1995 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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What is La Salle? Ask this simple, __________________________..., generic question to a thousand different

students and faculty and expect a thousand different answers. Every person ever affiliated with La Salle has his or her own special and unique definition on what "it" is. To each person, however, his or her perception of La Salle is correct. It is

and has become more then just the name of a school; it is a defining mechanism, a symbolic phrase which can ultimately be described in many ways. To a student, it might simply signify high school, an institution to attend during the week with

plenty of classes or homework. To a teacher or adult, it can symbolize an intense preparatory environment, a community of faith, or even a person's own youth. The underlying theme is,



there are many characteristics that define

our school, that justify the distinct name that is our alma mater. Whether they are academic, athletic, religious or social in nature doesn't matter. The fact that they represent our perception of La Salle, does. In other words ...


The campus of La Salle is one that is prolific with unique characteristics and peculiarities. Sitting high atop Cheltenham Avenue, entered only upon a hill that hell itself cannot defrost in the snowy months of winter, La Salle is situated among grassy fields, shady trees and deep flower beds that only Brother Joe Myers can adequately maintain. The school building itself is a cross between a remembrance of the past and a stride into the future. The long, locker-clad hallways and cozy, yet sometimes sweltering classrooms of the old building combine with the modern, air-conditioned facets of Saint Michael Hall to create a warm learning atmosphere. Outside of the academic wing, whether you are a senior and enjoying the environment of Mr. Stanczak's waiting room, or a freshman, diligently searching (or Mr. lichtner's swimming pool on the

"fourth" floor, all aspects of the La Salle surroundings are comfortable and inviting. What would the La Salle campus be without the unique and inspiring teachers that currently fill the classrooms with knowledge and the teacher's lounge with fresh pastries. Who can graduate from here after four years of learning without ever experiencing one of the eccentric McCabe brothers, the typing class of Brother linus or the wrath of an angry Mr. Stanczak. Whether you're out to further explore the unknown realms of Calculus BC with Mr. Roche, understand the


functions of electrons in Chemistry with Mrs. Ponisciak or examine the political theories of John Locke and Richard Hofstadter, as interpreted by Mr. John Grace, the instructors and teachers that make up the faculty help to add to our school's uniqueness. The religious affiliation present is another defining characteristic of our school. Yes, we all have been to the school-wide Masses in the gym or the auditorium, and, no, the newspaper office or darkroom doesn't count as an altar of God. La Salle would have an empty void if not for such events like Mass and retreats and also without the presence of the Christian Brothers. Their warmth, love, and kindness can be felt by every student in attendance, regardless of faith, academic, or social behavior. The Brothers are present on campus twenty-four hours a day; they are always present to extend a helping hand or point a troubled student down the proper path. Were it not for the likes of Brother Ken, Brother Tim, Brother Kevin and of course, Brother Rene, among others, La Salle would not be the same school that we know of today. And then there are the classes. What other school offers courses in everything from Athletic Training to Introduction to Ceramics, from AP Computer Science to Civil War, and of course, the common senior favorite: AP Lunch. Where else can a fourth-year student have three classes a day and still carry enough credits


to graduate, or maintain a 4.9 GPA with six AP courses (not including AP Lunch)? Only La Salle is able to both challenge and inspire students to either become another Albert Einstein, or for many of us,

Forrest Gump: "Stupid is as stupid does, sir." The cafeteria is the one area on cam-

pus where the true La Salle student shines through. Students here can be found either cramming their brains for a test next period or their mouths with a La

Salle pioneered McRib sandwich (You know, the one with the fake bones in it.) The large eatery, patrolled by off-duty teachers much like a policeman walks

the beat at night, can often reach a deafening roar of "Hey's" and "Ho's" when-

ever a dish or plate is dropped. It is more then just a place to go and hang out or hide when you cut class; it is a definition of our personality. The Pit, however, has become the one

true trade-mark of our school (Oh, goody.) This barren, concrete patio that sits outside the cafeteria and contains numerous dismantled chairs and broken

desks, has long been the "senior lounge" on campus. Much like the creed of the mailman, come rain, sleet, or snow,

come the coldest of mornings or hottest of afternoons, a La Salle student can always be found in the Pit. It is the home

of intense volleyball, hack and handball ames during lunch-periods, and is

he original home of the sport we reated and pioneered: Trayball. Manya tray or tennis-ball has seen its last hours of life in this secluded, desolate area. After school, it can easily be transformed into an arena,

where gladiator/street-fighter style matches sporadically break out. While smoking is technically no longer present in this area, the pit is still one of the most popular places to be on campus.

La Salle is famous for its sports and activities. It is one of the few schools that offers such a wide range




of extracurricular activities in which to partake. You

have the wild and crazy science club, which is always on the look-out for new things to discover, drop out of a window, or launch from home-made cannons. The Forum, which through diligent practice and effort, manages to leave a significant mark all around the globe. Other organizations, like the Community Ser-

vice Corps and Multi-Cultural Corps, help to provide the La Salle student with endless possibilities to fill up those otherwise dull afternoons.

Then there are the athletics. Whether throwing the football, dribbling the basketball, or hilling the baseball, nothing seems to capture the spirit of La Salle as its athletic program. There's no feeling like watching the football team drive downfield for a score, with the students cheering, banners waving, and the pep-band

blasting out celebration and fight songs. What other school can boast of winning the Catholic League swim title every year since Julius Caesar ruled Rome? No other Catholic school can compare to our bone-crushing ice hockey team or rugged Lacrosse organization. And then there is the La Salle "'fan.'" Present at any

game, home or away, he is easy to spot. The loud, obnoxious person who makes his dislike of the referee well known is nine times out of ten a supporter of our

school. We have become known throughout the rest of the Catholic league as the rowdiest, and most boisterous fans around ... and we're proud of it! What would our school be without the colors of

blue and gold? No, not the colors attributed to the "Mid-Shipmen" of the Navel Academy or the "Fighting Irish" of Notre Dame, but instead, the "'Explorers'"

of La Salle. Every time we see the blue and gold jerseys run the football, take to the court or "play ball: we think of our school. The explorer itself, yes the odd looking mascot that some unlucky student must wear at big matches, has come to symbolize our school and our fighting spirit and intense pride, both

on and off the playing field. We pull the colors out not only at sporting events, but at gatherings, socials and celebrations. They decorate our banners, our yearbook and our "spirit". The colors, therefore, are

much more then just blue and gold. They are a symbol of where we come form, of what we stand for, and who we are.

Much like the colors, the La Salle student is unique in his own way. This is mainly because there is no typical example of one. Every person is able to create his own personal image as he pleases (At least

in theory.) Whether it is long bleached-blond hair or





a shaved head, a plaid shirt, or orange


loafers or even bowling shoes, each individual carves out his own niche during his

four years here. What you do, who you become, what image you portray is always in your control.

A student's life outside of school reflects La Salle just as much as the academic curriculum or activities do. Outside of

class, kids can always be found "hacking" outside the main entrance, getting thrown

out of the computer lab by Mr. Russell for playing games, or partaking in the timeless library competition known as "Annoy Brother Joe." After school, students partici路

pate in the daily "La Salle 500" at 2:10, when all one thousand students miraculously vacate the campus in under five minutes (If only we had similar success in fire drills.) Mixers have become another

defining notion of La Salle. At what other social event can students dance, mash,

slam, drink (punch, of course!) and eat for three hours, and all at the low price of only ten dollars? Finally, there is the "La Salle Attitude: the spirit that fills our school every time we convene in Mass, win a championship or

just arrive in the morning for school. Sometimes it can be lacking when we have a bad day, other times it can come off as

outright pompous. This La Salle "pride," our love for the teachers, this school, and all it stands for, is always second to none. Whether you are sitting at a tennis match watching "Tn coach the team to victory (or

define. In other words, images cannot capture what La Salle means; pictures cannot focus in on what La Salle symbolizes. Instead, the question can only be answered on an individual basis; a student can only use his own feelings and perceptions to define for himself what this school means to him. We can try to sum up La Salle using words and phrases like I'community of faith," "nurturing academic environment," "pesha," or even Iia

place to belong." Nothing, however, can properly describe this school, this institution, this La Salle. - Steffan Schulz

frying brats,) donating your time to walking around your community to raise funds for the school or even just wearing a piece of

clothing with the Explorer logo on it, attitude and pride is present in everything we do. It is what makes La Salle mean so

much to all of us. Why do we take all this time and space to mention all of the above characteristics

of La Salle? To some, La Salle might coincide perfectly with all that was mentionec previously. To others, it might exist as a stark contrast to their visions of our school.

Whatever the case may be, just as all abstract questions have thousands of answers, "What is La Salle?" is impossible to




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Looping the sun My Earth creates shadows They shrink into nothingness Humbled by mid-day's bright light Learning with each minute The day labors forward Conformity in darkness Obscurity hides identity Dawn brings with it Lines of twilight that separate The ability to number And organize the beautiful. - Jeff Ackler


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The most important part of the La Salle tradi-

tion is quality education. "Excellence in Education;" that's our motto! From the language department to

the math department La Salle is devoted to provid路 ing an environment that fosters academic growth. What is it that makes La Salle such a unique learning environment? Besides the devotion of the Christian Brothers to exemplary education in the spirit of SI. Jean Baptiste de La Salle, there is also an unsur-

passed dedication that is given by the lay faculty. A distinctive member of our faculty that epitomizes the tradition of La Salle is Mr. John Grace. His unparalleled Aristotelian method of teaching invites and inspires students to learn about history both contex-

tually and analytically. He not only teaches about facts and dates but also the underlying philosophies and themes that influence history. My personal experiences with Mr. Grace demonstrates Mr. Grace's dedication to higher education. Besides teaching me history in both Western Civilization and A.P. American History, he

taught me the importance of accepting constructive criticism along with quality writing. His marginal notes on my papers, known as NAdobe Gracescript,lI gave me a new perspective on my own writing. From that first C- to that final A, Mr. Grace taught me how to be a critical and creative historical essayist. I will never forget those exciting Hofstadter essays Mr. Grace always assigned, every week, and those 3-5 page papers he would collect several months after they were due, then return them months after that! And then there was freshmen year, Images and Interpretations, that wonderful collection of primary sources on ancient Greece. And no one will every forget that arduous final project in A.P. American ...but that's another story. In other words, Mr. Grace was an inspiring

teacher whom I shall never forget. Throughout my life I will always look back upon his class and reo member those afternoon days, discussing Roman

culture, The Cold War, and about everything else in between.

- Patrick O'Connor 16

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ne characteristic that ultimately makes La Salle so unique is its diverse and multitalented faculty and staff. Both in and outside the classroom, this group of professionals have come to define our school as an advanced and serious learning environment. Through countless years of dedication and by demonstrating an over-all excellence in their fields, the faculty and staff truly form the back-bone of La Salle. Consisting of teachers who are entering their first year at La Salle, combined with educators who have been here since the age of Patsy Cline and "Love Beads: the faculty has come to represent La Salle in full. In other words

algebra and pre路calc are not only audible to his immediate pupils, but also to students several floors below. Many La Salle teachers are also specialized in more than one field; Mr. William Geiger, for example, known as the "Superman" of the faculty, skillfully instructs Latin, English, and Environmental Science, while at the same time moderates the Yearbook, Photo Club and Gazebo. The only thing Mr. Geiger doesn't do is teach aquatics and cook in the cafeteria kitchen. At least, not yel... The La Salle faculty, in this sense, is also very adroit outside the classroom. It is our very own teachers that both coach and train our numerous athletic teams and organizations around school. Teachers like Members of the faculty and staff each hold and Mr. Dennis Bloh (moderator of wrestling and swimdisplay characteristics that help add to the "unique" ming) Mr. Joe Colistra (varsity football coach) and flavor that La Salle offers. There is the eccentric Mr. President Brother Rene (Forum Moderator) can still be Ed McCabe, who keeps students during class on their found on campus well after the end of school, intoes, not only by hurling at them challenging and structing and aiding students in their various activities. thought-provoking questions, but chalk and erasers as Thus, the role of the La Salle educator extends far well. Mr. Joe Radvansky is famous for his fast-paced outside the reaches of the classroom and long after the math courses and subsequent "week-long" tests, while final school bell has rung. The faculty are firmly it is Mrs. Theresa Garvin's deep knowledge that has dedicated to the students, the school and the spirit of caused students to "respect the math." Then, there is the "La Salle teaching" tradition. the resounding Mr. John Frizalone, whose lessons in - Steffan Schulz

Mr. Dennis Bloh, English Department


-r' (Mr. Tore Hansen), Atheletic Department

Brother Tim Ahem, Hislory Department

Brother Joseph Myers, Religion and Art Department

Mr. George Hohenleitner, Language Department


Administration Those who direct La Salle's Future




Brother Rene Sterner, F.S.C., M.A. President

Key Concepts of Christianity.




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Mr. David T. Diehl, M.A. Principal. Economics I.

Brother Kevin M. Dalma.sse, F.S.C., M.S.F.S. Assistant Principal, Acamdemic Affairs, Morality.

James J. Devine, Ed.D Vice President Spanish I, Cross-Cultural Communication

Brother Francis B. Danielski, F.S.c., M.A. Vice Principal, Student Affairs. A.P. European History, Catholic Identity.

Brother James Rieck, F.S.C., M.A. Director of Admissions. Morality.

Mr. Martin W. Stanczak, B.S. Dean of Students


Board of Trustees •

1994-1995 La Salle College High School Board of Trustees: 'ames Mclaughlin, Thomas Lynch, Brother kevin Oalmasse. FSC, lohn Paul. Frank Clary, Brother Gerard Frendreis, FSC, Frank Ryan. Brother Timothy Froelich. FSC, Jack lombard, Brother John McDonnell, FSC, Richard Buck, Martin Whalen, Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, Brother Rene Sterner, FSC, Brother Frank Danielski, FSC, Charles Reilly, John Schmilt, David Diehl, Joseph Connelly, Brother lawrence Colhocker, FSC, James Devine, Sisler Patricia Kelly, 55), Brother Andrew Barlley, FSC. Not present when the picture was laken: Anton Bauer, James Foley, lames Hasson, John Kent, Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC, Brother Benedict Oliver, FSC, Or. J. Michael Whitaker.


Brother Gerard J. Frendreis. F.S.C., M.A. Comptroller


Alumni House

Brother John D'Alfonso, F.S.C., M.A. Director of Alumni

Mark Dardaris, Assistant to the Comptroller


Mr. Robert McAnespey, Director of Development Mr. Anthony Mele, Assistant to the Comptroller


Secretaries liLa Salle High School, May I help YOu?"

Mrs. Patricia Schaum, secretary to the Principal, also works closely with Brother James Rieck and the Admissions staff.

Mrs. Ann Ford, Main Office Receptionist


Mrs. Karen Mullen, Administrative Secretary

Mrs. Helen B. Gallagher, Attendance Office Secretary

Mrs. Bernadette logan, College Placement Assistant

Mrs. Pat Dever, Development Office Data Manager

Mrs. Florence Ward, Development Office


English Portals to great Literature

Mr. Dennis Bloh, '.0. English 1,3.


Mr. Timothy Jones, B.A., English I, 2.

Mrs. Clare Brown, M.A. English 1, 3.

Mr. Bernard V. McCabe, M.A. English 2, 4.

Dr. Joseph F. D'Angelo, Ed.D. English 2, 4, A.P. English

Mr. Edward N. Molush, M.A. English 1,3.


Social Studies Exploring the frontiers of society

Mr. John J. Grace, M.Ed., Department Chair. World Cultures, A.P. American History, Civil War.


Mr. Bernard T. Fitzgerald, Jr. B.A., Western Civilization, American History.




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Mr. Thomas E. Turner, 8.S. World Cultures, Western Civilization

Mr. Joseph Parisi, 8.A. World Cultures, Athletic Diredor.

Bro. Timothy Ahem, F.S.C., M.A. Civil War, American History, Catholic tdentity


Mr. Gerald Miller, M. Ed., Vietnam, Political Science, American History

Bro. Michael Gillespie, F.S.C., B.A. World Cultures, Catholic Identity


Mathematics I ntegrating integrals into the world , ~ UMilth

Mr. James Roche, M.S., Department Chair. Algebra I (Hon.),

Calculus, AP Calculus AB, Be.

Bro.Thomas Dunn, F.S.C., M.A. A ge ra

Geometry, Scripture.


epartment .

Mrs. Theresa Carvin, M. Ed., Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2.

Mr. Joseph Radvansky, M.S., Algebra 1,2 (Hon.) Math Analysis, Trig., Calculus, Consumer Math.

Mr. John Frizalone, B.A., Math Analysis, Algebra ',2, Geometry with Trigonometry, Trigonometry, Consumer Math.

Ms. Maureen Dugan, M.A., Algebra 2, Geometry, Math Analysis.

Ms. Martina Shustack, M.A., Geometry, Algebra " Geometry with Trigonometry, Statistics, Math Analysis.


Science Dissecting the elements of life •••


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Mrs. Julia Maher, M.A., Department Chair, Chemistry, Physical Science.

Mr. Robert Russel, M.S., Programming " 2, AP Computer Science. Physics, AP Physics.

Mr. Gerald Evans, M.S., Biology


Mr. Gary Wiley, B.S., Physics, Honors Physics. Ms. lorrame Rlmert, M.A., E edflclfy J, 2, Au



Mr. Terrence P. Gillespie, M.A., Physical Science, Biology,

Mr. Thomas 8arna, 8.S., Physical Science, Chemistry.

AP Biology.

/ Mrs. Oorot y Poniscia , M.A., C emistry, AP Chemistry

Mr. Shawn Neely, 8.S., Physical Science, Biology, Anatomy


Language Bridging the cultural gaps

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Mrs. linda Donahue, M.A., Spainsh', J; Frene J.


Mr. Davi

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Mr. Kenneth M. Flood, B.S., Spanish 1,2.


eorge l. Ho en eitner, M.A., erman 7,2, ; A German; Scripture

Mr. William A. Geiger, M. A., atm , , ; English III, Creative Writing, Environmental Science.

Mr. Nicholas Coggins, B.A., Spanish 7, 2, 2(Hon.)

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch, M.A., Spanish 3, 3(Hon.), French 7.

"Weltanschu uag? Schadenfreud? Zeitgeist? Geshtalt? What???" 35

Religion Teaching Christian Values (Re gian


Mr. Alfred Puntel, M.A., Department Chair, C~tholic Identity.

Bro. Kenneth Cook, F.S.C., M.A., Catholic Identity, Scripture.


Mr. Geoffrey L. Nicole"i, M.A., Religion ',2, World Religions,

English 2.

Bro. Peler Killeen, F.S.C., B.A., Catholic Identity, Scripture.

Mr. William leahy, B.A., Christian Action; Business.

Mr. Jay Kirsch, B.A., Director 0 Campus Ministry; Morality,

Christian Action; Chorus.


General Studies All the good things wrapped up in


Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro, B.A., Department Chair, Music.

Mr. Peter Sigmund, B.A., Computer Literacy, Computer

Applications; Accounting.

Mr. Frank Lichtner, B.S., Aquatics 1, 2, 3.

Mr. John DiBlasi, A.T.C, Athletic Training.


Mrs. Diane McGovern, M.Ed., Art 1, 2, 3.

Mrs. Melissa Gaskins路Centofante, M.F.A., Art 1; Ceramics.

Mr. Tore N. Hanssen, M.Ed., Physical EduCiil;on 1,2,3.


Guidance The best listeners at La Salle

Mr. Michael Dolan, M.Ed., Department Chair, Psychology.

Bro. Thomas Chadwick, F.S.C., M.A., Freshman Counselor; Reading; Language Studies. Mr. Patrick Devine, M.A., Sophmore Counselor; Christian l.ifestyles; Marti/ity.


Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, M.A., Junior/Senior Guidance; Psychology.

Bro. William DiPasquale, F.S.C., M.S., Junior/Senior Guidance; English 3; Morality.

Mrs. Marie Baer, Guidance


Mr. Martin Jackson, B.S., Language Specialist; Psychology.

Ms. Mary Sheets, Guidance and Counseling, Intermediate Unit.


Campus Ministry Taking Care of Spiritual Matters

Re\!, Georges Thiers, Chaplain.

Mr. Jay Kirsch, Director of Campus Ministry.


Mr. William leahy, Assistant Director of Campus Ministry.

Library Put on your sweater and tie.

Bro. Joseph Keough, F.S.C., 8.S.L.S., librarian.

Bro. Robert Wilsbach, F.S.C., Assistant to the Librarian.

Mrs. Patty Murphy, Assistanllo the Librarian.


School Nurses

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro, R.N.

Mrs. Jennie BaraN, R.N.

Cafeteria Staff

1994~1995 Cafeteria Staff, left to right: Diana Farrell, Marie McFadden, Mary SaJemno, Annie Savino, Alice Yeiter, Ethel Berg, John DiCataldo, Domenick Salem no, Betty Ryan, Rose DiPinto, and Patty Garvey. Missing (rom photo: Agnes Oi Stephana.


Maintenance and Bookstore

Mr. Bob Hillgrube

Mr. Frank Ignas

Mr. Mike Donovan and Mr. John Steinmetz

Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell



he underclass, undoubtedly an important part of the La Salle community, is commonly divided into three main groups: freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. All three groups contain their own individual characteristics that give them theirown character around

the campus. In other words ... The freshmen, for example, commonly known as "fresh". can often be distinguished by thei rsweet fragrance on "Freshman Day" and their diligence in attempting to locate that evanescent fourth~floor pool. Freshmen

always seem to bear the brunt of upper-class jokes, from random, humorous notes in lockers to the infamous "swirlie" (in extreme cases only!). The frosh, however, are noted for their quick learning; in other words, they always avoid roamingpactsof upperclassmen, the innerworkings of the cafeteria lunch-line, and they never, no matter what the circumstance, venture into the "pit" alone. Sophomores have become the most "spunkylt of all the underclassmen. With one full year under their belt, but still two to go, sophomores often display a haughty attitude, one that Mr. Martin Stanczack, dean of students,

especially appreciates. It is easy to spot the sophomore brazenly walking through the halls and always bumping freshman around with their backpacks filled with neatly arranged textbooks. Yes, sophomores may seem rugged on the outside, yet we all know that they take their work seriously (to the point of putting color -coded tabs on their homework assignment books.) Juniors, in many ways, are similar to the typical sophomore. First of all, they too walk around with their haughty attitudes knowing that they are only one year away from becoming an upperclassman. Juniors also take their work very seriously (as most La Salle students do); however, not to the extent ofthefrosh and sophs. The major distinction that is made between juniors and the rest of the La Salle student body is that this is the year when a student has to actually do some work to have any chance of getting admitted to college! Despite each class's idiosyncrasies the La Salle underclassmen are very devoted to their work. They may be unrefined at times, however, they are all very serious about their education. They strive for excellence in all areas of their education-academic, spi ritual, and ath letic.

..... Didier Occident and Tim McGoldrick looking pensive in an otherwise boring environment: the classroom.


"That's funny. I know my lale slip is in here somewhere."

"'Pssst. Hey! look over here."

, •



"Hmmm, let's see. 00 I want to buy a car or go 10 the movies."

"You comin'? 'Cause


not, I'm loddn' up."

.sean McErlean is the happiest junior at La Salle.

Chris Walters, Craig Hamilton, and Keith Ledwith share it serious discussion between classes.


Michael Abbott Keith Adams ~rk

Alexander, Jr

Marc Alfarano Eric Andruczyk

Douglas Appleby Andrew Au Christian Barbato Thaddeus Bartkowski Lloyd Beck, III

Daniel Becker

Joseph Beletsky Marc Benante

Patrick Bevilacqua Brian Binder

Scott Binsfeld Philip Bocchino

Edward Bongard, III Matthew Brannon Daniel Breuer, III

Michael Brinkos Michael Brown Nicholas Brunetti Brendan Burke

Michael Burleigh

Christopher Burns Andrew Ruschmeier

Michael Byrnes Jared Calamia John Calvitti

Freshmen路 Freshmen. Freshmer 48

Justin Capetola Chris Cappelletti Brian Carberry Joe Chiarantona Tom Chmielewski

Daniel Cirino David Cissne David Citro John Clark Alvin Clay, IV

Joseph Colasante Joseph Crane Thomas Crean

Stephen (ragnale Thomas Cross, Ir

Thomas Curran Marvin Dandy Philip Danvers Paul DIOrazio William Degideo

Tony Depasquale Saurabh Desai

Chris Dileonardo Frank Dischinger Christopher Dolan

Hugh Donnelly




Kevin Dougherty Shaun Dupell Kevin Dwyer


Freshmen • Freshmen • Freshmen 49

Matthew Elliot Scott Emrich John Enderle Roman Escobar Terence Fallon

Robert Farrell Timothy Fenningham Daniel Fineberg John Fisher Kevin Fitzpatrick

1 Ryan Fitzpatrick Philip Freiler Timothy Galbally Ryan Gallagher Puri Garzone, III

Peter Gavin Scott Gaydos Paul Gibbons Brian Gilroy Brandon Glova

Brett Gordon Matthew Gorman Justin Grabe Michael Greger Craig Gugger

Robert Hamby Kevin Hannon Joseph Haughton Brant Heaton Michael Heinsdorl



Freshmen • Freshmen • Freshmer 50

Francis Hevener James Hoagland Matthew Holbert John Horstmann Kristian Houser

Michael Hunsicker Nick Incollingo

James Jamison Matthew John Charles Johnson

Nicholas Jordal Paul Kahan James Karwacki Joseph Kaupas Christopher Kebler

Peter Keller Brendan Kelley Arthur Keoseyan

Donald Kerper Chris Kerrigan

Jonathan King

Michael Knowski

Kevin Kohler, Ir James Kouch Mike Kruczkowski

Giuseppe Laguda Vincenzo La Ruffa

Anthony leonard James liberi Bradley longosky



Freshmen¡ Freshmen • Freshmen 51

Michael lorusso Matthew Luhks kevin lyons Francis Madden Patrick Maholland

William Markman" Joseph Marquis Michael Mattern Nicholas Mattiacci Scott McCarry

Sean McCullagh Patrick McCullion Daniel McFadden Colin MCGinley Brendan McGlone

Timothy McGoldrick James McLaughlin Mike Mclaughlin, Jr. Colin McManus Brendan McMenamin

Christopher McShea Matthew Mee Thomas Meehan Neil Mikulski kevin Miller

Robert Miller Patrick Moore Matthew Morace Stephen Mueller Christopher Murphy



Freshmen • Freshmen • Freshmer 52

Michael Murphy Dennis Murray Daniel Needle John Nevergole Daniel Neverosky


Peter Nocera, III Rahesh Noronha Robert O'Connor Shawn O'Connor Matt O'Donnell

Peter O'Donnell Andrew O'Hara

Brendan O'Hara Timothy O'Malley Bill O'Shaughnessy

Didier Occident Jason Olcese Ronald Olsen Michael Palm Gamal Palmer

James Palmieri Jeremy Palo Joseph Papa Charles Peterson Francis pfeil


Jeffrey Pietrak Chris Plachta Daniel Ponisciak Justin Primus Brian PriorMacDonald

Freshmen • Freshmen • Freshmen 53

Gregory Queen Philip Quenzer Andrew Rakowski Gilbert Ramos Bryan Reese

James Reeves William Reid

Timothy Reiley Shane Reilly Adam Richards

Sean Ripley kevin Robinson Andrew Romano Brian Romanzo William Rookstool

f Edward Roussel, Jr Mark Ruegg Eugene Santarlas Andrew Sayers David Schmel

Christopher Scott Eric Seiferth Stephen Sharkey Michael Sinclair Joseph Siravo

Christopher Small Mark Smalley Gavin Smith David Spangler Christopher Stack



/ ,

Freshmen路 Freshmen路 Freshmel 54

Cary Staffieri Nicholas Steere Francis Stieber Vincent Strain Matthew Styer

Michael Sullivan James Sweeney Gregory Swindells Marie Szczech Rick Szczurowski

Alex Tatunchak Gregory Thomas

James Trappler John Travers

Ryan Tuman

Jonathon Turk Matthew Valentine Henry Van Horn Thomas Vlahos John Wall

Christopher Ward Paul Weinacht

Michael Weinert John Welsh Sean Westfield

James Wilson Chris Wolverton Joseph Yanoshik Robert Zebik Armen Zeibari



•Freshmen • Freshmen. Freshmen 55

James Alber Mehul Ami" Kevin Badolato

Stephen Salshi Jon Barthmaier

Joseph Bednarek Matthew Bertone Frank Sojazi Edward 80ron

Joseph Borr.1I

Gregory Breen

Charles Breznicky Matthew Brister John Brown

Nicholas 8tyers

Chris Buck Eric Caliendo

Paul Callahan Dennis Callan Michael Capell

Micha.1 Cappelli Todd Carmody Kristopher Carr Patrick Casey Jeffrey Catanese

Joseph Catrino Frank Checkovage

Matthew Chiappa Kenneth Christy, Jr. James Claudius \

Sophomores路 Sophomores路 Sophl 56

James Clearkin Brian Convery

Tony Cortellessa Patrick Costello Matthew Cox

Brendan Coyle William Coyle Brian Croney Robert Crossley, III Timothy Curran

Eric Daly Charles Debow Jason Delisi Justin Delisi Todd Dileo

Jonothan Dinapoli Dominic Dipaolo Brendan Dolan James Donnelly Patrick Dowling

Richard Doyle Charles Durham Michael Ourso Brian Egan William Ennis

Michael Erfle Chris Eunice Ryan Ferel

Matthew Fineberg Richard Firely


lores路 Sophomores.Sophomores 57

Michael Fithian Ryan Foley Christopher Frey Sean Fullerton Daniel Gallagher

Justin Gallagher Kenneth Gavin William Geiger, III William Geigert Seo" Gimpel

Andrew Gittleman Daniel Goettner James Goldner Gregory Goodwin Fred Gramet-Kedzior

Robert Grzybowski P. Bradley Guidi John Hammond Damien Hangey Timothy Hannigan

Brent Hartman Jared Haselbarth Michael Heim Kurt Hirsekorn Matthew Horgan

Eugene Hughes, IV Philip Hughes, III Peter Hunter Brian Ingram Andrew Jabldkov

Sophomores. Sophomores. SopJ 58

Istvan Jakab Devin Jones Christopher Kane Matthew Kebler Matthew Kelly

Andrew Kernytsky Michael Kerr Nicholas Klohe Thomas Kohlhepp James Koller

Michael Kotwicki, III Stephen Kuklinski Michael tabosky Thomas Lamprecht

Mark tapera

Kevin Lasky

Christopher Lare Christopher Lavin Thomas Lawson

Joseph leva

Michael Longstreth Evan lowery Thoms tuft John MacNeil

Kyle Mallach

Daniel Malloy Matthew Maloney Jeffrey Markowski Sean Martin John Mason

nores路 Sophomores. Sophomores 59

Robert Massino, III Michael Mattia Brendan May Matthew McBride Chris McBryan

Peter McCann Sean McCloskey MaUhew McConaghy

Sean McCreery Stephen Mcelroy

Jamie McEntee Edwin McFadden Michael Mcintyre Patrick Mclaughlin Brian McMahon

Ryan McMenamin Timothy McNichol Timothy McNichol Patrick McWilliams Joseph Meade

Andrew Middlemiss Timothy Miehle Thomas Molony Sean Mooney Gregory Morris

Michael Morsell William Mullen Jr F. Michael Nedl John Neill

James Noone



Sophomores. Sophomores. Soph 60

Shawn O'Brien Dennis O'Donnell Brian O'Neill Michael Oldfield Aaron Oliver

Jonathan Opdyke Stephen Palopali Rocco Peronace Robert Polto Kane Posner

Bradly Potter

John Price Sean Quinn

Paul Read Carlos Rodriguez

Jose Rodriguez Jeffrey Rucinski Edward Sansalone Chris Santucci

John Savage

Seth Scanlon Casey Schafer Michael Schafle Christopher Schu Matthew Scully

Peter Seely

Mark Semanick luslin Serianni Prem Shah Brion Shreffler

lores路 Sophomores.Sophomores 61

Gilbert Smith Charles Snyder Donnie Sowers Kristopher Sparks Francis Spause

Justin Sutton Nicholas Tarsi Richard Tate George Thiers David Vagnoni

Joseph Vigorita James Waters Jeffrey Watson Daniel Watt Thomas Wells, Jr.

Eugene Welsh Ed Westermann Michael Wills Henry Winterbottom Harry Woertz

Daniel Yu Michael Zeccardi


Sophomores.Sophomores. Soph 62

Sophs at La Salle experience hard work and the pleasure of its rewards.

;ophomores. Sophomores.Sophomores 63

Dan Adam Wayne Adamow John Adams Daniel Amoroso Brian Appleby

Anthony Arobone Alexander Au William Ballay Thomas Barbera Jeffrey Barbieri

Jeffrey Bauder Donald Baxter Ferdinand Bergen Keith Binsfeld Gregory Bock

Paul Boehmler Anthony Bonargo Matthew Brace Edmund Bransfield Brendan Bray


Damian Bridges Anthony Bruno Patrick Burke III John Burton Nick Calvanese

J Andrew Carl Jeffrey Cesari Andrew Childs Chris Cifelli Geoffrey Coniglio



Juniors- Juniors- Juniors-Junion 64

Shane Conway Patrick Coyle Patrick Craney Brian Curci Daniel Davitt

1 Brian Dempsey



Anthony Dessert Marc Oi Benedetto David Dilullo William Donohoe

James Donohue Michael Dooner Nicholas Durso David Dzara

John Eckert III

Sean Ennis Gregory Erb Chris Everingham Michael Farrell Daniel Fay

William Fedyna Brian Fegley

Matthew Ferrare Michael Fiorentino David Fisher

J Ray Fitzpartick John Foelster Adam Frey

Michael Gadsby Christopher Gange


uniors- Juniors- Juniors- Juniors 65

Michael Girondo Lewis Goettner Kyle Goldbacher Philip Goodwin Patrick Gorman

Thomas Grasso lr Bryan Grebis Paul Grevy Steven Grossman Christopher Halpin

William Hamilton James Hargadon Ronald Hartman Frank Haughton Thomas Henwood

Robert Herzog Brad Hill Jason Hill Francis Hoffman Brendan Hogan

Stephen Hope Michael Holz Sean Hunsicker T.J. Hurley Ian Jenkins

Philip Jones William Juliano Paul Kaufmann Jeffrey Keller John Kelly

Juniors- Juniors- Juniors- Junior~ 66

Todd Kelly Brian Kent Joe Keane F Gregory Kevane

Gerald Kilkenny

Douglas Koreiko Matthew Kowal John Kowalski II Keith lachawiec Brian lang

louis lanzilotta Timothy Lash

Thomas Lasky Keith Ledwith

Edward Leonard

Matt Lewandowski

John Lockard Ir Lloyd long Stephen Loughlin

James Louie

Michael lynch

Philip lynch Michael Mack

Christopher Magarity John Mallach

Timothy Maloney Brandon Mandia Michael Maslroieni Shaun McCormac

Daniel McDonald

uniors- Juniors-Juniors- Juniors 67

Patrick McGinley Thomas McGoldrick Matthew McGrath Timothy McManus Matthew McMullin

Daniel Meehan Erik Mitsch Daniel Monaghan Andrew Morell Anthony Morrow

Matthew Mullen Patrick Mullen William Murphy William Newhart Michael Ochmanski

Thomas O'Connell Sean O'Donnell William Oehler Paul O'Hara Kenneth Orange

Mike O'Shaughnessy Joseph Palmieri James Parella Anthony Penzarella Craig Petruzzelli

Dodd Pfeffer Joshua Piskai Michael Pratowski David Rambo Mark Rawson

Juniors- Juniors- Juniors- Junior~ 68

Christopher Reynolds Daniel Rogan Ian Ruegg Paul Ruppel IV George Saitta



Michael Salvi Justin Santangelo Michael Sasso Andrew Sava Brian Schaefer

David Schulze Benjamin Sclafani Dan Sears louis Serra Sacheen Shah

Joseph Sharkey Jonathan Simpson Thomas Sinese

Daniel Sinni Matthew Skipper

Timothy Strumfels Christian Sweeney Scott Swindells Eugene Szymanski James Tale

Jeffrey Truitt Brian Trymbiski Michael Tulio




Wesley Tuscano James Tyrrell

luniors- Juniors-Juniors- Juniors 69

John Tyrrell Gabriel Valencia Kevin Van Haute Gregory Ventresca James Venudo

Kevin Villacorta Trevor Vogt

Christopher Wallers Chris Weinacht Matthew Weldon

Thomas White David Wickersham Michael Wilkin Michael Wilson

Thomas Yaegel


}"' •

Matthew Yaglenski Keith Vouse

Juniors- Juniors-Juniors-Junior5 70

Juniors take both their work and play very seriously at La Salle.

Juniors- Juniors-Juniors-Juniors-Juniors 71


nterillg his fourth year at La Salle, the average

senior on campus can be described in many different fashions. Besides the common charac-

teristic of long hair and strange and bizarre facial-hair styles (that all 100 often resemble a bad Remington Commercial), these individuals have numerous defining

properties that help to classify them as "seniors." La Salle seniors, dressed in a myriad of different fashions ranging from preppy woolen sport-coats to

bulky, over-worn sweaters, can always be found in different areas all over campus. Some spend their freetime (an average of three to four class-periods a day),

speaking intellectually with Mrs. Marie Baer about everything from Trivial Pursuit to Rush Limbaugh, while others are constantly found in the College Placement office, bugging Mrs. Bernadette Logan about SAT scores or applications. Others can be found by their BMW's or Chevy IROQ's in the parking lot, blasting out 80's "Hot Rock" tunes from such revolutionary groups like "Devo" and "The Stray Cats," the back seat of their cars replaced by multiple five~foot speakers and kicker~ boxes. This alarm, however, is not enough to drown out the sound of seniors playing Tray Ball in the pit, or those on "The Hill," planning the next coup of the administration.

Senior year also represents the final year for what many call the "La Salle Metamorphosis." While no on exhibits the characteristics of a giant beetle (at least no physically), many sludents have undergone Ihe chang, from the innocent, timid, studious freshman carrying seven credits to the loud, obnoxious, opinionated senior whose goal is to carry as few classes as human Ipossible. Senior year, especially second semester, finds maO' students down with the chilling and dreaded illness . known to many as "senioritis" (Inflammation of the Brain.) Resulting from three years of intense study, thi! ailment strikes multiple victims at random. This diseast knows no cure except plenty of bed rest, television, and, of course, letters of academic probation sent by respective colleges and universities. Senior year is undoubtedly the most anticipated an< relished or all the four years al La Salle. Over-all, it provides each individual senior with the distinct oppor tunity to show maturity, leadership and intelligence (Well, they also said the Titanic and Hindenburg were indestructible.) Seniors ultimately leave La Salle with, strong academic background, a feeling of belonging 10 a caring community, and a desire for continued succe~ in college and beyond. - Steffan Schulz

Mike lottier, Dan Sforza, Jaime Cevallos, and Chris Lynch.


Which one's the tramp?

A Mike Brown daydream: -Mmmmm ...football.-


John, you live much more lhan five minutes away.

We couldn't help noticing, but somebody removed the stem.

Doug Gugger makes yel another insightful observation.


Jeffrey William Ackler 4285 Frontier Road

Hatboro, PA 19040 (215) 674·0254 St. Catherine of Siena SAVE 3,4 (president); Yearbook 3,4 (editor); Gazebo

1,3,4; Dramatics 3,4 ·Come away 0 human child!n"o the waters and the wild JVoIith a faery, hand in hand, I For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand. ~ - William Butler Yeats from The Stolen Child.

Eric P. Adelsberger 1724 Holmes Road

Maple Glen, PA



Jeffrey W. Ackler

Anthony F. Auriemma

S1. Alphonsus Photo Club 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 1; Ice Hockey 3,4;

lntramurals 1,2,3,4; e.s.c. 3,4

"You have been reading about a bad break 1got. Yet today 1consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. ~ • Lou Gehrig

Matthew l. Ashlon 11 7 Wagon Wheel Road Norristown, PA 19403 (6101539-7923

Visitation (Norristown) -Rome wasn't built in a


- unknown

Anthony F. Auriemma 2445 Oakland Drive Norristown, PA 19403 (610) 539-7488

Visitation (Norristown) Band 1,2,3,4; SAVE 3, lacrosse 2,4; N.H.S. 3,4 ~Let there be songs to fililhe air" - the Grateful Dead

Marc G. Bailey

Eric P. Adelsberger Marc G. Bailey 628 lynne Drive Southampton, PA


(2151 322-1697

Our lady of Good Counsel -I have nothing 10 declare but my genius!~ - Oscar Wilde Albert Patrick Balcer 428 Cedarwood lane Elkins Park, PA 19027 {2151 663-0996

Sl. James Basketball 1,2; FootbaJll,2; Crew 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "All their eternity is to loose & bray; one crew will stand tightly listed, the other stripped of its dignity at the dawn of Judgment Day.~ -Po S., Dante

Matthew L. Ashton


Albert Patrick Balcer

Brian M. Baniewicz 1902 Palomino Drive Warrington, PA 18976

(215) 343-2996 St. Robert Science Club I; Ski Club 1,2,3; Inlramurals 1,2.3,4; Computer Club 1,4 "The price of liberty is eternal


Kevin F. Barger 18 East Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031

(2151233-3070 St. Genevieve Football 1,2,3,4; SADD 3.4 (Treasurer) -OUtlined against a blue-gray October sky, the Four

Brian M. Baniewicz

Horsemen rode again. In dramatic lore they were known as Famine. Pestilence, Destruction, and Death. Their real names are Saracino, Cilrino,

Gregory B. Barry

Boelker, and Barger'-

Thomas J. Barnes 2055 Pioneer Road Huntingdon Valley, PA


12151441-5040 St. David Crew 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2.3,4; Ski Club 2,4 "'INe are what we pretend 10 be. so be careful about what you pretend to be.- . Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Gregory B. Barry RD. #1 Wetherill Road 19460 Phoenixville, PA

(6101666-5220 51. Therese Intra murals 1,2,3; Forum I; Blue & Gold 3,4 ul will choose a path that's clear. t will choose Free Will. Rush, Free Will.~

Kevin F. Barger Gerald M. Bergen 5035 Pulaski Avenue 19144 Philadelphia, PA (215) 844-4574 Blue & Gold 1,2; Photo Club 1,2; Track & Field 3; Wisterian 4; Gazebo 4

Gerald M. Bergen

"I must follow the people ...am I not their leader?" Benjamin Disraeli

Raphael A. Bocchino 557 Applewood Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 646-5179

St. luke Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 3,4; C.S.c. 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "Deny, Deny, Deny."

Thomas J. Barnes

Raphael A. Bocchino


David G. Roelker 87 Poplar Road Warrington. PA 18976 1215) 441-4487 St. Joseph (Warrington)

Football 1,2.3,4; lacrosse 3,4; Wisterian 3,4; Science Club 4; N.H.SA, Scholastic "l" 1.2.3; lntTamurals 3,4 ~I never hoped to escape, never thought I could. But now I have come off safe, I thank God heartily.... - Sophocles

Ashley S. Brandan 4516 Castor Avenue

David G. Boelker

Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215) 831-1554 SI. Martin of Tours Swimmmg 1,2,3,4; InlTamurals 1,2,3 "I've taken my bows, and my curtain call. You've given me fame, fortune, and everything that goes with it. I thank you all," - Queen Charles


Brendan H. Brett


865 Sanger Street

Philadelphia, PA 19124 (2151289-8285 SL Martin of Tours "I'ze the master. I pay two dollar for you, Brett,"

Ashley S. Brandan

Brendan H. Brett 2931 Jolly Rood NorristO\vn. PA 19401 (610) 275-3196 Epiphany of Our lord Track & Field t,2(l),3{l),4(l); Football 3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 4, SAVE 4, C.S.c. 4 "You are here 10 study. and while you are at it, study hard. When you have got Ihe chance 10 play outside, play hard. The man who shirks his worn will shirk his play." • Theodore Roosevelt

Michael F. Brown

Michael f. Brown 942 Garfield Avenue lansdale, PA 19446 SI. Rose of lima Football 1,2,3.4; lacrosse 3,4 "'We only go around once, so there's really no time to be afraid" Henry J. Brusca 602 linda Vista Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 (2151884-8203 Wrestling 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Immaculate Conception Oenkintown) "Life is a race, marned by a start and a finish. If we work hard and do well, then we have lived up to our potential and succeeded."

Charles J. Brandt



J. Brusca

Philip W. Bur 1385 Uxbridge Way Box 361 Gwynedd, PA 19436

(215) 699-0716

Sf. Alphonsus Basketball I; Crew 2; Student Council 1; Band 1.2,3,4; N.H.S. 4; Scholastic "l" 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "The clock 01 life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop: at lale

or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love. toil with a will. Place no faith in tomorrow, for the clock may then be still. ~ - unknown

Michael R. Burak 61 I Wagner Road

lafayette HIli, PA

Philip W. Bur


(610) 941-0649

SI. Philip Neri Baseball 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1; Intramurals 1,2.3,4; Spirit Club 3,4 "May the bridges I bum light my way" • B. M.

Lawrence G. Capili

Mark C. Burakiewicz 124 Alexis Lane Philadelphia, PA (215)673·0713


51. Albert the Greal Wrestling 2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4 "Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.M

lawrence G. Capili 1745 Waterford Way

Michael R. Burak

Maple elen, PA 19002 (215) 542·9164 SI. Alphonsus Lacrosse 2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4 MSomelimes we live no particular way but our own. M

Stephen M. Caramenico

Stephen M. Caramenico 1722 Williams Way Norristown, PA 19403 16101631-5249 51. Francis (Norristown) Football 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 2,3 Ml'd rather die on my feet. than live on my kneesM • unknown Joseph P. Carl 306 Oreland Mill Road 19075 Oreland, PA 12151887-9172 Holy Martyrs Football 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1; Swimming 1 "That would be me - I've been swimming in raw sewage. I love itr - Frank Orebin

Mark C. Burakiewicz

Joseph P. Carl


Thomas L. Carr

118 Park Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 343-5658 St. Joseph (Ambler)

Ski Club 1,2,3,4 (president); SADD 3,4; Dramatics 1; Scholastic "l 1,2.3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 -Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute. ~ If

Nicholas D. Cejas

7704 Orchard lane Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215)836·7473 Our lady of ConsolatIOn Crew 1,2,3,4; Band 4; 5ADD 3,4; Art Club 4;

Intramurals 1,2,3,4 -Ufe is just like a midget at a urinal - always be on

Thomas L. Carr


your toes: • Frank Drebin

Francis J. Cherry

'ames G. Cevallos 4105 Barberry Drive lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 828-4653 51. Philip eri Student Council 1,4; Baseball 1,2.3,4; Football 1; Spanish Club 2 -Our mind need relaxation and give way unless we work a tittle play.~ - Moliere Francis J. Cherry 420 Dupont Street 19128 Philadelphia, PA (215) 482-5374 SI. lucy Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Chorus 4 "Too much trippin' and my soul is wom thin" - Slone Temple Pilots

Nicholas D. Cejas


R. Christian Cinalli 8601 Elliston Drive

Robert C. Cinalli

Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 836-7079 Our Mother of Consolation Student Council 1; Ski Club 1,2; Spanish Club 3,4; Spirit Club 3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4 (Captain) -Alilhe police warriors and traitors be still, for Jah live, I don't want to wait in vain for your love, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha" Harry C. Citrino, III 1005 Welsh Road Philadelphia,PA 19115 (215)673-0413 Maternity BVM Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1; Crew 1,2; Student Council 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2 -It's all in how you loot< at it and what side you're on" • Michael Pietro

James G. Cevallos


Harry C. Citrino III

Christopher D. Clayton 425 Hoffnagle Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (2151742-9282

51. Cecilia Baseball 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2; Track & Field 2 -You can hold the bat in your teeth, provided you hit it safety and often.路 Michael J. Cleary 1874 Harte Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 887-0452 Immaculate Conception Oenkintown) Football 1,2,3; Track & Field 1; C.S.c. 3,4 ~l don't always know the right from the wrong. I do my best to figure it out and work it out in the long - B-Boys ft

Chris D. Clayton

Drew C. Coffey 1881 Harte Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 885-6968 Immaculate Conception ijenkinlown) Golf 1,2,3,4; Student Council) (Vice Presiden!), 4:

Ian M. Coffey

Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Swimming 2,3 (All-Catholic); Senior Witness 4, C.S.c. 3,4 "95.7% of the game is how you look, not how you play it." -Hut-Nons Ian M. Coffey 1881 Harte Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 885-6968 Immaculate Conception Oenkintown) Swimming 1,2,3,4 (All-Catholic); Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Football , ~When you are getting kicked from the rear, it means you're in Iront." -Fulton Sheen. Clergyman

Michael J. Cleary

Joseph J. Colistra 8330 Cedar Road Elkins Park, PA 19027 (215) 635-1245 St. James Football 1,2,3 (l), 4(l); Track & Field 2,3,4; Wrestling 1 (l), Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "If I leave here tomorrow, win you still remember me. I must keep travilin' onward...cause I as free as a bird now." -Leonard Skynyrd

Joseph J. Colistra

Brian T. Collins 13 Rotterdam East Holland, PA 18966 (215) 355-7987 St. Bede C.S.c. 2; SAVE 4, Intramurals 3,4 ~A mind, is a terrible thing to waste, but it sure is fun."

Drew G. Coffey

Brian T. Collins


. - - - - - - - - - - - - - , John D. Collins, II 20 Woodview Drive Chalfont, PA



51. Jude

esc 2; SAVE 4; Intramurals 3,4 "A mind is a terrible thing to wasle, but it sure is fun."

loseph J. Connelly 1302 Squire Drive

Ambler, PA 19002 (2151643·5893 51. Stanislaus

Baseball 1,2,3; Football!; lntramurafs 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4 "Cowards die many times before their deaths; The

valiant never taste of death but once." ·William Shakespeare, from Julius Caesar

John D. Collins, II



Michael A. Courtney

J, Conway

2018 lodges lane

Oreland, PA 19075 (2151836·5947 Holy Martyrs

e.s.c. 1,2,3; Football

1; Bike Club 4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Crew 1, 2(l), 3(ll, 4(l) "I believe that the spirit of a man can be repressed, but it cannot be destroyed." • Irish Creed Michael Anthony Courtney 1135 Oak Ridge Drive 19422 Blue Bell, PA

(6101277-4509 St. Helena (Center Square) Golf 2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4 "I was wasted and I was wasting time." • Hooty and the Blowfish.

Michael l. Cristaldi

Joseph J. Connelly

2235 Terwood Road Huntington Valley, PA


Michael L Cristaldi

~(2151659.8546 St. David Blue & Gold 2(Editor),3,4(Editor.in·Chief);Band t,2,3,4(Vice Presidentl,Theater 1,2,3,4(Prod. Mngr); Intramurals 1,2,3(Director),4; Crew 1; SADD 4; C.S.c. 4; S.A.V.E. 4(Secretary); Film Club 3,4; Wisterian 3,4;Photo Club 2,3,4; Pogo Stick Club 2,3,4(captain); Gazebo 3,4 ftThere is no greater sarcasm than silence."


Jeffrey R. Cunningham 953 Ayrdale Place Philadelphia, PA 19128 12151482·7212 Immaculate Heart of Mary

lntramurals 3,4; Film Club 4; Tennis 3,4

uHe who laughs last still dies.ft

Neil J. Conway


Jeffrey R. Cunningham

Christopher P. Cybulski 2202 Joshua Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 828-6352

51. Philip Ned Band 1; Bike Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3; e.s.c. 2,3; Computer Club 4 "Do or do nOI, there is no try." - Yoda, from The Empire Strikes Back Roman O. Danyliw 954 Hillside Drive

Southampton, PA


(215) 364-3965

51. Albert the Great N.H.S. 3,-1; Scholastic '"l" 1,2,3; Film Club 3,4; German Club 3,4; Computer Club 3,4 (president); Science Club 3,4

Chris P. Cybulski

"Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" • Ralph Waldo Emerson

Michael J. de Castro

John A. Dawkins, IV 8807 Carlisle Road Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 836-7938 Our Mother of Consolation Soccer 1,2,3.4; Baskelballl,2,3,4 (Co-Captam);

Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Senior Witness 4 "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little extra." - unknown Michaell. de Castro 1145 Oak Ridge Drive 19422 Blue Bell, PA (6101 278-0136 51. Helena (Center Square)

Roman D. Danyliw

Wisterian 3,4 (Associate Editor); Multi-Cultural Corps 2, 3(officer), 4(officer); Forum 3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic "lit 1,2,3; Blue & Gold 3,4; Dramatics 2,3,4; Mathleles 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1 "The voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks. Seeing the line from a sufficient distance, it straightens itself to the average tendency." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Adam N. Donahue

Adam N. Donahue 1391 Joan Drive Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 364-1653 Our lady of Good Counsel "I could've probably said that." - Yogi Berra John M. Dooley 380 Shady Retreat Road Doylestown PA, 18901 121 5) 230-9044

John A. Dawkins

Our lady of Mount Carmel Cross Country 1,2 "'Life is very hard 10 deal with sometimes, but each and every day you live can be a new beginning."

John M. Dooley



Michael J, Dooley 380 Shady Retreat Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 230·9044 Our lady of Mount Carmel Cross Country 1,2,3; Science Club 4 &If you're cool, I'm cool.~

Walter Dudinow Jr 1266 Paso feno Drive Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-9627 St. Robert Intramurals 1,2,3,4 -Anytime you're the top dog, there's always somebody who wants to put you in the pound,"

Michael J. Dooley

Sean Duffy 1015 Lansing Street Philadelphia, PA 19111

Jeffrey A. Dupee

745·4326 r -----------... (215) Blue and Gold 1,2,3. (editor) 4 (edltor'In-ch,eO;

Gazebo 1,2 (editor) 3 (editor) 4 (editor); Wisterian 3,4 (editor); film Club (founder) 3,4; esc 1,2 (presidenO; Band 1,2.3,4: NH$ 3,4; Photography Club 1,2,3 (president) 4; Art Club 1,2,3; forum l,2(l),3.5; IntTamurals 1; Dramatics 3; Scholastic "l ~ 1,2,3; Diocesan Scholar 4

"All along the untrodden paths 01 the future, I can see the footprints of an unseen hand. ~ • Sir Boyle Roche Jeffrey A. Dupee 503 Kane Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 628·2777 51. Alphonsus Crew 2; SAVE 3,4 (Vice-President); Dramatics 3,4; SADD 3,4; Science Club 4 ~Who so would be a man, must be a nonconformist.~ • Ralph Waldo Emerson


Sean Duffy


John I. Dyer

John I. Dyer 37 East Gowen Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 (215) 247-0792 Holy Cross Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Tennis 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 2; SADD 3,4; Dramatics 3,4; SAVE 4 "You can be my head, and I'll be yours.~ • The Flaming Ups Peter A. Eisenhower 31 2 Cedar Street Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 572-1505 Immaculate Conception (Jenkintown) Forum 1,2,3,4 (president); DramatICs 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4 (Vice-President); Chorus 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 4 -I want to thank you for Slopping the applause. It is impossible for me 10 look humble for any period of time: • Henry Kissinger

Peter A. Eisenhower

Samuel S. Elbardissi 210 Stump Road North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699-5198

S1. Stanislaus -rhe man who holds an eraser shall never make mistakes·

Joseph R. Falasco 21 1 Slevens Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 742-4713 S1. William

IntTamurals 1,2,3,4 "School was like the House of Pain, now it's time to get out your seat and jump aroundl·

Samuel S. Elbardissi

Marc Harry Falco 1409 Boyer Boulevard orristown, PA 19401 (6101 279-8888

Brian C. Fanning

St. Paul "Ufe's a dance, you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow: • John Michael Montgomery

Brian C. Fanning 1271 Turnbury lane Box 387 Gwynedd, PA 19436 (215) 699-1899 SI. Stanislaus Cross Country 2,3; Indoor Track & field 2; Track &

Field 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 4; SADD 4 ~Life's

a bowl of cherries. just be careful altha pits."

Stephen C. Fanning 1271 Turnbury lane Box 387 Gwynedd, PA 19436

Joseph R. Falasco


S1. Stanislaus Crew 1,2; Cross Country 2,3; Track & Field 3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Senior Witness 4; SAOD 3,4

Stephen C. Fanning

"The program for this evening is not new. You have seen this entertainmentlhrough and through. You've seen your birth, your life, and your death. You may recall all the rest. Did you have a good wortd when you died? Enough to base a movie on?'" - Jim Morrison

Christopher F. Fath 337 Princeton Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (2IS) 722-1596 St. Martha Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "'I'm finally out of here· irs been real" • Pomeidon

Marc H. Falco

Chris F. Fath


Michael W. Fedyna 1836 Howe lane Maple Glen, PA 19002

(2151628·9561 51. Alphonsus Basketball 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1,3,4; Crew 2; Student Council 1, Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "l" 3, SADD 3,4; C.s.c. 3,4 "You ought to run the hardest when you leel the worst. Never let the other guy know you're down." - Joe DiMaggio Michael P. Ferrare 7 Pin Oak lane Horsham, PA 19044

(2151 659·3974

Michael W. Fedyna

St. Catherine of Siena Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Art Club 4; Blue & Gold 4; Photo Club 4 ~I've seen miscreants and deviants of all kinds. ~

Timothy M. Flanigan

. Crazy Joe Shawn D. Finney 161 Greyhorse Road Willow Grove, PA 19090

(2151657.7536 St. David Soccer 1,2; An Club 3,4; lntramurals 3,4 "I can't believe 1ate the whole thing'" • Homer Simpson Timothy M. Flanigan 7360 Claridge Street Philadelphia, PA 19111

(2151745·5678 Presentation BVM (Chellenhaml Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; SADD 4; Scholastic "l" 3 "Life is full of obstacles. Can you get around them?"

Ryan P. Foley

Michael P. Ferrare Ryan P. Foley 6 Wingate Court r------------., Flourtown, PA


(2151836·4292 St. Philip Neri Swimming 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; SADD 3,4; SAVE 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4 "Time is Just a waste of life. ute is just a waste of time. So let's have the time of our life and get wasted."-? Adam C. Foster 13053 Dorothy Drive 19116 Philadelphia, PA

(2151969·4592 Ice Hockey 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "Some people see thing as they are, and say why. see things as the can be, and say why not?'

Shawn D. Finney


Adam C. Foster

Timothy M. Foster 1303 Oilton Road FI Washington, PA


(215) 628-3287 SI. Alphonsus

Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Inckx>f Track & Field I; Spirit Club 3,4; Art Club 3; Science Club 4; Football 1,2,3,4 (caplain) '"'INe are ... Different people, with different ideas on what we should do...and where we should go....

Stephen O. Fry 470 Sweetgum lane lafayette HIli, PA 19444 (610)828-3107 51. Philip ed


Timothy M. Foster

I; Intramurals 1,2.3,4; Wrestling 4 'Well, bye- • Wyatt Earp

Kyle M. Gallagher

David H. Fuller 1025 Easl Columbia Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 (2151634-2161 Immaculate Conception (Philadelphia) Inlramurals 1,2,3,4; French Club 3 -No etemal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn,ft - Jim Morrison

Kyle M. Gallagher 212 West Gravers lane Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215 1248-5753

Our Mother of Consolation Swimming 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Football 1 MNobody remembers who finished second but the guy who finished second. Bobby Unser M


o. Fry

Christopher R. Garges t 5 Brookdale Drive New Britain, PA 18901

Christopher R. Garges

(2151 348-9998

Sf. Jude Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Jntramurals 1,2,3,4; ScholastiC L 3 "Women, can't live with them - pass the beer nuts." • Norm Peterson

Jason M. Gaul 215 Woodlawn Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 659-6193 S1. David Blue and Gold 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2.3; Chorus 3,4; C.s.c. 2; Forum 2; Wisterian 4; S.A.V.E 3,4; Photo Club 3,4. MPart of the art of living is living with art.·

David H. Fuller

Jason M. Gaul


Thomas J, Gaydos 4871 Roosevelt Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19124 12151288-9333

St. Martin ofTours Football 1,2; Tennis 2; Mathletes 2; Ice Hockey 3,4; Baseball 3,4; Science Club 4; Intramurals 3,4 "If you want something, go after it. For a missed opportunity could be the worst faiture of all." John



492 Rose Valley Road

Southampton, PA



Our lady of Good Counsel Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 4; SAVE 4 "When I think it's time to leave it all behind. I try to find

Thomas J. Gaydos


a way to, but there is nothing I can say: - Phish

Michael J. Girard

Thomas G. Gibson

229 Forrest Avenue

Elkins Park, PA


(215) 884-8369

Sf. James Intramurals 1,2,3,4; C.S.c. 1.2 "We can share the women, we can share the wine, we can share what we got of yours, 'cause we done shared all of mine: • Jack Strau Michael



4227 Devereaux Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19135 (215) 335-1690 S1. Timothy Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3 "Tenaciousness pays off in the long run."·Gerard Reice

John J. Giansanti

Thomas G. Gibson


Stephen ,. Gisondi 3471 Ernest lane Box 109 Cedars, PA 19423 (610) 584-8127 St. Alphonsus Football 1,2; Track & Field 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,3,4; C.S.c. 1; Science Club 4; latin Club 2,3 "Give us any chance - we'll take it. Give us any rule· we'll break it. We're going to make our dreams come true, doing it our way." - Laverne & Shirley Douglas P. Giuliano 1206 Malinda Road Oreland, PA 19075 (215)233-0573 Holy Martyrs Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track & Field 1,2,3,4 (captain); Track & Field 2,3,4 (captain), Crew 1; Student Council 4 (Senior Class Vice-President); Band 1,2,3,4 "If you'd just tell me what you want, maybe I could put it on the table, I've got so many dreams in my head, I can never ever ever crawl out of bed. Wa Dada Na, Wa Dada Wana Wee. I'm standing in two time zones, wondering what time to be home. I'm an Atom Bomb." - Ian F. Svenonius

Stephen J. Gisondi

Douglas P. Giuliano


lared X. Goodwin 3504 lansing Street Philadelphia, PA 19136 (2151338-8121 Our Lady of Consolation

Basketball 1,2.3,4; Cr~v 1,2(ll,3(ll,4(l. captain). C.S.c. 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2; N ,H.S. 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3; Scholastic "l'" 1.2.3; Student Council 4

(Senior Class President) "Never let your fears stand in the way of your dreams.路 - Surfer magazine

Thomas M. Cough 1113 Tollhouse lane

Jared X. Goodwin

Warminster, PA 18974 (2151674-9387 St. Cyril of Jerusalem Bicycle Club 1, 2(President), 3(Presidenl), 4(President); C.S.c. 2,3,4(officer); lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Photo Club 2,3,4; SADD 3,4; SAVE 3,4; Scholastic "L" 3; Wisterian 2; Blue & Gold 2,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Fishing Club 2,3,4 "Success is not measured by how welt you fulfill the expectations of others, but by how honestly you live up to your own expectations. Be true to yourself in the pursuit of your dream. and you earn the right to be proud of your accomplishment... - anonymous

Kenneth G. Hager, II

Douglas R. Gugger 4195 Shoemaker Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 675-0428 SI. David Crew 1; lacrosse 2,3,4; SADD 3,4(officer); N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic "L" I ,2,3; Ski Club 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "If it feels good, do it to me."

Kenneth G. Hager, II 9816 Woodfern Road

Thomas M. Gough ,. 1

Philadelphia. PA


(215) 464-1552 . . Maternity BVM

Charles A. Halpin, IV

Intramurals 1,2,3,4(officer); SAVE 3,4; SADD 3,4;

Tennis 3,4; Fishing Club 2; Spanish Club 3,4; eSc. 4 "Never quit." Charles A. Halpin, IV 405 Elliot Road Elkins Park, PA 19027 (215) 635路3256 51. James Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Basketball 2; N.H.S. 3,4(Treasurer) "To achieve you must believe" Joseph c. Harp, Jr 416 Newbold Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 884路3805 Immaculate Conception Oenkinlown)

Douglas R. Gugger


c. Harp Jr.


...- - - - - - - - - - - - , Ryan C. Harrington 4143 Christie Circle Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 825-4311

St. Philip eri Soccer 1,2,304; Basketball 1,2,3.4; Baseball 1,2.3,4 (captain)

-Suffering + Sacrifice = Success-

Marcus Hayes 2431 75th Avenue

Philadelphia, PA



Multi-Cultural Corps \,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Track & Field 3,4; Chorus 4 "3x400's and 4x220'5 then a 5501 Yeah, whatever Dizz:

Ryan C. Harrington

r ------------..

Christopher M. Healy 1568 Dillon Road MapleGJen, PA

Ryan P. Hicke



51. Alphonsus Tennis 1,3,4; Lacrosse 2; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Dramatics 4; Spanish Club (3,4); eSc. 1,2,3,4 ~She's

the cheese and I'm the


Ryan P. Hide 506 East Valley Green Road

Flourtown, PA (215) 836-1474 St. Genevieve


C.S.c. 1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 2.3,4; N.H.S. 3,4 (Presiden!); Scholastic "1" 1,2.3; Wisterian 2,3 -Never ral on your friends and always keep your mouth shut."

Marc A. Holbert 1469 Swamp Road

Marcus Hayes

Furlong, PA 18925 (215) 598-3006 OUf lady of Mount Carmel

Marc A. Holbert

, . - - - - - - - - - - - -.. Cross Country 1.2,3; Indoor Track & Field 1,2,4; Track & field 1,3,4, Crew 2; Wisterian 3,4; Intramurals

1,2,3,4; Science Club 3, 5ADD 3; C.S.c. 1,2,3,4; N.H.S.3,4 -ute is but a dream. and a dream is all anyone of us can hope for. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.-

John F. Horgan 729 North Wales Road North Wales, PA (215) 699-8588 $t. Rose of lima

t 9454

Cross Country 1,2,3,4 (captain); Track & field 1.2,3,4 (captain); Basketball 1,2; Inlramurals 1,2.3,4; Spirit Club 4; Semor Witness 4 路Oear lord. help me keep my words tender & sweet, for tomorrow I may have to eat them.路

Christopher M. Healy


John F. Horgan

Robert H. Ivey, III 15 Houk Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 345-0886 Our lady of Mount Carmel Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Science Club 4; Fishing Club 1 ·And when there's darkness and the lights are all dim, I'll have no fear 'cause I know we'll win."

Kenneth I. James 4222 Sheffield Avenue

Philadelphia, PA



St. Bernard Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "Can I ask you a personal question? Did you ever get that...unfresh feeling?" - uncomfortable teenage girl to her mom on the beach

Robert H. Ivey III

Joseph E. Juliano

earl V. Iannelli 3871 Shelley Road Huntingdon Valley, PA (215) 947-4852


Our lady of Good Counsel Track & Field 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; N.H.5. 3,4; Intra murals 3,4

"Talk low, talk slow, and don't say so - John Wayne


Joseph E. Juliano 521 East Moreland Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 657-3906 51. David Crew 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3; Bicycle Club 4 "Be true to yourself, and you will never fall" • Beastie Boys

Kenneth J. James

Daniel J. Kaminski 5262 Winfield Place Doylestown, PA 18901

Daniel J. Kaminski

(2151 794-7005

Our lady of Mount Carmel Soccer I; Photo Club 3,4; Inlramurals 1,2,3,4 -Sut I don't want a movie hot dog, I want a Papaya King hot dog.· Richard A. Karwacki 1212 Knollbrook Drive lansdale, PA 19446 (6101584-6341

Corpus Christi Band 1,2,3,4 KAs the black curtain falls over the grave of my mind, I cover my face and uncover my disguise: • Retrodelics


v. Jannetti

Richard A. Karwacki


. .- - - - - - - - - - - - , Andrew T. Kerekovic '459 Washington Lane Rydal, PA 19046 (215)885-1693 Immaculate Conception

Science Club 4; SAVE 4; $AOO 4 -I know my day will come, I know someday I'll be the only one," - Descendents

David M. Kerns


orth lane

orth Wales, PA


(215) 699-8676

51. Rose of lima Inlramurals 1,2.3,4 "It is better to bum out, than to fade away." • Kurt Cobain

Andrew T. Kerekovic ,..

Timothy D. Kilbride 306 East Aliens lane , PhiladeJphla, PA 19119


J. Kilroy

(215) 242-4049

Holy Cross Cross Country 1,2; Spanish Club 2,3; Crew 1,2,3,4; Science Club 3; .H.$. 3,4 (Secretary); lntramurals 2 "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us,"

Michael J. Kilroy 174 lark Drive

Holland, PA


(215) 322-0292

51. Bede

Henry Kim 1356 Rhoades Drive

Huntingdon Valley, PA


(215) 947-2345 SI. Albert the Great

David M. Kerns

Wrestling 1,2,3,4 "No Regrelst


Henry Kim

Brian P. Kirkpatrick 30 Toll Drive Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-4078 Our lady of Good Counsel "Most people think a great god will come from the sky, take away everything and make everybody feel high, but if you know what life is worth then you would look for yours on earth.-¡ Bob Marley

Timothy D. Kilbride


Brian P. Kirkpatrick

Christian G. Koch t 52 Welsh Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 12151947-0414 St. Albert the Great Crew 1,2; Art Club 1,2,3; SADD 3,4(officer); Blue & Gold 4(editor); N.H.S. 3,4 "Wisdom is by far the chief element in happiness"

Michael R. Koons 524 Hillcrest Avenue

Glenside, PA 19038 12151884-2609

St. Luke Football l,2,3(L); lacrosse 1(L), 2(l), 3(captain), 4(captain); Student Councilt,2,3,4; Spirit Club t ,2,3,4

"I have simply tried 10 do what seemed best each day as each day came ... 50 don't sweat me." - Abraham lincoln

Gerald A. Lessard Jr

lance D. lapworth 1074 Hemlock Drive 19422 Blue Bell, PA 12151 646-0525 St. Helena (Center Square) uGet up, stand up. Stand up for your rights. Get up. stand up. Don't give up the fight."- Bob Marley

Gerald A. Lessard Jr 2885 Truman Drive Hatfield, PA 19440 12151 362-8478 St. Maria Goretli Alexander Levine 17 West Hampton Road Chestnut Hill, PA 19118


Michael R. Koons

"Tired of lying in the sunshine, staying home to walch the rain? You are young and life is long and there is time 10 killloday. And then one day you find ten years have got behind you. No one told you when 10 run; you missed the starting gun.~

Alexander Levine

Kenneth R. Liberatore 103 Blue Jay Road Chalfont, PA 18914

12151822-6212 Sl.Jude Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track & Field 2,3,4; SADD 4; lnlramurals 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4 ~Five to one, baby/One in five/No one here gets out alive." - James Douglas Morrison

Lance D. Lapworth

Kenneth R. Liberatore


Christopher S. Lopez 1736 Brittany Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 1215) 641·9067 St. Alphonsu5 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4(secretary); MultiCultural Corps 3,4{officer); Spanish Club 4(president); Football 1; Winter Track 1,2,4; Track 1,2,3,4 -A bookworm in bed with a new novel and a good reading lamp is as much prepared lor pleasure as a pretty girl at a college dance:-Phyllis McGinley

Christopher S. ..

James F. Lorusso 1418 Tanglewood Drive Box 273 Gwynedd, PA 19436 (215) 699-4557 St. Rose of Lima Student Council 1,2,3,4(Student Council President); 3,4; Football 1,3,4; Baseball 2; Track and Field Lopez N.H.S 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; C.s.C 1,2,3,4; Ski Club . . . . . 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 4; Scholastic -L- 2,4; Art Club 3,4,

Christopher J. Lynch

-Oh the places you'll go! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.·· Dr. Seuss

Michael!. Lottier 8508 Bridle Road Philadelphia, PA 19111 12151725·9493 SI. Cecilia Soccer 1,2,3,4(captaln); lacrosse 2,3; Baseball 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 -, believe it, that settles it.·

Christopher J. Lynch 328 Brookdale Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (2151 576·5285 51. luke Student Council 3,4; Spanish Club 2; Soccer 1,2,3,4{captainl; lacrosse 1,2; WrestlIng 1; Spirit Club

James F. Lorusso .. 1

Timothy P. Lyons

flycatchers perch upright on exposed branches, from which they dart forth 10 snap up flying



Timothy P. Lyons 27 Hickory lane Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 822-5664 51. Jude

Wrestling 2,3,4 (Captain); lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Bicycle Club 4. -Everyone is allowed an occasional'ailure • except the Skydiver, of course,"

Michael I. Lottier

Brian E. Mack 4040 South Warner Road lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610)825-6729 SI. Philip Neri Baseball 1,2,3,4; Hockey 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4, ~Do


what you can to WIn because the winner prevails· • Eric Undros

Brian E. Mack

" " - - - - - - - - - - -... Peter V. Madden

960 leomar Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 283-0161 Epiphany of Our Lord

Crew 1.2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3.4. "He who will not risk cannot win." - John Paul Jones Thomas V. Madden 980 Leomar Drive

Blue Bell. PA 19422 16101283-0161 Epiphany of Our Lord

Cre\v 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2.3,4; Spirit Club 1,2.3,4. "Most people work hard enough to create the chance of winning; champions work harder than anyone else to eliminate the possibility of losing:

Peter V. Madden

Michael W. March 1533 Heather Road Huntingdon Valley, PA

Eugene ). Markiw 19006

(2151322-6383 Our lady of Good Counsel ~As I look up at the sky, my mind starts tripping, a tear drops my eye." Eugene J. Markiw 9200 laramie Road Philadelphia, PA 19115

(215)698-1091 Annunciation BVM (Ukranian) lacrosse 3lmanagerl, 4(manager); Intramurals 1,2; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Volleyball Club 3,4; Film Club 3,4; SADD 4 "Be true to yourself, and you will never fall: • Beastie Boys

Stephen C. Markmann 202 PrOI>ert Street

Thomas V. Madden


Huntingdon Valley, PA (215)947-9231


Stephen G. Markmann

St. Albert the Greal Crew 1.2.3,4; Wrestling 2,3,4; Blue & Gold 3,4; Band I ,2; Science Club 3,4; Scholastic "l" 1,2,3; N.H.S. 3,4 "Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why nol: • Robert F. Kennedy

Helder D. Marques 632 Adams Avenue 19120 Philadelphia, PA

12151743-4508 St. Ambrose Intramurals 1,2,3,4; SAVE, 4 "The one and the only"

Helder D. Marques



Thomas P. Mason 8228 Elberon Avenue

Philadelphia, PA


(215) 722-5660

St. Cecilia 8re" f. McAnally 7507 Cufp Street

Philadelphia, PA


(215) 482-8738 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "Movin' on up, Audi


Kevin T. McCaffrey 516 East Mount Airy Avenue

Philadelphia, PA


(215) 242-9205

Thomas P. Mason ,..

Holy Cross Cross Country 1,2; Indoor Track & Field 1,2; Track & • Field 1,2,3; Ice Hockey 3,4; .H.S 3,4

Kevin ). McCutcheon

Kevin J, McCutcheon 408 Walter Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 725-1528 Presentation BVM (Cheltenham)

Baseball 1,2.3,4; Football 1,2,3(L), 4(l); Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 2,3,4 "Live and let live" Sean M. McDermott

Brett F. McAnally

1203 Kingsley Court Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 540-0175 St. Anthony Spirit Club 1(Vice· President); Art Club 1; Basketball 1, 2(manager); Mock Trial 3; Pogo Stick Club 4; SADD 4(officer); lntramurals 1,2,3,4(officer); Fishing Club 4; Blue & Gold 4 ~I'm nollale - it's everyone else who's in a hurry.~

Sean M. McDermott

Kevin T. McGarvey 2900 Oak Ridge Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 657-4271 51. David Soccer 1, Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Art Club 3.4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; SADD 4 "'Why should my fun have to end? For me it's only the beginning.- - Green Day

Kevin T. McCaffrey


Kevin T. McGarvey


Brian C. McGeehan 1345 Arthur Avenue

Maple Glen, PA (215) 643.()867


St. Alphonsus Student Counsel 2,3,4(V.P.);

.H.$. 3,4;Tennis 1,2,3,4;

InlTamurals 1,2.3,4; SAVE 4; Ski Club 2,3,4(Pres.); esc

3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4(Mascot);Scholastic l 1,2,3; Art Club 3,4; SADD 3,4 ·When you go out into the world, watch out lor the traffic, hold hands, and stick together. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the styrofoam cup; the roots go down, and the plant goes up, and nobody really knows how or why. but we are all like that.: Robert Fulghum

Thomas C. McHugh 600 Runnymede Avenue 19046 Jenkintown, PA (215) 665-6594 Immaculate Conception Oenkjntown)

Brian C. McGeehan

Michael C. McKeown

James M. MCHugh, Jr. 2742 Clayton 5tre€t Philadelphia, PA 19152 12151696-2915 51. Jerome Cross Country 2,3,4(captain); Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; Senior Witness 4; Band 3,4; Intramurals 1; Scholastic '"l'" 2,3 ~If you greatly deserve something, have the guts to stake everything on obtaining it. ~ - unknown Michael C. McKeown 7133 Bingham Street

Philadelphia, PA

James M. McHugh, Jr. !""



(215) 745·4098 Presentation BVM (Cheltenham) Crew 1,2,4; C.S.c. 2,3,4; 5ADD 3,4; SAVE 3,4; Art Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 4, Blue & Gold 4; Scholastic "l'" 3; Renaissance Club 2 "We are what we pretend to be: - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Mark J. McManus

Mark I. McManus 552 Cates Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 12151462-9256 Immaculate Heart of Mary Spanish Club 3; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2.3; Blue & Cold 3,4; Weightlifting 3,4 "He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, and he who has one enemy shall meet him everywhere.~ - Ralph Waldo Emerson Matthew H. McMonigle 183 Markle Street 19128 Philadelphia, PA (215) 482-8251 Immaculate Heart of Mary ~A friend never gets in the way, unless you're on the

Thomas C. McHugh

way down."

Matthew H. McMonigle



Michael P. McNamee 724 Kirkwood Drive Jenkintown, PA 19046 12151 379-0280 St. Hilary Soccer 1,2,3,4(captain); Intramurals 1,2.3,4; SAOD 3,4; Student Council I; Track & Field 1; Science Club 4 "There's nothing more pathetic than a bird with a fear of heights, unless it's a turtle with a fear of enclosed spaces." Daniel L. McNichol 931 Gillespie Street Philadelphia, PA 19114 12151624-2015 St. Katherine of Siena (Philadelphia) Football l,2,3,4(captam); Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2.3,4 "To be a winner, all you need to give is all you have,"


Michael P. McNamee ,..

Sean P. McWilliams

, Daniel P. McNichol 3025 Edmonds Road

lafayette Hill, PA


16101825-7367 SI. Philip Neri Soccer 1.3; Intramurals 1.2,3,4; Spanish Club 2 "00 not use a hatchet 10 remove a fly from a friend's forehead." Sean P. McWilliams 455 Briggs Road langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 757-8296 lntramurals 1,2,3,4(officerJ "Being diagnosed with a learning disability is not a death sentence, but not trying to overcome it is."

Daniel L. McNichol

Daniel B. Mee 1101 Glenview Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 12151745-5143 Resurrection Soccer 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "It's been all ... your pleasure"

Daniel B. Mee

Oino Mele 1306 Hawthorne lane Ft Washington, PA 19034 (215) 628-9630 St. Alphonsus Bicycle Club 1,2; Photo Club 1,2,3,4; Art Club 3,4; Film Club 3,4 "live life to the fullest""

Daniel P. McNichol


Dino Mele

Michael J. Messaros , 09 Garth Road Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 887-8109

Holy Martyrs Forum 1,2; Dramatics 2,4; SAVE 4; Wisterian 4; Blue & Gold 4 "You can get away with a lot of stuff in life if you

pretend like it's all you know how to do.~ • Henry Rollins

Thomas A. Messina 1943 Chester Avenue

Abington, PA



Our lady Help of Christians Crew 1,2,3,4 (Varsity Letter);

e.s.c 2,3; N.H.5. 3,4;

Spanish Club 2,3(founding president); Scholoastic "L"

Michael J. Messaros

2; Intramurals 1 ,2 ul am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my

Edward F. Miller

soul." -William Ernest Henley

Joseph C. Miehle 739 Dick Avenue Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 355-5435 Our Lady of Good Counsel Soccer 1,2,3,4 (Ll; Track 1,2(l), 3(l), 4(l); Wrestling 4;

eSc. 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety·nine perspiration.~ ·Thomas Edison

Edward f, Miller 5235 Burton Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215) 535-8727 51. Bartholomew Baseball 1; 3; Intramural 1,2,3,4 ~Whatever you, do just DON'T look at the lighLUh, I looked at the light, Ray," -G.B.


Thomas A. Messina

Garrett A. Miller

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . Carrett A. Miller 118 Shippen Road Erdenheim, PA '9038 (2 I 5) 233-5393 St. Genevieve Crew 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 2; Football 1; Science Club 2,3; Fishing Club 2,3,4; Intramural 1,2,3,4; ~Somewhere, someone is practicing, and when you meet him in head to head competion, HE WILL BEAT YOU!"

Andrew M, Mohl


c. Miehle

1790 Creek Road Hatfield, PA 19440 (215) 855-31 14 SI. Stanislaus Cross Country 1,2,3,4(captain); Indoor Track & Field 1,2,3,4 (captain); Track & Field 1,2,3,4 (captain); N.H.5. 3,4(Vice·President); Scholastic "L" 1,3; Senior Witness 4; Wilerian 4; Blue & Gold 4; Intramurals 1,2 ~If you should stand, then who's going to guide you? If I knew the way, I would take you home," - Grateful Dead

Andrew M. Mohl



Matthew Anthony Molloy 7327 Palmetto Street Philadelphia. PA 19111 (215) 745-8620

51. Cecilia N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic oil'" 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Track &

Field 3 "You grow up the day you have the first real laugh • at yoursele • Ethel Barrymore

Daniel Molony 5929 Houghton Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (2151455-6929 5t. Cecilia Crew 1,2,3,4 ·1 don't have to like everyone and they don't have to like me. If someone doesn't like you, that's their

Matthew A. Molloy


Sean M. Mulligan

- . Michael P. Monaghan 7031 Oxford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 191 11 (2151 722-7073

Presentation BVM (Cheltenham)

Football 1,2; Cross Country 3; Crew 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; 3,4; Sludent Coundl4; Wrestling 3 "'There are two kinds of people in this world: me, and people who want to be like me,·


Sean M. Mulligan

24 Elbow lane lansdale, PA 19446 (2151368-7213 51. Stanislaus Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4 "What do you mean what does a coxswain do?-

Daniel E. Molony

Dennis J. Murphy 227 East Highland Avenue 19118 Philadelphia, PA (215) 248-5062 Our Mother of Consolation Football )(manager), 4(manager); Art Club 2; Wisterian 3,4 -If at first you don't succeed, blame it on your parents.- - Wheel of Morality

Dennis J. Murphy

JeffW. Murphy 1229 Wheatsheaf lane Abington, PA 19001 (215) 885-3294 Our lady Help of Christians Tennis 1; Intramurals 1; Lacrosse 2,3,4; CSc. 3,4; Fishing Club 2,3,4 "Our government, our parents, our teachers, our friends all put leashes on us. Drop the leash, drop the leash, gel out of my "@!#ingface: - Eddie Vedder

Michael P. Monaghan


Jeff W. Murphy

Patrick D. Murray 2473 Dale Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 1215) 947-3086


St. Albert the Greal Track & Field 1,2,3,4; lnlramurals 1,2.3,4 "You don't always have to have the lead, as long as you have the heart to come from behind.~ - Unknown

Curtis Aaron New 1606 Winchester Avenue Blue Bell, PA 19422 {6101 272-5595 Ice Hockey 3,4; Intramurals 3,4

-Followers try to be liked; leaders naturally are." Jeffrey Newdeck

Patrick D. Murray

4004 Francine Drive

Hatboro, PA


Michael C. O'Brien


SI. John Bosco Track & Field 3,4; Art Club 3,4; SADD 4; SAVE 4; Gazebo 2 ~Keep

your eyes in the mirror and your feet on

the road: Michael C. O'Brien 70 t 3 Erdrick Street

Philadelphia, PA



5t. leo

Band 1.2;

.H.5. 3.4; Photo Club 1,2,3,4;

Scholastic "L" 1,3; Wisterian J,4(pholO editor); Blue & Gold 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "I got the key to the highway

Curtis A. New

Billed oul and bound to go I'm going to leave here running Because walking is much too slow.~ • Brownie McGhee & Sonny T eny

Patrick A. O'Connor

Patrick A. O'Connor 1211 North Mascher Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 {2151739-6362 SI. Michael Forum 2,3,4; Wisterian 4 (editor); Blue and Gold 3,4 (business editor); French Club t ,2,3,4; Scholastic HL" 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Film Club 3,4 "The whole of life is in the verb seeing." • Teilhard de Chardin

Michael Ryan O'Neill

Jeffrey Newdeck

59 Deerpath Road Chalfont, PA 18914 12151822-2998 SI.Jude FoolbaJlI,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; lnlramurats 1,2,3 "Too proud, two fisted. 100 Irish!!!" - Moose

Michael R. O'Neill


Frank C. Palopoli If 1017 loden Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA


(215) 542-0221

St. Rose of lima Swimming 1,2.3,4. Crew 1.2,3,4; Student Council 4 ~ever give up. Miracles happen every day.- • Unknown Michael T. Petrusa 625 Brenda lane Norristown, PA (61 Q) 539-3358 Holy Saviour


Intra murals 1,2,3,4 KLife is a drive to reach your goals¡ I hil a garbage can,ft

Frank C. Palopoli Jr



Joseph A. Porrecca


613 Apache lane Norristown, PA (6101 828-9074


Epiphany of Our lord

Joseph A. Porrecca 4132 Christie Circle Lafayette Hill, PA t9444 (610) 825-3941 eri

St. Philip

Brian R. Price 650 Iron Hill Road Doylestown. PA 18901 (2151348-7765 OUf lady of Mt. Carmel

Michael T. Petruso

Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4(captain); lacrosse 2.3,4; Wisterian 3,4; Blue & Gold 4; SADO 3,4 "The world is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel." -Horace Walpole Ronald J. Puggi 540 Kerper Street Philadelphia, PA

Brian R. Price



PresentatIOn BVM (Cheltenham) Football 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1.2,3; Multi-Cultural Corps 3

"Things happen to silly people, and silly people make things happen.-

Andrew J. Pigeon


Ronald J. Puggi

Fran" J. Puglisi 2819 Winchester Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19136 121S) 677-8208

51. Jerome Paul J. Quinn 918 Hartel Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 725-9994

51. Cecilia lee Hockey 1,2.3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4 -It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's lhe size of the light in the dog that counts,"

Frank J. Puglisi

Timothy Patrick Rafter 1320 Cory Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) &46-3847 51. Alphonsus Crew 1,2.3,4; Football 1 路U you get confused, listen to the music play." - Robert Hunter


c. Rakowski

Joseph C. Rakowski 1400 1 Trevose Road

Philadelphia, PA


(215) 677-3211 St. Christopher

Football 1,2,3(l),4(l); Crew I; Lacross

2(l);3(l};4(l); e.s.c. 1,2,3,4; Siudent Council l,2,3,4{Secrelary of School); Ski Club J,4(VicePresident) "All I ever needed to know I learned in kindergar路 ten,-

lohn p, Rech

Paul J. Quinn

2574 Pine Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (2151947-3677 51. Albert the Great Band 1,2.3,4; Track & Field 2,3,4; SAVE 4; Intramurals 1.2 "In all human affairs, there are efforts and there are results, and the strength of the effor is the measure of the result." - James Allen

John P. Rech

Frank l. Rio

909 "C" Avenue Ardsley, PA 19038 (215) 572-6915 Queen of Peace Intra murals 1.2 aA champion is someone who gets up even when they can't.-

Timothy P. Rafter

Frank L. Rio


Robert Ripp, Jr 4136 Christie Circle 19444 lafayette Hill, PA (6101 825-691 5 St. Philip eri Crew 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; C.S.c. 1,2 "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids and that stupid dog!~ - from Scooby-Ooo

Robert M. Ripp Jr ,..

Aidan T. Robinson 523 67th Avenue 19126 Philadelphia, PA (2151548-8168 SI. Joseph (Cheltenham) Intramurals t ,2,3,4; Crew 1,2; Football 1,2; Spirit Club 4(Varsity Idiol) '" am an American ...my breed doesn't scare , easily.~ - Captain America

Nathan D. Ryan

Matthew T. Rossi 1569 Fitzwatertown Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (2151659-3981 SI. John of the Cross Dramatics 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "Ring. Ring. Hello Cheese? No, cheese can't dial the phone l " - Captain Monterrey Jack Nathan D. Ryan 932 Hartel Avenue 1911 t Philadelphia, PA (215) 725-7681 St. Cecilia Forum 1,2,3; Wisterian 3,4(editor); Science Club 3,4(president); lntramurals 1,2,3,4(Officer); N.H.S. 3,4; Mathletes 2,3,4; Dramatics 2 "Well, we know where we're going, but we don't Aidan T. Robinson know where we've been. We know what we're knowing, but we can't say what we've seen...lhe , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - , future is certain. Give us time to figure it out: - David Byrne

Sean D. Ryan

Sean D. Ryan 139 Fairhill Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (2151364-1044 Our lady of Good Counsel Basketball 1; Golf 1,2,3,4 (captain); Soccer 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2; lnlramurals 1,2; Senior Witness 4 "The witl to win is not really as important as the will to prepare to win. ~ - Bobby Knight

Matthew T. Rossi


Timothy D. Ryan 650 Stream Ridge lane Trevose, PA 19053 (2151364-2365 SI. Christopher Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "I have many goals in life, but one day I hope to be able to work at Ricky's."

Timothy D. Ryan

Joseph A. Saltarelli 7100 Claridge Street 19111 Philadelphia, PA (215) 742-6706

Presentation BVM (Cheltenham) Cross Country 3,4; Track & Field 2.3,4; lntramurals 1,2.3,4 MSometimes when I come into class. I stand in front of my desk, with my mouth open, in silence, thinking about what just happened, then I come back 10 reality and sit down.路 - Unknown

Oomenic M. Salvato 815 Green Valley Drive

Philadelphia, PA


(215) 482-7319 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Joseph A. Saltarelli

Joseph A. Santangelo 20 Sweetwater Circle lower Gwynedd. PA

James T. Saracino 19002


St. Rose of lima Soccer I; lacrosse 2; lntrmurals 1,2.3,4; C.S.c. 3,4; Spirit Club 1,2.3,4 -I think I've been lost for the past four years, or maybe I just don't remember them."

James T. Saracino 466 Yale Road Southampton, PA

18966 (215) 322-7494 Our Lady of Good Counsel Football 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 2,3,4 ~As

I grow older, so many places that I haven't been. Time is tapping my shoulder. I hope it's never too late to begin. Jeffrey Gaines ft


Domeni M. Salvato

Robert F. Sautter 2279 Packard Avenue Huntingdon Valley, PA

Rober F. Sautter 19006

(215) 947-8293

SI. Kathenne (Philadelphia) Crew 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 1"his lime, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it.-

Peter Joseph Scarola 114 White Pine Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 393-8630 St. John of the Cross Ice Hockey 1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1; Dramatics 3 ~I got more stories than J. D.'s got Salinger; I hold the title and you are the chaJlenger....路Adam Yauch, Michael Diamond, and Adam Horowitz

Joseph A. Santangelo

Peter J. Scarola


David l. Schaffer 370 wood Drive 19422 Blue Bell, PA (2151 542-7182 Epiphany of OUf Lord

Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4 "Keep your doors locked at night, don't let the bed bugs bite, go to sleep and every things ganna be

alright." - The Goats David

J. Schalleur

1504 Susan Drive

lansdale, PA


(2151362-6828 Corpus Christi

David L. Schaffer

Swimming 2,3,4; Cross Country 1; Track 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 uGo that way really (ast. If something gets in your way TURN,"

Michael T. Schlosser

Joseph J. Schiano 2595 Carrell Lane Willow Grove, PA (215) 674-0562


51 Catherine of Siena

Intramurals 3,4; SCience Club 3,4;

e.s.c. 4;

Mathletes 2,),4; $ADD 4; Multi-Cultural Corps 4; Spanish Club 4; Wisterian 4 "It is easier to criticize than to praise."

Michael T. Schlosser 1133 Faunce Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (2151745-0509

St. Cecilia CSC 1,2; lntramurals 1,2.3,4; Yearbook 3 "I'm doing the work. I'm baby stepping. I'm not a slacker!"- Bill Murray

David J. Schalleur

Bryan J. Schmal bach 1035 Doans Way Blue Bell, PA 19422

Bryan J. Schmafbach


Epiphany of Our lord C.s.c. 1,2,4; SADD 3,4; Wisterian 4; Spiril Club 1,2,3,4; Student Trainer 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "A word to the wise ain't necessary路 ils the stupid ones who need the advice." - Bill Cosby Edward M. Schmidt 205 N. Easton Road Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 886-8774 SI. luke Intramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 4; Dramatics 2,4; Bicycle Club 4; Art Club 3,4; Football 1 "All the guys with money are 100 old to party or gel dirty" - Porno For Pyros

Joseph Schiano


Edward M. Schmidt

Shawn T. Schneider 2473 Walton Rd Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 1215) 947-6981 51. Albert the Greal 5ADD J,4(vice president); Band 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4; Dramatics 4 "'Fast as fast can be you'll never catch me!"' Daniel A. Schuler 1260 Welsh Road Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-4908 S1. Joseph (Warrington)

e.s.c 3,4; Lacrosse 2, Tennis 1,3; SADD 3, 4 "Mom wouldn't care about these things if she wouldn't keep finding Oul about them" - Calvin

Shawn T. Schneider

Sieffan W. Schulz 2305 Huntingdon Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 657-8246 Gloria Del lutheran Church Forum 1(l),2(l),3(l),4(l); Wisterian 3,4 (Editor); Blue and Cold 3,4 (Editor); lntramurals \,2,3,4; Film Club 3,4; Scholastic "'L" 1,2.3; H53,4 'A young man looks around and says all this world needs is more intelligent people. A wise man looks around and says all this wor1d needs is more kind people: -unknown

Daniel R. Sforza

Daniel R. Sforza 619 Sharon lane Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 677-4739 S1. Alben the Great Basketball 1, Tennis 1, lacrosse 2,3,4 "That time them and once again its all it's all about good, clean fun."

Steven M. Shaheen

Daniel A. Schuler Steven M. Shaheen 7740 Rockwell Avenue路 Apartment A Philadelphia, PA 19111 (2IS) 722-2042 $1. Cecilia Football 2; Track 3,4; SADD 3,4; .H.5.3,4 "Storms make trees take deeper roots.... - Claude McDonald Jason B. Shepherd 910 Hoffnagle Street 19111 Philadelphia, PA 1215) 725-7682

SI. Cecilia Football 1; Scholastic "l" 1; Studnet Councis 2; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; e.s.c. 1,2,3,4; lntrmurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; SAVE 3,4 "Achievement consaists of doing useful things that most people say cannot be done."路 Waite Phillips

Steffan W. Schulz

Jason B. Shepherd



Jonathan H. Shevlin 2012 Bridle lane

Oreland, PA



Holy Martyrs Golf 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1.2,3,4 -Drink brass monkey here's how you feel, put your right leg down, left leg up. tilt your head back, lets finish the cup." - Beastie Boys

William J. Siddall 1435 Southwind Way Dresher, PA 19025 (215)641-1299

Jonathan H. Shevlin

St. Alphonsus Track & Field 1,2: Science Club 3,4; C.S.c. 1,2; SAVE 3 Band 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1; Mathletes 3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Forum 3,4 "Uslan: there's a hell of a good universe next door, let's go." • a.e. cummings

Sean Siotterback

, . - - - - - - - - - - - - , Ryan T. Slizofski 320 Richard Way

Collegeville. PA


16101 489-4863 51. Eleanor (Collegeville)

Football 2,3,4 "'You can't live life until you laste death." Christopher Sean Siotterback 210 New Road Horsham, PA 19044 (2151443-9739 51. Catherine of Siena Forum 2,3,4 (Vice-President); Band 1,2,3,4; Drama 3,4; Mathletes 1,2,3,4 (Vice-President); Cross-Country 1; SAVE 1.3,4; Blue&Cold 1,2,3,4; Film Club 3; NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" I ,2,3; Amnesty International 1,2; 2 ftl don't plan to achieve immortality through my work; I plan to achieve it by not dying" -Woody Alten


William J. Siddall


Christopher M. Snyder

Christopher M. Snyder SO Foxcroft Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348-9938 St. Stanislaus Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; SADD 3A(vice president); Baseball 2,3,4; Science Club 3; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 4; Intramurals 1,2,3; N.H.S 3,4 "Fear less; hope more; eat less; chew more; whine less; breath more; talk less; say more; hate less: love more; and all good things will be yours." - Swedish Proverb Steven M. Sobotka

43 S. Whitehall Road Jeffersonville, PA 19403

Ryan T. Slizofski


16101630-6901 Holy Savior lntramurals 3,4; Band 1; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4 "The only things I'm sure of in my life are my love my friends and what I like on my pizza." • Christopher G. Monahan

Steven M. Sobotka

Andrew J. Stanek 709 Finnel Drive

lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-1204 Corpus Christi e.s.e 1,2 "The waiting is the hardest part" - Tom Petty

Andrew M. Stewart 2990 Mohill Drive Rd#l!l

Norristown. PA 16101 584-9168


Visitation (Norristown)


J. Stanek

Tennis 1,2.3,4; eSc. 2,3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Intramurals 1.2.3,4; Science Club 3 "To be left alone on the tightrope of youthful unknowing is to experience the excruciating beauty of full freedom.· - Maya Angelou


J. Stonis

David C. Stimmler 1089 Boxwood lane Blue Bell, PA 19422 16101 279-4134 SI. Helena (Center Square)

Tennis 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2.3,4; Intramural 1,2,3,4 -C;ive me what I need baby" - AI Bundy Mark J. Stonis 746 Cinnaminson Street Philadelphia. PA 19128 12151483-1668 Immaculate Heart of Mary Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "We all begin anew once more"

Andrew M. Stewart

Edward G. Stromberg 807 Scott Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584- 1083 Corpus Christi Football I ,2,3,4(l); Track 2; SADD 4 (sophmore class leader); Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 4 ·We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it·but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor: • Oliver Wendell Holmes

Edward G. Stromberg

Scott A. Strunk 834 Village Circle Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 646-7554 Epiphany of Our Lord Football I; Track & Field 1; lntramurals 1.2,3,4; esc 4 "Life is like a box of chocolates. you'll never know what you're gonna get: - Forrest Gump

David C. Stimmler

Scott A. Strunk


, . . - - - - - - - - - - - - , John J. Sullivan 8130 New 2nd Street

Elkins Park, PA (215) 635·6396


SI. James Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4 "You must live each day as if it were to be your last, for you're bound to be right some day." - Breaker Morant

Andrew O. Sutton 14034 Kelvin Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215)969·1055 51. Christopher Footbafl1,2,3; Science Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 3,4; french Club 2 ~8illie Jean is not my lover." - Michael Jackson

John J. Sullivan ...


Kareem Tannous

Brendan M. Synnamon

420 Flourtown Road

Lafayette Hill, PA (610) 825·6280


SI. Philip Nert

SADD 1,2,4; e.s.c; Band 1,2,3,4 ~Oid

I say that out loud?"

Kareem Tannous

606 Eagle Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 699·6069 Corpus Christi Football 1,2,3,4; LaCross 3,4; Intra murals 1,2,3; C.S.C 1 "Yours is not to reason why, yours is but to do or diel ft • Alfred Lord Tennyson Charge of the Light Brigade

John P. Tatu

Andrew O. Sutton

280 N. Tamenend Avenue New Britain, PA 18901 (215) 348-9783

Lacrosse 2,3,4; In!ramurals 1,2,3,4; Football 2,3,4;

John P. Tatu

Student Council' ,2; Swimming 1; C.S.c. 1,4 one can make you feel inferior without your r------------., "No

consent. ft


Eleanor Roosevelt

Robert Terek

2649 Woodland Road Abington, PA 19001 (215) 657-0698

SI. John Cantius Wrestling 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Scholastic uL" 1; N.H.S. 3,4; Blue & Gold 3,4; Spanish Club 3,4 "Don't play not to lose - play to win. ft

Brendan M. Synnamon



Peler Nolan

Robert Terek


J. Tobia

43 Foxcroft Drive Doylestown, PA


(2151348路4290 Our lady of Mount Carmel Intramurals 1,4; $ADD 3,4; Wisterian 4; Blue & Gold 4 "How you feel? I feel good. You feel good loo? No pressure, no hype. Friends and a reason. Chemistry. Beauty. Ufe rules! Amen,"路 e.c. Brian P. Tomchik 5860 Edge Avenue

Bensalem, PA 19020 12151752-2721

St. Ephrem lacrosse 3,4

Michael J. Tobia

"You my friend, I will defend. And if we change, well I love you anyway."' Alice in Chains

Thomas Truitt

James P. Treacy 688 Cathcart Road

Blue Bell, PA 19422 (6101275-8832 St. Helena (Cenler Square) Cross Country 1,2,3; Track & Field 1.2,3,4; lntramurals; C5.C 4 "The man who rules himself is greater than a man who rules a city,路 Thomas Truitt 87 Kara lane feasterville, PA (215) 355-9760 51. Christopher


Christopher D. Trumbore 207 Sleeplechase Drive North Wales, PA 19454

James P. Treacy

(215) 361-9136 Forum I (l);2(l);3(l);4(l); Wisterian 1,2,3,4 (Editor-inChieO; Blue & Gold 3,4; Science Club 3,4; SAVE 3,4; N.H.$. 3,4; Film Club 3,4 (Vice-President); lntramurals 1,2,3,4; C.S.c. 2,3; Scholastic "l~ 1,2; Photo Club 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 3; French Club 2,3,4 MAli in all is all we all are. M

Christopher D. Trumbore

Benjamin R:. Ventresca 8706 Marshall Road Wyndmoor, PA 19038

1215) 836-0140 Seven Dolors Crew 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3; Wrestling 3,4 "In a way all of us have an EI Guapo to face someday; for some, shyness might be their EI Guapo; for others, a lack of education might be their EI Guapo. For us, EI Guapo is a big, dangerous guy who wants to kill us. ~ - The Three Amigos

Gabriel P. Vizza

Brian P. Tomchik

Benjamin R. Ventresca


- - - - - - - - - - -. . Gabriel P. Vizza 2318 Stahl Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (2151947-7520 51. Albert the Great Wrestiling 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2: Band 1,2,3,4(President); Photo Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1.2.3,4; Dramatics 3,4 "He's a real nowhere man, Sitting in his nowhere land, Making all his nowhere plans for nobody. Doesn't have a point of view, Knows not where he's going to. Isn't that a bit like you and me?~ - John Lennon

Craig Scott Vondercrone

1510 Peachtree lane

Gabriel P. Vizza ,..


Hatfield. PA 19440 (2151822-7547 51. Stanislaus Baseball 1,2.3,4; Soccer 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,4; Senior Wilness 4; SADD 4 "Everybody's dancing in a ring around the sun. Nobody's finished. We ain't even begun." - Grateful Dead

Joseph K. Weir

Patrick J. Walsh 4217 Oakmont Street

Philadelphia. PA (2151 331-2972 51. Bernard


Intramurals 1,2,3,-1 -It's the best ... Baby,M • Don Giovanni Joseph K. Weir 342 Kerper Street Philadelphia, PA



Craig S. Vondercrone

Presentation BVM (Cheltenham) Band 1,2,3,4 "To be damned by the devil is truly bliss,-

Christopher Winters

, . . - - - - - - - - - - - - , Christopher Winters 3130 Eisenhower Drive 19403 Norristown, PA

584¡1159 Visitation (Norristown) SADD 2,3,4 (president); Crew 1,2,3,4; C.S,c. 3,4; Wisterian 2; Blue & Gold 4; Science Club 4; SAVE 4 "Man, unlike any other thing, organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts emerges ahead 01 his accomplishments,"

Michael Cene Wolverton, II 202 Queens Road 19462 Plymouth Meeting, PA (610) 828-7736 Epiphany of Our lord Cross Country 2.3,4; Indoor Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1.2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2.3,4 "They say hard work never hurt anybody. but I figure why take the chance," - Ronald Reagan


Michael G. Wolverton

Grzegorz P. Zebik 2619 Lefevre Street

Philadelphia, PA (215) 533路8708


St. John Cantius C.S.c. 3; Wisterian 4; German Club 4 ~If

you can't beat them, join them - then beal them.


Joseph A. Zeccardi 205 West Avenue

Jenkintown, PA


(215) 884-4248 Immaculate Conception Oenkintown)

Football 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 4; Art Club 4; Gazebo 4 "We're tiny, we're toony We're all a little loony." - Babs & Buster Bunny Zachary H. Zoeltsch

Grzegorz P. Zebik

Joseph A. Zeccardi, III

1937 Lardner Slreet

Philadelphia, PA

Zachary H. Zoeltsch



51. Martin of Tours

"How big is Life? Can I ride it like the butterfly? Star in the dust, rocket man, supersky Sugar the hill explode and never die. I think I will- e'mon take it! High!" - White Zombie

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Cornerstone of the original Saint Michael's School in Kensington.

Saint Michaelis Hall - a photographic essay

Like many suburban youths whose parents fir their heritage deep in urban America, so too does Salle College High School. Long before the Wyndmoor residence, before the Bouvier Mansio at Broad and Stiles streets and even before the set ment at Juniper and Filbert streets in Center City Philadelphia, La Salle's home was found on SecOi and Jefferson streets at St. Michael Parish. Although the Brothers of the Christian Schools had no permanent residence in the Philadelphia area they felt the need to initiate the opening of a number of schools. The first of the schools to be opened in the mid-1800's was St. Peter's on the corner of Fifth St. and Girard Avenue. Another school chartered by the Brothers, several miles northeast of St. Peters on Lehigh Avenue, was St. Anne's School. The school opened by the Broth, with a direct link to the history of La Salle CollegE and High School, however, was St. Michael's Aca emy. Thanks to the collaboration of Brother Telic a zealous and progressive man, and Reverend Fa-


"Like many suburban youths whose parents find their heritage deep in urban America, so too does La Salle College High School." 113



. . . .J

ther Laughlin, pastor of S1. Michael's parish, the seed to La Salle's tradition was firmly planted. S1. Michael's Academy although setting no definitive distinction among educational curricula, housed an elementary school, high school and a college. This academy was managed by six brothers and consisted of three classrooms (which just barely surpasses the Lecture Room of S1. Michael's Hall in square footage.) In 18&3, this establishment was incorporated as La Salle College. The Brothers used the three tiny classrooms of S1. Michael Academy to put into practice the teaching philosophies passed on to them by S1. Jean 8aptiste de La Salle. The Brothers, although placing much emphasis on classical studies, proved to be quite innovative in their teaching methods. They began to incorporate "industrial drawing" and business classes into their college curriculum. Also the Brothers forged clear differences between the curricula of the college and the high school, having the high school's curriculum focus mainly on preparation for college. As enrollment in the academy increased, particularly in La Salle College and High School, it was forced to make its fi rst relocation. The high school department and the college moved to Juniper and Filbert Streets leaving behind what is now humbly known as St. Michael School and Parish. Although the annex of the school (where the academy was situated) is now used mainly for offices and art and science classes, the spirit of S1. La Salle and the Christian Brothers lives on. As for S1. La Salle's original mission, to provide educations to children of the poor and of blue-collar workers and tradesmen, it is clear that S1. Michael's is following much this same




nission by providing children the opportunity of I quality Christian education. La Salle has a unique history, spanning centuies, beginning when Saint Jean Baptiste de La ;alle founded the philosophy and institution that s La Salle. From its humble roots in a small own in France, to a world-wide institution of ,ducation, the spirit of La Salle transcends the listory. There is a certain magic in the halls of 'ur school; thousands have passed through and housands have yet to graduate. We stand at a

>oint in time, where we are just as much a part

,f the history of La Salle as Saint Michael's ;chool, Wister Hall at La Salle College on Twenieth and Olney Streets, and finally to the contruction of the new Saint Michael's Hall.

Senior Pat O'Connor;s a Fishtown resident and ives in Saint Michaelis Parish. David Fuller is a ;enior at La Salle and a resident o( Immaculate

:Onception Parish, next to Saint Michael's. Both 'at and David went to Saint Michael's Parochial ;choo/. Sean Duffy is working on a photo essay ,( Fishtown.)


A~, F~I ~ 'Iwv Sd-ceL ~/:t ~ M 2:10fn'.


ver the years, many students attending La Salle have realized that the entire school does not

shut down after eighth period. Those students who have not made it their personal initiative to be ten miles from the campus at 2:11 know that La Salle offers a wide range of after-school clubs and activities. Although many of these organizations do not to require

any difficult skills like kicking or catching a ball, all are able to stimulate the one muscle that is often ignored: the mind. Quite a few organizations exist at La Salle for those students possessing a literary talent. The Yearbook, ~i5terian and Gazebo are the major publications, all

highly rated both among students and faculty, and have staff that contain diligent and hard-working students.

Don't let the loud crashes, putrid smells, or disturbing screams emanating from the various offices fool you; all

of the publications are dedicated to bringing the average La Salle student quality literary articles to throwaway_

The Forum, most likely the most unique of all afterschool activities, is an organization (dare not to call it a club!) for students who enjoy public speaking. Members can choose from an abundant selection of events,

giving short, extemporaneous speeches on cheese.

In addition to these major activities that meet afte

school, a wide array of smaller groups also meet. Fa

those who search for a higher form of intellectual stimulation, both Matheletes and the Science Club al always on the lookout for new members, new equations to solve to new things to drop from the physics

lab window (not necessarily the new members). Sue groups like the French Club and German club also meet occasionally to eat"Apfel Strudel" and watch 1

minute videos about "The German Scene." The FillY dub (yes, it


does really exist!). meets to study and

analyze both societal trends and symbolic technique that are present in modern day cinematography. The large, diverse number of activities and dubs, La Salle represents the willingness of the each studer to learn outside of normal school parameters. Everone is given the freedom to participate at his own wi and not necessarily in just the dubs that currently exist. La Salle encourages the creation of new activities, to ultimately broaden the horizons of everyone.

In this light, the after-school life at La Salle is both ric and very much alive. - Steffan Schulz

ranging from debating about immigration reform to

The band performing a work by the famous twentieth century composer John Cage.


Mrs. Gaskins-Centofante reveals her intimate knowlege on the art of PlayDoh.



Is it SAVE? Is itlEAF1 No! Its the Science Club's Recyclable Regatta!

The Wis Staff study the results of their most recent poll...

Mike Fiorentino about to perform his Spiderman ad during stage crew.

Senior Jeff Newdeck works on that last minute project during art club.


plethora of polyphonic artISts. A grand

the guitar ensemble, and the pep band (OtherwISe

culmination of the musical pursuits of the extra-curricularly minded. A beautiful example of the product attained when raw talent is combined with brilliant instructors. Yes, you guessed it right... La

known as the "'footy band" or the "halftime freakshow"). Mr. C directs most of these bands, but he is aided in direction by Mr. Joe Vetori and Mr. Craig Ebner. The Messrs.. Bene, Genovase, and Conti make

Salle's band. Under the loving and caring guidance of Mr. Joe Ciccimaro, the band this year has returned not perfect, but at least better than last year's. The first few weeks,

up the rest of the musical teaching staff. On the student leadership side of the band, Gabe Vizza fearlessly leads the pack, with Mike Cristaldi and Peter Eisenhower as his strong-arm men.

as always, were basically spent organizing the band, electing the officers, handing out keys, and repairing prior vandalism. After these few details were taken care ofJ the band got into full "swing."

The underc1ass is represented by the underclass representatives, Matt Lewandowski, Mike Girondo and Paul Kaufmann, who undauntedly represent the underclassmen who are functionally unable to

La Salle's band program is divided into many "sub-bands" among them being the Jazz band, the freshman band, the Dixie-land band, the concert band, the brass choir, the small bands, the

represent themselves. Bill Siddall and Sean Sionerback are also in the band. So is Phil Bur. Mike Dooner (another band member) reports to us that Sean Duffy is in the band, but he is unable to produce evidence.

intermediate band, the competition band, the

Notice the smug smile Mr. C displays after convincing his muggers he has no cash.

Junior Paul Kauffman gets some advice on clarinet fingerings.


The Pep band shouts out a chorus of "Fling Out" u the football team scores another touchdown.


La Salle's bands resound

Senior Band president G. Viua insists to Mr. Vetlori that he IS playing a C natural.

Boom, boom,boom, boom, badoom, boo boom, boom, badoom...

Freshman John Fisher beefs up the trombone with the aid of Junior Mall Weldon.

A Collaboration of alented musicians...a >Iethora of polyphonic lrtists."



Art Club La Salle's second favorite pasttime very week, you can find La Salle's "artistically elite," frontiers, such as ceramics. or intaglio printing.


a diverse group consisting of blue-haired semi-demi-

punkers, conservatively dressed preppy sububanites,

and the eternal jocks. In other words, everyone is welcome

to participate in La Salle's art club. The art club is a fascinating experience. Students enter, wearing Gap sweater and jeans, and exilcompletely covered in a slimy red substance known as slip. Slip is wet clay. (You would have known this if you had participated

in the Art Club...) Other time, one may enter and find himself encrusted in encaustic. Encaustic is a wax based paint. (Anotherthing you would know if you join the club.)

The art club provides students with the opportunity to use the facilities of La Salle's art department - facilities, I might add, that include four pottery wheels, a kiln, an etching press, and assorted art materials. Although some students use the art club as a means to finish unfinished class projects (or for finishing finished charcoal drawings,) most students use the time to embark on new creative

While many loyal art club fans are enrolled in courses here atla Salle, an equal number are freshmen a upperclassmen who are not presently taking any of I assorted classes the department offers. Many students ; talented in their own right, and others have only begun wade ankle deep in the ocean of creative expression. The moderator of the club is Mrs. Diane McGove who brings an extraordinary amount of talent, knowled: and inspiration to all the members. Assisting her is Salle's newest edition to the department, potter tv Melissa Gaskins-Centofante. Mrs. Centofante brings us I knowledge of ceramics, and one needs only to see somE her students' work to prove the spirit she brings to the club, as well as her classes. If you are a member of the underclass, you ShOI definitely look into the art club. I assure you that when is said and done, you will begin to understand w Harting" is, and how to create a masterpiece.

The Art Club: Where the entire student body flocks after school.

"Part of the art of living is living with art" - Jason Gaul 122

Number (our, blue...Number six, orange... Number eight, green.



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Jason Gaul ruins yet another lovely white sheet of paper.

Trying hard 10 stay within the lines, Mark Rossin messes up another page of his Power Rangers coloring book.

Mrs. Gaskins路Centofante and Doug Korejko prepare a bucket of wet clay (or the

...and as the falher of modern psychoanalysis would say...

annual "Let's bob for apples" tournament.




id you ever wonder what the world will be like when there is no more water? Where you ever

watching the Sci-Fi channel and think that it

wasn't too far off? The members of the environmental

action force at La Salle, S.A.v.E., is back with a vengeance and they are prepared to do whatever it takes to conserve our natural resources, even if it means taking cans out to the recycling bin in the snow.

La Salle is taking steps toward a sense of global responsibility by starting on its own campus. The recycling

program that La Salle adopted in 1991, which failed, was recovered in 1994 through a combined effort of the student government and S.A.V.E. Environmentally aware students can be seen taking the blue recycling cans out to the giant

metal bin in the parking lot. The bin is provided b McFadden Recycling, a local company that rewards th school for filling the bin with cans. S.A.V.E. was first established in 1991 only to b forgotten in the '92-'93 school year. In the winter of 199'

a student stepped forward to revive the consciousness ( La Salle. This student, now a senior, is currently th

president and founder of the "new" S.A.V.E., as he likE to call it. Jeff Ackler, President, and his group ( environmentally aware students are proud to be the car carriers. They are the "new" S.A.V.E. If ever you smell

moldy, but sweet odor, you'll know it's them and they', coming to save the world (and the future).

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Above: Save members Jeff Ackler, Jeff Dupee, and Jason Gaul.

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Left: Jeff Adder demonslrales the proper way to dispose of aluminum cans.

"La Salle is taking steps toward a sense of global responsibility by starting on its own campus."



he National Honor Society was founded in 1921. It is an organization which recognizes and encourages academic achievement. The members of the N.H.5. nust maintain a 3.5 CPA and participate in at least three letivities in school and in the community. The ideals of

cholarship, character, service, and leadership are at the

:ore of this national organization. The 84 juniors and eniors who belong to the La Salle Chapter of the National -lonor Society are an interesting group of personalities.

-hese young men play lacrosse, Baseball, and any other port you can think of. They are a part of our drama

In a program organized by Mrs. Clare Brown, they tutor students who are in academic difficulty here at La Salle. They usher at many different school activities. No matter what activities these members are involved in, on or off campus, the common denominator is that they give it their all. As moderator for the National Honor Society here at La Salle for the last two years, it is really encouraging to see so many talented and dedicated adolescents take on so much responsibility. They are a credit to themselves, their

families and to La Salle. - Brother William DiPasquale

)rogram, student council, yearbook and newspaper staff.

me backbone of the N.H.S: Brolher William DiPasquale, Mrs. Clare Irown, Charles Halpin, Ryan Hicke, and Tim Kilbride.

N.H.S. member Pal O'Connor working with lim Goldner.

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The 1995 Nation Honor Society.


Blue & Gold: More than just colors.


f you have never heard of the Steffan Schulz writes much of the Blue and Cold, just look on copy, and Pat O'Connor,

the front cover of the book affectionately known as POC,

which you are holding. Surprise? The Blue and Gold is the official name of the La Salle yearbook, and although members of the staff have given it quite different names, mostofthem can

handles the business end of the production. Chris Koch deals with the sports, and Jeff Ackler works on getting the Engl ish department to hand in their "In their own words." We also have on our staff

not be printed. "Mac:' the friendly yearbook The Blue and Gold is computer. (He even talks!) Junior moderatedbyMr. William Geiger, Daniel Adam understands the who sacrifices his time and youth psychology of Mac more than to the book. Mr. Modular Geiger anyone. Although Steve Grossman is usually asking Editor-in-Chief can't save, he knows how to make

Sean Duffy "Whatever happened a pretty good layout. to ... " Sean is usually searching There are other members of this forMichaeICristaldi,anotherEIC. crazy cast, including Jeff Dupee,

Handling the photography end of and others. The work is hard, yet the book is Michael O'Brien, rewarding, but that's what they all accompanied by Jason Gaul. say.....


As viewed from Hell: Sean Duffy and Jeff Dupee


Jason Caul looks on helplessly as the rest of the Yearbook staff try to kill each other.

Senior Chis Koch, resting after a deadline. Mac is in the background.

Sean McDermitt and Dan Adam make fools of themselves. like usual.

Jeff Ackler, Steve Grossman, and Dan Adam relax at the annual Yearbook New Year's Eve party.


c.s.c. Friendship, Committment, and Service.


ne of the most important functions of a Catholic educa· tion is to provide each individual with a true sense of Christian service. For the La Salle student, the Cammu·

oity Service Corps offers this sense of service. As its name suggests, esc has the primary objective of direct service to others. Through this generosity, the La Salle student's discovery of himself is

kindled and his heart opened. La Salle's multi-faceted program includes services to the

elderly and to children, to the poor and disadvantaged of the area. Operation Incentive, under the direction of Mr. Hohenleitner, sends a number of students to Holy Family Elementary School in Roxborough each week for tutoring. Operation Santa Claus con-

sists of a school-wide collection of toys that are delivered by esc members to needy families on Christmas Eve. Students are also involved in Canned Food and Mission Drives throughout the

school year. They make sandwiches for the needy men at 51. Francis Inn Shelter and participate in letter writing campaigns (or Amnesty International and Bread (or the World. Members have also been involved in La Salle University's Peace and Justice Day and the Leadership Training programs of esc's Metropolitan Offices. New activities include Habitat for Humanity in Norristown and the Superdance for Multiple Sclerosis. Under the direction of Mr. Kirsh and President, Michael Girondo, CSC's goal is to preSC:ll programs with enough variety to gurantee that there will be something of interest to every member of the student body. This year's membership includes more than 150 concerned La Salle students and the possibilities for service leave space for everyone. The Community Service Corps: an opportunity for friendship, committment, and service.


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The 1994-1995 Community Service Corps pose in the campus ministry center.




It's difficult to say who will turn up as Santa when the C.S.c. involves students in Operation Santa Claus.

Mr. Jay Kirsch, modera· tor of the C.S.c., works with members in planning the lalest of the service club's activities.


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The C.S.c. has always been able 10 OIttrOict the most diverse group of SantOiS for Operation Santa Claus.


Forum: All Talk, and Plenty of Action


he La Salle Forum, the speech and debate team, is one of the most

oriented, Policy Debate and lincoln-Douglas Debate are choices. For those Forum

unique activities at our fine school.

members with no skills, but would still like

Moderated by Brother Rene Sterner, the Forum leaves its mark all around the globe, traveling the country for competitions.

With chants of "AOAOAOAO" in the air, the Forum has traveled to exotic places like Scranton, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and Chi~ cago. This unruly bunch is led by President Pete Eisenhower, who is responsible for keeping this crew in line. Seniors like

Sean Siotterback, Sean Duffy, Steffan Schulz, Chris Trumbore, Bill Siddall, Mike de Castro, and Pat O'Connor help guide the underclassmen. Juniors Mike Girondo

and John Eckert are important members, as

to compete in forensics, Student Congress is an option. The coaching of Brother Rene, and the coaching assistance provided by Mrs.

Mary Jo Smith and John Bang, help the Forum members to improve their speaking, so that instead of speaking with cheesy cliches and mediocre blather, they can speak with eloquence and fortitude, and win lots of awards in the process.

"Forum time is sacred time." Brother Rene Sterner

are sophomores Steve McElroy, Mendel

Schmiedekamp, Seth Scanlon, and Matt Fineberg. There are numerous events in which Forum members can participate. Original Oratory, Dramatic Interpretation, Oral Interp, Extemporaneous Speaking, and Duo Interp are possibilities for people interested in speech, and for those who are debate

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1994-1995 La Salle Forum (Standing, left to right): Bro. Rene Sterner, Moder tor, Mendel Schmiedekamp, Seth Scanlon, George Thiers, MaUhhew Fineber Steffan Schulz, Stephen McElroy, Chris Trumbore, Michael de Castro, Sean Siotterback, Brian Carberry, Patrick Bevilacqua, Vincenzo La Ruffa, Paul Kahan, Justin Serianni, Terrence Fallon. (Kneeling, left to right): Andrew Kernytsky, Rahesh Noronha, Patrick O'Connor, Brian Egan, Peter Eisenhowe


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An animated Pete Eisenhower tries to hold back the masses who are attempting to join the Forum.

Soph Steve McElroy and frosh Vincenzo La Ruffa discuss ways to beat their opponents in L¡O debate.

Pat O'Connor smiles his eah, sure- smile when informed that he will have to assume the duties of president, protem, of the Forum while Pete Eisenhower vacations.

Brother Rene listens intently while members discuss plans to remove the forum's -Historianfrom his honorary post.


Intramurals A chance for everyone to participate


ne activity at La Salle in which all students can get in valved is intramurals, that wacky blend of sports and

games set up in a way that even the weekend duffer can


Featuring such time-honored sports as wrestling, basketball, flag football, hockey, swimming, and the yearbook's favorite, pingpong, the intramural program this year has expanded to include

experimental fare such as volleyball and ultimate frisbee, with even a nod toward something resembling wiffle-ball.

Students need not have played on any United States 01ym~ pic teams to participate in La Salle's Intramural Program. Ulntramurals provide time for people who aren't able to perform competitively in other sports to participate. It gives them an out-

let," said senior Nate Ryan, who along with Sean McWilliams, helps run the program, under the able moderatorship of Mr. Gary Wiley.

And so, with all those athletes and weekend athletes running around the La Salle campus, itls easy to spot the kids playing intramurals. They're the ones having so much fun.


These two guys st how easy it is to y off the corridor and an intense wrest comperit

"Now wait a minute! I was told this was supposed to be fun."

"I got it." "No, you got it." "No, I got it"


Junior wrestler Chris Sweeney officiates as two intramural grapplers prepare to do baltle.

Intramural athletes always display the correct form on layups, but sartorial expertise is something else entirely.


Parents' Clubs Brighten La Salle lways working behind the scenes, the members of the Men of La Salle and the Mother's Club use their considerable talents to keep many of the school's activities running smoothly and efficiently. From the megahit "La Sale II in November to the Father and Son Banquet, from the Freshman Mother's Tea to the Senior


Mother's liturgy, the Parents! Clubs are active the year round, planning, advertising, marketing, and finally presenting the spiri-

tual, social, and fund-raising activities which keep the school going and the studentls families informed. From the first meetings in the early spring to the "Big

Show" in early

ovember, liLa Sale" occupies the time and talent

of a large staff of parent and administrative volunteers. The auction, which takes on the aspect of a Broadway production, is one of the many activities in which the parent's clubs work together. Among the others, the Father and Son Banquet is a special time for the La Salle boys and their dads to enjoy each other's company, some good food, and a chance to win a door prize or two.

itnioo t.

Charlie, Harpo, Darth, and the Tin Man enliven the festivities at La Sale's ~Night at the Movies.~


Mr. Paul Callahan warms up the audience as he prepares to introduce Bro. Rene at the Father and Son Banquet.

Bro. Ed Cannon instructs Mrs. Pat Schaum in the fine arts of auction bidding at La Sale.

Men of La Salle President Harry Citrino welcomes sons and their fathers at the annual banquet.

Seniors Tim Foster, Joe Miehle, and Craig Vondercrone show off their prizes.


Photography Club T

he La Salle Photography Club

(occasionally) meets and discusses issues related to advanced theory and practice pertaining to aesthetics and technique of contemporary photographic

styles. In other words we talk about the difference between a shutter release and

apples and oranges. Led by Mike O'Brien, the photographers learn the great craft of llpainting with light." Besides underexposing "Iumens," La Salle shutterbugs hide inside the darkroom, constantly trying to

see through the smoke, so to speak, of esoteric theory such as red light on, white

light off. The photo club has almost a religious following, the darkroom becom-

ing a place of worship. It even has a secret knock, so that no outsiders can partake in the rituals.

The members of the photo club are true examples of diversity, which is evident in their use of "f-stops." Ranging from

f-1.7 through f-64, each member has his own personal preference. Not that there is anything wrong with that!

The photo club is going strong and

1994-1995 Photo Club: Dino Mele, Bill Coyle, Mike O'Brien (President), Erik Peterson, and Dan Rogin.

A knowledge of f-stops and shutter speeds helps enlighten the world of the Photo Club photographers.

membership is constantly on the rise. Soon, the entire school may see the

benefits of a photographic lifestyle.

• ••

"Wait a minute, let me see. I know I took a photo of that somewhere in these negatives."


Film Club T

he Film Club is La Salle's unknown gem. Moderated by Doctor Joseph D'Angelo, the film club first

appeared at La Salle last year, when senior Sean

Duffy and Doc started the club (appropriately enough)

with Casablanca. This year, the Film club is focusing upon forgotten films which left the box office and never gained significant notoriety. House of Games and Net-

work are examples of such films viewed during this yearls theme. For the second semester, the Film Club plans to show Dialektika Peshaka, a thirteen hour Turkish documentary on Spinoza. All are invited to the Film

Club, which views and discusses films after schooL

IIIf your idea of a good film is Terminator, its time you come to the film club and see a real film ..."

Two cineasts await the nut showing of The Sorrow and the Pity.

Doc D'Angelo and the modern equivalent of the old 35mm projector.


Science Club: Mr. Wiley's World ontrary to prior belief, the Science Club at La Salle does do more than just drop objects {rom third floor windows. Led by "ci'ar (crazy?) Nathan Ryan, seniors Mike O'Brien, Andy Sutton, Steve Gisondi and Chris Winters, moderator Mr. Gary Wiley, the Science Club is out to prove science is not just dull facts and banal numbers. The Science Club is infamous for the Recyclable Regatta, a two


day event held at Sesame Place that allows participants to make and ride boats made only of recyclable materials. (Plastic, and not aluminum, has been found to work well for this event). Winners of the contest, after receiving the prestigious "Crush Can", (a

crushed soda can for the slow of mind), are able to meet the scantily dad Prairie Dawn. For those of the scientific and inquisitive mind, the science

club also offers events like "Physics Day", "Dragon's Dare", I'SideShow Science ll and many other events with funky names. In

addition, the Science Club also sponsors the occasional field trip to places like the Franklin Institute and Great Adventure, The Science Club also discusses ideas for large scientific projects for the school, Previous ideas have included starting a school radio station, constructing a weather station on the roof, and installing a pendulum hanging from the roof of the library.

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Mr. Gary Wiley calls the meeting to order as the scientists of La Salle prepare for another round of great ideas.

The Recyclable Regatta is one of the main "funactivities of the Science Club.

The 1994¡1995 La Salle High School Science Club.

Wait! Another Science Club experiment goes awry!


Mr. Gerry Miller checks I.D.s at a recent La Salle Mixer, sponsorftt by the Student Council.

Brother Frank looks on as Fred Lorusso and his officers prepare the latest of their wild ideas.

r1" t ,Flied Lorusso

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Left top: The 1994·1995 La Salle Student Council Left bottom: Senior members ofthe 1994·1995 La Salle Student Council.


Student Council: The few...the proud


aSalle's student body is well represented by its elected

council members and officers. Moderated by Brother Frank

Danielski, the chosen ones meet to discuss and plan student activities and events such as mixers, sales drives, and, most importantly, how to get students involved in them. Every homeroom in all four grades is represented by a senator (yes, that's why he reads the Daily Bulletin every morn路 jng), and every class is represented by three officials: Secretary, Vice President, and President. Seniors Joe Rakowski (secretary), Brian McGeehan (vice president), and Fred Lorusso (president) represent the entire school. So next time students attend a mixer

or a basketball game, they should take a moment and think about the time it took to organize, hype up, and sell tickets for the event. If students do not have a good time, it is not the Council's fault. The student council will continue to answer questions, provide information, and run social and charity events. After all, that is what their job is. It takes a lot to represent La Salle, mostly hard work and dedication. That is why the members are chosen.


left top: Freshman members of lhe 1994-199S Student Council. left bottom: Sophomore members of the Council. A.bove: 1994-1995 Student Council Officers: loe Rakowski (~cretaty), Fred lorusso (Pre5ident), Brian McGeehan (Vice Pre5ident), and Brother Frank Danielski (Moderator).


Multi-Cultural Club very year the Multi-Cultural Corps endeavors to accom plish new things and surpass the previous years. This year has been a very eventful and successful period. With the addition of some new underclassmen the MCC has been able to

Joseph's BCC the MCC was

widen their horizons and employ some new resources to aid the

accomplishments behind us,


successful in holding an open

interracial dating forum. They also have been able to attend various seminars and attend

functions in conjunction with other cultural groups of the Philadelphia area. With these we can see a bright future

club. With the helps of Mount 51. ahead.

Chris lopez tries to figure out a place The M.C.C. is responsible for many of to put his hat, since hats like that are the assemblies at La Salle this year and forbidden at La Salle. last year.


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The M.C.C. is one of the few clubs to regulilrly feature visits from girls' schools.


S.A.D.D. M

ore teenagers are killed in auto mobile accidents than by any

other cause of death. And most

fatal automobile accidents result (rom intoxicated drivers. La Salle's chapter of S.ADD., Students Against Drunk Driving, is a strong force against driving under the

influence or drugs or alcohol. Led by senior Chris Winters and

moderated by Mrs. Ponisciak, S.ADD reminds us of the heinous crime of DUI when the organization displays a car wreck on campus during the proms. The discussion S.A.D.D. promotes sobers the student body and reminds us to be more responsible while driving, especially around the

end of the year, when partying is abound

and alcohol is abundant. S.A.D.D. also sponsors activities in collaboration with area high schools such as Mount Saint Joseph's Academy. Whether it be posters or signs, awareness pens or key chains, the members of

S.A.DD. do a great service to La Salle High School, its students, and the community.

left top: Chris lopez makes another point at the recent meeting. left bottom: t994-1995 members of S.A.D.D.

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Matheletes: A Sine of the Times lthough they sometimes try to hide it, the matheletes are cool. By day they seek the esoteric remarks of mathematics guru Mr. Roche, but by night, who knows what they are up to?


The matheletes are a group of students who, unlike 99% of the student boey, love math, so much so that they are willing to sacrifice their weekends for the cause. Led by seniors Bill Sid-

concept of the number one, the

Matheletes challenge themselves and the rivals and ultimately come out first.



1994-1995 La salle Mathletes: Nathan Ryan, Steve Shaheen, Bill Siddall,

Mr. 'ames Roche. Moderator, Rob Terek, and Bill Fedyna.


dall, Sean Siotterback. and Chris Snyder, the Matheletes are growing in number ar power. From triple integrals to the basic

Bill Siddall climbs a tree in search of Newton apple.

~il Sfddall~ ..

/til OJ tJ. e.. Q<..tu"f,e..S!:;pc><-b ~ u e.. a:\-lA.So.Ak e..vrp/ll\b.; <:. e.. c.u路f",,,", pO' ts of t4., ~ -K.c0::. o.n +es+e&.. Wt.. \0'\0.-t\, I d <.oS )"owtve.or-' Tl e.x -\-lL CJ>vy,NlV'- ~ s+rcr\t<.S+ 1"W.-"elL. OJ fu""- 0..\\. flh4klde.:;, We..' r e- (). ~ oj "0 nC>UlSO'Se.. e,~.

The Mathletes emulate an esteemed mathematician as they try to solve a probJe

"Math is good!!!" - Bill Siddall 144

The Gazebo Dear Shadows, now you know it all, Ailihe folly of a fighl With a common wrong and right. The innocent and the beautiful Have no enemy but time; Arise and bid me strike a match And strike another till time catch Should the conflagration climb, Run lill alilhe sages know. We the great gazebo buill, They convicted us of guilti Bid me strike a match and blow. - William BUller Yeats from The Winding Stair

As the ideas fly, so does any semblance of reason (or this mag.


e Gazebo is the La Salle High School literary magazine. Featuring prose, poetry, scholarly

papers, art, and photography, The Gazebo is an

lOual publication of both students and faculty alike. oderated by Mr. William Geiger, senior Sean Duffy is liter of the magazine. This year, The Gazebo staff is fing to create an eclectic book which highlights the ~st

creative writing and art of the student body.

These editors look for inspiration in the time-honored way; they search through old issues of The Gazebo.

Ie gazebo serves as inspiration for The Gazebo as moderator r. William Geiger works out some problems with editors Sean uffy and Pat O'Connor.


The Wisterian "Yesterday 's news tommorow."

f you were to take a poll of the most influential at La Salle, certainly The Wisterian would be atlhe top of the list. Moderated by Mr. Francis Johnson, it brings you, the La Salle student, news from around La Salle, local,



national. and international concerns, in addition to features and

editorials (not to mention the top of the line photography and artwork). The Wisterian tries to hold true to the motto NBringing you yesterday's news tomorrow." Working out of their strangely decorated yet functional office (okay, hardly functional: there are even fewer things that work in The Wislerianoffice than in the Physics lab), The Wisterian is always hard at work on producing a high quality issue. Even though we have yet to find anything related to newspaper work in this office, we are still assured by the editorial staff that they do a lot of work. This editorial staff tries to put the best quality work into the paper, assuring thai nothing devoid of substance gets in. Editors-inchief Chris Trumbore and Jerry Lessard assure that the staff is well led. Chris's maturity and work ethic and Jerry's constant attendance, in addition to their collective punctuality, all provide a fine example for the rest of the staff. Associate Editor Mike de Castro's patience and calm demeanor are also effective. Editor of Editorials, Sean Duffy, writes articles occasionally. Copy Editors Steffan Schulz and Pat O'Connor read all copy and write articles. Photo Editor MikeO'Brien and Art Editor Andrew Childs are the only sane people on this staff.

Also, a talented production staff helps 10 produce the paper, Jed by Production Editors Dave Vagnoni and Prem Shah. There are also many writers, artists, and photographers who assist with this publication. Students such as Andy Bergen, Doug Korejko, John Eckert, Greg Zebik, John Foelster, Dan Fay, Mike Messaros, Jeff Dupee, Scott Swindells, Mike Fiorentino, Adam Frey, Fred Lorusso, Brian Price, Tee-Jay Hurley, Jason Gaul, Steve Shaheen, and many others contribute to the paper by submitting New York Times quality work.

The Wis: "AII the news that fits, we print." 146

Editor-in-chief Gerry Lessard confers with

Mr. Johnson on the humorous content of Wis Cartoon.

As all the editors and Mr. Johnson prove, working on the W;s is sure a fun thing to do.


itor Mike de Castro nders why the Irbook would want put a picture of him s size on the W;s -ead.


1994-1994 W;ster;an editorial slaff (left to right): Gerry lessard, Mike O'Brien, Mr. fran Johnson, Chris Trumbore, Pat O'Conner, Steffan Schulz, and Mike de Castro.


Campus Ministry Retreating into the soul...


he Campus Ministry program at La Salle is the specialized

and focused means by which our students, faculty, and staff set forth to establish and develop a Christian and LaSallian community," These words, spoken by Mr. Jay Kirsch, Director of Campus Ministry, echo La Salle's school philosophy, where the spiritual side of every La Salle student is at the forefront of admin-

istrative policy. During the spiritual seasons of Lent and Advent, at the beginning and end of each school year, and especially on any

Holy Days, the La Salle community gathers to celebrate the Eucharist, where students, teachers, and staff members have the opportunity to participate in reconciliation services (especially during lent and Advent), and in small community liturgies celebrated three times a week in the school chapel. Each of these experiences provides for the student a "spiri· tual perspective," says Mr. Kirsch, "through which one might view the everyday workings and extracurricular activities of La Salle." The Community Service Corps and the Christian Action course, two possibilities where students can offer service to the larger community, are also directed through the auspices of the Campus Ministry Department.

"The seed that was planted on rich soil grew and yielded a hundredfold." (Mt. 13:8)

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Eric Adelsberger eyes up those water chesnuts for his lunch.


Senior Jeff Adder relates the relevant details of life as he knows it.

Spanish Club Aqui se habla Espafiol


ith the goal of expanding the interests of La Salle Spanish students to include Hispanic history and culture, the Spanish

Club was formed, and currently includes a spectrum of La Salle students ranging from freshmen to seniors.

Moderated by Mr. Nick Coggins and ably run by co-presidents Chris Lopez and Jose Rodriguez, the club watches Hispanic films, cooks Hispanic foods (among which

are tortilla de patatas (a potato omelet), and discusses Hispanic culture at its regular monthly meetings.

In addition, the club has made plans

to visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art and attend various presentations about the Hispanic culture.

This year students have embarked upon a video exchange with a Hispanic

sister school in Mexico, attended a celebration of the Mass entirely in Spanish, and even established a network of Spanish pen



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Top: Senor Chris Lopez models the latest of new sombreros for Sp<lnish Club members. Bottom: The 1994-1995 Spanish Club: Mr. Nick Coggins (Moderator), Chris Lopez, Ken Hager, Gene Markiw, Tom Luft, Ptem Shah.


An Evening of Laughter: La Salle's Fall Drama


nFriday, October 28, and Saturday, Odober 29, The La Salle Drama Club presented a wonderful evening of three humorous plays named, "An Evening of Laughter," the club presented The Still Alarm by George S. Kaufman, The Tangled Snarl, by John Rustaw and Frank Semerano, and A Simple Kind of Love Story, by Murray Schisgal. Although during the performance the set fell apart and despite numerous technical difficulties, the La Salle Theater gave an impressive performance hIghlighting the talents of several La Salle Students. The evening began with A Simple Kind of Love Story, starring Jason Gaul,

actresses, ultimately driven to suicide.

tives, mobsters, and, of course, dames. Kevin Fitzpatrick,

The second play, The Still Alarm involves two men, two firemen, and a

Jim Goldner, and

thickens as a fire rages and climaxes

Mount students Jen Nevergole and Marie Bertino also star in this humor-

with two firemen

ous mockery of the

coming to the scene. Kevin Fitzpatrick, Mike Brown, Jose Rodriguez, Tim

detective story genre. Fran Prisco

Reiley, and Dave

tion and the evening

Schmel gave an

was produced by Mr. Joseph

bellboy. The plot

direded the produc-

excellent performance.


Ciccimaro. Assistant producers Linda

The final, and longesl. of the plays was The Tangled Snarl. The star of

Donahue and John Grace helped put everything together, the performance was and keep the stage senior Pete Eisen-

crew in line. Production manager

hower, who played gangster Spuds Idaho. Like an S.J.

and Master of Lighting (M.L) Michael Cristaldi. The set was designed by Jim Harley.

Perleman story or a

Mickey Spillane novel, the play is

-MiGhaei ~Messtir I



Chris Plachta, and



Mount students

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Mike Messaros,

filled with detec-

Kristi Pucci and


Susan Campbell. The play itself is


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about a young writer

taunted by creditors, producers, family members and starlet


Stage crewman Jeff Dupee shows how II dangle from Ihe raft,

Pete Eisenhower and Megan Campbell share a slow dance.


Something looks vaguely suspicious about this shot.

.. •

-I said I'm tired of

picking up my sluff off fhe floor all the time.-

Pete Eisenhower auditions for La Salle's production of Hair.


Little Shop of Horrors The plant that ate La Salle


uring the last weekend in April, when (Jowers abound in the Delaware Valley, a mutant car-

nivorous plant named Audrey II bloomed on La Salle's stage during the production of the famous musical comedy, Little Shop of Horrors. Marcus Hayes provided the eerie voice of the plant in Mr. Mushnik's (Mike Messaros) plant store. Peter Eisenhower, in

the role of the timid yet talented Seymour, fell in love with the beautiful Audrey Uennifer Nevergole), for whom the plant

was named. Tom Grasso, as Orin the dentist, provided comic relief; and The Three Ronnettes (Marie Bertino, Denise Sandole, Laura Halasa ) sang backup in

60's style. Other supporting cast members included: Dave Schmel, Jose Rodriguez, Bill Coyle, Susan Campbell, and Amy Keenan. Kelley Schmidt and Joseph Haughton accompanied the cast on piano. Fran Prisco:90, directed the musical. La Salle faculty members Linda Donahue and John Grace moderated production and stage crews; Joseph Ciccimaro produced the show and directed the pit band. Michael Fiorentino and Michael Cristaldi led the technical crews in set construction and lighting design, and Steven Grossman handled the program and publicity.


Mike Messaros, Pete Eisenhower, Tom Grasso, Bill Coyle. Marcus Hayes, and Dave Schmel.



The complete cast of La Salle's 1995 production of Little Shop of Horrors.

The stage crew: Chris Everingham, Jason Gaul, Mall O'Donnell, Jeff Dupee, Mike Fiorentino.

Tom Grasso (Orin), Mike Messaros (Mushnik), and Marcus Hayes (lhe Voice of the plant).

Jen Nevergole and Pete Eisenhower ham it up for the camera.


F~G~~ ~ ~ ~ II~ Sd1.t )pM. lmost as significant as the academic environment, sports play an enormous role in defining La Salle. OUf Athletic teams have come to represent our school outside of the classroom; the "La Salle Spirit" can be found every week of the year on the football field, in the ice hockey rink or on the tennis


courts. Whether it's the waving Blue and Gold Banners, the crazy and energetic "Explorer" orlhe rowdy and obnoxious fan, at every sporting event, every season of the year, the energy of La Salle is always out in full force. In the fall, for example, you have the uhra~competjtive soccer team, that plays each of it's games as jf the leam were entering the

finals of the World Cup. The Cross-Country team has come to be recognized as Virtually unbeatable with Superman Jack Horgan running for the "Blue and Gold." Then there is explorer football, matched with the inseparable phrase of "Faaty Baby!" A student can always get into a good football game with the fans cheering and pep-band blasting; whelhersittingand watching a pre-season game or shivering with frostbite at the annual Thanksgiving Day classic with "that other school," La Salle and the gridiron is always a rewarding and intelligent combination. Winter brings the inevitable arrival of the La Salle basketball team, which yearly rises to great heights in its attempts to capture the championship. The swim team also stands tall during the cold


winter months, and reigns as the uncontested pel Champs ir the "House of Chlorine." Swimmers make their uniqUE fashion statements by shaving their heads and wearing thE ever-fashionable "speedo." Although the Ice Hockey tearT can't afford to wear such attire in their matches, they too an feared around the PCl area as their fiery skating has beer known to scorch their opponents. With Spring comes new life and also marks the arrival of tht baseball (Thank God they can't strike,) and the bone-crushin~ lacrosse team. And what would spring be without "T" and thE la Salle tennis team. Whether coaching his squad to victo~ or diligently barbecuing "brats and franks" on the grill, 1 always knows how to serve up a good time and a great team Athletics have always proven to be competitive and trul~ provide an ultimate example of the spirit of la Salle outside a the classroom; it provides each student with the opportunit路 to become involved, even if they are not a member of the team On the field, athletes are known to transform the colorful joyful, and energetic qualities of the la Salle crowds int< points and victories. Whether its fans cheering on our winninl efforts, an explorer rushing far a touchdown or a rude anc heckling crawd, the sports scene at our school has definitel路 come to represent "la Salle." - Steffan Schulz

A constant for every game, the always路loyalla Salle student body.

"Hey, did anybody see where the team wenH"


Ron Puggi, Dan McNichol, Tim Foster, and Mike Brown share the honors of winning the Prep game with Mr. Joseph Colistra.

Bob Farrell controls the puck and sets up another successful Hockey season.

Fitzpatrick beat me by a finger-length? No '"If I could just squeeze this neck a little tighter...'"


'"High we'll hold your memory. Hailla Salle our Alma Mater..."


Gridmen dominate with "D;"


nce again our Varsity Football Team had another strong and successful season, posting an overall record of 74-0, in addition to placing second in the Catholic League's Northern Division with a record of 5-2-0. After making another successful playoff bid, the team suffered a disappointing loss in the first round of the Northern Division playoffs to Father judge. This year the team underwent some big changes on one side of the ball with a new found, explosive multiple-pro offense led by the passing of senior quarterback Dan McNichol and the dominating running of Tim Foster, both captains. Other reasons for this year's success can be attributed to the outstanding performance of the offensive line, which was led by seniors Mike "Moose" O'Neill, Harry "Rock" Citrino, Steve Caramenico, Ed Stromberg and Dave "Ned" Boelker. This offensive line, which performed extremely well under pressure allowed less than 10 quarterback sacks in the regular season and was able to open up large holes for the Explorers running attack, which, with Foster, was led by Mike Brown, Fred Lorusso, and Kevin McCutcheon. Complemented with the sure hands of wide receiver Tom Truitt, who stepped up his performance when senior wideout Ken james was lost for most of the season with an injury in a preseason game, this year's offense proved to be unstoppable. Despite the changes on the offense, the thing that remained unchanged from the previous year was the dominating performance of La Salle's defense. Led by captain Ron Puggi, a young secondary, led by seniors Ryan Slizofski and joe Zeccardi, the hard hitting of linebackers Tom McHugh and Henry "Hap" Brusca, and the speed of the defensive front, including seniors james "Slim" Saracino, joe Rakowski, joe Carl, joseph Colistra and junior Keith Lachawiecz, this year's squad was one of the most feared in the entire league. Guided by seasoned veterans joe Colistra and Paul Kubach, and the new coaching additions of jim MacFarland, Tim jones, joe Wade, Drew Gordon, Drew MacGinnis, Chuck Eisler and Tom 156

Dan MCNichol spots an open receiver downfield.

Mastronardo, together, both units were able to play well and come together to return to the playoffs. Despite the loss to Father judg in the first round, the team ended the seasOl on a positive note by once again defeating SI joseph's Prep at their annual Thanksgiving Day game at La Salle University's McCarthy Stadium by a score of 28-6. One of the greatest qualities that the Explorers enjoyed was their team unity. ThE consistently rose to meet every challenge,

"Copy that, Blue Explorer, napalm spread on sector G路14"

having fun while doing it and being complemented greatly by a supportive grouJ of senior parents, fans and, as always, the Pe Band With the outstanding performance of the j.V. team and eight returning Varsity starters from this year, La Salle has laid the foundation for another strong Varsity footb. program, and can look forward to another successful season in 1995.

Capture playoff spot again

Senior Mike Brown breaks through the line.

Even the indestructable Moose gets hurl once in a while.

"...uuhh ... ball...kick. ..good?"

"Aw come on, Coach. 'ust this once. I've got to go to the

"Guys? Blocking would be nice soon!"



Dan McNichol scans the field for his receivers in La Salle's new offense.

In the words of Monty Python, "Run Away...

Hap Brusca recovers a fumble and returns it for big yardage.



La Salle's offensive line reviews the last drive.


r.... row. Irft to ripI, D.~. M. GI..11I. ,. DMbi,. ,. CoIkI••• ,. S. 1i.-do... I. ""gi. O.W"od:...,..",. M. O'f\iftl. T. M<""'Bh. E. SLyrnonslJ. 0 ,. $.or........ fifth row. Irft 10 ripl' D. lI1.r. 111. M<lnly'~' J. 1l:ahIo<. S. ...... M. Moro!oIt I. lnnlo. O. MicIdI iu. f. s,.-. ,. N-.~. Iud. I. ~otl... K. Molllodo. Llo<on.'. Cor'<. D. tunrr. N. r f<>urth ,_. IofIIO "&hI, lot. Zo«.otdi. T. KoIhepp. lot. /Il4alonq'. c.~. E. Colit<><l<>. S . - , . . ,. Dllbi,.I. 1.ldnl Ii. 1 _ K. LA~. lot. MAti... O. Oilullo. 111. K_id~ T. McNidIoI. TIo;rd row. Irft 10 ripl' " .... ,...... [l;ILui, lot. Du..... C. LA';". T. Cannody. I. Dot\.IM. J. t"'itI. G. l(ilh....y. t. TnaitI, D. Konpy. H. Orin!). S. c......-i<o. K. t - . SKoAcI toW. Irft 10 ripl' I. Crebio. D. Schul«. D.IoeIt...,I. MAIlKh. I. CUI'<~ P. Corio-. ,. Z""'--. c. s. ShAh, f. HousM......... Sull"". 111. KiI""l" F. I taW. Idt 10 ripI, ,. Cui. f. lo...-o. K. "'K", M. H.yeo. lot. I.own. T.~..... Dot\.IM, D. McNidooi. K. K. McCVI<heon. t. Slit""";. E. SuomboetB-



YOU have to be more sensitive!

Jim Saracino knows he could do just as well wilhout the help of the rest of the defensive line.

run away... run away."

Tom Truitt breaks the school record for "highest kick."

:oach Colislra, Joe Colislra, and Dan McNichol nodel the new La Salle fool ball helmets under the ldmiring eyes of Marcus Hayes.

linebacker Hap Brusca receives the Most Valuable Player trophy for outstanding play in the Thanksgiving game.


J.V. Gridders punish foes rushing of running back Mike Durso, was able to walk ith an inexperienced offensive line, a over all of its opponents. The defense, led by ballbackfield consisting of mostly sophomores, hungry linemen Damian Bridges and John Price, had r and a defense featuring a variety of new faces, this year's J.V. Football team appeared to be shaky trouble shutting down whatever opposing offense that they faced. at best. However, after a lopsided opening day vidory With both the offense and the defense playing, of 20-0 against Conwell-Egan, no one doubted the ability and talent of this year's learn. well together, the I.V. Football Team was able to post The major reason for the team's success this year astounding 8 - 1 record. The team's only loss of the was a combination of a high scoring, high powered season came at the hands of Archbishop Ryan, preventing the J.V. Team from having a perfect season offense and a stingy, run stopping defense. Both units As a result of such a successful year, the entire team is were able to work effectively to shut down virtually every opponent. The offense, led by sure-throwing enthusiastic about the possibilities of the 1995 season. Coach Jones said of the performance of his team; "Th. quarterback Jack Hamond, the quick hands of wide receivers Mike Morsel and Dave Schultz, and the power success of this year's J.V. squad is a strong indication ( the good things to come." Leading rusher Mike Durso commented on his team by saying: '" know everyone including myself, is looking forward to our varsity yeal with enthusiasm and excitement." With such skill and confidence it will be interesting to see how the 1995 season turns out.




"Charge the ref! Charge the ref!"


"Too late, I'm going to get you anyway."

La Salle's big "0" set up for another play.


Frosh tackle tough schedule

he freshman football team completed the 1994 season with a 3 and 5 record. Their wins came against Conwell-Egan, Bishop McDevitt, and ardinal Dougherty. "The kids were hard working and ley worked well together as a team; however, injuries


urt us late in the season," said head Coach Joseph

advansky. He went on to talk about the bright spot of the ~ason,

which was the game against Cardinal Dougherty

in which the team pulled 0(( an impressive win. The team

played well in the first six games of the season, which all featured close scores. "With OUf new offense, featuring a passing game, the coaches and the players needed time to adjust," Coach Radvansky said. "Plus, we had fOUf new coaches this year. But I'm looking forward to seeing some of them playvarsitybaJI next year. Asonefrosh playersaid "We learned to work together and to playas a team."

Blah, blah, blah ..."O.K., Coach." Blah, blah, blah.

Brett Cordon eats the fruits of yet another (rosh offensive line slip-up.

These players are refreshing themselves at the sprinkler system provided by La Salle's sanitation department.

The 1994 Frnhmen Foolb;,,11 Tum, Lehto nsht .iUinS: Sho!M Reilly. Brad LOI1so;tky. Nick MaUiac;ci, Chris .....to. Hugh DonneUy. Eric Seifer1h. Sh~ O'COI1nor, Grq Swindell, Mark Sinalley, lim tiberi. Left to right kneeling: Andy Rakowski. Mike Bymn, Ryan Fit;tp.ltrick. Puri Garlone. Paul O路Oruio.Tim fenningham, Kevin Lyons.loe Siravo. Btell Gordon. Chris Winward. Joe Crane, Pat Moore.Tom Cross, Joe Laguda, Coach Mr. Radvansky. Lehto Right .Ianding: Coach Paul Tom~1I0, Coach Joe Murphy, Brian Romanyo, Matt Holber1, Coach Mark McGoldrick. B,andon Glova, Chris McShea, lonn Fisher, Fran Pfeil, B,endan Mc{;lone, Eugene Sanlarl05, Neil Milkulski.Dan Needle. Doug Appleby. Ed Bongard, Mark Ruegg. Chris DiL~rdo, Il15lin PrintH, Coach Mike Wood, John Trave." Jeff Pielrak.Crlois Cusser. Kevin Dwyer, Mike LlorU$!lO, T.I. Bar1howski, Marc Benante, Malt Brannon, Paul Weinlocht, Mike Mattern. Coach Mike Atbmow.


Soccer rules the league...


he question posed at the beginning of the 1994 La Salle soccer season was /lean La Salle Repeat?" Last

season, the team graduated nine seniors from the team that won La Salle's first ever Catholic League championship. However, with seven members from that

team returning, Coach Mr. Bob Peffle felt that he had the necessary tools to win the championship again. The Explorers began the season

by winning the

EPYSA Kickoff Tournament at UGH, topping Chestnut Hill 2-1 and Penn Charter 3-1. Following wins against Carroll, St. Joe's Prep, and Holy Ghost Prep, the team traveled to Baltimore to play powerful Calvart Hall. The teams tied 11 in overtime. La Salle then rode its undefeated pre-season success into the regular season. La Salle defeated Dougherty 4-0 in the season opener and proceeded to beat Conwell-Egan, Ryan, North, Me Devitt and tie Wood and Judge. The success of the

team continues with another victory over Dougherty before Wood finally handed the Explorers their first loss. La Salle'ssuccess, however, had not gone unnoticed. The Explorers were constantly ranked among the top five teams in Southeastern PA and, for the first lime in the Right foot forward, left foot back,1-2-3, turn around, inside out, left leg kick, righlleg kick!



and takes the crown again

:hool's history, managed to be named one of the top 25

igh school teams in the nation. The team continued )ward its goal by winning four out of its last five regular ,ason games, beating North 2-1 to clinch home field dvantage throughout the playoffs for the second year in row. Led by senior captains Chris Lynch, Mike Lottier, Dave chaffer and Mike McNamee, LaSalle was always a force ) be reckoned with. The offense, led by the dynamic mior duo of Gabe Valencia and Phil Lynch, was one of 1e most powerful front Jines in the league. In the middle, Ie tempo of the game was controlled by Chris Lynch and 1ike Lottier while Matt Cox, Sean Ryan, John Savage, 1arc Bailey and Greg Erb provided critical support. On efense, DaveSchaffercontrolled every ball that came his

Dave Schafer impressing K路K with his fancy foot work.

way as Brandon Mandia, Mike Fedyna and Mike Heim shut down the opponents' offense. Mike Me amee played brilliantly in goal and consistently came up with the "Big Save."

As the playoffs started, LaSalle soundly defeated Wood 4-1 in the first round. The Explorers the walloped Kennedy-Kendrick 7-1 in the semifinals to advance to the Catholic LeagueChampionship at LaSalle University against North Catholic. In one of the most exciting finals in recent years, LaSalle defeated North 4路3 in overtime. Phil Lynch netted three goals and Chris Lynch scored once as LaSalle won its second consecutive championship and silenced all of the critics.

Chris lynch looking for an open goal.


ael Mt?Na:m


Mike McMamee wilh another field goal.


"Who's for a round of Ring Around the Rosey?"


Mr Parisi exchanging gossip at the water cooler.

1994-1995 Catholic league Champs. Top row, left to right: Head Coach Bob Peffie, T. lamprecht, I. Dawkins, 5. Ryan, R. Harrington, O. Schaeffer, G. Valencia, B. Mandiil, I. Meili, M. Fedyna, T. Flannigan, M. Co_, Assitant Coach Malt Noell. Bottom row, left to right: M. Heim, M. Bailey, C.lynch, R. Bachino, M. MacNamee, M. Mack, M.lotlier, P.lynch, J. Savage, G. Erb


The Soccer Team rehearsing Jane fonda's new workout video.

Head-Butt, Butt-Head, Huh Huh, Soccer's Cool

"The Vertical displacement of the ball on that kick could have been improved had we used the cosine rule and figured the angular constant of the velocity squared...

"'What's that guy in black doing on the field?"


of victory and the bitterness of defeat this year this year, under head coach Mr. Patrick Devine, as it completed yet another winning season. led by senior tricaptains Jack Horgan, Andy Mohl, and Jim McHugh, the Harriers finished the season with a 14-3 record. Seniors Doug Giuliano, Mike Wolverton, and Joe Salterelli, along with the talented junior trio of Craig Petruzelli, Tom O'Connell, and Alex Au, were major contributors to the varsity team. junior joe Palmieri and sophomores Mike Kerr, Matt Brister, and Gil Smith were some of the junior varsity standouts. The addition of assistant coach Mr. AI "CLH Puntel was another factor in the overall success of the team. The Explorers made several good showings at invitations this year. In the Eastern StateChampionship"C" race, held in Van Cordlandt Park, New York, the varsity team went home with a third place finish. The team also made an impressive appearance at the Pennsylvania Prep State Championship in Mercersburg, Pa, where they placed second overall behind 51. Joe's Prep. Some individuals

jack Horgan won the race and Andy Mohl placed thire as they both received First-team All-Prep State Honor~ Another runner receiving honors was Craig Petruzell who placed twelfth with Second-team All-Prep Stat Honors. The Catholic League Championship had its ups an, downs. The team did not run up to its par as a unit, bL individually, jack Horgan captured the individual title a hewontheVarsityrace. Horgan'sotheraccomplishment this season included representingtheStateofPennsylvani in the Mid-Eastern States Championship this year, held i Ohio. This year, the team had many bright spots, with jac Horgan receiving First-team All-Catholic Honors, an, Andy Mohl and Tom O'Connell for Honorable Mentio All-Catholic. With the emergence of freshmen Coli McManus, Liam O'Shaughnessy, Chris Murphy, an路 Chris Ward, and the other returning underclassmen, MI Devine will expect an excellent returning next season.

r-----""'!'!"_ _~"!!""'"-_

Beginning at La Salle High Schoo, t e Cross Country team passes Park and ends up somewhere near Sarasota, Florida' _ _-"_i11

"I realize that hard work will bring me happiness and personal triumph in the end" - Jim McHugh Hearing the news that there is a fighl in the pit, the Cross Country Team hurries to join in on the action


nearest league rivals.

Mike Wolverton, Jim Tate, Matt McMullin, Joe Palmeri, Mark Semenick, Mike Kerr, Colin McManus

See lim Tate run.

Joe Salterelli, Alex Au, Andy Mohl, Matt Brister, Craig Petrozelli, Doug Guliano, Ja<:k Horgan, Tim O'Connell

Sieve Fanning, Doug GuliaRo, and Joe Saltereli heading towards the finish line.

Kevin Miller, liam O'Shaunassey, Tom Curran, Jim 'aimison, Fraul! Heavener, Chris Murphy


Winter Track Just a step ahead...


his yearls Winter Track team is one that combines youthful

talent and senior leadership. Coached by Pat Devine in his 24th year of coaching, the team is looking 10 defend its Catho-

lic league Title. The team, lead by tri-captains Andrew Mohl, Doug Giuliano, and Jim McHugh, received tremendous contributions from Joe

Saltarelli, Marcus Hayes, and Chris Garges, along with junior Tom O'Connell, who is looking to obtain All-Catholic honors. Other contributors are juniors Alex Au, Matt McMullin, Jim Tate, and Craig

Petruzelli. Sophs Mark Semanick, Andrew Gittleman, and Mike Kerr hope to make a major impact within the next two years. Freshman

Chris Ward and Colin McManus will also be running varsity this season. On January 21, the two-mile relay consisting of Hayes, Ward, OIConnell, and Giuliano competed in the Princeton Relays. There they received their first taste of difficult competition. For the first time this year the team competed in three races preceeding the Catholic League Championship. In these races the team ran very well and had many first-place finishes. This year the field team is under new management, now being lead by Mr. Shawn Neely. The winter season was successful with help from seniors Pat Murray, John Rech, Mike O'Neill, Carl Jannetti, and Pat McGinley. Although the Track and Field team consists of much upperclass talent, the key to future success lies with the underclass.


1995 Winter Track Team (standing, left to right); M. Kerr, G. Smith, T. O'Connell, A. Gittleman, Alex Au, M. Semanick, K. Lasky, J. McHugh, M. McMullin, M. Sasso, D. Guiliano, A. Mohl, J. Tate, J. Saltarelli. (Kneeling, left to right); J. Palmieri, C. Ward, C. Petruzelli, Andy Au, R. Tate, M. Brister, C. McManus.


ID(!)Ug ".iuliano

Coming down the home stretch, leading lhe pack, as always, is liam 0' Shaughnessy, with l. lanzilotta and C. Weinachl dosing in.

Carl Janel1i heaves the shot over the nearby trees while his admirers look on.

Tom O'Connell ponders how he can keep his hat from nying off during a race.

They used to call this the Fosbury Flop, but now it's the McGinley maneuver.


Hoop Dreams


he '94-'95 Varsity Basketball Team had many new faces on it. Most of the players that got quality minutes

last year had graduated. What was left was

a group of guys willing to do whatever it took to win. Under head coach Marty Jackson, the hoops team set its sights on

playing at the Paleslra. The team was led by the three senior captains: Mike Fedyna,

Johnny Dawkins, and Jared Goodwin. The team also received contributions from senior Jack Horgan, juniors Bill Oehler and Dan Hangey, and sophomore point guard

Joe Meade. The basketball team embarked on a tough preseason schedule which contained such

highlights as finishing third in the Archbishop Carroll Tournament and coming away with the championship in the Wayne Rotary Tournament. The team finished the preseason with a loss to St. Joe's Prep and a 4-6 record. With the slate clean, the team began the Catholic League schedule with a big win over Conwell-Egan. With key victories over

Father Judge, North Catholic, and Bishop McDevitt, the team finished the first half of the season with a 4-3 record and a solid chance on a playoff spot.

Mike Fedyna tries his spin move on an unsuspecting defender.


I want d' ball ... I need d' ball ... J want d' ball ... OOPS!

With the grace of a professional ballerina, Bill Ohler ... GETS STUFFED!

"Vladi, help me! I'm surrounded"

"I wonder if I'll ever get back into this game again? This year?"


-Ooooh, that's sweeW

Chris Ganges is out for blood!


Mike fedyna splits North's defense.

-Everytime I go up for this shol, Ihis guy's always on my back.-

Don't hurt me... I'm only a freshman!

-Get in lhere, and tell Horgan his socks don't match his sneaks.-

1994-1995 Varsity Baskelball team (standin&-Ieft to right): Coach Seleki, J. awkins (uptain), M. Morsell, J. Reeves, B.I. Hargadon, J. Goodwin (uptain), M. lilkin, M. Fedyna (Captain), Coach Jackson, Coach Burke, (kneeling left 10 right); C. Ganges, J. Horgan, J. Meade, C. Magarity, B. Oehler, S. O'Donnell (Trainer)


Basketball: J. V. and Frosh Style


ead coach Joe Dempsey and


Mark Dardaris

have coached the JV Basketball team to a 5-3 pel orth record this year. The team has been led by its two star juniors-center B.J. Hargadon and guard Chris Magarity; however, "They're all improving:' according to Coach Dardaris, and everyone has contributed. The team showed that it was indeed "making great strides:' by defeating arch-rival 51. Joe's Prep. All in all the team has come a long way and the ability and the ta[entto go far is definitely present. As coach Dardaris has said, "It has definitely been a great year," This year's Freshman team has also proven to be very

talented. In fact, it is so good that almost everyone on the team can

be a starter. According to captain Ed Bongard, IIAII the players

have made a contribution." By building a record of 9-2 in the league, and with a big win over Father Judge at home, coaches Jerry Mancini and Bernie Fitzgerald have kept their team on track. lead by forwards Bongard and Andy Rakowski, center Mike Mattern, and guards Brett Gordon and Bill Rookstool, the team has played hard in the Catholic league. "Our two losses were very close games, ones we should have won," Bongard said.

1994-1995 Junior Varsity Basketball Team (Stand路 ing, left to right): Coach Dardaris, M. Horgan, E. Bongard, M. Schafle, B.I. Hargadon, M. Wilkin, A. Rakowski, M. Morsell, Coach Dempsey (Kneeling, left to right>: M. Maloney, M. lapera, 8. Gordon, B. Rookstool, C. Magarity, C. Ganges, M. Mattern.


-Another Michael Jordan impersonatator."

After the great collision, La Salle comes up with the ball.

Chris Magarily does his Michael Jordan impression.

"Hey look! The ref's on the fast break-




pon entering the La Salle swimming pool, many people

get a feeling of being in a medieval dungeon. The dim lighting, the annoying echoes, and most of all, the bel-

lowing voice of Coach Frank Licthner screaming commands to

swim faster or "Train, Dammit". Of course one thing that often goes unnoticed about La Salle's pool are the banners that hang in the corner displaying the team's championships. Over the past twenty years the swim team has remained constant in its success. In the last ten years alone it has won seven Catholic League

Championships, from' 989 - 1995. The team fought hard to escape the shadows of past All-Americans, but did so successfully by creating a new team image with new stars like Kyle Gal-

lagher, Ray Fitzpatrick, Tom Yaegel, and Dave Shalleur. With a new training regimen, the team was now free spirited and hard working, and has earned the respect it should be given. The team's capabilities were in question by just about everyone except themselves. With great leadership and swimming by senior captains Ian "Sauce" Coffey, Dave Shalleur and AIIAmerican candidate Kyle Gallagher, the team went on to dominate the Catholic league with a perfect record, including another championship. The remaining seniors: Ryan Foley, Frank Palopoli, and Ashley Brandon, rose to the occasion many times.

With perhaps the strongest Junior class in years, lead by Ray Fitzpatrick, the team should have no trouble defending its championship next year. The Explorers got off to a fast start with an easy win over Father judge in early December. Despite a tough loss to New jersey state champion SI. joe Metuchen, right before Christmas, they had no problem dealing with the rest of the competition. Along with Fitzpatrick, Tom Yaegel, another All-American candi-

date, also helped in leading the Explorers by going undefeated in the 100 yard butterfly. Backstroker junior Chris Wallers got the explorers off to a fast start in virtually every meet by getting a lead in the backstroke leg of the medley relay. Another junior, Matt

Yaglenski, led the team in the breastroke event by becoming the team's number one breastroke man after the Metuchen meet in

December. With Yaegel doing butterfly and JeffTruitt doing freestyle the team was unstoppable, and will be even better next year. With promising freshmen and sophomores the team should dominate for years to come. This year's squad, consisting of ten freshmen, four sophomore, eight juniors, and six seniors, had such a feeling of camaraderie and free spirit while working hard. Many times various

cheers from the showers could be heard by the other athletes lifting weights upstairs. To be a part of this team, this tradition, is one of the greatest things in the world, although it takes hours of grueling hard work. Mr. lichtner put it best when he said, "This ain't no party; this ain't no disco!"



Ryan Foley

Il .... 1 all ...... I~.t EYCfl (lId dt.k ,",,~I'I'~, E~(t, CrHII(.;,I.,"" "", " Clo,rlsl",al °nul;,.. 'n,~ ,,",.1I I t r .. "l\. \.Ie .U ll~l,..vctlll"r pt.II11NlI JUlf '" I~l;. e.. .t '01\0 CGlflcl (''Jet l'lCI",el !itt '''rY.D.s f'\le~f\(.. ""'y, SI"''', H.Il~,/ly. H" fat Oi' Iy ·Y, ~VI.Y. S."C:, Llblh",y, T"~f ~roe(o, Slo'n 1.c: (cll.....~r-), sdu,Jle. t.llt.l.I~oJy. tl.e. li~~lu. \.Jo''',Ollti f7cor,io' AU I~(l<' pet,ll a~~ "Ott eOld~ib"ted to o~r t1ra,,"t. pet.. .,dory Q1I4, If\ 'ke:. f"f~rl, WIll Hrc;IIjH...II 4"<~,Id '" .vr ~111llly. "Thl. 'fe'IlI ,tts ic.H<' bcHu t~('y r~r. all~ y~v "" tc. IVI"(. t"'l i.. Ue yr.", f, <0,"", nllr(. .. ,II 01~'I1 k I °SltbhJ' PoSJ" h ,,1,(. ~alc..




Joe Chiarantona prepares for takeoff.


Senior Ian Coffey tells manager Drew Sharkey ..,;t;o~h~it the showers. ""_ _


Frank Palopoli powers his way to another \lidOry in the 500.

19'95 V.usity Swim Teolm Rntors: A. Brandvl, I. Coffey, O. SeNlleur, Coach F.lkhtnef, R. FoR')', f. P'~lopoIi, I(. GoI.Ibist-.


Junior Jeff Truitt stares down his opponent.

Soph Paul Callahan fights for position in the backstroke.


Soph Tony Penzare tries 10 figure out h( to get on the biOI

"So Dennis, what


you like to do nO\ll -I'd like to get out here, eoa

Wrestling: Can It stop the Flood

Gene Welsh tries to remember what Mr. Flood told him about keeping his head up.


he 1994-1995 wrestling season was one of transition for the Explorers. After several years of selfless devotion to the

team, Coach Mike Rae left after last season, and along with

im went several members of the coaching staff, including his rother Kevin and Tom "0 X" Closson. The departure of the Rae

rothers left big shoes to fill, and over the course of this season,


new coaching staff has proven 10 be more than just worthy


The coaching staff is led by Mr. Ken Flood, who also teaches

'€shman Spanish at La Salle, and assistants Mike Braciszewski

nd Dan Joyce. Coach Braz brought along with him a good deal f enthusiasm and wrestling knowledge. The new coaches have ljected new life into the team through their unever say die" attiJde and a love for the sport. Brother Kevin Dalmasse became the loderator this year, bringing clout with the administration. This season has seen the emergence of several young wrestlers Jch as Tim McNichol and Nick Klohe, as well as the leadership f senior co·captains Tim Lyons and John Sullivan. And the ontributions of Damian Bridges, junior Mike Gadsby and senior Ian McNichol have been vital to the success of this season.

"Woah! I never thought this guy would be so heavy."

Mark Ruegg works hard to tie up his opponent.


Chris Sweeney hopes that hypnosis course he took over the summer will payoff.


"Some dAys you wish you hAd just stayed in bed."


Amid the tangle of arms and legs, Craig Hamilton emerges victorious.


come on ref! This tie does in fact go with this suit ~


Damian Bridges prepares to be the sacrifi路 ~ vonit)路w _~M.I'


T _ -.do

a-:e-to "-,...... Go w.... L hd. C.1lWloo-.1.~M....... O. ~

cial meal of the mighty Russian Bear.



· ~ockey Ghdmg towards victory



.z-, /4

rJ ,,:.~- ~< . / .4-<...

1"/...,-../ /..u ./_L.-,r~.rc /.../J/-o. his year's hockey season looked tough before it even began, . for the team lost the experience of twelve seniors. We ~ ,.--/ "...._/N~ - - / /~ would have been glad if that was our only problem. The ~ -.L ~ -'7'~outlook became even darker with the loss of our home rink, _" 9 ~~ &.. Wintersport, to a fire during the summer. Now, without a home ~~ ~ '¢,/ rink or definite practice times, we were dubbed "homeless and #~.., ~~-u ~ ......,../-./ ~








~ ~;,(. ./

For the past past five years, La Salle's offense has been one of the .J/ ,..../ most potent around. The loss of eight forwards to graduation .£.-.-.... ~ J...,....J ~ ..." " hurts, but through the talent of the returning players and the /J~) _~, ./J L...-- rL-r- .L< emergence of some new faces, the offense will continue 10 domi7 nale. _b .L.-..-<- .?J :J~ .......~-'4 The first line is made up of juniors Brian Curci and captain Mike ,...~ .-./ ~ . Farrell, along with freshman and brother Bob Farrell. Senior captain Chris Cinalli, junior Dave Rambo, and sophomore Casey ~. :?"~ Shaffer form the second line. Juniors Jason Hill and Paul Boemler will be counted on to provide depth along with freshman Brant Heaton and seniors Mike Ferrare and Brian Mack. For the icemen, goaltending has always been a fixture, and this year is no different. The skills of senior Aaron New and sophomore Joe Vigorita will be displayed between the pipes, and freshman Pat McCullion will also have ample opportunity to play. Finally, on to the ever solid defense. It is anchored by senior captains P.J. Quinn and Brian Price, with support from sopho· mores Matt Kelly and Justin Sutton. And where would we be without our senior managers, Eric Adelsberger and Adam Donahue.

1994·95 La Salle Ice Hockey Team: BACk: Greg kevane, P.I. Quinn, Chris Cinalli, Brian Price, Brian Mack, Tom Lasky; MIDDLE: Coach Peter Nolan, Brian Curci, Mike ferrare, Casey Shaefer, Dave Rambo, Geoffery Coniglio, Mike Farell, Sean Macreery, Matthew kelley, Joe Vigorita, Eric Adelsberger; FRONT: Devin Jones, Pal McCullin, Brant Heaton, lustin Sutton, Bob Farrell, Aaron New, John Calvitti


The opposing defenseman tries to stop Geoff Coniglio.

Frosh Bob Farrell blows by the defense on his way to another goal.

The Farrell brothers set up the offense with Brian Curci.

Coach Nolan delivers the game plan.


Spring Crew: Floatin I on the River


here was a new feeling on the Schuylkill River this year. An omnipotent force was felt radiating outward from our boat

house by anyone who came too close. This year La Salle was led by head coach Peter Sigmund, who handled the varsity-eight He was assisted by Frank Cataldi, Mark Weston, Tim Curran, and Gary Wiley.

We have been led by a strong senior class this year, which includes Pat Balcer, Nick Cejas, Jared Goodwin, Charles Halpin, Joe Juliano, Tim Kilbride, Tom Messina, Garrett Miller, Sean Mulligan, and Dam Salvato. The winter months can be summarized with one word: ERGS. Fifteen rowers went to Boston in late February and La Salle

had five rowers place in the top twenty-five in the world. The season began on March 19, with the first of the five

Manny Flicks. Aher the Catholic League Championship on April 30, three new boats were christened, including one after Brother

Linus. The racing schedule includes races at St. Andrew's School in Delaware, the U.S. Navel Academy in Annapolis, and Nationals in New Jersey - but Ihe high point of the season is always the Stotesbury Cup Regata. lIStroke for Stroke" - We blew them away!


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Do not panic. We have everything under control. Nothing to see here.


And here we see the beautiful skyline of Philadelphia.

The Varsity Eight finally realizes they made a wrong turn in Wyoming.


Sean Mulligan smiles as rowers stroke on command.

The pain of stroking is quite evident on Tim Kilbride's face.


Baseball A joy of Spring


ith the advent of the spring comes the beginning of what is sure to be another exciting and

successful baseball season. Once again under the skilled leadership of head coach Joe Parisi, the Explorers are hoping to reclaim the Catholic League Championship

they won last year. The pitching staff this year consists of (our juniors and is led by the strong throwing of senior Frank Puglisi and junior Mike Wilkin. With time, the young rotation is sure to solidify into an effective and feared unit for quite some time. According to Coach Parisi, the focus of the team this year will be on offense and speed. Seniors Ryan Harrington, Dan McNichol, P.). Quinn, and Jaime Cevallos will be counted on to provide major contri-

butions. Key games this year are sure to come against Archbishop Ryan, Conwell-Egan, and North Catholic. Can the team repeat in the Catholic league, Mr. Parisi said, "We're the only team that can."

The faceless Baseball bunch would have been nothing without last year's Seal.


Let's see if I can steal the catcher's sign.

"Chris, see that base over there? Run real fast at it."


"Quick, flip it over here"





Dan Hangey crosses the plate, barely missing the bat.

Ow! That one REALLY hurt.


The 10015 of (he trade.

·C'mon! Throw that baby right in here!"

"Maybe I'll actually get to play in this game."

Hangey lakes his usual thirty foot lead off of first.


Just a little bit further.

Top: Mike Burak swings a mean rake. Bottom: Billy Murphy's success depends on the fact that his right arm is two fwt longer than his left.

t . ..


J.V. and Frosh Baseball ust as the end of the school year is approaching baseball steps


up to bat every year. A small group of talented individuals decide to add more pressure to their already tenuous schedules

y joining La Salle Baseball. These guys are out there for the love of the game and nothing else. So, you can be sure that none of them will go on strike, like some other individuals...

At any rate La Salle's 1995 Freshmen and JV. Baseball teams show the great amount of raw athletic ability our athletes possess. The freshmen will learn the basics of the game while the sole purpose of J.V. is to prepare the players for the ultimate level,

Varsity. But {rash and J.V. baseball can be just as captivating and fun to watch as Varsity. Under the leadership of Coach Denicola and Coach Hayes, the J.V. team looks strong again this year. Even though winning is not the top priority, the team has a winning record each year. Coach Gerry Miller has the same success with his freshman squad. So, the next time the strike has you down come and see La Salle's replacement players, the frosh and jV squads.

A member of the learn prepares lo play leap路 frog.


C'mon, just try me! I dare you!

The Natural: a baseball player rounding the base<.

Standing at home plate, an explorer eyes the pitch.

Chuck Synder prepares 10 hit the Saint Michael sculpture with one of his fly balls.

A J.V. player wings a ball towards, well, somewhere between second and third.


Tennis: Triumph II with a Capital IIT


oach Tore Hanssen looks to improve his stellar resume in 1995, his fifth season as a varsity coach. In his four years

here he has amassed three PCl Championships. In addi-

tion to these victories in 1991, 1993, and 1994, Mr. Hanssen is

also looking to improve on his 54路1 league record. This years team will be lead respectively by number one and two sensations Andy Stewart and Dave Stimmler, both of whom will be trying for their third PCl titles. In addition to these two returning All Catholics, are seniors Mike Ferrare and Brian McGeehan, underclassmen Ryan Galardi, Steve Balshi, Brian Egan, Brian O'Neill, Paul Callahan, and another returning All Catholic, sophomore Jeff Rucinski. "T" Hanssen looks to keep the troops entertained by keeping with tradition and holding Barbecues during select home matches for the team as well as all students and faculty that might stumble upon the courts. He will also

be keeping with the immensely

popular "bagel contest", that tracks the number of 6-0 sets a player amasses throughout the season. If this year's team promises to be as loose and successful as last year's, it could be a very long season for the competition.


mh:ew Stewart

Soph Brian Egan sends the ball deep to his opponent's (orehand.


Andy Stewart hils another ball into the net.

Mark McManus packs a power swing.

1995 Tennis Team: P. Callahan, J. Rucinski, T. Hannigan, A. Tatunchak, B. Egan, D. Stimmler, 8. O'Neill, P. O'Donnell, A. Stewart, S. 8alshi, M. McManus, M. Ferrare, J. Watson, Coach Tore Hanssen.

Dave Stimmler unleashes another 90 mph serve.


Track doing a scene from Chariots of Fire.

The track team warms up before running into the sunset.


All Catholic jumper Patrick McGinley showing his best form.

Miehle clears the hurdle...almost.


Track & Field Lots of Devine inspiration


he La Salle Track and Field team represented itself well through the Winter Track season. At the Catholic League

Championships the team finished fifth thanks to several

second place finishes. Fortunately, the beginning of the Spring season means an addition to the team. Jack Horgan will be joining the team once again after finishing

the basketball season. Jack will help lead several other seniors and underclassmen towards their goal, a Catholic League Championship. Jack will be joined by senior runners Andy Mohl, Marcus Hayes, Jim McHugh, Joe Saltarelli, and Doug Giuliano. Juniors, sophomores, and freshman include: Tom O'Connell, Andrew Gittleman, Mark Semanick, Alex Au, Jim Tate, Mike Kerr, Craig Petruzzelli, and Colin McManus. In the field, the team looks for help from seniors Mike O'Neill and Pat Murray in the shot put and discus, and also from junior Pat McGinley in the high jump, long jump, and triple jump. Coach Devine and Coach Neely look for a stronger team in the outdoor season in hopes of claiming the Catholic League Championship.

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Dave "Odysseus" Wickersham hurls a heavy ball towards the horizon.


Lacrosse Looking to lead the League, again.


he La Salle Lacrosse Team hopes to continue to build on the

success of last season. Last year the team had a strong season, making it to the State Playoffs and coming in second

in the Catholic League, losing the championship to rival Archbishop Carroll. Coaches William Leahy and Mark Dardaris hope to lead the team back to victory, reclaiming the title lost last year. The offense this year will be led by senior midfielders Mike Koons and John Tatu, who plan to lead the way to victory. They will be supported by underclassmen Greg Erb and Jim Koller, both

skilled attackers. With a potent offensive attack, the team hopes to dominate in the Catholic League. The focus of the team this year is going to be on the defense. This year the defense will be anchored by junior goaltender Gregory Bock, who hopes to provide stability on an already impressive defense. Contributions from senior defensmen Joe Rakowski, Mike Brown, and Dave Boelker are sure to end any offensive threats any other team can provide. Key games this year will be against the other teams in the Catholic League, including Archbishop Ryan, Father Judge, and defending champs Archbishop Carrot I. With determination, skill, and hard work the Lacrosse team hopes to have another successful season and to bring the Catholic League Championship back to La satte.

v~nity l..KroHe t~_: (top

row,lftt to richt);CNch Ml.rk M. Horpn, E. Boron, I. T~tu, F. ~, J. utuew, T.lHky, ,. bkowski, M. 8rown, M. Mondl, M. Koons, C-m 8id le~. Bro. Chudr.. (Midd~ row, Iftt to !ishtJ; M. MI.IoMy, S. Mooney, M. Duno, I. C~", R. H~os. D. Bodller, C. 8od,. It ~. (Bottom row,l.to r.): T. CI'O$II, C.~, T.lMnpRchl:. 1'. CO)'ie, O. N~, C. &b, J. Murphy, M. Di 8eMdetto. 1"5



Joe Rakowski defends La Salle against the evil forces of Archbishop Ryan.

Mike Koons dodges and goes to get the goal.

looking down the Lacrosse sideline.

Coach Bill Leahy, who teaches religion AND plays for the Wings, brings La Salle to victory.

A La Sallian Gladiator does some tricky martial art while reaching for the ball.


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Top: The lacrosse team

Mike Koons contem-

brings the ball upfield.

plates the next play.

Boltom: Greg Bock looks on as the team

fights on the field.



J.V. Lacrosse Planning for the Future he talent of this year's Junior Varsity Lacrosse Team is once again exceptional, providing a skilled base for the future of Lacrosse here at La Salle. The determination and hard work given now is sure to be useful when these athletes move up to the varsity level. The J.V. Team this year is under the skilled hands of


Coach Truscott and Coach Kopp, both of whom are sure to lend their skills in creating a talented team. Contributions this year are sure to come from Pat Hughes, Sean O'Connor, and Mike Heim. Together, this talented young team is sure to be very successful. Joe Rakowski and Mike Brown follow the bouncing ball.

The 1995 Junior Varsity lacrosse team. Bottom Row (Ieh to right) : Jim O'Neill, Paul Gibbons, Pat Hughes, Kevin Robinson, Mike Abbott, Scoll McCarry, Greg Queen. Middle Row (left to right): Vince Strain, Brendan May, Mike Mcintyre, Mike Heirn, Brian Reese, Don Kerper, Scoll Binsfeld, Joe Beletsky. Top Row (left to right): Coach Kopp, Shawn O'Connor, Dennis Callow, Jim Noone, Pete McCann, Justin Primus, Keith Binsfeld, Scoll Long, Nick Steere, Pat Bevilacqua, Chris Lavin, Coach Truscott.


Golf: Not just any bunch of duffers


r. Martin Jackson will lead the 1995 Golf squad to a strong Catholic League performance. With a strong and elite group of players returning, it will be a reasonable goal to look for a Catholic League Championship. The 1995 explorers have a strong core of returning players this year. Drew Coffey, Mike Courtney, Sean Ryan, and Jon Shevlin will lead the team with experience and knowledge. These (our returning seniors will guide the young La Salle golfers back to another strong performance in the Catholic League. Also, returning to the squad the year is junior powerhouse Anthony Bonargo. "We can do it this year, as long as we stay focused"', Bonargo said about winning the Catholic League. Junior Brian Trymbiski and sophomore Michael Schafle are also returning. With some strong additions the golf team looks to be headed for their first title in four years. This years competition for the Explorers looks tougher than ever. 51. Joe's Prep, Father Judge and Archbishop Ryan will be a tough match during the season. For the second straight year, the teams greatest competition will come (rom Archbishop Carroll. "They're tough, but if our guys can step it up, we will be in great shape, II coach Martin Jackson replied when asked about the team. In conclusion, with the continued guidance (rom the seniors and the lessons (rom Mr. Jackson and assistant coach Dr. Les Burke, the Explorers are looking to grab another Catholic League Championship.

Jon Shevlin watches his drive strike Mr. Jackson deep down the fairway.


1995 Golf Team: Drew Coffey, Tony Bonargo,

On the green, the La Salle golfers hole out.

Brian Trymbiski, Mike Courtney, Sean Ryan, Mike Schafle, Jon Shevlin.

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Where real men play ball!



Blue & Gold

Editor-in-Chief : Sean Duffy Editors: Jeff Ackler (Associate), Chris Koch (Sports), Stefan Schulz (Copy), Pat O'Connor (Business), Steven Grossman (General),Dan Adam, (General and Index),Jeff Dupee (Captions), Mike O'Brien and Jason Gaul (Photography), Sean McDermott (Senior Quotes). Mr. William Geiger (Moderator) Henry Winterbottom

Copy Staff: Michael Cristaldi

Mike McNamee

Gerry Lessard

Mr. John Grace Mr. Joe Ciccimaro Mr. Harry Otrino

Will Geiger Ken Gavin

Jim McHugh Gabe Vizza

Mike O'Brien Bill Siddall

Chris Trumbore

Mark McManus

Doug Giuliano

Adam Donahue

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo

Michael de Castro Jared Goodwin Steve Markmann Brian Price

Tim Kilbride Tom Messina Drew Coffey Pat Murray

"In Your Own Words"

Brian Price Tim Lyons Ryan Foley Facu It yan d Sta ff Contributors:

Fr. Georges Thiers

Jim McHugh Carl jannetti Frank Palopoli joe Rakowski Sean Hunsicker Mike Fedyna Andy Mohl Scott Swindells Adam Frey

Ryan Hicke Chris Winters Nathan Ryan Mike Girondo Chris Clayton Mi ke Koons Sean Mulligan Andrew Stewart Jon Shevlin Mike Messaros Pete Eisenhower Thomas Messina Shawn Schneider

Contributors: David Fuller Jared Goodwin jack Horgan lach loeltsch Hap Brusca

Bro. Rene Sterner

Mr. Dave Diehl Mr. AI Puntei Mr. Ed McCabe Mrs. julie Maher Mr. jim Roche Mr. Mike Dolan Mr. Gabe Blanco

Contributors: Dan Rogan Michaei Sasso G eoff Conig Iio Tom Yaegel Sean O'Donnell Tom Lasky Chris Lopez Greg Bock Tom Barbera Mike Burieigh

The Blue and Gold staff would like to thank: -Brother Rene Sterner, Mr. David Diehl, Brother Kevin Dalmasse, Brother Frank Danielski, and Mr. Martin Stanczak for their help, concern, and suggestions throughout the year. - Mrs. Pat Schaum, Mrs. Ann Ford, and Mrs. Karen Mullen for their tireless work and cheerful, agreeable attitudes whenever we asked for yet another favor. - Brother William DiPasquale, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, Mrs. Bernadette Logan, Mr. Mike Dolan, Bro. Tom

Chadwick, Mr. Pat Devine, and Mr. Marty jackson (wait! That's the whole counseling staff!) (or help. photography, checking on senior activities, and free psychological advice (we hope it was free) at deadline time.

- Bob and Rita Davine. as always, (or everything. - Bro. Gerry Frendreis, Mr. Mark Dardaris, (and Mrs. Faye Kasloff) for cheerful smiles and occssional pizza

money. It would be difficuit to put together a yearbook without your heip and understanding. - All coaches and moderators for help in securing photographs and captions.

- Mr. Mike Maicher, who again came through (or us with good photos when all other avenues had (ailed, and especially (or (ootball and Father and Son banquet photos. - Mr, Abe Orlick, Gemma, Sharon, Eileen, and all the good (olks at DaVor Photo (or solid, creative photos, - Linda Mauss and the staff at Henff-Jones Yearbooks (or kind suggestions, help, and occasionai bailouts. - Mr. Gerry Evans, (or all kinds of stuff. mostly providing us with laughs and things to think about (most of which we never did figure out), and for the use of the Key.

- Ail the students who came in at deadline time and helped us caption photos. - Any and all people we may have forgotten. You know who you are.


Gold Patrons

Mr. and Mrs. Girondo Good Luck Class of '95. (the Gugger Family) Congratulations--Mom, Dad, Nana, Dana, Kris and Phil. (the Hager's, Harris's, and Gelb's) Best of luck to all in '95--The Hope Family Congratulations Eugene! Dad, Mom and Chris. (the Markiw family) Best wishes, Steve. Love From Mom and Dad. (the Markmann family) We're proud of your accomplishment.. Love Mom and Dad. (the McNamee family) Congratulations Sean, we're proud of you! Love Mom, Dad, Patrick and Grandmom. (the McWilliams family) Mike, We'll never know your intentions--Good Luck! Love Mom and Dad. (the Messaros family) Our love and hopes for a great future. Love Mom and Dad. (the Mohl family) Best wishes to the Class of 1995, (The Robinson Family) Congratulations, Shawn, and the Class of '95. (the Schneider family) Congratulations to the class of '95--The Stanek Family Congratulations, Gabe and the Class of 1995, The Vizza Family God Bless you always, Raphael. We love you! Dad, Mom, Phil, Katie, Mike, Mary, and Anna. (the Bocchino family)

In Memoriam The Stolen Child WhfIf' dip' the rocky highland SleultI Woodin 1hIlakl, There .... lufy LIlInd ~ IWpplng hef'on!; waktI The ~ WIlMontl: n-._..... hldou,l-r ......, FiA 01 berrieI And 01 *'dest II06In c:n.n.. com. .....". 0 humAot cNIdI To IN WI.... and fI» wid WICl'II '-'Y. hand .... hMld,

WI'ler1I the w ~ wIt... (IUIhn From the hill aboIIe GIeft.Cat. In poolI among the ruIhM Thel ~ c:oukllYoN. ,tat, W. Mek kw tlunbering trouC Mel ~ in ltMIir MrS

For /hit -ewtr. motI' full d-.plng

To IN MoIIIIH'S and It» wid


twl)'Oll"*' ~ Where the w..... of moonlititIl glosses The elm grey MI'dt wIItlllght, Far oft by ~I RoeHl WI foollt d the nlgllt, Weaving olden dances, Mingling hatm and mingling glanots TI the moon hU tak,n IlIght;

Timothy McNichol: 1979 -1995 "Let the children come 10 me. The kingdom 01 God belongs 10 such as these." (Matt. 19:14)

To Ind lro _leap And etlase the 'rothy bubbles, Whllfllhe WOf1d II lull of troubles And " In_lou. In It. alHp. Comt I"IY, a hutrwl chikJI To 1M WI'«I and ttlllI'td WIltlI '. .ry, tr.nd In 1Ynd. Fat IN lWfld'1 _ ftJI 01 ~ /twI )'OU c:MIlJfW»fSWId.

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Ollhe calves Of\ the warm Illlllldli Or the kem. on the hob Sing PNCI Into hlf; brent, Or ... the brown mlee boll Round and round the oatmeel-ch..t. FIN M coma, tn. fM.ItNIl r:Nk1, To tn. _t.rs and the wild WIrtt , ""Y, h.Jnd ,h heM. From , wodd ~ fIJI 01 WHpilg IhMIMcan ~ . .~a......y_


...in their own words ~ff Acldrr ·ToKO Jeff. Kp Noodles. July support I m," my ",~re-Io\"ef, checkbook m+d, kwe p "I know ,n over. ilnd 11 never re~lIy beg.Jn. but in my he,}ft 'I WolS so rul· -sporn 0. believe in two thrnp--se'O: ilnd deOith Only .lifter death you don't feel ~UCIOUS,· -wa Eric Adelsbftpr. I'm openL ~nkJ, Hockey, for the areil! tmlft. Good luck D.n, Mike, Mack. Messaros, New and the rest of the luoch table crew. The Gooch Works for me.. Thanks especiilily 10~. Dad,

and Age" Who 15 more foolish. the fool or the fool who follows him.. MIll

,,""ton· Thanks to my

Mom, my bros., 0100 my

grand p't... I'm walking on alligators... 22's ilt chews on a school nlghl... pink rnal1ians... I am Wieland...spooInik, over fortyl You got problems... To evcfYOOe r owe money to: I'll give illo you at the reunion!!

Anthony Auritmm.ll' Thanks Jarot... "Hey1 what numbet' are we 001" "Thanks Mike... °But you ;alre~y know that· Tex or Mac. A big poc~ Ire... lim Momson .1 love these I've left behind. Elizabeth

-Goodbye. Pol' 8;alctr· Vlade...5M,NC,TB,TM,MM .Fill the hoIYifild the Schuybll gods are here.F TP Tcoc Busted!",I'm ""V1n8 a ~ ""Ir day!...J days In Beantown. no food, no mooey...GoM.S,U. WI!lCO ..MlamIBU. Whefl this is I will know C,P ..Sean, is Pre1> aonn.a Win'..N.e. Pnde...Thanl( M. D, & 5 BriM! bntewia - Thanks Dad, Mom, Paul, and M<trl<', J needed all the help I goc. Have another mouse Dave K~in 8.I'I~r J.CMC.l Thanks to Mom, Dad, Tracey, and all my friends ExI~ Pickles; lOb of Pickles; Pile on the Pickles!...Go Mxkll. J conllnued in the tradition 01 the great '66!, .. o-lr~ Pnde ,. FSV ,long live the Fat Pack...(Jimmy, Rock, Ned)...shut up, Kareemt. Tom BUMS Barndog...Senior week '93 ... W~8ner .. Phil's pmes... Octoberfesl 1& 2.. .1 don't smooth all the tlme...Labor Day '9J...Tracks The Boys- NC, AR. RF. )J, DC, DC, OS. OM, Holbert Foley·s after SAT's .. ,BBQ at Tatu's... 11 was only a sandwhlch ...I'lng bridge ,Huck Finn Bowl ...Thanks Mom. Dad, Mati, laur~, and lhe family... C~ Barry - Hill children rule.. Whal'S your polnl ... Cut to the chase...Roli the bones.. Tout Le Monde Tout les AmIS jevousalme .IeOOII Partir Ddalshik boy ,Festtr. Wh..t'slhe F"l( numberr TNor~ IS" Fee Ieny ~ - ·For those who like ttllS sort of Ihlng tkey Il~· Abr.aham lincoln,..•Joe you're ..n .lImmaW Norwood '91 Forgel subufbl.ll. try hVlng in GTown, ,Stnng!l. by Bocchino - "'Thanks Ralph & Regln.a for haVing rTlf'- -who's runnl"3.aund the house n.aloedr. T.lItooEd",PhII·sgames..,·ORS- Wagnerruns • Tommy K, ooops, that's John T.lIlu· ·H~avy D· FlYing liber.. tors."The Field· ·Now, Now, Now, Calm Down· ·lfsJe.. nl·.·Just.llfew~ . . "llsa loeb, oops, Ihat'S Talu again.· D.lIve ~~r - M & D, C, L. MlcheU~ & KT,llove you all. Fast Edelre, Da Barge, Carml~, Roc, Dan. Chik, Slrm, Murph, Hun, lance, MoosemanWhaI'S your nameL.C'mon louie...Tl"QUt 8lock.. We full padsL SS8's, 4 more Inches and I can get 355 $1.1 5 on York I'd like 10 thank all the skinny people O-line Pride. 8roncoCJ or 'Cruiser...Yo Rufus, JUSI throw the balll...Shut up KareemL .. Chuck Brandl· ·Rocky Balboa il"."The duck is dud· ·SSSS·..., need a blankarW .."Have anofher" ....we want the world· ."ThaI bothers me·. ·VAC· . "Why'd I take AP European hlstoryr... Ashley Brand.Ion· T.L...Greal. greal, gr~alHlt that mutha ..Mlce, F.O...Qulck Robin to the Coolio0



mobtle... luv you Mom & Oad ...F. 5. rs nght bubby ...shop al SwamiS, Black, Bl.ck lightning...llove you, Andrea ,}oIln, Rossi, lack. We are the chafll9lOl'l5... Brendan Brftt - Money B.... wow lim, your car drive real good... Yeah Kid, have anod'lef...That bothers me You 0.1< ...Comhoho, are you threatening me OO you know the -4 splntual laws·...1 Jove n OF, OS, CB,!C, AB, MR, 7.L OYNOMm...Thanks o'o1om, Dad, Dlerdr~, & p.. trick 1Heard Marty's office is mighty nice Ihls lime oi year 8Ih period wllh Jay and Mr. Colistra...CRACKI Milc~ Brown NP boys Cl, RA. lG, I), RG, M & MM ...Carmen & k>e 1001...911'1 G, footy...Frost Mud Slide Bluebird ...Koon's 8angs...EarJ & Frosl...Bang, T. Bell Dine's Pizza ...Stoke's B-tub...Slaff's FOOI...lrish Pride Koons look iI...Tecmo...Mom, Dad, Bros than~ Hap Brusca - Yo Flan...Manos. the hands of fate ...JoU Sweet Stiff 1slunned you ...D- Move Dude By Me Skin ...Morn, Dad, Mike, Meredllh...Thanl( r love you. Phil Bur - ·My lire is perfect because I accept it as It is· -lenny Kravitz ...The Mir.cle Gig: 10l1l94...Spear...Four years and slill no lunch penod Two words: Carmi~ Awlce.. love them ur Ihieves! Hey Kir1l.: loggl...K l5. Alceslinger Du Jour: I'm thrilled, really...lts like we're sheep.. Thanks 10 everyone, especially Bird and Steve.J love you Mom, Dad. Kristen, and Mark..To my 8rother Peter, Thanks for listening. 1love you for It Mil.:~ Burd; -IGAFFBMI. Space5l.nt.•• lucky's ..Marc did ItI. RM 154 .Kuties--CU...Shardlynl al Bellz... ·Chastlty'" .. He.. ther.,.Court's aiter SA. rs,.Art Museum.. ,3 at 7, .. f\~ at Schafs.V'ER.. Are you going tosaeamr.,.Fighl.llt EIK·s...Trlps w/Koons Brad's ""eah, Riv, & We arel ...For lhe Boyz..•l YB2 Twon's.. Man: Burakiewia: - Th.,nks Mom, Dad, Aooene for everything., ,To be the man, you got 10 beat "The Man,· .Jf looks could kill you'd all be dead...Good luck Class of'95... I'm Audi . lance Capili - Heather Nicole Kriebel July 7, 1994 I lOVE YOU... Can you all remember the .\I\oontower, lopez's. Ryan's, Brad's, Healy's, and the Dooley's. Thanks for the fun times... To all my friends MO. MM, 81, MT, MF, Heal Dog, Sis, Curtina, Corky, My Secrel Friend (You know who you are.) And all olhers I forgot. Thanks, john D. Hang in there... 7130/94 Thanks DAVE. OJ Where are your Morals!... Me Cocky, Nah . See ya aU In Califoml" Slephen Cuamenko - Where's Yonkersl... latinos! How aboullhe footy team... Ji68...O-lioe pnde.. lost weelcend at the ~ ... Thanks everyooe Mom, Dad, Nick. & Pl· toe Cart - Bar de bpas .. Perm lest CoXs...OId you look iJt your report urd yecL.HB, F8. CB, Ol, OL.. ,jon we walkingLMe<et at the corner...GOtOg down 10 Vitz's . ,P,I. RIBhI VU.Front desk Tcns Schnoles Ice skates.. Tom Ca" - Happy hour,.Sub-Zero.. 3-1 vs. Holberto... FoIey's ·Hudbett""...Scavenger Hunt '94bosl:ed twic~ .. no, I don'l remember Labor Day weekend...ls Schiano going 10 hook us up Ihls Wffkendr.. "Grease Monkey"... ·Son, grab your books and hil the Irall· - Bro. Joe... thanks 10 Mom & Dad and the rest of the famrly ... Nid Cf'jas - Dirty Orawen '9J ,Pass lhe dip1. ..Beotch and Phon Pat in the )eeop... Um...He knows where ii'S at...Troc-busted...Dude,1 have seven graphs 10 do in lhe morningl.. .1 wonder where Mike is...Friendly's BOOIsie...Ed digs NrO... Bday al al Whipp or will... Yeah, hut I didn'l e~hale...Oude, Mar, I hope your nof busy fOf like lhe ne~t monthl...You, you, you, and you come With meLt thought you quit...One more Iry, chumluv y.llli'l: ,.Mom, Dad, Erika, & Brutus, Ihanks and stuff... laimf' C~aJIO$ - Nadar Deen Ou... Oonu might be in 0



the Shun c1ub.. .SI:ebs IS a 6, I'm .. 10.. De Ding I'd do i 10 her... Hil her load...She liles you, .. Fat duck's gi8811 If't's tum'em Ry... Where was I soph yearL Fatties 101 L. Joe, fronl desk drgs PWf"'~F ,just ull me Manfred... Frank CMn-y - Yo Kerns let's go 10 Bell's .. look at the little cockro.llch...Grrmr ,.Rlb-II•.. D1f'W, you're not fal ...Can you hang wilh thatL-Yo, Marty C-YA ... ROllborough rules ... Chris Clillyton - Thanks Mom and Dad, you're greal... Sweet!... Rocky Cilrino· Voc ...Voc-lof...Or Roc ...SChaf-hoW"s the fooa...seafood wilh SpuloNic...fal guys do nol gel work...koons 105 CD's...Jack, ANY NATY COKE ...Burak-who won Ihe Phillies gameL.me and Browni, 82 yds JV ludge... ls this the GAY Rights meetlOgL.6lh period labs in Chem with Mooe ...Moose $25 for 50 Darly News...jonny when is our r'lCd ttlP 10 Bermuda thanks Lott it's been fun Mike Clf'ary - Al'lCiliae Pride...Punk Fr05h,.Zuma Zuma...Phil's Game 6 ...Bums.lgnlllon Matchbol( cars...SII\'fl Bullet...Woodstock wrth J.S Bones ..sjrens... leedl~ leedle...Pajama J,ammy Jam...StlCky Jim Feehng. .. Blanky...Tr.. IO .• .SI:uck at Giz's . FJoritb .Yooo!. ..O.9... Tr~k With 8 ErmtelO.. 5Ie~pln' ..1 I·C.'s...C!oser rocks... Hand grenades...Shout out 2...M leA, JF,!C, Tf, SG, OS, MB, BM, TM, MH, MA,AM,C AD...CIosesl: fneods, Tuho, Ari:Io, Ff'mS. ru always remember the Ilrnes Pop-Pop Thanks Tom, Kate, Mom, and Dad, I love you .. O~w Coffey - Thanks Mom, Dad, Silluce and Mau~_. R.I,P, Granada...Alasans...7:05...Sr:alns.. .I'm serIOUS Marn... Bells...Fan.es Da Dlng5.. You notICe Marc.., Ace...Peari Jam VOf' CIe~ry's '93 .. Kmves Wall till rt snows jonathan...lnsh Ptlde-, lynch... Soph.Hop Jack's ..Pom-Pom.. .saboug~ ...Comsi'l:ed .. No shots for mob. Adam. Me's on me, fi~!. ..GQ, II'S only p<lper scrubbE I..n Coff~y - Clergyman, Sauce."Ace in the ride ... Granada '9J...lmpala '9-4...Da Oings..."The Wen- Lot'" '93 ...Yes I'm Drew's brOlher... Gorgon... loadman...Is lhal Ore' -Ramon...Great AClor...6/1 0/95 - My senlefl( ends.... know where that IS, righl BaileyL.Charge accounl at Mc's...You need oneL. lonny's dub ...loye you Mom, Dad, Drew, Maura ... loe Colistra· Thanks Mom, Dad, Amy, Paul, Hunler... Summer '94 ...Splash, inc... The crash ..PuI rTlf' in coad F~lI '9-4 ...PhYSIcs - Whyl. Track and FieldLIoe the fat gangsta John Collins - FIM. Ate, RITM, ZIZ. CIM, 811M. TB, THe. y~ah Kid...Party at Ash'sH~ve another ..un't It's kicked ..FSIRB .. Duec~ ~ .. alllhn 10 the Impala gorng 10 TBelL.ThaI BothM me .P5. Thillnks Mom, Dad, Sillndy, Mf'agan, Brend.lln, foiC. toe Connelly· Dino's Plzzena Red lion. The mighty V. Sl:lCks...ChnSl:emng the car ·Insh Pnde·Europe Summer '94... Poco loco &, Vermonl nght Kenl...lOltt street volleyball WIth 8T .Fl, FP, 8M, Bit. thanks for the good IJmes...,I,,1Om, Dad, Col. leo· Th.Jrnks for Bemg there over the years, I Jove you .. II. Neil Conway -Insh pnde...Tracks...Artic trek. ..Frylng Pans...llght Eighl91 - 95. ,Stots 94 Ptlils. Wagner... AI'shouse...26+6.. 1...Ciooabun, .. Narc of9J ... Subwa Senior Week...Irelalld 94 ... 8oys nighl OUI. Headlocks. AR (FAY), RYFO, T8, lG, DG, DG, IS, OM, OS... Than~ boys, I had a ball... Nan, Mom, Dad, Shane Thanks for eyefVIhing...BT (BUn Thanks for the support... Mike Courtney. Mom, Dad, & the Slickster - thanks f( evefVIhing...thanks to my teachers (or punlng up wilh me...To all my boys, Ihanks - don't any body change... left Cuooingham - Than~ to my parents and to my friends, ~Kpeciany Ga"er, Schmoebbs, G, lirl. Blake, ..nd Tom .Thillnks 10 my Brother Mall.. Michut CristaJdi - King of the Hill ..On the

atwalk...J'm Parker Lewis..J Don't go here, I work ere Key Club 2 {ABC, OEFI...These were awesome mes Doonel'", Keep the Hill alive...Mainlainanceob, john. Mike (My Boyz) Thanks for all your elp...The Omni never die; its in Ihe trunk of the elta...J've been on the roof. Ricola...Children of the lill. Keep il Clean... Never coold get me. could ouLFaceman Nick. nobel effort See, I've gOllnis sl...Footy Freak '94...Beeper-Boy The Egos have left Ie building...Eggs in suilcoats...Yes, I've slept ere...Sure I can get you oot of Ihat..J've spent over ,000 dollars on Cherry Coke...Baricade, what eXI/...Mom, Dad, Missy, Tommy. Love you guys. 60, >rever. :hris Cybulski. ·Oh, whal a twisted web we weave, fhen we first practice 10 dedeve:...Please no animals n the bike palhs... DO NOT call me -Sweet Pea·.. .! idn'l do it. Nobody saw me do il...·May Ihe force be lilh yoo.·...·live long and prosper'" oman Danyliw. 0l010010...·Big brother is latching· Thanks Mom, Dad, and Nadia for verything Pronounce my name right, :)meone...Thanks and good luck Brian (DU, TG. CB. IF, Je, MD,...PDP-ll is worth now muehLKB, ' nough said - 54 4C... :Hln Dawkins - Dickens 1117 ..."Tnere's no Romo'n on lis team· ...EaslSide Motel...Yo Ahn, Chicken Pats xlayL.No I can'l get free food al any McDonald's .Ballimore ·93 ...KilleeL.Go Temple!...Schalieur keep reamin'...Mo'n. Fedyna. 106 days...Senior at .... issahiehon7...KAHMSM 96...Mom. Dad. Dan.. hanks for everything. Love you all!... tike de Culro • Fidel...Cadastrophe, Guido Chang. i1ipino, 117 boy... SOMEbody...to the Libidomobile... ley MD: JC does the HP...to lG&CT: 4/1/94 in lchboro...to BP: Just ask for the Juiee...Absolutly: 6/ 0!94@152 ...Wispoll? .. Hey MG, break oUllhe FroOl oops...The 93-94 -Did U BreaH· toor: MdC,DS, "i,JE.CT...Polo Sport...IO BB&IG·Do yoo know Ihe 4 pirtuallawsl...Mom, Dad, Maebel, Michelle - this is Ie product of all those dollars, meals. and rides home nd whatever else I forgot- Thanks and I love you aUll lhn Dooley - 61, MM. MF, MT...Bob rememberthe lall...Mandy thanks for everything...llove you Mom .JF...Summer of·94 ...llYG ...A.B. yoo will make ...M.D. my brother snowboording...LC remember my ouse... N.S. lust have fun ...llove parties...1will make , no matter what... 'ike Dooley. -Iungle Bob· ... ·lohnny carpenter· . ....alt Dudinow - Stupidity & reality are very close I'm ne of my favorite people... ,dam Donahue- Thanx Mom & Dad I love ya. tUlnon. Spot Nic, Abs w/ Rocky, Cha load Me's on ou. 6th game at Cleary'l, Zoom.. Zooma, Catching lith Joe Shev. B's of 'em. Can't pay attention cause 0'1 .•• He-Hah. Steve can I wear Ihis I'll give it back, et's het one. 1st one ya sliff, Sho pan, Balley let's go 10 ee, Uncle Antwnas, Bow Wow Wow, Bug don't andle. 0.U31-1), I'm just kiekin it school Philly style. .ock you cooldn't cook toasl. FAJA,S.jAVA My name is teve, I'm grungy yet not so, Hey LOll you ain't even jQ. nice pencil neck Carl. Stranded at Gisondi's. tooy S... to. They jusl renl movies thaI'S il. Ter Head ).H.) Who's Chris, I know Phil. Hun Dotta (aka the leIhod.) I'm Serious Drew. Sputnik + Hutchnik. :atching wilh B.G. I started Ihe pack pack trend. our're all a bunch of followers. un Duffy - Thank you Mom &: Dad &: Kathy &: Gran r Pop & Duffy &: Toby...Thank you for the sacriOces &: we &: help!...A lifetime of thanks is not enough-I love ".1111 ... nsHA! ...Gee, Sean, what happened to... JSDI92, PGSA 93, YTI94...Steffan, Pat (fellow govies) ,Trumbore: What AP American paperm Miami ,iotsl COUNTERWARRENTSI Shickelwhatl What .... is poll1?DidjabangerDidjall am the they in rhars fhat they say...Thanks for the B+ in frosh Aquatics... 'ael'" 401 ... Dan, good luck, you fool, Steve, you can't ~ve ...Chris, what are you doing wilh an Exil signr A re escape signr Death in the Darkrooml McCabe Eng

IOI ... jE SUISI!I LOVE YOUR MUSE! Remember Love &: Laughte &: oatmeal breakfaSIS. I'll miss that. masicmushrooms(romoregon b this where .....e learn?U Jeff Dupte. AIl...PAWB...Yoo know wno you are... FOAD.. .1 don't like him, or him or him... Tacosl...Cul your hairLThe Debutants...The rockin Metropolis of Maple Gten...Do yoo want to start a bandL.Sifly Goose! ....HuhL. John Oyer - Faceman=CogginL.GODZIRRA...chaching...Arrgh-I'm a pirale.. ,Heal-dog...Oriphi...Fire hearth-slides... Bernie Fitz...·Do you like birdsr· ... Children of the HifI ...Philosophistic-One ...Freshman lunch Table... Pele Eisenhower· ·John Chambers does the hanky panky:...Can I get a Collen Durkin - Lapowski· WHOOPl..."lhal's ludlow lowell - with two ·L·s· ..:Girondo, shut up!·....Quick, Marie. get the gun· ...·1·0'1 not kidding. I flipped my car"' ... ~My man, Dooney!· ....Okay. maybe these sideburns are bad luck·...·Foolie Baby - AOAOAOAOI·...·Watch the stick'· ..·Hey, John, we pumpin' Bricksr"..Don·1 worry, I won't get los!. Mom, Dad's getting out tne map Joe Falasco - Falop...Go Eagles.. Ma.rc Falco· Peace to J.D .• M. DooL Bobby J. • M, March, CubaflO (l.CI, M.T...Garges telling stories in Psye. c1ass...Avoiding Wiley 3rd Lunch... N-town Posse - M.P.• B.B.• Pooh. & I.C.:Eganfest~- (Mike. I can'l feel my legs)...j.M. &: 1.K. -'Nuff Respect..To my true Boys -Sen Dog and E.W. Thank yoo ...love ya Mom. Dad. Sis. Mike. &: Buteh...Thankx Fellas...Amie. I love you...P.S. -Senior Week. FOOUI.. Brian Fanning' Green Pigeons... Bird...Phil's '94.. Beavis at the T-bell. .. lost in Jenkintown ...Steve·s brother...Sloppy Joe, and ·NOIl·...thanks to my family and friencls...Cloro)(...Regat Beagle... SIeve h.nning. BIRD!...Iet's go 10 Chuck ·E· Cheese ...gelting caught: Bird. PBIV Barryl ... Denny's ...getting caughl again: PBIV Chevy Lumina - Black & Decker toaster oven ...lhe Dog and Snoop Dog want to play Laser tag...2 Fribble and 3 drinks...1ittle E...Ihanks Mom. Dad. Kelly. and Brian! Chris Falh· '"Two-please!lI· leI the madness beginAshes....fear·some four-some Friendly's 1+2 ...who needs poolsl...got any lokens - the 16...el malador... Mike Fedyna - original ·direction· man...·1I20"... Field Party '93 ... New Year'sEve '93 "Just a few people Rabbi·...·Scav Hunt '94·...i1 was great...41201 92...DRB....Guys, I realty did!I·...Energizel bunny ...Baltimore '93 - want some ice? ..Mon. Dicks. Vlade - 106 days of hell..:Padre· you stiW...ring of fire ... thanks for everything - Mom. Dad. Bill. Joe. Sean. len ...to all my friends - RB, RV. CS, MH, CG, Rl. jN,)Tthanx for the memories...AH,..Thanks Pop... Mike Ferrare - Thanks jozy &: Chuck and the resl of the fam ...is that my spleen on the ice/...What are the speclalsLlaler lunchboys: BM, DS. SS. BT, MM, AN ...Iook OUI for Ihe treel. ..Slealthmode - Booml • Quackl ...aUIIi righlY then! ...·you wanna wrestle·...l'U kill yal...Weeu the juicel. ..good luck Gtraf/iHick... ShOlwn Finney· • Yo hands! How about a little fOOlyl· ... ~Il was 10... Jomamma.·..:Whaltest!· ... ·That's o.k., I'll do my math homework in history class!·" Tim Flanigan - ·rm not in the middle..:JDSagittarius...·Padre·_RH .. ,ID, MF ."Thanks alol guys! ...jaime...5lop bothering me1...Whar's up Hap!.. Pu88i-leave me alone or I'U Kick your@!iS!...Shutup about my sisler...Joe-Yeah Right!..:lt curls by itself" -MM.. .J can'l hear yoo- MMcK...·Sweet· -CC...MF·Stiff"...Ceasar...Thanks Mom & Dad...Bye alJl... ~1 said I'm not in the Middle· . Ryan foley - Cinna'Bun Blue Bull...·Refaxf We're nOI going to gel eaughr...·Whitemahrsh'·...MH (the great NARC of '931...Chump...lS Swim: 6years and still going...•Alright, D-town. none of you saw me here lonighl·..:Pumach stumped·."Ireland Pride (NC)... Holberto Angelino in the nude...lone Ranger Artic Trek.... Did you drop a Quarterl"... Bob Madey Tracks and Peeing Bridge...Air Ken in jeep...Bide...Phils Games...Wagner..Huck Finn...Smooth Operator... NC

AR TB jl OJ DC DS KL IG JT RB OM BK NC MH CG... Tim Foster· Frosty 1132...Blue bird Bubble Balh... Hi Ply-wood".Socks...Yl '94, NC '93 Footy '94 ..:The BoyZ·...Alligators. Tom's Ba~ment. ..T-BeII...Thrupgame ball ... Bang: Brownie Earl...'92 Montley Crew ...Zuma-Zuma...Mt. Bells ·Dunk·...Thanks: Mom, Dad, Ted. & Ter... Dave Fuller· Nllove you Andreal·."Ash:·Yeah kid!·... NI need a blankar1!"...·Great, Great. .. !~ ...·Hit thaI nwlha!·.... 1hate BF·..:Chuek, have anOlher!·... ·SSSSSf· ".thanks to the Christian Brothers for the granl...Chuck, ditto! ... Kyle GOillagher • Killeee... JDee...Ceeee....Thanks Mom &: Dad...congratulatioos to Cindy &: Chris. on fONE Chris Garges -liberator's greal fall. ..OCtoberiest '93 niee legs Holberto Streaks AgainL.SubZero j.Tatooo Wagner funs... D_Town Boyz ... pomach stumped...TKE fral party,..freshman year haircut...happy hoor. ..no Ray. u can'l drive...Carges. you lalk too much...watch out for jean and Cheekof ... Hey guys, where did you tell your parents we're going tonightl...Mom. Dad. Sue: thanx for everything... Jason Gaul - "This is where we learn· . K. McCool ...Vampire party? .. FaK it. I;harge it. speed-dial, orange Siurpee 1/4. FUCHSIAL"My bult's all wetl...Do yoo know the Four Spirituallawsr.., Smol<e bubble contraption ...Think they knowL.Whal Cnee-tosl.. Capuccino .11 7th period,..A diary, an empty house. and a friend .. Tom Gaydos - ·Yeah. kid· ...part at Ash's...thanks Mom & Dad... John Giansanli - ·Put it in Ihe frig, Phil· ...guys, Ihe bears smiling al me!. ..lhe Back Porch lrish·s basement ·92 The Magic Bus..:The Quelude· Senior Week '93 Wagner 40 1.wit.93·95...states 94 T-Bell.Barry.Jerry ·Moming· BF...quoles from Koey ... bow pair NC ..gig '92...thanks for everything: Mom, Brian. Mr. Hoff & the boys... Tom Gibson· 12 shore points in 1 night. .. ·How do you think Ihis looks for 1S bucks·-anonymous... ~Your parents should go away more often·... ·What state are we in (C.F.I· ... 636 Township line Rd. Mike Girard· Ihanks Mom. Dad, Celine. Brienne, Dan ilnd Kate...sweet...jungle bunk '93: we don'l mess arooncLwhere are the dancing girlsLJ'm not COOling back neKt year..AP gym..fumble! ..Put the weights away SIeve Gisondi· Who took my tests Freshman year1...Hel-one Spoot·nik... jaime de TOfres is a 6, I'm a IO.. .fatties 1OI .. Jor the boyz... Uncie Antoine... java ...sloppy... mas fahilS...johnny, how'd you gel the assislant pro job at Woody'sl...sorry Adimml.... Hungaimsl...bunon-it!. ..Did someone lose a bunny? ....GBFNC .. DWD4Tc...love ya Mom, Dad. and Stepn. DOIJg Giuliolno - ·Now my plane's flying out of control with a brand new cargo of brand new SOtJI· NOU ...Guppy's...indoor air...Heeeeey. Mangnum. Nonnan...Gu88er do jB impression...Siorski, is that Upper Morelandl...Slug-you Boogie Eater Mohlman Jarkie 6 days in Das Coolah... Dutch oven black magic's..Craiger..Speedo-boy...BMcG, what are we gonna lalk about al retreal...the questions...David Banner I·m on the runL.Bilttle of Naps...it's soap. DU88erl Dickies...Carmine Appiee...Squlrel ...v·idiol ...GQ,..smoolh conS...AD ·go Ihrough the window· ...scarface...poweroands,..tha nks lH,AM,LB,IS. Womba.PG.GG,M+D .. Jolred Goodwin· Albert What II we on Tonel Mike, 'IrJlAREAD... Seanny,spin it! ... Sis. your fly is down again... Henley... yo Scal...8<>b·s Boyz...Marty lack...the goof w/lhe video l;amera...Argentinian Bow Man.. ,Yeh, Messinz ...FTP...shady Reds...Gol LaSalle! Go! ...thanks M &: D Tom Cough. Thank God.. .thank you Mom & Dad, I lo\'e youl ...thanks 10 CPC.Ro.CJ,SM.DM,Murph.Ban for a great 4 years...Tommy Go-Go Dancer...Where's Bro. Joel Where are weL.lt CRASHED again? ... ROMAN and you did what? ..You can't prove il...lce Man· keep in touch...good luck everyonel. ..couldn't pass math wI o you Shuslack...TY 111 ..


Dous Guger' Snuttev is the Boy to'l'...Noomn, Storm

memClf;IIble ve:a~!

...Beef Blue boy. ,the hobbtL..TeeL.Junior Week.. The

8rian Kirkpllrick. -An konest

Guppiys... th4inlu for eYel)1hmg: Mom. D~. Cr.lllg.. .lind Chile•. W.lIgner, -Give hIm the he~ lock, Ned-... Ie(s 80 umpmg...th4ink5 for the fun: IJ, OS, DG. KMc, NC, AR, TB, WB's, etc. Ken H.lIg.llr...Shut up M.lIck...Yo Mason· How m<'ny wins do lhe Eagles h.llveL.gel a clue... Ryan H.lIrTinglon • thanks for pushing me: Mom, Dad. Jeanine &- Roger, I love you ill my boy MuJls my predecessot, Peter my successor 707KO Blue DiY Blue Pel Chal119S 94...and 95 UUB...vum in me vile...DP's.. .I'1t ull you back . Mucur; H.lIYes • Jocko CoIlmsworth...DMR, 400m school recorcL360s in the caV...lt's bound 10 come down on <I blll5tery cby...h fits In my Belly Button Chris Heaty. HEAl-[)(x;.. .I love youl...Tiger5ry1e...HlO power...cold chillin·...bea5tie5... the lovely lunch 1.:tdles ..Subaru Gl-l0...5.lIble-<:<lI...Tippi loes... Ryilln Hkke· Th.llnk you Mom, Dad, Scott and my whole familv . J love you...MemonaJ D<lY ·94...bike races can'l even...Shore '94 ...5 bucks...cheap nlghts h.lld 10 be tnere... oot mv glrl ...lhanks 10 my fnends· DP, JM, RF, DC, DG & BM.. .! even <lm<l.l:e rr'Iy5('lf sometimes Mar<: Holbert - -Don'1 worry - we won'l get uught·.. Who ~nts wlutLJe.lln &- ChICO... Double ve:asI...Now, now, we'll be fine.. .Another cbmn Kc)dentL ·Road triP 10 Wqner •... the SNdow... ·~nto· ..Octoberiest., don't worry R<lbbt...only iI few people ..Sub-Zero in the Quanro...com·cob skiing in the)ella l;lIck Horpn - Th<lnks Mom. Dad, loody, Malt & Brian...Hey Man, whallime is itL-Whal pi.l:u1...AM, DC, &- Q in d<ls coolah quarters wilh lulu ...Gig .II my house after indoors Hey Koons _we're Irapped hey guys, let's renl a trolley... hey KS...waJl· nut5... Whefe do you want it. SlugL ,jPe... Does th4il Include the IlpLHey Mue .I'U see you .II Bells ..54th. 60th, or 69thL.Hey Bult, Wx.ild we <lisle her, Mom, I'm st.'lym8 011 Mike's and going 10 church Bob Ivq- • Home is where you end up stayIng the summer...lh<llnks 10 my boys - the Doobie Brothen ij&-M),lC,MM,MF Kilbride will <llw<llYS be 2nd, ,.party 'til va drop...lake me down 10 lhe P;lIradise City where lhe gr<lSS is green...there's always room for jell-Q...lhe FUBAR crew lives on!... Ken J"melI· li9 ...ybo Ri.l:on. li.l:eI'S glw llzO the fiulr i.l:on lhe di.l:ouble di.l:utch bi.l:us...D·movoe Where's lhe cakeL.I go! mine JVbunon It Skut.. .I'm <I Wigger, word up gee.. .Atty Wass...lhanx 4 every. thing Mom, ChrIssie' & .lenl'lle v .. ,/ldlgen vxll80lt. lidtgelS gidigo 1ld180 Jidi~lgeph'S & yidigour flidil.llndm,disoms hKfigouselove Y<l...Word 10 BIg Btrd... Carl Jan,neni· nice calch, Hands .Yes. Man. 1115 bionic.. .in C<lSt' of fire (or Back 10 School Nighl), do not use lhe elevalor... Joe Iuliano - ThanQ Mom, HoUy, & Alchle...lll1hts of '92 ...Wigner..Teef...Guppiys...5miny &- Squirrel· 51. D's pride... 8eef.. ,llove the J<lm...Tahnks DC,DC, DS,NC,AR,etc OOwn with I).Town... the wooh .l:il pledge...thilnks . D.lIII Kaminski - Regal Beqle..Tr<llvolla.. }uois..Donkey Iips...Scoob...Elvis...My Cuba.n'sl .. bay be...RiCh K.lIlW.lICki • tulr. I lose my Silnrty <lnd found my life O<lvid 1 ( _ • Yo frank le(s get <lI fatty 80m'...4th penod: lime for a smoke...5Ih period: time few i1~

H." -



Andrew Kerekovk • Children of the hill.. Kickmyhoblch ...Green Day... coffee... Sev T·bell... I'm igainst drunk driving... Kickyourhoblch Krupps· coffee-maker... T·bell... Tim Kilbride - SIOIes GoJd!...Cm.. Bob...Hit Me...A· P1us...While Tr<llsh...Co.l(swain ... 187 Days Why can't we rO'N happyLCh<l.(hing...McJuanald's TM JD GM BI ICM... Crabl...thanks Henry Kim· L<l5.lIJIe Wf\'Sthng needs more re<:ogl'll. tion! .. .5tudy hOIrd DannyJ.•.Thiinks U5a.lIe ~ four


I:nw n'I<lkes ilS own

fnends-· ~n MoIson.. JI's hke we're sheep... B<lrry ...the Be.ul... the Quelude...T·BeII... bad in pI<lid... Oh, yes! Undenvear IS n<lmm<llble...b1ps 10 the en'Ielgellcy room...fuscos a car thief IS;ll bealllrfullhll'lg. unless it's Phil's mom ·Don't fe<llr whal you don'l und~and·...thanks for everything Mom &- Dad... Chris Koch· Thanks Mom & Ow: wilhout you and your $6ClClO/ve<lr, I would h.llve never made it...yo George, I'm a college man looL..whre's the Quadr ...Boy, did lime sure ny... Mike Koons • Does that Include the lipLErnetgenCy BrOlke..,Brown's got my bKk Punch II, Earll ... Hollywood Barrel... l05 CDs Yeah, well, I dnve iI buc.ket.. 6Mn WIth louty & .IOIck... G·SIde P'nde... How the I get out ofherer.. ,quartM With Aunl lulu ..SI<ly'n 011 jack's tonIght. Whal piu<lLMagaI and Bull keep lhe wrath alive!. .. lance lapworth • McHugh 5·' 2...0tuo Slale...Tom's basemenl...Yo Tom, you gOl 5 onesL.yo Ski's· where you alL.Modev Crew...D'at my Chrisliooooo ... Dimmers. Dimmers, &- more Dimmers ... Clearview ,DJ,5tan • Ihanx for lhe support • 22's on chew wllh Man on.ll school niat!t..hey, Ihis is Joseph 5.lInlucci ...What's up, wh<lt's upLAtt.. Alex leviM - trip 10 Pink FIoyd...Super Street Flghler Ma.sler... Hoop Ride.. ,lhe ""ethod.. ,no you can'l eat the football lhrow one In 5.lInlangelo's basement ...egg flghts tnp to Cron<ln's. .late nIght Denny's runs thefe goes fatty agilin,lerO'l'...bonfires in lhe backyard...Oermot's rug dump...New Ye<lr's Eve '94 ...Sc<llvengef Hunts Walklng undernealh lhe Iressal ...the annuallndian OOn'l make me have 10 chase you .. ,mad wrecked Damm Willi's Ihal tanoo did hurt ..PI<lVll1g ball in the 1\000.. Bundles... W.lIlk.1thon lrep. ,.Mrs. B<lran, ...Anna ii'S been great thanks for always bell'lg there... lerO'l' Slnve 10 be the best tNl you can be .lind don'l ever lei <lnything gel m the way of your dre.llms. Good luek.. .Mom <lind D~ thilnks for <llw<lIYS puttmg up wllh me <lnd trying to te.llCh me the good Ihlngs in life I love you bod1 very much, e.l(lJ.lI special Ih<lnlu & peKe go CIUllO Butts (Of beIng such i grea.t friend and alw.lIYS standmg wllh me ..Dovle &- Willis & Duke and all the other boys IhanQ for aU lhe grealllmes ..I<lIh live... Ken Uber.lliore - "Tommy K. or Usa loebr·...Shul the '10' upl...Scavenger Hunl '94' ·Can I roam wllh you <II the Correctional Faciliryr·· CC... the D·Town Posse brings lhe enlertall'lmenl once OIgam...do you ~II -frshman· wllh one s or IWOLRF: '"SometImes Ed h<lls to be lold more thiln once· pole v<luillng: onlv the best s1Kk off... ·Ray would get the soup·. JZ... "SaIt's good for rW· MH.. Om lopu -Ihanks 10 AlmlgMy God... Ye.ll1 Hunt Club-good idea ... hey Bird -I stIli ha:\'e your jeans ...Who hilS flreLWhy, no officer· drugs badl ..can J bum <I...mll'lonty...80 OIheOid Gl, me fnendt ... ·jo we gu ba ra da SOLO hal hal hal·...hey dog - cool guy· loss a frlSbee ...soon It all comes to an end 10011001 .. Mike Lanier ·IMGQ & URNOT except Jonny lol, give me a bite oftha!. Balley...U no! me, h<lh lVnch, ilre you Phil's brother1...ChfJ5lm.llS carols, 5chaeff dragon...bells...dotP ..my bobbin...mash potatoes Phil, Br.mdon, M.liG<lI!. Coil, T·w, st<lly In school .. ny n<lnle IS "d<llm, Ilhmk IMGQ...Roc:k '74, O-line pode righl...tNnks Mom, D~, Herbie. Jason, john, for your support· I love you all ...RIP Pop... Fred loru550- ARMADlllOI Shopping cart barl<ht...Oper<ltion Barney '94...The rwd to Dingle ·ludwig please, di<ll 61, ludwig"... Speed Pltch Tonel...RussI...5hotgunL.·00 you have a metal plale in your head,...."1 Dino...Blue Bird Club...Kevin·FiI1 me up Cvmber, Nosker...RB PrlCle: 23,32,38, 21 ...W<lde O MV Olt$% left h.llnd...Thank you Mom &- Dad (or everylhmglll Chris lynch. bIg print CUrsIve wnllng..,New Yr.llr's ...woohoo.. lt all can cN.nge one nrght..Mlckey Bells . .Fhppen...QC 93...genmg new fneods ... Chrisunas


Eve...Nalty & Ml00 & prel1:els ...dunk settJng caughl .II Wa w.lI ..MI Bells.. Flalrock...Real World ...SATs Courtney... tHOP <II 3.. .5Ioker glgs.. ,for the boys... you gottJ eallhe SolIndwich...Sh.ays &- ShEM th4inks,,0I1so BT & IPtNnks Mom & Dad for puttins up With me- I love you. ,.good luck Ptlll .lind the rest c Tim lyons - Forget a.bout whal other people Solly, go and be cr.ny, cr.nH'I(!SS IS like he<lYen .. wilve 10 crosswalk patrol molhers... never give anyone fNilcake ...lhe besl is yellO be... Br~n Mack . Mom & Dad. lhanks for everything... D~ EM, '88 pass II Mlke...!'m open...Mooooo No Mere Mickey Forrest... Bobby, the kid. and Enc Pmski spou...Shut up H.lIger... Pete ~ --00 Of do not, lhere IS no try:. YlXb .lhanks Mom, Dad, Tom, Katie. Mnt.. and ....'\egan... Tom Madden - Th<lnks Mom, Dad, Pete, ~le. Mall. Mrs·CS,.lG, TR. SF, Cl, MM, MK, CK, KH, 55... strong!.. Yo jackl..JPOP...NFA... No Way! .. .l·m not gomg down lhe shore.. .! don't know• .lIsk Bllt.., Mike Mud! - What's up' 10 Ihe Doolev twins, John and Mike, lance. Bob, Molher Falco...Party hearty al Dooley's...·Gravily B:...p.155 11 N·Town's way.. Down the CIty ridmg the nlghllrain, ·Spark ,11-. What's up to Ct on my car... Peacel Gene M.J.rtuw - ·Oh, yes Indeed, it's fun lIme· than! 10 my friends on the NE bus for 2 yea~ of fun: lori, K.lIren, Mane, GI~ & Joe, ·Honest .I·m 16·...down, .. /'IO you can't borrow <lIny money...thank: Mom & Dad ~ ~lI'Ig Steve Marlun.lllln - FTPbaby...Wr.llaas5sllng.Under. ground Cinema Society Member... Are you gall'lg 10 praclice loday, HebeL.5lh period Fry-GuV.. -5.lIullerlace· Whal·s wilh Cinnilmmsonl...lhanks Mom & Dild . Kevin McCulcheon -.21 ..ST Prlde.·Got your 8C fell.ll5r· .KC. -Sn<lke·, Dlmo, <lnd -Ihe EsklfOO·...'"Wc got G·rod here·... Yo Flan. you're sweetl, tNnks 4 evef)'ttttng Mom, Papa ChICO, Shan, .nd Big Mallluy ya all.lOF WillS here. Se<ln McOftmon - I'll hOIve a Dilly Burser ple<lse ..Hey you hOIve the f<lt poIKemiin from Zarro. lhat's gottOi be worth something, ..Shut up K.lIreeml ... Hey kid...Why go hameL ..AB Hot tubbtng (MB},FSB... f '94 .. ·DAmn il BeOlvisl·...Why do t gena be Mr PinkL.I Joovve youL Ralph Consey, .To mv family and friends, Ihanks...Barger, 00 you have a class /'lOw' Nol...lt WilS food poisoning. I swear...Go away hrzan Sleep NowL ..Jawbreaker...BarefOOl in Philly.. Kevin McGarvey. hot bref.lr's so hot out herel...chlCken beef.KI, wh.lIt are you ~Ing <l1L.Put thothe Ihigarths OUI ..Your Cill won't buy me dnnk,..we're conless. Without WIth'. --5C"voenget' hur '94 SchOllleur. I SIIl1 W.lIt!t my money let the Party Begml...thanls for everything Mom, D~, Palnc:k. Amy & Tim ·llove you, Mi~ McKeown· Because I'm the 'elil head coach.. V Quad '93.. .1 don'l talk loud _ t jU$llike to shout...5top kiSSing up 10 Mr. Ponisciak, Timothy...Hey Mike, lei'S drrve OUllO D'lown and come right back home... Am lihe only one who likes the Cranben"iesLfSB, FTP...Thanks/\llom, DoJd, Abby, a.nd BIll forlne limes in D.C. . )a.tnft M. McHU&h Jr, - "T.lICk team <lnd it's groupces· .Yo MJric T.8ag(N B.I.5.lIh.. .Al ...C.P.. AM, J.H., D.G., J.P.• C.Me, WoIf,-Th<It's your sign: Kerr's BooK 01 The Month Club. Go 10 College BlaSI .. ,Crazy legs .. -I don't rteoed sun lotton·...Marty Mac's gol O.P...Th<lnks Mr Devu'lr...She·s 01 carpenler's dream lSXC. Thank you Mom. Dad. and 1en.. J love You Mark MCMolnus - Thank you Mom, Dad, Brian, and Amy...Hands of Slone, feet wllh wings...., lhink I'll b here awhile, so I guessl'U Sit down" Talk 10 the coronecLThose ~re good Iookll'l' Madden boys... -Hr's Forrest Gump wllh" <lnl!Ude' Man McMonipe· Blunt.. ~ P. McN_ _ - Thiinks Mom and Dad fof PUlllftl up wrth me for the 1<lSl four years but It was

:lf1h fl...Thanksl... In McNichol· Hi, my name is D... VT-KAY... We're oct.•. Worlds I've uned...SHUN ...ARSS...BANG...Alrighl... 125 double ~e, on one...Oo you want to come up here and do sL.Seriously, where did Earl come fromL 1'J1give ~ pep talk, what do I sayl...Pichol..:Blue 8ird~ are u kidding meL. miel P. McNicOOl· Eamide motel, Halloween '94 Natch out for those eggs•.. 109 in the ba.sement... nember me... PPf'TI... Uhimale Wedgie EM, buckle s...88Q at 1;(1() AM.Mom, Dad, Kev,Tim,Em, Inks lot anything. love ya..J.P.,R.C-H., j.D.,D.P. D.C :ill P..trid: McWillwm· ·McWitly", "5eany... peak ouI if you have been wronged, ..nd no one, • even teachefs, can dispute a reasonable Jument.·... ·1 would like my ~IC impr~1 be an enmple of how anybody can do well and :JSper, even with a leamlng disabilllf . In Mee • let the madness bealn (Ashes}...\Yho's got ~ homewor"Lorn.tal...ftiendly's 1... 8atave.Aln'l in' down 10 Wawa Rlcky's hes.. .!n cash, pleasoe, ur honor...dostaSS ftiendly's t1 .• .I\IIoessief"s Lts.. .MomSy...eI matador...Is our tab supposed 10 be lOkingLEd, pullhe' fantasy away .. no MeIe • live long and prosper Utke chances... mks Mom & Dad... :ke MesPros· ·llve your life filled WIth toY and J~·R.E.M ....We can room togethet' al the rrectlOOal faclllly... Who bnngs the excrl@fT'lenILDNO (M.T.,B.P, CG., M.H"K.l"C.5.1 . "Mmm.. con" -Homer (SImpson}... Pumaeh Slumped... M1C 9... Ken did whatLYou boys on a scavengei' huntl 1OC00ate PasIa.. M.H....R.E.M. doesn'l suck. Snyder, u do..Rabbi -me, you, DQ...Thanks, all in aU .. m Mnsin.ll· Thank you SO much Mom & Dad .. oct luck, Michelle...Hi Marissa!1 Smile! BOHICA hanks for everything. Bro. Frank...IHTfP but we're vet" gonna survive unless we get a trnle crazy ... lalever...GO NAVY! BEAT ARMYI...Are you locked l...HERE I COME READY OR NOT, HCX>-TAHI .air winds and following seas... ! Mit-hie' SkuIJL.Yo. am I takin' .. 11 you guys meL.BK, JG. I think I just passed the exit - OH ElL.RH, you koow...favorite song - ·1I's a beauuful y in the neighborhood·....St.ay on the apple farm· -. McCabe,.. Miller· Eric the great...gYnl hockey...grcen rstals...breaslStrokel...popcorfl...fath's on fire see 's...fantasy...PB's all around...IO the Batcave tea 3ni...'93 Phils...Dj's one of us now.. ,G·Man likes Iilsco... hini a! laSalle...Mad Bowl..Al...WIlo stole ,- }oe1.. .Iate papers... bay-bee...eat it all Dan... C..Messier stinks...Cem footbalJ... nickname: Huey. ,,"rett Miller· Home is where Ike Miller is...It's lIerTime... 4 sips arld OUI...Yo, WHATS UP...Erg. lilt'S IhatL.I wanna go 10 Henley...lhanks Mom, d, Sharon, Scon, & anyone else who has supported

ely Mohl- ·Andre's. MoIosn·...Mom & Dad, INnks .verything...·DG & lH. report to das coolah·...Oead 14/94...200 man Pride... Batlle of the Naps :...Wall-NulS.. ,SUtn·s pride... thanks MI. D...lHIDGI 'i(DMRlICVIMKIX-C crew, good lucklUSAC ~ UOS~ 8-8AlllDK stoner... Itt Molloy. o\IIolloy... Hurricane.. Puddles...Yo 11er, where you at. kidl...Yo Tony, you :lWL.McDermon, you alO't SOC gamel ...YoCarl. ya tlin' on the btonlC hmbL.Yo SIeve, whatever bbles bobbles up...Yo Finney. you'll be Ii... rna In a 1 down by the n~ ...Yo 8rett. I ptggybKked .J... Yo Kareem, ya plaYIng al C~rlre Martin ~al St<Mt'uml...I"'nks 10 all the faculty, pa~. j fellowstudenls - Goodbye & Good IlKk .. n Mo&ony. fTosh l'8htwelght 8 -rhunder killed i trolln. sd~ thu~ ..!hanks NC, AR, T8, RF,/D, OS, DG, DG, JG, 10. Mom, Tom, Col, Gfandmom, ... Harry Mansf.eId Ptllls ne...tracks...subway Wilt;twood '94...Ned·s


house...the Bear...JD·second row... Mik~ Monaghan. 50ny I'm late...I·U be there. I swear...no, rt's not a perm ... JEREZI JS & TF...No really, I'm not whipped.. .Ye's, my bult's really Ihat nrm... lose the skirt. Rabbi - the girls are gettina Jealous ...boy's night at Nick's...Hi. my name is o\IIoses...OK, who wants a ride in a 1982 &lick Skylark SS limiled EditionL. Sean Mullipn - Trot, pass the dip! ...Peace to the 1eep... Petites suck...FTP...yeliow hatcl'lets... Murphy's ...50, I'm I B, I left my Penn card at home, OKI .. ,Dude, we got Phish or the Dead· no man, no Floyd - Phish or the Dead Oni in Ille house...Hrm...Senior Week '91 ...JNRT '94 Thanks Baket', Beotch, V1~, 8aer, Bob. PL, KR.lR, JH. MM, CG, BH. D-Town Posse, l5lwts. Mom, Dad. Mike, V-8 Pride 93-951... Dennis Murphy' lhanks Mom & Dad for your love & support...Pat &Tom, "Here-'s 10 us, and men like us, 'cause !here's so goddam few Ieft'"...the best of luck 10 "II my friends - God Bless... jeff Murphy. ~she don'l eat meat. but she sure Irke the bone·...-Ve..h.l·m 23- ...INnks Mom & D.ad for "II your help...Dan - Sle.llth mode... 1drdn't know she ....-orlced at camp ...8rian ·Mustang Manouders· llndsay ·we all know you~ ...·My howe IUSl: got egged NM, MP, MS, 8M, MI', ·Boom" TR, 55... Pal Murr.ay· EEEEEE...Girrrll...gnm...lhanks Mom & D.adI...Curtrs .....ron New - Curt. Adam, .....ronL.O"rk Eagle ...SS, I'm taking driving Iessons!...luSl remember one thing: Ricky Rudel is III ...Turkey & larvae nangin' rn the library good luck hockey in '9610 N, MK, CS. GK. OJ. 5M 1ove ya Mom. D~ and Andi - thanks for evflything .. ~ff NNideck ·Ihanx to Kristy P., my he"ter - love always special thanx to Kurt &Christine, my teachers thanx to Snoop. 80, Beach. Ange, Mrke· couldn't ha...e done it without you... thanx 10 the fellas • stay in louch...thanx 10 all the girls just for berng born - hope to meet more of you,..Thanks to Kook, Brain. Mar, Dani, Ma and Pa, especially /ABU·lIVE ON ALWAYS!... David Nolan - Word up to my boyz DH.Cl.CF, SO. BV,PK,KC,CN,DG,PS...Thanki to my r~mily. Mom, Dad, Kim, Thurston, lee, and Steve...There is no Dana. only ZeuLFOlSA...Who made the time stopr...Didjabangerdidjabangerdidjabangerl...Rebel girl, you are the queen of my world.. Mike O'Brien - Hans, franz, Nebble, Orange. Pastryl! ...8ut you know thatl ...horses and trunks,..Tony, I think Jared's haVing trouble with his girlfriend,..Hey. Pat, stop asking so many questionsl ...Chl What a baahgint. ..Cocky1...Going down the hill with donut in hand ... ZZ on the CD and tile sunroof open thal'S life...are you bCl...How do you meet airlsl As Tony would say, "CooU-... Pat O'Connor - PESHA, Doorknob trun left. doorknob tum right, Are you 6d Pinocytosis? SEPTA sucks, don't you agree Davidll000pl Yearbook decalhalon, Oul of sight out of mindl Oh, dearl The cheese! Gee, Sean. why... ! Thank You to aU of the ChristIan Brothers you have given me thoe opportunrty of a lifetimell Steffy, OUf, MOB, Trumby. D.).! ENTHo my fellow Goviesl PGSHCP '94! Mom, I love you dearlyl ~nk you lot all of your sacrificesl Timothy and Ryan thanks for beina great brofhen! GraOOmom I hope you're proud of mel Thatnk You 10 my enlire family for your love! MooR O'Neill· 1994 footy ~ason ...famnounl P..rk wjPluck...6Ist beach w/Magarity,8&D. Sleep. & P1uck..My window WIth Honney &. lynch's backshfeld window.. .MoosemVl.. .Mouseburger ...college & worlc!l!.. .sI~ al 8&D's.•.fights with CHA Boys....8ell's MiIL.TIC on mylll... Bull, pretty da kid, Mapt - Shy cool... Durw, ~ the "hood" pride... Mom, D~, Erin, IIo...e you SO much!...Terry, t"'nks lot your support!... FrMlk Pa~i. Havey Hahoor...Nrce....-orlc me, mrssion completed...94 varsity li8h1werght 8 is '1 ...T8 ptcks sweet 1ot:s... WaWil tailgat,ng...PCl champs

6x...Mom. Dad. & fam - thanks for everything... Mike Petruso· Peace &Thanx 2: Mom. Dad, Sis. Shilo...The What's Happening Crew - Raj, Dwayne & Re-run... the N-Town crew...OCB 7·11, Chip & Jim ...IC, ·Eat lhe 8agl"...spirit of 79 KM, 8B, BR, AS, Mf...Capone's...the German class chocolate pasta ...Tony linle...Free Cazar...·PSK, makin' that green· Scllooly-D...C-YA... Joe POIrKCoiI • Eastside MoteL.Paavilion, "Remember me. Ptnl lighl wand 001- 8RW...8ird out on the Boardw~lk ·8ite ill·...We're just plaling pooL They're no! mine.. .1 didn't do nothtn'...Peace thanks Mom, Dad. John, 8ri, Dave, & Jim, Jove ya...OM, RCH. 10. DP, OC, S. n, l5, KK... 8ri.ln Price - Sil down, Kenl...5ub-ZeI'o...H"ppy Hour.. l w"nt 10 keep this small...lrampo!ines are fun ... Where·s .. b.all, a g1ovel...WoiI8net"...WalCh out for smoottlle...yoea hockey .. .speds...liberator. Gaflles. HoIberto, Snyder, TaN, ""ess, Tobes, Reelax...\-Vho·s groundedL.He didn·t ask for the money... Press warm...W1u1 elsel... Ron Pugi . Yzo Kzen Drzop your gzirl and !let's gzo szet" nzew ozne...sweet....guinny.. .d-move...laler sk1l1... P1 Qurnn - Mom & Pops - thanks for It all...laler suftboy!...thanks for your help sistel'...la.5alle Ice Hockey _I Izm azm Igzzzoorzante- keep solng strong guys thanks coach -" years & no more...veah I'm DQ's broIher...peace to the UM...laSaUe Bai&.lrll • Mr. P"nsi. BT & Teddy - thanks fOf all the help... Pope }ulio - the Adopted Mexlcan...Jater aass 01 '9S • good luck guys... rim Raft~· Hey V1ade. you wanna get some ice cream before pt'aeticel...Yo Tom. how can a car f~n out of gearl...1 think somebody just hiOC my car...8ub, 8ubba .. loe bkowsld • ThanlG Mom, Dad...Owista...OAR. C81...Freddy...8rian ...Dogger Buddha...Dan...lol", you're one of the great ones 2 ludwig please dial 61, ludwig... My Tecmo Record G-l...The lion... Al·s... Dino's Shopping ur & BandllS...Appleheadand Wawa crew.. ,Make it funky al Mark News Speed Pitch...Ti'an is Central Park... Cheese wiLOn!e work your mag'c... John Rtch • good luck to Pal, Rob "Sauterface·, Gabe "Heeb·, and Christian... Fra.nk Rio· thanks for the support, Mom & Dad Bob Ripp • thanks to my mom. d~d and my sister for all you have done for me.. .!t comes in viles, not bags. I bet you've never even seen it...peace and thankz the WNP, ENP. and the whole N-Town Crew: MP, lC, MD, Tf. NO, BB, lB, Chip, the lost boyz and all 'he others that made a difference... Aidan Robinson· fring pan Phil·s games...Coke sign...White sign ...Wagner tracks...subway glass ...Big Momma...fay: "I'm gonna rip your arm oW ...Just try and burn this one... the Specials...Dan Sforza car fund ...peeing bridge...Idiot...the Hood...lhe Bulls (R&BI...blood...field J).lrty... "Thunder killed this Irain" (RFl..:"Woooo 2:1·.. .1 had a good time... Malt Roui· Mr. Mojo rising bra.ss monkey Have anothet' Swamres...Zoeltsehy ba ba booy mice & polatoes Tl...black lightning Cooliomobile... forbidden donouI.. .l love you. Andreal...8rotherhood oi Death... Nate Ry""· shelby... n.i.m.b.y....the escaped guatemalan... lockout!... but gee, thilt'S just me... can I ask a QOesIronl... boy US... sudden atmospheric changes due to el nil'lo winds and mt. pinatubo explosion... ,esus, jrs fifth place hyund.li ... sponUtleous combust'on (7 worldwide)... we'd get alons much bett~ if everyone just agreed with me... Sean R)':iII ·thanlt Mom, DiId, Eileen, & Dan lot e-'et'ythrng...ptene-.an.llmata ON, Seara You.lOl. center of anenlion...Wher's Mrc's Cha Het's-Nins ...glmme a brte...\-Yho's got the NanteS, Hankl ...8ailes Ramooe...S-6 mfnutes.._Yo lint MOO... no sh... t's Steve's uncle's houseH... rim Ryan· EM, OM, Cf, & all the city boys: OS, MF, 8M. A ,lC. 1M. SS, at the homeste.ld...W1uI's that


Sign say, Mike/...Gym Hockey...Sev...to the 8alcave...Shut the &O%S up Foster. ..Woo! ...el MatadOf ...sweet...banal...Morrissey...EM, 8M, & OS: 88 is greaL.! got the belt... PSU IIl ..,What's up esseL.I'd like to thank my mom & dad, everybody else and all the teachers who hooked nle up with good grades.., I~ ~ntangelo ·Cleary, were we at Woodstock/.. Yaa hoG lynch...Just say N02...Yo lance, whatr...t love all my kind buds...JS, ll. AM, TMc, TF, Dan a,M8, OK, CC, Al, Cl, Ml, OS, MB, Me. SG, AD, )C. Re, JS, MA, SR...my cool deck. my cool basement.., waste...lhanks SHC.. thanks Mom, Dad, Dana & Justin - couldn't have dooe It without you.. Jim S.uacino· Slim...40 man out...the back porch... Pl FSU ...Woodstock at Phil's...Post·Prom '94... Wagner ...the Magic 8us...Pass the tin...Camp Canadensis.. ,the Jungle Bunk...T-8ell...the Pool Hall...no pancakes ...De[aware...front man.. ,Rabbi get your hands off my sister's golfdish.. I~ ~harelli • You're such a jerk...hey Doug. I gotta get the Eddie Grant CD llove VOU. Furfy.. ,but that's ...okay...yoo salty dog lSXC - Boy do they got spunk ...shut up, I have plenty of sense of direction ...Sub-Zero...Tim, stop throwing tennis balls at my fet>t when I'm driving...Thanks - to ..l1 my friends, you know who you are - I hOf)l'...Thanks Mom and Dad Rob ~IJlIer - Gunther Palace, Cinnamlnson... 1only have 20 minutes to hurry up..,A little work, a little sleep, and a linle love and it's all over... Pele 5carol.. - thanks mom & dad 8's of em gener.11 chem...RIP - Datsurv'Regal, Be.1ny Skiisl, ..Remember Danny t ,OLJ.1st school day CC - good try...lay off it: Skoal, Dimmers, Bingers, AOXOMOXOA, guelah papyrus, ear goggles, PR ...baner up...MaBell...Jaw Harp, I got the bottles, you got the cup...come and every body let's get Brass Morlkey...specialthanks to all my BUDS!... Dave Schaffer - come agam 6 in the morning (Annel ...Gould's porch...Mt. Bells Christmass Carrols lon . You not me...Mickey Bells lynch lmda...cadberry bunny... New Year's Eve... leerlde Turbo boost ... snowfight Jone Glass FooLSt. j. Knives...lhanks ior driving. Burak ClC... Miguel ...World Series Zuma.. Dave Schalleur - Don't step to WAH... Yo Tim, where's your map... Dave is your brother home, there's a football game.. .wooo Hooooo TGIF Sable! ... Do you suck your thumb,.. What's the password... ADEM.. Tim & Dave... long ndes to football games, forests, and Wah Disney World Music...Wawa tailgating... EAHlEAHlAEHl. .. Yaglenski ...


Mike Schlosser· rusty orange Mustang...Cralgits B· DAY...Hey Greg, wanna driveL.EP I'll always remember you ...Mom, Dad. Billy. thanx for always being there...llove you aiL. BJ Schmalb.lch· No, he's not my brother, he's my cousin! summer '94...Gunther Palace...the beach house gibbons... ~Saunerface· ...2 mlnutes Beruir...1 wayl gummy bear scandal ...Cinnaminson Speclal thanx: I,RS,JR,SM,IS,lT,GV, & OCP...lhanx fv\om & Dad - 4 everything!.. Joseph Schiano - Uh. Officer. I just had wine with dinner: I'm ltalian.Sloppy joe. Pepe con leche.~Maple Glen Pilla, can we help youl~ Ciao! Ed Schmidt· Did that sign say NI... joe ... Gonzalas ...see va in hell, Boyz,..okay, I [0'11' you, bye-bye.. NFD...field party '93...CampOut '94 ...OC 94 ... TROC ...Q, Kenneth, JZ, Fat Tom, Nik, NC, RB, lR, KR, len, lM, Trailer 94, BM...stabe...Quantum forever, .. Shawn Schnieder· take home test McDonalds ...thanks Mom, Dad, & company hey 2.8 NlPF Mr. Jake IROC .. .I'lI see you only at the start you'll behind all the way...Chris, trun your car off its too loud...SB Step Bak...Girondo I'm the low note player & QVC sopkesf)l'rson.. Dan Schuler - Thanx Dad & Mom & )eff & to anyone who's helped me make it this far .. ,1 swear to God, Officer. ..stealth mode smooth man ...50 minutes... sorry to ruin the party Val ·1 am the true athleteyou're the best, luv ya!. ..shut up Kareem...DB·Oays Hotel ...BT·Wow! She's prelty-preny-pretty...Mike: pass once in a while...BM 88 is great...lC, SS, AMW, AR, SB, NM - I'm Of)l'nl...Anyone see a leBarob convertible latelyL.Who wants to drive my carlyeah, right!. .. Steffan Schulz - tI£J::MJ. The Big Cheese of life... Out of sight, out of mind What Wisterian Polll ...EStUPldol... This topically justified counter-standard doesn't outweigh the strudurid barrier 10 their inhe-rency contention ...We're in Miami, Florida and we have free time-let's go to the law library!... JB is God! (yeah, rightl...Remember that sign...Yearbook Decathalon (Floppy Discusl... No, Rob, I'm busy Friday night .. Brad, reatly, where is my METS hatL lS Forum In Osh Kosh ...See these boots/... But I didn't do anything. P'OC, SO, a~ PESHA iorever.. Thanks Mom, O..d, Grandmom. and Chris! Dan Sforza - Guppif$ & the Boyz ...Teef & friends ... Gatorares ban babbas, ..polloza ...fo[kfest ...specials the cret>k.,.shank tracks hobbit... blue boy ...were was noonan...Wagner FUD...Woody's

...GD - In like Flem...biking boarden .. .fragers... thanks to the FAM, lef & Ang . SIeve Shaheen - The fear 01 death keeps us from liVing. not from dying - P..ul C. Round ...!n loving memory of Eddie Po[ec... JaMln Shepherd • Jay.. :Shep~ ...Da'San-SHEPO ...SSDD, .. ~PW: I got the paper, it's a winnerl~ ..4{ N-SIT...BJ, you're going down a one-way stret>1.. Shah, you wanna see my license plateL. Beeotch! ...n, is Shtrley 1n1 Eggs/...Jones, are you (or weal1 ...Puggi. were we ever relatedL.Smlt, I don't C.1re... OAT Fool ... jose, there's MJ.. ,Grimis, bunon il!. .. Hap, you're a sweet dude, don't ever 'D' move! ...Thanx Tom, Pj, SHAH, BI, HAP, RON, ES, Ml, RB, & the rest of you skirtsl ...lt's been real... thanks Mom, Dad, Ron, T, and 8un for everything! . Ion Shevlin· Jone...Maklng a sanwich & not eating it. ..IMGQ...Mt. Bells...fanles...dunk...mickeys... Nell' Years '93...sput-nik Baily don't you have homes...rr & Drew will gel it...game six at Cleary's...ZUMA ZUMA...I did whatL.thanks Mom, Dad, Man, Nor. & my friends... Bill Siddall· It's all good. OCB H20 (Ihat is my raF group) SHADRACH MESACH ABEDNEGO I'm so officer we were Just scaring people. OK. cool like leatheriace HI, Mrs. Baer, don't look at them lhey won't bother you. la, aber........ My scalp is alt re< It has small monkeys coming out of it. You will be mother of a living god. Doesn't that sound nicel Vigl. VigL Vigl. you have been a very bad monkey. Ryan Slil.ofski - Thanks Mom, Dad, & leiza...Yo Vondy...the latino's from Yonkers...Where's Ripl .. Foot '941...Steve's shore house.. ,Whar's up Bill & S ..thank God I'm leaVing thiS school...1 got the Club Sean Siotlerback ....and him, and him, and him.. lasalle, its the greatest place on earthl...The horror The horror! ...llnsert piece of timeless wisdom herel ...Thanks everyone for aHthe suppon, I probably could have done It withoot you... ~I am not only enduring temble pain in my body ffOm this scourgi but also suffering it with joy In my soul.~..."A hand sustainS you, It is hers; lips tightly touch your forehead, they are her lips; you hear breathing neal you, it is she."· VH, Thank-you. Chris Snyder. Holbd, Garges, the liberator, Jesus Price. Tobs & RatatHey: Jeep Jeep...sweet sweet & 5 Zero to the D-Town Posse...Fedyns at Fern Rock.. ,F Fo[ey & Neil on Secoody-Fourth Street with Sanie, Rabbi, & RayBoc...Wagner Run ...lopez, Bird, & Stt Where's the MoleL,REM sucks, messaros...

~ve Sobotb -thanks Mom & Dad...sweel jenni(el", ott" you...10 all my friends & to tne teachers who I


e, thanles for making my Slay a memorable one.. ockey games In willow Grove...PhYSICS class .. '!ttm' thrown out of the Iibriuy_..my whistle at lee xkey games .. LATE!.. lCty Stude - Splnt 04 79 ...STEPBAK...PuI!ie AudIO, by...1et me guess, you're goona put Matchbox _Is on the bad. .. xu., §pKiOlJ th,lIU: to Mike & :ax_.. DS, BT, BR. HB. RM, CRVlCki, it's too sharp bring Ol candle...Enb, I apologize about a -naLCandl, you're killing our cad...Dale, SUlyof( ~ drugs, son...The Killer G's...Yo Bill, let's kick


.rr's O-E NOT Ol[)'EI... tdy Stewart - tahnks 10 all my fflendS, especially

::Ie, Jim, Danlelle. Bn, Steve, D"n, Eric, Mom,


1d... You're the 8eslI...Whal's with the platterLUh,

;PTA certified...Suash tbtl. ..lt's FRRREEZINGI ... asic Carpet ...Thiu's WRECKEDL.You sold out :t,RDcOfe... hey, I'm open...Box lunch ... NFE SUCKS :an I have an M .. .! graduated - Varnes, 5PH . we StimmJer - BBQ is firing up by the courts . jPT A certified...AD...Money B, take um to the hole uk Slonis -thanles to MOl' & POI', the Runt, & alllhc nily...continue to bum tne midnight lamp...Whal's ,to all my boys _ C'Yil '"n remember - 5tonism will ver die...paz...BIJ, .. ward StromM"!. Th"nles Mom ,,00 DiId...come on tfuslleild us 10 victory, uptain Dan Caes.J.r for All Itholic...O-lme ,s.l ,Ned, I go( U6 Troul xk...where am I, .. nd whal do t have to do? four ars alreadyl CJ7 wllh JSs.. Hus! wbe, IIo\.'Ilru on Strunk· ·Go, Go Power Rangers·...'"Whoomp, ?fe's my butt· - Butt-head.. lhanb Mom & OOld J J'e U Marisa lCty Sulton - Th.Inb Mom, Dad, jamIe, Hap, 1 uldn't have done It WIthout you... ·How far 10 FAO hwartzi'"... ·Root-Hog or Ole!"..,Murph's cooler l-\'\fhelan MVP..."The ~rty"s at Schlurps." ...Raldef) defeated... entian SynflMl'lOn. quick, it's Marty!...You don't Illy know someooe un,,1 you kill 'em & stuff 'em in ur trvnk...Is Itlwe, or IS It Memorexr...Monkey Iles Circ1e Jerk...l<X>K OUT... 11 wasn't me I -earl late slip pleasel ... Y Ireenl T<tnnous - O-line Pride..."lt's a beautl(ulthing >Imesl·... "Face Riverslde· ...llike'o thank my nily & friends who have helped me through my ~h school yeafl.." I would also like to 'hank the Ichers I have had "I LaSalle... J wish the best of luck

to all my friends!. .. "Wnere's the been· - old lady m the Wendy's commercial... John T,)lu - Bamdog. Marc Antony Holberlo, liberator, Geekis..."That boy can play! a mean banJO" ...8BQ w;\he dog. Snake Demo, & the Esiuml)...New Years '94 ..51 bring your Bnefcase..-Oon't worry, we won't get caug~ - MH.. ,thanks for everyttllng, Mom, D~, & Meghan... Rob Terek - Thanb "'--\om & D.JId_·hev Shagus ... Woody whal'sa...We're In deep... QuiCk - pretend we're doIng somerhI08· ..Hey MIke II'S the sony... Mike Tobt.I·"1 can stIli get away wl!h this: the dogs will lick It up. • ...Octoberfest '93 I & II.. throwin' down ,11 g'gs - good umes... DooI bugs strobe -1 don't know .... hat's going on with HK.• ..."\Vhefe you wannOl dropl· ...·Look at us - we can'l get caughW... Never forget CG CS MH BP Kl MM...Supe1" Mixefl & Society Flnches...these have been ,he best days of my life... thanks Mom & D"Cl (or everythmg - love you much ... PS - racmg down 309 speedway... Brian Tomchik - Thanles Mom & Oad...But Officer, I couldn't pssolbly be doing 73 in a 35 ...lhanks CBl for recommending me as ·01 good human being· ...puppetmasttf... pitbull ...5tevie.. ,D.B. 4x4 ...Tom, you done with lh<lt yet?..5teallh Mode.. Your Hooor, the defendant would like to plead not gUI!ty...wut SOLShut up K"reemL. Jim Truey - Intelligence IS overrated - Immlgra,hon is Everything.. my name IS Indigo Mocm, you killed my fOlthe!-, prep.llre to dle...hr eoghnn Chris Trumbore· PESHAt..Wh.JlI shopping c.nt. IS2... Gee, Sean...Abbondanz,)1...Yearbook dec,)lhalon: S5, po'c. SO.. Vidarizallon I went to Oshkosh!...let's toIke a poIl...Oh, dear!...lOSl In the city WI!h MdC Olnd NR .I'm not zesty enoughL.Oh, IUS! W1"Olp It in foil Olnd label It .beef"... Whatthe hell IS V-n.JIulLOazy Fred...The GfOO\Iln" Mahoo\·,n . • othln8 feeds a hungel" like a thIrst" -liz Phalr "1 am the 'they' In '!hat's whalthey say.' " ·Seiln Duffy Ryan Venlresca - Howdy Chud(w"gont...gig at Rabbi's '94 - BUSTEO... JUSf il few people, R.1bbl ..Harkl Thoust An Cholungl .. Ah Ah Sweet Sweet· 4 ft. 9... Hot NeIghbors; II'S not a dress, It'S a kllt...Why do,hey call you RabbiL Fedyna's a whack job. Jim, your siSler's hoi, so's her goldfish...Ray's pear shapecLliebs, Holbes, Don Pardo...Why can't we get a keh like the PrepL.Good luck Greg & MD I love you Mom & Dad, Dick & Susan, th"nks for everything... Gilbe \liUil -the purple bubble...lhat's stretchengit... J

hate this sport more chrome trtm ML.•. Bernte Filz. RIP Rlvlera heeb...and what not... thls IS the Presldenl'slocker spree... Explo...Summer '94. Bamcade.. Flonda...VK, DR, ML, MD, RS, SM, 55, MC, JR, PM· !hanks Mom & Dad, for everything. I love you. Cr;ljz Vonck,crOM' Vondy...Von...Vonderstud . Vonderbone.. "h's illl aboul respect· YoMohII Yo SlYI. ,thanks Mom & Dad, 11o\-e you Emlly. Ellen & lH'lda I couldn't have m.JIde II !hIS far WIthout you... thanb 10 my frJeflds for being here.. Pill W;llsh - sweet ,D-move... U3-urry loe...to the Batuve...P. Walsh's pick-<lf-the-week...ENNY M1ES...el Matador...Whydo I gona be Mr. PlnkLTo "-\om, Dad, & the rest of my famllyTHANKS. Peace & Humptiness fore\'ef... }ere Weir - Hea~'en IS hell In the eyes oitne devIl... Chris Winte" - Take horne lest...McDonalds...2.8 Mfl...Thanks to aU nlY friends, most of all my p"rents and brothel", mom, dad and Choo...Thank you, 1 love you aU... Pile on the pickles...Go Navy... Hey 5.0,1'11 see you at 'he finish fine with your cousin... Nice CobrOlr...sean, turn your Car off, its too loud...To my glrlfnend, I love you...Got U... Mike Wolverton· WoIL"Gene, I can lutor you after school In this· ."percet paper"..."long live Tommy K· ...see ya 11m, joe, Andy, Doug, Jack, & the rest of the XC & Track team...thanks Mom & D.JId... Grq; Zebik • t'm tne Great ZebsL.Pohsh PO'NeI"I Poisluo nlgdy nle zg.met...everybody loves 810 .. jestem - Czeslochony... Joe Zecardi" Ed, IS thIS the TurnpikeLWhere ilre WeLSol"flIOf fol:Ky; coulda 'NOUldil shoulda, DBs, ,uSf backpeddle, great 5eilSOfl, guys: ES, TM, lR, CG, Kl. & even B6 I love illl you guys...qwrt~, mcs, & dImes Where's Montel...Shore house '94 shut up & go to sleep,. \Vhere's KenL.Somet:lmes Ed has to be lold more lhilln once.. .5ki Patrol ...PVBR.. 1 WIsh 1 I\ild a monkey...TKE party: shiny happy people. , blUel" don.. dogger T ..the Phantom RacIst the' Phantom Cur!ier ... Mom, Dad, Mike, Pat, lids, Unb, AnlS, Gpil'S, GmOl'S - thOlnb, 1 love you ... uel.: Zoeltsch - Hlttha, %$11 •. .1 don', wanna think no more...HI Mom.. .!t doesn't maner, lighten up. I don', mind - Stomp Box...8emie hits it -ISWEAR!!. ..

Colophon The 1995 Blue and Gold was produced by Herff Jones Yearbooks of Gellysburg, Pa. in a limiled edition of 650 copies and 216 pages. Senior photos were provided by Davor Photo of Bensalem, Pa. The covers contain 160 JX>int binders board with antique blue vibralex base material along with rich gold 15 paint silk screened. All books are smyth-sewn, rounded and backed. with custom head and footbands. Endsheets are grey CT-8 colortext cover weight. Text pages are printed on 100 JX>und bordeaux gloss paper with 4 color process on the first (wo forms. layouls and type were computer generated by the BLue and Goldutilizing Aldus Pagemaker's software along with Herff Jones pagemaker program. The 1995 Blue and Gold was edited by Sean Duffy and moderated by Mr. William Geiger.


Index A Abbott, Michael 48 Abbott, Mike 199 Ackler, Jeff 74. 124, 126, 148, 202 Adam, Dan 64, 126. 202 Adamow, Wayne 64 Adams, John 64 Adams. Keith 48 Adelsberger, Eric

74, 148 Ahern, BrotherTim 19. 29 Alber, James 56 Alexander. Mark 46 Atfarano. Marc 48 Amin, Mehul 56

Amoroso, Daniel Andruczyk, Eric

64 48

Appleby, Brian 64 Appleby, Douglas 48 Arobone, Anthony


Ashton, Matthew 74 Au. Alexander 64, 166, 167,195 AU, Andrew 48 Auriemma, Anthony


B Badolato, Kevin Baer, Marie

Bailey, Marc 164



74, 163,

Balcer Patrick 74. 184 Ballay, William 64 Balshi, Stephen 56,

192,193 Baniewicz, Brian 75 Barbato, Christian 48

Barbera. Thomas


Barbieri, Jeffrey 64 Barger, Kevin 75 Barna, Thomas 33

Barnes, Thomas 75 Barry, Gregory 75 Barthmaler, Jon 56 Bartkowski, Thaddeus


Bartley, Brother Andrew 22


Bauder, Jeffrey 64 Baxter, Donald 64 Beck, Lloyd 48 Becker, Daniel 48 Bednarek, Joseph 56 Beletsky, Joseph 48, 199 Benante, Marc 48 Bergen, Andy 64, 146 Bergen, Gerald 75 Bertone, Matthew 56 Bevilacqua, Patrick 48, 199 Binder, Brian 48 Binsfeld, Keith 64, 199 Binsfeld, Scott 48, 199 Blanco, Gabriel 34 Bloh, Dennis 18, 26 Bocchino, Philip 48 Bocchino, Raphael 75, 164 Bock, Gregory 64, 196,198 Boehmler, Paul 64 Boelker, David 76, 156,196 Bojazi, Frank 56 Bonargo, Anthony 64, 200,201 Bongard, Edward 48 Boron, Edward 56, 196 Borrell, Joseph 56 Brace, Matthew 64 Brandan, Ashley 76 Brandt, Charles 76 Brannon, Matthew 48 Bransfield, Edmund 64 Bray, Brendan 64 Breen, Gregory 56 Brett, Brendan 76 Breuer, Daniel 48 Brezmcky, Charles 56 Bridges, Damian 64, 160 Brinkos, Michael 48 Brister, Matt t 66, t 67 Brister, Mattoov 56 Brown, Clare 27, 125 Brown, John 56 Brown, Michael 48, 76, 156, 196, 199 Brunetti, Nicholas 48 Bruno, Anthony 64 Brusca, Henry 76, 156 Bryers, Nicholas 56

Buck, Chris 56 Buck, Richard 22 Bur, Philip 77, 120 Burak, Michael 77, 189 Burakiewicz, Mark 77 Burke, Brendan 48 Burke, Patrick 64 Burleigh, Michael 48 Burns, Christopher 48 Burton, John 64 Buschmeier, Andrew 48 Byrnes, Michael 48

c Calamia, Jared 48 Caliendo, Eric 56 Callahan, P. 193 Callahan, Paul 56, 135, 192 Callan, Dennis 56 Callow, Dennis 199 Calvanese, Nick 64 Calvitti, John 48 Cannon, Brother Ed 135 Capell, Michael 56 Capelola, Justin 49 Capili, Lawrence 77 Cappelletti, Chris 49 Cappelli, Michael 56 Caramenico, Stephen 77, 156 Carberry, Brian 49 Carl, Andrew 64 Carl, Joseph 77,156 Carmody, Todd 56 Carr, J. 196 Carr, Kristopher 56 Carr, Thomas 78 Casey, Patrick 56 Cataldi, Frank 184 Catanese, Jeffrey 56, 196 Catrino, Joseph 56 Cejas, Nicholas 78, 184 Cesari, Jeffrey 64 Cevallos, Jaime 78, 186 Chadwick, Brother Thomas 40 Checkovage, Frank 56

Cherry, Francis 78 Chiappa, Matthew 56 Chiaranlona, Joe 49 Childs, Andre\v 64, 146 Chmielewski, Tom 49 Christy, Kenneth 56 Ciccimaro, Janice 39 CicClmaro, Joseph 38, 120,150, 152 Cifelli, Chris 64 Cinalli, Robert 78 Cirino, Daniel 49 Cissne, David 49 Citnno, Harry 78, 135, 156 Citro, David 49 Clark, John 49 Clary, Frank 22 Claudius, James 56 Claus, Santa 129 Clay, Alvin 49 Clayton, Chris 79, 189 Clearkin, James 57 Cleary, Michael 79 Coffey, Drew 79, 200, 201

Coffey, Ian 79 Coggins, Nicholas 35 149 Colasante, Joseph 49 Colhocker, Brother lawrence 22 Colistra, Joseph 79, 156 Colistra, Mr. Joseph 2 Collins, Brian 79 Collins, John 80 Coniglio, Geoffrey 64 Connelly, Joseph 22,

80 Convery, Brian 57 Conway, eil 80 Conway, Shane 65 Cook, Brother Kenneth

36 Cortellessa, Tony 57 Costello, Patrick 57 Courtney, Michael 80 200, 201 Cox, Matthew 57, 16 164 Coyle, Bill 57, 136, 152

Coyle, Brendan 57 Coyle, Patrick 65, 196 Crane, Joseph 49 Craney, Patrick 65 Crean, Thomas 49 Cristaldi, Michael 80, 120, 126, 128, 150, 152 Crosnale, Stephen 49 Croney, Brian 57 Cross, Thomas 49, 196 Crossley, Roben 57 Cunningham, Jeffrey 80 Curci, Brian 65 Curran, Thomas 49, 167 Curran, Timothy 57, 184

Cybulski, Chris 61

D D'Alfonso, Brother John 23 Dalmasse, Brother Kevin 21, 22 Daly, Eric 57 Dandy, Marvin 49 D'Angelo, Joseph 27, 137 Danielski, Brother Frank 21,22, 141 Danvers, Philip 49 Danyliw, Roman 81 Dardaris, Mark 23, 196 Davitt, Daniel 65 Dawkins, John 81, 164 de Castro, Michael 81, 130, 146 Debow, Charles 57 Degideo, William 49 Delisi, Jason 57 Delisi, Justin 57 Dempsey, Brian 65 Depasquale, Tony 49 Desai, Saurabh 49 Dessert, Anthony 65 Dever, Mrs. Pal 25 Devine, James 21, 22 Devine, Patrick 40, 166,195 Di Benedetto, Marc 60S, 196 DiBlasi, John 38 Diehl, David 20, 22 Difeo, Todd 57 Dileonardo, Chris 49 Dilullo, David 65 Dinapoli, Jonothan 57

Dipaolo, Dominic 57 DiPasquale, Brother William 41, 125 Dischinger, Frank 49 Dolan, Brendan 57 Dolan, Christopher 49 Dolan, Michael 40 Donahue, Adam 81 Donahue, linda 34, 150, 152 Donnelly, Hugh 49 Donnelly, James 57 Donohoe, William 65 Donohue, James 65 Dooley, Michael 82 Dooner, Michael 65, 120 D'OraZIo, Paul 49 Dougherty, Brendan 49 Dougherty, Kevin 49 [)Q\vhng, Patrick 57 Doyle, Richard 57 Dudinow, Walter 82 Duffy, Sean 82, 120, 126, 130, 137, 145, 146, 202 Dugan, Maureen 3\ Dunn, Brother Thomas 30 Dupee, Jeffery 82, 124, 126,146, ISO, 153, 202 Dupell, Shaun 49 Durham, Charles 57 Durso, Michael 57, 160,196 Durso, Nicholas 65 Dwyer, Kevin 49 Oyer, John 82 Ozara, David 65

E Ebner, Craig 120 Eckert, John 65, 146 Egan, B. 193 Egan, Brian 57, 192 Eisenhower, Peter 82, 120, 150,152,153 Elbardissi, Samuel 83 Elliot, Matthew 50 Emrich, Scott 50 Enderle, John 50 Ennis, Sean 65 Ennis, William 57 Erb, Greg 65, 163, 164,196 Erlle, Michael 57 Escobar, Roman 50 Eunice, Chris 57 Evans, Gerald 32

F Falasco, Joseph 83 Falco, Marc 83 Fallon, Terence 50 Fanning, Brian 63 Fanning, Stephen 83, 167 Farrell, Michael 65 Farrell, Robert 50 Fath, Chris 83 Fay, Daniel 65, 146 Fedyna, Bill 65, 144 Fedyna, Michael 84, 163,164 Fegley, Brian 65 Fenningham, Timothy

50 Feret, Ryan 57 Ferrare, Matthew 65 Ferrare, Michael 84, 192,193 Fineberg, Daniel 50 Fineberg, Matthew 57, 130

Finney, Shawn 84 Fiorentino, Michael 65, 146, 152, 153 Firely, Richard 57 Fisher, David 65 Fisher, John 50, 121 Fithian, Michael 58 Fitzgerald, 8ernard 28 Fitzpartick, Ray 65 Fitzpatrick, Kevin 50, 150 Fitzpatrick, Ryan 50

Flanigan, Timothy 84, 164 Flicks, Manny 184 Foelster, }ohn 65, 146 Foley, James 22 Foley, Ryan 58, 84 Ford, Ann 24 Foster, Adam 84 Foster, TImothy 65, 135, 156 Freiler, Philip 50 Frendreis, 8rother Gerard, 22 Frey, Adam 65, 146 Frey, Christopher 58 Frizalone, John 31 Froelich, Bro. Timothy 22

Fuller, David 65 Fullerton, Sean 58

G Gadsby, Michael 65 Galardi, Ryan 192 Galbally, Timothy 50 Gallagher, Daniel 58 Gallagher, Helen 25 Gallagher, Justin 58 Gallagher, Kyle 85 Gallagher, Ryan 50 Gange, Christopher 65 Garges, Christopher 85 Garvin, Theresa 31 Garzone, Puri 50 Gaskins-Centofante, Melissa 39, 122 Gaul, Jason 85 122, 123, 124, 126, 146, 153, 202

Gavin, Kenneth 58 Gavin, Peter 50 Gaydos, Scott 50 Gaydos, Thomas 66 Gazebo, The 145 Geiger, William 35, 126, 145, 202 Geiger, William, JII 58 Geigert, William 58 Giansanti, John 86 Gibbons, Paul 50, 199 Gibson, Thomas 86 Gillespie, 8ro. 29 Michael Gillespie, Terrence 33 Gilroy, 8rian 50 Gimpel. Scoll 58 Girard, Michael 66 Girondo, Michael 66, 120,128 Gisondi, Stephen 86, 138 Gittleman, Andrew 58, 195 Giuliano, Douglas 86, 166,195 Glova, Brandon 50 Goettner, Daniel 58 Goettner, lewis 66 Goldbacher, Kyle 66 Goldner, James 58, 125,150 Goodwin, Gregory 58 Goodwin, Jared 87, 184 Goodwin, Philip 66 Gordon, Brett 50 Gorman, Matthew 50 Gorman, Patrick 66 Gough, Thomas 87 Grabe, Justin SO


Grace, John 28, 150, 152 Gramet-Kedzior, Fred 58 Grasso, Tom 66, 152, 153 Grebis, Bryan 66 Greger, Michael 50 Gregory, F Kevane 67 Grevy, Paul 66 Grossman, Steven 66, 126, 152, 202 Grzylxlwski, Robert 58 Gugger, Craig 50 Gugger, Douglas 87 Guidi, Bradley 58 Guliano, Doug 167

H Hager, Kenneth 87, 149 Halpin, Charles 87, 125, 184 Halpin, Christopher 66 Hamby, Robert 50 Hamilton, William 66 Hammond, John 58, 160 Hangey, Damien 58 Hangey, Dan 187 Hannigan, Timothy 58 Hannon, Kevin 50 Hanssen, Tore 18, 39, 192,193 Hargadon, James 66 Harp, Joseph 87 Harrington, Ryan 88, 164,186 Hartman, Brent 58 Hartman, Ronald 66 Haselbarth, Jared 58 Hasson, James 22 Haughton, Frank 66 Haughton, Joseph 50, 152 Hayes, Marcus 152, 153, 195 Healy, Christopher 88 Heaton, Brant 50 Heim, Michael 58, 163,164,199 Heinsdorl, Michael 50 Henwo<Xl, Thomas 66 Herzog, Robert 66, 196 Hevener, Francis 5 I, 167 Hicke, Ryan 88, 125 Hill, Brad 66 Hill, jason 66


Hirsekorn, Kurt 58 Hoagland, James 51 Hoffman, Francis 66, 196 Hogan, Brendan 66 Hohenleitner, George 19,35 Holbert, Marc A. 88 Holbert, Matthew 51 Hope, Stephen 66 Horgan, Jack 88, 166, 167, 195 Horgan, Matthew 58, 196 Horstmann, John 51 Hotz, Michael 66 Houser, Kristian 51 Hughes, Eugene 58 Hughes, Pat 199 Hughes, Philip 58 Hunsicker, Michael 51 Hunsicker, Sean 66 Hunter, Peter 58 Hurley, T. J. 66, 146

I Incollingo, Nick 51 Ingram, Brian 58 lvey, Robert 89

J Jabldkov, Andrew 58 Jackson, Martin 41,200 Jaimison, Jim 167 Jakab, Istvan 59

James, Kenneth 89, 156 Jamison, James 51 jannetti, Carl 89 Jenkins, Ian 66 John, Matthew 51 Johnson, Charles 51 Johnson, Francis 36, 146 Jones, Devin 59 Jones, Philip 66 jones, Timothy 26 jordal, Nicholas 51 Juliano, Joseph 89,184 Juliano, William 66

K Kahan, Paul 51 Kaminski, Daniel


Kane, Christopher 59, 196 Karwacki, James 51 Karwacki, Richard 89 Kaufmann, Paul 66, 120 Kaupas, Joseph 51 Kebler, Christopher 51 Kebler, Matthew 59 Keller, Jeffrey 66 Keller, Peter S1 Kelley, Brendan 51 Kelly, john 66 Kelty, Matthew 59 Kelly, Patricia Sister 22 Kelly, Todd 67

Kent, Brian 67 Kent, John 22 Keone, Joe 67 Keoseyan, Arthur 51 Kerekovic, Andrew 90 Kerns, David 90 Kernytsky, Andrew 59 Kerper, Donald 51, 199 Kerr, Mike 59, 166, 167, 195 Kerrigan, Chris 51 Kilbride, Timothy 90, 125,184 Kilkenny, Gerald 67 Killeen, Peter Bro. 37 Kilroy, Michael 90 Kim, Henry 90 King, Jonathan 51 Kirkpatrick, Brian 90 Kirsch, Jay 37, 128, 129, 148 Klohe, Nicholas 59 Knowski, Michael 51 Koch, Christian 91, 126, 202 Kohler, Kevin. Jr 51 Kohlhepp, Thomas 59 Koller, James 59,196 Koons, Michael 91, 196,197,198 Korejko, Douglas 67, 123,146 Kotvv'icki, Michael 59 Kouch, James 51 Kowal, Matthew 67 Kowalski, John 67 Kruczkowski, Mike 51 Kuklinski, Stephen S9

L la Ruffa, Vincenzo 51 labosky, Michael 59 lachawiec, Keith 67, 156 laguda, Giuseppe 51 lamprecht, Thomas 59, 164,196 lang, Brian 67 lanzilotla, louis 67 lapera, Mark 59 lapworth, lance 91 lare, Christopher 59 lash, Timothy 67 lasky, Kevin 59, 196 lasky, Thomas 67, 196 lavin, Christopher 59, 199 lawson, Thomas 59 leahy, William 37, 196,197 ledwith, Keith 67 leonard, Anthony 51 leonard, Edward 67 lessard, Gerald 91, 146 leva, joseph 59 levine, Alexander 91 lewandowski, Mart 67, 120 liberatore, Kenneth 91 liberi, James 51 lichtner, Frank 38 Lockard, John Jr 67 logan, Bernadelle 25 lombard, Jack 22 long, Lloyd 67 long, Scott 199

Longosky, Bradley 51 Longstreth, Michael 59 Lopez, Christopher 92, 142,143,149 Lorusso, Fred 141, 146, 156 lorusso, James 92 lorusso, Michael 52 Lottier, Michael 92,

163,164 loughlin, Stephen 67 louie, James 67 lowery, Evan 59 luft, Thomas 59,149 luhks, Matthew 52 lynch, Christopher 92, 163,164 lynch, Michael 67 Lynch, Philip 67,163,

164 lynch, Thomas 22 Lyons, Kevin 52 lyons, Timothy 92

M Mack, Brian 92 Mack, Michael 67,164 MacNeil, John 59 Madden, Francis 52 Madden, Peter 93 Madden, Thomas 93 Magarity, Christopher

67 Maher, Julia 32 Maholland, Patrick 52 Mallach, John 67 Mallach, Kyle 59 Malloy, Brother 22 Dennnis Malloy, Daniel 59 Maloney, Matthew 59,

196 Maloney, Timothy 67 Mandia, Brandon 67, 163,164 Manion, David 34 March, Michael 93 Markiw, Eugene 93,

149 Markmann, Stephen 93 Markmann, William 52 Markowski, Jeffrey 59 Marques, Helder 93 Marquis, Joseph 52 Martin, Sean 59 Mason, John 59 Mason, Thomas 94 Massino, Robert 60 Maslroieni, Michael 67 Mattern, Michael 52

Mattia, Michael 60 Mattiacci, Nicholas 52 May, Brendan 60, 199 McAnally, Brett 94 McAnespey, Robert 23 McBride, Matthew 60 McBryan, Chris

60, 121 McCabe, Bernard 27 McCabe, Edward 26 McCaffrey, Kevin 94 McCann, Peter 60, 199 McCarry, Scott

52, 199 McCloskey, Sean 60 McConaghy, Matthew


52 McMenamin, Ryan 60 McMonigle, Matthew

95 McMullin, Matthew 68,167 McNamee, Michael 96,163,164 McNichol, Dan 156, 186 McNichol, Daniel 96 McNichol, Timothy 60 McShea, Christopher


McCormac, Shaun 67 McCreery, Sean 60 McCullagh, Sean 52 McCulJion, Patrick 52 McCutcheon, Kevin 94, 156 McDermott, Sean 94, 202 McDonald, Daniel 67 McDonnell, Brother John 22 McElroy, Stephen 60 McElroy, Steve 130 McEntee, Jamie 60 McFadden, Daniel 52 McFadden, Edwin 60 McGarvey, Kevin 94 McGeehan, Brian 95, 141, 192 McGinley, Colin 52 McGinley, Patrick 68, 194,195 McGlone, Brendan 52 McGoldrick, Thomas 6B McGoldrick, Timothy

52 McGovern, Diane

39, 122 McGrath, Matthew 68 McHugh, James 95,

166,195 McHugh, Thomas 95,

156 Mclntyre, Michael

95, 193 McManus, Timothy 68 McMenamin, Brendan


199 McKeown, Michael 95 McLaughlin, James 22, 52 McLaughlin, Mike 52 McLaughlin, Patrick 60 McMahon, Brian 60 McManus, Colin 52, 166, 167, 195 McManus, Mark

McWilliams, Patrick 60 McWilliams, Sean 96, 132 Meade, Joseph 60 Mee, Daniel B. 96 Mee, Matthew 52 Meehan, Daniel 68 Meehan, Thomas 52 Mele, Anthony 23 Mele, Dino 96, 136 Messaros, Michael 97, 146,150,152,

153 Messina, Thomas 97, lB4 Middlemiss, Andrew


Mullen, Karen 24 Mullen, Mary Kay 41 Mullen, Matthew 68 Mullen, Patrick 68 Mullen, William 60 Mulligan, Sean

9B, 184 Murphy, Christopher 52,166,167 Murphy, Dennis 98 Murphy, Jeff 98, 196 Murphy, Michael 53 Murphy, William 68,

189 Murray, Dennis 53 Murray, Patrick 99, 195 Myers, Brother Joseph 19, 37


Noone, James 60, 199 Noronha, Rahesh 53

o O'Brien, Michael 99, 126,136,138,146,

202 O'Brien, Shawn 61 Occident, Didier 53 Ochmanski, Michael

68 O'Connell, Thomas 68, 166,195 O'Connell, Tim 167 O'Connor, Patrick 99, 125,126,130,145, 146,202 O'Connor, Robert 53 O'Connor, Shawn 53,

199 Nedl, Michael 60 Needle, Daniel 53 Neely, Shawn 33, 195 Neill, John 60 Nevergole, John 53 Neverosky, Daniel 53,

196 New, Curtis 99 Newdeck, Jeffrey 99 Newhart, William 68 Nocera, Peter 53 Noell, Matt 164

O'Donnell, Dennis 61 O'Donnell, Matt 53,

153 O'Donnell, Peter


193 O'Donnell, Sean 68 Oehler, William 68 O'Hara, Andrew 53 O'Hara, Brendan 53 O'Hara, Paul 68 OJcese, Jason S3 Oldfield, Michael 61

Miehle, Joseph 97, 135, 164,194 Miehle, Timothy 60 Mikulski, Neil 52 Miller, Edward 97 Miller, Garrell 97,184 Miller, Gerry 29, 140,190 Miller, Kevin 52, 167 Miller, Robert 52 Mitsch, Erik 68 Mohl, Andy 166, 167, 195 Molloy, Matthew 98 Molony, Daniel 98 Molony, Thomas 60 Molush, Edward 27 Monaghan, Daniel 68 Monaghan, Michael 98 Mooney, Sean 60, 196 Moore, Patrick 52 Morace, Matthew 52 Morell, Andrew 68 Morris, Gregory 60 Morrow, Anthony 68 Morsell, Michael 60, 160,196 Mueller, Stephen 52


Oliver, Aaron 61 Oliver, Brother Benedict 22 Olsen, Ronald 53 O'Malley, Timothy 53 O'Neill, Brian 61, 192,193 O'Neill, Jim 199 O'Neill, Michael 99, 156,195 Opdyke, Jonathan 61 Orange, Kenneth 68 O'Shaughnessy, Bill 53 O'Shaughnessy, liam 166,167 O'Shaughnessy, Mike 68

p Palm, Michael 53 Palmer, Gamal 53 Palmieri, James 53 Palmieri, Joseph 68, 166,167 Palo,leremy 53 Palopali, Stephen 61 Palopoli, frank 100 Papa, Joseph 53


Parella, James 68 Parisi, Joseph 29, 164, 186 Peffle, Bob 164 Penzarelta, Anthony 68 Peronace, Rocco 61 Peterson, Charles 53 Peterson, Erik 136 Petrusa, Michael 100 Petruzzelli, Craig 68, 166,167,195 Pfeffer, Dodd 68 Pfeil, francis 53 Photography Club 136 Pietrak, Jeffrey 53 Pigeon, Andrew J 00 Piskai, Joshua 68 Plachta, Chris 53 Polto, Robert 61 Ponisciak, Daniel 53 Ponisciak, Dorothy 33, 143 Porrecca, Joseph 100 Posner, Kane 61 Potter, Bradly 61 Pratowski, Michael 68 Price, Brian 100, 146 Price, John 6\, 160 Primus, Justin 53, 199

Prior-MacDonald, Brian 53 Prisco, Fran 152 Puggi, Ronald 100, 156 Puglisi, Frank 101, 186 Punte!, Alfred 36, 166

Q Queen, Gregory 54, 199 Quenzer, Philip 54 Quinn, Paul 101,186 Quinn, Sean 61

R Radvansky, Joseph 31, 161 Rafter, Timothy 101 Rakowski, Andrew 54 Rakowski, Joseph 101, 141, 156, 196, 199 Rambo, David 68 Ramos, Gilbert 54

Rawson, Mark 68, 123 Read, Paul 61 Rech, John 101 Reese, Bryan 54,199 Reeves, James 54 Reid, William 54 Reiley, Timothy 54 Reilly, Charles 22 Reilly, Shane 54 Reynolds, Christopher 69 Richards, Adam 54 Rieck, Brother James 21 Rimert, lorraine 33 Rio, Frank 101 Ripley, Sean 54 Ripp, Robert 102 Robinson, Aidan 102 Robinson, Kevin 54, 199 Roche, James 30, 144 Rodriguez, Carlos 61 Rodriguez, Jose 61, 149, 152 Rogan, Daniel 69 Rogin, Dan 136 Romano, Andrew 54 Romanzo, Brian 54 Rookstool. William 54 Rossi, Matthew 102 Roussel, Edward 54 Rucinski, Jeff 192 Rucinski, Jeffrey 61, 193 Ruegg, Ian 69 Ruegg, Mark 54 Ruppel, Paul 69 Russel, Robert 32 Ryan, Frank 22 Ryan, Nathan 102, 132, 138, 144 Ryan, Sean '02, 163,164, 200 Ryan, Timothy 102

s S.A.D.D 143 Saitta, George 69 Saltarelli, Joseph 103, 166,167,195 Salvato, Domeni lOJ, 184 Salvi, Michael 69 Sansalone, Edward 61 Santangelo, Joseph T03 Santangelo, Justin 69 Santarlas, Eugene 54 Santucci, Chris 6 I

Saracino, James 103, 156 Sasso, Michael 69 Sautter, Rober 103 Sava, Andrew 69 Savage, John 61, 163, 164 Sayers, Andrew 54 Scanlon, Seth 61, 130 Scarola, Peter 103 Schaefer, Brian 69 Schafer, Casey 61 Schaffer, David 104, 163,164 Schafle, Michael 61 Schalleur, David 104 Schaum, Patricia 24, 135 Schiano, Joseph 104 Schieler, Bro. Robert 22 Schlosser, Michael 104 Schmal bach, Bryan 104 Schmel, David 54, 152 Schmidt, Edward 104 Schmiedekamp, Mendel 130 Schmitt, John 22 Schneider, Shawn 105 Schu, Christopher 61 Schuler, Daniel 105 Schultz, Dave 160 Schulz, Steffan lOS, 126, 130, 146, 202 Schulze, David 69 Science Club 138 Sclafani, Benjamin 69 Scott, Christopher 54 Scully, Matthew 61 Sears, Dan 69 Seely, Peter 61 Seiferth, Eric 54 Semanick, Mark 61, 167,195 Serianni, Juslin 61 Serra, louis 69 Sforza, Daniel 105 Shafle, Michael 200 Shah, Prem 61, 146, 149 Shah, Sacheen 69 Shaheen, Steven 105144,146 Sharkey, Joseph 69 Sharkey, Stephen 54 Sheers, Mary 41 Shepherd, Jason '05 Shevlin, Jonathan 106, 200,201 Shreffler, Brion 61

Shuslack, Martina 31 Siddall, William 106, 120, 130, 144 Sigmund, Peter 38, 184 Simpson, Jonathan 69 Sinclair, Michael 54 Sinese, Thomas 69 Sinni, Daniel 69 Siravo, Joseph 54 Skipper, Matthew 69 Slizofski, Ryan 106, 156 Siotterback, Sean 106, 120, 130, 144 Small, Christopher 54 Smalley, Mark 54 Smith, Gavin 54 Smith, Gilbert 62, 166 Smith, Mary Jo 30 Snyder, Charles 62,

191 Snyder, Christopher 106,144 Sobotka, Steven 106 Sowers, Donnie 62 Spangler, David 54 Spanish club 149 Sparks, Kristopher 62 Spause, Francis 62 Stack, Christopher 54 Staffieri, Gary 55 Stanczak, Martin 21 Stanek, Andrew 107 Steere, Nicholas 55,

199 Sterner, Brother Rene 20, 22, 135 Stewart, Andrew

107, 192,193 Stieber, Francis 55 Stimmler, David 107, 192,193 Stonis, Mark 107 Strain, Vincent 55, 199 Stromberg, Edward 107,156 Strumfels, Timothy 69 Styer, Matthew 55 Sullivan, John 108 Sullivan, Michael 55 Sutton, Andrew 108 Sutton, Andy 138 Sutton, Justin 62 Sweeney, Christian 69,

133 Sweeney, James 55 Swindells, Gregory 55 Swindells, Scott

69, 146 Synnamon, Brendan

Szczurowski, Rick 55 Szymanski, Eugene 69

T "T"

18 Tannous, Kareem 108 Tarsi, Nicholas 62 Tate, James 69,167,

195 Tate, Richard 62 Tatu, John 108, 196 Tatunchak, Alex 55,

193 Terek, Robert 108, 144 Thiers, George 62 Thomas, Gregory 55 Tobia, Michael 109 Tomchik, Brian 109 Trappler, James 55 Travers, John 55 Truitt, Jeffrey 69 Truitt, Thomas 109,

w Wall, John 55 Walsh, Patrick 11 0 Walters, Christopher

70 Ward, Christopher


166 Ward, Florence 25 Waters, James 62 Watson, Jeffrey 62 Wau, Daniel 62 Weinacht, Chris 70 Weinacht, Paul 55 Weinert, Michael 55 Weir, Joseph 110 Weldon, Matthew 70, 121 Wells, Thomas 62 Welsh, Eugene 62 Welsh, John 55 Westermann, Ed 62

Westfield, Sean 55 Weston, Mark 184 Whalen, Martin 22 Whitaker, Michael 22 White, Thomas 70 Wickersham, David 70 Wiley, Gary 33,132, 138, 184 Wilkin, Michael 70, 186 Wi lis, Michael 62 Wilson, James 55 Wilson, Michael 70 Winterbouom, Henry 62 Winters, Christopher 110,138,143 Wisterian, The 146 Woertz, Harry 62 Wolverton, Chris 55 Wolverton, Michael 110,166,167

y Yaegel, Thomas 70 Yaglenski, Matthew 70 Yanoshik, Joseph 55 Youse, Keith 70 Yu, Daniel 62

z Zebik, Greg 146 Zebik, Grzegorz 111 Zebik, Robert 55 Zeccardi, Joseph 111,

156 Zeccardi, Michael 62 Zeibari, Armen 55 Zoehsch, Nancy 35 Zoehsch, Zachary 111

156 Trumbore, Christopher 109,130,146 Trymbiski, Brian

69, 200 Tulio, Michael 69 Tuman, Ryan 55 Turk, Jonathon 55 Turner, Thomas 29 Tuscano, Wesley 69 Tyrrell, James 69 Tyrrell, John 70

v Vagnoni, David 62, 146 Valencia, Gabriel 70, 163,164 Valentine, Matthew 55 Van Haute, Kevin 70 Van Horn, Henry 55 Ventresca, Benjamin

109 Ventresca, Gregory 70 Venudo, James 70 Vetori, Joe 120 Vigorita, Joseph 62 Villacorta, Kevin 70 Vizza, Gabrielli 0,

120 Vlahos, Thomas S5 Vogt, Trevor 70 Vondercrone, Craig 110, 135

108 Szczech, Mark



Goodbye, So Long, Farewell!

School chairs from the 1950's, large windows and broken shades fill the room with dust-filled light. This is where we learn.

Richard's hand and meeting our homeroom teachers and our first classes and friends and sports and activities. La Salle is a part of who and what we are. Having spent four years racThe pictures cropped, the layouts done, ing down Cheltenham, running up the fields, all the copy is in. All that is needed is this final and sitting through calculus, La Salle has made a page, this good-bye, to bring the Blue & Gold permanent imprint upon our personality. to a closure. It is Friday, 4:30 in the afternoon, So what is La Salle? We have no idea. a warm day in an otherwise warm winter. The Reading what everyone wrote and seeing how sun is beating down and the breeze makes the everything is, the fact is that La Salle means curtains dance. So this is where it ends. something different to everyone. There is no This book was written in your own one answer to the question. words. Dozens of people contributed their It is time to say good-bye, to put down the stories and experiences to create as accurate a proverbial pen and close the book, wipe our portrayal of La Salle as possible. hands and move on. It is amazing how fast four years have passed. We all remember our first day, listening to Brother Rene expound upon the virtues of the film Dead Poet's Society, afraid of Freshman Day (which always came and went without incident), and intimidated by all the books and equations. We remember shaking Brother

Good-bye and Good luck to the Class of 1995!

See you next millennia....



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