1999 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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LSCHS WARNING: La Salle Yearbook regulations provide a severe civil and criminal Rewind of not only the 1998-99 year, but the final four years of this century. The Blue and Gold will not allow unauthorized reproduction of this Rewind book; enjoyment of this look back at the year and the century, however, will be permitted. (Section 501 and 506; Title 17 LSCHS Code)

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Sophomores ~


S.enlors Credits


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198 209 214 216


If you'... Pili

oround. you ..... ....... 00 ...... _ _

to " -

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·PsycholotkaJ Evaluation: Swdent constantly sets low sun""cis .nd condnuolly folk to . - tIIem.·



AP EnvIro-Sdence _Ion does k _ None. They CJUlht • crob.


to cot<h •

"Explain this Fmhman DiY alaln?"


TIme well spent In French class makln.. MI' ~tolle 1 Ninja."

"And wh:h a IItde 01_~ ... find • QUOIt« behind

Jimmy's ear."

As we wind our way toward the end of the millenium, we can Rewind our mental VCR's to all that has happened in the past four years on campus, in the reglon, the country, and the world. A diverse array of topics comes to mind: Sosa and McGwlre ••. Bill and Monica ..• the AFC wins the Supemowl ••• O.J. Simpson Windows '9S Windows '98 ... Chris Fariey •.. Phil Hartman the new Track the new Computer System ••• the new Tennis Courts •.• the Computers are down again ... The Pack is Back .•. LWO ... Red Plan ..• Unity Is Strength ... Spark the Spirit ... Blueprint for Success ... MIR Space Station ••. Doily, the cloned sheep ••• Hong Kong is returned to China ••. Cal Ripken breaks the record ... Cal Rlpken ends the streak Clinton launches missiles (Wag ehe Dog?) ... ehe VW Beede reappears the Rise and Fail of the seock markee


"Awwl You don't want none of thlsl

"J'm sony, sweethean, but we don't accept Canadian money."



joe Reade'S! ooom point. •. rea Gordon s passing records ... Wresdlng Championship '96 ... Ten Swimming Championships ... Tennis Championships '96-'98 ... Mr. Frlzalone ..• Mr. Bernie McCabe ... Dr. Carl Bro. joe Keogh Richie Ashburn ..• Mkkey Manlle Page and Plant Aerosmlth (sdll?) ... Zoot Suit R/o( ••• Jump, Jive an' Wail . .• EI Nino .•• l..l Nina ..• Nkholson gelS the Oscar ... Dybn gelS the Grammy ... The rise and fall of Urkel .•. Dawson's ere« ... Madonna becomes a mom ... Celebrity Deathmatch .•. Bro. Rene's movie review ..• TI¥ apple farm ... Nancy. No Nancy this year? ... CBS loses football to Fox ... CBS gelS football from NBC ... SwlssAlr Flight 10 I ••• TWA Flight 800 ... Valujet ••.

"11NIIy _ _



It's ,...

10 1ft ..".,... this "-y

Lo Sollo .ftor lI'odu.tIon.

como back


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Hey, fellas! You're not supposed ...~~~~~;-:;:~==;:=:=:::~;:::::::::::=;:~-;;:=:;::;;::;;;;;;:; to look at the amen when he's utln. your picture.

The odv"" Obf

of Independent Swdy. _

• frtend.

Spice Boys and the Backstreet Girls ... Doc D's the new Brother Frank ... Mr. Stanczak's pants ... Football Championships '95 & '96 · .. the SEPTA strike of '98 ... Seinfefd ends · .. The Simpsons: longest current running series ... MIR falls apart again ... SOlr Wars Special Edition ... the Blizzards of '95 and '96 (no midterms!) ... WEXP ... Hinckle's the water boy ... Oklahoma City •.. the African embassies The Olympic Games In Atlanta nOlnic Mrs. Brown ... Miss Dugan Mr. Kirsch The Fry Guy ... Bro. Dominic ... South Park ... Godzifla bombs There's Sotneching Abouc Mary rules

When's Turner takin' over anyway?

· .. nOln;c again ... No more Leo DiCaprio! · . . Hanson-no, waic!··No Hanson! ... Ms. Shustack, Mr. Manion, Mr. Geiger, and MoO. oh, See page 16 ... Two words: Mendel Schmiedekamp.

MNo rully, Vince, I was the oriIIrYl slnaer for Pink Floyd."

MI wonder If Mr. Palmer would help me build a perpetual motion machine?"

..Set1ousty, I do have a ftanct. Itt

Mr. Gelaer: "Thls Is a uee."

MTo close press any key . . . Where's the Any key? I can't find any Any keyl!" "Why do they call k • blackboard If It's creen~

- ..... ••

.. , •


Dedication: - - - - - - - ,


Mr. Robert Russell

hysics students have been known to achieve some of the highest advanced placement scores among all the courses offered here at La Salle. This accomplishment can be accredited to the only teacher "gutsy" enougti to teach AP Physics: Mr. Robert Russell. As we hear the shouts echoing from room 309 out of Mr. Russell's Honors Physics, we can think of: Geometry ... double Physics labs •.• AP Computer Science ... Mr. Russell's quick wit ... the "Russell Muscle" ... E=mc' ... working on an "A" problem ... 29 years of dedicated service here at La Salle, despite his four years at the Prep ... F= ma grueling tennis matches with fel faculty members and Andre Agassi ... the "Russell Hustle" on the court computer programming and C+ + .. many musical talents (singing, accompanying a choir, and playing the plano and organ) ••. a prime example a the LaSalllan experience ... Max and Allie ... connoisseur of the Brauhaus and the Hardshell Cafe ...Where our homeworks and lab reports, Mr. Russell? Mr. Russell In every way exemplifies what La Salle Is about. He Is dedicated to his work and to his stude.... For these reasons, and with our gratitude, the yearbook staff dedicates the I99B·99 Blue and Gold to Mr. ~ Russell.


The Universal Russell Constant

Faculty When we Rewind to the faculty and staff here at La Salle, the only things that come to mind are: "Hey, what happened to the other McCabe? ... T Hanssen and his Top Five "Is Mr. Barna really a Navy Seal?" R.T.F.B. "Right? . . . Lichtner's shorr shorts You with me?" Doc D and the AP English All Sta" "Hey, Bro. Mike, do you know any Russlan?lI ... "Mr. Palmer, do you get carded often?" ...

Neely, the eternal hall monitor ... "Well, sure enough." ... Math teacher or Senior? ..."Lemme tell you about me and Padre Pia." ... Sophomore

Guidance Counselor or "You know John, J don't

Freshman? ... "Did

you know Flood was think that kind that nppe. . d'" '" or thin, b "These are prescription necessary. " shoes, Mr. Stanczak." .. . Mr. Wiley and his egg drop ... "Can we hear Wish You Were Here today Brother?" Mr. O'Toole, the No Games enforcer 1100 you really have to use the overhead today,

Mr. Gillespie?"

.....-. Third

_ . Ie die...




Sterner, FSC President Key Concepts of Christianity; Forensics Moderator Dr. Joseph D'Angelo Assistant Principal, Academic Affairs AP English; Ice Hockey Moderator

Mr. David Diehl Principal Economics

Bro. Gerard Frendrels, FSC Comptroller Algebra

...Administr........ ,~ .. Administration

Mrs. Julia Maher AssiSGlnt Principal, Student Affairs GenerJl Chemistry; Student Council Moderat... or_.. Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC Director of Alumni, Financial Aid, and Public Relations




Bro. James Reick, FSC Director of Admissions Morality


Mr. MartIn Stanczak Dean of Swdents

Board of Trustees...Alu ni Hou

1998路99 Board of Trustees; Back Row (Left co Right): Mr. Stephen Dugan, Mr. John Lehmann, Bro. Thomas McPhillips, FSC, Dr. Robert Laskowski, Mr. John Kent, Esq, Mr. James Hanson, Bro. Gerard Frendreis, FSC, Bro. Kevin Dalmasse, FSC, Bro. John McDonnell, FSC, Bro. Timothy Froehlich, FSC, Mr. Robert Moran, Mr. A. J. Gabriele. Front Row (L co R): Mr. David Diehl, Mrs. Julia Maher, Bro. Andrew Bartley, FSC, Dr. Joseph D'Angelo, Michael McCarthy, Bro. Rene Sterner, FSC, Bro. Benedict Oliver, FSC, Sr. Patricia Kelly, SSJ, Mr. John Meko, Mr. William Sasso, Esq, Dr. John Carabello.

Mr. Mark Gibbons Assistant to the Comptroller Crew Coach

Mrs. Angeline Colangelo Secretary to the President

Board of TrustPP«i:... Alumni House


Mr. John Meko Director of Development

. f


. f....... .,

Mrs. Patricia

.... . ", Dever

Mrs. Florence Ward

Development Office

Developmenr Office

Mr. Anthony Mele

Bro. Andrew Bartley, FSC

Mrs. ConnIe Gill

AssisCdnt co [he Comptroller

Development Office

Business Office



Mr. Patrick Devine

Mr. John Keenan

Sophomore Guidance, Scripture, Christian Ufe Styles Track and Cross Country Coach

Freshman Guidance, Reading and Generai Study Skiils

Bro. William DIPasquale

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen

Junior/Senior Guidance, Group Advisory, Engiish J

Junior/Senior Guidance, Group Advisory



Mrs. Mary Sheets Guidance and Counseling

Mr. Martin Jackson ungwge Specialist, Psychology Basketball and Golf Coach

Mrs. Marie Baer Guidance and Counseling

Mr. Mlchae' Dolan Department Chair; Guidance Counselor, Psychology

Mrs. Bernadette Logan College Counsel"'" Senior Assistant

Science...Science . The Science Department here at La Salle comes back strong in the 1998·99 season with all of last year's squad returning for another year: Mr>. "Puhneeze" For those of you about to fail, I salute you .•. The Laws of Thermodynamics ... NerdFest, Room 309, 2: IS GENTLEMEN! ... Do we really have to know all of thl elements? ... D and F night ... Mr. Russell and the Russell Muscle AP (810, Physics, Chem, Environmental) .. You mean when we're senior> we don't have to take a science? Einstein and his mad skills ... Not anothe, field trip, Mr. Geiger?!? Which element Is Superman made out of? ... Krypton ... What's that smell comlnl from the Chem Lab? The Miracle of Life ... Mr. Neely, stay away from the yearbook office ... Yeah P!


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I •

Mr>. Dorothy Ponlsclak Department Chair; Chemistry, AP Chemistry NHS Moderator

Mr. Gerald Evans General Biology, Biology Mock Trial Moderator, Yearbook Kibl12er

Mr. Terence Gillespie

Mr. Robert Russell

Biology, AP Biology, Physics

Physics, AP Physics, Programming, AP Computer Science

,S'eshman Class Moderator


Mathletes Moderator


Mr. Michael Semlnack Integrated Science, Geometry Cross Country Coach, Track and Field Coach

s Ie •

"1". •••


Mr. David Crowe Athietic Training, Anatomy

Mr. Thomas Barna Chemiscry; Junior Class Moderator Lasalllan Youth Moderator

Mr. Bradley Palmer Inregrated Science, Chemistry; Intramurals Moderator

Mt. Shawn Neely Integrated Science, Biology Football Coach, Track and Field Coach, Basketball Moderator

Mr. Gil}' Wiley Physics, Asuonomy, Heterology Science Club Moderator, Head Bowling Coach, Crew Coach ~


History...History...H.·.JLory The Notorious nG "Could you expand on that?" Time magazine covers ... Chapter outlines ... 750· 1000 words by Friday ... B.T. and the Fighting Irish ... "If you don't have a cover, I'li throw your book out the window." ... Summer assignments ... Parenthetical citations ... "Just who does have the record for most papers written?" ... II Are there .my questions, comments, or crises that need to be taken care oR" lilt is

the end all and the be all." . R.T.F.B.... "We have a few housekeeping items." ... The Inteliectual Ghetto ... "Exactly, exactly!"... "Wake up!"... "That's because we're all uniquely American."... Glory and Getcysburg... Breaker Morant and Schindler's Usc. •• The Sword of Islam •• . Mr. Turner's bottomless cup of coffee.


Mr. Daniel Hlnckle

Western Civilization, Catholic Idenrity, Scripwre

Moderator, Football Coach, Lacrosse Coach

Mr. John Grace Department Chair; World Cultures, AP European History Theatre Moderator

Mr. Tom Turner World Cultures

Assistant Dean of Students



Mr. Joseph Collstra American HistOlY, AP Economics Head Foolball Coach

Bro. TImothy Ahem, FSC American History, Civil War, Catholic

Mr. Gerald Miller Western Civilizdcion, American History,

Mr. Joseph Partsl World Culcures, Psychology

Swimming Moderacor

Athledc Director, Head Baseball Coach

Mr. John Young

Mr. Bernard Flugerald

Policical Science, Vieenam


World Culcures, Western Civilization, Cacholic Identity

Baseball Coach

Wlsterian Moderator, Foolball Coach

IlIW'es!81o<1RTI1I CM1'1ld00n, Americln History

Baskelball Coach


English... English


Whether they're reading a little tOO deeply Into Mr. Shakespeare or counseling on the uses of 'then' and 'than', English teachers are arguably the most Insightful (and eccentric) members of the La Salle faculty. One can mentior these advan14ges of the English department 10 an 8" grader: "Get on the Apple Farm" Baseball Chill Day ..• Haverford spring breaks with San14 ..• Catcher in the Rye • •• Cliffs Notes Vocab lists One book, 2B83 pages ... Mr. Molush goes to Cleveland ... "Don't rent the movie!" D'Angelo the Anglophile ... The Doorstop ... "Where do you play football after school? A lot."...Sweeney's a teacher?


Mr. Edward McCabe Department Chair; Engfish 1, English 4

Mr. Daniel File English t, English J

Mr. Francis Johnson English 2, Creative Writing, Morality

Mr. Brian McGill English I, English 2

Basketball Coach, Baseball Coach




-_ -

Mr. Joseph Dempsey English I, English 2

WEXP Moderator, jV Basketball Coach

........... ~



Mr. Dennis Blah English J, English 4

Theatre Director

Mr. Edward Molush English J, English 4 Mock Trial Moderacor


Mr. Michael O'Toole English 4, Creacive Wricing Wisterian Moderator

Mr. Brian Sweeney Ensllsh 2, En,IIsh J


Mr. Alfred Puntel Department Chair; Catholic Identity, Morality Cross Country Coach

• •


Bro. Francis Danielski, FSC Prayer

Assistant Campus Ministry Director, Lacrosse Moderator


~ .-

Mr. Mark Chesnlk

Bro. Kenneth Cook, FSC

Scripture, Morality, Christian Acrion

Carholic Identity, Scripture

Campus Ministry Director, CSC Moderator

路..Religion The Religion department can always be sought out for guidance, acceptance, or sometimes the needed condemnation. Religion class reminders: Hey Baby! ... B.K. & open book tests ... Outlines ... "You know who you are, where you are, and what you have to do/' . . . Papa Puntel ... Johnson, the folk guitarist Tommy, The Ten

Commandments; Stand by Me ... Pink Floyd "When the stuff hits the fan you better be duckin, baby."... "Does anybody have any questions, comments, crises, or public admissions of guilt?" ... Padre Pic ... IILer's get this 'out the way,' gentlemen". ../lSure enough."

Bro. Ernest Miller, FSC Moraliry, World Cultures, AP American History Forensics Moderator

Bro. Joseph Myers, FSC Scripture, Technical Drawing

Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti Catholic Identiry, World Religions, English 2

Football Moderator

Mr. WIUlam Leahy Catholic ldentlry, Business Head Lacrosse Coach

Language... Language... Language

Mr. Gabriel Blanco Department Chair; Spanish, AP Spanish Bro. )oIln D'Alfonso, FSC Spanish, French

Ice Hockey Moderator, Football Moderator

Mrs. Linda Donahue Spanish

Yearbook Moderator

Mr. George Hohenleltner German, AP German, Scripture Tennis Coach, German Club Moderator


Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch Spanish

MCC Moderator

Mr. WIlliam Geiger Lacin, Environmencal Science, AP Environmencal

Ladn Club, Yearbook, Gazebo, Photo Club





"'-'-- ...Language

The Foreign Language Department Is a vast array of diverse folks from all comers of the world. The only thing these teachers may have In common other than their knowledge of languages Is: "You're not going to find the answer by staring out the window!" ... Accents ... "R"c=pe'tez, S"II

'" VOUS P Ialt.

.1 ... Pronunc Iauon . .. 1"0 I . K.

Caballeros!" , , , Airborne Wisterian' , , , PaperMate pens contact paper - the tools for success . . . fl jldlota!" .. . IlHey, Brother Mike, what's the answer to number 21?" . .. aIvete, d"ISCIPU I'I. II . . . 1/ i0 on' t rna ke me rea d your mind, senores!" ... jFrase completa! .. . "Why is Flavia dancing on the table?" &


Bro. Charles Lackes, FSC Spanish

Mr. David Manion French, AP French, Spanish

Mr. Kenneth Flood Spanish

Wrestling Coach

Mr. Nicholas Coggins

Bro. Mlcluel Thai, FSC


Spanish, French, Japanese

Ski Club, Spanish Club Moderator

Japanese Oub Moderator


Mrs. Mary jo Smith Department Chair; Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Math Analysis Forensics, Drama Club Moderator

Mrs. Teresa Garvin Algebra, Geometry, Geometry wi Trig SADD Moderator

, Mr. james Roche Algebra, Calculus, AP Calculus

Mr. joseph Radvansky Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus,

Mr. joseph Falcone

Math Analysis

Baseball Coach

Football Coach





Odds or horse races & 10llerles (#777) ... Always order a large pizza to save money ... "The Pythago - what?" . "You galla respect the math!" ... Unreadable blackboards ... "Do you have any games on . . Go Redskins! your calculator?" "Hmm... I wonder what the squirrels/ducks are doing today?" ... "Could you explain that again?" "Mr. Roche, how much is this quiz worth?" ... "How many people are In that Calc BC class this year?" "Right!? You with me?" ... "Do we really need (0 know this?" ... "How do we solve that bad boy? .. checkl"

Ms. Martlna Shuslack Algebra, Geomecry w/ Trig, Mach Analysis, Swinks

Mrs. StephanIe Jeltner Algebra, Geometry, Geometry wi Trig, Trigonomecry

Mr. Edward Woehlcke Algebra

Soccer Coach

Mr. Davld Heineman Algebra, Computer Applications Football Coach, Baseball Coach

General Studies...General Studies

Mr. Joseph Clcclmaro Department Cllalr; Music, AP Music, Sai1g EnsenVIe

Band, Dramatics Moderator


Mrs. Diane McGovern Arc, Painting, Drawing, An Portfolio

Art Club Moderator

Mr. Timothy Stopper Chorus, Fine Arts Survey, Public Speaking Choral Director, Gaming Club Moderator

Mrs. Melissa Gasklns-Centofante Art, Ceram;o, Sculpture Art Club Moderator

General Studie ...General Studies

Mr. Tore Hanssen

Mr. Frank L1chtner

PhysiGlI EduGltion


Tennis Coach

Swim Coach

Mr. Peter Sigmund Director of Computer Services

Mrs. Janice Ciccimara

Internet Applications Computer Intern Moderator,


Fishing Club Moderator


Information and Advice...

Mrs. Patricia Schaum Attendance

Mrs. Pam Schock Nurse

Mrs. Karen Mullen, Mrs. Ann Ford, Mrs. Patricia Murphy Secretaries




Mrs. RIta Delaurentis and Mrs. He'en Galla&!ter, Library Assistants; Ms. Donna Long, Librarian

Bro. Brendan Garwood, FSC Computer Assisunt

Mrs. Jane McNally Nurse

Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell Bookstore Manager



Maintenance... Ca~ ena

Mr. MIchael Donovan

Mr. AI Loscalzo

Mr. Frank Ignas

Mr. James Behr



.. Cafeteria

uretel'ta Staff (Back Row, L co R):

Stephanie Smolczynski, Patty Garvey, Joe Gallo (Director of Food Services), Diane Farrell, Mary Smolczynski, Nancy McClintock. (Front Row, L co R): Ethel Burg, Marie McFadden, Mary Salemno, Alice Veiter, Betty Ryan.

Mr. Rod 8rader a.k.a. liThe Enforcer"

Mr. Edward Cunnane

Mr. Larry King




One of the largest and most unrecognized aspects of the La Salle community is volunteering. Nearly everybody, from teachers to seniors, helps many projects by volunteering their time and effol1. This year, La Salle was grac' with the presence of two former students who returned to "show off their skills." Christopher Holwlck and Jam. Tate ('94) take pal1ln several activities, including student teaching classes, becoming Involved in afterschool act ties (Mr. Tate even embarked upon beginning an "Outdoor Adventure Club"), "covering" other teachers' clas and blending in with the seniors. Other unsung volunteers are Mrs. Susan Sayer and Mrs. Pat Kane, who help IT the College Counseling Center. They help La Salle's seniors with their applications and also assist with the piles , papers that materialize around application deadline time. It Is the students themselves, however, that create this sense of "volunteerism," with afterschool activities like the Community Service Corps, Lasalllan Youth, and Am路 nesty International. This year, the Blue and Gold staff would like to recognize these people.

Mr. James Tate

Mr. Christopher Holwlck

Mrs. Susan Sayer

Mrs. Patricia Kane

Volunteers... Educator of the Year

Mr. Francis Johnson A part of the Lasallian Community since J 989 Current spiritual leader of 10D Musically talented Plays guitar and sings in "Celtic Crossroads" and LaSalle chorus Versatile Teaches English Teaches Religion Scripture, Morality, and Creative Writing Amazes students with his knowledge and story telling A story for every situation imaginable. .. Relates real world events to the classroom... Asks and answers some of the tough moral questions... Unofficially boycotts many products, from Nike to Perdue Chicken, to stand against what he believes is wrong

Graduate of St.

Joe's Prep(poor fellow) ... Attended St. Charles Seminary and La Salle University Married with three children... Taught at Conwell路Egan. .. Former Assistant Moderater of the Wisterian and cross country Everyday's a bad hair day... upbeat, personable, humorous, dedicated... "Shuffling right along

" Always offering his interest in LaSallian activities, whether they be classroom related or not,

Mr. Francis Johnson suits the title of Educator of the Year.

U derclassmen The Underclassmen of !he '98-'99 school year bring to mind many Interesting and humorous phrases: Biggest freshmen class, AGAIN!!!!. .. "Where'd you go to grade school?". . . Brother1 Instead of Slster1... I'm looking for

IIMr.Roche, I've got a

visllOr." " Give me your VIP pin and free lunch pass". . . "What and when is Freshmen Day?". .. "Mom I need to sell seven magazines by tomorrow." The Neely Factor...Wise Fools Introduction to Mrs. Ponisc1ak. . . PSA1's Freshman/Soph路 omore Date Dance 1100 we have to know this?". .. "Can I get your Bioi路 ogy homework . '"

Fetal Pig Dissection . No more class rank . eyes of Almost senlor1... Brother Joe. another stab at the Sure enou,h. PSATs Junlor Prom Var1lty Sports Class Rings. "Where . . National Honor Society are you applying to college?" Cafeteria Duty... Hall Monitor1 ReThrough the


The "Upper-Under"


men Three classes that have been full of hard work and dedication; and then they'll rewind and try again next year.

-No, the rumors not aue. I cId not punch


ta.llone out


...... ,....."

IIIl' sopho-

t:11 47

Matthew Adams Sean C. Ahem Bernardino A. Allegretti Michael V. Alulse Gerald P. Amole Alex J. Aufiero Christopher Ay Daniel Henry Azeff Drew T. Babin David R. Babnew Christopher M. Barry Bradley J. Bartkowski Robert J. Baumgardner Scott J. Beard Patrick R. Beaty Patrick A. Becher Gregory J. Bednarz Chris J. Bell Justin A. Benincasa Stephen E. Bielecki Gerard J. Binder, Jr. Brandon M. Black Christopher Blaney Michael V. Bocchino Brent A. Bommentre Anthony A. Bonanni Matthew P. Bond Adam D. Borek Samuel J. Borrelli Eric Brannon Anthony C. Brelsford Sean Brewster Jason T. Breznicky Matthew E. Broderick Sean A. Brogan


Joshua M. Bryant Matthew K. Capetola Matthew D. Capozzi Robert M. Careless Ian Patrick Carey Philip T. Carroll Joseph J. Carroll, Jr. Sean V. Caviston Eric S. Chavoustie Chlh-Hai Harry Chen Bobby J. Cho Michael J. Ciccaglione Michael J. Colibraro Patrick J. Collins Carmen J. Conicelli, 111 Brendan J. Cooney Ian J. Cooper Christopher C. Costantino Stewart W. Coyle Michael P. Cragin Salvatore S. Cucinotta

Christopher M. Curcio Steven M. Curran Nicholas D. D'Amico Mark Joseph D'Angelo Ryan J. DeAngelis John G. DeCree, Jr. Dino Dedic John G. DeGirolamo James D. Delaney Christopher W. Delaurentis Matthew Derrick James J. Devery Mario J. DiCicco Anthony M. DIJulio


Frank C. DILella John N. DISepio Matthew R. Doerflein Brian R. Donoghue Christopher J. Dougherty David R. Drayton Daniel E. Duffey Ryan W. Dwyer




John D. Engler Marllo A. Escobar Andrew M. FaJJJs George S. Farina Daniel Fazio Sean D. Fedyna Timothy G. Ferrie John R. Ferro Luke R. Field Ryan S. Filipczak Jason A. Fisher Michael J. Fitzsimmons Michael T. Flood Timothy J. Flynn Michael K. Foley Daniel J. Ford James A. Forkin Brian C. Fox Alexander G. Franzen Adam C. Frey Kevin P. Frost Anthony A. Galante Brian G. Galbally Colin P. Gallagher Kevin A. Gallagher Sean Gallagher


William T. Gallagher James M. Gambino Ernest D. Gambone Gerard J. Geisel Jonathan P. Gerstemeier John J. Geverd John P. Gibbons Michael F. Gibbons Brian J. Gillespie Kevin L. Gillin Daniel N. Golden Michael E. Graham Christopher S. Gray John D. Haggerty Mark A. Halferty Michael P. Hanna, Jr. John J. Hayes Ricky E. Heater Matthew G. Henwood Ross M. Hicks Patrick E. Hill Daniel J. Holmes Timothy A. Horwedel Michaei R. Hughes Christopher D. Jeffers Andrew J. John Andrew C. Kahan Brad C. Kammerer Patrick K. Kaufmann Michael E. Kelley Terence C. Kempf Brendan M. Kennedy Nicholas J. Keppol James S. Kesilman Alexander F. King


Timothy J. Kirk Patrick F. Kirts Robert J. Kohlhepp David J. Kolesky John F. Kolla, Jr. Timothy P. Koons Louis F. Komfeind Christopher D. Ladley James T. Lagan III Anthony M. Lagreca Russell T. Lampman John R. Lasky Joseph P. Laub James F. Lawler Erlc J. Lee Nicholas C. Letier Chrlstian G. Lewis F. Conrad Lochocki George Lolosidls Thomas A. Lopit Steven C. Lyon Francis J. Lyons Ryan D. MacFarland Andrew Y. Mackintosh Stephen J. Maida Louis A. Mancinelli Joshua A. Materese David A. Matthews Andrew J. McCann Patrlck T. McCarthy Edward McCusker Shawn D. McDade Ronan M. McDermott Daniel McDonald Brlan J. McElroy


Sean T. McMahon Sean T. McManus Christopher W. McMullin Michael E. McNamara Damon M. Melxsell Andrew J. Merrick Brian C. Miller Brian R. Miller Sean A. Miller Jeffrey D. Mills David J. Moll Marc T. Mongeau Michael J. Montgomery Lawrence P. Montgomery Manhew J. Morris Jeffrey Mortenson Ross B. Muldoon Kevin D. Murray John Va" Nance Stephen P. Nedl Trevor P. Needham Paul R. Needle Brian E. Noone P. Michael Nunnari Ryan T. O'Connell Patrick J. O'Connor Ryan M. O'Donnell James J. O'Donnell Michael P. O'Hara Robert M. O'Neill Jonathan P. Oldt Robert O. Palidora Matthew M. Palilonis James A. Palopoli Domenic J. Panza


Charles W. Parker Gregory W. Patcella Thomas A. Pllck Ryan M. Pollock Jonathan R. Posen Eric C. Poupard Matthew W. Quigg Christopher ]. Radvansky Marco A. Ramos Timothy]. Reichelt Daniel ]. Reid Adam M. Reif John A. Reifsnyder Timothy B. Richards Kevin A. Rieffel Sean ]. Riley Daniel ]. Ritter David A. Rock Ryan K. Rodden John ]. Rowe Andrew K. Ryan Edward C. Sabia Peter]. Santamaria Kevin E. Savage Stephen Schaffer Theodore ]. Schuck Sean C. Seese Dean Shacklett Brandon ]. Skupskl Gregory]. Smith Kevin T. Smith Matthew W. Smith Matthew B. Snyder Mark P. Spangler Daniel A. Streelmen


Steven j. Suchmki Robert E. Sullivan Matthew H. Sulock Andrew j. Talaga Ayodale C. Tan Michael j. Teklits Ryan M. Thomas Peter A. Tocicki Robert j. Troxell Michael M. Troy Victor N. Ukwu Andrew P. Urbanski john C. Valentino Vincent M. Vassallo jeremy A. Viray joseph R. Viscuse Louis A. Volpe Steven A. Vuillermet Ryan P. Walder Kevin E. Walker Paul D. Walsack Thomas j. Weiser j. Patrick Weller Ryan M. Westley Brendan j. Whitaker Terence john Wilkin Sean F. Wills john R. Wilson Brian M. Winkelman Michael S. Wooldridge Todd A. Zettle


Sophomores...Sophomores... William B. Ackerman Domenick P. Addesi Imonlri V. Ahonkhai John C. Alfarano Andrew T. Allmond Seth R. Anders Stephen P. Andrews Christopher J. Antczak Nicholas Ashton Sean D. Badolato Ryan H. Bennett Edward F. Bennis, Jr. Joseph G. Blake Thomas W. Bloh Michael J. Bondiskey Brian P. Baillie David A. Bartynskl, Jr. Christopher P. Beale Ryan S. Beck Patrick J. Bello Richard A. Bongiovanni John A. Borden Joshua E. Bor1<owskl Nicholas D. Bowers Christopher G. Breen Mark W. Breuer Daniel J. Buckley Joseph T. Bul Michael H. Buonocore Justin L. Cadwell Brian J. Campo David R. Candia Andrew J. Cappelli Joseph Carelli John M. Carr

...Sophomores...Sophomores Steven D. Carvalho Raymond P. Cawley Christopher T. Chancier Michael j. Checkovage Anthony A. C1averelli Edmund j. Clairmont joseph Michael Clarke Kyle james Cleary Michael E. Cloonan Daniel A. Coghlan

- So, wNt did you say to her? • NodlinJ. I arne bocJ< lD see whit you uld to her. · Well, I didn't say anythlnc. - You dldn't? · No. I was waldnl to see what you said.

· Well If


didn't say


thlnl and I didn't say an)'thln" neither of us

said an)'thlnl.

· Guess


So, want a soda?

Adam S. Comisak Sean R. Connor Matthew j. Costello Michael P. Coveney Drew Thomas Craver Kevin j. Cross Brendan j. Crotty Brian D. Dalley Patrick M. Dalton james D. Danella

Sophomores...Sophomores... Charles M. Day John J. Delaney Jason P. Dempsey Charles J. Denny David G. DeParo Jeremy M. Desiderio Michael W. Dlccicco Gabriel R. DiCierico Ryan D. Diehl Stephen T. DiPardo Nam Hoang Do John F. DohertY Donald M. Durkin James Joseph Edelen IV Kyle Michael Elliott Peter Thomas Elliott Brian C. Fay Matthew T. Finley Sean F. Fitzgerald Emer Cox Flounders Paul l. Foglia Andrew S. Fox Christopher M. Frein Edward J. Friel IV James R. Fullenon Edward J. Galbally Bryan P. Gallagher Ryan C. Garrity T. Ian Garrity Shawn J. Garvin Michael F. Gavin Matthew E. Gdowik Anthony W. Geiger Mark David Gernerd John Francis Gill


...Sophomores...Sophomores Sean P. Ginty Daniel W. Girard Thomas H. Gonnan Mark Patrick Grady Anthony P. Green Gus Gregoriadis Eric E. Griffin路SheJley,Jr. Jordan Grosh Darren R. Grossman Philip R. Gugger David Michael Gyza Matthew J. Haenn Michael C. Hammond Joseph P. Hand Anthony M. Haughton Bryan W. Hemerka Matthew L. Herzog Jonathan A. Hicks Michael P. Hilter!)' Christopher S. Hoagland Michael D. Holbert Timothy J. Hope Brett H. Hopkinson Joseph B. Horvath Edward M. Hughes

The AP Phys. Ed Oass.

Sophomores...Sophomores .. No, I ....eel for • cheesesttak, please. Thot Is • ch........ k. Oh.

Michael J. Hughes Stephen M. Izzi Kyle Patrick John Ryan Jones Matthew F. Kane Gary Edward Kane, Jr. Louis lIIas Katsis Edward C. Keenan Brendan T. Kelly Kenneth C. Kempf Brett R. Kochanowlcz Yaroslav KovaJiv Todd W. Kowalski Joseph T. Lanzalotd Thomas A. Lamer, Jr. Carlo G. Laruffa Michael J. Leonard Thomas A. Leonard George D. Lozowski Sean R. Luhks

.. Sophomores...Sophomores Patrick R. Luschini Gregory P. Madden Brian P. Madeira Brian F. Mallon Michael J. Malloy Michael A. Manzi Gabriel J. Marabella Jonathan L. Marabella Anthony J. Mariello Daniel T. Marvin Jeffrey S. Masiak James E. Massino Thomas K. Mattern Joseph A. Mattioli, Jr. Thomas M. McCaffery Michael F. McCarthy Frank R. McCloy Robert J. McCreight Jr. Ryan P. McDowell Patrick J. McGinn Emmett E. McGowan Daniel J. McLaughlin Jason J. Mei",ell Frank C. Meola James S. Mikochik Eric J. Miller Gregory N. Miller Michael D. Miller Andrew C. Monaghan Justin R. Morace Nathaniel L. Moss Michael E. Mulligan Brian K. Murray Philip T. Nigon Matthew L. O'Connor

Sophomores...Sophomores... Michael J. O'Connor Dennis P. O'Donnell Michael B. O'Donnell Thomas M. O'Keefe Michael P. Olshansky Ryan J. Overcash Christopher M. Overholt Dean Francis Owens Timothy M. Palilonis Ryan K. Parfitt James Park William C. Parker Michael P. Parson Brent R. Parsons Jeffrey c. Paul Leo B. Pedrotly James M. Pickens Edward M. Pigeon Sean F. Pinkerton Christopher P. Potestio Nicholas B. Przybylowskl Robert J. Queroli Christopher C. Ransom David H. Read Harry B. Reese Charles P. Reilly III David J. Rhoads Joseph F. Rossetti Brendan R. Rueter Christopher C. Salvitti Jeffrey P. Saunders Gregory B. Schaible Matthew G. Scott Michael J. Seelaus James P. Sheridan

...Sophomores...Sophomores David E. Skoien Joseph F. Siabinski Dennis J. Small Graham C. Smith Javed Peter Sondhi Paul J. Stabiie, Jr. Michael T. Steffa Ryan W. Stillwell Mark A. Swanson Martin J. Thomas Breit R. Thompson Henry L. Thompson Michael J. Tierney David M. Tucei Christopher J. Tuman Michael R. Turner Joseph J. Wallace, Jr. Michaei B. Walls Jeffrey D. Walter Christopher W. Whelan Richard P. Wise Stephen M. Wiseman Roger C. Yeung Gavin L. Young John A. Zaro

Andrew P. Zoltowskl

How do they ... the eream Into those Twinkles?

Daniel S. Acker Jason P. Ager Matthew E. Albert Michael B. Albert Terrence J. Alexander Christopher C. Andrls Louis M. Angelo Gilberto Aponte Anthony L. Arnone Brian C. Bacher Benjamin H. Bailey, III Kevin P. Baker Edward M. Baraniewicz Ernest J. Barile, IV Leon M. Benn Alexander B. Bethke Timothy]. Black, Jr. J. Andrew Blank Douglas M. Bohardt Stephen J. Bolger William R. Bonner John A. Boring, III Stephen P. Boyle Thomas M. Brasberger Patrick M. Breen-Lopez


j. Drew Brelsford Daniel A. Bridy Ryan G. Brogan Sean j. Brooks Kieran B. Bryers Chad M. Burczewski Ernest Burrell David W. Bustard Robert S. Byrne Thomas R. Calahan Kyle K. Callahan Daniel D. Callan Michael A. Callan Devin P. Campbell Havilland G. Campbell Steven P. Cancila Zachary R. Capetola joseph Cardella joseph A. Carminatl Paul j. Carroll Daniel Cassidy Brian R. Cheatle Nicholas G. Ciminera Ryan j. Ciolli Peter A. Clark Paul D. Colima Andrew B. Comla Ernest j. Congiliando james F. Conlin P. Matthew Comely Michael B. Cosgrove Anthony M. CosGlntino Matthew j Costello Christopher M. Curci Joseph j. Cutull


Michael J. Decresclo Nicholas Della Vecchia Thomas J. Devlin Dennis J. Dilks Kevin E. Dolan Jason R. Dooney Christopher J. Dougherty Craig A. Dougherty James A. Dougherty Joseph M. Dougherty Kevin B. Dougherty Philip A. Dougherty Sean E. Dougherty Thomas D. Dougherty Laurence F. Downey Vincent T. Du James J. Durl<in Daniel A. Dwyer Joseph P. Dwyer, Jr. John F. Egan David P. Eilis Roger J. Ermola, Jr.

Ryan P. Fagan William H. Fegley

Ricardo Felix Robert F. Felte, 111


Andrew J. Filipczak Carmen G. Finore Kevin Fitzgerald, Jr. Terence J. Fitzgibbons Brett T. Foley Michael P. Frank Justin J. Fries Dean M. Frizlen Daniel J. Galbally Brendan J. Gates Joseph P. Gldjunis Kevin P. Gimpel Christopher H. Glavin Jeffrey A. Goettner Thomas P. Golden Bradley S. Green James J. Green Andrew M. Grzybowski Eric M. Grzybowski Alexander Guthrie Shea F. Hagy Robert B. Haney Michael Harrigan Matthew J. Hartnett Bryan W. Harvey Paul F. Helnsdorf Patrick M. Higgins Patrick M. Hildebrandt David W. Hill Brian M. Horgan Timothy P. Horgan Jesse S. Hammann Kevin F. Hughes Gregory T. Hyllnski Roman I. Iwaskiw


William P. James, Jr. Brian A. Jenkins Peter H. Jenkins Mart P. Kelly Scott W. Kelly Stephen P. Kettinger Michael Kilderry Daniel J. Kim Joseph M. Kitchen Brien V. Klvlen Robert S. Klenk Jonathan G. Klock Brian T. Kohler Christopher J. Kriegner Thomas J. Kriegner Robert C. Kroh Geoffrey A. lang Matthew E. Laskowski Gregory J. Lepore G. Douglas Linberg Michael J. Loftus, Jr. James E. Logan, III Michael Lombardo Timothy J. Long James E. Lynch Evan B. Madden George W.P. Madeira, Jr. Anthony P. Madonna David E. Madrak Klel A. Mahlstedt Patrick C. Mallach Anthony S. Manlapas Brian P. Martet Ryan M. Mascio Joseph F. Mastronardo


W. Thomas McAllister Jonathan P. McCaffrey Michael D. McCann Duane C. McCarthy Chauncey H. Mc Cormick Ryan R. McCort Paul J. McElderry George N. McFadden Adam R. McGrath Paul T. McGurkln Patrick J. McKeown Matthew J. McNamara Andrew L. Meinert Matthew J. Michel Michael J. Mielnik Thomas J. Miller Bradley W. Moan Gregory Molchen Shawn P. Moore Paul A. Muller Jordan W. Mulrain Chad J. Munn Peter Naticchlone Austin T. O'Connor Thomas J. O'Connor Matthew J. O'Donnell Eric J. O'Nelli Patrick F. O'Nelli Nicholas Onufrak Michael J. Parisi

Photo Not Available

Arpit Patel Jonathan P. Payne Michael Peffall Nicholas P. PenLlrelia David J. Peterman


William J. Phelan, IV justin D. PhiJomeno John P. Poley john Paul Prego Timothy F. Prem Dustin R. Priest Andrew Puntel Daniel P. Quinn Michael j. Ramos Todd A. Reckamp Christopher T. Reiley Leo T. Reilly Thomas D. Riley, IV Aaron R. Sakullch Robert S. Sarraclno Adam C. Sasso Eric C. Savage David A. Scali Robert j. Schmidt Kevin j. Sernanick Raymond T. Shay Brandon A. Shepherd Richard A. Shivers joseph C. Sidman Anthony L. Siravo joseph W. Spause joseph B. Spieker Dennis j. Stanton Christopher Staub Stephen D. Sterner Ryan A. Stevens Thomas A. Stieber Eric P. Stix Alexander T. Str01S john E. Strzalka, jr.


H. Karl Sudfeld Robert J. Sullivan Sean P. Toole Anthony R. Trimboli Jeremy K. Turk James J. Tyrrell Brett N. Urban Andrew E. Vandiver Joseph M. Vassallo Joseph A. Viall William M. Von Medicus Matthew Wahl Robert F. Walter Jamln D. Warren John H. White David K. Williams Patrick K. Williams Kyle A. Wisoukey Michael K. Zacrep Stephen A. Zollo


Activities When we Rewind to the activities that make La Salle College High School famous, the things that come to mind are: "When's the next ping pong match?"... Foccacla at the Latin Club... "Why are the Forum people here on a Saturday?".•. Student Council's unforgettable pep rallies: gimme an L...A S..•A ...L...L... E... "What's that spell?" III don't know!"... "Exaetly what do the lab interns do all day?"... "They better play some Zeppelin on WEXP this mornlngl"••. the yearbook's I 8 hour deadline••• ·Who's the only one crazy enough to do math after school?"... frtendIJ_ Mr. Russell (See page oIaop ..... 16)... Dungeons and Dragons, every Friday, room 321 ... "So Mr. C, exactly how

many bands are there?"... freshmen chess... in the Biology lab? .. "I don't think the Chorus needs Joe Haughton to sound good."

The ExpIoror verlSon of the

vm.,. People.

Student Council. .. Pe~ New flavor to the La Salle Student Council ... executive officers Obi Amachi ... Evan Behr ... Sean Tucker ... mixture of fun along with business .•. led by moderator Mrs. Julia Maher .•. mission to unify the school ... introduction of La Salle World Order ... dominant spirit group. · . Mr. Ken "Guns" Flood gave a taste of the LWO's sheer

strength . .. as always, student council supermixers were a hit · .. another fresh idea to usher in the "Unity is Strength" theme ... student, teacher, athlete of month awards for each grade level positive addition •.. extra credit to deserving recipients desire to start a new tradition . .. first time ever: two-week long Spirit event ..• adding to regular events · .. pep rally ... strongest-man competition jello-eating contest ... arm wrestling •.. knowledge bowl spring spores pep rally .•. various dress-down days. . . 1998-99 student council paved its own path ... started up fresh ideas · .. had a blast doing it.

"What is the deflnldon or 'Is'?" The Student Council Peanut Gallery

)uncil. ..Pep Rallies Joe Steffa takes out his anresslon on Mr. ParisI.

The 1998路99 Swdent Council Board (8.Jdc Row, Left to Right): Chris Dougherty, Tim McDonald, Obi Amachi, Sean Tucker, Evan Behr, Kevin C1earidn. (Front low, L (0 R): James

Park, Ernie Gambone, Carto LaRuffa, John lara

Dances...Mixers... Infamous supermixers ... boyfriend holds his girlfriend above the crowd to see the commotion ... SlJirway to Heaven "I don't think they're playing enough slow songs." IIWhat's the theme this year, western or casino?" never forget the Senior Prom . .. maybe you want to forget the )uniorProm ... Turner and Miller, the bouncers . .. "What is that leaking from your car?" ... always have to get on the Conga line ... "It's been five minutes, (an I take off my shoes?1I .. . "Only if Ican lJke off my jacket!" ... garage bands (or is it cafeteria bands?) . . . "Please, Please, don't play any more N'Sync!" ... everyone looks good in a tux.

The Derie Dlrgler Twins.

ces...Mixers... Dances

0". reason why you don't Ioriot • formal. MNo, seriously, I didn't know you to the same dance..."

asked both of

Spirit Week...Spirit Week The famous Spirit Week ... except it lasted twO weeks this year ... Arm Wresding ... Jello Eating ... Strongest Man Spirit Pep Rally ... promoting the true fan in all of us the ultimate example of "Unity is Strength" ... "Gh, J really think I ate too much Jello!" ... "Hey, Mr. Neely, you're not allowed in the Strongest Man Compet;. I" ... Pat M oore, th e arm wrest I'mg go d ... oon.


body get me a napkin! I have something on my face" ... the batdes of Jim Lyons and John Dwyer ... Instinct.

The lea:endary Pat Moore shows Bill Koneskl what's whaL Spirit Week Ann WrestJlna:: The UltImate Power Struggle.

..Spirit Week The LWO connectJon to the ancient traditions of Bonzal.

The calm before the storm.

There's always room for lelia.

Mock Trial. ..Mo Coming off a successful inaugural year in which the Mock Trial team tied for second place in Montgomery County, this year's team set their hopes high. The team is led by lawyer/coach and La Salle graduate Scott Wolpert, Esq., and teachers Mr. Gerry Evans and Mr. Ed Molush. Returning seniors

include IIlawyers" Daniel Gillespie and Mario DiCierico, as well as "star witness" Se.m Haney. Newcomers, who include junior IIlawyer" JJ Cutuli, junior witnesses Bill james, joe Vassallo and jim

Conlin, join returning sophomore Dan" Marvin. A Montgomery County District Attorney runs the Mock Trial Competition, in which the

students compete in a courtroom in Norristown before a certified Montgomery County judge and a jury consisting of a panel of lawyers . The purpose of the competition includes giving high schooi students interested in the law their opportunity to see what advocacy comprises. Mock Trial also aims to promote the skills of public speaking, persuasion, iogical thinking, and debating.

Scon Wofpert In


vain attempt to hold back laughter.

Ifl wish I could remember what the 5th acnJidly Is."

.Language Clubs Japanese Club ... birthday, Christmas and New Year greeting cards in Japanese ... origami creations: animals, flowers, boxes, hats

· .. learned to write names in calligraphy . videos: wrestling ... Japanese festivals . songs: IfMusunde Hiraite," ... uYuki," . UK"Imlgayo " ... &100d: sus h'I ... can dy . ..

uMade in )apan 1J

German Club ... food German culture .. · food ... videos music ... holidays: Oktoberfest and Christmas ... Kartoffelsalat .. · Bierwurst Semmein ... Senf ... Apfelstrudel · ..Geback Handel's Messiah. Latin Club ... strong moderation and leadership · .. Magister Geiger as Jupiter (highest position) · .. Mario DiClerico ... Bill Phelan ... Pete

Jenkins form the triumvirate


John White and Ryan McCort II convivia" (gatherings) held every other Wednesday ... music with Latin lyrics . .. food from Roman culture ... archaeological digs.

Spanish Club ... led by Mr. Nicholas Coggins · .. Dan Barnes ... Mike Donohue ... Obi Amachi annual trips to authentic Spanish restaurants who can forget the rap video? . · . always a place where one can find el flan.

The 1998·99 La Salle Latln Oub

Photo Club...Photo

/111 can't tell••• I think we missed a spot on this one. 1II "No, No! This Is my bad side'"

Club...Photo Club What? ..There is an actual photo c1ub? .. Mr. Geiger does photography too? ..New Guy, Mr. File.. Js Gid in charge or does his predecessor reign? ..Never having a

meeting... Bethke, Petennan, Ranweiler, Hartnett (sort of) and Caledon attempting to help out•..Chemicals in a dark room? ..Could be dangerous...WHAT IS THAT SMELL? ..What do you mean it isn't dark enough? ... We need a bigger photo budget... Let's get some two way communicators... and how about an elevator in there? Hey, we actually participated in the Arts Festih .. va III.. ... N'Ice sot... goo d composition.


NHS...NHS... N~ The NHS, always known for its students of academic excellence and its helpful hand, ran more smoothly and efficiently than ever this year. The NHS came under the leadership of Brother Bill DiPasquale, who was assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak. New memo bers, from the junior and senior classes, were added to the roster in November. Led by officers Michael Donohue, Pat Badolato, Paul White, and Bob Brennan, the NHS coordinated some new activities, along with the usual projects offered every year. NHS students aided the school by being tutors, library helpers, and hall monitors. The NHS also helped out at various school functions including Open House, Back to School Night, and Freshman Registration.


The 1998路99 NHS CJblne' (uf' RJ,n,): Bob Brennan, Mike Donohue, Bro. William DiPasquale, FSC, Pat Badolato, Paul WhIte

-I'm noc IOlnl to acknowledge the heckler on the right. W

Club...Art Club This is the club for all the peopie out there who have a passion for creating. All the Van Goghs, Michaelangelos, and Picassos congregate once every two weeks and specialize in painting,

drawing, sculpture, or anything else art -oriented which they want to work on. The Art Club club has many Interesting and challenging activities for any striving artistfrom group projects to individual art, or can be just an extension of time for those who have studio art during the day. The club members also go on fascinating trips throughout the year. For example, they went to Washington D.C. for the Michelangelo exhibit last year, and this year, they went to the Woodmere Art Gallery. Finally, the art club is great because you don't have to be a member of a studio art class during school hours to be a member of the art

club. If you want great art experience, but you can't take a class, just stay after school when the art club meets and discover how cool art can really


uYeahl? You're lust Jealous of my computer-man I"

Band... Band... Band... Band... Band Thumping, wailing, and screaming ... nothing to fear . .. thumping percussion, wailing saxophones .•. screaming guitar.; of La Salle's various bands ... bands: concert pep ... freshman ... intermediate ... pit jazz .•. advanced jazz ... competition ensembles: guitar saxophone ... string percussion performances: Open House ... alumni and football banquets fund-raiser.; . · . Damn Yankees . .. pep rallies school concerts ... leader: Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro ... illustrious crew: Mr. Joseph Venori ••• Mr. Rocco Bene ... Mr. Richard Genovese . . Mr. Craig Ebner ... Mr. Joseph Nero Mr.;. Paulette Kensey student officer.;: Zach Derrick (President) Ben Weldon (V.P) ... Vince Carr (Second V.P.) .•. manager.;: Evan Madden and Alex Bethke ... plans to double existing band-room space for the new millenium .•. two full rehea",,1 areas · .. many new practice rooms future of music at La Salle looks bright only time will tell what music will be in the next century · .. one thing's for sure ... La Salle's band will be there to play it.

"'Man, I wish I had the music for Free Bird." The pep band showing their support at a footy game.

and... Band... Band "FellasJ You're not following the handU" The Re.1 De.1< The full La S.lIe Band.

Dlno Guiliano and his rendldon of ·Sh.Jke Your Boocy.•

Community Service Corps with another successful year for annual programs Gwynedd-Mercy Bike-n-Hike for Hunger Operation Santa Claus ... Bread Basketball Serving the lasallian community Amnesty International chapter founded leadership: Sean Toole & Kevin Semanick Recognizes, prevents human rights abuses with Urgent Action Network ... Holiday Card Action collects over one hundred cards .. . Syrian Special Focus Case ... Serving the Global Community ... lasallian Youth tutors disadvantaged children . . . this Monday and every Monday, making a difference ... Providence Center, Kensington ... Field Trips ... Rollerskating and Redemption at the WOW Family Fun Center •.. Visiting Santa Claus at The Gallery . • . Market Street Parade ... Serving the Urban community •.. true lasallian volunteers making a difference in everyday lives.


The La Salle chorus for the 1998-99 school year Is one of the biggest our school has

ever seen. We are constantly learning new things about music and each other that are helping to grow as a chorus. Our performances have been very successful, including LaSalle's fall drama, Inherit the Wind, the annual Pro-Life banquet, and LaSalle's Christmas Concert. We

are looking Forward to many more successes in the coming events. A great deal of credit goes out to Mr. Timothy Stopper (Director), Ryan Mascio (President), Andrew Puntel (Vice路President), Tom Blah (Manager) and Eric Stix (Secretary),

who have dedicated much of their time and effort to enabling the La Salle chorus to realize its tremendous potential. Recognition also goes out to Eric Stix for

making District and Regional chorus; Dan Holmes, Anthony Haughton, Andrew Puntel, and Jonathan Payne for making All Catholic Chorus.

We are looking forward to many more performances and especially to developing our talents and to growing together musically and

as friends. IIFor those who listen to the soul of music, surely they will hear the sounds of


Retreats...Retreats...Re Taking off a late Tuesday afternoon ... travelling through rural Pennsylvania . .. a far off place known as "Kairos" .. · secretive past retreaters tell of nothing but peace and relaxation ... upperclassmen have come home changed •• · underclassmen can only wait in anticipation ... Meanwhile, back at La Salle, Mr. Chesnik and a few random others from time to time organize the underclasses' own "home" version of Kairos ... frosh ... games and working together ..• sophs · .. prayer and reneetion ••• juniors •.. activity and theology · .. a peaceful, purposeful process in perpetuity ... when an out-of-touch-with-God student reacquaints himself with what he slept through in Catholic Identity: God ... forgiveness . · . compassion . .. collaboration . .. " vinus ec sciencia" ... himself ... for just one time a year ... busy schedules and hard·work •.. eliminated ... for a higher cause.

"We Just kkkln' k In our crib, yo."

You too, can be a Kalros senior. An earty I3therlna of the La Salle World Order.

Retreats...Retreats If

Red 28 . . . or, uh, Blue 421


hut, hut, hike!"

"Yol Who said you could take our plewre?"

down to business. Who staned that plllowftght last night?"

Fall Play.. .Jnheri Successful fall rendition of Lee and Lawrence's Inherit the Wind . .. led by Paul White (Matthew Brady) ... Adam Sasso (Henry Drummond) ... Kevin Gimpel (E.K. Hornbeck) ... Andrew Puntei (Bertram Cates) ... Bob Brennan (Rev. Jeremiah Brown) Joe Spause (Judge) . . . Luke Devore (Mr. Meeker) Dan Gillespie (Tom Davenport) ... energetic ... heart-felt performance ... faculty supervision: Director Mr. Dennis Bloh ... Producer Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro ... Moderator Mrs. Teresa Garvin. .. talented stage crew under the leadership of Mr James Behr... a successful show, well-received ...

Hands Across America, Wyndmoor Sector. After a flt of hysteria, Paul White has to



off stage.

rit the Wind MYou're not my fatherl"

"What will It be? Door number one or two?"

.... Luke, I am your father."

. . , will not eat green eggs and ham; 1 will not eat them Sam-I-am."

Damn Yankees...D

"Seriously, 1 said *No路 the tim time.路

s... Spring Musical Damn Yankees

auditions ... months of rehearsal ... Chris Curci Obi Amachi ,.. Eric 5tix ... Ryan Mascio Greg Hosmer ... John Dwyer ... Luke Devore Tony Haughton... Marlee McArthur ... Maria Brinkman ... Kelly Bloh . Kate Tokarski... Lisa Behr ... Karen Benelli on stage ... under the direction of Colleen Durkin

Lapowsky ... the "Damn" Orchestra ll under the direction of senior Vince Carr ... Karlis Berzins, Alex Bethke, Matt Ranweiler... doing the sets and leading the stage crew..... Mr. C.'s watchful eye ... lighting cues ... Diet coke runs... "Hosmer, it's not an opera"... working behind the scenes ... "But we just finished rehearsal. Why do we have to do it again?"... DWI. .. Pit band food fights .. ."What's a three-letter work for a sticky substance?" ... IIDid you say nineteen cuts for that song.'>"1. ... IIWh 0 d0 you th'In k you are.) ... I'm an assistant to the director?/1 ... lithe wicked Witch of the west"... uYou mean it's two days before the

show and you haven't rehearsed Act 2 yet?!" . tickets ... refreshments ushers dressing rooms ... cables lights


programs .. make-up .

dress rehearsals ... green room .

audience Family and friends ... cast parties OPENING NIGHT!

Karlls perfects the flne art of the Stage Crew.


Robotics... So this is where all those f1nely-olled cafeteria tables come from.

1998路99 RoOOtk:s Crew (Left to Il/zhtl: Mr. Robert Russell, Paul S"bile, Michael O'Connor, Matt Schaffer, Thomas PUck, Anthony ConsLlntlno, Anthony Madonna, Andrew Blank.

Science Club The science club ... the 1998/1999 nerdfest - a preoccupation with spaghetti ... headed by head nerd Mr. Gary Wiiey · .. quest for knowledge, a grasp of scientific concepts, and a working experiment reaching new heights with tissue paper hot air balloons a Wiley experiment that actually works ... Chris Kushto, Ryan Lockard, Matt Murray return to medieval times and buiid a catapult (or pumpkinpult) ... the utterly amazing spaghetti protected egg drop - an unfortunate lack of survivors ... the new horizont.ll egg drop .. · buiid a car that carries an egg at the fastest speed, and then crashes into a cement wall - and no scrambled eggs allowed. · . leaning towers of noodles . .. the always exciting, always bizarre, always eeo-conscious recycleable regatta . .. boats made entirely out of recycleable materials ... "the best place to find recycleables is in the neighbors' trash" an intense study of the hydrodynamics of plastic bottles Madonna and Grzybowski· fifteen feet before sinking miik jugs transformed into lane iines ... Paul's recycleable erg machine · .. what horrors we visit upon ourselves in the name of

science. MThIs'lI teach them to mess with John Whltel"

Mr. WII.y hastJly searches the Flm Aid KIt after another botched experiment.


"1 think ft has to be aimed down for the car to mov.... •

Parents' Clubs.. "And at only $20,000, this beaudful tree an be YOUI'l."

"I thought I said smile when you look at the birdie."



The U. S. "'<\'






,., IU

..Parents' Clubs Yet another active year full of monthly board meetings and activities for both clubs ... New parents warmly received · .. Annual New Mothers' Tea ... Annual Freshman Fathers' Welcome ... joint efforts resulted in success .. · "Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol Abuse" forum ... LaSale '9B: "Bright Lights of Broadway" ... Men of La Salle continued with tradition and the formation of tradition ... 49th annual Father/Son Banquet ... second annual Father/Son golf outing ... IIHabitin for Humanicy" outreach program .. · Mothers' C1ub- sponsored fundraisers: ... gift wrap drive · .. Genuardi tapes/ cash back redemption program ... Easter candy Sale ... Communion brunch ... "Deck the Halls" Christmas cocktail parry ... annual day of recollection at the Dominican Retreat House in Elkins Park ... fashion show and dinner ... New York trip to see Ragtime

..• ,


... Il

I •••

This is exactly why people flock to the Auction.

Th. be.uty of La 5.11. nlglldlf•.

La Salle Clubs... La Salle Skiing ... G;

The Ski Oub off on another advenwre.

"Um, I don't know the square root of 23656.36 off the top of my head. 1t

La Salle Clubs... La Salle Clubs

... Mathletes

ltNah. Stairway beats Babe I'm Canna Leave You any day."

H) reatty think J should have brought a calcula-


Wisterian...Wisteria A skeleton crew was on shift, when the report hit the wire: Spons Editor To Step Down...Say it ain't so ... The news shocked and disturbed all who were present that day, and the fallout from this unprecedented move set the tone for each month's deadline struggle over this past year. They said it couldn't be done ... they said it would never be the same...bur even as legislation was being drafted to officially designate May !2 as Jim Durkin Day, business as usual continued in that tiny basement office where legends are made and white-board markers are abused ... Pur it on the budget/... No windows shone their happy light upon those who toiled in the clubhouse-corner of St. Michael Hall...bur the Chief knew the Wisterian would go on, with-or without-any reliable leadership on the spons page...They had that onerous responsibUity of informing, entertaining, changing the way the student body thinks, reads, gets their fill of academic news... How weighty the burden! How gratifying the inky taste of victory! ... But does anything really happen here? ..Must get rid of the fiuff...No, we don't do movie reviews ... For all practical purposes, Willy is dead... Send out another survey, tally the votes by hand, read the responses...Can we publish

that? ..Cartoons, wrestling, and /11 ' m cheating on you with a girl!"...This Ethan sounds pretty familiar, where have I seen him before? .. Philly Mag needs to get a clue... Littie Spanish thoughts of the day... How the omnipresent slackers deface the wall of righteousness with their devilish inscriptionsL .. ! do believe that qualifies as frierion with GodL•. Now, they must atone, step right up, apologies all around ...Jeremy R. Cooke '99-Enlightened despot or chief-in·search·of-astaff? .. I'm sorry there weren't more visits from the Mount...John White·Master of the Forum page... ! should've thought up more witty acronyms...Pat HUdebrandt·Features


I'm sorry I never won Super Mario Bros. as a

child Scott "Caledon" Kelly-Colonel MP3...1 should've made you guys listen to more Orbital tracks...Customer Service Associates or Baggers?... Did you forget those Spons

Editor wannabes? ..]amln Warren, Kevin Semanick, Pete Jenkins, Chris Potestio... Return of the WisToon, thanks to Matt Finley...Other assorted correspondents... Ray Shay, Mike McCann, John Remshard, Matt Quigg, Darren Grossman...And where would those frantic journalists be sans Gid's Pix?...Stili under the perpetual Christmas lights, their broken clock radio reads the wrong time, as the endless quest for truth and Durkin's replacement beckons. IIThere - see? - eIghteen mistakes, and I'm not even past the flrst pagel"

terian...Wisterian A common Wlsrerlan dilemma: all are looking In different directions.

"Old you say I'm not supposed to be playtng Quake?" ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,~~ rt


,let ..... f

The 1998路99 Wlsterian staff (Left to Right): Matthew Quigg, Mike Mielnik, Darren Grossman, Jeremy Cooke, John While, Shawn Moore, Ray Shay, Brett Thompson, Joe Vassallo, Mr. Mike O'Toole, Missing: Mr. John Young

UNo, sertously, who's got my Calc book?

need thatl"

Forum... Forum... For It's 5:30 AM; a cold damp Saturday in February ... Where are you? If you're a member of LaSalle's Forum, you might be in a school van on your way to beautiful Sunbury, Pennsylvania. Yes, such is the life of La Salle's one and only speech and debate team. We take trips to such exotic locales as Scranton and Shikellemy, and spend part of our summers basking in the exciting night life of that mid-western metropolis, Iowa City. Our team is coached by La Salle President, Bro. Rene Sterner. That room in St. Michael's Hall which some of you may have mistaken for the office of one of the school's smaller activities is actually our private trophy room. The kid who sits in the back of your English class monopolizing the teacher's time with his opinions is probably a member of the forum. And that suspicious younger looking teacher who calls himself Mr. Sweeney -- no, he isn't on the team -- helps coach it. The yelling you might have heard coming from the second floor after school is either the debaters, or Mr. McGill yelling at the debaters. Yes, the forum's influence on the school is profound, but we earn it.

"'Yeah, real funny; we'll see what happens when you're up here..."

"You Just don't aet It, do you? The censors won't let you say thid" I think this Is why they caD him "PIty the Fool."

... Forum... Forum Mario's weakness: the luscious taste of wlreframes. The U: Salle Forum Senior AJI路Stars

part here about the Vulcan

WEXP...WEXP...WEXP...WEXP WEXP ... most high-profile ... one of the largest ... third full season of broadcasting. . . I 10 students ... sat under the Christmas lights of the back room and pushed buttons ... swapped cables pulled levers for the sake of quality television junior leadership of Shawn Moore, Paul Heinsdorf, and Matt Comely .•. invaluable guidance of the onmipresent Mr. Dempsey •.. seniors Kevin Brewster, Karlis Berzins, and Bob Brennan .•. juniors Jim Conlin, Paul Carroll, Ryan Brogan, and Scott Kelly ... Walking the hallways of school at ungodly hours ... braving freezing football field weather ... sliding down hallways at dangerous speeds on wheeled carts. . . crew of brave remote cameramen: Pat Slattery, Paul Heinsdorf, Steve Andrews, Shawn Moore, and Karlis Berzins acquired new equipment to make their good shows even better ... web page with schedules have given the TV studio a


1998·99 WEXP Mainstays (llact Row, Lere PJghc): Man Comely, Shawn Moore, Ryan Brogan, lim Conlin. (SeatN, L co R): Paul Heinsdorf, Steve Andrews


WEXP...WEXP...WEXP...WEXP MSomebody wanna take the 'KIck Me' slen off hls sweater?" "Should I tell him ttut the lens C.lP Is stJII on?"

more organized ... technical look ... newly expanded captive audience of the school has been treated to Channel 1 broadcasts . · . daily announcements sports specials ... witty banter . gripping Footage aplenty studio bristles with extra help . churning out Student Council Minutes ... activity spots ... episodes of the ephemeral La Salle Explorer Scoreboard ... dyslexic ancho" · .. lack of sports stats ... morning Footage disappearances ... not enough headsets ... and random Spanish phrases ... WEXP looks ahead to the next year . .. hoping for that ultimate goal . .. a couch · .. Maybe two.

Yearbook...Yearbo Welcome to the "LSCHS: First Look" behind the scenes of the 1998-99 Rewind Blue and Gold. My name is Chip Appleby and 1 will be taking you through the everyday toils of your proud yearbook staff. Each year, a casting director selects the prime candidates who have shown their cropping ability to be stellar. After a rigorous training process, the recruits must

endure a vicious hazing period. Those who are strong enough to surpass this peak are selected as the Blue and Gold elite. The Blue and Gold is executive produced and directed by the esteemed Mrs. Linda Donahue. During her few hours of triumph· and several more hours of cringing • Mrs. Donahue manages to put together a group strong enough to support the yearbook. Assisting her is veteran Mr. William Geiger, a seven·time winner of the Academy ofYearbookology'sCropperofthe Year Award. Together, Donahue and Geiger will never give up an opportunity for a free lunch in May. The cast of Rewind is an eclectic bunch. In his first starring role, senior Chip MacPherson (no longer typecast as "Chimp") has continued the Horsham legacy of Daniel Adam ('96) and Saurabh Desai ('98). This year, Chip hopes to "make the yearbook something that people won't use as a coffee coaster. I would rathersee a yearbook under a shortened table leg or something." Co-starring are the Inventive and unforgettably intuitive crew, led by senior hitman and Lord of the

Universe "Puhneeze," better known to the rest as Tim

Ponisciak. Backing Tim In his duels with Neelyu,

Mammochus are juniors Matt Hartnett, Sean "Bean" Toole, Alex Bethke, and John Smalka. When not in the pool, senior Matt Ranweiler provides the mellow background to

an otherwise hectic studio. Always present sometimes are sophomores George Lozowski, Brian Campo, Mike Walls,

Darren Grossman, Anthony Madonna, Chris /l1'm just a freshman; How should I know?" Curcio and anyone else. Oh yeah, and this Joe Gidjunis guy always seems to show up in the office and pretends that he's a cast member. III

think he's a little masochistic," adds MacPherson, as he hides Gid's bag in the ceiling. Well, if you haven't enjoyed the LSCHS: First Look at Rewind, I suggest you attend the office of a qualified physician in the near future. Otherwise, feel free to look at the pictures and use it for anything else that you can think of. One last statement from Chip MacPherson: "93.3 will forever be heard on the radio. Joe, it will never be your

day. " Matt Hartnett trains for the rigorous yearbook obstacle (DUlle.

larbook...Yearbook UWhat're


lookln' at? I don't recall sayln' you could

take my picture."

"And J would like you all to wekome the newest member of the staff..."

1998路99 Y.arbook Staff (Wc Co RJi/1c): Mlk. Walls,

Darren Grossman, Brian Campo, Alex Bethke, Tim Ponisclak, Sean Toole, ChIp MacPherson, John Strzalka, Joe Gldjunis, Man Hannen, Anthony Madonna, and George. Missing: Man

Ranweiler and Chris Curcio.

sports On the athletic side of life at La Salle, we rewind to several champIonships this year. .•football takes the Catholic League...swlmming domInates the National Catholics again •• .indoor track wins the Catholic League title..•and some near titles...soccer and basketball go to the semls...ice hockey skates past opponents... Pennsylvania Cross Country Coach of the Year for Mr. Pat Devlne...Pennington plays both ways as the versatile All Catholic.••Badolato and Donohue•.. Bielecki and Amachi...Steffa and Donatelli... Teasdale and Savage••.Stanton, McCormick, and Er"e..•Tucker,

Behr, Ranweiler and Keenan...Manion and Reifsnyder.•• Bames and Farrington... McGillan and White..•Malara and Olender. ..5alvitti and Coveney..•Piper and Matthews...Westley, Smith and Merlini .•. Rose and Tursi •••Coach T and his fearless junlors•..)ackson's boys make it to the Apollo...early

morning swimming, ice hockey, and crew practices.. .football in August••. golf in North Carollna... running the halls...outside In early March..•snow on the ground... "Hey, are we on the river today, or is it too windy...or too

icy..," lacrosse on the tennis (ourts... not in the gyOl... rewindlng to another stellar La Salle sports year...

Football...Football...Footb 1998 La Salle (ootballteam ... CATHOLIC LEAGUE CHAMPIONS AGAIN ...didn't need the biggest and strongest players to be successful ... above average will to win ..• Led by seniors Tim McDonald and Obi Amachi, team captains ... Chris Kerns, Joe Dillion, Mall Westley ... John Poley, Ernie Barile, and Ben Bailey

... speed, not size, can control the line of scrimmage . .. hardbiting linebackers, Kevin Merlini, Travis Manion and junior Chris Dougherty ... Sean Kent and junior cornerbacks Jordan Muirain, Kevin Dougherty, and Paul Colistra ... held opponents to a minuscule 77 points in I I games ... could score from anywhere on the field ... senior all-purpose player Chris Pennington ... the speedy Obi Amachi ... Mall Chapman, Rich "Moose" Krauss, Ed Callie,

1998-99 Va"lty Football Team, Senlo". Top Row (Ie'r ro rllh<): Joe Dillon, Kevin Noone, Torey Pugh, Chris Kerns. ThIrd Row (I to r): Mart Westley, Bob Phlllpp, Travis Manion, TIm McDonald, Chris Pennington, l.R. Mallon. SÂŤond R.ow (I to r): Matt Chapman, Mike Savage, Dan Flngerald, Kevin Merlinl, Ed Cattle, Obi Amachl. Front Row (I to r): Bro. John D'Alfonso, Moderator. Kevin Crawford, Chris Koss, Sean Kent, Anthony Constant!nl, Rich Krauss, Coach Joe Colistra.



and Travis Manion ... Kevin Noone at left tackle ... Tim Black, Bob Felte, Kyle Callahan, and senior Dan Flugerald ...Mlke DeCrescio at tight end ...an unstoppable, a shutwell-oiled machine good start

out win over Carroll momentum shut down perennial powerhouse PW on their

Football...Football...F I would NOT want to meet


illY In a dart alley.

The Pack Is back.

-I don't want any billna, punchlnil hair pull路 Ina, etc. Got It?"


...FootbalL..Football...Football field...this year's squad was for real. .. finding ways to win and crush any doubts.. beat McDevitt, Judge, North, Wood, and Carroll in the playoffs... beat TH E PREP on Thanksgiving... lost to Ryan in overtime 14-7, but beat Ryan once again in the PCl championship in December. .. anyone's game during the first half when the Explorers and Raiders were locked in a 3- 3 battle... Explorers roared back to score a touchdown in the third quarter. ..a 17-3 victory! .. Philadelphia Catholic league champions... In the end ... Explore" performed well

above anyone's expectations... proud of their accomplishments put la Salle back on top where it belongs .

Isn't Soccer the one where you kick It?

1998-99 Varsity Football Team, Juniors. Top Row (left co right): Jon Poley, Craig Dougherty, Mike DeCrescio, Dan Bridy, Ben Bailey. Third Row (I to r): Chris Dougherty, Emie Barile, Kyle Callahan, Duane McCanhy, Dan Cassidy. Second Row (I to r): Tim Black, Joe Vasallo, Paul McGur1dn, Jason Agef, Bob Felte, Coach Joe Colistra. Bottom Row, (I to r): Paul Calistra, T.]. Alexander, Kevin Dougherty, Jordan

Mulrain, Chris Curci. Caudan: Little ones at play.

Soccer...Soccer...Soccer. . Soccer and excellence: synonymous words... outstanding individual flare and strong team determination . .. seniorladen team ... overall record of 13-3-S (9-2-4 in the PCl North) finished second in the Catholic Northern Division heartbreaking overtime loss to Ryan in the first round of the playoffs ... sense of accomplishment and pride... from "rebuilding year" to Explorer domination .. . just five returning varsity starters. _. Four year AIICatholic goaltender Sean Teasdale out for the first half of the season with an injury ... Explorers begin to think they are at a disadvantage..• head coach Bob Peffie and assistant coaches Drew Stockmal and Kenny Clark ... Explorers battle through treacherous schedule of Northern Division . . . . returning players impact every game positively

newer players' work is large part of team's success


Junior goaltender Kevin Baker steps into Teasdale's spot for first part of the season. .. Senior forward/mid fielder

James Nowicki, Explorers' high scorer: sixteen goals ... senior back Chris Smith marks opponents' most dangerous men ... leadership of the returning varsity players ...

MAwww. He's leavlna. Now


have no one to talk to."

/998 LJ _ Vanity Socre!" rwn; Bade Row (lefe eo RighI): Assis¡ cam Co.lch Ken C1al1c, Greg Donatelli, Mike Parsons, Gary Kane, Steve Klarich, Kevin Baker, James Nowicki, Joe Raleta, Ed Baraniewla, J.P. SrOrta, Mike Savage Head Coach Bob Peffle. Front Row (L (0 R): Sean Teasdale, Joe Steffa, T.], Piper, Mike Steffa, Chris Smith, Ernie Burrell, Mike Peme, Pat McKeown, TIm Palilonls

nrc r...Soccer...Soccer...Soccer A prime example of La Salle sportsmanship.

Joe S..ffiI Just owns the defender. Oh Ye.lhl


the Bull Dance; feelln' the flow

Soccer...Soccer... Lllent and hard work of new players ... team battles all season ... poSt season awards prove that team makes bigger impact than expected ... six La Salle players Allutholic . .. Joey Steffa, Michael Peme, and Michael Savage named to first team ... Greg Donatelli and James Nowicki make second team ... Sean Teasdale achieves honorable mention rest of 1998 La Salle soccer team Seniors Chris Smith, T.J. Piper, Mike Pucci, Joe RaieLl, Ray Florkowski, J.P. Sforza, Steve Klarich ... Juniors Ernie Burrell, Eddie Baraniewicz, Patty McKeown. .. Sophomores Michael Steffa, Timmy Palilonis, Michael Parsons.

Wait a minute. Both feet are off the around. .. Is that possible?

"OK, now get In the v-formatJon like the Mighty Ducksll"


Now, the right


then the




foot, then the right alPin. I GOT ITI

Cross Country...Cros The Dynascy continues... Mr. Pa(Jick Devine's cross country team doml· nates the Philadelphia Catholic league... despite a disappointing 3rd place Va~iry finish at the pel Champs, the team goes 32..Q In league competition... team championships won by lV and Freshman SQuads... ouUide the Catholic league, the team competes well. .• wins the Pennsylvania State Champs for Prep Schools for the fourth straight year ... places third In the ManhatLln Invitational, fifth In the Eastern SLUe Championships II A" race, fourth in the Salesianum Invite, .lnd first In the Pel Northern Division Champs... )Vs Fourth at the Salesianum and third in Manhattan... Freshman "Top Seven" finished first and second at Saleslanum and Manhattan...coachlng staff includes 25·year man Pat Devine, named 1998 Pennsylvania cross country coach of the year... spymaSler assistant coach and fourth-year man AI Puntel. •• able Coca-Cola junkie assistant coach and 2nd-year man Mike Semanlck...Season begins about a week before school does...Iasts up until the t1rst Sunday of November... runners begin training around July 1stand often attend Brlarwood Running Camp In August Belmont Plateau, a part of Fairmount Park, La Salle's home course 5 kilometers, 5000 meters, 3.1 miles... me key ming for running at Belmont: "shoot me tangent" ...Devinely-inspired Varsity Team: Greg Bielecki, Pat Badolato, Mike Donohue, Rick Carmlnati , Tom Devlin, Mark Swanson, Chis Potestio , Brian Baillie, Bill Bonner, Sean Badolato, Gerry Coveney, Scott Carver, Steve Bolger, Austin O'Connor, Justin Morace, Rob Haney, Ryan O'Donnell, Tim Ferrie, Ryan Rodden, Kevin Fitzgerald, Jon Klock, Domenlc Panza, and John Lasky.....Devinely put: "Venl, Vldl, Vlci./I


I mile down. Another three miles to 10."

ountry...Cross Country

"Run, Forrest, Run..." 41')

wonder If I have time to 10 to the bathroom."

BasketbalL.. Basketball... a La Salle basketball ... coached by Mr. Marty Jackson ... enjoying another successful season ... started off strong with wins over Chestnut Hill Academy, Haverford, and Bonner ... big come-from-behind victory over West Catholic ... victories at the Carroll Classic ..• finishing 4th out of eight teams in the Benedictine Capital City Classic _.. started off the Catholic League season with abig win at Judge.•.also wins against Ryan, Egan, and McDevitt ..finshed the pre-season with a 9-2 record


~ ,,~. 3S


ullt ~

"':l...ItI _


.... II. .. 1111


Onlookers can


watch as Dennis Stanton pulls up for the J.

..- . -


tball. .. Basketball "Woahl 1 never realized the height of that thlngl"

The cameraman dlstracu the defender, allowing Stanton to take the easy layup.


路 .. feeling good about their prospects In the Clthollc League ... Chris SLmton, Steve Erfie, Brian Horgan led the scoring ... Erfie and Brendan McCormick. provided rebounds ... Dennis Stanton playing smothering defense . . 路 Gabe Marabella starting at point guard ... led the team in assists ... providing minutes off the bench ... seniors John O'Hara and Jim Sullivan 路 .. juniors Mike DeCrescio and John Poley. 路 . Rounding out the roster juniors Kevin Dolan and Paul McGurkin sophomore Tom Mattern middle of February ... tied for first place looking fOlWard to continued success in the playoffs. Me Cormick's teeth sacrificed for the team.


Basketball...Basketball It's gow be da' shoesl &


"'Hey, fellas • our basket is Wt wayW'

Let us pause for a brief prayer to the basketball gods.

tball...Basketball Chrts Stanton comes knockln' at the back door•••

• • • and pkks up the board.

Like we

said, McCormick's a monster In the

Jane. The weliht difference could affect the balance of the Impact here.

Swimming...Swimmin~ Ten year of championships ... La Salle swimming team of 1998-99 dived right in, prepared for an I I th special recognition to seniors Evan Behr Craig Keenan Sean Tucker ... Tim Pippet Bart Ray Matt Ranweiler ... special events for some particular stars junior Brad Green ... 50, 100, and 200 freestyle ... Bart Ray ... 500 freeStyle and 100 backstroke Craig Keenan. _. 100 butterfly .. _junior Mike Harrigan 500 freestyle, 200 I.M.... Sean Tucker 100 backstroke, 100 butterfly ... junior Kieran Bryers 100 breaststroke ... regular phrases heard In the pool liThe Great Bubba Gemerd," ... IIMr. Lichtner lJ • . . "25 free swim off, II • • • poised to meet the high expectations past swimming teams have established...pool hair. Brad Green prepares himself for the bls: evenL

Mr. Uchtner reacts to another successl

路.Swimming...Swimming Mr. lIchtner seems to have the team all bent out of shape.

"I'm a lean mean swlmmlna: machine."

Mit's a mlr.Kle I can see .. "

"A 100 free. Let's see; that's one, two, three, four laps.

Bowling...Bowling... Much was unknown about the Holy Rollers ... represent LaSalle on the bowling lanes ... major losses to graduation · .. run at the Catholic League semi-finals last year ... still have a solid core of returning bowlers ... Varsity returners: Mike Albert, James Edelen, and Dan Barnes ... other returning JV bowlers were Geoff Lang, Kyle Wisoukey, Chris Heayn, and Tom Bloh ... joining the veterans ... young blood: freshman Mike Montgomery, John Kolla, Jim Gambino, Mike Fitzsimmons and sophomores Brian Fay and Joe Clarke ... senior leadership and experience from Andrew Farrington and Bob Philipp ... hitting the lanes early and hard ... trying to get prepared for the grueling Catholic League schedule ... core lineup for the year: Lang and Farrington, joining Albert, Edelen, and Barnes .. · LaSalle Bowling was ready to roll ... only question: "Would the team be successful in the 9B-99 season?" ... slow start .•• losses piled up •.. few members become discouraged midway point ... 6- I \- I ... signs of improvement the season's defining moment ... match against Archbishop Ryan ... first two games lost by only a few pins each ... bounced back to take a lead in the third and final game •.• the scene: Tommy and Wizzer clean up on the JV lanes ... Fiu and Beener supporting the varsity · .. Langer and Spanky being sloppy as ever (their bowling techniques) 'Bert and Jimmy ripping the ball like only they can "Hey-Hey" Heayn and Bobby Pins stepping it up for varsity ... Clarke and Fayito screaming their ears off in appreciation ... this season was indeed a success.

1998-99 La Salle Bowling (Back Row, Lefr to Right): Mike Fiusimmons, Geofflang, Mike Albert, Joe Clarke, Dan Barnes, Coach Gary Wiley. (Front Row, L co R): Tom Blah, MIke Momgomery, Andrew Farrington, John Kalla, Chris Heayn, Brian Fay, Jim Gambino.


wling... Bowling Andy farringtOn checks the scoresheet for math

mistakes. Diln Barnes: Allen scorekeeper.

Geoff Lana demonstrates


little body Engflsh.

MChrts, you're not supposed to pose for the

camera while you're playlngl"

Wrestling...Wrestl Hlook I can make a bunny rabbit!... n

Wrestling...Wrestling...Wrestling You should be doing hip-heists whiie you're sleeping!" "Someone go get Mr. Flood's keys for the scale." Whoever owes me


come over here, now!"


You have to get up and out!If The question posed at

he beginning of the 1998-99 LaSaile wrestling season was, "could LaSaile once again regain its status as one of he top teams in the Philadelphia Catholic League?" won the match "What time does the bus get here? "What imes are weigh-ins?" Coaches Ken Flood, Mike Braciszewski, Dan Joyce, and Tim Maloney, IIGo get yourself

orne." II Go home and run!" If Go home, eat a light dinner (maybe a piece of chicken, vegetables), and go run!" Varsity line up against the wall, ]V stand in front of them. 1I "Your first move is to grab that hand and rrrriipp it Iffl" IIlap, bottom, neutral, or defer?" i/They answered with a resounding Yes!" "Ya got him in a strangle hold

laby!" IIWho wants to wrestle off?" IIWhat's your weight?" IlCan you get off the bottom?" tiGer wrist control!"

"his year's version of the Explorers wrestling team once again established its dominance in the league with an nticipated return to the playoffs. "Jimmy Hayes, go get the medical kiL" "Where's Wooldridge?" IIlf you have little dot, it looks like a pimple, then come and see me during warm-ups" IIUne it up!" "Watch your hips, 'ou're too high!" IIHaaallfffl" Led by senior captains Ed Brzostek, Mike Kavanagh, and Travis Manion. IIPin; lon't get pinned!"- Braz IIWho here can't go out there, on that mat, and give us six minutes.?" IIC1ap it up!" 'Circle it up!" "Let me shadow it for you!" 1/ And Eddie B. drops the Polish Hammer!" A talented upper-class lc1uded seniors Dina D'Orazio and Gerry Reifsnyder. /125 more pushups for the Prep!" liThe only way this !love works is if you lower your level and if you can't get his legs, then take a double penetration step!" 1/ If you ~ant be a champion, you gotta do these moves over and over, even at home." IIWhat time is practice tomorow?" IIGets the mats up!"

"I'm a little busy here, can I tum the paper In tomorrow, Mr. O'Toole?"

Ice Hockey.. .Ice Hoc Varsity I team ... 1998-99 La Salle ice hockey team ... proven that last year's AAA State Championship was no nuke I4 veteran players and six young skillful piayers returning what they have achieved as a team is only the beginning ... successfully defended the Inter-County Scholastic Title and competing in the State Championship tournament ... shown that the cherished CUPS belong at La Salle ... second year head coach Walley Muehlbronner ... assistant coach Gump Whiteside ... team has increased their ability ••• have become stronger ••• sure to last · .. 9 seniors on the team ... long season •.. full of heart, ambition, determinadon, and leadership ... as well as fun .•. AAA level seniors: Brad Bathgate Pat Salvitd Lou Merlini Ryan Cohen Kevin Brady Sean Heron · .. Drew Santillo · .. Jim Nowicki Justin Levin senior portion of the AA level team: Dan Behl ... Randy Biuing ... Steve Kazmierczak · .. John Patcella ... Brian Lipski ... Varsity 2 team shown La Salle deserves a team not only at the AAA level definitely at the AA level as well ... Coach John Haggerty team of upperclassmen and underclassmen. .. successfully done baule with squads from all over the Delaware Valley ... best showing at the AA level ever ... well-deserved spot to compete for the AA championship.

"For the Jast dme, this Is my sdd:I!" "No,


don't see your conuct lensl"

Hockey.. .Ice Hockey



'98-99 La Salle Varsity 1 (Fronr Row, Lerr co Righc): Ryan Cohen, Par Salvicti, Brad Bathgate, Greg ,lchen, Head Coach Wally Muehlbronner, Justin Levin, Lou Merlini, Drew Santillo, Kevin Brady. (8acIc Row, L R): Coach Chris Whiteside, Coach Roy Kelly, Peter Naticchione, Mike Loftus, John Geverd, Shawn Garvin, Joe scuse, Joe Sidman, Pat Higgins, Ryan Oolli, Michael Ciccaglione, Brett Urban, Ryan Jones, Sean Heron, Bob ,nk, Coach John Haggerty.

Ice Hockey.. .1 ce

1998-99 La Sane Varsity 2 (Front Row, Left to Right): Tony Trimboli, Dan Behl, Will Madeira, Joe Carell louis Volpe, Tom Riley, Ricki Felix, Joe Blake Jr. (Back Row, L co R): Dr. Joseph D'Angelo, Moderator, Coa, Joe Blake Sr., Ryan Stevens, David Hill, David Bartynski, John Patcella, Chris Curci, Randy Bitting, Joe Mastronardo, Steve Kazmierczak, Mark D'Angelo, Matt Herzog, Jim Durkin, Coach Buzz Ingram, Head Coach Je Haggerty.

Ice Hockey.. .1 ce Hockey.. .1 ce Hockey

"Ok, .so


two wtth pepperoni, one plain,

one mushroom.•." This is why derensemen get tired quickly.

Indoor Track.. .Indoo Dominant Force, competitive, successFul all define La Salle's Indoor Track and Field team oFthe 1998-99 season snow,

ice, cold, below freezing, hats, gloves, new track


Philadelphia Coaches Association meets (HaverFord and Lehigh), Philadelphia Catholic League, Princeton Relays, Nationals (Boston and Ohio) ... distance runners .. _senior leadership of Pat Badolato, Rick Carminati, Mike Donohue, Greg Bilecki ... more distance runners ... sophomores Chris Potestio, Brian Baillie, Mark "S wiza" Swanson Bill Bonner, too ..• sprinter(s) ... senior blur Obi Amachi junior nash Kevin Semanick .•. senior hurdle demons .•. Brian Mee and Eric Madeira ..•field team ... gigantic senior shot putter Pat Moore and junior Jason Ager .•• Pete Clark ... the junior College, Arboretum, White jumper ... unity or disunity Glove, Mount or Mailbox run halF mile, 800 meters, 4 laps, 2 minutes ... DMR ... medals, medals, medals Glen Mills, North Penn Cheltenham ... ROMAN rip it orf . .. wrestling? final season with a sprint team what ever happened to Gordon? . . . powerhouse, endurance, speed ... oh yeah, Coach Devine, Coach Mike, and ACE.

Greg Bielecki. La Salle Indoor Track. lust Do It. "Greg, you're supposed start


runnint when you eet

the hand-offI M

Baseball... Baseball... 路 LaSalle Baseball ... a season of promise... led by seniors and third year varsity players Keith Olender and John Malara... Bob Phillips and Chris Simcox as returning starters... contributions rrom juniors Bri.m Harvey, Anthony Siravo, and Matt Michel ... Oh yeah, unsung hero pitchers Pat Salvltti, Jerry Coveney, and Tim "the Irishman" McDonald hlgh expectations for talented junior and senior classes B.T. dialing long distance... Mr. Parisi adds personnel to staff ... coaches

The Idea Is to take the ball out of the lIove before you throw It.

"Please catch thlsl Please catch ItI"

all... Baseball 路Ok, here's what to do, when he hIts It... run/'

RIck Target does his best Mike Grace Impression.


Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?"

"'That's really not going to make It to flm base.路


Baseball... Bas "Yeah, I'll tell you pal, that's the last time you

call me outl.. Keith Olender poses for hls trading card photo.


.• Aww nol Where do you think you're KOfn7 Rlck T.lraet sprints to the benches for autolTaph slrnlnlS.

seball... Baseball Falcone and Costello..."What grass, exacdy, are liB.. TV" .., s desert an... Mr. PanSI dry humor Managers Tim Puhneeeeeeze and Pat McKeown raise spirits... IIHow many fungos is that, B.T."... playing baseball in the gym, a whole 'nother ball game .... this is supposed to be a Spring sport! ... LaSalle prepares for annual "noise making" in the Catholic League... LaSalle baseball without Brother Tim ... hard to imagine. .. Let's

')11 we cuCtlng.

hear some noise! ...



La Salle's version of the Bronx Bombers.

MC'mon baby, bring It to mel C'rnonl YEAH I"

Golf...Golf...Golf '999 Golf Team .. " Coach Martin Jacskon and "Fore" returning AII·Catholics golfers: P. J. Matthews, Brad Bathgate, T. J. Piper, and Adam Comisak ... Plenty more strong experienced players: Rich Krauss, Brett Foley, Greg Hylinski, John Delaney, Joe Siabinski, and Marl< Gemerd . . . Solid additionsto the team ... Welcoming ofnew freshmen with strong futures ... "Good Chemistry" ... Team Depth . .. Pars an d B·Ird"IfS.. . "Wh' at syour han d"lCap.,,, ... N'me holes after school. . . home course, Whitemarsh Valley Country Club ... Easter break spent avoiding the "water and sands" of Myrtle Beach ... trying to get a sun tan ... Team camaraderie and challenging courses . . . A handful of competitive non·league matches .. " Team approach to a primarily individual game ... PCl Championship the day after Memorial Day .. " "looking to four·peat" ... The Philadelphia Catholic league's golf team of the nineteen· "


nmetles. ... "Nobody but nobody messes with the wrath of Bathl'1te."

ItExcuse me, you really have to get out of the way."

"I'm kind of lonely out here; someone let me pick this up?"



Aww, man, I lust bought those shoesl"



Which should I choose, top-spin, slde-spln, or reverse-spln? Nahh, I'll lob IL It could be, could be••• ft's outta herel

.Tennis...Tennis Tennis 1999 . . . Combination of individual strength and team depth Roger Ermola James logan ... John Borden Nick Bowers Pat Rose ... Dan Kim Andy Puntel ... "Singles or doubles anyone?" League domination IIWas that in or out?" Undefeated records All 路Catholic honors the Philadelphia Catholic league Championship Eight consecutive years now as PCl champs IIWho's going to be the winner of 1fT's"

prestigious Bagel Award" ... Aces! and 'Deuces' I

... but not the card game type. .. Nothing but IIlove" for our undefeated players /I Advantage

who?" ... the memorable van rides

"Good to

go.)" ... fiG 00 d t 0 go. " ... Has anyone seen an Old Country Buffet anywhere around here? ... Both personal and overall team achievement ... Our poim ...Game, set, match!

Hey, everyonel

I can wm In mid-air!

Tennis Tip of the Day:

leo Reilly shows us his Impeccable styfe.

Lacrosse... Lacrosse... La "Irs not a ball, It's a BOMBI"

Amerfcan Gladiators, Round One

Circus style protec(Jve gear

rosse...Lacrosse Easter egg hunt, Ll Salle styfe

Whether Indoors or out, lAXers han, tough.

Lacrosse...Lacr "Most people think I'm playing lacrosse, but I'm nod"

"That'll teach you to make fun or


Always keep your eye on the ball.

acrosse... Lacrosse ... 1999 lacrosse ... Welcoming the new helmets... bronze with navy rims ... New bleachers and fence ... Awaiting new jerseys ... Hello to six Varsity Freshmen ... Bright future for the team ... Difficult schedule this season ... Trip to Pittsburgh for the "South of the Burgh" Tournament ... Thank God for helmets and pads ... "Kevin, where does Shamu live?" ... IIS ea World." Cradling the ball ... Episcopal game at home PCl rivalry with Archbishop Carroll.

.. Hopes for If Final Four in Four. 11 • • • Strong bids for both a sixth Cathoiie league Title and another berth in the state playoffs ... Goodbye to Seniors Sean Kent, Joe Dillon, Kevin Merlini l lou Meriini, Chris Smith, Matt Westley, Travis

Manion, Sean Matthews, and John 01Hara ...

"That's MY quarterl"

"Does anyone else know how to play Lacros.seketball?" A future varsitY player?


...... .. ..... ....... .



Track and Field Outdoors ... Monday meets on the new track ... Colonial Relays ... Penn Relays •.•. CB West ... Coatesville ... last races for the seniors: Breg Bielecki, Rick Carminati, Mike Donohue (CAT), Obi Amachi, Eric Madeira, Chris Domanski, Pat Salvlni, Brian Mee, Pat Badolato ... not to forget the strong man, Pat Moore ... intrasquad competitions ...Juniors and sophomores: Jason Ager, Pete Clark, Bill Bonner, Kevin Semanick, Chris Potestio, Brian Baillie, Mark Swanson (a.k.a Swlza) and Teddy Friel in the javelin ... everyone in a 4 x 400 ... alumni pride... Wall Street Sports and wrestling, of course ... MVF .•. defending the PCl Indoor championship

1999 Tr>ek & Field (L to R) Flm Row: Greg Bielecki, Mike Donohue; Second Row: Brian McElroy, Ryan O'Donnell, Domen!c Panza, Ronan

McDennitt, Chris McMullin, Dean Owens, Marle Grady, Jason Breznicky, Pete Oarle, Joe 801, Tim Ferrie; Third Row: Alex Franzen, James Kesilman, Chris

Antczak, Andrew Urbanski, Marle Swanson, Pat Badolato, Billy Bonner, Kevin Fitzgerald, Tom Devlin, Sean McMahon, Man Snyder, Ted Friel; Fourth Row: Jim Forldn, Eric Franz, Dave Moll, Matt Derrick, Rick Canninati, Justin MarMe, Ryan Rodden, Tom Lamer, Rich Bongiovanni, Eric Madeira, Brian

Baillie, Chris Potestio, Pat Kirts, Kevin Semanick, Mike Seelaus, Rob McCreight

...Track and Field In the process of getting a hernia...

Tralnln, for when the cops come a kncx:k.ln'.

We reau1ate every piece of this property; and we're good at It tool

Crew...Crew... MAli rieht, when he .says 'stroke,' that's what you guys dol"

La Salle's 1999 ... Rowing Team ... senior captains Andrew McGillin, Paul White, and Colin Murphy, coming Into their own ... V8 showing potential ... promising season for midweights, lV8's and fours ... hilling the river after four weeks of grueling winter training · .. freshman coach Mark Gibbons leads freshmen to early victory in first Manny Flick race .. · working hard to make up for the last 2 seasons

· .. one goal in mind for a successful season: a gold in the Stotesbury Regatta ... early-morning practices on Saturdays ... Sleep late? Never! .. · head coach Chuck Calvanese .. _ junior 8 coach Tom Mc Laughlin, midweight 8 coach Shawn Reid, freshman coaches (and more La Salle Crew alumni) Gibbons, Chris Holwick and 8i11 Ernst ... seat races •.. four-man boats under the tutelage of Mark Weston and Gary Wiley

路..Crew...Crew...Crew McGlllln looks down and wonders, why do I do this?

"Man, this looked easier when I signed up for It."


"Hmmm, If I ask Shelly out before Marie lees b.Kk from the shore. • ."



ew...Crew...Crew It really Is harder than It looks. In the shadow of the historic Waterworks.

-Let's do It all at the same dme now, shall we?" A beaudful slKht; the rowers drowning a freshman In front of the breathtaklna: skyflne.

La Salle S orts ... La Salle Sports ... La Salle Sports •.. La Salle Sports ... La Salle Sports ... La Salle Sports ... I

eo c.

'" ~

e 8-

'" ;;; '" ~



prts ... La Salle Sports ... La Salle Sports ... La Salle Sports ... La Salle Sports ... La Salle Sports ... La Salle


'" ~













S all"S ", ... ruodS all"S ", ... ruodS "II"S ., ... ruodS "II"S ., ... ruodS "II"S ., ... ruodS "II"S ., ... ruodS

Seniors The nnal Senior class of the mllienlum (yes Ills!) can simply be remembered with a few kind words: "Ok, live minutes, then we get a free." ... "Durta my way; II's fourth period and I'm goln' home." ... PII Volleyball ... "Why go to homeroom?" ... Los _. _ "My apps will be In lomorrow, Mr1. Logan." ... 7th period pep rallies .. _ "Keep the clapping going." ... Four year1, still don'l know the Alma Maler ... Friendships 10 lasl a lifetime ... Christian Action ... Kairos and Mal路 vern ... "You think I got into PSU "" ... "W路 . Yau Mam, alt. Say that again, mean If I have an 'A' I DON'T have 10 take the IInal?!?" .. . Memories ... IIWho "Now


should I quole? Homer Simpson or the phone number, Graleful Dead?" ... can I have Stairway co Heaven al yours?" the Senior Prom ... you have my

"Just tell me where to

line up so I can gel my diploma." ... Re-wlnd 10 freshman year: remember Ihe 11m time you mel your besl friend . . . . "I'll miss you guys. Good Luck al school and on 10 somelhlng else. We'll meet again, my friend. II

_,..n, "'t I ..

and Il!t rld

01 tIIII WIt."

~ Q

Mark A. Alcanura 1890 Meredith lane Blue Bell, PA 19422

(610) 277-2692

St. Helena


MCC 9-12, 9-12, La Silman Youth !D-12, Inuamurals 9-12, Band 9-12, SADD 11·12

"The miln with the real sense of humor Is the man who can pUt himself In the spectator's place and

laugh at his own fOftUne." Patrick S. Aiken

1206 Braebum Terrace Lansdale, PA


(215) 393-5675

St. Stanislaus Spanish Oub 10-1 2, Theatre 10-1 I, Band 9-12,

NHS 11·12, Computer Club IC).l 2

"Winners often fall down, but losers are the ones who my down."

Mark A. Alcantara

Patrick S. Aiken Matthew B. Alonso 885 Symphony Lane Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 643-1675 Band 9-12, Track 10,12, Intramurals 9·12 "Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your action, for they become habit. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Watch your

(ha""ter, for that Is your destiny," Chlkwtrt N. Amachl P.O. Box 2987 Philadelphia, PA 19141 (215) 549-1433

Matthew B. Alonso

St. Paul's Episcopal Church Football 9·]2, Track 9-12, Student Council 9, 1I-I 2, Spanish Gub 10-1 2, Theatre 9,12 "You goua know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run. Never count your money while you're sluln' at the table; there'll be time enough for countln' when the dealln's done." -The Gambler

Chlkwere N. Amachl

- - - . . , Michael ). Andrls 4290 Tersher Drive Doy\estown, PA 1890 I (215)230-7099

Our lady of Mount Camel WrestlIng 9-10, esc 10, Geman Gub ] 1, Football 9·] 2 "I've been droppln' the new science, and klckln' the new knowledge, and I see to a deeree that you can't get in college." - Beastle Boys Patrick G. Badolato 1721 Ooverly Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 572·5021 Immaculate Conceptlon Cross Counuy 9-12, Track 9-12, NHS 11-12 "We can choose to throw stones, Of' srumble on them or climb over them, or build with them." ·Wllliam AnhurWard

Michael J. Andrls


Seniors... 1999...

Patrick G. Badolato

Dintel P. Barnes I I 5 Gilpin Road P.O. Box 233 WUIow Grove, PA


(215) 441-5040 S1. Oavkt Bowline 9-12, NHS 11-12, Spanish Oub I 112(PltiJdentl "'You know when you do a bill unnooball ;md make a ~ spIash.••Well, splashln(s aood. So, don't be

afraid to Jump. If Matthew G. Barnes 2055 Pioneer Road Hunllnedon Valley, PA 19006

Daniel P. Barnes

(215) 441-5040 St. David Swdent Council 9, Crew 9-10, Intramurals 9·12, esc 12, SADD 12 "The lime has come to be ione. Although we've drunk a thousand limes, It's time to ramble on." ·Led Zeppelin

Matthew G. Barnes

Bradley E. Bathlilte 1845 unterbury Road Abinaton, PA 19001 (215) 887-4869

St. John's Episcopal Hockey 9-12, Golf 9-' 2, I 1-' 2, Art Dub 10, NHS 11-12 M'nto tills life we're born, bmy. Somedmes we don't know why. And lime seems to iO by so fast in the twlnkJin,l of an f!'/e.If -Van Morrison


Daniel P. 8ehl 1967 Linden Lane Hatfield, PA


1215) 368-8557

St. Marla Gorett!

Bradley E. Bathgate


Soccer 9, Baseball 9, Ice Hockey 9-12, 9·12, SADD 11-12 "You can waste time; you can kill time; you can do time; but If you use It wisely, there's never enough of It. So, yoo'd better make the most of the time you've got." -Groundhoe O"Y

Daniel P. Behl

Evin S. 8ehr 71 2 Meadow<:reek Orcle Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002

1215) 542-7064 St. Andlony of Padw Studftlt Council 9-12, Swlmmlnll 9-12, Llcrosse 9-12, esc 10-12, NHS 11-12 ..AlwiYS thouaht for the future, but we shouldn't have: ca~. All the best things In life', we shared them rliht here." -G-Love

Karlls A. Benlns 3920 Counuywood Lane Hatboro, PA 19040

1215) 674-3310 Bike Gub 9·1 I, WEXP 9-12, Drama Club 9-12, Theatre 9-12, Football 9·10, Lacrosse I 1-12 "If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rouen, either write things wonh reading or do thIngs wonh the writing." ·Ben Franklin

Kartls A. Berzins




Grelory T. Bielecki I51 I Fulton Drive Maple G~n, PA 19CX)2 (215) 643-0153

SL A1phonsus Cross Cowury 9-12, TI'iKk 9-12, Ice Hockey 9-10, NHS I '·12, Student Council 9,10, SADD 11

"You wtU ftnd as you look Nck upon your life lhat me moments when you haw realty lived are me moments when you have done !:hlngs in d1t spirit of 1ove:"·Henry Drummond R~lndill1

K. Blttln.. t 941 Armsuona Olive

lansdale, PA 19146 (215) 699·8322

Hockey 9-12, lacrosse 9, esc 9-12, SADD 11·12 "Who lhrows a shoe? Honestly!" -Awtln Powers

Randall K. BItting

Gregory T. Blelecld _


...... Kevin F. Bridy 1J 2 Redford R~d Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 884·5496 Holy Martyn

Hockry 9·12, 8asebaO 9·10 Robert C. Brennan 208 1 Red lion R<»d Phl......phla. PA 19115 (215) 969-0407

Matemlty BVM Forensks 10-12, Dr-una Oub 11-12, NHS 1112, Theatre 10-12, WEXP 9-12 "'lIfe Is like belna at the dentist. You always think that the worst Is stili to come, and yet It Is over

already." -Bismarck

Kevin F. Brady

Robert C. Brennan Kevin Brewster 3 11 7 PrInceton Avenue Ph11ado1phla. PA 19149 (215) 335-9181

SL Matthew

WEXP 9·1 2, 10,

esc 9·1 2, SADD 9-12, Latin Oub


9-12 "'The true me~re of .1 man's character is not wNt he is doInt. but wNt he is doIni when no one is looldni·"

Edward R. Bnosttlt 291 1 Kttnwood Road Norrlstown, PA 19403 (6101 275·9390

St. TItus Wrestling 9-12, Football 9·10, NHS 1 I-f 2 "PUrlde the wave where It ukes me." ·Pearl Jam

Kevin Brewster


Edward R. Brzostek

Seniors... 1999...

Nicholas A. Burkle 4162 Mllords lane

Ooytestown, PA 18901 (215) 3'10-4955 Our lady of Mount Carmel Lab InlMl I 1-12, Wmdlna 10-12, Computer Oub 10-12, Scholastic "l" 10- 12, esc 9-12, Intramur.lb 11, Theatre 10 "The only t¥Y day was yesterday," -US Navy

50.1 Roben F. Byrne 908 Afton Street Phl~phla, PA 19111 1215) 722·7351 St. Cecelia Crew 9, 11-12, WrestlIng 10-11, Track 10, Scholastk Nt" 9·12 "A thorough appreclatlon of literature allows no short-cUlS." -Cliffs Notes

Nicholas A. Burkle

Robert F. Byrne M.uthew A. Cannlnl 1616 Maritime Court

Bensalem, PA 19020 (215) 639-9438 St. Qurtes Borromeo Sand 9·' 2, Forensks 9-12, Intr.ilrnuDIs 9 "I'll choose my own: I wlllllOt be' a victim. "II choose my own: My cries won't be unheard. I'll choose my own: I've rex to flaht for myself. I'll choose my own: And what I hold SO true hi ~ny" ·Hatebreflt

Emldlo A. upponl 4OClO Filler Street Philadelphia, PA 19114 12151 637-1475 St. Katherine of Siena

Hockey 9·10, Track 9-10, Forum 9-12, NHS JI-

Matthew A. Canning

12, La Sal1lan Youth I 1·12, Drama Oub 12 "Try to believe the words that you said [0 me are true, but something else assures me I'm not through. Been denied so many times, told to sit back .lnd Ignore the truth. Enloy the ride." -No Use for a Name

Emldlo A. Capponl

David S. Carl 7810 Brous Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19152

(215) 624-1892

esc 12

"I i'O to school. I W1ite exams. If I pass, If I fan, If I drop out, does anyone give a damn? And If they do, they'll soon f~t, 'uuse It won't take much for mt to d10W my II~ ain't 0Yff yet." -Bare Naked L.d,.. Richard ). CarmlnaU 1360 Birchwood Avenue Roslyn, PA 19001 (215) 657-7133 St. John of the Cross Football 9-10, Cross Country 11-12, Track 9-12, Fishing Club I 1·1 2, Bike Club 12 "Remember: bones heal, chicks dig scars, and the U.S. has the number one dare·devll to doctor ratio In the world." -Captain lance Murdock


David S. Carl



J. Cannlnad


Vincent A. Cur 2536 Brown Street Phlladelphb, PA 19130

(215) 235·6881 St. Francis Xmer 8.lnd 9-12, Schobsdc "L" 9-12, Thtnr~ 9·12, NHS 1 H2 "There comes ~ dme In ~ man's life when lO Itt where he has to 10 ..{f there iU't no doors or windows· he walks throuch a w.II.· -Bernard Malamud

Scott M. Cunr 34



FlourtoWn, PA 19031 (215) 836·1081 SL Genevieve Cross Country I 1-12, Ucrosst 10-12, WEXP I2, Hockey 9, 5ADD 10-12, Fishing Club 9-12, esc 9,11, La SaUlan Youth 11-12,

"Dream as If you willltve forever. Live as if you wlll die today."

Scott M. CaNer

Vincent A. Carr Daniel ). utlnella 15 13 Sumneytown Pike

P.O.Box 282 Gwynedd, PA 19436 Edward B. unle 22-41 Menlo Avenue Glenside, PA 19038

(215) 885·2974 St. luke the Evanaellst FOOlb.all 9-12, Bastb.lll 10, Track 9 "I'd trade all my tomorrows just for one slope yesterday." ·Krls KrtstofftJ1OO


J. Catlnella

Edward B. Cattle

- - - - -.. M.tth.w T. Ch.pm.n 572 Applewood Olive

Fort WoItShlr\llOO, PA 19034 (215) 646-0215 SL A1phonsu> Football 9-12, B.askem.1I 9, Intramul'3ls 9-12 '"Uke a ml*l .n a urinal, you have to be on your toes.· ·Lt. Frink Drebfn

Roben M. Chappetu 105 Garth Road Oreland, PA 19075

(215) 885·9215 Holy Martyn; An Club 9-12, Theatne 9·10,12, MeC 11'12, NHS 11·12, Scholastic ul" 10-12 uSQ he did." -Bit St.lnrord

Matthew T. Chapman


Seniors... 1999...

Eugene F. Clcclmaro 209 Windsor Avenue Melrose Park, PA 19027

(215) 762·1565 St. Joseph Track 9-12, Cross Country 9·10, Scholastic "L" 9,11, NHS, Band 9-12 "Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life Is but a dream. " Vincent N. Cifelli S09 Melissa Drive Ambler, PA 19002

(215) 646·6515 St. Anthony Wrestling 9, La Sailian Youth 1 I, Intramurals 9-12 "If the world were perfect, It wouldn't be. " -Yogi Berra

Eugene F. Clcclmaro

Vincent N. Cifelli


BrIan P. Clarke 7521 Claridge Street Philadelphia, PA 19111

(215) 725·9242 St. Cecilia Intramurals 9-1 I, esc 10-11 "People say life's a toumey, but I'm tired of wasting my precIous time In transIt! 1say, If you want to find out where the road goes, get in the fast lane and hit the gas." -Calvin Kevin E. Clearkln 747 Wrlght Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002

(215) 643·6635 St. Alphonsus 11-12, La Saman Student Council 10-12, Youth 11-12, SAOO 10-12, NHS 11-12, Scholastic ilL n 9-12, Spanish Club 12, Crew 9, Cross CountrY 9-10, Track 10, Intramurals 9-12 "If I stay here with you now, things Just couldn't be the same. 'Cause I'm as free as a bird, now, and thIs bird you can not change." -Lynyrd Skynyrd


Brlan P. Clarke

=:-----.... Christopher

Kevin E. Clearldn

H. Clement 1125 Blyth Court Blue Bell, PA 19422

(215) 626·6273 Cross Country 10·1 I, Track 9-12, NHS I J.l2,

esc 9·12

"I've conquered my past, the future Is here at last; I stand at the entrance to a new world." -Bono Ryan S. Cohen 2005 Acom Place Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

(215) 44J.B396

Our Lady of Good Counsel Student Council 9-12, Ice Hockey 9-12 "life goes by prettY fast; If you don't stop to look around, you might miss It.n-Ferris Bueller

Christopher H. Clement

••• 1999...Seniors

Ryan S. Cohen

jeremy R. Cooke 854 Skyline Drive Erdenhelm, PA 19038

(215) 233-081 1 Annunciation Of BVM Ukrainian Wisterian 9·12(Edltor-ln-ChItf), Theatre 9-12, Lasallbn Youth 9-1 I, G.uebo 11-12, Sand 9-12, Track 9-10, Sdlolastk OIL" 9-12, NHS 11-12,

Ladn Oub 10, WEXP I 1 "All art Is quite u~ess." -OSCar Wilde

Anttlony C. Cosuntlnl 50 Arbour Coun Non15town, PA 19403 (610) 630-1696 Holy Saviour Football 9, I I, 12, Sw~t Cool',," 9·12, esc 9-12 "If you can dream It, you can do Itl" -Walt Disney

Anthony C. Costantln

Jeremy R. Cooke Jeffery T. Coulter, Jr. t 133 County Line Road Hundnadon Valley, PA 19006

(215) 357-8202 Our Lady of Good Counsel Sp.lnlsh Oub 1 1·12, Theatre I '-12,

esc 9,

SWdent Coundl Se~tor 12, Japanese Oub 12, WEXP 11 "Where Is your savior now?"

Gerald W. Coveney 2927 Jolly Road Norristown, PA 1940 I

(610) 279-9903 Epiphany of Our Lord

Baseball 9·12, football 9, Cross Country lOt 2, B.uketball 10,


1 I-I 2, SADD I 2

"'t's not the size of the dog In the flght that mauers. It's the size of the fight In the dog."

Gerald W. Coveney

Jeffrey T. Coulter, Jr R.obert M. Coyle 2205 Falrhlll Avenue Glenside, PA 19038

St. luke the Evaneelisl

Track 1(}'12, esc 9, Ski Oub 9-12, Ice Hockey 11·12

'"You see Ir you !'oriel


you've come rrom.

neVff IOOI\i1 make It where you'~ IOIna. 'Cause you've lost the ~alllY or yourselr." You'~



Kevin Cr~wford 3 12 1 8efkshlre R.Nd Doylestown, PA 18901

(215) 348-4'33 Our lAdy or Mounl Cannel FootbaU 9- I 2, Trxk 9-12 "Genlus is one percenl Insplr.llJon and ninety-nine percenl persplradon." -Thomas Alva Edison

Robert M. Coyle


Seniors... 1999...

Kevin Crawford

David K. Cuff 6S I Norwood Ordt Nonh Wales, PA 19454

(215) 699·7621 Golf 9·12, football 9, 5~ Cub 9·12 "It Is not so much when we stand as In what direction we are movIna.... we muSt saU, not drift, not lie at anchor." -Oliver Wendell H~mes

Vincent M. Cullen 786 Red Bam Lane Huntingdon Valley, PA


(215) 947·8850 Our LJdy of Good Counsel Scholastk "l" 9, B.1nd 9-12, Wrestling 9, Tennis 9, SADD 10-12

"A chUd's m)'lTle swek In my head. It said that life Is but a dre.lm. 1'ft spent so many years In question to find I've known this all alona."

Vincent M.


Richard P.


Dina A. D'Orazio 1984 South Broad Street Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-1149 Corpus Christl

Foolball I, Wresdlne: 1Q.12, Student Council 9-12,

esc 9·12, Fishina Oub


"'The wor1d meets nobody halfway ...You totU do what'S best for you" -Hawk of Over the Top RJch.ud P. Davoli 1831 Pernn Coon Maple Glen, PA 19002

(215) 646·4808 St. Alphonsus Scholastk "L" I0, Tennis 9-12, Intramurals 9-12

"To accomplish greal things, you must not only act but also dreamj not only pl;ln but ;llso believe."

Dina A. D'Orazio Don.ld D.,. 5573 Blt~eet une Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 794-2795 Our Udy of Mount Carmel esc 9-12, WEXP 9-12, German Club 1 I "Str;lnaer flowers )'f:t, there will never come a d;ly that I will ever regret, hours, days, years, ;lnd the mlnuees, enjoyed the pain, sunshine, the rain In It," • Hexum Nicholas }, DeCastro 163 Red Haven Drive North Wm, PA 19454 (215) 361·8534 Mary Mother Of The Redmner "Otscovery consists of seelna what ewrybody Ilas Sl!ftl and thinklna what nobody Ilas thouitn,"

Donald A. Day




J. DeCastro


. .- - - - - . " . . . . " . - - - - - - - , Emir Dedic 861 5ky1l"" Drtv< Erdenheim, PA 19038 (215) 233·9516 MeC 10.12, esc 11-12, NHS 11-12, Track 10, Theiltrt 11-12, Scholasdc "'t'" 10-12, Band IQ.12, Q\orus 12, Amnesty International 12 "00 not wish to be .lnythlna: but wNil you are, and uY to be perfectly." ·St. Francts de Sales

Martin D. Delaney 270 New Road Southampton, PA 18966

(215) 364-2177 Our lady Of Good Counsel library Volunteer 12, Scho{astk "L" 10, Imramurals 9-12, Span.lsh Cub 9-12, NHS I H 2 "Nobody eftf told me, I found OlJt for myself, you aot to believe In (ooUsh miracles. It's not """'" you play the I'Imt, It's If you win or w, you can choose, win or lose, don't confuse, It's up to you."

-auy Osbourne

Emir Dedic

--=,.-------... Zachary

Martin D. Delaney

R.. Derrick

5926 Shetland Olive Doylestown, PA 1890 I

(215) 794·5964 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Band 9-1 2, Ski Oub 9-12, esc I Q..12, Oranu Oub 10-12 "You can't le,ld the b.lnd•.. If you're afraid to face the music." -Clyck and Sadie

Luke A. DeVore

1107 Chestnut Lane FkxJrtown, PA 19031

(215) 836·7544 Theatre 10-1 I "Ralse hieh the roof beam, carpenters. Like Ares comes myself, tal~r far than a tall man." ·).0. Salinger

Zachary R. Derrick

Luke A. Devore Marto ]. DIClertco 1095 Frederick RNd 190%


(215) 947·7332 Our L1dy Htl.p of ChrisWns Forensics 9-12, Mock Trial 11-12, latin Oub 10·12 HOut then came the day. I climbed out of these safe limbs. Ventured away; I wonder do I want the simple, simple life, that I once lived In well? Oh, things were quiet then. In a way, they were the better days." -Dave Matthews B.1nd

Marlo J. DIClerico


Joseph ]. Dillon 1211 KinlSley Coon lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (215) 654·1105 SL Rose of Uma lacrosse 9-12, Football 9-12, Intnmurals 9-10, SADD 12 HAnd so l:Oday my world It smllesi your hand In mine, we walked the mile. Thanks to you, It will be done; for you to me, are the only one." -Led Zeppelin

Seniors... 1999...

Joseph J. Dillon

Christopher A. DIToro 6 I 8 Monroe Avenue Ardsley, PA 19038

Christopher ]. Domanski 826 Foxwood Orcle Llfayette Hili, PA 19444

(215) 233-3295 5t. Philip Ner1

Swimmina: 9-10, Cross Country 9, TlXk 9-11, La Sallian Youth 11-12,NHS 11-12 "Dury-Honor-Country. Those three hallowed words reverenl!y dictate wh.ilt yOU oulht to be, what yOU un be, what you will be. To build couraae when we are weak; to regain faith when we are lost; to create

" - when " - Is forlorn.'

Christopher A. DIToro




~-----., Greaory A. Donuelll, Jr. 410 West Glenside Avenue Glenside, PA 19038

(215) 886-1050 St. Luke the Evangelist Soccer 10-12, esc, laSalllan Youth, SADD Michael ). Donohue 800 Wyndmoor Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038

(215) 233-5365 OUf Molher of Consolation

Spanish Club 10-12. Cross Country 9-12, Track

9-12, NHS 11-12,

esc 9-12

"I have the grace to hold myself -

I refuse


crawL n -Bono

Gregory A. Donatelli




Thomas ). Dowds 855 LonafleJd Drive Center Square, PA 19422

(610) 279-3503 St. Hekna Drama 10, esc 9-10, Lacrosse 9, Football 10 "Those who fear the dar1mess havt never Sf?@n wh~t the Jiiht (an do." John t. Dwyer 34 West Gravt"l'S une

Phlladelphb, PA 19118 (215) 242-2374 Our Mother of Consoladon Theatre 9, I 1-12, Drama 10,



"And take me disappearing throulh the smoke rinlS of my mind, down the fOft)' ruins of time, fOl( past the frozen leolVes the IYunted, h1lhte~ uteS OUt to the windy beach, far from the twisted (tach of crazy sorrows." ·Bob Dylan



John L. Dwyer





Robert F. Dyer 37 East Gowen Avenue Philadelphia, PA


(215) 247-0792

Holy Cross


10-1 2, Spanish Club 1 I-I 2, Theime 12, Tennis 10 "Chlorophyll - more like borophyll ... right?"

-Bilty Madison Stephen P. Erfle 125 I Tumbury lane

North Wares, PA 19454 1215) 699-6855

St. Rose of LIma Basketball 9路1 2, lacrosse 9-\ 0, Golf 12


"Times change and I am the ball rollin' on wlth

them. Use every minute


savor each bounce."

Stephen P. Ertle

Robert F. Dyer Lawrence B. Evans I I 32 Edgehlll Road AbIngton, PA 19001

(215) 885-5721 Our lady Help of Christians Football 10-12,



"Problems are the price you pay for progress." -Branch Rickey

Anthony P. Fallla'e 836 Bartlett Street

Philadelphia, PA 191 15 (215) 677-8578 St. Alben The Great Track 9-12, 9-12, latin Club 9-12, NHS 11-12 fill Is hard not to like someone who likes you, but for those other people, forget about 'em!"


Lawrence B. Evans

Anthony P. Falllace Mlchaelpaul Farrell 3703 Glenn Street Philadelphia, PA 191 14 (215) 637-9635

Christ lhe King

"I came; I saw; I conquered." -Julius Caesar Andrew M. Farrlnlton

20 I7 Stengere Street Norristown, PA


(610) 631.{)296 Vlsltatlon DVM NHS 11-12, Bowling 12, Intramurals 9-12, Spanish Oub 12, Mathletes 9-12, Scholastic "l" 9-12, esc 11-12 "Real optlmlsm Is aware of problems, but recognizes the solutions, knows about difficulties, but believes they can be overcome, Is exposed (0 the worst, but expects the best, has reason to complain, but

chooses to smile." -W.A. Ward

Mlchaelpaul Farrell


Andrew M. Farrlngtol

Seniors... 1999...

John M. Fay I5 I7 long Pond Drive Warrington, PA 18976 NatIvity of Our Lord

(215) 343-2534 Band 9-12, Scholastic "l" 9-12, Football 10, Intramurals 10-12, NH5 11-12, Mamletes 12,


I 1·\ 2, Computer Club I 1-1 2, Spanish Club 1().1 2, Japanese Club 1\-12 "Success Is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must first set yourself on fire." -Fred Shero Joseph P. Fedyna 1836 Howe Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002

(215) 628-9561 St. Alphonsus Crew 9-1 2, Wrestling 9,11, Cross Country 9,10, La Salllan Youth 9-12, WEXP I 1-12

"To reach the goal we must at limes run with the wind; other tImes, against It. But we must certainly run, not walk, not stand still."

John M. Fay

Joseph P. Fedyna

frank ). Ferro 907 Lalien Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA


(215) 646-2633 St. Rose of lima

"Sometimes It's easy to forget where you're go!n; sometimes Its harder to [eave. And every time you think you know lust you're doln, that's when your troubles exceed." -Guns 'N' Roses Daniel E. Fluaerald 1215 Bocklus Avenue Abington, PA 19001 (215) 887-0755 Our Lady Help of Christians Football 9-12, Crew 10, Intramurals 10-12 "Just another crazy day, so drink the night away, and forget about everything." -Jerry Rafferty

Daniel E. Flugerald

Frank J. Ferro Raymond A. Florkowskl 824 Hilltown Pike LIne Lexington, PA 18932 (215) 822-8193 CSC 9-12, WEXP, Respect LIfe 11,12, La Sailian Youth 9-11, Soccer 9-12 "Celebr,ne we wllJ because life Is short, but sweet for certain we're climbing cwo by cwo to be sure these days continue these things we cannot change. II -Dave Matthews Band

Raymond A. Florkowskl

C. Thayer Fox 423 West Mermaid Lane Philadelphia, PA 191 18 (215) 247-1199 Crew 9·1 2, Theatre 9-1 2, WEXP 11-12 "1 climbed the highest of heights. Atop that mountain 1watched the day tum Into night. 1tell you I was a wretched sight. But I stood long and hard until the IIghtj rubbing needles In my eyesj eating dirt, I stood up and everything was all right." ·Clutch



C. Thayer Fox

, . . . . . - - - - -.... Robert C. Fnncls 55" Airy SUett West Point, PA 19486 (215) 699-7690

51. Rose of lima Basketball 9, Football 9,11

"Yoo have to do your awn arowIne In life, no mauer how tall your arandfather Is." 路Irish Proverb Char1es

t. Francisco

I 828 Mumy Suett Phi~lphla, PA 1911 S (215) 676-4984

MaternllY BVM An Cub 9路1 2, WEXP 1Q-12, Thtaln I2 "And thoulh they mink tNt they define you, they are sUve to what you know.-

Robert C. Francis

Charles L. Francisco Damon M. Gildo 23 West Wildey SOftt Phlbdelphla, PA 19123 (215) 425-9004 Imnuculate Conception to

"life's toUah; no ntoed

cry about It."

ShOlwn M. Gallacher 2411 Fairway TelTKe

WamngtOO, PA 18976 (215) 343-4126 Crew 11-12, Scholasdc Nt" 9-12, NHS 11-12,

WEXP I().1 2, Band I().I I, esc 9-1 2, Ski Oub 9-12, Track 10, Football 9 "We're not the first, I hope we're not the last. 'uuse 1 know we're all headlna: for that adult crash. TIme Is so little, the time beloniS to us, why Is everybody in such .a rush?" -Ian MacK.1ye

Damon M. Galdo

Shawn M. Gallagher Timothy M. Gallalher 240 Cassandra Drtve Chalfont, PA 18914 215-822-8570 St. Jude "Stand by my side and I wlll protect you with pride and COUlOlif. I'll never nealea you. Stand in my WilY and I will breilk you with power .and knowledae. I know I un take you. Try to caae me and you'll follt My t'reedom wUl prevail." Joseph L. Giudner I 1126 Hendrix Street

Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 673-6111 St. Oll'lsropher Forum 9-12, 9-10, La 禄Illan Youth I(H2, Gennan Cub 11-12, Band 10-12, Trxll: 9-10, NHS 1 J.1 2, Respect life I 1-12, Bike Cub 9 "To be nobody but yourself In a wood whkh Is doIni la best. to mab you everybody else, means to niht


TImothy M. Gallagher ~=~~m;Ih-;;~h ..n~~~~~=~cann"'t,


Seniors... 1999...

Joseph L. Gardner

Daniel N. Gillespie 145 Cedarbrook Road Ardmore, PA 19003

(6101 649-2084 St. Denis Forum 9-12, WEXP 9-11, latin Club 10-12, NHS II, Mock Trial 11-12, Theatre 11-12 Ult would be pretty hopeless If that were true. It would mean nothing has been learnt In here this aftemoon, and there was a lot of teaching going on. . . one way or the other." . Athol Fugard Timothy F. GlIIesple 2230 WlHowbrook Drtve Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

(215) 659-2809 Our Lady Help of Chnstians Crew 9-12, Photo Club 11-12, Student Council 9·10, Intramurals 9·10, 9-12 "I believe that any man's finest houri his greatest fulnUment to all he holds dear Is that moment when he has to work his heart out for a good cause and lies exhausted." -Vince lombardi


Daniel N. Gillespie

Timothy F. Gillespie

" , . . - - - - . , ChrIstopher ]. Gordon 2281 Turt Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 345-5626 Our Lady of Mount Cannel Track 9-12, Cross Country 10, NHS 11-12, Bike Club 11-12,esC 12 "How much are the educated supenor to the uneducated? A5 much as the living are to the dead." -Aristotle Nicholas ]. Graff 2706 A5pen Circle Blue Bell, PA 19422

(6101 278-5044 Band 9-12, SADD 9-12, WEXP 11-12 "Good-bye to romance, good·bye to friends. Good·bye to all the rest, I guess that we'll meet; we'll meet In the end." -Ony Osboume


J. Gordon


J. Graff

David Granese I I 3 CIrcle Drive Chalfont, PA 18914

(215) 822-6012 St. Jude Baseball 9·10, Ski Club 9-12 "Celebrate we Will, 'cause life 1.5 short but sweet for certain. Hey, we're climbing two-by-two to be sure these days continue." -Dave Matthews Band Daniel T. Grlssanl 685 Foxcroft Road Elkins Park, PA 19027

(215) 886-0964 Gaming Club 9·12, Mock Trial I 1-12, Forensics 9-12, All Club 9-11, WEXP 10-12 "The odds are six to one against. Not enough to let you win, but enough to keep you Interested." -James Bond

Daniel T. Grlssanl

David Granese




" . . . - - - - - . . , Dina C. Guiliano 208 Vlralnla Road Norristown, PA 19401

St. Paul La Sallian Youth 10,12, Band 9-12, Ice Hockey 9, Crew 12, SchoWtIc "l" 9- 12, Wisterbn 9·10, NHS 11-12, Forensics 9-10, 12 MFlm thoolh. best thouah ••• It's no mlrade - all you ha~ to know is what you actually think and feel i1nd every sentence will be a revel.ulon." All<n GInsbe<I Joseph Han

807 EJmway Orde Blue BeU, PA 19422 (610) 272-5811 "'Every day is


spedaI day."

Joseph Han

Dlno C. Guiliano Sun P. Hiney 167 Stetson Drtvt Olalfom, PA 18914 (215) 918-0990 MCC 10-12, u Sallian You'" 11-12, Mock Trial 11-12, SADD 10-11, S~ntsh Oub 11 "'Never fear shadows for It simply means- there Is oil light nearby." -Anonymous

james P. Hayes 2038 SpOOl Valley Ro.ld Lansdale, PA 19+46 (610) 58+6307 Corpus Christl

Wrestlina 9·12, Football 12, esc 11-12, l.l SallLan Youth I 1-12, Intramurals 11-12 "The strongest stnale fact or In prosperity consciousness Is self-esteem: bellevlna you can do It, believing you deserve It, beitel/Ina you wlllaet It." -Jeny Gillies

Sean P. Haney

James P. Hayes Christopher 1. Heayn 8608 Steeple Drive Phllidelphla, PA 19128 (215) 483-2532 ImlNCUbte Heart Of Mary BIke Oub 10-1 2, Science Cub 10-12, Art Oub 10-12, esc 11, Computer Oub 9-10, Spanlstt Cub 10-12, Bowllna 11·1 2, Scholastic ilL" 9 "S., 8iii\e, Blale, can't you SHi sometimes

your words Just mystify me ... Wha~r doesn't kin you rTWIkn you .stroneer. If you ao down, take them aU down with you."

Stan P. Heron 156 Sumac SlIftl Phlla~phl.a,

Christopher J. Heayn


p" 19128 (215) 483-2545 St. John the Bapdst Ice Hockey 9·1 2, Intnmu'-' 9-1 0, Sru~t CourK"U 9-10, SctIoW:tk: "L" 10 "The dlff~e be{W~ a successful ~ and odlft's is not a lack or suentth, not a tact or know!eda'e, but rather a lack or will." -Vince lombardi

Seniors... 1999...

Sean P. Heron

GreaOry M. Hosmer 736 Summit Avenue

Philadelphia, PA


TImothy P. HUlh~ 276 West Mt.P1easant Awnue Ambti, PA 19002

215·646·2374 SL Anthony of Padua B.and 9-12, SAOD 11-12, esc 9-12, MeC 12, Spanish Oub 12, Flshlnj Oub 1H2, NHS 11· 12, Ski Oub II, Scholastic "l" 9-12

"low Everybody....·)esus Christ

Gregory M. Hosmer

TImothy P. Hughes Dawson T. Hunter '428 Vernon Road

jenkintown, PA 19043

(2151 576·6381 Ct>w9·12 "'Some artists take the sun and tum It into a yellow spot. Other .mists take tNt )'fllow spot and rom It Into the sun."

Alan F. )alon 9217 Pint Road PhI1.ldelphla, PA


(2151 934-7927 St. Alben the Great Band 9-12, Spanish Club 9-1 2

"Cooraae Is resiLmee to fear, mastery of fear not absence of fear." -Mark Twain

Alan F. ]alon

Dawson J. Hunter Leonard A. James 8120 Forrest Avenue Phlladelphla, PA 19150

(215) 248·5791 Football 10, MeC 1().I 2, Math Oub 1()'11, Scift\ce Cub 10-1 I "The empires of the future will be the empires of the mind." -Winswn Olurchlll

DavId R. ]anke 3 H4Iycroft LIne

Sprlnat>ou<e. PA 19477 (215) 646·1677 St. Anthony of Padua Tennis 9-12, esc to-l2, SAOD 11·12, Student Council 12, Mock Trial 11-12, NHS 11-12, La Saillan Youth 11-12 "life Is a series of experiences, each one of whIch makes us bIgger, even though sometimes It Is hard to reilllze this. n -Henry Ford

David R. Janke

Leonard A. James




Vincent ]. jannettl III

434 Mark Place PhiladelphIa, PA 1911 S (215) 969·4698 51. Albert the Great esc 9-12, Football 9-1 I, Crtw 9-10, Swdent Council 11 "'llIeKidml non urborundum.'" ("Don't let them grtnd you down"') -Julius Caesar

Christopher Jones 12 Covtnuy Coun BI~ Bell, PA i 9422 (610) 828·1628 WEXP 9·1 2, Ice Hockey 1(} I I, Gamina Oub 1I12 "Sun ~aldnl cold, an ok! man wander1nt lonely, latina time the only way he knows.'" -Jethro Tull

Vincent J. Jannettl

Christopher Jones Brian P. Jordan 53" Pine Valley Rt»d Doylestown, PA


(215) 345·8774 Our Udy of Mount unnel Football 9, Swdent Council 9, Sid Oub 9, Track 10, Dranu l' "Positive enel'lY actJvates constant elevation." Gravedlgg.u Andrew S. Kuruk

1201 Fuller Street Philadelphia, PA 191 I I (215) 745·6623 Football 9, Crew 10-12

St. Michael "Every happy endlnll nteds (0 have a start." . The Moody Blues

Brian P. Jordan

Andrew S. Katnlk Mlchul P. Kavanalh 656 Meadow Brook Avenue

Ambler, PA 19002

(215) 542·8186 51. Alphonsus Wresdln,9-12, WEXP 11, Drama 12, NHS II-

12 "Ready ilTl I to eo, and my


wfth sails full

set ~Iu the wind." ·lUhOl Gfbnin

Steven T. Kazmierczak 6 Marian Orcle

O\alfont, PA 18914 (215) 822·1580 St. Jude Ice Hockey 9·1 2, Crew 1~ 12, An Oub 10-12, SADD II, esc 9·11 "'Celebrate we will t»fOuse 11ft Is short, but SWeet for certain. We're cJlmbiRi two by two. To be sure these days contl~." • Davoe Matthews Band

Michael P. Kavanagh


Stephen T. Kazmlercza

Seniors... 1999...

Daniel P. Keeley 7427 Dorcas Street Philadelphia, PA

1911 I

(215) 725-1984 Resurrection of OUf Lord Mwk 9-12, Crew 9-12,

esc 9-12, Cross Country

9, Malh Club 12, Computer Club I2 "In everyone's life comes moments when everything

seems perfe<:t; It all fits together. Hold onto these

times. Cherish these memories. Because you don't know when they'll come around again,"

). Crala Keenan 2 I 0 Plymouth Road Box 428 Gwynedd Valley, PA


(215) 643-2260 Epiphany of Our lord

Football 9, lacrosse 9-10, Swimming 9-12, NHS 11-12, SADD 9·12, 9-12, Scholastlc "L" 912 "We've had the best times to remember..... lr only we could." -Anonymous


Daniel P. Keeley

J. Craig Keenan

James ], Keller ISO Grey Coun Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 St. Albert the Great Computer Club 9-1 I, Computer lab Intem 11·

12, TV Studio 11-12 "Never let your schooling Interfere with your education" - Mark TwaIn Sean D. Kent 210J Bridle lane Oreland, PA 19075 215-836-4133 Holy Martyrs Football 9-12, Lacrosse 9-1 2 "Run, rabbit, run. Dig that hole, catch the sun. When at last your work Is done, don't sit down, it's time to dig another one."

James J. Keller

==".,-----..., Christopher C.

Sean D. Kent Kerns

23 North lane North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-8676 St. Rose of lima Football 9,11-12, Basketball 9-10, Baseball 9-10, Intramurals 9-1 2 "No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun, and you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking and racing around to come behind you again." -Pink Floyd Michael D. Kilkenny 342 Fisher Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 887-4030 St. James lacrosse 9-11, lasalllan Youth 12, WEXP 12, Intramurals 9-1 2, Fishing Club 9-1 2

Christopher C. Kerns

Michael D. KIlkenny




Stephen J. Klarich 35 I7 Blelih Avenue Philadelphia, PA


(215) 3J 1-0532

St. Matmew Soccer 9,11-12, Cross Country 10, Track 9, German Oub 9-12, Latin Oub 10-1 I,



Intramur.a1s 10, La Sailian Youth 11路12 "'Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my flrst Instinct is to !auah. But then I think, what if I was <In .lnt, and she fell on me. Then It wouldn't seem quite so funny." -Anonymous

Kevin H. Koller 892 AndoIn Ro.1d

Lafayette HiD, PA 1911"4 (215) 233-0251

SL PhiUp Nert Football 9, l.lcrosse 9-10, Intnmurals 9-12

Stephen J. Klarich

"If yOU eo no one may follow, dut aIont." -Gr.ateful De.xt


Is for yOUr


Kevin M. Koller

William F. KoneskJ 586 Paoli Avenue

Phlladelphb, PA 191 28 (215) 483-1106 $L )osaphat

Computer Cub 9-1 2, Lib Intern I 1-12, Wlsterian 10-12, Yearbook 12 .....and lhen what the Rock is iOOn.l do Is: the Rock wnl LIke his right hand, the Rock will tab his left hand, and then, me Rock will commence layln' me smack down on both of you Jabronls." .The Rock

Christopher T. Koss 226 Forrest Drive

Holland, PA 18966 (2151 860-0836 St. Berle Football 9-12, Baseball 10, Ski Club I 1路1 2, NHS

WIlliam F. Koneskl

I 1-12 "There are two paths you can eo by, but In the long run there's stili time to change the rO<1d you're on." -Led Zeppelin

Christopher T. Koss

Richard C Krauss, Jr. 1670 CasJon Orde Blue Betl, PA 19422 (610) 825-5793 Football 9-1 2, Golf 10-12, 10-12 "'WtlJtever you see, throueh all the raJn and pain, you gona keep a sense of humor, rona be able to smile throoih all this bull. Remembtr thaL ]USt keep your heold up." -Anonymous


Matthew D. Krol 633 Pickering R~ Southampton, PA 18966

(215) 953-0710 Our ~ of Good Counsel

Intramurals 11-12, Ski II lllOVeS prettY fast, If you don't stoP and loot around once In a while you mllht miss It.路


-Ferris Bueller

Richard C. Krauss, Jr.


Seniors... 1999...

Matthew D. Krol

Christopher T. Kushto 114 Flagstaff Road Philadelphia, PA


(215) 677-5074 St. Alben lIle Great Drama Club 12, Gamini Club 9·12, Science Club

9-10, 12 "And as we wind on down the road, our shadows t3Uer than our souls...And If you listen very hard the woe wlll come to you at last when all are one and one Is all to be a rock and not to roll." -Led Zeppelin

Andrew M. Kuzla 9705 Jeanes Street PhiladelphIa, PA 191 15

(2151671-4175 St. Albert the Great Crew 9-12, Scholastic "L" 9-10, NHS 11·12 "The story of life Is Quicker than the wink of an eye. The story of love Is hello and good·bye. Until we meet again." -Jlml Hendrix

Christopher T. Kushto -----~~------.,

Andrew M. Kuzla

William A. Laible 1204 Hunt Seat Drive Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002

(215) 641-4681 St. Anthony of Padua


10, WrestlIng 9, Intramurals 9-10, Track 10, SADD 12 "SometImes life can knock you down. Just gotta pick yourself up orr the ground, probably don't matter anyway, because In the end It's gonna be OK." -Unwritten law Raymond lau 450 West Mount AIry Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119

(2151 242-3355 Japanese Club I 2 "There are those who are born scared, afraid... We eat those people for breakfast. Respect everyone. Fear no one." ·No Fear

William A. laible

Raymond Lau F. Anthony lannka III 7 Cricket Circle Horsham, PA 19044

(215) 672-6096 St. Catherine of Siena Amnesty International 10·12, WEXP 11-12, Mathletes 9-1 2, Gazebo 1 I "What else Is there?" -Joseph Heller Matthew J. lendzlnskl 4722 Hegennan Terrace Philadelphia, PA 19114

(215) 612-4628 St. Katherine of Siena CSC 9,1 2, Science Oub 9·10, Math Oub I 2 "I'd rather be a failure at something I love, rather than a success at something I hate." -George Bums

F. Anthony Lazenka III







}ustJn l. Levin 224 Winchester Drive Horsham, PA


(2151 643-7539 Ice Hockey 10-12 "Eat drink and be merry, for tomOrrow we die"

-Dave Matthews Band Brlin ]. LIpski 6320 Hasbrook Avenut PtllladelphLa, PA


(215) 342-9197 St. WiUiam Ice Hockey 9-12, l.lcros.se 10-1 2, esc 9-1 2, Inuamurals 9-12, Flshlna: Cub 9-12 "Don't you ever wonder If you wmed out to be somebody me, somebody different? I wonder •.. could I have been .anyOne other dun me?" -Dave Matthews Band

Brian J. Lipski

Justin L. levin Greaory W. L1tdey 233 SYC.l1llOl"e ar~ unrhome, PA 19053

(215) 322-8994 Assumption BVM

Wisterian 9-10, Art Club 9-10, Theatrt 9,

MCC 9-10 "Some times when you hold OUt for evtr)'thlna, you walk away with nothing." Ry;1O D. Lockard

I 600 Beraev Rc»d Hatfield, PA 19440

(215) 368-5887 WEXP 12, Band 9· 1I, Drama Club 12, Gaming Club 9-12, Science Club I 2 "Stealing?! Why do you think I took you to all of those police academy movies? For fun? I didn't ~ anybody laughing! Except for that illY who was making all those sound


bleep-dut-dut heh'

heh what was I sayini? .. " -Homer



Gregory W. Llttley

Ryan D. Lockard

- - - - - - , David H. Lof,ren 3006 Edmonds Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444

16101 825-4766 St. Philip Nef1 esc 11-12, Intramurals 10-12, NHS 12, SchoiasUc "L" 10-1 I, FIsh!nl Oub 10 "We all shIne on like the moon, the stars, and the SUlI."

Michael J. Lonastreth 7925 lincoln Drive PNladeJphla, PA 19118

(215) 247-1007 Our Mother or ConsoblJon Intramurals 9-12, Football 9-10 "Happy a~ those v.11o cham dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them CorM true."

David H. Lofgren


Seniors... 1999...

Michael J. Longstreth

Shawn C. Lowery

I33 7 Timber wne Hatfield, PA


(2 I5) 855-4505

St. Stanislaus ~n 10, Ski Oub 11·12 "You wouktn't be worried about what people think of you. If you knew how seldom they ¥:Wally do." oShadee'

C. Ryan lynch 870 Edison Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116

(2 I S) 464-3376 SL Christopher


Crew 9-12, 11-12, Spanish Oub 1Q.12, SADD 11-12 NThe human race has only one really effective

weapon, and that Is laughter." -Mark Twain

Shawn C. Lowery

C. Ryan Lynch

- -....~~-----., James E. Lyons III

388 Keswick Avenue Glenside, PA 19038

(215) S72-9212 St. Luke the Evaneelist "Forte a coin, Ikk a SQmp, Iltdf: Jimmy's off to camp."- Ph.Ish

Mart A. lyon 220 (Je<tV\ew Rood Halboro, PA


(215) 674-9459 St. Joseph Crew 9-12, Intramurals 10, Yearboolt 9,11-12, esc I 1-12, Scholastk Hl" 9, II

"So take your time, think a lot, think of everythIng you've got, for you will stJII be here tomorrow, but

your dreams may not." ·Cat Stevens

Mark A. Lyon

James E. Lyons III " . . . - - - - - . . , Frank 8. MacPherson IV I0 Pebble Drive Horsham, PA 19044

(2 IS) 672-5380 51. Catherine of 5ien.l

Yearbook 9-12(Edltor In O~f), Guebo I 1·12, Newspaper 9-10, esc 9-12, NH5 11-12, Latin Oub 1~12, Photo Oub 9·10, Scholastic Ml" 9-12, Intramurals 9-11, Art Cub 10-12

"'Mmmm. I'm teUlng yOU now. The greateSt ming you ever an do now; Is tra~ a smile with someone who's blue now_ It's ~ry easy.... ·led Zeppelin Eric M. MadeIra 401 Greenwood Avenue Wyncote, PA 19095

(215) 572-1148 "You either come out of the battle a champion, or don't come out at all. Never fall to defeat and you will succeed your goal In life."

frank B. MacPherson IV


Eric C. Madeira



John A. Malua 91 0 Scoda Road Philadelphia, PA 19128

(215) 483-7661

Immaculate Heart of Mary Baseball 9·12 Vincent F. Mallon, Jr. 601 Valley Brooke Drive

Kina of Prussia, PA 19406 (610) 265-]118 Our Lldy of Mount Cannef Football 9-12, Art CJub 9·10, Sid Oub I 1-12, SADD 12 "'All good dllnas mUSt come to an end sometimt, but don't bum the day... away."

·Oave Hat1hew5 Band

John A. Malara

Vincent F. Mallon, JI Travis ]. Minion 4001 Smoke Road

Oo)iestown, PA 1890 I (215) 348-3767 Our lady of Mount Canne{ Yearbook 9, Intramurals 9-12, Wresdlna 9-12,

Cross Country 10, Football 9, I 1·12, Lxrosse 9-12

""m older than I once was, younaer than I'll be, but that'S not unusual, no It Isn't SInner, after chan~

upon chanees. we art same." -Paul Simon


or less the

Patrick ]. Matthews 5 Summit Valley une (215) 836·4191 Oreland, PA 19075

Holy Martyrs Wrestllni I 1-12, Golf 9·1 2, Basketball 10-11, Theatre 12

/lMany Questions and no answers... SlJ'ess,

Travis J. Manion



hold my head up and remember that I'm blessed. II

Patrick J. Matthews


- - - - - . . , Sean P. Matthews 920 Chesterfield Drtve

lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (215) 628-2112 St. Rose of lima

Foolball 9·1 2, l.Kf"OSSe 9·1 2 "And I'll be back 'round ai'lln. Yes I'll walk In time wtth you old friend. And we'll find that place that we danced In so Ion( <lIO."

-DAve MAnhews Baod Brendan M. McCormick J I 26 GuDford SUett Ptl11adeIph~, PA 19152 (215) 624-8693 SL Manhew Bmetban 9·11, Swdtnt CouncD 10-12, NHS 11·12 "Ask and you shall ~tfw. Stft and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened." -Gospel of luke

Sean P. Matthews

Brendan M. McConnlc

Seniors... 1999...

Shawn P. McCormick 28 Cepp Road Perkiomenville, PA 18074 (610) 287-0570 St. Mary

lee Hockey 10-12, NHS 11-12, Ski Club 9-12 ItEvery new beginning's end." -Semlsonlc

Timothy W. McDonald

I 705 Howe wne Maple Glen, PA


(215) 643-7164 St, Alphonsus Football 9·1 2, Student Council 9-12, Baseball 9·12, Track 9, NHS 11-12, esc 11-12, SADD 11-12, ScholasUc "l" 9·12 "May the best day of your past be the WOf'S[ day of your future." -An Irish BlessIng

Timothy W. McDonald

Shawn P. McConnlck Andrew}, McGlIlIn

2362 Chip Point Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-0823

St. Robert Bellarm!ne Crew 9-12, Football 9-10, SADO I I "They thInk that they're all high and mighty. Just because they never gOt arrested for driving without pants. -Moe, the Bartender It

Kevin P. McGonigle


222 Belair Road Warminster, PA 18974 St. Joseph Cross Country 9-10, Track 9·10, Crew 9,12, Spanish Club 10 "When I was about ten yean old, we set up a lemonade nand on the sidewalk in front of our house. But we didn't sell many glasses, and after a few houn, we look It down. I think that was the flm time I realized that the world doesn't give a damn about you or anything you do."

J. McGlllln

-Jack Hand.,

----...... ==-- ---..., Alexander

Kevin P. McGonigle

S. McKinney 5928 Houghton Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 487-1109 St. John the Baptist Scholastic "l" 10 "No disassemble, No disassemble, number 5 alive!" -lonny Five

Brian M. Mee 613 Wade Avenue Horsham, PA 19044 (2151 628-8746 St. Catherine of Siena Track 9-12, Soccer 11, Intramurals 9-12, Cross CountrY 12, esc 9-10 "Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory." -George S. Patton

Alexander S. McKinney


Brian M. Mee


Alexander ). Melos-cla 40 West Tulpehocken Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 (2151 842-3763 Our Mother of Consolation NH5 11-12 "Live your life In such a way that when you die even the undertaker will be sorry." -Samuel Clemens

Kevin M. Merllnl 246 North Bent Road Wyncote, PA 19095 (2151 572-5820 Immaculate Conception Foolball 9-12, Wrestling I I- t 2, lacrosse 9-12,

esc 9,

I 1-12, Student Council 9,11, SADD

10, I2, Spanish Club 12

"Some look at a glass and say It's half emptY, others look at it and say It's half rull; I look at the glass and dr1nk It." -K.H.

Alexander J. Meloscla

Kevin M. Merllnl

~-----., Louis Merllnl

1488 Old Yolic Road Abington, PA 19001

(215) 884-3846 Our Lady Help of Christians Hockey 9-12, Lacrosse 9-12, esc 9-10, SADD 9-12, WEXP 11·12 "Thunder Is good, thunder Is Impressive; but It Is IIghmlng that does the work." -Mart Twain Matthew]. Mlchuda I IS Runnymede Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 572-0192 Immaculate Conception Inuamurals 9-1 2, Crew 9-10, Lacrosse I 1-12, 9-12, MCC 11-12, Yearbook II, Spanish Club 12, NHS I 1·12, Scholanlc "L" 9-12, "We can always look toward the fuwre and change It, bot we can never look to the past and change what we have done. The best Idea Is to change what we can now and look to the past wIth happIness rather than regret."


Louis Merllnl

Matthew J. Mlchuda

Scott T. Miller I 18 Shippen Road Erdenheim, PA 19038 (215) 233-5393 St. Genevieve Crew 9-12, SpanIsh Club 1().12, esc 11-12, NHS 11·12, Bowling 10, Intramurals 9-12 "If you were a hot dog and you were starving to death, would you eat yoursell7 J know I would. I'd be delicious." -Wilt Ferrell Joel T. Moffatt 12S Clarrlge Drive Willow Grove, PA 19090 (2151 657-2079 St. John of the Cross Crew 9-12, Student Council 10-12, NHS I 1-12, Wisterlan 9·12, WEXP I 2, Scholastic ilL" 9· 12, Art Club 9, SADD II "The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese" ·Anonymous

Scott T. Miller


Joel T. Moffatt

Seniors... 1999...

Patrick W. Moore

135 Maple Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090

(215) 659-4536 St. Gllhertne of Siena


Track 9-12, Football 9, 12 "life Is more than who we are and what we dId.

It's what we'll do and who we'll become."

Timothy). Morris 1900 Stirling Drive Lansdale, PA 19446

610-584-9867 Corpus Christi Ice Hockey 10-12, SADD 10-12,



Intramurals 9·12

"Always work hard and be yourself and you will

never lose."

Patrick W. Moore


J. Moms

Raymond E. Mullen 2227 Packard Avenue Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-7395

St. Albert the Great Wrestling 9, Crew 9-10, Bowling 10, Tennis 11-


esc 9-12,

Imramurals 9·1 2, SADD I 1·1 2

"Heroes are remembered, but legends never dIe. Follow yooT heart and you can't go wrong." ·James Earl Jones

Matthew P. Mullin

Raymond E. Mullen

3352 Englewood Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 332·3571 St. Matthew Intramurals 10· 12, Art Oub 10-1 I, La Salllan Youth 11, esc 11 uHe who knows not that he knows not Is a fool: shun him. He who knows not Is sImple: teach him. He who knows not that he Is asleep: wake him. He who knows and knows he knows Is wise: follow him." -Bruce Lee

Matthew P. Mullin

Colin T. Murphy 271 5 Militia Road Hatboro, PA 19040

(215) 773-9497 St. Cedl1a Crew 9-12, CSC 10-1 2, SADD I 2, Latin Club 10-12 uBe more concerned with your character than your reputation be<:ause your character Is who you are. Your reputatIon Is merely what others thInk of you." Steven ]. Murphy 730 CaledonIa Street Philadelphia, PA 19128

(215) 483-9849 Immaculate Heart of Mary Cross Country 9-10, Track 9-10 "Success Is measure<! by achIeving personal goals."

Steven J. Murphy

Colin T. Murphy




r---~--------....., Gary ]. Murray 318 Thyme lane PhiladelphIa, PA


1215) 508·1606 MCC 9-12, Photo Club 10, Computer lab Intern 12, WreSlJlng 10-12, Bike Club 9, Art Gub 9, Intramurals 9·1 I #1 bet I'll COUnt a million before You."

Matthew E. Murray 832 Herschel Road Philadelphia, PA

191 16

(215) 677-7870 St. Christopher Forum 9-12, Gaming Club 9-12, Yearbook 12,

Drama Club I 1·12, Science Club 12, Japanese Club 11, Art Club 11-12 "I really don't mind If you sit this one out. My word's but a whisper; your deafness a shout. I may make yOU feel, but I can't make you think." ·Jethro Tull

Gary J. Murray

Matthew Murray

~-------~ Kevin M. Noone

923 Meetinghouse Road Rydal, PA 19046

(215) 884·1039 St, Hilary of Poltlers Football 9-12, Scholastlc "l" 9-12, 9-12, Lacrosse 9, SADD 11·12 "The fish who keeps on swimming is the first to


chili up stream."

James B. Nowicki 6285 Greenhill Road New Hope, PA 18938

(215) 297·0212 St. Martin or Tours Soccer 9-12, lee Hockey 9-1 2, Fishing Club 1(). 11. Biking Club 9·10 "Wisdom Is better than sliver and gold." ·lauren Hlll

Kevin M. Noone

James B. Nowicki

--....,.. Peter ]. O'Connor 425 Evans Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090

(215) 659·7193 St. David Latin Club 1I "The man who makes no mIstakes does not usually make anything:' ·Blshop W.e. Ma~e

Andrew M. O'Donnell 2020 Acom Place Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

(215) 674-1753 Our Lady or Good Counsel Track 9-11, esc 12 "One world. One soul. TIme pan. River roiL" -Oavld Gilmour

Peter J. O'Connor


Andrew M. O'Donne[

Seniors... 1999...

John C. O'Donnell 6 Elmwood Avenue Narberth, PA 19072

(610) 664-{)799 St. Maraaret Crew 9, esc 10-11 "Give every nun his due." ·TuOamore Dew Irish Whiskey Michael }. O'Donnell .. I JJ Fields Drtve

Llfayeue Hill, PA 194-44 (2151 836·5121 St. Phmp Ner1 Band 9-12,


10, Theatre 10, 5ADD 10,

Spanish Oub I 1-12, Respect Ufe I I· 12, Forum 9, Fishing Club 12 "Dream as If you'll live forever. Live as If you'll die tomorrow." -James Dean

John O'Donnell

Michael J. O'Donnell John P. Q'Han 3475 Philmont Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348·8048 Our Lady of Mount unnel

Baskem.all 9-12, Lacrosse 9-12, Soccer 9,

SWMnt Council 9-10,12, esc 11-12, Intnmur.tl:s 9·1 2. M A ptflOfl'S only limitations are the size of his kJe~ and the degrt'e of his dedlc.-.don."

Brian A. O'Meara 3472 Heather Rood Huntlngdoo Valley, PA 19006 (215) 94].()4S3 OUf Lady of Good Counsel

Lacrosse 10-12, SADD I 1-1 2 "Give me a smart Idiot over a stupid genIus any day." -Samuel Goldwyn

Brian A. O'Meara

John P. O'Hara Sun P. Ockershausen ... Hlihpoint Road Pm.asIe, PA 18944

(215) 997·5860 Our Udy of tM Sacrtd Heart Spanish Oub 10-12, esc 10-1 2, WEXP 10-1 2, Lacrosse 11-1 2, Intmnurals 12 "'The best thine: about the future Is that It comes only one day at a time."' -Abraham lIocoin

Keith D. Olender 760 Shearer Street North Wales, PA 19454

(215) 699·9354 St. Rose of lima Baseball 9-12, Basketball 9-12, Football 9,

C5C 12 "'Wimer, spring, summer, or rail - all you got to do Is call and I'll be there. You've got a mend. N

-James Taylor

Keith D. Olender

Sean P. Ockershausen


t 999...Seniors



J. Patllonls

155 West Georgianna Drive Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 355-9455 St. Sede the Venerable Crew 9-12, Football 9, 9-12, 5ADD 10-12


'" have never considered myself a deslaner or an Inventor, but only one who ,eu dllnas movlna: and keeps them runnlna..•my Innate [dIem Is for sdn1na up men." -EIUG Ferrari L. John Pateella 4746 Essex Drtve

Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 766-0659 Our lady of Mount Cannel Hockey 9-12, SchotastIc "L" 9·12, NHS 11-12, Band 9·12

"Don't let yestffday use up too much or today." . WiD RQim

Michael J. Palllonis

L. John Pateella Mlchul ]. Peme 305 fann Orde Norristown, PA 19103

VlsitationBVM (610) 631-9731

Soccer 9-12, B.Rba1l 9 "The grass ain't veener, tM wine ain't sweeter either skSe of the hili." - Grateful Dead

Christopher M. Pennlnlton I 71 2 St. GeorteS ROdd Dresher, PA 19025 (215) 657-4612 St. Alphonsus

NHS 11-12, Scholastic "l" 9-12, Football 912, Baseball 9 "The Intelligent desire self-control; children want candy." -Ruml 1240

Michael J. Peffle

Chris M. Pennington Nicholas W Petitti, Jr. 4230 LansJna Street Phllade+phla, PA


(215) 331-0531 St. Bernard Football 9-10 "00 what ~kes you happy ;and If you'rt not happy do somethlna: tlsot."

Gary A. Petruzzelli 822 Scod.ll Road Phlladelph~, PA 19128

(215) 483-5086 St. Lucy Cross Country 9, Text 9·10, BaseNII 9-12, Inuarnur.Jh 9-12, Scholastic "L" 10 "Success is not the' result of sponuneous combustion. You must.set VOUrwlf on fi.rt." -R~


Nicholas W. Petitti, Jr.


Seniors••. 1999...

Gary A. Petnwelll

Robert A. Philipp 10758 Heather 51. Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 676·4657 St. Alben the Great Baseball 9-12, Foomall 9-11, Swdent Council 10,12, 5ADO 11·12, esc 11-12, Inuamurals 912 "Often people see thlnas and say, 'why?'. But I dream thlnas that never were, and say, 'why not?'" Thomas }. Piper, Jr. 336 Roberts Avenue GIenskJe, PA 19038 (215) 572-6462 S1. luke the Evangelist NHS 11-12, esc 11-12, SADD 1()'12, Soccer 9-12, Golf 10-12, Track 9, Inuamurals 1()'12, Bownng 12, Scholastic "l" 9-12 "Confidence Is everything from there. It's a small step to winning." -Crala SLldIer

Robert A. Philipp

Thomas J. Piper, Jr.

- - - - . , Timothy}. Plppet 106 Green Valley Olive Churchville, PA 18966 (2151 355·1513 S1. Bede the Venerable Swlmmlna 9-12, Track 9, esc 9-10, SADD 9 "Don't always look out the back window while laklna the ride through Ufe. You'll see where you've betn, never where you're &oIna." -Toni

Mon1son Timothy M. Ponlsclak St. Hilary of Polders Yearbook 9·12, esc 9·12, NHS 11-12, Intramurals 9-12, Scholastic "l" 9·12 "So... be your name Baxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai All Van Allen O'Shea, you're orr (0 great places! Today Is your dayl Your mountaIn Is waitIng. So...get on your way!" -Dr. Seuss

Timothy J. Plppet

Timothy M. Ponlsclak Michael ). Pucci 1980 Terwood Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 657-4674 St. David Soccer 9-12, Mathleres I 1·12, NHS I 1-12 "lives of great men all rm1lnd us we can make our lives sublIme, and dep,artlna, leave behInd us footprlnts on the sands of time." -Henry W. longfeflow Torey D. Pup 5819 MOllon Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 (2IS) 843·3339 Football 10-11, lacrosse 10, 12, MCC 10-12 "I don't like drams, so I suY to myself, k~ focus on this rap game and pray for the wealth.

Michael J. Pucci

Torey D. Pugh



Briin ). PUIJlsl 2819 Winchester Avenue Philadelphia, PA


(215) 338·3078 St. }trome Tennis 9, II, esc 9-12, An Oub 9·12, Intramurals 9·1 2, Schotastk: "L" "Four ~ars of my lire never "'''eln $0 fast. Now, let's drink to me memories of the past."

lilchary R. Quenzer 41S 1I~ A~ue Glenside, PA


(215) 572·7951 S1. Luke the EvanaeHsl Crew 9-12, WrestJlna 10

"The greatest accomplishment Is not on nevtr failing, but In rislna again after you fall." -VInce LombardI

zachary R. Quenzer

Brtan J. Puglisi --..., Joseph A. Raleu 279 Acorn Lane

North Wales, PA 19454

(215) 699·4497 St. Rose of 1I1N Soccer 9-12, Tennis 9-10, SWdent CouncU 9, Schob:sdc OIL" I H 2 "1 Just try to suy l)l'!Sent rflht here, r\eht now, no worries, no feiln:, .md without any doubts." -Mike


Matthew S. kanweller 1361 Derby Road

Joseph A. Raleta

Wannrnner, PA 18974 1215) 671-1129 Sl. Joseph SwimmIng 9-12, Yearbook 9-12, Track and Field 10-12, Stage Crew 11-12, Scholastic "l" 11· 12, NHS 12, latIn Oub 11·12 "Here Is a test to nnd whether your mls.slon on earth Is nnlshed: If you're alive, It isn't." Richard Bach

Matthew S. Ranweller

, . . , . . . , , - - - - - - .... 8.rton D. by 106 Woodland Road

Wyncote, PA 19095 St. ~er"s Episcopal

1215) 886·1962 udn Gub 9·12, ScIence Qub 11, Spanish Oub 1 1·1 2, Outdoor AdvenwrH: Cub I 2, Soccer 9·

12 "Try to exper1ence


amny things as yoo can. It'll

evenwal/y end. HAVE FUN."

GUild J. Reifsnyder 30 West Wls.s.'Ihkkon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 1215) 836·2019 St. GeMvleve WrestlIng 10-1 2, esc 12, Intramurals 9·\ 0, WEXP 12 "I'd like to see how you plan to Improve. love God, fellow man, take a wife, make a sund!"



Barton D. Ray


Gerald J. Reifsnyder

Seniors... 1999...

John B. Remshard 1046 GypSy Hill R03d lower Gwynedd, PA 19002

(215) 643·9237 St. Rose of Lima G.azebo 11·12, W"lSlerian 12, NHS 1 H2, Theatrt 1 I, esc 12, Art Oub 9-10, Computer Oub I (}.I I, Schobsdc OIL" 9·12

"For I dipped Into the fuwre, as far as human eye could see; saw the vision of the wor1d, o1nd all the WOl"lMr dul would be.•. " -Alfred Tenn)'SOll Curtis H. RoCers 624 Willow Grove Avenue Glenside, PA 19038

(215) 885·0532 St. Luke the Evangelist Soccer 9, Track 9-10, SADD 9-12,

esc 9-12

"Celebrate we will because life Is short but sweet for ceruln." ·Dave Matthews

John B. Remshard

Curtis M. Rogers Purlck R. Rose 6 1 Wlndover Lane Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348-1125

Our Lldy of Mount Cannel Soccer 9, Tennis 9·12, Intramurals 9-12, Sp.anlsh

Oub 12, esc II, SwdentCouncU 9, NHS 1112, AnOub 11 "The best thing about the fuwre Is dut ft onty comes one <uy OIt a time." -Abraham lincoln

Patrick S. Salvlttl 1292 Turnbury Lane North


PA 19454

(215) 699-1873

St. Rose of lima Trxk 9·12, Ice Hockey 9-12, Ba~ball 10-12, CSC 10-1 2, Art Club 10 "Doln' lh~ bull danc~. Feelln' lIl~ now. Workln' It. Wondn' Il." -Gary Potter

Patrick R. Rose

Patrick S. Salvlttl

....- - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , Drew). Santillo 202 Harvest. arcle Non1slown, PA 19403

(610) 631·5358 VlsItadonBVH Ice Hockey 9-12, ~J1 9,10, 12 "'Btfltve In yourJelr, sel your aoals, ~ iUSt: do Il!" William M. Sautter 2279 Packard Road Hundngdon Valley, PA 19006

(215) 947·8293 Sl. Albert lIle Great Crew 9,12, Wrestling 9-10, 1ntramurals 9-12, "If I had It to do all ov~r again, I'd do It all ov~r again." -Yogi B~rra

William M. Sautter

Drew J. Sandllo




Mlchul }. 5avalt 637 Benson 5trttt Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 725-<l6781 5t. Cecilia Soccer 9·1 2, Crew IG-12, Football 10, 12 creat~ M:compftshmtrll Is not In nevtf fallln&, but r1sIna: ~ after you fall." ·Vinct lombardl


Mathew T. Schaffer 3558 Rena Street Philadelphia, PA


(215) 483-5397 St. John the B.lplisl Band 9-12, Photo Oub 9-\0, Science Oub 12,

Japanese Cub I 1·\ 2, Computer Oub 9·10, Gamlna: Club 9-11, Scholasdc I'L" 9-12, NHS , 1·12 uZankoku na teshl no younl! Shol.me you shlnwa nl


J. Savage

nare. (like an angel that has no sense of mercy, it leaend.)"

rise, young boy, to the heavens like ·Yoko Takahashi

Mathew T. Schaffer

Chrtstopher P. Schaible \001 Grant AVfllue

Blue Bell, PA 19-422 (610) 272-8509 5t. Helena Hockey 9-12, Gemun Oub 10-11, SADD 12

Grelory M. 5ch11J 1841 Thombu", Om. Maple Glen, PA 19002

(2151 628-2596 5L A1phonsus Cross Country 9-10, Crew 9-12, Band 9-12, utin Oub 10, La SaUlan Youth II, esc 11·12 "Only you can prevent forest fires!" -Smokey the Bear

Christopher P. Schaible

Gregory M. Schill

"I!"--....,~-------. John N. Sees

1898 Wellintton Drive




(215) 750-0805 Hodcey 11-12, Sp.Jnish Oub II "I know what he un't buy wfth all of his fancy ~

•.. A dlnouor!" -Homer]. Simpson

John P. S(orn 619 Shuon une PhiLldelphla, PA 19115

(215) 677-4739 St. Albert the Gre... t Soccer 9-1 2, Bowllni 9-12, lacrosse 9-12, Student Council 10, SADD 11-12, esc 11·12 "Ufe Is what happens while we are busy makina plans." - C. l. lewis

John N. Sees

Seniors... 1999...

- - - - - - . , Michael S. Sicilia 2943 Gillena Road P11lladelphla, PA 19152 (215) 67J.()152

Christopher }. Simcox 2 Gamet Circle Conshohocken, PA


(610) 941-9544 St. Matthew Baseb.lll 9-12, esc 9-12, NHS I 1-12 "It would be a areat sin to kill iI mocklnebird beouse it onty sines beautiful sones and does IlOt harm ,lnyone. "·Attkus Finch

Michael S. Sicilia


J. Simcox

"...----"1 Pnrlck O. Slattery 1078 WellingtOn Road JenkintoWn, PA


(215) 887-2973 St. James

Football 9, lntramurals 9·12, WEXP I2 "Whatever It takes, dude. Whatever It takes." -Lenny (the Dude) Dykstra

Brian }. Smith 14 Spl1nlhoose Lane

East Norriton. PA 19403 (610) 272-3 I 34 St. TIws


Inuamurals 10, 10-12 "It Is better to make a mistake In an honest cholee than never to choo.se at aiL"

Patrick D. Slattery


J. Smith

Christopher W. Smith I 009 Jeff~


WamnilOll, PA 18976 (215) 343-4402 Soccer 9·1 2, lacrosse 9-1 2, Band 9·1 2 "Many times I've loved, many tJrnes been bitten.

Many times I've gazed along the open road," -led Zeppelin Anthony M. Snyder 76]] Leonard Street Philadelphb, PA 19152

(215) 338-3012 Resurrt<don of Our lord

Wrestling: 9,12, Inl1amurals 9·12,


11·12, Band 9-12 "The harder [he tannin, the more glorious the [rlumph." -Thomas Paine

Anthony M. Snyder

Christopher W. Smith




Christopher J. 5~nton 645 North Wales R~ North Wales, PA 19454 (2151 699-2431 St. Rose or lima Basketball 9-12, esc 12, Football 9, Inuamurals, Tennis 9-10, NHS 12, Scholastk: Nt" 1().12 "You can do anythin& you want, Ir you put your mind to k and wort hard!" -B!j: Brendan Joseph G. 5tefb 102 Grant Drive Holland, PA 18966 (215) 860-7157 S1. Bede me Venerable Soccer 9·12, esc 10-11, SADD 11, Intnmurals 9-12 "Thert art three nurks of a superior man: belll1 vilUJOllS, he Is free from aruderyi belna wise, he Is free from perplexlryi belna brave, he Is free from rear." -Confucius

Christopher J. Stanton

Joseph G. Steffa Matthew M. Stocum 1207 K~lbrook Drlve lansdale, PA 19'446 (610) 584-0715 "",,us Christl Drama Oub 10, lab Intern 10 "We sacrlnced them... Aztec Slyle" -Jello Blarca James A. Sullivan 3022 Visu Sa-eet Phlbdtlphla, PA 19152 (215) 332-6191 St. Matthew Basketball 9·12, Srudent Council 11-12, NHS I 1-12, tnuamurals 9·1 2, ladn Oub 10 "I coulda' been a contenda... I (oulda' had some class..." ·Terry Malloy

Matthew M. Stocum

James A. Sullivan

- - - - . , William R. Sullivan 1020 Laurence Drive Blue Btll, PA 19422 (215) 643-0555 Epiphany or Our Lord Ice Hockey 9 ·Once In a whlJe, you It'f. shown [he IJiht; In stranaest places Ir you look at It r1i;h1. " -Grateful Dead


Joseph E. Sweeney 714 Chapel Road Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 572-9570 Queen or Peace TheaUt 1 H 2, NHS, latin Cub 11·12, German Cub 11-1 2, Crew 9-10, Scholastic "l" 9·12 "Your furure hasn't been written yet; no one's has. So make It a i:ood one."

William R. Sullivan


Seniors... 1999...

Joseph E. Sweeney


John F. Swoyer 1323 Faunce Street

Philadelphia, PA 19111 (2151 742-9176

ResulTt(Uon of Our Lord

Basketball 9, Track 9, Intramurals 9-12, NHS 11-12, Scholastic OIL" 9·10 "The p-eatest accomplishment Is not In never

failing, but In rising .ll.lln after you fall. If -Vince Lombardi

Richard ). Target 32 Austin Circle lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (2151 643-7032

St. Rose of lima Baseball 9- 12 "The uuth of the matter Is that you always know the rl&ht thing (0 do. The hard pan is doing It. .. .em. Norman Schwartzkopf

John F. Swoyer

Richard J. Target

- - - - , Sun E. Teesdale 886 Parkwood Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 277-5969

Sl. Helena Soccer 9-12, Track 9-12, esc II "You can't .l!ways itt what you wanl, but If you trY sometimes, you tust midI[ lind you get what you Offit. The Rollilll Stones If

Nlcholu P. Trendier 6329 Oak1ey Street Pnlladelphl.1, PA 19111 (215) 342-6687

St. William l..lb Intern 11-1 2, Computer Oub 9-11, Bike Oub 11 "It's OK; I'll do what I want If I choose, 1 can

take the fall; there's a choice, it's my destIny ... if I'm wrong then I'll pay for It; If I'm right then you'll hear about it." -Van Hollen

Sean E. Teesdale

Nicholas P. Trendier

- -.. Anthony M. Troy 104 Mayfield Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 379-5770 Sl. Bede dle Venerable An Oub 9-12, lntramurals 9-12, Basketb.lll 9,11, Baseball 10 "Doln' the bull dance; feelina the nowl" -Gary Potter Sean A. Tucker 608 Ederer lane Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215)-646-6268

Swlmmln, 9-12, lacrosse 9,12, Foolball 9, Swdent Council 11-1 2 "Shine on you crazy diamond." -Pink Floyd

Anthony M. Troy

Sean A. Tucker



Benjamin ). Tursi

2 13 Fled"" Road Maple G~, PA 19002 (215) 628·9659 St. Alpllonsus Foot:ball 10, Computer Dub 9·11, Bkydt Oub 11, Track 9, Spanish Qub 11-12, LatinOub 11,

SADD 11-12, esc 11-12, t.l $,anLan Youth 11, Intramur.lIs 9-12, NHS 11-12, Scholastic "l" 9·

12 "There was somethln' that I lust had to see. That you wanted me to see, so I could be what you wanted me to be. And I think I've.seen It 'cause I don't feel the same. Mauer of fact, I know I've

seen It, I an feel the chanae." ·DMX Stephen A. V.ralll 1614 Elm Avenue Hatboro, PA 19040

(215) 957-0217

Benjamin J. Tursi

St. David "'Wherever you 10; Ihtrt you are!n -Mike Brady

Stephen A. Varalll

Gre,ory F. Vlna 2318 St.lhl Rt»d HundnlOOn Valley. PA 19006

(215) 9'\7·7520

St. Alben the ere,,[ Crew 9·12, Band 9-12, NH$ 11-12, II12, Schol.lSDc "l" 9-11, TlXt 10 "Some PfOPIt come Into our Itves <lnd quk::1dy 10. Some stay for a while and leave f()()(pl1nts on our hean and we art never, ever the same.... Anonymous


Anthony G. Vlilhos J 16 Whitemarsh Valley Road Fort Washln(too, PA 19034

(215) 619·0168 St. Georae

WEXP 9-10, Intramurals 9-12, esc 12 "It's yours; the world In the palm of your hand." • WuTanr Oan

Gregory F. Vizza

Anthony G. Vlahos

- - - . . , Benjamin P. Weldon 3031 Gibson liine DoY'estoWn, PA 18901

(215) 348-3697 Our Lady of Mount Ca~ Band 9-12, Thtatre 9-12 MEoml thouih you nuy be on the rilf!t tr.Kk, dut is no l\.lill'ilnlH you won't ret run over.'" -wm



L. Wenu lOS I 69th Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19126

(215) 549·6192 Holy Anrels Foolball 10, Wresdlnr 10 u • •• but

Lisa, vampires are fake. lust like elves,

gremlins, and EskImos." -Homer Simpson

Benjamin P. Weldon


Seniors... 1999...

Joseph L. Wentz

Matthew). Westley 707 Kyle lane

Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (215) 643·1921 St. Anthony of Padua Football 9-1 2, Lacrosse 9·1 I, Ski Oub, 12,SADD 12 "We raise our glasses high for the freedom that has arrtved." -Pink Floyd


Charles B. Whlnney I 386 Tanglewood Drive

North Wales, PA 19451

(2151 699·1897 St. Stanislaus Band 9-11, Intramur.ais 11-1 2, Sid Oub 10-1 2, Foolb.lll 9, Hockey 11-12

""ve never been so illone and I've never been so allw'.· -Third Eye Blind

Charles B. Whlnney

Matthew). Westley r----~=~-----.,

Paul ). White 80 East Butler A~ue New 8r1lal0, PA 18901 (215) 348-2349

St. Jude Crew 9·12, Tr.lCk 10, Cross Country 9, Theatre

10-12, WIsterian I H2, esc 9-12, NHS II· 12, u Salllan Youth 11 "If you can fill the unfor&fv!na minute with sixty se<onds worth of distance run. Yours Is the eanh and everything that's In It and - which is more you'll be a man, my son." -Rudyard KlpUna Christopher



40 I Ascot Road

Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 884-6152

Holy Martyrs Football 9-12, lacrosse 9-12, NHS 12, SlUdent Council I().I 2 "If you have no enemies, you have no character." -Frank Sinatra

r.-----===------.., 3347 Edgemont Wolnarskl Street

Chrlstpher ). Williamson


Philadelphia, PA 19134 (2151 425·1718 St. Adalbert La SJllian Yoom II, NHS II, Band 10 ..A5 a deer longs for streams of water, we all shall 1008 for the cnallenaes of life. Moreover, we should reach beyond what Is, Into me conception of what can be. We are masters of our fuhlre. H

Mariusl Wolnarskl

... 1999... Seniors

Robert Brenn. Matthew G. Barnes Thanks, Mom, Dad, Tom, Laura, and the family. OJ, Erica, Ms. Dugan, "Woif Pack SaurabhMalionWelshon, Ebrlus est Magister, lit Grandpop, I miss you. The fellas: Ke, 10, AO, CP SM, TP, BT, thanks for everything. Pit+ Loop+ number of Stdndard deviations", lS Caf. Phills, 3 Bleeds, Cl. WEXP, library. Study? Strap? Fe Indlan+Crater=COPS. I only had like 4, 5, or 6. Knox, I. The W. "Oh dear." Mom, Dad, Krlstlr love, Dlllons on New Year's, Breakfast Club lr Sr, and dad and the rest of the fam; all the Nicole, and everyone else I forgt PSU C1ear1c.lns out, Tursi yaked on my wall, Busted " • people I met; friends I made...Mad shout [0 at Dillons, All my friend: CK, ]0, lS, ST, Ee, '-Ill' all the people that made me laugh thru the Kevin Brewn bJ)past 4 years (I thank you the monl ... HAAS 10, TM, DO, ST, Re, De, KG, KT, thanx 4 the Thanks to the man upstairs. Also, thanks Mom I good times. 4-ever...AGB! wor1c.ing so hard and Dad for wor1c.lng the night sh Q) Pat Aiken even though you didn't like It, but It paid for Brad Bathiate Salle. Thanks to Erin (RNBSNnUH) + qG " c Yo, Topper, Rhino, Bitler, Bam-Bam, Dages, High school has been a blast. Thank you, Shawn, Sean, Pete, Brett, Donger,a dn the school"; MW + HC "The tradition contlnue~ Mom and Dad, for all your incredible patience Velociraptor. It's been an awesome 4 years. Pr special thanks to all my friends back where I l! and support. Rose, thanks for everything, Sis! roots, the Mayfair section of NE Phllly. Sempops to the hockey team-keep the cups! Good luck Lendey, Poneez, Keeley! Damm It Martin Nova stinke! Seeya La Salle.. BREW fore\ In the future, guys. - The Gator. Martin! Byme, Karlls, Mallin-No more TV for

V) M.uk Alcantara

~ t thank nobody but myself. To all those who saId I wouldn't make it, thanks 4 the Insplratlon and thank you very little. Just kldding... I'd (really) like [0 thank my mom









you! Thanks to all the great faculty who put up with me throughout my 4 years.

Edward Bnon Dan Behl Thanks Mom, Dad, Tim, Kristen for all of your Thanks Ma+Pa, word up len, shout out to all r support. I love you! Kelly, you'll always be mine! boyS in N-rown... thanks to all the FaCUlty, La Sa Matt Alonso wrestling, all the people on KaJras 37-4. live t Luv ya! Biter, Topper, Nowicks, CohenTh.mks, Mom and Dad, for all of your love and support. Mike, thanks for always making PlGPBNl, DMB'*Cancun!?! Rizzo. Jr. Prom '98. fourth thanks to all the people who make my life good so far. Shout out to Beak, Paul, Rico, Ky me laugh. lS, you've always been there for All my boys SM, TM, RF, lL, BL, BB, lM, thanks me; you're the best. Bl, 'sup dawg; you're a for the memories. Gorman, where ya been? 3 I I Kraut and the rest of East Norrltc great frlend'remember that. SO, thanks for JDWDUndies TJ-miss ya ... KaJros 37-4. Everyone else at La Salle - it's been great. Thanks! "Live the Nicholas Bur. your friendship; It means a roC. JO & lV, you Thanks Mom and Dad for giving me what you ha two have helped me lhrough so much; thank 4th!" and for putting up with me all these years - lowe you. FB, we've had some good times. KM, don't worry; things will always get better. all to you ... shout·out to the NE crew: thougl Evan Behr filter, mouth; twO words: Jimmy D... MR . the [ Everyone else·thanx- I luv U. To my family: Mom, Dad, lis, Colin - thanks; I love you! Meg wAit - for everything! My boys . of 10ve... HOOTCH!... full moon in the offlce... [ Carl - 'nuff said ... VIva Liebe CW, DOD, PC, of course· RT! Tuck, Craig, Pip, Chlkwere Amachl Thanks, ShortY; DA, DA, Moses, Doctor Chief Bri, Kent, Wes, Duke, Maura, C1ear1c., Tees, Luke, Jlmmers, Docs, Bub, C), Frog! ATK Pit Break Club Robert F. Byr commander chalnnan. BarNone!! Moose: Thanks Mom, Dad, Chrissy, Grandmom, a Anned and dangerous. Ain't too many can Raq Campin Pol Club Devils V-ball Booms Avalon everyone who's helped me get here. BS, VJ, M Surfin Concert. Thanks, Licht CBL Kairos 37-3, bang w/us. (·note and the double D's. Hands37-4: Ches, Ry, Seans, loe, Greg! Finally, to my JT - Its been fun. 3-year novice. SG, SchuykHl tra No! No! No! Scout team pride '96 PCl JV parents for ALL my opportunies! Thanks LS. champs. Cabin 12: WUlang. Cattle, U awake? team. Ywah, AJ does make counterfeit Ss. Ok you can't Just eat grapefruit for Thanksgivl Brannon, where U goln'-I got a date! Amish dinner. Ray was a soldIer finding that house dOl boy MD CC Geno Mag3 ... B-Town and Karlls Berzins Stage Crew Forever. Aiken, tum on the TV! the shore. Beastles concert. Yokozuna. Words that's the bottom line! TW MS-Alpha? ]ankeMarla! Thanks PCD weekly! RT ]F Greg Mac live by - Go G Money Go Bone. Congrats Dadyy/Pure Funk. everyone I missed; good luck Jeri Greiory T. Bielecki Thanks Mom, Dad, Steve, Mark, N&P, AJ, UT, 0, 0, K, J/Balley/Kabester and Driela, I luv U Matt Cannl • MIchael Andrls Thank you to everyone that has made my life bl To my family, TDF ineluding Chris, Steve, guys! # mao Kev & lord/CC-Brotherman/LS boys Den, Matty. Also, the staff, Goose, Zach,and SM, KC, TJP, GO, CW, JO, BD, DO, ST, GL, U over the last 4 years: My family ... you're the be Bordy. The crew: Shemp, Sklllz, Absolute Zero, Dlr Dogs, lG Ml, PS, MH, DO, JS, JF/L, I & F, AA, TO, ]T, CW, MK, JP, CM, MB/MD, OA, PM, PB, Quicktrigger, The Catman, El Rat(n, and the wh( extended posse. I'll never forget it all _.. "We RC, RH, KF, MS, CP, BB, TO, SB/NHGI28-1/ Patrick Badolato not playing 'Trashman'!", "You make me feel II Chlllln' w/Kenny/The Cross/Horsham P.lMlxer/l, QJ Thanks, everybody-Mom, Dad, and family, the queen that I am not'" "Tambainne!", "T G, S, B/BT Cara, lK.. CS, ll, DG, KL, JF, TG, everyone who learned, put up with me. 0Runln, X/C track Brlarwood, (oldman/ EB, Bralrwood.DMB.4x8/Kairos 37-S/my angel/ American Joumal of Medical Statistics" ... I'll m Thanks for everythIng D/G & P. it i Chubbs·Champs, CH-much, control/Power QJ [Yaheddle]-KMA? Bows/Relativity? Sleep· Randall K. Bitting Emldlo Cappo bJ)osmasls? A [What?] Kacd... waste not...Blgr/ I send my thanks out to my parents and [he rest To Mom, Kurt, and Grendel, I love you guys. Nylc.. Hey/Thanks/1 Luv U[your name here]'QJ it·was·great-]·Town Pride-OK Filler?? Think Thanks 4 everything. To all my boys Dong, Top, the family for all of their support and love. To my friends: Skllllz, String Lord, el raton, zel _ peace; good luck all... Late? Rizza, Harv, Miles, Gate, Shady, Nowlck, T-Bone, Dirty, Qulcktrlgger, Ye Olde Emer, etc. You WI tus, and SH. Keep It real. Late nights at Per1c.lns, Cancun Ritz Cariton, Sfrogs, Thel, nags, remember: Ganklng, Steak&Eggs at my hou: Daniel P. Barnes Thistle's gatherings, Destroying many ar Gene, Mike D., Mike P., Andrew, Chris G., Camlliemoblle, JaCUZZI, Eckllla, Egypt, SAC, lawn Paul, Pat, Tony, Donna, Dottle, Timmy, and mower, and Festival. Also Cubnas, Europe, crulsln', McDonalds, and all the shows ... It was fl phtdngs, Cotton Eye, Nero, user Matg, and the rest of my friends-thank you for helping Portugal. TTFN. RIck Carmln; me enloY my 4 years here.. "lady In Red"Barnes - "Gordon Is an arrogant baby."Thanx to; Mom and Dad, G-pop and G-mOI Kevin Brady Mel, Joe, Amy. Shout outs to; Jim, Ed, John "Boleros lives on"·"OJ, KMN04-the purple stuff."·IIMy brain power is greater than that of Thanks to my family for gettIng me lhrough HS. Pat B, Mike, Waldo, Greg, KeVin, Rob, Tom, Er Love ya. Thanks to my peeps, you know who you Chrlsa, Patty Mo, Billy Idol, Austin, Steve, Mal P.n B and Senor Blanco combined." Justin, Sean, Curt, Bosephus, Andy, ObI, BrI~ are. PlttlooplnDlanCreator. I never get shotgUn Gene, The Ruslang, Coach Devine, Coach Mi~ Journeys with Koller. We're men. How much? let me get one. Yea whoo CUrt, slow down. No, I loW.a. 4 Life, Group 5 '9 know these roads. It's like a party In your mouth. Jon Bon Jovl. P.S. Foghat forev! GritsGritsOldManForeverOldManForever!


~ s::::::









Ince Carr my Mom, Dad and Danlelle- I love ... Shouts OUt to my boyz in lirmount(FMT) ... Loitering '" Wiffle ,., 5-0 · Pitchin' Quarters ... It's so beat ... Jumbo's · 26 +6 "" I ... Billy Joel What's up Ith you? ... Grab that bench After'pronu · Wildwood'98 - Need I say more ... Thanx or your guidance and Inspiration Mr. C, Ir.V, and Mr.B ... To the c1au of '99· stay X>I and good luck. ~anx to >U guys

con Carver hanks Mom, Dad, Wn, Kate. Uve the 4th airos 37-4, leaders 37-S. esc is always In fea. CartWeets, BNL, Scar from S-Boys the lOre, wave runners, twins, Manh.m.an, Penn :ate, Joe D-Raz, Costantini, KraussinatOl', ~ad-iUY, Cherry Jerry, Vinnie, TIttle and teryone else left OUt. loo of Love, Boys 4 fe. We rod 2 unreal yrs toeether. Best lends a guy could ask for. Thanks uSal1e for TIGHT yrs.

Brian Clarke I would like to thank my parents, brother and sister for helping me through this difficult time. I hope I've made you proud. I will try to help make you happy. Kevin Clurkln Thanks Mom, Dad, Jim, Fern, and Maureen· I love you. Thanks to ALL of my friends. Bamn' comments ... Plppet's explanatlons ... Doe, is that chkken? Chris Is too cool... Leader ... Tursi, waaaaaa ... Loop, Pit, Indian, Crater, Tuco's house, DO's house, New Year's People-People ... plues ... at Dillon's ... Maple Glen Night In Venke 98 ... Andy, I'd be damned G.Love, BNL, DMB .,. Thanks Gock ... I'm not In a bad mood!!!

> n

Robert Coyle Thank you, Mom and Dad, all my teachers and everyone who helped Ole graduate. Glenside, Ardsley, North Hills, and Abiniton. Rluo's, Raben Wooler, and Roddy Land- :::-::;scaplng. Pappy's house, Bensalem Race Track, Dark Woods. Sleepy Hollow vs. Glenside.




Kevin Cuwford Thanks to my parents who have always ::;::supponed me. Thanks to my teachers for • .., guldlna: me. Thanks to my friends for making my high school experience a fun one. Thanks to my brothers and sisters for their encouragemenlo




Christopher Henry Clement David K. Cuff Mom, Dad, Joe: Thanks doesn't begin to explain it. MMA, Fon Schuyler, Ptacld, Wont, Sundays To all the boys &: &irts in my life... much thanks. To the college crew: manx for t.lklng me in. Positions!! laSalle in the Fall, Golf. Thanx Mom, Dad, Kelly, for Track &: X-e pride. 0 Peeps to Peeps TIvoli never everything you did for me. I could not have ,..... stOPped us! NH6I2B-I You da best! Content .. done it without you. Apprentice Summer (;"\ Comfortable forever absolutely. K3iros 37-4 I love River Trips Flying Whitpdin JK, MPF, MM, you all. Group" -yt>ah. Uve the 4th. GTB everything CD. • will be alright until we meet again. dward Cattle Vince Cullen hanks to my family, love you. All my Boyz, Ryan Cohen Thanks, Mom and Dad for a terrlfk four Mom, Dad, Brett, Lindsay· I love you; Its been a trip! years. 3d rules. Mr. Blian O'Meara, what wm JL, CR, ML, RC, JD. HurtNg club, Yea ice-hockey! Nght In Venice, DC! D,lVe shows! Los would I do without you? ~CoIder and tower, T73RACE, Loop, pit, Toby's, 309, JIm's )I, Avalon PO "It's awful steamy In here", (Turtle!!) "BNL "Kalros 37-4 for ever Tuck's attaCk! must get colder and lower. ~ Stay cool L.M. Slats-.OJ! All my love-Dong, ST, EBehr, SH, JF, crew and my classmates. xonos, DMS96·98, WAWAWAWA, G :we, "Don't you know we'rt In a Crafger, Los, GV, SG, Drew, 37·4, OJ, GL·I love ya lustang"Crater, no jlrIs, "Ying"BeIIo house, cuz, AD, MB Poop lr! Phlsh98' Peace and love JO, Dlno D'OfilZio JI Nighters, RJdgem Chris B-Ball Game·Slke, KO, SK, LM, PS, PIP, PJAvalonCancun99? What's up Thanks VC, AC 1F, SC, RK, GC, BS, CS, BB, Car and lindsay! I love you Marcl. Peace, luv, Iikey's, Luv to all my GMA alris, thanks for AS, JS,O.c. 98 Yo Ray! Yo Jama! Winston Ie good times LS, Breakfast Oub, Billy good times Navlda Whiter Big Bad BS C·Dawg Cherry >el'98. Kaiser Smitty Papa Kuz Hey KD! Oct 17 Propane Tanks Troy's Glow Da Cloud luks lak Jeremy R. Cooke Thank you Mom, Dad, Tinka! Luv to all. Clau of '98, a pony, rhesus monkeys.. lt's In the packets !au Chapman o Mom and Dad! Thank you for making me JRK, NAH, ZD, SCK, lW, PH &: the CK connection. Bbrriiaann MMEE Mr Palmer's Mrs Garvin's Three tenors. Xmas lights. Ad mountum. Fez! The Ie person I am today. Kate + Sam thanks for III Mr Hohenleltner's... Eric you're lying ways being there. The Hole NY trip Loop Pit tempo, Cake, DMB. Perfect 8. Falrlane, 7 times Kate, ...cabinet knobs Thanx Mon1, Dad, Paul for Idlan UDRC Wes summer 97 "show me the Salamina pride. Spice? 11m DurkIn Day. H2S. In the the great times! grotto. With who? PGSA. LLR4Prez. Avalon. no. xk" Riverdale gang Loft ATK Boot's party Is It still on the side of the car?" Kevin's "Turns out not where.. " Remember the saints and Richard Davoli BQ's The Hacks bus ride to the more Thanks poets! Keep it real. Long live the Wis. Thank you to my Mom and Dad for your .atie "1 think you all owe J and V an apol· suppon and guidance. Shout-out to all my gy" Nights In Venice Anthony Couantlnl boyz: Hayes, Reef, TimG, DelicateJ, Chalky, Thanx to my Mom, Dad, and sister for telling me I can JR, NO, PM, KB, Ml, MK, DC, MA, A), achieve whatever I put my mind to. Big-up to Richie K, obert Chappetta AF. To the best tennis team In laSalle Jerry C(A 0-1 Prospect), Da Deans(The Model), Vince history. To the coach Mr. or Mrs. Tore his is gonna be random. Thanks for standIng y me these 4 gr8 years. I hope I enlightened C, Joey F, and Scotty C, Obi and Scully for never Hanuen. To my Bucks boyz: MarkG, DSS, )me peoplei I know I've been enlightened. letting me forget about KD, Shawnle M-A ST. Get off my Porche son. Philly l!lCIulrer Perkiomenville hoodlum, Fin "The Legend," ANT leave me alone. First team all iYll1 98. Final epresentin' Kalros 37·4, Gr 6. Thanls SF ~ C, MR, JO, GP, SG, OJ. Thanx BT for Troy, Snyder, and Fal1lace. LS Footy 4ever. shoot-out to the entire class of 99. laking history fun again. JUst rememberin' Jefferey T. Coulter, Jr. TO, Basic Japanese, JC in homeroom ... Donald DOllY Angel·1 love you. Stay real. Thanks - anyone who wants To my Mom & Pops: I finally made It! _ low I'm really aonna miss this place. Mrs.C, ir Btoh, Mr Wiley JRM GL Bl AM CS + to think I'm thanking them. South-town thup-AG PJ JP Thanks for standing behind me/pulling up with SM DB RM K Mikey and Jenny-love me. Sean, me. I love you both. To all my boys: It's BEAR. THANX! Tommy, Chauncey, MP, JL, Pl, CK, BF, RL, RC, about time we got OUt of here. I wish Damon Dave, JS, AOD, Vinnie, JL, Luke, Timmy. Oass everyone in our eLm the best of luck In the ugene Clcdmaro '98- love. To anyone woo doubts me - don't. I'll be 1y parents and family. future. To anyone: there's nothing a good great. Unite, Resist, Take AcUon, Love and we'll fly. day of surfing won't cure. Triple threat- EM GS. 'Incent Cifelli Nicholas DeCaStro "hanks Mom, Dad, Dam, Chm, Grandma, Thank you Mom and Dad for s.Krlfking so nd Grandpop. 37-4 "live the Fourth". C Jerry Coveny Mom Dold thanks for everythina:. Mike, Pat, Kat, I love much to send me to La Salle. I'd also like to nd C club In effect- Good Luck Joe, Scott, thank thou> teachers who never &ave up on ,..... ya. Ant, RIch, Dlno, Joe, ScOtt, Vince, always BNL, ..Ich, Jerry, and Anthony. BNL Concert. PP t PSU. Carriage House P,mJes. jerry's propane, concern, suq for life, 1160, BB, Oh yes, me even though It seemed like I had. ~ XCountry, Baseball Team & BT's van forever, KO, CS, OI.lSei I'll bring the propane. Aerosmith JM, SP, RT, GP, ]L, PS_ It's mIne, Vln, C &: C OceAn :onem. Cartwheels. The wave. Anthony 'here Is my PSU hat? PB Kaiser Krauss. OlY. "hanks everyone I had fun.




> '" o:e


to t::l.





' " Emir Dedic Christopher ]. Domanski ..... Thanks Mom, DIna, Kate, Don, Nat, Nicky "USMA;BA)AjSlnk NaVYiNYlCi Yl; Please teach me; for having faIth In me. Thanks to Emir, Aua, PM. Thanks, Mom and Dad; let's get te<hnical Amlna, Ben, Joel, Sv!etana, Snekl, Sean, brother!; Palntb.:lIl;radio tower: E.s Impossible Senor; Shawnel, NT, Chew 00&, ]l, Te, Mr. S., H.M.; Egypt; Bu-Bu's: Dream; Who-R.l! Bowling pin .. Mr. c., Pink Floyd Rules. let's go Yankees. McDonald's; Gold's; Thanks [0 everyone who helped Cob, everybody that knows me. SS, Mine and put up with me for the past several years. QJ play buddies, Prodlrt, Dlevojka sa sela, )M, bJ) R.1la il b1haca. Peace to yJ all!!! Toro you Greg Don.uelll are the besl! later, amlaos! "Thanks: Mom, Dad, Tony, and Anaeta! The Crew Pipe, Nkk, Alky, Eddie, Cluck 0, Head, Brendan; Q) Martin Delaney 5th period lunch; Bellecks, Erf, Cltment, fresh and Thanks Mom and Dad for youe love and soph year, Kane, Pip, and Sfan:; Ms. Duean, Eades support. Thanks to all my friends: TG, PW, game, Slats, Kilkenny, and summe:r at Eddie's house. AM, MD, MK, MA, OA, AF, KB, BB, JC, BNL concert and Billy Joel concert; Soccer: Steff, CD, SK, MM, TP, JR, BR, and CWo Klauer Tees, Savo, Sfan, Peff, Pipe, Smitty, Nowlck, Sfon, 1120, Yo Chewy, AIken, tum the TV on! EBI, EB2, JR. MD, MS, MP2, KB, SK, Rf, PM, TP, BOO! • To all my Southampton boys, PS, H, and KC. ~ GP, CA, BR, ;md PD. Thanks to MR. Geiger, Mlchul ]. Donohue a true friend. KWO, Ouy, Meeadeth, VH, Clleo de Polio· All the luck .lnd love to '" would like (0 thank my mom, my dad, my brother everyone! '99 rules! Jim, Mr. ~ne, Mrs. HI?'&, Mr. 8, JH, HH. Much love (0 all my friends: past and present especially BB,





-3: o






To my mom and dad and my brother Man, MK, GS, CM. GB, JP, JC, TO, RH, SB, BB, JM, 0, Thanx for always being there. To Chrissy, you MS, EM, WD, 10, MD,BLC. Peace to after·hours. Bye ma~ my hlih school careff prOUessNely for now: Sweet dreams. bener with every passing day. I love ya lou. Gre&, the word of the day 1s••• CONFETII!!! Tom Dowds DEROCKMICH! Gre&" I could have seen Stranger stop And cast an eye As you are now So once Firestorm nine times over aeain, I've seen was I. As I am now So will you be. Prepare for death Spice World nIne times, I've been over your And follow me. house nine times. Nine is a common number for you. John Dwyer Thank you, Mom and Dad. lowe everything to you. Luke A. DeVore Thanks to my brothers and best frlends Danny and Pat. -And will you succeed? Yes! You Will, Thanks for teaching me so much about myself. I love Indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed). you. Thanks to my frlends ML, JL, CR, Ee, OJ, RT, Kid, you'll move mounulnsl" - to all those GL. It was fun. HI Chrlsu. Hiking at the loop, who believed: Mom, Dad, Chrls, Bob, and all Indian, and relaxing at the crater. LaSalle footy of my brothers (and you, Quinn) . Thank games, pit volleyball, Bubba get off, DMB98, you. Evan M., Ashly, Kaya, Jeff, and all Glove97, Allen, RT73 Race, Spaghetti Dinner. The othen' I love you. To Chrissy - my other Apt. half. (How foolish does this look?) To all of the LaSalle and to my frlends from 37-4. Robert F. Dwyer May we always live the founh! Mom and Dad, thank you for being there for me and putting up with me. I love you two very much. Marlo DIClerlco Coleen, Rosie, and Cassie, thank you for laughing at \.f) -Diuy: Did you see Selnfeld Ian nlghtr my }oIl:es and being there when I needed to ulk to ....., R-MF- S:Thanks for doIng everything for me. someone. I love you guys. John, thank you for being JW: Dawson Hllf and KW: Good Luck the one that I had some of the ben times of my life OJ McCann: Good lUCk, behave! Willy: Welfare! with. I love you too. To my boys, Johnny Mc, Fish Jamin: Who's your partner? Ryan: Keep up Daddy, Scou, Johnny D. Thanks for the rides and the the success. Quill and TW: You'll be fine. memories. AR: Don't worry! Sweeney: You da man! OJ Devine: Thanks for everything. All: keep In Stephen Erfle touch/two words: Aureas P1uere; SloiKker; It's been great playing volleyball. Open the 1YfTl, baby. Rugby;DWMN;Fellclty; TV; WWF; NHL99; OJ DMB; S.uurdays ,It 6! Larry Enns Thank you, Mom, Dad, Nan, Pop, Grandmom, Joseph J. Dillon -Thanks to Mom, Dad, Katie, Patty, and all Grandpop & the rest of the family for keeping me In my friends; you know who you are. Pit Loop LaSalle. Crater· lodLln Bam Officer Paul Kenney: Fire. Bishop EustACe ail-time 2J..Lu '9S-99 Anthony Falllace I would like to thank my mom and dad for all their ~ Footy '9S-'99. Tocker's Kent's and Matthews' as Freshman Snow An&ies Donkey support throughout high school. I woukt also like to Punch Glen SR. Prom at Luke's BBQ.New thank Krystina and Nick for theIr Inspiration. 8lg Year's at my house (PS.SI .. For .lJl the times shoots to Gump, Tom, BJ, Joe, K.ue, uuren, Heidi, that we had at home and down the shore, I and Kath. I would especially like to Soly thanks to my thank you. girlfriend Erica. You have been there for me and thank you for that. Thanks to all those who put up with me especially my parents and Erica.



b.O \:J

-3: o





Mlchaelpaul Farr Gram, Mom-mom, thank you so much supporting me throughout my years at LaSal Without you It would not have tumed fron dream to a reality. I love you both, than Dave, Geny, Jim, we made It! Dave, It's re Good luck! Hey 1..lSalle, thanks for 4 gn years. People to people, lack D., Mr. D., B' WIlliam, thanks. Lynn, Bob, and Family, I k

y. ,

Andrew FarrlnJt Mom, Dad, Amanda, Aubrey, Nan, Pop, M" for your love and support. Thanks Barmy, Le Fay Dog Valens, Pub Whitey Shakespeare, FJI Schwam. loco's Backbumer, Dt"mocrK)' America is on fire, Martin M.lrtln, Dottle's D4 Rkhie Sampras, half baked Bl'lostek. Do Nkky, Bethy, Sweaty guy, Kristen, Rovand of Visl eyo. Jaybo, shaved legs Schlm~, K< Mxhlne, Marv Alben, Rod, 37-4. It's Ius b>

John F Thanks Mom, Dad, Brbn, Brenda, and Brldt for all your love and support. Thanks to all I fi1ends, especially MD OK Winkle Puneze I OA MC DC KC KB AJ ML PA and everybo else-thanks for the memories and good luck the future. Thanks to everyone In AP OM Physics and Pep Band·h's only a base, RUSSt Fayito and the low B. Thank you everyone 1 the unfOl'letubie memon

Joe Fedy Thank you Mom. Dad, Mike, Bill, Sean, a len for supponlng me through 4 great ye, here! Thanks to my boyZ! SC, VC, 00'0, R GC, and TI! It's been real! PBlI Whefl OIno?(BB) GC House! A propane unk?? Twil Dan, this Isn't funny! Get me some water!! F extinguisher! 309·shutup! Tight! Excuse me, c I have 3 minutes of your time? Kairos 37 37·4! Pictures! Concern-BN

Dan Flueera To my Dawg:s: Bones Acem Lynch Me Kel+theMacBoys. PSUOgonu, the fields, 83 Bobbv'sDesk, Mac's Attic. Beast, Feb. 161 JUAIt-American, O'Toole essays, SCND, c~ and pun, kel's mOVies, the Spanish neet, Unc FlU, HADO FrankleLlpper, SmackerR Thayer's House, the Bulldop, 8thgrd. OLH Burke, eyepatch, Game Day LIve, InnFllgi SnoBi2, Rocks. Sean, Colin, Mom and Da


Frank Fer The pirate. ATK The LoftlHoie/Noone-Gl StreamlOougie's IOISLOR./The tower/Ba EagIeI The apanmentlHousefTecmo.Ple Cow/Awful B/Steiner/ChetlSules Slppln-d teaLynne Eari B we will always b din LIly Hc Thanks: Dad Mom Nlu Usa Michele RO Jol Mike Rust)' Jake til Roc

Ray Florkows Congrats class of '99 Thanks, Mom aod 0, for all of your h~P .lnd support, I love ya A.J. and Stash, you did It! I want to shout a t hey to: MP, CS, The 3 AmJros;, and last but n )east, Big Dog Kas; You're the be

. Thayer Fox )0: U know the one with the velvet collar? BP: upet Ride SG: 10 rules TG: It's best before -actice Rl: At least driving won't get In the way !W OF: The dude abides OJ: Get Back In the Met GS: Dove lanx guys, you made all the difference. That oks like my Grandfather. Mom & Dad: I love )lI, Thanx

> ;;-:;




:E n:> c. ~


>bert C. Francis unx dad and mom for everything! Words can't !SCribe my appreciation. Steve, Kev, J), 1 love )lJ guys. letion 6 - 5MBust OC Flood St. Beach Sam the hapy car jlmme! Phlshow dots-AAA lwhere's my book? Ion lOon Moontower! The In PSUtrip crater laps loop the pit - Nevs Who's It these trees? Thanx to all my friends - best of ck I'll never forget u guys and to my little [dget 1 love you! huck Francisco :I like to first thank my parents for all of their ve and support. It was them whose love pUshed e on when nothing would. To my friends: Dagz, P1ax, Croes, Eric, q, MA, lS, and 1)'One I forgot or havn't met yet. Thanx for ~ng then'. And to those I got the best of, betler ck In tht next round pal.



a• ••

The bizarre stories of allen abduction In the stairwell aren't entirely unfounded.

Nlcholu Guff lawn Gallagher lJnks for everything: Dad, Mom, Jack + Bryan. Thanks Mom, Dad, Mom·Mom, Aum Cathy, I love you all. My teachers, Mr. C, Mr. Miller, Mr. B. love you all. loel:Sandy popskies. Ben:Metal! "'ODB" Mcube, thank you for your help and O.'s 4 life! Creep session '98_ Thanks for guidance. My friends: CO. Jones, Dan G., reryth[ng U 2! McGlIIln: Tl1JSty lusty. "BREW", what's up! Chuck, Stay away from the mchy:Bacon sandwkh. Haney:salads. Don't pUnch, Mo'd, Dave C. Are you /uRillo or what, + lange. Kalros 37-4: Evan, Joe, Ryan, Sean, reg D-origlnals! Kelly, You're the absolute best, the crazy crew of 32. As for the rest of my friends + foes, dream on, dream til your dreams come ve ya. Novice 8: Bob Byrne + the Schuylkill true. Kk team. Vl, VC+anyone else! Hungry? Cake I' 2 Pipe

lseph Gardner lank you Mom and Dad for aU of your suppon ler the past four years. I wouldn't be where I n today If It wasn't for you twO. I would also :e to thank my most ttustable friends for always ~ng there: Shemp, TwitCh, Keller, Sir William, ~ Olde Emer, The Bear, Qukku1gge'r, Dlrty, Id Angus. I'm going to miss everything from ows to Sooth Street to just hanging out. It's

Daniel T. Grlssanl "May fallen heroes and great deeds be sung forever more" -I. C. l. Edge

Dlno Guiliano To my family - I love you guys thanx 4 everything Mom, Dad, Joe, and Anaelo...""I S....."What's in the doest?" • "No, that was not a squeak"...The bam - fire on tht hili! Of all days to have a conscience - a regret? An experience! To 3D + ~ fun. Bye. the NE crew - I w~ there sometlmes...uptaln who? OK OUt of wne... vtxen MS, thanx! Hey MD! Whoa anlel N. Gillespie - the band! My wildcat in u'r Ioft...the ultirnue lanks Mom, Dad, Bri.ln, Jenn, Sean, Mike for what? Bye. Klr support and help. What'S up Forum? Fagan, ario, McCort, McPhlan; Extemp - Way to go Joseph H. Han I)'S! lD - It's here, Bueno_ Everybody else, I really want to thank the teachers and swdents who lb, Hosmer, etc. Thanks - Good times, good helped me throughOUt my hlgh-school years. My nl!S. Hey Grea, Alex, Bill, Alonzo, Kevin, one and only counselor Bro. Bill, Bro. Frank, Mrs. lIlweller, Zach - It's betn J good few years. McGovern, Mr. McCabe, Mr. Flu and others. And ood luck everyone, Jnd thanks to all my also to my high'school lA SAllE. Peace forever... achers and friends; LSH 4life

Sean Haney Imothy Gillespie I love and thank you: Mom, my Insplrallon, Dad, lanx to all: Mom, Pops, + the boys, G·mom, Jim, Jen, Janene, Jenn Epp, MM, PP, Kristin, Brtan, dna, and Poppop '43 Everyone It's time to Chris, Jeff, Ryan· Davie, Shawn, PJ, Adam H, m the race. Pass the salt. Hey where's Savo Steve, Pete, Mike, Adam 0, 37·3, 37-4, Grea, Soom" By AM and MS another crab for lM Evan, Shawn, Ryan, M. Chez, Bro. Frank, B.T., e-Man Top Hats Mofattius King of the World Freshman "B H owns da river VRl, uft, Rkhle, B in Italy Smitty and Marc B By Tl and the Greeg, John, Kev, Chris, Chester, Emir, nmmy, -flow hat crew AJ pride OlHC CS OF Rl TF JM !Yy, Craig, lUke, I. W. Vkld, Ml!IiIn, CC, Erin, PW JF BS GS lG h's been best before practice Kate, Pat, lerff, Badolato, Jess, JaneneS318, :hink I'll have a hotdoj: or a laCO. h",... l..

James P. Hayes Thanks Mom, Dad, liz, and John for your love and support. Python Jake, Beefy Relfy, Fatty, Dlu!ty, Veralls, Wrestling ChampS 96, llama, Shawn, Sk, Irish PrIde, un I get a WitnesS, 3: 16, what out left?, FottY, Head like a doj:, Ralnman, Cl, Buldozer, Steve can you order for me?, Sundaes at Friendly's, Socko, Dirt Diggler, I'm sorry sir, lenga night, Thanks you teachers and CDach Flood!! Christopher l. Hearn Thanks to all my teachers and friends for helping me out. PSST. Blgile Evans PSST. Powder PSST. Mole PSST. OG Yo pokey what;s up! Hey Larry, how about those school vans. loco you can't teach. • Sean P. Heron Mom, Dad thanx for all the sacrifkes you've made over the years. Kevin, keep up the good wori:. To levin, Petem Urban, loftus, Lipski and all my other boys I'll mlss ya. Yo Justin, no cootest ... I won the best of 7.

• •

> ;;-:; t""I



Timothy Huahes Thanks to my family 4 everything - Mom, ~ Dad, Rory. Sean Chew lync Vln Bri lIke!Yy Dog Obi PB MD JS AJ BP MM lump. BK's-ZD OK AS SB MH KS MC·Gene. AK-TRE-Ball. Open Gym. Slats, Tuck-o:OO.03 4 eYr. Ryan - 5 hole golf, Uncle Beasley. leeps hiuin walls.~ Strap-ons-JM, BW, SG. DOD. AF CS OF. V'"'f AAA Kids. Sol prung. leff-40's lO·Plrate Patch. S·Slde trips. Ambler ghetto. Altolds-bfg tin t-bell. Everyone else.








Chris Kl J. Cnlg Keenan Mom, Dad, Amy, Bryan - Thanks for everything. Thanks Mom, Dad, and Jen for all y< Evan, Tuck, Pip, B] - Iluv u guys! "ATK", DMB, support. lS Football, Oline Prlde. "Tlp the iceberg" Utah trip. Yo, Troy, nice h. OJ maybe non. CeSl la vie. The beilnnlng. Jr. Camp. Breakfast &: PolarBear Clubs, Mr Funnel Face RIP, Wholes up Fennlngham and Geoff. Brod John, Brian Is it a Prfn<elOn night? live bart PSU Trips, loop + Pit - Cops, Devils, Camp'nOut, regulars! 2K test e'mon, baby, lIiht my fire! John, UD·Tennis Club, Glove, Thanxglve·FootY, Nau:yCars Joe "How do you dr.1w this" Kyle, love I Peuge " , where are we aoing? To the other side of morning, - Kairos 37-4 live the 4th - RCB, CC, KO, Jimmy, Sean and all . I'll be there My fellas - RT, Head, "'" Daws. Brian what you say. YeaaJaah V-8 Jrd Rich Krill year. l.lurs, like the neon unl. live free or die. CW, CR, MS, KC, ST, )D, AOD, DOD, PC, 0, Frog, Bubba, Docs, CP, Met. Thanks to my fam: mom, dad, Chrissy, El Yo C, Slash's house, Stay alive Vln, 01 (1) Dnld Janke Jim Keller he's a mod, SC-Cigs, JF-bum, CK Story AT; OC-todo's, Peeps to Peeps: for 11 I'd like to tllank Mom, Dad, Megan, and Amy for Mau, Tony, Bill, Joe, Freddie J, Brlald, Katie, Sarah, all of melr love and suppon. I'd like to thank TIvoli, Myrtle - da Meest, fcory . the b1. Ben, DIrtY, DlToro, Schapht, Burkle, Vinnie, Josh, J, Grea, Christa, the lepores, Rkk, and Lao, my best Jess, len, Amber, DOD, sk.1tina, The tab office, Bill's kid and midi friends, for always being there. Thanks to my Barbecues, South Street, The Troc, The Junior Prom, KAlros brothers, always Itve the fourth, Thayer, Shempstock I and II, The clown, The B.uave, The Matt K Capponl Compound, Thistle and his pool. Clement, Johnny, RY.1n • It's bem real. Thines to Mom, Dad, Jun love yoo. Gra. Pe ~ be remembernt· Hurthag '97, 83rd St., P2P, PW Reaney, Marty, Phil, AIs, Chew, nm, DB j3rM '98, wInter formal, O.lve Matthews (Sarah Its been red!. H.1yes, V.1ralis, lyons - Capt who?), locked in the closet, Maria. Chrlnopher C. Kerns - Jerry Ruth, Davols· Ha2 Fun. "1ft Mom, Dad, Shawn, D.1ve, thanx for all your support; I Bobcats", NEM1S, "Super", n·Bl, La •• Vince )annettl love you guys. To all my cronies: Bulb, Boot, Stef, T.1t, OCK ... en, Mulls, Sulli. Thanks Yeah, L1 Salle· You lOW be a soldier. Glvin' it Bums, Head, Wapner, Wooer, KK, NoooeBugular, everyone for a great foor years. FW BP up bli time to my cmy in the cl.lss of '99. T0.111 Oimp, Smid&t, SIuq·tu, Manster, Peme, los, Seany· SSS. See Y.1' lat me feteulry .1nd all U10se with an oonce of La Salle Sean-Mau, Tuck, Keenan; Duke, Ox, E, lyons, BJ, prlde - It was a treat rlde_ Props to sox In me box_ TM-Reds, Curt, Pip, Penny, Mlkey, Kav, Chew, Chris Kust Yo, WhItey, how's that closet? That's rlght, do Cattle, .1nd Doe Dialer; I can't; I'm iJ"OUnded, Yeah Stairway! It's the dilly. liquid of your dance. Put that propane tank down and gtve Amoebas, SM frosh partY; I forlot tha rest; Poof; Bye life, cause grlevoos wounds, coffee thrc me a yokozuna. Special thanx to: GV, BS, BB, from tha Dr. Thanx to everyone who dld the stuff. Th, PW, SG, lP, AM, and the rest of me crew, Mom, the swffi Yeah Jethro Tull! Yeah Aerosml Dad, Chris, love 2 U aU. Michael Kilkenny Yeah Zeppelin!! Yeah Pink Floyd! Yeah B Thanks Mom &. Dad I uuly appreciate Iti watch out Oyster Cult! Yeah Stairway!! Yeah Chen ny! Yeah Environmental! Yeah Fr Chris Jones honey, It's a little wet. Double Bla Gulp, Plopln Hey guys at the comer! Yo Chaunce, Joey S, A lIvanates I love New Yort, Shout-out to Donnelly, CHECK!! Yeah Ry! Yeah Chip! Y( Green, Matty Mac, Paul Mac, to all my dogz! It Weirdo at 7-1 I, Domination of red caravan, 11 I, Murray!! Ye.1h PH Yeah Stairway!! ... NJ has been Feat! Thanks to my mother, sister for all DO Gang, kids with problems' Slats, GO, TP, Dl, JS, ..• STAIRWA that you have done! Thanks to all my teachel'l! SM, KC, KN, TM, Erf, ]0, Top 10 Band P. Hope everyone has a Feat summer and tOO much Andrew Ku fun. And remember-keep II real and keep It safe! Stephen J. Klarich I'd like to thank my mom and dad Thanks Mom, Dad, MK, MO, Tim, BrI, and Brig and always pushing me to do better. I could love Always!- C- Jones. the Deuce ... Klatt 3: 16 "Thou shalt hustle" . have done It with out the YlOOTrip to Six Flags ... Mayfair Thuas Brian Jordan I'd also like to thank my friends for be To my mom, dad and the rest of the fam. Word ",KW04Ufe",Group Five The Amlgos ... there for me. You know who you a up to all the Wu·Tang Clan. Peace to my boyz In The Blue Crew MFR-I· FWF ... The South Jersey, peace to those who blazed wit me. Munchkln Rides Banjo's on the Delaware . William lalt love the pit, Indian, loop and Crater; peace to Flyers In '99 Kappa ... KIng of Croatia . Mom &: Dad: Thanks for everything I Ie my boyz, I'll see ya later. Word to those I leave laS.1l1e Soccer To all my boys: later, Fools . you lots! ]ackle, Sis-Babe, Dnly[ Alex, Me unmentioned, thanx Marty for all the detentions. Klaner TK20 ... Pugs ... 7A Kevin: My best of ftiends always throug!' Peace Uncle Robert and Andre the delivery guy, all. James: ]olnlng the best friend d November I Ith! Gwynedd Girls: love y word to my ladles who lookln' so "y. Kevin Koller Mom, Dad, Jim, thanks 4 everything. Thanks to .1U girls! lou of luck! Mounties: WishIna y (1) my boys for the memories. ATK. Wesley's 97, the the best; love you! Call1n, I love y( Andrew Katruk To all the friends and family who helped me make movie, the pirate. "I'm Oevel.1nd". A night at the It throulh hllh school. Hole. Merttnl's Barbecues. The Loft_ lyons place. P)'s Raymond l Q) house. long ar trips with Brady. Devlls·97. "Watch L1 Salle !ll! Real world here I come!! bI) Stephen T. Knmlercuk Jr. oo[ for the Horses." To BPl .1nd the Ncks. lOOi bus 5.aIIe, I'm goinl to miS5 yoo! Yeah Rig Whatever! Thanks, Mom and Dad you are the ben. Emily, ride with Chapm.ln. Hanatn OOt with the Wane after Q) thanks for being mere for me . I love you! To all school. Williamson's '9S. _ my K-brothen live me 4th. love yoo all! Muthew lendzln~ "Realize THIS!" Mr. Barna. It will only I.i Bill Koneskl To my best friend Many-<:: always been mere for me. Daniel Keeley one Puh-neez to re~ this, Mr. RuSSI Thanks Mom, D~, Mike, .1nd Nancy, to my alrl Thanks: kJlIOr, dirtY, Tooy, Sklllz, Freddie K., &: Faninfi{on, time to eo to Oottle's Den. Sh< Thtsde. Love [0 Erin, KrlsUe, Kristin, Catle, Colleen, Magy - thx for everything - I love you more!' OOt [0: AIken, Alan JaJ60, JU.1n Fay .1.k Gotta have that Crescent Prtde , Comp Band 98 Kate, Ellie, &: the Crew. Thistle's pool, that night at Richie Valens, Mr. No Labs Murray, "00 take my soul" Kushto, Puh-neez, Chi ~ &: 99-B4!St QX sections' AP Phy-Russell Musde , Nkk's, prom @ dirty's, rumbles In the office, Burtle Bumble-Bee Tuna' It's only a base • It C.1n't hurt &. the atomk wedik', Spanky, Calloway's, RAW, (Ghetto Supel'ltar), and last but not Ie Ashlyn, I think yoo know who that you' To all my friends here· DG, JG, Ee, CW, a.anldn', Js, the Infamous lantern, summers In O.c. MS, ZD, SB, MC, TH, GV, ]F, PA, Ml, TP-I Never ever fOllet. love y.1 all , What to do In uk today? , TIm • I'm keeping the shoes I Impeach band officers? V') Dawson Hunter ...... Thanks for everythlna, my family. I am the lizard kins I can do anything. Lauren maybe 001 au



bn "'0

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::o s::


« Ii1

stln Levin lank you, Mom, Dad, and Sean for your support d money. Shout-out to RlllO, Tubby, Dona. tpper, and J. Deere. Good times at MG Pizza. ~, lip, and Cohen never forget you. Tus, Otes, i, and Urban win anomer for us. My Boumen !ddy Nat. Suy out of trouble; thanks everyone for t great memor1es. Where's couon-e~? bn Lipski

om, Dad & lb, ThalUl 4 all your love N support. :ouldn't have done It w/out you. Shay where are ou? RlllO don't shoot the puck at Nolan. Hey, :'s play roller hockey? Represem VII. Tubby, >na. Joey, Kaz, Fidei. Yeah Oo",in. We love non eye. Everyone else, Heron, Sully, Gate, Mac, IS, Bobby(GWS), louis, Cohen. Good Luck to eryone In the class of '99'. I had a blast. Peace reaory Linley om & Ed: Understanding & guidance, Sarah & ,r1stina: Wild Ride & it's not over yet. Zach: >day's word Is ... confetti. Is that a contradiction temu? I would like a side of vltaliry with my fries. eve: Sunnydale Is FAKE. Sean: what was prison e? JR: RU pnl to the Villa Dance? Say hello to lUr step dad; Bill's pany Chris B. Bruno mugs! Matt : M speclOiI cuban J...Alex.

Mark lyon Thanx Mom, Dad, Mau, lenn, Steven, Abbie, Greg and everyone else who has been there for me. Reif·MVP, Hayes·4? Dlrgs-eoke! "Dev, can Steve come out and play?" JR, GS, Sully, Guold, BW, Mush, CW, VC, SM, Kaz, Kav, GV, CK, BT, SK, Chex·thanx 4 37·-4. Jrd degree K.ade, AK, eM, KC, AS, 2can: Keep chillin. Nov-81Ju-4 pride. Does OInyone have OIny mouthwash? Mr. Snuggles, DO I EVER! lOimes Lyons Thanks Mom, Dad, len, Jack, Cade, I told you I would make It. Th.anks guys Toph, ED, lurt, Peff, Worm, Johny, KK, To all my kind buds, J7-4, P)'s Tavern, Westley's, Toby's, The Apt, Avalon PO, Breakfast Club, NavIgator, "Turner!" JR posse, LaSalle foory 9S-99 was the streak, "Bobba" "EHE Behr", the loop, Indian, Pit, Crater Thanks Kat. To all my buds: what a long strange trip It has been!!

Frank MacPherson Ch'yeah Buddy! Awww! WhOl'chu want?!? RY! You get mad a... nevermlnd. You got it dude. (No, really). Bring your guitar; we can lam! Yeah MUIT.ay! Two hands on the wheel m.an. N.ah. Yeah Kushto! I dunno, you were wronr about the wood. Oh yeah: Thanks Mom, Mea. Kate, Dale. SUMMA 010 Lockud DIS! Th.lddaeus, ut Thaddaeus, Other ut. N.ah, ,'yeah Buddy! ~fl What's up now?! NOIh! colleee Stairway! Chkkkkkpfffkkkk BOOM! (Challena:er) going to rule! Olip, MUITOIY, Kushto, you auys are Yeah! Crotch! We're doIn' th.lt! YEAH! He's dyln'! k).-wkked D~." Zeppelin Rocks! It's 0111 about THANKS! Never foraet the 'fros. lousy Horizon. e Stairway. Yeah P! Put a shin on, dude! Crotch! laser Babe, I'm Gonna leave You. Awwwyeah. 'e made a movie! You rook 0111 your money and Our movie rules! Ye.ah, I b1.acked out .at BUTler !t against the HOirlem Globetrotters? -SeriouslyKIng! The Blinley thing?! THE BRIDGE!?! s four (plus some extras from time [0 time) have Gld - It's all you (A'). B. Gelaer - T.amaqua. Rest Id me most crazy, unbelievably awesome experl· of the B&G, thanks OInd aood luck. DA BEANS PART! It's the dilley. ZOG! YEAH! Mary - I luv u. ICes. Thanks. PEB - Remember: cold hands, w.arm he.art. BLIND ave Loflren MELON! You're da dumb one! TWO LOAVES OF lanks to my Mom, Dad, Todd, Courtney for GARLIC BREAD!!?! me·TAlllCA! I dunno... !Iplng me make It through. It was some great Zeppelin. Yeah, probly. She doesn't gOt It at all! pport. J also wannOi thank the breakfast club. "I met a man on the roadside cryln: WIthout a eep It real to my Europe Homles. A speciOiI shoutfriend there's no denyln." Jt to Dave D. Keep on roIlin'.TIVOll, You know Thanks guys; I'll never forget any of It. hat up. Ave's house. Throwing doughuts. aydreams all day. Keep It real everyone. Thanks. John MOilara Thanx Mom, Dad, for your love and guidance. J7-4 forever JB In the house. To Houston, like lonlstreth would like to thank my family for everythlna they Th.lnkx for the memories and 5.0.-2.5. JP SM AV lYe done. love you Mom and D~. To my boys JM KM and ROX I love you .all. To the lS boys Ull,. Ed, Chris, Jim, Johnny, Bill, Kevin K, Kevin B: Dl BM JPO CS KO RM lou of luck. To all my SlP !'E'P it real. Chllllni .n home with Skip and Mimi, boys/ROX lF MB friend forever. Thanx LS for .a dian, Pit, loop, Wawa, experience, Brady's houw. areat B-Ball experience, BT VAN. To the good De face, Prep boys, CHA boys, Cousin Johnny, the times In the borough chll1lna wIth me OE, many lOre, Jim's Apartment, f.aJlini off a cliff, Kyle's memories. Pendulum PeteBT. ouse, gre.at time, one more thini: they .are all blue DAM, Billy Joel. Vlcent F. Mallon Jr. Mom, Dad, and BridBet thank you for everything, you have m.ade me who I .am. Well now...sh.adee& yan lynch Chuck never forget an the sun we had, Friendly's, hanks for everything Mom, Dad, Kelly, Patry, Garen GoIf{l win), Utah, Sea Isle, Boggle, our leen, Megan, usey, Bobby P. Pat and Bob. Mac movie, get off my head; lUlu, you're so shadee. lhnny 0, Dan, Joel, my 2 .a.m. savIor Shawn G. Syke, great party Domanski, roll down the window, Baja, I'm goIng home, ZOich & Greg. Spice Girls, ~an. H. The lKN notebook. Kel A. McG. Alekls r1stin. Kalros 37·4 Pine Haven Ogonu Chip and Greg; Bill's house Thanksgiving & science. un. Bobby P's Boot camp. John's tooth, Ashey Pat laSalle99· It's been real, later!! uudragon. Back of the leaacy and Bukk. Str.apns. W.akln' up with a bloody nose. I don't care .H. Crew to everyone else.

Travis ManIon ThOinks Mom,. Dad, Ryan, and all my f.aml1y... "Yo coach" cllmblna the tOWer...1ifting...Das Boot ofncer P.aul Kenny...Sean, you're cle.anlng my c.ar...OItk...Viva Ios..•cbl, Flood, loco: Th.lnks...boxing match '98... H.alloween '95... Eagles Fan Oub los Relaxin' at BNl...UDRC...Sidebums Ryan, Krista, and the Jrd degree fan club...we're In Delaware...OInd a special thanks to Steve



'" o :E -c. ::s

8. ( 1)

PJ Muthews U'Q Mom & Dad, I love you. lim, Steve, """ and DrI: You're the best. Thanks 2 all 1 101 the characters I've met, You're 0111 part of my story. 2 my teachers, thanx 4 the knowledge. Thanx 4 the morality lessons, (I) Bro. Kevin. Marty, U'r the best coach I ever had. Bro. Frank, I'll stop. t""t H.A.l.T.A. thug changes, love chOinaes, (,1'\ & best friends become strangers. I know _ God lust loves my Slory! ChrissY I don't wanna miss .a thing. live the 4th. •



SeOin Muthews Thanx, Mom, Dad & Bridget 4 everythlna! CP. JD, KC, & MB u will alwOlYS be my best friends. To all of the past Glenners, you were my bla bros. ThOinx. Much love to Chanc, JO, KO, ST, EB, XB, EC, MC, AD, FF, CK, CK, Dl, Ml, ST, TP, MP. Luers; CBL, SK, MW, TM, KM. Yo Hammer, MGP, BPl, BT & KK. Pirate! My pany! UDRC, Loop, Pitt, HORDE. GB OIt DMB. J09, loftin', phishln wi CR. Go bIrds. B.aaffln air! Lax

#22. Brendan McCormick Thanks Mom, you made this all possible. I love you. Colleen, Pat, Brla, thanks for puttIng up with me. 37-4 thanks all my boys. AT, TGP, LP, MFR, thanks for the ~ tImes. To all my boys from La S.alle, they "" know who they are, thanks for four fun • years. Jess, Ree, Coli, Nkole, Carey, • SarOlh, th.anks; but girts still ain't nothln but trouble. My bJd to .any guys or girts I fOfJOt. Trying to li~ the 4th. Keep It real. Yo Rach.

.> n

ShOlwn McCormick Shoutouts to DH, lH, Ml, RT, SR ,TR, SG, DB, lB, BH. Th.1nk you TS.

'" ::s 0

:E -

Timothy W. McDonOild Mom, Dad, Erin, Meg, lack, Pat, K.ate, (D Thanks for all your support! I love you! To .all my friends, thOinks for the memor1es! LSFoory III. Cabln9@Quebec?ttQ PClChamps 96, 98. #34. Baseball; (I) Bronx trip. launchln@ camp; PTPers; lIvanates. loop, Pit, UDRC, Nlte In Venice, the Shore. Scrlmbo@camp! Fire """ fan club. 26+6= I! To everyone who' 101 made these the best 4 years of my life, thank you! It's been fun; it's time to go!



::s c;::-

V'} Andrew McGlIlin

~ Thames Mom and Dad. Much love to liz.




BOOM! ShtXIlOU1S to SGCS Bunnyclub Rl 8M Kalros37-4 Thank God for my ramlty and for

aMoa me Boom. laSalle Crew B.1by. HotDoesl998 Come out and dance lynchle Bunny HAHA! Where's the ~f? Smokey the

Bear, BP, JO, )F, MS, eM, the Whole Kalros 37b,Q4 Crew. Haney bathes in sinks. Later, laSalle, its

"'0 beenru,.



Kevin McGonlale


Thanks Mom,Dad, uura, Eileen; sendina lovt' to


partner'S to the end, Michele, Melissa, Meg,

;:> Alex, Bill, len, Matt

A, Malt R, Gret-9, ZKh-


laurie, Anne, Carol, Ellen, Mo, to the Mounties, Helene, -Thora·, Lauren, Christlna, I hold a


McKInney, Kin, and Laible famllles, FroshB crew-

~ special place In my heart, thanks to the

-<::( gently down the stream • Alex McKinney

lou Merllnl Mom, Dad, Kristin, Big Mike, Molly, ShAdy Dave, Rick, Greg, The Hockey Team: Topper, Drew, NowKs, Gate, Rizzo, RCB, the WSC boys, 9:30 Saturday Nlihts Flyers Cup, States, Pittsburih Honda EX, old Bessy, the 240 DL, S2.0S, David's rendition of Maria, 83rd St., the knows, dock tapt, the Academy, GlmptJS Comer late nld'lt, the Dave Matthews Concert, Sarah Smith, that O'Hara girt, 198 1-1999 MUthew Mlchuda Thanx for everythIng Mom, Dad, Beth, and Isaac; shady characters; Derook Michj The Stunnfl"; mixers; shore U1ps; Webby Wussell; WEXP with medieval weApons; Brother Joe's Pink Floyd meditation; Zach is related to Chewbacca; Delicate John; L1Salie Pride; good luck In the future SO, SK, MD, JS, BB,

Kevin- Well wha( can I say? I love you. Brian-

Wanna arm wrestle? Matt A.- I could beat you. Any day. Bart- How's my sweet? To everyone else: have a nice life. Brl~n Mee I would lilce to thank my parents for everything they've done, my brothfl" Matt, my sister Katie, and my dog BeautY. I would also like to thank and give shout-outs to Brian B., Kevin M., llmmers, Kasey 0., B.P., S.K., D.T., M.S., DMB concert, Miller's house, hurdle camp, Cyclones, and Championship Season.

KevIn M. Merllnl Thanks to: KK, CK, CP, DOE, TMCO, BS, KO, Ml, Tees, JS, EB, TUCK, Nev, Duke, SM, MA, TM, MC; KENT, NOONBERG, CHAPMAN, BOOT, Wes. DOCS, PACO, )OMU Good luck! BT, lOCO, NEELS, CRl, HINK, FLOOD, COGGINS1 The Hole, CT, ATKS, Pit, loop, • lofts, REEB, TRAM, BOOTS, ROC, BROS, Wes • summer '97. Mom, Dad, thanks for everything • Marty, Beth, SQEEBER You Guys Are The Best!

~ s:::::


E ~


-:: Q)




Tim MOl Thanks to my family and friends. Mc Dad, Gfei, Goldie. Thanks, T!ish, yOl the best. You were always there. lO, ( BA, PS, JB, the rest of the crew, RB, 1 PS, SG, JH, BK, Ml, JM, MR, TR, M BB, RK, AC, JC, 00, SH, TH, OH, BD, 8l, SM, IN, TP, DS, lM, 8S, CR, MS, I AM, lA, LM, Tl, TR, RK. Anyone I out. It was great. JV-A,B See you All 1.11 BT, Molush, CoggIns, Doc, B. Frank Thar

MC, TG, MA, Sl, Ml, MR, KB, CW, ]K, ZD, and the rest of the class of 19991

• Thank you Mommy and Daddy. Grej- You my

• Bizatch. BIII- You're such a jerk but that's okay.

Purlck MOl Thanks Mom, Dad, Kev, Bri, Kleral couldn't have done It without you! Tr and ScOtt for always belna: there! To all boys from Track, you a:uys are nuts. Tha to 0, Neels, and Frtz Bear, u punk. G DMB conceru. Thanx evt'ryo

Scott Miller Mom and Dad: You're the best, thanks for all your support. Garren, thanks for all your help - Sharon, you're the coolest. We have the best limes; alris do do it, and you do It well. B. Oyer,. To the boys in the 98 V8, Including Tl & BY - Good Times Man - to the boys of the 99 crew, thanks - Tom MCl, WHOO, Flair Chops - To my family and friends for their Iovt'. Joel Moffatt Thanks to my proud folks for believing In me and my pals who put up with me. Egg patrol1 By, Ta-popsicle day! TIm·every tlme! lynch: Nife. 2am, No Sweal.Ben: Whoa, hello there! Mid-4 clty champshard core. CMHn & lETTUCE. Bowlasaurus. Shawn: 6 down at Sandy Run. Cake Incldent-creep house '98: We've come a long way. You guys are an important part of me. This is only the beglnnlna:!

Ray Mull Thanks: Mom, Dad, and Tara I Jove y' To all my boys: Bootie, Garv, Curly, S Mcurth, and Ski. Later on fellAS. Sumn of '96, Scr~nton, Ocean City, Golf COUI Hampton Inn, Thanksa:tvlna: '97, 0 dreams, 4th of July '97 '98, Baldi, N Years Eve 98' Junior Prom, Wade's to my other boys: BP, CM, JM, CS, Bl, B BS, GS, JO, JS, AS, VJ, AF, PS, Ol, t)F, SC, AM, EB, DO, TJ, RK, !!it Ml u

on Gu Muthew Mul I'd like to thank my parents ~nd the rest my family. Thanks to sully for dlat rtde school every momlna:. Thanks to aU the gl teachers I had. Shout-out to Steve, Syke, ' Iceman, Snyder, Sully, 3rd and 4th lun, The KWO, lancaster, The Intermural B-1 champs, M·Rock, and everyone el

Colin Murp Thank you, Mom and Dad for sending I to a great school and to Caitlin for alw. being there, I love you a:uys. I also want give a shout out to all my boys a[ the Re Savo, Bob(Bler), Mush, Train (Prep dor E&B Barnes, the bird man will never d Paul, for always makine me act Ilkl goofball, Gaynor's busts, Biate and accomplke TIny, 7ftoaf ZJm. let's somewhere, alriiht Salt Ray JP HV Pun

Steven Murp Thanks - Mom & Dad for the love, SUPPc sacs over the years. Mkhelle for the ca sacs.Nicole U make me laih. Rl lets do Woods wI GP, AV, JM, CS winnln sea Houston-Hillside wI Nl, AV, lM, JP, B Bball at Houston wI old heads. Rldln in J Mitsu. Rox \'S. lafHlII foory. Creppln Houston, running from pies. lIvin In Ro) the best! Pete, IHM Alums, Wl, BW, A JT, RC, NM, Chedar-99s nt



One hilS to wonder how much talent requires [0 flt all these people Into

one picture.

iuthew Murray !Y, how's It gain'? Yeah, guys, it beith the !y. Ry! Put a shin on! Coun ... m.lnage~m. It's all about AndreCh,u. And the bear Ip. Yeah, we ruled. Just rerJM.>mber: If your !y's broken and you feel like [diny diny IShJ, don't be afraid to crank up some lirway and put the SI'lUCkdown_ If that don't x1t get an emergency rock. Yeah Chip! Yeah ,! Yeah Kushto! Yeah Jesus! lSCX!

John P. O'Hara Thanks Mom, Dad, Mike, Jacque, Paul, and Joe, love <III of you; "Show me the rock." Droppy? "I don't know IUVS, where is Jimmy?" Veronica, I am more me with you than anybody, love you; Coach Jackson, CSLthanks; Arbo and Newt, you are the best; KO, ST, JS,

SM, KM, KN, SK, MC, ST, CKZ, KC, OX, jM, TP, E8, MW, TM, KK, BS, RC, CP, JD, MB, GB - love you all. Westley's, ATK, loft; K37·4! Fox "Bra"; Merlini- Mt.

!vln Noone Sean Ockershilusen ,my thanks to Mom, Dad, and to my brothers: Thanks, Mom and Dad. Oass of '99: It's been fun. n, Bri + Mike. Also thanks to my teachers + What's UD Cafeterla Crew, Varalli,Hayes, KKKKrol, aches. To everyone with me along the way: Gallagher-Smog'em. In the vag; Zach and Chrissy· When's the Wedding? lIttley- Don't drink, I know; !v, Sean, Wes, Duke, PTP + Uvanates Crew, lap Koller, Aura + Becky, lo'H, Bulb, C Penn Alonso- Keep it Cuban; Klarlch'KWO; Shady Shawnmy a-line. Nlv's, NY trip, lofting, ATK, Airplanes at wobby wuss; Michuda,Kel1ar' keep Kick es - summer '97; the pit. To the hole and the mppln; Reif- Rollin In the Coug; Karlis; Ranweiler; Good art: I'U be back. And a special thanks to luck guys and have LOTS of fun. haefer - the weekender. Keith Olender mes Nowicki Thanks Mom, Dad, Kevin, Erika, I love you. Tee, Steff, and Boot. You're the best friends a kid could ) my Mom and Dad, you have always been ere for me. Pushing me In every way. Thanks have. loftin' it, ATK, APT, OFF. Paul, Kenny, Show )fTI all my hean. To Dan, Terry and Jenn. me the rock, SM Navigator, Hey Bulb show little bulb, )IJ rJM.>an a lot to me, thank you for all your Nopper, AI: Where did you iO? Hev V, Can I get <I pport. To Bitter, Doni and Topper, yeah, 8rhskl? Kairos 37-4, You all owe John and V an 'ah! apology. Meat... Bles, BFC2, ST, Rose sweats. Stef Shore House, AL weat QUOtes. To all da boys, Luv y•. !ter O'Connor lanks to my Mom, Dad, Gret, and my andparenu. OJ, Amb., SUitS, TupperW., Michael P.lIlonis aroradE'. library-Study? Gym-Bball, Go Thank you Mom & Dad for sending me to L1Sal1e. lCers! March Madness. IQ-Stem, WWF. Yeah Thanks Toll Brothers. 98Trans-Am. N & HO scale. ~ AK-what-What! GP- "Wanna see my car Mr. McGregor's carriage ride. Sarah, Is that an lIIinois rYS?" Uk. with Pugs and PRo Good luck to accent? GO NAVY beat Army! The Indian. Dixie & Striker. PoconoSOO. Goldmine. CASE-IH. Churchvtlle y classmates... Farm. Rook's Farm. Good luck guys, VonMedicus, ndrew O'Donnell Miller, Poley. SQuage, Murphy, and of course SchUl. CHA & Springside. Annie. Cowboys take over Is. lanks to my parentS, and Matt. All the guys LaSalle, u know who you are. Blazing Pits, Ferrari FS50. >cps-Busted tOO much. Slating +on Cllfs, lmes, For all the videos lowe you. Kev- oh John Patcella ally WOW, that'S Thanks Mom, Dad, Greg, Nick, couldn't have done it without you. LaSalle lee Hockey rules!!! To everyone Ilazlng. Cohen-Late nlcht IUltar sessions, else at LaS.llle, It's been a great 4 years. Good luck In )IJthst·Tuck, BJ, CK! Crew at Mike's house: the future. Hope to see you soon. Adios laSalle. JSSl, Tim, Chrts, Br~, Jeff, Amy. Laurenham! Thanks: Mr.Coahu, Mr. Oflnpsey, and Chris Pennlnaton :ped..llly Mr. Jackson! Tham Mom, Dad, Steve, Andrew, Tim, KJer, and Mike )hn O'Donnell for always being: there. Thanx for all of your love. Thanx hanks Mom and Dad for tying to keep me out to my friends: UD, KC, SM, MB, KM, TM, TP, BT, KN, : uooble, better luck with Mike. Thanks to my US, ST, JO, OA, for all of the memories. Snow Anaels, »IS: Bones, lynch, Fla, Pat, Bob, Keith, Kell, cJean my car Sean, 00 partY, let me out of the (ar, Travis left me, JD bam, 18 at Eustace, Bulb boo... " Ray, TF, JM, CS, AM. Black thorn rugby, uegrow. Officer Costello + King. PSOgona, Senior week 98, Off. Kenny, Jasmine, BUI, the Wedding Singer kiss, CassILU untlngton. Johnny + Bobby's D<lY off, NJ all ghter. Glovanna + Michelle. Dog In LBI. 320 )liar night. Walker, Dew, N<ltty, Rock, Beast, Nicholas W. Petitti Jr. :we you all. Good luck, jerks. Thanks to my Mom and Dad 1 couldn't have done it without you. What's up to Samantha, TIm, Tar<l, iii Caltlyn, Kristy, Joey, Mike, Alissa and everyone else in IIchael J. O'Donnell Roxborough. Keep It real! hanks Mom, Dad, Kyle, and Gram, without ,)lJ all none of these four years would have ~n possible. Also, to my friends, th<lnks for a -eat four years. Good luck In college!

Mike Peme Mom, D<ld, Bob, Th<lnk you for everything I love you. I wish I could live you more. To all my brothers out there you know who you are, thanks for the times. loop, Pit, Indian, Crater. I hate that stop sign. Phish'n trips_ Tasty nUg&eu. The tree, C day. Windows h<l,ha. Tucks &lgs, Jlmmys apt. Comer crew. lS soccer baby. Look at all the water. Peace to you all, LIve long and prosper. Thanks.

» n ,.. ::s




Gary A. Petruzzelli Thanks, Mom and Dad, for wooing hardU"Q to put us through school. lisa - ror (D everything. And Craig ror always being: there and helping me out, I will miss you. Kalras 37-4 life.




Robert A. Philipp Special thanks to Mom, Pop·paz, and r-+ Aunt Nance for everything: you've done ~ for me. Top all my boys: lynch, Pat, • Jack, Fia, Bobby, Kel, Ray, J.P. Johnny, • and Bobby's d<lY off. Hey, Pat, you lOt • any dlppel'1 on ya? Rlchardi. Junior prom at the Hampton Inn. Diona, Kr1sun's house, Huntington. Pinehaven. Yo, red beard, where's your tooth? Kristin and Alexis. Lynch, how much did ya aet? NE pride! Thomas J. Piper, Jr. Mom, Dad, Coun, and Laura, thanks ror everythIng: you have atven me. Alky Gayber Moody Jeana, and Auna respect It. Cuffed to Ed Donatel EM, CS, Nl, MJ BM, "J the R" NH6/28-1 Tivoli Germany. SIBT98. Yeah reet. Hlttln' the sauce. Caucasian phone. Eye of the Tiger. BennigaN. Ed's house, CUA. "Too tuff" Chuck and Jeff. Roosters. MK, PS, KC, GB, CC, ERF, BT, ll, JP, KR, Kl. It has been sweet like da monkey. Timothy J. Plppet Thanks Mom, Dad, Kelly, 'n Megan ror everything. I get by with <I little help from EV, Tobl, Keg, Clerks, Mandl, Doe, BJ, Slops, MB, EC, CR, SK, RC, BS, Jl, SM, KM, KN, KAV, MW, ST, BULB, OX, JS, CW, CP, Bach, 'n all swlmmen· Iluv you all. Remember·P2P, breakfast club, winter shore trips, devils, Pin, Indian, Cr.lder, loop, Booms, BUd, BBQ's, Crat&,s Irtsh fI.lg, KJ7-4, Shady L1rry 'n the receipt, free periods down at the pit.

::J • • •

» n ,.. ::s o



Timothy M. Ponlsclak ([) Thanks to Mom, Dad, Steve, and Dan for all their help through the years. Hey, how's AP Chern class? Hey, Pool Boy!C1'Q "Woridng" at l<l Salle for the summer. t"D Soph. gym class: sven, bear, animal - the best hockey team! what's up to the basketball and baseball teams. DT VAN! """ Russell Muscle! To all the rest: Sven, Alks, Richie, Winey, MR, PJ, Bean, JG, ~ MH, PJ, CG, MM, BC, Thanks, see y'ail r-t later, Go Irish! V"



~ Mlch~el ). Pucci ~ Mom, Dad, Krlsry, and Nick, uunk you for all your love and support. SO 140, Beefy, and QJ Just like me - another 4 years.R.1y, shut UP. to left! Nlaht at Jesse's. Soccer: JV captaIns and blue crew, and I'm still .llTOi<lnt! PloP '97, IOx-nliht, "He hit me in the face", OJ "Take me home!" DB . what's the outlook? bnUm&lrts!! (sarcasm) one excepUon; you'll always be In my heart, cat! Good luck, Fellas. Q) It's been fun!



-c >

Torey D. PUlh

;;. I would like to thank my mom, my wandmother, and my grandfather, and the rest of



my family. Also to my friends In La Salle BJ, CP, CK, KK, ML, RT, OJ, Me, CW, KB, BB, Je, EM, TM, TP, CK, CS, SE, MW, and If I


forgot you: Too bad. I would like to give a shout-out to my associates outSIde of school:



"""" Sam, Shawn, Salm, Kerry, Ivan, Sabrina, Perry, • Rodney, Quinn, Saleema, and to all the pretty • women. R. I. P. Big & 2Pac.

Brian ]. Puallsl I want to thank my family, LF, JA, MS, JM, TM, OS, EG, TK, SM, BM, JD, all my friends, and .lisa TB, and TBC, Svke's Bash, The lOl, PAFC. Z.lCh.lry R. Quenzer Thanks Mom, Dad, len, Phil, .lnd M.lr( for everythlne. Th.lnks to all my friends In Glenside 0], Pete, Alan, Kuzla, Katnlk.

Joseph A. R.lleLa Th.1nks, Mom, Dad, Am, love ya. All my boys-CRCougar CAW-shtoops C5 DT, Ml, SM, BT, BF·UH Idunno MP, ll, MK, ST, JS, EC, KB, CK, KK, SK, EB, KN, Dl, Gb, BS, KO, JO, ST·P2P·Engiish CUZ Enellsh Getaway97 Sony TUCK la Salle U Pit, loop, crater, Indian, apartment, Tobe's tr.Kk te.lm. Do ya wanna just go this way? fans·]O, ]l JD, BUlb, EB, CC, Pit volleyball, KK, SE, KN, Bam SE 6: OS.

•• Mauhew

......, andy, ScOtt and Jes... Besu luck to the swim

s::: QJ

team, 10 straliht. .. Good luck to all my buds mal are stili stuck here... enjoy the summer . ,... Good luck Carol, Miss, Mk::hele' and Daniel . see ya all on easter brake... second period volleyball and founh tabJe volleyball... see ya .... '" around... lisa F. " I love You". I'll be 'wHIBack...



Banon D. by _ All me people I've had fun-with my parents::>0 the van·awcircles and talks·che offke;> JS·26:Bubbles-The Swim Team &I: the game· the conversatlons@the lunch tableomy sympathy for the V·c1ub-1 love sleep-All che partyholders·Splrlt swlmming·the restaurant-Joe M. ~ and FRed ].-Malnly desseru-Rob C.'Trips to Phllly-the reeulators·che many friends I've had and all they've done for me!!



« U

Matthew Schar Thanks mom and dad for all the SUPIX And friends, the dinner club wUl ride agil Thanks Elmer and linda for the rine. Thai for the fun classes Br Mike and Joe. Mara, uth, and Kell for the MG ramio Thanks for the .lnime-fem lord a FOOMers. Especially Mep,an for Ienlni I play amoni the stars. I lib ~ng cal Crotch. loWanl's...YITODI! Zach, I eavt a trY. And Dayve, on yo' ch

John B. Remshard As requIred, thanks to Mom, Dad, and Mq: for all the

help... Keep jammin' l.lck...CH, lE, ES, MO, KB, Rl, JK-ean't Imailnt luoch wIthout you ... JC·thanks for getting my work Into the Wis...Pinky-Narfl ...Avalon always...Volvo nnaUy... Eagles·suck, Explorers' RUlEI. ..SWF's SFSTW... RIP Mom-Mom, SandY'never forget you ...Good lUCk, everyone; life's startln' to get InterestIng... Cunls M. ROien Thanks to my family for helping me get throuah hlih school. I love you all. Thanks to all my friends for all che iood times; Tabe's tavern, Pit, loop, summer craters U'tppln' down thelndian, Breakfast Oub, Polar Bear Oub, Mustana, y1ni'? Shore trips, 3some? Apt. Andre, "OffICer, can you fix my visor?" Rida-e, DMB'97, MOW'96, Driver, Bob, Good luck to everyone In class of '99 and class of '00. Peace OUt to everyone. Purlck R. Rose Thanks Mom and Amy for all your support. Thanks to Mr. C. and Mrs. C.lGreat time In Europe People to People!PS, TP, RT, MP, SM, JD, DO, PUGSI Pura VIda. Patrick S. Salvlnl Thanks to Mom and Pop for everything; words to BIter, Dong, Nowlcks(The girJffe), sweet lou Jr. & Sr., John Deere, Buddahl'1a, Heron, the Praying Mantis, Bat Boy, and Dr. Greenthumb. Thanks to all of my teachers and coaches, especially Wally, BT·weak, Mr. Devine, Hr. Neely, and D. Heinemann, and Mr. ParisI. BT-van forever. la Salle baseball rules!. La Salle Ice Hockey Rules!

S. Ranweller

V) Thank you for the support, Mom and Dad,

"'0 QJ

Gerald J. Reifsnyder Thanks Mom, Dad, John, Donna M., liz, rest of Reif! DiFerd Fam.Ock, ]H, MK, SV, MPF, Riehle, TG, BP, ]K, MUlS, Syke, NDC, and rest of class of '99. ]S, BenW, Fatty, OX, Duneer, Toby, Bulb, SmoIl:ey, rest of Kalros 37·4 "live lhe 4th" Bridget, Abby, Katie. Sdemb, friends forevft". Hum, Kate, thinkin' of ya. Claude, you the nun. Mr. Chez, BT, BF, H], MD, HF, TI, thanks fo rtne memories and help. Go explorm. Thanks HcG.MFIood. Rosie(too tall).

William Sautter Thanks to all my family, especially my Dad for a Feat four yean. Good luck and thanks to all my friends. Jenoou, Bli Ni ny, Oraz, Smitty, Kuzdoe, Alan ]alon, Murph, lynch, McGllIian, Curty, Fedyn, nuts, Suaer, Bobby P, and to all my fr1ends I mlgln have fOf'll)L The Ukraint is weak. Ye~, Alan, 10 for iL My Olds is fast. I can't have homework. Got to be a soldier! Michael Savare Thank you Mom, Dad, John, Kevin, Matthew, for all che support throuehout my hleh school career. Whal's up boys, It's been real. Ray, JP, Sautter, lynch, McGJllan, OX, Steffa, Tees, Donatelli, and the rest of me soccer, crew and footy leams. Thank you Murph, Bob, Gravely, Daley, Barnes, Zlm, Biggle, Birdman, GRZ, CB I, MP, RW, PM, EE, FNT, Sorry If I foreal. All the ilrIs, SOllY, hul I need my space. FCYB till I die. Memories.

Gren Set 37·4 Mouch wash anyone? BNl998\1 '98 0] Ran on che I and 2! lSC-GS Dr 0] V·pres. AP French 6128-1, Tlvol didn't do il! It was CWI Warden's GF, R did I hit somethlne? Cruz! 7 In .. days? how many Is that? GS \OS OA. Anatom) won! loopln' It , coach, I don't think: Mr. Boro, uHave u setn ... latelyn CW, n on Ch. 4, MH, MP, KC, NN, ~ ]ED""Corruptlon Mom, Dad, Chris, ]E . I love ya euys! 37

]. P. Sf01 Thanx: Mom, Dad, Andrew, and Dan love ya. My boyz: Ray, GaIV, 8001 McCanh, Bob, Ski, AS, ML, ]S, Kil, G CS, MS, ST, MP, RF, E8's, ]S ]R Kane, ] ]eff&Chuck, D, Thanx fe/las. Golf cour bladi, SFl, PB, Day dreams, Junior pro Ocean Oty, NBOB, Scranton, BF, Aid, ]. 4th, NY at Ray's, Mr. P, ]V, '96, EagI Mush, SM, EB, lO, U Purlck Slatte To Mom and Dad and Caitlin: Thanks enjoyed iclThe Man the Myth the l~nd Harry Kalasl Mr. O'T.: You are KI Vonneguv The stache! Show me the t Lar! Airplanes (Granese)! The rips (Coher Yo Piper/ Farley! Thin as a piece of tlss paper! SportS car (lMc)! The Marty Mel DUne'" Phillie's games (Bloodpants)1 Dol slip; it's wet here! The Shot! How nukln'· Pete - 4361'< Brian Sml I would like to thank my partrlts for t support they pve me. Thar Mom and 0.11

Chris Sml Thanx Mom and Dad for keeping me line. Thanx to aU my friends. Shout out Nanu, Helm, ]oeR, McGlllIn, TImmY' Nobody panles like us. Yeah Lax .11 soccer. Keepln' it live at laSalle U. wi all my lady friends. Good luck to all n friends at LaSalle, and maybe I'll see yl later In life. Watch OUI for the last day school! I'm OUI. Remember lhe DTear

lthony Snyder anks Mom, Dad, Challe, and Tori for all of ur care. I love you guys. Jim: You are t:he ck door bandit. Liver... I love you man. Yo no are you Irish. Lou of love to Sully, Troy, ulls, Vktoria, and OfeJli. Thanks for erythlna Grandma; I will never forget you. /23/98. Remember June 17th. Excuse me, ! you two twins? L1Salte is # I.

Shawn Teesdale Thanks to my Mom and Dad for all of their suppon. Soccer: Savage, DonatellI, Pef, Sforz, Pipes, and especially Steffa. Thanks to my friends· JS, KO, JO, EB, KC, CP, KM, SM, SK, KN, MC, CC, ST, CK, and everyone else. Recoanltlon to my Wl1sahlckon boys- to a, JS, CC, TC, PJ, JB, SF. KatJe- Thanks for every· thlna and good luck. I'll never foraet you. Splt-Taunce Forever.

lfls Suntan

Nicholas Trendier Thanks Mom and Dad. God; Tony, Dori and James; Aunt AnnYj Grandmom and Gr.llndpopj .lit my famllyj Bill; Matt C; lames K; Shemp; Vinnie; Joe G; Chris OJ Col B.1ille; the lab asslstanu crew; Schaffer; Burkle; phearedj parasite; the great wall of Surge; to everyone I foraot sorry-:')

I.lnks Mom, Dad, Mike, and Nana for all the re and auldance over t:he years. Thanx to all f friends for all the fun. Especially Bball 1m, Bulb, Boot, Ox, PIerre, Whitey, Erf, and !fl. Kalros 37-4, His Denver winning?", Chip d pUU, GO Birds, "The Shagger". What a 'eat, I'd also Uke to thank God for makIng ~ the person I am. Good Luck Class of '99. Iseph Steffa lanks Mom, Dad, Mike, Kade, Chr1sdne for the suppan. Mlk~ Be yourself, not me. lIb, Boot, &: especially Sean-E, I love you !)'S. Thanx to all my boys for all the memo~. DELCO 1998 Nat'l Champs. ATK... ,ftine:... KK's-Lunch ulks... Ai &: Nops? .. XX zatne... NR08. Kilte- Thank you for 'erythlna you have done for me. Say IL I love


iltthew Stocum

Jim, Jot, Emldlo, R.1lph Nader, 110, Biafb, The Cookie Monster, Sure:e, The ffice, Dirty F con IKhe, The Foam·Mobile, K, The Batcave, IYchel no es para d, eben. I'm broll:en. The end.

II, Matt,

Imes Sullivan ~ace and love to all my fnends and family. lyder, Troy, U dol men. All my love to U. In e future. 37-4·L1fe. Reefer, Hosmo, Ben, Yo arold, Toby, FaUle, Ox, Evan, Andy, Lyons, ppet, Eddie, Chuck, Mr ]., I'll never forget auyz.... To aU my teachers... Thanx. All the 5t In the future ... All my other boyz Mullz, pper, Catlnella, Cifelli, Dino, Faillace, and '"Y to anyone I missed.... Peace and Love. )hn Swoyer hanks Mom and Dad for your suppan and ~p. To everyone: It has ~n a bLlst.To 4th mod lunch: AI, Pete, Quez, K-TIlICk, KUI, : the rest, It's ~n real. I'll never ferret those ·day Punches, AI's Advenwres with Yolanda, !Uez's Family Nlrht, Pete's e:oIfine: &: eadna. T : his Squad's 6th period Bball: Keep Prankg. Teachers: Thank you; I learned a lot. For lOSe free trips to Florida, thanks.

Ichud Target hanks to my famlty for the sacrifices they've lade to help me get where I am. David, eanle, Boog, It's been fun. I'll never fOllet .)u guys. ]ennlfer, thanks for everything. I'll ways be there for you. Clement, Johnny, ObI, yan, Lou: It's been real. Tlvoll/G/2B-1. To oIeryone else, NP, JH, DG, PS, DO, DL, PR, 1J. L1Salle Baseball BT Van. Thanks Bro. Tim ,d Bro. Ken, you've tauillt me a lot.lKJ7·5

Anthony Troy Thank you to my famlty, thank you to my friends. Bob, thank you for pushing me to do so well. Thank you Mom and POP'pop too. Mau, good luck over the next four years. Hey Snyder, IE.MS. Yo Jim, come on! Koss, HMWCAWClAWCCW. Dan, I like chicken. Yo CostantinI. Yea Mulls. A.S. You ain't so bad. B.D. I love you. Thank you to everyone, I will miss you! A.T. and B.D. L1 Salle has been great.!!!!! Sun Tucker I Love U:MomIDad, Brad, Tiff, Aunt El, John, PaUl, L1ur, Alf, Sash, Lydia, JT. And the rest or the fam. To all of my friends. The best a guy could have. BtPB Club. K37-4. The Bros. The blizzard of '96. DMBC. Avalon. P to P 97. SHBP. Umbrellahats_ ATK:Kung Fu FllIlting. L'S. Slip'n Slide. Toga. My wardrobe. M Day weekend 96. AnYthIng I foraot to mentJon! Benjamin Tursi Thanks to Mom, Dad, LIz, and Andrew. Never forget chlilln' at Pit, Loop, and Indian. Aerosmlth and BNL concertS. BPL (SM and KK) Costa's! Where my dogs at? Peace to: DO (We miss ya!) 2 my Maple Glen crew! Waaaaaaah, Los! Barnes ("And you don'l know?") Dl ("Get off my territory!") Do, Meathead, PIp, Milo, Rogus, Brady, Andy, Granachl, Teese, Bileks, Toby, Stefa/Love ya, Brooke! I'm out! Steven Varalll Krol· You're the mmmrnaannn; Hayes· Mmmm, probably not, Out Left, GImpy, Saved by Bell; Relf· Two Homers, Jerry, "'The Babe'" Ruthsneider; Lyons, Captain Catholic, Abby, Drink all your milk; Cuff· SSS, KC + ML = KL; Karils- Swim homej UtleyBufty, Dawson's Creek, and t:he Spke GIrls; Ock· Your name Is too big. Greaory Vlzu PB's crazy parnes! Chlllin' In the basemem... Gwyneed Valley? HV Pride! Thanks to all the crew boys: JF, GS, 10, RL, BS, AM, CM, SM. P to P Pride '97: VJ, MJ, KM, BM, SB. Kairos 37-3: TO, ML, PO, ]H, DC; &: 37·4: ]F, RC, EB, SN, SG - I'll never forget ya. Thanks to: BM, V), & PB. How could I forget LP, MJ, KL, LG, CH, AS, & ES To Mom, Dad, & Gabe Thanks for all the suppart and helpIng me reJtJze my dreanu - I love you. Anthony VI~hos Thanks Mom and Dad for all your suppan and advice. Thanks Tom for hlplng me with those tough decisions . . . Shouts to all the Houston rats ...WK, OM, NL. CK, TH. Gee what do you wanna do ton/lilt? .•. Let's &0 golfing so I can set my two scats. 1M SM GP CS ... I have to swdy this period ... Yeah rilllt ! It's been live. I'm out.

Benlamln Weldon Thanks for everything, Mom + Dad. Shawn + JoeHt's ~n Quite an experience - can dutY to you could be next· hlill - five for COWS and other unprocessed meat products . never foraet Kalros 37·4 • Woah! Hello TIm G. - Tish + Laura - cake for .lit • OJ, VC, SC, CC, AM, 10, IS, GR . loeI,

When are we aonna &0 fishlna? Here's to many a successful egg patrol - destination MTV!

» n '"o ::::J

:E ( I)


Joe Wenu Will some college out there please .l(ceptU'Q me?


Matt Wesley Mom, Dad, Ryan, Erin Thank you. I told you I'd make it. To all my fnends· you know who u are. Andre the pizza guy. UDRC Night in Venice - Where's Jimmy? Eagles tailgate. My boyZ at LGPD! ATK all the way. All my kInd buds, Phlsh'97 HI'm going down. " Tuck ain't nothln but a Hoochle MaMa. Plt-Loop'Cops Run! 19th hole. Boomln at Brian's Penn State. That ain't my SMG bag. Barna class trips. Shore rips WaWaWaWaWa.


t'D ~

r""'1' V")

_ -

Chuck Whlnney Pm ... to my 'Renu &: Sis. Thanx! Js Shaadeee Shprn • U ate It? Syke &: PugnacklU5, you lIleuo kids ... Baja NE I? _ . 0101 & lulu .. Glmmle that Sticky Hand! Don't foryet garden Golf & Friendly's ... JV B Baby! hey to 37-4· live the 4th! Ring that broken doorbelt Shadee! BuBu? Biggs thanx. No more Skaton &: Joe! I'm sure I forgot peeps, so sorry! L8R! Paul White What's up Am', O'Orazloooooo, Janutes, Carlos. Chris Williamson Thanks Mom, Dad, Jess. My mentors: Shlst & LOlli. Dol loop, pin, Indian. Cun's craters. Ji,s APT. Phil's &arne' Caltle rldge_ Breakfast club my Idea! Thanks Bello. Peeps-2-peeps. Toby's house. UDRC. Avak>n • Bill, Curt, Sean. Fayh IUhd. Boomin'. Natty and Ylnl! Threesome? Pree:ame '96 - my house - Noone! Poconos. Wes . '97 I did It! My boys. I'm lust Ioungin'. Sladlngton. Driver! PB. OS.

_ ~ ,

n ;:-::;-

:::J 0


Marluu Woyn.llrskl I want to thank my parenu and my sister t'D for their suppan and willing to help me In accomplishing my goals. I would like them to know that their words of admIration atU'Q times I was doing welt, and the words of warmth and understanding at times I seemed to struggle were a big help to me. I also thank my teachers who not only shared ~ their knowledge wIth me, but taught me ( '" how to survive In a tllle worid.




::s ~

Gold atrons

Gol Patrons

'to Mal ~. 'b SdIalIel . "IOu dane lIOO<1 XOXOIl(B To Mat SC:haIfer. Happy Grad - EhI

-If1.S (;alCICICIn forrotf. Emer.lilda. ErTma. KatIe Qld ~ ....


CDngraIIJIalIon on Q job well dotIe Wid! ~ one! f\erpect - Mom and Dod

fi<gt ~.

't' 0 lbybo, My WoodorfuI, Wooderl'ul SooJ CcqnIIublionsJ Thumbs Uptlme, Mom &: Dad c ~ aass 01 'Il9. from Doug, Gal, DouII '00 and S1qlhoo'lilberg

C ~ Andy we're 10 proud ofyoullme, Mom, Dad, and Matthe.. c ~ to Owls SdlaIbIe and !he class 01 'Il91be S<:td* AIrnIy

1>.f. Duffey &: Soos, IDe. 1982 Buder Pike, l'lymwd, M'""in& P<i. ~ to the Scnion of the Rowing T=. ~ cIiscipIine, and han! wortr. will sweep you wdI inlo the fi..... ~oUt 'ThaDkJ for four yean of pat mtmoriesI Qew Para.Ia A&.oc;• .-.;~ 'l1lll aass 01 'Il9 cal always "'*'et _ ~ Jod. we are proud 01 aII)'OW aceon..a....... cP-'ltd' _Is IJrtlIllI LIMo Mom ancIll&d ~ ........

S1a*'ski Family -Joe SIabioski '67

14<. and Mn.1laymood W1lloo c,bades and K.tblHn DiBoey

Index... Acker, Daniel S. 64 Ackerman, William B. 56 Adarm, Malthew 48, 102 Addesl, Domenick P. S6 Aaer, Jason P. 64, 115, 136, 150, lSI

Ahem, Sean C. 48 Ahem, Bro. TImothy 29,138,141 Ahonkhal, lmontrl V. 56 Alben, Matthew E. 64 Alben, Michael B. 64, 128 Alanura, Mark A. 160, 198

Alexander, TefTt'f1Ct ]. 64, 115

Alfarill'lO, John c. 56 AIken, Pao1ck S. 160, 198 Allejn!tu, Bernardino A. 48 Allmond, Andrew T. 56 Alonso, MaUMw B. 160,198 Atulse, Michael V. 48 Amachl, Chlkwere N. 74, 75, 84,

95,136, ISO, 160, 198 Amott, Gerald P. 48 Anders, Serh R. S6 Andrews, Stephen P. 56, 106 Andm, Chrtstopher c. 64 Andris, Michat'l ). 160, 198 Angelo, Louis M. 6't

Antczak, Chrlstol)hef

J. 56, 151

Aponte, Gllbeno 64 Arnone, Anthony l. 64 Ashlon, Nicholas 56

Aufiero, Alex J. 48 Ay, Christopher 18 Aleff, Daniel Henry 48

Babin, Drew T. 18 Babnew, David R. 48 B.lcher, Brian C. 61 Badolato, PJtrick G. 84, 120, 160, 136,150, lSI, 198 Badolato, Sean D. 56, 120 Baer, Marie 25 Bailey 111, Benjamin H. 61-, 112, 115 BallUe, Brlan P. 56,120,136, 15().1 Baker, Kevin P. 64, 116 Baraniewla, Edward M. 61-, 116, 118 Barile, IV, Ernest J. 61-, 112, 115 Barna, Mr. Thomas 19,27 Bames, Daniel P. 81,128,129,161, 198,216 Barnes, Matthew G. 161, 198 Barry, Christopher M. 48 Bankowski, Bradley). 48 Bartley, Bro. Andrew 22, 23 Bartynsld, Jr., David A. 56, I H Balhg.ne, Bradley E. 132, 133, 142, 161,198,216 Baumprdner, Roben J. 48 Bull', Christopher P. 56 Beard, Scotl J. 48 BeatY, PaU'kk R. 18 8echer, Patlid: A. 18 Beck, Ryan 5. 56 Ilednal'1, Gregory J. 48 Behl, Daniel P. 132, 134, 161, 198 Seck, Ryan 5. 56 8e<!nal'1, Gregory J. 48 Behl, Daniel P. 132, 134, 161, 19B Behr, Evan 5. 74, 75, 126, 161,198,216 Behr, Mr. James 12,92 Bell, Chris ). 18 Bello, Patrick ). 56 Ilene, Mr. Rocco B6 BenlncasJ, Justin A. 1B Benn, leon M. 61

n Bennelt, Ryan H. 56 Bennis, Jr., Edward F. 56 Ben/ns, Karlls A. 95, 106, 161, 198 Bethke, Alexander B. 64, 83, 86,95,108,216 Bielecki, Gregory T. 120, 136,137, ISO, 162, 198 Bleled:l, Stephen E. 48 Binder, Jr., Gerard J. 48 BItting, R.1ndall K. 132, 131, 162, 198 BI.Kk, Brandon M. 48 Black, II, Timothy J. 61, 113, 115 Blake, Joseph G. 56,134 Blanco, Mr. GaDr1t'1 31 Blaney, Chrislopher 18 Blank, J. Andrew 64, 96 Bloh, Mr. Dennis 31, 92 Blah, Thomas W. 56, 89, 128 Bocchino, Michael V. 48 Bohardl, Douglas M. 61 Bolrer, Stephen J. 64,120 Bomrnemre, Brent A. 48 Bonanni, Anthony A. 48 Bond, Matthew P. 48 Bondlskey, Michael ). 56 Bonglovannl, Rlchard A. 56, 151 Bonner, WIlliam R. 64, 120, 136, 15().1 Borden, John A. 56, 145 Borek, Adam D. 18 8or1ng, Ill, John A. 61Bor1l;owski, Joshua E. 56 Borrelli, Samuel J. 18 Bowers, Nicholas D. 56, 115 Boyle, Stephen P. 64 BraclsJ:ewsltl, Mr. Mike 131 Brader, Mr. Rodney 43 Brady, Kevin F. 132,133,162,198 Brannon, Erk: 18 Brasberger, Thomas M. 64 8ray, lulu Breen, ChrIStopher G. 56 Breen路lopez, Pauick M. 64 Brelsford, Anthony C. 48 Brelsford, J. Drew 65 Brennan, Robeft C. 84, 92, 106, 162, 198 Breuer, Mark W. 56 Brewster, Kevin 106, 162, 198 Brewster, Sean 18 Breznlcky, Jason T. 48 ,151 Brldy, Daniel A. 65, 115 Broderick, Matthew E. 18 Brogan, Ryan G. 65, 106 Brogan, Sean A. 18 Brooks, Sean J. 65 Bryanl, Joshua M. 49 B~rs, KIeran B. 65, 126 Br1OStek, Edward R. 131, 162, 198 Buckley, Daniel J. 56 BUI, Joseph T. 56,15 I Buonocore, Michael H. 56 BUfClewskl, Chad M. 65 Burg, Ethel 43 Burtle, NkhoLas A. 163, 198 BUlTell, Ernesl65, 116, 118 Bustard, David W. 65 Byrne, Roben F. 163, 198 Byrne, Robert 5. 65 Cadwell, JUSIln L. 56 Calahan, Thomas R. 65 Callahan, Kyle K. 65, I 13, 1 IS Callan, Daniel D. 65

Callan, Michael A. 65 Campbell, Devin P. 65 Campbell, Havilland G. 65 Campo, Brtan ). 56, 108, 216 CandLa, Steven P. 65 Candia, David R. 56 Canning, Matthew A. 163, 198 Cannon, Edward CapelOla, Matthew K 49. Capetola, Zachary R. 65 uponl, Manhew D. 19 Cappelli, Andrew}. 56 Capponl, Emldlo A. 163, 198 Cardella, Joseph 65 Careless, Robert M. 49 Carelli, Joseph 56, 131 Carey, Ian Pau1ck 49 Carl, David 5. 163, 198 (.armlnatl, Joseph A. 65 Carmlnatl, Richard J. 120, 136, 15().1, 163, 198 Carr, John M. 56 Carr, Vincent A. 86, 95, 164, 199 CafTOlI, Jr., Joseph J. 19 Carroll, Paul J. 65, 106 Carroll, Phl1lp T. 19 Carv;llho, Steven D. 57 CalVer, Scott M. 120, 164, 199 Cwldy, D~nlel 65, 115 Catlnella, Daniel J. 164, 199 Cattle, Edward 8. I 12, 164, 199 Cavlston, Sean V. 49 Cawley, Raymond P. 57 Chancier, Christopher T. 57 Chapman, Matthew T. 112, 164, 199 Chappelta, Roben M. 164, 199 Chavoustll', Erk: 5. 49 Checkovaae, Michael ). 57 Chen, Chih路Hal Harry 49 Chesnllc, Mr. Mart 32, 90 Cho, Bobby J. 49 Claverem, Anthony A. 57 Clccagllone, Michael]. 49, 1JJ Clcclmaro, Euaene F. 165, 199 Clcc1maro, Mrs. Janke 39 Occlmaro, Mr. Joseph 38, 86, 92 Clfellt, Vincent N. 165, 199 Omlnera, Nicholas G. 65 amini, Mr. Guido 42 oom, Ryan }. 65,133 Oainnont, Edmond J. 57 Qart, Mr. Ken 116 Clart, Peler A. 65, 136, 15().1 Qane, Brian P. 165, 199 Qarke, Joseph Michael 57, 128 Cleartln, Kevin E. 75,165,199 Cleary, Kyle James 57 Clement, Christopher H. 165, 199 Ooonan, Michael E. 57 Coiatns, Mr. Nicholas JS, 81 Coghl.ln, Daniel A. 57 Cohen, RyanS. 132, 133, 165, 199 Colangelo, Mrs. Angl 22 CoIlbraro, Michael]. 49 CollsU"a, Mr. Joseph 29,112,115, FI CoI15lra, Paul D. 65, 112, 115 Collins, Pauick ). 49 Cornia, Andrew 8. 65 Cornlsak, Adam 5.57, 142 Congltlando, Ernest J. 65 Conkelll, III, Carmen J. 49 Conlin, James F. 65, BO, 106 Connor, Sean R. 57 Cook, Bro. Kenneth 32, 33 Cooke, Jeremy R. 102, 103, 166, 199,216

.. .lndex Cooney, Brendan J. 49 Cooper, Ian J. 49 Comely, P. Manhew 65, 106 Cosgrove, Michael B. 65 Costantini, Anthony C. 166, 199 Costantino, Anthony M. 65, 96 Costantino, Christopher C. 49 Costello, Matthew J. 57 Cos{ello, Manhew ]. 65 Coulter, Jr., JeffreyT. 166, 199 Coveney, Gerald W. 120, 138, 166, 199 CoveMy, Michael P. 57 Coyle, Roben M.166, 199 Coyle, Stewan W. 49 Cragin, Michael P. 49 Craver, Drew Thomas 57 Crawford, Kevin 166, 199 Cross, Kevin J. 57 Crotty, 8rendan J. 57 Crowe, Mr. David 27 Cuclnolta, SalvalOre S. 49 Cuff, David K. 167, 199 Cullen, Vlocent M. 167, 199 Cunane, Mr. Edward 13 Curci, Chrlstopher M. 65, 95, 115,134 Curcio, Christopher M. 49, 216 Curran, Steven M. 49 CuwlI, Joseph ]. 65, 80 D'Alfonso, Bro.]ohn 34,112 D'Amico, Nicholas D. 49 D'Angelo, Dr.]oseph 19,20,22,30, IH, 216 D'Angelo, Mart Joseph 49,134 D'Orazio, 01110 A. 167, 131, 199 Dalley, Brian D. 57 Dalton, Pauick M. 57 Danella, James D. 57 DanlelskJ, Bro. Francis 32 Davoli, Richard P. I67, 199 Day, Charles M. 58 Day, Donald 167, 199 DeAnaells, Ryan J. 49 DeCastro, Nicholas J. 167, 199 DeCree, Jr., John G. 49 DeCrescIo, Mkhael J. 66, 113, 115, 123 Dedic, Dino 49 Dedic, Emir 168, 200 DeGirolamo, John G. 49 Delaney, James D. 49 Delaney, John J. 58 DeLaMy, Marlin D. 16B, 142,200 Delaurentis, Christopher W. 19 Delaurentis, Ms. RiLl 41 Della Vecchla, Nicholas 66 Dempsey, Jason P. 58 Dempsey, Mr.]oseph 31,106 Denny/ Charle5]. 58 DeParo, David G. 58 Derrick, Matthew 19, 151 Den1ck, Zachary R. 86, 168, 200,216 Desiderio, Jeremy M. 58 Dever, Mrs. Patr1cla 23 Devery, James]. 49 Devine, Mr. Pa{1ick 21, 120, 136 Devlin, Thomas ). 66,1 20, 151 Devore, luke A. 92, 95, 168,200 Dkckco, Mlch.ll'l W. 58 maceo, Marlo J. 49 DlOerlco, Gabriel R. 58 DiOerlco, Marlo]. 80, 81,168, 200,216 Diehl, Mr. David 20,22,216

Index... nde t>iMl.


D. 58

D1)uIo, Anthony M. 49 Dlldll, Frri: C. so Dilks, Oftmls ). 66 ONion, ~ J. 112, 1'19,

168,200 D1PJirdo, s~ T. 58 DIPasquale, Bro. William 24, 84 DISeplo, John N. SO OIToro, Christopher A. 169,200 Do, N.lm HOMlI 58 OotrlIeIn, M.nthfw R. SO Dohtny, )ohn f. 58, 216 Dobn. Kevin E. 66, 123 Dobn, Mr. M~ 25




00Nhue. Ms.lJnlb 24, lOS. 216


Jr., G~ A.

116, 118,

169,200 Donohue, 8riIn R. 50 Donohue, Mkh.wl). 81, 84,120, IJ6, 150, 169,200,216 Donovan, Mr. MIct1aeI 42 Droney, l,non R. 66, 216 Doucheny, Christopher ). SO DouahmY. Chrtstopner). 66, 75, 112, liS

DoucMrtY, Cuil A.

66, I I 5


Douch<nY. _ M. 66 DouchertY. Knin B. 66, 112, I IS Dc:lu&f'le'tY, PhIlp A. 66

DouaMnY. Sal E. 66 DouaMnY. Tbom.Is D. 66 Dowds, Tbom.Is]. 169,200

Downey, Uurm::f F. 66 Or.J)'tOI'l, D.lIvtd R. 50 QU, VkKftlt T. 66

Duffey, Daniel E. SO Durtln, Donald M. 58 Durkin, }m'leS J, 66, '02, 134 l>w)w, D.lnJel A. 66 [)wyt:r, John l. 78, 95, 169,

200,F2 ~,

FfI\fy, W111Mn H. 66 FfIbt. Riardo 66, IH Ffhf, III, Robert F. 66, 113, 115 Ferrif, T1mochy G. 50,120,151 Fmo, Fnnk). 17\, 200 Fmo, John R. 50 Fifld, luke R. 50 File, Mr. DanIel 30, 83 FlllpCLlk, Andrew]. 67 Flllpaak, Ryan 5. 50 FInIry, MJuhew T. 58, 102 Flnorf, <:..vmfn G. 67 Fishtf, Jason A. 50 Floaer.rid, Mr. ~rd 29 FitzpDId, Daniel E. 113, 171, 200 F~ Jr., KtvWl67,120,151 ~SeanF.58

169, 200

Jr., Joseph P. 66

Dwyer, Ryan W. SO O)oft", Robtn F. 170, 200 Ebner, Mr. C'.r.11186 Edelen, IV, JMM:S}ostph


John F. 66 EPn. Robert ). SO Epn,

~ Kyte MldueI 58 ElIott, Pet« T'hoINs 58 Ellb, Dn1d P. 66

Enlltr. John D. SO ErfIe, Stephen P. 123, 170, 200 Ermoia II, R~}. 66, 145 Escobar, Manlo A. 50 E-nns. Mr. Gerald 26, 80, 216 Evans, UwmlCf B. 170, 200 F~, RYinP. 66, 216 F~f, Anthony P. 170, 200 FaIconf, Mr.)osfph 36,141 Fallis, AndrfW M. 50 F~, GforJ'f 5. 50 FamI, Ms. DYna 43 FatTflI, Mlchaflpaul 170, 200 F ~ Andrlw M. 128, 129, 170,200 FlY, Brian C. 58, 128 Fay, John M. \7\, 200 Fmo, Daniel 50 Ffdyna, JO$fph P. 171, 200 Ffdyna, Sun D. 50


F1[lJ1bbollS, TfffnCf J. 67 FIustTmons., M~ J. SO,128 Flood, Mr. KfflI'lflh 19,74, 131 Flood, Michael T. SO Fkrl.owskI, Raymond A. 118, 17\, 200 Fbrl\dfrs, Emer Cox 58 Flynn, TImothyJ. 50 Foatla, Paul l. 58 Folty, Brfn T. 67 Foley, Michael K. 50 Ford, Mrs. Ann 40, 216 Ford, Daniel J. 50 ForkIn, J¥ne5 A. 50, 151 Fox, Andrl'W S. 58 FOIl, Irian C. SO Fox, c.b T1u)'fl" 171, 201 Fr...os, Robfrt C. 172, 20 I F~, ~ l. 172, 201 Frank. MkNeI P. 67 FrJru, Ertc J.I 5 I Fnrutn, Aifxander G. 50 Frfln, Chr1stopher M. 58 Frendms, Bro. Gerard 20, 22, 2\6 F~, Adam C. 50 Friel, IV, Edward J. 58, 150, I5 \ frits, Jlmln J. 67 FrI~lf,n, ~n M. 67 Frosl, Kevin P. 50 Fullenon. James R. 58 ~lao[f, Anlhony A. 50 ~ , Brian G. 50 ~b.lIy, Danitl ). 67 GaIbIIy, EdwMd ). 58 GMdo, Damon M. 172, 201 GaIaIMr. Brpn P. 58 GaUap, Colin P. 50 Gallqh«, Mrs.. HfIfn 4 1 Galla&tm", Kevin A. 50 Gal~r, Stan 50, 20 I Gallactm', Shawn M. \72 Galla&f\tr, TImothy M. 172, 201 Gallaaher. William T. 5 I Gallo, Mr. JO$fph 43 Gambino, James M. 5 I, 128 Gambone, Emesl D. 51, 75 Gardner, Joseph l. 172, 20 \ Gan1tY, Ryan C. 58 GarrIty, T. Ian 58 Garvey, Ms. Paay 13 Garm, Stuwn ). 58, 133 Ganin, Mrs.. l1'Ifma 36, 92 G¥wood, Bro. BI'fndan 4 I Gaskins.(;eruofMltf, Mrs.. MelIssa 38 G.ut'S, ~ J. 67 G41vIn, Mic:tYeI F. 58 GdowIk, M1t~ E. 58 Gelaef, Anthony W. 58 Gelter, Mr. William 26, 34, 81, 83,108,2\6

G<Ml, Gtnnl ). 51 ~fSf, Mr. Ridurd 86 Gtmen:I, Mart David 58, 142 Gentftnfler, Jonathan P. 5 I ~d,JohnJ.51.133

Gibbons, John P. 5 I Gibbons, Mr. Mart 22,152,216 Gibbons, Mkhael F. 5 I GldJunls, Joseph P. 67,108,216 Gill, Mn. ConSiance 23 Gill, John Francis 58 GIIIfspIf, Bru.n J. 5 I Gillespie, Daniel N. SO, 92, 173,201 GIIItspIe. Mr. Tl!m'ICe 19, 26 GIIfspie. TImochy F. 173,201 G.." Kevin L 5 I Gimpel, Kevin P. 67. 92 Gtmy, Sean P. 59 Girard. Danifl W. 59 Glavin, Ouistopher H. 67 Goeltner, Jfffrty A. 67 Golden, Danlfl N. 5 1 Golden, Thomas P. 67 Gordon, QlIistopher J, 173,201 Gorman, Thomas H. 59 Grace, Mr. John 28 Grady. Mart Patrick. 59, 151 Graff, Nicholas J. 173, 201 Graham, Michael E. 51 Gnnew, David 173, 201 Gray, CMstopht'r S. 5 I GrHn, An!hony P. 59 GrHn. 8Dcky S. 67. 126 GrHn, James J. 67 G~Gus59

Griffin-Shetley,Jr., Eric E. 59 Gr1wni, Daniel T. 173. 201 Grosh, Jordan 59 Grossman. Darren R. 59, 102, 103, 108,216 Grzybowski, Andrew M. 67 Grzybowski, Eric M. 67. 97 Gu.... Phltlp R. 59 GuUuno. Dlno C. 87. 171,201 GUlhrif, Alexandfr 67 CaIo, Mr. )~ 4J GMnt*lo, )amf$ H. 5 I, 128 GMnbont, Ernest D. 5 I. 75 Gardntf. }osfph L 172. 201 Garrity. Ryan C. 58 GMTftY, T. IMt 58 Garwy, Ms. Paay 4J GMvIn, Sha....ll J. 58. 133 GarvIn, Mrs.. Theresa 36. 92 Garwood, Bro. Brendan 11 Gasklns<enlOf~nu', Mrs. Melissa 38 GateS, Brendan J. 67 Gavin. Michael f. 58 GdoWik, MaUf'Kow E. 5B Ge~, Anthony W. 58 Gelrer, Mr. WUllam 26, 34, BI, 83,108.216 GeistI, Gerard J. 5 I ~, Mr. Rklunt 86 Gemtrd, Mart David 58, 142 Cimtmwifr, Jonathan P. 51 Gewrd, Jotm J. 5 I, 133 GIlbons. )ohn P. 5 I Gibbons,. Mr. MaR 22,152,216 Gibbons, Mic:had F. 5 I Gkllunls,)oseph P. 67,108,216 Gill, Mrs. Consunce 23 Gill, John Fnncb 58 Gl1IfSple, Brt.'ln J. 51




D.anid N. SO, 92, 173, GIIIfsplf, Mr. Tf'mICe 19,26 G/Utspif, Tlmod'ty f. 173,201 Glmn, KtvIn l. 5 I Gimpel, Krvln P. 67. 92 GIntY, Sean P. 59 GIrard, D<1nlel W. 59 Gu.. .ln, Christopher H. 67 Goeuner, Jeffrey A. 67 Golden, Daniel N. 5 I Golden, Thorrw P. 67 Gordon, Olristophel-). 173, 201 Gorman, Thomas H. 59 Grxe, Mr. John 28 Grady'. Mart Pau1ck. 59 Graff. NIdxUs ). 173, 20 I G~, MkNtI E. 51 G~, Davtd 173, 20 I Gray, O1ristopher S. 51 GTftI't, Anthony P. 59 GrHn, 8l-~ S. 67, 126 Green. James J. 67 GreaoNdls, Gus 59 Griffin·SheIIeY,]r., Elk E. 59 Gr1wnl, DanIel T. 173,201 Grosh, Jordan 59 Grossman, Darren R. 59, 102, 103,108,216 Grzybowski, AndrfW M. 67 GrzybowsId, Eric M. 67, 97 GUIIf1, PhWp R. 59 Gullano, Dino C. 87. 171,201 Guthrif, ~ 67 GyLI, David !"'IkNel 59 HaiHln, Matthfw J. 59 HaamY, Mr. John 132. 133, 134 H.aIP'nY, John D. 51 ~,5hfa F. 67 HalfertY. Mart A. 5 I Hammond, MkhHI C. 59 Han, Joseph 174, 201 Hand. Joseph P. 59 Haney, Robert B. 67, \20 Haney, St.,n P. 80. 171. 20 I HinlU, Jr., MJctupI P. 5 I H~msen, Mr. T<n 19. 39, 142. 145 Hanipn, Mkhifol67. 126 HartneU, M.lUheW). 67, 83, 108,216 HMwy, Bryan W, 67 Hauahlon, An!hony M. 59, 89, 95 Hayes,.)aITlfSP.131,174,201 ~,JohnJ. 51 Heater, RJdy E. SI Huyn, Christopher ). 128, 174, Hetnenun. Mr. David 37 Hefrudorf, Paul F, 67, 106 Hfmerka, Bryan W. 59 Henwood. MattMw G. 5 I HffOO. SUn P. 132. 133, 174,201 Hmo&. M.mhfw L S9, 134 Hkb, Jonathan A. S9 H1cb. Ross M. 5 I HIgins, Patrkt M. 67, 133 HiIddlrandt, Patrtct M. 67, 102 HUfeftY, MIcNf( P. 59 Hili, David W. 67. 134 HID, P.lIuick. E. 51 H~, Mr. Daniel 28 Hoqiand. Ollistopher S. 59 Hohtnleltntr, Mr. GtotI'f H HoIbfrt, Mkhael D. 59 HoInlfS, DanIel J, 51, 89


n HoIwkk, Mr. Christopher H, 152 Hope, TImothy J. 59 Hopkinson, Breit H. 59 Harpn, Brian M. 67, 123 Harpn, TImothy P. 67 Horstmann, Jesse S. 67 HOI'Vath, Joseph B. 59 Horwedel, Timothy A. 5 I Hosmer, Gregory M. 95, 175, 201 Howe, WhitneY Webb Hulhes, Edward M. 59, 216 Hushes, Kevin F. 67 Hughes, MkhOieI J. 60 Hughes, MkhOlel R. 51 Hughes, Timothy P. 175,201 Humer, Dawson J. 175, 202 Hylhukl, GrtgQfy T. 67, 142 lilW, Mr. Frank 42 Ingram, Mr. Bun I H Iwasklw, Rom.:In I. 67 lui, Stephen M. 60 Jacluon, Mr. Martin 25, 122, 142 Jalon, Alan F. 175, 202 James, Jr., William P. 68, 80 James, Leonard A. 175, 202 Janke, DaVid R. 175, 202 Janneltl, III, Vll'ICent ]. 176, 202 )anton, Fr. Anthony 40 Jeffers, Christopher D. 51 }eltner, Mrs. Stephanie 37 Jenkins, Brian A. 68 Jenkins, Peter H. 68, 80, 102 John, Andrt!w }. 5 I John, Kyle Pauick 60 JohMOll, Mr. Fral'lCls 30, H, 45 Jones, Christopher 176, 202 Jones, Ryan 60, 133 Jordan, 8r1an P. 176, 202 Joy(e, Mr. Dan 131 Kahan, Andrt!w C. 51 Kammerer, 8rad C. 51 Kane, Jr., Gary Edward 60, I 16 KIne, Matthew F. 60 Kane, Mrs. Pluicla 44 Katruk, Andrew 5. 176, 202 Karns, Louis Itlas 60 K.lufmann, P.nrlck K. 51 Kavanagh, MIchael P. 131, 176,202 Kazmierczak, Stephen T, 132, 133, 174,202 Keeley, Daniel P. 177, 202 Keenan, Mr. John 24 Keenan, Edward C. 60 Keerun, J. Crall 126, 177, 202 Keller, James J. 177, 202 Kelley, Michael E. 5 I Kelly, Brendan T. 60 Kelly, Mark P. 68, 102 Kelly, Mr. Roy I H Kelly, ScOtt W. 68, 106 Kempf, Kenneth Connor 60 Kempf, Terence C. 51 Kennedy, Brendan M. 5 I Kensey, Mrs. Pauleue 86 Kent, Sean D. 112, 149, 177,202 KeppOl, Nicholas J. 5 I Kerns, ChristOPher C. 112, 177,202 Kesilman, James S. 5 1,151 Kestler, Bro. R1chOlrd 21 Kenlnger, Stephen P. 68 KlldefT)', Michael 68 Kilkenny, M1chOlel D. 177, 202 Kim, Daniel J. 68, 145 Kina. Alexander F. 52 Kina. Lany 13

Klrtt, Timothy J. KIm, Pauick F. 52 Kitchen, Joseph M. 6B Klvlen, Brien V. 68 Klarich. Stephen J. I 16, 118, 178, 202 Klenk, Robert 5. 68, 13] Klock, Jonathan G. 68, 120 Kochan, Breit Rooald 60 Kohler, Brian T. 68 Kohlhepp, Robert ). 52 Koiesky, David J. 52 Kolla, Jr., John F. 52 Koller, Kevin M. 178, 202 Koneskl, William F. 78, 178, 202 Koons, TImothy P. 52 Komfelnd, Louis F. 52 Koss, ChristoPher T. 178, 202 Kovaltv, Yaroslav 60 Kowalski, Todd W. 60 Krauss, Jr., Rkhard C. 112, 178, 202 Krleener, ChristOpher J. 68 Krtegner, Thomas J. 68 Krah, Robert C. 68 KroI, Mauhew D. 178, 202 KushIO, Christopher T. 97, 179, 202 Kulla, Andrew M. 179, 202 Lackes, Bro. Charles 35 L'ldley, Christopher D. 52 Llg.ln, lit, James T. 52 L'lgreca, Anthony M. 52 laible, Wltnam A. 179, 202 L'lmpman, Russell T. 52 L'lllJ, Geoffrey A. 68, 128, 129 L'lnzalotl!, Joseph T. 60 Lamer, Jr., Thomas A. 60, 151 L'lruffa, Carlo G. 60, 75 laskowski, Matthew E. 68 Lasky, John R. 52, 120 lau, Raymond 179, 202 L'lub, Joseph P. 52 L'lwler, J.1mes F. 52 lnenka, Itt, F. Anthony 179, 202 Leach, Ms. Stephanie Leahy, Mr. WIlliam Lee, Eric J. 52 Lel"ldzlnskl, Matthew J. 179, 202 leonard, Mlch.1e1 ). 60 Leol\.lrd, Thomas A. 60 Lepore, Grqory J. 68 Letler, Nicholas C. 52 Levin, Justin L. 132, 133, 180, 203 Lewis, Chrlstlan G. 52 lIchtner, Mr. Frank 19, 39,126 LInberg, G. Douetas 68 lipski, Brian ). 132, 180, 203 lIttley, Grt'llOf)' W. 180, 203 Lochockl, F. Conr.1d S2 lockard, Ryan D. 97, 180, 203,216 Lofgren, DavId H. 180,203 loftus, 11, MkhOieI J. 68, I]] Logan, Mrs. Bernadette 25, 159 Logan III, J.1rnes E. 68, 115 LoIosldls, Gt'OflE! 52 lombardo, Michael 68 looK. Ms. Donna 1 t lonll, Timothy J. 68 longstreth, Michael }. 180, 203 loplt, Thomas A. 52 Loscabo, Mr. Albl?rt 42 Lowery, ShAwn C. 181,203 LOlowskl, Goorae D. 60, 108, 216 Luhks, SeAn R. 60

.. .Index.. .Index Lusch!nl, Patrick R. 61 Lynch, C. Ryan 181, 203 Lynch, JAmes E. 68 Lyon, Martt A. 181,203,216 Lyon, Steven C 52. Lyons, FrAncis ). 52 Lyons, Ill, James E. 78, 181, 203,216, F2 Macfarland, Ryan D. 52 MKklmosh, Andrew Y. 52 MacPherson, IV, Frank B. (Chimp) 108,109,181,203,216 Madden, Evan B. 68, 86 Madden, Gregory P. 61, 2 I 6 Madeira, Brian P. 61 MAdeira, Eric. M. 136, 150, 151, 181,203 Madeira, Jr., Georae W.P. 68, I J1 Madonna, Anthony P. 68, 96, 97,108,216 Madrak, David E. 68 Maher, Mrs. JuU.1 21, 22, 74, 216 Mahlstedt, Klel A. 68 Maida, Stephen J. 52 Malara, John A. 138,182,203 Mallach, Patrick C. 68 MAllon, Brian f. 61 Mallon, Jr., Vll'ICent F. 112, 182,203 Malloy, Mkhael). 61 Maloney, Mr. TIm 131 Manclneltt, Louis A. 52 MAnion, Mr. David 35 Manion, TraVIs J. 112,113, 131, 149, IB2, 203, 216 Manlapas, Anthony S. 68 ManZi, Michael A. 61 Marabella, Gabriel}. 61, 12] Marabella, Jonathan L 61 MarleHa, Anthony J. 61 Market, Brian P. 68 Marvin, DAniel T. 61, BO Mascio, Ryan M. 68, 89, 95,216 Maslak, Jeffrey 5. 61 Massino, lAmes E. 61 Mastronardo, Joseph F. 68, I J1 Materese, Joshua A. 52 Mattern, Thomas K. 61, 123 Matthews, David A. 52 Matthews, PAtrick J. 142, 182, 203 Matthews, SeAn P. 119, 182, 203 MattJoll, Jr., Joseph A. 61 McAllister, W. Thomas 69 McCabe, Mr. EdWArd 19, ]0, Fl McCaffery, Thomas M. 61 McCaffrey, Joruthan P. 69 McCann, Andrew]. 52 McCann, Michael D. 69, 102 McCarthy, Duane C. 69 McCanhy, Michael F. 61 McCarthy, PaU1ck T. 52 McOlnuXk, Nancy 13 McCloy, Frank R. 61 McCormkk, Brel"ldan M. 122, 123, 125, 182, 203 McCormick, Shawn P. I B3, 203 McCort, Ryan R. 69, 81 McCreight Jr., Robert J. 61,151 McCusker, Edw.Jrd 52 McDade, Shawn D. 52 McDermott, RonAn Matthew 52, 151 McDonald, Daniel 52 McDonald, TImothy W. 75, 112, 138, 183, 203

McDowell, RYAn P. 61 McEldeny, Paul J. 69 McElroy, Brian J. 52, 151 McFadden, Georte N. 69 McfJdden, Mrs. Marie 43 McGItt, Mr. Brlan 30, 104 McGlttln, Andrew J. 152, 153, 183, 204 McGinn, Patrick J. 61 McGonli/e, Kevin P. 183,201 McGovern, Mrs. Diane 38 McGowan, Emmett E. 61 McGrath, Adam R. 69 McGurkln, PAul T. 69, 115, 123 McKeown, PoItrlck ). 69, 116, 118, 141 McKInney, Alexander 5. 183, 204 Mclaughlin, Daniel ). 61 McMahon, Sean T. 53, 151 McManus, Sean T. 53 McMulHn, Christopher W. 53, '51 McNally, Mrs. Jane 11 McNamara, Matthew). 69 McNamara, Michael E. 53 Mee, Brian M. 136, 150, 151 183, 201 Meinen, Andrew L 69 Melmll, Damon M. 53 MeIKSelI, Jason J. 61 Meko, Mr. John 22, 23 Mele, Mr. Anthony 23 Meloscla, Alexander J. lSi, 201 Meola, Frank C. 6\ Merilnl, Kevin M. 112, 149, 184, 204 Merilnl, Louis 132, I JJ, 149, 184, 204 Merrick, Andrew J. 5] Meuhlbronner, Mr. Wally 132, 133 Michel, MAtthew J. 69, 13B Mkhuda, Matthew J. 184,204,216 Mielnik, Michael]. 69, 103 Mlkochlk, James 5. 61 Mltler, BriAn C. 5] Mltter, Brian R. 53 Miller, Eric ]. 61 Miller, Bro. Emest JJ Mltter, Mr. Gerald 29, 76 Mltter, Grqory N. 61 Miller, Michael D. 61 Mltter, Scon T. 184, 204 Mltter, Sean A. 53 Mltter, Thomas J. 69 Mills, Jeffrey D. 53 Mootz, 8radley W. 69 Moffatt, Joel T. 184, 204 Molchen, Gregory 69 Moll, David J. 5], 151 Molush, Mr. Edward 30, 31, 80 MonAghan, Andrew C. 61 Mongeau, Marc T. 5] Montgomery, IV, lawrel'lCe P. 5] Montgomery, Mkh<lt'l J. S3 Moore, Patrick W. 78, 1]6, \ 50, 151 185, 201 Moore, Shawn P. 69, 106 Morace, Justin R. 61, 120, 151 Morrfs, Matthew J. 53 Morris, Timothy]. 185, 201 Mortenson, Jeffrey 53 Moss, Nathaniel L. 61 Muldoon, Ross B. 53 Mullen, Mrs. Karen 40, 216 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay 24

Index.. .Index .1 Mulltn. bymond Edw.d 185, 204 Muller, P~I A. 69 MuDlpn, MIcNeI E. 61 ~tthfow P. 18S, 201 Mulnln, )ordMJ W. 69, 112, 115 MuM, 0Yd ). 69 Mu~y. CoIn T. 152, 185, 204 Murphy, Mil. p~D1d.J 40, 216 Murphy, 5[rm1 }. 185, 205 Mumy. BNn K. 61


Murr~y, Glry}. 186,205 Mumy, Kevin O. 53

Mumy, M.lltM'N E. 97, 186, 205 M~rs,

Joseph 33, 47, F2

NJ/1(t, John Voir'S 53 N.nkchlonf, Peter 69, I J]

Nedl, Slephen P. 53 NeedhJm, Trevor P. 53 Needle, Paul R. 53 Neely, Mr. Shawn 19,26, 27,47,216

NmI, Hr. JostPh 86 Nkoletd, Mr. ~ 33 Np. PhDlp T. 61

Noone, Brbn E. 53 Noont, Krvln M. 112, II J,

186,205 Nowk:tI, ]M'MS B. 116, 118, 132, 186, 205 NuMMl, P. ~ 53

O'Connd, Mn. IYthftn 41 O'Connel, O'Connor, O'Connor, o'Connor,

Ryan T. 53 Ausdn T. 69, 120

M.ntntw l. 61 MIctueI J. 62, 96 o'Connor, Ptltrict ). 53 o'Connor, ht« J. 186, 205 o'Connor, Thomas ). 69 O'DonMII, Andr- M. 186, 205 O'Donnell, Dennis P. 62 Q'Donnelllll, Joimes J. O'Donnell, John c. 187,205 O'Ooonell, Mauhew J. 69 O'Donnell, Mkh.el B. 62

O'Donnell, Mkhael J. 187,205 O'Donnell, Ry~n M. 53,120, 151 O'H~r~, John P. 12J, 119, 187, 205 O'HNJ. M~ P. 53 O'Ke.fe, Thonm M. 62 O'MeM'~, INn A. 187,205 O'Neil, ErIc J. 69 O'Neill, P~u1dI F. 69 O'Neil, Robert M. 53 O'Toole, Mr. MkNd 19, J1, 10J, 1J I Ock~, Sun P. 187,205 Oktt, )oNdun P. 53 OIendrr, Kdltl D. 138, 1<10, 187,205 ObNnsky, Mictuel P. 62 OnufrH, NIchoW 69 Owrcm, Ry~n J. 62 OvemoIt, Christopher M. 62 Owens, De~n F..nds 62, 151 P~Ddorl, Robert O. 53 PIHIonIs, M~tthew M. 53 Palilon's, Michael). 188, 205 Plillonls, TImothy M. 62, I 16, I 18 Pllmer, Mr. Booley 19,27 PIIopoII, J~mn A. 5J P~u, Domt!nlc J. 5J, 120, 151 P~rfItt, RYln K. 62 PMtsl, Mr. )(Mph 29, 75, I J8, 111 PMisI, MIcIueI ). 69

PM\, J.IfMS 62, 75 Pllter, Curle: W. 51 PMter, Wilrllm C. 62 Pmon, Michlel P. 62, 116, 118 PMSOnS, BI'ftl( R. 62 P~tuII,


Grqory W. 51

John IJ2,I31, 188,205 P~td, Arpk 69 P~ul, Jeffrey c. 62 P~yne, }aNNn P. 69, 89 Pedrouy, leo B. 62 Peff~R, MIch.wI 69 Peffle, Midlael J. 116, I 18, 188, 205 Pennlnrton, Chrislopher M. 112,188,205 PenurelL1, NkhoLts P. 69 Pelerm~n, D~vld ]. 69, 83 Pedtll, Jr., NkhoL1s W. 188, 205 PelnJuelll, G~ry A. 188. 205 Phtlan IV, WiUiam J. 70, 80 PhWpp, Robert A. 112. 1J8, 189, 205 PhIommo, Justin D. 70 Mens, )MI\t$ M. 62 Platon, Edw¥d M. 62 Pinllenon, Sun F. 62 PIper, Jr., ~ J. 116, 118. 189. 205 P\ppet, Tmochy J. 126. 189,205 PIIck, Thonm A. 51, 96 Pok'Y,JohnP.70, 112,115, 12J PoIock. Ry~n M. 51 PonbdM, Ms. Dorothy 26, 17, 81 PonIsclMt, T1mothy M. 84, 108, 111,189,205,216 Posen, JClf'Udun R. 51 PoteSdo, Christopher P. 62, 102, 120. IJ6, 150, 151 Poupard, Eric C. 51 Prqo, John P~ul 70 Prem, TImothy F. 70 Prtybylowskl. Nicholas B. 62 Pucci, Michael J. 118, 189. 206,216 PuP. T~ D. 112,189,206 Pu&ilsi, amn J. 190, 206 Punttt, Mr. AI~ 32, 33, 120 Puntd, Andrft> 70, 89, 92,112,145 Quenzer, bchM)t R. 190, 206 QuernII. Robert J. 62 Quia. M~nhI!'w W. 54. 102 QuInn, Daniel P. 70 1Udvlmky, Chrtstopher ]. 54 bdV"M\SIl:y, Mr. Joseph J6 RMeu, ~ A. 116, 118, 190, 206 bmos, MM'CO A. 51 RMnos, Mk~ ). 70 bnsom, ChrtstopIwr C. 62 !Unwfller, Malthew S. 95, 108, 126,190,206,216 !Uy, I»non D. 126. 190, 206 Re~d, Dlvkf H. 62 Reckamp, Todd A. 70 Reest>, Harry 8. 62 Rekhelt. Timothy J. 54 Reid, Daniel ]. 51 Reif, Adm! M. 54 Reifsnyder, Gerlld]. IJI, 190, 206,216 Reifsnyder, John A. 54 RfIit'y, Chrtstopher T. 70 Reily III. Charles P. 62

ReIly, leo T. 70 Renlsturd, John B. 102, 191, 206 Rhoads, O~vk1 J. 62 Rictlards, Tmochy 8. 54 Riec:t, Bro. J~IMS 2 I, 2 16 Riefftt, Kf'Vln A. 54 Riley IV, 1'hcJrNs D. 70, 131 Riley, Sfm J. 54 Ritter, Dmlel J. 54 Roche, Mr. JItTIfS 36, 37, 47 Rock, D~ A. 51 Rodden, Ry~n K. 51, 120, 151 Rocm, Curtis M. 191, 206 Rose, PaD1ck R. 191, 142, 145, 206 Rowe, John J. 51 Rueter, D~d.:ln R. 62 Ru»eU, Mr. R.oMn 26, 96 Ryan, Andrew K. 51 Ryan, Betty 4J ~biI, Edward C. 54 5;lkullch, AMon R. 70 ~Iemno. Ms. MNY 13 ~Mtti, Ou1stoPhef C. 62 ~lvItd. P~u1dI S. 1l2, 133, 138.150,191,206 ~nunwb, Pet« ]. 51 .s~'l(IIo, Drew J. 132, 133, 191,206 SMndno, Robert S. 70 Smel, Adm! C. 70, 92 ~nder$, JeffTty P. 62 ~ner, WIbm M. 191, 206 ~VJIt', ErIc C. 70 ~,KmnE. 51 ~I't, Michael ). I 16, I 18, 192,206 ~yer, Mrs. SuQn 11 5c.lfl, Dlvfd A. 70 5ctuffK, M,lIhew T. 96, 192, 206 Schaffer, Stephen 51 SChaible, Christopher P. 192, 206 Sdulble, Grqory B. 62 Schaum, Mrs. PatrlcL1 40, 216 Schill, GI'qOf')' M. 192, 206 Schmkh, Robert J. 70

Schock, Ms.



Schuclt, Theodort J. 51 ScoIt, Matthew G. 62 SHL1u:s, MIchHI J. 62, I 5 I Sees, John N. 192, 206 ~, Sean C. 54 ~ Krvln ). 70, 88, 102,136,150-1 ~ , Mr. MktueI 26, 120 5foru, John Pet« 116, 1 18, 192, 206 StuctIeU, De~n 51 Shly, IUymond T. 70, 102, IOJ,216 ShHu, Mrs. M~ry 25 Shepherd, 8mKIon A. 70 SheridIn, J~mes P. 62 Shlvm, RIchard A. 70 Shusuck. Ms. TIN 37 SicIIL1, Michael S. 19J, 206 SIdman, Joseph C. 70, I]J Slemund, Mr. Peter J9 Simcox, Chrlstopher). 193, 206 Siravo, Anthony L 70, 1J8 Skolen, D~vld E. 6J Skupsld, Bflndon J. 51 SlabinsItJ, Joseph F. 63, 112 SL1(tery, PaU1clt D. 106, 193,206 Snwll, Dennis ). 6J SmIth, DlUn). 193, 206

SmIth, ChrIstopher W. 116, 118, 149, 19J, 206 SmIth, GnhwI C. 63 Smith, Grqory J. 51 SmIth, Kl'Vin T. 51 Smkh, Ms. MMy }o 36 SmIth, Matthew W. 51 SmoIczynskl, M¥)' 43 5nyder, Anthony M. 193, 207 Snyder, M~nIww B. 54, 151 SoIaynsky, S~'* 13 Sandhi, J~ved Peter 63 5p1ne!er, Mart P. 51 5p1use, Joseph w. 70,92

Spause, Mrs. Sus.1n Spieker, Joseph B. 70 Stabile, Jr., Paul ). 6J, 96 5unczak, Mr. Martin 19, 27, 216 Sunton, ChI1swpher). 123. 125, 191, 207 5tanton, lnnnis J. 70, 122, 12J SUUb, Chrbtopher 70 Steff~,)ost9h G. 116, 117, 118, 194,207 Steff~, Mlctuel T. 63, I 16 Sterner, Bro. ReM 20, 22, 104,216 Sterner, S[~ D. 70 5tn'ft1S, Ry~ A. 70, 1J9 5t1eber, ThI:xNs A. 70 5d1w~ Ry~ W. 6J Stbt, ErIc P. 70.89,95 SIOCtI11, Matthew M. 194, 207 StoPPer, Mr. Timochy J8, 89 5u-eetmen, D~nIeI A. 51 5tr05S, AIexInder T. 70 Suulb, Jr., John E. 70,108,216 Sud\ar5Id, 5tf'ml ). 55 Sudftld, H. KArt 71, 216 Sulllv.ln, )Imes A. 123. 194. 207 5urtlvln, Robert E. 55 5ulllvln, Roben]. 71 5ulllvan, WIIIL1m R. 191, 207 5ulock, Matthew H. 55 SWInson, M~rk A. 6J, 120, 136, 150-1 SWft'l1eY, Mr. BlUn 30, 31,104 SWft'I"Iey, Joseph E. 191, 207 Swoyer, John F. 195,207 T~, An<nw J. 55 TM!, AyOd;Ilt C. 55 TMJt1, RkNrd J. IJ8, 139. 140, 195, 207 T~te, Mr. ~ 44 TeesdIIt, Sf.ln E. 116, 118, 195,207 TtkIn, Mictuel). 55 ThX, am. M~ To.n 19, J5 Thonus, MMlin J. 63 ThomJs, R)'iIn M. 55 Thompson, Bmt R. 63 ~~,H~L.6J

TItmty, MId\ae4 J. 63 Toclckl, Ptter A. 55 TooIe,Sf~nP. 71,88, 108.216 Trffld\ef, Nicholas P. 195,207 Trimboli, Anthony R. 71, 131 Troxell, Roben J. 55 Troy, Anthony M. 195,207 Troy, Michael M. 55 TtKd, David M. 63 Tueter, Sfln A. 71, 75, 126,195,207 TUINfl, O'll1stoph« J. 63 Turk,)ertmy K. 71

Turner, MkhHI R.. 63 Turner, Mr. ThoINs 28,76,216 TUnl, 8ftljmlln J. 196, 207 Tyrrell, JJII'Tl6 J. 71 Ukwu, Vktor N. 55 UINn, 8rm N. 71, 133 Urb.wkI, Anchw P. 55,151 VMnUno, John C. 55 V..ndlvt'r, Andrn' E. 71 V~III, St~ A. 196,207 V.tWIIo,)osrph M. 11, 80,103,115 Vas.s;,30, Vincfflt M. 5S Vt'nort, Mr. Joseph 86 VloIi, Joseph A. 7\

Viray, Jeremy A. 55 ViSCt.lst, Joseph R. 55, 133 Vln..., Greaorv f. 196,207 VI.. Ilo5, Anthony G. 196, 207 Volpe, Louis A. 55, 1H Von Medkus, WIIII..m M. 71 Vullltrmet, Sleven A. 55 W..hl, Muthll!w 71 WlkIIl!r, Ry..n P. S5 W..lkff, KINin E. 55 W..llKe, Jr., Joseph). 6] W..11s, ~ 8. 63,108, 216 Wm.xtl, P;,ul o. 5S W.. tttr, Jeft'~ D. 63 W"'lIl!l', Robert F. 71 W..rd, Mn. florence 2] Wmtn,);,mIn O. 71, 102 WfMr, ThoINs J. SS Weldon, BenJ;,mIn P. 86, 196,207 WIl!IIt'r, J. P.. u1ck 55 Wenn, }meph L. 196, 207 Wedt'y, Mo.nhN J. 112, 197,207,216 Wesdey, Ry..n M. 5S WhNn, ChristoPh« W. 63 WhInney, Cho.ries 8. 191,201 Whiukll!l', Brend..n J. S5 Whitll! Jr., John H. 71, 81, 97,102,10] Whitt', Jon,uhln O. Whitt', Paul J. 81, 92,152,197,207 Whltesldt', Mr. Chris 1]2, 133 Wllt'y, Mr. G..ry 19, 27, 97, 128, 152 Wilkin, Tel"t'OCt' John 55 Williams, O..vld K. 71 WiIIWns, Polu1ck K. 71 W1n1Mnson, Christopher). 197,201 WlIIs, Sun F. 5S WIbon, John R. SS WlnkelrNn, BNn M. 5S Wise, Ridurd P. 63 WisIl!lNn, StIl!pht'n M. 63 ~,Ms.8MNnI

Wlsoulr.Il!)', KyleA.11, 128 Woehktt', Mr. EdwMd 31 WoIpm. Mr. Scott 80 Wojn¥skI, M..nusz 197,201

WooIdr\dIt:, M~ 5. 55 YIl!ltt'f, Ms. AlIce 4J YeuI\L Ro&er C. 63 You"" wvln L. 63 YOUI\L Mr. John 29 bro, John A. 63, 15 letde, Todd A. S5 ZOt'ltsdl, Ms. Nancy Zollo, Stephen A. 71 Zoltowski, Andmv P. 6]

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • Brother Joe Quiz

•• •

I. How old Is Brother Joe Myers? a. 52 c. all of the above b. 45 d. sure enough 2. What Is the object underneath Brother Joe's watch? a. radon detector c. spare napkin b. a piece of the true cross d. sweat-guard 3. What classes does Brother Joe teach? a. technical drawing c. aquatics b. scripture d. well, now, get back to work. 4. Why does Brother Joe wear glasses?

a. incorren vision b. to match his watch

c. style

d. failed attempt to remove a tree from the ground 5. What Is Brother Joe's favorite dance? a. chicken dance c. tango b. truffle shuffle d. macaroni

•• •• •• • •• •• •• ••

• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

r-------------------------------------------Jim Lyons'

How to be a Mascot

In my four years at La Salle, there were always people in the stands for our sportS. This year, I wanted to liven up all those fans and get them to cheer on the players. The stimulants I put in the water were having virtually no effect, so I decided to use good, oldfashioned pep-rallying.

This year's senior class is unlike any other before it. We have a higher percentage of delinquents, dropouts, and former am'Y·study candidates than any class this century. There are some guys who would make the ultimate sacrifice of calling ou[ of work just to go to a game. We seriously believe that the support we so lovingly provide at the games actually helps the teams. These are the people I call my friends. This year, it was acontest: Who is the better fan, Johnny "Jesus" Dwyer or me? Most of the games - especially big games like PW, O'Hara, and Ryan in the championships - we would arrive in the wee hours of morning and practice our original styles: the Walk on Water (Dwyer), the Mixer Masher (Lyons), and the Scream at the Other Teams' Fans, or SOTF. The common person would not understand the preparation and practice it requires for a cheer such as L-AS-A-L-L-E. The papers would always mention "the deafening decibels coming from the La Salle student body." As a brief closing, I challenge all of you, anyone who has ever looked at the Phanatic or the, uhh, Seventy-Sixer and wondered if you can make it in the rough and tumble world of mascoting -- Do you have what it takes to be a hero?


f' (As

Top 9 Songs

Top 9 TV Shows

Top 9 Cars


(As chosen by Ihe cl.Jss of '99)

(As chosen by che cl.Jss of '99)

by the

class of '99}

1. Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin) 2. Touch of Gray (Grateful Dead) 3. One (U2)

I. The Simpsons 2. Seinfeld 3. Dawson's Creek

2. Batmobile 3. Ford MustJng

7. wndslide (Fleetwood Mac) 8. In-a-Gadda-DJ-Vida (Iron Butterfly) ~. Too Much (Dave Matthews Band)

7. Saved by the Bell 8. Friends 9. The X-Files

7. Ford Thunderbird 8. Volkswagen letta 9. Jeep WrJngler

I. B.T. Van



Top 9 Books (As chosen by rhe cl.iss


Top 9 Movies


(As chosen by (he el.m of '99}

I. CJtcher ;n the Rye 2. The GreJt GJtsby

1. Dazed and Confused 2. Happy Gilmore 3. Austin Powers

3. To Kill J Mockingbird

7. Of Mice Jnd Men 8. The Odyssey

7. Titanic

9. The Outsiders

9. Dumb and Dumber

Survey... Surve~


r Top

Top 9 Ph rases

Top 9 Vacations Spots

(As chosM by rhe elm of '99)

9 Musical Artists

(As chost'n by rhe eLm 01 '99)

(As chosen by Itle etass of '99)

1. Dave Matthews Band 2. Led Zeppelin 3. Third Eye Blind

I. "Get on the apple farm" Mr. Ed McCabe 2. "Sure Enough." Brother Joe 3. "Yeah boyz." T

1. Ocean City, NJ 2. Cancun, Mexico 3. Sea Isle City, NJ

7. "Right? You with me?" Mr. Rad 8. "Yeah, Baby!" Mr. Puntel "Turn off your monitors." Mr. Sigmund

7. Poconos 8. Maine 9. North Carolina

7. Metallica 8. Pearl Jam 'IJ. Sublime


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CAST (In order of appearance) Editor-in-Chief, Dolly Grip: Chip MacPherson Senior Editors, Key Grip: Tim Ponlsclak, Matt Ranweller Junior Editors, Lighting: Matt Hartnett, Anthony Madonna, John Strzalka Junior Staffers, Makeup: Alex Bethke, Karl Sudfeld, Sean Toole Sophomore Technicians, Sound: Brian Campo, John Doherty, Darren Grossman, George lozowskl, Mike Walls Best Boy: Chris Curcio Script Adaptation: Ray Shay Director of Photography: Joe Gld)unls Kicker Art Director: Jason Dooney Executive Producer: Mrs. linda Donahue Director: Mr. William Geiger Stunts: Dan Barnes, Brad Bathgate, Evan Behr, Jeremy Cooke, Zack Derrick, Marlo DIClerlco, Mike Donohue, Ryan Fagan, Ed Hughes, Ryan lockard, Mark lyon, Jim lyons, Greg Madden, Travis Manion, Ryan Mascio, Matt Mlchuda, Mike Pucci, Gerry Reifsnyder, Matt Westley Stunt Coordinator: Mr. Gerald Evans Neelyus Mammothus: Mr. Shawn Neely Bro. Ren~ Sterner, Mr. David Diehl and Dr. Joseph D'Angelo Editorial Supervision: Mrs. Julia Maher Identification and Submission: Mr. Martin Stanczak, Mr. Tom Turner and Mrs. Patricia Schaum Financial Services: Bro. Gerard Frendrels and Mr. Mark Gibbons Committee of Administrative Functioning: Mrs. Karen Mullen, Mrs. Patty Murphy, and Mrs. Ann Ford Special Effects: Mr. Michael Malcher and Bro. James Reick Catering: Bob and Rita Devine Photography: DaVor Photography Special Thanks: Coaches, Moderators, Parents Technical Advisory Board:

And she's buying a Sca;rway co Heaven




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