1994 Yearbook

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Table of Contents Theme .................................. 1

Administration •••••••••••••.•••••...•. 16 Seniors ................................. 70 Activities ............................... 92

1994 Blue and Gold La Salle College High School 8605 €heltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19118-1199



Believe It • • •

Or. Else .

r else what? Is that supposed to be a threat from a book? Should one fear this yearbook? Does it possess some great supernatural power to unlock the heavens and spew storms of molten lava upon impudent readers? Are these pages laced with some sort of hallucinogenic substance which will cause its readers to believe, well, just about anything? Believe it. Once again, believe what, oh great bound sage? Believe it. Is this, like, Zen and the Art of Yearbook Buddhism. Believe it. Okay, to play along, we'll believe it. Believe what? Well that's what we just asked you. Believe it. Believe what? Everything that's changed at La Salle? That might be a little much - it's early. Believe it. All right, we'll believe it. We'll believe that they finally built the new wing. That one's not bad this place was getting old and they needed to expand. With it, La Salle has truly begun educating for the twenty-first century. Yes. All that, and all we get is a "yes?" We demand satisfaction. Quid Pro Quo. Believe what? Believe it. Believe that they eliminated the bells? Old news. It was a little tough to stomach, but we got over it. Believe that the school gets out before Memorial Day? Hey, no problem here - if absolute faith exists, then that's how we feel about the


"Jump around, jump around!"

Food makes Drew Middler iss very, very happy.


Believe It •.. Or Else.

Eugene Markiw, after 1 week in school decides it's finally time to look at his schedule.

"Four score and seven years ago..."

school year ending early. Believe that they played a basketball cheer at Mass? OK, you've got us there. If you'd told me a year ago we'd have a full band with a distorted guitar solo at a school liturgy, we probably would have laughed.

You believe? You annoy. But at least I'm getting the idea.

Perhaps. What's that suppose d to mean? Look, we'll even believe that Brother Linus no longer teaches typing. Understand that was painful - come on, cut us a break, and tell us exactly what to believe.

Believe, and enlightenment will come. We believe.

No you don't. What do you want from us? Look, this is all just a little difficult to swallow. You spit it out and we'll believe it.

It will take time. It already has taken time, oh wise and bound one. We want to know, we want to learn, and we're willing to listen . What should we do? Believe it ... or else . ..

Believe It . . . Or Else

want answers. I am not sure you know the questions. Oh yeah, real original. Come on, at least say something clever. Give us knowledge of La Salle.

Yes. Well?

There is a story of a young man who comes to the master and demands to know why he should attend La Salle. The master looks at the boy and says nothing - he merely laughs. 'Why do you laugh?' asks the boy. 'It is because you do not believe.' 'Believe in what?' demands the youth. 'Believe in La Salle.' says the master. Why? La Salle is good, La Salle is the springboard, La Salle is the key. 'Is that all?' asks the boy. 'No, there is one more thing in which you must have faith.' Which is? The master only laughs and replies - 'Believe it. ' Gee, how insightful.

Thank you. Don't you have to pass some sort of test to get your Zen license or something? Aren't there standards for this thing, like a Scholastic Buddhatude Test?

You better believe it. That's it, we give up.

This is because you do not believe. BELIEVE WHA


I tell you: Believe it ... or else. All right, today I have an easy one: what is the sound of one hand clapping?

Not much. That's it -

that's not the right answer. Here,

"Ah, the glare, the glare!" Mr. Leahy informs this "mystery student" that he's not on the class list.

Believe It ..• Or Else.

we even looked it up. You're full of it.

Of what? I can't hear you .

I will instruct and explain. Too late.

Be not so foolish. Listen and do not speak, and perhaps even you may learn. The sound of one hand clapping is nothing compared to the noises of La Salle. The debate in the classrooms. The discussions after school. The grunts on the football field and splashes in the pool. The mumble of the cafeteria and the chatter of the hallways - all speak to us and we are each a part of the speaking. There lies more power than one clap could ever conjure up to clap. All right, that was pretty good .

Yes. Pretty self-assured all-knowing one, aren't we?

Perhaps. OK, what's it mean?

That is for you to discover. Enough with th e sage cliches.

I cannot explain, I can only tell you to believe. I surrender . ..

It is said that the intensity of one student's conquering his algebra homework is perhaps more powerful than every locker in the school being simultaneously slammed. Why do we doubt, great one? Why do we fail?

Manya student has asked, but few have grasped. We'll do our best.

You fail because you do not see, because you do not trust, because you do not believe. Believe what!?

You know, but do not wish to see. You're intolerable and I might say a few spreads short of a deadline.

You might. Some students poke their fries dubiously to make sure they're not still moving. Mr. Molush discusses a new seating arrangement with his freshman English class.

vn Lyons and Tim Fleur what lines are.


Believe It ..• Or Else



young man once walked into the forest seeking knowledge, convinced that somewhere inside, answers could be

found. Then a tree fell on him. We have returned, oh great sage.

Shall I call CNN? What, are you like developing some sort of attitude? ...

Not again, I'm not. I think we have learned many things, wise one.

Good. Would you like to hear about it?

No. Why not?

Tell yourself about it first, then tell the world. You're incorrigible.

And omniscient. And smug. We'll be back.

A girl scout once entered the forest seeking middle-class families to buy her wholesome cookies. She was happy, young, and innocent. A tree fell on her as well. OK, we're "at peace" with ourselves, now will you listen to us?

I will hear you, but you will have to listen. What does that mean?

What does anything mean? You really are full of it.

Perhaps. We journeyed to Wyndmoor, as you said, and saw many wonders. We saw La Salle, which taught us much.

Yes. Yes. There we met and interacted with high school students, and gleaned many things about the nature of their existence.

Such as? First, we learned that eighth free, open gym, "there's no test", moving papers back a day, and mixers are all good. We also saw that pop quizzes, lunch duty, "Report to the Student Affairs Office", and Cheltenham Avenue speed traps are each inherently evil.

How did you learn this? We got a ticket.

Good. Good? We were doing 63 in a school zone! That ticket is going to support the local economy for years.

Yes, you did much. No, we did 63.

You still do not believe. Believe what, the ticket? Not much left to the imagination there. No, foolish one, go back, learn more. Again?

Yes, and this time, you can use my fuzz-buster.

Believe It . . . Or Else.

Brian Croney peers into the dark stygian abyss outside.

Chemistry class admires Mrs. Maher' s unique choice of eyeware.

Believe It • . • Or Else


A .

II right, old man, we're back, and we're ready, today's the day we find out - we think we know.

Know what?

The answer.

The answer to what? Don't be coy with us, Dali Yearbook, because we know. No. No, know. The answer is La Salle.

No, little one, it is not the answ.er. Yes it is, you're just being bitter.

No, La Salle is not the answer. But is the question far more of that question which you purport to already know. Go to La Salle, there you will understand the meaning of our quest. -

What quest?

The quest. The quest to believe. I suppose you're going to tell me to use the


Perhaps later; for now, go to Wyndmoor and open your eyes to the world. I don't believe this.

Believe it ... or else. A priest, a rabbi, and a minister all went into

the forest because that was where they had hit their tee shots. Luckily, the tree missed them. We're back again, and this time no cute wisecracks.

Granted. We really think we're on the track now.

Track? Were you speeding again? No, but we know what to believe.

Splendid. We went to La Salle and understood. No one there believes.

No? No. You should see them in class, they never give up. They just badger their poor instructors with question after question . Compared to La Salle, Guess what I got in my schoolbag! Haha! Go ahead, guess! Look! Lots of pretty pictures and no big words.

Believe It . . . Or Else.



niou5 .•. don't know it . . . Asceti!= . . . don't know it . . . Assiduous . . . don't know it.

,u've got it really easy. Perhaps. They all wal1t to know as well. They do not be:ve their instructors until they are personally satied . Their curiosity is amazing , their minds intiable.

Brian Schaefer, Greg Erb, and Dave Fisher are still waiting for the bus Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

res. And yet they do believe, if not in their instrucrs, in themselves. In their answers, on the soccer ~Id - they all struggle to win and succeed beuse of their belief. La Salle's spirit is amazing, it lIows them everywhere. And what's even more :citing is that the teachers don't attempt to quell In fact, they seem to almost foster it, and somenes even stay past their appointed times to speak I the students and answer their questions. All in I, they're much better than you . Then why do you not transfer . .. ? We're sorry, we could never stay mad at you. How reassuring. Well , how did we do? You are learning, and getting closer with every assing moment. So what do we do ne xt? Go back. I didn 't say you were done.

Believe It •.. Or Else

"Mr. McCabe, you're my hero. " My jokes will seem extra funny after I turn on this gas!

Freshmen Chauncey Morrow and Gilbert Smith attentively wait for sixth period to begin.

Believe It . . . Or Else.

Henry Kim exhibits the essence of a bibliophile. All those magazines and all that walking . ..


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Believe It . . . Or Else

Brother Tim says "What do you mean Notre Dame won't win?"

They're creepy and kooky . . .

Through the looking glass, darkly.

Believe It . . . Or Else

The Monkey.

Hey Tom, I hope he gets my good side.

Believe It . . . Or Else

For many La Salle students, History may seem like learning about a bunch of dead people. All right, truth be told, History is learning about a bunch of dead people. The trick to teaching history therefore is? anyone? Making those people seem alive. After all, history is a lot like religion. We have to accept it on the basis of what others tell us. What you see is what you get. Thus in a way, the history teacher is our spiritual guide through eons and eons of recorded time. As Mr. Gerald Miller might say, "Yeah, right". Mr. Miller isn't our 'spiritual history guru' He's our antagonist, our devil's advocate, and our mental sparring partner. And don't try and deny that you love every minute of it. After all, in what other class is it a prerequisite to speak your mind? See, history is one of those subjects that isn't fixed. What do you mean 'not fixed'? Of course it's fixed. It's the past, done, finished, kaput. What could be more fixed? Wrong. The debate over history never dies, and there's nothing Mr. Miller loves more than pro-


Mr. Miller can read and 1001 up at the same time. Mr. Miller, aka La Salle's an swer to Steven Spielberg.

iding a breeding ground for that debate. Sure, ny history teacher can open a book, lecture, give ote s, and then test you on the material, and hances are, you'll probably learn. But will that be 1teresting? We think not. The real challenge for teacher is not teaching, but making the student ~arn . This might seem like a fine distinction, but ot for Mr. Miller. Don't see what we're driving at? OK, we'll spell out for you : Mr. Miller doesn't teach! How's that for a shocker?

"Who's on firs!?"

Mr. Miller is stunned by a particularly bad answer.

After all, this is supposed to be a dedication; we're supposed to be praising and lauding this man for his ability and right there it says that the man doesn't teach . Well, in this case, it's true, and in this case, it's also a compliment. A compliment? How on earth can this be a compliment? We're attacking this man's credentials and ability! Before you get too excited, let us explain ourselves. Mr. Miller does not teach. He challenges us to learn. That is the test of any great teacher: not to teach, but to create an environment in which the students can truly learn. After all, if a teacher teaches, but doesn't make the class interesting or fun, is there any real learning that takes place? And conversely, if a teacher makes a class interesting and fun, but doesn't teach, is any learning accomplished? Hardly. That's what makes Mr. Miller's classes so special and unique: his ability to combine learning and fun. We're so busy enjoying the class and the discussion that we don't even realize that we're learning. Pretty tricky, huh? Thus, when we say that Mr. Miller doesn't teach, we pay him one of the greatest compliments that a teacher can hope to receive. He has moved beyond being mere 'teacher' and has become mentor, catalyst, referee, and guide all rolled into one. He challenges us to learn not only history, but how that history affects us and those around us. If knowledge is power, then knowledge of the past is the power of the future, and we can't think of anyone better suited to wield that power, the power of knowledge, than Mr. Gerald Miller. So, it is with many thanks to Mr. Miller that the Editors and Staff of the 1994 Blue and Gold dedicate this yearbook to him.

Hey, we're back. Again. This these teachers were great. They is getting kind of annoying, all were funny, they were smart, this running back and forth to they were friendly, they were Wyndmoor. challenging, but NOT obnoxHowdy. ious. Humph. What the heck is that supAnd most of all they actually posed to mean? What, are you like Bronco Buddha? seemed interested in what their No, but I have grokked much students were doing. They from a most fascinating video- stayed after, answered quescassette: Country Line Dancing. tions, sacrificed their lunches. Look, we looked around They didn't nod off when their some more, like you said, and students came looking for help. What? we're almost positive that we're Wake up, old man. on to something really big.

Yes. You betcha - the secret to La Salle is the faculty.

Sort of. What do you mean, sort of? It took us a while to figure this one out.

Sort of. See, that's the problem, right there in a nutshell. Unlike you, La Salle's teachers actually give their students a straight answer.

Then you did not really listen. We didn't listen? We sat through 34 straight periods over there. The others got to have , lunch, head to the library on their free periods, or even go home to sleep, but we stayed.

The buddha is touched. If the buddha doesn't cut it out, he might be smacked.

Yes. Getting back to our report,

I listened. Yes?

You still do not believe. I thought we had gotten off all this belief stuff.

Believe. Can you at least tell us what you think of our teacher report?

You are right - La Salle's teachers are inherently good. Then I was right?

Sort of. Not again

But they are good in you do not believe. I surrender.

They are good like me. Isn't that, like, an oxymoron?

No, they are good because they ... . . . Make one contemplate suicide? ...

Make one think.

Administration Brother Rene Sterner

Brother Kevin Dalmasse

As our current school President, Brother Rene leads a highly visible life, taking part in a little of everything at the school. Most of his energy for school activities is directed towards the La Salle Forum, which he moderates.

Brother Kevin came to La Salle this year to take the place of Brother James. After a few minor brawls with his computer, Brother settled in and got us all to our classes. He's doing an excellent job in his new position.

Mr. David Diehl

Dr. James Devine

Besides being our Principal, Mr. Diehl also doubles as an economics teacher in his free time-just a little hobby he picked up during the building of the new wing.

In his role as VicePresident, Dr. Devine is a valued member of La Salle's administration. In addition to organizing the Open House each year, he may be found subbing a Spanish class in his spare time.

Mr. Martin Stanczak Mr. Stanczak is the most visible member of La Salle's administration. As Dean of Students, not one square foot of the school building goes unnoticed by him. His attention is not merely limited to the school as a whole, however: No member of our administration knows La Salle students better.

Brother Francis Danielski Brother Frank returned this year after eight years away from the school. It seems this omnipresent, omniscient Brother is destined to grace the halls of La Salle at least once a decade. When not fulfilling his role as Assistant Principal, Brother also teaches A.P. European History.

Mr. lawrence Mangan Mr. Mangan is La Salle's Comptroller. To those of you that are now wondering what a 'Comptroller' is, he's the man who deals with most of the financial matters of La Salle and keeps the school in the black.

Brother James Rieck After a brief absence, Brother Jim has returned once again to the post of Director of Admissions. When not out at the local grade schools promoting La Salle, Brother is responsible for deciding who is admitted to La Salle.

Mr. Martin Stanczak: Dean of Students


Mr. David Diehl: Principal; Economics I


Brother Rene Sterner: President

r James Rieck: Director of Admissions; Morality.

Dr. James Devine: Vice President; Cross-Cultural Communications; Spanish.


Kevin Dalmasse: Assistant Principal, Academic Affairs; Morality

lwrence Mangan: Comptroller

Brother Francis Danielski: Assistant Principal, Student Affairs; AP European History; Student Council Moderator.


Board Of Trustees

Back, L to R: Mr. Frank Clary, Brother Frank Danielski F.S.C, Brother john Patzwall F.S.C, Mr. David Diehl, Mr. Lawrence Mangan, Brother Craig Franz F.S.C, Mr. jaml Hasson, Mr. Charles Reilly, Mr. john Schmitt, Brother Kevin Dalmasse F.S.C, Mr. joseph Connelly, Dr. Michael Whitaker; Mr. james Mclaughlin, Sister Mary josephine S.S.j., Brother Michael McGinniss F.S.C, Brother Rene Sterner F.S.C, Brother Robert Schieler F.S.C, Mr. Anton Bauer, Dr. james Devine, Mr. Thomas Lynch, Mr. james Mr. Carl Posse. (Missing from photo: Mr. Martin Whalen, Mr. Frank Ryan, Mr. Edward Patrone, Brother Luke Maher F.S.C, Brother Colman Coogan F.S.C, Mr. Richard Brother Edward Gallagher F.S.C, Mr. john Lombard.)


oone ever knows just what the Board of Trustees is doing. They act with more authority than any other members of the La Sallian community. But what do they do with this authority? They meet regularly, that much is certain. What do they discuss? Certainly they can spend some time debating over which brand of coffee to serve, who gets to sit at the end of the table next to Brother Rene, et cetera ... but what then? The average collection of trustees can only ponder such trivial matters for a limited period of time. The remarkable Board of Trustees at La Salle apparently never tire of working to improve La Salle. They played the crucial role in the building of the new wing-a task which must have left them with many a harrowing

Board of Trustees

headache. But since we know all about the new wing, what else have they accomplished? Everything. The Board of Trustees oversees the smooth operation of anything that may happen at La Salle. They serve the school planning matters of finance, future goals for the school, as well as choosing any new members to the Board. As already mentioned, the Board wields authority over all of La Salle. These Olympian trustees guide the school through all of its decisions, playing the key role in any matters of vital importance. We may not know just what the Board of Trustees is doing with our school all of the time, but the result is clear: the efficient, problem-free operation of La Salle.

Alumni House Mr. Robert McAnespey Mr. McAnespey, the Director of Development, coordinates the development of all aspects of La Salle. From the new computers to the new wing, Mr. McAnespey has had a hand in it all. Mr. Tony Mele Mr. Mele helps Mr. Mangan with the parole, oops, we meant payroll, of the La Salle faculty and staff. He usually ends up staring at numbers and data all day, every day. Mrs. Faye Kasloff Mrs. Kasloff, the other Assistant to the Comptroller, aids Mr. Mangan in most of his work. While she does not focus on one aspect of her job, as Mr. Mele does, she offers help with a broad amount of Mr. Mangan's tasks.

Mrs. Pat Dever Mrs. Dever is the Data Manager of Development and Alumni. This title is a long, general explanation of her job: to do everything. Mrs. Dever seats herself before the entrance of the Alumni House, ready to tackle any problems immediately. Through working at just about everything that needs work, Mrs. Dever keeps this house together. Mrs. Florence Ward Mrs. Ward works as the Capital Campaign Coordinator. Actually, she retired roughly three years ago. She knows so much about running La Salle's Capital Campaign, however, that she was asked back: no one could run the Campaign without her assistance. What better proof of her great importance to our school do you need?

)bert McAnespey: Director of Development.

lorence Ward, Capital Campaign Coordinator, and Mrs. Pat Dever, Data of Development and Alumni


Mr. Tony Mele and Mrs. Faye Kasloff, assistants to the Comptroller.

Alumni House

Guidance Brother William DiPasquale: Brother William is currently in his first year at La Salle as a senior/junior guidance counselor. He has proven to be an integral link in the guidance chain. Brother William also teaches one section of junior English, in which he shares his voluminous knowledge of the English language. He also comoderates the National Honors Society.

Mr. Michael Dolan As head of the Guidance Department at La Salle, Mr. Dolan looks out for every student. Frequently found greeting people in hallways as they pass by, Mr. Dolan takes a sincere, helpful interest in La Salle students and their families. As La Salle's psychologist, he offers assistance to all in need.

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen Mrs. Mullen has been promoted this year to College Guidance Counselor (if you consider being forced to deal with neurotic and confused seniors a promotion). Mrs. Mullen is friendly and helpful, even at 8:15 in the morning, a time when many of us are too tired to speak.

lenging tasks at LaSalle, dealing with freshmen day after day. Whether he is pouring over their test scores, or advising them as they begin their new academic life, Brother Tom always sets his sight on the future of the latest additions to our school.

Mrs. Marie Baer Hidden away in her inconspicuous trailer, Mrs. Baer's vitriolic sarcasm slices through the dank air of her abode. Within that secluded domain, Mrs. Baer inculcates the memorization of myriads of potential S.A.T. words as if the students have nothing better to do with their lives.

Mrs. Bernadette Logan A veritable whirlpool of nervous energy, Mrs. Logan forces even the most perplexed college-bound student to finish his applications on time. If you can manage to graduate, she will find the college of your choice.

Mr. Michael Dolan: Department Chairperson, Counseling.

Dr. Doris Daly Although she technically works for the state of Pennsylvania, Dr. Daly is very much a part of La Salle. She helps students who need to improve their skills, and is always ready to assist anyone who needs help.

Brother Tom Chadwick Brother Tom Chadwick attempts one of the more chal-

Mrs. Marie Baer: Intermediate Unit; SAT tutoring.


Guidance/College Placement

Dr. Doris Daly: Intermediate Unit

vtary Kay Mullen: Junior/Senior Guidance; College Placement.

Brother William DiPasquale: Junior/Senior Guidance; College Placement; English 3.

er Thomas Chadwick: Sophomore Guidance; Study Skills

Mrs. Bernadette logan: College Placement

Student Assistance Program


Mrs. Karen Mullen, Mrs. Patricia Schaum, and Mrs. Anne Ford: Main Office Secretaries

Mrs. Angeline Colangelo: Secretary to the President


Secretaries They Secretly Rule the School he La Salle College High School secretaries serve as the very foundation of our school. Their constant efforts maintain the professional and pleasurable atmosphere of this academic institution. My first step in discovering the task of these important staff members was to question them at their jobs. When asked to provide a personal statement for the yearbook about their work at La Salle, they were as ecstatic as most students when doing homework. I am now one of the honored students to receive the greeting, "Oh no ... He's back." I hope it's nothing personal. After grilling the administration, however, they proved to be of more assistance than they imagined they would be. The main office, home to Mrs. Karen Mullen, Mrs. Patricia Schaum and Mrs. Ann Ford, is the driving force behind La Salle's administration. The "Three Musketeers" keep every one in a jovial mood, making each day more enjoyable. As Mrs. Schaum points out, "the main office is the hub of all the activity [at La Salle]." Everyone must pass through it sometime and these three women make it a point to make everyone feel welcome. Mrs. Ford, receptionist and repair-person, is the al-


lelen Gallagher: Attendance Office Secretary

mighty voice we hear before 8:34 am and 2:46 P.M. summoning us to the main office. Mrs. Mullen, not to be confused with Mrs. Mullen, best summarized her experience at La Salle with her statement: "1 work for Brother Kevin, Brother James and Dr. Devine ... need I say more?" Personally I think she deserves a Purple Heart. One question these women have for the students at La Salle is "How many sisters do you guys really have?" Mrs. Helen Gallagher, of attendance office fame, friend or foe depending upon the reason you enter her domain, keeps track of us throughout our school day. Anyone who can understand what our parents mumble into the answering machine must be truly gifted. After discovering the nature of a La Sallian secretary's work, I am convinced that they playa vital role in keeping the school running smoothly. To the author of this article next year: I have been promised that the main office will prepare their statements in advance over the summer for next year's yearbook article. A word of advice: remind them during the summer because once September comes, as Mr. Wiley puts it, these ladies are in a constant state of motion.


Books, Religion, & First Aid Brother Joe Keough Brother Joe, the able administrator of the Instructional Materials Learning Center (aka the library), can be found burrowing through the new redwood bookshelves or explaining the Dewey Decimal system to an uninformed underclassman (or senior). Brother Joe now has the task of guarding an even bigger room from talkative students.

Mrs. Joanne Ballod Mrs. Ballod offers a friendly concern for students in the quiet, lonely library. She may not come in contact with students often as library secretary, but she still manages to involve herself with students.

Mrs. Jennie Barratt, R.N. If you have ever fallen mysteriously ill, due to a sudden virus or a test you forgot to study

for, you have become acquainted with Mrs. Barratt, our Director of Health Services (that means Nurse). Mrs. Barratt mixes an ideal of professionalism with a concern for the ailing students who enter her door.

Father Georges Theirs Father Georges Thiers plays an important role at La Salle running both school retreats and masses. Father Georges works, more than anyone else at La Salle, to ensure every student realizes the spiritual aspects of his life.

Brother Robert Wilsbach Assisting Brother Joe in the new library this year is Brother Bob. Cheerful, full of energy, and always ready with a joke, Brother Bob can help you find just about any book or magazine, you need.

Mrs. Jennie Barratt: Nurse


• •



Mrs. Joanne Ballod: Assistant Librarian



r Robert Wilsbach: Assistant Librarian Brother Joseph Keough: Librarian

, Georges Thiers: Campus Ministry Mr. Paul Ballard: Athletic Training


Maintenance & Cafeteria Working Guys And French Fries


ot many students here at La Salle think about what happens to all the trash we leave lying all over the place. Well, we of the yearbook staff have made it our goal to find out. During the day, the maintenance staff is highly visible around school. At night, the men who come are slightly more hidden, but their work is more prominent. The following is a sample of what goes on in one day of La Sail ian maintenance. 7 :00 am: A student comes around the corner of the school and sees Bill La Fontaine coming around the corner at 23 mph on his club cart. The student screams hello to him and "Wild Bill" answers with an inaudible but strangely profound greeting.

7 :30 am: Messrs. Hillgrube and Donovan roar past on OLATHESWEEPER. A trail of mulched leaves buries a freshman as they pass. They too give a greeting. 8:00 am: All of the above disappear into their boiler room where they are joined by Guy Cimini, John Steinmetz and Louise Caruso. They sit there for a good part of the day, but they can occasionally be seen outside doing all sorts of jobs (ranging from cleaning up leaves to fixing faculty member's cars). 12:00 pm: By this time of the day, one can find "Wild Bill" in the cafeteria loading his tray with food and talking amiably with the students and faculty. 4:30 pm: A platoon of maintenance staff members

"You can either have the chicken cordon bleu on a bed of asparagus tips, flavc with hollandaise sauce ...or these cheesesteaks."

Cafeteria: Rose DiPinto, Mary Salemno, Marie McFadden, John DiCataldo, Jose Bower, Sue DeStephanis, Ally Yeiten, Ann Savino, Betty Ryan, Diane Farrell, Patty Garv


Cafeteria Workers

suddenly appear, from where we do not know. They start work on cleaning the school, which at this point shows the wear of another busy school day. Too busy cleaning, they have no time for us, so we leave having learned the secret I ife of the maintenance staff. Behind the fortress of cash registers in the cafeteria, an unknown person races across the kitchen. Heat can be felt seeping out of the kitchen. Inside, various women shout instructions to each other over the noise of utensils falling, ovens roaring, students yelling. Just another busy day in the cafeteria. Most students have come in contact with a few of the La Salle cafeteria staff, but few of us have any idea how many people

busily work to get our food ready. What are they like? Do they wisecrack their way through a series of wacky foibles ala "Just the Ten of Us"? Or is an average day in the kitchen more like The Toxic Avenger? Well, most of us simply do not care. We order our food. We pay. We eat. Simple. But it is not simple. For every fry dangling from your hungry, drooling mouth, for every bit of beef stuck to your pant leg ... well, the point is the members of the cafeteria staff do a lot of work to give students their lunches. While you may know the staff members behind the cash registers, many more cafeteria workers you seldom see are just as much a part of your lunch every day.

Mr. Michael Donovan and Mr. John Steinmetz

Mr. Bob Hiligrube, Mr. Guido Cimini and Mr. Bill LaFontaine, La Sallian Educator of the Year


Religion Mr. Francis Johnson Mr. Johnson's peaceful speech can make even the most immoral topic seem acceptable in Morality class. He has an uncanny way of making everything he says seem perfectly clear, and the same would go for what he writes on the board if it weren't for all the Latin he throws into his once-perfect lessons.

Bro. Joseph Myers Knowing "who you are, where you are, and what you have to do" is the point behind Brother Joe's classes. While teaching religion and technical drawing, he teaches more than what is written in the textbook. Brother Joe is someone who Brother Linus would call "a Iiving saint."

Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti "Mr. Nick" has a unique style of teaching, as he often shares captivating stories of his own life and family and relates them to the material he teaches. The life and possible canonization of Padre Pio is one of the favorite topics of this teacher, whose trademark assignment is the journal.

Mr. Patrick Devine As a religion teacher, Mr. Devine instructs seniors on the lifestyles they can choose, while mixing in his experience as a guidance counselor to help with the college process. As

freshmen counselor, he helps the freshmen adjust to life at La Salle. As Cross-Country and Track coach, he leads our runners to become some of the best in the Catholic League.

Mr. Alfred Puntel Mr. Puntel is not only a capable religion teacher, but is also environmentally conscious, as he rides his bike to school almost year-round, braving wind, cold, and those crazy LaSalle drivers. Mr. Puntel also brings his expertise to guide the programs of the Community Service Corps.

Brother Kenneth Cook Brother Ken is one of the quietest brothers here at La Salle, but don't let that appearance fool you. After engaging in a quick conversation with him, you'll be surprised by his largely undiscovered talent for relating with students.

Brother Ernest Miller

Mr. Francis Johnson: Morality, Peace, English 2, Moderatol of Wisterian.

Brother Ernest Miller is one the most recent additions to the La Salle faculty. He is already known, however, for his very challenging classes. Brother Ernest makes his classes fascinating with his wealth of knowledge of many subjects. He concentrates on the fields of history and religion, teaching students the importance of being earnest. If he could just make his classes a little less challenging ...

Brother Joseph Myers: Jesus, Technical Drawing, Moderat( of Bicycle Club.


English Mr. Dennis Bloh Mr. Bloh's sophisticated humor may be too much for some aspiring literature buffs, but his stories about his daughter's first trip to the bathroom go over no one's head. But by the end of every year he has all his students ready to write a book on a moment's notice.

dward McCabe: Department Chairperson; English 1, 4; ant Cross-Country Coach.

loseph D'Angelo: English 2, 4; Hockey Moderator

Mrs. Clare Brown If you ever hear a friendly "Hiya!" as you pass down the hall, you can be certain it is the voice of Mrs. Clare Brown. In addition to displaying her unique wardrobe, she expands and strengthens her students' appreciation of Iiterature. Dr. Joseph D'Angelo "Doc" is one of those teachers who is interested in what the students enjoy. From -baseball trivia to Clytemnestra's sleeping around when her husband is away, Doc keeps the students' interest. Not only will you hear Doc's boyhood stories but you will also pick up a little Italian. Doc may not boast about being the best, but at least he will admit that "Prometheus Bound" is about as interesting as shaving. Mr. Bernard McCabe Bringing novel interpretations into the study of Iiterature, Mr. Bernie McCabe (1) claims that his "paraphrasing" is what the author really intended to say, and (2) insists he taught the "lesser one" everything he knows. Just make sure you tell

him when he's made a mistake, otherwise he'll combine books and start talking about MacBeowulf. Mr. Edward McCabe Mr. Edward McCabe is known by seniors for his unequaled impersonation of "Prometheus Bound" on his desk. You will rarely see him bound for long, however, and you had best protect yourself if you say something that is "too damn vague." Mr. Edward Molush After years of teaching juniors and seniors, Mr. Molush gave up seniors this year for freshmen. When he's not picking obscure references out of literature or preparing to give another one of his infamous "passage" tests, he'll regale you with stories of his baseball experiences ("I pitched against Larry Andersen"). Just make sure you're ready for the one week when he goes to Florida with his Haverford College baseball team Mr. Michael O'Toole Whether it has to do with creative puns or weird, obscure knowledge, such as the names of all 12 of the Greek mythological Titans or etymological sources, Mr. O'Toole knows everything, and won't let you forget it. His wit and great sense of humor truly make Mr. 0' Toole one special A.P. English Friend.

Dennis Bloh: English 3, 4; Wrestling Moderator.


Languages Mr. Gabriel Blanco Senor Blanco is the able mentalist of the language department (You are getting very sleepy). Senor will make sure you understand-and obey-his every word in Spanish or English, even if he must hypnotize you first. It is important that you follow the Language Department Chairperson's commands, for he has strange mental abilitiesStep aside Kreskin.

Mr. Nicholas Coggins "Quien es el estudiante nuevo?" (Who is the new student?) It's actually Spanish teacher Nicholas Coggins, so if you assaulted him thinking he was a frosh, you may find yourself in trouble. Despite his youthful appearance, Mr. Coggins is an able and dedicated instructor.

Mrs. Linda Donahue Mrs. Donahue, known by her students as "Senora, " is the epitome of the challenging, but caring, teacher. Through her trilingual abilities, Mrs. Donahue strives to make her students more competent in their respective languages by making them think in that language instead of English.

Mr. Geiger has many responsibilities at La Salle; the only things left for him to do are answer the phones and do the windows.

Mr. George Hohenleitner Mr. Hohenleitner is a devoted member of the Language Department who brings Christianity to all his classes. He is an exemplary educator who makes us reevaluate our view of Germans (most of which we developed watching Hogan's Heroes). Mr. Hohenleitner extends his devotion to teaching well beyond 2:45 as the moderator of CSC's Operation Incentive.

Mr. Nicholas Coggins: Spanish 1, 2; Basketball Moderator; Co-moderator of Intramurals.

Mr. David Manion The ever-calm Mr. Manion is not upset that he doesn't have all of his classes in the new wing. And his steadfast attention to detail ensures his students will parlez Franc;ais tres bien.

Brother Bob Romano Hermano Romano's unique methods of "beating" the day's Spanish lesson into the heads of his attentive and eager pupils give meaning to the term "Spanish for the brain dead." Brother Bob has the astonishing ability to give LaSalle students the gift Spanish literacy

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch: Spanish 3, 3(H), French 1.

Mr. William Geiger It's an Engl ish teacher. No, it's a science teacher. No, wait, it's a yearbook moderator. Actually, it's only Mr. Geiger. Yes, he is found teaching three types of classes but he can also be found taking pictures with the photo club or trying to tell a good joke in the yearbook office.

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch Mrs. Zoeltsch is a dedicated Spanish and French teacher as well as the comoderator of the BSU-MCC.

Brother Robert Romano: Spanish 2, 2(H), 3(H); Senior Class Moderator, Senior Counselor.


Foriegn language

lilliam Geiger: latin 1, 2; Ecology; English 3; Yearbook rator.

Mrs. linda Donahue: Spanish 1, 2, AP; Assistant Moderator of Dramatics.

;abriel Blanco: language Chairperson; Spanish 3, 4, 5; lmore Class Moderator.

Mr. David Manion: French 2, 3, 5, AP.

Mr. George Hohenleitner: German 1, 2, 3, AP; Religion 2.

Foriegn language

Mr. John Grace: Social Studies Chairperson; World Cultures; AP American History; Assistant Moderator of Dramatics.

Mr. Joseph Colistra: Economics 1, AP; Western Civilization; American History; Football coach.

Brother Tim Ahern: Western Civilization, American History, Civil War, Moderator of Men of La Salle.

Mr. Thomas Turner: World Cultures, Western Civilization; Director of Summer Camp.


Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald: Western Civilization, American History.

History always open to debate. With who other than this aegis of progressive thought can you discuss everything from the long awaited demise of the Reagan Era to the best jazz clubs in the city?

Bro. Timothy Ahern After a stint on the D.L. this fall, there is some question as to whether B.T. will be able to continue his Ocean City volleyball career. Back in the classroom, he's a teacher who demands your best effort. As a baseball coach, he provides encouragement and instruction when needed. ;erald Miller: Vietnam, Political Science, American Histo)Otball Moderator; Freshman Baseball Coach.

Mr. Joseph Colistra Mr. Colistra often calls upon his own theories to prove a point. He doesn't mind if you eat in his class, as long as you brought something for him. Throughout the year, his students probably spend more time in the library doing research than in his class, so they know the marble columns and staircases of the Logan Library too well. Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald Mr. Fitzgerald is a new addition to the social studies department. In the past two years, he was the admissions director and basketball coach; this year he begins as a full-time teacher. His new and exciting methods of teaching are a welcome change.

[)seph Parisi: World Cultures, Psychology, Head Base:oach, Athletic Director.

Mr. Marty Jackson Mr. Jackson is equally enthusiastic in the classroom as he is at courtside. He gets the optimum effort out of his students and athletes with his unique way of motivation: do it or else!

Mr. John Grace Every student at La Salle has heard the many cliches used to describe J.J.G.'s unique classes. Mr. Grace, an American History expert, best teaches the concept of independence through his liberating classes, always open to debate. With who other than this aegis of progressive thought can you discuss everything from the long History expert, best teaches the concept of independence through his liberating classes,

Mr. Gerald Miller Mr. Miller has had a very lucky year. He survived the transferral of his Time Magazines to the new building and he had a yearbook dedicated to him. Mr. Miller's classes are always interesting, though he sometimes uses them as a forum to brag about his computer and about the history LaSalle is making by finally educating for the twentyfirst century. Mr. Joseph Parisi After years of waiting, Mr. Parisi finally got his own office this year. Not surprisingly, he has used it to better promote our athletic teams, through news of current teams and information about alumni who now toil in the professional ranks. Mr. Thomas Turner Mr. Turner, the original "T" (despite a certain gym teacher's claim) is an experienced member of the social studies department. He brings knowledge of the distant past to many underclassmen (some of whom have trouble remembering what they did yesterday).

"""""". . .0::;;:::

lartin Jackson: Psychology; Language Specialist; Head tball Coach, Golf Coach.


Mathematics Ms. Maureen Dugan She teaches her math classes with every student in mind, making certain that each one learns. It is Ms. Dugan's concern for each individual student that ensures success for her entire class.

Brother Tom Dunn As long as you can manage to avoid getting on Brother Tom's nerves, he'll leave you alone and allow you to learn. Otherwise, you may find yourself either talking to Brother Frank or carrying on a conversation with a doorknob.

he will make sure you know how to get it "right." He will teach you what you need to know and tell you that if you don't quite get it, it's "nothing big deal."

Mr. James Roche Even Euclid couldn't solve every equation and Einstein couldn't memorize the multiplication tables, but if you have ever watched Mr. Roche teach, you will doubt that he suffers such shortcomings. He will stare at the board for a few brief moments and a lightning-like stream of numbers will soon flow from his chalk.

Ms. Tina Shustack Mr. John Frizalone Mr. Friz returned from his one-year "sabbatical" refreshed and with renewed energy in all his classes (as if he needed it). He leads freshmen through the perils of Algebra I and seniors through Math Analysis I and II.

Mrs. Theresa Garvin One of the newest additions to the LaSalle faculty, Mrs. Garvin has secured her place here in this, her second year. Whether teaching a math class or providing musical accompaniment for mass, Mrs. Garvin brings new energy to our school.

Mr. Joseph Radvansky Mr. Rad wi II let you try to correct your own mistakes again and again. He may give you a week-long test, but he

Every day in Ms. Shustack's class brings with it new challenges. Ms. Shustack may leave you alone, muttering incoherent half-sentences or she may offer you yet another seemingly impossible, cruelly torturous math problem on the dreaded chalkboard. But somehow, after a year of problems deSigned to twist your brain in knots, you realize you actually understand math.

Mr. James Roche: Department Chairperson; Algebra 1 (H), Calculus; AP Calculus AB, Be.

Mrs. Mary Jo Smith Mrs. Smith is a dedicated member of LaSalle's teaching staff. After convincing her reluctant students to actually learn complex geometric and algebraic formulas, Mrs. Smith is more than qualified to assist the Forensics team in making their speeches more persuasive.

Mr. John Frizalone: Math Analysis 1, 2; Algebra 1, 2.



'her Thomas Dunn: Algebra 2, Geometry, Geometry with ; Moderator of Crew.

Tina Shustack: Geometry, Algebra 1 Y, Geometry with Trig, istics, Math Analysis 1, 2; C.S.c. Moderator.

Mrs. Theresa Garvin: Algebra 1, Geometry.

;. Mar,y Jo Smith: Algebra 1, 2Y, 2(H), Analytic Geometry, urn Assistant Coach.

Mr. Joseph Radvansky: Algebra 2, 2(H), Math Analysis 1, 2; Trigonometry, Calculus.

Ms. Maureen Dugan: Algebra 2, Geometry, Math Analysis.



Mrs. Linda Canobbio: Biology, Human Anatomy.

Mr. Robert Russell: Programming 1, 2; AP Computer Science; Physics; AP Physics; Computer Club and Ski Club Moderator.

Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak: Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Moderator of S.A.D.D. Mr. Thomas Barna: Physical Science, Chemistry.

Mr. Terence Gillespie: Physical Science, Biology.


Mr. Gary Wiley: Physics; Co-moderator of Intramurals.


Li Be

p S


K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co 1



Mr. Thomas Barna


Rb Sr Y Zr NbMo Te Ru Rh

Ba La HI Ta W' Re Os Ir

t:r Tm Yb iNo

• ~erald

Evans: AP Biology, Biology, Ecology.

Lorraine Rimert: Electricity 1, 2; Audio-Visual

Science So what if he went to the Prep? This new La Sail ian is quickly learning to handle our school. His helpful way of explaining labs beforehand makes it seem like vinegar and baking soda are being mixed during every lab.

Mr. Robert Russell

It's Friday and you just want to get out of school. You, and the rest of the class, stare at a board full of mathematical equations and statements, some that you recognize (+, -, =), some that you don't (sin, cos, n) and some that even you don't think belong (Ll,L,(I,,1t,Il, a picture of a Mrs. Linda Canobbio Just as seconds tick bumblebee). Mrs. Linda Canobbio, by to the end of class, Mr. our lab-coated biology instructor, Russell is about to finish the brings life to life. When she delicate equation and suddenly writes on the overhead it may go You're about to you understand. over your head, but you always joy (well, almost) scream for learn in the end. when Mr. Russell looks quizzically at the board and anMr. Gerald Evans nounces, "Oops. Sorry, that's Mr. Evans, "Opie," is wrong." another red-headed (mostly) All in a day of Physics biology teacher. He always has class. time to answer a question, even if it is slightly off the subject. Mr. Mr. Gary Wiley Evans is an able instuctor as long Affectionately known to as you don't need your grades as "Wiley Coyote," his students before the end of the marking Mr. Wiley is our physics teacher period. extraodinaire, well, when his experiments work. Mr. Wiley Mrs. Julia Maher also helms the newly revitalized Mrs. Maher's personality intramurals program with is as bubbly and active as one of youthfu I energy. her demonstrations. She is the only faculty member who can keep a class wide awake during first period, with the exception of the first period pool class, who must contend with 30 Q water.

Mrs.Dorothy Ponisciak Not only does this chemistry wiz know everything about her subject, she has it memorized ("The atomic mass of beryllium is 9.01," she may state, without a periodic table in sight.). Mrs. P. also maintains a high ethical standard--"But, why won't you tell us how to make nitroglycerin?" Her reactive style of teaching forces students to learn it all, even Redox (well, maybe) .

Mrs. lorraine Rimert As of this year, Mrs. Rimert dwells in the subterranian, mechanical world of the Audio-Visual Center. Once you find her, she will put her expanded resources to use, assisting you with her unparalleled electrical knowledge.

Mr. Terrence Gillespie Mr. Gillespie brings dedication to his classes not found in many teaches. Once the youngest and strongest of our science teachers, he now has that Wiley to contend with.

. Julia Maher: Department Chairperson; Chemistry.


General Studies Mr. William Leahy

Mr. Peter Sigmund

Mr. Leahy represents the youth becoming a vital part of the LaSalle faculty over the last few years. His enthusiastic approach to religion and business is enjoyable, if you're an Orioles fan.

Computer and accounting teacher extraordinaire, Mr. Sig brings life to his classes. Whether it's his friend's sporting goods store or how baseball cards parallel the stock market, "It's always a pleasure."

Mrs. Diane McGovern You are in art class, painting your masterpiece, thinking, "This is why they invented paint and paper." But then you hear, "Now what am I looking at?" You explain to Mrs. McGovern, "Well. .. it's a box .... " "Oh, really?" she asks rhetorically, adding, "Are you sure you wanted to use that color?" You then know that this will not be a simple box.

Mr. Tore Hanssen Play fair or "You'll be gone!" from 1's world of gym. Mr. Hanssen makes gym fun while not pressuring any of the less athletic (nerds?) among us.

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro: It's not easy to be Mr. c.'s wife, or to brave the horrors of health. Mrs. c., our nurse/ health teacher, has taken on these challenges at the same time.

Mr. Frank Lichtner Mr. Lichtner may not pronounce your name right or actually enter the pool, yet he has the incredible ability to coax anyone into the Arctic waters of the pool without weapons. In addition, he has helped to guide the Swim Team to five consecutive Catholic League Championships.

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro: The long-time stalwart of the music department, Mr 'C' prowls the band room corridor in search of freshmen who might join the band. Mr. 'C' is also a virtuoso of all the woodwinds. No wonder our music depart-

Mr. Peter Sigmund: Computer literacy, Computer Applicatio Accounting; Crew Coach.

ment wins so many awards!

Mrs. Diane McGovern: Art 1, 2, 3; Art History; Moderator of Art Club.

Mr. William Leahy: Christian Action, Business; Lacrosse Coach.

General Studies

Mr. Frank Lichtner: Aquatics 1, 2, 3; Swim Coach

Janice Ciccimaro: Health; Nurse

Joseph Ciccimaro: Department Chairperson; Music, Instrultal Instruction, Jazz.

Mr. Tore Hanssen: Physical Education 1, 2, 3; Tennis Coach.

General Studies

erclassmen Seniors in Training Toodles, your ominscience.

Oh, it's just you. Expecting someone a bit more important?

Oh, just slightly. Whom, may I ask?

An aboriginal tribal demigod. Oh yeah, which one? The god of tornadoes and early morning bedsores. Tasty. Why are you here? Just stopping by to see how you were. I am so flattered. Well, the La Salle people definitely have a leg up on you. Do they now? Yeah, because there, they aren't annoyed when the younger ones speak up. How silly. No, it's not. Now the seniors-that's the eldersthey're obviously the center of

everything, but that doesn't mean the underclassmen get spurned. In fact, the little guys are essential to making the place go. In fact, they can do everything the older ones can, some things even better.

I fail to believe you. Wait a moment, you mean YOU DON'T BELIEVE? Now who's the guru?

Mere semantics. Isn't it all? Quiet, you are unworthy of such proclamations. Well, who thundered in your cornflakes? Fine, you still don't believe. What? Where does that come from? I can be difficult as well. You're just being bitter. No, this is clearly sour. Tasteless.

Freshman Looks at La Salle Deciding which high school to go tois a hard decision for free period and get a snack. .. an eighth-grader to make. There are many schools to <:hoose Many students also like the teachers at LaSalle. They an from .. Freshmen .choose LaSalle for many reasons: the faculty, derstanding and good teachers, affording students difft the sports, the after school activities, and the fre.edom. appro(lcnes to education than they might have. had in g Most students choose LaSalle High School because it has a. school. From many experiences so. far,itse~msthaf the fl degree of freedom which is more like that of a college than or men getalong with the teachers very well. The teacher a highschool. If a student has a free period or lunch, he <:an very relaxed with the students and in returri,the .student~ .do almost anything he wants as long as he stays on campus. relaxed. The .teachers joke arol.Jnd with the students and The student can choose between studying in the IibraryoLthe language is more informaL than students mightbeused t, study center, writing a report in the computer lab, talking outLa Salle. offers students many ()pportunities .todo .what side, or playing basketball. He doesn't have to tell a teacher enjoy doing. For students who like riding and repairingb where he is going and he doesn't need to get a pass from a for example, the Bicycle Club would. bebf interest to tl teacher. He can sit at any table during lunchand leave when- Other clubs and activities, including the sportsprogram,w ever he wants. If he wants, he can go to the cafeteria during a appeal to. a broad number of stud~nts.


Andrew Becht


Patrick Casey

,::.::) F,rank Check6v

r '1





One of the first things a La Salle student learns to master: thehackysack shuffle.

,. ndan Dolan

4J. )ames'Donnelly


Patrick Dowling

. Richard Doyle


Andrew. Duncan


lichael Heim


ene Hughes, IV


Philip .Hughes, III


1atthew Kelly



Nicholas Klohe

Michael Labosky

Thomas Lamprecht

Mark Lapera

Christopher Lare

Kevin Lasky


Christopher Lavin

Thomas luft


Matthew. Maloney


Chris McBryan

J Rya~ '


. . ~be, f.O"' 0o" ~h.'h..'.'hey.done with




m, I,p,\',woml And who "thl,M..".BN<onl "

. .a. McM.enami



Sean Quinn


,Christopher' Sc



,\ Jose Rodriguez ,






"No"No; I' don't ,thi~l<you understand;路 What you've written is


ulh~ goatco:n~~ ~t mid~ight.,

L.. Paul '"Taboga

TheAllernativeLilestyles of La .Sallianec:lucators Hav~ y.ou ever w0nderedhpvvYou~ tead)crswould be mak~ inga livirig.if not atLa SaUc? Oidyou cverponderwhatwould giv~ them greater joy than working at LaSalle? We,themembersof your highly thoughtful yearbookstaff,Jid, and ollrseJeetions are as follows: . . I3rothe[JimAhern:Pro Beach Volleyball. OK, .50 this one ~as . too easy.He'd bea ellithero, decked out in.offici~1 Notre Oarlle .... shorts, tank top anusandals, cheered. on by the chant of "~T, B:T;, B\T.II '. .. M:r. Bloh: lawyer . his first opposition would be the W.W.F., which he would prove to be all fake.· :Mi;Radvansky: h6sto( the nc.vv TVgambshowi.'No\hif)g Big ~Deal/rtheobjectotwhich is. togCtmorequestions "Right" .•····than:your opponent . .

:&1;: Stanczak:. fashion ~~oordinator for.GQ (need we say m0rc?).

and Gardens;'; .. Mr. Wiley: niovie star. rFree Wiley") or cartoonfigure(V\ Coyote). . . Ms. )Dugan: replacement for Conan O'Brien on N.U.C. Brother Rene: star of "Captair! Kangaroo': the High Sci Years." . . . . . Mr. Bernie McCabe: shopping-r l1 all Santa, of course. Who is so full of the Christmas spirit aiL the time? Brother Tom Dunn: bounty .hunter (the Equalizer,haha!) Mr. Sigmund:. Coffee Bean Shop manager (at least that's he said). Brother Joe Keough: librarian (or prison guard);



Dr. 0' Angelo: baseball (OmqlCntator or cfJIurnnist.

Mr.O'Toolc: hosto(Maste~piecc Theater. " ;M'r.Lichtner: nleteorologi~t .. Who cJseis always wron~ .abOL!l .. te,fllperatures? . .•. . . '.' .' Mr. Coggins: undcrcovercop in a high school (if he. isn' >Brother loeMyers:lanclscaping (oJisultant to "Betler IIome5 . r('ady).

NichQlas Calvanese

. .• . . .• ,A.,. . ..

" . •.••....• ..•...


54' .




Jeffrey Cesari

--- --- ---

luis .Falcon

--- -" -

-" -

..A1 Daniel Fay"


David Fein


Whyare there seniors in thesophomore section? Well, they're



) Sean McEriE

Patrick McGinley


Thomas McGoldrick

Matthew McGrath

Andr.ew Morell Jim Gorman discov.ers thathiscollege.applicatio~s were


due three days ago.

ltthew Mullen

Patrick Mullen



William Newhart

, Mike O'Chmanski



Paul O'Hara

Kenneth Orange ···,·····'1

Joseph Palmieri

Senor Blan.coto Brian. Meehan: "You don't have to tell me; I already know;"


Luke Punch


Mark Rawson

Christopher Reynolds

Dan Rogan

. Ian Ruegg

I ~an


Dennis Murphy

Jeff Murphy

.til Patrick Murray


Curtis New

Pat O'Connor smiles his best "I-really-hate~you-but-have-to-be-nice-to-you" smile.


eph Rakowski

Frank Rio


Robert Ripp Jr.

IrZ •

Aidan Robinsori


Matthew Rossi


Joseph Saltarelli

Joseph Santangelo

, & iristopher Winters

Gregory, Zebik

.'1/ Joseph Zeccardi

Zachary Zoeltsch


Jason Shepliard

junior's not available for photo's: Kevin Barger Mike Burak Brian Collins , Mike Dooley Joseph Falasco Nick Ferrino Mike Gisondi MikeKilroy Brian Kirkpatrick Matt McMonigle Mike McNamee Mike Petruso "c. Sean Siotterback

Students in chemistry lab diligently continue working even though the, lights went out.


~ ..• ..~ ..


But Do They Believe?


hy do you get to choose? Why do I get to

loose what? Why do you get to choose ho believes and who doesn't?

Why not? No, that just doesn't cut it.

So? So! You've been sitting there )rmenting me, all because I anted to impress. Then I epped outside the system and !alized you had no right to lord lis knowledge, this wisdom, lis whatever, over me.

Would you like a sticker? No, I just want my freedom.

Come on, I suppose you're oing to tell me that the "Man" why you show up every few ages. Hey, now you're learning ...

. . . Which I hope pertains in some minor way to La

~ least ~lIe?

Well, I suppose it does. They ave this seniority thing as well.

Oh do they? Yeah, for some reasons still nclear to me, the older stu-

dents get their way over the younger ones.

How so? They get first dibs at lunch and can be louder in the hallways.

Whoopee. Well, I guess it's a bit more subtle than usual. I'll use small words and try not to confuse you.

There are some who are punished for their insolence. Oooh, don't send me to the dungeon.

Does La Salle have a dungeon? Nope, just lunch duty.

How weak. Well, I don't know, I felt frisky after this last visit.

So why do you still submit; have you been thinking about that? Uh, I suppose so .

Because I know why you do. And?

It is because, though you may not know it, you believe. Cool ...

Yes it is.

Michael P. Amerman

Paul A. Amicone

Michael P. Amerman: "There are three things which are real: God, human folly and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension, so we must do what we can with the third."-J.F.K. Band 1; Crew 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3; Swimming 1,2,3,4. Paul A. Amicone: "Forget your lust for the rich man's gold ... all that you need is in your soul. .. and be a simple kind of man."-Lynyrd Skynyrd Band 1, 2; Baseball (Manager) 2; Bicycle Club 1, 2; C.s.c. 2, 3; Dramatics 1,2,3,4. Brian J. Andrusko: "Never give up, never give in." Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Track and Field 3. Timothy D. Baer: "If you can't be a tree, be the best bush you can be."-Travis Spalding M.C.C. 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Soccer 1,2,3; Student Council 1, 2, 4.

Christopher E. Ballod




J. Bavuso


J. Andrusko

Christopher E. Ballod:

Timothy D. Baer

Band 2, 3,4.

Matthew J. Bavuso: "They say hard work never hurt anybody, bL figure why take the chance."-Ronald Reagan Crew 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4. William T. Bell: "Some of the worst mistakes in my life have bee haircuts."-Jim Morrison Art Club 2; Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1. Gabriel L. Bevilacqua: "The Purple Sage opened his mouth and moved his tongue and so spake to them and said: The Earthquak and the Heavens rattle; the beasts of nature flock together and thE nations of men flock apart; volcanoes usher up heat while elsew~ water becomes ice and melts; and then on other days it just rains Indeed do many things come to pass."-Lord Omar Khayaam Ravenhurst, K.S.C. Band 2, 3,4; Dramatics 3, 4; Forensics 1,2,3,4 (Officer); Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Mathletes 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Soccer 1; Tenr 2,3,4; Yearbook 2, 3(Editor), 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4.

William T. Bell

Gabriel l. Bevilacqua

Steven R. Blasi

Albert J. Boehmler

even R. Blasi: "No matter what you do, never give up. Never )p."-Michael Renzi '92, 1991 Spring Track S.c. 1,2,3,4; Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; ,H.5. 3, 4; S.AD.D. 1; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 3.

Kevin Bracken

Fabian N. Bonanni

Chris G. Brady: "Almond Joy has rich milk chocolate, Mounds don't." Football 1, 2, 3, 4.

James M. Brighters: "To become a champion, fight another round." Cross-Country 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 2, 3, 4.

bert J. Boehmler: "Silence isn't golden when I'm holding it ;ide." S.c. 2, 3,4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 3.

Vincent R. Brigidi: "It's not what you know, it's who you know."

bian N. Bonanni: "A fool uttereth all he knows."

Daniel D. Burkey: "Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gate~ of the temple of science are written the words: Ye must have faith. It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with."--Max Planck Intramurals 3; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor-i n-Chief).

nd 3, 4; Cross-Country 1,2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Scholastic , 1,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4.

vin Bracken: "Perfect freedom is reserved for the man who lives his own work and in that work does what he wants to do."-R. G. lIingwood ;eball 1,2; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3,4; 10iastic "L" 1, 2, 3; Wisterian 4; Spirit Club 2; Tennis 3.

Chris G. Brady

James M. Brighters

Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 4; Scholastic "L" 1.

Vincent R. Brigidi

Daniel D. Burkey


Roger T. Burns: Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,3,4; Spirit Club 1, 2,3,4.

Robert C. Bustard: "Catch that magic moment, do it right here and now, it means everything."-Van Halen Band 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1 ; Intramurals 1,2,4.

Roger T. Burns

Robert C. Bustard James S. Butcher: "And it's true we are immune, when fact is fiction and TV, reality."-U2 Crew 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4.

Brendan M. Campbell: "It's the Irish intellect, no one disrespect it."-House of Pain CS.C 1; Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3.

Brendan M. Campbell

James S. Butcher Brian J. Carmody: "Certainly the game is rigged. Don't let that stop; if you don't play you can't win."-Lazarus Long Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3,4; Mathletes 1; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 2.

Thomas J. Carroll: "Where are we going? We'll find out when we get there." CS.C 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; Track and Field 1.

Thomas J. Carroll

Brian J. Carmody David A. Cevallos: "Sometimes I feel like a nut. Sometimes I don't." Crew 1; Football 1 ,2, 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1 , 2,4; Lacrosse 2,3,4 (Captain).

John R. Chambers: "And these children that you spit on as they try to change their lives are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they are going through." Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1; Wisterian 3; Student Council 1 ; Yearbook 3.

David A. Cevallos

John R. Chambers


J. Ciasullo: "I suddenly realized that high school had prepared me for the real world. I was ready to discover and achieve greatness. I knew what my teachers were trying to tell me ... then I woke up." Art Club 1,2; CS.C 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Photo Club 1; Wisterian 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2. Chris

J. Ciavarelli: "The more we work, the more we may; It makes no difference to our pay."-Unknown Baseball 1,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4.



J. Ciasullo


J. Ciavarelli

Robert J. Clements: "If you don't believe in yourself, then no one will ever believe in you." Band 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 3, 4; Wrestling 1; Science Club 4; S.A.DD. 4; Wisterian 4.

Edward W. Colfer: "He only lives, who living enjoys life."Menandek Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3,4; Yearbook 3, 4. Robert

J. Clements

Edward W. Colfer

J. Colucci: "Common sense ... lt's not always so common." Baseball 1, 2, 3,4; Football 1, 2; Hockey 1, 2, 3.


Michael A. Connell: "I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see

one, but I can tell you anyhow, I'd rather see one than be one." Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Track and Field 1. Frank

J. Colucci

Michael A. Connell Christian B. Cooper: "It's not that life is too short, it's that you're

dead for so long." Art Club 3; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; S.ADD. 3, 4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4.

Michael P. Creedon: "How many times can a man turn his head and

pretend that he just doesn't see."-Bob Dylan Art Club 2; Band 1; CS.C 1,2,4; Football 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; S.A.DD. 1,4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4. Christian B. Cooper

Michael P. Creedon



James A. Crouthamel

Gregory P. Cunningham

James A. Crouthamel: "Above all, perhaps, the image of a need greater than hunger or sex or thirst, a need to leave a thumbprint somewhere on the world. A need for immortality, and by admitting it, the knowing that one has carefully inscribed one's name on a cake of ice on a hot July day."-Arthur Miller C.s.c. 1, 2, 3,4 (Officer); Intramurals 3, 4; N.H.5. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; Soccer 1; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4.

Gregory P. Cunningham: "The old believe everything, the middleaged suspect everything, the young know everything."-Oscar Wilde Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1; Soccer 1.

Jeffrey A. Cywinski: "Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." Football 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 3,4; Track and Field 2.

Jeffrey A. Cywinski

Jonathan M. Dager

Joshua M. Daymont: "High school is a lot like life, just not as re;: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mathletes 1; Wrestling 1,2,3,4 (Captain). Alfred H. Devincent: "Everyone has to believe in something ... 1 believe I'll have another. .. another Non-Alcoholic Beverage." Art Club 3; Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Wrestling 1.

James F. Dezzi: "If defeats were sex, I'd be a virgin."-BDK Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4. Paul D. Diaz: "If Fred Flintstone knew that the big order of ribs v going to tip his car over, why did he order them at the end of eac show?" -Barney Rubble Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jonathan M. Dager: "It hurt real bad."-John Bobbitt Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1; Swimming 1; Wrestling 2,3,4 (Captain).

Joshua M. Daymont



Alfred H. Devincent

James F. Dezzi

Paul D. Diaz

Anthony J. DiFeo

Thomas F. DiGati

Paul G. Dinella

Christopher A. Divito

thony J. DiFeo: "No matter what accomplishments you achieve,

Paul J. Dolan: "Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not,

nebody helps you."-Althea Gibson Jb 4.

but we will all be judged by only one thing-the result."-Vince Lombardi Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mathletes 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4.

Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Art

)mas F. DiGati: "And when your deepest thoughts are broken, ~p

on dreamin' boy cause when you stop dreamin' it's time to ."-Blind Melon ;eball 3; Crew 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4, WisWire 4; Spirit Club L

II G. Dinella: "The scorpion answered, 'I'm sorry I stung you it's : my nature,' ... and everything emptying into white."-Cat Stevens ,eball 1; Basketball 1; Football 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Wisterian 1,4 (Editor); Soccer 1.

Stephen F. Duncheskie: 'If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it."-Save the dolphins C.s.c. 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2; Spirit Club 3; Student Council 3 (Officer), 4(Class president); Swimming 1, 2, 3 (Captain), 4 (Captain).

Robert S. Duszak: "If we weren't crazy, we'd all be insane."-Jimmy

"istopher A. Divito: "1 used to be a little boy ... Thanks Mom &

Buffett Crew 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2; Band 1, 2; N.H.S. 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4.

ok." .c. 1, 2, 3; Crew 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Lacrosse 2.

Timothy J. Erb: "Who can ask more of a man than to give all within his span? For giving all, it seems to me, is not too far from victory."John Wooden Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Soccer 1; Spirit Club 2,3; Student Council 1, 2.

Paul J. Dolan

Stephen F. Duncheskie

Timothy J. Erb

Robert S. Duszak



John F. Eriksen: "There are winners and losers so don't fallon the

wrong side of the line." Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jeffrey C. Fegley: "I came into this world, not chiefly to make this a

good place to live in, but to live in it, be it good or bad."-Henry David Thoreau Band 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 3, 4; N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2, 3; Swimming 1, 2, 3,4. John F. Eriksen


c. Fegley

Francis M. Felice: "You must love something. Whether that be a

person, object, or activity, love it with all your heart. Only then can devotion come naturally." Art Club 2; C.S.c. 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Photo Club 2; Scholastic "L" 2; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4.

Brian T. Fisher: "My life suffocates, planting seeds of hate."-

Metallica Crew 1, 2. Francis M. Felice

Brian T. Fisher Thomas J. Fithian: "Nothin' much to say I guess, just the same as all the rest, Been tryin' to throw my arms around the world."-U2 Bicycle Club 1; C.S.c. 1,2, 3,4; Crew 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4.

Timothy M. Fluehr: "A cantaloupe is bigger than a lampshade and

you can't use a doorknob as a toaster." Soccer 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 4; Track and Field 1, 2; Bicycle Club 1, 2, 4; Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 3. Thomas J. Fithian

Timothy M. Fluehr Terrence E. Foster: "I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail." Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Thomas J. Fullerton: Hockey 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; C.s.c.

4. Terrence E. Foster

Thomas J. Fullerton

Timothy M. Gannon: "My ambition is to win more than anyone else. It makes you feel good to know you've accomplished what no one else has."-Jack Nicklaus Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross-Country 3, 4; Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Mathletes 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4 (President); Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 2, 3; Yearbook 4.

Michael S. Gaspero: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Timothy M. Gannon

Michael S. Gaspero Telly Giouzelis: "This is the end my only friend, the end."-The Doors Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; N.H.S. 3, 4; Photo Club 1, 2, 3; Scholastic "L" 1.

Kevin J. Gordon: "The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions."-Confucius Crew 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Telly Giouzelis

Kevin J. Gordon James A. Gorman: "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."-Holden Caulfield Baseball 1,2,3; C.s.c. 1,2,3,4; Football 1,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3, 4; N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3,4; Wisterian 1, 2, 3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4 (Captain).

Brendan R. Gray: "Too much of everything is just enough." Football 1; Crew 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; C.S.c. 2; Fishing Club 3, 4. James A. Gorman

Brendan R. Gray Thomas I. Grebis: "If we weren't all crazy, we would go insane."Jimmy Buffett Crew 2; Football 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Frank J. Grosso: "Italian pride is what I got, and I got a lot so don't dispute it."-House of Pain , Football 1, 2, 3,4; Baseball 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4. Thomas I. Grebis

Frank J. Grosso

Karl J. Haas

Philip E. Guidi

Philip E. Guidi: "Ask good Macduff and Donalbain, so many good ideas are slain by those who would not step out of line. But if I have my way tonight and chances are I think I might, I'll turn those sour minds to grapes of wine!"-Primus Crew 2,3,4; Forensics 1,2. Karl J. Haas: "There is power here. The voice of the wind, the spirit of the wolf, the presence of gods." Band 2, 3,4; Intramurals 3, 4. Timothy R. Hagan: "Those people who tell you not to take chances, they are missing on what life is about. You only live once, so take hold of the chance, don't end up like others the same song and dance."-Metallica Crew 1 , 2, 3, 4. J. Dean Hangey: "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."Vince Lombardi Basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Jonathan l. Hanson



William J. Hartman

Timothy R. Hagan

J. Dean Hangey

Jonathan l. Hanson: "And these are the last words I have to say always hard to say goodbye. But now it's time to put this book a Ain't that the story of my life."-Billy Joel Football 1; Forensics 3, 4. William J. Hartman: "I guess he must of got caught, his innocen lost, I wonder where he is? I miss Billy the Kid." Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4. Jaffrey Hasan: "You're only young once, but you can be immatl forever." -Larry Andersen M.C.C. 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3,4; SAD.D. 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Student Council 2; Tra( and Field 2, 3,4; Yearbook 3, 4. Joseph A. Hayes: Samuel 17: 32-38 Bicycle Club 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jaffrey Hasan

Joseph A. Hayes

Robert B. Hendrick

Chris E. Holwick

ert B. Hendrick: "The principal mark of genius is not perfection xiginality, the opening of new frontiers."-John F. Kennedy =.2,3,4; Crew 1,2; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Football (Manager) 1; nsics 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4. s E. Holwick: "I've conquered my past. My future is here at last. ld at the entrance to a new world I can see. The ruins to the of me will soon have lost sight of me. Love rescue me."-U2 v 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 3,4; Track and Field 2, 3. nas G. Hooper: "To do anything you want to do, that is most )rtant. To always trust yourself, to test your limits. That is the age to succeed."-Bernard Edmonds I 1, 2; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1. am M. Houston: "It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to pt anything but the best, you very often get it."-W. Somerset 5ham :Ie Club 1; Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; N.H.5. 3,4; Scho, "L" 1, 2, 3, 4.

Steven R. Idhaw

Raymond T. Jackson

Thomas G. Hooper

William M. Houston

Steven R. Idhaw: "In each of our little stories we try to teach a lesson or point a little moral-things like Mother taught: Walk softly and carry a big stick ... Strike first, ask questions after-that sort of thing."A. Hitchcock Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 3, 4. Raymond T. Jackson: "I made it! I'm outta here! Peace!" M.C.C. 1,2,3,4 (President); Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Asst. Editor); Gazebo 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Joseph P. Jacobs: "You reek offudgsicles."-Chris Peterson Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Michael S. Jacobsen: "Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life." Intramurals 1,2,3,4; SAD.D. 4; Wisterian 1,4

Joseph P. Jacobs

Michael S. Jacobsen.



Borys A. Jarymovych: "Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."-B. Frankl in Intramurals 1, 2, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

James R. Johnston: "I'll never unlearn all the facts I've learned ... 1 sat in their choirs and my synapses burned ... The torture of chalk dust collects on my tongue ... Can't this wait 'til I'm old? Can't I live while I'm young?"-Phish Hockey 2, 3, 4. Borys A. Jarymovych

James R. Johnston Richard H. Jones: "I ain't askin' nobody for nothin' if I can't get it on my own. If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this longhaired country boy alone."-Charlie Daniels

Robert D. Kelly: "The columns of a building should be like the strong curvaceous thighs of a woman." Art Club 2, 3,4; Band 2; Basketball 2; Crew 1, 2, 3; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Forensics 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Photo Club 2, 4; Scholastic ilL" 1,2,3; Wisterian 2, 3; Soccer 2; Spirit Club 1,2,3; Tennis 2,3; Track and Field 2. Richard H. Jones

Robert D. Kelly. Jeffrey D. Kemm: "There are those who are born scared, afraid and not willing to show some sack or guts. We ate those people for breakfast." Baseball 1; C.s.c. 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4.

Kenneth M. Kerr: "God only knows, God makes his plan. The information's unavailable to the mortal man. We work our jobs, collect our pay, believe we're gliding down the highway, when in fact we're slip slid in' away."-Paul Simon Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4. Kenneth M. Kerr

Jeffrey D. Kemm Peter Kichula: "Now you know and knowing is half the battle."G.!. Joe Crew 1; Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Track and Field 3.

Philip J. Kiernan: "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first then seek to win." Band 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1. Peter Kichula

Philip J. Kiernan

Paul R. Kleschick: "It is chiefly through your actions that your faith should shine forth."-St. John Baptist de La Salle Band 1, 2, 3, 4; CS.C 1,2,3,4 (President); N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2, 3; Spirit Club 2,3.

Kevin P. Kline: "We grow neither better nor worse as we get old, but more like ourselves."-Mary Lamberton Becker Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3,4. Kevin P. Kline

Paul R. Kleschick: Tamas Knecht: "Life is a game that you have to play, so don't get angry cause life is worth the wait."--Tamas Knecht Band 3; Crew 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photo Club 2.

Wayne R. Kobylinski: "I may take one step forward and two steps back, but I get to where I want to go, because I was headed in the wrong direction to begin with." Band 1,2,3,4; CS.C 1,2,3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4. Tamas Knecht Steven c. Kumpf: "Run, rabbit, run. Dig that hole, catch the sun. When at last your work is done, don't sit down it's time to dig another one." Band 3, 4; Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2.

Ryan D. Lanahan: "How do you know where I'm at when you haven't been where I've been? Understand where I'm coming from?"-Cypress Hill Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Steven C. Kumpf Joshua W. Lane: "The man who can drive himself further, once the affair gets painful, is the man who will win."-Roger Bannister Band 1, 2, 3,4; C.s.C 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic "L" 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3,4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 3.

Eric T. Lapinski: "I may be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride./I-Grateful Dead Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.DD. 1, 2, 3, 4. Joshua W. Lane



Daniel D. Larkin

Brian T. Lasky

Joseph Lasorsa

Kevin R. Latchford

Daniel D. Larkin: "Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Bicycle Club 1,2,3,4; C.s.c. 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 3, 4; Wrestling 1.

Allen B. Lee: "Life sucks. All you can do is kick butt and do th~ you can and keep both feet in reality." Band 3, 4; C.s.c. 1, 2; Cross-Country 1; Football 3, 4; Intramura 2,3,4.

Brian T. Lasky: "I've been to one end of this galaxy and back, I've seen many strange things, But nothing I've ever seen will make me believe that there is some all-powerful force!"-Capt. Han Solo Cross-Country 2,3,4; Track and Field 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 3, 4 (Editor); Fishing Club 3, 4; Band 1, 2; Basketball 1; WisWire 4 (Founder, Editor).

Gary J. Lelli: "The time has come to be gone, although we've d a thousand times, it's time to ramble on."-Led Zeppelin Golf 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.5. 3,4; SAD. Scholastic "L" 2, 3; Wisterian 1; Soccer 1, 2; Spirit Club 3, 4; Stl Council 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2.

Joseph Lasorsa: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."-Michael Evans Football 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; SAD.D. Spirit Club 3; Wrestling 1. Kevin R. Latchford: "Short hair, long hair, what's the difference if the head's blown off?" Scholastic "L" 1; Soccer 1,2; Wrestling 1,2,3,4 (Captain).

Allen B. Lee

Gary J. Lelli


Chris E. Liebtag: "God made all men, but Smith and Wesson m them equal!!!" Cross-Country 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Stephen M. Lochetto: "The greatest joy in nature is the absenc man." Intramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Photo Club 2; Scholastic "L" 3, 4; Wisterian 3, 4; Yearbook 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse (Manager) 3, 4.

Chris E. Liebtag

Stephen M. Lochetto

Brett M. Lofgren

c. Todd Lofgren

t M. Lofgren: "I feel no pain dear mother now, but oh, I am so

o take me to a tavern and leave me there to die."-Kurt

Vincent M. Lorusso

Barry C. Lopoten

John D. Lottier: "I was going to take my little nephew to Disneyland,

) 3, 4.

but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh, no," I said, "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down, he thought it was a pretty good joke."-Jack Handey Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2; Student Council 3, 4.

odd Lofgren: "Now each generation you've got to choose a new

Matthew J. Lyon: "Whistling in the dark will not bring on the

tion, got to reach out, got to sync up, build up, get up, to a 1ger foundation."-Midnight Oil ~ball 1, 2; C.S.c. 3, 4; Cross-Country 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; .S. 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2, 3,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4.

light."-Bernie McCabe Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Crew 1, 2; Intramurals 1; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4.

negut ~balll,

2, 3, 4; Football 1,2, 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit

Shawn M. lyons: "On the plains of hesitation lie the blackened

"Respect everyone-Fear no one." ~ball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

bones of countless millions, who, at the dawn of victory, lied down to rest, and in resting died." Football 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4.

:ent M. Lorusso: "You've got to give it your all, 'cause that's all

Ian T. Mackintosh: "The men who try to do something and fail, are

you've gOL"-Jody Mac ent Council 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; ball 1; Track and Field 1; Basketball 2; S.A.D.D. 3, 4.

infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed." Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 3, 4.


c. Lopoten:

Matthew J. lyon



Paul N. Maida: "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."-Jonas Salk, M.D. Basketball 1, 2; CS.C 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; N.H.S. 3,4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Student Council 1,2; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain).

Frank X. Markey: "There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval."-George Santayana Cross-Country 1, 2, 3,4; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4. Paul N. Maida

Frank X. Markey John E. Markowski: "You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever." -Larry Andersen Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Cross-Country 2; Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 3, 4 (Vice-president); Scholastic "L" 1, 2,3; Track aod Field 3, 4.

Robert D. Masucci: "Refuse to lose, and then winning becomes easy."-B.J.S.C Football 1, 2; Hockey 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. John E. Markowski

Robert D. Masucci Brian C. Matthews: "Live each day as if you were painting a MASTER-PEACE!" Crew 1, 2; Cross-Country 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1,2, 3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4 (President); Lacrosse 3, 4.

Kevin D. McAllister: "Everything to excess, to enjoy the flavor of life take big bites. Moderation is for monks."-Lazarus Long Football 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4. Brian C. Matthews

Kevin D. McAllister Robert J. McCarry: "Some people laugh, others need an explanation."-Denis Leary C.s.C 1, 2, 3, 4 (Officer); Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mathletes 2; Photo Club 2, 3; Yearbook 3, 4.

Karl T. McCool: "

I have nothing to say and I am saying it and that is

poetry."--John Cage Wisterian 3, 4 (Editor); Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor).

Karl T. McCool

Robert J. McCarry


Michael J. McCourt: "I'm easy like Sunday Morning."-Lionel Richie Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4.

Richard J. McCracken: "I shall finish the game."-Billy the Kid Art Club 1; Intramurals 2. Michael J. McCourt


J. McCracken

F. Patrick McDonald: "Today is gone. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. Every day, from here to there, we'll be partying everywhere!"-Dr. Seuss Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2,4.

Michael J. McFadden: "My hands are steady, my steps are quick and light, and I hold firm to what I feel is right, like a Rock!" Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Michael J. McFadden

F. Patrick McDonald Michael P. McGovern: "Be true to thine own self."-William Shakespeare C.s.c. 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Spirit Club 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain).


Boyd Mcilvaine: "Going where the winds don'tblow so strange, maybe out on some high cold mountain range, I lost one round but the prize wasn't anything, I'm back in the pack with more of the same:"-Hunter/Garcia Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1.

J. Boyd Mcilvaine

Michael P. McGovern

John V. McKee: "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."Theodore Roosevelt Crew 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Spirit Club 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 3, 4; Renaissance Club 3. Thomas J. Mclaughlin: "When the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name, He marks, not that you won or lost, but how you played the game." Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; N.H.5. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4.

John V. McKee

Thomas J. Mclaughlin



Michael E. McMonagle

Brian D. Meehan

James A. Meehan

Saurin M. Mehta

Michael E. McMonagle: "Sickness will surely take the mind where minds can't usually go. Come on the amazing journey and learn all you should know."-The Who Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Brian J. Merritt: "You must learn the way of the Force, Luke."-~ Wan Kenobi Football (Manager) 2, 3,4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 2.

Brian D. Meehan: "The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender."-Vince Lombardi C.s.c. 1,2,3,4; Football 1 ,2, 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; S.A.D.D. 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 3; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 2, 3,4.

Roman T. Miazga: "You can be what they made you into, or you make your own luck." Crew 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3.

James A. Meehan: "Irish pride is what I got, I got a lot so don't dispute it."-House of Pain Football 1 , 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4; C.s.c. 3,4. Saurin M. Mehta: "Be easy, man! The easy man lives to eat the best dinners."-T.S. Eliot C.s.c. 2, 4; Cross-Country 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,4; N.H.5. 3,4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Tennis 2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2.

Brian J. Merritt

Roman T. Miazga


Kyle S. Miller: "Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime, w take the best, forget the rest and someday we'll find these are the of times."-Styx H.T. Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" Christopher Monahan: "Leaves are falling all around, time I was my way, Thanks to you, I'm much obliged, such a pleasant stay." R.P, J.P. Hockey 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Spirit Club 1.

Kyle S. Miller

Christopher Monahan

Joseph P. Muldowney

Martin J. Mulligan

;eph P. Muldowney: "When a man puts a limit on what he will , he has put a limit on what he can do./I =w 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4. lrtin J. Mulligan: "Only G.O.D. is a king to me, and if G.O.D. is in ~ then a king I'll be."-Run DMC ;.C 4; Football 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 2, 3,4; dent Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3,

lin J. Mullin: "Irish pride ain't just another nationality, it's having ry and dignity./I-Everlast amurals 1, 2, 3,4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4.

II G. Mullin: "Dream the same dream every night, I see our !dom in my sight./I-Metallica .C 4; Cross-Country 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Track and d 4.

Kevin J. Mullin

Paul G. Mullin

Thomas J. Mulvey: "I wanna be as big as a mountain, I wanna fly as high as the sun, I wanna know what the rent's like in heaven, I wanna know where the river goes./I-Stone Temple Pilots Basketball 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3,4. Scott M. Murphy: "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; gain a fe\t\ pounds, and they'll laugh at you./I C.s.C 3,4; Crew 2; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4. William J. Mydlowec: "One thing alone I charge you. As you live, believe in life! Always human beings will live and progress to greater, broader and fuller life. The only possible death is to lose belief in this truth simply because the great end comes slowly, because time is long."--W.E.B. DuBois Forensics 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mathletes 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Science Club 1,2,3A (President); Scholastic "L/I 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 2, 3, 4 (Editor-in-Chief). Steven A. Nazari: "The grass ain't greener, the wine ain't sweeter, on either side of the hill./I-GD.

Thomas J. Mulvey.

Scott M. Murphy

William J. Mydlowec

Steven A. Nazari:



Thomas P. Northrop: "If I get home before daylight, I just might sleep tonight."-Grateful Dead Baseball 1; Football 1; Intramurals 1 , 2, 3, 4.

Brendan H. O'Hanlon: "This is the end, the only end my friends." Hockey 1,2. Brendan H. O'Hanlon

Thomas P. Northrop Brendan J. O'Malley: "You can get much further with a kind word and a gun, than you can with a kind word alone."-AI Capone Crew 1,2,3,4; Football 1 ,2, 3,4; Intramurals 1,3,4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Track and Field 1.

Brendan M. O'Neill: "We Irish, we're not tough, we're just crazy."Sean Penn Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross-Country 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3,4. Brendan J. O'Malley

Brendan M. O'Neill Bandele Oyefule: "0 dara lati pe ju ki a ku."

Amir J. Palmer: "Some people see things the way they are and ask why. I see things the way they could be and ask why not."-R.F.K. M.C.C. 3,4; Wrestling 3, 4. Amir

Bandele Oyefule



Matthew F. Palombaro: "We look before and after and pine for what is not; our sincerest laughter with some pain is fraught; life's sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.. .. "-Shelley Band 1, 2; Bicycle Club 1; Football 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4.

Andrew A. Paolone:"There is another world, there is a better world, there must be, Goodbye."--The Smiths Football 1. Matthew F. Palombaro



Andrew A. Paolone

Andrew K. Parry: "A friendship sadly lost...well, this is true, and yet,

it's fal se." -Morrissey Art Club 1; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; C.s.c. 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 4.

Amish R. Patel: "Things cannot always go your way. Learn to accept

in silence the minor aggravations, cultivate the gift of taciturnity and consume your own smoke with an extra draught of hard work, so that those about you may not be annoyed with the dust and soot of your complaints."-Sir William Osler M.C.C. 1; C.s.c. 1; Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; S.ADD. 1,2, 3,4; Soccer 3; Track and Field 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 1. Amish R. Patel

Andrew K. Parry


Christopher Paul: "To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite; To forgive wrongs darker than death or night; To defy power, which seems omnipotent; To love, and bear; To hope till Hope creates from its own wreck the thing it contemplates; Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent; This, like thy glory Titan, is to be good, great, and joyous, beautiful and free; This is alone Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory."Shelley Band 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Forensics 1, 2, 3,4; Hockey 1; Intramurals 1, 3; N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; Wisterian 2; Yearbook 2,3,4. Robert S. Peffle: "A person should not believe in an -ism, he should

believe in himself."-Ferris Bueller Baseball 1; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4.

J. Christopher Paul

Robert S. Peffle Michael P. Pelham: "Many dreams come true, and some have a

silver lining, I live for my dream, and a pocket full of gold."-Led Zeppelin Baseball 1; Basketball 1; Crew 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1.

J. Pellegrino: "Nothing makes you more productive than the last minute." Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Frank

Michael P. Pelham




J. Perfetti: "Keep your eye on the doughnut and not on the hole." Band 2, 3,4; Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor); Wisterian 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4(Council).


Joseph A. Perillo: "Being lost is never a matter of not knowing where

you are; it is a matter of not knowing where you aren't - and I don't care at all where I am not."-The Giant Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 3; Spirit Club 3, 4; Wrestling 1,2,4. Marco J. Perfetti

Joseph A. Perillo


Frank J. Petka

Brian B. Piskai

Frank J. Petka: "It can and Will BE DONE." Hockey 1,2, 3, 4; N.H.5. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2.

Brian B. Piskai:"Many dreams come true, and some have silver linings. I live for my dream and a pocket full of gold."-Led Zeppelin Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; C.s.c. 1, 2; Fishing Club 3. Stephen M. Ponisciak: "It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it goes ... And summer [is] gone."-A. Bartlett Giamatti Baseball (Manager) 1, 2, 3, 4; C.s.c. 1, 2 (Officer); 3; Football (Statistician) 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 3, 4; Mathletes 2,3,4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Photo Club 1,2; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 1,2,3,4 (Editor); Yearbook 1,2,3 (Editor), 4 (Editor).

Stephen M. Ponisciak

Daniel P. Pritchard

Donald M. Quinn: "The opponent has only one purpose in life, to beat."-Peter Nolan Baseball 1 , 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Intramurals 1,2,3 Richard J. Ravasco: "Be bold and courageous. When you look bac on your life you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the or you did."-Marty Blum Art Club 1, 2; Bicycle Club 3; M.C.C. 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, . 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3,4. Daniel A. Rendine: "There's two things you gotta remember in lifE Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut."Robert DeNiro Cross-Country 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; N.H.5. 3,4; Schol tic "L" 1,2; Tennis 1,2,3; Track and Field 1.

Christopher A. Roat: "Our care should be not so much to live ioI as to live wei I. "-Seneca C.s.c. 3, 4; N.H.5. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4.

Daniel P. Pritchard: "Was I just Educated?" Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2, 3,4; Track and Field 1.

Richard J. Ravasco

Donald M. Quinn



Daniel A. Rendine

Christopher A. Roat

Brian P. Romano

Peter A. Rossi

n P. Romano: "If I am to win, I must not stop just now ... 1 must ) on, one quick move at a time. If I can work on and not lose e, I will learn." C. 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 1; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; it Club 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Track Field 1, 2. !r A. Rossi: "A nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat."-Eric de Club 1, 2, 4; Dramatics 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 4. ~rt

H. A. Salvador: "To dream the impossible dream; to fight the foe; to bear the unbearable sorrow; to run where the e do not go; to write the unwritable wrong; to love pure and ;te from afar; to try when your arms are too weary; to reach the !achable star ... This is my quest, the Impossible Dream!"-Miguel :ervantes :Iub 1, 2, 3,4; M.C.C. 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Photo Club =nnis 1, 2, 3, 4.

Richard J. Sands

Albert H. A. Salvador

Jason M. Santini: "Today is the greatest day I've ever known, can't wait for tomorrow."-Smashing Pumpkins Band 1; C.s.c. 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2; Spirit Club 3; Swimming 1,2,3,4. lawrence M. Santucci: "The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." Band 1, 2, 3,4. Michael J. Scali: "Nothing can bring you peace, but the triumph of principles."-Emerson Football 1; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4.


Michael J. Scarcelle: "If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it."Jonathan Winters Band 1,2,3,4 (Officer); C.S.c. 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 3; Yearbook 3.

ard J. Sands: "When asked to write a quote and you have ing to write, you must babble to waste space and talk about the It La Sallian Experience, but where are the girls?" :11, 2, 3, 4; Bicycle Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Soccer lager) 3.

Jason M. Santini

lawrence M. Santucc

Michael J. Scali

Michael J. Scarcelle



Chris L. Schill: "What's the purpose of running 8 miles and ending up in the same spot?" Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2; Track and Field 1,2, 3,4; Yearbook 3, 4.

Robert W. Schnepp: "Whenever a child is born, no matter to what parents or under what circumstances, the potentiality of the human race is born again."-James Agee Band 1,2, 3,4; Dramatics 3, 4; Football 3,4; Mathletes 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; Track and Field 1,2, 3,4. Chris L. Schill

Robert W. Schnepp Brian L. Schorn: "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, then it's still fun." Bicycle Club 1; Forensics 1,2; Hockey 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4.

Brian J. Scully: "AII that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."-Edgar Allan Poe Art Club 1; Baseball (Manager) 1, 2, 3, 4; C.s.c. 3; Football 2; Forensics 3; Wisterian 3; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4. Brian J. Scully

Brian L. Schorn Timothy S. Semen: "The light at the end of the tunnel may be the headlight of an oncoming train." Scholastic "L" 1; Wisterian 2, 3,4; Yearbook 3, 4; Lacrosse (Manager) 2,3,4.

Daniel E. Shilkitus:"The man who lies asleep will never waken fame, and his desire and all his life drift past him like a dream, and the traces of his memory fade from time like smoke in air, or ripples on a stream." Forensics 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mathletes 3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Photo Club 2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 3, 4. Daniel E. Shilkitus

Timothy S. Semen Andrew M. Shoturma: "Fear is at the root of man's destruction of himself. Without fear there is no blame. Without blame there is no conflict. Without conflict there is no destruction."-Funkadelic Band 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2.

Mark H. Sigmund: /fA lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye, looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature." Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Crew 1, 2; Hockey 4; Intramurals 3; Student Council 4; Wrestling 1. Andrew M. Shoturma


Mark H. Sigmund

William M. SiIIi: "I am dying to live."-James Metfield Track and Field 1,2, 3.

Brian F. Smith: "Jump to the jam, boogie woogie jam slam."--US 3 Football 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Brian F. Smith

William M. Silli Timothy J. Smith: "How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?"-Bob Dylan Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3; Scholastic "L" 1, 2; Tennis 3, 4.

Matthew R. Stack: "Not all those who wonder are lost." Hockey 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Matthew R. Stack

Timothy J. Smith Daniel Stasiorowski: Lacrosse 2, 3,4.

Brian V. Sutcliffe: "When I die there's going to be bullets and gunsmoke." Hockey 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Brian V. Sutcliffe

Daniel Stasiorowski Brian D.Sweeney: "Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel." Band 1,2; Gazebo 3, 4; C.S.c. 3, 4 (Vice-president); Yearbook 4; Film Club 4.

Scott M. Szewczak: "If first you don't succeed, keep suckin' till you do succeed."-Curly Joe Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4.

Brian D.Sweeney

Scott M. Szewczak

Michael W. Tantala

James V. Tate

Daniel V. Trojecki

Robert J. Truitt

Michael W. Tantala: "Grate'-ful: Adj. 1. Appreciative of benefits

Brian R. Tull: "We are an intelligent species and the use of our

received, thankful 2. Expressing gratitude. 3. Affording pleasure or comfort; agreeing; satisfying: from Latin "gratus/' pleasing, favorable."-Webster's Dictionary Band 1,2,3,4; C.s.c. 1,2,3,4; Forensics 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2, 3; Wisterian 3; Yearbook 3.

intelligence quite properly gives us pleasure. In this respect the is like a muscle. When it is in use we feel very good. Understan is joyous."-Carl Sagan Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.5. 3,4; Sch tic "L" 1,2,3; Track and Field 1, 2; Lacrosse 2,3,4.

James V. Tate: "These are days to remember. Never before and never

Andrew J. Turner: "If a man hasn't discovered something that h die for, he isn't fit to live."-Martin Luther King Jr. Football 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.5. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3; Scholastic "L" 1, 2.

since, I promise, will the whole world be warm as this."-10,OOO Maniacs Band 1, 2, 3; C.s.c. 2; Cross-Country 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Swimming 1,2,3,4. Daniel V. Trojecki: "Kill em' all, let God sort 'em out."

Drew Vagnoni: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." C.s.c. 4; Intramurals 3, 4.

Intramurals 2, 3,4; Track and Field 2, 3, 4. Robert J. Truitt: "It's not how long you live, it's how."-Vergil

Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1; Forensics 1, 2.

Andrew J. Turner

Brian R. Tull



Thomas E. Valentine: "Try to restrict our freedoms and we will f even harder to preserve them."-Perry Farrell Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Drew Vagnoni

Thomas E. Valentine

John J. Vito

D. Andrew Walheim

David Wenhold

James J. Watson

. Vito: "Never give up on what you really want to do. The

Robert J. Weychert: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent


with big dreams is more powerful then one with all the facts." 1,2; Baseball 2, 3; Crew 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; S.A.D.D. rit Club 1, 3.

life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."-Calvin Dramatics 3; Intramurals 3; Track and Field 2,3,4.

drew Walheim: "If I only had some humility, I'd be perfect."urner 1, 2, 3; Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; lire 4; Lacrosse 4.

Kevin P. Whalen: "If you hold back in fear of opponents or mistakes, you simply don't have the 'stuff' that it takes." -Robert L. Kleine Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3; Tennis 1, 2, 3,4 (Captain).

; J. Watson: "We only part to meet again."-John Gay

1, 2, 3,4 (Officer); Crew 1; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 2, 3; nurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mathletes 3, 4; Yearbook 2,3.

J Wenhold: "Be civil to all, sociable to many; familiar with few; to one; enemy to none."-Benjamin Franklin :.3,4; Crew 1, 2; Football 1 ; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, irit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4. j

Robert J. Weychert

Kevin P. Whalen

Barry P. Whelan: "Thought dwells by the streams and the seas, by the hills and in the woodlands, in the sky and in the free wind."Richard Jefferies Basketball 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2. Brendan J. Whelan: "Someday we will all look back at this and say, Whoomp! There it is." Football 1, 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Barry P. Whelan

Brendan J. Whelan


J. Wickersham: "You never lose. But sometimes the clock runs out on you."-Vince Lombardi Cross-Country 1, 2; Football 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3,4; Track and Field 2, 3,4.


Andrew Widuch: "My tiger has got the sled and I've packed a snack.

We're sick of the life we led and we're never coming back."-Bill Watteron Art Club 1; Bicycle Club 1; Football 2; Intramurals 2,3; SAD.D. 3; Track and Field 1,2,3,4. Andrew

J. Wickersham

Andrew Widuch

J. Wimmer: "I have conquered my past, my future is here at last. I stand on the doorway of a whole new world I've never seen."-U2 Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Swimming 1,2,3,4.


Ronald J. Winward: "In the morning when you rise, aren't you glad to be alive?"-Jimmy Buffett Band 1; Crew 4; Football 2; Forensics 1,2; Intramurals 3, 4; Photo Club 3, 4; Wisterian 3, 4 (Editor); Soccer 1; Swimming 2; Wrestling 1; Yearbook 3, 4; Lacrosse 3. Michael

J. Wimmer


J. Winward

J. Witkowski: "Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quote of it." Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1; SAD.D. 1,2,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4.


Gregory B. Woods: "If you're committed in greatness, join us. If not,

get the hell out of the way before you get hurt."-Buddy Ryan Hockey 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Michael

J. Witkowski

Gregory B. Woods Christopher E. Zaucha: "You can only be young once ... But you can

be immature forever."-Larry Andersen Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 2, 3.

Christopher E. Zaucha


Clubs and Activities From Art


Club to Yearbook

e gotta talk about this 'Believe it or Else" thing.

We do.

Yeah, don't you think it's a bit harsh?

How so? Well, it's too threatening.

Boo Hoo. La Salle "Waiting for the , Club.

"Darn, my point broke, and they didn't put any pencil sharpeners in this building!"

We don't need that. Look, don't you think you could tone it down a little? You know, like that Ripley thing: "Believe it or Not." There we have a simple choice, without an ultimatum, and nobody's the wiser for it.

Especially not you. Now we sure don't need that.

What "we" need is for you to continue your reports. Okay. We hung around again after school.

Yes. And we weren't alone.

How quaintly spooky. Yeah, there were all these students who didn't quite seem to get the hint that classes were over and they could go home.

They were doing all kinds of stuff: arguing with each other, making all sorts of noises, playing around with their computers, but in every situation, they were really putting their ultimate effort into every activity.

Unlike what you're doing with this report. Hey, we're doing our best.

How unfortunate. As we were saying, they have a passion for hanging around at least until dark - some much later ...

Do stop, you're giving me such a fright. Don't smirk, it's unbecoming of a sage.

Yes. Again, I must inform you that they believe as well. Ah, give us a break - we're almost beyond the point of caring.

Then too are you past the point of believing. Yeah, we sure don't need that.



Blue and Gold We Don't Monkey Around fter ages of publ ication, the Blue & Gold needs a change. The intrepid 1994 Blue & Gold staff will do what no other staff ever attempted. Only one problem remains: what will they do? They must top the previous publications somehow. In all the glorious history of our yearbook one idea must have inspired fear in the hearts of even the most courageous editor. Truly, one miraculous feat of editorial genius did nothing but leave past yearbookers writhing in spasms of intense terror. To outdo all other staff members in La Salle history the 1994 staff must meet their deadlines. Oh well ... maybe they can continue in the vein of yearbooks past after all. Even with Editors-inChief Dan Burkey and Bill Mydlowec heading the enigmatic staff, many perplexing impediments simply must be surmounted. Luckily, the staff includes an impressive collection of literary, diligent, fearless workers who would gratefully follow their editors-in-chief to any spot of yearbook heaven, like faithful lemmings following the mysterious rules of a higher power. To put together a quality yearbook, you first need copy editors to make sure all copy passes very stringent standards of excellence. With Copy Editor Karl McCool working as a virtual lexicon for the illiterate members of the staff, our articles are sure to free of misteaks. Articlessuch as this one-will certainly make the yearbook a publication not soon forgotten. Copy editors receive invaluable assistance from La Salle students yearning to express their writing talents. Speaking of writing talents, Gabe Bevilacqua and Chris Paul complete the near-holy trinity of


Copy Editors with their unparalleled talent for writing copy on time. Sean Duffy and Rob McCarry lead the productive photo staff, which benefits from the assistance of Mike Cristaldi, various members of the Photo Club and, of course, a veritable God of photographic art, Oavor Photography. The proof of their talent lies in your hands. Flip through the book. Look at those pictures. The two odd editors of the bunch: Business Editor Chris Roat and Index Editor Tim Semen. To some they may not seem very important, but without Chris handling all the orders and Tim keeping track of all the names, we would not know who ordered what and what pages we all can be found on. The layout staff brings all of this work together. Headed and completely run by Steve Ponisciak and Marco Perfetti, they put together the yearbook page by agonizing page. Together the two work more hours than the rest of the staff is awake. They do not complain much about their job, but they can be periodically found screaming the most original epithets you've ever heard, at inanimate objects (namely, HAL and SAL). This year marks Mr. Geiger's ninth anniversary as the moderator of the Blue & Gold. He has utilized his talents to make the yearbook the wonderful product everyone knows it to be. Sometimes he puts his experience to good use, although at times he simply must shrug his shoulders, uttering those oft heard words: "1 don't really know."

L to R: Mr. Geiger, Rob McCarry, Mike Cristaldi, Marco Perfetti, Tim Semen, D, Burkey, Chris Roat, Sean Siotterback, Bill Mydlowec, Sean Duffy, Karl McCool, Ponisciak.



Where did all the subheads go?

158, 159, 164, 165 ... Awww!!??

How did you do that?



Mr. Geiger performs the death scene from Camille.

Marco and the "proper cropper": a dangerous combination


Dan Burkey says, "Excuse me guys, J've got to call my mom ... "

Karl McCool looks on helplessly as Bill Mydlowec chokes on a Pez.

Miguel Fernandez Burquido, a small mexican boy, displays a small monkey.

The dynamic duo of Roat and Semen, hard at work on the screensaver.


The Wisterian Who is Paul King?


aSalle's championship soccer team. The P.c.L. powerhouse basketball team. The swimming dynasty. The Father-Son Banquet and Open House. What do these, as well as many other teams, activities and major events, have in common? The Wisterian, of course. The Wisterian is the La Salle student newspaper. Its objective is to inform the La Salle community about school events. This community consists of students, teachers, administrators, and their families. When someone wants to know how the hockey team is doing, he can pick up the latest issue and read about the team's latest performance. If anyone is trying to decide on a movie for Friday night, they can turn to the Wis reviews section and find out what's good and what is only worth the price of rental. If someone missed a cross-country meet, he can pick up a copy of the Wis and read about the team's latest race. The concept that the reader must understand is that the Wisterian attempts to cover the issues and stories that affect the La Salle community. From the yearbook to track, the Wisterian is there and always up to date. This year's staff is comprised mostly of seniors, who rose to the challenge of producing a current, informative paper. Senior Paul DiNelia supervised the staff as editor-inchief. He had put in a commensurate amount of hours to make sure that every issue was finished on time. This was a difficult task, but Paul had much help from his staff. Seniors Brian Scully and Brian Lasky were the backbone of the production staff. These associate editors not only wrote their own columns, assisted in handling news stories, edited



copy and made trips to the printer, but they also took charge of the paper when Paul was absent. The Brians, however, were not the only members working overtime on the production. Seniors Steve Ponisciak and Tim Gannon, the sports editors, made sure that every sports story was current and in on time. Seniors Karl McCool, Ray Jackson and Rob Kelly, the features editors, took the task of providing a wide variety of articles on movies, albums, and concerts. Senior Ron Winward, the photo editor and head photographer, provided a countless number of pictures that many La Salle students and faculty members found captivating, while art editor Andrew Childs provided the Wis with many clever cartooons. While many of these names may be familiar, some of those who work are probably not. Those are the names of seniors Pete Kichula and Brian Merritt, the production editors who deal with the dirty work. Whenever Brian or Pete was asked to type a handwritten article or prepare a story for production, they gladly accepted the duty and were quick to get the job done. All production was overseen by Mr. Francis Johnson, the moderator. Mr. Johnson is always in the office to help the editors choose a story, create a headline, or edit a layout. Without Mr. Johnson, there would be complete chaos at deadline time. As you can see, much time and effort is put into each issue of the Wisterian. So the next time you pick up a copy, wait until the end ofthe day before you turn it into an airplane or a paper hat.

Cramming before a deadline.

Who put the Wistoons on the front page?

What happened to that big feature article that I wrote?

The staff, left to right: Ray Jackson, Ron Winward, Tim Gannon, Steve Ponisciak, Marco Perfetti, Rob Kelly, Brian lasky, Mr. Johnson, Brian Merritt, Brian Scully. (Missing from photo: Paul DiNelia and Karl McCool).


Lending a Helping Hand Community Service Corps


.S.c. .is a wid~足 reaching organization," says president Paul Kleschick. "It may be dedicated to community service, but we take it beyond a level of service to the community. C.s.c. now stands for Creative Service to the Community." C.S.c. is beginning to embrace new approaches to service, due to the efforts of the 1993-94 officers, President Paul Kleschick and Vice Presidents Rob McCarry, Chris Roat, Brian Sweeney and Michael Tantala. Operation Incentive, moderated by Mr. George Hohenleitner and Chris Roat, is the most time-tested Operation. Each Tuesday, students go to Holy Family School to tutor students in Mathematics and English. Operation Santa Claus is the biggest operation. La Salle stu-

Mr. Hohenleitner aids a student with long division.


dents bring in money, which is used to purchase toys for poor children, and the gifts are distributed on Christmas Eve. Rob McCarry, who organized this year's O.S.c., made it a huge success. Perhaps the most important C.S.c. activity is Amnesty International, because it reaches outside the local community to people all over the world. Under student moderator Bill Mydlowec, members write letters to foreign governments to request the release of political prisoners. Brian Sweeney said, "By looking on the challenge of community service with a broader outlook, the c.s.c. can do more than it ever has. Fresh approaches are the key to success." The officers hope to leave behind them a C.s.c. unlike any before it.

Tom Messina learns a thing or two about math.

The art of knowing when you're wrong.

The Gazebo A Little Light Reading Dear Shadows, now you know it all, All the folly of a fight With a common wrong or right. The innocent and the beautiful Have no enemy but time . ..

IcCool, Brian Sweeney, Sean Duffy and Chris Trumbore show the relaxed f brainstorming.

For three decades, these words from William Butler Yeats have greeted readers of the Gazebo, La Salle's annual literary magazine. Under the direction of Mr. Michael O'Toole, student authors have written of life, of war, of politics, and of the society around them. The first publication at La Salle to be completed with desktop publishing, the Gazebo has recently been able to complement the fine writing of La Salle's best authors with equally fine and in-

creasing photography and drawings. Junior Sean Duffy, an editor of the magazine, has also contributed much of the creative photography. In recent years, the Gazebo has featured a larger share of articles on the Philadelphia metropolitan area and social issues. As writing and editing enter the computer age, La Salle's literary magazine stands ready to combine the innovative with the traditional. Arise and bid me strike a match And strike another till time catch. Should the conflagration climb, Run till all the sages know. We the great Gazebo built; They convicted us of guilt Bid me strike a match and blow.

Karl McCool and Brian Sweeney in the Writing Center doing what else1 Writing.


National Honor Society Always on Duty H.S. is the well known acronym for the National Horticulture Society. However, since La Salle doesn't have a lot of plants, N.H.S. must be the acronym for the equally wellknown National Honor Society. Membership requirements include good conduct and extracurricular activity. But here's the clincher: a student must earn at least a 3.5 G.P.A., and have no grades below 'C' (Sorry, no 3.489's accepted). The N.H.S. is not just an award, it actually is a society. Members are expected to display the qualities of Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service. Clearly these qualities relate to the school community, not just the individual.


President Tim Gannon, Vice President John Markowski, Secretary Ken Kerr, and Treasurer Tim Baer are the officers for the 1993-1994 school year. Together with moderator Brother William DiPasquale, they are sure to be involved in all of the functions in which La Salle must put its best foot forward. This is, after all, one of the paramount functions of the N.H.5.: to aid in the presentation of La Salle to the general public. N.H.S. members are asked to lend a hand at Open House, Back to School Night, Underclass Registration, and at other times when volunteers are needed. All of these activities, however, take place after school hours, or on the week-

ends. What then does the N.H.5. do when school is in session? Tutor, of course. N.H.S. members are the official tutoring organization at La Salle. Organized by Mrs. Clare Brown, the N.H.S. members willingly (OK, maybe not so willingly) give up one or two free periods each week to tutor students in need of help in almost any subject area. In reality, it's a great setup. N.H.S. members provide low-cost (free) tutoring to students in need without jeopardizing activities or after-school time. It's kind of like taxing the rich to support the poor, except that the rich lose nothing (there is no Law of the Conservation of Intelligence).

Back, L to R: Markmann, Siddall, Siotterback, Duszak, Santucci, Bracken, Foley, Gugger, Fanning, Schulz, Halpin, Caramenico, deCastro, Auriemma, Goodwin, Hicke, Finney, Kilbride, O'Connor, Stewart, McCaffrey, Danyliw, Terek, Trumbore, O'Brien, Price, Shaheen, Snyder; Koch, Tantala, Giouzelis, Markowski, Merritt, Hooper, Dolan, Crouthamel, Mehta, Tull; Malloy, Ryan, Palombaro, Carmody, Blasi, Markey, Kobylinski, Lane, Schill; Jannetti, Eisenhower, Larkin, Houston, Hasan, Fegley, Kelly, Gorman, Pinisciak; Jackson, Lochetto, Boehmler, Maida, Santini, Shilkutus, Paul, Burkey, Roat; Baer, Duncheskie, Kerr, Gannon, Lofgren, Romano, Perillo, McGeehan, Lorusso, Bro. W. DiPasquale.



Chris Trumbore works on algebra with an underclassman.

Mrs. Clare Brown, looking radiant, literally.

Brother William, when the lights go out. "Oh, I get it now, yeah, Battle of Hastings, sure, fine . . . /I





ol guess the real question is, "What haven't you heard about the LaSalle Forum that's fit to print in the yearbook?" I don't honestly know. So I guess I'll have to start at the beginning. But you must heed my warning: read as if you were not aware of the danger. Remain calm. Do not turn to face the evil. Keep your eyes transfixed upon the slick, glossy pages that you may be spared from the horror behind your shoulder. What you've just read can be called extemp. It's incoherent babbling meant to make the subject seem really, really important. Now you may sit up, rub your eyes, and listen to the rest of this thing. What you hear in the morning announcements about last weekend's congress tournament is not forensics. Forensics is people (just like Soylent Green), and learning how to put up with, enchant, or enlighten them. The Forum fosters communication, research and motor skills. Ask any Forum member and he'll tell you, he doesn't really know what the Forum is about either. But that doesn't mean it's not a meaningful, fulfilling activity.

It just means that it's hard to put a finger on the essence of the Forum, because its members are so diverse, and everyone has a different reason for membership. Freshmen like trophies. Sophomores like to see girls and stuff. Juniors need stuff for applications. Seniors are not really allowed to leave. Not that they want to, not at all. By senior year the Forum is not exclusively LaSalle students, but simply a state of being, of existence if you will. Forensics becomes a way of life, something you can believe in ... I'm not making any sense, am I? No matter. Fear not, I'm in perfect control of this article. I just can't verbalize my love for the Forum. For one so learned in the use of language, I find myself wandering in and out of literal sobriety. Not only that, I can't think of what else to say. Alright, I've had it. I'm going to spew and you're going to listen. Kapesce? The Forum is not tame. It is not controlled. It is not regimented. You can say anything at all, no matter how touchy. Some appreciate blunt honesty, others do not. Either way, a speaker proves his point when he is clear and delightfully concise.

Back, L to R: Brother Rene, J. Chambers, J. Foelster, G. Bevilacqua, C. Trumbore, D. Shilkitus, S. Siotterback, J. Hanson, S. Schulz, N. Ryan; M. Girondo, J. Eckert, G. Lessard, C. Paul, P. O'Connor, M. DeCastro, M. Tantalai P. Casey, M. Fineberg, M. Schmeidekamp, S. Scanlon, G. Smith.


Forum: where conflicts are resolved through the coherent expression of ideas

Mike Tantala says, "Not to be anal retentive, but you didn't cross your 'T.'"

On the topic of indigestion ...

"I completely forgot what I was saying."

Separated at birth.



Brian Andrusko doesn't realize that he needs one eye open in order to see.

Don't jump!

Science Club

Which lens do I look through?



Newton's Apple


t seems LaSalle offers an activity for every interest. La Salle boasts athletic teams, academic pursuits, theatrical events, forums for debates and community service activities. Heck, there even used to be a Spirit Club, which specialized in, well. .. spirit. La Salle lacked a strong program for those interested in science for many years, however. So where do all the budding scientists among the La Salle student body go now? The Science Club of course. Now that La Salle's Science club, newly headed by Mr. Wiley, has been revital ized students interested in all thing scientific have a new after school haven. Whether driven by a true love for science, or just looking for a chance to hang out with the ever popular Mr. Wiley, this group of students get together to learn about science outside of the classroom environment with

more energy than ever before. The club presents an opportunity for all students with an interest in the sciences to foster their interest, learning the different sciences and hopefully having some fun in the process. What is most appealing about this club is that it affords its members a chance to experience science without having to hand in a lab report on what they observed or be forced to cram all night for a test on the information they learned. Areas of science, such as Astronomy, which are not taught at LaSalle, are also explored by the members of the club. This type of experience is enhanced by "trips into the field," such as the club's recent visit to an observatory. The members are able to experience new aspects of their world through the eyes of science and, in the process, learn from the experience.

Gary Wiley can see the planet of his birth.

Just a push of this button and ...

Science Club

Mom and Dad Save La Salle he Parents' Clubs are an integral component to La Sail ian community and living. Parents Clubs provide for parental involvement in the most important and formative years of their child's academic and social life. The parents involved are giving necessary support to the beneficent La Sail ian tradition. The Men of La Salle, led by President Mr. Jim Tate, Vice Presidents Mr. Harry Citrino and Mr. Peter Vizza and Moderator Bro. Tim Ahern, do an excellent job of running functions to encourage fathers' involvement in their sons' lives. The Father and Son Banquet is an example of one of the relaxing functions that the Fathers' Club organizes during the school year. With guest speakers that are always inspirational, the banquet is a great evening together for fathers and sons. The Men of La Salle also sponsor the fund for students whose fathers have passed away, as well


as the Father-Son sports night at La Salle University. In addition, the Men of La Salle have sponsored such worthy causes as the recent addition to our school building as well as the "La Sale" auction. Without the Mothers' Club, La Salle would not be able to run most of its school functions. The Mothers' Club is the support structure of La Sallian social life. President Mrs. John McKee, along with Vice President Mrs. Robert Blasi and Moderator Bro. Thomas Chadwick, creates a comfortable atmosphere at all of La Salle's functions. Their two primary fund-raisers are the "La Sale" auction, and the La Salle fashion show. The Parents' Clubs are the epitome of La Sail ian parent-tostudent relations. They truly are the support structure of La Sallian community and we are very thankful for the voluntary involvement of these wonderfully caring parents.

Forefathers of the Man of La Salle.

Parents' Clubs

Auditions for prize holders on "The Price is Right".


I really wanted that VCR."

Earl Strom eyes the all-you-can eat hot dog bar.

As the recession deepens, the Mother's Club begs for necessities. "Hmmm, I wonder if I can find one in there for me?"

Parents' Clubs

How much longer do we have to sit here with these things stuck to our faces?

Chris Paul looks at the pep band thinking, "What are they playing?"

La Salle's band helping to keep s high at football games.



Band And They Played On ... As once the storm snarledeth, And the oceans shaped the land. So did the mighty Bando, Blow his horn with wind and hand.

resilience, He was not worthy of the mic, Until he found the Tree of Progression, And knew the chord the muses like.

His tale is one of triumph, with occasional lapse in tone; But the gods they smiled on his lot, And granted him the finest bone.

And so he sought the Word of Parker, To Maynard's screams he turned his ear. Through the years his fingers quickened, And his soul was ne'er to fear.

His tale beganeth in fair July Thirteen hundred moons ago. When his loins were not yet girded, And his loins he did not know. His enemies aligned against him, Quick they were and sure of goal; But he vanquished them with trills and gliss. And began he now to find his soul. Though he fought with brave

'arry, larry Santucci and Jeff ;cuss the meaning of life nusic.

You know, I would probably play better if I was standing up straight.

And such now Bando, wise and aged, Filled his hall with tones of taste. The masters smiled, the muses danced; His journey traveled not in waste. As once the storm snarledeth, And the oceans shaped the land; So did the mighty Bando, Play his horn with wind and hand.

larry Santucci blowing his heart out.

Marco Perfetti tries to figure out what he's supposed to be playing.



Jeff Fegley studies for his classt playing the drums.

Jim Watson says, "Hey guys, why is my mouthpiece frozen to my lips?"

Dedicated band members play at yet another sporting event.



Mr. Fitzgerald poses 50 the sculptor can finish making the trophy.

Mr. Gillespie does his Magic Johnson imitation at point guard.

Mr. Coggins laughs, knowing that his opponent could never make this shot.


Trainer Paul Ballard shows how play ball in Utah.



n previous years, La Salle's intramural program was simply an activity automatically placed on everyone's transcript. However now, the program is more than that. This year's schedule includes such activities as flag football, street hockey, basketball and of course, Trivial Pursuit. Intramural sports provide the perfect setting for those of us who were endowed by our creator with either superhuman strength or lightinglike reflexes to shine like a burning super-nova before our peers, beacons in an otherwise cold and dark world. Even students who possess less then olympic skill can participate, without spending 25 hours a day in Bruno's Gym and drinking Joe Wieder's Super Ultra Mega Mass 2000 milk shakes. The truth is, all you have to do to be Charles Barkley-for-a-day (or Muggsy Bogues, as is usually the case) is simply show up. In fact, what you may not have known is that many athletic greats once participated in the Intramural Program. Such athletic heroes as Nolan Ryan, Joe Montana, Gordie Howe and Bob MacSmithenheimersonskimansteinburger (Never heard of him? Well, he was the 1948

World Caber Toss Championship Second runner-up) would never have been able to climb to their peaks of physical perfection, were it not for the guiding hand of Intramurals. And who makes up this "guiding hand"? Well, Mr. Gary Wiley and Mr. Nick Coggins do, of course. The aid of the everpresent Intramural Council is imperative, so that these second-year moderators are better able to weld this vast array of pure physical talent into one unified force. With seniors Chris Holwick, Kevin Latchford, John Markowski, Marty Mulligan, Bill Mydlowec and Marco Perfetti this council is aptly run. Juniors Rocky Citrino, Brian Collins, Mike Cristaldi and Nate Ryan also contribute their two cents to this prestigious council. All in all, the intramural program comes down to one thing: fun. In this activity you can play hockey without worrying if you make the team, and might even find out that you might be a great guard, or a good forward. No matter who you are, you can still have a great time ... and still be home before crew or 11 pm (whichever comes first).

Gary Wiley, the next Michael Jordan.

"1 can't swim!"


Spring Theater Leaders of the Pack


very year La Salle seems to muster together the talent to create yet another production from the drama club. This year, unlike previous years, there was only one production, since the fall drama was dropped. This spring's feature presentation was the musical Leader of the Pack, a review of the music and culture of the 1960's, with an underlining plot of the life of songwriter Ellie Greenwich. Led by accomplished director Colleen Lapowski and esteemed choreographer Ken Williams, the cast included such talented actors as Mike Scarcelle as Jeff Barvy, Pete Eisenhower as Gus Sharkey, as well as John Chambers, Mike McMonagle, Tom Grasso, Gil Smith, and Bill Coyle. It also consisted of a ravishing and stunning cast of actresses such as Karen Hallenneier as Ellie Greenwich, as well as Marie Bertino, Jennifer Nevergole, Susan Campbell, and Nicole Cavaliere. On the production side

of the show, Tom Cunnane, the stage crew director, created a series of stunning props including a fifteen foot high jukebox behind which the musicians performed, led by Chris Paul, who conducted the music and sang "000 WAH DIDDY." In addition, the stage crew created costumes which incorporated seven foot tall beehive hairdos. Assisting Tom on stage crew were Bill Siddall, Jeff Ackler, Mike deCastro, Jason Gaul, Sean Duffy and Sean Siotterback. Most importantly, production manager Jim Watson and stage manager Mike Cristaldi brought the cast and crew together. Jason Gaul, a student involved both in the production and performance of the musical states, "I think that Leader of the Pack was one of the best plays every put on at La Salle, in both the acting and the set construction. We all owe a lot to all of the people who were involved in making this whole thing happen. I was honored to be a part of this musical."

路en Hallermeier looks for divine inspiration as Nicole Cavaliere does homework


Spring Theater

Mike Scarcelle drops off in the middle of an important scene.

Bill Coyle, Jeanine Collasante, and Mike MCMonagle study their lines between scenes

Jason Gaul, Mike Scarcelle, and Gil Smith look offstage for guidance.

Director Colleen lapowski attempts to hypnotize Pete Eisenhower and Karen Hallermeier.

Spring Theater

Promoting Diversity Multi-Cultural Club he La Sail ian community is characterized by an acceptance of all people as they are. The Multi-Cultural Corps (M.C.C.) serves to strengthen this characteristic. What began in 1988 as a group to build a sense of identity at La Salle for the African-American community has developed into an organization dedicated to opening the minds of La Salle's students and faculty. The M.C.C. experienced its most active year in 1992-1993 when it viewed and discussed the Spike Lee film Malcolm X and showed the PBS documentary "Eyes on the Prize" to all those wishing to learn about the tumultuous Civil Rights Movement. Some members attended a lecture given by Atallah Shabazz, Malcolm X's daughter. This tradition of improvement

continues with the 1993-1994 school year. This year, with the help of co-moderators Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch and Mr. Bernie Fitzgerald and Admissions Director Brother James Rieck, the M.C.C. has made a serious attempt to recruit more minority students, to diversify the student body. The organization's mission is comprised of four goals: first, to offer an opportunity for La Salle minority students to congregate and share social concerns; second, to encourage diversity among the La Salle student body; third, to increase the diversity of the student body at La Salle by visiting elementary schools; and lastly, to improve unity at LaSalle. As a result of its efforts, the M.C.C. continues to develop as a major organization in the La Salle community.

L to R: Dan Adam, Ray Jackson, Amir Palmer, Aaron Oliver I 'ose Rodriguez, AI Salvador, Bandele

Amir Palmer, AI Salvador, Ray Jackson and Bandele Oyefule: four key members of the M.e.e.


Oyefule, Tim Baer I Jeff Hasan, Joe Meade, Jon Price,

Rick Rayasco, Gil Smith, Sebastian Collins.


Bandele Oyefule: The man, the myth, the trenchcoat.

S.A.D.D. Students Against Drunk Driving n issue facing this nation that has recently become of greater concern is that of drinking and driving. It takes only one death to make someone realize how dangerous it is to drive under the influence of alcohol. Students Against Drunk Driving (otherwise known as S.A.D.D.) strives to force people to reach this important revelation without having to witness one of the many deaths caused by drunk drivers. S.A.D.D. wants to protect students from becoming yet another accident statistic. The organization emphasizes education, by using current legislation and statistics to prove to students the stupidity and danger of driving under the influence of alcohol. While it does not condone students drinking,


Chris Winters and Chris Lopez plan a S.A.D.D. sponsored event.

Chris Winters enumerates the reasons why one should not drink and drive.

S.A.D.D. acknowledges that some students inevitably will drink anyway and attempts to prevent them from further endangering themselves, as well as others, by getting behind a steering wheel while intoxicated. According to S.A.D.D. moderator Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak, "kids' lives are less restricted nowadays and I feel that it is S.A.D.D.'s job to help them handle (their) new privileges ... responsibility. If only one kid's life is saved by not getting behind the wheel, then I feel that we've done a good job." So take S.A.D.D.'s advice, don't drink and drive, and don't let anyone else do so either. S.A.D.D. would not mind if the immensity of its task were lessened by the efforts of individuals on their friends.

L to R: Mike Messaros, Matt Malloy, Mike McKeown, Jeff Dupee, Chris Lopez, Tom Carr, Steve

Shaheen, Brian Price, Michael Tobia, Marc Holbert, John Dyer, Doug Gugger, Steve Markmann, Frank Hollman.


Photo Club A Picture's Worth ... a Club here can one find the Avedons and Mapplethorpes of tomorrow? In room 318, of course, meeting place of the Photo Club. Of all the media of the arts, photography-in many ways the most radical of the arts-must be the least understood by the public. Therefore, an organization to foster the discovery of this largely uncharted territory of the art world is vital to La Salle. The club, moderated by Mr. Geiger, allows students to learn from each other, with the more advanced photographers enlightening neophytes facing such esoteric topics as film development,


depth of field and lens cap removal. By assigning photographers to shoot various events, the club offers invaluable assistance to both the yearbook and The Wisterian. The club does not serve practical needs alone, however; it also allows future Man Rays to hone their artistry. The Photo Club allows the "Iightcatchers" of La Salle to discuss the art and practice of photography, the most mysterious of art forms. The club also opens developing photographers to critiques of each other's work. Certainly the Photo Club of La Salle stands as the most important union in photography since the days of the Lumiere brothers.

So how exactly does a camera work?

Sean Duffy trying to look candid.


Photo Club

Members of the Photo Club examine the proof sheets of someone's most recent photo essay.

This is the Photo Club, and this is the best picture they can give us?

Sean Duffy explains that once you have finished developing a picture, it should look like this one.

Photo Club


Our Government at Work Student Council hat's the word around La Salle today? There are three of them, actually: "Fire! Fire! Fire!" From the freshmen to the seniors, the phrase seems to be catching on. Even the teachers are giving their tacit approval. Why? No, not because of Beavis and Butthead mania. It all started with Student Council president Brian Matthews, and it's part of the student council's campaign to "fire up" La Salle pride. Of course, a phrase alone is not enough. This year's student council officers, president Brian Matthews, vice-president Dave Cevallos, and secretary Mark Sigmund, have backed it up with the biggest and best pep rally in recent memory and a


number of excellent mixers and date dances to pep up the social side of La Salle. The student council also promoted seasonal passes to varsity sporting events in an effort to increase game attendance, revenue and pride. Perhaps this student council's most revolutionary contributions to La Salle pride were academic. First of all, the student council has instituted a new "second honors" program for students who achieve a 3.0 or higher with no grade below a C. The institution of second honors had been used as a stock campaign promise for several years, but only this year's student council could bring it to fruition. The student council has also initiated a Senior Exam Exemp-

Student Council president Brian Matthews, vice president Dave Cevallos, and secretary Mark Sigmund meet with moderator Brother Frank Danielski.

Student Council

tion program. All teachers now have the option to exempt from the final exam any senior who receives an A for the course in each of the four marking periods. This program has left many seniors ecstatic - as well as some who wish they had found out sooner. Secretary Sigmund says modestly, "I think we've been really successful so far," while President Matthews, whose main goal has been to increase Le Salle spirit, advises students to, "Take your spirit from inside/ Use your soul and do your role/ Let the fire burn forever/Make this your greatest endeavor/ This is the solution to the Revolution."

1993-1994 Junior class representatives.

1993-1994 Sophomore class representatives.

1993-1994 Senior class representatives.

Gratuitous "Female at a mixer" shot.

Student Council

The freshmen members of Student Council sit in the Star Trek Room for a meeting.

"I bet I can open my mouth wider than you can!"

Student Council president Brian Matthews by the light of the Fire! Fire! Fire!

"Chris Paul thinks, 'Gee, I wish I had a thumb ring!' /I

Student Council

Mathletes: An Integral (J) Part of La Salle It's the Hyperbolic Sine of the Times his year's mathletes program is much like those of previous years. Moderator Mr. Jim Roche keeps track of the dates and locations of the meets, while leaving most of the rest of the work to the senior members. The first meet was on February 5 at Springfield, and in addition to La Salle and Springfield, students from Espiscopal Academy, Friends Central and Penn Charter attended. La Salle didn't win, but in this activity, winning is not the point. According to Mr. Roche, the important part of mathletes is to learn something from doing different kinds of problems. Unlike most other schools, La Salle's mathletes never practice or retain set teams; they just work with whoever shows up and do the best they can while gorging themselves on the donuts provided by the host school.


ob Schnepp, Bill Fedyna, Paul Dolan, Bill Siddall, Mendel Schmeidekamp, Sean Siotterback, Bill Mydlowec, lisciak, Mr. Roche.

Bill Mydlowec's hand grows exponentially as he integrates ex.

Paul Dolan indicates to Steve Ponisciak the correct answer to 1 + 1.



Jim Tate--three fish, four hands: You figure it out.

look what I caught!

This fish caught Brian Andrusko.


Fishing Club

For Petels Hake


t was a cold, dark morning. The wind whipped through the trees biting at our faces. My watch read four-thirty am. A few more cars pulled up carrying their load of half-asleep anglers. They emerged. thanking their parents profusely, carrying coffee and donuts. Last to arrive was our faithful leader and fishing club founder, Mr. Pete "Big Fish" Sigmund, We loaded the van and were soon on our way to Barnegat Light, N.J. The next several hours were spent driving in a steady shower of rain. We managed to hit every WaWa between La Salle and Barnegat Light, including a stop at the local bait and tackle shop to ensure having everything that we needed. Crossing over the bridge into Long Beach Island we caught the first glimpse of light. It was not promising. The sky showed no signs of clearing and there was still an annoying drizzle dampening our spirits. Our optimism fading, we began to wonder if it was worth getting up at four in the morning to freeze to death on a boat several miles offshore. We met "Wild" Bill La Fontaine, another club

moderator, at the marina where our boat The Miss Barnegat Light, was docked. Entertained by "Wild" Bill's accounts of his experiences in the Navy and his vast knowledge of the sea, we braved the eight to ten foot swells of the inlet and made it to the slightly less turbulent waters of the fishing grounds. After circling the waters for what seemed like forever, the captain gave us the signal to start fishing. The first half hour passed without a single bite for anyone. When the captain gave us the signal to pull in the lines, we were more than willing to comply. Only a short time passed, however, before the captain again gave us the signal to fish. Wearily we went back out to cast our lines. The quiet anticipation of the fishermen soon turned into a rumble of sounds as people began to drift into their own conversations. It was then that Senior Brian Andrusko locked onto a sixteen-pound monster which would earn him eighty dollars for the biggest fish caught on the boat. Other highlights of the trip were when three members of the club all hooked the same fish at once, and "Wild" Bill's half hour struggle with what one mate claimed to be the biggest minnow he'd ever gaffed. Brian's fish was the first of many for the La Salle Fishing Club, as we drifted into school after school of seven to ten pound bluefish. All but those who slept through the trip brought home their dinner for that night. Thus went the first official expedition of the La Salle Fishing Club.

1993 Fishing Club, fearlessly led by Mr. Pete Sigmund and "Wild" Bill La Fontaine.

Fishing Club

Art Club From Picasso to Warhol his year, the Art Club is striving to go above and beyond the perennial task of being "the official sign-makers of La Salle College High SchooL" Mrs. Diane McGovern, the moderator, has vowed to make the Art Club more enjoyable for its members. Every Thursday she essentially teaches the absolute basics of whatever the members are working on that particular week, and for the most part giving a crash course in Art I to anyone who can climb the countless steps to the fourth-floor art studio. In addition to the casual art "students" who can be found in the art studio every Thursday, the Art Club is somewhat of a safe haven for Mrs. McGovern's daily warriors, the students of Art I, Art II, and Art III.

They come to the ever helpful Mrs. McGovern to complete assignments and to seek additional tips. Mrs. McGovern is not only trying to make the "Art Club Experience" more enjoyable for its existing members, but for anyone who wants to explore the mysterious capabilities of the new building. The members probably determine 90 percent of what goes on in the art club, greatly contributing to the expansion of the club. But Mrs. McGovern is also eager to experiment with any ideas she might come up with. For example, she planned a trip to the rapidly growing La Salle University art museum, which was a new, learning experience for everyone who attended, including Mrs. McGovern.

The 1993-94 La Salle Art Club.

Sean Duffy gets down and dirty with the kiln.


Art Club

Dan Trojecki: the next Da Vinci?

Film Club Here's Lookin ' at Va Kid he newest release at La Salle comes in the form of the Film Club, masterfully directed by Doctor D' Angelo and produced by Sean Duffy. The club seeks to investigate the great films of America, as well as those from abroad. It premiered at La Salle at the start of the 1993-1994 school year, filling a regrettable void in the arts at the school. Until this year, of the many clubs at La Salle, none offered a forum for the study of the primary art form of the twentieth century: cinema. With the century coming to an end, cinema is expanding at an ever hastening pace. For this reason the Film Club needed to be organized for the future JeanLuc Godards and Dziga Vertovs of La Salle.


'here's that darn power button?

No more the waiting in lines to see films, the travelling to New York just to see an old masterwork: a haven of cinematic bliss is now housed right in the school building. Now that the Temple Cinematheque is no more, where better in Philadelphia to view the finest art ever put on celluloid? Besides, the Film Club guarantees you will be free of the Felliniesque oddities that overrun the average theater; admission is limited to La Salle students, separating the good from the bad and the ugly. Not only will visitors to this new bastion of filmic art find a comfortable environment, but the admission is free! No theater could be more allusive to the La Sail ian cineaste.

The La Salle Film Posse

Film Club


Fall Sports ,;


Running Scared ey there, big fella, we're back.

Almost. So they do it just for the scenery?

Shalll alert the me-

Not quite, ineffable one. We really believe that there's something of a deeper nature involved.


No time for weak jokes, old man - we ditched practice to come to see you. Yeah, we're supposed to be doing these lap things, but we felt that at this point, a short break was essential to our physical and spiritual development as individuals.

Yes ... And we were getting kind of tired of running so much.

Touching. Tell me more about this La Salle's "Iaps./I If they are so painfully difficult . as to make even you whine so incessantly, perhaps they are worth our consideration. Well, they all do them, all the ones that play sports. And as much as they might complain - we're not the only ones - we really think they don't mind all that much.

Oh no? How can they complain? It's not as if they have to run along the Ho Chi Minh trail through the DMZ. You should see how beautiful this place looks in the autumn. There's no veritable reason for them to complain about their surroundings. The trees, the leaves, the brisk fall almost divine.


Oh, do tell. We believe ...

... I'll be the judge of that ... that the La Salle kids really love what they do in those fields. They must. You should see them, hour after hour, out at practice. It's almost proof of a higher power.

More proof than I? As we were saying, they put everything into those sports teams, and in the end, I think it really rewards them. Every year, they kick some serious Catholic League -

Remember, brash ones, that this is a family oracle. Oh yeah. So what should we do now?

Take a shower. Very funny. Go back and learn.

Again? /tIS obvious that they believe in the values of hard work and dedication - perhaps one day you will as well.

And perhaps you'll soon make some sense to someone other than yourself.

Varsity Football Punt of Order


espite losing the entire starting offense and all but two members of the starting defense to graduation, the initial outlook for the 1993 La Salle football season was optimistic. While the season that followed was not as outstanding as those of previous years, the positives outweighed the negatives. The team began the year with scrimmages against Pennsbury and Neshaminy, followed by Camp Canadensis. The season opened with a nonleague game against PlymouthWhitemarsh. With several key players nursing injuries, such as seniors Pat McDonald and Jim Gorman, the Explorers showed their inexperience. Paced by an outstanding rushing attack, P-W dominated the Explorers, 28-7. The lone touchdown was scored by Andrew Wickersham on a 16yard reception from Dan Hangey. Linebackers Hap Brusca and Frank Grosso led the defense. The next game, against perennial powerhouse and

defending state champions Holy Cross, was played in awful conditions. The team lost, 6-0, in a driving rain, despite a stellar defensive performance, led by Hap Brusca and Brian Meehan. The Cathol ic League schedule opened the next week against North Catholic. Senior quarterback Jim Meehan passed for 72 yards and two touchdowns, to Wickersham and Jim Gorman (who was injured in the game and was out for the rest of the season), and Tom Grebis rushed for 52 yards and a touchdown. Defensive backs Brian Carmody and Ryan Slizofski led the defense in holding North to six points. The next game was an away game against McDevitt. Wickersham and Fred Lorusso scored touchdowns, but they weren't enough as McDevitt won, 16-13. The Explorers rebounded to defeat previously undefeated Cardinal Dougherty, as sophomore Dan Hangey was inserted at quarterback. He ran the option well, rushing for 86 yards and a touchdown. Tim Foster

ran for 52 yards and a touchdown, and Wickersham scored on a 6-yard pass from Hangey. The defense, which held Dougherty to seven ponts, was led by Chris Brady, Paul Maida, and Brett Lofgren, who had 2.5 sacks. The next week, La Salle was unceremoniously drubbed, 31-6, by Father Judge. The Explorers came back the next week against ConwellEgan, winning 21-7, as Jamie Dezzi, Tom Grebis, and Chris Brady scored on short runs. The following week, at Ryan, La Salle was crushed, 34-0, as poor weather conditions contributed to a sloppy game. Needing a win to secure a playoff appearance, the Explorers played Archbishop Wood. Despite amassing over 100 yards in penalties (several of which were illegitimate), La Salle won, 7-6, with 27 seconds remaining, on an 8-yard pass from Dan Hangey to Chris Brady followed by Tom Truitt's extra point. In the playoffs, the team faced Archbishop Ryan. Under

Dave Schulzt', Pat Brenn;,.n, Frank Houghton. Bryan Grebis, Geoff Coniglio, Marc DiBenedetto, Dan Fay. Chris Swt't'ney, Pat Coyle, Brend'ln Brett, Sean O'Donnell; Bill Murphy, Adam Donahue, Mike Kilroy, Mike Cleary, Tom Grebis, Bri.m Carmody, Jamie Delli, Jim Meehan. IIX' Perillo, Andrew Wickersham. Tom Truitt; Brian Muritt, Ed Stromberg.. J",rry Kilkenny, loe Zeccardi, Joe Cui, Kevin Barger, Ryan Slizofd:i.lohn Tat..., JdfCywinski, Fr01lnk Grosso, OOln McNichol, Allen lee; John Mallach, Brendan whel;Jn, Joe La~ors.1l, Kevin McCulcht'on, Mike Koons, Mike Brown, HOlp Brusca, Bill Donohue, Jim Saracino, Rich Hinkle, Rocky Citrino, Ken James, Keith l;achawiec, Mike Mctague, Da\le Boelker, Da\le Dilullo, Jim Gorman, Dan Monaghan, Andy Turner, Oa\le Ce\lallos, Chris Brady, Breit Lofgren, Pat McDonald, Brian Meehan, Brian Smith, Mike McGo\lern; Ron Hoirtmoln, Mike Girard, Sle\le C.. r;tmenico, Eric Kurtz, Doimioin Bridges, Tom Gr..sso, Tom McHugh, Ron Puggi, Brendan O'M;tlley, polui Maidol, Chris Cooper, Scott Murphy, SNn Hunsicker; Doln Holngey, Kolreem bnnous, Ke\lin McAllister, Wolyne Adamow, Bob Schnepp, Dave Wickersham, Ian Mackintosh, Mike O'Neil, Joe Rakowski, Fred Lorusso, Joe Colistra, Tim Foster, Andrew Sullon.


"What did you say about my mother?"

"Number 43, watch your helmet!"

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Joe Carl says, "These crutches really hurt my armpits."



Chris Cooper, Joe Rakowski and Mike McGovern: members of the unsung offensive line.

Our defense prepares to knock their defense off the line.

Four Father Judge defenders cannot bring Jamie Dezzi down. Dan Hangey fearlessly releases iI Football

Varsity Football much the same conditions as the first game, the Explorers lost, 193. The lone points were scored on a 29-yard field goal by Tom Truitt, and Hap Brusca led the defense with 10 tackles. Then, the Explorers faced St. Joseph's Prep in the traditional Thanksgiving Day game at La Salle University. Despite the rushing efforts of Chris Brady and Jamie Dezzi and the defensive play of Hap Brusca, Dave Cevallos and Brian Carmody, the Prep won, 13-0. Throughout the season, the Explorers were led on offense by a strong line of seniors Chris Cooper, Scott Murphy, Mike McGovern, Pat McDonald, second-team AII-Cathol ic Dave Cevallos, Ian Mackintosh, and junior Joe Rakowski. They led the way for the running of Chris Brady, Tom Grebis, Tim Foster, Fred Lorusso, Jamie Dezzi, and Mike Brown and the passing of Jim Meehan and Dan Hangey. Andrew Wickersham, Paul Maida, Brady and Foster gave the quarterbacks excellent targets, and senior Frank Grosso dropped many a well-placed punt. The defense was led by linemen Paul Maida and second-team All

Catholic Ron Puggi, linebackers Hap Brusca, second-team AIICatholic Chris Brady, and Brett Lofgren, and backs Brian Carmody and Brian Meehan. Brendan O'Malley, Kevin McAllister, Mike O'Neil, Mike Kilroy, Joe Colistra and Bill Donohue stepped in when needed on the line, as did Tom McHugh, Grosso, Joe Carl and Cevallos at linebacker. Ryan Slizofski, Mike Koons, Tom Truitt, Brendan Whelan, Andrew Turner, special teams captain Joe Perillo and Allen Lee performed well when called upon in the defensive backfield and on special teams. The contributions of the underclassmen, such as Hangey, Brusca, Foster and Puggi give hope that next year could be more successful, as does the strong performance of the JV and freshmen teams. So next year in this space, you could be reading about the Cathol ic League Champion La Salle Explorers.

Jim Meehan tells Tim Foster that they will go for cheesesteaks after the game.


JV Footy


he varsity team may receive all the publicity, but La Salle's JV football players work just as hard in pursuit of success. They learn the system while gaining important game experience. This year's offense was led by quarterback Dan McNichol, running back Marcus Freeman, receiver Ken James and tight end John Tatu. Blocking for the passing and running attacks were sophomore Dave Wickersham and juniors Dave Boelker, Rocky Citrino, Steve Caramenico and Kevin Barger. The defense was led by junior linebackers Tom McHugh and Kevin McCutcheon, defensive linemen Bill Donohue, Damian Bridges and Jim Saracino and defensive backs Mike Koons, Joe Zeccardi, Andy Sutton and Mike Cleary. Playing the same schedule as the varsity, the team was challenged by Ryan, Dougherty, Judge, North and the rest of the Catholic League North opponents. They developed a sense of unity and learned how to win, so next year they can bring success to La Salle as varsity players. Junior Marcus Freeman's unique way of avoiding defenders: he falls down.

Front, left to right: Mike Koons, Frank Houghton, Brendan Brett, John Mallach, Pat Brennan, Chris Sweeney, Bryan Crebis, Marc DiBenedetto, Pat Coyle, Geoff Coniglio, Dan Fay, Andrew Sutton. Back: Bill Donohue, Jim Saracino, Dan Monaghan, Dave Boelker, Kareem Tannous, Marcus Freeman, Steve Caramenico, Kevin

McCutcheon, Mike Girard, Mike Cleary, Keith Lachawiec, Kevin Barger, Tom McHugh, Damian Bridges, Mike McTague, Dave Dilullo, Dan McNichol, Sean Hunsicker, ?, Mike Fiorentino, Rich Hinkle, Jerry Kilkenny, Eugene Szymanski, Bill Murphy, Ken james, Eric Kurtz, john Tatu, joe Zeccardi, Ed Stromberg.

Kevin McCutcheon runs for the end zone with Marc DiBenedetto's blocking.



Freshmen Football he La Salle freshman football team had an outstanding season. The team was undefeated, and was not scored upon in the first five games. The first game of the season was a scrimmage against North Catholic, which La Salle won, 15-0. Even though this game wasn't played under normal rules, it was obvious that La Salle was the better team. The first official win, a 15-0 shutout, came against McDevitt. After breezing past Dougherty 21-0 the followi ng week, the freshmen battled Father Judge in a defensive war. Going into halftime, the score was tied at o. The first two plays of the game were fumbles and the momentum shifted towards Judge. But La Salle got a field goal at the end of the third quarter and a touchdown in the fourth. The defense held and LaSalle pre-



Feo leads the blockers for the running of Chris Carr.

The next game turned into an all out street-fight against Conwell-Egan. It was a closer game than anyone expected. La Salle scored a touchdown early in the first quarter, but the Egan defense halted La Salle and the score remained 8-0. In the second half, La Salle scored

another touchdown and stopped Egan when Sean Mooney intett:epted the ball on the La Salle eight yard line. The next week, Archbishop Ryan broke the seasonlong shutout. Ryan scored a touchdown in the first half,but La Salle led, 14-8. By the middle of the second half, La Salle had scored another touchdown. The final score was 21-6. Against Archbishop Wood the next week, La Salle pulled out another win with a touchdown in the second half. La Salle defeated the Prep, 15-6, to end the season undefeated. Everyone agreed that it was a great season and Coach Radvansky had some words to say about the team. "I was very impressed with the Freshman Football team and their record was outstanding." Of the players he said, "they were fun to coach and be around. They showed tremendous character, especially against Father Judge. It was a good bunch of guys and I hope they stay together for four years and eventually win a Catholic League championship."

Front, l to R: S. Mooney,J. Koller,M. Ourso,j. Meade,M. Kerr,J. DeLisi,T. McNichol,C. lavin/No Tarsi/E. Caliendo, M. WiIIs,R. McCracken,D. Malloy,T. DiFeo;F. Checkovage,c. Kane,C. Carr/D. Hangey,M. Kotwicki,J. Barthmaier,B.

Coyle,M. Mattia,T. Carmody,M. Maloney,J. Hammond,T. Lawson,M. Morcel,W. Geiger,l. MurphYiMr. J. Radvansky, D. Watt,M. Zeccardi,K. Mallach,J. McEntee,l. Delisi,S. Bergin,D. Middlemiss/F. Spause,M. McGoldrick/E. Boron, S. Collins,B. Ennis/P. Taboga,K. Gavin,J. Price,R. Foley/P. Reed/C. Eisler/G. Ventresca/D. Callan.

lack Mike Mattia calls the signals behind the offensive line.



Soccer: CLC Baby!


efore the season started, coach Mr. Bob Peffle started that, "if we play how we are capable of playing, and never let up, we can make the playoffs." This consistent hard work was characteristic of the team all year, as they won the Catholic League Championship. The Explorers opened the season with several nonleague games as a tune-up for the regular season. They defeated St. Joseph's Prep 7-2 and Strath Haven 1-0 before losing to Chestnut Hill 1-0 and tying the Prep 1-1. After a 4-2 loss to Holy Ghost and a 4-1 victory over Archbishop Carroll, the regular season began. La Salle tied ConwellEgan 3-3 in the opening game, then defeated Wood 4-2. A fourgame shutout streak, including defeats of Dougherty, Ryan, McDevitt and North, followed. The team remained undefeated in the league through games against Judge, Conwell-Egan, Wood, Dougherty, Ryan, and McDevitt until losing to North, 31. The Explorers bounced back with a 3-0 victory over Judge, having secured home-field

advantage in the playoffs. Throughout the year, leadership was provided by seniors Tom MCLaughlin and Bob Peffle on offense, as well as by Mike McFadden, Kevin Mullin and Bill Hartman in the midfield, and Phil Kiernan, Josh Lane and Scott Szewczak did the same on defense. Goalies Brian Romano and Mike McNamee helped hold opponents to 24 goals in 23 games. Juniors Chris Lynch, Dave Schaffer, and Mike Lottier, and sophomores Brandon Mandia and Phil Lynch were essential contributors. La Salle played Wood in the Northern Division Semifinals and won, 5-1. Then they challenged Ryan and won 2-1 on goals by Kevin Mullin and Tom Mclaughlin. In the Catholic League championship game, the Explorers played Roman Catholic at La Salle University. After playing a scoreless first half, Tom McLaughlin scored a goal, and goalie Mike McNamee held Roman scoreless, to preserve the shutout, 1-0, for La Salle's first soccer championship.

Back, l to R: Mr. Bob Peffle, Mr. Drew Stockmal, Josh lane, John Dawkins, Phil lynch, Michael Mack, Mike McFadden, Gabriel Valencia, Dave Schaffer, Chris lynch, Phil Kiernan,Mr. Matt Noel; Bill Hartman, Brandon Mandia, Tom Mclaughlin, Scott Szewczak, Brian Romano, Mike McNamee, Bob Peffle, Mike lottier, Kevin Mullin, Sean Ryan.

Phil lynch thinks about the reasons for number 16's headband.


Tom Mclaughlin demonstrates the determination of a true champion.

Schaffer with a perfect pass.

Bob Peffle asks his dad, "Am I doing good coach?"

Kevin Mullin chases down a loose ball.


...,.. .Ji. Phil Kiernan uses the wrong side of his head.

M.V.P. Tom Mclaughlin scores again.

Chris Lynch can kick the ball even while wearing a knee brace.



Kevin Mullin tells his adversary to stop and fix his hair.

Mike McFadden's eyes open as he sees an open path to the goal.

Bill Hartman ponders, "Be the ball."

Mike lottier darts past a defender.



JV & Freshmen Soccer Defensive Net Infrequently Crossed he 1993 JV soccer team enjoyed a successful season, with a record of 12-4-3. Coach Mr. Tom Poehlmann ruled with an iron fist, constantly devising new tactics and more strenuous workouts for his team, assisted by Mr. Bob Stewart. Junior captains Mike Fedyna and Dan Mee led the team to many exciting victories. John Dawkins, Sean Ryan and goalie Mike Mack (until he was injured) provided a spark when they came down from the varsity. Juniors Joe Mele, Ryan Harrington, Craig Vondercrone, Marc Bailey, Tim Flanigan and Dan McNichol and goalie Ray Bocchino played key roles in the


team's success. Sophomores Greg Erb, Bill Fedyna, Kevin Van Haute, Josh Piskai, Brett Bauz, Tom White and goalie Tom Lasky were essential members, as were freshmen Matt Cox and Mike Heim. With a record of 8-3-2 in the Catholic League North, and the constant effort and enthusiasm which were characteristic of the team, future success is Immanent. Freshmen Soccer also performed well this season. The team members began La Salle soccer remarkably well. New talents are certain to arise for the future success of La Salle soccer teams.

The 1993 La Salle Junior Varsity Soccer Team.



That's how you use your head.

Mike Fedyna shoots... and scores!

La Salle soccer or the Rockettes? You decide.

John Dawkins makes a perfect pass.


ross-Cou ntry Born to Run he Cross-Country team enjoyed another winning season under head coach Mr. Pat Devine this year. Led by tri-captains Steve Blasi, Frank Markey and Chris Schill, the Harriers compiled a season record of 14-3. Senior Brian Lasky, juniors Andy Mohl, Jack Horgan, Jim McHugh and Doug Giuliano, and sophomore Tom O'Connell were major contributors to the varsity team. Sophomore Craig Petruzzelli and juniors Steve Fanning and Joe Saltarelli were junior varsity standouts. Another key factor in the success of the team was the addition of Paul Giuliano as an assitant coach. The Harriers ran well in many invitational meets, most notably with a first-place team finish in the Eastern State Championships in Van Cortland Park, New York. Also impressive were the individual accomplishments of the team's top runner, Jack Horgan. Horgan was undefeated in the Catholic League regular season. He placed second in the


Prep School State Championships in Mercersburg, PA, leading the team to a third-place finish overall and earning Firstteam All-Prep State honors for himself. Horgan was then named First-team All-State after the completion of the season. The Catholic League Championships were a disappointment for the Harriers, as Horgan fell and was unable to continue, and many other runners ran less than outstanding races. However, there were a few bright spots. Horgan was named First-team All-Catholic, while Jim McHugh and Andy Mohl were accorded Honorable Mention All-Catholic honors. With such a talented group of young runners, this year's success will undoubtedly be carried on next year.

Back, L to R: Mr.Devine,J.Brighters,C.Schill,S.Mehta,B.Campbell,F.Markey, B. Lasky,F.Bonanni,S.Blasi,Paul Giuliano;I.Hobbs,A.Mohl,S.Fanning,D.Giuliano, I. Horgan,M.Dooley,M.Wolverton,J.McHugh,M.Holbert,J.Saltarelli,B.Fanning,S. Longstreth;M.Brister,P.Guidi,M.Seminick,T.O'Connell,C.Petruzzelli,l.Palmeiri, M.McMullen,M.Sasso,A.Morell,M.O'Shaughnessy,A.Au,K.Badolato,K. Lasky.

Cross Country

Fabian Bonanni once again ahead of the Prep's runners.

A usual sight: the opposing runners are behind Frank Markey.

La Salle runners sporting those stylish shorts.

Steve Fanning, Doug Giuliano and Joe Saltarelli wonder why they didn't choose a different sport.

Cross Country


r. Devine oversees the events at Plateau.

"And they're off!"


Who doesn't belong in this picture?


Craig Petruzzelli comes out of the woods with Matt Brister right behind him.

Cross Country

Steve Blasi with that trademark look of pain on his face.

I - AI

Mike O'Shaughnessy goes through his race mentally, and then realizes that his shirt is inside-out.

Cross Country

Winter Sports When It's Cold Outside


oooh! It is just plumb cold out there.

Would you like me to fetch you your smoking jacket and muffler? What are you talking about? It is not what I am talking about, but what I am not. Yeah, whatever, look, I've got another report.

Delightful. It's about the cold and La Salle.

How frigid. Yeah, well it doesn't seem to faze them. There they are, in the dead of winter, hustling their little, well, whatever's off. Some of them even frolic about outside.

Are they properly dressed? Do they have their earmuffs fastened? Thank you, mom.

A wise man once said better safe than frozen. Touching.

Tell me more. Well, they don't all run. Son; swim.

In this weather, Brrr. No, silly, inside .. .

. . . Mercifully . . . ... and they don't stop. ThE swim in the morning, aftE school, at night.

At night? Well, not really, but It JW flowed that way. Bit it isn't jw the swimmers. They have bas ketball and battle royale wres tling matches.

Yes, I've seen this on televJ sion. I'm oh-but-so fond of thCi "Jake the Snake." Close enough.

Is that all? Well, I guess so, I mean I don' really have much more to say. Do you yet believe?

I don't know, you tell me.

That is what I can't tell you. I can no longer believe you ..

Hoops! There It

• IS

Marty's World he 1993-94 La Salle varsity basketball team entered a new era this season, or did they re-enter an old one? Anyway, this season marked the return of former head coach Mr. Marty Jackson. Mr. Jackson brought with him valuable experience as well as expectations for a playoff team. The season opened with a victory over Calvert Hall. La Salle's "new era" seemed to be off to a great start. An injury to center Barry Whelan, however, hurt the team as they performed poorly at the Archbishop Carroll Converse Classic. When Whelan returned, so did the victories. The initial win came over St. John Neumann on a Friday night in the home opener. After playing in a Christmas tournament in North Carolina and a blowout of St. Joseph's Prep in a preseason game, the team looked ready to explode into regular season play. La Salle won its Catholic League opener against Arch-


bishop Wood, and hopes for a top finish in the league, even though they may have been premature, soared. An unexpected loss to North Catholic at North's "pit" put a damper on all of the exuberance. Four consecutive victories followed against Perennial league rivals Cardinal Dougherty, Father Judge, and (two against) Archbishop Ryan. A disappointing loss at home to Archbishop Wood followed. Due to the severe weather conditions, games against McDevitt, ConwellEgan, North, and Dougherty had to be postponed. The rest of the games in the season were hardfought battles. All of the time and effort paid off for the team when La Salle earned its second consecutive playoff berth. Nobody associated with the school could have been disappointed with the performance of Mr. Jackson or his players. Seniors dominated the squad, with invaluable contributions from the underclassmen. Center Barry Whelan proved that



L to R: Ryan Harrington, John Dawkins, Brendan O'Neill, Jared Goodwin, Barry Whelan, Ken Kerr, Bill Oehler, Mike Fedyna, Tom Mulvey, Brian Carmody, Kevin Bracken, Dan McNichol, Dan Hangey, Phil Lynch.


he could step up his performance and put up big numbers scoring and rebounding. La Salle's backcourt, arguably the best in the Northern division, consisted of floor general Brendan O'Neill and Tim Erb, who provided much of the scoring as well. Tom Mulvey, Dean Hangey, Ken "Reds" Kerr, Brian Carmody, and Kevin Bracken added even more punch to the always-dangerous La Salle team. team. Maybe the most surprising aspect of the team was the performance of the three sophomores. Bill Oehler, Dan Hangey, and Phil Lynch all received ample playing time and performed as if they had been playing in the league for years. Juniors John Dawkins, Ryan Harrington, Jared Goodwin, and Mike Fedyna also showed their composure and talent when in the game. La Salle has definitely secured a place among the top teams in the Catholic League for the next several years.

Dean Hangey goes for the lay-up.

helan wills his shot into the net.

Tim Erb watches as Barry Whelan overpowers the North defender.

Dan Hangey bulls his way to a rebound.

Tom Mulvey shoots over North's defense.


Bill Oehler watches Barry Whelan defy North's defense.

Brendan O'Neill tries to scare the North player into making a turnover.


Barry reaches for the ball as Dan Hangey gets in the way of North's defender.

Barry Whelan goes for the opening tip

Tim Erb defends against two North players •

. . . and Barry controls the opening tip.

Dean Hangey and Bill Oehler prepare to fight for another rebound.


JV Basketball It's Gotta Be the Shoes his year's junior varsity basketball team had a distinguished season, employing a solid defense to carry the team to a exceptionally successful Catholic League record. In addition, the team recorded non-league victories over St. Joseph's Prep and Archbishop Carroll, and they came away with a second-place finish in the tournament held at Archbishop Carroll during the Christmas holidays. The entire team displayed good hustle on offense and a tenacious defense throughout the Catholic League season. John Dawkins, Mike Fedyna and Chris Magarity led the impressive scoring attack, with Phil


Lynch and Ryan Harrington making important contributions from the point guard position. Jared Goodwin was a dependable rebounding force in the middle, and B.J. Hargadon, Dan McNichol, Ken Orange, Mike Wilkin, Bill Donohue and Pat Gorman proved to be strong forces off the dependable and always-productive bench. Playing under the direction of head coach Mr. Joe Dempsey, the members of this year's junior varsity team demonstrated, by their outstanding performances both individually and as a team, that they would make solid contributions to success next year on the varsity level.

Mr. loe Dempsey, Ryan Harrington, Chris Magarity, Chris Gange, Phil Lynch, Mike Fedyna, Dan McNichol, Mr. Nick Coggins; Pat Gorman, B.I. Hargadon, Bill Donohue, lared Goodwin, Mike Wilkin, Ken Orange, lohn Dawkins.


Phil Lynch evades the North defense on the way to a lay-up.

John Dawkins shoots over the North defense.

Freshmen Basketball Hoop It Up he La Salle Freshman Basketball team has completed yet another winning season in 1993-94. By mid-session the team had amassed a record of eight wins and just four defeats. Its starting team, comprised of center Drew Middlemiss, forwards Sean Bergin and Mike Morsell, and guards Joe Meade and Matt Maloney, anchored the team. With wins over St. John Neumann, North Catholic, Conwell-Egan, Archbishop Ryan, Archbishop Wood, Cardinal Dougherty, and Bishop McDevitt, the team demonstrated poise, talent and team chemistry necessary to continue the success of La Salle's traditionally


successful basketball program. Despite an injury to Mike Durso, coaches Mr. Terry Mancini and Mr. Bob Campbell led the team through tough losses to Archbishop Wood, Father Judge, and St. Joseph's Prep. As exhibited by the success of the starting players as well as by the powerful, dependable play of backups Nick Bryers, Joe Leva, Mike Shafle, Mark Lapera, Tim Miehle, Matt Horgan, Damian Hangey, Fran Spause, and Mike Mattia, the freshman basketball program develops potential and raw, untrained talent into solid players who will contribute to success in future seasons as varsity members of the La Salle basketball team.

Judge's defenders are no match for the La Sallian drive.

Focus! Focus!

Mike Durso tries not to look as La Salle obliterates their opponent.


Dynasty Swimmers Leave Opponents in Wake he swim team has continued its dominance over the Catholic League. Led by captains Steve Duncheskie, Todd Lofgren and Alex Crouthamel, the swimmers beat previously undefeated Cardinal O'Hara. Duncheskie won the 10M. with a time of 2:02.78 and also set a new record in the 100 freestyle in 48.70 seconds. La Salle defeated not only Cardinal O'Hara but the rest of the League. They finished the season undefeated. The team overcame some tough weather to practice. In swimming, pool time is very important. The team worked very hard to live up to its billing as one of the best swim teams in many years. With its depth of roster of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and twelve seniors, Mike Amerman, Alex Crouthamel, Steve Duncheskie, Jeff Fegley, Tom Fithian, C. Todd Lofgren, Brian Romano, Jason Santini,


Brian Scully, Jim Tate, David Wenhold, and Michael Wimmer, the team peaked and had not looked better in a long time. Some big underclass swimmers to watch were Kyle Gallagher (500 freestyle), Tom Yaegel (fly & 50 free), Ian Coffey (breast), and Jeff Truitt (50 free). This year's swim team has endured the seven in the morning practices, the two-hour workouts after school and the two and a half hours in the water on the weekends. It is nothing new for swimming. This sport not only takes dedication of one's effort but also dedication of one's time. No other team is insane enough to jump into fifty degree water at seven in the morning. This year's team will be well remembered because the seniors are the first graduating class that has had Coach Lichtner for four years. They were the first one's to hear the phrase, "Train, damn it!" and the first ones to

(Back, L to R): Ashley Brandan, Ian Coffey, Tom Vaegel, Mike Buark, Chris Walters, Brian Romano, Jim Tate, Mike Wimmer, John Kowalski; Mr. Nicoletti, Dan Sinni, Paul Callahan, Matt Yaglenski, Ray Fitzpatrick, Jason Santini, Tim Fithian, Mike Amerman, Steve Duncheskie, Todd Lofgren, Dave Wenhold, Jeff Fegley, Alex Crouthamel, Ryan Foley, Jeff Truitt, Kyle Gallagher; Frank Palopoli, Dennis O'Donnell, Kurt Hirsekorn, Anthony Penzarella, Richard Tate, Brian Scully, Mike Labosky, Dave Schalleur, Brendan Hogan, Mr. Lichtner.



have a real sense of Christmas vacation practice. It will be tough to forget the win over the Hill School and the great competitions with St. Joe's of Metuchen. There were National Catholics and Easterns. Also, the rivalry between La Salle and the Prep is etched into all of their minds. However, the best part was that they did it with class. There was never a swimmer who didn't get respect in the pool. There was a feeling of camaraderie that ran throughout the team. Who could forget such nicknames as Dutch, Woon, Sauce, Weenie, Poopy, Franchise, Doctor Pain, Boss, G, Apeman, Yags, Lobotomy, Rusty, Schalleurp, Walt, and Smith & Jones. It has been a long time since a team like this has been here at La Salle and it will be a long time before another gets here.

Tom Fithian and Dave Wenhold perform the ever-important streamline dive.

Lofgren gets a head start on his lent.

Senior Steve Duncheskie leading the way.

Ian Coffey backstrokes to victory.

Chris Walters remembers, "Turn, then breathe! Turn, then breathe!"


Mike Amerman awaits the results from his race.

Jim Tate and Jason Santini dive amid the wave disturbance.

Kyle Gallagher swallows inordinate amounts of water.

Dave Wenhold practices the breaststroke.


Ray Fitzpatrick sees the monster at the bottom of the pool.

Ashley Brandon sits ready for a grueling practice.

Jim Tate swims on to victory.


Grapplers Vie for Top Spots New Blood Infuses Team he 1993/1994 Wrestling season was one of new challenges and new faces. Although the team lost most of their varsity upper weights, the season's experienced wrestlers were ready to take the responsibility. Head Coach Mike Rae, assisted by assistant coaches Tom Clossoun, Tom Iredale and Kevin Rae, made sure that the team had sound wrestling technique and a pair of aching shoulders each practice. The team's tri-captains, Kevin Latchford, Josh Daymont and Jon Dager, offered leadership and experience, as did the other returning seniors, Michael Witkowski, Joe Hayes and Fran Felice. The junior class was full of experienced wrestlers who promise to show good leadership as seniors next year. Henry Kim, Tim Lyons, Steve Markmann,


Rob Ripp, John Sullivan and Gabe Vizza all contributed their 3+ years of experience both in practice and on the mat. Nick Cejas, Mike Monaghan, and Ryan Ventresca joined the wrestling team this year to help fill openings in the lineup. The sophomore class was also full of strong wrestlers, including Damian Bridges, who won several important matches in the heavyweight class; John Burton, Christian Sweeney, Craig Hamilton, Wesley Tuscano, and Greg Ventresca. La Salle was gifted this year with a set of very good freshmen wrestlers, Joseph Borrell, John Brown, Jason Capuzzi, Brad Guidi, Nick Klohe, Dan Malloy, and Tim McNichol, who all show great promise for the future of La Salle wrestling.

Left to right, top to bottom: Wes Tuscano, John Sullivan, Fran Felice, Damian Bridges, Nick Cejas, Amir Palmer, Craig Hamilton, Timn Lyons, Tim McNichol. Joe Hayes, Chris Sweeney, Jason Capuzzi, Dominec Salvato, Nick Klohe, Mike Witkowski


The La Salle varsity wrestling team consisted of both Jason Capuzzi and Tim McNichol at the 1 03-lb weight class, Christian Sweeney at 112, tri-captain Kevin Latchford at 119, Nick Klohe and John Sullivan at 125, Craig Hamilton at 130, Mike Witkowski and Tim Lyons at 135, Joe Hayes at 140, Fran Felice at 145, tri-captain Jon Dager at 152, tri-captain Josh Daymont at 160, Wesley Tuscano at 171, Nick Cejas and Mike Monaghan at 189, and Damian Bridges at heavyweight. Even with all these wrestlers, the team would not be complete without moderator Dennis Bloh. Mr. Bloh, English teacher by day and wrestler study hall moderator by afternoon, is always in the background making sure that all the details are complete.

Kevin Latchford executes a knee trip on his opponent.

istening to NickCejas for half a match, we now know many new

Chris Sweeney says: "I'll let you up, but only if you ask nicely."

Left to right, top to bottom: Steve Markman, Ryan Ventesca, Nick Cejas, John Brown, Dan Malloy, Mehul Amin, John Sullivan, Dominec Salvato, Tim Lyons, Brad Guidi, Tim McNichol, John Burton.


Explorers Ice Opponents Theylll Take Your Face Off o retreat, no surrender. With the ice hockey team, there is no choice but to battle until the game is won. Since last June, the Icemen have battled the coach's wrath, the opponents and themselves, all in pursuit of one goal: excellence. Why be excellent? Because everyone else is not. The root of excellence for any successful hockey team is capable goaltending. The netminders of this team, however, are more than merely capable. Senior Bob Masucci and junior Aaron New have split the duties of minding the twine and have been spectacular. Their combined goals-against average is less than half of most others. Helping out the goalies has been a stingy defensive corps that even scores a few goals of its own. The leaders of this troop are seniors Tom Fullerton and Jim Johnston, who set a hard-to-follow example of rugged play and accurate sniper fire


from the points. Junior P.J. Quinn adds fihesse, and junior Brian Price brings a presence like no other. Freshmen have even contributed to give the defense more depth than any area team. Matt Kelly has shown tremendous physical power and Justin Sutton provided a quiet but sturdy stay-at-home style. With players like these, three more years of defensive excellence are in the cards. While the defense has kept the crease clear, they are somewhat overshadowed by what has developed into the most potent offensive juggernaut in the Delaware Valley. Senior Don Quinn has led this unit, which often scores in the double digits. Seniors Frank Petka and John Eriksen join him to form a deadly power-play combination. An equally potent combination is that of sophomores Mike Farrell, Dave Rambo, and Brian Curci. Excellence is hardly complete without physical play.

Seniors Matt Stack, Terry Foster, Brian Sutcliffe and Dan Shilkitus provide the laneclearing power to make scoring the goals easier. With all this physical support, senior firstyear player Mark Sigmund has even chipped in a few goals. Juniors Chris Cinalli and Mike Ferrare utilize deceptive speed to sustain excellence on their shifts. Freshman Devin Jones has even found a place on this team because of his play, despite a size disadvantage. Deserving special recognition are this year's Inter-County League all-stars, all seniors: defenseman Tom Fullerton, centers Don Quinn and John Eriksen and goaltender Bob Masucci. The road to excellence is anything but easy. Too often, success is mistaken for excellence, but the seniors on this team never let that happen. Thank you and good luck to all the seniors: Tom, Don, Jim, John, Frank, Dan, Matt, Brian, Terry, Bob and Siggy.

JV: Back: P. Ruppel, Dr. DIAngelo, G. Monahan, R. Williams, B. Massino; W. Meuhlbrenner, McCreary, Kevane, Woods, Dempsey, Monahan, Mack, Lasky, McCafferty, Ferrare, Feretl Gaydos, Foster, Hughes, Hill, Ingrahm, OINeill, Frey, Kedizior, Fullerton, Schorn, Boehmler, Louie.

Ice Hockey

Senior Terry Foster sets up his slap shot.

Frank Petka controls the puck down the ice.

Brian Sutcliffe circles the net, looking for an open teammate


Fullerton heads into open ice, awaiting a pass.

Varsity: Back: l. Petka, DiDonato, P. Quinn, J. Garvin, R. Williams; Adelsberger, Dr. D'Angelo, Kelly, Cinalli, Sigml Shilkitus, Johnston, Stack, Price, Eriksen, Fullerton, P. Quinn, Sutcliffe, F. Shilkitus, P. Nolan; B. Masucci, D. Quinn,

Curci, Ferrare, Sutton, Rambo, Farrell, Jones, Foster, New.

The Boys of Spring Spring Sports Ahh, the springtime. I am almost so moved to galavant about the countryside belting out showtunes. Please, not until I leave. Ah, you're back. Yes I am. And you apparently have something worthwhile to share? Yeah, more sports. Is this ESPN? Yeah, except it lacks something as clever as Chris Berman. Ahh, I do so enjoy that NFL Primetime. La Salle likes sports too. Are they on ESPN2? No, the Philadelphia Catholic League. So, you're not going to talk about the Redneck WinterNationals Truck and Tractor Pull Grand Championships? Or the octofinals of the Southern Tampa over-65 women's roller hockey plastic cup?

Not quite. Listen I want to talk about La Salle.

That's all you ever talk about. I want to discuss the ethical ramifications of Bodyshaping! Put it away, old man, it's not going to happen. Oh yeah? Yeah, Denise Austin simply doesn't go for old fellows like yourself with weak joints and wrinkly skin. How did you know? Look, there's no need to get embarrassed. We all have our little problems. The thing is, it's good you got help. A lot of men your age, they wouldn't have had the courage to speak up about their problem, but you, you showed a courage not often found in this day and age. Ilove you. I love you too. You still don't believe, though, and this sappy stuff will get you nowhere. Great.

It Happens Every Spring Just Batting Around! s a famous baseball writer once stated, "Baseball is only dull to dull minds." One would have to be more than exceedingly vapid, however, to see nothing interesting in this year's La Salle varsity baseball team. Head coach Mr. Joe Parisi, assisted by Brother Tim Ahern and Mr. Ted Smith, led the team through a season laden with challenging competition to a successful final result. The season finally began after weeks of practicing indoors as a consequence of the worst winter in several decades. The team prepared for the regular season with scrimmages against Frankford, Cheltenham and George Washington. Nonleague contests against Penn Charter, former arch-rival Kennedy-Kenrick (now a member of the Southern Division), West Catholic, Cardinal O'Hara, George Washington, Calvert Hall of Baltimore and Kellenberg Memorial of New York were spread throughout the schedule to keep both the starters and backups ready for any situation.


The regular season included the usual challenges presented by Archbishop Wood, Archbishop Ryan, Cardinal Dougherty, North Catholic, Father Judge, Bishop McDevitt, and Conwell-Egan, and having worked throughout the regular season, the team was prepared for everything that followed. In the words of The Washington Post's widely acclaimed sportswriter Thomas Boswell, characteristics important in baseball are " ... daily doggedness, occasional brilliance ... [and] sincere craftmanship of the truly committed individual." The members of this year's team demonstrated all these aspects in every game and practice. Senior pitchers Brett Lofgren, Bill Hartman and Roger Burns demanded the respect of every hitter they faced with their intricate pitching arsenals. Catchers Barry Lopoten and Frank Colucci kept the pitchers focused on each individual batter throughout the season while throwing out prospective basestealers and providing key hits.

Bro. Tim Ahern, Mr. Ted Smith, Don Quinn, Brett Lofgren, Tom DiGati, Frank Colucci, Ryan Harrington, Roger Burns, Frank Grosso, Vince Lorusso, Barry Lopoten, Mike Wilkin, Kevin Kline, P.J. Quinn, Pat Gorman, Dan McNichol, Gabe Valencia, Frank Puglisi, B.J. Hargadon, Dan Hangey, Mr. Joe Parisi; Craig Vondercrone, Chris Clayton, Tim Gannon, Bill Hartman, Tim Erb, Jamie Cevallos, Bill Murphy. Baseball

Outfielders Tim Erb and Bill Hartman ran down the fly balls and kept runners from taking the extra base while providing clutch performances at the plate, and the infield, comprised of third baseman Tim Gannon, shortstop Kevin Kline, second baseman Don Quinn and first basemen Frank Grosso and Vince Lorusso all provided solid offense and defense throughout the season. With the performances of the underclass members of the team, as well as the successes of the ]V and freshman players, the varsity team will certainly continue to experience the same level of prosperity in future seasons.

Senior Tim Carinon watches as his teammates defeat their latest opponent.

Vince Lorusso whacks one to deep center field.

Catcher Barry Lopoten looks at his glove, wondering why the ball isn't there.

Mr. Parisi, looking more like Mets pitcher John Franco every day, politely requests that his team play well.



Senior Brett Lofgren checks for the sign before the windup.

Shortstop Kevin Kline displays the proper fielding position for playing ground balls.



"Go ahead, just you try to hit this pitch ..."

Senior outfielder Tim Erb prepares to throw the runner out at the plate.


Barry lopoten looks on as Frank Colucci tries to remove a bat from his mouth.

"Hey, everybody, move your cars... Don Quinn is batting!"



JVand Freshmen Baseball As Good as Bob Uecker


very year baseball steps up to the plate just as the school year is drawing to a close. Such last minute drama is very appropriate for the preferred sport of the literary elite, from Malamud to Molush to O'Toole (known for his mean pitch). Just when everyone else is slowly dyi ng from the agony of waiting and waiting to leave for summer vacation, the year just gets off to its start for members of the baseball teams. When all the ex-pitsters migrate outdoors for reasons unspoken and others simply doff all work in favor of the fresh spring air and whatnot, each year a small percentage of students decide to add more work to their lives by joining La Salle baseball. Committed? Brave? Hardworking? Stupid? The answer is one of the above and just maybe this article will provide it. The La Sallian JV and freshmen baseball teams for

1994 together prove to be yet another example of the talent of our athletes. This new talent will learn the

"Hey, where'd the ball go?"

Drew Middlemiss awaits the throw at first base ...



ins and outs of baseball, gaining experience with every game. Some of them will undoubtedly become the stars of future Varsity baseball teams here at La Salle. That is not to say that the only point to JV and freshmen baseball is to reach

the level of Varsity. The games are just as captivating to the spectator as Varsity games, if not more. And the competition takes the same toll on the mind and body, making the sport just as dramatic and grueling and ... yes, fun, I suppose, as any other baseball game. The JV team was led by sophomores Keith Lachawiec, Bill Donohue, Mike Farrell, Brian Curci, John Mallach, Greg Kevane, Scott Swindells, Brett Bauz, Chris Magarity, and juniors Chris Snyder and Brian Mack. The freshmen team included Eric Caliendo, Frank Checkovage, Matt Cox, Gordon Gary, Will Geiger, Paul Greevy, Jack Hammond, Matt Kebler, Mark Lapera, Joe Leva, Kyle Mallach, John Mason, Mike Mattia, Brian McMahan, Drew Middlemiss, Chris Schu, Charles Snyder and Fran Spause. The success of both teams bodes well for the future of La Salle baseball.

Gordon Gary holds the runner on base.

Mr. Miller and Coaches ponder their next move.

...and records the put out at first base.

Paul Grevy hurls a fastball in the general direction of home plate.



Please go straight! Please, Pretty Please.

Brendan Campbell demonstrates form as Gary lelli, Tony Benargo, and Drew Coffey gaze enviously.

Drew Coffey gets ready to swing. Unfortunately, the ball is already long gone.

Concrete: Always the best place to tee off from.



Replace All Divots Driving for Success


aSalle's golf team finally started on its way to a possible trip to the Catholic League Championship after a freezing winter. The team brought back seven strong players from last year. Returning All-Catholic seniors Brendan Campbell and Gary Lelli led the Explorers into the season. Lelli believed that consistency would be the key ingredient for the team, while Campbell thought "a strong competitive spirit" would put La Salle on top. Also returning were juniors Drew Coffey, Mike Courtney, Jon Shevlin and Sean Ryan. In addition, Anthony Bonargo, the only freshman to make the team last year, came back as a sophomore. The team acquired some young talent in tryouts and some pressure-playing experience from the returners. St. Joseph's Prep, the Explorers' rival and last year's Catholic League champs, posed


also takes a swing at the phantom ball.

a serious threat to the team. Campbell explained, "The Prep didn't lose anyone from last year's team. I believe we can beat them ... because this year OUI seniors won't choke!/I Lelli added, "It's not like we're scared of anyone. I'm never scared./I The Explorers' high hopes were centered on coach Marty Jackson. Once his basketball season was over, he was able to turn his winning attitude to the golf team. In conclusion, junior Drew Coffey jokingly said, "We're not only the most talented team in the league, we're the cutest!/I Jon Shevlin, following closely in his brother Matt's footsteps, encapsulated the team by saying, "It's about time the Explorers took their rivalry with the Prep [and other Cathol ic League schools] to the links. I think we've got a real good shot to win it all, and in the end we'll just see who's on top!/I

Jon Shevlin, Brendan Campbell, Drew Coffey, Gary lelli, Anthony Bonargo, Sean Ryan, Mike Courtney, Mr. Marty Jackson.


The Varsity 8 rows into an unexpected storm on the river.

"Carry, Carry, Carry your boat, gently out of the boathouse/Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily ... "

La Salle's Second Varsity 8 showing off their oars.



Sculling to Victory To Row Oar Not to Row his year's spring rowing season promised to be an exciting one. After crossing many preseason hurdles, the biggest of which was finding a new boathouse, firstyear head coach Mr. Peter Sigmund and his staff were geared up for a repeat performance this spring. With Mr. Sigmund, assistant coaches Mr. Chuck Calvanese and Mr. Frank Cataldi and freshmen coaches Mr. Mark Weston and Mr. Gary Wiley hoped to continue La Salle's strong rowing tradition and successfully defend last year's national championship. Led by a strong cast of seniors, including Brian Andrusko, Tim Baer, Matt Bavuso, Bill Bell, Jim Butcher, Jon Dager, Rob Duszak, Telly Giouzelis, Phil Guidi, Tim Hagan, Chris Holwick, Tom Hooper, Wi II Houston, Steve Idhaw, John McKee, Roman Miazga, Joe Muldowney, Brendan O'Malley, Mike Pelham, Mike Scali, Rob Truitt, Mike Witkowski and Chris Zaucha, as well as a strong underclass, the team promised to be nothing but fast. The 1994 crew team began practicing at school at the end of January. The team went through extensive, rigorous training for close to two months, juggling days off in between because of the snow. The rowers quickly found out that the


workouts would be painful but beneficial. The team understood, however, that this kind of preparation was necessary to become the best team in the country. The desire to hit the water continued to build with each passing day. That day finally arrived on March 12, and from that point, the rowers could see that their hard work would payoff. Looking back on the 1993 crew season, one cannot find many faults. The team won the City and Stotesbury championships, the latter which was the largest and most competitive contest in the country, with the National Schoolboy Regatta. This solid finish earned the Varsity Eight and invitation to the Royal Henley Regatta on the Thames River in England (a.k.a. the World Championships). The Varsity Eight lost in its third race to the eventual winner. With this experience as a solid building block, there is nothing to say that a repeat performance is not possible. The 1994 La Salle Crew Team has a strong desire, as well as a winning attitude, which should bring continued success. The coaches and rowers, not to mention their parents and fans, believed an undefeated season was attainable. This spring should be one which goes into the history books as one of the best in the crew program's history.

:ali and Brendan O'Malley suddenly realize, "Hey, it's cold out here!"


Back on Track ... and Field Explorers Capture First Indoor Crown ggressive, able, confident, determined, enthusiastic, and hard working ... this is how I would describe the 1994 Catholic League Indoor Track and Field Champions. La Salle was second to none on Saturday, the 12th of March, 1994, at Lehigh University. Our track and field team's spectacular performance earned La Salle another winter season championship. However, for those who don't real ize the significance of this achievement, let me enlighten you on the sweetness of this victory. La Salle had previously never won an indoor season championship. Our last track and field title came from the outdoor season of 1960. While La Salle has never been a team to be taken lightly, this year we have establ ished a new perspective of La Salle running and field teams. La Salle's 118 points in their win towered over second place Monsignor Bonner by 39 points. Our team scored in 14 of the 16 running and field events, with first place finishes in five of these events. Jack Horgan ran a second-place time of 4:48.14 in the mile and came back to finish first in the two mile with a time of 9:54.16. For these achievements, Jack was awarded the MVP of running events. If an overall MVP were awarded, it would likely be bestowed upon Jim Gorman. Scoring 28 points, Jim took first in the 60-yard dash, second in the long jump, third in the 300-yard run, and fourth in the triple jump. Doug Giuliano proved to be a runner to be reckoned with as he took first in the 600 yard run. Our distance medley team of Frank Markey, Doug Giuliano, Josh Lane, and Andrew Mohl also had an impressive second-place finish. The field team made a great contribution of 57 points to the championship. La Salle scored in all 5 of the field events.



Paul Maida placed first in the shot put with a throw of 55 feet, five inches. Andrew Wickersham stole first in the high jump (6-6) and third in the long jump. Martin Mulligan was second in the pole vault (13-0). Other contributors were Mike McGovern and Mike O'Neill. The team was led throughout the season by first team All-Catholics Paul Maida, in the shot put, Andrew Wickersham, in the high jump, Jim Gorman, in both the 60-yard dash & long jump, Jack Horgan, in the mile and the two mile, Martin Mulligan, in the pole vault, and Doug Giuliano, in the 600-yard run. The second team All Catholics, Frank Markey, Doug Giuliano, Josh Lane and Andrew Mohl, in the distance medley, Gorman, in the 300yard run and triple jump, Mike O'Neill, in the shot put, Mike McGovern, in the shot put, and Wickersham, in the long jump made invaluable contributions, as did Honorable Mention All

Catholics Josh Lane, in the 600yard run, Tom O'Connell, in the mile, Martin Mulligan, in the 60yard high hurdles and Wickersham, in the triple jump. Two of the calmest coaches in any sport, except with regard to the weather, Pat Devine and Wes Waninger, were ecstatic with the win. While both thought a championship was a possibility, neither expected to win by such a margin. I know I speak for the whole team when I give a special thanks to these two men. Mr. Devine now has to grow a beard without a mustache so he looks like a leprechaun. With the same hard work and team unity which helped bring La Salle a championship in the indoor season, the prospects look good for an outdoor season championship. Each of us on the team want to thank our parents and friends for supporting us in our quest for excellence.

Andrew Wickersham, Jack McDonald, Chris Snyder, Brian Lasky and Paul Maida exulting in championship glory.

Track and Field

Marty Mulligan makes full use of the facilities during the awful winter weather.

Senior Mike McGovern prepares for the outdoor season in the auditorium.

Paul Maida looking for a victory in the shotput.

Up and ...Over!

Track and Field


Undressing for success, with Marty Mulligan.

Junior Jim McHugh, seen here before taking the lead.

Senior Josh Lane runs to the parking lot after a teammate informs him that his car is on fire.

Run fast and carry a metal stick!

Track and Field

La Salle vying for the lead.

Matt Stack and Josh Lane cool down after a race.

An android duplicate of Jim Gorman soars to victory in the long jump.

Amish Patel indicates his locker while hurdling in the hallway.

Track and Field


La Salle Lacrosse team looks for the ball.

Walk softly and carry a BIG stick.


Out in the open, the La Salle team drives for success.

A Louie, Louie, Yeah, Yeah, a we gotta go now ...


Lacrosse Full Contact is Required


orst to First. Another story about the Phillies? No, this is the story of the la Salle Varsity lacrosse Team. This phenomenal story began but a short two years ago when the members of the class of '94 were only lowly Sophomores. Their very first year ended with a compiled 2-10 record. Now, this is quite an astonishing record considering the fact that half the team had never even seen a lacrosse stick before they joined the team. The following year, in the new Philadelphia Catholic league, the team set its sights higher. Under the "persuasive" coaching of Mr. William Leahy and Mr. Mark Dardaris, the lacrosse team won the Philadelphia Catholic league tournament-a tournament which included Carroll, Judge, and O'Hara. Within two months after winning the tournament the team reached their goal of over one year. They won the Philadelphia Catholic league by defeating Bishop Egan in sudden death overtime 7-6 on a last minute shot by Greg Erb. la Salle

Salle team waits to receive the ball.

proved that they are a perennial powerhouse in the PCl and definately a force to be contended with. This year the team starts out with basically the same goal in mind. They must defend the their PCl title against some pretty tough competition. It will prove to be no easy feat. This year la Salle has been invited to compete in a second league, the Northeast league. For this formidable league, a team must be at least three years old. But la Salle was admitted after only two years (impressive, eh?) la Salle now can not only defend the PCl title but they can also compete for the Pennsylvania State title. This year la Salle will attempt to accomplish everything that they have set out to do, and if the two previous years are any indication of what they can do, we are sure that they will succeed. In the past two years with immeasurable hard work and dedication, the la Salle lacrosse team has proven that they are a force to be reckoned with.

Back: Mr. W. leahy, J. Koller, A. Walheim, E. Mitsch, D. Gugger, B. Tull, G. Bock, D. Sforza, B. Tomchick, D. Cevallos, J. Rakowski, B. Matthews, J. Tatu, M. Morsell; E. Boron, D. Stasiorowski, R. Herzog, B. Mandia, M. lyon, M. Palombaro, D. Boelker, M. McFadden, D. Pritchard; J. Murphy, A. Morrow, M. DiBenedetto, G. Erb, C. lynch, M. Koons, M. lottier, l. Capili. Missing: Coach Dardaris, Coach Cifelli, Bro. J. Keough, Coach Daly.


Incoming! I said INCOMING!

La Salle goes for a shot on goal.

IV: Back: Mr. Kopp, K. Lasky, D. Bridges, I. Cantanese,

Waiting for the right moment to throw.

B. Price, F. Hoffman, T. Lasky, J. Daly, Mr. T. Barna; M. McTague, S. Mooney, M. Wilson, M. Rawson, 8. Croney, M. longstreth, M. Ourso; T. Lamprecht, M. Maloney, C. Kane, C. Sweeney, J. O'Neill, C. Carr, J. Alber, C. Lavin; P. McCann, T. McNichol, J. Hobbs, B. May, P. Hughes, R. McCracken.



The La Salle team playing behind the net.

Must get ball ... Must get ball ...

La Salle playing the defense.


Mike Amerman: Thanks Mom and Dad ... You's are about ready ... Olympics '93-forget it...Who's the king? ... Att! Woodpecker ... And they assemble-God bless us all...What a long strange trip it's been ... Please guys, don't talk to me ... Six in a row ... Nope .. .5oda here ...Jawns .. . Love the family ... Poco Loco's .. . PPM ... Mike & Lauren 10/11/92 .. . Central Park ... Marbels anyone? ... The Machine. Paul Amicone: He's shaped like a pear... Sure ... You're a Geek ... mmmBurt ... O-kay ... This is the Jam .. . mmm-Bye Bye ... Yeah Hi! ... Ringing the bell. Brian Andrusko: Lightweight four without spleen ... Stop calling me diver Dan. Tim Baer: Yo Amot! ... Matthews is a really good driver ... Lottier, Matthews, Campbell I'll pick you all up ... Bill, I've got that $35 that lowe you ... Peace brothers ... Lottier's house down the shore ... Kev, good idea at chatterbox ... Waiters are mmm, mmm, good ... Why's it got to be about race? ... Campbeil ya got fats ... Dragon lady knows all! Matt Bavuso: Boydy! ... "The bump" ... Boyztown '93 ... The Special Olympic 4 ... Sadee there Dazzy ... Mr. R... Pelham + I want hatchets/ Nooooo! ... "The Flying Cardinal ... Scali don't kill VacL .. TGIAN ... You can talk when you're on top, but now you're nothing ... Shotgun 90 ... Sorry 'bout the EI Camino ...WP HD Hands ... Thanks: Mom, Dad, and myself. Bill Bell: Thanks JL & KP for getting the ball rolling ... Boyztown '93 - who stole my hubcaps ... DA of Phila ... Magic Bus to New Orieans ... The Downfall ... WP ... Beware the "Shannon" ... Yo Lloyd I found Wild Bill's shore house ... Saucony Jazz ... "My name is Bill & I'm a headcase" ... The Who ... Thanks for everything: Mom, Dad, & Geo Regina. Gabe Bevilacqua: Mom, Dad and Pat: Thanks for everything, especially for not screwing me up like the people on Oprah ... "Everything is true" ... You r presence has grown tiresome, MOOWAH ... "Even false things are true" ... SHAMEL .. I am the Lizard Queen ... "How's that?" ... Yeah well, you know ... Conspiracy of TinyBrains ... Absolute Faith ... Throw it, munchie ... "1 don't know man, I didn't do it" ... Why have you forsaken me? ... You must be a FREAK ... I fear the years wasted, the

...A ...

. . Senior Quotes IIII


things undone... I'd [like] to include a [bracket] or two ... Nothing is true ... "Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds." Steven Blasi: Blas ... Hairweave ... Wesley ... DFL #l ... Patch ... Dad, Mom, Rob, Jenn love you ... "Father Nelson ... I'li never eat broccoli again"-thanks Dana I still love ya ... Mr. 0, Twiggy, LB, Oaky, Schill, Joey P, Big AI, Mohl, Jack, BF, SF, Attitude, )pC, Salty, Li'l Matt, Matty Mac, Dirty-Doug-Thanks ... Hey Big AI, see ya 3rd period ... 1 need advil ... Of, just another injury... Thanks for the habit Oaky ... Hey Josh get some aim ... Mrs. C and Mrs. Barratt, thanks for all the years ... LSXC Forever! Albert Boehmler: OH NO!!! MY KEYS!!l ... Run away! Run away! ... May the force be with you ... Dooolhhh! ... Um, nooo ... Gremlin. Fabian Bonanni: That just ain't right. .. Chickenthigh ...JohnAgghhh! ... Teshubob ... Holy Moses ... You'll be accepted to P.c.P.S.!!! ... Hey, Big guy ... Thank you Lisa, for all the hamburger dinners ... Thanks Mom and Dad, I love you ... Pinochle-holics anonymous. Kevin Bracken: The Green Hornet rides again ... New Jersey '93 ... FR's ... Sleep in the car ... Mulvey, none of it...Did you get the code? ... A circle of one ... Thanks for everything Mom and Dad, Denise. Chris Brady: #42 ... You're all gonna end up at ?*!; Montco ... 1wanna be a CD with Dc...Bri, let's get the hooks ... Brett are you serious? ...Jim I'll meet ya there ... 5-1 Base? Late night O-C trips ... Thanx for everything K-T...Chris, your Dad better get us out of this ... Rocked since Prep ... Bri, let's do it later. Thanx to all. Jim Brighters: We in da house ... OK Brighters ... Wow me! ... Say hello to the bad guy ... Craig, you're an animal ... Thanks Mom and Dad, the S)p, John, Brian, Brian and most especially Jenn Lyon ... Happy New Year, Kim! Vince Brigidi: Thanks to Mom, Dad, Deanna, Alaina, Jeff, Terry, and the rest of my family and friends for making the past four years bearable ... Get out...c.Y.O. ball, it really don't mean anything ... Can I have a dollar? ... lf you're here who's watching the fruit salad? ... Phils '94-all the way. Daniel Burkey: I wonder where my esteemed co-editor-in-chief is? ... 1

don't care if you like the damn computers or not.. .Just use them! ... Coats-we need lots & lots of coats ... Oh no! I'm sorry, the card says "The Moops" ... Weil Bill, at least I bought American ... Thanks to Mom, Kris, Nan, Pop-pop & Aunt Kay. Bob Bustard: Hey what's up?-the sky ... Don't be dissin' Sheneyney; awright...For real do ... You so crazy ... Heeey, I got you! ... No, I'm not hangin' out with Kyle and his facial appendage ... That's WILD ... Extra special thanks to my mom for kicking me in the you know where, to get me where I am today ... Biatch! Jim Butcher: 12,000,000 million dollars for the new wing and no pencil sharpeners ... B2, What are they going to do? ... They're going to arrest us Butch ... Not enough "PlayDough!" ... Phil, look out for that bus! ... Crazy!!! ... The Behemoth is dead ... Paul was a race car driver ... Boots; these aren't boots ... Schoorrnn ... But I like it...Whatever. Brendan Campbell: Soup ... Scrubber... FFB ... lrish pride ... You wanna jack the cat...Nickel carries birdies double .. .Don't worry guys, his dad's a cop ... Fatties ... Officer Potter ... BC #1 GL #2 ... Let's swing ... Thanks Mom, Dad, Nana, Durc, and Hute for your constant love and support ... Wastes from the hood ... Het one? What's her name? ... Mustard messenger ... The triangle ... Throw 'em back. Brian Carmody: Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again ... Does history record any case where the majority was right...Trying to please other people is a lOSing venture. It only causes stress. Thomas Carroll: No! You are not denying the truth, you are accepting the falsehood ... Spontaneous Mosesfication, Consolification, Bookexplodification, Patelia-della ... Late December back in '63 ... Shut up Lochetto ... Endorphin Explosion ... What's the airspeed of an unladened swallow? ... Yoruba or European. Dave Cevallos: Primo .. .Don't bother me, I've got business to take care of... To myself, the creator of the B. Buddy ... Nomad weekend ... I.would rather max relax at Bri's ... lget Jack's room ... lnquirer? ... She is definitely Division 1... Yo Brett and Gary! Not behind myhouse ... Chris, let's go to FSB ... #49 #52 #60 ... Les Gals .. . c.Y.O. ski trip. Let's go again .. . Dankin would kill Kesha. Thanks Mom; Dad and Nan.

John Chambers: I was pond immortal words of Socrates' once said, "I drank what?" Chris Ciasullo: No, no goat( Elkins Park ... Someone will si me ... 1 can't say enough aboL College Placement Office an they helped me ... I've got a h ache, can I leave? ... TF, FF, " OM, Sc, SR, TL... Shave? Yo make me? ... You disrespect C you disrespect me. Chris Ciavarelli: Thanks MOl and the kids for putting up WI and for everything you guys ( me ... Hey to all my wops: Vit Bavuso, Scales, Clements, Fu to all the rest of my boyz, YOl who you are ... You guys are t! best...To my girl Amy, I'll nev forget you. Love ya, hun ... "N no glory." Rob Clements: Mike she did wink atyou ... Watch the railin carried you ... Look! a Suburba Shave that thing off... Of cours being hit with a hammer hurts been fun ... Good Luck. Ed Colfer: Yo! Keep the ball Looow! ... Time to go, son ... Ed' 5: 5) Yo; 4) Keep the ball low; Time to go son! 2) Ed Squarehl Come ooon Ed! Frank Colucci: Wass up? ... Th, Momma and Papa Looch ... He) Are you going to eat that? ... W, change? ... Can I borrow your n( Mike Connell: Thanks Mom ar Dad ... Thanks TN, TV, GC, BW JJ, BS ... Beth ... Do you want to fl let me show you how ... Starmar the uptight businessman ... 3rd Ii rules. Christian Cooper: Coop ... Shot; no, I mean 67. Oh pride: .. End streak ...Joe, that kid's jeep is so Back'n one-eight...Flush the drawer .. .Don't lose my air ...Jim, an OL too! ... FSU ... lrish pride ... Sc'go ... Hey chump ... Thanks Me Dad, Alexis and Ian. Michael Creedon: Good luck t< fellas: TF, FF (Jerry Garcia), SC (Tchya Right), SR (Dominant, Dominant), DMc (Yo, I gotta go, 10:30), JH (Deplane), Ceez Wiz little ?*!?!) ... My back, ohhit's thE back ... lt's in the book under Les ... Tremendpus 40's ...Thanx t( Mom, Dad, ), and Raam-you gl are the best! ... That's All! James Alexander Crouthamel: I-

hem bio booklets? .. Latin ... call me Alex, James, Jim, Ider, Axle~#9 boy, etc ... let's CVS ... Gotta love the car ... ;wim ... Turnover and be :ent. .. Chris~mas "break" ... nil=e .1uchas gracias Mom and . ::;ood luck to all and to all a ife.

Dad, Joan, Kathy-love ya ... Don when's, the date?

J. DiFeo: Thanks family for letting me be me ... Wicked ... It's on ... Insane in,the brain ... Chillin' from '93 till infinity ... Really doe ... lt's over and I'm out. Anthony

Thomas DiGati: Muy picante ... :unningham: Whose da

me ar yous ... The Olds Helena's wrecks aIL .. Thanks BW, TN, MC, TV, BP, PK, )ecial thanks to troll boy, TN's nd RS .. .3rd lunch rules. IS,

Dissecting car seats ... "What's that cone for son?" ... Nanukes, nanukes ... Thanks mom and dad for everything. I love you very much. Thanks everybody. Paul DiNella: 1000101, I, pierced

'winski: The smartest men in

lrld are coaches ... Touchdown, down ... Thanks to Mom, Dad, a, Babcie, Jessica, Vince, Andy for the memories and Ice over the past four years.

my foot on sharp shells as blood ran out on lifeless sand I thought of life on another land-Paul King ... Thanks M. D, D, MJ, MO, MM, 92-93 Pit, KH, WS, T), AP, KM, CB, Skip, NH, SS ... lf you look into the leak you'll never look back.

1ger: Almost Boyztown ... I'm

•those kids ... A night at the with Soco O~e M,)... lpaw" ...W.P ... You got it, .Lightweights rule ... Yeah, but laced at Nationals, ord? .. FTP 20 Thanx, KM, for , my butt. .. Scaling the stone •... Bob, get out from behind ee ... Pennarts 125, 140, 152 ... Ner you do, don't run ... Thanx .ouise and Colleen. )aymont: Gotta iove those

10cks ... Life, liberty and the t of video ... Graduation is a lot ~ath, just not as real. I H. DeVincent: Hey yL .. lt's pudding time ... Kyuss ,.. WP ... Thanks Mom and Dad tting up with me... Hey, let's go :ked out of the band room ... I'm like a 747 outta Compton! Dezzi: Thanks Mom, Dad and -I love you ... Dez's probe ... P ... OMEGA. .. Everett ... Rams ... 1S ... FSP ... Pong ... Prom '93 .. . ltine ... KLG ... Rocky Balboa .. . happened to Cancun? . .suter ... Gail Huu-Hoo ... Where's ~ Freddie? .. RB'~ rule the :ae ... #31 ... Hatboro's most ~d Dez, Kemm, Sut-Boys to 10 I love you guys ... We're C-Ya, La Salle Rqx forever.

Chris DiVito: They say the only

thing that stands between you and the perfect run is fear. Fear of failure. What you should really be afraid of is what you will miss if you don't try ... Sell the bulk, sell everything you own but never never sell out. .. No matter how many times you crash, get up. Pant the rips downtown and let them run ... Life is vertical. .. And there is nothing on the face of the earth like living on the fall line. Paul J. Dolan: Thanks for everything Mom, Dad, Jen, & Emily ... Pinochle Club 4 ... Sam has dumb cats ... Yo B), Robinson rocks Jordan ... Settle down BiIL .. Dear Tonya, "Babe, I love you." ... 1 hope Mr. Roche gives us a contest today ... Does Mrs. Baer expect us to actually "work" today? ... Stay on the farm, Dolan. Stephen Duncheskie: Thanks for everything Mom, Dad, Rob, Denis, Diane, Bro. Bob, Bro. Fr. Flipper D, Dutch ... "I'm not polish, I'm prussian!" ... No officer it's not ours ... 5:30 AM practices ... Atlanta, here I come in '96 ... Hey dark one, itslithers! ... Hey Bill, what are the lemons forL .. New Year '93 - Hey Dave, what are you doing over there! RobertDuszak: Boyztown Leacfer.

D. Diaz: Run Rock,FOD ... 3 r Ave., Foster andfatchick ... AIJ iends are marriecj, D-KQ, T~MF, :.. , TE;fry $125.06'-rabbit .SATcruisin' iniP~P malibu ... le and work at the same ,.See Y:a! Late!.. .. Heck noL .. ;'... Letlt,rip-PU ... Zuk I'll have loney next week .. Tha!')ks Mom;

'93 - It was worth it ... Shady 8 ' members ... Eatin'pizza with :]:<:T .... "Party?!" .. .w.P.:.:"Yo dude, the name's Bob" ... Fats .. ;Cliff... "l.am not a.beast" ... QMIAB ... "ls there ainirror around? .. Thx. for everything Mom & Pop, you'~~ the b~.st! . Tim.Erb: Sowha~ if I'm going ba,.,ld ...

scooter-man ... Brett, I know a short 'cut. .. "We got flaco team" - Hock ... Let me stretch first..."Catholic League Playoffs - harness the passion and you could light Philadelphia for a month." - Bill Lyon

P.N. is over!...Who gets by us P? .. Elvis Bird- Fudgie ... What's that smell John, Snapple? .. Clueless +DQ less ... Mom, Dad,Patsy, Sean, Thanx for everything ... Kenzer, is that cool-A? Tim Gannon: Dice Rules ... Chavez,

John Eriksen: Yeah HockeyL .. Yo, I

need a snapple ... Waste Olympics '93 ... 1 love you Mary Jane (Girl Friend) ... Tom & John's rules ... Mom & Dad Thankx .... lf it wasn't for Niels, I wouldn't graduate ... "Need that cash to feed that joans." ... How many games did we have this year? .. Every weekend we do the same thing ... Do we have a problem?

Watts, +RCC(RJ,)P, KmcC, BMcP, TB):thanks, your the best...PCc...9/1/ 92 ... "Suck it up!" ... "1 thank no one but myself."-AI Bundy ... Sweet gig, Barry(TSB) ... Rain Man ... CFM ... George Wicks basebalL .. lt's one of... Joe Mama ... Run rock ... Dick Vitale is awesome with a capital A... Class of '94, Take care! Telly Giouzelis: LWT without

Jeffrey Fegley: Another morning

practiceL .. Who damaged the 10ckers? .. Band Golf anyone?TILUVU ... Agreed? .. You with me? .. Valleyforge ... Summer HTC. .. Good old Christmas training ... Metuchen BabyL .. Tim-K-Mart-Pie-Pitt ... What is that stuff on the bottom of the pool? .. lf I asked you to dance, would you? .. C. Hall-Guuuys! Fran Felice: Another day, another smi Ie ... Ceese ... Episca-posse ... Laser Led ... Jaff vs. Chris ... Captain Weo ... You with me gang ... Sweet, Smooth ... You dreamt about Jaff?L .. 1 ate your plum, which was so cold, yet so sweet...To Tom, Mike, Chris, Scott, Sal, Dan, Jaff, Colleen, Gabe, and Jenna. Brian Fisher: Double D?L .. Please,

leave me alone ... lt's about that time ... We're gonna have to leave the windows open this time ... Thanx to the following cool guys for their freaky company: KH, WS, BO'H ... LET ME OUT!! Tom Fithian: All I'd like to say is

thanks, to all those who have shaped me into who I am: La Salle, friends, and especially my family ... Some words of advice, have fun, and check where the spot on the rug is ... Keep on cruisin' to the 3 stooges: Francisco, Creed, and C's ... LS swimming, 4 years of glory; and remember, shine forth, shine bright, and always follow the light. Terry Foster: Thanks for everything

Mom, Dad+ Chris- love yas ... Yea HockeyL .. Get on that?-Our whole car could get on thatL .. Yo P, afraid to hurt me? .. 1 ain'tnever had a friend like you ... Zaucha, I swearl'.l1 ,pay youbackL .. RadiusL.:Paul gets . much,work .... Good luck class of '94! Tom Fullerton: Yeah Hockey!..

Passit Wayne ... I'm tryin!. .. Honey wagon ... F.P.,J.E." D.Q. 4 years of

spleen ... "The Bolero and the trop" ... "Nice to meet you now get out" ... "No man is an island." Kevin Gordon: Thanks Mom, Dad,

B. Smith ... Good luck class of '94 .. . I'll miss 4th Period, 55, RM, TH ... Try your hardest, that's all you can ask for ... Bye, Bye Bir red truck ... Take care Gus ... See ya, Chris, Tim, Rich, Scott, Rob, John, Sean ...TY LaSalle for a great four years ... Great job-VB team Tim, Rich, Chris, Sean. Jim Gorman: Woo Hoo! ... 1 called

da kit...Oh, dyet! ... Don't worry, my verbot'll clean up ... Chatterbox ... CRM ... Mole ... Dizzy D ... Wes and the boys ... Okay buddy! .. . O'Henry's ... Memorial Day '93-Life is a highway ... PD ... La Bamba ... 30th street volleyball with BT and HIC. .. Frozen foods ... P to P... McGov ... Nils ... Vin Loroo ... Tim ... Tom and the gang-thanks for the good times ... Mom and Dad, Katie, Johnny, Pat, and Tom- Thanks for putting up with me- I love you all! Brendan Gray: I'm the white rapper they call Konan 6'9 with no sun tan ... Dad Vail's '93 ... J+L+DBC. .. Clint-Bri-Peace ... McCourt & the nightstick .. .40'z ... The combo got me where it counts ... Danny-2 horses, 1 sti~k ... "Posse Up" ... Labor Day ,Weekend '93 at John's ... Goin' to the shows ... PRIMO! ... 1 paid my $.25 to feedt~e animal. .. BMcP, DP, MMc, KL, MMcF, MS, )p, RJ, SN, JEPEACE...Olympics '93 ... Dadthanks for nothin' ... Mom-thanks for everything. Tom Grebis: Throw 'em in the

creek ... Novice 8 ... Missy ... Footy 1, 2, 3, 4 ... TIRES ... Shady 8 ... Greevis and Butthead ... Cabin 18 ... G-Bird ... The weather is here, I wish you were beautifuI...Shore ... Fishing ... Runs in A.C. ... lf Vince Brigidi shaved his head he would be a mole ... Key West '94 ...Jetson-1 mean Jackson.

Senior Quotes

._A . .·

.1.93._. . .

Frank Grosso: Thank you Mom, Dad and Dar for everything ... ltalian Pride ... Volore ... Playing Thumper in the basement...#54 ... 0L recognition ... Good luck next year fellas, you got plenty of experience ... Paizon ... FSU ... Christmas songs, turkey sandwiches, and ... The garage party and the Dougherty game ... Half Irish. Philip Guidi: Behemoth, Behemoth II, Son of Behemoth!. .. Fity!. .. Joe, tomorrow is Friday, The Madman!!. .. Hey Butch, you know what you need, you need more varieties of play-dough ... Hey Fred, turn that thing down, the windows are rattling, I said! Turn-wait a minute, let me get my earplugs ... Steve, got any Now and Laters? .. Dumb question ... ls that wall a person or a wall wall; it was a Brick Wall!! Karl Haas: Will this take us to Central Park? .. Did I ever mention I hate this place? .. Hey Mike, is it about that time again? .. For the last four years, I relied on the kindness of my best buddies for support-BF, WS, SK, BO'H, MC, Bless JA ... MSU-I'm on my way to the promised land-ACDC Timothy R. Hagan: "If you love something set it free; if it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it!" ... Gus and the big red truck .. .4th period lunch table ... 1 can't, I have crew ... V4 ... "Hey Phil, keep banging your head!" ... Muchas gracias to all my family and friends especially Mom and Dad. Dean Hangey: Hawk Hill Inquirer Box ... Blizzard of '93 at B. Meehan's ...Jimmy, no more, seriously!. .. Primo ... Yo Sleepy, Big game!. .. IM ... Rest in Peace, Party Van!. .. Jr. Post Prom Gig at my house!. .. Reds is bald!. .. The Spa ... lt's gonna be one of those nights!. .. Palestra ... Sweet dreams Samanthaluv ya ... Thanx Mom & Dad, Skinny & Bull.

days ... Rock, cut my hair ... Bimmy ... Lot, ask your Dad .. Don't worry-4 x 4 ... Malibu ... w/a twist...Tom Cruise ... Lobster House ... Cape May-Thank God for A.C ... Under the Stars ... Mom, Dad, Brent & Kristy-Thank you for always being there ... Danielle you are the everything ... 1 love U all. Jaffrey Hasan: Thanks Mom, Dad, Redan, Sean, Lola, and Lolo for everything ... lt's not what you know, it's who you know, mind you ... Do I get what I want? .. lt's just that simple ... G'town will always live in infamy ... What is wrong with you? .. What the ... is wrong with you? .. No!. .. Scotty!.. Cees!. .. La Salle blue and gold in my soul, forever. Joseph Hayes: First and foremost, I would like to thank God, my family, R-Bear, NEPO, and everyone at La Salle for making my high school experience so fulfilling. I love you all. .. I'm a lion, hear me roar!. .. I'm a BAAAAAD man!. .. Hey Phil-you're a madman!. .. R-Bear-you are blum!. .. Marty!. .. 1 don't get even, I get mad!. .. Goliath!. .. Life is a big hill when you get to the top, it's all downhill from there. I am on my way up the hill!. .. Hey Ox, no more sit thrust Rob Hendrick: Procrastination breeds qualitY ... 1 don't know a thing about school keys ... 1 wasn't kissing up, I was being friendly ... Give me a break, officer. .. Thanks Judge Griffen ... Atlantic City for a night... Misadventures in Driving ... "Mike, do you know where we are?" ... Thanks to all my friends in CHilL .. O.C Party Police '93 ... The fool lives forever .. Thanks Mom, Dad, Tricia & Kate. Christopher Holwick: Thanks Mom, Dad, Tim, Meghan, and Amanda. I'd do it all over again .. .5J Posse still intact... We in da house ... Four w/o spleen ... "Yeah guys, I'll be there" .,. Barbecue at Johnny D's ... Eating clubs? .. So Hemming-way-Whap!... WFFL. .. Long live U2.

Jon Hanson: 0, Y, E... "Have a nice day" ... The wind is in the buffalo ... What are you, some sort of gremlin? .. OH NO! MY KEYS!. .. Today we're going to learn the pirate alphabet: AIOS ... NNS ... Double cheeseburger, onion rings, and a large orange drink ... Good, does that mean you're done spitting on me too? .. Hey, is that the one on thirteenth? .. Oh what a night!

Tom Hooper: The horror, the horror (Mistah Kurtz-he dead) ... No man is an island (Gilliganl. .. Three travelers exploring further detachment from the false realities of the world and further realization ofthemselves ... Yo Tel, what's that on your goat...Nice to meet you, now get the ... out (Ms. TU ... Ask me no questions and I will . tell you no lies.

Billy Hartman: I just look innocent...absent...Reuben & Graebs ... Cattie-No!' .. CT-4 more

William Houston: Novice-8 ... JV8 ... La Salle High Novice Crew #1 in '92 (Thanks, Sig) ... Princeton is NOT



_.19.4_ _. ._

Senior Quotes

my backup ... Science Club ... Squid palace ... Bubbles ... Rich, how's my computer doing?..1 wanna go to Henley ... Angela Angela Angela ... Grasshopper! ... Ostrogoth! ... Late again? ... Good luck, everyone ... Buckminster Fullerine ... Thanks to Dad, Mom, Rachel, Scott, Angela, two Rich's, I and J (How's little Joey?), Dan, Katie, Cricket, and everyone else.

Richard Jones: Phishin'Trips .. me your car Steve ... Charlie ct Boy, ley me tell you what... Di rules ... Reality check ... Jawns .. chu need?.. J+L=DxC .. Still de know what a mol is ... Sodas he Who's got the nugs? ... Are you kind? ... When you get the mad will all make sense ... Forget it... bless us all!. .. Thank you Mom Dad.

Steven R. Idhaw: Coxswains aren't masochistic, we just have an affinity for pain ... Career Plans: today Cape Suzette, tomorrow the world!"-Don Carnage ... Hobbies: Sword-swallowing, luge, bounty hunting ... No Jim, not enough play-dough ... Behemoth Crew ... Did Adam and Eve have navels?

Robert Kelly: Germany over a TORE: "Bratwursts and babes; doesn't get any better than that Sideshow/ "Herr" Kelly ... La Sal tennis says: "We smoked the Catholic League like a cheap cigar." ... To all the girls I've lov before ... WP ... Harry B. Shores I on ... Thanks Mom and Dad, yOI broke now, but it was fun ... Cla 1994, when I'm famous don't c me ... Auf Wiedersehen ... P.S. P. and F. DeVincent

Ray Jackson: To all my La Salle brothers, I was probably known to you as the guy with the worst La Sail ian spirit ever. Well, I made it through four years and I have a few things to get off my mind. First of all, thank you for accepting me and making me feel comfortable. Secondly, I wish you all much success and happiness. I'll see y'all in the boardrooms, law offices, and hospitals. Joe Jacobs: "Who's the hunchback?" ... Did somebody saw walipaper?..Take the plunge ... Party in Manila ... Hoggy Hoggy ... lt's Lawrence, don't call me Larry ... Somebody, anybody ... 3rd lunch rules ... You can't cross my bridge. Michael S. Jacobsen: Now fell as, again ... 1 swear I'll pay ya back .. . Murph, EF or KM, you choose ... Yes, I do mean, and don't cal. me Shirley ... Lane Meyer ... M., where should we stash the cans ... Scott, shut up about Francie ... Gina-"Linger" ... John, Murph, Bob, Dan and Civ thanks for the friendship ... Thanks Mom & Dad for everything. Borys Jarymovych: "Party on the Mothership" -P-Funk ... "Life is like ballroom dancing; every step counts"-B. Jarymovych ... "He who hesitates is lost"-Tom Waits. Jim Johnston: "What a long strange trip it's been"-GD ... You're off the road, dude ... Winter-pit-House of Pain '93-'94 ... All thanx and good luck to the Hockey Team-MK, BP, PQ, JS, BC, Junior, etc., etc., etc ... Mom and Dad made all of this possible ... Love and Peace to all the class of '94 ... "15 it for this my life I've sought? Maybe so and maybe not."-Phish.

Jeff Kemm: Thanx Mom, Dad, Jamie-I love you ... llove you Alyssa ... Dez's probe ... "Jeff, who we like you?" ... KGB ... John's truck ... I'm the roach eater ... Waste! ... F.S.P.-8BS ... Strat. .. Mer Day Weekend ... That's decent!. Irish ... Revenge of the Nerds ... S only friend is in his pocket. .. Th. friends: Dez, Sut, Lyssa, AI, Nc Ky, all La Salle boyz ... I'm the II ABC-YA Bye. Ken Kerr: "Reds" .. .4th St. prid~ shame!. .. Futz!. .. Boyd & Hange. Dead & Oil. .. I'1i sleep wit ya!. .. #13 ... Forming up on walls ... Pai & Irishmen ... S & W ... Roommate BDDDAA ... "Golden Brick!" ... in Baltimore & the contract-Ja 3rd ... Primo ... Fab 5 ... Brown-eye woman ... Halioween at the shor '93 ... Party Van's official driver .. Billy C .. Thanks Mom and Dad! Peter Kichula: Thanks Mom, 0 siblings ... Good luck SJP ... Nice throw Marty ... "No, really, I likel Tennent" ... "You have to knoweverything"(Mr. Roche) ... Go Pel chiKul. . .why is it wobblewing? Hey JM, BL, BA, TL, OM, RM, /' KC, JL, KB ... Pit. .. Wump & Thud love U Kathleen-2/23/93. phil Kiernan: God Bless Americ CLC Baby ... Nootin' ... La Salle Sc #l ... What the buck Rook ... Get c my dills ... Thanks to everyone VI made my senior year memorabl especially to my mother and fat I Paul Kleschick: Blinko ... Olga's '93 .. .4th period ... Hey Bob, can stop at Dunkin' Donuts? ... Hey 1\

re a solo? .. Rich, it's May, what ,u mean you don't know what a is ... Gentlemen, these :urriculars are fine, but... ome to Bobby's world of listry ... Translation Test? .. Matt, do you mean acoustic llber? .. Sure enough. 1 Kline:

Enter '93 ... B & B thon ... Cure the BS, Jay ... inoe's Cops ... Where's my .. NM-7/3/93 ... Jim, but I .. 30th Street Beach .. . a ... Nice slide, Barry ... Shotgun, ne? .. Freddy, fill it up, again!. .. ne up ... Another all-nighter. .. I'11 'a tomorrow ... Freeze-or I'll :!...Josie Bissett...Thanks for 'thing Mom & Dad. Knecht: Success? You're ng at him ... lf you want to be the yOU must lose your mind ... TK , Halioween ... Let's go skiing ... I: Susana, I love you.

Daniel Larkin: BIYIL .. Spontaneous Combustion (Burst into flames!) ... I'11 be right back ... Der wind ist im Buffelo ... Purple-man ... "Lothar, of the Hill People" ... There once was a man named Wobby ... Wiccan Law: "An' it harm none, do what thou wilt." Brian Lasky: Mom, Dad, thanks-I couldn't have done it without you ... Jim, John, Pete, good luck ... What's up Dogg! ... Hey Jen Lyon!. .. Hi Kim ... Hi Katherine ... Pro Mount or Pro Gwynedd? ... My heaven will be a big heaven, and I will walk through the front doorL .. Warminster Explorers #l ... Hey Kev ... Tommy, Kevin, Johnny-keep up the good work ... Craig you're an animal. .. Frank, Steve, Chris, Fab-good luck ... T.O.C., L.B., Andy, Jack-C-Ya!


lie Kobylinski: Thanks to my y and the SJP ... Warminster ners ... Projectile Class ...Jedi 1tS ... It's our c.Y.O .... We're in ware ... You don't have to be lies ... Chafe!. .. Arby'2 ... He tried I me with a forklift ... Cruisin' .. . ver there ... Why is it wobbly? .. . Jretive dance ... How many :s?..EIHD, get me a taco! Kumpf: Do we need our floor ;? ... It's about that time ... Pretty , pretty neat. .. White, yellow, 1, and our religion ... jim ison lives!! !. .. MJP forever. .. Dan, Steve, Brad. !

Joe Lasorsa: What! No Cancun!. .. SAP. Boyz ... Look at it, he's bug it!. .. Pat, did you do trig? ... "Girls?" ... You! Get outL .. Yo "B," did you bring Black?..JEEP twins, I don't know why they do anythingL .. Gen Chem ... What is up? ... Did you ever see "Lame as a Rock?" ... We're here at Pocos Locos ... NYC '93 ... Good luck boyz ... Thank you Mom, Dad, Vince, Roe ... No, how you doing? ... Lookat you, you're so pretty! Kevin Latchford: Thanks Mom & Dad. Love the family and everyone else that's left ... I was a finalist at the '93 Olympics ... Dead '93 ... Who's got the fluffy ones ... Beef on a stick ... 1 need a ticket...Who's got one .. . Veggie burritos ... Are you kind? .. . N02 ... See ya next tour.

I Lanahan: Double J, Double D, Allen Lee: No power of genius has ... 1 really don't like you. I don't ever yet had the smallest success in v why, you just... me off...What explaining existence. The perfect the name of that place again, . enigma remains ... lf you thought you hontas? ... 1 can go now, I got were free, you have no reason, no ... OJ, some purple stuff, Sunny reason to survive ... Hey person, I ain't scared ... Long live the what's up? ... "To the three D's,MP!...Thanks for everything death, destruction, destiny. Where 1 & Dad. would we be without them?"Steven King ... "Underneath this Lane: Sam has dumb cats ... reality in which we live and have get on the trackL .. Hey Steve, our being, another and altogether Iny money for me? ... D as in, different reality lies concealed.",ever ... Unit man-Gorman, you Fredrick Nietzsche. g to sing for us? ... The shuttle has ed ... lf it was made out of Gary Lelli: Thanks to all my friends ... It's over there. & especially Mom & Dad ...The triangle ... Max Relax ... No Buckin' Lapinski: Sure, go for yours ... 1 around ... Let's get down to business ... ( I'm going bald ... NormL .. ls the. Officer Potter ... GL #1 BC #2 .. . hologist in ... Smurfdrags ... Did France trip: keep 'em comin' ... I'm clean up ... There's a test Dentzel Ritter ... Do it tomorrow y? ... Bearded, grey-haired old Dave ... Weeknights at Lofgren's ... Bri ... Did you say that?..What #1 comfy house ... Les Gals ... Jened last night...He so easyVictoria ... Blizzard of '93 at g ... 1 can't wait to getout of here. BM ... Dad's van, St. Joe's, the BoxL ..

Sleepy nights ... The bus & Jean. Chris liebtag: The jacket stays on BrotherL .. Leave my Chiquita alone, it runs good, when it runs ... Joey!!!... "1 am not whipped." Stephen Lochetto: Stash (?) ... Steve Money ... Senor Whips ... Gremlin ... I'm really not Hispanic. .. Oh nomy keys!!L .. Can I have an orange? ... Airplaning at Hechinger's ... We have to go soon!!! ... Remember when ... KVC and MGB ... llove it!L .. Oh God, my arm-I can't breathe!!!. .. The ping-pong ball wall, Arugala!!L .. ln the middle of the night. Brett Lofgren: Do you think anyone will come ... I'11 do it for 100 francs ... Lost in A.c., where's Billy ... Denzel Ritter ... Cevallos' house 10, where's Shiffles ... Bri, I can't believe they found it. .. Yo Dave the cops won't come ... Yo seriously Gar I'm perfectly fine-7 more ... Taking care of business ... Thanks to Mom, Dad, Peter, Brian, Kris, and all my friends-I love you. C. Todd Lofgren: Gren ... "G" ... Chris ... See Todd ... My house-too many times ... New Year's '93 ... "Billy, lemons?" ... Flags '93-CTL & DW ... "Those lights aren't for us are they?"-Summer '93 ... "No, these aren't ours!"-Oct. '92 ... 6:50 a.m .. . Lumber's house-'93 ... B-buddies .. . "Everyman for themselves" is the key phrase!. .. CTL & SS .. .lt's been a great 4 years guys-Thanks, Good Luck, & Rock on!...Mom, Dad, Dave & Courtney, thanks for everything. love you!

Barry C. Lopoten: I thought "Eat it" meant slide ... Bili Hartman's lip at the Showcase camp ... Senior week '93 ... Are you ready TanteL .. Kevin Mullin is my worst enemy ... Kline, I did not mean to slide 15 feet from the bag. Vince Lorusso: Classic Matchups: Dino's Pizzeria/Mark's News ... World Series Game 5/Game 6 ... Harv/Hic. .. RUSS/no contest.Working at the Fresh/CFM at Maida's ... Can I help you officer/Running for the dunes ... Chyn's 18th/no contest... B777junker/John Seahawk ... Memorial Weekend/Night in Venice ... Last call for Breakfast/BonitaL .. Thanks for everything Mom and Dad. John Lottier: May the Party Van R.I.P .... But guys, my dad's a cop ... No Fear Lottier .. .5ig, did you get lost coming to school today? ... Surprise! John's driving ... No Dean, the best is when ...T. Baer, where are you staying this weekend? Oh my house

is Sea Isle ... Coop, what are you and your sister doing tonight? ... Yeah Bri, that's cool. .. Yo guys, I got a new car, another one ... Let's get a mountain house ... "Just hold me" ... Dad, Mom, Herb, Jason, Mike, thanks for being there for me during the past 4 years. Matthew Lyon: Mary in the desert with Canteen Man ... The trumpet player ... "What's on Geraldo?" ... The Booger ... SJP ... Duct tape ball. .. The general. .. Mr. Geiger vs. the Basketball. .. Diego's singing ... Golf... "What's today's soup?" ... Mega man ... Fred ... Thanks to everyone. Shawn Lyons: Thanks Mom, Dad, & J.P .... To my friends, it's been fun, Rob. Rich, Tim, Chris, Kevin, Terry ... Phil Crackin ... Use the force ... Let's out and go to the zoo ... Sweater, what sweater? ... Duncan-Donuts ... What's left ... He's got a snake in his bag ... Pine-barren trip. Ian Mackintosh: #76, Apple, Diesel, Gorgon, Earthshaker, daddy ... Shaq ... 34 Counter ...Jr Year Footy ... CYO Hoops#l ... SAP ... Scottish Pride ... What do your parents feed you? ... Can you throw down? uh, Bigtime ... 18 ... Thanks Mom, Dad, Cait, and Andrew and good luck to all my boys, Barry, Don't ForgetONLY TIME WILL RACE- Money Man. Paul Maida: C.F.M.-VL, DM, FL, TG, JG, CP, RP, VF, JS, and especially AW & JT, thanks for your money ... Can I help you officer... Chyn"s 18th-Lahia ... R.I.P. B777Junker ... RussL .. Let me see the snake ... I'm Johnson ... Hi-C we're playing w/4 ... Notin' But the Best... J.P .... Laundry Basket...Road trip Meg, Mike, Yin & Fred ... Thanks Mom & Dad for making everything in my life possible. I love you for it. Frank Markey: What's up to LSXCSB, CS, FB, BL, JB, JL, BM, AM, JH, DG, JS, CP, TOC. .. Big thanx to PD for 4 great years ... Nice Poopa!. .. DFL'S Turn to DFX'S ... Feeling Olympic Today? ... Strap it On! John Markowski: Hagbar, ski, PT, FR, What's up fellas? ... So what's opening height? ... What is the intramural council? ... Why did I get a]V letter? ... Bell curve ... Thanks everyone. Bob Masucci: Yea HockeyL .. Blow your doors offL .. 1 have no respect for thatL .. Hockey 93-94 ... Bound for victory! ... Thanks to all team members who believed in me, especially to my defensemen JJ, TF,

Senior Quotes


BP, PJQ, MK, and JS ... Good luck class of '94.

Brian Matthews: Fire! ... Revolution! ... Thanks fellow Looney Toons! ... Blue N' Gold in R' Soull... "Yo guys, instead of going to college we should all put our $ together and make a Party House, 1 Big JammyJam! We still have to have 1 you Know." ... "Feel the rhythm of the Earth, Dance to the song of life!" ... BG(Stay with Me) ... Turkey T! ... O.C.V-Ball ... Think like an Indian, play like an Indian ...Thanks Mom and Dad! I love You ... Peace Everyone! ... Taco-Bell Forever!

Kevin McAllister: It starts with a T and ends in an '-od' a 'p' in the middle, with an 'R-I' ... I love to stay at the YMC..What's up now?! ... "Of course the game is rigged, but if you don't bet you can't win."-Lasarus Long ... Sal, we need a Slim Jim ... lt was a big plunge but I lost the binoculars. Rob McCarry: Thanks Mom and Dad and Family for all your support the last four years and all the "NonRefundable" checks you've written ... Bury the Needle ... When does it come out? ... Yea two ... No really I did honestly ... Hey Shawn move closer ... Can you give me a ride home? .. Thanks for everything guys: Shawn, Rich, Tim, Chris ... We came, we saw, we left.

always come ... 1 know what we're doing, just where are we going? ... Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha ... To the "wastes," I hope we all survive past 22 ... 8-ball kickin'.

Pat McDonald: SAP ... FSU ... #64 ... And a wing-dingaling down da troat...Pizza in the alley ... Just funnel it! ... NOMADS FOREVER! ... Gorman's backyard is comfortable .. . Sheniqua ... Yes it was a snake bite .. . Jungle Bunk Pride ... AP Gen Chem .. . 306088 ... Madden's Champion ... Playing thumper in the basement... OL recognition? ...Joe what's the lineLCenter sneak Jimmy ... Sig's asleep what else is new ... Sleepy's hot tub! ... The Great Adventure safari ... Good luck next year fellas, you have plenty of experience ... Stinking bombs ... Fire in the hole .. .Das boot. Michael McFadden: Thank you Mom & Dad, I love youl...PCL Champs #11 ... What the buck Rook! ... Waste Olympics '93 (dropout) ... BG+DP+KL+JE+SN+MS+RJ+ JP+KMc+MMc+BMc+MA+ The rest of the boys-you get all my love! ... The Animal doesn't deserve to be fed! ... Whatcha need, Foolt ... Situation normal, all screwed up! ... Our game, Ken ... Love + Faithfulness-Jan ... Remember-When it comes to life, it's the quality, not the quantity that counts! ... lrish Pride!

what you can deliver. Then deliver more than you promise." ... How sweet it is, PCL Champs ... The fans made the difference ... What a team, you guys are great...You're the best Mr. Parisi ... Mom,Dad, Meredith-I love you ... "Dreams come true for those who work while they dream. Sweet Dreams."

Michael MCMonagle: Who's a punk? ... Don't worry, we'll get it... Galactica, Galactica ... But He's just a freshman ... Pinochle Club.

Brian Meehan: Primo ... Dave R U coming over ...Triangle ... Muscles, goggles, plummet ... Cevol 10 .. . Comfort #1 ... Skutzy ... Sleep ... Garset it up ... lnquirer box? ... Bottlebuddy business ... Nomad Weekend ... #22 ... Primetime ... Don't worry about it...KT-Tuts ... Party Van R.I.P .... Great coach? ... Local nut...FSB ... Blizzard of '93 ... Who's driving?..To my boysthankx wouldn't be enough .. .Dad, Mom, Jack, Colleen, & Irish you're the best, I love you. Jim Meehan: Seamus ... Jimmy Mac #9 ... Get off my Dills ... Da 10Mo ... Wasted since Dougherty ... lt's in the blood Brain ... Best friends right Deano?..Who's drivin? ... Sleepy's hot tub! ... Yeah I'm Irish ... Forget it! ... Soup Dogg in da' house ... R U serious? ... Lynch & Foster-be cool ... Good luck Trauss ... Thanx Mom & Dad ... The Irish never quit.

wi the

flock Pretty Little Mess remember that name ... Hoka Hay! ... Giddieup ... "1 had this dream last night..." ... Yeah, I am afraid of Jaws getting me in a pool, you got a problem wi that?.."Did you see Seinfeld?" ... Thanks Dad.

Karl McCool: "And Sharkey says: Hey, kemosabe! Long time no see. He says: Hey sport. You connect the dots. You pick up the pieces. He says: You know, I can see two tiny pictures of myself and there's one in each of your eyes. And they're doin' everything I do. Every time I light a cigarette, they light up theirs. I take a drink and I look in and they're drinkin' too. It's drivin' me crazy. It's drivin' me nuts. And Sharkey says: Deep in the heart of darkest America. Home of the brave. Ha ha hat You've already paid forthis. He says: Listen to my heart beat."Laurie Anderson.

Memorial Day '93: Life is a highway ... Cards for tards ... You got sometin to say ... Okay Buckly .. .55, 76, 67: We own the left side ... O'Mall, Sack it...Paul ... OL...V-Ball ... Night in Venice ... Wiss Chicks ... Hopkins ... Fat putters ... we had a pretty good time ... but my guns are bigger ...Thanks Mom, Dad, Jeff, ,It was worth it.

Boyd Mcilvaine: You think practice is gonna be tough today guys ... You got anything you don't want...The Bump I & 1I ... Screech ... The Field .. .Fourth Street Pride ... BDDDAA ... CF, MF, SE, DS, PS, TM, SG, KK, MR, JK, EM, DP, RH, RD ... You kiss BC yet... CC ... LPI ... Are you doin' what ifs again ... 1 guess it time that Louisiana is the Pelican state ... Love ya Mom, Dad, Kath, Lynn, and Sharon. John McKee: Boyztown '93- like the

Michael McCourt: I love you Mom and Dad more than you know ... God bless the family ... Forty Z's ... J+C+D by C..I like school, that's why I


A ....


19.6._. ._

Senior Quotes

new kitchen floor color... Poland '92 ss ... proud recipient of Senior Year Shady Award ... WP ... Thanx for the corruption ... Thanks for everything Mom, Dad, Carolyn, and Dubs.

Tom Mclaughlin: "Promise only

Bill Mydlowec: How's homerc Mr. Wiley? I'll have to stop up someday ... Well, Mr. Stanczak, wouldn't have to go out for lun every day if this school had bel restaurants ... We need coats-t( EuroHooks ... Something is horri wrong here. Hand me those S} disks ... Dan, right pedal go, left stop ... Sure is quiet in the schoc 2am, huh Karl? ... Mutants, all 0 them! ... Science Club? Sure, wh ever ... Dragon's Dare '93: Nev. will pay! ... Mr. Russell, I'll give $50 for the PDP-11, but only if help me carry it to my car ... Tri\ for NetWare, due out sometimE before the next millenia ... "L'Hopital's Rule-It's a sledge mer!"-Mr. Roche ... "It's just hi: way" ... 1980' s revival movement..."Well, whataya gonna d Joseph Muldowney: Boy's tow '93 ...Joe am I driving straight... Truckin! ... Loyd, whatever you c don't run ... Lightweight's forevE the hill ... FTP-20 ... Dager and th cooler at the mann ... Thanks to ; my friends.

Load" ... "1 don't like spam" ... Mega Man-Fred ... Frogmaster 6.

Martin Mulligan: How much fo touchdown?..WORD!".Field & Track ... Throw the 7? ... 1'1I bring tomorrow ... Fishing Club ... Murr it's snowing! ... Straight Outta London ... She's looking at me .. .1 boyfriend, so? ... Pool Ball, Broo~ style! ... Thanks for being there: : Wimm, Murph, the SJP ... Mutha (Herbal T, KFe, MCI) ... Warmim Explorers OB, JM, Be, KB, DM, I BL, PK, WK, AP) ... PEL, Bro B (C Factory), Doc (3 out of 4 '5 not I Rockets!) ...Justin, Mike, John Thanks,wouldn't have made it alone! ... Mom & Dad, Thanks, I you.

Roman Miazga: Crew ... Novice-8 ...

Kevin Mullin: C.L.Champs, bab

Boystown '93 Enough saidl...Pool class ... Good conversations!? ... Insanity laughs ... The things we won't recall ... The feelings we'll never find.

rook-#9 ... Chatterbox, Baer... Hartman's gigs! ... Should've bee Team AIl-Catholic ... Moon, my predecessor and my boy ... Nomc just go ... Brian, I am so glad I am you! ... Secret Lover ... D-1 Soccer. We're headed for O.c., Ma, Joh Irish, Sam ... We're out of hand ... Soccer baby.;.Barry is stupid ... 11 no clue what I am doing ... Abn a Chicken, the best bench warmer Irish Pride ... The Irish never quit.

Michael P. McGovern: 0, yet... Richard J. McCracken: Down

lan ... Cheing ... Don't ever shav, Later, Mahoney ... Squeeze.

Saurin Mehta: Siren? Sorin? Satan? ... We turned your desk to face Mecca .. DFL-not quite ... 333-it never snows around here ... Burning Houston in effigy (or alive?) ... LSXC #1 for me ... Remember who you are ... 1 want a Big Tool Tie. Brian Merritt: Word to "The Mother

Kyle S. Miller: "I've conquered my past, the future is here at last, I stand at the entrance to a new world."U2.:.Get a life ... 1'1i type it 1 st and 4th ... Bert and Ernie-the McCabe Bros ... HI Pete! ... Thanks Dana ... Thanks Kevin and Keith ... Special thanks to Mom and Dad for everything you do.

.Paul Mullin: Rheel! It ... Pass the

Chris Monahan.: Thanks for the

. coif~e ... Fred!!! !::.Butch!! L.. Wha lest!. .. lt was a bric.k wall!

good, bad and worse time .. .Don't change ... Whata ride, Steve, Mike~'

Tpm Mulvey: Donlcall me a.


ead!!. .. Deano, Sleep, Reds, ;wimming ... Brack, none of it! ... nent of si lence for the party rhe Green Hornet will never 'hanks Mom, Willie, Fran, Pat, Erin. We're Palestra-bound! Murphy: Murph ... B.A .. . .. Look, it's Juan Valdez ... Mike, ur dad-Agaaaain .... Lots of ;e ... 36 counter ... JV Footy ... I'm t, I'm just big boned ... Senior :ooty-wasted {thanks coach) ... 'eam All Neck RolI ... The Beast lever die ... K-27 ... Audi 5 .. SSe... FSU ... Thankx for :hing Mom, Dad, Melissa, and n. Nazari: The grass is greener in cmt...Bingers for breakfast with Sawns ... Something smells y... The animal ... Mendel ... ; horse ... Finalist in the '93 Jics ... Reality check ... lers ... Thank you to all my kind for helping through school! I"lorthrop: 1984 Monte Carlo :ops! Run-through the woods )... Erin OJOJOJ-Thanks ... I'S '92-always remember O!rs ... OLMC pride-hoops ... PR Posse .. .5up, D-town ... Ig on 309 speedway ... 1 hate armpits ... 3rd period lunch ... La -best fans in the PCL. .. Right ..vith JDK ... Gracias to all who helped along the way ... lt's fun ... "lt's a Wonderful Life!" :Ian O'Hanlon: Thanks for the y night games ... The walks :h the fields ... the rides home on us ... myu stroll through the Is, Mike. dan 0' Malley: "Who ?" ... C'mon Boydy, Are You n me? ... the bump ... Sack it... se the chumps now? ... Hey there ov ... Boyz town 4 ... Don't even ... ! at the table ... EGO ... KmcC ... x Mom & Dad ... Yea Aps ... ny B-Get off it...1 think you me knockin and I think I'm n'in. dan O'Neill: Corpus Christi ... nquirer at Sf. Joe's ... Let's go )ox hunting ... 6Oth St Beach .. . ; shiny head in Baltimore '92 .. . 1 Catholic--Playoff~ '93 ... The 5Ie ... Gene and the bus.,:" ... and an went up in smoke" ... Hey " you're weird ... Blizzard of -B. Meehan's house ... Yo Jim, go to WAWA .. ,What YOUW3r:tt


leleOyefule: LOllg live


Mendelssohn, even though he's dead already ... Oochh Scooch ... Look around you. there are many things to see that some would say could never be ... These things I know. It's true, and I will tell you so. They are there to see if you believe. Amir Palmer: Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. Vince Lombardi for {ATC) ... llove you Dara, Maisha, and Gamal Palmer and Beatrice Davis ... 1would rather be silent, and thought of as an idiot, than speak and leave no debate ... 1 realize that in my striving for perfection, I must make the perfect mistake. Matt Palombaro: So what is coed manhunt? ... South Street! .. .Intramural Mountain Biking!? ... Gracias Amigos! Andrew Paolone: James remembered ... too bad Joe ... llove you Jean ... "The writer, it is said, passed swiftly in the night, not even the most subtle change in the air." Andrew Parry: "Oh, I can smile about it now, but at the time it was terrible, Oh mama let me go ... "Morrissey ... Don't you wish you could be doing this, James? Amish Patel: The Asian Invasion ... The Arabian Nightmare. J. Christopher Paul: Fear not...why is it wobbly? ... Let me explain; no, its too long, let me sum up ... Where'd you get that grip? .. ,YGW... What is your nameL.What is your quest? ... 1 hope it's good and hot...What is your favorite color?..The French Slam, Please ... golf in the lounge ... 52 no run- Pinochle Club ... Where there's a will there's a willy ... Here's a nickel, go learn the theorem ... sidewalks and summer fling '92 ... Johnson, Watson, Foxy, Dana, Ping ... Ginsu hips and stickyman ... Chk Pat Mac Ches Broc ... Pez? ... Sadie, Always. Bob Peffle: CLC Baby ... #5 ... Coach's son ... the playmaker ... What the buck Rook? ... T.N. '92 ... Virginia '93 ... Thanks M.J ... Who's got Fatz, Lach? ... PK, TN, MC,MM,KM,TM, BM,GC,CL,PL-Thanks for the times ... Mom, Dad, Mikecllove you all. Mike Pelham: The well ... Boyztown '93 ... shady 8 ... Chev ... el Cobongo: .. Nascar driver ... Old.dGathful ... Led Zeppelin ... CCR ... The Tempo ... Mr. Reinhardt, Bavusoand I want Hatch~tfl;-loooni.;..The quad Tanka . toyIDha,tbCl}N:bme back .. .v.T. Mak6i3'(C~seYs路Cardose, .. Sky

Burst...Joanna ... My 10ve... Hunterthe fence ... M.T ... Grebis-Mountain .. . hot sauce ... Up your gas Dr. Dork .. . Capt. Morgan ... Snow ... R+R .. .300-lb ice ... Duz,and I, well have a party somewhere ... Thanx love dad, mom, Mary Bear, Booger ... Luv forever baby dumpling.

ya ... PSU #1 ... " A man has to do what he thinks is right, or he isn't a man"-Joe Paterno.

Frank Pellegrino: GPA has nothing to do with how smart you are ... lf you can't convince them just confuse them ... Thanks mom and dad for everything ... Bye! Marco Perfetti: Marco Da Vinci .... Paul, I think I'll actually play today ... Yearbook Purgatory.,.Steve we are the yearbook ... "Okay, guys, Norman Braman owns the Eagles." ... "Gentlemen, it's always a pleasure."-Mr. Sigmund ... Taz is God ... RS, CS, CZ, TF Have a ball! Who needs a ride? ... Foster & Zaucha-No Torches!!! ... At least I have a !@##$%* Car ... Chris I owe you a 10t...Luv you goofey{6/20/ 91 )... Thanx Mom, Dad, Mario ... Perfecto ... lt's been, well, you know .... Joseph A. Perillo: Grazie per tutto quez sacrificos {Thanks for all the sacrifices) ... God love the family ... Olympics '93-Finalist...3 chambered ... Phish N' Trips 93-94 ... Alison-keep of entrenchments {N.H. 93-94) ... Charlie Child ... Blowin Jawns ... Dead tour-kind for your extra ... Where's Ponchito? ... Pizan ... Just say N02 ... Who's got those funny little pieces of paper?..Gravity bingers ... Latch, You need a new set of eyes? ... Waste ... Who's got a pinch for me? Frank Petka: Yeah Hockey-TF, JE, & DQ-4 years ... We're bringing it home! ... Da tripod in the House of Pain ... Sure, I'll take a plunge, only at the YMC ... The summer of sixty-fo ... What time is it Drac? ... Hey guys, look at the guy with the diet coke who is carrying a cone ... Tom, get out of there-it's gonna blow! ... No Nukes & Crannies for Snoop HoggyHog ... Thanks Mom and Dad-Love Ya ... We're partying in the summer of 19-naughty-4-Audi, to all the goons and poodle hops out there. Ka ... Pants out. Brian Piskai: Thanks to my family and friends BW,GC,TV,MC, MM, AT,TN and JJ ... Thanks alot to RS (11/ 4/93) we will remember! ... Rollin' in the BLUTHUNDER ... Who's the chump, me or yous ... 1015 Pheasant Meadow ... Kiss it ... 10/31/93 ... Chicken fried rice ... Toe grabber ... or something ... keep the change you filthy animal ... my man, comin' at,

Steve Ponisciak: Statman ... So this is what $9 million looks like ... lrish Way '93-memories that will live forever ... " If 7-11' s are open 24 hours, why do they have locks on the doors?"-Larry Andersen ... lt's not a question of attitude ... "Win today and we will walk together forever"-Fred Shero ... La Salle Baseball-thanks for the memories (How much was dinner in Baltimore '93?) and good luck to all. .. To everyone who has helped me in any way: Thank You! Dan Pritchard: For real? ... My god! ... I plead not guilty your honor ... Latch, your teddy bear tattoo is tough ... Did we get thrown out again? ... KL, BG, MMc, )p, MMc, MS, KMc, BMc, RJ, SN, JE, RR, RT... Thanx M + D ... The better man is always-Me! ... God bless the family ... Joey you drive ... The lamp's broken ... Yaks at Stack's ... B. Smith wait! ... Get the guns Danny! What guns Latch? ... Latch, Rob and Speed Racer. Don Quinn: Here's your thanks Mom and Dad, Love ya ... Later fat boy ... Clvisbird to Fudgey ... No more PN ... Nice loss Terry and Brian ... Doot Doot Doot Doot...Diaz, Phillies in 10 minutes .. Cereal baking powder .. Tom, have you seen the burning bush? ... Stack plays hockey? ... 1 ain't never had a friend like you ... Honeywagon ... Yeah Hockey TFDQJEFPJJTFMSDSBM MS ... Professional one dayers ... Stocker the rookie of the year ... KB ... Who would make the connection? Richard J. Ravasco: Thanx Mom, Dad, Sis I don't know how you put up with me ... cuzs ... You're the best... Ro-Wena'wopper' ... You twit...wish you were here wiggy ... Stick-Richie ... 'B.H.O.' Master ... Watcha Momma tell ya ...Jack A... Joe-Dog ... College ... Footie ... Don't make me mad ... Break 200, Ha ... Rick-meister!?! ... Biker .. . Rabs & Bicky ... Meow ... Luv ya all .. . Thanx! Dan Rendine: Dice rules ... Thanx for everything Mom, Dad, and Steph ... Loade #1 ... Hey Sonpy, you go this way, I'll go this way ... Who are you, Beavis or Butthead? ... No, my car .doesn't have hydraulics ... Whatshername ... Hatch one? Chris Roat: #!?&$ school bus! I wish I had a car ... Hey'McCarry, can I have a ride homeL.Dan, what was the answer to #4 ... AP Chemistry: I

6..._ 197

Senior Quotes _ _

_ . _. ._

think my head is going to explode ... Yo hablo espanol, yo pienso ... College, here I comeL.Just do it...L.S. forever ... Thanks Mom, Dad, Maureen and everyone.

Brian Romano: Grins '93 ... U2 ... Hartmans ... New Years '93 ... Big Daddy ... CIiff- get out of the shoveL .. fatty ... PT ... B-Buddy ... Meg alwaysL .. Mom, Dad, Kev, Dude, Rach, Bro. Bob, Thanks for everything, couldn't have done it without you.

Peter Rossi: Sure enoughL .. lt matters not how long we live, but how we wetwieve da data.

AI Salvador: "The library is where the dead come back to life" -Bro. Linus ... "Education is part of you that no one can take away!" - Tatang ... "Everybody is special to somebody!"-Alhein ... Thanks Mom and Dad for everything.

Rich Sands: Time is something that can never be truly understood ... by the way how long till lunch? Jason M. Santini: Weinni, Cliff, Woody ... 1 wrapped the arms around my ears ... 30th Street Vball & Prolls ... Tuesdays at Paris ... Thanksgiving '93 ... Hey Russ .. Ok-Dyet...Moose Crossing ... Swimmers: 6 in a row and counting ... Hi- isn't on my team ... #4,#BB ... Big rocks ... Bahamas ... To those who made this all possible:Thanks.

Larry Santucci: AP, KH, JK. Hey Roseann! I cut my nails to the quick, but sti II I was caught with my hand in the till ... Blowin' Jazz ... SQUISHYFISHYMISHYSQUISHY.

Mike Scali: If he was a woman, he would be called a Bimbo-MM ... The old "52" ... Top Heavy ... Sure Matt, you don't care about her Camaro ... Long live BTD ... I'm really organized ... "Boydies out in Lansdale ... eating ham" ... Matt-you are better. .. "No, really, I like you .. . but" ...The Holy Chalice ... Hi Dave .. . Beat like eggs ... Get out, no, really, GET OUT ... Matt, I think you hit it... Come on Pelham, put away the guns.

Mike Scarcelle: Scarkle ... "Oh no ... it's time for the Star Wars song!" ... They killed Mister Moo ... Visits(110) to Atlantic City ... I'1i worry about tomorrow ... I'm not in the house, whatever that means ... Thanks Mom, Dad, family and friends.

Chris Schill: Chuck ... g. T. 5., but


l.9.8. . . . . . . senior Quotes

needs more dev.-B. McCabe ... Wetweeve da data ... Eric, your hair's falling outL .. Gotta get a cup of fuel-G. Wiley ... Marco & Danielle-Bright Light. .. The lunch bunch-Tommy, Bob & Eric. .. Are you lost too Roman? .. Luv ya lots KeL .. Family, Friends, & FacultyThanks for a great year!

Robert Schnepp: SchnepperbiIlL .. Kinda like that thing the elephants stand on ... "Ya gotta love the stuff... it's so neat" ... How are you doing today, Sarge? .. .5chneppercise ...The Pinochle Club ... Maynard Ferguson ... Hoagie CarmichaeL .. You want twinkies with that? .. We're gonna be tearing this apart in two weeks ... Gentlemen, extracurricular activities are fine ... Thanks Mom, Dad, 0, C, G,M,V.

Brian Schorn: "1 wonder where the class is" -Brother Joe ... No I don't have my sweater ... Were you talking to me ... Can I borrow some money ... Are they still following us ... OK ... Alright...Nasty Nestea ... NIN ... Fert ... It wasn't me ... Alice the Goon .. . Barkley rules ... Buckwild ... Bombs away ... No diet soda today Mr. Wiley ... Butch, are we going to Tec. .. Drawing today ... But, I was in class ... Where's 309 ... 1 love french, NOT ... Thanx Mom and Dad. Brian Scully: Christmas Vacation? .. Red-head snow plow {Hey, Murph!) ... "Yes, I did play football" ... Bahamas ... Exactly what is that on the water? .. Respect the mathL .. This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, baby ... They must carry knee pads ... Where's our Editor? .. Four bucks, all you can eat. But they never tell you how sick you'll get...Putz, Slim, Fester!... Thanks everyone especially Mom and Dad.

Tim Semen: Thanks Mom & Dad ... See ya DL, TC, SL, JH, PG, OM, BB, PR ... Would you like fries with that? .. Never play leapfrog with a unicorn ... Zeppelin ... Mustangs rule ... Never apply at McDonalds .. .lf it hurts, don't do that...& to everyone on the yearbook staff.


I'm Ghost.

Mark Sigmund: SAP, sorry, Pat, I fell asleep forthe 1231 st time ... Great Adventure Safari. .. 19 1/2 inch bass ... Night swimming at Willow and Loch Alsh reservoir ... Fishing and trips with P Mcd ... Ken Silver. .. Mark P ... and Joe P...Jim Thorpe ... "Clueless" -Mr. Jackson ... McDonald Crab Day B9, 90,91 ,92,93 ... Timber is smarter than Kurry ... Side boards with Coach Nolan ... The ice is Slippery ... Quarry is like the Grand Canyon, Barry.

Brian Sweeney: Bookwriter. ..

William Silli: Brown Town ... The shadow of the thunderbird backseat. .. Four Star U!!L .. I don't like him, or him or him or him ... "The good always die young, that is why immortality is saved for the greatest evils"-Ralph Browner. .. THE MAD PROFESSOR ... Feeling good is good enough-Platoon .. .I just can't remember. .. 1 lost itL .. Have a neat summerL .. Give homage to the indian gods for everlasting peace ... long live PZ, TJ, BF, KH, FD, BH, MC,SC!!! Brian Smith: Nomads #l ... lrish AyasWake N' Bake ... AC. .. Pennsbury pick .. .D1 yea rightL .. Packed for Coon? .. LP 0 back pride tuff loss, good skating ... AP General Chemistry ... He's bug it, JoeyL .. Poco Loco's NYC '93 ... Double J.. .Double D ... Triple C..Shut up, ClairL .. Carpe Diem ... Thanks and love ya Ma and Pa.

story ... So anyway ... OK Kevin. BabyL .. Nice Face! RM ... Mmr good.

Mike Tantala: Scade! ... Spat Schein ... BRS ... Ruff...Jelly Bear Maximus ... Shik ... WWW=NR .. Elby's ... Magister ... Paul, isn't yc date like uhhh 12 ... {S)Weeny f Lana ... Boca ... Herr ... Dictionar) Ecfututus ... Wer ist Andy Toffel Madchenlich-man ... Der Deutc & B... St Bob - Pray for Paul. .. Thanks to everyone!

Tim Smith: I'm there dude ... Hey Barry, shaveL .. Whatsup Mull ... Thanks Mom and Dad.

Daniel Trojecki: It's just like P

Matt Stack: Fellas, the rents are gone this weekend ... Let the olympics begin ... You guys can't hang ... The party train and circus has arrived ... Kicked out again ... Mom and Dad, my friends and I thank you ... Winner of the Olympics I and 1I ... Thanks MMc, BG, )p, JE, MA, SN, DP, MM, RJ, KL, BMC, Clint, TB, and all my other wastes.

Dan Stasiorowski: I was the cat's meow, but now I am living. Brian Sutcliffe: Thanks Mom and

Oh dearL .. Paco "the Mechanic" ... Go Phils!L .. Thanks Mom and Dad for everything!

Dad Love ya ... Oochy and Sean love ya .. I'm the may-or. .. Yeah Hockey ... True FSP for life ... Dege ... NZ, JZ, AM, DEZ, JDK, weas and the rest of my crew ... always BBS ... J *KL ...John's truck ... Rlm and Babs .. 1cut hair. .. Huu-Haa Spoodge ... Mushroom heads rule Dez ... DR. Pepper ... why do we like Jeff? .. Probe ... Waste? yeah ... I'm Silly ... Sep ... Gail's one hot awesome mom, yeah Vin ... Strat...Yo,

open your eyes and say you don't understand ... than to close your eyes and say you don't believe."-O.J. Rodney ... P-Funk law #19 ... Borys, can I borrow your spaceship? I'll bring it right back ... Funk is its own

Scott Szewczak: Dills!? ... 1 gOI

Jim Tate: Stop, Kev, Whattaya doin'? Stop, Kev, stop ...Jason, 'bout that night? ... Bahamas ...T Laura I love her ... Moose crossi Simon ... NM-July 3, 1993 ... B, grab me one ... LLB ... Josie Bisse Check the trail map ... Pull over really have to go ... Rub one oul Max's ... Bald ... Christmas what? Thanks Mom and Dad.

Dan Shilkitus: Yeah Hockey ... lOB ...

Andrew Shoturma: "It is better to

munk ... Sure enough .. Lipstick graphs ... Grand-house ... Blinkc Monkey ... Maudlin ... City of ar Broken candy canes ... Econo-~ Monkey time ... Ring mass ... S"" 16 ... 0Iga's ... Great Gatsby ... fv1 Lonelyhearts ... Anything goes., Porter .. .42nd street...Church l My Fair Lady ... I'm Ovid! I'm ( Nick at Nite ... Here with me ... Respect math ... Senior portrait~ Senior prom ... Time to go ... Val

Harbor out here ... H-H-H-Hairl Don't panic ... Always strive for perfection, never succeed {notl left to strive for) ... Go Eagles ... I' joining the Army ... lt's due yestc

Robert Truitt: What test?..He\ Mike, let's get some pizza ... Lii weight-B ... Yes Mom, I quit smc ing ... The infamous "weil-housl Old FaithfuI...KQ ... Shady-B ... S( you're under arrest. .. What a da School's finally finished.

Brian Tull: "You can get...anyt you want...at Alice's restaurant Thanks to the administration fo creating Chiensuelo (chew)." Andrew Turner: Thanks Mom, and Ryan-for everything ... DB pride ... SSC. .. #19 ... 1think all yo guys are decent #30 #60 #BB ... "Who's the chumps me or yollS SHA. ..4th lunch ... "Smith, when the bathroom?" ... Lots 0' cheese No, I didn't drop the stinkboml::

.. LR Lawyer ... Jeff, Brendan, Bob 'vIichelle, thanks for being great ds ... Sorry if I left anyone out. "Vagnoni: Thanks Mom and ... Bring back smoking at La 路... Booming system ... Co-ed, 5e ... 1want to go home ... Hey e, I feel sick ... Dip ... Right back at

Valentine: Thanks to my family friends. This means you: AP, BP, BW, MC, BC, JJ-JA and -remembered ... Fly hoopty ... !re's the Blue Thunder? ... "The n goes behind the clouds to his face and cry." ... Jane says, "I never been in love, I don't N what it is," ... "That's one more Nho'il never go to school, never o fall in love, never get to be

" mdrew Walheim: V-F-F-W/O;totesbury champs '93 ... 0kay i, 1500 jumpies and go home .. . JSO, you're not sweating ... FTP .. . -what test? ... Yeah I studied .. . '... Good luck class of 1994 .. . nks for everything Mom and I.

Quork AKA Alfred E. Neuman" ... WUZ UP ... Pizzanbeer ... Rat-man the Librarian ... #29 boy ... "If my arm moved that fast, I'd never leave the house."-Butthead ...Just make sure you wear your galoshes ... Shoo-goo, cut that...mop! ... Boom, boom, boom-a little shoulder jam .. . Smoke 'em like cheap cigars ... See ya tamara! Barry Whelan: "The less men think, the more they talk." This is the answer ... Who said that? I did ...Jones goes back ... Velocity (AJ)(BV) ... Late night walks ... Hey money, keep creating them new cheeses ... Sausage-A-RolI? ... Hoops Boys ... Nature ... Love your mother ... Mr. Fitz ... Mr. Jackson ... Andrew-thank you for everything ... Have you ever seen a robin weep? CJ ... Thanks Missy, Billy, Peggy Ann, Andrew, Bernadette, Mom and Dad.

Ron Winward: Grin's '93 ... North's '92 ... Cool Disco Dan ... Stupidfresh ... Super Food Town! ... Madre's ... Kitty's ... The fishing hole ... Sure I do ... It's my ghetto sled ... Morgan-my southern comfort ... "Uh, you got one?" ... Guys, you've got to climb out the window ... She had a beeper! ... Mom & Dad, thanks so much for all the sacrifices, I love you ... BT, thanks for it all ... Trish, Chris & Jane, thanks for your patience ... Boys, thanks for the ride! Mike Witkowski: Why do people call me Chuck? ... No more legs ... Red flag ... The four ... Saucony Jazz ... A coxswain does not say "row, row, row." ... Mike, we passed the airport again ... Thank you Mom and Dad.

Greg Woods: Thanks to my boyzSA, DS, RL, TG, TK, JR, and YE!! ... Love ya Mom, Jay and Tess ... 1 got the Killa!! ... #12. Chris Zaucha: Is it Friday yet? ... How much did the Hockey Team win by? ... 1 can't-I have crew! ... Yo Paul & Terry-Remember the fat chick on Castor Ave? ... FTP ... ZUK THERE IT IS! ... Don, how many did you score?"'ls it 8th period yet? ... Where are you going to college? ... ZUK, can I borrow some money? ... Thanks Mom, Dad, Amy and Missy-I love you all very much!

Brendan Wt{elan: We-a-wheelin' ... #20 ... D-Back Pride ... 3rd period lunch posse ... Streak must end ... Da' hooters ... Palm Springs! ... Lost it in the lights ... Game show host hair ... RS and all the boys ... Who's the chump, me or yous?

Andrew J. Wickersham: #'s 21,9, es J. Watson: Truitt, you study he test today? ... Please Forgive 22, 42, 44, 54, 60, 64 ... Always lookin' out for #l ... DavG!, what's this .. Yo! What's up? ... 1 know a tcut...Uh, Mike, there's a prob"entertainment? See ya later fellas! ... with the house lights ... Hoop! ... Bri I can't believe you just did that... , Paul, want some cheese? ... Jim, where's my bag? ... BACIN ... Put Khle Club ... Johnson, Watson, your shirt back on Mull ... Brett you did 68% of it..1 hate you guys ... 30, y, Dana, Ping ... Hola, chica ita! ... Thanks for everything, Mom 60, 88 ... Brady, you can't buddy! ... Dad, and also EL, DB, CP, PD, Pass the snickers ... Who stole my hat? ... Sorry Cath but I never said that JL, and JW. stuff... ls my name in the paper? ... rid Wenhold: Lumber ... Big Thanks Mom, Dad, Jim, & Thrup I Idy ... Gren's '91, '92, '93 ... The love you guys! 18! "Game On!" ... 'ning after ... BKL-what is it? ... Throw me the ball Jimmy, I'll catch lehead ... Shore enough ... Hey it; Prep '93! ie ... Beeoch ... Big rock ... "Those ts aren't for us, are they?" ... Billy Andrew Widuch: He always does kid ... Dutch and "52" games ... this to me. I'm leaving him! ... Bill, nano, get a backhoe ... Funnelit... don't put him in my car! ... uddies ... Pitman ... U da greatest, W.P.R.N ... Poland '92 (campfire I ... DP and me, rock on! ... Mom, scene) ... IH8Friendly's ... Czesc ... Oh :I and Victoria, thanks for no! Not the fly swatter! ... "You don't rything-I love you! always need to cheat to win, but it's better to cheat anyway just to be lert J .Weychert: Thank you sure."-Unknown ... 1 can't, I have to m, Dad, and Gaby-I love you ... work ... "Blue Bell people are Ig live the SJP and Associates ... "1 shady."-Bill Bell ... B Mcc...Thanks! uld like to take a bat" ... King ~id and Goliath! ... Canteen Man Michael Wimmer: Yo CJ! ... Christ!s ... Beware the Evil Immense Hole mas? What's that? ... Thanks Mom, )eath ... "By Friday?!" ... "So Dad, Scott, Mark ...Ja, das stimmt! ... ouac-"BOFF! ... We in da Battle of the Bahamas ... The Jerry lse ... Whoa it!...Where are they Garcia Band ... LLB ... SG Luv ya ... o were once so glad to be Swimmer Wimmer ... Ankles! ... Bahare? ... Tomorrow began tomorrow. mas Lane ... Oh, my God! ...Jay, I got evens ... Yo Phil! ... Martin, who's lin Whalen: "They call me.:. leading? ... Burnsy.

Before and after: The head of St. John Baptist de La Salle suddenly appears in the middle of the hallway; he apparently was looking for an easy way to get into the yearbook. .

Senior Quotes

._A ....1.99._..

Aa Abel, Francis Ackler, Jeffrey Adam, Daniel Adamow, Wayne Adams, John Adamucci, Joseph Adelsberger, Eric Ahern, Timothy Alber, James Amerman, Michael Amicone, Paul Amin, Mehul Amoroso, Caniel Andrusko, Brian Appleby, Brian Arobone, Anthony Art Club Ashton, Matthew Au, Alexander Auriemma, Anthony

54 62,212 54 54 54 62

62 12,37,54 46 72, 164 72 46 54 72, 112, 132 54 54 134

62 54 62

Bb Badolato, Kevin Baer, Mrs. Marie Baer, Timothy Bailey, Marc Balcer, Albert Ballard, Mr. Paul Ballay, William Ballod, Christopher Ballod, Mrs. Joanne Balshi, Stephen

46 22 72, 108

62 62 27, 120 54 72

26 46

Baniewicz, Brian 62 Barbera, Thomas 54 Barbera, Vincent 62 Barbieri, Jeffrey 54 Barger, Kevin 69 Barna, Mr. Thomas 41 Barnes, Thomas 62 Barratt R.N., Mrs. Jennie 26 Barry, Gregory 62,212 Barthmaier, Jonathan 46 Baseball Team 172 Basketball Team 156 Bauz, Brett 54 Bavuso, Matthew 72 Baxter, Donald 61 Becht, Andrew 46 Bednarek, Joseph 53 Bell, William 72 Bergen, Ferdinand 54 62 Bergen, Gerald Bergin, Sean 46 Bertone, Matthew 46 Bevilacqua, Gabriel 72,98,212 Blanco, Mr. Gabriel 34 Blasi, Steven 73, 153 Bloh, Mr. Dennis 33,54 Bocchino, Raphael 62 Bock, Gregory 54 Boehmler, Albert 73 Boehmler, Paul 54 Boelker, David 62 Bonanni, Fabian 16,72, 151 Bonargo, Anthony 54, 179 Boron, Edward 46 46 Borrell, Joseph 54 Brace, Matthew

Bracken, Kevin Brady, Chris Brandon, Ashley Brandt, Charles Bransfield, Edmund Bray, Brendan Breen, Gregory Brennan, Patrick Brett, Brendan Breznicky, Charles Bridges, Damian Brighters, James Brigidi, Vincent Brister, Matthew Brown, John Brown, Michael Brown, Mrs. Clare Bruno, Anthony Brusca, Henry Bryers, Nicholas Buck, Christopher Buckley, Michael Bur, Philip Burak, Michael Burakiewicz, Mark Burdick, Nathan Burke III, Patrick Burkey, Daniel Burkitt, John Burns, Roger Burton, John Bustard, Robert Butcher, James



73, 1

62, 1

46, .

33, 1


16, 73, ~ 101,2


Childs, Andrew 102-103,54 47 Christy, Jr. Kenneth 55 Chung, Young 75 Ciasullo, Chris 75 Ciavarelli, Chris 42 Ciccimaro, Mr. Joseph 42 Ciccimaro, Mrs. Janice 55 Cifelli, Chris 29 Cimini, Mr. Guido 63 Cinalli, Robert 63, 121 Citrino III, Harry 47 Claudius, James 63 Clayton, Chris 47 Clearkin, James 63 Cleary, Michael 70,75 Clements, Robert Coffey, Drew 63, 179 Coffey, Ian 63, 162 Coggins, Mr. Nicholas 34, 120-

121, 54 ""-


:eteria Staff 28 iendo, Eric 46 lahan, Paul 46 lan, Dennis 46 vanese, Nicholas 54 npbell, Brendan 74, 179 lObbio, Mrs. Linda 41 )ell, Michael 46 )ili, Lawrence 62 )pelli, Michael 46 tuzzi, Jason 46 amenico, Stephen 62 54 I, J Andrew 62, 139 I, Joseph mody, Brian 74,136,157 mody, Todd 46 r, Kristopher 46, 143 r, Thomas 62 roll, Thomas 74,212 ey, Patrick 46 an ese, Jeffrey 46 rino, Joseph 46 IS, Nicholas 62 ari, Jeffrey 54 alios, David 74, 128 alios, James 62 dwick, Brother Tom 22 70,74,122 mbers, John ckovage, Frank 46 rry, Francis 63 Ippa, Matthew 47

Colangelo, Mrs. Angeline 24 Colfer, Edward 75, 180 63 Colistra, Joseph 37 Colistra, Mr. Joseph Collins, Brian 121,69 63 Collins, John 47,212 Collins, Sebastian 75, 175 Colucci, Frank 106 Community Service Corps Coniglio, Geoffrey 55 Connell, Michael 75 Connelly, Joseph 63 Convery, Brian 47 Conway, Neil 63 Conway, Shane 55 Cook, Brother Kenneth 30 Cooper, Christian 75, 140 Cortellessa, Anthony 47 Costello, Patrick 47 Courtney, Michael 63, 179 Cox, Matthew 47 Coyle, Brendan 47 Coyle, Patrick 55 Coyle, William 47,122 Craney, Patrick 55 Creedon, Michael 75 Crew 183 Cristaldi, Michael 63,98,121, Croney, Brian Cross-Country Crossley, III Robert Crouthamel, James Cunningham, Gregory

55 47 63 76

Curci, Brian Curran, Timothy Cybulski, Chris Cywinski, Jeffrey

Dd D' Angelo, Dr. Joseph 33,54, 135 189 Dardaris, Mr. Mark 76,166 Dager, Jonathan Dalmasse, Brother Kevin 18,213 22 Daly, Dr. Doris 47 Daly, Eric Danielski, Brother Francis 18, 54, Danyliw, Roman Davitt, Daniel Dawkins, John Daymont, Joshua Debow, Charles Decastro, Michael Delisi, Jason Delisi, Justin Delong, Brian Dempsey, Brian

128,213 63 55 63,149 76, 166,212 47 63 47 47 55 55

212 7,47 150 47 76 63,76


,........ 't\f,



Dzara, David

Ee Eckert III, John Egan, Brian Eisenhower, Peter 63, 1 Elbardissi, Samuel Ennis, Sean Ennis, William Erb, Gregory 9,55, 1 Erb, Timothy 77, 156, 158, 1 Erfle, Michael 78, 1 Eriksen, John Eunice, Christopher Evans, Mr. Gerald 41,213,2 Everingham, Christopher

Dessert, Anthony Dever, Mrs. Pat Devincent, Alfred Devine, Or. James Devine, Mr. Patrick Dezzi, James Di Benedetto, Marc Dilullo, David DiPasquale, Bro. William

55 21 8,75 18 30, 152 76, 140 55, 142 55 16, 22, 108,213 Diaz, Paul 76 17, 18,213 Diehl, Mr. David 77 Difeo, Anthony 47,143 Difeo, Todd 77 Digati, Thomas 47 Dinapoli, Jonothan 77, 102, 103 Dinella, Paul 47 Dipaolo, Dominic 77 Divito, Christopher 47 Do,Duc 47 Dolan, Brendan Dolan, Mr. Michael 22,180,213 77, 130 Dolan, Paul 63 Donahue, Adam 16,34 Donahue, Mrs. Linda 47 Donnelly, James 55 Donohoe, William 55 Donohue, James 29 Donovan, Mr. Michael 63 Dooley, John 69 Dooley, Michael 55 Dooner, Michael 47 Dowling, Patrick 47 Doyle, Richard



Dudinow Jr, Walter 63 63,98,106,111, Duffy, Sean 126-127,134,212 Dugan, Ms. Maureen 38, 54 Duncan, Andrew 47 Duncheskie, Stephen 77, 162, 212 Dunn, Bro. Thomas 17, 38, 54 Dupee, Jeffrey 63 Durham, Charles 47 Durso, Michael 47 Ourso, Nicholas 55 Duszak, Robert 77 Dye~John 63

Ff Falasco, Joseph Falco, Marc Falcon, luis Fanning, Brian Fanning, Stephen Farrell, Michael Fath, Chris Fay, Daniel Fedyna, Michael Fedyna, William Fegley, Brian

63, 1.

64, 1路 55,117,1

;Iey, Jeffrey n, David ice, Francis et, Ryan rare, Matthew rare, Michael rino, Nick n Club eberg, Matthew ney, Shawn ~Iy, Richard ler, Brian ler, David ling Club lian, Michael lian, Thomas ~gerald, Mr. Bernard ~partick, J Ray nigan, Timothy rentino, Mike ehr, Timothy ~Ister, John ey, Ryan ey, Ryan >tball Team 'd, Mrs. Anne 'um iter, Adam iter, Terrence iter, Timothy

78 55 78, 166 48 55 64, 180 69 135 48 64 48 78 9,56 133 48 78, 162 37, 120 56,164 64 56 5,78 56 48 64 138 24,213 110 64 78 64, 141

Freeman, Marcus Frey, Adam Frey, Christopher Frizalone, Mr. John Fry, Stephen Fuller, David Fullerton, Sean Fullerton, Thomas Fusco, Robert

142 56 48 38 64 64 48 78, 168 48


48 Geigert, William 64 Giansanti, John 64 Gibson, Thomas 41,120 Gillespie, Mr. Terence 48 Gimpel, Scott 79 Giouzelis, Telly 64 Girard, Michael Girondo, Michael 56 69 Gisondi, Stephen 48 Gittleman, Andrew 64, 151 Giuliano, Douglas Goettner, Daniel 48 Goettner, Lewis 56 Goldbacher, Kyle 56 48 Goodwin, Gregory 64,154 Goodwin, Jared Goodwin, Philip 56 Gordon, Kevin 79 79,187,212 Gorman, James Gorman, Patrick 56 Gough, Thomas 64 37 Grace, Mr. John 56, 122 Grasso Jr, Thomas Gray, Brendan 79 Grebis, Bryan 56 Grebis, Thomas 79 Grevy III, Paul 48 Grossman, Steven 56 Grosso, Frank 79 Grzybowski, Robert 48 Gugger, Douglas 64 Guidi, Peter 48 Guidi, Philip 80

Galardi, Ryan 56 Gallagher, Daniel 48 Gallagher, Justin 48 Gallagher, Kyle 64, 164 Gallagher, Mrs. Helen 25 Gange, Christopher 56 Gannon, Timothy 79, 102, 103,

108, 173, 212 Garcia, Jose 54 Garges, Christopher 64 Garvin, Mrs. Theresa 38 Gary, Gordon 48 Gaspero, Michael 79 Gaul, Jason 64,212 Gaydos, Thomas 64 Geiger, Mr. William 16, 34, 98, 212 Geiger III, William 48,212 Index


Hh Haas, Karl 80 Hagan, Timothy 80 Hager II, Kenneth 64 Halpin, Christopher 56 Halpin IV, Charles 64 Hamilton, William 56 48 Hammond, John 48 Hangey, Damien Hangey, Daniel 56, 140, 156, 158 Hangey, Jon 80 80 Hanson, Jonathan Hanssen, Mr. Tore 42, 180 Hargadon, James 56 64 Harp Jr, Joseph Harrington, Ryan 64 Hartman, Brent 48 Hartman, Ronald 56 Hartman, William 80, 136, 147 80,212 Hasan, Jaffrey Haselbarth, Jared 48 80, 166 Hayes, Joseph Hayes, Marcus 64 Hayes, Thomas 56 64 Healy, Christopher 49 Heim, Michael



Hendrick, Robert 81 Henwood, Thomas 56 Herzog, Robert 56 Hicke, Ryan 64 Hill, Brad 56 56 Hill, Jason 29 Hillgrube, Mr. Bob Hines, John 56 Hinkle, Richard 56 Hirsekorn, Kurt 49 49 Hobbs, John Hoffman, Francis 56 Hogan, Brendan 57 34 Hohenleitner, Mr. George Holbert, Marc 65 57 Holtz, Mike Holwick, Chris 81, 121 81 Hooper, Thomas 65 Horgan, John 49 Horgan, Matthew 56 Houghton, Frank 81 Houston, William 49 Hughes III, Philip 49 Hughes IV, Eugene 57 Hunsicker, Sean 49 Hunter, Peter

Hurley, Timothy

Ii Idhaw, Steven Ingram, Brian Ivey, Robert Ivey III, Robert

Jj Jabldkov, Andrew Jackson, Mr. Marty

37, 156, 1

Jackson, Raymond

81, 102, 1 l

65, Jacobs, Joseph Jacobsen, Michael Janka, Luke Jankowski, John Jannetti, Carl 16, 70, Jarymovych, Borys Jenkins, Ian Johnson, Mr. Francis 30, 102, 11 Johnston, James

82, '

s, Devin s, Philip s, Richard no, Joseph no, William

49 57 82 65 57

k inski, Daniel 65 Christopher 49 vacki, Richard 65 off, Mrs. Faye 21 rmann, Paul 57 ler, Matthew 49 zior, Fredric 49 57 er, Jeffrey y, Matthew 49 y, Robert 82,102, 103, 180 y, Todd 57 57 y III, John 82 1m, Jeffrey t, Brian 57 26,54 ugh, Brother Joseph ~kovic, Andrew 65 lS, David 65 lytsky, Andrew 49 r, Kenneth 82, 108 r, Michael 49 ane, F. Gregory 57 57 ury, Jeffrey mia, Peter 82, 102, 103 'nan, Philip 82, 146 Iride, Timothy 65 .enny, Gerald 65 :enny, James 61 ~,

69 Kilroy, Michael Kim, Henry 11,65 Kirkpatrick, Brian 69 83, 106, 212 Kleschick, Paul Kline, Kevin 83 Klohe, Nicholas 49 Knecht, Thomas 83 83 Kobylinski, Wayne 65 Koch, Christian 49 Kohlhepp, Thomas 49 Koller, James 65 Koons, Michael Korejko, Douglas 57 Kotwicki III, Michael 49 Kowal, Matthew 57 57 Kowalski II, John Kuklinski, Stephen 49 Kumpf, Steven 83 Kurtz, Eric 57

LI LaFontaine, Bill Labosky, Michael Lacrosse Lacrosse, JV Lachawiec, Keith Lamprecht, Thomas Lanahan, Ryan Lane, Joshua Lang, Brian Lanzilotta, Louis Lapera, Mark Lapinski, Eric Lapworth, Lance

28, 29, 133 49 189 190 57 49 83 83, 136, 186 57 57 49 83 65

49 84 57 70,84, 102, 103,212 49 Lasky, Kevin 57 Lasky, Thomas 84 Lasorsa, Joseph 84,121,166 Latchford, Kevin 49 Lavin, Christopher Lawson, Thomas 50 4,42,189 Leahy, Mr. William 57 Ledwith, Keith Lee, Allen 84 84,179 Lelli, Gary 57 Leonard, Edward 57 Leporati, Jeffrey Lessard Jr., Gerald 65 Leva, Joseph 50 Levine, Alexander 65 Lewandowski, Matthew 57 Liberatore, Kenneth 65 42,54 Lichtner, Mr. Frank 84 Liebtag, Chris Lochetto, Stephen 84,212 Lockard Jr, John 57 Lofgren, Brett 85 Lofgren, Todd 85, 162 Logan, Mrs. Bernadette 22,213 Long, Lloyd 58 Longstreth, Michael 50 Lopez, Christopher 65 Lare, Christopher Larkin, Daniel Lash, Timothy Lasky, Brian


Lopoten, Barry Lord, Sean Lorusso, Fred Lorusso, Vincent Lottier, John Lottier, Michael Loughlin, Stephen Louie, James Lowery, Evan Luft, Thomas Lynch, Christopher Lynch, Michael Lynch, Philip Lyon, Matthew Lyons, Shawn Lyons, Timothy

85, 175 50 65 85 85 65,147 58 58 50 50 65, 146 57 58, 144 85 5,85 65

Mm Mack, Brian Mack, Michael Mackintosh, Ian Madden, Peter Madden, Thomas Magarity, Christopher Maher, Mrs. Julia Maida, Paul Mallach, John Mallach, Kyle Malloy, Daniel Maloney, Matthew Maloney, Timothy Mamzic, Paul Mandia, Brandon



65 58 85,212 65 65 58 7,41 86 58 50 50 50 58 58 58

Mangan, Mr. Lawrence 18 Manion, Mr. David 34 March, Michael 65 8,86, 137, Markey, Frank 151,212 Markiw, Eugene 3,65 Markmann, Stephen 66,212 Markowski, Jeffrey 50 86, 121, 108 Markowski, John Marques, Helder 66 Martin, Sean 50 Mason, John 50

Mason, Thomas Massino III, Robert Mastroieni, Michael Masucci, Robert 86, Mathletes Matthews, Brian 86, 128, Mattia, Michael 50, May, Brendan McAllister, Kevin McAnally, Brett McAnespey, Mr. Robert McBride, Matthew McBryan, Chris McCabe, Mr. Bernard 33 1(J McCabe, Mr. Edward McCaffrey, Kevin McCann, Peter McCarry, Robert 86,98106, McCloskey, Sean McConaghy, Matthew McCool, Karl 86,98-1 106, : McCormac, Shaun McCourt, Michael McCracken, Richard McCracken II, Robert 6 McCreery, Sean McCutcheon, Kevin 60, McDermott, Sean McDonald, Daniel

onald, F. Patrick 87 roy, Stephen 50 ltee, Jamie 50 'Iean, Sean 58 Idden, Edwin 50 Idden, Michael 87, 137, 147 ~arvey, Kevin 66 ~arvey, Timothy 58 ;ee, Brian 58 ;eehan, Brian 66 ;inley, Patrick 58 ;oarty, Brian 66 ;oldrick, Thomas 58 ;overn, Michael 87, 140 ;overn, Mrs. Diane 42, 134 ;rath, Matthew 58 lugh, Thomas 66 lugh Jr., James 66, 186 Ivaine Jr., J. Boyd 87 rltyre, Michael 50 :ee, John 87 :eone, Joseph 66 :eown, Michael 66 aughlin, John 66 .aughlin, Patrick 50 .aughlin, Thomas 87, 145, 146 f1ahon, Brian 50 f1anus, Mark 66,212 f1anus, Timothy 58 vtenamin, Ryan 50 vtonagle, Michael 88, 69, 122 vtullin, Matthew 58

McNamee, Michael McNichol, Daniel McNichol, Daniel McNichol, Timothy McNichol, Timothy McTague, Michael McWilliams, Patrick McWilliams, Sean

69 66 66 51 51 58 51 66

51 Meade, Joseph Mee, Daniel 66 88 Meehan, Brian 58 Meehan, Daniel 88, 141 Meehan, James Mehta, Saurin 88 Mele, Dino 66 Mele, Mr. Tony 21 88,102, 103 Merritt, Brian Messaros, Michael 66 66 Messina, Thomas Miazga, Roman 88 2,51 Middlemiss, Andrew 66 Miehle, Joseph Miehle, Timothy 51 Miller, Brother Ernest 30 Miller, Edward 66 Miller, Garrett 66 88 Miller, Kyle 14,15,37 Miller, Mr. Gerald 58 Mingacci Jr, Domenic Mitsch, Erik 58 Mohl, Andrew 66 Molloy, Matthew 66 Molony, Daniel 66 Molony, Thomas 51 Molush, Mr. Edward 5,33 Monaghan, Daniel 58 Monaghan, Michael 66



Oldfield, Michael Oliver, Aaron Opdyke, Jonathan Orange, Kenneth Oyefule, Bandele



Monahan, Christopher 88 13,101 Monkey, The Mooney, Sean 51 Morell, Andrew 58 51 Morris, Gregory Morrow, Anthony 58 10,51 Morrow II, Chauncey 51 Morsell, Michael 89 Muldowney, Joseph 51,58 Mullen, Matthew Mullen, Mrs. Karen 24,213 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay 22,213 Mullen, Patrick 59 Mullen, William 51 89, 121, 186, Mulligan, Martin 212 67 Mulligan, Sean 89, 145, 147 Mullin, Kevin 89 Mullin, Paul Mulvey, Thomas 89, 156 67 Murphy, Dennis 67 Murphy, Jeff 89 Murphy, Scott 59 Murphy, William 67 Murray, Patrick 89,98-101, Mydlowec, William 121, 130, 212 Myers, Brother Joseph 30, 54

Nn National Honor Society Nazari, Steven Nedl, F. Michael New, Curtis Newdeck, Jeffrey Newhart, William



108 89 51 67, 168 67 59

Nicoletti, Mr. Geoffrey Northrop, Thomas

30 90

00 67 O'Brien, Michael 51 O'Brien, Shawn 59 O'Chmanski, Mike 59 O'Connell, Thomas 67 O'Connor, Patrick O'Donnell, Dennis 51 O'Donnell, Sean 59 O'Hanlon, Brendan 17,90 O'Hara, Paul 59 O'Malley, Brendan 90 .90,158 O'Neill, Brendan 51 O'Neill, Brian 51 O'Neill, James 67 O'Neill, Michael 59, 153 O'Shaughnessy, Mike O'Toole, Mr. Michael 33, 54, 107, 213 61,158 Oehler, William

Palmer, Amir Palmieri, Joseph Palombaro, Matthew Palopali, Stephen Palopoli Jr., Frank Paolone, Andrew Parella, James Parisi, Mr. Joseph Parry, Andrew Parry, Thomas Patel, Amish 91, Paul, John Peffle, Robert Pelham, Mike Pellegrino, Frank Penzarella, Anthony Perfetti, Marco Perillo, Joseph Peronace, Rocco Petka, Frankie Petruso, Michael Petruzzelli, Craig Pfeffer, Dodd Photo Club Pigeon, Andrew Piskai, Brian Piskai, Joshua Polto, Robert


37, 91, 91, 98, . 122, 91,

91,98118, 121,

92, 59,

17,41 lisciak, Mrs. Dorothy lisciak, Stephen 92,98-103, 130,212, -1 67 recca, Joseph 51 ner, Kane 52 ter, Bradly towski, Michael 59 67 :e, Brian 52 :e, John 92 chard, Daniel 67 gi, Ronald lisi, Frank 67 ch, luke 59 tel, Mr. Alfred 30

!q 1n, Donald In, Paul In, Sean

92, 168 67, 168 52

r lansky, Mr. Joseph ~r, Timothy Iwski, Joseph ~o, David sco, Richard ion, Mark , Paul ,John " Michael ine, Daniel olds, Christopher

38,54 67 67, 140 59 92 59 52 67 53 17,92 59

18, 124 41 67 67 92, 98-101, 106,212 Robinson, Aidan 67 38, 131 Roche, Mr. James Rodriguez, Carlos 52 52 Rodriguez, Jose Rogan, Dan 59 Romano, Brian 93 Romano, Brother Bob 34 Rossi, Matthew 67 Rossi, Peter 93 Rucinski, Jeff 52 Ruegg, Ian 59 Ruppel IV, Paul 60 Russell, Mr. Robert 41 67, 121 Ryan, Nathan 68, 179 Ryan, Sean Ryan, Timothy 68 Rieck, Brother James Rimert, Mrs lorraine Rio, Frank Ripp Jr., Robert Roat, Christopher

Santini, Jason 93, 164 Santucci, Christopher 52 Santucci, lawrence 93, 117, 118 68 Saracino, James 60 Sasso, Michael 68 Sautter, Robert 60 Sava, Andrew 52 Savage, John 93 Scali, Michael 52 Scanlon, Seth 93, 122 Scarcelle, Michael 68 Scarola, Peter 9,60 Schaefer, Brian 68, 14 Schaffer, David 52 Schafle, Michael Schalleur, David 68 52 Schapira, David 24,213 Schaum, Mrs. Patricia 68 Schiano, Joseph 94,137,212 Schill, Chris 68 Schlosser, Michael 68 Schmal bach, Bryan 68 Schmidt, Edward 52 Schmiedekamp, Mendel 68 Schneider, Shawn 94 Schnepp, Robert 94 Schorn, Brian Schu, Christopher 52

Ss Saitta, George Saltarelli, Joseph Salvador, Albert H.A. Salvato, Domenic Salvi, Michael Sands, Richard Sansalone, Edward Santangelo, Joseph Santangelo, Justin

60 68,151 93, 124 68 60 93 52 68 60 Index

Swindells, Scott Synnamon, Brendan Szewczak, Scott Szymanski, Eugene


Schuler, Daniel Schulz, Steffan Schulze, David Sclafani, Benjamin Scully, Brian 94, Scully, Matthew Sears, Dan Seely, Peter Semanick, Mark Semen, Timothy Serianni, Justin Serra, louis Sforza, Daniel Shah, Prem Shah,Sacheen Shaheen, Steven Sharkey, Joseph Shepherd, Jason Shevlin, Jonathan Shilkitus, Daniel Shoturma, Andrew Shreffler, Brion Shustack, Ms. Tina Siddall, William Sigmund, Mark Sigmund, Mr. Peter SiIIi, William Simpson, Jonathan Sinese, Thomas Sinni, Daniel Skipper, Matthew Slizofski, Ryan

Taboga, l. Paul Tannous, Kareem Tantala, Mike 96, 106, 110, 11 Tarsi, Nicholas 60,96, 13: Tate, James 164,21 Tate, Richard Tatu, John Thiers, father George Thiers, George Tobia, Michael 58 Siotterback, C Sean 69,98,212 Toledo, Jose 68 Smith, Brian 95 Tomchik, Brian 68 Smith, Gilbert 10,52, 122 Treacy, James 60 Smith, Mrs. Mary Jo 96, 1 38 Trojecki, Daniel 102, 103, 212 Smith, Timothy 95 Truitt, Jeffrey 52 Snyder, Charles 52 Truitt, Robert 61 Snyder, Christopher 68 Truitt, Thomas 52 Sobotka, Steven 68 Trumbore, Chris 69, 106, 108, 2 52 Soccer Team 144 Trustees, Board of 44, 94, Soccer Team OV) 148 Trymbiski, Brian 98-101,212 Sparks, Kristopher 52 52 Spause, francis 53 60 Stack, Matthew 95 68 Stanczak, Mr. Martin 18,54, 213 52 Stanek, Andrew 69 60 Stasiorowski, Daniel 95 68 Steinmetz, Mr. John 29 60 Sterner, Brother Rene 18,54, 213 60 Stewart, Andrew 69,180 68, 179 Stewart, Christopher 60 70, 94, Stimmler, David 69, 180 111, 212 Stonis, Mark 69 94 Stromberg, Edward 69 52 Strumfels, Timothy 60 38 Strunk, Scott 69 68 Student Council 128 94, 128, 168 Stu hi reyer, Clason 60,212 42, 133, 54 Sullivan, John 69 95 Sutcliffe, Brian 95 60 Sutton, Andrew 69 53 60 Sutton, Justin 60 Sweeney, Brian 95,106,212 60 Sweeney, Christian 60 68 Swimming Team 162


Michael nan " Andrew 10, Wesley , James ,John

61 96 96 61 61 61

I ni, David ni, Drew :ia, Gabriel .ine, Thomas aute, Kevin nberg, Gregory !sca, Benjamin !sca, Gregory 0, James lt, Matthew ohn Gabriel Trevor !rcrone, Craig

~im, I,

D Andrew Patrick

53 96 61 70,96 61 53 69 61 61 61 97 69 61 69

97 69

61, 162 Walters, Christopher 21 Ward, Mrs. Florence 53 Waters, James 97, 119 Watson, James 53 Watson, Jeffrey 53 Watt, Daniel 61 Weinacht, Christopher 69 Weir, Joseph 61 Weldon, Matthew 53 Wells Jr., Thomas 53 Welsh, Eugene 97, 162, 212 Wenhold, David 53 Westermann, Edward 97 Weychert, Robert 97, 180 Whalen, Kevin 97,156,158 Whelan, Barry 97 Whelan, Brendan 61 White, Thomas 98 Wickersham, Andrew 61 Wickersham, David 98 Widuck, Andrew 41,54,70, Wiley, Mr. Gary 113,121,213 61,212 Wilkin, Michael Wills, Michael 53 26 Willsbach, Brother Robert 61 Wilson, Michael Wimmer, Michael 53,98 69, 124 Winters, Christopher 98, 102, 103 Winward, Ronald 98, 166 Witkowski, Michael Woertz, Harry 53 Wolverton, Michael 69 98 Woods, Gregory

Yy Yaegel, Thomas Yaglenski, Matthew Youse, Keith Yu, Daniel

61 61 61 53

Zz Zaucha, E Christopher Zebik, Gregory Zeccardi, Joseph Zeccardi, Michael Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch, Zachary

98 69 69 53 34 69

Colophon The 1994 Blue and Gold was produced by Herff Jones Yearbooks of Gettysburg, PA. in a limited edition of copies and 216 pages. Senior photos were provided by Davor Photo of Bensalem, PA. The covers utilize 160 point binders board with an ultramarine blue vibratex base material using hand tooled grain along with 'rich gold 15 paint silk screened. The title and year was custom embossed. All books were smyth-sewn, rounded and backed, with custom head and footbands. End sheets are a natural colortext cover weight. Text pages are printed on 100 pound bordeaux gloss paper with 4 cover process on the first two 8 page forms. Type was set in sizes 6 point to 72 point using optima in each of the emphasis faces including bold, italics, and bold italics. Special background "shade" screen effects along with theme enhancing effects were the joint effort of the 1994 Blue and Gold and Herff Jones.



1994 Blue and Gold Editors-in-Chief Dan Burkey Bill Mydlowec

layout Editors Marco Perfetti

Steve Ponisciak

Copy Editor Karl McCool

Photo Editors Sean Duffy

Rob McCarry

Business Editor Chris Roat

Index Editor Tim Semen

Moderator Mr. William Geiger

Copy Staff Jeff Ackler Greg Barry Brett Bauz Gabe Bevilacqua John Burton Tom Carroll Ed Colfer Sebastian Collins Mike Cristaldi Josh Daymont Steve Duncheskie

Bill Fedyna Tim Gannon Jason Gaul Will Geiger Jim Gorman Jaffrey Hasan Paul Kleschick Brian Lasky Gary Lelli Steve Lochetto

Ian Mackintosh Frank Markey Steve Markmann Mark McManus Martin Mulligan Mr. Michael OITooie Chris Paul Chris Schill Brian Scully Dan Shilkitus

Faculty and Staff photos taken by Mr. Mike Maicher

Sean Siotterback Brian Sweeney Jim Tate Chris Trumbore Dave Wenhold Mike Wilkin Chris Zaucha

Photo Staff Jason Gaul Clason Stuhlreyer Chris Trumbore

In Memoriam

Edward Randall O'Neill 1967-1994 Blue and Gold Credits

When a yearbook is created, students must work closely together among themselves and with their moderator, often spending long hours after school creating their masterpiece. It is at these times when the true nature of a person, a student or moderator, often becomes apparent. I had the chance to work with Randy O'Neill closely in 1984, when he was the Editor-in-Chief of the Blue and Gold, and I was struck by his dedication and work ethic. Randy and I spent many hours on the yearbook, often handling the tasks by

ourselves when all the workers had left. Rand) ated and attended Villa then transferred to Ann where he graduated an his Naval commission. always wanted to join t and often spoke of this during our long hours \i with underclass pages. like to think that his de, to his Naval duties gre\i his experience workinl Yearbook. Randy lost h when his helicopter WE in the Atlantic Ocean il January, ten years after worked on the Blue ani


Gold Patrons Mrs. John McDonald

Mr. & Mrs. P.T. Romano

d Mrs. Richard L. Duszak

The Scarcelle Family

ltulations to the Class of 1994-The Palmer Family

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McGovern

d Mrs. William Markmann

Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Vagnoni

lrmody Family: Brian '94, Todd '97

Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Felice


Luck, Jim J. Love Mom, Dad, and Mimi

Congratulations Class of '94--The Bevilacqua Family

d Mrs. Joseph Bonargo

Mr. and Mrs. James Watson

fishes to The Class of 1994 from The Gorman Family

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Paul

d Mrs. Terence P. Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Bracken


Eileen H. Stack

La Salle Class Of '94

d Mrs. Joseph Hogan

Believe in yourself. Follow your dreams. Good luck,

Ites: The World Is Yours, Make It Better. Mr. and

Stephen and the class of 1994!

Ihn Roat


essage Cost Me Ten Bucks; So I Had To Write Some-

Congratulations, Frank! Love, Mom, Dad, Barbara, and Andrea Pellegrino

ltulations, Bob: Dad, Mike and I Are Happy That We

Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Girondo

u To Take Home After The Games. Love, The Other

The Quinn Family (Don 194, P.J. 195) Congratulations Fabian and Class of 1/94"

~ Mrs. Edmund J. Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Creedon and Family

:ongratulations! Love Mom, Dad, Marybeth & Kevin. )u Did It! Congratulations! I Am So Very Proud Of Vith Much Love, Mom.

he Staff of the Blue and Gold Would Like to Thank: Rene Sterner, Mr. David Diehl, Brother Kevin Dalmasse, Frank Danielski, and Mr. Martin Stanczak for aiding us in )ur computers. ricia Schaum, Mrs. Karen Mullen, & Mrs. Ann Ford for us with homeroom lists & always letting us use the phone. William DiPasquale, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, and Mrs. tte Logan for getting us all into college. hael Dolan, Mr. Marty Jackson, Mr. Fran Johnson, and Mr. dey for letting the Senior editors out of homeroom every Ie could do this yearbook thing ... Rita Davine, for helping us throughout the year, espeIring the tough winter months. rence Mangan and Mrs. Faye Kasloff for all the encouraged pizza money. Ig Sports Coaches and Moderators for helping us get

Mr. Abe Orlick, Gemma, Eileen, and all the people at DaVor for their great photography work. Mr. Michael O'Toole, for kindly giving us his copy of Aldus PageMaker.. .3.0. We heard it ran well on the Mac SE. Mr. Mike Maicher, for all his help with the photos, especially the faculty and staff shots. Linda Mauss and everyone at Herff-Jones Yearbooks for all of their help with our last minute changes. Mr. Bill Nimtz and Mr. Joe Olnick for answering all of our questions about using PageMaker. Our Parents, for putting up with some of the late nights we put in here. Mr. Gerald Evans for all the help and comic relief. Any Clip Art or Graphics used in this book are copyrighted by Broderbund™ Software or Calendar Creator Plus.

Gold Patrons & Acknowledgements


Believe it ... or Else What?

Ah, you have returned. You're right we have returned. And this is the last time. We're sick of running errands; we want answers. Believe what?

We told you, we haven't learned jack ...

'" Watch your tongue ... ... we haven't learned very much at all.

But you've known aI/ along. No, I don't just want an answer, I want satisfaction.

But I told you, you've known aI/ along.

And that's where you're wrong. Oh is it? We still don't know what to believe.

Believe in this. WE HAVE NOT.

Believe in what?

Actually, you haven't; it just sounds cool to say that. A few seconds more, and heads are gonna roll, old man. We want the truth. You can't handle the truth. That's it, you're dead. Wait and think a moment. Fine, we'll think. What have you learned? From you? Not much. Again, what have you learned?


This. This what?

This. The search. The journey. The struggle. This is what you must believe in, and, conveniently, it's probably the only thing you do believe. What? All this time, you've been whining and yelling, as though there existed something at the end of all this talking, all this living, which would tie

your life up in a neat little bow and reveal the ultimate truth of life, the universe, and everything. And we were right. There isn't anything. Yes there is. This is it, this is what you must believe. You're right, you haven't learned very much from me at al/. AI/ you've learned, you've learned by yourself, in your journeys, your experiences. And you have grown. You really do know much more now than you did 216 pages ago. Yeah, so maybe we do. You do. And if you need to remember anything, believe in this. This is it, this is what you have to believe. Believe in the search. Enjoy the search. The search is good, the search is life. And that's it. That's about all. OK.

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