1997 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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1 ~


18 .28

30 .32 .34 .36 .38

.40 .42

.43 44 .4S 46 .48 72

108 144

160 180 202 204 210 216

Fast Forward La Salle College High School then, Wister Hall at 20th and Olney, and now, St. Michael Hall at 8605 Cheltenham.







19038 1

¡Uttle does Matt know thai I put super glue on his pen. Heh, heh, heh ...•


radition, Community. Exploration. La Salle College High School has looked warmly upon its foundations, learning from each student and teacher who has left its hallowed halls for unknown things. This place bridges the past and future, sees in each person the presence of Cod and seeks a realization of the values of St. 'ean Baptiste de La Salle; it is a tree with roots embedded deep within the earth and branches reaching to the stars. Past. Present. Future. These three entities collide in the La Sallian Spirit of moving fast forward, Rewind...

1684: The educational and spiritual needs of the poor boys of Rheims are first formally met in the establishment of the La Sallian community. The community of the Christian Brothe.. sets for itself the goals of complete trust in Cod and the sharing of property in common for


Mr. Keenan and a student go bananas over a new program.

the purpose of teaching in free schools. The La Sallian traditions of scholarship, Christianity, and community are first enacted. Their purpose is simple, yet

profound: the education of youth throughout the world. Fast Forward...

1845: The "wilderness" of the United States first welcomes to its shores the Christian Brothers, who immediately

begin to spread the La Saman tradition to the New World. Established in Baltimore, the first La Sallian installation makes permanent roots in the accepting soil. Fast Forward...


Bro. Joe attempts to build a ramp OYer the treacherous...ground.


''Tell me, Sensei, how do you part your hair so slraighc-

1862: The Brothers of the Christian Schools open a school in Philadelphia at St. Michael's Parish, 2nd and Jefferson Streets, called The Christian Brothers' High School. The school integrates primary and secondary education, and provides a solid educational curriculum, the basis of the commitment to academic excellence La Salle has always had. They seek "to promote the moral and intellectual improvement of the pupils that may be committed to their care." The school flourishes and ultimately outgrows the small parish. Fast Forward...

1867: After five years at St. Michael's Parish, to better serve developing minds, the Christian Brothers move to 1321 Filbert


Street. Although called Academy of the Christian Brothers, the school seeks not simply to direct students in purely academic pursuits, but to prepare them for the real world, as well. "The adolescents are supervised, safely and constructively most of the time, during the morning and afternoon hours, and theyt re off to the labor market." Fast Forward...

1883: Moving to the Bouvier Mansion, at 1240 North Broad Street, the Brothers continue the La Sallian traditions. Now called La Salle College, and boasting an on-campus gymnasium, the school seeks to define the concept of a well rounded education, preparing its students both mentally and physically. Consequently, enrollment soars but a defective chimney flue leads to the destruction of the school. Although the school is rebuilt, by 1928, it becomes necessary to move once again. Fast Forward...

1928: The high school and college now have different

missions. This reality, coupled with the improved transportation available in Philadelphia, leads to the


-Hey, I didn't know Rogaine had a web site,-

construction of La Salle College High School at 20th and Olney.

Fast Forward... 1960: La Salle College High School leave, the college campus and becomes a separate entity in Wyndmoor. Innovation is an essential part of the school, but the traditions, teachings and values of St. Jean Baptiste de La Salle remain ever present.


Fast Forward... 1993: A spirit of renewal, accompanied by the din of construction, permeates the silent halls of La Salle. Tradition and innovation are intertwined as S1. Michael's Hall is opened. The values of love, mercy, scholarship, and community, and the ability of teachers and students to communicate with one another are expanded by access to networked computers, more classrooms, an art studio, and an enlarged library.

Fast Forward... Today: Teachers strive to provide a solid educational and moral base for their students, in the model of 51. Jean Baptiste de La Salle. Students seek to know better the world around them, with its challenges, tragedies, and triumphs, in the hopes of, ultimately, better knowing themselves. Their minds fast forward to a world that welcomes them because of the roles that they embrace: the scholar, the gentleman, and the saint. Zoom In...



A senior is trying to put together the latest copy of the Wisterian, La Salle's newspaper. As the editor in chief he has come to know each one of the writers, editors, and production


Captain "Cave Vlan- Kot\...icki meets "Scar Face- OJ



managers who are the lifeblood of the publication. He places resJJonsibilities on them, deadlines. He knows, however, that through it all he is able to count on them, and they on him. Whether mediating a conflict between an editor, and a writer, or working with a freshman in the art of proofreading, the relationship between the editor -in- chief and his staff is one of community, energy, and movement. A movement not back, falling under the avalanche of indolence, worry, and worst of all, indifference. It is, instead, a movement ahead, eyes affixed to goals that seem just out of reach. To be a viable newspaper, the Wisterian must stand united, with a set goal, and a willing staff. The Catholic league Champion football team is just that. A team. By working together 9

under t~aring discipline of Joseph Colistra, anythin l!--possible. The student bo comeS together to remember Tim cNicho~ ~ col)lfort his family in the m d l~fClltistian love and charity; to cel 's life. Despite move fast their loss, tljl! forward, halJ';;" t' e' ory.~f Tim in their heartsfurivet. The W;sterian;'{ e football team; Tim McNichol's death microcosms of the La Sallian spirit of ~nS1antly changing, growing, mOlt ~er, with a common visi


shared past.

What separ . es L aile College High School from ery 0 er place of learningl The facultyl Here, we have an excellent collection of teachers, whose desire to engender within their students


WMaybe you should back up to get both of my pees in the picture,-

"Ooh, are those Bugle Boys you're wearing?"

a true love of education is rarely equaled. Without the tools or the audience, however, this goal is silenced. The studentsl Our diverse group of people exude a great energy, whether it be in debate, wrestling, or class discussion. The students recognize that while they are individuals, with varying beliefs, interests, and dreams, they are a community bound together as brothers' boys. Without patience and guidance,


however, this vigor is squandered and lost. The facili"~ l!he teachin&.. resources, th compu~rs, the classrooms, e library with books overflowin re invaluable aids, but left to colle dust, t~,are empty vessels. It is, in te e dialogue among these thr P, ith er.es looking back at,tJIl pa~ , La Sallian traditiQ1fand hands,held together, they C8J'fidentl)\step quickly ahead, fast fo,{yard. Truly, thi. is-what sets La Salle apart from any other institution.

These faun . ns of La Sallian tradition.giv'1us Lhe firm footing needed to travel head-on into the undisco e~ entry. The unknown and unt~n tJ,s lie ahead, but the idear, of La Ie give us the strength 10 fast rward into the amorphQiis future with confidence. Fast forward...

The Future: Many graduates will be

the leaders of tomorrow - the scientists, the lawmakers, the

parents. They will soon become the foundation of our future society.


One of the unfortunate ide effects of 51. Michael Hall is how large birds seem ttracted to it.


-I think we really did kill joe laguda, Now what do we do,With meditation growth is possible..,of the spirit.

"I'm not sure how to say this, but have you ever tried tic-tacs,-


The ideals of La Sailian life and the Christian Brothers have properly prepared them for this great responsibility. The constant growth of society rests

on the shoulders of these future leaders. What will be said of theml What future will they engenderl Based on the ideals instilled in them in the hallways of La Salle College High School, they will create a future in which the Christian ideals of La Salle are a dominant part of their familial and professional life. Their children and their children's children will learn these values through their example. The undiscovered

country will be trodden by them, the pioneers. They will help to shape the world of the future, a place foreign and yet unknown to us. It is our responsibility, our duty and our honor to be able to spread the traditions of La Salle to a future world where we can make a difference and we can correct

the injustices of the world. The ideals of La Salle, our education and our own talents will be our only

tools. This strong foundation provided


MSo rry, Ms. Shustack, J guess your joke was really funny."

has made us ready to accept any challenge and overcome any

obstacle. Hardships will not deter us from our goals; they will only be an incentive to accomplish the unimagined. Indeed, our quest and our lives will become the embodiment of La 5allian tradition

which will radiate throughout the dark resonating halls of the future because they are our foundation and they are our strength.



Mr. David Manion 16


ne spring day last year, an uncommon yet well

known laughter echoed through the halls of La Salle

High School. Math teacher Mr. jim Roche had once Igain been able to unveil the true personality of his best riend. He and his colleague of over forty years were reminisc-

ng about a faculty\student basketball game decades earlier. \t the Ohio high school where the two friends once taught, he varsity basketball team confidently :hallenged the faculty to a light-hearted :ame. Of course, the students figured they ....ould get revenge for all those tests and esearch papers by humiliating their older

;ounterparts. However, the student body ladn't figured that the faculty possessed a

;tar guard with tremendous ball-handling md passing skills. Not only did the faculty iefeat their students, but the unexpected ,tar dominated the game to the students' ~reat surprise. That star was the young Dave Manion. Unfortunately, too few people have come to know the )Ider Dave Manion. Not many would believe that the same luiet, yet devoted French and Spanish teacher could have )rganized student dances in the 70s, could have educated )ro-football hall of famer Alan Page, or even could have the ,ame birthday as Elvis. Only a select few would ever remem:>er the day he refused the principal's "invitation" to wear a :ie when the school dress code was still casual. Only his :Iosest friends and family could ever know that he loves to )Iay tennis and watch British comedies and most important )f all was once one of the most admired young Brothers in :he country. Even though Mr. Manion chose to leave the Brothers, he

didn't leave behind his desire to teach and prepare his students for life. Although Mr. Manion is not considered a Christian Brother by name, his every word and action exemplify the principles that define the laSaliian spirit. His closest friends truly believe that Dave Manion would have succeeded no matter which path of life he chose to follow. Here at La Salle, Mr. Manion has succeeded not only in instilling values in his students as a teacher, but also as a person. A great man should not be measured by his accomplishments, but by the accomplishments of those he has influenced. Mr. Manion's calm and modest temperament in and out of the classroom should not be construed as indifference. He's not the type of individual who always seeks attention or is attracted by the limelight. Never do you see him giving interviews or being profiled by the school newspaper. Never do you see his name highlighted among a list of his peers. However, you will always see Mr. Manion showing a lost freshman to a classroom, providing advice for a senior deliberating about colleges, or teaching an independent study course during second period in the old school library. Never has La Salle seen a teacher so willing to give of his lime, but so unwilling to accept the deserved thanks. Anyone who has graduated from La Salle High School and not known Mr. Manion, has lost an opportunity to discover a great man. Although LaSalle has undergone countless changes over the pasllhirty years, the one constant has always been the most under-appreciated yel most respected faculty member----Mr. Dave Manion.


Faculty antiStaff Forwardto the IUture Play... nd the square root of x is... ?". "les devoirs pour demain ..." "Explain


Jacksonian democracy."


The halls of La Salle resonate with the often heard sounds of young men learning and teachers instructing, guiding, helping, giving of themselves for the lasallian ideal. The members of the faculty, whether they be teachers, administrators, or secretaries, seek out the potential in each student, challenging their limits, and constantly offer their time, experience, patience and wisdom to those students who represent the best. These men and women offer themselves with the hope of igniting the fire for knowledge in their

students and teaching them the Christian ideal by not only their words, but actions as well.

Zoom In... What makes La Salle a unique atmosphere for educators and a catalyst for learning? "It's the challenge to be your best. The independence you get allows you to do that," answered one teacher. Indeed, the ability given to the faculty to tailor their schedules around a certain class or a specific student is one of its defining features. In a world where "efficiency" and "cost effectiveness" are paramount, it is heartening to know that at La Salle a math teacher can use the computer lab's resources to bring an equation alive; an English teacher can have his students perform their own versions of a play being studied; an administrator knows the name of each student who passes by his office; and a language teacher can teach an honors class of five. Why does the teacher, the secretary, the administrator do so much when the bare minimum could be achieved? Said another teacher "To work here, you've got to love the place and the students in it." And that is why La Salle's faculty stands out; they have an intense love of learning and care deeply for each Brother's boy. AtLa Salle, after school tutoring, inventive assignments, and involved men and women aren't the exception. They are the rule.

Play... "What is Holden saying here?" "See me after, and we'll work on that paper" "Good Job. Now you've got it."

"And then, if all our measurements au' correct, the experiment should work. "Oh pleilSl" let it work!



Mr. Bun.ll ~ all the Itutknls without pbid shirll from his C~is1ry ca.".

"Tluot', ~t. the _ipwMnt is b 'DmOI'n)W. Any problems with tNt'"



I pb~ foothill m school. So whilH"


¡H~insdori, thilt', ~bsolut~y tM ltiltime I let you si"l the



Administration Always looKing out /or La Salle

Brother Rene Sterner, FSC, President; Key Concepts of Christianity.

Mr. David Diehl, Principal; Economics 1.

Bro. Francis Danielski, FSC, Assistant Principal, Academic Affairs; Prayer.

Mrs. Julia Maher, Assistant Principal, Student Affairs;


Physical Science.

- ...

Brother James Rieck, FSC, Director of Admissions; Morality.

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC, Director of Alumni, Financial Aid, and Public Relations; Algebra 1.

Mr. Martin Stanczak, Dean of Students

Brother Gerard Frendreis, FSC, Comptroller


BoaroofTrustees Making the BIGdeCisions

, 996·97 Board of Trustees: Back Row Left to Right; Mr. Anion Bauer, Bro. Gerard " Frendreis, FSC; Mr. Frank J. Ryan, Bro. Dennis Malloy, FSC; Bro. Timothy froelich, fSC; Mr. Martin F.Whalen, Mrs. Geraldine A. Henwood, Mr. Joseph I. Connelly, Jr.; Dr. John Carabello, Mr.'ame1i E. Hasson, Bro. Francis B. Danielski, fSC; Dr. J Michael Whitaker, 8ro. Robert Schieler, FSC; Mr. John F. Kent. Front Row Left to Right: Mr. John I. lombard, Jr.; Mr. John T. Paul, Mrs. Julia K. Maher, Mr. David T. Diehl, Bro. Rene Sterner, FSC; Bro. Benedict Oliver, FSC; Sister Patricia Kelly, 55); Bro. Andrew Bartley, FSC; Mr. John T. Schmitt. Mr. Frank G. Clary Missing: Bro. Lawrence Colhocker, FSC; Mr. Michael McCarthy, 8ro. John McDonald, FSC; Mr. James T. McLaughlin, Mr. Robert N. C. Nix

The house that Alumni built.


AlumniHouse Keeping In touch wlihgraduates

Mr. Robert McAnespey, Director of Development

Mr. Anthony Mele, Assistant 10 the Comptroller

Mr. Mark Dardaris, Assistant to the Comptroller; Accounting

Mrs. Florence Ward and Mrs. Patricia Dever, Development Office and Alumni


La SaHe ~ Secretaries They assure a smooth run

The Main Office Wonders: Mrs. Ann Ford, Mrs. Karen Mullen, and Mrs. Patty Murphy

Mrs. Patricia Schaum: Student Affairs Office



Brother Rene knows who'll get the job done.

Mrs. Angi Colangelo; secretary to the President.

8ro. James assures Mrs. Ford that this is absolutely the last time she'll have to retype the leiter.


Gultlance Department ... Let's Talk Aboutthat •

\\ II








Mr. Michael Dolan, Chair: Guidance Department; Psychology

I /


Mr. Patrick Devine, Sophomore Counselor; Christian Lifestyles,



Brother John O'Alfonso, FSC. Freshman Counselor; French 3(H)

Mr. Martin Jackson, language Specialist; Psychology



CoHege Counseling .. .So You Wall! To Co To Collect?, 'eh/





.' •


Brother William Oi Pasquale, FSC. Junior/Senior Guidance; English 3, Morality

Mrs. BernadeNe Logan, College Counseling Senior


Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, 'uniorlSenior Guidance; Psychology

Mrs. Mary Sheets, Guidance and Counseling,

Mrs. Marie Baer, Guidance and Counseling, Intermediate Unit

Intermediate Unit


Hellglon Department ... Paths to Cod Through Higher Leam/ng


. .....

Mr. Alfred Puntel, Chair: Religion Department; Catholic Identity, Morality.

r,....-....- - - - -....-~


Mr. Jay Kirsch, Umpus Ministry;

Brother Joseph Myers, FSC; Scripture,

Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti; Religion 1,

Morality. Christian Adion, Chorus

Technical Drawing.

World Religions.


Mr. William Leahy, Campus Ministry; Catholic Identity, Business.


Brother Kenneth Cook, FSC; Catholic Identity, Scripture, World Cultures

......... Mr. John Keenan; Scripture, Reading


Mr. Francis Johnson; Morality, Christian Adion, English 2


English Department ... The Scriveners

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo; AP English, English 2, English 4.

Mr. Michael O'Toole, Curriculum Associate; English 3

Mr. Edward McCabe, Chair: English Department; English 1

Mr. Joseph Dempsey; English 1, English 2


Mrs. Clare Brown; English " English 3


Mr. Bernard McCabe; English 2, English 4

Mr. Edward Molush; English " English 4

• Mr. Dennis Blah; English 3, English 4


Foreign Language Department "What's the Matter!Am / Speakil7g Creek or Somethil7g!"

1'\ Mr. Kenneth Flood; Spanish 1,2, Spanish Survey

Mrs. linda Donahue; Spanish 2, l(N), 3,3fH), CrossCultural Communications

Mr. Nicholas Coggins; Spanish 2, l(H), 3

Mr. George Hohenleitner; German J,2,3, AP German,



M.r. Gabriel Blanco, Chair: Foreign languages; Spanish 4, AP

... '


Mr. William Geiger; Latin r,2(H),3(H), Environmental Science


... Bro. Michael Thai, FSC; French 2, Spanish 1, Japanese

r-x:\ltr. David Manion; French 1,2(H),3,4, Spanish 1

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch; Spanish 2,3,3(H)

Bro. Charles lackes, FSC; Spanish 1


SocialStuDies Department Where History Comes Alive

Mr. John Grace, Chair: Social Studies Oepart~ menli World Cultures, Western CiYilization, AP

Mr. Joseph Parisi, Athletic Director; World Cultures

European History



Mr. Joseph Colistrai AP Economics, Western Civilization, American History, AP American History



Mr. Gerald Miller; Vietnam, Political Science, American History, Western Civilization

Bro. Timothy Ahern, FSC; American History, Civil War, Catholic Identity



Mr. Thomas Turner; World Cultures, Western Civilization

• ,

Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald; Western Civilization, American History

Mr. John Young; Western Civilization, Catholic tdentity, Algebra 1


Science Department LaSalle:s- OWI7 Eil7steil7~



al7dA vogadros


Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak, Chair: Science Department; AP Chemistry, Chemistry

Mr. Gary Wiley; Physics, Physical Science, Astronomy, Meteorology

Mr. Thomas Barna; Chemistry


Mr. Shawn Neely; Biology, Anatomy, Life Science

I •



Mr. Gerald Evans; Biology

Dr. Scott Smith; Physical Science, Physics

Mr. Bradley Palmer; Chemistry, Physical Science

Mr. Terence Gillespie; Physical Science, Biology, AP Biology


Mathematics Department An IntegralPart of/he LaSalle Community


'0 Department;

Ms. Maureen Dugan; Algebra 2, Math

Mrs. Mary

Smith, Chair: Math Algebra " 2(H), Analytic Geometry(H), Geometry


-' Mr. Joseph Radvansky; Algebra 1,2

Calculus, Trigonometry

-......-Mrs. Theresa Garvin; Algebra 2(H),

Geometry, Trigonometry


Mr. Francis Spause; Algebra J, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, Consumer Math



Mr. James Roche; Algebra l(H), 2, AP Calculus AB,


Mr. Robert Russell; AP Physics, Algebra l(HJ, 2, Geometry

Mr. John Frizalone; Math Analysis, Algebra ',2, Geometry with Trigonometry; Calculus

Ms. Tina Shustack; Algebra I, Geometry, Ceometry with Trigonometry, Statistics, Math Analysis


GeneralStudies Pragmatics Put to Practice

Mrs. Diane McGovern; Painting, Drawing, Foundations of Art


Mrs. Melissa Gaskins-Centofante; Ceramics, Fine Arts Survey, Sculpture

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro, Chair: General Studies; Music

Mr. Tore Hanssen; Physical Education 1,2,3.

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro; Health


Mr. Craig Ebner; Fine Arts Survey, Music

Mr. Frank Lichtner; Aquatics J, 2, 3

Or. Carl Schmiedekamp; Programming, AP Computer Science

Mr. Peter Sigmund; Computer Literacy, Advanced Computer Literacy, Computer Applications


Mr. Joseph Vettori; Music



FlrstAIÂŁt Campus Ministry ...BooK"" Ba/ldaid"" a/ldBrotherhood

[ ,

Mrs. Helen Gallagher, Library Assistant

Mrs. Jennie Barratt, School Nurse

) Fr. Anthony Janton, School Chaplain


8ro. Dominic Smith, FSC; Librarian


ofthe Year A Friendto both Students andStaff

Mr. Martin W. Stanczak


hen students find themselves in big trouble, they often wind up in La Salle's Dean of Students' office, a cavelike stretch of walls and noor that face the desk of the Dean himself, Mr. Martin Stanczak. Standing before that awesome rectangle of mahogany and facing the stern countenance of the Dean, the student must concoct his most foolproof excuse yel, for whatever transgression he has committed, the Dean has a fearsome punishment at the ready. And. truth be lold, the Dean has heard every excuse imagined by the students he has helped throughout his 3O-plus years alla Salle as student, teacher, athletic director, and now as the venerable Dean of students. For all his years at La Salle. and because he has imparted his personal brand of justice and wisdom to all the students he has encountered throughout his career, Mr. Martin W. Stanczak has been named the 1996-1997 Lasallian Educator of the Year. During his long tenure at La Salle, Marty Stanczak has embodied the traditions and beliefs of SI. John Baptist de La Salle in his daily actions. Even though students might not like the

punishments they receive for their sins against the school, they have 10 admit that at the bottom of whatever punishment he gives a student who has broken the rules, be it a Saturday detention or an after-school scouring of the property for errant paper airplanes, there is a fundamental fairness. Marty Stanczak lives by the creed that the punishment should not exceed the crime, and despite his reputation, he winds up giving more advice than he gives punishments. What many students might not realize as they await some kind of detention in the Student Affairs office is that the man who disappears into that cavernous office is old "Stanczak Claus," Ihe friendly Santa who dons his red outfit every season to play the jolly elf for the Faculty/Staff Children's Christmas party. One look at any child's face when Stanczak Claus remembers her name and knows details about her life shows how much time he spends doing what he loves. Marty Stanczak has been helping children all his life, and for his devotion and love of his duty, he surely deserves to be the lasatrian educator of the year.


Maintenance .. .From Their Secret O!1ices Deep Below They ControlAll

Mr. Guido Cimini, Director of Plant Operations

Mr. Edward Cunane


Mr. Mike Donovan

Mr. Frank Ignas and Mr. Alloscalzo

Mr. James Behr

Mr. Rod Brader, a.k.a. The Enforcer


Cafeteria .. Iooet



1996-91 Cafeteria Staff: Bade row, Leh to Right; Diana Farrell, Mary Smolczynski, John Oi Cataldo, Ethel Burg, Betty Ryan, Ann Savino, Pany Garvey. Front row, Left to Right; Marie McFadden, Mary Salemno, Ally Yeiter. Rose DiPinto (Mgr.). Missing: Darlene Cunane.

Brother Michael Thai's prizewinning pumpkin provided pumpkin pie in propitious proportions.


Teacher Fast Forward ...When they still had hair, and it wasn't white, or vice versa!

Mr. ~ C~tstr. in 1976 whh h.liir;Mt. Colistroa now, with~.

Mr. O.vid Diehl in 1973 lUb-hosti"K ror TM Prier is 'lip/. Mr. D~I now, ill dislinKutshed hip


Mr. Robert Russell, ..fter his ll.oiIp cilr~r ended in 1973; Mr. Russt'll in ill c1usico.l post.



Mr. Bernard McCilbe, impersonaling Ishmael in 197]. A rl'jt'cled Mall Sanla in 199&.


Brother John ~ Fonz" D'Aifonso in 1980; Brother John in 1996, still~"5 coot

Brother Ren~ (Sisllel) Sterner in 1980; and;lS Ebet1 in 1996.

Mr. Williilm Geiger fut fOfWolrded into the ~ar 2000; Mr. Ge'ger before ..ny ye..rbooll de~li_.

Mr. Martin Sianaall in 1968. Hey, you're not lough, Big Guy, a~ your In 19%, the Mr. Siancull we've come 10 know and feu.



Underclassmen .. .Seniors in Training Rewind... n the distance, you can hear the frightful

What you will experience over the next (our years will prepare you to fulfill an obligation 10 yourself. Instead of receiving a program, you're given a

sounds of a new band of expectatIons, a new

handshake and

band of challenge and exploration. The larger

You will meet different people, demand new respon-



smile and a challenge 10 succeed.

buildings represent greater obstacles ahead in the future, but also greater opportunitIes for growth and

sibilities, and you will find yourself.

success. There is no obligation, yet feelings of anxiety mount as you reach the top of the steep hifl.

Zoom in...

What you found inside was probably not what you anticipated. Hundreds of people line the hall¡ ways, and as you speak, your voice struggles 10 dent the noisy atmosphere. You forget about the music, for now.

Freshman year, everythmg IS different. The only lines you encounter are found in the cafeteria, and your friends no longer live around the corner from your house. Your teachers don't give study guides anymore, and your coaches don't accept excuses for missing practice. Sophomore year, everything is different. You're no longer the butt of playful jokes, and as a wise fool you get even more mvolved In adlvities. Your friends may change and your teachers may change, but you will change the most of all.

Fast Forward...

You've taken tests before, but this one seems a lmle more important. Hundreds of others find lonely corners holding many dreams, as they check the number of pencils in their hands again and again. You've never spent a longer three hours in your life. As soon as you see the envelope, you recognize the significance of what's inside. Cautiously, you go to open your door to the future. You find that it's unlocked. Fast Forward... You remember the last time you heard the music playing. This day, though, there is an obligation.

Zoom in... Junior year, everything is different. You begin to look at colleges and think about proms and your sports victories adorn the pages of local papers. Fast Forward...

The tape, however, is blank.

! /I.

G ~ l...IpdlUSfS l~

pn)r!Uhly whi~ 'lnitins for confession.



"I hope INti's not tm lunch I smdl."



h.u tilugh! you





'Jf -

"$14.50 for il cheeseburgerf"


_en ;and

periods 10 zo!"


IuIf mon!

"A test on Avopdro's Llwt IheJushl we'd be lesti"! ilvoodos!"





Daniel S. Acker

Jason P. Ager Michael G. Agnew Matlhew E. Albert Michael 8. Albert

Terrence J, Alexander

Robert H. Alvarez Christopher C. Andris

louis M. Angelo Gilberta Aponte

Anthony l. Arnone Brian C. Bacher Benjamin H. Bailey kevin P. Baker Edward M. Baraniewicz

Ernest J. Barile leon M. Benn Alexander 8. Bethke

Timothy J. Black II J, Andrew Blank

Douglas M. Bohardt Stephen J. Bolger William R. Bonner John A. Boring Thomas M. Brasberger

Patrick M. Breen¡lopez

J. Drew Brelsford Richard J. Briggs Ryan C. Brogan Timothy P. Brogan

Sean J. Brooks Kieran B. Bryers Anthony E. Buonocore

David W. Bustard

Robert S. Byrne



Freshmen 50

Thomas R. Calahan

Kyle K. Callahan Daniel D. Callan Michael A. Callan Devin P. Campbell

Havilland C. Campbell

Sleven P. Candia Zachary R. Capetola

Joseph Cardella Joseph A. Carminati

Shawn C. Carr Paul ,. Carroll Nicholas G. Ciminera

Ryan J. Cialli Peter A. Clark

Paul D. Colistra Andrew B. Cornia

Ernest ,. Congiliando ,ames F. Conlin P. MaUhew Cornely

Michael B. Cosgrove Anthony M. Costantino Christopher M. Curci Joseph J. Cutuli Michael J. DeCrescio

Nicholas DellaVecchia Thomas J. Devlin Dennis J. Dilks Kevin E. Dolan

Jason R. Dooney

Christopher J. Dougherty Craig A. Dougherty James A. Dougherty Joseph M. Dougherty Kevin B. Dougherty




Freshmen 51

Philip A. Dougherty Sean E. Dougherty Thomas D. Dougherty Jeffrey P. Dowds laurence F. Downey

Vincent T. Du 'ames J. Durkin Daniel A. Dwyer Joseph P. Dwyer John F. Egan

David P. Ellis Roger, J. Ermola Ryan P. Fagan William H. Fegley Robert, F. Felte

Andrew J. Filipczak lohnathan R. Firth Kevin Fitzgerald Terence J. Fitzgibbons Brett T. Foley

Michael P. Frank Justin J. Fries Dean M. Frizlen Daniel J. Galbally William R. Ganter

Brendan ,. Gates Joseph P. Gidjunis Kevin P. Gimpel Matthew Giuffrida Jeffrey A. Goellner

Thomas P. Golden Stephen M. Gomez Bradley S. GrÂŤn Andrew M. Grzybowski Eric M. Grzybowski

Freshmen 52

Alexander S. Guthrie

Shea F. Hagy Robert B. Haney Michael Harrigan Matthew'. Hartnett

Bryan W. Harvey 'onathan D. Hassinger Paul F. Heinsdorf Manuel B. Hernandez John W. Herrick

Patrick M. Higgins Patrick M. Hildebrandt Oavid W. Hill Brian M. Horgan Timothy P. Horgan

Jesse S. Horstmann Kevin F. Hughes

Gregory T. Hylinski Roman I. Iwaskiw William P. ,ames

Brian A. Jenkins Peter H. Jenkins

Geoffrey J. Jordan Mark P. Kelly Scolt W. Kelly

Stephen P. "ettinger Michael Kilderry

Daniel J. Kim Joseph M. Kitchen Brien V. Kivlen

Robert Klenk Jonathan G. Klock Charson Ko Brian T. Kohler Christopher J, Kriegner



Freshmen 53

Thomas J. Kriegner Robert C. Kroh Geoffrey A. Lang Kyle S. Larkin Matthew E. Laskowski

Kevin J. Lenehan Gregory J. Lepore G. Douglas Linberg James E. Logan Michael Lombardo

Timothy J. Long 'ames E. Lynch Michael C. Lynch Evan 8. Madden Willy Madeira

Anthony P. Madonna David E. Madrak Kiel A. Mahlstedt Patrick C. Mallach Anthony S. Manlapas

8rian P. Market Ryan M. Mascio Jonathan D. Masiak Joseph F. Mastronardo W. Thomas McAllister

Richard K. McAuliffe Jonathan P. McCaffrey Michael D. McCann Duane C. McCarthy Chauncey H. McCormick

Ryan R. McCort Paul J. McElderry George N. Mcfadden Adam R. McGrath Paul T. McGurkin




Freshmen 54

Patrick J. McKeown Matthew J. McNamara Andrew L. Meinert Matthew J. Michel Michael J. Mielnik

Thomas ,. Miller Bradley W. Moatz Cregory . Molchen Shawn P. Moore Paul A. Muller

Jordan W. Mulrain Chad J. Munn

Peter Naticchione Austin T. O'Connor Thomas O'Connor

Matthew J. O'Donnell Eric J. O'Neill

Patrick F. O'Neill Nicholas Onufrak Michael J. Parisi

Arpil Patel Jonathan P. Payne Nicholas P. Penzarella Oavid J. Peterman William J. Phelan

'uslin D. Philomena Gregory A. Phinney John P. Poley John Prega Timothy F. Prem

Dustin R. Prietl Andrew Puntel



Daniel P. Quinn Michael ). Ramos Todd A. Red:amp


Freshmen 55

Christopher T. R~jley leo T. R~iIIy Thomas D. Ril~y Aaron R. Sakulich Brandon G. Sams

Robert S. Sarracino Adam C. Sasso Eric C. Savage David A. Scali Robert J. Schmidt

Kevin J. Semanick Raymond T. Shay Brandon A. Shepherd Richard A. Shivers Anthony l. Siravo

Christopher J. Smith Joseph W. Spause Joseph B. Spieker Dennis J. Stanton Christopher Staub

Stephen D. Sierner Ryan A. Stevens Thomas A. Stieber Eric P. Stix Alexander T. Stross

John E. Strzalla H. Karl Sudfeld Robert J. Sullivan Sean P. Toole Anthony R. Trimboli

Jeremy K. Turk James J. Tyrrell Brett N. Urban Andrew E. Vandiver Joseph M. Vassallo


Freshmen 56


Joseph A. Violi William M. Von Medicu5 Gary P. Vorgity Ma"hew Wahl Robert F. Walter

Jamin D. Warren John H. White Johnathan D. White David K. Williams Patrick K. Williams

Kyle A. Wisotzkey John L. lazworskey Stephen A. Zollo


"Did you $illy _ ~ hornt-wort for Gym?"

Freshmen 57

Mark A. Alcantara Patrick S. Aiken

Matthew 8. Alonso Chikwere N. Amachi Michael J. Andris

Patrick G. Badolato Daniel P. Barnes Matthew G. Barnes Bradley E. Bathgate Daniel P. Behl

Evan S. 8ehr

Karlis A. Berzins

Gregory T. Bielecki Randall Bitting Kevin f. Brady

Robert C. Brennan Kevin Brewster ShayO. Brittingham Christopher J, Bruno Edward R. Brzoslek

Nicholas A. Burkle Robert F. Byrne Matthew A. Canning Emidio A. Capponi David S. Carl

Richard J. Carminati Vincent A. Carr Scott M. Carver Daniel J. Catinella Edward B. Cattle

Alexander V. Cenko

Matthew T. Chapman Robert M. Chappetta Eugene f. Ciccimaro

Vincent N. Cifelli


Sophomores 58


Stephen 8. Cissne Brian P. Clarke Kevin E. Clearkin Christopher H. Clement Ryan S. Cohen

Jeremy R. Cooke Anthony C. Costantini Jeffrey T. Coulter, Jr Gerald W. Coveney Robert M. Coyle

Kevin Crawford

David K. Cuff Vincent M. Cullen Dino A. D'Orazio Richard P. Davoli

Donald A. Day Nicholas I. DeCastro Martin Delaney Alexander C. DeMans!

Zachary R. Derrick

Luke A. Devore Mario J. DiClerico Vincent T. DiPaolo Christopher A. OiToro

Joseph J. Dillon

f. Michael Dinapoli Christopher J. Domanski Gregory A. Donatelli

David J, Donnelly Michael



Thomas J. Dowds William J. Durrant John L. Dwyer Robert F. Oyer lawrence 8. Evans




Sophomores 59

Anthony P. Faillace Michaelpaul Farrell Andrew M. Farrington John M. Fay Joseph P. Fodyna

Frank J. Ferro Daniel E. Fitzgerald Raymond A. Florkowski Robert C. Francis Charles l. Francisco

Damon M. Galdo Shawn M. Gallagher Timothy M. Gallagher Joseph l. Gardner Daniel N. Gillespie

Timothy F. Gillespie Christopher J. Gordon Adam C. Goyette Nicholas J. Graff David Granese

Samuel F. Grannum Daniel T. Grissani Dino C. Guiliano Sean P. Haney ,ames P. Hayes

Christopher J. Heayn Sean P. Heron Cregory M. Hosmer Timothy P. Hughes Dawson J. Hunter

Ryan P. Hurst Robert I. Incze Alan F. Jalon David R. Janke Vincent J. Jannelli

Sophomores 60

Christopher Jones Brian P. Jordan Ryan Kane

Andrew S. Katruk Michael P. Kavanagh

Stephen T. Kazmierczak Daniel P. Keeley James C. Keenan

James J. Keller Sean D. Kent

Christopher C. Kerns Michael O. Kilkenny

John J. Kim Stephen J. Klarich Bradley W. Koch

Ronald S. Koenig Kevin M. Koller William F. Koneski Christopher T. Koss Richard C. Krauss, Jr.

Mallhew D. Krol Christopher T. Kushto

Andrew M. Kuzla William A. Laible Raymond tau

F. Anthony Lazenka, III Matthew J, lendzinski Justin l. levin

Brian J. Lipski Gregory W. littler

Ryan O. Lockard David H. Lofgren Michael Longstreth Shawn C. lowery C. Ryan Lynch


Sophomores 61

Mark A. lyon James E. lyons, III Frank B. MacPherson Eric C. Madeira Colin J. Mahon

John A. Malara Vincent f. Mallon, Jr. Travis ,. Manion Sean P. Matthews Brendan M. McCormick

Shawn P. McCormick Timothy W. McDonald Andrew J. McCillin Kevin P. McGonigle James H. McKeogh

Joseph W. McKeon Alexander S. McKinney Brian M. Mee

Alexander J. Meloscia Kevin M. Merlini

Matthew J. Michuda Scott Miller Joel T. Moffatt

Patrick W. Moore Timothy

J, Morris

Raymond Edward Mullen Matthew P. Mullin Samuel A. Munn Colin T. Murphy Sleven J. Murphy

Gary J. Murray Matthew Murray Kevin M. Noone James B. Nowicki Peter J. O'Connor


Sophomores 62


Andrew M. O'Donnell


0' Donnell

Michael ,. O'Donnell

John P. O'Hara Brian A. O'Meara

Sean P. Ockershausen

Keith O. Olender Michael J. Palilonis leonard J. Patcella Michael J. Peffie

Christopher M. Pennington Nicholas W. Petitti, Jr. Gary A. Petruzzelli Robert A. Philipp Thomas J. Piper

Timothy J. Pippet Timothy M. Ponisciak Michael I. Pucci Torey D. Pugh Brian J. Puglisi

Zachary R. Quenzer Joseph A. Raieta

Alex Ramos Matthew S. Ranweiler Jeffrey R. Kau

Barton D. Ray Gerald J, Reifsnyder John 8. Remshard

Curtis M. Rogers Patrick R. Rose

Patrick S. Salvitli Drew J. Santillo William M. Sautter Michael J. Savage Mathew T. Schaffer


Sophomores 63

Christopher P. Schaible Cregory M. Schill Eric D. Schwan John N. Sees Colin A. Seiss

John P. Sforza Michael S. Sicilia Christopher J. Simcox Patrick D. Slattery Brian J. Smith

Christopher w. Smilh Anthony M. Snyder Christopher J.. Stanton Adam C. Stasiorowski Joseph C: Steffa

Matthew M. Stocum James A. Sullivan William R. Sullivan Joseph E. Sweeney John F. Swoyer

Richard J. Target Sean E. Teesdale Nicholas P. Trendier Anthony M. Troy Michael J. Tucci

Sean A. Tucker Benjamin J. Tursi Stephen A. Varalli John l. Velasco Cregory F. Vina

Anthony C. Vlahos Benjamin P. Weldon Joseph L. Wentz Matthew J. Westley Charles B. Whinney


Sophomores 64

Paul J. White Christopher Williamson Michael J. Wintering Mariusz Wojnarski

Sophomores 65

Michael Abbott Keith Adams Marc Alfarano Eric Andruczyk Douglas Appleby Andrew Au

Christian Barbato Thaddeus Bartkowski III Lloyd Beck III Daniel Becker

Joseph Belelsky Marc Benante Patrick Bevilacqua Brian Binder Scott Binsfeld Philip Bocchino Edward Bongard III Christopher Boyajian Matthew Brannon Daniel Breuer III Michael Brinkos Michael Brown Nicholas Brunetti Bryant Bullard Brendan Burke Michael Burleigh Christopher Burns Jonathan Burton Andrew Buschmeier Michael Byrnes Jared Calamia John Cal\litli Justin Capetola Christopher Cappelletti Brian Carberry Daniel Catrino Joseph Chiarantona Thomas Chmielewski David Citro John Clark

/unlors 66

Alvin Clay IV Joseph Colasante Joseph Crane Thomas Crean Thomas Cristaldi

Stephen Cragnale Thomas Cross, It Thomas Curran

Paul D'Orazio Timothy Danaher f

Marvin Dandy Philip Danvers Anthony Depasquale Saurabh Desai

Christopher Dileonardo

Christopher Dolan Hugh Donnelly

Brendan Dougherty Kevin Dougherty Kevin Dwyer

Matthew Elliott Scott Emrich John Enderle Roman Escobar

Terence Fallon

Robert Farrell Daniel Felix Timothy Fenningham Daniel Fineberg John Fisher

Kevin Fitzpatrick Philip Freiler Ryan Gallagher Puri Garzone III Scott Gaydos

Paul Gibbons Brian Gilroy Brett Gordon Matthew Gorman Michael Greger

/unlors 67

Craig Gugger Robert Hamby Kevin Hannon Joseph Haughton Brant Heaton

Smun Heim Michael Heinsdorf Francis Hevener James Hoagland Matthew Holbert

john Horstmann Kristian Houser Michael Hunsicker Jeffrey Huntzinger Nicholas Incollingo

Matthew John Charies Johnson Nicholas Jordal Paul Kahan james Karwacki

Joseph Kaupas Christopher Kebler Peter Keller Brendan Kelley Donald Kerper

Christopher Kerrigan jonathan King Michael Knowski Ingo C. Koenig Kevin Kohler, Jr

James Kouch Michael Kruczkowski Vincenzo La Ruffa Giuseppe Laguda Anthony leonard

James Liberi Robert Lonergan Bradley longoslcy Michaellorusso Matthew luhks

/unlors 68

Kevin lyons Patrick Maholland William Markmann Joseph Marquis Michael Mattern Nicholas Mattiacci Michael Mauriello Scott McCarry Sean McCullagh Patrick McCullion

Daniel McFadden Colin McGinley Brendan McGlone Timothy McGoldrick Ryan McGovern

James Mclaughlin Michael Mclaughlin Colin McManus Brendan McMenamin Christopher McShea

Matthew Mee

Neil Mikulski Kevin Miller Robert Miller Patrick Moore

Matthew Morace Ryan A. Mulrain Christopher Murphy Michael Murphy Dennis Murray

Daniel Needle Daniel Neverosky Peler Nocera III Rahesh Noronha Paul O'Connor

Robert O'Connor Shawn O'Connor Mall O'Donnell Peter 0' Donnell


Andrew O'Hara

/unlors 69

Brendan O'Hara Timothy O'Malley William O'Shaughnessy Didier Occident Jason Olcese Ronald Olsen Gamal Palmer James Palmieri Jeremy Palo Joseph Papa

Amit Patel Charles Peterson IV Francis Pfeil Jeffrey Pietrak Christopher Plaehta

Daniel Ponisciak Justin Primus Dan Purtell Gregory Queen Philip Quenzer

Andrew Rakowski Gilbert Ramos William Reid Timothy Reiley Shane Reilly

Adam Richards Kevin Robinson Andrew Romano Brian Romanzo Mark Ruegg

Andrew Sayers David Schmel Christopher Seo" Eric Seiferth S. Paul Sharkey

Brendan Shimizu Michael Sinclair Joseph Siravo Christopher Small Mark Smalley

/unlors 70


Gavin Smith David Spangler Christopher Stack Gary Staffieri Francis Stieber Vincent Strain Matthew Slyer

Michael Sullivan II

James Sweeney Mark Szczech Alexander Tatunchak Gregory Thomas

James Trappler John Travers John Tucker Ryan Tuman Jonathan Turk Matthew Valentine Henry Van Horn

Thomas Vlahos John Wall Christopher Ward Paul Weinacht Michael Weinert

John Welsh Sean Westfield lames Williams James Wilson Christopher Winward

Joseph Yanoshik

Robert Zebik

/unlors 71

Upperclassmen take charge Y L.2 .. 1 ..

our years at La Salle are brought 10 yOll by \lour parents, teachers, and fellow classmates. Concessions are available In the lobby. Now Sit back and enjoy the film.

Scene One: A grey morning with rain falling heavily, sWiftly. A school comes into Sight on your right. It seems eclecllC. with an obviously new building (the work crews haven't finished yet) attached 10 an older edifice. As you pull up the soulful sounds of "Superstition- overwhelm you. You walk ahead, and shake hands With a smiling figure who addresses himself as Brother Rene. Soon you head towards the great glass doors and move forward into the future.

Fade Out... As this year's seniors look boldly forward, they once again are placed in an uncertain role. Once again the questions of "Who am Ir and "Where am I goingr surface. They are moving inlo the amorphous future better prepared, however, than they were four years ago. This is a class lhat has achieved d myriad of Catholic League Champion. ships and has had numerous National Merit Semifinalists and Commended Students. This IS a collection of young people who have individual passions, but also a collec· live spirit, that leads them, Brothers' Boys, to join the countless other generations of lasallian students who have made their mark, moving fast fOfWiHd. They do so in such diverse fields as science, government, and education using the values anained at La Salle for the benefit of others. thIS senIor class will be a bridge, between the past, the living monument that is the lasatlian traditIon, and the world that readily needs the bright minds and warm hearts thai are the benchmarks of thrs year's senIor class. Scene Two: A grey morning, the sun peeks over the edge of the mist. As you walk up to receive your diploma, the bright mu.sic of the band overwhelms you. You shake hands with Brother Rene, who smiles at your accomplishment. A school goes out of sight as you head towards the great glass doors and move forward into the future .

•, wonder why Oillvid Huselhoff is $0 POptJlillf illmonS the Genrntns...•


"00 1 go 10 T.lIco Bell.llfter

school, or McDona.ld',r


K.lIrc:h Kil'illy .lind Kent Steffes. or just


u S.lIlIe seniors.

couple of

.. refuse to Like .I liedetK1ot' tat. on the grounds it delKb lit's."


James Alber "ames Alber

Mehul Amin 10

1080 Winding Creek lane

Mehul Amin


SI. Hilary

1404 Crestview Dr. Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 699-5156 Wrestling 1,2(LJ,3(l),4(l}; SAD.D. 2,3; MeC

lacrossel,2,3,4; IntTamurals 1,2,3; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; "If life gives you a wave, ride it all the way

2,3,4; NHS 3,4; First Honors 1,3; Second Ho~ 2 "Life is not work. II can't be. It betler not be.


Take it easy."

Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 379-3404

-Soothern Comfoo


J. Boron


6' 28 Newtown Ave. Philadclphi<l, PA 19111 (215) 722-2863


101 lorraine Ave.

Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 884-4419 Holy Martyrs

5t.Wiliiam Football 1,21V),3(Vl,4(V-caplaln); Lacrosse 1(V), 2(V),3{V<apl'lIn1.4(V<aptain}; Intramurals I;

"A champion must have desire for perfection, and the will 10 punish himself in the process,¡


Edward Boron


Joseph I. Borrell

Crew 1,2,3,4; Natiooal Honor Society 3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2; esc 3,4; Science club 4; Fishing Club 4; Poople to People SlUdent Ambassador 3; Scholastic "l" 1,2,3; ACCldt,.'flllc Excellence 1,2,3; "I wish 10 have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harm's way." -Iohn Paul Jones

Joseph Borrell

Kevin Badolato

Kevin A. Badolato 10 1721 Cloverly Ave. Jenkmtown, PA 19046 (215)572-5021 Immaculate Conception Cross Country 1,2,3(l),4(lj; Track 1,2,3; Inclt Track 3; Band 1,2,30unior President),4(CoPresidenl); NHS 3,4; Theater 2,3,4; \,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2; Scholastic +l+ \,2,3; "What could be more important in life than to know in your hearts that in everythmg we ha... tried to do, we h.lYe done our very best:


Gregory M. Breen 50 315 Mal>le Ave. Wyncote, PA 19095 121S) 884-2240 Immaculate Conception Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Art 2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; "Beliefs are dangerous. B('liefs allow the min( to stop functioning. A non-functlonmg mmd clinically dead. Believe in nothmg." -Maynard lames Keenan

Gregory Breen

Joseph Bednarek ;lephen B<1Ilsbi 10 .0. Box 126 :iwynedd, PA19346 215) 699-7694 >to Rose of llln<1l, North W<1Iles IoUSlty TennJs 1.2,3,4 • An Catholic Honors; ntramurals 1,2,3,4; Second Honors 2,3,4; 4; Ski Club 4; SADD 4;


Don'1 you ever wandel" if you turned out 10 be mebody C!lse, somebody dlfferenlf I ("Onder..... could J have been anyone other an me?"

Joseph M. Bednuelt:

Matthew Bertone 2D

10835 Crestmont Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215) 637-7157 Ou, Lady of Calvary Crew 1.2,3,4; Wresding 2,3,4; 3,4; Art Club 4; SADo 4; Ski Club 1; SchotastlC "L- 1;


-Let the world koow you as you .,re, not as you think you should be, because sooner or latef, if you are posing. you wilt forget the pose, and then where are you?" -Fanny Brice

Malthew Alan Ber10nc 40 722 Park Road lansdale, PA 19446 (215)699-5414 Corpus Chostl Lahn Club t,2,4; Art Club 1,2,4; ScleflCe Club 3; Second Honors 1,3; ScholasllC"t- 2; "let us permll nature to h.we her way; she understands her business better than we do." -Michel de Monlaigne

-Dave Matthews Band

:h.JrieI M. Breznidcy l100Tenvood Rd.


-iuntlf1sdon V.,Jley, PA 19006 215) 659-0231 )to DavId :rew 1; Winter Track 2,3,4, Spring Track 2,3,4; SADD 2,3,4; 3,4; Photo Club 1;


'You can only be young once ... bUI you can

;an be! immature forever."


F. Brister


950 Rydal Rd. Rydal, PA 19046 (215)884-0756

Immaculate CoocepllOO esc 3,4; Cross-Counlry 1,2,3,4; Winter TrilCk 1,2,3,4; Spring Track 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; "It+5 not easy being green."

John D. Brown 60 Greenwood Apts. apt. kl Greenwood Ave. .lenkimlOWn, PA 190-4\ (215)886-7968 Wresthng 1,2,3,4, Crew 1,2,3,4 "The secret to life 15 smcerety...Once you le;llfn to f;llke th;llt you+ve got everything." Fields


-Kermit the Frog

-larry Anderson

Matthew Brister

John Brown


Nicholas Bryers Nichobs Bryttll 735 Bell lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215162s.0952


St. Alphoosus "The fi\h ..... ho keeps on swImming is the first 10 chili up stream,"


Chris Bud 2220 locusl Dr. l..lnsdale, PA 19446 (610)584-1777

Eric A.. Caliendo 1081l..lvera Rd.


Corpus Chrisll "Prick your finger, it IS done. The moon has no"" eclipsed the sun. The ;mgell'w spread Its wings. The lime hJis come fOf better thIngs" 路R

l. Michael Upelli 80 107 Gwynedd led Dr. North Wale-s, PA 19454 (2151 699路9499 Mdry, Mother o( the Redeemer Baseb.l1l2; Tennis 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1; SAOO 4, CSC 4; "A man cannot make him laugh, but thaI's no marvel; he drinks no wine," -William Shakespeare

Eric Caliendo

Christopher Buck

Todd M. Carmody 1180 Bridle Palh Dnve lansd.1le PA 19446



(2151 368-1627

Corpus Christi Football 1,2,3,4 (Varsity "l" 3,4) ;Scholastic "l" 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Tennis 2,3,4; Mathletes 3,4; Bowling. 3; Track, 1; Wislerian,4 "I've dazed and confused for SO long ii'S not true"



Wdrmlnsler, PA 18974 1215\ 671-3258 ativity of Our lord Footbatll,2; Baseball 1,1,3,4; 1,2,3,4; Gennan Club 1,2,3,4 NHS 3,4; Intr.tmurals 1,2,3,4 "It's nol: the size of the dog In the fight but the fight in the dog that counts路 but if you want to Nfl WIth the big dogs, you hJive to learn to go' the high grass..


Kristopher Carr 118 Parit Road


Ambler, PA. 19002 (2151 343路5658 Saint Joseph FoolbaIl1,2,3; lacrosse 1,2,3,4 "You gotta kick somelhln' thai means somethin. -Pharcyde

- led Zeppelin

Michael Cappelli


Todd Carmody

kristopher Carr

Paul Callahan luI J. callahan o Holly Knoll Dr.

Dennis uUan



307 Powder Hom Rd.

'urchville, PA 18966

Ft. Washington, PA 19034

151 322-5284

(610)941-6938 51:. Ptullp Neri Footba1l9,10, Lacrosse 10, Crewll,12, Spamsh Club 9,10,11,12, 10,11,12, Ski Club 10,11,12, InlramuralslO,ll, 12, Second Honors 10, First Honors 11

. Vincent de Paul udent Council 1,2 (PrleS!dent), 3, 4, SWlrning.vMSlty 1.2 (2nd Team AII-utholicl,3 (I5t !<lim AII-Catholk),4 (Captain), Tennis-V.arslty

2,3,4, esc 1,2,3,4, NHS 3,4, SChoIaslIc"l2.3,4, An.ck P.rl: 1,2,3.4 'ou've got 50 much 10 say, Say what you ean, Me;ln what what you Think. Think pyttllng." ..cat Stevens lirid: rwnothy C.uq' 14 Spring Valley Road


oylcstown. PA 18901 15) 348-2659

ur lady of Ml. Carmel :i Club 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3; Forum I;

"ack 1; SAVE 2; Crew 2.3,4; esc 3,4; SADD National Merit Scholarship Commended

orne dreams are hollow, some dreams are )Id. Some dreams are croJZy and some are >oghl and other dreams are sold. Some dreams ! waiting at the end of the road.-The Pogues

Patrick Casey


"\ have been waltmg for a tune to s.ay that IhlS has been lNOOderlul but naw I am on my way.·Ptllsh Jeff~

P. Catanese


395 Robinhood Dr. Yardley. PA 19067 (215) 736-8382 St.lohn Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 4; "Don'l know where I'm going. Only God knows where I'ye been."

-Bon .Ioyi

Jeffrey Catanese

Michael Capell 8 Chelfield Rd. Dublin, PA 18917 (215) 249-9736 Our lady 01 the S-Cred Heart Track and Field 2,3,4; Wresding J; Bike Club 1; Sid Club 1,2,3,4; Inlramurals 1,2,3,4 "Homey da' clown don'l mess around e\.·en when !he man try 10 keep him down.-Homey d;,' Clown

Jost'ph M. Catrino, Jr.


240 Shoemaker Rd.

Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-]586

51. Albert the Greal Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,],4; Science Club 3,4; Siudeni Council $enatOf 3; "Celebrate we will because life is short but sweet for certain. We're climbing two by two.

To be sure these days contmue....• -Dave Manhews Band

Joseph Catrino


Matthew Chiappa

Kenneth Christy, Jr.

Frank CflKkovase 110 Flagstaff Rd. Philadelphia, PA 1911 5 (215) 698-8447 51. Albert the Great Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football I; IndoorTrack3.4; SADO 3,4; esc 2,3.4 "life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it," -Ferris Bueller

Matt ChiapIJ<l

10 12 Happ Dr. Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 346¡8689 Our lady of Mt. Carmel 5AOD 3,4(Co-President); NH53,4; Wisterian 4 "The perception Ihat divides you (rom him Is a lie. For some reason you never asked why. This is not a black and white world. To be alive, I say the colors must swirl. And I believe that maybe today, we will all gel 10 appreciate the beauty of gray."

Kenneth L Christy Jr. 20 1346 Mdrlborough 51. Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 425-0336 51. Michael Band 1,2,3,4; Concert Band 2,3,4; Pep Band 2,3,4; Inlramurats 1,2,3 "The future is hidden even from the men who made it." -Anatole France

Anthony Cortellessa 40 7722 Queen 51. Apt. B Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 836-5097 Seven Dolors Jau Band; Concert Band; Competition Band; Pep Band; Art Club; Intramural Assistant; Drama; Bowling; -Ignorance is bliss." -Ale:o:ander Pope

Patrick F. Costello 40 328 Dogwood Lane Elkins Park, PA 19027-1609 (215l572-O107

Mallhew Alfred COli 40 825 Rowland Ave Cheltenham PA 19012 {215l379-8214 Presentation BVM Baseball I; Soccer 1,2,3 (AII-Catholic},4 (AIICatholic) -Fame, (ame, falal fame, il can play hideous tricks on the brain, buit still I'd rather be famous than righteous or holy anyday, anyday, anyday." -The Smiths

Anthony Cortellessa


St.James Band 1,2,3,4; Crew 3,4 "The value of a life lies not in Ihe length of days, but in the use we make of them; a man may Jive long. yet live very little." -Montaigne

Patrick Costello

Matthew Cox

Brian Convery

James C1earkin lIIeS Cbudius

3D Bridge Street eland, PA 19075 5) 885-6526 Ily Martyrs e2,3,4; Inramurals 1,2,3,4 ;)U have to give it your all, because thaI'S all

u got"

fncbn CoyLe


i3 West Maple Or.

uthampton, PA 18966 15) 355·1488 Jr lady of Good Counsel otbatt 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3; CSC 4 "TI gonna go get the papers...get the papers." -jimmy Two Times, GoodfeUas

l;IImes J. CJearkin IV 3D 747 Wright Dr. Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 643-6635 51. Alphonsus Golf 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3; CSC 2,3; SADD 4; Art Club 1,2. "se 001 selfish in your doings, pass it on. Help your brothers in your needs, pass it on. A mellow mood has got me."

WiJlQm D. CoyLe, III 50 206loller Rd. Hatboro, PA 19040 (2IS) 674--3145 SI. David Band 2,3,4 (Band Manager); Chorus 1,2,3,4; Theatre 1,2,3,4 (Stage Manager); esc 3,4 (Board Member); Science Club 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Film Club 1, Scholastic "l" 1 "Always take a risk. If you fail Oh well; if you succeed well."

BriM! Convery 2628 Maxwell 51. Philadelptlla PA 19152 (215) 969·5620


51. jerome SAAD 3,4; CSC 3,4; Wisterian 3,4; Gazeebo 3,4; Art Club 2,3,4; NHS 3,4; WEXP 4. "Life is nothing until it is lived, but it is yours to make sense of and the value of It is ooIhing other than the sense you choose." -Jean -Paul Sartre

B,qn Croney 5D 1404 Barton Dnve FOr1 Washington, PA 19034 (215)643-0191 St. Alphoosus Soccer I; JV lacrosse 1; Science Club "Open your eyes, look in. Are you satIsfied with the live you're livlni'" -Robert Nesta Marley


Brendan Coyle

William Coyle

Brian Croney


Timothy Curran Timothy G. Curr~ 706 Reilln Maple Glen, PA 19002

Eric Daly Eric J. Daly 1245 McDevitt Dr


(2151 64ft.8458 51. Alphonsus


Crew 1; Spanish Club 3,4; MOD 3,4, 1,3.4; Intramurals 1,3.4; Scholastlc"t" 2.3; 'We create this WOfId and the Pfoblems thai go on. Create our lives and the things thai go Ylrq. So to the deaf. the blind, look around and listen 10 what it is you want and for what YOU'R! w,shing-


Charles Debow Ch.utes DeBow


2944 Cohn Dr

Blue Bell, PA 19422 1610, 277-1937 St. Helena

SADD 3; "And you Me n the filt race so put on your gym shoes Run empNliallly step on them blues Choose the right ~th and be on your way And you'll be able 10 say INhat a Wonderful life,'

WlIlo-... Grove, PA 19090 12151657-3649 St. David SkI Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; I~ Hockey (uptam) 3,4 "They send you off 10 collese, 10 try 10 gam a IInle kl'lO'Nledge... -JImmy Buffet


·Ad.lrn Yauch J~thon DiN~i

range lies every joy we ever dreamed of seeing. Within ourselves lies everything we ever

Dominic DiP.JoIo 20 1BAcorn Dr Churchville, PA 18966 (215) l55-2186 St. Vincent de Paul 1,2,l,4; Spanish Club 2,l; IntramuraJs 1,2; Fishing Club 4; Wrestling 3; Crew 3,4; "Look around and choose your own ground For 1000g you live aM high you fly And smiles you'll give and lears you'll cry. And all you touch and all you see. Is all your life will ever

dreamed of being.'



1702 Pemberton Road

Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 82&.9732

Epiphany of Our lord Golf 1,2,3,4 (All-Catholic)


"'Within our reach lies every path we ever dream of !ilklng. Within our power lies every

step we ever dream of making. Within


Due Hous Do &824 East'oIo'Od SI. Philadelphia, PA 19149 {2151745-1174 Our lady of Ransom NHS, 8aOO, Scholastic "l" "t survived seniOl" year at La Salle"

-Pink Floyd

lonothan DiNapoli


Dominic DiPaolo

Due Do



Justin Delisi

Jason Delisi Delisi


o Norristown Rd.

Je Bell, PA 19422

,0) 941-5471 il)hany of OUf lord 0100111,2; lnlramurals 1,2,3; Student


(Jndl Senator 3,4; 3,4; NHS 3,4; SADO Scholastic LI ,2,); lere comes a time in every man's fife when must handle things on his own; can't pend on friends to help you in a squeeze, ~ase, they got problems of their own." -The Pharcyde

enda" Dolan


40 Midvale Ave. iladelphia, Pa 19129 15) 848·5787 Bridget 2W: 1,2,3, 1.2,3A,lntramurals: 1,2,3,4


:an't believe that we would lie in our grave; mded"g if we had spent oof livmg days

Justin Delisi

Todd DiFeo


270 Norristown Rd. Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)941·5471 Epiphany of Our lord Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Attack Pack 4; 4; Football 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Second Honors 2,3; SAOO 4; "The Drinks are on ... oa House" -Jimmy Conway, Goodfellas


James Donnelly 70 118 Grey Court Road Philadelphia, Pit 19115 (215)673·3717 51 Albert the Great Wisterian (Production Editor), Gaming Club "Time is the fire in which we burn. Man will come and go ootthe blaze will rage on.-

Todd DiFeo 20 4132 Dana lane Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610l82S-6631 St. Philip Ned football I; Intramurals 3,4; CSC 3; NHS 3,4; Attack Pack 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; "Seventeen and strung OUI on confUSion." -Green Day

Patrick Dowling 80 3022 Warrior Rd. Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 628-3832 Epiphany of Our lord Tennis 2,3,4; Cross-Country 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3; Spanish Club 3 "Tomorrow. It can always wait unlll tomorrow,"

!II; I can't believe that we would Ii In OUr

IVes dreaming of things we might have en." -Dave Matthews Band

Brendan Dolan

James Donnelly

Patrick Dowling


Jarret Doyle I.mel Doyle

CNrles DurNm



)4)8 W. Penn 51. Philadelphia, PA 19129 {liS) 843·1006

2905 Morgan Mill Rd. Willow Grove, PA 19090

121 Sl 830-8407 St O.wld Crew 1,2,4;

Charles Durham

esc 2,3,4; Bike Club 2; SCience

Club 2

"Mad QuestIOn Asking; Blunt PASSIng; MusIC Blastll'lg. But We- just can" quit. •


St. luke Crew 1,2,3,4. Wr~llmg 2.Intramurals 1,2.304 Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Flshmg Club secood Honors 3,4 "let us endeavor so 10 live lhat when we C~ to die, ~ the undertaker will be sorry-

esc 1,2,3,4

-M.atk Tv. .. m

Christopher Eunice


Ryan Feret 161 5 Dogwood Rd Flourtown, PA 19031 (2151836-7426

7725 Rockwell Ave.

Philadelphia. PA 19111 (215) 342-9252

St. Cecilia Photography Club 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4 (Semor Class Vice-President); Wislefl<ln 1,2.3,4; Yearbook 4; SCholastic "l" 1,2,3,4; First Honors 1,2,).4

"So 1008 ya morons." -Holden Caulfield


51 Genevieve NHS 3,4: J.V.lce Hockey 1,2,3,4; Villrsity2 Ice Hockey4: SChotastic"L" 1.2.3: "In my mind, I'm a blind man doing time, look to my future because my past is aU behind me. Is it a crime to fight for what is mine, everybody's dyin' tell me whal's the use m trym'" -TupacShakuf

Michael Durso Mi~Durso


6 Walden Way Chaltont, PA 18914 (215) 822-8004 Sacred Heart FootbaIl1,2,3(Ll, 4(t); Lacrosse l(lI, 2{Ll, 3(U 4(Ll; Basketball I; Student Council 1,2 "Maybe I can't win, maybe alii can do is tak~ everything he's got BullO beat me, !le's goi~ to have to kill me and to kIll me !le's gotng to have to have the heart 10 stlnd In front of me ill'ld 10 do thai he's got 10 be' wrlling to dM! .. -Rocky Batb< Matl~ Steven

Fineberg SO 250 5helmlre 51 Ieokmtown, PA 19046 (2l5) 663-1105 St. Cecilia Forum 1,2/L),)(l).4Il); Theater 2,3,4: Track a Field 2.3.4: Wisterran 1.2,3,4: Photography Club 2,4: Yearbook 2.3,4; Gazebo 2.3,4; CS< 2,4; Conlpt.lter Club 1,2; : 5.11..0.0. 1,2,3,4; Film Club 1,2; Science ClubJ,4 "Invoke the hghtto shelter yOU.. Yesterday, Ie in a crowd I was lost. lost, now I'm found." P ..... ...,l 11""'"

Christopher Eunice


Ryan Feret

Matthew Fineberg

William Ennis

Brian Egan

rian Egan 30 504 N. 5th 51. erkasie, PA 18944 !15) 257路6501 t. Stephen U.c.c. orensics 2,3.4 ;Tennis 1,2,3,4: Band 1,2,3,4; panish Club 2,3,4; Mathletes 3,4; NH5 3,4; cholastic"l" 1,2 ... a pflJdent man must always tread the path f the great men and imitate those who have ~celled, so that even if his ability does not latch theirs, at least he will achieve some ~mbjance of it." -Machiavelli

William Ennis 40 316 Cherry lane Glenside, PA 19038 (215)887-2068 SI. luke the Evangelist Crew 1,2,3,4; fOOlballl,2; NHS 3,4; CSC 3,4; Fishing Club 2,3; "The story of life is quicker than the wink of an


The story of love is hello and goodbye Until we meet again." 路Jimi Hendrix

50 ich<lrd Firely 32 Kerper St. hiladelphia, PA 19111 ~15) 725-3264 resenation 8.V.M. p<lnish Club 2,3; esc 3; Photo Club 1, Second lonors 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4 (Assistant Editor); !Ucr Eating Champion,3; Science Club 3; ltramurals 1,2 'Cause it's wake up time, It's time to open up our eyes, and rise and shine." 路Tom Petty

Michael Joseph fithian SO 1250 Rosemont lane Abington, PA 19001 (215) 887-1132 51. Hilary Crew 2,3,4; Student Council 2,3 ; S.A.D.D. 3; CSC 1,2,3,4; fishing Club 1; Inlramurals 1,2; Spirit Club 1 "Celebrate we will. 8ecause life is short but sweet for certain. We're climbing two by two. To be wre these days continue. Things we cannot

Richard Firely

Michael Fithian

Michael Erfle MichaelJ. Erlle 40 12S 1 Turnbury lane North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-6855 SI. Rose of lima Crew 1,2,4; Indoor Track 2; Track and field 3, S.A.D.0.2,3 "Sing with me, sing for the years. Sing for the laughter, sing for Ihe tears. Sing wilh me just for today; never tomorrow or the good lord will take you away. Dream on, dreanl until your dreams come true." -U.K. Mission Ryan Foley 50 2750 Brendan Court Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)657路1133 St. David football 1; Crew 2,3; CSC 2,3,4; S.A.D.O. 3,4; Spiril Club 4; Ski Club 4 "Not all those who wander are lost."


Ryan Foley


Christopher Frey ChristopMr Frey ]42 Tyson Avenue


Philadelphia, PA 19111 12151 725路6230 Presentation BV.M. Photogf<tphy Club 1; Band 1,2,3,4: 1.2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3." -I\.iom wouldn't care ilbout these things If she

wouldn', keep finding out aboullhem."

Sean Fullerton Sean Fullerton 1148 Tabor Plaza


Philadelphia, PA 19111 (2IS) 725-.0)06 Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 3,4; Band

1.2; YCilrbook 4; Inlramurolls 1,1,3.4. Art Club .. -life is short 50 I~ the one you got. 'cau~ you might get run O\Ief or you might get shot -SobllrTle

-CalVin and Hobbes

Daniel Gallagher Daniel MiIIrtin



240 C~ssandra Drive Chalfont, PA 18914 12151 822-8570

"Jude Indoor Track oiInd Field 1,2,3,4 (J.Y. letter); Spring Track and Fiekt 1,2,3,4 (Var1lty lenerl;

5A.D.D.l,2,3,4; H53,4,Gnebo 1,2.3,4; Scholastic"" 1,2,3.4 "We are young. We are happy despite the tllne These days, happy throngs wke thiS joy,

wherever you go."

路REM. WiIIiilm D. Geigert 716 Summit Avenue


Philadelphia, PA 19128 {21S1483-2867 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Firsl Honors J; second Honors' ,2

SC'OU Gimptl 3207 Hogarth lane ColI~ev,IIE'. PA 19426 161QJ 584-5974


51. Eleanor

., fear again like then, I lost my way and shouted 10 God to bring my sunny day.路layne Staley

Track and Field 4; Theatre 4 "I never think of the future. It comes soon enough." -Albert EmSlem

William Geigert

Seo" Gimpel


Andrew Midlael GitUenuln


8838 Dewees 5t. Philadelphia, PA 19 t 82 (215)671 -9665 Soccer 1,2,3,4;Track 1,2,3,4 "Talent is God-given, be humble, fame is man路 given, be thankful, conceit is self,glVen, be careful." .Anonymous

Andrew Gittleman

Justin Gallagher tin G,)IIi1gher

Kenneth A. Gavin


KMneth Anthony G<1Ivin

133 Buttercup lane ymouth Meetmg. PA 19462 10) 82lJ.4016

Conshohocken, PA 19428 (610) 825-2252

_Philip Neri ;ew I; Track and Field 2 • Football 3,4;

Janish Club 2,3,4; WEXP 3,4; esc 4 like the ram. I w;\nt to w;tl!ow in the mud and l)p until my feet filn off And when I die I want say that I did orpe the diem, no matter now lid. how wet. Of how nasty the diem

was"• ike

ilIliet R. Goettner 80 127 Bethlehem Pike nbler PA 19002 15)643-1218 . Anthony -ew 1,2,3,4; 3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; ;hing Club 4; Track 2; lntramurals ',2. l/e know what we are but know not what we ily be-William Shakespeare


Daniel Goettner


204 West 7th Avenue

55. Cosmas and Damian Football!; Tr.Kk and FIeld 2, J; Intrilffiur.Jls 2,3; esc 2,3; NHS 3,4 (President); Scholasric -L· 1,2,3,4; First Honors 1,2,],4 Yearbook 2.3,4 (Edllor-m-Chief); Wisteria" 2,3,4; l.illlln Club 3,4 fPrestdenll; NMCS 4; St. Miguel Club 1,2,3,4 "Certamly the game is rigged, Don't let tNt slOp you; if you don't play you can't wm." -L.uarus Long G~ry Goodwin 80 8204 Solly Place Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742-4657 51. Cecilia "Punks step up to get beat down,"

Gregory Goodwin

William A. Geiger III William Albert Geiger III 70 156 N. Clearview Langhorne, PA 19047 {2151752-2377 Our Lady of Grace Sctw>lashc"L" 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Pep Band 2,3,4, Compe(itOl'l Band 3,4; Football 1; Baset»lIl; Tennis 2,3,4; Yearbook 3,4; Intramurals 1,2. -My name is peace, lhts is my hour Can I JUst get 01 little bit of power. The Power of Equality IS not JUSl wNt It ought to be-Red Hot ChIli Peppers Frederic Gramel·Kedzior 80 3530 Calumet St, PhiladelphiOl, PA 19129 Crew 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1; esc 3,4; Student Council 3 (Senator) "Snazberries, who ever heard of snazberriesl...We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams," -WillyWonka

Frederic Gramet-Kedzior


Paul Grevy III Paul Grevy III

Robert Grzybowski Robert J. Grzybowski


10122 Wilbur 51.

Philadelphia, PA 19116 Baseball I, 2fL}, 3fl), 4(l); S.A.D.D. 1,2,3; 2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "I'm gonna take this iny, bitty world by storm, and I'm just gettin' warm." -l.l. Cool J.


Michael louis Heim 155 lower Holland Rd. Holland, PA 18966 (215)322-8316 51. Bede


Soccer 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 2; Student Coundll ¡Stand for something or you'll fall for anything,"


487 Gerhard St. Philadelphia, PA 19128-3415 (21 S) 482-3950 SI. John the Baptist Crew 2,3,4 "Hold yOlJrself to a higher standard than anyone ever expecls of you. By doing this. you will never have to e)[cuse yourself." .Henry Ward Beecher

P. Bradley Guidi p, Bradley Guidi 2D 744 Fox Hollow Road P.O. Box 345 Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437-0345 (215) 643..0257 51. Rose of lima Cross Coonl!)' 1; Crew 1,2; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3 (Class Vice-President), 4 /Senior Class President); NH5 3,4; CSC 3,4; Scholastic"lo 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4 "Take it all in ils as big as il seems, count all your blessings-remember your dreams'-Jimmy Buffet

kurt Hirsekorn 40 413 Bridgeboro Rd. Moorestown, NI Oa057 (609) 273-0505 51. Charles Borromeo Scholastic "P 1,2,3,4; NH5 3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Swimming 1(U, 2(l), 3(ll, 4{l) (Captain); Golf 2(U,3{ll, 4(l); Wisterian 3,4; Yearbook 3, 4(Assistant Editor); Mathletes 3,4. "To preserve is always a reflection of the state of one's inner life, one's philosophy, and one's perspective," -David Cuterson

Matthew Horgan 4D 729 North Wales Rd. North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699-3230 St. Rose of lima Basketball 1,2,3,4; Track and Field I; lacrosse 2: Cross Coonl!)' 4; CSC 3,4 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "It won't come easy, it won't come fast, bul once you gol it, make illastO

Kurt Hirsekorn

Matthew Horgan


Michael Heim


John Hammond Dhn H.lImmond


604 Overbrook Or. ;wynedd Valley, PA 19437 llS)699-3314 t.

Rose oil.rna

weballl.2.3,4 {C~pt.llnl; Football 1,2,3.4; tudent Council 3,4 (Secretaryl; Scholastic -l' .2,3,4; S.A.D.O. 4 have pk)wed ~~, and SITlOOthed the 'oubled W.lIters come.lllong let's n..ve soml." :an, the hard WQri( has been done we'll barrel 011 into the sun. JUst for SlMters.-


Timothy Hannigan Timothy J. Hannig;an 20 1406 Conway Dr. Swarthmore, PA 19081 (610)543-0275 Notre Dame de lourdes Tennis 1,2.3(Fi~ Team ....1I-utholK';).4; NHS 3,4; 2.3.4 •...Thls has all been wonderful. oot now I'm on my way, but when I thmk .!'stmle to leave it all behind I try to find a w..y to but there's nothmg I an Sdy (() make il ~op." ·Phish


Brent Hartman Brent H.. rtmOin ]0 1820 Buck Rd. feasterville, PA 19053 (215) 322-7392 Our lady oi Good Counsel Soccer 1,2,3,4; CSC 4; M Club 3,4; Intramurals 1.2. "What I want IS wn..t I've not got and what I need is .. 1t .lIround me.-0.>\1

-)lmmy Buffet

'hilip Hughft III 40 .936 Nelherfleld Rd. 'hiladelph.a, PA 19129 215) 642-3794 01.. Bridget ~ational Ment Commended Student 4; Second ionors 1,2,3; First Honors 4 My thoughts must be relaxed, be able to nainlain-'Cause limes is cn..nged and life is tranged-The glorious days is gone. and ~erybodY's doin' bad, yo' mad Jives is up (or

r'' '·

Eugene r ..tridr. Hughes IV


8403 Navajo Sf. Philadelphia, PA 19118 Our Iv\olher of Consolation lacrosse 1.2,3(l),4(l); Ice Hockey 1.2.3; esc 1.2,4; S.A.D.D.4; "Welt I ain't always right, but I've never been wrong." -Grateful Dead

relet' Hunter P.O. Box 62 Gwynedd. PA 19436


(215) 699-5657 Sf.Rose of lima NHS 3,4; 2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2.],4 (Intramural Council); Scholastic "l" 1.2 'for lack of adequate conversation here, an Irishman is left to talk to God.-


-The Irish Guy from "Braveheart" -Ghostface Killer, Wu-Tang O.n

Philip Hughes III

Eugene Hughes IV

Peter Hunter


Brian Ingram

Andrew Jablokov

Istvan Jakab

8m" Insrvn

50 189 Wmdmlll Rd Willow Crove, PI. 19090 12151659-3054 Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; -Be who you are and do what you like, moan yeah...yeah.-Anonymous

AndrftV J,J.b1obv 50 4134 Jackson Drive lafayette Hili, PI. 19444 12151 233·1379 Gaming Club 1,2,3,4; alking Club 1,2,3,4 "00 or do not, there is no try." ·Yoda

tAab 60 1289 Harrow Crescent Yardley, PI. 19067 (215)493·5853 lacrosse 2; Track and Field 3,4; Photo Club 3, Yearbook 4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Fishing Club 2,3,4 Intramurals 2,3,4; BIke Club 3; Scholastic "L2,3. "If you die, don't worry. You can always be remcamated as a blade of grass,"

Matthew Kelly 70 8836 Ouvee" Dr, Wyndmoor, PI. 19038 (215) 836·5001 Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4, Photo Club 3,4; Ski Club 3,4; 3,4; Yearbook 3,4; Wisteria" 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. "To believe your own thought, to believe that what Is true for you in your privaTe heart iSlrue fOl all men, that is genius." ·Emerson

Andr~ Kemytsly 70 614 Burke 51 Rockledge, PI. 19046-4405 121S) 663·' 536 Christ The King Ukranian Band 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 2,3,4; Forensics 2,3,4; N.H.S. 3,4 (Vice President 4); Bike Club , ,2,3,4; Cerman Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; SCience Club 2,3,4; 1"IIamura's I; Yearbook 1,2 "\Ne're on a mission from Cod." ·The Blues B,(I(hers

Michael Kerr 70 305 Stump Rd. Nonh Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699·9054 Mary Mother of the Redeemer Cross Country 2,3,4 (captain); Track 1,2,3,4 (captain); Scholastic "l" 1,2,3,4. "' may be goin' to hell in a hucket baby, but at least I'm enjoyin' the ride." -Crateful Dead

Matthew Kelly

Andrew Kernytsky

Michael Kerr





Devin Jones ~in



:,9Cheny l..1ne cylestown, PA 18901 15) 343-2261 '\Ir Lady of Mount Carmel e Hockey 1,2,34; NHS 3,4; Spanrsh Club 2,3,4 (Officer); Intramolals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4; :holastlc -l" 1,2,3,4 ~iny is not a matter of chance, II is a matter , choice. It is not something to be WIShed for, it something to be attalned..Wilham Jennmgs Bryan

icholas Klone 37 Tartan Terrace halfont, P,4. 18914 15) 997-t710


. Jude

'restling 1,2,3,4 (captain). 'ou're stupid...You should sleep late, man; it's 51 much easier on your constitution." ·C!'leech and Chong

Nicholas Klohe

Christopher Kane Christopher Kane


14017 Trevose Rd.

PhIladelphia, P,4. 19116 (2151969-3484 St. Christopher lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2; Intr.tmur.tls 1,2,3,4; CSC l,2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Spirit Club 4; Fishing Club 3,4. "I would rathel have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal labodomy.w -Chevy Chase

Thomas Koenig


1000 Rambler Rd. Wyndmoor, P,4. 19038 (215) 836·0590 Wlsterian 3,4; NHS 3,4; MCC 4; CSC 4; Scholastic "l" 3,4 "And all I had done below the surVvVould counl for nOlhinr/ln the turning of the worldJ\r\lhen there is nowhere left to gO/You walk alone and watch the void: -Running

Thomas Koenig

Matthew Kebler Matthew Keble:r 70 8590 Old line Road Philadelphia, PA 19123 (215)482· 7030 Immaculate: Heart of Mary Baseball 1,2,3; SAOD 4, ScholastlC"lw 1,2,3; "Good fliends are hard to find, harder 10 lea~, and impossible to forget." -,4.nonymous

Thomas William Kohlhepp

80 231 N. Bent Rd. Wyncote, PA 19095 (215) 886-5963 Immaculate Conception Football 2; Wrestling 4 "Nobody asks me how things ought to be. I've got tons of ideas!" -Calvin and Hobbes

Thomas Kohlhepp


James Koller James R. Koller 892 Andorra Rd.


lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (215) 233-0251 St. Philip Ned Football 1,2(t); lacrosse I flj,2(l),3(lj,4(l); Student Council 3,4(Vice-Presidenl); NHS 3,4; 3,4; Scholastic "t" 2; Wisterian 3; Inlramurals 1,2,3,4 "Many things you wanllo know are just a little


beyond your reach. But someday you'll reach

them all; for what you learn today will help you discover the wonderful secrets of tomorrow," Kevin Lasky


38 Florence Dr. Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 364..{)679

51. Bede the Venerable Ctoss(ountry 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2.3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Art Club I; Yearbook 4; 4; Inlramurals 1,2,3,4; Second Honors 2,3. "II is impossible to escape the impression thaI people commonly use false standards of measure for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value of life..F ud


Kevin Lasky


Michael Kotwicki III

Stephen Kuklinski

Michael Kotwicki III 80 400 Homestead Court Warminster, PA 18974 (215)674-1641 Nativity of Our Lord Football 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 3,4; Fishing Club 3,4; Bicycle 3; Yearbook 4, WEXP 3,4; Scholilstic ·L· 2; second Honors 1,3 "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of wilL· -Vince Lombardi

Stepnen A. Kuklinski 20 2312 Carol Lane Norristown, PA 1940t (6TO) 272-1402 St. Paul NHS 3,4; Scholastic -L- 2,3,4; CSC 3,4; Spanis Club 3; Intramurals 1,2 ·It's time to move on, time to get going. What lies ahead, I have no way of knowing." -Tom Petty

Christopher Lavin 40 1200 Wallace Dr. Ft. Washington, PA 19034 (215)643-1126 St. Alphonsus Football 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2; CSC 2,3; Scholastic ·L· 2,3; SADD 3,4; Indoor Track 2. ·J've been thinking, Hobbes· ·On a weekendr' ....Well, it wasn't on purpose • -Calvin and Hobbes

Thomas ~wson 40 470 E. Myrtle Avenue Feasterville, PA 19047 Assumption B,V.M. Football 1 ,2; Baseball 2,4 "Man make the money; money never make the man."

Christopher Lavin

-l.l. Cool J

Thomas Lawson

Michael Labosky

ichael v. Labosky



Great Oak Or.

Thomas F. Lamprecht 1667 Miller Circle


Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 272-3813

lurchville, PA 18966

15) 322-2813 Vincent de Paul ~imming

1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4; 5.1'1.0.0. 2,3,4(Co-PTesident); Yearbook 3,4; esc

3,4; lntramurals 1,2,4; Art Club 4

he pessimist complains about the wind. The

,timist expt.'ClS it 10 change. The realist adju5lS ~

Thomas Lamprecht


SI. Helena Soccer 1,2.3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3.4; esc 2,3,4 "Move with persistence. cover much distance, knowing no perdition thaI's my game for instance."

-Nick Hexum

seph leva


:50 Palmetto St.

Iiladelphia. PA 19111 15) 722-7289

,Cecilia Isketballl,2; Football); Baseballl.2,J.4; athletes 4; Wisterian 4. :>ok at my face; remember I'm Ihe one thai did is to you." -Chaz Palmintieri

Joseph Leva

Evan M. lowl."ry 5D 1337 Timber lane Hatfield, PA 19440 (215) 855-4505 St. Stanislaus Baseball 2,3,4; Inlramurdls 1,2,4; Track 3,4; CSC 3,4; MCC 4; Yearbook 4; Fishing Club 4 "Don't give up lhe fighr." -Bob Marley

Evan lowery

Christopher lare Christopher lare 20 154 Jefferson Ct. NorriSlown, PA 19401 (61Ol277-9591 51 Paul Wisterian 2,3,4; Yearbook 4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3; NH5 3,4; CSC 3,4; Scholastic "l" 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1 "The man whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood...who if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; if he fails whi]l." daring greatly...shall never be with those woo know neither victory Of defeat." Thomas Waltl."f luft 5D 1166 limekiln Pike Ambll."r, PA t9002 (215) 628-2286 51. Alpoonsus Cross Country I, Tennis 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1; Art Club I; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; SAOO 3,4; CSC 3,4; " A gazelle knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or il will be killed. A lion knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. Whether you are a gazelle or a lion, when the sun comes up, you'd better be running."

Thomas luft


Kyle Mallach

Daniel Malloy

Kyle Mallach 60 1125 Sweetbriar Circle Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437

Daniel B. Malloy 7821 Montgomery Avenue

(215) 646-0498

(215) 635-2997

St. Rose of Uma

51. James

Foolballl.2,3,4; Baseball I; Track and Field

Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,4; Track and Field 2,3,4; Inlramurals 1,2; Scholastic "t" 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Photography


Elkins Park, PA 19027

2. ·Some guys just need to gel their buns kicked

every now and then." ~Mike


Club 1; WEXP 4 "J am se"ing the e)(ample and who'll I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied clnd followed forever." -Kevin Spacey (Seven)

Robert A. Massino III 7D 3008 Hemlock Drive Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 272·9132 Epiphany of Our lOrd Ice Hockey 1,2; SADD 3,4; Track and Field 3,4; Intrumurats 1,2,3,4. "\Ne're never gonna fit into normal life • never· '(:.iIuse we're the warriors...and without a war 10 fight. iI wilrnor may as well be dead tool"

-Apollo Creed

Robert Massino III


Michael Mattia 40 216 St. Andrews Court Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 272-0405 Mother of Divine Providence football ,2,3,4; Track 2,3,4; Basketball 1; Baseballi,2; Student Council 2,3,4; WEXP TV 3,4; Anack Pack 1.2,3,4. "Man is nothing else but what he makes of Himself." -Jecln-Paul Sartre

Michael Mattia

Matthew Maloney

Matthew MJloney 60 509 Bell lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 643-7305 51 Alphonsus football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; 4; Spirit Club "The credit belongs to he who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows thE thrill of high achievement. If he fails daring greatly his place shall never be with those timi souls who know neither victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt


Brendan May 60 2422 fairhiU Avenue. Glenside, PA 19038 (215)667-6699 St. Luke the Evangelist Lacrosse 1,2; Golf 3,4; Basketball Manager 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4; Inlramurals 1,2,3,4. "The credit belongs 10 the man who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the thrill of high achievement, and, if h. fails, al least fails daring. His place shall never be With those timid souls who know neither yictory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt

Brendan May

Jeffrey Markowski in)' C. lIobrilowski


• Maple Pomt Drive

Ighorne. PA 19047 5) 752-8295 r Lady of Grace umurals 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Spring Track

; Cross Country 2,3; National HOl1Of5 ljety 3,4 (Secretary); Blue and Cold 4. 5 also illegal 10 pul squtrfels in your pants pmbling purposes."

tthew Mc8riM


~8 Manor R~

ns Poln,;, PA 19021 5)635-0998 11 Jame5 w 1,2,3,4; Wrestlmg 2,3,4; Soccer I; esc .3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 you need in life is a backpack and good


Sean Martin

John Mason

Sciln P. ~rtin 70 134 Boncouer Road Chehenham, PA 19012 (21 Sl 635-6835 St.losePh Band 1,2,3,4; Intrumurals 1,2,3,4; Crew 2,3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; schorasilc "l" 1,2; esc 4 Well don't you worry, don't worry, no don't WOfry mama Cause I'm fight here at Home. You're the cutest thing I ~ did see, I really love your peaches wanna shake your tree." -Sieve Miller Band

8228 Elberon Ave. Pl"lIladelphla, PA 19111 (215)722-5660 SI. Cecilia Soccer 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; esc 4, Yearbook 4. "Tell you what, you can get a great look al a T· bone by Slicking your head in a cow, but wouldn't you rather tilke the butcher's word for It." -Oms farley

Christopher McB~ 72 Wynnedale Road


Narberth, PA 19072 1(10)667-2174 SI. Margaret Crew 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4 "Whatever you do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." -Goethe

-Road Rules

Matthew McBride

Chris McBryan


Peter McCvln



160 Cliveden Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 (215)684·7292 St. luke 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; SAD.D. 11,12; lacrosse 9,10 "Give an Irishman lager for a month and you will kill, for an Irishman is lined with copper and the beer corrodes it; but give this Irishman whiskey, and it is the saving of him." -Old Insh Proverb


Peter McCann


Sean McCloskey SeVl McClosk~ 704 Brighton St. Phil~tphi<l. PA 19111


MJUhew Kevin McConaghy 50 6988 Ely Rd.

(215) 742-6375

PresentatIon BV.M Intramurals 1,2.3,4: Film Club 1,2: Photography Club 1; WEXP J; Second Honors 2 "You I\a~ 10 forget about what other people ~V. when you're supposed to die or when you're supposed to be loving. You have to fOfget ilbout .111 these Ihmgs. You have 10 go and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven,'hm' Hendn'C Edwin J. Mc:h.dden 1567 Beechnut Circle M.lple Glen PA 19002

Matthew McConaghy


New Hope, PA 18938 (2151862-9212 Our Lady of MI. Carmel Track and fIeld 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,4; SAD.D. 2,3,4, 3,4 "Now I got thai reeling once again, I can't expIam. you would not undemand. thl$ 11 not how I am, I have become comiortably numb'" .Roger W.llters (Pin!. Floyd)


,\Qtthew D. McCr<1Ith 1701 ChIppewa Ridge Ambler, PA 19002


Sean McCreery SNnMcC~ 50 307 Killybegs Lane Plymouth Meeting. PA 19462 (610)825-8245 Epiphany of Our Lord lV. ke Hockey 1; VUSlty ke Hockey 2,],4; ],4; Wisteriiln 3,4; X:tence Club 3,4;


Second Honors 2,3 "[ThlS!IS SO CryptIC .lS to be illmost Jneiltlmgk I( there is a meaning. it is doubtlessly ob,ectil;

able." -The 8ritlsh Board o( Censors on Coaeau's'" Seashell and the Clergyman" Mi<:hord S. Mcintyre 1S Virginia Lane Horsham, Pa 19044

(215) 628-4750

(215) 619-0306

(21 S) 443-9646

St. Alphonsus

51. Alphonsus NH$ 3, 4; 3; Newspaper 3,4; Spanish Club

51. Alpnonsus

SA.D.D.l,3,4(Co-Pre5ldent); IV TenniS 1,3; 1,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; Fishmg Club 4; "Everything we gol here is American made. II's a little bit cheezy, but ii'S nicely displayed." -Frank Zappa


Edwin McFadden



4; Football 3; Baseball ],4; Peer Minister 4; National Merif Commendation "A man should never be ashamed 10 own he has been In the wrong. which is but saying, in other woo:ls, thaI he is wiser loday than he was yesterday." • jonathan SWift

Matthew McGrath


Football 1,2,],4; Track ],4; Lacrosse 2; CSC; Inlramurals, Spirit Club; Anack Pack; Fishing

Club; Scholastic "L" ·Some days you are the I)igeon, some days y< are the statue," -lames Foley

Michael Mcintyre

Patrick McDonald

trick H. McDon.;r,ld 80 w. Chestnut Hill Ave. ,iladelptll.l, PA 19118 15) 246-2893 e Hockey 3.4 (uptainl; Ba~1I ],4; ience Club ],4; Wisterian 3,4


-Rudyard Kipling

Stephen McElroy Stt'pMn McElroy


10 Woodside Avenue Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 822-8525

51. Jude Band 1,2,3,4 (presfdeonl); Forum 1,2,3 (Se<:relary). 4 (president); Drama 2,],4; Schofastlc -l1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Mathleles 2,3.4 --rhere was a very cautious man, who never romped Of played+le never smoked, he never

Jamie McEntee l.Jmie McEnt~ 50 117 Pattiot Circle ornstown, PA 19401 (610) 279-2585 51. Paul F()()(balll,2,3; esc 1,2,3,4; $pJInish Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; ScholastIC "l" 1,2,3 "In the end, the only people who fail are those

who do not try."

drank, Of even kissed a maidIThe day he passed away, his insurallCe was deniedlFor since he never lived. they claimed he never died,"

trid McLaughlin 8 Bartram Road


Wow Grove, PA 19090 15)657-5037


ew 1,2,3,4 (AIl¡Catholic); esc 2,3,4 ~presentive); NHS 3,4; SCholastic -l- 1,2,3,4; irit Club 4 nd if you feellhat you can't go on, and yOUr II is 5i nking low, just belielle and you can't wrong ... in the light you will find lhe road,-

Brian McM.Jhon


2573 Cold Spring Road lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 661-9684 Visitation B.V.M. Soccer 1,2,3; Baseball 1,3,4; e5C 3,4; Intramurolls 4; NH$ 3,4 "The best nighlS are those thai are Naturally lit" -Anonymous

Ry.Jn McMenamin 9925 Norwalk Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)673¡3563 "I detest monkeys."


-Opus Z1

-Led Zeppelin

Patrick Mclaughlin

Brian McMahon

Ryan McMenamin


Timothy McNichol Timothy McNichol 9318 Gillespie Street


Philadelphia, PA 191' 4

slice off a cui loaf is never missed" -Breaker MOfolnl

Sean Mooney

Patrick James McWilliams


455 Briggs Road langhorne, PA 19047

(2IS) 624·0389 St. Katherine of Siena Footballl,2,J,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4 lacrosse 1 •A

Patrick James McWilliams


534 Hillcrest Avenue

Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 885-4215

51. luke Football 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4 "I don'llhink I'm slick nor do I play like I'm hard but I shall drive the lane like I was Evan Bernard and I've been workmg on my game

(21S) 757-8296

St. Andrew Football 2; Intrarnurals 1,2,3,4; Bicycle Club 1 "During your life, remember one thing; every

man dies, but not every man truly lives. So don', be afraid to go after your dreams, no maner how far (etched they seem. M

Gregory Morris 20 1900 Stirling Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-9867 Corpus Christi Crew 2,3; Track 3,4; S.A.D.D. 1,2,3,4; CSC 1,2,3,4; In'ramurals 1,2,3,4; Peer Ministry 4 M8e true to yourself and you will never fall. ~ -Mike D.

because life is taxing got 10 get illogether and see what's happening,"

Joseph Meade

Joseph Meade 80 103 Hor~hoe lane North Wales, PA 19454 (2lS) 368-7012 Mary Mother of the Redeemer Basketball 1,2,3,4 ; MCC 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ·Success is to be measured not 50 much by th posilion that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while lryi. to succeed.M -Booker T. Washington

Michael Morsell 3D 2300 Terwood Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (2151659-7036 SI. David Studenl Council 1,2,3,4 (Presiden!); Football 1,2,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4 (Capt..in) MWhen you first start wearing a lurban, probal the most common mistake is wrapping illoo light; you have to ..!low the head 10 bre..the. M

-M. Diamond, A. Yauch, A. Horovitz

Sean Mooney


Gregory Morris

Michael Morsell

Thomas Molony

Andrew Middlemiss

Timothy /. Miehle

ldtew Middlemiss 20 '99 W. Butler PIke ymouth Meeting. PA 19462 10) 825-8575 tiphany of Our Lord 1Otba1l1,2,l,4; Baseball 1,2,1,4 ,Basketball I; tramurals 1,2,1,4; Ski dub 3,4 oily choice IS what I choose 10 do, and if I'm lusing no harm II shouldn't bother you. If you )n'l like my fire ,hen don't come around ause I'm going to burn one down.~ ·Ben Harper

Timothy I, Miehle I0 739 Dick Avenue Warminster, PA 18974 (115) 355·5435 Our Lady of Good Counsel Soccer 1,2,3; Basketball I; Ouldoor Track and Field I ,2,l(L).4(l); Cross--Counlry 4; Indoor Track and Field 4(L); NHS 3,4; Scholasllc AL· 1,2,3,4;CSC 1.2,3,4; Inlramufalsl,2,],4 -Sometimes when you reach down deep inSIde yourself, you surprise YOUf5elf,-

Thonw Molony

'Imam D. Mullen, It. 3D )()2 Shawnee Circle :>lIegeville, PA 19426 10) 454·0990 . Eleanor 1m Club 2; S.A.D.D, 2,3; WEXP 3,4; Theatre 4 (00, my friend, I will defer'ld, and if we change ....eU. tlove you anyway." ·Alice in Chains

f. Michael Nedl 3D 2520 Martin Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (liS) 784-1693 St, David Indoor and Outdoor eTrack and Field 2.3,4; Art Club 2.],4; S,A.O.O. 2.3,4 (presidenl); Student Council 4; lntramurals 1,2.3,4; SCholastic ·L~

lobn Neill 80 7401 Roosevelt Boulevilrd Philadelphia, POl (215) ]35·9710 51. ManOew Baseballl,2; Wrestling 2,3,4; Trilck and Field 3 ~Not going fa lie just because you do. Not going 10 trust what you say or do, Not going to 5iIY whal you want 10 hear, Not going to change because you think I'm weird, Not going to live In a world of fear,· ·Total Chaos


·We are continually faced with great opportuni. ties brilhantly disguised as unsolvable problems·Anonymous

William D. Mullen, Jr.

F. Michael Nedl


5929 HoughlOfl Street PhiladelphIa. PA 19128 (215) 483..()928 Immaculate Heart of Mary lntramurills 1,2.3,4

John Neill


John Price

Bradly F. Polter

John Price 50 6b 12 Emlen St. Phil.adefphIA. PA 19119 (215)8.42.3735 MC.C.}; Football 1.2,3,4 ",11Catholic)

Bnldly F. Potler


St. GenevIeVe "ThIngS accomplish nothing; people accomplish


Jeffrey Rucinski 806 Pleasant Avenue



WyndmoOl. PA 19038

4122 Daisy Lan(! Plymouth Meetmg. PA 19462

(21 S) 836·9065



51, Vincent

Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hili

Tennis 1,2,3,4 (All-Catholic); second Honors

"Hard work has a future payoff. laziness pays off now,"

1,2,3,4 "l'U help anybody out. You need help, I'll help

you out. If you don't get help ya need, I'll straighten ya


onE' way or the other.;" -Jerky Boys

Jeffrey Rucinski


SeMI Quinn


8620 Ferndale 51.

515 Drayton Rood Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 887.Q999

"By the lime you underst.lnd II all It is too late to do .. nythm8 wIth it."


Sean Quinn

Philadelphia, PA 19lJS 1151677·5416 St. Albeft the Great Crew 1,2,3..4; Art Club 1; CSC 2,],4; Span,sh Club 1,2; Indoor Track 2; NHS ],4; ScholastIC -l" 1,2,3 "There are two paths you can go by, but in thl Ioog nln lhere's st,lIllme to change the rNd you're on." • led Zeppelin

20 Chrislopher J. Santucci 1]0]5 lIndsay 51. PhIladelphIa, PA 19116 f21S) 969-4197 51. Christopher Music 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Scholaslic "l- 1,2,3; Spanish 3,4 ; esc 3,4 "You can never ever leave home without leaving a piece of youth and our lives are forever changed. We will never be the same lhe impossible is possible torught.-


Edward Sansalone

Christopher J. Santucci

Carlos (Rodriguez) Castaneda

Paul Read

aul Iud


341 Jeanes St.

hilitdelphia. PA 19111

!IS) 745-1971

Cecilia r~ 2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4, SpJ.nlsn Club 3; ishing Club 4; SdM;HasliC "l" 1,2,3,4; NatIOnal ~ Society 3,4 (Treasurer) M I reckon I got to light out fOf the Tmtlory 'lead of the re5t, because Aunl Sally she's :ling to adopt me and siviJize me and I can"


urios A. (Rodrigue:zJ UstaMd.l 31 Viburnum Court ufayette Hill, PA 19444


(610) 832-1279 ImmKulate Heart of Mary Scholilstic "lO 1,2,3,4; Mathleles 2,3,4; Yearbook 4;Wisterian 1,2,3,4

"Thai man is prudent who netther hopes


fears anything from the uncert.am events of the

Jose Rodriguez Jose Albizu RodriglH!z 60 5538 North 3rd 51. Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215l424-4484 tnc~rnalion of Our lord Spamflh Club 1,2,3,4 (Presidenl); Mulll"'Cuhurilt Corps 1,2,3,4; 4; DrafNI 2,3; F~II manager "PILSUNC"


future." -Anatole Frilllce

.and it I been there before," • Huck Finn

ohn Francis SavOlge :J7 Benson St.


,iladelphia, PA 19111 15) 725-6781

. Cecilia

XCef 1,2,3,4; InlTamurals 1,2,3,4 ,in', nobody can rack Quile like I can; I'll take muscle bound man and put his face in the lIld 'cause J'm bad."

. Ll Cool I

John Savage

20 Seth "TtIofNs Sc;llnlon 6805 Oxford Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)725-8781 St. Hilary of Poiliers Forum 1,2,3,4 (Vice-President); Band 1,2,3,4; Student Council I; Wisterian 2,3,4 (Copy Editor); NHS 3,4; Yearbook 4\Copy Editor); Gazebo 2,3,4; German Club 1,2,3,4; Latin Club 3,4; "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of every1hing at the same time...• --Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Seth Scanlon

Cuer Schafer

80 726 Tranquility lane Lansdale PA, 19446 (215) 699-9164 Saint Rose of lima Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4(Captain); National Honor Society 3,4 "Can't see the future. I just break free alld run. And knowing nothing t know that it's Just begun. This day feels different. Feels like sheddmg skin. My mind is dearer now 1 know what state J'm in." -,lawbreaker

Casey Schafer


Mendel Schmiedekamp

Michael C. Schalle Michael C. SchAal' 313 East Ormandy Place Ambler, PA 19002 (21 Sl 542-9040

Mendel Schmiedekamp


51. Alphonsus Basketball 1,2,3; Golf 1,2,3,4; National Honor

Society 3,4; Studenl Council 4; WEXP 3,4; Intramurals \,2.3,4; "tuck Pack 4

"' don't know karate, but I know crazy." -James Brown

Justin I. Serianni


643 N, Wales Road

North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699~ 1979 St. Rose of Lima

Band I,2,3,4{Vice-President); Theater 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; "Fury spat out of his eyes when I'll' lold of things he haled; great glows of joy replaced Ihis when I'll' suddenly got happy; every muscle twitched

esc 1,2,3,4;

to live and go."

St. Vincent de Paul Forum 1,2,3,4 (Secretary); Band 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3; Mathletes 1,2,3,4; Theatre 2,3,4; National Merit Semi-Finalist 4; Computer Club 3; Gam,ng Club 3,4 ;Wisterian 2,3,4 "The best laid schemes 0' mice an' mef\lGang aft a-gley,· -Robert Burns Brion Shreffler 3D 9B09 Woodfern Road Philadelphia, PA 1911S (215)673-2874 Maternity BV,M. "Have you not every veshch you need? If you need an auto you pluck it from the trees. If you need pretty poly you take it Yes? Why this sudden shillamy for being the big bloated capitalist?" -Anthony Burgess

-Jack Kerouac

Justin J. Serianni



2948 Anzac Avenue Roslyn, PA 19001 (215)886·0122

Brion Shreffler

Christopher J. Schu

Christopher J. Schu 1D 3379 Colonial Circle Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 938-7375 Our lady of Good Counsel CSC 3,4; Baseball 1,2; latin Club 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4 "My life has been extraordinary, blessed and cursed and won,· -William Patrick Corgan, J

Gilbert A. Smith 3D 8829 Bayard Street Philadelphia, PA 19150 (2 t 5) 248-2846 $1. Raymond's of Pentecost Church Cross-Country 2,3,4 (All-Catholic); Track an< Field 1,2,3,4( AU-Catholic); Band 1,2,3,4, MC 1,2,3,4 ~No race can prosper till it learns that (here is much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. It is at bottom of life we must begin, never lening our grievances overshadow our opportunities.~ -Bookel T. Washington

Gilbert A. Smith

obnhew L~wrence Scully 10 1236 Tressler Drive 'ort Washington, PA 19034 215) 646-0780 it. Alphonsus "HS 3,"; esc 1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 1,4; Track and Field 2; Mathletes 2,3 Some people never find it and some only lretend; I jusl wanl to live happily ever after, !VCf)' now and then." -Jimmy Buffet

Peter seely 10 755 Pineview Lane North Wales, PA t 9454 (2IS) 699-8242 St. Rose of Lima S,A.D.D.3,4. "There must be a beginning of any great maller, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields lhe true glory." -Sir Francis Drdke

Mark 5emanick 10 867 Yorktown Street Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-7099 Track and Field 1,2,3,4; Cross-Country 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Academic Excellence Award 1,2,3,4; CSC 2. "Destiny is not a maner of chance, It is a mailer of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, It is a thing to be achieved! -William Jennings Bryan

:hartes E. Snyder, Jr. 3D /633 Leonard St. )hiladelphia, PA 19152 ~esurrection of Our lord 3aseball 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4 (Secretary, rreasurer); Track and Field 1,2; Theatre 3,4; ntramurals 1,2,3,4; Second Honors 1,2,3,4 'The healthiest competilion occu~ when lVerage people win by puning in above average

Kristopher T. Sparks 3D 1814 France Slreel Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 742-1757 Resurrection of Our Lord Band 1,2,3,4; CSC 1,2,3,4; Theatre 2,3,4; laSallian Youth 4 "Never give up on what you really want to do. The Person with a big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts!

30 Francis Spause 3148 Colony Lane Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610) 825-0974 St. Philip Neri FOOlballl,2; Basketball I; Wrestling 3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 2,4; Inlramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4 "Most everyone's mad here...You may have noticed thaI I'm not all there myself,-Cheshire Cat


Charles E. Snyder, Jr.

Kristopher T. Sparks

Francis Spause


Nicholas Tarsi

Justin Sulton Justin Sulton


11612 Heather Street Ptlliadelph,a, PA 19116

(21Sj698.()68] 51. Chrtstopher Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; 1,2,3,4 "Life moves pretty fast; if you don', Slop iJnd look JifOUnd once and awhile you might miSS it."


Nicholas Til"; 2325 Karen lane Hatboro, PA 19040


(215)441-0964 Our lady of Good Counsel

Football 1.2; esc 3; SAD.D. 4 "As iar back as I can remember; I alwilYS wanted to be a gangstef ," -Henry Hill, GoodfeIlM


Richard hie 710 Elbow lane Wafflnstoo, PA 18976 .215) 343-5762

St. Robert SWimming 1; Soccer 1,2,3; Track and Field 1,2,3,4~ Cross-Country 4 ,fllose forcing [he pace .. 11 the way, .... ell ...al least I can live with myself"

-Steve PreiontaiOl

Jilmes Willers 95 Post Ro.ld


Churchvllle. PA 18966 (2151355-5114 Sf. Vmcent de Paul esc 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3; Intramurals 2,3,4:

Second Honors 3 "Don't say you didn't have enough lime. You have exactly the same number of hours per day Ihal were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur,

Jeffrey B. Watson

Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein,"

'ames Waters



120 Cardmal Way North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699-3947 SI. Rose of lima Tennis 1,2; Spring Track and Field 3,4; tlldoor Track and Field 4; CSC 4; S.A.D.D, 3,4; Slliinisn Club 2; Ski Club 1 "Tne choices we make dictale tne liVe!> we lead." -William Shakespeare

Jeffrey B. Watson

Daniel E. Walt 526 Carriagehouse lane Harleysville, PA 19438 (215) 256-4992 SI. Mana Gore"i


Student Council 2; Football 1,2,3; Track and Field 1,2; Jntramurals 1,2,3,4; SI>irit Club 1,4 "How in the world you gonna see laughm' at fools like mer Who on earth d' you think you are, a superstart Well righl you are. We aU shin on." -John lennon

Daniel E. Wall

Joseph Vigorita

George G. Thiers

David B. Vagnoni

C. Thiers 60 9 Chihon Place nghorne, PA 19047 15)860·8140 rum 1,2,3,4; Crew 2,3,4; NHS 3,4; esc 4; isterian 1,2,3,4 II excellent things are as difficuh as they are

David B. Vagnoni 60 2509 Swede Road Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 272-1322 St. Titus Wisterian 1,2,3&4 (Editor·in-Chiet); Yearbook 4 (Associate EditOl'); NHS 3,4; Student Council 1,2; latin Club 3,4; SCholastic "l" 1,2,3,4 "They ignore you if you're right, but they will blame you when you're wrong. They despise you if you're weak, but they will hale you if you're strong. They will jeer at you, embarrass you, impoverish and flout you. And for all you know they'll turn around and write a book about you." - Barbara Young

Joseph Vigorila 60 2357 Jenkintown Road Glenside, PA 19038 St. luke Ice Hockey 2,3,4; esc 4 "Second place is only the first loser." -john Force

Eugene Welsh 10 606 Beechwood Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 657-1943 St. David Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Pep Band 1,2,3,4; second Honors 2 ·So many strangers among uS feel that life is but a joke." -Bob Dylan/]imi Hendrix

10 Edward Westermann, Jr. 1790 Governor's Way Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 825·9035 Epiphany of Our lord Soccer 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2,3,4; SAD,D. 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4 "A sober man's thoughts are a drunk man's words." -Skinny


'e: -Benedict Splnoza

lomas E. Wells, Jr. :8 East State Street :)yle5town, PA 18901 15)598·0553

Thomas E. Wells, Jr.


Eugene Welsh

Edward Westermann, Jr.


(ScnoolJ L//e 3/

L3S3/k earning. Community. Teamwork. Inherent in all aspects of a Lasallian education


is the belief that these ideals extend themselves beyond the confines of the into the hearts, minds and lives of students, parents and teachers. SI. John Baptist de La Salle believed Ihal the true roots of education are interactions with the world around us, and thus we explore activities Ihal call us 10 excel beyond what is expected, and avoid the minimum. c1.l~sroom

Learning... When does learning end? At 2: 10, when teachers finish their lectures and the books have been closed? Does learning instead continue past the rigid demarcation of ~periods~ into lale afternoons, weekends, vacations? Activities at La Salle constantly stress learning as a fundamental and necessary task to succeed. To properly debate the resolution or write an origindl oratory. membe~ of the Forum must sometimes spend hours in the library poring over law journals. afternoons practicing a play. or an evening at home working on the theme and content o( a speech. Writing an article for the Wisterian requires persistence, and communICation. The constant writing and rewriting that goes into every article and the dialogue between editor and writer is a constantly evolving learning process. Learning is the acquisition of more than simply ideas-it's the dialogue between young people, teachers. and parents that leads to a better understanding o( the unctl.uted world. It is exploration and discovery of treasures Community... An important facet of a Christian Brothers educdtion IS the concept of commuOIly. The brothers live in a community. working together for the betterment o( the environment in which they work, teach, and guide. Lasallian students, too. have modelled this idea, using their talents not for trophies or awards, but (or the simple satisfying knowledge of having been able to help someone else. Members of the National Honor Society follow the mono of students helping students. They tutor students who need help with their school work, they volunteer in such activities as the blood drive, they act as intermediaries between students and teachers. They follow the motto ot scholarship, leaderst'up, character, and service In their constant response to the call of community. The Community Service Corps is a group of dedicated lasallians who see that the world can be improved with simple human understanding and involvement. From their organization ot food drives, to their sponsoring of Operation Santa Claus campaign atla Salle, to the care they give volunteering at soup kItchens, they exemplify the ChrIStian spirit of not simply living in the community, but interacting with It, the goal being the improvement of the lives of others. Teamwork... Working together. The third important aspect of life at La Salle. Teachers and students work together to better educate one another, while sludents work together on pro,ects, sports teams, and activities. Teamwork is the ideal-students coming together for a common cause or ideal. One. Two. One. two, three, four. La Salle's many bands and its chorus can't make music without the leadership of Mr. C. and teamwork. Students have to work together to capture the essence of the music, its rhythm, its color. They can't do that if they're not comfortable with one another. They must put aside all distractions to get to their goals: making melodies and having fun. This very publication. the yearbook, depends upon its members to work togcther to create memories forever in captured form. Communication, perseverance, and dedication are necessary for the smooth transition form deadline to deadline. Only when moderator, editor, and writer work together as a team, looking out for each other's needs, can anything worth while ever be engendered. life at La Salle continues past classes, and always the spirit of learning, community ,lnd teamwork are present, with faculty, parents, and students coming together not merely for formal education in a building. but as a (amily.


~ l.



The Closl of 'Of Mice ilnd Men" is shocked <IS it is divulged lhill Jimmy Hoffil's body hils !>nn hidden in Mendel's schoolbilg illl tlww yl'ilrs.

Seiln Fullerton looks his typicill "wicked slick."

"Surpriw, surprise! A Mr. Wiley e.~r~l .Kt~lIy ..-orb."


Music 'SparKs the Splrlt" W

hile most high school students prefer 00110 spend their summertime Thursdays al school. we, a small (okay, large) group of elite (okay,

basic credos of the high school student: Don't come 10 school if you don't ha",e the summer without a monetary reward for it. At these first gatherings of the 1996 La Salle Pep Band. 5everallhings

10, and don't wake up before noon in

became painfully obvious. Among other things, Kevin Badolato really was

elected Co-President, and somehow, a drummer. Sieve McElroy, became his p.artner in the Presidency, even though Mr. C knows Ihat the drums aren't a "real" instrument. Furthermore. our teachers, the finest musicians of Italian descent in the area: Mr. C (actually Joseph Ciccimarol, Joseph Vetteri (saxophones), Joseph Nero (percussion), Rocco Bene (trumpets), Richard Genovese (trombones), Craig Ebner (guitars), and Paulette Kensey (pianos) not only keep us in line, sort of, but also correct us when we use the word capisce incorrectly. Vice·Presi· dent Justin Serianni and Secretary·Treasurer Chuck Snyder, of course, never use any Italian phrases incorrectly, although Chuck doesn't yet know whose or how much money he's not handling. This year's bands (concert, pep. stage, compelltion, and guitar, string, and percussion ensembles) were, as usual. omnipresent at school events such as football games, Open House, and the welcoming of the Middle States Evalua· tors. But a couple of these groups also went outside of the school The CompetItion Band sho".ed top form in several states and other performances. The fifth period band (technically, the Advanced Music class) \\hiCh performs nearly every.vhere in some form or fashion, visited several grade schools and girls' high schools, propagating the world of music as we know it, and giving Chris Santucci another chance to showboat his spectacular drumming style. Led by the officers and seniors Chris McBryan, Anthony Cortellessa and Will-Fatty Oat" Geiger, these bands received good reviews everywhere. Of course, this doesn't mention the actual goings-on of the Band that few others see, and even (ewer understand. For example, the natural motion of the Banda to the Band Room every day before homeroom and during nearly every free period, Or an inexplicable atlractien to higher ilnd higher notes, be they from Maynard Ferguson, Billy Chase or Kris Sparks (how did that last name get in there?) Some things can only be comprehended by a select few. The Band has those few. And Mendel. And so he tells people, Sean Martin. And sometimes we're even graced by the presence of Seth Scanlon. Quite frankly, the Band's atmosphere is one unique not only to a band at a school, but to the Band at La Salle. It is an environment which could not be created anywhere else, And to us, that's just fine. We'll keep the ambiance to ourselves, but to conlinue to spread our music e\'ery.\lhere else we go.



not so elite) students gathered every Thursday morning, violaling two

~'--'.·_ ........ c""C'~



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...__ :• . ~-

Mr. C. performs his slirring rendition of "Stardust,"

In the middle of a number, loe Haughton suddenly fN'ls lhl" ntflf 10 point ouilM euet position of PoLlos.

llir. lost'ph Ciccim;uo breaks into .. so~ as 1M ~nd tnl~l.i," h S.lle sl~ts.



com" Ptlfr


"You havt 10 be I.:idding~ I lhought I was tht only Orn! ~'ho slill ustd iI BflilmilJ(."

19%·97 h ~nt Spt«h Ttilm. Bile'" row, ~ft to righ';Mr. Ed Kt'lly (COoIrnl, lim Pillmitri, Matt luhl.:s, Ttrry filllon. Emidio C~i, ViocMzo lil Ruffil, R~r1 8re<tnilO, lim MeK~. Grtt Hosmtr. Mil.t Me Cuon.lot Giird_. Fronl row: Oiln Gitltspit, Briiln c.ubtrry, Malt fi~

lim GokIntr. Eric lil, G.1m.l1 Pillmtr. Millt CJnnin&. Rt.rn BrO&Jln, Rfil.n M.tscio, R)'an Me CorI, 8ro. RMi Sttrntr. fSC (modtriltorl.

1 12

Forum Ponders the Great Debates Q; What is Bro. Rene's favorite travel f(X)(H 2. Q: What are Ihe three W's? 3. Q; What is in Mendel's schootbag~

f you don't know Ihe answers to these questions, then you're obviously nol a member of The Forum, laSalle's very own speech and debate team, led by our belov<'d godhead Bro. Rent~ Sterner FSC. While most of the school's learns have bul one season of grueling COml>elillon, forensics is a year long aClivity. Students focus on one or two different events which range from Deb..u e and Lincoln·


Douglas debate (for the more argumentative at heart) to such speech events as Prose and Poetry Reading, Dramatic Interpretation of Literature, Duo Interpretation (Being a Friend), Oratory, and EKlcmporaneous Speaking. Of course, there's Congress, an event competed in by all, but masll.!red by a few, VERY (ew. The Forum coml>eles against other schools on both the local, stale, and national level. wilh its goals always bemg learning, victory, and, most importantly, having (un. (Forensics is a co-ed sport after all!!!) This year's Forum hopes to win the City Championships (as always) and go on for the Greater Glory of Ren~ at Baltimore (Calholic Nationals) and Minneapolis for Nationals (we hope Vincenzo won't get lost in Ihe Mall of America!) SeniOf'S Brian Egan and Seth Scanlon form La Salle's Varsny Debate Team A, debaung thIS year on the Issue of luveOile cnme. After winnlO8 such tourn<lments <IS the Lol S<llIc Invit<ltioooll olnd tn.e Shikellemy High School Tournament, one wonders if they have .lctually found the solution to Juvenile cnme. In the wacky ·....orld the is tn.e L·D debate, President, KralTlel'"-lookalike, and L-D god Steve Mc Elroy has set the pace with hIS first place wins.1I ShikeUemy, Scranton. and La Salle. Junior Paul Kahan and 5elllor Mendel SChmledekamp are always ready to debate fOf that w.'Cond spot, and have consistently shown our opponen15 Ihat La Salle is a force to be reckoned with. Oratory, where the speech is wrllten, performed. and rewritten by you, the high school student, is led by Vincenzo La Ruffa, champion at orth HIlls, La Salle, and West Chester University Tournd· menlS. The -lnterpM events. where dt every moment you are someone else, has such characters as

Gregory Hosmer (La Salte, Scranton, Towson), who does humorous interpretation, Gamal Palmer, and Ryan Mascio. Extemporaneous speaking, the event in which In you must be prepared to speak on any current eventS topic, is home to James Palmieri, Terry Fallon, and Brian -Cdesar" Carberry. The Forum, like .111 athletic events, cannot run smoothly without the dssiSlance of coaches. So, to our dedicated moderator, Brother Rene Sterner (who coaches Oratory and Extemp), Mr. Edwin Kelly, formerly of Permsbury High School (who coaches L-D debate and Extempl, the ever mathematical Mrs. Smith (who deals with the unruly Interpersl, Mr.}oseph tvkMahan lDebate), we extend our thdnks and recogmtlOO. The Forum: Home to a diverse colJecllon of students, bound together by the joy found in communication. The Forum: A place where hard work and research dre commonplace. The Forum: The art of pursuing the truth while simultaneously having fun. (The Pfeceding is an example of a rhetorical device. Brother will be proud.) he 1996-97 l,l Salle High School ~bate Tum. Bad: row, frft,o rish': Dan GrisS,lni, Mike Iielnik, Mall MUrfilY, Palll "ahan, Brian Egan, Steve Mc Elroy, Seth Scanlon, Dean Frillen, aiesh Noronha. Front: Bill Phelan, Ion Pain(', Mario Oi (Ierico, Terence Fitzgibbons. 'MOU'II,UOP '1M U;Ma SSU!YI awos aJI! aJilyl 'AaH:V'( (SJJ'Il!ads pooS }o aU!!q ayl SI .4.';)ul?punpa~d _'!JOM ''!JOM ''1JOM.,:V ·Z (ilSJOO';) JO a8Je,-xXX) .4.150J:I pUl? !1!4J s,.4.puaM V :V '1


esc u

Working well WI/h our hands ... nder the unfaltering guidance of Mr. Jay Kirsch, La Salle's Community

Service Corps encompasses the school theme of "Spark the Spirit" in every project they undertake. From the first day of school, Mr. Kirsch and new esc President Paul Sharkey attracted students to join, and pointed out the many benefits of being a esc member. These benefits included: the feeling of satisfaction by helping others and doing hard work "with our hands," Also, meeting other

esc members from other schools (mainly girls' schools!) was a

great way of making new friends. The first project that the esc tackled was raising money and sending students 10 Roslyn to help with the flood relief. The Corps raised over $500 in a

period of three days, which was matched by a donation from the Men of La Salle. A group of about 30 members went to Roslyn and faced the clean up "hands on." Shortly after this event, the CSC participated in the Gwynedd Mercy Academy "Bike and Hike,¡ which many members attended to sweat it out with the GMA girls. As we fast forward into the year, once again the CSC was asked to "Spark the Spirit" in the school to raise money for Operation Santa Claus. The La Salle Community was extremely generous and gave many less fortunate children a smile on Christmas Day. On December 24, a group of faculty took a sizable number of CSC members into the inner city to deliver gifts to the anxious children. After Operation Santa Claus, the CSC was able to take a small breather. But not before long, some goofy "basketball player" was on WEXP News "Sparking the Spirit" in La Salle to support Bread Basketball. The students were very motivated and brought cans of all shapes and sizes and even 100 pound bags of rice. At the end of only two weeks, the school had already "scored" over 5,000 points. The eSc. whose membership exceeded 200 this year. experienced a hugely successful year and is braced to fast forward.


AlCC Breaking down the barriers. ..


he Multi-Cultural Corps provides a (orum for students of all races, colors, creeds and ethnicities to share their views and ideas. Our mission is to promote, here al La Salle, the diversity that is shown throughout the

United States.

The 1996-97 year was a very eventful and successful one: We held an open debate on affirmative aclion. We produced numerous "cultural moments" on the morning television show, We participated in a conference at

Springside School. We attended a lecture on the "African Holocaust" at La Salle University, an event that was, perhaps, the highlight of the year because it provoked varied viewpoints and questions that we later addressed in our weekly meeting with our moderator, Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch. A big break-through for the MCC was our expansion into television. Through the use of WEXP and the help of its production staff, the MCC continues to strengthen and unify the La SaJlian community by spreading the message of cultural diversity and enriching life at La Salle.


SAOO,' We Help Sal/e lll/eJ


tudents Against Drunk Driving (S.A.D.o.) unites La Salle students together for a seriOUS purpose: to educate students about the dangers of drunk dnvlng. They utilize activities, examples, and SimulatIOns; establish

anli-drinking programs with the school; raise money to help support the program and victims' families; and encourage teens not only 10 avoid drinking and driving themselves. but getting into a car with a driver who is under the influence of alcohol. S.A.D.D. members also make posters and talk with many students about the harms and consequences of drinking and drugs. While S.A.O.D. is a program with national support, members focus on the local level: helpmg other students avoid the dangers of subslan<e abuse.

S.A.D.O. members Slevl"


and 80b Massioo "ilh Mr$. Garvin



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Forminga Personal

Helatlonshlp with Goo eflection can be one of OUf greatest challenges; not only does it require patience, it requires honesty. Every year allaSalle, the seniors stop for a day to focus upon the struggles and weaknesses of their lives. In looking


toward the future, these upperclassmen are challenged to establish strategies for dealing with the typical problems that invade the day of a young adult. Held in early September at Sf. Joseph-in-the-Hills Retreat Center in Malvern, the senior retreat refines the relational focus of the underclass retreats and develops a meaningful vision for the journeys to the future. Joining the seniors this year in the journey were, from LaSalle, Campus Ministry Director Mr. Jay Kirsch and Mr. Bill leahy, and from the Office of Youth and Young Adults, Ms. Katie Peach and Mrs. Molly Scot!. In addition, several faculty members accompanied each group of seniors to the retreat and provided their experiences and suggestions on coping with times of trial. On a day of prayer, activities, acceptance, and introspection, seniors were compelled to solidify their current friendships and establish new ones. By looking into themselves, seniors could strengthen their ties to others and to

God. Reflection can be one of the greatest challenges of our lives-the reward, however, far outweighs the difficulty of the patience and the honesty.

Mr.le<lhy prepares 10 inspire the retreollers with a rousing round of 'Nearer My God to Thee."

Dther frilnk relates the importilnce of il close, pcrsonoll reloltionship with God to the Sophomores.




Brendiln Coyle watches as Sean O'Brien writes his problems on the communal cinderblock.



lingua latina I/II/a est/ T

aSalle's latin Club gives students of Latin


the chance to gain a greater knowledge of the customs and culture of the Roman


civilization, while also allowing to experiment in the culinary arts. Moderated by Mr. William Geiger a.k.a. Magister, the latin Club meets for monthly convrviums, (social gatherings) where members sample different Roman dishes and participate in heated discussions over why the Roman Empire really fell. Major supporters like Ken "The Emperor" Gavin and Andrew "Nero Kernitsky always assure members of an interesting afternoon. So whether ii's baking Roman Chestnut Jam Cake or building a boat for the Recyclable Regatta, the Lalin Club is always having a good N



19%¡1997 LaSalle College High School latin Club¡ i,.(t Righi:: Mik,. H,.insdori, Ray Florkowski, Ken Gavin, Brian Carberry, lohn Tra"ers, Paul Sharkey, lim Mclaughlin, Bart Ray, Mike Brinkos, Marc Alfarano, Scali Emrkh, Mallluhks, Jeremy Cooke, Mike Greger, Saurabh Desai, Sean McCullagh, Steve klarich, Greg Schill, Tom Curun, Kevin Brewster, lim Durkin, Chip MacPherson, Dan Gillespie, Anthony Faillace, lim Sullivan, Tom Curran, SCali Kelly, Hugh Donnelly, Mario DiClerieo, AI Clay. Missing: Vineen:w la Ruffa, Dave Vagnoni, Seth Scanlon, Chris Schu.


Aqu/se naDia espanoL he objective of the Spanish Club is to provide


students with the opportunity to experience

the rich Spanish and latin American cultures. The club's monthly meetings are moderated by Mr. Nicholas Coggins and led by Chris Santucci, Tom luft. Jose Rodriguez, and Devin Jones. Some of this year's events have included a visit to the Philadel¡ phia Museum of Art, a trip to see the movie "Evita,~ a visit to a Spanish restaurant, and the opportunity to attend a mass said completely in Spanish. Moreover, the club provides volunteers to monitor the

brand new language Laboratory in the Study Center, and writes letters to pen-pals in other countries. In

the future, the Spanish Club hopes to schedule even more activities, like establishing a I-shirt exchange

can una "sister" escuela La Sallense en Puerto Rico.



Photo CluD .. .Always in the dark. an you imagine this yearbook without pictures? It would be dull and quite short, wouldn't it? How about the Wisterian without those excellent candid and aclion shots. let's face it, no matter how ingenious the caption or the paragraph, without pictures the yearbook would not remind us of our past years, and the newspaper would not excite us. Filling this


void is the La Salle Photo Club. Although one of the smallest dubs, we are undoubtedly one of the most important, since we furnish support to the school's

publications. Following Moderator William Geiger's bidding, we photographers go to the farthest reaches of a field, or a stadium even, to capture the greatest shots. The glory of a great shot pushes us on, further. even to the point where we endanger ourselves and everyone around us (well maybe not that far). At other times, we gather around and show off our work, and attentively listen to Mr. Geiger's appraisals. Led by Seniors Mat! Kelly, Steve Jakab, and Michael Kotwicki, along with Junior Greg Queen, the Photo Club scouts the hallways, classrooms, and Sidelines of sporting events, picking the perfect shot. even if it's of a deer grazmg on the lawn, And yes, we do 1 hour developing. Just ask for Greg.



The 1996-97 photo Club: Marc Alfar<llno, Anthony M<IIdonna, Paul Carroll, Iยงlv<lln '<IIkab, and Mike Kotwicki hilling).


Science CluD Egg Drops and Recyclable Regattas Rule.


he Science Club at laSalle, led by its intrepid leader, Mr. "Neo-Newtown"

Wiley, comes up with innovative science-oriented activities and competi

lions for students at LaSalle. Take, for example, the "Kamikaze Egg-Drop Conlest.... where eggs (purportedly placed in a protective structure of balsa wood and adhesive materials, and designed for maximum aesthetic impact under the aegis of sculpture teacher Mrs. Melissa Centofanle) were hurtled to the ground from the top floor of St. Michael Hall. It was a great success (except (Of all the eggs that didn't make it). The "fire Extinguisher-Powered Car Race" and "The Vacuum Cleaner Hovercraft'" were other ventures undertaken by Mr. Wiley and

his gang of "nerds." The Science Club has constructed a weather station and has prepared teams to compete in the annual Recyclable Regatta Competition. Schools from around the Philadelphia area enter teams in the competition, which races watercraft constructed of recyclable materials. At Science Club meetings, all are welcome to attend (and pocket protectors are optional).

"If this worb, rt will

for~ refute

the rumon ttYt I h.li"e no ideill whillt I'm doi"l!"


Skiers conquer the slopes Double diamonds and moguls make their day


he 1996-97 La Salle Ski Club expanded its normal schedule 10 include both a triP to lake Placid. New York and the

usual trip to Vermont. Mr.

ick Coggins, who is (he leader of the pack, accompanied Mr. Tom Barna. Mrs. Melissa

Cenlofante, and other club members to New York. Mr. "Wild Bill- Leahy Joined us


Vermont. Woody, our lour guide, wa

sure to let everyone know what the current conditions were at each resort, 10 give everyone their lift tickers, and to tell us when II be where at what time. The ew York triP helped start off the Christmas vacation well. We spent both days skiing at Lake Placid, the site of the

1980 Winter Olympics. Skiing the same trails as the world's best certainly was a unique experience. but we soon realized that didn't have the Olympic edge that will be required 10 Nagano, Japan. It was definitely a prime example of what quality skiing


should be. Skiers left for the Vermont trip on the last day of mid-terms, which eased off the tensions caused by a week of exams. An eight hour bus ride to Burlington seemed more Ihan a wonhwhile wait for the quality of the snow conditions that we had at Stow, Jay Peak, and Sugarbush. We couldn't help but freeze due 10 the -56 degree temperatures at Stowe, -20 degree teml>eratures at Ja Peak, and a tropical 10 degrees at Sugarbush. Frost bite was prominent and some of us received unhealthy doses of It. We also suffered the usual one unfonunate Injury that reduced our group form 44 10 43. Between shredding the slopes and flying high off crazy eight foot cliffs, there were several times that we had to go inside and keep warm. Both trips were great fun for everyone; the sheets of ice we're used to skiing on 10 the Poconos Just can't compare!

woo hilsn'l quite mastered the skill of balancl".

flo group of skiers...;md one young n'an


Hurry up .0<1 l~ke the pic::ture; my eyes ~re froun open:

Parents/ CluDs ...doing more for La Salle


ince the 19405 the parents' dubs at LaSalle have been a major financial tool. Both the Men of LaSalle and the Mothers' Club have aided LaSalle on many levels, from books to our new St. Michael Hall. The Men of LaSalle was founded in 1947 when Brother Dominic luke gathered 250 fathers at present-day LaSalle University. Since then, the Men of LaSalle has played an important part in helping fathers be an important part of their sons' lives. The main purpose of the association is, ''To insure that no student is forced 10 discontinue his education at LaSalle College High School due to the loss of his family's primary wage earner" and, since the inception of this organization, that has never happened. Some of the main activities of the Men of LaSalle this year were the Father-Son Golf Outing, the Auction (in conjunction with the Mothers' Club,) the trip to Camden Yards in Baltimore, the Family Liturgy, and the Father-Son Banquet. The LaSalle Mothers' Club has been a major part of the LaSalle family since t 942. This year, the Mothers'Club sponsored the New Mothers' Tea, the Day of Reconciliation, The Fashion Show, the Communion Brunch, and the Winter Social. The big event of year, however, was the "Field of Dreams" Auction in November. Together these clubs demonstrate a strong commitment to support LaSalle both emotionally and financially.




Where's 8roiMor w.. ldor





;lm I su~ 10 f'lwisior't me ul'ldeno'ud

W .. it, I fO"'&f'I ••• ~f'OIring


the ..udience


Serl/lce antiMore,' La SaHe ~



.H.5. is a well known acronym for the National Horticultural Society which, contrary to popular belief on campus, is not run by Brother

Joseph Myers. At La Salle, however, it stands for the equally well-

known and respected National Honor Society. Members include juniors and

seniors with an unimpeachable record of good conduct and at least three extracurricular activities, but here's the clincher: a minimal CPA of 3.5 must be maintained (Sorry, no 3.499's accepted). The NHS is not just an award but a society. Members are expected to display the qualities of Character, Scholarship, leadership, and Service. Clearly, these qualities relate to improvement of the school on community as well as

personal levels. President Ken Gavin, Vice-President Andrew Kernytsky, Secretary Jeff Markowski, and Treasurer Paul Read are the esteemed officers for the 96-97 school year. Together with moderators Mrs. Clare Brown and Brother William DiPasquale, they are highly involved in all functions at which La Salle must pUI its best fOOl forward. This is, after all, one of the paramount functions of the NHS: to aid in the presentation of La Salle College High School 10 the general public. NHS members are asked to lend a hand at Open House, Back to School Night, and underclass registrationi and to organize the annual blood drive. Virtually all of these activities, however, take place after school hours on the weekend. What then does the NHS do when school is in session? Tutor, of course. NHS members are the official tutoring organization al La Salle. Organized by Mrs. Brown, the members willingly (OK maybe not so willingly at times) gives up two free periods each cycle to tutor students who need help in a myriad of subject areas. It's a wonderful deal - NHS members provide low cost (free) tutoring to students in need of help without jeopardizing activities or after¡schoollife. It's kind of like taxing the rich to support the poor, except that the rich lose nothing (there is no law of the Conservation of Intelligence), and everyone gains from the experience.

After losing too much blood, Doc D. hallucinal6 and mak6 Seth Scanlon an offer he can'l refuse. "Blood¡ Brothers


BrOlher Reni, Ken G~vin ",nd Mr. Oi~hl "'elcom~ n... w membt'rs of Ihe N.H.S. OIl Ihis year'$ induclion ceremonies. CokIit'1oc1G 10 Pa~ B..."", Cod~ Rt'd, the porridge is warm, the porridge ~ w.lrm.

OfMice andMen M

osl people would agree that the average attention span of a human being is equivalent (0 the average length of a TV commercial. This lime- frame shortens if the human in question is a high school student. This is but one

reason to become part of Ihe Drama department al La Salle. Where else can a student be in the spotlight, literally, for nearly two hours and not have anyone lake their eyes off him? (Whether or not the spotlight will work is a totally differenllopic. If you have any

questions, just ask Dave Schmel.) The La Salle thealer program saw a resurgence this fall, with the outstanding Ilroduclion of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. Directed by our own Mr. Dennis Blah, this play, set in the 19205 on a farm, tells the story of two men, their friendship,

and their struggles. George, played by junior Paul Kahan, teams up with Lennie, more than aptly portrayed by senior Bill Mullen, who led a cast of highly talented and motivated actors. Seniors Man Fineberg and Mendel Schmiedekamp took on the roles of Slim, the lead farm hand, and Candy, the eldest of the workers, respectively. Sophomores Robert Brennan as the energetic Whit, and Paul White as the Boss, excelled. Junior Gamal Palmer put on a performance to remember both onstage as Crooks and backstage as himself. Every story has to have an antagonist to playoff the heroes. And, while some English teachers argue that George and Lennie were their own worst adversaries, the role of Curly, as performed by the demure John Dwyer, fit the bill as "the Bad Guy" of the show. Jamie Udinson, a junior at Gwynedd Mercy, allowed her talent to flow freely as Curly's Wife. Last but not least, frosh Adam Sasso played Carlson. As with every production, nothing can happen without a crew backstage calling the shots. The crew came under the direction of Mr. Bohdan Senkow (who bears a very slight resemblance to Santa Claus). Senior Bill Coyle managed the stage and sets. Junior Joe Haughton assisted Mr. Bloh in the direction of the show. Dave Schrnel showed off his "board warkin', dial spinnin', slider slidin" skills as lighting manager. The sound eifects came from the hands of sound man Mike Heinsdorf. Junior Kevin Fitzpatrick took care of the props; and Kelly Schmidt from the Mount. the costumes. Kelly Blah, from Merion-Mercy, Steve Cragnale, Dan Fineberg, Kevin Hannon, Malt Holbert, Tim Reiley and Kevin Lyons also put in invaluable work to pull off the show. With a bit of luck and a lot of work, future performances should match the success of or Mice .lnd Men. And yet we know that "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley....• Just ask about the cast parties.

No, no, you don't want to take 309.


//Two Gentlemen//SpeD

Success n the second week of April, a group of highly talented actors and actresses got together to perform for the La Salle community. This year's Spring Musical, Two Centlem<1n of Verona, took William Shakespeare's play, set in the Italian cities of Milan and Verona, and gave it a modern rock-and-roll twist.


The cast was headed by such talented actors as juniors Joe Haughton, Joe Laguda, Garnal Palmer and senior Mendel Schmiedekamp. This year the play was directed by the highly creative Colleen Durkin lapowski, while vocal practices were led by faculty member and Chorus director Jay Kirsch. Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro produced the show, while band

president Kevin Badolato conducted the pit band, and Mr. John Grace and Mrs. Theresa Garvin moderated the production and stage crews. Senior stage manager Bill Coyle created a massive staircase and an interesting four-foot high walkway that ran the width of the stage. In addition, the stage crew built an eight-foot high open-centered heart. Assisting Bill was a group of talented craftsmen including seniors Matt Fineberg and Brian Convery, junior Steve Crognale as lighting director and junior Mike Heinsdori as sound director. Junior Tim O'Malley designed all the cover art and publicity illustrations and junior Paul Sharkey handled the publicity. Great direction, sets and talent combined to produce a spectacular show.

The c:asl of La S<llle's 1997 Spring Music:al Two Gentlemen of Verona.


"I really wish I had a Ileat tee shirl like that." Slage crew -the backbolle of the play.


i (



Is this Ihe chickendance or Ihe macarenat 'You can't love another withoulloving yourself...•


Intramura/s The Wild World of Wacky Sports... ntramurals provide the atmosphere for a star to be born. You do not have to be a Michael Jordan or an Eric lindros or even a Ricky Walte~_ All you have to do to succeed is 10 show up. Intramurals is an ddivity on which students Wllh tess than Olympic skill can participate. The main concept behind Intramurolls is to have fun. This year, under the leadership of Mr. Nicholas Coggins, Mr. Gary Wiley, and Mr. Brad Palmer, students have had a million laughs playing street hockey, indoor soccer, ping-pong, basketball, football, and ultimate frisbee. Intra murals give students self-esteem and something to do after school instead of watching TV or, even worse, doing homework Students who do nol play on school teams also have the opportunity to showcase their talents on the playing field. School spirit, a variety of activities and all out fun are what make this year's intramural program one of the best in recent years. Remember, not everyone can be a star, but everyone can play Intramurals.


Markowski: The m",n, myth, the int'amurals lege


- . -.







~iln Mutin look, on in ilmuemtnl ill the mySlerjou~ hovl'ring ping'pong luilt

You just ciln'j pul 001' by HeKy.

Stunent Council Leaders of the Pack... he 1996-1997 theme for Student Council, ¡Spark the Spirit: started out wllh a bang. The Student Council Execull\>e Oificers, President Michael Morsell, Vice-President James Koller, and Secretary John Hammond. created the theme becau!te they wanted the entire school to be involved with the sports, activities, events, and fund-raisers thai reflecllhe enthusiasm and spirillhat La Salle has.


Student Council organized many successful e\enls for everyone, including the Mixers, the Date Dances, Pep Rallies, Or)en House Peer Ministry, the Magazine Fund-Raiser, the "La SaleH Auction, Food Drives, the Bulletin Board, underclass orientations, and Spirit Week. One of this year's most successful events was the infamous La Salle SUPERMIXER, which drew more than 1500 students. At the regular mixers, a favorite feature look place in the cafeteria, La Salle's own version of MTV's "Singled Out." This event drew hopeful lovers together for a memorable evening. The Officers of each class and the Senators of each homeroom, with the assistance of the class moderators, Mr. Blanco, Mr. Barna, Mr. Coggins, Mr. GiII~pie, and Vice¡ Principal Mrs. Maher, proved that hard work and determination can accomplish much and provide a 101 of fun. As Mrs. Maher s.lid, this year's Student Council can be remember ior accomplishing one thing, "They tried to Spark the Spirit."

Every Explorer's delight: a sumptuous Hawklet feast




Chid ~ Co 110m tM Wolr~ortM



roilly It'o-er.


The WIster/an Who Is Willy Anyway? very so often dunng the Wisterian's hectic. and sometimes hasty, produCllon schedule, between heated debates and brief story assign ments, members of La Salle's student-run newpaper pause a few mo¡ ments to reflect and ask themselves this question; What is the Wisterian l To begin with. only a small minority of students alla Salle actually know whence the paper's tille came. Hey, not even the entire "Wis" staff realizes that a certain flowering vine by the same name once graced the campus. Moving beyond superficial definItions, no easy answers can be had. There's that little clause in the masthead about "informing the student body,¡ but in our day and age of journalism at the speed of satellite relays and T1 lines, this purpose


seems to fall short. Rarely has yesterday's news done any good for anybody tomorrow, or next week. In the end, no one can put hiS finger on what the Wisterian is exactly. Each new exciting issue that appears In neat stacks In all homerooms on days dubbed "WisDis~ seems 10 reinvent ilSelf. Just as the pages start as blank 11 by 17 inch images in the Wisterian Design Center (a.k.a. Microsoft Publisher), so too each installment of news, sports, features, editorials, opinions, and cartoons begins from nothing. To many who know the life cycle of the Wisterian , It IS a miracle that so many issues are produced in a school year The daring duo of Editor-in-chief David Vagnonl '97 and Production Manager Carlos (Rodriguez) Castaneda '97 helped mdke those miracles happen, and made the staff meet deadlines, even with big gaping holes in the pages a day before the printer needed them. Semor Chrts Lare skillfully edited the all-important front page, filled With coverage of Lasallian happemngs, and a sprtnkling of well-wrttten, if belated, national and world news. Semor Seth Scanlon presided over the Op-Ed department, whIle matching hiS Rightist Wits against those of his Leftist counterpart, l.R. King '98. Each issue saw some intelligent discourse sprinkled with a touch of assorted babble in its political columns on Page Two. In addition to practicing his liberal thinking, Junior j.R. King had the privilege of assigning stories about the many championship sports teams at LaSalle. Features EdItor Andrew K('rnytsky '97 oversaw the features page, horne of the ever-popular Wis Reviews. Jumors Vincenzo LaRuffa, Scott Emrich, and Tim Reiley helped out wherever needed as Associate Editors, while Jeremy Cooke '99 picked up where the rest of the editorial stafi left off, in his posItion as Deputy Editor. Accompanying this long list of editOrs is the core of the Wisterlan satff Including Mendel Schmiedekamp '97, Mike Helnsdorf '98, Erik Peterson '98. and cartoonist john Hortsmann '98. Thanks and credit are also due to veteran moderator Mr Alfred Puntel and newcomer Mr. John Young.


7u1()~ Supports Free Speech

The 19%¡97 W;Jteri~n Staff. B~ck row, lefllo right: Mr. john Young (moderoltor), Seth Scolnlon, Vincen~o La Ruffa, Carlos Castanedol, Erik Peterson, Dave Vagnoni, leremy Cooke, Christopher Loire, Timothy Reiley, I. R. King, Scott Emrich, Mr. AI Puntel (moderator). Front row, leh to right: Pat Hildebrand, Jim Durkin, Jamin Warren, Scoll Kelly.


~l! Wistnia,. is the student newspaper of La Salle College High School, ;05 Cheltenham Avenue, Wyndmoor, PA 19038--7199. The purpose of ~~ WistnitUI is to inform the student body of news, features, opinions, ld controversy. The views expressed within are those of the individual riter and do not necessarily ref1e<:t official school poUcy. Th~ Wistm,ulI elcomes all comments, suggestions, and letters to the editors.

ditor~in-Chief: David Vagnoni '97 roduction Manager: Carlos (Rociriguez) Castai'looa '97 dUoria' Staff: 'ews Editor: Chris Lare Assoc::i~te: Dino Guiliano tp-Ed Editor: Seth Scanlon Assodate: Vincen1.o LaRuffa !atures Editor: Andrew Kemytsky Associate: Scott Emrich ports Editor: j.R. King Associate: Tim Reiley leputy Editor: jeremy Cooke 'opy Editors: jim Donnelly, Mike Heinsdorf, and Erik Peterson hotography & Art Staff: Greg Queen, John Horstmann friting, Production, & Mis.ult4n~ous Staff: Scott Kelly, Patrick Hilderandt, Joel Moffah,jim Durkin, Ray Shay, Rob Haney, Kevin Noone, Ken :avin, "Willy"


-- .. " ,



.. '

Editor J.R. King checks for his name in the paper, while Carlos Castaneda dreams of what he might someday edil.

foderators: Mr. John Young. Mr. Al Pun tel


ArIC/UD ... Coloring Outside the Lines


he Art Club. directed by Mrs. McGovern and Mrs. Centofante. is an after school program in which students can do whatever they want artistically. Paper. pencils. paint, clay, and canvas are accessible for the


students to create any type of artwork. Weekly meetings In the art studio offer a set actIvity; however. they are always open to individual proJects. Creativity funs high at the weekly meetings. Someone may be

working on an abstract painting while someone else is making a small vase from day. Art Club members talk to each other about their works and frequently make suggestions. Mrs. McGovern feels that the Art Club "offers students a chance to express their creativity side in a less structured place

than the classroom." Ideas become realities in this club where members work in any style and medium they desire. There are no limitations In the art studio. The Art Club is best defined, as Mrs. Centofante says: -as a place 10 color outside the lines,-


Poll S.Jlvilli conspirt'5 10 pul a "kick me' sign on Mik~ Knowski's boIck,



A ·Cumby" rpiwxle in progrrM.


LI/ue oDU Co/U Memories, Hell, and You ... A iter many years of publication,

the Blue and Gold was ready for a

revolution ( with a better outcome, we hoped, than that of Pat Croce's Sixers) in 1997. The impediments to be overcome were not foreign tyrants or homegrown dictators, but pirates, seahags, Captain MacAllister, a man with a beard of three colors, and the arctic blast (I apologize for my cryptic nature, but if you worked on the book you would have known what I meant). We were going to attempt a feat never before accomplished by any yearbook staff in the history of yearbooks. It was an idea that struck fear in the hearts of even the most courageous yearbook editors throughout the ages. This one ideal was to be a truly miraculous feat that would leave moderators in awe and staff members in gape-mouthed satisfaction. We were going to meet all of our deadlines on time. -Ha, ha- said the fates to the dreams of the editors, -No mere mortal could ever achieve such a thing.Oh well, at least we can continue on in vain like yearbcx>k staffs of old. Even WIth Editor¡in..(:hief Ken Gavin at the helm, many perplexing impediments must be circumnavigated. luckily, the staff includes fearless, diligent, literary legends who are willing to follow moderators par excellence Mr. William Geiger and Mrs. linda Donahue anywhere they may lead, just as Dante was lead through the inferno by Virgil; and who (with apologies to Dante and Herff Jones Publishing) operate under the slogan "Memories, Hell, and You.To put together a quality yearbook, you first need copy editors to make sure all writing passes very stringent standards of Modern English. With Mrs. linda Donahue and Seth Scanlon working as lexicons for the illiterate, are articles our shore two bee free of misteaks adn misspelings. Articles - like this one - certainly make the yearbook a publication not soon forgonen. Completing the Holy Quadrangle of writing talent are the always productive Will Geiger and Jeff Markowski, who can always be counted on to come up with a pithy caption (Yes, Will, I said pithy). The ever productive and ever punctual photo staff is lead by such geniuses as Steve Jakab, Sean Fullerton, Greg Queen and receives assistance from various "amateurs" on the staff like Chip -Schotz" MacPherson the good Jewish boy, and Saurabh Desai, who also lend their talents to writing copy. Mike Kotwicki can always be counted on to help caption or lighten the tension with a wild wonderful rendition of "The Wicki Dance The entire staff profits when the god of college bowl picks Dave Vagnoni (known around the office as Vanogni the Russian) meanders on up from his Wisterian office deep within the basement of St. Michael Hall to lend a helping hand with layout. Nothing would be possible, however, without the good people at that veritable Mecca of photographic art, Davor Photography. The proof is in your hands; just look at those pictures (The faces could use a little work but at least the pictures are clear). The two hardest workers of the bunch (so they say) are the Ponisciak brothers: Dan, soft spoken and hard working, and Tim, our resident tough guy who can often be seen locked in mortal combat with his nemesis from across the hall, Mr. Shawn Neely. The two brothers often do the grunt work that no one else in his right mind would touch. They search out, tag, number, and alphabetize hundreds of little photos so that the underclass and senior pages will be in perfect order. They also are major contributors in writing sports copy, For their dedicated service, our heartfelt thanks and appreciation go out to them. Joe Gidjunis, and his skill on the keyboard, rounds out the regular staff that goes to Hell and back almost every day of the week to bring you this special 216 page publication in just seven months. (Please note that it takes accomplished authors a couple of years to produce a work of this magnitude, so APPRECIATE IT BECAUSE NOBODY KNOWS THE TROUBLE THAT YEARBOOK STAFFERS HAVE SEEN!) This year marks Mr. Geiger's twelfth anniversary as moderator of the Blue and Gold and Mrs. Donahue's first. Together they use their distinct talents to make the yearbook the wonderful product that everyone knows it to be. However, in the haze of Yearbook land, one can sometimes see Mr. Geiger shrug his shoulders and repeat those often-heard words: -Ken, I really lust don't know!-



-I'm ~

~,irtS ~

Nd dooy. Don't ... ithm~.·


1997 BI_~nd GokISI~ • ,~ft 10 'ishl:Mike Kol...idri, ISlun I~bb, D~n Ponisc~"" Rich

Firel)'. Jeff (1M Ar.bi.lIn T~rrorisl) ~rkowsk.i. Ken 18ig Chter) G.win, lim Mc:Kqh, Will <Aig~r, Kurt (GuildenkurtJ Hirwkom. MininS: Tim Poniscbk, l~ Gidiunis. ~urillbh ~i. Gr~ (Tough Guy) Quftn ~nd Chip

Mr. ~et"ilInd Mrs. Oon.J,hu~ rd.llJ.-ing ilIft~,. Ion& diiiy.l ""01'"'"



Broadcasting; BIKing; Gaming; So/ring Equations ... La Salle s Other Clubs Olfera World 01'A dventure

LOI Salle's pmesmen al I


ince its creation late last year, the Gaming Club has been performing its

task for the La Salle community with startling success. ThiS task has been

10 make a home for all the active garners at La Salle, whether they be

card players, roleplayers. wargamers, or even computer games enthusiasts. By doing this, the gaming dub has allowed the already present garners 10 thrive on the interaction that is the basis for playing games. Finding a home was not easy. Club members have found many places to call their own (al least temporarily), places such as the Study Center, the Computer lab. even the Campus Ministry Center, and perhaps for the longest time the Basement Hallway. The Gaming Club. however, has not given up. Since all one needs is cards, dice, or Just an imaglOation, the garners have managed to function as a club beyond the allocated Friday meetlngs. It seems that the very tenacity of the garners Will make sure that the club will survive for years to come. Plans are in the works for weekend tournaments of some sort. Though almost a club In exile. the Gammg Club is still going strong and has not lost its most valuable resource. Imagination.

WEXP modt'ralor Mr. J~ph Dempsey cringe$ at yet OInotl\{ mispronunciOilion of Mrs. Zoellsch's name.


WEXP behind the scenes. The talking heads of the newsroom.

here is nothing like orange juice and donuts to get someone thinking about logarithms, trig functions and the significance of the letter "e. About twenty people in the school can testify to this fact. To what bizarre group do these twenty belong? Drumroll, please... Mathletes! Mathletes, a combination of sport and academics, the name tells all. Once a month a group of ten students is led by their fearless leader, Mr. James Roche, on a conquest to capture first place in the Philadelphia Mathematics league. Sometimes victorious, sometimes coming in a close second or third, they realize the experience is what counts. Not only do they discover that Mr. Roche's favorite sports team is the Washington Redskins, they learn that mathematics is much more than just variables and formulas, and gain a new appreciation for what math is all about. So, what motivates these wacky teenagers to spend their Saturday morning at some math competition? It's the food, of course, well, that plus watching Saturday morning cartoons and a high interest in all things mathematical.


¡OK, everybody, say P,1'


These bike" left their black leather jackets at home today.


Autumn Sports: Bound for Glory A

thletics form an integral part of life at .taSalle. Integrating the hard work of athletes and the values of conduct and good sports manship taught at laSalle, athletic programs 4

achieve a high standard of excellence. Coaches encourage the athletes to play and train to the best of their abilities, and teach them to reflect the ideals of the school outside the playing field. Throughout the years, laSalle athletes have distinguished themselves countless limes. By winning championships and sening new records, LaSalle athletes have proved to be among the best in the country. But alone, the athletes could nol have accomplished these feats. The guidance and support they receive from their coaches must not be overlooked. These men train. drill, and mold the athletes of LaSalle inlo {jne Christian men who excel both in sports and in life. Together, the coaches, athletes and moderators form a cohesive unit that strives, through victories, defeats, and rigorous practices, to be typical LaSallian Christians. That is the definrng element of LaSalle athletics. The call toward championships is a driving force behind the teams. But there is the even louder call, the even stronger force of LaSallian spirit driving the teams toward victory in the end zone, across the finish line, or in the goal. The school athletic year begins with football, soccer, and crosscountry in the fore. These teams thal start LaSalle's year with the positive allitude and ideals needed to be successful. And successful they are. Football boasts a twenty-five game winning streak and two Catholic League championships in as many years. Soccer, always al the top of its game, dominates the league. Cross-country, always among the fastest, has set state records in the 4x600 relay. But no matter what the outcome of the season the teams are always winners, for they reflect the ideals and the good sportsmanshIp thai typify LaSalle.


Tom lampred'tl


up 10 kick

yfl illno~r Exp~ gG,illI. C~ne




Ckcimaro k~ going going.J.nd going.


Brdl Cordon iIInd Mill MlIoMy pfflOf'm 1M iIIr1 of the "-:Ioff illS ~ Ex~rffl' driveto~rdsillno~

Mill COli; drsplill)'S boch pfflKl Iwtdli"l tKhniqut' iIInd ~ ~ of ftl~nnin.J.­ lion.



Football Tackles the Competition Takes Catholic league title for second year


esides winning the Philadelphia Catholic League Championship, the 1996 LaSalle football team boasted a 14-0 record, the best of any peL

team in history, and finished the year #1 in Southeastern Pennsyvania. In other words, the Explorers completed another unforgettable season. With thirteen returning starters, LaSalle was heavily favored to again capture the pel litle. After two blowout wins over West Catholic and Valley Forge Military Academy, laSalle's offense, led by two-time first team All

Catholic Quarterback Brett Gordon, seemed to be unstoppable, scoring 68 points in only 6 quarters of play. Receivers such as Mike Mattia, Jeff Pietrak, and Tim McNichol tore apart opposing learns' secondary all year. Mike Durso, Kyle Mallach, and Matt Maloney racked up yardage on the ground behind an outstanding undersized offensive line of Paul Weinacht, Puri Carzone, Tom Cross, Mike LoRusso, and Dan Malloy. Jack Hammond completed the offense as an "unconventional tight end," but also turned in a solid performance against a strong McDevitt team as quarterback. Although LaSalle's offense got most of the headlines at the beginning of the year, the defense quickly became one of the most devastating in the city. With a total of seven shutouts and seventy~one points given up all year, the defense was the reason for many victories this season. Captain Ed Boron led a secondary comprised of Jim Noone, Hugh Donnelly, and Justin Primus that all but shut down the opposing teams' passing game. Defensive linemen Brendan Coyle, Mike Zeccardi, Todd Carmody, Paul D'Orazio, and John Price, along with linebackers Drew Middlemiss and Ed Bongard, were as stingy as they get against the run. Coing into the playoffs, LaSalle had proved themselves by beating powerhouses such as Father Judge and Bishop McDevitt during the regular season. Then, after knocking off North Catholic and Cardinal O'Hara by a combined score of 81 to lOin the first two rounds of the playoffs, LaSalle squared up against St. Joseph's Prep, a game which would prove to be their toughest of the season. However, thanks to a fingertip catch by Tim McNichol and a game-winning field goal by Brett Cordon, LaSalle came away victorious 17-14 and headed into the PCL Championship game with a twenty-four game winning streak against Father Judge. Although many reasons were given why LaSalle couldn't beat Judge for the second time in the year, the Explorers refused to lose. With efforts by Gordon (16~33, 158 yards 1 TO), Durso (22 carries, 116 yards 1 TO), Pietrak (5 catches, 71 yards 1 TO), along with the excellent performance turned in by the defense, LaSalle captured the PCL crown for the second consecutive year by a final score of 20 to 7.

Thai was a great 5andwkh, 001 ii" lime to lake Ihe 5ni1Ip no'


M.iltt M.ill-,. rumbiK and leads the Explorers' charV 10 vktory. Nole 10 sell: "Ntvff ullhe spicy uUQge on pme day .1;g.Jin."


we pr.llise thee...



Il'ff Pil'trOik puts t~ point OIftl'r ptrfedly pOISt thl' posts.

1')96 VOIJ"Iity FootbOlll Back Row (ll'ft to RighI); I()(' levOl, Ed BongOlrd, Iillck Hammond, Il'ff Pil'trOlk, Andrl!'w Middltmiu, Brl'ooilln Coyll', Mikl' Ourso, Kyll' M.lllach, Mikt Morsell, Puri Car:l;Ot\I', M.l1t Brilnnon, Paul Wl!'inOicht, GiuSl'ppl' lilgudlo, Ryan Gillliagher, Anlhony Ot'P.asquOile. Fourth Row (left to Right); Tim McDonald, Chris lilvin. Todd Carmody, Dilnid Malloy. Mikt ZKurdi, MicnOiel Mctnlyre, M.ltt Maloney, Ed Soron, Mike Mattiil, Breit Cordon. pilul D'Oraz.io, lames Trappll'r, BrendOin McGlone, Fril/1 pfeil, Tom Cross, Chris Oilwnardo. Third Row (leflla Right); Kevin Noone, lim Noone, Chris Williamson, Vince lannetti, Kevin Merlini, lohn Price, Tim McNichol, Mike Kotwicki, Justin Gallagher, Neil Mikulski, Mikt Hunsicker, John T~vel'$, Tim Fenningh;lm, Ooog Appleby, Dan Needle, Malt Semerad, Mati Chaplnln. Second Row (left to Righi); Joseph Colistra, HeOid Coach; l(tSI'ph Dillon, Andrew McGillin, Lury EVOIns, Torl!'Y Pugh, I.R. Million, Ed Br:l;O$lek, Rich Kraus, Kevin Crawford, Chris Pennington, Rick Carminali, Miltt Weslley, luslin Primus, Chris Winwud, Muc BenantI!', Michaellangslreth. Bottom Row (left to Righi); Nil;k Trendier, Manager; ObiI' Amac:hi, Bob Phillip, 1'011 Slattery. Dan Fiu:ge~ld. 'on Fay, Nick Pelil, StOin Kent, Chris Causs, Ed Cattie, Hugh Donl1tlly, Ryan Mulrain, Eric Stifer1h, Shilwn O'Connor


Brel! Gordon scls. He's lucie 10 pus...Touchdown! Explorers win! Explo~rs win!!!


A,tdeli<: Trolinct Oolve Crowe ol.U.

rllMH KUru Pol' c,~.

These C.B. bsI driendftos pbyed "RinK Around tM Roscy" U Jeff Piotlrolle rolled mwjth ol KOt'e.



Footy: Heirs to the throne

s the varsity football team constructed the longest winning streak in Philadelphia High School Football history, the J.V. Explorers were also establlshmg a banner season. These true -no-names- compiled an outstanding record of 10-0, and in doing. so set the stage for the '97 season. The daunting lV. defense is in the same mold as the varsity: it's fast, well prepared, and mistake-free. The offense and specialleams have been consistent point producers. The -n<rnamers¡ on the J.V. Football team are poised to continue the LaSalle football tradition next year and to extend their consecutive winning streak.


, Nptize you in the ,,",1M of the hthft, MM:I of 1M Son, MJd of the Holy Spirit. AmM.-

, I'Nlln thIl it _ of liM."



Net all, but bold"! my eilrs _

completely out

Freshman Football A Fresh set of downs... he freshman football team went 3-4-1 this year, despIte the absence of head coach Mr. Joseph Radvansky. In Mr. Rad's place, the other coaches filled in and ran some tricky plays of their own. All of the players felt they had a decent freshman season and look forward to joining the JV or Varsity next year. According to an offensive line player, among the best aspects of the freshman team were the running game and both the offensive and defensive lines. And, as first-year coach Mr. John Young noted, all the players and coaches of the La Salle Freshman Football team had a lot of fun this season and hope to win more in the future years.


1M 19% Freshmm Foolbolll Te;,am, ~m, (ld! 10 lith!): Dous lin~ And~ Bbnk. Kmn Dobn, ~i5 St.mton, Kn-if! DouJherly. Brilon H.rvey. Sha-wn Cur, P;lul Colisln, 'orlbn Mulnin. Chris Curci, T.I. A,".ndet', Bob fehe. O.ve Hill, Duilne McC.rthy. S«ond Row (left 10 RiPlO: R.'. Brigs, O.n Dllbn, Stn-e Cornez. Mike Apew, leon Be,m. Chris Douzherty, Ernie Ibrile, ,\U1l Michel, Nick Onufru, Duslin Priul, Jon Klock,. Chris Andris. Third Row (left to aithl): John P<Key, toM firth, Kyle WhoUkey. Cr.is Dousfterty, Mike OeCrndo. TJm BLld. Tom Br~. lMnin W.rren, lrif CoeltMf'. Fourlh Row(lrit 10 Rip!tl: Mike McC.nn, Ceoff ~. Mike H.nipn. 'ustin PhikMneno, Kyle COIltmm, hu' McGutlrin. POll MJILlICh, Tony Buonocore. fifth Row lleft 10 aishl): COOIchn Joe MUrphy, Jim Muunolle, Chris Ibrbollto. 'OlSOn LJoyd. Dlri ,\UI~. Afini"8: HeH CINches Joe bdvm5ky.llnd toM YOUf1&.

-Come on ,ChOIrlie Bro....·n • kick the bOIlI. I won'lmove il. ae;llly, I promise!"


Explorers never

say die .. .Drive to finals again ...


oaches are often overheard trying 10 instill in their players the attitude M

never to give up.* There is not a better phrase than this 10 capture the

essence of this year's LaSalle soccer team. Throughout the year, the learn was faced with adversIty in the form of one- and two-goal deficits near the end of the games. A lesser team would have settled for failure and accepted a loss; however, with relentless SPirit and last minute heroics. LaSalle often managed 10 avert defeat. These games became crucial in the highly competi. tlve Nonhern Division where a tied game was a common occurrence. If the Explorers had given up. they would have been eliminated from the playoffs {or the first time in four years. The playoffs presented the learn with the opportunity for a new season. A hard fought t¡1 tie against Archbishop Ryan on the last day of the regular season earned a playoff berth, LaSalle's -never say die- attitude helped them advance to the championship game with a win over North Catholic on a lastminute goal and an overtime win against Roman Catholic in a rematch. The championship game was a repeat of last year's final when Ryan prevailed 1-0 in overtime, Despite a disappointing 3¡1 final score, the play of the Explorers was Inspiring, In the final minutes of play, LaSalle players were still hustling on defense and attacking the goal. At the end of the game, the Explorers held their heads high, knowing they never conceded to defeat. The Soccer team's play was acknowledged when the all-Catholic teams were announced. Senior Matt Cox earned first team honors and fellow seniors Mike Heim and John Savage were joined by junior Roman Escobar on the second leam, Also, juniors Dan Neverosky, Chris Ward, Sean Westfield, and Sophomore Sean Teesdale received Honorable Mention all-Catholic honors. Other team members induded:'Seniors Tom Lamprecht, Ed Westermann, Andrew Gittleman, and Brent Hartman; Juniors Andy Au, Phil Danvers, Phil Bocchino, Tom Crean, Nick Brunetti, and Tim Danaher; and Sophomores Mike Peffle, Joe Steffa, Greg Donatelli, Chris Smith and Mike Savage,

1M Sftlior Squ.d (left 10 Rip,O: Andrf'W Gitll~ MoItt Cox, Tom WnprKhl. Mike Heim,

Brent H,lrtrlwon, Ed Wftlermmn, lohn SlViI~


Mike Heim SO" heild 10 htild wilh



ROI1\iIn bcobolr's unique wily of ilVoidins dtfmcf. en: iI swift kick to I~ rur.




t;akes soccer 10 iI new pbnt.

Sotil" Wtftrtt!d ilnd lilt.


Wood defender tftPV in


bil of Iii for


Chris Ward seems to think he's playing ba:Me

Phil Danvers has jllst remembered that in order 10 score you mllst first have the

"Come on, little fella, That's right, jllst away from the Bobcat,"


try and take lhis ball

Mall Cox and phil Danvers lead the drive towards the goalvictory,


The Bobcat's on the prowl. ·Oh Cod no! 115 the hideous defenseman with the superilous third arm."

'" v.




The 19% uSalle Varsity Soccer Teilm Back Row (left 10 RighI); Bob Peffle, Head Coach; Philip Danvers, Moltl Cox, ROrn<ln Escobllr, Brent Hartman, Ed Westermann, Seiln Teesdale, Oil" Neverosky, Phil Bocchino, Tom (.(,'In, Chris W;ud, Mike Savage.. Andrew Gillieman, and Molll Noel, Coach Front Row (left 10 Right): Tim Danaher, Mille Heim, Tom lillllprechl, Andrew Au, Nick Brunetti, Mike Peme, Sean Westfield, John Savilge, loe Steffa, Greg Donatelli


J.V. and Frosh Soccer Growing into the tradition


he Junior Varsity Soccer team ended the season with a decisive 3-1

victory over Archbishop Ryan giving it the best record in the Philadelphia Catholic League. The team finished with a 15-2-3 overall (9-2-3 pel) record. Head coach Jeff Stever credits the team's success 10 hard work and dedication. "They always played together as a learn. From the first day of camp to the last day of the year they just gelled together," he said. Another advantage the team had over others was ils tremendous physical fitness. The team endured the rigorous practices and the infamous 40minute workouts all season. By year's end the learn was, without doubt, the most fil in the league. "These guys won a lot of their games in the last fifteen

minutes, just because they had the ability to wear down their opponents: Stever said. The team was led by Junior captains Dave Spangler and Kevin Robinson. The team also consisted of juniors Tim McGoldrick, Dan Purtell, Matt Mee, Chris Stack, Joe Chiarantona, Nick Jordal, Bill Reid, Dan Catrino, and Scott Emerich. The sophomores were J.P. Sforza, Ryan Kane, Mike Pucci, Joe Raieta, Ray Florkowski, James Nowicki, and Tommy Piper. First year assistant coach Chuck McNally gave invaluable help to all. It was a great season, and all the players are hoping either to head up to Varsity or defend their first place title next year. This year the freshman soccer team came out with a select group of players. Coached by Steven Smith and Tom McLaughlin, the players came out every game with high spirits. The team had tough competition, but rose 10 the occasion with big wins over Archbishop Ryan, Father Judge, Holy Ghost Prep, and Archbishop Wood. The "Dynamite Defense," Tim Long, Evan McFadden, Pat McKeown, and Rob Schmidt, kept the opposing teams' offense frustrated by giving them almost no scoring chances, and the goal keeping of Kevin Baker was superb all year. The midfield of SIeve Zollo, Dave Williams, Tom Calahan, and Kevin Lenehan were the heart of the team. Contributing to both the offensive and defensive aspects of the game, the team was relentless all season. The strikers, John Boring and Ed Baraniewicz, never gave the other teams' goalies a breathing moment. The team showed great commitment for the '97 soccer season.

When body heal



Degree is activated.

"Perhaps next time if we follow the Law of SiMI and determin.e the .Insular velocity in propor1ion to the di$tance to the soal mouth tM shot will So in."



The 1m Junior V..rsny Socat' Te;un'.c* Row(lt'ft 10 RiJ'll): Chuck MeN..,ly, He.lld COKh; Rpn tc.M, OJm Smith, Bill Reid, Kevin Robi~, l\U1t~, r"" McGokIrid, by F1or1lowski, JMMt Nowidd, OVl Pur1etl, I.P. Sfor:z~ St~, COKh.lCn«linJ (Lrit to RizhO: Oan ulrino, OJr" Sbd, Nick lordil, 1M Chi.lr;lnlO!l.ll, O.llV~ Sp.lIn&I"" JH biet.... T.). Piper, $colt Emrich, Mih Pueo.



Cross-Country ...Gone With the Wind hiS year's Cross-Country team had one of the finest seasons ever under Head Coach Pat Devine and Assistant Coach AI Puntel. The Varsity learn placed second in the Manhattan Invitational, first in the Brian.voOO Invitational, and finished first in the Northern Division Championships. All throughout the season, the team ran extremely welt compiling a record of 32 wins and 00 losses, and a fifth-place finish at the Catholic league Champion-



The learn was ted by co-captains Gil Smith and Mike Kerr, who both achIeved first team All-Catholic honors, as did sophomore Greg Bielecki. There were four runners for second-learn All-Catholic: seniors Matt Brister and Kevin Badolato, junior AI Clay, and sophomore Mike Donahue. In addition, Mike Kerr, Gil Smith and Al Clay each achieved first-team AII·State Prep honors, while Kevin Badalalo and Mike Donahue received second team AII·State prep honors. The Junior Varsity ,too, had another outstanding season. The team repealed as JV Catholic League Champions, finished second In the Salesianum Invitational, and third in the Manhattan Invitational. The runners who made strong COnlributions to the JV learn were seniors Rich Tate, Matt Horgan, Kevin lasky, Tim Miehle, and Mark Semanick; juniors, Jeremy Palo, T.). Bartkowski; and sophomores Pat Badolato and Gene Ciccimaro. The freshmen, led by Sieve Bolger, Tom Devlin, Brian Horgan, Andy Puntel , Kevin Semanick and Greg Lepore, also had an outstanding season, finishing first at Salesianum and Manhattan, and second in the Freshman Catholic League Championship. With so much talent in the underclassmen and returning varsity run· ners, the team looks strong for next year, and will continue to bring success 10 LaSalle. 4

The 1996 u.s.11e VvPty Cross-Counlry Teoam (ldllo Iljzhl); AI CL.y, Kevin ~to. lim hie, Gil Smith, Colin ~us. Mike K6', ~It Bris'6, POll ~Io, erq B~Iedd, Mike Donohue


Ilich TOIle 10 HOUIilon:"We


lift 01

And dUll!

Cod $piIb 10

Mike Ke,r: "Thou wit run ..nd lhou triumph."


1M 1996 uS..Ue Junior VOIlrsity Cross-Country Tf,Jm (Syndins lrit to Riehll; Mib P..likwlis, Tom Chmtet-ski, ~Ckc:imuo,li.n O'SluUShnn1Y, l~ Ff'dyna, Tr;avis ~ion, O..,lIe Don~lly. Eric: ~ir ...


Chris Gordon, Tim MWhle, Chris C~I. Tom Cur~, L.lsky, Sieve MUrphy (~ins left 10 Ri~I); Jeremy POllio,

kevin Mil...... G~ PhinMy. Brim Horpt', Phil ~rty. Sm.n ICon""', Chris Reiley, 'M vilSRllo, She... tQn. Moill Horpn, len-in McMoniSk. Andy BUKhmritr. (Sittins left 10 RiKhH: T.I. hrt·

kowsld, C~Schill. AUtio: Kelly, lilobPrt B~. Steve 8oI~r. Kn-in Fil:l:&erolld, Tom OeYtin, Kevin Xnuinid, Andrtw Punl~. )erftny Turk,




.. think I an, I thinlll on, I think I an."


Sports in the Ice and Snow La Salle's athletes do not hibernate in the winter.


s snow falls upon the ground and the water begins to freeze Over'l La

Salle's winter sports learns take the field. the court, the pool, the mal, the ice, and the lane ready for any challenges that may come upon

them. They continue the traditions of excellence, hard work and determination that are always characteristic of La SaUian sports. The La SalJian spirit is the defining aspect of the winter teams. This La Sallian spirit shines when these learns begin to play. While they strive for success, this is nOllheir only goal. They strive to be shining example of good sportsmanship and the La SaIl ian way. In every game, La Sail ian players display the trademarks that define this institution. Game after game, practice after practice, La Salle's teams leave their mark upon the world of sports. Whether they be winning a championship or losing a game, these teams never sacrifice the intensity that defines all La Salle students. So, in all endeavors, these teams are truly successful, for they never become disheartened and they always put forth their best effort. thus distinguishing themselves in the pel. For Basketball, Indoor Track and Field, Swimming, Wrestling, Ice Hockey, and Bowling, our winter sports teams, championships have come and gone, but the La SaJlian spirit lives on each year. Each La Sallian athlete displays immense talent in his respective sports, but behind this talent is the power and drive of the La Sallian way that motivates him to be all that he can be, both on and off the field.

"Nol bad. Only 400 more laps to go.'


"II's really hard b.1lancing like this on one fOOl.'

The Ic:emen comelh, and beateth into a pulp the opposition.

Sc:hmel gives il lhe right Stchufl.


Cagers Storm the Catholic League T he 1997 Varsity Basketball Team has finished another exciting and produdive year. The Explorers were led by senior Captain Joe Meade,

who averaged 20 points per game. Matt Horgan and Mike Morsel! played superbly throughout injuries to help the team reach the playoffs. Juniors ChriS McShea. Ed Bongard. and Andrew Rakowski grabbed the majority

of the rebounds. The point guards. junior Breit Gordon and sophomore Alex Ramos. controlled the offense.

The season started off welt as La Salle reached the championship game in the Alexandria, Virginia Tournament. In regular season play, La Salle pulled out a lough win against Bishop McDevitt in overtime to keep their winning streak alive. They managed to finish one of their best years by achieving first place in the Catholic league Northern Division, and reaching the playoffs. With three starters returning, next year looks to be another good one. La Salle congratulates senior Joe Meade on becoming just the fifth player in La Salle basketball hislory to collect 1000 points during his career. More honors such as Player o( the Week, Most Valuable Player in the Alexandria Tournament in Virginia, and MVP o( the Catholic League Northern Division highlighted the season, his third on varsity. Joe led the team in total points, average points per game, foul shooling percentage, and three point percentage. In Alexandria, Joe recorded his career high o( 34 points. In 20 games, he led the team in scoring and helped the Explorers to first place in the Northern Division, while averaging 22 points per game.

"Oolm, t~ keql film",

do""",,. I ~ I shoukl'\I~ soltM 01 S/noIllrr lin,"


Wilh ..n ul,.. ~Ibow or 1.'0, R.-kowski g~ts .. kM* .. 1 t~


Morstll's got I~ rn.-gic


Marly hu .. MaalOJr moment.


Joe Meade Hits 1000 Point~

Thr originill Air Meade.



«lebuln his 1,000 points fM La S;all~ ...

...and pro\'n ~ an also dish a fcow off 10 his InmlNlln.


J.V. Hoops Stir Hopes his year proved to be another successful year ior laSalle's junior varsity basketball learn. Coached by Mr. Joseph Dempsey and assisted by Mr. Mark Dardaris. the learn had some


key victories o"er Archbishop Ryan and North Catholic. In the Catholic League. the jV team finished with a 10-3 record. The team was

comprised of some of laSalle's up and coming basketball stars. including sophomores Chris Stanton, Sam Grannum, and John O'Hara. Sopho¡ more Alex Ramos had to pull double dUly, playing a significant role with both the JV and Varsity

teams. Also playing for bath IV and Varsity were Mike Lorusso. James Williams, John Welsh, Dan 'Ie\'erosky, and Sieve Erfle. Keith Olender, Jim Sullivan. Mike Dinapoli, and Jerry Coveney also

put in valuable minutes on the court, This team shO\\oed fhat aher LaSalle's top varsity players graduate, LaSalle has a budding crop of players who could become tomorrow's lltarll.


"You're in at forward, you're in at guard, and yOlI get me some coff~."


Frosh Cagers Drive the Lane T

he Freshman Basketball team completed an intense and highly competitive season with all fourteen players contributing to the learn's

success. As soon as the season began, the teammates worked extremely hard to develop their skills and c<X>perate as a learn. Throughout the year, the team continuously became better and played well together. This effort proved to be successful because in the learn's laSI game. the players outseored thel' opponents almost 2 to I. With the leadership and expertise of coaches. Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald and Mr. Nicholas CogginS, the team learned and developed its skills, along With having a good season. As Mr. Coggins said, "With this kind of tatent, we are looking forward to the next three years of basketball at LaSalle."

"And then, .rler the game, we'll hit Taco Bell where you can all buy me a burrito."


Into the Pool, then into the Championships.


radition, found in all of the laSallian activities, is nowhere more evident than in the La Salle Swimming program. Headed by Coach Frank lichtner and Assistant DenniS Blah, the Explorers have now successfully captured the Philadelphia Catholic league Championships nine years in a rOw. While continuing to overwhelm the Catholic league teams, La Salle has now added a new tradition 10 its program; undefeated in seven Catholic League meets, La Salle has looked to Virginia and North Jersey, early in the season, for better competition. In Fairfax, Virginia. against the 1995 National Catholic Champions, Paul VI, la Salle. the 1996 National Catholic Champions, defeated their new rivals by a score of 96-74. While winning only two individual events and one relay, La Salle's superior depth prevailed. In a theme that would be prevalent all year, underclassmen played a huge role in the Explorers success. freshman Brad Green won the 200 freestyle and led a La Salle sweep with a time of 1:53:54. Sophmore Craig Keenan and freshman Mike Harrigan had strong performances in the freestyle and butterfly evenls respectively. The other La Salle wins came from junior Mike Knowski who won the 500 free and from the powerhouse of Senior Co-Captain Paul Callahan, Mike Labosky, Joe Chiarantona, and Craig Keenan who won the 200 freestyle relay. La Salle's other Co-Captain Kurt Hirsekorn placed second in the 200 Individual Medley and 100 breast stroke. La Salle had won this battle, but the true goal of both of these teams was the National Championship at Villanova, where these two powerhouses would meet again. The next two non-Catholic League meets were held in December and January against Sf. joseph's Metuchen, previous winner of three National Titles, and a Tri-Meet With Metuchen again along with The Hill School. In the first meet against Metuchen alone, La Salle was handily beaten. But this time, Coach lichtner was mixing up his lineup in an attempt to see who would swim what events at the National Meet. These two meets, along with the Catholic league victories over Ryan, O'Hara, Wood, Bonner, Judge, Carroll and the Prep, moved La Salle's overall dual meet to 8~2. But then came the National Catholic Championship at Villanova Universoty on february 15. The defending champion Explorers marched into the meet ready to swim. And that they did. With 95% career best times, La Salle easily defeated Paul VI by over 100 points (227-95). But this time, it was last year's third place finisher, Loyola of Baltimore, that took the title with 257 points. La Salle, ho\"ever, was a strong second with great performances from its top swimmers. Senior Co-Captains Kurt Hirsekorn and Paul Callahan finished fourth and sixth in the 200 Individual Medley respectively. Hirsekorn also finished second in the 100 breast~strokeand Callahan finished fifth in the 100 back. freshman Brad Green finished third in both the 200 freestyle and the 100 freestyle. Joe Chiarantona was La Salle's only victor in the 50 freestlye with a time of 22.17. Joe also finished a strong second in the 100 freestyle. Juniors Mike Knowski (200 and 500 freestyle), Ryan Tuman (200 Individual Medley and 100 butterfly), Sophomores Craig Keenan (l00 free and 100 butterfly), Sean Tucker (100 butterfly and 100 breast stroke), Bart Ray (200 and 500 free), freshman Mike -rhe Irishman- Harrigan (500 free and 200 Individual Medley), Brian Bacher (1 00 back), and Kieran Bryers (100 breast-stroke) all had strong showings. After four long years, Senior Mike Labosky achieved his goal of scoring in the National Catholics and did so with a t\velfth place finish in the 100 free. After more top performances by Kurt Hirsekorn (seventh in both the 1M and breast-stroke), Joe Chiarantona (finalist in both the 50 and 100 freestyle events), Brad Green (50 free) in the Eastern Swimming Championships, La Salle


"Hey Girls. gel in lhe pool." Thf. 1996-97 u~lk Coil. HiJ/I School Swim",;n, Te~ Sundin, left to RighI: Mr. D. BIon, Tim AndrtW Punl~, BretMWI O'H,u~ Mike ubosky, ~tt WoIlhl. Kurt Hirwllom. Crolljz l(enRVl. ',lui D1IWi,ln, BfOId Grffn, Chris Dom.Imki, Ry~ TUlNn, Mike HoIlrripn, Dennis O'Donnell, Se;ul Tudt~, AndrtW R(lmMJO, Mr. f. Lidltner. KMr/;",: Bill ~r\mvI, BoIlrt !by, Tim l"ippett. ~ Behr. Mike Knowski, Joe ChwoIlnlGrY, ',lui gyr\~. Sittir,/& ~tt ~Iet-, Kevin Hushes. Grq HylinslU. BriMI BoICher, Kier~ BryflS, ;met Knm DouPertY.


Welcome to lhe "Whirlpool."


once again defended its ninth straight Catholic League Title. By winning every event, including the relay~, La Salle once agam showed Its dominance over the rest of the Catholic league. All-Catholic performances Included Kurt Hlrsekorn, Paul Callahan, Mike labosky, Dennis O'Donnell, Joe Chiarantona, Mike Knowski, Ryan Tuman, Brendan O'Hara, Craig Kennan, Brad Green and MIke Harngan. Among the other notables to score and receive theIr varsity letters ...... ere Bill Markman, Tim O'Malley, Paul Sharkey, Evan Behr, Tim Pippet, Matt Ranweiler, Sean Tucker. Matt Wahl, Greg Hyhnsky, Kevin Hughes and Kevin Dougherty. With another successful season under his increasing belt, Coach llchtner looks forward 10 next year and another chance atlhe National Title. A special thanks also goes to our former moderator, Mr. Geoffrey icoleltl, whose behind the scenes contnbutlons have helped our traditIon continue.

, Somebody's not paying allention 10 Mr. Lichtner. Can you gUeiS who/ Before pr;llC:lice Mr.lichlner's 5wimmers arl" full of ('n(Orgy... After...


Ui~lI~ s.....immi"&- up dow ~nd personal. lunioo- Ry<ln Tum41n ~Ilempts 10 sud: in hes !ul.


Grapplers Compete with Lots of Heart T

he relentless counting off of pushups: "200, 201,202 ...". The most strenuous six minutes in anyone's life. "Pin, don't get pinned .... " Under the watchful eye of the "Flood," the wrestlers put out everything they

have everyday so that when they step out on the mal, their hands will be raised

in victory. Coach Ken Flood and assistants Mike BraciscewskL Kevin Latchford and Dan Joyce demand only the best from their wrestlers each day. Senior TrlCaptains Nick Klohe, Joe Bednarek and Tim McNichol, along with junior captain Mike Byrnes lead a program that is unmatched in terms of dedicated effort and commitmenllo the team. As the tune "Stranglehold" plays through the gymnasium and the lights dim, everybody can feel the exhilaration of hard work about to payoff. Seniors Mehul Amin, John Brown, Brad Guidi, Matt McBride and Scali Zettle were among this season's varsity wrestlers. Leading the junior grapplers were Joe Fedyna, Andrew Buschmeier, Dan Fineberg, Mark Ruegg, Puri Garzone, Mike Kavanagh. Sophomore Travis Manion and freshman Chad Munn also made contributions to the varsity squad. After the strenuous yet rewarding 96-97 wrestling season ended, the team realized one thing: how to spell "commitmenl."


your hand if you're ~ure.

'LET... ME ... UP!¡



-SO, Iuvt you ever d~I'I(:~ witt! the devil by the ~Ie moonlightf" Whe~Iiet-Bre~kfHI of dampiont:!


Indoor Sprinters Take the Field... ...while the middle guys carry the weight.


balanced attack helped the La Salle Indoor Track Team have another successful season. The combination of experienced seniors and talented underclassmen kept La Salle highly competitive in the sprint, distance, and field events. The highlights of the season look place at the Princeton Relays, where the 4x800 meter relay learn (Rich Tate, Greg Bilecki, Chris Ward, and Mike Kerr) finished an extremely impressive third place. Later in the day, the 4x400 meter relay learn blasted to a sixth place finish. The

team of Obi Amachi, Chris Ward, Mark Semanick, and Mike Kerr shattered the old school record. Both teams tested themselves nationally in the sprint medley relay and the 4xBOO meter relay in Boston allhe US Indoor National

Championships. Coach Pat Devine guided his distance team once agam to a fine season. Seniors Mike Kerr and Rich Tate led the way for La Salle. Juniors Chris Ward, T.I. Barkowski, and AI Clay, sophomore Greg Bielecki, Mike Donohue, and Sean Teesdale also made strong contributions. The long distance events were handled by senior Gil Smith, junior Colin McManus, and sophomore Pat Badolato. The enthusiasm of second year sprint coach Ace Amachi led the sprinters into competitive territory. Seniors Mark Semanick, Andrew Gittleman, Tim Mlehle, and Sean Martin and sophomore Obi Amachi made much noise this season. lunior Man "Klan GO' Mee has a much improved year over the hurdles. Seniors Mike Mania and junior Andy Au nashed their stuff in the dash. The field events have a bright future under coach Sean Neely. The lone senior, Mike Nedl, had an outstanding year throwing the shot. Sophomore Pat Moore emerged as a strong competitor in the shot put. Junior John Clark had a great year in the high jump and triple jump and fellow junior Andy Au leaped in the long and triple jumps.


TM 1996¡91lUl,lIe College High SdIoollndoor Tr<tck <tnd Field Te.."... &dr row, left to right: Gil Smith, Rid. urmin<tti, T.I. B<tr1owski, Gene Ciccim<tro, Colin McM;anus, O<tn G<tll<tgher, llam O'Shaughnessy. Middle Row: Malt Mee, Ktvin Miller, Obi Amachi, Chrit Ward, Sean Mar1in, Mike Nedl, Tom Chmielewski, Mike Kerr, Sean Teesd.-tle. Bottom Row: Mike Donoh~, Andy Au, AI Cboy, Rich Tate, Andrew Giltltman, Pal8adolalo. Sirtin8: Andy Filipcnk, Bill Bonrttr, Dan Adeer, leon Benn.


H,ne you


your V-81ocbyr

"Cimrne;an E!"



indic;ates to Mih Kerr the


10 lhe I"Cl C~mpionship.

lohn Cbrk .. anders ..hy he don Ihis 10 himsttf.


Charging Down the Ice, Explorers Go for the Crowr A fler last year's tremendously successful season, it was obvious that the La Salle lee Hockey Program had

become a dominating force in the Pennsylvania youth


The varsity team had finally captured the elusive Flyers' Cup, awarding them a trip to Johnstown, Pennsylvania

to play in the stale championship. Also, the JV learn had amassed an impressive 28-4 record.

Because of this success, La Salle decided to do something that has only been done once before -

have two varsity


senior Casey Schafer and junior Bob Farrell. As Rick O'Brien said The Philadelphia Inquirer, they had a "score-at-will" offense to overwhelm opponenlS, while the defense, led by seniors Matt Kel and Pat McDonald, punished all opponents who came near. When opponents did manage to get shots on net, they rar into what is possibly the best goaltending duo in the area: senior J Vigorita and junior Pat McCullion. Meanwhile, the Varsity 2 team established itself as one 0 the best teams in the Inter¡County AA League. And the ]V A team continued its dominance in the JV League. There's only one more thing left: Can you say "Varsity 3?"

Even after the loss of such key players as Mike Farrell, Tyler Kolarik. and Brian Curci, the Varsity 1 learn maintained its position as the force to be reckoned with in the InterCounty AAA league. They did so with dominating play at both ends of the ice. In the offensive zone, few could stop players like


1996-97 LaSalle College High School Varsily One Ice Hockey Team: Top Row: Coach Rodger Willi<tlllS, Or.loseph D'Angelo, Malt Kelly, Sean Fullerton, Sean McCr('t'ry, Kevin Brady, MiL:~ Mauriello, Pat McDonald, Oiln Becker, Bob Farrell, Casey Schafer, CO<Ich Haggardy, Brian Bullard, Manager Roy "'elly, Seiln Heron, Coach Peler Nolan. 8ot/om Row: Gary Vorgily, John Calvilli. joe Vigor ita, Branl Heaton, Juslin Sullon, Ryan Ciolli, Peler Nalicchione, Patrick M!:Cultion, Ryan Cohen, Greg Bielecki.


The 1996·97la5.llle College High School Varsity Two Ice Hockey Team: Top Row: Coach Ingram, M,ltl Gorm,ln, Emidio C,lpponi, Pal Higgins, /,lmes Nowicki, Brendan KI'Uey, Randy Billing. Pal SaIYIlli, Brian Ingram, Chris Frey, Dr. Joseph D'Angelo. Middle Row: Sle\'(' Ka:.tmiercuk, Brian lipski, Bill Madeira, Tony Trimboli, Bob Klenk, Brad Balhg,lle, Breit Urban, Justin leYin, Chris Murphy. Bollom Row: Dan fe!ill", I.R. King.. Shane Reilly, Dan Behl.

• Uhh...Guys...You forgOI somelhing. "Knock, knock. Guess who:"


They Strike who Would Spare... A

her taking the league by surprise last year, and wmmng a first round playoff match, the second-year La Salle bowling team set off on a quest 10 conquer the lanes of Ihe PeL Returning for the varsity Explorers

were senior Mike Oldfield, juniors Mike Weinert and Dave Schmel, and

sophomore Dan Barnes. The losses of Mike Ochmanski (the new assistant coach) and Jim louie 10 graduation were filled by newcomers Jeff Rau and Mike Albert. Before the season began, the entire team endure<1 the intense work outs of coach Gary Wiley. His mission: to uphold the reputation of

laSalle's most well-conditioned athletes. All of this hard work paid off, as the team glistened in the limelight of a brief stint in the first place.

The early part of the season included many highlights; the most memorable was Kingpin Mike Weinert's perfect 300 game agalOst Dougherty. As the only witnesses in the forty·elght lane alley (fans were scarce this year), we, the 25 or so players and parents, could hear a pin drop as Mike threw his twelfth consecutive strike. We erupted in high fives and congratulations for a feat comparable to a no-hitler in baseball. Not to be forgotten, howe.. er, are the unpredictable and fun-loving JV bowlers. Saddened by the loss of their hero Dan Fay, who moved on to bigger and beller things after sconng 1600 on hiS SAT's. the motley crew was deter· mmed to carry on his spirit and even dedicated the season to him and his now famous turkey dance. The JV also SclW their share of highlights, including Andy O'Hara walking on his hands, Erik Peterson bowling a full game of varsity, Mark Szczech showing off his eight- pound ball, Karl Woods doing a turkey dance, Scott Miller raising the roof, Beau Yanoshik making long lasting friendships With the North kids, and a few cameo appearances by the legend, Jeff Rau. After surviving the rigorous season. the jV ended with around a five hundred average. Despite the loss of SenIors Mike Oldfield and Karl Woods, the La Salle bowling tcam has a core crop of key contributors returning, who are complemented by what is said to be one of the best recruiting classes since the seventIes. This, along with Ihc spirit of the turkey dance, makes for 1997-98 10 be an exciting season as the high roiling Explorers aim for the fabled peL title.

The 1996·97 LlI5,atle College High School 8<lwling Team: St"nding Left to Right: Assistanl Coach Mike Ckhmanski, Karl Woods, Scoll Miller, Mike Weinert, Mike Alberl, Head Coach, Mr. Cary Wiley. Knf'eling: Andy O'Hara, Je(( "The legend" Kau, Mike Oldfield, Deau Yanoshik, Daile Schmel. Silling: Dan Ram", Mark S-,,;clech, Erik Pelef"SOn.


II's ·Sowling (or Dollars,· Mik~ Oldfi~ld



lalesl dana! €;rate.


Spring Sports: Fun in the Great Outdoors

Drew Middlemiss serve the KOOpS at first base.


he green leaves, bIrds, and flowers return from their long wintery vaca {ion. But La Salle's athletics are still going without even resting during the extreme cold of winter. The spring ushers in a new group of athletes who

represent La Salle just as well as their predecessors did. The new life that comes forth in the spring imbues the Lasallian spirit with new energy. And

each player that takes the field during this season not only feels this energy but radiates it also. The fans and the athletes: they represent La Salle and they do it well. Our opponents can see the energy and life of La Salle's athletes. They see it nol only in the game but in the support that they receive from the La Salle fans. In many cases, this energy is overwhelming for the opposition, leading La Salle on the trail to victory. That path has been well trod by our teams. Each of our spring sports teams has experienced great success throughout the years as a result of lalent, hard work, and the Lasallian spirit. Lacrosse, Baseball, Tennis, Track and Field, and Golf - all reflect this powerful Lasallian energy and excel in their area of expertise. Because, no matter what the odds are, these teams always meet the challenge and succeed In the mere attempt. La Salle's spring sports represent us well. They exude the Lasallian splril and show the trademark pride that is La Salle's.

Brian Egan commands Ihe ball to stop, and thus it does.


kould I USf' an open bel'

sand wedge? Mmmm, an open fa(:ed dub sandwi(:h."

One side effÂŤ1 of Cafeleria


Ooin' 1M Can-C.an, ff!e'lin' 1M

Row... ~ I"I..~

1M sport of U(:,OSW illinll' 100 wriously. G_ ... ho.


Swinging for the Fences W

hen you hear the crack of the bat and the umpire yell "Play Ball," you know La Salle Baseball must be under way. This year, as in all the others, La Salle's baseball players have dedicated themselves to the game and 10 the team's success. The team consists of a cast of characters, and this year the Explorers are a mixed group. From Drew Middlemiss to Paul Grevy, the learn tries to blend together in perfect harmony. And along the way, the learn looked for another Catholic League Championship. The team was led by Seniors with grealleadership qualities. Drew Middlemiss provided first-base power for the team and Jack Hammond commanded the middle infield. Senior Pitcher Paul Grevy had another successful year and kept the team in the race for the Northern Division crown. Also, Senior pilcher Joe Leva conlributed some quality innings 10 help the team. Fran Spause had some key hits when the team needed them and he also contributed some dugout comedy. The Seniors gave all they could to make the season a great one. The team also consisted of some dedicated juniors. Jeff Pietrak contributed some power and some key hits when the team needed them. He had three home runs in his sophomore year and will continue to show that he is one of the leam's premier players. Two excellent pitchers, juniors Mike Mattern and Adam Richards, also had a great season. They pitched in some crucial games for the Explorers. The team proved to be a force in the Catholic Northern Division. Working together under the guidance of Coaches Joe Parisi and Brother Tim Ahern, the team produced another successful season.

Jade Hammond wonders if he's holding his foot the WilY COiIch Piltisi hilS si8nill~ him. "Quick, go 10 third. No, wilit, bilck on second....•


leff Pielr;d: guns a shol inlo the infield from dÂŤp inlefl. Wilh purpose in his SlriM, Drew Middlemiss heads for third.



Either in Ihe fiekl or ..llhe pl"le, Jeff Pietrak ..<ids .. special dimension 10 La Salle', baseball team.


Hillmmond Ko<Ip5 on~ up ill SKOI"

PiIIl Mc()()na,Id, h ..n lowrq-, iIInd 1M l~ iIIwiIIil IMir lum oil sinyns 1M NiIIlionoIl



"Now wail! llmow I'm sypposed 10 go somewhere now, 001 ""herd' "Eyes Otl the ball. Pick il up al il COllIes out of lhe pttcher's Nnd..,.·~_,,:,_ ...

Bongard s~,..inp.•.il·S png...il's....s1ighlly inside

lhe Idlftdd fence.


LaSalle's Farm Teams


umber I! That is what both the Junior Varsity and the Freshman learns are thinking about. BOlh teams had a great season lasl year The Junior Varsity team wenl 14-6, with a 7-1 record en the second half of the season, and the Freshman learn went undefeated, 19-0. The coaches are expecteng to do even belief this year. Mr. Demcola. the coach of the Junior Varsity team said. "We have everything needed to have an excellent season:

power, speed, and pitching;" and Mr. Fran Spause, the Assistant Coach of the Freshman learn stated that "With laSalle's reputation for attracteng great athletes, we are expecting to be a favorite again."

The fastball is bUl a blur... The! old pickoff move 10 first.


The hardesllking in tryouls is calching Ihe ball wilh alltlKls4- e)"es watching. Li

SaUe's newesl sport...indoor




-, -




"";?"J .i



• 187

Golf: No "Puttsing" Around

"Wh.lt is th.lt ne.lr the hole gophe""

off coach Mr. Martin Jackson looked forward to defending the Philadelphia Catholic League Golf title this year. Under the tutelage of the sensational Doctor Les Burke (not to mention his own coaching) Mr. Jackson didn't see how the team could not retain "the hubcap." Well, even without the great coaching, the team is sliH a powerhouse of senior talent, including Mike Schafle, Brendan May, Jonathan Dinapoli, Ed Westermann, Ryan Foley, Jim Clearkin, and Kurt Hirsekorn. They are followed by juniors Jeff Huntzinger, jim liberi, Neil Mikulski, and Chris Burns. Lastly, sophomores Rich Krauss, Bradley Bathgate and T.l. Pippen present young talent for the future. Having lost only two starters from last year, the Explorers look to go undefeated as well as (0 become back+to-back winners. Aside from some strong competi+ tion from Ryan and North, the title is a good as in the trophy case. Swim team, move over?


"Wow, I hope this d08n't viol.lte the Catholic league's divot .lllowance rule!"


"There, I'll bet Tiger Woods can't hit an approach shot li.e that."


lim Cle.. rttin models the blest in KOlfIwos-res:ling equi~t. Jon OiN.apoli hopes his sOOt de;lrs

Mr. l;lebon's keold.



Tennis Serves Up the Aces T

he La Salle Tennis has had a very successful past. That doesn't look as if it will change this year.

Coach Tore Hanssen, who has just been honored as the United States

Tennis Players Association High School Coach of the Year, has enjoyed a nearly unblemished 80-1 record, has had victories in his lasI53 matches since he took

over in 1991, and has claimed the last four Catholic league Championships. The team is led by an astonishing group of Seniors who haven', dropped a match since their careers at La Salle began. They are 40-0 since their first match freshman year. Seniors Steve Balshi, Tim Hannigan, and Jeff Rucinski, battle it oul for the top three spots with some strong contention from the fourth and fifth seniors, Brian Egan and Brian O'Neill. As a junior, Mall John hasn't played many matches because of the domination of the Senior Class, but is sure to make his name known this year. Sophomore Rich Davoli, who played singles last year, will have to continue his play in '98 because of an unfortunate injury. It has been a tradition at La Salle for years now to keep track of the famous Bagel Race. It makes the matches much more competitive, knowing that not only does one have to beat their opponent, but they also have too blank the opposition or they won't get those important bagels needed for the Bagel Race. It looks as if this year's competition will be the strongest within our own team. Practice seems to be where our toughest matches lay. But the tension of practice is decreased with the frequent trips to Pizza Hut for their "all you can eat buffet N and barbecues done NT style courts ide. Along with the hot dogs and bratwurst, look for La Salle to serve up another Catholic League Championship in '97. N

SIeve Balshi realizes thaI Boris Becker only lunges ror nt'l shots on cldr courts. Tore INChes all basclinefS the ¡Chickendance."



Tim Hanni~n po\on~rs a lwo-fisted backhand on"r 1M nel. Jeff RucinsJ.:i rully knows how 10 "kl'C'p his ~r~ on lh~ ball."

1'J97la 5.li1~ Varsity T~nnis T~am; (Lf'ft,o r;sh,.1 Tim Hannipn. 'aRId lOSoln, And~ Punte!, Pat Row, If'fl Rucin"i, Stn~ ~Ishi, Brian 0' rill, R.I. frmola, Brian Egan, ~ Tursi. COoKh T HaosSf'n.

19 )

A Motley Crew! Oarsmen Row Towards Another Title


fter six weeks of winter workouts thaI began in January, all the ergs, lifting. cahsthetics and running have ended. In early March, the crew hit the water again for the 1997 season with high expectations. led by a

strong core of returning seniors and supported by many up-and-<:oming sopho-

mores and juniors, all boats looked very solid. La Salle rowed Varsity 6, Junior 6, Lightweight 8, Second and Third Bs, and Junior, Midweight. and Lightweight 45, representing the best of the over hundred students participating in crew. As Mr. Peter Sigmund said, "The only boats rowed are those that are fast.The key to La Salle's consistent dominance is the pure genius of Coach Sigmund. He, his excellent assistant coaches, and Timber his wolf were instrumental in demanding none but the toughest oarsmen on the water. He demanded, moreover, that we demonstrate the admirable values of leam unity and respect for one another and what we do. We work hard each day for ourselves; we know what must be done 10 win. In addition, we must offer thanks to the Crew Parents Association and all parents of the rowers; through their hard work and time, many improvements were made to the boathouse, and the season was made possible. It is encouraging to know that so ma~ people unwaveringty care and support us.

"This is the C~t Gwrd. Put down your Nrsi we h~\le you IUlTOUndet:!.-


"\Vhy didn't I go out for goln" Rollin' on lhe river.

Crabbing on lhe


Bill Ennis or Caplain Ah... b, you decide.


The 1997 La Salle Crew


This is my oar and t know 10 use it.


Bryn Bind" really ~·is~ ,...., Colin MUrphy ~n'l ....d heG kll f~ brukf.llsl. Hey! W.....l·s Mr. Wiley doing hmf


Clearing the Hurdles .. .spring Track Takes the Field he Explorers track learn came from behind rivals McDevitt, Ryan and Roman Catholic to bring home the trophy from the Indoor Catholic league Championships in dramatic fashion by winning the 4x400 meter and 4)(800 meter relays. Senior co-captain Mike Kerr earned the Most Valuable Runner award; senior co-captain Rich Tate, and seniors Mark Semanick, and Tim Miehle garnered All-Catholic honors. Chris Ward, Greg Bielecki, Obi


Amachi, Sean Teesdale and Gene Ciccimaro were named to the All-Catholic learn.

Coach Pat Devine had his distance runners ready to challenge



Colonial Relays, Penn Relays and the Eastern Slales Championship. Juniors Chris Ward, T.]. Bartkowski, Colin Me Manus, and AI Clay and sophomore Mike Donohue, as well as senior Gil Smith, who returned to defend his outdoor two-mile title, completed the roster. The sprinters prepared to make a run for titles at the Colonial Relays. Penn Relays. and CS. West. Seniors Mark Semanick and Andrew Gittleman lead the sprint team, with support from seniors Tim Michie. Mike Mallia and Dan "The Maintenance Man" Gallagher, junior Andy Au. and sophomore Ob(Sponge" Amachi. Matt Mee handled the high and intermediate hurdles. Juniors Andy Au. John Clark, and Matt Mee competed in the jumps, under field events coach Mr. Shawn Neely. Senior Mike Nedl and junior Pat Moore competed in discus and shot put.

John Clark dears all the way up to lwo



AII .. lone, kevin Cle.trkin keeps the paCIl', I .tm Zeus, god of l~ thunderbolt.

M.trk Xminick. Obi A~chi, Mike Mlnia,.tOO Tim Mtdllll' show how to h.t"e fun.tOO bt"ll'.lk rll'Corm.... ••• ~.Il'n

though somelimes Obi .-ds.t helping h.too.



lif~u ~.ln Moon~y;llnd


c.u. olctton ('Sures


La Salle's version of indoor lacrosse.



"I'm sony. Did you W;UlI lhist" "T,J"~

lh.lol! And don'l my "'"ily 1W\llime."




/997 Blue aodGold Fast Forwardto the Future Edifor-in-Chief: Kenneth A. Gavin Assistant fditor-;n-Chie(: David 8. Vagnoni Theme Editor: Christopher J. Lare Copy Editor: Seth T. Scanlon Associate Editors: Richard C. Firely, William A. Geiger III, Jeff Markowski, Kurt Hirsekorn Junior Editors: Saurabh Desai, Dan Ponisciak Underclass Editors: Tim Ponisciak, Chip MacPherson, Joe Gidjunis Photography Editors: Istvan Jakab, Gregory Queen, Sean Fullerton Photographers: Kevin Fitzpatrick, Mike Heinsdorf, J.R. King, Bro. James Rieck, FSC; Mr. Michael Maicher Artist: Mike Burleigh Contributors: De... 1n lones Steve Mc:Elrov Steve Balshl Mll..e Pucci

Jack H.lnlmond Btll Coyle

Beau Yclnoshlk Paul Sharkey Joe Chiaranlonil Mark Semanic.k Chris Lavin B,lI Phelan Tom l<tmprechl Ene Clilendo Istvan Jakab Ra)l!sh Noronha Mendel Schmiedekamp

Matt Ram.. eller Brian Convery leremy Cooke Mike Kotwlcki Carlos Castaneda George Thiers

Brian Carberry Brad GUIdi Sean McCreery Tim Long Mall Fineberf; Ed Boron

Moderalors: Mr. William A. Geiger and Mrs. linda A. Donahue

Special Thanks to all who helped us put together the 1997 Blue and Gold, including: • Brother Rene Sterner, Mr. David Diehl, Brother Frank Danielski. .. · Mrs. Julia Maher, for proofreading and putting up with "glitches in the system ..." · Mr. Martin Stanczak, Mr. Tom Turner, and Mrs. Pat Schaum, for understanding and support, especially when we needed things done... - Mrs. Karen Mullen, Mrs. Patty Murphy, and Mrs. Ann Ford, for their good·natured help, especially with mailinl and package pickup... - Bro. Gerard Frendreis and Mr. Mark Dardaris, without whom any large publication like this would never get

done... - Bro. James Rieck, Bro. Richard Kestler, and Mr. Mike Maicher, whose photography help was indespensible. Bro. Jim, keep takin' those photos... - Mrs. Rose DiPinto and the rest of the cafeteria staff for providing us with those wonderfully delicious donuts...

- Bob and Rita Davine of Herff Jones, for help, advice, and lots of good pasta ... • Mr. Jerry Evans and Mr. Shawn eely for their two cents and kibbitzing... - Mr. Abe Orlick, Gemma, Jennifer, Pam, Sharon, and all the folks at DaVor Photo. - Linda Mauss and the production people at Herff Jones.. .thanks for suggesting a theme via the posters...

· All the parents who had to pick us up late, and endure all those late nights... - All the people who explained what last year's yearbook cover really said ...

- All the seniors who took the time to tUrn in their quotes and other paperwork



- All those people who shall remain nameless, who threw monkeywrenches into the works ... - All those whom we may have forgotten, we thank you ... All ,,·e.lrbook complaints and problems should be addressed to Seth T. Scanlon, rearbook scapegoat.


~\ ho

has a8reed to be the

GOLD PATRONS To Peter Seely: Congratulations, Peter; you have made us very proud of you. love, Mom, Dad, and Jill

To Patrick Bevilacqua:

Best wishes to the Class of '97. The Bevilacqua Family To Michael A. Callan: Good luck, Michael! To Jack Hammond:

Congratulations, Jack and the Class of '97 Love, Dad. Mom, and Michael. Mr. John and linda Hammond

:ongralulalions to Sean Martin and the Class of 1997. The Sharkey family_

fo Justin and Jason Delisi: Justin and Jason, Congratulations and Best of luck. love, Dad, Mom. and Jessica Justin, Jason, and Bobby, Congratulations! We are very proud of you. Love, Pop¡Pop and Mom-Mom

To Devin Jones: We are blessed and proud to have you as our son. look ahead 10 a bright and rewarding future; it comes with motivation and sincerity. Our love, Mom and Dad

To Drew Middlemiss: Son, we're proud of you! leo and Patricia A. Middlemiss To Robert A. Massino III: Congratulations on your graduation, Bob! love, Dad and Mom To Robert Gryzbowski: All my blessings, Robert. love, Gram To Robert Gryzbowski: Here's lo the brightest future ever, Robert. love, Mom, Andrew, Eric and lynnsey Jevin Campbell '00 _. Michael Cappelli rhe Dowling Family rhe Horgan Family "'r. and Mrs. G. Douglas Linberg and Family

Jeborah B. Mahlsted )r. and Mrs. William



)r. and Mrs. John O'Donnell

"'r. and Mrs. Ralph Philomeno


.... ~ Thoonks 10 my f,m,ly, H, TouahIuY RrfTlf<nb« RycYl You m,sh! ~,.,.,.. 'oU. . fitSl, bul mIne WIll be f,MIeI'

MeW Amin AbcM! ,It, I'd like 10 INnlc my mom, Ibd, .-Ad _ , If it we<en'l b!hem I'd be , IOUl tcfew up ThMlb 10 ,n my fnends ......, put up wllh me for ioUl' or more ~ vou ,n blO'W ......, VOU Me To my COUloIn to: P, watch OUI b me ;ond ka-p me on lhe,.tlt.. II .. .IS bo, lM1e ~

Kewioo .... ~ Tlwlks bmlly, C. U, D CooI'y lJwl!fb Ben Ben Ch.1ht. un I borrow ,.,.,.. ll.eor'Jl S<loomp! A, ConelIeH.l CMw AIunwun e-. Cuo6o l~ me OOA, ~ my ~ ......


M.Id:.ebl,fl' YNh. will Hey fifef1 OWl I'Nlysoa, Mdleetyl 'Moo', on lhe Wn.- GM T P 1Il BU ~ CIpdO Gfnu.ord!', No sunIIow~R U 5aepplnf NoceWa PlIl ~R""I You .. .IShed~loDI

s..- lWltIi T1unb mom ;ond cW for

8udr:. Eno. Abby, Cr;azy Ed. fOf~, WICk.e, C.s, 8.s, R.M, WC,' Finebets. Je., B.M., K.C., T.M~ H W, RTD, SM., O.M ISO 1lI"1 in trVficl, Kenny- G, DM~ S.lvi, Buc:ky, Dooo'w, Yu, P.e.. Mr T, Ed.8emIe, MI. 8I0Il, ~ MeG. 1'eIe" ,lllbe bu!i rides No tNnlr:s. The Sundi,J in the 1hD-, d>e

u"&i'roo. C, Rob.

.... do

Aobonpln Cops, ;ond


.lnspirllllOn Too!. Rollins. 8,11y Corpn. H'ole. Oued ..d Confuxd. YC!dI. My pllllosopny, "No ~ haw blId lCII'Mthinl; is. it un ,~ ~ "'Ofle:-CERC. Th.IIlls 1O,II .. ho helped me, and lhriIlO,,,,.one llotJO'lli menbon

S8rt'~KU/B.WI>~/ SMfI

W",,, RurV" t2-l8owl"'" lIw Risk GMrteI Pl.u.i HlA/W/Vt'l/ ~DeIv.ro'-"S' ~ ~ AI

OM Bq,."V The ropd 14f'!/


8ALU MHt'1 IdlooI/ Bto,)ohrVCl'Im, qme I.". is onIlJrittidile'l'll ~.. ,11T1011 M!Ylhi.... "'~ome 10 !he Jun&Id Stb>¥VI MonIIItd Publto:: hurndi.llloooV _ ~ T.

1IeM'TP/8" eaoI Dic;t{ ~I Stwdo:woY 8NU P'''''"no control with the Ie*Ithrow MIIm-"'ter Mom. tNnb so muc:h for

T2·l bow1

~"'1S""~,",b me,tId,~

flo&! srtnbll-m.W l,lI'l'J To

~ wtulCr.f/ 1I1-1SlCTANKfTo ~niekM>' Omnl-chlCk ~To"B" Top/I

Nutcr<tcker/To 1+D.lnielYn' McMMlor¥'To


G, Il~ 1Y1Il,npuN PocorlClf/ C....,lense/Tom, G.-.rdner. VOU,nd II To "T" lJndek,ted LUille Tenrul .,2·'9),1To CEA W'holt~ hoIppens fmm ~ on

}oIeph kdIwdc Bonell, did VOU shoo!,ny . , ~teIyl llOfllC !'\Inch freh""n LtwI.8 llWl 4 Pride Co»ch flood, I only h..Ive 91b1 to IoIe lor tomorrow Nic:.k:8'e,kfw is on VOU I\'VSI":Am I rithtl, Tell me if I'm "fOfIIJ" tOl Bymes, t(eq) Travis in c:.he<:k, try 10 IUfV,,-e m;ath ci'!" ",,!houl me, Oh l'e,h, ",,'ch 0Ul for PedmL linJe fedyn" vou're itn ~nlmlll Cremlin from my 8ricks • ,Salt he,d .St.1y s'S!e<s1 Thanks 10,11 my friends.,nd mOIl ilTlfXJfUntly Mom, D~, Lesley, 1"11 lind",y


MlIltMw /\Un lIMone Well, hello 111M! 8ro joe, .Se","'the Body" Ir ~ Ben ·It'l,,me for HR Gentlemen Ed Ioron Th;anks 10 Mom" D"" Peolee lO my boyz Ch.ilfonl II wt"k Rick Euy E' Ka!p lhe a-o.lI 101.... (1hoIf) Bone- Thup

Cn!oepIns on,nd comi", up, PeKe 10 the fooly Crew -> remember jl(Kl • McDevln l,,,,!NOO b the tr'OC'nIOneI AKA's f;J5l


EOdie. c¥t'n Eddie. Uncle EdwoIrd, Eddie B

. , . . J-


1rd 8 pride1 W'holt ,n TMNlIOnf! TH(CIMI' Cent, ~ Ih,u ~JIy Crny ,..sh!1 .7th pel




No, I ~Jly don~ blO'W -,.one. ~ CHESTER THE MOlESTlR! PnwlI 0UI11l

Curley', -Sold! The~Toumey vou'd betIe.- to 10 !he ~ and hnle I. ..-«h aullof the Wl'Wl d lhe boonIC punch' I ,m~ you' k.od ...... ~ VOU Morn, O~,lilly, Mdrew, 8«ky. Iohnny-, and ~ rm ~Jly IOfWI' mlM thl$ ~

Crq: " ' - T1unb 10 (on no poMtoc:ubf ~ M'1I.niIy. Old HNd. Henry, futlerlion

rs.r.e, _, eM' buWl". jolCl.

UuM ..hen you Ihou&N \'OIl"'" hI! rod, boftom. you find, CRdr: on lhe l\oor"l. fr.... ....-,. KM.

Doaoe. POT W


Wyher C E

DelwIiI CIIbn The 1 ~ ffH the o-ss 1 + 2. 271t • 21. "'vooIon.!he t..d IU'fS> lOS Powder Hom Rd, NEA IIop, The GMA Crew Cone"'" _ "96. Poonb, "<At (U d my house". o..-~ VOU 10 do> , helioopter.!he ~,J8kPSI'lN.

OlideIIreDlidly Mom. 0..:1, MdleIe, CoIJe.en, /..ISon. ~ tNnb ~

4~" yeM1/l2-22-96 10 9-)096/11).16-9610 I/IITo B, Xopb. ~ Chuck, K.wbrv, Toph. MId lhe tn:IOP- TRIX_ GTSK:IANTI71n~~, I~ __ 'J Tem-/Pl NAUttde4'T-8elt. Pizu Hue!


OOP, PutV5uWTub, KOANS, 8 of US ~ynchro,,,ud SWI~. HOARD. LlIod 4. OMB. toop, Iet'l do it before ",olCti«. ~ mixen. 8ond'",. GU. Iw'mm'"ll ctwnp,.. Ulep lhe 1J<ldltion, TlYnb to ~II my frierds, it'l been re,1 D.r, Mother, Tim, 8<ynn, Keny,vld K'1Ie.!Nr>ks b ~I'"


bel,. thefe b me; KJ£B·lkl¥e VOU bolh ve<y muc:h; C.Mom • C Pop, Uncle Ant. and

uncle Ben. Uncle Jinl "ld Aunl d.a,~, Aunl ~. Uncle toe and Aunl: fot¥Jle,tId kids, Uncle Kevln,OO AUfIl and kids, Uncle Bud '00 Au.. Crillh and kids. 1m n()II , monkey; Reo. Reookb, CN, CIln~.joe. Unit, jefm. OmlC.. Miehb. Co~, Tom. M,le.~,


Greg 8, Mllch. Cohn. Enn 0, Jenny, Kaue R

,tid NIck, COl 10 SOffY ,bout the w,n July 'J, Iml 0,\11." Mill!hew5 ~nd Ti"," D,ve,OO Kat ~nd Sa"h 8 Chmt'1, BridgeI. s.m"tId "'weome Sexy T,"~I Corrln\;Inder, flunks to ""l!fYIJ'fIe who helped me IhrOUShtout my tife I'ltmi"~

john D. Brown: CD 8 FSB.8, Rudy the Rabbit.. 68th Street.. re,ch Snapple


.Doo-Doo ..Buner Cup.


hn. Iltlll an't pl,y ,3levell voIleyb;i1l SI,n:luS! ClIfe. I':Vl"f"yOf">l Slll,h"ll my bil~ The movie .N'ture 1Ioy. Slop the rmdness. elghl mile5 in Bre,kenll I'd hke 10 th;ank m'1 "",mmiI,oo Elvis

we ~ 2001

MOm. 0..:1, D-"1.11ld e-. tNnb b ~ lo-oeVOU~~·

~and!he ~~~

(Th;anx SI,,""'1l 800mln



'MIl I. c.... OC SuoTwnefs. IlSC Pnde,


.M-Co"""'" ftri


Thris for "I the FUt


MIl" ChAppa. Speci.l' T1unb 10 my p.lIIef'C1.

Hughel; P (Wel Co.ISt.i how's the treehouw



up,..,init K·B'Id wfrne. McElSlJfl·

b Inll...b"8 me Kurt, nICe d"ver, h(erR Mc!loofy nic~ every c1us wI you Todd, the coolest netd, wh.ol', Ih.ol bl~ spot

lCritlOphef un' H,11owftn '9S. 1,'lspll"8 TIme .Su, my houIoe,;ore VOU hu"ll'Y1 Top 10 eXCUSoell(l mi" Ioolb;iJl ",'Ktlce The loop 8th period HIT Squad ,All!).iIndm's Mlulon imposlible, ·WI IUS! lhe dos" Yo, Sm.ff, W,nllO 80 flv,lngl, .M~k houSl.',"these k,dllook, hnle hulf' l,S;tlle liKlOS5e In '97. MG wh,t c,n I 1''1, Thoonks 10 Mom, D~, Slept!"OO the rest oftne crew, WI bftn funl


P~lric:.k TImOthy Th,nx Mom. D~, E"n, )oIln, 8ri,n, C,Hee.> + CI.,.de Pew,


TNnks JOIns 0Ul to MOm,nd D~ b tupporIins me thn.>uIh 4 ye¥'l of school·T'homas, rwowords for you ~ H'(per, hyper' (Rye, how'llNIles'·W1IoIt VOU'~ SOOng to h..Ive...od>er opeutoonM' IR-Good Iudc: _ yoeM'.qb tood ate d Ifw


Ct. HW,

Je«.1-lope - TMr>Iu b,1I

K. Hey r ...... B ' " Chrnty, s.m. ~,II the Vi'I, CiIh. Co 1Ie.c;l!S' Hey Mf Pfe K.K.• Se, Ide Cily, pt,y b¥!he a,y, MIonu'J,. frien:llv's ~ MeI);:"wId'I, Cm!em.lll'l p. ~. "Hey Owl&. how 'boul some Won Ton soup'" tAw is cool ~ '96;ond Sf'-lulv 9-'96 "Hey K. I..ISk. Cinwne Some d Th.lIl. Two Tm-'" Hey Thunder1 Yuh CU and Kill'1'l-n..-b &n.n .. CoId! 11'1 bfttI

own !he corner forever lie« lOUie 're gUI Mobb l::leep oper>'"lfor the Wu T,,,, Cbn KWI "W~'re w,illOll for VOU" Speci,!; th;anks toll Boys " Teuco, Pes, Donnie, D,O., M T, D,S, IS., C.M. R.D"nd eo.pec~lIy Rick lot ,II those PlO's

Eric .... CMiendo Cnns, Morn. 0..:1, MIo~ CR'A,.~.


Grec. Nick, Unit, ~ Tom

IoYttheh.o",VOU~C.I.,.,eJ1 M'1 u.ngbome crew, (Wlll. Melff. k.un ,J """,

Period ~1 8re,L.lII'lOl!'Ier w....., OKlSeth... .lIdIlNI dlolneroo..' And 10 the lei MS, Ie. 5£. OS.

,.,.,.. help..-.d ~ Deuce, DRy. ae-, nw s..-ly Duns. SplIl, Allen, 8enny's VlllO ke. Knxh. Double me V~. l-..WB W,kbbNSl; ~ OK. E_R_ U CJ.1 Se~ Hunl.,S, o-.lWAl.Yl D.. NICky, M ~. t G.• Udy"" DIco, I SCORE

Jeremy. Chos C~

week. ...""Ion Bru,ser lNevel__ ,nythl" hlt iI.I T...-si. Donn.... ;tnd 1..,11

,"11 s",'1 Hell

be-.tul ...-::

b ,1ll>1s

W'h;at', up k


Mom. Kyle, TIn'I

oo..u", KftbIef, KIph chem & KnpMe Sbo:Jwers. I know the IIOfY i'lln.le. 10 just shu! up. 5em¥olJo. Irl cool VOU

Uriof .... ~ (llldripIW.

~'s ~Ur(p:>ey~,",,11

;tnd Keni.

Lturen. 0loI I..ISk. Pinlcslln,

Mic:Nd <:.appdIi Specloll "'MIls 10 Mom. 0M;f. """*-,,wId Cb>eIIe Spec...l ThoonIr::I to lIuck Shot ShOfty, BM.. and 10,11 my boys, Kyle 0415 VI~5, Wyndmoo,- 8. Tucke<,

Chris luck Mom,OO O'ld. 8,.1 Mullen, ~ MId h>l neck. Frey. 8reoen,tId ~ Ure!he Unibrow p.... S,.I GeIsen, E""" Upell 110m. Mike, D,n, Sem...

Cege- ,,>Ii !he 'kenMn.on", Ken Uld M 100 Ib5 CWI. Angle MId 0....... futlerlion, 0'IXIl<td

O _ ~ , P....L

tone ~ SIeve. Bob. Chns. Nedl, 0I.u. D",.. foot'(;ond hoc:.boy Bob. frN, ~. Rocco. Eddie /l.ib ~'l...IoQson - ' VOU know Se¥> lC.c. T .IIld AJ Jack Md 8reoen .6lt> Period h.ol.... -Md lhe 0 . _

Pele, + P'ul' Slone Cold pt,yers The D· Town Crew llefJ'feler>O epeel,11y M,ln NovIe:. Pride To lhe one + only Uglitwelghl I;,np "C';azy 1,m "f~ef wn VOU yoe,h, t.lIW you comin" f,~ well 10 ,It my friends. 8e~ Mll The 5.5/The Shore' !'.hsh! of 100 louie louiel Sweetl "osue ~hone!


. , . . ulrino Tlunb Iof~

MicNel c.pea Mf In WoN "IV NICe belt r.e~ yoeoJft ...... yoelH Don'l1O off !he lsIlAdIWh.lIl olCCodfnfll W,IIl"1 ho:JuW OW. KG/Up on...,p II ..un WE/W_W_W_W«l/ Speed. T~f"" mellal' rolVC.C-C. OwII6'Ed!WIWmdow/ ...1l b'vl'm betIe.It\.IIl VOU ..... (MfV 7_11 shawl Undy o-tv l¥n/ UPVOW Rubble DubbleII lOt 5 on "" 0w0nW IbW MkI ThMu "" MoIIV D.-c:V ~ ,II my. bttJ,yQ 4l in 71 Ita V

Thanks to my p.lI~lS, brother, len lor puttl"8 up w/me; MK's, evo Hoops; ViU,1'OOV3 U.s North CMollnbll pme. Penn Rel,'1, nIghts in Veni«~ Where's Jimmy" "fw,"'8" And spec"I!N1U to ,It the MlIple Clen K;m lcome on, VOU know who VOU '~l Nick



fi~. lei's ,11 move forw"d, ~ 1ooIu"l bM;k 8ridgel, "29. Nev@I ~ pie_II

..... lAm... Hey~' Second

c~ d


IonI ~ ~

To the

1997_ VOU in frYe vurs'

..,.. ~WoeH: Mom. 0..:1, Ah. eNd llvn.. I

kl¥e vou


Nnks for (M>"S Ali

Slid lhri$ for pulll,. up ....Ith me


thrit for~. Don't foreel- No lNtIef w.... !IlA.>J1e W PCl dIoImps '95, '96. '97/ Hey lOUIh Mil's bMon rMI When;we ~ IO"'C~.-.Irm~,~

""'' '8

'''Y''''''I'1 Gentlemen SHUTUPI You IU'1S ~ Ier>IOf .,..~,

the bel.


Ket>neUt L Christy Ir Thew p.lIst 4 yoe,rs been fun . .t would hke to!Nnk my bmily, friend5 ,,00 sl,tfriend who supponed me-Meg,n, Mom, D~, 8el1y, Billy, Eric:, M'rlltl·R''1I .. Good luo;k in college ci,u 01 '97... Don't look ~k in ""8ef (o"lllOf"Igl, h;aw,

Jim CI,udius ThoInks Mom & D'Id, KT.N., JV" WI....,N D" f., B.T., 8 D. M L J~

J. ClNrkin tv

n.,nks 10 my Mom,

D.r, Kev. 8ri, ,00 M,ulftfl. To,1I m'1 bovz Selut "'Ix, fo't.1Ioney, Nick, EckIy, SIeV1.", Gene, Den, jimmy 0', IYlne. tuft, Noone, Ofew lboomenl, uppelli, T,tSi, Mehul, O,N;lJlS, Eckly Wel, P,ic, usey, Sav., 8.rdy. ""oooneV. Grevy. Donny, tIC. from wNt I renembef, ITIOII chlllin' ,"11 ~od bolCk yoe,rs 01 my h~ The corner. lhe Iounte,

Oupn. Art, Sehool~, M'(ftIe. MCP. the loop, the w,n, n,bi... liv,,,,.. birbolCues, p.lIfks.. rnr Cl£N!!lttl! lmou,h lolIod) ,,,,,, Conwo-y- lNnb Mom & D.r " Chm & !'ooI.Nlie lkl¥e vou ,U... TNnks IO,U my froerIdI who ~ me eYef'{lh'.... I know .... "'YW'!f;and .... life 10M ~ Andrew Mc~. _k.e Gm~. BIlly NewhMt. R«hel s-lders. Joe \C.;tupM.. Iohnnv I-iontnwvl, Ke\1n t't.1nnon.-' Eliube!h McNeil "He~Ie ..... some ~

ere..../'" J,Inelleeth~. TetfVH«I>er is dud The PM'V's down ~ W"'fIl"d


So Iorc. )'OU'~.aI1 gelll

~ CottelIetu I would I,ke 10 tNnk ~ll the leildoerI , h.od .. U5.aJIe for ...... my htsh school apen8lCe wonh wIllie. 1,110



tome IIM! .. us.lle. I wM the lid Iof..sl my c~ ",,11 thew tndNvon in thefw.ft


P<ltric:k f. COJIello: Thanks 10 w.om, Oad and Man fu< all the support they have given me... Stay focused ...'94 RetreaL.llCS II could ve been an African swallow Sand in !he sand Panl:5 on my legs. Good luck to

Mallhew Alfred Co~: Mom, Oad, Mike, Chris. Thanks fu< evef)'lhing. Thanks T.K. for chauffeuring me around. Oan Yu for rides to school. All my boys on lhe soccer team. Espedally M.H. I. was a good time. N.M. and T.K. we're boys for life. To my f...mily,1 couldn'l have done it without yoo. Espe<:ially, Chris wilh his math \.k,lls, Brmdan Coyle: To all my~, thanks lor every Ihing_Keep in trKkt!iwoop Em-DamiM, "I'm Claving a s/lotlie", Tradition wilh Boomers. Balloor>s Ross. Good lockin Man, Where da party al, Batmoom Sessions. Wimp Talks, "You're 50 beauliful 001. ..·, Yeah or Neah, Mission Impossible. Taps n ,2,or )), 5th Period. Navy Seab-Th.Jnks w.om, Dad, especially during football·loW! you guys Willi.om D. Coyle Ill; Thanks Mom ~ Dad, life-Teen·ERI. Hey \}ally, what's your .ign/ I am an aq.... rium. Dan, do I have 10 do lhe papers/, Paintball. Whatever Aoats YOOl boat. Jay Club CaI1 Cra~ing 101, Mr. C II wasn"! my bull my it'g fell off. Yaho, Yoho, Wicl<i"s West Coast Video nms. T·Beli. Hey leigh. 1001< al the birdies. Why JustIn whyl Can I get §OrI'le cherries/ Brian Doney: Thanks Mom, Dad, Chuck. John, and l~ for all of yoor help throughout my high school years. Thanks mom and dad for the sacrifices thai it 1001< to send me to laSalle. Thanks to my g.andpa'efIl:5 too. Thanks .Gisele. Te amo mi vida. Timolhy C. Curran: Thanks to my Mom and Dad for all yoor love and support. Good lock to all my boys in coUege Frosh llWt. 8 PCl Champs...Casey"s house Halioween '95 ...CYO Basketball champs Senior Week, Where's Dolanl Horde BIK Rioo home from £gyp( on 95 4 short years.. Eric I, Daly: love you w.om ~ Dad. t'VefyOI'Ie el... Ihan~.you know who you are. J.o.-Golta go the OIher directlOO. how does it Sf)I.Ind wait till nexl yea.·12.5 ...nd 350...J.W.-srop kickln' my tiresl M.F.·How many speakers today/...J.Onap-Heeb5. Slick em'... Wha' b.1nle/ No. t won't smol<e there QUI front of the school. How does il Sf)I.Ind/ Than" againgood lock allhe stal1; I'U be wallm' al the fini~line.

Chark!s Delow: Respect, Thanks, Mom and Dad for all your l<'PPOfI. What's up jefl ~ lisa, I'm ha.dcore. Casey. I'll always remember how I beal yoo 2-{). Mikey, II'S been great being best Iri@nck.Andy+Mall· ECW. Sunpsons Rule. CS-Remember how I would gel us kicked out of the library ~ the study cen!ef .....eryday. CS. PM, MC, T, MM, AD, MR, UD Boys, MAC, JR, fl88. Than" for a great 4 ~ars. Pricechopper NT)


1_ R. o.,lisi: Thank you Mom. Dad. MomMom, Pop-Pop, Il'Stln, and lesica for everything, love Ya. To all my boyz, Roo Hou ..., Sean, KVIe, Brendan, Damien. Scrup, Chapman-"Good lookin' Man!", Nick _"Ya like thatl". StapeUi, Donny, Malty, lack, Brad. Fran, jimmy, & all my Maple Clen Boyz. Always remember: Mission Impossible. Summer '96, Senior Wee!<. Roo's BIQ. EgyJll, T6e1l Fire, T.adilions, Halloween Parties, The Horde loops, ·friday". Palnt\}all T,ips. Thanks for the memories. Jldl,n V. Delisi; Thank yoo Mom, Dad, Mom· Mom. Pop-Pop, Jason. Jessica. and the ,est. Jason th.lnks fu< the homeworIo: and lhe rides; iust don'llell mom. To all my 00\1$ we lost

Sc"'P. 1.8., Sean, Donnie, and Damien I miss you. To all the.est 01 yoo remember Freshmen fOOlb.lIl. Health Class, Taco Bell fore, and the snowball Incident, the loop, Tradilions and nlne-fove, and the Irish jig. Sean and Jimmy Norwood pride, Sc",p, you. hoo.rse, fSC.the tressle. Boomers at my house Sc",p and Bird thanh. ".....ple Glen boys M<>e'. house. Sean ou, HORDE rrick. Roo your B80 and Halloween pal1ies. Chapman good Ioolcing. Scrup 00. lale nlghl chal:5. Kyle and Bird 5th ~ and Mission Impossible and lBB. Maleek lhe ~h sto<y. Pal, fill' yoo nad balloons. Tarsi, yo ya think, \fOIl' hou... and deck crews. The lig Guy. F.ank 5, Farley. senior house 2111 Streel. Cappelli I.'. no! ave< we stiligOl OUr senior hou.... Dominic DiPaolo: Thanks Mom, Dad. Ch.is, Gus, Jimmy. Sue, Vin, Nick. Paul. and everyone el .... BIXktv. Q-dog. Folbord, 5wee1Dan, Goofy, BD, MM. C5, CW, SP, RT, 00. TM, KG. "IE, DC, 10, NUI:5, TC, PC. PM, Moone'y. Phi~. rom left, No, the OIher left. ",S sqoishy. Pop;! T'ompllll$ki, Plug to everyone. DMB. Senior Week '96. P<>eks easy. Tastes great Your bfain has lhe shell on il. G·kwe Halloween Domsac, Old you gel out and d.ink ill Curfew VIolation, U.anium Plug. Dew, Vo Cu'ni. You'.e iuS! a lillJe guy.

Ir""""n Ool.>n: Horde '96 - Magnum P.1. Dave Mall~ '96 . ""IV eyes hIIrt", the Aying lawn chair. Sea Isle· r.d. on lifegua.d st... nd- B.E. Ocean City - "Where did you gel that bikel" ... P.M loves Juanita. '95 lV·8 undfeated champl. a..at Mountain. 95' Halloween· Glove. Yaddies. Appa!achl... '%. Steve Mille< '94- pig wilh a pal1Y hat. Thank5 to: I>L D.O.. 5.Q.• P.M., nOI:5, P.R.. Rf., S.M., o.G., M.F.• F.K., e.D.• T.e.. T.M. I.B. Special Thanx to: Dad, Mom, EmIly. Kevin, Nana, Uncle MIke· yoo were all there when I needed you Todd Di"-: Yo, Malloy. What can you do with woodl... Ken, we're laking you. hus asaln ...Wlckl, tell us anolher Slo<y...Wicki, when's the lestl... Did yoo sludyl, ,. Markowski. suck it up, only one more ~a•. .Bill, Rob, Beware of DON!. • Ev-eryone out of the lib<aryl ... It'. been a g,eat four years· MAY 31 Baby! Thanks to all of my Iriends and especialiV my family. Mom, Dad, T,I·, Meli.sa, for helping me through lhese lour ~ars· I'm oulta here· See Val

Jon oiN<lpoli: Never stop sparkln the spirit, to all my peeps. Especially the Taco Bell c<eW; 0111 "'!agUl1, Old.head. law.Dude, Wall, and Two PolCks.

Due Do: To all my friends. and you krl(lW who you afe. Yo good luck and have a nice Ilfell lamft DonMlly' I'd like to thank mV lamily, f.lends. ~ leKhers. MOst especially my jlarettl:5 since withoutthei. guidance I would've lost my way in life and academics. Palrick Dowlins: Thanks to my pa.enlS, Colk-en, Rory, Will, Heathe<, Jay and 7th Hour, Todd, Dan, Iohn and the Tefcel. Steve for the free clinic, Jeff, football allhe park. Acoustic lams. Maggie, Colleen. Kale, Ev... n. Sean, Jack, WAG, Dairy Queen (Ihe piKe). Man lim In New Jersey. TC laffe. Doyle: Dad· Than" for <kaling with mV 4 ~ars 01 crap. WalefS- Stay ...wav from B.M .• we know what his sto<y Is. E.D.Where in God's name do you woflrJ! B.G,on July 3rd they arrive:!; on July 41h they allaCked. M.f, _Whal'. with the shelves In lhe V.W, Walers, _Coke Kills Pepsi CW. You f'lJlZ, potalO man is coming to gel ya. Rea. - f'Jetwork destruction. M.e.·lel" change OIIr S.ades! B.5. - Pain\ball anyonel

Charlie Ourilam: Thanks Mom and G.and Pop. fresh 8. F.esh 8 In the drink. 2nd 8, Fe. JV 8, FBI Egypt Plug lIBUTC love You lar·lal

Michael DulSO: God. Mom, Dad. Chrissy, . kids, A,I. and "..... ry Than~ for yoor support. I love each one of yoo. I am Rick '2) and I don't ,weal none 01 yoors. F.J<>ckie H-Stefn Rules. Nickel and lhe bird.· why STUI Chalfont's the BOMI. 7.1IlOlloTlckers. CBl- OAR Thanx - l(M. My partner, BC Roo MM JI( 1m JH and Especially Randy. Thank you and Good Il>(k. PCl Champs Football 95. & 91>. LAX 94, 95. 961 MkhHll. Erfle: Skitz. SkIppy, Q, Sep(a, Sleepy, TofI. Kirby. Hairz, Whatl, Capell, Daly, Heb, Thanx guys. Remember: OM I ...wl. 5am. Wa·Wa run. 12 to 3 bowling. 7 in a;e.ep, PiZla Hut, Plan A, What I. on you. back QI Uvin on a prayer, GTS. Hatir>eld, Man's. Wan's, Crocodile, ZestfoliV Clean. Than" for all your support Mom and Dad. Thanx for all that yoo sacrificed for me. I love U. Than", Paul, Sue, Katie, Mary, Wigs, & 5Iin K, Irian Epn'Thanh to all those who made my four ~ars allaSal1e memorable. I'll neve< fOflll'l ... lI my friends in Cente< City Per\(a,ie To those fortunate enough to experience a 4· peal In Tennis- Remember the tunes and lhe CO<Ichlng staff. Thanks 10 all my leachefs and the studenl:5 who took a chance to become Iriends with me. Mr. Tom... to head ",Ies. Hey Gil _ do yoo have any cookiesl By the way. Eunice. G.Ke will always be our I, William Ennl$: To Friends: rrosh Flip I • Vails al BD's' PII wea"ng a party hat. Sl>1B • CRASH R's In Aprill Horde- Yellow 8u. _ 5 more dollars' ~5quatch .. Catalina - who c<lresl" Cudfari· t didn'l t<>ekle you!. S.Q.· Pil V·Ball All Stars' ThaI nippin' Honda' Amy's I and II • Tommy like winsyl • Old Dlfty' GMA V·BaH Challenge· R.o lifegoardd stand - BD' Dew" Mlsston Impossible' Baltimore Born' Goggles • G. love· Halloween '95' GRANO STANDS' C.eative I • BOOdy' Yellow 5 • Flip lhe Cup • Wlz • enchufamel Thanks Morn. Dad+Mo/!V-I~ you man' Christopher Eunice: Thank you '0; Bro. Michael Thai, Mr. Geiger, E. Molush, Pat C~ and our friend T'avl. Bickle, BernIe McCabe and his older brother, SK, Ml, Greg Morris and our f.iend Wiley. Mall KeIiV. ~e McCann, Paul Read. Ku" Hi<sekorn. KM Gavin, and Irion Sch.effle< for fun foiled English classes. and Sean Follerton and ". 1.2.3,4. Ryan f~l, Thanks most 01 all to my pit,enl:5 for providing for me and looking QUI for my best in'eres1:5 for the pall II ~<lrs. I will nevef be able to repay them. Thanks 10 my brother and my gtandmolher for alilhallhey have done lor me, Thanks 10 all 01 my friends _ you know who you a.e. Good luck for whatevef the Future holds for you. finally, ,esl in peace, Tupac. You. preence will be missed on Ihis eatth. Richard Firely: Thank you Dad ~ Mom for these las' 4 years oan, as you know. "Chaney I, God" Sodo we go! a plan lonight or whaL.Ken, don'l put any ,eal oollets in yoo. Ci\11 Waf gon... Thank yoo • Aunl PaLS minute delay...wicked sllck...wicki. do that danceJ...11Iy to think 001 nothin' .... ppens."Shazz...m! ...Winninl is an anillJ<le... I'm a vktlm 01 circomstance ...Argg.. ,Hello to mv crew .. ,Onlv losers go down. I am iust80ing to 80 op and up. Midvf.lloseph fithi.on: Thanks Mom. Dad, and Tom... To alilhe boys. Ot"n Dog. DG(Gus>. Billy E, DO, TC, PM, BO, Rf_

Thanks. Shore 9S,96, 30th stleel V8. G· loW! ~ S,Saoce. 'Dude, they're $(I blgl" Beast Mountainl Magnum PI, SO ~ SIV always a good time. Dave Mallhews. therel Sunset Beach Club. What'. goinl on· ~ ' s going to Gus·s house. love ir all, alwaYS'I. Ry<ln foley: Thank yoo, Mom, Dad, Che!. Mike + C...te. love you 1ots... Thanks: SQ, 0.0, DO, BE. PM, MF, SM, MM, DC, RT, 10, The Gren Clew, BB, SP, 8T, 3"n·l...late nlghllHOP. golfball no I mean brush. House of Pain, Novice8pride, I·lang. Maple Glen Pizza, VOPOP, BO's '94, C·~ Halloween '95. HVCC. Steve Millar - pig w!a party hal, Pit VolJyball, Creek RD. Mem. Day Weekend '96, Phlsh '95·Wow Ry, 4.·s IIO\'<'! I play golf. oolldog, Hoa.d'96, 301h SI.·V.ooII,lhanx B.T., lhe loop, the loft, I guess thi.;s where she dies, Mr. Tim, David Bowie-UBlorty, Mackie's 6BQ's-1 gOl. oosted. Plaid ice It'. a beautiful night. oot you can't see stars from down the.e. Chris Frey: Thanks for everythinS Mom, Dad, Mike, RKh... and aU mV friends ... Irian ... Sean ... Hemy... Shaun ... Crazy Ed and Wild 1111... and everybody else. Sean Fullerton: T.... nks lor all the suppo<! and good times. Tommy, Dad, PaI.W, Mom, Sarah, Megan and family, Bro. Tim. 8'0. Ken, Frey. Bri lhe liar, frank. 8uck. OldHead in NYC, Gerg. Jack. Will and Safari friday, Pal, Henry yoo know I'm juS! kidding, Schu. M. Kellv, Eunice, Mason, FlI1estein, Sean Me. Mike Z.• Cooglas., Bemie Mac, M •. JKkson, P, Nolan and Pally lor the kangaroo me...'. Daniel Martin Galla&her: S.B/e.11 M.EJ M.JlC.l/B.M/M.N/M.SJo.WJ5 am Wa_ Wa run/12-3 ami 12·5 am lM-I1I7 in a ieeA' lalV Plan AI French 3 (Chal, GIgS, Monster\! R0gef bedtime stories (e.A" S.B" M.5.11 unbelte\'able dog! W... lI's! pivot! subway! BNU c<ocodlleJThe better to eal you with. my dea.l/ EI Cielo esta eaVendoo' Olee showl OUlK! Beach ... bad (e.U/Chris, Ih,ow a rock!! Movies! public humilialiofV Last. oot certainly notle... st. rh...nks Mom and Dad. Justin Callagher: Thanks Mom. Dad. Colin, Kristin ... nd my loved ones•.. Remember lhe JTAC B<ljl...Where's Mall Malloy!l J.e. is a 1001. .. J,P. fatli"tl down the stairs... Wickl do your dance .E.D. and his lucky truck ...J,V. oosrldes; I saw $OITlI!Ofle go to the hospital from one sholl SlackIng on the field leam. Power to the people 10 people. Hey aU you crazy Melhaeton Kidsl Thanks lor always beIng there Zane. E.J. Drop YOOf 'Kkl Well, It's been sulleal! Kenneth A. Gavin: Thank you. Mom, Dad, Ch.istophe!, Alex. and my entire famllV for all yoor love and support. Willsy, '94, '95, '96 ...111 Dan, whal are'hese th,~ snaked EP walks. C.S. and Red. for..... er. Dahl Is da' a wud/ Pirate Geiger Aaaargh! Safa.i f.idays ...re wlded slick, Well, lhal works reallv wel! for yoo. lillie Chief is IhifSIV and needs a ...al. I've no idea wh~1 you're talkinl ~boul...Oh \hose dead bodiesrtl Ace and Gary live forever The Ewoks are all aSl!llual. fellas,There il a problem with the senior week house. Wi<;ki ,do that Cf;uy lillIe dance, Wills, you taped o"er yoo. graduationllll am Georse Armslrong Custe< and Ulys.ses S. Gavin all in one. 8ill B....\.ky is the man. Say hi to Gandhi. boysl Hey Kuklin\.ki, I love it when a plan comes together and rhis one is fal\~.lustln. Holy ISle! Hey Rich Abe lincofn is INdy 10 ",mble. are yoo/ Gentlemen, shol up or I'll \}ash you. heack togelherl Thanks 10 all my boys Dan, Will, Wills. I<'ff. KU<l, Ku~linslcl, lam l)(>g (unl· brow), Nedl. ScuUy, Dan G .. Ilob. s, mv grinking buddy, Rich. Eunice, fullerton. Pa.pa Cuido, and all rhe fI!$l. Remember R.>d',



words "Sm~n, Inleillgenl, tough,· Genlkmen. ~t1emen, it'l been a pk!al<l<e William Albert~, Ill' SilJan friday, Pat, you're MedOOCN!, Dan's gOl a S minute delay, Todd's a fIT, so is Egi,", Mr Tomal<rH"ad, /elf, Kun looks lhirsty. Ken's pencil in his ear r"a.lly W(J(/(s for hIm. Is thaI a wad, friday footy, some one bring me a gift ••Thanks 10 my family + friends and pe<)pl" who almost ...ndersland ... Do you vent... re into !he Dragon's lair Just 10 gee the golden chalk"/ If you're ulkmg abolIl 8ra'iky I believe II thaI's a shame OKI HoId ... p allhe liqlJ()( store, officer down /'11 fuSlfype tllat ... p on my invisibk typewriler, "Stormlr~W wllh John )olin ~key. ShooI<Jhl! fall~!1 William D.~· Thank you Mom & Dad Thanks Andrew for l'\'efYlhing. All my friends! il was f...n "'Nhal's lhe poinl of wearing your faVOfite rocketship ...nderpanl$ if nobody ever asks 10 see 'em/'"-Calvin And...... Mi~ Gilt",",.n, Thanks 10 my Parents, and Siste<. B.T., J.P., e.H.C, K.L., I.e.. G.L., G.S" M.K .. N.J .• M.B, M.H., M.e., 4Xl00, 4X400, 4X200, SMR, Colol1lals, Pt-nn, Pnncton, Henery, ".".".%, K Cask. THUNDEIl. D.Z., DMD, U2, RIl, SHOCK Ell, Baby Positions, 5IogleS, The Bomb, The pole on 5Ireet Iload, Fire Cracke< Nighl, T.Il. Fiasco, Unleash lhe B""SI, Unify is power My son Obi, Slick, Whilie, Bran, and lhe lew, Swanhy tl>t.lnder, Burrito. And speciallhanks to M, Devine Daniel II. Goellner, Thanks Mom, Dad, lew, Jeff, Meg • lied Ofeads, 71h Period U&.11. You so Crazy!, Toooki, I'm lougher lhan fire, She Male, Crea.tiW! DMB . HF· Horde, Whalever. the ... prooled tree, Copycats. You $layed in a mol(!llll, SS in a JS, You got 1Ieei/ G·Love- Halloweeo, 9:00, Doyleslownl, The Be~h. Whal's your name, Gus Of something, flippin frush 8, Undel'ealoo )V8, the big l, 4th". CerllrAI When~'s Dolanl Grt! Goodwin' Thanks Mom & Dad Who's YOU' Daddy baby. Fox Cha.se Youn&bu<;ks. Thanks 10 all my kind Boos for gellIng me through school. SAVO bros, Toogy. C Dog. Vern, Doc, Chee, ltals, Coles, MAson, berger, Sweets, Gradel. Gara, F...nk. Mongo, JocIe, Bob I, Nom> 8.P.. Sea.rs. S<aks. Biff. Sugar, G.evy. 2. Murf, Roc, Gl. The Chicks and the LaSalle SWEET DUDES, Fred G.amet-I(~ior, FIl8 FE8 SWIm, Ocean City 96'... Where's 8rendanl DiSOfderly CondllCl Elkin's Pari< . ,LWT 8, HARDER Folk Fest '9l>. THAN HAIlOCOREtL What a lONG STRANGE Irip it's been ./W, TO, 10, MP, Thanks MOm. Ag. DAD, Your help is lnuroe<lsurab!e P..ul Grny, Whal's liP t Good win, Silvage, Rocca, C..w Miln. Milson, and Rouhouseeee, N,E. Pride, Where ..... you going to collegel Down by lhe riV<:r, 6th Periods allhe deadeod. 1C01leg<i' KIds, "wall lill lhey get a load of me' Schreff\e<'s hi"", bomber II's been "".. I. Th..nks for all the g""..ltimes. Ya know wh.. t I me.. n Th..nks so much Mom, D<ld, and Ke<ry Robtrt Grzybowski; .Four short years I'll ne'lIe< fo<seI. .Novice 8·undefeated. 1... 1110< 8. lh..t's ar>Olhe1 story! IlGreybowsld, start running now!, , , What Easter Break!" ,Double p<<l(\icO!'l .Now 0010 Colleg(!.. Thanks Mom. Grandmom, Andrew, Eric, ly",,~, and .. 11 my !fiends. you know who you a.e

P. Bradley Glaidi' Tllanx to l'\'eryor1eEspeci.. lly Mom, Dad. Megan, My COIJsins, and of COUI'W, my friends. ·1 \ViII Survive·, 191h Slrect Gar..ge P..rtles. "O,D.P· The Townhouse. Bonfires. The Movie Store.


Weekend Without Parents, Syn<:hrOftiz('d SWIm Team. Sund..y Nighl COft\f\"fS<lliOlls ·Hey.th~I's my cousin I·, The Loop. '96 P<orn Party, Than" Dino, The Warehouse, Hey ·A· NaNa loves him, the ..,.. foOO sto<e, ·Suffen Of B...Sll·, ·KOiln'S·, lhe Sneakoul$. "So close, yeI so far" ·Pub, Sub, Tub· The New Y"a... Parties· Skilfip. ., The Little I(ids' Table. II was 100 much fun + wenl way too f;lSl!

Pele Hunle.· Banker's CLlIb, Hiberman G...a,d.·How did he get 10 Sea Isler, ·U's cool, let hed drive", The S.5., Free the Dawgs, Navito", the Indian Warrior'\ Cheese hash b<owns. The Dancing Be.1r, Mount; whal a wasle of time, R""lm Crew, Bad NIght


John H<lf1WllOlId' Than. 10 .. 11 my boyz, Delisi's Van. Pool Hou.." 0 .. loop, Weel<end

Brian In&ram: Yo Bill! Yo Ed! Hey illhat Brian O'Neill kid. ThaOJ< to frey, Henry, and Fullerton Also ""er;one who has helped along lhe way

w/oul Parenu. the movie store, OOP. Halloween Parties, Drop Outs, '96 Prom Party, wish on a Slar, the Town House, Tarsi's House, T-Bell, Roo's BBQ, Buffer 0< Bust, House of P..in, Irish 5Iore, Ski Trip '9S, "So close, but SO far", Than. Dino, Garage Parties, Old Failhful, ·Man, c..n I ask you a question·, T.E.O.T,H,"One in<:h, two in<:h, lhree inch·, Spe<::ia$ Than" 10 Mom. D<ld, Mike, II\IV ya. Tim M . Pray fOJ me

And.ew Jabloko." Firsl I'd haW! 10 lhank Chris + Ofawls+ Gennaria for many \lips to BKDQCHD and for just being cool, Next I have to thank!<lmes Donnelly for;lll of the homeworks I would haW! missed if no! for him. la$l bul no! least I have to l""nk Gene Roddenbeny and George luc," fOJ lhei' inspiration and the crews eM all ,he Enle<p<ises and everyone in St.Jr Wa~.

r_thy I. H.nnipn, Thanks 10 Joe, Chris, Rich, Ginleman, Kl'\'in, Chang. Miln. Tim, Dan ~ U • San and Ryan. Thanks"T", 5Iewand ,he rest of lhe lennis learn: ·No c..n do, my Ilands a,e lied'. DaW! Matthews Band Unit's P.Party, T""nks 10 the 2 IDes.


Bten, HArt.......: Floater Prettyboy. .Convolsioos. .Seamons 'love your body" "You can 'I zoom lhe - EM. +c.P. zoomet· "Kale, we woo't slay Iong". Avalon '%. .Pool<ey.•. Horde...Mom. Dad, 8illy. Brenda· I(risty - Thanks for being lhetl!-- I Love You... Paul, Kim, La...ra and Ween,lhanks for l'\'e<ythi"ll. Mike HPim Thanx Mom + Dad. .You're G1l8, Than" Granbea + Pop for the love and support. ThaOJ< Shaun, Nicky (fUlu'e ·L· schola,) + Jason GR8 soccer 4 yea... MemoIies PeLC '94-9S, Pasta Dinrlefs. ,PuP. PIe\, 1l00/r:... Dr.. ws and his TaIO!'l. Mani, Flame. Mase, Gins, Kohlhepp. Watson. Ki" allhe r1!C, •• ridlng Wilh Brandon. Lale Olgainl Forget the shrubs, .help a friend l(ut1 Hinef<om' Thanks Mom and Dad, Om.., Cpa, MImi. Pops. Willy. Pal, Jeff, Tod,Ken, Gerg, Dan G, Eunice, Ial:k, Chassie, SIl'\'e, J"'\I,n, I need a drink, ... is lhal a WQl'd. bm is il a poemf .. I""nks for the lips ,Doctor. , fat Schafe. ,fooIy fridayl Well, Welt, Well, this appears 10 be the endl Matt Harpn Thanx Mom, D<ld, Loo<1y, Jack ". Brian; Does thaI tnclude the TIp/; Sub, TlIb, & Pub; Mixe<!Sneakout; Vl:MPA; Hoops. . ,Gel off me MOrSeIl; I think I'm snowed in; CUjJ5, Quarters'" Zoom Shwafb:; Brad Get Up; A, Be My Girt Nana likes me, lad all J ~ ..rs were eool, IUle, Drive me I-Iome; Nalhy Cap and Mnllely Senior year; Biddy Bad, t'li see you in Hades; The loop; Damien 5I..y here, Nevermind: LG Swim Team; Boomers; Tharoc Ma, Euse- Palrid< H"IJhe-, IV, Thank. Mom, D<ld, Mo.s + Amy; Thanks to all my boys; CHA Boys: Chesnut Thrill; Mertdelh's House, VEMPA aka Loop; The Pil; Tora; P.I/. night '94; Let's chill al Waw..: HOIlDE; Freshman Thanksgiving Game; Hoarie RIP; Heavcnhkc Donuts: SuaW!; 10.14-95 4..,.,.,... Bitty gad- walch me smooth; lax boyz, Nev, w..nl some Hawken: Snapper family tree; Stay Cool Haddy Philip HughH' Thanks 10 _ , Dad, Chrissy, Colleen - M;od shouts 10 my peeps, ltan and Mall,lan and jtMlin - call me al college 10 fype your papers! 8ig up 10 Phil, ~e, Colin . Rep<esentin'!he truenes, from !he streets! •• Ilest in Peace 2Pa.c (l971-19%1 Good Lock everybody + keep ya heads p. Pe~e OUT!

btv..n J.. bb: Thanks Morn, Dad, and the exlended family. Thanks 10 everybody else who ever helped me 00 a test Hey boys, let's r10l fo<seIlhe man with the salty dog. moving 10 the def jam, Wkki, Can'l you dance yell h.,the smooth operalor. one eM liS will calch Moby Dick sooner or lale<! Hey, you gol onel watch thaI car WlCkil Umpa· dumpa, Umpa«-doo I ""ve anoth.er puzzle for you. Blue Mtn. Baby, sid illo believe it! Don'l fall hI Nice move laboskv, Learn it from met Pl!al:e, love, and purple rows rulel Get a girl MWI fjW! me..tbaUs, WowT Nice pants Cape/II Pit V~Ir. Hlell in 81h. Deevin Hones chiliin In Dr. OK, urn boys For the 27th lime! We miss you Bro joel lale•. OeII'in lones, Thank you 10 everyone!. Will lhis be an open~,trueOf false, Of non· p<OCIored lestL. K«wk~l, you got lost Oft your way home from school/... Hey, Steve, you Ih'nk lhey have pool-days in Siln DiegoL Hey g"'YS, lets get kkked OUI of the library \Oddyl. A1lhough it doesn't sound like il, AP Gym is a hard class <Ve you Ih class going 10 have a niC" sleep in loday, McM.1honl... Nuestro dkcionario.. Miehle. did you say hi 10 Romeo for mel,. If you guys need me I'll be surfing up and down lhe Wesl Coast. wilh a gIrl aroond each a.nn. Ilsterling 10 lhe Beal:h Boys and living OUI episodes of Bayw..lch


Chris Kane, Thanks Mom. Dad, Liz. La~, CBL, OAR, SWEN (S.PJ, Great escape '95, '96, The Big Payba.cks, Wing'S 8"""', "fishing", A-Team, "hey spomfans·, Elephanl, Tubing, Billy Thompson, .Dor1<", HORDE, Ope<.. tion DA., Kofle<, were not findIng anyone, Sho<e '96. lhe wall, The AkhemiSl. Tucke<, sleeping In the Tempo, dog SUIcide, love your body. Or Funkem~in MAn Kebler: MOm and D..d - LoW! you, lhanks fOJ lhe support and reassurance Chris -listen 10 lhem - lhey ale "Iways right. TIm Dos - Slow your role. Murph - Get Dke. Man P., Ooobie. Ooobie, Doo Mall H.·You gOlla know the roadl· Speesh _See you in the majors. 8i$l- herbals. Jill . LoW! you always All my friends - 5I.. y in touch!

Matthew I(elly, Thanks D<ld and Pam. .Yeah Hockey!. ..Thal would be lhree levels )o/>nl...Three Amigos... Penn Slale Waler. ,ferris BueJlef'S Cimping Tlip., .000'1 sell the hoop-de Pal. ..Follow!he zen path, Sean . .diS!r<l(\IOf\S, . .Ale you SUN! lhe Phish shift is yours, Knstenl... Uh 011. lenle's got Ihal look...

And...... Kemy!sky: Thanks, Daddy, for driving me around lhese four yeA..... nd for your patience with me. Mom, thank you for alw..ys SUpportIng me no mailer w""l. Allia, thanks for sending me to La Salk, Dor,an, I'll

see you here laler. Stephen, I'm sorry but you can'l really IlQ 10 college wllh me I also wanla Ihallk my aum and my gor:ImoItoer Ania, my godd.. ughle< AnNo, cousin Tommy and Uncle 5Iephenl To all of you oullhere in Sector II, I pose a qlJeSlion ·I~ lhe<e re~lIy a poinllo our brief stay Oft EAnht 0< 's it jllSl a meAns for al:romplishing lhe jnevit.lbledealh. Does anything at all really malle<r I WannA lhank my boys Bfother Ca.rIos, Mendel, Brother Seth, Thomas, and IUrl You know who you are and where you are and whal you have 10 do. Genllemen, 11'1 bel:-n a pleas...re bul we're ootta here Mich3ell(err: K-DOGG/Dirty I(kWG...idance RIO Clu~ much you needlfThe Warw.. gon drives Oft!JWho needs a tidel/4th street f>ri<le..no jokeII.et's hea' lhe screanv' Who's a P1a~l/IIringin'the Wood!B('f2e<!<er liv",V4,,8 F'lide T.O., I.T., C.WJA.A .. M.B" M.l" R,T" I,P" 1.W., A.GG, + M G" I(_L, G.B., G.LJThan": mom, Commande<, Ileds, Kelly+Bridgei/Thanx D NichoW 1Oobe: .... Open up you< mind, Seek: deep inside and lell me whal you find ...• Yo SeeIy·Slep into a whole new Realm Doh, I don'l care whal you drink, my house is your house, bullhe only PfQblem is this ain'l my house. Nighl al Tom's, K",,1 or Rich'~llgot lhe c"mera. Absol ...t, Midas, Bob, Red Dog. Thanx Mom, D<td, Kl'\', Cory, Will, leW, RC, PC, Gf. SE,JWD, H. MGD, GW, MA, PS, Ml. OS, I(C, Kl. MG. ~J koe<I;,: Thank you to all who got me throogh lhis; ThAnks 10 Mom; D.ad, logo: Ilonald; Timo; Andreas; C ... ido; POS-MeIlen: Nandie: Nadja: Natascha; Damel; ItlflO M.; Philipp; lennifer; Seth: C"rIos: Andrew: Scott; JV Iloedermarl<; my teal:hers from lhe Adolf· Rekhrvein-Gymnasium In FteusenSL1mm, Germany, especially Ms. Guetlle<, Mr Bloss, and MS. Becker; Ms. Rosskopt: lhe fac...lfy and SIilff of laSalle and finally 10 alii might have fOJ8Otler1 by PlJrpoie. V""I Glueck ...nd Danke

ThomaJ WilHam I(ohlhepp, Thanks Mom, Dad, Etleen, I(elly &, Bob ... Rkhie P., Kurt G" !<lime 8., Mally Brister, Matty Cox, .v.eathe<id,

Gene, McGonaghy, H",m, DiN..p. Watson. Dic~ie T., e.S.. IC.L., '.e., May Ah Ah I'm Finally Done, College is Next. The Shore, Da hood 10 Da beach .. CHS parties... McD & GMA girls, Pil V-ball. Sports, Sports. Sports, Sports.. , Whal are we domg tonight!, well, call someone and find OUI.. Woulda Coulcb Shoulda DOH

'amet I.. 1Co11H' Thanks Mom, D.ld, and Heaven.,. Grounded for lIfe. 81h pe<iod He! Squad·Tucke. PR Nile ''}4-·BOQMI like a cannon!·... OOP 6/9/95 ... "Tum off this song!' -9!I.2.JJlS,,, Mer's house 10/27/9S . Sleepin' in lhe Tempo 1001/95, nre alT_ Bell... The Loop .. Bells - "The Big Payb~kT' ... "Touch lhe BiIDop·... Boomin' with Big Guy _ "Tore J. ·IUroe, we're r10l finding anyoneT·... HOIlDE... Pil Volleyball MUP Party of whall ... lord Helmet's Creal'Oft. 00'" S/J/96... Fall Sports GrooPI<"S. To my pupils - $hisl,loru. Poop.. Boo, Hook, G-Boy .. To all my boys _ Thanks for 4 years of greal memories Mid>ea.IKotwidcllll, Thanks 10 Mom, Dad, Ang, Milria. You're the best. I love you guys a lot .. ,Dan - Does WlXld boilf Ne ... going 10 the KtSS concertL Die! is part of !he mafia .. Evan & Steve - The Salty Dogs & my Fishing boys; we'll evenl.....Uy catch something BIC' The mixers!1 Aww Yea Baby! Keep on dancins until your feet fall offl, Another 4 yrs wi Labosley ... Wilk's '97/... Wh..1ca,I .. WICI(I! WICI(I1 WICKI! .. foolballteam wi loCo. '95. '% PeL Champs.. Field learn: I'll hit 30· I p<omiseL. 1'- yr. fJlh period lunch tabl"w/T & hIS movIeS &, my·AMAZINGLY

TRUE" SW0e5... Sfeve - I MIl the t-~ ITW>' .. Ho!y Ylil YlI!he ITW>L MMtian,!he

wor\d's I"'~I~ chfm 1.lIb ~.. The WICKl OANCIm To ~II my buds - its beo!n ~ 1"''- 4 yn. Good ludd ~ 10 all! LI s.al""~

"M~n,,\o1", "GoIdilox"

E'(;IIl M.loWffy Yo! God, Mom, Dad. .st.-n, LUll', Chris, 1M. McGinley, Dave and aliI Kell. _ kNe was socruy. I I..... you ~ 1/osIe'J, M;>d Groc...., Wildwood., ~I MMR! Fr. Richards you puc ~ wllh my~tham.forl~.W~

~ A. Iullintt<i ~ Mom. lnd. Chri$Iy_. To.-lJ myboys~ot, Thon., ~. P~(nosl.llld.

E__ ~ ••


WiII.rdJtolf~~, ~n(~ borrxho)~.

on Thon_ II's bNft JINl



d John ~lbal"

thec.o-.. ISITIWlUIl!

poor In !he """'OfQ1 ""'Ofds Smith. "I r.o..e II ...tlen ~ potlI 'OumyS...

c.llCh some fJNlon' flih! t-d, ..-f'leno'. lhal ~~ stationl Wall'. up' labos.kr. why don' you dance ~ 10 ~1!_WiU, Pal, Scully

a-d H~Ide(sdothe

~,ro/Iersbl".in It'fk' Bob> SIeuboe', out d ((lI'IlrOIl!bd. Mom, Shawn ~I my

.... ~I_ad>er,cindef.~, floyd, MomMonVPop II..... y.I. Adios,

plan comes ~"f~ ~ V. Labool<y n..n~ Mom.lnd, Manto, John. Pop-Pop &- Nooney for yuur uncondiIiorwl loW' &- wppon, You_ ~Iw~'($lhefelor ~ you .mOe evefYlhins

POSSIble espec~Jly my IIInt ~I ~lle. t!olle you all l.S, Swim learn Pride-PCl Champs 9~'s.LS Clew IJ IIOW Gona low' iT... /uvina no life. n. MK, MW, SJ, OW. T/unks fo< everything. ~rlc.l)oller 4_11 Gona ~..e funl ex: fOflM!ftl Gimme lime, dmb... life Is ohort bul s~ 100- (efUln.. .l will ~ ~1I1he IOOd &- b.d limes ~I L~lle.

Thom.n f. Umpredll T~ Mom, D;>d, .len. CMt. Kath. I loW' you ~ll P R. Night "'!IS - Gi»e me ~ bife Wmss e- Ph,llies GMne eMa bupe '96 R.oul. SUf'I' the 8u1dc. COPE .....ee<im Ho¥d '96 Il).S, NlCe~. Ma!rY'",:up•. quf$. Dunl"n' Donuls !lonnie. 'YIindo:>w'. up" Gokllitw MH, 5M 7lh Volleymll Si-I loop. Ne¥-8B ~ SC Pmly ~ H.>lloween.,S

Christopt.« ,. l..- n...I<s to ~I my tn-fs who ~ me Itwoush the )'eMS' Mom. lnd, ~ 1Mnoe. Getger, Milloy, Ken "!he 8onxhd', lfNa, KIA'!, MlRowsIU. 0tM'...... UrTnody. D~!he iconod.tsl..-d ~I""I' fnends from ~rdi'. iIIld I.ifeT__ Nod ~ ~ ltoese ""'Ofds, "Il:llB...1s d1.lo1 ~ ...'o,,:n.. 5cuff-tNl's ~le... Justm, Holy ..... ,YOU(,lnrtMNI,ntwolOlle! w'u....• "I poly !he Iool."_ T K...nn lasky; Thank you DM. Mom, Bri~n. Tom ~nd IXk. G.M 's .. P 1"'. 1 am One. Summer '9S.'96 Glmme MIlne oflh.ol The ,""yo.- of Sea Ille City, Thunder, Pinkslin. Curious Geofge, T,M. RT. I,P" N L e.e.. M.e.. T.K, Co~. Unil' CNllfl. 8~ft, Red. Rex, Ken K. Iiow' lO f1,ln, L~'ll;>m Chub K.K. Villa T.k. C.M 8R SW l.DT.l,Mlrila'. ~'. 80 10 Tom's, friendly'J, KfN gel nw ~

C.U • K,\1JeS Purple R.d R.lc,ng. RSC SNck BM-, Nook.e.I/eoeb. OTP(ll Min. Play by !he B.ay. Meredith. (rita MCOOl. Wh.ots I'I-ts. I kNe Mike. S.P Billy, IarrltS. D'Atcy .'s 0 K jonwny 7/9/96 - OC. The (Ma&el D.y I've __ u-n. Go ~ f.GoodnchL ~

-a ..

00riI: bvin


still coolnVcVVou 10'. . 10 IrXkloCbyti tudidd'lI7-tn a)eep'Bob. Plan IvOuctwCTS/ rope'"Ci'oo/NHL ~daytolt'lD the ~~y/Vou It' in It>e buch roonVWho', a !he boftom oj the SUlIl"l1JM.N~ do you Ivve l1WY ~ b rMl,Choldren d


in! ~ sho..-IBNl/NewIon·, a fooI.1lre 1'1 ~nkslOlM!fyoMwho

/wiped OIA. Ierlcey Tom L~_ ~ loIOP sparlc.Jn me spirit, T.oo Bell~, To~on meCOl'flef, compIller room, lapa~ W~ISOn, 3rd Penod crew. da wolf, S!;oncuk'. offIce, RIC'" Kri\oPY T real•• jolly R~nchers, The Of.. Drawi", in detenlion, Mom. DM.• SIeve Thanks fof t\'ery'lhinl'


Iowph In';I: Mom • Ih.onks lor ~II yuur h¥d

work, K"'" I w,llllnd you when you an'l nlliof MI Wiley Todd ,n it a poeml

Tloon\;It luft Thanb 10 my wonderf",I family ~nd teaehen, I couldn' luw done" withovl you ~ E~. Noone - Suite in

Bonn, Tom


Billies· tumel Tent. St.

""s Pride f()l'Pler. The Realm. Pit V.Ball, Rough Touch F~II Thanks .Iot~,nny! N P. Rugby Il:I!efl throwin' Fellas. Th.onks foolhe lids N,c'" Iearnin' with you. late Kyle Malladl Myboy.8ird,Iu§(ln. )a500, D.mlen. Roo, Sl.:Ipelll, Setup, Se,ln, ~l, Donnie. Loyd My girl. CC, Il:C The lsI t,me I M~rd ....Iel,le" Westennann', _ car .lafJTl. 21§(,Slh Avenue. Avalon Yo !(akal I'm



shotty. Olffy Dial"lt. sMrnert ""h

"$how«" -"-S, M.Cllop "P at Gwynedd House· "I hit a cop' 95 PCl CNmps .42 Olffy JlWns. C<ebn whal!he heck nosh! hoop 110o'. 88Q's M....onltrtpoWble Scrop -ff....•• Tyson fight·fish..... Pat Brennan'."!he thow" '94 at me ~ Darmen. 8ud Ridley • O'Hat-a fit:ht. ~ ...'>ndow - come hon'III' .. UlOAM ~ M. eo, I Wl't p/ayln. Yo BII'ld keep it tNI Ross. Sas.$ JOOd Ioobl MolhVC Ilder ,,~~~.n...I<s mom and d.1d I couldn't Ivvedone it ...'J!hout you. jo/wl, Pat, Mowa.. Rory Loooe y.I.

I. toUIloy' nw.ks Mom. Dad. Anry • John. ..-d me let oj ""I' family Will. Pal, ~ • 10m thanks 100- helpins me Ihfough !he crUll t,mes oj my life. jack. PAl. ~

ChIIlillOWn .1 kNe Philly... Rich.c.tt..roey" GOD. """ .What ~re n- 3 51\;1...... , . TC il fIOI dead" Il:H "Is dal a wad.' WlCkl WOO"Id. Just,n "Whyl" IIC "Whal Wlndowl"


W,II.94,9S,96.97. JP Where's lhe GSI langl1on'lt c.ew.l;>y, Puck, I·T"'G. McElroy, Moon·Dog. Lev~, levil, 436 Pete's Bus, I. 61h Lunch, WAG .. S _ Omar, DO, meatball Wed, EPWalks, IV busrides, Solfa,; Fridays, T • WI'IICOBI Vl<leo's p<eUeIs • soda, palntbaJi pmet, and Lawnclet friends. moIollo-p1us 10 ~U ""I' fnends George ~nd my boys, al f;~, • CI~ IN! Fridays, Bm john, .and Bm rom, "'Who'. Tac;;kl IusI Some Dude' MattMw Maloowy: tn.nks 10 Mom, Dad, and Aw lO"e 10""1' broIhet Shane and WIle! Kel~ f!dy and LIll- D.v - ' Ill. irs beo!n Jun. All my kNe 1OMac:. limmy 0, SdI.f. C\earkJn, B~ Ed M and the ret! oj MGP All the memone: CYO hoops. 7,12, Gone listwn' W'"I" pmes.,. the Wall. A.Te:am. MIdden, 51 .... J, Mac;;'s t-louse MorseII'. neoVobor, Matty'J, ~'sthe ScNfef tI ' ....' ~ ~ KIA'!,

you IooIc thlfWf

Yl!ah. I ~,nd oj plMY the eullM ~ dKf...,. Roche jus! ..,-11 h.oIo'e 10 leam TU<bo Pmall myself. Pool. Will Un you find Edison fot1om In. on !he mapl Egan. wh.ol 's 8O'nl on In f>eO.asle lhl'l ~l Brian put thaI tomalO down P~l you pl~Y'1lI fooIy this Fridayl Wicki, il t1kes two, Il<!'o'oan! of the

No ""I' Mom


d,,~, Ye I'm in !he band. Whal ac:codenl




nw.ks 10 Mom. r ....... MMy, DMlfly, Kn'Jn, 8...nca...IDe b /wi,*,- me ~ Itwoush LI s.arIe. Whar'. up to flame, (nyy, boIh SoaYo'l. ffri, Sean, Hetm. Ito«o, E"""YO"C' from f c.. Mu<phy, MaIUa-how many 10'. ,IllS ~ lou. 8fenl.,Iim, Rob, ~ Russ. teYa, _ Loooe rou mom ..d Ibd, John~

. . . , A. MMIino, Ill. sa, ce, M£, IX>, M.I, a. MN, MS, CIvY, 8AU.l, Moronathon.

NuIcJ.w:te<, BooIues, Toph-plan A. Ciani, Wall'.. up on SUlge.) man, fun wllh Tom, Q, Gardner, lDM8, KIf'bv lot owned. Q~ the 2, bsI pme, aNI netghbon;, GTS, what >hoel. fOPl!, the 2 X4, unbeliev· ~ble dot. 2 A.M.,12·3 00..·1i..... 12-S clul aft.". Khoolloolball. BIG miltl~e - fi~l!d il. Piua Hut, publk humiliation, subway, MC~hon, 7 In a jeep, T·8eIl, ll'lOO>",es. KC'SI of y"" lhal hasn'l happened y<;:t, Th.onks' Mom, OM, Jim, M~l Ma"y: Th~nk you

M<.>m, OM, Li~. Il:aril. Greg. Kelly, Kathy Iof all you. kwe .nd suppon."Cl!t iI up JV", Footbill Pel Ch.amps. .......e ~in'l no fluke", '21. "let's 10 9 8_t·, "C¥t" • Eddie 8~ Su<e, you'lt go<nl Iof yuur d,,~ - . Blizzard of '96 ~ out'_ mi"",," Kell. 1still wanl""l' ~in check. Sup Maser 4 _ YN"I T.a~etS, hurry up ~. ltl'. 1101 ~I,

1.-dM Mooy' To Mom, Ind, AiIHn,

Se;lf\ McCree-y' "l!Jl'l by ...,th a IIIt1e /wIp from my friends.' T1wu.. Monkey eo" Kelly, ZetI~. Mac:cPeoseI. SdIafer spec...,I,.ond all hockey ~ , ChekcMch. lowfy pIYS r cool'Il.·m ..... toCANCUNlt W.tlt, wh.at W~IIL

DowI..., and nli¥o.lDe.

FMtLUlIIe .. the bombl

'alrid McOonalcf: Loooe you Mom. Dad, "\<ssy. K.tt, I.i.L ~I _ T.~ . LUlIIe. Flyen' Cup FfftIoIdinB Mr, BM. GK, SuperrNn; No, I P heft juSt befo<e you_.• DM8, Tl, Slone tuIbo<, lJoo.Ooo;,'s. TV_ knuck. knuck. knudt. The hoopty.l:OO in !he mom'''IL1 tnKl. but I'll drtYel. Loop-Z

. Look C~. MbN_8. Of M.8 luclo: ce, Il:D, IS,)C lV, RC, 1n1Untl: yea "m old and yea I'm done. Sl~ Mc£lro,; Ye~h, .....l!

BOt lOO'llo tfTOf,

but lif\'lllnis/lill8 in lolM'fl minule worth ~n AI... So lhi. is Topd<a. I'm In awe .. My name ,s Conti, Fr~nk Conli... Willy.ll:lInlcu., El'lr5, Ballo, Guido, Chock, I!Vl!fl you F'nebulK, Solnboolv, Mc8o(lty, any other boolies'. Hey. Cannody, you "'§( mMe""l' M~flbe~1 imogul¥... 1don'l WoInl ~ hltle "funk'", I WoInl funk. and I w~nt it naw Seth and Mendel, thanks for showinB how useIets uw:ful inlotn\o1tion C¥> ~ .•• 1l\o1nlr; you"'" Fri•• Ml" Colima.. M. 81ah, Mt I/c'x:he Iof Sdli,. me and rnalutlB me wotk for the p-' R.T.F B "We atl'!he Mac o.ddys oj Gaut6' L1w' -LIre. 1996



and Chml,ow, Thank You. 0. Hunt, Pipe f:lroI, C¥mi ~ NH Now Of laterl Mt f~. rmmy.MikeD."'" tloyd.Oroy/IP, Ow. Saucl!, Ho<w>y, FX. RA. .~, D.lIb Oonop, Cleric a choke. ClWr. Sunon, \Nt\o1l1 ...,. L Meade, 1WIcty-, Chid, Rod, Good luck to all! Thanks fopon


MattMw Melfidol" Thanks Mom, DM, "'. been a bI.-. Thanb 10 ~ Iof ~i .... tl>efe Sheila.. john, Beth. Amy, Colowobo, FiM! House, Bolton, ~I"""",. [PPM, Summt< '9S, Abington PoIke, Bunn School, ST, Il:C. KF, /C, RA,IT, MJ, LH, Ell, CC, D, CH, MM, LM. DH, CF• .If. WR. BC. T. ES. TO. MK, FIl:, n, Volleyball In Pil. Chril Mc8ryan' Thanks Mom. D;>d, 8ridget, Mau~, ~nd Emily Ann. Mr Bene· Enough ...Id We need Iro ~nd lots of basd>;all c~flls ~nd cheese I'm in the mood for a giant su~ laSollle LighIwe<ghlll:'... '96 You can't r.ool when R..... l!lation COfl'lef. Si~ when do you use Pftr*s, .... ywrfl 'til! ~ UCUSl! me oflke-. I'm Ioolu.. b- a 8~ Dolanl He'sasleepon!he couch_ MOTtL Don't e.""I' hand! Bad NtV4 .,S. flMMfS, Free the dos' CB BEAST MCltJ1'/TAlN MlMOftlAl WEEKEND '96

kt.door. Hey e-, """OlIO SO me ~ No Rud, ""I' .............. §(Ink. IIvve 10 be on


• IO;](). AesIMtac: Of Dicbcbcl SlLENCIl Ilrolhe<. ~'.""I' AI I don', haw you ~ Thris Mom and DM, and Don'! WOfr'f, I'll tum oul OK. Wall McCloskey' Than, 10 my mom and dad Iof the ~ and suppon !My hoow 1'--' me ll!l Pr1!t. Ii"" on, RF ~nd Cf :1 slill Iokc: some piua...· To my fnends on !he outs.Ide SC. TR.. 88, CK, MO, 8M, MV. K8. Naland lll!th, Dtaws h.o.1efI thl! bu,k/illl.

~ Mc&Ilee· Thanb to~, Mom. DM. Kris. "toms and Pops, the N·T-... C~ S\IMe 8~ Thon, I"Wnp-d.addy l..-. my bov G-dos up m the bo<outl/'l 8onl! lhu8s ,n cia SauffL.fOOly .,S 8.by. PIt Vol~1I 7th pe<-"Net. \Nt\o1l Netl".Slussy .Mt NCoqons ~ the VT c-..Kftp on u ...... n "Yo, Ith,nk my T.Square Is broken",.MIdn,ght I'onB 1M, EP. GT. Reds S.. L_, Shouk/ I d1.lonk you Iof lhedat.,.l, ,The,lok..... 1'1 outta .......... Fendoet Sn-~l-O-C-.,,"YO. Hold thio fot n1l!" LUDICROUS!

e..- .

Edwin.l. Mcfadden: Mom, Dad, Gr~mma.. L~ura and Il:~the.-i......... Th~n. fOf everythi"IL L()\'e ya.- DODD - ~l M.otty's - friday lfeks 10 AI'o _ Schaef.".l Crui.in in 1M Zephyr _ 'EreSIeve, h.ove ~nvthillfl in lhe lrunkl - Sumrl1l!fS in ~a IsIe... Y:uroeen1 -let', toflsh,n' - 8ro. Dol·· \Nheofe you ..II - To ~lIlhe Glen fell", and ~ l!lse d1.lo1 can h.olll· LO"e your bodies! Mattlww o. McG~th Than.. Mom lnd. Mepn, You'.... !he bet. Bas<!b;all-,.PG. GK, 8M. Than.... SenIo< wftI< '96 f~. Supemwf> Ye", buI the's 26."l1fJlU 110." OCPD - "l1Cll "'-' fUSl befo<e rou dMr--Cali-rood Iuc~ JE.TA.JO'S. and the ret! j-Hit;t!, thri you NY '96 • Sit Hany'J, tlw Walcbf jLPM,whar. ebe an I SoIY, Th;Ink rou, .'. beoen ....aI, <1'. beftI fun "One doet fIOI ~ _lands wrthoul consoentJ. . to lose ,.,hI d tlw shoR" for a --r Ions hme" GOd OfffO colle8r. ~ If'Id

"""*" Good,'"

f~m,ly. ~nd Rl!UlI\Iti eYO hoops. flshll'lf. G .... ~l [sap<! d '96, "'-Tl!am, Vill~1>O'a

MicNl'l S. Melntpt Thank rou


8'lme. MGP, Wings I'lnw, Iub<..... The 8iS pay Bitek. The W~II, Sch.of...., Parle., The H«

Dol SI~nd.

Se~ H~II

Sun P. M.ulin Th~n. 10 my l~mily ~nd friend. for ~lIthe fun and memories Mr Capable. W~nn~ lrowl, Gliido-ya Bislg;>d,ICh!, Effie widow, WlCki -thaw me the .unc",; Touah 8UY Snyde<· Fight nwt, Hl!ebl:, Spanky, ~l Mr.181 McCab<'!YOU'n! the man Yo. can I gel. a ndel

~. Mom and D;>d, If I left anyone out, you know who you ~n!

M.otlhew McConashy I ju§( want lO g'~ a bil ..... h~t'. up" 10 ~1I1he people who've bt.'en lui over lhe years: NaIl.'. Nelson, TI, C~Sl!'V, ~t"im. Mehul. Co., We..... P~lopoIi. May, Il:elly, Qon.ey, Seely Head, Hunl...... ....1Chddan, O'Nl!iIl, C~t1nese. Goet......, Zae:h, "~Ii", Il:ohillepp. Brister. Fred. TM Il<oIIe Me. 8rew, M.ondy,.IDe, Sk,p, Mea.

261h. Whi~ Cloud, Snow fort 88Q'0, Philli"" alto!< E>:~ms Pal rick Mclaughlin: NUTS.. ,"Veah, we

flipped an 81·... Abbsler .AII 1M M8's fS".lhe M;nk posIe< in Avalon ..S. .D Manhews.G-LO"e on H~IIow__ Mill ~l S5c.. .The HORDWI.. Than.>: fo< tryi", 80. UndeIe~led Junior 8 ..ulaldj'.



lll'llIl" P to P boys,

."Oom. wNt,~ the

memotie.Amstellen pot

lids, V.a '96. dl:x!sn', th.JlfAC-..Missoon B·~,.Apfllthe bl8


~ ~ny


bettl'f th.Jn

Impcm.ibIe.Cr~w. uni~

"You knucklehNds' TN.n_ b -vth'llI .COKh Sig the CutItIetY the Worids in Sc«l,nd '96. BE, _.~ J"Ie\'e' dot,. tNt ...."',.A!·',N.1ty Be~.the ~ urt



~ (orgel



V.wll M foley', .. pot ...wn "II', p>el Now we un"! JIO to the

F ...sQ,BE,OO. RF .GUS,MfThiru: lM'I NOd II" from ~ fTlwu .f Mom. Dolld. Mlby ..-.:l1.M.n. !here', no _y I could"~ cbw it .. you ..-d the toni ~'ns l!le wme -led 1l'Il~f'f'




..... ~ Th.tm. Mom..-.d DolId for.1I olthe~toMib.PI .. ~. MId l:lcJusNJoy for all '!'OW supportIJ11 W<lS ~_.bo.ol: .....,.,'t ..IIO_JJOJ1l: f V tN Rf B 0.5 Ip"~

1.15,fWS,8PO.WI)\l.WOC T1Il'l McNkhol ~ Mom.Oold.Tom How¥d SIem rules. F IUJe Double tw... 69 lid mel 17 '" L,ncoIn "John, ~ tum up'. "'11 shool P'IO C II', be-.fuI' You JOb proIeCt dots JIIY AAAAAANHl' MBty -c.n you bu<y somebody" rN... ......., up D.".Moru; "Rid: N"lcfl on l!le binh." S1u" honible···Lennv s.e- IS' fr'lIUS IF rJd"y N~ 610 WlPl N..-y ke S9"lio. ~,~Cop:'"8~..m. You're A1ln""" 'The bird'-.lt tP 711LOIto Hckeu 7th period P~1tid< J - McWil~ I ....Ill 10 th<lnk ,II my frienck ...ho were ,t...ys there ... hen I needed someone to ulk 10 Q( lust ...."8 out ..ith llwnks to ,II my liI~J1e lnends, Good luck in.n 'IOU do, TN.nl" 10 moll 01 my le;t(hen for th@skill,&educ:..1O<l I w,lI need for hfe And thon'" to my f~m,ly 1or.1I the

love & suppon 'fI)U'\'e


en me


loe I woold hke 10 tt>.nk my Mom, D.od, & O'II.iII lor helpinl me set It>ru 0-- • ye'B Th.nx 10 Bird, """.nut, M.itty. Sch.fIe. OlD DIRl'i RICK, RANDY WEST. SEAN B To.1I my hoop (,il!flds . Good IlKk Especi,lIy Budd ...., ..nd 0., Hook. 18rl'll),

And.1I my boyl In the MCC. Th.nk you • 11. yo;>U 100 Mr j~bon. Mr nt>:,.nd


D.-- MiddIMIiQ Mom'" o..d- 'Thtn IS no ......y I could ever INnk vou!of ~"'I you'vedone-EflQ you'resoold S."y-I would no! Nve ~ it w,thout you; And you ~ mlS. rown I«k • you know I'm .t..~ys,iolu,. .... 'm you B-Love-HoIi<by ".d,lJOn. ()()V(;H90Y Alnlhl 811d, "'y~ il~ for l!le Iwl. wf\ll up dos. Scrup pup,

R!d:.I..$ quit. _ _ 8rold~. "-Un. f S • H· your~, ~mut. ~lIi...d Do>nnv. KoI\eT - bet me '" one. PEACHES, Eddoe I Sony Loyd, ~ Clen Crew. ~ ZOK IIlC. Lynctt......... lor lindlnB

1TIf:. MAGAT. Slop, MoP. STOf. bul" Bull lULL lUNNY- Only JIOOd vi)es. To myone I mmed Don't Ub. ~ Tlwnb b the JOOd bmet-. Boom., ~ Shows. KInd Spnns bmIb. ~ "op. P<IIIWS. etc etc.. etc .1- Th.tnb for ~


~~. ThMIb Mom.~. RidI. MiU. Urdyn. Ed. <lIIld _ WI\M', up Utnno. Usky, Sdlu, s..-. Cow:.lCoHhepp.


eo.. our .. .n KX.ond

l!le booys, I'ft-.-GoIf ,Ib 1M.ond KL ~ TUcr VU ....... MeO'I. C YO 8&.11.

SfNsNnc PumpLns, _ . . - - . ~ tnpwTlt>IT, ~IU"'-.s, RAe. HMlSJn'" TI~'I. kmty's, Chm'" mel k1.tsl<', house.DV 1 _ C...... Vill, SocCf'f


Cine, CNO. COUSin Kenny il

V,II~. Crew

Iones. ,nd <lit the lritck w,th Kl .nd CC Thomu Molony' "Never- Slop sp;iIri"nll ~ Pre-miJ<tl' celebr.hO''!S' bro Betl

spi"' ' bpo-eu 3m Comf'f

~iod 0'_ EYeTYO"t on


CompuIl'I" Room Prep foo su'll'l"'Y D!:IeT1Uon Of PrppI!'l'

sw.u..ek·, offi«


lolly Ibnchen 11etre.... n..nks 10 my l_ily

5<0... Mooney' C O. TluI's i COP. ~,; 7 In. lor i seirdT w;vr..... Sept.> 22 our d.od', an ..urhot; R.I_P Ene W"Iht; Ilusbe Unl\--enoty: set i bell If 0 - ; NM\QIIce. JunI'" Opu. FIM.k)p Foley; K.ant,.. . . . . .; "f.IttleII ",Icft";

SKOAl.; lOp ~ with Hendel; the "GlE"" CZlIOND; Den - Ping-Ponsl;~, 1903'f;MU1'; 711~. ~dlNds; 99 centsl, lIwoks mom ....d cbd; _ hop

Crqoty Moms' ~ b E-veturc - Mom. ~. my IItIJe broIherT..... my c..d,w:JtM: Th<IIm 10 £Wf'Y<)I'lt...-ho tw supponed me ....hoIe ~ M 1iI Salle - friends. TeKhen, ~ , I'hish '9S; FolL f",-'9S, '96. ·f. I\.P £\,ItO HISIOlV - Of I.. Ml'. john, 8TFe, F'trysocII - I So; T1wu< fat Ewtyth.,. h »lie. I'n miM Yi


Mic:fw," Monell ThInks Mom. ~,& ~ Th.lnb 10 my Boys; MH, KM. Be, 58. OM. I & 10. jl(, PH, MD. R.rdy. Clen ferI<lIS, 1l:F. So\-\. 00, RT; Prep Boys;ThI,*, D.>t & C8L;

HoI.ISe fA P,m Jim N l)dl Sl Oc.. IIoomenI TQ(i3; P W gMTIt. t:.pt.,m', pr<IICtICe, MJIift/ w,k <M. Pietr.... how', your thumbl: """'" ., Lu prode. B<en·, Seule Koons· "eM

bilks: ABC· no


Th;ank5 Arbo.

WiBi.m D. MuIen.lr' Sh<lJI? DoI<om"",1 Tlwnks to my 1MrIds; Ed, 8n.n I., I.iin 0, B".n S, Se.n f. St.n O. 0v1s F., Chn, B Hl'TW'(. Ity.n. B,Il C. Bill C,. Tho! P"ile ind FI.'IOf Thl! Gun' Wi..... Rules' OS U Witch Me Sl.p it! To my fimily, Th.nk you so muchiiTS BEfN LlJCtOUSf


F. Mk~ N..n n..nk, to Mom. D...J.nd SIeve for pullin' me lhroughTo the fell.,CB, MS, Cl, [)CC, BM, SB. OW, ME and lhe reR... l0;10.Tho! red one Ch.~ ...Cool Be.n,!., Your donie Cole,. Hey Kalie-Whal's my f"'OIlle WOfd/...New YU/·' ... Pa!nllJ.lll Sibyl .. ,I--fome Vidoos... B;t(ky...d FooIbaU T· BeILT.nd f. H.nTlOOtci D.. n .. Foory ErfOirlie'1 S.lhroorn Act .. Ooh. lh1e ~

..Sisn the book Chri,.Io-Un', go,n'

bildN«<! Help Mtchele" The B.1tmob,1e .PTP.lve we m'S$'1lI1. .Se1l out john Nail Pirenrs, Pop, Christy. ind ill rel.llve, Qu,nny. SWtlrz, CI.ude,"S minult deliY." Wickie, GIetB:. Stin. [Un, Old hIe.od. P.. ~ Will. G.lvin. ind ~ La~lle p'b,

Ch'''''1OWn AI\eywJys. Jeff .nd !he re:sr of ltse Illdlmond lids. ChrIssy ind uUlenl.om Jun..u.l!le e-...lues. VIOlenI Soc~, AnI,· T<W. !he fxtlIorted, 1Ioundless. ,nd tYl!fYOne elw:. .,.,.. know ....tIel.,.,.. _ No dunb 10 those of .,.,.. ..no think 'fI)U ... bene< tNn

...".,.I<IIma ~ MMry 1lwlb " love b D.1d. And 10 my btodI«s KevTn. 1lfWn•• MocNoeI. To eYI!'fyont wolll me ilonl!he W3)': Mally Me ([) I I. Ilombs. ~''1S Mom •

KlI..,S 0>Mnps1. CIe<IIry (sKI, Kent. Pilop f~. Zoa. IlindyJScoa ~ I 1'96 Ckimps 2S.(l~ ~ (8.--.cl. Clen 0 tA<f-,'ftIIun'1S}. tuft lOrM1jd>oomI. "'~, ~ (lllIh b--<by~l. - ' ... ~

""" ......

Me ~Ity my lNChen.nd SNwn O'1Nn


n..n:. 10 Bill. Ed, Henoy.

ems. Gene, ....., . lrun (Sophmote YtMJ,

Sclw-lefter. ~ Mill I Chm S., Ovos U.. Mike - ' 1'0\111 tienior ~I.

Geooge. M'kp. ~y,n, Crlz, ~eed, Ben. Pit. J,1red, St.n ,nd M.ill (8",I.nd ~nyone who WfTllIO ,II the trouble fAbe'llI ntee

CX., 5.5, K K" E.C.. R.K .. P.S, L,O., 8T. M K. OW" K K. BS. NC. T.5. COp,.

OftInil O'Donnell n..nkJ Mom, O.od, ~. T,m. MoonPy. Onis. Tunw>. Folev. Glen 0 - LtI'~ p1.y ctunkb.olll c.Side I'Y>de MiaIC Golf Coutw l.n" 80 10

II:"'-t E. Palta TlI.,n'" Mom.nd Imllly b your wpporI. A 8'1 ThInks 10 my IlIIIIe red h@~ To my golf "'1lI1pons ...... IM, RS. CT, SK


Qsonu" 0lRiP""1 .ppI«"'e it

MeeI ... the

Clenl all'l" thow Toby 00&. LOUie 00&. Mid 00&. Red Dos, 811lUId 'I Noone's. Mr W.urd. nil 10 fden French woOd

housoe. k4cn 1doooI" TUTTWI', how Iofl& do w , w..... Pxman Horde "w.as i whole comb





SEPlA! To ill the ATS. kftpbllk...


~...,.. O'NeIl

ThM1b Mom, DolId. Mea. Bob. Anrll'I"ninl'. M>ckey, Mid. Sch.fIe. Oe'l. MOonrt'. Rv-, MGP. W,Ison5. /oYloney. ~ <lIIld T...... E6rhe, K<IIne, ~. P.1op MId Doc. LUll, hmmy the CIe~ Noone - ' rhe res! of M'Pie ~ lot puIl1flI up .. oIh me Wh"h one of y'.11 st.p my boy on lots Nde 8uun:! M Noone'" GZ Bond. ...,.·s PMty. Be~ Boys. McMuU....., p.IItJft ~ C.

0Wf1leld Never ~ Sp;lrkslll the 'PI"' TomyboylDtrlo.McCUl'I,2·P'Cks, Wolf .nd Uwn\¥l. yJ'lI know...-ho y. ¥e ",eernr <lind !hi bowllll crrw. we wrecled he• . .TN. TBelI Upoess, Ry.n' OUI M 6tb 10 uteh. pub F~z,n cold on tIuI: c _ Ulc!lIn bvns.. .Me.nd St"'"Y, Ioole on IN ~ fA New Yorl< .And hefe'~ 10 prt-mTxM ce-lleb<itionst".Speed,n 10 Khool wolh I«l Room 1C)4 iller Khool w,th m. min hllnsoelf.And we retlr"<! him.Ioo!Tossin Ih. n,"n!nglite to cl<lSS ...rth ~ p;l~ In lrouble in BTO', d." hb! IeYl!TY diy.And to R,zod. !he 501 To .11 IN le~htT-s who hooled me liP. ~ ... l'I"tT\'l miny Crul~ln to Woody',.. Ulte nighl boew fest wilh my boyl;,lh!, Sluff', foul. ,'Kreemin il BimM.in, .. nd who nn fOfget V'llll..yb;oll 71h and IIlhl., .. And I.stly to four ch,lIin' Y'''''. m.ny more to Cornie



)on<lIu..n (}pkyb Thln~ Mom. O.od. Ry.n foo be1l13 ~ Ihrough the yeUli, Todd', Uki.. lhe bu, I wouldo'l'lUy eil'". Ih;M. K.ena: ""jleflmenl .. need.,~

Sh,nnon, Scotsl

Poner O.od. lhmks lor pus/lI"ll me 10 do my bel I ...,lIi'-Y' ~ you Ro. INnks lor puI1I'1S up ... ,d> me bull r""Uy ......... It. Guys;;II R"""" loala lib- I h.I.. no ~ complionl,.I000, !'f'fe'. I ..,II neYI!'f IorJtI the ~ (8 c.. fW lire; Z.21 pi; - ' Floocb'l • •....,. f.

10M Pr;ct, I would Ilb! 10 lNnk God '!hill

.riM P. O'Neill I'm ,ncllned 10 s.ay" dlis poonI ,n t _ rNnb 10 hI MJkp. f .... 8111. 01 . Doody. r,,"" f~ Jo/wny....d Roch".. Abo realize INnks 10 fA my 3n:! period lunch for WIG INI'IY JOOd nme.


VY. - INnl..s lor. I"e.l lou. 11'''''''


StPPhtn T, PiIopoIi

Th<lInx ,nd L(M! you f.m;ly M.D. c., A, T, f, t, J.. M

Friends R f J O. I(C,. j,C" IK . H Be. P.M., N B~ C K.. Va Den ifId ~ £1ed1Ol1 '%1, Cid Kid; "No C.lUSt if I 80' \"now I'm IJOfW\I do II" Ya McGMW'( f'Tg" • Doc" EddieHetlihey~. Fisnlll'Tnps., Noone-Florid. Tnp< 11:. Lcd; M ~', shoe E' He n\lIdt!hl'l"n e-e CrKl<tlNd ~mte H.vy. Y4S. Woth ll:euruon, Mr Wiz.-d. H 11:_ Puff'n stuff w,urd fAOz. L,,~, 8 • 2 .. Help Ed doe '(OW MotT> t..ve """TubeI. 6ltt(......in ...... oneume II .. <lI'I



LiUldon, know whetle the UOll''' lOT,. "'.. ot bme <M. WhMI ~ . housoe. Doc. does. unelI in ~ f - l don't !mow II', freez.... Edd"" I '-e i Ii-·· tNdy for the hltbr« 111«0 ~ Tlwu to .-II my lund butls (K B '11 tIuI: . . me rtvu H S CUZ. FlAME. fOOJlet Tony'l pMy Keep on 1CIuCh ~ ltse _ _ Iirt!ti. .-:l piIttt$. Y. footy he,m . - ill . . liIie< Sweet DuOes'

C.5, "l!le 8atTil u. Sode ¥Ill rt ;".11 pdf The dI.,. I like ibauI f<XlltwllllS IbM YOU don' hrn! 10 bib .. WJow"ft be40rIe you 10 10

"""'SNn Quinn Frosh Rop 8 1001lV,il',1 TluI

Rippon' Hond.1 \'opop;

l)ey".~, C·

b--e H<lIIIoween '9S· tlo'lr.I Ibode


HVCC; CtuI... 8; sw- MJlleT. P'& ... /i ~ ....; 0.0.'11- beiSl"" ..-.d e>.p; H...de Smoredolbrs. Yellow But... S.asquIdT ind c.u.lin;I- wt>o urel 8udf¥l; PTe V-8in; You b1Cl<Jed me. Enchuf'_'lll..nb Mom. ~,

NOd Kelty for hefpo,. me re'Ch my pis P......eM 8<11_ c...,


'-l'II'T'lIJIIO\' ,n II. Gcod dell

my ur. 1tII!'fe'" Be~

mounbI,n .. Come on P.ul, l¥lll your 'PKehop. M"key's., LishI . . . . £op.


26.6. 1



door broken Oh good, '(OW n. ",n/u.,. Thonk you 10 Mom, O~. Utol,....., ind O..... od Il<encbnl

Shull>P. the

10M Albilu lodri&ueI All my love ind INnks to my i.mlly. Mom. D"ll,.nd 1'0\100 ThInk YOU fa,- you< s.lCl1f1ce ind SUWO'1 Midrin. ind PidT,,,,, Ih¥>k you foI your counsoel .nd WIsdom; yO<!.1't my role model Thonk you 10.11 my fnend, .. nd f.mily who help shape ,nd rncxleI fnt' ,"to the PI!'fWI'II

_ 1O<by Till, M.i,io {Nn, M;srii (FU. Sonli, AntJie, J,1r>ef. amS, 1W>el1, R.qUPI, Tio, Vidor, Willie. Cu.1 Mf Purify. Fr jooy, Mr Cogg",s, )uy ,nd lid i., Ceur. Fr. Tom and my 'lrenglh through! II ~(f) C. MlKh ~ to EdtJardo <lind PTem my PIC.

Jeff RuciMlli Thanks 10 my p.lr-enls foI l'.lpporlilll me ind htlpilll <nt! "II the WlIy. Th.nks 10 "T" lot YOU' guld'l1«!.nd I'liencklnp, To O'5qu<o.1. 'PI,y some lenni,/" Ed S-U1oM' I would like to lhink my ~ met IIr.ndp.lrenlS for se"'"lI ...... thooushllour yeiB of h,... school. IV ~ - Shrfi'IIIer, Ing<"m. Fry ind m:sc,pIe Mullen~' Mullen, ..illl me ind the w,fe md lldf, in the "i,1t!r p'''' ~ ~ GenIJemen II, been. ple_ ChriRapt-I. SanI\lCd' Tune ..... "--n Th..nks fMlUly ....d fnHids KrnI:on, e ~I NlMB ln7 md 'V12196ISTl: NI....I 7/ 11M, '" concl!'fl on NY; Radun' on rhe drums. 'oYhK, 'f'OU' n;ome ColIl1I Chern dw wrttl JH."'¥e ~ here Mel tt- lind b.ck~. bur '" rhe __ old IQum l iIllI find my friends • ~ 5.1..... Thanb Mom

¥Ill D.1d ~ " for heIpma: me It' Itwouth t..S.Ille. n....b 'O..n IN bcJys. r1_. Vem.1U1s Cole. Fill. B..-,er lime Non-n. lin. N. RodunMl. Oehler. Iude. F.... KlrT\oOK. Doc. M<lIson. GrlIdet. s...- Mal. c..ri Murph. Boby I-. StllTS. StMfwn f,bune. C-DoIIY. elff SUcks. Bi&!y p. 1UKlw. Z.....",. Go_y. C1«\. ~.



JoIJe. CL Me\oey, M<Jnso,

5tri.r. Do>

Everrone Else; Joyce doesn'I die, he just drifts away on the stream of cons<:iousness; Arthur Dent never like Tuesdays; "Never to be so chee/cy my tiniest"; So it goes. Riverrun p;lSl. SC....... rzg~. Ma. TS, Rag. Rome, SAGI Avoid rhe void of plum <oloured despair. ThIs is my stiI'emern. W'ha, is the frequer>cyl Can either one beIYES. ~y Sduofoer: You wake up slow. 5Ummarily

choke. Wilh a he~ for an e~il lir>e stuck in your t~1. Thanks Mom and Dad. Good luck Counney. I tove you all very much. Now I muSl remember how to forgel. hi ~\ my friMds. ;n the cherubs of repose dollop youl Brow with the puckered promise 01 the world 01 droeams. While noise in black room duSl. These ....nds long for one laSl touch. HourglaS5 all out 01 trust. MimHl Sdufl..: Thank you Mom and Dad, you are the greatest. M.W" tD.S. - Take care 01 Business. Maple Glen.Nobody does it better. IlI% Do.C, Nally. thank you; Mafia Great Escape '96 Mack (Hey. Hey) ...Clerlt, Rough Fall...Big PAYBACK..." 'earn .. MGP... Erk Wright... Ruthless. My style as a juvenile... Be good everyone iI's been great! Mendel Schm~: teading the cha'1le

01 crearive lun~BI.... SF or Red SF-The Cheese-Oimension<ll jumpins-l<eeP your mouth pi«e warn-Walking Tuba l,ne-The Gummy Bears-The Dark Or>e-LittJe Shop-Godspel1--Mice and Men---el:c.foelslefism--lener writing-Gidurc-AI«. AI...... AIel<-POE-3012()-can bum through lead--These guys juSl come. Chrmopller ,. Schu: Thanks Mom,Dad. llecky Ienny, ..Thanks a million Bill • James llove K. task. Thul\der. curious, Miehle. Mall.. Rich,'" Tom ...july 9,t996In D.C.... DMB in Hershey...Marita's, McDonald·s ... Reeb...1love these Villa gIrls with all my hea": Tim. Christy, Bridget, Sam.uura and T....I)' ... Remember So:'a Isle City... Damn. I'm not Amish. 00' 00 apologies ever need,o be made Badfesl w/3 speed ...Thanks for VU. Torn 1!ad RKins... Olpele Men...we're m.Jllrats Hole In my wall...Thanks ag<lin.. .farewell and gooxInlghl last one out !\1m off the ligt>ts. ~llhoew Scully: To Mom. Dad, Meg, I(a,e. and Mo - Thanks foI' l!VffYfhing. Q. Chuck Droop, lose. tenny. Kirby. Toph, W'hatl, and HaiN'GlANT. What's on your bilck. QI Zesdully c1earV' Atarde<V You'.e not allowed in the bilc1<12x4/ 111-)5/ PTf'1 Piua Hul (tivin' on a pr~yerV Billie Jeal\l'Taco BeIV Footy and HoI;key/leb go FIYffl'I HelI-VaV DMBrawV Arn>1 neighbor1l' Subway after houN' Plan AI Signing! C.T J f. WkxOfI/ Bad BreatIV 1 year lat.... - same SfJOl! BAttl!!V v..rh<Il mudr) 12-) BowV 7 in a ~Terrorl BYE BYE1l!!

Peltr L SHly: Thanks 10: Mom. Dad. lUI. the REALM boys - John BEan, NaIl' Doss. K Roc. OM. MI(. Bob Drner ... Bye by~ to my daumates, .. The REALM evryday. Honda w"8O". , , Fishing wIth the boys. The Bridges, , , No beerl , ., Max. ~,op (ailing. . The REALM ... North Penn p;lrlies .• , The p.1ge ... All out. ag<lin .. ,JB. Charles Hu.S!, Tom tuft, Ron N .•.. The REALM foreverl M."ic So:'manick: Whitey, Unleash the Beast. Slick. some piua with mushfooms. Moses lead US, It's all fun and games. 100 Hills. McD S no I(lal G 011 my God, Prophec, Sprint on the coaSl, 'Nho WoinU to have some funl v..rh<Ilre<:ord you wantl Keep il, goind. Noming library. Gil" Col, \'01'm, tB. FB. TB. Jim - Whefe's D~nil Cooch BI~s, showen. Girard. Matt. Mall.. JP - who are you talking tol Uncle Shawn, Goofy, Talk 10 Mkhaell I'm lough, yo dork. some srriders gang. 2nd no longer. Heeev. I'm nol cocky I'm good.

Big Guy ,hanks for being ,here. 939. Mom. Dad. I(ev, thanks for all. JUitin I. Strianni: My love and thanx 10 all my borthers at u Salle. WSup cuzl Women are perfect. T....nx ro the band, Mr. C, Mr. Veuori. Sunflower K'e<h. RTFB, Just'n. holy IU&I I need 10 be held.l...·s rally 'round the homework. Oashed lhe golf cart. 1,'5 gOlU be the shoes. Manayunk. South Street. Pool halls. Ven', vidi. vici, vicol 8nom Shreffler: IV. Its lime (or a little stylin' an' profilin' wi,h ,he horsemen - Whew!! We go! a new sayins around here - Shool:outs (EAST & WEST COASn: Cr<:. Ed. Big Daddy Bill. Farmef, Deadboy Ill. Sid Vkious. Psycho Gal)'. Pa~IIV, Gr 8. MOe. lester, RocCO, 1.0., E.D., etc.• Don't bilns crimes just rock the good rhymes. I guess we're stronger rhan alII Thanks all my (amily and friends. Gilber! A, Smith: Thanx Mom and Dad for all your supppor!, John for bea,ing me up. . Now. fOf.v.cC shoutOU1s: J.P. $by being original. J.R. con'.n.... beIng the MacDaddy Aaron Slay safe ... M.S. I wish you and l)('nise- happinen in your new life ... Colin Slay away from dirty girls, To all the little tough guys: G.c., Don. Gerard, Slick, KS, MUrphy OOy some doolh ... Richie love rhe ....,r. Bubbie have fun In college. Gittlebutt stick 10 you. roots,!(err .emember Biserker's coat. Bertone: .Water sustains all life•. Climon's.1 ... Too when are you getting a ~,


E. Snyder, Ir.: Mom. rhanks and remember lh~l I do love va. Mr. V thanks for all you've done; Mr. C.lhanksl Mr. B. McCabe.lhanks. Kfellov.'S in ,he band, Yeh I play the sax. you go! a problem with that. Mr. Parisi. thanks for "II you made me realize. J.C.,MP.Sl.JS, Best sax sect. ever. Walch !hose bridges and swamps down in Jersey, Never give up hope. NO +01 Krislopn.e, T. Sparb: Yo Chaz, No more gelling wei running up the h,li Irom the t8. "Trust Me." Bandoi_ II has been a gre"l lour years wilh you guys; you're like fam. K.I.T.• M.s. BAS. Home Team Thanks. C.S. M.5.I.C - and my boy P R. : l.s.• B.J. Francis Spause-: Mom and Dad. thanks for keeping me in lir>e.. ,Jesska. w~nna go 10 Calilornial... Phillies Game...TJM March 31. 1995. Mad Dog al SN Isle. Tyson Fighr '96 ...CPR ...Wrestiing p.et. Champs '%... The Quarry...WoodSIock '94 ...PR Niglll '94- The Black HoJe...Wail, whal abool Raul. guns. drugs. and his pelCepllVf! ea. in lhe Buic•. ..Windows up in the Bonn......The Infamous T-Bell fire... Pretty pholo... Everyone. thanks. its definitely been a gooxI time.

One.I(.lask, Chlis 5., Miehls, Matt C. Tom K., Joe [)an Yu. and Jeff W., A spe.;lal lhanks to my twin. Rod Reynolds. Hey Jer. want 10 go 10 breakfaSll1 S1ayed al the B.J. Chalel. Hey Jeff, let's go to anolher play. The shocker goes to college


Ceo"Ko:' G, T1tiers: To Mom and Dad. thanks for four years; 10 Mr. Roche, lor rwo 01 the best years 01 m.Jth I'll probably ever have; to B'OIher Rene. who enlighlened me 10 the "big picture:' to Brian, I'm sorry because we could have been realty good; ro everrone wllQ helped and 5Uporled me, 'hanks; To Pal, Charlie. Sean, Biit. Gus, Brian. Rob, john, and myself; who are all work,ng just as hard and pulling our weight to finish,he year in England. Duid B. Vagoni. Ill: Thanks Mom, Dad. and Jason. for all your love and p.1,ience ... "Sl<Iy on the Apple fann!" taf~ - Whefe'S page , / Walk it off - You'll be line t~ow. Seth, Where's p;lge 21 "RTfB .'"SW guy' I(ernytsky. Where's page 31 "Who's Napoleon/" I,R" Where's p.1ge 41 "Never 10 be socheelcy. my tiniesl ...• AlwayS question rhe rules, because wmetimes they only blind the eye 01 our imaginal ion. REMEMBER"

I.....ph v;~: Thanks: ,,'tom & Dad (Pops Vig's) SV IV. Nigs. me1alsis. cornealioui, tTB, Siopey. f1 SO, half Ball, crawl in. rule walk it off. JP. P.O.A.


lamie Walers: Thanks Mom & Odd, Maureen, and evrybody elso who m.Jde lhese four great years possible. JD I p;lged YOU. What are you driving rhi. weekI ED's rocket ship a.k.~. Ford R.1nger. Parking 101, 8G, TO. EO. jD. 8S. BEAR. Hockey, St. Vincent's B8;illi. H01>1EWORK. OK TW you can get a ride. I am leavIng. It's all ""....1 J~f(rey B. WalSOn: Through all the good tImes and bild times we've been Itlfough, I love you Mom & Dad. I kept pumpin'. Basketball a' Mike's. You're a bum. Brumfield. GC'orge. YOU're a sriff, Weekends a' Eric's, Dave Matthews. Dunes. Hil,on Head with Ed. 24rh SI. and Simpson jilly's Mack and Manco's. Dn't it alt be so simple! fouikeways. T5r. Math advice from Buzz, Going '0 the Grove. Partying up and doown the Eas! CoaSl wlrh Ed S. Driving to toyola in R"my. fle.hind the box with Ed and Kelly (NEXTI) Hot tubs in HH. I'd keep playing. Cannonball comin' Es - Buddies for life. I rh'nk. To all my friends who have srood bV me: ES. AB. FOO. C..... RT. I(S, SG. l<Ma.1 thank you all- OUT.

the rest of,he fam - I love you. Thanks 10 all my boyz: Sean. Drawz 'Nah Dude." )a$On- I forgOi play c101I1es, Brendan - Thanks for all the rides Pal. Scrupt, I'll have a Tommy Collins, I(yle -I tllink you're captain 'his year. Cappelli and Donnie never forget 3rd period squad and rhe family shore vacalions. Damien "I'm bound to creeop." Roo. lAck. Brad, and Matt and last but not leaSl "'.eg. And I'moult

Ge<lo:' Welslt: Thanks. Mom ~nd Dad for everything, Thanks Mr. Bloh for gettIng me '"'ough Alegbra I, joe 80. - remember the bonfire. McConaghey·"You smo/.;e (rack.don't you,' Brift....- they are your boys, NIck. lei'S play p.1in'bill1. Ruegg- Shut up Ruegg! Shut upl McFadden-Butter. /C, FK. 1'5. MZ. TK, NK, JB Thanks

NidIolH Tarsi: Thanks Mom and Dad and

Rkh Tatoe: Thank you Mom. Dad. Faith, Jim,

Ed Woesttmwm: Thanh Mom Dad Deb and

len. Maria. Jessie. Becky. Joey. and David. Jeremy, Chril c.. Nkky j .• and Gill. The

Stet'. To ~II of my boys. texus, Hoard '%.

WarrIngton Hoodluml will live onn Hey Nick, why Ilaughl "I'll do what I want to do.' - G.C Kerr-Dog. Ruff·Ruff, Commal\der. Gil. Swa<thy. Greg 8.• Teesdale. Tom D'C, Obi-

Michael Wills: Mom, Dad, Steve. Sean, & Meg Thank you for all the support you have given me. Wicki. Gavin. Malloy, Sharkey, you guys are the best. Thanks. Hey GavIn. watch ou' lor rhe pole It really jumps out a,


Henry Winttrbo1tom: Thanks a million to my Mom. Dad, my siSler. my grandmother, and anybody else- I didn't mention. Thanks also ro the force, rhe King. Ger!l. Wyher, Molner, Joe. I(ral2, Crazy Ed, Mullen, frey. Fullerton, Ingram. aod everybody else- who rules, The rest of you - I won', even mention, Thanks to other people such as I(ukllnski and CD. for their support both in and out 01 school. Anybody else I can't remember. thanks also. Good luck to all my boysStraightedge - if you',e nol now you llf:'vef were. Goodbye. Harry WlN:rtz: Never stop sparkln' the spirit · .. Much thanks to Mom. Dad. Gran. Ka.rl, Aunl Regina, Uncle Ha'l)'. and Unlee Tom, I really do appreciate it YO! Shout outs to my plaYffl ar school: Din. 01.0 SPICE. tawDudds, Nipples. and Wolf, , . Keep i, real! Wild Wood. pre·mi~e< celebrations. TitOO Bell. 6th period crew. spirIt." We "",ired that punk!' _Wu_T,lng

IUIn Woods: Thanks to evryone who g<lve their 5Upport. Mum (wilh a "ul") Nice'o kl\<)W you're always there. Dad, glad you brought me out here. Its been a great experience, Thanks lisa. for the mid -week catls. Do I lalk morel tucky. thanks fo< sitting on my homeworkl Thanks. ta Salle and all my II('W Iriends! D.., Yu: I would like,o lhank my pel monkey aod the twin p;llms foI' l!Vf!rylhing. Tale. COll, Watson. Catrino. Nedl. Kotwicki, Giddleman, Kolhepp, Hannig<ln. Difeo, and the ,est 01 rhe seniors. Micheal I. Ze«.ardi: Thanks Mom. Drill ~an,. Truck driver. Patsy, and lhe Bad Son. Thanks La ~II<!' ... I'm the DefensiVf! end on the chess 'earn ••• the boys of 5Ummer shorehouse '96 ... AI! my TKE brothers ... 'and Dumboy became a man'. · the gh<.tto bf,d •.. cloud of dodos •• , u,apia · .. Holy Sep .• mor>(l(onws and mlndnumbIng. , , Viva la Quantum ... Joe Namalh ... that'S all I'm good for ... we get ro IISlen to rap today. oh boy ••• than~ for the memories. I won', forgel'em SCUll A. Zoellloe: Thanx., Mom, Dad, Todd - r ~II. MI<. SM, PM, MM, IV. IS. CS. RC, Bf - T1tan~ k.tlas. Mr flood and Mr. C08lIim: Than~1 - MM _ RU creepin'1'or jus, point her our" JC - "Sing Rocky' MI< . "Spagh<.tti pizza' prom night, "Where's Martr 'Uh-oh, Matt in the rrashc,ln. Matt. oh man .... SM -"u drive 10 fa§!" OUR also a cheapshor' CS - heavy stick. lWOlor>es . '1 hope you brought your game 'cause u left your humor at !lomel" P;U::ky - "tet me borrow your car" "JB's shore1'oouse" Collen"you dog" KB - "how's your omelett~/")S,]V­ 'Me vs. U2 B-Ball!" Sp;luse - Dn I break your ....ndr PIlal loops and /ooIy g<lmes. , , Yeah hock"Y - CO luck .'s 4. 13. 16. 20. 19, 24, 25.26.30· Packy· ·Thanks ta Salle! laler. fell as. its been real.

love you

Daniel t, Wall: Me, BM. CB, CL, MN. ME, SB, OS. PS, MI, MS. D.M. BRAWL. Hockey sillM. Matt & Meg's party. Go fly~. Go E"3les, Maverick, "Captain Moonlighl", 'I'm your huckleberry" Thanks Mom, Dad, teo, jen, and Michael. Thank you for everything YOU've given ro me and alilhe sacrifices you made. 1love all 01 you very much. Thanks to len Y., "AND MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU."

lustin Sunl>n: Thanks Mom, Dad, C1nda, Dawne, Tom • Ed. Yo Vigs, S1iff. HoI;key's II Baby, Wha'·supCS,CD. sz,MM, EM, Packy. May, watl wall wa,l

'94·I'm Qul_

Halloween '95. Scr"nton '94, James.8ri, Paully. Summet soo;c'" Championship. Prich One last question before I leave this school. Was I Just educa,ed? jim ClarkIn. Mynle. Sam Schnead. lack, How's your ........1 Auction



A Abbott, Michael 66, 199 Acker, Daniel 50, 174 Adams, Keith 66 Ager, Jason 50 Agnew, Michael 50,151 Akern, Bro. Tim 35, 182 Alber, James 74 Albert, Matthew 50 Albert, Michael 50, 178 Alcantara, Mark 58

Alexander, Terrence 50,151 Alfarano, Marc 66, 118, 120 Aiken, Patrick 58 Alonso, Matthew 58 Alvarez, Robert 50 Amachi,Chikwere 58,148,174,196,197 Amin, Mehul 74, 172 Andrew, J. Blank 50 AndriSt Christopher 50,151

Andris, Michael 58 Andruczyk, eric 66 Angelo, Louis 50 Aponte, Gilberta 50 Appleby, Douglas 66, 148 Arnone, Anthony 50 Au,Andrew 66, 152, 155, 174, 19&


Bacher. Brian 50, 168, 169 Badolato, Kevin 74, 110, 158 Badolato. Patrick 58,158,174 8aet, Marie 27 Bailey, Benjamin 50 Baker, Kevin


Balshi, Stephen 75,116,190,191,202 Baraniewicz, Edward 50 Barbato, Christian 66, 151 Barile, Ernest 50, 151 Barkowski, T.J. 174 Barna, Mr. Thomas 19,36,122 Barnes, Daniel 5B, 178 Barnes, Mallhew 58 Barratt, Jennie 42 BartkoW5ki, Thaddeus III 66,158,159, 174,196 Bartley, Andrew 22 Bathgate,8radley 58, 177, 188 Bauer, Anton 22 Beck, lloyd III 66 Becker, Daniel 66, 176 Bednarek, Joseph 75, 172 8ehl, Daniel 58, 177 8ehr, Evan 58, 169, 170 Behr, James 44 Beletsky, Joseph 66 Benante, Marc 66, 148 Bene, Rocco 110 Benn, leon 50, 151, 174 Bertone, Mauhew 75 Berzins, Karlis 58 Bethke, Alexander 50


Bevilacqua, Patrick 66. 203 Bielecki, Gregory 58,158,174,176,196 Binder, 8rian 66, 195 Binsfeld, Scott 66 Billing, Randall 58, 177 Black II, Timothy 50, 151 Blanco, Mr. Gabriel 33 Blank, Andrew 151 Bloh, Mr, Dennis 31, 128, 168,169 Bocchino, Philip 66,152,155 Bohardt, Douglas 50 Bolger, Stephen 50,158,159 Bongard, Edward III 66,146,148,185 80nner, William 50, 174 Boring, John 50 Boron, Edward 74,148,198,202 Borrell, Joseph 74 Boyajian, Christopher 66 Braciscewski, Mike 172 Brader, Rod 44 Bradley, P. Guidi 86 Brady, Kevin 58, 176 Brannon, Matthew 66, 148 Brasberger, Thomas 50, 151 8reen, Gregory 74 Breen-Lopez, Patrick 50 Brelsford, Drew, J. 50 Brennan, Robert 58, 113, 128 8reuer, Daniel III 66 Brewster, Kevin 58, 118 Breznicky, Charles 75,116 Briggs, Richard 50, 151 Brinkos, Michael 66,118 Brister, Mallhew 75,158 Brittingham, Shay 58 Brogan, Ryan 50, 113 Brogan, Timothy 50 Brooks, Sean 50 Brown, Mrs. Clare 31,126 8rown,lohn 75, 172 Brown, Michael 66 8runetti, Nicholas 66,152,155 8runo, Christopher 58 8ryers, Kieran 50, 168, t 69 Bryers, Nicholas 76 Brzostek, Edward 58, 148 Buck, Christopher 76 Bullard, Bryant 66, 176 Buonocore, Anthony 50,151 Burg, Ethel 45 Burke, Brendan 66 Burke, Les 188 Burkle, Nicholas 58 Burleigh, Michael 66 Burns, Christopher 66, 188 Burton, Jonathan 66 Buschmeier, Andrew 66, 159,172 Bustard, David 50 Byrne, Robert 50, 58, 159 Byrnes, Michael 66, 172

c Calahan, Thomas 51

Calamia, Jared 66 Caliendo, Eric 76, 202 Callahan, Kyle 51, 151 Callahan, Paul 77, 168, 169, 170 Callan, Daniel 51, 151 Callan, Dennis 77 Callan, Michael 51, 203 Calvitti, lohn 66, 176 Campbell, Devin 51, 203 Campbell, Havilland 51 Caneila,Sleven 51 Canning, Matthew 58, 1 t 3 Canlanese, Jeff 198 Capell, Michael 77 Capelola, lustin 66 Capetola, Zachary 51 CappelleUi, Christopher 66 Cappelli, Michael 76, 203 Capponi, Emidio 58, 113, 177 Carabello, lohn 22 Carberry, Brian 66, 113, 118, 202 Cardella, loseph 51 Carl, David 58 Carminati, Joseph 51 Carminati, Richard 58,148,174 Carmody, Todd 76, 146, 148 Carr, Kristopher 76, 200 Carr, Shawn 51,151 Carr, Vincent 58 Carroll, Paul 51, 120 Carver,ScolI 58 Casey, Patrick 77 Castaneda, Carlos 202 Calanese, Jeffrey 77 Catinella, Daniel 58 Catrino, Daniel 66 Calrino, Joseph 77 Callie, Edward 58, 148 Causs, Chris 148 Cenko, Alexander 58 Centofanle, Mrs. Melissa 121,122,138 Chapman, Matthew 58, 148 Chappetta, Robert 58 Chase, Billy 110 Checkovage. frank 78 Chiappa, Matthew 78 Chiarantona, Joseph 66,168,169,170,202 Chmielewski, Thomas 66,159,174 Christy, Kennelh, Jr. 78 Ciceimaro, Eugene 58,148,158,159,174, 19b Ciceimaro. Mrs. Janice 40 Ciccimaro, Mr. Joseph 40, 110,111 Cifelli, Vincent 58 Ciminera, Nicholas 51 Cimini, Guido 44 Ciolli, Ryan 51, 176 Cissne, Stephen 59 Citro, David 66 Clark, John 66, 174, 175, 196 Clark, Peter 51 Clarke, Brian 59 Clary, Frank 22

Claudius, James 79 Clay, AI vin 67,118, 158, 174, 196 Clearkin, James 79, 188, 189 Clearkin, Kevin 59, 197 Clement, Christopher 59,159 Coggins, Mr. Nicholas 32, 119,122 Cohen, Ryan 59, 176 Colangelo, Angi 25 Colasante, Joseph 67 Colhocker, Lawrence 22 Colistra, Mr.loseph 10, 34, 46, 148 Colistra, Paul 51, 151 Comia, Andrew 51 Congiliando, Ernest 51 Conlin,James 51 Connelly, Joseph 22 Convery, Brian 79, 202 Cook, Bro. Kenneth 29 Cooke, Jeremy 59, 118, 202 Comely, Malthew 51 Cortellessa, Anthony 78, 110 Cosgrove, Michael 51 Costantini, Anthony 59 Costantino, Anthony 51 Costello, Patrick 78 Coulter, Jeffrey 59 Coveney, Gerald 59 Coveney, Gerry 159 Cox, Matthew 78,145,152,154,155 Coyle, Brendan 79, 117, 146, 148 Coyle, Robert 59 Coyle, William 79, 128,202 Cr.me, Joseph 67 Crawford, Kevin 59, 148 Crean, Thomas 67,152,155 Cristaldi, Thomas 67 Crognale, Stephen 67,128 Croney, Brian 79 Cross, Thomas, Jr 67,146,148,198 Crowe, Dave 149 Cuff, David 59 Cullen, Vincent 59 Cunane, Darlene 45 Cunane, Edward 44 Curd, 8rian 176 Curci, Christopher 51,151 Curran, Thomas 67, 118, 159 Curran, Timothy 80 Cutuli, Joseph 51

o D'Alfonso, Brother John 26 Daly, Eric 80 Danaher, Timothy 67,152,155 Dandy, Marvin 67 D'Angelo, Dr. Joseph 3D, 176, 177 Danielski, Bro. Francis 20,22 Danvers, Philip 67, 152,154,155, Dardaris, Mr. Mark 23, 198, 202 Davine, Rita 202 Davoli, Richard 59,190 Day, Donald 59 Debow, Charles 80 DeCastro, icholas 59 DeCrescio, Michael 51, 151 Delaney, Martin 59 Delisi, Jason 81, 203

Delisi, Justin 81 DellaVecchia, Nicholas 51 DeManss, Alexander 59 Dempsey, Mr. Joseph 30, 142 DePasquale,Anthony 67,148 Derrick, Zachary 59 Desai,Saurabh 67,118,140,141,202 Dever, Patricia 23 Devine, Mr. Patrick 26,158,174,175 Devlin, Thomas 51,158,159 Devore, Luke 59 Di Cataldo, John 45 Di Clerico, Mario 112 Di Pasquale, Bro. William 27 DiClerico, Mario 59, 118 Diehl, Mr. David T. 20,22,46,127,202 DiFeo, Todd 81 Dileonardo, Christopher 67,146 Dilks, Dennis 51 Dillon, Joseph 59, 148 DiNapoli, Jonathan 80,188,189 Dinapoli, Michael 59 DiPaolo, Dominic 80 DiPaolo, Vincent 59 DiPasquale, Bro. William 126 DiPinto, Rose 45, 202 DiToro, Christopher 59 Do, Due 80 Dolan, Brendan 81 Dolan, Christopher 67 Dolan, Kevin 51, 151 Dolan, Mr. Michael 26 Domanski, Christopher 59, 169 Donahue, Mrs. linda 32, 140, 141 Donatelli, Gregory 59,152,155 Donnelly, David 59,159 Donnelly, Hugh 67, 118, 146, 148 Donnelly, James 61 Donohue, Michael 59,158,174,196 Donovan, Mike 44 Dooney, Jason 51 D'Orazio, Dino 59 D'Orazio, Paul 67, 146, 148 Dougherty, Brendan 67 Dougherty, Christopher 51, 151 Dougherty, Craig 51, 151 Dougherty, James 51 Dougherty, Joseph 51 Dougherty, Kevin 51, 67, 1St, 169, 170 Dougherty, Philip 52, 159 Dougherty, s.?an 52 Dougherty, Thomas 52 Dowds,Jeffrey 52 Dowds, Thomas 59 Dowling, Patrick 81 Downey, laurence 52 Doyle, Jarret 82 Du, Vincent 52 Dugan, Ms. Maureen 38 Durham, Charles 82 Durkin,James 52,118 Durrant, William 59 Ourso, Michael 82, 146, 148, 198, 199 Dwyer, Daniel 52 Dwyer,John 59, 128 Dwyer,loseph 52 Dwyer, Kevin 67

Oyer, Robert



Ebner, Mr. Craig 41, 110 Egan, Brian 83, 112,113, 190, 191 Egan, John 52 Elliott, Matthew 67 Ellis, David 52 Emrich, Scott 67, 118 Enderle, John 67 Ennis, William 83, 193 Ertle, Michael 83 Ermola, R.I. 191 Escobar, Roman 67, 152, 153, 155 Eunice, Christopher 82 Evans, Mr. Gerald 37, 202 Evans, lawrence 59, 148 f

Ferro, Frank 60 Fagan, Ryan 52 Faillace,Anthony 60, 118 Fallon, Terence 67,113 Farrell, Diana 45 Farrell, Michaelpaul 60,176 Farrell, Robert 67,176 Farrington, Andrew 60 Fay, Dan 178 Fay, John 60 Fay, Jon 148 Fedyna,Joseph 60,159,172 Fegley, William 52 Felix, Daniel 67,176 Felte, Robert F. 52, 151 Fenningham, Timothy 67,148 Fea,Oi 9 Feret, Ryan 82 Ferguson, Maynard 110 Filipczak, Andrew 52,174 Fineberg, Daniel 67,128,172 Fineberg, Matthew 82,113,128,202 Firely, Richard 83, 141,202 Firth,lohnathan 52,151 Fisher,John 67 Fithian, Michael 83 Fitzgerald, Mr. Bernard 35 Fiugerald, Daniel 60,148 Fitzgerald, Kevin 52, 159 Fiugibbons, Terence 52,112 Fitzpatrick, Kevin 67, 128, 202 Flood, Mr. Kenneth 32,172 Florkowski, Raymond 60,118 Foley, Breit 52 Foley, Ryan 83, 188 Ford, Mrs. Ann 24, 25,202 Francis, Robert 60 Francisco, Charles 60 Frank, Michael 52 Freiler, Philip 67 Frendreis, 8ro. Gerard 21, 22 Frey, Christopher 84,177 Fries, Justin 52 Frizalone, Mr. John 39 Frizlen, Dean 52, 112 Froelich,8ro. Timothy 22 Fullerton, s.?an 84, 140, 176, 202



Galb.llly, Daniel 52 Galdo, Damon 60 Gallagher, Daniel 84,174 c..lbgher, Mrs. Helen 42 Gallagher, Justin 85, 148 G>11aghÂŤ, Ryan 67, '48 Gallagher, Shawn 60 Galla~, Timothy 60 Wnltr, WiIliU'l 52 Cilrdner, Joseph 60,113 Ga~ey, Ms. Patty 45 Gal'\'in, Theresa 38,1 t 6 Garzone, Pun III 67, 146,148,172 Gates, Brendan 52 Cavin, Kenneth 85, 118,126,127,140,202 Gaydos, Scott 67 Geiger III, William 85, 140,141,202 Geiger, Mr. William 33, 47, 118, 120,140,141 Geigert, William 84

Gtnovese, Richard 110 Gibbons, Paul 67 Gidjunis, Joseph 52,140,141,202 Gillespie, Daniel 60,11 J, 118 Gillespie, Mr. T~ce 37 Gillespie, Timothy 60 Gilroy, ari..n


Gimpel, Kevin


Gimpel, Scott


Gittleman, Andrew

84, 152, 155, 174, 196

Giuffrida, M.Jtthew


Coettner, Dani~ 85 Goettnef, Jeffrey 52,151 Golden, Thomas 52 Goldner, James 113 Gomu, Stephen 52,151 Goodwin, Gregory 85 Gordon, Brett 67, 145, 146, 148, 149 Gordon, Christopher 60,159 Gorman, Matthew 67,177 Goyette, Adam 60 Grace, Mr. john 34 Graff, Nicholas 60 Gramet-Kedxior, Frederic 85 Granese, David 60 Grannum, Samuel 60 Gf'fffl, Bradley 52,168,169,170 Grqer, Michael 67,118 Grevy, hul III 86,182 Grissani, Daniel 60,112 Grzybowski, Andrew 52 Grzybowski, Eric 52 Grzybowski, Robert 86,203 Gugger, Craig 68 Guidi, P. Bradley 172, 202 Guiliano, Dino 60 Guthrie, Alexander 53 H

Hagy, Shea 53, 159 Hamby, Robert 68 Hammond, John 87, 146, 148, 182, 184,202, 203 Haney, Robert 53 Haney, Sean 60


Hannigan, Timothy 87,190,191 Hannon, Kevin 68, 128 HanSRn, Mr. Tore 40, 190 Harrigan, Midlael 53,151,168,169,170 Hartman, Bl'fllt 87, 152, 155 Hartnett, Matthew 53 Harvey, Bryan 53,151 H~inger, JOfUthan S3 Hasson, lames 22 Haughlon, Joseph 68,111,128 Hayes, James 60 Heaton, Brant 68, 176 Heayn, Chrtstopher 60 Heim, Michael 86,152,153,155 Heim, Shaun 68 Heinsdorl, Michael 19,68,118,128,202 Heinsdorl, Paul 53 Henwood, Geraldine 22 Hernandez, Manuel 53 Heron, Sean 60, 176 Herrick, John 53 Hevener, francis 68 Higgins, Palrick 53,177 Hildebrandt, Patrick 53 Hill, David 53,151 Hirsekom, Kurt 86, 168, 169, 170,188,202 Hoagland, James 68 Hohenleitner, Mr. George 32 Holbert, Matthew 68,128 Horgan,8rian 53, 158,159 HOf'gan, Matthew 86,158,159 HOf'gan, Timothy 53 Horstmann, Jesse 53 Horstmann, John 68 Hosmer, Gregory 60, 113 Houser, Krislian 68 Hughes, Eugene P.IV 87,198 Hughes, Kevin 53, 169, 170 Hughes, Philip III 87 Hughes, timothy 60 Hunsicker, Michael 68,148 Hunter, Dawson 60 Hunter, Peter 87 Huntzinger, Jeffrey 68,188 Hurst, Ryan 60 Hylinski, Gregory 53,169,170

Ignas, Fromk 44 Incollingo, Nicholas 68 Incze, Robert 60 Ingram, Brian 88, 177 Ingram, Buzz 177 lwaskrw, Roman 53

Jablokov, Andrew 88 Jackson, Mr. Martin 26, 188 Jakab, Istvan 88, 120, 140, 141, 202 Jalon, Alan 60 'ames, William 53 lanke,David 60 Jannetti, Vincent 60,148 Janton, Fr. Anthony 42 Jenkins, Brian 53 Jenkins, Peler 53

John, Matthew 68,190 Johnson, Charles 68 johnson, Mr. FranCts 29 jones, Christopher 61 Jones, Devin 89, 119, 202, 203 Jordal, Nichobs 68 Jordan, Brian 61 Jordan, Geoffrey 53,151 Joyce, Dan 172

• Kahan, Paul 68, 112, 113, 128 Kane, Christopher B9,198 Kane, Ryan 61 Karwacki, lames 68 Katruk, Andrew 61 Kaupas, Joseph 68 Kavanagh, Michael 61,172 Kazmierczak, Stephen 61,177 Kebler, Christopher 68 Kebler, Matthew 89 Keeley, Daniel 61 Keenan,Craig 61,168,169,170 Keenan, Mr. John 3, 29 Keller, James 61 Keller, Peter 68 Kelley, Brendan 68, 177 Kelly, Mari< 53, 15. Kelly, Matthew 88,120,176 Kelly, Mr. Edwin 113 Kelly, Patricia 22 Kelly, Scott 53, 118 keRSey, Mrs. Paulette 110 Kent, John 22 Kent, Sean 61, 148, 198 Kerns, Christopher 61 Kemytsky, Andrew 88, 118, 126 Kerper, Donald 68 Kerr, Michael 88,158,159,174,175,196 Kerrigan, Christopher 68 Kestler, Bro. Richard 21,202 Ketlinger, Stephen 53 Kilderry, Michael 53 Kilkenny, Michael 61 Kim, Daniel 53 Kim, John 61 King, I.R. 177, 202 King, Jonathan 68 Kirsch, Mr. J.illY 28, "4,117 Kitchen, Joseph 53 Kivlen, Brien 53 Kb.rich, Stephen 61,118 Klenk. Robert 53,177 Klock, joR.illthan 53,151 Klohe, Nicholas 89,172 Knowski, Mich.illel 68,168,169,170,120, 1(0, Charson 53 Koch, Bradley 61 Koenig, Ingo 68 Koenig, Ronald 61 Koenig, Thomas 89 Kohler, Brian 53, 159 Kohler, Jim 198 Kohler, Jr Kevin 68 Kohlhepp, Thomas 89 Kolarik, Tyler 176 Koller, lames 90

Koller, Kevin 61 KonesSci, William 61 Koss, Christopher 61 Kotwicki, Michael III 90,120,140,141,148,202 Kouch, lames 68 Krauss, Richard 61,146,166 Kriegner, Christopher 53 Kriegner, Thomas 54 Kroh, Robert 54 Krol, Matthew 61 Kruc.dwwslci, Michael 68 Kuldinslci, Stephen 90 Kushto, Christopher 61 Ku:da, Andrew 61 l

la Ruffa, Vincenzo 66, 113, 116 labosky, Michael 73,91, 168,169,170 lackes, Bro. Charles 33 laguda, Giuseppe 13,48, 68, 148 laible, William 61 hmprecht, Thomas 91,145,152,155,202 lang, Geoffrey 54 lOIre, Christopher 91, 202 urkin, Kyle 54 laskowski, Matthew 54 lasky, Kevin 90, 158, 159 latchford, Kevin 172 tau, Raymond 61 lavin, Christopher 90,148,202 lawson, Thomas 90 lazenka, Anthony, F. 61 leOllhy, Mr. WilliOlim 29,117, 122,198 lendzinski, Mallhew 61 lenehan, Kevin 54 leonard, Anthony 68 lepore, Gregory 54,158 levOll,Joseph 91,148,182,184 levin,Justin 61, 177 liberi, James 68,188 Lichtner, Mr. Frank 41,168, 169, 170 Linberg. G. Douglas 54,151 Lipski, Brian 61, 177 Linley, Gregory 61 Lloyd, Jason 151 lockard, Ryan 61 lofgren, David 61 logan, Mrs. Bernadette 27 logan, James 54, 191 lombard, John 22 lombardo, Michael 54 lonergan, Robert 68 long. Timothy 54,202 longosky, Bradley 68 longstreth, Michael 61, 148 lorusso, Michael 68, 146 loscalzo, AI 44 louie, Jim 178 lowery, Evan 91 lowery, Shawn 61 lowrey, Evan 184 luft, Thomas 91,119 luhks, Matthew 68,113,118 61 lynch, C. Ryan lynch, James 54 lynch, Michael 54

lyon, Mark 62 lyons, James 62 lyons, Kevin 69, 128 M

MacPherson, Frank 62,118,141,202 Madden, Evan 54 MadeirOll, Eric 62, 159 Madeira, Willy 54 Madonna,Anthony 54, 120 Madrak, David 54 Maher, Mrs. Julia 20, 22, 202 Mahlstedt, Kiel 54 Maholland, Patrick 69 Mallon, Colin 62 Maicher, Mr. Michael 202 Malara, John 62 Mallach, Kyle 92, 146, 148 Mallach, Patrick 54, 151 Mallon, J.R. 146 Mallon, Vincent 62 Malloy, Daniel 92, 146, 148 Malloy, Dennis 22 MOll loney, Malthew 92, 145, 146, 147, 146, 196 Manion, Mr. David 16, 17, 33 Manion, Travis 62, 159, 172 Manlapas, Anthony 54 Market, Brian 54 Markmann, William 69,169,170 Markowski, Jeffrey 93, 126, 140, 202 Marquis, Joseph 69 Martin, Sean 93, 110, 174, 203 Mascio, Ryan 54, 113 Masiak, Jonathan 54 MOlison, John 93 Massino III, Robert 92,116, 203 Mastronardo, Joseph 54 Mattern, Michael 69, 162 Mallhews, Sean 62 Mattia, CarlISI Mattia, Michael 92, 146, 146, 174, 196, 197 Mattiacd, Nicholas 69 Mauriello. Michael 69, 176 "'iauss, Linda 202 May, Brendan 92, 168 McAnespey, Robert 23 McAuliffe, Richard 54 McBride, Matthew 93, 172 McBryan, Christopher 93, 110 McCabe, Mr. Bernard 31, 46 McCabe, Mr. Edward 30 McCaffrey, Jonathan 54 McCann, Michael 54, 113, 151 McCann, Peler 93 McCilfry, Scott 69 McCarthy, Duane 54, 151 McC<lrthy, Michael 22 McCloslley, Sean 94 McConaghy, Matthew 94 McCormick, Brendan 62 McCormicll, Chauncey 54 McCormick, Shawn 62 McCort, Ryan 54, 113 McCreery, Sean 94, 176, 202 McCullagh, Sean 69, 118

McCullion, Patricll 69, 176 McDonald, John 22 McDonald, Palrick 95, 176, 184 McDonald, Timothy 62,148 McElderry, Paul 54 McElroy, Stephen 95, 110, 112, 113, 202 McEntee, Jamie 95 Mcfadden, Daniel 69 McFadden, Edwin 94 McFadden, George 54 McFadden, Marie 45 McGill in, Andrew 62, 146 McGinley, Colin 69 McGlone, Brendan 69, 148 McGoldrick, Timothy 69 McGonigle, Kevin 62 McGovern, Mrs. Diane 40,136 McGovern, Ryan 69 McGrath, Adam 54 McGrath, Manhew 94 McGurkin, Paul 54, 151 McintyrE', Michael 94, 148 McKeagh, lames 62, 113, 141 McKeon, Joseph 62 McKeown, Patrick 55 McKinney, Alexander 62 Mclaughlin, James 22,69, 118 Mclaughlin, Michael 69 Mclaughlin, Patrick 95 McMahon, Brian 95 McMahon, Joseph 11 J McManus, Colin 69, 156, 174, 196 McMenamin, Brendan 69 McMenamin, Ryan 95 McMonigle, Kevin 159 Me amara, MaUhew 55 Me ichol, Timothy 10, 96, 107, 146, 148, 172 McShea, Christopher 69 McWilliams, Patrick 96 Meade, Joseph 96 Mee, Brian 62 Mee, Matthew 69, 174, 196 Meinert, Andrew 55 Mele, Anthony 23 Meloscia, Alexander 62 Merlini, Kevin 62, 148 Mezzanotte, James 151 Michel, Mallhew 55, 151 Michuda, Matthew 62 Middlemiss,Andrew 97, 146, 148, 162, 165, 203 Michie, Timothy 97, 158, 159, 174, 196, 197 Mielnik, Michael 55, 112 Mikulski, Neil 69, 146, 168 Miller, Kevin 69, 159, 174 Miller, Mr. Gerald 34 Miller, Robert 69 Miller, Scott 62, 176 Miller, Thomas 55 Moatz, Bradley 55 Modeera, Bill 177 Moffatt, Joel 62 Molchen, Gregory 55 Molony, Thomas 97 Molush, Mr. Edward 31


Mooney, sean 96, 200 Moore, Patrick 62, 69, 174, 196 Moore, Shawn 55 Morue, Matthew 69 Morris, Gregory 96 Morris, Timothy 62 Morsell, Michael 96, 148, 198 Mullen, Mrs. Karen 24, 202 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay 27 Mullen, Raymond 62 Mullen, William 97,128 Muller, Paul 55 Mullin, Mallhew 62 Mulrain, Jordan 55, 151 Mulrain, Ryan 69, 148 Munn, Chad 55, 172 Munn, Samuel 62 Murphy, Christopher 69, 177 Murphy, Colin 62, 195 Murphy, Joseph 151 Murphy, Michael 69 Murphy, Mrs. Palty 24, 202 Murphy, Sleven 62, 159 Murray, Dennis 69 Murray, Gary 62 Murray, Matthew 62, 112 Myers, Brother Joseph 28,126 N

Naticchione, Peter 55,176 Nedl, Michael 97, 116, 174, 196 Needle, Daniel 69, 148 Neely, Mr. Shawn 36,140,174,196,202 Neill, John 97 Nero, Joseph 110 Neverosky, Daniel 69, 152, 153, 155, 198 Nicolelli, Mr. Geoffrey 28,"0 Nix, Robert 22 Nocero III, Peter 69 Noel, Matthew 155 Nolan Coach Peter, 176 Noone, James 98, 146, 148 Noone, Kevin 62, 148 Noronha, Rajesh 69, 112, 202 Nowicki, James 62, 177

o O'Brien, Shawn 98,117 Ochmanski, Mike 178 Ockershausen, sean 63 O'Connor, Austin 55 O'Connor, Paul 69 O'Connor, Peter 62 O'Connor, Shawn 69,148 O'Connor, Thomas 55 O'Donnell, Andrew 63 O'Donnell, Dennis 98, 169,170 O'Donnell, John 63 O'Donnell, Matthew 55,69 O'Donnell, Michael 63 O'Donnell, Peter 69 O'Hara, Andrew 69,178 O'Hara, Brendan 169,170 O'Hara, John 63 Oldfield, Michael 99,178,179 Olender, Keith 63


Oliver, Aaron 98 Oliver, 8enedict 22 Olsen, Ronald 70 O'Malley, Timothy 169,170 O'Mear.ll, Brian 63 O'Neill, Brian 99, 190,191 O'Neill, Eric 55 O'Neill, James 99 O'Neill, Patrick 55 Onufrak, Nicholas 55,151 Opdyke, Jonathan 98 Orlick, Abe 202 O'Shaughnessy,liam, 159,174 O'Toole, Mr. Michael 30 p

Paine, Jon 112 Palilonis, Michael 63,159 Palmer, Mr. BroJdley 37 Palmer, Gamal 70, 113, '28 Palmieri, James 70, 113 Palo, Jeremy 70, 158, 159 Palop.ali, Stephen 98 Pap.a, Joseph 70,182 Parisi, Mr. Joseph 34,182 Parisi, Michael 55 Patcella, leonard 63 Patel, Amit 70 Patel, Arpil 55 Paul, John 22 Payne, Jonathan 55 Peme, 80b 155 Peme, Michael 63,152,155 Pennington, Christopher 63,148 Penzarella, Nicholas 55 Peronace, Rocco 99 Peterman, David 55 Peterson, Charles IV 70 Pelerson, Erik 178 Pel it, Nick 148 Pelitti, Nicholas 63 Pelruzzelli, Gary 63 Peuolli, Sanlo, Ir. 99 pfeil, francis 70, 148 Phelan, William 55,112,202 Philipp, Robert 63, 148 Philomena,Justin 55,151 Phinney, Gregory 55, 159 Pietrak, Jeffrey 70,146,148,149,182 Pipe-r, Thomu 63 Pippen, T.J. 188 Pippel, Timolhy 63, 169, 170 Plachla, Chrislopher 70 Poley, John 55, 151 Poho, Robert 99 Ponisciak, Daniel 70,141,202 Ponisciak, Mrs. Dorothy 36 Poniseiak, Timothy 63, 141, 202 Potter, 8radly 100 Prego, John 55 Prem, Timothy 55 Price, John 100, 146, 148 Priest, Dustin 55, 151 Primus, Juslin 70, 146, 148, 198 Pucci, Michael 63, 202 Pugh, Torey 63, 148 Puglisi, Brian 63

Puntel, Mr. Alfred 28, 158 Puntel,Andrew 55, 159,169, 191 Purtell, Dan 70 Q Queen, Gregory 70, 120, 140,202 Quenzer, Philip 70 Quenzer, Zachary 63 Quinn, Daniel 55 Quinn, Sean 100 R

Radvansky, Mr. Joseph 38, 151 Raida, Joseph 63 Rakowski, Andrew 70 Ramos, Alex 63 Ramos, Gilbert 70 Ramos, Michael 55 Ranweiler, Matthew 63, 169, 170, 202 RoJu,Jeffrey 63,178 Ray, 8arton 63, 118, 168, 169 Read, Paul 101, 126 Reckamp, Todd 55 Reid, William 70 Reifsnyder, Gerald 63 Reiley, Christopher 56, 159 Reiley, Timothy 70, 128 Reilly, leo 56 Reilly, Shane 70, 177 Remshard, John 63 Richards, Adam 70, 182 Rieck, 8ro. James 21,202 Riley, Thomas 56 Robinson, Kevin 70 Roche, Mr. lames 17,39, 143 Rodriguez, lose 101, 119 Rogers, Curtis 63 Romano,Andrew 70, 169 Romanzo, Brian 70 Rose, Patrick 63,191 Rucinski,Jeffrey 100,190,191 Ruegg, Mark 70, 172 Russell, Mr. Robert 39, 46 Ryan, Belty 45 Ryan, frank 22

s Sakulich, Aaron 56 Salemno, Mary 45 Salvilti, Patrick 63, 177 Sams, Brandon 56 Sansalone, Edward 100 Sanlillo, Drew 63 Santucci, Christopher 100,110,119 Sarracino, Robert 56 Sasso, Adam 56, 128 Sautter, William 63 Savage, Eric 56 SavoJge, John 101, 152, 155 Savage, Michael 63,152,155 Savino, Ann 45 Sayers, Andrew 70 ScOlli, David 56 Scanlon, Seth 101, 110,112,113,118,126,140,202 Schafer,Casey 101, 176

Schaffer, Matthew 63 Schane, Michael 102,188 Schaible, Christopher 64 Schaum, Mrs. Patricia 24,202 Schieler, 8ro. Robert 22 Schill, Gregory 64, 118, 159 Schmel, David 70, 128, 178 Schmidt, Rohert 56 Schmiedekamp, Carl 41 Schmiedekamp, Mendel 102, 113, 128, 202 Schmill, John 22 Schu, Christopher 102, 118 Schwan, Eric 64 Scott, Christopher 70 Scully, Matthew 103 Seely, Peter 103 Sees, John 64 Seiferth, Eric 70, 148 Seiss, Colin 64 Semanick, Kevin 56, 158, 159 Semanick, Mark 103, 158, 174, 196, 197, 202 Semerad, Matt 148 Senkow, Bohdan 128 Serianni, Justin 102, 110 Sforza, John P. 64 Sharkey, S. Paul 70, 114, 118, 169, 170, 202 Shay, Raymond 56 Sheels, Mary 27 Shepherd, Brandon 56 Shimizu, Brendan 70 Shivers, Richard 56 Shreffler, Brion 102 Shuslack, Ms. Tina 39 Sidlia, Michael 64 Sigmund, Mr. Peter 41, 192 Simcox, Christopher 64 Sinclair, Michael 70 Siravo, Anthony 56 Siravo, Joseph 70 Slattery, Patrick 64,148 Small, Christopher 70 Smalley, Mark 70 Smith, Brian 64 Smith, Bro. Dominic 42 Smith, Christopher 56, 64,152 Smith, Dr. Scotl 37 Smith, Gavin 71 Smith, Gilbert 102,158,174,196 Smith, Mrs. Mary '0 38, 113 Smolczynski, Mary 45 Snyder, Anthony 64 Snyder, Charles 103,110 Spangler, David 71 Sparks, Kristopher 103,110 Spause, Mr. Francis 38, Spause, Fran 103, 182, 186 Spause, Joseph 56 Spieker, Joseph 56 Stack, Christopher 71 Staffieri, Gary 71 Slanczak, Mr. Martin 21, 43,47,202 Stanton, Christopher 64 Stanton, Dennis 56, 151 Stasiorowski, Adam 64

Staub, Chrislopher 56 Steffa,loseph 64,152,155 Sterner, Bro. Rene 20, 22, 113, 127, 202 Sterner, Stephen 56 Stevens, Ryan 56 Stieber, Francis 71 Stieber, Thomas 56 Stix, Eric 56, 113 Stocum, Matthew 64 Strain, Vincent 71 Stross, Alexander 56 Strzalka, John 56 Styer, Matthew 71 Sudfeld, Karl H. 56 Sullivan II, Michael 71 Sullivan, James 64,118 Sullivan, Robert 56 Sullivan, William 64 Sutton, Justin 104, 176 Sweeney, James 71 Sweeney, Joseph 64 Swoyer, John 64 Szczech, Mark 71, 178 T

Target, Richard 64 Tarsi, Nicholas 104 Tate, Richard 104,158,174,196 Tatunchak, Alexander 71 Teesdale, Sean 64, 155, 174, 196 Thai, Bro. Michael 33 Thiers, George 105, 202 Thomas, Gregory 71 Thomas, W. McAllister 54 Toole, Sean 56 Trappler, James 71, 148 Travers,John 71,118,148 Trendier, Nicholas 64,148 Trimboli, Anthony 56, 177 Troy, Anthony 64 Tucci, Michael 64 Tucker, John 71 Tucker, Sean 64, 168, 169, 170 Tuman,Ryan 71,168,169,170,171 Turk, Jeremy 56, 159 Turk, Jonalhan 71 Turner, Mr. Thomas 35,202 Tursi, Benjamin 64,191 Tyrrell, James 56

u Urban, Brett

56, 177

v Vagnoni, David 105, 118, 140, 202 Valentine, Mallhew 71 Van Horn, H. Edward 71 Vandiver, Andrew 56 Varalli, Stephen 64 Vassallo, Joseph 56, 159 Velasco, John 64 Vettori, Mr. Joseph 41, 110 Vigorita, Joseph 105,176 Violi, Joseph 57 Vizza, Gregory 64 Vlahos, Anthony 64

Vlahos, Thomas 71 Von Medicus, Willianl 57 Vorgity, Gary 57, 176

w Wahl, Matthew 57,169,170 Wall, John 71 Walter, Robert 57 Ward, Christopher 71,152,154,155,174, 19. Ward, Mrs. Florence 23 Warren, Jamin 57, 151 Waters, James 104 Walson, Jeffrey 104 Wall, Daniel 104 Weinacht, Paul 71, 146, 148 Weinert, Michael 71,178 Weldon, Benjamin 64 Wells, Thomas 105 Welsh, Eugene 105 Welsh, John 71 Wentz, Joseph 64 Wesley, Mati 198 Westermann, Edward 105,152,155,188 Westfield, Sean 71, 152, 153, 155 Westley, Malthew 64, 148 Whalen, Mr. Marlin 22 Whinney, Charles 64 Whitaker, Mr. Michael 22 White, John 57 While,lohnathan 57 While, Paul 65, 128 Wiley, Mr. Gary 36,121,178 Williams, David 57 Williams, James 71 Williams, Patrick 57 Williams, Rodger 176 Williamson, Christopher 65, 148 Wills, Michael 106 Wilson, James 71 Winterbottom, Henry 106 Wintering, Michael 65 Winward, Christopher 71, 148 WisotzKey, Kyle 57, 151 Woertz, Harry 106 Wojnarski, Mariusz 65 Woods, Karl 106, 178 y

Yanoshik,8eau 71,178, 202 Yeiter, Mrs. Ally 45 Young, Mr. John 35 Yu, Daniel 106

z Zazworskey, John 57 Zebik, Robert 71 Zeccardi, Michael 106,146,148 Zettle, Scott 107, 172 Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nancy 33,115, 142 Zollo, Stephen 57


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