. Mr. Edward MoJush Mr. Edward Molush brings to LaSalle a unique style of teaching. analysis IS the seed of enthusiasm which we feel in class. Dr. Joseph 0 'Angelo Dr. D'Angelo distin· guishes himself as one of Ihe most intelligent and

popular teachers at La' Salle. Whether he is correct in assuming this view . but we sense his love for literature. baseball, and La Salle,

Mr. Dennis Blah Mr. Dennis Bloh teach· es with a wealth exper ience and knowledge and he certainly shares his hu· mor and his insights inlo methods for writing. Mr. Bernard McCabe Mr. Bernard McCabe brings to LaSalle creative· ness and thoughtfulness. His teaching style is using an interesting choice of words, smiling, and end· 109 ignorance. Mrs. Clare Brown Mrs. Clare Brown's creative responses to inquisi' tive students is corner' stone of the English department, She is very helpful in conveying her intellectual understand· ings.


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u.. ~ de ta ~ de .L4 Salle For over twenty years,

Mr. George Hohenleitner has taught in the LaSalle German Department. He alone has taught every level of German.

Mr. William Geiger, who always finds time to help the guys out with the Wisterian, is still trying to

prove to his Latin stu· dents the benefits of learning it. "Meetings of Alumni Altar Boys of 194T?

Mrs. Linda Donahue, who every now and then will scream "Silencia" when her class gets a bit

out of hand, teaches Spanish and French to her slightly feared stu· dents. Mr, David Manion is in· deed a multilingual per'

son. Not only does he teach higher levels of French but also teaches first year Spanish.

Dr. James Devine is laSalle's cross'cultural

communications expert. You can also find "The Doctor" recruiting eighth graders for LaSalle.

Brother James Steck. or "Frere Jacques" as his French students know


him, is best known for confusing his students be· cause he teachers his en· tire class in French. You may also find him a bit tired at times because of jet lag from one of his many inter·continental trips.

Mrs. Nancy ZoeJrsch. Mr. Victor Gavin, and Mr. Gabriel "Senor' Blanco have all just packed away a second year here at La· Salle. Mrs. Zoeltsch helps Freshmen distinguish be· tween the varied sounds of Puerto Rico. Mexico and Spain. Mr. Gavin not only does the same but as moderator of Forum, stu' dents are advised to use Spanish in critical mo· ments of debate. Mr. Blanco leads the Lan· guage Dept. as Chairper' son. Always early to ar· rive, he prepares calmly and sets a Christian exam' pie by responding to stu' dent needs. Bro. Robert Romano teaches Spanish and Reli· gion coming late in the year 10 us. Thanks.




Mr. John Grace em' bodies the perfect history teacher. He is never satsi' fied with your answers and always wants you to "Go Deeper." Mr. Grace will never be forgotten for his ominous line "Nooo, not good enough. You have to expand and run with it" Mr. Grace keeps his classes moving quick' Iy while each student is getting a broader view of history as never before. Now, if only, He would get a hair cut. The Chairman of the Social Studies Department, Mr. Joseph Colis· tra, is an interesting gen· tleman. When he is not pelting people with dictio' naries, he is praying for patience. With the record of the football team, his patience has paid off

Mr_ Tom Turner is the Stud of the history department, he always dresses in the latest northeast fashions. Mr. Turner is one of the easiest people at LaSalle to talk to and he is always willing to lis' ten. Mr. Gerald Miller. is the eyes and ears of the LaSalle faculty. He knows what you doing and where the parties are before you do! BUI that's O.K., we still love you. Mr. Miller also teaches a Vietnam course and brings some of

his own personal experience into the class which is one of the most interesting classes at LaSalle because we not only learn from a textbook but also from a person who was there.

Mr. Parish. teaches World Cultures, American History and Psycholo' gy. He is a brilliant teach· er with a real flare for get· ting his students involved and interested in class. Mr. Parisi coaches baseball, and his team won the Catholic League Cham' pionship Last year. Con' gratulations. Mr. Marty Jackson, the newest member of the history department is an· other one of the coolest guys at LaSalle. Mr. Jack, son is always one to say. "Hi" and ask you how you're doing. Mr. Jackson is also the basketball coach at LaSalle and he is very successful.

Brother Tim Ahern is a fine new addition to LaSalle's History department. He considers teach' ing history more of a hobby rather than work. He can't understand why his students feel differently, During the spring, Brother Tim is active with the baseball team.



\When students are asked to describe Mr. Mi· chael Ponisciak. the most commonly used word is "amazing", His under' standing and concern for his students, both in the classroom lind out, serves liS the best eXlImple of what LaSalle is all about,

Mr, Joseph Rad' vansky's mathematical abilities are matched only by his enthusiasm for football, This may explain why most of his test ques' tiofls are worth seven points, or why he throws a penalty flag when a play' er. or, student misses a homework. Ms. Marueen Dugan's popularity lit laSalle can be attributed to the bal· ance of her challenging, strict teaching style, and her abundant sense of hu' mar. Dr. James Bradley's days at LaSalle may be numbered. However, most agree that despite his regular flare-ups, Dr. Bradley is just too good to let go. Most of her students agree that Ms. nOlI Shus' lack is a joy to hllve in their class. They especial, Iy appreciate the dumbfounded look she can ere· ale as they rattle off iIlogi· cal proofs and mathematical impossibil' Ities.


Mr. John Frizalone's c1l1sses generally have a greater level of class par' ticipation than most. probably because it is al· most impossible to sleep during them. Everything he sllys tends to be remembered, as though permanently impressed on some part of the body, such as the eardrum. It was once rumored that Mr. James Roche was the re'incarnation of Einstein, since their math· ematical abilities are per· fectly matched. The ru' mar was dismissed, how' ever, when it was found that Einstein lacked the personality, wit, can' cerned, and snappy style of dress held by Mr. Roche.

Bro. Thomas Dunn amaZingly has never con· fused the roles he is play' Ing. whether it be a super crime fighter on televi' sian, or a mathematIcal wizard in a suburban hIgh school. But then, what can you expect from a man who never makes mistakes. Whether in the class· room or the bookstore, Bro. Charles Mrozinski has proven to be an asset to the laSalle family.

Maure .. n Dugan




Mrs. Ponisciak's up' beat and energetic deliv· ery of A.P. and regular Chemistry always keeps her students on their toes. She amazes people with her Knowledge of chemistry and with her ability to talk for forty five minutes straight, stopping of course every now and then for a quick breath. Mr. Russell. AP Phys· ics teacher, can be found in the computer room during his free per· iods stamping out bugs for frustrated program· mers. Miss Lorraine Rimert, the physics and electric· ity teacher, is well known for her patience in the classroom and for her delivery of physics in a way that her stu' dents will never forget.

Mr. Gerald Evans has become known for the showing of his prized, lemming movie to his bi" ology classes. Great movie, right? Mr. Amand's reputa· tion as a "jokester" has helped many freshman through his Health class; we thank Mr. Armand for his contribution and wish him well.

Mrs. Linda Canobbio is well respected and liked by the students in her Anatomy classes. Our thanks to Mrs. Maherfor her leadership and dedication both in the classroom and out. And we are grateful for the contribution of Bob, oh excuse me, Mr. Rinehart to the Science Department.



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CHARLES H1LPL Business Office

Our thlInki to.1I the yeers of aervic:e by Peggy Brocce in the bu~nes5 offICePhoto ""lIS flOC '''~lJlabie. We wish her well

Mr•. Florence Wllrd

Mr•. Pill Dev r

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Mrs. Dlllnne McGovern: Mech. drllwing. Art 1,2

Bro. Fred Stelmilch. FSC I, the Di •. of Development: Dr. Jamu Devine I, the Dlr. of Admlnlon. (Photos not ilvilililble). Both men ,upport the .chool by mllny hOUri of .ervlce.




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Mr Walter farrell


The 1988·89 Board of Trustees is committed to eltcellence at La Salle. The Board has handled all legal matters and main· tained financial stability at this school since October of 1982. It is the ultimate govern· ing body of La Salle College High School. This year, the Board has taken bold steps in the pursuit of eltcellence. Under the leadership of Brother Colman Coogan F.S.C. (chairperson), the Board has added three new members. Chosen for their

experience, the new Trustees are Brother Frank Cervone F.S.C., an attorney and 1975 graduate, Sister Mary Josephine Lan· kin S.S.J of Chestnut Hill College and busin· esswoman Mrs. Eileen Hansen. This is the first time women have served on the Board. The Board of Trustees serve on a number of committees: Eltecutive, Development. Finance, Long·Range Planning and Nomina· tion.


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Well. this is the last year for the Class of 1989 at La Salle College High School, and what a year it was" Along with the dreariness of finishing high school, there were many events which touched our lives. For one thing. the retreat this year really boosted up our spirits and actually showed us how much we have grown. Are we really ready for col" lege? Well at least we have been running around trying to figure out what we want to do with the rest of our lives and where we want to go. As we look back on the past fOUf


years at La Salle, it Is quite shocking how much we have grown from the first days when we entered these La Sallian doors. I guess it was the family atmosphere which seemed to pull us through, You clln"t help but admit that we all are like brothers. The ties that bind us to La Salle will remind us through the years that we were and are: fam¡ ily. Sean O"Oonnellllnd Greg lllhr soak up the sun,

Prepeflng (0 fece the .~~



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Playing Football In 1!'Ie Pit.





Regan. George Ledakis. and ChIli Goldkamp study ha,d at lunch ~



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a f:4Irt ~ eke La Satte '?aH<t4

This year at La Salle we were faced with

many changes. We adapted readily to a new dress code, newcolors on the walls and different looking signs. lncomming Freshman

adapted to this new dress code very well. we got a new gym r100r and the old study center

was made into a study center/chapel. The one major aspect of the underclass-

ball team finished with an impressive record with one loss. Our basketball team got out of

the blocks fast with a sophomore at starting quard and finally our soccer team was with its strength from two excellent sophomores. In conclusion as La Salle progresses it gets

better and in I or 2 years we might just add a couple more "Catholic League Champion" players to our collection.

men Is the achievement in sports. Our foot-

When,s My Ride?

WOfking Hardl

DllVid Balcer Thomlls Blliski Richard J. Barbllillce Michllel 6llte Mlltlhew 6lluerlein Joseph Be<:k Dougills Bellew Christopher P. BerQlln Paul BonIlfllntl

Joseph Jllmes Bonllrgo Mlllthew Booth Brendlln Boyle Andrew Bucceri Jllmes Burke Kevin Burke Timothy Bll'nnlln Michael Brescill Mllrlln Breslin

Charles Clllvllne5e Vincent Cllivilte Nicholas Cllpulo Kevin Cllrney Christopher Choby Daniel Clash Christopher Cleary George Collins James Convey

John R. Cottinghllm Frllncis Courtney Jllmes Crawford Palri<:k T. Cunnllne Gregor)' Curel Donllld W. Curtin III Robert Dager Francis Daley Brilln Daly

NichOlas Dalicllndro Carmen Danelill Jllmes Dann Mld'ael A. Darcy Jesse Davis Brian Dean Daniel De Dominic Michllel Dellangelo John Deluisl



David Demara James Dever BriM J Devine DaVid Devine Justin Difilippo Glan<:arlo Oi PasqUllIe: KIrk Doillway Robert F. Donahue Michael J. Donnelly


Jeffery Fafafa Michael P. Fahy Martin Feeny David Filtppont Christ~r Fishetti Brilln Fillgefilld Brian T Fillget"lIld Roben FJuehr Willillm Francoeur

&iIIn Funct\lon W.lll11m Etik Galllrd. J41$OO'l R Gathman George Mark RlClwlrd Gheen MJcMtl Gregan Brllln GIbson MocMtl Gilben Chnstopher Ginteezk.

Franlt GlOvannone Chllstophel' CilMdkamp George Gngollls Thomas Guogliardo John HIlIOes Jefffey Halst~ M!chloel H;Ilyes KevlO Hendrick JONllhan Henry

Ron Hibbert Kevin Hipp Timothy J. Hoffman Jr DIInlel J HoffmllOn J .. Christophel Hoovel Phlllp E. Howley ~n illqulnto Gilbert Idhllw Chrlstilln Jordal

Jowph Juh;llno Robert Kaillmas Andre.... KamInSki Hunter Kan Kevin KtlIrnty Francis Keenan Mark Kelly Jllmfi Kemm sna...." Kerns



ChnSlopOer KOlman KffInf!th Kunz MICMtI Lalena Christophe!- Lazoo-check I"lochollls LazOIko George E. Leoak.s Brllln Lee Thomas Lennon V"lI"lCent Urnss


BIlIIn MacDonald Jllffod Macklin Richard Mager MlchHl Mater CNJr!es Malloy Ryan R. Marsh Michael W MartIn Chllstopher MasseiLa Marlin MaItMwS

MaUM... McClure John MC<:omb

p.tflek McGInley James C. McGoklnck Peter McGoklnck Kevin McKenna Raymond McKerwe Thomas Mcl...llughhn

Patrkk McMonagle

61111n McManus

P,Iltick McPhllhp$ !'\lIre MedVtl1


Edwllrd Mtehle

....ndrew Miles


louiS MIOCllrelli

Francis Monll9hlln

Ed MornJrn.n Joseph E. Monglln Joseph H. Mooney George II. MOlley

Peter Muit Mario v Nardone

George J. NllUIly John Neary William Newell

Vu Nguyen .hmn NICholson Chflslopher Norns Timothy Novak Bernard O'BrMet'

Juslln O'Donoghue MIChael 0 ~rll

Peter Oh Just,n Olivet'

James OwftlS Jeffrey Oyler

Steven Pac,lho Juon Per'w\onglon

Chllstophft Pice Lemuel PidlitoDn Erik PleI5Ch



Frank Powers

Francis PrISCo

Mlchlle' F Rafter Christopher C. Rauch Lamar B Redcrou VII'w:ent F Regan

Brian M, Rooke' Jefernl/lh Rock

Peter J. Rooney Kenneth F Root Chllstllln P Rosa

Wltllllm C Rothenbltch Andrew J. Rotondo

Chllstophef B RURf RIChard A 5lIcco

Brian F Sa~1a MH::1\aeI 5 SllnfOfd Ed"'ll.d L Sc.rc:eiloe Chris W SctlolllleuJ John J. 5cnanne

Robert W SCflllnnJ MICIwleI D, Shannon $ttphen M _ Shannon Tfmothy Sheahan Eric: M Shelton John W Slowic:k o.vid D. Smith Kevin A. Smith Dllrek J, Sot

Chris M. Springer Chris SqUIUlilfO

Kenneth A, St. Clil!' Ric:hllrd A, SlllgtillOO

Brent A. Stanek Thomn F. Stanley Robert R. StenIon Doug M Stlludmeiller Chris J. StelllCio


J. Stew"r!

Brian J, Stokes KeYln B. $ueeper

Flancls M Summenll Chlls D, Swanson Mlltthoew S. TlIddei Josept1 M _Tegg Michael V reb TltTIOIhy R TIlson

KONku Tsugaml Nell P Vaughan KeYIn P Vesd

o.,,1d P Volpe BUlin W Weefl9 ~rcD_





E. Wilson

Doug... O,Wood Robert E. Wozrnak

Derek J. Zardus Jll5O<l S. Zoto

Nteholas '" "'rllco Damel J Donohue Selln T Duffy Gerllid W fdWlllds jamie Ellollsser Willillm J Enms R Kyle Ev"",s

Chns L Mlltlhe'Ots Joseptt J McOolloan fd'Otard J. McQUillen M.llrc L Mn\sker

David M Putro





"llro" /'II &ler .!esse Bllicer Jllmle E. 6llnoo Brilln J, Bennett Frllnk A, Berfllmlo R~t S. BlllSi AklD L BIey Chus M. 6ol'Inef John T Bracki"

MIlrlm G. Brown LouIS J. 8uongIofno Pel~

1'1 Burltlart Stephen J, Bu/go John M. Bush John E. Buller Thomlls B, Buller Plltric-k J. Byrne Ml!.k Cllbeto

Jllmes M, CllUnes Anthony J. CllmPD9M 1'Ill.k O. Cllmpbell ..Io$eph J. Cllnnon John F, CllntweU F'llr'lcis Cllppelletli Brllln P. Cll" Sleven W Choi Gregory C~verelli

George G. Cole Keith A. Conlin Jllme, R, Cosglove Mlchllel C. Coyle Jr. OfInlel Crllig Edwllrd J. Crllig John C. Croney OfInlel C Crowt' Joseph A. Cullen

Jeff R Cunninghilm MIke J. CutlOlnghllm Brilln 1'1, o"ly JusUn J. Dellngehs Scott M. Dehhto ThomllS E. DesuTlone A ChrIstopher Deui Fredel'lck M. Ooni ChrIS H Dot'hM


Brllln T, Donllhue Sun P. Donnelly Timolhy M. Downs Brendlln W Dunwoody CurtIS rt Eby Jonlrlhlln Egnolovic-h Dovid W, Fegley Crarg Fill9lt'fald Thomll5 J. F••oct'


S.~'~ n4.


Mlltthew H Fry Gelllfd Fuhr~istel VI~ D. GlltterllrlO .... nthony GllrClll Thom1l1 J Gillon Michael J. Gilroy Chfls M Glessner Jeffrey .... GoodWin Kevin P. Grlly

JoRph J. Green Claylon T, Grjffm R Brent Gnffith Brllln ..... Gucktft Dllmon 5 Gulli B1a1le J. Ii.)I1 Wllhllm C. li.)mburger o.n G, Hllmllton Ul"'lence Hllfbt50n

Jeffrey M Harrer Chns F. Hasson MtIrlln J Hllyes Sun P HendrICk Chnl1111n .... Hilty M1Chllel W Horst John T Houck Keith H Humes Vlrocent J. Hum~l

Mllrko J J,uymovych Chrb .... Jodlowski Robert M KllrWllCki Greg W. Kedtiera Michael C. Keeley Dllniel P Keenan Chris Sun Kelly Daniel M. Kelly Michael W Kenefic

Gregg H Ktfsey Dlln~ 5. Kim Ke"'ln J. Koch JerfY J KoplW<Y Ernest F Koschlneg Thomlls J. Ko..."c ....nthony 5. Lee Krislofot K, LeWI' Gfegory W Linde



ErIk M. link ErIC R Lnchendorf ..... mes L Lloyd ..lo$eph T. Lorn Jason S LOlller DaVid H Luby MtIrk C. Lucente Robert M Mac::llrtney MlC"-l P "'-agl.ltle

James T Maher Domenic J. Maidll Chllrles Malone M Brady Mllrzella Stephen M. Matthews "ndrew K. Maude Jllmie W. Mllyer Chris V, Mazeikll Mark F. MClllUllly

Michllel D. McCllffrey Mark J. McCllnn Brilln M McDermott ThomllS " McDonllld Malt V, McElvenny WIlIJllm B McFlldden Kevin C. McGeehlln Brilln D. McGill Mllrk G. McGinnis

Thomas F. McGowan Mllrk D, McKee Joseph R, McManus JOShUll McNamara James C. McNamee Joseph P. McNichol Robert J. McNichol Quinlin C. Meeke "rthur J Mee

Chrislilln S. Mercuri Stephen p MiUer WllIillm J. Molinllri Brilln E. Morrlney Joseph MorrIssey C. B. Mulhern Andrew J. Mullen Michllel J. Mullen Plltrick J. Mulvey

John J Murphy Craig K. Neverosky Douglas J. Nevins Khoa H. Jguyen Joshua Conley NOWllk Michael F. O'Brien Shawn J. O'Brien MichaelS O'CQI1neli Kevin P. O'Donnell



Willillm O'Donnell Plltrick O'Hlllloran Brian T, O'Hara Mllrk K, O'Neill Chris M. Oberholzel F'llncls J OTsino Rob" Pllrtlcelli Jllmu II, Peesi Jason R. Pero



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Richerd Pelschle, J~meJ


Roberl L PIgeon JohJ'I J Pluck Brien J Podttmann Jason F PoIter Ed"ard R Pr~to",~' Domel A. Rako... ~' John B Ibondauo

Patrick J. Randle~ Brian N, R~ John J. Rider Malthew D. Rivera Chrlstilin T. Rocda RIcardo ROJa~ Sean Roklta Gregory M. Roman Matthew F, Romano

J, Roscioll C. RUloMk John R RU~50 Joseph C. RUUl MIChael J. SlIldulh Fr~nk



A SlIrllCltlO RIcMrd 8. Sc... Christopher A Schell Chnstopher A. Schmidt

Ch,i. C. Schmidt Kevin P Schmidt John M Schuklen Robell E. Sciascia Kevin M, Scully Andrew ScuIII William M Seifert Brian P Shannon William J Shepherd

E. ShetidlJn Jamn D, Sigmund Joseph P Sigmund R~IQ SlIh Kellh A Sink MM;~ SinopolI DoHm SKul~ky Cr~og T Smllh SlepoMn Mo, Solley


N William Spearing ThorTl3s J. Stack Chris L Stark Chad G. Stowe Stephen T, Strelblg Stephen Strhecker James B Summerill Jefftl'y Tlmlnsk, Keith C. Torntlta



Carlos J. Torres John W Tfll!ner Rylln P Tyrrell Robert e Valentine Chr!stophel' Valerio N!ck l. VlIrllno M!ch&el C. Vile W M D Vile Junod Fred G. Vogi

Jerry L Volpe M.IIltMw F Wlld'Ow$ki Jon Willhelm

John J, Walk", Dan~ Walls James E. Walton Stephen A, Wrtnllch Jeronw: C Wenu Leo J Wes060wslu

Gerllrd M wtute John P. White MtCh&eI E. Wilkin Joseph 1\ William5(ltl

Thomas J WiI!lOfl Sc:OIl C. Wimmer

Stephen G. YlIlclllll Ryan e, Young James ZlImtCh~11

Eric Zeml11s JlImal D Allen (Photo Received llIte)

j 108





Phllhp "hn M!llc Aml1'l!lturo Mall!le.... Anastasi John Anlsko A M<'IU!le.... Arbogast John R. Archei Mu:l\ael F. B-Crt, MICI\aeI Bacica Robert F Barth

Delek Bemu. \ltn«nl G. BLlotney

JoIm_ Wilham o. Bot! Mantle.... R Boyd J!lrnes Brandl David Bransfield Demel Brown MIChael Brusca

leo Burke MICI\aeI B Burns Jeffrey C. Burrel JoNINon Byrnes Alvin Cab!lto T.mothy Callalwln Joshua Carlino Joseph Carrello Raymond Casale

Joseph Cieplinskl Chris Cit'lOO Douglas B Clarke Jay Patfick Cody DanIel Collins Flank Conti Stephen Cook Francis Corcoran SlwIwn C. Corrigan

Ge,ald Casehi An(lIew Conant: John Co)'1e Thoma. N Craig Blandon CrawfOld Geoffrey Cfa .... ford A Robert C'UZ MIChael O-OralJO John DaJOO.... slu

Denru. Dale)' Timothy Daniel Joseph Degovann TI-nas Delisa Rotlrll Dempsey John T. Cloet>ley Ed..-ald Donovan

J!lmes M Downey


MIChael Doyle




V....oCent Duffy RIChard Doi'$O Jos.eph R. Everlll'lg

Donald Fagnon John FaUon W,lllIlm Fanell III B<ett 1"\. Fetel o.nltl File SlImuel S Filippi

PatrICk Finney Jos,eph fleming Joitph E. Flynn John Frey Roger Frlsarlo Dominic Fulginiti Colin Gallagher Denlel P GlIliagher Patllck GlI11agher

David B GIothman Ste\len Gdo..,k Taylor Girueczki (ftgory CMullllno Seth Gonuam John S Gorman Walter A GreIner Chnstophe, Gliffin B.rllln Griffith

Mark A. GIbbons Denlel Gro5tCk Gary J Guarnaccia Maximo M Guevera Francis Haas Glenn E. Hllas Scott T Hagelin Son H&ggerty ScOIl Halstead

ShIr.." 1"\ HalT1ng101'l Shekht'r R. Hath, Stephen Herrera Scott HlCke Sean J. Hipp ehalles HlIs.hbuhl OIe.a tioI'blI<:he:vsky John R Hofnick MIr,k J I10uck



Charles J, Hubbard Bre.mn M. Hylllnd Justin Jllndrlsitz Mlchllel J Jennings Thomas J, jennings W,lllam J, Jones MIChael Joyce MIChael J Jugler

JIIMln KlIberrl.lbolls Adam G. K~rr Ed..... rd P KI~rn.n C"'rlef; J, King Chns K.lplIllick Keith E. KreiovlCh Keith W lApp Mer","n lAu Andl~"" 1'1 lA..-,ence

Steven M llIwMln OlIn R. Leader Deline R Leader Timothy J Lennon OlInlel II. Lewis Donllid G. Llebsch Jonn E, link Joseph p, Logan Chrlstilln Lopel

Ronald G Lopll Ed.... ~.d 1'1 Louk~ IIthe.lon Lo... ry Mldlll~l



Stephen B Lynch MlCh6eI II MlIfgo T ~fJ~nce MlIlone .bImes f. MlIIooey Ry.n M MlInmng

Joseph MlIrkmann Chrillopher MlIrtin Kevm Mllrzucco John MlllSmger Edward C. McComb Qelllid McCormac John McCusker Bllan McDermott Timothy McDonald

Br..n 1'\cNllmara Chnstopheo Medillno ShawnP ~~ Steven J Mlrch TIITlOthy MICSko JIomes P Miller Jeffrey M,net...t John 1'1, Mmruch James Mochelewskl



IIndrew MOfflsroe 111 Glenn Mulvllney Ed .... llrd II, Nllrke David N~ ....lck Khoi H, Nguyen William Nichols Gt!orge NICkels John F, Nugent Kevin T O'Hara

Michael J O'HlIrli David M O'Malley M~J,O'Marli

V!&dill'll! Odarchenko Frllocls X Osborne James M Plilmer Robert PlIl'Ulepflcker MIc~1 PlIrlldlse RlI'fliele PuqulIli

SnehlII R Plitel Gerlild Pliterson Crllig J. PflI5lIbene MarIO PerfettJ Brylln Perry MichiM:l PIcCIOne o.vid Piclulrd Thomas C. PIgeon louIS A Prete

Brilin M. Reilly Fnmk J, Remus Mlchllel Renli David A Repici Joseph D, Ricci MIchiM:l Roder JlImle Rodgefl George: ROfT\8I'lO Michael C, Ros.e

Rlnllido Rossi P"Hlck Rotondo Dllnlel J Rylln Mlirk SlIggese Art J, SlIl11111' B,yon S/lmlOn ChlIrles SlInlOfd Victor Senloro Mitchell SlIva





Kevin Schw~ch Pietro V ScoIll Amol N ShlIh Ojas N, Shah Rylln W ShllW Ronald Shepherd III JlIme. F SHvll

Peter Smopoll Chns 0 SmIth C~nqo~rks



Stephen Stacknouse Thornlls P Stein Jr MlChlIeI Stevenson Ed A Stlmmler Anthony Tonlel1l Joseph W TOfnllmbe

Geoffrey TlIlgemann MichRI F. Treacy Louis C. Tulia Clifton S. Tull RDI1llld E. Urbanski John P ValeOis Michael V,n Slone W Emory V,ndillef Michael Venner'

Demel VesilY Eric M. Voss Andrew J, W,Itace

Slephen M W,Us John W WetSI NorTTllln Wrish

KellIn WesolowskI n-nas c. Wesl Jltmes Wtckerwm



Demel Windflower WIII..m Witlhmp

"",nile"" "" Wright aen.. mtn V Wyche John J. Yurick Joseph Zucc~lIello




The long arm of the law, LaSlllie's trusty sergellnt hIlS been directing tr!lffic:: outside LIlSalie for yeer. Without him, Chelten· ham .......enue's trllffl<:: would be hectic::.

~ rI Satte: rI 'Pevzt 7~ e~"UUU~


ust 8S a good citizen both contributes to and re<:elves from his com-

munity, so does La Salle. Our hool Is a magnet to the children of the

surrounding area in the summertime. For a period of six weeks, beginning in June and funning through July, La Salle is the site of a recreational day camp. The program presents and recreational situations. Instruction in soccer for both beginning and experienced players is provided at the two ses·

sions of soccer camp held at La Salle. Also


ty in several ways. Our school's successful varisty football team had the privilege of playing its home games at Springfield High School's stadium. As always, students at La Salle are welcome to use the Springfield Public Library and its facilities. The Spring' field police have ~n very helpful in keep' ing an active presence at major school events. The assistance of Officer Edwards in directing the traffic is also appreciated very much at La Salle.

very important is the six week term of sum·

mer classes held at our school. These classes help prepare students for eighth and ninth grade Math and English. La Salle benefits from its position as a

respected part of the Springfield communi-


If you were to stop by the Sprlngfleld Township Free Library, after sc::hool you would find La Slllie students It.iIrd at work.

LaSalle's symbols are shown here on the front wall of the :school. This sign c::an be seen while drl ...lng by the :school on Cheltenham .... ve.

Here Is LaSalle's John Coscia re<:e;vlng his well deserved bllsketball award from LaSalle's principal Brother Robert Shea.

LaSalle, established on its present grounds In 1960, has" large<:llmpus Induellng a student parking lot.




The opening ceremonies to the CIImpus ministry center.

On De<:ember 6, 1988, Archbishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua, the Archbishop of Philadelphia made his first pastoral visit to LaSalle. He led the school community in the Celebration of the Eucharist which offi· cially concluded our 125th Anniversary year. The Archbishop then dedicated the new Campus Ministry Center. a gift to the school from the laSalle Mothers' Club. A highpoint of his visit was his open dis· cussion with some forty students. Arch· bishop Bevilacqua discussed various is' sues of the Church ranging from vocations, world peace. family life and some of the problems facing young people today. Senior Jim VanStone commented. "I thought he was very interesting and showed alot of care for the students. He


conveyed well his Christian life to the stu· dents.'" In his homily at Mass. the Archbishop stressed the need for all of us to overcome our fears by trusting in the Lord. by sharing our faith with one another. He picked up on the theme of the day: "Rejoice and be glad," and recognized that we have alot to rejoice in here at LaSalle. The Archbishop was genuinely impressed with the friendly atmosphere of all at LaSalle and he encour' aged us to keep up the good work. It was a memorable day for the LaSallian family. A day In which we truly proclaimed; "Live Jesus in our hearts, foreverf" The Bishop cheerfully ac' cepts his gift from La Salle.

The beginning of the end of the 125th celebration .

The reverence of the lord il obs.erve<! by 1111.

The Bllhop eagerly greetl some Iluclentl.

,,' •• .. ..:."









What you are ~ading Is not only a remembri!lnce of two semesters as laSalle. It is the result of countless hours and immeasurable effort put into the 1989 Blue (, Gold thi!lt made it what it Is. The entire Blue (, Gold staff spent eight months writing. shooting, typing, and i!Ir' ranging the book onto a workable form. However, because of the leadership of the editors, we attained not only a workable form, but an exemplary (there's that word i!Igaln) form.

Editor·in·Chief John Cusimano's energy and motivation can be matched by no one. He turned the most looming problems around and somehow everything came out okay. John's sense of humor frequently kept him from diving off the deep end and into the gutter. Editor Joe Norton's contrubition to the yearbook was felt by every member of the staff, since he seemed to be a part of just about all the yearbook departments. He also made the staff one of the largest in years by promising unsuspecting under' c1assmen a ride home, then "forgetting" them, and stranding them behind plies of work in the yearbook office. Copy Editor Matt KlJminski's job of unscrambling the thoughts and rearranging the words of the staff Wi!lS by no means easy. Even though the responsibility of maintaining the high standards of Blue (, Gold writing was high, rarely did an error slipp his I. Photo Editor Ed Subokow's job is often misunderstood. To supply the visual aids to


the yearbook was not his primary responsibility. His true assignment was to supply the staff with rei!llly weird pictures of facul· ty and students, to keep the spirits high.

Art Editor OlIn Bavuso set the tone of the yearbook with his very original idei!ls and sketches. Brian 'Ri!lphaef' Devine and Dave 'Goya' Devine were inspired. Typing Editor Pal McGarvey's dedica· tion to correcting and making the Copy leg· ible was essential to the Blue (, Gold. Known for his habit of tricking Layout Staffers into giving him a hand, Pat is a respected, it not infamous, member of the staff. Ed SclJrcelle has proven his" Magic Fin· gers" know no bounds. Not only do they pound the original organ during Masses, but they can also run a calculator. As Business Editor. Ed kept the cash flow in the positive direction.

Layout Editor Lou Mincarelfi's third year experience has largely benefited his huge, but primarily novice staff. Lou's never-end· ing quest lIgainst "trapped white space" is admired by all of his fans. This isn't to say Lou is 2111 work and no play. He knows where to draw the line between getting the job done and really having a good time. moderator; Mr. Nicoletti

Pat Me: Calvey and Den ChppneI finlsh lOme lllst

minute typing Bl..... and G:*;I



The 1969 Blue 11M Gold YelIrbook staff

Ditlgent lllyout SlIIH member sellrches Ihrough photos for his spl'ead

Jonn C. Cusimllno: Edi lor-ln-Chief 01 lhe 19a9 Blue lind Go'd

Ed Subokow Photo Edilor fOI the 1989 yellr· book


The Wisterian, LaSalle's student newspa· per and a time·honored tradition. has under· gone some minor modifications. However, despite these changes, the purpose of the Wisterian still remains the same. That pur· pose is to "inform the LaSalle community of news, activities and controversy." The changes were instituted by Editor·in· Chief Jerry D'Alterio and Editor Frank Am· muturo, along with moderator, Mr. William Geiger, in an attempt to keep the coverage as current as possible and also to increase stu· dent interest in and interaction with the pOI" per. In order to accomplish this, the editorials were made more current and more interest· ing, both on high school and national levels. Also, the "Leiters to the Editor" section was expanded to allow for more student reo sponse. Students were encouraged to reo spond to the editorials or to any other school matters which concerned them. "Wisre· views" was broadened, with the subjects of its reviews ranging from current films to rock concerts to the latest albums. Jn addition, the


staff of the Wi sterian conducted several polls around the school. Even with all of the excellent ideas and plans for the Wisterian, it could not have been possible without the dependable and dedicated staff. The staff included News Edi· tor Tom Gibbons, Features Editor Fran Mul· vey, Sports Editor Jeff Sink, Copy Editor Tim McMahon, Art Editor Mike Carey, Photo Editor Ed SUbokow, Entertainment Editor Rob Adamski. and Layout Editors Nick Ca' puto and Jason Zoto. Beyond the staff, there were many other reliable writers who are far too numerous to mention here. Once again the staff of the Wisterian had done an excellent job and they will continue to do the same for years to come because they are creating the Wisterian for all of La· Salle.

Gerry D· Alterio. Editor on chief. and Mr. Geigof. moderator. embrace one llnother llfter the delldlone is met•

Mr. Geiger, Moderlltol. compliments the stllff in the fine stories they Just hllnded In

Gerry D'Alteflo. EditOf In chief. enjoys his difficult

Job of geltlog stories In on time end putting In the long hOl.lfs Ilt herd

....ork Ed Subo.... ko .... Photo EdItor. checks his equipment to be sure to get the best qUllloty photos,




some copy enors ....lth Tim McMahon



7~ ,4a Saite ~ 7u

.L~ ~ ~

The Gazebo, La Salle's student¡run literary megllzine. is modereted by Mr, Michael O'Toole, The Gazebo provides a creative outlet for the student at La Salle, Through this annually published magllzine, a stu' dent can express himself and his views, serk>Uslyor humorously, in various form of

.La Satte

the written word, nlnging from poetry to short stories and essays. The Gazebo is a tradition al La Salle which will continue to enrich that school for many years to come. Surprizlngly enough, it is in its third decade of publication.






-. -, .




-:=- - --.~


.:' -~



A TREE, in the forest grows so tall. In the fall the colors change, And in the winter, it dies.

J. Cusiman






II His imag'matlon ' and d Are expressed . reams

. In the P lctures he draws And when he d'les' H

e shall live


Forever within them And ' . be f orever

With his dn!:ams.

J. Norton




Lri SriLLE ?fJ'RU?It 7~ t4eu «J4lI ~

What is the La Salle Forum? This is a commonly asked question by fellow 1lI Selle students who really do not understand their school's fine forensics program. It is La Salle's speech end debate club, but so much more. Onder the supreme guidance of Br. Charles Mrozinski 2lnd Sr. Robert Wllsblllch. and with the help of Mr. Victor Gavin. the forum competes almost weekly in about 10 different events. Senior Jerry

Fetcher. President. leads the 40 member team with the help of Paul Lalley, Vice-

President, and Doug Staudmeister, Secretary. Many think the forensics learn is all speech and debate. However, the range of events runs from Cross·Examlnatlon to Stu' dent Congress. Other events include Ora-



malic Interpretation, Extemporaneous Speaking, and Original Oratory. A bIg plus for the Forum is the excur' sions taken, traveling as far as Denver, Atlanta, Boston, and New York. The team also travels in the areas of Scranton and Balti· more, as well as others. The tournaments are held almost weekly, both locally and nationally. But, It is the people who make the Forum what it is. Almost all the members, though their views mllY not always coincide, get along lind grow together. There really is a "family" atmosphere within the LA SAlle forum, another plus for an already "A+" organization.

Brotker Roberl. 0 Stlludmeisler. lind R Ba,berlllce prepare themselves for lin upcomIng debate


L. S.11e"' Junior Varslly

Speech and Debotes


Junior Doug SUludmdJ' ter shares his forensIc

knowledge with fruh· ITIIIn Tom West

Brother Robert behind the scene


,' • "

La Salle's Varsity Speech and DeblIles


This was one of the most exciting seasons that LaSalle has had in a long time. Within the first week of school LaSalle's theatre had its auditions for the fall production of one day in the Life of Ivan Deni· sovich. Under the direction of Colleen Dur· ken Lapowsky, this play was meant to be a workshop for the actors, the stage crew and production staff as it showed the stu· dents many of the different facets of the theatre. Actors Drew McAuliffe, Philip Keidel, Derek Zardus and James McNamee bene· fitted from this workshop. By portraying a characher they developed a greater under· standing of what a concentration camp is and the rules that the prisoners had to live by in a more detailed way. The stage was a Russian prison camp bunk room. The bunk beds were scattered in the room. Mrs. Lapowsky wanted a sim· pie stage so that people could feel the full


effect of the actors. This show was shown on the last weekend of October and the play drew a good sized crowd. With the ending of this show, the production managers. Christopher Farrell, John Cochrane and Michael Pocreca were hard at work preparing for the spring musical. The mystery of Edwin Drood. a novel begun by Charles Dickens, was completed by composer Rupert Holmes as a solve it yourself mystery. Auditions for the show were in December. Over sev· enty people tried out but there was only room enough for a cast of thirty. Francis Prisco, Philip Keidel, Derek Zardus, Robin Campbell and Jill Diuzio walked away from the auditions with the leads of the show. Beginning in January, the stage man· ager Eric Chesna and the stage crew be· gan extensive work building the set for the extravagant March musical.



The 1968·1989 school year has been very busy for the band. With the traveling to the rn21ny feeder schools In the area or the

boost, caress, or excite the spIrits of every

events back home such 85 the NHS Induc'

Salle Band always expressed the La Salle spirit with the enthusiasm and skill in their music. Once again the Band has come through for La Salle.

tion Cerimony or the La Salle football

games or even the Father/Son Banquet. the La &Il1e BlInd has always been there 10

Working h •• d .1 their

pIo,. .


soul within a sounds reach. Under the skill, ful direction of Mr. C (Clcclmaro) the La

Tony IwII the rhythm

Solid sounds from the N:Il IeCllon

SIeve plays j.Buy sounds

Something specilll to lhe occasion



.4a Satte ?1ttU'U ekt~ ~

';iYUH4& iU< ~""' "lIIe Z'a-e

This was one of the best years in La Salle's mixer history. The first mixer was held on September 30. Many boys from La Salle and girls from all of the academies

participated in this event. Everyone appeared to have a good time. The student

council sponsored its second mixer on January 28 with a new idelll: they decided that



they would ask Senior Mike Howe's band, "The Bedspins" to play 1'1 this mixer. As the mIxer was a success. this unique idea will be considered in the future. The good fortune of La Salle's mixers lire attributed to the highly dedicated Student Council and their Moderator Mr. Gabriel Blanco.


The Art Club is one of the most diverse clubs at La Salle due to the fact that they contribute to every other club at La Salle. Helping the NHS at the Open House by designing signs, helping yearbook with their lIrt work and working on the scenery for the play. the Art Club always seems to paint there mark on La Salle. With the need ever evident, the Art Club has demonstrated

The members of the 1988-89 aft club. mode" ated by Mrs. Me Govern,

Jim Wenu prepafes his pa\ntlng techniques.

many times over the spirit which is uniqu~ Iy La Salle·s. With president Matt Gallllger, Vice President Brian McManus, Secre· tary Joseph Norton, and Moderator Mrs. McGovern, the Art Club is based on the unique talents of each individual. Hopeful' Iy, the Art Club will remain one of the most respected clubs at La Salle.

Pllinling 10 llchie~e his ,."

In the middle is Ihe presi· denl Mllllhe\l/ GllUllgher,


Nt Club membel wOIks

M C, Escher'. picture

hllld OIl his nut Plo;ect

'DrllWlng Hands· 15 one 01 the mllny fllm(lUS pic tur6 Itl the 8n room


The Photo Club at La Salle has been very popular llmong the students for many yellrs. This year the Photo Club not only stressed the fundllmentals of picture tak¡ ing, but stressed dark room techniques. Students were trellted to free film lessons



by moderator, Mr. William Geiger. Much of the work that the members of the club do in the Photo Club can be seen irrschool publications like the Wls, and the Yearbook. The Photo Club is lin asset to the Lll Salle community.

S,,4,'D,'D, Under the guidance of moderlltor Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak, LaSalle's Chapter of Students Against Drunk Driving has

proved itself a force in the LaSallilln Community. Through students' exam· pies and public announcements, the members of S.A.D.D. have relayed theif message that drinking and driving don't mix. President Tim McMahon. VicePresident Doug Cooper and Treasurer Greg Ryan have helped 10 convey

S.A.D.D.'s ideas and increase the school's awareness of this Important ethical issue. The trio hopes to continue

in this pursuit through publicity at school functions and S.A.D.D. aware' ness weeks held before ChristmllS and in the springtime. The members of S.A.D.D. don't condone

drinking. They understand that their peers have made their first mistake by taking a drink. S,A.D.D. members try to prevent their fellow students from making a second mistake and getting behind the wheel of a car. With such enthuslas· tic membership, the officers are certain that their goals for this year will be suc' cessfuland that these goals will carryon to the many years ahead for the organi· zation.


~iors Joe Norlon an<! President MIke Carey di.· cuss the current competition.

8:30 Saturday morning, a time when most sane people are in bed, the La Salle Mllthietes meet at La Salle to travel to the host school of that months Math competi· tion. Coached by Dr. James Bradley and led by president Mike Carey, vice president Pat Cunanic. and secretary Dan Putro, the Mathletes battle vigorously in the greater Philadelphia Math League against sHang schools like Friends Central, Cheltenham, and Penn Charter. The meet starts by gorg· lng on donuts and organge juice to stimu· late the brain and then the math gladiators battle against sin's arc cos's sotans and secants. After three hours on intense compe' tltlon the mathtetes return to La Salle ready to do it IIgain all over next month. The 1988·89 Mathlete. member •.


Members go over practice sheets .... hlle a.... alt· iog their specific evenL


Carey. of this years



etJ?1t?1tu?t'l711 S & i!<'P'l e & etJi!<';:'s esc

The students of contribute to the development of the community around us whether it be within the retirement communllyor the helping of another stu' dent in Math or learning how to swim.

The esc with its moderlltor. Mr. Puntle.

and city representlllive Carlos Sanchez, has


8 dominate force in the demon-

stration of the spirit of La Sane. With the continued efforts of the students and of, ficers, the UI Salle chllpter of the esc will continue for many years down the


A CS.C ... oI... nl_ helps put II wnile on the fece of ooe 01 thoe c:htldren 10





lend II

offl<:ers IIt-

m~tlng lit

do'wnlown office


JIm and fello .... C.SC. member lend their tal ents to operation swim

ChriS lends a hand to help out in operation s.... lm.



Phil ~lps k~p thIngs un de, COI'lt'ol In the pool

Chris s~ks .....,th a few young ladles about Oper allOn SWIm

Vic.:e Pre.ldent C.,lo. Sllncnez givt$ • bulhanl onthon .1 1M CSC COIl" f~~

BrWIn happily penes out c.ndy car>el duung OpelallOfl Incentive

Anxious children sit IlrOl,lnd the pool waiting for the commencement of Operation Swim.

Paul tutored mllny chilo dren in mlllhemiltics lifter school On Tues路 dllys.

John Bllng assists In the edoclltion of this student III Holy Fllmlly.

These four officers were honored III Ihe con路 vention.




Under the direction of Paetrus Banmlller, President, and Vice-Presidents, Lou McCor· mick and Joseph Mc Donald, the Student Council has continued making the La Salle experience more enjoyable for the students. During the past year the Council revived the "Attack Pack", which attends all sport· ing events and promotes school spirit. The Council also started a recycling program for The Lll 5.ll1l111n Fllmlly feeling.


cans in the cafeteria to raise money for the Senior Prom. The mixers and dances have been enormously successful and were wide· Iy attended by the students. The Spirit Week activities and Pep Rally encouraged spirit and pride in the school. The Student Council is an important school activity because it gives students an opportunity a chance to shape the way school is run.

The WlIrm lind fr~ly LII Salle IIlmo5pl>ll!re Wll5 fell by our Arehbi5hop.

MIke MeDonllId Is _i-

OUS lind truthful in his .~d

"We ,,,e your rl"lIdy 11M wlillng sludl"nl Il"llders'"



ArchbQ.hQ9 Bl"v;llK:qu.. Brother Robert. and hill!

Banm,l!er stand proodly together



The NlItionlll Honor Society is a group of motivated and tlliented students, who indio vidually involve themselves in all areas of the LaSalle community. Members are in' volved in sports and clubs within the school as well as in the community, In addition to their extra·curricular involvement, members have excelled in their llclldemic endeavors. Applications to the NHS are taken from ju' niors and seniors in the fall of each year. A 3.5 grade point average and involvement in several activities are the basic requirements for members. Students in the NHS are required to exhibit the qualities of character, scholarship, leadership and service. The fac· ulty reviews the applications and selects new members, who are Inducted into the society at a formal Induction ceremony in January.


Obligations of NHS members include helping out at various events here at laSalle such as ushering at Back to School Night. Open House, the Entrance Exam and Freshman Relgstration. Members lliso tutor other stu· dents during their free periods, on a regulllr basis. This year's NHS, under the direction of Bro. David Rogers, the moderator and Mrs. Clare Brown, assistant moderator and tutoring prO' gram coordinator, was led by President Joe Hohenleitner, Vice·President P.!Iul Guiliano, Treasurer Joe McDonald, and Secretary Da· vid Wallace. The new NHS inductees calmly p<oc::ess 10 IMir $ellIS

The 198889 NatIonal HOOOf Soclety members.

Oilve Walloce IIghls the ceremonial candles al lhe NHS Indocllon cere~y.

Behind Ihe lints - a HS lulOflrlQ ~sion.

NHS offO<:I!'s J, Hohen· leilr>er, D, Wlliloce. J. Me Donald. lind P Guiliano stand III auenllOll


7~& 7r17~&;e/S()1t

â‚Źrl1t2U&7 The Father/Son Banquet again this year offered us a feeling of unity between the father and the son. The guest speaker, Mr. Hendrick, an astronaut at NASA entertained us with stories of being in space. There was just a basic atmosphere of enjoy'

ment. This event helps incoming Freshmen a



chance to adopt to the La Sallian ways and

ideals. It gives the Sophomores a chance to get out of the house. The juniors go to let their fathe(s know how much they care about school. And the Seniors? They see it as the last chance to be at this great event until they have sons of their own.

7JttJ7~E;es e~U€ 7k ?/to?lt5


The Mother's Club. moderlll~ by Brother fred Stelmach. F.S.C.. is an integral part of the community at laSalle. The forty-two women, along with other volunteers. who comprise the &ard of the Mothers' Club readily and unselfishly sacrifice their valu-

able time and energy in order to benefit the entire LaSaliian community. At each of the monthly meelings. these devoted and hard-working ladies begin to

organize the upcoming events, in addition to placing the finishing touches on their current projects. These events range from the vlIriou$ s0cial affairs to the large and complex fund, raisers. Some of these include the Fresh· man Mothers' Tea Party, the Fashion


Show, the Poinsettia Sale, the Christmas PlItty, and the Community Dinner. Perhaps the most celebrated event is the annual "LaSale" Auction, organized in conjunction with the Fathers' Club, which always proves to be a great success. The Mothers' Club donates all of the prof' its to the school. In honor of laSalle's l25th Anniversary, they helped to fund the con· struction of the new Campus Ministry Cen· ter and Chapel. On December 6. 1966, this new Center was blessed by the Archbishop of Philadelphia, Anthony Bevilacqua. The dedication and willing service of the women in the Mothers' Club is truly an indication to us all about the true spirit of la· Salle.




Brother Henry. orgemzer of the retreats

.4a SatftaH, ieetuaU SfWUt«4l tJ~ I-At a time when pressures lire the highest in the life of the college-bound student. the

Senior Retreat was a welcome opportunity to reJ1eve the tensions he fllces and re-evalu· ate his decisions with a more focused mind. On the overnight trip to Malvern the retreat focused on reflection on the past to help us better understand the present. It included prayer, discussion. journal writing, medita-

tion, and friend-dependency exercises. It was the lasl retreat for the seniors as a group lind therefore the most important. It was the final of a series of self-.evaluations ~si9ned

to make the laSalle student the

strongest he can be in the world ouls}de of 8605 Cheltenham Avenue.

Following the six overnight Senior Retreats at Malvern in September I the Junior Sophomore, and Freshman retreats were conducted by Brother Henry and Father Janton in the new school Chapel - Cam' pus Ministry Center. This year, the under' class retreats were held in half·homeroom size of sixteen students ellch. Two-thirds of


the Senior class (some 128 Seniors) assist· ed with the Freshman and Sophomore reo treats as small group leaders. The focus of the retreats was "life" and "alive fully," based on the words of St. John about Jesus: "I came to bring you life, and life to the full" "I lim the way and the truth and the life." Through one'On'One dialogue, discus· sion, reflection, prayer, scripture, group sharing journlll writing, presentations, and liturgy, students reflected upon their lives - past, and present, and future, and their relationship with themselves, others, and God. The retreats helped students feel more at ease with themselves and each other in a family atmosphere which fostered individuality and the freedom to express it. Through the experience of the retreats, stu' dents discovered that they were not 1I10ne in their individual fears, hopes, and aspirations. Father Jenton leeds the player during the Holy Euc:herisl.

Brother Henry el'ld Fe ther Jal'ltoo c:ollectthe In tensioos of elIc:h student.

Studenls preying during MilSS



Geltlng ready to &efve.


Racquetball La Salle's Way of Introducing Friends laSalle's Racquetball Club. now in its fifth year of existence, is becoming a popu' lar activity with the students. The racquet· ball club leaves school every Tuesday lind Thursday to ready themselves for yet an' The competition Is


Out for lin IIfternoon of fun.

other dey of friendly rivalry. The modera· tor, Bro. James Rieck, is very enthuslastlc about the club and is pleased by the tur' nouts. Because of the large turnouts, Lll' Salle has even purchased racquets for the students' use. Whether you're an exper· ienced player or a novice, you're guaran· teed to have fun.


When November rolls around and the first snowflake hits the ground, some pI!O" pit! gel angry. kids art! happy, and the La¡ Salle Ski Club gets exdlt!d. Whether it Is a weekend up at Killington or a day trip up in T.klfl9. resl before going down lhe slope



the Poconos, there is plenty of fun for evt!ryone. Moderatt!d by Mr. Robert RUSSl!Il, tht! ski club is OOI! of tht! most popular clubs in Iht! school. Wht!tht!r you art! a beginner or an t!x~rt. tht! ski club is enjoyablt! for all.

The La Selle Ski Club


the .... ~r of it all


Ready 10 loll


Stoppmg 10 check the slope$ !)e. fOflP:

moving onward


.1aSatte 8~



Imagin~. Transporting yourself SO, 80, 100 mil~s under your own power. Hurling yourself down a hill at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour with the wind directly in your face and less than an inch of lire canne<:ting you to the road. Your legs burning, pumping. propelling you forward. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle knows. to a cer'

tain extent, these feelings. The members of the 1988·1989 LaSlllle Bike Club, however, experienced them all. Under the direction of moderator Brother Joseph Myers. F.$.C., who planned every aspect of each full-d8Y trip, the bike club achieved its ~I of completing 8 century ride, as well £IS several treks of lesser dis' tances. The cyclists do tllke their rides seriously. With this kind of attitude and continued excellent leadership from Brother Joe, maybe next year the bike club can look forward to a double-century.

Reflu/.lor.: !'Iell

....nhe••, Rob Donahue. Cirri. Bradley• • lId Ed Slimm/er led the ••y .


'B,S,U, Beginning its second year of existence In La Salle. the La Salle Black Student Union continues to bring to La SlIl1e friendship !lnd companionship through the hard work of its members. The members represent a real cross section of dedication at La Salle.

Jason Weems became the President. Kylle Costello l!Ind Dllmon Levine became tht: Vice-presidents with Mr. Parisi and Mr. Turner 85 moderators. Together with the rest of members, these students and faculty leaders have helped to keep the 8.S.U.

alive and well. The school environment is enriched cui· turally by the club's m"jor projects. As a

result of these past months, the 8.S.U. coo· tinues to develop and expand Its dedication.




Coming off of a dismal 3·7 M!ason, the little explorers astonished the Catholic Lea· fue Northern Division this past season. Before the season had even started, local pa' pers were giving the team little chance to succeed in the traditionally tough league. In mid·August the team set out for Camp Canadensis to prove the critics wrong. Playing ex· ceptionZilly well in their two preseason contests, they were well prepared to face North Catholic, their first league 0PPo' nent Although Coach Colistre could not be at the game due to an iII~5S, the team pulled off a con· vincing 21·0 shut out. Proving that the Hrst game was no fluke, the Explorers went on to crush Upper Dublin, Arch· bishop Wood and Bishop Kenrick by a score of 76·17. In the following two games quarterback, Jack Stanczak ted LaSalle to exciting come-from'behind, last minute victories against Father Judge and Cardinal Dougherty. The next game. dubbed "Game of the Decade," pitted the undefeated Exploreers against previously unbeated Archbishop Ryan, Running behind the dependable offensive line, led by center Joe McDonald, fullback Carl Mattia scored the game's only two touchdowns end laSalle clinched it's first ever playoff

spot. The Explorers then defeated cross' town rival and defending Catholic League Champion, Bishop McDevitt. laSalle fin· ished a perfect 9-0 regular season by sound' Iy defeating Bishop Egan by the score of 15{) behind an impenetratable defense led by seniors Marc Borrelll, Brian Vesey, Dave Kratz and Ed Weber. Bouncing back from a disappointing play' off loss to Bishop Egan, the team displayed pride and determination by defeating St. Joes Prep In a classing Thanksgiving Day matchup. After a spectacular 101 season, Arst Team All· Catholic honors were awarded to Marc Borrelli, Brian Vesey and Jack I Stanczak, who was also named the League's most valuable player. Second Team honors went to offensive lineman Joe McDonald. Matt Rossllnese and Ryan Marsh. Honorable Mention AlI·Catholics were Carl Mattia, Ed Weber. Dave Kraz, Dave Bimto and Martin Feeny. This year's team has reinstated the winning tradition of laSalle football and the team is confident that their hard work will not be forgotten. The seniors of this years team wish all the future teams the best of luck in carrying on this newly established winning tradition.


Bob Relnhllrt. Olive Belcer, lind John Mllher help Marc Borelli off the field lifter lin Injury dur lng Ihe Thllnlllglving

CQKh Collstrllllnd Anis' tllnl COIIch SI~n IIIong with Huback llnlllyze the

Dey Came

E.. plofers· perforffilloce.

Junior, Jerry Rock divn for II SUlnallk throw

Jim Convey ce4dlr1ll6 II suc«ssful tlKkle lIglIinst ....rchbishop Rylln.


the coeches are ft'IC;QUr" the learn an the




Senior Tony COSlenl kM::kltlg a scMid foeld p i hom lhe hend$ of Jurnor Chr'$ Mauorlla




r; f




sj{ M


., ,

Jim Convey lllku out the prep', qUllrterbllck


Junior John $k)"'..c:k ~ts

hIS fOCI' examined after suffering an lnjuly &gIIm" Bl$hop Egan beIng examined by BU~II Hoffrr\illn, athletic tUIlI'Ioer

for the Eaploters.

Senior Mati



junior Ryan 1"Iar$h take. fl:St lifter lin e.hau$lU'19 third qUlIller Ilg11lnst Ryan.



laSalle's soccer team, coached for the second year by Mr. Bob Peffle, began the season with a good idea of the difficulties in competing in the Northern Division of the Catholic League. Howev, er, strong defensive play and depth in the midfield positions kept the Explorers' competitive against even nationally ranked opponents. This year's team did not have a consistent scoring threat and the Explorers' inability to put the ball in the net cost the team games in which they dominated play. The team's lack of offensive power enabled its opponents 10 put more pres' sure on LaSalle's goal' tender and the rest of the defense. Games decided by one goal are, in most cases, the toughest to lose; LaSalle hl!ld more than its share of those games this year. The team finished with a 4,8,4 league record and a 7·9·4 record overall. This year. the soccer team showed good work habits and strong determinlltion to be successful. Hopefully, next year, LaSalle's climb in the ranks of the Catholic League will be continued. The J.Y. and Freshman


teams both had successful seasons, finishing 13·4 and 9-2·1 respectively. With a l.uge group of experienced players returning and several talented underclassmen ready for varsity pilly, the Explor' ers' hopes for the next season are high.


• .'

VINCE UNUS being tlmlcl. .


just goongovel

t~ basics

Jeff P~k Is prllClkl1'lQ lIOtTle golll~ drills befOl'e t~ 9llme

LA SALLE on the .!tack

COlIch Is pllliently WillI

I" "'odrew Shire giving 1111 h~




Doing wmolevef II lakes tOgel (he ball away from lhe OIher leam

The 198&1969 Fleshman Team

PUlling (he pressure on (he goalie Chuck Gesing walchlng Jeff P~k stop II goal



e'UJUe~ i1i!-'"-9


~ '" ~


1988 proved to be a fine sellson for La Salle's Cross Country team. Under the direction of Mr. Pat Devine and Mr. Ed


McCabe this young team was able to post a 23路5 mark during the Catholic league sea路

ners: juniors Brian Devine and Chris Ruser. and sophomore Kevin Scully. With returning varsity runners like Brian Waering, Chris Norris, Ed Miehle, and the promise that other runners like Chris Mtltthews, Brian Mc:Manue, Dan Keenan, Dave Devine, John Murphy, Chris Hitty, Brian Carr, Dan Kim, and freshmen Jim Downey, next years' team should be in 8 position to contend for thl! Championship.


The team was led by senior Co-Captains Joe Hohenleitner lind Kytie CosteJloand the other seniors, Dan Bavuso, Pliul Giuliano, and Tim McMahon leant their experience to

the team.

Although the team had a strong regular season, the Versity finished



6th in the Championships at Belmont Pia' teau. Thejunlor Varsity finished 4th and the Freshmen team fared well with a 5th pllJce

One bright spot for next year is that it will have the talents of three AI1<:atholic run-

The tetlm huddles together to hear the wise words coming from COollch Dl!vlne's lips,

Anal1)', the An.sh Une.


A runner mUlt concen' lIale ",hUe running. OJ he mllY be dlltrllCled by something along the p11lh lind Iuffe' an Injury.

The poin ,eally lIarts 10 atl in at the home stretch and a runner nas to dig deep #of

anylhing he can




LaSalle can credit their best Fall Crew season yet to their determined coaches and their dedicated young oarsmen. This sea' son could not have been so successful if it were not for the novice oarsmen who were led by many outstanding seniors and coxs' wains. The crew's drive to win was shown in the many rigorous races of the fall sea· son. The Vllrsity·Elght boltsted many fine performances including the Head of the Charles and the Head of the Connecticut. Their most outstanding performllnce had to be the Head of the Schuylkill where the field SenIOt MIke Goodyur IS al ....ays first In e.ample


consisted of mainly college teams. The teem came in se<:ond place only to Penn. Hopefully this fall season was only a foreshadowing of what will come in the spring. The Varsity·Eight finished off the season on a good note by winning gold medals in their last two reces. The novices also showed some hope by winning their race in the Head of the Connecticut. Maybe this fall season opened the door to laSalle's road to victory.

If, alwaysgood 10 take a brl!illlher once in a while

rowers strllin for the fin路 ish line

the man's just po'lller hungry



~aSatte S~~e4 '1fIu.~ ~ Take Z'rTI&n and Fudge, and combine them with Peewee. Barney, and Joc;k.();

add a Kormonster. an Oaf. a Reptile. a Slacker, and some $cull Bones: mix it with some ChubbllS. Torres.

Torpedos. Bionic Men, Md some old beat-up F02l' gies - declare it Idler Day lind what do you have? Complete chaos. However, when the new coach

Jay Platt takes command of this chaotic crowd. they metamorphosize

lnlo a championship hungry team of winners. The '89 swimming team holds a common QOllI, "Beat St. Joe's and win the championships."


Iattte u.

~ U4

This is the best team in many years for

laSalle. and its goals easily become reali· ties. Coming off a


championship year

in '88. co-captain Brian Hogan and returning AU-Catholics Bnmdon Ginieczki, Chris Shalleur, Steve Brennan, Bill Rothenbach. and Jack Pitts '~ad this y~ar's team in the annual battl~ verses the Prep. In prepara' tion, swimmers commit about three hours a day to workouts Including morning ses· sions before school - some even workout elsewhere in addition to the laSalle practices. This kind of serious dedication Gnd determination is keyed toward m<!lking "La' Salle" <!I feared word in theC<!Itholic League.

Ready to rock

lighllng quic:k refle..es

mlI~ John


tllklng the stllt$.





spring off thoe


Chlls Schllileur In deep concentration

The La Sen Ion Ted Shields, Chlls Idler, Jack Pltts, Brian Hogan, Brlln' don Glnleczkl. lind Steve Brennan.

""lliling patienlly fa< the


Jack Pans show.ng how

T"9 up .nothel' viellX)'

It's done



-. •




As the 68·89 basketb~1I se~son unfolded, one of their performances. were high for ~ successful se~' As the team ventured down to Dougherty son. The teams' motiv~tion was to avenge the for the final game of the 88-89 season you pl~yoff loss to North C~tho1ic last March and could feel the intensity as it pierced through to prove to the Catholic the halls of the school. It so League that they are a team happens that the Explorers' to be reckoned with. hard work had paid and they Throughout the year, the ExprevaIled to a victory captur' plorers displayed a diverse Ing first place. style of play that depended on a tremendous amount of effort from every member in order to be effective. Coach Jackson's melodi· ous tones inspired intensity at ~11 times, generating 110% team cooperation both men' tally and physically, The three team captains: Brian Reilly, Jack Stanczak and Mark Fitzgerald exemplified true leadership throughout the program, instilling in the upcoming underclassman a drive and determination for future success. As the team entered Northern Division Play, they rolled through the first half of the season with an amazing 7·1 record. These perfor' mances continued game after game and was only a preview of what was to come. When the second half of the season arrived we witnessed wars between La Salle, Dougher' ty and McDevitt which set the tone for the playoffs, As the playoffs approached the Ex' plorers had one feat to accomplish and that was to defeat If I ranked Cardinal Dougherty who had won a heartbreaker over La Salle earlier in the season. Since that loss the team seemed to pull closer together and they ere' ated a special bond that was evident in every


The fen, show lheir sup' port by being lhere fot' lhe tll!llm

Senior Mark Augereld !SC'ning up fot' lhe extre




5 w~ I"" the blIli aWlly ..," ~rty from tllrdll'llli Doug

Going for the llI)'up




La Satte s~ f4.

'l~ 7~ tk. IÂĽ ~ tk. jUte

The La Salle Winter Trllck Team is a team with & promising season this year. With seniors Paul Julll!lno, Joe Hohentilner,

and Kylle Costello, Ihe team raced with the enthusiasm of lllst year. The preparation for the Catholic League Championship was

payoff with the strong competition always challenging the team to do their best. With returning runners like Brien Waerlg. Ed Miele, Brian and Olive Devine, and Brilln McManus showing the leadership next

rigorous thanks to c<>Beh Pot Devine and

yellT, the Le &llIe indoor track tellm will i!Igain be II threat within the (lithal1c

Bro. Olive Rogers. However, it seemed to




Kylle Costello 9"lnlng hIs aec---' wInd. ..... ....

Ready 10 _ r to the lop

The La Salle heavy men: Jot McDoneld, Tim Wardel ,-, Martin F~y , " Hugging that curve!



1ee~~ S~IU«) 7~ 1<149 t6 La Salle's Jee Hockey Club did well con· sidering it's newly acquired Varsity position. All the fans at the games SlIW many hard fought battles against much more ex'

tk ';«&«Ize

high hopes for next year because of the great wealth of underclassmen tlilent such

as the evtr steedy defense and goal scoring

Rllhn, Jack McGroarty and All-Stars Foster Garrison and Captain Junior Chris Ruser,

of Mike Donnelly. the high scoring of center Ray McKenzje lIS well as one of the best defensive forwards in the league in J,V. Captain Chris Swanson. There are still high expectations for the playoff bound J.V.


team as well as for the 1989-90 season.

perienced foes. The team, led by Seniors Mike Craig, Robe:rt Dick, Mike Erra, Colin


growthful season. There are

't ./





--.. 191

7~& .4;1 S;I.4.4& t/;lS&t/;I.4.4 S1?t9&il:S

;e~ t6~d,e The 1989 LA SALLE BASEBALL TEAM

returns Sill starters from the most success· ful team in the school's history. Not only did the Explorers win the Catholic League

crown, but they elso achieved the • I rank,

ing of the Phillidelphie Inquirer (over one hun' dred schools were con-

sidered.) Some of Ihe overall success could ~ attributed

to playing

on the best base:bllll fi~d in the area as the Explorers accumullli' ed an unblemished 8{) Ielligue record on Bartly Field.

Duplicating last year's success will prove to be a lough

task. but head cOZlch Mr. Joseph Parisi has

high hopes for this year's highly experienced team. Returning starters Include seniors Jack Stancz8k (pitcher - right field), Jeff Peek (center field), Bill Wetts (left field - I B), Ed Webber (catcher), Tony Cossettl (28) and junior Chris Massella (55). Other contributing per' formers will be needed from seniors Dave Getller (OF - 18). Dave Kratl (18), and juniors Jason Pennington (pitcher infielder), Chuck Malloy (pItcher). and Frank Sum' merill (C). Those assisting head coach Parisi on the varsity level will be Mr. Ted Smith, Mr. Walt Zege<::, as well as brother Tim Ahern. The JV coaches will be Mr. George Dir'lfli·

cola and Mr. Joe Tinneny. Coach Parisi summed up the team's outlook well when he said. "Our primary goal is to make the playoffs, and after making the playoffs only then do we have the opportunity of defendj ing our title."


.... Selle's cOllCh. MIke Rae. looks Intensl)' towards the mat Thlsls his second year of coaching La Selle

Senior T)'ler legl)' Faces otf lIQIllnsl his opponent from ClIIdlnat Dougher 'yo

Junlo. Mike O·Mllla warms up WIth the lest of h,s tetlmffillles before the stall of the ",.Ich llgainsl Dougherty_

Junior Gilbert tdhaw awaits the referee to blow the whistle to ~ start the match


~;eES7.4 '7 ?tt; ri

etd rid<we tk 'Rut

The 1988·89 LaSalle wrestling learn showed many promising signs. Senior cO"

captains Matt Szpindor and Tyler Zegley led the junior dominated team. Head coach Michael Rae returned for his second year with assistants Antho-

ny Stagliano and Tom Colsson. The wrestling team was composed of Mike

O'Meara (103). Gilbert Idhaw (112), Mike Hayes (119), Jamie Kemm (125), Mike

Darcy/Dan Crowe (130). Shawn Kerns (135). Tom Butler (140). Tyler Zegley (145), Brent Stanek

(152), (160), (171), Dave

Malt Szpindor Frank Powers Andy Rotondo/ DeMara (189),


and Mike Balej John Brackin (Hwt). The coach's outlook for next year's learn

is optimistic. The team should have len returning varsity juniors from this season. It is expected that next year's season will have a much improved team.


Vot"l9 fOf the pm.

C.rdlnal Dougherty gomg down fOf lhe count

Sophomore Tom ~mugglfos





to gel 10 hi. kOl!!l!!S .s his opponl!!flt IIII!!S to roll him over fOf.

Senior Tyler


Ilvold5 being pinned by hi5 opponent.



La Salle's 1989 Spring Crew has ~n working hard to change tradition. For far too long, La Salle's team has been satisfied with just being good - finishing behind arch rivals Holy Spirit H.S. and SI. Joseph's Prep. This year, a new work ethic has become evident, a desire to win that has moti' vated the members of the team to push themselves harder than they ever had be¡ fore. From the beginning of indoor workouts In early December, varsity coach Mr. Robert Reinhardt and lightweight and midweight coach, Mr. Anthony Stephanski, have put the experienced oarsman through a strenu' ous training program that combined


weightlifting and running. After reviewing the team's performance in ergometer and other strength testing, the coaches began working to put together the combinations of rowers that would make La Salle's boats move the fastest. Under the direction of head coach, Mr. Ken Shaw, this year's freshman and novice rowers began the try' ing but rewarding process of learning to row. La Salle' team will hllVe many chances to prove itself. The competing ~son begins with the second race of the Manny Flick series and will hopefully end with a strong showing in the S<::holastic Rowing Associ¡ ation Championships.


La Salle's Versity Tennis Team continued their tredition et excellence this year. Under second year cOGch Mr. Drew Stock¡ mal, they had another excellent ~50n and stand a good chance to win another Catholic League Title. Coach Stockmal, himself a great tennis player at his own, has done nothing but the best for this yeer's squad. With his strenu' ous workouts and drills, ell his players learn not only to play hard but also smart. With his experience In contributing to four Clitholic League Chllmplonships at La Salle, he provides the team with the winning 21Uitude neces5llry for a good team. Although the loss of last year's Seniors has hurt the team, they still retain their strong core of Varsity members; John



Bang, Robert Donahue, Ed HcMmes, Sean O'Donnell and Jason Ripka, This, plus the new upcoming underclllssmen talent, have helped create lInother winning season.


Anlslanl Mrs. Sayer walches oyer her players

Stretchlng bo<.


hit the ball

Preparing to IoeOd It back

oYer lhe net

Oetting prepared for





juSt ahead of the rest

llllnklOll is ~




key to sue-

BrOiOO Daye Rogers ITlOdri Ing his wislle

Paul GullllnO showing off hIS poce ~~.



7 ~ La SaNe 7'l4d ?It_

~ 4- ";iI1J;6


d¥ euut 4- ~

The 1988·1989 La Salle spring Track teem Is one of the most energetic if not enthusias-

tic teams at l.8 Salle. Literally running ev' erywhere. the La SllIlie track team practices

everyday both inside the weightroom as well

out on the track and around the area. With coaches Pat Devine,


John Frizalone. and Brother Dave Rogers.

the La Salle track lellrn is feared greatly within

the Catholic League. Coming back from a

strong season Illst year, the La Salle track team will once again prove to be a dominat-

ing force in the much deserved respect for the La Salle Explorers.


7';118 195'5'-195'9 tJ()~9 78,4?/t /I~_~e~. The La Salle Golf Team of 1987·1988 sur-

passed the expectations of even Its most fervent fans by romping to a 14{) ClItholic League Record and winning the league outright by 20 shots over

supposed competitors like Bishop McDevitt and Archbishop Ry"n. The

team boasted five All· Catholics including Senior George Petrellis, who WO$ Individual league

champion. The learn lost only three seniors, and it returns five senior letterwin~rs.

The 88-89 ver-

sion of the La Salle Oolf

team plans to continue chcmpionship Cl:Illber pll'lY·

LeadIng this year's team will be returning All·

Catholic seniors Keith Dicciani, Pete Willlamson, and Pete &nmllter along with Ted Heins and Philip Keidel. Juniors Joe Mooney will be joined by strong sophomore play from


James Maher, Dan Walls. and Joe Morris· sey. With these strong foundations, the team plans to guard Its 9th Pel title in 12 years under Brother AI lumley.

lining up fOf the


Oisculling the golf Ielllm's future

It's on lhe gr<'ell

Whoops,in !he !MInd trap




1(/& 'Dtm't eua«t t6 ~ , , ,

Throughout the year at UI Salle we received some new faculty members. Unfor'

tunately, we, the yearbook stllff. were unable to place them in the right page in time. No problem .. , we'll create another page for them! I guess it's another advantage of being an editor.



, , ,

Tim Wardle

Within the Illst year at La Salle, the year· book staff WI'S trying some new ideas which would improve the quality



of the book. We created this page in order to provide the space for some missed people.


Marc Adamucci: "Goochie, shoot the ball Goochie" "Where'd you get thai cow·hide swake!?" "Whitt's living in your sandwich today, Mooch?" "Gooch; smooch: mooch" Frank Amm!lturo: "Are you serious" "Th;,t's hurtin6" "I don', have II due:'

Stephen Bacica: "AII'right you!" "Smedgie"


John Bang: ''I'm hurtin', I'm really hurtin!" "I'll be alright. I got a hollow leg!" "Let's just be friends Alright. Not!" Pete Banmiller: "Junior Week '88" "Uh.

John. r believe the car is overheating" "I broke another dub" "elCpert skier" "No,

r don', believe in seatlbelts or stopsigns" "No seafood since Junior Week" Dave Baker; "Hey Chico. kick hirr again!" "Thor" "The Happy Viking" Dan Bavuso: "Mr Punters friend" "has

been kicked Oul of the library 1000 times" Matthew Beagle: "J.P. a Prep wanna be??" "old llsian proverb - Kiss "We can't have any of that" David Billlno: "I have nothing to declare but my own genius" "Lie to me, tell me you're 16" "Well, I was a little under the wellther; you know, Nyquil and cough syrup," "4 game all world" Chuck Bodner; "Chuckles B" "The more people I meet - " "I paid last week· end" "We did the Board of Health a favor by destroying this place!"

John Cochrane: "Thanks Mom llnd Dad" "Daddy, Daddy! Can I have every' thing?" "Whert~'s Chris?" "Come on now, Yous know it really does look better on me"

Brian Donnelly: The golden locks are out of control Sammy the seal. yes he's Sammy the seal

Matthew Collins: "EEEEEEEEK .,. thunk!" "laSalle's Ellsyrider" "I really hate white cars!" "Kitchen crowd" Courtney Connell: "the NOID did it" "Stickman" "Dtlncers do it on their toes" "I wanna got to racing schoon" Doug Cooper: "But you can reach me on the weekend at the Torres'" "flrefly" " , , , and a tone Samba falls helplessly to the ground:' "Head for the mountains" Michael Corcoran: "Corpse for Emper' or" "Ciao Babe!" "dog f., cat fight" Anthony Cosselli: "Hollywood" "loudy boys" "Look out for thai medial strip!" "you shouldn't have left the passenger door open!" Mike Craig: "Hey Beave, how's Wlllly?" "309 rllcing tellm" "tough guy" "No guys. the picture didn't come with the wllllet." Brilln Cronin: "The official model for the Brother Al haircut. "My car is one big radio with front wheel drive," "let's make a mess" AI Cunningham: "Jllk's love bug" "OK, the Kings won't go IInywhere" "Who are the Flyers playing tonight?" Tim Curren: "Pastels per squere inch (PPI)" "halkut" "PiHty at Tim's house, llnyone coming?" "It's in 3-D"

Chris Bradley: "Don·t say the "C" word!" "only 14 years old eh, It's jf. legal May IS" "my way, your way, any· thing goes"

John Cuslmllno: "(CHRISTMAS) (mOn) Coose (mon)" "ZZZZZZZZ . , , " "Limbo

Stephen Brown: "Yo Scoob - get out of the dryer, false alarm" "Getllrrested in Russill by the KGB lately?" "Brownie" Jllmie Bunanca: "Synchronlzed pllrk· ing squad" "309 Racing Team" "Buzz" "study Physics during 7th period." Mike Campagna: "Chico" "Yo, ClImpy - nut" "Don't worry -I'll say the wind, shield was crllcked while we were at Denny's" "air cllmp" Mike Carey: "level 3 - God" "Park Avenue bum" "Squid,Bucky" "Duck com' mllndo - they mllke animal noises" Eric ChesM: "I sp@ak softly but I wear a loud lie" "Icke stlcke, meine, .. " "Solestage manager"


Jeff DePolo: Aluminum Falcoln, 309 rllC· ing team, "I'm getting II turbo charger" I got my jacket then I dumped her

Marc Borrelli: "Coin !llot" "Yo, hook me up," ''I'm not supposed to tell anybody, but. , . " "I love chicken"

Steve Brennan: "look Schaefer, All I gOt to 53Y is DO YOI WANT TO Gm" "la' Salle's Baicony Diving Team" "late night road trips ' ,. love those Jersey girls"

Dan Cfipner: "KingClip" "WilY Cool Jr." "robo-Dan" "and that's one to grow on" "Bum rush Donnelly in the elevator"

rock -

eieiaie" "Ow! I feel good! HUHl"

Dave D'Alessandro: "GN'R -I'm on my way" "Ellcuse me, but could I borrow your. , . " "Not. Blahl, Cobden?" "I remember now" Jerry D'Alterio: "Have you ever ridden a pit bull before?" "I'll show you what 'Ital· ian Stallioo' is llll about" "Ooo't worry about studying, it's all In the attitude" Tony DeSimone: "Yo! Lemon,Tastin'" "I will choose free will" "Can we go home now?" Greg Dever: "I don't know guys, it feels like we're going South!" "Deve" "Who's going to sleep during Senior Week?" Keith Diccianl: "Mr. Colistra. I found that question to be vague" "But Mr. Diehl,lt could hllppen to anyone," "Real· Iy, I have no idea how my driver got stuck in the tree." Robert Dick: "You wllnna go, Swan, "Thllnksx for the great hockey tips, Wllyne." ··No Drew"

Joe Dougherty: "What's up Doc?" "Yo, Harv what's your dealT' Killer Omega "D spells Dellth" Tom Dunleavy: Turn lind burn, Mig at 3 o'clock! late llgalnl!! I was born late, I wannll be an english teacher! Andrew Dudzek: Yo, what's wrong wilh Olney? "Yo Dud, Your parent's are going away! let's party, "Dud, how d'ya come up with 'Sid? Niels Eriksen: "Wheels" "I got my eye on you," Dave Edling: "EDS, you gol a problem or something? "I wanltobe in chemistry forever. I probably wltl be:' Mr. Diehl, I can explain why I was late for the 21 st time, there was en accident on 309 Chris Farrell: "joined to John" "Fran, Oh My God" Stalked by the Fat Boy, "I pulled a muscle in my brain!" Jerry Fecher: "Only Dukllkis supporter" "Genesis" "yes, I'm II IlberaU" "Forum" Paul Fenn: Plluli and his porCelllin chipmunk. Pauli"s my name, Mooshlns my game! "I can't I have crew, (Hey D,G.) When in doubt. I'm right. Griff Finnegan: Watch your head Griff.. 6'5 ceiling Dad Vail '87, King RllY's court Halloween '87 - King Hllm - grifferClemens employee of the month Mark Fit~gefald: "At this point, is It rele' vent?" "Are we on offense, or defense?" "Not ah', I'm an hour late!" "What time did school start?" Andrew J, Gallagher: Hey swim? good luck! - nice trophy Ed. Tripple double Fit~ "you guys ready?, I just so happen to have two quarters on me Hey Pat nice voice! lollipop Kids Do I threaten peo' pie? Holmes lam a map We don't need you. You need us! - 981 T,J, Matt Gallagher: "You are this close Joe" "Kitchen crowd - Mr, Monotone" "Aweemaway" Edward J. Gapsis: Are you finished, Mouth? "Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I woke up this morning and I saw how nice it was out, so I left it out," Yellh, right Tony, I'm sure working "t Wendy's reelly helped you with Calculus. Foster Garrison: "So what If the wind· chill's below ~ero, we're playing hockey after lunch!" "It's nOt a prelly sight!" "Squits' got the Motts" Mike Gartner: I am, always heve been. and lllwllyS will be E.C. "Ouch, thw witti, cism. Somebody glme me the wllchha· zel." "Despllrate" rocks laSlllle Yo Tony, llre you going to Drexel?

Chuck GesslOg: "I can't go I have too much home....ork·' "Yo Chuck, no meat on fridays!"'

Ryan soci"r' "Hogan, you goIng to pr"c· lice"

Dave Gettler: "Give me SOI'fIe romance lines!" "Why Dave?" Dave "Cougar Cleavei'" Crack Cricketl" Gett "I can't wait until this weekend!"

Joe Hohenleltner: -Honest dad, I re"Uy loved youl class, bul my course load was too heavy 10 keep your class" The Devine Law; no m"rriages on the cross country team,"

Tom Gibbons: "WanM write a 2 page article, . ,by 2nd period?" "If you need a band really bad, we've got a really bad banci." "Well, I think it ....as about 17 times."

Ed Holmes: Remember John, Dylan, and Young.. Look at me Ed ..... hen I "m talking to you . Spud . KIll the road ... "Ed can you pay for me" Senior ....eek in O.c. "89"

Mike Gillon: Gildo "Get the heck off me Gillon!" "Clipner, you goin' to Franks?" "Scott, introduce me to that girll"

Mike Howe: "That's pretty rock'n "m"z' ing" '"Don't worry, Ed kno .... s these roods" "Yo rockin pillstic ptlssion dude" Bedspins forever" '"Many thanks to Bern, Jim, Steve, Keith, Joe, Terry, Jer· ry, K"t" "nd everybody else. Mom, dad, lind E, I love you 1111. , . (Save Ihe best fOl last) Thanks for everything

Brandon Ginieczkl: "MPESJC Peops DSC DCM CAC AJN KSK SOW BRN going do....n the shore this weekend?" "00 some slammers?? Why are we sleeping on the kitchen floor? "I can't, I can't, I can't stand losin' - Police" Paul Giuliano: "Just five more minutes RYAN!" ''I'll do anything for 10 bucks!' "I can't. t might get hurt." Michael Goodyear: "Yo Mooner, did'ja hear what we have to do for crew too day?" "We wel'"e this close!" "Ya know , " he Is so ugly'" ·'Go laSalle Go!" Stephen Gnffin; "O,K, kiddies, hop in!" Feelin' pretty wired, Griff? "Calvin Dreadlocks "Rymin' -n·Stealln" Happy the Clown at Lando's Bar and grill 89" Brian Guckin: "Did you ever wonder about. , . ?" "But, . , . what if pigs could fly'?" "You Lose!!!!" "You're wrong, I'm sorry, you're wrong1" Eric Hagelin: Strike T .... o!! Big Red "What'?n????????????????????" "Get the heck out of my sellt!!!!"' Bernard Htlmblin: "I hate ... " .. Peace to the Pitt crew posse" "My lungs, my ear, my business" Das Your Jacket? Lemme


Bob Hartner: "It just won't accelerate!" "When'd you learn how to drive" , Hah" yy "Ha , ., Ha " . Ha . , , No'" "I can't I gona work (sish) Matt Heine; Party police: This side....alk feels like a cloud ' .. Operation Suntan, L.D, Yeah, you might get this back Ted Helns~ Ted what are you nuts? You did what in the hallway? "Gimme a screen - It's gonna be "I didn't so that - ....ipe it off with your new shIrl" "God wilh Ihls fresh aie we're going to sleep to sleep like babIes James Hesden: "Man I can't wail for senior week!" "First of all Michael. I can't believe you gOt the Peugoet!·· "How's the old ball and chain?" Tom Hibbs: She wasn't a 10, she wes a 14 .. It's O,K, No we can't glue Ihe ellr back on" Brian Hogan: "But I was good asa fresh man 2nd heat hogan" "Yo Baby, Yo bllby yo:' No I can't go,l'm going to the

AI Hughes: Sometimes I say things before I spellk" "Mr. Miller ....ouldn·t give a drowning man II glllSS of wllter" "No you lose'

Bob Hughes: "It didn't look Red

10 me" "'Huey:' 'But club" "LAsalle's official COWtl~" "Bells mill Club" Big 01, Big 01 . . Bob Nice Thumb Team Felch

Chns Idler_ Don't .....orry about 'I Ju· nior Week 88' Hank IQht in VenICe Ham, Boatin it, Matt Jenkins; Bear, , , Can you repeal the qU6tion , ,. "309 racing te"m" Fred Jerome: Yo lets go get some happy face, . , is it 2:45 yet" Mr. De,,1 wh"t can I do for you. Chriss Johnston: "I never get cllught"· "Cow tlpping ... We didn't spill" drop·' "Bud Man" "trust me" Slow down Reil· Iy, we lost them Justin Jones; "Just take notes, figure it out later." "the silver Bullet" "Rather listen th"n speak." "Strike while Ihe iron is hot." Kevin Kaminski: "WlInll Bet? How much?" "Did you ever wrestle a bear?" "You're just clueless!" "k2" Mall Kammskl John and Doug gel in the house!" , Kam" "Junior ....eek ·88-' "Chaw, Night in Venice at sandaway" "sure!I" Philip C. KeideL "They call him the al· mIghty Cakulus Avenger." 'Forgive him; he's an aClor if only because you are an intellectual and I own you" "(jots Daddys clubs" Kevin Kelly: "9Otta tie I c"n borro....?.. "Does that mean I h"ve to get A late slip?·' "Let's goout, it's only 16 below:' "Wow, thllt was II heavy hack:' Scott Kelly: "Yo Scooter, 'going to the Rec tonight?" "Don't mess with him he's an Olney boy!" "hey - I hear ya Jack" "shaums" "It's the physics of the problem" "kel"

Tom Kelly' 'yo Kel. it's getting mighty frigId in here. isn't it? - didya ever take your boat out to the homon? "no Pain, no Galn-" Mall Kensey I know how 10 get there What?!i I don't scream when I talk! Fri· day night IS the basketball game, Ready

Ed! Lenard King You ever wrestle a beat"> klnda like NO STOP' Thatam't DEF' Mike Korejko: Fweep Eddie Munster Mike, wake up! Nov,,'s winning Wile E Coyote - Super Genius Mike Kovac: Hey Vac. did you know thet Spencer's went oul of business? Hey Nel, how did you afford th"t van? Anna' mollis Plaradactus, Sheepster, the devil - Boy was Chemistry fun! No Mrs, Brown, I didn't break the ....indow with a m"rble "nd I resent the f"ct that you "re blaming me!" Dave Kratz: Yo Scooter! What did we get for homeworki' Leave it alone Dave il'lI gro..... Yo .....eb! Watch me break this bot, tie over my head!! KraVItz Greg LAhr: Kicking Ken Lahr Gimme a screen harness Ohhhh, my dogs are barking today Michael Lauf; " Bunny 110 But offICer ... Nice Jr. Prom flip college ... yea maybe Raymond Letak: Rlppin' Ray Letak's cllr at Basil's, , , All foggp1 up!! Yooo Lay' tllk How's the bannl'lna cruiser? The only person that Clln climb a tree is latllX Damon Llvlne: Pllul who? The style whati' No, but they're cool. re"Uy we're just friends McDon"ld's employee of the month Chris Lochetlo: Bosco Hot Guido Ed....ard Lynch: Yo Scoob Lynchie Hilm God Bless Ed how many acd dents have you gotten into? !lJI right who has my keys? You have my keys and you're ....here") Roben MlIcNeal' Hold on I h"ve too comb my hair one more time Hey check out thiS lI.....esome clIr,,1 John Maher: "Fouie Bear - Wokka Wokka" "Hey John, don't tape it so tighl" - my foot's turning blue!" "Does he have to sit with us ag;,in" "John, what are the answer's to your mom's chemistry test" Selin Mahoney: "Here's 10 the broken table, bottles of Galorade and giving out Hoagies" "let's go buy somech"mp"gne on your credit card, and hit the cafe's Stephen Mtlnley: ""nd the crowd goes 'Yea" - Bash!" "Much 100 slow, too silly, and fast asleep:' "Don't put words In my mouth:' "HllX is a bum!" Rob Manus: "Yeah, I'm gomg back to Springfield because of my grades." "Mulvey get the hedge clippers and do

something with the bush!"" Neill Matthews: "Look like lhe flower. but be the serpeant under it! Neill. Do you wear that hat everywhere you go?"

"my way. your way. anything goes to night!"

Carl Mattia: "Amy. Stacy, Nicole. Gabi, Lllurie. Jen. Kristen. Missy, Chelsey . lind now Julie:' "Suda'lineman" "NOT

TOO CHEAP" Drew McAuliffe: "hit any Eagles announcers lately (merril Reese) Sorta klnda in a warped goofy sort of way,"

"Hey come out with me. we'll have


blast." "c'mon guys. give me five more minutes."

Fran McClosky: "McRlId" nice boots, Fran Mr. Vezina "tell me again how you hurt your hllnd:'

lou McCormick; the dirty birdH ¥o Dude! lasalle's best flute pillyer. Kath· leen 1 Love You! Yeah that might hap' pen, no never, never. clIlI me shmoo Nice pants slill sore from the summer?? Erik McCullough: "so, where do we catch the Frankford el Bus?" "01' blue Eyes" Klssln; cousins (, Floridian Blues! "Ok, I'm getting on 309 now. alc is off and there is no headwind, Now, Joseph McDonald: Hey Casper, Get a Tan! What do you mean you won't go out "Joey Mac, Wher are you comin back? "some people Just get by on their reputation; take joe for example Matt McDonald: Rex, Nice e!lring, Ham Frog .. ,On the Nightrain, Gunsn' Roses sellout, , , Junior week '88, H!llIoween '87·88. Great car. , , once it starts, Snorkel, .. Jay Dee Ian McDowell: Tastykakes for everyone, on me! ... Gee I didn't 1I0t your house! . Nice car. , . PhilHarmonic. , Want· ed) white males age 17: Often seen at malls and Polo stores: Known to be well dressed, . , Nurse, I don't feel good, can I go home. Pat McGarvey: The barber of O,c. Lets go to 71 I. Pat.. Beaker .. Scrap' per Tommy Conwell.. Elvis Flock of Seagulls hair ,. 'Til rock yOUl world "Terry Hutchinson' "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Mike McGettigan: Pee,Wee - Swim ~ir All catholic wanna be .. late 12 :;ustard cream donoughts. Willillm McGarty; "Bill Bob Jack Mick Mac" , , , "Hockey isn't just a malter of lile and death. it's much more than that! Andy McKernan; "Nkesttyrophome bumber Andy!" , .. "Voy mi Cllsa con , "O.K. just a tittle" "Movie at dan's house, , . then Perkins


Dan Mclaughlin; "I bored John, let's switch" ,,"Operation Suntan" "Ba' sirs was a real challenge" "Weasel" "Physics Pace Maker" ';5 in three days"

Tim McMahon: "The baby New Year" "Montana" The lansdale Con· nection "Yo Timmy, How you Doin"'." Gentleman, 80'\ of this material you should know." Chris Meagher: "To Meager less than zero." "You gOlla a problem." "Harkem, Parkem, Farken road trip" "Colin - 38" , " "This is great", "Ham Hock Meags. _. "There is no police car behind us! Chris Michiels: "Yo Chris, hook me up with the homework?" " , 309 racing team Synchronized Parking Squad, Team Xerox Keith Miller: "400, 4 Barrel" Cowboy boots ... tuxedo. ' . slick, , , Elvis. mustang Adam Mikulski: It's in the hole, . I run that class, , . Milk Dennis Morris: "Rationalizations will get you nowhere, so save your bellyaching for the judge," "If I told you once I told you 82,000 times its a firebird and I paid all my tickets." "Yo I got another party for you." Andy Moskowicz: ""Don't give me that" "No ... No. , Grade school 6 ... " "Yo mask I heard" "Joe, Joe it was two shots" Fran Mulvey: "Musclehead" "founder and owner of the Illst place Mulvey lawn Service Marauders." "Can I help i, if I have naturally curly hair?" "I get pale OKAY'" Bob Musman: "You tell her that her sis' ter is on the phone, and I'll get the lights!" "Spit much?" "Come out of the closet Musman, we know you're in there!" Mike Naughton: "TURBO MODE" "Did you see the GP or the MP? It'll never top the 25 day TP streak." "Caprice power turn." "Mr. shoe cheese." Keshchev Nayak: "Don't call me 'Quiche', Keshchev or Kruchev" "Yo Ed is the gym open?" "Sped the Pod is a Boisterous Bum." "lynchie, get a life." Chip Newnam: "its Chip's story time." "No. I'm not" "Can you give me a ride to Doylestown so I can see my girlfriend Renee?" "Have you ever seen Chip in the same room?" Austin Noonan: "Yo Odie who were they?" "Odie open your eyes its morning!" "I I-'ove F·Fridays," Joseph Norton: "EI Norte." "eeeee ... this close." "Tres Miserable" "century 21" "Hey Juefe!" The Whiner Joseph O'Connell: "look, here's where she comes back to life." "No, , didn't ask them about the house yet."' "Hofstadler? ... LeI's sleep on it!" Sean O'Oonnell: "Hey wait a minute. , . are they slippers and lire you allowed to park there?" "Why does she call me Bift

or David letterman?" "G'head Sanger ... I dare you to ace me!" Sean O'Hara: "0" Man" "Ode to Kam" "Orange is nol a good flavor!"' "My sec' ond home is at the Torres"" "Poet Lau reale of Senior Week" "Original Hall Board Member" John Ormand: "Cabbage Patch Kid" "Member of the Kong's Posse" "Fhy' shies ish Fuhn!" Joseph Palermo: "Yo Mosk," "No guys, It wasn't two shots," "ShrinkY'dink" "Yeah boy!" "Dutch!e" Jeff Peek: "Yo Peeky, when's the wed' ding?" "Yea, yea, yea the Baseball Team's gonna be just fine, .. so quit asking me!" "Silky smooth in center' field" "What's happenin Jackson?" Ted Pileggi: "Yeah, you might win." '" don't know either does the cat" "Girls, what more could anyone want" "Party with Van Halen at the Monsters of Rock" Jack Pitts: "Can you relate math to physics?" 'Hasn't gotten hiS fingers wet" "Coach, have you seen my pic' tures of Ernest Bourgnine-' Michael Porreea: " , , , and?" "locked? (sneaky, sneaky, sneaky)" "I dont need no stinkin jacket"' "Danish God" Pat Pryor: "Hold it I think I lost my con tacts" "Yo Dave - why don't you just stay over" "Art Museum - 4 a.m" "Dr. Love" Jim Reed: "We don't need no stinkin per' mission slip" "Stop messin, stop slop' pin" "When in doubt guess band x - )" "Relldy Ed" John Reagan: "Your just a pawn 10 my chess game" "Sit down pal, your nothin" "King Bong" Brian Reilly: ", never liked you anyway" "Let's go to Novll I'll drive your Cllr"' "'Double Team - Next" Scott Roessler: "Was I that bad" Oh, its expensive" "00 you know who I am" Andy Roman: "Yo Beef" "spear chucker" "See you in Avalon"' "Yo lets go waterskiing in your boat" Malt Rossanese: "That aintto positive" ""Moving hat head" "Holy Toledo" Thats a bobber If 1 ever saw one" Greg Ryan: Man of 1000 faces" "Bread and fish beware" "Originlll Hall of Shame Member" "Nina and the Liltle man" Carlos Sanchez: "CSC - Carlos San' chez corporation" "You got to be kid' ding me" "The los w;th the most" Chris Saracino: "Cino" "Y did you do that, Ah never mind" "Did you see the Flyers last night" Andy Savysky: "Goals are dreams with deadlines!"' "Where such things here as

we do speak about - or have we eaten you upon the insane root?" "A~s' cence is noture's way of preparing par' ents to welcOl1le the empty nest," "Chor acter is what you are. not what others think you are," Christopher W, Seega: "The Gapster" "01'1 my Gawd" "Thill's awesome," "You GOTTA be kiddin' me," "The Ger' man God" Ted Segletes: "Slappyl" "Fire!" "What do you mean you already have a date?" "Party ... ?! What Party??"

Joseph SeIfert: ''I'll be loyal," "Want a rIde?" "Good behavior in Spanish." "Girls over 15 years ok!' '·Yeah. may' be' "Partying In Lauf's Lincoln" "Inter est level in SpanIsh - ZERO' 'I alreody got a 'scot' from MI Dell'll" "ndlew Serano: "Yo. Cheeseman, where's my stuff?" "Nice Hair" "Brid' man - Nerdman" "Better Illte thlln sor' ry." Ted Shields: "Tom Shillds, please stop snapping." "I can always serve as a bad example." "SC"1 clique" "Its not easy being forgiven," "ndrew Shire: "Leroy" "Worng! You're wrong!! Oops, you're right!" "Thanks. Wally'" "For Doylestown, I ... " Jeffrey M. Sink: "Jeff, can I leave my b6g In your car?" "That was on our exam:' "AC electricity killes." "1 have a question." Mike Smllllo: "I still think M"DONN" is the bes!." "Mike Zot" "How come you make snowballs in the summertime?" "Dream car: 641f.z cherry red Mustang convertible" JlIson Socrll: '83 Buick R.I.P." "I need more data!" "1 recently rewired the house:' ,"LaSaIIe's Resident Reighmas· ter." John Stack: "You got arrested in Rus' sia?" "Yo John - where's your car?" Synchronized Parking Squad "Beeeemer!" Jack Stanczak: "Where's the Pepsj)" Sllllke "She Bootiful!" "I don't care any' more." Colin Stowe: I'll ask big Lew, "I did nol have a party!" "hey what"

What about mine?" Kevin Tinneny: "The capital of Phlill ,s Roxborough!"" Marc. when are you leoving?" I swear It WIIS" "If fm not there; start without me' Orlando Torres: ''It'lI be just ill few friends. Mom l " "Do'man" "pie man" "O.K" so who's driving?" "Original HIIII Board member" "Let's stop and get D bite" "Operatlon Suntan" Jim VanStone: "but I like wide hips" "There's a fungus among us" "gawk' master" "Southern Discomfort" "Til be at the movies, Mom" "GUMBY" "June 10th, bye. bye hair"

Mark Young: "Youngie" "I hllve to wOlk!" ""pplied to every known Univer' sity" Tyler Zegly: "Guys. the parking lot was tOO well ht1" "the highest form of flat tery." "My car doesn't sound too good without oil' "No, we're just friends"

Brian Vesey: , Queezy Vesey" "Thanks Chlis - did you have to beg?" "Sniff. I think I'm going to get sick!" "Mine! All Mine!" David Wallace' "Big 01' Blue" "SDmmy's - Questions, steamroller, pitcher refull" "SIDmmer's f1oodn' Watty and Floater" "Don't worry," Where's 'I at'>" Eric Wolser "Laugh - " hugh a hugh. ughhh "dad, it's the car agam John Walls' Walrus' "Host - Junior Week '88" "John. think your Grandma ....ould mind?"'Come hele, Jay I .... anllll tell ya something King Ray's Court" Timothy Waldie: You might be stron ger Ihan me'" "You're ill woman" '"Thanks for Clliling me this weekend, Tim'" Bill Watts "But Mr, Diehl'" '"SorIY 9uys, I'm going out with Charlene tonight" "Yeah sure. I'll cllll your" "Watty. heard you're hitting over the fences!?" Ed Weber: "D,d I tell anyone my New Year's Resolution"" "Spread OUI I " BeIusi'll ....anna - be"'Edualdo se ena mora !ocamenle de Patricia" Jason E. Weems: "Jee Boyy" 'Wild ThDng" Black is BEAUTIFUL" "'Say II loud, I'm Black lind I'm Proud!" James P. Wentz; "You know whal's fun' ny? EverytIme I squeeze my "dam's Ap' pIe, I taste "pple JUIce.'" '"That's SO de cen!.'" The •.p'" is for PARRA! '"Urban Nut" MDrty Whelan' 'That's my refrigerator!" "It's alt programmed In my cDlculator ' "".C ElectriCIty is DE.".D.L.Y.!"

Mott Szpindor: "Hey guys, these aren't my jeans!" ", got another story ... Do ya think that's illegal?" "It's a lever coach, we mock what we don't understand!"

Pete Wilhamson: "Was she ugly?n" the road ....itlol ....ays be there," "Could beal Nicklaus ....Ith his handlcap-sandbagger Flidoy Buzz Club. Doc Holiday's Bells Milt" Now give me o!!" "My cal practically drives Itself'"

A.J. Tilson: "Hey, what happened to my car?" "What meellngs do I hove after school todoy?" "Hey Tim, I mean ".J.!" "So what your cllr was broken into.

Steve Young: ''I'm seeing Stella today' Thot's AWEsome!'" ..Ho.... old is your violin, 400 years?" "UH/GUH/REH!"

Chris Ventresca: "Vinny" "The white Blur"

Edward Subol<ow: "Let me at one of those tall boys!" "Is therell noodle in my hair?" "There Is something brewin' out there!" "Let's blaze!" 2'4" straight off·


and EddIe rolled into one Willis'" "I should know. 1 gol an """

Brion Willis: "If you can't turn him off, turn him do..... n... "Red &Iron '89" "Well, woil D minute, hold on!" "The next Jiml



eZJ17()'if! 11t





~-P6e1t~ ~

Business Staff Tim Tilson

- ?It... 1t<utettt

Ed Scllrcell editor

John Randazzo Kosak Tsugaml Rob Laurenti

Photo Staff -

Ed Subokow editor

Steve Padllio Chris Bergen Carlos Sanchez

Chris farrell

Marty Whalen Pete Muir

John Coc-krone

Tony Lee

Layout Staff Ted Shields

Louis Mlncarelli

Ted Segletes John Cottingham Mike Dell'Angelo Giancarlo Oispasquale Bill Ennla Rich Green Mike Gregan Mark Kelly Matthew McClure Joe Melnazek

Joe Mooney Lemuel Pidlaoan Chris Rauch Vince Regan Ken Root Doug Staudmeister Frank Summeri1l Matt Tader John Schanne Mike Keeley John Trainer

Copy Staff -

Matt Kaminski editor

Justin De!lngelis Robert Donahue

Typing Staff Pat Cunnane Doug Cooper

Tom Dunleavy

Greg Ryan

Rich Gheen Brian McDonald Brian McDermott Andrew McKernan William Molinari Vince Rejan Jim Van Stone

Carlos Torres Orlando Torres

Pat McGarvey editor

Art Staff - Dan Bavuso Brian Devine Dave Devine Chris Mazeika

Jason Weems Pete Williamson Derek Zardus

Special thanks to: Mr. Rob Davine as well as Mrs. Rita Davine for their help Mr. Mike Maicher for the help in photography Faculty members with their help in attaining photos Thanks to all the editor's parents for all their support in this Impossible quest to seek the holy grail and to finish the yearbook Thanks 10 Davor for their enthusiastic help and constant cooperation and speedy service.



Mr and Mr. RkNlrd J. Arboga.$l Mr and Mr.$ Rk~rd &rabDliKe Fam' ily

Mr and Ml.$ Terrell J. &te Roben Blul. Esquire RattO end Regine Picnoli Mr, and Mr•. Joseph Bonergo Pet end Ed Bren.$fleld Mf. end Mf. Burgo Mr. end Mf. Leo Burke Jl. Jonn 1'1 Bush Sf. The CeUetllrn Femlly Mr. end Mr •. P. C1everelti Dr. end Mr.$. Gofdon Clemenl Mr. end Mr.$. Henery Cieplinski Mr. end Mr •. Dtlniel J. Collins '65 The J. Connell'. Jllmes T. Corrigan Frank end Betty Coshl Mr end Mr.$. Joseph T. Cusimllno Phyllis Jo CU.$lmano Grllndma end GrandplJl Cusimllno Mr. end Mrs. George Dedomlnic Mr end Mrs Phillip A. deMarll Mr lind Mrs .hrmes Dever Mr and Mrs. Alfred L Deu; M. and Mrs. Henly J. Doehne The Dolllw.y F.m"y The Donahue F.mily The Duffy F.m"y Tom .nd BefbD'll Dunleavy Gerllid W Ed.....,ds Sf. MI, and MIs. Wil1illm J. Ennis Mf llnd Mfs. Wm. Fllhy Jr The Fetel'le. Fllmlly I'll end Mf•. Leurence P Finnegan Jr. Robert J, Flechr Mr. llnd Mrs. Herbel! H. Fry louis C. Gallerno MI. llnd Mrs. Nalhanlel Geuler Chflslopher Goldcamp John and Maureen Gorman Mr. and Mr•. Francis J. HaIlS Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Guagliardo TI'Ie Guckert Family Dr. and Mrs Glenn E. Hilas The Hamburger Family Dr lind Mr. Thoma.$ Hipp SIeve Herrera Boll and KIIye: Hyland MI and Mf.$. James J. Filzgerliid Mr, end MfS. John N Idler Dr lind Mrs. Derick Jones Mr and MI•. William J . ..Jones MI, and MI •. Ric:~ld J. KlImlnSkl lind Femlly ROf\IlId and Carolyn Kaminski Daniel Keenen MI, and Mfs Raymond R. Kersey Ernie Koachleng III Mr. and Mrs Joseph J. Kov.c Frenk and Marie Lalley Pam and alll lIlhr Mr.• nd Mr•. Don Llebsch Ron Loplt Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Luu Mr. and Mrs. Wltliam Maguire Mr. and Mrs. John F. Mllher

Mf, .nd Mrs. Franc:11 E. Maloney The Marktrlllntl Family The Massella Femily /'If .nd /'Irs. .hrrnes R. Matthews Mr.•nd /'Irs. Vlnc:ent McDonald Mr and Mrs, Edwafd J. McGenlgan Mr.•nd Mr.$ Joseph J. McGowan Mr, and Mrs. William McKee 1'1••• nd Mrs. .hrmes McManus McMonagle Family Mr. end Mrs. George Meagher" Mr. and Mrs Jonn F. M~an Jr. Mr. and 1'1'1. Peler Melley Mr.•nd Mrs. Raymond J. Mereh J •. The Mercuri Family Mrs. JofInne C. Miehle Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Mites Or. and Mrs. William J. Molinllrl Or. and Mrs. James Nicholson The Noonan Family Mr. and Mrs. William F.O·Donneli Mr .nd Mrs James J. Otlver The O'Meafas - Amy '87, Mike '90. and Brian '99 M. and Mrs JlltneS F. Owentl M. end Mr. Robert Panflll!PKkef Mr lind Mrs J. L~fd Parades! Jack end l.eonll Pflln,ngton 1'1, and Mr. R. Palter John and Sue Pluck The PryOf Fllmlly 1'1, and Mrs. ~niel T, Rakowski 1'1, lind Mf.$. .hrmes Reed Mf.$, Jollnne R Regan Dr. Anthony Repici J,. Jimes llnd Ellen Roccia I'll lind Mr.$, Geroge Romano J. MI, and Mrs. John Rooney The Rusel Family Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Ryan Blen lind Claudia &lmson Charles J. &InfOld Mr. and Mrs. Edward L Sc.,celt Mrs, Carol Schulden Mr nd MIS. Robert Setlanni Mr. and ..... rs. Ed Sctllrnnon llnd Femily MIS. Franc;s J. Smith .....r. and Mrs. Frank T. Spera Dr and Mrs. John M. Stack MI. and Mfs. Rudolf E. Stanek MI and MfS. Edwllld Subolr.ow SummenU Paving lind Sealing Co. The Tilson Famoly Mf lind Mrs. Donald J. Tornelta Chu.$lku T.lUgollffil Mr .nd Mrs. Bruce Tullo Mr and Mrs. John Vatlnis 8llrbD'a VMtresca Mf lind Mrs. John J. Walts Jr I'Ir and Mrs John N. We1SS J, Willlam A. Watts. Sr. Mr and M.s. l~ Wesolowski MlIIly Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilkin Noreen and Joe Wlttlamson Clem and Louise Wimmer .nd Sons James A. Wright Mr. lind Mrs. ROl.:Hefl J. Zegley


It is a good thing that I was able to come up with this page in order to tell you all how impossible it Is to create and produce a yearbook. Alot of times the staff is often put aside and it is just the editors which receive the credit. Even though this option does in fact sound appealing. I have to personally thank the little people who actually sat down and put the editors ideas on paper. I would also like to thank the faculty e1nd modereltors who took all our bull whenever we "misplaced" a picture. All I really have to say, though, is that it was a real experience doing all of this. I tried to change the book around to give it more style and I hope you all liked at least some of the changes. It seemed that there were alot of changes this year though. Oh yea. thanks Mr. Nicoletti for all of your time. It was sometimes hard to put two and two together. The biggest thanks though goes to my girlfriend Melissa. She went through alot for me and was always a good friend to turn to. If that sounds too mushy whenever YOU become editor路in路chief you can say whatever you want. I'm outla here!! John C. Cusimano editor-in-chief



Acknowledgements - 212 Acti....ities - pg 126 Bishop page - 124 Editor in chief note - 214 Dedication - 17 Faculty - 18 Freshmen - 110 Gold Patrons - 213 Interrnltional ~ .... ~nts - 122 Juniors - 90 Local Community page - 120 Literary page - 130 Missing People - 206 Seniors - 40 Senior Quotes - 208 Sophomores - 100 Sports - 165




The shuttle Discovery blasted into orbit in September, the first soace flight since the shuttle Challenger mission ended tragically 73 seconds after liftoff on Jan. 28, 1988. Russians and American rescuers cut through the ice in Alaska to save two California Grey Whales. George Bush became president The world series belonged to the Los Angelos Dogers The \988 Summer Olympics in SeouL South Korea opened with a dramatic and danling ceremony. The worst drought of the year killed most farm crops.




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