2002 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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215- 233- 2911 lVlVlV. ~chs.org

Exylorers Oil the Rise providil(g the MeallS to Exylm clearil(g the Patl, dWtil(g New Territories Exyloril(g Every Al(gle Navigatioll


he 2001-2002 school year at La Salle began with a bright outlook for the future. Then, unexpectedly and abruptly, our school and the world came to a halt on September 11, 2001. However, the La Salle community was not going to surrender its mountain-high hopes for the upcoming school year. Moving on but never forgetting, the students, faculty, and administration worked on sculpting themselves and the La Salle community into everything that it is today. New Heights were reached by various facets of the entity that is La Salle. A record-setting number of students arrived ready to embark on completing their La Sallian education. Along with this unprecedented number of students came the construction of a new wing. The purpose of the struClure was to better facilitate the endeavors of the school's musicians, athletes, and weight trainers by allowing them to have more space and a new, better-equipped environment. Moreover, renovations were made on La Salle's outdated science labs. New floors, lab tables, and sinks were installed as well as the latest teaching technology- SMART Boards. These SMART Boards created a virtual sketchpad for the teachers to use with the Internet and new computer programs to take their students to new educational heights. The old, crowded labs were transformed into an enticing learning atmosphere, complete with airconditioning. Also, in the area of athletics, our long路tlme athletic director, Mr. Joseph Parisi, stepped down from his duties. We welcomed our new A.D., Mr. Anthony Resch, to carry on La Salle's excellent athletic tradition. Finally, the 2001-2002 Student Council inspired La Salle's student body to "Go the Distance" when participating in our numerous


curricular activities. The Student Council acted as a catalyst for shaping La Salle's students Into multi-faceted, mature, and spiritual young men. Encouragement from faculty', administration, and counselors allowed the proud students of La Salle to Explore New Heights. 2

A La Salle player lunges fOward the end ::one in Global Bowl II. The early stages ofCOllstruction the new wing, which houses rooms for bond, wrestling and weight training.


Chris Dougherty tries his own experiment: drinking the unknown chemicals.

Seniors Mark Spangler Gnd Palll Needle try to inspire somE llnderclass spirit Mr. C busts out some ja:zy riffs on the clarinet.


s a community and school, laSalle has always been known for its excellence in almost every area, especially in the many sports and lctivities offered. In sports like lacrosse, golf,

National Merit Finalists, while t 5 other exemplary seniors were named National Merit Commended

Students. This class also boasted 82 seniors Inducted into the De laSalle Chapter of the National Honor ;wimming, and tennis, laSalle is consistently seen as Society. Students are able to meet the challeges set I powerhouse in the Catholic League by winning forth by difficult classes and teachers because of :hampionships almost every year. Other activities, our willingness to learn and explore our interests.

..ch as Forum and Band, enhance laSalle's reputaThe student body is filled with enthusiasm, :ion, making it a school that offers endless posslbili- talent, and humor. At any given moment an explo:ies to its students. The Student Council's theme of sion of spirit can be heard at pep rallies and sporting 'Going the Distance" also truly reflects the attitude events, but at the same time students know when to

)f the people found within LaSalle's walls. get down to business and work hard. This ability to Academically, this year's class of 2002 con- differentiate is something that makes the class of :inues the tradition of excellence. Explorers Brendan 2002, in particularly, exceptional. :ooney, Andrew John, TImothy Flynn, Patrick -Chris Blaney <ires, John Haggerty, and Thomas Pllck were named Dave Mouhews tries to sculpt himselfa new girlfriend.

Trip Haenn defies the rules ofmanhood as he keeps the hack alive.


Ms. Dan File: "YOIl are the Weakest Link. Goodbye. ..

Chris Ott/o, an aspiring LOllis Armstrong, excepr for afell' minor derails.


Pat McCusker se{lrches for an old late slip. These juniors /rave 10 pay allention 10 Mr. Assaf


n the midst of a long school year, everyone needs the occasional break [0 get away from calculus formulas and Mrs. Ponisdak's rigid regime,a release from our everyday schedule of getting up, going to school, learning for what seems like an etemiry, and competing in our various spons. We need to relax and be with our friends to get our minds off the daify grind. Many Explorers find refuge in the ufeteria, library, study commons, or the senior hang out in the Campus Ministry Center chlllin' with the star of The

Hatrix. 路The cafeteria Is more than iust a place to eat. h's also an asylum for those who get booted out of the library for whispering at too high a decibel level. However, there Is also a degree of trouble making that can go on in the Ileal. II There is the random projectile from the senior tables to the freshmen ubles or the str~ggllng tray that never made lu way to the good people behind the designated tr~y counter. There is ~Iways the ouUtretched leg waiting to uke a victim in yet ~nother tripping. However, these are ~II opponunities for us to escape from our schoolwork and enioy the freedom which is presented to us. In the parking lot, many upperclassmen have invented their own games In order to deal with the extended suspension

of volleyball. Games, such as tray ball and stickball have been substituted but can never replace the laSalle tradldon in the Pit. Haclcy Sack has uken a step forwud since appearing In the much beloved NES classic, "Califomia Games." How~ ever, those "hacklng It" up In the parking lot must ~Iw~ys remember to keep an eye out for Rod in his patrol ar so they do not lose a limb. When seniors and juniors do not feeling like putting up with the noise In the cafeteria or the strenuous physical activity of tray ball, they sit around the supposedly real fire place with their friends in the library, hoping that nobody will hear them talking. Their attempts to cram for the next period's English test are futile when they have the compan~ ionship of their closest friends. They figure studying is wonh putting off in favor of some friendly banter. However, Explorers ue not confined to these structured, although comfortable, environments. Explorers roam all over the school during the day whether it be outside the Ubrary fighting for the lone chair or outdoors in the gnebo looking In on Brother Ken's religion class. We do not always appreciate the freedoms that students in other schools do not have. However, these freedoms help us to grow In respon~ slbility as we "Explore New Heights." ~ Chris Radvansky

Brian Hopkins Iistells to some tunes while waiting for his ride. Carmen Conicelli, Mall Doerflein, Anthony LaGreca. Mall Quigg and Dan Fa=io avoid the inevitability of being kicked oW ofthe IibrOlY路 John Reifsnyder {lcts cOllfused when asked about copying Bob Careless' homework. Drew Mowery kicks back in the compwer lab.

Dan Reid: "Maybe I should have studied/or the midterm a little earlier than this, " Tom 0 'Donnell is mesmeri::.ed by the technology ofdigital cameras,


Kevin Savage 10 Pat Collins: 'Dude, is it supposed to look like this?" Scott CumpSlOne can't hold back his excitement much longer,






A row<{v La Salle foOl ball crew led by Jack Lyons Mafl Milenski dreams ofwinning 'he Nobel Pri::e

in /11legrored Science 12

La Salle students disco\'er a second photographer on the grassy knoll.


Drew Babin and Mike Kelley emertain foreign guests.

Dino Dedic climbs a rock wall..


The Moscow Patriots take on La Salle; Justin Benincasa explores the World Wide Web; Kevin Rieffel with the Explorer.

Brother Kenneth cook, ..


. ... -



lIOO TO 1.000


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--._-_._._-_., -- ----



_. _ _


"Go, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name ot the Father and ot the Son and ot the Hol~ Spirit."

(Matthew 28,19) _ With these words Chnst'Just before his Ascension into Heaven, commissIoned his apostles to carr~ out HIs work. . ort~-thrc3ear5 ago, thI51cgac.~was passed on to Kenneth Cook a5 he consecrated himself in the De La .:Jalle Chnsban lrother-s. I oda~J E>rothcr Ken lslabonng to make diSCiples of hiS students on a campus where man!:J sometimes 9ucsbon e,rfaith. Seclngto the 5plntual welfare ot5uc.h a unl9uC campus communrt!:J defimtel!J SUits someone WIth E>rotherKen'5 ,Icnts. As a teac.herof Chnstlan Idcntlt!) and 5acred5c.npture, he ~5 hiS students explore man'y r:: aspects of their faith, while also vingthcmabctterundcrstandmg of who the~ are. Despite hiS :aching responsibilities, our dedicatedteacheralwa~shndshme Jtofhlsda~toslt,talk,anddlscuss an~ problems or situations that -e important to an~ student. In fact,ltseemsthathemakesapolnt

~ know,".'5 the name ot ever~

1963-1970: 'WestCatfioficJfi(1fi

Jmbers close to about 1 100

On Aprol II, 19H, Read,n,g, Fenns~lva",a. As a

~athenne of Siena elementar!:J

: hos .'5rade sehool edueatoon at ,moved to Fh,ladclph,a. He then ~atholic, but once again moved, -aduated tcom Central Cathol'e

studentatLaSalle.Thatlost now names!


1970-1971: LaSa{[eJfilJfi 1971-1972:}l.rcfi6isfiopCarro{[JfilJfi 1972-1973:Trinity Jr fi

~oun.'5 eh,ld he attended Sa,"t

1973-1978:}l.rcIi6isfiopCarro{[JiiiJ fi 1978-1980: 'West CatfioficJ{igfi

Most E>lessed Sacrament when spent hos tceshman ~ear at West


1986-<Present: La Saffe Co([ege Jfigh


school. However, herecelVedmost

thlshme back to Readingwhere he

H'.'5h ,n 1957. After h'.'5h sehool,


)rother Ken travelled to Mar:Jland where he entered the Chnshan 5rothers' Novlhate. or one ~earhepnvatel~pr~~ed ld reRected upon hIS deCISIon to enter the Chnshan 5rothers Communlt~. DeCIding to answer his callIng, 5rother Ken ltered theScholastlcate In E.lkms ark, A. Upon completing his degree at La Salle College, E:>rother Ken set out to >Ilow In the footsteps of Saint John E:>aptist de La Salle. Now, man~ ~earslater, E:>iOther 15 shll servmg the La 5aIJIan )mmunit~ through hiS teaching and spiritual guidance, thus fulfillIng the mandate of Chnst and HIS disciple, Saint John )aptist de la Salle.

r r

RooLe teacher Brother K.enneth Coo/.;; With a


man homeroom, nght, at We~t Catho/,e In the t;O~


Mr. Frederick Assaf


Bro. Rene Sterner, FSC

Principal English 3

Key Concepts of Christianity, Forensics

Mr. Michael O'Toole

Mr. Martin Stanczak

Vice President English 4

Dean 0IS/udellts


Mr. Thomas Turner

Mrs. Julia Maher

Assista1l1 Dean a/Students, DirectorojTrallsportatiou World History

Assistant Principalfor Student Affairs Chemistry, Student Council

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo

Bro. Gerard Frendreis, FSC

Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs English 2


Bro. James Reick, FSC

Mr. Anthony Resch

DirectorofAdmiss;OIIS Morality

Atlll'lic Dmctor English 1


Buck Row: Julia Maher, Br, Andrew Bmt!t'.\', Hr. CntmJ Fr('IIdrd~'. Or, Hritm Henderson, Dr. Joseph D'Angelo. Michael McCarthy. Sr. Mat/hew Anita MOlDmrald. 8r. Thomas McPhillips. Dr. Willim" Markman. Middle Row: Hobert /l1l/h, 8elllwIlin Vl'Illreu:a, Dr, Robert ulSkowski, Jtll/lt'S Basilt', Edll'llrd Allil/son, Viflce/ll Walter.,., 81'. Timothl Froehlic/r, Charles Dlfillellv)'. Dean Shacklell. Edll'ar(/ SoMbilt'. Fronl RO\l: Joll" MeJ.o, Michael O'T(1{}le, John Lehrmm, Robert MQrl.IIl, FrederkJ. Assaf, Hr, Relll! Siemer, Hr. Kel'III Dalm(lSSt', Stephen Dugall, Donlla Bart)'II.tki, AI Gabriele



Mr. John Meko

Mr. Christopher Carabello


Directoro!Alumni Affairs

Bro. Kevin Strong, FSC

Mrs. Cathy Winning

Mrs. Constance Gill

Moderator. Men alIA Salle

Secretary to tile Vice President


,. ~

! J.

Mrs. Jane Kelly-Evans

Mrs. Patricia Dever

Mrs. Florence Ward

AlIwlIli Office

De11eJopmen t Office

Developmen t Office

Mrs. Virginia Mintzer

Mr. Mark Gibbons

Secretary to tile President

Assistmlt Comptroller Crew Coach




Mr. Dennis Bloh

Mr. Joseph Dempsey

E/lglisl,2,4 Drama, Swimming

Chair, English 1,3 Basketball Coach, TV Studio

Mr. Francis Johnson

Mrs. Elizabeth Field

English 4, Moralily, P"lilic Speaki/lg Cross Country Coach

English 1, 3 Yearbook, Anmesty International

Mr. William Shakespeare

Mr. Gerald Hartey

E/lglish 1,2,3,4 Drama, Poetry

English 2, 4 lntramurals, Soccer Coach

Mr. Edward Molush AP Ellg/ish. 2. 4

Mock Trial

Mr. Brian Sweeney

Mr. Daniel File

AP Ellglish 3, 4 Wisterian, Academic Decathlon

Ellglish J, 3 Wisterian

Mr. Christopher Holwick

Miss Ellen Halczenko

Ellg/ish J.3 Crew

Ellgli<ll Tutorial

Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak Chemistry ational Honor Society Moderator

Mr. Thomas Barna

Mr. Robert Russell

Chair, Chemistry, Integrated Sciellce LSC. Junior Class Moderator

Physics, Computer Science, Progrnmming

Mathletes, Computer Robotics, Academic DecaU,]or

Mr. Charles Cirelli

Mr. James Fyke

Chemistry, Morality Basketball Moderator, Lacrosse Coach

1I1tegrnted Sciellce, Environmental Science

I I ,



I ', •


1'1 i


Mr. Daniel Cipolla Pl1Ys;cs

ltalian Club, Science Club

Mr. Terrence Gillespie

Mr. Gerald Evans


Biologtj Mock Trial, Anime Club

Freshman Class Moderator


Mr. Stephen Duncheski

Mr. David Crowe

Integrated Science, Envirolll1lental Science Swim Coach

Anatomy mzd Physiology Athletic Trainer

Mr. Joseph Colistra Economics, American HistonJ Football Coach

Mr. Joseph Parisi

Mr. James Tate

World History, P'ycllOlogy Baseball Coach

Western Civilizatiol', World History

Swim Coach, Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure Club

Bro. Michael Kimble

Dr. Kevin Stanton

American History, Catholic Identity

Americall History History Club

i· ..-,. ... i"·• ,,HI-I ....



~6"i '6".







Mr. Gerald Miller AmenCall History, Political Science, Vietnam Swim Moderator

Mr. David Diehl

Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald

Economics Director of Financial Aid

Americall History, Westem Civilization

Basketball Coach

Mr. John Young

Mr. William Donohoe

Western Civilization, AP European History

Western Civilization Football Coach


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Mrs. Mary Jo Smith

Mr. James Roche

Algebra, CnfcIlJll~, Geometry Drama

Algebra, Calcllills

~ Mr. Michael Ponisciak


_ ........, ,._, _'....-_

..._, .. '. ",_'-,


Mr. Joseph Falcone

Algebra, Cnlclllus, Statistics

Algebra, Geometry, Math Allalysis


Baseball Coach, Wrestling Moderalor


Ms. Tina Shustack

Mr. Joseph Radvansky

Algebra, Geometry, Mal" Analysis Band Moderator

Algebra, Calculus, Math Analysis, Geometry Freshman Football Coach

, Mr. Charles Gesing

Mrs. Theresa Garvin

Algebra, Geometry Soccer Coach, Track and Field

Algebra, GeometnJ

Mrs, Stephanie Jeitner Geometry, Algebra, Mati, Allalysis Tennis Coach, SADD






. ......... .. , . .

.. Mrs. Linda Donahue '

Spanish, Italian, French Yearbook

Mr. Gabriel Blanco

Mr. George Hohenleitner


Gemtatl, Scripture German Club, Respect Life, J.V. Tennis

Senior Class Moderator

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch

Bro. James Steck

Spanish Spanish Dub

Lacrosse Moderator



".' ''';';'~~'':'';

Bro. Charles Lackes Spallislr

Mr. William McBride

Mr. David Manion

GemUlIl, Spanish

Frencll, Spallisl1

Mrs. Lastenia Breen-Lopez

Mrs. Frances Jacob Diccicco


Spalli<h Spanish Club


Bro. Kenneth Cooke, FSC Catllolic Identity, Scripture

1 Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti World Religions, SCriptll" Football Moderator


,. "

f~ Mr. William Leahy Catholic Identity, Business Lacrosse Coach



..... •

Mr. Douglas Demeter

Fr. Anthony Janton

Catllolic Identity, Scriptllre Cross Country Coach


.. /


, Mr. Mark Chesnik

Ms. Donna Long

C/lristian Actiml


Mr. Lewis Clark

Mrs. Rita Delaurentis


Library Assistrmt

Mrs. Megan Demeter Inclusive Educator

Mr. jason Michael Chorus

Mr. joseph Ciccimaro Department Chair, Music


Mr. joseph Nero Instrumental Instruction, Percussion

. .... .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .

.. Ms. Valentine April

Mr. Michael Kennedy


InstrumclltallllstructiOll, Guitar

Mr. Joseph Vettori Music


Competition Band

·· .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ··· ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. . ·· .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. · . .. . . . . . . .. ·· .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .

Mrs. Barbara Miller Ceramics, Seu Iture Art CllIb

·· .. .. .. . Mr. Dan Muller JnstrlllllentaJ IIIS/rlle/ioll, Snxnpllone

·· ... . . . . . . .. .. ., .. . . .. -. .. .. .. .. .. . .· ·... ·· ..... . · .... ·.. .. · . .. . . . . . ··.. · . ..... . . .... . · . .... . · .... ·· .. · . . . . · . . .· ...



... · . · .... ·· .. . . .. ·.. ·' ·..·.

Mr. Rocco Bene

Mr. Richard Genovese

Instrumental Instruction, Trumpet

Instrumentallnstruction, Trombone, Tuba

Mr. Peter Sigmund

Bro. Mang Minh Trann, FS<

Computer Science, Director ofTechnology Crew

Computer Science

Mr. Paul Quinn Computer Sciellce, Mathematics

Mrs. Gerri Light Compu ler Science 3i1

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro

Mr. Frank Lichtner

School Nurse



Swim Coach

Mrs. Jane McNally Nurse

Mr. Walter Muehlbronner Physical Education Assistant Admissions Director Ice Hockey Coach

Mrs. Pam Schock Nurse

路 ., . Bro. William DiPasquale English 3 Senior/Ju"ior Counselor

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen Senior/Junior Counselor

Mr. Patrick Devine Sophomore Class Counselor, Christian Lifestyles Cross-Countnj nlld Track Conell

Mr. John Keenan Freshman Class Counsetor, Catholic Identity Soccer Moderator

Mrs. Marie Baer Montgomery County Intermediate Unit

Mr. Martin Jackson Psychology Counselor, Langlmge Specialist

Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell College Counseling

Mr. Michael Dolan Psychology Depnrtmel/1 CJlQir

Mrs. Susan Sayer College Counseling

Mrs. Mary Sheets MontgomeryCounty J"tenllediate Unit


Mrs. Patricia Schaum

Mrs. Ann Ford

Mrs. Suzanne Schapira

Secretary. At/elldallce Office

Secretary. Mnill Office

Secretary. Mnill Office


Mrs. Susan Spause

Mrs. Barbara Wisotzskl!);

Sclrool Stare

School Store

Mr. Rodney Brader Campus Sealrity

La Salle's school store

~ ~

Mr. Joseph Gallo

Mr. Mark Angiolillo

Mr. Larry King

Director of Food Sen1ices

Oirector ofMai"leflallCe


Mr. Frank Ignas

Mr. AI Loscalzo

Mr. Mike Donavan




Mr. John Pax Mai"lenance

Mr. f1ama: "If one of 10U

Gall-her. on fire, ..ave 10u~ 'c.au~e thi" ito 3\1 mm.....

Thue freflhman t.hou1d get a be.ating for wearing tin that


No matte.r 'flhat the. e.ve.nt ~other :ramer. i" a\'fla16 rr.ad1 'fIith hit. camera.


1& thi& lL_.:.:c"":'_-1


l.irt\li and

991 . . it' it.





$LratGh or pi'~? You duidl it

SI,• • 1. cttMMrt,


CUiIINIItf I. "frill

.tea••11. ••,....


. A

II" D. Dlclt.rul


Old 10U Mar tM Itt'

La'b;a\I. It nhl admltttng (,ttl grW

[lnff S. 111.11

.... IlPnt.



,.... '1'1••

..'mrl ....

StlPhln I. Klink

JISIPh C. Licon

Andrew II. LIgnlr

, Plul lle

J.hll L McC,"


SI.n T. McClAin

Andr•• ll.aAd'.'l

Itklloll$ L lallll

Jlm,llI, II. Marcln'k

Olnlell. M.relllni

JOllph L M.rtln

Mlchl.1 J. ItCOW


Gerull J. McUIII,

1"ln p, Icllee

Michael f. Meliee

Sllnl. MCSlldrltll

JIlin 1. MeSe.8n

.Inbe. J. IcGO.ln

I"ot, t. lellll

IIU.,I •.• cIIIlA'~

lalin 1. Mtlban.

CllrlSiopher 'erdl,a,

Thomas I. Mt'"


ChristoPber II. lehr

,1 Douglas Ill. 'bal.n

Andraw 'allacll

IUcboln I. 'uccl

Scan I. IIlnweller

'eter T. lIeclgnl


SIM'. Ill"

..... 1. . . . .


IHr.. '.1KlI

••IUI. . ' . . . . . . . .

ItIlIl StJtft

IfcUeI I. StMClIti


hUtc. J. StItIIft

"" .


s:z b ••nllt...

GO the Distance ,

laSalie '05


11M. ~ t:.ound\ Iniflltlon oa~ too bad tm... w. c:.an째t tNd. ... LI.

II" C.ltUlut

h.r.. t ......

.....l . . .1WI

Sl"". c


h'r.... l.sJ••r1e

1I•• t. 1.IHlt


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l.lli•• S.••IIIY -......... III


. . . tllttll1

Jas.... litH

IOIlPh 1. •• str8ngel.

Cllftsl.....r I .•e••••



11111.1. IcCI"k"

Inll P.•c.m....

',1I1t1 .. IClin"

.Ic.... 1 IkCII••

SUI f. lie,,",

lldaHl S. IkCnII



I. lrill ••..,

JIISdI L 1?l11i

hllII W. lakin

...... ,-

St..... I. IsttlCl!.l

Ils,.1I L hili•••

.... f.PdrIttJ

Jut.1I T. PlI. .


)i l!'

•. , W.1tIIIl

(J) II••••••, SI..' .....'

a1elllll a hUml

I ...n t SltStIII

D.ugln I. Tn'"

bell." Tnt.,

J.... TraIl"



'i>ophomor. E<l' c..\YItlI dribbiGO down tho flold. TIl<

\..a~II. ~nd

p\a-p a."1 at tho foolball gam•.


~ ~

geto In tht final ...tIl pro""," !>ofor. la<lng tht ...tIl of Mr. I<o<bo.

... MIc:Il.,1 a. f,IIIIIII"

St.... L ••rrtp.





John Ill. lornfelnd

J,n", Ill. lozenle.slll

JusUeI. Ir,nslll

ISlllb Cb,1 loch


wnl and ~m Flnoro:"l\ob ml, amlgoor

lren'ln C. McDermon

IH Po MctaIlPIlI

C.rrln S. IcDow,n

Inti f.1IclMtIIdII


.......... ........


,. lJ



0 ~~I




Inli Po .....

IIsllR l '.rl,.



...... f. PrtIct

J.IIllaI L ••n.


Jlseph 1.lecb'

St.Vil W.lodgl"

Clrlll .Idrlguez Cllmenll

Jlnlthl. Schrllder

JUIUn" Sen

Peter SI.lfln

IUchell1 I. Shleldl

11••d.1I Siwe.


Wlrnn C. SmlUl

.roe." Sollldl'

(rl. Spurlin

levin I. llUe.

J.b" I. Tb,ber.

Mltthew LTrlckl.

Chrlll.p"er L TroDlo

ChriltoDher J. lUc.

lerrr., .11 Tue."

leRltIIl, M. Veil

hul I. Will.

Dlnlel J. Wallra

(IIwIrd I. Welnrle.

Dar"" Moore. bttore. tlnnll pra,tlu.-MMM...that, a good wnd\lll,h." &rian Chmidh''ti giVH a DIU laugh to one. of Mr. Gtning J0I'M.






•. r

1I1t1l.11I P. Wells

.evl.. P. WilIer

Cilin I. WhhJlllr

Iklll.1 WllllIns

IlIeUN f. WlISI..

nllllll, D. WIIsIIfI

JI"lh f. Wlllllnl

al..lel I. Wmlewslll

Ilclllll S. Wllldrldgi

l.hri.tian ~\IlI,

the "on" button.

,ho\ll' Ma... l..ourtne1 and Dan Gipotla \Ilhld! i.

Birdmal1 spreads his wiugs.

Brendan Whitaker: "JlIst eat it, punk."


Row, row, row your boat gelltly down tile Sciluylkill.

Sean Seese: "Time to go home there, ball!"

Reigllillg Catholic Leagu MVP Jo1m Reifsllyder; that's all we have to say about tllat.


In the month of Auquflt, ",hile motif people ... ert 6tiU at thr. bUGh or on v3c.ation. 'fie. La '521\\" foott:.:aU tum began p'rac.'iu. In hot and humid ",,,ather. the p\a1r.rt> roughr.d it ou1 (luring the fir6' few wul::f1 of praLtiu. "fin a ""uK of '",o-a-da1 praLtiu6, the. £:"p\oren tooK on their firfl' obfltade.. a urimmage again!.' 'Penn6bur'j'. 11u (:"plorerfl trite! 'htir befit but they f1ti\r nUdtd improvement. Aftt.r the. urimmag". the. £y.plortNl tranle.d to l.amp Canade.n6ifl for flve day'. The. c..amp provide.d tht. £y.p\ortr6 'flith an opportunity not only to lurn ho'\ll to pial be-tter {ootbaU, but 21\&0 to form rt,lationfthiptt ",ith ont ana her. c.amp C-anadtnflifl 211M providtd the. E:"p\orr.rft \IIith a gnat ph"lfM..a\ ... o~ut ",hi,h c:.onfloiflte.d of the fo\\o\lling: four prac.tiGu a day. four quarttn at night. and c.ompetitiv~ var$iti $(.rimma9~$ ~nT'1 dai. Whi\~ at Gamp. th~ unior$ nominated ~rian Noon~ and ~an Mi\I~r a$ th~ c.aptain$ for th~ 2.001 footbal\ uat.an. e.., th~ time. th~ £Jop\oreNo \eft Gamp. thei ~ere a totaUi diff~re.nt te.am than at the arrival. lMi b'f l'\ud c.oaGh :rouph c.olistra. the. £Jop\or~r$ ~e-re. prepared to tate on ant opponent that ~as ~i\\ing to st~p onto the. ume- fi~\d afI the-i. p,gain$t 'P\1mouth White-maNoh. ttie £Jop\ore.r$ Game. baGt from a 1 - POlOt d~fiGit ~ith \e$$ then .... 0 minute$ \~ft in the- fourth quarttr. Du~ to lightning the- £Jop\ort.rs had to utt'~ for a 1-1 tie.. Throughout the. uat.an. GoaGh l:.oli$tra stated th~ on\1 rut.anab\~ thinq to ast from th~ t~am 'flas imp'rove-me-nt; and if La 4f>aUe did ani1hing. the.i did improve a qoo(1 d~al aft~r ~ve-I""f game-. In the- \ul two game-6 of the "at.an,1he £Jop\or~r$ $GOred a total of (,1 pOints. The- e-nd of th~ se-aftOn brought the 'fearli muting of the\ugu~ c.oaGhn. at whiGh the GoaGhn ruoqniud thot.e- p\a1ertlo who deurved to be a~arde.d Nl-l:.atholiG 'Honors. iht. £Joplort.rs re-Geivinq NI~c.atholiG Honon wtre: 1st 'ham N\-l:.atho\iG: (Le, Tt':) £<l "abia, (DL) Mi•• ".11.;, (Dt':) C.hri. ["alball;, and (1') e.rian Donoho~, The- 2nd rum N{~c.atholiG indude-d (OL) Timoth; FI;nn, (f2.e» -o.an Milln, and (De» Dan Wat.... Honorable M,e-ntion&: (OL) Drew &abin. (DE.) Mite G.raham, and (De» C.hri. Wldl.,. Nthough he f.Joplore-r& lo&t both of the-ir post- $e-af>on 93me-s a~in&t l.ardinal O'Hara and ~t. :rOe-'6 'Pre-p, the &euon ...a$ an unforge-ttable- e-Jopie-rie-nu for e-ve-I"'f.p\aie-r on tht. £Jop\or~ e.r&' ~uad. f!Unninq the drudedjin91etlo after praGtiG~. \i&teninq to A6616tant l:.oaGh 1'aul I'ubaGh te.11109 the plaie.rs to get into fhe. ...e.ightroom. and atte-ndinq thou d~\iGlou$ pasta dinners ~ere a\1 memorin that ...i\\ \a$t a Iff~tim~. The" ...e.re. the- last m~mori~5 for somt. and th~ firflt for oth~r$, but thue win never b~ another tum lite the 2.001 £Joplorerfl Footbal\ Tt.am. Offensive linemen Drew I)abin (751), I)rendon f,leck. ('2), and Mike Teklits (,6) shut down the opposing defense


I)ob alidora (91) end the rest of La Salle's defense demonstrate wh'y the,Y're a powerhouse in the Catholic League. Offensive Coordi"ater joh" H'yma" stresses the impo tence to Ru" Da I)an i" Da [)O"'. All-Catholic linebaclc.cr E.d Sabia shows his phtlsical strength as he ma"handles the opponent.


Mik.e Kel1e9 (92) dogs up the running lane, giving the opposing running back. nowhere to go. Manager john Valentino oversees the water distribution ,ervices during. the game. Head Coach joseph Colistra shows signs of approval after La Salle's Offense runs in a touchdown

Faul NeedLe (69) plows through the ottensive line and into the backField. Timoth.!j Richards (n) poses for his water commercial. )\nthon~ ~assaro


tries to Finish up some math homework during the game. Tim F1'ynn (, 7) does his job b'y clearing the running 1anes

La Salle Explorers

Top Row,orew Babin, Timothy Richards, Bruce Pohlo!. Ken Ford. Dan Azeff, 5th Row Bnan Donohoe, Doug InterTanle, Joe Cosella BIl! Loughery, KeVin Abbott, Joe Winning, Brlan Noone, Mike Graham, Dan Rittef. Mike Kelley, Ed Sabia, Sean McDade, Tim Flynn, Bob Pa!ldofa 4th Row' Mike Clavarelll, Anthony Cardella, Timothy Craig, Frank Jom, Joseph Candelars, John Barrett, Robert Szost; Dan Waten;, Robert Brassell, Chris ladley,D J. Cunningham. Jon Van Eekelen John TralOer, George Cerwinski, Neil Gnffis 3rd Row Bill McCloskey, Jeff Mills, Sean Miller, Mike McLaughlin, COlin Whitaker, Dave Caglia, KevIn Magamy. Brad K. Paul Needle. Kevin Md..oughlln. Jim Clar1c., Jim Finore, Todd McBride, Dan Ford, Chris MUlholland, Matt Malloy 2nd Row: Dan DeCastro, Tom Lopi!, Myles MlIIef, Pat Riley, Chris McDade, Sean Agnew, Drew MedWtd, Ed Graha" Mike Tecklils, Mike Rockwood, Brandon Black, Anthony Bonanni, Chns Galbal'y John Komfeind, Matt Jacobson, Anthony Massaro. Max MullineaWl 1st Row Kevin Donohoe, Sean Adams. Brian Hogan, Pat Gannon, Mike Driscoll.Tony Liberatore Lee Tucker, Rory Heenan, Dan Golden, Brendan Heck, Pat McCarthy. Jason Brezmcky, Matt Madden, Anthony Modo Chris Garzone, Matt McGur1dn

111. iI..., {"Iob.1 ~0,,1. "hloh loo~ pia.. dUling


ofuoo. m.~ tho beginning of. gr..' ..Ialion.hlp bo"'..n tho Mo..." 1'.,rlo'••neI tho L:a Nil. t.plor..... lIorin9 f.r tho ..me .U...... tho ....boo .dded c"lob.1 ~."II I.lt1. f••tb.1I ..hodul.. of tho La Nil. t.plor.....nd tho M...." 1'.,Ii.,. f.r th.UOI .....n. All of tho pr.p.r.'I.n. ".r. m.d. for "oI..ming tho lZ<J..I.n•. c,,1.b.1 ~."I 11 promioed I. bo .von bollo. m.n tho pr.vi.u.


1I.".vo.. lr.QO<\1"ruo~ on ~pl.mbor II. UOI. T.rr.Ii.,••ll..~ lb. "'. bUilding. of tho me. .nd tho 1'.nl'gon. Tho 1'.nl.g.n ..If.red el3mago••nd tho '0"......IIaPOod. Wlftl f••r of .noth.r .ll..~. gov.rnmenl offta.l••hul d."n .irport••nd performed Ii'l..r.u f."l ~••n '\11 foreign.... vi.llIng tho Unl,ed'i>l., 111. muoh .nliap.led c"lOb.1 ~."I 11 "ao'" 1••l:Ing v•..., pr.ml.· Ing. 111....oh nd .ffia.I. dwded th., tho game .h.uld .1111 I.~ pia N • lim. of rlng ArMrioan p.'Ii.II.m. tho t.pl.r.... lo.~ on tho M " 1'.,Ii.,•. ~.foro tho ~me •• f." .f tho lZ<J••I.n pla-f h.d I..... In their ..,.. "hon 11.'onln'l.1o tho Am.rloan N.,i.nal Anthom. Tho 'l3m. "•• h.rd f.ughl .n b.th .Id.. of tho iloIe\, but tho La '!>all. t'pl.r... d.f••,ed tho M...." 1'.,liol. ~ U 'polnl•. Aft.r tho gam•• tho I••m. ~thored In La Nil•• oaIOI.rI. I. I.I~ • 11111. m.r••nd..., iln.1 g.odl>j... Aft.r tho du.' " ••red off tho iI.le\, .v•...,on••'lil>fi"d their me.l••nd ".nl h.m•. 111. llnal mem.rI.. of thl. 1"'" c"Iob.1 ~.", promloed 1o bo .'r.ngor th.n '\11 .th.... booau.. dUring' lim••f Inl.maIional ..nftl" .nd I.I~ .f W.rld W.r Ill, .thl.,.. of "'• ..unlrl" "h. uoed I. bo .n.ml.. f.una frI.nd.hlp on on• ..mm.n piau. tho footb.1I iI.ld.


Scan Miller (7) and f)rian DOl"lohoe (1 1) evade the iron grips o~ the Rus,sian Defenders.

La Salle OffCMC prepares to run the infamous • Annexation of rucrto Rico·

The La Salle Defense buckles down against the Ruuian.s, attacking their opponents eyer~ chance pos-



The Explorers entered the 2001 soccer season as the defending PCl Champions. The players' expectations were hopeful for recapturing the title and winning another championship. The team's eleven seniors, four juniors, and sev, sophomores were led by senior captains, Rob Sullivan and Sean Fedyna. Other significant contributors on the team included Jason Breznicky (midfield), Dan Reid and Butch Curra (outside midfielders), Mati Kelly (sweeper), an. Kevin Moll (defender). La Salle's offensive thrust was headed by sophomores Mike Glaccun and Mike Whelan at the forward positions and senior Kevin Savage in the offensive midfield. However, La Salle was attacked by the injury bug; the promising senior Dave Moll was plague by ankle and thigh injuries and former starter John Reifsnyder was unable to playa single gam as a result of an injured leg. The team had a strong start to their seaso with a win against Pennsbury and a tie against a nationally ranked Cumberland Valley at the EPYSA Classic. After a shaky start in the Cathc lie league, La Salle rebounded to finish in third place with a record of 8·6 in league play. This placed the team against Archbishop Ryan in the quarterfinal match-up. Mati Kelly and Dan Reid each scored a goal in the first half of the game, but the score at halftime was tied at 2-2. Two fifteen-minute overtime periods followed a scor. less second half. In the first overtime, Butch Curran took a low-driven shot, which resulted h a Ryan defender blatantly batting the ball away wich his hands. Mike Glaccum converted the penalty shot, and La Salle defended hard to ensure victory. In the semifinals, the team displayed great effort and heart, but the Prep converted an early penalty shot and later scored wil fIVe minutes left to defeat the Explorers 2-0. Although the soccer season ended in some disappointment, every member of that team will remember the summer training sessIons, after

school practices, the hard-fought games, joking with Jeff Stever and Mr. Peffle, the pasta dinners, and the thrill of having participated In the Catholic league playoffs.

Above: Borja Tenacio of Spain enjoyed playing school-sponsored soccer in the U. s. Top left: Mike Whelan eludes defender



Butch Curran channels the ball down the left flank. Danny Reid uses his

quickness to get by defenders.

lY Breznicky looks to row the ball downfield.

Mike Glaccum, above right, enjoys faking out the slowerdefenders. Goalie Brian Miller gives the ball a ride to midfield.

Sean Fedyna challenges the keeper for a headball inside the eighteen.

Mike Bocchino pushes the ball through the midfield. Above left, Matt Kelly takes a free kick from midfield. Above right, Kevin Savage rips a shot from the eighteen.

Forwards fear the warriorlike defender Rob Sullivan.




2001 Varsity: Top row: Coaches Bob Peffle and Jeff Stevers, Kevin Feeley, Greg Giagnacova, Mike Whalen, Rob Sullivan, Dave Moll, Jay Breznicky, Sean Fedyna, Kevin Moll, Malt Kelly, and Jim Slover. Kneeling: Chris Glover, John Creed, Dan Rei, Kevin Savage, Steven Curran, Mike Bocchino, Matt Derrick, Eric Calvilti, Borja Tenacio, Kevin Miller, and Mike Glaccum. Goalies: Hector Romero, Brian Miller.

Senior Dave Moll. Kevin Moll, far left, is living proof that white men can jump.

Dave Moll, Jim Slover, Mike Glaccum, Sean Fedyna, Andrew Connor, and John Reifsnyder are on the DL fortheAlientown exhibition game.

Above left Matt Derrick tries to slot the ball past the keeper.

'01Junior Varsity: Coaches Mr. Gerald Hartey and Mr. Charles Gesing. Top row: andt Barsby, Jim Sacchetta, Phil Greiner, Rob Levins, Brendan McDermott, Shane 3dden, Andrew Connor Matt Meves, Brendan Heron. Kneeling: Jim Harkins, Matt Donnell, Bill Smart, Mike Kuch, Ryan Dempsey, Brian Chmielewski, Louis Esposito, "is Greaves, and Joe Palatano. Goalies: Fred Baker, Steve Gabryelski. I



p.<tation. ran high a. tho 2001 (.rO$& (.ountt"1 t.e.aftOI

got und.r "a1 during tho h, oumm.r month. of ;ful1 and Augu. Undtr head c..oa,h 'Patric.~ Devine an 36flifttantft Fran J"ohn&on and Dou D.m.ter. L.a';all. "a..bl. to bring bal uvera\ of itt. top runntrfl from \41' 1".' t.am. With uptain I..der.hip <oming from ••nio" Dom Van... \1.1an O·Donnell. and Tim ferri. ("ho .., ..rntd fi"t T.am NI-l:.atholi< Hono,,). anti<ipation for a rtturn of 'h. C.athoU< uagu. titl. ran through thi. £.plor. team.

Throughout the n.9u\ar &ta50n at ~t\mont 11ateau, thift c.roftt. GOuntr'i ttam \Ill3ft able to a,hityt a rtc.ord of '31 2. Man~ non-league., 'ftt prtfttigiOU&. mutf» too~ p\ac.e. during ~pttmbtr and Odober. in 'fthic:.h La~a1\t 3,hitve gr..t twrt•. Th... a«ompli.hm.nt. indudtd fl"t pla<. at 'h. ';al••ianum and ';tat. Vrtp Invitational•. third pial at the Manhattan and f.a&tern ~tattlio lnvitationa\. and £i...th p\ac.e at the. 6.nattr Arne-riLa" (.rofts c.ount'l Ft6tiv2 a North c.aro\ina tvtnt featuring tnm& from aU ove-r the. c..ount"". Thif. varftit'f team 'l'lou\d not have bun c.omp\tl without ftignifiunt htlp from f>tnior runnefS 1Z-onan MLDtrmot1. eorian Mc.£\ro'f. and £ri£. Franz., along \IIit ""phomor.. ;fo. ftdoro"i<~ and Vat O·N.il\. Ho".ver. tho moot important da1 of tho toa""n too~ pla<. on Nov.mber II "h.n L.a';all. fa<td off "ith d.f.ndin £.hamp& Lardina\ O'Hara f>e.e.ting ve.nge.an£.e. for laf>t 'fnr'f> f>e.£.Ond pla£.e. fini&h. lAoing into thif> raGe., the. varf>it'f te.al fe.\t a miy.ture. of am,ie.t'f and £.Onfide.nu be.£.3uf>e. the. \IIU\:. be.fore., at the. Northe.rn Divif>ion GhampiOnf>hipt>, &iy. runne.r flni.htd under n minut... a rt<ord for our .<hool. N.v.rth.I.... thi. "a. not L.a';allo. da1; 'h. t.am flni.htd thir b.hind O'Hara and ';t. ;foo. Vrtp. Our top runner•. although not .atiofitd. gave .v."!thing th'1 had and .houl be. £.Omme.nde.d for the.ir outf>tanding \IIort throughout the. vigorOUf> f>e.af>on. In the. othe.r £.hampiOnf>hip ra£.e.f>, bot the. 'J"unior Vanit'f and Fruhman te.amf> \IIe.re. able. to re.pnt the.ir fint 'Pla£.e. fini&he.& from \a&t 'fe.ar a& both f>Ophomor Ghrif> l4>&f> and fre.f>hman ~an Mc.6.inle.'f \IIe.re. able. to \IIin the.ir re.&pe.£.tive. ra£.e.&. The. te.am re.Ge.ivw gre.at Gontribution from junior runner. Dav. C.h..n'l and \1.1an C.ampb.1I along "ith .ophomort harrier 1'=11. !todd.n. -C.hri. e>la

Tnr. Var&it1 '5quad of '1001: (from \r.ft) iim Fr.mr.. \Z.1an O'Ponnf.U. Pom 'Panz.a. 'Pat O'Nr.ilt \Z.(man MGDr.rmott. c:.hrit ¥.ott. 1'1\r. ¥-oddr.n, &rian MGf.1ro1. :rOf. fe4oro\lliGz.. f.riG Franz..

Pom 'Panz.a 1r.adt tr.ammatr.~ ¥-onan MGPr.rmott and 'Pat O·Nr.i\! ju~t aftr.r thr.1

,limbe<! tho lIagpo"


for thf. 6UOnd. morr. painful timr..

Mr. Devine np\ain6:c..u'f6. it'6 not that hard...\eft. then right." e.e\o'fl: 'Tho6e rough 6ummer 'flOrkout6; ~an O'DonneU 6POt6 the c.amera 'flhi\e 'eading La'ba\\e to viGt0J"'f at e.elmont.

Fre$hmen never 'earn. You gU'f6 'tIere $upp0ud to rau around the c.ouru, not to the pretu\6!

In Ihe2oo1 -2002 basketball season, the E.plorerswere led 10 success by head coach Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald. La Salle staned offthe pre-season by playingagai nst some ofthe toughest competitors in the area. Although the leamdid not win manyof

their preseason games (ofLhe 11 preseason games. the Explorers won only three), they came to understand how Coach Filz wanted the team roplay. La Salle played well lethe final buzzer in every one ofthese games. The highl ight ofthe preseason caine when !.he Explorers won the Ray Craven Memorial Classical the Boardwalk Basketball Classic in Wildwood, New Jersey over Christmasbreak. Theregularseason began with lough losses to Dougherty

and to a scrappy Archbishop Ryan team. Havingexperienced enough deCeat, the Explorers went on towin their next four league games in fromofcapacitycrowds in LaSalle'sgym. La Salle then experienced a setback to longtime rival, FatherJudge. In this game, the Explorers experienced a much greater loss. Senior Rob "Sully" Sullivan broke his left wrist. The loss ofRob, the team 's leading scorer and best all-around player, was a great disadvantage. Along with "Sully.路'seniorSean Fedynacaptained the team. Juniors Chris"I'm Lost" Reedman,John Creed. Matt "LittleGiant"McGurkin, Doug Kelly, Will Furey, and Sean Flynn also comributed theirtalents. The La Salle basketball program looks forward toa bright future through theplayof sophomores Kevin Moll, Ryan "Mute" Kirk, FrankJorfi, Kevin Miller, and Colin Fitzgerald, Throughout theirseason, theLeam worked hard to continue in the great La Salle basketball program tradition.

- Sean Fedyna

Far Left: Chris Reedmafl and Sean Fedyl1a keep all eye 01/ DOl/gllerty's offel/sive threat.

Left: Semi Fedyna fries to filld all opell teammate.

:hris Reedmall, #23, "TIlis :myball./Ilall!" Salle's belle" gives their ~mlllates some i1/spirati011


DOl/g Kelly, #44, rises for n mid-rallge j limper.

JLlIlior Matt MeGurkil1 drives to the basket.

Doug Kelly willS tile jump ball. Rob Sullivall, for right, forces a player to pass illstead ofsl.oot Kevin Moll threatens the defenderwitll nIT elbow.

Will Furey, right, with the strollg put back.

2001-2002 Varsity:(left to right) Bottom Raw: Frank

jorft, Kevill Milter, Ryall Kirk, Chris Reedmart, John creed, Matt McGurk;",


Kevill Molt. Top Row:

Coaches Joe Meade and Bernie Fitzgerald, Will 'Furey, Sean Fedylta, Rob Sullivan, Doug Kelly, Sean

flY/in, and Coach Greg Greertberg Not pictured: CoJin Fitzgerald.

Ryan Kirk gets down and

dirty for tile loose bolt.

!001-2002 jUllior Varsity: (left to rigiJI) Bottom Row: joe Mastrallgelo, Mike Stall tall, AlltilollY \lfassaro, Darcell Moore, Matt McGurkiu, 101m Creed, and Briall Hogan. Top Row: Coach Bill )otJohoe, Manager Andrew Deguml, Kevin llz/eill, Terrell Bell, Nick Brechbill, Frank Jorfi, Nick 51mttllck, Kevin Miller, Sean Flynn, Ryan Kirk, Rich DeGirolamo, mid Coach Kevill Sto"t01l.


ith high hopes to win the Catholic League Championship, the La Salle Explorers set out on November 15, 2001 to achieve all the goals they set lor themselves. With the coaching 01 Mike "Braz" Brazicewski and Anthony Penzarella,the Explorers expected good things. Led by Captains Brendan Whitaker, Trevor Needham, Mike Kelley, and Brandon Black, the Explorers strived to make their team a dominant force in the area by making sure the team was subjected to the most grueling wrestling conditions during practice. For example, thewrestlers started practice during daylight at 3:00 p.m., but when they leftat6:30 p.m. darkness was all around. Running four or five miles, drilling moves for an hour, and wrestling matches were considered the normal practice lor the Explorers. Theyleltprepared togo against any team and come out victorious. Although the Explorers wrestled hard, they still came upshortagainsttheirfirstopponent, Haverford. This experience motivated the wrestlers to work even harder. The practices became more intense, and the wrestlers became more conditioned. By the time olthe first Catholic League match, the Explorers were a completeiy different team. They thumped the Cardinal Dougherty team, winning twelve out 01 a possible thirteen matches. During the Christmas Holiday, the Explorers remained strong by coming to practice every day and by wrestling in tournaments over the weekends. This conditioning paid its reward when, afterthe New Year, the Explorers trampled overthe Roman Catholic Cahillites, posting a score 0178-0. It was the first time in history that a La Salle wrestling team ran the board, getting pins in every single match. The Explorers' success continued, posting wins against Central Bucks East, Conwell-Egan, Archbishop Wood, and St. Joseph's Prep. -Brandon Black

Brm/dOlt Blnck attempts to tum Itis opponent for some muc Ilceded poi/Its and tile victory.

The lOo/tder/ul coaching staff ofMike Brazicewski and AlltlIOny Penzarella eonell ti,e Explorers to another win.

Pete Seweryn maintains control Dlhis 0ppollenf.

Tim Coone'lj squeezes the life out a/lIis OppOrlCllt and picks. ti,e six.

Bre"dan Whitaker wanus up before another big matcll. Mike Kelley uses his quickness fa mal/euver around Egan's lteavy-

weig"t. Chris McMlIllill figilts 10 pill I"e opposillg wrestler's shoulders fa the mat. The Explorers having a team prayer


righl before I"e molel,.

lust now notidng the opposing wrestler is not wearing any deodorant, lohn Barret quickly ftllishes his shot. "\IV1lere Am I?" John Valentino wonders. Confusing real wrestlers with the II\I\IVF, Mike Merlini attempts to make his opponent tap out.

In the first round of the playoffs, the Explorers faced the North Catholic Falcons, the same team that had defeated la Salle in the Championship the previous year. Determined not to be beaten by this team again, and witl key victories from Tim Cooney and Chris McMullin, the Explorers defeated the Falcons and entered the Championship. With large crowds on both sides of the gym, the la Salle Explorers took on the Archbishop Wood Vikings for the 2002 PCl Championship. Everyone who stepped onto the mat that day displayed the characteristics of a chaIT pion, but only one team could take away the plaque. The entire match was a back-and-forth battle, but the Vikings pulled away with a win: la Salle 30, Archbishop Wood 31. The Explorers refused to let this get them down for the PCl Individual Tournament. Eight wrestlers received All-Catholic honors. Placing first in the tournament and receiv路 ing First Team All-Catholic honors were Seniors Brendan Whitaker, Trevor Needham, and Brandon Black. Getting second at the tournament and receiving Second Team Honors were Juniors Mike Merlini and John Barret. Placing third and receiving Third Team AII- Catholic were sophomores Greg Tuefel and Tim Cooney. Placing fourth at the tournament and receiving Honorable Mention was Senior Chris McMullin. These wrestlers, along with the rest of thE team, helped boost La Salle to a Second Place Team Finish in the tournament. This Explorers' wrestling team brought much success to the school and themselves this year. The Explorers would not have been able to do any ofthis without the help of Coach Braz and Coach Anthony. This year the corner stone of the team was its seniors, Chris McMullin, Brendan Whitaker, John Valentino, Brandon Black, Dave Matthews, Trevor Needham, and Mike Kelley. Juniors Jim Sacchetta, Pete Seweryn, Mike Merlini, Joe Casella, an, John Barret also contributed greatly. The underclassmen contributed as well. Sophomores Greg Tuefel and Tim Cooney did more for the team then just fill holes in the line-up. They both posted numerous team points to help the Explorers along the way. Andrew Cotlov and Ed Valentino even made the Varsity line-up as freshmen. Being a freshman wrestling against juniors and seniors is not an easy thing to do, but these two freshmen wrestlers made it look easy,both posting over a .500 record. Despite differences of age and wrestling backgrounds, these wrestlers had one thing in common, their love for their sport. The 2002 la Salle Explorers wrestlers showed the passion they felt for the sport everytime they walked out onto the mat. -Brandon Black-

2002 La Salle Wrestling

:Left-Right) Standing: Brandon Skupski. Andre\\ COllov. :lete Seweryn. Chris McMullm. Dave Matthews, Phil Jreiner. Max Counney. Coach Michael Brazicewski John 3arret. Greg Tuefel, Mike Merlini, Jim Sachena, John Valentino,Ed Valentino Kneeling: Brandon Black, Trevor Needham, Mike Kelley, 3rendan Whitaker

T reva, Needham sticks his opponen f hi fron t ofa packed crowd.

Greg Tuefel awaits a1criotlslyfor his opponent to finish stretchi"g. Brendall 1IV11ilaker locks up the devastating Tuerel/a. Jim Sacchetta slares ;,,10 the opponellf's eyes as he records the pm.

Mani ~ords c.an be used to de-uribe this 'tear's La$all. 1« HO<~.i t.am: dtdi<at.d, pa••ionat., and profic.ie-ot. I have fleen our ftam de£c.ribed as a ta\tnttd group

1ou09 men \Ilho e-njoi the. game.. HO'ftever. I have a difftrtn out1oo~ on the Varsiti' ftam this 'tear. I ,annot teU 'fou th diffjc.u\t'f of tt"fiog to £um up stven months of hard \Olor\( 3' enthusia£m into one. remarK The 'IIord that c..an Lapture th flUUt-flt> and growth of the l.3~a\\t" s ho,"t'f team is heart. Our team lost man'f important p\a'ftrs and tltniors

from la.t i.ar'. t.am. With tho 10•• of th... ~.i plai.'" somt £.ritic.s be.\ieved thi£ 'ftar 'flou\d be a £t3&On of rebui\ iog instead of c.ontinued £uu.us. With the £upport of top .<or." Matt l.<>f1u., l.<>u Volp., and i4>b Tro••lI, and tho leadership of dtfe-n£tman Tom Ftrril.\::., tht La~ant Var5it~ ttam provtd tho£t prtdil.tion£ to bt fa\£t. Our tum "Ila£ rt\ativt\'f intl-ptritnl.t4 and 'foung; but "Ilith tht dtttrmina tion 1o .u«••d and .u.lI.nt I.ad."hip bi t:.oa<h Walli Muth\bronntr, "Ilt \IItrt ab\t to pro£ptr and 6ho\ll £a5ttrn 'Ptnn£'f\vania that La~aUt hOl.\::.ti ",as strong and dtttrmin 1llt nudtu6 of our ttam ",a& not a £ing\t p\a'ftr; it ",as an auumu\ation of tightttn dtvottd p\a'ftr£ \IIith tht l.ommon goal to .u«ud.


I ¥lou\d \i\::.t to givt &ptl.ia\ rtLOgnition to aU of thif 'ftar'&Mniorfl ",ho ht\ptd out 'foungtr p\aitrfl maturt and iOl:.pirtd u£ to bt\itvt that \IIith heart and ambition. grtat thing. will happ.n l -Dtrt\::' J, C-a\ista-

1don't care how many times we have to nm it, we will perfect the flying" V".

PSSt ...50


were we the X's or the O's?

TIlis La Salle player emerges

amongst aflurry ofsticks. Nobody is foolill' Alex May.

11.. refdrops the puck after yet another La Salle goal. Mike Ragan leaves his oppol1ent in the.... ice shavings.

"~: .. lOB ~J :",,'1



' '1

" i .11..

. "."., fir'IBEl '8 1,,1'··.· ..

pu 0


,.. 'L.l·.:I

VarsityAAA Front Row: JOII PCJSeII, Todd Zettle, Lou Volpe (C), JoIlII DeCree, Rob Troxell, Jot PaSSIlnnnte,

Steve Bielecki, Matt Palmer Back Row: Coach Haggerty, Mike McAIIUlty, Andrew Brady, Tom Ft!rrick(C),

Andrew Bartynski, Matt Loftus (C), Derek Calista, Jot Roche, Jolin Staffi, a,ns WnW", Carl Olejniczak. Conell MuelJ1bromleT Missing: Coaches Lipski and Quinn


It helps to have n slillky for n

spme. Mike Ragan outskates his opponerzt.

Varsity AA Front Row: Mike Ciccagliollc, Scml Shapiro, Seall Leuitl, Alex May, Tim Loftus, Jim Periligao, Mark D'AI/gelo, Mark Bielecki Second Row: Coach Ful/ill, loeMacArtllllr, Andrew Dauphinee, Matt ROlllflgallo, Palll Kopicki,

Cesnre Allgeloni, James Kesilmrlll, Mike Ragan, Cooclt Haggerty Third Row: Kevin Heroll, David Achey, JOIl Keppol, Chris Perdigao, Tom Hartman, Joe Micucci

Players rejoice after scorillg a goal. Just like f1Je Power Rangers,

Explorers unite to form Due massive cen lenn{/IJ.

"Eat glass!!"

Opposite Pa~ Tile Varsity Bowl<

it's true.. the. phantom La ~aUe. bo~\in9 team, about 'flhom wt he-ar flO muc.h. data e:y.i£t! {..oming bal.\{ from an up~"in9 r;th p\ac.t finish \a&1 1tar. the team mtrn ~ bertl. ante. again under the direc.tion of {..o3Gh ~te.yt FaunGt, rtfined their ""i\\s with p\a1off viLtorit5 in mind for the' 01-

Y tfl.

'02. .ea.on. With high 'pirit., the ttam progr....d and ..pandtd, boaMing over >0 bo~Ier •. Old ~egler. Mi~e Moffett (0)), Dave Hea1n (0)), and Mi~e Fit.immon.(02.), 3\009 'flith tht new additions of freshmen Mattht'fl Wertz. and J"tffre1 cAt-mi. did their best to ma\{e this1tar their most


Aiding in the push for p\a1off viGtorits ....tre seniors '5teve VuiUe.rmtt. Mi\{t Montgomtr-t. 'J"tr!"'f Amo\t. and Mi\{e MtMahon. And let's not forget varsit1 and :rv juniof£ "5te.ve I'<>dger., Mi~e Fitzpatri<~, Tim Wil.on, and Mi~e Goarafalo, ~ho aloo put forth their be.t effort•. Though the fir.' fe~

....t-e."s of lngue p\a1 \titre a hte-ra\ roner waster ride, the. ttam bo~Md on, steadi\1 shaping up to be a c.ompe.titive. mat<h for an1 opponent «hool, a. long a. the pla1ero got

the.ir mu,h nude.d doughnut$, wffu, and trip to '5t,ve.n· £\e.ven before evtf"f mat,h. - Timoth1 Wil.on

Senior Steve Vuillermet displays hlcredibleform while tryi out for the La Salle ballet, errr... J meml bowlillg, tea Freshman JeffGemi hurls the ball with expert accurac Senior Mike Montgomery sneak attacks the pi! Tllis Pa;

A rare occasion: Mike Moffett smiles wllile bowlif

Mike Fitzsimmons: zOIled in or zoned at. JI/Ilior Dave Heayn tries willing the pins over so he doesi !lave to actually throw the bl

La Salle's Bowling Team Standing: Jef! Gemi, Chris


DIll/ne, Seall McMaholl, Ryan McCanll, Kevin Gardner, Steve Vuillermef, Mike Moffett, Jerry Amole, Ryan Filzpa/ick, AI/gelo

Garofalo, Mike Fitzsimmons, Coach Steve Faunce Klleefillg: Mike Garofalo, Scott Ramuei/er, Dave Heayll,

Mattlu!lv Wertz, Steve Rodgers, Chris Rose, Mike McMullen, !f/~"'.-.J

/0111I Giaimo, Mike Montgomery Sittillg: John-Michael Staub, Kory Dickerson, Kevi" Maggitti, BreI/dan Shane, Chris Carvallto, Robert Roberts



he1 are the fe•. the proud. the .et. The1 are La '5aUt'& first-dau &.... im ftam. The1 arrive at La '53\\e. to prac.tic.t before man1 of us Yla~t up.

6ho....ing a great amount of dedic.ation to their sport. 1\

total of 23 students (I 'beniors. 2 Juniors.



morts. and 4 Freshmtn). 3& \frleU as divers. Dan Wood and Dan Mar£.O\ina art the. hard-';rlor\(ing ath\e.tef:l 1IIho wrnpriM. the ttam. "'5wim against team& ...ho c.an be-at 'Iou, thars ho.... 10U get better: This philosoph1 has served the team .ell

6int.t 11&1 ¥ihen the. team \Olon itfl first of an unprec.tae-nted numbtr of l.On6tc.utivt 'PC.L C.hampionships. Itead C-oa<h Mr. Fran~ U<htner alon9 .ith assistants Mr. De-noil) e-\oh, Mr. tames Tatt, and Mr.

'5te.ven Dun,htfl\(ie. give. this team the dire-ttion the" netd to ~eep up their hi9h level of <am petition. As <aptains. flt-oiars Ian l.are'l. :fason Fi&her. and ~tvin IZ-itffe\ provide the underGla5smen ....ith gfeat \eaderf:ohip. With 9U16 \ii't tht&t wor\(ing as a ttam. 10U \(no'lf that no matttr 'lfhat happtnf> in the tOurf>e of the $eason, the1 "Ili11 dive into the situation head -first, foc-used and <ammitled. -:T.1'. uub-

Left: Jason Fisher does fhe breaststroke.

Top: Chris feffers:"Oh./o< there's a penny doum at t bottom. It is so mine Above: Jail Carey:"Oh JlOpe they get my good sid£

La Salle swill/mers gather for a team prayer. Kevil/ Rieffel does the btl tterfly Iike lIi5 life depe1lds all it ...which it


Brian Neary lunges off tile block.

71,e vertical pool is tire hardest to swim in.

Mike Nunnari conveniently

posesfor the camera in midSWHU.

At, anxious Tim Fen

awaits the start




ro •• -c.ount"i

.nd. and tho n••1 .tag. b'gin•. for tho ••1.<1 f.", ",ho are dediGat.d to Ih. La 'ilall. runnin9 9am•• Indoor Tr"~ i. the middl.

f)t·af,On. At firflt, it f,e.e.m~ hard to be.lie.ve.. tio~e.ve.r, the.re. a,tua\\1 ifl a tra,~ fte.a~on that runft from the. e.nd of Nove.mbe.r until Fe.brual"'f. 1Z-unne.rt., thro~e.rf., and jumper. train to ",mpot. in mool. h.ld in 10GaI ",1I.g.. ouLh a. tlav.rford and Uhigh. Oft.n referred I af. insane, the.u athle.tu e.ndure. the. uld in orde.r to ftta1 in fthape. aod re.maio fttrong u>mpe.titors in the. c.atholiL I.agu.. fout it do.on't .top there for ••nioro 1Z-1an O'Donoe.\\, Tim Fe.rrie.. F-4nan M,De.rmott. and f,Ophomore. C.hrift ~ft5, 'orfho u>mbine.d to form an oul.tanding 4.1lO0 rela1 t03m that ",a. ran~.d in tho top flve of tho .tat•. The. fathe.r of running. Mr, 'Patri'~ De.vine.. \e.d hi. t03m to a 3" piaL< fini.h in the C.atholiL uagu•. 6ut e.ve.n at the. u>n"u~ion of thift fte.afton. the. runne.r'ft life. g0e.f. on buaU5e. Outdoor Tra'~ if. on the. hori~on. -1'-1an \'.odd.n-

UWlmtever you do, don drop this batou, mau

Mike Alollso does his best impressioll ojSuperMml du ring lIis landing oftile long jUlllp.

Dave Rock springs his pole vault to a whole new meal1iI1g ofheigllt. Pat Kirts about to make lIis move as he tUniS the comer and comes down tile 1I0me stretdl.

Bruce Polllot: 71,e Beast of tile East. Briall McElroy spots tile camera all tile last lap afllis 3000 meter race.


6pring rol\6 around and the. ~un ~taY6 out \onge.r. the.re. i6 only one. thing on the. mind6 of an ttite. group of athle.tt6 at '5al\e. l.o\Ie.ge. High '5Ghoo\: bue.bal\. In the. '2.002. 6e.aftOn La $ant had an amning group of athlete6 ta):'jng the. fie.ld. in"uding many re.turning Al\ - t:atho\iG6 and the. Go - M'If of the. Ie.ague.. l'ohn ~if~nyde.r. The. te.am 'Wu ltd b'f the. al\ - ):.no'W\tdge.able. "'Pa." Mr. J"ouph 'Pari6i. '"'pOI" be.litvw that. buauu. of it6 a\l- around athle.tiGi~m and de.pth. thl6 te.am had the ability and Ghemi~try to be a major 拢aGtor in the. wtholiG Lc.ague. 'P\ayoff~. To undeNttand ~hy thi~ te.am had 6uGh potentia\. one. mu"t 100):. at the. individual p\ay-


l'ohn ~iff.ynder ~u the. hurt and &Ou\ of the. tum. not only buauu of hi~ amning abitil1 to hit and fie.td a bauba\1. but a\&O buauu of hi~ rw hair and hi~ Ie.ader~hip ~):.i1\~. The.u f',fo qualitin UJuid not be. re.pti~te.d b'f anyone. e.lu on the. te.am buauu. UGh ptNtOn rupu.te.d hi~ re.d hair and hi~ ability to ma):.t othtr6 fu\ ti):.t thty ~e.rt a part of &Omtthing ~pu.jal. l'ohn at&O had tht ability to milo hard ~or):. ~ith laughttr. a dudly UJmbination on tht baubal1 fitld, "i~ UJl\e.agut~ in"udtd tht unttr fit\der ~tt '"'po~dtr" eoe.ard. ~ho ttnaGiOu6ty hunttd do~n tverything hit to him and got hl6 niG):.namt for hi6 tutpliona' tan. Anothtr gifttd ath\ttt \0136 third路yur v.. r~it'f c.atGhtr, Cohri6 "I Hit Myu\f J"tfftr6. Cohri~ \oIU ~ithout a doubt tht bt6t dtftn6ivt c.atGhtr in tht lugut. Nt.,.,Mar):. "DOG" D'Angtio had tht )<路拢3Gtor. "t mi6sw a day or t'frlO btGau6t of the rurrangtmtnt6 to hi6 faGt. but no'frl ht 100):.6 gre.at! Tht t'frlO 6eGond ba6tmtn. Lou "~rttGh" ManGint\Ii and Anthony "L..G1." LaGlrtc.:a 'frIere both nGtllent and 60und bueball pla1tr~ 'frIho he\ptd the. te.am out tre.mendou~\y. Their off-the.-fie.\djob6 in"uded eating c.:andy and giving out niG):.namu. Thtrt 'frI36 al&O a quie.t 6enior third ba6eman by the name of 'Pau\ Newle. "e. brought a 6trong bat to the. line.up, 36 did GOn6i6te.nt fin,t ba~e.man Cohri6 Ladle.y. 'Ne ~n't forget lude.r and unbe.lie.vable athlete. \Z.ob $ul1ivan. Although he. 'Wu unable to 6hare. in the. '2.001 6e.aftOn buau6e. of a bro):.e.n 'frIri6t. he "'36 a\",ay6 the.re. for 6Upport and adviu.

ThtU bue.ball playe.r6 'Were a group of ):'id~ that \ovw the 9"me. and 'Were. ~i1\ing to go the. e..,.tra di6tanu for one anothe.r. We. ",e.re a tight\y ):.nit group of frie.nd6 'Who made memorie.6 for ourulve~ for the re~t of our \ive.~_ We. found our6tlve." and our true. ~pirit 016 a group b'f haVing a blind faith in one anothe.r and the te.am. We ",e.re only able. to do thi" buauu. of the hard 'Wor):. and de.dj~tjon that "'Pa" and the. rut of the. GOaGhing ~taff put in ye.ar after 'fear. I ",ould U):.e. to than):. the. 6tnior~ for the friend~hjpt and memorie.~ that I 'Wi1\ trea6ure. for the rut of m'f life. -'Pau\ Nr.e.dle-

"lfyou build it, they will come."

Reiftakes offSully's hat to expose his "untight" fade,


Paul Needle aims up Iris tlrrow to knock out his prey. 100

rle only

"Bazooka joe" Falcolle (say that 10 fillies fast)


time Scott Beard can hit...at practice. \

All yea, 1alii gOll1l0 need two largecokes, three burgers, and huo medillmfries. Wait, is it too earlyfor flap jacks?

Chris Jeffers takes out his aggression 0/1 the ball.



111e 2001 PCL ludividual C!lamp Seau Seese.

rom tho .and. of M1rtl. e>.a<h to tho fair",a1' a Whit.ma..h Vall'1 Uluntf1 C.lub. tho La ~all. &0 Te.am if> an intimidating and impru5ive. oppone.n for all ",ho <hoo•• to a<<opt tho <hall.ng" Th••quad boa.t••i' C.atholi< L03gu. C.hampionohip. in a ro",. an tho 2-001 1'C.L individual <hampion. ~an ~..... 1\I0n' "'ith ~••• ar' fiv. pla1'" ",ith 1\11- C.atholi< hono.. to their name: senior tee-vin Frost. juniors Mal- MuUe-f. E 1'''1. and C.hri. 14.dman. and .ophomor. &oarr.1t e>a.aI1ga. Mr. Mart1 ;ra<~.on. Mr. Dave Di.hl. and "j Doe.tor" us 6ur"-t lead the team 35 it flU,," their seven 1'C.L till. in a. man11"". ",hi<h "'ill undoubt.dl1 .0lifid1 th.ir pla<o a. on. of tho gr.at d1na.ti•• in La ~all. hi.torl La.t 1.ar'. ntraordinaf1 r«ord of 2.',inc.\uding vic.torie5 against tough non ~ league. opponent and a .trong t03m from &O..at e>ritain "'ill b. diffkult

top. but thiii team if> \(no....o for it5- l.On5tant improve-me '(tar after 'fear. The 2002 team a\50 indudefl 5tniort) ;ron Hagg.rt1. Tim t::ir~. and ~an Mill.r; junio.. ;ron Goone'f. ronn l:.rud. Ghri5 Dunnr., GOrt'f Dur\(in, and Matt Me-yes; &Ophomort& Mar" 6ilte.\(i. De-nil) C.arlson, e>rian C.1.ar~in. t::11. &oint1. and Mi<ha.I1'ar~.r; and freshman ~e.an Ford. -I'evin Fro5t-

Aillumus Gabe Marabella to Tim Kirk about his game: "You're some kind offreak, l10waftell do you play?" "Never, this is lIIyfirst time."


IlIllior CI"is Reedman stares in awe at the distalice afhis 7 ir,


r. Jackson giving Iris pale1lted putti1l8 lesson


n,e sweet jeeling a/knocking down a putt.

1ax Muller: "Are you too good for your home!"

Briall Clearkill admires his drive.

St""e Scllaffer cOlllpetillg for ugliest facial expression hz tlte yearbook. Mike NU1lrmn finds that khakis are much 1II0re comfortable for playing tennis tha" the desig,mled blue pocketed shorts.

La Salle Varsity Tennis Team From Left to Right: Joe Carroll,Steve Schaffer. Andrew John, Chris Radvansky, Rob

Vranken. Bill O'Neill. Rafael Rincon. Darcell Moore. Paul Paige. Will Marych. Mr. William Geiger. Cody Casale. Phil Carrol!


(Not pictured: Brendan Heron. MIke Nunnari, Mrs. Stephanie Jeilller)

ven before the .tart of the tennis .ea.on, L.'I Sail•• Var.ity Tenni. team did .omethin9 that was unpruedented, off .ea.on trainin9. With the new athleti< fa<ility in full operation, <Da<he. Mr. William C.eiger and Mrs. Stephanie :reitner wanted to ta~e advantage of the tuhnol09Y now available to the team. The trainin9 paid off the tennis team delved deeply into the Catholi< Lea9ue Playoff•. Mr. C.eiger and Mrs. :reitner (before .he left to have her baby) developed a true team atmo.phere, in<Drporatin9 all members of the team in the mat<he•. Pradi<e. were both effedive and enjoyable. e>ein9 mat<hed up a9ain.t teammate. vyin9 for po.ition. made every pradi« meanin9ful and inten.e. The double. <Dmpetition was e,puially 9ruelin9- for there i. only one double. mat<h per




meet. Oar«11 Moore stepped into the number one .pot left open by Ni<~ e>ower•. Several .enior. returned, indudin9 the all-Catholi< double. team of Andrew :rohn and Steve S<haffer, and :roe Carroll, Phil Carroll, Mi~e Nunnari, and Chri. ~dvan.~y. With the.e sea&Oned veterans the team hoped to win its firM peL. title in 'hruyear.. Oefeatin9 the tiawdet. of 51. :ro.eph'. Prep was the main 90al be..u.e St. :roo'. has ta~en the <rown from the E:.plorers two years in a row. Cantribution. from junior. Will Mary<h and e>iII l

O'Neill alon9 with sophomore. ~fael /lin<Dn, /lob Vran<~en, and e>rendan tieron helped propel the team to many vi<torie.. Paul "'""-1 Paige, the "phenom" fre.hman and Cady Casale also aided this

year's learn. N..t year'. team i. e,puially promi.in9. Number one .in9'" player Oar«11 Moore will be ba<~ alon9 with Will Mary<h, e.rendan tieron, Paul Paige, /lob Vran<~en, Cady Ca.ale, e>ill O'Neill and ~phael /lin<on. The PCL <rown WILL return to L.'I Salle on« a9ain. -Chris ~dvan.~y-

Joe Carroll freezes in terror as lie sees the patented comer-fa-comer "Scllaffenator" coming directly for him. Chris Rad mistimes his three- i"ch vertical/cap as ti,e ball floats gently into tile backcourt.


I i. Mar<h 1.1 and Ihe La ~alle l3<ro..e leam begin. 1el anolher que.1 10 <aplure Ihe l'enn'1lvania ~tale c.hampion.hip. In Ihe pa.t. Ihe LA:i. E..plore.. have dominaled the c.alholiG League b1 winning over 100 LOn5t£.utive g.amt5 and earning S teague. title-fl. Led b'f head G03<h \!oill Leah1. Ihe 2002 l3<ro••e leam ha. one goal in mind, and thaI i. Ihe .Iale Ghampion.hip. With Ihe tatent and tremendous wor" tthic.. Po&&tssed b'f this ftam. Ihe goal i. «rlainl1 attainable.


Thi. 1ea", .quad ha. a greal group of .enio.. who will undoubledl1 be Ihe heart of Ihe leam. On Ihe offen.ive .ide of the ball, AlI-c.alholiG leam membe.. ;reff Mill., ;rohn ·\!oirdman·La'~1, and unrad L.ohoG~i will lead Ihe wa1. In addition, Tim I:oon., \!oob ..V.P-..&.... O'Neill, ~teve \!oiele<~i, and Teren« t<:empf will pla1 'ignifiGant role•. The. defe.nsf.. it\. f>ta,"e.d with a mil-tufe. of sit.e. and speed that will 5ure.\'f stril't fear into opposing offense-f>. ~nior5 Mi~e &.raham and \!orian Noone, both AlI-c.alholiG .ele<lion. of 2001, along with l'al ullin., alwa1' have the a••ignment of guarding Ihe oppo.ilion'. be.t pla1er.. With Ihe help of ~Ieve Nedl, ;rim Delane1 and returning .Iarter l'al \!oe<her in goal, Ihe E..plorer' "D" i. one of Ihe .Iati. be.t.

With tremendOu5 senior leadership and talent the. £1-p1orerfl are poised not 0011 to win another C.atho1ic.. league title bul al.o to earn Ihe righl to be <ailed Ihe be.1 ftam in l'tnns'f\vania.

-;reff Mill.-

Off tile faceoff, lile ref is aboul to judo cilop aMalvern playe Coach Bill Lenity gives some inspirational advice to Ilis


Opposite page: "Flawless" Eddie Lawless SllOWS a 1/ice outl pass. Explorers gatlIerfor a pre-game huddle.


Pat Becher gets aI/other amazillg save. A tired Tim Koons gets taped up by trainer Dave Crowe. Pat "Big Head" Collills eyes lip a loose ball.




"0 'Doyle Rules": You know Mike Graham

isn 'I going 10 let lI,is Malvern player by. Right: JeffMills(aka Sieve Nasi,) sporting tile figh t shorts.


Lanky Frallk Lochocki jukes auf his opponent on the way to another goal. Above right: La Salle defense works Ihe shuffle. TI,e team stares down O'Hara before entering into batt/e.






John "Birdman" Lasky has to wear ankle braces because

!!::::!!!!! a;h::";"~jLii5~ Irefell flying.

The La Salle Catholic League Championship Lacrosse Team of2001 included Varsity Seniors Jeff Mills, John Lasky, Mike Graham. Pat Collins. F. Conrad Lochocki. Brian Noone, Bob O'Neill, Tim Koons. Terence Kempf, Steve Bilecki. Pat Becker, Steve ed!. Jim Delaney and Sean Gallagher.

Junior Bmce Po/dot: Do you know where tile weightroom is?? I'll d/ÂŁck it out.'



Ryau O'Dtmnell, Tim F~me, and ROHan McDcnno take a "ice lei f/rt..P.t walk during their practice.

0l:in g for .om.bod1 who .pilomit.<. . .1ft•••, r.l.nll.....nd tr'~1? How .boul ~o or .. of m? l..oo~ no furth.r Ih.n Ih. ouldoor lra'~ tum. whi,h i. mad. up of fru~. \i~ ..nio.. Tim F.rri., ~.n O'Donnell, \4>nan M,D.rmott, Dom.ni, 1'.nu.•nd &rian M,£lr01, who h.v. tho int••lin.1 forlilud. to run end'u. mi\e.6 in rain, 6no... and b\i6tering heat. and then <all it -fun:


Th... gU1' 'r.....rrioN>, Ii~ ..phomo... C.hri. \4>06, Jo. F.dorowi'~, 1'.lria 0·N..11, .nd N.~ O'(.onn.lI, who h.v••",uirod • long Ii.I of .<hi.v_nt. thai r.ad li~. tho YO/low r.g... Th. La '5.11. Tra,~ Tum h.. gone from N.w Vo~ to Virginia .nd b",~. l.lIVing • lrall of gri.f·.tri,~n <Dmpotitor. in it. w.~. """ of <DU'" w. <ant forgol tho 6.ld tum. Juol bua_ th'1 .pond moot of thoir limo pla-jing in • ..nd pit do..nt und.rmine tho 3«Ompliohmonl. of uppe.rda6Mt1c.n David. tz,o,k. E.ri, &Tannon. &ruu l'oh\ot. and MI<hao\ AlDn.., .Iong with I.loniod ..phomor.. t:=ovln 11I00.. and '5I.v. &ibu. Oth.. diohard <Dmpoti' loro that produu tho brut· nu~ .pood of La '53110'. giftod l1'aa 103m Indudo 60010.. ~.n 14>dd.n, Anthon1 &onannl, and 1'.tria t:lrI•.

Dom Panza takes a little nap on the outside tum as seniors Brian McElroy and Ryan O'Do,.,re11 make tIJeir move.

An Impr...w. foru. "hi,h indudoo tulor•. rau<ar drw... and .Iudonl <DuO<llmon. tho outdoor 11'3<~ I..m I•• I..I.moni 1o tho gr..1 thing> • group of running f.n.II<6 <an do .....n und.. tho ".I.hful .1' of tho load-f.natl. hlm..lf, (.oa<h Val D.vine.

Bob Palidora looks ill awe at llie Il£ighl olhis jaue/in. Senior ~printen;. Matt Derrick and Anthony Borumn; take some time ouf fl} ~milefor Q1'!.cfure.


iiiIiiiIi:ii- ~ .?'









~~ ~


. t"



John Komfeind(top) doesn't Ileed anyone else to carry the boat. Coxswain Carmen Conice//i takes charge.

Above: "lMlO would want to fight these hvo?" Right: A fierce day of competitioll 011 the river.




a 1on9 and intenfle. ..,inter training. the l..a "531\e c'rew \oo~(od fOr"\olard to a &uu:.e.5f1ful unDo. l.oac.h .tor 'Oigmund and his lal.nlod .Iaff had high hop.. of winning ~mt medal,. thift 1tar. With de-vottd fteniOf& \tading the "'31. the. team ",aft 'Wining to do .... hattver ~a5 nUe5fl3!"'f to win. f1ac.King up the fltoiafS were. ey.perienud junior., follo~od b1 a group of ..phomor.s ~ith a 101 of potentia\. In addition to the great group of rowertl, the ttam had rec.ent11 ac.quired two brand nt'fl Vespoli Mi\\e.nnium S'fl. Th. 1.llo~ l:.harl•• l'. I:.olgan ~a. do.ignat.d tho Ught~'ight $ sh.II, and Ih. blu. ""b.rI W. 'Out.r, tho Varsit1 $ shell. I\t, alw31s. the frt5hman/noviu fH:\uad \oo"e.d to P05t ..lid r••ult. this 1.ar. 1\11 tho lim. and .fforl that tho 103m put in the £rg \Z.oom and their determination down on the river in u3gue and Ai'" rau" paid off. the war" iove-flled into thi5 Moasan promifM! a bright future. 12-0.", La "5a\\e,


Top: Tools of tile Trade. Above: The Ires/1I11en hold n practicefor whe" they fall out ofthe boat.

-David Naab-


typical day afpaill ill til. erg room.

Andrew Macki"tosh gets 1/Ielltally preparedfor his race. Senior Mike Aluise practices !lard for a medal ill May. 114

Caach Sigmund, the leader

ofthell/ 01/. Chris Schwartz, Tom Fox, and Dave Naab prepare to

shove offfor practice.

------..,Dml Fazio, Mati Palilollis and Jilll F1Y1l11 rowillg 8, 7, and 6 seats.








TI,e members of2001-2002 Student Council.

TIley're seniors trying to keep their secret ide1ltity; you do


...;,11;;;;eed to kllow allythillg else.

Sophomores Will Melvin, Colin Kirts, and Sean Leimbach have to wear leis as their punishment for being underclassmen at the auctiorl.

VP Kevin Rieffel workillg tile podium power.


hifl ~e.ar'5 'i>tudent C.ounc.i\ c..ontinued the 9ft-atoe-s5 of its fine pndec.e5f.10ff>. The resurreGtion of the infamous '5uptr- Minr ..... a& auompanitd bi the warm


w.ath.r 1o h.lp bring the l.4.allian <ommunit1 anoth.r w.1I - dr••••d and .nchanting .v.ning. And for the firot-tim., w. 1.1 a limit.d amount of gU1' purcha•• tiC.~tt5 for female companions! ~. alwa1' ~tud.nt C.oun,il did it. b••t to .upport the athl.ti" and activiti•• in their f.luuessfu\ effortfl to "CAD the Distana.!" (6out of "OUfSt. ever1thing is a 5UutS5 compared to Ih••al.. of the lov.11 ti.-d1.d t-.hir\.) Th. annual magacin. drive rai5ed mort outstanding figures to'llard the c.oOf~truc.tion. and the &tniOft. ac.hitved their main goal for the 1.ar ... p.rmi••ion to w.ar golf .hirt. in the ~pring. N.o, aft.r the ,0n.tru,Iion wa. ,ompl.t.d for the new facilil1. C.oun,il forc.full1 .t.pp.d in to .nour. Ihal I'it VolI.1ball would b. reviv.d. ~pirit W••~. fl.w b1, a. u.ual, with the n.v.r-.nding li.I of .v.nlo: :r.llo£alin9- Nm-Wr••tling, Wing e.owl, QUic e.owl, Dr••• -down Dal Th.I'.p-~lIi.' &tarted off with a bang this iUf, but then £Ire.. . mind rtaGtions 35 ne.'Il traditionf.l .... trt b.ing d.v.lop.d (C.an an1on. ta~.ov.r a. Top 5?). How.v.r, who ,ould .v.r forg.t the wild ad••hown at the firol-.v.r "Tal.nl ~how"? ~tud.nt C.oun,il wa••piced up with $5 :rohnn1 Wil.on a. I'r••id.nt, but VI' t:::evin F-itffe\ and 'bf,('fetar1 i 001 G.a\ante helped !'An. Maher to ".e.t.p thifl "'btarlight £.pr..... on "h.dul.. l.4~all. ma1 b. ~nown for ••rvice oul.id. the "hool, bul ~tu­ dent Gounc.i\ c.onfirms that 5trvic.e is jU5t as l..ommon hert. in&ide sc.hoo\. -t(.vin "'.ff.l-

Sully {md Spanks looking tight in their blue blazers.

Some members a/Student Council discussing the pressing issues at La Salle

John Haggerty: "You will all cOllie to realize, just as I did, that Mr. Roche is the smartest man all the face of the Earth."

H_AflIIHS g,.,......, AUEJ;f£JlJ

G"""A""" A.-I:<i:w CJmo"""" g,.,.

J"'" Kisl_ T"""", KJ'" p"""" KJ", AIIfIICIH /AQI£CA

J"""" lA'" S'EYEJ/ L.,.

g,.""""", GWXY-




CJmo""", !iwJ<y

Eo1oA.. H ~



H_ JrwH c."""

g""" Hcfum SwJHef1_ g"", R. H"m







gWJflllN CooNEY

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SwJ FEJ1fOIIl T"""", F""', LlI'<£ FfEJ1J T'H(JfIN FLYNN A_FPANWi IilIw F"'" ~N C;Jtt£SPIE

JOIi'J HIf«8'1\' HARKHAumv






T""", NWJtl'f" RYAN O'i!oNIJEu RYANO'OooNEU T"""" P""" H_~

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llANtul:Ell ADAk ~ IilIwIWro

RYAN_ A_RYAN Eo1oA<D s.....

T_saH_ SHmi H",,~

Sua/Al1S(l Roew 5UUl\JAN A_uTAN MICHAEL loons JEf:£H( V/MY !JJvfS V_ RYAN II',UlElt IilIw 11'""" P"""" 11'_ JOffJ Wr~


TIIis year's NHS officers bring lip the Offertory gifts to Father /anloll at the induction Mass.


hi~ ~.ar

th. m.mbor~hip of th. National Honor 'i>oGi.t~ '~Gud.d 100 ~tud.nt~. L.d b~ l'r.~i­ d.nt:rohn Hagg.rI~, ViLt l'rt~idtnt 'iltan Ftd~na, 'i>tGr.ta~ :rohn D.C.r••, and Tr.a~uror l'at t::irl~, th. organization ",a~ abl. to pionur a numbor of ~uu.~~­ ful program~. With th. priLtI.~~ GOun~.1 of for. William Di1'a~qua'. and Mr~. Doroth~ l'oni~Gia~, tho m.mb.r~ of th. NH~ ~p.arh.adtd a larg. ~<al. tutoring program and th.14d C.ro~~ folood Driv•. In addition, m.mb.r~ of th. NH~ volunt••r.d to run th. QUiL foo",1 and ~'rv' a~ tour gUidt~. All m.mbor~ GOntribut.d to th. ~uu.~~ of thi~ ~.ar'~ NH~ b~ ~orving a~ lru. r'pr.~.ntativ,~ of La ~a\\•.

Newly inducted members aftlre National HOllor Society. "Dr. Dre," top, ministers to Dati Ford at tile annual NHS Blood Driue for 11Ie Red Cross.


1'IZOJU.T HOMÂŁ. vef1 other W",n~$da1 Mrfl, M31"'f \'.11 Mu'\~n and Mrfl. !'athle-e." O'(..onn"l\. along 'tlith othe.r vo\unte.er te.ac.herfl gathtred dO'tln in the. c.aftte.ria ~it,hen direc.ting and helping ,tude.of6 prepare. food for the me.n of l:.olumbu$ \'IOU" for thr. fo\lo'Wing d31. In thr. ~itc.hf,n stude-off> 'titre e.nc.ouragtd to Utl(. their imagination! ltIhe.n de.vf,\oping their ff,c.ipu. ~mf, ff,c.ipn ...."fe. SUGu$$fu\; and othef1!l, suc.h at. the. barbeGue. ,a"-e. 'fIt-U.....rn produGe.d eithn b1 mi6ta\::" or b1 the. drive. do....o to 'Phi\ade\phia.


On ihUffld316 Mr&-. MuUen and Mrs. O'C-onntl\ gatherw up the. L$l. vo\untuf& and \oadw up vanf> for the ride.


ac.rOf,$ the. ~hu1\,,"il\ ~ver. and past Drr.'l-el Univerflit1. Whr." the. van5 rtac.htd C-o\umbu6 \'IOU&f" the. 't-ac.her6 and 5tudr.nt& b"~ran to prr.pare. tht gourmtt mul a& tht tarl1 bird& floodtd tht t:.olumbu& ,",OU&t dining room. iht LU vo\untur& &tt tht tablu, gathtrtd tht U)ndimtnh., prtpartd tht btvtragu, and c.oo\::td tht food. At dinntr timt tht fltudtnt& fltrvtd tht guut&, going from tablt to tablt. Afttr du&trt tht 'Projtd Homt voluntttrfl madt flUrt to Itavt tht \::itc.htn and dining room flpOtltU. Not on\1 ~afl it fun to prtpart thi& fint food, but alflo going do~n and &trving thut miflfortunatt mtn gaVt tht fltU~ dtntfl a &ati&fac.tion ~hic.h flurpaflfltd fun. Mttting, Itarning about, and ta\\::ing to thut formtr homt\u& mtn gavt tht fltudtntfl, afl ~tU afl tht mtn, a bttttr ptr&ptc.tivt on tht 'fIor\d. ihtflt mtn havt bun through mort than 'fit c.an imagint, and truflting proplt and bting truttd 'fIt\l b1 fltrangtrfl art not thingfl tht1 havt ty.ptritnud ofttn. L'&C. flho'fltd thtm ruptd and c.art. On tht othtr hand LU tltudtnt& Itarntd an important l~fl&On about lif~, p~op\~, and c.ommunic.ation. A lot of p~op\~ ignore th~ \::ind of mtn found at t:.o\umbUfl Hou&~, but L3 '&al\~'fl &tudtntto Itarntd to &u th~m afl human b~ing& 'fIho dutrvt atttntion and ht\p from othtrfl. LU &tudtntfl and th~ mtn of tht t:.olumbufl ,",OUflt c.omt from difftrtnt 'fIoridfl. but art ablt to c.omt togtth~r on(.~ ~vtl"f t'flO \lftt\::fl and tnj01 OM anothtr'& (.ompan1. Without Mrfl. Mul\tn and Mr&. O't:.onntU nont of thifl ~ou\d havt bttn PO&flib\~. ihtir man11tar& of fltrvi(.t &ho'fl tvtr'font a grut ty.amplt of ~hat a LU voluntur &hould &trivt to b~. I'm flurt th~ mtn of tht t:.olumbu& art jU&t a& than\:.ful for Mr&. Mu\ltn and Mrt.. O't:.onneU a& \lfe are.


Andrew Mackintosh searches for some slmackies Mrs. Susan Sayer and the rest oftlie student finish up j "Care" packag

Jan Cooper, Pat O'Corlnor, Brendan Heron, Kevftl Mo Sean FedyllQ, Chris Jeffers, Sean Brogml, Mike Nunna alld Ryall Pollock with food bask"

LSC expressing the Christmas Spirit with a successj Operation Santa CIa

Max Courtlley, Ryan Pollock, and Kevin Moll load the vml with Thanksgivillg goodsfrom ti,efood drive. Dedicated stude1lts preparing "Care" packages for Project Home.

The. Italian "\ub

Qf" 10 ri9hl) : l.hri6 :TaneHi, 11m tforwedel. L.ul:, F,,.Itl.


tfeeeipolh, (l.jt.h s.alvuui, Dan l.ippola

(I:nuling): Mr. C.ippola, IZ1an Se.iofla, :Toe c..uerra, Pal Weller

The ÂŁ..erman c.lub of 2.002. headed up



Mr. ~ohe.n''''lne.r and ani,tant Mr. Mc.~ide.

!'G "",,ng llub

..,. l.onId lIarlO1<mo<lont..,. £.d ..et"..., T.., N9"l"'. ~fln v....... ..R..... lltfgman. _ f>t.........l. Goa"f 1'aIo. TIm _Ion

",. FlIoo £lob


""'-(from IofI t. nght): ' " - _ . J'..... 1'NtIng. J'obn

_ ... e.,.., .....,. ..,..,. T_. I'>vin ..M . - . ..,. ~..,. ~ -.lario "Ilo 0'...... Nia Cofoul. 0nn40n O'llM-a 0...., Front ,..,. Gong earl...... f>Im t.odnotb. J' . J'..... _ . an4 J'M! lbmifl..


..,. £¥a. . . .,.m- TIlt N<IM£ llub doing tlKI,


"'''''ng • I....go .......

",. H..too, £lob (from IofI t. ngbt): .".. _ .. (mo<lont..). """" Goambono. I'>vin "-Ipotll.......... _ <.bua L4ng. Jlm I\ono... 1'at M<NMb. o_lINjn. J'obn e..-. ""'" O'Oonnoll ~ l\annlgan. "Ilo "'n""'. Nia I«ol ~ Degnan. an4 hili Goonnl"'"'f


ho La $allo Malhlot.. parliLipatod in flt-ven Gompetition5 thit) 1e.ar, eac.h fOGu£ing on a sptGific. tapi£.. Iht1 ,arne. in ul..Ond in the-ir division, thu5 stc..uring a p\at:.t in the t.it1\tlide p\a1offs in Apri\. fom 'P\iGK, inspiring G3ptain of the. A ie-am, \olon tht fir5f- piau. individual prize.. Others. to whom the. dub O\tlt5 it5 iOGrtdib\e.



are A-itamer5 Andrt\tl J'ohn, 'ttdi

Ma.tor t::ovin \<iolfol. ;rohn lIa99orl1, $tan ·What'. m1 hOi9htr Fod1na, and tho fltnsationa\ tee-vin M399itti. 35 well 35 ~ Team G3ptain john Wi\50n. who also providtd tho LOmi"oliof. lho <lub doopl1 apprtGiattt!> tht effort£ and enthu5ia5m of its unflag9in9 modtrator5. Mr. F-obert fZ.oS5tU and Mr. MiGhae\ 'PonisGia~. and for9ivo. all of Mr. tzu••oll'••implo addition trror5. &.0, Math\etts! -ihomasl'1i,K-

\he. Mathlett5 John 5raU3. Pan Whitt. I'tvin M399itti. John Ha9gerty. Timothy Wilson. Steve IZodgers. rom Pride_ Andrew :fohn. /Cevin ~iffel

ur 1l-obotiL& Glub tntertt t'#lO Lompttitions. ont it DtLtmbtr and ont in MarLh. a 'Ptnn "5tatt Abington. In DtLtmbtr'! c.ompttition. La "5a\\t tnttrtd four ro· bots. Our o'#ln Mitc.htU Fiortntini~


l?or9man and ;rolf l?a9di.



stc.ond and third ptac.t prius oftht hig\ sc.hoo\ division. "Nt tnttrtd ont Othtl suc.c.tssfu\ robot and ont tht dub '#IOu\e not \i~t to ta\~ about. than~s. Wl dtvt\optd t'#lO robots to tnttr in thl Marc.h c.ompttition. Our modtrator. Mr tz.obtrt tz.uMt\\ gavt u& his c.on&tan &UPport a& '#It" a& his mtLhanic.a\ t1optr~ tist. -Thomas. l'\ic.~The ~botiG~ c.lub: "Look what we !'lave created!"

ho La 'Oallo 'OGion« t:.lub made. a fruh fltart this 1ur ...ith uve.ra\ ne.... memberfl and a grut man1 ne... ide.afl. Firflt, tho 9rouP duidod on throwin9 a .tar93tino/piua parl1. whiGh ...mod quite $uu.e.$$ful $jnLe not one bite of piua ..mainod ~ tho ond of tho affair. In MarLh, the1 travelled to ~£MA Vo...erte$t FaLilities ...ith moderatorfl Mr. Dan C.ippolaandMr.Tom ~arna. The nperie.nLe. ... 3£ eleLtrif.{in9-litoraIl1. Finall1. .amo ofthomo.. engineering-focused minds deLided to hold a rOL\:et -building Gompe.tition, mUGh \i\:e the LOmpetitionfl Mr. C.ipoUa has ...ith hif> ph1f>iLS da,ufl. c.oinGidenGe, I thin\: not. In an1 t.3U, it ...a5 a blast and M.ienLe dub hopu to do that and even more nn.t 1ear. -Timoth'f Wi1fl>On-


The ~f,ou c.\ub: Mr. Cipolla, club moderator, presents a shockillg demoflstration all how electricity works.

a 'Oall.......d.miG DtGathlon team finished first in thifl1e.ar'fl "9ional GOmp.tition. lhorob1 dothronin9 t:.ontrar. roi9nin9 d1naflt1. The te.am alflO made. a strong sho...ing at its. firs.t-ever ,tate. £..Dmpotition. whiGh too~ pla« at North 1'.nn. La 'Oallo wa. r.p....nt.d ~ Dan Whito. e.la~.14ml.1. Dan ("ood. JIm ("ardnor. Ian MGLau9hlin. 1'at MGNula. Ton1 N9u1on. ~1an Fiold•• Tom l'IiG~. Lu~o Fiold. and john Wil.on. Th.1 .tudiod t.n topi... inGludin9 mind - b0991in9 math and e.ar-splitting LOunt,"" musiG. The tum than~, its moderatorfl, Mr. 1Z-uueU and Mr. ~...eene'f, for their enGouragement and for their fluperhuman patie.nGe.. -Thomas V1iG~-


The At.ademi, Ouatn\oo Il.'f;m Fields, rom Pfit:.J:. 3".1son 3".1V;f,. Mr. ~r;.1n Sweene'f, D.1n trood, Mr. tz.oberl fl.ussf,fl, 3"amell trardner, Lul':e Field. /(evin Werner, 3"01", Wifson, r on'( NtIJ9M. ~1.1l':e fl.r.mfe'f. Oan Wbile

TIlL" Form

. N

and no... ...t



Club tries to talk our photographer i"to looking in their box-o-.. ttlff

to fonnsic.&. You ofltn


1M" peopl. wi'" hug. luI>. of eviden", and m... •1 hover around "'••nd of "'. 6O<Ond ftoor GOrridor and Ih. GOP'llng room. 1'ra,II'ing unlll four or

five in the. afttrnoon. t11&M peop\e kilo... bo... to ...01"k 60 Ihal "'e1 <an GOme 10 La~lIe al fIv. in tl1e moming .. Ihe1 <an lrav.1 to unlral 1'.nn.'f\vania 10 GOmpel•. Under "'. gUidan,. of &rolh.r ~ '!>temer. 1'rHidenl "'lICe "UllIe MaG "'..Namara. Vi'" 1'rHidenl "~.rilf" Andrew \lian. and ~nion Dino Dedi'. Dale Tan. ;rere""! Vlr01, and "evin Wal\Cer, "'e lum e'\iO'ted mueh ........ "'i. 1.". Along wi'" GOuntlee••wupeta\Ce& won, tl1e1 ..hieved man1 indiVIdual award. in evenl. lilCe Original Oral0'1. Oral Interpretation. £.temporaneou. 'ilpea~ing. and l.ro••- £..minallon Debale. Loving'1 <ailed "'e "Forum" b'( its. mtmbe.r6 and it. tompetitors. thi. organization promote••pu,h in all of il. <I...n form•. The La~lIe Forum... an in.tilulion of people who wa\Ce up 100 url1 to GOmpel•...and a group of frIend. who love to .p..~ and d.l>ale 01.11. -"1oda1e l.. Tan-

SOIlll? of ti,e elite drones. of Brother Rene.

Dan SfreelmeH mId Tom Weiser playing with their newlymade actio1l heros.



Nick Keppol displays sollleo/his amazing artistic skills.


Gioncchillo Randazzo plltS some final touches all a possIble Mother's Day gift.


Durhlg the summer program, teacllers and sfude"ts workt togetller in order to help some imler city kids get in touch w tlleir artistic side.

J drew the duck blue because I never saw a blue duck before alld to be honest J wanted to see what it would look like.

Sean McMaholJ smiles af the mere sight ofa pail/fed C0/1.

, I

/ IN1Io said a bUlldl ofsquiggly lines Call't be considered art?

I Mike MOlltgomery signing up for tile A rt Club.

at> tne unool 1tar began, the '¢and dove rig\1t into i16 ....hirl...ind 6c.1n.du\e. Never mi6&ing a beat. the f'tp~~and p\a1r.d at evtl"f fooiball gamr.. A16o, 6tudr-ot6 began gttliog aulimated to their rt6ptc.live band da&U6. The J"au "'and and GonGtrt "'and began rehe3ning at. tho l:.ompetition "'and !>tarlee! lining up the-ir 600g" and pla1ing variou! 919&. 'i>ome "tudentl> eve.n ve-olund out&ide of tlu &Ghoo\ 10 parlidpale in AII- wlho\iG ofganiulionf>. "'" the da1' 9ft'fl &horter. 3Gtivi'1 around flu band room inGrU6td. 11 wouldn't be \oog before the nt.... Mutlle. Wing .".ou\£1 be open. and the "'and would have a new home. Whtn Dtc.tmbtr rolled around. ~;d" 'flere not on\1 getting nadi for th" C.hri6hna6 brea\:: bul 41160 for the l.hri6lma& C.oourf. The da1 after the C.hr;,tmu ptrformant.e., 6tudent6 from a\1 grade6 g\adl1 6pent their 6thool time lending a hand in the moving prou66. At. c.ardboard bo).e6 fie..... eqUipment ....n auemblt-d. ri6er6 ere ton6trutted, and in6trument6 .... ere moved. After a fe.... da16 of non-6top or~, ....e were able to U6e the ne.... band room. 11u e.ec.ond 6emuter found the band furiou611 preparing for the approathing Gompetilion '5ea60n and ma~ing p\an6 to pla1 at 6Uth 6thool6 a6 '51. Maria c..orelti, c......1nedd Mert1, Merion Mert1, and liud60n l.atholit. Memben performed in tompelition6 at Upper Moreland and Norlh 'Fenn. Al both, the band reGeived 'f>uperior ~ting6 and a....ard6 for &e61 F-h1lhm '5etlion, &e6t r rombone '5ettion, &e6t rrumpet '5ettion and &e6t '50106. '5000, altention turned to the 6pring mU6ita\, ("eorge M! Ihen to preparing for the Univer6it1 of the Art6 and l.ava\Gade of&and61.hampion6hip, and final\1, the '5pring Gonurl.11le onl1thing left ....a6 for the junior6 to la~e the rein6 b11eading tl1e wa1 for tl1e graduation performante. '5enior &rian G.i\le6pie urved a6 &and 'Fre6iden!. along ....itl1 Fint ViGe'Fre6ident 'Fat Weller, '5ec.ond ViGe~'Fre6ident Lu\:.e Field, e-and '5etretal"fTrea6urer David Ugl1t, and &and Manager 'PI1il Davi6. At the helm of tl1e mU6it department during II1i6 time of thange6 and amaZing auompli611menl6 ....a6 Mr. l.iuimaro. lie ....a6 110nored 10 have Il1e ne.... home of Il1e l.a '5alle &and named H11le J'ouph F. l.iuimaro MU6it Wiog. H Mr. C6 right hand man, Mr. Vetlori, led the Gompetilion &and 10 ne.... heigbt6 ....ilh hi6trul1 amaz.ing mU6ic.a1 npertiu. The '....0 were a66i61ed b1 Mr. t:::enned1, Mr. G.enovue, Mr. &ene, Mr. Nero, Mr6. }(enu1, and Mr. Muller. rogetber, the6e men and ....omen made l.a '5alle'6 &and a Iru\1 6puial e).ptritnte Ibat we are a\l vel"f proud to be parl of. til,


-&rian G.i\lupie-


Steve Sucharski lays down the beat for La Salle's pep band. Mr. C takes a breakfrom the peppiness ofdirecting the pep bUild.

Luke Field, Andrew L'EClIyer, Mark Caltabiano, and On Dougherty eX/libit tl'leirexce//ent trumpet-playing skill

The reason wily La Salle studellts are so smarf ? .. we listen to classical music while studyillg in flie libran;. Steve Lyons and Greg Bednarz help welcome La Salle's students OIl tilefirst day of SclIOOI. Jim Devery: "SaxamapI1One... SaxamapII0000I1e." 133

0" frumpel, Luke Field.

Brian Gillespie, fop, conducts the pep bond. Se,,;or Pat Weller is tile lone FrelIcll Hom player. Andrew Merrick, Jerry Amo/e, fllld Dil10 Dedic: "Let's Rock and Roll, mon! Tile pep band's trumpet sectiol1.


Members of file CIlorus sillg a hym/l at Mass. Nick Covofus provides tile soothiI1g sou1Ids oftile tuba.

Jay Colburn: "J may have huo lazy eyes, but 1 can play the keyboard like 110 otller." The band provides sOllie upbeat tunes at tltefirst assembly.

Andrew Desiderio refuses to reveal Fa/cor's Secret Platter. "'Y

Mr. Dempsey taking it easy as moderator with his usual lipton's Iced Tea and Daily News.

Olle of IIlnllY WEXP crew rolntioll5.


~ La 'ball~

Lab Mana9~r program, \e.d by l..hrito l:.4fltantino. Pe-I" '5antamaria. and 6.e.org" Farina, ha. undergoM VI"-r"'j 5ignifiG.ant c.hangu thit. 'f"ar. One of thn" ,hang". i$ the. advantagt.Ou$ rufruG'uring of the. program that happc.ne.d at the beginning of the '(ear. the. \ab manage~ nor93niz.e.d into tlto divitoiont.: a c.ompute.r tab team and a 'fIeb tum. ille. \ab team ito u5pontoib\e. for kuping the. internal net'ffo~ a' La ~I\e. running e.ffic.ientl'(. and the. ",fob tum h3$ bun dtve'\opiog a more. robufaf 'fIeb platform for e...."rna\ nthtort uu. rhUfI far. the. lab tum ha, bun di\ige.ntl'f 'l'Ion:.ing on the. ne.t""on:. infr.ntruc.ture. of La 'ba\\e in orde.r provide a more GOmp\e.'e 'earning nperienc.e. to eV""10ne. The lab team hi, managed the dep\o'fment and maint"nanc.e of ovtr one hundrw neo", hac.her laptopt.. c.ompleted deplo'fment of our 'flirr.\r.u nr.t'flor~. and up gradr.d a\l of our Lomputr-r lab& to Windo'fl& )C:l'. Thr. &tabi\it1 ~ and n\iabi'i"f of thr. La '5a\\r. c..om putr.r ntt'flor~ ha& nr.vr.r bun &>0 good. The Lurrr.nt projr.LI roadmap of thr. lab team .,.,\\ be providing ne'fl mr.thod& of integrating tuhnol091 into thr. educ.ation proUM.


1llt ...tb team a\&>O hn had Ulmparab\t ac.hitvr.me.nt& thi& 'fear. A.t th" beginning of tht 'fear. thr. 'flr.b ttam 'florked f"rve.ntl1 on a re.vamped dUign for th" 'flr.b&itr.. A.ftr.r thi&. Ulmp\tlr.I'f n,,'fl Ulntent 'flU delivered to tht 'fltb&it" in ord"r to b"tte.r Inform La ~a\\" &Iudent& of ac.ade.mic. ruourc.u and upUlming e.v"nt&. N,,'fl program& art LUrrtntl'f b"ing rol\"d out in ord"r to provide. more. LOmp\r.te. information &1&t"m& and a\60 to faLMat" the \earning proLt&& b'( harne.&&ing the. b"ntfit& of mod"rn 'fleb - &ervlng teLh ~ 00l09'f. Th" timr. is ripe.. the.n. to ruo9niu that La ~a\\e. i& at th" top of tht tuhno\09ic.a\ tr.rrain of ,,",eric.an high &Lhool& and a\l of thi& 'Ilou\d not be. po&&ibl" 'flithout thr. dediC41tion of &tudent lab manager& at La '5a\\e..

Barber Dina Dedic strangles Rob Baumgardnerfor 1I0t giving him agood tip,

Dall DlIffey is sllocked alit ofll stagejrigllt,

Vince Vassallo shmvs his

few; 11 ilIe side as ITe gets bea t up by a Mount girl. Jilll DevenJasks tile

audience, "Do you !lave auy l/Ioregum??"

hi' 1..r'. fall drama, ffre C.ood Dottor, b1 Nt-i\ '5imon. portra~& an uninf>pired writer 5tarc.hing for something iolt-resting and 3\1ft- in.iring to £.ompo5t. Under the briUiant dire.c.tion of Mr. ,nni. 510h, the <a.t performed be10nd "peGlation. 111e rtr- amaz.ing and multi-ta\ente.d 5tnior 6rian 6i1\t5pit a1ed the lead role of the Writer. Other .enio.. in the <.a.t <luded ~an Ahern, !«>b 5aumgardner, Dino Dedi<, ;fim ,veC1, Dan Duffel ;f.V. Laub, Mi~e M<Namara, ;fim .Iopoli, Mati QUigg. Vinn1 Va..allo, who doubled a• •5istant dire.,tor. J'o\1n Wi\50n and the trut star of the. lO"", 10UfS trul.,. Andre.w Mtrric..~. UnderdaS5mtn Lu"t il'-enz.o, Veter Hand, ~an QUigg and Dan Wood al.. ~rformw with gfeat taltnt. From the. Mount, seniors 6\air rm.trong. ;foanna £:.omn1 and Anna Vendle1 gave .turd1 ~rforman(..t5 35 didjunioft. C.he.\f1t3 HtfSLh. Emil., '5mith ld Diana z.alt.,.s"i. From Gt\lf1ntdd Mer,.,. senior Lit> ehr gave a remar~ble performan<e, a. did her .ophoore .<hoolmate. Ne. Angiolillo, £:.oll..n Hoag and 'i>arah ,elling. £veC1lhe.pian gave eveC1lhing he or .he had to a~e ffre C.ood Dottor one of the be.t produ<tion. of La aUt histor.,. The. c:.a5t would lj"t than" eve.r1 stage 'rt..... Ie-mber for ma"iog &un ever., item, light. 50und and Jrtain ..,.35 in its proper plal.t; no sho.... GOuld go on ...ithout ".e people. N.o, we appre<iale the help of Mr•. Tamm1 a••allo and !'atie 5rad1 with ma~eup, and we than~ Mr•. hri. 510h for her wor~ with all the <o.lume.. Mr. 510h ~ve.r re.c.e.jve.f> e.nough praise. and than~f> for ta~ing the. time. I dinc.t e.ve.r1 soo...; he. tru\1 ma~e.f> e.ve.r1 SOO'ft " be.t pO"ible. -Andre..,. Me.rric.~-


John Wilsml and Mike McNamara relive Grumpy Old Men.

Tile cast

afThe Good Doctor takes ncurtaill call.

Andrew Merrick tells Brian Gillespie about agreat deal he call get him 011 a car.

~9innin9 in November of 2.001, l..l '5a\le'$ t\'lt-ater program began to underlakt. one of the. mott' diffkult c.ha\leogtfl to date in its Ihru detadu of e."if.,tene.t. - (",eorge M!"fhe fotudents ltlho auditioned not 0011 c.ommitttd themflelvu to the adiog and $;nging 3$$oGiafed 'fIith evtr-j mut>i£.al, but 31$0 to learning &Orne-thing muc.h more diffic.u\t ta&\' - tap danGing. One u>u\d hear the &ouod& of La ':>alle t>'uden't> and their female c.ounterpartf> tapping in diuord. but at> 'ht. month& pa6sed. the danc.ing feU into plaGe and b1 Marc.h. it .... u at> though 'heflt 1ou09 men had bun danting their totirt. \ivu.



t.eorgt Ml follo\ll& the. progre$$ion of the life and tim" of 61eofgt M. t:..ohan. one of the bi9gett' totart> on e-roadwa'f from the turn of the 'entuf'( through the ~arin9 T~tnti". Tlte 6ho.... c.halle-n9e-& ac.tor~, vOLati&t&, and danLe-r& atil::e-, and i& fiUe-d 'filth an arra~ of patriotiL &On9&. Afte-r the- tra9e-d~ of ~pte-mbe-r II, 2001, Mr. Cic.uimaro fe-It that the- mo&t appropriate- mU&ic.at 'fIould be- 6reorge M! due to the patrioliL flair thal uLh of the- &ong~ pO~fle~ufl. With e.uLh nno'flne-d &Onge. ae. "Yanl::e-e- Doodle- Dand1,"" ""6.rand Old Flag,"" and ""Ove-r Tne-re-,"" 6reorge Mrs patriotie.m pe-rmeated the auditorium and 'fIo'fle-d audienLe&. '5trong e.e-nior Ie-ade-r~hip high\ighte-d the ~ho'fl. A1t of the par1iLipating e.enior& appeared in at lea&t thru mu&ic.ale. during their past four 1ear&. Matt Quigg pla1ed the demanding ro\e of 6.eorge M. Cohan. franK DiUl\a doubled u ae.&ie.tant to the dire-dor Iii.,ji'j and a& ~m t-\arri&, 6.eorge Cohan'~ bU&ine&& partnn. trevor Needham made hi& pruenLe felt a&6.eorge'e. fathn. a role that demanded a deft ading abi\it~. VinLe Va~&al\o portra1ed variou& Lharader& throughout the pla1. ae. \olel\ a~ the narrator 'flho began eaLh ad. Ul::e\oli&e-. Dan Duffe~ portra1ed 6evera\ LharaLtere.. Wil\ 6.a\lagher topped off a talented due.. Tne audienLe al&O enj01ed the tap danLing of MiKe Dominid:::., MiKe .......,.,. Va\entine., Dave Light. Dan Mc.6!inle1. 6.reg ttelenial::, Warnn '5mith, J'oe "ir", and MiKe Wi\"in~. Tne pla~ al&O future.d gir\6 from 6.\ol1nedd, the. Mount. '5t. ea~ir6 and other loc.al high uhoo\e.. \olith lead~ Nand (l.u66e\l, '5arah eonner, Maurun Cte.arl::in, and Chrifltine. 'Pie.rLe. Overa\l, 6reorge M! provided a lurning e."pe.rienLe. for al\ tho~e involve.d, but more importantl1. a good time.. -Matt QUi99La Salle MUSiC Theacre presentS



The Stage Crew takes a break.


Mike Dominick and David Light practicing tlleir dance sequence.

Matt Quigg as George M. Coila,1.


l.aSaIh' MlI$k 'IlIN.tn

george M! ~.,.





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"'"'* 0iL<l1o '01



1JIlodo& DooIp

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Oill<opoo '01



Po<ri<io o.LdI<o




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.....-.._GltIo, _Epa-

Tile senior cast members of George M!





Matt Quigg, co-editor路ill-chief, e.YJJ.resses his true feelillgs abollFthefood ill the caf. Seall QuiKR: "TIzese pictures are excelltmt to bTnckmai! Mr. File with."


TIle sports page does 1/ot take much intelligellce to nm. For example, Chris""Radvatlsky is eatillg a CD.



"'- ~ ill ~tud~nt

through the basement of 'f.,aint MiGhar.\ ttaU after 5"hool. it ;5 not unGommon to hear ill voiGt- de-dare: --\,What ill bumfuu.ling artic.le1" or "Divor,"" 10ur fami\1!" or "Doub\e MGUp-1t 'f:liz.er No. these strange. 50unds do not Gome from the WE.)(.? studio or from the ub Inftrns but rather from a group of de.dic.ated, driven, and inttllec.tua\ students. lit, who art we "-jading? ihe noises Gome from U1t. u5ua\11 rambun,tious Wi5terian offic.e on deadline £131. TranMtional is perhapfl the most apt "'31 to desGribe the. start of the 2.001-2.002. Wisterian. "Th" paper was sent baGt:. 40"'0 to thr. 5trnent of'baint Mic.hael's ~al\ after ill one 1ur stint in ",hiGh the. writen and editofs wert. allowed to breathe frt.sh air and 93u at natural ht. tto\olever. Ii"" foO mao1 timtf> before, the Wi~ a4.iu~ted and ,ontinued its servi'e to the La'5a\lian ,0mmunit1. ihe staff dedi,ated tif to the new do,trine requiring that artidu be handed in on time and the paper be ~ent to print b1 the deadline. ihue prin'iples ,ted a\l of one month - - until the fir5t edition of thi51ear'$ paper miMed its original print deadline. To auompan1 thiS renewed dtdic..ation to prin'iple, the c.o-editor5 in 'hief. Matt Quigg and Andrew \Z.1an, planned to 'reate a more thought provo~ing. t>ub5t3ntive, and relevant publi,ation. No longer would the Wisterian be ~nown a& tht paptr with "all tht newt> that'£> fit to print~ -a month ago." Dt5pitt tht nevtr tnding ttGhnoiogiGal diffiGUltiu and rtvit>ion&, the paper btc..amt mort reltvant and 5tudtnt inttrt&t pta~td. iht Wis mtt ont of its primal"'{ goal& thiS 1tar: informing &tudtnts ....hi\t Grtating di5GU55ion throughout tht &Ghoo\. '5uGh &uut5f, c..amt undtr the Itadtr5hip of moderator5 Mr. Danit\ Fi\t and Mr. e.rian '5.... ttnt1 and a5 a rt5Ult ofiht Wi5' 5upporting GMt. '5tnior5 C.hri5 ll-advansk:1 and Mik:t i t"\it5 5trOVt for tutl\enu on tht '5port5'Page. And, at> al",a15, undtrdMt>mtn had a profound influenGt on tht paptr. J'uniors J'Ot o....1tr and lt1an C.ampbtl\ look: for....ard to mak:ing thtir uniqut mart on ihe Wi£> ntJot 1tar. iht 50phomort duo of L.hris \2.05& and "5t-an QUigg providtd inva\uablt urviGt and taltnt as tht1gaintd mort tJoptrienGt. iht staff hopu to Gontinut the paptr'5 ongoing tffort& for balanGtd and intrigUing rtporfing in tht 1ur5 to Gomt. wa\-':5


The Wisteriall's motley crew. Barely shown: Chris Ross. Go figure.

Stewart RYall'S are the Dilly set of eyes to gaze upon the Op-Ed page.


Chris Radvansky works diligently on the computer; at fec someone is doing some work around here.

Tim Kirk tests his -'" ., wits against yet /" another game of "Family Feud"

Chris Binney is a cropping machille.


Steve Curran "hard at work" as usual.

The 2002 Bllte altd Gold Staff: (left to rig/It) Mrs. Elizabeth Field, J.P. Laub, Chris Radvallsky, Tim Wilson, Steve Curran, Chris Blaney, Brandon Black, Dave Moll, Kevin Tnt/ow, Tim Kirk, and Mrs. Linda Dorla/llIe.

hif> 1earboo~ ~a50 'fIritten. c.ompO&e.d. revit>td. t<lit.d, and revi.t<I again l>j a group of novi« editors. and staff me-mbers. The 0011 veterans on • .taff indud. Advioor Mf'. Donahu. (5 1.a<o) and mior Tim '.'liIoon (I 1tar). f.ditof' 'ilt.v. C.urran, Iri. t;lan.1, C.hri. lZadvan'~1, and t;randon t;\a<~ tarh.ad.d tho Mm.tim.. dreadful but nu.... '1 ta.~ "produ<ing tho 1.arboo~." Oth.r .taff m.mbor. ,Iudt<l '!>tnior. Tim t::ir~, Dav. Moll, and j.y. Wub; lOiorfl l(e.vin Tatlow and Dave. Naab; and N,flif»tant lvi.or Mr•. Fi.ld. N, 10U <an t.II, <om. '!>tpt.mb.r, · 'frltrt rt:ad'f to embar"- on an intert-flling ende.avor.


He-i. what if none of U5 "noviGt boot:ies" ever o",t<I up at that muting in Ma1 2001? You ",ouldn't · reading this right no"', ",ould 10u? You probabl1 ,uldn't hav. a boo~' Don't ta~. for grant.d this '110" ,I of a <ampl.tt<l1.ar of l\igh 'i><hool. In tho ",ord. of

Mr. ("orald Millor, "You ~no", ",ho has tho mo.t po",.r in this .<hool? 'iltud.nt c.oun<il - NO, Nl\'il offi«rs - NO, jo<~ ... NO; 11'. tho Y.arboo~ .taff b.<au•• Th.y c.on/rot Your Memories." Wt\\ put, Mr. Minef. t;ut ",h1 did tho four t<litor. duid. to a«<pt Mrs. Donahue.'$ invitation to a 4-da.,




1''' ",h.r. th.r. are C.ivil War balll.fi.ld., farm animal.,

monument6. pitGhforts.. raGec.arfl. and murders aU ",rapp.d into on. hi.tori<al m.lting pot. C.-lZad .. "Th. ("irl. (1 to I girl to b01 ratio), 'ilt.v. c.. - "ThaI'. 101 gh.tto, 101," t;randon - '" li~. tho•• W••t V" hon'1" C.hri. t;lant1 - " I didn't ",anna go." t;.Ii.v. it or not, a good tim. ",a. had b1 all. "'in« th. b.ginning of th. 1.ar, th. 1tarboo~ offil:.e hat> bun OUf homeroom. lounge. stud.., c.ommon&. <amputor lab, <af.t.ria, g1mna.ium. tagging ground., and gam. room. 'I'. pr.1l1 ni« <ampart<lto tho Wist.rian'. "hoi. in tho ",all of tho baum.nt." '.'I., aft.r all, have a ",indo",'

'1>0, d.ar rtad.r, ",. hop. 10U .nj01 tho 2002 f.dition of tho t;WC tr C.OLD. If 10U have an1 <am" plaintfl. wt'n 50rf"f. but no ma\iu ...3& intende.d. He.1. we. didn't "now ....hat .... r. .... e.re. dOin9 an'fwa'f! -'5te.ven C.urran-

e staffexplaifls to Brandon what a COPY envelope is for.


.. -

...... J



...-J -

·rs. DOllahue's e1lthusiasm ues Gzns Blalley.

Hardcore Yearbook, man. Rigltt on!


Palll! Paul! Paul?

" ..'


Ryall Dwyer to a sleeping Steve Scllaffer: "Dude, did you just rip olle?"

Steve Curran catclles some seriOllS air i11 tile Sugarbush terrai/1 park. Steve Schaffer and Ryan Pollock simultaneously lIit a jllmp.. ,Lookout! Lo 'i>al\o 'i>l:l aub ...ba~ 0. Iht hlgh"t a.Helpattd V..",onl Trip th" PlOt 1Nr with elghtt otudonto. mo,. than ..... bofo,.. Two b.... tnooporttd Iht '~..- and -G.oI4 TNm. to Iht ........ton lIoIel In &urllnglon. V..",onl aft... mld-t..",o had boon <.Ompl.'td that Thuroda-f. :ranuart n. ". Iht b.... em...w Iht hotel pan:lng lot. we NW ov... a fool of ..... on Iht ground and tlatoo falling from Iht ol:'f. ""'1°"' Q6 .to~ for IDmt big tllm Vtnnont M:jlng. in. dub ..m to Iht '1>1_ \Zeoort that Frtdao(. :r"1 v..~ on 'i>atur~. and Ihtn cIoM<l ..., Iht Irtp at ~rbUfh 'i>l:l \Zeoort all ~ ~~ and half of Mo~, DMpII.1ht ~:I50m ...~-up ..110 and long. <.Old ~ on Iht oIovee. Iht thrillo. <hRlo. and oplli. of Vennont .I'llng wor. "l\01td bof all. Mr. :rameo Ta'. (Modarator) and Mr. Nidlolao



"'Woo lcod Iht trlp with <hapero... Mr, tlart'1. Mr. Fa"", Mr, MoIUfh. Mr<. Tat•• Da•• W..ho\d. and. 1M..... Mr. MR..... (... p!,tu,. to Iht right)! The four ~ and four nl! •..,.non<td In V..",onlwor. fun-llIltd and _Ing. The wll "'""1. Iht frKh powdl< ol'ling. and riew from Iht top of th mountalM "'..... all bre.athbting. £V.., G.ar"f (tnt. otut. "Nm buo driv...) "l\01td himoelf. UntR nnt 1..r.....~ Trip. &abof o--............_wwllr

4>1.... Cuff

77re 2002 Ski Club Members. Hey, there's Mr. Miller chi/lin out after a rough tumble. Seall McManus mId Tim KootJs

pausefor nquick pictureo Sean Brogan: ''I'm tired, call me when the tellt's readyfor

sleepiug. "

, I


MukT~ f lOU ...ah::w through th~ han. of La ~\\e on '5unda'f morning', 10U , might have hurd the voiU$ of MOG~ Trial partidpantf. raifling objutionr. and arguing the finer point. of the. \a.... Mer t'flO '{tarfl of difl.appointing fini6her.. thi, 'fear't. &quad lOught to t.&tabli$h i'ulf 3$ one of the. premier ttam. ihi$ 'fear'6 Mo(.~ i rial team 'fIa" guide.d b-f the npe.rtiu and profiGienof of attorne'f-c..oaGh Mr. ~" Wolpe.rt. ~. '&4 and MI'$. Nanc.'f Ta'flor. FaGult'f moderato" Mr. ÂŁd'flarc:l Molu6h and Mr. Gtera\d E.van. helpt-d .fur the 'we-nl'f partiGipant, on a 6tead'f GOUf" to'\ltardfl vid0r'i. Attorne'f' and moderator, pruide.d n judgu in mod: inter fKluad u.rimmagu. All tht. ...hilt., the'f offere.d the.ir adYl"" in the arenar. of the finer pointfl of thf, law, ,traftgl. and theatriLaI pt-rformanGe.. Mer reaiving a ÂŁletitiou.


from Temple Univusil11aw '5c.hool"'s

MOLk Trial Program. partiLipants immr.rud thr.mulvr.6 in argUing thr. finr.r point6 of thr. LaU. but morr. important\1 in pr"6r.nting it. ~tudr.nt6 wr.rr. 6l.Ond morr. on thr.ir powr.r6 of pr.r6uuion than on thr. mr.rit6 of thr. La" it6r.lf. 1'llr. 2001 ~02 &quad p066"6",d thr. m06t talr.ntw group of 6tudr.nt6 to partiLipatr.Dejense A.ttorne Nick Shie!ds dl;Jzes offduring in Mod:: trial in thr. put fr.w 1r.ar6. With a talr.ntw arra1 of both uppr.rL\u6mr.n WItness ay Subers testl1l1ony. and frr.6hmr.n. Mod:: Trial W36 poi6W for 6UG.U66. '5tnioN> F-ob e.aumgardnr.r and Matt Quigg Ir.d thr. Lrr.w a6 witnr.66 and attornr.1 rupr.Ltivr.\1. and J'unior6 NiLk ~hir.ld6 and Dayr. Hr.a1n portra1r.d 6tudr.nt~attornr.16. ~phomoru Doug ta1\or a6 a 6tudtnt~attornr.1 and '5tan Quig9 a6 a witnt6s. and frt6hmtn 12-31 ~ubr.rft and ~tr.wart F-1an high\ightr.d atalr.ntr.d LOrps of undr.rda66mr.n.


In thr. midftt of dr.bating. argUing. and objr.Lting. Mod:: Trial offr.r6 thr. opportunit1 for it6 partidpant6 to rr.\a,. and jUftt hayr. fun.

Prosecutitlgattomey Dave Heayn~uses his attention on the witness stmJd. Mock Trial Members take time awayfrom their trials to tal group shot.

'-Ie iro1ly' of the Pilato Club, as a grollp, getting t/leir

IOtas fake"l.


A member of the ~ Photo Club going/or a Ilice scenic s1lot in fhe



mn••tylnt.rnational i. a Nob.l-pri" winning gra..root. organiz.ation founded in 111.1 b1 e.riti.h lawy.r l'.t.r e..n.n..n. dedic.ated to fruing priM>nerfl of c.onuie.nLe.. gaining fair trial, for politic.al pri..ner•• ending torlure. politic.al ~illing. and •di.appearan<..: and aboli.hing the death penalty throughout the world. It began a. a .impl. appeal for th. r.l.a•• of two 1'0rlugu••••tudent. who had bun arruttd after ma\:ing a "tout to frudom" in a Liftbon bar. j',in« th.n. Amn••ty ha. grown ..ponentially: toda~. ove.r one. miUion men, ~ome.n. and ,tudenff> from .round the world proudly c.all th.m••I m.mb.r.. La j',.I1... own .tudent <h.pt.r h•• don m••mning ..'_ _--' 'f4or\: over t\u paftt 1e-ar in furthering the QUit of hum.n right.. In O<tober 2001. the five .tudent moder.tor. - 1'.1 ~irt •. 1'hil Larroll. :roe Larroll. M.r< Mong" .nd Andr.w ~y.n - .tt.nded th••nnu.1 Mid-AlI.nti< c.onf.r.n« in Wilmington. DE.. wh.r. th.y gath.red infor' mafian about &Orne of Arnot-5ot."& Spec.ia\ faLus c.3&t$ and net... or\:td ... ith other ,tudenfs.. A pttition drive ... 3& he\. in the f.1I on behalf of pri.oner-of-<an«i.n« :ro.' C.allardo. who. than~. parlly to our help. wa. rel••••d in ea, Febru3r"f after tlotrving a If -1ear prifton fttntenc..t. In Januar1. La ~a\\t Arnot-iti membert> wor\:td with another 10 <hapter in Lanc.a.ter. l'a. to put on a ben.fit <on«rt. Jamo.ofy. for the 1'.0pl". C-oalitioo Again.t 1'01i« e.rutalit Other ' ..nl. in<lud.d a I••<h - in on the plight of the j',udan••• p.opl•. a C.lob.1 £duc.ation Motivatoro (C.£M) uminar held at C.h..tnut Hill C.oll'ge. and a region-wide fa> blit. 00 behalf of :ro.' C.allardo. not to m.ntion e",ten&ive. ongoing ltUn writing umpaigo&. Amnt&t1 International it. moderattd bi fal.u\t1 me-rnbe-r, Mn. f,\iz.abl field. -1'hil C.arroll-

Atlmesty 11Itemationaf: Joe Carroll, Mrs. Elizabeth Field, Colin Kirts, Raj

Rillcoll, Dave Achey, Andrew Ryan, Qnd Phil Carroll. 150

Mr. Hollenleih1er mzd members of La Salle:s Respect Life OrgarllzafIOl1.


Forthe past five years, La Salle has been offering the Kairos retreat to the Senior class. Participation has grown rapidly over this time and more than 200 Seniors have gone(once or twice) this school year on any ofthe six retreats from 37-21 to 37-26. Each retreat group is accompanied by Campus Ministers Mr. Mark "Chez"nikand Mr. LewClark. who tirelessly commit themselves to the "behind the scenes" efforts which make the retreat work. Leavingon a Tuesday afternoon and returning on a Friday evening, thirty to forty Seniorclassmates spend time at Camp Neumann away from their famil ies, school, and the daily grind. Along with a dozen student and adult leaders who set an example, everyone shares their ideas, thoughts, feel ings, and problems at Kairos. The profound effect that the retreat has on us young men can only be vaguely described by some ofthe followingcommenlS... -Sleven Curran-Kairos is the best thing to hit La Sa/Je since the Spanish n Department started watching Destinos. - Brendan Whitaker



- Bob Palidora

"Kairos is about being real with yourself and others, there n are no masks and no lies there. -Anonymous


Kairos 37-23 group shot. Conrad LollOCki borrows Pat Beaty's "Crocodile Hunter" hat. 37-21 retreatants "lounging" in Coleman Lounge. 112 Kairos is a time of realization and change. -Mike Tek/its

UKairos is just what I needed at this point in my life. It lelped me put things into perspective and face reality- it changed my life forever." -Mark Spangler

Ian Cooper, far left, does his hilarious "Chez" illlpressioll.

Rei!and Mr. Clark's group on 37-24 Chuck Parker and Brandon Skupski: Brotherly Love.

Sean Seese is n happy man, and why shouldn't he be?

Bob Careless and DOIIO "Still crazy after all the,e years."

Mike Onufrak & Jerry Givni,l, ,llOw offtheir dotes.

Smilillg Pat Deltmey WWJ a smiling date.

Pat Weller: "nlere's not/ling like the cool, refreshhlg fasfeo/,Sierra Mist.'"

Rob Baumgard"eraf ]uuior Prom.

Eric Poupard & Marlio Escobar.

"TIle Asian Invasion" Bobby Clio stares down tile camera on his way to the willg bowl filial.

Mr. Gillespie watches as Trevor Needllam gets owned in a wrestling by Mike Aluise.

Mike Boccllino llDlds the hardware as tile members oftile 2002 Wi/lgbowf competefor the title.

An anxious LaSalle crowd watches as the gluttons put dUo willg affer wil

Pat Kirts and Ryan Rodden look on ill horror as Tom Plick does his naked celebration dance at tile Quiz Bmul.

Paul Needle aka 'Big Hairy Fat Kid" shows the sizea"d pawerofhis vast gut.

Willg Bowl Me lall Cooper ': "So I says to tile guy, I says..."

What we really heard at La Sa II e... ~nora z.o~\ts~h -

No, idiotas!

Mr. D~mps~i - l1~i, spar~i~s! e>r. William - Th~i ain't gonna ta~~ i0U ...ith wurs~s \i~~ e>as~~t ... ~aving II and W~ight\ifting 10

Mr. :rohnson -I am mi o...n grandpa. Mr. D~vin~-Irs gonn-~ happ~n. ~nor e>\anoo - ~nor~s, ~st~ ~pisodio ~s mUi important~.

Mr. Mr.


i0U ...ith


£:.h~sni~-'i>hamo~in. 1'~nnsilvania

Mr. £:.lar~-l1o ...'s it goin'? Mr. £:.ipolla-I ...ill r~port i0U to th~ assistant prinoipal for aoad~mio affairs. Mr. :ros~ph 1'. D'Ang~\o. Than~s for romin'. Mr. Mill~r-'i>o th~ r~a\iti b~rom~s . Mr. Ni~ol~tti-'i>p~a~ing as a l1indu no . Mr. 1'unt~1 - 01' babi! Mr. 1'onisoia~-No ......hat 1ou'r~ gonna anna go ah~ad and do is go ah~ad and . Mr. Li~htn~r-1'ut iour t... o-pieo~s on, bOis. Mr. ~oh~- You gotta appr~~iat~ th~ d~rivativ~! Mr. l1art~i-I'\h, ~aoa! You gUis ar~ \ittl~ pissants. Mr. C.~ig~r - 'i>utn~ qu~stion~s hodi~ omn~s? Minim~?

- c.~nt\~mtn. ani prob\~ms. qu~s­ lions, or ~ris~s to Mal ...ith todai? e>r. £:.harl~s - On~ tuition to a ~hair. D~sign~d for suu~ss. Mr. Young - "Nuds mor~ quot~s. e>." Mr. (.vans - I li~~ to us~ th~ 1'1'i>'i> m~thod. Mr. l1in~\~ - c.~t som~ dass, and g~t to dass. Mr. C.rao~ - Too vagu~, npand on that. Mrs. 1'onisoia~ - Ol'! C.ood - ~~! e>r.



Malt Morris and Lou ManQllelli: motley crew.

, ,


See page 161.

Pop c.ulture

La'5allian c.ulture

favorite. fe.ma\e. ule.brity e>ritne.y ~pe.arfl r e.nna r amuon 'The. O\fle.n rlflinfl

Favorite ie-ae-her Mr. C.ipol\a

favorite. 14qulre.d l4ading l.atGhe.r in the. fl1e. l.atGh-2.2. Of Miu and Me.n

60eflt 'Pat,h of Hair 'Pat e.ut1

Wortt l4quire.d l4ading e>urme.u DJyfl The. C.hofle.n Thing' Fall Apart

13oi99f.flt Tra&hta\~er t'evin '5aV3g"

favorite. MUflic.a\ Miflt Dave. Matthe..fl e>and 'Phiflh 2.'PaG

M01l' Lite\1 to be on :fae.):. Lion&

favorite. 1\1 'fhe.



c..ot Doing Nothing AI••



~an Miller

e-nndan WhitaKer

Tom VUc-\::.

Andre.\II ft1an :rad~an

\Z.1an rhomu C.huc." 'Parter




'5tinfe.ld ~av.d b'j tho


found What Hr.', Looting for Tim A1nn

l.hriflo :refferfl


"ad the Toughut Lar :rerr>( Nnole 130rian Donoghur. 130rad e.art~"'6"i

Ore", 1'010\11"11

'Pat £:.onin, :fohn 1-131"


Favorite. '5ong '5tarlight £"'prufl!!


M06' Ute,\" to 14:turn to La "5all

13oANC.(13out Abbreviation for

Am~riGan 'Pi~


Lou t'ornfelnd


Favorite. Movie. Fight C.lub Dumb and Dumbe.r

to a






Fai\e.d L.adiu· Man urt"'f Montgomer"f £d McLu&\::'"r 60rian c.. MiUtr

Future U&e4 t:.ar '5a'uman Matt '5u\o'" Lou Man£.ine,\\l

:fohn Wi\f>On

iat", too MUGh Matt "5ulo,"" !.hri6tian Le.... ifl

Dre... MO"'''11

Wil\ "Uve in a Van DO'tln F-iver"



'5teve Maida ;raG~

Lyonfl Mdre.. 1Z1an tiighe.flt fru 'Pe.riod to C.\an 14 £riG 'Poupard Mdre.. F-yan ~tu 'Pididiot

For spacing reasons. ccnaln peoplc's names were unable 10 appear more than tWIce on this list. F lhe sake ohnOl1ymily,ld'S call him Man S.. or M, Sul()(


I..1n"f "I'u.....


o-·_·_n am. "Tho /II...... eon, ;f.. "PbIr £.onooI1 1'biI '":T... CMToII

I>obbt "Tho ,....., 1...-· a.. _ .&ut"'. c.u.nn 0...._ . Moll

1'U "&Ig Fot lIoit'llCiQ ....... '":T..... I'MI\man


..... --.._... _









Tho ·F,,"," F....... ;fohn



"'"'" .t:.nm. lIaIfont - . . . ,.


·F ,. ...... ..,..,1ll "'"'" .~ e.-g. --..~"""" ~


.""""'-1" """onaIol _ , . . . FIaif'....... ;fohn "Tho _ . Nanu _


.&oJ l\uQ C4>IIiM


..... ·0'000fI0·


;fobn .~ \.aI:l ;f.............. _


_ ·Lan" 0....,.,.. Lou


~- .'bchatlngo. ~­ ...... '":Tc" .. Rio< ~_

.&1.",. _

Dino -eo.nLa'"' Okil,

"""""'" ·01Go\omo· o,;rullo

..... -V.I.... Folft Tom 1'Iia ·00"

......."""9'"1 _ e.-ad ,.,.. P.......

Lootn LochoaI


Matt '"'Mo'" Mon'K

..... -r........( T _ l'ob'"Wl(..,... aldo< ~

-r_ 1'on9'<.

Polo PInta· _ _ Matt 1111 '-tttn' a .... GItr'" '&u&oa

..... ·F..· _ Gng~."'·Pot""

.&oJ am. .e.m. Answers to page 159: Humn 1: Ryan O'Donnell, Terrence Kempf, Brian DOlloghue, Sean Seese "umn 2: Jack Lyons, Adam Borek, Nick D'Amico, Luke Field Humn 3: Brandon Black, Will Gallagher. Krom Savage, Pat Beaty Humn 4: Mike Bocdllno, Dan Reid, Tom Weiser, Brian McElroy


...........,... .....,.... ..,... ·Odio·



~ ~.



;fobn .to; ;fohnn( ..._


Scan C. Ahern 133 Bayhill Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)270·9884 St. Helena

Matthew P. Adams 503 Monastery Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19128 (215)483-4787 St. John Sparush Club, Ski Club, NHS

'J".t. IutJ a N-JI!,fU/t,-_, but IAjJ - (f..-eft., 'm,m -


i/. ~

Crcw. Lab Mana~er, Drama ~'Jr1' IL~." /1.. itUl",,_..J of idt."'11£4 iJ .JJd L, t""t. pow.' a,", efIl-l wit!, _ .. /,;..J iJ pow.'/~ in ib ow"

tk~...". ~

-2)• .1.-

Christopher J. Ay 2624 St. David's Lane Ardmore, PA 19003 (610)896-8497 St. Dennis

Gerald Arnole 16 Harvard Road (610)446-0281 Annunciation BVM Swimming Manager, NHS, Student Council, Bowling, Stage Crew, Academk Decathlon

M/J, -.oc.ltlnllo .'1(:1. 0[1.",.


Band, Drama, Gazebo, Juggling Club, Chorus, Stage Crew ~':J,jl!,.JJ/"P iJ It. /'anh.J tllI'lt,! i" 4. woj) to

~ml!lJ.i"1 """ tan< ;It xJ.ool &/ ./'Iou /'0"''' i I-~ fl., _a.. i", (1/ f,.....J).•.". lJOu ~(J4 haw" ita,"'; IU"Jthi",_ ~


Jl iJ nol


Bernardino A. Allegretti 112 Rochelle Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)487-3255 St. John the Baptist Crew, Lab Manager,


:JI ~ ,-I u1~a to alwtujJ ~a'"l /- JackJ-/ II

Jo_tlu""1 wl... '/011. walJ.


JIJo_Wy Jays,

Michael V. A1uise 62 Stahl Road Southampton, PA, 18966 (215)364-1172 Our Lady of Good Counsel Crew, Soccer, Student Council Pail! ;J WNlM.JJ ta";IIj tl... ~


'..JJ..", can ~ t;.,. .... Iw.ult 11- call JA,/, III

S'""/, 'Jot lk~ JQclJ_ ~


Jacl..JJa..J.'1 -

Daniel AzelT 304 Wood Spring Road Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215)540-1989 St. Rose

Andrew T. Babin 108 Misty Meadow Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)368-8307 Corpus Christi

Football, Outdoor Adventure Club, LSC 'J!,. 4!a,ly hi,'" 'IUI" ,.111,. wonn but 11... UCOIlJ

Football, BasketbaU, Track, SADD,



tI.. c/'''I-J4. ~


'J atuurp Jill) what J Int a"d dwl apf'Oln;U. jj



tft iJ tAl-,ll. /,...", hotl,.JI.

SlUM" is

t....., olu/a,., bul dUAl ~ /,OMJ it ~ toIla 1" i" Il. Jio.... 11.1'" - ne!. .JJvu...., 3/1 -

cixlC:O'HptlNJ L,


David R. Babnew 3218 Brookdale Road Philadelphia. PA 19114 (215)672·0465 St. David Competition Band, Italian Club Forum, Tennis, HS aN ... /'at ""' ...,,-wl, Jo. ~c.lt ..~.,



iJ _, all

Christopher M. Barry 1827 Adler Road Bensalem, PA 19020 (215)245·8210 St. Ephrem "8,illl)

Football, NHS ~ I jJ a M"J, ifl 1./., f"...",

waIJ olt/-.

Bradley J. Bartkowski 307 Clairemont Road Villanova, PA 19085 (610)527·2424 St. Thomas of Villanova Ski Club, LSC, NHS, Robotics


Hlitl_~ iJ if

'J/~"F'" J...J tI..~ _.IJ to ~ _.". /0, JJ,ii'"j iJ


rul, butu !.abil. ..


- JI"'".llolt-




Patrick A. Becher 2110 Terwood Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)657-3702 Our Lady Help of Christians

Gregory J. Bednarz 70 Crooked Billet Road Hatboro. PA 19040 (215)672·0465 St. David

Christopher 1- BeU 11 Fieldstone Lane Horsbam, PA 19044 (215)957-6357 St.Catberine of Siena

Film Club, Lacrosse

Band, Italian Club, Forum, Tennis NHS W.. a,.. /l.·hal .... "!"aW4 Jl1. ~(illt...r ...

Hockey, Drama, WEXP, Wisterian In tram urals, LSC. Spanish Club

:1.. tJ,jJ ,_t/u'"""


c.... i ~'1J 'PI., paJi. -

- 8.. m •.I"J -



Mi All rut, lui a habiJ. -

- .AN>I.'1. -

'.A/J-. t..., /0., '/'.'" J 1-14 J,J il ..J ""to",,. '


Robert J. Baumgardner 357 Gilham Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742.7919 St Wilham

Scott Beard 236 Cowbell Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)659·6839 St. David

Patrick R. Beary 2048 Corinthian Avenue Abington, PA 19001 (215)657·7896 Om Lady Help of Christians

Drama, Guitar Ensemble


Stage Crew, Lab Manager

LSC, Mock Trial t:outJrI. t laug/,.JIud /<Ioutl go

·s..'ljo~ ,;;ifiZ</'IJ, ah/'o",h Jto"" ""d Ja"911"O"j behind f/,.. W/,qB!, Cflll ,lUI!jf/~II. aPl<~P()~' "


J/w. eould.. It.u,1. w. jUJf l<Io.. IJ go J/Wl. wlm",

i tJlteMl'! w. would 10


.//", t./-...

j"JU,WI •••

Intramurals, Film Club, WEXP not ,/0"" job. You~. 'lOl /'ow III""/' IrtI)'lIil,/

'you ;."

ban/'. 'ljo.. ;" not tlUI C'l' 'Iou c!,ille. You;'" not II.. t:o..tllnll,/,/0"" waffel. you;" Jflfi'''it.!y ,wi ,/0"" MIah..J, ..

- J"I..,. ~ .. rJB" -


- eltyd {j,MmM -


Justin A. Benincasa 500 Country Club Road Valley Forge, PA 19460 (610)985·4077

1" hall. i" fl,.

"/],.;/J a"'''', "f,-,e, all" I.. iJ ,mum /0, a Jfl'l' ,:I!i9/" a on J"rB, (Hull. iJ warm /or fl.. ~Jt

Stephen E. Bielecki 1511 Fulton Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)643·0153 St. Alphonsus

Gerard J. Binder, Jr. 1405 Church Road Wyncote, PA 19095 (215)885·3187 St. Luke

Cross Country, Hockey, Lacrosse Student Council 'J wa"l ""I wi!a"J capat.-ll'J lo m.ud i,oiJ. 1/'.

reflion W/'UB



Jo" i m~a" a l/'i'''I'

.!Jl ~

W!,.<NI dil a"9,,!J treat l/'I'OIe'lL.JI ~ W/'1I1"f1 [!'ill) tri"fj iflo '10'" Jf ~ W/'''f'I! Jil."'CII, Ji!.",c" call IMcl.


lo jillfj...


elm Carl'Of!-

Stage Crew, Art Club Film Club, Latin Club 'J /'aJ to prov" l/'alJ coulJ mat" il alo"". R.l

I/,al ~ nol 11«1.


wa"uJ 10.11.0'" I.ow i"Jilpe'IJ""l

J~" '1I'OW" tiel 11.01 ~ '101 "'..


I",ow l/'~1'fJ ~ a"


aI!Jw"r. J /'"ow l/,al ""'" b"l .!J I.a"" lo il t'l m'lJilf/. .. -/],.ian UJ.lwJII -

Brandon M. Black 12330 Medford Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215)632·3848 St. Anselm

Christopher L. Blaney 40 Summit Circle Churchville, PA 18966 (215)322-0802 St. Bede the Venerable

Michael V. Bocchino 557 Applewood Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215)646·5179 St. Luke

FootbaU, Wrestling, Stage Crew, Freshmen Mentor, Student Council, Yearbook "Wh.m arl<l "00' cloM/J UlIOtlUI.' 0P'"fIJj /',,1 ,l/"

Cross Country, Track, NHS, Yearbook, Wisterian, Gazebo, LSC

''Jrail o!ll'()utl.u, I"fJadJ 0/ bautJ, pat//.j 0/

often 1-1. :SO 10119 and.so fP9Mi/JI'I "pon ItB cloud cloo" fl.al we do nof JJ!II on,j which Of'lII /or rO. "

- AI....,/.. C; 8.[1-

Eric Brannon 8029 Pine Road Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)728·1657 Track

"0",. Jo"bLJ iI,al



ft.ailtJrj and mat,

often may win, 1"1 "'aring w/":I/ could







lIic!o"lj. W6

Jlwll waft. "

-8.t 2:>/". -

to aU"",p'

/,.,,4 til o"rj. "

- UJ.l£,·ulI SI,akI!JP'af'fI -

Anthony C. Brelsford 27 Franklin Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031

Jason T. Breznicky 2100 Terwood Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)659-0231 St. David

"J /"6111." "'ted, ,/,,, "eed /0.. Jp<'tlJ ..

Soccer, FootbaU, Track, Lacrosse,

- J.p{;.-


"J, ~ tcts Mll.i"1 c!."lIfeJ, it ~ att th. jams ja,ns cl..a~ac~"'J in tl... boo/' with ti/Ie,."t namsJ, it ~ a !.,t te tJ8 dan 'Iou got thi,lf' '21..11


to gain.

- JI..R~"-

Brent A. Bommentre 5 Cedarbrook Road Horsham, PA 19044 (215)292-5562 NHS ''':})Ofl

i fl.i"k Ijou a...., k"ow 'IOU un. ..

-2.. 7Jla/n:'-

Adam D. Borek 2062 Spring Valley Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (610)584·5229

Anthony A. Bonanni 303 Powder Horn Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 (610)828-9469 St. Philip Neri Track, Football "U/e a~e tll4 {Jeopls o,,~ panm!.J w"meJ "J "bo,d,




'J/!J0" /'",,1/ mO~R I/'a" ')0" "elld, 1/'11" 1j0" a~1I Jleal"g /rom

:lO"U,WJ 11&..,

- 'lna/,alma (/a"J/'i -

Sean A. Brogan 10885 Crestmont Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215)637·3911 Our Lady of Calvary

Joshua M. Bryant P.O. Box 353 Blooming Glen, PA 18911 (215)453-2990 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

Matthew K. Capetola 188 Victoria Court Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)794·8612 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Crew, Science Club, LSC, Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure Club 'Jlllagill4 yo,vJ,l/ in (. boal 0" II ,i"e~ wil/' IllIlg/m'". I~.d a"J 'ItiJ.n>l.. !aJ. JkieJ, "

Track & Field, Outdoor Adventure Club .~;., iJ blU! a wath i" I/'il /oNlJ/, aft !J0" /'a"" to

Lacrosse, Intramurals, Spanish Club,

- JoItlIJe""o" -

do iJ decd••vl.icl. iind",,, 'j0" ~e 'Ol'''g (",i /.'"J 'J0"~

OW" wa'J 0"1.

- JOJI.IJ~'Janf-


a"i love 'J0M /,~, /,.. poJilivfl will. ~e tl,l' gooi in e"tlry/'Ol/y. "

''Sta'J poJilive


- n,cl, ..JJe.o.""" 3 f f



Robert M. Careless 911 Whites Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610)272·3784 Epiphany of Our Lord

Ian P. Carey 210 Harrison Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)886·2385 St. Luke

Joseph J. Carroll, Jr. 909 Valley Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215)233·3440 Holy Martyrs

Crew, Basketball, LSC, Freshman Mentor, Track, SAnD :.t.j. " tI.•• /"" ,~«.Ia", Ij...........

Swimming, SAnD, Respect Life, Football, LSC -5:.... .-" M. thi"1J aJ //,,,,/ aN tJ,.J a.J,

Amnesty Int'l, Tennis, Band, NHS


IA:~Q/ IJOH .. fJDi"1





- Jo.--" (Jump -

J t..tJm //';'")J t/,ul ""..,U w.... ad a.J ·UAy .,./7- R.t.,/ :; .J(._J, -

Michael J. Ciccaglione 1590 Pulaski Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)278-0421 St. Helena

Michael J. Colibraro 1819 Willard Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)659·1964 St. David

lee Hockey, Wisterian, NHS, Film Club, Italian Club

Italian Club, Science Club -'Ul.·tJ~ 1/114/"1 """ J'on~,J., t/,tlM ;J a mrw cl.ancfI. But wit/, ~UlJ J.. ~l, '10" tt.", if. ,-

-J/'. _" ",/,u h.J ai..p w..ll...v., "'Qt... /a-. II,.J lriJ J'J'''' a..Jall/';., t.J. J,./J paJt him [,1,. JIWUf.. 17- tI,.../o.., ,.,Ji,. CQlltrol'/"'" ".... tI. II..J cal!",- fl.. JiN"1tlr q/JON/tIw/ willJ aU




- :.J. J./_ -

- ,j"•.JJ.""", -

'"fJ. t..IJ•.J '"'tiL, I~~ wiNc-l>.... 141JO'" ajJ - ..At...~ 5._u -

Patrick Collins 13 Rotterdam East Holland, PA 18966 (215)355-7987 St. Bede the Venerable Football, Lacrosse ,/0/.1 w" .. /«J ld to

"w. nfl.u to In wlw! UJ.. Jlu.l ~



w6 aN.

tJ.. way it ~ '0;" . to b.. ~

-B.. m.J.,-


Philip T. Carroll 909 Valley Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215)233-3440 Holy Martyrs

Sean V. Caviston 1208 June Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)947·5628 St. Hilary of Poitiers

Robert J. Cho 73 Woodbine Way Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610)834-3844 Holy Angels

Amnesty 1nt'l, Tennis, 'WEXP, Band, Model UN ~21o'j lh. road wind 141'1.;//alfths WQI/ to

WEXP. Wi sterian, Film Club, Stage Crew

Intramurals, LSC


t/'. (1"'/ .d. Will ti,,, dn'/ ~ JOI""'''I'"I.. fl... wlwt. 10"1 day? Jrom mor" lo "if/h1, "II) fiend. "

"Would" I


"Ji'Ulfly ::Do"•. .

t...ice ,f wer" ofi",., fl."n we WII


w(m!J" "ave

to wail .w Io",).

-Brill" Ullo.. -

..... el.,jJtina J:?oJJtdli"'"

Carmen J. Conicelli III 1316 Stephen Way Southampton, PA 18966 (215)355·5384 Our Lady of Good Counsel WEXP, LSC, IntramuraJs, Crew ij a jOUnlil'lJ 'lOt a j..Jlinalion... t"M- OIlU




"!c'UJ lJO" paJJ, ""k tlIIB",! iUi!J!ion ljou ami alfempl .,""" d'''(''11 ,/ou imaging, "

Brendan J. Cooney 717 Glenview Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)745-2949 Presentatiopn BVM

Ian J. Cooper 352 Sentry Lane Wayne, PA 19087 (610)688-2031 Mother of Divine Providence

Crew, LSC, Stage Crew, NHS,

Student Council, Crew, Track, Film Club, Robotics, Intramurals "nev~, pich fij/,tJ wi//' IlalIJ PllOpt bl/callJ# //,lIIJ

Gazebo, Latin Club

have Ilo/hi"1 to 1oS6. " -

WjO! PhiloJOp/'u -

Christopher C. Costantino 2205 Michener Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)676·5541 Maternity BVM

Michael P. Cragin, Jr. 2924 Unruh Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215)338·0612 St. Timothy

Salvatore S. Cucinotta 516 Parkview Drive Wynnewood. PA 19096 (610)642-0109 St. Margaret

WEXP, Lab Manager Mathletes

\VEXP, LSC, Chorus, lntramurals :hOll i atuQ'IJ I-t ai ..:ha!;J t,./'i..J,.,,, ,.. ,I"

An Club, WEXP, Film Club MeJ, tI..u. _.u!.,.J "N aJ J&p,J aJ It..mall

pad, IJOrA /HighJ miJ.J kJnutll.;"1 tl.aJ iJ "ifl.l ill


:J/ ~ t,,J 10 tiu',J, "/UJ



11,.,..uI tYJ.. b

",;/1.0""' 0/'1~a"J ,,/..'OI..li"". ~

Mark J. D'Angelo 702 Beverly Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215)643-9643 Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Hockey, Baseball, Student Council,


I~,,'·I'P"· -

Ryan J. DeAngelis 2330 Fairway Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Our Lady Help of Christians WEXP, SADD, Soccer, Latin

J ,.~ 10 wi), 10 t. back /'0""' a,ai". J haclc i fit.

~J ~ /0 Jil a..J wtJlch If" p-";" .",ill,

:t~, '1'''' t,•. l.i,1. 'P,,/I•• ..1 _J., 'P,,/I Jk"1I/' fl,", load.. ill.. chareu 10 __ I, b.. 1 if ~ 1;'" a..J ~a"J"- flc"!. a..Jufl,.,,,, f.tJllch andat! altillljO'l" /'_J U//"II k It.. /"gillr

'P" ~,



all IJ"'" I./t. .. ;/I...,,!H, - Pi./' Jt..J-

- (j.,,,..-

- (j1.d.I., JI.. 3 .J./•• J..I m.~


John G. DeCree, Jr. 1190 Mill Creek Road Southampton, PA 18966 (215)354-1598 Our Lady of Good Counsel Hockey, Spanish Club, NHS

"2J. "'",. wl..~ 11.. pall, _'I t..J, ,. iouJ-J ":fu... tl..N i3 lUI paM -J I-w iN..!. ~ - R./pl. W.IJ. C_.... Q

Christopher M. Curcio 4200 Frontier Street Hatboro, PA 19040 (215)442·0572 St. Luke

Steven M. Curran 706 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)646·8458 St. Alphonsus

Stage Crew, Yearbook, LSC

Soccer, NHS, Ski Club, Yearbook, Kairos Leader 37-24


"- i Ut"..p!., i.tt.L Ut""/0; ,••, j'"

,J ".m ,.;., _t~ /."..

't:vUfJtl.itfl tQ~1IJ

- CU. J/"",. -

-.., ../ 'H.y Mt..

/0, a


Nicholas D. D'Amko 716 East Willow Grove Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215)233·1643 St. Vincent

..,/lt, aN If" hJ

.2.,J..... fl.al ct'tuI.~ w.

m;~ C.. flU w, W.N ,,.IUI;,, . t.'I!. -.A..J



.luk 'JOu tI"." 'I"" m.ul c~oou fo Jo ... 1...1011." "..p!. ~.!J. i J.. • - (j."t_-

John G. DeGirolamo 680 Wyndrise Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215)628·4072 Epiphany of Our Lord

Christopher W. DeLaurentis 1825 Lansing Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742·2957 Resurrection of OUf Lord

Student CounciJ, Lacrosse, SADD FootbaU

Football, LSC, Stage Crew, Wi sterian NHS ~Jl.i.I i.I tlUI ['nuI [0 ....n..tmt.~ Ca".ur it wil "",t

0:.A 100dli,,,J ",..It bUll

oliail, but /'~l li•..J IUJt In jilLi", ..uf fo 'PH Juri'") Jl"at '/01< 0 ..




IaJt /o1't1t1'-~'

BasebaU, Football, LSC. SAnD

"J..... j.ul,t.J to k I.'H_ /'am fo ~ "tWIt if ~ II... ,"l01 tl., it... (J,.J .1 do.. i _1/" l '/0" :.. hy HUj JiJ. iec.._ J'm Jalb!,J ~ - 7~"/;., Uht%.'Y' -

Dino Dedic 8838 Duveen Drive Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215)836·5001 Drama, Forum, NHS, Freshman Mentor. German Club, \VEXP, Outdoor Adventure Club, LSC "J "'UJI 1,,, ",,,.urI/. J/'P" c.m Iov. 'lUI /o~ wl.",

Jam, ..,. .J.all/'" tl.. I.al'l".'. J/ ,/0" camwt, J JI.'J 'J II.. UJ..It JiJlolUk "" J.J«"'. IJ.al 'P" .J.o.. /J, J wi/!

'J1.•.ur af'll IJ.. Ja'lJ 10 J.olJ 0" to

~'"'J« w'- wo.. i, aAI.0l4'I. ",. wa,,[ to. li_. /,.. t tl.. Ii.... iJ po·1UJ to cLany•. -


..01 J.d. '"'IJ laJillJ 0/auu)o'OllJ,

- R.1pJ. W.tJ. C_~. -



James D. Delaney 1802 Woodland Road Abington, PA 19001 (215)886·5532 Our Lady Help of Christians

Matthew C. Derrick 5926 Shetland Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)794·5964 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

FOOlball, Lacrosse

Soccer, Track, LSC, Freshman Mentor ~n WUJW Ii_, ..,.;." /ll.... ~'J' (jOlI''''''' up

"JI; -' tI.. ... _/11.. J., ,. II.. /,li. ,I; ti.. J,za 01 d.. tlJ~1 ;11 flu Jo,. ~

d. p4J1. tl~,.. ~ no ••ui.I' "'U'J' .:7.',n<lJ in t.twa,,,, a to ,", • ..J. (loti, if ~ ,001 to Iu 114M wa/"',., tog.tl..I', "''I j,i."J.

- 'ff/a"/'Jwai.. -


James J. Devery III 799 Bustleton Pike Richboro, PA 18954 (215)357·3730 Our Lady of Good Counsel Band, Drama, WEXP 'WI... .... ",..1. it_/tI..., t~ '" ., ..


t.t_ II..M.• -Pt.J.-




- St.lli. flu Val. !,all-

Matthew R. Doerflein 2926 Tanglewood Lane Norristown, PA 19403 (610)584·6664

Brian R. Donoghue 1725 Waterford Way Maple Glen. PA 19002 (215)542·80 9 St. Alphonsus

Visitation BVM

-':J._,I. mall,

Track, SAnD, LSC NHS, WEXP Crew "'y ~~ e... /J "", J ."u M,It a UwJ




!Nj"'ltul C6uIJ fl.jfll, _

J JIll waJ


..J(a>UaJ _

Crew, LSC. [ntramurals,


".JIr"U ,J J-.. a...J fua~/ ....ryJ.'IJ 'Fit. :.. J-il, J J-u'l' wit, .wi /'.~ titlwtJuI', _L. jl ..... e!. .aJi.,.. ~


to tf"

Christopher J. Dougherry 1745 Slayton Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)277·8534 St. Helena Band, Crew, Wrestling, HS "J _, tI...,li ..1 'p I..N. 'Y/-., tI...,1.J


J 'J i. ""..1'''1 .I..N JaM, J ,~ J

J..-.,J _/

tlwlUJhllhal ,-/ Wi".!; t. _JiB JJ.afll1t'J, J ,~~.

W,1f, J •., .N"1

-ofp...... -

Anthony M. DiJ ulio 9880 Bridle Road Philadelphia. PA 19115 (215)671·0947 St. Albert the Great

Frank C. DiLella 8620 Steeple Drive Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)487·0240 St. Lucy

John N. DiSepio 600 Cheswick Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)482·0641 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Hockey, Science Club, HS German Club, LSC "(;.1 I"", Ii.i.,. ~ ,.1 I"", ./.,i.,. "

Theatre, Band, Chorus, Belcroftcrs

Band, Spanish Club, Robotics Mathletes

- .x ..5t.~",,JR.4"Y"..... -

NHS, Spanish Club "'B. -' u/rau! 'I"U'IW.J: Jo_ u,. bo", 1"11.1,



tU:I..UH , __l-n,

a..J Jo_1uw. f"U'-.JJ


Wi. _IJ il.i"'J I." ./'.MI..,?· -IJI4?1/.,;..... -

tI,'UJi Upofl tJ.6,"' -

- Ul.ltant SJ.af,,~p«(""

David R. Drayton 409 Norfolk Road Flourtown. PA 19031 (215)233·3681 St. Genevieve

Daniel E. Duffey 815 Grakyn Lane Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)483·4151 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Ryan W. Dwyer 7 Buckman Drive Newtown, PA 18940 (215)497·9751 St. Ignatius

Band, WEXP, Freshman Mentor

Drama Club, WEXP, Chorus Drama,

WEXP, Science Club, Intramurals LSC

"You ,(h.,." to II ~i_..J, Jo..-._,haL IUlJ.'J/a,ub, Ud ih~wg/' ti,. _J1~, ,lall, t..l fll."!!,""" ~ ,o.~, tI..... /o~ t- 10.." to /au t1tiJ 011. ~.IIJ llUJJ diJ iJ '1"11""'''1 "f- -

Q"; '/"" ;,. /'.." 011


'I"'U' OW",




'Jwo I'Olitb J.'~'1.J ill ".flow wooJ a"d J. J

'Jt ~ In'1I a IotUj!oll"IjI'(If'J, tilt J;" '''lit!. 1m b'l and thllt ImJ mlldt< aft it....J !lIaf4 /o1l..J aeom/o~lltt lXI",. 0/fM"f.J . ., /ht< J.!f,,..,,,,u. " - 1<"",, 2141"''' - R./"" J~~ Q

too/, tlu DIU


Marlio A. Escobar 50 Sunshine Road Southampton, PA 18966

George S. Farina 1101 Keeler Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)368·8397 St. Stanislaus

Art Club, Spanish Club, WEXP "'lj01<


t1Jcapl' //,,, I'/?JpollJih,A,'j 0/10/11.01'1'0111

by ""ading ii/udal}' ~

naniel Fazio 3232 Hayes Road Norristown, PA 19403 (610)584-1474 Visitation BVM

Lab Manager "W/'1l1 iJ ilu Jl/e"mc~ /Jl'lwetm ig>WMncll ami apa/h'l?

J JOlt f !"WIII Q,u/ J dOll tcure. ..

Crew, SAnD, LSC ''J.·IIf1 t/,iJ Jay UII it iJ ljO",.!"J! day. ~'VII

do,! UI' if iJ yo",. taJl do,/, it ~ ,/0'"

Luke R. Field 537 Continental Road Hatboro, PA 19040 (215)672-0546 St. David Band, Academic Decathlon NHS, Italian Club, LSC

''R;j, ..A/'O""...

Ryan S. Filipczak 6 Teal Drive Langhorne, PA 19047 (215)752-5502 Our Lady of Grace


Band, Hockey, Theatre nfll"fl'J t/,ul qod /"/1' [!.em t" JI"0I'9-




Jin"j logel/'..,.

J/'e f,-lfeJ





live /II,//"eIl6,. til tlu 'fflilJf-

0,,4 Jo.'1' .,

Uu'J d0'l U"J

Jason A. Fisher 1280 Spencer Road Ivyland, PA 18974 (215)355-4679 St. John Bosco






Jlm"l •••

Swimming, WEXP "JI'I0u live" o/II/'.. ~u"J Jowe~,jujt 10 mllmp, t..eau~ ma'lln ,/0" 'II/oo/' A/,. <1 dum~"-'I


and PMpt l(I;/tt~'I1o catch '101, beea,,~, he'l' /,.." J.""'"-'I_ -, - Jae/, .JJande'l -

Sean D. Fedyna 1836 Howe Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)628路9561 St. AJphonsus

Timothy G. Ferrie 690 Heather Court Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215)643路7442 Epiphany of Our Lord

John R. Ferro 907 Lorien Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215)646-7465 St. Rose

Soccer, BasketbaU, Student Council NHS, Mathletes, LSC "Jt U"mJ tl... 1.00,J.... J WOl"t, fl... luchiu J 9"t. ..

Cross Country, Track Gazebo, Latin Club, NHS

BasketbaU, Intramurals

'JirJf iJ /.""", uco,uf iJ

"<JWI.I1~. "

'J4t.. 'j0"" bl'Ol/'.,.. b'1 fl."la"l, al/(I '"j lo/,elp /'im to Ilr"k..J!Qlul


can afl 拢.. Iog..'/''''' /O....U"'"

.JWII """t" if t/,i/ promiJeJ la,uI. " - JlI,."" (ja"Cia -

- ']/'omaJ CJiJoll -

- )(m Stltwa"t-

Michael J. Fitzslmmons 44 W. Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 (215)836-5930 St. Genevieve

Michael T. Flood 5750 Valley Stream Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)794-1585 Our Lady of Guadalupe

Timothy J. Flynn 8029 Seminole Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215)247-4946 Our Mother of Consolation

Band, Hockey

Football, Crew, WEXP, Track LSC, NHS, Wisterian "1jof< 0110 flO (U'Of<IlJ OlIn ill t~, JO 'i0 maIM

Band, Bowlin楼. Film Club

':JJ..aJov"" keel J;" /if in b../o.. ., now J don i walllUl do if 110 "V)~. J juJi wall/Ill t.. who J WIHUUl

be, J


thal ~ /,(I,.J /0.. of/'uj to .we. ,.

- JI.. OIIY"'''1 -

'Jo.. ,/011, Jltona".. ,/0" a{real .1"0.1."

a..J Ilv""



/0, ~OI<'Jtlf/ fLf wit fuJf -Jc.-


/if-tim*< . ..


Michael K. Foley 2750 Brendan Circle Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)657·1133 St. David

':J:.J,. 'J

Crew, Bowling, SAnD LSC, Student Council &/,,, a IIUU/f JOf)~J, and 1£'<1,/;'" aftQf''''


11"011I Ihll Jid. '/01< ;." 011. ) •.Jf fllulp On pUJ/ll"n9


!my, INJ 'Iou IIIQ'I_ 1}ou ~B 90lUlQ wiml up

Daniel J. Ford 1030 Bridge Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215)884·4280 St. Martin of Tours

James A. Forkin 612 Roseland Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215)663·0685 St. Hilary

Football, Baseball, SADD, Tennis "-:)/'/I fl"Bafl/JI acco,ttpliJ/'~"t iJ .wl in "6111J~

Intramu.rals, WEXP, LSC Freshman Mentor, Track


in ,jJitl9 agai" w/,ell '/01< lv... - 1/;"C8 otombu,Ji -


- Cal Sku.,flJ -

Kevin P. Frost 108 Tapestry Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)393·9116 Corpus Christi

Anthony A. Galante 15041 Poquessing Creek Lane PhiJadelpllla, PA 19116 (215) 934·5035 St. Christopher

Golf, NHS, LSC, Intramurals, Yearbook

"Yo.. Jon tknow wl".l/JNIJJlINJ iJ " .. ,.I'Jou ~"

Wisterian, WEXP, FUm Club, S.A.D.D, Student Council '!J rl,,, i mi"d btli"? cal!.da lM wl.tI" J;"

,lr''1t1J/0' f.·fltl Joltll''' Uhot wit/' 0114 two i" ,/ou,

4i,19, alxmi 10 ttl, 0' jUJI fi"III"J/'sd 4illlj, hui 'lot

POC/'6t. ..

11I/'6" J:" I.(h",} I/,. I,ul/'. ,"


IWllilUJ jOln/lllt"I' in ,/ou to f,-niJh. .,

- 'lnA,allfJ0rda" -


W/'.~/I VO" jta~/1'(1 flom. ..

'J, ~ 'lOi /,ow ha,J '/OU pUJI. ufo'li II... wa'j, it ~

- ..J!om."

J. Simpson -

Brian G. Galbally 12 Auchy Road Erdenheim, PA 19038 (215) 233·5219 St. Genevieve Lacrosse, Outdoor Adventure CI Intramurals, LSC

"'..,4 J,,,,uf ,j U. whol 1.1- JI.Ol.lJ b., 'lui. 'lOtte, adUt,hu"kc!. ..

Brian C. Fox 420 Evergreen Avenue Hatboro, PA 19040 (215)744.4459 St. Martin of Tours

Eric J. Franz 680 Limekiln Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)340-0719 Our Lady of Mount Carmel


Track. Cross Country Respect Life, LSC

"0... ol'd ~'i ..alltlQll~ 01lUi J.-JN.Jp«cJ 'J'H' 'It U4I pl.../'} 0/




- qa"1J1a f ' r ' -

lJ., illllP iJ opiiolla!, 1.1- wJ.a/ fU" nwt. o/il, ~ mat. fl.. ",.II 01 it. W. 0.. 4I.-IHI

Kevin A. Gallagher 410 Magee Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742·3480 St. William

Sean M. Gallagher 1567 Silo Road Yardley, PA 19067 (215)321-0692 St. Ignatius


Stage Crew, Gazebo, Film Club Outdoor Adventure Club 1{1. ~ ~-' to Iu IUlI,I.'J a..J a


JiKi"Lt al J,oppill'. JI..... ~ _//';"1 to "II tJ"'I""'''', NJi.l.i"1 to /.f~l,

NliJ."/l i



J .. thai M>da/.""'ku.l..lioll, tl..;J lIW!"I mall OJ eNald. 'J./". ~..,J1I" 100/1...."1 to £orioN.



kSl";IIj ,oj


Cross Country, Track WEXP, Film Club :/)0 not //' ..,,1, '1"" ca .., k_ 'J"U ca ... ~

- m."J.«UJ -

Theatre, Be1crofters, Chorus, Band


~ ..tat. a lip front _, lat. aft 'P'" '"011"'1 a..J ,;IM it up to clutrilyo jJ 100 Jhtl'i, do" i Jlu" u nol 'Pu

1723 Johnson Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610)279·7735 Epiphany of Our Lord

William T. Gallagher 7 Winston Circle Horsham, PA 19044 (215)646-6674

Lacrosse, Cross Country Track Intramurals, SADD


AJexander G. Franzen



i JfMIIJ;,JhlJlSONll. wj/hou' hOllOi'nlt. ~ - J./._ J S..",." -

1-.1 jl wl.." II,. Jll"U ,.tJ l.oJ, fo." ~

w!.al J

1"', J JaIl ~l'Mmt,,, Il,ul. -S"bt~-



Ernest D. Gambone 1448 Rosebud Road Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322·9832 Our Lady of Good Counsel

Gerard J. Geisel 2901 Tollgate Drive Norristown, PA 19403 (610)539·3697 Visitation 8VM

Soccer, Student Council "J <lIM l~, (jNaf,Jlr


:1;/1 '1UH!;"'I11.I'Ouf/' t/.;j I.'ft a..J.1:",1.,."/'''''9 .1:" /'op;", ..:/",. .J ,,,,111.,,-, Jlfb. i,lIn IN,~J "

- rJ7ul.m...."'LAt -

atoll! iI.• _Ai.

Jonathan P. Gerstemeier 2125 Schultz Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-0862 Crew, Stage Crcw Science Club, Gennan Club

"J !-.I,I.....1.... 2 • ...J!~ ¥w.J1" - J.p(j•• -

- Pt.;),-

Michael E. Graham 2103 Bridle Lane Oreland. PA 19075 (215) 233-4517 Holy Martyrs

John D. Haggerty 764 Shearer Street orth Wales. PA 19454 (215) 699-8636 St. Rose of Lima

Basketball, Football, Lacrosse

Me'.... ""'!, jJ f,ar /,011.·.., _ a,"i".. I, 10119'" - (j..,U'rulPallon -


Golf, HS, Student Council, LSC, Mathletes, SADD, Intramurals

"'.1>. '""I.fl- .I.m ,I.. ,.,'1, ~11..J (j.

ilLlbaJ w!."'''''

ih,.... i.J filth anj 1_.,. a /HU.f" tlO

- J:?fp!. W.I:I. C_,_ -

Mark A. Halferty 694 Lindsey Way Horsham, PA 19044 (215)540·8908 SI. Catherine of Sienna Cross Counuy. Track, Band, NHS ~1jo.. call t JU,p'~ Jo ,.,/'" '"VII '"I ... olu-w

II., conxioUJ /fow.


Jut i ""IJlif.J... ~all.Jol If. ~

Michael F. Gibbons 1220 Mildred Avenue Roslyn, PA 19001 (215)886·6062 St. John of the Cross

Brian J. GiUespie 145 Cedarbrook Road Ardmore, PA 19003 (610)649-2084 St. Denis

Daniel N. Golden 539 Gilham Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)342-7906 Presentation BVM

Track, Art Club, Film Club

Band, Theatre, Mock Trial Forum, Drama Club "JJ,. jo,/ cum..,J Il"Om <m, ""co,,,,l,,rj ,vi'l.

Ice Hockey, Football, LSC

''JI.SNI ~ unliuiNJ ~tnmfJt" i'l a will/If} land,· 11.«,.. lIido~i~ dUll ,/0" ...,,.,, pia",..,,!; '!,sr. ~ a al"ll

"sro in

B!J'I'yboJ'I ~ I.tI(I'1. ,.


lieU! lIXpe,ieIICIIJ,

//'0. ..

to /'av"



alld /'tlilCIl

'he", iJ



ell</~JJ4 chanfi/I,! /'orizool, /or

"t:va'ltud'j ~ a Jlla/',1, I/,al ~ w/,y J golla hfll'P fl.. flmJJ Cit!... J<I ..J en" Jilli ~m . .. - Jac{f1.J(;jj -

Jay /0 a'Mill aJul1.I;",..,,1 j,m ... - C/'riJ Y!JcLa"J!eJJ I.(I/lil

Richard E. Heater 51 Jericho Road Holland, PA 18966 (215)860-7241

Michael P. Hanna, Jr. 2905 Sheffield Drive Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610) 275-1669 Epiphany of Our Lord

John J. Hayes 2038 Spring Valley Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (610)584-6307 Corpus Christi

Soccer, Track, LSC, SADD, Film

LSC, Crew


''-/J'ld Ill!,.,,, I/'4' lug!'1 iJ ctmdy> t!,l"e iJ Jt.lt fl

NHS, Spanish Club, LSC, BasebalJ, Latin Club ".J'J Ull 10 gl/I flWfl'J lrom t/,1/ Nul/' a",l.il.. flnd

ttjl.l Il.al JI.'tlllJ

tL]II COtllll hac!' 10 it tlIlt! hI/gill

lUI ;"i#l"J4 to OilS ~ fi.itmdJ, l"t to he/rillllJ 0IU1 wlw rllfJa,.JJ (0 yo'" 11"''''''1 iJ

"J'iJ eaJI)

1!/1O"'i1. to


I!.., tj"i"tMJJM>U'1I 01/',,11 ,el9iOlI' Jhtl 011.1" jJ bIIJ;'UIJJ ..• -

trlal.alliUl qalld!,i -




me, il

J/'i'le 0"


- 'J1.1I1J.mIIeJ -



trlfllJ "olaltl

",,.{1/.l4 miJ,wduJ/fllld "UI (",J LIII9,wd wl.fll J W'J!' fl"d JI/fllcl.


awa" ,101 10 '4'1""" ..

- R,t", Jffl,j -

Matthew G. Henwood 3 Jorrocks Lane Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 722-0341 St. Patrick

Ross M. Hicks 462 West Winona Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215)438-9072 St. Athanasius


Spanish Club, Track BasketbaU Manager

'J/ "v"~'JI/'''''9


""J", co"/I'OI, ,/0" ;.., JUJI 11of

goilUj /"JI'''lo'191.. ,.

- m"fla A"dnlli -

'J ld il b..cauJif J /lOW

that J

Christophet D. Jeffers 1201 Hunt Seat Drive Lower Gyynedd, PA 19002


co"ld b" dOIl(I, alld /'01'" pe~J.e"l'nJ, ftlfowt/fJ J/,alt coml', .. hlllJW it


/oJI I'1I/JUg/', .,

mQ~io A,td,flUi -

Andrew J. John 130 Brittany Way Blue Bell. PA 19422 (215)699路4262 St, Rose of Lima

Andrew C. Kahan 2315 Lexington Court Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368路0789 Corpus Christi

LSC, Tennis, Track, Mathletes, NHS, Academic Decathlon

LSC, Track & Field, Tennis, SADD ''..A~, 4 w/,..1. '/01< tam 10 twit! all 'J0u~ /'(lath

~Wl.a/~"",iJ I""., w!.al,,'''' iJ !.OMfflbl., wlaulJ., iJ

i".I, w/'"I'IJ" i'f""', "路/',,/.,,., iJ /o...Iy, w/'al."", i. 9'4({0l<.,

;/,1""" i. a,,') "-""fl.",,. "..J ;//1...... t.J a,,'),l.i"9

wor/I.') O/pffliJlf,


Patrick E. Hill 38 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 (215)836-2643 St, Genevieve ".1I"I1""'IL/'i"9 J.e"'n,! ",.J,,~ l:O"t/'(l1, ,/0" ;..,J"JI not

tI.i,,/' "to"I/!."JIf//""j" ..

- Pl.ill.,,;a'OJ 4:8-

0 ..

loda'l bfll:Ql'U Iom,t;m"f)W ~ 91"O"nJ iJ too line,,... Lai.. /o~ pla"J. ..

Daniel J. Holmes 426 North Wales Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)362·7034 St. Stanislaus

Timothy A. Horwedel 200 Ellis Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)657-5178 St. David

Football Manager, Swinuning Manager, Photo Club Stage Crew, Band, Drama ~J hau. '"' uk" ~ to i", 011.




.s. ..JJ.""'fh -

lee Hockey, Italian Club, Gennan Club, Chorus, Science Club, LSC :!J~ JpOlwc, tl.OUj" t"J" .... ..JJ_ ~ <I 104-. 0/ '"'J

Michael R. Hughes 7015 Shelbourne Street Philadelphia. PA 19111 (215)742·9822 Presentation BVM Basketball, !..Set lmramurals SADD, Gazebo

'2J"" i ,.,JItl. Jke ;/'FIC ~t", i fM''1,l. F,ell.



1_. 'JIu"JJ, '/,Q/ .... /u". 20.. iI~«l, <lJ

_ "9 N !.J-uupl_'1[.. -.. ~


Patrick K. Kaufmann 203 Ray Street Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215)379-0733 St. Cecilia LSC M'ff/,. S,un{;wh ~ 0#4:.1.0J ft. "'oJI com/o,./abl. r;Iu.,irJ . ..

Michael E. Kelley 30 Springs Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)340-2909 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Tetence C. Kempf 2354 Geneva Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)887·7177 St. Luke

NHS, Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse, Band

LSC, SAnD, Lacrosse, Soccer


J woulJ ,ive QII!Jll.i"9I,,;J/ fg til


L!.QII _thin,. ,.

- S,.". R.,t.,J, -

"J JOII i pret"mllo hau. aft Ih. u,u.U."J, J do" i " llIIIJ 10 _II t,lOW tI..lj..lIJiiollJ... .JJ..'1 wt.... a


- Jack .JJUIld..'1 -

Nicholas J. Keppol 208 Greendale Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215)632-1283 Our Lady Of Calvary

Brendan M. Kennedy 1353 Slayton Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)643·5045 St. Alphonsus Football, Track, Stage Crew, WEXP, Robotics, Intramurals, Drama Club "Jh8 jl.ip Jait" on, fl.. JI.", Jail) 1,,11, b"f J

tft "of a Jail, alUl J lfi

flola maJt. ..

- of•.!B'ffl" -

Hockey, Art Club

'e.&..""t., ",,,&,p4, moli"",14, 0' "tH .... //1.'''' ,/0" J

"'/'0, w/"'/, w/,.,." /",J U//,'J... H« ",/,,,,, '/011 ;.,. JI...,,;,,'j, Mil... c/''''''fJ w;/I wa"" .. J..t! ,/a, (l1"'«I/J ~f/.'J/' i'uoIoUJ p''''/'J ,,"/1 "",m". p,,11 'J{J dt,,,,,, ... Iu.p 'I" /'""J "p. "


b41 if... mad., 0///,.,

James S. Kesilman 227 Old Church Road North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699·4290 St. Rose of Lima Track, Hockey, Band

' .JJ,1''tI ~ fo ,.J tool {/'at hat/II /nfl/lllin" J lip In" ,lajj to vo". of"l ~ touJI fl.. 1U1/,/ "wu'I 10 btl tiD

/r'fmdJ ""d/0"911/ "bout !OIlW,f'OW. ,.

- nw JOl",J (j1o,'1 -


- (/""J/",.,. -

Robert J. KoWhepp 231 North Bent Road Wyncote, PA 19095 (215)886-5963 Immaculate Conception

Ski Club, Intramu.rals, esc, Soccer 'Wil fl." uJill(j ~lJ"~ ~no~",t,,~ tl." ,'tl,""j it haJ ttml'l i"

f/'" paJf? ..Ami rllit/'

ilJ wi.Jc", il w/,;jftl~j


I/,o errdeh,



0"1 (l9t1, ami wi! btl 1/'" l",I" ilJ

- Jimi .Jj11,u/~i,r-

Timothy P. Koons 524 Hillcrest Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)836·4965 St. Luke

Louis F. Kornfeind 1008 Redtail Road Audubon, PA 19403 (610)539-3029 Visitation BVM

Football, Student Council, Ski Club, LSC, Lacrosse, Intramurals

Track, Crew

'J ~el liD e,m'oJ,I,» .J Ull t/,tllKlfl. u/'emlolme, J" a mim,I".J'Ilt"l""e, ,.

-PU -

"of00/' al m.1 J;" l.alJin '! J

~ I.llwin ' &/,,,

'm.1l '.]).-1,1" - St",m, Stz'SR,,~"f' -

Timothy J. Kirk 2206 Allebach Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-0175 Corpus Christi

Patrick F. Kirts 451 Knightsbridge Lane Hatfield, PA 19440 (215)362-2196 St. Stanislaus

Golf, NHS, Tennis, Yearbook, Cross Country, SADD, LSC ':J:,fi. mOlllU p....U'} JI'I0« cIotl i .1101' to '001.

NHS, Amnesty Int'l, Student CounciJ,Track,LSC,Cross Country

Alexander F. King 314 Summit Avenue Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215)542·0489 St. Anthony

"J wlml //"0111 /tlllluJieJ 10 JNU""", 11'0'" J~"am.llo h"tf., '/";"1J. " -mup/''J cI",,-


ollce ill a

w!'it, 'JI'" cOl.tl ttliJJ if. "

- Jmi.lIJ""II.... -

.ll-ri,f.-",." Jljillg, illto/utlt/" waili"9' a 101111'''9/0.. 0110//'1/' pt,C.

'So m"e/' o!"JotJC<>',Cfl iJ aI.



ti",,,, ""o/I.e, co"Jition . ..

Christopher D. Ladley 2240 Willowbrook Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)657-4709 St. Alphonsus

Anthony M. Lagreca 2060 Acorn Place Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)675·8031 Our Lady of Good Counsel

Russell T. Lampman 1184 Old Jordan Road Holland, PA 18966 (215)968-6678 St. Bede the Venerable

Football, Basketball, Baseball, SADD :JI ~ 1mB //,al w" do" Ilmow w/,al WR I."" .. "nLl

BasebaU, NHS, LSC, SAnD



/oJ<! ii, b"t it ~ "to IruB !.alli! ttll'" miJJj>l9

wB Jon i I",ow w!'"l "". ,,,,td it apriveJ . •.


J goeJ,

'Yfl') vitti iJ 1,04, '/III t!l)tlJ c!OJtld.

c.ih"r J:" aJ!eep Or whaf

J:/1 fhillk",, ' iJ deep,

C",mluaf4 J ji'Jh a"j hick thll Jh""tJ, 1'11.0 I,illes fogethu wl.l) J:" 1.11,..,. ...And fl.e.,r if Ji!'<'IIrJ



to /Ill) ht'tuf." - 311-

'Uu if tl'/o'" 'l0ll IoJe. if. ..

John R. Lasky 38 Florence Drive Richboro, PA 18954 (215)364-0679 St. Bede the Venerable

Joseph P. Laub 6248 Oakley Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742·7753 St. William

Eric J. Lee 6351 North 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 (215)424·5351 St. Helena

Cross Country, LSC. Lacrosse, Track, Basketball W. tU'fI all~Mpatt DIJiaAi"1 0,,1 .... iii poJil.....

WEXP, Wisterian, Latin Club, Theatre. Yearbook, HS al!iJl fail. i,"~lt'l alwilyJ In

Band, Track, SADD, LSC. Film Club :t.~ OJ II pall. ..,./011-, .,fI I..."" Jo_tJ.i"9 IIftI/

/..a_ tI/",..,.J, B..llo ~ aU to JftiI"'ill dUll




by "I«laculu ""'fW, -

.acl. JalJ' ilOJ .p to I<J lo NI#Ul"'!,., tl.OJ# b.o allJ /Qt. Q,.J ...u tl..". itt tI... ~/"''(IJJ ~

t~r{fflIJ. /ail..H "1'6" /ail..n... fJ.al iJ fl., /"., /MifUM'"

01 poJilk'tl alliluJ..



F. Conrad Lochocki 101 Morningside Circle Chalfont, PA 18914 (215)997-9780 Lacrosse, LSC, SADD do" i wa"llo t."

".1 Jon i '1',,,,114 t. a }<"/'I'" J ivY' J h"ow ,~,/'o Jam,

fj" .,lo~ knowJ wl.o J

wlt i•. - PaulS"mo'l -

George Lolosidis 1331 North 2nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215)634-2860 St. George Cathedral lnttamurals 'J!... iu"ll'J Q/t,/~,.J()n ~


Thomas A. Lopit 10302 Clark Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 676·5136 Maternity BVM Football, Latin Club '~/f/jQU i1~.J iJ Iov_. ..

iJ i" diNd

,I.",. (:f}rn",ilm... f to vCfl/l..N€tI, '.'jo,,J!«JJ 0/tll.i, c/'QJ«,. f.'.U o/."J."V<H"

propo"/io.. 111


- 1/.-..... of_lu.,Ji -

- '2'J"ViJt m"Uh.IUJ -

Nicholas C. Letier 2010 Tomlinson Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215)677-1197 Maternity BVM

':.A wi"'''I~ iJ jO'tu/O'U/ who I'IIC09"iUJ hiJ (jodg'''.'' lo.t.uriJ, wo~kJ

hiJ la..!011LJ Jill/lIlop tlUlIII

inL, JI.;/£, ad un.! tI.tlJB ~I.;/llo (u:C(;U"p!.-J/' /'.~

Hockey, SADD, Spanish Club,

Christian C. Lewis 111 White Pine Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)362-5025 St. Stanislaus

Freshman Mentor


Sean M. Levin 224 Winchester Drive Horsham, PA 19044 (215)643-4539

"Jt ain i wor/I. ''';'''''''9' l'10" elm i ,,,in big!" - 2. m.,/"l 2)",;,-


- of."y Bod -


al.ou' c!0;II9 fiwlllj '1,,01.., bul '/''''1 J '/""'91,1, YlJ 'J/"/II J f/';"I.""1 01 dO"19 a ph.loJop/'ical'l"o/tI, but ,/''''1 //',,1 ~ no/ "UI. SO J JlIciJlIJ,.q[ fq /'0."" quol•. .. wOoj







c:I!"wiJ -

Steven C. Lyon 220 Crestview Road Hatboro, PA 19040 (215)674-9459 St. Joseph

Francis J. Lyons 388 Keswick Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)572-9212 St. Luke

Ryan D. MacFarland 780 Cressman Road Harleysville, PA 19438 (610)584-5018 Corpus Christi

Band, Track, Science Club, Drama Club, Yearbook, NHS

Football, Chorus, LSC 'P'lOf!' a"" Jt"..,p. w!.,'" ,/ou ~. a Jf,a"{j"" /acllJ

"UJ. tmio" wlvmLh t.cauJIJ "'Il 1.0.11. bell,. cold. W. appNlciaiM 1.9/,/ b.cauu w. hav. Imlll i ..

1001. "ply w!.... '/01< :... a!",U/, wo,,,,m JlIlI'" wicl.•.) w!.sn '/01< ;.. I<>u"ant.d, Jln.fJ lu. all'J0u pot w/,."

Crew, Track, LSC, Amnesty Int') "UJJ,y '1<" with fl." fll..I..YJ W/'.'I yO!' can will. fl.. eagl.J?"


W. ca.. u.~,i.mc. joy bllctll.J. w.l.av/l

J....,w.. Jad,wm."


':bavid Uhatl,,,,/o,J-


you'" Jln..,p•.

- ..An ..Am",,·can po.t -


Andrew Y. Mackintosh 894 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)643·3799 St. Alphonsus Football, LSC, Ski Club, Crew, Mock Trial ··W.. !'t"'" "tvUljJ /0,,,,,/ o,,~ bl'lfn ~luej in jlJlIlfXll/'y nlll9"'U!/"OJillj' .. - (j'UJfgl!

W /J,u/' -

Stephen J. Maida 100 Cheston Lane Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 283·0146 Track & Field, LSC, Intramurals '1.]..1. ..,,) 11.41 /'Q~jzon t/,.. /.lne.. 1(11' tcVI'J w/,en we


,<I,," ')011119' J,/ a world O!IIIi1fj"I'U allli miracleJ, O"r f/,oug/,IJ JlmlJ"J COI'J/tWtllj ami wil/'o"i to,ml''''I' ,/,,, ri,,')i,,!! 011/'" Ji,'iJim, t,JI laJ

""9''''' ..

- P,,4 Jt,~" -

Louis A. Mancinelli 3151 Fox Drive Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 491·5815 Mary Mother of the Redeemer Band, WEXP, Football, Baseball, Ski Club, LSC

"1jo.. wIlt) ,.,Jf/. "1)0" tl... la"J, do il in tl.e 01 Iwe. ?jou told 11.8 fi.t.. re in ,/01'" """d, do if in 11(1"""

l/'~ "am41 0/10"". W/,.m ,/ou ialtlf l"'OPt. down fl..

mad, do il ill ,/,,, na,iU/ o/Iov•. .. - n/!l1joll'l'l

Patrick T. McCarthy 4024 Fairway Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610)835·5237 St. Philip Neri

Edward McCusker 626 Bernstein Lane North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699·2360 St. Rose of Lima

Shawn D. McDade 625 Hamel Avenue Ardsley, PA 19038 (215) 887·2279 Queen of Peace

Football, Lacrosse, LSC, SAnD, Respect Life, Student Council, German Club, Art Club, NHS

Hockey, WEXP, Wisterian, LSC, Intramurals, NHS '(jolta tu. it IfP wl..l" goPJ on tmJ J I/'i,,/'

Football, Student Council, Track, LSC ''J/'« /oll"J amun "'1MfJ moJt in It- UM t/,ou

'"20 ,wi 9/1 Wl.ilN thil pall. ntwJ l.aJ, go i.uiet.J w/''''lJ [/'#/NI iJ "0 pad. a",,/ 1..1111. a tt"ail "

it ~ JI'i9ht thai.J do w/,t.t .J Uti ~al/.J#l !Iud ~ I/,t/ way J w'ltln" ~"tI, - (ftV!lJt1 2:Ja'j -

- J<II!P/, UI.-,Ido L:llwon -


",/'ic/' /'11 (lidn i commit w/'lln /,lJ /'aJ 11.. oppo,[,mit'j'

- fl"!.,, ROlulandJ -

Joshua A. Materese 303 Williams Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215)641-4898

David A. Matthews 412 Valleyview Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)657·4778 St. Da\>id

Baseball, LSC, Intramurals Kairos Leader



IId a..J ,I.." ImJi"... o!"t ~ J,.i"L Ioa~ to 1._ it ~ Iu.". "


Andrew J. McCann 209 Moredun Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)673·5366 St. Albert The Great


Wrestling ti~ 1._ lo wtKtJJ.lo"/ 01 fl."HfJ ;J


tim,; .if ~ w/'"i "'INu"I,J /1'0'" UJ

[/,. animal... fUCttpl /",.

- .J.!o",,,,.



J. SimpJOH -

Lacrosse, lntramurals. Art Club

-.J(",p (I'ua') I",'" ,-,J. ",1.0 f"f lo b"liJll. tp",. ambilionJ. S"".JIJ-pl. QtWQ~ Jo dwI, bulf!'"

naf4'NIIlI mal. 'P" 1_lt/,o.[ 'j0", kw. can bM;O~ 9"QI.


- rna,/' .:Auail! -

Ronan M. McDermott 2002 Lantern Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215)233-5146 Holy Martyrs

Daniel McDonald 2838 Snake Hill Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)794-2838 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Brian 1- McElroy 10 Woodside Avenue Chalfont, PA 18914 (215)822-8525 St. Jude

Cross Country, Track -~o,..".,,J.",I." iJ1'J"U ..oJ to lat. c~a~'-J.

Dr-una, LSC, Freshman Mentor "J w..,.} 14. J."N wi1/, ,.... tI.. L1...- u"/,IlUJ Ilal

Cross Country, Track, HS, LSC "J Jell a ~ It.·fuN peopI. /;~ a..J Ji. wj/l

II.., a,.. allmwi"1 On what /,/- jJ abofi./; 'P" o..41w. <MeM.JtJ lat.IuIJ 0/ 11.. clul_ll, J_ i .nd "p tt. flil.."J, 11..,fa.... jO"I and JfltIC•• "

- 'ff/.t.lf.<. -

..,;/1,., 'P" IJ.m..,tl.f.. n.mt,~ 0"'. ~-,.. /0,.. _ .. rJ."J,., lam, (j..J ;J••, f,.~ . rJ.mhu ft"", '-it Itul wl#/" .J to' I...... .~ WUJ /;/,.



J. s,."'P~" -

'~C" tI..l/'aNrlK OCII"'' J,j.eI "p u..J I.QtJ« '"' I~c• ... aJ'I f..U 01 ~"'J Ilal cta..,. 0 ..... mi.ub

a..Jl.aJ..J back 14. a"""'J w. _ .. lei IWJi lac•. ~ -../;.,.


Sean T. McMahon 959 Circle Drive Southampton, PA 18966 (215)322·5512 Our Lady of Good Counsel

Sean T. McManus 1052 Denston Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 643·3118 St. Alphonsus

Christopher W. McMullin 25 East Willow Grove Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215)753·1409 Our Mother of Consolation

Track, Cross Country, Bowling Art Club, Spanish Club, NHS 'J 1.1"'. /oUI' tf'ain ~il t.~, atICl af the moment,

Cross Country, WEXP Ski Club, Film Club

Wrestling, Football, Intramurals, LSC ~matu"i'" ij luwwing ,,,h,m ami WI.Ull 10 t.

tilll,! Uflm kJ

til lUlU"'?,


"n, J'lfjfa"J !H'I il'()''''J,


i In


0.,.,;",,,1, (wd J tlke.ep !hi.! wo..ldlrom Jra'iflill9 tkWII, ,orma Jlo ..) "''I fJroUIIJ, an) J 1(10" i lniCk



~ Jom Pelt'! -

Brian R. Miller 503 Hobby Horse Hill Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 646·3626 St. Helena

Sean A. Miller 230 Bradford Circle Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 825·3816 Epiphany of Our Lord

Soccer, Crew

Football, Golf, Baseball, Basketball, Student Council, esc

JI.. /'U""", "act>. /,(lJ 011' ""a/~ ~//eetilJ. and thal;j !aughlu. "

- rna,,/' J,lJain -



"WeltJ W/I" i back Jow" ...J ;'01 gol jlu! o"e /,~, JIl awold 1/'01 IUlep' plu/'i,'1 m. ,u·o,,,.J, :JomUl

Jeffrey D. Mills 17 Great Hills Road New Hope, PA 18938 (215) 862·4492 St. Ignatius Lacrosse. Football, NHS. LSC "JI,6 attJW61',



,,,,,l.l.mJIn, iJ 1.1".1. Wil al''' ""1'6, I."ai

JhiJ pow61'/..1pla'l106J 0" w.J'I01'

J{a"j '"'I 9.-o,,,,j, I",j J WOII f bile/' jow". "

m'ill contl'ib"L6 0"" u"'"u. W"all'"ll ,!Ol'~ U"~J" t 7"


-1)eajpo,,1.J 'Soc.i!'! -


Andrew J. Merrick 120 Glen Valley Road Yardley, PA 19067 (215)295·2116 Holy Trinity

Michael E. McNamara 1327 Longshore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742-4777

Resurrection of Our Lord Band, Forensics, Theater .. So de" i tilaJ4 m•. J~~ fo Jay thai J en,..,


/0, ~al<.HI /0, f/''''''J...

mighi OJ willIgo ouf

illfl1''1bo4 ~ ,0i''1


do" i


Band, Drama, WEXP. Mock Trial Mascot, Football, German Club Science Club, Wisterian '(U/I.af IJ bllJ! in Itf.~ Jo Cf'UJI. '1 Q 'u emuni,u, 1.0

David J. Moll 803 Deerfield Lane Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)348·1033 Our Lady of Mount Carmel


fhem ",i/le" be/ol'fl and 1 he,u //,. !amlln/atioll o/l/'" wom.en . .. - Co"'l" de 6?".i"l'/a" -!J0U,


Marc T. Mongeau 105 Finch Run Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)361-8670 Corpus Christi

- ..)Ja....,ll!. I]."clte, StOlu" .-


Cross Country, esc, Track '~om., ljattu N)U"JptlOp~ Wl."/'flll"" 'IOU I'Oam ... 'lUlU t,mil /.. ,/Oll. iJ waf'''/' Jwimmi"fi

0" '/OU

~lIi" ' tl..m

II JiI,k t/'i/


Ii Jlollil


hRit",. J/a,.[

/0,. !til IimoJ

thll'lll"" a-chat'pill : ,. -&b])~t,,,-

Lawrence P. Montgomery, IV

IntramuraJs, Lacrosse, Anlnesty NHS, Soccer, Track, Stage Crew Yearbook, SADD, LSC, Intramura)s "':JI."N iJ a lim-II Ja'i"i Imd 0 lim" ,:oJJ.lio", Freshman Mentor olld 0 w"'.. monlmowJ wl.ic" i" Co ltd ..Wl."..... ;·t jll.WIJ OJ !l.oJJ.91. ~O" ,:oJJ.IJ no! I.old 0 .. - 5),,,,/P~h S~,.O/ ~ mi""!,, 1o"911', ""V", ii'l(} I<p Il.ml, J" tl.al iJ i'ut I." pla':ll a",i lim" tl.af tit.. lid" wdl tum. "


Brian C. Miller 1287 Browning Court Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)361-5395 Corpus Christi

1911 Corinthian Avenue Abington, PA 19001 (215)659-3306 Our Lady Help of Christians WEXP J Band, Film Club

/0,. -.


Michael J. Montgomery 7403 Shisler Street Philadelphia. PA 19111 (215) 722·1592 Resurrection afOul' Lord

Matthew J. Morris

tl.e w"'l //'b.lljo"



/-t11f. ..

'Jd 101111 to 90 bac/' to ,.,/,.." pla'lu1 aJ hit:. tlAt tlab'jJ c/'"ng#!- fl.a! ~ [!,,, wa'J if iJ. - 2,Mc -

o.,,} ge/" 10

t"j at n'9{,1, "n} in btlLlJfum I.e JoeJ

- Jam,J JQlJIor -

II/hal/'4I W(wtJ . •.

John V. Nance 176 Fairway Drive Harleysville, PA 19438 (215)513·9596

Stephen P. Nedl 2520 Martin Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 784·5949 St. David

Corpus Christi Football, Film Club, Gazebo, LSC WEXP. Wisterian

il." AfJ/,/J amllOl"'lJ t..low./aJII'r '!.an //,., JfPI!IJ 01 JQllIuI, /uJft>, tlltW We '/'oug'" WI' 'J 90, lll>U'ul/' t/'" J<Jl",d ol/'of'!' .. 'Jo

-1J.14 C'O'9IW 110

Crcw, Cross Country, LSC, Spanish Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, NHS, Indoor Track .~ IIW'l iJ a J,lCCgjJ ' //,t/ f)tllJ "p ill ILl mom;"9

1324 Cinnamon Drive

Cross Country, Track, LSC Art Club, Bowling, Amnesty International

''S''QW'~ thp f"Opt '/01< 10,,1/ wif/' 10l'~'

Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 542·0776 St. Alphonsus

Jeffrey Mortenson 5912 Loretto Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 535·6231 St. Martin of Tours

Lacrosse, LSC, SADD

"Yt ~ Iwl w/'el/'t>, !IOU flet Imocked down, if ~ w/'"f/'." ,/0" 9"L "p. .. - 1/'-"ell ofomb,uJ,' -

lee Hockey, Intramurals lilt!


Trevor P. Needham 83 Foxcroft Drive

Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348·3237 Our Lady orMt. Cal'mel Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse, Drama

"Smell !/'It ,been> oflt>" Jo 'Iou hI/OW wLm it ;., 'i" ftin1J old. - tIA. JJl.,,,/ Jl& CJ,_~ n

Andrew S. Mowery 7 Turner Court Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (215) 646·5258 St. Rose of Lima

Ross B. Muldoon

Kevin D. Murray

8918 Lewin Place Philadelphia. PA 19136 (215) 677·0377 St. Jerome

832 Herschel Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 677- 7787 St. Christopher


Wisterian, Intramumls, SADD 'J omo~row J U'l a chance to tUlld allf/W, Qil

Track, Swimming, Soccer, SADD,



),aflh# Itl£"9 '/,jJ wilh a Jig/' Joml./Il//'",.., Qg//J (l,ul ilgeJ /'e"clI:/IIIO road, Ji"e~9RJ ill a wood

"W''''''''':! iJII i elltlNJ1/,iug; it ~ t/,e 0>10 //'iIl9- .. - 1/;""",Jombanh-


and .1- J &:>ok fl.,,- a.Ut 1m INwfJlJ b'J' m.d !!'af

Paul R. Needle 49 Joshua Drive Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 364·3154 St. Vincent de Paul Football, Student Council BasebaU, Band, Ski Club


tOJ,,,loII Imlt.

wakfl wil/' JileQ"J wi"j ami JlI'01I9

t..mlfJ6 olpr.JlI. J /"UJw J !-)I<91., 10 kesp fl... JI'M'" utVI/. .. - JUtx'eS/Ia/''',.-

/'OJ maJIl alt 11.11 J//emIClI.

- Pol"", J~,,-

Jl'iril, i"t.wl 0/ hearl alul . J..oJ


Brian E. Noone 923 Meetinghouse Road Rydal, PA 19046 (215)884·1039 Student CounciJ, Crew, FootbaU, Lacrosse, SADD, Film Club

''AJ "",

"wIIIIl 0"

/0"911:1 d" ~i"lldJ


I.fi., we wi/I


a"j m....w,.i<tJ mad" !,..,..,.

.£1 Safl., /0'""111'' ...

P. Michael Nunnari 829 Foxfield Road Lower Gyynedd, PA 19002 (215) 643-9161 St. Rose of Lima Swimming, Tennis, Soccer, Outdoor Adventure Club, Respect Life

"u//'.,n ,/0"" ""II:p"~t f!'o"flhlJ lI .... troh"" k"ep 0" j,."ami" ' to'), cur

w/'"" ')ou ~tol} iMamin ' il ~ fimil to j,'.,. ..

- s/',"ulOn...JJooll -

Ryan T. O'Connell 3891 Vincent Drive Collegeville, PA 19426 (610)831路0528 St. Elenor

Patrick J. O'Connor 2015 Cedar Lane Flourtown, PA 19031 (215)233-0349 St. Genevieve

Latin Club, Spanish Club, LSC, SAnD, Film Club

SAnD, Latin Club, Swimming Manager, Band ~mifldJ IU., lit. paMclll'kd, they only

'Power couuplJ,

..AtJoI.,LII po'l/er iJ 拢;/1)0/111'0.1. .,

- .:lam ofe/'/1lal/ -

Ryan M. O'Donnell 2907 Eagle Road Roslyn, PA 19001 (215) 657-3407 St. John of the Cross Cross-Country, Track, LSC '(]a

wit/' 'jour Jlmu;lh. '])011 I up芦l mjJ'(~c~j. "

- J"mim

!..u:lion W!.if" //,11'/ are D/n". "

at., -

- Sir JanW-j ::DBW"'-

Robert O. Palidora 291 West Mount Pleasant Avenue Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 591-9168 St. Anthony

Matthew M. Palilonis 155 West Georgianna Drive Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 355-9455 St. Bede the Venerable

WEXP, Track&Field, FootbaU, LSC

Crew, Lab Manager, LSC, Football, Freshman Mentor ':J III00J (J.JheJ to "l.i!mDriZil whal J did tWf

"WOO /'IJO.I ):"

a co/legl' /HU,J J wo.. i lUll'; 'lUI

I.iil. JC/'oo!1."),,.,,0. a"ymOM. - ..)JOIIUU s,'mpJoll -

ullJUJfalul; ami ""I "Utl/wry

t.u'''1 Jo flewd, "'/UJflJ to tl! in.JuA,d i" t/,at ma"".... "

- Jdl(utai.. Crowley -

Matthew T. Palmer 8203 Elberon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742路2549 St. Cecilia


Hockey, IntramuraJs ".JJooJ"llY Ih. ch.lJthat mahd it tlllOu9h.



~ alUj'UlJy !u'ClJwJ#t tI~ anjW"" l.j

Jh.~ ~.laid 10


in 11'014..

btl/o... tI'(I~ h"ow jUjl wh.al to do. ':J1..i.. ikml an, !oJI h"cau~ 1/'./1/ co"t! ".11... lllJ..whal iJ t/'iJ Af. /0.. ., - CJ"(I.dn'JI

Michael P. O'Hara 1400 Kriebel Mill Road Collegeville, PA 19426 (610)584·6361 Visitation BVM Football, Latin Club

:Aftprott.1PlJ _,.. -.i. wi/I. ti,....




Roben M. 0' eill 606 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)628·8795 St. Alphonsus

Jonathan P. Old, 602 Susquehanna Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 663·9777 St. Cecilia

Lacrosse,FootbaU,Student Council,

LSC. Basketball

LSC, Inttamurals, Amnesty Int'l


OIU bjlj f'O(IJ will. IotJ 0/ Jj/J'u. Jo "-,/,,,, ,/0" ~ ,,).-,'9 tJ.ffl'OIJI. tl.. ~"LJ. Jon i cO"'fll.~tll. jJ

'10'u mind. ':])011 lIiJio,.

James A. Palopoli 1017 Lorien Drive Gwynedd Valley. PA 19437 St. Rose LSC, Drama, Lab Manager

~ ..,f,/0" 10,.,,1 w!..... .,," conu Il'Om,

'j01I :., ..",.,

go""" mat. jt w/',,.. 'JOi' ~ 90 ; 1t9'


- (jl..,,!a,..J(,II.I. -

i 1"",,/ '10«~ tl.')lIgI.IJ; p"t ,/0'1'

Wat. up (lilt! t~! -B.t 'ff/.J.1 -

10 mltly.

Domenic J. Panza 5 Pebble Drive Holland. PA 18966 (215) 504·0588 St. Bede the Venerable Cross Country, Track, LSC, Band -Jut..! jJ o,.t•.-ruJ,J. wi.. wi//' c/'al"(ul,~. ~





Charles W. Parker 341 Sun Valley Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215)540·2692 Football, Track -JI,QJI ",1.0 wu..J.,. tJN - ' "lwD.1P /oJ!. ~

Joseph F. Passanante 48 Goodwin Parkway Sewell, NJ 08080 (856)232-8043 Holy Family

Gregory W. PatceUa 4746 Essex Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 766·0659 Our Lady of M t. Carmel

Thomas A. Plick 7419 Keiffer Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 487-2052 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Hockey, LSC

Crew, Icc Hockey

Mathletes, Robotics Club, Academic Decathlon, NHS

My. -' "",,,b. I.al'tl t/', ,-'11' 10 _t, "UPP') a' .. ,J,QPPY LotIa'!. J ~I._~ ,,·/'kl. il JaH t.. 'IJ,.Jh,.Ju'l"~ Jf!uJ, ~ /,,,JIt, i ('""'d nil'


jJ ""'"

"JIal /;..JI .,- do.. i


1"1' ',,/, .. .J./IF"'

'1""1t.ro_ '''f''''tl.tt. -

J I...,.,i.•JJ (111, J"'I1o do. "oJ J"'" 90i"11o

I."PP'I ill il.




ma" -

Marrhew W. Quigg 203 Mather Spur Jenkintown. PA 19046 (215)576-7281 Immaculate Conception Wislerian, Mock TriaJ, NHS, LeS, Baseball, Theater, Freshman MCnlor, Latin Club, Forum

:JIalJ"" /0 J"'''''J. /0, l JNI•...., Jif!. I.f., iJ U 1,1'0/" .. """9'" b.., J /I.al CfltllW!


t..l no! m,.,~I.. ~

- .:l', _A"""/,,."J -



to I.J. //,un ""'-'-"9'



Christopher J. Radvansky 1980 Supplee Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (610)584·6427 Corpus Christi

Timorhy J. Reichelt 9 Milton Street Feasterville, PA 19053 (215)364-3673 Assumption BVM

Football, Tennis, Wisterian, Yearbook, NHS, LSC, Freshman Mentor '}}II I/'~ ..Ill 11',,:'" all",m/ m"'I. SaJ4, ,....

Crew, LSC

C:alII/of c/'ou /'Oll' 0'





11'/"... /1,,1 ,.·/',.1 Wit CUlt


"rr rr"""...

to -..t Itat


/u,.J 1-.., 4U """II. ~

- !It,,l.t_-

M1 .."

IOOf, 0IttI11/';"IJ '10" "0" 10 (l~e" 'Iou JO'l




Ryan M. Pollock 524 Grapevine Drive Hatfield. PA 19440 (215) 368·3450 S1. Maria Goretti

Jonathan R. Posen 957 Wentz Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)277·2816 St. Helena

Eric C. Poupard 672 Renz Street Philadelphia. PA 19128 (215)509· 7465 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Football, Crcw, Tennis, LSC,

Icc Hockey. Football, Crew, Track,

Intramurals, Gazebo

Stage Crew, Intramural Football

'J'm 1.9,,11y eouid,,"J but thai ~ fl. wa'J' J 'II til Cfll/g/', t/,. Jut tilt/'" tfjl./ J/'i'''J 'lUI. .J:.... J/'''''' /., /I.,'j 9(""11 t.. 1J:.. t"""/';Il .

SADD, Ski Club, Student Council 'lJ..II,,/'t/ ,/0'" li'HiI, fl...,,/' II 10" w/,ilJ ,!"',,k 0/

~tJ""'l/'iIl9 ,/Ol< ~"'Jol, Jor '10" IOlllON'Ow.

w..llJill t" /,u.

Bu' 'J'Iu, JNamJ 1fW.'1 nol. "


Daniel J. Reid 819 Edison Avenue Philadelphja, PA 19116 (215)676·1561 St. Christopher Soccer, LSC, NHS, Crew, Track

":)a';9".? J Jo,. i '11'6,. 4_ whul/ali9l<' iJ, /alilJ"" ~ 11"'"'1 cu.'J. M



Ja /,,, a jl.ow.r (I'"/ ,1...". ,/01" j/,Ol", ,/OU :,.. flol "', Ii",,,

~ 1oJ«.

1}0" "M '10""'J ""rn, ,/ou ,,,,ul t.

til;"', 10 now; 'J'I" aN /oNJi~... "




/rt!1I t""f walet;" ' nUl. " jq

- 2>"".kl. -


Adam M. Reif 3281 Durham Place Holland, PA 18966 (215)968·3643

John A. Reifsnyder 30 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 (215)836·2019 St. Genevieve

Band, NHS, Theatre 'Jhl'OlHJ/,oul Ol<~ /'-~J, WII may /aCII flU..,,/

clult..,'J; Ih, wu'l o""l1pp,mU:!.'J a..JCO"';""J Iho~ c/'aft..~ iJ w/,al mallm. ~

- m'J"f/-

Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, SADD ''YI ~ J"ppoYJ to t" /'a,.J. il Wa.!n i /'Il..d


~lJ'"I"'" _ .. tI.It. il. J!,II la..d iJ ""lal jl'llUl.

- ....4cl'_jU, ttl2,;, 0""" -



Timothy B. Richards 1211 North 25th Street Philadelphia. PA 19121 (215)232-2075 Football, Track, African American Alumni Assoc., Weight Lifting MJI.~ olo"; jJ ""I A,I./ a"J '"1 Ja!tIIl/iOll' W/,Olll

JaIlJ fta..r

Kevin A. RiefIe! 1600 Holly Hill Lane Maple Glen. PA 19002 (215)657-7607 St. A1phonsus

Sean J. Riley 319 Tennis Avenue North Hills, PA 19038

Swimming, Malhletes, Student Council, WEXP, NHS '"J INt'" a !oJ to my pa~"I.J, "JfHdal4 ml) mol/,..,.


J/af/'". -(fffy 1'k,.",a,,-

John J. Rowe 1807 Green Lane Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)362-6617 Corpus Christi -.JJo.~ 'P"" ,~nu'J; S/I'''. JQ'W '/""''' /,u..dJ: J;"J f,nJ. pl..., Spo.t''P''.t II.. ,~,I. .• - .J(,ui Cohill" -

Andrew K. Ryan 1510 Erbs Mill Road Blue Bell. PA 19422 (610)277·7451 St. Helena

Edward C, Sabia 8501 Elliston Drive Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215)233·4651 St. Genevieve

Forum, \"(listerian, Amnesty International, Latin Club, Spanish Club, Academic Decathlon -cduca/ion iJ not fl." pa;/, t.. lfl.,

Football. Wrestling, LSC, Crew, Outdoor Adventure Club, NBS

(I ..


tIl,., 0/0 I.-,I./;",/ ./. f."..

- Uhll.-•• B.II., Ij..b -

G",t ,. to /-1. . -J~/-

Daniel J. Ritter 135 Pine Run Drive Holland, PA 18966 (215)504·6263 St. Bede the Venerable Football, Basketball, Inlramurals "Jt iJ bid/fir to 11I1IIf YOl., mQuit Jlu.l {IIIJ 1" fU'pt.

LI.;"k '/01< ~<I /001 {!,WI 10 Of'" i' ",.1 r""',bVfI alldoubt. " ~ mark Jwa'" Q

Peter J. Santamaria 2426 Dale Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)938·1898 St. Albert the Great Lab Manager, Forum, WEXP "':Jh;J m"Ji be JU"~(J'I ... J """u could ,,,t f/,fI

/'a"9 oIJutl~a'lJ. - _jldc/,/"tel' ~ {/u,tt /0 d" !laky H

David A. Rock 309 Haines Drive North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699·8417 St. Rose of Lima

Ryan K. Rodden 712 Shearer Street North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699·9206 St. Rose of Lima

Track, WEXP, Film Club, LSC

NHS, LSC, Cross Country. Track, Intramurals, SADD, Yearbook

"JI,,, mOJ! fP,Citi"9 pl.M.Je 10 l..lU i" Jci""CfI, ,/,,, ,/',,1 /'"raltiJ ,,,,,,, JiJcOIlUilU, is "of '£"""hol' (J /oWIJ iiJ tuf 'J!'a! ~ Im'll/ .




'BI! w/,o ,/ou aN fUl} Jay w/,al '/014 Ie.!t'U:''''J6 '/'0$6 w/,Q mill} J()I1 i mfllL,r ""d ,hoJ. who ",nllll' JOll I milU!. .. - ':Dr. SO/'dJ -

Stephen Schaffer 311 Dreshertown Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215)646·6946 St. Rose of Lima

Kevin E, Savage 637 Benson Street Philadelphia, PA 19111

Ski Club, Tennis

'flu J:" "01 "'ad £,,1. J 11. ..,,£ 1.1.''1 /o,.Vill ",1.0.1 il ~

It.. m,d I.mll l.a,J il ij 10 In a lef/""V"", I.l.iJ ij

day (md aye, III. ,."ad dl~"I!"/ bootJ wl..N/: Cl"J ai" i dB Mg. ",uI (,uty"J/".. "i" i ll.s look...

" "'1111


Theodore J. Schuck 13451 Kelvin Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215)673-7417 St. Christopher NHS, Cross-Country, Crew

Sean C. Seese 752 HaHoweH Drive Huntingdon VaHey. PA 19006 (215)947-1276 St. Albert the Great Golf 'Jrienlliup iJ ,/,.. /,(If"~jll/'i'''J ill t/,e "Iold /0 ~pt.i".

JI ~ 1101 j{JIIU!/f.i''9 '10"

I.am ill .Jt:/,ool.

/Jut l,/ol. havell l tarm.J tll' 1fU1a>li>l9 01 1.. ."dJ/"IJ. 'Iou r",,(~ !'(wn, i £'(4,.IIIIJ a"'JI/'i"9'

Brandon J- Skupski 113 Plowshare Road Norristown, PA 19403 (610)539-6866 Visitation B.V.M. Crew, Track, Wrestling

"m'! ;mmuml J'Jj~ttI iJ "9"'P"") wit/' fl.. biolotjical f'ljuivat,,1 ollJIy l'u/omatic mit.-la"! (lJjlll.ft r,fleJ

",il/' "i91.[ uiJi(",

(utd t.~r J£0fH'J. "

- m.l.ammml.Af..-

Mark P _ Spangler 3017 Green Ridge Drive Norristown, PA 19403 (610)584-5064 Visitation B.V.M. Student Council, Football, NHS, Baseball, lntramurals, Amnesty International, LSC, Juggling Club '~'Jt"", /'4!N1 ~ /1... {I.imp ~ou ea" i Jr' /1...


J"c/',,~ "fl"r f/", !rJl 1...1/ /'our al fl... lail., tl.""

a"" ,I.I/ ""cl,,,r. - Rm",d"I"J -



Daniel A. Streelman 968 Patriot Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (610)584-0195 Ice Hockey, Tennis, Art Club, PhotO

Club "'madlllll.


p!aClld /1"/ pafl/J . ..

"tll'lI lIliJ

Steven J. Sucharski 2623 Orthodox Street Philadelphia, PA 19137 (215)288-5645 St. John Cantius Band, Hockey, Model Railroad, NHS "Som~t"i"9 ~ Wt'Olli' t/,iJ iJ gOOllIa J/'ock thllm.

/'old 0" to, W/I '/t'lJ<l tl.iJ JO"9 10 tad ~ou Oil and.t'l'ak l/'6 trul/' luill. III-ors tad We !eft 1I Jca, Jiu e.olra &"'6." -IJI.-,,/' f 82 not/'''''1 /I)


Gregory J. Smith 465 Willow Drive Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 (856)829·9156 Saint Charles Borromeo

Matthew W. Smith 2443 Rosemore Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)572-7902 St. Luke the Evangelist

Matthew B. Snyder 106 Darter Lane North Wales, PA 19454 (215)712·9960 Mary Mother of the Redeemer

German Club, LSC, WEXP "Collla,..b Jill 1110"1) limeJ til/ore //'<1;1" JlltlllJ; t/,41

Football St:l.listician, Newspaper,

Track, Band, SADD

vata/l! I141VI" faJi",

01clilall. bul

DIIClI • ..

Basketball 'J!,,, wiulo", ",u/ /',w".l"J9i1 t/,al J

Ski Club, Stage Crew

ob,,,;,,,,J /'UI/

- J,.l"J C.tlJnl" -

1.(111.. /'"I,JeJ"'" 10 fjl'QlI) •

Robert E. Sullivan 3022 Vista Street Philadelphia, PA 19152 (215)332·6191 Saint Matthew

Matthew H. Sulock 21 Harding Road Southampton, PA 18966 (215)355-5647 Our Lady of Good Council

Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Student

LSC, Track ''-Aft '10"~ d",mmJ com" i~"., 'Iou I.all" fl."

Council,NHS, LSC, SADD

"w!,.,,, J waJ a to" 0/Iol,r-Illi/II) "'I) /all.</, waJ '9,,0l"a,,1 J coutl /'n,J1y Jitl"J fl.. oll mall. B.'f


w/'"" J

fJot to

t. Iwerd'J-OII., J waJ aJto"iJ/,.d ai

/'ow 'llI'c/'. tl.<I oU m<ll' I.ad tam.d '" J<llI." 'J"a~J . .. - ma~h Jwaiu -



co,,~age to p"~Ju<l//'em ...

- WaA :J)iJIl4l-'1 -

'J Ull to Ji/" '/01< moll'" wi/I. //,,, "/''''/''''' J /;/,,, /0 Jl'i1 YOI' ",I.e.. ')or. ~ Jflllcill '!IVIU wit!, ..". " - &t '!'I7",t, -

Andrew J. Talaga 1071 Frederick Road Meadowbrook, PA 19046 (215)947·3038 ·30" f fJO a"""",1 J«'1'llfJ fl.e ,,,o~tl OWSJ '1°1< lui,,'); 11.<1 wo~/J oW<,.J ')OU 'IOtl.,,,'}; ilwt/J /'e,."




- St/"",,,ICl..me"J -

Ayodale C. Tan 7901 Rockwell Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19111 (215)342·0392 St. Cecilia

Michael J. Teklits 912 Tennis Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)362-6524 Corpus Christi

Francisco deBorja Tenacio 8801 Stenton Avenue Wyndmoor. PA 19038

LSC, Spanish Club, WEXP, Forum, Band, NHS MJl. oillf tiring tlral ~paffl/'J all/j 0". 0/ «J !tVJm ~c.lt'lCC ;J J,ar & luill. oj fl.. oppoJit. f."l'.

FootbaU, Baseball, SADD, LSC

'~/H'''ill/lc/l iJ II lra,J (1I11/:/'IIf' bflctuoJ4


f,.1 ttDl 14 conf...u ..".It"",,, wjM ,,/«J;(IIt. J act. /of': ",IKlio,. " (j.J; i".~. - - mel•.!J Jw .J

0'" ("....



Wisterian, NHS M'JI.. palh o/t/,. ,.,~l/.oUJ _In iJ bflJllo" ,iljiJ~

Wrestling. FootbaU, FootbaU Manager



(l1. ~ l/'., Jut bIOI '1Q1' witt(It'''''l j

til i" "''I l."a~1 will. ""t:o",/'-tiOlwllowr. ..

1J.f/.l~... Qftll"lU(l,.J "



Cross Country, Track, \VEXP, Film Club, Bowling, Spanish Club :ill t~ 1/', !,J.JoIl ~ .... lJOlU 'Ij,j 10 u". 'J/" "uut ~,,,,,,,,J),~ (/'ilt

t/'. I.JI !rJI,


John C. Valenrino 1902 Nicholas Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)947-6665 St. Hilary


) , . (jillIlJ

h, fir" illll'l"ililJ o/I/,. J#l/iJi, "ild //" IY"O,IIIIJ 0/ ft·i/ IOU,.. BI~ i.J I.. ",/'0 J.~~J lJ.1I WI~t ,/,,-owgl. 11., ,u,ll,/ 0/J,u/'NlJJ. - C"i~h5, 17 -

Andrew P. Urbanski 1319 Squire Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215)643·5195 St. Catherine of Siena

~/lIrR ~ jlift i'rJ.-d" 0 / moll,


((HI . .


-.J J,,, i tm·t! o"'1/l.i"'1 '-"'(>O,.[(I"llo Ja'lIWW, /"'/ t:,.!f"''' h'l '20 f 3 m,d ma'll..

J It


JQJ>tolllti"'J /1)



Vincent M. Vassallo 328 Walnut Avenue Aldan, PA 19018 (610)626-7340 St. Joseph Drama, Chorus, Art Club iJ U/I acarouJIIl Jt ~ a J..,,.[ c'J€l.


wt.-c/' /'UJ i/J up a"d J,WrlJ. So jil back, Iw." 10 1/,/1 'muie, (l"J 1'1'1°,/ 1/,/1 rid.. ~ - 1/.-""'1 V(ljwllo -

Ryan M. Thomas 419 Summit Avenue Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 646·0843 St. Alphonsus

Robert J. Troxell 2507 Grant Court Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343· 7273 St. Robert Bellarmine

Victor N. VkwlI 110 Kent Drive North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699·6891 Mary Mother of the Redeemer

Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross-Country, esc, Stage Crew "So J~. JIlC..JIlJ 10 go 011 and Ji,lj "''I Jo"j,

Ice Hockey, Freshman Crew, LSC, Freshman Mentor 'So Jar,'! it ~ ove" 'htln ~ Jo mucl. "uml t/,al J

FootbaU, Basketball, Student

'm. 1i., 'm. 1i. J II/."dgood ~".J II.. "II." jiJ.., ..Ad fl."l ~ wh" tlu'l call",.. tl.e. e~. olion R.i.!. C~.I,o" R.i.l11.'1 ,,," ~ ... - Jhll lSo",j" ~


w,mfllJ ""j t!.Uf! ~


and lim. /'lIlIfj "'''vi''1

much mo,. t!.ol !J "ilflJed Oil

Council, LSC

"JJ,II ofo,) ij "''I 1.91.1 allt! jill/lltiIH' . ..

-PJa/''' 27-

and 0" "")011, "nd Joon

w.llal//'. -BI.,,1. 182g0118, "

Jeremy A. Viray 9 Fawn Lane Horsham, PA 19044 (215)674-2414 St. Catherine of Siena

Louis A. Volpe 738 Longshore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)725·5624 Presentation BVM

Steven A. Vuillermet 2920 Passmore Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 333-3186 St. Timothy

NHS, Tennis, Forensics, Art, LSC

Hockey, LSC, NHS, Latin Club

Bowling, Latin Club, Spanish Club, WEXP, Intramural Basketball, LSC




pict.u/I, writ.. a .... ll'l poem, Ji,Uj

a ".",,,/,I.,.-j,,mbl.,. Mnj, w/'ijlt ll.ro"gh '10"" comb.

"JI.J/,e iJ going /0 be M.IUI Jlu./lljo" ~e 'I0;''1lo je.. dUll ~ going to mats it /,anl /0 J",de i" th.. fi.tu,.., bu./

Ioonlj-joonlj itWCII ~I'OJJ /tll hitchll"- Ifoo"

",hattlvu '10" YS, thro..,!.. alltl.. ,.ai" a,uf pai",

fl.t Jome/hinj JJt, iN /1,. wold dUll ain t belm lhu. b./o,s, ..

,e"Ulmb", to alwaljJ J",d" /!'ro..,h '10'" !uobl.,.mJ, " - J..pac Slwh.., -



- St.!S,lve,Jlein -

"Wi/I, j,..al!}()we, CO"'"J jNJal f'I1Jpo"Jib.lllj' ,.

- PilL" Pa,hll, -


Ryan P. Walder 542 Cedar Drive Lafayette Hill. PA 19444 (610) 825-7696 St. Philip Neri

Kevin E. Walker 1242 Oliver Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 938-5047

WEXP, Film Club, Spanish Club MJI,~n ~ JCmt:J/.illlj iflJlJ. ,1.4/ II.", call i ,ttt Ut,

Forum, Latin Club, Film Club, Wisterian, German Club "SfHUJ. jJ ,j.~" 10 '1'Ia'"J. jllkfli,ltllC. to ~w. ~

tl..~ Can i f.,ucl., 'JI,af ~ 'P'" ... .J/o"..

- 2>"'kh. JIl~t.. -


Thomas J. Weiser 9811 Woodfern Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)677-8282 Maternity BVM Art Club, Science Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, Spanish Club :.And 'PM Jon i eal c:rackm jn tl., bd o!YOUI' J«Jli"'1' ~a"J« fl.en




,itNffllc:J. y.


- JI.. Joel.-

Terence J. Wilkin 769 Champlain Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mother of Divine Providence LSC, Forum, Crew M?/o.. '"..~ L, tl., "I.,..", 'P" I(.j~ f., ~, in 11., ...



Sean F. Wills 906 Tannerie Run Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 793-9178 Ice Hockey, Track much to .10, Jo till. li__ ,



John R. Wilson 411 Selma Street Philadelphia. PA 19116 (215)676-4291 St. Christopher Band, Cross Country, Track, WEXP Student Council, Malilletes Acadcnlic Decathlon Pup!. ,,/,..,.,_, o,,~ Jb.a"'jU'J JiIlJ'I iJ.. klnw.

0 ... mo..., Jp«ial m«JJn,. f., 10. UaM" J'". J.,-. JIII..N; • /oj. i. II.. -1, tal.. il.• - S_~ ... B..e1.,'oJ-

Patrick Weller 279 New Road Churchville, PA 18966 (215) 364-4969 St. Vincent de Paul

Ryan M. Westley 707 Kyle Lane Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (215) 643-1921 St. Anthony

Brendan J. Whitaker 4605 Hansell Road Doylestown. PA 18901 (215) 345-0856 Onr Lady of Mt. Carmel

Band, Theatre, Cross Country Italian Club, Chorus '~{)(;"J ::J)",18Ymi"'!j Real,,,. "

Gazebo, Intramural Football

Wrestling, Cross Country, Lacrosse Spanish Club


- Qlli-(jOIl J"1Il -

"J Ill"'} til flo'''9 to 1.../1 ill a blle!',,/, bab", l,,! (If t"J/ J;" "trl"')''''} Ill' ,ttl,. ,.

':J/ow call 1.8 b8 Jo Jli""'j, mId llJe Jo p!,"'? You

- (jnd,fi./2J,.d-

Brian M. Winkelman 1136 Fanshawe Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)342路4109 Immanuel Lutheran Cross Country

' (;116 "I" lttl,fy or give



- J/'omaJPt'ille-


wl.y, ~(U J;/I t/,Il maeJ/ffll" -IJ,"/i. &J' -

Todd A. Zettle 2000 Kriebel Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)855路4877 Hockey, Football, Track, LSC SADD, Intramurals

' Btl w/,o 'JOU m'.., (fIul J(I'I wla! ,/01. felt!. people w/,o //liml dOll i ,Ywtl"r, " ..) m(lf/"I'



tlUI fHople w!.o

f mill; .. 203

Septem6er 11, 2001 204


The Luciani Family Marcolina Design, Inc. Jeff- Congratulations!! Best Wishes & Love, Mom, Carla, and Gradmom Best wishes to all graduates, Tel-Oat Commumcahons, Inc, John Carmen - So proud we could burst! Love, Mom & Dad The Giaimo Family Oskar Huber Furniture Ferguson Painting

Congratulations class of '02 - The Noone Family Congratulations to Jeff Mills and the class of 2002. Love, Mom, Dad & Mike

Congratulations to the class of' and to our son, DaVId Rock - W are proud of you.

Congratulations Michael & LaSalle class of 2002 - The Tekills Family

Congratulations Jon! Love Mor Dad, Tnsh, Jill & -Sam-

You did It. Mike! Congrals from your family. . Mom, Dad, Melyssa, Catey & Chris

Dear David M.. May God bless and guide you as you continue yourjoumey in life. Congratula 10 you and to the rest of the clas of 2oo2! Love, Miom & Dad

Congratulations to Jim Devery and the Class of2002 - The De.ery Famoly

Gola Corporate Real Estate

Congratulations Sean and the cia 20021 The Ahem Family

Go Pookie! Patrick, Congratulations and thank you Love and Care inc. Child Care Center for the music. Love Always, Mom, Dad, Mike, Keep up the good work. Love Kristin, & Jill Mom, Dad, & Tony The Ferrick Family

Chapman Auto Group

Ross, "Dare to dream, dare to try, dare Hey Bryn! Three Down - One to to fail. dare to succeed!' Love Mom & Row!! We Love You - Your Family Dad & Ginseng Good Luck to John Wilson and the Tim, Congratulations! - We are very Class of 2002 proud of you! Love. Mom & Dad KeVin, Tee it high and let it fly! Love, Mike, We are so proud of you. ConMom, Dad, Kate, & Ama gratulations to the class of 2002! Love, Mom, Dad. Sean, & Duggie Luke, Well done, good and faithful son. God's blessings as you move The DiLella Family ever onward and upward. Mom, Dad, Julia, & Melanie Ryan - Congratulations on your graduation - We love you and wish Congratulations! A-O-ED and the you the best in the future- Love, Mom, Class of '02! The Duffey Family Dad. Erin, & Malt Brad Bartkowski, You are a laSalle Marlio, Make youself a happy, meangrad!! We are very proUd of you and ingfullife! We Love You ...Mom, Dad, wish you happiness, success, and Melicia, Roman, Mia & Lena luck in all your future endeavors. Love You, Mom, Dad '66, TJ '98 Helmick and Prisco Financial Services


Congratulations Tim Horwedel! We love you - Mom & Dad

May LaSalle live in your heart forever! Congratulations on a Job well done- Dad, Mom, Merri and Allison

Dr and Mrs. Kevin Campbell and Sons Congratulations Ryan! Filipczak- Tokarski Families

Brad Bartkowski- Time to Mov On... Get a higher education! Lc Always, Grandmom and Grand! Parisi

Congratulations, Steven Sucharski! You have made us s, proud, Good luck in your college years. Love, Mom, Dad, & Dian, Congratulations on completein the first slep on your road 10 happiness and success. We're Proud of You. Love, Mom, Dad, Eileen, Tom, & Kelly Best Wishes to the class of 2 Frank ('76), Maryann, and Fran Dauleno ('05) Congratulations 10Brad Bartkowski and Steven Suchars To both of you we wish the best life has to offer. Love, Grandmo & Grandpop Parisi Mike (Chick), We are so proud Remember: Always believe in yourself and follow your draa Love, Mom, Dad, & David Salon Nochea T.J. Grace '43/ T. J. Welser'

~~rlt"'~. Andrew M. {,2, 12


wrret N. 74.


e.~'em~n. p~ul



&.Jffin, J"""me, M. liz f};Jt/i,/.J. J""otUfh"n A 54

&.Jumgardner. (/.obert ~

f}ule. Juetin

Abbot!. t::r.vin 3'. (,2., 14 fo,bbotl. Palric.~:T. 54 ~he1. David I\. 54. 'fl. ISO


100, 101, 1(,5


/52, 1(,0,


:r: of(,

&uher. P"tri,t A IOf,. 1of. ItA


~o.line. :rohn Vaul411

Nlen'i.l.onor D. 54

Nam. '5f.an c.. l'Jt It,2 J'J1e.gr"tti. &e.mardino" 11.0. 1l,,"J "lien, 6or'90"1 'T. 54 ","onu. Mi,hatl J". la, 16. III AlUiM, Mit.hael V. 114. II)(,. I(,~ Nz.on~, Alltn f... 4Y Amolt. G.nald 1'.14.1$. 12.0, r~4. 11,0. IW-

AndtN>On, 1'. 1Z1an 4(, Andn"". Mi,hatl 1'. 4(, Andrl', Mattht'" It.. (,2 Ange\onl.l.eNrt J'. 4(,. 'fJ klgt1i1\o, Mr. Man: 4'3 Antontl\o, Wbril\ 4Y Aprill. M•. V~lenlint 'J{, Nc.hibald, Timoth-t ~. (,2. Art-ntz., Chri.lopher M. 54 Nuf, Mr. f"rr.dtric.1::1,1O AViltt., MI,hat! W. (,2 "'1- Chri610phtr J'. 11.11 "'1Utn, 1'amn Man1UI::54 .-.uff. &rian T. 4(,,14


54 6t.dtUrz.. t.regory J: /1.0, In, ItA ~hr. u'in S. 4(, mil. C.hr;6topher 1: ICA tn/I. Terrell C, 504. 135 &ender 1'r. fl.,ob"rl H. (,t. &ene, Mr. fl.ouo 'J7, In &tn;nt,au. Justin A /5. lin Ben;rlUU. /Cevin :r. 54 &en%. Wt1fi.Jm O. 54 &u.k", Andre'"

~ntw. ~an M. 1,,1.

"'r~r. MkhM'



!:'ifni. Ste" P. 5't. III &iJu,. ~r~ld eo. 4(, &iJu,. t:tle M. 54

&i,Jut;, M~rk: J: Sot. fJ. 102. &i/uki. Steven &. '72.. 10(,. 10'7. 1"5

&In<ler ;fr, wrard &/firri. :roup"

:r. 1"5

t. 54

~I:". &r~ndon M. 72.. 74. 6/,. 66,

5Ugr"v,. t:,vin M. 54 ~mo, Mr. wbritl J2.. 156 ~n'1. c.hri,tophtr 5. 60. '2.0.


&dlin,ki, MiJNhe",:r. 4(, &dmmtntre. &renl A Iz.o. 1(,7 &dn.lnni. Anthonr A 74. Ill, '(,7 IU>.

&dno. /lndrew S. 5.f f'oorek". AdiJm P. ,(,7

t?>orrtl/. Wil/i.lm (". 5.f &dr". Mit.hiJtI A 4(, &rau. J'"ohn N. 41" 12.(, t?>r~dwen. Mallh,w c.. 4(, &radtr. Mr. flDdne1 42. t?>ratl1. Andrew P. 5.f. 12. f'oriJnnon. trit. IJI. ItA, f'or.Hul/. fZDberl F. (,2.. 74 f'oruhb;/1. Nit.hob, J". 5.f. ~


t?>aer. MN. Marie 40. 1(,0 f' iJ 9Ji ,. ;ftffr'1 A 54. '2.1,

t?>iJK",.. Frt<lrit.k c. 5.f, 71 t?>anuker, (,,"9°"'" J". 41, ... _L' • D '" ..-an"en, ,..13n D. "...

t?>arl>ulo. Pom;nie.).' W. 1,2. t?>iJ~. Mr. TholJl36 u,....., 12.7 t?>iJrr Ill. ;fohn fl.. 4{" l}arreN. dtri"tiiJn J". 4{" I}arr,. II J4h ..". .. n n. ,,2., 7-.,



varr,t/. fl.tan P. -.{, t?>arry, C.hrittopher M.


&'-un-l.opn.. M,... l.ult-nta &r ' f d Nilho c. e.t.or., . \ "1. . .1(,(, ... _ VTe.nnan....... , M. 7"




f'ornnahan 1'r, l'hllip J'. 54 f'ontl. Palri,1:: F. 54 &rn.nld-1. David M. 54 e>rn.nl'1::1. J' on T. 14. 1$, 1(,(, I}",.,by. t..eorge W. "2.. 71 l}arltDwtl::i, f'oraJ1er J". /20. /(,0, It,4 &rill. Andrt It.. 4(, eo"rry, (..olin M. 54 &arry. lZtiJn N. 41,


145, 1(,1. ICN t?>fo". Mr. Ptnni, 2.4, 1(,. fiJ6 &oullino, Mid'at/ V. 7B, 4S, 11j(,.

I{,J J{,J

t?>;'mew. Pavid ~


61. ItA,



s,u,tt J:


~.Jumont. Willj.Jm

Marne. Timolttt e. 54 Mam.~. thn,topher v .•(, "ffd. Nld10ia, M 54. 12.5

'iSabin. Prew f. '4. 15. 71. 74.


&uly. P"trilX

"'-kHon.l.hanningl'. (,1. ~m, IV. IZufMtl :r.II1., '4 ~m•. M.Jttbc.\lI 'P. 110, 114 Mame, ~.Jn f.

:r:. /11. '46,

155. 1(,5

&rill. Timolh-f E.. (,1 &rillon, ~l'vtn M. 54 &ro4tri'l::. Palri,1: F. ~ &r0san. '&tan" 1~1, ,1.2.. 11,1 &rjant. 1'06hw M. 1(,1 &u,hanan, "11t M. ~(, &lI'I:. Andrtw 1'. 54 &!Jr. Man: I. 54 &!In:t, Gotrard F. 4(,. 102 &!Jt\e.r. Vin"nl M. 4(, fJotrnu. Palri,1:: It.. (,2.

12.0. ,'',.


f ~ia. David"

vz.. 14

whit\. C.hri610phf.r M. 54 wli6ta. Df.r'I:::I'. (,2. 10.12. wllahan Ill. ThomiK P. 4(, Laltabiano, Mart:. i. 54. I n C.alvilti, E.ri' £. 'no (,1. " Lamf.ron, J'ot.lah '" 41, C-ampbtll. PriLl" '15 C-ampbdl.1Z1an M. r..2., so, 14~ wntl"Ort 1'r.• 1'owph T. 'n, 14 wne, l.hri$lophf.r J'. 9) C-apac.i.Chari'$ 1'. 'n C-apaldo. M~lIht",:I". '15 C-apt-lola, Mallh,... 1'. 12.0, 1(,1 C-apouJ, Ni,hola' 1'. 1,2. wrabr.l1o, Mr. C.hrit.tophe.r 1.2. wraG3uu. &radlt-1 D. (,1 Lardtlla, Anlho01ll.. '15, 14 Lar,lt". ~btrt M. 1, 154. 1(,' Lart1. Ian P. 1(,. 11,,$ wrbgno. I'e.vin M. '15 !.ariin Ill. William J'. 4(, wriin. tman" 4(, La"'in, It.. '5r.~n 4(, Lari60n. Dr.ni6 J'. '15. 102. Larman. Paul c.. 9) C-arn'vale., Andrt... c. r..2 !.arro" J'r. J'o6tph 1'. 104, 10$, 12.0, '$0.1(,1, .1" C-arroll. l'hilip T. 104. lOS, 12.0, ISO. 1(,1. 1(,1

Larhlright. Vin"nt E.. 4(, wfValho, C.hri$lophtr Go. 4(" 1S wult, ~1 M. 4(,. 104. lOS Lau1, T. J't-ffre.1 'n C.atindla. Timolh1 J'. (,1 C.avlt.lon. 'Man V. 1(," Laz.in, C.hri'lophf.r M. 4(, l.e,....int.l::t. Gotorgr. H. '15.14 C.hapman, Mi,h~,\ Jl.. 4(, C.htMil::. Mr. Mart:. 305. 'S2.. 1$$ c.m6fl'1. David L. (,2., &0 C.hiar,lIo. Andrt'" A.. 9j C.hinnic.i, f"ranU6LQ P. 4(, C.hmidt...'I:I, &rian M. (,1.. 1,1,11 Cho. &obbof J'. 110. 1$1" 1(,1, 1(,1 C.hong. &randon 1'. 4(, Liam,m, 'Pat>qualt J'. 4(, C-iavardli. MI,hatl A.. 9.i. 14 !.iu.ag\lon,. Mi,hKI J'. 12., 12.0, ,1,,$

C-ILUhnaro. M,... J'ani" ~1 C-iuJmaro. Mr. 1'owph 4. 'l(,. In, .40 Liftlli, Dom,"u. M. 9.i C-i\lb,rto, ~ttpheo " 4Y C-iminf.ra.Lamf.ron P. 4Y Cipolla. Mr. Danid2.1. 12.4. 12.1, 1$6.


C.ipal\a. Danitl :T. (,2, 1,1. 114 Lippala, David Go. 41, C-ir,IU, Mr. C.harit6 2.(,. 4$ Ciufo. C.hri"lophf.r '" (,. 41 c.lan:, J'amu J'. (,2., 14 c.lan:, Mr. L..e...i$ 305, lS2. lSJ. ISS. 1$$ c.la1, Matthe", £. 9) C.lu~n. tman f. SS, 101. lO~ C.ltm'ntt.Lari06 14drigun. C.lifford. J'ohn J'. 41 C.lifford, Timoth1 l.. (,2. '-oh'n. &rttt J'. 1,2. Colburn II. J'a1 c.. (,'3. I'l? '-oUbraro. Mi,hHt 1'. Il"B c.olit.lra, Mr, 1'ouph12. 2.6 '-ollint., Patri,1: 1'. II, 10(" 101. lot I(,O,I(,I,I(,S

'-om"1. D. &"1an r..~ Coniulli III. £.armr.n J. 112.. 1r..1 Connoll1. ~ltve.n :T. 41 Connor, Andr,w J'. I,l.11 c.onli, C.hri"loph,r M. 41 c.ool::e., &roo I'tnnr.th 'J4. 1(,. n '-oon'1. &rtndan 1'. S, $(,. " . 61. 110.11,1 £.oon"1. JOlUth~n N. (,'3, 102. '-oon"1, Timoth-f eo. SS c.oopt-r. ll.. V~",,, 9) '-oopt-r. '~n 1'.•n, l')l, 151, 1(,1 C-oMlla, Ill, Jo6tph" (,'3, 14, H, '" '-o"tanllno, C.hritlophf.r c.. 1'J1, no '-otlov. Andrt... J'. 41, 'e. '" CoUrlnt1. Mn"'e.11 (,'3. (,1. '1. 12.2. c.ovolut. Nltholat. J'. (,~. 1'lS, 1'l1 ~t. Mi,hat-I P. SS '-oWt, fravit. J. 41 c.Dgin, Mu.hatl P. no Craig. Timolh-f P. 55,14 Cra...ford. Ilobc.rl V. 9) C.rud, J'ohn F. (,l. 16, 61. 6$, 102 c.rol:'. John M. 41 C.rou", :fohn 41 Cro",t.r, Mr. David 21, 10(, e.utlnolta. '&alvatort~. no '-ulltn. Tlmolh-f E.. ~1 '-ummingt. III. William 1'. 41 '-um~lone. '5oc.o1l :r, n 41 e.unnin9h~m, David'1, 'n.14 '-unningham. !"'fIt Go. 41 e.urtlo, C.hri$lophf.r M. m C.urran, ~tt-v,n M.l('. 71, 16.12.0. 144, 14$,141,.152.,1('1. nI '-ur'1, Palri,1:: :f. (,~ e.urtin. 1Z1an H. 9j C.1bok 1'r. David M. (,~


Q Dailt1. t'tvin P. l,,1

O'Amic.o. NIt-kola. D. m O'Angtio. Dr. I'O"pl1 11,158 O'Angtlo, Man: 3'". tJ, laO, 110, Darragh Sr. Ulri6tophtr A. "1 Daulc.rio. FunLi' It. 41


Dauphlnu, Andr"'" D.9i. '"' Davit, &'"'1" c., 1,,1 Davit, l'tlilip L.lil. In



Dta\:. c. .on Dchlgcli6. lZ1an :t. no Ot&o'iJ Ttnacio. FraJK.luo 1(" 18, 00,1.00

Du,tro. Danitl 3'". 95 t>..c.ru. 3'"1'•• :fohn (", '1,

110, 111, nO

Dr.dic.. Dino 14. 110, 1111, 114. 11'. "'

DeGrirolamo. I'ohn Gt. m Dc.Grirobmo. ltit-hard " 95. 9? Oegrun Andr". 3". 91. &S. 115 Dtlant1. :ram"6 O. 10(,. 10'. n2. DtUnt1. Palric.t.~. lil, tS4. DtUurc.nti6.l.hri6tophtr W. 110, 01 Dt~urtnli •. Mrt.. ltlb 'Y.i

Dc.rntltr. Mr. Douglu 14. SO Dtme.ltr. NINo. Mt.gan 'Y.i Df.m~t1. Mr. :rouph 14. I'll", 158 DtmPH1. Mattke.... 1.. ", D.mp"1. Patri,\: D. ",



E. 'n. "

DePaul. C.hri6tophtr L. lil DtPaulo. MI,hac.1 '5. 4' Dtpman. ~ttp'nn C, 9j

1&, 1t Ill, n1Ou,id"rio, Andr""" O. 'n, 1'Jl" O"yer, MN. Vatritla 21 OeY"I"(. 'tamu. 't. 110, In, 118, nl O"Yln", Mr. PalrlGl: 4o, &0, 81, 18, lI0, 111, 158 P~"'IIl, ~b~rl c... 41 DiAntonio, l'tIiUp A.. l,,1 Diuio, U""ard A.. 41 Dl&laglo, &rlan A.. 41 Dluluo, Mrto. FranGU J'a«lb H Dll.!uo, /l.nth0ltf M. liJ Dic.~, Mam F, 9,j Dic.~tf'"l,()ll, 1'01"( P. 41, 1'1 DiOonalo, U""ard W. 41 PI"hl, Mr, Da\lld 2.t 102. DIJ'ulio, kllhon1 M. 12.0. m Di~I\~, Fnn~ c.. 12.0, 140, m OiMenna, Mam If.. '5(, OiNola, U""ard ~. U OiPHqualt, 15oro. William 4o, , III, I'j& DiPralo, 1-1do 46 Dil4n1.O, \..ul:f, V, $I; Dl'f>tpio, J'ohn N. 12.0, m Do, Hai H. 48 Dotri\tin, Malth""" It. " 12.0, I!.II, n2. Dobn, Mr, Mic.had 4, Dominic.~, Mic.hac.1 P.l.ol, 14. Ponn,,1I1, Thorn... 51.0 Dtrric.t., Matti".",


Donahu". Mrto, Linda n, 144, 145 Donayan. Mr, Mi~" 41 Donoghu". &rian It, 12.0, I!.IO, I!.I" nl Donoho", &rian M.l.ol, 12., 14, 1'1 DonohOt., !'''Yin A.. '5(,.14 Donohu", Mr. William 11. &S Ooont1, J'amt& c.. 0\8 Doran, !'eYin A.. l.o'J 00u9htrt1. c.hritotophtr J'. 5, '2.0. In, Doughtr11, c.hritolophtr It. l.o'J Dou9htrt1, Mic.hatl P, !.Il Oouglat. Mam It. 48 Do""nin9- U,,,,,ard 't. !.Il OO'f\t. Mattht"" J'. 46 Dri'fl0n, DaYid If.. m Driuolllll. Mlc.had J'. 51.0, 14 pua:ttl, Timol"" W. I](, Ouffe1. Daniel E. l'Jt 140, m Dul:f,t, Maltht"" 48 Dunc.h..~. Mr, 'bltphtn 11, 1l.o Dun¥n, Mic.hac.1 P.l.o'J Dunn, kldrt"" c... 51.0 Dunn. Gotrald M. 51.0 Dunn, nmotbof P. 0\6 Punnt. c.hritlophtr If..l.o'l, '5, 102. Dunnt, Dtnn.t It. 46 Dun:in, '-ort1l.o'J. 102. Dun:in,!'tvin 48 Do.I1tr. J'ouph J'.l.o3. 10\3 Do.I1"r, ltotan W. 12.(,. 14!.1. m O""1t-r. 'bt"phen 3", l.o"J Do.I1"r, Timolh1 F. l,,"J

~ Ebbtc.\:.", Thomato 't. Sl.o u~er, :fothua P. !.Il E4g"r. Thomat 3". 46 Egan, ""vin V. .r;l" EIGhtrt. ~Ghard 48 £lli&. Mic.hatl F. I](, ElnittoKi. Mlc.ha,,\ :1', 46 t'M.obar, Marlio A.. IS?, n4 E6po&i1o, Louit 3". Sl.o. l' Evant.. Danitl L, 4e Evanto. Mr. Gotrald 2.1, lIS, 146.


E Falc.one, Mr. J'ouph 10, '00. 10'. 14(, Familiaran. G.abriel M. lj(, Fannon. Danid P. 4& Farina, {"torge 'b. ITl, I!.II, n4 Farringlon. 'bltph"n A.. l.ol Fuolin", J'amu. D.l.ol Favata,lQ;'mond c.. 4& FatJo. Danid 1. 114. n4 Fedoro""iU. J'ONph P. 1](" 80, III FfAi1na. 'f>tan D,ll.o, 18, 11, &2.. &S. 12.0,, 12.!.I, no; Ful"1, !,"vin P. (,1, lS Ful"1, 'bttphtn P. 48 Ftgl"1, Man: I](, Fddman, MiGhatl A.. (,3 F"lIm"lh. &tnjamin A.. sc,

F"rguMln, Patrit.~ E, 4s Furlc.~, Thomat. 'b. 1,4. Furl", Danl"ll. 5(" Ferrit, Tlmolh1 {". &0,16, 110. 12.0. I!.II, n5 F"rrier'tr, itob"rt c.. 5(, Ferrlu, Nic.holat. M. 4s Ftrro. :fohn It. ns Ftrro, Mlt.hatl :f, Sl.o Field, Mrt. Eliubtlh 14. 144. '45. 'SO Fitld, \..u~t It. 12.0. 12.04. '11, 112., 114. 1M Flddt, ltotan !,. 1,4, 12.1 Fi\t. Mr Danltl (" 2.'1, 141 Filip'u~, lZ1an 'b. n4 Finon, :ramtto P. (,4, 14 Flonntinl &ugman, Milc.he\l <.04. 12.'1,

'0, '2.


Fltht-r, J'aftOn A.. ,(,. n4 FitI.gtrald. Mr. &tmard 2.', &2.. &S FitI.gtrald, l.4lln P. '5/.t, S2.. &S Fit1.htnr"f. Daniel 1". (,4 Fit1.palric.~, lZ1an T. (,4. 14. 15 Fit1.timmontt. Mic.hKI J'. 14, ,.r;, n5 funnt". Thomato A.. 4s Rood, Mit.hatl T. n5 Rood, Patric.~ T, '5/.t Rinn. 'f>tan 0, (,4, $2., &S A1nn. Timol",,:r. 5. 12., 14. 12.0. I!.IO,

ns Fo,,11. Mlc.hatl {". 5(, Folti, Mit.hael !'. 12.2.. nil Ford, Mrto. Ann 41 Ford. Danld 3", 14, 110, 111, n(, Ford, !'tnn"lh :r. 1,4.14 Ford. ~an It. 4S, 102. Ford, T11tr :r. 48 For\:.ln. :famu A.. n(, Foraltr, 'f>tan 01& Fo.", ~rlao c... m Fo.", Thomu l. l,,01, 114 Fragnito, Mic.hatl Po... (,4 Fran%., £rit. :r. 60, m Franun, N"gnder 61, '2.0. m Fralamlc.o, F-obc.rt 'b. ~& Frtndrc.lto, &ro, {""rar4 2.1 Frottl, !,tllio P. 101, 10~, 12.0, Il.oI, nil Fun1, William F, 1,4. S1, 84, &S F'flt, Mr, 3"amu 2.(,

'" l'

Goabl"(tlto~i, 'bttphen G.. (,4. {"abntt, /l.n1h01tf A... liS, nil G.alba\li, &rian G.. n(, wlballi, c.hritttophtr F <.04. 12.. 14 wl"n. umol"" M. 1,4 G.a\bgh"r III, f.u9lne $. 48 Goalbgh"r, c.hritttophe.r 3". 48 {"albgh"r. !'t'lin A.. m lAalbghe.r, Vatrit.Il::r. Sl.o lAalbght-r. 'f>tan M. m wltagh"r, William T.l40, m G.at\o. Mr. J'ouph 41

{"ambone, Ernut D, ns {"ambone, !'enn"th:r, 5l.o, 115 {"annon, Patrit.l: 3", 5l.o, 14 {"arc.ia, Luitt £, Sl.o {"ardntr $r, t:="vin 114. 'S, 111 {"ardn"r. J'amta P.l.o4 {"arofalo, ","gelo c.. '5(" 1S {"arofalo, Mit.hael A.. (,4, '4, 15 lAarvin. MN.. Thtrtu 'JI wrvin, nmothi3". (,4 {"arz.on". c.hri6tophtr J'. 5l.o. 14 {"a'lin, c.hritolophtr W. '5/.t wz.ura. Mit.h",,1 J'. 4S G.tiger. Eric.~ F. 5l.o {"eiger, Mr, William 2.1, 104, 101}, 15 Gotl""\. Gotrard J'. n8 Gtt-mi, J'tffrti 0, 48. 14, 15 Gotrmano. c.hri610pntr $. 48 GotnOVtM. Mr. V-ic.hard Tl, 1~1 Got"t"m"itr, J'onathan P. ns Got6in9- Mr. c.hanu 31, l.o1, l' {"iagn~a, l.ngol"( :r. (,4.1& {"jaimo, 3"ohn " 1](,. 1'1, 12.5 ("ibbontt, David 5(, 6ribbontt, Mjt.hac.1 F. n1 {"jbbonto. Mr, Man: 2.1 G.ibbontt.lZ1an &. 4s {"jg!iotti, Nic.hobtt c., I](, ("ill, kldrt"" M. 4S 61111, Mn, '-ontotant.t 11 lAill, lZ1an It. 1,4 {"il1ttopie, &rian:f. 12.0, In, '~4, 11'


{"iIIupie, Mr. T"rrtne.t 11,15(, {"inl1, !'1lt J". 5(" 101 lAivni6h, &rian F. 4& lAiVni6h, {"trard J'. (,4, 1'$4 Golauum, MIGhac.I :r. 5l", 111. 18, 11 {"Iadu, c.hr1610ph"r M.l.o4 c"I"a.on, Matth"... c.. Sl.o G.loyt.r, c.hlaloph"r M. 1](,. 1S {"olden. Danitl N.1~. n, {"ood. Danl,,1 c.. (,4, 12.1 {"ormito~i, Pau\ t, 51, 12.5 G.onnle-i, 3", c.hrl610ph"r (,4 {"rae.t. Mr. :rohn 1S, ISS c"raham. U""ard c.. (,4, 14, G.raham. MiUih,,1 £.11.,14, 1()(,. lot 101, '!.II. n& {"raot, Mlc.hatl A.. 4& {"rauo, J'oMph {", tA {"r"1, 'bt"phtn M. <.04 {"ruyu, c..hrittlophtr J', Sl, l' {"rtgoriO, Nic.hobtt A.. 51 {"r~ntr, 'Philip M. tAo 11. 61 {"rtffi6, Martin E. <.04 ["riffitt. Ntrt P. <.04, 14 {"uc.~in. "t'lin W, 4s e..u"rra. J'OM-ph If.. (,4, 11.4 G.ulnan, 'bun V. 48 G.uthrit. ["raham E. 1,4


tbtnn, k1drc.... :r. 04$ ttac.nn, :foKph M. ~ tbultr. f. J'"ouph 04' l't~rt1. :fohn D. 5. IS. lOt..


110. 12.1.

12k. l~l. nt~


~c.nnan L.


Ha\u..c.n\:o. M~. £tltn 2.'; Ha\t1·Ding1c.. Wtndtll f. tb\ftrt-j. Man:." t1.O. 1(,1, 01



t\amilton. J't-ffu1 M. Hand, ?tltr 3". '51 !'bnna. 1r.• Mi,h;ul V. 0'

tbnnigan. k1drf.\11 W. S1. 12..$ :ram"6 V. 1,4.11, It.lj Harrigan. '5tr.vt.n t. {,4 Harlint.,

HartiMln. kldrc.... M. 41 Hartt1. Mr. G.c.rald 1',141"


t\artman, Thoma6 :r. 41. 'l'l Hal"6, :rohn

:r. 1(,0. 1(,1, 0'

Hull. 'Palrid. S. /,4

lannaLQnt. '5ltphtn" In Igna". Mr. fran~ 4'J Ihltln. !,tvin M. 51. loS Inttrranlt :rohn ll-. 51 Inlnnnit-. Dougla..:r. In. 14 In-in. :ramt-. f. 4, Ivano.l:1, Leonard" 4'


J'M.t&On. :fordan" In :fatt::6<IO. Leo f. 4' :faa&On. Mr. Martin 41. 102. 'O'J :faLQb.t.n. Mallht... f. In. 14 :faggt-~, "t-nt c.. 51 :faoottli. C.hri6tophtr" (,lj. 124 :fanton, Fr. fvlthon1 'J4 :favlt. :fnon D. In, 121 :ftfl"tr6, C.hri6tophtr D. 111. 100. 101. 122.1110, Ito :ftitntr, Mr6. '5ttphanit 'JI. 104, IO? J'tn~io., Mit.hat\ W.ln :fohn, Mdrt'ol:f. S, 104. IO?, 11.0. 1111.

Huitt', Mie-tlnt P. 41


HUltr. 1QU::1 E. 11.0. 0'

:fohn. M~. t'athlun 'Ji :fohn""n. C.hri.topht-r J'. 51 J'ohn&On. Mr. frant.i. 24. 60. lSi :foho60n. l.D93n M. 51 :fohnloOn, Ma!tht... F.ln :fohnloOn. Thoma.. 4' :forn. framl" :f. '51.14.12, !oS :foMl. ThomH M. 4' :fuliff. l'tvin '5. 4,

H"'(n. D,vid f... V1, '4, 1" 12.'1. 141 Hu.¥. &rtncbn M. "S. H HUlUn. &rian f\. 4,

ltD" M. 11'1. 14

HUlUn. HtltniOl\!:.

lAngo" lZ- "S. 141

t\eMu. :fuon 4' Htnn.r, Mi,hae.14,

Hc.n...ood. Malth..... fA 1'UI


Htrbtrt. '5ltphtn 3". 41 Htron. f>rtncbn P. 51.11. 104. '0'],

Huon. ""vin '5. 41. 'l'l Htrz.09- G.rtg0l"'f P. 4' Hutlpoth. !,"vin M. liS. 12.4. ItS ttU6, Matlht'ol :r. 71 ~U6. uc.ha!"'f M. 41 ~it.~6. C.hri6Iopnt-r M. 71 ~itX.6. ~66 M. 160 Hm. Valri(.~ Eo. 160 tiimt-6. Altunatr \... 51 tiot.~r. :rohn W. 51 ti09"n. &rian ';,. 41. 14. loS tiohtnltitnn. Mr. Gtuorgt- '32. lSI Holmu, Danitl:r. 1'1 Hol'olit.~. Mr. c.hri"lophtr 2') Hol'olit.~. Timolb-t 1Z-. I"S tionarK. Aln c.. 51 HonarK, ftltr N. In tiopl:1n". eorian eo. , 51 tiorvalh. "bltphtn Go. 51 tion-tat-I, Timolh1 " '24. 1'1 tiotz.. William c.. 51 tiubtr. Donald c.. 41 tiughu. Mlt.hatill-. 1'1 tiughu. F-obtrt :r. I"S tiurlt,!, l.ol1n M. 51 ti'!alt. fvldrt'ol M. 41 tt'(lin6~i. t'tvin D. 4,


!'ahan. Mdrt-... c.. 19). 160 I'all:.brt-nnt-r. Mallht-... " 41 !'anof, :ft-ffu,! t... 51 !'art.u...6tl, !'onrad :f. 41 I'aI1lLhut, Andrt'ol W.ln l'aufmann. fatriL~ t'. 'il t'nling. :roh" " 41 l'unan, Mr. :rohn 40 l'ttnan, Patrit.t 'V. '51 l'tlr. t..\a,!lon t... ln t'tl\tr. :fonalhan :f. "" l'tt\t1. Mkhat! Eo. 14.11. n. 14. fl. 6', 11.0. Iii

!'tU'!I'V. Paul:f. 4' !'tl1'!. &radfora f. In, 14 !'tll'!. Dougb6 :f. (,lj. 12.. &4. loS l'tU'!. Mattht... M. In. 111, li !'tl\,!· Evan", Mr6. :fant1'J !'tmpf. Tnnnu t... loll, 10"{. Iii l'tnnr.41. &rr.ndan M. li2 l'tnnw1. Oanitl f. '51 l'tnnea1. Mr. MI,hat! 'JII. 1'J1 t'tnt. MiLhatl t... In !'tppol, :ron Eo. '51, 'f'J !'tppol, NILhob6:f. I'JO. 162 !'nn1t6t1, Dorian M. In !'trr, ti. &raa In !'ullman. :fam,. ';,. 'I"J. 110. 161 !'u61r.r, William '5. 41


!,Imblr.. &rolhr.r Mit.hat-l16 !'Iog. Alt-undr.r f. 111o. IS'J !'Iog. Mr. Lan'1 4'J !'Iog. MiLhati T. In !'iff:, Lhri6tophtr:f. 51 I'iff:. :fouph T. 4'. 141 l'iff:. F1an \... 51. 62, !oS !,Iff:. Timoth-t:f. IS. 101. 11.0. 144. 1+'i.I" !'lrt6. l.olin f. 51. liS, 12.0. 111. 'SO !'irt•. fatri,~ f. 5. 'i, 111. '1.0. ISO. I'J(,. 1(,0. I" "'tn~. '51t-ph'o M. 4, !'napp. F1an " In !'ohltr. frant.i6 T. In !'ohlhtpp. J2,0br.rt J'. 191 !'00n6. Tlmolh1 f. loll, 101, 10"{, 141,


!'opit.~l. faul H. In. 'f'J !'ornf'lnd, :fohn M. In. 14. 111 !'ornftlnd, l.DUi6 f. 111o. 161 l'ounlt... 6~i. J'tffn1 M. In !'rnnI6~1. eot-mard J'. 4"{ !'rr.n6ti., :fu6tin :f. In t'ut.h, David t..hoI4" l' I'ut.h, lutah c.holln !'ULh, Mit.hat-I Majot 51

k Lab06t1, :fohn N. 51 LatX.tr6. &rolhtr t..harlt-. 'J'J. 1St l..at.on. J'ouph t... 4' Ladlt1, C.hri6topht-r D. 12. 14.100.


Lagntr. Anart... 1Z-. 41 l..aGon~. Mtho"1 M. "{,100, 120, 16'J Lampman, F-uUt\l T. lil Lanz.llolla. faul f. '51 Laj2.0u.a, Ian t... 41 La6~'1. John IZ-. 101". 10"{. 1111. 1&4 Laub. :rouph f. "{II. 110. I'J"{. 144. 145,164 Lalll!t-... Ulllard eo. !III. loll Lt., faul M. SO Lt.ah'f. Mr. Wi\\iam 'J4. loll Lt.ah-t. Wi\\iam J. '51 L·uu'!t-r. Mdrt... J'.lN. 1'J2 Ln. £.rit. :f. 1&4 Leighton. wvin M. SO Lt-imbath. '5t-an St. 11' Lt.tit-r. Nit.holn c.. lloS Lt.vin. '5t-an M. 'P. 1!oS Lt-vinf>. Mit.natl u. lN Ltvin". J2.0bt-rt J'. S6, l' U",an40Ill"I:1. Andn'ol :f. SO lA",i6. l.hri6lian l.. 1(,0. liS Lellli6. l.hri"tian '5. !III. 1I"{ Ltllli6. Jamt-6 D. S6 Ubtralort-. Mthon,! J'". IN. 14 ULhtnt-r. Mr Frant '31. "{II. 156 Ugh!. David &. IN. In, 141 Ugh\, Mn. Gouri '3~ Utllt, fhomar. f. SO


f. l.onrad lOy. 106. '0". '44. 145. 151. ,&4 Loftu6. Miittht-'oI :f. !III. Loftu6. Timolh,! W. St. '" Lolo"idl•. M"lldu I\. St L4lo1oidi6, Go«)rgt- 1i4 l.Dmbard. PillriLt:: ll-. SO l.Dng.Lharlt6 V.IN, '2S l.Dng. Mr.. Doona 'lS L...opit. Thomu I\. ,14 Lotoc..1\l.O, Mr. AI 4'J l.Dught!"f. William I\. IN. 14 l.D"'1"'f. &!"'fan f. 5' Lub-f. F1an J'".SO Lut.lani, Matlht... " SO Lumbo, NOl.I '5. lN Lutuh !'t-vin M. S6 L1nLh, Mic.har.l l.. SO L1on, '5ttvtn t... 12.0, In, l$lj L1on6. funLi6:f. 12., 11,0, 'loS L1onr.. franc.i6 f. 50

'0. '1

11 Matfarland. F1an D.liS Matl:1nt01oh. Andn", V. 114. 12.2., I~ Maddt-n. Maltht-'" :f. IN. 14 Maddto. 'f)hant l.. St. 1~ Madrat. Alt-undnJ'". SO Magaritl. l't-vin f. IN. 14 Magu. ftttr M. 5i M~itli. l't-vil1 f. St. '5. 12h Milht-r. Mn. :fulia 11. IIi Mahon. fhomi16 f. 56 Maida. '5ttpht-n J'. 111o. 1111. I~ Maidr.n. J2,0btrt \... S~ Mateid. Timolh1ll-. 56 Malto"'6t::l, MiLhar.l ;.... IN Mall01, Mallht'ol '5. 56 Malont,!, '5hant ll-. 56, '5 Manc.intlli, Loui6" 100, 11,0. 11,1, I~ Manion, Mr. David n Manti. NiLhola6 ;.... 50 Marc.intt, fimoth1ll-. SO MarLQlina. Oanitl !,. SO, ,1, Mar'At,!, Matlht'" f. Si Maron, J'af>On !,. St Martin. :rouph &. SO Martin. Tnvor :r. lN Martowlb. J'"ouph M. St Ma!"'fth. WII\~m l..lN. 104. 105 Manaro. ""tho"'! \... St. 14, is Ma6lrangt-\o. :fouph I\. St. is Matt-rtu. J06hua I\. 110. 11,1. 111 Matht faul f. lN Mattht- 6. David" 4. n. i,. lin MaYo...t-II. ft-It-r flo. S~ Ma1. ';,. A!.t--,.!III. '1. 'P Mt.Mult,!. Mit.har.1 f. !III. 11 MtMhur. :r06r.ph D. 5'. '" Mt.fIoridt-. 'l>t.oll :r. So Nlt.e-ridt-. Todd M. IN. 14 MLfIoridt-. Mr. William n Mt.C.abt-, :famt6 l.. 50 Mt.C.afft-!"'f' fatri'~ L. SO

Mc.C.ann. ""'dre... ~. 111 Mcl.ann. &t-encbn F-. SO McLann.1Z1an 'P. SO.'S MtLann. tt.rrt.n"t. 'P. (,(, Md.arron. A1t.-,.andt-r t. /.,1, MtLarth-j. l.. Eric. 3". Sf> MtLarth-j. :ramit. SO MtLartb1. 'Palric.r: T. 14,11.0, ,et, Mcao.r:t.l, &ill :r.I\. '1',1. Mc.Goe1, 3"ohn E. SO McL&f, Mic.hnl 3". SO MtLullough, William f. 1,1, Mc.l.u,r:er. U ... ard '1.0. ,1.'1. 1/.,0. ,6U Mc.l.u,r:t.r. 'Patrlc.r: 3". '. '16 M"OJde. c.hri'lopnt.r~. ~ Mc.Dade. "5ha...n D. H. ,et, Mc.Defmott. ""'dn... :r. SO Mc.Dermott, £'ort.ndan c... /.,/.,. '. Mc.Dermott. IZ4nan M. 60. '6. 110. Ill, 11.0. 111 Mr.Donald. Oanid 1/"1, lin Mc.Oo...t.U, tAarrett ~, (,(, Mr.£.Ir01. &rian:r. 60. '6. 1Il, 11.0. 111 Mr.£Villl. w.rard :r. SO Mc.f"ee. t'evin 'P, SO Mc.f"ee. Mir.hael f. SO M","\Iin. &rian I\. IN M","\\o... <t1. "t.vin 'P. Sf> M","nlel. '5c.an T. SO, 60 Mc.Grin\l. Daniel 0.S6, Mc.Grinn. Mir.hat.1 N. IN Mc.f"llnn. Mir.hatl 3". "6 Mc.f"olari,r:, $ean A. SO Me.t.onlgle, 'Patrlr.r::r, (,(, Md...o!T'j, '5t.an f. '1' Mcf."o an. 3"ohn T, SO Mc.Goo an. Matthe... 3". SO Mc.f"o an. Mir.hul ~, '16 Mc.f"ralh. Alt." F-. '16 Mc.f"urt:ln, Mallht.... c... IN. ,.. 61.,



Mr."lm, &t-oor:e £'0. SO M,"innel. Ml,hul F-. SO Mr.Laughlin. Ian 'P. IN, 11.1 Mr.Laughlln. MI,hac.1 3". (,(, Mr.Laughlln. Mlc.hael 'P. '16 Mc.LoughUn. I't.Yin f. (,(,.1. Mr.Mahon. I'evin '56 Mr.Mahon. 'bean T. '4. ''5, 11.0, I'JO,


M'Mahon. 11l0mat 1', IN Mc.Manue. $tan T.••/.,. 1$ M,Mullt.n, Mir.hnl '1'. 1'5 M'Mullin. c..hrielopher W. 11. $. 61.


Mr.NaIl1. M~. :rane 'J' Mt.Namara. Mi,hael £. ''J'. 16' M,Namara. IZ4bert M, (,(, Mr.Namara. IZ4bert F-. '5' Mr.Nula. M. 'Palrir.r: (,(" 11'5. 11.' Mr.'PUk, 3"ouph 'P. '5' Mr."5hane. Daniel W. 1" M,"5ham. I'evin T '51



M,Vel. 11lomato ~. '1' Mtodoro, ""'tno"l V. '5'.1. Mtod...id. ""'an... T. '11 Meehan. William I\. '1' Mt.hr. l.hrl'topher \l.. '11 Mt.r:o. Mr. 3"ohn 'Z.2. Me\vin. William l.. .". III Meninl. Mi,had 1'0'1, /"'. $. 11 Merric.k. ""'drt. :r. I'J•• I'J'. '11 Mt.ne. Mattht. ~. 1,'. ' •• '01 Mt.vu, Tllt.r \l.. '5' Mir.hnl. £'orlan~. '11 Mir.hat.1. Mr. 3"uon 1/., Mlwui. :rOMph I\. /"'. '0 Milu. "5ha...n A.. '51. ~ Miller. MNo. £'oarbara TI Miller, e-\alM A. 1" Millt.r. £'orlan l.. '6,11,0. 11". II' Miller. £'orlan \l.. '/".11.0, ll,I, ,$ Mi\ler. l.hOlM V. '11 Mil\u. c.hrlelophtr W. '5' Mil\tr. Mr. wrald 1.', 14V. '41, 1'1' Milltr. I'eYin H. '5', 61. 6'5 Millt.r, I'evin M. '51.11 Miller. "t.vin W. lj' Milit-r. Milt.e 1'. '5' Mi\It-r, IZ4bert A. 1" Miner, $tan A. 11. ' •• ''1, 101., 11,,0.

Mu\llnuU'J.. MaJ.. 3". '5'.14 Murth-(, :ramn 'P. '51 Murr;l<f, I't.vin O. ," Murtha. £'oradltl A. '51 N Nub. l.hrl'topht.r M. S'. Nub, David A. (,1. II'J NJ91. "'I't. 'P. /." Nanu. 3"ohn V, 1(,1. "0 Nardi. Thomat W. ,. Naldtn, Willlam M. '5' Ntal"'f. F-. £'orian ". 11 Ntod\. '5ltpht.n 'P.IO/". Nudham, Ttyor 'P. et" 66. 6'. 11.0. '40. Isc,. 1'0 Nud\t.. 'Paul F-. •. '.,100.151. "1 Nt.lIlng. 1Z1an M. I}' Ntl,on, ""dn... 3". ,1 Nt-ro. Mr. :roNph 1/", 1'J1 Nupo\a, Ml,hatl /"1 N9U1tn, Anthon1:r. /"1. '1" 11.' Ngult.n. francieS' NitOlt."i. Mr. ("eoffrt.l 14. ''16 Nolan. ""drt\ll 3". /." Nolf!, Mi,hat.1 $. I}' Noont.. £'orian E,11. '4. '01" 101. "I Nunnarl. 'P. MI'hatI1ll04. lOS. 1'Z.2.,

Millt.r, ~lt.phen 'P. 1" Mill•. :reffrt.l o. '., 10/". 106, 10', 110.11,1. '66 Milito. Mlr.hat.1 \l.. '11 Minni. MI,hat.1 A. (" Mintur. Mi,hKl A.. '11. 11.S Minl1.er. M~. VirginiOi n Mofft.«. Mir.hat.1 W. /"'. '4, ''1 MolLht.n. 'POIul :r. '11 Moll. Danltl :r, -'5' Moll. Davia 3". ,/.,. 11. 11. 61., ", "". '1.0."••,14-5. II' Moll. I'eYin T. '51. '1" 16. 1'.110, 1'Z.2..

Oal:1tl. 'Paul W.,' O·wllaghan. Ml,hael I\. /." O·l.Gnntll. Mn. I'athlun 4'.111. O·l.Gnnt.lI. Nen E. '5'. III O·l.Gnnt.I\, 1Z1an T. 11.0. 1'1. O·l.Gnnd\. $tan 0.1}1 O·l.Gnnor. 'Palrl,r::r. 11.1., "2. O·Oonntll. 3"amu t''I't.1}1 O'Oonnell, Matth~\lI:r. /"', '1. '11} O·oonnell.1Z1an M. 60. II, 16. 110. 11.0, "2. O·Oonnt.ll. Thomae £. 10. '51 O'oonn"'\' Thoma. 3". O'Hara. &nndan 0,,1 O·Hara. MI,hnl 'P.''O Ohman. Oeyin 'P. /." Oldl, J'onathan f.I'O OIejniuar:. wn O. .". '1. OUne. 'Palrl,~ :r.I}' O\inr. 3"HOn H. 1,1 OIua-=, e-nan 3". "1 O'Ntill, Mir.hat.1 c... I}' O'Ntill, falrir.k ,'.60, III O'Ntlll. IZ4bt.rt M. 10/". 101. 1'0 O·Nt.III. Wi\liam :r. /.,1. 104. lOS Onufnr:. Mic.hat.l:r , /"'. 1l}4 0"'Pt-1\a. :roNph M. (,1 O'Pt\\a, 3"uttin L. '1' Oetopc.hur.k, '5tt.pht.n t' . ." O·Toole., Oanlt.1 'Pt.It.r.,1 O'Toolt, Mr. Mlc.hat-11.O



'0', "0



Muller, Mr. OOlnlt.\ T1, ,n Molueh, Mr. U ...ard 1-'5. 14/", 146 Monagle. 'Patrlr.k M. -'5' Mongeau. Marr. T. ISO. 16' Monlgomt.!""f IV. La... nnt.e 'P. ''J(,. 11,,0.1(,'.161 Montgomt"'1, Mir.had~. '4, 'S, I'JO.


Monlgomt.l"'f. 'Patrir.k W. '51 Monlgomel"'f. 'Paul \l-. -'5' Moon. Oarull 1'. (,1. (,1. 6'5. '04, lOS Moore. I't.vin M. '11. III Mom•• Mattht... :r. 110 Mortt.nwn,3"tffrell'o MO\lltl"'f. ""'dre... '5. 1. 1(,0. "I Mut.hlbronntr, Mr. Walltr 11, Muldoon, lZ4'e £'0. I" Mulhol\and, l.hri'topher M. -'51. ,. Mullt.n. MNo. Mal"'f t';I'f 40. 12.2. Mu\lt.r. May,imilian:r. 1,,1, 101.. 'O'J

'0. '1


~ 'Pau. Mattht... 3". (" 'Pagliont.. Vinunt (". '11

'Paige. 'Paul H. '51. 104. 1O'j 'Pa\atano. 3"oMph L. '1'. l' 'Pa\ldora. L.ur:t. f.I}' 'Palidora, \l.obtrt 0.11..'., 1Il. 1'51.

'12 'Pailloni'. Mattht.... M. 1'1 'Palmt.r, Mattht.... T,11. 1'1. 'Palmt.ro, e-nan f. 1,,0 'Palo. W"'1 l.. /"', 11.'1 'Pa\opoli. :ram"" '11. l'fl 'Pant.ttlt.ri. f4,hard A. ,1 'Panu. Domtnir.:r. SO. Ill. 1'fl 'Part&!, Mr. 3"oMph 1. 2.1. 100 'Part:t.r. c.hant-. W. 101. ISJ. 11,,0. I~ 'Part:t.r. Mimx\ E. /,0 'Patunantt.. 3"oMph f. '2.. ". 'Palulla. ("rc.go"'1 W. 114 'Pa". Mr, :rohn 41 'Pnuniak. \l.oman I. .,1. 'fl. '1.'5 'Ptodrolt1. 1Z1an f. /.,0 'Pt.ffall, Thomat '51 'Pt.lo~, 3"01tC-ph T. 1,,0 'Pt-nninglon, MI,hat.\ T. I}I 'Perdlgao. l.hrl.toph~r M. I}I. '0 'Ptrdlgao, :ramu 'P. /"'. 't'J 'Ptrera, ,6..ot!ln 1... /"1. 111}. Ill" 'Pt.I"'f, £Iiat:r. /"', 101. 'Pfefftnt-. t:.arl 3". /." 'P'tIt.\an. oougbe M. ,1 'Pi'ktne.1.M.ha"'1 /." 'PInto. l.G\in A.. 1,,0 'P\l'-=, Thoma, A.. S. '2.0, '11" 11.'. 1'5 1/"0.114 'Pohlot, ~ruu (", (,1. 14. '6. 110. III 'Pollo,r:. Andrt.... 'SI 'Pollo,r:.1Z1an M. 12.2.. 11.1, '4/". 11'5 'Ponltodar:, Mr. Mi,hat.I 10, 1'56 'Poniwak, MNo. Ooroth-( 6, 1./", 1'56 'Po,~n. :ronathan \l.. '1. "I} 'Polutio. ("n90"'1 l.. 1,0 'Poupard. £rI, l.. 1'5';, 11'1 'Po\llt-~.1Z1an W. 1,,0 'Prlw.o. David f, (" 'Pu"i, Ni,holu" I}I 'Punt~l. Mr. A1frtod 'J4. Ilj6



2 qUlgg. Matlht.... W. ,. '1.0. 140, 1.1. 14l. 141. 111, 1'_ qUigs. '5c.an M. 1,,0 qUinn. Mr. 'Paul 1&, '1.

l', fl.adyantok1, l.hri'tophtr 3". 6, IS, 104 lOS. 110, '.". "4 \l.ad.yan.kl. Mr. :rouph 'JI, 1'1' ft,afb. 3"onalhan A. 1", ltagan, Mi,hatl I. 1,,1. '1, 11.. '0 ft,aitla. Anthonl l.. '" \Z.andau.lI. ("loauhino l.. (,6. 110. ft,an...t.l1t-r. ~tt " .,1. 'I} 14alt. Mi,hat.l :r, 1,,0 14bt-r lII.ll<odt.rl'-= 1,,0 14btloa:. \Z.obert 3". 1,,0

lluigno. Peltr 'T. .,I ~nge. !,evin t. II. lt1. 11. lS. 1110. l4tb. 'fhomH t. 51. I" lZudnun. C.hri.lopner D. lit. S1. &S. ~er. Mr--.. ~un 41. 11.1. 10'1 $c.al&ro. Nit..holn M. 51. f4gJn. l.onor l'. ',;1 '5t..haffer. '51r.phr.n ,~. lOS. \4t1. ,til. It&-it..hell. l1motltt"S. 1'4 111 ~it..Ii:. &ro. "Sam". 11. SO. 44 'bc.haffnr.r. Mlt..har.1 &. ',;1 \4id. Daniel "S. 10. lt1. 11. lS. 11.0. 11',; 'bc.haible. 'Timoth1 M. 'i1 \4if. Adam M. 11.0. IS}. ,,',; 'bc.hapin. Mr•. '5uunne 41 \4if. Neundtr "S. tlO '5t.haum. Mr--.. Palrit..la 41. 14iftn1der. "Sohn f4... 1. lt1. 1'. 100. '5t.hievt. C.hri.lopner:r. 'i1. I'',; '5t..hot..Ii:. MA. Pam 'J' I4itl1. Mit..had"S. ',;1 '5t.hrotder. :ronalhan c.. lit \4mle1."S. &\a~ ',;1.111 '5dlut..\i:. Thtodon"S. 11.0. I'S \4u.h. Mr. ""tho"'f 1..1\ '5t..hullI.. C.hri.lophtr p. ',;1. ltiu. "Sohn :r. 'i1 '5t..h am.. &!"'fan f4... ',;1 ltic.hard•. 'Tlmoth-j &.14. '5t..h artz.. C.hri.tophtr t. !,s. 114 ltidtr. Palrlc.Ii::r. ',;1 '5t..iolla.ltojan"S. 'i1. 45. 114 ltitffel. !'evin A. ''i. 11.. liS. H'. "5te6e. '&tan c.. 1'. '01. 154. IlfS 11.0. 11t1. l'tI '&tlvanathan. JZ.ahul"S. ',;1 ltile1. Palric.Ii: M. 110 "&tmen. "Sotoeph "S.1}1 ltilel. "&tan :r. l'tI "&tn. "Sutlin N. lit lti\t'f. "&tan p. 51. "&t...e!"'fn. p"ter tiS. sc... n. S1 ~nc..on. JZ.afar.t l,o. I~. 10';. ISO '5bane. &nnden c..l,o ltitin6\i:i. :ro&tph F. 51. '5bapiro. "&tan :r.l,o. fJ ~"er. Danitl "S.14. I" '5hartr. "Sonathan 'i1. Itob"rt.IV. Itobtrt p.1}1. 15 '&haltuc.l::. Nic.holat '/... tlo. &S Itoc.nt. "Souph M. lit. '1 '&ha.... Ne,...nder W. tlO Itoc.ne. Mr. "Same6 'JO. 1.1. ISS '5hu. 'Timolh1 J'. ':i1 1toc.Ii:. David f4... 'fS. '11. l'n. I" '5hutt. MA. Ma!"'f 4' 1toc.Ii:•. ""drt.... p. ',;1. '5heffer. C.hritlophtr J'. 51. Itot..\i:...ood :fr. MI"har.1 p.l,o. 14 '5bield•. Nic.hola. &. (,S. ,4s Itoddr.n. !''fit J'. l,o. SO 'Mtinn. !'ri610phtr J'. l,o 1todden. F-,an !,. 'S. Ill. \1.0. IS(,. Itli. '5bUttKIi:. M6. 'Tina 'JI 111 ~gmund. Mr. Ptttr lS. II". 114 lZ<odger-.. '5levtn W. (,9. '4. ,',;. 11(, '5i... el::. Ni\i:odem !,s ItodriguCt.. Url06 ~S ~ie.n. :ro&tph M. ',;1 ItodLlali:. &rian '5. (,S '5li:up6li:i. &nndon J'. S,. 1?3. I'S Itomagano. Matthe... p. 51. '5\oan. J'U6lin JZ... 51 Itomero. Hulor F. ~O. lS '5\over Ill. J'amu J'. tlo. lS. 1'f ItonUlne. trili: M. ',;1 ~all. l1molh-j J'. 1}1 itote.. C.hri.lopher M. lIS. ,',;. 141 '5mart. William :r. lIS. l ' ito". C.hri.lophtr £".l,o. SO. 'S. III '5mlth. £"rt.gor J'. F-la•. '5u" £". 51 '5mifu. Matthe'" W. 11.0. ," itoth...ell. £"rt.go!"'f It. lit '5mith. Mr-t. Mal"1 :ro n ito e. :rohn J'. l,tI '5mith. Warnn c.. tis. 141 ito e. Nic.hola6 M. ',;1 '5nud J'r. ""Iho",! (,0 '!4Lhlln~ &rian p. tlo 'bn1d"r. Mallhe... &. '1'f ~6h. &e'1iamin V. (,S '5oboc.ln6l::1. J'o&tph M. 51. ~6&t1\. Mr. Itobert 1~. ,1t1. 111 '5ollldai. &rooli: f4... tis lZ1an. ""drc... !'. 11.0. 11S. ,4). ISO. '5pangle.r. Man:. 1'.4.110. ISl. Itli. I'fS ItlO.I,tI $pau&t. Mr-.. '5uun 41. lZ1an. M. '5le...art ',;1. 14s '5ptnur. Matth"... c.. 51 ~ ~r\in. W. £.rili: tiS



'110. 1"

~bia. Ed...ard l..12.. 14.11.0. M. l,tI '5auhe"a. J'ame6 '5. (,S. 11. n. s, 'bafaro...lc.. '5lephen c.. 51. 45 'balallno. Nic.holat. \... 51. 'balvuui. ~c.hard D. ',;1.. '1.4 'bamann6. C.hrlttopher:r. 1}1 'bannull. Mlc.hael L. 51 ~nlamaria. Peler J'. I~. 111

'5taffi. J'onn J'. 51. '1 '5tanc.uli:. Miehar.\ F. ',;1. 'blanc.uli:. Mr. Martin 10 '5tanlon. Dr. !,"vin 2.&. &S. 115 'blanton. Mkhatl 1'.1.0. &S '5laub. :rohn- Mic.hacl 51. 'f5 '5laub. Itof'i W. tlO '5taudt. l'alri,Ii::r. 51 '5tauro...tli:l. £". N,,...nder l,o. 11.5

'btu-Ii:. &rotherJ'ame6 n 'btemer. &roo \4ne.1O. 12.S. 11' 'blone. 'fhomu J'. 51. 'blrulman. Daniel f4... 110. I'S '5tron9- &ro. !,evin 1.3 '5ub"r-t. IZ-almond p. Sl. 14s '5u,naAli:i. '5teven J'. 110. In. ,'S 'bullivan. Mic.nael M. (,0. lS '5ulllvan. Itobert t.lt1. S1. &4. &S. 100.110. ," '5uloc.Ii:. Matthe... H. ,tlO. I" '5uttU6. Adam W.I;J '&'oIunel. ""dr'''' Sl '&'oIun'1. Mr. &rian 11}. 111. 141. Il,o '&'olIger. J'ali:e V.I;J 'bUl6tali:. Itobert 'T. l,o.14

I 'Tana41od. Mic.hacl6.. I;J 'Talaga. Andre... :r. ,tlo. 11' 'Tan. "10dal, c.. '10. I1.S. 1.00 'Tanne.1. :ronn J'. SJ 'Tate. Mr. J'amu1S. 14t1 'Tat\o.... !'evin It. lit. 1+4. 14',; 'TJof'or. Douglat JZ...l,o. 14s 'Ta'f'or. I.at.naf'i M. (,0 'TUl.e.. Vlnc.ent J'. SJ 'Tel:\itt. Mic.nacl:r. 11.. 14. 110. 14'J. 1',;1.100 'Terreri. ""dre J'. SJ 'Terrtr!. peler SJ 'Te.ufel. 6ong0f'i F.'/... 110. n, S, Thomat.ltojan M. 1110. 101 Thu1. ""dru6 V. SJ lh-fbe.rg J'r. J'onn 60. (,S 'Too\an. "Sam'" W. (,1 'Torelli. William :r. I]l 'Trainer. J'ohn ..... ~I. 14 'Train'r. !'evin V. SJ 'Trann. &rother Mang Minh 'JS 'Tric.li:el. Mallhe.... J'. tis 'Tropio. C.nrittophn JZ... lIS 'Tronl\. itobert J'. 'I. '1. 101 'Tnu.Ii:&tu. &re" "S. Sl 'Tua:. C.hri610pher J'. lit 'Tut..\i:tr. J'effre1 Lu tiS. 14 'Tull. ""dre... It. SJ 'Turn'r. Mr. Thomat 11


!1 UIi: u. C.hintdu-Hen!"'f '5l. 45 UIi: u. Vic.tor N. 15. 10' Urban.\i:l. ""dre... V .1.00

'i Val"ntlne. Mi,hael £. (,1. 141 Valentino. td'lfard ..... SJ Yaltnlino. J'onn l..ll. &S. S,. 100 Van £..cli:elen. J'ohn M. (,1 Vuullo. Vinunl M.ln. 140. 100 Veil. J'onalhan M. tiS Vellorl. Mr. :ro&tph ~. In Vira1. J'r.rem, ..... 110. '19. 101 Volpe. Loul6 f4... '1. 110. 101

Vrant.Ii:,n. Jl.obert D. til. 104. 10'; Yuill"m1e.1. ';,teve.n f4... '4. 15. 1.01

~ Wat..hltr. &f'ian M. Sl Wa\der.lZ1an p. 110. 101 Walli:e.r. !,t-vin t.llO. 119.101 Wallin. C.nri6topher It. (,1. '1 Wal6n. Mi,nar.1 :r. tI' Walth. 'Paul '5. lIS "'blttrt.. 6otorge. :r. '7J Ward. Mr6. Aore.nu Warner. William 60. (,1 Waler-t. Daniel J'. lIS. 11. 14 Weinn,h. Ed...ard M. lIS Weir. 'Te.vi. t. til Wel&tr. Thoma.:r. \10. 1.01 W"i6t. Nic.hob. p. tI'f Wr.ller. J'. Palrl,Ii: 110, 114. ,12.. 1141'n.lOl WeIth. :rohn £. (,1 Werner. !'evin p. 111 Wertz.. Mattne.... H. SJ. '5 W....t\"1. ll1an M. 1.01 Whalen. Mic.hacl F. til. lt1. lS Whalon. "Sohn V. SJ Whalon. 'Timoth-j J'. til. 111} Whltali:'r. &rendan J'.10. 91. &S. 91. IS2.. '~o. 2.0} Whilali:er. c.olln M. 14 While. Daniel V. SJ. 11~. 111 Whitmire.. !''fIe It. ~I Wilde. Luc.H J'. tI, Wll\i:ln. 'Ttr.. nu J'. 101. Wll\i:ln•. Mic.hK\ V. 141 William6. C.hri6tian £. Sl William60n. Jl.onald V. SJ Willt. '5tan F.101 Wilton. :fohn It. liS. 110. '1t1. 111. 11'(.1(,0.101 Wilton. lZic.hard F. tI, Wil60n. 'Timotltt O. '4. 11t1. 144. I¥; Win~llmn. &rian M.lOl Winning.. :rOMph F. 14 Winnin~ "So&tph W. '5l Winnln~ MNo. ulltt n Wi.nle"'6li:i. Danitllt. tI, Wi60lI.6li:e1. Mr6. &arbara 42. Wood. Danitl !,. til. 1t1. I}'f Wooldridge. Mic.hacl 'b. t.'f Won:.. C.hri610pher 60. SJ WONoltr. J'oel &. tI,






1 'I'alUIi:. Danitl &. til Ywntr. tri, JZ... SJ 't'oun~ Mr. J'onn 1'. I',;S

b I.ali:ru"'6\i:l. Mi,har.1 :r. til 1.tlllt. 'Todd ..... 'f1. 1O'J 1.o"ltw.h. MNo. Nanc.112.. 15S



2.002. ~Iue ~ Editors - in C.hief: C.hris f>lane1, C.hris 'blaff: Tim Wil50n, Tim




'bleve C.urran, f>randon


Dave Moll, J.Y. Laub, Dave Naab, lCevin Tallo,", c.olin lCirls

c.onlribulors: Man Mongeau, Andre'" John, Mrs. Donahue's "'1' 'bpanish C.lass, Tom l'\i'~, 'bean Fed1na, Matt Quigg. l'hil C.arroll, Jeff Mills, Yaul Needle, Mi~e Non50, fZ.1an fZ.odden, Ni,~ c.ovolus, Andre'" Merri,~, lCevin ~effel. John l1aggerl1, t::evin Frost, Dere~ C.ali.la, f>rian {"ille.pie, Dale Tan, Mi~e Fole1, t::evin Doran, and C.arl Yfefferle Moderalors: Mrs. Linda Donahue


Mr•. Eliz.abelh Field

l'hotographf Davor l'holo, f>rolher Jame.


Mr. N zarroli


1o Mr. William {"eiger, Mr. Jame. Tate, Mr•. {"erri Light, Mr•. Nan'1 Tailor, Mr•. Jean 'blanlon, Mrs. Julia Maher, Mr•. Yalri,ia 'b,haum, and an10ne elu ",ho helped.








Ae :Jtl'Upple if:Jel!fowal'd:J the heiphh i:J enouph to ;fila man ~ heart. " - Albert Camus (191 )-1960)



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