2002 Yearbook

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Cheltenham Avenue


PA 19038

215- 233- 2911



he 2001-2002 school year at La Salle began with a bright outlook for the future. Then, unexpectedly and abruptly, our school and the world came to a halt on September 11, 2001 • However, the La Salle community was not going to surrender its mountain-high hopes for the upcoming school year. Moving on but never forgetting, the students, faculty, and administration worked on sculpting themselves and the La Salle community into everything that it is today. New Heights were reached by various facets of the entity that is La Salle. A record-setting number of students arrived ready to embark on completing their La Sallian education. Along with this unprecedented number of students came the construction of a new wing. The purpose of the structure was to better facilitate the endeavors of the school's musicians, athletes, and weight trainers by allowh,1g them to have more space and a new, better-equipped environment. Moreover, renovations were made on La Salle's outdated science labs. New floors, lab tables, and sinks were installed as well as the latest teaching technology- SMART Boards. These SMART Boards created a virtual sketchpad for the teachers to use with the Internet and new computer programs to take their students to new educational heights. The old, crowded labs were transformed into an enticing learning atmosphere, complete with airconditioning. Also, in the area of athletics, our long-time athletic director, Mr. Joseph Parisi, stepped down from his duties. We welcomed our new A.D., Mr. Anthony Resch, to carry on La Salle's excellent athletic tradition. Finally, the 2001-2002 Student Council inspired La Salle's student body to I I Go the Distance" when participating in our numerous extracurricular activities. The Student Council acted as a catalyst for shaping La Salle's students into multi-faceted, mature, and spiritual young men. Encouragement from faculty, administration, and counselors allowed the proud students of La Salle to Explore New Heights. 2

A La Salle player lunges toward the end zone in Global Bowl II. The early stages of construction on the new wing, which houses rooms for band, wrestling and weight training.

Chris Dougherty tries his own experiment: drinking the unknown chemicals.

\ \

Seniors Mark Spangler and Paul Needle try to inspire soi underclass spirit Mr. C busts out some jazzy riffs on the clarinet.

s a community and school, LaSalle has always been known for its excellence in almost every area, especially in the many sports and .rides offered. In sports like lacrosse, golf, nming, and tennis, LaSalle is consistently seen as >werhouse in the Catholic League by winning npionships almost every year. Other activities, I as Forum and Band, enhance LaSalle's reputa, making it a school that offers endless possibilito its students. The Student Council's theme of ,ing the Distance" also truly reflects the attitude he people found within LaSalle's walls. Academically, this year's class of 2002 cones the tradition of excellence. Explorers Brendan ,ney, Andrew John, Timothy Flynn, Patrick s, John Haggerty, and Thomas Plick were named

National Merit Finalists, while 1 5 other exemplary seniors were named National Merit Commended Students. This class also boasted 82 seniors inducted into the De LaSalle Chapter of the National Honor Society. Students are able to meet the challeges set forth by difficult classes and teachers because of our willingness to learn and explore our interests. The student body is filled with enthusiasm, talent, and humor. At any given moment an explosion of spirit can be heard at pep rallies and sporting events, but at the same time students know when to get down to business and work hard. This ability to differentiate is something that makes the class of 2002, in particularly, exceptional. -Chris Blaney Dave Matthews tries to sculpt himself a new girlfriend.

Trip Hqenn defies the ru}es of manhood as he keeps the hack alive.

Ms . Dan File: "You are the Weakest Link. Goodbye."

Chris Ciufo, an aspiring Louis Armstrong, except for a few minor details.

Pat McCusker searches for an old late slip. These juniors have to pay attention to Mr. Assaf


n the midst of a long school year, everyone needs the occasional break to get away from calculus formulas and Mrs. Ponisciak's rigid regime,a rele~se from our everyday schedule of getting up, going to school, learni'1g for what seems like an eternity, and competing in our various sports. We need to relax and be with our friends to get our ~inds off the daily grind. Many Explorers find refuge in the cafeteria, library, study commons, or the senior hang out in the Campus Ministry Center chillin 1 with the star of T/le Matrix.

¡The cafeteria is more than just a place to eat. It's also an asylum for those who get booted out of the library for whispering at too high a decibel level. However, there is also a degree of trouble making that can go on in the II caf. 11 There is the random projectile from the senior tables to the freshmen tables or the straggling tray that never made its way to the good people behind the designated tray counter. There is always the outstretched leg waiting to take a victim in yet another tripping. However, these are all opportunities for us to escape from our schoolwork and enjoy the freedom which is presented to us. In the parking lot, many upperclassmen have invented their own games in order to deal with the extended suspension

of volleyball. Games, such as tray ball and sticJ(ball have been substituted but can never replace the LaSalle tradition in the Pit. Hacky Sack has taken a step forward since appearing in the much beloved NES classic, 11 California Games. 11 HoweverI those 11 hacking it11 up in the parking lot must always remember to keep an eye out for Rod in his patrol car so they do not lose a limb. When seniors and juniors do not feeling like putting UP with the noise in the cafeteria or the strenuous physical activity of tray ball, they sit around the supposedly real fire place with their friends in the library hoping that nobody will hear them talking. Their attempts to cram for the next period's English test are futile when they have the companionship of their closest friends. They figure studying is worth putting off in favor of some friendly banter. However, Explorers are not confined to these structure<J, although comfortable, environments. Explorers roam all over the school during the day whether it be outside the library fighting for the lone chair or outdoors in the gazebo looking in on Brother Ken's religion class. We do not always appreciate the freedoms that students in other schools do not have. However, these freedoms help us to grow in respon¡ sibility as we 11 Explore New Heights. 11 • Chris Radvansky I

Brian Hopkins listens to some tunes while waiting for his ride. Carmen Conicelli, Matt Doerjlein, Anthony LaGreca, Matt Quigg and Dan Fazio avoid the inevitability of being kicked out of the library. John Reifsnyder acts confused when asked about copying Bob Careless ' homework. Drew Mowery kicks back in the computer lab.

Dan Reid: "Maybe I should have studied for the midterm a little earlier than this. " Tom O'Donnell is mesmerized by the technology of digital cameras.


Kevin Savage to Pat Collins: "Dude, is it supposed to look like this?" Scott Cumpstone can't hold back his excitement much longer.


A rowdy La Salle football crew led by Jack Lyons Matt Milenski dreams of winning the Nobel Prize in Integrated Science


La Salle students discover a second photographer on the grassy knoll.


Drew Babin and Mike Kelley entertain foreign guests.

Dino Dedic climbs a roc1 wall..


We at La Salle recognize St. John Baptist de LaSalle as a model of charity for his dedication to educating others, regardless of their financial background, race, or religion. We try to follow his principles through hosting exchange students and through activities such as LaSallian Service Corps, Amnesty International, and the People to People Program. Victor Ukwu, Drew Babin, Chris Radvansky, John Haggerty, and Tim Kirk in the French Alps during their People to People tour.

The Moscow Patriots take on La Salle; Justin Benincasa explores the World Wide Web; Kevin Riejfel with the Explorer.


Brother Kenneth cook, F.s.c. I. Q NO

1,000 fO 2.000

"Go, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Hol_y Spirit." (Matthew 28: 19) With these words s=-hrist,just betore his Ascension into Heaven, commissioned, his a~ostles to carr.:J out His ~~rk . .:)-three .Years ago, this legac.:J was passed on to Kenneth Cook as he consecrated h1mselh1 the De La Salle Christian hers. T oda,:j, brother Ken is laboring to make disciples ot his students on a campus where man.:J sometimes 9uestion =aith. Seeing to the spiritual welfare ot such a uni9ue campus communit.:J detinitel.:J suits someone with brother Ken's ts. As a teacher of Christian ldentit.:JandSacredScripture, he 1is students explore man.:) aspects ot their taith, while also ;them a better understanding at who the.:J are. Despite his hing responsibilities, our dedicatedteacheralwa.:Jstindstime ~hisda.:Jtosit,talk,anddiscuss an.:J problems or situations that nportant to an.:J student. In tact, it seems that he makes a point 1owing the name ot ever.:J )ers close to about 1 1 00 On April l 1, 1939, ~ading, f' enns.:Jlvania. As a ,erine ot Siena elementar.:J s grade school education at

19 63 _19 70: WestCatfio/:icJ{igfi 1970-1971: LaSa[{eJ{igli 1971-1972:}lrcfi6isfiopCarro[[J{igfi 1972 _1973 ,. rtrinityJ{igfi 19 73-19 78: Jlrcfi6isfiop Carro[[J{igfi 1978-1980: West Catfio/:icJ{igfi 1986_<Present: La Sa[[e Co[[ege J{igfi

studentatLaSalle.Thatlist now names! KennethCookenteredtheworld .:Joung child he attended Saint school. However, he received most Most blessed Sacrament when

)Vedto f'hiladelphia. Hethen spent his treshman .Year at West ,olic, but once again moved, this time back to R.eadingwhere he Jated tram Central Catholic 11igh in 195 J. After high school, :her Ken travelled to Mar.:Jland where he entered the Christian brothers' Novitiate.for one .:Jearhe private!.:) pra.:Jed etlected upon his decision to enter the Christian brothers Communit,:j. Deciding to answer his calling, brother Ken -ed the Scholasticate in E__lkins f' ark, f' A. Upon completing his degree at La Salle College, brother Ken set out to Nin the footsteps ot Saint John baptist de La Salle. Now, man.:J .Years later, brother is still serving the La Sallian 1unit.:J through his teaching and spiritual guidance, thus tultilling the mandate ot Christ and His disciple, Saint John tist de la Salle.

Rookie teacher f3rother Kenneth Cook; with a treshman homeroom, right, at West Catholic in the i50s.

Mr. Frederick

Bro. Rene Sterner, FSC President Key Concepts of Christianity, Forensics

Mr. Michael O'Toole

Mr. Martin Stanczak

Vice President English 4

Dean of Students

Mr.路 Thomas Turner

Mrs. Julia Maher

.ssis.tant Dean of Students, Director of Transportation World History

Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Chemistry, Student Council



Assistant Principal for AC English 2

.Broi ]Clrfl;~E3 Reick, FSC Directo1'ofAdmissions Morality


Back Row: Julia Maher, Br. And,:ewBartley, Br.. Gerard Frendreis, Br. Brian Henderson, Dr. Joseph D'Angelo, Michael McCarthy, Sr.. Matthew An(ta MacDonald, Br. Thomas McPhillips, Dr. William Markman. Middle Row: Robert Mills,~gi(janii~Vmtresca, Dr. Robert Laskowski, James Basile, EdwardAllinson, Vincent Walters, Br. J}r1iot~vf):Ot~lich, Charles Dunleavy, Dean Shacklett, Edward Solvibile. Front Row: John Meko, 'rf::~#IJ;~e,Zf@lf/,ize, John Lehman, Robert Moran, Frederick Assaf, Br. Rene Sterner, Br. Kevin Dalmasse, 路 ... 路 ' Stephen Dugan, Donna Bartynski, Al Gabriele

Mr. John Meko

Mr. Christopher Carabello

Director ofDevelopment

Director ofAlunini Affairs

Bro. Kevin Strong, FSC

Mrs. Cathy Winning

Mrs. Constance Gill

Moderator, Men of La Salle

Secretary to the Vice President

Business Office

\1rs. Jane


Patricia Dever

Mrs. Florence Ward DevelopmentOffice

Mrs.Virginia Mintzer Secretary to the President



Mr. Dennis Blah English2,4 Drama, Swimming

Mrs. Elizabeth Field j~~ekking y.'Coach


English 1, 3 Yearbook, Amnesty International

Mr. William Shakespeare

Mr. Gerald Hartey

English 1,2,3,4 Drama, Poetry

English 2, 4 Inh路amurals, Soccer Coach

t!·z}}$ft:' Daniel File· '{

.·. . > . .

AP English



·. · .Wisterian, Academic Dec . .

English 1, 3


Mr. Thomas Barna. Chair, Chemistry, In(e~f:aJ(;dScience LSC, Junior Cla'ssc:Mbderator

Mr. Robert Russell Physics, Computer Science, Programming Mathletes, Computer Robotics, Academic Decathl

Mr. Charles Cirelli

Mr. James Fyke

Chemistry, Morality Basketball Moderator, Lacrosse Coach

Integrated Science, Environmental Science

Mr. William Geiger Physics Italian Club, Science Club

Environmental Science, Latin, Creative Writing Photo Club, Gazebo, Latin Club, Tennis Coach

Biology Mock Trial, Anime Club

Mr.Stephen Duncheski Integra,teiiScience, Environmental Science 路路 路 SwimCoach

Mr. John Grace European History, World History Drama

Mr. Joseph Parisi World History, Psychology Baseball Coach


Western Civilization, World History Swim Coach, Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure Clu

Bro. Michael Kimble

Dr. Kevin Stanton

American History, Catholic Identity

American History History Club

·,J.'tiJi~r@ilafJ:Julti;; : ~nie~icah.Hist;ry,Political Science, Vietnam Swim Moderator

Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald Economicst .. Director of Financial•

iytr)}bhn Young

·· American History, Western Civilization Basketball Coach


w;estei:nCivilization, AP European History


crt,Co<liS'1155'2100~922<0'99;62;;0:;29:92is5"1400!9;,l7711'5'336-64<e3:;;677'8'99:;,25si9;c;o'f,,-l(S<J,ooI'11io3:c;;,vOS'lu'u'PIB=iom;sz,=;..,.;:a""";G9,4151 959 l 953092166 l l 738193:26117931051l65..:tl307+1623799627-1956735188575272"'l891227938183011' :::.M-1065664308602139"19'4639522-t737190702 l 798609-t37027705392 l 7176293 l 7675238-t67-t0 l8-t676694 1 27 l-t52635608277857 71342757789 609 1736 37178 721"'168-t-1090 l:224953430 l -165--195853710 50792279 68925: 95611212902196086-l 03"4-1181598136 297 7 47713099605187072 l 134,;>9 9999'837297804995105973 l 732816096' 4 s 9 -tSS:J469083026..:t252230625334-t6850:Ji526193l18817101000:3137$387528865875332°'0i6i30fiillll4i20•6iiilli!7ll71i76•"p

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3850549-158$586 6542527S:625518 352552133'1757-'I

Mrs. Mary Jo Sn1ith

Mr. James Roche

Algebra, Calculftft§¢6rrz~try Drama .

Algebra, Calculus

11 J(

I Mr. Michael Ponisciak

Mr. Joseph Falcone

Algebra, Calculus, Statistics Mathletes

Algebra, Geometry, Math Analysis Baseball Coach, Wrestling Moderator





t Mr. Joseph Radvansky Algebra, Geometry, Math Analysis Band Moderator

Algebra, Calculus, Math Analysis, Geometry Freshman Football Coach

Mrs. Theresa Garvin Algebra, Geometry

Mrs. Stephanie Jeitner Geometry, Algebra, Math Analysis Tennis Coach, SADD


Mr. Gabriel Blanco Spanish 路

German, Scripture

Senior Class,Moder<1tor '





Mr. George Hohenleitner



Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch

German Club, Respect Life, J.V. Tennis

Bro. James Steck



Spanish Club

Lacrosse Moderator

Bro. Charles Lackes . Spanish

路 Mr. David Manion French, Spanish

Mrs. Lastenia Breen-Lopez Spanish

·~r··rl~ fx Vtf. .• ,"(. ,< .>-


Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti

Mr. William Leahy

WorldReligions, Scripture Football Moderator

Catholic Identity, Business Lacrosse Coach

Mr. Douglas Demeter

Fr. Anthony Janton

Catholic Identity, Scripture Cross Country Coach




Mr. Mark Chesnik

Ms. Donna Long

Christian Action


Mr. Lewis Clark

Mrs. Rita Delaurentis


Library Assistant

Mrs. Megan Demeter Inclusive Educator

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro Department Chair, Music Band


Mr. Joseph Nero Instrumental Instruction, Percussion

Ms. Valentine April

Mr. Michael Kennedy


Instrumental Instruction, Guitar

Ceramics, Scultrr~

1 ,

Art Club路 ':., 路 路

Instruinenta1 Instruction, Trumpet


Mr. Peter Sigmund

Bro. Mang Minh Trann, FS Computer Science

Computer Science, Director of Technology Crew

I 11fri,~,Ji/;11fltiJ 路Quinn Computer Science, Mathematics

Mrs. Gerri Light Computer Science

Mrs. Kathleen John Computer Aided Design

Mrs. ~fdrit~e/~ictqimaro

Mr. Frank Lichtner

.Sth;blNtf;d})\ ... •·.· .· HE!j;\Iilii:'?ii}f 0···

Aquatics Swim Coach

\1r. WalterMuehlbronner · Physical.Education Assistant Adn:1.issions Director keHockey Coach Nurse

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen Senior/Junior Counselor




Mr. Patrick Devine Sophomore Class Counselor, Christian Lifestyles Cross-Countn; and Track Coach

Mr. John Keenan Freshman Class Counselor, Catholic Identity Soccer Moderator

Mrs. Marie Baer Montgomery County Intermediate Unit

... ...


Mrs. Susan Sayer College Counseling

Mrs . . AfrJrgSJJ,eets Montgo1z~e{/C~~-n~It)termediate Unit


Mrs. Suzanne Schapir

Mrs. Patricia Schaum Secretary, Attendance Office

Secretan;, Main Office

Mrs. Susan Spause School Store

Mr. Rodney Bradep,!,lf;~4JJ.;>,y~路路w;v ... ,,,,v, /'f${'s,';ttlrjyl'zr"'</if\

rt, ....

Campus Security

La Salle's school store

Mrs. Barbara Wisotzski School Store

Mr. Frank Ignas

Mr. Mike Donavan Maintenance


Mr. e>arna: "If one of 1ou c.att..hes on fire, ~~.~t 1ou~~!t."~ 'c.ause this ii a\\ inet }111 C



These freshman shou\d 9et a beating for \llearin9 ties that u9\1.

No matter \llhat the event e>rother ~fames is a\\lla1s read1 \llith his c.amera.

C..hine.du Ut('llu . in front of '511/•. ,.:s;,,. '5te.phe.n '5pfaro'llii{ and '5Gio\\a.. /

a pilt(? You de.Gi

:..ire.\\i and the. bo~s 9e.ttin' 'llit' it.

'\ \

Christopher P. Adamski



\(\ -John Pau{ Agustine


\. Christian J. Barrett

Gabriel J. Antonello,,

Gerard F. Burke


Vincent ri,. Butler

"-, Vincent E. Cartwright

Christopher Carvalho


Codv M. Casale

Christopher M. Cazier

) '



·,, •l. Francesco P. Chinnici '



Stephen A. Ciliberto


Cameron P. Ciminera

~' ~~;I' -~!(_\ ~-f·I\

David G. Cipolla


iSIOPher, A. Ciufo

John J. Clifford


Steven J. Connonv


Christopher M. Conti



Andrew J. Collov

Travis J. Cozzle


Kvle G. Cunningham



.topher A. Darragh

Francis R. Daulerio

Robert C. Devlin



dw11rd A,IJiasi~~.r.·...·.i·· ,t ·-·.,,,_

,. ,. ~

A lorv D. Dickerson


Did 1ou hear the I La'l>a\\e it. now admitting C,th 9ra,

Christopher Gallagher

Eugene J. Gallagher

Michael J. Gazzara

Jeffrev D. Geml

Andrew M. Gill

Brian F. Glvnlsh

Michael A. Grant

Kevin w. Guckin

Sean P. Guinan

Andrew J. Haenn

,tephen M. Klenk

Joseph c. Lacon

Andrew R. Laguer

It'& Integrated ~~ienu! Wh1 c:lo we have to tai:e note&?


Daniel K. Marcolina

Joseph E. Marti~


John E. McCoev

$0 Sean T. McGinlev

Sean A. MCGOidrick

John T. McGowan

Matthew J. McGowan

Brooke B. McKim

Michael R. McKinn1

1mes P. Murphy

kradlevA.Murtha ········...··--- ChrlsUJpherNederostek ····-· - ......._______ ..... . '·

Andrew J. Nelson

Sean D. O'Connell

James Kvle O'Donnell

Brian J. Olszak

Vincent G. Paglione

Thomas H. Peffall

Michael T. Pennington

S1 istopher Perdigao

Douglas M. Phelan

Andrew Pollock

Nicholas A. Pucci

Scott A. Ranweiler

Peter T. Recigno

Thomas E. Reeb

Conor P. Regan

Michael J. Remv

J. Blake Remlev

John J. Rice

Patrick J. Rider

Sean P. Rilev

Joseph F. Ritinski

Robert P. Roberts

Andrew P. Rocks

Matthew P. Romagano

Erik M. Ronzone

SconG. Ross

Nicholas M. Rowe

M. Stewart Rvan

John J. Stam

Michael F. Stanczak

John-Michael Staub

Patrick J. Staudt

Thomas J. Stom

Christopher Samanns

Matthew c. Spencer

Christopher G. Work

Eric R. Yenner



la Salle •o5 S3

David M. Brez~lck11


'!!: Britton

Andrew J. BucW

Tne 'f>tudent l.oun,i\ initiation oath; too bad thue l'id& tan't read. Mark I. Bur

Christopher M. Cahill

Mark Caltabiano

>c'iivan L. Kirk

Colin F. Kirts

Michael Maiok Kuch

John N. Laboskv

Paul F. Lanzilotta

William J. Leahv

Sean Leimbach

Robert J. Levins

James D. Lewis

Timothv W. Loftus

Aristides A. Lolosidis

Brvan T. Lowrv

Michael s. McGowan

Alex R. McGrath

Michael P. Mclaughlin

Kevin McMahon

Kevin M. Lutsch

Timothv R. Makoid

Anthonv L. Massaro

Joseph A. Mastrangelo

Patrick J. Mccusker

Christopher B. McDade

The ,\a&& of 2.<>02. a& fruhmen: O\d ~,hoo\ Vit ~f.f\e! Michael McMullen

Robert R. McNamara

Joseph P. McPeak

Anthony Medoro

Andrew T. Medwid

William A. Meehan

Christopher w. Miller

Kevin H. Miller


c. Melvin

Michael A. Mintzer

Justin L. O'Pella

Paul w. Oakley

Carl o. Olejniczak

Kevin T. Moll

Patrick J. Oline

Patrick M. Monagle

Paul R. Montgomery

William M. Naydan

R. Brian Neary

Thomas E. O'Donnell

Patrick J. O'Neill

Stephen K. Ostopchuck

Joseph L. Palatano

Michael E. Parker

Ryan F. Pedrotty

Joseph T. Pelone

Zachary Taylor

Gregory F.K. Teufel

60 Alexander Staurowsky

Michael M. Sullivan

Robert T. Szostak

Douglas R. Taylor

ames w. Toolan

John Trainer

Michael E. Valentine

John M. Van Eekelen

Robert D. Vrancken


Christopher R. Wallin


"bophomore ÂŁric. t::.alvitti dribblu. do..,.n the field.


e.ert e.ender gett. in the final math problem before fac.ing the \llrath of Mr. \l,oc.he.

David L. Chesnv

Brian Chmielewski

Daniel J. Cipolla

James J. Clark

Timothv l. Clifford

Bren J. Cohen



Jav C. Colburn

o. Brvan comev

t I Maxwell counnev


~. ':~


Phiii~ l.oavi~ ;

Joshua P. Ecker


·,i ,·······' ·..




. Kevi11Rfeelev ,,,.

Michael A. Feldman


Thomas Ferrick

Rvan K. Fields

Jim Finore

Daniel J. Fitzhenrv

nvan T. Fitzpatrick

Stephen M. Grav

Philip M. Greiner

Martin Griffis

Neil P. Griffis

Joseph R. Guerra


o. Flvnn

Graham E. GuthriE

juÂľ.~otS James Harkins

Steven E. Harrigan

Patrick J. Healv

ihe ro,,.d1 La'i>a\\e fanr, go bare c.her,ted for a foo~ game.

!avid A. Heayn

:uorV,R,Heieniak /

&rendan M. Heck

Rory M. Heenan

Kevin M. Heselpoth

Timothy R. Holwick


Peter路Hondros-------Robert Hughes

Frank Kohler

Paul H. KOPiCki

Stephen A. Iannacone

John M. Kornleind

Jeffrey M. Kozeniewski

Justin J. Krenski

Isaiah Chol Kuch

Wi\\ Mal"(Gh and Jim Finore:.. t\o\a mi$ amigo$!"'

Brendan G. McDermott

Ian P. Mclaughlin

Michael J. Mclaughlin

Kevin F. Mcloughlin

Thomas K. McMahon

\ ..J路-路-路

-1iiliert M. McNamara

M. Patrick McNeela

David F. Prisco

Jonathan A. Raffa

Michael I. Ragan


Carlos Rodriguez Clemente

Anthonv c. Raieta

Gioacchino Randazzo

Christopher Reedman

Joseph M. Roche

Steven w. Rodge1

Brian S. Rodziak

Christopher M. Rose

Gregorv R. Rothwell

Beniamin P. Rush

James S. Sacchell

Justin N. Sen

Peter Sewervn

Nicholas B. Shields

Nikodem Siwek

Brook A. Sollidav

Erik Spurlin

Kevin R. Tallow

John G. Thvberg

1~0 f'J

',f(I Jonathan Schroeder


Christopher Schwartz


William J. smart


warren c. Smith


t I

Matthew J. Trickel

Daniel J. Waters

Christopher R. Tropio

Christopher J. Tuck

Jettrev Lee Tucker

Jonathan M. Veil

Paul s. Walsh

varun Moort'- Pt'-TOrt'- Tt'-nnu, prai;.nu, MMM ...mim, a 9uuq

Hnd\llic.h." eirian l.hmie\e\ll&l'i give& a fal'e laugh to one of Mr. G.e&ing jol'e&.

Nicholas P. Weiss

Kevin P. Werner

Colin M. Whitaker

Michael Wilkins

Richard F. Wilson

Tlmothv D. Wilson

Joseph F. Winning

Daniel R. Wisniewski

Michael s. Wooldridge

l.hri&tian Le\lli& &ho\11& May. l.ourtne1 and Dan l.ipo\\a \llhic.h i& the "'on" button.

Birdman spreads his wings.

:rendan Whitaker: Just eat it, punk."


Row, row, row your boat gently down the Schuylkil,

Assume the

Sean Seese: "Time to go home there, ball!"

Reigning Catholic Lea~ MVP John Reifsnyder; that's all we have to sa1 about that.

In the. month of August, while. most pe.op\e. we.re. still at the. be.ac.h or on vac.ation, tne. La '5alle. footl:>all te.am be.gan P.rac.tic.e.. In hot and humid we.athe.r, the. pla1e.rs roughed it out during the. first fe.w we.e.l(s of prac.tic.e.. After a we.e.l( of two- a- da1 prac.tic.e.s, the. £~p\ore.rs tool( on the.ir first obstac.\e., a sc.rimmage. against 'Pe.nnsbur1. ihe. £~p\ore.rs trie.d the.ir be.st but the.1 sti\r ne.e.de.d improve.me.nt. Afte.r the. sc.rimmage., the. £~p\ore.rs trave.\e.d to C.amp C.anade.nsis for five. da1s. ihe. c.amp provided the. £~p\ore.rs with an opportunit1 not on\1 to \e.arn how to pla1 be.tte.r football, but a\so to form relationships with one. another. C.amp C.anade.nsis also provided the. £~p\ore.rs with a gre.at phjsic.a\ worl(out whic.h c.onsiste.d of the. following: four prac.tic.e.s a da1, four quarters at night, and c.ompe.titive. varsit1 sc.rimmage.s e.ve.r1 da1. While. at c.amp, the. seniors nominated Brian Noone. and 'be.an Miller as the. C.aptains for the. 2001 football se.ason. B1 the. time. the. £~p\ore.rs le.ft c.amp, the.1 we.re. a totall1 different te.am than at the. arrival. Le.d b1 He.ad C.oac.h ::rose.ph C.o\istra, the. £~p\ore.rs we.re. P.re.pare.d to tal(e. on ant opponent that was willing to ste.p onto the. same. fie.\d as the.1- p.gainst 'Pl1mouth White.marsh, the. £~p\ore.rs c.ame. bac.l( from a 1-point de.fie.it with \e.ss then two minutes le.ft in the. fourth quarter. Due. to lightning the. £~p\ore.rs had to se.tt\e. for a 1-1 tie.. ihroughout the. se.ason, C.oac.h C.o\istra state.d the. on\1 re.asonab\e. thing to asl( from the. team was imP.rove.me.nt; and if La '5alle. did an1thing, the.1 did improve. a good de.a\ afte.r e.ve.r1 game.. In the. last two games of the. se.ason, 1he. £~p\ore.rs sc.ore.d a total of (p'f points. ihe. e.nd of the. season brought the. 1e.ar\1 meeting of the. le.ague. c.oac.he.s, at whic.h the. c.oac.he.s re.c.ogniz.e.d those. 1>la1e.rs who de.se.rve.d to be. awarded All- C.atho\ic. "Honors. ihe. f.~p\ore.rs re.c.e.iving All- C.atho\ic. Honors we.re.: 1st i e.am All- C.atho\ic.: (LB, it) £d ~abia, (DL) Mil(e. f(e.lle.1, (D£) C.hris 6.a\ball1, and ('P) Brian Donohoe.. ihe. 2nd ie.am All-C.atho\ic. inc.\ude.d (OL) iimoth1 Fl1nn, (\Z.B) 'De.an Mille.r, and (DB) Dan Wate.rs. Honorable. Mentions: (OL) Dre.w Babin, (DE,) Mil(e. 6.raham, and (DB) C.hris Lad\e.l. Although he. £~p\ore.rs lost both of their post-se.ason game.s against l:.ardina\ O'Hara and '5t. ::roe.'s 'Prep, the. season was an unforgettable. e.~pie.rie.nc.e. for e.ve.r1 pla1e.r on the. £~p\ore.rs' squad. \Z.l.lnning the. dre.ade.djing\e.s afte.r prac.tic.e., \iste.ning to Assistant C.oac.h 'Paul f(ubac.h telling the. pla1e.rs to ge.t into the. we.ightroom, and attending_ those. de.\ic.ious pasta dinners we.re. all me.morie.s that will last a life.time.. ihe.se. we.re. the. last me.morie.s for some. and the. first for others, but the.re. will ne.ve.r be. another team \il(e. the. 2001 £~p\ore.rs Football ie.am. Offensive Linemen Drew l)abin (79), l)randon !)lack (5 2), and Mike T eklits (5 6) shut down the opposing defense !)ob Falidora (91) and the rest of La Salle's defense demonstrate wh.Y the.Y're a powerhouse in the Catholic League. Offensive Coordinater John H.Yman stresses the imp, tance to R.un Da !)all in Da !)ox. All-Catholic linebacker E_d Sabia shows his ph:Jsical strength as he manhandles the opponent.

Mike Kelle3 (9 2) clogs up the running lane, giving the opposing running back nowhere to go. Manager John Valentino oversees the water distribution services during the game. Head Coach Joseph Colistra shows signs of approval after La Salle's Offense runs in a touchdown

Faul Needle (69) plows through the offensive line and into the backfield. Timoth..Y R_ichards (75) poses for his water commercia I. f\nthon9 tv\assaro (12) tries to finish up some math homework during the game. Tim fl9nn (5 7) does his job 69 clearing the running 1anes


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La 1Salle Explorers

. • ..•.· \TopRow:DrewBabi.tl, TinJC>thyR,ic;hards, Bruce Porl~t, ~~~ Ford.Dan Aze,ff,, : • ., t .5th .Row: Brian Dononoe, ·.DQu~.Jnterrarite; Joe Cosena,,S,ill Eoughery;~evin 1bbqtt, Jqe,,\/Virlt)i(19,. . • . Brian N~pne, ~ikeGraham; DanRitter; Mikf!~elley;~d Sa,bia, Sean Mcqade;Ti111 Flynn, ~ob Pc\Hdora •.• 4tn'·Row,:MJkEl Ci:ayarelli,Anthpny Ca~della,.Timqthy Craig, Era~k)oji;. tosepti Candelore; Jobn.E3~rrett; Roberf Szo~ ·• ·.· ; . · DanWater~, R9bertBr:a.s.seU, Qhris •. Lad IEly; D. J:>Cunningram, Jon\(an Ee~13len •. •........ . .·... ·.•.. . .. · ·.·.• ·• .... John.Trainer, George Cerv,iinski, Neil.Griffis .. · .•. ·• ..•.•..·. 3rd RollV: BUI M~Clo~key, Jeff Mills., Sean Miller, Mike McLa,~ghiin; Colin \/Vhitakeq Dave Ca?lia; ~evirJ Mc1garity,Brad I · Paul N!3edle, Kevin McLouglilin, Jim.Clark, Jim Finpre; Todd Mc;Bride;Dan Ford/Chris MulhoU?t1d, ~aUMalJoy 2nd Ro"'f: Qan DeCij!stro,Tom lopit, Myles MiUer, pat RH~y, Chris McD.a,de; $E{anAgne\'-', DrewMedwid; .Ed Gratia .Mi.ke TElcklits, Mike Rockwood, .Br;:1ndon .Black, Anthony Bon:anni, Chris <3albally, • . .. . · ..John Kornfeind, Matt Jacobson, AnthC>ny M:as.sarCl; Max Mullineaux > } .• . . .... 1st Row,: K~vih Donohoe, Sean )\dams, BrJan Hogatl, P.at Gannon, MikeQriscoll;'rony.fiberatore . .\ LeeT1Jcker,,Rory Heenan, Dan·Golden,·B.rendah Heck.Pat McCarthy,.Ja.scin Breznicky, MattMadden;Anthony Med · Chrill Garzone, Matt McGLirkin ·

,> .· ·. ·

Tbe firr,t 6.\oba\ e.o,,.\, ,,.hic.h too" p\au during 'i>eptember of 2.000. mar"ed the b~inning of a great re\ationr,hip be~un the Mor,c.o,,. 'Patriotr, and the t:a 'ba\\e f.J.p\orerf>. t\orin9 Jor the t>ame f>UGUf>f>, the GOaGhH added 6.\oba\ e.o,,.\ I tolbe footba\\ r,c.hedu\er, of the La 'ba\\e f.J.~\orerr, and the Mor,c.o,,. 'Patriotr, for the 2.001 r,ear,on. Al\ of the preparationr, ,,.ere made for ,,.e\c.omin9 the \q.lHianr,. 6.\oba\ e.o,,.\ 11 promit>ed to be even better tfian the previour, event. t\o,,.ever. tra9ed1 r,truc." on 'i>eptember 11. 2.001. Terrorif>tf> attac."ed tbe ~o bui\din9r, of the WTt::. and the 'Pentagon. Tbe 'Pentagon r,uffered dama9e. and the ~o to,,.err, c.o\\apf>ed. Witn fear of another alta""路 government offiGia\r, r,hut do,,.n airportr, and performed ri9_orour, r,afef1 c.hu"r, on an1 forei9nerr, vir,iting the United "f>tater,. Tbe !'luc.h antic.ipaled 6.roba\ e.o,,.\ II ,,.ar,n't \oo"ing ve"'f promir,mg. Tbe c.oac.her, and offic.ia\r, duided that the game r,hou\d t>ti\\ ta"e p\au. At a time of r,oaring Americ.an patriotit>m. the f.J.p\orerr, too" on the Mor,c.o,,. 'Patriotr,. e.efore the game. a fe,,. of the lq.ar,r,ian p\a1err, had tearr, in their e1er, ,,.hen \ir,tening to the Americ.an National Anthem. Tbe 9.ame ,,.ar, hard fought on both t>idet> of the field. but the La "f>a\\e f.J.p\orerr, defeated the Mor,c.o,,. 'Patriotr, ~ 2.S pointf>. After the game. the teamr, ~thered in La 'ba\\e'r, c.afeteria to ta\" a \itt\e more and r,a1 final good~H. After the dur,t G\eared off the field. eve...,one enjo1U their mea\r, and ,,.ent home. Tbe final memoriH of thit> 1ear'f> 6.\oba\ e.o,,.\ promit>ed to be r,tronger than an1 otherr, bec.aur,e during a time of international c.ont\ic.t and ta\" of World War 1111 ath\eter, of ~o c.ountriH ,,.ho uf>ed to be enemiet> founa friendt>hip on one c.ommon p\au. the footba\\ fie\d.

Sean Miller (7) and l)rian Donohoe ( I I) evade the iron grips of the Kussian Defenders. La Salle OHense prepares to run the intamous "Annexation of Fuerte Kico" The La Salle Defense buckles down against the Kussians, attacking their opponents ever9 chance possible.


The Explorers entered the 2001 soccer season as the defending PCL Champions. The players' expectations were hopeful for recaptu ing the title and winning another championshi1 The team's eleven seniors, four juniors, and se· sophomores were led by senior captains, Rob Sullivan and Sean Fedyna. Other significant contributors on the team included Jason Breznicky (midfield), Dan Reid and Butch Cun ( outside midfielders) 1 Matt Kelly (sweeper)1 a Kevin Moll (defender). La Salle's offensive thrust was headed by sophomores Mike Glaccll and Mike Whelan at the forward positions and senior Kevin Savage in the offensive midfield. However, La Salle was attacked by the injury bug; the promising senior Dave Moll was plag1 by ankle and thigh injuries and former starter John Reifsnyder was unable to play a single ga1 as a result of an injured leg. The team had a strong start to their seai with a win against Pennsbury and a tie against nationally ranked Cumberland Valley at the EPYSA Classic. After a shaky start in the Cati lie League, La Salle rebounded to finish in thirc place with a record of 8·6 in league play. Thii placed the team against Archbishop Ryan in thi quarterfinal match-up. Matt Kelly and Dan Re: each scored a goal in the first half of the game but the score at halftime was tied at 2·2. Twi fifteen-minute overtime periods followed a sco less second half. In the first overtime, Butch Curran took a low-driven shot, which resulted a Ryan defender blatantly batting the ball awa) with his hands. Mike Glaccum converted the penalty shot, and La Salle defended hard to en· sure victory. In the semifinals, the team dis· played great effort and heart, but the Prep con verted an early penalty shot and later scored w fwe minutes left to defeat the Explorers 2·0. Although the soccer season ended in som disappointment, every member of that team wi remember the summer training sessions, after school practices, the hard-fought games, jokin1 with Jeff Stever and Mr. Peffle, the pasta din· ners, and the thrill of having participated in thi Catholic League playoffs. Above: Borja Tenacio of Spain enjoyed playing school-sponsored soccer in the U.S. Top left: Mike Whelan eludes a defender

Butch Curran channels the ball down the left flank. Danny Reid uses his quickness to get by defenders.

Breznicky looks to w the ball down field.

Mike Glaccum, above right, enjoys faking out the slower defenders. Goalie Brian Miller gives the ball a ride to midfield.

Sean Fedyna challenges the keeper for a head ball inside the eighteen.

Forwards fear the warriorlike defender Rob Sullivan.

Mike Bocchino pushes the ball through the midfield. Above left, Matt Kelly takes a free kick from midfield. Above right, Kevin Savage rips a shot from the eighteen.

2001 Varsity: Top row: Coaches Bob Peffle and Jeff Stevers, Kevin Feeley, Greg Giagnacova, Mike Whalen, Rob Sullivan, Dave Moll, Jay Breznicky, Sean Fedyna, Kevin Moll, Matt Kelly, and Jim Slover. Kneeling: Chris Glover, John Creed, Dan RE Kevin Savage, Steven Curran, Mike Bocchino, Matt Derrick, Eric Calvitti, Borja Tenacio, Kevin Miller, and Mike Glaccum. Goalies: Hector Romero, Brian Miller.

Mr. De.vine. e.y.p\ains,"l,u1s, it's not that hard ... \e.ft, then right." e>e.\ow: Those. rough summer wor\::.outs; 1<-1an O'Donne.\\ spots the. c.ame.ra whi\e. \e.ading La'5a\\e. to vic.tor1 at e>e.\mont.

Freshmen ne.ve.r \earn. You gu1s we.re. supposed to rac.e. around the. c.ourse., not to the. pre.tz.e.\s!

In the 2001-2002 basketball season, the Explorers were led to success by head coach Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald. La Salle started offthe pre-season by playing against some ofthe toughest competitors in the area. Although the team did not win many of theirpreseason games (ofthe 11 preseason games, the Explorers wononlythree ), theycametounderstandhowCoachFitz wanted the team to play. La Salle played well to the final buzzer in every one ofthese games. The highlight ofthe preseason came when the Explorers won the Ray Craven Memorial Classic at the Boardwalk Basketball Classic in Wildwood, New Jersey over Christmas break. The regular season began with tough losses to Dougherty and to a scrappy Archbishop Ryan team. Having experienced enough defeat, the Explorers went on to win their next four league games in front ofcapacity crowds in La Salle's gym. La Salle then experienced a setback to longtime rival, Father Judge. In this game, the Explorers experienced a much greater loss. Senior Rob "Sully" Sullivan broke his left wrist. The loss ofRob, the team's leading scorer and best all-around player, was a great disadvantage. Along with "Sully,"senior Sean Fedyna captained the team. Juniors Chris "I'm Lost" Reedman, John Creed, Matt "Little Giant" McGurkin, Doug Kelly, Will Furey, and Sean Flynn also contributed their talents. The La Salle basketball program looks forward to a bright future through the play of sophomores Kevin Moll, Ryan "Mute" Kirk, FrankJorfi, Kevin Miller, and Colin Fitzgerald. Throughout their season, the team worked hard to continue in the great La Salle basketball program tradition.

- Sean F edyna

Far Left: Chris Reedman and Sean Fedyna keep an eye on Dougherty's offensive threat. Left: Sean Fedyna tries to find an open teammate.

路is Reedman, #23, "This iy ball, man!" alle' s bench gives their 1mates some inspiration

Doug Kelly, #44, rises for a mid-range jumper.

Junior Matt McGurkin drives to the basket.

Jug Kelly wins the jump ball. Rob Sullivan, far right, forces a player to pass instead ofshoot '<.evin Moll threatens the defender with an elbow.

Will Furey, right, with the strong put back.

SOCCEll 1993

2001-2002 Varsity:(left to

right) Bottom Row: Frank Jorfi, Kevin Miller, Ryan Kirk, Chris Reedman, John Creed, Matt McGurkin, Kevin Moll. Top Row: Coaches Joe Meade and Bernie Fitzgerald, Will 路Furey, Sean Fedyna, Rob Sullivan, Doug Kelly, Sean Flynn, and Coach Greg Greenberg Not pictured: Colin Fitzgerald.


Ryan Kirk gets down and dirty for the loose ball.

H-2002 Junior Varsity: (left to right) Bottom Row: Joe Mastrangelo, Mike Stanton, Anthony

1ssaro, Darcell Moore, Matt McGurkin, John Creed, and Brian Hogan. Top Row: Coach Bill nohoe, Manager Andrew Degnan, Kevin Ihlein, Terrell Bell, Nick Brechbill, Frank Jorfi, Nick attuck, Kevin Miller, Sean Flynn, Ryan Kirk, Rich DeGirolamo, and Coach Kevin Stanton.


ith high hopes to win the Catholic League Championship, the La Salle Explorers set out on November 15, 2001 to achieve all the goals they set for themselves. With the coaching of Mike "Braz" Brazicewski and Anthony Penzarella, the Explorers expected good things. Led by Captains Brendan Whitaker, Trevor Needham, Mike Kelley, and Brandon Black, the Explorers strived to make their team a dominant force in the area by making sure the team was subjected to the most grueling wrestling conditions during practice. For example, the wrestlers started practice during daylight at 3:00 p.m., but when they left at 6:30 p.m. darkness was all around. Running four or five miles, drilling moves for an hour, and wrestling matches were considered the normal practice for the Explorers. They felt prepared to go against any team and come out victorious. Although the Explorers wrestled hard, they still came up short againsttheirfirst opponent, Haverford. This experience motivated the wrestlers to work even harder. The practices became more intense, and the wrestlers became more conditioned. By the time of the first Catholic League match, the Explorers were a completely different team. They thumped the Cardinal Dougherty team, winning twelve out of a possible thirteen matches. During the Christmas Holiday, the Explorers remained strong by coming to practice every day and by wrestling in tournaments over the weekends. This conditioning paid its reward when, after the New Year, the Explorers trampled over the Roman Catholic Cahillites, posting a score of78-0. ltwas thefirsttime in history that a La Salle wrestling team ran the board, getting pins in every single match. The Explorers' success continued, posting wins against Central Bucks East, Conwell-Egan, Archbishop Wood, and St. Joseph's Prep. -Brandon Black

Brandon Black attempts to turn his opponent for some mi, needed points and the victory. The wonderful coaching staff of Mike Brazicewski and An thony Penzarella coach the Explorers to another win. Pete Seweryn maintains control of his opponent. Tim Cooney squeezes the life out of his opponent and picki the six.

Brendan Whitaker warms up before another big match. Mike Kelley uses his quickness to maneuver around Egan's heavyweight. Chris McMullin fights to pin the opposing wrestler's shoulders to the mat. The Explorers having a team prayer right before the match.

Just now noticing the opposing wrestler is not wearing any deodorant, John Barret quickly finishes his shot. "Where Am I?" John Valentino wonders. Confusing real wrestlers with the WWF, Mike Merlini attempts to make his opponent tap out.

In the first round of the playoffs, the Explorers faced the North Catholic Falcons, the same team that had defeated La Salle in the Championship the previous year. Determined not to be beaten by this team again, and wi key victories from Tim Cooney and Chris McMullin, the Explorers defeated the Falcons and entered the Champion ship. With large crowds on both sides of the gym, the La Salle Explorers took on the Archbishop Wood Vikings for the 2002 PCL Championship. Everyone who stepped onto the mat that day displayed the characteristics of a cha pion, but only one team could take away the plaque. The entire match was a back-and-forth battle, but the Vikings pulled away with a win : La Salle 30, Archbishop Wood 31. The Explorers refused to let this get them down for the PCL Individual Tournament. Eight wrestlers received All-Catholic honors. Placing first in the tournament and recei, ing First Team All-Catholic honors were Seniors Brendan Whitaker, Trevor Needham, and Brandon Black. Gettini second at the tournament and receiving Second Team Honors were Juniors Mike Merlini and John Barret. Placing third and receiving Third Team All- Catholic were sophomores Greg Tuefel and Tim Cooney. Placing fourth at the tournament and receiving Honorable Mention was Senior Chris McMullin. These wrestlers, along with the rest of tr team, helped boost La Salle to a Second Place Team Finish in the tournament. This Explorers' wrestling team brought much success to the school and themselves this year. The Explorer~ would not have been able to do any of this without the help of Coach Braz and Coach Anthony. This year the corne stone of the team was its seniors, Chris McMullin, Brendan Whitaker, John Valentino, Brandon Black, Dave Matthews, Trevor Needham, and Mike Kelley. Juniors Jim Sacchetta, Pete Seweryn, Mike Merlini, Joe Casella, a1 John Barret also contributed greatly. The underclassmen contributed as well. Sophomores Greg Tuefel and Tim Cooney did more for the team then just fill holes in the line-up. They both posted numerous team points to help the Explorers along the way. Andrew Cotlov and Ed Valentino even made the Varsity line-up as freshmen. Being a freshman wrestling against juniors and seniors is not an easy thing to do, but these two freshmen wrestlers made i look easy,both posting over a .500 record. Despite differences of age and wrestling backgrounds, these wrestlers had one thing in common, their love for their sport. The 2002 La Salle Explorers wrestlers showed the passion the) felt for the sport everytime they walked out onto the mat. -Brandon Black-

Trevor Needham sticks his opponent in front of a packed crowd. Greg Tuefel awaits anxiously for his opponent to finish stretching. Brendan Whitaker locks up the devastating Tuerella. Jim Sacchetta stares into the opponent's eyes as he records the pm.

Man'f words c.an be. used to de.sc.ribe. this 'fC.ar's La'5a\\e. lt:.e. Hoc.\:'.e.'f team: de.dic.ate.d, passionate., and profi c.ie.nt. I have. se.e.n our team de.sc.ribe.d as a ta\e.nte.d group 'fOung me.n who e.njo'f the. game.. However, I have. a diffore.1 out\oo\:'. on the. Varsit'f I team this 'fear. I c.annot te.\\ 'fOU t1 diffiw\t'f of tr'fing to sum up se.ve.n months of hard wor\:'. , enthusiasm into one. re.mar\::. The. word that c.an c.apture. ti suue.ss and growth of the. La'5a\\e.'s hoc.\:'.e.'f team is heart Our team \ost man'f important p\a'fe.rs and seniors from \ast 'fC.ar's team. With the. \oss of these. \:'.e.'f p\a'fe.rs, some. t:.ritic.s be.\ie.ve.d this 'fC.ar wou\d be. a season of re.bu, ing instead of c.ontinue.d suc.c.e.ss. With the. support of top sc.ore.rs Matt Loftus, Lou Vo\pe., and \2-0b Tro~e.\\, and the. \e.ade.rship of de.fonse.man Tom Ferric.\::, the. La'5a\\e. Varsii team proved those. pre.dic.tions to be. fa\se.. Our team was re.\ative.\'f ine.~pe.rie.nc.e.d and 'fOung; but with the. de.te.rmin; tion to suue.e.d and e.~c.e.\\e.nt \e.ade.rship b'f C.oac.h Wa\\'f Mue.h\bronne.r, we. we.re. ab\e. to prosper and show ÂŁastern 'Pe.nns'f\vania that La'5a\\e. hoc.\:'.e.'f was strong and de.te.rmi1 The. nude.us of our team was not a sing\e. p\a'fe.r; it was ar auumu\ation of e.ighte.e.n de.voted p\a'fe.rs with the. c.ommo1 goa\ to suc.c.e.e.d. I wou\d \i\:'.e. to give. spe.c.ia\ re.c.ognition to a\\ of thi 'fear's seniors who he.\pe.d out 'fOunge.r p\a'fe.rs mature. and inspired us to be.\ie.ve. that with heart and ambition, great things wi\\ happen! -De.re.\:: J'. C.a\ista~

I don't care how many times we have to run it, we will perfect the flying "V".

Psst.. .so were we the X's or the O's?


This La Salle player emerges amongst aflurry of sticks. Nobody is foolin' Alex May.

The ref drops the puck after yet another La Salle goal. Mike Ragan leaves his opponent in the .... ice shavings.


Varsity AAA Front Row: Jon Posen, Todd Zettle, Lou Volpe (C), John DeCree, Rob Troxell, Joe Passanante,

Steve Bielecki, Matt Palmer Back Row: Coach Haggerty, Mike McAnulty, Andrew Brady, Tom Ferrick (C),

Andrew Bartynski, Matt Loftus (C), Derek Calista, Joe Roche, John Staffi, Chris Wallin, Carl Olejniczak, Coach Muehlbronner Missing: Coaches Lipski and Quinn

It helps to have a slinky for a

spine. Mike Ragan outskates his opponent.


Varsity AA Front Row: Mike Ciccaglione, Sean Shapiro, Sean Levin, Alex May, Tim Loftus, Jim Perdigao, Mark D'Angelo, Mark Bielecki Second Row: Coach Full in, Joe MacArthur, Andrew Dauphinee, Matt Ramagano, Paul Kopicki, Cesare Angeloni, James l<.esilman, Mike Ragan, Coach Haggerty Third Row: Kevin Heron, David Achey, Jon Keppol, Chris Perdigao, Tom Hartman, Joe Micucci

Players rejoice after scoring a goal. Just like the Power Rangers, Explorers unite to form one massive centerman. "Eat glass!!"

Opposite Pi The Varsity Bow

es, it's true, the phantom La ~a\\e bow\ing team, about whom we hear so muc.h, does er-ist! C.oming bac.\C from an upsetting 5'" p\ac.e finish \ast 'lear, the team members, onc.e again under the direc.tion of C.oac.h ~teve Faunc.e, refined their s\Ci\\s with p\a'loff vic.tories in mind for the '01,02. season. With high spirits, the team progressed and er-panded, boasting over '30 bow\ers. O\d \Ceg\ers Mi\Ce Moffett (o'3), Dave Hea'ln (0'3), and Mi\Ce fitsimmons(o2.), a\ong with the new additions of freshmen Matthew Wertz. and J'effre'l G.emi, did their best to ma\Ce this 'lear their most suc.c.essfu\.


Aiding in the push for p\a'loff vic.tories were seniors ~teve Vui\\ermet, Mi\Ce Montgomer'l, J'err'l Amo\e, and Mi\Ce Mc.Mahon. And \efs not forget varsit'l and J\J juniors ~teve \2-0dgers, Mi\Ce fitz.patric.K Tim Wilson, and Mi\Ce G.arafalo, who a\so put forth their best efforts. Though the first few wee\Cs of \eague p\a'l were a literal ro\\er c.oaster ride, the team bow\ed on, steadi\'l shaping up to be a c.ompetitive matc.h for an'l opponent sc.hoo\, as long as the p\a'lers got their muc.h needed doughnuts, c.offee, and trip to ~evenÂŁleven before ever'l matc.h. -Timoth'l Wilson

Senior Steve Vuillermet displays incredible form while tr~ out for the La Salle ballet, errr... I mean bowling, te Freshman Jeff Gemi hurls the ball with expert accuri Senior Mike Montgomery sneak attacks the p This P1 A rare occasion: Mike Moffett smiles while bowli Mike Fitzsimmons: zoned in or zoned o Junior Dave Heayn tries willing the pins over so he doe: have to actually throw the l

La Salle swimmers gather for a team prayer. , Kevin Rieffel does the butterfly like his life depends on it... which it does. Brian Neary lunges off the block.

The vertical pool is the hardest to swim in.

poses for the camera in mh swm


An anxious Tim Fi awaits the start

ross-C.ountr'{ ends and the ne~t stage begins. For the se\u.t few who are dedicated to the La ~a\\e runnin9 9ame, Indoor irac.\( is the midd\e ,eason.

At first, it seems hard to be\ieve. t-\owever, here ac.tua\\'l is a trac.\( season that runs from the end ,f November unti\ Februar'{. 12-unners, throwers, and llmpers train to compete in meets he\d in \oc.a\ co\~ges such as t-\averford and Lehigh. Often referred to s insane, these ath\etes endure the co\d in order to ta'{ in shape and remain strong competitors in the ~atho\ic. \eague. l?ut it doesn't stop there for seniors ~'{an O'Donne\\, iim Ferrie, \Z.onan Mc.Dermott, and ophomore C.hris \Z.oss, who combined to form an utstanding 4~soo re\a'{ team that was ran\(ed in the :>p five of the state. ihe father of running, Mr. 'Patric\( Devine, \ed is team to a 3rd p\ac.e finish in the C.atho\ic. League. 1ut even at the condusion of this season, the unner's \ife goes on because Outdoor i rac.\( is on the oriz.on. -\Z.'{an \Z.odden-

"Whatever you do, de drop this baton, ma

Mike Alonso does his best impression of SuperMan during his landing of the long jump.

Dave Rock springs his pole vault to a whole new meaning ofheight. Pat Kirts about to make his move as he turns the corner and comes down the home stretch.

Bruce Pohlot: The Beast of the East. Brian McElroy spots the camera on the last lap of his 3000 meter race.

spring ro\\s around and the. sun sta1s out \onge.r, the.re. is \1 one. thing on the. minds of an e.\ite. group of ath\e.te.s at ~a\\e. C.o\\e.9e. High ~c.hoo\: base.ba\\. In the. 2002 season La ~a\\e. had an amaz.in9 group of ath\e.te.s ta~in9 the. fie.\d, inc.\udin9 man1 re.turning A\\- C.atho\ic.s and the. C.o- MVP of the. \e.ague., J'ohn I4ifon1de.r. 'The. te.am was \e.d b1 the. a\\-~now\e.d9e.ab\e. "'Pa," Mr. J'ose.ph 'Parisi. "'Pa" be.\ie.ve.d that , be.c.ause. of its a\\- around ath\e.tic.ism and depth, this te.am had the. abi\it1 and c.he.mistr1 to be. a major fac.tor in the. C.atho\ic. Le.ague. 'P\a1offo. 'To understand wh1 this te.am had suc.h pote.ntia\, one. must \oo~ at the. individua\ p\a1e.rs. J'ohn l4ifo1nde.r was the. he.art and sou\ of the. te.am, not on\1 be.c.ause. of his amaz.in9 abi\it1 to hit and fie.\d a base.ba\\, but a\so be.c.ause. of his re.d hair and his \e.ade.rship s~i\\s. 'These. two qua\itie.s c.ou\d not be. re.p\ic.ate.d b1 an1one. e.\se. on the. te.am be.c.ause. e.ac.h person re.spe.c.te.d his re.d hair and his abi\it1 to ma~e. others foe.\ \i~e. the.1 we.re. a part of some.thing spe.c.ia\. J'ohn a\so had the. abi\it1 to mi~ hard wor~ with \au9hte.r, a de.ad\1 c.ombination on the. base.ba\\ fie.\d. His c.o\\e.ague.s inc.\ude.d the. c.e.nte.r fie.\de.r ~c.ott "'Powder" e>e.ard, who te.nac.ious\1 hunted down e.ve.r1thin9 hit to him and got his nic.~name. for his e.~c.e.ptiona\ tan. /\nothe.r gifted ath\e.te. was third-1e.ar varsit1 c.atc.he.r, C.hris "I Hit M1se.\f' J'e.ffors. C.hris was without a doubt the. be.st de.fonsive. c.atc.he.r in the. \e.a9ue.. Ne.~t, Mar~ "Doc." D'/\nge.\o had the. )(-fac.tor. He. missed a da1 or two be.c.ause. of the. re.arrange.me.nts to his fac.e., but now he. \oo~s great! The. two se.c.ond base.men, Lou "~c.re.e.c.h" Manc.ine.\\i and /\nthon1 "L.. 6.." Lal.rec.a we.re. both e.~c.e.\\e.nt and sound base.ba\\ p\a1e.rs who he.\pe.d the. te.am out tre.me.ndous\1. 'Their off-the.-fie.\djobs inc.\ude.d eating c.and1 and 9ivin9 out nic.~name.s. 'The.re. was a\so a quiet senior third base.man b1 the. name. of 'Pau\ Ne.e.d\e.. He. brought a strong bat to the. \ine.up, as did c.onsiste.nt first base.man C.hris Lad\e.1. We. c.an't forget \e.ade.r and unbe.\ie.vab\e. ath\e.te. \<-Ob '5u\\ivan. /\\though he. was unab\e. to share. in the. 2002 season be.c.ause. of a bro~e.n wrist, he. was a\wa1s the.re. for support and advic.e..

"If you build it, they will come."


\ \ ' ' I I\


Reif takes off Sully's hat to expose his "untight" fade.

'These. baseba\\ p\a1e.rs we.re. a group of ~ids that \ove.d the. game. and we.re. wi\\in9 to 90 the. e.~tra distanc.e. for one. another. We. we.re. a ti9ht\1 ~nit group of friends who made. me.morie.s for our&e.\ve.s for the. re.st of our \ive.s. We. found ourse.\ve.s and our true. &pirit as a group b1 having a b\ind faith in one. another and the. te.am. We. we.re. on\1 ab\e. to do this be.c.ause. of the. hard wor~ and de.dic.ation that "'Pa" and the. re.st of the. c.oac.hin9 staff put in 1e.ar after 1e.ar. I wou\d \i~e. to than~ the. seniors for the. friendships and me.morie.s that I wi\\ treasure. for the. re.st of m1 \ife.. -'Pau\ Ne.e.d\e.-

Paul Needle aims up his throw to knock out his prey. 100

"Bazooka Joe" Falcone (say that 10 times fast)

only time Scott Beard can hit... at practice.

Ah yea, I am gonna need two large cokes, three burgers, and two medium fries. Wait, is it too early for flap jacks? Chris Jeffers takes out his aggression on the ball.



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rom the sands of M'(rt\e Beac.h to the fairwa'(~ Whitemarsh Va\\t'( C.ountr'( C.\ub, the La '$a\\e Team is an intimidating and impressive opporn for a\\ who c.hoose to aaept the c.ha\\enge. The squa boasts siy. C.atho\ic. League C.hampionships in a row, , the 2001 'PC.L individua\ c.hampion, '$ean '$eese. A\01 with '$eese are five p\a'(trs with A\\-C.atho\ic. honors i their name: senior l<evin Frost, juniors May. Mu\\er, 'Ptr'(, and C.hris \<.eedman, and sophomore C:iarrett Basa\'(ga. Mr. Mart'( 'Jac.\Cson, Mr. Dave Dieh\, and ,. Doc.tor" Les Bur\Ce \ead the team as it see\C their seve 'PC.L tit\e in as man'( '(tars, whic.h wi\\ undoubted\'( so\ifid'( their p\ac.e as one of the great d'fnasties in L. '$a\\e his tor'(. Last '(tar's eY.traordinar'l rec.ord of 2'5 induding vic.tories against tough non-\eague opponer and a strong team from C:ireat Britain wi\\ be diffic.u\1 top, but this team is \Cnown for its c.onstant improverr '(tar after '(tar. The 2002 team a\so indudes senior~ 'Jon Haggert'(, Tim l<ir\C, and '$ean Mi\\er; juniors 'J01 C.oont'(, 'John C.reed, C.hris Dunne, C.ort'( Dur\Cin, anc Matt Meves; sophomores Marie Bi\ec.\Ci, Denis C.ar\son Brian C.\ear\Cin, l<'(\t C:iint'(, and Mic.hat\ 'Par\Cer; and freshman '$ean Ford. -l<evin Frost-


The 2001 PCL Individual Champ Sean Seese.

Alumnus Gabe Marabella to Tim Kirk about his game: "You're some kind offreak, how often do you play?" "Never, this is my first time."


Junior Chris Reedman stares in awe at the distance ofhis 7 ir

ackson giving his patented putting lesson

The sweet feeling of knocking down a putt.


x Muller: Are you too good for your home?


Brian Clearkin admires his drive. 103

Steve Schaffer competing for ugliest facial expression in the yearbook. Mike Nunnari finds that khakis are much more comfortable for playing tennis than the designated blue pocketed shorts.

La Salle Varsity Tennis Team From Left to Right: Joe Carroll,Steve Schaffer, Andrew John, Chris Radvansky, Rob Vranken, Bill O'Neill, Rafael Rincon, Darcel! Moore, Paul Paige, Will Marych, Mr. William Geiger, Cody Casale, Phil Carroll


(Not pictured: Brendan Heron, Mike Nunnari, Mrs. Stephanie Jeitner)

ven before the start of the tennis season, La Salle's Varsity Tennis team did somethin9 that was unprecedented, off season trainin9. With the new athletic facility in full operation, coaches Mr. William &ei9er and Mrs. Stephanie Jeitner wanted to taKe advanta9e of the technolo9y now available to the team. The trainin9 paid off as the tennis team delved ··• deeply into the C:.atholic Lea9ue Playoffs. · Mr. &ei9er and Mrs. Jeitner (before she left to have her baby) · ·.· ·. developed a true team atmosphere, incorporatin9 all members of //11, · the team in the matches. Practices were both effective and enjoyable. Bein9 matched up a9ainst teammates vyin9 for positions made . every practice meanin9ful and intense. The doubles competition was especially 9ruelin9, for there is only one doubles match per meet. Darcell Moore stepped into the number one spot left open by NicK Bowers. Several seniors returned, indudin9 the all -C:.atholic doubles team of Andrew John and Steve Schaffer, and Joe C:.arroll, Phil C:.arroll, MiKe Nunnari, and C:.hris fZadvansKy. With these seasoned veterans, the team hoped to win its first PC:.L title in three years. Defeatin9 the HawKlets of St. Joseph's Prep was the main :::,=::::::;::::::;c'.=::::t~':::-;;;;:, 9oal because St. Joe's has taKen the crown from the £><plorers two years in a row. C:.ontributions from juniors Will Marych and Bill O'Neill alon9 with sophomores [Zafael /Zincon, fl.ob VrancKen, and Brendan Heron helped propel the team to many victories. Paul Pai9e, the "phenom" freshman and C:.ody C:.asale also aided this year's team. Ne# year's team is especially promiMn9. Number one Mn9les player Oarcell Moore will be bacK alon9 with Will Marych, Brendan Heron, Paul Pai9e, fl.ob VrancKen, C:.ody C:.asale, Bill O'Neill and fZaphael /Zincon. The PC:.L crown WILL return to La Salle once a9ain. --C:.hris fZadvansKy--

Joe Carroll freezes in terror as he sees the patented corner-to-corner "Schaffenator" coming directly for him. Chris Rad mistimes his three- inch vertical leap as the ball floats gently into the backcourt.

t is Marc.h 1st and the La '5a\\e \ac.rosse team begins '{et another quest to c.apture the 'Penns'{\vania '5tate Championship. In the past, the LA)( tr-p\orers have dominated the C.atho\ic. League b'{ winning over IOO c.onsec.utive games and earning S \eague tit\es. Led b'{ head c.oac.h e,i\\ Leah'{, the 2002 \ac.rosse team has one goa\ in mind, and that is the state c.hampionship. With the ta\ent and tremendous wor~ ethic. possessed b'{ this team, the goa\ is c.ertain\'{ attainab\e.


This '{ear's squad has a great group of seniors who wi\\ undoubted\'{ be the heart of the team. On the offensive side of the ba\\, A\\-C.atho\ic. team members ~foff Mi\\s, J'ohn "e,irdman"Las~'{, and C.onrad Lohoc.~i wi\\ \ead the wa'{. In addition, Tim l(oons, e,ob "V .A.&.." O'Nei\\, '5teve e,ie\ec.~i, and Terenc.e l(empf wi\\ p\a'{ signific.ant ro\es. The defense is stac.~ed with a mir-ture of siz.e and speed that wi\\ sure\'{ stri~e foar into opposing offenses. '5eniors Mi~e &.raham and e,rian Noone, both A\\-C.atho\ic. se\ec.tions of 2001, a\ong with 'Pat C.o\\ins, a\wa'{S have the assignment of guarding the opposition's best p\a'{ers. With the he\p of '5teve Ned\, J'im De\ane'{ and returning starter 'Pat e,ec.her in goa\, the tr-p\orers' "D" is one of the state's





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With tremendous senior \eadership and ta\ent, the tr-p\orers are poised not on\'{ to win another C.atho\ic. \eague tit\e but a\so to earn the right to be c.a\\ed the best ~ team in 'Penns'{\vania.

-J'eff Mi\\sOff the faceoff, the ref is about to judo chop a Malvern play Coach Bill Leahy gives some inspirational advice to his players. Opposite page: "Flawless" Eddie Lawless shows a nice ou pass. Explorers gather for a pre-game huddle .

.. 106


Pat Becher gets another amazing save. A tired Tim Koons gets taped up by trainer Dave Crowe. Pat "Big Head" Collins eyes up a loose ball.


"O'Doyle Rules": You know Mike Graham isn't going to let this Malvern player by. Right: Jef!Mills(aka Steve Nash) sporting the tight shorts.

Lanky Frank Lochocki jukes out his opponent on the way to another goal. Above right: La Salle defense works the shuffle. The team stares down O'Hara before entering into battle.

John "Birdman" Lasky has to wear ankle braces because he fell flying.

The La Salle Catholic League Championship Lacrosse Team of 2001 included Varsity Seniors Jeff Mills, John Lasky, Mike Graham, Pat Collins, F. Conrad Lochocki, Brian Noone, Bob O'Neill, Tim Koons Terence Kempf, Steve Bilecki, Pat Becker, Steve Nedl, Jim Delaney and Sean Gallagher.

Sophomore Kevin Moll defies the rules ofgravity.

The underclass varsity runners of tlze La Salle Track team.

Coach Devine forgets zvhat he was about to tell his runnet

Junior Bruce Pohlot: "Do you know where the weightroom is?? I'll check it out."


Seniors Ryan O'Donnell, Tim Ferrie, and Ronan McDerm1 take a nice leisurely walk during their practzce.

l~ij.i~¢ing: for.somebod1 \!Ibo epito,mit.e{st\t\ess, ~\~t:r;~ztoa;!ti:!~~er~~:na~ito:~d::/:r::~ r{gm,.~fiiih.~iimi~(Jp 'offrea~s \i~e seniors lim f errie, "',i')t ' ' 7 1:Jf~~.~ ~~.fJJQt\ti~!J~n ~lDer~oH, .Domenit 1'ar1t.a; and 1 ·+,h '1/\~fjP,2bave thejn'tef>tina\ fortitud~ to run 5 I tS. I0 rain, 'srlO~ an(\ b\istering beat, and then ''c.aW1i("fun.'' . ,,,,,/,\,:,:!c,;/'',Y'i""'·:'''''\,,".:',,''~,,' \







• \< ih- 9"1~ ·•t~.',;,i•>'<;_;iff),!(1;•+~qj,~oi1t•i'u c.l1rio

\2-0os, ~roe fedoro.wii-i/.~~triti O'Nfi\\;\aha Nei\. ,O'C.onne\\,. \llnO have. ata~irecl ·a \ong \iM of albievem~nts '.ftb~t read \i~e the Y;llo~ Pa9e1;,. The La '5a\\e irac,.~ ieam 'r;{:g~ne. Jrom Ne\11 '{ or~ to Virginia and· balK leaving· a ~~o(grieJ-stril~en lompetitors in its \lla~e,, . ,, ,'i,

q(lourse \llt lan't forge! the fie\d team. ·. , ·t~,e1 spe:nd mo?t of their time p\a1ing in a 14 :" ,t~;a ,. •· rt.t;1r1dermine jb,~ aolOmp\isbments of :/:',',' >' ,' ., ",;:''"' : , ' ' ,( ' ' ',: ', ,''0:"/\,<','"\::''.',:, " ',' ' ,''.,,' ' ,, ·v.,1 da~ul,RLQi14!~&rfrJ e>rannon, e>rule l'ob\ot, ':p\;'.;{v$,~f~,'~,\4•,;:~ ,,>: ':';, :", ,,"':\< :',, ;f~i!bta\entfd''sopbomores ,;liU:•; ! Othit: ·~j~~ar4 lompeti • ~{ 1


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John Kornfeind(top) doesn't need anyone else to carry the boat. Coxswain Carmen Conicelli takes charge. Above: "Who would want to fight these two?" Right: A fierce day of competition on the river. 112

fter a \ong and intense winter training, the La '5a\\e C.rew \oo~~d forward to a sullessfu\ season. C.oalh eter '5igmund and his ta\ented staff had high hopes of winning some meda\s this iear. With devoted seniors \eading the wai, the team was wi\\ing to do whatever was nelessari to win. ~al\(ing up the seniors were e~perienled juniors, fo\\owed bi a group of sophomores with a \ot of potentia\. ln addition to the great group of rowers, the team had ruent\i alquired two brand new Vespo\i Mi\\ennium S's. ,he ie\\ow C.har\es 'P. C.o\gan was designated the Lightweight S she\\, and the b\ue ~bert W. '5uter, the Varsiti S she\\. /\s a\wais, the freshman/novile squad \ool(ed to post so\id resu\ts this iear. /\\\ the time and effort that the team put in the ÂŁrg ~om and their determination down on the river in League and F\il\( rales paid off. ,he wor\( invested into this season promised a bright future. ~w, La '5a\\e, ~w!! -David Naab-

Top: Tools of the Trade. Above: The freshmen hold a practice for when they fall out of the boat. 113

A typical day of pain in the erg room.

Andrew Mackintosh gets mentally prepared for his race. Senior Mike Aluise practites hard for a medal in May. 11~

Coach Sigmund, the leader of them all. Chris Schwartz, Tom Fox, and Dave Naab prepare to shove offfor practice.

Dan Fazio, Matt Palilonis and Jim Flynn rowing 8, 7, and 6 seats.




They' re seniors trying to keep their secret identity; you d, ,ftl1!1r;,,,fi'I芦:\3r: 111 rn:1e,.,.e:路d to know anything else.

The members o/2001-2002 Student Council.

;'\ I .


Sophomores Will Melvin, Colin Kirts, and Sean Leimbach have to wear leis as their punishment for being underclassmen at the auction.

VP Kevin Rieffel working the podium power.


hif> 'fear'f> '5tude.nt C.ounc.i\ c.ontinue.d the gre.atne.f>f> of itf> fine pre.de.c.e.f>Mrf>. The re.f>urrution of the infamouf> '5upe.r- Mi~e.r waf> aaompanie.d b'f the warm weather to he.\p bring the Laf>a\\ian c.ommunit'f another we.\\-dre.f>f>e.d and e.nc.hanting evening. P..nd for the firf>t-time., we \et a \imite.d amount of gu'{f> purc.haf>e. tic.\Ce.tf> for foma\e. c.ompanionf>! P..f> a\wa'ff> '5tude.nt C.ounc.i\ did itf> be.f>t to f>upport the ath\e.tic.f> and ac.tivitie.f> in their f>UC.C.e.f>f>fu\ e.ffortf> to "&.o the Dif>tanc.e.!" (e,ut of c.ourf>e., e.ve.r'{thing if> a f>Ulle.f>f> c.ompare.d to the f>a\e.f> of the \ove.\'f tie- d'fe.d t- f>hirt .) ,he annua\ magaz.ine. drive raif>e.d more outf>tanding figure.f> toward the c.onf>truc.tion, and the f>e.niorf> ac.hie.ve.d their main goa\ for the 'fear ... pe.rmif>f>ion to wear go\f f>hirtf> in the '5pring. NM, after the c.onf>truc.tion waf> c.omp\e.te.d for the new fac.i\it'{, C.ounc.i\ forc.e.fu\\'f f>te.ppe.d in to e.nf>ure. that 'Pit Vo\\e.'fba\\ wou\d be revived. '5pirit We.e.\Cf> f\e.w b'f, af> uf>ua\, with the never- ending \if>t of e.ve.ntf>: J"e.\\o tating, P..rm -Wre.f>t\ing, Wing e,ow\, Quiz. e,ow\, Dre.f>f>-down Da'f. The 'Pep- \2,.a\\ie.f> f>tarte.d off with a bang thif> 'fear, but then drew mi~e.d re.ac.tionf> af> new traditionf> we.re being de.ve.\ope.d (C.an an'f one. ta\Ce.ove.r af> , op '5?). However, who c.ou\d ever forget the wi\d adf> f>hown at the firf>t-e.ve.r ",a\e.nt '5how"? '5tude.nt C.ounc.i\ waf> f>pic.e.d up with $'5 J"ohnn'f Wi\Mn af> 'Pre.f>ide.nt, but V'P l(e.vin \Z-ie.ffe.\ and '5e.c.re.tar'f , on'{ &.a\ante. he.\pe.d Mrf>. Maher to \Ce.e.p thif> "'5tar\ight ÂŁ,~pre.f>f>" on f>c.he.du\e.. La'5a\\e. ma'f be \Cnown for f>e.rvic.e. outf>ide. the f>c.hoo\, but '5tu dent C.ounc.i\ c.onfirmf> that f>e.rvic.e. if> juf>t af> c.ommon he.re inf>ide. f>c.hoo\. --l(e.vin \Z-ie.ffe.\--


Sully and Spanks looking tight in their blue blazers.

Jme members of Student Council discussing the pressing issues at La Salle


John Haggerty: "You will all come to realize, just as I did, that Mr. Roche is the smartest man on the face of the Earth."
































'DAVtD Hou



















RYAN l(07)7)EN


















HtcHAEL Tmrrs




Lows lloLPE









This year's NHS officers bring up the Offertory gifts to Father Janton at the induction Mass.

his 'itar the membership of the Nationa\ Honor '5ot:.itt'i tY-t:.ttdtd IOO students. Led b'i 'Presi dent John Haggert'i, Vit:.t 'President '5ean Ftd'ina, '5tt:.retar'i John Del.rte, and 1 reasurer 'Pat l(irts, the organization \t-las ab\e to pioneer a number of sut:.t:.tssfu\ programs. With the prit:.e\ess t:.ounse\ of \?r. Wi\\iam Di'Pasqua\e and Mrs. Doroth'i 'Ponist:.ia\C, the members of the NH'5 spearheaded a \arge st:.a\e tutoring program and the \Z-td C.ross \?\ood Drive. ln addition, members of the NH'5 vo\unteered to run the Quiz. \?o\t-1\ and serve as tour guides. A\\ members t:.ontributed to the sut:.t:.tss of this 'itar' s NH'5 b'i serving as true representatives of La '5a\\e.


- John Haggert'i-


Newly inducted members of the National Honor Society. "Dr. Dre," top, ministers to Dan Ford at the annual NHS Blood Drive for the Red Cross.


ve.r1 other We.dne.sda1 Mrs. Mar1 t:a1 Mullen and Mrs. l(ath\e.e.n O'C.onne.\\, along with other volunteer te.ai::.he.rs gathered down in the i::.afote.ria t:iti::.he.n dire.i::.ting and helping students pre.pare. food for the men of C.o\umbus House for the following da1, In the t:iti::.he.n students we.re e.ni::.ourage.d to use their imaginations when developing their re.i::.ipe.s. '5ome. re.i::.ipe.s we.re suae.ssfu\; and others, sui::.h as the barbe.we. i::.at:e., we\\, we.re produi::.e.d either b1 mistat:e. or b1 the drive down to 'Ph i\ade.\ ph ia.


On Thursda1s Mrs. Mullen and Mrs. O'C.onne.\\ gathered up the L'5C. volunteers and loaded up two vans for the ride ai::.ross the '5i::.hu1\t:i\\ \Z.ive.r, and past Dre.ie.\ Unive.rsit1. When the vans re.ai::.he.d C.o\umbus House, the te.ai::.he.rs and students began to pre.pare. the gourmet me.a\ as the e.ar\1 birds flooded the C.o\umbus House dining room. The L'5C. volunteers set the tables, gathered the i::.ondime.nts, pre.pared the beverages, and i::.oot:e.d the food. N dinner time the students served the guests, going from table to table. After dessert the 'Proje.d Home volunteers made sure to le.ave. the t:iti::.he.n and dining room spotless. Not on\1 was it fun to pre.pare. this fine food, but also going down and serving these misfortunate. men gave the students a satisfadion whii::.h surpassed fun. Mee.ting, \earning about, and ta\t:ing to these former home.less men gave the students, as we\\ as the men, a better pe.rspe.i::.tive. on the world. These men have be.en through more than we i::.an imagine., and trusting people and being treated we\\ b1 strange.rs are not things the.1 have e.ipe.rie.ni::.e.d often. L'5C. showed them re.sped and i::.are.. On the other hand L'5C. students \earned an important lesson about \ifo, people, and i::.ommunii::.ation. A lot of people ignore the \::ind of men found at C.o\umbus House, but La '5a\\e.'s students \earned to see them as human beings who de.serve. attention and help from others.

Andrew Mackintosh searches for some shnackie Mrs. Susan Sayer and the rest of the student finish up Care packa, II

L'5C. students and the men of the C.o\umbus House i::.ome. from different worlds, but are able to i::.ome. together oni::.e. e.ve.r1 two we.e.t:s and e.njo1 one another's i::.ompan1 . Without Mrs. Mullen and Mrs. O'C.onne.\\ none of this would have be.en possible.. Their man11e.ars of se.rvii::.e. show e.ve.r1one. a great e.iamp\e. of what a L'5C. volunteer should strive to be. I'm sure the men of the C.o\umbus are just as thant:fu\ for Mrs. Mullen and Mrs. O'C.onne.\\ as we are.



Ian Coop_er, Pat O'Connor, Brendan Heron, Kevin M Sean Fedyna, Chris Jeffers, Sean Brogan, Mike Nunn, and Ryan Pollock with food bask, LSC expressing the Christmas Spirit with a succes, Operation Santa Cl

Max Courtney, Ryan Pollock, and Kevin Moll load the van with Thanksgiving goods from the food drive. Dedicated students preparing "Care" packages for Project Home.


The. lta\ian C.\ub (left to right) : C:.hris J'anetti, Tim Horwedel, LuKe Field, Kevin Heselpoth, /Zich Salvucci, Oan C:.ippola (Kneeling): Mr. C:.ippola, fZ.yan Sciolla, J'oe 6'uerra, Pat Weller

The. C:,e.rman C.\ub of 2002 he.ade.d up b'( Mr. \-lohe.n\e.itne.r and assistant Mr. Mc.e>ride..


tz.l. (l.ac.ing Club Mr. Gi&ral~ t\arti1(mod&rator), £d Mc.Cu&~&r n1 Ngu1in, Au&tin 'P&rera, Mite.he,\\ &e,rgman, A\e,y. 'btaurow&~1, Gia~ 'Palo, iim Whalon

Mr. £van& &upe,rvi&&& it\e, ANIM£ Club doing th&ir thing; watc.hing a foriign movie,.

The. film Club :~ 14,w-(from le.ft to right): Thoma& £bbu~. 'John l'&ating. 'J'ohn &atti&ta, &~an Low~. l'&vin i atlow, l'ivin Wal~ir, t\olwic.~. Mr. t\olwic.~(mod&rator), Andre,w D&&id&rio, 1Z1an fi&ld&, Mi~ O'Ne.i\, Nie.~ t:.apou.i, &re,ndan O't\ara, 1Z1an &ar~ Front 14,w: Gire,g &an&~r. 'bam Cuc.inotta, 'J'ohn Nana, John 'bharaf, and J&ff t\amilton

The, t\i&to~ Club (from le,ft to right): Dr. 'btanton(mod&rator), 1'&nn1 Giambone,, l'&vin t\&&&lpoth, \Z.oman 'Pawnia~. Chuc.~ Long. Jim t\ar~n&, 'Pat Mc.Nu\a, Dave, t\.a1n, John Giiamo, Matt O'Donni\\, Andr&w t\annigan. Mi~ Mintz.e.r, Nie.~ A.ff&\. Andre,w De.gnan, and 'Paul Giormin&~1


he. La '5a\\e. Mathie.tu, partit:.ipate.d in seven wmpe.titions this 'fear, e.at:.h fowsing on a spe.Gifit:. topit:.. The.'( t:.ame. in suond in their division, thus se.wring a p\at:.e. in the. t:.it'(wide. p\a'(offs in Apri\. Tom 'P\it:.K, inspiring t:.aptain of the. A Tearn, won the. first-p\at:.e individual prize.. Others to whom the dub owes its int:.re.dib\e. suaess are A-Tearners Andrew ::rohn, ::redi Master f(e.vin \Z.ieffo\, ::rohn Haggert'(, '5ean "What's ID'f height?" Fe.d'(na, and the sensational f(evin Maggitti, as we\\ as e, Team t:.aptain ::fohn Wi\son, who a\so provided the ÂŁ.Omit:. re.\ief. The dub de.ep\'f appruiate.s the efforts and enthusiasm of its unflagging moderators, Mr. \<-Obert \Z.usse\\ and Mr. Mit:.hae\ 'Ponist:.iaK, and forgives a\\ of Mr. \Z.usse.\\'s simp\e addition errors. &i.o, Math\e.tes! -Thomas 'P\it:.K-


,he Math\etes J'ohn Braua, Oan White, J(evin Ma99itti, J'ohn Ha99erty, Timothy Wiison, Steve f2.od9ers, Tom PlicK Andrew J'ohn, J(evin fZ.eiffel

ur ~obotit:.s C.\ub ente.rf two wmpetitions, one Det:.ember and one. in Mart:.h, 'Penn '5tate. Abington. In Det:.ember wmpe.tition, La '5a\\e entered four ro bots. Our own Mikhe\\ Fiorentini e,ergman and ::reff e.agdis tooK t\ suond and third p\at:.e priz.e.s of the hi! st:.hoo\ division. We entered one othi suaessfu\ robot and one the dub wou1 not \iKe to ta\K about, thanKs. '/I deve.\oped two robots to enter in n Mart:.h wmpe.tition. Our moderator, M \<-Obert \Z.usse.\\ gave us his t:.onsta, support as we\\ as his met:.hanit:.a\ er-per tise.


-Thomas 'P\it:.Kr The \Z.obotiu, C.\ub: "Look what we have created!"



he La '5a\\e '5c.ienc.e C.\ub made a fresh start this '{ear \\lith severa\ ne\\l members and a 9reat man'{ ne\\l ideas. first, the 9roup dec.ided on thro\\lin9 a star9az.in9/piz.z.a part'{, \\lhic.h seemed quite suc.c.essfu\ sinc.e not one bite of piz.z.a remained b'{ the end of the affair . In Marc.h, the'{ trave\\ed to 1(ÂŁMA.1'o\\lertest Fac.i\ities \\lith moderators Mr.Dan C.ippo\aandMr.Tom e',arna. The e~perienc.e \\las e\ec.trif'{in9, \itera\\'{. Fina\\'{, some of the more en9ineerin9-foc.used minds dec.ided to ho\d a roc.\:'..et- bui\din9 c.ompetition, muc.h \i\:'..e the c.ompetitions Mr. C.ipo\\a has \\lith his ph'{sic.s dasses. C.oinc.idenc.e, I thin\:'.. not. In an'{ c.ase, it \\las a b\ast and sc.ienc.e dub hopes to do that and even more ne~t '{ear. -Timoth'{ Wi\son-

Mr. Cipolla, club moderator, presents a shocking demonstration on how electricity works.

The '$c.ienc.e C.\ul>:

a '5a\\e's A.c.ademic. De c.ath\on team finished first in this '{ear's regiona\ c.ompetition, thereb'f dethroning C.entra\'s reigning d'fnast'f. The team a\so made a strong . sho\\ling at its first-ever state c.om, petition, \\lhic.h too\:'.. p\ac.e at North 'Penn. La '5a\\e \\las represented b'f Dan White, e,\a\:'..e \4m\e'f, Dan 6.ood, :nm 6.ardner, lan Mc.Laugh\in, 'Pat Mc.Nee\a, 1 OO'f Ngu'fen, \Z.'fan fie\ds, 1 om 1'\ic.\:'.., Lu\:'..e f ie\d, and J'oho Wi\son. ihe'f studied ten topic.s, induding mind-bogg\ing math and ear- sp\itting c.ountr'{ music.. ihe team than\:'..s its moderators, Mr. \Z.usse\\ and Mr. '5\\leene'f, for their enc.oura9ement and for their superhuman patienc.e. -Thomas 1'\ic.\:'..-


The /\c.ademic. Dec.ath\on .yan Fields, Tom Plic.K, J'ason J'avie, Mr. f?rian Sweeney, Dan brood, Mr. fZ.obert tzussell, J'ames {,yardner, LuKe Field, J(evin Werner, J'ohn Wilson, Tony Nyu9en, f?laKe fZemley, Dan White


. N

The Foren~ics Club tries to talk our photographer into looking in tlzeir box-o-stuff.

and now we come to forensia,. You often see hese peop.le with huge tubs of evidence and fi\es. he.1 hover ~round the end of the second floor corridor and the c.op1ing room. 'Practicing until four or five in the afternoon, these people "now how to wor" so that the'f c.an come to La~a\\e at five in the morning so the'f c.an travel to C.entra\ 'Penns1\vania to compete. Under the guidance of e>rother tz.e.ne ~terner, 'President Mi"e "Little Mai' Mac.Namara, Vice 'President "~he.riff' Andrew F-1an, and ~eniors Dino Dedic., Dale Tan, ~ferem'l Vira1, and i<evin Wa\"er, the team enjo1ed much suc.c.ess this '{tar. Along with countless sweepsta"es won, the'f achieved man'l individual awards in events li"e Original Orator'{, Ora\ Interpretation, ÂŁ.y.temporaneous ~pea"ing, and C.ross-ÂŁ.Y.amination Debate. Loving\'{ c.a\\ed the "forum" b'f its members and its competitors, this organization promotes speech in a\\ of its dean forms. The La~a\\e forum ... an institution of people who wa"e up too ear\'f to c.ompete....and a group of friends who \ove to spea" and debate we\\. Mike McNamara and Dino Dedic perform "The Bible Abridged."

Dan Streelmen and Tom Weiser playing with their newlymade action heros.

Nick Keppol displays some ofhis amazing artistic skills




/ Gioacchino'R~ndazzo puts some final touches on a possible Mother's Day gift. ,I



During the summer program, teachers and students workÂŁ: together in order to help some inner city kids get in touch w their artistic side.

Sean McMahon smiles at the mere sight of a painted can.


Mike Montgomery signing up for the Art Club. Who said a bunch of squiggly lines can't be considered art?


, ___


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l A. I sc.he.du\e.. Never missing a be.at, the. 'Pep- Band p\a'fe.d at e.ve.r'l footba\l


game.. A\so, students began getting aa\imate.d to their re.spe.Gtive. band lasses. The. J'az.z. Band and C.onc.e.rt Band began re.hearsing as the. C.ompe.tition •and started \ining up their songs and p\a'(ing various gigs. '5ome. students e.ve.n 1mture.d outside. of the. sc.hoo\ to partic.ipate. in A\1-C.atho\ic. organiz.ations. As the. da'(S gre.1,11 shorter, ac.tivit'( around the. band room inc.re.ase.d. It ou\dn't be. \ong be.fore. the. ne.1,11 Music. Wing 1,11ou\d be. open, and the. Band 1,11ou\d ave. a ne.1,11 home.. When De.c.e.mbe.r ro\le.d around, ~ids 1,11e.re. not on\'( getting re.ad'( ,r the. C.hristmas bre.a~ but a\so for the. C.hristmas C.onc.e.rt. The. da'f after 1e. C.hristmas pe.rformanc.e., students from a\l grades g\adl'( spent their sc.hoo\ me. \ending a hand in the. moving proc.e.ss. As c.ardboard boie.s t\e.1,11, equipment as asse.mb\e.d, rise.rs \lie.re. c.onstruc.te.d, and instruments 1,11e.re. moved. After fo1,11 da'(S of non -stop 1,11or~, 1,11e. \lie.re. ab\e. to use. the. ne.1,11 band room . he. se.c.ond semester found the. band furious\'( pre.paring for the. approac.hing ompe.tition '5e.ason and ma~ing plans to p\a'l at suc.h sc.hoo\s as '5t. Maria l.ore.tti, Vl'(ne.dd Me.re.'(, Merion Me.re.'(, and Hudson C.atho\ic.. Members performed in ,mpe.titions at Upper More.\and and North 'Penn. At both, the. band re.c.e.ive.d Ltpe.rior \<.atings and a1,11ards for Be.st \Z-h'(thm '5e.c.tion, Be.st Trombone. '5e.c.tion, est Trumpet '5e.c.tion and Be.st '5o\os. '5oon, attention turned to the. spring usic.al, C,,eor9e M! then to pre.paring for the. Unive.rsit'( of the. Arts and wakade. of Bands C.hampionship, and fina\l'(, the. '5pring C.onc.e.rt. The. on\'( thing ft 1,11as for the. juniors to ta~e. the. re.ins b'f \e.ading the. \Ila'( for the. graduation ·.rformanc.e.. '5e.nior Brian l.i\le.spie. served as Band 'President, a\ong 1,11ith first Vic.e.-e.side.nt 'Pat We.\\e.r, '5e.c.ond Vic.e.-'Pre.side.nt Lu~e. fie.\d, Band '5e.c.re.tar'l·e.asure.r David Light, and Band Manager 'Phil Davis. At the. he.\m of the. music. ,partme.nt during this time. of c.hange.s and amaz.ing ac.c.omp\ishme.nts 1,11as Mr. aimaro. He. 1,11as honored to have. the. ne.1,11 home. of the. La '5a\le. Band named he. J'ose.ph f. C.ic.c.imaro Music. Wing." Mr. Cs right hand man, Mr. Vettori, 1the. C.ompe.tition Band to ne.1,11 heights 1,11ith his tru\'l amaz.ing music.a\ e.ipe.rtise.. 1e. t1,110 1,11e.re. assisted b'l Mr. l(e.nne.d'f, Mr. l.e.nove.se., Mr. Bene., Mr. Nero, Mrs. ,nse.'l, and Mr. Mu\le.r. Together, these. men and 1,11ome.n made. La '5a\le.'s Band lru\'l spe.c.ia\ e.ipe.rie.nc.e. that 1,11e. are. a\l ve.r'l proud to be. part of. -Brian l.i\le.spie.-

Steve Sucharski lays down the beat for La Salle's pep band. Mr. C takes a break from the peppiness of directing the pep band. 132

Luke Field, Andrew L'Ecuyer, Mark Caltabiano, and Ch Dougherty exhibit their excellent trumpet-playing ski

The reason why La Salle students are so smart? ... we listen to classical music while studying in the library. Steve Lyons and Greg Bednarz help welcome La Salle's students on the first day of school. Jim Devery: Saxamaphone ... Saxamaphoooone. 11


On trumpet, Luke Field.

Brian Gillespie, top, conducts the pep band. Senior Pat Weller is the lone French Horn player. Andrew Merrici Jerry Amole, and Dino Dedic: "Let's Rock and Roll, ma: The pep band's trumpet section.

Members of the Chorus sing a hy1nn at Mass. Nick Covolus provides the soothing sounds of the tuba.

Jay Colburn: "I may have two lazy eyes, but I can play the keyboard like no other." The band provides some upbeat tunes at the first assembly.


Ryan Dwyer and Larry "Purves" Montgomery laugh about Austin Perera's ability to read the daily bulletin.

Mr. Dempsey taking it easy as moderator with his usua Lipton's Iced Tea and Daily News. One of many WEXP crew rotations.


e La '5a\\e Lab Manager program. led b1 C.hris C.ostantino. 'Pete '5antamaria. and Gieorge farina. has . undergone ver1 signific.ant c.hanges this 1ear. One of these c.hanges is the advantageous restruc.turing of the program that happened at the beginning of the 1ear. the lab managers reorganized into two divisions: a c.omputer lab team and a web team . .the lab team is responsible for l'eeping the internal networl' at La '5a\\e running effic.ientl1. and the web team has been developing a more robust web platform for ey.ternal networl' use. thus far. the lab team has been diligentl1 worl'ing on the networl' infrastruc.ture of La '5alle in order to provide a more c.omplete learning ey.perienc.e to ever1one. the lab team has managed the deplo1ment and maintenanc.e of over one hundred n e w ha c. h er laptops. c.om pleted deplo1ment of our wireless networl'. and upgraded a\\ of our c.omputer labs to Windows )('P. the stabilit1 and reliabilit1 of the La 'f>a\\e c.om puter networl' has never been so good. the c.urrent projec.t roadmap of the lab team will be providing new methods of integrating tec.hnolog1 into the educ.ation proc.ess. the web team also has had c.omparable ac.hievements this 1ear. l\t the beginning of the 1ear. the web team wor\:.ed forvent\1 on a revamped design for the website. After this. c.ompletel1 new c.ontent was delivered to the website in order to better inform La '5a\\e students of ac.ademic. resourc.es and upc.oming events. New programs are c.urrentl1 being rolled out in order to provide more c.omplete information s1stems and also to fac.ilitate the learning proc.ess b1 harnessing the benefits of modern web-serving tec.hnologl the time is ripe. then. to rec.ogniz.e that La 'f>a\\e is at the top of the tec.hnologic.al terrain of Americ.an high sc.hools and all of this would not be possible without the dedic.ation of student lab managers at La '5alk -Nic.holas C.ovolus-

Barber Dino Dedic strangles Rob Baumgardner for not giving him a good tip.

Vince Vassallo shows his feminine side as he gets beat up by a Mount girl. Jim Devery asks the audience, "Do you have any more gum??"

Dan Duffey is shocked out of stagefright.

•hif> '{tar' f> fa\\ drama, The &ood Doc.tor, b'f Nei\ '5imon, portra'{f> an uninf>pired writer f>tarc.hin9 for Mmethin9 interef>tin9 and awe- in in9 to c..ompo5e. Under the bri\\iant direc.tion of Mr. nif> e>\oh, the <-af>t performed bt'{ond er-pe<-tation. The · - amaz.in9 and mu\ti-ta\ented f>tnior e>rian &ti\\ei>pie ed the \ead ro\e of the Writer. Other f>tniorf> in the <-af>t uded '5ean Ahern, \l.ob e>aum9ardner, Dino Dedi<-, J'im er'{, Dan Duffe'{, :f:P. Laub, Mi\(e M<-Namara, J'im ,po\i, Matt Qui99, Vinn'{ Vaf>f>a\\o, who doub\ed af> f>tant dire<-tor, :fohn Wi\Mn and the true f>tar of the w, 'fOUrf> tru\'{, Andrew Merri<-\(. Underdaf>f>men Lu\(e enz.o, 'Peter Hand, '5ean Qui99 and Dan Wood a\50 rormed with great ta\ent. from the Mount, f>tniorf> e>\air 1f>tron9, :foanna C.omn'{ and Anna 'Pend\t'{ 9ave f>turd'{ rorman<-ef> af> didjuniorf> C.he\5ea Herf><-h, £.mi\'{ '5mith Diana z.a\ewf>\(i. from &tw'{ntdd Mere.'{, f>tnior Lif> 1r gave a remar\(ab\e performan<-e, af> did her Mpho ·e f><-hoo\matef> A\er- An9io\i\\o, C.o\\een Hoa9 and '5arah lin9. £.vtr'{ thef>pian 9ave evtr'{thin9 he or f>he had to :e The &ood Doc.tor one of the bef>t produ<-tionf> of La e hif>tOr'f. The <-af>t wou\d \i\(e than\( ever'{ f>ta9e <-rew nber for ma\(in9 f>Ure ever'{ item, \i9ht, f>Ound and tain waf> in itf> proper p\a<-e; no f>how c..ou\d 90 on without ,e peop\e. AIM, we appre<-iate the he\p of Mrf>. Tamm'{ 5a\\o and l(atie e>rad'f with ma\(eup, and we than\( Mrf>. if> e>\oh for her wor\( with a\\ the <-of>tumef>. Mr. e>\oh e.r re<-eivef> enough praif>e and than\(f> for ta\(in9 the time dire<-t ever'{ f>how; he tru\'f ma\(ef> ever'{ f>how bef>t pof>f>ib\e. -Andrew Merri<-\(-

John Wilson and Mike McNamara relive Grumpy Old Men.

The cast of The Good Doctor takes a curtain call.

Andrew Merrick tells Brian Gillespie about a great deal he can get him on a car.

e9innin9 in November ot 2001, La 'f>a\\e's theater pro9ram be9an to undertalCe one of the most diffic.u\t i:.ha\\en9es to date in its three dei:.ades of eY.isteni:.e - C,,eor9e M! The students \'lho auditioned not on\1 i:.ommitted emse\ves to the ai:.tin9 and sin9in9 assoi:.iated \'lith ever1 musii:.a\, but also to \earnin9 1methin9 mui:.h more diffic.u\t taslC - tap dani:.in9. One i:.ou\d hear the sounds of La '5a\\e udents and their foma\e i:.ounterparts tappin9 in disi:.ord, but as the months passed, e dani:.in9 fol\ into plai:.e and b1 Mari:.h, it \'las as thou9h these 1oun9 men had been 1ni:.in9 their entire lives. C,,eor9e M! fo\\o\'ls the pro9ression of the \ifo and times of Gieor9e M. C.ohan, 1e of the bi99est stars on e>road\'la1 from the turn of the i:.entur1 throu9h the F-oarin9 ~enties. The sho\'I i:.ha\\en9es al.tors, voi:.a\ists, and dani:.ers alilCe, and is filled \'lith an ·ra1 of patriotii:. son9s. After the tra9ed1 of '5eptember II, 2001, Mr. C.iai:.imaro fo\t at the most appropriate musii:.a\ \'lou\d be C,,eor9e Ml due to the patriotii:. flair that eai:.h · the son9s possesses. With sui:.h reno\'lned son9s as "YanlCee Doodle Dand{' "Girand .d f\a9," and "Over There," C,,eor9e Mi's patriotism permeated the auditorium and \'IO\'led 1dieni:.es.

'5tron9 senior leadership hi9hli9hted the sho\'I. Al\ of the partii:.ipatin9 seniors •peared in at \east three musii:.a\s durin9 their past four 1ears. Matt Qui99 pla1ed the ~mandin9 role of Gieor9e M. C.ohan. Fran!( DiLe\\a doubled as assistant to the direi:.tor 1d as '5am Harris, G,eor9e C.ohan's business partner. Trevor Needham made his ·eseni:.e fo\t as G,eor9e's father, a role that demanded a deft ai:.tin9 abi\it1. Vini:.e Vassallo 1rtra1ed various i:.harai:.ters throu9hout the pla1, as \'le\\ as the narrator \'lho be9an eai:.h t. LilCe\'lise, Dan Duffo1 portra1ed several i:.harai:.ters. Will G,a\\a9her topped off a lented dass. The audieni:.e also enjo1ed the tap dani:.in9 of MilCe Dominii:.IC, MilCe 1\entine, Dave Li9ht, Dan Mi:.Giinle1, Gire9 He\enialC, Warren '5mith, J'oe l(irlC, and MilCe i\lCins. The pla1 also featured 9ir\s from Gi\'11nedd, the Mount. '5t. e>asi\'s and other c.a\ hi9h si:.hoo\s, \'lith leads Nani:.i \2-usse\\, '5arah e>onner, Maureen C.\earlCin, and 1ristine 'Pieri:.e. Overall. C,,eor9e M! provided a \earnin9 ey.perieni:.e for al\ those involved, but ore important\1, a 9ood time. -Matt Qui99-

La Salle Music Theatre Presents




The Stage Crew takes a break.

vI.ike Dominick and David Light practicing their dance sequence.

Matt Quigg as George M. Cohan. LaSalle Music Theatre presents

(jeorge M! Choreographed by Kim Williams

Costumes by

Colleen Durkin Lapowsky Producer Joseph Ciccimaro '57

Vocal Director Jason Michael

Lighting D~ign

Production Manager

Conducter Brian Gillespie '02

Directed by

Frank DiLclla '02

Rita Schnudt Bob Schmidt '72 Rob Schmidt '00

Rehearsal Accompanist Jay Colburn '03

Box Office/S;les/Typing

Stage Crew Moderator

Patricia DiLella

John Pax

Cast of Characters: Narrator.......... ............. Vinny Vassallo Tapping Little Georgie . .......................... .. ............. Kevin Melnick 10 yr. old Georgie., ...............................Danielle Breslin-Romano George Cohan. ........................................... Matthew Quigg Jerry Cohan . .... ....................... ...........................................Trevor Needham Nellie Cohan.... ............................................. ........... Christine Pierce Josie Cohan..... ................................... , ........ Maureen Clearkin Sam Harris .. ........................................... Frank Dilella Ethel Levy ..... .................................................. Sarah Bonner Agnes Nolan .... .. ........... Nancy Russell Fay Templeton ..........Danielle Breslin-Romano Ma Templeton.................................... ............... Megan DiPaolo Archie ....................... ...................................... .... .Jay Colburn Dummy. ........................................Michael Foell Madame Grimaldi .............. Kat Hinkel, Amanda Day* Clapboard girls... .... Christi Farag, Maria Socaciu Lhtlc girls.............. .. ........Caitlin Coad, Caitlin Immerman Colleen ................ .........Colleen Kelley Kat.......... ................. Kat Hinkel Diana..... .. ... Diana Zalewski* •3122102 Featured Characters: Daniel Duffey Mitchell Bergman Robbie Szoslak Michael Dominick Joe Kirk Gwen Breen Gina Felte

Chris Rose Hannah Egner

The senior cast members of George Ml

Featured Tap Dancers: David Light Lisa Opdyke Michael Wilkins Greg Heleniak Katie Hartung Daniel McGinley Michael Valentine Lauren Fitzgerald Warren Smith Brooke Adams Carmen Breen-Lopez (Dance Captain) "Nellie Kelley" Boys: Peter Hand Dan Wood Robbie Szostak

''Yankee Doodle" Girls: Samantha Feeney . Issie Lapowsky

Joe Kirk

Alexandra Meis


Matt Quigg, co-editor-in-chief, exp_resses his true feelings about the food in the caf'. Sean Quigg: "These pictures are excellent to blackmail Mr. File with."

ie sports page does not take much intelli~ence to run. For example, Chris Radvansky is eating a CD.


s a student \>la\l(s through the basement of 'f:>aint Milhae\ \-\a\\ after slhoo\, it is not unlommon to hear a voile de.dare: ~What a bumfuz.z.\ing artide!" or "Divorle 1our fami\f' or "DoÂľb\e MlZ.ip-lt 'f:>iz.e.!" No, these strange sounds do not GOme from the WÂŁ)('P studio or from the Lab Interns but rather from a group of de.dilated, driven, and inte\\edua\ students. \>lho are \>le l(idding? The noises GOme from the usua\\1 rambunltious Wisterian offile on dead\ine da1Transitional is perhaps the most apt \>la1 to deslribe the start of the 2001-2002 Wisterian. The paper \>las sent ball( do\>ln to the nent of 'f:>aint Milhae\'s \-\a\\ after a one 1ear stint in \>lhilh the \>lriters and editors \>le.re a\\o\>led to breathe fresh air and gaz.e. at natura\ \-\o\>lever, \il(e so man1 times before, the Wis a4iusted and GOntinued its servile to the La'f:>a\\ian lommunit1. The staff de.dilated to the ne\>l doltrine requiring that artides be handed in on time and the paper be sent to print b1 the dead\ine. These prinlip\es I a\\ of one month- - unti\ the first edition of this 1ear's paper missed its origina\ print dead\ine. To aaompan1 this rene\>led de.dilation to prinlip\e, the lo-editors in lhief, Matt Quigg and Andre\>l \Z.1an, p\anned to lreate a more thought provol(ing, substantive, and re\evant pub\ilation. No \onger \>lou\d the Wisterian be l(no\>ln as the paper \>lith "a\\ the ne\>ls that's fit to print-a month ago." Despite the never ending telhno\ogila\ diffiGU\ties and revisions, the paper be.lame more re\evant and student interest peal(ed. The Wis met one of its primar1 goa\s this 1ear: informing students \>lhi\e lreating disGUssion throughout the Slhoo\. 'f:>ulh suaess lame under the \eadership of moderators Mr. Danie\ fi\e and Mr. Brian 'f:>\>leene.1 and as a resu\t of The Wis' supporting last. '5eniors C.hris \Z.advansl(1 and Mil(e Tel(\its strove for eY.le\\enle on the 'f:>ports 'Page. And, as a\\>la1s, underdassmen had a profound inf\uenle on the , paper. Juniors Joe D\>l1er and \Z.1an C.ampbe\\ \ool( for\>lard to mal(ing their unique marl( on The Wis neit 1ear. The sophomore duo of C.hris \Z.oss and 'f:>ean Quigg provided inva\uab\e servile and ta\ent as the.1 gained more eiperienle. The staff hopes to GOntinue the paper's ongoing efforts for ba\anled and intriguing reporting in the 1ears to GOme. -Andre\>l \Z.1an -

The Wisterian's motley crew. Barely shown: Chris Ross. Go figure. Stewart Ryan's are the only set of eyes to gaze upon the Op-Ed page.


Chris Radvansky works diligently on the computer; at l1 someone is doing some work around here.

:m Kirk tests his

its against yet wther game of -::amily Feud"

Chris Blaney is a cropping machine.


Steve Curran "hard at work" as usual.

The 2002 Blue and Gold Staff (left to right) Mrs. Elizabeth Field, J.P. Laub, Chris Radvansky, Tim Wilson, Steve Curran, Chris Blaney, Brandon Black, Dave Moll, Kevin Tatlow, Tim Kirk, and Mrs. Linda Donahue.

1is '{t-arboo\( ~as ~ritte.n, GOmpose.d, re.vised, ~dite.d, and re.vised again b'{ a group of novil.e. ~ditors and staff me.mbe.rs. The. on\'{ veterans on ff indude. Advisor Mrs. Donahue. (5 '{t-ars) and Tim Wi\son (1 '{t-ar). £.ditors '$te.ve. C.urran, B\ane.'{, C.hris \2.advans\('{, and \:,randon \:,\al\( e.ade.d the. some.times dre.adfu\ but ne.Ge.ssar'{ tas\( >dulin9 the. '{t-arboo\(." Other staff me.mbe.rs ~d '$e.niors Tim \(ir\(, Dave. Mo\\, and J.1'. Laub; ·s l(e.vin Tat\o~ and Dave. Naab; and Assistant 1r Mrs. fie.\d. As '{OU Gan te.\\, Gome. '$e.pte.mbe.r, ·e. re.ad'{ to e.mbar\( on an inte.re.stin9 endeavor. \-\e.'{, ~hat if none. of us '' novile. boo Kies" e.ve.r d up at that me.e.tin9 in Ma'{ 2.001? You ~ou\dn't idin9 thfr, right no~, ~ou\d '{OU? You probab\'{ n't have. a boo\(! Do.n't ta\(e, for 9rante.d this S'{m a GOmp\e.te.d '{t-ar of \-\i9h '$£.\loo\. ln the. ~ords of

Mr. ~e.ra\d Mi\\e.r, "You \(no~ ~ho has the. most po~e.r in this slhoo\? '$tude.nt C.ounli\ - NO, N\-\'$ offile.rs - NO, J Ol\(S - NO; lt' s the. Ye.arboo\( staff be.Gause. They C.ontrol Your Memories." We.\\ put, Mr. Mi\\e.r. \:,ut ~h'{ did the. four editors de.Gide. to aue.pt Mrs. Donahue.'s invitation to a 4-da'{ e...,.po in ~e.tt'{sbur9, 1' A ~he.re. the.re. are. C.ivi\ War batt\e.fie.\ds, farm anima\s, monuments, pikhfor\(s, rale.Gars, and murders a\\ ~rapped into one. historila\ me.\tin9 pot. C.-\2.ad - "The. ~ir\s" (1 to I 9ir\ to bo'{ ratio), '$te.ve. C.. - "That's m'{ 9he.tto, '{o!," \:,randon - "l \i\(e, those. We.st VA hone.'{s", C..hris e,\ane.'{ - " l didn't ~anna 90.'' e,e,\ie.ve. it or not, a 9ood time. ~as had b'{ a\\. '$inle. the. be.9innin9 of the. '{t-ar, the. '{t-arboo\( offile. has be.en our home.room, \oun9e.,faud'f GOmmorls, lompute.r \ab, lafe.te.ria, 9'{mnasiu~99in9 grounds, and game. room. lt' s pre.tt'{ ni.~ GOmpare.d to the. Wisterian's "ho\e. in the. ~ of the. basement." We., after a\\, have. a ~indo~! '$0, dear re.ade.r, ~e. hope. '{OU e.njo'{ the. 2.002. f-dition of the. BLU£ &r {;yOLO. lf '{OU have. an'{ Gomp\aints, ~e.' re. sorr'{, but no ma\ile. ~as intended. \-\e.'{, ~e. didn't \(no~ ~hat ~e. ~e.re. doing an'{~a'{! -'$te.ve.n C.urran-


taff explains to Brandon what a COPY envelope is for.

Hardcore Yearbook, man. Right on! . Donahue's enthusiasm ~s Chris Blaney.


Paul! Paul! Paul?

Ryan Dwyer to a sleeping Steve Schaffer: "Dude, did you just rip one?" Steve Curran catches some serious air in the Sugarbush terrain park. Steve Schaffer and Ryan Pollock simultaneously hit a jump ... Look out! e La 'f>alle 'i>l'i t:.lub embarl'ed on the highl1 antic.ipated Vermont Trip thi& pa&t 1ear 'llith eight., &tudent&, more han ever before. T'llo bu&e& tran&ported the "eilue" and "6.old" Team& to the 'l>heraton Hotel in eiurlington, Vermont after mid-term& had bun c.ompleted that Thur&da1, J'anuaf1 n. A& the bu&e& entered the hotel parl'ing lot, 'lie &a'II over a foot of &now on the ground and flal'u falling from the &l''f; evef1one 'Ila& sto1'ed for &ome big time Vermont &l'iing. The c.lub 'l!ent to the 'f>to'lle \ZUort that Frida1, J'a1 'Peal' on 'f>aturda1. and then c.lo&ed out the trip at 'f>ugarbu&h 'i>l'i \ZUort all da1 'f>unda1 and half of Monda1. Dupite the C,:1,;am 'llal'e- up c.all& and long. c.old da1& on the &lopu, the thrill&, c.hill&, and &pill& of Vermont &l'iing 'lie.re enjo1ed b'f all. Mr. J'amu Tate (Moderator) and Mr. Nie.bola& 1~

t:.oggin& lead the trip 'llith c.haperonu Mr. Hart~. Mr. Falt.4 Mr. Molu&h, Mr&. Tate, Dave Wenhold, and, 1"路 even Mr. Miller. (&U pic.ture to the right)! The four da1& and four n e~perienc.ed in Vermont 'lie.re fun-filled and euiting. The"' &c.enef'f, the fruh po'llder &l'iing. and vie.'11 from the top of t mountain& 'lie.re all breathtal'ing. 拢ven 6.af1 (the eilue Tear: bu& driver) enjo1ed him&elf. Until ne~t 1ear....."'i>l'i Trip, eiab1 o.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.!!r ""'f>teven t:.ur

The 2002 Ski Club Members. Hey, there's Mr. Miller chillin out after a rough tumble. Sean McManus and Tim Koons pause for a quick picture. Sean Brogan: ''I'm tired, call me when the tent's ready for sleeping. 11



f 1ou wa\~ed through the na\\s of La 'i>a\\e on 'i>unda1 mornings, 1ou might nave heard the voic.es of Moc.~ r ria\ partic.ipants raising objec.tions and arguing the finer points of the \aw. After two 1ears of disappointing finishes, this 1ear's squad sought to estab\isn itse\f as one of the premier team. ,his 1ear's Moc.~ r ria\ team was guided b1 the e~pertise and profic.ienc.1 of attorne1-c.oac.n Mr. 'i>c.ott Wo\pert, ÂŁsq. 'S4 and Mrs. Nanc.1 1a1\or. Fac.u\t1 moderators Mr. ÂŁdward Mo\usn and Mr. 6.era\d ÂŁvans ne\ped steer the twent1 partic.ipants on a stead1 c.ourse towards vic.tor1. Attorne1s and moderators presided as judges in moc.~ inter squad sc.rimmages. A\\ the wni\e, tne1 offered their advic.e in the arenas of the finer points of the \aw, strateg1, and theatric.a\ performanc.e.


After rec.eiving a fic.titious c.ase from ,emp\e Universit1 \aw 'i>c.noo\"s Moc.~ "fria\ 'Program, partic.ipants immersed tnemse\ves in arguing the finer points of the c.ase, but more important\1 in presenting it. 'i>tudents were sc.ored more on their powers of persuasion than on the merits of the c.ase itse\f. ,he 2001- 02. squad possessed the most ta\ented group of students to partic.ipateDefense A_ttorney Nick Shie!ds d~zes off duri . . . witness Ray Subers testimony. m Moc.~ ,r,a\ m the past fow 1ears. With a ta\ented arra1 of both upperdassmen and freshmen, Moc.~ "fria\ was poised for suc.c.ess. 'i>eniors \Z-Ob \?aumgardner and Matt Quigg \ed the c.rew as witness and attorne1 respec.tive\1, and Juniors Nie.~ 'i>nie\ds and Dave Hea1n portra1ed student-attorne1s. 'i>opnomores Doug 1a1\or as a student- attorne1 and 'i>ean Quigg as a witness, and freshmen l<a1 'i>ubers and 'i>tewart 1<-1an highlighted ata\ented c.orps of underc.\assmen.


In the midst of debating, arguing, and objec.ting, Moc.~ "fria\ offers the opportunit1 for its partic.ipants to re\a~ and just nave fun.

Prosecuting attorney Dave Heay_n focuses h attention on the witness stand. Mock Trial Members take time away from their trials to group shot.

A member of the Photo Club going for a nice scenic shot in the grotto. irony_ of the Photo Club, as a group, getting their tos taken.

mnu,t'{ lnte.rnationa\ is a Nobe.\-priz.e. winnin9 9rassroots or9aniz.ation founded in t'flPt b'f \:7ritish \aw'fe.r 'Pe.te.r \:7e.ne.nson, de.dic..ate.d to fre.e.in9 prisoners of c..onsc..ie.nc..e., 9ainin9 fair tria\s for politic.a\ prisoners, e.ndin9 torture., politic.a\ \:'.i\\in9s and "disappe.aranc..e.s," and abo\ishin9 the. de.ath pe.na\t'f throu9hout the. wor\d. It be.9an as a simp\e. appe.a\ for the. re.\e.ase. of two 'Portu9ue.se. students who had be.e.n arre.ste.d afte.r ma\:'.in9 a "toast to fre.e.dom" in a Lisbon bar. ~inc..e. the.n, Amoe.st'{ has 9rown e.r-pone.ntia\\'f; toda'f, ove.r one. mi\\ion me.n, wome.n, and students from around the. wor\d proud\'{ c..a\\ the.mse.\ve.s me.mbe.rs. La ~a\\e.'s own student c..hapte.r has done. some. amaz.in9 wor\:'. ove.r the. past 'fe.ar in furthe.rin9 the. c..ause. of human ri9hts. ln Oc..tobe.r 2001, the. five. student moderators - 'Pat l(irts, 'Phi\ C.arro\\, l'oe. C.arro\\, Marc. Mon9e. and Andrew \2-'fan - atte.nde.d the. annua\ Mid-Atlantic.. C.onfore.nc..e. in Wi\min9ton, D£, whe.re. the.'{ 9athe.re.d infor mation about some. of Amne.st'{'s spe.c..ia\ foe.us c..ase.s and ne.twor\:'.e.d with othe.r students. A petition drive. was he.I in the. fa\\ on be.ha\f of prisone.r-of-c..onsc..ie.nc..e. l'ose. 6.a\\ardo, who, than\:'.s part\'{ to our he.\p, was re.\e.ase.d in e.a fe.bruar'{ afte.r se.rvin9 a 'f-'{e.ar prison se.nte.nc..e.. ln l'anuar'{, La ~a\\e. Amoe.st'{ me.mbe.rs wor\:'.e.d with another \i c..hapte.r in Lane.aster, 'Pa, to put on a be.ne.fit c..onc..e.rt, J"'amnesty, for the. 'Pe.op\e.'s C.oa\ition A9ainst 'Po\ic..e. \:7ruta\i' Othe.r e.ve.nts indude.d a te.ac..h- in on the. p\i9ht of the. ~udane.se. pe.op\e., a 6.\oba\ £duc..ation Motivators (6.£M) seminar he.\d at C.he.stnut Hi\\ C.o\\e.9e., and a re.9ion-wide. far- b\itz. on be.ha\f of l'ose. 6.a\\ardo, not to mention e.r-te.nsive., on9oin9 \e.tte.r writin9 c..ampai9ns. Amoe.st'{ lnte.rnationa\ is mode.rated b'f fac.u\t'{ me.mbe.r, Mrs. £\iz.ab fie.\d. -'Phi\ C.arro\\-


Amnesty International : Joe Carroll, Mrs. Elizabeth Field, Colin Kirts, Ra Rincon, Dave Achey, Andrew Ryan, and Phil Carroll. ·


Mr. Hohenleitner and members of La S~ll( s Respect Life Organzzatzon.


For the past five years, La Salle has been offering the Kairos retreat to the Senior class. Participation has grown rapidly over this time and more than 200 Seniors have gone (once or twice) this school year on any of the six retreats from 37-21 to 37-26. Each retreat group is accompanied by Campus Ministers Mr. Mark "Chez"nik and Mr. Lew Clark, who tirelessly commit themselves to the "behind the scenes" efforts which make the retreat work. Leaving on a Tuesday afternoon and returning on a Friday evening, thirty to forty Senior classmates spend time at Camp Neumann away from their families, school, and the daily grip.d. Along with a dozen student and adult leaders who set an ex~mple, everyone shares their ideas, thoughts, feelings, and prqblems at Kairos. The profound effect that the retreat has on us young men can only be vaguely described by some ofthe followingcomments... -Steven Curran-Kairos is the best thing to hit La Salle since the Spanish Department started watching Destinos." - Brendan Whitaker

-" ................... "(speechless)

- Bob Palidora

"Kairos is about being real with yourself and others, there are no masks and no lies there." -Anonymous

Kairos 37-23 group shot. Conrad Lohoclci borrows Pat Beaty's "Crocodile Hunter" hat. 37-21 retreatants "lounging" in Coleman Lounge.


Kairos is a time of realization and change. -Mike Teklits

Ian Cooper, far left, does his hilarious "Chez" impression. Reif and Mr. Clark's group on 3 7-2 4 Chuck Parker and Brandon Skupski: Brotherly Love.

1iros is just what I needed at this point in my life. It ed me put things into perspective and face reality- it changed my life forever." -Mark Spangler

Sean Seese is a happy man, and why shouldn't he bi

Bob Careless and Dana "Still crazy after all these years."


Right back at ya, cool guy.

Mike Onufrak & Jerry Givnish show off their dates.


Smiling Pat Delaney with a smiling date.

Pat Weller: "There's nothing like the cool, refreshing taste of' Sierra Mist."'

u Kahan, "Mr. Clark why didn't you tell me you didn't have a date, I could have found you one."

Dave Rock down 200 G's.

Rob Baumgardner at Junior Prom.

Eric Poupard & Marlio Escobar.


"The Asian Invasion" Bobby Cho stares down the camera on his way to the wing bowl final.

Mr. Gillespie watches as Trevor Needham gets owned i1 wrestling by Mike Aluise.

Mike Bocchino holds the hardware as the members of the 2002 Wingbowl compete for the title. An anxious LaSalle crowd watches as the gluttons put ci wing afteru


t Kirts and Ryan Rodden look on in horror as n Flick does his naked celebration dance at the Quiz Bowl.

Paul Needle aka 'Big Hairy Fat Kid" shows the size and power of his vast gut.

Wing Bowl MC Ian Cooper': "So I says to the guy, I says ... "

wnat we rea11y heard at La Salle ... '5enora Z.Oe\tsd1 - No, idiotas! Mr. Dempse1 - He1, spar\(ies! l,r. Wi\\iam -The1 ain't gonna ta\(e 1ou with lourses \i\(e l,as\(etweavin9 11 and Wei9ht\iftin9 IO Mr. l'ohnson-1 am m1 own grandpa. Mr. Devine-It's 9onn-e happen. '5enor e,\anlo -'5enores, este episodio es mu1 importante. Mr. ~d-Are 1ou with me?? Mr. C.hesni\(-'5hamo\(in, 'Penns1\vania Mr. C.\ar\(-t\ow's it 9oin'? Mr. C.ipo\\a-1 wi\\ report 1ou to the assistant prinlipa\ for alademil affairs, Mr. l'oseph 'P. D'An9e\o. Than\(s for lomin'. Mr. Mi\\er-'5o the rea\it1 belomes ... Mr. Nilo\etti-'5pea\(in9 as a Hindu now ... Mr. 'Punte\-01( bab1! Mr. 'Ponislia\(-Now what 1ou're gonna wanna 90 ahead and do is 90 ahead and ... Mr. Lilhtner-'Put 1our two-pieles on, bo1s. Mr. ~lhe-You gotta appreliate the derivative! Mr. Harte1-Ah, lala! You 9u1s are \itt\e pissants. Mr. 6'ei9er - '5utne questiones hodie omnes? Minime? l,r. ÂŁrnest - 6'ent\emen, an1 prob\ems, questions, or lrises to dea\ with toda1? l,r. C.har\es - One tuition to a lhair. Designed for SUlless. Mr. Young - "Needs more quotes. e,,.." Mr. ÂŁvans - I \i\(e to use the 1(1'5'5 method. Mr. Hin\(\e - 6'et some dass, and get to dass. Mr. 6'rale - Too vague, er-pand on that. Mrs. 'Ponislia\( - Ot(! 6'ood- l,1e!

Matt Morris and Lou Mancinelli: motley crew.

See page 161.


'Pop C.u\ture.

La'5a\\ian C.u\ture.

favorite fema\e C.e\ebrit1 e>ritne1 '5pears ~fenna ::rameson 路n,e O\sen TVlins

favorite Teac.h~r Mr. C.ipo\\a Mr. '5V1eene1

favorite \4quired \4ading C.atc.her in the t<-1e C.at c.h - 2.2. Of Mic.e and Men

e>est 'Patth of Hair fat e>eat1 'peari Mi\\er e>rendan Whital(er

Worst \4quired \4ading e>urme'.se Da1s The C.hosen Things fa\\ Apart

e>iggest Trashta\l(er l(evin fovage 'Pat C.o\\ins ::rohn l-\a1es

favorite Music.a\ Artist Dave Matthe\ols e>and 'Phi sh 2.'Pac.

Most Lil(e\1 to be on ::fac.l(ass ::rac.l( L1ons 1<-1an Thomas C.huc.l( 'Parl(er

favorite TV '5ho\ol The. '5impsons ::fac.l(ass '5einfo\d '5aved b1 the e>e\\

e>ANC.(e>est Abbreviation for C.ourse Tit\e) C.HL1ff.'5T MATHANAL HONAD e>AND

Ta\l(s too Muc.h Matt '5u\oc.l( C.hristian Le\olis Dre\ol MoV1er1

favorite Movie fight C.\ub Dumb and Dumber Americ.an 'Pie

found What He's Lool(ing for Tim f\1nn C.hris ::reffers C:.reg '5mith

Wi\\ "Live in a Van Do\oln e>1 t~ \<.iver" '5teve Maida ::rac.l( L1ons Andre"' t<-1an

favorite '5ong '5tar\ight f.ipress!!

f ai\ed Ladies' Man Larr1 Montgomer1 f.d Mc.C.usl(er e>rian C.. Mi\\er

C:.ot Doing Nothing doVln to a '5c.ienc.e A\ei l(ing '5ean Mc.Manus Lou l(ornfoind Had the Toughest C.ar ::rerr1 Amo\e e>rian Donoghue. e>rad e>artl(oV1sl(i Most Lil(e\1 .to \<-e-turn to La '52 Dre\ol MOVIH1 Tom 'P\ic.l( Andre\ol \<.pn future Used C.ar '5a\esman Matt '5u\oc.l( Lou Manc.ine\\i ::rohn Wi\son

Highest free 'Period to C.\ass \2 f.ric. 'Poupard Andre\ol 1<-1an '5tu 'Pididiot

For spacing reasons, certain people's names were unable to appear more than twice on this list. the sake of anonymity, let's call him Matt S., or M. Sul


'Senior t:.lass Nit-kname~

Answers to page 159: m 1: Ryan O'Donnell, Terrence Kempf, Brian Donoghue, Sean Seese m 2: Jack Lyons, Adam Borek, Nick D'Amico, Luke Field m 3: Brandon Black, Will Gallagher, Kevin Savage, Pat Beaty m 4: Mike Bocchino, Dan Reid, Tom Weiser, Brian McElroy

Lar"'f ..'PurvK.. Montgomet"f Dre"' •e,aboon.. e,abin C.hrit. ..The Albino.. e,ar"'f Joe ..'Phi\" t:.arro\\ 'Phil ..Joe" t:.arro\l e,obb-f ..The At.ian lnvat.ion" C.ho 'bteve ..e,utc.h" C.urran Dave "tlubt." Moll 'Pau\ "e,ig fat tlait"f t:::id"' Nud\e Jame& Jac.l't... t:::e&i\man Mil'e "e,oc.c.· e,oc.c.hino Mam "e,o.. e,orel' e,ob ..Gtrandpa.. t:::oh\hepp Matt ·Don Doerftein t:::evin ..frot.ti\\ic.ut." frot.t Tim '"Ferret" Ferrie John ..Gtoon" tlaggerf.f Marl' ..C.rappf tlalferf.f Andre"' "'Pooh" John e,rian "ferg'" Mi\\er ll,,fan ..¥-It.A" ¥-odden Marl' "'bpantt 'bpang\er Gteorge "Whu\t." farina Dan "Mc.Gtonad· Mc.Donald 'bteve ..~c. Aair.. Maida John •The 'f>enator.. Nanc.e 'Pat ..e,ig Head.. t:.o\\int. Jeff ..'bteve Nat.h.. Mi\\t. Mi~ "O'Do1\e" Gtraham John ..e,ird"' Lat.I''{ J ot.h "lqsbbi Materet.e Lou "T.0.L... Manc.ine\\i e,rian ..Lantt Donoghue 'bteve ..'bc.haffrage.. 'bc.haffer 'f>ean ..JC Mi\\er 'bteve "e,irc.h.. e,ie\ul'i Dino •e,ot.nia.. Dedic. Anthon1 "DiGtiorno.. DiJu\io Mi~ "Yo\K.. fo\e1 Tom 'P\ic.l' ..Dog" 'f>ean ..tlungt"f tlebre'4!" Levin t:.onrad ""Prote&tant" Loc.hoc.l'i 'Patric.I' ..D'41a1ne.. Mc.l.arth'f Matt "Mo.. Morrit. Mi~ "Tel' Monef Tel'\itt. ¥-ob ..'bu\\f 'bu\\ivan ll,,fan "Where't... Walder t:::evin Wa\~r ·Te"Mt. \qlnger· 'Pete "Nina, 'Pinta.. 'bantamaria Matt "I'm Gtettin' a New l.ar.. 'bu\oc.~ Matt "fro.. 'bmith Gtreg "'bqueal't... 'Patc.ella e,rian "e,ig Mac... Mc.£\ro1 C.hrit. "C.rimz." Mc.Mullin Marc. "Mongoo· Mongeau ll,,fan ..Odie.. O'Donnell t:::evin "Whipple" 14iffe\ Dan "Uter.. 'btru\man John "$'; Johnnf Wilt.on


Matthew P. Adams 503 Monastery Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)483-4 787 St. John Spanish Club, Ski Club, NHS

"_J ~e had a wonde,/ul lime, bul lhLi wa:'Jn l it. " - ql'OUcho mal'X -

Sean C. Ahern 133 Bayhill Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)270-9884 St. Helena Crew, Lab Manager, Drama '"Jor whel'e lhe in:Jf,.umenl o/ intefh9ence i:'J added lo brute powel' and evl wl!, mankind i:J powerfe:J:'J in il:'J own de/en:'Je. " - 'J)anle -

Christopher J. Ay 2624 St. David's Lane Ardmore, PA 19003 (610)896-8497 St.Dennis

Gerald Amole 16 Harvard Road (610)446-0281 Annunciation BVM Swimming Manager, NHS, Student Council, Bowling, Stage Crew, Academic Decathlon "Be excelfe,it lo each olhe,., " - Wilham ..S. P,.e:'Jfon,


Lii. -

Band, Drama, Gazebo, Juggling Club, Chorus, Stage Crew '"J,.iendihip i:J lhe harde:'Jl lhiny in lhe wold lo explain. .Jt i:'J nol Mmelhiny you learn in :Jchoo!. But

ÂŁ/ you haven l lamed lhe meaniny o/

/,,iend:'Jhip, you l'eal4 haven l learned anylhin9. " - rf/uhammaLA/i -

Bernardino A. Allegretti 112 Rochelle Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)487-3255 St. John the Baptist

Michael V. Aluise 62 Stahl Road Southampton, PA, 18966 (215)364-1172 Our Lady of Good Counsel

Crew, Lab Manager, NHS ''Jt ~ a good idea lo a!wa':J:J carr':J lwo :Jack:J o/

Crew, Soccer, Student Council 'Pain i:J weakne:J:J leaving lhe bod':!. "

:Jomelhing when ':Jou walk around. J./:Jomebod':J :Ja'j:J, fie':J, can ':Jou give me a hand?' 1}ou can :Ja':J, Sorr':J, gol lhe:Je :Jack:J. "

- Jack flande':J -

Daniel Azeff 304 Wood Spring Road Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 540-1989 St. Rose

Andrew T. Babin 108 Misty Meadow Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)368-8307 Corpus Christi

Football, Outdoor Adventure Club, LSC

Football, Basketball, Track, SADD, LSC, WEXP

'"Jhe ear4 bird ma':! gel lhe worm bul lhe :Jecond

''J afiva':J:J :Ja'j whal J. /eel and lhal i:J a promi:Je.

mou:Je gel:J tfw chee:Je. "

&/e i:J above being hone:Jl.

11/olhing in

Sauna i:J

coo/ compared lo being on:Jlage, bul lhal ~ how il ~ I

gotla go in lhe :Jlone age. -

nck flexum, 3 I I -


David R. Babnew 3218 Brookdale Road Philadelphia, PA 19114 (215)672-0465 St. David

Christopher M. Barry 1827 Adler Road Bensalem, PA 19020 (215)245-8210 St. Ephrem

Bradley J. Bartkowski 307 Clairemont Road Villanova, PA 19085 (610)527-2424 St. Thomas of Villanova

Competition Band, Italian Club Forum, Tennis, NHS "We are what we repeated4 do. 6ceflence,

Football, NHS ''Being # I id a rank in fje, being a winner id a

Ski Club, LSC, NHS, Robotics ''J/euer';fone :,hied there woufd be no war:,, /or

wa'1 o/ fje."

:,hiing i:, /,•eedom. "

then, id not an act, but a habit. "

- flanne!i Schneider -

- _A,idtot!e -

Patrick A. Becher 2110 Terwood Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)657-3702 Our Lady Help of Christians Film Club, Lacrosse ''Jn thid great future, ';Jou can l forget '1ou1• padl. "

- Bob r/!Jarle'1 -

Gregory J. Bednarz 70 Crooked Billet Road Hatboro, PA 19040 (215)672-0465 St. David

Christopher J. Bell 11 Fieldstone Lane Horsham, PA 19044 (215)957-6357 St.Catherine of Siena

Band, Italian Club, Forum, Tennis NHS "We are what we repeated4 do. Cxceflence,

Hockey, Drama, WEXP, Wisterian lntramurals, LSC, Spanish Club ''._Afier a long /ou,• ';fear!!, J finaff';f Jid if...J h.i

then, i:, not an act, but a habit. " - __A,,idtotfe -


Robert J. Baumgardner

Scott Beard

Patrick R. Beaty

357 Gilham Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742-7919 St William

236 Cowbell Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)659-6839 St. David

2048 Corinthian Avenue Abington, PA 19001 (215)657-7896 Our Lady Help of Christians

Baseball "Senior cifizenJ, a&hough Jfow and dangeroud

Stage Crew, Lab Manager ''/5i,}d a man a fire, and he iJ warm /or a day.

behind fhe wheel, can Jti// Jerve a purpode. "

Jighf a man on fire, and he iJ warm Jo,. fh.e red

Drama, Guitar Ensemble LSC, Mock Trial _J. coufdn l laugh _J. jud would go inJane.


?we cou!dn l laugh we jud would go inJane.

f we weren f a!/ crazy we would go inJane. "

a/ hid A/e."

- Jfoyd ChridmaJ -

Justin A. Benincasa

Stephen E. Bielecki

Gerard J. Binder, Jr.

500 Country Club Road Valley Forge, PA 19460 (610)985-4077

1511 Fulton Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)643-0153 St. Alphonsus

1405 Church Road Wyncote, PA 19095 (215)885-3187 St. Luke

Intramurals, Film Club, WEXP ~u ;.e nof your job. ljou ;.e nof how much money have in fhe banh. ljou ;.e nof fh.e car you drive. /ou ;.e nof fhe conlenfJ

a/ your wallet.

definite4 nof your hhahiJ. " - Jyfer:})iu.den -

ljou ;,e

Cross Country, Hockey, Lacrosse Student Council ''.J wanf my wi// and capabihty lo meef inJide lhe region where fhiJ gravity don l mean a thing. Y.t ~ whe,•e fhe angel break through. .. Y.t ~ where fhey bring if lo you. Y.t ~ where Ji/ence, Ji/ence can leach. me lo Jing." - Jim Carro//-

Stage Crew, Art Club Film Club, Latin Club ''.J h.ad lo prove fhal Y. could mahe if alone. /Jut fhal ~ nol me. Y. wanted lo Jhow fww independent

_J. ~e grown buf fhaf ~ nof me. Y. hnow !here~ an andwer. Y. hnow th.al now buf Y. have lo find if by myJe!/. "

- B,,ian U};foon -

Brandon M. Black 12330 Medford Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215)632-3848 St.Anselm

Christopher L. Blaney 40 Summit Circle Churchville, PA 18966 (215)322-0802 St. Bede the Venerable

Football, Wrestling, Stage Crew, Freshmen Mentor, Student Council, Yearbook "Wfwn one doo!' clo:Je:J anolhe,. open:J; but we

Cross Country, Track, NHS, Yearbook, Wisterian, Gazebo, LSC "Our doubl:J a!'e lrailor:J and make u:J lo:Je lhe good

often look :Jo long and :Jo l'eg,.el/uf4 upon lhe clo:Jed

what coufd fru4 be our:J. "

door, lhal we do nol :Jee one:J which open /or u:J. "

lhal we often may win, by /eal'ing u:J lo allempl

Michael V. Bocchino 557 Applewood Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215)646-5179 St. Luke Soccer "J,.ai~ o/ f,.ouble:J, l'oad:J o/bati/e:J, palh:J o/ uiclory, we :Jhaff wa!/,. " - I.Job ::byfan -

- Wzliam Shake:Jpea!'e -

- _Alexande,. (}. /jeff-

Eric Brannon 8029 Pine Road Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)728-1657 Track ''_J /eel lhe need, lhe needJo,. :Jpeed. "

- __'Z,P {jtuz -

Anthony C. Brelsford 27 Franklin Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031

Jason T. Breznicky 2100 Terwood Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)659-0231 St. David Soccer, Football, Track, Lacrosse, SADD, LSC ''Jt ~ Ue nothing changed, if~ aff lhe Jame lhing. Jhe :Jame ch.a,.acler:J in lhe book wilh


d/je,.enl name:J, if~ a lot mol'e lo /lo:Je than you go, lo gain. " - Jhe J{?ool:J -

Brent A. Bommentre

Anthony A. Bonanni

Adam D. Borek

5 Cedarbrook Road Horsham, PA 19044 (215)292-5562

303 Powder Horn Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 (610)828-9469 St. Philip Neri

2062 Spring Valley Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (610)584-5229

Track, Football

''J/ you have more than you need, then you are

NHS "'1-.





oL..Jon l lhink you al'e, know you al'e.


- .Ae J1Jatn:X-

"We are lhe people our parenld warned ud about. ,,


Crew dleahn9 /,•om :Jomebody ele. ,, -

mahatma (}andhi -

Sean A. Brogan

Joshua M. Bryant

Matthew K. Capetola

10885 Crestmont Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215)637-3911 Our Lady of Calvary

P.O. Box 353 Blooming Glen, PA 18911 (215)453-2990 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

188 Victoria Court Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)794-8612 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Crew, Science Club, LSC, Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure Club

Track & Field, Outdoor Adventure Club

Lacrosse, lntramurals, Spanish Club, LSC, NHS

''Jma9ine yourdet/ in a boal on a rive!' with lan9e,.ine f,.ee:J and marmalade :Jkied. " - Johncfennon -



h£e a walk in lhe /oredl, all you have lo

do i:J decide which direclion you '.,e 9oin9 and find ,, your own way oul. - JodhB,·yanl -

''Stay poditive and love your


be po:Jitive with

1£/e, dee lhe good in everybody. ,, - nck flexum,

3II -

Robert M. Careless 911 Whites Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610)272-3784 Epiphany of Our Lord

Ian P. Carey 210 Harrison Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)886-2385 St. Luke

Joseph J. Carroll, Jr. 909 Valley Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215)233-3440 Holy Martyrs

Crew, Basketball, LSC, Freshman Mentor, Track, SADD 'Ji/e i<J hfw a box o/ chocolateo. ljou nevel' know

Swimming, SADD, Respect Life, Football, LSC ''Some men <Jee thinfj'1 a<J the';/ are and a<Jk

Amnesty Int'l, Tennis, Band, NHS "Be told and mifjhl';j /orce<J

what ';JOU '.,e fjoin9 lo fjel. " - Jorre<Jl (}ump -



d,,eam thinfj:J that nevel' we!'e and a:Jk

wi/1 come lo ';four aid. " - _j/lm0'1l Jamou:J -

'Wh';j not?" - Robe,.f J. _}(enned';j -

Michael J. Ciccaglione 1590 Pulaski Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)278-0421 St. Helena

Michael J. Colibraro 1819 Willard Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)659-1964 St. David

Patrick Collins 13 Rotterdam East Holland, PA 18966 (215)355-7987 St. Bede the Venerable

Ice Hockey, Wisterian, NHS, Film Club, Italian Club "Jhe man wh.o he<J a<Jleep wi/1 nevel' waken /ame,

Italian Club, Science Club "With ever';/ new <Junri<Je, lhel'e i<J a new chance.

Football, Lacrosse "We re/u<Je lo be what ';JOU wanted u<J lo be.

But with ever';/ <Jun:Jel, ';Jou blew il. "

We are what we are.

ind hi:J de<Jire and all hi'1 h/e d,.ift pa:Jl him hke a

- Jack .JJande';j -

dream. IJl/ow the,.e/ore, ri:Je. Conlrol';jOUI' breath end call upon the :Jlren9th o/'10ij that win<J all battfe<J. "

- .Ae J{emo -

Sean V. Caviston 1208 June Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)94 7-5628 St. Hilary of Poitiers

Robert J. Cho 73 Woodbine Way Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610)834-3844 Holy Angels

1.nesty lnt'l, Tennis, WEXP, Band, Model UN

WEXP, Wisterian, Film Club, Stage Crew

Intramurals, LSC

\ea the road wind uphzff aff the wa'f? 1/je:J, to

"Woufdn l it be nice ;/ we were older, then we

Philip T. Carroll 909 Valley Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215)233-3440 Holy Martyrs

(e ver'f end. Wzff the da'f ~ journe'f take the le /onfi da'f? Jrom morn to nifiht, m'f /riend."

"Jinaf4 'JJone. "

woufdii l have to wait :Jo /onfi. " - !Jrian Wzlon -

- Chri:Jtina K!o:J:Jetfi -

Carmen J. Conicelli III 1316 Stephen Way Southampton, PA 18966 (215)355-5384 Our Lady of Good Counsel

Brendan J. Cooney 717 Glenview Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)745-2949 Presentatiopn BVM

Ian J. Cooper 352 Sentry Lane Wayne, PA 19087 (610)688-2031 Mother of Divine Providence

WEXP, LSC, lntramurals, Crew

Crew, LSC, Stage Crew, NHS, Gazebo, Latin Club

Student Council, Crew, Track, Film Club, Robotics, lntramurals

"Ji/e i:J a journe'f, not a de:Jtination ... turn over

"IJ!/ever pick fifiht:J with ufi4 people becau:Je the';!

ever';! :Jtone 'fOU pa:J:J, a:Jk ever';! iue:Jtion 'fOU JOnder, and attempt ever';! dream 'fou imafiine. "

have nothinfi to /o:Je. " - Wz:Je p!,.;/o:Jopher -

Michael P. Cragin, Jr. 2924 Unruh Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215)338-0612 St. Timothy

WEXP, Lab Manager Mathletes

WEXP, LSC, Chorus, lntramurals

Art Club, WEXP, Film Club

"::ban l afiJ.Jalj:! look al what i:J behind l;JOU in lhe

''Ch, lhe:Je mon:Jlel':J al'e a:J :Jlupid a:J human

''Jt ~ hard lo lhink a/ u:J a:J lhe end 1•e:Ju!t a/

pa:!l, l;JOU might mi:J:J :Jomelhing lhal i:J right in

bein9:J./ "

mlhom o/ ljear:J a/ euofidion. "

/,,onl o/ljou. "

Mark J. D'Angelo 702 Beverly Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215)643-9643 Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Hockey, Baseball, Student Council, NHS

- (_JL[,.ah: Jhe 3 fleaded Jr/on:Jler -

Ryan J. DeAngelis 2330 Fairway Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Our Lady Help of Christians WEXP, SADD, Soccer, Latin ' _!). u:Jed lo :Jil and walch lhe pourin 'rain, .J u:Jed lo wi:Jh lo be back home again,

.J hadii l lhe

''clang l;JOU hue, high l;JOu /flj and :Jmle:J l;JOu If

:Jlrenglh lhen, hadn l lhe chance lo reuea/, but it~

giue and fear:! l;JOU If Cl'lj, and all l;JOU touch, and aff

aff in l;JOUI' head. When do we begin?"

l;JOU :Jee i:J aff l;JOUI'

1£/e wlf euer be. "

- Pink J!oljd -


Salvatore S. Cucinotta 516 Parkview Drive Wynnewood, PA 19096 (610)642-0109 St. Margaret

Christopher C. Costantino 2205 Michener Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)676-5541 Maternity BVM


John G. DeCree, Jr. 1190 Mill Creek Road Southampton, PA 18966 (215)354-1598 Our Lady of Good Counsel Hockey, Spanish Club, NHS '':J)o nol 90 where lhe palh malj lead, 90 imleaa where there i:J no palh and leaue a lral " - /fa~h Waldo Cmer:Jon -

Christopher M. Curcio 4200 Frontier Street Hatboro, PA 19040 (215)442-0572 St. Luke

Steven M. Curran 706 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)646-8458 St. Alphonsus

Nicholas D. D'Amico 716 East Willow Grove Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215)233-1643 St. Vincent

Stage Crew, Yearbook, LSC

Soccer, NHS, Ski Club, Yearbook, Kairos Leader 37-24

"Jam jujl lad lo be /iere, h,apflj lo be alive, if~


7unJ don £i/lpeople, bulletJ £i/lpeople; fjUnJ jud fjel !hem fjoinfj real4 /aJ!. "

"cuerylhinfj happenJ /or a reaJon, Jo who are we lo

Char.ion fleJlon -

worry al any rale. Jhe plane lhal craJhed we


Baseball, Football, LSC, SADD


lh,e end o/ the line and il don maller my ,Jide becaiue

miJJed cauJe we were runnin , late. -..Andi/ JucceJJ


J ;n

£/ you ;.e by

Jali,JfieJ "

Jrauelinfj U/lburyj -

e/i,deJ you !hen you muJl chooJe lo do what olfwr


wouldn do. "


(} cfoue -

John G. De Girolamo 680 Wyndrise Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215)628-4072 Epiphany of Our Lord

Christopher W. DeLaurentis 1825 Lansing Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742-2957 Resurrection of Our Lord

,tudent Council, Lacrosse, SADD Football

Football, LSC, Stage Crew, Wisterian NHS

/J flood /,•iend wi/1 bal you oul o/Jai/, bu! your

"JhiJ iJ fhe lime lo remember cauJe il wifl nol

l /,•iend wi/1 be Jillinfj nexl lo you Jayinfj 'Jhal

laJl /oreuer. JheJe are the dayJ lo hold on lo

waJ aweJome.

~auJe we won I


a.ihoufjh, we want lo. JhiJ i,J [h,e I


lime, bul !tie lime i,J fjoinfj lo chanfje. -Bl4Joel-


Dino Dedic 8838 Duveen Drive Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215)836-5001 Drama, Forum, NHS, Freshman Mentor, German Club, WEXP, Outdoor Adventure Club, LSC

J/ you can foue me /or what Jam, we jhall be lh,e happier. J/ you cannot, J ''J mu,Jf be my,Jet/

wi/1 jti/1 ,Jeek lo deJerue t/ial you ,Jho,iJ

J wi/1

nol h,ide my la,J[e,J o/ auer,Jion,J. " -

f!a~h Waldo Ctner,Jon -


James D. Delaney 1802 Woodland Road Abington, PA 19001 (215)886-5532 Our Lady Help of Christians

Matthew C. Derrick 5926 Shetland Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)794-5964 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

James J. Devery III 799 Bustleton Pike Richboro, PA 18954 (215)357-3730 Our Lady of Good Counsel

Football, Lacrosse ''Jt ~ not the Jize o/ the dog in the fight, it~ the

Soccer, Track, LSC, Freshman l\1entor "rJo waJted lime, we ;.e ahve toda'f. Churning up

Band, Drama, WEXP "When men Jpeak i/1o/ thee, hve JO aJ no bod

the pad, there~ no eaJier wa'f, JimeJ in between


Jize o/ the fight in the dog. " - mark Jwain -

ma'f beheve them. "

uJ, a meanJ lo an end. (}od, it~ good lo be here walking logelher, m'f /,,iend. " - Stevie Ra Vau han -

Matthew R. Doerflein 2926 Tanglewood Lane Norristown, PA 19403 (610)584-6664 Visitation BVM

Brian R. Donoghue 1725 Waterford Way Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)542-8089 St. Alphonsus

Christopher J. Dougherty 1745 Slayton Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)277-8534 St. Helena

Track, SADD, LSC NHS, WEXP Crew 'Jhough m'f e'fe'1 could Jee, .J. waJ Jdl a bhnd

Crew, LSC, lntramurals, NHS ''J/ 'JOU gel down and iuarre/ever'fda'f, 'JOU ;,e

Band, Crew, Wrestling, NHS ''J never thought .J. dend up he,•e. If/ever lhou9

.J. '1a'f, wh'f not he~

.J. dbe Jlanding where .J. am, .J. gueM .J. kind thought that it would be eaJier than lhiJ, .J. gue, We/!, .J. waJ wrong."

man, though m'f mind could think, I madman.



.J. Jti/1 waJ a

- .../\I/anJaJ -

'1a'fing pra'ferJ lo the devil,

one another, make il much eaJier. "

- cf/ehouJe -

Anthony M. Dijulio

Frank C. DiLella

John N. DiSepio

9880 Bridle Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)671-094 7 St. Albert the Great

8620 Steeple Drive Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)487-0240 St. Lucy

600 Cheswick Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)482-0641 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Hockey, Science Club, NHS German Club, LSC "(}et bujy living, or gel bujy dying. "

Theatre, Band, Chorus, Belcrofters NHS, Spanish Club "Be nof a/,•aid o/ grealneJj: jome are born great,

Band, Spanish Club, Robotics Mathletes "Who woufd jfeaf fh,i,,fy bagj o/ lmchej ?"

- .Ae ..SZawJhanh J?eclem12fion -

jome achieve grealnejj' and Jome have grealnejj

- &/4 JJ!adt°Jo11, -

fhru:Jf upon tfwm. " - U};/liam Shakejpeare -

David R. Drayton

Daniel E. Duffey

Ryan W. Dwyer

409 Norfolk Road Flourtown, PA 19031 (215)233-3681 St. Genevieve

815 Grakyn Lane Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)483-4151 Immaculate Heart of Mary

7 Buckman Drive Newtown, PA 18940 (215)497-9751 St. Ignatius

ej through fhe majfer pfan, buf everybody ~ gone,

Drama Club, WEXP, Chorus Drama, Wrestling "Jwo roadj diverged in a yeffow wood and J_ J

WEXP, Science Club, lntramurals LSC "Jt ~ been a long /au,· yea1•j, buf J ~e made

nd you ~e been there /o,· loo long, lo /ace fhij one

look lhe one

Band, WEXP, Freshman Mentor 1/ou 'ff furn lo a /,•iend, jomeone fhaf underjfandj,

, your own, weffJ guejj lhij ij growing up. " -Blink 1s2-

/ejj lravefed by and lhal haj made aff fhe d£//erence. "

J finaffy /ound a com/orlabfe pair

if .. .

o/panfj. "

- Ryan JJ,uyer -

- f{?obe,•f Jrod -


Marlio A. Escobar

George S. Farina

Daniel Fazio

50 Sunshine Road Southampton, PA 18966 "You cannot edcape the redpondibiht'f o/ tomorrow

1101 Keeler Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)368-8397 St. Stanislaus

3232 Hayes Road Norristown, PA 19403 (610)584-14 74 Visitation BVM

b'f euading if toda'f· "

Lab Manager


Art Club, Spanish Club, WEXP

"What id the d;//erence between ignorance and apath'f? !). don l know and!). don l care. ,,

''J!iue thid da'f hke if id 'four firdt da'f. Jiue i da'f hke if id 'four ,

la.Ji da'f·

Jiue th.id da'f hJ.



it d 'four on{':! da'f.


Luke R. Field

Ryan S. Filipczak

Jason A. Fisher

537 Continental Road Hatboro, PA 19040 (215)672-0546 St. David

6 Teal Drive Langhorne, PA 19047 (215)752-5502 Our Lady of Grace

1280 Spencer Road Ivyland, PA 18974 (215)355-4679 St. John Bosco

Band, Academic Decathlon NHS, Italian Club, LSC

Band, Hockey, Theatre

Swimming, WEXP

' .Sc, we al/pra'f that (}od he~ th.em be dtrong.

''J/'fou euer /a//o// fhe Seard Jower, jud go

r<: ide _Alboue.

_A,,d now we dtand fogether, remembering fhaf

real hmp, becau:Je ma'fbe 'fou // look hke a dumn:

da'f. Jhe hued we hue wl!neuer be fh.e :Jame."

and people wl/ fr':! lo calch 'fOU becaude, he'f, /,•e







- Jack fiande'f -

Sean D. F edyna

Timothy G. Ferrie

John R. Ferro

1836 Howe Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)628-9561 St. Alphonsus

690 Heather Court Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215)643-7442 Epiphany of Our Lord

907 Lorien Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215)646-7 465 St. Rose

Cross Country, Track Gazebo, Latin Club, NHS

Basketball, lntramurals "Jake 'fou1• broth.er b'f lhe hand, and l,,'f lo he~

"Jir;Jf i;J firJl, Jecond iJ nowhe1•e. "

/iim lo under;Jland, we can aff be logelh.er /orever

:::cer, Basketball, Student Council NHS, Mathletes, LSC •;Jeem;J lhe harder


woJ,, lhe luckier

J gel. "

- Jhoma;J {:diMn -

- Jan Stewart -

and ever

i/ we make il lo lhe promiJed fand. " - Jel'l''j (}arcia -

Michael J. Fitzsimmons

Michael T. Flood

Timothy J. Flynn

44 W. Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 (215)836-5930 St. Genevieve

5750 Valley Stream Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)794-1585 Our Lady of Guadalupe

8029 Seminole Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215)247-4946 Our Mother of Consolation

Band, Bowling, Film Club

Band, Hockey

Football, Crew, WEXP, Track LSC, NHS, Wisterian

/Jead over heel

J ~e fit in be/ore, now J

~anna do il no more. anna be,

don l

J ju;J[ wanna be who J

J gue:!;J lhal ~ hard/or ol/wr;J lo ;Jee. " - Jhe 0/~pring -

"Jor ';Jou,

J 'ff make ';JOU a greal deal. "

"?jou on~ go around once in h/e, ;Jo go make memorie;J /or 'fou1•;Jef/ t/ial wiff faJl a h/etime. "


Michael K. Foley

Daniel J. Ford

James A. Forkin

2750 Brendan Circle Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)657-1133 St. David

1030 Bridge Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215)884-4280 St. Martin of Tours

612 Roseland Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215)663-0685 St. Hilary

Crew, Bowling, SADD LSC, Student Council

Football, Baseball, SADD, Tennis

Intramurals, WEXP, LSC Freshman Mentor, Track

''Ji/e ij like a maze o/ doorj, and lhey '.,e a!! open

falling, bul in rijing again when you do. "

/,•om lhe jzde you '.,e on. Jujl keep on pujhing


"Jhe grealejl accomplijhmenl ij nol in neve,·

- Unce Jomba,·di -

boy, fry aj you may. You ;.e gonna wind up

where you jfarled/,•om. ,,

''.Jt ~ nol how hard you pujh along lhe way,


having jomelhing in you lo finijh. ,, - 71/1/ichae!Jo,·dan -

- Cat Stevenj -

Kevin P. Frost

Anthony A. Galante

Brian G. Galbally

108 Tapestry Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)393-9116 Corpus Christi

15041 Poquessing Creek Lane Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 934-5035 St. Christopher

12 Auchy Road Erdenheim, PA 19038 (215) 233-5219 St. Genevieve

Golf, NHS, LSC, Intramurals, Yearbook

Wisterian, WEXP, Film Club, S.A.D.D, Student Council

"You don l know whal prejjure ij unlif you ~e

"_J don f mind being called a liar when Y ;n

played /or five doffarj a hole with on4 lwo in yow•

4ing, aboul lo lie, or jujl finijhed 4ing, bul nol




- Jee Jreuino -

wh.en Y

:n telling lhe lrulh. "

- fiomer J. Szmpjon -

Lacrosse, Outdoor Adventure ( Intramurals, LSC ' __J/ junjef ij like whal life jh.oufd be, Cf' noble, and unhu1•Pied. ,, - L.J. f?awlinj -

Brian C. Fox




Alexander G. Franzen

420 Evergreen Avenue Hatboro, PA 19040 (215)744-4459 St. Martin of Tours

680 Limekiln Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)340-0719 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

1723 Johnson Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610)279-7735 Epiphany of Our Lord


Track, Cross Country Respect Life, LSC

Cross Country, Track WEXP, Film Club

Jne o/ uJ eiual many o/ uJ; diJreJpecl one o/uJ, you 'ff Jee plenty o/ uJ.


- (}an9Jlarr -

''Skiin9 iJ h/e, Jleep iJ opliona( h/e iJ wh.al we

"'J)o nol think you can, know you can. "

make o/ it, Jo make the beJl o/ il. We on4 hue



Kevin A. Gallagher

Sean M. Gallagher

William T. Gallagher

410 Magee Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742-3480 St. William

1567 Silo Road Yardley, PA 19067 (215)321-0692 St. Ignatius

7 Winston Circle Horsham, PA 19044 (215)646-6674

Stage Crew, Gazebo, Film Club Outdoor Adventure Club

Lacrosse, Cross Country Track Intramurals, SADD

"We ;.e deJi9ned lo be hunlerJ and we ;.e in a

' . .. lake a lip /,•om me, lake aff o/ your money and

Jociely al Jhoppin9. Jhere ~ nolhin9 lo £if/

9iue il up lo charily. .J!i/e iJ loo :Jhorl, don l dart

anymore, nolhin9 lo fi9hl, nolhin9 lo overcome,

a riot you /eel it wh.en the dance 9el:J fwl, love ~

nolhin9 lo explore. Yn lhal Jociaf emaJcufation, h.iJ eue,•y man iJ created." - Jyle,. ::b,u,den -

what J 9ol,

J :Jaid remember that. "


Theatre, Belcrofters, Chorus, Band "?joii can l :Jpe/fdi:Jhonorable with.01.d honorable." - flamer

J. 5£mp:Jon -


Ernest D. Gambone

Gerard J. Geisel

Jonathan P. Gerstemeier

1448 Rosebud Road Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-9832 Our Lady of Good Counsel

2901 Tollgate Drive Norris town, PA 19403 (610)539-3697 Visitation BVM

2125 Schultz Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-0862

Soccer, Student Council


"J am the (}reate:Jtf"

"J :n mouing through th.i:J h/e and J ;n thinking about the next. J ;n /ioping when J get there, J // be better dre:J:JeJ. ,,

- muhammaLAh-

Crew, Stage Crew Science Club, German Club

''J fae/ the need.. .. Jhe need/or :Jpeed/" -Jop(}im-


Michael E. Graham

John D. Haggerty

Mark A. Halferty

2103 Bridle Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 233-4517 Holy Martyrs

764 Shearer Street North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-8636 St. Rose of Lima

694 Lindsey Way Horsham, PA 19044 (215)540-8908 St. Catherine of Sienna

Basketball, Football, Lacrosse

Golf, NHS, Student Council, LSC, Mathletes, SADD, lntramurals

Cross Country, Track, Band, NHS

"Courage i:J faar h,o/ding on a minute longer. ,, - (Jenera!Patton -

''2)0 not /allow where the path malj lead. (lo in:Jtead wfiere th,ere i:J no path and leaue a t,,a;/. ,, - Ra~h UJcjdo Cmer:Jon -

"t!/ou can f :Jtop entroplj :Jo whlj euen trlj路路路ob:Jerue th.e con:Jciou:J /low, and don l mlj:Jti/iJ ... ~au:Je hje ~ not a race. - 11/;ck _}Jexum, 3 f f -

Michael F. Gibbons 1220 Mildred Avenue Roslyn, PA 19001 (215)886-6062 St. John of the Cross

Brian J. Gillespie 145 Cedarbrook Road Ardmore, PA 19003 (610)649-2084 St. Denis

Daniel N. Golden 539 Gilham Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)342-7906 Presentation BVM

Track, Art Club, Film Club ""Jlwre i:J amazinv :Jlrenvfh in a wdhnv hand;

Band, Theatre, Mock Trial Forum, Drama Club

Ice Hockey, Football, LSC "cuerybody ~ a :Jnake, that~ why J vofta keep

,ere are uiclo,·ie:J fhaf you neuer planned,· fhere ~ a

""Jfw joy o/ h/e come:J /rom our encounfer:J wifh

fh.e vra66 cul. .. :Jo _] can :Jee em.

hero in euerybody ~ heart. "

new experience:J, and hence there i:J no vreafer joy

- Jada.J(z66 -

than lo haue an end!ejj4 chanvinv horizon, Jo,.





each day lo hcwe a new and d//erenf :Jun. " - Ch.ri:J mcCand/e66 -

Michael P. Hanna, Jr. 2905 Sheffield Drive Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610) 275-1669 Epiphany of Our Lord

John J. Hayes 2038 Spring Valley Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (610)584-6307 Corpus Christi

Soccer, Track, LSC, SADD, Film Club ''Jt i:J eajy enouvh lo be /,·iend!y lo one ~ /,·iend:J, but

''__A,id when the nivhl i:J cloudy, th.ere i:J jd! a

lo be/,·iend one wh.o ,·evardj him:Je!/a:J your enemy i:J

fet if be. "

tfw iuinfe:J:Jence o/ frue rehvion. Jhe ofher i:J mere bu:Jine:Jj. " - mahatma (}andhi -

LSC, Crew hvld that :Jhine:J on me, :Jhine on - Jhe Beatfe:J -

tl tomorrow,

Richard E. Heater 51 Jericho Road Holland, PA 18966 (215)860-7241 NHS, Spanish Club, LSC, Baseball, Latin Club

''J dhke lo vel away /,·om fhe earlfi awhile and fhen come back fo if and befn ouer. may



wi!fit!4 mi:Junder:Jland me and ha!/vra,d wlial _ wi:Jh and :Jnafch me away nof lo refurn. " - f?oberf Ji•o:Jf -


Matthew G. Henwood

Ross M. Hicks

Patrick E. Hill

3 Jorrocks Lane Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 722-0341 St. Patrick

462 West Winona Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215)438-9072 St. Athanasius

38 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 (215)836-2643 St. Genevieve


Spanish Club, Track Basketball Manager

"J/ everyl/iin9 :Jeem:J under conlro!, you :.e ju:Jl nol 9oin9 /a:Jl enou9h. " -

r/1/ario .....Andretli -

"__{). did il becau:Je J knew il could be done, and now lhal J have per:Jevered, /ollower:J :Jhallcome. "

"J/everylhin9 :Jeem!J under conlro!, you ;.e ju!!l n, 9oin9 /a!!l enou9h. " -

r/1/ario Aidi·etli -

Christopher D. Jeffers

Andrew J. John

Andrew C. Kahan

1201 Hunt Seat Drive Lower Gyynedd, PA 19002

130 Brittany Way Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215)699-4262 St. Rose of Lima

2315 Lexington Court Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-0789 Corpus Christi

LSC, Tennis, Track, Mathletes, NHS, Academic Decathlon

LSC, Track & Field, Tennis, SADD

whatever id honorable, whatever id ju:Jt, whateue,· i:J pure, whatever i:J lue~, whateue,• i:J

on today becau!Je tomorrow ~ 9round i!J loo uncer-

"Wfiafeuer i:J frueJ


i/there id an'J excellence and t/the,•e i:J anyfh£n9

worthy o/praiae, thin/, a6out t/,eae thing:J. " - PLfl,:pian:J 4:8 -

''.....A/ter a while you leam lo build all your road!!

lain /or plan:J."

Daniel J. Holmes 426 North Wales Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)362-7034 St. Stanislaus Football Manager, Swimming Manager, Photo Club ~~age Crew, Ban?, Dram~

'J h,ave no idea what 9oin9 on. - /Jrenlon S flenni9h :l

Timothy A. Horwedel 200 Ellis Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)657-5178 St. David Ice Hockey, Italian Club, German Club, Chorus, Science Club, LSC ''_J ~e :lpoken, lh,oug/i broken. flere ~ a loken o/ my love. J/iank:l, lhal wa:l


Michael R. Hughes 7015 Shelbourne Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742-9822 Presentation BVM Basketball, LSC, lntramurals SADD, Gazebo '"J)on f roll lhe dice ;/ you can f pay lhe price. ,,

':bon f /or9el,




no re9rel:l-excepl maybe one. - /JarenakedJadie:l -

Patrick K. Kaufmann 203 Ray Street Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215)379-0733 St. Cecilia

Michael E. Kelley 30 Springs Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)340-2909 Our Lady of Mount Carmel


NHS, Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse, Band

"m. Stanczak~ o/flce haj the mo:ll com/o,路tabl I




J would 9ive anylhin9 ju:ll lo be

:lornelhin9 more lhan nolhJn9. ,,

Terence C. Kempf 2354 Geneva Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)887-7177 St. Luke LSC, SADD, Lacrosse, Soccer

''_J don l prelend lo have all lhe an:lwer:l, J

don f

pre lend lo even know lhe 'lruedion:l ... fley where am



Jack flandey -

- Steve f?icha,路d:l -


Brendan M. Kennedy

Nicholas J. Keppol

James S. Kesilman

1353 Slayton Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)643-5045 St. Alphonsus

208 Greendale Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215)632-1283 Our Lady Of Calvary

227 Old Church Road North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699-4290 St. Rose of Lima

Football, Track, Stage Crew, WEXP, Robotics, lntramurals, Drama Club

Hockey, Art Club

Track, Hockey, Band

"Cuhivale, muhip/'f, moliuafe, or ele we l/ die, you

''_}Jere~ lo u:J /oolo lhal have no meanin9, J. liJ

"Jhe :Jhip :Jailed on, lhe :Jhip :Jailed/a:Jl, bul J.

hnow J be fhe ma:Jfer o/ fhe who, what, where and

m';J 9/a:JJ lo ';Jou. Jet~ loa:il lhe ni9hl awa';J lo L

le/t nol a :Jail, and J. fe/t nol a ma:il. "

why ... Jee when you ;.e Jhining, Jome chump:l wif

/,•iendJ and/or9ef aboul tomorrow. "

- JordB,ron -


Ju// 'fa,

afwa'fJ Jet/;Jh jeafouJ punhJ wi/

- Y/ew Jound (}for';J -

wanna puff ya down ... Jo heep 'fa h,ead up. " -(/andarr-

Robert J. Kohlhepp

Timothy P. Koons

Louis F. Kornfeind

231 North Bent Road Wyncote, PA 19095 (215)886-5963 Immaculate Conception

524 Hillcrest Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)836-4965 St. Luke

1008 Redtail Road Audubon, PA 19403 (610)539-3029 Visitation BVM

Ski Club, Intramurals, CSC, Soccer

Football, Student Council, Ski Club, LSC, Lacrosse, Intramurals

"J.!ook al mef J. ~ feavin ! J.

"J. /eel no curio:Jil';J, J. :Jee lhe palh ahead o/ me.

rJ!/afl ::bo//''

'Wif!the wind ever remember lhe name:J if ha:J blown lhe pad? ___And wilh lhi:J crulch, il:i old a9e, and

J.n a minule J. // be /,•ee. "

':i wi:idom if whi:iper:J no, lhi:i wif/ be fhe la:it"



- Jimi flenj,•ix -

Track, Crew

:n leavin 'h£e

- Storm, SJlcS}e!f/e1tpe -

Alexander F. King 314 Summit Avenue Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215)542-0489 St. Anthony

Timothy J. Kirk 2206 Allebach Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-0175 Corpus Christi

Patrick F. Kirts 451 Knightsbridge Lane Hatfield, PA 19440 (215)362-2196 St. Stanislaus

'J went /,•om /anla:Jie:J lo dream:J, /,•om dream:J lo

Golf, NHS, Tennis, Yearbook, Cross Country, SADD, LSC

NHS, Amnesty lnt'l, Student Council, T rack,LSC, Cross Country

betler tLig:J. ,, -


Jee -

''J/e move:J pi·etllj /a:Jl.

J/ ljOll don l :Jlop lo fook

once in a while, ljOu could mi:J:J it. " - Jer1•i:J Bue/fe,. -

'So much o/ adofe:Jcollce i:J an dicfet,wd dljing, an i1doferabfe wailillfj, a follfjillfj

/o,· anolh.er pltce

ill lime, allolh.er condition. "

Christopher D. Ladley 2240 Willowbrook Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)657-4709 St. Alphonsus

Anthony M. Lagreca 2060 Acorn Place Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)675-8031 Our Lady of Good Counsel

Russell T. Lampman 1184 Old Jordan Road Holland, PA 18966 (215)968-6678 St. Bede the Venerable

Football, Basketball, Baseball, SADD ''Jt ~ lrue that we don l know wfwt we fwve until

Baseball, NHS, LSC, SADD


J goe:J. mlj vibe i:J ho4, llllj eye:J clo:Jed Citfwr J ;n a:Jfeep or wfial J ;n th.illhin' i:J deep. Cvellluafflj J :Jig/i and hick the :Jh.eel:J, l,·lj lo piece logelher why J ;n here. __Alld th.en it :Jever:J :Jo J h:Jten lo mlj h.earl. " - 31 I -

"Ue d be/ore ijOU fo:Je d. "

we fo:Je d, but d ~ alo lrue we doll l know what we have been mi:J:Jing untd d ar1•ive:J. ,,


John R. Lasky

Joseph P. Laub

Eric J. Lee

38 Florence Drive Richboro, PA 18954 (215)364-0679 St. Bede the Venerable

6248 Oakley Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742-7753 St. William

6351 North 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 (215)424-5351 St. Helena

Cross Country, LSC, Lacrosse, Track, Basketball

WEXP, Wisterian, Latin Club, Theatre, Yearbook, NHS

Band, Track, SADD, LSC, Film Clul

"U/e Cll'e al/ capable o/:ilarli,u;J oul in a po:idiue

"!}/ al/ el:ie /ai/:i, immorlalzh; can a!way:J be

each day, d i:J up lo u:J lo remember lho:Je le:i:ion:J

/,•cune o/ mind. But lo be able lo :Judain lh.al

a:J:Jured by :!peclacu!ar error. "

and lake and u:Je lhem in lhe ,·ea/world. "

"cf!;/e i:J a palh we /allow, we learn :Jomelhing ne.

through /aili,l'e upon /c,iliire ... th.al i:J the l,·ue mea:Jure o/ po:iiliue altitude. ,, -PatC•oce-



F. Conrad Lochocki

George Lolosidis

Thomas A. Lopit

101 Morningside Circle Chalfont, PA 18914 (215)997-9780

1331 North 2nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215)634-2860 St. George Cathedral

10302 Clark Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 676-5136 Maternity BVM

Intramurals "Jhe '/Jua!zty o/ a per:Jon ~ lz/e i:J in direcl

Football, Latin Club

p,·oporlion lo lh.eir commilme,il lo excellence,

- ';])ewe rt/allhew:J -

Lacrosse, LSC, SADD

!). don f wanl lo be a judge,


__!). don wanl lo be a

:ry, __!). k,ww wh.o __!). am, lhe Jord know:J wh.o __!).

wl/ be.

regardle:1:1 o/lheir cho:Jen field o/endeauor. " -

Unce Jombardi -

' __A// 'jOll need i:J !oue. "

Nicholas C. Letier 2010 Tomlinson Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215)677-1197 Maternity BVM

A winnel' iJ Jomeone who l'eCofjnizeJ h.iJ (/od-

Hockey, SADD, Spanish Club, Freshman Mentor

I , .Jt ain t worth winninfj, i 1;1ou can t win bifj.


iven talentJ, wol'kJ hiJ tad o// to develop them 'o Jki/l, and uJeJ theJe Jki/l to accompl£Jh hiJ /) " fjOalJ.

Christian C. Lewis 111 White Pine Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)362-5025 St. Stanislaus

Sean M. Levin 224 Winchester Drive Horsham, PA 19044 (215)643-4539 ,




- Jlie m"yhfff 2>uchJ -


''J wa'1 thinkinfj about doinfj a /unn1;1 iuote, but th.en


thoufjh.l, Y/a/ Jhen


wa:J thinkinfj o/

doinfj a ph.ilo'1ophical iuote, but then that~ not me. So

- cl!a,.,.1;1 Bil'd -

J decided not to have a iuote. " - (hri'1tian J!ewi'1 -

Steven C. Lyon 220 Crestview Road Hatboro, PA 19040 (215)674-9459 St.Joseph

Francis J. Lyons 388 Keswick Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)572-9212 St. Luke

Ryan D. MacF arland 780 Cressman Road Harleysville, PA 19438 (610)584-5018 Corpus Christi

md, Track, Science Club, Drama Club, Yearbook, NHS

Football, Chorus, LSC

Crew, Track, LSC, Amnesty lnt'l

'People al'e '1tranfje when 1;1ou ;,e a dranfjer, /aceo

"Wh1;1 run with the turke1;1'1 when 1;1ou can /4 with.

We enjo1;1 warmth becauJe we have been cold.

look uf/4 when 1;1ou ;.e alone, women '1eem wicked

the eafj/e"?"

Ve appreciate lzfjht becauJe we have been in

when 1;1ou ;,e unwanted, :1treet'1 are all 1;1ou fjOt when , 1;1ou re '1tranfje·

•kneJJ. We can expel'ience jo1;1 becau'1e we have wwn '1adneJ'1. " - 'JJavid Weathe,Jo,.d -


- -.-An -.-American Poet -

Andrew Y. Mackintosh 894 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)643-3799 St. Alphonsus Football, LSC, Ski Club, Crew, Mock Trial

"We h,ave a!walj'1 /ound our helter oeleo in '11jmpathlj and 9eneroodlj." - (}eorye

W Buoh -

Stephen J. Maida 100 Cheston Lane Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 283-0146 Track & Field, LSC, lntramurals

''IJeh,ind the horizon o/ the place we Aved when we were ljOuny, Yn a world o/ma9neto and miracleo, Our thou9hto otraljed conotant4 and without bounda1'1j, the rin9in9 o/ th,e divioion te/f hao I " beyun. - Pink ':Jloljd -

Patrick T. McCarthy 4024 Fairway Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610)835-5237 St. Philip Neri

Edward McCusker 626 Bernstein Lane North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699-2360 St. Rose of Lima

Football, Lacrosse, LSC, SADD, Respect Life, Student Council, German Club, Art Club, NHS

Hockey, WEXP, Wisterian, LSC, lntramurals, NHS

"Jjo not 90 where the path rnalj lead, 90 inotead where there io no path and leave a trai " - f?a~h Waldo 6neroon -

Louis A. Mancinelli 3151 Fox Drive Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 491-5815 Mary Mother of the Redeemer Band, WEXP, Football, Baseball, Ski Club, LSC

''7jou who rule upon the land, do it in the name love. 1}ou hold the /uture in ljOUI' hcmd, do d i lhe name o/ love. When ljOU take people down I road, do d in the name o/ love. " - rJel 1}ow

Shawn D. McDade 625 Hamel Avenue Ardsley, PA 19038 (215) 887-2279 Queen of Peace Football, Student Council, Track, L:

''(}otta Ave it up while A/e 9oeo on and J think

'Jhe /oflieo a man re9reto moot in li/e are tho, which he ddn l commit when he had the

it~ a!/ ri9ht that J do what J like ~auoe that~ the Wctlj J wanna live. " - (}reen Jjctlj -

opportundlj. - __}Jelen f?owfando -

Joshua A. Materese 303 Williams Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215)641-4898 Baseball, LSC, Intramurals Kairos Leader

David A. Matthews 412 Valleyview Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215)657-4 778 St. David

Andrew J. Mc Cann 209 Moredun Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)673-5366 St. Albert The Great


Lacrosse, lntramurals, Art Club

"/Je/ore we end and fhen be9in ... Jet~ drink a

'Jeaching kdj fww lo weaje/ oul o/ fhingo i,

''_j(eep away /,om people who fry lo belittle your

foaof lo how if ~ been. "

imporlanl lo learn; Jt ~ whal oeparaleo Uj /,•om

ambition,. S,na//peop/e alrJ1ayo do fhal, bul fhe

lhe animat .. excepl - fiomer

/a,· fhe wea,el."

J. Szmpjon -

rea/4 great make you /eel th.al you, loo, can I become 9real.


- rt/ark Jiuain -

Ronan M. McDermott 2002 Lantern Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215)233-5146 Holy Martyrs

Daniel McDonald 2838 Snake Hill Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)794-2838 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Brian J. McElroy 10 Woodside Avenue Chalfont, PA 18914 (215)822-8525 St. Jude

Cross Country, Track

Cross Country, Track, NHS, LSC

Jfw,e people who tel/ you nof lo fake chanceo,

Drama, LSC, Freshman Mentor "_!}. wanf lo ,hare wifh you fhe tfiree JenfencM lhaf

hey are af/mi;;iny on what h/e io abouf; you

wz!/gel you fhrou9h 1£/e. ff/umber one, ~ouer /or

grace, lh.e kharmic ocean dried up and !eaue no

n4 hue once jO fake hold o/ fhe chance, don f

me.' ntmber fwo, '(food idea, bo:JJ.' nunber

frace ... a oky jii//o/ Jlaro lhal change our mindJ

md up hke ofhero, fhe jame oony and dance. "

lhree, 'Jt wao hke fhaf when J gol h.ere. '"

and lead uJ back lo a world we would nol /ace. "

- rf/eta!hca-

- fiomer

J. Simpoon -

''_J Jee a world where people hue and die with


Sean T. McMahon

Sean T. McManus

Christopher W. McMullin

959 Circle Drive Southampton, PA 18966 (215)322-5512 Our Lady of Good Counsel

1052 Denston Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 643-3118 St. Alphonsus

25 East Willow Grove Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215)753-1409 Our Mother of Consolation

Track, Cross Country, Bowling Art Club, Spanish Club, NHS

Cross Country, WEXP Ski Club, Film Club

Wrestling, Football, Intramurals, LS<

''y have /ou,. b,.ain cef/a

fefi, and al lhe moment,

lhet; jeem lo be al'g uing. "

"rf/alurilt; ij knowing when and whel'e lo be

"Y/o J. '// jfand mt; gl'ound, won l be fumed


a,.ound, and J. '// keep lhij wo,./d /,•om dragging me down, gonna jfand mt; fjl'Ound, and J. won l back down. "

- Jom Petit; -

Brian R. Miller

Sean A. Miller

Jeffrey D. Mills

503 Hobby Horse Hill Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 646-3626 St. Helena

230 Bradford Circle Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 825-3816 Epiphany of Our Lord

1 7 Great Hills Road New Hope, PA 18938 (215) 862-4492 St. Ignatius

Soccer, Crew

Football, Golf, Baseball, Basketball, Student Council, CSC

"Jhe anjWel', gentlemen, ij fhaf we are hel'e, fh

Jhe human l'ace haj one l'ea/4 e//ective weapon,

Lacrosse, Football, NHS, LSC


and lhal ij laughter. "

"We// J. won l back down .. .J. ~e gol /ujf one


J.n a wo,./d lhal keepj pujhing me al'ound, gonna

rt/ark Jwain -

dand mt; ground, and J. won l back down. " - JomPelft;-

h/e exijfj. Jhe powe,/ufplat; goeJ on and t;ou mat; conlribule one vef'je. Whal wiff t;oul' vef'j I ?" be.

Michael E. McNamara 1327 Longshore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)7 42-4 777 Resurrection of Our Lord

Andrew J. Merrick 120 Glen Valley Road Yardley, PA 19067 (215)295-2116 Holy Trinity

Brian C. Miller 1287 Browning Court Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)361-5395 Corpus Christi

Band, Forensics, Theater

Band, Drama, WEXP, Mock Trial Mascot, Football, German Club Science Club, Wisterian

Cross Country, CSC, Track

)o don l leaJe me.

J,,';J lo Ja';j lhal _!).don't

,•e, _!). might aJ we// 90 oul

/a,, mine


eve1•';Jbod';J ~ 9oin9 oul /or lheirJ. "

'(Whal iJ beJl in

h/e?) Jo c1•uJh. ';four enemieJ,

lo Jee lhem driven be/ore ';Jou, and lo hear lhe !amenlalion o/ lhe women. "

- Ceman tie &,ia,.tall -

David J. Moll 803 Deerfield Lane Doylestown, PA 18901 (215)348-1033 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Marc T. Mongeau 105 Finch Run Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)361-8670 Corpus Christi

lntramurals, Lacrosse, Amnesty NHS, Soccer, Track, Stage Crew caulion, earbook, SADD, LSC, Intramurals "'Jhel'e iJ a lime /or daring and a lime Freshman Mentor and a wiJe man knowJ which iJ ca/lJ /or. "


1Jhen ... il JeemJ aJ lh.ou9h ';JOU co,Jd nol hold on ninide longer, never give up tfwn, /or th.al iJ juJl , place and lime lhal lhe tide wi/ lum. " - fla,·riel /Jeecher Stowe -

- 2JeadPoet:J Society -

'come 9afh.e1• l'OitllJ people whemve1• ';JOU 1•oam...


';JOUI' lime lo ';JOU iJ wo,·lh. Javin ' tfwn ';Jou belter Jlarl Jwimmin9 or ';Jou'// Jinh /i/.,e a done /or lh.e limeJ I


' "

lhe';J are a-chan9in . - !Job

JJlan -

Lawrence P. Montgomery, IV 1911 Corinthian Avenue Abington, PA 19001 (215)659-3306 Our Lady Help of Christians WEXP, Band, Film Club

Michael J. Montgomery

Matthew J. Morris

Jeffrey Mortenson

7403 Shisler Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 722-1592 Resurrection of Our Lord

1324 Cinnamon Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 542-0776 St. Alphonsus

5912 Loretto Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 535-6231 St. Martin of Tours

Cross Country, Track, LSC Art Club, Bowling, Amnesty International

Crew, Cross Country, LSC, Spanish Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, NHS, Indoor Track ''_,J} man i'1 a :Jucce'1'1 i/ he gel'1 up in lhe morning

Ice Hockey, Intramurals

"S/wwer lhe people 1fOU love with love, :Jhow !hem the waif lhal 1fOU

/eel. "

' _!). dlove lo go back lo when we p/alfed a bul lhing'1 change- lhal ~ lhe waif il i, -2pac-

and gel'1 lo bed al night, and in between he doM

- Jame'1 Jalflo,. -

what he wanl'1. "

John V. Nance

Stephen P. N edl

Trevor P. Needham

176 Fairway Drive Harleysville, PA 19438 (215)513-9596 Corpus Christi

2520 Martin Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 784-5949 St. David

83 Foxcroft Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348-3237 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Football, Film Club, Gazebo, LSC WEXP, Wisterian

Lacrosse, LSC, SADD

Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse, Drama

''_!}.t ~ nof whether lfOU gel knocked down,

"Jo lhe lghl'1 and fown'1 below, /a:Jler than lh.e

wh.elher 1fOU gel up. "

'1peed o/'1ound, /a'1ler than we thought wed go,

- lhnce Jombardi -

beneath fh.e '1ound o/hope."

- !Ji/4 Lorgan qo


''Smell fhe chee'1e o/ten :Jo 1fOU know when d i'1 gelling old. "

- U//w JJ1ovei ~ dee:Je -

Andrew S. Mowery 7 Turner Court Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (215) 646-5258 St. Rose of Lima rrack, Swimming, Soccer, SADD, LSC

Ross B. Muldoon 8918 Lewin Place Philadelphia, PA 19136 (215) 677-0377 St. Jerome "

, Swimming;

Wi,uiing iJn l eue1•1jlh.in9; il J lhe on4 lh.ing.

.. J Jhaff be tefh,ui) lh.iJ wilfi a Jigh Jomewh.el'e 1eJ

and ageJ h.ence: lwo l'oadJ diue!'ged in a wooc/


J_ J

look lhe one



Vince Jombardi -

Kevin D. Murray 832 Herschel Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 677-7787 St. Christopher ,,

Wisterian, Intramurals, SADD "J omorrow


Jee a chance lo buifd anew, on

Jpil'il, inlenl o/ h.earl and ideaJ baJed on f,.uffi. Jomorrow J wake wilh. Jecond wind and Jf,.ong

lrauefed blj, and tfial

becauJe o/rde.

haJ made aff lh.e dz//erence

J know J /ough.l lo keep lh.e

d,.eam ahue. ,, - Jupac Sh.akul' -

- f?oberl JroJl -

Paul R. Needle 49 Joshua Drive Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 364-3154 St. Vincent de Paul Football, Student Council Baseball, Band, Ski Club

Brian E. Noone 923 Meetinghouse Road Rydal, PA 19046 (215)884-1039 Student Council, Crew, Football, Lacrosse, SADD, Film Club


we 1nove on in

h/e) we

wi/f never

P. Michael Nunnari 829 Foxfield Road Lower Gyynedd, PA 19002 (215) 643-9161 St. Rose of Lima Swimming, Tennis, Soccer, Outdoor Adventure Club, Respect Life

/o,·gel tfw /,•iendJ and memorieJ made h.e!'e.

"Wfwn ':four deepeJl lh.ough.lJ a!'e broken keep on

Ja Saffe /ol'eUel'. "

d,.eamin 'bo':J, cuz wh.en ':JOU Jlop cl•eamin' il ~ lime I

lo die.


- Sfiannonfloon -


Ryan T. O'Connell




Ryan M. O'Donnell

3891 Vincent Drive Collegeville, PA 19426 (610)831-0528 St. Elenor

2015 Cedar Lane Flourtown, PA 19031 (215)233-0349 St. Genevieve

2907 Eagle Road Roslyn, PA 19001 (215) 657-3407 St. John of the Cross

Latin Club, Spanish Club, LSC, SADD, Film Club

SADD, Latin Club, Swimming Manager, Band

Cross-Country, Track, LSC "(Jo with your :1lrenglh,. :l>on l expecl miracle:1

"ff/incl are like parachuleJ, lhey on4

- Jumbo clliot -

'Power corruplJ. _Ab:JOlule power i:1 kind o/neal. " - JomJehman -

/unclion when lhey are open. " - Szr Jame:J :l>ewa1• -

Robert 0. Palidora

Matthew M. Palilonis

Matthew T. Palmer

291 West Mount Pleasant Avenue Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 591-9168 St. Anthony

155 West Georgianna Drive Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 355-9455 St. Bede the Venerable

8203 Elberon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)742-2549 St. Cecilia

WEXP, Track&Field, Football, LSC

Crew, Lab Manager, LSC, Football, Freshman Mentor

"Woo hoof J ~n a college man/ J won l need my high Jchooldiploma anymore. " - flamer Szmp:Jon -


"J wa:J a:Jked lo memorize what J did nol under:Jland; and my memory being Jo good, it

Hockey, lntramurals ''JJooray /or lhe child lhal makeJ it through.


there ~ anyway becau:Je lhe an:1we1• lieJ in you. Jhey ;,e

lad lo re:Jl be/ore lhey know ju:1l whal lo

re/it:1ed lo be in:1u!ted in lhal manner. "

do. Jheir Jou~ are /oJt becauJe lhey could neuer

- _Ala:1lair C.owley -

find. .. whal i:1 lhi:1 li/e /or. " - C.eed-

Michael P. O'Hara 1400 Kriebel Mill Road Collegeville, PA 19426 (610)584-6361 Visitation BVM Football, Latin Club '_A//probfemJ were made with anJwerJ. Jind them"

Robert M. O'Neill 606 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)628-8795 St. Alphonsus

Jonathan P. Oldt 602 Susquehanna Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 663-9777 St. Cecilia

Lacrosse,Football,Student Council, LSC, lntramurals, Amnesty lnt'l ''cfi/e iJ one big road with fotJ o/ JignJ, Jo when

LSC, Basketball "... i/ ';JOU /orget wfwre ';JOU come /,•om, ';JOU ;,e never

';JOU ;,e 1·iding th,rough, the 1•utJ, don't complicate




gonna mahe it where ';JOU re going.


- {]h,oJt/ace .J(zf/ctl,, -

';four mind. ':bon f bur';/ ';four thoughiJ; put ';JOU!' viJion to reaAt';/. Wake up and Ave/ - I.Job 'ma,,fe';/ -

James A. Palopoli 1017 Lorien Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 St. Rose LSC, Drama, Lab Manager

Domenic J. Panza 5 Pebble Drive Holland, PA 18966 (215) 504-0588 St. Bede the Venerable Cross Country, Track, LSC, Band "Jalent iJ overrated. 1!/ou win wit/,, chal'Ctcler. "

Charles W. Parker 341 Sun Valley Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215)540-2692 Football, Track "Jh,oJe w/w wander are not a!wa';JJ foJt. "

- JewiJ Scfia//ef-

Joseph F. Passanante 48 Goodwin Parkway Sewell, NJ 08080 (856)232-8043 Holy Family

Gregory W. Patcella 4 746 Essex Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 766-0659 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Thomas A. Plick 7419 Keiffer Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 487-2052 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Hockey, LSC

Crew, Ice Hockey

Mathletes, Robotics Club, Academic Decathlon, NHS

''J, nol euenfJ, h.aue fhe power lo make me happy OI'

unhappy today.


can ch.ooJe which if Jha!!

Jhere iJ more lo -

h/e th.an rowing, but nol much. "


goaftecomeJ unprofitable. "

be. i}eJlerday iJ dead, lomol'row haJn a!'riued yel. I

J have juJl one day lo do,

happy in if.



''J/ al firJf you don Jucceed, f,.y, f,.y, unfl you!'

2.e _,4mafeurJ -

J ;n going lo


Matthew W. Quigg 203 Mather Spur Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215)576- 7281 Immaculate Conception

Christopher J. Radvansky 1980 Supplee Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (610)584-6427 Corpus Christi

Timothy J. Reichelt 9 Milton Street Feasterville, PA 19053 (215)364-3673 Assumption BVM

Wisterian, Mock Trial, NHS, LCS, Baseball, Theater, Freshman Mentor, Latin Club, Forum

Football, Tennis, Wisterian, Yearbook, NHS, LSC, Freshman Mentor

Crew, LSC f 00 % o/ fhe lhin9J you don 90 a/ter, you don

''Jn lhe end, we ~e a!! dead men. Sadly, we


"_)/ofd on lo dreamJ,

/a,路 / d,.eamJ die, [je iJ a

broken winged bird lhal canrwl

//y. "

cannot ch.oJe how or when. But what we can chooJe iJ how we decide lo meet lhal end, Jo we are re1ne1nbered /oreuer aJ 1nen.

- {/lacltafor -




Ryan M. Pollock

Jonathan R. Posen

Eric C. Poupard

524 Grapevine Drive Hatfield, PA 19440 (215) 368-3450 St. Maria Goretti

957 Wentz Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)277-2816 St. Helena

672 Renz Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215)509-7465 Immaculate Heart of Mary

Football, Crew, Tennis, LSC, ADD, Sld Club, Student Council

Ice Hockey, Football, Crew, Track, Stage Crew, Intramural Football

Intramurals, Gazebo

5ul lake you,• lime, think a fot, whiy think o/

"Jake a Jhowel' and Jhine you!' JhoeJ, you ~e fjOl no

~,.yfhinfj you ~e fjol, Jo,. you wlf Jti/f be here

lime lo foJe. ?}ou al'e younfj men, you mud be

lomol'l'OW. I.Jut yoiu• d,.eamJ may nol. "

fivinfj, fjO now; you are /o,·fjiven. "

"J :n !efjaf4 co1uzde,.ed c/'azy hill th.al~ lhe way. J ff be caufjhl in t/ie da,.k tJ lh.e fiiit JhineJ on me. J ;n a lave lo lhiJ fjame bul J ;n bl'eakin' /,•ee Jo keep walchin 'me. "

- Cat StevenJ -

- 'J)iJpalc/i -

Daniel J. Reid

Adam M. Reif

John A. Reifsnyder

819 Edison Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215)676-1561 St. Christopher

3281 Durham Place Holland, PA 18966 (215)968-3643

30 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 (215)836-2019 St. Genevieve

Soccer, LSC, NHS, Crew, Track

"":Jhl'Oufjhoul OUI' /iveJ, we may /ace many


J don l even know wfwt /cdifjue iJ, /alifjue ~ al'my cfotheJ. "

-__A.J. -

Band, NHS, Theatre ch.affenfjeJ; lhe way one appl'oach.eJ and con1;-iw1•J lhoJe ch.af£mfjeJ iJ wfiat maltel'J. " -myJef/-

Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, SADD ''Jt ~ JuppoJed lo be /ia1•J il waJn l ha,.d


everyone woufd do il. Jhe ha,.d iJ wh.al makeJ il ,, fjreal.

- _,,Iofea1 ue o/2.eti·

avlt -


Timothy B. Richards

Kevin A. Rieffel

Sean J. Riley

1211 North 25th Street Philadelphia, PA 19121 (215)232-2075

1600 Holly Hill Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215)657-7607 St. Alphonsus

319 Tennis Avenue North Hills, PA 19038

Football, Track, African American Alumni Assoc., Weight Lifting

"J/w Jord i:J ml/ lghl and ml/ :ialalion,

Swimming, Mathletes, Student Council, WEXP, NHS

whom :ihaflJ /ea,./" -P:ialrn:127-

''y owe a lot to lnlj parenl:J, e:Jpecia/4 lnlj molhe1• and/alher. "

- (J,·e9 r/orman -

John J. Rowe

Andrew K. Ryan

Edward C. Sabia

1807 Green Lane Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)362-6617 Corpus Christi "flale ljOUJ' enemie:J; Saue, :Jaue !jOUI' /,•iend:i: Jind find a place; Speak, :!peak lhe l,·,dh. ,, - _J(u,·l Lobain -

1510 Erbs Mill Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610)277-7451 St. Helena

8501 Elliston Drive Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215)233-4651 St. Genevieve

Forum, Wisterian, Amnesty International, Latin Club, Spanish Club, Academic Decathlon

Football, Wrestling, LSC, Crew, Outdoor Adventure Club, NHS

''!:ducalion i:J nol lhe fi//ing o/ a paz/, bul lhe /;9/ding o/ a fire. ,, - UJi//;a,n But/e,. Yeal:J -

''!:ach lo hi:i /ale " - __J(,.u/-

Daniel J. Ritter 135 Pine Run Drive Holland, PA 18966 (215)504-6263 St. Bede the Venerable

David A. Rock 309 Haines Drive North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699-8417 St. Rose of Lima

Ryan K. Rodden 712 Shearer Street North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699-9206 St. Rose of Lima

Football, Basketball, Intramurals ''!J.t ij better lo keep your moufh jhuf and fet

Track, WEXP, Film Club, LSC ""Jhe mojf excifiny phraje lo hear in jcience, fhe

people fhink you ;.e a Joo! than lo open

one fhaf hera/dj new dijcoveriej, ij nof Curekaf'

NHS, LSC, Cross Country, Track, lntramurals, SADD, Yearbook ''IJe who you are and jay whaf you /eef becauje

if and remove a!/ doubt. "

(J /ound it} buf '"Jhaf ~ /iinny ... '"

fhoje who mind don f matter and fhMe wfw mailer

- mark Jwain -

don l mind."

- Jjaac _Ajimov -


Peter J. Santamaria 2426 Dale Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)938-1898 St. Albert the Great Lab Manager, Forum, WEXP ""]Ji;j mud be Juejday .. .J never could 9ef fhe han9 o/ Juejdayj. " - fltfchhiher; [/u,de fo the {j'a/axfl -

Kevin E. Savage 637 Benson Street Philadelphia, PA 19111

Stephen Schaffer 311 Dreshertown Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215)646-6946 St. Rose of Lima

"Y/o J

Sld Club, Tennis ~n nof mad buf J fhink fhey Jor9ef what

if ~ like and how ha,,d if ij lo be a feena9er, tliij i, a new day and a9e, we read d;//erenf bookj where ClvÂŁj ain l fhe ra9e andpo~ejfer ain l fhe look.'


Theodore J. Schuck 13451 Kelvin Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215)673-7417 St. Christopher

Sean C. Seese 752 Hallowell Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)947-1276 St. Albert the Great

Brandon J. Skupski 113 Plowshare Road Norristown, PA 19403 (610)539-6866 Visitation B.V.M.

NHS, Cross-Country, Crew


Crew, Track, Wrestling

"J,,iend:Jhip i:J lhe harde:Jl lhing in lhe wo,./d lo

"Jr/If immune :Jij:Jlem i:J eiuipped wilh lhe

explain. Yt ~ nol :Jomelhing ljOU learn in :Jchoof.

biological eiuivalent o//ul4 aulomalic mihlar:


£/ljou haven l learned lhe meaning o/

a:J:JauA r/le:J wilh night vi:Jion and la:Je1• :Jcope:J.

/,,iendship, ljOU real4 haven l learned anljlhin9. ,, -

Mark P. Spangler 3017 Green Ridge Drive Norristown, PA 19403 (610)584-5064 Visitation B.V.M. Student Council, Football, NHS, Baseball, lntramurals, Amnesty International, LSC, Juggling Club ':J!i:Jlen, here~ lhe thing:

J/ ijOU can l :Jpol lhe

:Jucke,· afier lhe fird hat/ hour al lhe fable, then ljOU are t/w :Jucker. ,,

- !fowzdel':f -

Jr/uhammaLA[ -

Daniel A. Streelman 968 Patriot Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (610)584-0195 Ice Hockey, Tennis, Art Club, Photo Club "Jr/adam,

J have mi:Jplaced mlj panl:J. "

Steven J. Sucharski 2623 Orthodox Street Philadelphia, PA 19137 (215) 288-5645 St. John Cantius Band, Hockey, Model Railroad, NH~ "Something ~ wrong, lhi:J i:J gonna :Jhoch thew.

/I u:Je lhi:J :Jong lo lead ljO on and break lhe lr,dh wilh more bad new:J. 'We le} 11/olhing lo hold 01i lo, we

a :Jcar :Jize exlra large. " - Blink f 82 -

Gregory J. Smith 465 Willow Drive Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 (856)829-9156 Saint Charles Borromeo

Matthew W. Smith 2443 Rosemore Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215)572-7902 St. Luke the Evangelist

Matthew B. Snyder 106 Darter Lane North Wales, PA 19454 (215)712-9960 Mary Mother of the Redeemer

German Club, LSC, WEXP (:owardJ die many limeJ be/ore lhei,· dealhJ; lh.e

Football Statistician, Newspaper, Basketball

Track, Band, SADD Sld Club, Stage Crew

uaha,d neue,· laJle o/ deatli bul once. "

'Jfw wiJdom and kno1ufedge th.al J obtained he,•e

- JufzuJ CeaJar -

have he4Jed me lo grow. "

''J hka lo Jee you moue wit/, lh.e rhyf/,m, J


fo Jee you wlen you ;.e dancin '/,•om with.in. "

- Bot rtla,·ly -

Robert E. Sullivan 3022 Vista Street Philadelphia, PA 19152 (215)332-6191 Saint Matthew Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Student Council,NHS, LSC, SADD "When J waJ a boy o//ourleen, my /atfwr waJ Jo ignorant J could hard4 Jland lh.e old man. But when J gol lo be lwenly-one,


Andrew J. Talaga 1071 Frederick Road Meadowbrook, PA 19046 (215)94 7-3038

Matthew H. Sulock 21 Harding Road Southampton, PA 18966 (215)355-564 7 Our Lady of Good Council

'"JJon f go around Jaying t/,.e world oweJ you a

LSC, Track

living; lhe world oweJ you nofh.ing; il waJ here

''_J}II you,· J,,eamJ come lrue, / I

you h.aue tfw

courage lo pu1•Jue lhem. -





vi/ad 'J)iJney -

waJ aJloniJhed al

how much lhe old man had learned in Jeuen yearJ. " -

mark Jwain -


Ayodale C. Tan 7901 Rockwell Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)342-0392 St. Cecilia

Michael J. Teklits 912 Tennis Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)362-6524 Corpus Christi

Francisco deBorja Tenacio 8801 Stenton Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (267)440-2566

LSC, Spanish Club, WEXP, Forum, Band, NHS "J/w on~ thing that deparateJ an';! one o/ uJ /,•om excellence id /ea,. & /aith iJ the oppoJite o//ea!'. J am care/uf not to con/ude excellence with pe,,/eclion. Gceflence J can reach /or; pe,faclion iJ <}od~ buJineJJ. ,, Jox -

Football, Baseball, SADD, LSC Wisterian, NHS "Jhe path o/ the righteouJ man iJ beJet on a!! JiJeJ

Andrew P. Urbanski 1319 Squire Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215)643-5195 St. Catherine of Siena

John C. Valentino 1902 Nicholas Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215)94 7-6665 St. Hilary

Vincent M. Vassallo 328 Walnut Avenue Aldan, PA 19018 (610)626-7340 St. Joseph

:ross Country, Track, WEXP, Film Club, Bowling, Spanish Club "Jn h/e the le,JJon ~ irl ';four e';fed to Jee. Jhe

Wrestling, Football, Football Manager "J don f haue an';fthing important to Ja';f now, but

Drama, Chorus, Art Club "Ji/e iJ like a carou6ef. Jt ~ a Jhort c';fcle

which had itJ up and downJ. So Jit back, hJten

dure ~ Jtiff inJide o/ me, we mud remember that

ca!! me b';f 2013 and ma';fbe

J 't/ haue Jome thing to Ja';f. "

to the muJic, and enjo';j the ride. "

'no1•row comeJ a/ter the darh but ';JOU wl/ a!wa';JJ be in m';f h.eart with U/lconditionaf foue. "

Soccer "Cxperience iJ a hard teacher becauJe

Jhe giueo the teJt fi,.Jt, the le6Jon a/terwa,.J "

b';f the ineiuitieJ o/ the Jet/;Jh and the t';framl';j o/ eulmen. BleJJed iJ he who Jhepherd6 the weah through the ua!le';f o/darhneoJ. " - Czehief 25: 17 -

- Unn';f Va6Jaf/o -

Ryan M. Thomas 419 Summit Avenue Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 646-0843 St. Alphonsus

Robert J. Troxell 2507 Grant Court Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-7273 St. Robert Bellarmine

Victor N. Ukwu 110 Kent Drive North Wales, PA 19454 (215)699-6891 Mary Mother of the Redeemer

occer, Lacrosse, Cross-Country, CSC, Stage Crew So !}. ~e decided lo 90 on and ,in9 my ,ong,

Ice Hockey, Freshman Crew, LSC, Freshman 1\1:entor 'So ,o,•ry if~ over, fhere ~ ,o much more fhaf !}.

?aybe, maybe !J. l!find good round the other

wanted and fhere ~ ,o much more fhaf !}. needed

Football, Basketball, Student Council, LSC "Jhe Jord i; my hghf and ,afvafion. " -P,afm27-

~, ...And fhaf ~ why fhey ca// me fhe Lreafion

and lime keep, moving on and on and on, and ,oon

!febe/, Lreafion !febef fhey ca// me. " - Jhe !Jornin

Si ear -

we'// aff be gone. " -Bhnk 1s2-

Louis A. Volpe 738 Longshore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)725-5624 Presentation BVM

Steven A. Vuillermet 2920 Passmore Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 333-3186 St. Timothy

~HS, Tennis, Forensics, Art, LSC Draw a crazy picfure, wrife a nutfy poem, ,in9

Hockey, LSC, NHS, Latin Club 'Jhere i; going lo be ,ome ,tu// you ~e 9oin9 lo ,ee

iumble-gumtfe ,ong, whi,tle through your comb.

fhaf ~ 9oin9 fo make if hard lo ,mile in fhe /uiure, buf

Bowling, Latin Club, Spanish Club, WEXP, Intramural Basketball, LSC "Wzth 9reaf power come, greaf reopon,ibihfy. "

~o a loony-9oony dance ~ro;, fhe kitchen /foor,

whatever you ,ee, fhrou9h a!/ fhe rain and pain,

-PeterParker -

uf ,omefhing ,i/4 in fhe world fhaf ain f been

remember fo alway, ,mile through your probfe,n;. "

fhere be/ore. "

- Jupac Shakur -

Jeremy A. Viray 9 Fawn Lane Horsham, PA 19044 (215)674-2414 St. Catherine of Siena

- She/ Si/ver,fein -


Ryan P. Walder

Kevin E. Walker

542 Cedar Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 825-7696 St. Philip Neri

1242 Oliver Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 938-504 7

WEXP, Film Club, Spanish Club "Jhere ~ :Jomelhing in:iide lhal lhelj can f gel lo, lhelj can f louch, Jh.al ~ !four ... flope. "

Forum, Latin Club, Film Club, Wisterian, German Club "Speech i:J giuen lo man!f, inlelhgence lo /ew. "

- 2>1:1!t'cha 禄forada -





9811 Woodfern Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)677-8282 Maternity BVM Art Club, Science Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, Spanish Club ''_And f;JOU don f eat cracker:! in the bed o/lfou de:ilin!f, ~au:Je then


gel all:icralchlj."

- Jhe Jick-

Terence J. Wilkin

Sean F. Wills

John R. Wilson

769 Champlain Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mother of Divine Providence

906 Tannerie Run Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 793-9178

411 Selma Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215)676-4291 St. Christopher

LSC, Forum, Crew "ljou mu:Jl be lhe change


lo :Jee in lhe world. "

Ice Hockey, Track wi:Jh

':So much lo do, :Jo htt/e lime. "

Band, Cross Country, Track, WEX: Student Council, Mathletes Academic Decathlon 'People change, onllf :ilranger:J :ilalf the :Jame. One more :!pecialme:J:Jage lo go, lhen J

:n don,

J/ there ~ a /o,路k in the road, lake it. " 202

- Snoochie Boochie:J -

Patrick Weller 279 New Road Churchville, PA 18966 (215) 364-4969 St. Vincent de Paul

Ryan M. Westley 707 Kyle Lane Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (215) 643-1921 St. Anthony

Brendan J. Whitaker 4605 Hansell Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 345-0856 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Band, Theatre, Cross Country Italian Club, Chorus '"!J·ocu:J :l>elel'mine:J K?eahtlj. "

Gazebo, Intramural Football ''J malj be going lo fief/ in a buchel, bablf,

Wrestling, Cross Country, Lacrosse Spanish Club ''_}Jow can he be :Jo :Jhinnlj, and hve Jo phat? i/ou


bul al lea:Jl J. '.n erijoljing lhe ride. "

__, Qui-(jon Jinn -

hnow wllf, ~uz J. ~n t/ie maed,.of"

- (J,'ctie/uf:l>ead -

- /Jecdie /Joij:J -

Brian M. Winkelman 1136 Fanshawe Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215)342-4109 Immanuel Lutheran Cross Country "(pve me hbe1•l1j or give me dealhJ" - Jhoma:JPaine -

Todd A. Zettle 2000 Kriebel Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)855-4877 Hockey, Football, Track, LSC SADD, Intramurals 'I.Je who ijOU are, and Jaij what ljOU /eef. Jhe people who mind don f malle1·, and lhe people wh.o



mallet' won l min .


The Luciani Family

Congratulations class of '02 - The Noone Family

Marcolina Design, Inc. Jeff- Congratulations!! Best Wishes & Love, Mom, Carla, and Gradmom Best wishes to all graduates, Tel-Oat Communications, Inc. John Carmen - So proud we could burst! Love, Mom & Dad The Giaimo Family Oskar Huber Furniture Ferguson Painting

Congratulations to Jeff Mills and the class of 2002. Love, Mom, Dad & Mike May LaSalle live in your heart forever! Congratulations on a job well done- Dad, Mom, Merri and Allison

Congratulations Tim Horwe, We love you - Mom & Dad Congratulations to theclas.~ and to our son, David Rock are proud of you.

Congratulations Michael & LaSalle class of 2002 - The Teklits Family

Congratulations Jon! Love I Dad, Trish, Jill & "Sam"

You did It, Mike! Congrats from your family .... Mom, Dad, Melyssa, Catey & Chris

Dear David M., May God blE and guide you as you contini yourjourney in life. Congratu toyou and to the rest of the c · of.2002! Love, Mom &.Dad

Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Campbell and Sons Congratulations Ryan! Filipczak- Tokarski Families

Brad Bartkowski- Time to Iv On ... Geta highereducatior Always, Grand mom and Gn Parisi

Congratulations to Jim Devery and the Class of 2002 - The Devery Family

Gola Corporate Real Estate

·(;origratulations Sean and the cl: :2002! The Ahen Family

Go Pookie!

Love and Care inc. Child Care Center Congratulatf~ns, Steven. Sucharski!You have made u for the m.usic. Love Always, Mom, Dad, Mike, Keep up the good work. Love proud. Good IQck in yourcollE Kristin, & Jill Mom, Dad, & Tony years: Love,Morn,Dad, & Di Patrick, Congratulations and thank you

The FerrickF~mily

Chapman Auto Group

Ross, "Dare to dream, dareto'try, dare Hey Bryn! Three Down_ One to to fail, dare to succeed!' Love Mom & Row!! We Love You_ Your Family Dad & Ginseng Good Luck to John Wilson and the Tim, Congratulations! - We are very Class of 2002 proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad Kevin, Tee it high and let it fly! Love, Mike, We are so proud of you. ConMom, Dad, Kate, & Arna gratulations to the class of 2002! Love, Mom, Dad, Sean, & Duggie Luke, Well done, good and faithful son. God's blessings as you move The Dilella Family ever onward and upward. Mom, Dad, Julia, & Melanie Ryan - Congratulations on your graduation - We love you and wish you the best in the future- Love, Mom, Dad, Erin, & Matt

Congratulations! A-0-ED and the Class of '02! The Duffey Family

Brad Bartkowski, You are a LaSalle grad!! We are very proud of you and wish you happiness, success, and luck in all your future endeavors. Helmick and Prisco Financial Services Love You, Mom, Dad '66, TJ '98

Marlio, Make youself a happy, meaningfullife! We Love You ... Mom, Dad, Melicia, Roman, Mia & Lena

Congratulations on cornpletei the first step on yourroadto liappin~ss and success.• We'1 ProudofYou; Loye, Mom., Da .Eileen, Tom, &Kelly Best Wishes to the class of 21 Frank ('76), Maryann, and Fra Daulerio ('05) · · Congratulations to Brad Bartkowski and Steven Sucha1 To both ofyou we wish the bes· life has to offer. .Love, Grandm & Grandpop Parisi Mike (Chick), We .are so prou Remember: Always believe i yourself and follow your d.rea Love, Mom, Dad, & David Salon Nochea T.J. Grace '43/T. J. Weiser.'

Bartynst:i, Andrew M. &2, '12 Basaly9a, tAarret N. 54, /02 Bateman, Paul V. &2 Battin, :fames M. &2 Battista, J'onathan A 54 Baum9ardner, fZ.obert J'. 13'1, 14e, ~

155, 1&5

Beale, J'ustin C.. &2 Beard, Sc.oft J'. /00, IOI, 1&5 'Patric.\: J. 54 Beaty, Patric.t: fZ.. 152, 1&0, 1&5 David A. 54, 'f3, 150 Beaumont, William J'. 4& ~. C..hannin9 I(. Ci,2 Bee.her, Patric.t: A 10&, 10'{, t&4 IV, {l.usse\\ J. Ci,2, 14 Bec.t:, Andrew J'. 54 Matthe\'l 'P. 12.0, ICi,2 Bednarz, tAre9ory J'. 120, 132., 1&4 ~ean f. 54 Behr, C.olin S. 4& iimothi e>. 54 Bell, C.hristopher J'. 1&4 :i, C..hristopher 'P. 4Ci, Bell, Terrell c.. 54, e5 lic.ho\as M 54, 125 Bender :fr, fZ.obert H. &2 ~ean M. Ci,2 Bene, Mr. /Z-oc.c.o 31, 132. 1e, J oho 'Paul 4(p Beninc.asa, J'ustin A 15, 1&5 C..onor D. 54 Beninc.asa, f(evin J'. 54 ~ean C... 13'1, 1(p2 Benz, William 0. 54 lti, e>ernardino A. 12.0, 1(p3 Ber9er, Mic.hael W. 4& ~re9ori i. 54 Bibu, Steve P. 54, Ill . Mic.hae\ J. Ci,2, 'JS, 111 Bidus, tAerald B. 4& Mic.hae\ V. 114, 15Ci,, 1(p3 Bidus, f(yle M. 54 , Allen £.. 4(p C,,erald 'P. '14, 'f5. 12.0, 134, 1Ci,o, Bielec.t:i, Mart: J'. 54, '{3, 102 Bilec.t:i, Steven C. '12, 10&, 10'{, 120, 1&5 ,on, I(. \Z.pn 4(p Binder :fr, tAerard J'. 1&5 is, Mic.hae\ J. 4(p Bisirri, J'oseph C. 54 , Matthe\'l \Z.. Ci,2 Blac.t:, Brandon M. 72, 74, e&, ee, ni, C..esare J. 4Ci,, 'f'3 e'{, /{p{p o, Mr. Mar\: 43 Bla9rave, f(evin M. 54 \lo, C,,abrie\ 4Ci, Blanc.o, Mr. tAabriel 32., 15e Ms. Valentine 3(p Blaney, C.hristopher 5, eo, 120, 144, aid, iimothi ~- Ci,2 145, 1&1, /(p(p , C..hristopher M. 54 Bloh, Mr. Dennis 24, 'I&, t3e Mr. Frederic.\: 1, 2.0 Boc.c.hino, Mic.hael V. W, 45, 15&, Mic.hae\ W. Ci,2 /(p{p ristopher J. l(p2 Bolinst:i, Matthew J'. 4& James Maniu\: 54 Bommentre, Brent A. 120, 1&1 Brian i. 4Ci,, 14 Bonanni, Anthony A. 74, 111, 1&1 Bono, Andrew S. 54 Drew T. 14, 15, 12, 74, 120, Boret:, Adam 0. 1&1 3 Borrell, William tA. 54 w, David fZ.. t&4 Boyle, Mic.hael A 4& Mrs. Marie 4o, 1&0 Brae.a, J'ohn N. 4&, 12.& ;, J'effrey A 54, 12& Bradwell, Matthew C.. 4& Fredric.t: C.. 54, 1'1 Brader, Mr. fZ.odney 42 Ker, tAre9ory J'. 4& Brady, Andrew P. 54, '12 wi, fZ.yan 0. &2 Brannon, Cric. 111, t&& to, Oominic.t: W. &2 Brassell, fZ.obert F. &2, 74 , Mr. Thomas 2&, 44, 127 Brec.hbill, Nie.ho/as J'. 54, e5 II, J'ohn fZ.. 4& e>reen-L..opez., Mrs. L.astenia '3'3 rt, C.hristian J'. 4& e>re\sford, Anthoni C... 1(p(p rt, J'ohn w. &2, 74, ee. e'{ e>rennan, C..o\e M. 54 rt, fZ.yan P. 4& C.hristopher M. 120, 1&1, 1&4 e>resnahan Jr, 'Philip J. 54 l?,rett, 'Patric.\: f. 54 C.olin M. 54 e>rez.nic.\:i, David M. 54 fZ.yan N. 4& e>rez.nic.\:i, Jason i. 14, 15, 1(p(p y, tAeor9e W. &2, 1'1 e>ritt, Andre\'l \Z.. 4(p )wst:i, Bradley J'. 120, t&o, 1&4 1(1win J. Ci,2, 14

e>ritt iimothi £.. Ci,2 e>ritton, ~teven M. 54 e>roderic.\:, 'Patric.\: f. 4(p e>ro9an, ~ean A. 141, 122, 1Ci,1 e>riant Joshua M. 1(p1 e>uc.hanan, l'ile M. 4(p e>uc.\:, Andre\'l J. 54 e>ur, Mar\: I. 54 e>ur\:e, C,,erard f. 4Ci,, 102 e>utler, Vinc.ent M. 4(p e>irnes, 'Patric.\: \Z.. Ci,2 ~ C..a9\ia, David A. Ci,2, 14 C..ahi\\, C..hristopher M. 54 C..a\ista, Dere\: J. Ci,2, 'lo, 'f2 C..a\\ahan 111, ihomas 'P. 4(p C..a\tabiano, Mar\: i. 54, 132. C..a\vitti, E.ric. £.. 55, Ci,1, 1S C..ameron, Josiah A. 4(p C..ampbe\l, 'Pric.e A. 55 C..ampbe\\, \Z.ian M. Ci,2, So, 143 C..ande\ore Jr., Joseph i. 55, 14 C..ane, C..hristopher J. 55 C..apac.i, C..har\es J. 55 C..apaldo, Matthe\'l J. 55 C..apetola, Matthe\'l I(. 12.0, 1Ci,1 C..apoz.z.i, Nic.holas J. Ci,2 C..arabe\\o, Mr. C..hristopher 22 C..arac.ausa, e>rad\ei D. Ci,2 C..arde\\a, Anthoni \Z.. 55, 14 C..are\ess, \Z.obert M. 'f. 154, l(pS C..arei, Ian 'P. 'f(p, 1(pS C..arfa9no, l(evin M. 55 C..ar\in Ill, William J. 4(p C..ar\in, e>rian A. 4(p C..arlin, \Z.. ~ean 4(p C..ar\son, Denis J. 55. 102 C..arman, 'Paul C... 55 C..arneva\e, Andre\'l C... Ci,2 C..arro\l Jr, Joseph J. 104, I05, 12.0, 150, 1Ci,1, 1(pS

C..arro\l, 'Philip i. 104, 105, 12.0, 150, l(pl, l(p'f

C..art\'lri9ht, Vinc.ent £.. 4(p C..arva\ho, C..hristopher C,,. 4Ci,, 'f5 C..asa\e, C..odi M. 4Ci,, I04, 105 C..asei, i. Jeffrei 55 C..atine\la, iimothi J. Ci,2 C..aviston, ~ean V. l(p'f C..az.ier, C..hristopher M. 4Ci, C..er\'lins\:i, C,,eor9e \-\. 55, 14 C..hapman, Mic.hae\ \Z.. 4(p C..hesni\:, Mr. Mari:: 35, 152, 15s C..hesnei, David L.. Ci,2, So C..hiare\lo, Andre\'l A. 55 C.hinnic.i, franc.esc.o 'P. 4(p C..hmie\e\'ls\:i, e>rian M. Ci,2, Ci,'f, 1'f C..ho, e>obbi J. 120, 15Ci,, 1Ci,1, 1(p'f C..hon9, e>randon I(. 4Ci, C..iametti, 'Pasquale J. 4Ci, C..iavare\\i, Mic.hae\ A. 55. 14 C..ic.c.a9\ione, Mic.hae\ J. '12, 120, 1(pS

C..ic.c.aimaro, Mrs. Janic.e '3'f C..ic.c.imaro, Mr. Joseph 4, %, 132, 140 C..ife\li, Domenic. M. 55 C..i\iberto, ~tephen A. 4(p C..iminera, C..ameron 'P. 4(p C..ipolla, Mr. Daniel 21, 124, 121, 15S, 1Ci,o

C..ipol\a, Daniel J. Ci,2, (p'f. 124 C..ippola, David C,,. 4Ci, C..ire\li, Mr. C..har\es 2Ci,, 45 C..iufo, C..hristopher A. Ci,, 41 C..lari::, James J. Ci,2, 14 C..lar\:, Mr. L.e\'lis '35, 152, 15'3, 155, 15S C..\ai, Matthe\'l £.. 55 C..\ear\:in, e>rian f. 55, 102, I0'3 C..\emente, C..ar\os \Z.odri9uez. C..\ifford, J oho J. 41 C..\ifford, iimothi L.. Ci,2 C..ohen, e>rett J. Ci,2 C..o\burn II, J ai C... Ci,'3, 1'35 C..olibraro. Mic.hae\ J. 1(pS C..o\istra, Mr. Joseph 12, 2S C..o\lins, 'Patric.\: J. II, IO(Q, I01, IO'l, 1(po, 1Ci,1, 1(pS

C..omei, D. e>rpn (p'3 C..onic.e\li 111, C..armen J. 112, l(p'f C..onno\\i, ~teven J. 41 C..onnor, Andre\'l J. Ci,3, 1'f C..onti, C..hristopher M. 41 C..oo\:e, e>ro. l(enneth 34, 1Ci,, 11 C..oonei, e>rendan J. 5, SCi,, SS, S'l, 120, 1(p'f

C..oonei, Jonathan N. Ci,3, 102 C..oonei, iimothi e>. 55 C..ooper, \Z.. Vanc.e 55 C..ooper. Ian J. 122, 153, 151, l(p'f C..ose\la, 111, Joseph A. Ci,'3, 14, SS, S'f C..ostantino, C..hristopher C... 1'31, 110 C..otlov, Andre\'l J. 41, SS, S'f C..ourtnei, Ma'/-\'le\\ Ci,'3, (p'f. S'f. 122 C..ovo\us, Nic.ho\as J. Ci,3, 135, 1'31 C..oi\e, Mic.hae\ 'P. 55 C..oz.z.ie, i ravis J. 41 C..ra9in, Mic.hae\ 'P. 110 C..rai9, iimothi 'P. 55, 14 C..ra\'lford, \Z.obert V. 55 C..reed, John f. Ci,'3, 1S, S2, S?, 102 C..ro\:e, John M. 41 C..rouse, John 41 C..ro\'ler, Mr. David 21, 1o(p C..uc.inotta, ~alvatore ~- 110 C..u\len, iimothi £.. 41 C..ummin9s 111, William J. 41 C..umpstone, ~c.ott J. II 41 C..unnin9ham, David J. 55, 14 C..unnin9ham, l'ile C,,. 41 C..urc.io, C..hristopher M. 111 C..urran, ~teven M. 1Ci,, 11, 1S, 120, 144, 145, 14Ci,, 152, 1Ci,1, 111 C..urri, 'Patric.\: J. Ci,'3 C..urtin, \Z.ian \-\. 55 C..iboi:: Jr, David M. Ci,'3


2 Daile-1, f(evin 'P. (p3 D'Ami<.o, Nid1olaf> D. 111 D'Angelo, Dr. J05eph 21, 15S D'Angelo, MarK J. '13, 100, 120, 110 Darragh Jr, C.hrif>topher A. 41 Daulerio, franlif> \Z-. 41 Dauphinee, Andre\'! D. 55, '13 Davif>, \?>r1n C.. (p3 Davif>, 'Philip L. (p3, 132 DeaK, J amef> C.. 55 De.Ange.Iii'>, F-1an J. 110 De\?>orja Tenalio, franlif>lO 1(p, 1S, 110, 200 DeC.a5tro, Daniel J. 55 DeC.ree, Jr., John b.. '12, 120, 121, 110 Dedil, Dino 14, 120, 12ITT, 134, 13'1, 111 Deb.irolamo, John b.. 111 Deb.irolamo, \Z-ilhard A. 55, SS Degnan Andrew J. 55, SS, 125 Delane-1, Jamel'> D. 1o(p, 10'!, 112 Delane-1, 'PatrilK 'b. (p3, 154, De.Laurentif>, C.hrif>topher W. 120, 111 De.Laurentif>, Mrf>. \Z-ita 35 Demeter, Mr. Douglaf> 34, So Demeter, Mrf>. Megan 35 Demp5e1, Mr. Jo5eph 24, 1%, 15S Demp5e1, Matthew 7-. 41 Demp5e1, 'PatrilK D. 41 Demp5e1, F-1an £. 55, 1'1 De'Paul, C.hrif>topher L. (p3 De'Paulo, Milhael 'b. 41 Depman, 'btephen C.. 55 DerrilK, Matthew 1S, 1'1, 111, 112 Def>iderio, Andre\'! D. 55, t3(p Dever, Mrf>. 'Patrilia 23 Dever1, Jamel'> J. 120, 132, 13S, 112 Devine, Mr. 'PatrilK 4o, So, SI, 'IS, 110, lll,15S Devlin, !Z-obert C.. 41 DiAntonio, 'Philip A. (p3 Diaf>io, £dward A. 41 Di\?>iagio, \?>rian A. 41 Dillillo, Mrf>. franlef> Ja<.ob 33 DiC.illO, Anthon1 M. (p3 DilK, Adam f. 55 DilKerf>on, f(or1 D. 41, '15 DiDonato, £dward W. 41 Diehl, Mr. David 2'1, 102 DiJu\io, Anthon1 M. 120, 113 DiLella, franK C.. 120, 140, 113 DiMenna, Adam \Z-. 5(p DiNola, £dward 'b. 4S Di'Pa5quale, \?>ro. William 4o,, 121, 15s Di'Prato, Aldo 4S DilZ-enz.o, LuKe V. 55 Di'bepio, John N. 120, 113 Do,HaiH.4s Doerf\ein, Matthew \Z-. 'I, 120, 1(p1, 112 Dolan, Mr. Milhae\ 41 DominilK, Milhae\ 'P. (p3, 141 Donne.111, Thomaf> S(p

Donahue, Mrf>. Linda 32, 144, 145 Donavan, Mr. MiKe 43 Donoghue, \?>rian \Z-. 120, 1(po, 1(p1, 112 Donohoe, \?>rian M. (p3, 12, 14, 15 Donohoe, f(evin A. S(p, 14 Donohue, Mr. William 2'!, SS Doone-1, Jamel'> C.. 4S Doran, f(evin A. (p3 Doughert1, C.hrif>topher J. 5, 120, 132, 112 Doughert1, C.hrif>topher \Z-. (p3 Doughert1, Milhael 'P. (p3 Douglaf>, Adam \Z-. 4S Do.,.ming, £dward J. (p3 Do1le, M,itthew J. 4s Dra1ton, David \Z-. 113 Drif>loll 111, Milhael J. 5(p, 14 DulKett, Timoth1 W. S(p Duffo1, Daniel £. 13'1, 140, 113 DuKef>, Matthew 4S Dunlhef>Ki, Mr. 'btephen 21, 'f(p Dungan, Milhael 'P. (p3 Dunn, Andrew C.. 5(p Dunn, b.erald M. 5(p Dunn, Timoth1 'P. 4S Dunne, C.hrif>topher \Z-. (p3, '15, 102 Dunne, Dennif> \Z-. 4S DurKin, C.ore-1 (p3, 102 DurKin, f(evin 4S Dw1er, J05eph J. (p3, 143 Dw1er, F-1an W. 12(p, 14(p, 113 D\'11er, 'btephen J. (p3 Dw1er, Timoth1 f. (p3

§ £bbelKe, Thomaf> J. S(p tlKer, Jof>hua 'P. (p3 £dger, Thomaf> J. 4S £gan, f(evin 'P. S(p tilhert, \l-ilhard 4s £\Iii'>, Milhael f. S(p £1nitf>Ki, Milhael J. 4S tf>lobar, Marlio A. 155, 114 £5po5ito, Louil'> J. 5(p, 1'1 £van5, Daniel L. 4S £van5, Mr. b.erald 21, 125, t4S, 15S

£ fallone, Mr. J05eph 30, 100, IOI, t4(p familiaran, b.abriel M. S(p fannon, Daniel 'P. 4S farina, b.eorge 'b. 131, 1(p1, 114 farrington, 'btephen A. (p3 fa50\ine, Jamel'> D. (p3 favata, 1Z-a1mond C.. 4S faz.io, Daniel 'I, 114, 114 fedoro\'lilZ., Jo5eph 'P. 5(p, So, 111 fed1na, 'bean D. 1(p, 1S, 1'1, S2, SS, 120, 121, 122, 12(p, 115 feele-1, f(evin 'P. (p3, 1S feele-1, 'btephen 'P. 4S fegle-1, MarK S(p feldman, Milhael A. (p3 fellmeth, \?>enjamin A. 5(p

fergu5on, 'PatrilK £. 4S ferrilK, Thomaf> 'b. (p4, '!O, '12 ferrie, Daniel I. S(p. ferrie, Timoth1 b.. SO, 'IS, 110, 120, 1(p1, 115 ferrier Jr, IZ-obert C.. S(p ferrier, Nilholaf> M. 4s ferro, John \Z-. 115 ferro, Milhael J. S(p field, Mrf>. £\iz.abeth 24, 144, 145, 150 field, LuKe \Z-. 120, 124, 121, 132, 134, 114 fieldf>, F-1an f(. (p4, 121 file, Mr Danie\ (p, 25, 143 fi\iplz.aK, F-1an 'b. 114 finore, Jamel'> 'P. (p4, 14 fiorentini \?>ergman, Mitlhell (p4, 125, 1:2.(p

fif>her, Jaf>on A. %, 114 fitz.gerald, Mr. \?>ernard 2'1, S2, SS fitz.gerald, C.olin 'P. S(p, S2, SS fitz.henr1, Daniel J. (p4 fitz.patrilK, F-1an T. (p4, '14, '15 fitZ.f>immonf>, Milhael J. '14, '15, 115 flanner1, Thomaf> A. 4S flood, Milhael T. 115 flood, 'PatrilK T. S(p fl1nn, 'bean D. (p4, S2, SS fl1nn, Timoth1 J. 5, 12, 14, 120, 1(po, 115 foe.II, Milhael b.. 5(p fole-1, Milhael f(. 122, 1% ford, Mrf>. Ann 42 ford, Daniel J. 14, 120, 121, 11(p ford, f(enneth J. (p4, 14 ford, 'bean \Z-. 4S, 102 ford, T1ler J. 4S forKin, Jamel'> A. 11(p forf>ter, 'bean 4S for., \?>rian C.. 111 for., Thomaf> I. (p4, 114 fragnito, Milhae\ A. (p4 franz., £ril J. So, 111 franz.en, A\er.ander b.. 120, 111 fratamilo, !Z-obert 'b. 4S frendreif>, \?>ro. b.erard 21 frof>t, f(evin 'P. 102, 103, 120, t(pl, 11(p fure-1, William f. (p4, S2, S4, SS f1Ke, Mr. Jamel'> 2(p

&. b.abr1elf>Ki, 'btephen b.. (p4, 1'1 b.alante, Anthon1 A. IIS, 11(p b.alba\11, \?>rian b.. 11(p b.alba\11, C.hrif>topher f (p4, 12, 14 b.alen, Timoth1 M. (p4 b.allagher Ill, £ugene J. 4S b.allagher, C.hrif>topher J. 4s b.allagher, f(evin A. 111 b.allagher, 'PatrilK J. 5(p b.allagher, 'bean M. 111 b.allagher, William T.140, 111 b.allo, Mr. Jo5eph 43

b.ambone, £rne5t D. 11S b.ambone, f(enneth J. S(p, 12• b.annon, 'PatrilK J. 5(p, 14 b.arlia, Luif> £. S(p b.ardner Jr, f(evin (p4, '15, 1: b.ardner, Jamel'> 'P. (p4 b.arofalo, Angelo C.. S(p, '15 b.arofalo, Milhael A. (p4, '14, b.arvin, Mrf>. Theref>a 31 b.arvin, Timoth1 J. (p4 b.arz.one, C.hrif>topher J. 5(p, b.avin, C.hrif>topher W. 5(p b.az.z.ara, Milhael J. 4S b.eiger, £rilK f. 5(p b.eiger, Mr. William 21, 104, 1 b.eif>e\, b.erard J. 11S b.emi, Jeffre-1 D. 4S, '14, '15 b.ermano, C.hrif>topher J. 4S b.enovef>e, Mr. \Z-ilhard 31, 13 b.erf>temeier, Jonathan 'P. 11S b.ef>ing, Mr. C.harlef> 31, (p'f, 1 b.iagna<.ova, G,.regor1 J. (p4, i b.iaimo, John A. S(p, '15, 125 b.ibbonf>, David S(p b.ibbonf>, Milhael f. 11'1 b.ibbonf>, Mr. MarK 23 b.ibbonf>, F-1an \?>. 4S b.igliotti, Nilho\a5 C.. 5(p b.ill, Andre\'! M. 4S b.ill, Mrf>. C.onf>tanle 23 b.ill, F-1an \Z-. (p4 b.ille5pie, \?>rian J. 120, 132, El 11'1 b.ille5pie, Mr. Terrenle 21, 15 b.int1, f(1le J. S(p, 102 b.ivnif>h, \?>rian f. 4S b.ivnif>h, b.erard J. (p4, 154 b.lalwm, Milhael J. S(p, 1(p, i b.ladu, C.hrif>topher M. (p4 b.lea5on, Matthe\'I C.. S(p b.lover, C.hif>topher M. 5(p, 1S b.olden, Daniel N. 14, 11'1 b.ood, Daniel C.. (p4, 121 b.ormif>Ki, 'Paul £. 'ii, 125 b.ormle-1, J. C.hrif>topher (p4 b.rale, Mr. John 2S, 15S b.raham, td\'lard C.. (p4, 14, b.raham, Milahel £. 12, 14, 101 10'!, 1(p1, 11S b.rant, Milhael A. 4S b.raf>f>O, J o5eph b.. (p4 b.ra1, 'btephen M. (p4 b.reavef>, C.hrif>topher J. 'ii, 1' b.regorio, Nilholaf> A. 'ii b.reiner, 'Philip M. (p4, 1'1, S'I b.riffif>, Martin £. (p4 b.riffif>, Neil 'P. (p4, 14 b.ulKin, f(evin W. 4S b.uerra, J 05eph \Z-. (p4, 124 b.uinan, 'bean 'P. 4S b.uthrie, b.raham £. (p4

tl Andrew :r. 4S ::foseph M. IA r, f. ::foseph 4'f ·t'f, ::fohn D. 5, 15, I02., 12.0, 12.1, I, 11S ~rennan L. 4'f nl(o, Mrs. f.llen 2.5 Din9le, Wendell f. 4'f t'f, Marl( A. 12.0, lvl, 11S on, ::feffre'f M. 4'f 'Peter :r. 'ii , ::fr., Mic.hael 'P. 11'f 3an, /1-ndrew W. 'ii, 12.'5 IS, ::fames 'P. v4, 1'f, 12.? 1an, 'Steven f.. v4 ,on, Andrew M. 4'f {, Mr. 01erald 1'f, 2.4, 12.5, 14v, 1an, ihomas :r. 4'f, 'f3 , ::fohn ::f. lvO, lvl, 11'f 'Patric.I( :r. v4 r, Mic.hael 'P. 4'f r, jZ.jc.l('f f.. 12.0, l1'f I, David A. V?, 'f4, 'f5, 12.'5, 14s e-rendan M. v5, 14 m, e-rian A. 4'f m, \Z-Or'f M. v5, 14 1ial(, 01re9or'f \Z- v5, 141 er, ::fason 4'f er, Mic.hael 4'f ood, Matthew 01 ISO ert, 'Stephen :r. 4'f n, e-rendan 'P. 'ii, 1'f, I04, IO?, n, l(evin '$. 4'f, 'f3 09, 01re9or'f 'P. 4'f lpoth, l(evin M. v5, 12.4, 12.5 , Matthew :r. 'ii , z.ac.har'f M. 4'f ;, C.hristopher M. 'ii 5, \Z-Oss M. ISO 'Patric.I( f.. ISO ~s. Aleiander L. 'ii :er, ::fohn W. 'ii m, e-rian '$. 4'f, 14, S5 ~nleitner, Mr. 01eor9e 32., 151 nes, Daniel :r. ISi iic.l(, Mr. C.hristopher 2.5 iic.l(, iimoth'f \Z-. (plj dros, Ale-,. C.. 'ii dros, 'Peter N. (plj !(ins, e-rian e,_ 'f 'ii vath, 'Stephen 01. 'ii wede\, iimoth'f A. 12.4, ISi t., William C.. 'ii •er, Donald C.. 4'f 1hes, Mic.hael \Z-. ISi 1hes, \<-Obert :r. (plj ·le'f, C.olin M. 'ii tt, Andrew M. 4'f insl(i, l(evin D. 4'f

l lannac.one, 'Stephen A. (plj l9nas, Mr. franl( 43 lhlein, l(evin M. 'ii, Slj Interrante :roho \Z-. 'ii Interrante, Dou9las :r. v'5, 14 Irwin, ::fames f. 4'f lvanosl(i, Leonard A. 4'f

;[ :rac.l(son, :rordan A. v'5 ::fac.l(son, Leo 'P. 4'f ::fac.l(son, Mr. Martin 41, I02., 103 ::fac.obsen, Matthew i. v'5, 14 :ra99ers, l(ent C.. 'ii :rannetti, C.hristopher A. v'5, 12.4 :Tanton, fr. Anthon'f 34 :ravie, :rason D. v'5, 12.1 ::feffers, C.hristopher D. %, IOO, 101, 12.2., lvO, ISO ::feitner, Mrs. 'Stephanie 31, 104, 10'5 ::fenl(ins, Mic.hael W. (plj ::fohn, Andrew :r. 5, 104, I0'5, 12.0, 12.v, ISO

::fohn, Mrs. l(athleen 3S ::fohnson, C.hristopher :r. 'ii ::fohnson, Mr. franc.is 2.4, So, 1'5S ::fohnson, Lo9an M. 'ii ::fohnson, Matthew f. v5 :rohnson, ihomas 4'f ::forfi, franc.is :r. 'ii, 14, S2., S5 ::forfi, ihomas M. 4'f :ruliff, l(evin '$. 4'f

}:; l(ahan, Andrew C.. 155, ISO l(all(brenner, Matthew A. 4'f l(anof, :reffre'f C.. 'ii l(arc.z.ewsl(i, l(onrad :r. 4'f l(arpc.hul(, Andrew W. (plj l(aufmann, 'Patric.I( I(. ISi l(eatin9, ::fohn A. 4'f l(eenan, Mr. ::fohn 4o l(eenan, 'Patric.I( V. 'ii l(eir, C.la'fton C.. (plj l(eller, :ronathan :r. (plj l(elle'f, Mic.hael f.. 14, 12., 13, 14, Sv, S1, S'f, 12.0, ISi l(ell'f IV, 'Paul :r. 4'f l(ell'f, e-radford i. (plj, 14 l(ell'f, Dou9las :r. v5, S2., S4, S5 l(ell'f, Matthew M. v'5, 1v, 1S l(ell'f-f.vans, Mrs. ::fane 2.3 l(empf. ierrenc.e c.. IOv, 10'1, 1s1 l(enned'f, e-rendan M. 1s2. l(enned'f, Daniel f. 'ii l(enned'f, Mr. Mic.hael 3v, 132. l(ent, Mic.hael C.. v5 l(eppol, ::fon f.. 'ii, 'f3 l(eppol, Nic.holas :r. 130, IS2. l(ern'ftSl('f, Dorian M. v5 !(err, It e-rad v5 l(esilman, ::fames'$. 'f3, 12.0, 1s2. l(essler, William '$. 4'f

\(imble, e-rother Mic.hael 2.S l(in9, Aleiander f. tvo, 1S3 l(in9, Mr. Larr'f 43 \(in9, Mic.hael i. (plj l(irl(, C.hristopher :r. 'ii l(irl(, ::foseph i. 4'f. 141 \(irl(, \Z-'fan L. 'ii, S2., Slj l(irl(, iimoth'f :r. 15, 102., 12.0, 144, 14'5,IS3 l(irts, C.olin f. 'ii, IIS, 12.0, 12.1, 1'50 l(irts, 'Patric.I( f. 5, 'JS, 111, 12.0, 150, 1'5v, lvO, IS? l(lenl(, 'Stephen M. 4'f l(napp, \Z-'fan A. (plj l(ohler, franc.is i. v5 l(ohlhepp, \<-Obert :r. IS2. l(oons. iimoth'f 'P. IOv, 101, to'f, 141, IS2. l(opic.l(i, 'Paul \-\. v'5, 'f3 l(ornfeind, ::fohn M. v5, 14, 112. l(ornfeind, Louis f. lvO, 1s2. l(oz.eniewsl(i, ::feffre'f M. (plj l(rasnisl('f, e-ernard :r. 4'f l(rensl(i, :Tustin :r. v'5 l(uc.h, David C.hol 4'f, 1'f l(uc.h, Isaiah C.hol (plj l(uc.h, Mic.hael Majol( 'ii

b LabOS\('f, :rohn N. 'ii Lac.l(ers, e-rother C.harles 33, t'5S Lac.on, :roseph C.. 4'f Ladle'f, C.hristopher D.12., 14, 100, IS3 La9ner, Andrew \Z-. 4'f La01rec.a, Anthon'f M. 'f. 100, 12.0, IS3 Lampman, \Z-ussell i. IS3 Lanz.ilotta, 'Paul f. 'ii La\Z-Oc.c.a, Ian C.. 4'f Lasl('f, ::foho \Z-. IOv, IO'f, lvl, tS4 Laub, ::foseph 'P. 'fv, 12.0, 13'1, 144, 14'5,IS4 Lawless, f.dward e-. vv, IOv Le, 'Paul M. '50 Leah'f, Mr. William 34, IOv Leah'f, William :r. 'ii L'f.w'fer, Andrew :r. vv, 132. Lee, f.ric. :r. IS4 Lei9hton, 01avin M. 50 Leimbac.h, 'Sean 5S, IIS Letier, Nic.holas C.. 1s5 Levin, 'Sean M. 'f3, 1s5 Levins, Mic.hael 01. (p(p Levins, \<-Obert :r. 5S, 1'f Lewandowsl(i, Andrew :r. '50 Lewis, C.hristian C.. lvo, IS'5 Lewis, C.hristian '$. vv, (p'f Lewis, ::fames D. 5S Liberatore, Anthon'f :r. vv, 14 Lic.htner, Mr franl( 3'1, 'fv, t'5S Li9ht, David f.. vv, 132., 141 Li9ht, Mrs. 01erri 3S Little, ihomas 'P. '50

Loc.hoc.l(i, f. C.onrad IOv, IOS, IO'f, 144, 145, 1'52., IS4 Loftus, Matthew :r. vv, 'JO, 'f2. Loftus, iimoth'f W. 5S, 'f3 Lolosidis, Aristides A. 5S Lolosidis, 01eor9e tS4 Lombard, 'Patric.I( \Z-. '50 Lon9, C.harles V. vv, 12.5 Lon9, Ms. Donna 35 Lopit, ihomas A. 1S4 Losc.alz.o, Mr. Al 43 Lou9her'f, William A. vv, 14 Lowr'f, e-r'fan i. 5S Lub'f, \Z-'faO ::f.'50 Luc.iani, Matthew A. '50 Lumbo, Noel '$. (p(p Lutsc.h l(evin M. 5S L'fnc.h, Mic.hael C.. 5o L'fOO, 'Steven C.. 12.0, 132., IS? L'fOOS, franc.is ::f. 12., lvO, IS? L'fons, franc.is i. '50 M Mac.Farland, \Z-'fan D. IS'5 Mac.l(intosh, Andrew Y. 114, 12.2., ISv Madden, Matthew :r. vv, 14 Madden, 'Shane C.. 5S, 1'f Madral(, A\eiander :r. 5o Ma9arit'f, l(evin 'P. vv, 14 Ma9ee, 'Peter M. 5S Ma99itti, l(evin f. 5S, 'f5, 12.v Maher, Mrs. :Tulia 2.1, IIS Mahon, ihomas f. 5S Maida, 'Stephen ::f. lvO, lvl, IS(p Maiden, \<-Obert L. 5S Mal(oid, iimoth'f \Z-. 5S Mall(owsl(i, Mic.hael A. (p(p Mallo'f, Matthew '$. 5S Malone'f, 'Shane \Z-. 5S, 'f5 Manc.inelli, Louis A. IOO, lvO, lvl, ISv Manion, Mr. David 33 Manz.i, Nic.holas A. '50 Marc.inel(, iimoth'f \Z-. '50 Marc.olina, Daniel I(. '50, 'f(p Marl(le'f, Matthew i. 5S Maron, ::fason I(. 5S Martin, ::foseph f.. '50 Martin, irevor :r. (p(p Martosella, ::foseph M. 5S Mar'fc.h, William C.. vv, 104, I0'5 Massaro, Anthon'f L. 5S, 14, S5 Mastran9elo, ::foseph A. 5S, S5 Materese, ::foshua A. 12.0, tvl, IS1 Mathew, 'Paul f. (p(p Matthews, David A. 4, SS, S'f, IS1 Maiwel\, 'Peter e,_ 5S Ma'f, '$. Ale-,. vv, 'fl, 'f3 Mc.Anult'f, Mic.hael 'P. vv, 'f2. Mc.Arthur, ::foseph D. 5S, 'f3 Mc.{7ride, '$c.ott :r. '50 Mc.e-ride, iodd M. vv, 14 Mc.{7ride, Mr. William 33 Mc.Gabe, ::fames C.. '50 Mc.C.affer'f, 'Patric.I( C.. 5o


MlC.ann, Andrew :r. IS1 MlC.ann, \?rendan !<-. 50 MlC.ann, l<-yan V. 50, 'f5 MlC.ann, Terrenle V. (p(p MlC.arron, Aley.ander T. (i,(p MlC.arthy, C.. tril :r. 5S MlC.arthy, Jamie 50 MlC.arthy, VatrilK T. 14, 12.0, ISv MlC.losKey, \?ill J.A. 5S, 14 MlC.oey, John £. 50 MlC.oy, Milhael J. 50 MlC.ullough, William F. li,(p MlC.us\::er, tdward 12.0, 12.5, lvO, IS(i, MlC.usKer, VatrilK J. 1, 5S MlDade, C.hristopher \?. 5S MlDade, '5hawn D. 14, IS(i, MlDermott, Andrew J. 50 MlDermott, \?rendan &.. vv, 1'f MlDermott, l<-onan M. So, 'IS, 110, 111, 12.0, IS1

MlDonald, Daniel tvl, IS1 MlDowell, &.arrett '5. (p(p Mltlroy, \?rian J. So, 'fS, Ill, 12.0, IS1 Mltvilly, &.erard J. 50 Ml&.ee, l(evin V. 50 Ml&.ee, Milhael F. 50 Ml&.illin, \?rian A. (i,(p Ml&.illoway, l(evin V. 5S Ml&.inley, '5ean T. 50, so Ml&.inly, Daniel D. 5S, 141 Ml&.inn, Milhael N. (p(p Ml&.linn, Milhael J. 5S Ml&.oldrilK, '5ean A. 50 Ml&.onigle, VatrilK J. (p(p Ml&.orry, '5ean F. 5S Ml&.owan, John T. 50 Ml&.owan, Matthew :r. 50 Ml&.owan, Milhael '5. 5S Ml&.rath, Aley. !<-. 5S Ml&.urKin, Matthew &.. vv, 14, S2., S5 Mll(im, \?rooKe \?. 50 Mll(inney, Milhael !<-. 50 MlLaughlin, Ian V. vv, 12.1 MlLaughlin, Milhael :r. (p(p MlLaughlin, Milhael V. 5S MlLoughlin, l(evin F. vv, 14 MlMahon, l(evin 5S MlMahon, '5ean T. '14, '15, 12.0, 130,

MlVey, Thomas '5. 51 Medoro, Anthony V. 5'f, 14 Medwid, Andrew T. 5'f Meehan, William A. 5'f Mehr, C.hristopher !<-. 51 MeKo, Mr. ::fohn 2.2 Melvin, William C.. 5'1, IIS Merlini, Milhael M. li,1, SS, sq Merril\::, Andrew J. 134, 13'f, IS'l Meves, Matthew '5. v1, 1'f, 102 Meves, Tyler !<-. 51 Milhael, \?rian '5. 51 Milhael, Mr. Jason 3v Miwlli, Joseph A. v1, 'f3 Miles, '5hawn A. 51, 45 Miller, Mrs. \?arbara 31 Miller, e>laise A. li,1 Miller, \?rian C.. 1S, lvO, lvl, IS'f Miller, \?rian !<-. 1v, 12.0, lvl, ISS Miller, C.hase V. 51 Miller, C.hristopher W. 5'f Miller, Mr. &.erald 2'1, t4v, 141, 15S Miller, l(evin H. 5'1, S2, S5 Miller, l(evin M. 5'1, 1S Miller, l(evin W. 51 Miller, Miles I(. 5'f Miller, I<-obert A. v1 Miller, '5ean A. 12., 14, 15, 102., tvo,

12.0, lvl, ISS

12.0, 1144, 145, IS'f 5'f, 1v, 1S, 1'l, 110, 12.2.,


Muller, Mr. Daniel 31, 132 Molush, Mr. tdward 25, t4v, t4S Monagle, VatrilK M. 5'f Mongeau, Marl T. 150, IS'f Montgomery IV, Lawrenle V. 13v, lvO, lvl, IS'f

MlMahon, Thomas I(. (p(p MlManus, '5ean T. t4v, 1ss MlMullen, Milhael 5'1, 'f5 MlMullin, C.hristopher W. ITT,


MlNally, Mrs. ::fane 3'f MlNamara, Milhael £. 12.S, 13'1, IS'f MlNamara, I<-obert M. (p(p MlNamara, l<-obert !<-. 5'f MlNeela, M. VatrilK vv, 12.5, 12.1 MlVeaK, Joseph V. 5'f Ml'5hane, Daniel W. v1 Ml'5hane, l(evin T. 51


IOS, lO'f,

Mills, Milhael !<-. 51 Minni, Milhael A. v1 Mintz.er, Milhael A. 5'1, 12.5 Mintz.er, Mrs. Virginia 2.3 Moffett, Milhael W. v1, '14, 'f5 Mollhen, Vaul :r. 51 Moll, Daniel :r. 51 Moll, David :r. 1v, 1S, 1'f, s2, S4. S5,

Montgomery, Milhael J.

SS, S'l,



140, 15v, l'fO

Needle, Vaul !<-. 4, 14, 100, 151, I'll Nelling, !<-pn M. 5'f Nelson, Andrew J. 51 Nero, Mr. Joseph 3v, 132. Nespola, Milhael (i,1 Nguyen, Anthony J. v1, 12.5, 121 Nguyen, Franlis 5'f Niloletti, Mr. &.eoffrey 34, t5S Nolan, Andrew :r. li,1 Nolfi, Milhael '5. 5'f Noone, \?rian £. 12, 14, tov, lO'f, I'll Nunnari, V. Milhael '11, 104, 105, 12.2., l'fl


Miller, '5tephen V. v1 Mills, Jeffrey D. 14, lOv,

Moll, l(evin T.

Vaige, Vaul H. 51, 104, 105 Valatano, ::foseph L. 5'1, 1'f Validora, LuKe F. 51 Validora, I<-obert 0. 12, 14, Ill

N Naab, C.hristopher M. 51, 115 Naab, David A. li,1, 113 Nagy, l(yle V. v1 Nanle, ::fohn V. lvl, l'fO Nardi, Thomas W. 5'f Nayden, William M. 5'f Neary, !<-. \?rian 5'1, 'l1 Nedi, '5tephen v. IOv, 10'1, l'fO Needham, Tevor V. Sv, SS, S'l,




MullineauY., May., J. 5'f, 14 Murphy, ::fames V. 51 Murray, l(evin D. I'll Murtha, \?radley A. 51

'14, '15, 130,

Montgomery, Vatril\:: W. 51 Montgomery, Vaul !<-. 5'f Moore, Darlell I(. v1, v'f, S5, 104, 105 Moore, l(evin M. 5'1, 111 Morris, Matthew J. l'fO Mortenson, ::feffrey l'fO Mowery, Andrew '5. 'l, lvO, I'll Muehlbronner, Mr. Walter 3'1, 'lo, '12. Muldoon, l<-oss \?. t'fl Mulholland, C.hristopher M. 5'f, 14 Mullen, Mrs. Mary l(ay 4o, 12.2. Muller, MaY.imilian J. v1, 102., 103

OaKley, Vaul W. 5'f O'C.allaghan, Milhael A. v1 O'C.onnell, Mrs. l(athleen 41, 122. O'C.onnell, Neil£. 5'l, 111 O'C.onnell, I<-yan T. 12.0, t'f2 O'C.onnell, '5ean D. 51 O'C.onnor, VatrilK J. 122., t'f2. O'Donnell, James l(yle 51 O'Donnell, Matthew :r. v1, 1'l, 12.5 O'Donnell, !<-yan M. SO, SI, 'IS, 110, Ill, 120,l'f2

O'Donnell, Thomas£. 10, 5'f O'Donnell, Thomas J. 51 O'Hara, \?rendan D. 51 O'Hara, Milhael V. t'f3 Ohman, Devin V. v1 Oldt, Jonathan V. t'f3 Olejnilz.aK, C.arl O. 5'1, '12. Oline, VatrilK J. 5'f Oliver, Jason H. v1 Olsz.aK, \?rian J. 51 O'Neill, Milhael &.. 51 O'Neill, VatrilK 5'1, SO, Ill O'Neill, i<-obert M. lOv, IO'f, l'f3 O'Neill, William J. v1, 104, 105 OnufraK, Milhael ::f. v1, 154 O'Vella, Joseph M. v1 O'Vella, Justin L. 5'f OstoplhulK, '5tephen I(. 5'f O'Toole, Daniel Veter 51 O'Toole, Mr. Milhael 2.0

£ Vale, Matthew J. v1

Vaglione, Violent &..


Valilonis, Matthew M. l'f2. Valmer, Matthew T. 'f2., l'f2 Valmero, \?rian F. vo Valo, &.ary C.. v1, 12.5 Valopoli, James A. 13'f, t'f3 Vanettieri, !<-ilhard A. 51 Vanz.a, Domenil J. So, 111, t'f3 Varisi, Mr. Joseph 2, 2S, 100 VarKer, C.harles W. 102, 153, I~ VarKer, Milhael £. vo Vassanante, Joseph F. '12., t'f4 Vatlella, &.regory W. t'f4 VaY., Mr. John 43 Vaz.uniaK, l<-oman I. 51, 'f3, 125 Vedrotty, !<-pn F. vo Veffall, Thomas 51 Velone, Joseph T. vo Vennington, Milhael T. 51 Verdigao, C.hristopher M. 51, ~ Verdigao, ::fames V. v1, 'f3 Verera, Austin L. v1, 125, 13v Very, tlias J. li,1, 102. Vfofferle, C.arl :r. Ii,1 Vhelan, Douglas M. 51 VilKens, 1..alhary v1 Vinto, C.olin A. vo VlilK, Thomas A. 5, 12.0, 12.v, 12 lvO, t'f4

Vohlot, \?rule&.. li,1, 14, 'fS, IIC VollolK, Andrew 51 VollolK, !<-yan M. 122, 123, t4v, VonisliaK, Mr. Milhael 30, 12v, Vonislia\::, Mrs. Dorothy S, 2v, Vosen, Jonathan!<-. 'f2., t'f5 Votestio, &.regory C.. vo Voupard, tril C.. 155, t'f5 Vowers, l<-yan W. li,o VriSlO, David F. v1 Vulli, Nilholas A. 51 Vuntel, Mr. Alfred 34, t5S

_q Quigg, Matthew W. 'l,

120, 140, I

143, t4S, 13'1, t'f4

Quigg, '5ean M. vo Quinn, Mr. Vaul 3S,


E: i<-advansKy, C.hristopher J. S,


105, 120, 143, l'f4

i<-advansKy, Mr. ::foseph 31, 15S l<-affa, Jonathan A. li,1 l<-agan, Milhael I. vs, 'ft, '12, 'f3 l<-aieta, Anthony C.. (i,S l<-andaz.z.o, &.ioallhino C.. vS, 13C l<-anweiler, '5lott A. 51, 'f5 I<-eale, Milhael :r. vo I<-eber Ill, I<-oderilK vo i<-ebstolK, I<-obert J. (po

'Dava9e, l(evin £. 11, 1<P, 11, 1S, 1<Po, 300, 'Peter 1. '51 l'fl , Thoma& £. '52 ,man, C.hri&topher D. <PS, S2, S'5, 'Da'fer: Mr&. 'Du&an 41, 122 'Dc.a\faro, Nic.ho\a& M. '52 ,n, C.onor 'P. '52 'De.naffer, 'Dtephen 104, I0'5, 14<P, 1<P1, 1e\t, Timoth'f r. 1'14 l'fl ~. e>ro. !ame& 21, '50, 44 'Dc.haffner, Mic.nae\ e>. '52 , Daniel r. 10, 1<P, 11, 1S, 120, 1'1'5 'Dc.haib\e, Timoth'f M. '52 /\dam M. 120, 1'5"3, 1'1'5 'Dc.hapira, Mr&. 'Duz.anne 42 A\e-,.ander r. <Po 'Dc.haum, Mr&. 'Patric.ia 42 ;n'fder, John P... 'I, 1<P, 1'1, 100, 'Dc.hieve, C.hri&topher r. '52 'De.hoc.I(, Mr&. 'Pam "3'1 'Dc.hroeder, r onathan c.. <PS 'f, Mic.nae\ !. '52 'De.hue.I(, Theodore r. 120, l'IS le'f, r. e>\al(e '52, 121 'Dc.hultz., C.hri&topher 'P. '52 ;\,, Mr. P..nthon'f 2, 21 'Dc.hV1art1., e>rpn P... '52 , John r. '52 'Dc.hV1artt., C.hri&topher £. <PS, 114 ard&, Timoth'f e,. 14, 1'j(p 'Dc.io\\a, \l-'fan r. '52, 4'5, 124 ,r, 'Patric.I( r. '52 fe\, l(evin P... 1'5, 'l<P, 'fl, HS, 11'1, 'Dee&e, 'Dean C.. 11, 102, 1'54, l'IS 'Delvanathan, ll-ahu\ r. '52 12<P, l'f(p 'Demeo, ! o&eph r. '52 !, 'Patric.I( M. (po 'Den, JU&tin N. (pS !, 'Dean r. l'f(p 'DeV1er'fn, 'Peter <PS, S<P, SS, S'i !, 'Dean 'P. '52 'Dhane, e>randen C.. (po ;on, ll-afael <Po, I04, I0'5, 1'50 'Dhapiro, 'Dean r. (po, '1"3 1&\(i, J o&eph f. '52 'Dharer, r onathan '52 ~r, Danie\ !. 14, l'fl 'Dhattuc.l(, Nic.ho\a& '/... <Po, S'5 ert& IV, ll-obert 'P. '52, '1'5 'DhaVI, A\e-,.ander W. <Po he, JO&eph M. <PS, '12 'Dhea, Timoth'f r. '52 he, Mr. !ame& "30, <P2, 1'5S 'Dheet&, Mr&. Mar'f 41 I(, David P... 'IS, 111, 1'5'5, l'fl 'Dheffer, C.hri&topher r. '52 I(&, P..ndreVI 'P. '52 'Dhield&, Nic.ho\a& e>. <PS, 14S \(VIOOd Jr, Mic.nae\ 'P. (pO, 14 'Dhinn, l(ri&topher r. (po ,den, !('fie r. <Po, so 1den, \l-'fan !(. 'IS, 111, 120, 1'5<P, 1<P1, 'Dhu&tac.l(, M&. Tina "31 'Di9mund, Mr. 'Peter "3S, 11"3, 114 l9er&, 'Dteven W. <PS, '14, '1'5, 12(p 'DiV1el(, Nil(odem <PS 'f,l(oien, !o&eph M. '52 lri9uez., C.arlo& <PS 'f>l(up&l(i, e>randon !. S'I, 1'5"3, l'IS lz.ial(, e>rian 'D. <PS 'Dloan, !u&tin \l-. '52 na9ano, MattheVI 'P. '52 'Dlover Ill, !ame& !. <Po, 1S, 1'1 nero, I-lee.tor f. <Po, 1S 'Dma\\, Timoth'f r. '52 11.one, f.ril( M. '52 'Dmart, William !. <PS, 1'1 ,e, C.hri&topher M. <PS, '1'5, 14"3 ,&, C.hri&topher G.. (po, So, 'IS, 111 'Dmith, G.re9or r. 1<Po, l'l'I 'Dmith, MattheVI W. 120, l'l'I ,&, 'Dc.ott G.. '52 'Dmith, Mr&. Mar'f ro "30 nV1el\, G.re9or'f \l-. <PS 'Dmith, Warren C.. <PS, 141 ~e. rohn r. l'f(p 'Dnead !r, P..nthon'f (po ~e. Nic.ho\a& M. '52 'Dn'fder, MattheVI e>. l'l'I 1\in9, e>rian 'P. <Po 'Doboc.in&l(i, !o&eph M. '52 ,\,, e>enjamin 'P. <PS 'Dollida'f, e>rool( P... <PS ,&ell, Mr. \l-Qbert 2<P, 12<P, 121 'Dpan9\er, Marl( 'P. 4, 120, 1'5"3, 1<P1, l'IS in, P..ndreVI !(. 120, 12S, 14"3, 1'50, 'Dpau&e, Mr&. 'Du&an 42 ' l'j(p 'Dpenc.er, MattheVI C.. '52 in, M. 'DteV1art '52, 14S 'Dpur\in, W. f.ril( <PS ~ 'Dtaffi, John r. '52, '12 >ia, f.dV1ard C.. 12, 14, 120, 1<P1, 1'j(p 'Dtanc.z.al(, Mic.nae\ f. '52 :c.hetta, !ame& 'D. <PS, 1'1, SS, S'i 'Dtanc.z.al(, Mr. Martin 20 (aroV1ic., 'Dtephen C.. '52, 4'5 'Dtanton, Dr. l(evin Z.S, S'5, 12'5 .atino, Nic.hola& L. '52 'Dtanton, Mic.nae\ 'P. <Po, S'5 .vuc.c.i, \Z-ic.hard D. '52, 124 'Dtaub, !ohn-Mic.hae\ '52, '1'5 :nano&, C.hri&topher r. '52 'Dtaub, \l-or'f W. (po nnuti, Mic.nae\ L. '52 'Dtaudt, 'Patric.I( r. '52 ntamaria, 'Peter r. 1"31, l'fl 'DtauroV1&\('f, G.. A\e-,.ander (po, 12'5

'Dtec.l(, e>rother r ame& "32 'Dterner, e>ro. \l-ene 20, 12s, 12'1 'Dtone, Thoma& r. '52 'Dtree\man, Daniel P... 1"30, l'IS 'Dtron9, e>ro. l(evin 2"3 'Duber&, \l-a'fmond 'P. '5"3, 14S 'Duc.har&l(i, 'Dteven !. 120, 1"32, l'IS 'Dullivan, Mic.nae\ M. <Po, 1S 'Dullivan, \l-Qbert f.. 1<P, S2, S4, S'5, 100, 120, l'l'I 'Duloc.l(, MattheVI 1-1. l<Po, l'l'I 'DuWu&, /\dam W. '5"3 'DV1eene'f, P..ndreVI '5"3 'DV1eene'f, Mr. e>rian 2'5, 121, 14"3, 1(po 'DV1i9er, !al(e 'P. '5"3 'Dt.o&tal(, \l-Qbert 1. <Po, 14

I 1 ahaqjod, Mic.nae\ G.. '5"3 Tala9a, P..ndreVI r. l<PO, l'l'I Tan, P..'foda\e C.. 120, 12s, 200 Tanne'f, !ohn r. '5"3 Tate, Mr. rame& 2S, 'f<P, 14<P 1 atloVI, l(evin \l-. <PS, 144, 14'5 Ta'flor, Dou9la& \l-. <Po, 14s Ta'flor, 2.ac.har'f M. (po Tec.c.e, Vinc.ent !. '5"3 1el(\it&, Mic.nae\!. 12, 14, 120, 14"3, 1'52, 200 Terreri, P..ndreVI r. ?? Terreri, 'Peter P... '5"3 Teufel, G.re9or'f f.'/... <Po, SS, S'I Thoma&, \l-pn M. 1<Po, 201 Thu'f, P..ndrea& V. '5"3 Th'fber9 !r, !ohn G.. <PS Toolan, !ame& W. <Pl 1 orelli, William r. '5"3 Trainer, !ohn P... <Pl, 14 Trainer, l(evin 'P. '5"3 Trann, e>rother Man9 Minh "3S 1 ric.l(e\, MattheVI r. (pS 1 ropio, C.hri&topher \l-. (pS Tro-,.e\\, \l-obert !. 'II, '12, 201 Truc.l(&e&&, e>rett r. '5"3 1 UC.\(, C.hri&topher r. (pS 1uc.l(er, !effre'f Lee <PS, 14 1 u\\, P..ndreVI \l-. '5"3 Turner, Mr. Thoma& 21

.Y Ul(V1u, C.hinedu-1-\enr'f '5"3, 4'5 Ul(V1u, Vic.tor N. 1'5, 201 Urban&l(i, P..ndreVI 'P. 200

y_ Valentine, Mic.nae\ f.. <Pl, 141 Valentino, f.dV1ard P... '5"3 Valentino, !ohn C.. 1"3, SS, S'I, 200 Van f.el(e\en, !ohn M. (p1 Va&&allo, Vinc.ent M. 1"3S, 140, 200 Veit, !onathan M. <PS Vettori, Mr. !o&eph "31, 1"32 Vira'f, !erem'f P... 120, 12s, 201 Volpe, Loui& P... 'IO, '12, 120, 201

Vranc.l(en, ll-obert D. <Pl, 104, I0'5 Vui\\ermet, 'Dteven P... '14, '1'5, 201

w Wac.hter, e>rpn M. '5"3 Walder, \l-pn 'P. 120, 202 Wa\l(er, l(evin f..120, 12S, 202 Wallin, C.hri&topher \l-. <Pl, '12 Wal&h, Mic.nae\ r. <Pl Wal&h, 'Paul 'D. <PS Walter&, G.eor9e r. '5"3 Ward, Mr&. f\orenc.e Warner, William G.. <Pl Water&, Daniel !. <PS, 12, 14 Weinric.h, f.dV1ard M. <PS Weir, Tevi& £. (p1 Wei&er, Thoma& r. 1"30, 202 Wei&&, Nic.ho\a& 'P. (p'f Weller, r. 'Patric.I( 120, 124, 1"32, 1"34, 1'5'5, 20"3 Wel&h, r ohn £. <Pl Werner, l(evin 'P. (p'I, 121 Wertz., MattheVI 1-1. '5"3, '1'5 We&tle'f, \l-'fan M. 20"3 Whalen, Mic.nae\ f. <Pl,%, 1S Wha\on, !ohn 'P. '5"3 Wha\on, Timoth'f r. <Pl, 12'5 Whital(er, e>rendan r. 10, i,7, SS, S'I, 1'52, l<PO, 20"3 Whital(er, C.o\in M. <P'I, 14 White, Daniel 'P. '5"3, 12<P, 121 Whitmire, !('fie \l-. <Pl Wilde, Luc.a& r. <Pl Wi\l(in, Terenc.e r. 202 Wi\l(in&, Mic.nae\ 'P. <P'I, 141 William&, C.hri&tian £. '5"3 William&on, \l-onald V. '5"3 Will&, 'Dean f. 202 Wil&on, !ohn \l-. HS, 120, 12<P, 121, 1"3'1, l<PO, 202 Wil&on, \l-ic.hard f. (p'f Wil&an, Timoth'f 0. <P'I, '14, 12<P, 144,

14'5 Winl(e\man, e>rian M. 20"3 Winnin9, !o&eph f. <P'I, 14 Winnin9, !o&eph W. '5"3 Winnin9, Mr&. C.ath'f 2"3 Wi&nieV1&1(i, Daniel \l-. (p'f Wi&att.&l(e'f, Mr&. e>arbara 42 Wood, Daniel !(. <Pl, 'l<P, 1"3'1 Wooldrid9e, Mic.nae\ 'D. <P'I Worl(, C.hri&topher G.. '5"3 Wor&ter, roe\ e>. (p1

y_ Yanai(, Daniele>. <Pl Yeutter, f.ril \l-. '5"3 Youn9, Mr. !ohn 2'1, 1'5S

'!:: 2.al(rt.eVl&l(i, Mic.nae\!. <Pl Z.ettle, 1 odd P... '12, 20"3 Z.Oelt&c.h, Mr&. NaOl'f "32, 1'5S






ÂŁditors- in C.hie.f: C.hris ~\ane.1, C.hris ~dvans\::1, '5teve. C.urran, ~randon ~\ac.\:: '5taff: Tim Wilson, Tim l'ir\::, Dave Mo\\, 'J'.'P. Laub, Dave Naab, l(evin Tatlow, C.olin l'irts C.ontributors: Marc. Mongeau, Andrew 'J'ohn, Mrs. Donahue's A'P '5panish C.lass, Tom 'Plic.\::, '5ean fed1na, Matt Quigg, 'Phil C.arro\\, 'J'eff Mills, 'Paul Need\e., Mi\::e Alonso, ~1an ~dden, Nie.\:: C.ovolus, Andrew Merrie.\::, l(evin F-ieffe\, 'J'ohn Haggert1, l(evin frost, Dere\:: C.alista, ~rian 6,i\\e.spie, Dale Tan, Mi\::e fole1, l(e.vin Doran, and C.arl 'Pfofferle Moderators: Mrs. Linda Donahue.


Mrs. ÂŁliz.abe.th fie.ld

'Photographf Davor 'Photo, ~rother 'J'ame.s F-iec.\::, Mr. Al Zarroli Than\::s to Mr. William 6,eige.r, Mr. 'J'ame.s Tate, Mrs. 6,e.rri Light, Mrs. Nanc.1 Ta1lor, Mrs. 'J'ean '5tanton, Mrs. 'J'ulia Maher, Mrs. 'Patric.ia '5c.haum, and an1one e.lse. who helped.



~e :1tru??/e tl:ieftowarcLJ the hetjht:1 td enou?h to JI/a man; hear!. " -Albert Camus ( 19 1 7-1960)




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