2000 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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SII1le CDlJeae ~h schDol Blue IDIA GD14 2000 8605



~ PA 19038 (215)233-2911 conducttd by the Brothers of tht chrIstiAn schools


You might expect a theme conccflllng the miJlenium. or perhaps a recap of the laSt 100 years, or c,'cn a Y2K prediction. What most forget is that the millenium start~ next year!!!



Irea of Campus: 50 acres ipeed limit: 15 MPH 'arking Spots on Campus: 341 :avorite Spots on Campus: PIT, Fireplace in the library, Cafeteria, Guidance Office ,east Favorite Parts of Campus: Mr. Stanczak's Office, the Classroom

ioccer Fields:2

laseball Fields: 2 ;ootball Fields: 2 "ennis Courts: 5 'racks: 1 i8zebos: 1 ~ature Life: APES(AP Environmental Science) is still identifying species I1ain Building Erected: 1960 it. Michael's Hall Erected: 1993 trothers' Residence: There can be only one. )arking Spaces used thaI violate Fire Code: NONE! ~umberof Classrooms:421 ~umber

of Computer Labs: 3; computers: 200

~umber of Concrete Cinder ~umber

Blocks: <78,965 of Ceiling Tiles: >4,821

Nowhere on the whole campus is tradition more e"idem than in the sacred cafeteria. It's the place where everyone flocks t at the beginning of a free period, except for nerds like me-we go right to the library and study CJllietly. But I'"e heard about what b~es on there. "nle rich smells hit you on the way down the steps. \X'he yOll open the double doors, you come upon a whole other world-kids at the vending machines and JUSt as many kids circling like buzzards waiting for change. Then yOll enter the innc: sanctum. Everyone is talking to friends, copying homework or spilling stuff. The smeU of those deliciouscheesesteaks is unbearable to your empty stomach. C)'ou ignore the fact that they contain 300% of the daily recommended fat intake.) It's fmally your turn to place your order. "Cheesesteak, please," you say with a smile as your saliva begins to flow. (You try nor to drool Patty hands the steak to you. "Thanks," you mumble.

I:inger lickin' good.

The Realm of Fry Guy Onward to the cash register. You have only three crumpled singles so you must ignore the other tasty lreats. Fine, you can b'Ct a honeybun. (You big baby.) Then on to the most sacred part of your journey, the tOppings. Ketchup is essential, and you ha\'e to fight to get it. Now yOll can finaUy sit down to eat. Oh wait, you forgot a drink. Okay, got it? Now here's \\'here the traditions occur: first, there is always somethingdirryo

"Gentlemen, make sure ~路ou throw OUt \'our tm~h, that essay mcluded."

~lr Young: "If il'S cominii; I'm going."

"Bonner, you de"il, you:'

the table (lgnore it; if }'OU don't bother iI, it won't bother you.) If somebody drops a dish, everyone StOpS what they're doing :l.ncl cheers :l.ncl daps(docsn't it give you a warm, woolley fccling all o"cr)j thcn you look over to the right and someone is mixing potatO chips, chocobtc milk, and yogurt togcthcr(and another person is waiting there. ready to drink it, trying to earn an honest buck); and last burnm leasris the special honor of trash dury, usually awarded to kids with their shirt tails OUt or those caught launching a cookie across the room. I\nyway, you finish your sandwhich and save the honeybun for eigth period. Then you and rour boys get ready 10 leave. r\ tear wells up in your ere bUI be strong. There's no need to cry. The cafereria and all irs endearing t.raditions will still be there tomorrow and c,-eryday after that.

-JOII ,\lcCtlffr~t

.~ . --

If rou can identify lhi~ kid, make up ~'our own ioke aboul him.

The beauty of La SaJle's fifty-seven acres of S!'ccncr,- is obvious to any paten(, 0pt;n House visitor ; or 8\11 &rrader spending the day here. Howe,'er, mat bciiutv is not what sells the school in the end. \X'hat makes J..a Salle j..,lTem for each individual student is the freedom andfcsponsibility to eniar that beaut\': the independence gi\'cn [0 the student to walk around campus and do whatever he chooses, from the evcr popular \'oUc"ball in the pit, to chatringwith friends in thccafeteria, to srud\'ing in the srudy commons.lnc 1.. :1 Sallian tradition of responsibility is emphasized evcrY &w \vhen a student docs not ha\'c [0 go to any assi.l.'llcd place. \\'hat freedom to have the opportunity to walk around school and eniD\' yOUt surroundings, r.erhaps lookinl{fo[ \'Ollf picture on the bulleun bOarCl wallin the front of the'school or tak.in~ out a ycatlxlOk in the libran' and laughing at how'your teachers used to look! The oppotnlrutv to do what you choose is what makes it speciaL Ha\'c vou cvcr \vruked through the school anCl felt that it w"as s~cial? Not just beCause ,"our parents think so or because the administration tells ,:ou. lt is s~cial !x-cause of the atmosphere it creates " rhroughout the schooL\n aroma ofexcitement in the ehenllstn' lab or during a h'Tcat histoty class. A feeling that mO\:es mu \>,;hen you hear the band ~a\' the alnia mater, or maroc when mu walk ~st the13rothers' Residence or"the school chapel and feel re!ie\'cd that there are other people who care for you. Perhaps yOll simplr sit in the gazebo or walk out back and fed inciediblc becausc rou are at one of the best prep schools in the nation, a school that orcrwhctms you with work but at the same orne, h~\'es mu the frÂŤ-'dom to do whatever ,-ou wam. \'Oll rna\ "not see it until yom Settlor \'t.--ar cOmes, or CH':n until \'OU lea"e, but the tradition thatcontlnues is the free time gi\'en to each and c\'el)'onc of us, II develops us) makes us more mature, and creates an unprecedented teelingofpreparedness fOf lifeaftef high schooL That trndJ[ion continues at r ~1 Salle for the best reason: students and teachers have the sameopportUltity and free will to do what the" choose. All students arc treated as adults, as individuals wise cnough to manage their own time, and to chill or srud\' when they see fit. The school demands that students'mature faster in La Salle, and Ixeause of lhe 1..1. Sallbn tradition ofexcellence, most do. Y()u will alwa}s see alumni around the schoo! hc1pingmher students because ther realize the important rolC that l.a Salle p!a\'cd in their lives. Recent ana older alumni always comc'back and walk around their school; the\' feel the pride. the legac\' that camel' on, and the memories that will never be f0'1:.~mcn, I.... Salle is s~cial to us all for one reason or another. The rreedom to enjo), the school and our friends on our 0\\'11 time is the tradition around the schoo1. Go. La Sallc1 The tradition continues!

. Joe Gidjllllis

I(evin FirzlJ;cr:l.ld to Sre\"c Bolger: "So wanna make a break for it?"

Mis:. Long's accomplice ~uryeys from lhc second ,loof.

Why We're Here About mid-August. students receive

their rosters in the mail and faintly recall tbe classroom selling. During the academic year. Ihey enjoy or endure their grades frollllhe mosl recent quarter on Iheirrepon cards. Students cOnlinually arrive loclass

in order (0 acquire knowledge. skills. and

enlightenment. These happenings. however. do not spanjusl one year orjust four years. Rather. in years past lhe young men ofL't Salle underwent the same expenences and challenges that greet students today. In the classroom, which is the

essence of La Salle College High School. the tradition coruinues. Physically. in the building itself. trndition makes itselfevident. Theold wing. since its COllSllllction. has served the student body well. What it lacks in air conditioning, it hasmadeupforin durability and strensth-a strength that represents the inner Deing of a 1....1 Salle student. Desks. windows, chairs. maps, blackboards. crucifixes, bookcases: an outsiderwouJd not see the significance. Yet. for those who have learned here. there exists so much more beyond those tangibles. Even SI. Michael s Hall. since its construction in 1993, has taken on its own traditions, from the well-publicized comforts and amusements ofRoom 221 's chairs to the confines and balconies of the art department. Just ascertain rooms remind La Salle alumni of particular aspects of their time here, present sllldents will remember the structures as having character. Mr. Mit1er"s Time magazine-decorated room around his ~oapbox .the abandoned electricity lab. or even the computer room and its bunker-like bathroom all display the prominent La Salle "lr'halll/akes I...aSalle's variety and tradition. classroomlrtldi/ioll More important than the structures themselves arc the knowledge, enrichment, exceptiollal if Ihal and enjoyment found inside theclassrooms. leachrl'S are available, Whi Ie learning to write a discipl ined essay. dochemistry tltrations. and. ofcourse, sludenls ,.dalf develop into a full human being, students wonder about the people before them. who comjOrlab!y lJ'ilh tfochers, sat in those very chairs. two periods ortwo and ll'h{'l/ teorhers years ago. Those who spent long hours decoding Shakespeare's language. those dell/and, students rise 10 who cursed under their breath (or aloud) Ihe (hal/mge. " during a Ponisciak tesLthose who cherished"Mr. Tumer"s Helpful Hints (for the D" Joseph D'Angelo test and mixer). and those who prayed beroreclass. have also acknowfedged God's presence before them. A student may talk about a certain teacher or a certain e\ent with someone who ex perienced the same-perhaps his father. We must rccognizeand res~ct lheonce~young men who !lave given La Salle its history: we arc undoubtedly a part of that history. for the tradition continues. We hope and .\lr Evans Indicaws his pray the tradition will alwayscolltinue. presumed position



- Terry Fil:gibbofls


head of the faculty.



_L~7.::.Y ,

leach," "This is the last cIa!OS..roull . ld-bc remar k5 I'I .~. ~ Donahue s .... oo assasSl路n , Carl pfefferk.

\Ir. Leahy

teUs his srudcms intO

how fO tum rt'I'h'1On fiuble bu~ine<;~. a pro I

"So j\lr Miller, you sar )'ou~~~ put , up .allY bumper sucker.

Symbols of faith seen around campus and beyond



TumcrW-lIcbn~lI.noth(T"':II~~:llrd ~tudent




Beyond Reality Time and sp'ace, unfortunately. cause

gaps between ~ople. between events, and between ideas. Traditions, however, area

means ofbuilding bridges over these gaps. AI La Salle. faith isoneofour most sirucmraity

sound bridges. Faith keeps every member of

ourcommunily connected with members of the

LasallianCommulliryaround the world and with the teachings erst. John Baptist de La Salle himself.

How are the years 1680 and 2000 connected? Usin!t rne same basic teachings as 51. John Baptist deLa Salle taught his_group of

schoolmasters in J 680, theChnstian Brothers as well as the lay ofour Lasall ian community, have taught the graduates of La SalleCollege High

Scl\ool thelmportanceoffaiLh inouraaily lives. Don't teachers begin homeroom and classes with a reminderof ourfaith? ';$tJohn Baptisl de La Salle; Prayfor us. Live Jesus in our Hearts; Forever" How could our classes not reflect our faith when our founder is the Patron Saint of Teachers? In our religion curriculum. freshmen and sophomore year classes exam inc the roots ofour faith. whil~junior year's morality classes undertakethedillicult task ofapplying that faith base 10 issues in our Iives and arounothe world today. Senior year then provides choice in deciCling what religion cfasses to take. These seemingly minor aspects ofour curriculum are actually very important when put intotheconlext ohhe age group taking these classes. The teenage years areonesofdoubt. frustration and temptation at least:at best, adifftcult field forthe seeds of faith to be sown and nurtured. Yet La Salle's classrooms havea tmdition of faith to act as a brid..g.e. 1l1ecampus itself is a very visible representation ofour faith. From our outdoor shrine of our Lady to the Celtic cross, and from the statue o(St. John Baptisl de La Salle 10 the artistic symbol ofSl. Michael on thesideofthe new wing. symbols ofour faith surround liS on campus. Ofd traditions of Masses on the lawn behind schoo~ and new traditions like 11l0l1ling prayer at theLeltic cross. are reminders of our faith. Havingaccesstothecha~1 all day is another strong reminder thaI our faith is not sporadic, but IS Rresent throughout the day. La Salle's tradition offaith, however. goes beyond the classrooms and our campus. The failh- basededllcation prom piS every memberofour Lasall ian community 10 reach out to people in oursurround i ng commun i(ies. Whetfler through the Campus Ministry Center. the Lasallian Service Corps, or IheChrislian Action elective. everyone at La Salle ischallenged to put theirfaJ(h inlOaction Projects like Amnesty lntemational, SI. Vincent's. O~ratioll Santa Claus. Bread Baskelball. Respect Life, Sun Miguel, and Treist House all allesttothe commitment our school community has made to pUlourfailh into action. - Ray Shay

These students all :Iced \If"'i. POruSCI:l chemlsttycbl


"AI""'ni and I'lsi/ors oj La Jalle are (Oll/UlIIalb' iHlpruud ui/h /he jritlldliluSJ andptrsonality oj Ihe sl"dtn/s, in and aro"nd srhool. The ptrsonali()' {am/OI be explained; others OIl/side Ihe srhool {'(Iuno/ li1/dersland iI, but a/l slndenls seeHl 10 hat'r il. " Dr. Joseph D'Angelo


;\;obo,h told Da\-e Bustard needed an I '.a~r- Bake O..-en


Patiently, we wait for the minute hand to reach the larRe number 2. The last five

minutes of the Clay are alwavs the slowest. Once the clock reads 2: 10, La Salle explodes as students rush into the hallways to grab their books and rush out the door. f-rowcvcr, only ten minutes after this eruprion, the roo"ms of La Salle become rC\'ltalized as more students gather to discuss the things

that the)' enjO\' most. The sports fields and gymnasIum ar'c covered wirli athletes prepar-

mg for the big game. For most students, dismissal is onl}' the halfw:{\' point of their cia\', because activities play 'a large part of the La Sallian experience and tradition. \'\fhen I came up Cheltenham Avenue for the first time 1 was nervous. ] came from a small middle school down the road

and I did not know a single pcrson. \'<'hen the announcement came that day for freshman football,. I quickly signed and waited after school tor tbe first meering. Even though I played in only twO games the entire season, sitting on the bench was an acclimating experience for me. 1 knew I would not play, so I spent a lot of time talking to those who, like me had only mediocre athletic talent. The friendship.s I developed while watching the starters brutaIJy sacrifice their bodies were the roots of lhe friendships I have today. Abraham Lincoln once said, "The greater parr of one's life is composed of friendShips." If I had not been involved in football,l may not have befriended the great people I know today. Looking for one's niche can be hard sometimes, but extracu[riculars bring (0gethet people of similar minds. No one really wantS to start homework early, so what better way to procrastinate than to join your ~olleagues in t~ought-prl?vok!ng conversation on ever\'thmg from Luggling co extreme spons to editorials? Despite L'I Salle's moderate siz~ there is a plethorn of activities to choose trolll, so many I don't eyen remember them all. I had the opportunity (0 spre~d my self out, try ne.w. th,ings and expand my Interests. However, It IS unp'0rtant to maintain the commitment that after ~c~ool projects r~quire. qf ~ourse, .if there Isn t anyone activity that IS IOteresting to someone, he can start his own dub ifhe can find a moderamt....or go undetground (the faculty docs nOt endorse the latter method). . No La Salle education would be complete without the servicc which is the mOst important after school activit\, at La Salle. This vear I had the honor of aiding the incep.tion of the La Sallian Service Core which combines aU the service projects of La Salle, I had friends who fed the homeless~ rutorcd inner city students, and worked with mentallv-challenged adults. The door Is open co help people cveI)....vhcre in the Vicinity of Philadelphia and the personal satisfaction gained bv helping others can be attaincd through no odlcr chili or SpOrt. There are those who must nang around school till their ride comes or must scour the hallways for those who can take chern home (like me). Finding a ride after school can be cough. Ic's a sname that there is no Christian Brothers bus service. Maybe wc can use the money from the magazine drive for a bus depOt or an international airport". -JOIII;" 117amm

On freshman da\'S there's no pl1ce bener 10 hide than the good 01' rom.


Chillin' Although enthralled by the academic obstacles provided by La Salle, the students are traditionally known fortheirability to put the stress ofschool work behind them. Whife many adults

hale 10 admit it, "shootin' the breeze," Hk.ickin' it," or simply relaxing with friends is part ofa healthy high school career. Widely reknown places around LaSalle for students to gUlherinclude the ';PIT, the caf, the study commons, and sometimes even the









The PIT, nOljust a place but a presence 10 be felt at the football games, for years nas been a popular spot to relax around campus. Despite the lad of sand in !.he PIT, LaSalle volleyball displays many different rules than those seen on the Pro¡ Beach Tour. Contesting "in versus out calls" and the ex:cessive "dissing" or the opponent during the heated v-ball matches adds to theex:citemenL Better yet, neighboring the PIT is the cafeteria where students get their energy forenduring the school day at LaSalle. Good. wholesome nutrition in the form or fries and cheese steaks have been traditionally served by such mythical figuresas the Fry Guy and consumed under the reign of Nee/yus MammOlllllS. Although they no Tanger roam the cafeteria. their presence will be forever remembered as a part of the LaSalle Tradition. The library at LaSalle is also a good place to relax as long as you don't talk. For some ungodly reason sound is to the librarian like kryptonite is to Superman. The library proctors prey on those who maKe any type of sound. Seniors will surely remember the Mad Poope,. and the havoc he caused Brother Dominic. However what goes on in the library is part of any school's tradition. Your memories are unique for you. Arter you have Oecn kicked out of the library, the study commons is a popular place for assembling; one, because talking is at times "permitted:' and two, because it has the mosl comfortable chairs on campus. The commons is famous for the class ping pong lournament. Even though ping pong isn't a varsity sport. the ping pong tournament seems to thrive. Whether il' s Gidjunis bringing his Swedish- made paddle or Logan sweating by the buckets. the study commons is the spot where the championshipis won. Obviously getting into a good college depends on how well you doacademicaJly III high scflool, but living to your own personal values and morals is important. High school. so I'm told, are some orthe best times of our lives. and the memories we hold and traditions that arc made will be cherished forever. • Matt Hamlett Josiah Acklc}'. Oneof a few at work.

On opposite pagf. "I IntI rcady. But it was kind of disappointing."

L'lSalle's ,\lusie Dcparrmcmenioys record student io\'olvement and extraordillary

success, due in no small measure to f.-lr. joseph Ciccilllaro and his extensive musical eXI:icrience, his LaSallian heritage, and genuine concern for the individual student. \,\'hen ·'i\Ir. C" entered La Salle High

School :ll20'h and OlnC)' in 1953, he was a clarinet pla\'cr. Howe"er, using an approach that

Mr. C. himself would larer:\dopr, dien band directOrJoseph Colantonio encouraged ,'oung Ciccimaro to familiarize himself witn OIl1cr instruments. Soon, hcwas pla\'ingsaxophones and woodwinds as well as continuing hiS ad-

\'anced study of the clarinet. Even tod:1.\', LaSalle band members broaden their musical horizons by fotlowing ]\Ir. C's p'fcscripcions of brass, pcrellssion,or wooClwi nd. In high school, )\Ir. C disco,'crcd his love of the musical theater when a brother took him to Broadway to sec The King tlnd 1. After this revelatOr)' experience, 1\lr. C was determined to pursue the careerofa theater musician. Kceping this goal in mind, he wcnt to La Salle Uni,'cr:;irv, where he earned a degree in English and teaching ecru fication in Englisn and SocIal Studies. 'nH::re, he continued witl-i his music :md obtained a wcllrounded '-...1 Sallian education as well. He also landed his first theater job and began teaching instrumental lessons at La Salle High School and throughout the diocese. Soon after graduation, he was employed as band director at Archbishop \'{/ood High School. Around the same

time, he was hired as a musical contractor for Philadelphia's ForrestThcatcr, for Leonard Berstein s broadway-bound 1600 Pennsylvania I\venue. Impresseo with 1\1r. C's talem, Bernstein invited him to work in New York. 1\lr. C. had olher plans thouJ?h, ones that ha"e come to fruition In La Salle s l\lusic Program as we know it. Under Brother Gene Graham, La Salle began a tradition of putting on "big" musicals. Mr. C, still band director at \'{'ood, was invited to produce and direct the musical theater at LaSalle. Later, he left Wood for La Salle full time. Since the 1970's, 1\1r. C. has led the music depanment to its currenr splendor: developing the innovative rock Pep Band, theJazz Bands. the classical Concen Band, the Inslrumenl Ensembles, the Chorus, and thesrudcnt-Ied pit orchestra. . On a personallcvel, ,\Ir. C's body of Wisdom and experience has guided disoriented freshmen, indecisive seniors, and manvin benveen. He foslers in his students a greater appreciation oftalent, presents an informed perspccriveon/)roblcms, reveals a bener understanaingofhig 1 school, offers a saner, more realistic appro~ach to thecolJege process, and inspires a more passionate love of life. In appreciation of his long dedication to L:\ Salle and to its slUdems, in recognition of his outstanding profession:ll career, :Inc! in sincere hopc for hiS continued success and well-being, we of the /Jllle and Golddcdiearc this millennial yearbook to 1\1r. Joseph Ciccimaro. ·.~llldrr'll'P"fll!'1

,\lr. C in his 195- Senior PlclUrc.

Fast Facts: - Born on J\lozart's birthday. - Started music lessons in 1st grade. - First musical instrument was a piano his father won in a poker game. • First job in the theater was a Jewish variety sho\\' that opened on Christmas Day. - Played for the debuts of Ba.rbra Srreisand, Bette 1\lidler and John Travolta. - Had the singular experience of playing for

The King and 1, the source of his inspiration. - Directed teachers J\1r. Edward J\lolush, i\Lr. Willjam Geiger, and Mr. John Grace when they were students here. l\1r. C prm'ing his Italian hcrita~c with a win of io~· for hl~ f:l\oritc baod c!:lss.

Are these really our

\'\'e learn the vcry ddinition of I.asallial tradition through the hard work and dedication 0 OUf faculty and administawrs. This ~'ear, at the run of the millennium, the 13/1/(' a/ld Cold has chosen [, spotlight just a few of these dc\'otcd mentors who provide us students with daily examples of th Lasallian tradition. One such scholar and mentor is Dr. Josepi D'Angelo, Assisram Principal for Academic Affain Students can easily approach "Doc D" with what ever is on their minds and find him helpful an, understanding. Because of his many experience~ Dr. D is able to talk \Vlth students about ao}'thinf from classes, grades, and teachers to spons, mo\'ie~ and family life. As 3 current administrator, teachel and hockey moderator and as a former Englisl departmenr chair and baseball, drama club, and filn club moderator, Dr. D'Angelo has repeatedly ShO\\'l his commitment [Q Lasalle.

- Sum Toole Th~ ~ul1en

COnRfatu!:l.Iions! You ha\ c (inscn n:lmc of dl~e:l~e hen:). "Scri()u~h-



\\11:1!\ the


\1 r, .\llller; one (If (IUr mmt

di~l!l1gui~hed educator-


Faculty & Staff illr. Rad's e\crcla~sic, "You tollow me?"



Arrr~h! ~o

homework? \X'hl', ['II run I"e Ihru with me sword!

Making the Tough Decision Administration Our principaJ of eleven years, ~Ir. David Diehl, may come off as guier, perhaps shy, to the student body. However, any "tudcm who has been in his famous economics class knows differently. \'\'hether he helps a student understand the dynamics of microeconomics or makes a lOugh decision for the welfare of the school and its students, ;"Ir. Diehl shows a caring personality that embodies the pride of L'l Salle. An alumnus, having b'Taduated from the Broad and Olney campus, he has been with La Salle forty~four years, twemy-eight of them in the administration. At the end of the year, ,\Ir. David Diehl willle:!.ye the top SpOt and become the Director of Financial Aid, again for the benefit of the school and studems. lie bdkYes, "I have done what I can do. Over m'emy-eight years, I hayc had my say in the direction the school should take. and it is time for another point of view". His \-ision of emphasizing people before rules has led La Salle to great acclaim. By demonstrating his love for the people of La Salle and believing they give our school its strong unity, our principal, J\lr. David Diehl retlects the greatness and tradition that embodies La Salle. r.Jr. Diehl will continue to teach his popular economics course and believes he will have more time co appreciatt: his many loves: the ocean, tennis, golf, fishing, reading, and cooking, yes, even cooking!

-joe Gidp/llis

Mr. David Diehl Principal cconomiC!

Bro. James Rieck, FSC Director of Admissions .\lora/it),

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo Assistant Principal, Academic Affairs Crtntil't If d#l1!J JJJOknptilrt

Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal ClJrnlistry, Student Council ModeratOr

Mr. Martin Stanczak Dean of Srudents

Bro. Rene Sterner, FSC President J\ry Conupts oj Cbdstionity, Forum ~loderatOr


Bro. Gerard Frendreis, FSC Comptroller

Mr. Thomas Turner Assistant Denn of Students W'orld Gtlt'ITfS

Board of Trustees

(Row One- L.to R.) Roben Moran.Julia Maher. John Paul. Stephen Dugan. Bro. Andrew Bartley. FSC. Bro. Benedict Oliver, FSC. Bro. Rene Sterner. FSC. David Diehl. John MckoJr.. William Sasso. Donna Bartynski (RowTwolJal11cs Basile. Bro. Timothy Froehlich. FSC. Bro. Kevin Dalmassc. FSC. Bro. Brian Henderson. FSC.Jo~eph 0' Angelo. Bro. Gerard Frendreis. FSC. James Hassol Dean Shacklett. Sr. Patricia Kelly.John Kent(RowThree) Vincent Walters. Robert Laskowski. William Markmann. John Carabello. Michael McCarthy.John Lehman. Raben Mills. Edward Sol vibile. Bro. Thomas McPhillips. FSC

Mr. Mark Gibbons Assistant to the Comptroller Crc\\! Coach

Mrs. Susan Spause Alumni Office

Mrs. lane Kelly' Evans f\Jul1lni Office

Mrs. Patricia Dever Development Office

Mrs. Florence Ward Development Office

Mr. John Mcko DirectOr of Developmenr

Mrs. Angeline Colangelo Secretary to the President

Mrs. Connie Gill Business Office

Mr. Thomas Hibbs Director of Alumni

Not just a language, but a culture II \\'35 a parocularly Irksome IJutiftoJ question; one of many the class <;cemlOgl~' did nO[ know that Tuesday. first penoo IS always a ured orne, no matter how much fun or mterestln~a class IS. "\'fhat docs 'O;\CE' stand for?" The class "tared al Senor, hopmg for the answer to this question, and he slared back at each one of us. lie always had a way ofgettmg the answer to the Impossible qucsuons in a sometimes Icrhar!-'1c class. Finally Senor st:lred 10 the class, "This is where mind rcadlllg becomes interesting." The class, finding this amusmg, continued to srare at him. No one knew the answer to this qucstion.\ftcr that brief paust: Scilor finally sfatl.:d, '1uan, I'm sending It 10 you," staring directly at me. Tlus amused the clas~ again, as well a<; me, yet even through this mind-communication, I did not know the answer. Finally. we abandoned the question and moved on. In k('eplll~ with his style, Senor did not tcll us the answer.lea\-ing It up to us to ti,!.,rureoul for homework. Howc\路cr. after class was oYer and I had walked to second period, the answer popped IntO my head. Of course, ''LJ O'Y,ollizot7011 _\adonal df (lr.~os f:'spmioln.'" Then another thought entered my mmd: I h:l.\"e nc\"cr had a teacher at La Salle who did nOI have charactcr (or was not a character, for that maner). espcciall~" Senor Blanco.

Language Department

-John S'rzalka

Linda Donahue



Gabriel Blanco (Chair)

.\poJlish. _,II' Jpollish. htf/(h, ltolioll

Spanish. AI' SpaNish

81m and Gold \loderatOT

SCOlor Class ;\loderaroT

Mrs. Nancy Zocltsch Spanish Spanish Club i\lodcrator

Mr. Douglas Smith Jj)(lIIislJ

Bro. Charles Lackes, FSC Spallisb

Mr. David Manjon Frfllc!J,./IP Frelld), Spm/isb

Mrs. Frances Jacob Diccicco Spallisb

Bro. James Steck, FSC SpIlI/isb, Fmlth

I Mr. Nicholas Coggins Spm/isb

Mr. George Hohenlcitncr CmlJall, AP Gert//lm, Scripttln' Respect l.ife l\lodcrator

History Department

Bro, Ernest MiUer, FSC .\lomli!)', /I"orld CHllum, AP AII/encan HislOf)

Fortwodecades. Mr. Millerhasbecn an institut.ionnt LaSalle. Altholl. he teaches Western Civilization and American History, Mr. Miller is kno\ school-wide For his popular Political Scicnceand Victnamelectives. Each yeo these classes are among the first to fill up. primaril y because Mr. Millcr teach like no other facuhy member at La Salle. Hechallenges his students toanaly everything from the 2000 Presidcntial clection to the dress code. Mr. Miller'sop forum provides for in depth discussion on any issue ofconcern. Students feel op toexpress feeling in Mr. Miller'sclassroom because he makes theenvironme conducive to expression. Hedoes not tell you what you want to hearor what OLhf want him to say; rather Mr. Millcrchallenges us to develop our own opinions a: act on them. In no other class could you discuss Woody Guthrie folk songs aJ the Boer War. Kceping with his unique leaching style. Mr. Miller also creates classroom to match hjsexpressivepersonality, Room321 draws the attention every student. teacher. and visitor who walks by. Bumper stickers of vario colleges. baseball teams, and political slogansoverflo\V his bulletin board and co\theentire left sideoftheclassroom. Time magazine covers from the t 980s run a border. surrounding the room. Mr. Miller' sclassroom dcfies the boring gray Ul white stones of the conventional classroom. Besides religiously attcnding each and every La Salle football game. tv Miller also modcrates swimming and keeps the score for the basketball team. F Mr. Miller's bluntness and creativity,challenging the student mind in every cia: represents astrong tradition ofteaching. . Michael McCan,-

Mr. Gerald Miller I 'ittnom, Polilicol Science, Amencan I fislOIJ', 1/"('1le171 Cil'ilizolioll

Mr. James Tate World Cullllref, 1I"('1lenJ Cil'ilizaliol1,

Outdoor Adventure Club

Mr. Joseph Cotistra AP EcollOmics, AmentofJ Hislory Head Football Coach

Mr. Daniel Hinclue l17eslem Cit'ilizaliolll SC1ipllfre, Calbolic ID Football! Lacrosse Coach

Mr. Bernard Filzgcrald Weslem Cil'ilizatiol1, Americall Hislory

Mr. John Grace (Chair) IWor/d Gillllm, IWeslem Ciri/izalioll, AP Emvp('all !-lislory

Mr. John Young W'eslem Ciri/izaliofl, 117or/d Clflll/l"('s, Calbolir 10, \X'isterian l\loderntor

Mr.joseph Parisi World CII/tUres, Plj'rb%gy

I Thomas Barna Cbf'lIJiJII)" Biologj' Junior Class I\lodermor, Lasallian Youth

Robert RusseU PI!I'sia, AI> PI!ysics. Pf"({~rf1lt,,"i't~ .--IP Complller Se/fllet' ,\Iathletes, Computer/Robotics Club


Gary WiJey i\lrteor%gy Science Club


Dorothy Ponisciak (Chair) C!Je!fJisty, A P Chrmist')' NHS i\loder:ttor

As any of his students can tell you. \Ir. Gerald E\-ans is hardly a typical cience teacher_ .\ffectionatelyknown as "Opie," ,\Ir. E\'ans posses~ that mre and 'debrnted abiJit), to both teach and befnend those in hI!'; dasses,guidlOg them through he confusmg worlds of science and high 'lchoollife. By accenting lessons with ometimcs rcleven! and always humorou<i personal stories, ~Ir. E\'ans is able 10 mprO\'e even Ihe most mundane Biolng) lecture<;. Corny jokes routlncly follow .sexual reproduction Icctures in room 202. Ilo\\'c\路cr. Ihe beardcd .\lr. Exan!'; can do more than ju<;t lead group Iissections. His dean-shaven twin spends alltumns refereeing high school football ;amcs,and ,\1 r. Evans spcnds afternoons modcmting L'l Sallc's ,\Iock Trial Club and .ibbitzing with yearbook staffers, always ready to help with witl) captions find leadtines. II is personality and charisma reflect his great Lasaltian tmdition.

- Sean Toole

Bro. Don Alger, FSC Inltgmltd Jdmrt

William Geigcr 1-.lllill. AP E1/l'irrmJlltlllal Sdmet, BI/{t and Gold, Tbt Gaifbo, Latin Club, Photograph}' Club

Gerald Evans

8i%J!) ~Iock

Michael Scminack I"Iegmltd Jdmrt, JJioloJ!)


Charles Cirelli Gmtra/ Chtll,islry. lnltgraltd Jritl/rt

NASA Prospects

Mrs. Mary Jo Smith (Chair) '1{~t'lmJ, (,1'01111'1/1'.

.\lath ".llla/ms, Pt'/'-((tIrIlIIlS Dram:l Club

first day of junior rcar, I entered Room 322 and .\Ir. Roche started d pra\'cr In a barely audible rOlce. I did nOt know what loexpcct from my class, frol 01\" teacher. I had heard st()nc~; I knew what types of qucsunns not to ask. ~IOSl srudems could tell you that -' Ir. Roche cnloys the challcn,gtn~m;uhclasses; ki( arc familiar with his idiosyncrasies and phrases. Outside the cla~sroom, thoug there's ,\Ir. Roche, a former Chnsti:m Brother and a huge sportS fan. especially Redskin.. fan. :\ past:tlhleucdirCClOrat school. A reader ofphilosophy. Aone-rirr foUowcrofprofessional wrestlmg. _\ man who, ifyou name lhecoUcgcorunl\'ersit can~ve you Its mascol. \'\nen he wantS to kno\\'of a particular topic, he reads boo~ 1'\:0, hedld not work for !'\,\S,\; that's a mrth. Truth IS, he probably could wo: for ~.\S_\, but instead, hecho()ses to teach math and [each it with a passIon. ) everybody who has had him lor class knows, J\tr. Roche advocates learning for d sake of]c:lrmng. \'\'lth puzzles anu conrests, he trains his mind and does the same WI his<,tudents', ;-";ow,1 know what to a"k. I ha\'e ICflrned a grear deal about c;llculus ar about )\Ir. Roche his exceptional intdli~ence, hisabiliT)' tOP~I!>S it on mhis stl,ldcnl hIS love for his work, his true npprcciation for maThematics, and his good humc Realm" though, th:H math is only one (large) portion of'\lr. Roche, 路"IrfT)' f'il::;y,ilJbofls

Mr. James Roche 路!(e,rhro.

II' eli/mIl/.(

Mr. M.ichael Ponisciak Groll"I!). en/mIllS. "(r;,bm

Mr. Joseph Radvansky I(f!,/'bra, CalmlJlJ, .\llIlb .路lfla!J-sis, G"tOJJltlrl'! Prr-CalmlJlJ

Mrs. Stcphanic Jcitncr A(~fbf(J, Cfollle/~y,


Ms. Tina Shu stack Algebra, CMllle/I)', S/(I/i.r/ia, Altl1h Alla/pi.r


Mrs. Theresa Garvin Algtbra, GtOllltll)

Mr. Thomas McLaughlin A(~tbra • Imramurats

Mr. Joseph Falconc A(ftbro. l\lalh AfJo!J.ris

Mr. Paul Quinn COli'pliler Appliralion.r. Algebra

Mr. Mark Chesnik (.bri.rtiil!l -Ichou, I..S.C. Coordin:uor, Campus :-"Ilnistry

Bro. Francis Danielski, FSC Pru)'t'r. I..S.C. Coordinamr, St. Benilde Club

Bro. David Kasevich. FSC

Bro. Kenneth Cook, FSC

Jao?d Jmpll/1?

Catholi( !dmtitr.)criplllrr

All God's People

Hey baby! Have you mastered the "Papa" Punrcl tride yet? This Italian chairperson of the Religion Depart1ent and tcacher of freshman and junior religion classes, has cve10ped a distinctive halhvay walk and has mastered aU lC uses for the title "baby," For example, he always takes icrures of his students and studies them until he gets every arne down. However, should he need a substitute for, or mphasis on any of these names, "baby" is always on the tip f his tongue. Papa earned his nickname through his patriarchal resence at La Salle and through his undisputed role as Imil)' mao. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have six kids, the Idest 22, and youngest 3. At home, Papa is always underlking some major building or repair project, demonstrating kills beyond his Masters degrees. Before his son Andrew '00) totaled the family Olds, ~Ir. Puntel drove the Vyndmoor Express daily up ~Iounc Cheltenham Avenue co is family abode. Papa proves his superlative parenting by eeping his daughters as far away from La Salle as possible. Papa's screening of the carroon ljYOJI Love Me, Shoul 1e has become an antidote for lax morals, a diversion from mior boredom, and a staple of the La Salle experience. In is 18 years teaching at La Salle, Mr. Punte1 has found many iches: bike-riding pace-setter for the cross-country team, \lis moderator, CSC leader, etc. This year, he runs a weekly ~rvice trip to nearb)' Triest House, a facility for the disabled. p,f.r. Alfred Puntel (middle name Osvaldo!) brinb'"S xperience and knowledge to the La Salle faculty, concern, nd wisdom ro his srudencs, and love and dedication ro his Imily. Now there's a teacher, baby.

• Andre/II Pm/tel Mr. Alfred Puntcl (Chair) Catbolic ID, Morality

Mr. William Leahy BJlSliuss, Cat/Jolic 1D

A Novel Approach to Literature

Mr. Edward McCabe (Chair)

Mr. Michael O'Toole Elfgkrh, On-LiHf' El1glisb, Directcr of Public Relations,


English Department

Who wants 10 know anything about Beowulf! The Odyssey? Ho, about apple farms? Mr. Ed McCabe' s fascination with various market fruil such as apples and pumpkins. not to mention oLherpeculiar issues. conlribut to his unique style of tcaching. Though it may seem like forever. M

McCabe has been enlightening literature to students for almOSllhirty year. His witlyremarksconfirm his maslcryofthe English language. and leav students always thinking. "Where docs he come up with this stuff? However. his uncanny ability always to give students something to thin abollt isoneofthe hisgreatesl talents. Mr. McCabe's genuineconcem fc all of his students is evident in the way he teaches. He wants all of hi students to not only !cam, but to appreciate literature. Mr. McCabe's uniqu nature goes beyond his sense of humor as well; his students are alway aware that theirbooks could be thrown out the window at any given momen He has mastered the aerodynamics of Cliffs Notes. but if paperbacks ar nOlgoingollt thewindow, he won't hesitate to keep students' attention b aiming objects such as erasers and chalk. Continually proving his streng! with PUIl 11PS and his endurance with threats of competition, his das frequently provokes large oUlbursts of laughter. His unorthodox teaching style is what sets Mr. McCabe apart fror other teachers. and is the aspect that students treasure most abolll MJ McCabe's Englishclass. - Darrell Grm'small 4

Mr. Brian Sweeney bl/1,liJIJ. FortnJia

Mr. Daniel File r.:.'!r./iJh, lI'isftnnn

Mr. Edward Molush A P F.1I.~/jJb, r:.'{r,lish ~Iock Trial

Mr. Christopher Holwick J:f1.p,lish

Mr. Joseph Dempsey btr.1iJh

II EX? (T.V.) Srudio

Mr. Dennis Bloh Engltsh Director of Fall Drama, Drama Club

Mr. Brian McGill Eng/ish, Intramurals

Non-ConforlTIists General Studies Department

Mr. Tore Hanssen P~)'li(nl


Mr. Frank Lichtner AqllalJcs

The La Salle experience includes taking aqualicsand physical education. led by Mr. Frank Lichmerand Mr. Tore 'T' Hanssen. 8mh ofthese teachers contribute to the La Salle

community outside ofclass. In addition (0 leaching aquatics. Mr. Llchtnercoaches the swim team and instructs a lifeguard certification class. T. Hanssen. the physical education inslruClor. is also head coach of the tennis team. He will always be

remembered fordelivering the pep rallies'legendary top five reasons why La Salle will win. - Darrell Grossman

Mr. Joseph Venori 1I"()()(fJrinds Competition Band

Mr. Joseph Ciccimam (Chair) .\lmic, Director of Band, I.a Salle Theatre

Mr. Michael Checco CI)()ral.\huir, Fil1t /ll1s, Belcrofters

Mr. Peter Sigmund

Mrs. Melissa Gaskins-Centofante Arl

IIl/mlt/ Applica/ions

Mrs. Diane McGovern /l,1, An Club

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro I-Inrl/b, Nurse

Mr. Craig Ebner Glli/ar

Mr. Joseph Nero Ptrmssioll

Mr. Rich:lrd Genovese

Trombof/t, Tllba

The hit game show starring Regis Philbin. "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" flourished from the start this past year. Forhigh school students. though. deciding where to gotocollege IS more difficult than answering a million-dollar question. Admittedly. his own actions dictate what each senior decides his "final answer" should be. but e\cry now and then. we need a lifeline. Brother William DiPasquale and Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen play vital roles inourquesttogotocollege. acting as those I ifel ines. The college process is filled with questions about schoob. applications. test scores. recommendations. essays. and fimlllcini aid. However. both BrotherBill and Mrs. Mullen are there for support at every step. from Group Advisory to those late afternoons

college environments [hm best suit them. Originally ,the College Counseling Center wasn't meant to be a senior lounge. but the willingness of BrotherBil1 and Mrs. Mullen tocreate a stir ofactivity gi ves the appearance of more fun than work. Despite the less than perfect work ethic from students in the senior lounge. we mean, Ihe Brother David Albert FSC Counseling Center. the atmosphere allows for relaxation from the enOnllOUS pressurcof deciding the next slep ofone' s life. For the encouragement and awareness thai Bro. Bill and Mrs. Mullen provideeveryday. welhnnk them in lhetraditionof laSalle. - Melfi Harmel! and Joe Gidjunis

Bra, William Di Pasquale, FSC b{~/ish, Croup /Idl'isol)' NHS, Counselor

when applications are due. They stri\'c to match La Salle studenls with the



Mrs. Mary Kay MuUen Crollp AdJ'isof)', Counselor

Mrs. Mary Sheets Mrs. Marie Baer ,\lolI(~OllJr'J' COlm/) /lIlmmdialr l"lIil

j\lOIl{~OlJtrrr COlin/) /II/mmdiolr em!

Who Wants to go to College?

• Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell College COJtnJtlil(y,

Mrs. Bemadette Logan Coli,!! CO'lnst!i"f.

Mr. Martin Jackson P!J'dJology, Lanb'\.lagc Specialist

Mr. John Keenan .~·IJ,dr Jkills. COlln~c1or

Rnldil1g &

Mr. Michael Dolan (Chair) Counselor

Lean on Me

F:llhcr Anthony Janton Chaplain

Dr. Brendan Garwood Director of Brothers Residence, Proctor l:llUdcnts only know Farher I\mhoo)' Janron from the liturgll':s that take place throughout the school year, but h, has been part of the I..asallian community since 1966 when h~ enrolled as a freshman. Before graduating in 1969, he participated in Bro. Gene's musicals and nOt until a comment (rom hi~ typing teacher, had he ever thought of joining the seminary Brother EdWin ..\lIl1er iokmgly said to him In passlOg, "Tony you'll make a ~JTeat rOeS! some day:' Thatw:ts the first momcm he thought about the seminary, but after R"IduaLing he emered rather Ton~' has served at Resurrection 10 the :-':onhcasl, wa! Pastor 31 Sl. Francl~ de Sales, and is currently paslOf of Sf ..\lartin of Tours. Father Tony IS always busy performing hi~ p3slOral dunes. and as "", priest for the people," Father Ton} has little nme for himself. He alwan makes time for La SalJc:'~ school events, on occasion running ben\'t:en weddinw; 10 get tC Cheltenham ,heoue in order to sen"c us as chaplain. Fathcl Tony has led Reconciliation. Ad\"em, and J.coten sen-Ices. a~ well as the underclass retreat program. F:uherTony stops Inte 1_'1 Salle every week to see if anyone needs direcnon or pnescl) advice. rather Tony embodies tradition here at La Salle. I\lO!lt

-Jot CidpmiJ

Mrs. Ann Ford Secretary

Mrs. Karen Mullen Secretary

Mrs. Patricia Murphy Secretary

Ms. Donna Long Librarian Mrs. Rita DeLaurentis l.ibmr)' Assistam

Mrs. Pam Schock ~urse

Problem Solvers

Mr. Rodney uThe Enforcer" Brader Security

\ \carbool,; with the theme of tradition could hard O\"crlook th'/: i.Kt Ihal each morning, when <;rudems and faculty pI

up the dri\'cw:!.\ to I A'l Salle, theyarcJ.,rreeted wllh the "arne famili face: Rod Ihe ""ccumy !-,"Uard. _\s our lone rnngt:r amidst the eha, which we refer to as the p:trk.in~ 101, could his lask be earned 0 more tlttlngl~- b~- an~oneotherthan a man In cowboy atnre?

\Iaimainmg order and organlZln,~ a parkinR 10l with: c\-er-shnnkin/-: numlx:r of frcc space", a~ well as a daily flood. buses and parents Ir\"l0~ 10 drop their siudents ()ff whcrc\"cr th,

wish. is certainly not an easy lask. "CI Rod, With hlS tru<;tyoraol cones and bullet-proof~r()-kart mamIaJn<;ordcr. \ horse could n handle the numbcrofrounds be makes. ~)mch()\\' thou,gh, he finl a wa\" to make !>I,'n<,c of the utter In!>anHY that charactenzes L't Salle parkin~IOl. The qUC"llOrl slill remalOS though, how docs a m~

complete 'uch a difficult task with enough time to!1P his hat ar wa,"c to each car? I propose the timely advertismg sl0.l-.",n ... "'t\goua bc the shoes!" 路l{.-I)' J"h'!)'

Mr. James Behr

Mr. Frank Ignas

Mr. AI Loscalzo

Mr. Joseph GaUo

Cafeteria Staff (Back Row L. to R.) Ernesta Fragnito, Stephanie Leach, .\Iary Smolczynski, Ethel Burg, Joseph Gallo, Pan)' Garvey (Front L to R.) i\larie ,\IcFadden. Dicp Tran, .\tary Salemno. Alice Yeiter

Mr. Michael Donavan

Mr. Mark AngioLillo

LL Salle ~tuclcnl~


the PIT.


b\Jlrn Green

s[ wttk'slunch h25 c\- 01 \'cd mto2 ncu"lifc fonn,

"Ib ha.











til. _ - --.'. ....































Brother Rcnl~ rCCnlltS inc{lmll1~ trcshmcn for the int,11l10US Forum.

























Tom ro,.anticip;lIm~lunch. ~U"'C\"



lhe sc~ne before de.;cendin~ fOlhecafclcna.



















































































,. , ". . -, [\~' :. "'.














. h"I',~ ~ .



h~hmen 3nd sophomore" ~x~mpll"- lh~ ~Plnl ullhe"PIT路 a~ lhc\ cheerlhc fO()lballlcamt)fi.

























I路 路 .-








Joseph Burke, Tim Cumdla, ~nd \Iike "ellr.






























































































(:,.n!'3d I..nchoclu Je.cend~ 10 Ihe h(lpele'>~ ab\ ~~ Ihal I~ the urt..ur(OI"1dllJoneJ \\ It'l~.


























D.n lJ \1.,

~h. ,.." ~

hI' cmhu'u'Ol. In another .1\. "occcr \lCIOI"\ f(>rLl~.ll1C.



































































F. cx:N=V>D LOCH



























\\ 'h~ \\ 'ait? Grnb a L1 Salle [ht,t'~t',[('ak:'





















6j ... ""f-'"



··hl ,I',~,;r,,, "" .j 'i.~: "• ..•• '1..,


l~r'll h<.;r

h.<.:n r<:

~"\Ip.lin" SCnpI\JTC ~n

;w: ahk 10 c"Omprchcnd.

that "nphllmore" ;-"'01;\11 <.::1,,\ u"k!



























f. ,.,.. .































~.~ '•". - i-

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The Spanish exchange students, Angel and Javier, try to translate the Wis.















.,1-, ,

















Lnbehenbh. ~ml:I.,1:-';alle

students arc~ abk III lake nOle"

wnile lhc:\ sleep inchl.s'.

















































































































Someho" .Ih,~ parocular student snuck h\ ,hckecn路cved " I~hall mOOlI.)rs.

~.. .


. .. ~

:, ':-,', -,















\t a ~Ch(KII hke La Salle, ~\~ become ~reat fncmk lma~nc if ~1r1, \lem here!






























"Booh :lrc includcd in wition,




meet you Brother, I mean, FatherJanton.

One maioraspectofour l.aSallian tradition isdemonstratc< b\. the \-ast studem and t"aClllt\'. im'okemcnr with extracurricula acti\'ites, which prm'ide some ofthe be~t wny" [I) enjoy thc high schae e.xpencncc. Throughout the school day. one can witness LaSalliandcvo cion to acth,ities. Indeed, even before the day starrs, srudems im'ade tho basemelllofSt. I\lichael HalllO produce our own morning news "ho\\created to report on still more La Salle activities. \'{'alking aroune school any time, one sees e"idence of the Explorer spirit of invoke mem. \'{'c h:we all passed singing chorus groups, petitioning Amnesr: Interoational volunteers, and JI"'islen'an editors writing in their under ground bunker during our daily tra\,els around the school .

.Activities only gain steam when eighth pcnod ends. One need only observe our nearly-full school parking lot to measure our invol\'ememo After-school meetings commence with groups as diverseas the art club. La SaUl' Respect Life, and the juggling dub. Vans depnrt L:l Salle full of kids ready to tutor younger children. Studems convene every day to create this vcry yearbook. Dcpendingon the time ofrear, the fall play or spring musical is running either audition~. rehearsa.l~, or celebrntions. l1uoughout the day and throughoul the year, La Salle studems are engaged in dozens of successful acti\路ities.

- Sum Toole

j\lan llannctl alway~w\-ing dissappffwallo Joe Gidjunis' antics... "I hearby


nty JX)~itlon as cdllorin-chicfofthe I'earbl.ok .....

Srudent Council President Chris Dougem' shows his cnthusiasm for SpIrit \\l.'Ck ...and Jcllu...thcrc's :I1w:l~-s room for Jdlo! Senior Pele Cbrk shows us his


for life.

\ftc:r the.- IIr"t pep r:tlh we J.unllllt eCluk! han~",'One alillk bener" the- 1..3 Salle Student Council. \llih 11 Ihcrnc:of··I.4 ;o..illc.: ,t:«I~ )"uu---( ;et nh l'll:·brnu.l!:hl the '-Chnnlcnmrnunln' rn~:cthcTln ~upt"rh la~hlon. unlike 1 ,lher\eJ.r". lkm,l!:,l member IlfStu\lem (,cluncil rCljulrc~ commllmem, \!ember" tril'll HI ~"" the an'Ul':ty of tn.""hnun at ()nent.luon. Dunn.~ Ihck ·10 ~huol 'Ighl. ( >pen Ilou~I' •.10U (I luntk'~~ other c\ em'. Council prl.'~ldl'm~. \Ice'prt:sluc.:ms•.lou '>CIUlllr<; ~hCI\\c.-d up In hdp thin).,... run lmllCllhh ~tlJ(km ( .lIl.lIlcil.lhou",oh,l'flt;ulscrl·;\U\lt\ and Cheml~ll'"\. \nd It \ bcClU<C III the CTCarl\ll\ and chl'flll~tT\ th:1l ~lUdent ( ...uncil \1..iS ~o ~ucces~fulthis\'e:lr 10 IiI. lOio: up to Il~ thellle- -liS ~(lal-ln).,'Cll.'\'eT\bOl.h 101011. cd. Ttli.' hanl work.t:speclall\' (IfPresident Chris DOll~hCrty. \' ICI.' Pre'ldmt (:hnsCurcl. and ~rel;lT\'Joe Spall\e and alsc/the el.ISS presidents and \ Icc'president'. :III(/\I.ed fc/r till' ~\Iccess. Pmlponed from lhe wt:ek ()fThanksJ.:ll1n~ to the d:'I\' before the ChalllplClllshlp football ,",,,,,me.lhe I"l-ar\ sl.'Ccllld pcpralh- fcaeurl-d an appearance b\ "The Rock" (ScnHlrJoc \I.1'tnll1,II'(lo) whodroppec.lthe"I;"):tlllr Sanlr" from Ronun C:ttholic, Dunng:tn cll\l.'~l'ncy pep r.llh fnr thl' \\ fCSlllng It::tm, Senior I'\k Cal1:th:tn mOIl\ :ltlXlthe troupS:I' \fan l·olcI from S:-'I "for Spirit \\eek or Srlrlt \\ ~,t'k,. ,tudent ft:cdluck can cnnlimllhatthl~ \car\ was onc of Ihl'IX'~t In memOT\, ~r:tpplnio: the I'nn\\ k-c.lgl.' Howl ofpasl n·;1TS. Student Council 1lT).,t'J.nlleJ tM- tir"'tl.'\ cr L1 SJUC bmlh I'cud. which pllll-d til e 'enuI" a.g:ljn~t li\ c teachcr<;. \lembcr<; al~H"J.n Ihc.lelln IMlOn~ Cnntl....tand tht' \rm \\ rcsth~Contesf.Thanks I' I \Ir. (;1.'lI~er. Senior BIU Phelan. and thl.' Lllm ( lub.the ~chonl had Ihl"oppOnUOlI\ to p,lnIClr:llC in a Sc;l.\ cngcr Ilun! b.l'I.'ll lin Llunclucs. I'mallr. the h\p.:J upmalChl.·~ t(lrSUmel \\ n...... tllOgmd Ihc"llum;m I'"h ··l.hJ notclls,IPPCllnt. '" mlm:Supt:r \11\c". but till: f11l l'f'.tnc \\ inler FnmuL I,Ttl hanJSoph Dance.,Iunior Pn>m.. ;ill(l ~",rPrnmL.t'J.\'e l..aSalll:ltb.lchancc 10 reb\ .md run e a l.,'IlO'llI ume \\ nh the tine I.clUng Iac:lles from IIthcr -.ch'''11 \llhe mllOlhh mCt:lln" ~t\kkm C'lUncd pc:rservcn.-d rn It:t '1tJ(lem~ knCI\\ dUI LaSalle needs them ancLll1 CUUI"C. enl,,,et! Senior ~·n t<lr( Ir~): Leporc"" Imcr-~h'lO'll (ClunClI rcl-c.:he~and r:1mblm,~. TrtTl h/V7hbo'"


ExeculI\'c Officer'" IlfSIUdcllI Council: \'iee· Prc~identChri~ CurCI, Prc,idc:nt (:hris OnuRhem. and Scrretanolnc Spausc ~cnulr Drl"",

Urdslilrd JCCepis thech:tlknge tllbanle Mrh P('le :'\.,lllcclllllllC tIm/\lr, TCTf\ G'llespu: dunn~:-r,nt \\ cck.


Ih:lI IH "pent:l11 of the


Council bud~t on the hum:tn Ih ...\\ h:tt


From Row 1_ 10 R.,: Lr~ Lepore. Bn:tn B:tcher. Chn" Dou.e.hen\. T em htzJ,,'1bbon<;, Tum O'Connor; B;lck RO\\':jnc Spause,jusun Phtlomcnn, \!lke De< re!'Cto. ChmCufCI, "enn D~)bn, P:tul :\lcGurkm.john PolC\. [knms 5t;lOlon

StudeOl Council reminds liS lhallhere's al",'a)~ room fm Jcllo.

La Salle\.. Spirit \'X'eek took place durmg the tv,O weeks bcgmrung February 28th and ending on ~Iarch 3rd. Dunng that erne studems paruclpated m JeUo-eaen~

contests, ann wresclin~. sumo wrestling agamst the faculty, and Family Feud.

''1 ello

smells like fish, but I ale it anyway:' said senior Jamin \'(farren, who participated in the contes(. "That's why I didn'l win. It was rigged."

National Honor Society 136 Members Strong! 11,c f'\:uional Honor Society was blessed with another great year. Impressively, there were over one hundred members. The NHS performs a number of tasks, which could not have been completed without the help of President Tim Black, Vice-President Terry Fitzgibbons, Secretary Bill James, and Treasurer Jason Ager. TIle members of the National Honor Society, overseen by p,lrs. Dorothy Ponisciak and Bro. \X'illiam DiPasquale, are in charge of hall mon.itoring and underclass tutoring. Every lunch period, tWO members guard the hallways and stairwells. Also, members tutor studems who need academic help. J\lany NHS members tutor one or two srudtms at a time. Another activity operated by the NHS was the annual Red Cross blood drive for the student body. They scheduled students and comforted them when they were about to givt: blood. Being an NHS member requires a great deal of responsibility and a sacrifice of time. The school community greatly appreciates the - Tim Black dedication of the NJ-IS in aU school functions.

1'-115 ()ftkcr~ Tcrt') Fitzwbbons. Tim Black.Jason A~cr. and Bill.Jamcs process mtO the auditnrlum lur the annual Illduction. "This I' ~onl1a hun you;t 101 more than u's gonn.l hun me."

JuniorTony Geigergi\es the cameras his qylin' ntllway pose. ,\ placewe'l'e all bcen,..tryinp: (0 remember the Alma .\Iater.

"['m sor~, we

need (0 see:1l least r\\"n forms of identification before takinp: your precious blood."

Gee that's funm, .\11. .....t.'(;nan .. )"OU IDok kinda pale... '\[r. ,\Ir. "ecnan!!!



SaUe Respect Ufc Committce

Through peaceful protest, petitiorung, and most Imponantlyprnyerand with the mooerntion ot.\lr. Ilohenleitner, Respect ufe works reveal the truth behind abonion and bring to an end this crime against life, Blessed Giana Berena )lolla has become the group's palronilithful, IO"ingwoman who selflessly g:wc up her li fc so that she migh I gJ'"C binh 10 hcrchild. i\ side from In formational and spiritual gatherings, Salle attended such c,'ems as thc Stand Cp for Ijfe Dinner. ' Tmy h/::::e,ibbonJ

"The most obnoxious team in the peL." - Anthony Madonna The l..a Salle rn:uh dub I!' one ofthe nev."e'i;(, yel one ofthe most unusual facets ofthe 1-1 Salle T radmon. I[was only last year that the new moder-uor. .\Ir. Robert Rus!'cU, rL1led thedub\\,th his Physics sNdents and attcmpu.-d the lmp<>s<;lblc.findmg thCCOrrecl BishopShanahan lligh School. Oh, what adifference a year makes! .:\Ir. Russell, now paired up with co-modl'rator \Ir. .\lJchaei Porusciak,gUlded this ycartingh'roup to the pla~·()ffs. '£111''1 Icam's personality IS like no other In the Cllholic Lca~c.

They ha\"c Immcn~ talemand eyen more fun.

\\ncn pl.:()pl~ think of mathematics, they think of cru",'TTIanc problems and a ton of frustration: rarely docs the word "fun" :lnse In a cO",'c~anon about math. JUSt don't say that to these dedicated ··,\(athlete... ·· Til them, -'Iathean be fun! The thrill offinally ~oh'mgone of those puzzling problems is a reward in il<:elf. Yearbook a<;lde, .\Iathlct . IS thconlv year-round '"-:pon" and ret it does not recei"e nearly as much attcntlon as II ma\-dcsetyc. 1\CXt orne \"ou wam to know how a L.. SaUe tc:un \<; dOIng, a<:k about [he .\Iathletes because they may be brmging home a Catholic League Championship toa ~tath nx)m ncar you.

-. 11l1/xul)' C01l01/111/0


mJthlctc-: de:t.l \101m



Science Club The science club embarked on many an ad\'enrure through the world of nerddom led by fearless leader .\lr. Gary \'\·ite~·. This year's science club firsl attempled to redefine the word bllOj(1/J/. One fine t\O\'cmber afternoon. the sCience club brought tiny bo:HS, powered by mousetraps. and rossed Ihem imo the swimming pool. In rhe ensuingcompeooon, se,'eral boats refused to mo\'e, the \\,nner wem approximately two feet, and ,\nthony .\I:tdonna and Enc Grzybou·ski prO\'ed ag.un that absolutely anything will smk. The science club also held the wildl\' successful egg drop, and, keepin~ with the moustrap theme. parucipared in a mousctTappowercd pmg pong chucking comesl at \\ 'idcner C ni\'ersity. Finally,afrera hiatus I;m year, the science club plans TO bring back the e"erpopular Rccycleable Regatta. Yes, n has been another banner ~'car in the purSUll of Nerd,'ana. -AnthoJry.\/tldoJl!/(J

Robolics Club

TI~mh /ortl", n(!t

&{f.):\mhom \laclonna. Paul Stabile. \11Ichell Bef'1.,"IT'Ian. \mhon~ Co"tantmo. Tnm Puck.

\Ir. Rllocn Ru~~lI.

Science Club: -'Ir G:m \\ 11e1 •. \mhom' DIJubn. Stc\e Lmn. Phil GU~f(T. Leo Rellh, \ltm()oo. DJ\'ld ~kolcn. \nthom -'bdonna; 'rm'll): Thomas \\'ci'iCr.


Robolics Club t\ ftera disappointing, "rebuilding" year.lhe robotics club, moderated bri\lr. Robert Russell, rcmrned with lukewarm expectations for this upcoming y(·ar. Ilowe\'cr, by the time the first tontest rolled around, amazingly, two robots were nearly in \\;()rkingorder. On thedayofmecontesr. the rwo robors went their separnteways. One robot, named "Epsilon-4," due to the heroic efforts of underclassmen ,\litch Bergman, Paul Stabile, Tom Plick, and Brendan 1\:cnnedy,eamein first, defeating the ncarestcomperiror bya whopping halfsecond. 111e sclllor robot builr by AnthonyCostanrino, Andre\\' Blank and PrcsidcnrAnthony :,,>Iadonna,did nmdo nearly as well, considering lIJusrrious President :">ladollIl.1.shon circwtcd the sensors rrunutes before the compeoDon. There were no happy endmh~ for thi~ robot, and \\;tticisms regarding Ihe repealed t~luresof the president flew. As the second COntest qUIckly approaches, a new robot, named "Zeta~6;' after the rejection of "Fieldisl Conqueror," has mken shape. Theentiregroup hascome togethe-rlO makmg this robot a success, e\'en !-'Oin~ a~ far as hiding the soldenng 11'0n from the president. \,\'ith any luck, the robotics club's illUSion ofof}..-.:lOlzation 'nil bcenou~h to make-a slrongshOv.lngat Ihe final compeooon. - /In/bony .\/ado"nll

The .\lJm<;tero; of rorcl.l..'fl \ff:lI~ i!' .1 newly funned dub that paniClp:ltc!' as studem~delq.,F,lIes In the nanon'!' lom:est runmnghlgh school \kK:ld L ,:'\..confer· enec, Thcconfcrenccslmul:nes the General \ssembly,lhe Security (~(JLlnci1. f1nd()Ihcr\'f1nOllsCOmmitlccs, L ndcrthc threcuon o!" Bro. Ernesf ,\llller. sUldems In lhis pro~'Tfim partlkl'Ul f1nextensiveprepar.loon proce!'s whlch includes: briefing, <;,c:;.sion<;" rC!'l--arch d:\\'s. a full da\' preparato~ conference. and:J. memol""hipcomponem. ~mors Joe (~ldiums, \Iatt O'Donnell, an Toole,John ~tr7;1lka. ,1OdJamln \\ 'arren, as well as underclassmen D:lmcl Good, CbYlon "cir, PhilIp C:lrroll,Jo<;,ephCarroll, \ndrc\\' \]<;[00, Tim()lhyClifford.andGrcg Bednar71cd the l' nlled Slale!' :lnd South\frican delegation". (.on<;'ldcnn.Lt Ihallt wa<; our hr.-I year p:uticlp:lting wnh rhe \\ mId \ffal~ Council of Phlbdelphia. II \\'a" rcmarl...lblc lhat Iheclub earned Ihe l' nited Stales position out (If!()m - tl\'C (lthcr "ch()()ls. • -'or GidpmiJ

I ()<)I) 2(.111 \Imj,,,,!,,, (Ifl·uO:I)...'I1 _\ff:lll' '''-:,In Too1c.I.llllm \\.urcn ..Inl: GI(11Um\, <:I:I\lon ,,"Clf, .John ~m~Jlb, Hm. f~rnt·st \hller \1.111 ()'I), mncltloc C:lrroll, (;rc~ IkJnar... Tml( llh\ Chfford \h~~ing-: \ndrc\\ \I~lun

Ihck Rn\\ I to R from Rn\\

Hn I. I .mc: I \Illkr('unllnl:' [h,; :ilnl(:JlII,.'~


rlJ.cc 1m Ihe \t'm:an cnnllncnl,

1~~Ut~ IN ~lUUAl


Cncler the !-,'Uiding eye of,\Irs. StephanieJeitner. the Students Against Drunk Dri\'ingorganintion seryes the school community. This :ar,SADD continued to encourage students toa\'oid alcohol and drugs, to refuse to drive with others who use the intoxicants. and to a\'Old therdangerous deciSions. SADD roused student awareness of the d:mgers ofdrinking and drtvlng through Red Out Days. posrc~, and othcr ~leeaeO'10CS. ·./oh" .\'Jf":\!I/iell Som~ Th~

S.\DD Infonnauon.

1999·20011 Students .\~n~l Drunk Om'ing

OJn Stredman I:l.kes his :lfJ.,'Tt'<'SIHn out on ..()m~ defensclc..s c1;)\. I.. Tom CJtlahan In


Club. or is he 11lSt mc<,slO.g with <,omconc's Prolect?

Ila\'c youc\'cr had the urgetopaint,dt:l.\\·,or lhrowa pot? \X'e1I.the mcmbersofthc, \rt Club ha\'c. Thc:lrt club docs Illany acti\'ilics. eluding pbyingan important rolc in lhe "Fine 1\ tiS Festival." ,\Ieeungoneca wcek in thc:m depMullcm. studems expanded thcirabiliucs llllder e guidance I)f)\ Irs. Diane ;"leGo\'crn and;"1 rs. 1\ Iclissa Gaskins. During the first semc<;ter. j\ Irs. i\ Ie Govern directcd work on rWI)·dimen"ional ojcctS, including the collabonuin"ll1uml reproduction ofa painting by Georgia (),J..:ccffc. During the <;ccond semester. \1 rs. Gaskins taughl ree dimenSIonal art. Swdems learned how to Illakc and usc pinhole cameras. Ilowc\'cr. the \n Cub docs not spend all its time [oilin~a\\'a~ 1 the 4th floor. E\'en' rear, field trip~are planned IO:trt mu<;eums, where the, \rt Club is able to\IC\\ some oflhe beSt art in thceountr.,-. From lintint: wlth Oils to gla7in~ a \·ase. the \rt Club dnc... it all. . jtJSt HorJIIlItIl11/

In an effon to hener rctlcCllhe ml"qOn ofsen-Icc at 1.01 Salle. the k'adcr.>

of Ihe ..chonl deCided to revamp and rename the Commumt~ Sen'ICC Corps and Olher "en-Icc nr~ani7;uions. The Supcnor General of the Chri"uan Brother-,


Brother. lohn .lohn..ton,dunng his n ..n bst .\-ear, stre....ed the need for ··[.aSallian Youth" to heout the true spirit of St.John Baptistdc I A'l Salle. furthermore, in ~ear~ r;\~t,

m;lOy Illdiddual groups participated in sen'icc projects that werc

unreLlted to the

esc Thus. in the formation of the LaSalli:lll ~enlce Corps, we

ha\c created an umbreUa orh",nization that encompasses all service activities at L'l ~aIlco

The I ~C howcn:r, has not lost conncction with the \rchdl()("csan esc office and ItS c,-em... In December, 1...1 Salle studems collecled moncy and bought pre~nts f()runderpmi.legcd kids Illihecity for"Operanon Sam:t Cbus". Ihis e,-elll

culmmatccl In thedel.i'"Cf\oofthepre"Cntson ChnsOll3s Eve. In addj[l(lll, Ih('<;(hool panJClpated 1ll"Bread Ba..ketballo"

\"'11 run (IUt ofLSC were the 'Ocn" successful Thank~{,'1"ln~ 10()(xI Do,oe. the

\Ia~J.Z1ne Dmoc forSt.

:\lartm's School 10 Gennamown. Jnd the cleanup.. at

St. \Ianm·... amon~othcr shon·tenn projects. .-\'1 mentioOtoxi. thou~h. the LSC compmes many lOdividual


Each Tuesday, student.. a,,·qsred

menl:lllv handicapped adultsatTnest Hall. L"cn° sooften. throughmu the year, \'olunleel'" Colme


on a Sunday to make sandWiches for Sf. lorancls Inn


"emln~'1on. I.sC also ll1dude~ "j nn.Dwcll.in~,"a home rebUlldingpf('h'Tam III the

city, and Project Homeo

Franklin 10A:ln do~,



imprc~sion In

humor the ki(!<;.

\n<l \\llh a 1I11le: m:lL:1C, Ican make \'our h"ml~'(,rk


"C'mon, ~ys, it's oka~


wrile your real names on thme petitions,"

AmneSIY lmern:uion:ll: Back Row (L to R): Terry Fit71--ribbons,John Slr7alka, Sean Toole, Devin Campbell, t-.:c\in Baker, :\Iall Costanw, :\Iike Holbert,Jon :\IcCaflrc~'; Front Row: Scan Fitz,gerald, Bro. Ernest :\lillcr, FSC. Gilbcno Aponte, :'-[:ltt O'Donnell, James Park, :'-Iikc Bondi~kcy, Phil Carroll, Steve Carn.lho

Terry Filz",riblxms directs this studcnt I{) his favorite wCbSltc,

Rtlb ~,lrr:lCm{l:ltProndcncc (~'nll..r" .1.1\ Icr (".ml ",1

and.l' 111n (;ill

Somc()fthc LS(. Faithiul:Tcm hlZlJ:ibl)(m~,Jamm \X'arrcl1,

Scan 1:cchna, Dann .\lan"ln

reet:I\"(" ,lIme tUI<JrIng belp.

TlIIoring Programs E\'cry ,\!aoday, ,\Ir.ll10mas Barna and BrothcrCharles L1ckes (aka J\1r. Tom and J [ermano Carlos) lead a \':\11 full of students to the Providence Center in J..:ensington. where they mentor, offer homework help, and befriend inner-city kids. Aside from the work, the ycarinduded

rollcr-skacingrripsand aCcmerCityChristmas party. Focusingon the

immediate community, Operation Incemive at OUf 1\ lother of Con 50boon School also receives a boost from the LSC. And this year, LSC took on a :mothcr tutoring program:1t St. ,\larlin's. There, tutors and grade-school children develop a rapport throllgh working together on homework and the necessary studies.

Amnesty Imernational (AI)


The La Salle Chll.pter of AI, which was once again led by Scan Toole and Kedn Semanick, continues to promote human rights around the world. In addirion 10 regularly writing [Q foreign and domestic go\'crnment officials on behalfofprisoners ofconscience, the acti\'ists collected holiday grcctin~ cards and petitioned against capital plmishmcnt. This year, the group also protested the continued confinement of the group's adopted political prisoner and contacted local U.S. Represcntath'es about human rights legislation. Thc l.aSallian Service Corps has attempted to pro\-ide opportunities to scn"e onc's neighbor. . Tel?} Fit!,(!/bbons

Among Sean

Toole'~ Amnesty

Acth'ists, some good news; No arrCS{$

reponed. Chris P01CStiO agrcc~ that this is the mOst comfortable spot on campus.

I路utufe "()I'.


Ick star J;1" III


1111 the gUIt;!r_

j!.cntlcmcn, \IC woul<j apprcci;Hc it if \Oll would nm thro\\- ~harp ()bltct~;l1 u~ dunn)!. thc pt-r!0r1ll:lncc."

--\""hl- couldn't \1r. C at Icaq ofier me a bench?"

The 1999-2000 L1 Salle band expenence beh~n on a wannday 10 July. \Xnereclsebullhe band roomcouldo,-er a hundred high school studems combine "1m many pounds of metal to produce an enloyable outcome? Summer rehearsals preceded the e\"er-growing schedule of e,-ems dunng the o;chool year. As school began, the band boasted a record 186 rostered members. The Pep Band made it:i debut for the year as it played at the first 1...1 Salle football game. 111eJazz Band rehearsals began. 11,e Pep Band played on as the football team took their season into the playoffs. A$ the days h'Tew shorter outside, the days inside the band room grew longer. Rehearsals bc,!-,>an for Concert Band. For some, bi-weekly Competition Band rehearsals entered the schedule in anticipation ofthe seemingly distant competitions. Courngeous band members ventured outside of the school to audition forthe various AIl-Catholic Organizations. Soon, it "'as nme for the Chnstmas Concert. Through it all, the band pnl\'lded music for school functions. Christmas break gave e\"eryone the needed energy for the second semeSter. January found the band 10 Soc.iet)路 Hill emertalnlng the Pennsy'h-ania Bar Association. ~lore rehearsals. February' already? Competition season was 10001ingon the horizon. The first competition took the band to Rowan L Ol\"ersit\. Rehear:ialscontinued. The AIl-C:aholic Band. made upofhigh school slUdcnts from the entire arch diocese. performed an unforgettable concert fit Cardinal 0'1 lam. Advanced Band tra"e1ed to Gwynedd i\lercy high school and c1ementan' school for u concert. As Februan' came to an end, the Competition Band traveled to Quakertown and ~orth Penn high school. The\' left both \\;th superior ratin!,osund first place wins. As ~Iarch began, musical rehetn:a1s went into full s";ng fore/l1s ondDo/h. The band tra\"eled to ~ew York to sc Gershwin's P0'K10ndBus. On the return tnp the band performed at Bro. Tim ,\hem"s new school. Hudson Catholic. ,\Iore rehear:ials. Another function. .-\S :\Iarch ended. the AI1-Cathohc Orchestra performed at BIShop.\IcOevltt and theCompetitlon Band competed al Bensalem high school. The following day the Competition Band welcomed April as they competed at Archbishop Ryan. \X'ilh that accol1lpli~hed, it was time to Ausun O'Conner chlilln' with hI'; bass.

perform for the mUSlc;d. The mUSICIan" went IOto the Pit for the spong pnxluct10n of GUYS I11ft( Dolls. \\ the show as a frc'ih rnCnl(ln. the band could settle down [Oconcentrate on the rem.llnlng two competitions. After compcung ill the L' nl\"crslty of the _\rtS In


Philadelphia, the band then ~rf()nncd at the Ca\'a!cade otBanJ.. Champu)nshlp. \'\"ith \lay nghtaround the comer, rehearsal .. began for the spring concert. As ~Ia\ began, the All-Catholic members performed U[ the Academy o(~lusic In Philadelphia. TIle ,'car had oftiClalh' come to a close for performances. The only rem:llnmg c\路cm...,!.,>r.ldUllDon.

Senior Paul Carroll served as band President, along wilh first \'lcc.prcsidclH E,-an ,\hldden, second \'icc~presidcntScanBrooks,and semor band manager Alex Bethke. The music department excelled this year due to the quality of the combined music faculty. At the helm of the music department was ~Ir. Joseph Cicomaro, who ~hared IllS endless knowledge and wisdom e\'cryday. He wa.. 3<;sislCd b~ \lr. Joseph \'enon, who took the compctioon band to nc\\ hel~h[s with his expertise. The duo was assisted by ~Ir. CraiR) :.bner, \11". RJchard Geno\'cse, .\11". Rocco Bene, .\Lr.Joseph :-":cro, and ~lrs. P;m)erre KcnSC\'. The musIC deparnnem has its number" to share.. 186 band member<;;:\ tra\'elcn; to Jerse~ Cn~, crcaon拢 a connecoon between L.a Salle and Bro. Tim's Hudson Catholic; 21 compenoon band members: 14 All-Catholic band members; 10 All-Catholic Orchestra members; 3 ~aoonal.\ lem commended students:.3 :-":auonal.\lcOl finali<;ts. ()ne chance to sec :'\Ia\ nard fer,guson in concert, ()ne chance to \"lew the Statue of Libcm' "BeU" from :-":ew ... 路ork. -Paid Cmroll



find \If. C

The ()ne. lhl' ()nh,


this pIcture.



~:I, na, na, na, nil. ...

The La Salle pep band cheers on the football team. Ok, now where's the "on" button?


A Midsummer Amidst La Salle's S\\i.r1ing aurumn frenz~路. there exists a rcfreshIngly UllcUecrual respite from (ouane. ,\ h,"bndofKairos'cmo-

nonal inteoSln" and a supermi.x~路s throbblOg d,ycrslonary appeal, the 1.;1 Salle Theater FaU Drnma prescnts something genuine and substantial foranyonc interested.

This year, 1.'\ Salle!,"tlys and young women from more than live schools created a proud and dcfinim"e moment In the hislor\'of

La Salle Theater. L'nder thedlTccuon of \If. Denni.. Bloh, the talented cast and crew took on the challenge ofShakcspeare\./ I. \lid路 Jnmmrr ,,路~(IJt's DmmJ. Energized by pas\lonarcacrorsand actresses, dedicated and skilled stage and Icch cre\\"<;, and phenomenal behind-Ihe-scenes help, the production ,l..,"':lmcd momentum and cn-

thuslasoe aurncncc support. In $.urmounnng such chalJcn~esas difficult Elizabethan F::n~Jjsh. arduous memonzation, anu utl\vickk ass-heaus, the cast met ItS ambltl()usgoal nOI to produce Shakespeare. bUI toprocluce It weU. ~eOlor ~Iounrie Kim KJibcrl, although unable 10 break up penny-loafer football ~rames dunJlJ,?;rchearsal, asslsted:'!ok Bloh III dircctin~ lhe dream to reality. Semors \dam Sasso and Kalh,' T ala~ donned mduslnal-strer1J,?;th gutter to shine as Oberon :md Titania, Nn):: and Queen of the falnes. Somewhere beneath .1 curh' brown fro lurked senior Andrew B1:l.nk as the recordcrwielding, Illlschief-makin~ Puck. Droves of fames and wood spriles crcatcd an enchanted ambicncconslage. SeniorJoeSpausc pl:l\'cd Ihe rc~ral 111cseus, and Kell~' Gaf\lIl was Hippoh lao TheIr coun came to life WIth a



the parkin~ lot \\"lIh lI~htc



hccn<;c rb.lc

number... 100= RlJ.nk. kceplll' nfol.

!f !'ou obey me. I will bring back the sun!

Chris \'\'helan makes his move on :lnothcr unsuspecting female. Drnma makes do with madcqu:uc funding.

smalJ army ofcourtiers and EricStix as the disgruntled Egeus. Sophomores Brian Gillespie and Us Bchr, junior Chris \,\fhdan, and seniorTalia Gibas summoned incredible emotion for a stunning performance as pawns in an absurd love story. Stealing the show, however. wcrc the hilarious mechanicals, played by sen.iors Andrew Puntc1, Kevin Gimpel,Joe Dwyer,and sophomores Vince Vassallo, Matt Quigg, and i\ljke ~lcNamara, No onc will soon forget the kiss between Bottom (Kevin Gimpel) and Thisbe (Vince Vassallo) through the chink (fingers) of\'\fall (Mike J\lcNamarn). This year, the drama took on exciting artistic dimensions, featuring a score arranged by senior Paul Carroll, set design constructed under senior Alex Bethke, and choreography conceived by homeschooled sophomore Johanna Dunphy. A dynamic cast, experienced ctirection, a proficient stage crew, and expert artistic contributions converged to produce an enjoyable and high-quality Shakesp~rean comedy. -Andrtlll Pm/lei

Guys and Dolls "Everyone wants to do a fun show in his scmor year, and rhili

as much fun as it ~(s." The Gurs <lnd Dolls sloryhne IS based on 5eyeral 19305 Damon Run~'()n short stone... Run~'on portrays an underworld of pngsICl"", gamble!"", and ,lS''Oncd :\cw York City sinners in his works of fiction. IS

The mU<:lcalls 'iet In the corrupt but whimsical world of Broadway's bad-gu~ gamblers thcl-,ruys) and their <;wceties dolls). The fOCU<;IS on twO ,-cry cliffcrem charncrcl"", one wonderfully romanDc and the other Im"ably ~()oli;. :\:uhan Detroit. plan.'ti b," SCOIOT Ryan \Iasclo, runs the "oldest establio;hed pcnnane01 floaunp;crap ~mc In :\cw York:' He IS surrounded by such characters as Benny South-meet. Rusty Charlie, and


:\ICel~' :"lcch. played b~

SCOIOrs "c\," Gimpel and)a..on. \gcf,and

junior Too\' Haughton. rcspt.-ctiveh". The other male lead. the slick and played by <;eruorChnsCurCi. t-:aren Benelh tills the role of~ls. ,\dclaidc. :-"';athan'" bubbly tianC(~e of fourteen '"ears and a mghtclub stn~er_ Sarah Brown. an ardemurban mlsslonan who unexpcctcdJ~"gets mixed up with Sky \Lmerson. is played by ~l.lOa Bnnkman, a ~lerlon ~Icrcy ~mor. Other gm ... and dolls Include Vince Vassallo,:-'latt QUI~, ~Iike Dominick. Tre\'or :-"';cedh:tm,Joc D\ner, Dave LJ~hr, ~Iegan DomInick, Isha ~Iehra, Jec;s,-O""eill. P,un" flaIg, Eva Smith, and Tanya Colburn_ e\'erbettin~Sk~"\lasterson, IS

5ernof Dave Peterman palflts



Leading men, Ryan Mascio and Chris Curci.

Irs 9Ona' be da suit!

Senior Kevin Gimpel, Junior Tony Haughton, al'ld Senior Jason Ager dely the dress code, Stage Crew members Shawn Moore, John Boring, Brien Kivlen (hidden), Alex Bethke, Rob Schimdt, Jonathan Gerstemeler, and Demenlc Allesi (Kneeling) impress some of the Dolls.

ThIs year was a great year for L'l Salle's Choru!'. L'ndcr rhe directlon of :-'11"••\I1chael Checco, the chorus ~rraced me LaSallian commUOl(y \\"Im melr mU~lcal talents. Their repcrrolrc Included such favontes as "Goin'l'p ToGlory.··"BeteJehemu." "Lifted In SOng,.. ··[\\·e \lans SleUa." and "Hard Times Come. \gam :'\0 ;\Iore.'· The Chorus and (he Belcrofters. a smaller chamber ensemble, perfonned o1r rhe Chnstmas concen, La Sale. and the Cardina.l's Chnstmas Pam' downtown..-\.Iso tim. \"C:tr rhe Chorus suned their own traditlon. a Chorus Concert, which ~et with much success.. Thcofficersofthisrear'sChoruswerc Presidem R~-:m \!:tSCIO. Vice President EncStI:\, and creta~- Tony Haughton. \'('nh the help and ~jdancc of\lr. Checco, meywerc able tolcad the Chorus through a yearof pcrfom:tnces. In the bcgmnmg of the ~-ear, mmt of me group wa!\ hC<;,ltam to ",mg. but as rhe y'ear progressed and me member.; realized theIr own abilioes and rhose of rhe R!"oup,rhey bcl--oan ro produce wonderful musIC. Choral mU'.,IC is all about working ro,g:elher as:t group, a quality rhe Chonls enimed Ihis year In abundancc. O\'crall, the Chorus continued !,....owing as a musIcal ensemble. . R),UI ,\/ns(io


:-';Ot only





but we c~n pose for pIctures. too.

Bro. Don lllStruC1~.J.lI Colburn on the rian\).~.. .\Ir, ChL't:co cheers.

"... :tnd no\\" 1ct'~ ~l\'C our~~he5:t nice round of :tppl:tuse.路' l.~':trmng the

lyrics to IJ,.(II'/.JI I 'ido l.fi;'{/.

\ [1m, almost unseen oftice in the basement of St. ,\ Ilchad's Iiall bears the simple sign "\'\'istcrian," Inside, Christmas lights (make that \'(ismas lights) and scattered plcces of tabloid papl:r litter the ceiling and floor, and a broken clock radio hangs from a pipe hy its cord. r\ bin of rock.hllrd sourdough pretzels sits open in the corner, perfuming the office with a crusty, salty aroma, Ona bookshelfin thecornersitthe 1992and 1995 \X'orld Almanacs, shredded copies of Tbr Si//' ) 'ork 1i'IIIu. boxes of pbstic spoons, three copies ofTIJt... l'lIenc{lfl Pai/plll, and an ancient handwritten si,!.,'l1 mat says '111\[ DL'RK1~'S DESK-DO NOT TOL CI-!l!", Papers taped to the \vall bear cryptic and frightening me<;sage<;-"HO\,\' IS TIllS REI.EVr\j\iT?", "LA SALLE '5 nnJ \\ORDS", ''THERE IS NO SEX [I' THE CHA,\IP,\G~E ROO"-'''. and the misplaced sign thar reads "CAFE "-IOI.L路SH.'路 'nyone looking in on the people who spend their afternoons in such a room mig-htthink that they don't run a tight shIp. De<;plTeappearances, though, the flurryof actiyity that is \X'is Pnlduetion \'\-eek is host to such drama and genius that it putS all other I,a Salle clubs to shame, On a typIcal production day, the staff spends the afternoon sweating It Ollt under the harsh fluorescem glare of the writing lab lights. "- Ir.John Young and r-.I r. Daniel File, unswerving moderators, stand at rhe head ofall the chaos, sorting photos, gi\'lng pages the final edit. and dutifully fetching food for the senior editors (;'\1 r. Young's"Auntie Anne's runs" have become popular),John \"'hite '()() lords oyer aU the \"'is-workers and takes C:lrc of special inserts and pages whose editors ha\'e sllddenl~ disappeared, The web pa/.:cgets updated periodically, thanks to rhe long-nights put in by Spanish-speaking \\'ebmasterScolt I-.:elly 'j)!), whose unmistakable techno music thumps outofthe writing labs late on prodllccion days. The sportS page, under the influence of R:\~- Shay. features the grippIng Player Profiles by Chri<; Ra(h'ansky and the in-depth reporting of associate editorGabe DiClenco, .\lJchaelllilfcrry 'Ill, theOp-Ed Editor,always tries to muscle his plllk Floyd ~IP3's OntO the computer :lnd also finds rime Junng the busy afternoons to edit top ten lists and articles abourpep rallies and thetranscendenceofgood and e\路il. Patrick

1999-2000 W'1$u路ri:m \b.n Smitl1. ,\l1lhom Gabtllc. h:C\tt1 ;,\lurr.ty. Ed \IcCu~ker, Scon "elk, :'.I:m !'inlc\. Chris Rad\':lllsky, Tom GCI~cr. Cbnon h:CIr. Ra)' Sha\, Bill Phelan. Gabe D1Clcnco, :'.hke llilfer~. ~1 r. Daniel File, all-ml~ht\ John W'hm:. ,\ndrcw RI'an, Darren Gros~rnan . .l.P, J M'IUU, .\like Ohhanskl

Don't worry, ,\Ir. Young, \\e don't han: 10 producc a Wislmal1 thiS year.

Editor-In-Chlcf John \'\'hire jUq got fini~hc:(l reading the irIS. P.•\!. Hiltlcbrandt l:lkesaclion!

Hildcbrnndt '00 represents the old guard, a lilllr-rear \'ctemn ofthe \'{'is whophys the Feawres game with grace and skill. Bill Phelan '00, a senior year walk-on, always works the ncws page with a steady hand. stopped only by the arrival of his ride or the appearance of food. Andrcw Puntel '00 (aka The I-tuman Beatbox) is a newcomer, bur spends valuable time e"cry month under the wingof Hildebrandt's edi torial wisdom. Also showing their faces during that stressful week arc undcrclassmcnlike J\latl Quigg, Ed SlcCuskcr,Andrew Ryan, Anthon~'Grecn and the inimitable i\latt Finley, whose article about morall~' corrupt breakfast cereals is lhe stuffof lI"i.rlnitJlllegcnd.

\'\'ith this cast ofcharacters, the lI"ltffrial/passed into the millennium with a memornblc YC:lr-thc unforgettable fi\'c minutes during which tbc W'is was connccted to the Internet, the brief appearance of the Inflatable Chair That Stops All Productidry. and the third :lnllll:ll obsen'anccofJim Durkin Day, the sccond Tuesdayin ,\Iay, worshipped as the high point of the \\'isterian soci:ll calendar. The high point oftheycarwas when the Histerian April Pool's edition finall~· went to print after years ofstruggle, and students were finally frec to experience the darker side of!.a Salle humor. On Durkin's day, the libations were many and hearty, the whipped cream flewnround the oftlce, :lml the printer didn't Stop printing cookie crumbs until three wecks later. The fomlerspons editor wason hand to wilness the Bacchic revelry and was. as ll~ual, thorollghlycmbarrassed. The se\'cral days in "'hieh pizza t:,lTaced \\'is production made all work on pages slide to ag-reas)', bloated hah by fi\·c-o'-dock. The legendary Sixth Period Chill, when a motley aS50nmenc of seniors pile into the \\'is-Office to fool with the \\'ismas lights and talk about traffic violations, was brought bad sevcmllimes to great success. No matter what sonof thin,l.tS m:ty go on in the \\'is~Oftice on a daY-lO-(Ia~' basis, the ll'·iJfnim/ has alw:lYs been <I L1. Salle inSlitution f()r the few who can afford to Sta~· vcry, \'ery late. - Jrolll\flb'

\\ Ch,l\-C trfln::lcd to the \'(,indy Cay of ChIcago. ~wca(ed in 1he deserts ofPhocnix, and

utilized the southern h(Jspita1iry (If _\dant:l on your mition dc/liar. \,'c fr('cluent the tillest hotclsth:ltcemrnl Pcnns\h"aniahas rootter. \'\ carerhc n~ason tilt the ambi~'U()us "PrincIpal's Holicby" (':lch ,\I:lrch. \\-c arc the Forum, perhaps [.n Salle's most successful and supc::rtluoliS :leu, -j ty. Sure. debating and speaking C:lrl~ on Saturday mornings may not appeal (0 the masses, but when you consider the lustrous trophies. forensics gIrlS, and \'\'cndy's chIli, you mi~h{ think Olhcrwlsc. Ok, well probably not. Dctinircly not. :\c\'crthcless. the Forum ~"athers an eclectic group of willing and :l.mbiriOllS students to espouse their opinions bmh in and out ofcompetition, 11lis year's team was especially strong. L' nder the influence of Presidem Ra~' Sha\' and Vice-Presidem R\"an ,\lcCort, rhe Forum found a g-reat deal of success and h,()()d times. Since 1I~ freshman \'ear, the cln!'!' of2000 has been pari of a \unmng tmditiorl, cnpturing three consecutive Philadelphia C:ltholic Forensic l.cagucChnmplonships, 111e c1nss IS led by the policy debate team oll\like ,\IcCnnn nnd Bill Phc!nn (a.k,a. ~lcPhbn) who\\'on nearh'el'cn' tournament ofthe ycnr. In the more philosophicall~:basedl..JncolnDougb!' debate, Rynn Fagan and Denn Fril'lcn made their presence m rhe lenhruc known in one way or another, be It through supenor debnting skills, impeccable dressing, or m'erall m:mlines!'. Ra\ Sha\, nnd R\'an ,\ IcCort excdled in the rhetorical ewnts of eXICn1poraneous speaking-and original omtory reSpCCll\'ely, \\'hile Ryan ,\lascio.,\latt,\lc:\amara, andJ:uTIin \'\ 'nrrcn led thcchaTf,1C in the imerpremDon c\'cnts. Two juniors hal'c withstood the test of time (nod Brother Rene) and made il through three years of early 101lrnilments. hllcpmcliccs, and Inng\':l.n rides; ,\ like Hilferry

/lfl(k RM/'(l..lll H,) ~ick Co\'()lus, \Ir. C:lrr, \\:lrrcn ~milh,.I(ln Vl'lI. R:I\ Sh:l\, R\:ln bg;\ll, De:ln hillen, \llke ( )'( :onner .\/idrfh KmJ'- "\l~ 'agy., \nd~ Rl'an•.\llht' \ Ie< ::lnn, R\,ln \[cenT!. Dlno D~'dic" \u~tln Pcrt'r:I I Ifill/ Rou¡ Bf<lIher Rene ~lerner. D:llc T.ll1.Jerclll\ \'ir.l\'. \btl P,lCC, I-.:C\Jn DI)rah, (;.K ,\cb... m, Bill Phelan, \llke \k'amar'l J)rlk - P.< . 13\ rnc~ .\'Q/,I/mwll- Dan (;ood, Dan' Li,~hl, ;'\.Ick Cflponi. \bn \k1\.flmal1l.

(hllon I-.:clr,l',u


"\\lUlla \',1


Bro. Rene


on . \merle:! \



Ray Sha\ and ;\Ir. Carrdeb:l.Ic \~end\"'~ehili n. homemade. "Dcan, plca~e di~pev.<co(,halJanun \\arrcn ChJr:l.eler,"

-and .\Iike O'Connor ha\-e reached not:l.blc success :l.nd will assume 5Upremedictatorshipofthe ronlm neXl year. Sophomore standouts 111cludcAnd\' Rvan who, when hc's not doillg hoine\\'ork, dominates the world of roliey debate under the tutelage 01 Mike and Bill. In duo Il1lereretation of literature i\like ~lcNamarn combines wilh his older brolher 10 form a familial force Ih:u can c;eldom be beat. D:llc Tan and Jeremy Viray complete the sophomore class in the event of ded:tmatlon, "'hile Ke\;n \X'alker excels In eli-Iemp, As school \'car commenced. a deluge of frash tlooded the doors ofroom 215. After finding out ,hat forensics is nOt about "rud\'ing crime scenes, the freshmen who remained on the team excelled In nearly even' facel of cornpeuth'e speech anddebale. Freshman sensations includeJon Veitinpolicydebate, D;\\,e IJght in LD, and Pal Byrnes in externI'. As the Fonlln llloves into the future under the direction of BrOther Rene, 1\lr. Sweene\', and ~Ir. Carr. one thingis certain: 'forensicdomlllalion ma\' not be found each and everY wecken'd, but world domination only one Slep away, - R)'flId ,..corl



Though we ne"er madc our dC:ldlincs, jf ,-au arc reading this Hrtide, then you know that somehow, soineway, the book gOt done. The most common excuse was PERFECTIOi\" TAKES 1'II\IE; and while it certainly does, the easier response to any yearbook'lucstion \\'as, "$0 \"I-I.A T'S

TH E POI N1?" 111e relaxed attitude made some staffers feel the pinch ofpressure during the last days ofproduction, yet

it made for imerestingdaysoflaughing, fighting, and strangling. incorponningche pasrthemes of"j\ lemoncs, HeU,and

You," "Rewind," "A Time of Pride, and "All l1tings Considered," this ,'car's all-smt Blue and GoJdstaff created

"The T mdition Continues" in honor ofwhat will be accomplished in the new millennium. Acongas catalysts for the fruswuion and so-called leadershIp w:lsjoe "G-"Ian" (Forum jacket) Gidjunis and J\lan"Gabby" (ritaniwnJaw) Hartnett, Back in july the twO of them attended Yearbook Camp. Yes, yearbook camp, and came back with stories like" ... one time ... in yearbook camp we took a cropper and ... ," but I won't spoil the story. I'll let you imaginewh:u happens when 900 yearbook editors get together at Gettysburg College for five days. After the stories and awards, they came back with hopes and dreams of creating a world class book. They exercised their muscle in terms ofgraphics, copy, captions, and of course, layouts, the backbone of the book. Other editors who made this magjcal book a success areSean "Bean"Toole, who ,\'as able to edit andoccasionalh' convince us to si~ an Amncsty International petition with single sentence; John Srrzalka, known for his hard work and Simpsons anecdotes; Ray Shay, for his wizardry in comethrough-copy,nottomenrion his keen sense ofdirection. \'('e relied upon 'Terry "T-Fiu" Fitzgibbons tocreate some ofthe captions and a1wavs listened for the witty banter that made everyone laugh. Then there is AnthoO\'''Tino # 1" (Norsurc why'he isa Tmo) "[adonna, who was our primary sla\'e. He seemed to get a kick out of doing a great amount of btTunt work because he was somewhat spiritual, having created his own religion and whamoL Next, Anthony "Tina #2" Costantino who alwavs knew how to anno\' the editors .. Of course we cannot fait to mention Alex "I'have to work on Stage Crcw" Bethke, Bill" I'm going [Q \'\narton" james and Scott "Caledon" Kelly, who came through with some stellar pictures and much needed copy. Pcte "FL'BU"Jenkins was also around togivc Gidjunis a hard time about the book, but had an inside track on sportS, Now the scary part, the iuniors who are supposedly b'Oing to produce the book next vear: Darren Grossman, who has an uncannr ability [0 write about anrthin~including teachers he never had. Then Brian "I don't caption' Campo who has a great senseofcropping and who fulfills the red hairrcquirementofthe new Herff-jones Policy, I-Ie follows great men such as ~1a[tand that otherguy ... what was his name? Ofcourse we could not forget john Doherty and his keen sense of sentence structure plus some strong opinions; f-,Iike \'('aIls, the resident toughguy who had an unfailing memory of c\'ery staff member who ever worked for La Salle and our sophomore Steve "Lions" Lyon, who always came after 3:30 for some unknown rcason; but who had a good eye and a sense of humor. Those who gave their worthy and necessary guidance, whom we jokingly call moderators, were J\lrs. Linda "Senora" Donahue and i\1r. \,\'illiam "J\lagistcr" Geiger. Theiramazingabiliry to edit, crop, buy pizza, and uphold the FCC's Censorship laws will ne\'erbe forgotten(Smpid FCC Laws). Both Unda and Bill kepr the book and the jokes flowing. Finally, Ilca\'e m\' wisdom to the nexl seniors to produce the book that receives the least gratitude and credit ...Shoot for the stars because your acrual production will be much closer to eye le\'e!; whoever gets control ofthe radio ncxtvear... whenever Icome in ... it's m\, da\'and itwilJ never be ):ours, Darren or Brian or John. No 88.5, Scan! Also, playa little 103.9 in memory of Saurabh to get the creative juices flo\\~n'. -JOt Git/pmis


Dami!~! Dam'I!~~

SureJoey, I'll call the enllre "Chool.

1999-2000 Blue & Gold .-\nmom \ladonna,Joe Gidluru~, \I:m Hannen, Son Toole. Bnan Campo, Ra\" Shal. Darren Gro~~man, \hke \X'alb, Dave Petennan,ljnda Donahue _\liJJl'{~.John Doheny,John Su-alka. Pete Jenkins. Akx Bethke, .\mhon\' Cmtanuno, BlllJ:.tme~. and Tern fitzgibbons mor .\mhony \I:.tdonn:.t relaxes ....路ith our resident scapego:l.t. \'i,,'O,

Commg off a year m which the \Iock Trial finished among the Top Five In ,\1001gomery County. this year's team set theIr hopes high. \,"ith expen coachln~ by La Salle graduate SCOtt \\olpen '84, Esq.. and teachers .\Ir. Gerald Enm and \Ir. Edward .\Iolush, the team was poised for a break-out year. The !-'TOUp was led by ItS returrung members: semors .IJ. Cuculi. Bill James, .11m Conlin. and Joe \'assallo, and sophomore sensation ,\Iart Quigg. Coming In for their first \"ear were jUniors Ga\"1n Young and Ryan Bennett. sophomores Andrew .\Iewck and ,\ndrew (-,Iaclmosh, and fresh· men Nick ShIelds and Dave Jlcam. A J\lomgolllt:ry Count)' Distrlct Auor· ney rUllS the ~lock Trial Compt:tition, In which students compete In a courtroom in Norristown before: a certified Judge and a IUf\, consisting of It panel of lawyers. The competltlon hrivCS high school students valuable expenence In the area of ad,·ocacr· .\Iock Trial also alms to promQ(e the skills of publiC speaking, persuatlon, logical thmkmg. and debaung, or in other words, good old-fashioned argwng. • Bill }OIJlfJ

"Do IhlOk


lie m:nche" m\ ~UI[~"


.lame.. ;md the n:~l oflhe \lockTm.I Te:am/o:l)O\-er chelr tina! rlan~ InrnclI.l"\.

111is rear the ski club trayeled to Northern Vermont over President's weekend for some great skiing. They visited Smuggler's Notch, Stowc, and Sugarbush mountains, and enjoyed some of the beSt skiing conditions of the rear. Forty-eight students made the lrip, along with three teachers. The ski club is lead by i\lr. ~icholas Coggins, who makes the arrangements for the trips each ycar. i\lr. Thomas Barna and ~lr. James Tate also tfa\'eled to Vennom with the ski club to pro\'ide guidance for the students, and to get 10 some great skiing themselns. The ski club stared in Burlington while hining the slopes in \'emlom. An intcresting thing about this year was that the ski dub may ha\'c set a record in making the longest trip to "ennont from PA, as il took them 11 hours to trayel up to \'ennom due to a snow slonn. NC\'ertheless, the ski club had a great year and got in some excellent skiing. . Dam" Grossmal1

,\Ir, Siwnund's snow prediction~ would be more accur:'ltc In Vermont. "I wonder

If thi~ IS

natural or arntiClal ~no\\' ..."

"I swear. thallree jumped right 10 from of me..."

The \'emlOOI Ski Club Paruclpants.

,\ different atmosphere from thaI of often unruly mixers, Lt Salle formals reM the strength ofsrudem etiquette. Duringthconsct, it's common for gJrls to be somewhat suspICious of their d:ltcs' moti\'cs,

howeyer they forget that boys \",ill be boys, bur La Salle boys will be gentlemen (or :uleasr that's what the adminisrrarion tells us). Seriously though, the LaSalle formal provides :moppOrtlllllryfor LIS, as students, todrcss upandgO()Uf to have a good time. Italsoproddcsa relief from the pedestrian aspects ofche weekend life. There isonly so much to do li\'ingin rhc"Burbs.'路 I"oncthelcss, it isourduryas high school srudenrs to h:l\'c as much fun as is humanly possible. Simplrr.Ul, these truly are the "times of our lives." 1'0 doubt the tradition wil continue. - ,\ltlttbrll' Hartl/ell

\Ir. D.mld l'ile. willing to

ri~k hi~

lob for:E couple oll:Edic~.

,,[ know Ihal


want to be here", but rou're



"Gooft". are mu pondcnn~ what I'm pondcnn~~"' "'l路e~" Shawn


.. ""

C':!mc with


for the free meal. You"re nothlnj{ 10 me:"

• ••

\lcmber~ uf(h(·1.~1

SaUl' \!othcr< Club \Iith Channel y~ \m~ raples and Brother Rene: the \Iothcrs' ("Iub (ommunhm Brl'akfaq.

The Parents Clubs makecomributionsc"erYrear to the l.aSallc community by holding various activities. The ,\Iothcrs' Club held their annual New '\lothers'Tea in dle Fall and a Fashion ShO\\'lll rhe Spring. As fund raisers, the club organizcd the gifl wrappingsalcaswell as the Eastercandysale. The '\lothers'Clubprovidcs Christmas ornamems for seniors and arrnnges rhe ever-popular "lhen-and-now" photo wall fearuring bab~' pictures and graduation phoros. 'l1'e,\ len ofl_"lSalle held the Father+Sc-m Banquet, which this year hosted nearly one thousand people: current ~tudcnrs.gr:\duatesand parems, and which honored basketball great and alumnus Tom Cola. 11,ere was also a Father-Son ~T()lfoufillg at a local c()unt~'c1ub in the sprin).!:. Finatl~路. rhe ,\Ien of La SaUe along with rhe help of the'\ lothers' Club coordinated the most sllccessful e"ent ofthe year, lhe annual" La Sale" t\uCtion. 'n,is vear's theme for theaucnon was "Alw:t\'s G-ame," so the school was transformed into a ~asino. The members ofthe Parents' Clubs don:lte much time and effort to make La S:llle more enjoyable, - Brim! Gtmpo

)olr. and .\Ir~. Sl~phen Hope.

Sure docsn',look like a typICal morninK

\",,,n.. lor lenm~;' \\ fluldn路, Ih.lIlx


T.ne. Th~ _\thkuc~

01\ ldt"r Pal..'t' d(l~~ n'll am <pon.

di~crimin;t(~ ;u..o;un~1

rrc~hmen or Se\Cnth



I'mll.: Bank. "Oa ~tumr'"

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R\-an Parfin bre:lJ.., for the end Fone.

UJ.I.I.-\ \\ \ OR\\ \ T[():,\ TI,\lLC()\1I O'\.!

111e J 999 La Salle Explorers football season was hard to play our positions instead ofplaying within the memorable fore\ eryone. This year's team posted oneof tC:lm. \'('e needed to get togctherand think, act, and pia)' the highest Olltl1bcrofplayers togain AlI~Catholic nomi- like one team rather than 22 indidduals." nations in the history of La Salle High School. Senior \X'jth a record of 2-3, the Explorers won 5 captains Tim Black, Chris Dougherty, and john Poley srraightgames to finish theseason 7-3,6-1 in the league. were among those who received first -team All -Catholic This record tied Roman for the division title, bur the nominations. Explorers beat them in the reh'1.!lar season, so rherwere The Explorers started the 1999 season as the awarded the firstever"Red Division Title." Senior FB defenders ofthe Philadelphia Catholic Leaf.,'1.le Champion- Ben Bailey said, ,路It was fun playing those games. \X'e ship, the last (cam to hold this clue, because the Philadelphia really started to come together as a team and became Catholic League divided the kague. La Salle was placed more focused and disciplined. \\'e felt like when we into the tougher "Red" division. macle up ofschools with played together, no one could beat us." higher enrollment. The Explorers though, were not the LaSalle began their playoffs with a bye in the favorites to win this di\路ision. as senior OL Tim Black first round, then defeated Ryan in their firsth""me,giving recalls, "Many people thought that wcweren'tnsgood as rhem a remarch with Roman. LaSalle blew past the we were last year. Ther thought that we couldn't defend Raiders J 4~O,earninga berth in rhe first"Rcd Divsion our title because of the realignment. \X'c all wanted 10 Championship game. Their opponent was Roman, pro\'e them wrong. That was our goaL" who bear the Prep, setting up a La Salle/Roman Afrer starring the season 2-2, the realignment championship game. The next step for LaSalle was allowed LaSalle to meet arch-rival SI. joe's Prep in a mcetingSl.Joc'S forthe annual111anksg1\'ing D:lygame regular season brame. In a difficult game, the Explorers at LaSalle L1niversity. lost to the Hawks 6-3. Senior DL Chris Doughertr said, The two teams met on a rainy, muddr. "\X'e weren't pbying like a tcam. We were all rrying 100 Thanskgiving: day. In a wild brame. Sf. joc's edged La

''Time OUt, I lost my c/)mact!" The unstopp:lblc ;"11ke DiCrcscio.

I>d\n<kr\ ,lfl' In .\\\ c 0(1-\., k (:k,u\ \ white ~plk~~,

11,e [riIS:lllesclceerpro,l,rmm has lhediHinc (II In c.f helng 11Ile III the m(l~t accompli"hed pre,g:r;lm~ In ~tJulhe,l~tern Penn!'\ k:lIli:1, There W:1~:1 ~en<;l' IIItr"ditltln III c.lrn' (Ill wIthin the team dllrin~ the I C)t)<) <;l':1"llll, III \'I<:\\' olthe fact thm the I"':',;.plorer<; Iud won Ihe P( 1 tllie [\\Iel,:' ,lilt! al\\'ar<; ~ecmcd {o h<: In Cflnt<:ntion for .1 tide. \\ lth Ihe lo"s 01 nine ~(;lnCr~ IIll're wa~ an <:mmnou" challenge f;lclng the I,'ploref'>, Co.leh Bob Peftle looked 10 <;ctllors t(e'-ll1 B.lkcr.1 ~d B.lraml·\\,lc/.::He\ e l\tllle.l.rnic Burn:lI. 'I'{lm (,;'ll.lh.m.;lml \Iike j'rnnk If) le.ld the f~'ploref'> III mect thl c1ulengl' ;lml kel'p the trndltlon ah\e b, llualit\ In)! for Iht: P< I. pla\'OIf... which Ihn did. Thllllgh thr.:lr"'e.l"lIl ended prc:m'lIurel,- Wllh a 2-11 III"'~ Ille\ entualch.lmrllln~'Imh <:.uhl)lic. the 211(1( I ~CKcer le.lm ha<; much UI'lIltIClp.ltt:, Tht: Il',lm formnl ;1Il ex,r;lClrdinan bond thl~ \ c.lr. Ihrough hud wc Irk and. more Imponantl,. hum()r. \~k.lm <'(Kcerrla,cr:lI~)ul thclrm\:11l0m:... .I!lfllll,h" ra...1<'t:.l'flll anu "l·' t:r:tl IIl'ms wIlllmmr.:· dl.ltd~ ,urt:,c\: \ ".Ir.:ltrun··wlmldccrI:1inhbetllle

of them, followed by ,1 cringc from the pl:1)"er Pl:t\-cr<;'lllckn:tme<; Birdm:1n. P:1mpers, -'Iutc, Ben, Powder, Tcefer.... llcllc... \n)llkl definitely be mentioned, lollo\\'cd I" broad . . miles. \\'h:lt m:lny wore to pr:tClICC \\-oull! be :tmong ,he memories tOO, followed 1)\ l.llighler \\'hen pictunng Sullimn in b:t ..htb:t11 shc)f!s fm;\ "IKcer fidd or Ck~n' \\'c:lnng thebnghle...' Cillelf'> hr.:Ctlllld tind In hi"c1llset. Some memor.\bk lluotl'<' would be included. 100: "()r~ lion hert: I " "I'm ju" hne to pl:i~ <;occer."·· \hh. d<ln~~"··.1.1\'ler'"

Thi<;bond "ill 'urcly b<;lamon~lh<:depan­ Ing ~Cnlf)r' fllr yr.:df'>. I.()flkin/-: back I)\-cr their four \'l~rs,lhl'Y cancontidently ~ay ,ha"h~ haw nOI onhkcpt Ih\: 1_1 ~alJc 1r:\(lilJ(ln I}fexcdlenec aliw. hUI thaI Ihncnh.mcnlu. 'e't ,u<.on·, I'plorers look tf) keep the If.1UitlOn .lli\c. with \11-( ::lIh()lic~ \llke ~teffa,~Iike P,lNlll••muTim P.lliloni"rctumln/-:"ith t-::\leCle'ary .md .I1X: \l;l.llloli 10 bnng the PCI. champIonship pl.lllue back to 103 S.dk. - }-;,t1711 &I!ur

EfIl("~1 Hurrl"ll.

\Ildfietdcr EXlr:tOrdin:llrc!

Pal ,\1cK<:o\\n, ~p0rlin,l.: his' Ike


spllns(lr~hlp. nur~cs hl~

1999 Varsity Soccer Scores Opponenl Episcopal Academ) HaverfordSchool EPYSA Tournament Kennedy - Kendrick Holy Gho>! Prep Roman Catholic SI. Joseph's Prep Conwell Egan Archbishop Ryan Cardinal Dougheny Father Judge Bishop Me Devitt

Location A\\f'J.Y

Honle Away

Home Home Home Away Away

Away Awuy Away Away



Archbishop Wood Conwell Egan Archbishop Ryan Cardinal Dougherty Father Judge Bishop Mc Devitt NonhCatholic Archbishop Wood peL Playoffs

Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Awa~'

North Catholic

Score 1-2 L 0-3 L W 1-0 4-) W 0-2 L 3-0 W 3-) W )-0 W L 0路1 0-1 L 3-0 W 3-0 W 0-1 L 2-( W W 2-1 1-2 L W 3-0 ~-3 W 3-0 W 0-2 L )-0 W 0-2 L

Senior (,onl keeper I'c\in B:tkcr ptll~ all of hi~ 6'] (J, 120 II, fr.l111C InW the kick.


~ame. ~ul"s!

Sophomore I ,mlC (Jamoonc and tcammaTes ,l..f("T pumped (or ~nother !-r.11llC.


JaVit'f ,l..'1'OLn,






wl1 on tOt·

Senior Highlights Kevin Baker: Scoring my one and only goal against McDevitt. Ernie BurreU: When our team scored with 11 ~econds left 10 be:u Judge, 4-3. Sieve Boyle: JVMVP Junior Yeat. Ed Bararuewicz: Beating Cardinal Doughert)' and my brother last year 3-0, Tom Calahan: Scored \\-inning goal !lbr;Unst Father Judge \\'ithin the lastthi.tt}· seconds to assure a playoff spor.

Overall record: 19 wins,S losses 3rd Place in Catholic League Championships Senior

PR(Belmont) t6:54 17:22 17:36 17:48

12 22 30 42

Kevin Fitzgerald 18:02


Rob Haney


• Tom Devlin • 81ll Bonner • Steve Bolger John Klock


Kevin Semanlck 18:23 Pete Clark 18:29

• denotes Captain

3.21 miles of pain...offun ... ofglory. The dog days of summer kicked off the first practices. Rerurning to the cross-country roOiS of his Bishop Conwell year-., ~Ir. Johnson 100ncd ~Ir. I)c\-me and ,\Ir. Semmaek to lead the troop~ mto baltlc. '''e most familiar slramsof "~Iileand half past the IOn plus SIX erack hills" were uttered a<; usual. Hc)wc\,cr, a hUrricane ra\lshed Valley Green III Septcmber, meallin~ the grealeslllumbcr ofworkouts e\"(:r were held at Fort \\·a<;hington. to the displeasurcof mall~. \s usual, the team occ:lSIonall~ ran Circles around [he ..necer gun. na!-:pole, mile hard. lOW the W-()(xJs. hell (a.k.a. Parachute!. 1.3 IOsldc,lhcn t1~1c a.gain. and all downhill fmm there - mile spnm (() the finish line. Though the practices :lncl meets were fun. the runnl'rs Wl're the Diles who m:Jde It inrercst1l1g. OnlY:l juni(Ir. i\1:lrk SW:Jnson and sl.:niorcaprains Tom DC\'Jin, Bill Bonncr, ancl Stl;\-e B.,guided the \'arsity team toa ..cason that boasted a 3rd place 1I1 the PC I... a "2nd" l,th:1I should have been a"l q" It" nOl fora missed pole DQ) 11 Statc Prep Champs, T·shlrts at Salcsianum :lOd a \"Icton- at the :\Ianh:man 10\ lIallonal. Senior Jon Klock, JunIor J~lstin :+.Iorace, and <;ophomores DomeOlC Panza and R\"an O'Donnell conrribmed a lot of heart, deSire. and aweso~le performances to the \'arslty's nm lor the title. Sophomores John "Bits" Laskr, Ron;lll ,\IcDemlOtt, Ryan Rodden, and Tim FerriC. fulfilling Iheir promise and adding to their h~·pe, helped the J" to:l nearmiss sc:cond place fimsh at peL Champ<;. Brian Baillie and Chns POIestiO, both IUruors and the laSt hoorahs, seruor~ Rob Pre!, I laney. J..:e,·in "Kilb" FitzJ-,rcrald, J..:c\ln Scmamck. and Petc Clark all made ,I big Impact on the J" team as well. Terrence :+'lcCann and theothcr freshmen hope ro<;tep It up next \'carand conunw,: the tr.tditlons when they once again hit the trail. . 1-:."'11/ JI'I1/olllde

All-time La Salle Rank

., ••

Accomplishments 1st Team Ali-Catholic 1st Team AIl-eathollc Injured Captain Honorable Mention All Ca1honc FInally didn't break 18:00 Tied Steve 81asl's best time, Finally broke 18:30 Completed entire H'~

Rob Haney

hu~ hl~


nus prmcs that men also mO\-e: In herth. StC\e: Bol~'('r mnuons [0 Coach Del"lne: for Ihe: leam \laalo\_

I "/f}. r,1' II ~ I It Tim Prt:m, \llk~ \1.1011, DCnOl\ ~unt ••n, TI.m (r<lntlan, \Ii 1)1:<:1"1:<,("1••• J•• hn PI.IeI. Iinan II, '1'1.:..'". D.m Huckk\ &/1/11 ,. /fI R.., R,:m (hcrc\..h. \llkl: Pa,....>n. T,.m \I.ltfl'm, R,.b ~'Ilh\ .In, I.mml \Ie(;••\\ :10, (,.lbe: \I.lrabc:lb, P:lul \Ie( .urkm,ll ,l1n 11:1'1'" \h....lll,.:: (.",Ich \lJn\ .Iack... >n

In the 1999-2000 basketball season, the Explorers were once again led to a succesful season by ),Ir. ),Iarrr Jackson. La Salle started off the pre-season strong with wins O\'er Chestnut filII ,\cademy, \X'e-:! r:uhnlic, Episcopal Academy, and Ihe Prep. TIley linished second in the Carroll Classic and also second In the I\:ortheast Catholic Classic Christmas Tournament in Trumbull, Conneticut, falling shon of Ihe championship by only three POlOtS. ,\fter fimshlOg the pre-season with an imprcssi\'e 8-3 record, the team showcd potential. TIle reh'1.llar scason began with a big win against Archbishop Ryan and long time T1\'al Father Judge. In fact, the victory against RY:lll capped an amazing milestone for Coach Jackson, his 200th win in the CalilOlic Leah'llC'. It was no distraction, however, for he continued to lead his tcam to many morc victories. The tcam was lead by senior captains Brian "Whitey" Horgan, ~like "Dec-Bo" DeCresdo, Dennis "Storm" Stanton. along with John "Swsh" Poley find Paul "Gurks" ~lcGurkjn. The team also benefined from the play of juniors Gabe i\larabelJa and Tom i\lattern, along with i\like i\b.nzi, ,\Iike Parson, Tom "Tubb,'" Gorman, R\'an "Cash" Overcash, Dan Buckle,', . , . and Emmit "\\'i~'Um" ,\IcGowan. The La Sallc bflskctball program also looks toward a bright future through the play of sophomores John Ferro and Rob "Tight Fade" Sulli\'an. L1 Salle tinished the: league 10-4 in the :"orthcm DI\'l~l()n, which earned them a ~POI in second place. In the quarter-finals, 1..2 Salle defeated :"ortheast Catholic at 1..2 Salle L'nin:rsity and ad\'anced to the semi-finals, losing to a tOugh 51. John Xeumann team :u Temple L:ni\'ersiry. Throughoul their season, the learn worked hard to continue lheir \\;nmnR lradition. - Dmnis J/allion

Brian "'..;"hitey" Ilof}.,>:Il1


the deiender, lakin'!! 10 ior an ea~y

Junior Gabe !\larabdla .1Il11~ im :\nother ~hot to viewl'\.


Basketball 1.1'1 hnga Roll. \\ nh.1 kc\ pick lrom 1"101 ("ITm:m, Paul \Ic{.url-In dn\'c... l(llhe

ua.. kl'l,

~/ eA 5I,L"

ee '..



III""" I mil: R.d' IV", I In R,

\IT. J"'<Ph [kmp<'e\. Emmm \IcGlluJ.n. Sean h.xhna. Tom (;ornun. R\.m Huckle\ . .\hl-I: \I.tn"., \111.... PaNm. \IT. Charlt:<;Cirdh I mill Rml I HI R. RI .10 (h crc.1... I1, D,lOld RI11l'T,.Iohn Ferro. (:hn,lophcr I ~ldle\ •.Iohn RClt"..mder. \"lctorlkwu

John Pole\". \\;l.JIin' for thl" hoard.

Tomn1\ \I,utem. (,lkm' a breather.


iamlll;u~cenc (CJfUnn.l..\ \l::lrtyJ3ckson.

\\nne", luthe Iinl:; U'5 ~:ur:anlecd.

111C bO.lrJ '.1\' II all!

The 1999路1000 swim team had an excellem year. LJndcr [ lutelage of the: m"erly exCIted coach, .\Ir. Frank I.ichtner and asslstal .\Ir. Dcnllls Bloh, \Ir. James Tate, and .\lr. Slephen Duncheski. ' broke records and achlc\"cd our best times. Seniors Kieran Br\"ers, Bn Bacher, "':c\-m Hughes, ~Iatt \X"ahl, Greg Hylinski. and co-captai \lIke II:urig:m and Brad Green led the Icam 10 ItS third Satlol Catholic ChampionshIps 10 three years. to a sixth place tinish Easlerns where we broke records (200m free relay, 100m backstrol and 400m free rela\ and to a founh PCI. ChampIonship 10 as rna \路ear<;. The <;WII1) team IS like a family. \'fe han' had our tiRhrs: \10\\'( \'s. Tuman. Bryers vs. Paul. Carey \"5. Jeffers, and Qucrolj \"s. the tea \'re have had our closeness: Doc + Tuman = I--O\'in. \'fe had ( mlsclllef: "It wasn'l me!" and our locker scandal. \Iost of all \\"t: had fl "But \lr. Gilmore. I'm mur caddy." - .\ftlt/If a,

()urp'".I,Jc 1 'Tlnl \lollh


Ihtckcr :lnu murkier w:uer, Iram, ChJmpl0n '\\1mmel"", The .....nl. ,r ~u;)d.".\\lth clolhe..

f. LichtnCf ~a'-c~ ;\!all \\:路:lhl frolll harm I)\' pullin).!; him

Grc~ HyJin~ki, [,'~


in Ihe lllldq


:'-:an SE..\L lr.\ining.

sate 10 ~a: 'h:lll.a Salle will ,,路in the hell.

lime pon:ll numbt路r four.

Tom nJoh

~truttln' hi~

Icchniyu..., on th..., ,1l1e\

l.htcn!ll thl" (.ro\Id Roar'

[JlIlc more Icit...int the 1..\1.: O)iGod 1 !Jill.;- mote lefl!

\ - It I:--pln.. n< 'I a pmblcm (, ,r Ihl' ml~ht\ (iC(lf( 1••1Il~.

Junior Jim Eddcn {lcn:lops the long-toss lcchllllluc",

Although Thunderbird L1.nes in \'\'illowGrovc ma~'not look likc uch of a place to begin with, nearly every weekday during the winter a oup of sixteen studcnts made the lanes their own. L'ntil dinnertime on any awimer day, the cavernous lanes havc thundered as 1...1. Salle's bowling am portrays their skiJJs. Talk of "dry patches," "slipping thumbs" and lOeconrutions" floats through the air, and a nonnal person has towondcr, ow seriously can you take bowling? While not rhe most famous or ~corated team in L1. Salle's history, La Salle's bowlers take pride in a sport at most people see as a weekend hobb~" -n,c keglers alsocnlo)' a spirit that akes them oneofthe tigluest teams in the PCL Coach Gary \\'ilcyand the .; heavy-rotation bowlers for the ~'ear-seltiors i'I Ijke Albert, GeoffL1.ng, rle Wisotzker,juniorsTom Bloh andJ:lmes Edelen,anel freshman i'luke offat-formcd the bulk of the bowling ream this ye:lr, The favorite moments of the team are mosth' old classics-trash Ik from the likes of Dan Barnes '99 and i\Like \'\'einert '98duringcricical atches, memorable rides toawaygamcs in \\'einert's "\,\'u-Tang-,\!obilc," lei an outst:l.nding match inJanu:lrr '98duringwhich the Explorer:lnd a cw of seniors came our to cheer on La Salle's varsity s'Juacl to a hardught victory over Conwcll-Egan. This year tOO, a home match ilhrainst ~n proved to be the rcrull'S finest hour. "The entire tcam created a great )sitive vibe, supported each other througholl t the afternoon, and showcd nat we really could be capable of," said Lang, who bowled "arsityin the ~ll-earncd victory, 1...1. Salle pl:tced fifth in their PCI_division, JUSt shan of akingthe playoffs, The keglers nonetheless remain positive about their ortand confident that the future ofthe resuscitatecllx)wling team remains ib>ht, - Smlt KellY

In honor of the grt'":lt I..:: I;\:GPlr-:! I Jidn', knf)\\' bo\\"lin~ 1l1\'ohcd such ).:t:lccful11l0\cmclll.

'lOll Iw,lr.! Ilk' right.

1 "lId,

"(;Il out Ihcr~' ,md IU~I

10"k Iih: YOU d'ling:'

kno\\. Wh:ll rou'fI:

\'\'ith the help of a new coaching staff led by Mr,


Braciscewski along with his assistants Anthony Pen%arella,


Housron,Joe Bednerak, and Tim :-'laloney, the La Salle \'\'rcsding team set its sights on a Catholic League tide this year and refused to accept anything less. E\'en though it meant going on that extra run, watching diets, running the steps for what seemed Ijke forever, or doing those countless numbers of extra pushups, the team persevered. I-laving made the semifinals last year, the team was well on its war with twelve varsity wrestlers returning for another year. The team was led by senior captains Tim Black,joe Spause, Mike Cosgro\'e, and Chad 1\lunn.

Other wrestk:rs who made

contributions were Seniors, Chris Staub, John Boring, Chris Reilly, and Nick Onufrak as well as Junior Chris \'\11elan and sophomores Brandon Black, Brendan Whitaker, and Brandon Skupski. By the end of the year, the team had learned the two most importanr rules to

win: "Dedication" and "J ust Shut Up and \'\'restle!"

-Joe Spallst

Gee... Spau~e, wh:lt did you have for lunch? Th:n stinks! \lern"'-illing?




Team Moments

- \'\'himker makes weight on time - Beating t\'onh twice - Brandon Black beats Proctor -Shu\'cd heads for Championship

- Cosgrove becomes rhe pinning machine - Staub and i\lunn bYet revenge on \'\'ood - !\(unn named outstanding wrestler at individual level


Pl."lcrm:ln b:mlc


opponent to the ,lour,

Tim Bb.el e\C:ln~ hj~ next pm.

:-t:ni(,r C:'lpt;\In PClt: "".lllcchIOnt:, ~t:llm' 111 the lone, Bt:C\USl' tht.'''J:' l~ for 路'Lunh>e,"

Vlusity One HockeyTeam, Firsl Row(/ . If) R): Greg \Iolchen, R~':ln Ciolh, \like IJJftu~. Pelt :-"':llicchione, Bob Klenk, Tony Trimboli,Joe \Ll"lronardo. Second Row: I lead Coach \Jr. \'\alJ~- \Iuehlbronner, \\oderator Dr. Joseph IY\ngdo, \likc (,lCGlglionc. RY;1n ~1t:H'n,<. IlrC11 l 'rb:tn, P:1l 111~!,gim,J'ln Hick", Tom Rller, CO:lch \ Ir. (hm \'\'hitc~ldc, (:o:lch \Ir. John II;lg,gcrry, \\;llugl'r 1)t:\-111 (,;lmpbdl. Third Row: Rjck~'I'di", R\--:1nJonc,<,Sh:l\\-n G:lnin, \\ill \1:ldcira.Jrl(: C:lrclli, Brett J 1"pkmsol1.

People always say how the hockey players are such a weird group of kids. I'm not going to disagree. but let me at least explain why that is. Hockey is year round: there is no offseason. There is always an AII-Starorselect learn that will come calling. What makesoursquad unique is Ihal some orushave played togelhcrforalmost tcn years. We have gone to grade school. played club hockey on opposite sides and now play high school hockey together. We have spem hundreds ofhours traveling from game 10 game. Since we have spent so much time logether. we know each otherinside and out. We have wntched each other change through the years. been through a lot together. whether positive or negative. in victoryordefear. Now. let me attempt to describe the personalities on our team. If a stranger were to walk into the La Salle Varsily I locker room. he would have honestly thought that he had walked through the door of an insane asylum. We've got thugs. hippies. an elf. the milkman. fomler Philadelphia Phillie Von Hayes. the Mexican. a "serial killer" (We'rcontoyou Will). two goalies who will leave you wondering what planet they came from. and Ihe biggesl goofball that yOlI will ever meet. Our nicknames have become trademarks: from Tusto Rizzo. from Deggs 10 the Milkman. and from Greascball to lheone simply known as Pete. Some ofthe nicknames may seem insuhing. but noone takes it personally (except for milkman). We are always hanging out with each other. always looking to have a crazy time. The hockey boys know how 10 have fUll and stay loose. Fromlatc-night bowling in Piltsburgh to watching WWF pay-per-view at Rizzo ·s.to the bashes at Felix·s. Tony'sand Rizzo·s. we keep itreal. Let's not forget the 76ers game and WWF Smackdown (right Pete?). We always seem to make a good time intoagreat one. and there areal ways funny stories 10 tell. We have the perfect group ofguys totcllthem. Our coaches are a perfect lit forthe team too. Our Head Coach. Wally Muchlbronner. has a great mind for hockey. with his serious sidc keeping us in line and focused on hockey. yel his light side making him seem like an olderoneofus. He isa great coach tobearound on road trips. He just loves what he does. Our assistant coach, Chris "Gurnp··Whitesideissimplytheman. A great guy and a great coach. his classic sense ofhumor keeps us laughing and loose. and he prepares us forthe challenges that we face. Gump has the special ability to always be able to makc you feel good about yourself. win or lose.

In A ~I, m'l\ l', ~l'nI"r t:'Ultl' (,rn:t \1< ,khl:n hldl:~ hl~ n.:t (n 1m the npf"Nnt: leArn.

• "\\11:1.[ do "OU mean d12t The puck

1~ \

our fnend


Ole other tc:un'~ nee'

the puck cannO[ hurt ~ ou be one with the puck.

()urOlhcr ""sISnnICO:lch,John Ila~cm', a.lsotakes on the rolcofcqUipme mana,ger and medical consultant. Ke 1-.>0 sttalght [o.lohn when wc have an mlu ora ..katc problem, becausc he "Iwa~'s has an answer. He has helped ma",' kj. become c,ceUen! hl)Ckcr players [hrou~h the years.. \ .. I said, our coaches a perfect tor us, The~' leI us be kids, and I knO\\' (hat ""C wouldn't ha"c had h; the fun Ifourcoaches had no personalities. Amen 10 that. As our quest for the Flyers Clip 2000 begins, we take a closer look ato seniors. \'(ilue Madeira,great defensive defensemcn, blll sca~'off the ice BI KJenk, there's ne"ere"cr a duU moment when thisdcfenscmen is around To T nmboli, anothergTeat defensemen to ha"eon yQur"idc; Just don't listen wh. he tnes to teU you somcthmg..,Tom Riley is the man at left wmg, tunny and III back; you alw:mi want Riley around, There IS also Rv:m Ste....ensat n~ht \\,ng, wi ~"cs his aU cvcrytimeoutthcrc. Ryan Ciolli IS a fun wltl!"lfTIan to watch, and h, always up to somethjn~. Bur watch him closely If you don't want your doth thrown ltl the shower. Pat Higgins IS our he:wywclgh( champ, a forcc1 defenscman on the iceor holding the cup. Rick Felix plays hard and tough f the D, and \nlllct you haw itwhcre It hurts. You're always going to h:l\'c fun W1

Felix :tround. l\Like Loftus is an awesome player to watch as a ~ruor \llkc I.oflu" e:J..l:l:rh w;m.. for:a c1car ~hm. wingman too. Tus is nll~ l..l ~Jtk check of the ).,':lme I" bwu,l.:hllO \"01,1 b~ a character and a Sunoco...lill up wilh SuntoCo and h:a\e:a /o.rre:lt d:n! player, JUSt don't get ~---~--.him mad. Brett Urban, u'hat a \\'acko, keeps you laughing and IS a gte2t center. ust\\-atch Urban ata part)'and you'll have fun. Gregl\lolchenis half of our great goaltending duo, Molch needs a pad. dcd cell, which makes himfitinsowell. Petc Naticchionc, is our captain and a tremen路 dous player on the left side, a1wa)路s tr:ring to help his teammates, and he does a great



;ob. Pete is the per路 feet guy to go to a sporting event 'with,


S .;.;.

truSt mc, And then .I the r e '5 me.

~------.goaltender Joe Mastronardo, I love eve~~gaboutbc.

ing a goalie, cause mat'S what makes me, ~_ _I mc. People seem to think I'm a little crazy out there, and it makes me smilewhen I hear that. I love showing some tlair out there; Hexr would be proud. I'U never forget all the gtolt times that 1have had with m)' hock.)' bo)1.,lcoulcln'tha\re picked a better group of gurs to be with. I hope you've gained some insight on why the

hockeyplayersareme way they are. We're far from nonnal, but



ing a LaSalle hockey VarsilY Two Hockey Tcam, First Rou (LIt; R): R\an Ginty, Lou Volpe, ~ick Tnmboli,jon Posen,jirn Durkin, i\1:m Her.tog. m;nd Rt;IJ': :-Ollxlcrmor Dr. joseph O'''n~>elo. Coach :-Olr. Bob Kin~, Todd Z~lIle.Sean \X'ills, ,\lark O',\ngclo.jirn \IcCuJlagh, an playersogreat. Why? .:..ing, OaH' Hill. 0,1\ ~ Bar~ nski, Oer~k CliiSla, I lead Coach ~Ir. john Ila~~~. \lanag~r:\lr.Joe Blak~, Sr. TJ,irrl Roll-: Chris Curci, 'Cause Rizzo Said So. \!atl Loftu~. Andrew Ihm mki, Tom F~rrick. R~ T ro;<l:ell, Ste\'~ nlel~cki,J()(' Blake,j r. - Of MastronqrQo

Running Events DI~laocc \1c:dk:,.Rcl.n


1200 \lark :'\\":lo.o;on ,:22.(, 4lM1 C:hri~ Pote~lln 5-2 HlNt- Jon "lock - 2119.\6(lll R\:mO'Donnell 4:-0



I'C\ 10 Firz~nld

24.Pal Kins 2.-A

\lIke -\lon""


.I"e \'a~~:llI()


\hle Ruo. 4·3-.-1 Bri:ln Baillie· 4: ,-" Rnn;tn \IcDcm,oll S:UI R\an Rudden 5:2';.6 TOlTI Luner i; 1h

tASALLE 4(1000 RUIl

Bil1l3onncr S4.(, 1'.1:\ in ht7,!.\cnld 55.1 Tom Dc\ hn 58.5 (lOrn


HUIdlc.s 8.3

I'C\ 10 Senuruck

6lJmJ).ub Joe \·a~~all.. · 6.9

JCI.'l!m.fuw \brk~\\"3n~On

111:1111 !nnl-..:.t(K:k 10:1"

200m DJsb

Joe \'asSJllo - 2S.1 Pat Kins - 26.\Ilke ,\Ionso - 25.4 BOOm Run TomL1mcr-2:1'" Bnan B:lillie - 2:06 .. X 400m Run. 3, 36 8 First

KC\ln Sem::mick - 52.2 Chris POlcstio - 54.3 Kc\'in Fitz~rald. 54.8 Bill Bonner - 55.4 4 X 800m Run_9'129 Faunh ;,\larkS\\~nson- 2:16.2

Rnn Rodden - 2:29.3 Brum Baillie - 2:16


Field Events Hl~b Jump PClcrCl:uk-6'O" Brian '\ladeirn- 6'2" John L1Sk~" 5'4"

ShOt pm Jason Ager - 4-'10" Leon Benn路 r'o" D:ln ,\IcLaughhn - 39'1" Eric Grifiin-Shelle\' - 38'3" Gabe DiGerieo路 3-'-"

Pole Vallh Rob ),lcCrcighl' 9"0"

l.ongJllrnp ;'\likeAJonso-I-'9.S" PeterCbrk-18'105' Ke\;nSwuoiek -9路8.-S" TnplcJump PclcrClark-3... 路11.5.. Brian ),lcdeJr:l' 38'3" Mike Alonso - 41'3.-5" (new Frcshm:ln record)

America's Pastime


11,e Ilot (:llmCT: I HI R. 1A."on Benn. T,unG'lrm,lll. Rnan




R. Jnhn Rcif nHlcr, Chuck Da\. :anJ I .mic Bum:1I


IkhmJ Ihc: rlall" I (0 K \I.m \!lehd.l.ml" Ihnk, Chn' kite"

(lur hurler..: I.. to R.) Il,I,-A- ROil [.elm Benn, \Iike I"'mlbardo. B,,',m Ilar.-c\", (:huck D.1\. Tllrn ()'( :onn, lr, l),m BUCklc\ I 'mll/ KilN Tom \!ancrn, (.~I T urn.ln, R"h ~ulli\':ln. John Rcit\1l\ dl:f

Thc(nJ.chln!o:Sl:lt"f: [~(() R.) \IT.Joe P:lrISl, \lrJncl'-akone. \1r. P..I. Qumn

• •

U C-"1AR ,0

Out oilcit lield: (l


R. \bllheu


CcntertiddC'rs: Rob SullJ\-3.n .\lissin::- R~"3n Parlin

Bascball.likemany aspects ofAmenca. has had somewhat



The Two

Bn~crs: (I,. to



Fllioll, Tom O'Connor

ofa scandalous past. \'(nether I[ be the infamous "Black Sox" of 1919, thcongomg Pele Rose saga, or more recemlyJohn Rocker's words heard across.\mcnea, baseball had and has been conquer109 the rough times presemed. Still, baseball is a spon that does \O\'oke murder, theft, and c,'en arson on a conSIstent basis. "'\nat!?", you sa\'. ~ktaphorically, ofcourse-as pla,·crs. aTC we nOlII')'in~ to kill the ball up at the plate? Arc we nO[ stealing bases and other Icams' sign..? And belic'"c it or not, it has also been known that aitera nom stonn acenain Roxborough Leg10n Team has lit us field on fire 10 order to dry it out faster. Yes, of these "wmes", thcennre La Salle baseball team isguih)'(some e,'cnof (hearson). Still the~' werc committed ,,;thin the spirit ofthe game. l"onethelcss, the 2000 Baseball Squad looks forward to a promIsIng season after lOSIng to O'Hara in the semi-finals of the pel... playoffs 1.... 1year, \,'ilb theyeteran leadershipof;\l:magcr I\lr. Joe Paml and hi(; asslst:ll1tS :'Ir. Joe "Craig/Sabo" Falcone, ,\Ir. .\likeO'Connor,:md ,\Ir. P J. "Sideburns" Quinn, the tcamlooks (0 g:tin something lhat it hasn't seen many oyer ycar~, a PCI. championship plallllC. TIle La Salle Baseball team has centered itself around the seniors: Brian "Bill" llan'ey, Chris "i\lcar" Dougherty, Tnm "Lucas/Oak" O'Connor, J\latty "the Dog" '\ljchcl, Ernie "Plump" Barile, Ernie"Bert" Burrell,



on Fif"'I~: L


R D;l.n Iluckle'!. Chns I)ou...:hem. h.~-k l.:llb.h;m


rlckl (;un~: I


R.' \lan CO"ICIJO, \bn \llchd

Sernor Pitcher Tom O'Connor and Catcher Fmle Barile, In,cpar:lblca( La :)alle,1n Ro"borou~h, and on the iielJ.

Senior ShonslOp 1 rOil' Burrell fields the )..'Toundcr thwlc,'h""

Senior Oulticlder \I.m \Iichel watche~ the action .1Od. lmprc~~ \\ [th whal he "Cc:~, info to da b()s~.



.\like "Guy" I.ombardo, Leon "Toe(' Benn, Joe 'j\' Joey" \'assallo, "~·lc "Frankie the (,"clone" CalLthan, and ;\13[1 "GabbY" i lannen. Rran "Parr' Padin, the supersrarwho bnngs an unmlSrabble "ghetto" atmosphere to the team, leads the IUnIor corps of the team. \\ c arc e\"en blessed with three ~opho.. morcs who can learn, benefit,and, most impor· tandy, carry the Ctluipment. ChnsJcffcr..,John "Reif' Reifsnyder, and Rob "Rico" Sulli,"an arc tooa,' the lackc\'s of the upperclassmen, but more lmportamh- Ihe (mure of the LaSalle Baseball francluse. Whether It be .\lan and Tom trYIng to "muzzle up", Har\"zdn\"· iog to practlce, Vassallo weanng his ugh! clothes, Tom "Tubby" Gonnan talking about his brother. c.J. "Deuce"Tuman and his mullet. or J'raokie and his antics, La Salle cnjo)'s its baseball. \X"in or Jose, one thing is CCr£:llll, wc play hard and havc fun . • ,\fllfl/J~u J far/llfll


\d'ltll (.I!ml~ak and .I(le SLihm,ki deb.llc whellwr (Jr n,,\ 11,<.'\ arc pLmng 111l' rll..!;hl hole.

"\\'hen rou che,1t in )..!;olf, IOU



En:ry \brch, the :ltIention of the [,aSalle tamily ntrns tOWf spring break and springspons, IA'l Salle has had much successduring spring '>eason, but while all eyes areon popular ~POrtS like basketball lacrosse, one of the most succes:-ful La Salle tcams goes on virtu unno[lced. La Salle's golfteam has been rhe dOlllmanr force in the Cath League for much of the last decade. The Explorers have won nearl many Catholic League titles as the heralded tennis and s\\'immlll~te; witllom nearly as much :mcntion. Coach l\lartinJackson has led the t( to numerous titles III the nineties, and the~ show no signs of 510\\ down. Traditionall~'oncof the youngcsth.,.oups around, rhe maiorit the team is made up of inexperienced but determined undcrc1assrr 111is makes it that much more imporm.nr for the seniors on the tear be leaders, Successful players like Brett Foley and Greg IIyl1ll5ki s~ their younger teammates how 10 get the job done,\X'ith pbyers like jUl Adam Comisak, the L..' l Salle golfream should bCCl)lltcnders again I' year, and with the addition ofmore freshmen, the team should bes. - Pele Jm. for \'ears to come,

Senior Denni~ Stanton hold~ hl~ bre:uhe a~ he



Senior Grc~ Hyhnski shoU(~, "~Io\'l,' (wet, Gilmore. because here com6 Happy I-Idinski!"

. ...... ,-





---... ,:.......






路'Ok. Ok, Just be the ball, be the ball." "\'('h:n he doesn't know


that ['Ill not gOlo,g to lake the pole out:'

'" -~


'R_I Il.ntl\\

,u·r~).... >c>cJ.



;Ind \\ l:;Ir lh~ Ipl'[<'rn.lIC Llllrt:\ndr,,-"'II. Pumd rLld, Ilc ." IIs..n·· on Illl· h;lU.

1 '" R

\ntlr,,\\ .Inhn. R<>\..'("r Lrmob. D;l\ld C.lfldia. 0.10 h.lm..Iame-; l...l",->:tn. Bill (}·'CIU. Lt-o Redl . \nJrc\\ \1I<:n. O.lrud h'rJ•.1Jmc~ j}ark•.Ine 1.IIlF:lI<>lIl. I}hli ( .1m .11. 'ick Bt .. \-•.". \nllr.'\\ Pumd. ( _hn~ I rt:m. \Ir. Tore Il.ln"~n (., ':l.ch .J..... C.;lrr"l1

1111S \ ear, I ~'1 Salle T cnms \\ill be looking; for its 8th consccum-e PCLChampionship while Ihe Prep is sure to struAAle for irS 81h consccutl\"C PCL second-place timsh. \ reason why L,1 S.llle IS ~'1rnntced the PCL Championship IS the solid letdersrup ()fIhe senior "-quad ofR.J. Ennola.JarnC" 1"'(~"3n, Dan Kim and Andrew Puntcl. All of Ihem arc lookin~ foro-ard f() cappmgoff theIr hl~h school careen; with a founh PeL Championship.. \!ong \\;th the depth thai scmor.Brendan Gates and 1,,(-0 Reilh add to Ihe learn arc starter :--"ick Bowers '0 I, Darcell )'Ioore '03 and Ian Silbert "01. The line-up is so soht! Ihal all rop four singles players c()Old defeat any t(-am's tOP pla~-cr. The only awards up for !-,'Tabs thls ~ear an: the trndiuonal Bagel Award,f.,'1n:n to the player with the most 6-0 nctones and runner-up 111 the peL tennis fir1als. "T," Coach Tore II:msscn, hopes to h'1.lide the team to another championship wnh some gre:lt buffets al()n~ Ihe way. 1-'1 Salle's lcnnisdominauon 1l1111e PCI. will continue fnryears tncome with all the new talent thatcon1cs through each ye:tr, ~lttrnClcd 10 a!-,'1'(.':tt school and ro a \\'innlng tcnm" tc:tm. - R.I 1:17110/'1

" ' 0 . I"<IlI \\<>U


, b~' m\"

<>pp<l11 en! • ..

"Yeah guvs, lust In and do thi~..."

'JUSt lry and score."

Even' n:.lf. Ll ~Jllc\ I ndoor Track and rield Icam .. pend~ theenllfe wlnu:r l(~elhl:fpr.tcl1cingandcompcunp: 10 be the be~t. \mon~ the 100ereSI+ m.'t \cnucs of21111 meter track~. this year's Ic.."am mamtalned Ih poi~e as II saw, good amount of success combined with me occaSIClllallack thereof. Perhaps the be"'l W,lV to know Ihe ~ear IS 10 know Ihe runner", thrower... and Jumpers themseh-cs. \Like AJOO'iowas Ihe phenom who shattered the freshman tople jump record. He is the promise of the prtlf..,'Tam's future (al KIrks he was dedicated to the spnme~ and pl~路ometncs and he [()ok allihe gnef and e\'ery Ima~'lnable nickname possible). KeVIn Fitzgerald was the killer of the pack, alwa~路s helpmg our the team by domg the weekly hawking at Lehigh and Haverford for the coaches' association meets. Anthony Bonanlllieamed quicklr how totlo the spnlllcrs' jog like none other. Tom Dcdin was the staple of the spring x-counrq team, enloymg the race and parking lot fight up in New York for the Eastern State Championships. Joe Vassallo was lookin! and acting tough. Rob I laney was kept Swiza occupied and humored WIth

The newe'! lidJ event: \\:l.Icr SkiinA.

Sem(lrCapt:un IMl B(lnncr dldn'l n:alllC Ihal Track and I'Ield ret.jult,.:d a cup. _ mor C;tpla.m t-.:c\-in Semamck

~h{)\nn' U~

Ihat white men c:m jump.

/I his odd theories and musical tastes, Bill Bonner (Captain) the 800 meter man, anchored the 4x 00 at the armory for i\:auonals Penn Statesryle for state champs, John KJock worked the longer distances, asJason Ager worked under the inspiradon ofnew assisrantcoach Doug Smith and shOl to the tOp. Pete Clark (Captain) high-jumped his wa)' to new heights, e,-en moving thc pads !Ilto the gym during \\;nrer Storms. Brian ;\Iadciracross~trained his way [0 first team All-Catholic in the high jump. Brian Baillie brought the mullet back into style and prided himselfon the 4x800, Kc,-m Semamck (Caplain) was the definicion of \-ersatihty, from chilling or blazmg itwith the spnnrers to dangerously hurdlingor runmng leadoffleg and e1bo\\'lOg through that long 4x800 relay, Finally, it was yet anOther rear for Coach Pat Devine, our coach,lcprcchaun,guide, tcam mumbler, on to outdoors, back and beyond. ete Cl:trk shows his peers how [0 enlo~' n:Hur:l1 highs!

• Krt,ill Smull/ide

TIw; mIllennium marks a new era for the La Salle Rowmg Te;lI11. Inundated wnh new ra1cntat the \"llrSlty lc\"el, the sophomores and juniors back the SU'!.'lng seniors In the sprll1g season" As early as the fall, head coach Mr. Chuck Calvanesc and our own 1\lr. Thomas ~lcl.aughhn saw the porcmial talemin the undcrclass, as well as a dramatic improvement in rcturnmg oarsmen" ThIS ~"car thln~s arc different, and last ~-car's upset will nm be repealed. 11,e oarsmen arc bigger, more talclltcd. and arc drh"Cn to win the IC:lh"Uc championshIps and the all-imponam 5tOfcsbury Cup RChratta. 111e erfon to bram supremaC\" on the SchuylkIll was real, s.cen In Ihe indoor \\'Imer workouts, which yIelded :l plethora of varSIlY8 candldales. \\"orkoul records that would make any college scout sa!t\";nc, and enough muscle to light up Philly. On the water, La Salle looks c\ en bener. \\ Ith the acldiuon of tWO rop-of-the-line boals 10 La Salle's fleel, Tilt DOI1'd Ditbl. seating the \'arsll\"-8. and J/" errll PamllJ. seatin~ rhe midweighl8 WIll certainh'lake bmh of Ihese crews, along WIth the J\'-8 and the second-S,.lll the way (() the :\Iedals Dock. These boats arc light and their crews arc lI1credibh fast and stron~. The Imensit\" IS through the roof, and the deSire \s seen In the sweal that dnps from the tired faces of the oarsmen aflere\"c'1 prncucc. \'\' I[h thcsc. and an cxpcnc.:nced coachin~ 'Haff 10 malch, spells a recipe for'iuccess. -"Row, La Salle. R()w~" - lll'Nt! Grrtn

The look of ~hcer dctcnnination is c\'ident on 1\dam Sasso's face, "So lllan) choices, <,() lmlc nme:'

"Look! \'\'e formed our own superboat!!!" The Crew Team endures yet another heckler on the SchuykilL

I ~1 ~~lk'~ \.1<1 chel:n"~ ,(,,,i,,"

Ur).!Y' (JIllhc


路'Slr.lwhern \1.111'1< on,lu:n: Wl:Cllme!"


jump on fhree!"

"II we hum, wc can reach the i~1aOO b~ RlAhtfaJl!"

~TU<Ir; 'btt 1..1~kl"I.-~ki ,100 .11m Green nt:' er fflfl..,'Cl If) pack Ihl'lr m()l~turi/cr,




The I J~:\t1c (.re\\ "!o-"m ,u~h prepareÂŤ fl.r II~ nt'\l 'hnm llick.

In Memoriam

Mr. Guido J. Cimini

Brother John F. D'Alfonso, F.S.C.

i'\o\"ember 23, 1931 - February 18, loon

October 15, 1937 - February 6. 2000 Received the Habit of the Christian Brothers September". 1955


Jonathan Masiak December 211, 1981 • July 9, 1998

Seniofs...OUf Time to Shine

For the lasI class of the "a/millenmum,the last four years have [0 freshman lcntatlon (no. we srill do not know the alma-mater,!. we were juSt is Qut ofgrndc :,,<:hool encountering a sea of new faces at La Salle.

.ssed within the blink of an eye. Thinking back

OSt ofus knew

\'cry few ofour (eUo\\' freshmen; but slowly. bonds that shared first pcnod algcbrnor Engh"h d'lss. Those quaimanccs made dunns; the first few weeks of school ha\"c "eloped lOW friendships, and over the pasl four ~'cars they ha\'c ~ formctlm

rbored a sense of unity among our senior class. Despite the joy of beIng able to go home :lfrcr fourth period causeofour "ovcrwhelming" senior workloads, a little picccofus

lotS The day lolast longer and we want to smy behind. La Salle has :>wn on us and we do not reaUy want [0 leave all ofour memories re. These memories are ours, however, and wccan carry them into latcverwe do next. ...as high school kids cnCOuntCrlOga sea ofnew :es in college. - }ohll Slrzl1lktl

(jood luck 110 Ih~ ti\ e-\l-:lr plan, P.lul!


Ben. what color would


like \ our new 1t\1\'\ Z3 to be?

u Salle tomball <cmors IntlmJd.lImg Ihe compcmion!

Another Mr. Wiley Experiment gone Terribly, Terribly Wrong This face is made up of fourteen unique graduating seniors at La Salle. Nearly one half of them are from Philadelphia, with the rcst evenly divided between tvlontgomery and Bucks counties, living in places from Ahington to Warrington.

Among these students are ten National Honor Society members (in-

cluding one officer), five National :Merit Semifinalists, cwo National Merit Commended Students, one Student Council officer, an

editor of the BIlle & Cold and Tbe Cazebo, the presidems of the Robotics, Mathletes, Respect Life, Forensics, and Photo Clubs, a wrestling team cap-

tain, and a kid who scored a perfect 1600 on his PSATs.

These seniors arc members of the Football, Tennis, and Rowjng teams and are lovolv with the LaSallian Service Corps, Band, Theatre, Mock Trial, Latin Club, Arnne: Imernational, WEXP, the IViI/enan, Science Club, LaSallian Youth, and Intramurals. n have been accepted to colleges such as La Salle, Notre Dame, Harvard, and GeOI Washington, where they will strive to carry out our LaSallian tradition.

Daniel Stephen Acker ,27 Seminole /\\'(:Oue enkintown, PA 19046

215) r9-2791

St. Hilary

_'lcrosse. Indoor Track. LSC, iADD, Freshman Mcmoring,

mramurals. W1=.XP ~Lrmlt .uolHttll:

Kairos 37-10 and 37-11 \Xnat liet: behind us and what h($ oeforc us are tiny mattc~ compared o wh:u lies \l.ithin us," - R:dph \X"aldo Emef'ion

Michael B, Albert ~ 31

Morefield Road PA 19115 H5) 698-2615 M:ltemlty B\?I lowling, Band ~il:l.dclphia,

Iaronlt MOmt:nl: \\""'~kends

One standing alone an be :ltt2cked :td defeated, but t\lr"O can stand back back ~d conquer, for time IS an 'if used u'ise1y:'

- .\IrseLf

Matthew E, Alben

Jason Patrick Ager 2330 Terwood Dme Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-5295 Our Lady Help of Chtisti:l.Os Football 11路12, Wrestling 9. 1ndoor Tr:tck 10-12, Outdoor Track, Pcp Band


f"tllXJn"ft .\fO',"N/:

Performlnp; in Do",n ) 路Pllkns "1 f 1 leave here tomorrow would rou still remember me?" - Ronnie VanZant

Terrence J. Alexander, Jr. 20 Downey Drive HOr'll1am, PA 19044 (215) 646-6205 St. Catherine of Siena Football, LSC, \X'restlmg. Tl':lck Fm",nk .\l0lflm1: Football tC2m \nnrung 1998 Championship "Some: of the v.'Orld's grel.lest feats \\~re accomplished by people nOI SOlart enough to know tbey were impossible!"

72 Grccnbnar Lane ~C\\,O\\'O.

PA 18940 (215) 504-2491 St, Andrew LSC, Nt IS, Student Council, Crew, Student Mentor, Ski Club

ril/'Ol7ie Moment: PIT "~I)'

existence led by confusion boasts mutiny from stern to OOw. Ah, but I ~"2S so much older then, I'm rounger than that now." . Bob Dylan

Christopher Charles S. Andris 4290 Tcr!'her Dri\路c Do}lcstown, PA 18901 (215) 230-7049 Our L2dr of Mount urmel Spanish Club, LSC. l...2crossc=, Football 9 Ftll'fmlt .llow",,1: ~s

''1be goal IS to be a poet and a carpenter - to be one who ]O\'es - to be one who works." - Nick Hexum, 311

Louis M. Angelo 20-'0 Counm· Club Omc

419 Sclma Street

DoyleMOU'll, P.-\. 189(11 (2151491.9862 Our Lad\ of \fount Carmel

Phibddplua, PA 19116 (215) 969-2"69 51. ~hcl=l urin Club 10--12, Spanish ('Jub 9, .\mnesty International, \\ ~ding 10 FllIYJrih .\lommt: Pep Rallies "Life W:15 metlnl to be 1i"ttLsou mUSt never rum lour back on life.'· EI~nor Roo~vdt

Brian Charles Bacher 231 n Willo" Brook Onve HuntIngdon Valley, PA 19006 St. Luke (215) 659-]514 S"'-lmmmJt ' Student Council 10, 12. Student :-'fcnlor II, l.SC 11.12, FflTMlt .\f&llwftl: MinlS "You PUi the happy in my nes..<;. You put the good tIm mto m~· fun. And it's <;() turd to do and ~ easy ro <;a\", bur sometimes you just have to walk a\\'a)" and head for the door,"

- Ben Haq=

Anthony L. Arnone

Gilbeno Aponte, Jr.

-302 Hiob Road Philaddplua, PA 19128 1'215) 482A130 lmmaculate Hom. of ;\l:a.n

Theaue, Socca" 11,l..SC 12 FillMlt M(}!1mlt: Tk J~ "life, it seems, ,,;11 fude away drifting further C\-ef}da\- ~ting 10S1 \\o;thin m~ sdf, and nothing c1!ie matters." • \Ictalli

Benjamin Harrison Bailey III 1-'17 West Suub 5tr t Pht12ddphia, PA 1914U (215) 324--5984 Football, SAOO FotVIfi« .\Iommt: \'\"inmng the uthnlic Le2gue Tide In 1998 ·'Behold the uncontrollable J keep the whole "-odd m dnma." ~ ~lic Gcr.mimo

Kevin Patrick Baker 4-13 Frost Lane Doylestown, PA lti901 (215) -94-0374 Our Lady of \Ioum Cum I Soccer(Capum). S:\DO to-12,

Baseba1l9, LSC 10.. 12 Furorik .\lolllnll: School bem~ ~dled bcc:1u of rain ·'\'ralk on, ".-alk on, "';th hope U1 hean., and )-oU'U nt:' er '\\".llk alone. - The Kop, Li, erpo


Edward Michael Baraniewicz


J. Barile IV

104 Tabor Terrace 'hiladclphia, PA 19111 215) 725-9116 St. Cecilia .occer I told my dad 1 stopped raising hell nd he called me a quiuer." - A \'Ilinston's Pack of t\latches

7904 Cadillac I.~ne Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-2387 1mmaculatc Hean of Mary Football, Wrestling, Baseball. LSC FQI'Onft i\!olJltflf: Winning the 1998 PCL FOOlbalJ Championship uDo not Cty because jt's over. rather laugh because it happened."

Alexander B. Bethke

Timothy J. Black II

569 Trumbauer Drive :;Ienside, PA 19038 215) 233-9315 St. Ge.nevieve neatre, Band, Photo C1ub(V.p), BINt ::--Go/d 10-12, NHS, Tennis 9路10 :'aL'Onlt MOlJlml: Doing sound & laying basketba.lI after Stage crew At the a.ge of six I wanted to be a ook. At seven I wanted to be Japoleon. And my ambition has een growing ever since." - SalvadorDaJi

12330 Medford Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215) 632-3848 SI. An~em Football, Wrestling, NHS l-al'Onlt MO"'e!lt: Winning the peL Championship in football. "Always believe in the abilities of )fourself and others, especiall)f in difficult rimes:'

Leon Matthew Beon 9003-A Ayrdalc Crescent Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-9003 Our ~Iother of Consolation Baseball, I ndoor Track 9-10, 12, LSC 11.12, BI1/t & Gold 12, Football 9 Fot'On~t MOll1t11t: Receiving the "Best of Show" Award "Living n:lture, not dull art shall plan my ways and mle my hean." - John Henry Cardinal Newman


Andrew Blank

7968 Summerdale Avenue Philadelphia, PA 191 J I (215) 742-4038 Rcsurrt:cciOI1 111Cltlre 11路12, Lab Assistant, Forum 10-11, Mathlctcs, Robotics Club Fat'Oritr MOII/tnl: Closing night of

Midsm"",rr Nights DJT(lm "Come on baby, don't fear the reaper, baby take my hand, don't fear the reaper. We'll be able to fly, don't fear the reaper. Bab)' l'm your man." - Blue C)'ster Cult

Douglas M. Bohardt 92 \'-rule Swan \'{'ar Lan~home, PA 19047 (215) 968-9418 51_ Bede Ski Club, Ba..~ball 10, Golf 12, Intrnmurals Futym/r .\I011Nnl: The lunch period when rune phu~ \\'ere broken Juruor

Year "Only dod






Stephen John Bolger, Jr.

William Robert Bonner

2120 f lorscshoc Road W'amngton. PA 189;6

1806 '\lifflin Drive Lansdale, PA 19446

(215) 343-2578 5,- Roben Cross Counuy(Captain}, Indoor

(610) 584-5256

Trnck, Tt:l.ck and Field Fal.'Dnl, .\I()Mtnl: Prom "Be who )OU arc and say u'hal you fed, beau~ tho'<e who mind don't maner, and mo"C who m:mer mind."

Indoor Track(CaptainJ, Track and Fidd(Caplain). lru/,riII" 11-12 Ftt,'rm/, J/m"rnJ: \\inninR the 100001 Tt:l.ck Champ~ Juruor y~ "Anything that I have donc= Ihat was u1OJ1U.td,- wonhwhi1c . initialh scared me to death."


Corpus Chris Cross Country 1O-12(Capt:un),

- Da"KI BrinkJe

John Allard Boring 1II 525 r".25[ Third Screet unsdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-9162 St. Stani!il:m'l St<lp;e Crew(Construction .\lanagcr), \\'restlin~, I.sC, CrC'l\' 9, Soccer 9, Fishing Club rtllfJn/t Mo",eul: Kairo~ 37·8, HOI" 10

Jllnttd in 8PI;l1rJS [Wllboll! 'Valfy T IJ;"~ "\\ 'herever you arc; be there' - R."'\lph Waldo Emerson

Stephen Patrick Boyle I ~1e2dow Lane Richboro, PA 18954 (21.5) 322-1343 St. \'incenl de Paul

RC<ipect LiCc 10-12, SADD 10-12, Gennan Club 10· 12, Soccer 10-12 "Do nor w> where [he path may lead, go lnstead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph \\'a.ldo Emct"On

Thomas M. Brasbergef' 1163



Lansdale, P \ 19446 (215) 368-8068 51.. Stanislaus Crev.-, Football 9, Laun Club 111, SADD, LSC. Spanish Club 11, l'.~

Fownl, M()lumt: Open gym basketb:tl "If you 53W twO guys named Hambone and AiPPl, which one would you thmk liked dolphins the most? I'd say nippy, wouldn't )"Ou? You'd be wron~, thou~h. It's Hamoone." - Jack Haode}

Patrick Michael Breen-Lopez

Jeffrey Drew Brelsford

Daniel Aaron Bridy

,12 Plymouth Avenue )re1and, PA 19075 215) 886-8693 Holy Martyrs

27 Franklin Avenue F1ourtown,PA 19031 (215) 836-2324 51. GcncviC\e

..sC, IncramurnJs, Band,Japanese


:lub 10, Crew 9


of sound and fury, signifying nothing. - Shakespeare (Mocbtlb)

130 I Edgewood Road Havertown, pA 19083 (610) 446-6036 AnnunCIation Bnl Respect Life. L-lSallhn Youth, Amnesty Intern:ltIonal, SADD FaL'(mlt Momml: L1S1 day of school "I'd uke to be buried Indian-sl}'lc, where ther pUI yOll up on a high rack. above the ground. That way you could gt"t hit by meteorites :md not even feel ito" - Jack Handey

Sean Joseph Brooks

Kieran Brendan Patrick Beyers

':atvm't( ,\Iolntf/I: Graduation


.,riring the final answer of the last inal exam before summer The man who goes alone can srnn oday; but he who trnvcls with nather must Wail tiU that olher is eady." - Henry David T1,oreau

Ryan Graham Brogan

0885 Crestmom Avenue lhiladelpbia, PA 19154

215) 637-3911 )ur Lady of Calvary :rcw 9-10, Stage Crew, LaSalhan routh, Band, Pep Band 'If there is a fork in Ihe road, rake ." - Yogi Berra

MO!lltlll: K..: lios 37-9 «Life's bur a walking shadow, a poor player that StrutS a.nd fretS his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiOl, full

124 Kirnberly War Hatfield, PA 19440 (215) 721-3241 $L Maria Goretti Band(V.P.), NHS, Swimming 10-11, German Club. 1f'?;.rlenflH 12, Respect Life, Theatre 11-12, Amnesty International, Crew 9, Cross Country 9 FOl'ori/~

A1ollle1Jl: Damn) imletes

"You may sa}' I'm a dreamer, but I'm nOI the only one, I hope some· day )'ou'll join us, and the world will be as one." • John Lennon

735 Bell Lane ~Iaple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 628-0952 St. Alphonsus Swimming, LSC, Inrramurnls AJomml: Bus ride to Virginia "It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man." - Jack Handey


Anthony E, Buonocore

Ernest R. BurreU

David W. Bustard

2009 Spring ValJc~' Road Lansdale, P.\ 19446

507 Cupcn Road \'('ilIow Gro"c, PA 19090

559 Acorn Street Philadelphia. PA 19128

(610) ;84-P16

(215) 657-2361 St. Da\路id Baseball 11-12. Soccer 11-12,

(215) 483-4248 Holy Family

Corpu'\ (hnsti "In the orne (If chimp:mztt 1 was a monkey:' - Ikck

Imrnmurals. l..5C

FatMlt lHol/MII: Sophomore year

Fan,riu .\!()Ifftnl: Snow daY's and eart)

tnp to


"Being right means nc"er haVing to say you're sorry." -Vernon "lU1j


life brings bnng it on."

Roben Stephen Byrne

~, ~





Thomas Reynolds Calahan

353"" Tudor Strttt Philadelphia, P.\ 19136

Z767 "lill Road

(215) 332-8258 Sr. ;,\latthC\\

(215) 794-8769 Our Lady of 1\loum Carmel

SADD, Cross Countr)' 9-10 f'-awnlt MOINt/ll: Open gym baskctbaU "Life is temponlry and spending life questioning life il'i a waste oflifc." - fro:! Dum

Soccer, Basketball 9. Football 12. Track 9-10. LSC 10-12, NHS Fawnlt ,'l-/ofIJfIIl: Roughhouse "Even if you're on the right path you'll get knocked off if you jusl seay Ihe~.'路 - \,(~ill Rogc:n

Doylesto\\ll. PA 18901

Kyle Kerrigan Callahan

41 0 HoU~' Knoll Dri,'e Churchville, PA 18966 (215) 322-5284 I. Vincent de Paul Football, Baseball, S.\DD, LSC pmwile MOI1lOlI: Winning '98 Football Championship "\'(Fe mar not have been the smartes guyr. on campus, and maybe we spent tOO much lime hanging off balconies, but we had fun." - TOI1lI1t'f Boy, Chris Farley

Daniel D. Callan

Michael Andre CaUan

Powder Hom Road on \'fasrungton, PA 19034 ,10) 941-6938 St. Philip !'Jeri OOtbaU 9, Spanish Club, Ski Club )-11, Freshman Mentor 11·12, '\DD 10-12 'Jl'Onle MOlNtHl: Kairos Josing time, e....ery new beginning >me5 from some other begjnning's Id:' . Senusonic

4524 '\litchcll u"c t Philadelphia, PA 19128 SL Mary (215) 482-500 NI-IS, Spanish Club 11-12, Outdoor Adventure Club 11·12, LSC 11-12, Baseball Manager 10 f'nt'Onte Alollltfll: Kairos "So close no matter how far couldn't be much more from the hean forever trustmg who we are and nothing else matten." • Metallica

fotonlt MOIITtIlI: Peeling out of the parking lot ~ery Friday "'f}'ou feel that)'ou can't goon, in the light )'OU will find the road." - L<d Z<ppelin

Stevcn Patrick CancUa

Zachary Ryan Capctola


Havilland G, Campbell

Devin Patrick CampbeU 1809 Hennessey Dove Southampton, PA 18966

(215) 953-0215 Our Lad)' of Good Counsel

Hockey, NHS, WEXP 10·12, Amnesty Inremational11·12

3 l\lmtin L.1nc iladelphia, PA 19118

2151 Disston StreCl Philadelphia, PA 19149

188 Victoria Court Doylcstown, PA 18901

15) 247-7253 ockey 9- t 0, Cre\\'


(215) 230-9352 Our Lady of ~Iount Carmel

'lKJrilt '\/0,,",,1: Kmros {'eU, what can I say. I gnadu:ned, .: O\"l~r, I did it, I know most of you ~ sa};ng. 'He)' an)' idiot could do ~t,' "'ell it "':lS rough for me, so BiU" Madison ck off." 4

Our u.dr of Ritnsom FIl,'Orik Momtnl: Snow ball fight in the parking lot after school. "A problem is only hard if you think it is hard, I f you bel~ve in your mind that }ou can't do it, then }'ou're gi"ng up before }'ou cyen tl)'," • Dennis Bloh

Baseball 10, Football 9, 'f-! , Spanish Club (president), LSC, "AU around the world we could make erne, rompin' and a stompin' cause I'm in my prime. Born in the nonh And sworn to entertain ~'2, cause I'm down for the st.1te of Penns)'h'ania,"-Rcd Hot Chili Peppers

Joseph Cardella 663 Hendri>t. Srrc"ct Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 969-8473 SI... Christopher [-"aIVin/r .\lo11lrn/.- Open g)"m basketb:lll ""nether you think you can or ~"ou think you can't - you are nghL"

- Henry ford

Daniel Bernard Cassidy, Jr, 82"'" Green ValJey Drh-re Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483·5905



of ~Iarr

Joseph A, Rocko Carminati

1360 BirchwoOO Avenue Roslyn, PA 19001 (215) 657·7133

St. John of the Cross Indoor Track. Tt'2ck and Field, LSC, Jap:&nese Club 11 FarM/f .\fflllW"t: \fr. Bernie

\lcCabe 'e; l:.nglish Cbss ·'If I leave hen: tomorrow, \\-'OUld \"01,1 still remember rm=:-" - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Paul James Carroll

1163 Gwrneelale Way L2nsdale, PA 19446 (215) 855·8014 Co,!,u, Ch,;, Band. Theatre, '" f-1S, \X'EXP 11-1.2, Bike Oub 9·10, Gaz<bo 11-12 ronmlt '\/0IM1tJ: JUSt Jxocause musicians an: put Inro a pit doesn't mean they can'1 have :I gmlt rime,

"Know wh:lt \1>U 10\(': 2Ild do ",,·ruu rou Im·e. If vou don't do ",,"hat you lon~.

icholas Gregory Ciminera

... Suzanne Court Jljchbon>, PA 18954 (215) 95).7557 \'\'artlunster Pre~brterian

you're lUst ""3Sring your time:' - Billy Jo

Ryan John Ciolli 824 Green \'all~" Dmoe Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-4274 Immaculate Heart of Ma.r)'

Japanese, Gaming Club

Hocke~" BasebalI9('Mana"~r),

FUJ)()ri/r MO!l1Nl/: Recchoing the Excellence A\lo't\rd for Jl1panese "1 always cleared impossible hurdles before JUSt by concentrating because I


didn't U-<lnt to lose ret. But who's to blame when u's not the best that I canachie\e?" - Tamut'2l':aomi

Fm'Onlt Mon""I: Prom after-pan)" '~I

feel no curiosity, I see the path ahead of me. In a minute 11/ be fr~ and we'U be e;plashing in the sea." - Phi

Peler Andrew Clark

Manan Circle ulfom, P.\ 18914 St.jud~ 15) 822-8214 door Tmck(Capain), Trllck and eld(Captain), Cross CounU)' 11-12 nvril, Momtltl: Cross Country, "ack and Field Championships f you can fmd meaning in the iSurd pastime of runninR, maybe ,u can find meaning in another surd pastime, Iif"." • \'(ithoUl umits

ErnestJ. Congiliando III 8 jem Drive

'pie Glen. PA 190025) 643-6898 SI. Alphonsus

EXP 1'Ot1lt Momtlt/:

Junior Year Promotion 1 this tife the ani)' guamntce is that [ time on this Earth is shan. :ver miss a chance to follow your :ams. Otheru;se, what are we it for?"

And.rew B. Cornia

Paul David Colistra 8330 Cedar Road Elkins Park, PA 1902""

(215) 635-1245

950 Caledonia Street Philadelphia, PA 19128


(215) 48P631

Football, \'\'restling 9-10, Lacrosse.

lmmaculatc Heart of :\Iary


l..SC 12

Fawnk JlolNfa!: \X'inning

PCL Football Championship wtth great

Fatvmlt ,\10m"'!: Trip to Ne\1,' York to see RiIg,1i11lt

guys in '98 and festivities afterward. "It is not what you know, it is how you feci. Don't worry about being right, JUSt Ix real:' - PjC

''The greateH pleasure in life is doing what people say yOli C:l.llnOl do." - Richard Bach

James Francis Conlin IV

P. Matthew Comely

3016 Fanshawe Street Phil:adelphia, PA 19149 (215) 624-8180 St. TImothy \'\'E.\Jl. Bane), Chorus 11-12, :\Iock TnaI11-12, The:auc t 1-12 Fat'Onlt .\loR/tnl: Senior Year "I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my b:ack. I've Ixcn everywhcre and still I'm standing in time. I\'e seen a million faces and I've - Bon jO\1 rocked them :all."

1.309 \,\'yng:ue Road Wynne\\'ood, PA 19096 (610) 896-058" Presentation BV~I \\'E.XP. Ir'u/tnan 11-12, LSC 12 Falvrilt ."IOR/ml: KaJros 37·10 "\\fho's on first? \'('hat's on second? I don't know, THIRD BASE!" - Abbot & CostellO

Michael Brendan Cosgrove

2205 l\l.ichener Street

1906 Hcmlock Road F1ounown, PA 19031

(215) 233-4173

St. Genevieve

Cross Country 10, \'<'resiling, Student :\lemoring I I-I 2, Juggling Club 12, OUldoor\d\'enture Club 11-12, \lathletes 12, :-.iHS P(/I'f1n(t .\1t>Mmt: When Turk ate the whole Chap!ltlcl.. "Death is not the greatest loss In li~ . The greatest loss is what die~ Inside of us while we li\.~" -;;...: Cousins

Christopher Michael Curci 16 Gol(yje\\' Road Do)lcsto\lo'O, P,\ 18901 (215) 348-4192 Our L.ady of 1\lounr Cannel Student Council (Vice President), Hockey, WEXP 12, Football 9.11, Theatrc, Chorus 9-11, Track 9, NilS "I f we all followed other peoplc's footsteps nothing new would ever be di~o\·ercd."

Anthony M. Costantino Philaddphia, PA 19115 :\Iatemity BV~I (215) 676-5441 NHS, :\Iathletes(president), \'("E..XP, Baseball 9 , Robotics Club, BINr & Go" 12, Tenni lo..ll,l.SC "'inmlt .\10,,""1: \!athletes

"Ad\;ce is a fonn of nostalgia,

Matthew}, COSICUO 325 Carpenter Lane Philadelphia. PA 19119 (215) 844-8880

Band ''Because the ba~ arc a1wars open and the rime is atu"llYs ri¢1t, and ir God's good \\'ord goes unspoken the music ~ all night." - Subli

dispensing the paSt and recyclin~ it for more than it is worth." - ~""J' Schmich

Joseph John Cunili .305 Br...an Street Havertown, PA 19083

(610) 446-8957 Sac=! Hca~ Indoor Track 9,10, Cross Country to, Track and Field 9-10, Amnest)' Inrernntional, Respect Life 11, LSC, Lasallian Youth, Mock Trial 11-12 "What' is this talk or death? God knO\\'S well that a soon as you ellt this fruit your eyes will be opened, and )"ou, \'ourseh·cs will be like gods, knowjn~!,'OOd and evil" - Genesis




8014 Bridle Road Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 742·3572 St. Ce4 Football, Basketball, Student Council t 1·12, Baseball 9 FallOnft MOfht1lt: 1998 Football Catholic Leaguc Championship "Lire's battics don't always go to t stronger or faster man; but soond later the man who wins is he man who thinks he can,"

Nicholas DeUa Vecchia


Thomas joseph Devlin

So quick to judge )ld people don't need companion6p, they need to be isolated and !Jdied to S« what useful nutrients n be obtained from them." - Homer J. Simpson

2472 ~orv.'OC:Xi\\·cnue Roslyn, PA 19001 (215) 885-9514 SL John of the Cross Cross Country. Track, Ski Club, German Club 9-11, NHS Fa/'Onft 1Ilommf: Running camp "Believe in e\"ctything until it's disproved. It all e.-USIS, e\"cn if it's in your mind. \\no's to say dreams and nighunarcs aren 'tllS real as the here ll.Jld now. Realit} 1ea\,CS a lot to the " John Lennon imagination:'

Kevin Edward Dolan

jason Robert Dooney

Broad Street resher, PA 19025 15) 542-9736 St. AJphonsus ;C, Intramurals,Japanese Club 10" Outdoor Adventure Club 12, mncsty 1m rnationaJ II ll'Orilt A!omrnl:

40 Midvale I\venue ladelphia, PA 19129

15) 848·5787 St. Bridger !Sketb:ill 9-11, 5rudem Council 10, lSC, Cross Country 10-1 I, I()tba!l 9, Crew 9 'J,lJfiJt MOI1It1tI: Nuros be answer, gendemen. is thou \\"(: ~ here, that life exists. The power· play goes on, and )'ou may ntribute a \"erse. \Xnat will )'Our rse be?" - Dtad PotlS Sodt!>,

136 Brownstone Lane Horsham, PA 19044

(215) 957-0825 St. Catherine of Siena ThC!2tre, W"EXP 10-12 Fm.'Ofilt MOIJltnl: The 1 met m)" best friend "Learn to bow and rou will stand In raul' full height -le2m to have nothing and rou ",ill ha\"e eYer)'thing." • Tao Te Ching


Dennis joseph Dilks 1381 l-IC!2ther Ridgt" Dm"c Ncw"town, PA 18940

(2\5) 860-2260 St. Andrew

Christopher james Dougherty 8409 Ardlcigh Street Phil:tdclphia, PA 19118 (215) 247-2547 St. Genevieve

Footlxill, Baseball. Student CounciJ(president), Wrestling 9-10, NHS, LSC 10-12 FallJn"e Jlomelft: PeL Football Champlonship; Being President "Some people take the high road, others take the low road, I make my own road." • C. Doc

Craig Andrew Dougherty 2600 Eberly Street Illubow, PA 19040 (215) 674--0691 St. David Football, BIlle & Gold. German Club [ I, Baseball 9 Fnl'()ri/f Moment: "Alama Colistra" coming out for the Thanksgiving Day Game Pcp Rally "The obicci of war is nOt to die for your country, but make the other poor sap die fot his." ~ George C. Patton

James Anthony Dougherty 15 Timothy Drive Ivyland, PA 18974 (215) 355-8054 St. Vincent de Paul

Kevin Brown Dougherty

Philip Andrew Dougherty

8409 Ard1eigh Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 247-2547 Our !\Iothet of Consolation Football, Swimming. Lacrosse "Your choice is who rou chose to be and if you're causin' me no harm, then rour all nght with me. If rou don', like my fire, then don't come around cause I'm ~nna bum one down." - Ben Harper

900 Longfield Road Erdenheim, PA 19038 (215) 233-5580 St. Genevieve LSe, Cross Country, Inrramurals r-al'()rite Alomtllt; Trying to find a working computer ""d rnther laugh wirh the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners arc much mOre fun." - Billy Joel

Joseph Michael Dougherty

493 Sunnemeade Avenuc Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 672-4799 St. C} Band, Gennan Club, Science Club, \X,'E..XP, Gazebo rnl'()nlt MOJllfflt: Having Mr. Berni( J.,lcCabe for English "The most wasted dar of all is that on which we have not laughed." - Sebastien Roch Nicholas Chamf.

Sean E. Dougberty

5950 Loretto Avenue Phihdelphia, PA 19149 (215) 537-5869 St. Martin of ToI Lndoor Track 9-10, WEXP 10, I.sC 11, Freshman Mentor 12 Fnj,'()riu Moment: Open gym "Take one's adversity. Learn from their misfortune. Learn from their pain. Believe in something; believe yourself. Turn adversity into ambi路 tion, now blossom into wealth." - Tupac Shal

Thomas Daniel Dougherty

8 High POInt Drive :burchville. PA 18966 liS) 396AI18 St. Bede .adn Club 9-11, Track and Field 112,Japanese Club 9-10, \VEXP 10 7mYm ir l\lollltfll: Field ChampionshIps Then what is freedom? It is the ....tiU ) be responsible to oursle\'es,"

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Laurence Frazer Downey 1225 Flctchl:'r Stlttt Philaddphia. PA 19125 (215) 634-5045 Freshman ~lentor, Wrestling F01I()n"tr i\lo!llmt:

James Joseph Durkin 8 Overhill Road edmore, PA 19003 110) 649-1842 St,John Neumann risterilm, CIJ:::!bo 10-12, Latin Club, ockCJ, LSC 11-12, ~HS !1lfJnte .HOl1ltRl:

Brother John's French 3(H) Class me gte:IlCSt accomplishment is not ne\'er falling, but in rising again tcr you fall," - Vince Lombardi

1640 South 13th Street Philadelphia., pA 19148 (215) 463-5557 An Club

2: I0

FfIt'On"tr Alol1lmt.

",'m slippin', I'm fallin'. I can't get

up. Yo I'm sJippin', I'm falJin', I can't

get up. I'm slippin', I'm fallin', I b'Ots to get up. Get back on my feet so I can tear it up."

Vincent T. Du

- D.\rX

L:1St days of school before summer "Expect trouble as an incvitable pan of life and when it comes. hold your head high, look it 5<luare1y in the eye 2nd sal': I \\;11 be bigger than you. You ornnor defeat me." - Ann Landen

Daniel A. Dwyer

Joseph Patrick Dwyer, Jr.

34 West Gravers bne Philadelphia,PA 19118 (215) 242-2374 Our Mother of Consolation rOlfJnU .HOINtnt: The day we broke eigtll pb.tes in the: caf 5'" period, "And we"U bask to the shadow of ycsteroar's triumph, sail on the s((:1 breeze. Come on rou bor child, rou winner and loser, come one you miner for truth and delusion and shine!" - Roger \'Vaters

419 Shoemaker Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 361-8646 Corpus Christi Band, Theatre 11-12, Crew 10-11, \XEXp 9-11, \'('resiling 9-10, Ski Club II, LSC 12 FOI'On't6,\lOmtnl:

Perfonrung in La Salle Thearre "Cowards die many nm<=s before thetr deaths; the \-aliant never taste of death but once." - Julius Caesar


Franklin Egan

8619 Evergreen Place Philadelphia, Pt\ 191 18

(215) 242-1522 Our r-.lother of Consolation LSC, Latin Club, i\1athletes FaLYIritt Alonlfnr. \xrhen the hawk flew down and ate the baby duck during i\1as~

"\xrhen your deepest moughrs are broken, keep on dreaming because when you stop dreaming it's time to die." - Shannon Hoon

David Patrick Ellis

5845 Belmont Manor Dri\"e Pipersville, PA 18947 (215) 766-0651 Our Lad}" of !\ lount Cannel Wrestling, Lacros~e, NHS, Latin Club, LSC,Juggiing Club "You know the day destroys me night, night divide.~ the day, tried to run, tried to hide, break on through to me other side." • The Doors

Ryan Patrick Fagan

William H. Fegley III

8614 Alida Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 673-3267 St. Hil:tl')' of Poitiers

1329 Gosling Drive North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-4517 St. Rose of Urna Football 9, Basketball 9, Intramurals, LSC, Crew 9.11, Spanish Club lO11, Fishing Club 9-10 FmlOrift M01llml: Open gym basketball "If you're robbing a bank and your pants fall down, I think it's OK to laugh and let the hostages laugh too, because, come on, life is funny." • Jack Handey

Forum, Philosophy Club(presidem), II:'isln71111, LSC rat'Oritt Momml: Forum Chicago trip "You think I'm licked. \'(feU I'm not. I'm gonna Stay tight here and fight for this lost cause even if this room gets filled with lies like Lhese. Somebody'll tiSlen to me:' • Air. Smilh GotS If) Jr'oshiflglon

Roger Joseph Ermola II 929 PattiOl Dnve Lansdale, PA 19446

(610) 584-4199 C0'1'us Ch, Tennis, \'ilEA" 10-12, 1\lathlctes 1: L'ltin Club 11 "Believe in yourself and you will succeed."

Ricardo B. Felix

416 Morris Road Ambler, Pi\ 19002 (215) 654-0749 Incarnation of Our Lord Hockey FlJL'Orilr MOllfml: \X-'inmng the Flyers Cup "The sky's the limit but I ain't done jumpin'; money's fast but I ain't de nlll.Oin'."

Roben F. Fehe III 680 Pionca Road latboro, PA 19040

!15) 672-8839

t.John Bosco ootball, \'('resiling 9, Track and field 0, NHS, Gennan Club 11-12, ~spect Life 10-12 If lOU wish rOut time au.<l)' now, u will look back one day and wish u neH:r ~'aSted it." - Bob Felte

Joseph Fitzgerald, Jr. 17 Jenkimown Road nside, PA 19038 5) 572路7145 St. Luke ross Counrrv, Indoor Track, Tmck ,d Field, \X"restling.latin Club ':llwi/~ .\to,,",,/: Pit \-olleybaIl \ll right stop what you're dolnR I'm about (0 ruin the unagt: me st}'le that you usro 10. I look nr but yo, I'm making. moncy see, , world I hope you're ready for e." * The Humpty Dance

Andrew James Filipczak 6 Teal Drin~ langhorne, PA t 9047 (215) 752-5502 Our lady of Grace Cross Country 10-12, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Freshman l\lcmor II, NHS, Band f'-ol'Onlt AfOlllml: The Pit Orchestra "1 sometimes may crash into the perilous breaken; / Dumped from a \\<ltef)' peak / But "000 I am back on the crest of a \Va\ e I Carving a bubbly strelk:' - The W"a\'e

Terence Fitzgibbons

109 Glen Drive

304 Bethlehem .'\xenue Fort \'('ashington, PA 19034

(215) 628-2355 S.. Joseph SADD 12, LSC 11, Football 9, Basketball 9 FaI'On"/~ AlofJmll: Thanksgiving Day foOtbaU games "I didn't mean to take up aU your sweet time, I'll give of these day'S."


nght back one * Jlmi Hendrix

Brett Thomas Foley

2750 Brendan Circle

Chalfont, PA 18914

(215) 822-5718

Carmen G. Finore

Willow GrO\'c, PA 19090

St. Jude

Forensics 9, Indoor Track 10, Baseball 10, Smdcnt Council 11-12,

LSC, Re"peet Life(Vicc*Pres.ident), SHS(\'ice.Pruident), B!N~ &GDIJ 12 I-or'OnIL Momr,,1: JV Baseball: "1 hope YOU guys drop dead." ''Teach ,"our children u'eUl" - Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young

(215) 657-1133 S.. D,,路id Soccer 9, Crew 9, Ski Club 9, LSC 1012, SADD 10-12, Golf 1012 FmYlfilr .\tqme"l: Kairos 37路10 "W\" 2J'e falling aU around, it's rime I was 00 my u'路ay. Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleal':lot <;tay. But now it's time for me to go. The autumn moon lights Illy way"... - Robert Plant

Michael Patrick Frank

·no Hendnx Street Philaddphia, P.\ 19116 (215) 6-3-8190 St. Christopher Soccer, .\lCC II, Intramurals hmmtt .\!tllttmf: Rippmg on \Ir_ Hans<ien "Your friend.. ,,;11 know you better 10 me fir-t minute vou mo=:t them than, our ,lcquamtanccs will know "ou m a thousand ~cars." Rich.a.rd Bach

Daniel Joseph Galbally 12 ,\uch, Road Erdenheim, P.\ 19038 (215) 233-5219

S.\DD, LSC, \\'~tli~, Fre5hman \Iemor

l. G~('\ien~


["(RT)n!I.\!o-.rJ: he<;hman rear

T-dav rootball Gmle "\\'hen lOU were: born, you cried 2nd the world fCJuiced. I jve ~ uur life in ..uch 2 wa\ that "..hen you die, the \lurid cnC5. and VOlt reJolce.'· Indtan proverb

Justin J. Fries 7448 Deyon Street Philaddphia. P.\ 19119 Hol~ Crm~ (2IS) 242-2583 TenniS 9, Latin Club 10-11, German Club 10-11 Fawn" JftNlft.H!: Opcn g.m Basketball '·1 don't know, bUI I know that I don't know. UO~'d Dobler

Dean M. Frizlen 4008 Francine Drive Hatboro, P.\ 19040 (215) 6"'4--9558 ~t. J"hn Bo~ Forum, LSC, BJJtt CoO Gold 12, Philo~phy

Club 12 FmfJnh Holltt"t: Graduauon •. J am ready to meel m\' maker, lc whether my maker is prepared n>1 the p;re3t ordeal of mectin~ me is another matter." - Sir \\ inst<>n Chure

Brendan Jameson Gales 23 t 5 Douglas!> Lane H2tboro, PA 19040 (215) 674-8811 St. David Tenrus, Soccer, SAnD, LSC f-an:l1ik .\fMmlJ: The \l-ater incident at soccer when Jeff got mad ·'Ifyou can ..pend a perfectly u<it:lcss afternoon In a perfectly u<,('1 manner ~'Ou ha\-e I~med how to til-e." un Yut:tng

Joseph Paul Gidjunis 4110 Da,-isnDe Road

Hatboro, PA lCX).4U ~215)


St.John Boc BlPt c.~ Go!.«Co--Editor-in·Chict), Tennis, Forensic5, GIl.;:tDo(Editor-in Chief). Wulmlln, Photograph\' Clul (p~idem), French Gub 1(1, \Iode l ~(f'ounder), Intramurab, 1be:a.m FOI:fJrik .HuIIN"I: Chillin' \lIth SaurJil JR, my pred('tt!i;<;()r, & aD the: Ouc '·1 don't are ",hal the people thin~ of m~ llS long as they think I'm oonest." mnor Barry Golrl\\"ll 4'

Kevin Philip Gimpel

Christopher H. Glavin

Jeffrey Allan Goettner

l1leaue, Respect Life,Juggling Club 12(Co-Presidenr), German Club, "HS, Chorus 12, ;\Iathletes 12 '=al'Ori/t ,UonJtnf. Mr. f:o-:d \lcCabc's ircshman year English cbs!; "To bear all cheerfully. do all bravely, l'\-ait ocC'lc;ions, hum' neyer. This is o be: my symphony." - \\-ilfuun Hen!") Channing

252 :\ldnn Driye Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 542-2310 St. Anthon} LSC. Amnesty Inrernational 12, WEXP 10-12, SADD 12, Lab Intern 12, Cross Country 10, Ski Club 12, Intrnmur:Us Pat'On/t .\lohltnf. \X'inning the PCL Cross Counm Championship "One d.ay the meek sh2U inhent the E.arth, until then the dysfunccion.al freaks rule!" - John Ilcnson

1427l\:onh Bethlehem Pike Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 643-1218 St. Anthony of Padua FoOl ball 9, Cn.'W, LSC, Band Pm'f)nlt Momen/; The breakin~ of the plates "We are the music makers, and we are the dre.lmcrs of the dreams." Willy \'('onb (Ezra Pound)

Thomas Golden

Bradley S. Green

James Joseph Green

3546 Brookvil.'W Road Pruladelphia, PA 19154 (215) 632-3425 "I can't complam but somnmcs I stiU do, life's been ~ to me so far."

8tll Preston Road Erdenheim, PA 19038 (215) 233-8945 St. GeoC'o'ieve 81m Gold 12, CrC\l,', An Club 1112, Theme 10, Soccer I t, Cross Count!)' 10, indoor Track 10

~20"'! H~h


:OUege\'iUe, PA 19426

:610) 584-5974


St. Eleanor

Liberty Road i:lkimi Park, PA 19027 215) 782-2080 )or Lady of Ransom Respet"l Life, S~ Crew :-ol!()nlt .\lol11m/: Senior year This space intentionalJ~' left blank,"




ralymft .\Ifl111m/:

First and last day of school "All men are more cone med to reco,-er what they lose: than to acquire ,\'1m they Jack." - Aesop

Andrew M. Grzybowski 487 Gerhard Street

PlUl,delplU" PA 19128 (215) 482-3950 St. John the Baptist Crew, LaSallian Youth, SADD, Science Club 9. Stage Crew 10 Flllton!r MonJrnt:

All of it

"\Vhen you ha\'e e..'{hausted all possibilities, remember this- you haven't" - Thomas Edison

Eric M. Grzybowski 487 Gerhard Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-3950 St.John the Baptist Crew 11-12, Science Club, Stage Crew 10- t 1, LaSallian Youth 10-11 "Look around and choose your own ground for loog rou live and high you Oy and smiles you'll give and tcars you'll cry. And all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be." - Pink Fiord

Alexander S. Guthrie 636 Eagle Lane L..'lnsdale, PA 19446

(215) 699-7306 Co']'u, Con Ski Club, LSC 11.12, Lacrosse 9

,....a L'()nft Mom",': Thanksgiving Da)' football games ''The most importlnt kind of freedom is [() be what you really an You trade In your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, ;tne in exchange, pur on a mask."

- Jim

Shea Fitzgerald Hagy

Robert B. Haney





8604 Hull Drive \~'yndmoor. PA 19038

1342 O<;bourne Avenue Rosl)'n, PA 19001

13 Birchwood Drive Doylestown. PA 18901

(215) 233-2077

(215) 659-2596

(215) 340-])<)45

Our Mmher of Consolation Lacrosse, Cross CounO)', LSC, Amnesty International "Some are born ",;th more some arc born with less so don't lake for granted the life we've been blessed. It's hard to understand and each one of us shall be put to life's test." - Ben Harper

St. John of the Cross

Our L'ldy of Mount Cannel Swimming(Co-Captain) Favonk i\!oHJm!: Kairos "Tired oflying in the sunshine slarin home to watch the rain, you are young and life is long, and thete is time to kill toda)' ... No one told you when to nm, you missed t!K' srarunggun .." - Roger Wate

Matthew Joseph Hartnett ~9

Harper L'me '>Jorth Wales, PA 19454 :215) 699-8090 St. Rose of Lima IJ/Nt & Gold 1Q.12(Co-Eduor-in:hief), Ga'fbo 12, BasebaU, Soccer 910, Indoor Track 9, Student Council 11-12, NHS, IVh/matl 12, Theatre 11. \f:lthletes 12,Imrnmurals r::avon"tt l\Jlomel/l: Kairos 37·12 'Try co realise it's all within yourself. '>Jo-one else can make you change." - George Harrison

Patrick Michael Higgins

104 Gilham Street )hiladc1phia, PA 1911 I 215) 728-5896 St. \\;'illiam -lockey, NHS ':ial'Ori/e Alomenl: Graduation The message I stress: to make it ,tOp your lessons, don't settle for less, yen the genius asks questions, be ;olteful for blessings, don't ever 'hangc, keep your essence." • Tupac Shakur

W. M. Bryan Harvey

Paul Frederick Heinsdorf

60 Houk Road Doylestown, PA 18901

8004 Winston Road Philadelphia, PA 19118

(215) 345-0549

(215) 248-1737 St_ Paul WEXP, Theatre 9·10, Crew 10-12

Our L'l.dy of J\tloum Carmel BasebaU, FootbaU 9, SADD FO£'fm"'t MORltI/I: Playing varsity baseball Sophomore year "I'd love to go back co when we played as kids, but things change, and that's the way it is." - Tupac Shakur

Patrick Michael Hildebrandt

''To be really mediaeval one should have no bod)'. To be really modern one should have no soul. To be really Greek one should have no clothes." - Oscar \X'ilde

David Walton Hill

6504 North 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126

246 Arlingham Road Flourtown, PA 19031

(215) 924-8793 St. Helena Band, If?hloion, NHS, Theatre, LSC P''''Ofitt AlOllmJf: Beating Ry:m in the championship footbaU gamc last )'ear ''It doesn't mattCL what you do, so long as )'ou change something from the way it was beforc you touched it into something that's likc you after you take your hand away." - Ray Bradbury

(21 S) 836-4455 Immaculate Heal1 of Mary Hockey, Crew 9-10, Football 9, Ski Club 11-12, Student Council 9-10, SADD 11-12, IntraOlurals "Come in hcre dear boy, h:n-c a cigar you're gonna go far, you're gonna flr high, you're nevcr gonna die, )'ou're gonna make it if you try. They're gonna love you." - Pink Floyd

Timothy p, Horgan

Brian M. Horgan

909 Scoua Road

-29 ;";orth \\ ales Road ~onh \\-ale.... P.\ 19454 (215) 699·8588 St. Ro!'e of Urm. Basketball, Intr.lmur:l.ls, S.\DD 12, l...acrmsc 9-1 0, Cro~s CouO[n- 9 "In order [0 be the be~[ on [he tOp; you mu~t flTht be the best on the bottom." Bi!!. Jack

Phibdelphia, P.\ 19128 (215) 482-1318 Imm:;tculatc Heart of Mal) LSC. Japane!'e Club ·'He who ic; not busy Iivin~ wh\:n he is young. is bu~w getting: old." • Bob Dylan

Kevin F. Hughes

Gregory Thomas Hylinski

9616 l:.dcn Halll.:ane Philadelphia, P,\ 19114 (215) 6.,2·3986 SL K:uhenne S\\inunin~ esc. S.\DD. Latin Club. Lacrosse 9 hm'n/r' \fo11tf1tl: ~pcndin~ all my period~ ~ttin.'C acquamtecl with \lr. WU2ck:rnd \Ir. Turner "You keq> on knockin' but lOU can't

"03 Pennth Place G\\·ynedd Valley. PA 1943" (215) 643-4198 SL R<nocofUma Swinunin~. Golf W-12 Fm'fJnk .\1"""11/: "Chen ten pbtes broke in the cafeteria last \ eu durinR Doe lunch period .. me: people look 2t the w.-'WI half empty. some half full I think someone drank out of It." - Ge()~ Carlin


come: in:'

Cheech :md Chon~

Jesse Scott Horstmann :'!O52 CouoU)· Club Dove DoyleslO"\\"n, PA 18901

(215) 343-13-1 St. Robc.'1 An Club. Crew 9- I0, Band. LSC

ranmk .\!Qllrml:

\\nen Rnb got a


ticket coming OUt of La Salle ''111e secret of succe~s IS s.incerity Once you can fake that, you \-e JtOI made."


Roman 1. Iwaskiw 11205 Jeanes Street Philadelphia. PA 19116 (215; %9-4llH SL JCK;aphat Gurmn Gub 10·12, S.\DD 10-12, LoS>!fun Youth 10, J.pan<'< Club F(Jf'f)nle .'luMmI: GraduaDOn "\'\1_ men make pro,-erb • but fool: repeat them:-Samuel Palmer

William Paul James, Jr.

Brian And.rew Jenkins

Peter H. Jenkins

613 Thom:as \lilI Drh·c. 'hiIadc.lphi2, PA 19128 ! 15) 482·2"01 :nmacul.atc Hean of \131'} :HS, Tenms 9-11. ,\Iock Trial II 2.\X"restlmg 9·10, Outdoor AdvenHe Club 11, Theatre 10 't1l'fllik .\fOJ1/ml: K2iro.. 37-9 ] love it when a plan c.omes to" ether." - Col. John "llannibal" Smnh

18 Hillcrest A,-enue Erdenheim. PA 19038 SL Gene'"leve (215) 836-1538 Basketball 9-10, Crew 9, W"is/Mm,9, SADD 12, Imrm1urnJs '<It is bener to keep you're mouth shut and let people think \"ou're q tool than to open it and temo\ e :ill doubt." - \Iark Twain

1221 Harrison Strt'Ct Phibdelphi" PA 19124 (215) 288-02""1 SL \lartin of Tours U'ultrion, lSC, l...:nin Club 10·12, I\.HS,japanese Oub. B''" & GD/d 12

Mark Patrick Kelly

Scott W. J. Kelly

Lee Dove Fple Glen. PA 190112 US; 643---1-946 St. "\lphonsus SADD tIl-l2, Cross Counm 9, pge Crew 9 'fII'Imle .\lolfl(ltl: ~s Irry not to become 2 man of success ut rather become a man of '"':1luc." Einstein

Fotwnlt .\f0l11t1tt: rtrSt mL"I:cr "Ifit Iook.sgood. you'll "lCe it. Ifu sounds good. youll h~ It. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But ... if ir's real. you'll feel it." • Kid Rock

Stephen Paul John Kettingcr

805 Glen Road jenkinto\\"O. PA 19046 (215) 5;2-5469 Immaculate Concepcion If'ismiolr, \X"E)""P, uun Club, Ga;rbo 11-12, Bou·ling 10

2928 Ddford Road, Rd #2 l\.orristOwn, PA 19403 (610) 584-1404 \1!'ltation B\r\l S~ Crc\\' 9, LSC, SWD t 1, Gesman Club, Respect Life 10.11

Fmw,ik .\1OH1m/: W:uchin~ If)'u Ltn-r .\ft. Sho." .\It, \\;th ,\lr. Puntcl

rides . ". and Kairos "\X'e call them the 'wunder yeaf"i' because we wonder what happened to them ... so, make it happen:' -Ste\"en TrIer & Domcnic Zarnpop;ru

"00 whatc'-er '·OU ""':1nl, :as long as it makrs you happy." - Aowercd l·p

FatYJn/, .\l0I1N1t1:


}e:tr bus




\1Jchael Kilderry 2229 Fauoce Sttea Phibdelphia, PA 19152 (215) 7224070 Resurrection of Our Lord 1..5C, Amnesty Intem:mona! "I am so smart, J am so smart, 8-m-r-t."

- Homer Simpson

Brien Vincenl Kivlen 117


Daniel loon-Yaw Kim I IO Shad\' Hill Drive Chalfont, PA 18914

4255 H Strttt Philaddphia, P.\ 19124

(215) 997-0519

(215) 288 0294

Korean Mission Church Tennis, LSC, LaSallian Youth, Respect Ufe 11·12, Intramurals,

Science Club 9, Band, Crew 11-12 j"fll'onir ,\[(NNWI: Getting kick«i out! of tht: College Counseling Cemer

Mathletes 10-12, Band, NHS Fa/MIt .\lemtnl: Kairos 37.11 "Be joyful ah\'2r~; pmy continuall}'; gilJt tha"ks III all rimlMS/U1Irrs; for this is God's ",ill ... knock U1d the door ,,-ill be opened to rou." • Bible

'The wish of an Immature man IS tc die for a noble cauSt", [he wish of a

Robert Stephen Klenk 2711 Broadway A,'cnuc Hatboro, PA 19040



PA 19075 (215) r6-0546

(215) 957-6362

Cross Country, lSC. Sragt= erev.: Fal'6nk .Ufmlml: In reh~on class, I to!'><.cd my bag OUt .,\;indo,,', went to tM bathroom, then \\-enr home. ··It'~ time to move on, it's rime to get Jo'tOmg, what lies ahead I lu..'c no U"2y of kno\l,'ing, but under my feet grass i~ gro\\·ing. It's urne to O1o\'e on, it's urnc to get going." • Tom Petty


Joseph Michael Kitchen



mature man l!i to li\'e humbl\' for a

noble cause."

- J. D. Saling

Jonathan George Klock 19 Jones Avenue Flounown, P,\ 1<)031

St. David

Hockc\' Fllwrik.\lfNfItW/: \\inmnJ,: thc Statt: ChamplI:mship "We'vc had tht: best time< to remember.. if only we couJd.."

(215) 8.36-4"'90 St. Gcncvlcv Cros~ Couotn·, Track, F(X}tba1l 9 rtJr0t7/I.\I/1AkIl/: The b!>t day of Junior~ear

''''Tbe ~tn~ of llieader is in his hwnility before God, not his eloquence before men."

Brian Thomas Kohler .42 Howe Lane aplc= Glc=n, PA 19002

15) 643-7610 St. Alphonsus ~t, Cross Country 9, ImramlU'llls 10, SADD 11-12, stflnl, ,\lOlltmt.

esc 9-11

It's all bec=n great,

wksgu)"! rou can't explore new lands mout leaving sight of the shore."

Christopher James Kriegner

dclplu" PA 19124 ) 289-4637 Hoi\" InnocentS I'd, FootooU 9, "finding 11-12, ~. 11-12

Thc= Pc=p rally whc=n . Flood wrestled the St. Joe Hawk pen yOW' arms and let me in, I t to shed this skin, I want to ead nt.."W wings." • Revellic=

';on'tt MO"ltnl:

James Kriegner

314 Columbia Avenue Trc=mon, NJ 08618 (609) 396-2380

314 Columbia Avenue


SLJoseph Crc=\\'

Tremon, J 08618 (609) 396-2380

Crew,Band FatlfJrik Montml: K2lros "I'vc= never let my schooling intcrfcre with my education." - Mark Twain

840 Cedar Ro:.ad Fox Ch Manor, PA 19046 (215) 663-5847 SI. Hila')Band, Bikc= Club 9-10, Bowling. Science Club 9·10 FOt'fln'lt MOHltnl:

G\'cry moment in Mr. C's band "In order [0 be succc=ssfuJ, you must take pridc= in your action, be: resptttro, and you can't havc= success

without a fc=w failures. Keep the • funk a1ivc=."

IUiros 37-10 " It takes a lifetime to build up and seconds 10 deslroy ilil"

Fol'tm!e Mo,,"nl:


Matthew Edward Laskowski

Geoffrey Alexander Lang

'3 H Strc=t:t



4226 Tc=Uy Lane Bensalem, PA 19020

(215) 245-9163 St. El.izalxth Ann $eaton Crew, LSC Fal'Orilf Alollltnt: Junior year, when everyone was throwing their plates and breaking them On the floor "If it looks good, you'U sec it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketro nght, }'OU1l bu} it, But if it's real. you'l feel it." • Kid Rock

Gregory J. Lepore, Jr. 4 j\lill Racc

Spnnghousc, PA 194T' (215) 641-1274 St. Ro~ (If 1...lma Student Council, Cross Country 9- 1I, Indoor Track, Track and Field 10-12, C1'e\\ 9, Lann Club 10, ~rman

Club, LSC 12 "J don't know a lot about Sf} Ie but I know a little about !N"2?J;t'f"

Michael Joseph Loftus II 9716 Glcnhope Road Philadelphia, P,\ 19115 (215) 698·9665 .\latenuty B\'~I Hockey Fm:,"," .\1t¥1tnl: Juruor Prom '·It'.. not the l<IZC of the dOf; In ~ ftght, but the we of the fight in the dog." Archie Griffin


Michael Venanzio Lombardo 523 Pax

n Lane

~homc, PA 19047

(215) 757·5540 Our Lady or Grace Baseball 11 12, Hockey, Amnesty Intemationaill-12 Fmrmlt }\!omtnl:

Making the bascball team "Celebratc we wiU because life is shon but sweet fOf ce.nain." • Da\"e .\lanhe\\:s Band

Timothy Joseph Long 2013 l...od~ Uinc Oreland, PA l~r5 (215) 836·2484 Student Council, lSC, Lacrosse, Soccer 9, Spanish Club, ~HS, lrl.llttian 9, SAOD, Intramurals "Lire is one big road \\oith lots of signs. Don't complicate your mind. Aee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don', bury your thOUghLl<; put your \"Ision to reality. \'(.'ake up and !i\'d" -Bob Marley

James Logan 1728 \'('ynsam Street PhiiadclphJ3, PA 19138 (1JS) 549-7644

\\""'EXP, Tennis, Cny:;s Counm: 9, Respect Lift' 11.12. 'fCC II, Law Club 11, Theatre 11 FIJl'fJti/~ .\lo11lmt: Reccn-in~


Scholastic "L" JunIor Year "In the end, the lo,-e lOU take is to the love )'Ou nuke." - Thc Beat


Edward Lynch, Jr.

tiS Overlook Avenue \'r2shingron Cnr.-~in~ P-\ 189-'" (215) 483-8934 5t. G Lacrosse, ::;ADD, l..sC. 'ICC II I "n!rJrilt Momml: GrnduatJon "He who laughs !:1st, probably doesn't get the jokc!' Chris roo

Evan Bruce Madden

) Lehigh Dri\'e ho1o, PA 18954 5) 322·1819 TrioJ{~' Episcopal lnd, l\HS, Soc«:r 9-11 'IJ'Ori/~ .\If)!Ntn': TIN StOll,!!

ere are 00 unlockable doors. ere are no unwionable \\':\rs. The e no unrightablc wrong:; or singable songs." . On}' Osbourne

Burnside A\·enue [~orriton. P.\ 19403 l) 539-6630 \'i..iuooo BY ~I D 12, Amnesty International 11Imramurals l'l(Jn·'t ,\lonltn/:

Getting kicked out of the library nt me the serenity to accept the ogs I cannot change; the courage to mge the things 1 can; and the am to know the difference"

George W, P. Madeira

602 \'('rndmoor Avenue

Anthony Paul Madonna III

\X'}ndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 233-092" KHS, Amnesf)" international, An Club, Hockey PflPOrilt MOMnl: \X'inmng the: ICSHL championsrup in quadruple o\·cnime in 1998-99 for V2 "Come as you are, as you were, as I want rou to be. As a friend. As a friend. As an old encmy." ~ Kun Cobain

808 ,\lonaco Drive \X'arrington, PA 189-6 (215) 343-4393 AO\ FlCld Robotics aub(Pr~idcm),Science Gub, .\lathletes 11-12, B/Ilt & CoM 1 t -12 piritual Ad\ isor). L'lSallian Youth, German Club 10-11, liS Fmrm·'t MOIl/tnt. Creating Fie1dism '1ust because some of us em re-Ild and wrire and do a little math doesn't mean we deserve to conquer the unh·~:· - hun Vonnegut

Kiel Andrew Mahlstedt

Patrick Corey Mallacb

436 Trappe Lane L1nghome, PA 1904"7 (215) 757·5419 St Ignatius Baseball 10, utin Club 9-10, German Club 9.12, lntramurals 9-12 "Clap it up for Bamiak sending Myles away'" John F. Keen

1125 Sweet Briar Grcle Gwynedd V:alIey, P;\ 19437 (215) 646-Q498 St. Rosc= of Lima Football 9, Baseball9-tO, Tennis 12, SADD 12. LSC 12 Fan»il, MOlllml: My first mixer and Mr. Grace's Class Freshman Year "If smoking is nOl permitted in hea\·en, I shall not go." - ;"Iark Twain

Anthony S. Manlapas 216 W. Kenilwonh Avenue PhiJadclphia, PA 19120 (215) 924-4561 St. Helena

Joseph Francis Mastronardo 2820 Edgehill Rood Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 659-3006 SL D,v;d Hockey, LSC Fal'oritl MO!HtlJt. Beating Atchbishop Carroll 2 to 1 in 4 ovenimes in the playoffs at lccline Gunior year). I made 50 saves. W/e then went on ro win the Flyers Cup. "\X'hcther you like me or you don't., learn to love me cause I'm the beSl thing going today." - Ric Flair

Brian Patrick Market 145 Pine Hill Road FcasterviUe, PA 19053 (215) 357-3657 St. Christopher WEXP, SADD to-12, Amnesty lntemarionalll-l2, Spanish Club9,12 FtJvori" AlOHlmf. ~1aking animal noises in library with Capctola and Andris "The world is moving baby, but you gotta just hold on. BUI sometimes. you can't just hold on. You getta just let it go. Let, let, let, let, let it go." - Aceyalone

W. Thomas McAllister 333 C Hennirage Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-3328 l.H.M. Soccer 1()'II, Stage Crew, Amnesty International, NHS, \'\'isterian 9,11 F(It'(Jrilt Momml:: TIN SfO/!7/

"\'iny? \'Vhy us for that matter? \\Thy anything? Bt:causc the moment simply is ... well, here we are Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why." • Kurt Vonnegut

Ryan Michael Mascio

1909 Teardrop Terrace Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 279-5189 St. P, Foren~ic$, Theatre, N HS, Science Club 9-10, Chorus, Respect Ufe, WEXP 11-12, LSC FtlIf)n'tt Mommt: All the musicals at laSalle, evcry day "I havc never seen a grcatcr monsti or a greater miracle than myself." - Montaic

Jonathan Patrick McCaffre)

516 East Mount }\I~t Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 (215) 242-9205 Holy Cro, Amnesty Intemation:a.l It ¡12, NilS Gazebo 11- t 2, Hockey 9-10, Stage Crew 11, Track and Field 10, LSC Fltl'Oriu MOil/tilt. E\"e~'thing

"Only in thelr dreams can men be truly free. Twas aJways rhus, and always thus \lo1]] be." ~ Keari

Michael D. McCann 1911 Barlow Street l»iJadeiphia, PA 19116 15) 698-.8820 t. Christopher ~rum. Ifulmmr 11-1 Z. \X"E..\."P 11~ 8/1« & Gold 12, l...SC. Football 9 nmt, MOMmt C>Jxn ~m InsketbaU ~othing generous about It. New lOwlcdge is the most valuable mmodity on eanh. The more we 'C of it, the richer wc becomc," - Kun Vonncgut, Cols CtuJIt

Paul John McElderry Erich Drive urch,;11 • P.\ 18966 5) 322-90)"' \ 'incent de Paul SalJian Youth. SCl~ CrC\\', \'(l:;;XP -12, Fl"cshman Mentor 11-12 wn~r MOHltllt. Kairos 37.10, bhcacion of The j'mu'll en are nor punished for their SinS b) them." • B. F. Skinner

Duane Charles McCarthy II 4024 Fairwa}' Road

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 825·5237 St. Phihp


Ryan R. McCort

417 Cambcl"lr Road Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 443.()238 SeJohn Bosco

Football. lacrosse, LSC FtlIM'/e Mo1ltt1tt: \X~mning Catholic l.ngue Ch2mpionship in Decembc:1" of 1998 '<Ycsterdar is but a dream, Tomorrow, a vision of hope, Look to this dar, for it is life," - Anonymous

Forum(Vice-PTe$idem), Philosophy Club 12, Latin Dub 10-12, LSC, NHS, B2nd rOIYmlt MOIJlm/: Going to Chicago with the forum. "Now bid me run. I And I \vill stnve with things impossible. / Yea, get the bettcr of them." - \X"illiam ShakCSpe2rt:

George Norris McFadden

Adam R. McGrath

23 C...ounu)"side Dri"e Do)'lestown, p,", 18901

(215) 345'()325 Our lad}' of ;\Ioum Carmel

Band Ftlnmlt Mommt. That time that thing

happened with all that stuff

800 ~laxwel1 Pklcc Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-6902 Corpus Christi Band, G~bo 11-12, l'\ f IS Fotl()n'j, Mom",/: Having 20 blast uith my friends at the Junior Prom "We li\'c but to discuss the teuor of life; God, how old we get and some of us go mad; everything changes • it's th2t vicious change. that hum. 2S soon a'i something I~ cool it falls apart and bums." • Jack Kerouac

Paul Thomas McGurkin

Patrick James McKeown

10 Ron2.ld Circle Oreb.nd, PA 19u-5 (215) 5'"'16-0842 Hoi) \Iartyrs Basketball, Crew 9, l.SC 12, Student Council 12. t\,HS

2802 GleO\;~' StTeet Phihddphia, P.\ 19149 (215) 332-756Our Lad) of Ransom Soccer, Baseball I0·12 lan:1~r). LSC, Sparush Club Fo,rf)rI~ .\lo!1ltlll: The hl'"it Pep Rally ·'E."pcrieocc is :1 demanding teacher: the test comes before the lesson." - Anonymous

FQt"Orik ,\{(illlml: KaJ~ r-8

"Dreams arc like fish, \"ou've got to keep 00 reeling:' G. Love

Andrew Law['cnce Meinert

Matthew J. Michel

2010 Richard Road \X'iIlCl\\' Gro\C~, P\ 190'90 (215) 657·~135 ~t. :\ndrew Cre\\', Band, C.ompuler ub \SSlStant FOI~rllr .\/OIfffltt The be1uciful spring :afternoons of junlOr \ ~ spent on the calm upper stmch of the Schu\ lkill. ";\11 that is me.101n~fuIl In life, is ne\'er truly I(}~t or g..incd ~ ithout tri2.l, tribulation. and pain,"

151 Hunt Dovc Horsh:un, P \ t <)().44 (215) 628-8836 SL C...atherine of Siena 'ADD 11-12, \\'rc:.thng 9-11. Football 9. l...5C 11 12, \'\T.·P II, Baseball FtlIvmte ,HOHlt,,/: Senior Year "It is bencr to light 21 candle than to ClU"5(: the darknes :' Chinc"C pn')\ erb

Matthew John McNamara 13T I...onphore :\venue Philadelphia, P;\ 19111 (215) '"'142-47"'7Resurrection of Our Lord Band hm'J17/~ .\lflnttnt. Band Gasses "In the right light ..rody occomes insight. But the system that disso:i teaches us to tead and \\ n . Socalled factS are fmud. They want u to allege and pledge and bow do" to their God." R.\l

Michael Jonathan Mieln' 135 Onhodox Dri\"e Richboro. PA Its954 (215) 364-3550 St. Vincent dc P Forensics, Cte\\", Band. It imn.m Fl11fJnle ,'{rmult/: \\Innin~ City Ch:unp.. J\"8 in ··'Come to the ed~·. he aid. They WeI, 'we ate afraid.' 'Come to the edge", he ..aid. They came, he pu"hed them, and cl flew,"


409 Cxbridgt=





\X'ales, PA 19454 H5) 699~6251 St. Rose of Lima

ADD ;£bc arust alone sees spirits. But fter he has told of their appearing to Un , cverybod\' . . see them." • Johann Wolfgang \'on (;o(-the

Shawn Peter


o Bea\'er Hollow Drive rrisrown, PA 19403 0) 539-5406 St. Paul uccess is obedience to a structured I}' of life. Can't i~ore that :ucture 'Cluse we're all \\;thin its ~t." - Opention I\'Y

Bradley William Moatz

Gregory Paul Molchen

736 Camp \\'oods Road Villanova, PA 190 5 (610) 687-6445 St. Kad,erine Science Club 11-12, N II:', Band, LSC, Sparush Club 10-12, Latin Club lQ.-I1, Intrnmurals 11-12 fimmlt ,\Iolllml: 9-()..99 "Set the gear;hift for the high gear of your soul, )'ou'\'C~: got to run like an antelope OUt of control." - Phish

5437 Vicans Street Philadelphia.. PA 19128 (215) 483-B040 St.John Baptist

Paul Anthony Muller

Jordan William Mulrain

472 Poplar Lane Lafa\'ene HiU, PA 19444 (610) 828-4267 St. Philip Neri L'lcrosse, Amnesty International,

SADD F-iu'Onl, .\lohNltt. Mr. Bernie McCabe's Class "In the \X'urior's Code there is no surrender, though his body says quit, his spirit cries nen:r:'

5281 Roger; Circle Plymouth ~Ieeting. PA 19462 (610) 828-2209 St. Philip Ncn Football, Wrestling 9, Respect Life 12 FO/Mlt .\IOll1tnt. },lr. Stanczak announcing no fOOlball practice. ''Then God, for whal~-er it \\;l.S \1:onh, thought He'd h2ve a bIg 01' patty: thoul¢lt He's call It Earth." - Bob Weir

Peter Naticchione

Chad Joseph M unn 120 Shady Hill Drive Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 822·3809

51. Jude

Wrestlmg. ucrossc= Wben all the plates in the cafeteria were dropped b)' people "Don't Ix a poser Ixcau one da) vou u;ll forget the~. Too bad I :otYJrlJt .\lfJI1ttnl:

you'~ JUSt

a rookie."

Austin T, O'Connor

220 Lcpont Circle Blue BeU. P.\ 19422 (215) 699·0227 Holy Martyrs Hockey, S.\DD, FreshtruUl ~fentor FatYJnlt .\flJ"W,,1:

Hockey State Champlonsrup

90(J O,de Line Philadelphia. PA 19128 (215) 483·2810 Imm:l.culatc Heart of Mary Ba'icball, Soccer 9, NHS, Student Council, Spanish Club, Outdoor Adv nture Club, Ski Club "I know and rou know I'm throwing a fastball .. The problem is, you're nOt going to hit it, and everyone else here knows you're not going to hit If. Jt'!! pure domination." . (urt Schilling

orth \X"ales, PA 19454 (215) 699-1801 St. Rose of un !" HS, Band, Cross Country I ~ 11, Indoor TClCk HI, TClck and Field Fm"rilt ,\lOIN nl: The man~ reaction

l<\\nen it's real, feelings hard to


lJTla~me all the pam I CecllQ\"e am'thing to heaT half your


conceal. can't

breath, 1lrnou: you're stillli\,n' your . Puff Daddy life after death."

Thomas Joseph O'Connor

329 South Fourth StTcet

Matthew Joseph O'Donnell 29o"'T




p,", 19001

(215) 657·J40i St.John of the Cros~ Science Oub, ~[athleles,~panish Club, latin Club, I...5C, SAnD, .\mncsty International r{II'(JriftMommt. End of Senior Year "Do or do not, there is no U)'."


my Cr::lzy p2!lts!

[00 short to be In a hole '>0 bust into your funkl t <.trolL Spac lang or so I Sln~ !l:ubu'ay to Venus

• The Red Ho[ Chili PepPi

Eric James O'Neill

2i 38 l"':orman Road Roslyn. P;\ 19001 (215) 657.7864 St.JohnofthcCI FlIt·(Jn/~.\lOnmtt: ,\Ie .&Od Dennis Stamon beating i\llkc Band Edd e...ery dar in ro:m class "\X:hat a long suange trip this has been." Jerry G

Patrick O'Neill

Nicholas Robert Onufrak

9 Concord Lane

.306 Tee Rood

':mUe)', PA 19067


tiS) 493-7928 t.lgnatius

Arpit R. Patel I Scrota Place l:iodelphia, PA 19115 15) 673-4530

IC rrorilL Mommt. Brother ~fichad Thai's clac:s )nly those who will risk going tOO 'can possibly find out how far one o go," • T. $. Elim

Hills, PA 19038 (215) 884---671 SL Gene\·ic\'c Wrestling, Football 9-10. Lacros 9, SADD 10, LSC 10 FUlYJriit Mommt. Kairos "Remember me now cause things aN."3Ys changt:. I laugh sometimes e\'cn when I f2ll,1 knO\\' 111 ne\'cr be the same, remember now 'causc things ah"1lys change," - TIle Bouncing Souls

Jonathan P, Payne 671 \'(nitricr Dri\'c \X'arminster, PA 18974 (215) 6-2-6226

Michael J. Parisi -18 Lawrence Lane Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 654.-8345 St. \'Cilliam Latin Club to-II, Amnest)' Imemational11·12 "Doing more thinb"S faster is no substitute for doing the right thing;-" - Stephen R, Cm-e)

Michael Francis Peffall 1 Sterling Drive Horsh:oun, PA 19044


Theatre II, Chorus 10·12, Forum 9-10 F"lYJrift Momrnt. Kairos 37-tO "Courngc: is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of tffi." - Samuel Clemens

(215) 646·2093 St. Catherine of Sien:t Student Council II, LSC 11-12, Spanish Club 11-12 "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tin)' matters compared to what lies WIthin us" - Ralph \,\'aldo Emcf'SOn

Nicholas PauJ PcnzareUa

David Joseph Petennan

William J. Phelan

9848 \'(lalley Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 677-6622 ~Iaternity BVM Crew, Wrestling 9,12, LSC, Outdoor AdvenrureClub 11-12,5ADD 11-12 rtwonlt AfOR/tnt: When Turk ate the whole chapsrick "We shall not ccase from explorarion and the cnd of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the plaee for the first time." - T.S. Eliot

588 West Prospect Avenue NOM Wales, PA 19454

560 Hermimgc Street Philadelphia, PA 19128

(215) 699-4056 St. Rose of Lima Wresding9,12, PhotOgraphy, Yearbook 11-12, lP'islenan 12, LSC 11-12, Outdoor Adventure Club 10-12 FI1t'Ofile MONfUlI: Mr. Molush's o."\ss "One who fears limits his achievements. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again. Take advanrnge of being able to leam from your misrokes." - Henry Ford

(215) 482-0658

Justin David Philomena

John Patrick Poley

701 Brushtown Road GwynÂŤld Valley, FA 19437 (215) 654-1466 St. Rose of uma

SADD 12, LSC 12, Footboll 9, Student Council 1 I~ 12 FDIY/nle MO/lNnt; Pit, "Kkk the voUeybail Meno" "Ride it hard, like a rock." - Chevy Tahoe

3270 Cedar Strect Philadelphia, PA 19134

(215) 427-2238 Our Lady Help of Christians Football, Ba~ketball, Crew, Student Council, LSC Fat'Oriu MOlJltnt. Being elected Captain of the 1999 FOOtball TC.W1 "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overnlls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Holy P,m

NHS, Forum, Larin Club 10-12 (G President), lI"itlt77nn 11-12, Band 910, Amnesty Intemarional Fal'tJlile MOHltnl: The Chicago and Phoenix trips for forensics "Now it used to be 1 ran to get where I was going.. .1 never thought would get me anywhere." - Forrest Gurr

John Paul Prega II

127 Sandra Avenue \X'iUow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 6574058 St. John of the er( Band, Intramurals 9 FOIYJriftAfolllrnf. Kairos 37-10 "If 1 had only one wish, only one demand, I hope he's not like me, I hope he undersmnds that he can ta~ this life and hold it by the hand, an( he can greet the world with arms wide open." - Cte

Andrew Puntet

Timothy Francis Prem 1209 Crease Street Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 425-5343

St. Anne

Baskclball~lanager), Bascball(~l:tnagcr)

FttlfJnlt .Uonuflt: Trip 10 Virgtnia


the basketball team 1<000'1 be conceited, be: com-inced." - Timoth)' Prem

7820 Queen Strttl \X'rndmoor. PA 19038 (215) 836-4861 Immacul:uc Conception Band, Chorus 10-12, Theatre 10-12, Wulman 10..12, LSC. Tennis, Flnhman Memoring 11-12. S"'1mming 9·

IO(M"""l;C'"). Spani,h Club Rap

ravorilt MONlmt: AP. L .5.

"The future ... A happy face, a thumpin' bass, for a 10"in' race. Pcaa:" • Soul U Soul

Michael Joseph Ramos 033 Sheaff Lane L Washington. PA 19034 215) 793-4070 SI. Philip Neri ~ockey9~ll, LSC 11-12. Wrestling , Spanish Club 12 ':a,mtt .\!MNIII: \'('jntet Formal E"er') neu' beginning comes from orne:: other beginning's end:' miSOnlC

Todd Andrew Rcckamp

9JJ Powderhorn Dri,'e Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584·5662 Corpus Christi Band. NH5 FotYHitt Mom"l: Junior Prom "Walk away. I'll be a parJ.de, and I'll be deteomne<!. tlut noon shall dissuade. On my \lo-ay. 11l uke my SWCCt rime, and bum all the bridges thaI I'm leaving behind." • Bad Religion

Daniel Patrick Quinn III 542 \Vig:ml Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19128 (215) 483-2186 Immacul:ue Hcan of Mar)' LSC. SADD 10·12, U7 islman 9.l.3nn Club 10-12, Intr:lmunls. NHS Fmvnlt .\!()I11tflt: Getting to mttt a 101 of new people and having new experiences "Life moves pretty flm; if you don't stOp and look around once in a while you might miss it." .. Ferns Bucller


T. Reiley

496 Sanger Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 722-8927 51. \,(/illiam

Leo Thomas Reilly 838 \ rrdale Ro:ad Philadelphia, P.\ 19128 (215) 482-9-69 Immaculate I-I~rt of \lnr)' Tenlli~. Science Club, Respect Life, ISC F/Jl'Onlt ,\lOlhtl/l:

The first mlxCt' of freshman year "\\;:110 cares ,,"'hal happens now. II's alrc:ad~· In the paSt."

Thomas D. Riley, IV 319 Te.nnis .henue ~onh Hills, PA 19038 (215) 887·4135 Queen of Peace: Hacke)'. Baseball 9·10 F(J/'Or71e .HOmtnl:

\X'inning tile flyer's Cup "If one advances confidcmly in the direction of his dreams, and endeavo~ to live the life which ht' has unagmed. he u-ill moo. with success unexpeeloo in common hours." H~'

Robert Stephen Sarracino P.O. Box 309 Bedminsler,I>A 18910

(215) "'95-2685 St. Agnes \X LXP II, Bike Club 9-1 n, Outdoor .\dvcnrure Gub 11-12, LSC, LoS>lli>n \'0"''' 11-12, &nd 10-11 MfJI1Im/; Jdlo eating contest '''T~ grabs you 1»' me: "'11SIS. dirttlS rou where to go. So make: the: ~t of lhis t.e51. and don't ask wh)". It's !"lOt a question but a lesson learned m rime" - Green Day


Aaron Richard Sakulich 101 Bedford Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-49B6 forum, G-anllng Club, Lmin Club, Theatre "Dar! is our brother, our brother OM!. Our brOlher 0:1[1 in ;I cage In Jackson where, his grimed hand" I);ng li~ht in the quiec interstice!!, Iookin~ OUI he fooms. Yes )"e-; )es ~1: yes:' • Dad Bundren, 19.1

Oa\id 1bor'elu

Adam Christopher Sasso P.O. Box 508 1004 Lorien Drive O.vvnedd Valley, PA 1943'"' (215) 641-1884

St. Rose of uma Creu·, Theatre, i'\HS "\b~'1x- I em't \\--in. M2)·be aU I can do is uke e:\ en.. thing he's got:' . Roch Balboa

Eric C. Savage 3121 Salmon Sireet Philadelphia, PA 191J4

(215) 423-027 8



Art Gub II Ft1I'OTJle J/omtnl: Gf2duarion "\'re 1i\~e together, \lo-'l: act on, 2nd mtct to. one another; but a.I'A-'"3.)'s an; in all orcumstarlces ~e arc b}' ourseh.~es." - Aldous Huxl

David Anthony Scali 1555 Oak Hollow Drive ~"pl< Glen, PA 19002

(215) 628路8903 Tennis, Amnesty Intetnational, Jap:lne~ Club II, Spanish Club 11 FfIt'Oritr A!o,,,mf. Graduation ''There is no escape and thal is for sure, This is the end we won't take any more, Say goocIbye to the world you Ii,'c in. You ha' e aJ\\'lI.rs bttn thinking but know you're giving." - ~Ietallica

Robert Joseph Schmidt, Jr,

Kevin Joseph Semanick

705 Phillips Road \'\'anninster, PA 189"74 (215) 674--3985 i':auvity of Our Lord Ski Gub, Soccer 9, Sragc Crew,

867 Yorktown Rood Lansdale, PA 19446

u.crosse 9路10

(Capmin), Tr.l.ck and Field(Caprain), Amnesty International, i\tathJelcs(Vicc President), NHS Fm.'Onlr MOllltnf. Sprinters Tradition and 1\lr, Roche's calc class, "Life is beliC\;ng the worst loss is nOI comJXting at all," - ~torade

PtIl'Onle 1\ 101lltf/t. Pil volleyball "We take risks llOt 10 escape life, .. but to pre>.'cm life from escaping us!"

(215) 368-"099 Cross CoUnlr'}. Indoor Track

Raymond T, Shay

Brandon A. Shepherd

Richard Allen Shivers, Jr.

109 Pebble Beach Place Blue Bell, I>A 19422 !610) 272-3841 St. Helena ~orum(president). lfu/mim, Respecl .,jfe 10-12(president), 81Mt & CoM, 11-12, \'CE..'\.rp 1I~12 Fottm/t' ,\lOnNnr:. The Other Day 'Man ....;11 occlisionall}' stumble o'路er he truth, but mOst of the time he ",ill >ick hiJn~lf up and oonnnue on." - Sir Winston ChurchiU

10 \'(!indy Way I...'lnc Doylcstown. PA 1890 I (215) 2304195 Our Lady of Mount Cannel "Life's battles don', at\\'lI.}"S go to the stronger or filster man; but sooner or later the man \\'ho wins is the man \\'ho thinks he can,"

9029 Eastview Road Philadelphia, PA 19152 (215) 4644282 S,.j=mc G~ming Club 10-12. \X'resiling 10-12


"'oJrmlt MOIII/nr:.

Ka.iros 3""路9 - Lh'e the 4* "A pe.rson who spellks cleverl) is witt)', ODe who asks questions is sman." - Terr)' Carr

Joseph William Spause

Joseph Blaine Spieker

Dennis James Stamon

3148 Colom- L:m~ PI~mouth :\leetinR. PA 19462 (610) 825-0974 St. Philip:-':en Srudem Council, \X'restling, Crew, l"HS, \\T_\:P 11-12, Thotre 11-12 FtJt'fJn/t .\lo,,""/: Kairos 37-10. 37-11 "The only true sccurit:) in life COfJ\C$ from kno\\'1ng mat e,·eryday )00 llte impronng yourself in som~ way, I don't WOtT',' about maintamlIlg the quality of my l.if~ because c"~r)"da) I work on improving it:'

3458 Eden Strttt Phihdelpm., PA 19114 (215) 464-616' "I'd ramer die on my feet. than he on m~ knee'i." - Scott ~tcGuine..s

645 ~onh Wales Road • onh \\....aJes. Po\. 19454 (215) 699-2431 St. Ro<;e of Lim: Basketball, Football 9, Tennis 9-10, LSC 10-12, :-'HS_ S.\DD 12

Christopher Staub

Stephen David Sterner

1542 East Cobblestone Grde \X"arrington, P\ 1897 6 (215) 491-1 WI St. Robert \Yresthnll:. LSC 10-12., t\.HS. Soccer 9 FaroriJt.\I~nJ: End of the YOI' "Relyi~ on otha!'i to car~ about what you do or sa~· i~ like relyi.n~ on others fex your own happlf1~s:'

FOl'fJnh- Momm/:

Recovmg rirst Honot "You can't aJv."aYs get what ~'ou wan but if ,"ou U} sometimes, you mIght find you get what rou need," • The Rolling Stan

1101 Cornell Dove Yardley, P.\ 1906"' (215) 2'1-2838 Respect Lif~ \X'resiling, Japanese Club "A man is not finished 'Ioh n he'~ defeated; he's tinished when he quits," - Richard ~l r-.;ixon

Ryan AJan Stevens 194 East Willo\\' Grove A"enue PlUladdpm., PA 19118 (215) 242-2340 Our ~lother of Consolation Hocke)' Fauorifp ,\tOMm/: \Ir. Bernie ~lcCabe's Sophomore I::.ngli<;h Clas "I(X)O/o of the ~hots you don't take don't go m." • W'ayne Grrtz

Thomas Adam Stieber 1405 Glen Echo Lane )rcsher, PA t 9025 215) 542-8319 iL Alphonsu! 'I'm the Latino that will take you to \''11" like AI Paclno, e\"en Deniro lDOU-"S not to g.unb~ In my casino." • Terror Squad

Eric P. Stix 825 Lauren Lanc Hatfield, PA 19440

3327 Almond Street

(215) 855-6646

(215) 425-1335

Forum 9~IO, Chorus, \v'EXP 10-12, ~ICC 1t, Theatre 11·12, Gaming Oub

time has come to be ~ne. And though our health we dnnk a thousand times, it's ~ 10 r:unble on " - Ud Zeppebn

Japanese Club 10-11, Amnesty Inu:mational, SADD, 811« & GoM 10-12, LSC 11~12, Model U 12 FO/TJnlt M(JJ1Imt. Bro, Mike's class "I f )'oU get a choice betw~n going to regular heaven or pie hea\"en. choose pie heaven, It m'S*n be a trick. but if irs not.,. mmmmmmm boy , , ," - Jack: Hande)', D"p Thoughls

Roben J, Sullivan

Sean Patrick Toole

3310 Tudor Street

115) 348-7098 )ur Lady of l\loum Cannel :rew, Ski Club, Band, Bllff & CoM 0·11, LSC, Spanish Club(president) ':olJOnk MOlHl"l: Kairos 37~9

(215) 331-6325

Blaze onc for the nation, , , I won'l !)e~."

• Oshea Jackson (Ice Cube)

Philadelphia, PA 191.34

FOlf}fik .\lOIJttn/: NuroS r~9 "Got no time for spreadm' roors; the

;0 Fox Hill Rood !)o)'lestown, PA 18901

~ satisfied till 1 get my face on a

John Edward Str'Lalka, Jr.

St. Adallxn

456 ""est Sixth Avenue Conshohocken, PA 19428

Philadelphia, PA 19136

S, M.nhew

Stage Crew 9-10, Latin Club 10-11, LSC, Freshman !\Iemor 11-12, Inrnunurals Fa/yuill Aloflll"l: Kaitos "Uke a rock. I was strong as 1 could be, uke a rock." . Bob Seger

(610) 825-0951 SS. Cosmas & Damian Amnesty International (Coordinator) 11~ 12, LSC. Bit" & G()ItIIO~12. LaSallian Youth 11·12,

Model UN 12 Playing volleyball against wrestling mats ',\,\'hat 1 mean: Take it easy, but take it." ~ Pete Seeger FaLVJn'k MOlfJrnl:

Anthony R. Trimboli, Jr.

Jeremy Kraft Turk

38 Dougl:lss Road Lansdale. PA 19446 (215) 997-5869 \l:try, \Iother of the Redeemer Hockc\'. :\HS FtIJ'rInlr .\lo1lltnr. Arers Cup ChampIOnship Junior Yor "Timc don't let 11 slip aWll~', r.u<oc: your drinkmgglass, here's (0 yester· da,"," • Aemsmith

1112 Melrose Avenue ~Iclrose Park, pA 19027 (215) 635-2508 SI.Jamcs Crew, LSC, Stude", Council, NilS, Juggling Club 12 Fal'()rik .\l~mr. Two r:ain days '11lcn:'s no ~nsanon to compare \\;th this, su~pcnded aromaticn a state ofblis!>, can'( keep m\ mind from the circlin~ sk~-, longue-ned and twisted luSt an eanh~bound misfit. I." - Pink Ao~d

Brett Nicholas Urban

Andrew Ethan Vandiver

James Joseph Tyrrell, Jr. .'\790 Spangler Coun Doyleslown, PA 18901 (215) 794-1519 Our Lady of \Iount Cannel

Wrestling, WE-XI' 9 FgrorTtt .\Iumml; \\ -inm~ my first march 2g.linsl '<DogFish" who g.tn three La Salle wrest.ler; toor first \\~ "'Take your time: don't he too fast Troubles \\;U come and they will pass," - L} mTtl Sk}"nv

Joseph M, Vassallo

555 Gates Street

2034 Glendale A\"enue

328 \,\'alnut Avenue

Philadelphlll, P,\ 19128 (215) 482-8258 Holr Pllmily Hockc) "Should I tr\' to be a SU1iight A srudenr? If you are then ),ou think too much" - Bill)' Joel

Philadelphia, pA 19152 (215) '42-1710 Resurrection of Our Lord Theatre, Amnest}" International, SADD, Ski Club, LSC FrJt'(Jl11t Momtn/: Finishing junior renr, kno\\'ing that my college grades would be done "\\;'n)' you doing what you're doing, you should ~ domg what rou \1,-ant," - Smash Mouth

Aldan_ PA 19018 (610) 626-734(1

St. Joseph Cross Coumry 9, FootballlQ..12, Baseball 10·12, i>-Iock Trial 11-12, lr'is/rnrlfl 11-12

rnl'fJriu Mon"n/: Kairos "In the Warrior's Code there is no surrender, though his bod} says S(O his spirit cries ne,·cr," - Surviv

Joseph A. Vioti

William Monroe Von Mcdicus

8135 Shawnee 5uttt Philadelphia, PA 19J 18

700 Montgomery Avenue

(215) 24'·2109

(215) 6-16-3424 Crew 9-11, FoOtball 12, Ski Club 9, Spanish Club 11·12, LSC 11·12,

Our Mother of Consolation B>nd FaL'()nl' .\1011lnll: l..2st Dar of Final exams "You create your own rea1il)' and

leave mine to me."

- Greg Gramn

Fon Washington, PA 19034

SADD 12, Int.T2mur:a1s 9 "Like the')' S2)' C\'cry dog has liS day, And like the)' sa)' God wQrks in a mysterious way. so 1 pm}' remembering the days of my youth, as I

Matthew Wahl 878 Flint.lock Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-1862 Co'!'us Christi Swimming, Soccer 9-10, Intramurals 1Q..12, $rudem Council, l:acrossc: 9* lO,l.SC 11-12 "I've been thinking, Ilobbes" ... "On a weekend?" .. , "\'<'e1l, it wasn't on purpose." ~ Calvin and Hobbes

prepare to meet my moment of truth..." - Guru

Robert Francis Walter t Sunnybrook Do\'c Doylestown, PA 18901 215) 345·0393


of ~Iount Carmel Club 11




2119 BerreU Avenue Abington, PA 19001 (215) 657·1939 F:lmily Bible Church Forum, W'isltntln, ;\Iathletes 11 ~ 12,

\XtEXP, LSC 12, Freshman

::(Jl'rmie MOl1lrnl:


Jamin Oelrey Warren

day of History Class

'I'm oka)'; you're okay:'


11, Diversity Club 12, Football 9, Amncsry Intcmat.iOllalll~12 rOIYJrilt Momtnl: Dressing up like Brother Rene for the open house "Stupid gam~ are for stupid people." - :\ Nev.' Found Gk>r)'

John Halsey White, Jr. 80 East Buller Avenue

New Britain, PA 18901 (215) 348-2349 ScJude Forum, 1f·iJJm'(1J1(Editor), LSC, Track 10. Gennan Club, Latin Club 10-12,

Sta&JC Crcw 11-12 rororilt Momenl: Sending a paper airplane over [he shrine "Re::td your own compositions, and wben you meet with a pasugc: which you think is particul:lrly fine. strike it ooL" - Samuel Johnson

Jonathan David Castle White 1769 P,pernull Road ~Ieado\\'brook.


Country Club we Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348-7375 Our Lad.." of \foum Cannel i

PA 19046


Ski Club, LSC, Tennis "Let me see the tatoos from the


David Kane Williams

321 Fisher Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 887-6789 SL)arnes Bowling 10--12, Saence Club 12, Gaming Club 9-1 I, Sragc= Cr~" 12 FOlvn7k .\!Oflmtt TlIJle ",;th my fnends "Life IS a puzzle, some pieces ,,-ill 6t, others \\-ilI not, but ne':cr StOp trying new Pieces, For- if we do not try to complete the puzzle, \\'e \l,"ill ne'oer ~ the whole p~." - Personal Ideal

90 1 A)Tdale Place Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-2197 Immacul:ue Hem of :\Ian"


- o.nk Crew J.R.).

Kyle Alan Wisotzkey

Patrick K. Williams

"Functionl san i simply toler-ned vandalism. \X'e ar-e the \'andals." - T) pe 0 egati路

5rephen Anthony Zollo, Jr.

640 E,tOe

Une Unsdale, PA 19446 (215) 699路5n76 Corpus Ch.ri.sti Soccer 9-1 1, kiClub,LSC11-12, Student Council 12, Lacrosse 9, Band, SADD 9-10 F3\-onte \foment OUT Fres.hman soccer team beal ri"aJ Archbishop R}"an and I h2d the only goal m a 1..() \\In.

"Star posiDve and lo\'e rour life," - iSick Hexum

B:I~b\, G(.'Or~c 46 B:II'tk()\\'~ki. Br.tdle\· 54

l3:lnle\, Bro., \ndrcw 22 Ba",n~ki,.\ndrew 46, 139 Ban, n~ki, [h\',d 62. 139 Bam n~ki. Donna 22 Basile. .\1T.lames 22 Balem:lll. Paul 46 B:ltun,James 41) Baumb'2.rdner, Roben 54



oior Ben Ruley demonstrates he h:ls a ckup lob linl-d up if footb:lll falls rough.

>0011. Kevin 46 :ker. Danicl98. Ill.}. ISO, 163 :kason.Channin~46.I('"

:kemun. \\; illianl 62 :kJ~·.JO..i2h 15.46 hm< ~Iatthc\\ ~ hms, Russdl 46

idesl. Domcruck 62 -6.88. 94,118.1-W.155.

""'lason .20


lcm.Scan54 lOnkh:l.I, lmonm 62 bert, Manhe\\' 16.} bcrt,Michacl 1.'\3, 16] ,ger,Hm. Don 29.96

e"ander, Terrence 118.163 farnoo, loho 62 len, Ane few 46, 148

]cgrctll.l3crn:l.dmo 54 Imand, .\ndrew 62, 81 on$O, ~hchacl46. 140, 154 slon. Andrew 62 uise.~hchaclS4

nole, Gerald 54 K1ers. Seth 62 ldrcws. Stephen 62

ldris, Chrislopher46.164 1ge1o, Loui 163 ltezak. ChnslOphC'r62 JOnlC,

Gilbeno85. 164,21(1

dulnkl. TimOlh\ 46 none,Anthony'l64 hlon. ;-"lcholas 62 riles. ~ tichad 46

" Chmlopher 54 :cif, D;l.md 54 bin, Drcw 54 boew. D:l\'id 54 leher. Brian -3, 131l, 164 dol:uo, an62 cr, .\Irs.•\lane 38 liley, Benjamin 118. 161, 164, 9,210 ilhe, Unan 62,124,140,155 lker, Kevin 85, 120,122,164,210 lJ"anicwicz, Edward 120, 165 rbieri,R\an46 rbuto, Oominick 46 lJ"ilc, Ernesf 116,142.144,165,210 rna. .\Ir. Thomas 28,8", 109,209 lTelt, John 46 rry,Chris[ophcr 54

Bn.le, IU~(Jn-46 Ik:ud:Scoll 54 Be:m, Palnek 'i-l Btther.1\'IIrick54 Beck, R\lIn 62 Bednar', (; rq.,'On 54 Ikdner:lk.lO"'Cpn 1.>4 Bchr, .\Ir. James 43, 93 IkIJ,Chm54 Bello, P;lIrick 62 Bendcr, Roben 46 Benc, \lr. Rocco 37, 9() Denn, Leon 140.142, 145, 165,210 Bennen, R\'an 62, lOS Be'1'111an, \lltchelJ46,SI Bethke,AJexander90,93, 106, 165,211 Bielccki,Stephen 54, 139 Binder, GCF.l.rd 54 Bhck, Br;mdon I J.. BI:lck, Til1\Olhy-6, 11-, 134,165 Blake.lr,.Jo~ph62,139 Blake,Sr, \lr.Jo~eph 139 Blanco..\Ir. Gabncl24,209.211 Blane\, ChrislOpher 54 Blank, AndrcwHI, 92, 165.209,210 Bloh, -'IT Dcnn,~ 35, 92, 130 B1oh. Thom:l~ 62, U2 Bocduno, \ Itchael54 Bohardt, Douglas 166,210 BOI~r,Su~phen",99,124,125, 166,_W Bommenm:, them 54 Bonanm, \mhom 54, 154 BondISkc-\, -'lichaC:! 62,85 Bon!,'lO\a'nm, Rich:l.rd 62 Bonner, William 5,12".140,155. 166,210 Borck, _\dam 5.. Boring,John 134, 166.208 Hmkowskl,Jo5hua 62 Borrelli,Samuel54 Bowers, !'.lchll1a~ 62, 14S Boyle,Stephen 120,166 Brnciscc\\~ki,i\[r.i\llchael [34 BF.l.dc-r,,\lr. Rodnc\ 42 BF.l.nnon, I~rie 54 . Brasbcrgcr, Thomas [66 Brassell Roben 46 Breen, Chn'topher62 Breen-Lopez, Palrick 16Brelsford, Amhon\" 54 Brelsford, Drew f6Breuer,~lephe~46 BrC'w~tC'r,Sean:'H Brezrucky,JJ~n 54

Bridy,DanielI6-,2W Brin, TimQIh, 46 Brodenck, ~ l:inhcv.- 54 Brogan, Ryan 102.16Bl'Of!3n, - n 54 Brookli,Sean90,16"' Bmwn, TIm 126 BmlOl,JoshU2 54 Bryers, Kieran 130,16"".210 BucklC'\, Damel 62, 126, 128, 142 BUI.Joseph 62 Buonocore,Anlhony 168 Buonocore,,\llchael62 Bur~, Lthel, 43 l3urke'lmeph 46, 52 Burrel, Ernclil 99, 120, 121, 142, 145,168,210 Bustard, David 12, [68 Byrne, Roben 168 Brmes,Pamck46,104 Cadwell, Justin 62

C:i~ha, D;t,·,d-Ul

Calahan, Thomas83.IIH,I21I,I68 Cali,ta. Derek 46. 1-'9 Calb.han, K) Ie -2.118, I·n. 145, 168.21H t:a1lan, Daniel I ()9 r::a1hn, Michael 169 '~\eneSC'.,\lr.Charl~ 156 Campbell, Devin 85.169 Campbell, Ha\'illand 169 rampbell, Ryan-46 (:ampo, Bnan 62, 106, II ,,211 Cancila, Sleven 169 Candia, Da\id 62,148 rallo~a-Schack,Ja\·icr62,86. 12(), [23 Capelola, i\1:ltthcw 5.. CapclOla,Zachary [69 Capo/zl, .\lauhew 54 Capozzi, :--'ichobs "6, 10.. Cappelli,J. .\ndrcu 62 Car.lI:aus:l., BmdlC"- 46 Cardella,Joseph 1-0 Carele'i~. Robeit 54 Carelli,l~h 62, 136 CUC"', fan 54 Carrninali,Joseph 1-II,21n CarTlC"\·ale. Andre'o\' 46 Carr.John 62 C.2r:.l>bello,.\lr.lohn 22 C:uroll,Josq>n 54, 82, 148 Carroll, Paul9fl. 93,103,161, nl Carroll. Philip 54, 82, 85. 1"8 Carralho,StC"-en62,H5 Ca"C\-, Paul 46 Cas8id/', Daniell-(l Cuind a, TimOlh\ "6,52 Ca\"l~IOn,Sean 5.. Cawle\', Ralmond62 Ch:andcr,Chnsmpher62 Chan)ustle, Eric ~4 Checco,.\lr..\hchacl3-, %,209 Chccko,,~,.\lichacl62 Chcsnik, i\k i\l:Irk 32, 99, 209 ChesO\, Da\'id-l6 Cho,lk>bb\ 5.. Cia\'c-rclli, AmhoO\'62 CicCllJ!;lJone,i\hchaeI55,136 Ciccimaro,.\lrs.l:aruce r Gcclmaro,.\Ir. Joseph I"', r, 88, 90 Ciminera, Nicholas I ~o Cimiru, .\Ir. GuKlo43. 160,209 CioUi, Ryan 136, I]8. I ~O Cipolla, Damd 46 Cirelli, .\Ir. Charles 29, 126, 128,209 Cl:lrk., Peler A. -0, 12", 140, 155. 1"1,208 Cbrk,James46 Ouke,loseph 62 Ck.an,J..:\-1e62, 12U Clifford, 'rimothr -Ul, 82 Cloonan, i\hchael62 Coad, Brendan 55 Coghlan, Brett 6.) CO~'1n~,.\lr. )';icholas 109 Cohen, Bren 46 Colangelo, ~Irs.. \nge[jne 23 Colburn,Jay 46, 96 ColibF.l.l"O, i\lichad55 Colima, i\[r.Joseph 2Colistra, Paul 1113, 1511, 1"1,210 CollinS, Pamck 55, 150 Come\" t\ ndrew 46 Cornia, Andrew '''1 Comisack, Adam 63, 146 Congiliando, ErneSI 1"1 Comcelli, Carmen 55

Conlin,James 102, WS,I-I Connor, :\ndre'o\ 46 Connor, ~n 6.' Cook, Bro. ~enneth ]2 Coone\', Bl"t'ndan 46, 55 Coone\"lonathan 46 an 54 Comcly,Mallhew \112,1-1 Coselb,Jo h .."' Cosgro\'e,~ ichac! 1.1",1-2,210 Cosrantino,AnlhonySO, IOJ, 1()6. '''2,209,210,21 [ Cosmntino. Christopher 55 Coslan7o. .\Ianhe\\" 63, 85 Costello, Mallhc\VJ. ('00) 172 Coslello, i\lauhe\\"J. ('I)]) 63, [43 Courme\',i\laxwdI4-C Co\'alc-ski. Ste\'en 4" CO\em-,.\tich:aeI63 Co\"olus,~ichob.s 4-, I/)4 Cr:u.,'1n, -'hchad 55 Creed.lohn 4Cros~. J..:eyin 63. 15U Crotty, Brend.an 63 CucinolU, Sa./\'llIOre 55 Cummins. A<bm 6], 150 Curci, Chrislopher -2, 9",103,139. 1-2,210 Curcio, Chnslopher 55



Cum-, Patrick .... Cunjli,Joseph lOR, 1-2 C,'bok Da\"KJ"baile,-:Brian 6.} D' \lionso, 8m. John 25, 160, 209 Dade\, ~enn 4Dalm'asse. Bro. "e"m 22 Dahon, Andrew 4Dalton, Patrick 63 D'Amlco,~IChobs55

Danclla,Jamc-s 63 D'Angelo. Dr-Joseph 8, 12, 18,20,22, 136,211 D'Angelo, i\lark 55, 139 Danielski, Bro. Fr:lneis 32,9S,209 Da\'is, Bn·n 4Da\'i~, Philip 4Day,Charles63,142 DeAngelis, Rran 55 DeCret',John 55 DeCrescio, Michael-3, '26,1 ~2,210 Dedic, Dmo5S, 104 DeGirolamo,John 55 DdanC'\,lames 55 Delane\'.lohn 61 Dda.nei·. Patrick ..Delaurentis, Chnslopher 55 DeLaUrC'l111S, .\Irs. RJ12 .. 1 Delic,Akhn63 DeUa Vecchia,Nicholas '-_1,2'0 DempSC'y,lason 63 Dcm~·,~lr.Jo"Cph]5,102,128 Denn\',Charles63 DeParo,Da\;d63 Dc-Paul, Chrislopher"7 Dcrrick, .\lanhc\\" 55 Deslderio,Jercm~ 63 Dc\·cr,.\lrs. Palricia 23 De\·cn·.lamcs 55 De"ine,~k Pau;ck39, 124, [55 De\·lin, Thomas 124. 140, 154. 173.210 DiAntonio. Philip 47 DICOCCO, i\ln. Fr.meesJ:aeob.25 D1ccicco,.\ lichad63 DiGcco,Anthom4DiCicco,~lario55

.knCl', (,.tlmclo.'. ]1 Kl. 1411 Dl( rr.;"CI< I, \1.dl.lc1II-. 11 H Diehl. \IT. DJ\lJ20.22,211 DIl.:hl. RI:m()' DI lull.., \nthom :;;~. HI Dll..db,h:mk "" Dilks, Dennis 1-' DIP.ITd". :,>u:phcn fl.' D1P.l~1I"1c. 8m. \\ ,Iliam'~.-() D."t:plfl.lnhn :;:;


Do. 'am fl'

D,~rt1cm.\I.U1hl"", :;=;

I)"h l 'm .I'lbn (, '. 111(•. 211

\-Inme, l.lme~ 4R 1·lrdl. J)(,ulo:l:l~ 4l'! l'l~hcr.l.lqin Sll 1·IlJl.:,cralJ, \lr.lk·mJrd 2FilZl!CraJd, Kevin -, 1:!4. 140,1."4, 1--:1111 hl ..\:I·rJld,;-....:ln 64, Sj Filzgibbons, TerrcnceH.14I. -2, -6, 1ol ... ~6, lUll, 1--, 2\1l1• .:!lu, 211 I llJ'henn , DJnid 4'1 hlJ'p;unck. Run ~ Ill" lmm.-.n", \llchacl:;(' 110.....1. \llchJ.d '\(, n'lunJct",I:m<.T64 n\nn. TlIll"th\:;(",

00130, Kc\in -'. \-., nobn. \IT. \Ilchad \9, t}l'i Ihnn.~:ln4S· l)'lIlllmck \llchad4Donahu... \If'. IJnJ.' I). 2"'. In(,.21 I 1'( ogh:l, P.lulM Dnnochul'. BO.ln :;:; !'( 11e\. \u~lin 4H Foley, Brclt 146, 1-Donohue. Rnan 4DlInm,ln. \k \hch;ld4J I'nlel, \llchad.'i6 Doollcy,jason 1-' lord, \1r-..\nn41,:!11 Dorah,"'-nm4-.1I1-l I "r\l, Damel :;6. 14H Dou.l.!.hcm. ( hn'tflphcr (YJ J14 .. lord.....ennell14H hlrkin, I:lln("~ .;6 00U"hcr1l' ChrislOphcr). ('00) :;6. - . -2, ["",141. 14::;,1 .3,210 h 1'1.. Bri.1tl 56 1)()uJ.:lu:m. (:hri~lOphcr I. ('O!}:;6 I·ox. Thol1la... 4M Dougherf), Craig lltl. ,-... , 2Hl I·t:l.~nllo, \bry 4.1 l'r:l)..'1111O. \llchacl4H Doug:lu:rt)',~amcs :;;6.1-'" Frank,MichaclI2(), I-X Dougherty, oscph 1O.'.1~4.210 Doughcn\l, 'cvmlIH.ISO,I~4 I r.lIlJ.I.nc."Dou~hem·. \hchad4I rnnJ<:Il, \1..,and..rSDoughe",', Philipl)S, 1-4 I tJ:1Il. Chn~lOphl:r(,4, 14l'! Dou~hc"},Sc:ln 1-4 I rmdr<:I", Br<I. ( ...rard.:! I.:!.:!,.:! I I Doughc"" Thomas 1:'4, I-:'..:!III I ncl. hlu:lrd 64 DownC\,Gurcnec 1-::0 Frics,Juslin 1-1'0 I)'l\\ruri~. Ldu;mI4Frizlen, Dean H4, 1-101.211<). :!Iu DUI lon, D,l\ 1.1 '\(1 I t<lc:hhch, Bro. Tim"Ih\ 2.! Du, Vincem 1-:; I " ....t.he\m:;. Dullel. DJnl.. I"'<, I'ullc:non, !4m<.... 64 Dueln. \Ir, :'ot.. ph~·n ~ I·ur<:" \\ 1111301 4i.;, Dunche_lle. \Ir. :-'Iephen~. I \/1 (.:lbnd...k,. ~Iephen 4M ( •.1J.1Il1e,.\mh,,", :;~.Iul DumtJn, \llCh.ll'l4Dunne, {.hn_lOpher4(.:llh:1l11 .Uri.m;" (;.1Ih.11I1, (-hn~r, Jph..r4X I)urlm, D"n.lld 6, I)urlln,( lire, 4Galball" Daniell-X Durkin, lames 1-.", I.VI,21O (,.t1bJlh:. Ld":lrd 64 Dwyer, ihnicll-:' (,.I!cn. "rimothl' 4H (,.t1I.l.::her, BI'\:ln 64 D\\\ ..r.lmephr (.,IIl.ll:1ll'r.....n·IIl SDw)'cr,Joscph P. \).', 1-3>.210 I)w\'("t.~l(·phen 4("In.l~her,~an:;("lll.lgh..r, \\ llham:;D\\ \ct. TIt110111l 4I.bn..r, \Ir. (r.ll~ r, ')ll ("111,,, \Ir. .I('~l'ph 4, l.d,..r.I,,"hua 4>('.l1llhlllo, Jal1lc~ "1bldeli. 1;lme_ 6\ 1.1.' ("I1llh"ne, I.rn"$\ 5-. 12.' EJ{:IIl,J. Fwnklin H4. I ~6. 21 0 ("lrdner.l:lm~· ... 4H I.gl'lt"n. Rohcn :'6 ("udner,kl'\ m4n I.l1iou,h.lle,6', 14' (',lnl",ll(" \llchal'l4H I.llion. P..tcrC,4 (iam", RI .10(,4 Ellis, 0:1\ id I ~{, (JJr"" .1' J.1Il (H (,.11' l'\, P,lI[\ 4.'\ l.n~kr,.Iohn :'6 (j.ll'm,~ha\\n(H.Il(, EmlOla, Rogcr IIl\.14S.I-6 I._c"h,lt, \ IJ.rllo :'{. (j,ln m. \I~. Thcre~a.'1 I., ;In_, \Ir. (,er.lId R. ~). Ill...., 211 (,,11'111. TimOlh\ 4') han_, \It".I;lne Kclh 2.'\ (',Irn' .d. Hm. Brcnd:ln 411 Fagan, R~;.;n HL"'I-tl.~II(2t)lJ (',l...l;.m \It". \kL.......l .;-,)0;; b.lc"ne. \lr.I"....ph ,\.142 GAICS, Brendan I-K2Ill (JJI Ill. \11(had (,.4 I'Jnru. ('~'ol\,-'" '\(, (.d,,\\,k. \Llllhcw(H !':lmnc1<ln, ~lt.:ph~·n 4" !'.l...ohrn.:, [.lme" 4X ( ...l.::<:r. \mh'lm (H, --, lUI G .. tl.... r, \Ir. \\ Ilfum 1-, :!'J, -2, IU(,.:! II 1-;11, Ilruri 64 (,cI..d, (,<:r.uJ 5I .1:'10. DJOId :;(, (,cml\ e"c, \Ir. R!chJrd,-, l}t I ! CdlnJ.~<:.ln 56,SfI, I:!S ( ...rnenl. \Luk64 !'l-Cr<:l, ....L'\ In 4S Fegle)', \'(,illiam 1-6,.:!1O (;ef<;lemeter, jon:llhdn 5Felix, Ricardo I ,f,. I1K.l-(,,:!lll (,1.11-,'I1:1CO\ .1, (;rl')..'<)1"\ 4') I'cldm.m. \11Ch.lcl4l'! ("I)hlJn~, \Ir. :-'Iark :!2. 21 1 Felle, Robert 1-("bb!IIl~, \llchJcl5l;("rrld., Thonu,4S. 1,W Gidjunis,Joseph P.(,,1\2U. 'S, -n.s:!, ITrrle, TI1lloth, 56,124 I06,I-H.:!IlK.2[)9,2HJ,211 (.lll, \lr.... Cllllnic2.1 I'erro.lohn 56: 126. 12H !·Ield. r.uke:;6 ("II, luhn 6~. H6 (,ill,'RlaI14') held.... R,'an ·H; (;II!c<.pie, Anan:'-. ').1 hlc:.\lr.l).1OId':;' 1(_), IIO.20S Filipczak, Andre\1 1--, :!tIC) (,dle~rl", \Ir. Tl'rr..ncc ~H, -2 1'llJpC7al. RI:IO:;6 ('llhn, ....Cl In.'iGimpel, Ke,;n 9], 114. 1-'1,.:!ltl hnle\. \1.mhl·\\ 64, 1111 Finore, Carmen 1-(.InI\.Sc:-Jn(H,I.W

\\·hco we pUlllur nn)..'" l()j..>ether, we ~ummoo rhe I(ltce of nrorher Rei (.mlnl, D:lI1ld 1I4 (,I\lIli... h, (jerald 4') Gladu, ChrNopher4') Gla\'in, ChrislOphcr I-I) Goctrner,Jeffrey <}K. 1-9.:! I (J (",la,1l10m.l<. 11.'\ ('I,lden. D.lI1id ,,Golden, Thom~s 1-'1 (" ... .d. D.10ld 4'), II ~ (iorman, Th"tTl,l~(>4, 1:!6. 12H. 142. 14::0 (;ormk"\ •.I. ( hn"'loph<"r411 (,r.lce, \Ir.lohn 1- 2(.r.l(h. \Iark (H (.r.lham. \hch.ld ::'-, 111'\ Gt:l~~O, lo.....ph 4t) (.ra\, C1i.rNopher:'(,t:l\,~lcphen49 (,n·<:n. \mhom (,:'.101 Green, Bradle~ 1141.1-'1 Grecn,}:tmcs 44. I :l(,. I :;('. I-I) (,n:~lIn,ldt..., (,u_ (,; (,r..mer.Phihp 41) (Jnfiin·~hdk\, I .nc 6.", 14n (,ntli .., \lJrtin ,Ill (,nfli , :-"ci149 (,ro mJn. J),url'n ,4. 16. 65, Il ~ I. 1(16, Im.211 Gr.o:ybowski,Andrc\\ IHII Grzybowski, EricHI, IHO (,uerrJ,J(j~crh 4() (;ugger, Phll1p(,;.KI GUlhrie, AlexandcrlJK, IKli (,whne, ('t.lham 4(1 (;\JJ.[)Jlid6:; I benn, !l)~cph 411 II.J..nn, \bllhc'\\ 6" Ib~em.lflhn ;I 1J4,'I.·m.\lr.lohn I 'C,.I'l'! Ha~,Shca IXO,2111 H.JIlcm, \lJrl5IbmmOI'lI!. \hch,lel r.;' Ibnd, jO"'('ph 6::0 Hanc), Robe" 124.1 ;-1.Il'lll 11.1I1n:l. \hchad:'I bn~'o<'1l. \Ir. T'lre \('. 14X IIJ""m. \Ir. 1'1ml' 2:! IlJrktn~, l:lnie... 4'1 llarkin~, la"llll 411 H:,rrigan, Michacll}H, I \0, Hill. 21 n 1J.ltn)..r.ln,~le\en 49 HJrlnelt, M:ltIhe", IS. ~IJ. 1(l(I, II (I. 14\.145,11:\1,2111.211 Han'c)', BI)'an142,IM1.21ll 1J.lu,.:hwn. \mholll 6:'. 1J4, % I Llle~.!ohn :,11c:t1\'. Paltlck 49 I kater. Rich:;~ 11(:a\O, D'l\id 49. IllH Ill'ck, Brcndan 49 Ilcenan.Ron-49 Hcinsdorf,P:lul IH2. 11:\1 I klcll1Ak. GrL~)1"\ 4() I kmcrh, Bmll16.'i

I knwood. \l.ltlht.:\1 :;I knd.. Nltl, llro. Bn:1ll 22 I kr<;hcl. \llchad 4\) I krJO).:, \blthe" 6:;, I W Hc..c1pOlh .....CI 1Il4() I bhb", \Ir. Th(ll1la~ n 111("k... lllllJlh.1Il6:;. I'\(, H1C"","Ro...... 5~ Higgins, I)atrick IV), 1'X,IHI.21 HilClebr:tndl, I):llrick III I. IHI. 211 111Ifc",. \llchad 6:;. 1'111, It ~ HiII,Oalid I"t'), lSI HilL P.ltnck:;I !lnckk. \Ir. DallidT,.:!tIII Ilfl~ebnd, {.hn"'II'rh<:r (,:; Hohenlcllner, \Ir.•eon.... .:!" 1-1I)lhcn, \llchad6.".X." Holme... DJllJcI :;Hol\\ll'k. \Ir. Chn"'I''Phcr V, Hol\\1Ck. TlmOlh\ 4'1 1-!(,ndro... ,Pelcr4C) I lop.;. TlInolhl 6" Ilopk1l1...on, Brett 65, I l() Horg:IIl, Brian 1J9, IH2,.:! In Horg:IIl, Timolhy IH2 Horslm:lIln,JesscH1.IH2 Ilol':lIh. lo..eph 65. 1111 Ilorwedd. TltllOIll\ "1Ilnu"'lon, "lie 1\4 Ilu~he~. Lliward 6,'; Hu~hcs, Ke\'in 99.I14J.IH2,210 Hu~he \lu:lud 16:; Ilu~h \hchadlt 5" llu"l:h 1{"lx'n 411 H ylinski, Gregory 114. I '\(1. 14(). I lann:lclme.~tcphen 4lJ h..na.... \Ir.lnnl,. 4 \ Inl<:rr:ml<:, DnuglJ... 49 Iwaski\\, Roman IH:! 1171, ~Ierhen 6,'; lachon.llIlxiJn 4'} 13chnn.\lr. \bOln "'.126.129.1. llcr,h..en, \1.1IIh<.·",4') J:tnles, William -('. IIlH. 182. 2\l1. 211 l.lnnl·ttl, Chn I('phcr 49 lamon, R..\. \mhnOl 411.69 lalll·.I"...on 49 It.:ifcr',Chmlopher 5-.142,145 It.:llner,\lr .~l"l'h.lnleJI.H' Jenkins, Brian Hl,.:!10 ]enkin.... \I1chJd4lJ Jenkins, Peler Ill(). 146. 181. 2( 19. 2Ul,211 ohn, \nllre\\ :;-, 14K ,,1m, ....rlc 6."1 Johnsori. \Ir, h,mci~12 'lohn~{lI1, \Llllh.. w 49 ·]on<:..., RI.m 6."1. I.'\() '''ah'''l, \ndr('\\ SK:lnlmer..r.llrad ."1"anC:,G:t1"\ ():'i "--'mt'. \1:11111('\\65, 14~ h:upchuck•. \mln'\\ 49

Chorus auditi.)ns a~ the nt."" 1/· ~-ich. Bm.

:mi~. Lnui~

Da\ld 12


.:lufmann. Patnck 5ecnan.l:.dward liS ttlUn. ~Ir.lohn 39, -tir. C!:11 tori 49, 82, lf~ dkr,j<)n:nhan 49 dk\,C-ooor49 1k\,\hchad5ell\: Bn.dford 49 ell\. Brendan liS diy, Doubrla~ 49 cUy. Mark un eU\,.\lanhew 51l e11\. \lJchad .:;0. 52 dk,Sr.Palnci.. 22 cU·y,ScollllNl,IlI2:.!tt(" rn,18.1, fUll empf, I'cnneth 65, 1... 1 empf.Terence5'" cnned\. Brendan 5-, HI ensel:\1 r~. Paulelle 90 ent,~llch:lel5()

ent.john 2:2: cPfXll,l\.lcholas .:;ernllsh, Dorian SO err.l}rad50 csilman,jamt'~ 5'" cllinger, Stephen 183,2 HI ilderry, MichaellH4 im, Daniel 14R, lR4(21)9,110 ing, \Iexandcr Sing, .\Ir. Hob 1.19 ing, ~hchael SO ing, Scan 50, 139 irk.1imothl Sins, Parrick 5", 140 ilchcn, Joseph 184 JY'len, Brien 184 lcnk, Roben U6. 1.18,18-1 lock,Jonathan 12:4.140,155,184 napp. R\':!n 51) ochan, I3rett 65 ohler, Brian 18':; ohler. Francis .;0 ohlhepp, Roben 58 olesk\, Dand 58 oniesam·,:\.ichobs :,(1 oons. TirnOlh, :;8, I"i( I opicki. Paul 5(1 omfemd.I..oul s ~ omfeind,john 511 on.l1\. Y:uo~la\' 65 ozeniewski.Jcfi~511 n.uss, Ene "i(l renskt.lusun 5(1 riegner, ChrislOpher 185,1111 tiegoer. Thomas 185 roh, Roben ISS lck~. Bro. Charlc<o 25,HId~', Chmr!,lphCT :;8, 128 tgan.Jam~ :'IS 'Wtt3.AOIoom :;H unpman. Russell 58

'I«' of I'-mil", cnten:unmrnL ung, GeolTrc\' 131, 185

L:ml:lk'llI. IOsCph 6:'i. 14-8 l.;lmer.Th~'ma~65.14I1

l.2rurfJ., Carlo(15 uskowski,Mauhe\\ 159,185 l.2slow\li, \Ir. Rolx-n 22 1.2~l\,lohn 5f.i,12:4. 1411,1511 l..lub,Jo~ph 51( 1110

I.awler. la"On "i(1 l..lwless. I-<hard 511 l.c-ach, SIt.l'!l;uue 4l I.e.~hl, \Ir. \\ llham 9,." I 'Lcu\ cr, \ncl~ 50 l..l:hmilO, \ IT. John 22 Lepore, Grcgorv-2:. 186.209.210 1.e...mard,.\hdiad65 1.I,'('mJrd, Th()mas 65 Leller. 'Icholas 58 1.c'olfl,Sean 58 I.e.·,.-m~. \ltehael5l1 Lewis, (:hrisuan c. 58 I.e.'" I~, Chn~n.m~. 50 1jber:uore.. \l1Ihlml 5(1 Ijchtner, ,\[r.1 Tank·]6. 1.111 Lighr, D:I\id .')0, IO~ I.lx-hockl. F Conrn..158, 1511 J.nftll~, \1:l.Ithc\\ 50, 139 LoflUS, M ichacll ,)6. 186,21 () l.llg;lO. \lr~.BcrnadcllcJ9 LOgflO,j;Il11CS IS, 1~~, 186.2119 Lolo~ldl~. Georj.:e 58l' Lombardo, Mlclmc1142. I ~5. 186 1,Clng, Charlc~ 51) I.on~, \k Donn:l 41. -6 Long, TilllOlhy 186 l.opll, 'nlOma~ 58 l.oughen, \\ JlIi,lm 5(1 I.omws~i. Geoq..'C 65 l.uhk~. Scan 65 turnbo, '\.od 51 j l,u'-Chml. Palricl65 I.utter.hank :'>\1 Lynch,Jamcs 11\6 1.l'nn.~I(',,"eo 58,81.106.211 1.lons, Frnnci~58 \!.IcFarl:md, RI:tn:;X \lackiOlmh.\n<lrew 58. 108 Madden, E\'an')(l, 9S, 18-,209 \ladden. Grch'on' 65 \lade-Ien, \I:mhew "i(1 \lad("lr:l, Bnan 65, 14(1. 13';1. 155 Madeira,George 1.1,("IS~bdonna,Anlhom' t)0.81.1!16. IR-.2:il9.2I!UII ~Iadrak, Da\;d 18\ lacSlte, Cal"'irn. 6(, \Iag:mn, "-Cl·1O 541 \I.lher. \11"". lulia.21. 22. 2:11 Mahlslcdt, Kiclll:!\1a1Cher", \lr. \11duell1 I \laida, Sl~hen 58 \lall()w~kl, ~lJchad 511 \lall<)O. Brian 66 \ lalJ,:w, \ Iichad (.,(,

Mall:lch.I.:llrick lIP Malone\, Timmh\ 1.)4 \l,mcinClIi, J ).lUIS ~8 \\:inion, \Ir. D:I\ld 25 Manl:lpas,Anlholl)' l8B.21!) \1.m]l,;"llchad 66, 126, 12H \larnbclla, C;abricl66, 1.26 \laT:.ibclla,lonath,m 6(, \Iancll().~lllh<lm(,(, Markcl, Brian Ill:). 18g. 2:111 \larkm:lrln, \Ir. Wilham 12 \Iamn, Dame! 66, 1'6 \\:inm, Tre\Of;f! \lanch, \\ 1I1iam "i(1 Mascio, R,·an ()4. %, 104. 1~,.2t19 \1a~,ak,jt'lin:\ 116 \Iaslak,j<m:tth.lfl 160,.2119 \lassmo,janll.·\ 6() Maslronardo,Joseph -2. 9101,11,(" IbR. 2U9, 2III \laterc"'C.If)~hua 5101 \btht.'w. P~ul "i(l \Iattcm.l1Klflu~(i),126. 1:!I).I·e \IanhC\\..., D:nld:;1oi \b.ttl()Ii,lo~h 66, 1211 \Ia\.S.~1 ,-.II \k\nuln. \hch.lc151f MeAlliSler, W. Thomas IXH.2111 \IcHndc, Todd .'ill \IcCabe, \lr.l:.cJwaru \4 \1C<:abe.loscph :;41 \1C<~affcn, Th)ma~(i) ~IcCalTre\ ,Jon:uhan

... H5. IHI( 21f! \IcCann.\ndrew."X McCann, Mich:lcl26. -0, Ill\, ]C~. 189,2:10 \lcCann, Terrcocc .:;10, 12~ \IcC;lrnm.. \k'.lrnlcr "i( I McCanhy, Duane 51',118, 1HI) \lC<:anhl. \lr.\hclud22 \lc<'..anhi, \lichad6l) \1c(~anh\,P:llnck~

\lC<:Jo\ ,IranI. 66 McCorl, Rvan In4,!!'!') \kCrelghr,Roht.-nM.140 \lC<:ullagh. falllc~ .')(1, 1.19 \kCu~ler. hll\.If.! ')8, I!~I \kCullough, \\ l~i;lm .'>11 iI lcDadc,Shawll:'lf; \lcD~nn(lII, Brc:mhn .111 \kDt'rll111II, Ronan 58,12·t,140 iI kD(Ill:tld, D.mid ."18 ,\IcDowdl, G,lITt'rl "11 illcDllwcll, Rr:ln 6(. ~kElderl)', P:1I11189 \IcElror. Bnan 58 McF:lddcn,Gcor~c 189 \IcFaddcn,\l:trle,n \IcGill, illr.13nan .l5 ;\IcGillin, Bri:lo 51 \IcGinn,,\hchacl 51 \IeGinn. PatnclM. \IcGolllglc, Pamck 51 \IeGO\·cro. \[~. Dun("'\-,IB \IcGowan. I;mmett (16, 126. 128 ~lcGralh.Adam?H,IHl)

\IeGurkm. \Iauht.'" ." I. 12:6 MeGurkin, P:IUI-\' 1911,2111 McKeown, P:ttriek 121,1911 \IeLiu~hhn. Dal1ld6(l. 141l .\ld..3.u~hlin,lan 5\ \1eL1u,chlin, \Ilchad 51 .\ld.,.1u,ghlm. \Ir. Thoma~ .ll. I:;() \lcI.oulo:hlin.l'.cnn 51 \1c\lahon,Sc3.n ~ \1e\lahon. Th()ma~ 51 \!c\lanus,Son Sf.; \1c\lullm, Chn~lopht·r;8 \1c~a1h, \lr<o.lanc"l McNamara.Manhew98, W4,1Q(1 \Ic~aman.,~hchael 'iX,9.\ 11J.t \Ic;'\aman., Roben 51 \!c~eela. \1. I'alnck 'i1.I04 \IcPhJllip~, Bm. Thomas.22 \lcShane.Damcl51 ~leincn,Andrew1911,2111 \Icko,jr., \Ir. John 2.2, 23

illel>la.l-rank 66 ;\lcrhm, \lic:hacl51 \lcmck,,\ndn.:w5R,lllfl \Ic\c~, \ lauhe\\' 5 I Michel, Malthcl\' 1"2:, 145, 1911..21O \11CUCCI.joscph 51 Mielnik, Mich:lell9I1 .\llkochlk,jame\ 66 \Iiller. B!;usc 51 \lillcr.BnaoC5R \lllIer. Boan R. 58 \hller. Lnc6l1 \lllIer. Bro. LmC~126.H2. fl5 \hller, ~Ir. GernlclK 9. I g, 2:6. .2oM \ ltller. G rq.:on 66 \Iiller. \11Cfuel66 ~lllIer,Roben51 ~hller,Sean~

\hller.Stephen 51 MiUer, Thomas 191.110 \hll~,lcffre\ 58,131.1 \1I1I<\lr. Roben 2.2 \hnm. ~hchad 51 Mo.. n, Brndley 191 \loftill,~hchael':;l, I.B Mo!chen.Gregor" n6,191,l111 \lohnaro,lon:tlhan 51 \1011. Da\-id 58 ~lolush..\lr....:du'ard 1-, .,5, lUI, illS \Ionaghan, . \nd~· M \lonagle,l l :unck 51 \lonf.,'C:Iu. \l:irc:;S \ lomgomcn .1..3.wrrncc :;l) \lcmq:.'omcn, .\hchael 5t) .\ I()(lre. Dareell 51 Moore, Shawn 66. 102. 191 \Iomce, lusun 66. 1.2~ \Ioran. (Ir. Ruben 2:2: \Ioms. \l:itthC\\· 59 \lonens()n,Jeffrc~''i9 \Ioss, '\.alhanid6() \Iosser. Ste\'en 66 ~Iowcn·..\ndrew 59 ~luchlbronncr,_\lr. \\ ally 116 \[uldool1, Ros~ 59 ' ,\lullen, .\Ir~, I'.~rcn 41 ~lullcn,),lrs. ),lan I'a\ ]H, . 208.2:11 \Iuller, :-'Iaximillian 51 Muller, Paul 150,191 .\lulh1->;l.o, i\lichae166 f\'lulrain, lord:lIl 118, 191 Munn,Chad98,134,192:,21O illurphl. illrs. Patrici.I"I, 211 il1umn, Brian 66 \Iurrai·, I'enn 59, lOll ~aab,ChnslO"p'her 51 l\.aab. O:ll·;d ~ I l\.a~y, I'llI' 51, 10~ ~ancc, ,"ohn 59 Naticchione, PelCr-2:. I '\6. 191 ~cd[, Stcphen 59 ~ecdham, Tremr 59 :".eedle, Paul 59 :".CIO. .\Ir.joseph r, 90 ~espola. \llchad51 ;'\~\en, AOlhom 52 ~lcolettl.~lr.GeoffrC\ ~2 ;'\lcolelti,~lich3C152 . ~I!-,'On, PhIlip 66 ~olan, AndtC\\ 52 ~oonc. Bnan 59 ~unnari, P. ;\lichad 59 ()'Calla,ghan,~bduel 52 O'Connell..\11"". K:nhlttn 39 O'Connell, R\":ln 59 O'Connor, Austin ~9. 192.2111 O'Connor. ~lanhC\\ 66


()'Connor, Palrick 59 O'Connor, ThomllS -.l, 142:, 14.1, 192,210 O'Donndl, DenOls 66 O'Donnell, lames 59 O'DonneU; MauhewJ. tOO/H2,

85,19.2.2UI ODonnell, \1:lIIhcw I ((H) ~2 (rOt modI, \hchaclMj ODonnell. Rr,m :'1('. 1.24, 1"11 ()'I-br:!, \ltcl1.ld:;9 (lhman. D~'\ In i! ()',,"~efl·. Thoma, MI_!<~ (lldl, ]on,ltlun SI) (ll1\ l"f, Bro. IkncdKt 22 (lliler.la'"n:'!:! ()I~han"'k\. \hchad {,('. 1111 t O'NeiU, Eric 192,2111 O'NeiU, P:urick l'n (r'dl, Rohc:n 59, 1';(1 ()"'ctll, \\ t1h:am "2, 141i (lnuiraK. \hclud "2Onufrak,Nicholas I \4,19,.2111 ()'Pella.lo«ph .:;2OToolt. \Ir. \llch",c1 \4.:!nlJ

Ramos, Michael 19.:; R:lntbno. Gioacchin(f 52 Ran~)m. Christopher 6Read. Dand 6"' Rcckamp,Todd 195 Reedm:lll. r:hmtopher Rc.'C\l.'.llam'6Reichel!. Tirnoth, 60 ReId, Da01el60 . Reif, .\d<1m ()II Refisll\der, lohn 611. I.!R. 142, \.f:; Reilc),ChnslOpher I 14,19.:; RC1Ih, Charks 6 ReilJ), LeoSl, 1"8.1% Rhtl:ild~. D:l\ld 14.6Rtch.1rd~.Timtlth,' (Ill Rieffd.....C\'IO 611 Rieck.. Bm. lame-« 11 J, 111

(h cfCa~h. K,all (,(', 1211. 12l'1

Riley, Thomas 136, I.~. RlUer,Daniel(,rJ.ll~ R(Khe. \lr.l.1mc.~ ~1.2l'I'J

( herh(lh.(_hn~I'·rhcrM

()wen,. Dean ()(, Pace.\IJtth~ :'2,114 P:l.hJflf3. Rohc:n (-,II P;l;hloOl'. \l.mrn."\A (,I, PJhl"m'. TUlloth\ (,I'. 1!11 P:du, (.:It\ :;2 Palc'pnh.J.lmc' ('II I P:lIln.D<.memc(rll,124 Parlin, R\.ln(l~.llfl.14:;

PolO". \It ,I"'<ph 2-. 142 Parisi.l-lichae1I I J'.211l Park.I.1m!: {)-.X'i.14S

Parkl-r. (.harlc~ (Ill P:trkcr. \\ llli:tm(,P:tf'on. -'hch;l.d (1-. I ~11. 12k 12x P,lf""n~. Brent (l~ P;llcella.(,n."l.,.. ln (IIJ Palel, Arpil' IlJ\ ~(lt). ~In Paul. !r.:l't'rc\ 6 ~ Paul: l"hn22 P:lYne,Jonalh~nII)'

I\.-dmm .1..1.'06Pdfall,Michaclll)' Pct"tle. -'Ir. RIII:lCrl 120 Pcnzarella,Niccholas 1'4. IlJ4 Pel\h,L.'3o. );unc.. :;~ Percra.,\u~f1n'i2.1()4 P~n, L11'1~ .i~

Perll.·l,john 52 Pelerman, D:I\ id U'i. 194.210,111 Pfefferle. (';ifll), .'11 Phcl:lll, William ~2. H~l. H14, 194.209 Philomeno,Juslin ~.', I()4.21If Plllln~. l);l\Id


Plckens.I,lme.. 6Pi~eon. bhurd (1 ~ Plick. Thom,l" 60, KI Pinken,m,;x,m()~

Pohlol, Hruce .'i~ Pole)',John -.\ 11~.IIH.12(" 119,1()4 l)ollock, R\ an (,41 Poll chrnnJklc.. Phllhpa 6p()1l1~Cl.lL. \1,..., n"rmh\ x. 11, lX. -6.20<) Pnru"Cl.1k. -'Ir. \hchJd 14f.1\l1 Po..en.lnn.lIh:m 60. LW P'IICSU;', (.hnst('pher 6-. H-, 12",I-U1 Poupard. I .nd,rl Prego,lohn 11'''.1111 Prem, timOlh\ 1').:;,2Iltl.210 PI7\b\low 1.J.~lctK,b\6­ PUnlcl.-'lr. \Iired ".14H Puntd,Andre\\ 1-. l'.I,'. IUI.lt)S Queroh. R(.ben flQUI~. \Imhcu ()lJ. In. 1111. 10K QUlIln,D:mielll); QUllln. \Ir. Paul 'I, 1·11 R.ld\ an\k\. (,hn\lnpher(,II. II_J Radun k\,.\lr.lo..,,-,ph I(J. '0 RJth. Innalh;tn ~~ R.lI.,':ln: -'hdud:;1 R.1rn..... -'hrco(oll




R(Khe, lo..erh:OJ R(Kk. DJ\ td 611 Rodden. R\ an (~I. 124. 140 R''lo,'t'f''',::'te\ en .:;., Ro(bl.lk.. Bm.n "-,, R'I'\<:. Christflpher :".-" Rothwell. Grt'{,'fln ':;' Rowc.'.lnhn 6l) Rueter: Brendan 6Ru(h. Benjamin :'IJ Ru(scll..\lr. Ruben 2~. t\I t. HI Run..\ndrew 6l1, \Ill. 104 ~;lbla. Eduard 611 ~Jcchelta.13mc.><; i-" Sakulich;Aaron 1%.1Ilt'.210 ~alemno. -'13(\, 43 ~Jhllti. Chmtopher6~anlJm:ln:t.Peter611 Samora. Bnan 5J Sarracino, Roben &'1, 1%.2111 S:lsso,Adam 91.1':;-.196 SJ(-.(). \lr. \\'il1iam 22 Saunders.lcffrc\ lJSa\age, Eric 1% ~;l\.I~e. "e\ III 6 I Sal cr. \1f",Su\,m.W Scali, David 19~hacld('ll•.\[r. De:ln 12 ~hJcklcn,I)(""Jn 61 SchalTer,Stephen 61 Sehatble. (;rq,:or\ (,Sch;lum. -'I,.... Palncfa41,211 Schmidt, Roben 19Sch(ock, \Ir(. Pam 4 I Schuck, Thcodore61 SchwJn/, (:hri(l'2[lhcr .'11 SCUll, -'!:Illhcu 6 Sc.'Csc. Sc:ln 61 Sec1aus. -'llchad6Scmaniek, Ke,-in K-, 124, 1411. 15:'1. 19-,210 Scminaek.\lr. \IJch:ld19.114 ~n.lusnn 5.' Scwcnn Peter:;' Shay, R~vmo~d II. 42. 11I1I. ](14, 106, 19-.~tJ9. .!11I,111 Shl."Cl\. -'Irs. \Ian .-"R Shepherd, Brandon 1I)~ Shendan.lames 68 Shleld.... .....:lchnb.... :'I.'. 11~ Shhers, Richard 19Shusta.ck. -'1(, -'Iarun.a J 1 SiL,'11lund. -'Ir_ Peter .-"-, II 19, 21 t~ ~llbe:n, IJn':;' ::'lwek, .... lknJem 5_' Sknll.'fl. 03\ Id lJH. HI Sku[>"kJ, Brand..n 61. I.'" Slabm\kJ. I(N.-ph 61'1. 146 Sm,an. \\ ilii.1m 5.' ~nlllh. \Ir. Dou~b.~ 1:'1. 1:'1:; ~mllh. Gr.lham (,H Smnh. Grn:on'lll ~mllh. }.,;,C\:in (,I :->mnh. \If". -'lJn III 1IJ ~mnh. -'lanhC\\ (II. 100

Smith, \\',Irrcn ~), 104 SmoIOln~kl. -'l.1n 4.1 Snnler, \I,ulhe\\' ell ~obn. John 5.1 SollitLlI. Bronk 51 ~olnbtle, \Ir. I ~d\\ard 22 Snndhi, IJ\etl 6X Sp.ln).:lcr, -'1.uk61 Sp:mse,Joscph -2.92. 9H, 103.1 ~.I')H,2(lt),21O Spause, -'Irs Su~an 22 Spiekcr,/oseph 198.. 209 ~purlJll. '\ I.nk:;' :"ftabllc, PAul (oR. ~ I Stanczak. -'Ir. -'!Jnm J. 11,211 StalllOn l Dennis - J, 91S. 1111. 14-. It'K St~ub, Chrislopher 11... 198 "'Ieek. nf(l.lamc~;2:'1 Stella. -'hcflat'l (>H. 111'1 ~lcmer. BJl). Rene 11. "), U14.111. .!11 Slcmer,Stephen IW. Ste\'cns, R~an 11(" I 'x, ICJI< Slieber, Thomas 19<' :-1111\1 eU. Run (,K Sti", Eric "'. '1('. 111" StrcdmJ.n, DaOld lll.~.' SlrL~lka,John 14.Hl.~\

K'i, lO(l.lfll. 1()<).21 I "'uch.tl"'<ki,SIC\ l.'Il (, I Sudrc1d, Karl 210 Sultt\ an. Roben 1',61. 12(,. 141,IH Sullh an, Roben J, 11)<).110 Sulock -'lallhC\\ (, I

1'' '.

S\1an~<)n,-'larkMI.12".I4l'1 ~wc.'Cne\, \Ir Boan .1:'1. 1fJ.4

TJh.::t. :\ndrc."\\ 61 Tan. \1f,J.lIc61. UJ.4 T,lIe. \lr.l.lnlc.·.. 16. WI), \14) 1'.1110\1, 1(1.'\111 i' 1'cklit(. \ltchacl61 Thomas. -'l.lfltn (,1'1 Thom'I". RI,ln 61 11ll)mr~on. Brell Ml Thomp~"n. Hc:nn 6X 1'h\l1c.'l):, 101m i' 1'icn1el,\lichacl6H TiPfX'll, -'I tcll;lcl 51 Toole, Scan I R, 29, -0, H2, HS, H"'. I)K. ]()(,. 1tN. 21 n.ll1 Tran. Dicp41 T rlckeL ~ratlhc.'\\ 5,1 Trimboli, Amhony 1,6. UH,2on Trimboli, 'lchol.... 5.1, IW 'I'mplo, Chri~lIlpher:;' Tnlxdl,R"hc.'nlll.I'w Tf(ll. -'lteh.lel (,I rucel. D.l\ III (I!'I Tuck, Chmll'l'hc:r S' Tud.er.leffrel Lee'i1 Tuman; Chn(IOphc.T (I!'I. 14.::!, I~:; Turk,Jeremy1C. 1 Turner, -'IICh:lcl(~ Tumc:r, \Ir 'fboma\H.ll1. 21.211 Tnrell,)ames !f_1 l twu. \ lClOrC>1.12H l rbaoskl.. \ndrew 61 Urban, BreI! 1,1(,.1011.11 II \·;tlenuno.lohn 1lI Vandi\'er, Andre\\ 61 •.::!IMI Vassallo,Joseph H»l.IIR, 140. 141. 14:',I:i4,2l'1l1.1111 \ 'asc."lIo. \ -fnCent 61. 91 \-ellnO, \lr.Jnserh '-,lJo \·ell.IClO.1than." ' .. 1114 Violl,Joseph 1111.210 \ 'tn<1'" P,'rtllI(I,. \nh't'16H \·Ir.l\ ,Ierem\ (II. 104 \'(>IP<-'~ J.I)IJI~ 61. LW \'(10 -'ledICU". Brenden:'l.1

"\lr, Duncht'Skle.


thai rc--.l1h \nu bad hll::h schon

Von i\ledicus, Wi11i~m IIH. 2 \·uillcnnet.~te\en (,l Wahl,Mauhe\\ 1.141,2111,2111 \\'alder.R\an61 \\ Jllaee.I'KCf'h 6H \\-al1... \lichael M. 10(1,111 \\'a1kcr, "{"\in61, H14 \\ :aJ(ack. Paul II I \\aher.jeffre\ 61'1 Walter, Robert 2111 \\ altc:l"', -'Ir. \'mcem 22 \\ :d\h, P.luIS.1 \\ 'artl. -'Irs, nmencc 13 Warren,Jamin n, -l,X2,~1l, 1lJ4, 2111,209.11 (l \\ .uren, Ju.. un i' \\:ltc...... D.lnicl5.' \\ 'c:innch, I'.dward S.1 \\eiser, Th()m:l~61,HI \\'dler. P:llriek 61 \\c:rner .1-.:('\ in 5.1 \\-c~lb,lhan61

\\·hel."lo. Chn(l')pher 6H, 9.\ I , \\·hILlkcr. Brendan 61, I.H \\-hitakcr. Culm 5.) Whilc'john H~).201 White, on:lIhan lf12 \\ hIlC~IJt. -'Ir. Chn( 11(, \\ ilcl, -'Ir. (;an 2H. 81. I.B. 162,2(1') \\ llkin.T c:rc.·ncc III \\ Ilkm'. -'bchad 'i' Williams, Da\'id :!Ill Williams, Patrick 2t12 \\ 'ill" Scan 61. I.W \\d~on. lohn 61 \\ 1Is,m. Richard 5.' \\ il..nl1. TJmoth\ 5" \\ mkclman. Brian 61 \\mnlOl!, I(}~cph :;, \\ miers, \ndC'NlIl ~1 \\ i~, Richard6l'i \\ l~m:iln. Su:phen l>X \\ l"lllc."\\ ..kl, DJOtci 5) Wisotzke), Kyle I H.2I11 \\ Hlren, I.~q.. \lr. :'oCUli lox 't'C1tcr,-\hcc.· .. ) 't 'runl::. R('>I.,'Cr 6~ 't'l'Unl::.G,l\IO(,s.lllX Youni,t. -'Ir.lohn .". T. lUI I..2Jll.jnhn (,K /.cllie. T,xk161. I W I..oeltsch.. -'If". ';mC\ 25 Zollo, Stephen 11' 12: 21'1 l.oIIOW..kJ. \ndrew llX


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Bill and Debbie eovolus

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Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Campbell & Sons

Richard A. Rothwell, Jr. D.D.S. '70

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Top Ten Books Cmcher In the Ryl' The Great Gatsby Siaughierhou,,*= 5 The Ody,<,c} Ot Mice and Men Huckleberry Finn Dame',lnfenm Catch 22 Cliffs NOle~ Third and Indiana TopTcnllllnds Metallica Dowc Matthew.. Band Red HOI Chtli Peppers LedZeppelin BillyJoel Phish Sob Marley Pink Floyd Rolling Stone\ LllnpBizklt

\ urnl Pele (.lark tiod( lhe ume fur:l much m:eded rc I dunn.lot Cllm~UU{)n. \Ir. Da.n hIe \\1nc<:( ,uthe '-!robe light C()mlll.~ (wm ~llJ..r John Bnnng's he:ad.

Best Excuses Heard I had to park my car on 309 was helpillg an old lad} take OUI her garbage. Some underclassman look my parking ~pol Senioriu\ Oh. it'( an "A" day The chans ill Campu~ Mlllistry are 100 ~ft Mr. (Neely. Miller. Aood.clc,las\3Ulled me Ryan Fagan didn'l comc." 1 \\as III the college coun!>Cling cemer SUi Sigmund said II would \now


Stressful ThingsAbout School College process TC\I\

Homework Papcr~ and projecls Cla"e~

Waking up early Too many ';tupld people!

E.""" SAT's

fa\oriteStnior Week Trip Locations Cancun Ocean City. NJ Sca IslcCity, NJ Baha~

Aorida Haw3JI Anywhere Canbbean Islands California Austr..I.lia

IIOIIOl"'dhlc MClltiOl (All Cutegorie The Roo Chri ..tina Aguile Bnttany Spca A-Tea The DI'>CO\ cry Chann Tue'iday Nighl Mo\ ie on HB WE> Ten R~al SAT I don'l know Joe GidJun: Nice !lhot Girlsareyud Duke\~. L:NC(al Duk The Mou NonhPhil Comptl Soment

ThingsYouSa) I Geta FemuletoNotice Yat

f I know JoeGidJuni Hey baby, wanna wre<,:tll II ..a~ nothlllg".lhey come up 10 me Thi .. i\m) REALhalr,(A Blan Excu'>C me, do you ha\e the llOlt 110\1 my phone number: can I h,l\e your I", l.!oh I didn'l ha\c a girlrrien Don'l run away. bah Hey baby. are you llTed. because you'路 been running lhrough my mind all da

redictions forthe Next Ten Yeal"S Things We ','e Lost ThingsWe'\"l.'Gained catasuophic eanhquake ",ill separate Brother John'~ Advice Working computeT'; and copier. California from the United States Jon Masin!..', Friend~hip Kairo.. relTealS raduale from college Mr.Cimim'~ Work Ethic A second Bro. Frank! etmanied Cafeteria microwa\ cs Those greal Japanese candies Scripture according to Pink Flo)d Iyers win Stanley Cup The emergence ofWmer Boy Hinckle TwinsCirelli andChecco ucJearWar The ma~cot'~ head Ms. Dugan's Curve I knew that. I wOllklll't be here More Doughcrtys than you can count eldism will catchon Brother Skcletor A gr..lffiti-frecgazebo rid of the world SI. La Salle's finger Most Likcl)'10.,. igles .... In the Supcr Bowl Empt) par!..ing "pace.. FryGu) Become Pre~ident: Joe Mastronardo lake my first million 11 STILL be in college The Mad Bomber Become a tt,'lummer: Joe Spie!..er Ken Flood'" "chillear" S", im profe~ ..ionall)': Jim Logan ecome a father 'orld Peace Neely' .. fim Gel arre..ted: Andy Filipcza" Become a bouncer: Tim Prern Only needing'" credlls to graduate as a i1Cmor ure for cancer discO' ered Bernie McCabe'~ sense of st)le xers win NBA Champion~hip Live the life of Ned Flanders: Ryan Ma~cio ussia's economy will collapse Magazine Drivc'~ pcr~onal holid:ly Live lhe life ofCoslllo Kramer: A,lron Sakulich Gazebo-..ini ng privilege<: Get lots oflaugh~: Greg Lepore 1C Inle mi Ilcnnium will take place rst .... oman Pre~ident LaSt fore\'erin our memories: Greg Phinney I Salle .... ill allo.... golf<:hins nder'\\ ater colonizallon an will .... alk on l\lars Jbs win World Series 1e United States", ill cOnlrol Canada inckle will become Football coach I Salle Will goco-ed 'eak-up of Microsoft fe will be found on other planets temational abolition of the death penalty arijuana legalized in all fifty SlateS ,'erpopulation "'ill cause Widespread mine and catastroplc collapse of )rldwidego\ernmems

Seniorface (Page 162) (From Top. Left 10 Right) AllIhony Coslantlllo AndrewBlank Jamin Warren Evan Madden Dan Kim Arpit Patel Amhony M..donna JoeGidjums Joe Spause Ben Bailey Jim Logan Pele Jenkin:. Ray Shay Tr.:rry Fitlgibbons

ost and l..east Heard Stlllements what's the point? ~t off the computer, Freshman lanks for the "A:' Mrs. Ponisciak :ar Dwayne: Ilo\'e you n convening to Fieldism (sjust be friends djunis should have more control lank goodness this is an all guy school hafsa Ha.... klet? )\e )'ou.,.as a Christian


:Iievl: il or Nol... Mr. Roche is simply a good guesser Mr. Barna is a Navy Seal .... ho served in Descrt Stoml Senor Blancocan read )our mind Mr, O'Toole isa KGB agent .... ho Infiltrated the CIA Ryan Fagan actually came to school Kronos is advancing Mr. Chesnik is not Keanu Reeves Rizzo is the most electrifying hockey goalie in the world Vloney can buy anything, ANYTHING. .Mr, Wiley'sexperimemswork. soloclimes, well. sona.

, mor Bill Pllchn looks on:1.I Dean Fnzlen:and lIi~ \IOlller, Bouncers ofthe Clf(.'"ll'fLl

~lall··Viru..."O'Donnell Nicknames: Eric "Mu<;cle>;" O'Ncill "Cooter" Agc:r Gillx'no "Chico" Aponte Nick "Omon"Onufrak Mike "Parchee~)" Pari..i Ben ":-:I~ht-Traln" Baile)" Kc\ In "Bake," Baker Arpll "Ghelto Super<.tar' Paid Erme "Oa Stump" Baole Da\ c "Sa, age" Petennan Leon "L-Tmin" Benn Ju"lin "Meno" Philomeno John "JP" Prego Andre\\ "Blankman" Blank Tim"Gerb" ?rem D()u~ "The Bug" Bohardt Aaron "Satchel" Sakulich Steve "Pop," Bolger Bill "BOllC~" Bonner Rob"Bamey" Samlclno Emic"Bc:n" Burrell Kevin "Rcxdog" Scmanick Dan"Bear' Bridy Ray "Ray Shay" Sh:lY Joe "Sauce" Spausc Kieran "FallY" Bryer. Bob "Bobby Seger' Sulli\an Kyle "Cycione/M Foley" Callahan Joe "Sam"Canmnatl Karl"Herbie" Sudfeld Paul "Paco" Coli..tra Scan "Bean" Toole ~1lI.,e "Pinning Machine" Co,grme Brclt "Urbs" Urban Amhony ....Tino 1f2" Co<,tantino Joe "JV Joey" Vas"aJlo Chri....CUn.e.. Curtl Joe"T-Bone" Violi ~Ilke "Dcebo" DeCre'\ClO ~lal1"Brick" Wahl Nick "Elflin"lXtlaVecchla Jamlll"1ammin' Gold" W:ll'Ten Tom "De\" Dc\ lin Stc\e "Ste\e-o" Zollo Chri.. "Mc:at" Doughc:rty Craig "Slim:ST' Dougherty Joe "Chef' Dougherty Tom "Ocvo" Doughc:ny "emzy" Joe Dwyer Jim "Durk,"Ourkin I ll~hh:lck: TIl(:n -frl:'hmcn Jamlll FrakJin "Bone!." Egan \\ :lfr~'n ,lOd Hlllllo ,nncr are Bill"Fegs" Fegley tnl!hlcnc:J b\ theIr ~urrnundlnl-"'" Kc\ In "Fitz" Fitlgcrald Terry "Fundamenta"" Filzglbbom Rid.y"Me,\:"Feh,\: Dean "SMA" Frizlen Brendan"G Fre..h" Gate.. Joe "Gid. G- Ntan, SI ugger" GidJun i!o Ke\ m"Hardcore"Glmpel Jeff"GoaCGoettner Shea "Skunk" Hagy Mike"Gunner" Harrigan Mall "Gabby" Hartnell Bryall"Harn" Harvey Pal "Big Oog"lliggins P;llrick ·'P.M .. Hildebrandt Brian "Whlley" Horgan Kc\ In "S\\eaty" lIughe.. BiU"Capitali,t FatC:u" lame" Brian "Chicken" Jenlim Pele "Fubu" Jenkin, Scott "Caledon" Kelly Stc\e "Kets" Kcninger Dan "Damn Korean" Kim ChriJo '"Trenton Thunder" Kreigner Greg "Hairy" Lepore Mike "Tu.." Loftu\ Anthony "Tino Mudonn;! Anthony "Won Ton" ManJapas Brian "Market" Market Joe "Rizzo" Mastronardo Jon "McCaff' McCaffrey Tom "TMC" McAIIi\ler Mike "Oa Deuce" McCann Paul'{Jurks" McGurlin Andy "ED" Meinert M.m "Dog" ~hchd Tom "Mllhou<;e" Mdler Greg ·'Degg...·, Molchen \\,1Ich OUI for me wet \1111\, Dcan.., Chad "Money" Munn AU\lln "OCD" O'Connor ~ll](,r l.rnll·lhnlt: Ix:fnrt: tilt: "p<:"1lll! klckotY. Tom'"TOC"O'Conncr



1999 - 2000 Blue & Gold "The Tradition Continues" Co-Editors-in-ChieJ: Joseph Paul Gidjunis & Matthew Joseph Hartnett

,ssistant Editor: Sean Toole ,ssociate Editots: Darren Grossman and Brian Campo ndex Editor: John Doherty piritual Advisor: Anthony Madonna :opy Editor: Ray Shay :teative Consultant: Terry Fitzgibbons 'hotography Staff: Alex Bethke, Scott Kelly, and Dave Peterman Hue and Gold Staff: John SrrzaJka, Pere Jenkins, and Anthony Costantino, Bill James, Mike Walls, and Steve Lyons Faculty Moderators: Mrs. Linda Donahue & l\lr. William Geiger

'he 1999 - 2000 Blue & Gold would like to express our gratitude to the folJowing: - The entire Class of 2000 (well most) for staying within the lines... - Bob and Rita Da\,jne of Herff Jones; your toleration and patience is awesome! - DaVor Photography for their "rush" orclers and crisp phorography. . i\ir. i\like i\1aicher and Bro. James Rieck for all the great shors! Thanks for hookjn' us up! - I\(r. Jerry Evans and the Ghost of i\tr. Shawn "Neels" Neely for all the advice, support, and sheer insults that keep us in linc, the calming aura of peace, and getting us through those long dars. . Mrs. Julie l\l"ahcr for her editorial advice and review. - 1\1r. 1\lartin Stanczck, J\lr. Tom Turner, and Mrs. Patricia Schaum for putting names of anonYrP.t~us students with a picrure. (As well as letting us slide in a minute or twO late.) - Mrs. f.::aren ~Iullen, Mrs. Patty Murph,', and Mrs. Ann Ford, for the lislS, labels, schedules, phon: messages, postage, and packaging. \X'e could nor ha\'e done it withour you. - Brother Rene Sterner, Mr. Da,id Diehl, and Dr. Joseph D'Angelo, for their support and trust during d,e production process. - The Coaches and J\loderators of La Salle sPOrtS and acti\'ities for accomodating the staff with infonnacion, photographs, and guidance. - Brother Gerald Frendreis and Mr. J\tark Gibbons, for payin' da bills and showin' us da money. - ~lost importantly, the PARENTS of the scaffl \X'ithout your guidance and advice, the book would ne\'er ha\'e !-..rorren primed. \X'e lo\'e you! )011 find a

problellJ, h01'f a qllestiOIl, or cOllcem regardillg Iht )'MrbOOIe, pleasl' SCAPEGOAT: The enigmatic Joseph Paul Gidjunis

cOlllar! lIn follolling:


"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness

and ask for truth, and he will find both." - Anonymou









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