1990 Yearbook

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CONTENTS OPENING .................................................. 1 THEME ..................................................... 2 DEDICATION ......................................... 16 CLUBS ..................................................... 74 SENIORS ................................................ 162 MINI-MAGAZINE ................................ 111 SPORTS ................................................. 120 UNDERCLASS ......................................... 46 FACUL1Y AND ADMINISTRATION ................................ SENIOR QUOTES ..................................

18 20 2

INDEX .................................................. CLOSING ...............................................

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Freshmen Mike Bavuso and Tom Butcher discover the completely different experience of a Physical Science lab. Minutes later, Room 306 was ablaze. When you are as tired as Mark O'Neill, you can't always wait for a comfortable bed to nap in. Plans for a bedroom in the proposed new wing may solve this problem.














LaSalle . College . High . School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19118

Phone: 233-2911

Enrollment: 942


2 t~e

What's the difference? First, we've struck you with this new glossy white cover. (Don't let it get dirty!) Second, we've added more color. Third . . . well, read the book and find out! During the last year, the school assumed a different atmosphere, an atmosphere of change, which we believe we have captured in the book. Moreover, we sense an acceptance of the changes, and a widespread belief that these changes will dramatically improve the school. Most obviously, new appointments and shifting responsibilities mandated changing the locations of the College Placement Center, the Attendance Office, and the Principal's Office. Mr. Cimini's staff - remodeled not only these offices, but the Main Office as well. We could see straight into the blue-hued main office through the new glass walls and contemporary two-way doors. We smelled the new rugs and fresh paint in the Attendance Office and Col, lege Placement Center. We couldn't avoid noticing the . . . unusual . . . painting on the walls through out the school. The renovations of the Dining Hall ade it more like "Bistro de La Salle" and not just -. r. .. ori. rdinary, uh, cafeteria.



The changes extended beyond the physical refurbishings of the .school. Such alterations were mirrored in the organizational restructuring instituted in the administration and the faculty. Brother Robert Shea became the first president of the school; Mr. Diehl became the first lay principal in La Salle's history; Brother James Rieck assumed the role of Director of Admissions; Brother James Dries replaced him as academic assistant principal; and Dr. James Devine accepted the position of vice-president. In addition, seven new faces appeared among the faculty at the beginning of the year. The outstanding performances of our athletic teams also infused the school with a new vibrancy and a more fervent support of all school functions. The total population of the school increased, reaching nearly one thousand students, and leading to some larger classes and more crowded hallways. How many times did you hurdle freshmen, elbow past sophomores, slide by juniors, and respectfully fall behind seniors on your way to a third floor class after lunch - only to barely miss the bell and be sent for a late slip? Having re-evolved in 1989-90 from the blend of the clifferent atmosphere, the different physical appearance, and the different personnel, La Salle College High School vividly took on the look of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.


The soda machines gave students like Pete Muir the chance to catch a quick breakfast.

Ah, the dining hall! Our newly decorated cafeteria hosts Chris Goldkamp, Vince Regan, Steve Stewart, and George Ledakls as they eat the typically tasty and nutritious La Salle lunch.

We all tend to look up to La Salle, especially when we reach the top of the driveway.

In a swiftattack upon the Malvern Retreat House, the Russians tested their new disintegration guns on a helpless relreatant. lt•s about time we got some ••• color ••. In the school.


-~ !


At the very popular College Fair, seniors, such as Dave Devine, asked the age-old question, "What do you mean, I can't get In?"

When I find myself In times of trouble /Mother Mary comes to me,/Speaklng words of wlsdom,/Let It be.

At the College Fair, Hunter Karr, Frank Powers, Tim Sheahan, and Joe Juliano argue over who gets to ask the Allentown representative out first. Waiting In llne for lunch, Dan Collins has ample opportun ity to think about the meaning of life .. . or the answers to his next test.

Budding Plcassos try their hands at abstract art. Notice the Adidas boxes - now standard equipment In all artistic pursuits. Were It not for Officer Edwards' sklllful directing of traffic, no one would be safe entering or leaving the campus.

Hey coach , what was the old record for the mile run?

The pathway to the Lord.

Give me your tired, your poor , your huddled masses, yearning for their buses to show up .

hose in it. His tacit reminders of ~xpected responsibility include the 3room Brigade and Trash Can ~ollers Union, Local 393370, and :he C.C.C., the Campus Clean-up :orps. Despite the ignoble nature )f those assignments, we acquired :1 maturity from doing them. Mr. )iehl's example has earned him )Ur respect, for he indeed~teaches ~very student in the school. With the completion of his frist year as principal and his twenty~ighth year overall, Mr. Diehl has proven his dedication in such diverse roles as principal, vice-principal, disciplinarian, teacher, coach, counselor, colleague, and friend. [n return for his leadership, his guidance, his service, and his character, we dedicate the 1990 Blue and Gold to Mr. David T. Diehl.

Arter being caught shooting spit-balls in the lunch room, this guilty-faced frosh was sent straight to the principal's office.

dministration &

If I had a child who wanted to be a teacher, I would bid him Godspeed as if he were going to a war. For indeed, the war against prejudice, greed, and ignorance is eternal, and those who dedicate themselves to it give their lives no less because they may live to see some fraction of the battle won. - James Hilton






Brother Robert Shea. Brother Robert came to La Salle first in 1975, during which time he acted as Vice-Principal and could be seen playing mandolin and sporting a cool black mustache. He left school in the same year. He was absolved of sin in 1986, and soon returned to us, minus the mandolin and mustache. Now President, Brother Robert loves to try new ideas. As a teacher in Prayer, or as a designer of the vivid colors in the hall or the new expansion plans, Brother Robert Shea strives for excellence.

Brother Robert Shea: President; Prayer.

Mr. David Diehl Mr. Diehl's Economics class gives him a chance to get away from his job of Principal for a few hours a day. His desire to teach the class in a pair of Levis, tennis shoes, and a Guns 'n Roses t-shirt is very evident, but he continues to wear his suits. During the class, Mr. Diehl uses his sense of humor, his patience, an overworked overhead projector, and 30 different colored pieces of chalk to make the course as interesting as it can be.

Mr. David Diehl: Principal; Economics I.

20 admi~ation

:rather James Dries The Name of the Rose might as well e removed from video stores. The <:ea ballroom just isn't the same. Yes, :'s the end of these institutions, and n.uch more, now that Brother James )ries isn't teaching Chemistry anyn.ore. In his new position as Assistant >rincipal, Brother James must keep a vatchful eye on both student and acalaemic affairs, so he is much too busy o have the frivolous fun of youth. James Devine Since his new appointment to the >Ostof Vice-President of La Salle, Dr. )evine's duties have greatly increased. \part from his Cross-Cultural Commu1ications class, which features trips to he Italian Market and Jakarta, Dr. De1ine plays a large role in public relaions, fundraising, and development. ~nd he even lets Brother Robert bor路ow his car. What a guy! )r.

Brother James Dries: Assistant Principal; Ecology.

Dr. James Devine: Vice-President; Cross-Cultural Communications.

Mr. Lawrence Mangan: Comptroller.

Brother James Reick: Director of Admissions.

'vlr. Lawrence Mangan As comptroller, Mr. Mangan has the zxtremely difficult job of running the finances of the school. Even if you don't see him, you feel his effects. Now if only someone could figure out how to pronounce his title (is the "p" silent?). 3rother James Reick His recent change in duties from As;istant Principal to Director of Admis;ions means that Brother James Reick noves from looking at complaining freshmen's rosters and grades to looking at anxious eighth graders' rosters and grades. He gets a chance to relax by attending Mothers' Club meetings and playing racquetball - but beware! In his hands, a racquet is a deadly weapon.




"Jim, go pick up some soda, potato chips, sweet gherkins, guacomole, and lots and lots of lime jello."

brought the dog?"

Board of Trustees Although its existence is not often recognized by the student body, the most important organization of La Salle is the Board of Trustees. As the ultimate authority of La Salle, the Board, led by Chairman of the Board Brother Colman Coogan, F.S.C., and Brother Robert Shea, F.S.C., who serves as president, makes the decisions regarding all of La Salle's important educationa, financial, and developmental strategies. These decisions are made at the bi-monthly meetings for the administration to carry out. The Board has 15 members who are unpaid and chosen for expertise in financial, educational, and legal affairs. The Board is supported by three exofficio "service members, including Mr. David Diehl, Brother James Dries, F.S.C., and Mr. Lawrence Mangan,

and advisory members," who are chosen for their skills in a particular area. Neither advisory nor service members vote. The Board is organized into five committees: the Executive committee, which is only convened when the entire Board cannot meet; the Finance committee; the Development committee, which arranges investment portfolios and gifts; the Long-Range Planning Committee; and the Nominating committee, which names new members. The volunteer service given by the Board of Trustees allows La Salle to act as an independent school. The amount of professional experience present on the Board allows it to make informed decisions on the paths La Salle walks in the present and will take in the future.

The 1989-90 Board of Trustees.

b o a r d ~ s t e e s 23

GUIDANCE It is the role of the six guidance counselors to help us to straighten up our miserable little lives. For Brother Tom Chadwick, that means getting freshmen out from under the chairs and getting them to think about finding a life. For Dr. Daly, guidance is getting sophomores to stop thinking about their lives and start thinking about studies. Those who refuse her give up a portion of their lives to be tutored by Mrs. Baer. In Junior year, Mr. Devine starts students on the long and winding road towards college life. And in senior year, the job splits: Mr. Dolan has students examine their lives, while Brother David Rogers has colleges examine their lives. What would our lives be without them?

Brother David Rogers: College Placement Director; English 2.

Mrs. Marie Baer: Guidance and Counseling Services/Intermediate Unit.

Mr. Michael Dolan: Senior Guidance.

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Mrs. Marie Baer Mrs. Marie Baer takes struggling biology students each year and attempts to transform them into budding young doctors. Also, she tutors promising sophomores in "Camp Baer," a weekly summer program designed to increase their standardized test scores. In both of these endeavors, she has been uncommonly successful. Brother Thomas Chadwick Ah, poor soul! Not only does Brother Tom have to teach freshmen, he also has to guide them. And he actually seems to like it! He succeeds in this difficult job partly because he can calm and reassure the excitable freshmen with his soothing voice. Dr. Doris Daly Confronting one of the most dreaded afflictions of youth each day, Mrs. Daly counsels students suffering from sophomoritis. She attempts to encourage the "wise" while suppressing the "fool."

Mr. Patrick Devine: Junior Guidance; Marriage.

Dr. Doris Daly: Sophomore Guidance.

Mr. Patrick Devine "You mean he's a teacher?" is the question asked most often about Mr. Patrick Devine. But, yes, when not coaching Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track, and leading naive ju-

niors astray, Mr. Devine is sometimes reported to be seen enthusiastically teaching Christian Marriage to seniors. Mr. Michael Dolan Although his title is "Senior Guidance Counselor," Mr. Michael Dolan makes himself available to just talk. He reinforces this openness by leaving the door to his office open all day. He is the ''Man-With-A-Million-Readings,'' expounding the American Indian Philosophy or the pleasures of music, among other things. His classload is weightless, so that he may concentrate on his efforts to control those wild seniors; with one inspirational quote, he quiets the hordes. Brother David Rogers Around December each year, Brother David Rogers is besieged by hundreds of anxious seniors trying to get into college. We hear him admonish us to "get the applications in before Christmas," and so we begin to work on them about December 18th. At this time, he becomes one of the most important people in the school. He works to save seniors from procrastination and from the bottomless pit of college choices.

Brother Tom Chadwick: DIRECTOROF GUIDANCE; Freshman Guidance; English 1.




Mrs. Angeline Colangelo: dent.

Secretary to Presi-

Mrs. Bernadette Logan: Secretary to Director of lege Placement.

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen: Secretary to Princir::

Mrs. Karen Mullen: Secretary to Vice President.


Mrs. Patricia Schaum: Receptionist/Secretary to A! tant Principal.


Mrs. Patricia Dever: Data Manager /Development office.


Mrs. Helen Gallagher: Assistant to Director of Alumni Affairs

Mrs. Florence Ward: Director of Alumni Affairs.


Mrs. Jennie Barratt: Director of Health Services. (Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro, also our nurse, teaches -

Mrs. Faye Kasloff: Assistant to Comptroller.

see p. 43)


Mr. Dennis Blah Formerly a lawyer on "Divorce Court," Mr. Bloh quit because he always got stuck defending the adulterous husband or the gold-digging wife. The next best profession, of course, was teaching at La Salle. When not learning his students in English real good, Mr. Bloh finds time to moderate the wrestling team. He says he likes the wrestlers in general, but they still aren't as tenacious as a husband fighting to keep his ex-wife's hands off his Mercedes. Mr. Clare Brown Because of her understanding nature, Mrs. Brown softens well the devastation Freshmen feel when they have to face a solemn truth: Shane dies! Mrs. Brown also broadens the sensitivities of juniors in providing a balanced focus on the fictional men and women who inhabit the pages of the American Literature offerings. Mr. Bernard McCabe Seven questions Mr. McCabe will not answer: 1. Hey, Mr. McCabe, is that a new tie you're wearing? 2. Is it true your brother's smarter than you? 3. Are those sneakers? 4. What are you doing for Christmas this year? 5. Is it true that your parents liked Ed

6. 7.

more? What's my name, Mr. McCabe? What is it that Freud said about facial hair?

Mr. Edward McCabe "Yeah, sure, my childhood was a lot like Oedipus', but hey, whose wasn't?" "And, by the way, Phiddipides didn't have to run through Harlem."

Mr. Dennis Bloh: English 1, 3

Mr. Edward Molush Despite failing his tryout for the Senior Baseball League, Mr. Molush continues to cling to the illusion that he is a major-league pitcher. After all, he claims, he is better than most of the Phillies' pitchers. However, he also diversifies his time teaching literature and writing, co-moderating this book, coaching Haverford College's baseball team, raising a two-year old son, and averting World War III. Mr. Michael O'Toole What happens when lounge singing goes completely out of style? "Why, you teach English," states Mr. O'Toole, explaining his career move. "I still get to wear my old outfits. They fit in with the English teacher look. Of course, I had to grow a beard because that other guy said I'd look funny without one." He teaches us, via literature, writing, art, and music, who we've been and who we are.

Mrs. Clare Brown: English 1, 3

Mr. Bernard McCabe: English 2, 4



Mr. Edward McCabe: English 1, 4

Mr. Edward Molush: English 2, 4

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo First of all, let's get one thing perfectly clear: Dr. D' Angelo does not give free medical advice. Nontheless, when he does his Foghorn Leghorn imitation, he is often greeted with the question of "What's up, Doc?" He first came to La Salle in 1986, and in two years succeeded in staging a coup for the Chair of the English Department. Dr. D' Angelo's doctorate is in Baseball Literature, and he almost always predicts the pennant races correctly - what he does to achieve this rate of success is not known, but strange blue lights have been seen coming from the Physics room after school.

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo: CHAIRPERSON: ENGLISH DEPT.; English 2, 3.

Mr. Michael O'Toole: Independent Study in English, Creative Writing 2, A.P. English, English 1, 4



Mr. Gabriel Blanco Mr..Blanco is truly a "completely different" teacher here at La Salle. Besides the regular Spanish curriculum, he teaches his students "self-hypnosis". This skill includes reading minds (which could come in handy during tests) and "out of body experiences" (which could really come in handy during tests). But watch yourself! Mr. Blanco knows what you're thinking! He received his B.A. from La Salle University, where he also teaches, and his M.A. from Temple. Along with his teaching, "Senor" keeps himself busy with his hypnotic therapy, moderating the Student Council, organizing t.he Spanish trip, and helping to raise his family. Mr. Blanco stands out as one of La Salle's "mejores" teachers in taking the time to talk over students' problems when he. asks us, one-on-one, "iCual es tu problema?"

Mr. William Geiger: Latin 1, 2, 3x; Creative Writing; Ecology

Mr. David Manion: Spanish l; French 4, 5, A.P. French



Mr. George Hohenleitner: German 1, 2, 3, 3x, A.P. German

Bro. Robert Romano: Religion 2; Spanish 1, 2

Mr. Joseph Radvansky: Algebra 1, 2X, Math Analysis 1, 2; Geometry/Trig.

Ms. Maureen Dugan Unlocking the mysteries (and there are many) of algebra to unsuspecting freshmen, Ms. Dugan shows how 2 3x+6y=4, 7x+2y+6=9z -2.6, and 2+2=5. And in her sophomore classes, her infamous "college tests," gets everyone ready to fill in those annoying ovals (see the PSA T article). Brother Thomas Dunn After his series was cancelled by the network, the "Equalizer" can now devote all his time to teaching. Whether teaching Algebra or Geometry, the world's biggest leprechaun continues his streak of 37 years without a mistake. And despite a few of his minor oversights, the record remains unbroken.

Ms. Tina Shustack: Algebra 2, Computer Literacy, Pro路 gramming 1, Geometry/Trigonometry.

Mr. John Frizalone The first day of math class, we were all intimidated by the hulking mass of Mr. John Frizalone. He made sure that we knew to "GROUP X'S WITH DX'S AND Y'S WITH DY'S!!!" Mr. Friz takes great pride in developing his "mathematical studs," and second only to them are his athletes on the practice field. He creates perfect balance of mind and body. Brother Charles Mrozinski "What a teacher! He really knows how to explain algebra, especially by using transparencies. Did you see his last one of the year? It was pathetic. He may be a great math teacher ... but he needs lessons in art." Mr. Michael Ponisciak One of the few people who can both spell and pronounce his name correctly, Mr. Michael Ponisciak teaches his math and analysis courses flawlessly.

Students are often surprised when they realize he, like Brother Tom, has never made a mistake. When not teaching math, Mr. Ponisciak finds time to chance a once-a-week trip into Roxborough as co-moderator of the C.S.C. Mr. Joseph Radvansky We sit in disbelief of "Mr. Rad." We've obviously produced outstanding results because he's used the work "Right" at least 97 times in the last 20 minutes. But our favorite mathematician continues to reach bounds that are, to him, "No Big Deal." His students, though at times completely baffled, are always kept awake by his endless supply of energy. "Agreed?!?"

Ms. Tina Shustack Since coming to La Salle two years ago, Ms. Shustack has her hands full teaching computer programming and geometry. Even with the computer plotting against her in computer literacy by tampering with a freshman's (amazing how it singles them out) work, she maintains a smile - usually. Although she will not admit it publicly, Ms. Shustack has been known to break into the computer files of various newspapers and scramble George Bush's quotes into gibberish. Mrs. Mary Jo Smith

Proving both Thomas Wolfe and The Moody Blues wrong, Mrs. Mary Jo Smith comes home again to La Salle. Having left school six years ago to raise her first child, she now returns to balance math, the Forum, and caring for two children - all tasks she performs most competently. She does, however, sometimes get confused - as the bright style of her homeroom reveals.

Mrs. Mary Jo Smith: Algebra 1, Geometry.



Brother Kenneth Cook: Religion 1, 2, World Cultures


~ff#l'i11#!i6'~f"i?i/fitffl#Y,eA{~ti;:i~;J&tt !Ji~' .\j Brother Kenneth Cook Brother Kenneth Cook's religion class is not the average religion class. His stories and discussions are extremely humorous yet true, and they relate to the lesson at the same time. Not to say that he is an easy teacher. He always says, "I don't give you the grade. I just put it down." This philosophy makes him a demanding yet respected teacher to his freshman and sophomore classes.

Mr. Francis Johnson Mr. Johnson was recently recruited by La Salle to teach a mixed bag of Religion and English. Prepared for his task with a little-known triple degree, Mr. Johnson is faring quite well so far. We welcome him to the faculty. Now, if

34 f~y

he could only master Wisterian layouts.

Mrs. Muriel Mehr A veteran member of La Salle's faculty, Mrs. Mehr has been teaching Death and Dying and other religion courses here for quite some time. She is also responsible for mass deforestation by her insatiable demand for posterboard. Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti Every time I enter his religion class, I am guaranteed one of his stories. Pity, the ends are never as funny as the beginnings. He is the ideal religious teacher - he really tests our faith. I just wish he would stop doing the "Dance of Death" on his desk.

Mr. Francis Johnson: Religion I, Peace, English 2

Mr. Alfred Punte/ Mr. Alfred "Big Al" Puntel is well known for his ties, which are the envy of the rest of the faculty. While he has been heard to say "Yes, Yes? No, No?," he is unerring in his facts as he bestows morality upon pagan juniors and gives seniors a better understanding of Jesus than previously thought possible. While he has addressed them several times upon the importance of proper reflective gear, he claims he has no plans to take over the Bike Club. When not busy teaching, he can be found patrolling the cafeteria, placating sophomores with a quick "Hey, take it. easy," or disputing with Paul Bonfanti about exactly who runs the C.S.C.

Mrs. Muriel Mehr: Death, Morality, Christian Action, Prayer

Mr. Alfred Puntel: CHAIRPERSON: RELIGION DEPT.; Morality, Church History, Understanding Jesus



Mrs. Linda Canobbio You can tell Mrs. Linda Cannobio gets a kick out of showing movies taken by cameras in places some of her male students never thought possible. You can see the smirk come across her face as she tells them just how the cameras got there. After that, she must teach biology class to an apprehensive bunch of students.

Teaching Chemistry with such proficiency and speed, Mrs. Ponisciak sometimes forces students to abandon traditional note-taking and turn on tape recorders to get all the information she packs into her classes. Her lively classes sometimes features such games as "Find the 'A'." Now, if she could only remember the school is shaped like an "H".

Mr. Gerald Evans There's only one day in each marking period that "Opie" is called by his real name, Mr. Evans. That is the day before marks close, when a number of students will ever so politely try to talk their way from a "D" to a "C". As for the rest of the time, "Hey, Opie!" suffices. He generally takes it with a smile, for he who laughs last ...

Mr. Robert Reinhardt A graduate of La Salle in 1983, Mr. Robert Reinhardt is in his second year of teaching at La Salle. Mr. Reinhardt has the unenviable task of teaching freshman Physical Science. Not only does he have to put up with broken 路 beakers, Mr. Reinhardt also has to avoid the urge to light up during class. He is one of La Salle crew's varsity coaches and all of the members of the crew appreciate his gentleness and warm heart, especially after those agonizing practices. When Mr. Reinhardt isn't at La Salle or the boathouse he can probably be found in his Corvette, in his Mustang, or in the crew bus.

Mr. Terry Gillespie Mr. Gillespie, a graduate of La Salle High, is now learning firsthand what it was like to teach him. We hear his tests are now, of course, as difficult as the ones he used to complain about. Undergoing the vicious faculty initiation of teaching freshmen and sophomores, Mr. Gillespie is also the new assistant coach of the basketball team. Brother Valery Nguyen Van An Here's something completely different: the life of Brother Valery. Like many others, he became a Brother early in life; unlike others, he did so in Vietnam. He taught in Vietnam for seven years, until, in 1978, he was arrested and held in a communist prison camp for three years. After his release, he eventually journeyed to Paris, and to La Salle University. He now assists computer science classes while bringing diversity to the faculty.

he can be found enlightening young minds in Physics class where he becomes "Mr. Wizard." For all his students know that when he prepares some equipment (that took him the entire class to find), it could be cause to run and hide. Despite this, and an occasional class spent in clueless daze, he remains a valued teacher.

Mrs. Linda Canobbio: Biology, Human Anatomy, Chemistry

Ms. Lorraine Rimert Ms. Lorraine Rimert begins each year stating, "Physics is Fun," and she spends the rest of the year trying to prove it to rabid Physics students. When not teaching, she can usually be seen playing A-V cart tag with Mr. Miller and catching rides on the elevator. Rumors have also been circulated concerning the existence of the secret video files in the A.V. room. Does her teaching of Electronics allow students to employ their own surveillance techniques??? Mr. Robert Russell When Mr. Russell is not playing tennis or teaching in the computer room,

Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak Mr. Gerald Evans: A.P. Biology, Biology



Mr. Terry Gillespie: Biology, Physical Science.

~rs. Dorothy Ponisciak: A.P. Chemistry: Chemistry

Brother Valery Nguyen Van An: Computer Science.

Mr. Robert Reinhardt: Physical Science

Mrs. Julia Maher: CHAIRPERSON: SCIENCE DEPT.; Chemistry

Mrs. Julia Maher

Known as "the Chemistry Maher" to avoid confusion with her homophonic counterpart "the Religion Mehr," Mrs. Maher has given La Salle seven years of her life. When she is not trying to enlist students to attend her alma mater, Chestnut Hill College, she is teaching Chemistry. She also moderates the La Sallian Associates, who now know more about valence elections than they thought possible. Her recent discoveries of elements 109-137 have made her a minor scientific celebrity. (What's the matter - haven't you ever heard of LaSallium, Julium, and Maherium?) ~s. Lorraine Rimert: Physics; Electricity 1, 2; Audio Tisual

Mr. Robert Russell: Programming 1, 2, A.P. Computer Science; Physics, A.P. Physics



Bro. Timothy Ahern Brother Tim Ahern is the man people know from down the shore (in Ocean City) who wears the noseguard and the Notre Dame baseball cap. Or maybe you know Brother Tim because of his involvement with intramurals. Brother Tim teaches history to many sophomore classes. Those who have had him probably know about his "Pearl Harbor Tests." Brother Tim is probably the coolest brother at La Salle, But he likes things to get done, and done right. Brother Tim loves Notre Dame and his Irish culture. He's an Irish man, he is! Mr. John Grace "Talk to me, man." La Salle's last holdout of the sixties says as he brushes his hair back. Amid the mustache and hair jokes, Mr. John Grace teaches his students the theories and the motives behind the dates and facts. He makes his class think about history, instead of simply memorizing facts and figures. If he would only get a real haircut ... Mr. Martin Jackson Mr. Jackson's inspiration comes from his desire to teach about life, as well as history - and from two cups of coffee per class. Mr. Jackson is often compared to great people such as Henry Kissinger, as they both share the same negotiating abilities, and George Jetson, as they share the same good looks and witty sense of humor. But Mr. Jackson's teaching ability doesn't stop

outside the classroom. His 'enthusiasm' on the basketball court inspires players and fans. Mr. Gerald Miller Now that Mr. Miller has received his official A-V cart license, he can be seen tooling around school with it mumbling to himself, "Rimert thinks she's soooo hot ... Where is she now?" Publicly clinging to the claim that he needs it for educational purposes, other faculty members say he just couldn't take Mrs. Rimert' s teasing.

Bro. Timothy Ahern: World/ American History, American History 2

Mr. Joseph Parisi "What exactly is he now?" students ask of Mr. Parisi. This year, only a chosen few are taught by him. The rest of the time, he can be seen in the attendance office. When asked about his new job, he simply said, "I want to be the NEW Diehl." Mr. Thomas Turner Mr. Tom Turner, the "cool cat" of the social studies department, takes his history classes deep into the studies of world history. While he bids us trudge back across continents and into numerous and tumultuous eras of civilization, his subtle humor entertains and his latest fashions mesmerize. Just recently, he was asked by GQ magazine to do some modeling, but Mr. Turner declined the offer, saying he enjoys teaching at La Salle.

Mr. John Grace: American History 2; A.P. European Histo路 ry; World Cultures

Mr. Martin Jackson: World Cultures; American History 2

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Mr. Gerald Miller: World/ American History, Vietnam

Mr. Joseph Colistra Mr. Joseph Colistra is one teacher who brings something completely different into the classroom. Whether it is through "high-heeled sneakers", "furlined supporters", or dual due-dates (It's due t'day, but I'll take it t'marra. "), Mr. Colistra adds difference to the studies of history and economics. As you would expect from a graduate of La Salle High (class of 1964 - so now you know how old he is) and Villanova, he really knows his stuff - from Hitler to homogeneous oligopoly. In addition to teaching, Mr. Colistra serves as the chairman of the Social Studies - a fact which may explain the eccentric natures of many of the social studies teachers. As if these duties weren't enough, he is also the coach of La Salle's varsity football team, a job he performs a little differently as well. He intersperses play calls with references to the male anatomy to drive the team to victory. That is just Mr. Colistra's way: he will do anything to help his students or team succeed, even if that means doing things with a little twist.

Mr. Joseph Parisi: World Cultures, Psychology

Mr. Joseph Colistra: CHAIRPERSON: SOCIAL STUDIES DEPT.; Economics 1 & 2, A.P. American History, Hitler, Communism

1r. Thomas Turner: World Cultures, World/ American His:>ry 1



Mr. Walter Farrell

"Shaadap. Today ... echo ... echo ... three ... echo ... echo . . . Line . . . echo . . . freestyle . . . echo ... echo ... Shadaaaap ... echo ... Shadaap ... echo ... echo ... Jones ... echo ... echo ... youse ... Shadaap ... polo ... echo ... " Mr. Tore Hanssen: Physical Education 1, 2, 3.

Mr. Tore Hanssen

Mr. Tore Hanssen came to La Salle to teach gym after Brother Hillary complained about not having anyone to shoot foul shots with. Anyone can spot him easily, as he is the only person in the building wearing shorts. It's only his first year here and he wasn't quite caught on to the dress code. (We're jealous: high-tops and no tie!) Nevertheless, we welcome him to the Faculty. Now, if only he'd stop making gym class like ... gym class. Brother Hillary McGovern

"This here gym ain't big enough for the two of us, Punk," he said, as a new face appeared in gym shorts sporting a

whistle tucked into his shirt pocket. "Your time's up brother. Ne• blood's taking over this gym class," th newcomer said in a confident voic, Perhaps too confident ... "How about pool? Why donch teach pool instead? You won't get n trouble there." "Don't want to. Pool's too cold," tr new face said with a glint in his eye And so the young gun tried to sta~ his claim. What he did not count on w, the tenacity of a reputable old han who wouldn't be so quick to give up h job. " ... the app cant for the post of Athletic Director Notre Dame should have the followh character traits. He must be able maneuver on crutches, drive a golf ca proficiently, and, above all, be snappy dresser. He should be able assist Lou and Digger in their incon taxes and be able to solicit money cc tributions from reluctant students. S, ary commensurate with experience.

Mr. Martin Stanczak

Brother Hillary McGovern: Physical Education 1, 2, 3.

Mr. Martin Stanczak: DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS; Ac¡ counting.

Mr. Walter Farrell: Pool 1, 2, 3.



Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro Mr. C. is the ultimate "jazz guy. Whether he is kindly asking "What #%&*@ number are you playing?" or exclaiming "Aaaarghhh!" he strives to make sure that the band remains La Salle's most loyal organization, by playing at football games, school functions, and concerts. Brother Joseph Myers Sitting in the back of the mechanical drawing room, I've gotten to know my savior, Brother Joe, very well. After being rescued from an abandoned car

the Northeast and painted yellow, I've had a great time in his classes. "Well . .. " I know that "this is La Salle" and I've offered my prayers for the sick and the elderly [Mary Boyle]. I have become a classical rock music aficionado from listening to the radio while the students draw their their T-squares for the Hercules Motor Co. I can hear Brother Joe say to his students, "Well ... Gentlemen ... You know who you are, where you are, and what you have to do, Gentlemen." "Stay steady," Brother.

Mrs. Diane McGovern "Well, that looks nice, but ... " These dreaded words are often heard from the knowledgeable lips of Mrs. McGovern as she suggests a little more shading here, a highlight lifted out there, or a few cows thrown in for effect. Mrs. McGovern tackles all of the art classes with a creative flair, and also handles Mechanical Drawing, Art History and the occasional European History class. With a bright outlook in her mind and a bright scarf worn across her shoulder (Don't you ever get paint on them?), she reminds us not to carve on the desks (or each other) with the styluses, to make sure we clean up when it's time, and, above all, to BRING IN YOUR INTERESTING OBJECT!

~r. Joseph Ciccimaro: CHAIRPERSON: MUSIC DEPT.; Advanced ~usic, Introductory Music, Intermediate Music, Jazz, Small Ensembles.

Mrs. Diane McGovern: CHAIRPERSON: GENERAL STUDIES; Art 1, 2, 3, Art Portfolio, Art History.

3rother Joseph Myers: Mechanical Drawing, Religion 1, 2.



LIBRARY! MINISTRY Father Anthony Janton Channel 3: The Battle of the Bands. Father Anthony Janton, of La Salle and the Cathedral Basilica, sounds off against L. Pavarotti, from somewhere in Italy. Tonight at 9. Brother Henry Werner Brother Henry's never ending quest for better religious participation and more interesting and enlightening retreats has him producing a great deal of papers with strange, coded letters at the bottom. On a sadder note, he was torn by the great English-French lyric conflict. Brother Joseph Keough WANTED: School Librarian. Must be first-rate organizer and capable handler of many student requests. Several

hundred (affectionately applied) nicknames required. Must be able to watch every individual in library at the same time. Being good at stacking books on their sides a plus. Must deal economically with heat. Warmbloodedness a must. Mrs. Susan Sayer and Mrs. Alice Ann Basso How would you like to have to check out, check in, and shelve books? What if you also had to sort the card catalog and the book cards? And, what if you had to struggle with a 75-year-old computer to produce annoying (but necessary) overdue notes? No one person could do all these tasks. Luckily, we have two - Mrs. Sayer and Mrs. Bosso.

Brother Joseph Keough: Director of Library Services.

Mrs. Susan Sayer: Library Assistant

Father Anthony Janton: Campus Ministry.

Brother Henry Werner: Director of Campus Ministry.

Mrs. Alice Ann Bosso: Library Assistant.


I i b r a r~n

i st r y

SPECIALITIES! PROCTORS 3rothers Miller Bosch, Edward Cannon, rnd Aloysius Lumley This happy-go-lucky trio appears requently throughout the school keeprig watchful eyes on the students. They viiinever hesitate to greet you and ask 1ow you are doing this year. Having 1ivendecades of service and guidance, hey deserve well their calmer respite. Jrs. Janice Ciccimaro

When my freshman Health class, aught by Mrs. Ciccimaro, was over, I an to my locker, put my books away, ind went to the gym to play basketball. )uring the game, I was accidentally el,owed in the face and got a bloody 1ose. I went to the nurse's office, where found Mrs. Ciccimaro ready to take are of me. While giving me cosmetic urgery, she told me of her plans to ake over her husband's job in the muic department. "Tomorrow the world

Brother Linus Finn In his early life, Brother Linus had dreams of becoming an interior decorator. Instead, he chose to become a Christian Brother, but only if they gave him a room of his own to decorate. In his spare time, Brother Linus calls each of his students to wish them a happy birthday, and is still trying to beat out that Methusalek guy. But most importantly, he teaches all of us "The Home Keys."

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro: Health; Infirmary.

Mr. Frank Mullin How many other people with the middle name "Xavier" do you know? When not busy giving change to call "Mommy," Mr. Mullin can usually be seen, in his trademark hat, coming in from outside. He used to be a math teacher; now, he has the ability to use those skills in adding up the lofty student book bills.

Brother Linus Finn: Typing.

Brother Aloysius Lumley: Proctor.

Brother Edward Cannon: Proctor.

Mr. Frank Mullin: Assistant Bookstore Man路 ager



Domenic Pitone

Alice Murdoch, John Steimetz, and Al Carcifi were unavailable for photo.


Mary Diaz

Bob Hillgrube

Charles Savoy

Mike Donovan

Bill Lafontaine

John McKeogh




enuine ignorance is ... profitable because it is likely to be accompanied by humility, curiosity, and open-minded-

ness; whereas ability to repeat catch-phrases, cant terms, familiar propositions, gives the conceit of learning and coats the mind with varnish waterproof to new ideas. -


John Dewey



frosh's typical look of despair after finding that his locker has been cleaned out .


student Not not read路 es in th ing c1.路t; e library . ' f 's

dl'%r 47

Aaron Baer Jesse Balcer Jamie Barton Brian Bennett Chris Bergan Akio Bley Christopher Bonner John Brackin Marlin Brown Peter Burghart Stephen Burgo Louis Burngiorno John Bush John Butler Tom Butler Pat Byrne Mark Cabato Jamie Cairnes Anthony Campagna Mark Campbell Joe Cannon John Cantwell Franny Cappalletti Brian Carr Steven Choi Gregory Ciaverelli George Cole Keith Conlin James Cosgrove Michael Coyle

so much road;

O LITTLE TIM "O my God, I'm not going to make it in time," I kept thinking over and over. It was five minutes to midnight and I was twenty miles from home. Does this sound familiar to you? If it does, you aren't alone. All high school students have to deal with a parent-inflicted restriction that hangs over teens' heads like ten-ton weights: CURFEW!! Chances are you have had at least one experience where you lost track of the time: you were at "the party of the year"; you got caught up in all that excitement at one of those swell school mixers (maybe not); your girlfriend's parents were away for the weekend and you had to keep her company; or you just wandered too far from home looking for something to do. You had to resort to bending the speed limit a little, running that "yellow" light; and blowing by one of those annoying stop signs. You arrive,at your house a half hour late and you

48 ju~s

figure "This is it! I'm grounded for sure." You ha, only one chance. "Maybe they're asleep." You snec in quietly through the back door and cautiously slip u the stairs to your room when suddenly, a voice fro: the darkened living room says, "Where the hell we1 you!!!" Uh-oh! They caught you. You have to think fast, "I know," you say to you self, "I'll just come up with a really good excuse." Yc tell them the first thing that comes to mind: "I w, waiting at a red light and it must have been brok, because it didn't change for at least an hour. I didr want to just go through it because you always said obey the traffic laws." You notice that they dor appear to believe you so you come up with anoth excuse, and then another: ranging from bad acciden to the ever reliable "I had a flat tire." Your parents t, you that they understand perfectly, and then grow you for two weeks. Does this sound familiar?

Eddie Craig John Croney Dan Crowe Joe Cullen Jeff Cunningham Michael Cunningham Brian Daly Justin Deangelis Scott Deltito Tom DeSimone James Piano Fredrick Dini Chris Doehne Brian Donahue Sean Donnelly Tim Downs Curtis Eby Jon Egnotvich Craig Fitzgerald Tom France Matthew Fry Gerry Fuhmeister Vincent Galzerano Thomas Gillon Michael Gilroy Chris Glessner Jeff Goodwin Dan Graig Kevin Gray Brent Griffith But what is the purpose of a curfew, besides making >Urlives miserable? "I don't know why we have to 1ave a curfew on the weekends when we are always ,reaking it anyways," replied one student. "You can't lo anything on the weekends if you have to work late ike I do." One student, lacking eloquence, simply ,tated, "It stinks!" If you ask any student, he can give you at least one 'horror story" of his bad experiences with being late. 'I was speeding to get home in time and got pulled lver by the cops. They have me a ticket for $74 and a warning for being out past midnight. They caused me o get home even later. When I got home my parents 1rounded me and took away the car for a month: two weeks for being late and two for speeding." So the ;tories go. Apparently, until the Supreme Court rules "the :urfew" unconstitutional, or until our parents rememler that they were once teens too, we can resort to mly one sensible solution: plan to be home 11:00 P.M ... Naaaaahhh!!

Worse than the nuclear clock, this clock counts the second to the ultimate oblivion: GROUNDING!



Brian Guckert Damon Gulli Daniel Hamilton Larry Harbison Jeff Harrer Chris Hasson Marty Hayes Sean Hendrick Chris Hilty Steve Hood Mike Horst John Houck Vincent Hummel Marko Jarymovych Chris Jodlowski Billy Vile-Junod Robert Karwacki Greg Kedziera Michael Keely Dan Keenan Chris Kelly Dan Kelly Michael Kenefic Gregg Kersey Dan Kim Kevin Koch Jerry Kopitsky Ernie Koschineg Tom Kovac Gred Linde

' SOOOOOOC go speed racer, go

As the school year rolls along, mem路 bers of the junior class enter into another dimension. The radio blares a fa. vorite tune, maybe Springsteen's "Born to Run." They become captivated by the driving experience. At the sign post up ahead they see the onramp to the 309 Speedway. Their foot becomes heavier, and recall of traffic laws become hazier. They are ensnared in the Car Zone. Juniors develop driver's syndrome - their quest to obtain a driver's Ji. cense. A license is their ticket - oops, can't mention tickets - passport to

50 ju~s

independence, which they have sought for the past sixteen years. Gone are Big Wheels, training wheels, dirt bikes, 12speeds, and skateboards. Juniors become renewed with enthusiasm as they try to impress their friends with their Mean Wheels. After receiving their licenses, the cars which they are seen driving are most important. The cars they drive can make them more appealing to girls. Indeed, a BMW is more appealing than a rusted out Mercury Monarch. But on the other hand, most juniors are satisfied with any type of car - even a

Pinto - rather than no car at all. When a junior receives his driver'i license he breaks away from his depen dence on others for transportation. Hi ends his reliance on his parents, neigh bors, siblings, Uncle George who work: near school, or SEPT A. When in con trol of a car, a junior feels he is more ii control of his life. He can go to mixers parties, basketball games, on dates fas ter and more easily then when he coul< not drive himself. A driver's licens, symbolizes a junior's entrance int, adulthood. Now, about that curfew ...

Mr. Miller's last sight. failure to have one of these stickers could result in immediate expulsion - for your car.

"Look! Mr. Miller -

Erik Link Eric Litchendorf James Lloyd Joe Lopez Jason Lottier David Luby Mark Lucente Bob MacCartney Michael Maguire Domenic Maida Charles Malone Steve Matthew Andrew Maude Brady Marzella Jaime Mayer Mark McAnally Michael McCaffery Mark McCann Brian McDermott Thomas McDonald Matthew McElveny Bill McFadden Kevin McGeehan Brian McGill Mark McGinnis Tom McGowan Mark McKee Joe McManus Josh McNamara Jim McNamee

20 points!"



MARKS October 24th was the date of the PSAT-NMSQT testing. at La Salle. Sophomores prepare to take the test as Juniors, when it counts. The Juniors take it to qualify for National Merit Scholarship, or to simply give colleges a good first impression. They knew this test would preview what they would see on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs}. I came prepared with my No. 2 pencils and the hope that I would do well. I mindlessly filled in those ovals for my name, address, etc. Then my homeroom teacher told my class the test was about to begin. "AAAAAAAAH!" Sorry. Tension - release sigh. Bob McNichol Joe McNicHol Quintin Mecke Arthur Mee Christian Mercuri Steve Miller William Molinari Brian Morrissey Joseph Morrissey C.B. Mulhern Andrew Mullen Michael Mullen John Murphy Craig Neverosky Khoa Nguyen Joshua Nowak Mike O'Brien Shawn O'Brien Michael O'Connell Bill O'Donnell Kevin O'Donnell Brian O'Hara Mark O'Neill Chris Oberholzer Pat O'Halloran Frank Orsino Robert Particelli James Pecsi Jason Pero Robert Pigeon

52 Ju~s

Had to be done, although I had shocked - but had not amused - the proctor. With that my class dove into the English section of the test. I became frustrated during the antonym section when I didn't know some of the words (like "antonym"!), but I tried to forget about it and move on. The other parts were sentence completion ("! think; therefore I _"), analogy (as in, metaphor: ballpeen hammer: Electromagnet: sneaker}, and reading comprehension. The reading was time consuming, and I rushed to finish. Many of my classmates were not as lucky as I and didn't answer all of the questions. For National Merit the English score is




Well, I could always be an English teacher.

doubled and added to the math to get the index score. This makes English more important, and I can say I'm not 100% happy with my performance. A short break between the two sections allowed my class to relax and reflect on the English section. My teacher said to forget about all the tension, and she made sure I didn't scream out again. The Math section was not that tough, but many people again didn't finish. The questions became increasingly difficult as the test moved on, but I think I did well. My major fear was committing stupid mistakes on the easy questions, but worse, fillingin the wrong ovals for 17 answers in a

row! Finally it ended, and everyone felt ... exasperat路 ed. I looked forward to seeing my results and to start receiving letters from colleges after the test. High scorers and Merit Semi-Finalists will be honored at next year's Honor Convocation. Directly after the test, everyone left to enjoy a half-day of school, except me. I had some people to see about my "tension breaker."

John Pluck Brian Poehlmann Jason Potter Ed Pratowski Dan Rakowski John Randazzo Patrick Randles John Rider Matt Rivera Christian Roccia Rick Rojas Greg Roman Matt Romano Frank Roscioli Bill Rusnak John Russo Joe Ruzzi Mike Saracino Rich Scali Chris Schmidt Christopher Schmidt Kevin Schmidt John Michael Schulden Bob Sciascia Kevin Scully Andrew Scutti Brian Shannon Bill Shepherd Francis Sheridan Jim Sigmund



SHUFFLE The end of the second period nears. You plan your strategy for the next three minutes. "Take middle stairs," you tell yourself. "Go to locker room. Dump books. Grab religion and history books. Get to history class on time." That sounds fairly easy, right? 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... 0 ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... The bell rings at 10:17:03, but you remain in your seat writing your math assignment for tonight, losing twenty seconds. You quickly move down the hall only to hurry up and wait in line at the middle stairs. You attempt to move speedily up the steps by dodging past others, but a freshman elbows you in the knee and a sophomore catches you in the side as he swings his bookbag over his shoulder. You make it to your locker on the third floor. One minute and thirty-five seconds left. You misdial the combination because you tried to open it quickly. You open your locker, put away your English and math books, and pick up your ten-pound history book and

your religion books. "Yo, do we need our Bibles today?" you call to a classmate. "Yeah," he replies, and you have another book to carry. Forty-five second left. Your history class is in room 109. You walk down the hall past the typing room. You see Brother Linus and greet him: "Hello, brother." He responds, "Hello, Good Boy. Number Ten Boy. Your a Good Boy. What are you?" "A Good Boy, Brother," you say as you continue to the stairs. Thirty-five seconds left. Hopping down the steps, you try to slide by others who move at a more leisurely pace than your own. You form your own third lane, bumping shoulders on both sides. Bursting through the first floor doors, you are nearly broadsided by Mr. Miller and his A-V cart, but you adroitly jump aside. "Just missed another," he mutters. Ten seconds. 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... Room 109 is just ahead. 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3. You're in the door with three seconds to spare.

Strange, they don't seem too happy.

54 ju~s

Joe Sigmund Robert Silli Keith Sink Michael Sinopoli Darren Skulsky Will Spearing Chris Stark Chad Stowe Steve Streibig Steve Strohecker James Summerill Jeff Timinski Keith T ornetta Carlos Torres John Trainer Ryan Tyrrell Robert Valentine J. Christopher Valerio Nick Varano Michael Vile Fred Vogt Jerry Volpe Matthew Wachowski Jon Walheim John Walker Dan Walls Stephan Weinrich Jerome Wentz Leo Wesolowski Gerard White John White Mike Wilkin Joseph Williamson T.J. Wilson Scott Wimmer Stephan Yatcilla Ryan Young Eric Zemitis

The following juniors were absent for picture day: David Fegley, Joseph Green, Anthony Lee, James Maher, Michael Mayella, Michael Saldutti, Thomas Stack.




Sophomore year is supposed to be a "bridge" here at La Salle, between the end of your grade school/ high school career and your high school/college career. But let's get real. We all know that sophomore year is a time to sandwich the challenges of the curriculum in between getting in trouble and becoming a smart guy (a.k.a. "wise fool"). Of course, a sophomore has priorities; it just happens that schoolwork is about fourth on the list. We should clarify that actual classes are fourth on the list. School is surely one of our favorite places to be, but mostly after classes are over. After school, activities are a typical sophomore thing to engage in: dances, Band, Stage Crew, sports, hanging around in front of the school trying to impress girls as they walk in the door, or picking on Freshmen. We're most interested in the subject of girls, because they have seemed to just discover us, the humble members of the class of 1992. We are now no longer freshmen. We seem to be getting more (some?) recognition as humans. No longer does an attractive female, after asking us what year we are in, get a disappointed look in her eyes and hastily walk away. Now we get ... conversation; now we get spoken to at Phillip Ahn Mark Ammaturo Matt Anastasi John Anisko Matthew Arbogast Mike Bacica Rob Barth Derek Bennis Vince Blatney Mike B'Oris William Bott Matt Boyd James Brandt Daniel Bransfield Mike Brusca Leo Burke Michael Burns Jeff Burrell Jon Byrnes Alvin Cabato Tim Callahan Joe Carrello Ray Casale Joseph Cieplinski Chris Citrino Jay Cody Dan Collins Frank Conti Steve Cook Francis Corcoran

56 sop~res

the same level; now we get PHONE NUMBERS! At you poor freshmen, what you are going thr째ough; at but what you have to look forward to! Now freshman year was like a tortuous journe through a veritable snake-pit of turmoil. (Well, nc really, but we like to think so.) That is how we justif picking on the freshmen. Actually, we have not bee that bad. According to the Daily Bulletin, "NO SUCl DAY EXISTS," so Freshman Day came and went wit nary an incident ... but just wait until the first sno1,.1 fall! (Just kidding, Brother Robert.) As one of our e: teemed, studious classmates put it: "Yo! We had it ju, as bad, so we gotta give those little squids what w got!" Anyhow, freshman year is supposed to be "learning experience." The sophomore year provides a distinctive diffe ence from the curriculum of freshman year. Now, a the classes proclaim themselves as "--IL" In E1 lish, we get to read The Catcher in the Rye and all. W search for a starfish's stomach in Biology. In Algebr II, we experience the excitement of graphing points i space. WE also choose an elective: either Latin, Con puter Science, Art, or everyone's favorite: Free Per od, in which most of us earned "A's" each quarte1

Group shot of the "Society of Ht Sophomores."

Sophomore year leads us, hopefully, to becoming true "High School Students" (editor's note: "seniors"). Seriously, we should do well so we can remember it as a good year academically. We should also enjoy all the activities and social events we can. College concerns aren't too far away. Advice to future sophomores is: Don't blow it, study, work, stay away from those J.P. notes, and have one of the best years of your life. To year-ending sophomores, we say "Wasn't it great?" Shawn Corrigan Jerry Coschi Andrew Cottone Tom Craig Brandan Crawford Geoff Crawford Robert Cruz Mike D'Orazio John Dajnowski Tim Daniel Joe De'Govann Dennis Deley Thomas Deliso Robert Dempsey John Doebley Edward Donovan Jim Downy Michael Doyle Vince Duffy Joe Everling Don Fagnan John Fallon Bill Farrell Brett Feret

Danny File Sam Filippi Pat Finney Joseph Flemming



Your speedometer reads 70 m.p.h. as you speed up Cheltenham Avenue. Sergeant Edwards has already left by the time you turn into the entrance driveway. It is 8:40. You are late. Again, You circle the parking lot three times desperately seeking a parking spot. You find a semi-legal space and head towards Mr. Diehl's office, thinking of a good excuse. Before you have a chance to speak, Mr. Diehl hands you a late slip and a detention notice. This is your seventh late slip. You don't even get a chance to try out your excuse because Mr. Diehl says, "I don't need to hear it." You walk slowly to your locker. While being late for school is more serious, being late for class is the more prevalent occurrence. The slow pace of the halls, an unexpected bathroom visit, a Joe Flynn Jon Frey Dominic Fulginiti Colin Gallagher Dan Gallagher Pat Gallagher Dave Gathman Mark Gibbons T J Ginieczki Greg Giuliano Seth Gontrom John Gorman Walt Greiner Brian Griffith Dan Groseck Max Guevara Francis Haas Glenn Haas Scott Hagelin Sean Haggerty Scott Halstead Shawn Hamstead Roger Harrington Shekher Hathi Patrick Haughton Stephen Herrera Scott Hicke Sean Hipp Charles Hirschbuhl Olexa Horbachevsky

58 sop~res

teacher who decides that the class is not done eve though the bell has rung, or a slight "mishap" on th stairs are all reasons for lateness. Freshmen undoubl edly have the largest amount of late slips. Yet even th most organized can be found visiting Mrs. Mullen, M1 Parisi or Mr. Diehl for a little yellow piece of papet The new three late slips = detention rules has ir creased the "population" of detention. Teachers' rE actions to tardiness range from one extreme to th other. Some disregard your late entrance and contir ue with class. Others stop the lesson and demand t, know every detail of your explanation. Some crumb!, the slip, without even glancing at it, and shoot it fo "two points." Others examine the slip meticulously fo time, date, name, and signature before filing it away i1

How dare that sign be so cheery?

their records. Some teachers think nothing of your lateness, while others regard a delayed arrival for their class as a personal offense. The very best teachers, however, have the proper attitude toward lateness; these right-thinking teachers can see that sending you for a late slip only makes you miss more of the most important class on your roster - theirs - and allow you into class without a slip if you are not overly late. Every student has experience being late. What becomes of this lateness depends on the student, his teachers, and Mr. Diehl, Mr. Parisi and Mrs. Mullen. Just remember, it's NEVER your fault that you're late.

John Hornick Mark Houck Charles Hubbard Brendan Hyland Justin Jandrisitz Tom Jennings Bill Jones Micheal Joyce Mike Jugler Adam Karr Ed Kiernan Charles King Chris Kirkpatrick Keith Krelovich Keith Lapp Ken Larason Merwin Lau Andrew Lawrence Stephen Lawson Dan Leader Deane Leader Daniel Lewis Don Liebsch John Link Gene Litynskij Joe Logan Christian Lopez Ronald Lopit Edward Louka Ath Lowry



Michael Lutz Stephen Lynch Michael Magro Terrence Malone Jim Maloney Ryan Manning Joe Markmann Christopher Martin John.Matsinger Edward McComb Jerry McCormac John Patrick McCusker Brian McDermott Tim McDonald Brian McGuigan Brian McNamara Chris Mediano Shawn Melley Steven Merch Tim Miesko Jim Miller Jeff Minehart John Minnich Jim Modzelewski Andrew Morrisroe Glenn Mulvaney Edward Narke Dave Newdeck Khoi Nguyen William Nichols

I'm dreaming of a white Thanksgiving ...

60 sop~res

Kind of looks like the beginning of Citizen Kane, doesn't it?

AGiCeNUMBER The threat of snow causes a unique Salle student watched the news that ritual in hopes of a day off. Last winter evening - for the first time all year was no exception. The procedure al- to find out the latest snowfall predicways began at school the day before tions from all three channels. He was when the student heard chatter in the sure to believe whatever the weatherhalls about predicted snowfall that man told him, in the greater amounts. night. He was sure to hear at least one Before going to bed he set his alarm a sophomore who swore it was going to half hour early and changed the radio be 6 to 12 ... feet. He might also have station from 'MMR to KYW - a sure been told by Mrs. Canobbio to pray to sign that the ritual had climaxed - to St. Olaf, patron saint of snow, and he hear "333" the next morning. Sometimes he did indeed wake up to could rely on the Freshmen to follow hear our school number announced, her advice. Instead of studying for that big histo- but often he heard the announcer say ry test the next day, the typical La that only 1 to 2 inches had fallen. He

then went into some sort of denial, stubbornly listening to the dosing numbers anyway. His heart beat rapidly some days when he was tortured by, "331, 332 - 334, 335." Those were the days when he had a few choice words for Brother Robert. As depression set in, the student's mother, ever diligent, dragged him out of bed by his ear to go to school. He undoubtedly failed that history test he hadn't bothered to study for, and had a generally bad day. His spirits were lifted, however, as the chatter in the hallways began again snow for sure! And on with the ritual. George Nickels Jack Nugent Kevin O'Hara Mike O'Hara David O'Malley Vladimir Odarchenko Frank Osborne Rob Pannepacker Michael Paradise Ralph Pasquali Jerry Paterson Craig Pensabene Mario Perfetti Bryan Perry Mike Piccione Dave Pickard Tom Pigeon Anthony Prete Brian Reilly Francis Remus Mike Renzi David Repici Joe Ricci Jamie Rodgers Roger Frisario George Romano Michael Rose Rinaldo Rossi Pat Rotondo Danny Ryan



MIDNIGHT HOUR Students struggle with tax forms.

"T'was the night before finals, with a dumfounded stare, a student seemed restless and faced with despair. For ten months he had put off his school work and studies, to cruise South Street and party with all of his buddies. He did not realize the problems he'd cause, from the lack of self-discipline, morals, or laws. "I'm watching cartoons Mom, can't you leave me alone? My homework is something I can always postpone." So that's how it went throughout the school year; exam days got closer and soon they were here. Suddenly the student, realizing his jam, knew it was time for the all-night cram. He got every book and note he could find, sat at his desk and broadened his mind. He went over the theorems, the Amendments and such, and quickly discovered he didn't know much. After hours of working his eyes faded out and reading on further was highly in doubt. The student then rested his cumbersome head, and had dreams of forgetting all that he read. The inevitable outcome has been left untold; you must decide from what viewpoint you hold. Can treaties, algorithms, elements, or grams be safely remembered by someone who crams??

Hello Mudda .. . Hello Fadda .. .

62 sop~res

Mark Saggese Bryan Samson Charles Sanford Victor Santoro Fred Sapp Mitch Sava Mike Schaefer Joseph Schrader Kevin Schweich Pietro Scola Amo! Shah Ojas Shah Ryan Shaw Ronald Shepherd Jamie Silva Jamie Siwinski Chris Smith Cheyney Sparks Tom Stein Mike Stevenson Ed Stimmler Jules Tarsi Anthony Tonzelli

Joe Tornambe Geoff Tragemann Michael Treacy Louis Tulio Ron Urbanski

Jay Valinis Emory Vandiver Mike Van Stone Dan Vesay Eric Voss

Andrew Wallace Steve Watts Norman Welsh Tom West Jim Wickersham

Matthew Wieckowski Daniel Windfelder Ben Wyche John Yurick Joe Zuccarello

The following sophomores were absent on picture day: John Bodden, Richard Durso, Steven Gdowik, Thomas Godin, Christopher Griffin, Timothy Lennon, Michael O'Mara, Snehal Patel, Art Salazar, Stephen Stackhouse, Clifton Tull, William Wittkamp, Matthew Wright.



The adjustments to entering a new school made the freshman's first days full of anxiety and fear. Each freshman was nervous that he would be branded a "Frosh" by getting lost, losing a homework, or buying the wrong book. Their fears were, however, irrational; they suffered from Froshophobia. On the first day, one clearly determined yet disquieted freshman was observed throughout the day. 路 First period, he had English with Mrs. Brown in room 218. Upon exiting home room in room 208, he turned the wrong way and headed towards room 201. Fortunately, he realized his error and did not sit in on the A. P. Biology class. He turned around, ran back down the hall, and made it to English just before the bell. Second period, he had Band. He knew exactly where the Band Room was, yet he was still late. He also realized he had forgotten his trombone. Fortunately, his error did not earn him the "Frosh" nickMike Adamow Greg Addesso Edward Allen Ron Altieri Michael Ashton RJ Austin Bob Ball Daniel Barbalace Matt Barton Mike Bavuso Mark Beaver Frank Becht Michael Bergen Kurt Bitting Brandan Boland Kevin Boyle Paul Brady Matthew Brescia Gerald Brinkmann Ralph Brower Joseph Brugger Tom Butcher Anthony Calvitti Mike Canalley Joe Capozzoli Dan Caputo Nick Caramenico Tim Carr Jason Carter Paul D.aniel Cassidy

64 fre~en

name because Mr. Ciccimaro informed him that h didn't need his instrument the first day. His next two classes, Religion and Biology, procee< ed without incident, although an insensitive soph, more with a short memory called him "Frosh" on th stairs for no reason. During fifth lunch, he took ten minutes to g, through the line because he didn't ask the lunch ladi< for food assertively enough. Next, he wanderE around between the tables for five minutes looking f, a place to sit. He spotted a classmate from Englii class and sat next to him, initiating a friendship. His sixth period class was Algebra ll-X, with Mr Dugan as his teacher and with mostly sophomores , his classmates. The stories he had heard about "Fres man Day" and the comment from that sophomo: earlier in the day made him now more nervous than l had felt all day. When that class ended without hara~

We don't hurt 'em; we just scare 'em real bad.

1ent from sophomores, he felt he may be able to shed rie "Frosh" label. In seventh period, back with other freshmen in Hisory, Mr. Turner, with his "How to be cool like me" tyle, soothed his freshman fears. In eighth period, however, he became a FROSH ... \ three-dimensional FROSH. He should have gone to tis German I class in room 316 but instead went to a ;panish class in room 312. It took him fifteen minutes o realize his mistake. Fifteen minutes?!? And he ouldn't tell the difference between a senior Spanish lass a freshman German class? FROSH!!! After several more days of consternation, this fresh1an began to move about the school with greater onfidence. He gradually realized the irrationality of tis fears and overcame his Froshophobic affliction.

Dave Cattie John Ceccola Edmund Choi Gregory Citro Ken Clark Kevin Conlin Christopher Convey Albert Cornog Mike Cuba Nick Cuce Kevin Dager John Daley Kevin Daly Thomas Panzarella Mike D' Argenio Matt Davey Douglas Demeter Jeremy Dennis Frank DiPaulo Thomas DeRosh Ronak Desai Chris Desilvis Jonathan Dilenno Rob Dickson Christopher Dominello Brian Donahue Tim Donahue Michael Downey Ryan Emery Michael Ettore



Gabriel Fairofth Nick Farina Ryan Farragut Jerry Fasy Jeff Fecher Mike Fegley John Fenningham Colin Ferrie David Flanigan Jeff Fleming Andrew Forbes James Ford Bernie Forss Adam Fox Doug Friel Daniel Fritz Drew Frizlen Richard Fry Kevin Fumai Brendan Gaul Bill Gebhardt TS Gillespie Andrew Gilligan Ryan Ginty Nicholas Giordano Rob Gladu Josh Glavin Jim Glick Marc Goldbacher Joseph Golderer The Book of Death

66 fre~en

GUESS"C" A La Salle freshman woke up one 'ateful Tuesday morning oblivious to Nhat lay ahead. He was still very tired 'IS he got dressed and ate breakfast. He Nas so tired that he was looking inside :he cereal box for the prize (x-ray glass~s). Then he remembered the NEDT :esting. He was in panic. He couldn't go o school that day and fill in tiny circles Nith his #2 pencil! Then he rememJered the line, "A man's gotta do what 't man's gotta do." So, off he went to _a Salle to complete the mosaic of )Vais. The parts of the test, such as 1/Jathematics, Comprehension, Vo:abulary, Social Studies, Reading, Scimce Reading, and I think, a Sesame ,treet character identification chart

(Elmo's the little red guy, right?) were not difficult at all for him. Just when his hopes had reached their peak, there came the "shapes" test. It was awful. Two or three alien figures appeared before him and he had to decide how to make the shapes fit together into one shape, such as a triangle or an octagon ... or home plate. Overall, the freshman's test was easy. Please remember the next time you get the NEDT "crazies," it might not be as arduous as you thought it would be. (Or, it might be worse than you ever thought it could be!) You might have to someday connect the ovals and create one of those shapes!

Carl Graff Peter Groben Fred Hagen Pete Halasa Paul Halczenko Chris Haldis Tim Hannon Gerard Hartey Brendan Haslam Liam Herron Jim Higgins Matthew Hildebrand Matthew Hotz Gil Hudson Mike Hunter Rocco Iacullo Alexander Jarymovych John Jugler Joe Junod David Keiser Jeff Kaminski Jim Karp George Kaufmann Tim Keefe Boyd Kelly Matt Kenefic Doug Kensey Kevin Kent Michael Kerlin

After eating from the vast variety of so-called edible food cooked in the cafeteria, one finds oneself selecting candy and ice-cream to cover the terrible aftertaste left in his mouth. Consisting mainly of junk food, products found in Betty's territory have the substantial amounts of sugar necessary to a high school student. Products such as Spree, Mambas, and Jolly Ranchers supply st.udents with the extra energy needed to battle their way through the stairwells, while adding, at the same time, additional substances which even highly-educated La Salle students cannot pronounce. Unfortunately for students with an early lunch, the effect of the sugar has worn off by the time they reach their eighth period class. Faced with the task of remaining awake, students must rely on their limited hours of sleep from the night before. Michael Kiefer John Klein Joel Klock Kevin Kochanski Kieran Korolishin Carl Kunz Eric Kuszewski Doug Ladley Kevin Lahr Matt Laurich Gregory Lavin Rich Lemanowicz John Lloyd Dan Loftus Stephane Lopez Mike Lovgren James Maccaroni John Malloy Jim Maloney David Manion Jason Marsh Greg Mason Tim Maxwell Kieran McAuliffe Paul McCafferty Brian McCaffrey Morgan McClure Samuel McColoy John McDonald Bill McDowell

68 fre~en

After years of experience, upperclassmen, to kee their health, realize that it is best to avoid the plattei by bringing a bagged lunch and afterwards purchasin candy in the cafeteria made by real food companie: Usually the food found in the area near Betty is saf( although unsuspecting students following this genen rule were surprised this year after purchasing froze yogurt. Dispensed from a state-of-the-art tin can, thi new delicacy leaves a most annoying aftertaste if on is lucky enough to eat it before it melts. For anyon concerned with the disposal of the left over yogurt c the end of the day, fear not: remaining flavors ar dumped into a plastic container and saved for anothE day, where they are combined to form such culinar delights as Wild Swiss, Peanut Vanilla, and Fudg Banana Chocolate and Strawberry.

Ryan McElderry Mark McGoldrick Patrick McGowan John McKeever Joe McKenzie Bill McKeown Kevin McMahon Tim McManus John McManus Kevin McNichol Joe Meehan Jim Mercer Bart Mikulski Gary Miles Jeen Min Mark Morgan Paul Morrissey Damon Moyer Greg Mullen Joe Murphy Nick Niarenzo Jim Nicolo David Nocentino Brian Nowakowski


Although it poisons our bodies over a long period of four years, the cafeteria still provides a great service to the students. It enables us to administer the large amounts of junkfood we can never find at home into our systems. The cafeteria also helps students financially. But most importantly, La Salle students can be proud of their cafeteria. After all, how many other local schools have a Dining Hall for a cafeteria?

Michael O'Brien Timothy O'Donnell Michael O'Hara Kevin Olender Chad Ormond Bill Palm

Student selections for lunch range from high-protein Doritos to highriboflavin popcorn.




EAPQN __ La Salle is facing a crisis. No, it is not the continually rising tuition, nor is it the deluge of freshmen clogging the stairwells. This crisis is much more serious. The crisis I speak of is the overabundance in the halls of ... backpacks! What began as a fad just a few years ago has exploded to dangerous proportions. One does not have to look far to spot a backpack. They are everywhere - beside desks, under lunch tables, hanging in lockers, and, of course, slung over the shoulder of nearly every student. Eddie Bauer, Eastpack, Jansport, North Face, Colorado Backpack, LL. Bean - name the brand, it will most likely be found in the halls. La Salle now resembles a mail-order bonanza from outdoor-gear catalogs. Michael Parella Vivek Parmar Michael Parsons Frank Pasquali Chris Perry Scott Pescatore Eric Plover Manos Poulopoulos John Quinn Dave Rafferty Thomas Ragusa Michael Randolph Brian Reeves Paul Reilly Chris Reutlinger John Rhys Mike Riccio Joe Rinaldi Andrew Robinson Steve Roeser Matt Roesser Martin Ronnie Eric Rothenheber Leonard Salinis Brad Sandella Keith Scandone Bill Schlosser Bill Sellers William Sharkey Mike Sheridan

70 fre~en

With each new backpack, yet another obstacle adc to the chaos in the halls and stairwells between classe Even more than frantic freshman, a fully loaded bacl pack poses a grave threat to the personal safety of an careless student in transit to his next class. A bacl pack filled with books feels like a ton of bricks whe swung into the face of someone who fails to pay atte1 tion to the guy in front of him carrying his whole locki in a backpack. That is just one way a backpack ca ruin a day. Besides the face mash, there is of cours, the squeeze play, where a loaded backpack crushi an unwary student against the wall. The stair scare yet another hazard. In this case, a student in the stai well suddenly leans back, shoving his backpack inl the face of the guy behind him balanced precarious

Matt Shevlin Matt Shields John Silli路 Jeff Silva William Skyrm Christopher Smith Ken Smith Kevin Smith Michael Smith Keith Stafford David Stagliano Wade Staton Tom Stokes Peter Streibig Pat Suter William Synnamon Jim Taggart William Tatar Bryan Tempest Albert Tenuta Matt Tomlinson Max Tritz Mike Tuscano Jim Vacca Kevin Vanderslice Daniel Vicario John Volpe Kyle Waldowski David Weir Brett West on the edge of the step. He nearly topples down the stairs, taking everybody else down like a row of dominoes. Clearly, the proliferation of backpacks in the halls of La Salle poses a threat to each student's safety. The tide cannot be stemmed, for most students still swear by the value and convenience of a backpack's utility. So please, carry a backpack with care. A loaded backpack is a lethal weapon. The school's storage area for confiscated weaponry.

(title forthcoming) You're sitting in eighth period on a Monday pondering the immense amount of homework you have tonight: an English paper, history report, chemistry, lab report, a Spanish test, and a geometry test. You curse your teachers for a while, and then you kick yourself a few times for not going to a public high school. Of course none of this is your teachers' or school's fault as much as it is yours. After all, you've known about these three assignments for a week now, and you should've at least gotten started on a few of them. But you didn't. So what else is new? You decide that the only way to get everything done is to get moving on them the minute the walk in the door. When you arrive home you decide that you better grab a snack first, (but just a little one because you really have to get started immediately). But while you're making your cheesesteak you see that Geraldo has victims of a satanic cult on his show. You figure your homework can wait just another hour, and you convince yourself that Geraldo is an "educational" show anyway. Geraldo ends, and it is now 5 o'clock. You begin to unpack your books, and you admit that you're getting a little worried as you realize that you have a long night ahead of you. Just then the phone rings and your friend informs you that there's a street-hockey game at the park. You explain that you have more homework tonight than he'll probably have all year (your friend goes to a public high school), and as a result you won't be able to play. Your friend then asks where your priorities lie. So then you convince yourself that there's plenty of time left in the afternoon for your work, and besides "all work and no play" isn't good Gene Whitaker Nathan Will John Wilson Mark Wimmer Jeremy Winters

Robert Wrzesniewski Dave Yost Joe Zalewski Greg Zambrycki Brian Zlupko

72 fre~en

for you. You obviously know where your priorities liE The street-hockey game ends and you arrive horn at 7 o'clock. When you finish your dinner you notic that it's dark outside, and the only thing you've done i unpack your books. You try to remain calm as yo write your rough draft for the English paper, memc rize A2+B 2 =C 2 , and type up the cover page of you lab report. It's now 9 o'clock, and you've made little to n progress. "There just aren't enough hours in the day, you tell yourself. So you go downstairs to take a brea~ and maybe see what's on MTV. As you're flickin through the channels you notice that the Forty-Niner are playing the Broncos on Monday Night Footbal But what about your work? Well, you tell yourself the you're just going to have to pull an "all-nighter". S now that you've decided to stay up all night, you figur that there's plenty of time to get your work donE You'll start the second the game ends. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... the clock runs out, the game endi and you're a zombie. "Pull an 'all-nighter'! What whacko idea that is," you say to yourself. You decid to go to bed, since getting into Harvard is now the la~ thing on your mind. As your head hits the pillow, yo realize that you've hardly done a fraction of your wor which is due tomorrow. You decide, however, n sourceful person that you are, that the problem is nc that bad. After all, you've got first period "free" and that's after the ride to school and the twelv minutes of homeroom, so you'll just get it all don then .... As long as there's not a great "block" c music on the radio ...

The following freshmen were absent on picture day: Ryan Brady, Nick Diarenzo, Robert Feliciani, Michael Flanigan, Ronald Martin, Thomas Panzarella, Christopher Reilly.

A.P. Fly Catching

Erik Pietsch tries the osmosis method of studying.



lubs &


t is by losing himself in the objective, in inquiry, creation, and craft, that a man becomes something. - Paul Goodman


''l'l ft' ectdy?


n interesting perspective from the La Salle Yearbook Band-Cam.

I'm g . go now . ~mg to let don't . . . lets ho sink ctnd . Pe You die i't h orrib/e d



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The creative nucleus (and captioners) of the Blue and Gold annoy Kosak.


This is the section of the book where, traditionally, the editors co-write a paragraph telling how much we worked, and then proceed to make fun of each other. We'll skip the first part - you be the judge of how much and how well we worked - and move right to the mockery. Lou "E-in-C" Mincarelli, Editor-whothinks-he-is-in-charge, had the annoying habit of getting intestinal pains around deadline time. Best known for his truly devastating comebacks, Lou also frequently extorts candy from meek staffers. In his spare time, Lou enjoys buying soda and appointing new editors. Doug "The Overseer" Staudmeister, Not-Quite-Editor-in-Chief, clung desperately to the claim that he didn't do layouts, only copy. His beautifully designed folio tabs and headlines brighten the book. Mr. Roche made a mistake that day; he really wanted Steve. Doug's hobbies include arguing, and taking F-15s into sudden nose dives. Paul "Lefty" Bonfanti,Editor-incharge-of-bad-jokes-and-silly-posters, bugged all the other editors in order to "co-ordinate accurate information." Yes, he is a pinko leftist communist (and actually seems to be proud of it); so he got to do all the boring jobs. He cultivates beards in his free time. Bill "B-52s" Ennis, just-another-guyIt's amazing how many yearbook staffers there are on picture day.

76 ye~ok

with-a-key, could not understan.d what those funny boxes or{the .layout sheet meant. He cried when the· B-52s con~ cert was cancelled. When'A'e altdecid: ed to bring in•a poster for the walls of our office, Bill brought in twenty (one of which was the B-52s). Guess wno .his favorite group .is? He lives in th~ city, poor soul. Rob "Wharton" Donahue,. TrashCan-Editor, was the Yearbook?s resident Ernest.Hemingway, Unfortunate~ ly, we wanted Groµcho Marx. He misunderstood - so if you see anything about the rise of the.proletariat, you 11l know why. (Either that, or Paul's been at the copy .again). He doesn't wear bow ties in his free time. Steve "I orily take the pictures" Pacillio, Ice-Cube-Editor, fell off nis .motorcycle early in the year, and .for:'a while thoughthe wasMargaretsBourke White (inconvenient in an all,boys school). However, after a quick defenestration, he was returned to abnormal. When not replacing the engine or brakes in his car or cycle, he. actually took a few pictures. Brian ''The ..Aesthetic· Consultant'' McManus, Aesthetics Consultant, drew some pretty pictures. As this duty was not particularly .demanding, he also wrote 46% of.the cppy, drew 17% of the layouts, and thought up. 82.56%.of the captions.(figures provided by USA Today). His ".Alias fifogression" was 0

· up for aPuHt~er. When nqt otherwisJ\ busy; Brian paints near:-perfocf r~pli- / cas ,of the Mona LisatQ s~Jltorich.(bµt stupid) collectors•. rie also paidOff<the/) writer ofthiss~c:tiowto e~surehe thf. longest pc1ragraph. ) •••·•·. •. 1 Chris• '! Pain-,iri-th~~ Matthe\Vs,Edi-) ·., ·tor-in-ch'.arge:of-annoyi~gcl.ou,pa~t~~..•.. ability to d.o almost every ~seless stun.t; ·.. man. had. thought ·.UP:(Ch~ck !he Pis~ !Ure onpc1ge 2)..He. is.quiteJn~a~e.1-ie <\ wrofe ov.er half oLtne.te~che~ write( ups, so nClwyou teathers ~idw~whorr{



+< ( < 'rf

tp beclt;up:•. •·.· •· . . fra11k /Fran~'' Sunm1erill,.•Q~iffr'r editor managed· n9tJobabbl~·.~na6 shout, even "Ypen .su:rouncled by;t~ei .··o.ther.lolld-md~th.editors,·H~.alsoAjf .·• some. work (~o he was· the ¢t1l~r:it!):·}:} . Ed "Money Man'' §carce!fe,Eclitm·-: who-doesT\'t-hang:;out with: th\?t,hef- t editors,b.ecaus:.-he'~~t?o-busy-h,n,gi~g'·) out,in-the-bancl:room,just.·.i;oHefte~l~ef>·( ·money ---.so don'tbeathirnupW!fo11~i< name is misspeHed. ·.•. \ • / , (Z .Mr.·Oeoffrey''.Pick•one ?f2p''Ni<=O···...... letti just wa~tedto say 141fi~yo1.1r, book; bµt ifyou hav.e any concerns, <l~Y pro~- ·.... lems, please tell me aboutthe.mso Leah • act on them..,, . . . i i .• '· ; Mr: Ed1Nard;''Th~ Righty .•'Nriter'J< Molush..edit~dt~e.e~tire •.b.ook for?uk ~?propriate cpntent, grammar, <i~d· spelling. Jo bad he bet.o exhastediooC red these far;<> . . .. l:.ike.jCare, Lo:u, 0

The infamous Alias Progression and other departures from sanity.



@WJlfb-QfF'. (lfllflf}lffllfllll1ยง,~ While a La Salle student is reading some of Brother Linus's jokes or some Explorer sports news in his copy of the Wisterian, he may not realize the hard work that went into making that issue. The Wis staff put in long hours to create that newspaper - a publication which has experienced many changes this year. The reader doesn't experience the unavoidable chaos that eventually gives birth to the Wisterian. He doesn't realize some (most?) of the copy he's reading was handed in late, taking five years off Editor-in-Chief Nick Caputo's life. No matter how organized and wellplanned Nick, Associate Editor Jason Zoto, and Moderator William Geiger strive to be with each issue, panic reigns at deadline time. Nonetheless, we're sure that most readers enjoy the paper - and we get to revel in some satisfaction in seeing the printed product. Any La Salle student who has read past years Wises must have noticed some changes in the 1989-1990 model.

Francis Johnsorl h~s joined the.staJf as co-Moderator. iThe paper itself <l.S: sumed a profes;io~al loo~ andstylethis year, with a bolqly diverse layout,striking headlines, s~udent by-lines, dever cartooning, inte~esting and.informative articles, and few,. if any; punctuation and speling er}ors? Op,ed. commentaries, written py Paul BonfantL anci Doug Staudmei);ter, offered opposing stances on political and sbcial issues, The staff (whkh included News Editor Paul Bonf~nti, Features Editor George Collins,i Sports Editor Darek Sot, Photo Edit6r Steve.Pacillio, E.ntertainment EditorlBrian MacDonald, and Art Editor Brian McManus)..made imc provements benin"dthe. scenes ~s well, including the holding of workshops specificallyfor the \}'titers tpturn them into first-rate journaHsts. We are grateful that students appreciate the Wisterian staff's hard work. Now, could you write a story by ... 1 sixth period?

You'd be smiling too if you had a title for doing almost nothing.

78 ne~per






TflfE:Jtf)J(Jf(lJNfl] IJ;A{Jfl''' La Sall~'s. R.acqµetbalFClub is now begirmi9g to exp~rience its golden age of prosperity.Ther~cquetball club has developed into recrea~i.onthat is enjoyed by numerous students. Under the watchful eye. <ifthe moderator, Bro. James Rieck, t.he racquetball club has prospered from)ts start ~ix years ago until the. current day: Because of the increasir1gnurr1ber of participating students, La Salle purchased racquets last rt1oreto enjoy the year to help eve.11< spmt. The La.Salle· Racquetball Club blasts off to the Upper Dublin Racquet Club.every Tuesday qnd Thursday for another· explosive time of fast-action serves, slams, and sprawls. The racqµetball club promotesJriendly rivalries among the .best of friends. More importantly, it provides great exercise and a healthy o.utl~tfor students strung out (sorry!)from school.work. For a real chanceatlet.tingit all hang out, just try winning a pointagainstgro. James you 'II qµicklyJearn a different interpretation of "hitting th.e wall"!




rank Giovanno.nesw.atsthose darn mosquitoes!



Not only can she moderate mouth.




tained its winably with a surt the Scranton Mike Dell' AnRandazzo, and I as debater Bril varsity squad Junior Varsity ebaters Mike d Jerry Coschi, Tom West and

ances. suddenly find ers diligently end of the sec-

"Look, Mr. Gavin, you're just wrong! So sit down and don't make me get rough with you!"



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"Hey! This is not cedure.'' With this battl~. cr>l ?fµd~nt. ;$t~cle~rco.~11cil<\~dN1ene~ly fqi-1;1M Council President Marty l~~tt~~~s;hat "·.s.c~?l"ffniJJfui;r<:l. l\~1t-1a2ty W<),u,!d tell . returned our student gov~rri111e,~tJkict //you, post;ofihi councn-,ur<fll~Sti?l1S ing and screaming) to th~ rarks otfll~ ,. ai-esucqe~srs;esl)~cj~IIY,J~ee,v~rp?pschool-organizations-thaf-~ctll~llyig~}} •; ulir?rnixersjrememb~1"l~e h1.~tat~~:· things-done. Mary and ni~Vice.Pre;i: ·····.I-Iirr:\9~n'?inixe,r??!!) and)he profit\( 1 dents, Tom McLaughlin a~dJ1ic~Stq~, fr9rn.t~el~(~yents r.o~ Nilp_b~ild liano, achieved this incr~aiblff'?J:\tpy ••. s~~ol~r~hipJ~l'ldJo h~lpneeay,)11c;6f!1,;



trying something the off~CE;I"S the, )t1gfre5,hmi~r <i \) ••••. ·•.•... •··.·········· •·· ..·.··. past years hadn't thoug~t;onorganiz: '; $.~;f°:rigr,atulatiim~to,tv1arty,,Rich 1! ing council meetings. To the\~ll[P!ise qf an~{Torn,<fof kict·stprti~f ?t.~de11t 1 all involved, it worked i and \l{<:lr;1C!~ • (;01.1rifilHWitlf theire leadershipJthe have committees to foqn c6mmitt.ees scho:91 has seC;?nm.qre!llifers, d~nce~, • to form committees to fo~m cprnmit~e~~ /ipep,-..ralli<:ls; :prom.o~fonalposters, a.net/ that carry out Marty's 1plai;is\(a.nd if '· ''E.3lt1~alld<.3old Days 1itranJfhqs int~~··:: they don't we'll form a fcomm,ittee t~. p~st few yzars; Wll~<~01.1,ld•haye · •.··....;.: /....... _thoughtthatJl)<:l__ Cotmdl wasn)tat its ·2 find out why!). The committees arJ c~aire~ hy . r!l?St effi?ient"whe11the me(;lt~ngs;were ; Dave Devine (Activities),. l{evin Hipp ·..•... p~q~lyatt:nded ,md <;~a,~ti9;a~1when .... (Spirit), and Jason Zo~o (PubHdtyJ: •.·. th~qfficers didn'tthreq.te',1 '..'.fl.il£1.dt1ty,"·· These seniors of council iha\re bwught .as.arr.impetus to IA(ork? ·· us everything from mixers toraJfles; all


1989-1990 Student Council members: Frontrow, right to left: Chris Matthews, Brian McManus, and some other guys.

84 s t u d e~ u n c i I

Hurrah for Brother Bob!

• • • And Mr. Diehl's mental health records were never seen again.

st u d e ~ u n c i I


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We, the Community Service Corps provide a valuable service (so we are told), but it's not all work. A recent poll of the members showed what their fa. vorite programs are: 1. The Annual Operation Santa Claus Wrapping Party, held with St. Basil's. 2. The Annual C.S.C. Picnic, held with St. Basil's. 3. The five minutes of Operation Swim (held with the Mount, among other schools) between when one group of kids has left and another has arrived. 4. The Volleyball Tournament. 5. Operation Elderly (No one's quite sure how that got on there). So all the members have their priorities pretty well set. Let's see here: Operation Incentive: Well, the drive over to Holy Family in Roxborough is fun - especially if you're driving. And after you're done tutoring the grade school kids, you get to drive back. And the girls don't hurt. Operation Swim: See number 3 on the list. The friendly La Salle pool gives many opportunities for fun, for both you and the inner city child you are teaching how to swim. And the girls don't hurt. Operation Elderly (notice how everything' s an "Operation?"): the older


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people atst~~ .•... rn1rsi~~/H<>kre,•·.~re·}: ..... friendly t~·•.yoJ.1.\and"the girlsdC>n.'t>> hurt. · ·· · · · · · · · · .. L

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Opera ~i()t1~fl~.t.a9l?J.tis:Dre~l3it1g >1.llJ /, as Santa 91~t1§qrJ1ir~lvesa§y0~·aeHyc··· er preserits{~ or<fhil_qre,11 \ y.,~at• more couj9 y()t1asff9~? I'!}l~,se~ nyin,,;< ber 1 ontthe'.Hst!?.r·.·••> ........ ·· Bread i~a5,k~tq~HJ(BAh 'i()per~ .••. ation Brea~;:.~<1~ke,tlJ.~ll ..'.lj:rJBi,s_ju;,t · isn't that!rnuchfuri; Sgrry.\ . . .. .·.· .. The q~r1ercil•M~etirgs; T:.h,:>·best part of tp~s~\it:t?~tth~r~ ~e,r:f _only·· three. Mif1q;~oµ;~fie11?r~side11tl3,rirn.: MacDon~[dct1t hts,hai_r,'~~-•.VJ1as;F:ctu'.al..• ly pretty 1gq,~~;at.Je,llirlgusJio\\ltrlrnch: fun the dth~tip~o~rarrs····':jern:) .•.•.. ,.· •..•. ·;;·· But th4:f S;(}jitr1'tabot1t 1Jrog~~ms.·•• 1 - it's a~outsge?11le.; 'J'hgse?~t1tde11t~ who ser\{~clrncit~i:~d,gr~atl~ thrf1gh. their sacr'ifiGeS····•a.nddid ing it. ThbsetKh;t~r~;ier:~ed;gre;;a~t well. Wh~Uief ifyV.as'.l?gtr.ii(~~~itive role mod~Lis.~JB:1fiP·9~t·tl;i;t~u,ghf;~§ibi& or lncentiy~6~!l~tti~..~igrtocth~ •.(~1~e.ily( or poor th.~Xr~.()m~i~i/ai-e.~,)Yi!)i7J~Y0' children f1;\~~~t~/~I11,~ti~o~id} . · · · ··· · · · · · ci1~~g.tjf;f up at thet~:a~oI~·~1~~ or by th~,<}~9:~~t;'eal(t~a.t:tr~ PB8(: "1ngth~ikids h<>,Wtc{sWim,. .•.. .... got thro~~h~!Bte Ba:sR~{15J11·1ltkos~':1i; .• t:,<;\<<)','.{:!'.f/:{\ '/ ' '":;<;:,'/," '}f ,,, ' ' who werejn~·heed erved(,. bers of t\i~J


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:~i~~ti, '~eyy&u;/Jttt1tl;~~ppg~~ t~·oiti¥f k:J} ..·.·...


has it that Mrs. McClaine") McGovern neling the spirits of u,:;,au.'J'u'""'"路 Art Club every "possessed," she emits pernatural glow. hensible Van


our young artists. It is during this bizarre ern has taken a stylus (which was fortunately wrest1ec1;aw from her) and become freshman was "the Many don't believe really happens, but evidence hanging documenting the trained eye, the Mona the mosaic of St. Salle is plain to see, as of the Impressionists House posters. And and Spanish that Room be explained ulty's polyglots have for? Mrs. McGovern, art teacher or psychic lt.e:acfl~:r,o,~in.g,,; from another planet?

Cameras clicking at crowded halls; students at armed with 35mm rapid-fi~( La Salle's Photography erywhere. Whether busy J}o pus or in the darkroom, the[,iIBt the Photo Club were alw~ hard to supply - on a m~•• - Something Completely[~J'. ~frt1[ij~isfr£~jqr., .. ~h ... greet the students every )f~tc/91.~p,1spiring they entered La Salle. The\ql / • p~~t~~~~i:>riy tecliriique5,; of Jesus and the Latin motfd· .\ ,. •<••shutt~ryu,gs took one except Mr. Geiger undffs b~pJii:inA~~vor~iof,?~gle awfcon,way) which adorned the ~Ji{ ·~5:f;1Tih~fri1ore.i.nclust~i?llSS!)entm~re the auditorium entrance w{(~1f(~!iJ$.J1t: Ji.~~;rin/()o~·;?0.11-A,, S,~lle~~< own this year by a display of ;rf~~om(fnic.fi}s1,UUunableto<l,~v~l~ Under the vigilant moder11i()tt~f\l1 B.lwtqf)t1.Bi~the . William ("Photo God") Geigf,f4t~.f ()~t:ir1porta~vch1bi11.th~schooL(we leadership of Co-Presid~11:t·~f~,11~.0~ thafiif \',I~VJanted ahy. pie:. ("Photo Dude") Pacillio;r~r~;'Stllic~y;};xr~~es.;f~r;this\\)90~): . .




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~a> e~si1?~);It£,a,qh}l1(l fa8,to}~~y

PB?!i§t~Rf ··.· •.:1 ..

90 pho~lub

The other member of the photo club.



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This year's mathletes team was well coached by the dedicated mathematics legend, Mr. James Roche. The well-trained thoroughbreds, fed on Euclidean theories and prime number trivia, are spurred by a special interest to win all these mathematics derbies. To build the students' confidence, Mr. Roche takes time to review previous contest problems with them, but more enjoyably, to bring a relaxed attitude to Mathletes, Mr. Roche talks about such topics as the WWF and La Salle Social Events. Mr. Frizalone makes himself present at the competitions, sometimes in his athletic gear, to psyche out the competitors. Seniors Chris Pico and Dan Clash (President and Vice-President, respectively) lead the math marauders into the monthly math melee for La Salle. With its dedication to academic achievement and to fun, the Mathletes team exemplifies La Salle's tradition in humanistic education.

Rich examines the application to the Gordon-Phillips school of hair design.

92 ma~es

A delightful experience that a skier won't forget, the 1990 La Salle Ski Trip included beautiful scenery, challenging trails, and good company. This season the students visited the resorts of Smuggler's Notch, Stowe and Sugarbush for three days of carving, shredding, and "jamming". This trip included a snowboarder, senior Sean Iaquinto (dressed in vivid day-glo limeyellow and visible anywhere on the mountain), for the first time. Although the 5000' high mountains awed them, the skiers bashed their way down each trail with agility, determination, and only one broken hand! The conditions at all three resorts improved over the weekend - several







"Here we are at mile 73 of the 104 Tour LaSalle. I am Brian O'Malley. Along side me is my colleague, former cycling great, Guillaume Forgeron. The riders are rolling past us right now. They are starting to look a bit fatigued, wouldn't you say, Guillaume?" "Ah, oui, but zey stopped for lunch about fifteen miles ago, so zey should still be fairly strong, no?" "Our technicians just clocked the riders at 24 miles per hour. This speed check was brought to you by the Springfield Township Police (Paper Mill Rd. Division). For all you do, this radar is aimed at you. That's a pretty good pace at this stage of the ride, right Guillaume?" "Oui. Ze riders are doing a good job of keeping cadence high. By maintaining RPM's at a high level, zey are able to travel at zis speed wissout becoming, uh, tres fatigues. Ze riders will appraoch a long downhill stretch in ze next mile. We can expect zem to reach speeds of 40 miles per hour." "40 m.p.h. That's quite impressive. After the downhill section, Guillaume,

what do the cyclists have to look forward to?" "Ze terrain zat will cross is rolling but with no large climbs or descents. As zey continue to ride however, zey will grow more tired, and to zeir eyes, ze climbs will look not long enough. Zeir legs will become En Compote, ah, like applesauce, and zeir chests will feel like zey are going to explode." "Here comes Brother Joe Myers, moderator of the Bike Club and the organizer of the Tour LaSalle, backing up the riders in the van. Let's see if we can get a word with him. Brother Joe, how were your riders feeling at the last break?" "Well ... Brian, each said that he felt strong. I told them to think of pedaling small circles, and go with the flow." "Thank you, Brother. That was extremely ... uh ... interesting. Back to Brent Musberger in New York for an update on baseball scores from around the nation. So for Guillaume Forgeron, I'm Brian O'Malley saying, "Leave a little skin on the road."




chers at specting freshthe first day watching ("Make no




!f,O_)llJJ1NH~t$5 ..l (The scene: the office of Entertainment Mogul Bob Tray. Sitting opposite Tray is Mr. Ciccimaro.) Ciccimaro: So I've got

this completely different idea for a Broadway show, and all it needs is your backing to be a hit. Tray; So, what is it? Ciccimaro: George M. Tray: You call that different? Get out. I'll make sure you never work in this town again. Ciccimaro: No, wait. I haven't got to the different angle yet. See, we get high school kids to do it all. Tray: You mean have kids do the acting? Ciccimaro: The acting, the lighting, the stages, everything. Tray: I'm listening. Ciccimaro: See, we get these kids from La Salle to play all the male leads. I've already lined up Fran Prisco to play the lead and Chris Springer to play Jerry Cohan. Tray: But La Salle's a boys' school. What are you going to do for the women's parts - dress them in drag? Ciccimaro: No! I've lined up actors

I from the Mount, Gwynedd, McDeVitt, Girls High, and Basil(s. Tray: I want names , . Ciccimaro: Well, I've got Denise.B:ryarff playing Nellie, Megan Ahc:lritzfor<Josie, Jeanie O'Brien doing Ethel, and Robin Campbell for Agnes. Tray: Do you really tMinkyou can. trust teenagers with the stage? Ciccimaro: Of course:. I've路 got exper: ienced people. Kosa~u Tsuga:mi jsJn charge, and I've got Steve Shannon and Brian Roakes 011the spqtHghts,. I know these guys can ihandle anything{路 so if a spot breaks or somethi~f{,they. can still do their job. I've also got Mike Gilbert, John Trainer, Mike Brescia, Ted McComb, Torri Gillion, Marty Breslin, and Jack BJsh on the .crew: Tray: So what about dir~ction.? Ciccimaro: I've got CblleenDurkin-La,powsky doing that. I've work,ed wUh路 her before. She's tremendous!

The fast moving finale: too fast for ti photographer to focus on.

100 th~r

Calm down, guys.

Keep your clothes on, Bob ... please.



The La Salle Band, under the direction of Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro provides the background music for the La Salle community. Within the La Salle Band program, many different groups and styles of music underscore numerous activities and programs within and outside of the La Salle community. The diversitiy of the music program includes such things as the concert band, stage band, pep band, Dixieland band, percussion ensemble, guitar ensemble, and the vocal group. As a result of this variety, the student who has any interest in music can find something that suits him (unles it involves the glockenspiel). Also with this variety of programs, many students take lessons for instruments that they have never played before (like the exciting bass oboe). The Band surely effects harmony in the La Salle community. At football games, the pep band will always be there spiritedly supporting our team

(translation: playing !theif h.ei~fsoilt) .•• At special functions. like tne/Qpen)f House, the Dixielandlb~11dwiHte tl1er,e greeting the parents jof pr~.~p~ctive i.11(!· coming freshmen. A(b~n~uet!l h~ld by the administration, the, Fonce:rt band.·· will be there adding the ~oothi11g · sounds of Glenn Miller to the occasion: During the masses afsd10~!, the br~ss choir will provide a melody for;~he stu~ dents to sing. The Bahd•proudly represents La Salle when !it comretep (, . . j'. ·· and wins) against other school~ with its i ·.·. (always) award-winning .competition band. The Band also average,s abo.ut 40 concerts a year for various grade schools and high schools. The orchestra band also provides ;the score ',Vhich makes the theatre prpductions the su.c: cesses that they are. Finc1llyfor.the p;r: ents of those in the: ban:d, there is a winter and spring concert. At . these functions, the students get to show. all that they learned fo their ("Look ma - middl~ Cl!!,,).



Rich "The Wildman" Sacco on bass.

The Rob Wozniak Experience


QWIWfrlldC?flIJJ -----""'! When you ask any senior about how the senior retreats went, most will respond in song, singing - both the French ("Honneur a-toi") and English versions, nonetheless the praises of St. John Baptist de la Salle. As corny as that may sound (or actually is), it was singing, among other things, that brought La Salle's senior class closer together. Over a four-week period, some 230 seniors participated in a retreat into the soul - an experience that will remain with them a lifetime. For some, it was their last retreat; for others, it was just the first step toward introspection. But for all, it was momentous. Everybody participated and got something in return, even if merely a chance to find some quiet time with one's thoughts. The retreats were held at the Malvern Retreat House. About 50 seniors


at a time wehfto 1~1vii11Jbr theo.~e~- .•. night trip, eqc.he?c.o~rMedtooe6pe~ minded and l r,eceptivf rtp "Joth t~e re-. treat leaders>~ndt9<!~~ ~pirif ~ft~in(( Also participatin~ "'!ere}~~chers~fti~g >·l as chaperon~s,whqs~~lll,e94ob';I,1efi!' from the splritual.respif~:~s'.~uch as the students':·•·· . ·. · · ' . · .


A consenJµs.fa}oat? ofrthe,t;f}a; . the small gro~p Sessiors,5;ix O:x-;;seV~llj seniors were placecl,iritogrqµps>wh~re very person~Jf h11i;ti.ani~5U~S C~fll~Jq ·. the foreground yi<it1-i~:~Haringof c1nd letting go of ra~y< g?~dandbc1d"7 memories pllst: Qtlierhighligrits ~{the . trip includletkBrothe~},:;~arl~s singirig, . Retreat leader ((Mulfif~ceted Meg; ''. 1 Mass at 7 AM, si~ging.practice c1t 6 AM, and, ofco~rse,Jh~ ~ingih~J.B~,.. cause of all these (andmaybe.inspiteof some), the r~treat experience ga~e µs. ... somethi9-g1difforent to tninR..ab<5ut,


And the big bear said to the little bear

Enterfog .theJ Study Hall, walking and on through the across .the n~x( d~or~ you ~ind yourself in the reitr~g.f rpox:n,}'raying and singing songs .~ith ~ro.thtr ~~ 1nry starts off the day, a.~d you .soon ~ettle down and relax in . t~e orJy<room ~ith cushions. Although ihs.a:day offJrom regular classes, you stil!Jea:rn, both spiritually and morally . . Pausing fr?'.11 e;veryday life to think a.bollt ~otuself, and the world around . you serves as the main goal of retreat. Its rnaJnjdea is to teach you to ask questionsaboutthe meaning of life and t~~pl~ce God'ha.s in your life, which is importa.nf foyc)l.irpreparing for a complica.teq *'odd, .Beyond the group discussions,priv.ac~ is a part of retreat, at1d:you ~an thin!<and write with no one els 7 i~t~r:rt1~tir1gor knowing. Finally, a..ft.e..r. s.ingin..g.·.:.a.nd!praying solemnly, the /'),i"<,',"';';,",,'.,J",/1 9.ay enitlsand YO\!feel refreshed, recol,· ..... : •.•.·•.'. : : •.:1 lected, .even relaxed. Whether you are ·.c•·... ...·.:•,· •. .I a junior, sophomore, or freshman, re'/,,,,, ' ,:: ,ii' :' "J t.reat js .itlefinite[lythe most unique, .self:rkflective day of the peaceful, ,'" ,, .> ,;,, ,,, I







S;oce ;i, ago, the primaryf ui;~oA:qftl1/~~~f:}·()f La Salle has bken to· untlerwdfe the 10 cost of tuition fo(~~y cause of the <learnofa Pc:re~t()fgu~r:{) ian, would be uoa~le s1r1yr1u~Jo~.f{}( tend La Salle. Ao.qtner~oalpffrye of La Salle is it~;fos.t~r· ~~fi~l, spii-t) among the fathers and~ua,rgians,?fta •.• Salle students, a~dtont1rtu!eJherela-:• tionship between stutlerits ancl their;fathers or father figures. In an effort to.realize its goals, the Men of La SaU~prg~nize ac;t.i?iti~~/ which both rai~e money a.ndprov(tle ·. opportunities for •.sodal. i9tera~~i~n. The activities sponsored byth,eMen.~f ...1 La Salle include'the Freshmenfathers1 Welcome, the !Fatfier~Son~anq~et (when you get tbenj(}ythaf tasty m~ar. with Dad), T~e Father-Son Sports Night (when yov get. to mai<e Dad kis~ the gym floor), th~ Family\iturgy, the La-Scramble go[fouting(th~~br9kf~~- . cords in the ''slices .into the water haz, ard" and "hoo~s 6uf~f·~.Ju11Js'!tatec gories this year), and the I:.~ Sale atic, · tion, which they co-sponsor ~ith the. Mothers' Club. !





Bob Serianni feels the effects of General Kelly's joy buzzer gag.

108 fath~club


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·.she1~,grganjzi~g.the;~q~~i9:~ S,~ov;,,,!h~}, ·• •.n~~tllh~'s,.v,.,elcornin~/tpe,'f'r~~J-i!"l1e~···· ' Ni()t~e~~:~tt~a·,~hir you'.~l)ltiflyth; ·. i ,/··'i11D?}\11t, ff.cv.i?{kds~f)ges.·.·i~ ..~•·fqrJy;··•)'. ,{tr~fs l}o~i,nanymeTbei-sthere ~i-f), , .. .... •y\llL ha'-:'i,\th:efytqth·~~s';, ~i~l:i:J'i<:itstf.r~ . ,, prisingly;>tBe clubsiist~iQS We!ev(erof p~rfecti.onYf~wotJl?e){p~q(from7ap .•• 9r~anization.ofm()t11ers(a~9 Br.oth~r·· · ··Ja~es Rie~k,p.s.q:,1,1,1horn9derate!l them ~ a1:dlq9ks/pleJ~~n.tlyo~t · plac";in th~ gr~upph?tographs),PerhaP?..the M,othef~.· Glu.b'.s ..greatf!st}lf~ cornplishlll~mt ~~s the 'b(Sale' au<;ortaSaU~/·l\11 •tipn:heldwitQ!hiJv1en the}rantic .o,rgan:izin.~ rnptrier~id .·· ·•···p~id,.off fr1t~is.·giart aucti9f, which·. • rais.rd over $701000>.for' s~ho?l. Th~ servic";.exerci~ed.by my 1V19:ther and others ~nriche~th.~ schoot}here. I go puf .and.play football,


nw :t~e.



You walk into English class. Everyone around you is talking about the book they read last night for today's test. You realize you have absolutely no idea of what you were supposed to read. In emergencies like this, you only have time for •..

MAD NOTES *Sham:: Good guy cleans up town, killing arch enemy. Rides off into sunset but dies anyway.

The Scarlet Letter: The Jim Baker saga set in 17th century New England.

*Inherit the Wind: Bible-belt inbreeds don't like dat der ev'lushun talk. *Julius Caesar: Caesar turned into sieve by advisors. Keyline: Et tu. Brute.

*The Sun Also Rises: Expatriates experience the pro's and con's of loose morals in post-WWI Europe. The Inferno: Field-trip through hell. The Canterbuzy Tales: Scum from all social strata tell lewd tales.

Old Man of the Sea: The one that got away.

Metamorphosis: fear of RAID.

*Lord of the Flies: Kids take innocent marshmallow roast too far.


Catcher in the Rye: Just tell Bernie it's meaningless and you would rather be reading To Kill A Mockingbird.

*Hamlet: Young prince commits iambicidal acts. Chronicle of a Death Foretold: Don't worry. You can read it in homeroom.

*Romeo & Juliet: If you don't know this one, you're stupid.

*availableon videocassette

Beowulf: Legend of medieval superhero written in incomprehensible Old English. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: Wake up, build a wall, go to sleep. Big wheels keep on twnin', Proud Mary keeps on bumin', Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' down the river.

"'Th.eGreat Gatsby: Wealthy tycoon with dark past loves superficial wench, but dies. *Macbeth: Yet another noble man led astray by a conniving woman.



was early yesterday, so let's call it even.

Everyone can be bought. Is a buck thirty-five in nickles enough?


was teaching poor orphans how to read and how to share. Are you going to punish me for that? Well, I saw a hurt kitten on my way to class. What does it matter-in a thousand years we'U all be dead.

*The Adventures of Hucklebeny Finn:


Man lives forever in



CoMM'EAf0$..9L'I'I'VE 'E'1JI'I'I02'[

Available for only a short time, you may no begin your own collect: of the commemorative edition LaSalle faculty chess set. Each month, you will receive one pi, and pay only $39.95. Ir just four years, you wil be able to play!

••••••••••••••••••••• I O YES!




I would like to begin my collection of the LaSalle faculty chess set. Please send me_ piece(s) after which I will receive one piece a month to examine for seven minutes with no obligation to buy (other than risking my credit rating).


Name Address City



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Only 2,000,000 handcrafted sets are availal so act now. Send in tfo coupon to reserve you1 own set. If you respon to this offer within six months, the FRANKLlr Ml NT will throw in the chessboard and a handsome carrying caE for FREE!

actual size: 1/2 "


-路路.....- ..-路 .

erso I am becoming increasingly concerned about the quality and content of literature available to today's youth. I am particularly worried about publications such as yours hindering the intellectual development of my child. I hope that in the future, you will take into consideration the affect your magazine has on the minds of American's youth. Deeply Concerned, Tunkhannock, PA

Dear Perturbed, We are shocked and appalled by the unprofessionalism of the editors of other publications who wantonly eliminate white space by including useless supplements often thinly veiled as interest in their readers' opinions. By the way, we thought you would like to see our collection of lawn sheep. -The Yearbook Editors

Dear Deeply Concerned, So. What's your point? -The Yearbook Editors

What is your opinion of magazines which shamelessly fill white space in a desparate attempt to conceal their lack of imagination? Perturbed Punxatawny, PA

and find out.

anyeuoo 'SJW Jaum1 'JW '4sn1ow 'JW :(~ 01 1) MOll W01109 lcllUnd 'JW 'sndo '01alJuy,o 'JO '4::isi1aoz 'SJW :(~ 01 1) MOll dOl 1

RE: Student Council Election


Good morning faculty and students. I am your name, and I am running for student council president. Standing next to me are my two runnings mates, 1. semi-serious V.P. and 2. popular buffoon. I had a speech prepared

for today, but I decided not to use it. (act casual) I'll just tell you some of the things we will do if we are elected. We plan to do many things to promote school spirit and student involvement. First, we would like to increase the number of pep rallies and mixers. Second, we would like to bring back the Attack Pack (good rhyme), although it's been invisible every other year.* Also, we want to increase attendance at sporting events, although I myself never go We will do this by providing transportation to and from away games. This either.* will allow underclassmen who don't drive to the games (optional if speaking to freshmen and sophomores). Also, we would like to have a specially designated section for students only, as if the students don't all stand together anyway.* We plan word) by having more pep rallies with girls 0 , dressto raise school spirit.(catch down days, and Blue and Gold Days. (At this point,

mention your own idea)

If we are elected we would also like to increase

colllTIUl1icationbetween student council and the student body.• In the past, the students did not know when meetings were held and therefore, they were not made aware of the council's activities. Because of this, students were not able to participate. If we are elected (keep repeating), we will implement (power word) a plan to utilize suggestion boxes to better communicate with the student body.• We will also have general meetings open to all students during the school day.® 0 Also, if we are elected we plan to increase the number of intramurals and make them co-ed. 0 We will also have stricter enforcement of the testing days.(No one knows what they are,* but it appeals to kids with 8 tests that day.) lie would also like to begin a Lacrosse team at LaSalle because there are many students who would be interested, and besides, it's becoming tradition to mention Lacrosse in these speeches.* So tomorrow, remember a vote for Thank you.


of ticket

is a vote for LaSalle.


* for the exceptionally

honest candidate add "with girls" to every idea ® add "during the school day" to every idea - repeat often •catchword O






yearbook editors will be allowed to graduate.


Between 1951 and 1959, Mrs. Brown was the lead kicker for the Rockettes.


Mr. Hohenleitner was at Woodstock.


B rother Bob went with him. Mr. John ("call me Spiro") Grace is really a closet conservative




Ms. Dugan was formerly a street mime.



Santa Claus once left coal in Bernie McCabe's stocking. /LATE







I 12.



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L 1 2 3 4 5 6




E 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



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ail La Salle, we praise thee Honor and tribute true.

Great and bright your splendor Banner of Gold and Blue. Loyal sons we'll eyer be High we'll hold your memory. Hail La Salle, Our Alma Mater Hail, all Hail! - La Salle Alma Mater




ohn Slowick displays the intense determination which enabled La Salle to capture the Catholic League Championship.




n n

n g

FERENCE Catholic League Champions. Don't it just sound real nice! Hello, my name is Foot B. Balls and, as one of the balls used in practice all season, I had a privileged, close-up, "hands on" look at the successes of the La Salle championship football team last fall. The team started practicing in mid-August, preparing to defend their 10-1 record and Northern Division Championship. Head Coach Joseph Colistra reminded the team to take one step at a time. He would say, before each game, that this game "is your most important game, because it is your next game" (made sense to me!). The season opener against Upper Dublin saw an outstanding effort from Senior Martin Feeny and Juniors Kevin Schmidt and Craig Fitzgerald on defense. On offense, Keith Tornetta scored first, but it was a drive engineered by Joseph McNichol at quarterback which won the game when he connected with David DeMara in the end zone. The team prepared to assert their place in the standings when they played Archbishop Ryan. The Raiders stole the game, but La Salle looked ahead to Bishop McDevitt. Brian Daly and John Slowick played hard on defense, but the team still lost. One bright spot was the repositioning of Senior Chris Massella at quarterback. He helped La Salle make the game closer in the fourth quarter, providing a spark for the games to come. After the two losses, Offensive Coordinator Joseph McNichol was "not buying it" and Coach Colistra kept exclaiming, for some strange reason, my last name. New faces appeared around me (and some new hands on me) in practice as

122 fo~II

the coaches looked for new combinations of players to find victory. Even as I watched with my buddies from the practice bag, something paid off as La Salle defeated Archbishop Wood, 147, then Cardinal Dougherty, 34-0. In the next game the defense shut down Bishop Egan, and contributed eight points itself. Jim Convey got a safety after Keith Conlin caused a fumble. And Martin Feeny ran for a touchdown on a fumble recovery. The team had successfully fought back from a 0-2 record, but it needced to win its next two games to make the Playoffs. A 26-7 victory over Judge vaulted La Salle into second place behind McDevitt in the Northern Division. Next, a win against North Catholic ensured a playoff berth. Chris Massella' s passing and Jason Pennington's rushing gave the Explorers a 34-6 victory and a shot at the Championship. The first playoff game came against Father Judge, a team sore for revenge. A great performance by the defense subdued Judge's emotions, yielding no points, only three yards rushing, sixtythree yards total, and forcing two fumble recoveries and three interceptions. Chris Massella found Dave "Skippy" DeMara wide open in the end zone and John Slowick added a big rushing touchdown to make the final 14-0. The next game was for the Northern DivisionTitle against Bishop McDevitt. Coach Colistra got the team in shape and the defense dominated from the opening drive. Jason Pennington took the ball fifty yards for a touchdown and a tie. In the fourth quarter, La Salle forced a McDevitt punt, and it fell into the hands of the Wolf, Brian Daly. In a

Jeff Fafara tries to keep his opponent from floating away.

comical return, Daly started running towards the sidelines, but he decided to cut back, right into fellow captain, Martin Feeny. Martin seemed to point downfield as he fell down, and the Wolf saw the path. A few strategically designed, uh, blocks freed the seventy-six yard return for a touchdown, but "no flag, no foul." La Salle won the Northern Division! Next, was Roman Catholic and the PCL title, Right? Most definitely wrong! Thanksgiving interceded and that meant the Prep. Prep had the most powerful offense in the Catholic League, but La Salle shut them out. "D. Backs" Rock, Daly, Butler and McGoldrick frustrated the Prep's All-Catholic quarterback, Frank Costa. On offense, Martin Feeny and sophomore Max Guevara both had fine days rushing while Vince Linus added a field goal. The final, 16-0. Finally, the team faced Roman. The game took place at Villanova on astroturf, December 2, 1989. The game quickly evolved into a great defensive battle with both offenses stymied. The defense made up for that when a fumble occurred in the end zone, and Jim Convey fell on it for the TD. At the start of the second half, Roman's kick off squirmed between Vince Galzerano' s legs and Brian Daly picked it up. Roman's coverage was too busy looking for the ball to notice Brian Daly scampering for a touchdown. The defense also intercepted Roman five times, including three by Daly. They had it: A 13-0 final, the defense's fifth shut out, and La Salle first PCL football title since 1962! Way to go Champs!

Somebody catches something Disco Inferno

Get that ball in the end zone, and you'll never have to worry about a history grade again.


One giant game of frisbee.

Football I




14 7 22 14 34 23 26 34 14 14 16 12

Record: 10-2 Opponent

Bishop McDevltt

Opp 7 14 35

Archbishop Wood Cardinal Dougherty Bishop Egan

0 0

Upper Dublin

Archbishop Ryan

Father Judge North Catholic

Father Judge Bishop McDeuitt Saint Joseph's Prep. Roman Catholic

0 7 0 0


1989 Varsity Football Team



eady to defend the

MPIONSHIP The Junior Varsity finished its season with a record of 4-4 - not a banner year for the team. But the J. V. prepares players for the Varsity team and they lost many players to Varsity throughout the year. Behind the offensive line of John Brackin, Sean Hendrick, Dom Maida, Shawn O'Brien, and John Pluck, the offensive leaders were Joe McNichol at Quarterback, Chris Hasson at Tight End, and Steve Cook and Max Guevara at Running Back. Defensive leaders included Back James Cairnes and Matt Romano. All of these players will be important parts

of the 1990 Varsity Team. The Freshman Football Team, coached by Mr. Joseph Radvansky, Senior Brian Gibson, and Junior Will Spearing, finished with a 5-2 record. Chris Convey led the offense from fullback, shining in a very balanced attack. Defensive standouts Mike Adamo, Kevin Conlin, and Tim Donahue kept the opponents' offenses from doing their jobs. I am sure all the freshmen will stay with the football program, and help continue its success - or my name isn't "Foot B. Balls."

Jason Pennington sports the newest championship fashion.

Over the defenders and through the hole ...



im-rattling and board-

ASHING Hello, and welcome once again to LaSalle Varsity Basketball. I am How-_ ard Teskin, your announcer, and I'll be taking you through the 1989-1990 season. The Explorers opened their season with a series of non-league games .. They easily handled Carroll and the Prep, but ran into tougher competition, falling just short to Bishop Neumann and losing big to nationally ranked Simon Gratz. Over Christmas vacation, the squad traveled to Richmond, Virginia to take part in the Benedictine Capital City Classic. Competition came from all over the East coast, but LaSalle was able to finish in third place. Both Jarrod Macklin and Chris Lazorcheck were named to the All-Tournament team. So, with a 2-2 record, LaSalle opened Northern Division play with three losses on the road, to Egan, McDevitt, and North. However, in the same series of games, the squad topped the teams that were to finish 1st and 2nd in the league (Kenrick and Ryan). And despite the disappointing loss to McDevitt, the Explorers bounced back with a five-game winning streak. in the streak, LaSalle paid back _ Egan for their earlier defeat, and topped division rivals Dougherty, Wood, and Judge. After losing to Kenrick, LaSalle came back with another streak, this time a three-game. The Explorers defeated Ryan, and topped McDevitt and North, ensuring no divisional team would be undefeated against LaSalle. Against Ryan, Guard

126 bas~all

Ernie Koschineg hit seven three-pointers on his way to a 29-point game. Victories against Dougherty and Wood ensured the Explorers third place, and clinched a playoff spot. In the first playoff game, LaSalle faced Ryan, the second place team in the division. The two teams fought to the buzzer, but LaSalle emerged on top, 52-49, and went to the division finals - at the Palestra. LaSalle faced Father Judge at the Palestra, with the winner going to face Roman Catholic for the League title. It wasn't even close. The Explorers, led by Chris Lazorcheck, easily rolled over Judge, 53-45. And so it came to pass that another rematch between Roman and LaSalle occurred. The Palestra played host to the two warring squads, hundreds of loyal LaSalle fans, and one or two Roman students. LaSalle took an early lead, and Tom Butler sunk a last second three-pointer to close the half with LaSalle up by nine. However, Roman quickly came back in the second half, and only a great run by LaSalle in the fourth quarter kept Roman from taking the title easily. With the game tied in the last seconds of the half, great LaSalle defense kept Roman from scoring and forced overtime. The three-minute overtime was a war of defense, and no points were scored until the last seconds. Roman, after wasting a minute of time, sunk a field goal with six seconds remaining on the clock. Desperate shots by Chris Lazorcheck and Ernie Koschineg both fell short, and the season was over.

Macklin eyes up another three-pointer.





85 57 53 47 65 56 85 45 58 45 65 55 55 60 72 67 63 66 58 66 69 35 87 46 52 53 62

Archbishop Carroll St. Joe's Prep St. John Neumann

58 45 61 77 80 43 65 49 42 53 47 61 51 48 57 41 55 71 49 56 47 58 75 36 49 45 64

Simon Gratz

Bishop Egan BishopKenrick Yonge

Nichols St. John's North Catholic Archbishop Ryan Bishop McDevitt Father Judge Parkway Cardinal Dougherty ArchbishopWood Bishop Egan BishopKenrick North Catholic Archbishop Ryan Bishop McDevitt Father Judge Cardinal Dougherty Archbishop Wood

Archbishop Ryan Father Judge Roman Catholic



••• Then the Hulkster slaps on the sleep· er.

"Hey! Do you guys all go to the sam blind barber?"

There's nothing quite like a kick in the face to wake you up. OooH!



Vicious slide tackle!

nly the net stops their

C K S Although not many soccer enthusi路 asts recognize me, I have an important job in the game. I always catch the ball if the goalie happens to miss it. Howev路 er, this year it se~med as though I did not have to catch it as often. La Salle's offense, as well as defense, improved this season, which means I wasn't scored into as often. Once the offense improved, it took the pressure of win路 ning the game off the defense. Even though there was improvement, they still had their share of unfortunate losses. One game in which I never tast路 ed the leather was against Ryan, which was highly-ranked in the state and the nation. The blue and gold-shirted La Salle booters scored a goal, while their defense kept everything from getting

too close to that guy in front of me wearing the weird gloves. This year's varsity captains were Vince Linus, John Deluisi, and Tim Brennan, who each proved to be strong assets to the team. After the top varsity goalie, Greg Ciaverelli, suffered major knee injuries, senior George Naulty filled his position in front of me. He proved to be another quick, courageous player who kept me from having to eat the ball. I recently heard one Varsity player saying that it was this year's seniors who provided a foundation for their winning season, with a record of 10-4 in the league and 12-5 overall. As the varsity improved over last year, I hope they improve even __ more for next year.


2 2 1 7

0 1 3 0 9

3 3 7

1 1 0 6 1

LS Opponent Opp Archbishop Carroll St. Joseph's Prep North Catholic Bishop McDevitt Archbishop Ryan Father Judge Bishop Egan Cardinal Dougherty Bishop Kenrick Archbishop Wood Strath Haven North Catholic Bishop McDevitt Archbishop Ryan Father Judge Bishop Egan Cardinal Dougherty Bishop Kenrick Archbishop Wood

0 0 0 0 4 3 0 2 0 1 5 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 3




The bowling team Justcouldn't get it right this year.

• • • so they turned to volleyball



.v. boaters net winning

CORD They're playing soccer. Ok?

This year's J. V. Soccer team also was an overall strong one, accumulating a fine record. Their team captains, Ed Kiernan, Craig Neverosky, and Joe Ricci, gave the team as much determination as they could. La Salle's freshman team also held strong in this year's season. With many freshmen and sophomores preparing to fill varsity vacancies left by graduating seniors, La Salle's soccer team seems ready to conquer next year's challenges. I don't mind if I never have to inhale those opponents' shots. Now, if they'd only stop kicking those rocket shots off my skinny top lip ...

They're still playing soccer.

It you have to ask what they're doing, you may as well hang yourself.




R In the "returning champions tour," the 1989-90 LaSalle swim season was a year for dominance in the Catholic League. The team easily beat even their toughest opponents, O'Hara and Ryan, and had very good performances from the entire team at the Eastern Interscholastic Championships, and the National Catholic Championship meet. The team easily extended their unbeaten streak to 19 meets over the last two years. Led by second-year coach Jay Platt and tri-captains Bill Rothenbach, Jason Gathman, and Chris Korman, the team focused on the usual defining characteristic of LaSalle swim teams: WINNING! It was a deep, well-balanced team behind seniors Bill Francoeur, Chris Schalleur, Rob Fluehr, and Rob Dager, juniors Kevin Gray, Ryan Young, and Kevin Scully, and sophomores Dave Gathman, Keith Krelovich, John Weiss, and Shawn Melley. Super swims characterized the team's post season performance. The medley relay team of Bill Rothenbach, Jason Gathman, Ryan Young, and Dave Gathman set a school record while the free style relay of Dave Gathman, Bill Rothenbach, Chris Schalleur,

c.路 0

-===~ ----~-~--




and Keith Krelovich also set a school record. And BillRothenbach also broke a 21 year old school record in the 100 free. The Catholic League Championship meet proved, of course, equally successful. On their way to a second consecutive title, the team set a new league record by scoring 634 points, swamping the closest competition by some 260 points. On their way to this impressive victory, the te.am had 14 different swimmers earn All-Catholic honors. Making such a "big splash" were the medley team of Bill Rothenbach, Jason Gathman, Dave Gathman, and Ryan Young, and the free relay of Chris Schaller, Rob Dager, Chris Korman, and Keith Krelovich, while individually Chris Schalleur (200 free and 500 free), Chris Korman (200 free and 100 free), Rob Fluehr (50 free), Jason Gathman and Kevin Gray (100 breast), Ryan Young and Kevin Scully (100 'fly), Keith Krelovich (200 IM and 500 free), Dave Gathman (50 free and 100 'fly), John Weiss (200 IM), and Shawn Melley (100 back) were all named AllCatholic. Congratulations on an excellent season to all the swimmers!



Nair gels 'em oh-so-soft smooth.

and silky


THE ROAD TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP: December 13 Monsignor Bonner January Archbishop Ryan

10 15 24 31 February

Father Judge

Archbishop Wood

Bishop l<enrlck St. James



14 21

Archbishop Carroll St. Joseph's Prep

What a pretty little butterfly.



aking the opposition's

OURT After failing to make the playoffs for the first time in ten years, the tennis team at the start of the season looked to regain position in the Catholic League post-season play. Puddle· dodging and chilly temperatures marked the early practices. Speaking in cliches (as usual), senior Rob Donahue said, "It's not the cold, though. It's the wind that's the problem. The wind intensifies the cold and makes the balls do tricks like stopping and turning right in mid air." "Right, Rob!" Coach Drew Stockmal led the team through the wind, cold, and rain to SPRING, and the sunshine of April. The team faced many of its toughest opponents during that month, including

Yeah, Tom, like you're not overacting.

136 te~s

the Prep, Carroll, and defending cham· pions, Ryan. Besides the flowers, May brought matches against Wood, Neumann, and West Catholic. Coach Stockmal count· ed on the play of seniors Marc Med· vetz, Tom Balshi, and Rob Donahue, juniors Carlos Torres, Rick Rojas, and C.B. Mulhern to carry the team to the playoffs. In spite of tiring practices and tough losses, the team's spirit remained jovi· al. The constant banter between Coach Drew and Rob kept the team loose. In fact, by the end of the season, Drew had to withstand verbal, uh, backhands from the entire team.

At LaSalle, we pride ourselves on our great service.

Marc doesn't need to move to get to the ball.

........ ..

~ ~路

And here's Rob with a quarter turn and a flourish.


April April

5 10

April April

12 17


19 24 26

April April May May May May May

St. Joseph's Prep Cardinal Dou~

gherty MonsignorBonner Archbishop Carroll Cardinal O'Hara ArchbishopRyan

Father Judge Bishop Neumann

3 8 10 17

Bishop Kenrick Bishop Egan

West Catholic Archbishop Wood



140 138



Of course, the Varsity team drew on the "minor leagues" - the Junior Varsity team. JV Coach, Mr. George Denacola, nurtured the talent at this level into determined, top-notch ballplayers. The developing team, which saw games against the same opponents as the Varsity squad, made players ready for the "big show." The team was quite successful, and many players were "called up" by the Varsity team when their talents were needed. This year, LaSalle had an addition to the main programs: a freshman team. Coached by Mr. Tore Hanssen, the team gave novice players even more experience in Catholic League competition, allowing our ballplayers to be more competitive and talented by the time they reach Varsity.


April April April April April April April

9 11 16 18



May May May May May May May

2 4 7 9 14 16 18



23 25


Archbishop Ryan

Bishop Egan BishopKenrick

Father Judge Bishop McDevitt North Catholic Cardinal Dou路 gherty

Archbishop Wood ArchbishopRyan Bishop Egan Bishop Kenrick Father Judge Bishop McDevitt North Catholic Cardinal Dougherty Archbishop Wood




OK For the first time in its history, the LaSalle Wrestling team entered the ranks of the local powerhouses. The slow rebuilding that took place throughout the previous three years yielded a motivated, highly-skilled wrecking crew that was capable of overpowering its competition. Under captains Mike O'Meara, Mike Haye,s, Brent Stanek, and Mike Bate, the team followed its "quiet and intense" work ethic to new heights. Alongside these lea.ders were four .consistent workhorses vital to the year's success: senior Gilbert Idhaw, junior ban .Crowe, and freshmen Mike Sheridan and Tom Panzarella. The year was highlighted by a solid thrashing of the eventual Catholic League Champions Bishop Egan. T.he e.xcitement generated by the fans _ flooded the gym with unbearable tension. Then, the lights grew dim and out shot the Explorers to the theme track of "Halloween." The explosiveness and spirit of the team made both the evening and the season nightmarish for its opponents. The Varsity posted a final team re-


cord of 11-4 and also achieved second place finishes at both the LaSalle Christmas Tournament and the Lower Moreland Tournament. On the Junior Varsity level, LaSalle clearly showed its depth by easily taking the Catholic League J.V. Tournament. This. year was a year of individual accomplishments as well as team success. Brent Stanek earned First T earn All-Catholic honors and posted his 58th career win, over three years. Gilbert Idhaw, Mike Bate, and Louis Tulio each earned Third Team All-Catholic honors. Tom Panzarella and John "JV" Russo each placed fifth at the National Preps among fields of 92 competitors per weight class. Mike O'Meara placed eighth at the National Preps and ended his three-year career with 64 varsity victories. Following the successful season, the team looks to the future with confidence in continued achievement. But as for now, it will look for the nearest all-you-can-eat restaurant, Wendy's Superbar or Friendly's Ice Cream Eatery.

Oh no! It's the dreaded flamingo maneuver!


it looks like fun.




North Catholic, Cardinal Dougherty,

West Catholic Week


Father Judge, Bonner,


Roman Catholic Week


Bishop McDevitt, Bishop Kenrick,

Bishop Egan, Archbishop Wood



Bishop McDevitt, Archbishop Ryan,

St James May 7 May 16 May 17 May 20

Divisional Championship

Catholic League Cham路 plonship Catholic League Cham路 pionship Catholic League Cham路 pionship



"The bells! The bells! I must ring the bells!"

How many LaSalle golfers does ii lake to sink a putt?

March March April April April April April April

26 30 2 6 9 20 23 27

April May May May

30 4 7 14

St. James

May May

18 21


Bishop Kenrick Bishop Egan

Bishop McDevitt CardinalO'Hara North Catholic St. Joseph's Prep Archbishop Wood Archbishop Car-


RomanCatholic Bishop Neumann Cardinal Dou路 gherty

The 1989路90 Golf Team


Father Judge



VOTS After winning the Catholic League Golf Championship last year, this year's team again looked to slice up the competition this year in the Catholic League. In addition to the new golfers who tried out in March, most of last season's valuable linksters returned. Returning All-Catholic golfers included seniors Joe Bonargo and Joe Mooney, and junior Jim Maher. Juniors Joe Morrisey and Dan Walls, varsity letter winners last year, also chipped in to give opponents a rough time on the course. Promising junior varsity letter winners of last year Dave O'Malley, Jay Cody, Steve Herrera, and Tom Craig moved up to compete at the varsity level. While the team depended on all of its players to win another

Look at the club. Look at the ball. Does something seem wrong, Mark?

championship for LaSalle, the leadership fell to Joe Bonargo and Joe Mooney. Squads from O'Hara, Carroll, and Wood proved to be the team's stiffest competition, yet LaSalle dispatched its opponents, drawing on the talent of the players and the inspirational tradition of the team's nine league titles in the past twelve years. Brother Al Lumley, who said at the start of the season, "We will be a contender for this year," again guided his golfers past the gulf-like water hazards and the Sahara-sized sand traps. Brother Al, with thirteen years of coaching experience at LaSalle made sure his elite group did not just "drive for show." He knows you don't win golf championships gagging on those three-foot putts!

n front




CORE LaSalle's ice hockey team has undergone some massive changes over the past four years. In 1986, LaSalle had only 18 skaters, who made up a lone J.V. team. This year, however, the program included a Varsity squad, a J.V. squad, and a novice program (for those just learning how to tie their skate laces!) There are now six coaches for the three teams and more than 50 players. This year's Varsity team finished with a winning record and made the playoffs. The team's new success can be accredited largely to the installment of the new head coach, Peter Nolan. Peter Nolan, a graduate of LaSalle High School and an extremely intense individual, tolerated nothing (and we mean absolutely nothing!) short of a hundred percent from his players. Through his grueling "skate till you puke" practices, he formulated a superbly-conditioned, motivated, and confident team. The Varsity team was led equally well by nine seniors. The team's defense was one of the best in the league. Dave Smith, a six-foot-two defenseman, sent many an opposing forward off the ice early with some devastating open-ice checks, while Chris Ruser exhibited the ability to carry the puck coast-to-coast with his speed. The offense consistently outshot the opponent. Seniors Jim Dever and Greg Curci, and juniors Mark McCann, Chris Glessner, and John Schulden accounted for the majority of the team's goals. Jim Dever's speed and playmaking ability coupled with Greg Curd's wristshot proved a nightmare for goaltenders. As good as this season was for the ice hockey team, next year looks even more promising. Rob Barth and Nick DiArenzo still have three more years in the net. McCann, Glessner, and Schulden will lead the offense next year, while Gil Hudson, the only freshman to play Varsity, will be back on defense for three more years. Having grown more popular every year, LaSalle Ice Hockey finally established itself through expert coaching, committed participation, and much-improved play. And, this year, we probably could have beaten the Flyers!



Celebration after laying out the goalie.

Where do you think you're gc

Thoroughly puckless


6 4 2 0 8 3 12 3 12 16 1 3

Opponent North Penn

Downington West Chester East

Archbishop Carroll Lower Merion Truman

11 3 'l


Episcopal Harrington



Methacon Lower Merion North Penn

2 5 3 4

Opp 4

Conestoga Radnor Unionville

5 3 5 5 3

Penncrest West Chester



Mr. Reinhardt's obnoxious face growth.

"Come on guys, the coach's contacts have to be somewhere!"

Fall Crew



Overall Head of Connecticut Head of Charles Head of Schuykill Navy Day Frostbite/Braxton

150 fa~ew

1st 8th 2 2nd 1st

Finish High School 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st



CTORY This year's fall crew season was one of the most successful in recent years. Much of this success resulted from intense practicing. As a member of the team, I was expecting more relaxed practices and more fun. But coaches Robert Reinhart and Anthony Stefanski decided to use fall crew to prepare for the spring season. The training consisted of ergometer tests, 3-5 mile runs, and plenty of rowing.

6-0 by winning the Navy Day regatta, Head of the Charles, Head of the Schuykill, Frostbite and Bill Braxton regattas. The Eight not only dominated the high school ranks, but also the collegiate division, beating boats from Penn, Princeton, and the Naval Academy. The Varsity Four also had a successful season. Coxswain Andy Maude, John Croney, Joe Williamson, Tim Downs, and Rick Courtney finished the season strong, winning the Braxton and Frostbite regattas. The Junior Eight La Salle's best-displayed stamina and strength were at the "Head of the and the Novice Eight also won at the Connecticut," a 3.5 mile race. The Braxton, a race where La Salle boats Varsity Eight of Pat McPhillips, Kevin won every race they were entered in. Hipp, Tom McLaughlin, T.J. Wilson, The Novices won the 1500 meter race Marc Weston, Ryan Tyrrell, Pat Cun- by close to 500 meters. I am sure that the winter training nane, Chuck Calvanese, Mike Wilkin, and Andy Mullen set a course record in program along with the addition of rowtheir race. The boat docked, and rest- ers who played fall sports will guaraned for 20 minutes. Coach Reinhart then tee La Salle another successful season split the eight into two "fours." The in the spring. After all, who wouldn't stern four of Hipp, McLaughlin, Wil- want to train and row hard when we son, and Weston won the "four" race begin those leisurely 6:30 A.M. practices in 22 degree snow squalls. Ah while the bow four came in third. rowing! Ah humanity! The Varsity Eight finished its season

Come on guys ...



ross-country covers the La Salle's Cross Country team finished another successful season with a record.of 18-3. Led by All-Catholic Kevin Scully and second team All-Catholic Chris Ruser, the team ran to an impressive 2nd place finish in Division Champs. Approaching the final race of the year, several teams, including La Salle, had strong possibilities of winning the Catholic League title in what turned out to be the most competitive league in years. Although finishing in a disappointing 5th place in the Catholic League Champs, strong support from underclassmen helped capture 2nd in the J.V. race and 3rd in the Freshman race. Under the experienced coaching of head coach Mr. Pat Devine and assistant coach Mr. Ed McCabe, this year's team endured a long, physically demanding season. Under the warm summer sun, veteran runners began preparing themselves for the fierce competition which would challenge them throughout the cool, and then cooler, months of autumn. Team members, motivated by the senior leadership of co-captains Chris Norris, Chris Ruser and Brian Waerig, officially began training with a five-day running camp in late August. The season continued amid triumph and disappointment, amid injury and improvement, concluding on November 12 when the final meet of the year was held at Belmont Plateau. Strong performances from underclassmen make next year's team look promising. Running well enough to become one of the top three teams in the League remains an achievable goal. For many runners, diligent training, smart running, and gradual improvement will point the way to a championship next fall.

Mass Exodus


TAN CE And we should now say cheese

Left foot . . . • right foot . . . , turn and point."

Cross Country



League Meets: 18-3 Salesianum Invitational: 4th (21 teams) Manhattan Invitational: 5th (33 teams) Catholic League Northern Division Championship: 2nd place Catholic League Championships: 4th place

The 1989 Cross Country Team

c r o s s~

nt r y


ecords shattered like

KEN GLASS Some people think of the Indoor Track season as a way to pass the time before Outdoor Track rolls around. But for the athletes of this year's team, it became something far more important. This year's team not only had some of the best athletes in the Catholic League, but some of the best in the state. Mr. John Frizalone led the field crew to undoubtedly its best year ever. School records fell left and right virtually every time senior Martin Feeny hurled the shot put or junior Jack Bush came tearing down the pole vault runway. Martin's throws exceeded 55 feet, breaking the old record by an incredible four feet. Jack's vaulted to the 13 foot mark, a foot and a half higher than the old mark. Both ranked in the Top 10 in Pennsylvania. Jeff Halstead put his name in the record books by _ sprinting in the 60 yard dash in an incredible 6.6 seconds, easily breaking the old record. Jeff also tied the school mark in the 50 yard dash with a time of 5. 7 seconds. High jumper Kyle Evans, with leaps around 6"2' focused his attention on the school high of 6"3' and had his place in the state's Top 10. Mr. Devine and Brother David Rog-

ers strided with the runners to try to achieve nothing short of perfection. The distance medley of Brian and Dave Devine, Chris Norris, and Brian Waerig ran consistently well throughout the season, as did senior runners Ed Miehle, Chris Ginieczki and Matt Booth. The mile relay of Vu Nguyen, Mark Wimmer, John Gorman, and Dave Devine secured themselves a lane in the Meet of Champions, as did many other runners and field men. Junior distance runners Chris Hilty and John Murphy, along with underclassmen John Minnich, Fran Corcoran, Scott Halstead, Dom Maida in the shot put, and Marlin Brown in the high jump will be the backbone in the future. Through all the bounders, striders, 200's, morning loops, weight training, freezing practices, barfing, and "early bird can't catch the worm, cause he's still asleep" meets, the team kept thinking Mr. Friz's famous line, "It's the price you have to pay if you want to be a champion." The training and practicing paid the price in full, and each member of the team can proudly call himself a "Champion." The race looks exciting now, but moments later, Jeff was mugged, shot, crushed by falling brick walls, a piano, and a safe, beat repeatedly by Girl Seoul Troop 12, and flame-broiled.

Although Marty can throw the shot over 57 feel, he can throw fat men no more than three feel. (OK four, lops.)


,.-: ~ .--; 4:"' .., ·~·· ~

No, no, I don't want it. Keep it away.


School records broken: Martin Feeny, shot put, 57'7.25

1 '

Jack Bush, pole vault, 12"6' Jeff Halstead, 60 yard dash, 6.5 sec. Jeff Halstead, 50 yard dash, tie, 5. 7 sec. MartinFeeny - 1st place, CatholicLeague Champion· '?iP, shot put. Field Event MVP Kyle Evans - 2nd place, Catholic League Champion· ship, high jump Jack Bush

3rd place, Meet of Champions, pole vault

Distance Medley Champs

3rd place, Catholic League




ULLS Hold it, I just forgot, why am I doing this?

The spring crew season began February 1st with much enthusiasm, despite the calisthenics, the stair-climbing, and the especially grueling ergometer tests contained in virtually every indoor practice. As the winter workouts (which involved weight and endurance training) came to a close, the rowers anticipated the racing season and as a team, set twin goals of winning the Catholic League and repeating last year's championship victory. An excellent coaching staff, headed by Mr. Kenneth Shaw as freshman/novice coach, Mr. Robert Reinhart as varsity coach, and assistants Joseph Sweeney, John Suter, and Robert Ginieczki, guided the team toward its goal. To assist the coaches, senior Tom McLaughlin served as captain. He and a strong corps, including Kevin Hipp, Rich Stagliano, Marc Weston, Pat Cunnane, Chuck Calvanese, and Pat McPhillips provided leadership and commitment to the team, examples which the underclassmen followed. The on-river practices devised by medieval torturer Mr. Reinhart prepared the team for its races. Coaching, senior leadership, a winning attitude, and momentum from the extremely successful fall season propelled the crew to victories and strong showings in the Manny Flick races, the Catholic League and City Champs, the Stotesbury Cup Regatta, and the National Scholastic Rowing Champs. LaSalle crew has surely developed one of the elite high school rowing programs in the country . • • • merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

156 spr~rew

March 18 Manny Flick Race

March 25 Manny Flick Race April 1 Manny Flick Race April 8 Manny Flick Race

April 22 Manny Flick Race April 29 City Championship May 6 CatholicLeague Champs

No,trust me, the sunglasses really make you cool.



A Different W





During the Revolutionary War, there was a song called, "World Turned Upside-Down." The time has come again for the words of the song to take meaning. During the past twelve months leaders have fallen, governments have toppled, and peoples have been freed. Change began on April 15, 1989, when a large group of students gathered on Tiananmen Square in China calling for democratic reform. Over the next month the movement expanded. By May 15, the number had grown to over one million people. Five days later, martial law was declared, but the troops were driven away from the square by the masses. From this moment, there came what would become a symbol of the struggle for freedom around the world. One Chinese man stood in front of a column of tanks, stopping them in their tracks. On June 3, the government ordered the troops to fire on the protesters.

Within days, what had begun so unexpectedly ended with the killing of an estimated 3,000 people. Although the Chinese rebellion seemed to have failed, within a few months, Poland held free elections. The Solidarity party was able to win all but two of the seats in office. One by one, the governments of the Eastern Bloc fell, borders opened and people voted freely. The democracy movement reached its climax when, on November 9, the Berlin Wall, the drab symbol of the Cold War, was destroyed and hundreds of thousands of East Germans poured into the West for the first time since 1961. Most recently, the Soviet Union, leader of the Communist world, is also beginning to move towards democracy. First, Mikhail Gorbachev promised religious freedom and he is now calling for free elections.

Lech Walesa, Solidarity leader, and President George Bushhold their hands aloft in a sign of victory. The elections in Poland demonstrated the peaceful changes in the world.

A lone student faces down Chinese tanks in the prelude lo the massacre of Tienanmen Square.

158 aroun~


The Sioux City, Iowa crash of a DC-10 in which the survivors outnumbered the dead prompted the pronouncement of the pilot as a "Hero." However, in the words of Pilot Al Haynes, "There is no hero."

Caused by human error, the Valdez oil spill coat-. ed the Alaskan landscape and its wildlife with Exxon crude oil.

Paraplegic Mark Wellman surprised the world with his strength and willpower with his 3,200 foot climb of El Capitan mountain.

a r o u n d~

n at i o n 161


hat we call the beginning is often the end.

And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. -



George Eliot



rian Waerig tries to ignore Mrs. McGovern's constant "advice" as he contemplates his latest masterpiece.

evin Hipp era. It's s refuses to look Photo. UPPosed to b at the came a candid



Nicholas A. Araco 10/12/71 646-9947 1501 North Fiedler Rd., Maple Glen PA 19002 "Let them obey that know not how to rule." - William Shakespeare Crew 1, 2 SADD 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 Attack Pack 3 David J. Balcer Jr.

11/04/71 742-8758 8015 Bridle Road, Phila. PA 19111 "Overcome your fears or they will overcome you." Newspaper 3 Intramurals 2 Band 1

Thomas Christopher Balshi 04/07 /72 628-3217 Box 126, 1221 Meeting House Road, Gwynedd PA 19436 "I spoke with the tongue of angels, I held the hand of a devil; and I still haven't found what I'm looking for." - U2 Football 1 Tennis 1, 2 Varsity 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 SADD 2, 3, 4 Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Racquetball 1, 2 Prom Committee 3, 4 Richard J. Barbalace

06/1/72 743-6478 4529 E. Thompson St., Phila., PA 19137 "Mathematics is the Mirror of Civilization" - Sir Lancelot Hogben La Salle Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President) Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Theatre 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 Mathletes 1, 3, 4 National Merit Scholarship Finalist

Michael Clinton Bate 11/4/71 483-9006 7366 Valley Ave., Phila. PA 19128 "If the whole world happened to live by the way of the 'Peterson', then we would all be caught in 'double-arm-bars'". Football 1, 2, 3, 4 Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4 Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Matthew Thomas Bauerlein

4/19/72 843-6716 706 Sedgwick St., Mt. Airy PA 19119 "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? Good Night." - J. Rotten Yearbook 1 Spring Track 1 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Frank Giovannone eyes the rag wool strait jacket sported by rowdy derelict, "Cowpoke Frank" Summerill.

Joseph E. Beck 08/04/72 256-0115 329 Freed Road, Harleysville PA 19438 "There's a feeling I get when I look to the West and my spirit is crying for leaving." Led Zeppelin CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student Scholastic 'L' 3, 4 Douglas Vincent Bellew

07 /22/72 483-8045 9029 Lykens Lane, Phila. PA 19128 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3 (Sec/Treas), 4 (Senator) Bowling 1 National Merit Finalist National Honor Society 3, 4

Joseph Bonargo 1754 Costnel Drive, Warrington PA 18976 "I won't be here - I am going to Florida." Golf 1, 2, 3, 4 SADD 2, 3 Yearbook 3



10/30/72 572-0814 533 Waln Road, Glenside PA 19038 "The sands of time were eroded by the river of constant change" - Genesis Yearbook 1, 3, 4 (Coordinating Editor) Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 (News Editor) CSC 2, 3 (VicePresident), 4(Vice-President) Mock Trial 3 Scholastic "L" 1, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 National Merit Finalist

Paul Thorkil Bonfanti

MattBooth 1/27 /72 1422 Rosalie St., Phila. PA 19149 "We won't give you 2000 nickels unless it meets your change needs." Winter Track 2, 3, 4 Spring Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Cross Country 1, 4


Stay In The Activity W I

It has now been almost four full years since that fateful day, when we first walked through the doors of La Salle. Our hands shook, our hearts beat heavily and our stomachs were "full of butterflies." The mere presence of an upperclassman struck us with fear. All ::ifus despised sophomores and juniors, :omplaining that they were the lowest rorms of life. A senior left us with a :iifferent impression. Sure, the sight of them made us panic and stepped out of :heir way in the halls - but we looked 1p to them. A senior was not just taller;

N G?



he was confident, fearless, studious and he knew how to dress. Every freshman had once said to himself, "] can't wait until I'm a senior." Well we became seniors and we felt for the most part the same, but there were a few things that were different. Now, the memory of a dweebish freshman accidentally entering our Vietnam class or an open locker brings a grin to all of our faces. Walking through the halls and knowing the class period schedule to the minute is now second nature. Each of us walks through the

O R S?

halls full of confidence. "Uncle Dave" (Mr. Diehl) no longer frightens us (not as much anyway!). Teachers have ceased to question our every move. They just assume that we know what we are doing, or they are just afraid to know what we are doing. The words "College Placement Center" have become synonymous with "hall pass" since its strategic relocation. La Salle has been good to us seniors by letting us do what we do best, be ourselves.



Ride the "W


路 V


spirit. When the last note of the band had faded and the mass of students began shuffling their way back to class, a look of surprised delight came over the many faces of the faculty. The gymnasium floor was clean, the football

On December 1, 1989 the La Salle College High School gymnasium was transformed into a magnificent sea of blue and gold. Its massive bleachers and polished wooden floors reve~berated with the deafening cries of school

team was ready to tackle Roman, and the student body was more than satisfied with the opportunity to display their school colors for the entire day. Blue and Gold Day resulted from the collaborative efforts of Marty Matthews, Rich Stagliano, Tom McLaughlin, and Mr. Martin Stanczak for an entire week before the event. Their hard work combined with the persistent urging of Mr. Parisi and Mrs. Mullen convinced Mr. Diehl and the rest of the

Brendan Patrick Boyle 635-5015 6/9/72 102 Parkview Rd., Cheltenham, PA 19012 "Procrastination is the best thing since sleep." Wrestling 1, 2 Spring Crew 1, 2 Fall Crew 2 Prom Committee Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

3/5/72 743-8520 1080 Alcott Street, Phila. PA 19149 "Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot." Soccer 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Crew 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4 Wrestling 4

Timothy Edward Brennan

Michael Brescia 859 Manatawna Road, Phila. PA 19128


2/10/72 635-2013 1111 Melrose Ave., Melrose Park PA 19126 "Imagination is the substance of life" - Ami Friend Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Stage Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 Ice Hockey 2 Intramurals 2, 3

Martin P. Breslin

Andrew Jude Bucceri 3/3/72 887-3909 714 Wyndale Rd., Jenkintown PA 19046 "If at first you don't succeed, don't take any more chances." lntramurals 1, 2, 3 Stage Crew 3, 4 C.S.C. 3 Bowling 3 Spring Track 2, 3 Basketball 3 (mgr.) James Burke


5/17 /72 677-8996 2123 Murray St., Phila. PA 19115 Soccer 1 Crew 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 3, 4

ninistration that it was possible to re Blue and Gold Day coincide with 'ep Rally. The sounding of the bell ,ered students to class as always I, amazingly(!), despite what they re wearing. Fears of such "antiss code" -attired students storming cafeteria and Main Office or routclassrooms never materialized. The intenance men were left with, unbeably, a clean gymnasium floor. Blue l Gold Day exceeded the greatest

expectations of every member of the La Salle community. We had fun, we were trusted with some "loose play," and we returned the trust in kind. Best of all, we wore our Blue and Gold with pride. The tradition has returned. L-E-M-B-O-T-0-M-Y!

886-2161 Kevin Patrick Burke 5/3/72 1134 Cumberland Rd., Abington PA 19001 "Winning is an attitude, and I definitely have an attitude." Basketball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 1, 2, 3

969-4758 Charles F. Calvanese 1/28/72 100 Pleasant Hill Drive, Phila. PA 19115 "Those who complain most are most to be complained of." Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Fall Crew 2, 3, 4 Spring Crew 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) SADD 1, 2 Vincent A. Calvitti

10 /20 /72 822-3902 78 Meadowbrook Lane, Chalfont PA 18914 "For this you've my word, and I never yet broke it. So put that in your pipe, My Lord Otto, and smoke it." - Richard Harris Barham Football 1 Indoor Track 2, 3 Outdoor Track 1, 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Nicholas Joseph Caputo 671-0261 5/31/72 9735 Lochwood Rd., Phila. PA 19115 "Perge modo, et, qua te ducit via, dirige gressum." - Vergil Newspaper 2, 3 (Layout Editor) 4 (Editor-In-Chief) Photo Club 4 (Co-Pres.) Yearbook 4 Football Statistics 2, 3, 4 Soccer 1 Track & Field 1, 2 Baseball 2 Intramurals 3, 4 N.H.S. 3, 4 Scholastic L 1, 2, 3, 4 Kevin T. Carney

2/27 /72 482-2502 7700 Keiffen St., Phila. PA 19128 "It's been a hard day's night." - The Beatles C.S.C. 3, 4 Intramurals 3, 4 Racquetball 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4



What is LaSalle' s best aspect? College Preparation



Quality of education 0






Christopher Choby 4/5/72 348-8241 83 Foxcroft Drive, Doylestown PA Soccer 1, 2, 3 Crew 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 C.S.C. 3, 4 SADD 4 Newspaper 3 1/17 /72 675-6165 116 New Road Horsham, PA 19044 "The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it." - John Ruskin Cross Country 3, 4 Spring Track 3, 4 Winter Track 3, 4 National Honor Society 3, 4 Academic L 9, 10, 11 Mathletes 3, 4 (VP)

Daniel Christian Clash

Chris V. Cleary 1336 Rose Rd. Abington, PA 19001 "Is this optional?" Stage Crew 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3



3/30/72 368-5946 107 East Main Stre.et, Lansdale, PA 19446 "This is the strangest life I've ever known." - J.D. Morrison Crew 1 Wrestling 3, 4 Intramurals 4 SADD 3, 4 Yearbook 4 Gazebo 4 (Editor) Newspaper 3, 4 (Features Editor) C.S.C. 4 (Senator) Academic "L" 3, 4

George Francis Collins

James Eugene Convey IV 8/8/72 643-5486 1666 Ft. Washington Ave., Maple Glen, PA 19002 Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) SADD 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 676-8492 6/24/72 John B. Cottingham 8903 Bloomfield Place, Phila. PA 19115 "The present is the necessary product of all the past, the necessary cause of all the future" - Ingersoll Yearbook 2, 3, 4 C.S.C. 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Photo Club 4

168 s~s

Does LaSalle have enough school spirit? YES 29.5% Every year, nothing much is done about school spirit simply because student council can't find where it's lacking. Sure, attendance at sporting events could be higher, but few schools have more fans than La Salle. Attendance at pep rallies could also be higher, but the truth is that they are poorly organized and lack spontaneity. Instead of these, each student's pride in La Salle demonstrates our school spirit. If asked, wouldn't you say you're proud that La Salle is your school? Dave Devine

NO 70.5 % For a school as good as La Salle, with sports teams which consistently win championships, there is surprisingly little school spirit. Attendance at sporting events is poor. This is the most obvious demonstration of the lack of school spirit. The support we give to our teams is not at the level they deserve. It's time for students to start showing some spirit by cheering on all of our teams. Ask yourself when you last went to a hockey game. I thought so. Brian Waerig

Francis Richard "Rick" Courtney 4/12/71 1135 Oak Ridge Drive, Blue Bell PA 19422 "Some times you catch the elevator; Some times you get the shaft" Crew 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) SADD 2, 3, 4


James Ronald Crawford 4/4/72 672-8231 205 Silvestri Drive, Hatboro, PA 1904 "This is like decent of all decentness, I must say!" - Ed Grimly Soccer 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4 Prom Committee 3 Patrick T.Cunnane

1/26/72 482-4167 726 Manatawana, PA 19128 "Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake." - Savielly Grigorievitch Tartskower Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 2, 3, 4 Cross Country 3 SADD 3, 4 Crew 3 (L), 4 (L) Academic "L" 2, 3, 4 National Honor Society 3, 4 Mathletes 3 (VP) National Merit Finalist

348-4292 Gregory Scott Curci 5/18/72 16 Golfview Rd., Doylestown PA 18901 "Education's an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught." - Oscar Wilde Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 Crew 1, 2, 3 Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 3, 4 SADD 3 Donald William Curtin III

10 /25 /72 345-5463 8 Birchwood Drive, Doylestown PA 18901 "Stupidity is an elemental force for which no earthquake can match." Football 1, 2, 3 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 C.S.C. 4 Yearbook 4 Newspaper 4 Drama 4




Robert H. Dager 5 Sumac Place, Lafayette Hill PA 19444 Francis J. Daley

Nicholas D' Alicandro 493 Summit Ave., Phila. PA 19128 C.S.C. 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

5/15/72 342-2528 8611 Algon Ave., Phila. PA 19152 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 C.S.C. 3, 4



Brian Daly

300 Spruce Rd., Flourtown PA 19031 Football 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Baseball 1, 2 Track 1 (L) Ice Hockey 1 (L) C.S.C. 1, 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Carmen Danella 2/10/72 699-4681 1225 Meetinghouse Rd., Gwynedd PA 19436 "You better believe there will be times in your life when you'll feel like a stumbling fool so take it from me you'll learn more from your accidents than anything you could ever learn at school" - Billy Joel Football 1 Ski Club 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 James Patrick Dann

5 /25 /72 699-2560 1229 Laura Ln., Gwynedd PA 19436 "Walk upside down inside handcuffs, crash my legs to kick them off, say OK I've had enough, What else can you show me?" - Bob Dylan Wrestling 1 Football 1, 2, 3 Newspaper 3, 4 NHS 4

"Hey, what are they doing to the wall?"


Michael Andrew Darcy 6828 Henry Ave., Phila. PA 19128 "puellas conviviasque laudo" Wrestling 1, 2, 3 Soccer 2 Wisterian 4



Brian H. Dean

8/3/72 688-8573 515 Hughes Rd., King of Prussia PA 19406 Winter Track 1, 2 Spring Track 1, 2, 3, 4 C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4 Band 1 (L), 2 (L), 3, 4 (L) S.A.D.D. 3 Attack Pack 3 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Daniel M. DeDominic 823 Belvoir Rd., Norristown PA 19401 "Never let school interfere with your education" Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

9 /22/72


Mark Twain

7 /16/72 698-2567 9710 Morefield Rd., Phila. PA 19115 "My life is too complex an event to be contained in a few short words writ by I, one of its many players." Forensics 1 (L), 2, 3, 4 Theatre 2, 3, 4 Wrestling 2 Student Council 1, 2, 3 Racquetball 1, 2, 3 Yearbook 3, 4

Michael Christian Dell' Angelo

John Deluisi 410 Gilham St., Phila. PA 19111 Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4



LaSalle Meets NATIONAL


Does sitting in one of Paris' famed grad, Moscow, Helsinki, and, unexcafes watching the people pass in a pectedly, East and West Berlin in only state of excitement on the eve of the fifteen days. The nine travelers will not Eiffel Tower celebration sound like a soon forget such sites as London's dream? What about seeing firsthand 路 Westminster Abbey, Paris' Notre the hundreds of sparkling fountains Dame, and Moscow's Red Square. adorning Peter the Great's palace in Their typical day began at 7:00 in the Leningrad? For seniors Kevin Hipp, morning, regardless of sleep already Chris Ruser, Marc Minsker, Chris lost to changing time zones, with a Rauch, Chris Choby, Jason Zoto, Kevin weak semblance of breakfast. They Streeper, and Pete Rooney, 路these usually spent the day touring on buses dreams came true. In June, these sen- with a native of each city as guide, and iors, along with Frere Jacques (Brother consequently, by the end of the trip, they could expertly distinguish the difJames Steck, for non-French speakers), traveled to London, Paris, Lenin- ferent types of diesel fuel. After an

afternoon of touring, at Frere Jacques' recommendation, they became a part of the city's night life. Like normal citizens they would ride the subway - a stomach churning experience in some cases - to the night's entertainment. They found themselves dancing the night away in Paris' "LaScala" or London's "Empire" to the beat of foreign rock music and fabulous light shows. All of the seniors would agree that their fifteen day tour produced the most enlightening days of their lives.



Unruly Typewriters and I

I M P E N D I N Q.

A junior in a senior fea· ture? Who is responsible for this screw-up?

For the senior class, this is the year that we handle deadlines, manual type· writers, and nasty looks from Mrs. Lo· gan. If you don't know what all this refers to, then ask any senior and he'll tell you. It is about college applications. At the beginning of the year, seniors attend college fairs where they look at prospective schools they would consid· er attending next fall. If it should hap· pen that the college representative of a school is a 22-year-old woman, then seniors strangely - and foolishly pick that school as a possibility they had overlooked. Besides attending col· lege fairs, the senior has to deal with

Achievement Tests. (Like fillingout the forms for the test was a real joy.) Some seniors, on the other hand, have already applied to some colleges through early decision. And for those lucky ones, some have already been accepted to their schools. Little do they know that they have added pressure to and caused jealousy among their fellow seniors who have yet to apply to a col· lege. Seniors start making their applica· tions for the upcoming deadlines, which are usually "upcoming" in two days. Then, on the night before they have to hand in applications to be processed, they do battle with white-out ribbon and type their personal essays which reveals how they are the greatest stu· dents and the most charismatic young men in the world. Then, upon handing

D E A D L I N E S in their applications, they get that fu1 ny look from Mrs. Logan who is stean ing over why they are all handing i applications on the same day. Upon being accepted to any colleg1 the average senior has a natural inc: nation to slack off for the rest of th year. This is commonly known c Brother Bob's senioritis. All applic, tions having been sent, the seniors fe, they "deserve" something. Oddi enough, most senior teachers feel th seniors "deserve" the remaining wor from their respective courses. "Yo mean we still have to take tests, rea books, do labs ... STUDY???!!!" Y~ we do; the "catch" is that some scho will actually accept us after receivir our applications. For another foi years (at least) then ... so it goes.

David Gerard DeMara 5/16/72 487-1105 8617 Steeple Drive, Phila. PA 19128 "Voices inside my head echo things you said" - The Police Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Basketball 1, 2 Wrestling 3 (L), 4 (L) Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Scholastic "L" 1, 4

3/10/72 482-6458 311 Lodge Road, Phila. PA 19128 "It is the bunny rabbit!" - Monty Python Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) (Captain) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 4 Prom Committee 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Ski Club 2, 3, 4

James F. Dever

Brian James Devine 8/30/72 233-2049 512 Burton Road, Oreland PA 19075 "Always be yourself, then people won't have trouble knowing who you are" - Jumbo Elliot Cross Country 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L)(All-Catholic)Winter Track 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) (AllCatholic, captain) Spring Track 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) (Captain) Art Club 1, 2 NHS 3, 4 (Secretary) Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 2, 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Wisterian 3, 4 Yearbook 2, 3, 4 Drama Art Staff 2, 3, 4

8/30/72 233-2049 512 Burton Road, Oreland PA 19075 "I've got a pocket full of quarters and I'm headed for the arcade." - Pac Man Fever NHS 3, 4 (President) Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) Winter Track 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Spring Track 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 2, 3, 4 Art Club 1, 2 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Art Club 1, 2 National Merit Commended Student 4 Drama Art Staff 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

David Conal Devine

Justin DiFillipo 25 Scarlet Oak Drive, Lafayette Hill PA 19444


Giancarlo Eduardo DiPasquale

5/11/72 233-5229 7905 Pine Road, Wyndmoor PA 19118 "I enjoy certain things, no one else has to enjoy them and I see things in a certain way, but no one else has to see those things in the same way. I've done it my way and it works. So why change?" Yearbook 3, 4 Intramurals 2, 3, 4 Wrestling 2 Drama 1

Kirk Doloway 8/11/71 766 Valley Road, Blue Bell PA 19422 "In a world of illusion only the strong know their friends." - Squid Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Cross-Country 1 S.A.D.D. 3, 4


Robert F. Donahue

10/25/72 322-1842 350 Holly Knoll Drive, Churchville PA 18966 "Well I speak loudly and carry a big stick [Blam! Blam! Blam!J An' I use it too!" Yosemite Sam Tennis 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Yearbook 1, 2, 3, 4 (Copy Editor) Band 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) NHS 3, 4 Bike Club 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 National Merit Finalist 4

Michael Ian Donnelly 9 /7 /72 886-1780 326 Montier Road, Glenside PA 19038 "We don't need no thought control." - Pink Floyd Hockey 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 3 Prom Committee 4 Attack Pack Daniel Joseph Donahue

1/24/72 825-1427 21 Taylor Road, Conshohocken PA 19428

Sean T. Duffy 9/11/72 379-8706 70 Kirkwood Avenue, Fox Chase Manor PA 19111 "It's not how far you go in life; it's how you get there." Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) Student Council 3, 4 Spring Track 3, 4 (L) Crew 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4



Jerry Edwards 7 /13/72 836-1985 118 Gordon Road, Erdenheim, PA 19118 "Life is like a game of dice; if you don't get the throw you want, you must make the best of the throw you get!" Football 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

1/22/72 248-5775 159 W. Springfield Ave., Phila. PA 19118 "Good friends we have, Oh we have good friends we have lost along the way. In this great future, you can't forget your past, so dry your tears I say." - Bob Marley Cross Country 1, 2, 3 Track 1, 2 (L), 3 (L) Student Council 2, 3 Art Club 4

Jamie Patrick Elsasser

William Joseph Ennis 10/1/72 725-7645 8420 Bridle Road, Phila. PA 19111 "Who am I? Where have I been? Where am I going? Do I need any luggage? - B-52s Spring Track 1 Yearbook 2, 3, 4 (Layout Editor) lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 4

5/5/72 885-2459 1106 Devon Rd., Rydal, PA 19046 Football 1, 2, 4 (L) Basketball 1 Baseball 3, 4 (L) Track and Field 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Student Council Senator 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Kyle Evans

5/16/72 483-8567 626 Hermitage St., Phila. PA 19128 "Give 110% in everything you do or give nothing at all" Football 1, 3, 4 (L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Jeff Fafara

What do you think is the biggest problem facing the United States? Drugs Homeless Deficit/Economy Nuclear weapons Pollution/Environment

47.9% 8.3% 10.9% 3.6% 29.3%

Do you feel the U. S. government has dealt satisfactorily with the following? Drugs Homeless Environment Nuclear weapons Foreign relations


Yes/No 29.1 %/70.9% 18.8 % I 81.2 % 21.6 % /78.4 % 68.6 % /31.4 % 82.1 %/17.9%

Michael Patrick Fahy 10/2/72 947-3416 821 Red Wing Lane, Huntingdon Valley PA 19006 "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." Crew 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (statistician) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 Racquetball Club 2, 4 Martin Edward Feeny

5/1/72 247-6216 33 E. Willow Grove Ave., Phila. PA 19118 "The less you make of yourself before others, the greater you will be before God." St. John Baptist de la Salle Football 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) (Captain) Winter Track 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Spring Track 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) NHS 3, 4 (Vice-President) Student Council 1, 3 Basketball 1 Wisterian 2, 3 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student

969-6817 Christopher Michael Fischetti 8/7/72 454 Woodhaven Plaza, Phila. PA 19116 "Life is a game wherein we sit as spectators for a while, and then act out our own specific, trivial part in it." - Don Marquis Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 C.S.C. 1, 2, 3 Football 1 Brian J. Fitzgerald 10 /27 /72 659-9299 "Great challenges offer the greatest rewards. How we meet them reveals the truth in all of us." Crew 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Soccer 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4 Student Council 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4

628-4059 Brian T. Fitzgerald 9/2/72 960 Deerpath Road, Blue Bell, PA 19422 "Don't believe the devil, I don't believe the book; but the truth is not the same without the lies he made up." - Bono Soccer 1, 2, 3 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Crew 2 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Attack Pack 3 Robert Joseph Fluehr

12/20/72 672-6817 543 Fisher Lane, Warminster PA 18974 'Tm an idealist - I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way." Football 1, 2 Swimming 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Crew 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4

Do you consider yourself ...

• ~



fz1 D

Conservative Republican Moderate Republican Moderate Democrat Liberal Democrat Other/Undecided




I think that we, as a country and as a society, are on the track to improve life in the 1990's. As this new decade opens, we are engaged in a valiant, global fight against the scourge of drugs. In addition, we have renewed our commitment to the improvement of education in the United States. If we are successful in these two areas, I definitely believe that life will improve for both individuals and our society as a whole. Martin Feeny



Do you think life in the United States will improve in the next decade?





In the past decade, we have been led to believe that our nation is now more prosperous and welloff than it has ever been. This may or may not be true, but the methods the government employed to achieve that prosperity were severely short-sighted. The U.S. lowered unemployment, taxes, and inflation by amassing a huge deficit. In the years to come, we will have to pay for that deficit and poor planning. The resulting recession will bring an end to our recent prosperity. Justin Oliver

William E. Francoeur

5/21/72 368-6518 1636 Clearview Rd. Lansdale PA, 19446 "Anyone who thinks penguin lust is 'wicked & immoral' is just an old prude. It's natural, it's beautiful! I fully support penguin lust." Swimming l(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) CSC 2, 3, 4 Bicycle Club 2 Crew 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Brian F. Funchion 6/14/72 976-7070 213 E. Willow Grove Ave. Wyndmoor PA 19118 "I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread." "Life's too funny for me to explain ... it's one day sunny and the next rain." Football 1, Crew 1, 2, 3 Dramatics 1, Prom Com. 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4 William Erik Galardi

643-6175 10 Ashley Drive, Maple Glen, PA 19002

Jason Robert Gathman 5/8/72 699-8158 335 Haines Drive, North Wales PA 19454 "Just tune in to what this place has got to offer, cause we may never be here again!" Van Halen Band 1, 2 CSC 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Photo Club 1, 2 SADD 2, 3, 4 Mark George


7 /31/73 233-5446 85268 Trumbauer Dr. Wyndmoor, PA 19118-1451 "Yo dude ... What's up?" Tennis 3, 4 CSC 3 intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Do you think life in the United States has improved in the last decade?

Pat McMonagle

YES 75.0% In the 1980's, vast improvements have been made toward the peace and prosperity of the U.S. Inflation and unemployment decreased, leaving the people of the U.S. in much better position financially at the decade's close. Also, we have come far in foreign relations between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.

Rich Mager

NO 25.0% Despite higher salaries and technological advancement, the benefits of the 80's were grossly overshadowed by the decade's shortcomings. Drug use grew worse, and "Greed is good" became the dogma of a generation. Hopefully, the values and priorities of the 1980's will never be so popular again.

Richard Gheen 698-1212 1/13/72 702 Milwood Blvd. Phila PA 19115 "Give surrealism a chance." Student Council 1, Yearbook 3, 4 Newspaper 3, 4 Mathletes 3, SADD 3, 4 Prom committee 3, 4 Racquetball Club 1, 2 Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 Wrestling 1, Football 1, lntramurals 1, 2, 3 Art Club 2 Brian Gibson

10/15/72 416 Gwynedd Valley Dr. Gwynedd "Life is simply lunatic as it is." Football 1, 2, 3, 4(L) lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack

699-3844 Valley PA Breathed Pack 3, 4

Michael J. Gilbert 643-3170 3/19/72 1510 N. Fiedler Rd. Ambler PA 19002 "And all you can do is look inside yourself, where we all respond to Pressure." - Billy Joel CSC 2, 3(Senator), 4(Senator) SADD 2, 3, 4 Stage Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 3, 4 Photo Club 4 lntramurals 4 Scholastic "L" 1 Christopher Scott Ginieczki

8/25/72 956-0694 2340 Douglass Lane Hatboro, PA 19040 "Now you know, and knowing is half the battle." - Duke Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4(L) Winter Track 3, 4 Crew 1, 2(L), 3 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Track 4

Frank Giovannone 1/18/72 825-8475 2160 Harts Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428 "However far a man may go, he should remember always that he couldn't have gotten started without his parents." Spring Track 1 Racquetball 2, 3, 4 SADD 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 10, 11, 12 National Honor Society 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student Christopher Thomas Goldkamp

9 /8 /71 542-8845 1086 Hemlock Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 "The moon revolves around the earth, the earth revolves around the sun. Our lives revolve around the rate of each of these. With everything going in circles, how is the world supposed to improve?" Winter Track 1 Scholastic "L" 4 Wisterian 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Tennis 2, 3, 4(L) Yearbook 4




Michael Gregan 6/10/72 250 Emerson Dr. Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 "In life I have but one simple desire: to tear down the sky." Crew 1 Track 1, 2 Ski Club. 2, 3, 4, Yearbook 3, 4 .. Tl)omas.Steven


2/2/72 794-5211 PO Box 440, 5830 Pheasant Lane Lahaska, PA 18931 "Take it easy" Cross Country 1 Golf 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wrestling 2 SADD 3 Attack Pack 3

John Haines 7 /13/72 825-3615 411 7 Dana Lane Lafayette Hill PA 19444 "The philosophers until now have only interpreted the world in various ways; the thing, however, is to change it." - Karl Marx Football 1 WinterTrack 2 Spring Track 1, 2, 4 (L) Wisterlan 4 (L) Yearbook 4 CSC 4 Scholastic "L" 4 Intramurals, 1, 2, 3, 4 3/3/72 58~9480 1892 Steuben Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 "Some days I can't be sure if life is passing me by ... or trying to run me over" Garfield Football 1 Baseball 1, 2, Winter Track 2 3 (L), 4 (L) Spring Track 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) NHS 3, 4 Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 3 National Merit finalist

Jeff Halstead

Michael Brian Hayes

9/10/71 947-6009 2114 Packard Avenue Huntington Valley, PA 19006 "All of us are born mad; some of us remain so." - Samuel Beckett Wrestling 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L), CSC 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student

S .adistic, A. trocious T.



As my search for colleges began, I realized how much importance is placed on the SAT by college admission offices. I have come to the conclusion that they merely want to subject finely-tuned minds to a grueling threehour intellectual marathon in hopes of turning millions of high school brains into tiny pools of putty. So, armed with fiery determination and seven hours of late-night cramming to remember what words like "ephemeral" mean, I stormed to the test center. Upon entering my designated test room, I pan-






icked: "Did I remember my admission ticket? How about my I.D. card? Or my #2 pencils? Or my SAT prep. book? Am I sure this is the right room? Will I have to take three verbal sections and two math or two verbal and three math?" All of these questions rushed through my mind in a jumbled fit of nervousness. I was promptly strapped into my chair and stripped of my confidence. "Promulgate", "soporific", and "somnolent" battered my sepulchral, rueful cranium. The one word I did know in the verbal section was, appro-

M priately, "procrastinate". Pusillan mously, I moved through the quand, ry. I thought it couldn't get any wors, until Joe Bloggs, a legend in the SA realm, seated next to me, starte laughing vitriolically at my torpor. RRRRRRING!! With difficulty, awoke to get ready for another day , school. I had been only another SA nightmare. I knew it wasn't real - tal ing the actual test is much more horr ble.

Kevin Michael Hendrick

3/22/72 885-6958 813 N. Fairway Rd. Glenside, PA 19038 "Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes" - Bill and Ted Wrestling 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Soccer 1, 2, 3 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Band 1, 2, 3 CSC 4 Yearbook 4 NHS 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Jonathan Henry

1/ 19 /72 924-4284 5920 N. 7th St. Phila. PA 19120 Photo Club 1, 2 Stage Crew 3 Baseball (Manager) 1, 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Ross R. Hibbert 3002 Congress Road, Norristown PA 19403 "Winning isn't everything, but then again, neither is losing." Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) CSC 4



2/16/72 256-8682 879 Spruce Lane, Harleysville PA 19438 "Education consists mainly in what we have learned." - Mark Twain Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) (Captain) Soccer 1, 2, 3 Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3

Kevin Thomas Hipp

Daniel Hoffman 10/15/71 343-4659 1265 Horseshoe Road, Warrington PA 18976 "There is no such thing as freedom of speech. Censorship affects everything." - Irving Washington Band 1, 2 Forum 1, 2 Chris Hoover

8/28/72 345-6325 27 Cedar Wood Circle, Doylestown PA 18901 "And if you take your pick, be careful how you choose it." - Led Zeppelin Swimming 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Crew 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 Band 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) S.A.D.D. 3, 4

Yes, Chris, everyone of these captions insults you. How's that?

699-1823 Philip Edward Howley Jr. 7 /1/71 1232 Turnbury Lane, North Wales, PA 19454 "Preserve your memories - they're all that's left you." Soccer 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 4 CSC 4 Drama 4 Racquetball 4

Sean laquinto

2/12/72 699-4235 101 Wood Spring Road, Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 "Greed is good. Greed works. Greed is right." - Gordon Gecko lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Ski Club 4 Wisterian 3, 4 Yearbook 4

Gilbert G. ldhaw 675-9814 3/6/72 17 Boubler Lane, Horsham PA 19044 "It is said that genius is 99% perspiration and 1 % inspiration. I like to sweat." Wrestling 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 4 Christian Edward Jorda)

7 /30/72 343-0224 1301 Morgan House Drive, Warrington PA 18976 Forum 2, 3(L), 4(L) CSC 1 Intramurals 1

483-8922 Joseph William Juliano 1/30/72 453 Harmon Road, Phila. PA 19128 "You name it, I can build it." - Norman Abrams lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Band l(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (Vice-President) NHS 4 Yearbook 4 Scholastic "L" 3, 4 Jazz Vocal Group 3, 4 Theater 2, 3, 4

Robert George Kalamas

10/15/72 233-5475 8855 Duveen Drive, Wyndmoor PA 19118 "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints." - Billy Joel Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Football 1, 2

For those who have no life; the Art Museum is a great way to spend Friday night.

Located in the suburbs just a shor drive from the city of Philadelphia, L Salle draws a wide range of studen body itself. Cow-tipping is one of the more popula "sports" in the less-populated subui ban areas where the cows outnumbe the people, while cruising and dubbin: dominate the urban scene. The hig availability of weekend activity attract not only the Philadelphians, but als pulls in students from the 'burb, Whether cruising South Street with th guys, or going on a date with your gir


Andrew D. Kaminski 246 Buckboard Road, Willow Grove PA 19090 Hunter Matthew Karr

8/16/72 887-2746 11 Bickley Road, Glenside PA 19038 "The picture you see is no portrait of me. It's too real to be shown to someone I don't know." New Order

Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4(L) CSC 1, 2, 3(officer), 4(officer) Bike Club 1, 2 NHS 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 2, 4 Wisterian 4

Kevin C. Kearney 12/25/71 646-6247 30 Forest Ave, Ambler PA 19002 "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down a manhole and die." - Mel Brooks lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 1, 2, 3 Wisterian 1, 2, 3 Frank Keenan

12/30/72 825-3412 4107 Pilgrim Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 "Our world moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around you could miss something." Ferris Bueller Stage Crew 1 Spring Track 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 2, 3, 4 Racquetball 2, 3, 4

Mark Kelly 1/27 /72 817 Maxwell Place, Lansdale PA 19446 "Not where we stand, but in what direction we are moving." - Goethe Swimming 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) Yearbook 2, 3, 4 Crew 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


The Night L friend, Philly's nightlife offers something for everyone. If it's the club-scene you desire, Christine's at 2nd and South Streets is the place for you. Catering to the under-21 crowd, playing the latest urban dance music. Christine's overflows ev路 ery Friday and Saturday night. If your musical preference lies with rock, the Empire Rock Club in Northeast Philly features under-21 night each Saturday Nhen teens can go to dance to not only :he music of 93.3 WMMR's live broad:ast, but also to live performances by



rising new bands. La Sallian concert-goers need not look farther than Philadelphia for what they want. Philadelphia's venues constitute a key stop on virtually every musical group's tour schedule. Whether at the Tower, the Spectrum, or even Veteran's Stadium, bands that come into town consistently sell out. If you desire a quiet evening of romance, Center City and Old City Philadelphia is ready for you. Dining at Di路 Lullo' s Centro, Atop the Bellevue, The Chart House, or Marabella's offers ex-

E cellent cUJsme to start off the date. Walking along the Schuylkill River or Kelly Drive, or just taking in the view of the skyline at night from the steps of the Art Museum are all inexpensive options after dinner at these four-star restaurants. As diverse as La Salle's student body is, the nearby metropolis of Philadelphia most definitely offers something for everyone - all the time.



James B. Kemm 9/1/72 483-8484 6479 Lawnton Street, Phila. PA 19128 "Perfect practice makes perfect - but whenever there is a shortcut, take it and have fun doing it." Wrestling 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Baseball 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 Shawn Patrick Kerns

9/21/72 699-8676 23 North Lane, North Wales PA 19454 "It's better to sit there and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Wrestling 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Forum 1, 2 Scholastic "L" 1 Football 1 CSC 3 S.A.D.D. 3 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Christopher J. Korman 576-1903 11/13/71 8351 Limekiln Pike, Wyncote PA 19095 "Persistence and determination are omnipotent." - Calvin Coolidge Crew 1, 2 Swimming 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) (Captain) CSC 3, 4 Bike Club 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Michael Lalena

10/2/72 657-2662 515 York Road, lOF, Willow Grove PA 19090 "Nobody controls his own life. The best you can do is choose to be controlled by good people, by people who love you." - Orson Scott Card Scholastic "L" 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Computer Club 2 National Merit Commended Student 4

Chris M. Lazorcheck 676-3447 1/3/72 1509 West Lane, Hatfield PA 19440 "Life is a sum of experiences. It's not what life deals you, but how you deal with what life has to offer." Basketball 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) S.A.D.D. 2, 3 CSC 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

La Salle's facilities have remained virtually the same since its opening nearly thirty years ago. In those three decades, almost nothing has been done to update the school. The computer system is ancient and the science labs could use some new equipment. The library is comparatively poor due to its size, and the parking lot is always packed. By enlarging these and the athletic facilities, La Salle will remain a competitive college preparatory school for the next thirty years. Brian Gibson

Sure, La Salle must modernize to compete against other prep schools while maintaining a high standard of education. However, a new wing is the wrong approach. We should update what we already have, not spend much more in new construction. La Salle does not need a new art studio, nor does it need a colonnade. Furthermore, the cost of maintaining an expanded building will force tuition to increase faster than if the existing building was improved. Darek Sot


What do you think about the new wing? Much needed - a good idea Okay, as long as it doesn't raise tuition or enrollment Money could be better spent Completely unnecessary - a waste of money I do not care


31.79 15.39 11.7~


Nick Lazorko 3/29/72 767-3447 12021 Bustleton Avenue #6, Phila. PA 19116 "Live today like it is your last - because tomorrow you might get hit by a beer truck." Football 1, 2, 4 (L) Spring Track 1, 3 (L), 4 (L) Baseball 2 Student Council 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 George Ledakis

8/25/72 535-4941 5071 F Street, Phila. PA 19124

"If there's no pot of gold at the end of life's rainbow, then it's yours to keep." Racquetball 1, 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2

Brian Timothy Lee 745-4039 10/9/72 535 Sanger Street, Phila. PA 19120 "A champ like Tyson, a captain like Crunch, no, employee of the month, 'cause yo! I do work. The L-E-E is on the J-0-B, an expert, 'cause I get it D-0-N-E." - B.D.K. Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4

3/30/72 732-0865 7309 Central Avenue, Phila. PA 19111

Thomas James Lennon

"All in all, you are all just bricks in the wall." - Pink Floyd Ice Hockey 1, 2 {L), 4 (L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4 CSC 3, 4


Vincent J.Linus 914 Lansing Street, Phila. PA "Do you mind if I get back a bit, your breath is very bad." Soccer 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Football 4 (L)


Donald Trump

6/1/72 884-3279 645 Edge Hill Road, Glenside PA 19038

Brian R. MacDonald

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll and the world will be as one." - John CSC 1, 2 (Officer), 3 (President), 4 (President) Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Entertainment NHS 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 National Merit Finalist Yearbook

What do you think of student-teacher

join us, Lennon Editor)

2, 3, 4



Fair 55.0%


Excellent 0










Headin' Up to tlie S


On the way to school in the morning, before practice, or on the way home after school, seniors invariably stop at the 7-Eleven on Willow Grove Avenue for that quick snack that they can't do without. The word "convenience" in the word "convenience store" has become even more applicable in easing

V' the seniors' "pangs of hunger." The proximity of the 7-Eleven to La Salle is no mere accident. Rather, it was through the interest of Saint Edible, the patron saint of Junk Food, that the store lies approximately only threequarters of a mile from the driveway, which, the way teenagers drive, takes

no more than thirty seconds. The "Sev" provided those produc1 necessary for a well-balanced snad including the four major food groui;: - sugar, caffeine, artificial additive: and preservatives. If a senior did nc take in enough of these products, h became lethargic and probably su fered from "attention deficit syr drome." The unavailability of certai of these foods in the cafeteria (Bett does not sell Pringles or Orangina), du to limited variety of hours open, force seniors to search the aisles of th "Sev." The headlines of the tabloids o

Jarrod Macklin 12/19/71 247-5947 8239 Thouron Avenue, Phila. PA 19150 "Ha, I kill me." Basketball 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) (co-captain) Football 1 BSU 2, 3, 4 (co-president) Richard Charles Mager, Jr.

12/15/71 947-1132 1913 Jody Road, Meadowbrook PA 19046 "A man lies and dreams of green fields and rivers; But awakes to a morning with no reason for waking." - David J. Gilmour Football Statistician 1, 2, 3, 4 Tennis 2, 4 Racquetball 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Michael J. Maier 7 /18/72 755 Shawmont Avenue, Phila., PA 19128 "Get up, Stand up! Stand up for your rights!" Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3 CSC 1, 3 Racquetball 1, 2, 4


Charles Anthony Malloy

3/1/72 483-8379 634 Renz Street, Phila. PA "God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of." - Bruce Springsteen Baseball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 Football 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3

Ryan Marsh 5/12/72 277-3834 1150 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 "In my life I give my time to people who don't care if I live or die." - Morrissey Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Crew 1, 2 (L) Wrestling 1 Baseball 3 S.A.D.D. 3 Michael William Martin

7 /25 /72 635-6835 134 Boncover Road, Cheltenham PA 19102 "We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl." - Pink Floyd Fall Crew 4 Crew 2, 4 (L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4

the racks next to the door - BIG FOOT SEEN WITH ELVIS IN VERMONT FOREST - caused more laughter than all the jokes of the religion department members. Most importantly, however, the "Big Gulp" thirty-two ounces of your favorite soft drink prepared just the way you like it is a bargain that simply couldn't be beat. Although a journey up Cheltenham and Willow Grove Aves. to "Sev" during the day technically violates school rules, who cares? We're SENIORS!


welcome sight for many an empty stomach.

483-1496 1/18/72 M. Massella 7505 Shaw Street, Phila. PA 19128 "Forever, Ever, and Always" Football 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Baseball 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Basketball 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 3, 4


Christopher Lawrence Matthews 4 /29 /72 65 7-4 778 412 Valleyview Road, Willow Grove PA 19090 "If perchance, several years from now, you find me an airport selling petunias and looking lobotomized, I'd appreciate your strangling me." - Opus Student Council 2, 3, 4 Cross-Country 2, 3, 4 (L) Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 Tennis 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2 Attack Pack 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 Yearbook 3, 4 (Asst. Editor) National Merit Finalist

10/3/71 535-8025 2054 Robbins Avenue, Phila. PA 19149 "I am ready to go anywhere - provided it be forward." - David Livingstone Swimming 1 (L), 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Cross Country 1, 2 Spring Track 1 Wisterian 4 Student Council 4 (President) CSC 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 2, 3

Martin J. Matthews

Nathan McClure 242-0156 2/15/72 7811 Winston Road, Phila. PA 19118 "What if there was a war and nobody came?" Yearbook 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3 Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Racquetball 1, 2 Prom Committee 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Art Club 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Spring Track 1


2/26/72 887-3003 483 Plymouth Road, Glenside, PA 19038 "I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick butt, and I'm all out of bubble gum" - They

C. John McComb


Baseball 1 (Mgr.) Ski Club 2, 3, 4 Drama 2, 3, 4 Band 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) CSC 3, 4 Spring Track 2, 3 Scholastic "L" 3, 4



James Crane McGoldrick, Jr. 9/9/71 501 West Garden Road, Oreland, PA 19075 "America is the place that gives an opportunity for the dumb to survive." Football 1, 3 (L), 4 (L} S.A.D.D. 3 Attack Pack 3 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Patrick McGinley


3/17 /72 483-7119 626 Shawmont Avenue, Phila. PA 19128 Basketball 1, 2 Football 1 Baseball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L)

Peter J. McGoldrick 1008 Dogwood Road, Flourtown PA 19031 Racquetball 2, 3, 4 Stage Crew 4 S.A.D.D. 4 Joseph John McGowan



5 /26 /72 699-8982 301 South Main Street, North Wales, PA 19454

"It's not the money, but where you spend it." Football 1, 2, 3 Wrestling 4, CSC 3, 4 Wisterian 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Kevin McKenna 5952 Suma! Street, Phila. PA 19128



"Whatever your destination, perseverance will get you there." Fall Crew 2, 3, 4 Spring Crew 1, 2 (L, All-Catholic), 3 (L, All-Catholic), 4 (L, All Catholic) Student Council 3, 4 (vice-president) CSC 1, 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Is That A Tie ora T A B L E On a Thursday in late January, yearbook editors Rob Donahue and Brian McManus suddenly realized: "My God! We don't have enough to fill the senior section!" After coming up with some stupid ideas, such as "Adopt-a-Teacher" and "Disco Day," Brian and Rob thought of something so stupid that it had to go in the book (besides, it would be a great space filler): Brian suggested an "ugly tie" pictorial, and Rob expanded the idea to an ugly tie contest.

C L O T H?

After consulting fellow editor and village idiot Chris Matthews after school, the desperate warriors approached Moderator Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti with the idea. Mr. Nick" Nicoletti's response was: "What are you guys trying to pull" (and we thought he had no sense of humor). The triumvirate left saying "Yeah, Yeah. Fine. Let's go put the announcement in the bulletin. After a quick check with Mr. Diehl, who gave his whole-hearted approval,

those crazy yearbook editors put th announcement in: "On Tuesday, Jam ary 30, there will be a yearbook spor sored Ugly Tie contest. All dress cod regulations still apply." So the yearbook held the contes1 The winners, picked by Brian, Roe Chris, and, for his total lack of tast, Paul, are shown across the page (Ned wear not by Pierre Cardin).

2/8/72 482-5361 231 Suma! Street, Phila. PA 19128 "Whatever your destination, perseverance will get you there." Fall Crew 2, 3, 4 Spring Crew 1, 2 (L, All-Catholic), 3 (L, All-Catholic), 4 (L, All Catholic) Student Council 3, 4 (vice-president) CSC 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Thomas H. McLaughlin

12/7 /71 482-9258 552 Gates Street, Phila. PA 19128 "Artists can color the sky red because they know it's blue. Those of you who aren't artists must color things the way they are or people might think you're stupid." - Jules Feiffer Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) Spring Track 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Winter Track 1, 2, 3 Yearbook 2, 3, 4 (Art Editor) Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Art Editor) Student Council 3, 4 Art Club 1, 2 (Vice-President), 3 (President) Scholastic "L" 1, 4 NHS 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student

Brian McManus

Patrick James McMonagle 10/10/71 886-6773 805 N. Fairway Road, Glenside, PA 19038 "To win the greatest gift of the gods, absolute power." - Euripides Football 1 Student Council 1, 2, 3 Crew 2 Golf 4 (mgr.) Prom Committee 3, 4 Pat McPhillips

9 /22/71 542-0479 1704 Brittany Drive, Maple Glen, PA 19002 "Most athletes work hard enough to create the chance of winning; champions work harder than anyone else to eliminate the possibility of losing." Fall Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 Spring Crew 1 (L), 3 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) CSC 3, 4 Attack Pack 3 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Edward James McQuillen 8/6/72 947-2695 395 Keats Road, Huntington Valley PA 19006 "Berry is my guiding hand." - Pete Townshend Wrestling 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 2, 3, 4 National Merit Finalist 4 NHS 3, 4 Racquetball 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 3, 4 Marc Medvetz

8/14/72 646-7609 813 Stony Brook Drive, Blue Bell PA 19422 "Capital is that part of wealth which is devoted to obtaining further wealth." - Alfred Marshall Tennis 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 4 Wisterian 4

OK Tim, the contest is over. You better give that tie back to Mr. Puntel now.

John Francis Meehan III 641-2581 3/21/72 200 Wolf Lane, Broadaxe, PA 19002 "Life is pleasurable when you live by 'whatever."' lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball 1 Yearbook 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 Freshmen Orientation Program 4 Edward A. Miehle

1/18/72 355-5435 739 Dick Avenue, Warminster PA 18974 "Go for the gold, but watch out for the yellow-jackets." - Brother Joseph Myers, F.S.C. Cross-Country 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Indoor Track 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 1, 2, 3 NHS 3, 4 CSC 1, 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Andrew R. Miles 1/7/72 1130 Longhorn Circle, Blue Bell PA 19422 "Dream on 'ti! your dream comes true." - Aerosmith Baseball 1, 3 (L), 4 (L) Football 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 3


Joseph Daniel Milnazik

4/7 /72 643-2483 205 Carpenter Lane, Maple Glen, PA 19002 "The words I'm saying now mean nothing more than a meow to an animal, ain't I a lucky one?" Yearbook 3, 4 Racquetball 1, 2, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3 Attack Pack 3, 4

Louis A. Mincarelli 8/20/72 277-1226 611 Meadowbrook Road, Norristown, PA 19401 "This is my life and this is my time; I have been given the freedom to do as I see fit. It's high time I raized the walls that I've constructed." - R.E.M. Yearbook 1, 2, 3 (Layout Editor), 4 (Editor-in-Chief) Wisterian 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wrestling 2 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 4 Marc L. Minsker

11 /29 /71 233-9522 8522 Trumauer Drive, Wyndmoor, PA 19118 "If falls into every life." Art Club 3, 4 Wisterian 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 Crew 1 Racquetball 2, 3, 4 Drama 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Ski Club 2, 3 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4

Career training Getting it over with Learning 39.1%

Getting into college Good grades 0




188 s~s




Francis X.Monaghan


1689 Graham Road, Meadowbrook PA 19046 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Ice Hockey 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Edward J. Monahan III

1/4/72 345-9028 121 Watercrest Drive, Doylestown PA 18901 "The best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take life less seriously - it's only life, after all." Soccer 1, 2, 3 CSC 2, 3 Crew 1, 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Joseph E. Mongan



724 Fitzwatertown Road, Glenside PA 19038 "I am D' goods." Yearbook 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Drama (Production) 4 10 /29 /71 542-885 7 1708 Penns Lane, Maple Glen PA 19002 "You can never plan the future by the past." - Edmund Burke Golf 1 (L), 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) CSC 1, 4 Yearbook 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Joseph H. Mooney

4/28/72 584-0510 2081 Trumbauer Road, Lansdale PA 19446 "If there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from." - Luke Skywalker Mathletes 3, 4 Football 1 Forum 1 Track 3, 4 NHS 4 National Merit Commended Students 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

George Austin Motley

Do you think there is too much emphasis placed on getting into college? YES 52.9% From the beginning of freshman year to graduation, there is one word ever-

present on everyone's tongue: college. We are sent to La Salle to get a good preparation for it; we are told to play sports for it; we are instructed to get good grades for it. There seems to be one goal and that is to get into the "college of your choice." Cheating is but one obvious symptom of this over-emphasis of getting into college. What happened to school being for learning? Rob Fluehr

NO 47.1 % There is no question that getting into college is emphasized at La Salle. We have to remember that this is a college-prep school. This emphasis does not outweigh nor does it diminish our learning. Counselors and parents may prod students to look towards the future, but the teachers seldom speak of it and often avoid the subject completely. The teachers care too much about our education to allow college to overshadow it. In this way, learning and getting into college are balanced. George Motley



Peter I. Muir 5/23/72 277-1665 1929 Johnson Road, Norristown PA 19401 "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" - Ralph Waldo Emerson Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 3 Soccer 1, 2, 3 Wrestling 1, Crew 1, 2(L), 3(L) Freshmen Orientation Committee Chairman 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Mario V. Nardone

George Naulty 533 Sanger Street, Phila. PA 19120

482-0101 525 Hermitage Street, Phila. PA 19128


11/9/71 584-5732 3017 Eisenhower Drive, Norristown PA 19403 "Start out slow, and taper off." Walter Stock S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4 Art Club 1, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

John Francis Neary Jr.

William F. Newell 233-5142 3/15/72 405 Arden Lane, Erdenheim PA 19118 "Socrates said no man was ever free. Socrates never skiied." - Rossignol Intramurals 1, 2 Racquetball 3 Photo Club 1, 2, 3

5/21/72 659-6445 1512 Lindbergh Avenue, Roslyn PA 19001 "I do not know beneath what sky; nor on what seas shall be thy fate; I only know it shall be high; I only know it shall be great." - Richard Hovey Spring Track 1, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2

Vu Nguyen

Jim Nicholson 628-4865 3/10/72 1460 Granary Road, Blue Bell PA 19422 "If you say you can't - it means you won't" S.A.D.D. 4 Football 1, 2 Baseball 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 4

Christopher M. Norris 12/9/71 539-8959 609 Morning Dove Road, Audubon PA 19403 "It is better to be beautiful than good. But ... it is better to be good than ugly." Oscar Wilde Cross Country 1, 2(L), 3(L}, 4(L) (Captain) Winter Track 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) (Captain) Spring Track 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (Captain) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Timothy James Novak

9 /5/72 483-8091 7026 Matthias Street, Philadelphia PA 19128 "We go trying to be like all the heroes we thought we had to be. Then we find out we're just like the rest." - Bruce Springsteen Football 3(L), 4(L) NHS 3, 4 Baseball 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 3 Matheletes 2, 3 Racquetball 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Bernard Patrick O'Brien 3/11/72 1516 N. Beecham Road, Ambler PA 19002 "Just win, baby" Al Davis Baseball 2, 3(L), 4(L) Newspaper 3 CSC 1, 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Justin O'Donoghue

8/1/72 641-0665 20 Ridings Way, Broad Axe PA 19002 "The one serious conviction that a man should have is that nothing is to be taken too seriously." - Samuel Butler Scholastic "L" 3 CSC 1, 2, 3 SADD 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

From Big Business to B



Senior year for many students can Je nerve-wracking: a pressure cooker :illed with tougher courses and teach2rs, SAT's, application deadlines, and 2xams. Each year though, La Salle stufonts emerge unscathed, looking 3head to college life, and to their careers. A number of high school seniors 1ave plans for their college "majors" 3nd eventually, their future profes,ions. The class of 1990 is no exception. The class of 1990 plans to enter unique and varied fields. Planned majors range from Meteorology to Media Technology, from Psychology to Marine Biology. The most popular choices are Business, Communications, and PreMed. A few students hope to use majors such as Biology, Psychology, and Nursing as stepping stones to medical school. Others envision careers in Government, Marketing, or Economics. Those seniors with an interest in Law often choose Political Science and





Criminal Justice, while many expert Physics students' intended fields of study include common majors such as Aerospace, Ocean, Electrical, or Nuclear Engineering. Rumor has it that senior Lemuel Pidloan was looking at Floral Arrangement as an option, but he dispelled such blasphemy, proclaiming, "I am merely deranged, not insane." This could explain his, as well as a number of others' interest in delving deep into people's minds through the social sciences, including Psychology, Psychobiology, and Clinical Psychology. Considering that the average college student changes his major three times, we can rest assured that the seniors will experiment with at least one of these majors. No list would be complete, however, without the single most popular choice of the high school senior, the fail-proof major, the usual choice on the SAT inquiry, number 999, "Undecided."

I want to be a guidance counselor, Mrs. Logan.



947-0453 Michael O'Meara 2/10/73 472 Heather Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 "To live long, it is necessary to live slowly." - Cicero Fall Crew 1 Spring Crew 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 Mathletes 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 Wrestling 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) (Captain) Yearbook 4 Racquetball 3, 4 2/21/72 825-9629 30 Red Rowen Lane, Plymouth Meeting PA 19462 "Your schoolwork will improve this year." - Bazooka Joe Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Racquetball 1, 2

Peter Oh

Justin J. Oliver 6/18/72 2313 Springview Road, Norristown PA 19401 "Everything I ever needed to know I already learned in kindergarten." Intramurals 2, 3 Tennis 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 2, 3 Student Council 4


James F. Owens

2/23/72 672-7549 109 Moonflower Road, Hatboro PA 19040 "Don't worry. Be happy." Intramurals 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Theater 4 Racquetball 2, 3, 4

Jeffrey S. Oyler 1020 Hereford Drive, Blue Bell PA "No thanks, I've said enough already." Wisterian 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

7 /28/72



1/2/72 745-0307 1010 Saint Vincent Street, Phila. PA 19111 "There aren't twelve hundred people in the world who understand pictures. The others pretend and don't care." Rudyard Kipling Yearbook 1, 2, 3, 4 (Photo Editor) Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 (Photo Editor) Photo Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (co-President) CSC 2, 3 (senator), 4 (Secretary /Treasurer) NHS 3, 4 Theater 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Stage Crew 1, 2, 3 (Assisting Lighting Manager) National Merit Commended Student

Steven Michael Pacillio

Hey, Lou, this isn't the yearbook office! Get your feet off that table!

Jason Pennington 2905 Stony Creek Road "There's so much going on but nothing's happening." Football 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 Erik Pietsch



8/21/72 672-6689 2520 Exton Road, Hatboro PA 19040 "Take the wheel of your automobile and swing on down to ... Idea." CSC 1, 2, 3 Intramurals 1, 2 Soccer 2

Christopher Alan Pico

11/24/71 584-5689 908 Flintlock Drive, Lansdale PA 19446 "You haven't reached your goal until it is in the net." Ice Hockey 2, 3, 4 (L) Football 1, 4 (Freshman Coach) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Mathletes 3, 4 (President) NHS 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Lemuel V. Pidlaoan 9718 Veanes Street, Phila. PA 19115 "Smile" Band 1, 2, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4



Frank X. Powers 10/30/72 699-3396 631 W. North Wales Road, North Wales PA 19454 "One day, my ship will come in, and with my luck, I'll be at the airport." Wrestling 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) S.A.D.D. 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 Wisterian 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

School, But Not S The most popular course of all time LaSallian history is STUDY HALL 101, better known as the "Free Peri)d. '' This course even surpasses LUNCH in the Guiness Book of Popuar Periods. Every student experiences 3TUDY HALL 101 at least once through his high school career, but ,ome are lucky enough to experience it 2very year. Due to its popularity, the Course Committee has had to limit its availability. Freshman are allowed to have




STUDY HALL 101 a maximum of 2x a cycle. The Committee feels Frosh cannot handle too many Free Periods in a short amount of time. Sophomores are given the right to a total of five Free Periods a cycle. Juniors are required to have at least one STUDY HALL 101 a cycle but can have up to three per cycle. Seniors can have as many as six Free Periods -in one day - and an infinite amount per cycle. What do students do on their STUDY HALL, you ask? Well, they



either stowaway to the 7-Eleven up Cheltenham Avenue or lose themselves in Fantasyland. They can do almost anything as long as its not in the Academic Wing of the school. That section is taboo for one on STUDY HALL 101, although seniors are restricted the least. Basically, STUDY HALL 101 is a time for people to forget that they are students and dream that they are zillionaires.

Francis J. Prisco 2/7 /72 887-4573 774 Tennis Avenue, Ardsley, PA 19038 "Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world! Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before! Let your soul take you where you long to be!" - Andrew Lloyd Webber Theater 1, 2, 3, 4 Production Staff 3, 4(manager) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 4 Jazz Choral Group 3, 4(soloist) David Michael Putro

10/8/72 483-9070 7006 Cardin Road, Phila. PA 19128 "He travels fastest who travels alone." - Bruce Springsteen Football l CSC 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Mathletes 3(Secretary), 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student 4

Michael Francis Rafter 1/19/72 646-3847 1320 Cory Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 "We are what we pretend to be, so be careful about what you pretend" - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Football 1 Spring Crew 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) Fall Crew 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Christopher Clyde Rauch

5/5/72 343-2795 36 Anvil Lane, Warrington, PA 18976 "For these last few days, leave me alone." - New Order Basketball 1, 2 S.A.D.D. 3 Intramurals 2, 3 Yearbook 3 Scholastic "L" 1, 2

Vince F. Regan 2/20/72 676-8292 9319 Spicebush Lane, Phila. PA 19115 'TH be there when I get there." Basketball 1 Yearbook 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3 CSC 2, 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student 4 Joseph Moran Scholarship Winner 3 Brian Roakes

7 /1/72 464-3746 829 Densmore Road, Phila. PA 19116 "Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious." - Brendan Gill National Honor Society 3, 4 Wisterian 2, 3, 4 Tennis 2, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Theater 4 Wrestling 4 CSC 4 National Merit Commended Student 4

659-5148 10/25/71 Jeremiah Rock 275 Susquehanna Road, Dresher PA "No Roger No Rerun No Rent Jo Jent." Football 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) Basketball 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) S.A.D.D. 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Second Semester I


S E:N l



It's late April. It's eighth period. It's

57 degrees outside. You're in Mrs. Rinert's physics class. The fan doesn't 路each your side of the room. Four nonths from now you'll be a man - a ::allege Freshman. You look outside. { ou start to day dream. Then you beJin to write "Senior Week '90" on your 1otebook instead of the notes she is Jiving. You went from a "B" to a "D" n the class, but it really doesn't seem o bother you; colleges only see the 'B". This is second semester, senior ,ear. The term "senior year" is very miseading. See, the term really should be 'senior half-year." One of the advanages of being a senior is you only have me semester of school, and one of rest md relaxation, or so we think. Most :alleges applications are in before Febuary. Colleges see only your first senester grades, thus in turn, making the

SLIDE second semester grades null and void. The teachers, however, don't seem to know this. When you're a second semester senior, you take such luxuries as personal holidays, senior "cut" days, and, of course, a day off for the Dad Vail Reggatta. The number of Senior absences due to the common cold as well as other ailments, such as "senioritis" seem to increase as the year progresses. "Senioritis" is a disease. Although its cure is not apparent, its symptoms include: increased day dreaming, doodling "Senior Week '90", suffering a drop in grades, recalling the Animals' popular song "We got to get out of this place," more sick days (for it is a disease), and refering to teachers in ways other than before, but hey, we're only kidding, Mr. Diehl!

"Do I really have to be here?"

Peter Rooney 7 /14/72 699-7724 300 Woodspring Road, Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 "The trouble with our times is that the future isn't what it used to be." S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 Art Club 1, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 Racquetball 2, 3, 4 F. Kenneth

11/8/71 630-8657 418 Steven Street, Norristown PA 19403


"There's a time, and the time is now, and it's right for me." - Yes Forum 1, 2, 3, 4(L) (Coach) Yearbook 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 4

Christian Patrick Rosa 4 /29 /72 836-4520 6315 Arlingham Road, Flourtwn, PA 19031 "There are two paths you can go by; but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on." Robert Plant Intramurals 1, 2, 3 Racquetball 3 William Christopher


2/29/72 674-2900 2595 Exton Road, Hatboro, PA 19040

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." - Publius Vergilius Maro Swimming l(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (Captain) NHS 3, 4 Wisterian 3, 4 CSC 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4



Are students given enough freedom at LaSalle?

Pete Muir

YES 68.9% There is simply no other school in the area that comes even close to giving its students as much freedom as the students at La Salle enjoy. Where most schools have confined study halls, we have free periods; where most schools have a formal classroom atmosphere, La Salle has relaxed discussions where anything goes.

Jim Dann

Andrew James Rotondo 10/3/71 2316 N. Gilinger Road, Lafayette Hill PA 19444 "Catch your dreams before they slip away." - The Rolling Stones Wrestling 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L)

NO 31.1 % La Salle has noticeabl\, come more rigid in the past few ye and this is putting the uniqueness of school in danger. We have always i: ed ourselves on having many f doms, but there is more that can should be done. Above all, a retur the old dress code is in order if La ~ is to remain unique.


Christopher Brian Huser

9/18/71 584~212 1218 Merrybrook Road, Collegeville PA 19426 "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream." - Anonymous Ice Hockey 1, 2 (captain), 3 (captain) 4 Student Council 2, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 (Vice-President) Wisterian 2, 3, 4 Cross Country 2, 3 (captain, All-catholic), 4 (captain, All-catholic) Spring Track 1, 2, 3, 4 (captain) Ski Club 2, 3 National Merit Commended Student

Richard Sacco 744-6974 12/18/72 1421 Van Kirk Street, Phila. PA 19149 "All my instincts, they return. The grand facade, so soon will burn. Without a noise, without my pride, I reach out from the inside." - Peter Gabriel Band 1 (L), 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) (Secretary/Treasurer), Yearbook 1, 2, 4 Theater 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Brian Sandella

12/18/71 822-8895 488 Sharon Road, Colmar PA 18915 "Someday I might stop being a child, but for now it looks as though I'm having too much fun." Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Winter Track 1, 2, 3 (L) Spring Track 1, 2, 3 (L) lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 2 S.A.D.D. 3

Michael S. Sanford 9/19/71 874 Edgehill Road, Glenside, PA 19038 "I like homework, it fascinates me. I can sit and stare at it for hours." Jerome Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) Edward L. Scarcelle

885-9872 Jerome K.

7/28/72 82~1543 22 Dechert Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428 "People who don't make mistakes are boring." - Vladimir Horowitz Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) Yearbook 2, (Business Editor), 4 (Business Editor) CSC 4 NHS 3, 4 Theater 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 3, 4 National Merit Finalist


Do you think democracy in Eastern Europe will last? Definitely Probably In some countries Not while the SoYiet Union remains socialist No

8.9% 33.5% 49.2% 2.6% 5.8%

The rate at which the changes in Eastern Europe have occurred will prove too fast for democracy to last. Despite the desire of the people of the Eastern Block for change, they will not be able to handle such a dramatic transformation in so short a period of time. Furthermore, it is unreasonable to assume that Communist leaders will continue to sit idly by as their governments disintegrate. The situation in Eastern Europe is just too unstable for fragile democracies to survive. Jason Zoto

The word has finally realized that communism is a failure. Since the student rebellion in China, one communist country has fallen after another. The peoples of these Eastern European nations are demanding freedom, and they are on their way to achieving it. It may have seemed too good to be true at first, but now it is becoming evident that democracy is here to stay. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, there is very little chance of ever returning to the communism of the past. Chris Schalleur

Christopher William Schalleur

5/30/72 362-6828 1504 Susan Drive, Lansdale PA 19446 "It will get worse ... " Swimming 1 (L, All-Catholic), 2 (L,All-Catholic), 3 (L, All-Catholic), 4 (L) CSC 1, 4 Bike Club 3, 4 Photo Club 1, 4 Yearbook 3 National Merit Commended Student 4

10/21/72 424-7340 6339 North 7th Street, Phila. PA 19126 "You can destroy your today by worrying about tomorrow." - Janis Joplin Yearbook 2, 3, 4 Photo Club 1, 2 CSC 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4

John J. Schanne

Robert Wayne Serianni

1/19/72 233-3609 400 Willow Road, Oreland PA 19075 "Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man; But sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can." Theater 1, 2, 3, 4 Production Staff 2, 3, 4 (manager) Racquetball 1, 2 CSC 1 S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4 (Secretary) Intramurals 1, 2, 3 Jazz Vocal Group 3, 4

Michael Shannon 231 Saddle Drive, Furlong PA 18925 "There's someone in my head, but it's not me." Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4



Pink Floyd

Steve Shannon

9/27 /72 322-2767 241 Creekwood Drive, Feasterville PA 19047 Stage Crew 4 Wisterian 4 Racquetball 1, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3



A Year Of '

路' '




"For better of for worse," I thought, at the conclusion of the year. Were all the changes right and just, or shall I shed a tear? Some of them were necessities, others were just for show, But a few of them were crazy schemes that really ought to go. Our Football title leads the list for the best in '89. The list ends with the paint they chose, for the room in which we dine. The Mess I mean the dining hall gave us one good thing this year, the self-serve yogurt I'm proud to say, can be swirled to a 19th tier! The administration has changed some jobs, for the leadership at school.

Tim Sheahan





You can hear the cries of the radicals: "Let the students rule." Two boneheads argued about the hole, that was dug out of the ground. "It's not a pool, you stupid fool." Dining Hall had a change in sound And then there were the machines we got, that dispense food after three. But one must moan, when he can't get a loan. to pay that 60 cent fee. The plans for the new wing are well underway - look at the model that's out. Some seniors are mad and sad however, "It will be too late for us!" they shout. But truthfully speaking, let's thank them all, the people who stayed "Home on the Range" for without their help, we could continue to get better, to develop, and to change.

11/30/72 1600 Johnson Road, Norristown "Don't quote me now. I ain't said nothing yet." Soccer 1, 2 Swimming 1, 2 Racquetball 3 Ski Club 1, 2 lntramurals

277-6122 PA 19401 - Easy E 1, 2, 3, 4

Eric M. Shelton 6/7 /72 886-1582 25 Valley Road, Oreland PA 19075 "Always look on the bright side of life." Brian of Nazareth National Merit Finalist 4 NHS 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4 CSC 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 Wrestling 1, 2, 3(L) John W. Slowick

6/5/72 342-5321 1004 Stanwood Street, Phila. Pa 19111 "Freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitude." P.E. Football 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) NHS 3, 4 Spring Track 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

David D. Smith 5/22/72 357-5909 23 Remington Place, Ivyland, PA 18974 "I don't care anymore." - Phil Collins Ice Hockey 3(L), 4(L) Racquetball 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4 Mathletes 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student 4 Kevin Anthony Smith

10/17 /71 584-9134 206 Polk Road, Norristown PA 19403 "cause I've been a prisoner all my life, don't you remember. Take, take me home. Don't you remember? Take, take me home." - Phil Collins

198 s~s

Hey, Mr. Miller, did you see my helmet?

Darek Sot 3/5/71 969-3813 10112 Clark Street, Phila. PA 19116 Wisterian 3, 4(Sports Editor) Racquetball 1, 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Photo Club 4 Spring Track 1

8/23/72 482-3997 6113 Lawnton Street, Phila. PA 19128 "For everything there is a season. Turn, Turn, Turn." - The Byrds Theater 1, 2, 3, 4 Jazz Vocal Group 3, 4

Christopher Springer

Christopher John Squillaro 3/16/72 1512 Temple Drive, Maple Glen PA 19002 "I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude." Football 12 Wrestling 1 Crew 2 Wisterian 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Kenneth St. Clair

628-8627 Thoreau

4/17 /71 676-6092 15134 Ina Drive, Phila. PA 19116 "I know this guy, Big Joe, he's massive." Football 1, 2, 3, 4 Spring Track 2, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Richard A. Stagliano 3/4/72 941-0500 255 Bradford Circle, Blue Bell PA 19422 "Reputation is valuable; but character is pricelsss." Spring Crew 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) Fall Crew 3 Student Council 3, 4(Vice-President) NHS 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 4 CSC 4

2/29 /72 368-4763 1871 Rampart Lane, Lansdale PA 19446 "The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war." Wrestling 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (captain) Spring Track 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) lntramursla 1, 2, 3, 4

Brent Andrew Stanek



5/27/72 Thomas Stanley 5222 Horrocks Street, Phila. PA 19124 "Getting is good. Giving is better." S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Football 2, 4 (manager) (L)


3/17 /72 643-0649 1521 Temple Drive, Maple Glen PA 19002 "Hello, I'm not. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow." - Chevy Chase Football 1 Basketball 1, 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 4 Wisterian 4

Robert Richard Patrick Stanton

Douglas M. Staudmeister 322-4558 3/29/72 280 Surrey Road, Southampton PA 18966 "carpe diem" - Horace Forum l, 2, 3 (Secretary), 4 (President) Yearbook 2, 3, 4 (Editor) Student Council 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 4 CSC 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 (Treasurer) National Merit Finalist Racquetball 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Steve Stewart

275-3566 101 Stony Way, Norristown PA 19403

Brian J.Stokes 12/15/72 233-9574 830 Foxwood Circle, Lafayette Hill PA "Sometimes the light is all shining on me; other times I can barely see. Lately it occurs to me; what a long strange trip it's been." Soccer 1 (L), 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Swimming 1 (L), 2 (L), 3 (L) Student Council 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4 CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Kevin Streeper

7 /30/71 947-3681 2582 Valley View Drive, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 "In God we trust: all others pay cash." Wrestling 1 Racquetball 1 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 Intramurals 1, 2

Francis Summerill 12/17 /71 277-2555 115 Valley View Road, Norristown, PA 19401 "Life is what you make of it." Baseball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) CSC 1, 3 Yearbook 3, 4 (Assistant Layout Editor) S.A.D.D. 3 Scholastic "L" 2 NHS 3, 4 Christopher Swanson

3/16/72 342-5934 200 Hartel Avenue, Phila. PA 19111 "If you mess with the bull, you're gonna get the horns" Jee Hockey 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3 Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 NHS 3, 4 Racquetball 1, 2 Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4 National Merit Commended Student 4


What is most necessary for happiness?



ll:I lffll fa D


Wealth Success Knowledge Security Love

Pre orClass 8





The time period from which you ~ave your house in the morning until he first period bell rings is referred to s "before school time." Various activiies, some more productive than othrs, occupy this so-called "before chool time." First on the agenda came the trip to chool. For some the drive may have aken only five minutes, for others 1early forty-five minutes. Then there vere those students whose ride should iave taken forty-five minutes, but givm the right kind of car and an absence Jf police officers along the way took mly ten. On the way some listened to he "Howard Stern Morning Show" on NYSP, heard New York traffic re-




events of the week from two (or was it four) weeks ago. You also saw who the



ports, staggered out of the car laughing hysterically from one of Howard's sick jokes. For those of you with an IQ higher than your shoe size you probably just listened to a tape - and probably not one from "The New Kids ... " Once you reached school you noticed a large number of people standing around the parking lot. Why did they gather there? Were they catching a smoke, enjoying the fresh morning air, or simply wasting time? The answer to these questions is "no." These students were trying to determine the number of Jeeps in the parking lot. After giving up on trying to get an accurate Jeep count because you realized too late that it would have been easier to count the non-Jeeps, you then head into the building. As you entered the academic wing, Brother Rob, always with a smile on his face, greeted you. You often wondered how he maintained that happy and carefree look on a day that you had five tests. As you passed the billboard you read the

"student of the month" happened to be. Once again you found yourself wondering if such a person actually existed and if so, how did he become it? How could someone actually fare so well academically in a school that has no law against having five tests in one day? Next event of the morning was homeroom. Many of you during homeroom sat back and contemplated the horrors you would have to endure while remembering that you were in the holy presence of God. Or, possibly, homeroom provided the time to start the homework that's due for the next seven classes. It was once said that what takes four hours to do at home can be done in twelve minutes of homeroom. "Before school time" means different things to different people. For some it meant achieving the land speed record on 309, catching the last smoke, counting Jeeps, or copying homework. You could have arrived in order to look over your notes and sharpen your pencils, then listen attentively to the day's bulletin, but so much excitement offered itself to you to occupy.

Matthew Spencer Taddei 12/9/72 643-3159 1580 Temple Drive, Maple Glen, PA 19002 "Astride of a grave and a difficult birth. Down in the hole, lingeringly the grave digger puts on the forceps." Band 1 (L), 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 3, 4

Joseph Michael Tagg 4/12/72 831-1347 5139 Oakland Street, Phila. PA 19124 "Am I the half that's half in half or am I the half that's whole." - Ian McCulloch Michael Victor Teti

10/10/72 275-2397 875 Cathcart Road, Blue Bell, PA 19422

"I'm hype 'cause I'm amped." - Public Enemy Football 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Racquetball 1, 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 2 Attack Pack 3, 4



You Can Say That A





Nick Araco - "Prune Juice Cocktail Hour" "Cardinal Puff frees James Brown." "Bizarre Love 'rectangle'" "The Emotionally Unstable Collegiates" "Twin Roof Jumping Champs '89" "Painting with the 'Cult of Per· sonality'"

Tim Brennan - Hobbies: Soccer, biking, sleeping. Career Plans: Law Enforcement. Gabriel's "In your eyes" is favorite. "Yes, I am from the city" Has seen "Platoon" 63 times. "Yo, I have my license - let me drive."

Dave Balcer - Hobbies: Listening to music, playing music, socializing, writing. Career Plans: Musician or dude Favorite Groups: U2, Doors, Hendrix, REM "Dave" "I was turning keys, I was setting people free."

Marty Breslin - "Who said electric shocks are bad for you?" "Juan-Carlo is Carla Tortelli." "Color me caffein· ated" "Ami? OK, so she is" "I'm not a sado-masachist, that's just the way I drive." "Where? Where? I don't see any cops."

Tom Balshi - "Dern tooten I'm a rebel" "What does this have to do with math?" "Should we pretend that we are hooking up?" "Brian, think about it. Snow, 309, 95, what is wrong here?" "Mrs. Mountain, can I have 5 dollars in dimes, please?" Michael Bate - Hobbies: Wrestling, Discus, Hunt· ing, fishing, football. Career Plans: Law Enforcement. Favorite Group: Bonham Sings "Wait" in the shower, "Skinny" Favorite Movie: "Vision Quest" "My shoes" Matt Bauerlein - "You bonehead" "You holdin'?" "Quit touching me, Jeff" "Sid" "Jacket, Boots, and Buttons" "Feed the world" Career Plans: Stainless Steel and Ceramics Hydroelectric Engineer. Joe Beck - "This is NOT an ugly tie" "Not bloody likely" Favorite Movie: "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" Wants to get a PhD in artificial intelligence. Lip· syncs "House of the Rising Sun" Joe Bonargo - "Awhh, I'm against it." "Smoke City, Pal" "You're a cabbage pounder" "Rally Bad" "Yes, Notre Dame got beat by a real team." Paul Bonfanti - "I am really in charge." "I am not wrong" "Good man" "So that's why he's going to Haver· ford." "I am standing up" "Like I care, Lou" "Denmark ... it's North of Germany" "Liberal and proud of it" "My face is not dirty" "Machiavelli? Napoleon? I'm bet· !er" Favorite Movie: Pink Floyd the Wall {We don't need no education) Sorry, Chris, you don't have the longest quote after all. Victory is mine! - Show Pony Matt Booth - Weatherman of the future. St. John's bay, Hunt's club. "Goin' up the hill?" Favorite Song: "In your eyes" "You stay you; don't change for no one." "What was your time?" Brendan Boyle - "Branden;, Brendo·Bragdesia" "Back off - relax" "See Pee-wee's playhouse" "Strap· on nert" "Best Ever" "Dude, I got to level 6 on Zelda" "Stay down the basement" Michael Brescia - Wants to be King "Buy my re· cords, or you will die!" "Lars" "Ride the lightning" "Burn <lat killa" Trademark: "It must be the hair" "Spill the blood, dude"

Andrew Bucceri - Loves Zeppelin, and "Stairway to Heaven" Favorite Movie: "Wall Street" "Bunch" Hobbies: Cars and Basketball Jim Burke - SABA "Burke, what fashion are you going to wear this week?" "Pat, face it, the NorthEast rules" "Shane, go spackle up your chin." "Yo, Mike, Willy looks really shiny today, did you use Windex?" Kevin Burke - "I am the onion" "Under the basket· ball stands" "I'm waiting for basketball - screw foot· ball" "Joe Colistra's best friend" "Throws water bal· loons at football camp." Chuck Calvanese "Yo slug!" "4 cylinder, non· turbo,fuel-injected, gawk machine" "Kev, what are we doing after the prom?" "Frat Hoppers" "Pete, when do we have to be at the boat house?" "Hola, Oscar!" "Ziggy and us at INXS 88" Nick Caputo - "TM" "Tropical Stud Ken" "Certe, you jest" Another "In your eyes" fan. "Was is! <las?" "Flying Vapors surround my head like a well-made cha· pie!" "But did you get pictures?" Hobbies: Photogra· phy, Hockey Kevin Carney - "Notre Dame Hat" "Apollo" "Superfight I" Thanks, Mom, you're the best. "K.C." "Yes, Goose, she is working tonight" "Hi, how are you, nice to see you." "No, it's not Lerch, it's Grover, the Pizza Delivery Man." "Her Majesty." Loves the Beatles Chris Choby - "No jonesers allowed! or floaters!" "Remember the Stones" "Live Long and Prosper" "Party on Wedge" "Chobs" "Chump" "Chobut" "For· ty Ounces" Wants to be Batman when he grows up. Favorite Flick - "Animal House" Hobbies: Car ac· cidents Dan Clash - Hobbies: Skiing, Computers, Running. Career Plans: Electrical or Computer Engineer. Sings Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire" in the halls. "Flash" "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" Chris Cleary - Trademark: Porsches. Favorite Song: A Porsche Flat - 6 at 6000 rpm. "Clearly" "Pete, do you still think that a leadsled, I mean corvette,

is better than a 911 ?" Career Plans are Mechanic Engineer or, you guessed it, a race car driver. Favori1 Movie: "Top Gun" George Collins - "This is the strangest life I've e~ known" "The who?" "It's 10:59" "Certe, sane, p1 fecto, equidem" "Chocolate cheese at 6712" "It's ha to milk a zebra while it's running." "Scrubby misfit ex Jim Convey - "Peace Sign" "Skeletor, Jod Crunch Berry, Convery, Whitey, Bucky, Q·tip, Bert Cc vie" "Gotta Napkin?" "Look out for the B-92!" Th 1989 La Salle Football team will be remembered as th best ever. No man is without enemies. Francis R. Courtney - "Just us and Ziggy" "I w2 with the flow of traffic, officer." "Rick" "Pink tights Hobbies: Tree Watching and swooping. Favorite mo, ies: Lethal Weapon I and II, Caddyshack Listens to Po son, "Talk Dirty to me." Greg Curci - Wants to be a shepherd. Enjoys Lo Rolling. "The Hammer" "All-Catholic Xerox Team "It's unfortunate that school must interfere with my edt cation" "I know you are, but what am!?" "I'm rubbe1 you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me an sticks to you." Gus Curtin - "What happened?" "La Salle Frat "Shut Schanne, I only had six" "Phil Shoulders Writin Club" "OK, but it'll be an illusion" "Only one goa Swan?" "Toaster?" "Yo, Vince, going this weekend?' Brian Daly - "Brian, I really think my friend likes yo {railroad tracks)" "Look, I can touch my nose" "Reeea ly" "Rocket" "Brian, nice to see you have polo on for . change." "Wolf" Favorite Movie: American Flyer Listens to Prince, especially "1999" Michael Darcy - "Darce" "I think she likes me" "Y, man, it's Floyd" "M.A.D." "Warum mussen wir da machen?" "Das idee is! schlecht und dumm!" "Hoffen tich mussen wir das nie wieder machen!" Hobbies Lifting Weights, Music, Moshing it up Brian Dean - Hobbies: Harassing Catholic Schoc Girls, scamming. Career Plans: Flipping Burgers a McD's. "Want to buy some sneakers?" "You guys wan to go to Gizzepi's?" Favorite Movie: "Follow tha Bird" "Cassanova" "Gigolo"

Dan DeDominic "Fizzicks is fun??" "No Way!" "Most 'B"' "It's fine and

Mike Dell' Angelo - "Czar Smirnoff" "Don't toucl me!" "Dell" "Fighting for Peace ... " "Dude, there an no good-looking chicks at McDiet" "Honey and Lemor Merengue Pie" "No, mom they were just kiddin"' "Ta ble Races" Dave DeMara - "Chris, Brad, ... where's the bath room?" "Good job Skip ... Thanks Kerm" "PIGS {Chri, K, Chris L, and the rest of the pig patrol)" "Skip Skippy, Skipper" "Kerm, Mike, & Chris - Thanks fo1 being the best of friends."

204 s e ni ~ o t e s David P. Volpe

12/9/71 489-6165 19 Level Road, Collegeville PA 19426 "Old friends seem much closer now; they stand the test of time somehow." Cinderella Football 1, 2 S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4 Attack Pack 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


- "Like you would not believe!' "Jack Mean? Who's Jack Mean?' Definitely!" "When in doubt, fill ir DANDEE with me!"

im Dever - "So I have that going for me - which is ce." "All-Catholic Team Xerox" "Only one way to iSS this test." "Foir" "Jacques Plante Agrave" "It's a iven" "I'll have a milkshake, a cheese steak, and a 1eese steak." "It's all ball bearings these days." "I n't believe in ism's"

rian Devine - "Done that bridge yet, Ed?" "Schalur - that's my sister!""! can't, I've got a meet tomor1w" "Dork Shorts and (B.B.B.'s)" "Team Excretion" ,llhopper Lady and Bile Ritestone" "Ant-ee-gon" ave Devine - "Triple Wonger" "Did anyone see the g I just tripped over?" "Air Force Academy girls?" That's impressive!" "Ruser, I never knew you had a vin brother!" "Dad, can you get me a pretzel?" "Marage Exams for Sale!" ustin Difilippo - "Let's go to corns" "Schanne, op using thumbs" "AWWWWW" "Shower handle 1ip cream" "I'm going out with Kim tonight." iiancarlo DiPasquale - "Matt, you're a natural for ridge diving" "You hit how many cars?" "Norm Peterm, Oliver North, Chip 'N' Dale, Cliff Claven, Milknazi, red Savage, and the Roach all are pitsters" "Team .erox Anatomy" "K2 - Matt's Toy" "I'm Outta lere!!!" "3 Man Rules!!" lobert Donahue - "You're completely wrong, Paul" Show me a bow tie and a Wharton Sweater and I'll how you a happy guy." Favorite Movie: "The Quiet fan" "How do?" "No matter what Colistra says, I'm ot a reactionary. I'm merely aright-thinking American ,ho, with a little power, could solve America's prob~ms." "Like I care, Lou" >an Donohue - "Sorry, dad, the car just flipped up ,n it's side." "Just call me Mon-chi-chi or Chim-chim" 'Hey, Tom, John, I'm seeing Donna on Saturday." 'Look, Kelly, your car looks better without anyway" ,ean Duffy - "This idea sucks" "President of the Joe =an Club." " 'The Group' Sucks" "Rumor has it Sean .. ""Duke, Duff" "The Duke Walk" Favorite Movie: ~ambo wants to become a beach bum. lerry Edwards - "Dig It" "Can I borrow your homevork" "I'm the one who went through 3 or more cars md thought nothing of it." "Bet" "Jee, J" "--head 'A car with dents in it" Jamie Elsasser - "Boop" "Main Line Chicks" "Be Free to L.B." "Bob's daughter" "Nightmare of 27th St." "I'd like to see you run the mile in 4:45" "I am not little Ert!" Bill Ennis - "The Traveling Sam Goody" "You goofball!" "We're only staying for ten minutes." "You're such an idiot.'' "Like I care, Lou" "I hope you're not Drunk cause if you are, you're not driving" "Where are we going? Who's going and how are we getting there?" Kyle Evans - Hobbies: Extensive reading of the classics. "R.J." "Being late is good for the soul." Favor路

ite Group: LL Song: "I'm Bad" Career Plans: Law. "Elvis didn't have to ask" "I love her stomach" "Voice cracking" Favorite Movie: "The Whoopie Boys" Mike Fahy - "That's awesome" "To Quote, use the phrase." "It was just a spontaneous reaction" "ls the Hyundai still for rent?" "Yeah, its a CVS Monday" "Yes, I'm going out with Jen. Again." "Trust me, I've got a map, we won't get lost going to this week's game." Martin Feeny - "#30/50'/4.00 - S.S.C." "I don't do that much homework, really!" "My name is Martin, not Marty" "To all my teachers and coaches: Thank you for everything. To my parents: I'll never forget all you've done for me, I love you for everything." "Feen, Feendog" Brian J. Fitzgerald - "Fitz" "Yo" "Yo, Abbe called me last night." "Fitz, you going to therapy today?" "You can take the boy out of the city but you can't take the city out of the boy.'' "Vote: Fitzgerald, Gathman, Monahan" Rob Fluehr - "Contents under pressure." ''I'm a lightweight and I don't care." "Shut up, Schalleur." "I might get in the water." "How do you get to La Salle go all the way down and turn." "Lisa Who?" "Why do they call her Thumper?" Erik Galardi - "Do you have 30 cents, I have an anatomy test today." "C'mon I'll pay you back tomorrow.'' "No I didn't study don't be ridiculous""AllCatholicXerox Team" "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." "Erik Stokes." Jason Gathman - "The Bat Man" "Fluff" "S-c-h-o-o1?!" "Fub attacks.'' "Shut up, fub" "Yoh man, we're in New Jersey (I'm turning around now)." "ls that a stem change?" "Suck Leaves" Mark George - "Yo, what's up?" "Relax, dude!" "Hey ... you with the glasses!" "Damn, I'm good" "Girls - living without them is self-inflicted hell.'' "Hi, you are extremely beautiful ... wait, let me get something to write with." Rich Gheen - Revival, the Smiths, Skinhead, Girlfriends, 4 7X, art museum, Thrift shop clothes, pop art, socialist party USA, Center city, team Xerox, David Bryne, Debate "Ow, my leg" "Revival's boring (but I still go there 'cause there's nothing else to do)." Brian Gibson - "Hasta La vista Babies" "Let's wreak havoc, Waerig" "No problem" "F.U.P. meeting at my house." "Shirts on your head boys.'' Mike Gilbert - "Hurricane, Gil" "Check it out" "That's really 'off"' "Agghhh" "The boat" Favorite Artist: BillyJoel Wants to be an M.D. Hobbies: Flying, cycling, jogging, traveling, gerunds. Favorite Movie: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." Chris Ginieczki - I love Jeopardy. "No, I'm staying local tonight" "Aww Boyle (Bolye)" "Keith Clark is the Man (Week at a Glance)" Trademark: "Being clueless" "RENOB" Hobbies: Flag Sewing, Sky Diving, Ship Building Favorite Artist: Billy Ocean

Frank Giovannone - "S.S." "LS NM BWS" "LML - TS AG TF OOH" Thanks Mom and Dad for everything. "Tom Bronco Black Leather Jacket." Ambition: To own Trump Castle and 4 other casinos. Hobbies: Snowmobiling, 3 and 4 wheeling, girls. Chris Goldkamp - "Camper" "I got the lock of the year." "Learn how to walk" Dried up Dandelion blowing and napkin-tossing are his hobbies. "Member of Whatnot posse and Phil Shoulders Fan Club." "She can hit the threes" "Picasso tie"

Mike Gregan "I'll give you asthma!" "How'd you like to mow my lawn?" "Are you going to eat your fat?" "Good night sweet prince.'' "Spalding at the farm 8990" "Buy a hat like that, you get a free bowl of soup; it looks good on you." John Haines "Women, you can't live with them, pass the beer nuts." "Member of the What-Not posse and President of the Phil Shoulders Club.'' "If you want to wallow with the pigs at night, you can't soar with the eagles in the morning" "I don't like being called a donkey." Jeff Halstead - "Can I borrow your towel, my car just hit a water buffalo.'' "Yeah, yeah, right.'' "You can't? Why not?" "Steve, Tony, Rich, George, Chris, Brian, Brian, Brian, and Brian, 'Whoock!"' "I'm going to Bloomsburg this weekend." "Have we landed yet?" Mike Hayes - "As a matter of fact, I do own the road.'' "It's my birthday and I want it now!" "Kev you want some crab cakes.'' "Purple, P.S., Pumpkinhead" "309 Demolition Crew" "Power crouch" Hobbies: Surfing, Eating, Girls Kevin Hendrick - "It'll happen when it happens, if it happens.'' "I know everything." "Kermit!" "I'd like to thank my Mom and Dad for always being there, my brother for being a brother, my best friends, Dave and Mike, and all the girls for making high school unforgettable.'' "309" Ross Hibbert "Somethin stupid" "Member of What-Not Posse and Phil Shoulders Fan club" "Shoobie" "But, but, but, I don't know." "Aw, that's a crock." Career Plans: Gypsy. Hobbies: Brunching and boating. Kevin Hipp - "Apple Pie" "La Salle to the River, in 10 minutes." "Tossed Salad for everyone!" "I was going how fast, officer" "Yoohoo ... I think I'm getting a blister." "IM HIPP (No longer)" "The Deer Hunter" Chris Hoover - "Yo ... dude" "Psst - Ghandi Yeaoooeah" "Put it in the trash can!" "This is beat, let's trail" "S-s-supp - Jimmy is God Shotgun" "I don't know, either Cafe Med or Germantown B.D." "I'm going to shave this greenish-red goatee, really." Phil Howley - "Jay Leno Chin" "Shawn knows hooks!" "Rodeo Rider/Megan R./Prom" "Whysh yoush guysh trown schnowbolsh?" "Party next September" "Sheee, Sheee, Sheee, Sheee." "John: is that a thumbprint on your chin?" Sean laquinto -

"Test? What test?" "You want a

s e n i ~ ot es 205

ride home again?;?" "This week, I've been rejected by ... " "Finally, a 3.0"

freshman year." "Who was a 3 sport athlete? You're looking at him."

Gilbert ldhaw - "My name is Indigo Montoya ... " "I am a 309 victim" "Gil, the Stumper."

George Ledakis - "Sorta, Kinda, Maybe" "She's got the hype." "Whatever" "I got a free house 'til 11:30" "I'm in trouble again, Chris" "Phil Shoulders/What-Not posse" "Do it for Mario"

Chris Jorda! - Seen "Diehard" 39.5 times. Hobbies: "Skiing, soccer, forum, swimming." "Thank you to all my teachers and my parents who helped me through my academic career here at La Salle." Joe Juliano - "Pig mobile." "I'll fix it" "Unmarked Police Car" "Bass-bone" "L.C." "Chef" "The Dodge" Drew Kaminski - "It's tradition" "What do you want?" "No onions allowed" "A trainer's job is never done." "What's wrong with you?" "Bara's cup." Hunter Karr - "If all this makes sense, when you obviously don't know what's going on." "The Hunted" "Chubba-Hunta-Ka" Hobbies: none "Shotgun scar on thigh" "I can truly say that it's been a truly educational experience attending school with all of you." Kevin Kearney - "Gimmie your math homework" "Look at those freshmen! You can squash them like cockroaches" "Turtle Toes, Nobody, French Whiz" "Always pushing back hair." "Honorable Mention, Team Xerox." Frank Keenan - Hobbies: The recreational, senseless slaughter of poor, defenseless animals. "Phil Shoulders" "Go Ahead (Calculus)" "The Lipton Fund" "Knives & Napkins" "Swannee Roaksie, Johnny, and the Camper" "Psst! Yo, yo, Pietschy, what's shakin, right." Mark Kelly - "Yo duude" "Yo, dude, where's 309?" "Crash ... Crash ... Crash" "Summer in Happy Valley" "Good night, sweet prince." "What is five feet by three feet? a trunk." "Yo, dudette, I forgot to shave." Jamie Kemm - "Love Ya Babe!" "Andorra Road" "Whipped - Ball and Chain" "Tex/Trudy" "Pudding" "D - Move/PLEEAASSE." "I Write the Songs" Shawn Kerns - "Blah, Blah, Blah, Cops!" "F-Fest" "Black Hook" "Banana Boat" "The Dregs" "Shamrock Shake" "Clogs/Knee-Highs" Chris Korman - "To be occasionally quoted is the only fame I hope for" "Think about it. Would you join the Navy if you didn't like the gravy and rice?" "Yeah - we might swim." "Nooh" (by Dark-helmet) "Is Vietnam hard? Should I drop it?" Chris Lazorcheck - "She's a real nice girl, but if she ... it's all over?" "Yo Skip, the bathroom is downstairs!" "No, it's not a cop, lost him!" "Yo, hook me up!" "Pig Patrol" "Thanks Mom and Dad, I love you both." Nick Lazorko - "They call me the human nipple." "Yeah, 1 was part of the championship football team." "Well, I guess I won't be in school tomorrow" "I got a 3.5

206 s e n i ~ o t e s

Tom Lennon "Yo Tyson!" "Dr. Love" "What did you do to get punished this time, Lennon?" "Got any more Mr. Boston's" "Good night, sweet prince" "Well, Mr. Colistra, I think the marginal revenue graph has a direct relation to the elasticity of pizza and beer." Vincent Linus - "Get a haircut" "Sure, cool" "Have some cheese, rat" Hobbies: "Synchronized swimming, soccer, jai alai, polo" "Vin Man" Trademark: hair Favorite Movies: "Fletch", "I'm gonna git you sucka" Brian MacDonald - "the Macman" "Ah, abuse" Sings anything by Genesis in the shower. Favorite Movie: "Anything l never reviewed" "That's Mr. President to you." Trademark: Very Long Hair. Hobbies: Getting stressed out. "Who's Snoopy?" Jarrod Macklin - "Hey, did you see my crutches?" "When do we play McDevitt" "Huh? What did you say? Rich Mager - "They're all lowbrows!" "Oh, so you're not coming" "Not bowling again?" "[ like my car!" "How do you think l got my 'A' in Bio" "Which sweater is it gowing tow be!" "Have we ever got lost yet?" Mike Maier

"Willy/Daisy" "Nyh, Nyh, Nyh, Nyh" "Elephant, Brooke, Goulash, M.B. CD's, Doritos" "Wanna see my license?" "Well gee chin, er, uh, Phil." "2 Bee Limit"

Ryan Marsh "[ swear my bindings are broken, and I'm not afraid of terrorists. Ask my mom." "Why are you going to your car?" "Wubs!" "So how's the Social Butterfly?" "Nice Benis! Looking Good! Small Benis! Too Bad!" Mike Martin "Grandpa Miller" "Ms. Rimer!, what did l do now?" "What 'Who' concert?" "Schanne, make sure you come get me @ 7-11" "Dan, what was the cruise control set @ again?" "Big ol', Big ol', Big ol' Gus." "Babe" "Wheez" Hobbies: BaseChris Massella ball, Football, Hockey. "How you <loin'?" "Sometimes l forget, but thanks Mom & Dad. And to Amy - You're the best!" "Long hair, gold, and Amy."

Chris Matthews - "I'd like to begin by saying, 'You lost, Show Pony'." "Administration bashing" "The only Glooper Gun left in existence" "Like l care, Lou" "We'll just cause a little trouble" "They'll come after us with a lynch mob" "Beware of the Leprechaun" "To the illogical extreme" "Nickless" "Hours ahead of my time" "How would l know that, Tonto?""[ do have the longest quote, Paul" "Thank You and Good Night"

Marty Matthews - "I'll see you at swim practice "Tom, that's not cool." "So, what did l miss yesterday That's my lunch!" "I'll get it ... later" "Well, l woul have gone to Judge ... " Matthew McClure - "Stenton Delivers" "La Sall trestle-divin champion" "Hey, Cliff, what's up? Y Norm." "My other car was a CRX" "Mom, someone ct the Christmas lights!" "What's in the trunk, Matt? "Geraldo" John McComb "The Slothman" "This is beat .. let's trail." "She'll never find the case in the trash can. "Black beads from Hell" "Senior Week in (((Stereo))) Trademark: Extremely sadistic doodles. Will do an1 thing near the beach. Pat McGinley "Yo, McGurk" "Open your eye, Mark, Oh, they are open" "Too tall" "Veto" "Red_ "Sparky" "Italian Wanna be." Jim McGoldrick - "Geez, O'man" "Rain Man" ' blame my stupidity on the Ryan Game freshman year. "That infamous laugh" "Jim, I'm not looking at you. "Key to your heart right here." "Everyone's confidenc builder." Peter McGoldrick "Flyers Fan" Listens to Zepp, lin and "Free Bird." Favorite Film: "The Right Stuff "Red Ford Fairmount, Mint Condition" Career Plans ar aerospace/astronautical engineer. Enjoys Tenni, Space Program, and cars. Kevin McKenna - "Olney is really not a bad neigh borhood." "[ found that people are 86% water." "Do usually go to this class?" "I'm going to kill Buckwheat.' "Has anybody seen the bridge?" Tom McLaughlin "Chuck, she has a great personal ity. Besides, Malvern's not that far." "Somebody callee me last night" "Never undo your seatbelt while upsid, down." Fitz: "where's it go" "Who says I'm going le Temple." "Stag: Do you have to at breakfast?" Pat McMonagle - Hobbies: Dwarf Throwing/Play ing Twister. "Drop Dead" "My life is a travesty" "Or well, better you than me" "Old Man/Der Fuehrer" "Jo die Foster, martyrs golden lambs, gorilla. Kill Mimes' "Padraic Seamus McMonagle, esquire." Brian McManus - Hobbies: Administration bashing molecular biophysics. Career Plans: Total Global domi nation." "Art Editor-at-large" "Shut up, Paul!" "Like care, Lou." "Sure, l run (ha, ha, ha)" "Beware th, Leprechaun" "Dodge Nick" "Let the slide begin (1/18 1 90)" Favorite Movie: The Blues Brothers. Favorit, Bands: REM, the Cure, the Smiths Pat McPhillips - "! refuse to lose compliments of St. Joe's Prep" "Can you please repeat the question?" "S.S. Carlo" "Anybody want any peanut butter crackers?" "Mrs. Zoeltch, don't you think if everyone failed that there's something wrong?" Ed McQuillen

"John Dalton didn't spend all his time

ling bicycles - see pg. 142" "Word of the week: (PLORING, with probe and scalpel" "Chocolate 1eese at 6712" "My parents are at the disco again" t's 10:59" "That was in a happy time (except on

"Aw Neary!" "Member of Phil Shoulders Fan Club and What-Not Posse" "Give me a ride home?" "This must be some kind of mistake"


Bill Newell - "! love physics" Favorite Movie: "Better Off Dead" "Spanky" Hobbies: "Golf, skiing" likes the B-52s ("Roam") Wants to be in TV technology.

arc Medvetz "It's such a joke." "I'll think about " "Get rid of that stuff Ronny" Career Plans: work3 in radio or TV. Hobbies: fishing, Sixers games. Fa路 ,rite Movie: "Heartbreak Ridge" 1ck Meehan - "Yeah, OK, whatever" "Huh" "Who t' kidding?" "Are you high?" "You're a scrub." "Give m the wave" "Halloween '89 S.W.D.D." "Fred Sav1e goes to La Salle." ti Miehle - "Word of the week: Exploring with probe 1d scalpel" "Albert Einstein did not spend all his time 3stulating. See pg. 14." "! did it again, guys." 'Tm zfinitely not running winter track this year ... no, real', I'm not." "Team Excretion." "ls your bridge done

zt?" ,ndrew Miles - "Thanks for everything Mom and 'ad" "K.C. and Julie, you're the best" "Let's hit Nick's ,wn tonight" "Yo Ringo, where's Apollo" "How much me we got left, Paul?" "Ocean City" "Hextall" "Lloyd iobler" ou Mincarelli - 'Tm in charge here, Paul" "! AM 1e Yearbook Staff" "What's up?" "You guys think ou're pretty funny, don't you?" "I'm the NRA" "Paul , the reincarnation of Napoleon" "Anyone have any andy?" "Que pasa?" "The deadline's when!?!?" Paul, you're always wrong!!" "Thanks Mom and Dad" Id Monahan - "JOHNNY!" "How was the Rolling ,tones concert?" "Hey, chumphead, let's got to Vedges"' "Sweet dude, sweet" "Slop" "Skippap owop blaag" "To the Upper Dublin boys from down the hore." foe Mongan - "Monogasenismsen" "Hey, Peachismenism, how much money do you owe me?" "Where did )on get the shoes?" loe Mooney - "CPA dude" "You have to work again, \.h!" "The Farm 89-90" "Good night Sweet prince" 'Shut up, Schanne" "Look Kelly, its the 309" "Spaldng!" ,eorge Motley - "May the force be with you?" 'Thanx Mom and Dad. l.L.Y. Thanx Jeff, Brian F., Bri. /.J. Bri. G. Bri. S.; and to Cheryl ILYJTWYA, foriver." Favorite Song - "Just the Way you are" 'Mots, Crue" "Do you think you could have the money >n Monday?" Trademark: Beard ?ete Muir - "What is the meaning of life?" "Why be 1ormal?" 'Tm in trouble ... again." "Hi, Beth, Woody, V!itchand Ruthy" Career Plans: Key Grip. Listens to \Jew Order and watches Animal House. lohn Neary - "This is John he's a good student 1ho likes to play basketball and work on his car ... "

Vu Nguyen - "We haven't got to the hard stuff yet (Mrs. Ponisiack)" "So what's your point?" Fave Flick: "The Lair of the White Worm." Hobbies: Cycling, fishing, model building, From here, college, Med school, doctor. Jim Nicholson - "That's ridiculous" "Let's go visit Peabody" "Sur-prise" "Look out for W.B.'s and the rocks" Hobbies: Baseball, Annoying others. "Who has the apple today?" "Pull of ear and point" Bernie O'Brien- "There's been a fight at the bat rack" "It's been real!" "Bean" Aspires to be a garbage collector. Hits people with baseballs. Collects baseball cards and plays video games. Has seen "Trading Places" 905 times. Justin O'Donoghue - "Can I get a ride?" "My parents are going out . . . " "Market East Station and Friends" "Ready, aim, fire ... " "But officer, my father is a lawyer" "Love, stupid" "Elizabeth" "New Year's Eves"

Peter Oh - "Ha, Ha, Ha" "Yo, does anyone have a dime" "Del, take a look at this one" "S.C." "Oh Peter" Hobbies: Nintendo. Favorite Song - "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" Justin Oliver - "Life can little else supply but a few good ... and then you die." "! am going on a trip ... and ... so ... " "Genius" Hobbies: "Nuclear physics, scab collecting, chineese water torture." Mike O'Meara - "Find a spot by yourself" "309 carnage" "! think Skinny's is called for" "I'm gonna be so fat" "Baabossa/Battle Royal" Jim Owens - "wha-ight?" "S.p.m." "Hey, jim-bo" "shh, the neighbors" "obo" "yo, am I !akin' all you guys home?" Jeff Oyler - "Yo, listen to this" "Save the planet" "Just kidding" "Cancer, hair, iron cross, crazy ideal, hyperactive" "Amazing stories" "Wolfman, taz, or any other vulgar word (nickname)." Steve Pacillio - "I don't ask questions; I just take pictures." "Can't be done." "! don't know, whatever works" "Sorry, Paul, you're wrong" "No, I don't take my camera every where" "Like I care, Lou" "We have a little bit too much free time on our hands, don't we?" Chris Pico - "Rrrrrack 'em!" "I'm not afraid" "Skate out, Rico!" "Peekes" "Flyers" "Sunday Football, Senior week - 'FF'" "BFr - SC, DC, Soph - EF, Party DB, RT, MC, PD, BF, Thanks Mom and Dad." Hob路 bies: scuba-diving, sports, fishing.

Erik Pietsch - "Morganismenson, "Hi, Amy!" "Jim & Steve, was this the "Word!" "Ruff!" "Fuzz is you, guys" son" "The tie" Hobbies: "Bounty Dwarf Tossing, Sword Swallowing."

you a Japts F" groovy garden?" "PeachenismenHunting, Luge,

Frank Powers - "Word" "Dude" "Patti, you will always have a special place in my heart. I love you." "Massive" "the Samurai" Career Plans: "To be like my uncle Joe" Favorite Group: New Order, especially "Ceremony" Fran Prisco - "Don't hit that! Don't hit that! Crash!" "Anybody got an ice cube?" "Get away from her, you're married!" "The whole time, I never leave the stage" "You know my friend ... " "We stole this 'blinker' to cheer you up." Dave Putro - "Pooch" ''I'll drop ya like a bad habit." Favorite Singer: Springsteen (Spirit in the Night) Hobbies: Sports, music. Mike Rafter - "Chuck, have you talked to Jen lately?" "Chump, Bessy, (Blue Bomb), the dog, and hosebag." (Cruisin' machines) "Chuck: 'What are you doing after the Prom?" "EDDIE" "It really is" "M's & M's" "Spark, Rafterd, Johnny raftus, J.R." Chris Rauch - "Death Punk wrecks 309" "I always look like this!" "Dad, there was a little fire in the kitchen" "I don't care! I'll pay for it!" "You crashed your Mom's what?" "I love them, they're like pillows" Vince Regan - "Yes, I know my car is smoking" "JMJ we're heading for the pole!" "Meg's not in today" "We can't talk about Mexico, Vietnam, or Sweetness" "For crying out loud!" "Don't tell me, Mr. Fix-it" "Good day at Genaurdi's" Brian Roakes - "The Other walking hormone" "It's good to be King" "Officer in the Phil Shoulders Fan Club and What Not Posse" "Just one eensie weensie mint" "Larger than Jim Backus, it's the cactus" "Tommy DiStefano, how does your hair do that?" Jerry Rock - "I'm good at making up games" "Jen's shirt" "Rose strap on" "What!? That hurt" "Thursday, CD night" "She wants me" "Dadvails denots 3 x and pu,p." Pete Rooney - "Mom, I'll be at Brian's" "I'm in a bad mood, OK" "Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dee" "Let it Be" "The Flashing Puritan Zookeeper" "Bitsy, I'll meet you outside" "Viva Mommy dearest" "Elmer" "Mammy" "Bringing Dead Horses to life" Ken Root - "Mood for a Day" "Oasis" "Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe, Root" "I'm going to need a few thousand dollars." "How about a movie this weekend?" Nickname: "Hey You" Favorite Group: "Yes" Song "And you and !" "Call me 'Rick"' Bill Rothenbach - "Billy" "All right, listen up!" "! can't believe I'm sitting at a table with Squids" "This must be a good one." "Be good and you will be lone-



some, be lonesome and you will be free, live a lie, and you will live to regret it: That's what living is to me."

Andy Rotondo - "You call me 'rat' again, I'll break your leg." "Yo, nice hair Schaney" "Yo! Bob, is that your tenth or eleventh stroke?" "Andy" Plans: "To graduate college." Enjoys golf, chasing women. Chris Ruser - "Team Excretion" "Gentlemen, I have my championship ring, where's yours?" "Just put some orange juice on the windshield" "Kevin! Slower" I'm serious, you're going 115!" "Hey Ed!, let me see the front of your shorts." Rich Sacco - "It's 'Thin Ice' ... no, I mean 'Third Degree' ... no wait, it's 'Visiting Hours' ... oh, yeah 'After Hours' (I think)." "My band, After Hours, has recorded their first album and are in the process of writing a follow-up album." Brian Sandella - "Into that in a big way." "Not just prime, finely prime." "Whatever makes you happy." "Sandy, Sandman, Sandy Run, etc." Career Plans: "Playing in my band, After Hours, making millions, and going on a 25 year reunion tour." Mike Sanford - Hobbies: "Hangman in accounting" Career Plans: "Graduating" "Tripper" "Escort L turbo sportster with plush seats" "Am I the only one who's lost in this class?" "It's too dangerous to use the warp drive in traffic" Chris Schalleur - "SSS ... SSS ... SSWP!?" "Anybody see Quantum?" "Where's the pool?" "The first myth of authority is that it exists." "Pooo ... Pooo ... Pooocha!" "Not Masochistic, just an affinity for pain" John Schanne - "Thumbs" "Nice Haircut" "Xanadu" "The Green Sweater" "It's all fun and games." "Howie" "Schanne, your riding in the front seat." Bob Serianni - "Wiggles" "Didn't your Dad hit the tree?" " ... or is it me?" "TENSION" "P, B, and J" "She smokes?" "You snerd!" Ken St. Clair - "Sneakers in school" Favorite Group: NWA. Wants to become a business administrator. "Killer" Hobbies: Weight Lifting, football Mike Shannon - "School's out for the summer" "Wood Heads B-ment" "Volpa?" "Move your feet, lose your seat." "See you later" Tim Sheahan - "Fitz, hook me up!" "I am not Kevin Arnold" "Fred Savage" "Give me a ride" Loves Billy Joel, "The Naked Gun", and Golf. Wants to be a civil engineer.

Dave Smith - "Who Cares?" "Learn how to skate, Pico" "I survived 309 - unscathed" "The Big Guy" "Long Hair and Belching" Career Plans: Making a lot of money. Favorite Movie: "History of the World pt. 1" Hobbies: Ice Hockey. Another Zeppelin fan.

Joseph Tagg "My future, that is the near future, some place, ... well any place to go!" "The hair" ' have trouble finding my head, but when you think abot it, who's looking anyway?" Hobbies: Guitar, Peam Butter, Sleeping

Kevin Smith - Hobbies: Bomb defusing, singing, studying, hieroglyphics. Favorite Group - Genesis. Song: Eleventh Earl of Mar. "My car just hit a water buffalo" "No, no, no, how are you doin'" "See ya later."

Michael Teti - "Bonehead" "Zonehead" "Don't wo ry 'bout it" "Hey aren't you that K<:!vinArnold kid? "Yo! McGink" "The Italian Connection" ''I'm a Teem Bowl addict" "Zorro, the Gabe blade"

"Provo, Spain?" "One 'B'; Bahar" "Moon River"

Darek Sot - "Est-ne Sot-ne? Sic Sot-ne est!" "Nick, what do we have for German homework?" Chris Springer - "S'up" "Yeah, sure" "Que?" "Could you be any stupider?" ''I'm great, you're not!" "Can I be you?" "She wants a ride again?" Chris Squillaro - "Rob had a great gig at your house; where were you?" "How's Bev?" "Denots on my roof in

Kosaku Tsugami - "Mike G., Karin, Steve, Dar Kathy, Brian, Doug, Josie, Joe, Matt, Rob, Madoy, John M., Karry, Chris, Pete, Andrew, Ken." "I am AYG, Karin" "What are you, Chineese?"

summer" "Nice trip to Arizona" "Cousin Susan" "Mis路

chief Night" "Squid"

Rich Stagliano - "Yeah boys!" "Does anyone have any food?" "Popcorns" "We're there!" "Ill" "I wanna row!" "Tom, stop whistling" "I don't drive that fast." "The best things in life are edible" - Garfield Brent Stanek - "We're getting along" "Rainman" "Pop in Floyd, 7:12" "Hoffman, TAG!" "Riding Boots" "Grinder" "Pasta with Gravy" Tom Stanley - "Can I have your homework?" Likes U2, "Bad", "Die Hard," and "Top Gun" Wants to be a judge. Hobbies: Kickboxing, midget wrestling. Rob Stanton - "Fast in pads" "Strap on House" "Beans Bongo, Renob" ''CYO God" "What are you doing in my daughter's closet?" "Look, Janine, I'm sorry." Doug Staudmeister "No, Paul, you're wrong." "Well, Richard Hofstadter said ... " "The Right Stuff" "Like I care, Lou" "Yeah right" "Goin' coon huntin' this weekend, Lou?" "Did you do the physics?" Brian Stokes "How's Amy?" "G.D. bottles, please!" "Team Xerox, Captain" "Got that Cheebah?" "Mundak Park" "Let's play butt quarters!" "Yo Erik, it's Thursday night." Kevin Streeper - "Rafter, what are you doing after the prom?" "Bird of Fire - 8 cylinders of unbridled power" "King of Mexican Dice" "Frat hopping ... yo, Fig!" "XERO - want some milk?" "I'm gonna wash that __ right out of my hair ... "

Eric Shelton - "Rope Man" "Bo Knows Philosophy" "Get a clue. No, buy a clue." Favorite Book: Ender's Game. "Richard Nixon was a vastly underrated president" Likes ridiculing democrats, "Thanks to friends and teachers at La Salle."

Frank Summerill - "The college years are years for great parental bonding." "Gold chains" "Thanks Mom & Dad, Tim, Kimberly, and Michelle for supporting me and helping me through the past four years at La Salle."

John Slowick - T.G.I.E., P.T.S." "Right Hook, Black" "School is Optional" "Yo!" "I hate preppies" "I might pay for his stitches" Favorite Movie: "Do the Right Thing" Enjoys Fighting with Teachers and Lifting.

Chris Swanson - "Perhapssamente" "What, with all the rain we've been having." "Jiri Latal, did I mention him yet?" "Sally Gibbs, Gibbs Sally" "They love me in Boston" "I'm not a CPA, yet"

208 seni~otes

Tim Tilson - "T-Squared" "Some people really d laugh at my jokes" "People think more highly of yo when you walk around with a smile on your face and hello on your lips/" "A penny for your thoughts, tw dollars to act them out."

Neil Vaughan - "White Limo" "Suck Leaves" "Party in the woods house" "No one tells me what to do" women" "Cheese would look good on

Prom Night 8 behind Justin' "These are m that"

Kevin Vesci - "Big Rig" "Yo, Rigger" ''I'll take car, of Ja Man" "You row this way, Sanford" "Where's th, stang" "Yo, Volpe" David Volpe "School's out" "Mike, that's the las time I raise my hand in this class." "Woody, I'm sleepin! over tonight" "See ya" Brian Waerig "Party with Phil Shoulders and th, What-not posse" "I love 'Team Excretion"' "The Wall< ing Hormone" "There's two things a dude's always go to hang on to; one's his pride and the other's his Pepsi OK" "Let's wreak havoc, Gibson." Marc Weston - "Right" "I am outta here" "I don't think so" "Sure it is" "That's truly interesting, and I mean that, really." "Maybe tomorrow" "As always" Jim Wilson - "It's all in my Master Plan" "Aw, for cryin' out loud!" "! am the ultimate jazz guy" "Flip" Wants to be a musician, and is the guest saxophonist and photographer of After Hours. Listens to David Sanborn and "Tintin"

Doug Wood - "Dazed & confused" "HMU, !SS, BA, LAB" "Woodhead" "Sitting in a burned out basement" "Sidarap" "Doug's place" "The Doug Zone" Rob Wozniak - "I am out of here" "The Waz" "Party on dudes" "What's shakin'?" "Later" "Senior week in stereo" Wants to move to Florida and open a chain of stores. Favorite Movie: "Star Wars" Jason Zoto - "Is this the Louvre?" Enjoys Marlin and Tuna fishing and concerts. "Un autre litre, s'il vous plait" Group: The Who Song: "Won't get fooled again" Career Plans: Environmental Lawyer

Who Be W Activities Divider: 74 \cknow/edgements: 214 \damow, Michael: 64, 135 \ddesso, Gregory: 64 \dministration: 20 \hem, Brother Timothy: 38, 108 \hn, Phillip: 56 \lien, Edward: 64 \lien, Jamal: 107 \ltieri, Ronald: 64 \lumni Department: 27 \mmaturo, Marc: 56, 84

\nastasi, Matthew: 56 \nisko, John: 56

\raco, Nicholas: 164, 204 \.rbogast, Matthew: 56, 214 \rt: 41 \rt Club: 88 \shton, Michael: 64 \thletics Department: 40 \ustin, Richard: 64

J'Oris, Michael: 56 3acica, Michael: 56 3ackpacks: 70

laer, Aaron: 48, 87, 213 3aer, Mrs. Dorothy: 24, 25 laker, David: 164, 204 3a\cer, Jesse: 48 la\l, Robert: 64 land: 102 lalshi, Tom: 99, 136, 137, 164, 204 larbalace, Dan: 64, 83 larbalace, Rich: 82, 83. 90, 92, 93, IOI, 164 3arratt, Mrs. Jennie: 27 ford named Bob: 116 larth, Robert: 56, 148 larton, Jamie: 48, 84, 215 3arton, Matthew: 64 laseba/1: 138 lasketba/1: 126 late, Michael: 142. 164, 204 3auerlien, Matt: 164, 204 3avuso, Michael: 1, 64, 214 leatles, Tlie: 9. 31. 112, 167. 204 3eaver, Mark: 64 3echt, Francis: 64 leek, Joseph: 62, 104, 165, 204. 214 fo/ieue lt or Not: 117 le/ore School: 200 lellew, Douglas: 165 3ennett, Brian: 48, 214 3ennis, Derek: 56 3ergan, Chris: 48 3ergen, Michael: 64 3est Aspect Poll: like Club: 96

3itting, Kurt: 64 ~lack Student Union: 107

3Janco, Mr. Gabriel: 30, 84 llasi, Rob: 93 31atney, Vincent: 56 lley, Akio: 48 3loh, Mr. Dennis: 28 llue and Gold Day: 166 foard of Trustees: 22 lodden, John: 63. 82, 83 3oland, Brendan: 64 3onargo, Joe: 146, 165 lonfanti, Paul: 13, 35. 76, 77, 78, 79, 90, 98, 165, 187, 204. 205, 206. 207. 208. 214, 216 3onner, Chris: 48 looth, Matthew: 144, 154. 165, 204 3osch, Brother Miller: 43 3osso, Mrs. Alice Ann: 42 3ott, William: 56 loyd, Matt: 56 loyle, Brendan: 166, 204 3oyle, Kevin: 64 lrackin, John: 48, 125 lrady, Paul: 64


Brady, John: 73 Brandt, James: 56 Bransfield, Daniel: 56 Brennan, Tim: 131. 166, 204 Brescia, Matt: 64 Brescia, Mike: JOO. 166, 204 Breslin, Marty: 94. 100. 101, 166, 204. 215 Brinkmann, Gerard: 64 Brower, Ralph: 64 Brown, Mrs. Clare: 28, 64 Brown, Marlin: 48, 107, 144. 154 Brugger, Joe: 64 Brusca, Michael: 56 Bucceri, Andrew: 166, 204 Buongiorno, Louis: 48 Burgo, Stephen: 48, 214 Burke, Leo: 56 Burke, Jim: 166, 204 Burke, Kevin: 167, 204 Burns, Mike: 56 Burnt Sienna: 89 Burrell, Jeff: 56 Bush, President George: 33. 101 Bush, Jack: 48, 100. 101, 144. 154. 214 Butcher, Tom: 1, 64 Butler, John: 48, 126, 127 Butler, Tom: 48, 211 Byrne, Pat: 48 Byrnes, John: 56 Cabato, Al: 56 Cabato, Mark: 48 Callahan, Tim: 56 Calvanese, Chuck: 150, 151. 156. 167, 204 Calvitti, Anthony: 64 Calvitti, Vince: 167 Campagna, Tony: 48 Campbell, Mark: 48, 214 Canalley, Ed: 64 Cannon, Brother Ed: 43 Cannon, Joseph: 48 Cantwell, John: 48 Capozzoli, Joe: 64 Cappelletti, Francis: 48 Caputo, Dan: 64 Caputo, Nick: 78, 79, 90. 99, 167, 179, 204. 211 Caramencio, Nick: 64 Carcifi, Mr. Al: 44 Careers: 190 Carney, Kevin: 105, 167, 204 Carr, Brian: 48 Carr, Tim: 64 Carrello, Joseph: 56 Cartegna: 83

Carter, Jason: 64, 129 Casale, Ray: 56 Cassidy, Paul: 64 Cattie, David: 65 Ceccola, John: 65, 215 Chadwick, Brother Tom: 24. 25 Changes: 198 Choby, Chris: 168, 170, 171. 204 Choi, Edmund: 65 Choi, Steve: 48 Ciaverelli, Greg: 48, 131. 214 Ciccimaro, Mr. Joe: 41, 43. 64. 100. 102. 103 Ciccimaro, Mrs.: 43 Cieplinski, Joseph: 56 Cimini, Mr. Guy: 3. 44 Citrino, Chris: 56 Citro, Greg: 65 Clark, Kenneth: 65 Clash, Dan: 92. 93, 153, 168, 204 Cleary, Chris: 168, 204 Closing: 216 Cody, Jay: 56, 146 Colangelo, Mrs. Angeline: 26 Cole, George: 48 Colistra, Mr. Joseph: 39, 113, 122, 123, 124, 204,



Collins, Dan: 10, 56 Collins, George: 78, 168, 204. 214 Community Service Corps: 86 Conlin, Keith: 48, 122. 126 Conlin, Kevin: 65, 155 Conti, Frank: 56 Convey, Chris: 65, 155 Convey, Jim: 122, 168, 204 Cook, Brother Kenneth: 34 Cook, Stephen: 56, 125 Corcoran, Fran: 56, 154 Cornog, Albert: 65 Corrigan, Shawn: 57 Coschi, Jerry: 5 7, 83 Cosgrove, Jim: 48 Cottingham, John: 76, 168, 214 Cottone, Andrew: 57 Courtney, Rick: 105, 151. 169, 204 Coyle, Mike: 48 Craig, Daniel: 49 Craig, Ed: 49 Craig, Thomas: 57, 146 Cramming: 62

Crawford, Brandan: 57 Crawford, Geoffrey: 57 Crawford, Jim: 169 Crew. Fall: 150 Crew. Spring: 156 Croney, John: 49, 151 Cross Country: 152 Crowe, Dan: 49, 142 Cruz, Robert: 57 Cuba, Mike: 65 Cuce, Nick: 65 Cullen, Joseph: 49 Cunnane, Pat: 90, 150, 151. 156. 169, 214 Cunningham, Jeff: 49, 129 Cunningham, Mike: 49 Curci, Greg: 148. 169, 204. 214 Curfews: 48 Current Events: 160 Curtin, Gus: 169, 204. 214

D'Angelo. Dr. Joseph: 29 D'Argenio, Mike: 65 D'Orazio, Mike: 57 Dager, Kevin: 65 Dager, Bob: 134. 170 Dajnowski, John: 57 Daley, Fran: 104, 170 Daley, John: 65 Dallcandro, Nick: 170 Daly, Brian A.: 122. 123, 170, 204 Daly, Brian M.: 49 Daly, Mrs. Doris: 24. 25 Daly, Kevin: 65 Danella, Carmen: 170 Daniel, Tim: 67 Dann, Jim: 170, 196 Darcy, Mike: 171, 204

E Davey, Matt: 65 DeGovann, Joseph: 56 Dean, Brian: 171, 204 Dedication: 16 DeDominic, Dan: 171, 204 Deliso, Tom: 57 Dell'Angelo, Mike: 82, 83. 171, 204. 214 Deltito, Scott: 49, 214 Deluisi, John: 131. 171 DeMara, Dave: 122. 124, 172, 204 Demeter, Doug: 65 Dempsey, Rob: 57 Dennis, Jeremy: 65 Derosa, Tom: 65 Desai, Ronak: 65 Desilvis, Chris: 65 Desimone, Tom: 49 Development Department: 27 Dever, Jim: 148. 172, 204 Dever, Mrs. Patricia: 27 Devine, Brian: 144. 152, 153, 154. 172, 204. 214 Devine, David: 8, 89, 144. 152, 153, 154. 169, 172, 205. 214

Devine, Dr. James: 4. 21, 22, 23 Devine, Mr. Pat: 24. 25, 144. 152. 153, 154 Dezzi, Chris: 49 Diarenzo, Nick: 73. 148 Diaz, Mrs. Mary: 44 Dickson, Robert: 65 Diehl, Mr. David: 4. 16, 17, 20, 23, 38. 68. 69. 85. 108, 112, 165. 166. 187. 194 Difilippo, Justin: 73, 173, 205 Oiienno, Johnathan: 65 Dini, Fred: 49, 82, 101 Dining Hal/ Ladies: 45 OiPao!o, Fran: 65 DiPasquale, Giancarlo: 173, 205. 214 Divorce Court: 28 Doebley, John: 57 Doehne, Chris: 49

Dolan, Mr. Michael: 24. 25 Doloway, Kirk: 173 Dominello, Chris: 65, 84 Donahue, Brian: 49 Donahue, Mrs. Linda: 30, 31 Donahue, Rob: 12, 76, 90, 99, 136, 172, 173, 187. 204. 214, 216 Donahue, Tim: 65, 155 Donnelly, Mike: 173, 211 Donnelly, Sean: 49 Donohue, Dan: 19, 173, 205 Donovan, Edward: 5 7 Donovan, Mr. Michael: 44 Downey, James: 57 Downey, Mike: 65 Downs, Tim: 49, 151

Sty, sweet sty.

205, 206

College Applications: 172


Doyle, Mike: 65 Dries, Brother James: 4. 21, 23 Driving: 50 Duffy, Sean: 173, 205 Duffy, Vince: 57 Dugan, Ms. Maureen: 32, 33. 64 Dunn, Brother Thomas: 32, 33. 108 Durso, Rich: 63 Eby, Curtis: 49, 129

Edwards, Officer Gerald: 11, 68 Edwards, Jerry: 174, 205 Egnotovich, John: 49 Elmo: 67 Elsasser, Jamie: 88, 105, 174, 205 Eluis: 88. 205 Emery, Ryan: 65

English: 28 Ennis, Bill: 13, 76, 174, 205. 214 Ettore, Mike: 65 European Vacation: 170 Evans, Mr. Gerald: 36 Evans, Kyle: 84, 154. 174, 205 Everling, Joe: 57 Excuses for Every Occasion: 118

Faculty Chess Set: 113 Faculty Divider: 18 Faculty Find: 112 Faculty Nose Match: 117 Fafara, Jeff: 122. 123, 174 Fagnan, Don: 57 Fahy, Mike: 175, 205 Fairorth, Gabriel: 66 Fallon, John: 57 Farina, Nick: 66 Farragut, Ryan: 66 Farrell, Mr. Walter: 40 Farrell, William: 57

Fasy, Jerry: 66 Fathe,s Club: 108 Fecher, Jeff: 66 Feeny, Martin: 122. 144. 154. 175, 176, 205 Fegley, David: 55 Fegley, Mike: 66 Fe!iciani, Robert: 73

Fenningham, John: 66 Feret, Brett: 57 Ferrie, Colin: 66 File, Dan: 57 Filippi, Sam: 57, 214 Finn, Brother Linus: 43, 54 Finney, Patrick: 57 Fischetti, Chris: 175 Fitzgerald, Brian J.: 84, 175, 205 Fitzgerald, Brian T.: 175 Fitzgerald, Craig: 49, 122 Flanigan, David: 66 Flanigan, Mike: 73 Fleming, Jeff: 66

Flemming, Joe: 57

La Nativite Minimaliste


Fleuhr, Rob: 134. 175, 189, 205 Flynn, Joseph: 58 Foghorn Leghorn: 29 Football: 122 Foot.B.Bolls: 122. 125 Forbes, Andrew: 66 Ford, Jim: 66 Forss, Bernard: 66 Forum: 82 Fox, Adam: 66 France, Thomas: 49, 215 Francoeur, Bill: 134. 176

Free Periods: 192 Freshmen: 64 Freedom Rock: 103 Frey, Jon: 58 Friel, Doug: 66, 84, 215 Frisario, Roger: 61 Fritz, Daniel: 66 Frizalone, Mr. John: 32, 33. 144. 154 Frizlen, Drew: 66

Frosh Fears: 64 Fry, Matt: 49 Fry, Rich: 66 Fuhrmeister, Gerard: 49 Fulginiti, Dominic: 58

Fumai, Kevin: 66 Funchion, Brian: 176

Galardi, Erik: 176, 205 Gallagher, Colin: 58 Gallagher, Dan: 58 Gallagher, Mrs. Helen: 27 Gallagher, Pat: 58 Galzerano, Vince: 49, 122 Gathman, David: 58, 134 Gathman, Jason: 134. 176, 205. 214

Gaul, Brendan: 66 Gavin, Mr. Victor: 30, 31. 82, 83 Gazebo: 110 Gdowik, Steven: 66 Gebhardt, Will: 66 Geiger, Mr. William: 30, 31. 78, 79, 90 George, Mark: 105, 176, 205 Geraldo: 72 Gheen, Rich: 82, 177, 205, 214 Gibbons, Mark: 58, 214 Gibson, Brian: 125. 177, 205. 207. 208 Gilbert, Mike: 15, JOO. 101, 177, 181, 187, 205. 208 Gillespie, Anthony: 66, 84 Gillespie, Mr. Terry: 36. 37, 112 Gilligan, Andrew: 66 Gillon, Tom: 49, 100 Gilroy, Mike: 49 Ginieczki, Chris: 152, 154. 177, 205. 211 Ginieczki, Taylor: 58 Ginty, Ryan: 66 Giordano, Nick: 66 Giovannone, Frank: 99, 177, 205 Giuliano, Gregory: 58 Gladu, Robert: 66 Glavin, Joshua: 66 Glessner, Chris: 49, 148

Guidance: 24

Hildebrand, Matt: 67 Hilgrube, Mr.: 44 Hilty, Chris: 50, 153, 154 Hipp, Kevin: 84, 150, 151. 156. 170, 171. 179, 2 205. 208 Hipp, Sean: 58 Hirschbul, Charles: 58 Hoffman, Dan: 174 Hohenleitner, Mr. George: 30, 31, 104 Homogeneous Oligopoly: 39 Hood, Stephen: 50 Hoover, Chris: 103, 179, 206 Horbachevsky, Olexa: 58 Hornick, John: 59, 214 Horst, Mike: 50 Hotz, Matt: 67 Houck, John: 50 Houck, Mark: 59 Howley, Phil: 180, 206 Hubbard, Charles: 59 Hudson, Gilbert: 67, 148, 149 Hummel, Vincent: 50 Hunter, Mike: 67 Hyland, Brendan: 59 Iacullo, Rocco: 67 Jaquinto, Sean: 94. 180, 206. 214 Ice Hockey: 148 Jdhaw, Gilbert: 142. 180, 206. 214 Index: 209

Gulli, Damon: 50 Guns 'N Roses: 20 Haas. Francis: 58 Haas, Glenn: 58 Hagelin, Scott: 58 Hagen, Fred: 67 Haggerty, Sean: 58 Haines, John: 178, 205, 206 Halasa, Peter: 67 Halczenko, Paul: 67 Haldis, Chris: 67 Halstead, Scott: 58, 84, 154 Halstead, Jeff: 51, 90, 144. 154. 178, 205. 207 Hamilton, Dan: 50 Harnstead, Shawn: 58 Hannon, Tim: 67 Hanssen, Mr. Tore: 40 Happiness Poll: 202 Harbison, Larry: 50, 83 Harrer, Jeff: 50 Harrington, Roger: 58, 129 Hartley, Gerard: 67 Haslam, Brendan: 67 Hasson, Chris: 50, 125 Hathi, Shekher: 58 Haughton, Pat: 58 Hayes, Martin: 50 Hayes, Mike: 142, 178, 204, 205 Hendrick, Kevin: 178, 204, 205, 214 Hendrick, Sean: 50, 93, 123, 214 Henry, John: 179 Herrera, Stephen: 58, 146, 147 Herron, Liam: 67, 94 Hibbert, Ross: 179, 205 Hicke, Scott: 58 Higgins, James: 67

Jackson. Mr. Martin: 38 Jakarta: 21 Jandrisitz, Justin: 59 Janton, Father Tony: 42, 108, 113 Jarymovych, Alexander: 67 Jarymovych, Marko: 50, 214 Jennings, Tom: 59 Jodlowski, Chris: 50 Johnson, Mr. Francis: 34, 78, 112 Jones, William: 59 Jorda!, Chris: 83. 180, 206 Joyce, Mike: 59 Jugler, John: 67 J ugler, Mike: 59 Juliano, Joe: 10, 103, 180, 206. 214 Juniors: 48 Junk Food: 58 Junod, Joe: 67 Kaiser. David: 67 Kalamas, Bob: 181 Kaminski, Drew: 181, 206 Kaminski, Jeff: 67 Karp, James: 67 Karr, Adam: 59 Karr, Hunter: 10, 181, 206 Karwacki, Robert: 50 Kasloff, Mrs. Faye: 27 Kaufmann, George: 67 Kearney, Kevin: 181, 206 Kedziera, Greg: 50 Keefe, Timothy: 67 Keeley, Mike: 50 Keenan, Dan: 50, 84 Keenan, Frank: 181, 206 Kelly, Chris: 50 Kelly, Dan: 11, 50

One, Elle has much better legs than Paulina. Two, Glick, James: 66 Godin, Tom: 63 Gold Patrons: 215 Golbacher, Marc: 66 Golderer, Joseph: 66, 83 Goldkamp, Chris: 7, 177, 205. 214 Golf: 146 Gontram, Seth: 58 Goodwin, Jeffrey: 49 Gorman, John: 58, 85, 154 Governmental Poll: 176 Grace, Mr. John: 38 Graf, Carl: 67 Gray, Kevin: 49, 84, 134 Gregan, Mike: 178, 205 Greiner, Walter: 58 Griffin, Chris: 63 Griffith, Brian: 58, 84 Griffith, Brent: 49 Groben, Peter: 67 Groseck, Dan: 58 Guagliardo, Tom: 178 Guckert, Brian: 50 Guevara, Max: 58, 122. 125

elly, Mark: 181, 205, 206 emm, Jamie: 182, 206 enefic, Matt: 67 enefic, Mike: 50 ensey, Doug: 67 ent, Kevin: 67 eough, Brother Joseph: 42, 112, 113, 117 erlin, Mike: 67, 84 erns, Shawn: 73, 182, 206 ersey, Gregg: 50 iefer, Mike: 68

.iernan, Ed: 59, 133 .im, Daniel: 50, 84 .ing, Charles: 59, 83 :irkpatrick, Chris: 59

:lein, John: 68 :lock, Joel: 68 :och, Kevin: 50 :ochanski, Kevin: 68

:opitsky, Jerry: 50 :orman, Chris: 134, 182, 204. 206 :orolishin, Kiernan: 68 :oschineg, Ernie: 50, 126, 127 :ovac, Thomas: 50, 129 :relovich, Keith: 59, 134. 214

:unz, Carl: 68 :uszewski, Eric: 68 .adley, Doug: 68 .afontaine, Mr. Bill: 44 .ahr, Kevin: 68 .alena, Mike: 182 anguage:


.app, Keith: 59 .arason, Ken: 59 .ateness: 68 .au, Merwin: 59

.aurich, Vince: 68 .avin, Greg: 68 .awrence, Andrew: 59, 84 .awson, Steve: 59 .azorcheck, Chris: 126. 127, 182, 204. 206 .azorko, Nick: 183, 206 .eader, Dan: 59

.eader, Deane: 59 .edakis, George: 7, 183, 206 _ee, Brian: 183 _ee, Tony: 55. 187, 214 _emanowicz, Rich: 68 _ennon, Tom: 183, 205. 206 _ennon, Tim: 63 _ewis, Dan: 59 jbrary: 42 _iebsch, Don: 215 _Jnde, Greg: 50 _ink, Erik: 51 _ink, John: 59 Linus, Vince: 122. 131. 132, 133, 183, 206 Litchendorf, Eric: 51 Litynskij, Gene: 59 Lloyd, Jim: 51

One of LaSalle's lesser known student Jrganiz?tions

Lloyd, John: 68 Loftus, Dan: 68 Logan, Mrs. Bernadette: 26, 172 Logan, Joe: 59, 84, 129 Lopez, Chris: 59, 84 Lopez, Joseph: 51, 84 Lopez, Steve: 68, 129 Lopit, Ron: 59 Lottier, Jason: 51 Louka, Ed: 59 Lovgren, Mike: 68 Lowry, Atherton: 59 Luby, David: 51 Lucente, Mark: 51 Lumley, Brother Al: 43, 146, 147 Lutz, Mike: 60 Lynch, Stephen: 60


Robert: 51

Maccaroni, Jim: 68 MacDonald, Brian: 78, 86. 87, 183, 206 Macklin, Jarrod: 126, 128, 184, 206 MAD About LoSalle: 111 MAD Libs: 118 MAD Notes: 113 Mager, Rich: 177, 184, 206 Magro, Mike: 60 Maguire, Mike: 51 Maher, Jim: 55. 84, 146, 147 Maher, Mrs. Julia: 37 Maida, Domenic: 51, 125. 154 Maier, Mike: 184, 204. 206 Maintenance: 44 Malloy, Chuck: 139, 184 Malloy, John: 68 Malone, Charles: 51 Malone, Terrence: 60 Maloney, Jim E.: 68 Maloney, Jim F.: 60 Mangan, Mr. Lawrence: 21, 23 Manion, Dave: 68 Manion, Mr. David: 30, 31 Manning, Ryan: 60 Map of LaSalle, 2040: 119 Markmann, Joe: 60 Marsh, Jason: 68 Marsh, Ryan: 5, 184, 206 Martin, Chris: 60 Martin, Mike: 19, 184, 206 Martin, Roland: 73 Marzella, Brady: 51 Mason, Greg: 68 Massela, Chris: 122. 138, 185, 206 Mathletes: 92 Matsinger, John: 60 Matthews, Chris: 2, 76, 77, 79, 90, 110, 153, 185, 186. 204, 206. 214, 216 Matthews, Marty: 85, 166. 185, 206 Matthews, Steve: 51, 84 Maude, Andrew: 51, 151 Maxwell, Tim: 68 Mayer, Jamie: 51 McAnally, Mark: 51 McAuliffe, Kieran: 68

McCabe, Mr. Bernie: 28, 114 McCabe, Mr. Ed: 28. 29, 114, 152. 153 McCabe us. McCabe: 114 McCafferty, Paul: 68 McCaffrey, Brian: 68 McCaffrey, Mike: 51 McCann, Mark: 51, 148 McCloy, Sam: 68 McClure, Matt: 185, 205. 206, 214 McClure, Morgan: 68 McComb, John: 101, 185, 206 McComb, Ted: 60, 100. 101 McCormac, Jerry: 60 McCusker, John: 60 McDermott, Brian F.: 60 McDermott, Brian M.: 51, 83 McDonald, John: 68 McDonald, Thomas: 51 McDonald, Tim: 60 McDowell, William: 68, 187 McElderry, Ryan: 69 McElvenny, Matt: 51 McFadden, Bill: 51 McGeehan, Kevin: 51, 84, 214 McGill, Brian: 51, 127, 128 McGinley, Pat: 120, 139, 186, 204. 206 McGinnis, Mark: 51 McGoldrick, Jim: 186, 206. 211 McGoldrick, Mark: 51 McGoldrick, Peter: 122. 186, 206 McGovern, Mrs. Diane: 41, 88 McGovern, Brother Hillary: 40 McGowan, Joe: 186 McGowan, Pat: 69, 214 McGuigan, Brian: 60 McKee, Mark: 51 McKeever, John: 69 McKenna, Kevin: 186, 206 McKenzie, Joe: 69 McKeogh, Mr.: 44 McKeown, Will: 69, 215 McLaughlin, Tom: 84, 85, 105, 150, 151. 166. 186,

206. 208 McMahon, Kevin: 69 McManus, Brian: 12, 76, 77, 78, 79, 84, 152, 153, 162, 186. 206. 214, 216 McManus, John: 69 McManus, Joseph: 51 McManus, Tim: 69 McMonagle, Pat: 15, 146, 187, 206. 211 McNamara, Brian: 60 McNamara, Joshua: 51 McNamee, Jim: 51 McNichol, Joe: 52, 122. 125 McNicho!, Kevin: 69 McNichol, Robert: 52, 214 McPhillips, Pat: 150, 151. 156, 187, 207 McQuillen, Ed: 90, 187, 202, 207 Mecke, Quintin: 52, 214 Mediano, Chris: 50 Medvetz, Marc: 136, 187, 207 Mee, Arthur: 52 Meehan, Jack: 188, 207 Meehan, Joe: 62, 65, 69 Mehr, Mrs. Muriel: 34. 35, 37 Melley, Shawn: 60, 134 Mercer, Jim: 69 Merch, Stephen: 60

Now that's Avant Garde. Mercuri, Chris: 52 Micsko, Tim: 60 Miehle, Ed: 98, 104, 144. 153, 154. 188, 202, 204.

207 Mikulski, Bartholomew: 69 Miles, Andrew: 188, 207 Miles, Gary: 69 Miller, James: 60 Miller, Mr. Gerald: 19, 37. 38. 39, 51. 54. 187 Miller, Stephen: 52 Milnazik, Joe: 19, 188 Min, Jeen: 69 Mincarelli, Lou: 76, 177, 188, 204. 205. 206. 207. 208 . 214, 216 Minehart, Jeff: 60 Ministry: 42 Minnich, John: 60, 84, 154 Minsker, Mark: 170, 171. 188 Modzelewski, James: 60, 214 Molinari, Bill: 52, 214 Molush, Mr. Edward: 18, 28. 29, 76. 214 Monaghan, Fran: 189 Monahan, Ed: 189, 205. 207 Mongan, Joe: 189, 207 Mooney, Joe: 146, 147. 189, 207 Morgan, Mark: 69 Morrisroe, Andrew: 4, 60, 214 Morrissey, Brian: 52 Morrissey, Joe: 52, 146, 147 Most Heard/Least Heard: 112 Motley, George: 189, 207 Moyer, Damon: 69 Mrozinski, Brother Charles: 32, 33. 103 Muir, Pete: 6, 190, 196, 207 Mulhern, C.B.: 52, 136 Mullen, Andrew: 52, 150, 151 Mullen, Greg: 69 Mullen, Mrs. Karen: 22, 26 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay: 26, 68. 69. 113, 166 Mullen, Mike: 52 Mullin, Mr. Frank: 43 Mullifaceted Meg: 104 Mulvaney, Glenn: 60 Murdoch, Ms. Alice: 44 Murphy, John: 52, 144. 154. 214 Murphy, Joe: 69 Music Department: 41 Myers, Brother Joseph: 19, 41, 97, 112, 188

Nardone, Mario: 190 Narke, Edward: 60 National Honor Society: 98

Naulty, George: 130, 131. 190 Neary, John: 190, 207 NEDT: 66 Neverosky, Craig: 52, 84, 131 Newdeck, David: 60 Newell, Bill: 190, 207 New Wing Poll: 196 Nguyen, Khoa: 52 Nguyen, Khoi: 60 Nguyen, Vu: 154, 190, 207 Nguyen Van An, Brother Valery: 36. 37 Nichols, Bill: 60, 107 Nicholson, Jim: 139, 190, 207. 214 Nickels, George: 61


Nicoletti, Mr. Geoffrey: 34. 35. 76. 77, 187. 206. 207. 212, 214 Nicolo, James: 69, 215 Nocentino, David: 69 Norris, Chris: 144, 146, 152. 154. 191 Novak, Tim: 191, 195 Nowak, Josh: 52 Nowakowski, Brian: 69 Nugent, John: 61, 84 Nurse: 27 O'Brien, Bernie: 191, 207 O'Brien, Mike F,: 52 O'Brien, Mike J.: 69 O'Brien, Shawn: 52, 152 O'Connell, Mike: 52 O'Donnell, Kevin: 52 O'Donnell, Tim: 69 O'Donnell, Justin: 191, 207 O'Halloran, Pat: 52 O'Hara, Brian: 52, 214 O'Hara, Kevin: 61 O'Hara, Mike F.: 61 O'Hara, Mike J.: 69 O'Malley, David: 61, 146, 147 O'Mara, Mike: 63 O'Meara, Mike: 93, 99, 104, 142. 192, 207, 214 O'Neill, Mark: 1, 52, 94 O'Toole, Mr. Michael: 28. 29, 79, 135, 210 Oberholzer, Chris: 52, 214 Odarchecko, Vladimir: 52 Oh, Peter: 192, 207 O!ender, Kevin: 69, 129 Oliver, Justin: 176, 192, 207 Opening: 6

Ormond, Chad: 69 Orsino, Francis: 52

Peffle, Mr. Bob: 131 Pennington, Jason: 122. 125, 193 Pensabene, Craig: 61, 129 Perfetti, Mario: 61 Pero, Jason: 52 Perry, Bryan: 61 Perry, Chris: 70 Pescatore, Scott: 70 Photo Club: 90 Piano, Jim: 49, 214 Piccione, Mike: 61 Pickard, David: 61 Pico, Chris: 92, 93, 193, 207, 208 Pidlaoan, Lem: 102, 167, 191. 193, 214 Pietsch, Erik: 77, 193, 206. 207 Pigeon, Rob: 52 Pigeon, Tom: 61 Pitone, Mr. Domenic: 44 Plover, Eric: 70 Pluck, John: 53, 125 Poeh!mann, Brian: 53 Political Views Poll: 196 Ponisciak, Mrs. Dorothy: 36. 37, 106. 112. 207 Ponisciak, Mr. Michael: 32, 33 Potter, Jason: 53 Poulopoulus, Manos: 70 Powers, Frank: 10, 193, 207 Pratowski, Ed: 53, 54 Prete, Louis: 61 Prisco, Fran: 15, 100. 101, 194, 207 Procrastination: 72 Proctors: 43 PSAT: 52 Puntel, Mr. Al: 35, 187 Putro, Dave: 194, 207 Quayle, Vice President Dan: 82

Reutlinger, Chris: 70 Ricci, Joseph: 61, 131 Riccio, Mike: 70 Rider, John: 53 Rieck, Brother James: 4. 21, 81. 109 Rimert, Ms. Lorraine: 36. 37, 38, 194 Rinaldi, Joe: 70 Rivera, Matt: 53 Roakes, Brian: 100. 101, 194, 207, 208 Robinson, Andrew: 70 Roccia, Chris: 53 Roche, Mr. James: 32, 92 Rock, Jerry: 122. 124, 194, 207. 211 Rodgers, Jamie: 61 Roeser, Stephen: 70 Roesser, Matt: 70 Rogers, Brother David: 24, 25, 144. 154 Rojas, Ricardo: 53, 136 Roman, Gregory:•53 Romano, George: 61, 214 Romano, Matthew: 53, 125 Romano, Brother Robert: 30, 31 Rooney, Pete: 171, 195, 207 Root, Ken: 82, 195, 207. 211 Rosa, Chris: 194 Roscioli, Frank: 53 Rose, Mike: 61 Rossi, Rinaldo: 61 Rothenbach, Bill: 87, 134. 194, 207 Rothenheber, Eric: 70 Rotondo, Andy: 196, 208 Rotondo, Pat: 61 Ruser, Chris: 84, 106, 148. 152, 153, 170, 171. 196, 208, 214 Russell, Mr. Robert: 36. 37 Russo, John: 53, 142 Ruzzi, Joseph: 53 Ryan, Dan: 61

Sacco, Rich: 102, 196, 208. 214 Sadd/e.Shoed

Bucket O' Squid Osborne, Francis: 61 Owens, Jim: 192, 207 Oyler, Jeff: 192, 204. 207, 215 Pacillio, Steve: 65, 74, 76, 78, 89, 192, 207. 208. 214, 216 Pannepacker, Robert: 61 Panzarella, Tom: 65, 142 Paradise, Mike: 61 Parella, Mike: 76 Parisi, Mr. Joseph: 38. 39, 57. 68. 69. 107. 113, 166 Parmar, Vivek: 70 Parsons, Mike: 70 Particel!i, Robert: 52 Pasquali, Francesco: 70 Pasquali, Raffaele: 61 Patel, Snehal: 63 Paterson, Gerald: 61 Pavarotti, Mr. Luciano: 42 Pearl Harbor Tests: 38

Pesci, Jim: 52

212 i~

Quinn, John: 70 Radvansky, Mr. Joseph: 33, 125 Racquetball: 80 Rafferty, Dave: 70, 83. 214 Rafter, Mike: 194, 207. 208 Ragusa, Tom: 70 Rakowski, Dan: 53 Randazzo, John: 53, 82, 83 Randles, Pat: 53 Randolph, Mike: 70 Rauch, Chris: 170, 171. 194, 207 Reeves, Brian: 70 Regan, Vince: 7, 194, 207, 214 Reilly, Brian: 61 Reilly, Chris: 73 Reilly, Dennis: 70 Reinhardt, Mr. Rob: 36. 37, 44, 112, 150, 151. 156. 203 Religion: 34 Remus, Frank: 61 Renzi, Mike: 61 Repici, David: 61 Retreats: 104

Math Dervish: 32

Saggase, Mark: 63 Salazar, Art: 63 Saldutti, Mike: 55 Salinis, Leonard: 70 Samson, Bryan: 63, 94 Sande\la, Brad: 70 Sandella, Brian: 196, 207. 208 Sanford, Charles: 63 Sanford, Mike: 196, 208 Santoro, Vic: 63 Saracino, Mike: 53 SAT: 178 Sava, Mitchell: 63 Savoy, Mr. Charles: 44 Sayer, Mrs. Susan: 42 Scali, Richard: 59 Scandone, Keith: 70 Scarcelle, Ed: 4, 76. 90, 196, 214 Schaffer, Mike: 63 Schalleur, Chris: 134. 197, 204, 205. 208 Schanne, John: 197, 204. 205. 206. 207. 208 Schaum, Mrs. Patricia: 26 Schlosser, William: 70 Schmidt, Chris A.: 53 Schmidt, Chris C.: 53 Schmidt, Kevin: 53, 122

Libros-Annualis Moderacus: Normall\ docile, but when cornered may becom, irritable and violent. School Attitudes Poll: 188

Schrader, Joe: 63 Schulden, John: 53, 148 Schweii:h, Kevin: 63 Sciascia, Robert: 53 Science: 36 Scola, Pietro: 63 Scully, Kevin: 53, 134. 144. 152, 213 Scutti, Andrew: 53 Secretaries: 26 Sellers, William: 70, 107 Senior Freedoms: 164 Senior Quotes: 204 Senior Week '90: Senioritis: 194 Seniors: 164 Seniors Divider: 162 Seuen-11: 184 Serianni, Bob: 54, 101, 106, 108, 197, 208 Shah, Amol: 63 Shah, Ojas: 63 Shannon, Brian: 53 Shannon, Mike: 197, 209 Shannon, Steve: 100, 197 Sharkey, Hank: 70 Shaw, Ryan: 63 Shea, Brother Robert: 4. 20, 21. 23, 56. 61. 84. 10, 109, 112, 113, 116, 172. 201 Sheahan, Tim: 10, 198, 208 Shelton, Eric: 93, 125, 198, 208 Shepherd, Ronald: 63 Shepherd, Will: 53 Sheridan, Francis: 53 Sheridan, Mike: 70, 142 Shevlin, Matt: 71 Shields, Matt: 71 Shustak, Mrs. Tina: 33 Sigmund, Jim: 53 Sigmund, Joe: 55 Silli, John: 71 Silli, Robert: 55 Silva, Jamie: 63, 214 Sink, Keith: 55 Sinopoli, Mike: 55 Siwinski, James: 63 Ski Club: 94 Skulsky, Darren: 55 Skyrm, Will: 71 Slowick, John: 121, 122. 198, 208 Smith, Chris C.: 71 Smith, Chris D.: 63, 84 Smith, Dave: 93, 148. 198, 208 Smith, Ken: 71 Smith, Kevin A.: 198, 208 Smith, Kevin C.: 71 Smith, Mrs. Mary Jo: 33, 83, 112 Smith, Mike: 71 Snow Days: 60 Soccer: 130 Social Life: 180 Social Studies: 38 Sophomores: 56

Jhomore Perspective: 56 , Darek: 78, 199, 208 ,aring, Will: 55, 122 •cialties: 43 >rts Divider: 120 foger, Chris: 100. 199, 208 1illaro, Chris: 199, 208 Clair, Kevin: 2, 199, 208 ck, James: 71 ck, Tom: 55 ckhouse, Stephen: 63

,ed Candid Shot: 79 fford, Frank: 71 gliano, David: 71 gliano, Rich: 84, 85, 156. 166. 199, 208 nczak, Mr. Marty: 40, 166 nek, Brent: 142. 144. 199, 208 nley, Tom: 200, 208 nton, Rob: 200, 208 rk, Chris; 55 ton, Wade: 71, 107 udmeister, Doug: 12, 76. 78. 82, 83. 98, 110, 200,

208. 214, 216 :k, Brother James: 31, 171 mitz, Mr. John: 44 n, Tom: 63 fanski, Mr. John: 151 .1enson, Mike: 63 .vart, Steve: 7; 200 1mler, Ed: 63 <es, Brian: 84, 200, 208 ms, Tom: 71 ae, Chad: 55 ,eper, Kevin: 170, 171. 200, 208 iibig, Pete: 71 ,ibig, Stephen: 55, 144. 211 •heck er, Stephen: 55 )D: 100

lent Council: 84 lent Council Speech: 115 lent-Teacher Relations Poll: 182 1merill, Frank: 78. 164, 200, 208. 214 1meril!, Jim: 55 ?r, Patrick: 71 nson, Chris: 179, 200, 206. 208 nming: 134 namon, William: 71 ldei, Matt: 20 I g, Joe: 201, 208 gart, Jim: 71 si, Julius: 63 u, William: 71, 84 1pest, Bryan: 71 nis: 136 uta, Albert: 71 atre: 100 me: 2 ?e Minute Shuffle: 54 ,n, Tim: 181, 187, 202, 208. 214 inski, Jeffrey: 55 i Page: 1 1linson, Matt: 71 zelli, Anthony: 63 nambe, Joseph: 63 netta, Keith: 55, 122 res, Carlos: 55, 84, 136. 214 :k. Spring: 144 :k, Winter: 154 gemann, Geoffrey: 63, 129 iner, John: 55, 214 acy, Mike: 63 z, Max: 71 gami, Kosak: 77, 91, 100. 101, 104, 202, 208. 214.

Vandiver, Emory: 63, 129 Varano, Nick: 55 Vaughan, Neil: 73, 202, 208 Vesay, Dan: 63 Vesci, Kevin: 202, 208 Vicario, Dan: 71 Vile, Mike: 55, 84, 95 Vile·Junod, Bill: 50 Vogt, Fred: 55, 89 Volpe, Dave: 202, 208 Volpe, Jerry: 55 Volpe, John: 71 Voss, Erica: 63

Wachowski. Matt: 55 Waerig, Brian: 144. 152, 153, 154. 176, 177, 202, 205. 207. 208 Wa!dowski, Kyle: 71 Walheim, Jon: 55 Walker, John: 55 Wallace, Andrew: 63 Walls, Dan: 55, 147 Ward, Mrs. Florence: 27 Watts, Stephen: 63 Weinrich, Stephen: 55, 187 Weir, Dave: 71 Weiss, J~hn: 134 Welsh, Norman: 63 Wentz, Jerome: 55 Werner, Brother Henry: 42, 104, 105 Wesolowski, Leo: 55 West, Brett: 71 West, Thomas: 63, 83 Weston, Marc: 150, 151. 156. 202, 208 Whitaker, Eugene: 72 White, Jerry: 55, 214 White, John: 55 Wickersham, Jim: 63, 82, 108 Wieckowski, Matt: 63 Wilkin, Mike: 55, 150, 151 Will, Nathan: 72 Williamson, Joe: 55, 151 Wilson, Jim: 202, 208. 214 Wilson, John: 72, 214 Wilson, Tom: 55, 150, 151 Wimmer, Mark: 72, 86, 154 Wimmer, Scott: 55, 84 Windfelder, , Dan: 62, 63, 214 Winters, Jeremy: 72 Wisterian: 78 Wittkamp, William: 63 Wood, Doug: 202, 208 World Wrestling Federation: 92 Wozniak, Rob: I 03, 202, 208 Wrestling: 142 Wright, Matt: 63 Wrzesniewski, Robert: 72 Wyche, Ben: 63

Yatcilla. Stephen: 55 Yearbook: 76 Yost, David: 72 Young, Ryan: 55, 87, 154. 214 Yurick, John: 63

This is not the best way to cheat ...

Zalewski, Joe: 72 Zambrycki, Greg: 72 Zemitis, Eric: 55 Z\upko, Brian: 72 Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nancy: 31, 207 Zoto, Jason: 78, 79, 84, 106, 170, 171. 197, 202, 208 Zuccarello, Joe: 63


o, Lou: 63, 112 , Cliff: 63 ner, Mr. Tom: 38. 39, 65. 107 cano, Mike: 71, 84 ical Student/Typical Teacher: 116 rell, Ryan: 55, 84, 150, 151 y

Ties: 186

{ere/ass Divider: 46 anski, Ronald: 63 :ca; Jim: 71 mtine, Robert; 55 ~rio, Chris: 55 nis, John: 63 I Stone, Mike: 63 '\ 1derslice, Kevin: 71


Who To Blame For T H I S

P U B L I C A T I 0, N

Assistant Editors: Christopher Matthews Frank Summerill Business Editor: Ed Scarcelle Moderators:

Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti Mr. Edward Molush

Copy Staff Joe Beck Nick Caputo George Collins Pat Cunnane Greg Curci Dave Devine Jason Gathman Rich Gheen Chris Goldkamp Kevin Hendrick Sean laquinto Gilbert ldhaw Brian McDonald Matt McClure Jim Nicholson Mike O'Meara Lemuel Pidaoan Chris Ruser Steven Burgo Jack Bush Mark Campbell Sean Hendrick Tony Lee Kevin McGeehan Robert McNichol Quintin Mecke


Bill Molinari John Murphy John Hornick Keith Krelovich John Wilson David Rafferty

Mike Magro Shawn Melley Dan Windfelder Pat McGowan

Photo Staff Nick Caputo Sean laquinto John Cottingham Gus Curtin Kosak Tsugami

Layout Staff Typing Staff Carlos Torres Brian MacDonald John McComb Tim Tilson Brian Bennett Tom Butler Greg Ciaverelli Scott Deltito Marko Jarymovych Mark McAnally Brian O'Hara Jim Piano Jerry White Ryan Young Matt Arbogast Sam Filippi John Hornick

John Cottingham Lem Pidlaoan Vince Regan Jim Burke George Collins Mike Dell' Angelo Giancarlo DiPasquale Matt McClure Ken Root Mike McGeehan Chris Oberholtzer John Trainer Mark Gibbons Jim Modzelewski George Romano Mike Bavuso Jeff Silva


Art Staff Brian Devine Dave Devine


Thanks to:

Mr. Bob Davine and everyone at Herff Jones, for putting up with us. Our families and friends for putting up with us. Mr. Mike Maicher, for when Steve was too busy. Salesianum, for giving us something to strive for. The makers of Glooper Guns, yo-yos, and little styrofoam balls, for hours of entertainment. Mr. Warren Shaedle and RBC, Incorporated, for help with the pretty graphics. The administration, for giving us a constant source of revision.

214 ~


Joe Juliano Rich Sacco Tim Tilson Kosak Tsugami Jim Wilson Drew Morrisroe

... And Thank You F O R Altieri Family and Mrs. Richard J. Arbogast and lily Balshi Family 1ard and Loretta Barbalace 1ie Barton ;i Family and Mrs. John P. Boland eph and Rebecca Bonargo and Ed Bransfield NGRATULATIONS,Marty Breslin e, Mom, Dad, Joe, Chris, Anita, and

,k and Mrs. Jack Bucceri and Mrs. Burgo and Mrs. Leo Burke and Mrs. John M. Bush and Family cher Family and Mrs. Richard Byrnes and Family ,t Wishes Class of 1990 -The Calvan, Family I Caputo Family od Luck from John Francis Ceccola, ISS Of '93 and Mrs. Philip Ciaverelli ,ry and Kathleen Cieplinski and Mrs. James M. Cleary nes T. Corrigan schi Family i Curtin Family nnis and Mary Ann Daley . and Mrs. George DeDominic . and Mrs. Patrick C. Devine . and Mrs. Charles Doloway liam and Deirdre Downs ~ Duffy Family . and Mrs. Gerald Edwards . and Mrs. Thomas Elsasser . and Mrs. Wm. Fahy, Jr. . and Mrs. Gerald Fecher and Sons . and Mrs. John C. Fenningham . and Mrs. James J. Fitzgerald :n and Pat Fitzgerald


S U P P O R "f"

Thomas J. France Douglas Friel Mr. and Mrs. William Frizlen Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Galzerano Mr. and Mrs. David D. Gathman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaul Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Ginieczki Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Giordano Marie and Thomas Goldkamp Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Guagliardo Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Guckert Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haas The Charles S. Hagelin Family Ann and John Haines Pamela Herrera Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hipp Mrs. William Howard Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Juliano The Kearney Family Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keefe The Kent Family Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Kersey Edith and Ernest Koschineg Joe and Mary Lou Kovac Carl J. Kunz Family Maria and Emmanuel Ledakis Dr. and Mrs. Edward Lemanowicz Don Liebsch Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. R. Lopit The Lovgrens Herman and Jane Lutz The Markman Family Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mason Bernie McComb Jack and Bonnie McDonald and Family Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. McDonald William J. McKeown IV The McManus Family

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McMonagle Mr. and Mrs. Austin Meehan Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Miehle Mr. and Mrs. Roland D. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Mongan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Muir Dr. and Mrs. James Nicholson James J. Nicolo Jr. The O'Donnell Family The O'Mearas - '90 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. James J. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. James F. Owens Jeffrey Oyler Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Pacillio Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Rakowski Mr. and Mrs. George Romano, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rotondo The Ruser Family Mr. and Mrs. S.F. Sandella Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scarce lie Mr. and Mrs. Robert Serianni Ed and Rose Shannon and Family The William J. Skyrm Family Ms. Frances J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stagliano Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph E. Stanek Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Staudmeister Spencer Taddei William and Dorothy Tatar Linda and Nick Teti Peg and Art Tilson Robert and Claudia limbo The Trainer Family Kosaku Tsugami The Tulio Family The Tyrrell Family Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walls, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wesolowski Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. West Carter, Peggy, Kirsten, and Ryan Young Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zoto



A few minutes for you, eight or nine months for us and the yearbook's over. We began the year and the book hoping each would be Something Completely Different. Maybe the year didn't quite turn out that way, but we hope the yearbook did. Thank you. the yearbook editors

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