1998 Blue and Gold Yearbook

Page 1


Guidance 28

Underclass 47


Mathematics 30

Aclivities 72

Religion 32

:B: Sports 106 :B:


Seniors 162

Science 34

Social Studies 36

:B: Acknowledgments 200 :B:

Index 210



La Salle College High School .

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8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 1

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eyond the intense coUege preparatory atmosphere which permeates the halls of La Salle as an academic institution, there is a lot that defines La Salle. While the immediate and perhaps valid assertions that "we have the best sports teams" or "the most advanced computer center" mayor may not be the case, there really is something else that makes La Salle very special: an overwhelming sense of pride present within the school. Who doesn't feel pride when hearing the Alma Mater, receiving applause for academic letters, earning a National Merit Scholarship, or watching one of our sports learns win it all? Or who wasn't affected when Mr. Fitzgerald spoke at his wife's Mass, displaying the sort of courage you couldn't help but feel proud of? Asking a visitor 10 define what makes our school distinctive might very likely prompt a response of surprise as to how much pride there really is here. And even though many of the students might initially doubt it, think about it. Are there any seniors whomuch as they denied any possibility of it ever happening upon arriving here freshman year - aren't proud, really proud of La Salle? The feeling is so pervasive here that at this year's graduation, in addition to the obvious sadness and an;"iety, there will be evident a great pride in what the school community has managed to accomplish these past four years. How about the underclassmen? The short time the freshmen have been here has been enough to form friend¡ ships among students and relationships with teachers - the k.ind that make you proud to go here. The sophomores and juniors, too, are a large part in making La Salle what it is, in both an academic and a communal sense. II is a time for pride. Different kinds of pride, which vary with each individual and accomplishment, but which work together to make La Salle a great school community. Academic pride. Each of us has had ow struggles in getting that report done on time or bringing that "6" up to an "A. n Or studying for next week's "impossible" geometry test. Or getting Beowulf read by tomorrow. The La Salle academic experience, unique to each student, somehow transcends each individual toa higher, common plane. All of us are proud of our




Instead of 80in810 their game, Andy Au and Phil Bocc.hino wail for another inspiring malc.h of pit volleyball.


Another student finds himHlf in u. Salle'.. "BiS HOUH." the new outdoor detention facility.


accomplishments inside the classroom Extracurricular pride. Be it the short-lived rivalry between the Wisterian and the Explorer Extra (underdassmeI\. don't ask), the legendary feats of the La Salle forensics club, or the positivelr amazing achievements of various sports teams here throughout the last few years, every student has some story to tell about what they've managed to do outside of class. There's nothing wrong with pride in these accomplishments, either, and the fact that so many students participate in so many varied activities - from ice hockey to the Latin Club to lacrosse to La Salle's recently-launched television studio, WEXP - is a true testament to the pride and self-satisfaction many of us feel towards our respective clubs and organizations. And how about pride in each other? The sports teams, for example, work hard all year together, and, whether they win that PCLchampionship or not, every player forms an irrevocable bond with his teammates. If sports aren't your cup of tea, know that forum members rqoice when others have spoken eloquently or debated strongly. And who isn't happy for that other guy who gets accepted to the school of his dreams? Just being at La Salle creates a special kind of attachment among students that people always say is so lacking at many other places - the cheering at the pep rallies and the morning congratulations in the halls really exemplify the type of pride that La Salle students feel for one another. And last but certainly not least is school pride. Like it or not (and, really, who doesn't?), La Salle truly is a light group of faculty and students-but beyond that, La Salle isacommunity. Whether it's seven pel championships or fourteen National Merit Seminfinalists that we are celebrating. there's a sense here


"Daniel, it would behoove you to 'expand' on thaI, utilizing more esoteric verbiage, so thatlhe hoi polloi might more readily comprehend the arcana of your last statement,"


that when some of us accomplish an extraordinary act or strive to improve something about ourselves, the institution itself benefits. That's what makes La Salle special: there's a real pride here not only among the students but for the school, a real feeling that it's not "every man for himself" but a true fellowship through which we better this place. This pride, though, goes beyond mere competition with other schools. The fact that the alumni community prospers as it does indicates something far greater - that this pride will likely be carried with us in aJl of our upcoming challenges and struggles, and that we will never out路 grow our La Salle pride. Our four years here leave us with a sense of belonging that doesn't dissipate with time and a sense of brotherhood that we will possess no matter where our lives go. There's a real feeling here that the seniors care what's going to happen next year-and the year after that. How will the football team do? What will the student council do next? Will we always have this level of reliability within the computer center? In reality, "La Salle pride" can't be defined or limited. When we leave La Salle - and, believe it or not, freshmen, it comes fairly quickly -we won't physically be attending classes, filling our lockers up with junk, or practicing for next week's game. But the "blue and gold" pride we have all experienced will forever be with us as alumni. After the members of the class of 1998 graduate, La Salle will not be the same. Many personalities and memories will have moved on to other things. But, at the graduation ceremony. as each senior receives his diploma, he will experience a moment that embodies the four years of happiness and hardships. 11 is one instance where a student truly is La Salle. It is one of many Lasallian defining experiences - perhaps even the most special of them - and, above all, it is a time of pride.





Th~ other

st"denu thought it quite biurn that Chip had .. hand growin8 out of hit hair.

"Hmmm.•. if I save my lunch monty lodloy, 1 un buy two lunch6IomorTOw.-




if it is ~ IN'rfect wt. someone (;Iln 'pike the b,lIIl without dimbinl the nri


Dedication: La Sallels

Mr. William Geiger


Renaissance Man

"R teacher can nelJer tell where his influence stops." Mr. William Geiger embodies this saying. which defines the profound effect he has on La Salle and on those around him. He exemplifies the teachings of 51. Jean Baptiste de La Salle. Always one to keep his cool in the most tense of moments, Mr. Geiger teaches by example. We. the students. appreciate his

incomparable, laid-back approach, which makes learning easy and fun. We welcome his directness and the sense of humor which brightens a room with laughter and sprinkles it with puns. We are thankful for his encouragement. We appreciate Mr. Geiger's devotion to our after-school life as wen. He has willingly agreed to moderate a revival of the Latin Club. He has helped us build boats for the Recyclable Regatta, develop photos in the darkroom. put the finishing touches on a beautiful layout for the yearbook, and ready our work for the Gaubo. Bill Geiger, a La Salle graduate and a former McDonald's fry-guy, is a man of wide-ranging interests-the environment, classics, journalism, cinema, photography, tennis. He generously shares those interests with others, whether it's teaching La tin, Environmental Science or W riling; advising the photographers for the Bille and Gold; discussing the merits of recent movies; or dueling with Mr. Russell on the tennis courts. We wish to thank Mr. Geiger for his devotion to learning. to La Salle, and especially to us, his students. And finally, for his years of dedication to the yearbook, we, the staff of the Yearbook, dedicate the 1998 Blue and Gold to William Geiger.


La Salle's Higher Educators I

t seems only appropri,'le that any discussion of 1..1 Salle pride open with the unique team of faculty dnd administrators that make up the stimulating academic environment within the i..-tSalle das~room. The very definition of the La Salle experience comes through these men and women who have dedicated their lives to Lasallian education. There could be no A.P. English without the effort of Dr. Joseph D'Angelo 10 pull Hlogether. Fine Arts Survey would not exist were it nol for the talents of Ms. Melissa Cenlofante. It's hard 10 imagine C.. lculus without Mr. James Roche or Mr. Joseph Rad\"ansky; Mr. Timothy Stopper's leadership of the Chorus class has led to seven La Salle AU-ealholic Chorus members - out of seven auditions. Without such commitment and loyalty, on the part of the La 5.11le teaching community as a whole, a La 5.,111..' education would not be so special. The L.,Salle experience would be noteworthy if only for wh"t these educators do within the classroom, but any student will testify to Mr. Joseph Colistra'~ work with the football team or Mr. Joseph DcmpbCY'~ occa~ionally chaotic but always fun leadership of WEXP (along with, of course, his legendary basketball coaching skills) or to the expertise that other teachers who happen to coach or moderate during their "free" time lend to La5.,lle student life. To S<ly that teachers at laSalle arc the lap of their fields is true, but to ignore their other abilities (demonstrated each day for clubs and sports of every kind) would be unfair. They arc a diverse, multitalenlL-'d group who contribute positively to high school life. It is indl'ed a time of pride! That pride is easy to see - of the students for their teachers, and of the teache~ from their students. And the pride will continue long after we all have left laSalle, thanks to the e:\cellence and devotion of the teachers who define the LaSallian c'(pericnce.



O.K. Mr. Sl~ncuk. who's ne~t? Th~l

will le~ch you to throw things ~l me!


"Oh my Cod, it ..路orks!"



Brother Rene Sterner, FSC, President; Key COllcepts of C1Iristianity.

Mr. David Diehl, Principal; Eco/lomics 1.


Bro. Francis Danielski, FSC, Assistant Principal, Academic Affairs; Prayer.

Mrs. Julia Maher, Assistant Principal, Student Affairs; PllysicnlScieuce.

Bro. James Rieck, FSC. Director of Admissions; Morality.

Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC, Director of Alumni, Financial Aid, and Public Relations; Algebra 1.

Mr. Martin Stanczak, Dean of Students.

Bro. Gerard Frendreis, FSC, Comptroller; Algebra 2.


Board of Trustees

1997路1998 Board of Trustees: Back Row (left to right): Dr. John F. Carabello, Mr. John F. Kent, Bro. Andrew SMiley, Mr. John F. Lehmann, Mr. John Meko, Mrs. Geraldine A. Henwood, Mr. Robert P. Moran, Bro. Gerard Frendreis, FSC, Bro. Timothy Froehlich, FSC, Mr. James E. Hanson, Bro. Lawrence Colhocker. F5C, Mr. John F. Rodenbaugh, Mr. John T. Paul. Front Row (hit to right): Mr. Frank G. Clary. Mr. Frankl Ryan, Mr. Joseph J. Connelly, Jr., Mr. David Diehl, Bro. Benedict Oliver, FSC, Mr. Anton Bauer, Mrs. JlIlia Maher, Bro. Frands Danielski, F5C, Dr. Michael Whitaker, Bro. Rene Stemer, FSC.


Alumni House

Mr. Anthony Mete, Assistant to the


Mrs. Patricia I:>ever. Development Office

Mrs. Florence Ward. Development Office


English: Literature and Poetry


Mr. Edward McCabe; Department Chair,

Mr. Edward Molush; Ellglisll 3, Ellglish 4

Englisl/1. EIIglislr 4

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo; Englis1l2, Ellglis1l4, AP Ellg/ish, Creative Writillg


Mr. Bernard McCabe; English 2, Ellg/is/l 4

Mr. Dennis Bloh; Eng/ish 3, ElIg/is/l 4

Mr. Brian McGill; English 1, 2

, Mr. Michael O'Toole; Ellg/is!, 3

Mr. Joseph Dempsey; English 1, English 2


Foreign Language: La Salle's Linguistic Melting Pot

Mr. Gabriel Blanco; Department Chair, Spall;,,11

Mr. Nicholas Coggins; Spa"ish

Mrs. Linda Donahue; Spani5/l. AP Spmllsh

Mr. George Hohenleitner;


Germa". Scripture




ancy Zoeltsch; Spanish

Mr. Oavid Manion; Frencll, Spanish

Mr. Kenneth Flood; Spanisll

Bro. Charles Lackes. F.S.c.; Spanish

Mr. William Geiger; utin, ÂŁnviromnental SdetlU, A.P. ErlVir01lmental Scienct

Bro. john O'Alfonso, F.5.C.; Frencll, Spanish

Bro. Michael Thai, F.5.C; French,lapa,,~. Spaflis/l


Guidance: Leading Students To Enlightenment

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen; Senior/Jullior Guidance,

Psychology, Group Advisory

Bro. William DiPasquale, FSC; Seniorl}lmior Gllidatlu, rllglis!, 3, Group Advisory

Mrs. Bemadette Logan; College Counseling. Senior Assistant


Mr. Michael Dolan; Department Chair, Psychology

Mr. Patrick Devine; Sopllomore GlIida1lu, Life Styles,


Mr. Martin Jackson; Language Specialist, Psychology

Mr. John Keenan; Freshman Guidance, Reading alld Get/eraf



Mathematics: Mmmm.... pi....

Mrs. Mary 10 Smith; Department Chair, Algebra,

Mrs. Maureen Dugan; Algebra, Math Analysis

Geometry, Math Analysis

Mr. John Frizalone; Matll Anlllysis, Algebra, eeometryTrigotlometry, Trigollometry


Mrs. Theresa Garvin; Algebra, Geometry

Mr. Francis Spause; Algebra, Geometry. Trigonometry,

Mr. Joseph Radvansky; Algebra, Calculus, Mat" Analysis

Math App/icatio/ls

Mr. James Roche; Algebra, Cn/cu/IIS. AP Ca/wlus

Ms. Tina Shustack; Algebra, Geometry-Trigollometry, Statistics, Math Allalysis


Religion: Divine Guidance

Mr. Alfred Pun Ie); Department Chair, CatllOfic Idelltity. Morality

Mr. Mark Chesnik; Morality. Christin" Actioll,

Peer Ministry


Bro. Kenneth Cook, FSC; Catholic Identity. Scripture

icoletti; CaOlolic Identity. World Religio"s, Scripture

Bro. Joseph Myers, FSC; Scriptl"e, Tec1micaf Drawing, C/"istia" Actio"

Mr. Francis Johnson; Morality, C/"isfia" Actioll

Mr. William Leahy; Catholic Identity, Busi"ess

Mr. Geoffrey


Science: Life, the Universe, and Everything Else

Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak; Department Cllair, AP

Mr. Terence Gillespie; AP Biology, Biology

Cllemistry, Chemistry

Mr. Thomas Barna; ClII.'lIlistry


Mr. Gerald Evans; Biology. Allatomy

Mr. G<lry Wiley; Pllysics. Astrollomy. Meter%gy



Mr. Robert Russell; AP Pllysics. Physics, Algebra


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Mr. Michael Semin<lck; Physicol Sciellce. Geometry

Mr. Shawn Neely; Biology. Life Science

Mr. Br<ldley Palmer; Cllemistry, Pllysicol Science


Social Studies History of the WorId, Parts I & II

Mr. John Grace; Department Chair, World Cultl/res, Westem Civilization, AP European History

Mr. Joseph Colistra; AP Ecol/omics, America" History, AP America" History


Bro. Timothy Ahern, FSC; Catholic Identit.v, American History, Civil War


Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald; Westen! Ciui/iZiltion, America" History

Mr. Daniel Hinckle; Wt'Stml Citlilization. Accounting.

Mr. John Young; Wt'Sterll CiuifiUllion, World Culturt'S.



Mr. Joseph Parisi; World Cultures, Psychology

Mr. Gerald Miller; Viehtnt1l, Political Science, Americall History, Westenl Civiliwtiofl


General Studies Etc. Etc. Etc.

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro; Department Chair; Gel/em/ Studies; Mllsic

Mr. Joseph Vetlori; Music

Ms. Jane Me Nally; Nurse


Mr. Timothy Stopper; Fille Arts Survey, Chorus

Mr. Scott McGill; Music

Mr. Edwin Kelly; Public Speaki"g

Mr. Tore Hanssen; Physical Education


Mr. Frank Lichtner; Aquatics



Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro; Hea/tll

Mrs. Diane McGovern; Pailltillg, Drawing, Foundations of Art

Mrs. Meliss., Gaskins-Centofante; Ceramics, SClilptrlre, Fi"e Arts Survey

Mr. David Crowe; AtMetic Trailler


Information & Advice

Mrs. Donna Long; Librarian

Fr. Anthony Janton; C/rap/ain



Mrs. Helen Gallagher; Library Assistant

Dr. Carl Schmiedekamp; Progrommmg, AP Computer Science

Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell; Bookstore Manager

Mr. Peter Sigmund; Computer Appliea路 hons, Internet Applications

Secretaries Information Plus...


Mrs. Karen Mullen

Mrs. Patricia Murphy

------ _.-

Mrs. Ann Ford


Mrs. Patricia Schaum


Maintenance The Nuts and Bolts of La Salle

M.r. Guido Cimini

Mr. Frank Ignas

Mr. AI Loscalzo

Mr. Michael Donovan

Mr. Rod Brader

I Mr. James Behr

Mr. Edward Cunnane


Cafeteria Feeding the Hungry Troops

1997-98 Cafeteria Staff: (Back Row L to R): Patty Garvey, Betty Ryan, John DiCataldo, Ethel Burg, Mary Smolczynski, Stephanie Smolczynski (Front Row L 10 R): Marie McFadden, Alice Yelter, Rose DiPinto, Mary Salemno, Darlene Cunane. Missing: Diane Farrell, Mary Fox.

Mrs. Rose DiPinto, Director of Food Services


Educator of the Year Basically He's the Man I

Mr. Nicholas Coggins


genuinely talented teacher who inspires so mllch more than a love for Spanish in his students, Mr. Nicholas Coggins is a natural choice for "Educator of the Year." Since arriving in the Lasallian community in 1992, he's found time to helm the Ski and Spanish Clubs and moderate the sophomores on Student Council in addition to his duties as a foreign language teacher. Mr. Coggins' aptitude and skill in Icaching Spanish are almost unparalleled. He's a great teacher who conveys the material he covers in a manner that's always clear and understandable. No one who enters Mr. Coggins' classroom leaves without a wealth of knowledge, not just about the Spanish language, but about the Spanish and Latin American cultures and lifestyles as well. Mr. Coggins also knows how to connect with his students, Rarely does a week go by without one of his famous skiing stories or account of an amazing mountain biking exploit. His always friendly attitude and down-toearth personality give him the tremendous ability to relate to his classes, and it is easy to see why he's one of the most popular teachers at La Salle. Mr. Coggins' selection as "LaS<"lllian Educator of the Year" only confirms what the many he's taught already know: he's a great Spanish teacher, an amicable person, and a true asset to the school community.


The La Salle Game Pass GO to Collect an Excuse Note

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Underclassmen LaSalle's Foundation


I won't be long until the freshmen who arrived in September, not knowing the directions to the swimming pool, the location of room 120, or the proper fry路buying procedure, will be leaving. going on to college. As the days and months march by, even less time remains for the sophomores and juniors. whose seriousness in preparation for college grows al an exponential rate. But as all underclassmen prepare for the inevitable day of acceptances and rejections.

and the ultimate choice-where 10 from here?some retrospect over the last nine months seems in order.

A year of education. Freshmen learning that there's no "getting by" without doing homework. sophomores disco\"ering the value of regular study, and juniors trying to get good grades onto their transcripts in order to make up for the last two years-along with, of course, appropriate advances in knowledge of math, science, history. and foreign languages. A year of frustration. Juniors on the varsity footb.,11 team, doing so well-until the heartbreaking loss in the first round of the playoffs. Students trying, trying for that "A" in Spanish-and naught but a "6" to show for it. Ti,e Odyssey isn't quite as "easy" as you thought it might be. A year of elation. How else to describe the freshmen cross country team's Catholic League victory? Or making the basketball team when you weren't sure you could? Or just getting first honors when you weren't sure you could pull that 3.51 A year of hard work and dedication, commitment and celebration; a year of pride. And they'll be back next year, trying, once again.


n80y, thi$ $Un' be.lol'li Cdc:ulus.n ND.I


do run run, d.l do run run_. n

"What, you h;a... ~ EIGHT fr«


"I wonder if New Kids on the Block will evu gel bolck together?"

. "••• r· •

'·W.llch )'our fingers there!"


William Ac.kerman Domenic.o Addesi Imoniri Ahonkhai John Alfarano Andrew Allmond

Seth Anders Stephen Andrews Christopher Antczak Nicholas Ashton Sean Badolato

Brian Baillie Alphaeus Baker David Bartynski Christopher Beale Ryan Beck

Patrick Bello Ryan Bennett Edward Bennis Joseph Blake Thomas Bloh

Michael Bondiskey Richard Bongiovanni John Borden Joshua Borkowski Nicholas Bowers

Christopher Breen Mark Breuer Daniel Buckley Joseph Bui Michael Buonocore

Justin Cadwell Brian Campo David Candia Andrew Cappelli Joseph Carelli



John Carr Sleven Carvalho Raymond Cawley Christopher Chancler Michael Checkovage

Anthony Ciaverelli Edmund Clairmont Joseph Clarke Kyle Cleary Michael Cloonan

Daniel Coghlan Adam Comisnk Sean Connor Matthew Costello Michael Coveney

Drew Craver Kevin Cross Brendan Crotty Brian Dailey Patrick Dalton

James Danella Charles Day John Delaney Jason Dempsey Charles Denny

David DeParo Jeremy Desiderio Michael Diccicco Gabriel DiClerico Ryan Diehl

Nicholas DiPaolo Stephen DiPardo NamDo John Doherty Donald Durkin

Class of 2001 49

James Edelen Kyle Elliott Peter Elliott Brian Fay Matthew Finley

Sean Fitzgerald Ryan Fitzpatrick Emer Flounders Paul Foglia Andrew Fox

Christopher Frein Edward Friel James Fullerton Edward Galbally Bryan Gallagher

Ian Garrity Shawn Garvin Michael Gavin Matthew Gdowik Anthony Geiger

Mark Gemerd John Gill Sean Ginty Daniel Girard Thomas Gorman

Mark Grady Anthony Green Gu.s Gregoriadis Eric Griffin-Shelley Darren Grossman

Philip Gugger DavidGyza Matthew Haenn Michael Hammond Joseph Hand

Freshmen 50

Anthony Haughton Bryan Hemerka Matthew Herzog Jonathan Hicks Michael Hilferty

Christopher Hoagland Michael Holbert Timothy Hope Brett Hopkinson Joseph Horvath

Edward Hughes Michael Hughes Stephen lui Kyle}ohn Ryan Jones

Gary Kane Matthew Kane Louis Katsis Edward Keenan Andrew KeUy

Class of 2001 51

Brendan Kelly Kenneth Kempf Brett Kochanowicl. Yaroslav Kovaliv Todd Kowalski

james Kulesher Joseph Lanzalotti Thomas Lamer Carlo laRuffa Michael Leonard

Thomas Leonard Nicholas Levine Ceorge Lozowski Sean Luhks Patrick Lusc:hini

Gregory Madden Brian Madeira Brian Mallon Michael MaJloy Michael Manzi

Gabriel MarabeUa jonathan Marabella Anthony MarielJo Daniel Marvin jeffrey Masiak

James Massino Thomas Mattern Joseph Mattioli Thomas McCaffery Michael McCarthy

Freshmen 52

Frank McCloy Robert McCre;ght Ryan McDowell Patrick McGinn Emmett McGowan

Daniel Mclaughlin Jason Meixsell Francis Menna Frank Meola James Mikochik

Eric Miller

Gregory Miller Michael Miller

Andrew Monaghan Justin Morace

Nathaniel Moss Michael Mulligan

Brian Murray Philip Nigon Andrew O'Brien

Matthew O'Connor MichaelO'Connor Dennis O'Donnell MichaelO'Donnell Thomas O'Keefe

Michael Olshansky Ryan Overcash Christopher Overholt Dean Owens Timothy PaJilonis

Class of 2001 53

Ryan Parfitt James Park William Parker Michael Parson Brent Parsons

Jeffrey Paul Leo Pedrotty James Pickens Edward Pigeon Sean Pinkerton

Christopher Potestio Nicholas Pnybylowski Robert Queroli Christopher Ransom David Read

Harry Reese Charles Reilly David Rhoads Joseph Rossetti Brendan Rueter

Christopher Salvitti Jeffrey Saunders Gregory Schaible Brendan Schmiedkamp Matthew Scott

Michael Seelaus James Sheridan David Skoicn Joseph Siabinski I)('nnis Small

Graham Smith Javed Sandhi Paul Stabile MichaelSteffa Ryan Stillwell

Freshmen 54

Mark Swanson

Roger Swartz Martin Thomas Brett Thompson Henry Thompson

Michael Tiemey David Tucci Christopher Tuman Michael Turner Joseph Wallace

Michael Walls Jeffrey Walter Christopher Whelan Richard Wise Stephen Wiseman

Roger Yeung Gavin Young John Zaro Andrew Zoltowski

Class of 2001 55

Daniel Acker Jason Ager Michael Agnew Matthew Albert Michael Albert

Terrence Alexander Christopher Andris Louis Angelo Gilberto Aponte Anthony Arnone

Brian Bacher

Benjamin Bailey Kevin Baker Edward Baraniewicz Ernest Barile IV

Leon Beon Ale'lCander Bethke Timothy Black II j. Andrew Blank Douglas Bohardt

Stephm Bolger William Bonner John Boring IJ1 Stephen Boyle Thomas Brasberger

Patrick Breen路Lopez

J. Drew Brelsford Daniel Bridy Richard Briggs Ryan Brogan

Sean Brooks Kieran Bryers Anthony Buonocore Chad Burczewski David Bustard

Sophomores 56

Robert Byrne Thomas CaJahan Kyle Callahan Daniel Callan Michael Callan

Devin Campbell Havilland Campbell Steven CandIa Zachary Capetola Joseph Cardella

Joseph Carminati Shawn Carr Paul Carroll Brian Cheatle Nicholas Ciminera

Ryan Galli Peter Oark Paul Colistra Andrew Comia Ernest Congiliando

James Conlin P. Matthew Comely Michael Cosgrove Anthony Costantino Matthew Costello

Christopher Curci Joseph Cutuli Michael DeCrescio

ic:holas Della Vecc:hia Thomas Devlin

Dennis Dilks Kevin Dolan Jason Dooney Christopher Dougherty Craig Dougherty

Class of 2000 57

James Dougherty Joseph Dougherty Kevin Dougherty Philip Dougherty Sean Dougherty

Thomas Dougherty Laurence Downey Vincent Du

James Durkin Daniel Dwyer

Joseph Dwyer Jr. John Egan David Ellis

Roger Ermola 11 Ryan Fagan

William Fegley Robert Felte III Andrew Filipczak Carmen Finore

Johnathan Firth

Kevin Fitzgerald Jr. Terence Fitzgibbons Brett Foley Michael Frank Justin Fries

Dean Frizlen Daniel Calbally William Canter Brendan Cates Joseph Cidjunis

Kevin Gimpel Matthew Giuffrida Christopher Glavin Jeffrey Goettner Thomas Golden

Sophomores 58

Bradley Green James Green Andrew Grzybowski Eric Grzybowski Alexander Guthrie

Shea Hagy Robert Haney Michael Harrigan Matthew Hartnett Bryan Harvey

Paul Heinsdorf Patrick Higgins Patrick Hildebrandt David Hill Brian Horgan

Timothy Horgan Jesse Horsbnann Kevin Hughes

Class of 2000 59

Gregory Hylinski Roman rwaskiw William James, Jr. Brian Jenkins Peter Jenkins

Geoffrey Jordan Mark Kelly Scott Kelly Stephen Kettinger Michael Kilderry

Daniel Kim Joseph Kitchen Brien Kivlen Robert Klenk Jonathan Klock

Brian Kohler Christopher Kriegner Thomas Kriegner Robert Kroh Geoffrey Lang

Matthew Laskowski Gregory Lepore G. Douglas Linberg Michael Loftus II James Logan ru

Mkhael Lombardo Timothy Long James Lynch Evan Madden Willy Madeira

Anthony Madonna David Madrak Kiel Mahlstedt Patrick Mallach Anthony Manlapas

Sophomores 60

Brian Market Ryan Mascio Jonathan Masiak Joseph Mastronardo W. Thomas McAllister

Jonathan McCaffrey Michael McCann Duane McCarthy Chauncey McCormick Ryan McCort

Paul Mcelderry George McFadden Adam McGrath Paul McCurkin Patrick McKeown

Matthew Md'ol'amara Andrew Meinert Matthew Michel Michael Mielnik Thomas MiUer

Bradley Moatz Gregory Molchen Shawn Moore PauJ MuJler Jordan Mulrain

Chad Munn Peter Naticchione Austin O'Connor Thomas O'Connor Matthew O'Donnell

Eric O'Neill Patrick O'Neill Nicholas Onufrak Mkhael Parisi Arpit Patel

Class of 2000 61

Jonathan Payne Nicholas PenzareUa David Peterman William Phelan IV Justin Philomena

Gregory Phinney

John Poley John Paul Prego Timothy Prem Dustin Priest

Andrew Pun let Daniel Quinn Michael Ramos Todd Reckamp Christopher Reiley

Leo Reilly Thomas Riley IV Aaron Sakulich Robert Sarradno Adam Sasso

Eric Savage David Scali Robert Schmidt Kevin Semanick Raymond Shay

Brandon Shepherd Richard Shivers Anthony Siravo Joseph Spause Joseph Spieker

Dennis Stanton Christopher Staub Stephen Sterner Ryan Stevens Thomas Stieber

Sophomores 62

Eric Stix Alexander Stross

John Strzalka, J" H. Karl Sudfeld Robert Sullivan

Sean Toole Anthony Trimboli Jeremy Turk James Tyrrell Brett Urban

Andrew Vandiver Joseph Vassallo Joseph Violi William Von Medirus Gary Vorgity

Matthew WahJ Robert Waller Jamin Warren John White Jonathan White

David Williams Patrick WiUiams Kyle Wisotzkey John Zazworskey Stephen Zollo

Class of 2000 63

Mark Alcantara Patrick AIken Matthew Alonso Chikwere Amad'li Michael Andris

Patrick Badolato Daniel Barnes Matthew Barnes Bradley Bathgate Daniel SehJ

Evan Behr Karlis Berzins Gregory Bielecki Randall Bitting Kevin Brady

Robert Brennan Kevin Bre\\-'"Ster Shay Brittingham Ouistopher Bruno Edward Bczostek

icholas Burkle Robert Byrne Matthew Canning Emidio Capponi David S. Carl

Richard Carminati Vincent Carr Scott Carver Daniel Catinella Edward Cattie

Matthew Chapman Robert Chappena Eugene Ciccimaro Vincent Cifelli Brian Clarke

Juniors 64

Kevin Oearkin Christopher Clement Ryan Cohen Jeremy Cooke Anthony Costantini

Jeffrey Coulter Jt Gerald Coveney Robert Coyle Kevin Crawford David Cuff

Vincent Cullen Dina D'Orazio Richard Davoli Donald Day Nicholas DeCastro

Emir Dedic Martin Delaney Zachary Derrick Luke DeVore Mario DiClerico

Joseph Dillon F. Michael DiNapoli Vincent DiPaolo Christopher DiToro Christopher Domanski

Gregory Donatelli David DonneUy

Michael Donohue Thomas Dowds John Dwyer

Robert Dyer Stephen Effie Lawrence Evans Anthony Faillace Michaelpaul Farrell

Class of 1999 65

Andrew Farrington

John Fay Joseph Fedyna Frank Ferro Daniel FitzgeraJd

Raymond Florkowski C. Thayer Fox Robert Francs Charles Francisco Damon GaIda

Shawn Gallagher Timothy Ganagher Joseph Gardner Daniel GiJlcspie Timothy Gillespie

Christopher Gordon Nicholas Graff David Granese Samuel Grannum Daniel Grissani

Dina Guiliano Joseph Han Sean Haney James Hayes Christopher Heayn

Sean Heron Gregory Hosmer Timothy Hughes Dawson Hunter Alan Jalon

David Janke Vincent Jannetti a,ristophcr Jones Brian Jordan Andrew Katruk

Juniors 66

Michael Kavanagh Stephen Kazmierczak Daniel Keeley J.Craig Keenan James Keller

Sean Kent Christopher Kerns Michael Kilkenny Stephen Klarich Kevin Koller

William Koneski

Christopher Koss Richard Krauss Jr. Matthew Krol Christopher Kushto

Andrew Kuzla William Laible Raymond tau F. Anthony Lazenka 1lI Matthew Lendzinski

Class of 1999 67

Justin Levin Brian Lipski Gregory Littley Ryan Lockard David Lofgren

Michael Longstreth Shawn Lowery C. Ryan Lynch Mark Lyon ]ames Lyons ill

Frank MacPherson Eric Madeira John Malara Vincent MallonJr. Travis Manion

Patrick Matthews Sean Matthews Brendan McCormick Shawn McCormick dlristopher McDonald

Timothy McDonaJd Andrew McGilIin Kevin McGonigle James McKeogh Alexander McKinney

Brian Mee Alexander Meloscia Kevin Mcrlini Matthew Michuda Scott Miller

Juniors 68

Joel Moffatt Patrick Moore Timothy Morris Raymond Mullen Matthew Mullin

Colin Murphy Steven Murphy

Gary Murray Matthew Murray Kevin Noone

James awieki Peter O'Connor Andrew O'Donnell John O'Donnell MichaelO'Donnell

John O'Hara Brian O'Meara Sean Ockcrshausen Keith Olender Michael Pamonis

John Patcella Michael Pcffic Christopher Pennington Nicholas Petitti Jr. Gary Petruzzelli

Robert Philipp Thomas Piper Timothy Pippet Timothy Ponisciak Michael Pucci

Class of 1999 69

Torey Pugh Brian Puglisi Zachary Quenzer Joseph Raieta Ale>. Ramos

Matthew Ranweiler Barton Ray Gerald Reifsnyder John Remshard Curtis Rogers

Patrick Rose Patrick Salvitti Drew Santillo William Sautter Michael Savage

Mathew Schaffer Chr~topher Schaible Grego')' Schill Eric Schwan John Sees

Colin Seiss John Peter Sforza Michael Sicilia Chri.<;topher Simcox Patrick Slattery

Brian Smith Christopher Smith Anthony Snyder Christopher Stanton Joseph Steffa

\1atthew Stocum James Sulliv.ln William Sulhvan JO!'>eph Sweeney John Swoyer

Juniors 70

Richard Target Sean Teesdale ichoJas TrendIer Anthony Troy Sean Tucker

Benjamin Tursi Stephen Varalli John Velasco Gregory Vizza

Anthony Vlahos

Benjmnin Weldon Joseph Wentz Matthew Westley Charles Whinney Paul White

Christopher WiUiarnson Michael Wintering Mariusz Wojnarski

.. . .. ... .. '

Class of 1999 71

Activities Not Just Any Daily Grind


aSalle's pride doesn't end with i\ mad rush off campus at 2:10 each day. Many students have discovered that the extracurricular activities La Salle offers provide some of the best ways 10 enjoy the high school experience. The sheer number and variety of these activities mean that there really is something for everyone. While we often focus on those activities requiring athletic prowess, these other activities. although requiring less physical emphasis. serve 10 provide a balance to the life of the average La Salle student. Maybe it's the ease with which students can gel involved, maybe students (especially juniors and seniors) realize thai participation in activities looks great on college applications, or maybe ii's the range of activities that lead 10 so many getting involved, but the popularity of extracurricular activities here cannot be denied. There's the ever-growing WEXP TV Studio; the Wisterian, the source of month old news, and the legendary Forum, where students with a variety of political views compete with other schools m Ihe arts of oratory and debating. The oft~-seen but little understood Gammg Club is next, with the Band and Chorus providmg enjoyment for members and non-members through a series of annual concerts. The Science Club grabs students' attention by way of different pro}E'Cts like the Recyclable Regatta and the infamous EM Drop Competition. Of course, there's the Yearbook, a collection of writers, editors. and artisls who assemble each day in their second-floor office to discuss any of a number of topics, from the latest writer 10 Ihe process of ignoring a deadline to the issue of a burlap cover. Though rarely managing 10 reach a consensus, they do manage 10 combine Iheir skills effectively for the production of the Blut' a"d Gold as the year progresses. Participating in any La Salle activity provides a source of fun, a mountam of memories, an outlet for lalent. and yet another reason for students to feel that overwhelming sense of belonging in this time of pride.


ile-ht' 10 jump in.

Busler's bust, in the prOC"eS5 of fonn~tion.


Th~se.ll~ Ih~

b.llnd'.s 0:0018uy . Jusl.llsk th~m.

Moth~r Colislr.ll's


FunkyT,lhf mf.lln,lun r.llppin' mnhinf.

Todd RKump .lind Andy Mfin~rt or Oiuy Gillupi~ .lind Milt'S O.llvi.s1 y~"n. boyz:!


Band You Can Hear the Difference


3ch year's La Salle Band outgrows its predecessors. Starting with Thursday morning summer practices, the ninety-nine person pep band adds three or four songs annually 10 ils extensive repertoire (showcased at every varsity football game), the concert band grows more impressive every year, and the competition band adds to its collection of awards. I.ndeed, from the first day of school through graduation, you can always here some sort of music, from Rock to Jazz, from Classical to Dixieland. The Freshman Band, Intermediate Band, Siring Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Pep Band, Concert Band, Sax Quartet, Percussion Ensemble, Competition Band, ]azz Band, and Advanced Band all fight for practice time throughout the day. Due to the construction of a new practice room, this year marked the end of the lounge, with its extensive musical video library. And we losl another tradition when Brother Frank transformed the famed Fifth Period Band into the Fourth Period Band! But, more importantly, no one will ever forget Mr. C's explosions, Mr. Vettori's patient explanations or The Giants - Mr. Genovese and Mr. Benetowering over every student to ensure that they are in tune. Mrs. Kensey's piano skills also awed us once a week, and who won't recall Mr. McGill's tendency to have a well-deserved headache every day after second period? With this amazing faculty, our freshmen alone sound beller than the Prep's band! Steve Crognale manages this mess, with John Fisher conducting and Bill Markmann supervising. Joe Haughton is in charge, but without each dedicated member, this band wouldn't be the biggest and best in the Catholic League.


L.a Sollie's Pep Boind spurs on the Explorers. Anthony ConslointinG (oI.k~. KlI'nny C) olnd {omp,lny.

It must be nkcto sit in the sholdc allihetime.


Chorus Competition: Vocal and Intense


ilh seven members remainingol the 1996-97 choristers, prospects for the choral program seemed grim. However, under its new director, Mr. Timothy Stopper, the chorus tripled both in numbers and in productivity. The organization is now twenty-four voices slrong, and performed at banquets, liturgies, and ceremonies throughout the region, as well as within La SaUc. Mr. Stopper even managed to arrange things so the chorus could sing at the Cathedral, al the Cardinal's blessing of the Creche. Our singers also had notable success in All-Catholic Chorus and on La Salle's stage in How to SlIcceell ill BlIsi"ess without Really TrYlIlg. The Chorale de La Salle as a whole, as well as its smaller groups, the barbershop quartet, the trio and the Belcrofters, had a successful year.


, • •

Anyone know the tune to S,M"lI'lly to f!fIlVI'Il?


Art Club Using All the Right Brain




hy are students hurrying up the stairs in St. Michael's Hall every Thursday afternoon instead of down? The answer is: ART. The Art Club headed by our own talented art teachers, Mrs. Diane McGovern and Mrs. Melissa Centofante, meets on a weekly basis 10 explore the realm of creativity. From painting a picture to "throwin~" a pot, the Art Club does it all. In this club, one can choose for himself what he wants to reach out for. All the means of expression are open to the students. In the first semester, Mrs. McGovern brings out our abilities in painting and drawing; while in the second semester, Mrs. Centofante takes over with ceramics and sculpture. Throughoutlhe year, in addition to our own individual projects, the club also prepares for the ever-popular Fine Arts Festival. And, in the Spring, the club members travel to the city of New York to visit several museums. The powerful, creative atmosphere of Ihis group brings a proud and positive force from extracurricular activities to LasaUian academics. . ,

Art Cbss or Lunch? Bill Laible and Matt Krol collaborate on a masterpiece.

Funky T fÂŤls the ..buse of child neglÂŤt. .....nd 50 r .. p" Burs.. id, "Somebody h..s been eilting ,"y porridge."

The Crucible La Salle Acting Bewitches the Audience


his year's Fall dramatic production certainly exceeded lhe expectations of everyone involved. Arthur Miller's The Crucible was a fantastic success. Led by a talented new face in the drama department. Adam Sasso. the cast realistically portrayed a tragic story of the Salem witch trials of America's past. Gracing the stage for the last time were senior casl members: the dynamic duo of justices, Carnal Palmer and Paul Kahan, the Reverends Kevin Fit2patrick and Joe Haughton, and the elderly Tim Reiley. With some help from MSj's senior Kelley Schmidt and Tennant's junior Jeannine KowsJowski, the cast gave an energetic and heart-felt performance that louched the souls of all in attendance. The setting was easily achieved with the help of period costumes and stark stage dressing Ihat provided the proper feeling for the town of Salem during the time of the eighteenth century. The stage crew and its manager, Dan Fineberg, constructed a simple but effective area for the actors to paint their characters. Few times in recent history has La Salle seen such a dramatic display of emotion and understanding of the human soul present on our stage. and under the direction of Mr. Bloh, the show went on without a hitch.

C.st Memben orTJ,t' Crueib/t'; (Left to Right):junnlne Kowslowski, Gamal Palmer, Adam Sasso, Joe Holughlon, I'aul Kah.n, Kevin Fitzpollrkk, Tim Reiley, Kelley Schmidt, Kelly Bloh


Spring Musical:



D.. vo~v:pl ..in5


"comp;my W.ly" to T'ny.. Colburn.

How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying


ear Reader, This little book is designed to tell you everything you need to know about the science of producing a La Salle musical, in particular, How to Succeed ill Business Wit/WIlt Really Trying. Just follow these simple step by step instructions, and you'll be on your way! First, you need solid leadership. If you have Colleen Durkin Lapowski di.rechng, Mr. Stopper teaching vocals, Mr. Ciccimaro in charge of production, Vince Carr conducting the orchestra, and Mr. Grace and Mrs. Garvin moderating, you have nothing 10 fear. Now you're ready for the next step. Next, you need a strong cast. You know that you are in good shape when roles are filled by the talented seniors Joe Haughton, Carnal Palmer, Dave Schmel, Chris Scott, junior Chris DiToro, and sophomores Ryan Mascio and Chris Curd. Oh, don't forget the most important OPPOSITE SEX. With Kelly Schmidt, Maria Brinkmann, Jamie Udinson, Jordan Walsh, and Kelly Blah as female leads, you can't go wrong. Make sure sure to have a chorus of singers as well as dancers to support these talented leads. Any of the follOWing would be an asset to the production: (Chorus) Michael Brown, Brendan Burke, Joe Laguda, Mike Knowski, Kevin Hannon, and Kevin Lyons. Good, you have direction, you have actors, but now you need something to hold everything together. We recommend a top-notch stage crew... Led by senior stage manager Dan Fineberg and senior set deSigner Teague O'Malley, our crew can do anything from screwing in a light bulb to constructing the Eiffel Tower. Hey, they can even annoy the wrestlers without making any noise. The hard-working members of this crew include seniors Paul O'CofUlor, Greg Queen, Saurabh Desai, Kevin Fitzpatrick, and Matt Brannon; juniors Karlis Berzins, Zack Derrick, and Joe Sweeney and sophomore Ryan Brogen, Alex Bethke, and Shawn Moore. Congratulations! You're ready for a very special La Salle production. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.


Language Clubs They're not All Moderated by Brother Michael Thai


nder the fearless leadership of Magister Geiger (Mr. William Geiger), La Salle's Latin Club has enjoyed its third year al La Salle. This year, the club's interests have been expanded to include not only the study of Roman foods, but also the study of Roman history and culture as well. The club is directed by seniors Vincenzo laRuffa and BrianCarberry, who serve as co-presidents. Senior Al Clay also adds a helping hand by assisting Magister Geiger in numerous club-related tasks. However, the club could never have prepared its culinary masterpieces if it had not been for sophomore Pele Jenkins and his mother, who donated their time and kitchen supplies pro bo"o to make the numerous classical dishes which grace the tables during the Latin Club's collvivillms (parties). Clearly, the 1997-98 Latin Club is not just maintaining the status quo in room 308. This year's club has set many new agendas such as collviviu11ls, movies, field trips, et cetera. So, next time you hear about the Latin Club, feel free to drop by post IlOc and enjoy an entertaining education on Rome. With this, its debut year, the Japanese Club was off to a great start, headed by Brother Michael Thai and comprised of students from his Japanese I and II classes as well as others who are just interested in the wonderful language and culture of the ]apanese. Other than learning the language, the dub also takes time to study the culture and to try to experience it as much as possible, although Nagano, for the Winter Olympics, was a little too far away to be considered for a field trip. Speaking of trips, the highlight of the Spanish Club's activities this year was a trek to New ]ersey to hear the legendary Tito Puente and his band play the Cuban music which has influenced so many other styles. Fantastica! according to the members and moderator Mr. Nicholas Coggins.


1997-98 La S.lIlt La,i" CI"b; 8;1ck Row ILdt to Right); Mario DiCleriro, Vinrenzo LlRuffa, Brian Carberry, AI Clay, Saurabh Desai, Scott Kelly, Chip MacPherson. Front Row (Ldt 10 Right); Dustin Priest, Scott Emrich, John White, Pat Hildebrandt, Joe Sweeney, Gilbert Aponte, Andrew Vandh'er, Mike Parisi, Dan Quinn. Justm Fries, Kevin Fit7.p;itrick, Jon McCaffery, Matt Albert


1997-98 Ul S,d', SpAnish Clllb; (L~ftlo Righi): ro.h~ Callan. Tom crCOIU"IOr, Sean O:kershausen. Tim Reiley, AndI1'W Buschme,er, Ob, Amachi, Matt Morace, John Sees, Robert Dyer, Alan Jalon, John Fay, Mike Donahue, Martin Delaney, Ryan Lynch, Mike O'Donnel, Brian Fay, and Mr, Nicholas Coggins

'"7-98 Ul 51111, w..mllll Clllb; B,jlck Row lLdllo RighU: JU5bn Foes. Tony l..ollzcnka, Don lR.y. Sfe,.路e Kbrim. ~ Gardner, Sean Brooks. Scott Emnch. Kevm Sem<tTllck, John While. Anthony MadOl'lni'l Front Row (Left 10 Right): Mr George Hoheoleitner. Kevin Gimpel. Matt Albert. Tony Geiger. Steve Boyle. Roman lwaskiw, Steve Kettinger


Multi-Cultural Club Viewing the World from Various Perspectives


he Multi-Cultural Corps is one of the many exira路 curricular activities La Salle has to offer for students of all ages, creeds, and elhnicities, but it is the only one dedicated to celebrating that diversity. Members are encouraged to share their different backgrounds, views, and ideas. Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch has successfully moderated the ever-expanding and ever-growing group for the past eight years. This year, Carnal Palmer, a four-year veteran of the group. served as MCC President; Joe Chiarantona, as Vice-President. Kevin Lyons assisted as Program Organizer. The goal of the group is to break barriers; and, in that, the 1997 - 1998 MCC was very successful. For example. the group visited a few different elhnic restaurants. The first trip. to a middle eastern restaurant in Chestnut Hill. provided quite a unique experience, opening both the mind and the mouth to the concept of ethnic diversity. By attending conferences, going to meetings, or just hanging out, the MCC is a great way to help bring together the Lasallian community and fulfill the mission to strengthen, unite, and celebrate our dIfferences.

Mock Trial L.S. Law


ineteen Ninety路seven saw the revival of the Mock Trial Competition. Students play the roles of defen路 dants, attorneys. and witnesses for the prosecution and defense. Participants learn courtroom procedures and some basic points of law. The jury is comprised of members 01 the Montgomery County Bar Association. \路\/ho determine the winner of each round. but not the outcome of the case. Cases are tried before a real judge. Major players in this year's courtroom drama were Dan Gillespie, Dan Marvin, Dan Grissani, Mario DiClerico, Kevin Dougherty, Ray Florkowski, Sean Haney, and Greg Hosmer. Alumnus Scott Wolpert served as attorney-advisor.


Photo Club A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


hal would you say if you heard the Phtr tography Club was the most important dub at La Salle? Many would disagree. Some would counter with the tremendous contributions made by the esc, the amazing accomplishments of the B..,nd, or the phenomenal improvement made to La Salle when the almighty Latin Club was introduced. At La Salle, the Photography Club does a lot more work than many people know. The club is centered around learning the basics of photography and photo-development techniques. Both laSalle publications - the Wisteriall and the BIlle alld Goldrely heavily on the dedication of these talented La Salle students. Photo Club members attend the majority of events, whether it be the Thanksgiving Day football game or the National Honor Society Induction, snapping pictures of the participants and the action. Led by the senior trio of Greg Queen, J.R. King and Kevin Fitzpatrick and sophomo.res Joe Gidjunis and Alex Bethke, the photo dub grew in numbers this year. By learning and using the funda路 mentals instilled in them by Mr. William Geiger, the photography club members ensure that both the newspaper and the yearbook are the best that they can be.


Service Clubs Students Who Make a Difference


aSalle can take pride in the many service clubs and activites in which students participate. These generous and outgoing organizations not only benefit the community but also La Salle itself. The Lasallian Youth organization, for example, is involved in tutoring programs at Providence House and through Project Home. Members visit the elderly at S1. Joseph's Villa in Flourtown and do children's day cafe al the Church of the Brethren right next door to La Salle. SADD tries to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving among OUf students and those who visit our school. OUf Community Service Corps, too, makes a large impact with any project it takes on. This year, the esc concentrated on its annual activites. Its members encouraged the student body to increase its donations for major collection programs. During Operation Santa Claus in December, La Salle students came together to buy 10ys for needy children in Philadelphia, then delivered them to the surprised kids on Christmas Eve. We also fed the hungry during the three week February campaign of Bread Basketball by collecting food staples and canned goods and delivering them to local food cupboards. These activities focus on a local leveL but the CSC's Amnesty International letter-writing campaign helps free prisoners of conscience and truly makes the world a better place.


Mr. Neely employs some unden:l.ssmen for lunc.h.


Appul"ntly this boy f«1s that Kl"vin NoonI' d~n't han l"nough molll'm.al instincts.


1997-98 SADD Blick Row (lJft to rig/It>; Mrs. GIrvin. Randy 8l1/ing, Nick Onufruk, Tim Morris, Grrs Donlltrlll, J,P. S[onJJ, Andrew McGillm, Smu Hllnry,JOt'I MOfflll, Clutrlrr /ohn5()n, Pili Sol/VIttI, Sroll Clln,", Andrew Gnybau'$h, RJfIln CoI,m, DIln N~, Chris Bar/MlO, Pill 8mn, Mikr Abrot,John Str.Jllb Middle Row (I to r}: Crglg Ivrruln, Mlu MtOInn, RidTllrgn, IKn Tursi, Grrs 81r/tl:h. Sewn G4JlIlg,,", Mall uhks, Aotart A!arntilra, Shay Bnttrngham, Illnlt'S MM$mo Front ROTtI (I to r}: Rilnwn/llwshw. &I Brostd, Vinet Cullm. lVnn Cwrtin.1« Sttf/I, Hugh Donrtrily. John TP'lWl'TS,

Eric Satwgr. Ons RLilry.


National Honor Society Prime Examples of La Salle Pride


he ational Honor Society enjoys the respect and support of the student body and administration. II is truly an honor to be a member of the HS. To become a member of the NHS is no easy task. Maintaining a 3.5 CPA, participating in multiple activities, and showing a willingness to serve are the criteria. NHS accomplishes various goals thai have a great impact on the entire community. The biggest program, one that runs throughout the year, is the peer tutoring. The second biggest and most important project organized by the NHS is the annual blood drive for the American Red Cross and their recipients. These programs are a testament to the tremendous hard work and time given by the moderators, the officers, and all the members. The moderators of the NHS, Brother William DiPasquale and Mrs. Clare Brown, are primarily responsible for running the society and organizing programs and special events. In all the activities that the NHS is involved in, it tries to exemplify the qualities of scholarship, leadership, chari ,and service.


BUSTED! Rill Reid gets c.Jughi by the fashion polic~.

Officen Malt Styer, Chris Ward, Tim Fenninsham and Bill R..id with Brother Bill. H,ve stud..nt, will tutor.




Forum They Can Talk the Talk


fter last year's success, in which we won the PCFL (Philadelphia Catholic Forensics League), the PHSSL (Pennsylvania High School Speech League), and the Valley Forge District of the NFL ( ational Forensics League), the La Salle Forum set its sights upon the one goal that had thus far eluded us: TOTAL WORLD OOMINATlON! (or, althe very least, 10la1 Forensics domination). This year the Forum was lead by Vincenzo laRuffa, our omnipresent President. Brian Carberry, the "Smoking Gun" and VicePresident, and Secretary "Teflon" Terry Fallon. Other able seniors aTE' Team Debater (C·X) Rajesh "Rajamataf aronha, Uncoln-Douglas Debater (LO), Paul "Brother. I swear I was studying" Kahan, Extemporaneous Speakers (Extemp) "Diamond" Jim Palmieri, and Jim "jim. Jim, JIM!" Goldner. Promoting the importance of Rugby and fine Italian cookinSt respectively, were LDers Dan Gillespie and Mario DiClerico. Our resident Simpsonologist is C-Xer Malt "Mad Skills" Murray. Rounding out the Junior Class were the interpreters of literature, Joe Gardner, Emidio Capponi. and Robert Brennan. This was a breakthrough year for the sophomores, led by Ryan McCort, who has established himself as the best Orator in Philadelphia. Ryan Fagan has become the best JV LDer in the area, and the team of William Phelan and Mike "Calm Down!" McCann are becoming part of the Varsity C·X scene. Fellow sophomore C-Xers Ray "Mafia" Shay and Jamin "( Pity the Fool" Warren, along with LDer Dean Frizlen, Extemp speakers john "Tougher than a Mac Truck" White, Mike Mielnick, Orator Joe Gidjunis, and Interpreters Ryan Mascio and john Payne made up the rest of the sophomore roster. Among the freshmen members, whom we hoped to one day mold into respectable high school students are ExTemps Mike Hilferty and john Alfarano, as well as LDer Mati Finley. Under the guidance of Mr. Ed Kelly, Mrs. Mary Jo Smith, Brother Kevin. and, of course, Brother Rene, the La Salle Forum is once again on the road to Forensics domination. at least for now.


1997-98 !.II S,I/I, r"rwm; (~ft to Right) Bro. Rene Stemer, John Alfarano. Andrew Blank, Mr Edwin KeUy. Jonathan Pa}'l\e, Joe Gardner. Ryan McCort, Mike O'Connor, Mana DiCIenro, Dan Gillesplt', Bob Brennan. Bill Phelan. Etmdio Capponi. Dan Gnssaru, Jun GokIner, Ryan Fagan,J~in Warren. Bnan Carberry, Vincenw laRuffa, Matt Murray. RV.ln M..s60. Jim P.lIlmlen, Emer Flounders. Mike Hilferty. Raph Noronh.J.. Dean Fnzkn, MI McC.um. Eric Styx. R.ly Sha}.lohn White; not pictured: Millt Ftnley.Joe GidlUlUS. and Gam.JIl Palmer.

.. •


•• •• "


• ~ ....lnd

that i5 why Captain Kirk (ould !wat up Captain Piurd." Mr!!. Mary Jo Smith: C~ch of Interpretation of Litualure.


Student Council Governing Through SEGA Genesis


lthough the La Salle Student Council is usually depicted as a group of jocks, winning a popularity contest, sitting in a small room playing SEGA all day; they actually do a 101 to "build" and improve the school community. Under the nurturing eye of Moderator Mrs. Julia Maher. the 1997-98 Student Council lived out their "Explorer Enthusiasm" in each of their events as a "Blueprint for Success." President Paul Sharkey, Vice-President Hugh Donnelly, and Secretary John Travers did their best to break down the stereotype of past years. Picking up on the resurrected spirit of the school, the Student Council set out to build on and improve even further the enthusiasm of La Salle. From the spirited pep rallies to the infamous super mixers, the La Salle Student Council helped lay the foundation for a successful school year! Over 1,600 high school students attended the first super mixer and alleviated the stress of a new school year. Also, during the first month of school, the Student Council held its inaugural pep rally, which motivated the cross country, soccer, and football teams to excellent seasons. October's Halloween mixer was a huge success, with Ule great costumes and the unforgettable bobbing for apples. Momma Colistra with the Men in Black got us ready to face the Hawklets on Thanksgiving Day. We wore our "manly" blue Attack Pack shirts. The Executive Officers also formulated hvo proposals for the administration of La Salle, the first, for a Book Exchange Program to save the students money, and the second, a proposal for permission to wear a universal golf shirt in the spring. In the second semester; the Student Council carried oul Spirit Week 1998 with arm wrestling, Jell-Q eating, trivia and an enthusiastic pep rally to pump up the swimmers, hoop players, and wrestlers. In May, the Student Council planned a "Blue and Gold" day to have fun and to thank the most enthusiastic students in the P.c.L. for all of their support. The La Salle College High School Student Council, during the 1997-98 school year, took their Explorer enthusiasm blueprint and developed it into an awesome structure of fun, spirit, and pride for the school community.

1997-98 Studf'lll COlllldE Officers: Back Row (Left to Right): Tom Cross, Dan Neverosky,John Travers, Hugh Donnelly, Paul Sharkey; Front Row: Christopher Dougherty, Joe Spause, Kevin Clearkin, Obi Amachi





U 5..111"5 Biggest Bully ... 1'" Strong M.ln Competition. U 5..111"5


Kevin Mulini. king of Jtll~;llting.


Science Club Mr. Wi: The Science Guy he Science Club is forever devoted 10 pushing back the walls of ignorance. Guided by the indefatigable Mr. Gary Wiley. the patron saint of "nerddom," the Science Club seeks answers where there are questions and questions where there are answers. 'There are no leaders," the Science Club says, "only followers!" Among its many activities, the club participated in a hot路 ai.r balloon "race," The first attempt suffered severe wind sheers. making flights last just a bit longer than the Wright Brothers'. When a new site was found, members wenl back to the drawing board, creating tissue paper aeronautical marvels that managed to exceed expectations. Then, new entries 10 the famous Rocket Car Race were refined and tested. "Watch out!" came the cries. "These cars can really move. Beware or flying drivers!!" The pi芦e de rtsistallct of the Science Club's year is the evergrowing annual Recyclable Regatta, a race which garnered great interest from La Salle University. This Hgarage armada" promoted a dean ennronment and conservation or our Earth's resources. It IS because of these many activities that the Science Club will continue to nourish in the La Salle community.


1997-98 La Salle Sdenct C/llb, Back Row (LeftlO Righi)' Eric Cnybowski, Frank Slit"ber, Rob Qbik, Hav.lano Campbell, Dawson Hunler; Middle Row: Anthony Madonna, Leo Redly, D;we Citro, Mall St\-er, Geoff L..m g. Cohn Murphy, Matt MOf'ita', r~e Keller; Front Row R\"an Brogan. Paul Hemsdorf, Brendan Schmledek.amp, Joe Bul, Mr Carv W,leY


Our 10 culbacks in Ihr srcurity budgrt,. Rod's urt will be replaced by One Citro and Malt Styt'r's cR':ation.

Objm: Egg Dntination: Cround Zt'ro Wt' always knt'w MI. Wilt" was full of hot air.


La Salle Clubs: Skiing, Mathletes, Computers Drama, Biking, and Gaming

1997-98lA S./lr C.,mpwf" C'..b; (Ldt 10 Righll: Nick Cinunera, Pat Aiken, Malt Stocum. Mal Schaffer. 005 KU$hto. Brendan Schmledekamp. Scott Emnch, Dr- uri Schm...,;k>lo..amp. Paul Stabile. John Remshard

And",w Bu.schm"iu ..nd Tim


Rell~ duw

up Ihe plans for the next 'TIM ulcul.llor.

1997-98 Gamillg Club; Back Row (Left to RighI): John Carr, Ryan Lockard. Matt Murray, Mal Schaffer, Nick Ciminera, Mr. Timothy Stopper. Front Row (Left to Right): Chris Kushlo, Kyle Wisot'.o!:kt'y, Andrew Blank


Intramurals School Pride and Team Spirit


ncler the leadership of Mr. Brad Palmer, La Salle students have had the opportunity to participate in sports and activities on an intramural level. The intramural staff has offered a variety of sports such as soccer, basketball, ping-pong, and street hockey, not to mention the widely popular pit volleyball.


Parents' Clubs When They're Not Grounding You...


3ch year the Parents' Clubs make their presence known by holding many activities. This year, the Mothers' Club had their annual fashion show, a day of recollection, and a winter social. The Men of La Salle enjoyed a successful father-son night and a sports night at La Salle University, as well as the father路son golf outing and a trip to Camden Yards in Baltimore, MD. Pooling their many talents, the two clubs produced La Sale, a very successful auction which is organized each year. Needless to say, each dub is there for the students. The primary purpose of the Men of La Salle is "10 ensure that no student is forced to discontinue his La SalJe education due 10 the loss of his family's primary wage earner." The Mothers' Club makes the memories for the students. From assembling the seniors' baby pictures to tallying up the totals of the magazine drive sales to providing Christmas ornaments as memenlos for the seniors, the members of the Mothers' Club always makes school life more pleasant



WEXP The Future's TV Tabloid Producers


oder the leadership of Mr. Joseph Dempsey, La Salle's largest club has become more visible as a part of every student's day. With the acqusition of several new pieces of equipment over the summer of 1997, La Salle now has capabilities rivaling those of television stations in several colleges. However, equipment does not alone make a TV station: talented people are needed to operate the equipment. Seniors Mike Heinsdorf. Tim Reiley. and Kevin Dougherty have proven themselves indispensable leaders when it comes 10 technical production, writing, and anchoring. respecth路ely. Assisting them are over eighty students, grouped inlo four shifts. Change has been an ever-present theme al WEXP in the last year. Production values have gone up as students continue to become familiar with and experiment with the equipment. The daily show has been assigned to groups of producers, who are responsible for two weeks of programming. Weekly, the La Salle Sports Scoreboard has informed students about the athletic achievements of other students, and has proven to be a great success. WEXP has also involved others not associated with WEXP through teacher interviews and guest anchors spots, along with the "I Can Do It Better" contest for students. Thanks to its large membership, motivated students, and technological capability, WEXP promises to remain a part of La Salle for a long time.


Wisterian Delivering All the News That Fits on Four Pages


very month, a four to eight page newspaper is distributed to the administration, faculty, and all 970 students of La Salle College High SchooL As stated by our masthead, the purpose of The Wisterinll is to inform the student body of news and opinions of relevance to the school community. But we do much more than that. Under the astute leadership of moderators Mr. Michael O'Toole and Mr. John Young, editors Scott Emrich '98 and 1.R. King '98 miraculously publish each issue. The modern marvel affectionately known as Tile Wis has a dedicated and talented staff working together towards a common goal. Junior Jeremy Cooke edits the front page informing reade of all the news and events happening around La Salle. Senior Tim Reiley is in charge of the Op-Ed page. This page includes the editorial, which represents the collective opinion of the Wis staff, as well as commentaries from students from all aspects of the La Salle community. Sophomore sensations Pat Hildebrandt and Jim Durkin edit the features and sports pages, covering all La Salle activities and athletic events. As contributing editor, Scoll Kelly works on all the special projects. Senior Greg Queen rounds out our senior editors. Greg makes sure that all the sports and news events are properly represented in photographic form. The small room next to the Computer Lab is the place where, among other things, the Wisleriflll is put together. From discussing the Mount's new uniforms, debating about major world issues, and maintaining an informative and entertaining web site, to providing the world with proofs on how the singularity of a black hole can be detemlined with certain givens, there is never a dull moment on the Wisteriall. Oh, and we also somehow produce the paper at the same time. During the busy, often hectic production time, brief moments of brilliance shine forth. Among other accomplishments, news editor Jeremy R. Cooke and editor-in-ehief J.R. King have been published in Till.' Plliladelphia Inquirer. This year the staff hopes to finally take down Little Flower's newspaper Ti,e Tlleresiall, and bring home the award for the best Catholic school newspaper in the area.



Nke Choppers, Jeremy! Jeremy looks through whollt mighl be Ihe greolIlesl public.ation ever, the Billt anJ GoIJ.

Scott Emrich huvily mNic.ated on dudline dollY.


Blue and Gold Enter SubHeading Here


elcome 10 the locker room... It's done, thank God it's finally done. If you are reading this, we can rest assured we are finally done. After months (perhaps some key days) of work, the long anticipated Blue and Gold is here, perhaps the extra-eurricular activity with the most optimism (well, barring deadline weeks). The staff of the Blue and Gold strive to put oul a successful edition hoping to surpass the work (or Jack there of) completed by the staff of the previous year. Of course unrivaled, this annual publication is the best yearbook this school will see (alleas! for this year). Enter the Yearbook office one day after school and you'll see the bustling young slaves working on this production. Chief Slave of this organized confusion is Saurabh Desai, although most staffers ponder the actual purpose for his presence in the office. It has been learned that affirmative action has helped yet another minority altain a position well befitting any qualified white man (said with tongue firmly m cheek, whatever color that cheek may be). Under the guidance of the moderators lies the true heart and soul of the Yearbook, the staff. Senior editor Dan Ponisdak organizes and assembles the troops as soon as school lets out. Senior editors Tim Reiley, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Mike Brinkos, and J.R. "Get your stuff in!" King assure that aU copy, legible and illegible, translates itself onto these pages. Senior Greg Queen develops the "interestlOg mound of exposures" mere mortals call pictures. Finally, rounding out the senior editors IS Brian Carberry, who manages the money and yearbook orders. So, if you paid in cash and we don't have your order, then look to see if Brian has a new watch. Leading the underclassmen and all the other non路Seniors in the efforts is the invaluable Chip MacPherson (a.k.a. Chimp, Chump, and his favorite, Skip). If you have a complaint about our book, you may want to speak to our fellow staffer Joe "Slugger" Cidjunis; he keeps it real. Other unher"ldoo, but key staffers include Mall Ranweiler, Alex "Dave" Bethke, Malt Hartnett, John Strzalka, John Doherty, John Zaro, and our very own Bean (Sean Toole). Oh, Tim Ponisciak makes an appearance every now and then (mostly then). AU joking aside, this staff, attempting to have La Salle reminisce on this "Time of Pride," combined with the tutelage of moderators M.rs. Linda Donahue and Mr. William Geiger, have worked hard on compiling this 216 page treasure chest of memories. Whenever you walk by the office. however, you just might see Mr. Geiger and Mrs. Donahue shrug their shouJders and utter those oft said words, "We really Just don't know!"



H~r~ Mr. Neely


CRJi]p) m~ke$

his presence known 10 Soauroabh

·<.;- •

J99'7.l)8 81u, fI"d Gold; BKk Row Il.t:ftto Rightl: Mdrlt Lyon. M,ltt Hartnett, ~an TooI(', John Strzalk.1, John bro, Alt:" &thle, Mrs. Linda Donahue Middlt: Row: Mr Wilh,lm GeIger, ChIp MacPherson, Ml~e Bnnko!i, Matt Ranwe'ler,1im Pon,.5Oa.... Joe CidJuniS. Front Row: Creg Queen, Dan Pomsoak, Kevm Fitzpalnck, Saurabh Desai. JR. King. TIm Reilt-y



Seilora, Saurabh'$ copy is coming in tomorrow morning."


Sports: Exploring the Winning Side


t all started on Sunday, September 6. The 1...1 Salle football team took the field and dominated yel another opponent, extending their winning streak

which eventually ended in an unprl:.'Ccdcnted 32 games. With that another year had begun, continuing the legacy of L1 Salle sports. Anyone who has eVCT been to a La Salle sporting event knows the full extent of what it is all about. For all those who are in the stands, this heralded evenl is morc than just a game. The culmination of COllntless hours of preparation by those who are on the field brings a spirit of brotherhood to all those there to witness. Furthermore, these games are nol just for La Salle siudents. Large events such as the Thanksgiving day football game or the basketball playoffs draw students from neighboring schools, families, and avid sports fans just interested in watching a good game. La 5<,lIe sporting events generate a type of excitement that is nol present elsewhere. That excitement is not limited to spotlighted games. It matters not whether the spectators are witnessing Mike Byrnes take down the unsuspÂŁ.'Cting opponent, Andrew Rakowski pull up and drain a three-point shot, John Tucker crush a grand slam, or Mike Abbott put a ball past a helpless goalie. The truth is that Explorer sports are a time to capitalize on dedication, a time to enio)' the simplicity of athletic competition, but most of a 11 a time of pride.

"Coach did NOT say 'Simon SAYS louch your loes. M '



Touchdown poiSS number73. lIo-hum. "If I wolnt~d to give up looking cool, then I could i t t to open this pin."


Dol"~' how

.. boull~olming how 10 bullon four



Coaches and Fans: On Both Sides of the Ball


Explorers Battle Opponents Capture Playoff Berth T

his year's Varsity Football program may not have taken its third straight Catholic League Championship, it may not have finished al the top of the Northern Division, it may not have advanced beyond the first round of the playoffs, and it may nol have continued the consccuti\ wins Slre<lk, but this year's squad can by no means be deemed a disappointment. Co,lch Colisl:ra's 13th season as head coach gave him a 94-6-1 rccore His philosophy of "improvement" rather than winning took this learn very far, and kepllhe possible distraction of the winning streak from becoming a factor during the season. The streak did not come to an end, however, before some notice wa given to it. Now both a La Salle record and a Philadelphia Catholic League record, the streak was a topic of many discussions and many articles about this year's program and season, This record.-setting dde of 31 straight wins was ended, howevCf, by Archbishop Ryan on October 31, in a controversial 14-13 win which featured some difficult weather conditions. This proved te be the only loss this yeM's team endured. throughout the rest of the regular ~ason.

This year's offense was top notch, with Brett Gordon returning for a third year at quarterback and placekicker. He received ample help from players like Jeff Pietrak and Eric Seiferth for him to throw or hand-off to. Tl experienced offensive line of Paul Weinacht, Tom Cross, and Puri Garzone prO\ided La 5.:111e's talented playmakers with time and opportunities to do their jobs. The defensive unit did em excellent job of coping with the loss of players from l<lst year's team. The void was more than adequately filled by members of last year's undefeated lV. team. Returning !'tarters Paul O'Ora710, Ed I~ongard, Justin Primus, and Hugh Donnelly helped lead this group to success in a departmenl where questions had been raised before th season. Another tremendous season led to a tenth consecutive playoff ilppeilrancc. The team, however, was to suffer one more blow. Finishing second in the Northern Division, La 5.:111e was seeded to face the third place finisher Fnther Judge. A -1-7-17 upset ended La Salle's chances (or a third consecutive championship. So was this season a disappointment? Hardly. This year's varsity football progr<11n put Coach Colistra within only six games of his l00th win. The team set a school record and PCL r('cord (01 consecutive wins while maintaining the mentality of the "1...1 Salle StudentAthlete," The team ended with a regular season record of 6-1 in their division and 8-1 overall, This squad showl-oJ its superiority on both ends of the football. The season also earned L..l Salle its tenth playoff bc-rth in as many years. [t was, in fact, il season of which we're proud.


proor or lhe Cholmpionships, on Mr. Gerolld Miller's fingers.


"Ll't ml' pul.l

~I'll-plolced block

right "bout HERE!"

"Ul'rI', 11'1 ml' help you down," "And so Ihl'slory is rl'.Il1y .Ibout m.ln's inhuJIl;1lnity tow"rd m"n, "nd the I'll'm,,1 struggll' bl't"l"l'n good "nd I'vil,"



M.lCkf'~I: look

oIlthf' $iu of tholt


Scnlchin' 01,11





1'l'I7-'8 V"""ly 1'_11 T,·.""IT"I' fU,u, L to I!~ M.... kn...t•• My... Call.s"'" Ad.... 1I ..... rd~ 'Mn T...·.... I'.ul O'o.-... io, M'k. Loru Tom G_.. ruri C.n.o r.ul W"""'''L [d """sord. M'k. 0.<:'""'0. CIorto Willl.m...... ClI.I. " • ."•• lJob F••",i.. , ');lIon UnA lI"n,llo III: ' lin r,lm"" ,.fI";<1r.k. 11...,1 Co.dan. Bob I'hill,~ 1I",..do.. M<Clon•• (l,ri<l'.nn'nJ\I,,,,. ".~I .. Noon•• '.11. M.II"... Joh.. rol.y. Mik. 'lun<l,k... Ch.,. Winw.rd. K.vin M••II .. I. lIu&" Don ...lly. ClIri. O'iL......rdo. II... B.II.y•.""'.y "u8h, Ur>lltowl 10 Ill: I"" L'!lud., M.1l 8""110""""'11 A"pl.by.!>... N..dl •• Nick o..uf•• k. ".vin C••wford. Obi Am...";. Vi",. J..... <1t'.Jim Tr'rr'''. """ r.u•• I.ff J0rd I'.ul Col,.t •., Mlk. A"",w. T•• ~;. M.n;on.. CIori. Doull".ny. (41~ Rou, l In fll: II.." O·AlIo.. ..,. N.ll M,kul.kl. f I'foil 'I1m 1I1... k. "yl. C.n.h.... rony 100.......... TIm r i..~m. John Tuck O'ri.IO:..... .,... l1u/I"••Id, [m,.II.ril•• [d C"'l".,,,,,,, firth, K....'n Dou,,",rty, Iord_ Muir., TI.. McDon.Id, C , Coll.t,.. IIIoU.... flo... L 10 11111.1. Briw, o..a... \l<CUl"y. S","wn O'ConnOl, !l;,h "<au.. M.tt 0.."",.... lI)'On Mul,., (ri, S.H..,h, "nl_yCon.l...tinl S..n IC"'L Lony (v..... 1'.0' M<C.r\.I... T.J. ",...."".., Anl_y ~ ....I.,ChrtoC.. rri. '00 \ .....110.



Gordon Shatters State Records


hen, people look at stats when evaluating the skill of <1 player. With Brett Gordon, though, the most important stat of all is "two," as in two Philadelphia Catholic League Championships. Brett, a three-year starter, also managL>d to compile some impressive personal slats as well. His team~ had a career record of 33 wins and only Slosscs, and he also led Ll s.-llte to an all-time Pennsylvania best 32 consecutive wins. During his senior season, Brett not only rewrote the La S.l11e record book but also the

Catholic League and the Pennsylvania ones, as well. For the season, Breit threw for 2,647 yards on 175-for-301 p<lssing, a 58u/Q completion rate, and 33 touchdowns. During his three varsity SC<lsons, he passed -l82-for-884 (55%) for 6,837 yards, the second best in state history. Breit also holds the state career record for touchdown passes at &t. As La Salle's punter and kicker, he ended his career with 91 PATs i1lld 15 field goals. Looking back at Brett's record-breaking career, onc must remcmber that more important than all of the yards and touchdowns hc amassed, he was, abovc all, a winncr.



Frosh Storm League T

he J. V. football team completed another year with the same purpose that has been around for generations. Head roach Joseph Colistra has

assembled a squad for preparation to take over for the varsity players who have moved on. In an cHorlla cultivate young individual talent, the

team still tooJ... the time 10 amass an impressiv拢' &.1 record. Quarterood., Paul Colislra and runningback Jordan Mulr'lin led an explosive offense headed by coach Jim Maxwell; linebacker Chris Dougherty and defensive end Chris Williamson strengthened Paul Cuback's defense. Despite a diS<lppointing 8-6 defeat 10 Archbishop Ryan, it was a vcry successful season, and next year many of the players will be moving up 10 the varsity team. The return of head Freshman co.xh Mr. joseph Radvansky brought

renewed success this year as the freshman started their La Salle careers with an impressive 6路2 record. Moderator Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti and assistant coaches Mr. )ohnYollng, Mr. Daniel Hinckle, Mr. John Mezzanotte, and Mr. Joseph Murphy helped guide the 52 players to a season very much improved over last. While the learn featured a talented offense. it had a dominating defense that could keep them in every game. It seemed that all the players and coaches had a lot of fun, and look foward to playing more in the coming rears.


Cross Country Running With the Wind


he cross-country team's road to glory began along the shady paths of Valley Green and the rolling hills of Ft. Washington during the hazy days of July and August. This year, in a focused attempt to avoid last year's disappointments, they turned in a spectacular season, exeeding all expectations. The team dcvelopl.>d into a talented, mature group, exemplified by the team's success at major tournaments such as the Eastern States Championship and the PennsylvainiCl State Prep Championship. 1...:1 Salle silenced the doubters, finishing with three League Championships. The team consisted of many peak performers. In the Varsity race, 1st learn All-Catholics AI Clay, Colin McManus, T.]. Bartkowski, Greg Bielecki, Jeremy Palo, and Pat Badolato, with the help of Tom Devlin and Tom Chmielewski, scored a spectacularly low thirty points. Mike Donohue, Nick lordal, Rick Carminati, Steve Bolger, and Bill Bonner led the J.V., while freshmen Scan Badolato, Chris Potestio, Brain Baillie, Mark Swanson, and Justin Morace won their respective crowns.

Eyes 011 the prile.




AI/.J b



1H£ j

• There, so , rUIl for the pot o' gold. "


Explorers Kick Their Way into the Playoffs


he L., 5.,lIc soccer team had an outstanding '>Cason finishing with an impressi\'e record of 15-4-3. Co.lch

Peffle and company once agam returned to the

pla\'ofh in search of the en:~r-elusive PeL championship. After the !o:;s of key seniors Malt Cox, Mike Heim, and John 5.1\ age to graduation, the team would need other \"arsity and junior varsity players to step up and fill the ,'oid They didn't disappoint. lbe leam was led this yearby Roman Escobar,Sean W~lfield,

Joe Stella, Dan Nevcrosky, and Chris Ward

among others. These fine players were what Coach Peffle referred to as the engine room of the team. Along with their strong offense. the Explorers also rose to the challenge on the defensivesideof the field. Lcd by go.lltender Scan Teesdale (who had an outstanding 'iC\cn ..,we, in the playoff game against Ryan), the defense shut down many opponents while the front line scored almost at will '1C'I(t .!>eason, the Explorers look to build on the momentum geneTated during this season in the hope thai they will be able to bring home the Championship plaque.

Se,1n TÂŤscble slues down t.h.e oppositon. D,1n 1\elitrosky winds up for ,1nolher go.d.


There', Joe Stdb using his hud again.

The mion heals up around Ihr goal.


Chris Wud m,Jkes hili brt'iIIkout mo"t'. Joe Sidb ,Jltt'mpu 10 rt'movt' his m,Jjor obsIHIt'.

1997-98 V,Jrsity SOCcrrT....m: ITop Row L 10 R): COillch l\hu Noel, Joe Steff,),. Sun Tft'$dl.lt', Se,Jn Westfield, Dilln Nevt'rosky, Tom Crt',Jn, JOt' R,Jit'la, Tim McGoldrick, Phil Bocchino, Bill Rt'id, Crt'S Don,Jlelli, Mike S,JVI.St', CO,Jch Drcw Slockm,Jl, CO,Jch Bob Peffle. (Bottom Ro", L R): Chris \'\Iud, Phil Danvel"!l, And)' Au, Mikt' remt', Dan C,Jlrino, Roman ÂŁ.<;.(obl.r, Tim O,Jnillhrr, Chris SI,Jck



bUI nobody





Hoopsters Stir Up Catholic League Varsity B-Ball Advances in Playoffs he 1997-98 La S.,lIe Explorers WE're a group who truly defined the word "team," Unlike the season before, one in which all the learn's success centered for the most part around the play of one guy. Joe Meade, this year's learn won and lost based on how well they played together as a group. Led by seven seniors, induding Chris McShea, Andrew Rakowski, Ed Bongard, Dan everosky, Brett Gordon, John Welsh, and Mike Lorusso, the Explorers were once again among the beslleams m the Northern Division. Besides demonstrating a great chemistry among its players. the team also benefited from a terrific coaching staff, including newcomer Mr. Brian McGilL With the addition of Mr. McGill, head coach Mr. Marty Jackson's coaching staff now included three La 5.,lIe faculty members, the other two being Mr.Bernie Fitzgerald and Mr. Joe Dempsey. "It's a great help to me as a coach to have these three guys with me," said Mr. Jackson, "I have always said that athletics is lust an extension of the classroom." The Explorer's season was filled with many big victories, including two wins over their closest competitor in the division, Father Judge. Moreover, besides appearing in the title game of the Carroll Classic, the team won the Silver Springs Tournament in Silver Maryland over the Christmas Vacation. Under the leadership of Mr. Jackson, the 1997-98 Explorers proved themselves as the team to beat in the Northern Division, and completed yet another successful season.


1997路98 V,mity Blish/bali Tell",; B;ack Row (L.eflto Right): John aHara, John Wel:o;h, Andrew R<lkowski, Ed Bong.mi, Chns McShea, Steve Erfle, Brend,lll McCormick, Mike Lorusso Front Row (L.eft 10 Right); Brett Gordon. Alex Ramos, Chri:, Stanton, Dan Neveroskv, Keith Olender, 11m Sullivan, Bn,ln Horgan .


The EJo:plorers stonn the bouds. Unm.t(hed 5O<:ks? So what? He un shoot buckets.


R.l.owski t...kes one for the te.m.

Ed Bongard


the lane.


J.V. & Freshman Basketball A Reason to Believe


he La Salle junior varsity basketball leam had another successful campaign thIs year Coached by Mr Joseph Dempsey. the learn played strongly m the Catholic League. The team boasted some of La Salle's future staTS. Juniors Jimmy Sullivan, John O'Hara, Keith Olender, Steve Erne, Brendan McCormick. and sophomore Brian Horgan played on both Varsity and JV. Meanwhile, sophomores Pat 0' eiIJ, Mike DeCrescio. John Poley, Kevin Dolan. Paul McCurkin. Anthony Siravo. Dennis Stanton, and Brian Jenkins all contributed to the learn's effort. This team's showing gives us all a reason to believe that La Salle's basketball program will be strong for years 10 come.

Mr. Fiu. glv" the tum .nothu Inspiring

~p 1~1k.

"COoIch uid I'king b.llri would improvl! my gam..."



Ih.lll Bro. Jor fixing Ihl' holl' in thl' roof!"


pll'''~. pll'''~. pll'''~ go



Swimming Decade of Dominance


his year's teams boasted swimmers who combined 4 years of competetive depth with the experience of last year's second place finish at ational Catholics: Paul Sharkey. Mike KnowS"-), Brendan O'Hara, Bill Markmann. Tim O'Malley. and the captains, Joe Chiaranlona and Ryan Tuman otable underclassmen include: Craig Keenan. Sean Tucker. Evan Behr. Matt Ranweiler. Mike Harrigan. Brad Green, Kieran Bryers, Matt Wahl, Brian Bacher, and Kevin Dougherty. Head Coach Mr. Frank Lichtner said this year's learn had a "nice blend of swimmers from different levels", who all did a "steady job" throughoullhe seasonal meets. The team "motored through everybody" in the league and swam extemely well against some rival teams outside of the league. laSalle defeated Paul VI and SI. Joseph's Metuchen in December match-ups, and then, in an exhibition meet with Hill and Metuchen, L'lSalle "got the better of the two teams." This very dedicated bunch was in the pool before most of us were out of bed on school days, and back in the pool again for another 2 hours after school let oul. And let's nol forgel the Saturdays and Sundays spent in the water 'This team worked their tails ofLand I'm proud 10 know these guYS.M Mr. Lichtner said. "Right now there's a teacher-pupil relanonship between us, but I look forward to the day when our relationship is belween friends. I watch these guys develop. mature, and build confidence. That is the biggest thrill; that's what winning is." Whether you'd like 10 look at this year's season from the secondary and superficial terms of trophies and medals, or if you'd rather take Mr. Lichtner's perspective of development, maturity, and confidence, the conclusion is obvious. This year's swimming program won big.

The 1997路98 Ch~mpionship V~rsity Swim Tum; Back Row, left 10 right Mr Frank Lichmer, Head Coach; Sean llrooks, Brendan O'Hara, Craig Keenan, Rob Queroli, Jeff Paul, Mike Knowski, Brad Green, Mike Harrigan, c.J Tuman, E\'an Behr, Malt Wahl Middle Row: Kieran Bryers. Mark Gem,ud, }oeChiarantona, Sean Tud.cr, Ryan Tuman, Mall Ranweller Bollom Row Chns Chancellor, Kevin Hughet>. GI1'8 H\'hnski, Ke\'ln Dougherty, Brian Bacher. Tim rlppet. Bart Ra\


BOirt ROlY _1'$ off the block in the 500

ymi fl'ffStyle. AWOliting his tum, EVOIn Behr ÂŤIntent""tn on his ... ~.

Kevin Hughes debOites the merits of breathing Olir versus WOlter.


"In steamy aquatic centers swim the Explorers, 26 members of what could be the league's most dominant and unheralded prep sports dynasty. In the 1990's, they are to swimming...


what William Penn is to girls' track, what Simon Gratz and Roman Catholic have been to boys' basketball- only, in this decade, they have yet to lose." - Marcia C. Smith, The Philadelphia Inquirer, February 3, 1998


Bowling It's Gatta Be the Shoes


taring down the freshly oiled lanes and anticipating the beginning of the greatest season in La Salle Bowling's long and illustrious history, Coach Gary Wiley knew that this was the year. As his troops filed into the hallowed halls of ThunderbiI Lanes, he saw four returning bowlers and five semors 10 lead the charge, led by uKmgptn" MIke Wemert, the man who aspired to a second straight higheslleague average title. Mr. Wiley knew Ihal all the praises and reviews of his team in the Wisterian were true and thallhese bowlers were "legend" material. The starting Varsity consisted of freshmen james Edelen, sophomore Mike Albert, junior Dan Barnes, and seniors Dave Schmel and the aforementioned Mike Weinert (who often refers 10 himself as "The Answer," among other things). Starting the season off slow, the pace began to pick up after a huge win at Conwell Egan. The second half kicked off with a sweep of North a two wins over Ryan, thanks to Beau Yanoshik's stepping up from JV in order to clutch a come-from-behind victory on the road. That's not to forget the JV: three returning seniors included the myth, Erik Peterson, the man, Beau Yanoshik, and the legend, Mark Szczech (who is often referred to as "Kingpin" and "The Answer" by everyone except Weinert). G Wiley, looking toward the future, expanded the team this year to fifteen. The additions to the]V /Novice team were freshmen Tom Blah, Chris Breen and Joe Hand, sophomores Kyle ("the Wiz") Wizotskey, Scott Kelley and Ceof L.:1.ng, and junior Chris Heayn. What the JV learned this season was that it isn't necessarily the score that matters (if you know what I mean), but the inspi.rational sound of a eight-pound ball punishing the pins: nothing beats this! The highlight of the year in La Salle Bowling was the Varsity's home match versus Conwell- Egan. Many of the bowlers' classmates, including the Explorer himself, showed up to support the team. The lanes were loud and the bowling was great, witl record crowd cheering every spare and strike, including the eight in a row "Kingpin" Weinert threw. As the regular season came down to a dose, there were many questions still left unanswered: who would fill the shoes c this year's seniors? Did the girl on Cheltenham Avenue ever recover, Dave? With the losses of Szczech and Yanoshik, who will c the Turkey Dance next year? Would Weinert ever yell "This one's for you, buddy" again? Would Albert still trash talk dUring practice? Would Szczech miss Peterson's words ("nice try") of encouragement? How did Breen throw a 204? How did Barnes' h. get yellow? And, finally, now that C Wiley cut the hair, would the goatee be next?

1997-98 Bowlers: Back Row (left 10 right): D.lVc Schmcl Joe Hand, Mike Albert, James Edelen. Mik Weinert, Mr. Gary Wiley: Middle Row: Tom Bloh, Scott Kelly, Dan Barru.'!l, Beau Yanoshik, Kyle Wisot7.kcy: Front Row: Chris Breen, Erik Peterson, Chns Heayn. Geoff Lang.



Indoor Track In From the Cold


his year's indoor track team once again performed In excellent fashion. The times posted by the learn have become the benchmark of La Salle's excellent athletic program. Led by a strong force of seniors and juniors. the track learn has already made the record books in several instances. Most notable, perhaps, is La Salle's 4 x 8(X}m relay learn of seniors AI Clay and Chris Ward, and juniors Greg Bielecki and Mike Donohue. Their time of 7:57.2, set on January 24th at the Pnnceton Relays. is the best in the state and second in the country. The 4 x-lOOm team of Clay. Bielecki. Ward, and junior Obi Amachi turned in a hme of 3:30.9, third in the Philadelphia area. In the middle distance run. the key contributors have been semors Colin McManus. T.} Barkowski, Jeremy Palo, along with Juniors Sean TeesdaJe and Pat Badolato. Top performers in the sprints so far have been senior Kevin Miller, juniors Brian Mee, Obi Amachi, sophomore Kevin Seminack, and senior Matt Met', who also does well in hurdles. Others who excelled include John Clark '98 in high jump and triple jump, Andrew Au '98 in long jump and Pat Moore '99 in shotput. Of importance is the fact that the team competes in the Greater Philadelphia Track and Field Coaches Association, which means they compete against about a hundred private, publiC, and Catholic schools. Coach Patrick Devine and company have once agam raised the level of excellence of La Salle athletics.


Hugh Donnelly holnds off 10 Chris Wolrd

]ohn,lhJI'S p.linfullo look at!


Mee huds forthle finish


"Air Au" comes in fora landing.


Ice Hockey The Icemen Cometh


hroughout the years, the La Salle Ice Hockey Program has established itself as one of the finest in all of Pennsylvania. This year, under the guidance of first year coach Wally Muehlbronner, the expectations were even higher. Even after the loss of players such as Casey Schafer, Mati Kelly. and Pal McCullion, the Varsity 1 team continued to steamrollthe competition in the Inter-County AAA League. They even challenged talent-laden New England prep schools such as Trinity Pawling and South Kent. The offensive firepower was provided by juniors Sean Heron, senior Bob Farrell, and sophomore Pete Naticchione. Seniors Dan Felix, Brant Heaton, juniors Kevin Brady, Pat Salvitti, Lou MerJini, James Nowicki, Ryan Cohen, Drew Santillo, and sophomores Ryan Galli and Mike Loftus also made significant offensive contributions, On the blue line, seniors Mike Mauriello, Dan Becker and jlmior Brad Bathgate helped solidify the defense. Senior Shane Reilly and freshman Sean Garvin punished all opponents who came near, Finally, junior Justin Levin and sophomore Greg Molchen formed one of the premier goaltending tandems in the league, Among the Varsity 1's early season accomplishments were a first place finish in the Pittsburgh Central Catholic Tournament and a decisive 9-2 win over last year's Flyers Cup Champion, Malvern Prep, However, the coup de grace came in the State Championship game, when the Explorers handed Central Catholic a 3-2 defeat. Meanwhile, the Varsity 2 emerged as a contender in the Inter-County AA League. The JV A and B teams made great strides in their respective leagues, continuing the La Salle hockey tradition, Thanks to an abundance of depth and talent, the hockey program at La Salle should be at the top for years to come.


J997-1998 Vllrsity J Icr Hockey TeIlJ1l: Bottom Row: Lefllo Righi, Brant Hearon, Mike Loftus, Ryan Galli, Greg Molchen, Mr. Wally Muelbronner (Head Coach), Justin Levin, Dan Felix, Sean Garvin, Brad Bathgate; 5ÂŤond Row: Dr. Joseph D'Angelo (moderator), Pete Naticchione, Kevin Brady, Mike Mauriello, Shane Reilly, James Nowicki, Bob Farrell, Dan Becker, Sean Heron, Mr Roy Kelly (team manager);



....... ÂŁ



8"thg"t~ goes

into" tripl.. .IIxle.

Bob Funll [hugn up tht ict',


PIusI' be geniiI', I breolk usily.

Ealollk onlookers cheeT wildly for Moln Heron.



No soup for you!


Ryan Cohen prepares 10 bailIe for the puck.


Yo Ref! The game is over here. The mIg . h Iy Explorers charge on,


Wrestling Grappling With the Best


he commitment found in all activities at La Salle is nowhere more evident than in the wrestling program Through many intense prac

tices and a strenuous schedule, the wrestlers give new meaning 10 the phrase "only the strong survive." However, few moments in life are as sweet as having one's hand raised in victory. After a strong 96-97 campaign, many critics believed Ihis year's squad would be noticeably weaker. But this year's group silenced the critics early on, proving that they could remain near the lOp in a highly competitive Catholic League. Led by team captains Mike Byrnes, Puri Garzone, and Mark Ruegg, the wrestlers held true to their cause. Under the tutelage of Coach Mr. Ken Flood and his assistants, many underclassmen have stepped. up. Juniors joe Fedyna, Travis Manion and Gary Murray made significant contributions. Leading the Sophomore grapplers were Tim Black, joe Spause, Chris Dougherty, Mike Cosgrove, jon White, and Gilberto Aponte. Meanwhile, the JV wrestlers also had another excelJent season. junior Dino D'Orazio, Sophomores john Boring and Nick Onufrak aJlturned in excellent perfom1ances. Finally, with a strong group of juniors, up to 10 Sophomores in the varsity lineup, and a strong incoming Freshman class, the future of La Salle's wrestling tradition is bright.




Tr.illvi!i M.mion showing no lik~


Blanco. lib Flood.


Baseball La Salle's Pastime


his year's team enjoyed another exciting season. La Salle played competitively and 10 the end. With names like Peaches. Bulb and Thugs, how could they lose? As the play got intense, they stepped up their play. The future of the La Salle Baseball looked bright. The team was coached to another winning season by Mr.]oseph Parisi. who was assisted again this year by the talented Brother Tim Ahem and Mr Dave Heineman. These three men provided unlimited guidance 10 the struggling hitter or the wild pilcher This year's squad consisted of many seniors. The captains, Jeff Pietrak, Ed Bongard, John Tucker, and Mike Mattern, Jed the team to success through their experience. Adam Richards and Pal Moore returned as second year starters and insured the offense behind Pietrak and Bongard. The silent assassins Hugh Donnelly, John Fisher and lohn Travers provided some time anc assistance, wherever it was needed. 0 season would be complete without the antics of John Tucker, Tuck always managed to get the team ready for a game and he came through on the field when he had to. The underclassmen also played a major role in the team's success. Led by second year third baseman Keith Olender and shortstop John Malara, they provided some much needed infield help. The team played a very vigorous schedule including games against the Hill School, Father Judge and Archbishop Ryan. As the season wOWld down.. the Explorers were in the playo(( hunt. As usual, the managers kept the team pointed in the right direction. Senior Manager Dan Ponisciak, Junior Manager Tim Ponisciak and newcomer Pat McKeown gave the team the support they needed to be Victorious. This year's team truly defined a TEAM EFFORT.

"My I..nl':""'rl': kill ins m ....nd Islill hJVI': si." mol'1l' inninss-R John Tuc".r thlnb, R~hn. thill pilchu don hJVl': J hiS hull. R


John Malilril expresses his glee dter returning "home" to BrothcrTim Ahem. 'Altil boy Jeff, nice cilt-Iike reflexcs.

Ed Bongud crossing the plilte i1gilin like iI second "home". Brother Tim Ahem, nlling long distilnce.

To the moon" leU. to the moon! Strike sb:!


K~ilh Ol~nd~r h;as just fin;aU)' re;alized wh)' LuC'k)' Chums;are so m;agiull)' de!licious.

"Jot, wh;at do )'01,1 mun I c;an't pl;a)'?",

John Trave!nI pondenl what baseball would be lib if everyone! would drink AU-Sport.


JV & Frosh Baseball The Unsung Heroes of the Field


he 1998 season was one of promise for both of La Salle's younger hardball teams. Coaches Mr. Fran Spause of the Frosh and Mr. George Denicola of the J.V. learn welcomed the newest slars in the school's diamond crown. After finishing19-{) as a Freshman learn, Denicola had high expectations for his J.V. squad thIS rear. Pitching and defense were his mainstays. and as always the J.V. players hit the ball weU. Among the standouts looking toward the varsity team were Leon Benn, Brian Harvey. Tom O'Connor, Chris Dougherty, Ernie Barile, Anthony Suavo, and Pat Mallach. Mr. Spause took over a freshman team that has succeeded well for more than a decade on La Salle's diamonds. Always tough in the pitching and hitting area, the frosh competed well among a strong CathoHc League. Combining power. speed, and pitching.. the two teams served their purpose as feeders to the varsity squad.

Wh~1 s~


up. mU51 come down.

The only problem with baseball is remembering when' first

base is. The key 10 success in La Sollie baseball: five second buemen at one time.



• ..



--_.- -


Possibly the best kepi secret in all of b<lseball, the

chicken-legged stance.


Golf La Salle Swingers


he La Salle golf team this year sought its third Pel title in a row, under the direction of coaches Mr. MamnJackson and Mr. Les Burke. The team was led by the solid talent of All路 Catholic senior Jeff Huntzinger, and juniors Brad Bathgate and P.J. Matthews, a first-year transfer from St. Joe's Prep. Other top golfers included seniors Jim Uberi and Neil Mikulski and juniors Dave Cuff, T.J. Piper, and Rich Krauss. Among fifteen other teams in the Pel golf league, La Salle's squad of aboullwelve men has consistently proven to be the best. Coach Jackson said that the new talenllhal Joined the team this year is as important as the old talent. The football and swim teams can step aside. FORE!





pick the

sm~rtest of


to shoot. Man. that's the third b.lilliost today.


Jim Liberi tees lip a gopher. Mis<:hievous Rich Krallss is about to pull off the 01' e:o;ploding golf ball gag.


Tennis Because "T" Stands for "Triumphant" he 1998 La Salle tennis team has enjoyed another great season in its pursuit of a PeL championship, the seventh in an eight year stretch. The team, under varsity tennis coach Tore "T" Hanssen, was looking to surpass seventy-five wins. Although four of lasl year's starters graduated. the team was poised to capture the Catholic League once again Led by senior Matt


John. this young and talented team experienced another successful year

Even with few seniors. the team boosted winnmg and experienced players. Junior Rich Davoli and sophomores Jim Logan, R.J. Ermola, and Andrew Puntel made an impact. Thad greal expectations for this talented learn. "Yes, this team is young," Mr. Hanssen said, "bul they are experienced tennis players because they have been through it before and have a PeL championship under their belt." La Salle's competition this year included Ryan, aHara, and, of course, St Joe's Prep. T was confident, however, lhat with winning varsity experience and his preparation, the season would prove to be successful and that last year's accomplishments would be repeated. As he believes, "Success breeds success."

1997-1998 VArsity T"."is TrAin: Ldl to RighI; RJ. Ennola. Mr Tore Hanssen, Andy PunteJ, Pat Rose, Da"e Janke, Dan Kim, Ben Tur.;i, James logan, Nick Bowers; Missing: Rich D....oli. Matt John Jim Log"'n gettin' jiggy wit' it.


R.J. Ermolill dtmonsirilllt.s his flying SupC'rman impl'C'Ssion 10 Andy PunlC'!.

"BTTT_Uh. how long do you think Wt'rt gonn" be out htrt?"




Trusting Coxwains with a $20,000 Boat


hoever said winning isn't everything never rowed for La Salle. The La SaUe Crew is built on dedication discipline. and hard work. Hard work in the (ann of the dreaded .. Loop of Death" are enough to cause grown men to cry. After a lack luster performance last season, the team came back with a vengeance. Workouts began in the fall for many of these passionate juniors and seniors with the words, "Beat Prep," ingrained in their minds. The strong corps of seniors should land this team successfully onto the medals dock come Stotesbury and Nationals. Rowing oul of the nostalgic Canoe Club down by the corroded Strawberry Mansion bridge is a solid squad including the Midweighl 8, Junior Varsity 8, Varsity 8. and the Varsity 4 and Midweight 4. Among the leaders of this lighbling-qujck flotilla are the seniors: John Wall, Brian Romanzo. Mike Lorusso, Mike Burleigh. Sean McCullagh. Tony Leonard, Chris Winward, Kevin Kohler, Brian Binder, Gavin Smith, Tommy Curran, and their fearless coxswains Nick Brunetti, Mike Greger, and Beau Yanoshik "lntensity, gentlemen, intensity," are the words echoed by assistant roach Mark Gibbons. Head coach Charles Calvanese took over the helm this season aided by young assistants Wardlow, Kowalski, York and Gibbons. They spent countless hours teaching good rowers how to be great rowers. Moreover, the crew received the support of a dedicated Parents' Association who. with the advice of Mr Peter Sigmund. purchased three new sleek "Millennium" shells for the crew's use. In order to appreciate crew, envision La Salle students willing to awaken at the break of dawn and spend their "Spring Break" on the beautiful "Schuylkill Riviera." Like world-class athletes who strive for Olympian Gold Medals, they. too, prepare to Olltmuscle the competition.



Pr-.p l1)wen di~S'lised;as L.t SlIlt" Cl't'W memMr5 i1ttempt to hide th... V-8'l1 ~t underw.lter. Couw.lin


ick Bnlnt"ttl p,..p....n for yet .IJlotht"r d.ly of motivilting through h.lrusmenl

Mike Savage hJving that "not so fresh feeling."

--- -





--...:.-- ---

Patriotic La Salle crew rows in the biller cold. Tommy Curran ÂŤstatically anticipates yet .Another day out on the river.


Mih G~erdiKoversthe key to !UCC't'$$•••• motor.



Just getting the bo.lOt .lOw.y from the dock is. chon!!



La S.IIllf'S o.usmtn showing off their mlod skills.



Track & Field Faster, Higher, Stronger


hrough the years, the La Salle track and field program has become a dominating (orcein the

PhiJadelphia Catholic League. With Pel championships in cross country and indoor track. the expectations for this year's spring team were that much higher Besides participating in Pel meets, the learn entered the PeM Relays and the Colonial Relays, where they met stiffer competition. TIle distance runners, under the direction of Coach Pat Devine. wer~ led by seniors Chris Ward, T.J- Bartkowski. Colin McManus and AI Clay. The sprinters, led by senior Andy Au and junior Obi Amachi, sought to reestablish themselves as forces to be reckoned with in the PeL The much improved senior Matt MeeeasiJy handled the high and intennediale hurdles. He,ak>ng, wilhJohn Clark and Andy Au participated in the jumps. under the tutelage of field events coaches Shawn eely and MikeSeminack.



proves whitt mtn ;Il~n'l nrtkillly chilJl"lged.

T.,. B.. rtkow,ki ,how, off his ntw h..ircullo his fellow bxk malts.



Lacrosse Cradling La Salle's Pride


kills, Defense, Communication, Unity, Values. As the warriors step onto the battlefield, these five qualities become part of them ...The blood rushes through their bodies. their hearts race, and the intensity rises. As each warrior examines his opponent, both honor and respect are transferred across the battlefield. The traditional handshake is exchanged by the leams' generals and the warriors get set for battle. TIlis chain of events might sound famiJjar to you. There's a sport alla SaUl' which does this every week. It's Lacrosse. The 1998 La Salle lacrosse team committed itself to living out the above qualihe5 every day, and to achieving those goals set forth by Coach Bill Leahy and Assistant Coach Dan Hinckle. 11tis season, the lacrosse team sought its fifth Catholic League title and a bid for the stale playoffs. The varsity players looked to captains Tom Cross, Dan everosky, and Mike Abbott for leadership in the season ahead. Other members of the varsity helped the team reach new heights, as well 0 one was able to compete with the constant speed, sharp shooting, and intensity of mid路fielders and offensemen Sean Kent, Kevin Merlini, Nick Mattiacci and Paul Gibbons. Defensemen Pat Bevilacqua. Chris Smith and captain Tom Cross were hard to beat, especially with experienced goaltender Matt Westley commanding the net. Through the work of dedicated players and coaches, the La Salle Lacrosse Team was able to come away victorious from their 1998 season.


Mr. Dol" Hinckl~.


firm Hli~v~rof rorporo1l pu"i.shrn~"t.

Brio1n Lipski cvnqu~1"li his fe'.IIf of th~ b"lI.


"Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go..." Brian Lipski finally 51'1'5 the ball, but dOl'Sn'! rully want!o be the ball.



1997-t9981.a<"rosH C~ch~: Left to RiShl, Frank l.ohocki, Ken Tru~l, Oan Hmcklt', Bill Lc.. hv, Bnan Harnngton; Minin&- Ch1Xk Cirelli





rftounl$ ~ 1~le of how he be.. t up .. dl'fensemen this big.

C[l;Ilie Crq; Queen

~tlempts to

net ..n Abbott..lI Mike Abbott..


Seniors: Upperclassmen at Last T

he remarkable way in which the senior class has gro\\;n together and united O\-er the past four years overshadows their impressive feats and accomplishments. The number of honors students <lOd championships and National Merit Semifinalists the senior class has accumulated are impressive, true, but this class is more defined by who it is than by what it does. Friendships. forged during freshman year and tried as lime wenl on are strengthened by the impending separation the class will soon eJl.perience. Bonds th'll will ne\'cr be broken are c"identlo anyone who's seen a football or soccer game. Discussion, debates and disputes within the classroom ha\'{? led 10 an increased understanding of a world of knowledge. We are proud of the fOUf years the we have had. Four yeiln, - drawing to a dose. Hard to believe during freshman orientation that the end would come so soon. The strange sensation of singing the Alma Mater that first day in the gym and realizing that "Hey, I'm done grade school and I'm here now" has gi\'en way to the strange sensation of attending a Mass in the same room and realizing "wow, I'll be leaving S(X)n. I won't be here to experience this." The unf<1miliar air of the people around us and of the school is gone, replaced by an almost melancholy unden.tanding that soon we'll be gone, too. But for the seniors, it's a time of pride as well. It's been tough but rewarding; dis..1ppointing but exhilarating; at times, even fun. We'll be gone soon, but La 5..111c has prepan..>d liS well. The sadness we feel will givt' way to pride as we sing the Alma Mater aile last time. And then... on to something else.

Sporting Ui

5.lo1l~'s nl'w d~;IIn sh;llv~n

look. "On~

mol"l' ~riod ;lind I'.路~ got this

onl' be.t."


"Come on, set me up. Set me up."


-And ..s we ..pprouh the Chrislmu Seuon, I w .. nl )"OU .. II 10 n'mt'mber Ih.. t mys 路utt'r sin is lugt', my shirt size ..


Michael R. Abbott 408 Ascot Rood

Keith P. Adams

Marc A. Alfarano

453 Pepper Road Huntingdon ValJey, PA 19006

8514 Chippewa Rood Philadelphia, PA 19128

(215) 576-1692

(215) 947-3918

(215) 487-2549

Holy Martyrs

St. Albert the Great Football I; Crew 1,2; Track &Field 2,3,4; esc 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; AthJetic Trainer 4 "Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is whal you reaDy are while your reputation is merely what other lhink you arc. John Wooden

Immaculate Heart of Mary Photo Club 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Science Club 3,4; Japanese Club 4 ~Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. Julius Caesar

Oreland, PA 19075

Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,4; esc 3,4; SADD 3,4; NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2 "Our greatest glory consists not in never failing. but in rising every time we fall." Oliver Goldsmith



Christian G. Barbato 514 Carriage House Lane Harleysville. PA 19-138 (215) 256-4085

Corpus Christi Football 1,2,3; Art Club 3; esc 1,2,4; MCC 3,4; SADD 3,4; LaSallian Youth 4 "Take your time. think a lot. think of everything you've got, for yOll will still be here lomorrow, but your dreams may not." Cat Stevens


Thaddeus J. Bartkowski III 307 Clairemont Road ViUanova, PA 19085 (610) 527-1815

St. Thomas of Villanova Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 2,3,4 (Captain); Football 1 "Know yourself, believe in yourself, push yourself, and be humble." John Treacy

Lloyd C. Beck 1lI 8324 Ridgeway Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 728-{)182 51. Cecilia Wrestling 1,2,4; NHS 3,4; esc 2,3,4; Intramurals 4 "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors 10 live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." Henry David Thoreau

Eric E. Andruczyk

640 Pulinski Ro.-\d Ivyland, PA 18974 (215) 355-2320 St. Vincent de Paul Cross Country 1; Tennis 2,3,4; Student Coucil2,3,4; esc 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; MCC 2,3,4; Lasallian Youth 1.2,3,4; SADD 1.2,3,4; Scholastic "L" I; Second Honors 2,3,4 Ihe real character of a man is found oul by his amusements.- Sir Joshua Reynolds

Daniel D. Becker 304 Poplar Road Aourtown, PA 19031 (215) 836-1203 Hockey 1.2,3,4 "It takes courage to ha\'e a dream and determination to make it come true"

Douglas D. Appleby 691 Dick Avenue Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 322-8167 Football 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1 "Let us pul our minds together and see what life we will make for our chiJdren." Sitting Bull

Joseph P. Deletsky 38n Pine Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 914-0324 Resurrection of Our Lord Scholastic "L" 1; Second Honors 2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Lacrosse I; Science 2,3,4; esc 2,3 "Don't mean to push, but I'm being shoved! Oh, I'm jU511ike you, think we've had enough. I can't believe a thing they want us to...oh ...Oh, we aLi got scars, they should have 'em too... " Eddie Vedder

Andrew Au 1555 Temple Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 628-3246 St. Alphonsus Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track &- Field 1.2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; esc 1,2.3,4; MCC 3;1; HS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1.2,3,4 "The poor man is not he who is without a cent. but he who is without a dream. "


V. Benante

142 AnseLm Road RiChboro, PA 18954 (215) 357-5460 St. Vincent de Paul Footba111,2.3,4; Lacrosse 2.3,4; Second Honors 1,2,3.4; Japanese Club 4 "You see things as they are and ask why, but I dream of things that never were and why not." J,F.K. 1000 Susan Rood


Patrick Bevilacqua 1000 Susan Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 677-8683 Maternity B.V.M. Forensics 1,2; Band 1,2.3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; esc 3,4 "Even when you know you never know." Richard Dreyfuss

Brian J. Binder

Scolt Binsfeld

2250 Boyd Road Apartment B Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-1627 St. Albert the Great Crew 1,2,3,4; Coss Country 4; Intramurals 1; Second Honors 1,3,4 "I love them high school girls, I get older, they stay the same age:' Wooderson, Dazed and Confused

1315 Ceorge Terrace Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 364-8222 Our Lady of Good Counsel "A soul in tension that's learning to fly condition grounded but determined to try." David Gilmour

Michael A. Brinkos

Michael T. Brown

Nicholas Brunetti

948 Clyde Lane Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-1429 Holy Family Latin Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Gazebo 3,4; Computer Club 1; Yearbook 4; Second Honors 1,2,3; Scholastic "L" 4 "When you are down, keep on going. Determination will change your luck. If you believe that you've had enough, then you must keep on going and never give up." Deborah Harry

456 Yale Drive Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 396-0148 Our Lady of Good Counsel Band 1,2; Theater 1.2,3,4; Chorus 2.3,4; Photo Club 3,4; esc 3,4; Stage Crew 4 "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." Ralph Waldo Emerson

9327 GlenJoch Street Philadelphia, PA 19114 (215) 331-2516 St. Katherine of Siena Soccer 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4; esc 11,12; Intramurals 1 "Let the world know you as you are. not as you think you should be. because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?" Fanny Brice


Philip J. Bocchino 557 Applewood Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 646-5179 St. Luke Soccer 1,2,3,4; Crew 1; Track & Field 1 "It is better to be feared than to be loved." Sonny, A Bronx Tale

Brendan J. Burke 8328 Elliston Drive Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 836-2148 Our Mother of Consolation Second Honors 1,2,3,4; esc 3,4; Drama 2,4; Wisterian 2; Latin Club 2 "It's easy to grin when your ship comes in, and you've got the stockmarket beat. But the man worthwhile is the man who can smile when his shorts are too tight in the seat." Judge Smails, Caddys}lUCk

Edward J- Bongard III 1812 Loney Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 342-3258 Resurrection of our Lord Football 1,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4 "Your biggest challenge is the voice inside you that yells, 'Can't!' You push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper, 'Can!' You discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are."

Michael G. Burleigh 401 Vernon Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 572-1309 Immaculate Conception NHS 3,4; Basketball 1,2; Crew 1,2,3,4; esc 3,4; Yearbook 1,2,3; Art Club 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2; Scholastic "L" 1,2.3,4 "So it goes." Billy Pilgrim

Matthew Brannon 1292 Lindsay Lane Meadowbrook, PA 19046 (215) 886-1538 St. Hilary of Poiliers Football 1,2,3.4; Stage Crew 4; Wisterian 3,4; CSC 4; MCC 4; Japanese Club 4 "There must be some kind of way out of here, said the joker to the thief. There's too much confusion. I can't get no relief." Bob Dylan

Christopher V. Burns 1913 Appaloosa Road Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-4723 St. Robert Bellarmine lee Hockey 3,4; Golf 2,3,4 "You shackled the mind that was left on the cross. When ignorance reigns life is lost!" Rage Against the Machine


Jonathan M. Burton

Andrew D. Buschmeier

9190 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118

9056 Convent A venue

(215) 247-2159

(215) 969-6614

Our Mother of Consolation

St. Jerome Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Mathletes 3,4; NHS 3,4; MCC 4; WEXP 4; Wrestling 2,3; Track & Field 2,3,4; Cross Country 3; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 "My eat's breath smells like cat food!" Ralph Wiggum, Tlte Simpsons

BasebaI12,3,4; esc 2,3,4 "So if you wake up with the sunrise, and aU your dreams are still as new, and happiness is what you need so bad, the answer lies with you." Robert Plant

Brian J. Carberry 808 Keely Place Philadelphia, PA 19128

Philadelphia, PA 19136

Daniel P. Catrino 240 Shoemaker Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Michael G. Byrnes 425 Jefferson Avenue Hatboro, PA 19040 (215) 672-4709 St. John Bosco Wrestling 1,2,3,4 Captain; Student Council 1,2,3; esc J,2,3,4; Football 1,2; Lntramurals 1,2 "The devil tempts every man, but an idle man tempts the devil."

Joseph F. Chiarantona 1115 Jericho Road Abington, PA 19001

(215) 487-0374

(215) 947-3586

(215) 884-1214

Immaculate Heart of Mary Forum 1,2,3,4; Latin Club 2,3,4; LaSallian Youth 3,4; NHS 4; Yearbook 4, Wisterian 4 "To whom much is given. much is expected." Jesus Christ

St. Albert the Great Soccer 3,4; Track & Field 2,3; CSC 3,4 "We used to see in color. Now it's only black and white. It's only black and white because the world is color blind." Scott Weiland

Our Lady Help of Christians Swimming 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Soccer 1,2,3; Track & Field 2,3; esc 1,2,3,4; MCC 1,2,3,4; Ski Gub 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; LaSalJian Youth 4; Student Council 3; WEXP 4 "Life is like film; it will only develop if you take yOUf best shot." Bazooka Joe


Jared M. Calamia 107 Nursery Drive Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 277-4064 Holy Savior "Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb." Dark Helmet, Space/mils

Justin E. Capetola 6(J97 Hidden Valley Dri\'e Doylestown. PA 18901 (215)794-8612 Our Lady of Mount Cannel Baseball 1,2; esc 4; Second Honors 1.2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3 "Turns out not where but who you're with thai really matters" Dave Mat路 thews Band

Thomas A. Chmielewski 707 Woodlyn Drive Langhorne, PA ] 9053 (215) 322-n31 Assumption B.V.M. Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 3,4 "Mental wiIJ is a muscle that needs exercise, just like the muscles of lhe

body." Lynn Jennings

David F. Citro 1669 Dillon Rood Maple Clen, PA 19002 (215) 628-4290 Sl. Alphonsus Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; Computer Gub 2; Intramurals 1,2; Science Club 3,4; HS 3,4

"Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!" Monty Python

Christopher J. CappeUetti 507 faith Drive 'orristow[\. PA 19403 Holy Savior Intramurals 1,2; Ice Hockey 4 "Bum, burn, yes, you're ganna bum." Rage Against the Machine

John F. Clark 3 Marian Circle Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 822-8214 St.Jude Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; NI-IS 3,4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4 "I've conquered my past. the future is here at last and I stand at the entrance to a new world I can see, The good times with friends beside me and the knowledge that will guide me forever sets me free:'


Alvin Clay IV 2015 Buttonwood Lane

Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 657-4886 LmmacuJate Conception

lntraffiurals 1; Science Club 1; Crew 1,2; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4; Latin Club 2,3,.1; NHS "'Life is sweet; live. UJe's accomplish路

rnents mean nothing unless you had fun doing them. So, be cool, enjoy yourself, stay happy and healthy. and everything will be all right."

Thomas Curran 101 Nursery Dri\"e Norristown. PA 19401 (610) 275-2056 Epiphany of Our Lord Crew 1,2,34; Cross Country 1,2,3; Science Club 3;4; Latin Club 2; NHS 3,4 "Those bananas worth having are those which must be shaken from the tree."

Joseph Colasante

9655 Hoff Street PhiJadelphia, PA 19115 (215) %9-3223

strengths. Know this intention...Forever stronger than all." Philip Anselmo

smart lena to say 'I don't know the answer.'" Jerome Lawrence and Robert E.Lee

Paul D'Orazio

Timothy Danaher

1984 South Broad Street Lansdale. PA 19446 (610) 58-1-1149

Corpus Christi lnh'amurals 2,3,4; esc 2,3,4; FootbillJ 1,2,3,4 "Funny how? I mean funny, like I'm a clown? I amuse you? I make you

laugh? I'm here 10 amuse you??" Tommy, Goodfellas


Joseph Crane

1317 Bronco Circle Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-3141 St. Robert Bellarmine Band 1,2,3,4; Scholastk "L" 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,.3; esc 3,4; Spanish Club 4 ""Be there no question of certain

Maternity B.V.M.

WEXP 3,4; esc 2,3,4; Football!; Baseba111; Student Council 1 "The man who has everything figured out is probably a fooL.it takes a very

1833 Mifflin Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-6539 Corpus Christi Soccer 2,3,4; Track & Field 3; MCC 3,4; esc 3,4 "Take life as it comes: straight, no

chaser." Bush

Thomas Crean 15123 Kovats Drive Philadelphia, PA 19116

Stephen Crognale 3220 Aquetong Road Doylestown, PA 18901

Thomas Cross, Jr 2377 Greensward South Warrington, PA 18976

(215) 676-3688

(215) 297-5325

(215) 343-0786

St. Christopher Basketball 1; Soccer 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "The clock of life is wound but once; no man has the power to tell just when the hands will Slap: at late or earty hour, now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil. Place no faith in lomorrow for the clock may then be still."

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Band 1,2,3,4; Theater 1,2,3,4; CSC 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1; Drama Club 4; Art Club 2 "Life has its many twists and turns; each of us must learn to deal with them on our own. We cannot listen to anyone but ourselves."

St. Robert FootbaI.l1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; CSC 3; NHS 3,4; Student Council 4 "1 hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they choose a king, they don't just go by the size, because I bet there are some chihuahuas with some good ideas." Jack Handey

Philip Danvers

Anthony Depasquale

Marvin Dandy 2555 North 28th Street Philadelphia, PA 19132

1137 Wakeling Street Philadelphia, PA 19124

26 Lawson Drive Huntingdon Valley, jlA 19006

(215) 225-3676

(215) 535-8852

(215) 357-4478

St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin of Tours Soccer 1,2,3,4; Scholastic JlL" 1; Crew 1; Second Honors 2,3; esc 1,2,3,4; Science Club4 "You gain srrength and confidence by every experience where you realty stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt

5t Christopher Football 3,4 "Speak. with your actions and no one will misunderstand you."

Band 1,2,3,4 "There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." Oscar Wilde


Saurabh Desai 482 Anna lynn Lane

Hor<;haITt. PA 19044 (215) 654-9197

Christopher DiLeonardo 1239 Jeffrey Lane Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 752-1606

Christopher Dolan 2110 Alexander Drive Norristown. Pa 19403 (610) 539-4685

Yearbook 2.3,4 (E<l;to,); esc 2.3,4;

Our Lady of Grace

Visitation B.V.M.

Intramurals 1,2.3,4; Latin Club 2.3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; MCC 3,4; LaSallian Youth 2.3,4; Malhletes 3,4; Drama Gub 4; Japanese Gub 4; Mock Trial 4 "I no doubt deserve my enemies. but I doubt I deserve my friends." Walt Whitman

Football 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1; Lacrosse 2,.3,4; Theater 3; Band 1.2,3,4 "The price of success is hard work,

Ice Hockey 3,4; Second Honors 2; 1,2.3.4; MCC 4; Intramurals

dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win

or lose we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand," Vincent Lombardi

Kevin Dwyer

Matthew Elliott

1,2.3,4 "You're lelLing me I have to change, you're telling me to act my age, but if all that r can do is just sit and watch everyone go, Then I will have to say goodbye, because life's too short to watch it fly." Goldfinger

Scott Emrich

372 Paxton Lane Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 752-537'


(215) 927-4942


St.lgnatius Ski Oub 4; Scholastic "L" 1 Hr--;one IS more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are

S1. Helena lntramurals 1,2,3,4; esc 3

SI. Hilary of Poitiers Wisterian 2.3,4; HS 3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Latin Club 2,3,4; Soccer 3; Wrestling 1,2; Yearbook 3.4; esc 4 "Bought a ticket for a runaway train like a madman laughing at the rain little oul of touch little insane just easier then dealing with the pain runa\O,'ay train never coming back runaway but it always seems the same" Soul Asylum



orth Sixth Street


Philadelphia, PA 19126

-rhe race is not to the swift or the battle to strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all." Ecclesiastes 9:1 I

1101 Sherman Ave Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Hugh Donnelly 5 Alexis Drive Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (215) 699-8545

St. Rose of Lima Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Student CounciI2,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,4; NHS 3,4; Latin Club 2,3,4 "You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true, and also fierce, you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her. She was made to be wooed and won by youth." Winston Churchill

John Enderle 204 Loney Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 742-3583

St. Cecilia

esc 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1; Art Club 1 "We need someone, something new,

something else to get us through." jim Morrison

Brendan Dougherty 204 Hamel Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 887.0492 Queen of Peace "It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measure, that they seek power, success, and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is the true value of life." Sigmund Freud

Roman Escobar 50 Sunshine Road

Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 355-7413 Our Lady of Good Counsel Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track 1,3,4; esc 3 "He who dies with the most money still 路 " d 'es.

Kevin Dougherty 5950 Loretto Avenue Philadelphia, FA 19149 (215)537-5869 St. Martin of Tours WEXP 2,3,4; esc 4; Wisterian 4; Mock Trial 4 "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass others at whatever cost, but to serve others at whatever cost:' Arthur Ashe

Terence Fallon 515 Toll Road Oreland, PA 19075

(215) 885-9042 Holy Martyrs Band 1,2,3,4; Science Club 3,4; NHS 3,4 "And no one showed us to the land. And no one knows the where or why'S. But something stirs and something tries. And starts to climb towards the light:' Pink Floyd


Robert Farrell

Daniel Felix

505 Marks Road

16 Morris Road

Oreland, PA 19074

Ambler, PA 19002

(215) 884路1114

(215) 654-{)749 Hockey 3,4

Holy Martyrs

Hockey 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; esc 2;

Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Crew 1 "It's hard to live a reputation down. Especially when your actions live up to it." Michael Lewin

Kevin Fitzpatrick 9 Winston Circle Horsham,. PA 19044 (215) 64H1674 St Catherine of Siena NHS; Scholastic "L"; Wisterian; Yearbook; Band; Chorus; Theater; Latin Club; ]apanese Club; Photo Club; MCC; Drama Club; Gaming Club "Nothing so strong as gentleness... nothing so gentle as real strength."


Philip Freiler 1274 Thomson Road Roslyn. PA 19001 (215) 886-1m

St. John of the Cross esc 3,4; Yearbook 4; Photo Club 2,4 "My advice to people today is as follows: if you take the game of life seriously, if you take your nervous system seriously, if you take your sense organs seriously, you must tum on, tune in, and drop out." Timothy Leary

/, Timothy Fenningham 223 Firethom Court Holland, PA 18966 (215) 968-0839

St. Andrew Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; SADD4 "Make new friends, but keep the old. Those are silver, these are gold."

Ryan Gallagher 410 Magee Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742路3480

St. William Football 2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Second Honors 1,2,3,4 "The more things change, the more things stay the same." House of Pain

Alex Ficken

Daniel Fineberg

3012 West Coulter Street Philadelphia, PA 19129 (215) 843-8097

250 Shelmire Street Jenkintown. PA 19046

St. Bridget "I didn't create the situation, I'm dealing with it."

St. Hilary of Poiters Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2; esc 1,2,3,4; Theater 2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 1,2,3; Ski Club 4; WEXP 4. "Stranger flowers yet, there will never come a day that I will ever forget. The hours, years, the minutes, joy, pain, and rain... There's nothing like the comfort of a silence that's comfortable, not talking small; just skip the bull." 311

Puri Garzone, III 7944 Loretto Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 742-62n Resurrection of Our Lord Football 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 2,4; Wrestling 3,4; esc 1,2,3,4 "...and these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consulations. They're quite aware of what they're going though..." David Bowie

(215) 663-1105

Scott Gaydos 118 Milbob Drive Ivyland, PA 18974 (215) 953-9782 5t. Vincent Ice Hockey 1; Band 1,2,3,4; SADD 4 "Genius is the fire that lights itself." Buddy Rich

John Fisher 533 Fairthome Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-2806 Holy Family Football 9; esc 2,3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; SADD 4 "Oh I get by with a little help from my friends. Mmm, get high with a little help from my friends." John Lennon & Paul McCartney

rau! Gibbons 524 Brook Lane Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 674-1165

Nativity of Our Lord

esc 1; Lacrosse 1; Football 2; Second Honors 2; Scholastic "L" 1 "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars." les Brown


James Goldner

Brett Gordon

P.O. Box 265 Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 628-3208

1522 Fiedler Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 628-0243 St. Anthony St. Alphonsus Forum 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 3,4; Tennjs 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Track Wisterian 3,4; Gennan Club 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2 3 "For no matter how silly the idea of "No, this is not the end, it is not even the having a queen may be to us, as Ameribeginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the cans we must be graoous and considerend of the beginning." Winston Churchill ate hosts." Frank Drebin Police Squad

Kevin Hannon 166 Rosemar Street PhiJadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 549-7079 St. Helena WEXP 2,3,4; Theater 1.2.3; Second Honors 1,2; Band 1,2,3; Chorus 4 "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt


Joseph Haughton 190] Armstrong Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 699-8071 Corpus Christi Band 1,2,3.4; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Drama Club 4; Theater 1,2,3,4; CSC 1,2,3,4;

WEXP4, MCC4 "Life is short and we never have enough time for gladdening the hearts of those who travel the way with us. Dh, be swift to love! Make haste to be kind." H. F.Amiel

Matthew Gorman 1342 Michael Way Lansdale, PA 19776 (215) 393-8795 Corpus Christi Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3; esc 1,2; SADD 1; Ski Club 1 "SWimmy, Swammy, Slippy, Siappy, Swenson, Swan... Swanson? Check the briefcase, Lloyd! Samsonite! I was way off! I'm nol seeing it here Lloyd! She mllst be unlisted ... " Jim Carrey Dumb alld Dlimber

Brant Heaton 191 Green Drive Churdwille, PA 18966 (215) 364-4184 St. Vincent de Paul Hockey 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4 "There's something wrong with the world today, and God knows it ain't me." Aerosmith

Michael Greger 666 Meadowbrook Ave Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 646-8-193

51. Joseph Scholastic "L" 1,2; Second Honors 3; Inrramurals 1,2,4; Wisterian 1,2; Crew 1,2,3,4; WEXP 4; Latin Club 2,3,4; Spanish Gub 4; esc 3,4 .. All my life I kept lrying to go up in

society. where everything higher up

Craig Gugger 4195 Shoemaker Road Huntingdon Valley. PA 19006 (215) 675-0428 St. David Crew I; Lacrosse 2,3,4; esc 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Student Council 2; Ski Club 4; Cross Country 4

Robert Hamby 1244 Tulip Street Warminster, PA 18974 Nativity of Our Lord "'Many times I've lied. Many times I've listened. Many times I've wondered how much there is to know." Led Zeppelin

"Seeking to understand requires consideration; seeking to be understood takes courage."

was legal. But the higher J go, the crookeder it becomes. Where the hell does it end?" The GodJath~r; Part 111

Shaun Heim

Michael Heinsdorf

155 Lower Holland Road Holland, PA 18966 (215) 322-8316 St. Bede the Venerable esc 3,4; Lacrosse 1; Wrestling 2; Photography Club 4; Yearbook 4; Drama Club 4; WEXP 4; Ski Gub 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 4 "'Experience is a hard teacher and there are no graduates, degrees, or survi路 vor.>." Jason Heim

8004 Winston Road Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 248-1737 St. Paul's Episcopal Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; WEXP 2,3,4; Wisterian 3,4 "I've conquered my past. The future is here at last. I stand at the entrance to a new world. 1can see the ruins to the right of mE'. Will soon have lost sight of me." U2

Frands Hevener 6204 Shelboume Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 342-2122 St. William Cross Country 1; Track 1; esc 3,4 " 'ow it's my tum kid, SO watch me chum. There's only so many spots. They're hard to earn." House of Pain


james Hoagland ] 285 Holstein Court

Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 279-8499 St. Helena

WEXP 2,3.4 "Protect the country, stand by my family

and friends, plan for my future, don't stop 'til I've reached my Hollywood dreams." Stephen Serbin

Matthew Holbert 1469 Swamp Road Furlong. PA 18925 (215) 598-3006 Our Lady of Mount Carmel esc 1,2,.3; Footba111; Lacrosse 1; Intramu路 rals 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,.3,4 "Our Lives have really just begun. It is now time to move on. We were all strangers to each other once. Sometimes a stranger can bring great healing to your life. Now we all must start over again and become

john Horstmann 2052 Country Gub Drive (215) 343-1371

51. Robert Bellarmine Second Honors 1,3; Wisterian 1,2.3,4; Art Gub 2.3,4; Band 1,2.3,4; Yearbook 2,4

"Roses are red and violets blue. And aU the sweetest flowers, that in the forest grew." Edmund Spencer

strangers to others."

icholas Incollingo 590-1 Loretto Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 744-4084 St. Martin of Tours WEXP 3,4; Track & Field 2..3,4; Peer Ministry 4; Second Honors 1,2,3,4 "I pity the fooL." Mr. T


Matthew john 130 Brittany Way Blue Bell. PA 19422 (215) 699-4262 St. Rose of Lima Tennis 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3; Soccer 1; Football 1,2; esc 3,4; Basket路

ball 1 "I gotta send someone from this squadron to Miramar. [gotta do somethin' .. .I still can't believe it. I must give you your dream shot. I'm sending you up againstlhe best. You two characters are going to Top Gun." Stogie Top Gun

Charles johnson 3004 Congress Road Norristown. PA 19403 (610) 584-1136

St. Titus Wrestling ],2,3,4; Art Gub 2.4; esc 4; WEXP 4; Tennis 1,2; Track and Field 4; Bike Club ]; SADD 4; lntramurals 2.3,4 "... running down a dream never wouJd come to me; working on a mystery, going wherever illeads." Tom Petty

Kristian Houser

Michael Hunsicker

jeffrey Huntzinger

2467 Meetinghouse Road Jamison, PA 18929 (215) 343-3628 St. Cyril of Jerusalem esc 2,3,4; Lacrosse 2; Latin Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4; SADD 3,4 "NO HOPE - NO FEAR" Peter Steele

3 Pin Oak Lane Horsham, PA 19044 St. Catherine of Siena Football 2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; esc 1,2,3,4; Japanese Club 4 "Look at the stars.. .! haven't seen them in a while...Guess I should look up more often." M.K.H.

819 Brushtown Road Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 Golf 2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4; Basketball

Nicholas jordal 2001 Country Club Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 343-0224 St. Robert Bellarmine Soccer 1,2,3; Cross Country 4; Track 4 "There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke. But you and T, we've been through that, ,lJld this is not our fate, so let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late." Bob Dylan

Paul Kahan 2315 Lexington Court Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-0789 Corpus Christi Forensics 1,2,3,4; WEXP 2,3,4; Theater 3,4 "Time, don't let it slip away. Raise your drinking glass. Here's to yesterday." Steven Tyler


"Some people look at the glass half empty, some half full. I think...someone drank out of it." George Carlin

joseph Kaupas 3523 Vinton Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215) 632-8761 St. Anselm Theater 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3; Chorus 4; esc 2,3,4; Science Club 2; Wisterian 1,2 "When choosing between h-vo evils, 1 always like to try the one I've never tried before." Mae West


Christopher Kebler 8590 Old Line Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-7030

Immaculate Heart of Mary "Good friends are hard to find but memories with them will last a lifetime." Anonymous

Peter Keller 427 Gilpin Road

arberth. PA 19072 (610) 667.0497 S1. Margaret Band 1,2.3,4; HS 3,4; Science Gub 4 "The order is rapidly fad in' and the first one now willialer be the last, for the

times they are a<hangin." Robert Zimmerman

Michael Knowski

Kevin Kohler, Jr

1224 Summit Court

1842 Howe Lane

Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 443-9135 ativity of our Lord esc 1,2,3,4; Art Club 3,4; Drama Club 4; NHS 3,4; Wisterian 2,.3,4; Swimming 1,2,.3,4; Theater 3,4; Band 1,2; Scholastic "'L" 1,2.3.4; German Oub 3,4 "E.1ch of us is given a pocketful of time

Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 643-7610

to spend however we may. We use what we will. We waste what we will. But we can never gel back a day." Roger Wilcox


St. Alphoosus Crew 1,2,.3,4; NHS 3,4; esc 2,3,4; Cross Country 1; Scholastic "L" 1,2,.3 "Face your fears; live your dreams."

Brendan Kelley 84 Oreland Place Oreland. PA 19075 (215) 886-9547

Holy Marty" Ice Hockey 1,2.3,4; lntramurals 1,2.3,4; Track and Field 1,2 "1 have another sip, no skip it in the back of the ride and bust out the whippet, rope a dope Dookies all around the neck. woo hall. I got them aU in check." Beastie Boys

James Kouch 1100 Norfolk Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)671-1787 Maternity BVM Ski Club 2.3,4; Spanish Oub 2.3,4; Latin Club 3,4; esc 1,2.3,4; lntramurals 1,2.3,4; tiS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3 "I am recognizing that the voice inside my head is urging me to be myself and never follow someone else, because opinions are like voices - we all have different kinds." A Tribe Called Quest

Donald Kerper

Christopher Kerrigan

387 Martin Street Philadelphia PA 19128 (215)487-0975 St, John the Baptist Bowling 2; Lacrosse 1; LaSalLian Youth 2 "Bac.k in the days there were Irish ways and Irish laws standing up for the cause." House of Pain

11705 Stevens Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 698-7685 51. Christopher "In my mind I'm everyone without a care in this whole world, without a care in this life. it's what you take that makes it right" Billy Corgan

Michael Kruczkowski 2070 E. Allegheny Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19134 (215) 425-6427 St. John Cantius Chorus 2.4; Science Club 1; Scholastic "L" 1,2..4; LaSallian Youth 4; NHS 4; Drama Club 4; MCC 2,3; German Club 1,2 "Would you realize what revolution is, caU it progress; and would you realize what progress is, call it tomorrow." Victor Hugo

Vincenzo La Ruffa 425 Gwynedd Valley Drive Gwynedd Valley. PA 19437 (215) 699- 2473 51. joseph Forensics 1,2,3,4(President); Wisterian 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Latin Club 2,3,4(CoPresident); Student Council I; Wrestling 1; Yearbook 2; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 "Yossarian rejoiced, holding both fists aloft triumphantly as though hoping to squeeze revalations from them. 'Danby, you dope! There is hope after all'" Joseph Heller

Jonathan King 78 Manor Place Oreland. PA 19075 (215) 576-5960 Holy Martyrs Ice Hockey 1,2,.3,4; Crew 1; Wisterian 2.3,4(Editor); Yearbook 3,4; Photo Club 3,4; Mock Trial 4; WEXP 4 "Until the day when aU people have achieved total equality, our nation has not lived up to its full potential."

Giuseppe Laguda 716 Collins Avenue Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)699-5160 St. Anthony Student Counci13,4; Athletic Trainer; 2.3,4; Tennis 1,2; Football 2,3; WEXP 2,3,4; Theater 2,3,4; Drama Club 4; Football Manager 4; esc 2,3 "Never give a sword to a man who can't dance." Gaelic Prove.rb


lames Liberi

Anthony Leonard 2716 Brown Street Philadelphia.. PA 19130 (215) 232-3309 St. Francis Xavier Ice Hockey 1,2.,3,4; Crew 2,3,4 "Forget about it." Donnie Brasco

226 Abbey Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-6869

Mary. Mother of the Redemer

Football 1; GolfJ,4; esc 4 "It is said that you should leave a mark

wherever you go. I hopefully left my mark on my friends, my school, and most of aIL myself. It's time for change i.n my life. And as long as it's in my control, it's

Robert Lonergan 106 L..enape Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 822路7323 Mary, Mother of the Redemer Hockey 3,4; MCC 3,4; WEXP 4; Theater 4; Drama Club 4 "Gone crazy. Be back later:'

for the best"

Kevin Lyons 27 Hickory Lane Chalfont, PA 18914 Mary, Mother of the Red.erner Football 1; MCC 1,2.3,4; Theater 2.3,4; Stage Crew 2,.3.4; Yearbook 4 -rooay is the tomorrow we dreamed

about yesterday." Bazooka Joe

Patrick Maholland 230 Birch Drive Lafayette Hill. PA 19444 (610) 825-1495 51. PlUlip Neri Guitar Ensemble; Wisterian 4 "You never knocked me down, Ray. I'm still standing. you never knocked me down." Robert DeNiro

William Markmann 202 Propert Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-5939 St. Albert the Great Swimming 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Crew 1; Scholsatic NLH 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; NHS 3,4; esc 1,2,3,4 HSome people say that nothing is

impossible, but I do nothing every day!H Winnie the Pooh (and Tigger, too!)


Bradley Longosky

Michael Lorusso

Matthew LlIhks

94 Hidden Tum Newtown. PA 18940

1418 Tanglewood Drive Gwynedd, PA 19436

645 Burgundy Place Yardley, PA 19067

(215) 86O-M68 51. Andrew Football 1; Crew 1,2.3.4; esc 4 '1 want everyone else I meet in the whole world 10 like me, except the people I've already met, handled, found inconsequential, and forgot

(215) 699-{)555 St. Rose of Lima Student Council 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,.3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4; LaSallian Youth 3,4; SADD 3,4; MCC 3,4; Attack Pack 3,4 "Men show their character in nothing more clearly than by what think laughable." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

St. Ignatius Student Council 1; lntramurals 1,2; Latin Club 2,3; Forensics 2,3; Lacrosse 2,3; esc 2,3,4; Wisterian 3; NHS 3,4; SADD 3,4(President) "I never let schooling interfere with my education." Mork Twain

about." Joseph Heller

Joseph Marquis 18 Bartlett Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 673-0793

St. ALbert the Greal

esc 1,3,4;

Track 2,.3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2 "A gold medal is a wonderful thing, but if you're not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it," John Candy

Michael Mattern 3525 Vista Street PhiJadelphia, PA 19136 (215) 624-ll889 St. Matthew NHS 3,4; Football I; Basketball 1,2,4; Baseba.lll,2,3,4 "Frustration is knowing that as long as I'm here the best you can get is second place."

(215) 369-ll670

Nicholas Mattiacci 1146 Fox Chase Road Rydal, PA 19046


Immaculate Conception Football 1; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Second Honors; esc; Student Council; Intra路 murals 1,2,3,4 "It is not whether you get knocked down, it is whether you get up." Vince Lombardi


Neil Mikulski 7422 Overhill Road Melrose Park. PA t 9027 (215) 782-1148

St. JOS<'ph FootbaL11,2,3,4; Golf 3,4 "Maybe you'll find direction around

some comer where it's been waiting to meet you." Grateful Dead

Christopher Murphy 29 Timber Road Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 657-3393 Cross Country 1,2; Track I; Ice Hockey 1,2.3,4; Intra murals 1,2 "The key 10 success is hard work,. and the key to hard work is

detennination. ~


Kevin Miller

Robert Miller

5720 Weymouth Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 722-4248 St. William Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track &: Field 1,2,3,4; esc 3,4

"Dream until your dreams come true."

Michael Murphy

3218 Hayes Road East orriton. PA 19403 (610)584-1280 Visitation BVM Wrestling 2,3,4; esc 1,2,3,4; Japanese Club 4; Latin Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2 "Many times rve gazed along the open road, many times j've lied, many times I've listened, many times I've wondered how much there is to know; many dreams come true; I live for my dream," Led Zeppelin

Dennis Murray

6006 Old Eagle Lane Fort Washington, PA 19034 (610) 828-8743 51. Philip Neri Baseball J; Wrestling 3; Band 1,2.3,4; WEXP3,4 "We learned a lot as you can see; we won't be back because we're free. Plow United M

1220 Bethlehem Pike Flourtown, PA 19031 (215) 233-3815 51. Genevieve Crew 1,2,3,4; esc 1,2 "My advice 10 you is 10 start drinking heavily." John Belushi

Patrick Moore 102 St. Andrew Place Newtown, PA 18940 (215) 860-0230 S1. Andrew Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3; Ski Club 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3; esc 1,2 "Alii want out of life is to be able to walk down the street and have people point at me and say, 'there goes the greatest hitter who ever lived.''' Ted Williams

Matthew Morace 8410 Strahle Terrace Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 722-1172 St. Cecilia esc 2,3,4; Science Club 3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; NHS 3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Scholastic ilL" 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1; Intrarnurals 4 "You say the hill's too steep to dimb...you'd like to see me try climbing. You pick the place; I']] choose the time... I'1l climb the hill in my own way." Pink Floyd

Ryan Mulrain 5281 Rogers Circle Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610) 828-2209 St. Philip Neri Football 3; Baseball 1; Lntramu* rals 2; Student Council 2; Art Club 2 "We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams." Willy Wonka


Daniel Needle

Daniel Neverosky

Peter Nocera

49 Joshua Drive Richboro, PA 18954 St. Vincent de Paul Football 1,2,3,4 "Life's short and too hard like a bodybuilding elf." The Bloodhound Gang

1010 Hereford Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 272-3451 St. Helena Soccer 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; SADD 4; Band 1; Student Council 3,4 "Success is doing more than you need to before you're asked to, not because you have to, but because you want to." M. J.

1009 Davis Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 643-1985 St. Alphonsus Fishing Club 1,2,3; SADD 2; esc 3 "Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not possess, and to gain applause which he cannot keep." Dr. Johnson




Paul O'Connor

729 South Roberts Road Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 (610) 527-5480 51. John Neumann esc 1,2.3,4; HS 3,4; Tennis 1,2.3,4; Forum 1,2,3,4; Science Oub :W,4; Band 1; Chorus 4; lntramurals 1,2,.3,4 "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I J took the one less traveled by, and that

278 Batleson Road Ambler. PA 19002 (215) 283-2447 l1'leater 2,,3,4

"lhe saddest thing in life is wasted talent" A Bronx Tale


Shawn O'Connor 2018 Carriage Way Warrington.. PA 18976 (215)~14

St. Robert 8eIJarmine HS 4; Football 1,2.3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4 "It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man." Jack Handey

has made all the difference." Robert Frost

Teague O'Malley 608 Grace Lane Flourtown. PA 19031 (215) 233-5967 Holy Martyrs 5wimming 1,2.3,4; Crew 1,2; esc 1.2.3,4; Theater 3,4; Scholastic Nl" 2.4 "Be ridiculous. make friends with

freedom. drink sunsets. take moonbaths, stamp out confonnity, hug trees, bang pots and pans, be advanced, draw on the walls, laugh a lot. cultivate moods,

just strive to be happy!"


William O'Shaughnessy 7612 Rockwell Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19111 (215) 742-5640 Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2.3.4

'1 wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. llearn by going where I have to go." Theodore Roethke

Jason Olcese 411 Maplewood Drive Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 275-4876 St. Paul Scholastic "L'" 1,2.3,4; Ice Hockey 3,4 ow this is not the end. It is not the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Winston O1urch.i1l II

Peter O'Donnell 752 S1. Georges Road Philadelphia, PA 19119 (215) 248-0297 Crew 3,4; Spanish Gub 2,4; Tennis 1,2 "When all else fails lower your standards."

Ronald Olsen 2120 Grakelow Drive

Jamison. PA

18929 (215) 343-0753 SI. Cyril

Inlramurals 1,2,3; Ski Club 2.3,4; Fishing Club3 "Remember, the lucky rabbit's foot didn't work for the rabbit."

Andrew O'Hara 860 Belfry Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)275-1908 SI. Helena Crew 1,2; Bowling 3,4 "Out here ya gotta remember the book, and learn a thousand things that have never been printed. Probably never will be, ya gatta learn right and ya gatta learn fast." John Wayne

Brendan O'Hara 811 Nesbitt Road Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 643-9749

St. AJphonsus Swimming 1,1,3,4; NHS 3,4; esc 2,3,4; Track & Field 2,3; Art Club 1.2,3,4; Japanese Club 4 "Just remember the time it was and oh what a time it was, it was..." Neil Young

Gamal Palmer 7733 Atdleigh Street

Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 247-1873 Germantown Jewish Center Chorus 3; Forensics 3; MCC 3,4; Drama Club 1; Theater 2,3,4 "To dream of the person you would like to be is to wasle the person that you are."

James Palmieri 1636 Hancock Road Gwynedd, PA 19436 (215) 699-7063 St. Rose of Lima Scholastic "L" 1.2; esc 1,2,3,4; Forum 1,2,3,4; MCC 2,3,,4; Wisterian 1.2; Intramu.rals 1,2,3,4 "If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be consistent to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties." Francis



Jeremy Palo 1758 Palomino Drive Warrington. PA 18976 (215) 343-2083 St. Robert 8ellarmine Track 2,3,4; Cross Country 3.4; Soccer 1

Ihe American people... they want leadership, they're so thirsty for it they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand." Lewis Rothschild

Justin Primus 222 Windsor Way Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 2JO.ll495

Student Council); esc 2; lacrosse 1,2.3,4; Football 1,2.3,4 -me credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred. by dust. sweat. and blood. So that his place shall never be with those who know neither victory nor defeat."


Charles Peterson IV 2235 Edge Hill Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 659-5188

Our Lady Help of Christians Wisterian 1.3,4; Scholastic "L" 1~; Bowling 3,4; Photography Gub 1; HS 3,4; Intramurals 1; Computer Club 2 "If you're not confused.. you don't know what's going on,"

Francis Pfeil 529 Domino Lane Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-7684 Immaculate Heart of Mary Football 1,2,3,4 '"I don"t wanna change the world. I don't want the world to change me. Ouy Osbourne

Dan Purtell 320 Moyer Boulevard North Wales, PA 19454 (21 S) 699-4363 BasebaU 1,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; esc 1,2,4; Fishing Gub 1,2; lntramurals I,U,4 "I believe that any man's finest hour路

his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted." Vince Lombardi


Gregory Queen 22 Crestview Road

Hatboro, PA 19040 (215) 674-389.

St. Joseph Wisterian U.4; Yearbook 2,3,4; Photog. raphy Oub 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4 "Life is a journey, not a destination. and you just don't know what tomor路 row brings..'" Aerosmith

Jeffrey Pietrak 1059 Allengrove Street

Ph..iladephia, PA 19124 (215) 535-2072 St. Martin of Tours Baseball 1,2.3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1; Second Honors

2.3 "Have your fun now, because once the season starts, it's all me."

Philip Quenzer 415 Linden Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 572-7951 Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 3,4; Fishing Club 3; esc 3 "You never become successful by dreaming. You become successful by working to the best of yOUf ability and having faith in yourself. To reach your goal, three main ingredi路 ents: self discipline, determination, and desire." Bernie Parent

Christopher Plachta 1839 Lansing Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 342-7234 51. josaphat's Ukrainian Catholic Church Art Club 1,2,3,4; Theater 1; esc 4; Science Club 1; Photography Club I "And how high can you fly with broken wings? Life's a journey, not a destination. And I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings." Aerosmith

Andrew Rakowski

Daniel Ponisciak St. Hilary of Poitiers esc 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 3,4; Yearbook 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Second Honors 1,2 "A life is not important, except in the impact it has on the other lives." Jackie Robinson

Gi.lbert Ramos

14001 Trevose Road Philadelphia, PA 19116

9 Danbridge Drive

(215) 677-3211

(215) 542-1442

St. Christopher Basketball 1,2...3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Student Council 1,2,3 "Leave the gun, bring the cannoli." Clemenza

Calvary Chapel Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Tenn.js 1,2; Spanish Club 1,2 "Every man dies, or every man really lives." William Wallace

Horsham, PA 19044


William Reid 819 Edison Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 676-1561

St. Christopher Soccer 1.2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Track & Field 3,4; Tennis 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; esc 3,4; SADD 3,4; Scholastic ilL" 1,2,3,4 "You can't steal second base and keep one foot on first."

Brian Romanzo 5 Baron Lane

Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 628路8425 Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Crew 1,2,3,4 (Co-captain); Football 1; NHS 3,4; esc 1,2,3,4

"As the ostrich when pursued hides his head but forgets his body, so the fears of a coward expose him to danger." Dalai Lama


Timothy Reiley 496 Sanger Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 722-8927 St. William Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; Theater 1,2,3,4; WEXP 3,4; NHS 3,4; Wisterian 2,3,4; Yearbook 4; Mathletes 3; Computer Oub 1,2; esc 2,3,4

Shane Reilly 7637 Roosevelt Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19152 (215) 624-7472 S1. Matthew Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Football 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "I don't feel pain, it's all in the mind." Onyx

"It's morphin' time!" Tommy,111e White Ranger

Mark Ruegg 121 Plowshare Road Norristown, PA 19403 (610) 631路1531 Visitation DVM Baseball 1; Football 1; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; esc 4 "All you live and how fly, smiles you'll give and tears. You'll cry, all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be." Pink Floyd

Andrew Sayers 6004 Loretto A venue Philadelphia, PA 19149 S1. Martin of Tours Scholastic tiL" 1; Second Honors 2; WEXP 3,4; Track 4 "Until my death my goal's to stay alive. survival of the fit, only the strong survive." Mobb Deep

Adam Richards 16 Village Drive Feasterville. PA 19053 (215) 322-()J79

St. Christopher BasebaU 2.3,4 "Some days you eat the bear and some days the ooar eats you." Rosemary Richards

David Schmel

Kevin Robinson 430 Vernon Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 886-5034 Immaculate Conception Soccer 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2; esc 1,2..3,4; Track 3 "Mother's in the kitchen washin' out the jugs, sister's in the pantry bottling the suds. Fathers' in the cellar mixin' up the hops, Johnny's on the front porch watchin' (or the cops." Prohibition Song

Andrew Romano 141 Cherry Blossom Drive Churchville, PA 18966 (215)355-6517

Nativity of Our Lord Cross Country 1; Crew 1,2; Swimming 1.3; L."lcrosse 2,3; Scholastic "L" 2; Second Honors 1,3 "Standing on the hill and the mountain of dreams telling myself it's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems." Led ZeppLin

Eric Seiferth

Christopher Scott

1530 Kingsley Drive Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 674-9410

200 Forrest Avenue Elkins Park. PA 19(J27 (215) 572-8151

(215) 542-1464

5!- Joseph Wisteriao 2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4;

St. James Intramurals 1,2.3,4; Scholastic "'L" 1.2.3,4; NHS 3,4; WEXP 3,4; Theater 3,4; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 4 "Time misspent in youth is sometimes all the freedom one ever has." Anita Brookner

51. Genevieve Baseball 1,2,4; Football 1.2.3,4 "We did whatever we wanted. We were wise guys. Anyone complained, they got hit so hard, believe they never complained again. We did it all. And now it's over." Henry Hill,

Theater 1,2,.3,4; Drama Club 4; esc 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1; Bowling 2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2; Science Club 4; WEXP 4; Chorus 2,3,4; School Mascot 4 "All the world is a stage; it must be attacked from every angle." CO. Lapowski

1220 Warden Way Fort Washington. PA 19034



S. Paul Sharkey 524 Willow Grove Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 884-7209 St. Luke the Evangelist Student Council 3,4; SWimming 1,2.3,4; esc 2.3,4; Theater 2.3,4; LaSallian Youth 1,2,3,4; NH5 3,4; Latin Oub 2,3.4; Scholastic "L" 1,2.3,4 "I care not whether I die tomorrow or next year if only my deeds live after

me'" Cuchulainn. Warrior of Ireland

Gavin Smith 203 Runnymede Avenue Jenkintown. PA 19046 (215) 8&Hl357 Immaculate Conception Crew 1,2,3,4; esc 1,2,.3,4; Track 2,3; Science Club 3,4; Latin Club 2.3,4; Lasallian Youth 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4 "The will to win is not really as important as the will to prepare to win."


Brendan Shimizu 108 Hazel Avenue Westmont, NJ 08]08 (609) 858-9891 55. Peter and Paul MCC 3,4; Band 1,2,.3,4; Stage Crew 3,4 "lnnocence; when the neophyte is ignorant of learning. affect; the mind controls every move causing a deliberate and uninspired execution. Trancendence, technique forgotten,. to allow motions to flow unimpeded by analysis and criticism.... Art of a Swordsman

David Spangler J017 Green Ridge Drive Norristown,. PA 19403 (610)584-5064 Visitation BVM Soccer 2,3; Baseball 2; Track & Field 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; esc 2.3,4; MCC 3,4; Scholastic "L" 2,3; NHS 4; Student Coundl4 "AllJ'm saying is I want to look back and say that I did the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I eQuid when I was stuck in this place....

Michael Sinclair 1246 North Howard Street Philadelphiad, PA 19122 (215) 634-0949 St. Michael ''There's no such thing as chance: And what to us seems merest accident. springs from the deepest source of destiny." Johann von SchiUer

Christopher Stack 1750 Sheffield Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 277-74fJ7 Epiphany of Our Lord Soccer 1,2,.3,4; Golf 4; Intramurals 1,2.3,4; SADD 3,4; esc 3.4 "Now 1am a mindless drifter on the road of life:' Neil Young

Joseph Siravo 9121 Verree Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 676-1143 Maternity BVM esc 3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Footballl "I often sit back and think: 'I wish I had done that; and find out later I already have," Richard Harris

Gary Staffieri 385 Welsh Road Huntingdon Valley. PA 19006 (215) 947-6539 St. Albert the Great Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Ski

Oub3,4 "Far better it is to dare mighty things, win or fail, than it is to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much; nor suffer much; for they live in that grey twilight that knows not victory, nor defeat." T. Roosevelt

Christopher Small

Mark Smalley

213 Avon Road Narberth, PA 19072 (610)664-7419

(215) 885-6471

St. Margaret Crew 1; Theater 3,4 "I took the [road] less traveled by."

St. Genevieve esc 2,3,4; Latin Club 2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Japanese Club 4; Football I; Wrestling

Rohert Frost


421 Drayton Road Oreland, PA 19075

"Upon my podium, as the know-it-all scholar down in my seat of judgmentgavel's bang - uphold the law upon my soapbox, a leader out to change the world ..." Dave Mustai.ne

Francis Stieber 1405 Glen Echo Lane Dresher, PA 19025 (215) 542-8319 51. AJphonsus Science Club 3,4; Japanese Cub 4; MCC 4; Second Honors 1,2; Scholastic "L" 3; German Oub 1,2,3 "An open foad where J can breathe,

where the lowest low is calling to me. But I can pull myself back up, back down." Beck

Vincent Strain 8048 Pine Road

Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 725-2052

St. Cecilia Lacrosse 1,2; NHS 3,4; Intrarnurals 1,2; Art Club 1; Scholastic "L" 1 "A million things go through my mind, and I find, you ain't gotta be in jail to be doin' time." Makaveli


Michael Sullivan II

Matthew Styer 1108 Dogwood Orel. Blue BeU, PA 19422 (610) 2~1782 Our Mother of Consolation NHS 3,4; esc 1.2,3; Science Club 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,3,4 "It is to the interest of mankind that there should be some onc who is unconquered. some one agamst whom

1832 orth Mascher Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215) 427-3路125 St. Michael '" was tired So I lay down. My lids grew heavy. So I slept. Slender memory. stay with me." Li- Young


fortune has no power" Seneca

James Trappler 528 Hoffnagl. Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 742-4812 St. Ceciha Football 3,4 "And it makes me wonder:' Led



John Travers 932 Netherwood Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 277-8609 Epiphany of Our Lord Student Council 3,-1; Second Honors 1,2,3; Foolball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4, Track 2; esc 1,2,3,4, Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Latin Club 2,3,4; SAOO 4, Wisterian 2 ''There is no pain in the wound received in the moment of victory." Publilius Syrus

James Sweeney 8306 Hull Drive Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 836-2271 Ski Gub 1,2.3,4; Second Honors 1; Kairos4 "Sandra's seen a leprechaun, Eddie touched a troll, Laurie danced with witches once ... Susy spied an elf, but all the magic I have known I've has to make myself." Shel Silverstein Wilen! Tile Sidr.mlk Ellds

John Tucker 802 Southampton Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 233-9657 Our Mother of Consolation Baseball 2,3,4; Foolball4; Student CoundJ 4; esc 2,3,4; NHS 3,4; lntramurals 2,3,4; Chorus 2,3; SADD 2

Mark Szczech

Alexander Tatunchak

Gregory Thomas

320 Kingsky Street Philadelphia, PA 19128

1504 Hollow Road Worcester, PA 19426

(215) 482-8521 S1. John the Baptist Bowling 2,3; La SaJlian Youth 3,4

(610) 584-5479

(215) 646-0843

Tennis 1,3,4; Soccer (Manager) 3; Ski Club 1,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

St. Alphonsus SADD 2,3,4; Wisterian 2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 2; Second Honors 1;2,3,4; esc 2,3,4; WEXP 4; Theater 4; Soccer 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 3 "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of the dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt

"Going the extra round, when you don't think you can. is whal makes all the difference." Rocky Balboa. Rocky

"No one told you where to run, you missed the starting gun... The lime is gone. the song is over, thought I'd


something more to say..... Pink Floyd

419 Summit Avenue Fort Washington, PA 19034


Ryan Tuman 201 Atwood Road Erdenheim. PA 19038 (215) 233-5269

SI. Genevieve Swimming 1,2,3,4; Basebal I; esc 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; SADD 3; Kairos 4

Jonathan Turk 1112 Melrose Avenue Melrose Park. PA 19027 (215) 635-2508 51. James Soccer 1; Intramurals 1,2,3

Matthew Valentine 8328 Anderson Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 2<2-50[6

Our Mother of Consolation Cre,... 1,2,3; Wrestling 1; Science 2,3,4; esc 4; Tennis 4 "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

"No sir, I didn't see you playing with yOUf

dolls again!" Spaceballs


Henry Van Hom 5141


Bensalem, PA 19020 (215) 638-7747

St. Ephre.m Ice Hockey 2.3,4 "To do injusHce is more disgraceful than to suffer it." Plato

John Welsh 242 Comly Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 722-6790 St. William Basketball 1,2.3,4: NHS 3,4; esc 3,4; Student Council 2,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4

"A coward dies a thousand deaths...a soldier dies but once." Unknown

Thomas Vlahos 316 Whitemarsh Valley Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 619-0618 St. George Track & Field 1.2; Ski Club 1,2,.3.4; WEXP 3; SADD 3,4; esc 4

"How do you know where you're going if you don't look back? What's the use of having ends if you lose all your friends?" House of Pam

John Wall 623 Bernstein Lane North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-8028 St. Rose of Uma Crew 1,2,3,4 (Co-captain); esc 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4 "We appear to be watching the ocean... What do you see? Chandler

Sean Westfield

James Wilson

1128 East Oxford Street Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 634-2257 lmmaculate Conception Soccer 1,2,.3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "It's hard to be humble when you're so great." Sean Westfield

183 Hillcrest Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 247-2585 lmmaculate Heart of Mary Crew 1; Tennis 3,4; NHS 3,4; Intramu路 rals 1,2; esc 3,4; SADD 3; Scholastic "1." 1,2; Second Honors 3; Drama Club 3,4; Wisterian 4; Spanish Club 4; Science Club 2,3,4 "The Zen philosopher Basho once said a flute and a donut without a hole is a danish. He was a funny guy." Ty



Christopher Ward 381 Helene Place Philadelphia, Pa 19]16 (215) 676-6685 St. Christopher Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Student Council 3,4; NHS 3,4 "It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them." Mark Twain

Christopher Winward 40 Orchard Lane Ivyland, PA 18974 (215) 598-8291 St. Vincent de Paul Crew 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4 "Blame it aU on my roots, I showed up in boots, and ruined yOUf black tie affair, the last one to know, the last one to show, J was the last one you thought you'd see there." Garth Brooks

Paul Weinacht 1867 Merlin Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 698-7796 Maternity BVM Football 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; SADO 2,3,4; esc 1,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3; Track & Field 2,3,4 "You'll never forget my name, but I might forget yours." Noel Gallagher

Joseph Yanoshik 1820 Carmel Place Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 641-1059 St. Alphonsus Student Council 1,2,3; NHS 3,4; esc 2,3,4; Yearbook 2,3,4; Latin Club 2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Crew 2,3,4; Bowling 2,3,4 "Hey don't break the mold kid, just eat around it路 yeah that's what I did"." 311

Michael Weinert 2011 Greymont Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 934-6926 Maternity BVM Bowling 1,2,3,4; esc 2,3,4; WEXP 2,3,4 "I don't really care about all the shows you did, how many rhymes you got or who knows you did, cause I don't know you. Therefore show me what you know, I'll come sharp as a blade and I'll cut you slow." Wu.Tang

Robert Zebik St. John Cantius Science Club 4; Gazebo 4 "Count no mortal happy till he has passed the final limit of his life secure from pain. There is sometime danger in too much silence." Sophocles


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(Nrhe' 1lvon4 JR; Hey big gU\". MGr, Awesome Jim, thanks Dtb.ar· none. whlle\"; showtllTle; Clark-

b.1riward; Taw; Jerms; Nick; Cleard. su,ne; H.II.... mal; Roo-nothIng;


ChnSIl.ln B.'rbalo' Thanks, Mom & Dad To all m,' boy~ Lonl, Shisl, Brett, Nev, Buddha The begmnmg. Cal, Ru, & Shist Showbod! HOP MGD nile JD mle Showers Lees, M}' bud JK 9AM Run FLASHER KIM MNMAECCW 31- Boch, Ru Pete's lawn Bilo..e rOSS('





BG. lC, NM, AR,. let's ha"e lil'cs Yo Eric, w Whal .. re \'ou do llIWIvo4.whng. My soph baseball Pel c y, t ilnks, you t\C\





t-.af\"n," all m\ 00'"5, f'~*~~tm,ToDad,


c F

Dan. \ suptoaUmyboV$-WP u Sillle RlotbaIl.1 I'll ser you on the




Mom, Dad, Bnlon.



you Withal





f('Of gl\'lng

o to




wh .u

Lloyd Beck: Thanks to my family' "CHDIWY" Spain Inp ,the roof, H·llolt', "Yo Sup" Ecotrail, post-prom, bov/. in the hall .thirsty rug.. "the nun" morning party n...wps Rocky's trail leddmg keys, "You wdnt it'" Jl' rdzydrinng ,.sev run Bro .ledd uII ...sold fora goat .cubans th.1nks or' the JI Shouto to Mil. MB, 1B,jLI B.jP,P M.l\.\1,jW, FH, Mj, ..th.a1U

Bniln Binder. JV·hLChu Nariz, The 8-&, Krusty' Reall\,' Ya nlppers,th EZYAXSo the binder

Patnclo.. Benl.Kqw Thanlo..s Mom, Dild, Gabt> Wh\ should I prdctlce' Sh.1r"- \'our mon~ bab\l, Fish, throw stnkes' ThaIU McCabe brothers-DMB·Bevllacqua get upl I'm sick of hearing ~our ddm name CC·JF, BM, VJ, GV, than" for 1I0ur help, Bill, wiltch those onromltlg Cdrs. Wh.1t are you talking ilbout, I'm a \·ery pJeasant person l AdiOS st'flor Re.ld mv mind. So long. I'll m,ss vou alii

busl; I doesn' t1un m ~I~


M Thank



• ,

,on c,andmyw ,DA, 1'1', l ,NM, ef\'body I'm getting, w, KOI' lerr ts.SH n pot.Se; are u Itn II tight, I not • the erotrall fOOl)' d,l \'ell alv ~ ~ Ibfaf\' fun; gl,'e my people, good luck



os om and Dad for all the ~fm-~ ~lJ{'and

re the best SISleB' What ask for' '11wu 10 1'5, SO, BCn CO, JI<., CI(, SK. K~ jO. CS, MS for m.lkmR m\' fean at La Sal ettable To m~' Kall'OS 37·2 b and SIster Live the 4th' Biondii' ' ! Get-, remember that blonde I had' aUBl GUMI Blue & Gold f '98 is the best' Are you guys till ? Remember that trip to Spain?? zcbo is publi~hed! Thanks to everyone at La Sail... who made my yean hert' memor;lble- special thanks to Mr Doliln, I'aul Sharkey, Ke\'in lyons, and ChriS Smilll Good luck to thedassofl998 1! ;·1 Chriss more

,• ,

'Iopner Bu ilnd forem I.m ad. You w .h bil f one thank Billie D J PM 1'hed oom to get the Ih. TI key, OS So C. rol ken GolfCa The B lv, 6th Peri ood T I Cn'w KO H. DC. ,PI<., PEW w.A thfinder P '0 Ra,m


'S' 'ooathan Burton I want to INnlo.. m,' mom. dKI, j..red Darn't my fanul\'.;tnd my klo\·e,1.lSi Ikn'{'\"ouall jP-+AO.IB+LCGood luclo.. Josie's 617/97 OMB--umo 97 Prom pam' at Hun's CW's 1r\ Spnn '97 We h.ld good tunes POD Spnngfield house In Auloo, Chang ML..JO, OD,CR,. PM,CO, LSBaseb. '17. WT Meandyoufore\'erLC Superstar·BF 46596 47522 517/97/, 8/7/97, W vs Neumann. S VS. KK. Goin to College'

Andrew Buschmeier Al EZ8 I'lmmy pet the p Tina BJaah C.pncho Pllym NVR Endin Stry Ganlong Greger lfa Ha Giggle Safb.I St.-'en PIle of Humus lhat dog has a

)uffy tall Ll.$a Boop I love Physiu; 'ink Aoyd stuff La Nan;,: Yee-uh MB o1.S OC BB Slffipsor1S 54 ~ Kalnenne ::B Arnencan outposl PEZ is the ll'ead of hfe; I know I should nol eat hee but .chomp MMM,5Jlcnlicious. .1rlw(ol B,omes: fhanx to the b.rn and lhe bovs_ T-bfil ;ega breals K.J.u'OIt Shad"-Jus!: hrow up/l.Jberi'5lJR. Prom/ !ephnized/Frosh Footy/ IV Style/ :;real Ad\t·nture/Rel.lx/~'Tix/ hown 8th/BTD/Fun m da urs/O" Me and dOl Captain/ Arboretuml -Iunt's/Yo BVme5, where dOl prls/ -101 tub PartteS/Screarnm' Malch ",hal's lhat smell at Llbe's/Thanks to he King/Cobden/Busied by Dog. ared Calamia would like 10 thank my family for ;ending me heT'('. I made a lot of 'riends here I won'l forget. J will Ilways remember gomg 10 the hill Ind hanging out wilh my friends 'rom the Prep I also will never forget :he Mounl rustin Capelola I ....ould hke to lhank my mom and :iad for alllheir lo,'e and support itarey -llO\e U fOf't'\'er PTP '96 OS SR. What w.u the Ht'lnerfesl' - woo's ::hat' JP - I don'tlile 'ftJl' Jus!: <iddm'l don't h"e at St. loe·s.. lossed from the limO' llJOl)x. 'lew Year's""'/ Aulon ''17 311/ DMB/Plnsh-SP-thlnb 01 !'\'erythlng ..days into ~rs It's been a vrat 01 years. Thanx t'Ver)'one li Take It easyf Chris Cappellctll Thanks to Mom and Dad, BIg bad Bunno. Leon, Bewarc the Tid:, The Heimenalor, the I:lig Sliff. T Fallon and the kid from the p.uty. Sweendog. FaSI Friln K. Ihe Small Dog, and the LastCreat Ape,

Brian Carberry: Love and Ihan>. Mom n Dad, same to you Cns n Mall Creat meeting you Dave, Marc, Oscar, Kebs, n Hammy l..o\'e you Blake,G\\', Stunmmy, Moe n McMonha, Jesse, GIt'Sftt, Bill, Ray, Big Kebs. Pler ten aU the guys at the v.., ZSCAPlV,AV,SO, Wlllt,}oe, Classes Z COITlt', guu, Nkk. }en. Lauren, Dawn. Acorn Prqtcts, thought 1,1 knew' 2 Lattn. the McCabes nail Fcstma Lente! C ya Hum. Fanuly, GPJMSM, Tom. Za!'

DarueI CalnflO; I would like 10 thllnk my mom, Dad, slepmom. ltepdad, Joe, Kem, Kyle. Sweat)', Guinee, Colombo, lorse, Spank. RIggly, Zebik, Stackhouse, JV Soccer Pride. 1'here IIIS. H Sievers, Emdoggy, KAne, Jil', Pipdog. Chucky, Pucci, Lennie Krob, Wudy, Spause. HYellh Right" Sweaty. "Paneez" Chern CI~. "What about thilt guy?" Joseph Chiuantona; ThaI\)( and love to Mom, Dad, Jill, Lex)' "II's a birthmark not a

hlckev HlOl'CL's, Carnal-Stones, liordc96, Dmatthews- Where are 10\' keys? Phd. Da\'Hic speedo club. ' Wllllyworld, NIiCC, 107-1, upfungus, Russell, Kelth's barrels, ce1eb-np. Brad's raid, Ke"· where'S FS8' TIm· cafe, MUler. Kl., RY-Swlm Parttes, PSSC, Bud, Toby's, Summer ''J7,1hllru to all mv bon &< gals thai made high school unforgettable Thomas Chmlt'lewskl 111 Thank \'0\1 Mom <lnd Dad for seoding ITIt'to LS, Thanks 10 all my teachers for making 10" LS experit'llCl' X.c x 4 Indoor TritCk); 01, Track lL 01, Belmont Deuce, Briarwood AsKS, fo.hllt'r&< Briarwood, l.J,lm &< LSC- deuce locker· room, bolLlf1g Vicki, Ford, Miller, Llilm. Mike, Chris, 11, Colin, Phil, Mr Devine, Renberg. Corvette. CoJt. Cll;,'t'n Day, Legion of Doom. Phillies-Oykstra &; Dilullon. Goodbye everybodyl YAY! David Citro; AI'-Ithoughl }OU knew l To the empIre' 107 O'oM Ni' Help! Help' I'm bemg repll$Sedl Mom, Dad, Creg. Meg. MA, MS, BC, Ray-Ray. BH's go,lIs, JB, EVH, GT AB. TR, SO. KO,I'O, RN,JC' All my 107-1 buds E\'et'l'·one elsto, and who could forgt.>t the KQP? The bus APeS. Ace' The I\ssasslnillor, The ~ul.llor, 51)'('1'-

What tm'll'yOU leaving' Let'sgo A}'n'$' Loc:..1 1 P05ef. LT4th.


John Clark: Thanks, Mom and Dad- 1 spent my whole lime running. you spent your hITIt' nmmng after me. Pete, thanb for puthng up with me. ThanbJP. NJ. OBI, KM, DF, Ward, and everybody else- you know who you are. Clarkbar, Bamone, Hazmat, Colonials, U2, G-Iove, track camp, shocker. Just have fun Ciarkie.It's go lime. Nick. Hardcore highjurnp. Philly is I stIDurb of Chalfont. AJvlnCilly: Busch. Binder, Cress, Timmy, Lisa, Pile of humus, U Nanz, saflam, yeewoohoo, capricho, straight edge, I kwe ph)'SlCS. 12 toes, YeN. Bl.lah stuff, Xc, TrKk.Ol T],JP,GB, PB, AC, ro, 58, MD,GC All the Family, Run Run Run 10 the sun. it is fun. It's all been wolCky sluff fellas, have hm ~ a kickm' time. laterl?l



SpeaaJ thanks ~ love to my parents. Shoul out to La s.ue bandit's been" great yeaB! Bandmates KH, EM. and lllterna-ehuck- ii's not a tuner! RH, GS, 1'5, SO, TF, and rest of grade schoolers. Downtown Warrington (and vicinity) crowd. Finally, inspiration of Page, [X;, Sabbath, Tool, Mhead. FF, Sep, SY, TON. AJ. IIlayer and all who mainlJin artistic mlegrity! Joseph Crane: Thanks to Mom and Dad (or all your support and clforts. Best of luck to

all Never forget, to thOS(' who mllY know; "Don't worry aboullI" NSomehmes H"Don'1 come around here no more H"It's leagllt' night N Words of ad\'lce whislle. nde d bIke, don'l Jolvw..lk, never eIll what can be unhed, ob:o;eTye the speed hmll,lOLn a slow pilch softball league, WAISKIO 1homas Crean

Thank \'011 Mom. Dad, Mid'II'lk>, and Bndget Thanks e\.t'r)'e>ne fOf" thell' support, I probabt\' COlJld not ha"e done II wlthoul )·ou.. Thanks to 10" fnends for being the«- BIU R and Chns W for lhe best car ndeslo school Thanks.. SIt'phen Crogn.lle: Thanks to my filmily ,md jackie Spedal thanks to Jackie, Without your const/lnllove my four vears would have bt.'Cn dull. My car rules,long live the Maxima. Long live mel I'm finally awake! Plastic and hoagie will i1lw.,ys be crazy, I'm not i1lone anvrnore ThomuCrosa Mom. Dad. Ke,·in. Julie &< Jenn. thinks for belng WIth me through the good times and the bad IIo\'e \·ou aU To t1wa--: SOC,MA.- TF,JC, Guggs, Te, 1M, GS, Jer, &< the boY' from ~ &<~, Ne'\er fOfget the memones.. PCL Footb.JJI Champs 95-96. Ux 95, %, 97, and we'~ not done)'~ OMB" BNI..; Did you Just lighl me 0fI fire' Good Ide../ Bad ideJ,. ~s ski trip. OupmWlk ~ (I won Bean) TiIUThUl thanks you all lhom.lS Curran;

Thanks Mom, D3d, Adri'-IIl, Jimmy, &< Michael- love you all. Sweet oldie. pip lag thai? Forget i1bout It Ka,ros 37-1. Juggler Dnzenchcd lie's got a gun! Raining al the wake Under the stars. Bellicose at concerts. AWe5On1e. Ski trips. lost again' Efficient roads. To all my pals Crillg. Ashley, Mike, Brendan, Dave. Matlt'Tll, Phil, Kevin. Tim, Tim, Jason, Gavm, PlIu.1 D'OrUIO: Footy, 95, %, '17, yo big Boch. Rocko ffanchese, thugs. tin-man '20, green eggs, Hunta, Seif Dog. Bean. B\'mes, Pinks, Chang. Primus, Peaches, Swcala, Sh.&rk. Footy "5 51. 75. 7, 9, 14,40, SO, 33, 43. 54, 37, 201, 32. 30. II Camp Unadensis. you're nol dOing what were're asking NAH. lNnb Neely, lemon-Lune, posl proms. Noone's house. Thankse-.en'one, Mol1\, Dad, Oma. Nikki

Timothy Dan.lher Thanx Mom and Dad for all your support ThaI\!(, Katie and all my boys; K-Rob, Spank, Joe, PB. CG, KL. 1'0, GP. BM. MR. RT, and .,11 my NP i1nd Souderton boys. 311 concerts, Kef, do you still hear the ringing? "Spank, I heard that hll the cup H Joe. gOI any money? Prom ''17. How about lhe mIracle at AC' Remember

the shrine Is this tl'll'sodil line? l'oUly or Five, Shore parhes. Miln'm Oand)': Th.Inks 10 everyone woo has supported me Thanks 10 the leachers, etc! I'd like to gl"e. spcnal thanks to my parents for makmg it possiblt' 10 attend La Salle Also thanks to mv r.\,onte 5ISter Sohora for prm'idlOg a positl"e influence Thanks to .. n\·OfI{' who h..u gi"en IrM' I nde In the paSI 4 )'e<lrs. Thanks to 10" good fnend.s To all my classm.tes: good luck l Pluhp O.uwers funks Mom &< Dad fOC' bemg there when I needed you lnanks for e\'er)'thing. jeanelle, thanks for being a great sis. Grandma, you're tmbomb. Thanks, Yo! Glow worm, you're blushing. Skinny and a 10 80 ..15 th,lt 11 picture of your dllughler?.CAP &< the PTPCrew Jl' & designer clothes. Trips to MUIlL's house. No longer a nun the bus driver's daughter MACK &< Tom's Thanks 10 everyone Colombo, you slink!


Anthony DePasquale' AKA MAI)()(X; Thanks 10; Mom, Dad, Aunt Rosae, Uncle Denf1ls. I couldn't ha"e done It wilhoul '01,1 Also, hello 10 my boys: JerT}', Big Cra,g.lI.tatt (AKA Chat), Jill', Malt. Fr..n, and John B Kim, Thanb fOC' ~'er)·thlOg It's been a greal 01 \'ears Howard Rules' F-Jac~.Chewy,and Chns Soundw",\'e is The Man' Saurilbh Oes,u; Thanks Mom and Dad for ha"lng r"llh In me for !he last four yedrs Sukclu, thanks for being the greatest brother Shoutouts: H·H Bus Crew, Special Scats go out for y'all K.llros37-1 PK, MM, Cit KL, KR, IX, i1nd MO Live the 4th! Yearbook memories. hell and US....Slayin Alive! Chimp and Slugger, best wishes for next rear Greg,. no. you don't have k,')'s1 Wis, J go! a BFJP for }'ou. Special Shoutouts: RH, KF.JH, JM,GQ.JRK, MB, ML, AAA Crew, KM, BG, KO, BC,I'II, Albany Peeps (No more w .. ter balloons!) Crowd surfing ..tthe ,unior prom Longest 3rd Penod E"er ~l. Nugal Book Nazi -> CAY' Waterguns' Enough wllh the penIllt'S. Pump and Dump Cop' I thought you WId.. Re. I'\'e I'le\'er been Ln Oucago before YOII (';'In't deny my black hentage from me Cilroydid what 10 Dr. CarP Been an ama;,:mg four years, thanks La 5.ille.


Chnslopher OiLeon.-lrdo: Thilnks Mom & Dad for ,11[ the hOle and sacnfice. To Chnssy, John, and Joe thanks for your support, Gwynnthrough the good hmes and the bad no doubt...lh.lnks for gelling IIlC Ihrough the last six ye,u'!i, ..Love )·a. Tracey.lhanks for the talks at 1:00 III the morning. Columbian num\)cr C super·Size. Danvers..,you stink. Benanle...you·re my broth("r Ron 10"e you too. GregMmm bop &;


SpIce Girls AI' Readmg Cll.'w. LBRG·..pp Rules-Lll..e ..h LIM- ..h \"ou

idiot·RZ Chnstopher DoLan l1l.lnl..s 10 my f,)mll\ D.tch, He,)d, BCat, 1', (h'·To\'·FleITO,jw.n TKO Cooped-up bunm hut("h lO "'C\' It holS been nlllccee and definltelv the fin. Good luck til' Leprechaun Gary, Bro1nl, Mike, Comlan, Drew· Yeeaahh'·AlI of VI + V2. Murph. Destinos ~Iolbs YOU goat Ph.lt Svslems Wubbs-Yo' BT + ~'ou got gun G8 Pacl..'l Jackie's House Smoky In the Tempo, The N,E C~ ,-~..,Oiff T~ Hugh Donnell\ Th.. nks Mom, D..d, [),ne, and Kate for e\'erylhmg Foot)' 95+96 (undefeated) I"CL champs. "You're nol domg what I'm asking ya to do, ~ Thanx Mr Cohstra + teamm.lt\.'S for some unforgellable memone:s Man, Aoyd Thl1\X Mr p..riSI, It's beer! fun john. Itah .. Greece - "Bingo, &ngo, Bongo~, Cui the MalarkE'y Sh.ilrkey, SC '98, DB .. Pride l1l.l1\.1( BFD Final thanx go OUI to all m~ teachers, co.ches, ,)nd fnends.


Brend..n Doughertv, To C\'eryonc who helped Ill(' through my high school years Mall, remember the shore. Bums, you're the man, Citro, I own you Gil, lets gel illl the lildies Dwver, Don't dnnk 100 mu("h Duff Brannon, the phann.1C\' and lhe Ir.lm station MIkE' B, Wilson, Ihe.IXl' murderer ll\ank \'OU to Con, \'OU h.we meillnl ~'t'n'thlng to me .lnd ,1lw..yswlll Kenn DoughertY' To m\' Mom and Dad who look the t'idra IIml',1nd effort to send me 10 private school To my grandmom .llso, who helpt.--d support nle throughout mv four yean at La Salle To mv fnends who always remained so loval To mv brolhl.'r for showmg me how to dn\e people crazy To the 11.'5101 mv famllv for alwiws bemg so dose And hNllv, 10 my gr.indfather for showmg me how to be ill true famllv man lhanlC' "evm Dwvef Gulltv Parlles ChinO Moreno, Fred Durst,jonath.m Oa\ls.J, K, Mike, Absolute Zero, BIl.'ndiln, I own YOU, KOr, Citros, Weekends OIl Amo'ld's (SH, DjB, JPl, Sroll from lAxal H, ADiDAS, Homer S-impson. Soulh Park., Aal\llence IS bold, McCmlev, AP Computer SClenct', Fetld\', MOl1I..~, Qa\'t', Head, Vnmont. Ulan. Ln. NI~, Mv f"milv AnvQnt' thalasn'l on here, I am \'t'r\' dIsappOinted With \'ou-Mr Burru. S)(I' Matthew Elliott 35th UB,JR, AI', SIt SK, RIP IJIG, GMC Ce<:a St Hillary's A&C DOl Chef, RZA, Olney, Eagles, EM, J-1J, DR, ML, OS,SW, MB, TM, 5, Sp«ial Th.lnks Coaches Skip Vem Ed---lliin Phila, 1M 1'\-'1/, AYO, SeyJ, Sam, MIKt',



Carlos, San Ro OpmL\m Squad, MW, <";R. 00, Hild~ to all the peoplt:' lhal supporl me, mv parents for bnngmg me m and puthn!'; up ""th me and m\' brother-Good LU<:k Tv 2 PC, JW, JW, GR, \1W.lohn 3:10, Ecclesiastes 9:11, C",am Sroll Emnch; Thanks Mom, Dild, Shawn, Oms and Colin I (ouldn'l havcdone It wilhout your help and supporl What'? The pages haw to be done in 30 mmutt'S' Jen"m\', conlmue 10 keep lhe Wis n>,11. C1nQr\' Pasloral 1h.uu. to alii ha\·e pl.lwd §O«t'l' wlth_ I ~ some great 11I1~ on and off the field IRK.GQKF,DF,SC,KS,SD, MH, CEp, AK, C"2.ind all who I ha\'e hung Wllh under IhI.' lights. lei's hope Ihat the good hrnes wl1l ronlmue thiS year and beyond Stalled and won't start· net>d l:;.ay more,

j V Endetk Thdnks Mom and Dad, I.eom. Pt'ler, Scotl, Vinny, Miller, McFadden. Wemert, Trapp, L1m'd, \IarqulS. jamlt', EllIS I::X>t' Hallo....1.'t'fl '%, PeNwpack III Apnl 8.lthroom stall and t~ ndt' homt' from Marrh 'm mIXer Andy's partY "ViM\ + Sroll jaLIed 2ltmes Go run home to \'our mommvs \·ou donke\'~ G,rl ill the partvlh,lt looked l,ke Dave, Roman Escobar~ Thanks Mom and Dad for all of your support CD "Number six, supersi:.:e-d~ CM ~You're sose!lSlh\'e" 5hark~ MB'HoLi. Qu ~" , Colombtans do II better (pla\' soccer), OM F,IlIer Boy.JT··wtwfs the Dealv Yo-, ~Salan~. -rhr\' don'l like wu~ DO ~How is your wlf~- Change, jc ~Before You Es "Senor R,jp~ Ga ... ~P'I VolIl'}' Ball~ P..lmeri, C.lpatola, Big Daddv, Big Bob ~blk, GOOD LUCK

rr W

Terence f,jllon Thank HlU Mom and D.Jd for St'ndlng me to La 5;JIIe, ROllI and Molggll', and all of m\ famll\ I .... ould hkE' 10 lhanl.. all 01 m\' It'achers Thanks 10 mv flrerods:lo the pew crew, KOP, the Forum, ('\'en'ooe from AAA, from IhI.' HM \'oulh group Thanl..s 10 MS the wamor, ~Raut~, FF, lhe bowlmg aU..' )' \endmg mach me, the pool hall, ENT's Hnest, the FSB, LOO, NWA, NL, 51, Orange Slice, SOD, RR, olnd TIIAT'S TIlE BOTfOM LINE Robert Farrell Thanks Mom, MII..I', Mr V Lu\ u gu\'S, Jen, 110\.1.' rou &bv Doll' 0-24--97, MosqUito bIles· How do I 1I\·t" Mov.... 5683 8 Rook/Vettube jenny Bobbv, Zoo OctopllSS.... Rmgs. 3~ Loth. J-Iolnct't' D&D JA PromIse len u r the grea!l·SI. Es, I'm w hOll PB, were lost I' N, I won-where', C;l.lvitti. Hi Petl' - While trash wiffle ball I behe...e yol jKB, hey·KB + good luck. No mon> pN A paIr of st.1r ("rtJSS('(!-lo\'ers lake their hfe


D.Jmel fein. I wanlto th.mk 01\ parents for their Io\e and support through my \'ears of hoc~' and school I wish all the besl to all of m\ fnends m school and III the futun>, Timothy Fenningham~ I'ha.nks Mom, Dad, Maura, BrMn, and W for lhe opportull1hy to s~ MA. TC, TC, CC, TM, and GS Is thai I~TmM.m' flammgTimmers TP.... I n>ad ya, loud .nd dear, hoowah. Tom, thai's a bold Klea So thIS IS R~ia' DMB,BNLalwarSOrl,)n oldventure Would I be' Self, don'l bllt' 1st drinl.. In Lido, He·s commg lowards us' Team OphmiShC. LS rOO!)', DB Pride 30, 32, 18. Yo Koss' 68,7-3. Coke Cap Game Nice stol')' &an 24

D.Jll1el rmelx-rg Pht Ong. 4317 marble mJgLte, Kall'O$ 37-I'Whilrsthal,8Ibs InJOmlllllh! Sun>. roach! Twss; JIf; Boomdudy f'OOPCrul!:' parties Summerblonde' Utah bab\' You WelSenhetmer - Mel Yo, whatup, MB, q, KH, KF,jC.SM, MC. SM, AB,OS, MH, SC, AK, UJ, KJ, HB, N CRAZY SO, KB, MIJ, GQ AL, DR, G MR, CS, 11M, HK, EL, GRATED GOGO GP, KL. AO, OWl, Dr, BARBIE, MELLOW, MRBBT; WLDWOOD Mom,~, Molll, Lisa tlwnks-\'ou'rethe besl to,lllmy boH - good luck., Th.mks and h,a,e fun' Surfs up - Cotta Co! lohn F1mer Mom .. Dad-Thall)( for all \·ou'vI' done 110\'1.' you' Kcl, Klaff, BLrd- 1'1 mls-'s you gllys..Ferf-Moo. .l don't evE ("are Gl1-uh-huh yeah, Mike the seat come out 11JG-SSBS,.t-1ockey lox-I couldn't imagme us on South StreetMr C-you'n> the besl l G + Boots-You taught me .10198 Compb.l.nd-Best ('\'t>r MR P.uisi· 98PC: d1.Imps' Boo-N'r'C M,Ir\'e!.len +l\lna Pal + BilI-vnall\~cwme RUFZJnd1 \t'n' LIVE TIlE "TIl' lsi TO' Sorrv girls' Kenn Fit:.:patock To "lithe people: My famllv, All the fnends, MSj, LS, AIkido, Mr j, Dr, 0 IH, PK, MS, SD,JRK, Sensei, The Rucl..us, Wis Office Slacker, Infimtt' PhYsics. Kusch, Lorrame, roll, the partJe>" ...osko; "u the daf'lC'n, the partles, lhe mUSK, IhI.' fun, las chicas &:- the kne--l1l.lnks for making me \'0 Nt ,1m, f.lee up to It, ,rs ,·our faull


ptllhp Freller THANKS 10 mv parenls and my Sisters, Also Mr FIll', Mr Cohstra, Mr Roche, Mr Dolan, and all the bo~ who supporled me Thanks to

Maryellen, lets st.lrgare; Kev, UR my brother; Praise, never stop lhe song; .zone.. u rock lhe- PGA; OONT LET TIiE MAN GET U DOWN; Jess, 9 times in I month' Mr. G, ho....'s Tina? I'm Zeus! Laguda, u da man; I DID CARNEGIE! Be the lighl; Ali- you are my hero- your 10\'1' will O('\'er die Brant Heaton: Thanks morn and dad for malr.ing my life as easy and eflJO)',)ble as possible I ,)ppredate e.,·erything that e.,·eryone has done lor me Atx)\'e all thanks for putting up with me

dl the teachers I had Mr

~hller ..nd

lro. Tim- you gu)" rod.. EJlem,. hanks for all your help TOlheromer rew and e.,'e!)-one else I dullfti With, :eep It real Don't forget ASBS. Scott, -om. and Matt, I 100'e you guvs To '\'eryone, good h>c~ be cool, keep II eal. tyan Gallagher nanks to Mom+Dad, Kev,ChnS,.I11 ny teachers, MB, the Dalal-lama, JT, W,Columbian, MW, Bones, KM + Us Hfootball CJl;'w H, La Salle footy, \KA_"GaIH... "Fenningham, he's got 'Our house!" . Hand shadows at .rKtice...JV pride Thanks to BR, SH, "P,55, KG for one messed up ,ummer! Thanks to anyone I nissed...Burlington-Brislol bridge

u ri Garzone: fo my Mom, Dad, Chns. and ~veryone who believed in me And 10 hose who helped gel me where I am md where I'm going-Thank You. ~BODY GOT ANY GUM, :ANDY,jUJUBEFS, DOTS! GET OFF .iY WUTZ. We need 10 have more :hipmunk races. To e\'eryone who 'Vas with me on Prom weekend To III my boys. Good luck 10 all my riends. THANKS'


>COlt Cayd05; .alon....sounds foreign. GOD ZONE· :>CA Fellas, it's all good I forgot my ,unblock again. HI to all my 8astls ::;irls. ChIUino. I hke cold be\'erages, 'If I wasn't such a weenie do you hink you'd slilllO\'e me?H -TIle Jffspring. Thanks to my family for usl bemg Ihemsel\"t'5

'aul Gibbons. rHANKS to MOM.nd DAD, ""ARIA.'JNE, JOHN, CAITUN :>own at the gate>beWre school ;etlJ.ng chased by Tumer *1'5 Tha 0.11 my fnends; you know who ~'ou In', keep It real We golla make .. run

10 mdr.cls. LAX pnde. Kairos was

p"" Jim Goldner. Thanks Mom and Dad fot" e\'ef)'thmg. I'Ul1e\'er forget those eilrly morning dm'es 10 La Salle for speech loumamen!$. And, th05e long ndes 10 hockey rin . Thank you for all the kl\'1I' and supporl you ha\'e gi\'m me Steve, Andrew, Tommv, Peter, and Susan; Remember th~ hockey games on the pond, our socrer games, and those long h.ikes? I could ha\'e plilyt'd fort,'yer. You ha\'e m,)de my childhood a blast' BrctI Cordon: To the entire sernor crew-Io\'e all of you-JD Nighl, La 5.111e Foolball95, 96 What's lhat, Poll? Bongard's afler lhe Ryan win Sophomore year. RelaxIhrn;e in college Itlnds, Morsell. and Rick. Mom, Dad, ladyn and Caroline thanks for your support. Buddh.l in D.C.· Thanks, Kristie, I love you. Matthew Connan. lllanks to: Mom and Dad, You are the Best' Behl, Bithng.. I'll miss you guys the most! Cohen, Bathgate, Murrhy, !=eli>;, upski, Heaton, Kaz, Salvitti, 8e<:ker-, Heron, Urban, MorriS, And to all of my Bo~, Thanks! Crew MIChael Greger EZB Mrs. Brown· 3rd period english. Aklnyele Blgglty Binder LAP -IOZOZl\.'TZ. BBCC. SEI DUN Big SAUlTS AJpnde AL PAGL'J ME CREW- Ltwl-l TROLL WESTlSIDE EZAXESS n·BEEF The k-gend 86Wood Hl"lm' 61h pd 69 Se\'Slop Rob &: FSD I wanl bass. MGD The BUICK mce, nK:e' GMA CLAY, FRANK'S C-IS. ALL EYEZ ON ME· 21'AC UD-BUS 114 B&T KEEP IT ON THE DOWN LOW The

Sandman BOB NAmES MEIER. PACKSEASY, TASTES GREAT THEY WILL COME AT WHAT YOU LOVE· THANKS MOM &: DAD Craig Gugger Tomm)"- car nele CraIg' Craig' CraiS' TC she's a loll\'pop BNL enough Soald Kalros 37-1 rough nile at Keiths...5M Mookeys. Buml at Busch."GA Hdnau'f1ched H TPK... ~he's gOI a gun H [tnp 10 [). lown.6th period SElF flaming Timmer ''I'm 001 fired up you're fired up H !l's sub.degrC("S oul" Its bt>en fun TC, MA, Tf, TM, BK, OS, JC, Te, liS, MB, BMGS Thanks Mom, Dad, Doug. Chile &: Spunk- I love you. Robert Hamby To mom oS< dad, what c;ln I say, it's been real! Ilhank bQth of )·ou. To Beth, I'll love you 4 life! To all my great boys and girls, Val, l.lura, Noelle, Paul, Tim, Juni, Derek, Kevll'l, Dave, Chuck, and for all those I c,ln't remember, you know why [can'l remember' To all of my La Salle boys, I'll remember u all! To my teachers, I'm50rry! And \,)stly,lo the admln'5-Irallon, I do know the rules' PeM'e' Ke\'ln ~lannon: First, lhe famlly,lhanks The Pe,)kood. familr Luke, Am, Kelly, Kalle, Amanda. Pam, Joan, HeIdI, Kr,." &: Rachel I k)\'e you all. Lei'S sd-..5.ua, R\'an, Johnnv, Bdl, Bnan, 1'.lUl. LIZ, and of course, un &: Yam ~ SaundersCtan, The Bank. The Troc &: E'·olulion. OS, the e.,11 CB, JH, JK.- OC, LD, KF. The Grassv Knoll' NNY My Ghlle!" g,rl- the t'\'el')'lhlng bUl the kJlchen 51kn ltunpe' moo' I Soav moo to you' joseph H,)ughton MJd+ luv u' doV- p~hool bud' Paul. un I US(' your carl He)' Boo, nice "ps' K.- m~' better half- Kll, Ra~, gmk05 and chlonseptlC;

Shaun Ham: Thanks Mom and Dad fOf e.,·eryttung, Marty for all the help, Skl mps WIth Coggms.6th period Crew-WawaJ Micky D's. Bros luv)'a tanl<. Stage crew with Denick and Fines. 2nd cafgellm lost wilsliffy thanx. Pop-pop and Gram. Utah. Baby. WeeUnds 011 Arnold's wit KD,jP, OJ, 55, BG, LO, LB, DB, r.1A, jH, MH, NH, JH, JS, AS, PK.-JR. DP,jP,(;Q KF, KH, RO,CM, fT, TF, JS,CJ.MB, MG,GS, OF, MB, CB, W,e>· To all m\' bo\'z - Good Lock.

MIChael Heinsdorf: Thanks Mom &: Dad for being pahenl ,)nd underslanding.. Ha\'e fun Paul yO! Relax· Rules of procrashnahon· It ....as a gn'at four years. Besl h.ii,r award • I'd like 10 bestow that on my ·fro. Besl cars - Tempo of l..o\·e and Civic of Seduction. By lhe way, it's hard 10 hide a little red car' Sue, my \'ery wise girlfriend. Underclassmen. have fun. Why drh'e when you can get someone else to? Dress shopping. anyone? "I can't go to detenlion because... Ad Mountum POll! Scholam! H

I:r;lnds Hevener: Thanks Mom, D,ld, Karen, Uli, and Sean. I wanna say what's up to the Pebble and Log Crew, Welsh, iklke, Buff, Shady, Lou Dog. Luke, Conor, Dave and The Neon, Kunfer, my bQys in La Salle ()'ou all know who )'ou are), and everyone else who stuck with along the w,))' Don't ever forget allihe fun we had, il was great James Hoagland: Thanks 10 Grandpop, an American Palnot, mentor. most of all a trull' friend UOF PBTeam for folloWing my lead Family fot" payIng and pusillng me Urorice for listening to 01)' problems. Guys for being there America fIX my freedom. OIpnpics for msplnng hIDeS. BT fot" two gll,'at classes, Flood'a strong and. good teacher Ifnend, NiroIettJ-v.-pandmg my mmd and InSight Lao'" for me in Hollywood Matthew Holbert Thanks Big jean and ChICO Thanks MS, IT, ~i.l\i,.nd MJ, for smchng me In the nght direction and helpmg me Sl"I my pnorities strilight Thanks to all my l.il Salle bo}" for all the great


tim..... Th.mk..~ BO for lxmj<; mv ~~t bo\' Thaok.~ lH for .1lw ,I\i~ ma"'m~ me kd ~ood. Loll' \'ou I'ed(.. to.:lll mv bop, O-rown rul(>!, Cd. th,lOk5 for hOQ"'m It up Strlcll\ fort'l~n b.lb\ ~ub-t.. ro kid~ Qu,lltW powcr 1'C&«'t I'm out John Horilmann Th.mk.!. to 01\' mom ",od d.JJ, of rou~ 1lM.' teacher; who broul;ht fl'lf,' Ihrou~h four \'ear; Ml brOlher oInd S15lo>r dnd .Ill of hUmdmh In ~.." ..roll would hI... It) menbOt'l 01\' good fnl'"llds K... \'Io. J()('. Bnao. Bdl. OU"l..~. Ron. Jo, "-"thleen. l.tekll'...IC and thank them f..... lhoo.l- I1mes of comp.aruonstup and haPPll'leSS m ,~'" \'outh In whidl " .. stwrEd I wash p:ood luck upon all of 01\ cl.tssm.ttl$ and nopr for lhelr.-.~

\1>chae1 HunsICker Thank5 Ml'm. Dad. Sean. Ar~i\-. Jud\. olnd RO!'-.-. O'K;u,tnp tOI'KW,hert' Ul thecadd\ YouCdrler B"-RU" ~paUl Tnp l'o--l.. I>rom Bn0l\: the nKkus Oi.. Homestcdd' A woKh Dr Pl'J'f'l'l" on d MonJa\ aftnnoon L S Fooh' Bvme>. IOIhe.>7'£ph~Tp Wawa at4 AM Yo Pmlo.\'·l'(\lhn II hl\:ht ... teal "Orne cal.... 2. JR. LB. "\1 fl'. MJ. \te. RM,I'D. K..RQB. III. TC MB, Bf.l"G. DA Ecotrdlknw Hunt's

<.:h,ulcs lohm,on Thanks for everything Mom, Dad. !kilU, Grandpa & Mol Always remembt'r Sp.1io;lhe Roof". Rocky" Cubans, Jim. slow down. son. Hunts THNX Girls & I,lre nighl5/ Anllor,l lounlle/Calv's shelter/ skIIng: "(,0 Golfing" Uovd, Bymes, Bill; Kiocll'\, Matt K AJlthe ~tones; ·random crft'ps''". SHAR!I., MG, BL 0\1. MURPH,jB. KA. PD. CO, l'G.j\k, IW I "Mom ....ouldn·1 care about thesto thmgs if "hf' didn'l kt"('p finding out about them' 'lCholas lordal

DaJ. Mom. Rick. Erica. and Chris, INnb. Good luck In•Tom. and a.,k on MJ<:t four \ears. To aU mv h!Ilas H.anes. Del'. Bolger, C1mlent. Bi}ed. I..epore. Gene. and Donahue. In memorv or the collcF CTrW' RJchIot, K"" Sh~, Matty, and Gills. Sft ya ....hen 15('l!' \'a ~Qt.. Ed~. pLay the bllJtlS'


Paul KahMI, ll\anks ON' and all-to my friends. who always had "iust a Iitrir change," to m~ te~. f5p«ialll Mr 8101\' for all of his hard work and trusl Thank& also to "Doc" (1\')" }oe) D'Angelo Jusl bea.use. You ooIy go around ()fl('(' Tlwlks In05lIy to my paro!flts, who have sacrificed 50 much 50 I could be

Jdfrt'V HuOltmger ThdnJi Dad. Mom. Sleph. and Edd,.. Of roUf'i(' lndnK. GUlned. !'("he Q,j's If I hd\' ... lo h.\\'" word.... lru.>n I.n hand·~.l"m KOing to t.lke him down to the.> 29 m dnd 309 McGold. Laru, Shl~t.l-le\'llunlt, Bobbl. and N('wl No Annaconua's Thdnks B Rogand Ch,lu .!Od JKB j to thl' ( Hom,m numl'ral II NI Kl.lnd PIPE n. h..,\, uh.)W. thugS'n stuff. CS what aboul tholt gUY' Oh lcah. hel budds. hi p dolO' budds

JClSeph Kaupus: Th,lIlX to my family and friends (you know who you are!) Way too many tokes to list, Arl Trips, La Salle ThealM, COL. yeah you're all jealous the \'0ICt"S talk to me! Bebe and Elan", art" my Goddesses. Baby Burgers "To gOing against the gram. gOillS illSilne. going mad. starving for attention. haling convention." I won't say goodbvc be-cause this woo'l be lhe last vou']] ever hear of me. and all that



Niclo. IllCOlllngo I'd hlo.l' to th,mk lilY Mom & D,lll and m\ GrMldmom for pdnng for mv IUlhon- [MOW ,t wa$.1101 1 I'd also like 10 tlldn~ the Dou~tlt~rl\"S for all the ndes I have to gl\'e respect to the CAfoN <':Ird(" where I h.1,1 fmm Espccialh Sc.1n,the Firth, tho.> BIS "A". Lamplugh, Shock Doc. Big Doc. 4QTlm, th.. crew,ll R.1schill's Roost, Am\". MS. Knst... dnd ,1n\ont' I forgot, much respecl & thanb- ..... lCk Mall John Dobln'. Sculdog. Pedro. &rh I'SU. oro. h\'h. I"""ntoms. Anml.ll. Yo. 'lO.lhat Hous.. (~, Ht'\",. m\ NITlt"S Mike, 6th Per H.lldcore%-Q7. Dlnn~'G, Erfd~ no-neck. 2:-'0 Sel"ron. GIU. RJu. Who \·1C1r.ed on lhe !ocrffrlJ,lM Inmd asd("ad, UDSC. MD sh'bn, wht-n' we from, D-lOwn, l\add\' Madnl,'Ss, Da Buteh"l1loln for hoc>un me' up, hkt' It ".5 ml JOb, ....oob-nt'\·er forgOIlCrl. Mom, ~t And"",,' Thaw. God If<iOl{'l'and tM· fl('\"'er $;1\\ rne "gam


Chris Kebler. First I want 10 thank my parents for backing me up through all four )'Nfl. I also would like to thank my friends for hemg lhere for me. you guys know who vou are! Matty Carbs. Tom. Anthony. Nick. Walt. Oscar. and Seamu


Peter KeUer First off. tNmks to my pOlrenlS for e\'E"l'vthmg Also. thanks to ~ and MolIk, Uld congratulations on thnr babl· 11lanks toe>o'eryone involled III t..diros. it was a greal t'J(pe~ Thanks to Mr and of course to Mt Dew and Mr Vettori.


Brendan Kelly' Morn. Dad. Aileen. Conor, God .. thAnx. Soy2..Tommy.Ctaig. Mike A.. Big Boc, 'daltem.}oe, Tuman. Scootch. Tuck. King.,P, Ruegg. D-Town run. 6gh1V'l' dirt with Pops, Vision Brothers. U.D., Qoda.. Coqw. ne.,"ib Pool. Night at AdlUll5'. Pliant &: P;tge, Blues Fest. Horde, ~I'm Hot'"' Chrishan-ll\anx.. V-Ball, Kairt'K. 'IT.


BTD.ICl' HO< ......I', Old.. E. Sl'if-wher... you lk'c-n'.I'-Trud•• GP·Thanks Chon/{\ out, 'Q8I'e,lce

vour" mg~ up Dt.-..:I'C.,tl'tl to the ml'mary (,f Ni(hol~ l'aol1l1(1 (198Q. 1~71-R(ost In I'ea«'

$e.n Kerpl'r

ViOCl'TIlO LlHuff,l Thank5 Mom, Q,ld, Carlo, and Dante lo\e\ouall MB.ML.Vl_TheGroul Be Rise Sirilwbem' Rlse l TF·Tdlon TR.. Loy,JI Enforcer MS. aM ForomTh..m ks for lhe fun l Latm Club foreH ~ Ad\olnl,lge Burns~ ~Sacnllcious'" Good luck en'r..-bo<h DC. MC. EC. JG, GH. RF. RM, IT. RS.1G. SK· Asp'"-' 10 be \Ir Burns

First thank.~ to 01\' pMenl5 for .st"ndmg me here ,\Od 1(1 the nosl of the !l.erpers for dl'altng I'lth ml' I'd also like to hi'll. ttJos(' who pushed me to do better, Tred\'or. Stczech. Grdm, Boo. ,mu God Hllp" In all mv bon, In \ed.." to (ome O'lloira. MOQre. Trap. 11m. Brend.l'ft'il. Glo\'oI. Carb•• 11 the rest dnd StUet:!l< Good luc~ GU\'~ Hope to <;e(" \"ou .111 later And I cao'l IOrget all 01\' teacher's, Thank "ou all Kerp-Ro~8h'

Chnstopher Kerrigan 'Th.nks to aU '" ho've helped gUide ~,you know

who)""OU art'

J. R. KmgThanls to mv fWlilv And .Ill my fnends. Nt-veT forget all thf great tunes we had. Special shouts to all m\ boy5<1t La Salle(esp GQ. SO. MB. ).;.F, MH. PK.}RC,SE, IV, EC, BK)and all mychlCAS.lIlGMA and MS'.-> GA Y1 Watch out lor pentUt'S! B6:G. we don't w.&nl to ~ your BFJP. S formals. South St. Man.lyunk.. OMB '%. Chocolate Milk. D04PQ Th.lII Queen kid Will get me pIctUres. Slalkd - won't stan. 1he Hammock. Arborrtum ValIeyGreen.Ad Mounlum Post Scholam. Golden Brown. Ce.ly's S1ayin' aiJve. The Iron Curtain. It's 1M Tempo! Jemny. !:de care of mv pOlpet Go Flyers! MIChael Knowskl~ Thank you Mom, Dad, Rich. Nan. Pop. Grandmom. Gl'ilndpop. all of my family and friends: you were always lhere to guide me. support nIt', and love me. Sci. Dept: Thank \'ou for J o'clock aftemoons, LS Swim Team: 10 in a row! AI<; PTP '96 & esp '97 OC; play 97. 98;}ake w/love; Pete U2; BOH. Cloreese. KMD, JK. TOM, PS. 8M, PD, ML. Be. LB, AD. U know Amanda7 Dmb '96; SAl'S; Dad- You know it; Thank U <I all the Menu, 0 LS &. ~ery I who was t'\'er aparl of ,hem KevIn Kohler: Thanks to Mom, Dad, Brian, Frank. everyone I'\'e rowed With. Fr0sh-8 Gold, JV"". Mid--6 T the good Iud: ch&nn,; Wheft's my uyolk J -. Space Cowboy. Everyone in Everybody else. you know who you




j.&mes Kouch: AU praises T thanb due to God T ~h Fanlily. P~ 2;my boys- JC. Ai. 1M. SM OM,JP,AS.VS.JV,IW.MW.lM Goof Troop (PO, PC,}1i. MR. TS). 1he 1Z' NlllJOW\. lAcbrw-t. Woodkm,. Annm,. All !how who mumed to the~. Oub G. MM. "tlM! enhrt' Wu.. FamiJy + To all the girls (CH). Watch out l\'"E Philly Pnde Keep II real,Que5t on + Throw

Giuseppe Laguda lRdnk \'OU Mom. Dad. Frank. and Tom Ihkettusplaet'somuch,ldon want to Ieale I must tnOle on through I could not ha\e dON:" It "'·Ithoul 01\' glrlfnend Colleen CaIT and m\' fnends P.lIul. Joe. !l.t"\-In. Moll 1lI.lnls to all m\ wfJnderful ~ here, e<;p. Coach Cohstra and Doc D'Angelo 1h.Jnk e\'er\'one who mad 01\' 4 \ ear sta\ here so great Thai'll. fl'lf,' for p;ethnfo: through It all God Sle La Sollie Antho:>lw Leonard tal~ng about' Bow p.a of the i\o\'ict>-8. Hard (ore, LI\" 97.

Whal are \'ou

FA YM, Domlnalor, 1 hR erg~. Glp. MD'son d.1 subwav, Glddl up. ghetlm nder. MITOS. Mid"". popsK:le the C1'OSS JV ice hucke\' I ),~ e\"er..-OO::h on the bus. go g-mone\' g. bone, I don't t'len know what's gOIn: on• .st"ttle dowo, \a thmk, whatC\t'r dude. MV \·ou l'fItOying that soda, Bnl5,1.5U. It·s fmally o\'("r Thanls Mom. Dad, rit l-ball

James Liben Thanks to Mom ,m,l Dad and family VFMA go golfin'. snowball, fIreball. hot.. tub olround foom pre..mlxer MB You Mow how wedo things l MM Brood St ilod all the tim('!;. BMW· Enough s,,1iJ. Zl'pheri1.ed. Myrtle" seamist baby" Sl'ga runs, lim, time t, dean up To ,111 the memories of all tl tlmesMM, MB. q, MH .. Neom;red, LB, BI. JM, NM. J1-I. ca. MG. OM. rs TIm Reff. Mj, KA. DB, to all Good luck

Robert l.orIcrgan My family. friends. Paul. Shawn. Mike, Matt. Suum (uiqui. Kevm. Tho Team, Wt.'ekl.'flds OIl Amencan Bllure South Stn.>et, Ih..lnks to those who don'ltt\lnk I'm crazy. J"m nol worlur il anl·m(lrt'. Mr Leah\', SlOp blamIng m(" Wavtogo.Gilroy BurnslSat,t ag'lIn. What h..lpp.~ 10 \'our arm, Dan' Ifs far better todlt' h aman, \'our fmlhan to h\'e fuTt'\er iiI.... a sla"e on \'our t..nees - Bl.ck 47

Bradle\ Longoslo.\ Lol'e \'i\ S.A M Ronnl, John C R hont'\'s Thanks to all mv bo\~.t U Sail.. ll\anl..s Mom, Dad. Gr.&m. Pap, and f5pecialh Leslte, 1I00'e \'OU t

MIChael Lorusso ll\anks Morn. Dad. Virlet'. Fred,dod Carolint" 1lM.' Crew Poop. ShiSI. Bte'

tddha. & Nev My Ml'fltOrs (ali.ls) ~ & '0, Brent and the CHA crew 'f'ft'Zing on JD Night. Lexus. O.P Milwaukee Lee's,DMB >na'rt 2Pts9Paleslfa Blue Crew, 01)' crew' 119, 14, 54, 40, 75, 51, 33, Crew gur$.Enms,Qulnm~, :lOSe,Berme,Wall,Pat TO D~ Ybud JK, Zeppelin III With Kane. oOwboat Push,ups. OC Pete's lflt lavm. 81597, debut w/WilIy, ke posse Coqui t Rock" Ron. cense1 Bobby C1arlr.~'s ~ JR'S Tg. Willie, EC, MN, KB Thanks .rah, Jacuzzi's. HI/low Broken 50th Annl\'ersary Party mbraie's Lynchmob LS footbatl's fan"1ne Hawk H H


atthew Luhks am, Craig, Erin, and Sean: Thank IU for everything you have done fOf e.1 would not be the person I am ithout you. To my frknds (Burl, VL, H, Bizerk, WM, SM, JC, NS, &. SC): )lJ guys hurt my work ethic but llped just about everythmg else. :>eci.aI thanks to the BUDDHA ror spl~tion and enlightenment l <lbbasna· 5utta) Ed· !!\lin LyoN -.anJI Morn, Dad, Tllnmv, Court, and y .tOU1mate, Carnal, lion )'Oll <III. 's been gmt d~ 10 mv ~ >anky, Up Fungw;, I(e,.·in R., Pooh. ard CoR' bven Grassy Knoll tn.ana Gods. IYve On Afterschool :55tons. WAS 1educated' To aU mv aims Brottwrs. Iwe the Fourth. on't criticiu whit you can'l "lderslMld For the tasil' or the extra ve ounca? Woody's ordy and L's 1O\'e your bod to the tN-at PEACE'!!!

ttrick Maholland: would like to thank God for aU my Jents, and especially my parents for I the effort, support cmOlionally and nandally, and the palience they tve given to me. I would also like to lank the La Sollie EngliSh depart· tenl for all then support .:Ind for ~Iping me with my wrilmg I would ISO like to thank my fnends, without 'hom the last four years would hiwe I'en no fun. Iilham Marl..mann. hanks Morn, Dad, joe, S~'~, 1Jenise, lags, I couldn't ha\'edone It w/out ou Every'one ~Ise 01'1 Uw unbeolten. .U-ea.tholic Dn·land Tum, this ain't a pa.rty, thiS a.In't no dlSCO l E\'eryone Ise, I love you all-{K.alrOt 37,1}-TO, B, IF. ML. Group 3 CC and lhe 1MAIMSJ crew, I reallv d(lli"~ you uys', PTP'97,youguvsare wt'SOrne (Salami"" Pnde'); Mr. Fox. 'It' powder room inCIdenl down the oore...need I say more

)S('ph MarqUIS: hanks to Muz, D,ld, Dollie, lanni~lIe, & everyone who has been ~re for me. NE Bus I, NE Philly ride, who's Nick Incollingo? The arne W~ played at lami~'s. Annt.'n \loods, Wu-Tang '97, CroupS,

Haven BUIlt by me & you Gump.1 1m' to: OM, 1'5, AF, RS, BJ.jK, MW, VS, SM.jH, TS, AS,jV, KM, FH Michael Mattern Thanks Mom, Lnd, and Tom/\-Vh.at's up uus Kidt./8o'oarb.lck/Yo Ed' I let heT/ NE Pnde/ gotta bescandotlous/ Tom. lust keep ,oekin' mv sl\'k-/New Y~ar's/ M) throat bumz/ She's brut<lll Show me your dunce/ Pun's Prom werkend/ What are \'00 doin'/ Peaches honey brown/ DMB coocert/ DIdson/ Old E/Mlif/ Fridav/ P.lul, can I put ttus window down;/The Gnzwa.ld Dog/ and all my bovz.. lhanks. Nicholas Mathacci Thanx Mom, Dad, and thl' family, for .:IIJ yoursupporl To all my boyz AR, Shist, Wild, Poop, Cookie, Loru, JR, IL, Pur, Siet, Soc, OX,Snill, Thugt., Kel, Nev, P~Khes, o'Or<l2:, Cril, Drew, ~af, Westy, SR, Gugg. Abbot, Lax, JP Junior Prom. Puri'S morehouse WeHl.lcht't. shorehouSl' Thug's partie5 Kairos Caban.l Syslem City bo~z rock. It all ANS rule }C. MerUni, Kenl, and da Crew LP. God bless girls, I'eacl' Mich.el MaundJo: lhanks Mom, Dad, Tony, and You are the best IIo\'e you Co Brums. Go Pa~! La Salk-Ice Hoc~.1 Toa.1I m,' La Sdlle and North Penn fnends It'S hem a gR'at fOW' yun. JL, DB, BH, SH, PM, At. RM, Sruc:ken Pearl Jam uve Keep in touch and that's the bottom line,


Scotl M<:Carrv To Vinn), my'only equal.JV, Eilts, Det-, LJord, and the Coke machine Mike,jaime,loe B, Dan, Joe M., And .111 those critters PJul, Lax is cool. Mall Chris, Burke, and Bellcse. II, the Cutlass, th~ sisters, and Mary Janc. CBL. OM-Mom, D.:Id, Rob, and Coomba. Sean McCullagh~ fTP, Ughtwcight Kings '96. lown ),OU horsefacl', 6:40 ak we'll see I..o\'e )'ou Chrislu~ Thanks fOt' e\'erythmg Mom, Odd, JAmes, \lichele, P.ll·you are all d~finiteh part of my insanity. Yeah, PopstCle D.J\' O'Ooyie Rules! S.bersword' Excabbur ' You drew half oJ ,'oor hand and what 1$ your wager' The other h.llfP P.ltef J Crew Col the tux just In tUTle, Amanda. Grandpop" Unde B The terrible To\'Ota Fadetobla<kD.1ruel McFadden. Th.lnks Mom, Odd, olnd Colin 4 look.lng out 4 mean<! being there. To Joe for helping mo? gel by. My boysjK, MW,SM, VS,jV, FH,JW,AS. OK, enuf of dOl sentimentats NE Philly nde; I got roots. BlgUp 10 evrel livin' in M~'dway .md Woodfenl. Bigup to Nebusl &: dOl nllh>d gu),. Ruckus! &: BTD; It began, he lost Get oul til here ),ou Donkies. Gearos: MM &: MY dynamos. Bird Girl's, Peace to all

those menhoned Yea: Throw \·our wings up Wu-Tang Fore\'er Cohn McCinle\' Thanks 10 m~' Mom .md !).xl for sending me heTt', my '84 green tank I dO\e which has flipped over and su...·I\·ed l'dhketothankLaSal1e fOt' four \eolrs .....hich .....iII help me get Into college Thanks for da.ss WIth B1M, Mr Wiley's hair, c.lnd\' In the college counsehng cenrer, the bookstore, 0, Ecotrail, the medwn, T, T&:F Not a reward Brmd<lin McGlone

lllank.s Mom, Odd, Grandmam, Mom • Mom Uncle Wa}'llC.llu\ U. Mall Jnd Bndge, too To all my boys I Kalla story .PG, EB, TC TF, TC, Ch,pmun" races - I won. CG, rw Hook me up JC MI.... DW, BG,JI', ES, 1'0'0, HO, CW, JT, JP, and all the rest. Good luck ToJW-SceUat Adams Ave. To mr Rt5S0 Boys - The I'~th· The LoI- 4th Julv '97, Memorabilia o.y WB/TDC NEsAC '97 I"G 8 In 30, Ammal House '98 Summt'r '97 and Delran, thomks! "Th.lt's It the


"'" .

TImoth\" McGoldrick: Thanks Morn. Dad, Tom I )ow \'ou; GS, MA. Te, TC, TF, ce, JH; Sweet Drenc::hrd at GA, Be~ fnstne, A rNd tnp, YOt'k ~ Rodma.n;JV Pride - Then! IllS, DMBt>.'L,. Balloons; Bumpless, So, this IS RUSSIa; summer hoops; he's gotta gun; shore and subdegree ski trips, nuxer and a can; Shalzle' you're the besl· alwa~'s; thanks for the memories. James Mcl.aughlm: Tharw to my {.1m: Morn, Dad, Dan, MIke, ,lnd Kl.'v for all your support Thanks also to: Steve K., Rocky, G· Hart, Steve M., and the local crew. Mv rriend5 at §chool, you know who rou are After-school sessions.. caught off late-nite.. ,poultry' turkey, chickm, etC."Ncw Y~ars '%. 2BQ, 4th of Julv - caught... Spnn~break '97 olt the house·IB - 8/97, 31..s/97, DMB

- 12I96.. .5noop. Cohn McManus: Thank.s Dad, Mom. Joseph, Tim, Damel, Mr Devlnt', the gn-a.test CO.:ICh ("o'er, <lnd the La Salle XC and Track Team. 1l\anl<s to MBRSTR, DLA~t, Col. ja)'oI, Bunkll, Bungalo..... 9, Nazareth Girls, D:::lLAN. KB, EM, GLS, DNF, MR, JL\t, PatB, Jerp, ~hkeO,Crq;B, Haney, Dev, Bolge, "'("o'M. GNC, Ward, AlC,CRAie, TomC. Mr Seman,clr.. Mr Punlel, JMP, for all the great hmes" To put it bluntl)', you soceze, you lose Street. U2jAG2SF, Dymca!!


Brendan McMenanin: Well, when beginmng, I thought this would be much slo\\ler, but I Jo;uess I was wrong; \\lay too fast for me, 'Thanks to all who have help«! me dUring this period of life. Go Yan"ces (plcase win every WS til the first

reunion); HI, Dan, (NDl HA')Chnt.,

OJ (wherewr you are),}lm, And., Jason, l\M.e, and the whole senlOt' class Oh, and thanks, Mom and Dad, ..nd I hope to see \'ou all soon. Christopher l\'k5he.l rlrst, I .....ould like 10 thank m~ famlh Mom, Dad, Enn, Kellv, and the new member 01 the fam. And to .. 11 m\ I'eepsespeaally JR. BII.:.. BM,CI-l, RII.:.. Mil, KM, CK. JD, 1'5, jH, BF And to the girls: Da.lSy, KT, MM, :-'5, CL.. NS, TM, MS, IX. NG, and to ann)ne I mISSed Thank "ou all for the gre.ll memones and the great hnle to,:ether "'EEP ALIVE always the memone5 a.t the Zoo. Remember Greensburg '93 bo\'s I love all of rOil LP-I-N44 Matthew Mee 1l\anks Mom, OJd, Bn, Kate, Beaut)' Bunch, Sweel\Vood, Housekl.'Cping, Poop, Big Samoas, Hot Poc"ets, HaJ:' MOlt. Bus Tokens, DropoOut,Bili Girlie Ilurdll'l;, Sideshow Bob, Moron Card, Dumphng. KM,}e. C1.lrl.. Bar PMI't.".. Thanks-Mr Deville and Jeff ~h.'\er· Roller,hockey.YMCA - Chuck· Tom Pullmol!j. KKNNMBKBjMMCMHCM K.... ts Whitey, Unleash the bea~1 BARNone. Ace. Neil MIkulski To the r..mil\', lhanks for all the help a.nd support. Hunb, From, Doug. Malt \'ou're on aren't ya Doug, Fran ~ Fnoe Wh.1 are Y0u..:In Idiot ' Pat 1\10 rrmedialln.ath. FOOl)' [).5acks Kevin MJik-r Thanks Mom t Dad jen l\llIw Joe Devint'. SB Champ!i.late mght rides. basement nights to mommgs,cra:l:y Canadl.:ln..l.\.. t.'Ct wood freshmen 4x8.hcsAxl Campbells' where il began,.blg Samoon..nike shlrt.Jets slack..showtime.. home movies..critter.. NE Phlily pride, Hill Taco Bell anyone.. whate~er it tJke5 thanks 10 Chmia; cm c1at BM LO'S JV. Jc. RC. PB. M3C Robt.·rt Miller. ThJnks to Mom t Dad. Gall, Ed, 0001, Deb, Tom, My Friends Are A\e A\e MS, FS, jS 3 vears Deu!5dl I:SB, CB, BD Here Iighl this. 56 who got a "i6 FtT sa\'e tho5e quam.>:rs Greser 86 the sandman al BBCC. 40, 69 That horrible Nght No good. Tyou're not dn\'lng no IIlOR' KOP WeU I W.AS eatmg a UndWICh. Hey &rt. JS did roo do the maiM Capp, no more mor'leY. Wh\' stand on a silent platfonn JM, Turk 4


Folltnek Moore~ Thlnks Mom and R.:iy for makmg the nt.'«:ssary sacnfices to allow me to attend LS. You've made me tough It out and gave me the guidancc to get through the past four years, Daniello:, th,mks for being there (or me-l love )'ou! Always remember the good



lImes-De< 24, OC trips and the same old same old thing In-Ne..... town To m\ bo\"S 1\e1l, DA, Dan, Fran. MS, Dog. Trap, Kerp, MB, Tra\"e~ To e\t'r\'01le who has helped me In the pasl4 \'ears. l11anks

BIZ'S pMI\'. Dos Buddha, KittIes Yolmean, Mt Loru-Ms.award Arbo, C Shore, Soc- Teas, Stefl", Orau.\<, West. Au Lax- Kent, 7, Weth, E\· CCWard, Tmman Cln'- N\1, Eb, MM, PC, I,\-Y, JP, IL BOB

Matthew Mor~ To Mom, ~d, mel jlJTthanks for e'\.'er..-ttung He'\.' Ten, what aboul Franklin t.hlls' Pink Fkn'd Rocls' Andoma cU('Umbt'r att«b' AP 11\'("5 Yo Miller go easy on Ten. Smallt'\ be,11 FFi \·et' ,1l1lhe rest - TF, MA. MS, M Small~', R.M., FS. IX, Be, CK, JC IV, VS, SM F,1ol B-uv,1nta el tqado l Use the fom' fast Eddle-Z.(II MMM Or&,1m7.ed Cnme KOP LOD LO, and to GK ALS 0 CB, e\"ervoneelse Ihank you, It's time to KO I

Peler 1\0000ro: Thanks Mom,. Dad,Tara, i'\ICl< Thanks to mv mom espeaall\ for pustllng me 10 be the besl I can be' I "'Iso wanllo thanl my grandmom olnd grandpop for bunng magazll'll'$ r...en' \'e,lor fTom me ~m'ers, \'00 slmk .MMk, Krag 'em La s.aile mnf.'1S.theColombl<ln bud. shot-Zebik..,Thanks t... Solllt> ror four gre"t years.


Ryan Mulraln Thanks Monl and D,1d for the unUvmg support, love)'a' G-mom and the rest of the ramilv, rouldn't do II without \'ou Chillin ~t lhe MONTE, I'rt>p tradlilon h\'t5 on jC, Peff, theromer mow, Prt>p I>osse, Junl(lf" CIowns(~'ou know who \'ou are) '\jD girls and all the laches tMI crossed m\' p.:tth It'S not Slop here 4 20 ch«k the bdlJl Boomm' WI IC,.n nlPJt OIl the beach. hotel partIeS, MT KIller Lam, Keep It real

Ra)esh Noronha' Thanks Mom, Dad, rrteva, M,1\',I, .md Nana - For all your InSplratiOn,11 guidance and support Best wishes to

Liam O'Shaughnessv Thanks-Mom, Dad, ~hke, and Kath for all \'our lo\'(' Mall, Chm B., Bren.J",n and Capp We're unstopp.1bleTomCandKevmM We'lI alwa\"S ha"e Belmont Hanging out on the serond floor/ Dibble slick/ Communisl Fascist Bart/ Gorilla Wli a pmg pong PIJymg quarters WIth Capp Spoon. mv n.une 1Sn'l Uon. Frank,. MMk. Terrv, Rob, lim KOP

Andrew O'H.na Thank God, Mom. "'nd D"d for puillng up wilh my stuff To all the Guys 011 the fll'{'house for keeping me in check. And good Iud, to all my fnends Kerp, SM, MS, I'M, f[,jM, KB, remember Ihe good times (in school getting in trouble). Most or all thanks

Jason Olces.Thanks Mom, Dad. Joe, Jess.. To the leam, GREAT SEASON Coach, Quell7.er, Bums, Lonergan, Stevens, Mc Connick, Lomb.udo,.Ind F<lst Eddie Thanks La 5.1l1e.. Well, off Ie rollege Good Bye ;md Good Luck. L 5.1lle '98.. Ron Olsen Boys WIll be boys but La Salle boys will be .. ? Special Thanks to my Moo and Dad I'e"ce to all my buds IC, II' RE. PN, CD, WG, WIi, Dele, 11m ya AP G)'m Sign me Upl Don'I fergl your worlhorse lIsa Bon.nita, \'OU' the besl' Septl!. 13, 14 Frozen Tundra of Telford P.t1nuen, tellyOll sisterl'msorr)' MUSTANGS Ruk- ' Neon's Break! Bona\"lla has Cranbef! PI'S'


Chm Murph\' Thanb to m\' famll\' Mom, Dad Keno. "'are-n, and Grandp.-areflts. Thanl vou for putting up With me and helpmg me out as much as ~'ou dId' MICh.u,1 Murphy' Thanll Mom, Dad, Bill, Kate ILY COL Rite, Josh, and ,111 that were there Remember Ihe Gra~y Knoll. '96-'97 Sih period PIaa' one, Th,1nks lX'Ople for all the help. 2125 Chl"$tnut RQS('mont MCD's, Swartley's I-louse, BBand sepia 10 iI show John's Wagon R~'an, Jarad sa' \'a' '97 Memon,,1 001\ weekend NJ Done Matthews Warpt lour Part)' With CRD. I>umpkm Smaslung ()eortlUS Murra\ Th.lnl!. Mom, (Qd, 1..Isa, and K.lth \1\ good fnends, jack and AI M\, p.1ls JIm, lohn, Bruce, and \11J..e WheR' I~ Cllnlll' 95lh street In Stone Harbot- Wllh Bob and Cal\'ltb Where was Sh.ule\' before the ml.\er IUnior \'ear' Bums's hd.et from ToIOO Bell Doln I\erole [ would hkt' 10 th.lnk God (or KI\mJ; me the man\' opporlunilles In life I would <lIso like to thank mv f<lmilv ,m.! fnt'nds hen' <lt 1...l5.l1l~ , Dan Nevt'rosk\' I love \'OU Mom, Chris, CraIK,« Mark To ,III my bovs In ClilS!l 0(98, th,mb for the greolt memorn?s ShISI, thanks for the sessions i.,(lru, BIlle Crew Pnde SWImming at Nova Chlliin on the stoop Da7.ed "nd Conru"t'd Apnl'sgrold pam Poop,


are imposSible, Blllv-.Paul-perlect!. me be me--hve the 4lh-Mve fun'

I'ele O'DoMell I lo...e you Mom and I know \'OU'I'{' always With me Thanks Ian for helpmg me Ihrough e\'en'thmg IIo\"e \'00 Wuddup to I"red, Molu.., C.l!it'v ",nd SunsNne for beang lhere Ben, Sam. ADS, \\'here's Calnlti' Ht'\" Bob, s""e.J.Is 2-9, Mlle-Chud, Ru's House, Hun's House-Prom, Tucker's, RT, Nlkki,jP, AK, tJ>, OS, jC, Mj, MA, E8. EA. C8, OAS, Gum ne\"er ch.mge, EC, ML. JC. JD, rIM, Gr, 1)0. BK. Tho5e fergoltm,ch«l ya lalE'r

Carnal Pollmer Shoot-out To Mom. Rlchle, 01, Ler., Thea. 0.' bomb box K3210 boyz on gr<llSSv knoll Molush, Gract', Thanx. Lip-fungus shnks to 37-Bro's Sharks spank)' t..Jrsch we lo\'e u To my fam luhks stones for 2Q 10 my skyline patllers on EG-spo lOF G Mice Chia smalls modana sWImmers tRe phone is ringing on my God freedom OIl WED at da' w no go on bed Kaya stc dOl' dr,lma live the 4th Veda peace Ot IX, EI', MS, GL, OV, PS, MB, ML, ON, SO, JP, Be, FS, AA. TR, IG, AR, HD,f[, DS,GS,PK,JC. BO, MK, US, LO, MA, MM, VL, CS To aU Ihr faculn .nd admmistr.lhon, my appmcution- ~ Success IS a IOUme\, not" destmahOn I' P", Aj N

P",uIO'Connor Th.lnb 10 \1om, Dad Jame<;. and GlOIa- I made II -lluInks Carlos, lohn Geof-ge, Peter, and Kleh' -I sun'I\t.'\l Grandma, Grandpi, and GranoJlTlol O'Connor Thanks Enn. And 10 m\ best fnends, James and Pat I'm all\'e and I m comIng nome'" Shilwn O'Connor' Thanks to Dad. Mom, Tim. Run, CilseV, Kevin and Lauren dOl da dOl The <'Oke cap game, d,l dOl da 429· 2455,dadada .. thetreecome5tom.... dOl da da,. Booye.lh, da dol dOl Wh,1!'s up self, da da dOl What m<,' [ was g...ttin' beat, dOl da dol Stupid Wookie da dol dol ,MagnellC Dust. d dol dol shoui oulto m\' peeps, da d da That's it, IMt'S all, That's the end, dol da dOl

to my ~rents who infIuc~ me to do my besl at en'Ij,thlng, never gl\'e up, so be II. whatt'\er hapP<'":>, hap~ Brendan O'Hara Mom, Dad, \1egan, and Fer 1100'e you. and thanls for helptng me 10 do m\ best In and out of school Thanb 10 m\' reacheD and coaches for oll.....a\"S beang able 10 help-and foends for making ,I fun HIgh schoollS no'" O\'er-, tIme for col1q;e LJ Sollie sWlmmmg fOTe\'er X-mas breal. mornings, GA-the big people, troll Good luck 10 t'\'en'Of\t' ilnd h.l\ e fun' I'll be see1ng vou Tim O"Malle~" I'm not the chIld or the Idle bram My kmgdom iso( thIS world. Th,1nx for showmg me life-KIRSCH-MEL· JACKSON-ali of you Mom and DJd· Thanx for melJenn Joe Pat Bren, see you 011 the IOpl Art, take up SPila' or control tt? ,AU.(alhohc Drvl...lnd/ ain't no pMty, am't no dISCO Au~i ,.37·1.3. Verona ..jVH IX banana GMA_bfr M'ller 1 IS much and 3

JIm I'almlerl Mom, Dild, Dani, Joe, Thank you t You guvs are the ~t Uovd, try an, keep up Joe, vou need a 11M Waitt for those rocks, Cap-II')' one. jaIme': am'one' T J -mush head get bigger rorearms; \'()u'll need lhem Colin. how 'bout a pit" Leruw, sa' \'00 Iatt look oot for A An\,(Jne~, sa' \'01' arot.tnd ' Jeremv Palo 1h.Inl.s Mom, D.ld. j~ Jeff. Mr ~'Ine n'Illember- the good tunes, n WamnglOll ClaSSIC,fT, MS, OW, SO Cross-roullln" Good l.uck Nick. Tinman, Rich, CC, Gt, G8, CM, Hanes, TO, S8 Yo Bleleck. 4bal Firs team aU.(,1thohc \'uh' V2's the bom C"ra "'e're wimps Murphy, Nat,1lie KatIe, wh.lt a partv Gltls, AA, KR. 0 CS, Members' Gllll:l,mce crew War, you're God; K-lilsk Track wrestling Hi,jCM8,l'M Enk I'eterson It's il glfl Rillse the roof, walk on yo hands, and lhe turke\' dance. Kessel'sSpedal thanks 10

om, Dad, and Kerry ...To CM, NI, l, MD, and everyone else. Good 1Ck...It's been surreal...KOP...UOF rever.

an Pfeil: .ank you, Mom and Dad for erything you do for me, ,md always ing then:' for me whenever I need Ip. To all my friends that I made in ~ool, and to all my friends back 'me in Roxborough. I hope the best r all of us, for my brother Mike, my 'and mom, and all the rest of my :nily members and everyone in my e, God bless you, I love you all.

"f Pietrak: ,anks Mom, Dad, Chrissie, Katie, lthony; My OOys...JC TC, I'D, I'G, ;, JK. ML, NM, BM, CM, OM, AR, :, fT,I'W, JW: SP...AR, EB, MM: aliach...The Realness? Nut, how's ,ur thumb? I'uri, what's that smell? imus, I'm Catholic what're you: Immer of 1996 house parties...footy rei.' peat? Baseball champs..Stink Idy in red! BT you'n:' so weak.. icole you're the best...Hinkdog.W OInks a lot BN, MB, and all the lchers.

lriS I'lachta: lanks to Mom, Dad, and everyone in e family. Special thanx to all the rls:CC,SL, BS, LF,)O. God help all y SBA girls. These years wouldn't 'so wlout Steve, Hoagz, Crogs, ~terson, Justine & Mandy. Sleeping ACB's class, Columnball matches, crifice creativity for DMcG, It's lust ~ France y'all, chicken party on the IS, 1smell skunk, UOF for('ver.

micll'onisdak: ,sically, thanks Mom, Dad, Steve + m, Gray Matter will live on, La Salle

B--Ball reams, Tucker, Hey Brendan,

Go NO, Duke B--Ball, Disnev World, 2131. 4069, 84{1, 1998, CS, BR, TC, CW, EB, SE, JK. JW- thanks for the Good times. French Per. 6. Mr. Kirsch, thanks for your vole of confidence, Who doesn't like the Dilv!' Matthews Band? Blue + Gold, thanks for everything. Paul, Hugh, + Travers, thanks for a great year! Class of '98Work hard, ptay hard. I'll never forget LS. Justin Primus: Thanks Mom, Dild, Ashley, Rachel, and Alexa for en路rything. CBL,). Parisi, & Joco thanK, I am Primetime 32 Optimus & Birdbrain. D路town is DA BOMB. DB Pride HD & TF to those that didn't believe! Foot)' and Lax pride. Thanks for the good times.

Weare champions. I'eacetoallmy boyz. you know who you are PC, Sprout, )13, especially you three. What's up Pietr<lk? I'm not Catholic either. Late. Dan Purtell: Thanx Mom, Dad, & Drew for helping me through laSalle. Thanx to all my friends for the memories. JV soccer forever! PZ...veah me too! DOl loop! Baseball? CiI~cun?!! Anyone up for a late night? Class of '98 it's been fun! Good luck! StilY in touch! Gregory Queen: Thanks to Mom, Dad, Cindy, and Meri. )R, NEH_YO!" Remember Fitz's, Mark's pizza & your terrible cheesesteaks. "You did what on Fltz's

Ooor"路lt doesn't have a glossy finish but the blood will run right off! the Shadow... 12 miles? ~> GAY! Thanks to MB, DF, MB, JH, PK. MH, SE, TR,. IX, and everyone I forgot. Saurabh. stay black & remrmher that I wupped you in F-F, and thanks for all your support Mark, keep "Gettin' popcorn N Remember penny wars, waterguns, South Street, the Tempo w/o the glossy finish, and the windshirld washers on the Subaru. Never forgel Mount runs! I'ineberg 1 had her first. I quit. '98 Yearbook remember Scahag! Remember thc never-ending 3rd period! Philip Quenzer: Th..m ks Mom, Dad, Zack, Marc, Jenny, ,md everyone else who helped me on the way...thanks to all my boys. In Glenside, it's be<!n greal!!! Andrew Rakowski: Thanks Mom, Dad, Swampy, Tuner, Chalk. Gnewl, Loru, and all my OOyz. Showboat Oasher, nighl in venice, Catholic Scranton. Kairos 37路\. Sea Isle, Delawan:' girls, Arbo's shorehouse. Gwynedd girls, Acme, kitties, the Catholic crew, Halloween at Cath. U Roy, let's do something mischicvous... Gilbert Ramos: Thanx Mom, Dad, Alex, Talia, Dennis, 10 all my boys in Horsham, Grandmom, Grandpop, James, Elliot, T, my ballin boyz. To my dog get some work. Huns and Ihe Neon. To my cousins Mike, Peter, David good luck, 10 God who I could not have got this far without Him: to my girl Ashley Ihanks to all the memoril'5. To Naps for alithe Ace runs. To the class of 1998: best wishes for the future. Peace. William Reid: Thanks Mom, Dad, Dan + Kelly- I love you...Chris, Tom + Chang for puttmg up wilh my driving St Chris boys, see yil at Ihe slores LL crew- Bake,


nuH, KIsty,lshk + the girls-I'll cook u some burgers.. lhe beast on Ihe log ,.snapple bottle,.Cnmal put ~'our clothes on,Te, Spanl-.-I"TP pnde ..Scalped tickets.. I only got 9 pomts."Drilzenched at 6 Flags..Trainer's pond... Tim Reiley'

Wubbsoy, I lead, Beakh,lt, anyone gotamoke Buffet97·-youguys21. os- horde LC· Row I- Spain. KRDouge, YERUP- 37-1 RT- MB- BK- J8Never forgel thaI. PHT dng- dmb311· Rage- Ore' afternoon dJinks. gUI - all the friends, 101' ya all- it's been the fix. Tempo- burnout, don't fade out- I am out.

Good luck...ThiB is FunkyT <1nd, hey, peaceout ll Shane Reillv' I like to gil'ea special th,mks to my mom + pop~ I love ya. I like to Soly whatT. up 10 my boyz rOdch, snake, pigeon, ruff, What's up to my tam Dre, West, Bruno, Ada. 115 represent TomyboyNick H"y body.lre vou aboul readv? lUI' EMPDE, Nick, Probe, Trap; I 101'(' 'la, Toall by blttyS I played ya. Aw my shOt.'I TOdll my inhale bodies l'll nuss vou Adam Richdrds Thanks for everything Mom and Dad I don't h.1te yous. NICk 1 love l'aCrane the moons atl'lChed to your wrist Mattern let's just chilLThugs p'lrhl'S. Puri's shore ho\lSe".jI' Pit V Ball Mallach l'ietrak m~' rl'alnl'SS ht'ilds...dog .Nick's Caban.l Room.,To mv fam Westy.sh,ml·+Dre I'auli's shore pad, 'aLA WH' Fab 3 Peach's sisters H,l tuck., Ox tdke Cdre of the JR'... and dat Iisp,.Th,mx toaw my kmd buds. I'm out Kevin G. Robinson Jr ll1anks Mom, Dad, Julie, + Laura for eveythmg. Spank- clean your rug; Tim townie run; dry mouth/Lucinda now' , Crcw orCilp/ BMAC· road sc".-l.ls/ Shore boys- TDOG, PHIL, MC- how bout some cuts? Horde, OW, 311 shows, Jamiroquai/ JC; common senseless/ Nils/ prom 97/ 107-11 MH, Mr Sp.lml Tim Dipo\',llue fMkl BTl KL & GP- a great senior yearl MB, CL, P5, CG, LS, TC - sweet, RT Andrew Romilno.Tholks Mom, D,ld, Kc\', Brian, Rachel for ~'\ervthmg. Could not hd\'e done it without you. Th,mks to ,111 my fnends·the crew on the comer, Winward:;, RNC SCoot's G-Mom, the re:;, KdlrtlS, Smdlls, llo\l' vou all Thanks for evevthin~ Kat..- [low,' vou Bnan Roman7.o Thanks Mom, Dad, Noelle, Sparkey, Saitt.1S, Pooh. Chanukah 8 Nal10nal Champlon.'l, JW,jNC,Cereal To Weps. B Y Circll"S in the lot, BrilS can't hang, Carpet Cleaner, You're fine, April, Tins, David l'in, Cincinnail, Chester Coperpot, N.S. Fayh, Ptop, ChICken, I !>OIW God out then', [nd~, Go.lt, Good Luck. N.lilhean Mark Ruegg Mom, Dad, lan, anyone who's bi.--t'n there, you'l'(' appreci.Hed. S!vIOKEY' p- 4th of jul\'- DOLAN, Juan,


Andrew Sayers: I'd like to thank God and my family for putting me through school lhanks to the beast for a great time out of school. I have to give respect to the Oxford Circle and Summerdale Shout outs to my boys in Lawncrest and Bustlelon. Props 10 all my boys in laSalle and also a specioll shout out to Sean. Peace 10 my Meadowbrook felons and the donkeys in my basement. RIP Joey B.

Th"""'. David Schmel: Aboveal!, thank you Mom + Oold I'm the light God! LS stage! MF. OF, ZO, PO, AB, PA, KB, SM, MH, PH, JjC, Fl, AL, JB. MD. ce, KH, and the actors. Mr. BIOO, CD-L. FP, ME, I'll Vball! T-pump il up! Lunch ladies! Chorus-Day Kirsch, 1'5. JH, MB, F1 T2-Bowling-"C" Wiley, MW. MA. MO, JL, MO, DB, BY, MS, EP,-Bumo, M5-ER!·And to the teac.hers- BR. BM, EM, JR, SB, TG, DP. JC, BL. LO, TI, T!, AI'. Fl. BG. MJS. DD. GW. 1'5, MO, DB. ·To you all, fond fa.rewell!


Christopher Scott Ah, my high school days an!' finally numbered. For getting me through them, I'd have 10 thank Mom and Dad I never would have made il here WIthout you Besides, where would I have gotten the money to come here? To the guys... 1 would still be whrT\' I am. but it wouldn't have been half as fun. :)Thanks TR, 01'. BM, 00, JR., and all you Rirls from dOl mount Here's to the future... Eric Sieferth Dad. Morn. Allyson-Thanks: What's up Hoc; Ed, we gots to talk, man; BF· You will 2; "What's that, paIr; "Pur!. Loru, Dile--He cillled u wop!~: D'Ra1;La Costr,l Nostril; Scoolch-the X; Coif course nights; MH-?; Cholathook;No W.1y; JP-Dog; 3/17/96; Tuman's swimmlf1!'; hat; 6th period Cuggss; Cr~n eggs, you dlic; D-town run; JP at the milll; I ley. guys... .! think I'm rolling with Allison tonight; GolgYou da bomb! Paul Snarkey: Thanx Mom. D.ld, BFO. UT. OWD, JM, &. everyone at LS. That'sgoin' in the )earlxx.Jk. You're mine, Pompom So sweet In I~ arboretum, John Wilyne N dOl captain. Sleepin' alone ,1t Hunts Postprom. She's a greek goddess. Garcia & VegilS W GS. TOR U writing a leiter? JW - Chlllin' at Watts. Sixeron a Monday. Peolce to my K.1iros37 &37-1 Bros. Thanx GS, JW, TO, MB, MH, BM, MB, & ,III my LS bov7 Swimming lie.

Brendan ShImizu; lhank you, MoUl and D.1d for.111 you have given me, you have been my greatest source of inspiration, To both my sisters for all their love and attention, and, I can'l4-gel Rascal. To all my friends who've kept it real. To the 5th, 6th period Crew, I~ "Hardcore Hack", the E2:ez. To the South Lawners and other 257m. to the camouflage and fatigues...37-1 Kairos Live the 4th. Michael Sinclair: To my molher, Jane Sinclair, who has been lhe grealest influence in my life, and my greatest example of how a peoon should his iiiI.' with strength and m(',]ning. Thank you- I also thank my entire family for being there for me through all the good and all the bad. helping 10 make me the person thai I am. joe Siravo: 'Thanx to my mom, dad, and brothers...Thanx 10 all my boyz... ln loving memory of my boy Nick R1P... K,Town...Baldi..$ue... HoUywood...Tooo sweet... Nazarth. ..Malt Zebik RIP..,New Years...SpeciaI thanx to my grandparents...4th of July. Mu.ers...Good luck in the Navy. Bum camivaI...Halloween...For all my me")' men...Thanx 10 everyone Peace, I'm out. Chris Small~ Thanks, Mom and Dad. you saved me, and thanks to everyone in my family Mark C. Smalley: To Mom, Dad, ilnd Chrisla. thanks for everything What I'd like to have right now "The power of the warrior... KOP CXX>H YEAH!... No more pop-ins! Wonder Keep it real... Beware Deramus BUC8 all the way... TooSweeet... That's it - You're gettin' the crab... TF, RM, FS,JS, ES, and everyone else - Stay cooJ... And that's the way it's gonna be. Gavin Smith: Thanks Mom and Dad Love ya lots, Shoutouts to TM, MA, CG, TC, TI', PS, RE, 1M. and the Crew team lOathes "Ya wanna go down to the beach?" TC at tN;- OMS MA destroying TM skiing. Great 7-11 and T-BrI1 runs. GMA girls are awesome Road Il"ip with TM Willilrd B-Billl ML, CG, TC, on the scary ro.ld. TC and PS at the RR concert. JM ,lnd cigars. Ski trips, Tuck Dog. Bean, Sweet! Senior year, first qU<lrkr, what happened' Good luck next year l David Spangler, Thanks Mom, Dad, ,md POOH K-Rob - Whdt nldgazine is that' Tim - I found this blanket and screen Ruegg - Sure enough Jow - midnight swims in the ocean. Tommy - Break yourself, fool. M;lC - Love those road sodas. Also. CG, G-Ma!. KL, PO, RP, and to my besl boy TJ To the ladies LS, LF, MS, EM, NC. and TM, th,mks for all the

advice, good and bad. ZWN, you always gIve, and asl-. for nothing m return. KAlROS37-1. N'ltly. Ski Iklb I /l 197 AM

Christopher Stack: "'You keep uSlllg me like a sleppmg sIOlle." -G Love... Jesus greets me.. "Looks just like me." -I']. "I did It r way." -Sinatra. "Now I will walk th, long I"O<Id:' ·Pearl Jam. Senior Week 98... Flyers in 98...Thanks Mom, Dae Tom. and Jamie for everything., I'IT oulta nere. "Don't think; dumb is strength." -1')

Gary Staffieri To the human suplex machme, Bubl Bums is the Bandit WestSIde Road· Rage. I'm gonna choke you out Sab Enter the sandman Bums isn't real No one wants to SIt in the back of th Rhetto ride Cap rules, 1- V B DDT E period Wawa/crackdonald's Craazlzryy Bob l Yo "kim, you wa to sneak into McDonald's Playl,md? ECW rules' Thanks to all me hocke m,ltes, Mom, Fran, Gram, Dilphne, Mike

Frank Stieber To my f<lmilv, Ilo\'+.'all of you and ~ very thankful, ilnd lucky, for everything that you have done for n To mv friends- thanks for always being there.

Vincent Strain Love 10 Mom, Dad, Meg, Pal, &. "T"om Th"nks "4" everything. N .. SM.,JV,JW, FH, LB, MW,JK,JM, DM . WU '97 yeilh bull- critters-Fe crew· psycho- blilck doritos-shady-[ an 18? Gila monsters- city left, fegs lurn righl- n~ a TL ora....?DOTIIE&. MARITA (wow!)·CBTG LM5.QX2· that's due today'! Boss" early at school tomorrow, in dilss essay!" Best of luck to all you mentioned See ya down the road.

Matthew Styer' Thank you, Mom and Dad AI'Thought you knew! .. KOp .. Locill 1. WeisLGentlemenl To the empireLong may it reign! Hey guys: IX, MA, MRRM, Be, AB.. .! can never fil everything into my pyramid I!! Put', on the glassl...B-isms the great frilm, rate...dil lick funky-monkey. EMBWBAM ..Spoon li'llightnmg., Andorra Cucumberattacks'...ERRI Let's go Flyers! loller guys,,1

Michael Sullivan' I would like 10 thank my mom, Slst, ilnd grandp,lrents, Dild, ilnd all the others who made it possible for me come to lol 5.11le I would also like te S<ly thilt coming to La5.111e was Olle' the best things to happen to me in n life. Most of all, I would like to Soly that this beginning is only the beginning of our liv~'S.

James Swt'Cn~'y; Mad propz. Mom &. Dad, Joey. I mi~ y,l, kid. Come, Senior d,,~ '98 wha up now'! Let's get a hilck chill yeah,

ki dub, the Nova, kickin' the bass, ween - Do G 37-1 Hairy George. a f>E!cialthanks to Lisa. Where would I e without you? Also, 10 KJ, es,GP, B, OS, MGC, At, Cc. FS, RM, KD, IF, DB, BB, Bro. Mike, you da' man!!' guess thanks is also due to the ICuJty and administrators of '98; eepit real.

lark Sz.czech: would like to thank God for all the ungs that he has given me. Ne:o;t, [ 'ould like to thank my mom and dad 'I' all the support, time, and effort leY have given me my entire life and ;pecially the money they have paid lr my tuition. J would also like to 'lank my brother and sister for all the elp that they have given me. Fill<llly, would like to thank my friends at La ane: SK, PM, IW, JT, MW, I'M, AD.

.lex Tatunchak: irst of all, thanks to Mom and Tato, yoosha, ULA - &: the rest of my lmily, all my friends at LS· SPECIALLY THE UKES, TAMARAUV U, Alex and Jane. D-VROOM! {atieu, SIl1tllly Melly! AOCO· Iolynskij!!! Glen S~y, Zora, Pawn! lilly.Wallal:e, Great Adventun>, LS arties, RR Bridge diving, po9, weden. Siava, Beanel"$, Philly, floyd ight show, Coomo D, NYC 911, IW, Great LS teachers and everyone


~regory Thomas: 10m, Dad, Ryan. thanks for hdping Ie tosucceed...Love you...HJT.. .TG.. St. A's Alum... Dave C. thanks Jr being there when I was confused FD Alumni... Turbo... Gokart... ~esel Ryan "Oh., dear, did I break 'ind?" "Gil, I can'l help you.~...Hel1 n earth; Genuardi's...Life is gooodd!~

lmes Trappler: hanks Mom, Dad, Rachel, and Regan lr always being there. It's been fun, at, ~Mad Dog", Fraw, Malt, Doug, ~aw, Neil, Hunts. Winward, Tucker, 'inny, lV, Clark, Laguda, Elliot, l'Hara, Kerper, Jimbo, McFadden, ymes, Gallagher, Dile, Valentine, hane, McCullagh. Thanks for being reat friends Dan, Bob, Christine, '00, Heather, JP, Nan, Kirk, Sarah, ouie.

guys. BT, MR. Pdrisi, thanks for everything on and off the field. Props to all my boys: Ab-nex, Tin-man, Green eggs, Mattern, Bean, Guru, Shark, Gd\', McDigging, Primus, the baseb.. J[ squad, and everyone else. l1ldnks, fellas. Seaweed, my boy! A deal's a deal! Mrs. Brown - Bring the Ruckus! LAh-Ru, L.A. Ru! You never close your eyes.. ,Yo Bush! Hcekuva play, Hughie D! 1,2,3, La 5.11le, HOOT! Relax, pal! HEY, RICH! Ryan Tuman: [ love you Morn, Dad, q, Thanks Den, Steve, Mooney, Jim, Foleg, Erah, Craig, Toby-I love you guys. Boys-KR. KN. 1'13, JC, GP, KL, BK, KK, Bj, AA, DOCS! Hey, Duke, let's go fora ride. Morsell. HOP ALEX! 1/11/'17 Mooney W;lrrant? Phishin' trips, Greill tea, LS Forma[ and Party, ATK to Toby's! JGB - Toby you bugout. Devil's Pool. Let's go to Bill's. Senior Week '97. I"m down with Hippies. Roll up the windows, Vennont Indoor. Ilol'e U, Meg Dougherty!

Jon Turk: Mom, Dad, jer, and Rucsky, thanks for e\'erylhing. Cap, I'll kill ya, the pue crew will never leave, KOp will never die, Binder, how's your girl, pick up your slun at tht' baby blue Taurus, the Small doggy has got no game. Peace and love. I'm outta here! Matthew Valentine Thanks to Mom and Dad for providing support and motiviltion during my years here at La Salle. I'd like to thank all my family and friends who made it an enjoyable experience, !-Ienry Van Hom III: JV Ice Hockey rules. Thilnks coach John for helping me improve 'luickly, Thomas Vlilhos: Mom, Dad: Nothing I $<ly can make up 4 all you've done· J lov(' U: Antlisten to them, they're right - Love u too: Mad thanks to all who helped me out· U know who II r: CC, AFThanks 4 your help from up above - I miss you!! - el camino - 100 heads· the chase· Houston ZOO! - Rere, is it on? - gOll,l wash my car - Henry. SCAP Ridge- race me - Roxy - da centersweet - I'm late - rentacop - slow down! - II's aboutth.lt timl'.

mn Travers: hanx Morn, Dad, Kanm, Katie, Ryan, nd Aunt Kathleen for ALWAYS eing there for me. Footy 3-Peat. hanx Mr, Colistra "Bad move, dude n NAHI~. Baseball: thanx Mr. Paris~ T. Student Council- Paul and Hugt\. atin pride - Regatta ''17. Madden. The Oaw" 6th period. Crib worms Marv" Ghetto locker 3rd period. ;helto, ~Shady" My Bo~ HD, PS, .E "fat boy", Paty MO, MS. Cap don't Ike it personal. RO, RG, MM, PF, and veryone else - THANKS,

John WaU: Thanks Dild, Mom, Laul"('n, Kristin, and Barry. Close )'our eyes and go! Plugs, Brad. don't open the door. FAYH. April. Do you like spicy foods, Kennv, It'S doubl(' overhead, the shore is only <In hour from the boathouse. Brad, ii's time to go. Look out - Old Man Brits Clln't hang. Adam, the score is lied at a million, your ball. Urian, don't worr),; you'rl' fine, Niltional Champs FroshS. LiVe the Fourth. Word up, Holmes

lhn Tucker: ave to Mom, D..d, Mary, Bean - I ouldn't have done it without you

Christopher Ward Thanks Mom, Dad, Jack, Kevin, Shawn, Joe, Babes, Ilol'e you! Thank

you for;lll your love and support. Thanks to all my friends, AU, BR, TC, TC, aU soccer players, track, 4x8OO. Dizzy-D, Mr Neel)', Mr I'd Pup. West, Nev, Clnrkbar, Obi, Palo, Oci, G.B. l-!azmats, He)' Buddy you dropped )'our...PD BOC RE. PJul Weinacht To all my boys- MM, PC, EH,JC, AR, ML, EA, Be,!p, MM &: all others- it's been a great 4. Bad move dude! We're notdoin that! B[;ldw! 1"11 kill ),a in Madden, Fatty's hook me up with some of that. The streak. M)' windows gor down for $100 Brett, yer dead! what, u wilnt stinko? 75, 51,54. OE. Bud Lo.lfer's. Uhh, you stinkl Thanx Mom, Dad. Chris, Sue, Nan (or all your suppport. Whoa, I'm done HS! Michael Weinert: To Morn &: Dad, I lovE' you guys, Thanks 4 everything. If I Wl'rl' coach...mom no ?'s, My boysjK, VS, DM, SM,JM, JV, AS, HI, &: ATR...Woodfern! Nebus1-hJr,lSSment! Naked guy- mad crazy ruckus- Sa)'ers' house, u donkies, night golf. Bones &: their bU7.z. Gil" monstt'rs. Maria Ilov ya. Mt'mbt'r r deal- finally- if u eva feel stuck in life b)' a tough situation throw your wings up and flyaway

NoviceS - Odoyle Ruil'S. Lyon - Sorry about you head. V-4. Silent Willow's Mid8. Hey, Bro. Skeletor, sorry 'bout the...oh wl'lI, nevennind .. Long live the RNC, Leonard - She hates your guts, GET OVER [T! I'rgs bite...Thanks Mom, Dad, Bill, Gwen, Mariah· My cowgirl, Hatfield - quit 5'lueaJin' Beau Yanoshik: Hey Mike· I don't know, I was chillin' at the I'SU like it was my job. Hardcore Novice 8, Jim - Have another, Joel- Popsicle Day. TonyLi\'e. UDSC. 3-Way. Warped,Jimmy BuffeL I'SU - Nol1l. UD-HH, Brian & John - FA YH, Matt &: MD -Gone. Whasup, Stu &: MM. G hooks us up. Turkey dance, Chris - Odoyle Rules, Hi, Mom., Dad, and Jordan. Kickboxin'. Wishniak.1 can run fastl'r, Andy, Play for us, Same as il ever was. E Center Parking. Farewell 10 posing. Robert Zebik: Special thanks to my family for all the support they gave me and I also edend spt.'Cial thanks to Sabrina for inspiring me to write poetry.

John Welsh: Mom &: D,ld· thanloc for everything- I love you. Mike &: Jim- you're the best! LC Pride- Bones, B.lke, Buff, Loudog, Luke, Conor, Kisty, Krimmel, &: da girls...Chillin' at Pebb[£! lk-ach... Beast at Da Log. Phone bill- S256.. ,Rl'id's burgers..Saban's Bronco..Vinny &: l'syctlo..aka: Istik, Ghetto, HB &: Critter,.Blue Crew '96.. .lt's bet'n fun! C U Later! Sean Westfle[d: Thanks to Mom, Dad, and family, to all who thought J would never be here. CMfu'SOW Fishtown CND, Depp5, RCC, KB, DEGO, 4thng my sr. Family Shane, Cole, ADAM. All my boyz Roach, Nev, Stef, Tees, Nic, Da\'l;~,lron Lung Mookie, bern, Chuck, Blaze, Dorf, N,Jeep, Burke, Jon, PJ, Slug, Adam, Pef. 5.1\'0, all my Bee Grlz, Brad. I',lt, BL, Suburb Parties, Mob, E[s, Hoc. I love )'a. city REI', IYA, CYE, R.I.I'. Zack.


Jaml!'ti Wilson: Thllnks to Mom, Dad, Anile, jud}', Cath, and John. BG's, Watt's carpet. So sweet in the arboretum JS is a Greek Goddess. What was your name again? What 3 at the mixer, Shark? MB can't handle the foam, Hunt's 1'05t·Prom. The Captain and the Duke.You're mine, Porn-Porn. MeMakeup and thl' Leprechaun, Where arc nlY keys? Chris Winward: Hey Brad - Help me flip the Jeep back over. Yo Bo - I'eed it to the donkey,


1997-98 Blue and Gold A Time of Pride Editor-in-Chief: Saurabh Desai Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Chip MacPherson; Copy Editor: Tim Reiley Activities Editor: Kevin Fitzpatrick; Sports Editor: j.R. King Senior Editors: Dan Ponisciak, Mike Brinkos Photography Editors: Joe Gidjunis, Alex Bethke Business Editor: Brian Carberry; Compllter Consultant: Scott Emrich /",,;or Editors: Tim Ponisciak, Matt Ranweiler Staff Members: Mark Lyon, Matt Hartnett, Sean Toole, John Strzalka, Chip Appleby, John Doherty, John Zaro Moderators: Mrs. Linda Donahue, Mr. William Geiger

Contributors: Matt Michuda Jamin Warren Dan Fineberg Kevin Dougherty Jim Durkin

Scott Kelly Beau Yanoshik Karlis Berzins Chris Reiley Brian Campo rat Bevilacqua

Mike Walls Darren Grossman

Paul Sharkey Ray Shay

Joe Haughton Michael Greger

Pat Hildebrandt Mike Knowski Eric Stix John Horstmann Greg Queen Joe Chiarantona

Mike Heinsdorf Tony Ceiger Tom McAllister Sean Helm Chris Ward

The 1997-98 Bille and Gold Staff would like to express appreciation to: • Brother Rene Sterner, Mr. David Diehl, Brother Frank Danielski, for their support of our production. • Mrs. Julia Maher, for her editorial review. • Mr. Martin Stanczak, Mr. Tom Turner, Mrs. Patricia Schaum, for helping us identify otherwise anonymous students. • Mrs. Karen Mullen, Mrs. Patty Murphy, Mrs. Ann Ford, for lists, labels, mailing, and phone messag'" • Brother Gerard Frendreis and Mr. Mark Gibbons, for payin' da bills and showin' us the money. • Mr. Michael Maicher for his amazing photography work; basicaUy, he's the man. • Mr. Jerry Evans and Mr. Shawn eely, for keeping us in line, humoring us, and abusing us. Thanks for your hard work! • Bob and Rita Davine of HerfE Jones, for tolerating the tardiness, but mostly for the pasta. • Brother James Rieck and Brother Richard Kestler for providing us with their "art." • Mr. Michael O'Toole, for making our computer compute. • The Coaches and Moderators of La Salle sports and activities, for accommodating our photographers • DaVor Photography, for their mad photo skills. • All seniors for staying within the lines on our experimental forms.

All yearbook complaints, refunds, and problems sllould be addressed to the followillg designated

scapegoats: Seth Scanlon, Tim POllisciak, 01 Simpson, the Ullabomber, Republicans, Howard Stern, the freshman class, the illcoming fresllman class, Kelley Schmidt, Gaming Club, TI,e Wistetian, Tickle Me Elmo, Hale-Bopp, tile Book Nazi, Spice Girls, Kell Gavill, mId our biggest culprit,


£1 Nino.


Index A Abbott, Michael Acker, Daniel 56 Ackerman, William 48 Adams, Keith P. 162,198 Addesi, Domenico 48 Ager, Jason 56 Agnew, Michael 56,113 Ahem, Brother Timothy F.5.C. Ahonkhai, lmoniri 48 Albert. Matthew 56,82,83 Albert, Michael 56,130 Alcantara, Mark 64, 87 Alexander, Terrence 56,113 Alfarano, John 48, 90, 91 Alfarano, Marc A. 162,198 AIken, Patrick 64,% Allmond, Andrew 48 Alonso, Matthew 64 Amachi, Chikwere (Obi) 64. 83. 92. 113. 132 Anders, Seth 48 Andrews, Stephen 48 Andris, Christopher 56 Andris, Michael 64 Andruczyk, Eric E. 163, 198 Angelo, Louis 56 Antczak, Christopher 48 Aponte, Gilberta 56, 82,138 Appleby, Chip 208 Appleby, Douglas D. 113 163.198 Amone. Anthony 56 Ashton, icholas 48 Au, Andrew 6,120, 132 163. 198 B

Bacher, Brian 56, 126 Badolato, Patrick 64,116,132 Badolato, Sean 48, 116 Bailey. Benjamin 56,113 Baillie, Brian 48. 116 Baker. Alphaeus 48 Baker, Kevin 56 Baraniewicz, Edward 56 Barbato, Christian G. 87,162.198 Barile. Ernest IV 56,113,144 Barna, Mr Thomas 3-l Barnes. Daniel 64,130 Barnes, Matthew 64 Bartkowski. Thaddeus J. 116,132,162,198 Bartley, Bro. Andrew 22


Bartynski, DOlvid 48 Bathgate. Bradley Bauer, Mr. Anton 22 Beale, Christopher 48 Beck. Lloyd C. 111 162.198 Beck, Ryan 48 Becker. Damel 134,163,198 Behl, Daniel 64 Behr, Evan 64, 126. 127 Sehr, Mr. James 42 Beletsky, Joseph P. 163,198 Bello, Patrick 48 Benante, Marc V. 113. 163.198 Senn, Leon 56, 144 Benni, Mr. R. 74 Bennett, Ryan 48 BeMis. Edward 48 Berzins, Karlis 64. 81. 208 Bethke, Alexander 56. 81. 85. 104. 105. 208 Bevilacqua, Patrick 156, 164. 198.208 Bielecki. Gregory 6-1,87. 116, 132 Binder. BrianJ. 164.198 Binsfeld, Scott 164, 198 Bitting, Randall 64,87 Black, Timothy II 56,113. 138. Blake, Joseph 48 Blanco, Mr. Gabriel 26 Blank, Andrew 56,91. 97 Bloh. Mr. DeMis 25,79 Bloh, Thomas 48,130 Bocchino, Philip J. 6,120, 165.198 Bohardt, Douglas 56 Bolger, Stephen 56,116 Bondiskey, Michael 48 Bongard, Edward J. III 110. 165. 198 Bongio\ anni. Richard 48 Bonner, William 56,116 Borden, Jolm 48 Boring, John 1lI 56, 138 Borkowski, Joshua 48 Bowers, Nicholas 48, 148 Boyle. Stephen 56, 83 Brader, Mr. Rod 42 Bradley, Mr. Palmer 35 Brady, Kevin 64, 134 Brannon, Matthew 81, 113, 165, 198 Brasberger, Thomas 56 Breen, Christopher 48. 130 Breen-Lopez, Patrick 56,87 Brelsford, J. Drew 56 BreMan, Robert 64, 90,91 Breuer, Mark 48 Brewster, Kevin 64

Bridy, Daniel 56 Briggs, Richard 56, 113 Brinkos, Michael A. 10路1. 105, 164.198.208 Brittingham, Shay 64, S7 Brogan, Ryan 56, 94 Brooks, Sean 56, 83, 126 Brostak, Ed 87 Brown, Michael 81. 164,198 Brown, Mrs. Clare 25, 88 Brunetti, icholas ISO, 164. 198 Bruno. Christopher 64 Bryers, Kieran 56, 126 Br.lOstek, Edward 64 Buckley, Daniel 48 Bui. Joseph 48, 94 Buonocore. Anthony 56, 113 Buonocore. Michael 48 Burczewski, Chad 56 Burg, Ethel 43 Burke, BrendanJ. 81,165,198 Burke, Mr. Les 146 Burkle, Nicholas 64 Burleigh, Michael G. 165.198 Bums. Christopher V 165,198 Burton, Jonathan M. 166,198 Buschmeier, Andrew D. 83, 96.166.198 Bustard, David 56 Byrne, Robert 57, 64 Byrnes, Michael G. 106,138, 166. 199

c Cadwell, Justin 48 Calahan, Thomas 57 Calamia, Jared M. 167,199 Callahan, Kyle 57, 113 Callan, Daniel 57 Callan, Michael 57.83 Campbell, Devin 57 Campbell, Havilland 57,9.1 Campo. Brian 48, 208 Candia, Steven 57 Candia, David 48 Canning, Matthew 15,64 Capetola, Justin E. 167,199 Capetola, Zachary 57 Cappelletti. Christopher J. 167. 199 Cappelli, Andrew 48 Capponi, Emidio 64, 90, 91 Carabello, Dr. John 22 Carberry, Brian J. 82, 90, 91. 104, 166, 199. 208 Cardella, Joseph 57 Carelli, Joseph 48 Carl, David 62 Carminati, Joseph 57 Carminati, Richard (H,116 Carr, John 49. 97

Carr, Shawn 57 Carr. Vincent 64,81 Carroll, Paul 57 Carvalho, Steven 49 Carver, Seoll (H, 87 Catinella, Daniel 64 Catrino, Daniel 120,166,199 Cattie, Edward 64, 113 Cawley, Raymond 49 Chancier. Christopher 49,126 Chapman. Matlhew 64, 113 Chappella, Robert 64 Chealle, Brian 57 Checkovage, Michael 49 Chesnik, Mr. Mark 32,87 Chiarantona, Joseph F. 84. 126. 166.199.208 Chmielewski, Thomas III 116,167.199 Ciaverelli, Anthony 49 Cicdmaro, Eugene 64 Ciccimaro, Mrs. Janice 39 Ciccimaro. Mr. Joseph 36,81 Cifelli, Vincent 64 Ciminera, icholas 57.96.97 Cimini, Mr. Guido 42 Ciolli, Ryan 57. 134 Cirelli. Chuck 158 Citro, David F. 94.95. 167, 199 Clairmont, Edmund 49 Clark, John F. 132,167.199 Clark, Peter 57 Clarke, Brian 64 Clarke, Joseph 49 Clary. Mr Frank 22 Clay, Alvin IV 82.116,132, 168.199 C1earkin, Kevin 65, 87, 92 Cleary. Kyle 49 Clement, Christopher 65 Cloonan, Michael 49 Coggins, Mr. icholas 26. 44. 82. 83 Coghlan, Daniel 49 Cohen, Ryan 65. 87. 134. 137 Colasante, Joseph 168, 199 Colhocker. Bro. Lawrence, F5C 22 Colistra, Mr. Joseph 18, .36, 113.115 Colistra, Paul 57, 113, 115 Cornia, Andrew 57 Comisak, Adam 49 Congiliando, Ernest 57 Conlin, James 57 Connelly, Mr. Joseph, Jr 22 Connor. Sean 49 Cook, Bro. Kenneth, FSC 32 Cooke, Jeremy 65, 102 Comely, P. Matthew 57 Cosgrove, Michael 57

Cosgrove, Mike 138 Costantini, Anthony 65,113 Costantino, Anthony 57,75 Costello, Matthew 49 57 Couller, Jeffrey Jr 65' Coveney, Gerald 65 Coveney, Michael 49 Cox, Matt 118 Coyle, Robert 65 Crane, Joseph 168, 199 Craver, Drew 49 Crawford, Kevin 65, 113 Crean, Thomas 120,169, 199 Crognale, Stephen 74, 169, 199 Cross, Kevin 49 Cross, Thomas, jr 92, 110, 156, 199 Crotty, Brendan 49 Crowe, Mr. David 39 Cuback, Paul 115 Cuff, David 65, 146 Cullen, Vincent 65, 87 Cunane, Darlene 43 Cunnane, Mr. Edward 42 Curci, Christopher 57, I, 113 Curran, Thomas 151, 168, 199 Cutuli, joseph 57

o Dailey, Brian 49 D'Alfonso, Bro. john, FSc. 27, 113 Dalton, Patrick 49 Danaher, Timothy 120, 168, 199 Dandy, Marvin 169, 199 Danella, James 49 D'Angelo, Dr. Joseph 18,24 Danielski, Bro. Francis, FSC 21, 22,208 Danvers, Philip 120,169, 199 Davoli, Richard 65,148 Day, Charles 49 Day, Donald 65,83 DeCastro, icholas 65 DeCrescio, Michael 57, 113, 124 Dedic, Emir 65 Delaney, john 49 Delaney, Martin 65, 83 Della Vecchia, icholas 57 Dempsey, jason 49 Dempsey, Mr. Joseph 18, 25, 101, 122,124 Denicola, Mr. George 144 Denny, Charles 49 DeParo, David 49 DePasquale, Anthony 113, 169,199 Derrick, Zachary 65,81 Desai, Saurabh 81, 82, 104, 105,

170, 199, 208 Desiderio, jeremy 49 Dever, Mrs. Patricia 23 Devine, Mr. Patrick 29, 132 Devlin, Thomas 57, 116 DeVore, Luke 65 DiCataldo, John 43 Diccicco, Michael 49 DiClerico, Gabriel 49 DiClerico, Mario 65, 82, 84, 90, 91 Diehl, Mr. David 20, 22, 208 Diehl, Ryan 49 Dileonardo, Christa. pher 113,170, 199 Dilks, Dennis 57 Dillon, Joseph 65, 113 DiNapoli, Michael 65 DiPaolo, Nicholas 49 DiPaolo, Vincent 65 DiPardo, Stephen 49 DiPasquale, Bro. William, FSC 28,88 OJPinto, Rose 43 DiToro, Christopher 65,81 Do, am 49 Doherty, John 49, 104, 208 Dolan, Christopher 170, 200 Dolan, Kevin 57, 124 Dolan, Mr. Michael 29 Domanski, Christopher 65 Donahue, Mrs. Linda 26, 104, lOS, 208 Donatelli, Gregory 65,87,120 Donna, Mrs. Long 40 Donnelly, David 65 Donnelly, Hugh 87, 92, 110, 113, 133, 140, 171, 200 Donohue, Michael 65,83,116,132 Donovan, Mr. Michael 42 Ck>one~jason 57 D'Orazio, Dino 65, 138 D'Orazio, Paul 110. 113, 168, 199 Dougherty, Brendan 171, 200 Dougherty, Christopher 57, 92, 113, 115, 138, 144 Dougherty, Craig 57 Dougherty, james 58

Dougherty, Joseph 58 Dougherty, Kevin 58, 84, 101, 113, 126, 171, 200, 208 Dougherty, Philip 58 Dougherty, Sean 58 Dougherty, Thomas 58 Dowds, Thomas 65 Downey, Laurence 58 Drew, j. Brelsford 56 Ou, Vincent 58 Dugan, Mrs. Maureen 30

Durkin, Donald 49 Durkin, James 58, 102,208 Dwyer, Daniel 58 Dwyer, John 65 Dwyer, Joseph Jr. .58 Dwyer, Kevin 170, 200 Dyer, Robert 65, 83 E

Edelen, James SO, 130 Edwin, Mr. Kelly 38 Egan, john 58 Elliott, Kyle 50 Elliott, Matthew 170, 200 Elliott, Peler 50 Ellis, David 58 Elmo 208 Emrich, Scott 82, 83, 96, 102, 103, 170, 200, 208 Enderle, John V. 171,200 Erfle, Stephen 65,122,124 Ermola, Roger II 58, 148, 149 Escobar, Roman 118, 120. 171, 200 Evans, Lawrence 65, 113 Evans. Mr. Gerald 34,208

F Fagan, Ryan 58, 90. 91 Faillace, Anthony 65 Fallon, Terence 90,171, 200 Farrell, Diane 43 Farrell, Michaelpaul 65 Farrell, Robert 134, 135, 172, 200 Farrington, Andrew 66 Fay, Brian 50, 83 Fay, John 66. 83 Fed.yna,joseph 66,138 Fegley, William 58 Felix, Daniel 134,172, 200 Felte, Robert III 58, 113 Fenningham, TImothy 89, 113,172, 200 Ferro, Frank 66 Ficken, Alex 173 Filipczak, Andrew 58 Fineberg. Daniel 79,81, 173, 200, 208 Finley, Matthew SO, 90, 91 Finore, Carmen 58 Firth, johnathan 58. 113 Fisher, John 74, 140, 173, 200 Fitzgerald, Mr. Bernard 36,122 Fitzgerald, Daniel 66, 113 Fitzgerald, Kevin Jr. 58 Fitzgerald, Sean 50 Fitzgibbons, Terence 58 Fitzpatrick, Kevin 79, 81, 82, 85, 104,

105, 172, 200, 208 Fitzpatrick, Ryan 50 Flood, Mr. Kenneth 27, 138 F1orkowski, Raymond 66,84 Flounders, Erner SO, 91 Foglia, Paul 50 Foley, Brett 58 Ford, Mrs.Ann 41.208 Fox, Andrew 50 Fox. C. Thayer 66 Fox. Mary 4J Francis, Robert 66, 113 Francisco, Charles 66 Frank, Michael 58 FreiJer, Philip 172, 200 Frein, Christopher 50 Frendreis, Bro. Gerard, FSC 21,22,208 Friel, Edward 50 Fries,justin 58, 82, 83 Frizalone, Mr. John 30 Frizlen, Dean 58, 90, 91 Froehlich, Bro. TImothy, FSC 22 Fullerton, James 50

G Galbally, Daniel 58 Galbally, Edward 50 Galdo, Damon 66 Gallagher, Bryan 50 Gallagher, Mrs. Helen 40 Gallagher, Ryan 113, 172, 201 Gallagher, Sean 87 Gallagher, Shawn 66 Gallagher, Timothy 66 Ganter, William 58 Gardner, Joseph 66,83,90, 91 Garrity, Ian 50 Garvey. Patty 43 Garvin, Mrs. Theresa 30, 81, 87 Garvin, Sean 134 Garvin, Shawn 50 Garzone, Pun III 110. 113, 138, 173,201 Gaskins-eentofante, Mrs. Melissa 18, 77 Gates, Brendan 58 Gavin, Michael SO Gaydos, Scott 173, 201 Gdowik, Matthew 50 Geiger, Anthony SO, 83, 208 Geiger, Mr. William 16 27, 82, 85, 104, 105,208 Genovese, Mr. R. 74 Gemerd, Mark 126,126 Gibbons, Mr. Mark 23,208 Gibbons, Paul 156, 173, 201 Gidjunis, joseph 58,


85, 90, 91,104, 105, 208 Gill, John 50

Gillespie, Daniel 66,84,90, 91 Gillespie, Mr. Terrence 34

Gillespie, Timothy 66 GimpeL Kevin 58, 83 Ginty, Sean 50 Girard, Daniel


Girls, Spice 208 Giuffrida, Matthew


Clavin, Christopher 58 Goettner, Jeffrey 58 Golden, Thomas 58 Goldner, James 90,91,174, 201 Gordon, Brett 110, 113, 114, 122, 174, 201

Gordon, Christopher 66 Gorman, Matthew 174, 201 Gorman, Thomas 50 Grace, Mr.]ohn 36,81

156, 158

Grady, Mark 50 Graff, Nicholas 66

Granese, David


Grannum, Samuel


Green, Anthony 50 Green, Bradley

59, 126

Green, James 59 Greger, Michael 175, 201, 208

Gregoriadis, Gus 50 Griffin-Shelley, Eric 50 Grissani, Daniel 66,84,91 Grossman, Darren SO, 208 Grzybowski, Andrew 59,87 Grzybowski, Eric 59, 94 Cugger, Craig 175, 201 Gugger, Philip 50 Guiliano, Dino 66 Guthrie, Alexander 59 Gyza, David 50

H Haenn, Matthew 50 Hagy, Shea 59 Hamby, Robert 175, 201 Hammond, Michael SO Han, joseph 66 Hand, joseph SO,130 Haney, Robert 59 Haney, Sean 66, 84, 87 Hannon, Kevin 81, 174, 201 Hanson, Mr. james 22 Hanssen, Mr. Tore (T) 39,148 Harrigan, Michael 59, 126 Harrington, Brian 158 Hartnett, Matt 104, 105, 208 Hartnett, Matthew 59 Harvey, Bryan 59, 144 Haughton, Anthony 51 Haughton, joseph 74,79,81,


174, 201,208 Hayes, james 66 Heaton, Brant 134, 174, 201 Heayn, Christopher 66, 130 Heim, Mike 118 Heim, Shaun 175, 201,208 Heineman, Mr. Dave 140 Heinsdorf, Michael 101, 175, 201,208 Heinsdorf, Paul 59, 94 Hemerka, Bryan 51 Henwood, Mrs. Geraldine 22 Heron, Sean 66, 134, 136 Herzog, Matthew 51 Hevener, Francis 175, 201 Hicks, jonathan 51 Higgins, P.ltrick 59 Hildebrandt, Patrick 59,82, 102,208 Hilferty, Michael 51,90,91 Hill, David 59 Hinckle, Mr. Daniel 34, 115, Hoagland, Christopher 51 Hoagland, james 176, 201 Hohenleitner, Mr. George 26, 83,87 Holbert, Matthew 176, 201 Holbert, Michael 51 Hope, Timothy 51 Hopkinson, Brett 51 Horgan, Brian 59, 122, 124 Horgan, Timothy 59 Horstmann, jesse 59 Horstmann, john 176, 202, 208 Horvath, joseph 51 Hosmer, Gregory 66, 84 Houser, Kristian 177 Hughes, Edward 51 Hughes, Kevin 59, 126, 127 Hughes, Michael 51 Hughes, Timothy 66 Hunsicker, Michael 113, 177, 202 Hunter, Dawson 66, 94 HunrLinger, Jeffrey 146, 177, 202 Hylinski, Gregory 60,126

(gnas, Mr. Frank 42 Incollingo, Nicholas 176,202 Iwaskiw, Roman 60, 83, 87 Izzi, Stephen 51

J jackson, Mr. Martin 29, 122, 146 jalon, Alan 66, 83 james, William, jr. 60 janke, David 66,148

jannetti, Vincent 66,113 janton, Fr. Anthony 40 jenkins, Brian 60, 124 jenkins, Pele 60,82 John, Kyle 51 john, Matthew 148,176,202 Johnson, Charles 87,176, 202 Johnson, Mr. Francis 33 Jones, Christopher 66 Jones, Ryan 51 JordaL Nicholas 116,177, 202 jordan, Brian 66 Jordan, Geoffrey 60,113

K Kahan, Paul 79, 90,177,202 Kane, Gary 51 Kane, Matthew 51 Katruk, Andrew 66 Katsis, Louis 51 Kaupas, joseph 177,202 Kavanagh, Michael 67 Kazmierczak, Stephen 67 Kebler, Christopher 178, 202 Keeley, Daniel 67 Keenan, Edward 51 Keenan, j.Craig 67,87, 126 Keenan, Mr. john 29 Keller, james 67 Keller, Peter 94,178, 202 Kelly, Andrew 51 Kelly, Brendan 52, 178,202 Kelly, Mark 60 Kelly, Malt 134 Kelly, Mr. Edwin 90,91 Kelly, Scott 60, 82, 102, 130, 208 Kempf, Kenneth 52 Kensey, Mrs. Paulette 74 Kent, Mr. john 22 Kent, Sean 67, 113, 156 Kerns, Christopher 67,113 Kerper, Donald 179 Kerper, Sean 202 Kerrigan, Christopher 179, 202 Kestler, Bro. Richard, FSC 21, 208 Kettinger, Stephen 60, 83 Kilderry, Michael 60 Kilkenny, Michael 67 Kim, Daniel 60, 148 King,j.R. 102, 105, 179,202, 208 Kitchen, joseph 60 Kivlen, Brien 60 Klarich, Stephen 67,83 Klenk, Robert 60 Klock, Jonathan 60 Knowski, Michael 81, 126. 178, 202, 208 Kochanowicz, Brett 52

Kohler, Brian 60 Kohler, Kevin, Jr 178,202 Koller, Kevin 67 Koneski, William 67 Koss, Christopher 67,113 Kouch, james 178, 202 Kovaliv, Yaroslav 52 Kowalski, Todd 52 Krauss, Richard Jr. 67,113, 146, 147 Kriegner, Christopher 60 Kriegner, Thomas 60 Kroh, Robert 60 Krol, Matthew 67,77 Kruczkowski, Michael 179 Kulesher, James 52 Kushto, Christopher 67, %, 97 Kuzla, And rew 67 L

Lackes, Bro. Charles, FS.C. 27 Laguda, Giuseppe 81, 113, 179, 202 Laible, William 67,77 Lang, Geoffrey 60, 94, 130 Lanzalotti, joseph 52 lapowski, Colleen Durkin 81 Lamer, Thomas 52 laRuffa, Carlo 52 LaRuffa, Vincenzo 82, 90, 91,179,202 Laskowski, Matthew 60 Lau, Raymond 67 Lazenka, F. Anthony 67,83,

m Leahy, Mr. William 33,156, 158, 159 Lehmann, Mr. John 22 Lendzinski, Matthew 67 Leonard, Anthony 180, 202 Leonard, Michael 52 Leonard,lllOmas 52 Lepore, Gregory 60 Levin, justin 68, 134 Levine, Nicholas 52 Liberi,james 146,147, 180, 202 Lichtner, Mr. Frank 39,126 Lipski, Brian 68, 156, 157 Littley, Gregory 68 Lockard, Ryan 68, 97 Lofgren, David 68 LofhlS, Michael II 60, 134 Logan, james 1I160, 148 Logan, Mrs. Bernadette 28 Lohocki, Frank 158 Lombardo, Michael 60 Lonergan, Robert 180, 202 Long, Timothy 60 Longosky, Bradley 181, 202

Longstreth, Michael 68 Lorusso, Michael 113, 122, 181, 202 Loscalzo, Mr. AI 42 Lowery, Shawn 68 Lozowski, George 52 Luhks, Matthew 87,181, 203 Luhks,Sean 52 Luschini, Patrick 52 Lynch, James 60 Lynch, Ryan 83 Lyon, Mark 68, lOS, 208 Lyons, James III 68 Lyons, Kevin 81, 84, 180, 203 M MacPherson, Frank (Oup) 82, 68, 104, 105, 208 Madden, Evan 60 Madden, Gregcry 52 Madeira, Brian 52 Madeira, Eric 68 Madeira, Willy 60 Madonna, Anthony 60, 83, 94 Madrak, David 60 Maher, Mrs. Julia 21, 22, 92, 208 Mahlstedt, Kiel 60 Maholland, Patrick lBO, 203 Maicher, Mr. Michael 208 Malara,john 68, 140, 141 MaJlach, Patrick 60, 144 Mallon, Brian 52 Mallon, Vmcent Jr. 68, 113 Malloy, Michael 52 Manion, Mr. David 27 Manion, Travis 68, 113, 138, 139 ManJapas, Anthony 60 Manzi, Michael 52 Marabella, Gabriel 52 Marabella, jonathan 52 Mariello, Anthony 52 Market, Brian 61 Markman, William 74,126, 180,203 Marquis, joseph 181, 203 Marvin, Daniel 52, St Masdo, Ryan 61, 81, 90, 91 Masiak, jeffrey 52 Masiak, jonathan 61 Massino, james 52, 87 Mastronardo, Joseph 61 Mattern, Michael 181, 140, 203 Mattern, Thomas 52 Matthews, PatrickJ. 68,146 Matthews, Sean 68 Mattiacci, icholas 156, 181, 203

Mattioli, Joseph 52 Mauriello, Mkhael 134, 182, 203 McAllister, Tom 61,208 McCabe, Mr. Bernard 24 McCabe, Mr. Edward 24 McCaffery, Jon 2 McCaffery, Thomas 52 McCaffrey, Jonathan 61 McCann, Michael 61, 87, 90, 91 McCarry, Scott 182, 203 McCarthy, Duane 61, 113 McCarthy, Michael 52 McCloy, Frank 53 McCormick, Brendan 68, 122, 124 McCormick, Chauncey 61 McCormick, Shawn 68 McCort, Ryan 61, 90, 91 McCreight, Robert 53 McCullagh, Sean 182, 203 McCullion, Pat 134 McDonald, Christopher 68 McDonald, TImothy 68, 113 McDowell, Ryan 53 McElderry, Paul 61 McFadden, Daniel 183, 203 McFadden, George 61 McFadden, Marie 43 McGill, Mr. Brian 25, 122 McGill, Mr. Scott 38, McGillin, Andrew 68, 87 McGinley, Colin 183, 203 McGinn, Patrick 53 McGlaughlin, James 203 McGlone, Brendan 113, 183, 203 McGoldrick, TImothy 120,182, 203 McGonigle, Kevin 68 Me Govern, Mrs. Diane 39,71 McGowan, Emmett 53 McGrath, Adam 61 McGurkin, Paul 61, 113,124 McKeogh, james 68 McKeown, Pat 140 McKeown, Patrick 61 McKinney, Alexander 68 Mclaughlin, Daniel 53 Mclaughlin, james 182 McManus, Colin 116, 132, 182, 203 McMenamin, Brendan 183, 203 McNamara, Matthew 61 McShea, Christopher 122, 183, 203 Meade, Joe 122 Mee, Brian 68, 132 Mee, Matthew 132, 133, 183, 203

Meinert, Andrew 61 Meixsell, Jason 53 Meko, Mr. john 22, 23 Mele, Mr. Anthony 23 Meloscia, Alexander 68 Menna, Francis 53 Meola, Frank 53 Merlini, Kevin 68, 93, 113, 156 Merlini, Louis 134 Mezzanolte, Mr. john 115 Michel, Matthew 61 Michuda, Malthew 68,208 Mielnik, Michael 61,90 Mikochik, James 53 Mikulski, eil 113, 146, 1&1, 203 Miller, Eric 53 MiJler, Mr. Gerald 37 Miller, Cregory 53 Miller, Kevin 132, 184, 203 Miller, Michael 53 Miller, Robert 184, 203 Miller, Scott 68 Miller, Thomas 61 Mootz, Bradley 61 Moffatt, joel 69,87 Molchen, Gregory 61, 134 Molush, Mr. Edward. 24 Monaghan, Andrew 53 Moore, Pat 69, 132 Moore, Patrick 140, 185, 203 Moore, Shawn 61, 81 Morace, justin 53, 116 Morace, Matthew 83,94, ISS, 204 Moran, Mr. Robert 22 Morris, TImothy 69,87 Moss, Nathaniel 53 Muehlbronner, Wally 134 Mullen, Mrs. Karen 41, 208 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay 28 Mullen, Raymond 69 Muller, Paul 61 Mulligan, Michael 53 Mullin, Matthew 69 Mulrain,Jordan 61, 113, 115 Mulrain, Ryan 113, 185, 204 Munn, Chad 61 Murphy, Christopher 184, 204 Murphy, Colin 69, 94 Murphy, Michael 184, 204 Murphy, Mr. joseph 115 Murphy, Mrs.Patty 41,208 Murphy, Steven 69 Murray, Brian 53 Murray, Dennis 184, 204 Murray, Gary 69, 138 Murray, Matthew 69,90,91, 97 Myers, Bro. joseph, FSC 33

N Naticchione, Pete 134 Naticchionc, Peter 61 Nazi, Book 208 Needle, Daniel 113,185,204 Neely, Mr. Shawn 35, 86, 208 Neverosky, Daniel 87, 92, 118,120,122,156,185,204 Nicoletti, Mr. Geoffrey 33, 115 igon, Philip 53 Nino, EI 208 Nocero, Peter III 185, 204 Noel, Malt 120 Noone, Kevin 69, 87, 113 Noronha, Rajesh 90, 91, 186,204 owicki, James 69, 134

o O'Brien, And rew 53 Oc.kershausen, Sean 69, 83 O'Connor, Austin 61 O'Connor, Matthew 53 O'Connor, Michael 53,91 O'Connor, Paul 81, 186, 204 O'Connor, Peter 69 O'Connor, Shawn 113, 186, 204 O'Connor, Thomas 61,83, 204 O'Donnell, Andrew 69 O'Donnell, Dennis 53 O'Donnell, john 69 O'Donnell, Matthew 61 O'Donnell, Michael 53, 69, 83 O'Donnell, Peter 187,204 O'Hara, Andrew 187, 204 O'Hara, Brendan 126, 187, 204 O'Hara, john 69, 122, 124 O'Keefe, Thomas 53 Olcese, Jason 186, 2Q.t Olender, Keith 69, 122, 124, 140, 143 Oliver, Bro. Benedkl, FSC 22 Olsen, Ronald 187,204 Olshansky, Michael 53 O'Malley, Teague 81, 126, 186,204 O'Meara, Brian 69 O'Neill, Eric 61 O'Neill, Patrick 61,124 Onufrak, Nicholas 61,87, 113, 138 O'Shaughnessy, William 186, 204 O'Toole, Mr. Michael 25, 102, 208 Overcash, Ryan 53


Overholt, Christopher 53 Owens, Dean 53 p Palilonis, MIChael 69 Pahlonis, TImothy 53 Palmer, Gamal 79, 81, 84, 91, 187, 204 Palmer, Mr Bradley 34, 98 Palmieri,James 90,91, 187, 2{).l

Palo, Jeremy 116, 132, 1 ,2{).l Parfitt, Ryan 54 Parisi, Michael 61,82 Parisi, Mr Joseph 37, 140 Park, James 54 Parker, William 54 Parson, Michael 54 Parsons, Brent 54 Patcella, John 69 Patel, Arpit 61 Paul, Jeffrey 54,126 Paul, Mr. John 22 Payne, Jonathan 62, 90,91 Pedrotty, Leo 54 Peffle, Bob 120 Peffle, Michael 69, 120 Pennington, Christopher 69, 113 Penza rella, Nicholas 62 Peterman, David 62 Peterson, Charles Eric IV 103, 130, 188, 2{).l Petitti, icholasJr. 69 Petruzzelli, Gary 69 Pfeil, Francis 113,188,205 Phelan, William 62,90,91 Philipp, Robert 69 Philomena, Justin 62 Phmney. Gregory 62 Pickens, James 54 Pietrak, Je((rey 110, 113, 140, 189,2OS Pigeon, Edward .54 Pinkerton, Sean 5-1 Piper, Thomas J.69, 146 Pippet, TImothy 69,126 Plachta, Christopher 189,205 Poley,John 62, 113, 124 Ponisdak,Daniel 104, lOS, 140, 189,205, 208 Ponisdak, Mrs. Dorothy 3-1 Ponisciak, TImothy 69,104, 105, 140, 208 Potestio, Christopher 54, 116 Prego, John P. 54 Prem, TImothy 62 Priest, Dustin 62, 82 Primus, Justin 110, 113, 188, 205 Przybylowski, icholas 54


Pucci, Michael 69 Pugh, Torey 70, 113 Puglisi, Brian 70 Puntel, Andrew 62, I-tS,1-19 Punlcl, Mr. Alfred 32 Purtell, Dan 188, 205

a Queen, Gregory 81, 85, 102, 104,159,188,205,208 Quenzer, Philip 189, 205 Quenzer, Zachary 70 Queroli, Robert 54,126 Quinn, Daniel 62, 82 R Radvansky, Mr. Joseph 18, 31, 115 Raiela,Joseph 70,120 Rakowski, Andrew 106, 122, 123, 189, 205 Ramos, Alex 70, 122, 123 Ramos, Gilbert 189, 205 Ramos, Michael 62 Ransom, Christopher 54 Ranweiler, Matthew 70, 104, 105, 126, 208 Ray, Barton 70, 126, 127 Read, David 54 Reckamp, Todd 62 Reese, Hdfry 54 Reid, William 89,120, 190, 205 Reifsnyder, Gerald 70 Reiley, Christopher 62, 7, 208 Reiley, Timothy 79, 83, 96, 101, 104,190,206, 208 Reilly, Charles 54 Reilly, Leo 62, 9-1 Reilly, Shane 134. 190, 206 Remshard, John 70, 96 Rhoads, Da\'id 5-1 Richards, Adam 113, 140, 191, 206 Rieck, Bro. James, FSC 21, 208 Riley. Thomas IV 62 Robinson, Kevin 191, 206 Roche, Mr. James 18, 31 Rodenbaugh, Mr. John 22 Rogers, Curtis 70 Romano, Andl'l"\\' 191. 206 Romanzo, Brian 190, 206 Rose, Patrick 70, 148 Rossetti, Joseph 5-1 Ruegg, Mark 138, 190, 206 Rueter, Brendan 54 Russell, Mr. Robert 35 Ryan, Betty 43 Ryan, Mr. Frank 22

s Sakulich, Aaron 62 Salemno, Mary -13 Salvitti, Christopher 54 Salvitti, Patrick 70,87, 134 Santillo. Drew 70, 134 Sarracino, Robert 62 Sasso, Adam 62, 79 Saunders, Jeffrey 5-1 Sautter, William 70 Savage, Eric 62, 87 Savage, John 118 Savage, Michael 70, 120, 151 Sayers, Andrew 190, 206 Scali, David 62 Scanlon, Seth 208 Schafer, Casey 134 Schaffer, Mathew 70,96,97 Schaible, Christopher 70 Schaible, Gregory 54 Schaum, Mrs.Patricia 41,208 Schill, Gregory 70 Schmel, David 81,130, 191, 206 Schmidt, Kelley 208 Schmidt, Robert 62 Schmieclekamp, Brendan 54, 94, 96 Schmiedek.lmp, Dr. Carl 40, % Schwan, Eric 70 Scott, Christopher 81, 191, 206 Scott, Matthew 54 Seelaus, Michael 54 Sees, John 70, 83 Seiferth, Eric 110, 113, 191 Seiss, Colin 70 Seminack, Kevin 62, 83, 132 Seminack, Mr. Michael 35 Sforza, J.P. 70,87 Sharkey, S. Paul 92, 126, 192, 206,208 Shay, Raymond 62,90,91,208 Shepherd, Brandon 62 Sheridan, James 54 Shimizu, Brendan 192, 206 Shivers, Richard 62 Shustack, Ms. TIna 31 Sicilia, Michael 70 Sieferth, Eric 206 Sigmund, Mr. Peter 40 Simcox, Christopher 70 Simpson, OJ 208 Smclair, Michael 192, 206 Siravo, Anthony 62, 124, 144 Siravo, Joseph 193, 206 Skoien, David 54 Slabinski, Joseph 54 Slattery, Patrick 70 Small, Christopher 193,206 Small, Dennis 5-1

Smalley, Mark 193, 206 Smith, Brian 70 Smith, Christopher 70, 156 Smith, Gavin 206 Smith, Graham 54 Smith, Mrs. Mary Jo 30, 90, 91 Smolczynski, Mary 43 Smolczynski, Stephanie 43 Snyder, Anthony 70 Sandhi, Javed 54 Spangler, David 192, 206 Spause, Joseph 62,92, 138 Spause, Mr. Francis 31, 144 Spieker, Joseph 62 Stabile, Paul 54, 96 Stack, Christopher 120, 192, 206 Staffieri, Gary 193, 206 Stanczak, Mr. Martin 21, 208 Stanton, Christopher 70, 122 Stanlon, Dennis 62, 124 Staub, Christopher 62 Steffa,Joseph 70, 118, 119, 120 Steffa, Michael 54 Stern, Howard 208 Sterner, Bro. Rene, FSC 20, 22,91,208 Sterner, Stephen 62 Stevens, Ryan 62 Stieber, Thomas 62 Stieber, Francis 9-1, 193, 206 Stillwell. Ryan 5-1 Stix, Eric 63. 208 Stockmal, Drew 120 Stocum, Matthew 70,96 Stopper, Mr.1imothy 18 81, 76,97 Strain, Vincenl t93, 206 Stross, Alexander 63 Stroll"", John 63,87, 104, lOS, 208 Styer, Matthew 89, 94, 95, 194,206 Styx, Eric 91 Sudfeld, Karl 63 Sullivan, James 70,122,124 Sulhvan, Michael II 194,206 Sullivan, Robert 63 Sullivan, William 70 Swanson, Mark 55, 116 Swartz, Roger 55 Sweeney, James 19路1, 206 Sweeney, Joseph 70,81, 82 Swoyer, John 70 Szczech, Mark 130, 195, 207 T

Target, Richard 71,87 Talunchak, Alexander 195, 207 Teesdale, Sean

71, 118, 120, 132

Thai, Bro. Michael, F.S.C 27,82 Thomas, Gregory 195, 207 Thomas, Martin 55 Thompson, Brett 55

Thompson, Henry 55 Tierney, Michael


Toole, Sean 63, 104, 105, 208 Trappler. James 113,194, 207 Travers, lohn 87,92 113, 140, 143, 194, 207 Trendier, Nicholas 71 Trimboli, Anthony 63 Troy, Anthony 71

Truscott, Ken ISS Tucci, David 55 Tucker, 101m 106,113,140 194, 207 Tucker, Sean 71, 126 Tuman, Christopher 55,126 Tuman, Ryan 126, 195, 207

Turk, Jeremy 63 Turk, Jonathan 195,207 Turner, Michael 55 Turner, MrTam 36,20S Tursi, Benjamin 71,87,148 TyrrelL James 63

u Unabomber 208 Urban, Brett 63

v Valentine, Matthew 195, 207 Vandiver, Andrew 63, 82 Van Horn, Henry 196, 207 Varalli, Stephen 71 Vassallo, Joseph 63,113 Velasco,lohn 71 Vettori, Mr. Joseph 28, 74 Violi, Joseph 63 Vizza, Gregory 71 Vlahos, Anthony 71 Vlahos, Thomas 196, 207 Von Medicus, William 63 Vargity, Gary 63 W Wahl, Matthew 63,126 Wall, John 196, 207 Wallace, Joseph 55 Walls, Michael 55, 208 Walter, Jeffrey 55 Walter, Robert 63 Ward, Christopher 89, 118, 120, 132, 133, 197,207, 208

Ward, Mrs. Florence 23 Warren, ]amin 63, 90, 91, 208 Weinacht, Paul 110, 113, 197, 207 Weinert, Michael 130, 197, 207 Weldon, Benjamin 71 Welsh,John 122, 196, 207 Wentz, Joseph 71 Westfield, Sean 118, 120, 196, 207 Westley, Matthew 71, 156 Whelan, Christopher 55 Whinney, Charles 71 Whitaker, Dr. Michael 22 White, John 63, 82, 83, 90, 91 White, Jonathan 63,138 White, Paul 71 Wiley, Mr. Gary 35,94, 130 Williams, David 63 Williams, James 60 Williams, Patrick 63 Williamson, Christopher 71,

Wise, Richard 55 Wiseman, Stephen 55 Wisotzkey, Kyle 63, 97, 130 Wojnarski, Mariusz 71 Wolpert, Scott 84

y Yanoshik, Joseph (Beau) 130, 197,207, 208 Yeiter, Alice 43 Yeung, Roger 55 Young, Gavin 55 Young, Mr. Jolm 37,102, 115

Z Zaro, John 55, 104, IDS, 208 Zazworskey, John 63 Zebik, Robert 94,197, 207 Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nancy 26, 84 Zollo, Stephen 63 Zoltowski, Andrew 55

113,115 Wilson,James 196, 207 Wintering, Michael 71 Wimvard, Christopher 197, 113,207

A Time

of Pride 215

"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and we know the place for the first time!" -- T.S. Elliot


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