2000 Yearbook

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SAlle CDl1tge ~h school Blxe _ Gold 2000 8605

chelferlulIl Averme


PA 19038

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conducted by the Brothers of the christia.n schools


You might expect a theme concerning the millenium, or perhaps a recap of the last 100 years, or even a Y2K prediction. What mo st forget is that the millenium starts n ex t year!!!

" LaSalle's Turf

FAST FACTS :i of Campus: 50 acres

ed Limit: 15 MPH King Spots on Campus: 341 orite Spots on Campus: PIT, Fireplace in the library, Cafeteria, Guidance Office st Favorite Parts of Campus: Mr. Stanczak's Office, the Classroom cer Fields:2 eball Fields: 2 tball Fields: 2

:ebos: 1 re Life: APES(AP Environmental Science) is still identifying species Building Erected: 1960 Vlichael's Hall Erected: 1993 :hers' Residence: There can be only one. <ing Spaces used that violate Fire Code: NONE! :1ber of Classrooms:421 nber of Computer Labs: 3; computers : 200 nber of Concrete Cinder Blocks: <78,965 nber of Ceiling Tiles: >4,82 1

Nowhere on the whole campus is tradition more evid than in the sacred cafeteria. It's the place where everyone flo cl at the beginning of a free period, except for nerds like me-\\ go right to the library and study quietly. But I've heard about what goes on there. The rich smells hit you on the way down the steps. \-x; you open the double doors, you come upon a whole other world-kids at the vending machines and just as many kids circling like buzzards waiting for change. Then you enter the il sanctum. Everyone is talking to friends, copying homework c spilling stuff. The smell of those delicious cheesesteaks is unbe able to your empty stomach. (You ignore the fact that they contain 300% of the daily recommended fat intake.) It's finall your turn to place your order. "Cheeses teak , please," you say with a smile as your saliva begins to flow. ( You try not to dr. Patty hands the steak to you. "Thanks," you mumble.

Finger lickin' good.

The Realm of Fry Guy Onward to the cash register. You have only three crumpled singles so you must ignore the other tasty treats. Fin you can get a honeybun. (You big baby.) Then on to the rna: sacred part of your journey, the toppings. Ketchup is essential and you have to fight to get it. Now you can finally sit down eat. Oh wait, you forgot a drink. Okay, got it? Now here's where the traditions occur: first, there is always something dirt

"Gentlemen, make sure you throw out your trash, that essay included."

Mr Young: "If it's coming I'm going."

"Bonner, you devil, you."

e table (Ignore it; if you don't bother it, it won't bother you.) If somebody drops a dish, everyone stops what they're doing and cheers d claps(doesn't it give you a warm, woolley feeling all over); then you look over to e right and someone is mixing potato chips, chocolate milk, and yogurt gether(and another person is waiting there, ready to drink it, trying to earn an Illest buck); and last but not least is the special honor of trash duty, usually larded to kids with their shirt tails out or those caught launching a cookie across e room. Anyway, you finish your sandwhich and save the honeybun for eigth riod. Then you and your boys get ready to leave. A tear wells up in your eye but strong. There's no need to cry. The cafeteria and all its endearing traditions will 11 be there tomorrow and everyday after that.

-Jon McCaffrry

If you can identify this kid, make up yo ur own joke abou t him.

The beauty of La Salle's fifty-seven acres of is obvious to any parent, Open House visitor , or 8th grader spending the day here. However, that beauty is not what sells the school in the end. What makes La Salle great for each individual student is the freedom anJresponsibility to enjoy that beauty: the independence given to the student to walk around campus and do whatever he chooses, from the ever popular volleyball in the pit, to chatting with friends in the cafeteria, to studying in the study commons. The La Sallian tradition of responsibility is emphasized every day when a student does not have to go to any assigned place. What freedom to have the opportunity to walk around school and enjoy your surrOlmdings, r.erhaps lookin~ for your picture on the bulletin boara wall in the front or the school or taking out a yearbook in the library and laughing at how your teachers used to look! The opporturuty to do what you choose is what makes it special. Have you ever walked through the school ana felt that it was special? Not just because your parents think so or because the administration tells you. It is special because of the atmosphere it creates throughout the school:An aroma of excitement in the chenustry lab or during a ~eat history class. A feeling that moves you when you hear the band Rlay the ahria mater, or maybe when you wall<: past the "Brothers' Residence or the school chapel and feel relieved that there are other people who care for you. Perhaps you simply sit in the gazebo or walk out back and feel incredible because you are at one of the best prep schools in the nation, a school that overwhelill.s you with work" but at the same time, gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. You may not see it until your Senior year comes, or even until you leave, but the tradition that continues is the free time given to each and everyone of us. It develops us,2 makes us more mature, and creates an unprecedented reeling of preparedness for life after high school. That tradition continues at La Salle for the best reason: students and teachers have the same opportunity and free will to do what they choose. All students are treated as adults, as individuals wise enough to manage their own time, and to chill or study when they see fit. The school demands that students mature faster in La Salle, and because of the La Sallian tradition of excellence, most do. You will always see alumni around the school helping other students because they realize the important role that La Salle play'ed in their lives. Recent ana older alumni always come back and walk around their school; they feel the pride, the legacy that carries on, and the memories that will never be foro-otten. La Salle is special to us all for one reason or another. The freedom to enjoy the school and our friends on our own time is the tradition around the school. Go, La Salle! The tradition continues! ~eenery

- Joe Gidjunis

Kevin Fitzgerald to Steve Bolger: "So wanna make a break for it?"

Miss Long's accomplice surveys from the second floor.

Why We're Here About mid-August, students receive their rosters in the mail and faintly recall the classroom setting. During the academic year, they enjoy or endure their grades from the most recent quarter on their report cards. Students continually arrive to class in order to acquire know ledge, skills, and enlightenment. These happenings, however, do not span just one year or just four years. Rather, in years past the young men of La Salle underwent the same eXReriences and challenges that greet stuaents today. In the classroom, which is the essence of La Salle College High School, the tradition continues. Physically, in the building itself, tradition makes itself evident. The old wing, since its construction, has served the student body well. What it lacks in air conditioning, it has made up forin durability and strengtli- a strength that represents the inner being of a La Salle student. Desks, windows, chairs, maps, blackboards, crucifixes, bookcases: an outsider would not see the significance. Yet, for those who have learned here, there exists so much more beyond those tangibles. Even St. Michael's Hall, since its construction in 1993, has taken on its own traditions, from the well-publicized comforts and amusements of Room 221 's chairs to the confines and balconies of the art department. Just as certain rooms remind La Salle alumni of particular aspects of their time here, present students will remember the structures as having character. Mr. Miller's Time magazine-decorated room around his soapbox, the abandoned electricity lab, or even the computer room and its bunker-like bathroom all display the prominent La Salle variety and tradition. More important than the structures themsel ves are the know ledge, enrichment, and enjoyment found inside the classrooms. While learning to write a disciplined essay, do chemistry tItrations, and, of course, develop into a full human being, students wonder about the people before them, who sat in those very chairs, two periods or two years ago. Those who spentlong hours decoding Shakespeare's language, those who cursed under their breath (or aloud) during a Ponisciak test, those who cherished Mr. Turner's Helpful Hints (for the test and mixer), and those who prayed before class, have also acknowledged God's presence before them. A student may talk about a certain teacher or a certain event with someone who experienced the same-perhaps his father. We must recognize ana respect the once-young men who have given La Salle its history; we are undoubtedly a part of that history, for the tradition continues. We hope and pray the tradition will always continue. - Terry Fitzgibbons


'What makes LaSalle's classroom tradition exceptional is that teachers are available, students relate comfortabb' ~vith teachers, and when teachers demand, students rise to the challenge. " Dr. Joseph D'Angelo

" Mr. Evans indicates his presumed position as head of the faculty.


"This is the las t class you'll teach," remarks Mrs. D onahue's would-be assassin, Carl Pfefferle.

Mr. Leahy tells his students how to turn religion into a profi table business.

" So, Mr. Miller, you say you'll put up al1)' bumper sticker?"


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Symbols of faith seen around campus and beyond.

Mr. Turner guiding another wayward student ... to detention.

Beyond Reality Time and sr.ace, unfortunately, cause gaps between people, between events, and Between ideas. Traditions, however, are a means of building bridges over these gaps. At La Salle, faith is one of our most structurally sound bridges. Faith keeps every member of our community connectea with members of the Lasallian Community around the world and with the teachings ofSt. John Baptist de La Salle


How are the years 1680 and 2000 connected? Using tfie same basic teachings as St. John Baptist de La Salle taught his group of schoolmasters in 1680, the ChrIstian Brothers as well as the lay of our Lasallian community, have taught the graduates of La Salle College High Scliool the Importance of faith in our daily 11ves. Don't teachers begin homeroom and classes with a reminder of our faith? "StJohnBetptistde La Salle; Pray for us. Live Jesus in our Hearts; Forever" How could our classes not reflect our faith when ourfounder is the Patron Saint of Teachers? In our religion curriculum, freshmen and sophomore year classes examine the roots of our faith, whilejunior year' s morality classes undertake the difficult task of applying that faith base to issues in our Ii ves and arouncfthe world today. Senior year then provides choice in deciaing what religion cfasses to take. These seemingly minor aspects of our curriculum are actually very important when put into the context of the age group taking these classes. The teenage years are ones of doubt frustration and temptation at least;at best, a difficult field for the seeds of faith to be sown and nurtured. Yet La Salle's classrooms have a tradition of faith to act as a bridge. The camfus itself is a very visible representation 0 路ourfaith. From our outdoor shrine of our Lady to the Celtic cross, and from the statue of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the artistic symbol of St. Michael on the side of the new wing, symbols of our faith surround us on campus. Old traditions of Masses on the lawn behind school, and new traditions like morning prayer at theCeltic cross, are reminders of our laith. Having access to the chapel all day is another strong reminder that our faith is not sporadic, but IS r.resent throughout the day. La Salle's tradition offaith, however, goes beyond the classrooms and our campus. The faith - based education prompts every member of our Lasallian communi ty to reach out !9people in our surrounding communities. Whetfierthrough the Campus Ministry Center, the Lasallian Service Corps, or the Christian Action electi ve, everyone at La Salle is challenged to put their faIth into action Projects like Aninesty International, St. Vincent's, Operation Santa Claus, Bread Basketball, Respect Life, San Miguel, and Treist House all attest to the commitment our school community has made to put our faith into action. - Ray Shay

These students all aced Mrs. Ponis chemistry


"Alumni and visitors of La Salle are continuallY impressed with the friendliness and personal iry of the students) in ant around schoo!. The personality cannot be explained)' others outside the school cannot understand it) but all students seem to have it. }) Dr. J oseph D 'Angel,


Nobody told Dave Busta needed an Easy-Bake Ove art

Patiently, we wait for the minute hand to reach the large number 2. The last five minutes of the aay are always the slowest. Once the clock reads 2:10, La Salle explodes as students rush into the hallways to grab their books and rush out the door. However, only ten minutes after this eruption, the rooms of La Salle become revttalized as more students gatl1er to discuss the dUngs that they enjoy most. The sports fields and gymnaslUm are covered witn athletes preparIng for the big game. For most students, dismissal is only the halfway point of their day, because activities playa 1arge part of the La Sallian experience and tradition. When I came up Cheltenham Avenue for the first time, I was nervous. I came from a small middle school down the road and I did not know a single person. When the announcement came that day for freshman football, I quickly signed and waited after school for tile first meeting. Even though I played in only two games the entire season, sitting on the bench was an acclimating experience for me. I knew I would not play, so I spent a lot of time talking to those who, like me had only mediocre athletic talent. The friendships I developed while watching the starters brutally sacrifice their bodies were the roots of the friendships I have today. Abraham Lincoln once said, "The greater part of one's life is composed of friendships." If I had not been involved in football, 1 may not have befriended the great people I know today. Looking for one's niche can be hard sometimes, but extracurriculars bring together people of similar minds. No one really wants to start homework early, so what better way to procrastinate than to join your colleagues in t~ought-pr<?vo~ng conversatlon on everything from Juggling to extreme sports to editorials? Despite La Salle's moderate siz~ there is a plethora of activities to choose trom, so many I don't even remember them all. I had the opportunity to spre~d my self out, try ne.w .tnings and expand my Interests. However, it is important to maintain the commitment that after ?chool projects r~quire . qf c::ourse, .if there isn't anyone aCtlVity that is Interestlng to someone, he can start his own club ifbe can find a moderator .... or go underground (the faculty does not endorse the latter method). No La Salle education would be complete without the service which is the most important after school activity at La Salle. This year I had the honor of aiding the inception of the La Sallian Service Core which combines all the service projects of La Salle. I had friends who fed the homeless, tutored inner city students, and worked with mentally-challenged adults. The door Is open to help people everywhere in the vlCinity of Philadelphia and the personal satisfaction gained b y helping others can be attained through no other clUb or sport. There are those who must nang around school till their ride comes or must scour the hallways for iliose who can take them home (like me). Finding a ride after school can be tough. It's a sname that there is no Christian Brothers bus service. Maybe we can use the money from the magazine drive for a bus depot or an internatlonal airport... -jamin Warren

On freshman days there's no place better to hide than the good 01' gym. Dave Rhodes just hacking away.


Chillin' Although enthralled by the academic obstacles provided by La Salle, the students are traditionally known for their ability to put the stress of school work behind them. While many adults hate to admit it, "shootin' the breeze," "kickin' it," or simply relaxing with friends is part of a healthy high school career. Widely reknown places around LaSalle for students to gather include the "PIT, the caf, the study commons, and sometimes even the library. The PIT, not just a place but a presence to be felt at the football games, for years has been a popular spot to relax around campus. Despite the lacK of sand in the PIT, LaSalle volleyball displays many different rules than those seen on the ProBeach Tour. Contesting "in versus out calls" and the excessive "dissing" of the opponent during the heated v-ball matches adds to the excitement. Better yet, neighboring the PIT is the cafeteria where students get their energy for enduring the school day at LaSalle. Good, wholesome nutrition in the form of fries and cheese steaks have been traditionally served by such mythical figures as the Fry Guy and consumed under the reign of Neelyus Mammathus. Although they no longer roam the cafeteria, their Rresence will be forever remembered as a part of the LaSalle Tradition. The library at LaSalle is also a good place to relax as long as you don't talk. For some ungodly reason sound is to the librarian like kryptonite is to Superman. The library proctors prey on those who make any type of sound. Seniors will surely remember the Mad Paaper and the havoc he caused Brother Dominic. However what goes on in the library is part of any school ' s traditIOn. Your memories are unique for you. After you have been kicked out of the library, the study commons is a popular place for assembling; one, because talking is at times "permitted," and two, because it has the most comfortable chairs on campus. The commons is famous for the class ping pong tournament. Even though ping pong isn't a varsIty sport, theping pong tournament seems to thrive. Whether it's Gidjunis bringing his Swedish- made paddle or Logan sweating by the buckets, the study commons is the spot where the championship is won. Obviously getting into a good college depends on how well you do academic all y III high school, but living to your own personal values and morals is important. High school, so 1'm told, are some of the best times of our Ii ves, and the memories we hold and traditions that are made will be cherished forever. - Matt Hartnett Josiah Ackley. O ne of a few at work.

0 11 opposite page. "I IIJas ready. But it was kind o f disappointing."

La Salle's Music Department enjoys record student involvement and extraordinary success, due in no small measure to Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro and his extensive musical experience, his La Sallian heritage, and genuine concern for the individual student. ' When "Mr. C" entered La Salle High School at 20,h and Olney in 1953, he was a clarinet player. However, using an approach that Mr. C. himself would later adopt, then band director Joseph Colantonio encouraged young Ciccimaro to familiarize himselfwitE other instruments. Soon, he was playing saxophones and woodwinds as well as continuing hiS advanced study of the clarinet. Even today, LaSalle band members broaden their musical horizons by followir:g Mr. C's rre.scriptions of brass, percussl0n,orwoodwlnd. In high school, Mr. C discovered his love of the musica1 theater when a brother took him to Broadway to see The Kin,g and I. After this revelatory experience, Nfr. C was determined to pursue the career of a theater musician. Keeping this goal in mind, he went to La Salle University, where he earned a degree in English and teaching certification in English and SOClal Studies. There he continued with his music and obtained a welIrounded La Sallian education as well. He also landed his first theater job and began teaching instrumental lessons at La Salle High School and throughout the diocese. S~)()il after gradu~tion, he was employed as band dltector at f\rchblshop Wood High School. Around the same

time, he was hired as a musical contractor for Philadelphia's Forrest Theater, for Leonard Berstein s broadway-bound 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Impressed with Mr. c.'s talent, Bernstein invited him to work in New York. Mr. C. had other plans though, ones that have come to fruition In La Salle's Music Program as we know it. Under Brother Gene Graham, La Salle began a tradition of putting on "big" musicals. Mr. C, still band director at Wood, was invited to produce and direct the musical theater at LaSalle. Later, he left Wood for La Salle full time. Since the 1970's, Mr. C. has led the music department to its current splendor: developing the innovative rock Pep Band, the Jazz Bands, the classical Concert Band, the Instrument Ensembles, the Chorus, and the student-led pit orchestra. On a personal level, Mr. C's body of . Wisdom and experience has guided disoriented freshmen, indecisive seniors', and many in between. He fosters in his students a greater appreciation of talent, presents an informed perspective on problems, reveals a better understanding ofhigf1 school, offers a saner, more realistic approach to the college process, and inspires a more passionate lo~e of life. In appreciation of his long dedication to La Salle and to its students, in recognition of his outstanding professional career, and in sincere hope for his continued success and well-beina- , we of the Bltle and Gold dedicate this millenniat yearbook to Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro. -A 17drellJ PtinIe1

Mr. C in his 1957 Senior Picture.

Fast Facts: - Born on Mozart's birthday. - Started music lessons in 1st grade. - First musical instrument was a piano his father won in a poker game. - First job in the theater was a Jewish variety show that opened on Christmas Day. - Played for the debuts of Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler and John Travolta. - Had the singular experience of playing for The J(i/~g and I, the source of his inspiration. - Directed teachers Mr. Edward Molush, Mr. William Geiger, and Mr. John Grace when they were students here. Mr. C proving his Italian heritage with a grin of joy for his favorite band class.

We learn the very definition of Lasalli tradition through the hard work and dedication our faculty and administators. This year, at the tl of the millennium, the Bltte and Gold has chosen spotlight just a few of these devoted mentors w provide us students with daily examples of t Lasallian tradition. One such scholar and mentor is Dr. Jose D'Angelo, Assistant Principal for Academic Affai Students can easily approach "Doc D" with wh ever is on their minds and find him helpful a understanding. Because of his many experienc Dr. D is able to talk with students about anythil from classes, grades, and teachers to sports, movi and family life. As a current administrator, teach and hockey moderator and as a former Engli department chair and baseball, drama club, and fi club moderator, Dr. D'Angelo has repeatedly sho, his commitment to Lasalle. - Sean Too The sullen Mr. Miller; one of our most distinguished educat(

Congratulations! You have (insert name of disease here). "Seriously Brother, so what's the point?"

Faculty & Staff ,\Ir.

Rad's ever classic, "You follow me?"

Arrrggh! No homework? \\lh\', I'll run ye thru with me sword!

Making the Tough Decision Administration Our principal of eleven years, Mr. David Diehl, may come off as quiet, perhaps shy, to the student body. However, any student who has been in his famous economics class knows differently. Whether he helps a student understand the dynamics of microeconomics or makes a tough decision for the welfare of the school and its students, Mr. Diehl shows a caring personality that embodies the pride of La Salle. An alumnus, having graduated from the Broad and Olney campus, he has been with La Salle forty-four years, twenty-eight of them in the administration. At the end of the year, Mr. David Diehl will leave the top spot and become the Director of Financial Aid, again for the benefit of the school and students. He believes, "I have done what I can do. Over twenty-eight years, I have had my say in the direction the school should take, and it is time for another point of view". His vision of emphasizing people before rules has led La Salle to great acclaim. By demonstrating his love for the people of La Salle and believing they give our school its strong unity, our principal, Mr. David Diehl reflects the greatness and tradition that embodies La Salle. Mr. Diehl will continue to teach his popular economics course and believes he will have more time to appreciate his many loves: the ocean, tennis, golf, fishing, reading, and cooking, yes, even cooking! -Joe Gidjt!nis

Mr. David Diehl Principal Economics

Bro. James Rieck, FSC Director of Admissions Morality

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo Assistant. Principal,. Academic Affairs Creative Wi'iting, 'shakespeare

Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal Chemistry, Student Council Moderator

Mr. Martin Stanczak Dean of Students

Bro. Rene Sterner, FSC President Kry Concepts of Christianity, Forum Moderator

Bro. Gerard Frendreis, FSC Comptroller

Mr. Thomas Turner Assistant Dean of Students World Cultures

(Row One - L. to R.) Robert Moran, Julia Maher, John Paul, Stephen Dugan, Bro. Andrew Bartley, FSC, Bro. Benedict Oliver, FSI Bro. Rene Sterner, FSC, David Diehl, John MekoJr., William Sasso, Donna Bartynski (Row Two) James Basile, Bro. Timothy Froehlich, FSC, Bro. Kevin Dalmasse, FSC, Bro. Brian Henderson, FSC, Joseph D' Angelo, Bro. Gerard Frendreis, FSC, James Has~ Dean Shacklett, Sr. Patricia Kelly, John Kent (Row Three) Vincent Walters, Robert Laskowski, William Markmann, John CarabeU, Michael McCmthy, John Lehman, Robert Mills, Edward Solvibile, Bro. Thomas McPhillips, FSC

Mr. Mark Gibbons Assistant to the Comptroller Crew Coach

Mrs. Susan Spause Alumni Office

Mrs. Jane Kelly Evans Alumni Office

Mrs. Patricia Dever Development Office

Mrs. Florence Ward Development Office

Mr. John Meko Director of Development

Mrs. Angeline Colangelo Secretary to the President

Mrs. Connie Gill Business Office

Mr. Thomas Hibbs Director of Alumni

Not Justa language, but a culture It was a particularly irksome Destinos question; one of many the class seemingly did not know that Tuesday. First period is always a tired time, no matter how much fun or interesting a class is. "What does 'ONCE' stand for?" The class stared at Senor, hoping for the answer to this question, and he stared back at each one of us. He always had a way of getting the answer to the impossible questions in a sometimes lethargic class. Finally Senor stated to the class, "This is where mind reading becomes interesting." The class, finding this amusing, continued to stare at him. No one knew the answer to this question. After that brief pause Senor finally stated, "Juan, I'm sending it to you," staring directly at me. This amused the class again, as well as me, yet even through this mind-communication, I did not know the answer. Finally, we abandoned the question and moved on. In keeping with his style, Senor did not tell us the answer, leaving it up to us to figure out for homework. However, after class was over and I had walked to second period, the answer popped into my head. Of course, "La Organizacion Nacional de Ciegos Espaiioles/" Then another thought entered my mind: I have never had a teacher at La Salle who did not have character (or was not a character, for that matter), especially Senor Blanco.

Language Department P-------------~


-]ohn S trzalka

Linda Donahue Spanish, AP Spanish, French, Italian Blue and Gold Moderator

Gabriel Blanco (Chair) Spanish, AP Spanish Senior Class Moderator

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch Spanish Spanish Club Moderator

Mr. Douglas Smith Spanish

Bro. Charles Lackes, FSC Spanisb

Mr. David Manion French, AP FrenciJ, Spanish

Mr. Nicholas Coggins .Spanisb

Mrs. Frances Jacob Diccicco Spanisb

Bro. James Steck, FSC .Spanish, French

Mr. George Hohenleitner German, AP German, Scripture Respect Life Moderator

History DepartlTIent

Bro. Ernest Miller, FSC j\IIorality, World Cultures, AP American History

Fortwodecades,Mr.MillerhasbeenaninstitutionatLaSalle. Alth he teaches Western Civilization and American History, Mr. Miller is kr school-wide for his popular Political Science and Vietnam electi ves. Each these classes are among the first to fill up, primarily because Mr. Millerte~ like no other faculty member at La Salle. He challenges his students to am everything from the 2000 Presidential election to the dress code. Mr. Miller's forum provides for in depth discussion on any issue of concern. Students feel to express feeling in Mr. Miller's classroom because he makes the environ conducive to expression. He does nottell you what you wantto hear or what 0 want him to say; rather Mr. Miller challenges us to develop our own opinion act on them. In no other class could you discuss Woody Guthrie folk song: the Boer War. Keeping with his unique teaching style, Mr. Miller also crea classroom to match his expressive personality. Room 321 draws the attentil every student, teacher, and visitor who walks by. Bumper stickers of Val colleges, baseball teams, and political slogans overflow his bulletin board and c the entire left side of the classroom, Time magazine covers from the 1980s [l a border, surrounding the room. Mr. Miller's classroom defies the bOling gra~ white stones of the conventional classroom. Besides religiously attending each and every La Salle football game Miller also moderates swimming and keeps the score for the basketball team Mr. Miller's bluntness and creati vity, challenging the student mind in every c represents a strong tradition of teaching. - Michael McCa

"History knows no restin places and no plateaus." Henry Kissinge Mr. Gerald Miller Vietnam, Political Science, American History, Western Civilization

Mr. James Tate fForld Culttlres, fVestern Civilization, Outdoor Adventure Club

Mr. Joseph Colistra AP Eco1tomics, American History Head Football Coach

Mr. Daniel Hinclde Lf:7estern Civilization, Scripture, Catholic ID Football/Lacrosse Coach

Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald IJ:7estern Civilization, American History

Mr. John Grace (Chair) Lf:7orld Cultures, Western CilJilizatio1t, AP European History

Mr. John Young Lf:7estem Civilization, Lf:7orld Cultures, Catholic ID, Wisterian Moderator

Mr. Joseph Parisi World CNltures, Psycholo..gy

Stephen Duncheskie Environmental Science, Integrated Science

Gary Wiley Pl!Jsics, Astrol1oJ1ry, Meteorology Science Club

Robert Russell Pl!Jsics, AP Pl!Jsics, Programming, AP Computer Science Mathletes, Computer/Robotics Club

Dorothy Ponisciak (Chair) Chemisry, AP Chemist()' NHS Moderator

As any of his students can tell you, Mr. Gerald Evans is hardly a typical l1ce teacher. Affectionately known as "Opie," Mr. Evans possesses that rare and brated ability to both teach and befriend those in his classes, guiding them through confusing worlds of science and high school life. By accenting lessons with letimes relevent and always humorous personal stories, Mr. Evans is able to rove even the most mundane Biology lectures. Corny jokes routinely follow ~ual reproduction lectures in room 202. However, the bearded Mr. Evans can do more than just lead group ections. His clean-shaven twin spends autumns refereeing high school football les, and Mr. Evans spends afternoons moderating La Salle's Mock Trial Club and )itzing with yearbook staffers, always ready to help with witty captions and Jlines. His personality and charisma reflect his great Lasallian tradition.

- Sean Toole

Bro. Don Alger, FSC Integrated Science

Latin, AP Environmental Scietlce, The Gazebo, Latin Club,

Gerald Evans Biology Mock Trial

Michael Seminack Integrated Science, Biololl

Charles Cirelli General Chemistry, Integrated Science

Mrs. Mary Jo Smith (Chair) Algebra, Geometry, Math AnalYsis, Pre-CalctlltIJ Drama Club

First day of junior year, I entered Room 322 and Mr. Roche started prayer in a barely audible voice. I did not know what to expect from my class, f my teacher. I had heard stories; I knew what types of questions not to ask. Most students could tell you that Mr. Roche enjoys the challenging math classes; are familiar with his idiosyncrasies and phrases. Outside the classroom, thOl there's Mr. Roche, a former Christian Brother and a huge sports fan, especia Redskins fan. A past athletic director at school. A reader of philosophy. A one-l follower of professional wrestling. A man who, if you name the college or univer can give you its mascot. When he wants to know of a particular topic, he reads bo No, he did not work for NASA; that's a myth. Truth is, he probably could \X for NASA, but instead, he chooses to teach math and teach it with a passion. everybody who has had him for class knows, Mr. Roche advocates learning f01 sake oflearning. With puzzles and contests, he trains his mind and does the same' his students'. Now, I know what to ask. I have learned a great deal about calculus about Mr. Roche: his exceptional intelligence, his ability to pass it on to his stude his love for his work, his true appreciation for mathematics, and his good hun Realize, though, that math is only one (large) portion of Mr. Roche.

-Terry Fit=?;gibbons

Mr. James Roche Algebra, AP Calculus

Mr. Michael Ponisciak Geometty, Calculus, Algebra

Mr. Joseph Radvansky Algebra, Calculus, Math AnalYsis, Geometry / Pre-CalcNlus

Mrs. Stephanie Jeitner Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry SADD

Mrs. Theresa Garvin Algebra, Geometry

Mr. Thomas McLaughlin Algebra, Intramurals

Ms. Tina Shustack A {f!,ebra, Geometry, Statistics, Math Ana9'sis

Mr. Joseph Falcone Algebra, Math Ana(ysis

Mr. Paul Quinn Computer Applicatiom, Algebra

Mr. Mark Chesnik Christian Action, L.S.c. Coordinator, Campus Ministr:


Bro. David Kasevich, FSC Sacred Scripttlre

Bro. Francis Danielski, FSC L.S.c. Coordinator, St. Benilde Club

Bro. Kenneth Cook, FSC Catholic Identi(y, S criptttre

All God's People Hey baby! Have you mastered the "Papa" Puntel :Ie yet? This Italian chairperson of the Religion Depart1t and teacher of freshman and junior religion classes, has eloped a distinctive hallway walk and has mastered all uses for the title "baby." For example, he always takes :ures of his students and studies them until he gets every 1e down. However, should he need a substitute for, or )hasis on any of these names, "baby" is always on the tip lis tongue. Papa earned his nickname through his patriarchal sence at La Salle and through his undisputed role as lily man. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have six kids, the ::st 22, and youngest 3. At home, Papa is always underng some major building or repair project, demonstrating Is beyond his Masters degrees. Before his son Andrew l) totaled the family OIds, Mr. Puntel drove the ndmoor Express daily up Mount Cheltenham Avenue to family abode. Papa proves his superlative parenting by ping his daughters as far away from La Salle as possible. Papa's screening of the cartoon JjYou Love lYle, Shou) has become an antidote for lax morals, a diversion from lor boredom, and a staple of the La Salle experience. In 18 years teaching at La Salle, Mr. Puntel has found many 1es: bike-riding pace-setter for the cross-country team, ; moderator, CSC leader, etc. This year, he runs a weekly rice trip to nearby Triest House, a facility for the disabled. Mr. Alfred Puntel (middle name Osvaldo!) brings erience and knowledge to the La Salle faculty, concern, wisdom to his students, and love and dedication to his lily. Now there's a teacher, baby. - AndrelJ) Puntel

Mr. Alfred Puntel (Chair) Catholic ID, Moralfa'

Mr. William Leahy Business, Catholic ID

A No짜elApproach to Literatur :r~



Mr. Edward McCabe (Chair)

Mr. Michael O'Toole


English, On-Line English, Directer of Public Relations,

English Department Who wants to know anything about Beowulf? The Odyssey? H about apple farms? Mr. Ed McCabe's fascination with various market fn such as apples and pumpkins, notto mention other peculiar issues, contrib to his unique style of teaching. Though it may seem like forever, 1 McCabe has been enlightening literature to students for almost thirty yeo His witty remarks confirm his mastery of the English language, and Ie: students always thinking, "Where does he come up with this stuf However, his uncanny ability always to give students something to th about is one of the his greatest talents. Mr. McCabe's genuine concern all of his students is evident in the way he teaches; He wants all of students to not only learn, butto appreciate literature. Mr. McCabe's uni( nature goes beyond his sense of humor as well; his students are alw; aware thattheir books could be thrown outthe window at any given mom( He has mastered the aerodynamics of Cliff's Notes, but if paperbacks not going out the window, he won't hesitate to keep students' attention aiming objects such as erasers and chalk. Continually proving his stren with pull-ups and his endurance with threats of competition, his cl frequently provokes large outbursts oflaughter. His unorthodox teaching style is what sets Mr. McCabe apmt fr other teachers, and is the aspect that students treasure most about 1 McCabe's English class. - Darren Grossman

Mr. Brian Sweeney Englis/i, Forensics

Mr. Daniel File English, Wistelian

Mr. Edward Molush AP English, English Mock Trial

Mr. Christopher Holwick Enl!,lish

Mr. Joseph Dempsey English WEXP (T.V.) Studio

Mr. Dennis Bloh English Director of Fall Drama, Drama Club

Mr. Brian McGill English, Intramurals

No.n-(Jonformists General Studies Department

Mr. Tore Hanssen Pl:ysical Education

Mr. Frank Lichtner Aquatics

The La Salle experience includes taking aquatics and physical education, led by Mr. Frank Lichtner and Mr. Tore "T" Hanssen. Both of these teachers contribute to the La Salle community outside of class. In addition to teaching aquatics, Mr. Lichtner coaches the swim team and instructs a lifeguard certification class. T. Hanssen, the physical education instructor, is also head coach of the tennis team. He will always be remembered for delivering the pep rallies' legendary top five - Darren Grossman reasons why La Salle will win.

Mr. Joseph Vettori f.f/oodJl!indr Competition Band

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro (Chair) NIusic, Director of Band, La Salle Theatre

Mr. Michael Checco Choral NIt/sic, Fine Arts, Belcrofter

Mr. Peter Sigmund Internet Applications

Mrs. Melissa Gaskins-Cen tofan te Art Mrs. Diane McGovern Art, Art Club

Mr. Craig Ebner Guitar

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro Health, Nurse

Trtlmpet Mr. Joseph Nero Percussion

Mr. Richard Genovese Trombone, Tuba

The hit game show starring Regis Philbin, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" flourished from the start this past year. For high school students, though, deciding where to go to college is more difficultthan answering a million-dollar question. Admittedly, his own actions dictate what each senior decides his "final answer" should be, but every now and then, we need a lifeline. Brother William DiPasquale and Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen play vital roles in our quest to go to college, acting as those lifelines. The college process is filled with questions about schools, applications, test scores, recommendations, essays, and financial aid. However, both Brother Bill and Mrs. Mullen are therefor support at every step, from Group Advisory to those late afternoons when applications are due. They strive to match La Salle students with the

college environments that best suit them. Originally, the College Counseling Center wasn't meant to be a senior lounge, but the willingness of Brother Bill and Mrs. Mullen to create a stir of activity gives the appearance of more fun than work. Despite the less than perfect work ethic from students in the senior lounge, we mean, the Brother David AlbeltFSC Counseling Center, the atmosphere allows for relaxation from the enormous pressure of deciding the next step of one's life. For the encouragement and awareness that Bro. Bill and Mrs. Mullen provide everyday, we thank them in the tradition of LaSalle. - Matt Hartnett and Joe Gidjunis

Bro. William Di Pasquale, FSC English) Group Advisory NHS, Counselor

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen Group Advisory) Counselor

Mrs. Marie Baer COltnry Intermediate Unit

Mrs. Mary Sheets Montgomery Counry Intermediate Unit

Who Wants to go . to College?

College Counseling

Mrs. Bernadette Logan College Coul7Jeli/~g

Mr. Martin Jackson Prychology, Language Specialist

Mr. John Keenan Reading & S turfy Skills, Counselor

Mr. Michael Dolan (Chair) Counselor

Father Anthony Janton Chaplain

Br. Brendan Garwood Director of Brothers Residence, Proctor Most students only know Father Anthony Janton frc the liturgies that take place throughout the school year, but has been part of the Lasallian community since 1966 when enrolled as a freshman. Before graduating in 1969, he parti pated in Bro. Gene's musicals and not until a comment from I typing teacher, had he ever thought of joining the semina Brother Edwin Miller jokingly said to him in passing, "TO! you'll make a great priest some day." That was the first mome he thought about the seminary, but after graduating he entere Father Tony has served at Resurrection in the Northeast, \N Pastor at St. Francis de Sales, and is currently pastor of : Martin of Tours. Father Tony is always busy performing 1 pastoral duties, and as "a priest for the people," Father To has little time for himself. He always makes time for La Salll school events, on occasion running between weddings to get Cheltenham Avenue in order to serve us as chaplain. Fath Tony has led Reconciliation, Advent, and Lenten services, well as the underclass retreat program. Father Tony stops in La Salle every week to see if anyone needs direction or pries advice. Father Tony embodies tradition here at La Salle.

- Joe Gi4Jttnis

Mrs. Ann Ford Secretary

Mrs. Karen Mullen Secretary

Mrs. Patricia Murphy Secretary


Mrs. Rita DeLaurentis Library Assistant

Mrs. Jane McNally Nurse

Mrs. Patricia Schaum Attendance

Mrs. Pam Schock Nurse

Mr. Rodney "The Enforcer" Brader Security

A yearbook with the theme of tradition could hal overlook the fact that each morning, when students and faculty] up the driveway to La Salle, they are greeted with the same fami face: Rod the security guard. As our lone ranger amidst the ch which we refer to as the parking lot, could his task be carried more fittingly by anyone other than a man in cowboy attire? Maintaining order and organizing a parking lot with ever-shrinking number of free spaces, as well as a daily ÂŁlooe buses and parents trying to drop their students off wherever tl wish, is certainly not an easy task. Yet Rod, with his trusty oral cones and bullet-proofgo-kart maintains order. A horse could I handle the number of rounds he makes. Somehow though, he fil a way to make sense of the utter insanity that characterizes La Sal parking lot. The question still remains though, how does a IT complete such a difficult task with enough time to tip his hat 2 wave to each car? I propose the timely advertising - Ray Sbqy slogan ... "It's gotta be the shoes!"

Mr. James Behr

Mr. Frank Ignas

Mr. AI Loscalzo

Mr. Joseph Gallo

Cafeteria Staff ack Row L. to R.) Ernesta Fragnito, Stephanie Leach, Mary Smolczynski, ,thel Burg, Joseph Gallo, Patty Garvey (Front L. to R.) Marie McFadden, Diep Tran, Mary Salemno, Alice Yeiter

Mr. Michael Donavan

Mr. Mark Angiolillo

La Salle students representing the PIT. "Y ou sure this is gonna taste all right?"

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by Jim Green

week's lunch has evolved into a new life form.

"Ha ha. I just look productive."







































Brother Rene recruits incoming freshmen for the infamous Forum.



























Tom Fox, anticipating lunch, surveys the scene before descending to the cafeteria.
































































































Freshmen and sophomores exemplify the spirit of the "PIT" as they cheer the football team on.



























Joseph Burke, Tim Catinella, and Mike Kelly.








































































































Conrad Lochocki descends to the hopeless alwss that is the unairconditioned wing.



























David Moll shows his enthusiasm, in another JV soccer victory for La Salle.




































































































"Hungry? Why Wait? Grab a La Salle cheesesteak."





















s Brother Ken re-exlpains scripture so that sophomores are able to comprehend. Not an easy task!









































































































The Spanish exchange students, Angel and Javier, try to translate the Wis.





























Unbelievably, some La Salle students are able to take notes while they sleep in class. PETER ELLIOTT






































































































Somehow, this particular student snuck by the keen-e\,ed NHShall monitors.

























At a school like La Salle, guys become great friends. Imagine if girls went here!




























We All. Were Here Once ...

"Books are included in tuition, right?"

Nice to meet YOU Brother, I mean, FatherJanton.

One major aspect of our LaSallian tradition is demonstr, by the vast student and faculty involvement with extracurric activites, which provide some of the best ways to enjoy the high scr expenence. Throughout the school day, one can witness LaSallian de tion to activities. Indeed, even before the day starts, students invade basement of St. Michael Hall to produce our own morning news sh created to report on still more La Salle activities. Walking aro school any time, one sees evidence of the Explorer spirit of invo ment. We have all passed singing chorus groups, petitioningAmn International volunteers, and Lf/isteJian editors writing in their un, ground bunker during our daily travels around the school.

Activities only gain steam when eighth period ends. One need only observe our nearly-full school parking lot to measure our involvement. After-school meetings commence with groups as diverse as the art club, La Salle Respect Life, and the juggling club. Vans depart La Salle full of kids ready to tutor younger children. Students convene every day to create this very yearbook. Depending on the time of year, the fall play or spring musical is running either auditions, rehearsals, or celebrations. Throughout the day and throughout the year, La Salle students are engaged in dozens of successful activities.

-Sean Toole

Matt Hartnett always giving dissapproval to Joe Gidjunis' antics ... "1 hearby resign my position as editorin-chief of the yearbook ... "

Student Council President Chris Dougerty shows his enthusiasm for Spirit \'Veek. .. and Jello ... there's always room for Jello! Senior Pete Clark shows us his taste for life.

After the first pep rally (we admit it could have gone a little better), the La Salle Student Council, with its theme of "La Salle Needs You-Get Involved," brought the school community together in superb fashion, unlike other years. Being a member of Student Council requires commitment. Members tried to ease the anxiety of freshman at Orientation. During Back-to-School Night, Open House, and countless other events, Council presidents, vice-presidents, and senators showed up to help things run smoothly. Student Council, though, entails creativity and chemistry. And it's because of the creativity and chemistry that Student Council was so successful this year in living up to its theme-its goal-to get everybody involved. The hard work, especially of President Chris Dougherty, Vice President Chris Curci, and Secretary] oe Spause and also the class presidents and vice-presidents, allowed for this success. Postponed from the week of Thanksgiving to the day before the Championship football game, the year's second pep rally featured an appearance by "The Rock" (Senior] oe Mastronardo) who dropped the "Flavor Savor" from Roman Catholic. During an emergency pep rally for the wrestling team, Senior Kyle Callahan motivated the troops as Matt Foley from SNL. As for Spirit Week or Spirit Weeks, student feedback can confirm that this year's was one of the best in memory. Scrapping the Knowledge Bowl of past years, Student Council organized the first ever La Salle Family Feud, which pitted five seniors against five teachers. Members also ran the] ello Eating Contest and the Arm Wrestling Contest. Thanks to Mt. Geiger, Senior Bill Phelan, and the Latin Club, the school had the opportunity to participate in a Scavenger Hunt based on Latin clues. Finally, the hyped-up matches for Sumo Wrestling and the "Human Fly" did not disappoint. No more Super Mixers, but the mixers, the \'Vinter Formal, Frosh and Soph Dance,] unior Prom, and Senior Prom gave LaSallians a chance to relax and have a good time with the fine young ladies from other schools. At the monthly meetings, Student Council perservered to let students know that La Salle needs them and, of course, enjoyed Senior Senator Greg Lepore's inter-School Council speeches and ramblings. - Tm)' FitZ~ibbo/IJ

Executive Officers of Student Council: Vice-President Chris Curci, President Chris Dougherty, and Secretary]oe Spause Senior Drew Brelsford accepts the challenge to battle both Pete Naticchione alldMr. Terry Gillespie during Spirit Week.

"Now that we spent all of the Student Council budget on the human fly ... what next?" Front Row (L. to R.): Greg Lepore, Brian Bacher, Chris Dougherty, Terry Fitzgibbons, Tom O'Connor; Back Row: Joe Spause,Justin Philomeno, Mike DcCrescio, Chris Curci, Kevin Dolan, Paul McGurkin,John Poley, Dennis Stanton

Student Council reminds us that there's always room for J clio.

La Salle's Spirit Week took place during the two weeks beginning February 28th and ending on March 3rd. During that time students participated in Jella-eating contests, arm wrestling, sumo wrestling against the faculty, and Family Feud.

''J ello

smells like fish, but I ate it anyway," said senior Jamin Warren, who participated in the contest. "That's why I didn't win. It was rigged."

136 Members Strong! The National Honor Society was blessed with another great year. Impressively, there were over one hundred members. The NHS performs a number of tasks, which could not have been completed without the help of President Tim Black, Vice-President Terry Fitzgibbons, Secretary Bill James, and Treasurer Jason Ager. The members of the National Honor Society, overseen by Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak and Bro. William DiPasquale, are in charge of hall monitoring and underclass tutoring. Every lunch period, two members guard the hallways and stairwells. Also, members tutor students who need academic help. Many NHS members tutor one or two students at a time. Another activity operated by the NHS was the annual Red Cross blood drive for the student body. They scheduled students and comforted them when they were about to give blood. Being an NHS member requires a great deal of responsibility and a sacrifice of time. The school community greatly appreciates the dedication of the NHS in all school functions. - Tim Black

NHS Officers Terry Fitzgibbons, Tim Black,J ason Ager, and Bill James process into the auditorium for the annual induction. "This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me."

Junior Tony Geiger gives the carneras his st~'lin' runway pose. A place we've all been ... trying to remember the Alma Mater.

"I'm sorry, we need to see at least two forms of identification before taking your precious blood." Gee that's funny, Mr. Keenan ... youlook kinda pale ... Mr. Keenan? Mr. Keenan!!!

e Respect Life Committee Through peaceful protest, petitioning, and mostimportandy prayer and with the moderation of Mr. Hohenleitner, Respect Life works 11 the truth behind abortion and bring to an end this crime against life. Blessed Giana Beretta Molia has become the group's patron.tl,lovingwoman who selflessly gave up her life so d1at she might give birth to her child. Aside from informational and spiritual gatherings, ~ attended such events as the Stand Up for Life Dinner. - Terry Fiti,gibbons

"The most obnoxious team in the peL." - Anthony Madonna The La Salle math club is one of the newest, yet one of the most unusual facets of the La Salle Tradition. I twas only last yearthat the new moderator, Mr. Robert Russell, filled the club with his Physics students and attempted the impossible-finding the correct Bishop Shanahan High School. Oh, what a difference a year makes! Mr. Russell,nowpaired up with co-moderator Mr. Michael Ponisciak, guided this yearling group to the playoffs. This team's personality is like no other in the Catholic League. They have immense talent and even more fun. When people think of mathematics, they think of enigmatic problems and a ton of frustration; rarely does the word "fun" arise in a conversation about math. Just don't say that to these dedicated "Mathletes." To them, Math can be fun! The thrill of finally solving one of those puzzling problems is a reward in itself. Yearbook aside, Madlletes is the only year-round "sport" and yet it does not receive nearly as much attention as it may deserve. Next time you want to know how a La Salle team is doing, ask about the Mathletes because they may be bringing home a Catholic League Championship to a Math room near you. -Anthol,!)! Costantino

The rnathletes deal with pre-game stress. Paul Stabile searches for just the right part.

Science Club The science club embarked on many an adventure through the world of nerddom led by fearless leader Mr. Gary Wiley. This year's science club first attempted to redefine the word b//q)'ollt. One fine November afternoon, the science club brought tiny boats, powered by mousetraps, and tossed them into the swimming pool. In the ensuing competition, several boats refused to move, the winner went approximately two feet, and Anthony Madonna and Eric Grzybowski proved again that absolutely anything will sink. The science club also held the wildly successful egg drop, and, keeping with the moustrap theme, participated in a mousetrap powered ping pong chucking contest at Widener University. Finally, after a hiatus last year, the science club plans to bring back the ever popular Recycleable Regatta. Yes, it has been another banner year in the pursuit of N erdvana. - Ant!Jol!)' lvlori0ll110

boties Club (ToclIlk.rfor toe da)' ojf): Anthony i\ladonna, Paul Stabile, Mitchell Bergman, Mr. Robert Russell, Anthol1\' Costantino, Tom Plick nee Club: Mr. Gary \'V'iley, r\.nthom' Di Julio, Steve Lyon, Phil Gugger, Leo ReiHl', Andrew Allmond, David SImien, Anthony Madonna; (Frollt): Thomas \,\'eiser.

Robotics Club After a disappointing, "rebuilding" year, the robotics club, moderated by NIt. Robert Russell, returned with lukewarm expectations for this upcoming year. However, by the time the first contest rolled around, amazingly, two robots were nearly in working order. On the day of the contest, the two robots went their separate ways. One robot, named "Epsilon-4," due to the heroic efforts of underclassmen Mitch Bergman, Paul Stabile, Tom Plick, and Brendan Kennedy, came in first, defeating the nearest competitor by a whopping half second. The senior robot built by Anthony Costantino, Andrew Blank and President Anthony Madonna, did not do nearly as well, considering Illustrious President Madonna short circuited the sensors rrumltes before the competition. There were no happy endings for this robot, and witticisms regarding the repeated failures of the president flew. As the second contest quickly approaches, a new robot, named "Zeta-6," after the rejection of "Fieldist Conqueror," has taken shape. The entire group has come together in making this robot a success, even going as far as hiding the soldering iron from the president. With any luck, the robotics club's illusion of organization will be enough to make a strong showing at the final competition. - Antbol!)' lvloriolZl1o

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs is a newly formed club that participates as student-delegates in the nation's longest running high school Model U.N. conference. The conference simulates the General Assembly, the Security Council, and other various committees. 1:nder the direction of Bro. Ernest Miller, students in this program partake in an extensive preparation process which includes: briefing sessions) research days, a full day preparatory conference, and a mentorship component. Seniors Joe Gidjunis, Matt O'Donnell, Sean Toole,] ohn Strzalka, and] amin Warren, as well as underclassmen Daniel Good, Clayton Keir, Philip Carroll,] 0seph Carroll, Andrew Alston, Timothy Clifford, and Greg Bednarz led the United States and South African delegations. Considering that it was our first year participating with the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, it was remarkable that the club earned the United States position out of forty-five other schools. -Joe Gidjtll1iJ

1999 - 2000 1\Iinisters of Foreign Affairs Back Rmv (L. to R.) Sean Toole,Jamin Warren, Joe Gidjunis, Clayton Keir, John Strzalka, Bro. Ernest Miller Front Row Matt O'Donnell, Joe Carroll, Greg Bednarz, Timothy Clifford Missing: Andrew Alston Bro. Ernest Miller examines the atrocities taking place on the African continent.

Under the guiding eye of Mrs. Stephanie Jeitner, the Students Against Drunk Driving organization serves the school community. This ;ADD continued to encourage students to avoid alcohol and drugs, to refuse to drive with others who use the intoxicants, and to avoid dangerous decisions. SADD raised student awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving through Red Out Days, posters, and other eactivities. - 101m Stl'Ztllkrl Some SADD Information. The 1999 - 2000 Students Against Drunk Driving

Dan Streelman takes his ag,e;ression out on some defenseless clay. Is Tom Callahan in the Art Club, or is he just messing with someone's project?

Have you ever had the urge to paint, draw, or throw a pot? \'{/ ell, the members of the Art Club have. The art club does many activities, ngplayingan important role in the "Fine Arts Festival." Meeting once a week in the art department, students expanded their abilities under ::lance ofMrs. Diane Mc Govern and Mrs. Melissa Gaskins. During the first semester, Mrs. Mc Govern directed work on two-dimensional ts, including the collaborative mural reproduction of a painting by Georgia O'Keeffe. During the second semester, Mrs. Gaskins taught imensional art. Students learned how to make and use pinhole cameras. However, the Art Cub does not spend all its time toiling away 4th floor. Every year, field trips are planned to art museums, where the Art Club is able to view some of the best art in the country. From tgwith oils to glazing a vase, the Art Club does it all. - Jesse Hon/IlI{lII/l

In an effort to better reflect the mission of service at La Salle, the leaders of the school decided to revamp and rename the Community Service Corps and other service organizations. The Superior General of the Christian Brothers, BrotherJohn Johnston, during his visitlast year, stressed the need for "LaSallian Youth" to live out the true spirit of St. John Baptist de La Salle. Furthermore, in years past, many individual groups participated in service projects that were unrelated to the CSc. Thus, in the formation of the LaSallian Service Corps, we have created an umbrella organization that encompasses all service activities at La Salle. The LSC, however, has not lost connection with the Archdiocesan CSC office and its events. In December, La Salle students collected money and bought presents for underprivileged kids in the city for "Operation Santa Claus"; this event culminated in the delivery of the presents on Christmas Eve. In addition, the school participated in "Bread Basketball." Also run out ofLSC were the very successful Thanksgiving Food Drive, the Magazine Drive for St. Martin's School in Germantown, and the cleanups at St. Martin's, among other short-term projects. As mentioned, though, the LSC comprises many individual year-long groups. Each Tuesday, students assisted mentally handicapped adults atTriest Hall. Every so often, throughout the year, volunteers came in on a Sunday to make sandwiches for St. Francis Inn in Kensington. LSC also includes "Inn-Dwelling," a home rebuilding program in the city, and ProjectHome.

Franklin Egan does his monkey impression to humor the kids. " ... And with a little magic, I can make your homework disappear!"

"C'mon, guys, it's okay to write your real names on those petitions." Amnesty International: Back Row (L to R): Terry Fitzgibbons,John Strzalka, Sean Toole, Devin Campbell, Kevin Baker, Matt Costanzo, Mike Holbert,J on McCaffrey; Front Row: Sean Fitzgerald, Bro. Ernest Miller, FSC, Gilberto Aponte, J\Iatt O'Donnell, James Park, J\Iike Bondiskey, Phil Carroll, Steve Carvalho

Terry Fitzgibbons directs this student to his favorite website.

Rob Sarracino at Providence Center. Javier Canosa and John Gill receive some tutoring help.

Some of the LSC Faithful: Terry Fitzgibbons,Jamin Warren, Sean Fedyna, Dann Marvin

LSC Continued Tutoring Programs Every Monday, Mr. Thomas Barna and Brother Charles Lackes (aka Mr. Tom and Hermano Carlos) lead a van full of students to the Providence Center in Kensington, where they mentor, offer homework help, and befriend inner-city kids. Aside from the work, the year included roller-skating trips and a Center City Christmas party. Focusing on the immediate community, Operation Incentive at Our Mother of Con solation School also receives a boost from the LSC. And this year, LSC took on a another tutoring program at St. Martin's. There, tutors and grade-school children develop a rapport through working together on homework and the necessary studies. Amnesty International (AI) The La Salle Chapter of AI, which was once again led by Sean Toole and Kevin Semanick, continues to promote human rights around the world. In addition to regularly writing to foreign and domestic government officials on behalf of prisoners of conscience, the activists collected holiday greeting cards and petitioned against capital punishment. This year, the group also protested the continued confinement of the group's adopted political prisoner and contacted local U.S. Representatives about human rights legislation. The LaSallian Service Corps has attempted to provide opportunities to serve one's neighbor. - Te/~J' Fit:::;X/bboIlJ

Among Sean Toole's Amnesty Activists, some good news: No arrests reported. Chris Potestio agrees that this is the most comfortable spot on campus.

Future rock starJason Ager on the guitar. "OK gentlemen, we would appreciate it if you would not throw sharp objects at us during the perfonnance."

"Why couldn't Mr. C at least offer me a bench?" The #1 high school trombone section.

The 1999-2000 La Salle band experience began on a warm dayin July. Where else but the band room could over a hundred high school students combine with many pounds of metal to produce an enjoyable outcome? Summer rehearsals preceded the ever-growing schedule of events during the school year. As school began, the band boasted a record 186 rostered members. The Pep Band made its debut for the year as it played at the first La Salle football game. The Jazz Band rehearsals began. The Pep Band played on as the football team took their season into the playoffs. As the days grew shorter outside, the days inside the band room grew longer. Rehearsals began for Concert Band. For some, bi-weekly Competition Band rehearsals entered the schedule in anticipation of the seemingly distant competitions. Courageous band members ventured outside of the school to audition for the various All-Catholic Organizations. Soon, it was time for the Christmas Concert. Through it all, the band provided music for school functions. Christmas break gave everyone the needed energy for the second semester. January found the band in Society Hill entertaining the Pennsylvania Bar Association. More rehearsals. February already? Competition season was looming on the horizon. The first competition took the band to Rowan University. Rehearsals continued. TheAll-Catholic Band, made up of high school students from the entire arch diocese, performed an unforgettable concert at Cardinal O'Hara. Advanced Band traveled to Gwynedd Mercy high school and elementary school for a concert. As February came to an end, the Competition Band traveled to Quakertown and North Penn high school. They left both with superior ratings and first place wins. As March began, musical rehearsals went into full swing for GZ!)IS and Dolls. The band traveled to New York to see Gershwin'sPOIgyandBess. On the return trip the band performed at Bro. Tim Ahern's new school, Hudson Catholic. More rehearsals. Another function. As March ended, the All-Catholic Orchestra performed at Bishop McDevitt and the Competition Band competed at Bensalem high school. The following day the Competition Band welcomed April as they competed at Archbishop Ryan. With that accomplished, it was time to Austin O'Conner chillin' with his bass.

perform for the musical. The musicians went into the Pit for the spring production of Gt!Ys and Dolls. With the show as a fresh memory, the band could settle down to concentrate on the remaining two competitions. After competing at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, the band then performed at the Cavalcade of Bands Championship. With May right around the corner, rehearsals began for the spring concert. As May began, the All-Catholic members performed at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. The year had officially come to a close for performances. The only remaining event...graduation. Senior Paul Carroll served as band President, along with first vice-president Evan Madden, second vice-president Sean Brooks, and senior band manager Alex Bethke. The music department excelled this year due to the quality of the combined music faculty. At the helm of the music department was Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro, who shared his endless knowledge and wisdom everyday. He was assisted by Mr. Joseph Vettori, who took the competition band to new heights with his expertise. The duo was assisted by Mr. Craig Ebner, Mr. Richard Genovese, Mr. Rocco Bene, Mr. Joseph Nero, and Mrs. Paulette Kensey. The music department has its numbers to share ..186 band members; 38 travelers to Jersey City, creating a connection between La Salle and Bro. Tim's Hudson Catholic; 22 competition band members; 14 All-Catholic band members; 10 All-Catholic Orchestra members; 3 National Merit commended students; 3 National Merit finalists. One chance to see Maynard Ferguson in concert. One chance to view the Statue of Liberty "Bell" from New York. -Paul Carroll

Try to find Mr. C. in this picture. The One, the Only ... Evan Madden!

Na, na, na, na, na ... HEY!

The La Salle pep band cheers on the football team. Ok, now where's the "on" button?

ArnidstLa Salle's swirling autumn frenzy, there exists a refreshinglyintellectualrespite from routine. AhybridofKairos'emotional intensity and a supermixer's throbbing diversionary appeal, the La Salle Theater Fall Drama presents something genuine and substantial for anyone interested. This year, La Salle guys and young women from more than five schools created a proud and definitive moment in the history of La Salle Theater. Underthe direction of Mr. Dennis Bloh, the talented cast and crew took on the challenge of Shakespeare' sA MidSNmmer Nigbt's Dream. Energized by passionate actors and actresses, dedicated and skilled stage and tech crews, and phenomenal behind-the-scenes help, the production gained momentum and enthusiastic audience support. In surmounting such challenges as difficult Elizabethan English, arduous memorization, and unwieldy ass-heads, the cast met its ambitious goal not to produce Shakespeare, but to produce it well. Senior Mountie Kim I<Jlbert, although unable to break up penny-loafer football games during rehearsal, assisted Mr. Bloh in directing the dream to reality. Seniors Adam Sasso and Kathy Tf\laga donned industrial-strength glitter to shine as Oberon and Titania, King and Queen of the fairies. Somewhere beneath a curly brown fro lurked senior Andrew Blank as the recorderwielding, mischief-making Puck. Droves of fairies and wood sprites created an enchanted ambience on stage. SeniorJoe Spause played the regal Theseus, and Kelly Garvin was Hippolyta. Their court came to life with a

There is a car in the parking lot with its lights on, license plate number... Andrew Blank, keepin' it real.

Chris \'Vhelan makes his move on another unsuspecting female. Drama makes do with inadequate funding.


obey me, I will bring back the sun!

small army of courtiers and Eric Stix as the disgruntled Egeus. Sophomores Brian Gillespie and Lis Behr, junior Chris Whelan, and seniorTalia Gibas summoned incredible emotion for a stunning performance as pawns in an absurd love story. Stealing the show, however, were the hilarious mechanicals, played by seniors Andrew Puntel, Kevin Gimpel,] oe Dwyer, and sophomores Vince Vassallo, Matt Quigg, and Mike McNamara. No one will soon forget the kiss between Bottom (Kevin Gimpel) and Thisbe (Vince Vassallo) through the chink (fingers) of Wall (Mike McN amara). This year, the drama took on exciting artistic dimensions, featuring a score arranged by senior Paul Carroll, set design constructed under senior Alex Bethke, and choreography conceived by homeschooled sophomore Johanna Dunphy. A dynamic cast, experienced direction, a proficient stage crew, and expert artistic contributions converged to produce an enjoyable and high-quality Shakespearean comedy. - Andreu) Ptmtel

"Everyone wants to do a fun show in his senior year, and this is as much fun as it gets." The Gt(Js and Dolls storyline is based on several 1930s Damon Runyon short stories. Runyon portrays an underworld of gangsters, gamblers, and assorted New York City sinners in his works of fiction. The musical is set in the corrupt but whimsical world of Broadway's bad-guy gamblers (the guys) and their sweeties (the dolls). The focus is on two very different characters, one wonderfully romantic and the other lovably goofy. Nathan Detroit, played by senior Ryan Mascio, runs the "oldest established permanent floating crap game in New York." He is surrounded by such characters as Benny Southstreet, Rusty Charlie, and Nicely Nicely, played by seniors Kevin Gimpel and Jason Ager, and junior Tony Haughton, respectively. The other male lead, the slick and ever betting Sky Masterson, is played by senior Chris Curci. Karen Benelli fills the role of Ms. Adelaide, Nathan's bubbly fiancee of fourteen years and a nightclub singer. Sarah Brown, an ardent urban missionary who unexpectedly gets mixed up with Sky Masterson, is played by Maria Brinkman, a Merion Mercy senior. Other guys and dolls include Vince Vassallo, Matt Qui&g;, Nuke Dominick, Trevor Needham,Joe Dwyer, Dave Light, Megan Dominick, Isha Mehta, J essy O'Neill, Patty Flaig, Eva Smith, and Tanya Colburn.

Senior Dave Peterman paints a ladder.

Leading men, Ryan Mascio and Chris Curci.

It's gotta' be da suit!

Senior Kevin Gimpel, Junior Tony Haughton, and Senior Jason Ager defy the dress code. Stage Crew members Shawn Moore, John Boring, Brien Kivlen (hidden), Alex Bethke, Rob Schimdt, Jonathan Gerstemeier, and Domenic Allesi (Kneeling) impress some of the Dolls.

This year was a great year for La Salle's Chorus. Under the direction ofMr. Michael Checco, the chorus graced the LaSallian community with their musical talents. Their repertoire included such favorites as "Goin' Up To Glory," "Betelehemu," "Lifted In Song," "Ave Maris Stella," and "Hard Times Come Again No More." The Chorus and the Belcrofters, a smaller chamber ensemble, performed at the Christmas concert, La Sale, and the Cardinal's Christmas Party downtown. Also this year the Chorus started their own tradition, a Chorus Concert, which met with much success. The officers of this year's Chorus were President Ryan Mascio, Vice President Eric Stix, and Secretary Tony Haughton. With the help and guidance ofMr. Checco, they were able to lead the Chorus through a year of perfomances. In the beginning of the year, most of the group was hesitant to sing, but as the year progressed and the members realized their own abilities and those of the group, they began to produce wonderful music. Choral music is all about working together as a group, a quality the Chorus enjoyed this year in abundance. Overall, the Chorus continued growing as a musical ensemble. -l~J'al1 iVlascio

Not only can we sing, but we can pose for pictures, too. Bro. Don instructs Jay Colburn on the piano, as J\Ir. Checco cheers.

" ... and now let's gi\Oe ourseh"es a nice round of applause." Learning the lyrics to IJrill' L(/ I '"ida I ,om.

Kairos 37 -12 takes a break from a morning of snowball fighting.

Dennis Stanton, ?lIattMcNamara, J\Iike Harrigan, Evan Madden, Mr. ?lIichael Dolan, Joe Mastronardo, /\Iex Guthrie, and Jeff Goettner are united in their acceptance.

Student leaders of Kairos37-11: Sean Toole, Phil Dougherty, Joe Spause, Chad Munn, Dan Acker, and Adam McGrath.

When La Salle's Campus Ministers Mt. Mark Chesnik and Bro. Frank tnielski are not busy organizing upcoming liturgies and service activities, they :nd their days and nights focused on the spiritual lives of us teenagers - no easy k, but one which can be rewarding. The annual one day retreats of underclass merooms provide chances for reflection and a short break in the high school :ion, as students remember the presence of God in their own lives with games, cussions, movies, and prayers. The ever-popular Kairos program gives seniors a unique opportunity to l1sider their own identities and the roles of friends and family as they look ~ward to life in college. This relatively new retreat program lasts four days and :sins with a leisurely Tuesday afternoon drive through Bucks County. After ivingat Camp Neumann, seniors are confronted with ... well, never mind the tails, future retreatants. Suffice it to say that this unforgettable experience :nbines real-life learning with past experiences, present concerns, and plans for : future. The busy and stressful schedules of everyday life are forgotten and )osed as unimportant compared to the higher priority of personal spirituality. lying on the support and encouragement of their brothers, students confront :ir own problems while learning from the words and actions of others. Alumni 1 only describe the peace and relaxation that come with this life-changing )erience as they attempt to remember everything possible, from Coleman, no, and Shamokin to talking, listening, reading, and writing. - Seai1 Toole

Brian "Whitey" Horgan displays his talent for Disco.

Ernie Burrell, Steve Bolger, and Kevin Hughes show their enthusiasm for sharing.

A tiny, almost unseen office in the basement of St. Michael's Hall bears the simple sign "Wisterian." Inside, Christmas lights (make that Wismas lights) and scattered pieces of tabloid paper litter the ceiling and floor, and a broken clock radio hangs from a pipe by its cord. A bin of rock-hard sourdough pretzels sits open ih the corner, perfuming the office with a crusty, salty aroma. On a bookshelfin the corner sit the 1992 and 1995 World Almanacs, shredded copies of The Nel}! York Times, boxes of plastic spoons, three copies ofTbeAlllerical1 Paegal1t, and an ancient handwritten sign that says "]IMDURKIN'S DESK-DO NOT TOUCH!!". Papers taped to the wall bear cryptic and frightening messages-"HOW IS THIS RELEVANT?", "LA SALLE IS TWO WORDS", "THERE IS NO SEX IN THE CHAMPAGNE ROOM", and the misplaced sign that reads "CAFE MOLUSH." Anyone looking in on the people who spend their afternoons in such a room might think that they don't run a tight ship. Despite appearances, though, the flurry ofactivity that is Wis Production Week is host to such drama and genius that it puts all other La Salle clubs to shame. On a typical production day, the staff spends the afternoon sweating it out under the harsh fluorescent glare of the writing lab lights. Mr.]ohn Young and Mr. Daniel File, unswervingmoderators, stand at the head of all the chaos, sorting photos, giving pages the final edit, and dutifully fetching food for the senior editors (Mr. Young's "Auntie Anne's runs" have become popular).] ohn White '00 lords over all the Wis-workers and takes care of special inserts and pages whose editors have suddenly disappeared. The web page gets updated periodically, thanks to the long nights put in by Spanish-speakingwebmaster Scott Kelly '00, whose unmistakable techno music thumps outof the writing labs late on production days. The sports page, under the influence of Ray Shay, features the gripping Player Profiles by Chris Radvansky and the in-depth reporting of associate editor Gabe DiClerico. Michael Hilferty '01, the Op-Ed Editor, always tries to muscle his Pink Floyd MP3's onto the computer and also finds time during the busy afternoons to edit top ten lists and articles about pep rallies and the transcendence ofgood and evil. Patrick

1999-2000 Wisterian Matt Smith, Anthony Galante, Kevin Murray, Ed McCusker, Scott Kelly, Matt Finley, Chris Radvansky, Tony Geiger, Clayton Keir, Ray Shay, Bill Phelan, Gabe DiClerico, Mike Hilferty, Mr. Daniel File, all-mighty John White, Andrew Ryan, Darren Grossman,j.P. Laub, Mike Olshansky Don't worry, Mr. Young. We don't have to produce a Wisteriall this year.

Editor-in-Cbief Jobn Wbite just got finis bed reading tbe W';:r. P.M. Hildebrandt takes action!

Hildebrandt '00 represents the old guard, a four-year veteran of the Wis who plays the Features game with grace and skill. Bill Phelan '00, a senior year walk-on, always works the news page with a steady hand, stopped only by the arrival of his ride or the appearance of food. Andrew Puntel '00 (aka The Human Beatbox) is a newcomer, but spends valuable time every month under the wing of Hildebrandt's editorial wisdom. Also showing their faces during that stressful week are underclassmen like Matt Quigg, Ed McCusker, Andrew Ryan, Anthony Green and the inimitable Matt Finley, whose article about morally corrupt breakfast cereals is the stuff of lf7isteritllllegend. \'{!ith this cast of characters, the lf7istelianpassedinto themillenruum with a memorable year-the unforgettable five minutes during which the Wis was connected to the Internet, the brief appearance of the Inflatable Chair That Stops All Productivity, and the third annual observance ofJim Durkin Day, the second Tuesday in May, worshipped as the high point of the Wisterian social calendar. The high point of the year was when the Histerian April Fool's edition finally went to print after years of stru&lSle, and students were finally free to experience the darker side of La Salle humor. On Durkin's day, the libations were many and hearty, the whipped cream flew around the office, and the printer didn't stop printing cookie crumbs until three weeks later. The former sports editor was on hand to witness the Bacchic revelry and was, as usual, thoroughly embarrassed. The several days in which pizza graced Wis production made all work on pages slide to a greasy, bloated halt by five-o' -clock. The legendary Sixth Period Chill, when a motley assortment of seniors pile into the Wis-Office to fool with the Wismas lights and talk about traffic violations, was brought back several times to great success. No matter what sort of things may go on in the Wis-Office on a day-to-day basis, the If/'isteliaJl has always been a La Salle institution for the few who can afford to stay very, very late. -Scott Kelb'

At precisely 8:02 AM on many a weekday morning, television screens around the school flicker and across their facades roll the hallowed letters "WEXP." In a narrow room in the basement of St. Michael's Hall, a team 0 f studen ts, wiping sleep from their eyes, throw together mixing boards, monitors and titlemakers into the strange brew that becomes their morning show. Sometimes a cue is missed, sometimes the music offends, and sometimes there is no show at all, but there is no question that \VEXP's producers put more into their activity than is sometimes apparent. La Salle's most extravagant club is also its greatest pride: the morning show is something that almost no other school in the Philadelphia area can boast. With a new video mixer and minidisk capabilities added, not to mention extra Christmas lights and three more of the famous padded "rollie chairs," WEXP was more well-equipped than ever for the new year. Senior Producers Matt Cornely (along with his sleek laptop named Neo), Paul Heinsdorf, Ryan Brogan, Jim Conlin and Scott Kelly, also known as the omnipotent "Group X," present themselves every morning and most afternoons to help the underclassmen learn the ropes of making a respectable news program. Among the essential skills learned on WEXP duty are duct-taping, hotwiring, blowing circuit breakers, and paying homage to stoic moderator Mt. Joe Dempsey. For the fall and spring theater productions, \VEXP workers scurry around in the darkness behind the audience while a video mixer in the balcony puts together a copy of the play for future generations. Special productions included the lavish ripping off of Wbo Want" To BeANlillionaire? into their own Wbo lFant" To Ll:7in A Dollar?, complete with sound effects and ingenious lighting. A long night spent in the DecembercoldwithaHi-8cameraresultedin The La Salle Football Project, a mildly scary horror-movie rip-off starring seniors Ryan Brogan, Shawn ivIoore, and Jim Conlin. The studio's web-site and mailing list, maintained by Matt Cornely and Ryan Brogan, kept WEXP in touch with all its members and offered up multimedia presentations of \VEXP productions. For those privileged few who have spent a morning in the studio, there is no feeling better than being roused out of a morning slumber by working behind a teleprompter or audio mixer, and just for that brief morning rush, WEXP should keep La Salle students busy for many years. - Scott KellY

"Quick everyone, act like you're working! Dempsey's here!"

"Uh oh, that wasn't the right switch ... "

Back ROil! (L. to R.) Matt Cornely,Jim Conlin, Paul Carroll, Anthony Costantino, Roger Ermola lvIidd/e ROJJl- Scott Kelly, j\fike McCann, Paul Heinsdorf, Dan Acker, Ryan Brogan Froll! ROJJI- Joe Dougherty,Joe Spause, Chris Curci, Brian Market

"Stay awake and keep the camera steady. Om show isn't that boring!"

We have traveled to the Windy City of Chicago, sweated in the deserts of Phoenix, and utilized the southern hospitality of Atlanta on your tuition dollar. We frequent the finest hotels that central Pennsvlvania has to offer. We are the reason for the ambiguous "Pri~cipal's Holiday" each March. We are the Forum, perhaps La Salle's most successful and superfluous activity. Sure, debating and speaking early on Saturday mornings may not appeal to the masses, but when you consider the lustrous trophies, forensics girls, and Wendy's chili, you might think otherwise. Ok, well probably not. Definitely not. Nevertheless, the Forum gathers an eclectic group of willing and ambitious students to espouse their opinions both in and out of competition. This year's team was especially strong. Under the influence ofPresident Ray Shay and Vice-President Ryan McCort, the Forum found a great deal of success and good times. Since its freshman year, the class of2000 has been part of a winning tradition, capturing three consecutive Philadelphia Catholic Forensic League Championships. The class is led by the policy debate team of Mike McCann and Bill Phelan (a.k.a. McPhlan) who won nearly every tournament of the year. In the more philosophically based LincolnDouglas debate, Ryan Fagan and Dean Frizlen made their presence in the league known in one way or another, be it through superior debating skills, impeccable dressing, or overall manliness. Ray Shay and Ryan McCort excelled in the rhetorical events of extemporaneous speaking and original oratory respectively, while Ryan Mascio, Matt McNamara, and Jamin Warren led the charge in the interpretation events. Two juniors have withstood the test of time (and Brother Rene) and made it through three years of early tournaments, late practices, and long van rides; Mike Hilferty

Hack ROJl) (L. to R.) - Nick Covolus, Mr. Carr, Warren Smith,jon Veit, Ray Shay, Ryan Fagan, Dean Frizlen, J\like O'Conner lvIidd/e ROJJJ- Kyle Nagy, Andy Ryan, Mike McCann, Ryan McCort, Dino Dedic, Austin Perera Froll! ROJl) - Brother Rene Sterner, Dale Tan,j eremy Viray, Matt Pace, Kevin Dorah, CK. Ackason, Bill Phelan, Mike McNamara DeJk - P.C Byrnes NotSbo]}JII- Dan Good, Dave Light, Nick Capozzi, Matt McNamara, Clayton Keir, PatMcNeela

"\'Vhatta ya know? Bro. Rene is on America's Most \'Vanted."

Ray Shay and Mr. Carr debate Wendy's chili vs. homemade. "Dean, please dispose of that Jamin \X1arren Character."

and Mike O'Connor have reached notable success and will assume supreme dictatorship of the Forum next year. Sophomore standouts include Andy Ryan who, when he's not doing homework, dominates the world of policy debate under the tutelage of Mike and Bill. In duo intetpretation of literature Mike McNamara combines with his older brother to form a familial force that can seldom be beat. Dale Tan and Jeremy Viray complete the sophomore class in the event of declamation, while Kevin Walker excels in extemp. As the school year commenced, a deluge of frosh flooded the doors of room 215. After finding out that forensics is not about studying crime scenes, the freshmen who remained on the team excelled in nearly every facet of competitive speech and debate. Freshman sensations includeJon Veitin policy debate, Dave Light in LD, and Pat Byrnes in extemp. As the Forum moves into the future under the direction of Brother Rene, Mr. Sweeney, and Mr. Carr, one thing is certain: forensic domination may not be found each and every weekend, but world domination is only one step away. - ~J'all j\![cCot1

Though we never made our deadlines, if you are reading this article, then you know that somehow, someway, the book got done. The most common excuse was PERFECTION TAKES TIME; and while it certainly does, the easier response to any yearbook question was, "SO WHAT'S THE POINT?" The relaxed attitude made some staffers feel the pinch of pressure during the last days of production, yet it made for interesting days oflaughing, fighting, and strangling. Incorporating the past themes of"Memories, Hell, and You," "Rewind," "A Time of Pride, and "All Things Considered," this year's all-star Blue and Goldstaff created "The Tradition Continues" in honor of what will be accomplished in the new millennium. Acting as catalysts for the frustration and so-called leadership was J oe "G-Man" (Forum Jacket) Gidjunis and Matt "Gabby" (fitaniumJaw) Hartnett. BackinJuly the two of them attended Yearbook Camp. Yes, yearbook camp, and came back with stories like" ... one time .. .in yearbook camp we took a cropper and ... ," but I won't spoil the story. I'll let you imagine what happens when 900 yearbook editors get together at Gettysburg College for five days. After the stories and awards, they came back with hopes and dreams of creating a world class book. They exercised their muscle in terms of graphics, copy, captions, and of course, layouts, the backbone of the book. Other editors who made this magical book a success are Sean "Bean" Toole, who was able to edit and occasionally convince us to sign an Amnesty International petition with a single sentence; John Strzalka, known for his hard work and Simpsons anecdotes; Ray Shay, for his wizardry in comethrough-copy, not to mention his keen sense ofdirection. We relied upon Terry "T-Fitz" Fitzgibbons to create some of the captions and always listened for the witty banter that made everyone laugh. Then there is Anthony "Tino #1" (Not sure why he is a Tino) Madonna, who was our primary slave. He seemed to get a kick out of doing a great amount of grunt work because hewas somewhat spiritual, having created his own religion and whatnot. Next, Anthony "Tino #2" Costantino who always knew how to annoy the editors .. Of course we cannot fail to mention Alex "I have to work on Stage Crew" Bethke, Bill "I'm going to Wharton" James and Scott "Caledon" Kelly, who came through with some stellar pictures and much needed copy. Pete "FUBU"Jenkins was also around to give Gidjunis a hard time about the book, but had an inside track on sports. Now the scary part, the juniors who are supposedly going to produce the book next year: Darren Grossman, who has an uncanny ability to write about anything, including teachers he never had. Then Brian "I don't caption" Campo who has a great sense of cropping and who fulfills the red hair requirement of the new Herff-J ones Policy. He follows great men such as Matt and that other guy ... what was his name? Of course we could not forget John Doherty and his keen sense of sentence structure plus some strong opinions; Mike Walls, the resident toughguy who had an unfailing memory of every staff member who ever worked for La Salle and our sophomore Steve "Lions" Lyon, who always came after 3:30 for some unknown reason, but who had a good eye and a sense of humor. Those who gave their worthy and necessary guidance, whom we jokingly call moderators, were Mrs. Linda "Senora" Donahue and Mr. William "Magister" Geiger. Their amazing ability to edit, crop, buy pizza, and uphold the FCC's Censorship laws will never be forgotten(Stupid FCC Laws). Both Linda and Bill kept the book and the jokes flowing. Finally, I leave my wisdom to the next seniors to produce the book that receives the least gratitude and credit ... Shoot for the stars because your actual production will be much closer to eye level; whoever gets control of the radio next year ... wheneverIcomein .. .it's my day and it will never be yours, Darren or Brian or John. No 88.5, Sean! Also, playa little 103.9 in memory of Saurabh to get the creative juices flowin'. - Joe Gicfjunis

Darry!!!! Darryl!!! Sure Joey, l'll call the entire school.

1999-2000 Blue & Gold Anthony Madonna, Joe Gidjunis, Matt Hartnett, Sean Toole, Brian Campo, Ray Shay, Darren Grossman, Mike Walls, Dave Peterman, Linda Donahue AliJJilZg: John Doherty, John Strzalka, Pete Jenkins, Alex Bethke, Anthony Costantino, Bill James, and Terry Fitzgibbons Senior Anthony Madonna relaxes with our resident scapegoat, Vigo.

Coming off a year in which the Mock Trial finished among the Top Five in Montgomery County, this year's team set their hopes high. With expert coaching by La Salle graduate Scott Wolpert '84, Esq., and teachers Mr. Gerald Evans and Mr. Edward Molush, the team was poised for a break-out year. The group was led by its returning members: seniors J.J. Cutuli, Bill James, Jim Conlin, and Joe Vassallo, and sophomore sensation Matt Quigg. Coming in for their first year were juniors Gavin Young and Ryan Bennett, sophomores Andrew Merrick and Andrew MacIntosh, and freshmen Nick Shields and Dave Heayn. A Montgomery County District Attorney runs the Mock Trial Competition, in which students compete in a courtroom in Norristown before a certified judge and a jury consisting of a panel of lawyers. The competition gives high school students valuable experience in the area of advocacy. Mock Trial also aims to promote the skills of public speaking, persuation, logical thinking, and debating, or in other words, good old-fashioned arguing. - Bill James

"Do think this tie matches my . ;>"


Senior Bill James and the rest of the MockTrial Team go over their final plans for victory.

This year the ski club traveled to Northern Vermont over President's weekend for some great skiing. They visited Smuggler's Notch, Stowe, and Sugarbush mountains, and enjoyed some of the best skiing conditions of the year. Forty-eight students made the trip, along with three teachers. The ski club is lead by Mr. Nicholas Coggins, who makes the arrangements for the trips each year. Mr. Thomas Barna and Mr. James Tate also traveled to Vermont with the ski club to provide guidance for the students, and to get in some great skiing themselves. The ski club stayed in Burlington while hitting the slopes in Vermont. An interesting thing about this year was that the ski club may have set a record in making the longest trip to Vermont from P A, as it took them 11 hours to travel up to Vermont due to a snow storm. Nevertheless, the ski club had a great year and got in some excellent skiing. - Darren Grossman

Mr. Sigmund's snow predictions would be more accurate in Vermont. "I wonder if this is natural or artificial snow ... "

"I swear, that tree jumped right in front of me ... " The Vermont Ski Club Participants.

A different atmosphere from that of often unruly mixers, La Salle formals test the strength of student etiquette. During the onset,it's common for girls to be somewhat suspicious of their dates' motives, however they forget that boys will be boys, but La Salle boys will be gentlemen (or at least that's what the administration tells us). Seriously though, the La Salle formal provides an opportunity for us, as students, to dress up and go out to have a good time. It also provides a relief from the pedestrian aspects of the weekend life. There is only so much to do living in the "Burbs." Nonetheless, itis our duty as high school students to have as much fun as is humanly possible. Simply put, these truly are the "times of our lives." No doubt the tradition will continue. - j\!iattDelJ! H minett

Mr. Daniel File, willing to risk his job for a couple of ladies.

"I know that you don't want to be here ... but you're coming any\vay." "Geoff, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" "Yes, Shawn ... "

"But dude ... she's got a killer personalit)"." "1 just came with you for the free meal. You're nothing to me."

Members of the La Salle Mothers' Club with Channel3's ;\my Caples and Brother Rene; the Mothers' Club Communion Breakfast.

The Parents Clubs make contributions every year to the La Salle community by holding various activities. The Mothers' Club held their annual New Mothers'Tea in the Fall and a Fashion Show in the Spring. As fund raisers, the club organized the gift wrapping sale as well as the Easter candy sale. The Mothers' Club provides Christmas ornaments for seniors and arranges the ever-popular "then-and-now" photo wall featuring baby pictures and graduation photos. The Men ofLa Salle held the Father-Son Banquet, which this year hosted nearly one thousand people: current students, graduates and parents, and which honored basketball great and alumnus Tom Gola. There was also a Father-Son golf outing at a local country club in the spring. Finally, the Men of La Salle along with the help of the Mothers' Club coordinated the rnost successful event of the year, the annual "La Sale" Auction. This year's theme forthe auction was "Always Game," so the school was transformed into a casino. The members of the Parents' Clubs donate much time and effort to make La Salle more enjoyable. - 13n'tll7 Ctlll/PO

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hope. Sure doesn't look like a typical morning.

La Salle Lacrosse: Dominance. Let's give that punk a little chin music.

I am Greg Hylinski Anyone for tennis? Wouldn't that be nice?

T.O.c. The Athletics Di\"ider Page does not discriminate against any sport.

Freshmen or Seventh Graders? Healing [-lands.

Ernie Barile, "Da Stump!"


Nallle C()li~!ra.





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Milicr.Scan V~~~a1!o.Joc

McCarthy,Duane DcCrcM:iu, Mike

Rhuads, David Doughcrtv.Kcvin tllioll,Kyle




lIaughlon,t\nlhuny ;o.kGurkln,rJul Overcash, Ryan Alcxander,T.J Calahan,Tom


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NomiC. Brian Z,)[(>.luhu McLalighlin.Dan Bari[e,Ernie Pedrolty,Lco fdtc,Hoh 'Pnlcy,J,)hn Stillwell, Ryan Callahan, Kyle

155 140 155

6'(J" 5'10"


150 !70







5'10" /,'0" 6'0"


190 200 178 1~5







5'lr' 5'11"

215 230 ISS


13 :W 23





145 150 17(J

40 42 .\3


87 90

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33 35 36 37 38




75 76 77 79

McCaffrey,Toll) PMkcr,BiIl





l<){l 225

KC[Jcy,MichJe! DoughertY,Craig Foglia, Paul Bahio, Drew

tiT' 6'3"' 0'1""

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Jr. Jr. Jr. $0.

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3.1 40 .ll H 45 46 50 56 60 60 61 62 62

fJ3 66 73 76 78

Name Schaible,Greg I'igcon, Ted Flynn. 11m Rueter. Brendan


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WT 205

WI 210


Buckley. OJ"


r-ln...s, Nate Subia,Ed Kempf.K<:n McGimt, Pat Owens, Dean


ISO 168 175 170

135 140 130 160




Lopit,Tom Oolden, Dan

ItiO 175 [SO 160 165 IJ5

Kammercf,Bmd Parker, Ch~llc~

11'0 160



Mancinelli,l.ouis McCuthy, Pat McD,lde,Shawn Need1c,PJul CIlHin;,P;I1fick Ddaney.Jim Ford. Dan

175 175


Merrick,Andrew I.yons, Jack BI~ck, Brandon Gavin,Mike W.tback,Paul Richard~, Tim Tek[ib.Mike Kennedy, Brendan O'Donnell,Jim N~edhJm,Trcvor



175 150

ISO 23() 250

5'10" S'll"

200 185 230






Jr. Jr. Jr.

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V,llctl1il1(l,John Fcrm,lohn


DcLlurenti~, Chri~


Gillin, Kevin Ritter. Dan





5'7"' 5'7"' 5'7" 6'0"




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190 160

So. lr.

Sr LB,OL Sr. Ol Jr. Ol Sr. Ol Sr. Ol Jr. DL Jr OL 5r Ol So Ol Sr. 01. lr. 01. So


Jr. Jr. So. lr lr. lr. So

6'1'" 6'0"'


165 160




R9 路C,lplalll





SO. So

Bro. Rene Sterner FSC David Dieh[


mf(clorofAlhletic~:Jo\<cphP,lfisl lIeadCoach:JoeCo!i~tra

As..,istanU: Joe Wade, PJt CO}le.llm M:lxwc[J PaulKubJch,J<xWilus.Da~e

I [cineUl1In,

Moderaton: Dan Binckle. Bro. Joll1\ D'AlIon~o !:'SC Freshman Moderator: Geujf Ni~okl1i Student Managers: Dan H()lme~, JOII Marabella Trainer: DJv~ Crowe Freshm:m Head Coach: 1<w Radvall~"Y ,\'<'sistant:Anlh(lfIYDc Pa!>{juJ]c.RoberlGti(filh, CIIrisllo]",ick,MikeZccc,lrdi

Leaving them in their dust, Ryan Parfitt breaks for the end zone. CELLL-AAAA-BRAAA-TION TIME COME ON!

Better than the EAGLESI The 1999 La Salle Explorers football season was memorable for everyone. This year's team posted one of the highest number of players to gain All-Catholic nominations in the history of La Salle High School. Senior captains Tim Black, Chris Dougherty, and John Poley were among those who received first-team All-Catholic nominations. The Explorers started the 1999 season as the defenders of the Philadelphia Catholic League Championship, thelastteam to hold this title, because the Philadelphia Catholic League divided the league. La Salle was placed into the tougher "Red" division, made up of schools with higher enrollment. The Explorers though, were not the favorites to win this division, as senior OL Tim Black recalls, "Many people thought thatwe weren't as good as we were last year. They thought that we couldn't defend our title because of the realignment. We all wanted to prove them wrong. That was our goal." After starting the season 2-2, the realignment allowed LaSalle to meet arch-rival St. Joe's Prep in a regular season game. In a difficult game, the Explorers lost to the Hawks 6-3. Senior DL Chris Dougherty said, "We weren't playing like a team. We were all trying too

hard to play our positions instead of playing within the team. We needed to gettogether and think, act, and play like one team rather than 22 individuals." With a record of 2-3, the Explorers won 5 straight games to finish the season 7-3,6-1 in the league. This record tied Roman for the division title, but the Explorers beat them in the regular season, so they were awarded the first ever "Red Division Title." Senior FB Ben Bailey said, "It was fun playing those games. We really started to come together as a team and became more focused and disciplined. We felt like when we played together, no one could beat us." LaSalle began their playoffs with a bye in the first round, then defeated Ryan in their first game, giving them a rematch with Roman. LaSalle blew past the Raiders 14-0, earning a berth in the first "Red Divsion Championship game. Their opponent was Roman, who beat the Prep, setting up a La Salle/Roman championship game. The next step for LaSalle was meetingSt.Joe'sfortheannualThanksgivingDaygame at LaSalle University. The two teams met on a rainy, muddy, Thanskgiving day. In a wild game, St. Joe's edged La

"Time Out, 1 lost my contact!" The unstoppable Mike DiCrescio.

Tom Calahan wants to soar through the uprights like his field goal did. Mike Graham licks his chops and prepares to devour another opponent.

Football Memories from the Class of2000: T.J. Alexander: Comeback after injury. Jason Ager: Most-improved Player award. Mike DiCrescio: Comeback win against Judge Ben Bailey: Ryan playoff game: 14-0 Joe Vassallo: Receiving Dr. Eugene Gallagher award for dedication and loyalty. Duane McCarthy: 55-yard TD completion vs.Bonner Kyle Callahan: Comeback after injury; championship game. John Poley: Election as captain. Jordan Mulrain: Playing for the championship. Kevin Dougherty: All-Catholic team. Paul Colistra: Playing in two PCL championships. Craig Dougherty: Most-improved Player Award. Will Von Medicus: Camp

Salle by a score of 21-20 to take the Thanksgiving trophy away from La Salle. However, the Explorers were looking forward to next week's game against Roman for the League Championship. The teams met in the Northeast for the first ever Philadelphia Catholic League "Red Division" Championship. The Explorers played well, but could not overcome an early Roman lead, as Roman took the Championship game 21-7. However, the 1999 Explorers have much to be proud of. While they did not win the Championship, they had numerous accomplishments. They learned to look within, finding courage to persevere through hard times, which will help them succeed on and off the field. Besides, there's always next year, with the hope that La Salle will win the Championship. - Craig Dottgher()1

Even Freshman Football gets in the yearbook. Chris Doc gets his teammates pumped.

Defenders are in awe of Kyle Cleary's white spikes.

The I ,a Salle soccer program has the distinction of being one of the most accomplished programs in Southeastern Pennsylvania. There was a sense of tradition to carryon within the team during the 1999 season, in view of the fact that the Explorers had won the PCL title twice and always seemed to be in contention for a title. \'Vith the loss of nine starters there was an enormous challenge facing the Explorers. Coach Bob Peff]e looked to seniors Kevin Baker, Ed Baraniewicz, Steve Boyle, Ernie Burrell, Tom Calahan, and Mike Frank to lead the Explorers to meet the chalenge and keep the tradition alive by qualifying for the PCL playoffs, which they did. Though their season ended prematurely with a 2-0 loss to eventual champions North Catholic, the 2000 soccer team has much to anticipate. The team formed an extraordinary bond this year, through hard work and,moreimportantly, humor. Ask any soccer player about their memories about this past season and several items will immediately surface. A "J eff run" would certainly be one

of them, followed by a crInge from the player Players' nicknames Birdman, Pampers, Mute, Bert, Powder, Teeters, Hebes would definitely be mentioned, followed by broad smiles. \'Vhat many wore to practice would be among the memories too, followed by laughter when picturing Sullivan in basketball shorts on a soccer field or Cleary wearing the brightest colors he could find in his closet. Some memorable quotes would be included, too: "Option here!" "I'm just here to play soccer," "Ahh, dang!" 'J avier!" This bond will surely last among the departing seniors for years. Looking back over their four years, they can confidently say that they have not only kept the La Salle tradition of excellence alive, but that they enhanced it. Next season's Explorers look to keep the tradition alive, with All-Catholics Mike Steffa, Mike Parson, and Tim Palilonis returning with Kyle Cleary and Joe Mattioli to bring the peL championship plaque back to La Salle. KelJin Baker

Pat McKeown, sporting his Nike sponsorship, nurses his back.

1999 Varsity Soccer Scores Opponent



Episcopal Academy Haverford School

Away Home

EPYSA Tournament Kennedy - Kendrick

Away Home

Holy Ghost Prep


Roman Catholic St. Joseph's Prep Conwell Egan

Home Away Away

Archbishop Ryan Cardinal Dougherty

Away Away

Father Judge Bishop Mc Devitt

Away Away

North Catholic


Archbishop Wood Conwell Egan

Home Home

Archbishop Ryan


Cardinal Dougherty Father Judge Bishop Mc Devitt

Home Home Home

North Catholic


Archbishop Wood PCL Playoffs

Away North Catholic

1-2 0-3 1-0 4-1 0-2 3-0 3-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 3-0 3-0 0-1 2-1 2-1 1-2 3-0 4-3 3-0 0-2 1-0 0-2


Senior Goal keeper Kevin Baker puts all of his 6'10, 120 lb frame into the kick.

Good game, guys!

Sophomore Ernie Gambone and teammates get pumped for another game. Javier knows it must take its toll on the groll1.

Overall record: 19 wins, 5 losses 3rd Place in Catholic League Championshi) Senior


* Tom Devlin * Bill Bonner * Steve Bolger

16:54 17:22 17:36 17:48

12 22 30 42

Kevin Fitzgerald 18:02


Rob Haney



Kevin Semanick 18:23 Pete Clark 18:29

62 69

John Klock

* denotes Captain

3.21 miles of pain ... of fun ... of glory. The dog days of summer kicked off the first practices. Returning to the cross-country roots of his Bishop Conwell years, Mr. Johnson joined Mr. Devine and Mr. Seminack to lead the troops into battle. The most familiar strains of "Mile and half past the inn plus six crack hills" were uttered as usual. However, a hurricane ravished Valley Green in September, meaning the greatest number of workouts ever were held at Fort Washington, to the displeasure of many. As usual, the team occasionally ran circles around the soccer guys. Flagpole, mile hard, into the woods, hell (a.k.a. Parachute), 1.3 inside, then flat,>pole again, and all downhill from there - mile sprint to the finish line. Though the practices and meets were fun, the runners were the ones who made it interesting. Only a junior, Mark Swanson and senior captains Tom Devlin, Bill Bonner, and Steve B. guided the varsity team to a season that boasted a3rd place in the PCL, a "2nd" (that should have beena "1st" if not for a missed pole DQ) at State Prep Champs, T-shirts at Salesianum and a victory at the Manhattan invitational. Senior Jon Klock, junior Justin Morace, and sophomores Domenie Panza and Ryan O'Donnell contributed a lot of heart, desire, and awesome performances to the varsity's run for the title. Sophomores John "Bits" Lasky, Ronan McDermott, Ryan Rodden, and Tim Ferrie, fulfilling their promise and adding to their hype, helped the JV to a nearmiss second place finish at PCL Champs. Brian Baillie and Chris Potestio, both juniors and the last hoorahs, seniors Rob (pre!) Haney, Kevin "I<illa" Fitzgerald, Kevin Semanick, and Pete Clark all made a big impact on the JV team as well. Terrence McCann and the other freshmen hope to step it up next year and continue the traditions when they once again hit the trail. - Kevin S'emanick

All-time La Salle Rank


1st Team AII-Catho 1st Team AII-Catho Injured Captain Honorable Mention All Catholic Finally didn't break 18:00 Tied Steve Blasi's best time. Finally broke 18:30 Completed entire season

Rob Haney hugs his blankie.

This proves that men also move in herds. Steve Bolger motions to Coach Devine for the team Maalox.

Mike Manzi shoots from downtown! Senior Dennis Stanton makes a break for his patented three pointer.

r "emit),: Top (L to R) Tim Prem, ~like Manzi, Dennis Stanton, Tom Gorman, :{ DeCrescio,j ohn Poley, Brian Horgan, Dan Buckle\' Bot/o/l/ (L to R.) Ry'an O,'ercash, Mike Parson, TOl11 Mattern, Rob Sullivan, Em J\lcGowan, Gabe Marabella, Paul McGurkin,j ohn Ferro Missing: Coach Martyj ackson Rob Sullivan, Sophol11ore sensation.

In the 1999-2000 basketball season, the Explorers were once again led to a succesful season by Mr. Marty Jackson. La Salle started off the pre-season strong with wins over Chestnut Hill Academy, West Catholic, Episcopal Academy, and the Prep. They finished second in the Carroll Classic and also second in the Northeast Catholic Classic Christmas Tournarnent in Trumbull, Conneticut, falling short of the championship by only three points. After finishing the pre-season with an impressive 8-3 record, the team showed potential. The regular season began with a big win against Archbishop Ryan and long time rival Father Judge. In fact, the victory against Ryan capped an amazing milestone for Coach Jackson, his 200th win in the Catholic League. It was no distraction, however, for he continued to lead his team to many more victories. The team was lead by senior captains Brian "Whitey" Horgan, Mike "Dee-Bo" DeCrescio, Dennis "Storm" Stanton, along with John "Stosh" Poley and Paul "Gurks" McGurkin. The team also benefitted from the play of juniors Gabe Marabella and Tom Mattern, along with Mike Manzi, Mike Parson, Tom "Tubby" Gorman, Ryan "Cash" Overcash, Dan Buckley, and Emmit "Wiggum" McGowan. The La Salle basketball program also looks toward a bright future through the play of sophomores John Ferro and Rob "Tight Fade" Sullivan. La Salle finished the league 10-4 in the Northern Division, which earned them a spot in second place. In the quarter-finals, La Salle defeated Northeast Catholic at La Salle University and advanced to the semi-finals, losing to a tough St. John Neumann team at Temple University. Throughout their season, the team worked hard to continue their winning tradition. - Dennis Stonton

Brian '\'Vhite\'" Horgan passes the defender, takin' it in for an easy two, Junior Gabe Marabella aims f()r another shot to victol'\',

Li'j Finger Roll. \'\/ith a key pick from Tom Gorman, Paul McGurkin drives to the basket.

Jllllior r 'arsif)': Back ROll' (L.

to R.) - filL Joseph Dempsey, Emmitt McGowan, Sean Fedyna, Tom Gorman, Ryan Buckley, Mike Manzi, Mike Parson, Mr. Charles Cirelli Froll! ROll' (L. to R.) Ryan O"ercash, Daniel Ritter,J ohn Ferro, Christopher Ladley,J ohn Reifsnyder, Victor UkwLl

John Poley, waitin' fix the board. Tommy ?\lattern, takin' a breather.

A familiar scene featuring Marty Jackson. Whitey, at the line; it's gurantecd.

The board sa\'s it all!

The 1999 - 2000 swim team had an excellent year. Un( tutelage of the overly excited coach, Mr. Frank Lichtner and as~ Mr. Dennis Bloh, Mr. James Tate, and Mr. Stephen Dunchesl broke records and achieved our best times. Seniors Kieran Bryers Bacher, Kevin Hughes, Matt Wahl, Greg Hylinski, and co-c Mike Harrigan and Brad Green led the team to its third N Catholic Championships in three years, to a sixth place fir Easterns where we broke records (200m free relay, 100m back: and 400m free relay) and to a fourth PCL Championship in as years. The swim team is like a family. We have had our fights: M vs. Tuman, Bryers vs. Paul, Carey vs. Jeffers, and Queroli vs. the We have had our closeness: Doc + Tuman = Lovin. We h~ mischief: "It wasn't me!" and our locker scandal. Most of all we h~ "But Mr. Gilmore, I'm your caddy." - NIatt

( )ur pool, designed \vith its thicker and murkier water, trains < champion swimmers. The senior squad ... with clothes.

Greg 1-1\'linski, in the rnidst of his Nan SEAl, training. It's safe to say that La Salle will win the heat.

Lichtner saves Matt \'IJahl from harm by pulling him through time portal number four.

Torn Bloh struttin' his technique on the alley. Listen to the Crowd Roar!

Little more left...for the love of God a little more left! A 7-10 Split...not a problem for the mighn' Geoff Lang.

JuniorJim Edelen develops the long-toss technique ...

Although Thunderbird Lanes in Willow Grove may not look like . of a place to begin with, nearly every weekday during the winter a ) of sixteen students made the lanes their own. Until dinnertime on a winter day, the cavernous lanes have thundered as La Salle's bowling portrays their skills. Talk of "dry patches," "slipping thumbs" and conditions" floats through the air, and a normal person has to wonder, seriously can you take bowling? While not the most famous or :ated team in La Salle's history, La Salle's bowlers take pride in a sport 10stpeople see as a weekend hobby. The keglers also enjoya spirit that s them one of the tightest teams in the PCL. Coach Gary Wiley and the avy-rotation bowlers forthe year-seniors Mike Albert, Geoff Lang, Wisotzkey, juniors Tom Bloh and James Edelen, and freshman Mike at-formed the bulk of the bowling team this year. The favorite moments of the team are mostly old classics-trash rom the likes of Dan Barnes '99 and Mike Weinert '98 during critical :1es, memorable rides to away games in Weinert's "Wu-Tang-Mobile," n outstanding match in January '98 during which the Explorer and a of seniors came out to cheer on La Salle's varsity squad to a hard:1t victory over Conwell-Egan. This year too, a home match against .proved to be the team's finest hour. "The entire team created a great ive vibe, supported each other throughout the afternoon, and showed we really could be capable of," said Lang, who bowled varsity in the earned victory. La Salle placed fifth in their PCL division, just short of ng the playoffs. The keglers nonetheless remain positive about their .and confident that the future of the resuscitated bowling team remains t.


Scott Ke1b

In honor of the great KlNGPIN! 1 didn't know bowling involved such graceful movement.

You heard me right. I said, "Go out there and just look like HlU know what you're doing."

With the help of a new coaching staff led by Mr. Mi Braciscewski along with his assistants Anthony Penzarella,


Houston, Joe Bednerak, and Tim Maloney, the La Salle Wrestli team set its sights on a Catholic League title this year and refus to accept anything less. Even though it meant going on that eXI run, watching diets, running the steps for what seemed like forev or doing those countless numbers of extra pushups, the te2 persevered. Having made the semifinals last year, the team


well on its way with twelve varsity wrestlers returning for anoth year. The team was led by senior captains Tim Black, Joe Spau: Mike Cosgrove, and Chad Munn.

Other wrestlers who rna,

contributions were Seniors, Chris Staub, John Boring, Chris Reil and Nick Onufrak as well as Junior Chris Whelan and sophomor Brandon Black, Brendan Whitaker, and Brandon Skupski. By ti end of the year, the team had learned the two most important rul to win: "Dedication" and 'Just Shut Up and Wrestle!"

-Joe Spat

Geez, Spa use, what did ,路ou have for lunch? That stinks! Mem路 Killing?

Team路 . oments

- Cosgrove becomes the pinning machine - Staub and Munn get revenge on Wood - Munn named outstanding wrestler at individual level

- Whitaker makes weight on time - Beating North twice - Brandon Black beats Proctor -Shaved heads for Championship

r~a Salle simplY overpowers its adversaries. Dane Peterman battles his opponent to the floor.

Tim Black eyeing his next pin.

Senior captain Pete N aticchione, gettin' in the zone. Because the "L" is for "Lunge."

Varsity One Hockey Team, First Row (L to R): Greg J\lolchen, Ryan Ciolli, Mike Loftus, Pete Naticcbione, Bob Klenk, Tony Trimboli,J oe Mastronardo. Second Row: Head Coach Mr. Wally Muehlbronner, l\Ioderator Dr. Joseph D' Angelo, Mike Ciccaglione, Ryan Stevens, Brett Urban, Pat Higgins,Jon Hicks, Tom Riley, Coach Mr. Chris Wbiteside, Coach Mr.John Haggert Manager Devin Campbell. Third Row: Ricky Felix, Ryan Jones, Shawn Garvin, Will Madeira,Joe Carelli, Brett Hopkinson.

People always say how the hockey players are such a weird group of kids. I'm not going to disagree, but let me at least explain why that is. Hockey is year round; there is no off season. There is always an All-Star or select team that will come calling. What makes our squad unique is that some of us have played together for almost ten years. We have gone to grade school, played club hockey on opposite sides and now play high school hockey together. We have spent hundreds of hours traveling from game to game. Since we have spent so much time together, we know each other inside and out. We have watched each other change through the years, been through a lot together, whether positi ve or negati ve, in victory or defeat. Now, let me attempt to describe the personalities on our team. If a stranger were to walk into the La Salle Varsity I locker room, he would have honestly thought that he had walked through the door of an insane asylum. We've got thugs, hippies, an elf, the milkman, former Philadelphia Phillie Von Hayes, the Mexican, a "serial killer" (We're onto you Will), two goalies who will leave you wondering what planet they came from, and the biggest goofball that you will ever meet. Our nicknames have become trademarks: from Tus to Rizzo, from Deggs to the Milkman, and from Greaseball to the one simply known as Pete. Some of the nicknames may seem insulting, but no one takes it personally (except for milkman). We are always hanging out with each other, always looking to have a crazy time. The hockey boys know how to have fun and stay loose. From late-night bow ling in Pittsburgh to watching WWFpay-per-view at Rizzo's, to the bashes at Felix's, Tony's and Rizzo's, we keep it real. Let's not forget the 76ers game and WWF Smackdown (right Pete?). We always seem to make a good time into a great one, and there are al ways funny stories to tell. We have the perfect group of guys to tell them. Our coaches are a perfect fit for the team too. Our Head Coach, Wally Muehlbronner, has a great mind for hockey, with his serious side keeping us in line and focused on hockey, yet his light side making him seem like an older one of us. He is a great coach to be around on road trips. He just loves what he does. Our assistant coach, Coos "Gump" Whiteside is simply the man. A great guy and a great coach, his classic sense of humor keeps us laughing and loose, and he prepares us for the challenges that we face. Gump has the special ability to always be able to make you feel good about yourself, win or lose.

In a sly move, senior goalie Greg Molchen hides his net from the opposing team.

"\'Vhat do you mean that was the other team's net?" The puck is your friend ... the puck cannot hurt you ... be one with the puck.

Our other assistant coach, John Haggerty, also takes on the role of equipn manager and medical consultant. We go straight to John when we have an in or a skate problem, because he always has an answer. He has helped many become excellent hockey players through the years. As I said, our coache~ perfect for us. They let us be kids, and I know that we wouldn't have had the fun if our coaches had no personalities. Amen to that. As our quest for the Flyers Cup 2000 begins, we take a closer look at seniors. Willie Madeira, great defensive defensemen, but scary off the ice ... . I<Jenk, there's never ever a dull moment when this defensemen is around ...1 Trimboli, another great defensemen to have on your side; just don't listen w he tries to tell you something... Tom Riley is the man at left wing, funny and back; you always want Riley around. There is also Ryan Stevens at right wing, ' gives his all everytime out there. Ryan Ciolli is a fun wingman to watch, and always up to something. But watch him closely if you don't want your clo thrown in the shower. Pat Higgins is our heavyweight champ, a fore defenseman on the ice or holding the cup. Rick Felix plays hard and tougl theD, and will let you have itwhere it hurts. You're always going to have fun'

Felix around. Mike Loftus is an awesome player to watch as a Senior Mike Loftus eagerly waits for a clear shot. wingman too. Tus is This La Salle check of the game is brought to you by a character and a Sunoco ... till up with Sunoco and have a great day! player, just don't get him mad. Brett Urban, what a wacko, keeps you laughing and is a great center. J ustwatch Urban at a party and you'll have fun. GregMolchenis half of our great goaltending duo. Molch needs a padded cell, which makes him fit in sowell. Pete Naticchione, is our captain and a tremendous player on tlleleft side, always trying to help his teammates, and he does a great job. Pete is the perfect guy to go to a sporting event with, trust me. And then ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . the r e 's In e , ~~~~~~~goaltender Joe Mastronardo. I love everything about being a goalie, cause that's what makes me, ,,<N,,;<",,<;;;;:\;s;;;\,;j,;;;:"";~;-<--';;'~~;r-' <'""":;,;;",~,~,:,:.t me. People seem to think I'm a little crazy out there, and it makesmeslllilewhen I hear that. I love showing some flair out there; Hexy would be proud. I'll never forget all the great times that I have had with my hockey boys. I couldn't have picked a better group of guys to be with. I hop e you've gained some insight on why the hockey players are the way they are. We're far from normal, but - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. that's what makes being a LaSalle hockey trsity Two Hockey Team, First ROil} (L to R): Ryan Ginty, Lou Volpe, Nick Trimboli, jon Posen,Jim Durkin, Matt Herzog. Id RO})J: Moderator Dr. joseph D'Angelo, Coach Mr. Bob King, Todd Zettle, Sean Wills, Mark D'Angelo, jim McCullagh, Sean player so great. Why? g, Dave Hill, Dave Bartynski, Derek Calista, Head Coach Mr. John Haggerty, Manager Mr. Joe Blake, Sr. Tbird ROil}: Chris Curci, 'Cause Rizzo Said So. Matt Loftus, Andrew Bartmski, Tom Ferrick, RogTroxell, Steve Bielecki,] oe Blake,] r. - oe Mastronardo

Running Events Distance Medley Rclay - 1L1L5, First 1200 - Mark Swanson - 3:22.6 400 Chris Potestio - 57.2 800 -Jon Klock 209.7 1600 Ryan O'Donnell 4:43 4 X2(l(LJAO.8 Kevin Fitzgerald - 24.7 Pat Kirts 27.4 Mike Alonso - 25.1 Joe Vassallo 24.6 Mile Run - 4:37.4 Brian Baillie - 4:37.4 Ronan McDermott - 5:00 Ryan Rodden - 5:25.6 Tom Lamer 5:18


LASALLE 400D1 Run Bill Bonner - 54.6 Kevin Fitzgerald - 55.3 Tom Devlin 58.5 60m High Hurdks. Kevin Semanick - 8.3 60m Dash Joe Vassallo - 6.9 3000m Run Mark Swanson - 10:00 Jon Klock -10:16

2illlm Dash Joe Vassallo - 25.1 Pat Kirts - 26.7 Mike Alonso - 25.4

8.O.O.n:LRu n Tom Lamer - 2:17 Brian Baillie - 2:06 u.:illQm Run - 3:36.8,£ir.st Kevin Semanick - 52.2 Chris Potestio - 54.3 Kevin Fitzgerald - 54.8 Bill Bonner - 55.4 4 X 800m Run - 9: 19 9,£m.u:J:h Mark Swanson - 2:16.2 Ryan Rodden - 2:29.3 Brian Baillie - 2: 16 Pat Kirts - 2:18.2

Field Events High Jump Peter Clark - 6'0" Brian Madeira - 6'2" John Lasky - 5'4" Shot Put Jason Ager - 47'10" Leon Benn - 37'0" Dan McLaughlin - 39'1" Eric Griffin-Shelley - 38'3" GabeDiClerico 37'7" Pole Vault Rob McCreight - 9"0" Long Jump Mike Alonso - 17'9.5" PeterClark-18'10.5" Kevin Semanick - 9'8.75"

IripkJJJmp PeterClark-37'11.5" Brian Medeira - 38'3" Mike Alonso - 41'3.75" (new Freshman record)

Shortstops: (L. to R.) John Reifsnl'der, Chuck Day, and Ernie Burrell

The Hot Corner: (I,. to R.) I,eon Benn, Tom Gorman, Bryan Han路ey

Behind the Plate: (I,. to R.) Matt Michel, Ernie Barile, Chris Jeffers

Our hurlers: (L. to R.) Hack R01l'- Leon Benn, Mike Lombardo, Bryan Harv Chuck Day, Tom O'Connor, Dan Buckley Fron! ROll' Tom Mattern, c.). Tuman, Rob Sulli\'an,John Reifsn~'der

The Coaching Staff: (L. to R.) M r. Joe Parisi, Mr. Joe Falcone, Mr. P.J. Quinn

Out ofleft field: (L. to R.) Matthew Hartnett,Joe Vassallo

The Two-Baggers: (L.


R.) Kde Elliott, Tom O'Connor

s on First?: (L. to R.) Dan Buckley, Chris Doughert\', Kyle Callahan

Centerfielders: Rob Sullivan Mi.r.ri/(1!, - Ryan Parfitt

Baseball, like many aspects ofAmerica, has had somewhat of a scandalous past. Whether it be the infamous "Black Sox" of 1919, the ongoing Pete Rose saga, ormore recently] ohn Rocker's words heard across America, baseball had and has been conquering the rough times presented. Still, baseball is a sport that does involve murder, theft, and even arson on a consistent basis. "\'\!hat!?", you say. Metaphorically, of course-as players, are we not trying to kill the ball up at the plate? Are we not stealing bases and other teams' signs? And believe it or not, it has also been known that after a rain storm a certain Roxborough Legion Team has lit its field on fire in order to dry it out faster. Yes, of these "crimes", the entire La Salle baseball team is guilty (some even of the arson). Still they were committed within the spirit of the game. Nonetheless, the 2000 Baseball Squad looks fOlward to a promising season after losing to O'Hara in the semi-finals of the PCL playoffs last year. With the veteran leadership ofManager Mr. ] oe Parisi and his assistants Mr. ] oe "Craig/Sabo" Falcone, Mr. Mike O'Connor, and Mr. P.J. "Sideburns" Quinn, the team looks to gain something that it hasn't seen many over years, a PCL championship plaque. The La Salle Baseball team has centered itself around the seniors: Brian "Bill" Harvey, Chris "Meat" Dougherty, Tom "Lucas/Oak" O'Connor, Nlatty "the Dog" NIichel, Ernie "Plump" Barile, Ernie "Bert" Burrell,

Right Field Guns: (L. to R.) Matt Costello, Matt Michel

Senior Pitcher Tom O'Connor and Catcher Ernie Barile, inseparable at La Salle, in Roxborough, and on the field.

,Senior Shortstop Ernie Burrell tlelds the grounder Hawlessh'. Senior Outfielder ?\fatt ?\fichel watches the action and, impressed with what he sees, radios the info to da boss. \

Mike "Guy" Lombardo, Leon "Toey" Benn, Joe "JV Joey" Vassallo, Kyle "Frankie the Cyclone" Callahan, and Matt "Gabby" Hartnett. Ryan "Parf" Parfitt, the superstar who brings an unmistakable "ghetto" atmosphere to the team, leads the junior corps of the team. Weare even blessed with three sophomores who can learn, benefit, and, mostimportantly, carry the equipment. ChrisJeffers,John "Reif" Reifsnyder, and Rob "Rico" Sullivan are today the lackeys of the upperclassmen, but more importantly the future of the La Salle Baseball franchise. Whether it be Matt and Tom trying to "muzzle up", Harvz driving to practice, Vassallo wearing his tight clothes, Tom "Tubby" Gorman talking about his brother, C.J. "Deuce" Tuman and his mullet, or Frankie and his antics, La Salle enjoys its baseball. Win or lose, one thing is certain, we play hard and have fun. - lvlaltvell) Harlnett

Senior First Baseman Chris Doughertl' chugs around second, pulling into third with a celebration

Adam Comisak and Joe Slabinski debate whether or not they are playing the right hole.

"\'Vhen \'ou cheat in golf, you /OJJJeI"Your score."

"Did I just hit a gopher?"

Every March, the attention of the La Salle family turns tm spring break and spring sports. La Salle has had much success durir spring season, but while all eyes are on popular sports like basketba lacrosse, one of the most successful La Salle teams goes on vir1 unnoticed. La Salle's golf team has been the dominant force in the Cat League for much of the last decade. The Explorers have won nea many Catholic League titles as the heralded tennis and swimming t without nearly as much attention. Coach Martin Jackson has led the to numerous titles in the nineties, and they show no signs of sIc down. Traditionally one of the youngest groups around, the maj01 the team is made up of inexperienced but determined underclass This makes it that much more important for the seniors on the te: be leaders. Successful players like Brett Foley and Greg Hylinski theiryoungerteammates how to get the job done.With players like j Adam Comisak, the La Salle golf team should be contenders agair year, and with the addition of more freshmen, the team should be for years to come. - Pete 11

Senior Dennis Stanton holds his breathe as he tees off. Senior Greg Hylinski shouts, "Move over, Gilmore, because here comes Happy Hdinski!"

"Ok, Ok. Just be the ball; be the ball." "\'Vhat he doesn't know is that I'm not going to take the pole out."

"R.)., I kl1o\V \'()U're good, but at least show some respect for the competition, and wear the appropriate attire." Andrew Puntel reads the "\'\'ilson" on the ball.

(L. to R) AndrewJohn, Roger Ermola, Dm路id Candia, Dan Kim,James Logan, Bill O'Neill, Leo Reilh', Andrew Allen, Daniel Ford,James Park,Jo( Lanzalotti, Phil Carroll, Nick Bowers, Andrew Punte!, Chris Frein, ~lr. Tore Hanssen (Coach),Joe Carroll

Dan Kim shows his mad topspin scr\'c. I ~co Rcilly ,CITCS up an acc ...

This year, La Salle Tennis will be looking for its 8th consecutive PCL Championship while the Prep is sure to struggle for its 8th consecutive PCL second-place finish. A reason why La Salle is guaranteed the PCL Championship is the solid leadership of the senior squad ofR]. Ermola,J ames Logan, Dan I<im and Andrew Pun tel. All of them are looking forward to capping off their high school careers with a fourth PCL Championship. Along with the depth that seniors Brendan Gates and Leo Reilly add to the team are starter Nick Bowers '01, DarcellMoore '03 and Ian Silbert '03. The line-up is so solid that all top four singles players could defeat any team's top player. The only awards up for grabs this year are the traditional Bagel Award, given to the player with the most 6-0 victories and runner-up in the PCL tennis finals. "T," Coach Tore Hanssen, bopes to guide the team to another championship with some great buffets along the way. La Salle's tennis domination in the PCL will continue for years to come with all dle new talent dlat comes through each year, attracted to a &,rreat school and to a winning tennis team. - R]. Ermo/a

Every year on exactly March 1st, the La Salle lacrosse teams begin to strive for the successes that have come from past year' s efforts. In the 2000 season, the lax Explorers will begin their second phase of the "Four in Four". The goalis to reach the final four, or higher, in the state lacrosse tournament. In recent years, the Explorers have worked relentlessly towards improvement of themselves and the team, scheduling many games against other ranked teams in the area, and each year the Explorers have finished on a positive note ... the team got better. Last year the lacrosse Explorers came close to accomplishing their goal to reach the state final four in four years. However, the season ended with aloss to Lower Merion, the eventual state champions, in the last seconds of the first round. Although itwas one of the best games in La Salle lacrosse history, it only made the team hunger for the lacrosse title that could have been. This year, the team was led by senior and captain, Paul "Paco" Colistra, who headed the tenacious La Salle defense with juniors Kevin Cross and Adam Cummins. Junior goalie Joe Horvath guarded the net for La Salle. Senior captain Kevin Dougherty ran the midfield with fellow seniors Dan Acker and Paul Muller, while sophomores J effMills,J ohn Lasky, Pat Collins, Bob O'Neill, and Tim Koons continued their success. Junior captain Kenny Kempfledthe attack from behind the cage along with junior Brian Madeira and sophomore Conrad Lochocki. This was a special season for Explorers lacrosse. - Pmll NIt/ller

Junior Kenny Kempf goes in for the score. Coach: "Um, guys, we seem to have misplaced our sticks."

"Hey! Get your own stick!" "BOOYAH!"

The team looks on as the two-day Battle Royale commences. NIr. David Crowe attends every home game or match possible, and travels with the football team to away games.

Mr. David Crowe Anatomy, Athletic Trainer

Lacrosse players running the gauntlet. "No,


would be my' opponent."

"Yeah guys, just try and do this ... "

'J List try and score."

Senior Tom Dougherty achieves success with a single bound.

Every year, La Salle's Indoor Track and Field team spends the entire winter together practicing and competing to be the best. Among the interest ingvenues of200 meter tracks, this year's team maintained its poise as it saw good amount of success combined with the occasional lack thereof. Perhap! the best way to know the year is to know the runners, throwers, and jumpen themselves. Mike Alonso was the phenom who shattered the freshman tripl( jump record. He is the promise of the program's future (at Kirks he was dedicated to the sprinters and plyometrics and he took all the grief and every imaginable nickname possible). Kevin Fitzgerald was the killer of the pack, always helping out the team by doing the weekly hawking at Lehigh and Haverford for the coaches' association meets. Anthony Bonanni learned quickly how to do the sprinters' jog like none other. Tom Devlin was the staple of the spring x-country team, enjoying the race and parking lot fight u in N ew York for the Eastern State Championships. Joe Vassallo was lookic and acting tough. Rob Haney was kept Swiza occupied and humored with

"I love this new track surface!" The newest field event: Water Skiing.

Senior Captain Bill Bonner didn't realize that Track and Field required a cup. Senior Captain Ke,"in Semanick showin' us that white men can jump.

Clark shows his peers how to enjoy natural highs!

his odd theories and musical tastes. Bill Bonner (Captain) the 800 meter man, anchored the 4x800 at the armory for Nationals Penn State style for state champs. John I<Jock worked the longer distances, as Jason Ager worked under the inspiration of new assistant coach Doug Smith and shot to the top. Pete Clark (Captain) high-jumped his way to new heights, even moving the pads into the gym during winter storms. Brian Madeira cross-trained his way to first team All-Catholic in the high jump. Brian Baillie brought the mullet back into style and prided himself on the 4x800. Kevin Semanick (Captain) was the definition of versatility, from chilling or blazing it with the sprinters to dangerously hurdling or running leadoffleg and elbowing through that long 4x800 relay. Finally, it was yet another year for Coach Pat Devine, our coach, leprechaun, guide, team mumbler, on to outdoors, back and beyond. - Kevin Semanick

This millennium marks a new era for the La Salle Rowing Team. Inundated with new talent at the varsity level, the sophomores and juniors back the surging seniors in the spring season. As early as the fall, head coach Mr. Chuck Calvanese and our own Mr. Thomas McLaughlin saw the potential talent in the underclass, as well as a dramatic improvement in returning oarsmen. This year things are different, and last year's upset will not be repeated. The oarsmen are bigger, more talented, and are driven to win the league championships and the all-important Stotesbury Cup Regatta. The effort to gain supremacy on the Schuylkill was real, seen in the indoor winter workouts, which yielded a plethora of varsity8 candidates, workout records that would make any college scout salivate, and enough muscle to light up Philly. On the water, La Salle looks even better. With the addition of two top-of-the-line boats to La Salle's fleet, The David Diehl, seating the Varsity-S, and The Crel1J Parents, seating the midweightS will certainly take both of these crews, along with the JV-S and the second-S, all the way to the Medals Dock. These boats are light and their crews are incredibly fast and strong. The intensity is through the roof, and the desire is seen in the sweat that drips from the tired faces of the oarsmen after every practice. With these, and an experienced coaching staff to match, spells a recipe for success. -"Row, La Salle, Row!" - James Green

The look of sheer determination is evident on Adam Sasso's face. "So mam' choices, so little time."

"Look! \'Ve formed our own superboat!!!" The Crew Team endures yet another heckler on the Schuykill.

La Salle's vast cheering section urges on the rowers. "Strawberry Mansion, here we come!"


jump on three!"

"If we hurry, we can reach the island by nightfall!"

Seniors Matt j ,askowski and Jim Green ne\~er forget to pack their moisturizer. The LaSalle Crew rigorously prepares for its next Manny Flick.

In Memoriam

Mr. Guido J. Cimini

Brother John F. D'Alfonso, F.S.C.

November 23, 1931 - February 18, 2000

October 15,1937 - February 6,2000 Received the Habit of the Christian Brothers September 7, 1955

Jonathan Masiak December 20, 1981-July9, 1998

For the last class of the rea/millennium, the last four years have 3ed within the blink of an eye. Thinking back to freshman ntation (no, we still do not know the alma-mater), we were just ; out of grade school encountering a sea of new faces at La Salle. 3t of us knew very few of our fellow freshmen; but slowly, bonds ~ formed in that shared first period algebra or English class. Those laintances made during the first few weeks of school have ~loped into friendships, and over the past four years they have )ored a sense of unity among our senior class. Despite the joy of being able to go home after fourth period lUse of our "overwhelming" senior workloads, a little piece of us ts the day to lasdonger and we want to stay behind. La Salle has vn on us and we do not really want to leave all of our memories . These memories are ours, however, and we can carry them into teverwe do next.... as high school kids encountering a sea of new s in college. - Jobl7 Strzalka

Good luck on the five-year plan, Paul!

"So Ben, what color would you like your new Bl\I\'V Z3 to be? La Salle football seniors intimidating the competition!

This face is made up of fourteen unique graduating seniors at La Salle. Nearly one half of them are from Philadelphia, with the rest evenly divided between Montgomery and Bucks counties, living in places from Abington to Warrington. Among these students are ten National Honor Society members (including one officer), five National Merit Semifinalists, two National Merit Commended Students, one Student Council officer, an editor of the Blue & Gold and The Gazebo, the presidents of the Robotics, Mathletes, Respect Life, Forensics, and Photo Clubs, a wrestling team captain, and a kid who scored a perfect 1600 on his PSATs. These seniors are members of the Football, Tennis, and Rowing teams and are inv( with the LaSallian Service Corps, Band, Theatre, Mock Trial, Latin Club, Am International, WEXP, the Wisterian, Science Club, LaSallian Youth, and Intramurals. have been accepted to colleges such as La Salle, Notre Dame, Harvard, and Gc Washington, where they will strive to carry out our LaSallian tradition.

Daniel Stephen Acker Seminole Avenue cintown, P A 19046 5) 379-2791 St. Hilary rosse, Indoor Track, LSC, )D, Freshman Mentoring, 'am urals, WEXP ?fite JV1ofIJetlt: Kairos 37-10 and 37-11 bat lies behind us and what lies xe us are tiny matters compared ,hat lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Michael B. Albert 1 Morefield Road adelphia, PA 19115 i) 698-2615 Maternity BVM vling, Band m"te lvIolJ1ent: Weekends le standing alone can be attacked defeated, but two can stand back lack and conquer, for time is an if used wisely." - Myself

Jason Patrick Ager

Matthew E. Albert

2330 Terwood Drive Huntingdon Valley, P A 19006 (215) 947-5295 Our Lady Help of Christians Football 11-12, Wrestling 9, Indoor Track 10-12, Outdoor Track, Pep Band 10 FavOIite lvIolllellt: Performing in DallJJl Yankees "If I leave here tomorrow would you still remember me?" - Ronnie VanZant

72 Greenbriar Lane Newtown, PA 18940 (215) 504-2491 St. Andrew LSC, NHS, Student COLlncil, Crew, Student Mentor, Slci Club k'avotite Momellt: PIT "My existence led by confusion boasts mutiny from stern to bow. Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." - Bob Dylan

Terrence J. Alexander, Jr.

Christopher Charles S. Andris

20 Downey Drive Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 646-6205 St. Catherine of Siena Football, LSC, Wrestling, Track FavOIite lvIotllent: Football team winning 1998 Championship "Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible!"

4290 Tersher Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 230-7049 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Spanish Club, LSC, Lacrosse, Football 9 FalJorite lvIollJellt: Kairos "The goal is to be a poet and a carpenter - to be one who loves - to be one who works." - Nick Hexum, 311

Louis M. Angelo 2070 Country Club Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 491-9862 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Gilberto Aponte, Jr. 419 Selma Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 969-2769 St. Nlichael Latin Club 10-12, Spanish Club 9, Amnesty International, Wrestling 10 FalJotite 1\101JJellt: Pep Rallies "Life was Ineant to be lived ... you must never turn your back on life." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Brian Charles Bacher

Benjamin Harrison Bailey III

2310 Willow Brook Drive Huntingdon Valley, P A 19006 (215) 659-3514 St. Luke Swimming, Student Council 10, 12, Student Mentor 11, LSC 11-12, rOl)Orite lvlollJent: Kairos "You put the happy in my ness. You put the good times into my fun. And it's so hard to do and so easy to say, but sometimes you just have to walk away and head for the door." - Ben Harper

1717 West Staub Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 (215) 324-5984 Football, SADD Favorite l\1oJlJetlt: Winning the Catholic League Title in 1998 "Behold the uncontrollable I keep tl1e whole world in drama." - Nlic Geranimo

.Anthony L. Arnone 7302 Hiola Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-4130 Immaculate Heart of Maty Theatre, Soccer 11, LSC 12 Favofite lvIOllJetlt: The Scot/rge "Life, it seems, will fade away drifting further everyday getting 11 within myself, and nothing else matters." - Met~

Kevin Patrick Baker 4713 Frost Lane Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 794-0374 Our Lady ot Mount Carmel Soccer(Captain), SADD 10-12, Baseball 9, LSC 10-12 Favolite MOllJB1lt: School being cancelled because of rain "Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone. - The Kop, Liverl

dward Michael Baraniewicz

Ernest J. Barile IV

Leon Matthew Benn

'4 Tabor Terrace !adelphia, PA 19111 5) 725-9116 St. CeciEa eel' old my dad I stopped raising hell he called me a quitter." - A Winston's Pack of Matches

7904 Cadillac Lane Philadelphia, P A 19128 (215) 483-2387 Immaculate Heart of Mary Football, WrestEng, Baseball, LSC Faz,Otite MOIJJe/lt: Winning the 1998 PCL Football Championship "Do not cry because it's over, rather laugh because it happened."

9003-A Ayrdale Crescent Philadelphia, P A 19128 (215) 483-9003 Our Mother of Consolation Baseball, Indoor Track 9-10, 12, LSC 11-12, Blue & Gold 12, Football 9 Fell'orife l\1omeJlt: Receiving the "Best of Show" Award "Living nature, not dull art shall plan my ways and rule my heart." - John Hemy Cardinal Newman

Timothy J. Black II

J. Andrew Blank

12330 Medford Road Philadelphia,PA 19154 ~215) 632-3848 St. Anslem Football, Wrestling, NHS FClZ'orite LVIolllet1t: Winning the PCL Championship in football. "Always beEeve in the abiEties of yourself and others, especially in difficult times."

7968 Summerdale Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 742-4038 Resurrection Theatre 11-12, Lab Assistant, Forwn 10-11, Mathletes, Robotics Club FalJorite l\1oment: Closing night of A1idstlllllller Night's Dream "Come on baby, don't fear the reaper, baby take my hanel, don't fear the reaper. We'll be able to Hy, don't fear the reaper. Baby I'm your man." - Blue Oyster Cult

Alexander B. Bethke 9 Trumbauer Drive rlpide, P A 19038

)~233-9315 St. Genevieve :dtre, Band, Photo Club(V.P), BINe :lold 10-12, NHS, Tennis. 9..:10 ?h"te Moment: Doing sound & ring basketball after stage crew the age of six I wanted to be a k. At seven I wanted to be )01eol1. And my ambition has n growing ever since." - SalvadorDali 1


Douglas M. Bohardt

Stephen John Bolger, Jr.

92 \Vhite Swan Way Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 968-9418 St. Bede Ski Club, Baseball 10, Golf 12, Intramurals Favorite NlollleJlt: The lunch period when nine plates were broken Junior Year "Only dead fish follow the stream." - Kevin Young

2120 Horseshoe Road Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-2578 St. Robert Cross Country(Captain), Indoor Track, Track and Field Favorite Nlotltent: Prom "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter mind."

John Allard Boring III

Stephen Patrick Boyle

525 East Third Street Lansdale, P A 19446 (215) 368-9162 St. Stanislaus Stage Crew(Construction Manager), Wrestling, LSC, Crew 9, Soccer 9, Fishing Club FalJ01ite A101lle7lt: Kairos 37-8, HOI}! to Succeed in Bltsiness Without Realjy Trying "Wherever you are; be there." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

81 Meadow Lane Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 322-1343 St. Vincent de Paul Respect Life 10-12, SADD 10-12, German Club 10-12, Soccer 10-12 "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

William Robert Bonner 1806 Mifflin Drive Lansdale, P A 19446 (610) 584-5256 Corpus Ch Cross Country 10-12(Captain), Indoor Track(Captain), Track and Field(Captain), Wisterian 11-12 Fal10rite Motlte11t: Winning the Indc Track Champs Junior Year "Anything that I have done that w ultimately worthwhile ... initially scared me to death." - David Brinl

Thomas M. Brasberger 1163 Kipling Court Lansdale, P A 19446 St. Stanisla (215) 368-8068 Crew, Football 9, Latin Club 10, SADD, LSC, Spanish Club 11, Nl Fal)orite Moment: Open gym basketl "If you saw two guys named Hambone and Flippy, which one would you think liked dolphins th( most? I'd say Flippy, wouldn't yo You'd be wrong, though. It's Hambone." - Jack Han(

trick Michael Breen-Lopez

Jeffrey Drew Brelsford

Daniel Aaron Bridy

Plymouth Avenue and, PA 19075 ) 886-8693 Holy Martyrs , Intramurals, Band, Japanese ) 10, Crew 9 rite ivioJJJe!lt: Graduation and .ng the final answer of the last exam before summer e man who goes alone can start y; but he who travels with :her must wait till that other is y." - Henry David Thoreau

27 Franklin Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 (215) 836-2324 St. Genevieve Band FalJOJite 1VloJllenf: Kairos 37-9 "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fmy, signifying nothing. - Shakespeare (Macbetb)

1301 Edgewood Road Havertown, PA 19083 (610) 446-6036 Annunciation BVM Respect Life, LaSallian Youth, Amnesty International, SADD Favo/ife 1Vloment: Last day of school "I'd like to be buried Indian-style, where they put you up on a high rack, above the ground. That way you could get hit by meteorites and not even feel it." Jack Hander

Sean Joseph Brooks

Kieran Brendan Patrick Bryers

124 Kimberly Way Hatfield, PA,19440 (215) 721-3241 St. Maria Goretti Band(V.P.), NHS, Swimming 10-11, German Club, UYiste17an 12, Respect Life, Theatre 11-12, Amnesty International,Crew 9, Cross Country 9 FaliOlite 1VlollleJlt: Dam" l'ankees "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will - John Lennon be as one."

735 Bell Lane Maple Glen, P A 19002 (215) 628-0952 St. Alphonsus Swimming, LSC, Intramurals FmJorite 1Vloment: Bus ride to Virginia "It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man." - Jack Handey

Ryan Graham Brogan 35 Crestmont Avenue adelphia, PA 19154 ;) 637-3911 . Lady of Calvary w 9-10, Stage Crew, LaS~llian Ith, Band, Pep Band there is a fork in the road, take - Yogi Berra

Anthony E. Buonocore

Ernest R. Burrell

2009 Spring Valley Road Lansdale, P A 19446 (610) 584-4716 Corpus Christi "In the time of chimpanzee I was a monkey." - Beck

507 Gilpen Road Willow Grove, P A 19090 (215) 657-2361 St. David Baseball 11-12, Soccer 11-12, Intramurals, LSC l"'avorite Moment: Snow days and early dismissals "Whatever life b:dngs me, - Bert bring it on."

Robert Stephen Byrne

Thomas Reynolds Calahan

3537 Tudor Street Philadelphia, PA 19136 (215) 332-8258 St. Matthew SADD, Cross Country 9-10 Fallorite lvIoll1ent: Open gym basketball "Life is temporary and spending life questioning life is a waste oflife." - Fred Durst

2767 Mill Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 794-8769 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Soccer, Basketball 9, Football 12, Track 9-10, LSC 10-12, NHS Favotite lVIoJlle!tt: Roughhouse "Even if you're on the right path you'll get knocked. off if you just stay there." - Will Rogers

David W. Bustard 559 Acorn Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-4248 Holy Family FalJOlite Nloment: Sophomore yea trip to New York "Being right means never having -Vernon V say you're sorry."

Kyle Kerrigan Callahan 410 Holly Knoll Drive Churchville, PA 18966 (215) 322-5284 St. Vincent de P< Football, Baseball, SADD, LSC FCl1Jorite lVlo1JJe11t: Winning '98 Football Championship "We may not have been the smart guys on campus, and maybe we spent too much time hanging off balconies, but we had fun." - TOllJllry Bqy, Chris Farle:

Daniel D. Callan Powder Horn Road Washington, PA 19034 ) 941-6938 St. Philip Neri ball 9, Spanish Club, Ski Club 1, Freshman Mentor 11-12, ID 10-12 'ite lvloment: Kairos sing time, every new beginning :s from some other beginning's - Semisonic

Havilland G. Campbell Martin Lane :lelphia, PA 19118 247-7253 ey 9-10, Crew ;te J\10tJletlt: Kairos , what can I say. I graduated, rer, I did it, I know most of you ying, 'Hey any idiot could do well it was tough for me, so off." - Billy Madison

Michael Andre Callan

Devin Patrick Campbell

4524 Mitchell Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-500 St. Mary NHS, Spanish Club 11-12, Outdoor Adventure Club 11-12, LSC 11-12, Baseball Manager 10 FatJonte lvloment: Kairos "So close no matter how far couldn't be much more from the heart forever trusting who we are and - Metallica nothing else matters."

1809 Hennessey Drive Southampton, P A 18966 (215) 953-0215 Our Lady of Good Counsel Hockey, NHS, WEXP 10-12, Amnesty International 11-12 rCl1)orite Moment: Peeling out of the parking lot every Friday "If you feel that you can't go on, in the light you will find the road." Led Zeppelin

Steven Patrick CandIa

Zachary Ryan Capetola

2151 Disston Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215)331-2587 Our Lady of Ransom FC!l!onte lvloJJlCllt: Snow ball fight in the parking lot after school. "A problem is only hard if you think it is hard. If yon believe in your mind that you can't do it, then you're giving up before you even try." - Dennis Bloh

188 Victoria Court Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 230-9352 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Baseball 10, Football 9, NHS, Spanish Club (president), LSC, "All around the world we could make time, rompin' and a stompin' cause I'm in my prime. Born in the nOl1:h And sworn to entertain ya, cause I'm down for the state of Pennsylvania." -Red Hot Chili IJpr,t)Pf''<

Joseph Cardella

Joseph A. Rocko Carminati

663 Hendrix Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 St. Christopher (215) 969-8473 Fav01ite Moment: Open gym basketball "Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you are right." - Henry Ford

1360 Birchwood Avenue Roslyn, P A 19001 (215) 657-7133 St. John of the Cross Indoor Track, Track and Field, LSC, Japanese Club 11 rC/lJolite Moment: Mr. Bernie McCabe's English Class "If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?" - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Daniel Bernard Cassidy, Jr.

Nicholas Gregory Ciminera

827 Green Valley Drive Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-5905 Immaculate Heart of Maty

7 Suzanne Court Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 953-7557 Warminster Presbyterian Japanese, Gaming Club Fav01ite Jl.iometlt: Receiving the Excellence Award for Japanese "I always cleared impossible hurdles before just by con'centrating because I didn't want to lose yet. But who's to blame when it's not the best that I - Tamura Naomi can achieve?"

Paul James Carroll 1163 Gwynedale Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-8014 Corpus C Band, Theatre, NHS, WEXP 11Bike Club 9-10, Gazebo 11-12 Favotite MOJltetlt: Just because mu dans are put into a pit doesn't me they can't have a great time. "Know what you love and do w you love. If you don't do what 3 love, you're just wasting your tim - Billy

Ryan John Ciolli 824 Green Valley Drive Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-4274 Immaculate Heart of Mary Hockey, Baseball 9(Manager), SADD 12 FavoJite Moment: Prom after-part "I feel no curiosity, I see the pad ahead of me. In a minute I'll be and we'll be splashing in the sea.'


Peter Andrew Clark :ian Circle Jnt, PA 18914 822-8214 St. Jude )1' Track(Captain), Track and Captain), Cross Countty 11-12 Ie M01lJe1/t: Cross Countty, and Field Championships u can find meaning in the :I pastime of running, maybe III find meaning in another :I pastime, life." - Without Limits

:m Drive : Glen, P A 19002 643-6898 St. Alphonsus p te !vIoment: Junior Year Promotion; is life the only guarantee is that ne on this Earth is short. . miss a chance to follow your .s. Otherwise, what are we or?"

Paul David Colistra

Andrew B. Cornia

8330 Cedar Road Elkins Park, P A 19027 (215) 635-1245 St. James Football, Wrestling 9-10, Lacrosse, SADD 12 Fav017te Moment: Winning PCL Football Championship with great guys in '98 and festivities afterward. "It is not what you know, it is how you feel. Don't worry about being - PJC right, just be real."

950 Caledonia Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-7631 Immaculate Heart of Mary LSC 12 FavOf7te Mome1lt: Trip to New York to see Ragtime "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." - Richard Bach

James Francis Conlin IV

P. Matthew Cornely

3016 Fanshawe Street Philadelphia,PA 19149 (215) 624-8180 St. Timothy WEXP, Band, Chorus 11-12, Mock Trial 11-12, Theatre 11-12 FmJ017te lvIo1JJet1t: Senior Year "I walk .these streets, a loaded six string on my back. I've been everywhere and still I'm standing in time . I've seen a million faces and I've - Bon Jovi rocked them all."

1309 Wyngate Road Wynnewood, PA 19096 (610) 896-0587 Presentation BVM WEXP, Wiste17alZ 11-12, LSC 12 FatJorife j\l101JJent: Kairos 37-10 "Who's on first? What's on second? I don't know, THIRD BASE!" - Abbot & Costello

Michael Brendan Cosgrove

Anthony M. Costantino

1906 Hemlock Road Flourtown, PA 19031 St. Genevieve (215) 233-4173 Cross Country 10, Wrestling, Student Mentoring 11-12, Juggling Club 12, Outdoor Adventure Club 11-12, Mathletes 12, NHS FalJorite Moment: When Turk ate the whole Chaps tick "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live" - N. Cousins

2205 l\tlichener Street Philadelphia, P A 19115 (215) 676-5441 Maternity BVM NHS, Mathletes (president) , WEXP, Baseball 9 , Robotics Club, BI1!e & Gold 12, Tennis 10-11, LSC rCllJorite Moment: Mathletes "Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing tl1e past and recycling it for more than it is worth." - Mary Schmich

Christopher Michael Curci

Joseph John Cutuli

16 Golfview Road Doylestown, P A 18901 (215) 348-4292 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Student Council (Vice President), Hockey, WEXP 12, Football 9-11, Theatre, Chorus 9-11, Track 9, NHS "If we all followed other people's footsteps nothing new would ever be discovered."

305 Bryan Street Havertown, P A 19083 . (610) 446-8957 Sacred Heart Indoor Track 9-10, Cross Country 10, Track and Field 9-10, Amnesty International, Respect Life 11, LSC, Lasallian Youth, Mock Trial 11-12 "What is this talk of death? God knows well that as soon as you eat this fruit your eyes will be opened, and you, yourselves will be like gods, - Genesis knowing good and eviL"

325 Carpenter Lane Philadelphia, P A 19119 (215) 844-8880 Band "Because the bars are always op and the time is always right, and 'God's good word goes unspok the music goes all night." - Sl

Michael J. DeCrescio 8014 Bridle Road Philadelphia, P A 19111 St. ( (215) 742-3572 Football, Basketball, Student Council 11-12, Baseball 9 Fa/Jorite Moment: 1998 Football Catholic League Championship "Life's battles don't always go t< stronger or faster man; but soOt later the man who wins is he m~ who thinks he can."

'l.Jicholas Della Vecchia Broad Street ler, P A 19025 542-9736 St. Alphonsus Intramurals, Japanese Club 10lutdoor Adventure Club 12, ::sty International 11 ;te Moment: So quick to judge people don't need companionthey need to be isolated and :d to see what useful nutrients e obtained from them." - Homer J. Simpson

Kevin Edward Dolan ) Midvale A venue lelphia, PA 19129 St. Bridget 848-5787 tball 9-11, Student Council 103C, Cross Country 1O-!1, )all 9, Crew 9 'Ie l\1oJJJellt: Kairos answer, gentlemen, is that we :re, that life exists. The power1y goes on, and you may bute a verse. What will your be?" - Dead Poet.r Society

Thomas Joseph Devlin 2472 Norwood Avenue Roslyn, PA 19001 (215) 885-9514 St. John of the Cross Cross Country, Track, Ski Club, German Club 9-11, NHS FatJonte lVIometlt: Running camp "Believe in everything until it's disproved. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say dreams and nightrnares aren't as real as the here and now. Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." - John Lennon

Dennis Joseph Dilks 1381 Heather Ridge Drive Newtown, PA 18940 (215) 860-2260 St. Andrew

Jason Robert Dooney

Christopher James Dougherty

136 Brownstone Lane Horsham, P A 19044 (215) 957-0825 St. Catherine of Siena Theatre, WEXP 10-12 Fa7)orjte MOJlJeJlt: The day I met my best friend "Learn to bow and you will stand in your full height - Learn to have nothing and you will have everything." - Tao Te Ching

8409 Ardleigh Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 St. Genevieve (215) 247-2547 Football, Baseball, Student Council (president), Wrestling 9-10, NHS, LSC 10-12 FalJolite J\1oment: PCL Football Championship; Being President "Some people take the high road, others take the low road, I make my - C. Doc own road."

Craig Andrew Dougherty 2600 Eberly Street Hatboro, PA 19040 (215) 674-0691 St. David Football, Blue & Gold, German Club 11, Baseball 9 FalJOrite JVIol1lent: "Mama Colistra" coming out for the Thanksgiving Day Game Pep Rally "The object of war is not to die for your country, but make the other poor sap die for his." - George C. Patton

James Anthony Dougherty 15 Timothy Drive Ivyland, PA 18974 (215) 355-8054 St. Vincent de Paul

Kevin Brown Dougherty

Philip Andrew Dougherty

8409 Ardleigh Street Philadelphia, P A 19118 (215) 247-2547 Our Mother of Consolation Football, Swimming, Lacrosse "Your choice is who you chose to be and if you're causin' me no harm, then your all right with me. If you don't like my fire, then don't come around cause I'm gonna burn one down." - Ben Harper

900 Longfield Road Erdenheim, P A 19038 (215) 233-5580 St. Genevieve LSC, Cross Country, Intramurals Favorite Moment: Trying to find a working computer "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are - Billy Joel much more fun."

Joseph Michael Dough( 493 Sunnemeade Avenue Warminster, PA 18974 St (215) 672-4799 Band, German Club, Science C WEXP, Gazebo FaVolite M011Je1!t: Having Mr. Be McCabe for English "The most wasted day of all is on which we have not laughed. - Sebastien Roch Nicholas Ch2

Sean E. Dougherty 5950 Loretto Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 537-5869 St. Martin of Indoor Track 9-10, \xlEXP 10, LSC 11, Freshman Mentor 12 Fav01ite lvioment: Open gym "Take one's adversity. Learn fr their misfortune. Learn from tl pain. Believe in something; belil yourself. Turn adversity into ar tion, now blossom into wealth.' - Tupac ~

homas Daniel Dougherty [igh Point Drive rchville, PA 18966 St. Bede ) 396-4118 1 Club 9-11, Track and Field 11apanese Club 9-10, WEXP 10 rite MOJ/Je/1t: Field Championships ~n what is freedom? It is the will c responsible to oursleves." - Friedrich Nietzsche

James Joseph Durldn Overhill Road more, P A 19003 ) 649-1842 St.John Neumann ferian, Gazpbo 10-12, Latin Club, :key, LSC 11-12, NHS wite Nlol7le!1t: Brother John's French 3(H) Class e greatest accomplishment is not ever falling, but in rising again - Vince Lombardi r you fall."

Laurence Frazer Downey

Vincent T. Du

1225 Fletcher Street Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 634-5045 Freshman Mentor, \Vrestling FCllJorite lvIolllent: 2:10 "I'm slippin', I'm fallin', I can't get up. Yo I'm slippin', I'm fallin', I can't get up. I'm slippin', I'm fallin', I gots to get up. Get back on my feet so I - D1VfX can tear it up."

1640 South 13th Street Philadelphia, P A 19148 (215) 463-5557 Art Club rcllJorite j\/[OllJeJZt: Last days of school before summer "Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say: I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me." - Ann Landers

Daniel A. Dwyer

Joseph Patrick Dwyer, Jr.

34 '\1.,1est Gravers Lane Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 242-2374 Our Mother of Consolation Favotite j\/[oJ/Je!1t: The day we broke eight plates in the caf 5th period. "And we'll bask in tl1e shadow of yesterday'striumph, sail on the steel breeze. Come on you boy child, you winner and loser, come one you miner for truth and delusion and shine!" - Roger \Vaters

419 Shoemaker Way Lansdale, P A 19446 (215) 361-8646 Corpus Christi Band, Theatre 11-12, Crew 10-11, WEXP 9-11, Wrestling 9-10, Ski Club 11, LSC 12 FavOlite Momellt: Performing in La Salle Theatre "Cowards die many times before their deaths; tl1e valiant never taste of death but once." - Julius Caesar

J. Franldin Egan

David Patrick Ellis

8619 Evergreen Place Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 242-1522 Our Mother of Consolation LSC, Latin Club, Mathletes FalJorite il1oJ1/e!Zt: When the hawk flew down and ate the baby duck during Mass "When your deepest thoughts are broken, keep on dreaming because when you stop dreaming it's time to die." - Shannon Hoon

5845 Belmont Manor Drive Pipersville, PA 18947 (215) 766-0651 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Wrestling, Lacrosse, NHS, Latin Club, LSC, Juggling Club "You know the day destroys the night, night divid~s d1e day, tried to run, tried to hide, break on through - The Doors to the other side."

Ryan Patrick Fagan

William H. Fegley III

8614 Alicia Street Philadelphia, P A 19115 (215) 673-3267 St. Hilary of Poitiers Forum, Philosophy Club(president), Wisteriall, LSC FatJorite JVI01JleJZt: Forum Chicago trip "You think I'm licked. Well I'm not. I'm gonna stay right here and fight for this lost cause even if this room gets filled with lies like d1ese. Somebody'll listen to me." - JVI1~ Smith Goes to Washillgton

1329 Gosling Drive North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-4517 St. Rose of Lima Football 9, Basketball 9, Intramurals, LSC, Crew 9-11, Spanish Club 1011, Fishing Club 9-10 Favorite Moment: Open gym basketball "If you're robbing a bank and your pants fall down, I think it's OK to laugh and let the hostages laugh too, because, come on, life is funny." - Jack Handey

Roger Joseph Ermola] 929 Patriot Drive Eansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-4199 Corpus ( Tennis, WEXP 10-12, Mathletes Latin Club 11 "Believe in yourself and you will succeed."

Ricardo B. Felix 416 Morris Road Ambler, P A 19002 (215) 654-0749 Incarnation of Our Lord Hockey Fa/Mite ~Moment: Winning the Flyers Cup "The sky's the limit but I ain't do jumpin'; money's fast but I ain't ( runrun'."

Robert F. Felte III Pioneer Road lOro, P A 19040 I 672-8839 St. John Bosco ball, Wresding 9, Track and Field -lHS, German Club 11-12, ect Life 10-12 au wish your time away now, will look back one day and wish 1ever wasted it." - Bob Felte

vin Joseph Fitzgerald, Jr. Jenkintown Road side, P A 19038 572-7145 St. Luke ; Country, Indoor Track,Track <ield, Wresding, Latin Club ite Moment: Pit volleyball :ight stop what you're doing . I'm about to ruin the image he style that you used to. I look 1 but yo, I'm making, money see, )1"ld I hope you're ready for - The Humpty Dance

Andrew James Filipczak

Carmen G. Finore

6 Teal Drive Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 752-5502 Our Lady of Grace Cross Country 10-12, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Freshman Mentor 11, NHS, Band rtlllorite 1I1oJJlel/t: The Pit Orchestra "I sometimes may crash into the perilous breakers / Dumped from a watery peak / But soon I am back on the crest of a wave / Carving a bubbly streak." - The Wave

304 Bethlehem Avenue Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 628-2355 St. Joseph SADD 12, LSC 11, Football 9, Basketball 9 FClllmite 1I10111ellt: Thanksgiving Day football games "I didn't mean to take up all your sweet time, I'll give it right back one of these days." - Jimi Hendrix

Terence Fitzgibbons

Brett Thomas Foley

109 Glen Drive Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 822-5718 St. Jude Forensics 9, Indoor Track 10, Baseball 10, Student Council 11-12, LSC, Respect Life(Vice-President), NHS(Vice-Presipent), Blue & Gold 12 ralJOIite )\1oment: JV Baseball: "I hope you guys drop dead." "Teach your children well!" - Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young

2750 Brendan Circle Willow Grove, P A 19090 (215) 657-1133 St. David Soccer 9, Crew 9, Ski Club 9, LSC 10-12, SADD 10-12, Golf 10-12 FClvOIite 1I1omellt: Kairos 37-10 "Leaves are falling all around, it's time I was on my way. Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay. But now it's time for me to go. ,The autumn moon lights my way." - Robert Plant

Michael Patrick Frank

Justin J. Fries

430 Hendrix Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 St. Christopher (215) 673-8190 Soccer, MCC 11, 1ntramurals F01JOrite JVloment: Ripping on Mr. Hanssen "Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet them than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years." Richard Bach

7448 Devon Street Philadelphia, P A 19119 (215) 242-2583 Holy Cross Tennis 9, Latin Club 10-11, German Club 10-11 Favorite JVloJJJe1lt. Open gym Basketball "I don't know, but I know that I don't know. - Lloyd Dobler

Daniel Joseph Galbally

Brendan Jameson Gates

12 Auchy Road Erdenheim, P A 19038 (215) 233-5219 St. Genevieve SADD, LSC, Wresding, Lacrosse, Freshman Mentor FalJOlite 1\1oment: Freshman year T-day Football Game "When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries, and you rejoice." - Indian proverb

2315 Douglass Lane Hatboro, P A 19040 i (215) 674-8811 St. David Tennis, Soccer, SADD, LSq tCllIolite lvlo1JJe1tt: The water irkident at soccer when Jeff got mad "If you can spend a perfecdY:,useless afternoon in a perfecdy useles's manner you have learned hO\~ to live." Lin Yutang

Dean M. Frizlen 4008 Francine Drive Hatboro, P A 19040 (215) 674-9558 St.John I Forum, LSC, Blue & Gold 12, Philosophy Club 12 FalJOfite JVloltJent: Graduation " I am ready to meet my maker whedler my maker is prepared the great ordeal of meeting me another matter." - Sir Winston Chl

Joseph Paul Gidjunis 4120 Davisville Road Hatboro, PA 19040 (215) 672-5037 St. John I Bltle & Goir!CCo-Editor-in-ChieJ Tennis, Forensics, Gazebo(Editol Chief), IFisteliall, Photography C (president), French Club 10, Me UN (Founder), Intramurals, The: Fav01ite Moment: Chillin' with Sall JR, my predecessor, & all the Cl "I don't care what the people th of me, as long as they think I'm honest." - Senator Barry Gold

Kevin Philip Gimpel

Christopher H. Glavin

Jeffrey Allan Goettner

252 Aldrin Drive Ambler, P A 19002 (215) 542-2310 St. Anthony LSC, Amnesty International 12, WEXP 10-12, SADD 12, Lab Intern 12, Cross Country 10, Ski Club 12, Intramurals Fat'Olite MO!l1ent. Winning the PCL Cross Country Championship "One day the meek shall inherit the Earth, until then the dysfunctional freaks rule!" - John I-Ienson

1427 North Bethlehem Pike Ambler, P A 19002 (215) 643-1218 St. Anthony of Padua Football 9, Crew, LSC, Band rC/l!orite lvIollletlt: The breaking of the plates "\\le are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams." - \Xlilly Wonka (Ezra Pound)

Thomas Golden

Bradley S. Green

James Joseph Green

Liberty Road ins Park, P A 19027 5) 782-2080 r Lady of Ransom =, Respect Life, Stage Crew orite lvIometlt: Senior year lis space intentionally left blank."

3546 Brookview Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215) 632-3425 "I can't complain but somtimes I still do, life's been good to me so far."

801 Preston Road Erdenheim, P A 19038 (215) 233-8945 St. Genevieve Bltle & Go1rl12, Crew, Art Club 1112, Theatre 10, Soccer 11, Cross Country 10, Indoor Track 10 Fallo/ite A1oJlleJ1t: First and last day of school "All men are more concerned to recover what they lose than to aC(luire what they lack." - Aesop

Hogarth Lane llegeville, P A 19426 0) 584-5974 St. Eleanor eatre, Respect Life,Ju&~ling Club Co-President), German Club, IS, Chorus 12, Mathletes 12 Jorite JVlolJlenl: Mr. Ed McCabe's ,hman year English class ) bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, lit occasions, hurry never. This is be my symphony." - William Henry Channing )7

Andrew M. Grzybowski

Eric M. Grzybowski

487 Gerhard Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-3950 St.John the Baptist Crew, LaSallian Youth, SADD, Science Club 9, Stage Crew 10 FavOIite Moment: All of it "When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this- you haven't" - Thomas Edison

487 Gerhard Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-3950 St.John the Baptist Crew 11-12, Science Club, Stage Crew 10-11, LaSallian Youth 10-11 "Look around and choose your own ground for long you live and high you fly and smiles. you'll give and tears you'll cry. And all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be." - Pink Floyd

Shea Fitzgerald Hagy

Robert B. Haney

8604 Hull Drive Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 233-2077 Our Mother of Consolation Lacrosse, Cross Country, LSC, Amnesty International "Some are born With more some are born with less so don't take for granted the life we've been blessed. It's hard to understand and each one of us shall be put to life's test." - Ben Harper

1342 Osbourne Avenue Roslyn, P A 19001 (215) 659-2596 St. John of the Cross

636 Eagle Lane

Linsdale, PA 19446 (215) 699-7306 Corpus CI Ski Club, LSC 11-12, Lacrosse 9 FavOIite lvIo1lJent: Thanksgiving D~ football games "The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really You trade in your reality for a rol You give up your ability to feel, a in exchange, put on a mask." - Jim Mort

Michael J. Harrigan 13 Birchwood Dl"ive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 340-0945 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Swimming(Co-Captain) FavOIite Aiome1lt: Kairos "Tired of lying in the sunshine sta: home to watch the rain, you are young and life is long, and there i~ time to kill today ... No one tole you when to run, you missed the - Roger \V:;~ starting gun .. "

Matthew Joseph Hartnett Harper Lane rth Wales, PA 19454 5) 699-8090 St. Rose of Lima e & Gold 10-12(Co-Editor-inlef), Gazebo 12, Baseball, Soccer 9Indoor Track 9, Student Council 12, NHS, H7isterian 12, Theatre 11, thletes 12, Intramurals 'Olite Nlo!1lent: Kairos 37-12 l' to realise it's all within yourself. -one else can make you change." - George Harrison

Patriok Michael Higgins Gilham Street iadelphia, PA 19111 ) 728-5896 St. William :key, NHS ?!ite lvloment: Graduation le message I stress: to make it ) your lessons, don't settle for less, :1 the genius asks questions, be eful for blessings, don't ever :1ge, keep your essence." - Tupac Shakur

W. M. Bryan Harvey

Paul Frederick Heinsdorf

60 Houk Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 345-0549 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Baseball, Football 9, SADD FaIJ01ite Aioment: Playing varsity baseball Sophomore year "1' d love to go back to when we played as kids, but things change, and that's the way it is." - Tupac Shakur

8004 Winston Road Philadelphia, P A 19118 (215) 248-1737 St. Paul WEXP, Theatre 9-10, Crew 10-12 "To be really mediaeval one should have no body. To be really modern one should have no soul. To be really Greek. one should have no clothes." - Oscar Wilde

Patrick Michael Hildebrandt

David Walton Hill

6504 North 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 (215) 924-8793 St. Helena 7 Band, U istericm, NHS, Theatre, LSC Falwite J\lIoJJlent: Beating Ryan in the championship football game last year "It doe~n't matter what you do, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something tlut's like you after you take your hand away." - Ray Bradbury

246 Arlingham Road Flourtown, P A 19031 (215) 836-4455 Immaculate Heart of Mary Hockey, Crew 9-10, Football 9, Ski Club 11-12, Student Council 9-10, SADD 11-12, Intramurals "Come in here dear boy, have a cigar you're gonna go far, you're gonna fly high, you're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try. They're gonna love you." - Pink Floyd

Brian M. Horgan

Timothy P. Horgan

729 North Wales Road North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-8588 St. Rose of Lima Basketball, Intramurals, SADD 12, Lacrosse 9-10, Cross Country 9 "In order to be the best on the top; you must first be the best on the bottom." - Big Jack

909 Scotia Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-4318 Immaculate Heart of Mary LSC, Japanese Club "He who is not busy living when he is young, is busy getting ald." - Bob Dylan

Kevin F. Hughes

Gregory Thomas Hylinski

9616 Eden Hall Lane Philadelphia, PA 19114 (215) 632-3986 St. Katherine Swimming, CSC, SADD, Latin Club, Lacrosse 9 Fal!Orite NIolJlent: Spending all my free periods getting acquainted with Mr. Stanzack and Mr. Turner "You keep on knockin' but you can't Cheech and Chong come in."

703 Penrith Place Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 643-4198 St. Rose of Lima Swimming, Golf 10-12 Fallonte MOJ11ent: When ten plates broke in the cafeteria last year duri11g one lunch period "Some people look at the glass half empty, some half full. I think someone drank out of it." - George Carlin

Jesse Scott Horstmann 2052 Country Club Drive Doylestown, P A 18901 St. Rol (215) 343-1371 Art Club, Crew 9-10, Band, LSC FClIJ01ite 1l1omellt: \Vhen Rob got a speeding ticket coming out of La Salle "The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've go Inade."

Roman I. Iwaskiw 11205 Jeanes Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 969-4101 St. Josaphat German Club 10-12, SADD 10-1 LaSallian Youth 10, Japanese Clut FallOJite Molt/ent: Graduation "Wise men make proverbs, but f( repeat them." -Samuel PaIn

William Paul James, Jr. ) Thomas Mill Drive adelphia, PA 19128 ) 482-2901 1aculate Heart of Mary S, Tennis 9-11, Mock Trial 11(lrestling 9-10, Outdoor AdvenClub 11, Theatre 10 'rite AIollJl!I1f: Kairos 37-9 lVe it when a plan comes toer." - Col. John "Hannibal" Smith

Mark Patrick Kelly :e Drive ,Ie Glen, PA 19002 ) 643-4946 St. Alphonsus , SADD 10-12, Cross Countty 9, e Crew 9 'fife j\;[olJlenf: Kairos r not to become a man of success rather become a man of value." - Einstein

Brian Andrew Jenkins

Peter H. Jenkins

18 Hillcrest Avenue Erdenheim, P A 19038 (215) 836-1538 St. Genevieve Basketball 9-10, Crew 9, lWIsteria" 9, SADD 12, Intramurals "It is better to keep you're mouth shut and let people think you're 8. fool than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain

1221 Harrison Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215) 288-0271 St. Martin of Tours If/isterian, LSC, Latin Club 10-12, NHS, Japanese Club, Blue C:'" Gold 12 Fcll'otite l\1olllellt: First mixer "If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's rnarketed right, you'll buy it. But ... if it's real, you'll feel it." - Kid Rock

Scott W. J. Kelly

Stephen Paul John Kettinger

805 Glen Road Jenkintown, P A 19046 (215) 572-5469 Immaculate Conception IT'7irterian, \VEXP, Latin Club, Gazebo 11-12, Bowling 10 FavOJite)VIoJllellt: Watching !fYoJl Love kIe, SholJ) Me) with :Nil. Puntel "Do whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy." - Flowered Up

2928 Defford Road, Rd #2 Norristown, PA 19403 (610) 584-1404 Visitation BVM Stage Crew 9, LSC, SADD 11, German Club, Respect Life 10-11 i:'tlvOJite AfollJenf: Freshman year bus rides ... and Kairos "We call them the 'wonder years' because we wonder what happened to them ... so, make it happen." -Steven Tyler & Domenic Zampogna

Michael J. Kilderry

Daniel Joon-Yaul Kim

Michael Kilderry 2229 Faunce Street Philadelphia, PA 19152 (215) 722-4070 Resurrection of Our Lord LSC, Amnesty International "I am so smart, I am so smart, s-ln-r-t." - Homer Simpson

110 Shady Hill Drive Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 997-0519 Korean Mission Church Tennis, LSC, LaSallian Youth, Respect Ufe 11-12, Intramurals, Mathletes 10-12, Band, NHS Fav01ite M~/lleJ7t: I>.airos 37-11 "Be joyful always; pray continually; gitJe thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will ... knock and the door will be opened to you." - Bible

Brien Vincent Kivlen

Robert Stephen Klenk

117 Twining Road Oreland, P A 19075 (215) 376-0546 Cross Country, LSC, Stage Crew ratJolite l\1oment: In religion class, I tossed my bag out the window, went to the bathroom, then went home. "It's time to move on, it's time to get going, what lies ahead I have no way of knowing, but under my feet grass is growing. It's time to move on, it's - Tom Petty time to get going."

2711 Broadway Avenue Hatboro, P A 19040 (215) 957-6362 St. David Hockey FatJOlite lI1.oment: Winning the State Championship "We've had the best times to remember ... if only we could."

4255 H Street Philadelphia, P A 19124 (215) 288-0294 Holy Innoc Science Club 9, Band, Crew 11-1: FavOlite Moment: Getting kicked 0 of the College Counseling Center "The wish of an immature man is die for a noble cause, the wish of mature man is to live humbly for - J. D. Sali noble cause."

Jonathan George Klock 19 J ones Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 (215) 836-4790 St. Genevi Cross Country, Track, Football 9 FalJOrile Moment: The last day of Junior year "The greatness of a leader is in his humility before God, not his eloquence before men."

Brian Thomas Kohler . Howe Lane le Glen, P A 19002 I 643-7610 St. Alphonsus r, Cross Country 9, Intramurals , SADD 11-12, CSC 9-11 'ite NIomenl: It's all been great, (s guys I can't explore new lands )ut leaving sight of the shore."

:tobert Charles Kroh III H Street :lelphia, PA 19124 Holy Innocents 289-4637 , Football 9, Wrestling 11-12, 11-12 :te NIoment: The Pep rally when 'lood wrestled the St. Joe Hawk n your arms and let me in, I to shed this skin, I want to :l new wings." - Revellie

Christopher James Kriegner 314 Columbia Avenue Trenton, NJ 08618 (609) 396-2380 St. Joseph Crew, Band FavOJite JVloJ1le1lt: I(airos "I've never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

Thomas James Kriegner 314 Columbia Avenue Trenton, NJ 08618 (609) 396-2380 St. Joseph Crew Favolite Motl/etlt: Kairos 37-10 " It takes a lifetime to build up trust and seconds to destroy it!!"

Geoffrey Alexander Lang

Matthew Edward Laskowski

840 Cedar Road Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 St. Hilary (215) 663-5847 Band, Bike Club 9-10, Bowling, Science Club 9-10 FatlOrite i'vioment: Every moment in Mr. C's band "In order to be successful, you must take pride in your action, be respected, and you can't have success without a few failures. Keep the - Me funk alive."

4226 Telly Lane Bensalem, PA 19020 (215) 245-9163 St. Elizabetl1 Ann Seaton Crew, LSC FatlOJite MOJJlellt: Junior year, when everyone was throwing their plates and breaking tl1em on the tloor "If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it, But if it's - I<:id Rock real, you'll feel it."

Gregory J. Lepore, Jr.

Michael Joseph Loftus II

4 Mill Race Springhouse, PA 19477 St. Rose of lima (215) 641-1274 Student Council, Cross Country 9-11, Indoor Track, Track and Field 10-12, Crew 9, Latin Club 10, German Club, LSC 12 "I don't know a lot about style but I know a little about swa&lSer." -BONO

9716 Glenhope Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 698-9665 Maternity BVl\1: Hockey Favorite lvlomellt: Junior Prom "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog." Archie Grifftn

Michael Venanzio Lombardo

Timothy Joseph Long

523 Paxson Lane Langhorne, P A 19047 (215) 757-5540 Our Lady of Grace Baseball 11-12, Hockey, Amnesty International 11-12 Fav01ite MOJJJetlt: Making the baseball team "Celebrate we will because life is short but sweet for certain." - Dave Matthews Band

2013 Lodges Lane Oreland, P A 19075 (215) 836-2484 Student Council, LSC, Lacrosse, Soccer 9, Spanish Club, NHS, Ui7isterian 9, SADD, Intramurals "Life is one big road with lots of signs. Don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don't bury your d10ughts; put your vision to reality. Wake up and live!" -Bob Marley

James Logan 1728 Wynsam Street Philadelphia, PA 19138 (215) 549-7644 \'VEXP, Tennis, Cross Country 9, Respect Life 11-12, MCC 11, Lati Club 11, Theatre 12 FalJOrite Moment: Receiving the Scholastic "L" Junior Year "In the end, the love you take is e( to the love you make." - The Bea

James Edward Lynch, Jr. 115 Overlook Avenue Washington Crossing, P A 18977 (215) 483-8934 St. Gee Lacrosse, SADD, LSC, MCC 11 FalJOr/te Motlletlt: Graduation "He who laughs last, probably doesn't get the joke." -Chris Farle

Evan Bruce Madden ,ehigh Drive boro, PA 18954 Trinity Episcopal ) 322-1819 1, NHS, Soccer 9-11 rite lvfo/IJent: The Scourge :re are no unlockable doors. ~e are no unwinnable wars. The to unrightable wrongs or 19able songs." - Ozzy Osbourne

David Edward Madrak 3mnside Avenue Norriton, P A 19403 Visitation BVM 539-6630 o 12, Amnesty International 11ltramurals z"te MOlllent: Getting kicked out of tl1e library ot me the serenity to accept the s I cannot change; the courage to ~e the things I can; and the )m to know the difference."

George W. P. Madeira

Anthony Paul Madonna III

602 \'V'yndmoor Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 233-0927 NHS, Amnesty International, Art Club, Hockey Fal101ite MOJlJent: Winning the ICSHL championship in guadruple overtime in 1998-99 for V2 "Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be. As a friend. As a friend. As an old enemy." - Kurt Cobain

808 Monaco Drive Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-4393 Any Field Robotics Club(president), Science Club, Mathletes 11-12, Elm & Gold 11-12(Spiritual Advisor), LaSallian Youth, German Club 10-11, NHS FalJ01ite J\;fOJlletlt. Creating Fieldism "Just because some of us can read and write and do a little math doesn't mean we deserve to conguer the universe." - Kurt Vonnegut

Kiel Andrew Mahlstedt

Patrick Corey Mallach

436 Trappe Lane Langhorne, P A 19047 (215) 757-5419 StIgnatius Baseball 10, Latin Club 9-10, German Club 9-12, Intramurals 9-12 "Clap it up for Barniak sending Myles away!" John F. Keen

1125 Sweet Briar Circle Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 St. Rose of Lima (215) 646-0498 Football 9, Baseball 9-10, Tennis 12, SADD 12, LSC 12 Fal101ite lvlolJ1ent: My first mixer and Mr. Grace's Class Freshman Year "If smoking is not permitted in heaven, I shall not go." - Mark Twain

Anthony S. Manlapas 216 W. Kenilworth Avenue Philadelphia, PAl 9120 (215) 924-4561 St. Helena

Brian Patrick Market 145 Pine Hill Road Feasterville, PA 19053 (215) 357-3657 St. Christopher WEXP, SADD 10-12, Amnesty International 11-12, Spanish Club9,12 Fav01ite 'AfotJIent. Making animal noises in libraty with Capetola and Andris "The world is moving baby, but you gotta just hold on. But sometimes, you can't just hold on. You gotta just let it go. Let, let, let, let, let it go." - Aceyalone

Joseph Francis Mastronardo

w. Thomas McAllister

2820 Edgehill Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 659-3006 St. David Hockey, LSC Fav01ite Moment. Beating Archbishop Carroll 2 to 1 in 4 overtimes in the playoffs at Iceline Gunior year). I made 50 saves. We then went on to win the Flyers Cup. "Whether you like me or you don't, learn to love me cause I'm the best thing going today." - Ric Flair

333 C Hermitage Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-3328 LH.M. Soccer 10-11, Stage Crew, Amnesty International, NHS, Wisterian 9,11 Fav01ite Moment:: The Scour;ge "Why? Why us for that matter? Why anything? Because the moment simply is ... well, here we are Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why." - Kurt Vonnegut

Ryan Michael Mascio 1909 Teardrop Terrace Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 279-5189 St. Forensics, Theatre, NHS, Science Club 9-10, Chorus, Respect Life, \\7EXP 11-12, LSC Fallonte A1omellt: All the musicals ~ LaSalle, every day "I have never seen a greater mon or a greater miracle than myself.' - Mont:

Jonathan Patrick McCaffi 516 East Mount Airy Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 (;215) 242-9205 Holy C Amnesty International 11-12, Nf Gazebo 11-12, Hockey 9-10, St~ Crew 11, Track and Field 10, U Favotite Moment. Evetything "Only in their dreams can men 1: tuliy free. Twas always thus, anc always thus will be." - Ke

Michael D. McCann 11 Barlow Street adelphia, PA 19116 i) 698-8820 St. Christopher :.Ull, fJ7irtelian 11-12, WEXP 11Blue & Gold 12, LSC, Football 9 )Tife AIoment: Open gym basketball )thing generous about it. New wI edge is the most valuable lmodity on earth. The more we ~ of it, the richer we become." - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle

Paul John McElderry ~rich

Drive rchville, PA 18966 ) 322-9037 rincent de Paul lIlian Youth, Stage Crew, WEXP 2, Freshman Mentor 11-12 life M01Jlel!t. Kairos 37-10, ication of The Scomge n are not punished for their sins )y them." - B. F. Skinner

Duane Charles McCarthy II

Ryan R. McCort

4024 Fainvay Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 825-5237 St. Philip Neri Football, Lacrosse, LSC Favorite Afo1Jlellt: Winning Catholic League Championship in December of 1998 "Yesterday is but a dream. Tomorrow, a vision of hope. Look to this day, for it is life." - Anonymous

417 Camberly Road Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 443-0238 St. John Bosco Forum(Vice-President), Philosophy Club 12, Latin Club 10-12, LSC, NHS, Band rClIJorite J\lo1JJe1/t: Going to Chicago with the forum. "Now bid me run. / And I will strive with things impossible. / Yea, get the better of them." William Shakespeare

George Norris McFadden

Adam R. McGrath

23 Countryside Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 345-0325 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Band Favorite NIoJJletlt. That time that thing bappe11ed with all that stuff

800 Maxwell Place Lansdale, P A 19446 (610) 584-6902 Corpus Christi Band, Gazebo 11-12, NHS FIalJolite MOIJ/CIlt: Having a blast with my friends at the Junior Prom "We live but to discuss the terror of life; God, how old we get and some of us go mad; everything changes it's that vicious change that hurts, as soon as something is cool it falls apart and burns." - Jack Kerouac

Paul Thomas McGurkin

Patrick James McKeown ,

10 Ronald Circle Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 576-0842 Holy Martyrs Basketball, Crew 9, LSC 12, Student Council 12, NHS FC/lJorite MOJlJeJlt: Kairos 37-8 "Dreams are like fish, you've got to - G. Love keep on reeling."

2802 Glenview Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 332-7567 Our Lady of Ransom Soccer, Baseball10-12(Manager), LSC, Spanish Club FcltJonte Moment: The First Pep Rally "Experience is a demanding teacher: the test comes before the lesson." - Anonymous

Andrew Lawrence Meinert

Matthew J. Michel

2010 Richard Road Willow Grove, P A 19090 (215) 657-8135 St. Andrew Crew, Band, Computer Lab Assistant FavOlite j\;JomeJ1t. The beautiful spring afternoons of junior year spent on the calm upper stretch of the Schuylkill. "All that is meaningfull in life, is never truly lost or gained without trial, tribulation, and pain."

151 Hunt Drive Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 628-8836 St. Catherine of Siena SADD 11-12, Wrestling 9-11, Football 9, LSC 11-12, WEXP 11, Baseball Fat10rite Nlomeftt: Senior Year "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." - Chinese Proverb


Matthew John McNam

'1327 Longshore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 742-4777 Resurrection of Our Lord Band FaZIOlite JVIo1lle1lt. Band Classes \ "In the right light study become insight. But the system that diss teaches us to read and write. So called facts are fraud. They wal to allege and pledge and bow ( to their God." -R

Michael Jonathan Mielt 135 Orthodox Drive Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 364-3550 St. Vincent d Forensics, Crew, Band, TV'istenai Fallorite Nlomeftt: Winning City Champs ]V8 "'Come to the edge', he said. They said, 'we are afraid.' 'Come to the edge', he said. They came, he pushed them, an flew."

Thomas J. Miller ;) Uxbridge Way th Wales, P A 19454 i) 699-6251 St. Rose of Lima

)D e artist alone sees spirits. But r he has told of their appearing to , everybody sees them." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Shawn Peter Moore ) Beaver Hollow Drive ristown, P A 19403 ) 539-5406 St. Paul :cess is obedience to a structured of life. Can't ignore that :ture 'cause we're all within its .. - Operation Ivy

Bradley William Moatz

Gregory Paul Molchen

736 Camp Woods Road Villanova, PA 19085 (610) 687-6445 St. Katherine Science Club 11-12, NHS, Band, LSC, Spanish Club 10-12, Latin Club 10-11, lntramurals 11-12 FallOtite lV1oJlJent: 9-6-99 "Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul, you've got to run like an - Phish antelope out of contro!."

5437 Vicaris Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-8040 St. John Baptist

Paul Anthony Muller

Jordan William Mulrain

472 Poplar Lane Lafayette Hill, P A 19444 (610) 828-4267 St. Philip Neri Lacrosse, Amnesty International, SADD rCllJ01ite J'viollient: Mr. Bernie McCabe's Class "In the Warrior's Code there is no surrender, though his body says quit, his spirit cries never."

5281 Rogers Circle Plymouth Meeting, P A 19462 (610) 828-2209 St. Philip Neri Football, Wrestling 9, Respect Life 12 raJ/otite AlollJe!lt. Mr. Stanczak announcing no football practice. "Then God, for whatever it was worth, thought He'd have a big 01' party: thought He's call it Earth." - Bob Weir

Chad Joseph Munn

Peter Naticchione

120 Shady Hill Drive Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 822-3809 St. Jude Wrestling, Lacrosse Favorite lVio1JJent: When all the plates in the cafeteria were dropped by people "Don't be a poser because one day you will forget the pose. Too bad you're just a rookie."

220 Lepont Circle Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 699-0227 Holy Martyrs Hockey, SADD, Freshman Mentor FC/lJorite Moment: Hockey State Championship "When it's real, feelings hard to conceal, can't imagine all the pain I feel give anything to hear half your breath, I know you're stilllivin' your life after death." - Puff Daddy

Thomas Joseph O'Connor

Matthew Joseph O'Donnell

900 Clyde Lane Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-2810 Immaculate Heart of Maty Baseball, Soccer 9, NHS, Studcnt Council, Spanish Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, Ski Club "I know and you know I'm throwing a fastball.. The problcm is, you're not going to hit it, and evetyone else here knows you're not going to hit it. It's purc domination." - Curt Schilling

2907 Eagle Road Roslyn, P A 19001 (215) 657-3407 St. John of the Cross Science Club, Mathlctes, Spanish Club, Latin Club, LSC, SADD, Amnesty International Favorite NlolJlent: End of Senior Year "Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda

Austin T. O'Connor 329 South Fourth Street North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-1807 St. Rose of I NHS, Band, Cross Countty 10-: Indoor Track 10, Track and Fie] Favorite Momellt: The many reacti, to my crazy pants! "Life's too short to be in a hole bust into your funkiest stroll. Sp king or so I sing, subway to Ven - The Red Hot Chili Pel

Eric James O'Neill 2738 Norman Road Roslyn, PA 19001 (215) 657-7864 St.John of the FavOJite lvloment: Me and Dennis Stanton beating Mikc Band Ed< evety day in gym class "What a long strange trip this ha becn." - Jerry (

Patrick O'Neill :oncord Lane ley, PA 19067 I 493-7928 ~natius

Serota Place delphia, PA 19115 , 673-4530

ite M01J1ent. .), Brother Michael Thai's class l .y those who will risk going too m possibly find out how far one ~o." - T.S. Eliot

Nicholas Robert Onufrak

Michael J. Parisi

306 Tee Road North Hills, PA 19038 (215) 884-7671 St. Genevieve Wrestling, Football 9-10, Lacrosse 9, SADD 10, LSC 10 Favorite Moment. Kairos "Remember me now cause things always change. I laugh sometimes even when I fall, I know I'll never be the same, remember now 'cause things always change." - The Bouncing Souls

718 Lawrence Lane Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 654-8345 St. William Latin Club 10-11, Amnesty International 11-12 "Doing more things faster is no substitute for doing the right things." - Stephen R. Covey

Jonathan P. Payne

Michael Francis Peffall

671 Whittier Drive Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 672-6226 Nativity Theatre 11, Chorus 10-12, Forum 9-10 Favorite Moment. Kairos 37-10 "Cour~ge is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear." - Samuel Clemens

1 Sterling Drive Horsham, P A 19044 (215) 646-2093 St. Catherine of Siena Student Council 11, LSC 11-12, Spanish Club 11-12 "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies 'within us" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nicholas Paul Penzarella

David Joseph Peterman

9848 Walley Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 677-6622 Maternity BVM Crew, Wrestling 9,12, LSC, Outdoor Adventure Club 11-12, SADD 11-12 Favorite lVIo11Je!1t: When Turk ate the whole chapstick "We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." - T.S. Eliot

588 \Y/est Prospect Avenue North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-4056 St. Rose of Lima Wrestling 9,12, Photography, Yearbook 11-12, Wistelian 12, LSC 11-12, Outdoor Adventure Club 10-12 Favonte lvIoment: Mr. Molush's Class "One who fears ~mits his achievements. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again. Take advantage of being able to learn from your mistakes." - Henry Ford

Justin David Philomeno

John Patrick Poley

701 Brushtown Road Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 654-1466 St. Rose of Lima SADD 12, LSC 12, Football 9, Student Council 11-12 FalJOnfe MOllJent: Pit, "Kick the volleyball Meno" "Ride it hard, like a rock." - Chevy Tahoe

3270 Cedar Street Philadelphia, P A 19134' (215) 427-2238 Our Lady Help of Christians Football, Basketball, Crew, Student Council , LSC Fazlonie lVfoJJ/e/1t. Being elected Captain of the 1999 Football Team "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

William J. Phelan IV 1560 Hermitage Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 Holy F (215) 482-0658 NHS, Forum, Latin Club 10-12 President), Wistelian 11-12, Band 10, Amnesty International 'Fatlorite MOJJlent: The Chicago an Phoenix trips for forensics "Now it used to be I ran to get where I was going.. .! never thou; would get me anywhere." - Forrest G

John Paul Prego II 127 Sandra Avenue Willow Grove, P A 19090 (215) 657-4058 St.John of the < Band, lntramurals 9 Fa/lonte Moment. Kairos 37-10 "If I had only one wish, only on( dem~l11d, I hope he's not like me, hope he understands that he can this life and hold it by the hand, ~ he can greet the world with arm~ wide open." -(

Timothy Francis Prem 9 C=rease Street adelphia, PA 19125 ;) 425-5343 St. Anne ketball(Manager) , eball(Manager) mle Moment: Trip to Virginia with basketball team m't be conceited, be convinced." - Timothy Prem

Michael Joseph Ramos ) Sheaff Lane 'lIashington, PA 19034 ) 793-4070 St. Philip Neri key 9-11, LSC= 11-12, Wrestling )anish Oub 12 'rite Moment: Winter Formal ery new beginning comes from e other beginning's end." - Semisonic

Andrew Puntel

Daniel Patrick Quinn III

7820 Queen Street Wyndmoor, P A 19038 (215) 836-4861 Immaculate C=onception Band, C=horus 10-12, Theatre 10-12, TVistetianlO-12, LSC=, Tennis, Freshman Mentoring 11-12, Swimming 91O(Manager), Spanish Oub Fm)atite M01lJe!7t: A.P. U.S. Rap "The future ... A happy face, a thumpin' bass, for a lovin' race. Peace" - Soul II Soul

542 Wigard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-2186 Immaculate Heart of Maty LSC=, SADD 10-12, TVisteriall 9, Latin Oub 10-12, Intramurals, NHS FCllJorite Ivloment:路 Getting to meet a lot of new people and having new experiences "Life m()ves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in a while - Ferris Bueller you might miss it."

Todd Andrew Reckamp

Christopher T. Reiley

933 Powderhorn Drive Lansdale, P A 19446 (610) 584-5662 C=orpus C=hr1sti Band, NHS Fatlonte Moment: Junior Prom "Walk away, I'll be a parade, and I'll be det~rmined that noon shall dissuade. On my way, I'll take my sweet time, and burn all the bridges that I'm leaving behind." - Bad Religion

496 Sanger Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 722-8927 St. William

Leo Thomas Reilly

Thomas D. Riley, IV

838 Ayrdalc Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-9769 Immaculate Heart of Mary Tennis, Science Club, Respect Life, LSC FavOtite l\;fo1ltC1lt. The first mixer of freshman year "Who cares what happens now. It's already in the past."

319 Tennis Avenue North Hills, PA 19038 (215) 887-4135 Queen of Peace Hockey, Baseball 9-10 FalJorite Moment: Winning the Flyer's Cup "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live tl1e life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in COlnmon hours." - Henry David Thoreau

Robert Stephen Sarracino

Adam Christopher Sasso

P.O. Box 309 Bedminster, P A 18910 St. Agnes (215) 795-2685 WEXP 11, Bike Club 9-10, Outdoor Adventure Club 11-12, LSC, LaSallian Youth 11-12, Band 10-11 FatJOtite Moment. Jello eating contest "Time grabs you by the wrists, directs you where to go. So make tl1e best of tlus test, and don't ask why. It's not a question but a lesson learned in time." - Green Day

P.O. Box 508 1004 Lorien Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 641-1884 St. Rose of Lima Crew, Theatre, NHS "Maybe I can't win. Maybe all I can do is take everything he's got." - Rocky Balboa

Aaron Richard Sakulicb 101 Bedford Lane Dans dale, PA 19446 (215) 362-4986 Forum, Gaming Club, Latin Club, Theatre "Darl is our brother, our brothel Dad. Our brother Dad in a cage Jackson where, his grimed hands lying light in the quiet interstices, looking out he foams. Yes yes ye yes." - Dad Bundren,

Eric C. Savage 3121 Salmon Street Philadelphia, PA 19134 C?15) 423-0278 Nativity E Art Club 11~ Favorite Moment. Graduation "We live together, we act on, anc react~ to, one another; but always in all circumstances we are by ourselves." - Aldous H

David Anthony Scali ,5 Oak Hollow Drive pie Glen, PA 19002 5) 628-8903 111is, Amnesty In ternational, anese Club 11, Spanish Club 11 'orife 1\101l1e1lt. Graduation 1ere is no escape and that is for e. This is the end we won't take . more. Say goodbye to the world L live in. You have always been lking but know you're giving." - Metallica

Raymond T. Shay Pebble Beach Place e Bell, PA 19422 )) 272-3841 St. Helena um(president), {f;7istelial1, Respect ~ 10-12(president), Blue &.Gold, = 11-12, WEXP 11-12 orife lVIollJel1t. The Other Day 111 will occasionally stumble over truth, but most of the time he will ;: himself up and continue on." - Sir Winston Churchill

Robert Joseph Schmidt, Jr.

Kevin Joseph Semanick

705 Phillips Road WatTIlinster, PA 18974 (215) 674-3985 Nativity of Our Lord Ski Club, Soccer 9, Stage Crew, Lacrosse 9-10 Fal'olite Aiolllen!: Pit volleyball 'We take risks not to escape life ... but to prevent life from escaping us!"

867 Yorktown Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-7099 Cross Country, Indoor Track (Captain), Track and Field(Captain), Amnesty International, Mathletes(Vice President), NHS FCl1)orite Nlol1Jent: Sprinters Tradition and Mr. Roche's calc class. "Life is believing the worst loss is not competing at all." - Gatorade

Brandon A. Shepherd

Richard Allen Shivers, Jr.

10 Windy Way Lane Doylestown, P A 18901 (215) 230-4195 Our Lady of Mount Carmel "Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man; but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can."

9029 Eastview Road Philadelphia, P A 19152 St. Jerome (215) 464-4282 Gaming Club 10-12, Wrestling 10-12 rCllJorite Nlolllent: Kairos 37-9 - Live the 4th "A person who speaks cleverly is witty, one who asks questions is smart." - Terry Carr

Joseph William Spause

Joseph Blaine Spieker

3148 Colony Lane Plymouth Meeting, P A 19462 St. Philip Neri (610) 825-0974 Student Council, \'{1restling, Crew, NHS, WEXP 11-12, Theatre 11-12 Fa/Jorite Moment. Kairos 37-10, 37-11 "The only true security in life comes from knowing tl1at everyday you are improving yourself in some way. I don't worry about maintaining the quality of my life because everyday I work on improving it."

3458 Eden Street Philadelphia, P A 19114 (215) 464-6167 "I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees." - Scott McGuiness

Christopher Staub

Stephen David Sterner

1542 East Cobblestone Circle Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 491-1101 St. Robert Wrestling, LSC 10-12, NBS, Soccer 9 rCl/Jorite Moment. End of the Year "Relying on others to care about what you do or say is like relying on others for your own happiness."

1101 Cornell Drive Yardley, PA 19067 (215) 271-2838 Respect Life, Wrestling, Japanese Club "A man is not finished when he's defeated; he's finished when he quits." - Richard M. Nixon


Dennis James Stanton

/1 645 North Wales Road Nortl1 Wales, PA 19454 St. Rose ofL (215) 699-2431 Basketball, Football 9, Tennis 9-H . LSC 10-12, NBS, SADD 12 .Favorite Moment. Receiving First Bot "You can't always get what you \\ but if you try sometimes, you mig find you get what you need." - The Rolling St<

Ryan Alan Stevens 194 East Willow Grove Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 242-2340 Our Mother of Consolation Hockey Favorite A101Jlellt: Mr. Bernie McCabe's Sophomore English Cl: "100% of the shots you don't tak, don't go in." - Wayne Gret

Thomas Adam Stieber Glen Echo Lane esher, P A 19025 5) 542-8319 Alphonsus 11 the Latino that will take you to r like Al Pacino, even Deniro )WS not to gamble in my casino." - Terror Squad )5

Herbert Karl Sudfeld III Fox Hill Road ,ylestown, PA 18901 5) 348-7098 r Lady of Mount Carmel ~w, Ski Club, Band, Blue &, Gold 11, LSC, Spanish Club (president) Jorite lvIomellt: Kairos 37-9 aze one for the nation ... I won't satisfied till I get my face an a rmos." - Oshea Jackson (Ice Cube)

Eric P. Stix

John Edward Strzalka, Jr.

825 Lauren Lane Hatfield, P A 19440 (215) 855-6646 Forum 9-10, Chorus, WEXP 10-12, MCC 11, Theatre 11-12, Gaming Club rCl1'otite lvIotJI8nt: Kairos 37-9 "Got no time for spreadin' roots; the time has come to be gone. And though our health we drank a thousand times, it's time to ramble on - Led Zeppelin

3327 Almond Street Philadelphia, PA 19134 (215) 425-1335 St. Adalbert Japanese Club 10-11, Amnesty International, SADD, Bllte & Gold 10-12, LSC 11-12, Model UN 12 rCllJorite lvIotllent: Bro. Mike's class "If you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if its not, mmmmmmm boy ... " - Jack Handey, Deep Thotlgh!.r

Robert J. Sullivan

Sean Patrick Toole

3310 Tudor Street Philadelphia, P A 19136 (215) 331-6325 St. Matthew Stage Crew 9-10, Latin Club 10-11, LSC, Freshman Mentor 11-12, Intramurals Favorite !violl/ellt: Kairos "Like a rock. I was strong as I could be. Like a rock." - Bob Seger

456 West Sixth Avenue Conshohocken, PA 19428 (610) 825-0951 SS. Cosmas & Damian Amnesty International (Coordinator) 11-12, LSC, Blue & Gold 10-12, LaSallian Youth 11-12, Model UN 12 Fav01ite i\!Iof/Jetlt: Playing volleyball against wrestling mats "What I mean: Take it easy, but take it." - Pete Seeger

Anthony R. Trimboli, Jr.

Jeremy Kraft Turk

38 Douglass Road Lansdale, P A 19446 (215) 997-5869 Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Hockey, NHS FClIJOJite ivloJllent: Flyers Cup Championship Junior Year "Time don't let it slip away, raise your drinking glass, here's to yesterday." - Aerosmith

1112 Melrose Avenue Melrose Park, PA 19027 (215) 635-2508 St. James Crew, LSC, Student Council, NHS, Juggling Club 12 FavoJite Moment: Two rain days "There's no sensation to compare with this, suspended animation a state of bliss, can't keep my mind from the circling sky, tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, 1." - Pink Floyd

Brett Nicholas Urban

Andrew Ethan Vandiver

555 Gates Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-8258 Holy Family Hockey "Should I try to be a stniight A student? If you are then you think too much" - Billy Joel

2034 Glendale Avenue Philadelphia, P A 19152 (215) 742-1710 Resurrection of Our Lord Theatre, Amnesty International, SADD, Ski Club, LSC FavOlite J\;loment: Finishing junior year, knowing that my college grades would be done "Why you doing what you're doing, you should be doing what you want." - Smash Mouth

James Joseph Tyrrell, Jr. '3790 Spangler Court Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 794-1519 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Wrestling, WEXP 9 Favorite l\1oJlle/lt: Winning my first match against "DogFish" who gm three La Salle wrestlers their first \1 "Take your time; don't live too fa1 Troubles will come and they will pass." - Lynyrd Skyr

Joseph M. Vassallo 328 Walnut Avenue Aldan, P A 19018 (610) 626-7340 St. Joseph Cross Country 9, Football 10-12, Baseball 10-12, Mock Trial 11-12, f짜7istenall 11-12 ravorite J\;lolJlent: Kairos "In the Warrior's Code there is no surrender, though his body says st. his spirit cries never." - Smvi

Joseph A. Violl 35 Shawnee Street iladelphia, P A 19118 5) 247-2109 11' Mother of Consolation nd l!orite Nloll1e1Jt: Last Day of lal exams ou create your own reality and ve mine to me." - Greg Graffin

Robert Francis Walter ~unnybrook

Drive 'ylestown, PA 18901 5) 345-0393 !r Lady of Mount Carmel ming Club 11 JOIite NlolJJent: My last day of History Class n okay; you're okay."

William Monroe Von Medicus

Matthew Wahl

700 Montgomery Avenue Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 646-3424 Crew 9-11, Football 12, Ski Club 9, Spanish Club 11-12, LSC 11-12, SADD 12, Intramurals 9 "Like they say every dog has its day, And like they say God works in a mysterious way, so I pray remembering the days of my youth, as I prepare to meet my mornent of truth ... " - Guru

878 Flintlock Drive Lansdale, P A 19446 (610) 584-1862 Corpus Christi Swimming, Soccer 9-10, Intramurals 10-12, Student Council, Lacrosse 910, LSC 11-12 "I've been thinking, Hobbes" ... "On a weekend?" ... "Well, it wasn't on purpose." - Calvin and Hobbes

Jamin Delrey Warren

John Halsey White, Jr.

2119 Berrell Avenue Abington, PA 19001 (215) 657-1939 Family Bible Church Forum, fT:7isteriaJ7, Mathletes 11-12, WEXP, LSC 12, Freshman Mentor 11, Diversity Club 12, Football 9, Amnesty International 11-12 FalJOIite lvlolJJent: Dressing up like Brother Rene for the open house "Stupid games are for stupid people." - A New Found Glory

80 East Butler Avenue New Britain, PA 18901 (215) 348-2349 St. Jude Forum, rVistelia1Z(Editor), LSC, Track 10, German Club, Latin Club 10-12, Stage Crew 11-12 Fal!OIite lvloll1ent: Sending a paper airplane over ,the shrine "Read your'own compositions, and when you meet wi til a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out." - Samuel Johnson

Jonathan David Castle White 1769 Papermill Road Meadowbrook, P A 19046 (215) 938-6047 Ski Club, LSC, Tennis "Let me see the tatoos from the 2-1-5th." - Dank Crew J.R.J.

David Kane Williams 7 Country Club Lane Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348-7375 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

901 Ayrdale Place Philadelphia, P A 19128 (215) 482-2197 Immaculate Heart of Mary Band "Functionless art is simply tolerate \ vandalism. We are the vandals." - Type 0 Neg8

Kyle Alan Wisotzkey

Stephen Anthony Zollo, Jr.

321 Fisher Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 887-6789 St. James Bowling 10-12, Science Club 12, Gaming Club 9-11, Stage Crew 12 Fav01ite Moment. Time with my friends "Life is a puzzle, some pieces will fit, others will not, but never stop trying new pieces. For if we do not try to complete the puzzle, we will never see the whole picture." - Personal Ideal

640 Eagle Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Christi (215) 699-5076 Soccer 9-11, Ski Club, LSC11-12, Student Council 12, Lacrosse 9, Band, SADD 9-10 Favorite Moment: Our Freshman soccer team beat rival Archbishop Ryan and I had the only goal in a 1-0 Wln.

"Stay positive and love your life." - Nick Hexum

)r Ben Baile,路 demonstrates he has a up job lined up if football falls .Igh. )tt, Kevin 46 ~r, Daniel 98, 103, 150, 163 .son, Channing 46, 104 :rman, Williat1'i 62 ey,)osiah 15,46 I1S, Matthew 54 I1S, Russell 46 ~si, Domenick 62 :,Jason 76,88,94,118,140,155, 210 ~w, Sean 46 11, Sean 54 1khai, Imoniri 62 rt, Matthew 163 rt, Michael 133, 163 t, Bro. Don 29, 96 ander, Terrence 118, 163 路ano,)ohn 62 1, Andrew 46, 148 Tetti Bernadino 54 ~nd,' And:ew 62,81 so, Michael 46, 140, 154 >11, Andrew 62 e, Michael 54 Ie, Gerald 54 ~rs, Seth 62 :ews, Stephen 62 tis, Christopher 46, 164 ~lo, Louis 163 zak, Christopher 62 :lte, Gilberto 85, 164,210 ibald, Timothv 46 me, Anthony~164 on, Nicholas 62 s, Michael 46 :hristopher 54 f, Daniel 54 1, Drew 54 lew, David 54 ler, Brian 73, 130, 164 ,lato, Sean 62 Mrs. Marie 38 ~y, Benjamin 118, 161, 164, ~10

e,Brian62, 124, 140, 155 :r, Kevin 85, 120, 122, 164,210 niewicz,Edward 120, 165 ieri, Ryan46 Lito, Dominick 46 e, Ernest 116, 142, 144, 165,210 a, ML Thomas 28, 87,109,209 !tt, /ohn46 " Christopher 54

Barsb)" George 46 Bartkowski, Bradley 54 Bartlev, Bro. Andrew 22 Bartynski, Andrew 46,139 Bartvnski, David 62, 139 Bartl'nski, Donna 22 Basile, ML Tames 22 Bateman, Paul 46 Battin,)ames 46 Baumgardner, Robert 54 Beale Chnstopher 62 Beale,J us ti n 46 Beard, Scott 54 Beatv, Patrick 54 Bedler, Patrick 54 Beck, Ryan 62 Bednarz, Gregory 54 Bednerak, Joseph 134 Behr, MLJames 43, 93 Bell, Chris 54 Bello, Patrick 62 Bender, Robert 46 Bene, NIL Rocco 37,90 Benn, Leon 140, 142, 145, 165,210 Bennett, R"an 62, 108 Bergman, Mitchell 46, 81 Bethke,AJexander90,93,106,165,211 Bielecki, Stephen 54, 139 Binder, Gerard 54 Black, Brandon 134 Black, Timothy 76,117,134,165 Blake,) L,) osel?h 62, 139 Blake, Sr., .ML Joseph 139 Blanco, ML Gabrie124, 209, 211 Blaney, Christopher 54 Blank,Andrew 81, 92,165,209,210 Bloh, ML Dennis 35, 92, 130 Bloh, Thomas 62, 132 Bocchino, Michael 54 Bohardt, Douglas 166,210 Bolger, Stephen 7, 99,124,125, 166,210 Bommentre, Brent 54 Bonanni, Anthonv 54, 154 Bondiskev, Michael 62, 85 Bongiova'nni, Richard 62 Bonner, William 5,124,140,155, 166,210 Borek, Adam 54 Boring, John 134, 166,208 Borkowski,)oshua 62 Borrelli, Samuel 54 Bowers, Nicholas 62, 148 Boyle, Stephen 120, 166 Braciscewski, ML Michael 134 Brader, ML Rodne\' 42 Brannon, Eric 54 ~ Brasberger, Thomas 166 Brassell, Robert 46 Breen, Christopher 62 Breen-Lopez, Patrick 167 Brelsford, Anthonv 54 Brelsford, Drew 167 Breuer, Stephen 46 Brewster, Sean 54 Breznicky,) ason54 Bridy, Daniel 167,210 Britt, Timothy 46 Broderick, Matthew 54 Brogan,Ryan 102, 167 Brogan, Sean 54 Brooks, Sean 90, 167 Brown, Tim 126 Bryant,)oshua 54 Bryers, Kieran 130, 167,210 Bucklev,Daniel62, 126, 128, 142 Bui,Joseph 62 Buonocore, Anthony 168 Buonocore, Michael 62 Burg, Ethel, 43 Burke, Toseph 46, 52 BurreIl,Ernest99, 120, 121, 142, 145,168,210 Bustard,David 12, 168 Byrne, Robert 168 BYrnes, Patrick 46,104 Cadwell,] ustin 62

Index Caglia, David 46 Calahan, Thomas 83, 118, 120, 168 Calista, Derek 46,139 Callahan, Kyle 72, 118, 143, 145, 168,210 Callan, Daniel 169 Callan, Michael 169 Calvenese, ML Charles 156 Campbell,Devin85,169 Campbell, Havilland 169 Campbell, Rvan 46 Campo, Brian 62, 106, 113,211 Cancila, Steven 169 Candia, David 62, 148 Canosa-Schack,) avier 62, 86, 120,123 Capetola, Matthew 54 Capetola, Zachary 169 Capozzi, Matthew 54 Capozzi, Nicholas 46,104 Cappelli,). Andrew 62 Caracausa, Bradley 46 Cardella, Joseph 170 Careless, Robert 54 Carelli,)oseph 62, 136 Care,', Ian 54 Carminati,Joseph 170,210 Carnevale, Andrew 46 Carr,)ohn62 Carabello, ML )ohn22 Carroll,Joseph 54, 82,148 Carroll, Paul 90, 93, 103, 161, 170 Carroll, Philip 54, 82, 85,148 Carvalho, Steven 62, 85 Case,', Paul 46 Cassidy, Daniel 170 Catinella, Timothy 46, 52 Caviston, Sean 54' Cawle,', Raymond 62 ChanCIer, Christopher 62 Chavoustie, Eric 54 Checco, ML Michael 37 ,96,209 Checkovage, Michael 62 Chesnik, ML Mark 32, 99, 209 Chesn\', David 46 Cho, Bobbv 54 Ciaverelli, Anthom' 62 Ciccaglione, Michael 55, 136 Ciccimaro, Mrs.) anice 37 Ciccimaro, ML)oseph 17, 37, 88, 90 Ciminera, Nicholas 170 Cimini, ML Guido 43,160,209 Ciolli, Ryan 136, 138, 170 Cipolla, Daniel 46 Cirelli, ML Charles 29, 126, 128,209 Clark, Peter A 70, 124, 140, 155, 171,208 Clark,]ames 46 Clarke,)oseph 62 Clearv, K \'Ie 62, 120 Clifford, Timotlw 46, 82 Cloonan, Michae162 Coad, Brendan 55 Coghlan, Brett 63 Coggins, ML Nicholas 109 Cohen, Brett 46 Colangelo, Mrs. Angeline 23 Colburn,) ay 46, 96 Colibraro, Michael 55 Colistra, ML] oseph 27 Colistra, Paul 118, ISO, 171,210 Collins, Patrick 55, ISO Come\', Andrew 46 Cornia, Andrew 171 Comisack, Adam 63, 146 Congiliando, Ernest 171 Conicelli, Carmen 55

Conlin,James 102, 108, 171 Connor, Andrew 46 Connor, Sean 63 Cook, Bro. Kenneth 32 Cooney, Brendan 46, 55 Coone)', Jonathan 46 Cooper, Ian 54 Cornely, Matthew 102,171 Cosella,)oseph 47 Cosgrove, Michael 134, 172, 210 Costantino, Anthony 80, 103, 106, 172,209,210,211 Costantino, Christopher 55 Costanzo, Matthew 63, 85 Costello, Matthew). ('00) 172 Costello, Matthew J ('01) 63, 143 Courtney, Maxwe1l47C Covaleslu, Steven 47 Coveny, Michael 63 Covolus, Nicholas 47,104 Cragin, Michael 55 Creed,John 47 Cross, Kevin 63, ISO Crott\', Brendan 63 Cucinotta, Salvatore 55 Cummins, Adam 63, 150 Curci, Christopher 72, 94,103,139, 172,210 Curcio, Christopher 55 Curran, Steven 55 Currv,Patrick47 Cunlli,Joseph 108, 172 Cvbok, David 47 Dailev, Brian 63 D'Altonso, Bro. John 25, 160,209 Dailey, Kevin 47 Dalnlasse, Bro. Kevin 22 Dalton, Andrew 47 Dalton, Patrick 63 D'Amico, Nicholas 55 Danella,]ames 63 D'Angelo, DL Joseph 8, 12, 18,20,22 136,211 D'Angelo, Mark 55,139 Danielski, Bro. Francis 32, 98, 209 Davis, Br\'1147 Davis, Pb~ilip 47 Dav, Charles 63, 142 DeAngelis, Ryan 55 DeCree,] ohn55 DeCrescio, Michael 73, 126, 172, 2H Dedic, Dino 55,104 DeGirolamo,) ohn 55 Delaney,James 55 Delaney, John 63 Delaney,1'>atrick47 DeLaurentis, Christopher 55 DeLaurentis, Mrs. Rita 41 Delic, Aldin 63 Della Vecchia, Nicholas 173,210 Dempsey, Tason 63 Dempsey, NIt. Joseph 35, 102, 128 Denny, Charles 63 DeParo, David 63 DePaul, Christopher 47 Derrick, Matthew 55 Desiderio,) eremy 63 Dever, Mrs. Patricia 23 Devery,James 55 Devine,MLPatrick39, 124, 155 Devlin, Thomas 124, 140, 154, 173,2 DiAntonio, Philip 47 Diccicco, Mrs. Frances Jacob, 25 Diccicco,Nllchael63 DiCicco, Anthon\路 47 DiCicco, Mario 55

DiClerico, Gabriel 63, 100,140 DiCrescio, Michael 117 ,118 Diehl, Mr. David 20, 22, 211 Diehl, R\'an 63 Di Julio; Anthony 55, 81 DiLella, Frank 55 Dilks, Dennis 173 DiPardo, Stephen 63 DiPasquale, Bro. William 38, 76 DiSepio,John 55 Do,Nam63 Doerflein, i\latthew 55 Doherty, lohn 63, 106,211 Dolan, Kevin 73,173 Dolan, Mr. 1\Iichael39, 98 Dominick, Michael 47 Donahue, Mrs. Linda 9, 24, 106,211 Donoghue, Brian 55 Donohue, Brian 47 Donovan, Mr. Michael 43 Dooney,Jason 173 Dorah, Kevin 47, 104 Dougherty, Christopher ('03) 47 Dougherty, Christopher]. ('00) 56,70,72,117,143,145,173,210 Dougherty, Christopher J. ('02) 56 Dougherty, Craig 118, 174, 210 Dougherty,James 56, 174 Dougherty,Joseph 103, 174,210 Dougherty, Kevin 118, 150, 174 Dougherty, Michael 47 Dougherty, Philip 98,174 Dougherty, Sean 174 Dougherty, Thomas 154, 175,210 Downey,Laurence 175 Downing, Edward 47 Dranon: David 56 Du;Vincent 175 Duffe\', Daniel 56 Dugan, Mr. Stephen 22 Duncheskie, Mr. Stephen 28,130 Dungan, Michael 47 Dunne, ChrIstopher 47 Durkin, Donald 63 Durkin, Corey 47 Durkin,James 175,139,210 Dwyer, Daniel 175 Dwyer,Joseph 47 Dwyer,JosephP. 93, 175,210 D\vver, Stephen 47 Dw\"er, Timotlw 47 Ebner, Mr. Craig 37, 90 Ecker,Joshua 47 Edelen,James 63, 133 Egan,J. Franldin 84, 176,210 Egbert, Robert 56 Elliott, Kyle, 63, 143 Elliott, Peter 64 Ellis, David 176 Engler, John 56 Ermola, Roger 103, 148, 176 Escobar, Marlio 56 Evans, Mr. Gerald 8, 29, 108, 211 Evans, Mrs. Jane Kelly 23 Fagan, Ryan 104, 176, 208, 209 Falcone, Mr. Joseph 31,142 Farina, George 56 Farrington, Stephen 48 Fasoline,James 48 Fa\', Brian 64 Fazio, Daniel 56 Fed\"na, Sean 56, 86,128 Feeb", Kevin 48 Fegley, William 176,210 Felix, Ricardo 136, 138, 176, 210 Feldman, Michael 48 Felte, Robert 177 Ferrick, Thomas 48,139 Ferrie, Timoth\' 56,124 Ferro,John 56; 126,128 Field, Luke 56 Fields, Rvan 48 File, i\Ir."Daniel 35, 100, 110,208 Filipczak, Andrew 177,209 Filipczak, R\"an 56 Finle\", Matthew 64, 101 Finore, Carmen 177

Finore, lames 48 Firely, Douglas 48 Fisher,Jason 56 Fitzgerald, :Mr. Bernard 27 Fitzgerald, Kevin 7,124,140,154, 177,210 Fitzgerald, Sean 64, 85 Fitzgibbons, Terrence 8, 30, 72, 76,85,86,106,177,209,210,211 Fitzhenn", Daniel48 Fitzpatrick, Ryan 48 Fitzsimmons, Michael 56 Flood, Michael 56 Flounders, Emer 64 Flmn, Timoth\" 56 Fl\'nn, Sean 48 " Foglia, Paul 64 Fob", Austin 48 Foley, Brett 146, 177 Fole\" Michael 56 Ford, Mrs. Ann 41,211 Ford, Daniel 56, 148 Ford, Kenneth 48 Forkin,)ames 56 Fox, Bnan56 Fox, Thomas 48 Fragnito, Mary 43

\'Vhen we put our rings together, we summon tbe force ofBrotbel

Girard, Daniel 64 Givinish, Gerald 49 Gladu, Christopher 49 Glavin, Christopher 179 Fragnito,~IichaeI48 Goettner,Jeffrey98,179,210 Frank, MIchael 120, 178 Gola, Thomas 113 Franz, Eric 57 Golden, Daniel 57 Franzen, Alexander 57 Golden, Thomas 179 Frein,Cbristopher64,148 Good, Daniel 49 , 104 Frendreis, Bro. Gerard 21,22,211 Gorman, Thomas 64, 126, 128, 142, Friel, Edward 64 145 Fries,Justin 178 Gormley,J. Christopher 49 Frizlen,Dean 104, 178,209,210 Grace, Mr.John 17,27 Froehlich, Bro. Timotlw 22 Grad\", Mark 64 Frost, Kevin 57 " Grabam, Michael 57, 118 Fullerton, lames 64 Grasso,Josepb 49 Fure\", William 48 Grm', Christopher 57 Gabryelski, Stephen 48 G1'a\', Stephen 49 Galante, Anthol1\" 57,100 Green, Anthony 65, 101 Galbalh-, Brian 57 Green, Bradley 130,179 Galball~", Christopher48 Green,James44, 156, 159,179 Galbally, Daniel 178 Gregoriadis, Gus 65 Galbally, Edward 64 Greiner, Philip 49 Galen, Timotlw 48 Griffin-Shelle\', Eric 65,140 Gallagher, Bryan 64 Griffis, Martin 49 Gallagher, Kevin 57 GriHis,Neil49 Gallagher, Sean 57 Grossman, Darren 34, 36, 65, 100, 106, Gallagher, William 57 109,211 Gallo, 1\11'. J osepb 43 Grzybowski, Andrew 180 Gambino, James 57 Grzybowski, Eric 81, 180 Gambone, Ernest 57, 123 Guerra,Joseph 49 Gugger, PhilIp 65, 81 Gardner,James 48 Gardner, Kevin 48 Guthrie, Alexander 98, 180 Garofalo, Michael 48 Gutbrie, Graham 49 Garri 1:\", R\'an 64 Gyza, David 65 Garrit", T.lan 64 J-Iaenn, loseph 49 Garve\', Pa1:1:\'43 Haenn, 1'vlatt11ew 65 Garvin, Sha\vn 64, 136 Haggerty,John 57 Garvin, Mrs. Theresa 31 Haggerty, Mr. John 136, 138 Garvin, Timothy 49 Hagy, Shea 180,210 Garwood, Bro. Brendan 40 Haltern', Mark 57 Gaskins, Mrs. Melissa 37,83 Hammond, Michael 65 Gates, Brendan 178,210 Hand,Joseph 65 Gavin, Michael 64 Haney, Robert 124,154, 180 Gdowik, J\;Iattbew 64 Hanna, Michael 57 Hanssen, Mr. Tore 36, 148 Geiger, Antbony 64, 77, 100 Geiger, Mr. William 17,29, 72, 106, 211 Hasson, i'vIr. James 22 GeIsel, Gerard 57 Harkins, lames 49 Genovese, Mr. Ricbard 37,90 Harkins,Jason 49 Gernerd, Mark 64 Harrigan, Michael 98, 130, 180,210 Harrigan, Steven 49 Gerstemeier, lonathan 57 Hartnett, Matthew 15, 70,106,110, GiagnacO\'a, Gregory 49 143,145,181,210,211 Gibbons, Mr. Mark 22, 211 Gibbons, Micbael57 Harvey,Bryan 142, 181,210 Gidjunis,Joseph P. 6, 15,20,38,70,82, Haughton, Anthony 65, 94, 96 Hayes, lohn 57 106,178,208,209,210,211 Heah', fJ atrick49 Gil!, Mrs. Connie 23 Heater, Ricky 57 Gill, lohn 64, 86 Gill, R \'an 49 Heam, David 49,108 Heck, Brendan 49 Gillespie, Brian 57,93 Gillespie, Mr. Terrence 28, 72 Heenan, Ron' 49 Gillin, Kevin 57 Heinsdorf, Paull 02, 181 Gimpel, Kevin 93, 94, 179,210 Heleniak, Gregory 49 Ginty, Sean 64, 139 Hemerka, Bryan 65

Henwood, Matthew 57 Henderson, Bro. Brian 22 Hershe\" i\Iichael49 Herzog, Matthew 65, 139 Heselpoth, Kevin 49 Hibbs, 1\lr. Thomas 23 Hicks, lonathan 65,136 HIcks, Ross 57 Higgins, Patrick 136, 138, 181 Hifdebrandt, Patrick 101,181 Hilfer1:\', Michael 65, 100,104 Hill, David 139, 181 Hill, Patrick 57 Hinckle, Mr. Daniel 27 ,209 Hoagland, Christopher 65 Hoh'enleitner, Mr. George 25 Holbert, Michael 65, 85 ' Holmes, Daniel 57 Holwick, Mr. Christopher 35 Holwick, Timoth\" 49 Hondros, Peter 49 Hope, Timothy 65 Hopkinson, Brett 65,136 Horgan, Brian 99, 182, 210 Horgan, Timothy 182 Horstmann,Jesse83,182 Horvath, losepb 65, 150 HorwedeI, Timothy 57 Houston, Nate 134 Hughes, Edward 65 Hughes, Kevin 99,130,182,2 Hughes,MichaelJ.65 Hughes, Michael R. 57 Hughes, Robert 49 Hylinski, Gregory 114, 130, 1, Iannacone, Stephen 49 Ignas, Mr. Frank 43 Interrante, Douglas 49 Iwaskiw, Roman 182 lzzi, Stephen 65 Jackson,Jordan 49 Jackson, Mr. Martm 39,126,12 Iacobsen, Matthew 49 James, William 76, 108, 182, 2 211 Jannetti, Christopher 49 Janton, Rev. Antbon), 40,69 Javie,Jason 49 Jeffers, CI1tistopher 57, 142, 14 Ieitner, Mrs. Stephanie 31,83 Jenkins, Brian 182, 21 0 fenkins, Michael 49 Jenkins, Peter 106, 146, 183,2 210,211 John, Andrew 57, 148 fohn, Kyle 65 Johnson, Mr. Francis 32 Johnson, Matthew 49 Jones, Ryan 65,136 Kahan, Andrew 57 Kammerer, Brad 57 Kane,Garv65 Kane, J'vlat"thew 65,147 Karpchuck, [\ndrew49


auditions as the new If;7beelofForlll!le entertainment.

:h, Bro. David 32 Louis 65 ann, Patrick 57 1, Edward 65 1, Mr. John 39, 77 layton 49,82,104 jonathan 49 Conor49 :Michael57 3radford49 3rendan65 )ouglas 49 Marl( 183 vIatthew 50 vIichael50,52 ;r. Patricia 22 Scott 100, 102, 106, 133, 183, 1 ',Kenneth 65,150 ~ Terence 57 d", Brendan 57, 81 ;,'Mrs. Paulette 90 vIichael50 ohn22 ,I, Nicholas 57 :sh,Dorian50 ~rad 50 lan, James 57 ger, Stephen 183,210 ry, Michael 184 )anieI148,184,209,210 \Iexander 57 vIr. Bob 139 vIichael50 lean 50,139 ~imoth\' 57 J atrick57,140 ~n,Joseph 184 1, Brien 184 , Robert 136, 138, 184 ,Jonathan 124,140,155,184 ),Ryan 50 n,Brett65 r, Brian 185 l, Francis 50 epp, Robert 58 ,\', David 58 sczny, Nicholas 50 i, Timotlw 58, 150 ki, Paul 50 eind, Louis 58 eind,John 50 iv, Yaroslav 65 tiewski,j effrer 50 3,Eric 50 ki,justin 50 ner, Christopher 185, 210 ner, Thomas 185 Robert 185 3, Bro. Charles 25, 87 ',Christopher 58,128 ,James 58 :aAnthony 58 :nan, Russell 58

Lang, Geoffrey 132, 185 Lanzalotti,Joseph 65, 148 Lamer, Thomas 65, 140 Laruffa, Carlo 65 Laskowski,Matthew159,185 Laskowski, Mr. Robert 22 Lasky,John58, 124, 140, 150 Laub, Joseph 58, 100 Lawler,jason 50 Lawless, Edward 50 Leach, Stephanie 43 Lealw, Mr. William 9, 33 L'Ecll\'er, Andrew 50 Le hm,1n, Mr. John 22 Lepore, Gregory 72, 186,209,210 Leonard, Michael 65 Leonard, Thomas 65 Letier, Nicholas 58 Levin, Sean 58 Levins, Michael 50 Lewis, Christian C. 58 Lewis, Christian S. 50 Liberatore, Anth()11\' 50 Lichtner,Mr.Frank'36,130 Light, David 50, 104 Lochocki, F. Conrad 58, 150 Loftus, Matthew 50,139 Loftus, Michael 136, 186,210 Logan, Mrs. Bernadette 39 Logan,James 15, 14~, 186,209 Lolosidis, George 58U Lombardo, Michael 142, 145, 186 Long, Charles 50 Long, M~. Donna 41, 76 Long, TImothy 186 Lopit, Thomas 58 Lougher):, \yilliam 50 Lozowskl, George 65 Luhks, Sean 65 Lumbo, Noel 50 Luschini, Patrick 65 Lutter, Frank 50 Lynch,James 186 Lyon, Steven 58, 81, 106, 211 Lyons, Francis 58 MacFarland, Ryan 58 Mackintosh, Andrew 58, 108 Madden, Evan 90,98,187,209 Madden, Gregory 65 Madden, Matthew 50 Madeira, Brian 65, 140, 150, 155 Madeira, George 136, 187 Madonna,Anthony 80,81,106, 187,209,210,211 Madrak, David 187 Maestre, Carlos 66 Magarity, Kevin 50 Maher, Mrs. Julia 21, 22, 211 Mahlstedt, Kiel187 Maicher, Mr. Michael211 Maida, Stephen 58 MalkowskI, NIichael50 Mallon, Brian 66 Malloy,NIichael66

Mallach, Patrick 187 Malone\', Timothy 134 l\lancinelli, Louis 58 Manion, Mr. David 25 Manlapas, Anthony 188,210 Manzi, Michael 66, 126, 128 Marabella, Gabriel 66, 126 Marabella,J onathan 66 Mariello, Anthol1\' 66 Market,Brian 103,188,210 Markmann, Mr. william 22 Marvin, Daniel 66, 86 Martin, Trevor 50 Man'ch, William 50 Mascio, Ryan 94, 96,104,188,209 Masiak,] effre\' 66 Masiak,J onathan 160, 209 Massino, James 66 Mastronardo,Joseph 72, 98,136, 188,209,210 Materese, joshua 58 Mathew, Paul 50 Mattern, Thomas 66, 126, 129, 142 Matthews, David 58 Mattioli,Jose)Jh 66, 120 May, S. Alex JO NIc~\nulty, Michael 50 McAllister, W. Thomas 188,210 McBride, Todd 50 McCabe, Mr. Edward 34 McCabe,Joseph 50 McCaffery, Thomas 66 McCaffrey,Jonathan5,85,188,21O McCann, Andrew 58 McCann, Michael 26, 70,103,104, 189,210 McCann, Terrence 50, 124 McCarron, Alexander 50 McCarthy, Duane 58, 118, 189 McCarthy, Mr. Michael 22 McCardw, l\Iichael66 McCarth'路, Patrick 58 l\IcClO\', Frank 66 McCoft,Ryan 104, 189 McCreight, Robert 66,140 McCullagh,James 50, 139 McCusker, Edward 58, 100 McCullough, William 50 McDade, Shawn 58 McDermott, Brendan 50 McDermott, Ronan 58, 124, 140 McDonald, Daniel 58 McDowell, Garrett 51 McDowell, R,'an 66 McElderry, Paul 189 McElroy, Brian 58 McFadden, George 189 McFadden, Marie 43 McGill, Mr. Brian 35 McGillin, Brian 51 McGinn, Michael 51 McGinn, Patrick 66 McGonigle, Patrick 51 McGovern, Mrs. DIane 37,83 McGowan, Emmett 66, 126, 128 McGrath,Adam98,189 McGurkin, Matthew 51,126 McGurkin, Paul 73, 190,210 McKeown, Patrick 121,190 McLaughlin, Daniel 66, 140 McLaughlin, lan51 McLaughlin, Michael 51 McLaughlin, Mr. Thomas 31, 156 McLoughlin, Kevin 51 McMahon, Sean 58 McMahon, Thomas 51 McManus, Sean 58 McMullin, Christopher 58 McNally, Mrs.Jane41 McNamara, Matthew 98, 104, 190 McNamara, Michael 58, 93, 104 McN amara, Ro bert 51 McNeela,M. Patrick51, 104 McPhillips, Bro. Thomas 22 McShane, Daniel 51 Meinert, Andrew 190, 210 Meko,] r., Mr. ] ohn 22, 23

Meola, Frank 66 JvIerlini, Michael 51 Merrick, Andrew 58, 108 Meves, Matthew 51 Michel, Matthew 142, 145, 190,210 Micucci,] oseph 51 Mielnik, Michael 190 Mikochik,) ames 66 Miller, BlaIse 51 Miller, Brian C. 58 Miller, Brian R. 58 Miller Eric 66 Miller: Bro. Ernest 26,82,85 Jvliller, Mr. Gerald 8, 9, 18,26,208 Miller, Gregon路 66 Miller, Michae!66 Miller, Robert 51 Nliller, Sean 58 Miller, Stephen 51 Miller, Tnomas 191,210 Mills,Jeffre\' 58,150 Mills, Mr. Robert 22 Minni, Michael 51 Moatz, Bradley 191 Moffatt, Michael 51, 133 Molchen, Gregory 136, 191, 210 Molinaro,) onathan 51 Moll, DavId 58 Molush, Mr. Edward 17,35, 100,108 Monaghan, Andrew 66 Monagle, Patrick 51 Mongeau, Marc 58 Montgomery, Lawrence 59 Montgomery, NI1chael59 Moore, Darce1l51 Moore, Shawn 66, 102, 191 Morace,Justin 66, 124 Moran, Mt. Robert 22 Morris, Matthew 59 Mortenson,] effre\' 59 Moss, Nathaniel (;6 Mosser, Steven 66 Mowen', Andrew 59 Muehlbronner, Mr. Wally 136 . Muldoon, Ross 59 Mullen, Mrs. Karen 41 Mullen, Mrs. Man' Ka\' 38, 208,211 ., Muller, Maximillian 51 Muller, Paul 150, 191 Mulligan, Michael 66 Mulrain, Jordan 118, 191 Munn, Chad 98,134,192,210 Murplw, Mrs. Patricia41,211 Murra\:, Brian 66 Murra,', Kevin 59, 100 Naab, Christopher 51 Naab, David 51 Nagy, Kyle 51,104 Nance, John 59 N aticchione, Peter 72, 136, 192 Nedl, Stephen 59 Needham, Trevor 59 Needle, Paul 59 Nero, Mr.]oseph 37, 90 Nespola, wIichael51 Nguven, Anthony 52 Nlcoletti,Mr. Geoffre\' 32 Nicoletti, Michael 52 . Nigon, Philip 66 Nolan, Andrew 52 Noone, Brian 59 Nunnari, P. Michael 59 O'Callaghan, wIichael52 O'Connell, Mrs. Kathleen 39 O'Connell, Ryan 59 O'Connor, Austin 89, 192,210 O'Connor, Matthew 66 O'Connor, Michael 66, 104 O'Connor, Patrick 59 O'Connor, Thomas 73, 142, 144, 192,210 O'Donnell, Dennis 66 O'Donnell,]ames 59 O'Donnell, Matthew J. ('00) 82,

85,192,210 O'Donnell, Matthew J. ('03) 52 O'Donnell, Michael 66 O'Donnell, Rvan 59, 124, 140 O'Hara, NIichael59 Ohman, Devin 52 O'Keefe, Thomas 66, 83 Oldt,Jonathan 59 Oliver, Bro. Benedict 22 Oliver,Jason 52 Olshanskv, Michael 66, 100 O'Neill, Eric 192, 210 O'Neill, Patrick 193 O'Neill, Robert 59, 150 O'Neill, William 52, 148 Onufrak, Michael 52 Onufrak,Nicholas 134, 193,210 O'Pella,Joseph 52 O'Toole, Mr. Michael 34, 209 Overcash,Ryan66, 126, 128 Overholt, Cl;ristopher 66 Owens, Dean 66 Pace, Matthew 52, 104 Palidora, Robert 60 Palilonis, Matthew 60 Palilonis, Timothy 66, 120 Palo, GalT 52 Palopoli,james 60 Panza, Domenic 60, 124 Parfitt, Ryan 67, 116, 145 Parisi, Mr. Joseph 27, 142 Parisi, Michael 193,210 Park,James67,85,148 Parker, Charles 60 Parker, William 67 Parson, Michael 67, 120, 126, 128 Parsons, Brent 67 Patcella, Gregon路60 Patel,Arpit 193,209,210 Paul,J effrey 67 Paul,John 22 Payne, Jonathan 193 PedrottI', Leo 67 Peffall;Michael193 Peffle, Mr. Robert 120 Penzarella, Niccholas 134, 194 Perdigao,James 52 Perer~, Austin 52, 104 Pen', Elias 52 Perzel,John 52 Peterman, David 135, 194,210,211 Pfefferle, Carl 9,52 Phelan, William 72,100,104, 194,209 Philomeno,Justin 73,194,210 Phung, David 52 Pickens,J ames 67 Pigeon, Edward 67 Plick, Thomas 60, 81 Pinkerton, Sean 67 Pohlot, Bruce 52 Poley, John 73,117,118,126, 129,194 Pollock,Ryan60 Polychronakis, Phillipa 67 Ponisciak, Mrs. Dorothv 8, 12,28, 76,209 ~ Ponisciak, Mr. Michael 30, 80 Posen,Jonathan 60,139 Potestio, Christopher 67,87, 124,140 Poupard, Eric 60 Prego,John 194,210 Prem, Timothy 195,209,210 Prz\'bylowski, Nicholas 67 PUrltei, Mr. Alfred 33, 148 Pun tel, Andrew 17,33,93, 101,195 Queroli, Robert 67 Quigg, Matthew 60, 93,101,108 Quinn, Daniel 19 5 Quinn,Mr. Pau131, 142 Radvansky, Christopher 60,100 Radvansky, Mr. Joseph 19,30 Raffa,Jonathan 52 Ragan, Michael 52 Ramos, N1arco 60

Ramos, Michael 19 5 Randazzo, Gioacchino 52 Ransom, Christopher 67 Read, David 67 Reckamp, Todd 195 Reedman, Christopher 53 Reese, Harf\' 67 Reichelt, Tiinothy 60 Reid, Daniel 60 Reif, Adam 60 Reifsnyder,John 60,128,142,145 Reiley, Christopher 134, 195 Reillv, Charles 67 ReiIiy, Leo 81, 148, 196 Rhoads, David 14, 67 Richards, Timothy 60 Rieffel, Kevin 60 Rieck, Bro. James 20, 211 Riley, Sean 60 Riley, Thomas 136, 138, 196 Ritter, Daniel 60, 128 Roche, Mr. James 30,209 Roche, Joseph 53 Rock, Davld 60 Rodden, Rvan 60,124,140 Rogers, Steven 53 Rodziak, Brian 53 Rose, Christopher 53 Rothwell, Gregory 53 Rowe, John 60 Rueter, Brendan 67 Rush, Benjamin 53 Russell, 1'v1r. Robert 28,80,81 Rvan, Andrew 60, 10 1, 104 Sabia, Edward 60 Sacchetta,J ames 53 Sakulich, Aaron 196,209,210 Salemno, Mary 43 Salvitti, Christopher 67 Santamaria, Peter 60 Santora, Brian 53 Sarracino, Robert 86, 196,210 Sasso, Adam 92, 157, 196 Sasso, Mr. William 22 Saunders, Jeffrey 67 Savage, Eric 196 Savage, Kevin 61 Sayer, Mrs. Susan 39 Scali, David 197 Schacklett, Mr. Dean 22 Schacklett, Dean 61 Schaffer, Stephen 61 Schaible, Gregory 67 Schaum,Mrs~Patricia41,211

Schmidt, Robert 197 Schock, Mrs. Pam41 Schuck, Theodore 61 Schwartz, Christopher 53 Scott, Matthew 67 Seese, Sean 61 Seelaus, Michael 67 Semanick,Kevin87, 124, 140, 155, 197,210 Seminack, Mr. Michael 29 ,124 Sen, Justin 53 Sewen'n, Peter 53 Shay,~Raymond 11,42, 100, 104, 106,197,209,210,211 Sheets, Mrs. Mary 38 Shepherd, Brandon 197 Sheridan, 1ames 68 Shields, Nicholas 53, 108 Shivers, Richard 197 Shustack, Ms. Martina 31 Sigmund, Mr. Peter 37,109,208 Silbert, Ian 53 Siwek, Nikodem 53 SImien, David 68, 81 Skupski, Brandon 61, 134 Slabinski,Joseph 68, 146 Smart, William 53 Smith, Mr. Douglas 25, 155 Smith, Graham 68 Smith, Gregory 61 Smith, KeVln 61 Smith, Mrs. Mary Jo 30 Smith, Matthew 61, 100

Smith, Warren 53,104 Smolczvnski, Mary 43 Snyder:Matthew 61 Solari, John 53 Solliday, Brook 53 Solvibile, Mr. Edward 22 Sondhi,Javed 68 Spangler, Mark 61 Spause,Joseph 72, 92, 98, 103,134,198,209,210 Spause, Mrs. Susan 22 Spieker,Joseph 198, 209 Spurlin, W. Erik 53 Stabile, Paul 68, 80 Stanczak, Mr. Martin 3, 21,211 Stanton, Dennis 73, 98, 126,147,198 Staub, Christopher 134,198 Steck, Bro. James 25 Steffa, Michael 68, 120 Sterner, Bro. Rene 21,22, 104,112,211 Sterner, Stephen 198 Stevens, Ryan 136, 138,198 Stieber, Thomas 199 Stillwell, Rvan 68 Stix, Eric -93,96, 199 Streelman, Daniel 61 ,83 Strzalka, John 24,82,83, 85,106,161,199,211 Sucharski, Steven 61 Sudfeld, Karl 199, 210 Sullivan, Robert E. 61, 126, 142,145 Sullivan, Robert]. 199,210 Sulock,Matthew61 Swanson, Mark 68, 124, 140 Sweeney, Mr. Brian 35,104 Talaga, Andrew 61 Tan, Avodale 61, 104 Tate, Mr.James 26, 109, 130 Tatlow, Kevin 53 Teklits, Michael 61 Thomas, Martin 68 Thomas, R\'an 61 Thompson-, Brett 68 Thompson, Henry 68 Thyberg,John 53 Tierne\': Michael 68 Tippett, Michael 53 Toole, Sean 18, 29, 70, 82, 85,87,98,106,199,210,211 Tran,Diep43 Trickel, Matthew 53 Trimboli, Anthony 136, 138,200 Trimboli, Nicholas 53, 139 Tropio, Christopher 53 Troxell, Robert 61,139 Trov, Michael 61 Tucci, David 68 Tuck, Christopher 53 Tucker,J effrey Lee 53 Tuman, Chnstopher 68, 142,145 Turk, Jeremy 200 Turner, Michael 68 Turner, Mr. Thomas 8, 10, 21,211 Tyrrell, James 200 Ukwu, Victor 61, 128 Urbanski, Andrew 61 Urban, Brett 136,200,210 Valentino, John 61 Vandiver, Andrew 61,200 Vassallo,Joseph 108, 118, 140,143,145,154,200,210 Vassallo, Vincent61, 93 Vettori, Mr. Joseph 37,90 Veit,Jonathan 53,104 Violi, Joseph 201, 210 Vinas-Portillo, Angel 68 Viray,Jeremy61,104 Volpe, Louis 61, 139 Von Medicus, Brenden 53

"Mr. Duncheskie ... was that really you high sc Von Medicus, William 1 Vuillermet, Steven 61 Wahl,Matthew 130,201,: Walder, Ryan 61 Wallace,Joseph 68 Walls, Michael 68, 106, 211 Walker, Kevin61, 104 Walsack, Paul 61 Walter,J effrey 68 Walter, Robert 201 Walters,Mr. Vincent 22 Walsh, Paul 53 Ward, Mrs. Florence 23 Warren, Jamin 13, 73, 82, 104,201,209,210 Warren, Justin 53 Waters, Daniel 53 Weinrich, Edward 53 Weiser, Thomas 61, 81 Weller, Patrick 61 Werner, Kevin 53 West!e\路, R\'an 61 Whelan, Christopher 68, 9: Whitaker, Brendan 61, 134 Whitaker, Colin 53 White,John 100,201 White,J onathan 202 Whiteside, Mr. Chris 136 Wiley,Mr.Gary28,81,133 162,209 Wilkin, Terence 61 Wilkins, Michael 53 Williams, David 202 Williams, Patrick 202 Wills, Sean 61,139 Wilson, lohn 61 Wilson, Richard 53 Wilson, Timotlw 53 Winkelman, Brian 61 Winning, Joseph 53 Winters', Anderson 53 Wise, Richard 68 Wiseman, Stephen 68 Wisniewski, Daniel 53 Wisotzkey, Kyle 133,202 Wolpert, Esq., Mr. Scott 10 Yeiter, Alice 43 Yeung, Roger 68 Young, Gavin 68, 108 Young, Mr.John 5, 27, 10C Zaro,John 68 Zettle, Todd 61, 139 Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nanc\' 25 Zollo, Stephen 202: 210 Zoltowski, Andrew 68

0' Neill's Auto Body


The Hope Family

~he Filipczak Family

Row successfully through life, Andrew lay and Nancy Wllson •••always "on the wings of angels!" Karen and Mike Tuman Dr. & Mrs. James Madden

CongJ'atulations lVIll{e and the Class of2000! .. The Loftus Family

Mr. & Mrs.

Ralph J. Reclmmp

Congrafidations to the tobert and Patricia Mills First Class of the New Century! Nexgen Technologies Inc. Much joy! Martin, June, and Mike Cloonan Dr. & Mrs. CongI-atulations Dean Frizlen Bill and Debbie Covolus David R. Streelman .. So proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Drew, Rosemarie Romano Mom-Mom, and Pop-Pop Cheryl and John Rosen

Loretta & Dean Shacklett

To NickD.V.: As always, you make us proud to be your Mom and Dad!

Kevin and Karen Kohler

To the Swim Team Members: Dr. & Mrs. Sam May Best wishes for the Millennium• .. The BryCl's family John & Mary Clare Valentino Frank and Kathy Rock Congratulations! Love, Mom, Robert, Eric, and Lynnsey Jim and Margaret Glavin rvilliam & MaryAnne Martin Set your sights high and soar Mr. Robert & Mr. & Mrs. with the eagles, Eric. Dr. Valerie Hughes Daniel B. Cassidy, Sr. Congratulations! Love, Mom, Robert, Andrew, and Lynnsey The Horgan Famlly

All my blessings, Eric. Ron and Dianne Hoffmann Love, Gram and the Entire Family of Bryn Davis

Ir. & Mrs. Kevin Campbell & Sons

All my blessings, Andrew. Love, Gram

Richard A. Rothwell, Jr. D.D.S. '70

Top Ten Movies The Matrix The Sixth Sense Dumb and Dumber Billy Madison Star Wars Trilogy Goodfellas Happy Gilmore Dazed and Confused Braveheart The Godfather

What Every La Salle Student Needs to Know Don't take physics Prep is cheesy Go to Mrs. Mullen when you have a problem You really don't need calculus College Counseling Center is ONLY for seniors The Pit Don't join the WisterianlForum www.mulletsgalore.com Rod will jack you, so don't step out of line. Rod won't really jack you, so you can go to your car.

Top Ten TV Shows The Simpsons Best Excuses Heard Seinfeld I had to park my car on 309 Friends 1 was helping an old lady take out her garbage. SportsCenter Some underclassman took my parking spot The Drew Carey Show Senioritis Oh, it's an "A" day Fresh Prince of Bel Air The X- Files The chairs in Campus Ministry are too soft That 70's Show Mr. (Neely, Miller, Flood, etc.) assaulted me Ryan Fagan didn't come ... Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Monday Night Raw 1 was in the college counseling center But Sigmund said it would snow Top Ten Books Catcher in the Rye The Great Gatsby Slaughterhouse 5 The Odyssey Of Mice and Men Huckleberry Finn Dante's Inferno Catch 22 Cliffs Notes Third and Indiana Top Ten Bands Metallica Dave Matthews Band Red Hot Chili Peppers Led Zeppelin Billy Joel Phish Bob Marley Pink Floyd Rolling Stones Limp Bizkit

A tired Pete Clark finds the time for a much needed rest during competition. Mr. Dan File winces at the strobe light coming from Senior] ohn Boring's head.

Most Stressful Things About School Honorable Me College process (AIICate~ The Tests Christina AI Homework Brittany, Papers and projects A Classes The Discovery C Waking up early Too many stupid people! Tuesday Night Movie or

Exams SAT's Favorite Senior Week Trip Locations Cancun Ocean City, NJ Sealsle City, NJ Bahamas Florida Hawaii Anywhere Caribbean Islands California Australia

Ten Real I don't know Joe Gi, Nice Girls are: Duke vs. UNC (at The Nortt Cc SOl

Things You Get a Female to Notici

I know Joe Gi( Hey baby, wanna w (I say nothing ... they come up t This is my REAL hair. (A.: Excuse me, do you have thE I lost my phone number; can 1 have I wish I didn't have a girl Don't run away, Hey baby, are you tired, because: been running through my mind 2

tions for the Next Ten Years Things We've Lost Things We've Gained ,trophic earthquake will separate Brother John's Advice Working computers and copiers ::::alifornia from the United States Jon Masiak's Friendship Kairos retreats ltefromcollege Mr. Cimini' s Work Ethic A second Bro. Frank! Those great Japanese candies rried Cafeteria microwaves Scripture according to Pink Floyd win Stanley Cup The emergence of Water Boy Hinckle IrWar The mascot's head Twins Cirelli and Checco :w that, I wouldn't be here Ms. Dugan's Curve More Doughertys than you can count m will catch on Brother Skeletor A graffiti-free gazebo the world St. LaSalle's finger win the Super Bowl Empty parking spaces Most Likely to ... ny first million Fry Guy Become President: Joe Mastronardo Become a Mummer: Joe Spieker LL be in college The Mad Bomber ea father Swim professionally: Jim Logan Ken Flood's "chillear" Peace Neely's fists Get arrested: Andy Filipczak )r cancer discovered Only needing 4 credits to graduate as a senior Become a bouncer: Tim Prem Nin NBA Championship Bernie McCabe's sense of style Live the life of Ned Flanders: Ryan Mascio 's economy will collapse Magazine Drive's personal holiday Live the life of Cosmo Kramer: Aaron Sakulich Gazebo-sitting privileges e millennium will take place Get lots oflaughs: Greg Lepore oman President Last forever in our memories: Greg Phinney e will allow golf shirts vater colonization ill walk on Mars 'in World Series tited States will control Canada ~ will become Football coach e will go co-ed Lip of Microsoft II be found on other planets tional abolition of the death penalty ma legalized in all fifty states 'pulation will cause widespread and cat as tropic collapse of 'ide governments

Senior Face (Page 162) (From Top, Left to Right) Anthony Costantino Andrew Blank Jamin Warren Evan Madden DanKim ArpitPatel Anthony Madonna Joe Gidj unis Joe Spause BenBailey Jim Logan Pete Jenkins Ray Shay Terry Fitzgibbons

Id Least Heard Statements :1t's the point? the computer, Freshman for the "A," Mrs. Ponisciak wayne: I love you velting to Fieldism tst be friends .s should have more control goodness this is an all guy school a Hawklet? ou ... as a Christian 路jtorNot... ~oche is simply a good guesser 3arna is a Navy Seal who served in Desert Storm r Blanco can read your mind }'Toole is a KGB agent who infiltrated the CIA Fagan actually came to school os is advancing :hesnik is not Keanu Reeves ) is the most electrifying hockey goalie in the world :y can buy anything, ANYTHING. Wiley's experiments work, sometimes, well, sorta. Senior Bill Phelan looks on at Dean Frizlen and his Mother. Bouncers of the Cafeteria

Matt "Virus" O'Donnell Nicknames: Jason "Cooter" Ager Eric "Muscles" O'Neill Nick "Onion" Onufrak Gilberto "Chico" Aponte Mike "Pat'cheesy" Parisi Ben "Night-Train" Bailey Arpit "Ghetto Superstar" Patel Kevin "Bakes" Baker Dave "Savage" Peterman Ernie "Da Stump" Barile Justin "Meno" Philomeno Leon "L-Train" Benn John "JP" Prego Andrew "Blankman" Blank Tim "Gerb" Prem Doug "The Bug" Bohardt Steve "Pops" Bolger Aaron "Satchel" Sakulich Rob "Barney" Sarracino Bill "Bones" Bonner Kevin "Rexdog" Semanick Ernie "Bert" Burrell Ray "Ray Shay" Shay Dan "Bear" Bridy Joe "Sauce" Spause Kieran "Fatty" Bryers Kyle "Cyclone/M. Foley" Callahan Bob "Bobby Seger" Sullivan Karl "Herbie" Sudfeld Joe "Sam" Carminati Paul "Paco" Colistra Sean "Bean" Toole Mike "Pinning Machine" Cosgrove Brett "Urbs" Urban Anthony "Tino #2" Costantino Joe "JV Joey" Vassallo Joe ''T-Bone''Violi Chris "Curse" Curci Matt "Brick" Wahl Mike "Deebo" DeCrescio Nick "Elfkin" DellaVecchia Jamin "Jammin' Gold" Warren Steve "Steve-o" Zollo Tom "Dev" Devlin Chris "Meat" Dougherty Craig "Slim; ST" Dougherty Joe "Chet" Dougherty Psst, Brian: The joke's on you. Tom "Devo" Dougherty "Crazy" Joe Dwyer Jim "Durks" Durkin Flashback: Then-freshrnen Jamin Fraklin "Bones" Egan \'Varren and Bill Bonner are Bill "Fegs" Fegley frightened by their surroundings. Kevin "Fitz" Fitzgerald Terry "Fundamentals" Fitzgibbons Ricky "Mex" Felix Dean "SMA" Frizlen Brendan "G Fresh" Gates Joe "Gid, G-Man, Slugger" Gidjunis Kevin "Hardcore" Gimpel Jeff "Goat" Goettner Shea "Skunk" Hagy Mike "Gunner" Harrigan Matt "Gabby" Hartnett Bryan "Harvz" Harvey Pat "Big Dog" Higgins Patrick "P.M." Hildebrandt Brian "Whitey" Horgan Kevin "Sweaty" Hughes Bill "Capitalist FatCat" James Brian "Chicken" Jenkins Pete "Fubu" Jenkins Scott "Caledon" Kelly Steve "Kets" Kettinger Dan "Damn Korean" Kim Chris "Trenton Thunder" Kreigner Greg "Hairy" Lepore Mike "Tus" Loftus Anthony "Tino #1" Madonna Anthony "Won Ton" Manlapas Brian "Market" Market Joe "Rizzo" Mastronardo Jon "McCaff' McCaffrey Tom "TMC" McAllister Mike "Da Deuce" McCann Paul "Gurks" McGurkin Andy "ED" Meinert Matt "Dog" Michel Tom "Milhouse" Miller Greg "Deggs" Molchen Watch out for the wet-willy, Dean ... Chad "Money" Munn Austin "OCD" O'Connor Senior Ernie Barile before the opening kickoff. Tom "TOC" O'Conner

1999 - 2000 Blue & Gold "The Tradition Continues" Co-Editors-in-Chief: Joseph Paul Gidjunis & Matthew Joseph Hartnett stant Editor: Sean Toole )ciate Editors: Darren Grossman and Brian Campo ~x Editor: John Doherty itual Advisor: Anthony Madonna y Editor: Ray Shay ltive Consultant: Terry Fitzgibbons tography Staff: Alex Bethke, Scott K~elly, and Dave Peterman ~ and Gold Staff: John Strzalka, Pete Jenkins, and Anthony Costantino, Bill James, Mike Walls, and Steve Lyons Faculty Moderators: Mrs. Linda Donahue & Mr. William Geiger 1999 - 2000 Blue & Gold would like to express our gratitude to the following: - The entire Class of 2000 (well most) for staying within the lines ... - Bob and Rita Davine of Herff Jones; your toleration and patience is awesome! - DaVor Photography for their "rush" orders and crisp photography. - Mr. Mike Maicher and Bro. James Rieck for all the great shots! Thanks for hookin' us up! - Mr. Jerry Evans and the Ghost of Mr. Shawn "Neels" Neely for all the advice, support, and sheer insults that keep us in line, the calming aura of peace, and getting us through those long days. - Mrs. Julie Maher for her editorial advice and review. - Mr. Martin Stanczck, Mr. Tom Turner, and Mrs. Patricia Schaum for putting names of anonylT'.ouS students with a picture. (As well as letting us slide in a minute or two late.) - Mrs. Karen Mullen, Mrs. Patty Murphy, and Mrs. Ann Ford, for the lists, labels, schedules, phon ~ messages, postage, and packaging. We could not have done it without you. - Brother Rene Sterner, Mr. David Diehl, and Dr. Joseph D'Angelo, for their support and trust during the production process. - The Coaches and Moderators of La Salle sports and activities for accomodating the staff with information, photographs, and guidance. - Brother Gerald Frendreis and Mr. Mark Gibbons, for payin' da bills and showin' us da money. - Most importantly, the PARENTS of the staff1 Without your guidance and advice, the book would never have gotten printed. We love you! find a problem) have a question) or concern regarding the yearbook) please contact the fllloJ1Jing: SCAPEGOAT: The enigmatic Joseph Paul Gidjunis


"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget


and ask for truth, and he will find both." - Anonym<





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