2003 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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, - - - _ - - - - - - - - LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL




003 LUE&

La Salle 8605 Cheltenham 215-233-




Jackson laying down lbela"".

Thcse Freshmen

know why Ihc:ycamc10

La Sallt... for

the new 5igru.

20 signs of who we are


he question of who we are can often be a diffi-

that brings us together as Ihe Lasallian community. We

cult onc. We can see where we have been, where

are the Explorers, and to explore is our cause.

we are, and where we want to go. We constantly change,

What do we explore you might ask? Collectively. we cover

always trying to find direction in being better people

everything. for our wide array of individual interests de-

every day. We perpetually search for our own unique niche in life, be it a certain skill we can perform, a service we

mands such an exploration. Though nOI all of us may engage in a particular area, we strengthen our peers with

can provide or a fresh and original perspective we can

endless support, giving advice and offering signs of en路

share. We are all so very different with our own quesl for

couragement whenever needed. We cover academic, ath-

individuality. Yet it is that distinctive search for purpose

letic,cultural,community service and spiritual activities;

OFWHOWEARE LA SALLE IS A PLACE WHERE WE CAN BE OURSELVES. WE HAVE YET TO FULLY DISCOVER WHO WE ARE. THAT WILL TAKE YEARS, ANO MAY CHANGE OFTEN. HOWEVER, WE KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIAN MEN IN SEARCH OF SOMETHING BETTER. there is nothing that escapes at least someone's interest. Club and sport team strength is as strong as ever, and the same applies 10 service opportunities. As we delve into the many areas of interest, we develop and show others that we are always growing. Our most important sign of maturity and development is in the spiritual arena. That quest to become more Christ-like. Following the unique vision St. John Baptist de La Salle had so many years ago is the core reason we are Lasallians. Such an immense ex pia路 ration must need some direction, so what is the source of our inspiration? Just as the ancient astronomers looked to the stars to find their way, we look to our own Slars: our teachers, coaches, moderators, administrators, and fellow students for direction and guidance. They lead us in counlless ways, towards bigger and better things, helping us become people we never thought we could be. We have grown so much in the past four years; and as we walk Oul of La Salle and into the next chapters of our lives, we won路 der where we are going. What is to become of us? What does the future have in store? There arc no easy answers to these questions, for life's path is complicated. With the right map though, we can find our ways.

signs of who we are 0 3

nd just where do you think you're going?" Mr. Turner asks a particularly unkempt student who happened 10 let his shirttail

hang OUI. ÂŤUhhh ummm ...... seems


be the most

popular response 10 this question, and for many of us, it is all we can say. Where are we going with OUf lives. and what lies ahead? Well, the immediate answer is

college for most of us. Some may be going 10 military school, a university. or a technical institution of some kind, bUI all these are only temporary SlOpS on our life

journeys. Just as La Salle has been one large step in our

lives. so will be these others stops. We came to high school without much direction or any idea of what possibilities were in store for us. As seniors, the process of acquiring the spiritual, academic, social, emotional and athletic skills we need for life hastened exponentially, and it is hard to imagine there is much else to learn. Yet there is infinitely more information available to us. We were given the directions we need



At La Salle there are many opportunities to get involved. Through the many sports, clubs, and activities, La Salle students have endless means to meet new people and have a good time. to move On and advance our underslandingoflife and living. We are now prepared for the unknown that lies ahead of us; we now have the tools to survive in the world. What we have learned here has been invaluable, and Mr. Turner, to answer your question, though we may not know where we are going, we will always know where we've been. We'U always carry the La 5allian Spirit with us.

4 - signs of where we are IlOlng

Super Fan pumping up lhe 5ludenlS at the Rally.


Tommy Mac gening a ""orkoul aflef anolher La Salle toudldown.

signs of where we are going 0 5

Some frcshmen doing whatlheydo bestNOTlilNGI

Phil and Pele showing s,hoo! spirit al a football game. The only time you willStt seniors studying.

60 signs of what's to come

OF WHAT'S TO COME The main goal of La Salle is to prepare its students for college. Since the first day of Freshman year, we are constantly told that our future at college starts today. We, as clueless Freshman, ignore our teachers' advice but quickly realize the truth in their words.


hough we are sure there will be many ly, we will each have our own goals and journey todaily challenges ahead of us in our wards their realization; yel as Mrs. Ursula Le Guinn

lives. we are also sure of something else: if we stay puts it,"1t is good to have an end to journey towards, focused and keep motivated, we are in slore for a but it is the journey that matters in the end:' So in

great number of successes. We will face the chal- closing, thanks La Salle for a great four years, you've lenges of college academics while experiencing the graduated another 200 plus truly amazing individ-

excitement of college social life. Some of us will go uals.It's been a greallrip, or rather a great stop on on to marry, another great challenge of life, filled life's trip. But now,as we graduate and know the next with joys, sorrows, hardships and good times. Oth- directions we will take, there is bUI one thing left to ers will take different paths and go on quite sepa- say,"We're oulta here!" rate journeys. The realization of our goals. however, and the effects of such accomplishments will be one thing common to us all. In fact, we can be sure to

have much in common regardless of where our lives may take us. We will all pass at times and fail at times. We will all experience joys at some point in our lives, just as we will experience times of sorrow. We will make our ways through Ihe storm and sec the light of a new day, every day, until our end. LaSI-

~imothY Wilson '03


Gardner '03

signs of whafs to come CJ 7

8 CJ student life divider

}otCoe ala

Mall Andris

student life divider CJ 9


Father lanlon greels Brian and Mrs. Sacchetla. La Salle morns come oul for a night with their boys "So how was schoolloday?"

10 0 slsns

Fathers and sons ready for the festivities Conklin brings down the house Seniors and their dads for one last La Salle banquet

signsQ 11

"You guys hangin' oul.? We'll hang,out!! Skoien leIS loose

"Would youlrust this man with your daughter?" The Miller brothers gettin' (unky!


Gurb maka friends ,,路bemw hegon.

Dungan gets this party starltd right!

Clarkie is shocked to set thaI Dunney has a dale

Rob llrassdl and Joe Cosella enjoy II night oul wilh Iheir ladies


Basil Nation Ind his fathtr u)K'I"imct tht Frt'Shman Branch-out

daylognMr Chris Doc and a fritnd strTins at

SamdJi "00,",

JJ Frank Kohltl" Imdsfr. Kntinatwwt

II Samdli House

BilISmar1 tutoring II Providmct


ThirtY路lhrtt jUllmpill"' lkipattd in th<fin,

Urban ChaJ-

1m...... gram ill Cam-


14 C signs


J .;I J



Proud laSalle alumni

happylobt' back at LoSaIk helping thrir presmld~ f~low LaSal-

lians find in-

terest in various carttrs.

.:\ J

!J 11J JJ




':1 1

"When we wenl (0 laSalle, we had 10 WlIlk Ie-n miles 10 Khool, in the snow, uphill. both ways_" Young LaSaJlians listening attentively to their elders and dreaming of what their career

will someday M.

Sig ns 015

one womari; commitJTlent to Ia !:aIle

OF DEDICATION Ulla mfIt'.'itra de espanol. Un profes,\('urdefran~路a;.'i. Unll insegrumte di italiano. For the foreign language

"challenged" among us. lhese phrases mean "a teacher of Spanbh. French. and Italian" rc!)peclively. The ability to speak another language fluently is truly a special gift; the ability to speak more than one is uller)" remarkable. Here at La Salle, \IoC are especially blessed to have a teacher who knows nOi one. not two. but three foreign languages. This year's Blue & Gold staff is proud to dedicate the 2003 yearbook 10 mal very talented person. Mrs. Linda A. Donahue. Students stand in awe of Mrs. Donahue's linguistiC abilities. In fact.lasl year when she moderated the yearbook. the staff was afraid \he secretly knew Russian and would at any moment become a spy for the CIA. Thankfully. the CIA allowed our beloved Mrs. Donahue (0 stay and continue (o,hare her knowledge of four different languages with La Salle \ student~. Mrs. Donahue's teaching career did nOl begin al La Salle. She previou!\ly taught at Conwell Egan. orwood路Fonlbonne. Council Rock. and Halboro-Horsham before finally arriving at Room 116 in 19~3. She received her undergraduate degree in French from Che'tnut Hill College and laler earned her graduate degree in Spanish from La Salle Unive~ity_ In her ~pare lime. she enjoys the company of her family, C!\pecially her granddaughter. and her hobby. collecting leapo". When .he i, not bu'y with family and <chool. she admittedly watches her "secretlove," Matthew Broderick. lhe star of Ferris Bueller'~' Day Off. Though a quite humorous movie. she sees some seriousness in II because she believes that there is a bit of Ferris in all her students. Do nol gel any ideas though, Mrs. Donahue surely will catch any mischievous studenh who try to pull a "Ferris" trick on her. Mrs. Donahue's resume is impressive: how docs she do It? Last year. she kept four different languages separated in her head while running one of the most time-consuming activities. Ihe Blue & Gold yearbook. AI'\o. she taught English as a Second Language al LaSallc University and Spanish 10 adults at Bucks Counly Communil) College. The yearbook slaff agrees 1hal her contagious enlhusia\m musl be the secrel 10 ho\\. she manages to do all Ihis wi1h a smile on her face. She is full of energy ooth in and Qui of cI~ and always strives to maximize her studenls' po1enlial. Regardless of which language ...he is teaching. Mr\. Donahue "Iolally immef'Cs" her liludent.... gCIling them 10 read. wrile. hear. speak. and understand it well. She stresses the practicality of uch abilities 111 our mull i-lingual world. One can never forget her slyle of teaching: the cooking presentations in AP Spamsh. the lif'tt day of Italian I. or Ihe fun Spanish II lessons on money. and how. all of a sudden, she exclaims "jSuper gangas!" Even af1er the students have left her class and see her in the halls. she often speah the languages they are learnmg juslto see how much improvement they have made. She truly cares aboul each and every one of her students. and she is generous wilh prJise when she is especially pleased with their work. Mrs. Donahue has always had an encouraging pe~ona. She likes thaI she can "be herself' here al La Salle. which is one rea.\On she ha.... been with Wi for nearly twenty years. During thai lime, she served as the Dramatic~ Moderaror for ten year.-. and me ModeralOr of the yearbook for several years in addition 10 her teaching responsibilities. Mr~. Donahue hib ama....sed quite a history wim La Salle and its s1udenls, and this year's \Cniors are no eJtception. A~ \\Oe move on. il i't with fond memories and grateful hearts. that we say Rracios. mern' ..~ru=ie. and thank you for all >,ou have done for us. Ke\'lll Gardner. Jr. '03

160 d.dlcatlon

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-/990 Bille and Gold



180 acadomlcs dMd<r

Mr. Quinn watches the students in his computer class.

academics dMder 0 19


Dr. Joseph D'Angelo Assistant Principal

English <I

for Academic Affairs Creative Writing

Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Chemistry, Student Council

Bro. Gerard Frendreis

Mr. Anthony Resch DireclOr of Athletics English I

Mr. Peler Sigmund Chief Information Officer Windows 2000 Server

Chief Financial Officer


Mr. Martin Stanczak Dean of Students

Mr. Thomas Turner Assistant Dean of Students

Bro. James Rieck. FSC Dir拢'Clor of Admissions

Director of Transportation World Civilization I



Bro. Rene Sterner Key Concepts of Christianity, Forensics

La Salle College High School Board ofTrustus, 2002路2oo3i Row I: Michaek O'Toole. Joseph D'Angelo, Domenic DiPiero,John Paul, Robert laskowski, 8ro.Andrew 8artley,8ro. Ren~ Sterner; Row 2: 8ro. 8rian Henderson, Robert Mills, Donna Bartynsky,Stephen Dugan,8m Kellin Dalmasse, Frederick Assaf; Row); Benjamin \'entresca, 8ro. Gerard Frendreis, John Fenningham,John Meko, Jr.; Row4: Sr. Manhew Anita MacDonald, James Basile, Edward Soh'ible, Edward Allinson; Row 5; William Markman,Joseph Siabinski, Robert Moran, Bro. Thomas McPhillips

20 0 signs

Mr. Mark Gibbons Complrolln

Mr. John Meko DirKlor or ~-dopmenl

8m. Kn-in Slrong Moderator. Men or LaSalle

Mrs. Cathy Winning Secretary 10 the "I(e Prnidenl

Mrs.Jane Kelly-Evans Alumni Office

Mrs. Patricia OC"cr Development Office

Mrs. Florence Ward Developmellt Office

Mrs. Virginia Mintzer Secretary to the Presidenl

Mrs. Connie Gill Busin~Omce

Mrs.Ann Ford

Administrative Assistant Admissions Office


Mr. Frederick Assaf English]

OuclKWaddilion tothe "'Salle carnpus,the Allinson Iloust.

signs 021

TIrnill庐~~OO~ Anyone who has mel Senora Lastenia Breen knows that she is one of La Salle's more kindhearted and compassionate educators. You



might remember her as your Spanish II or III teacher or as the 6th period hall monitor. Either way, you would never know how truly amazing Senora is without siuing down and having along conversation with her. Iam thankful to have had such an opportunity. She speaks a rare Indian language known as Qut'chua; and every other ycar,she travels back to her nativecountryofBolivia and distributes articles of clothing she has accumulated to Ihe less fortunate families that speak this language. As though that wert' not enough. she has also"adopted"one of these families and is currently helping to send its six children through grade school and college. She smiles about how they call her "sisternbecause she is like family to them. This concept of family

and its extension to friendship is just one of many aspects of the amazing culture Senora shares with us on a daily basis. Senora considers the sharing of her culture the most impor路 tant aspect ofteaching, and sht' takes advantage of this opportunity in a variety ofways.Outside the classroom, she moderates an intramural Spanish language competition and prepares the- winners for the Montgomery County competition, an event she used to judge. From these activities, one can see that her devotion to the students goes beyond the classroom. I witnessed this

Valentine Aprile Drawing 1,2,Painting I, Drawingand Painting2, Foundation Art Art Club Thomas Barna Chair Science. Chemistry, Integrated Science LSC, Student Council Rocco Bene Trumpet Instructor Mark Chesnik Director of Campus Ministry. Prayer LSC, Yearbook Janice Ciccimaro Health Joseph Ciccimaro Chair Fine Arts, Music Theatre

Mr.Crow without his flashlight

Mr. Rocheworking wilh his protege, Bert Bender

220 faculty portraits



devotion firsthand when Senora kindly asked more than six separate times if she could pause the interview to answer her students' questions. I watched as she made sure that each student understood her answers, regardless of how long that took her. More than anything. this determination to get her students to understand both her language and her culture is what makes Senora such a buena maestra.


0. Wil'iOlI'OJ

~1r.Nick and Jon Cooney hanging out lalking about Ihuglife.

• SIGNS OF SUCCESS "The vocation for teaching certainly finds fertile soil to grow with the Christian Brothers." - Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti

Gabriel Blanco Language Chair, Spanish 4, S,AP Spanish, Student Council Dennis Bloh English 2,4, Public Speaking,Shakespeare Swimming, Theatre

Rod Brader Director of Security Daniel Cipolla

Physics, Integrated Science Ilalian Club,Sci('nce Club Charles Cirrelli Chemistry Basketball Moderator. Lacrosse Coach Lewis Clark Christian Action, Morality,Campus Ministry LSC

Mrs. Schaum always greels those entering Studenl Affairs with a smile. These guys aren't wQrried about the high cafeteria prices.

faculty portraits 0 23

Mrs. Millet workswilh Brian"Picas· 50" McGillin.

• SIGNS OF SUCCESS "The most important part of La Salle is finding what lies within each of US." - Mrs. Barbara Miller

Joseph Colistra So,ial Studies Chait ,AP Economics, Economics,American History Head Football Coach Mark Collins Catholic Identity,Scripture David Crowe Athletic Training,Anatomy and Phr;iology, Integraled Science

Patrick Devine Sophomore Counselor, Christian Life Styles, Group Advisory Ilead Coach· Cross- Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track Frances Diccicco Spanish2H,3,3H Spanish Club David Diehl Economics, Direclor of Financial Aid Golf

"Furlhose who arc aboullo fail, I salute you!"

Mr. Keenan and Mr. Sweeney convincing Mr. tlolwick that Piltshould not be in aBCS bowl.


o signs

~庐~wmmrn PROBLEMS IN THE CLASS "Zoigma?! What's a lOigma?!" This question is just OIK of the several that you might hear tchoing loudly from room 216 where Mr. Brian Swerney watches his studenls dtvtlop. just as he did. imo frer-thinking young mm. 8uI who is Ihis Mr. Swerney. and whal d~ he do other than teach? Whert did he rome from, and how did his vocabulary become as garganluan as it is? Wdl,Mr,Sweeney is actually an alum of LSCHS (Class of 1994). A veteran of The Gazebo, The Blue & Gold, LSC, and Hand. Mr. Sweeney was quile active in literary and musical pursuits, and those ae-

tlvities continued during his colltge )'tus. He wrote for the St. Joseph's University nnvspa~r and participated in theatre. Infuct,hedirwtda 1970smu-





"Sweeney Todd," He (\'en writes his own fiction; and by the lime he arri\'~d at La Sall~,

his work had alrtady been published. His first short story was "St'lf路Portrait~ followed laler by "Farewell Amanda." The lall~r slory I had the opportunilyto read and fell il was quile amusing. It was filled with the same humor characleristic of its author. As anyone who has had Mr.

Sweeney knows, his classes are always richly entertaining and e\'en mort thought-provoking (remem~r all tho.se The Simpsons ~pisod~?). When asked what makes teaching at La Sall~ so important to him, h~ answered, "The ability to t~ach exc~plional students with lively minds." He loves to s芦 the students think, and to think freely and intelli~ntly; nothing pleases him more than 10 s~e lh~m chall~ng~ th~ notions set in fronl of them, n'en the ones he himself proposes. "Ilikr il when a student thinks about my class after leaving it,"he sa)'S. That simple stalem~n1 implies a respecl for Sludents who think about class diSCUSSions longer than the walk 10 their lockers, and that respecl is what makes Mr.Sweeney the great teacher he is.

:::I :""

Donna DMnnaro

Algebra 1,Geometry Doug Dmleter Catholic Identity, Scripture Gaming Club,Cross路 Country, Track Joseph Dempsq English Chair, English 1,2,) WEXP, Basketball 8m. William DiPasquale Junior/Senior Conselor, English 3, Group Advisory LSC,NHS

Michael Dolan Psychology, DireClor of Guidance and Counseling Linda Donahue APSpanish.ltalian 1,2

Mf$. Sue Saytt and Mrs.

Kathleen O'Connell help students find their _y in the College Counsdlins Cmler,

signs 025

TIrnill©~m~rn .... V E .... o ~

Who is th~ only person in Ihe school who laches all of the following dass~:

Physics, Gwmetry, Morality,

American History. Ceramics I, and English III? You must be psychic if)'Ou <= knew the answer was Mrs. Megan 10 Demeter, La Salle's Inelusive Educator. 00 Mrs. Demeter's story is fascinating; she is one of the few pmple who have 1: the opportunity to view school from


both the perspectiv~ of the students

and the faculty. The' unique nalur( of her job C'XposH her 10 more student life than the avtragt tta~ and with fRqutnt aposUf( 10 the' students, she is better ~uippni 10 undmtand their individual ne«ls. What makes her a grrat teacher is that she can easily put _.

us ALL WE NEED TO KNOW limiu~d; howevrT. her fa\"Orile activity outside of school is simply"spt'nding timt with my family," Family sums 10 be a recurring theme with Mrs. Demeter; and since family plays such an important role in her life, it is no .....onder lhat she treats others like family with such ease.

herself in the students' sha« and is capable of relating to memo Aside from teaching. Mrs. Demeter also participates in several extra-curricular activilies, Film Club and Respect Life to name a few. In fact. she has always been quite involved with activities, especially sports. By the time stir finished colltge at Salve Rtgina University, she had pla}~ rlCld hockey.lacrosse, softball. rugby. and golf while also bowling, ho~­ back riding. skiing,and sailing. She participated in lhe Spteial Olympics and Learning Un-








Bernard Fitzgerald World Civiliz.ation 2,American History,AP United Stales History James Fyke Environmental ScW:nce. Integrated Science Ice Hockey, Lacrosse Theresa Garvin

AlgebI1l2,2H, ~metry,Math Analysis SADD Joseph Glacken Academic Support, David Center Diana Guest Catholic Identity, Business,American History LSC,WEXP Gerard Hartey English 2,4 Gaming Cub, Intramurals, RC Racing Cub,Soccer




Mr. Anthony (raci. this year's Lasallian voluntttr.

I.U. staff Mu. Helen Mcilvaine

and Mrs. Mary Shtt1s.

260 faculty portraits




_. ~






-- --

William Donahue World Civilization 1,2 Baseball, Basketball, Football Stephen Duncheskie Biology 10, Imegrated Science Swimming Gerald Evans Biology 10, lOti, General Chemistry AnimeClub.Mock Trial Joseph Falcone A1gebral,Geometry, Math Analysis ~Il, Wrt'Stiing Moderator Elizabeth Field English 1.2 Yearbook. Amnesty International

Daniel File English 1.3 \\'lsterian

William Geiger Latin ',2H, 3H,AP Environmental Scienct.Creati\'t Writing 2 Photography, Latin Club,Gaubo. Head Tennis Coach Charles Gesing Algebra 2.Geomt'lry Soccer, Indoor Track Terence Gillespie Biology9H, 10, AP Biology Student Council Br. Richard Herlihy Catholic Identity Assistant Athlelic DirÂŤtor, Football Manager George Ilohenleitner German 1,3,4,AII,Scripture Tennis, German Club. Respect Life




















Christopher Holwkk English 1.3 Crew.FilmOub

Mrs.GerryClarkand Mu. Barban. WiSOlUq keep lhe book-

ston: going.

faculty portraits



Martin Jackson Psychology, Language Specialist Head Basketball Coach, Golf Rev. Antony Janton Chaplain Francis Johnson Morality, English 4 Cross路 Country John lkenan Dir芦tor ofthe David ~nter,Catholic Identity. Academic Support Soccer Moderator,Gamingdub Michael Kennedy Instrument.tl.lnstruetion. Guitar larry King Maintenance

Uro. Charles lack~ Spanish 2 lSC, Football Moderator William Leahy Freshman Counsdor,Catholic Identity Head Lacrosse Coach

Frank Lichtner Aquatics Head Coach Swimming Jason Michael Chorus, Fine Art Survey, Theatre Performance Theatre Barbara Miller Art, Ceramics, Sculpt ure Art Club

Edward Molush AP English. Public Speaking, English 2 Mock Trial

Tmding 10 ~ sick an: Mrs. Pam Schuck and Mrs. Pat McNally ~ school nurses



~@~wm~rn PROBLEMS IN THE CLASS ~We ar~ drowning in informalion, but starving for knowledge." -Unknown Author. When we think of Mr. Miller, we think of an opinionated man that is causing a commotion in Room 321. Mr. Miller challenges his students to defend their positions and nOI simply recite memoriud facts. He moourages them to surpass mt'n" emotional rtSpollStS and defend thtir ideas with a passion that fURS with knowlroge. He does this by frtqUC'nt路 Iy playing the devil's advocate to force his students 10 defend and support thdr positions. His teaching style is truly


sylvania Vietnam Educator of the Year and made a national speech in Phoenix in November 2002. He will be presenting other speeches at Memphis and Washington, DC. He has taken thirtytwodassn to Washington DC to seethe Vietnam War Memorial. He does Ihis to show both the reality and pain of war as well as to show the pride the Vets have in those who hnedied. He feds the most pride in his students when they understand the facts and show that their positions are their own and not what others tell them to believe.

unique. Sollie also think he don not know who we are and we can gel away wilhoUi participating in class. However, Ihis is untrue. He does not call students by name in class becau~ he wants them to believe lhal he will not know who they are so they can speak fruly without fear of being penalized. He ~ 00( force ideas on his students. Mr. Miller's classroom is decorated to inspire his students and to show that the paSI issues are still issues today. Because of this determination to make his students understand the material, he was named the Penn-

-------- --




Gerri Light Dimtor ofAcademic T芦hnology WebTeam David Manion Spanish \,French 1,2.4H,AP,5 William McBride German 2. Spanish Survey. Spanish I. IH Bowling Moderator Walter Muehlbronner Physical Education Hrad Hockey Coach Mary Kay Mullen Juniorl Senior Counselor, Group Advisory

LSC Daniel Muller Instrumentallnslruction,Saxaphone



. --

.......... - -


- - - - - -- =-



Yo! WalCh



Walkin, herecomn Dr.Stanton.

The Library Staff: Ms. Donna

Long, Bro. Krn Cook, and Mrs. Margam Doughttty

signs 0


TI~ffi®rn~~rn c






have b~caus~ with pati~nc~, she can leach any stud~nl at any pac~. H~r nurturing nature,always perceptiv~of a student's ~agernm!o l~arn, helps her stand out as not only an inspiring leach~r but also an inspiring person.

quilt-making. Sh~ got im'Oh'ed with this aClivity shorl.ly aflu Ih~ 9111 tragedy wh~n a group of wom~n lhought it would ~ kind to cr~at~ quills for ~ach family lhatlosl on~ or more of its m~m~rs 10 th~ disast~r.ln 101al, her group mad~ O\'~r 20 quilts. Mrs. John's activities refltel h~r most important p~rsonal attribute: patienc~. Quilt-making is an aClivity Ihat tak~s much patienc~ but for Mrs. John that is not a problem~· cause she has an abundance of patienc~.ln her mind,it is the greatest quality a teacher can

c Mrs. Kathlttn John; does that name ring a bell~ .c: Unless you take one of the Computer Aided De-

o ....,.


sign c1asSC's our .school offers. it probably does not. Mrs. John is La Salle's parI-lime CAD teacher; and though you may know little to nathingabout her, she isddinitriy an inlereslingperson. She nOI only leaches here at La Salle, but also tutors and leachts al Montgomery County Community Collrge. These computer drafting countS art uSt'd by the' design industry for aTchiltclural blut'prints. enginttring schC'matics. and olhu t«hnological implementations. She' \'\'3$ inslructtd in this field at Pennsyl\1lnia State University. wherr ~ also p3nicipated in intramural sohball and an historkal society. She now bowls regularly in a league and has a pair of binoculars in her car for her bird-watching hobby. Another aClivity lhat selS h~r apart is

------- -


.- ,-


'oseph Radvansky Algebra 2, Calculus. Malh Analysis, Gmmetry Pre/Calculus H ~baIJ, Tennis, LSC 'ames Roche

Algebra IH,APCa!culusAB, Be Robert Russell

Ap, II Phyics,AP Computer Science,Visual C++/Java Programming Mathletcs, Academic Decathlon, Robotics 8m. James Ste<:k Spanish I, IH,Frcnch I, IH,3,3H Lacrosse Moderator

James Tale World Civilizations I, J[ Swimming, Outdoor Adventure Club, Ski Club Bro. Mang Tran Alegbra 1, Trigonometry, Visual Basic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----_..

Maintancc Staff. Mike Donovan, Ben Miller, Albtrl Losulto, Mark Angiolillo (Dir«tor of Planl Op<ralionJ), John Po:, and Frank 1ngas


, I:



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• .


30 CJ I.cully pertr.lts










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Geoffrey Nicoletti World Religions,Scripture LSC Joseph Parisi World Civilization I, Psychology Head Baseball Coach, Basketball Dorothy Ponisciak APChemislry,Chemistry IOH, IIH NHS

Michael Ponisciak Calculus,Algebra 2,AP Statistics Mathletes AJfred Puntel Chair Religion, Catholic Idenlity, Morality LSC Paul Quinn Computer Applications,Algebra 1, Math Applications Ice Hockey, Baseball, Guitar Club

Tina Shustack Alegbra IH, II H, Geometry, Math Analysis Mary)o Smith Chair Math,Alegbra II H, Calculus, Geometryl PreCalculus H LSC, Drama Club Dr. Kevin Stanton American Ilistory,AP European History History Club,LSC Joseph Venori Music ,ohn Young World Civilization I.2,AP European History Intramurals Nancy ZoeJlsch Spanishl, lH,3H,4 Student Council







omce Staff: Mrs. Rila Cooney, Ms. Suunne Shapira, and Mrs. Carol Hagerty

faculty portraits



32 \J underclasses divider



Cosgrove' and Sterling Calhoun making their

rll"Sl of nlany purchases at the school store.

underdasses divider 033

Colin Aboott Christopher Agnew Peter Anninos Phillip Babnew Matthew Baiocchi Matthew Barlow

Kevin Barnett Christopher Barr Luke Barrett Brendan Beichert Daniel Benincasa Karl Beyer

PatrickBlagrave Paul Bonnevie Alain Bonny Andrew Borrell John Brady Drew Brandt

Alex Breitmarer John Buonomo ChristopherBush ChristopherByrne Bradley Caglia Sterling Calhoun

John Campbell Darren Campo Thomas Cappa Matthew Carr jared Carter Gregory Casey

Brother Rene welcoming



340 freshman class

Sean Casey Ian Cassel Robert Chapman-Smith Matthew Chia~lIo Da\'K1 Ciccaglion~ Alex Oark

Michael Oark

Timothy Carke Thomas Cleary Ryan Colburn Kevin Collins Richard Conicelli

Colin Conway w. Gresham Cooney Jeremy Cooper Richard Cosgrove Steven Costanza Patrick Costello

Thomas Cowher Nicholas Crawford Ryan Creter ThomasC~


Patrick Cunnane

Pal Curran Ryan Curran Peter Daniele Andrew Davis Benjamin Dearden Richard Devine

Kevin Dicciani Michael DiLaur~nzo Chrislophe Dil.e1la Paul DiPaolo Richard DiPiero Michael Donovan

O'lrlstopMr Drisroll Thomas Dugan ~rtEbbÂŤu

Travis Eddy Brendan Egan Michat'i Farrington

tr.,hlMn doss CJ 35

Daniel Fasoline Gerald Fillman Breit Fisher Daniel Fisher Joseph Fluehr Timothy Foley

Christopher Fornace Edward Furman L. G. Lenward Gal ison Nicholas Gatto David Gavin Peter Gebert Jr.

James Gehringer Brian Gibbons Stephen Gibbons Jason Gigliotti Andrew Gleason Joseph Gravinese III

Matthew Greenfield Joshua Griffith Edward Guarrieri Michael Haas Andrew Haefner J. Bradley Halbritler

Michael Handschuh Peter Hanselmann Matthew Harp Kevin Harrigan Matthew Heebner Thomas Heigh

Mr. Leahy grffi.ing

freshmen as they spend

their first of many periods in the cafeteria.

360 freshman class

Christopher Heinly Joseph Hennessey Christopher Henrich Dennis Higgins Matthew Himler C. Clark Hodgson III

Connor Hogan Kevin Horgan Ryan Huber George Hudson III Joseph Hughes III William Hunt

Christian lannamne Matthew Ihlein Christopher lmms Austin Iorio Patrick Jeffers Michael Joachim IV

Colden Johanson R. Sooll Jones John Paul Jones III Stephen Kapp Francis Kaspl7.3.k Sean-Patrick Kearney

Jack Keenan William Keenan Graham Keir Matthew Kelly Thomas Kelly Timothy Kelly

Brian Kennedy James Kerak William Kerr Matthel'.' Kershes John Knab Daniel Kostenbauder

Matthew Landherr Evan Langdale John Lees Patrick Lenahen Jonathan Leshncr Jon Lester

freshman cla55 0 37

Gary Lewis Jeffrey Liberatore Antonio Lopez Louis Maiden Patrick Malone Joseph Manero III

Tyrell Marshall Vincent Martinicchio David Mastroieni William Masturzo Christopher Mattera Douglas Maxwell

John Maxwell Michael McCarty Robert McArthur Kevin McCort Robert McCullough Brian McGill

Stephen McGarry Andrew McGowan Sean McLaughlin Timothy McMahon Kevin McNamara Matthew McNamara

Marc Menno Anthony Mieczkowski Colin MilJer MickMilier Joseph Millet III Mark Milligan

Sean Moloney Joseph Monastero Max Morgan Alexander Muller Kevin Murphy John Mutchler

Seon Nagy Kyle Narkiewkz Gino Naticchione BasU A.G. Nation Joseph Nolan Craig O'Neill

380 freshman class

Kristopher Ostopchuck Michael Padgeon joseph Pappas Gerald Pawlish John PE-ruto Adam Petko

TyltT PE-trus Anthony Phillips William Phillips John Pilla W. Palrick Playdon Timothy Plunkett

Jeffrey Powers Eric Prendergast James I'rendergast Thomas Prokop Christopher RaCl Giuseppe Randa7.l.o

Patrick Regan Matthe'A' Reich~t Jonathan Rementer Albert R<d< Matthew Riffe' Ttrrence Rilry

Timothy Ri1t'Y Vincent Rizzuto Trrrance Robinson Stephen Rodgers Francis Rogef5 Reese Rogers

Chris Driscoll and Paul Bonntvie swimmingio the freshmen b~

freshmon doss 0 39

David Roynan Jason Ruppert William Rush Brian Sacchetta Peter Salatino Nicholas Sannuti

Joseph Schatl Timothy SchMider Eric Schoeffling Bryant Schultl And~ Snavalli Jama Shannon

ManheVo' Singer !.ron SingJrtary JalTld Sinnott Matlhew Sinnon Mauhew S1em~r Matthew S1ul1

Stan mith Grorge Steffon

laMar Stewart Matthew StigJiano Robert StOll Danid Svizeny

"Arc you with me herd" ManYounglMincirl8with~coIorbecanthinkol

40 CJ freshman dass

RuemTan Connor Tallow Nicholas Teufel James TIerney Edward Tilterton Robert Toner

Ryan Travers Timothy Tridllinger Jacob Troxell Joseph Tubolino

ChaseTudrr Christopher Tull

Joh" Tyuh Slqmen Ullrich Kevin Ulrich Alexander Vaeth Slephen Vanni Joseph Vazquez

Michael Venafra AndrewVentrtSCa Jonathan Vettori Michael Villari Thomas Wallin Thomas Walsh

William Warrender Collin Wessier William Whalon Andrew Wigglesworth Andrew Wilkins John Williams

Thomas Winning Michael Wojcik M. Nicholas Wright Matthew Young David Yusavitz Jeffrey Zamorski

Mattht'A, Zielinski

Some of thue zuys look. liltle old to be f~""'"

freshman doss 0 41

Christopher P. Adamski John Paul Agoslin~ ADen E.Alzona K. R}<ln And~rson MichadJ.Andrrws Cesarr I. Angdoni

Gabrid J.Antondlo Jamn N.Athian Brian T. Aztff Gregory J. BanÂŤktr John R. Barr Christian J. Barrell

Ryan P. Barrell Ryan N. Barry Colin S. Behr Michael W. Berger Gerald B. Bidus Matthrw ,. BoIinski

Mkhod A. Boyl, John N. Braca Matthew C. Bnw;twetl AooltW R. Brill Patrick F. Brodrrick Kyk M. Buchanan

Gerard F. Burke Thomas P. Callahan R. Sean Carlin Brian A. Carlin Vinc~nt E.Cartwright Christopher G. Carvalho

A bunch of



rtally happy 10 be bcre.

42 0 sophomore dass

Cody M. Casale

Michael R.Chapman FranctsCo P. Chinnici Brandon K. Olong Pasquak ).Ciammetti Stephen A.Ciliberto

Cameron P. Cimintra David G.Cipoila Christopher A. Ciufo John J. Qifford Sleven J. Connolly Christopher M. Conli

Andrew J.Cotlov Travis). COllie JohnM.Croke John R. Crouse Timothy E. Cullen William J. Cummings

Scott). Cumpstone

Kyle G. Cunningham Thayer\'{. Damm Christopher A. Darragh Francis R. Dauledo Patrick D. Dempsey

MaUhew l. Dempsey Michael S. De Paulo Robert C. Devlin Edward A. Diasio Brian A. DiBiagio Kory D. Dickerson

Edward W. DiDonato Edward S. DiNola Aldo OiPrato Hai H.Do James C.Dooney Adam R. Douglas

J. Doyie Anlboll}" Dukes


Timothy P. Dunn Dennis R. Dunne Thomas J. Edger RKhard Eichert

sopohmoro doss 0 43

William N. Ei,h....oald Michael J. E1nitsk.i Raymond C. Favata Stephen P. FttIey Patrick E. Ftrgu.son San R. Ford

T~" J. F<>nI Sun ForsttT Robert S. FonttT

Roben S. Fratamico Christopher J. Gallagher Eugene J. Gallagher

Michacll.Gauara JefTrt')' D. Gcmi Ryan B. Gibbons AndrewM.Gill Brian EGivnish MichaelA.Gram

Ktvin W.Gud:in Stan P. Guinan AndrtW J. Haenn F. Joseph HacslC'r Brennan L Hagy \\mdeJl EHaley-Dingle

Jeffrey M. Hamihon Andrew M. Harrison Thomas J. Hanman BrianA.Httnan Jason Henner Michael Henner

Stephen J. Herbert Kevin S. Heron Gregory P. Herrog Zachary M. Hess Gregory B. Hogan Donald C. Huber

AndIN M. Hyau Kevin D. Hylinski James Elrwin

Leonard A.lvanoski Loo P. Jackson Thomas Johnson

44 0 sophomore doss

Thomas M. Jorfi Kevin S. Juliff Mauhew A. Kalkbrenner Konrad j. Karczewski John A. Keating Paul J. Kelly

William S. Kessler Joseph T. Kirk Stephen M. Klenk Bernard J. Krasnisky David Chol Kuch Ian C. La Rocca

Joseph c. Lacon Andrew R. Lagner Paul M. Le Gavin M. Leighton Andrew,. Lewandowski Anthony J. Limberakis

Thomas P. Linle Patrick R. Lombard Ryan J.Luby Matthew A. Luciani Michael C. Lynch Francis T. Lyons

Alexander). Madrak Nicholas A. Manzi Timothy R. Marcinek Daniel K. Marcolina J. Earl Marlin Scott ]. McBride

A gaggle of sophmores waiting to the band.

rock oul with

"Okay, Spanish test. Number one, skip it. number t,,"O,skip it. Number three, I'm so dead."

sophomore class 0 45

James c. McCabe Patrick C. McCaffery Brendan R. McCann Ryan P. McCann Philip J. McCarthy lohn E. McCary

Michaclj.McCoy Andrew J. McDermott Gerard J. McEvilly Kevin P. McGee Michael F. McGee Sean T. McGinley

Sean A. McGoldrick Matthew J. McGowan John T. McGowan Brooke B. McKim Michael R.McKinney Kevin T. McShane

Thomas S. McVey Christopher R. Mehr TylerR.Meves Brian S. Michel Shawn A. Miles Chase V. Miller

Kevin W. Miller Michael R. Mills Paul J. Molchen Daniel J. Moll Patrick W. Montgomery James P. Murphy

Mrs. Donahue never ceases

tobeamaud by the responses ~m.

students give.

46 0 sophomore class

Bradley A. Murtha Christopher M. Nederostek Andrew I. Nelson Scan D. O'Connell James Kyle O'Donnell Thomas I. O'Donnel

Brendan D. O'Hara George R. Oliver Brian 1.0lszak Michael G. O'Neill Daniel Peter O'Toole Vincent G. Paglione

Paul H. Paige Luke F. Palidora Richard A. Panettieri Michael T. Pennington Christopher M. Perdigao Douglas M. Phelan

Nicholas A. Pucci Scott A. Ranweiler Peter 1. Recigno Thomas E. Reeb Conor P. Regan Michael I. Reilly

,. Blake Remley Alexander J. Rhein John I. Rice Patrick J. Rider Sean P. Riley Joseph F. Ritinsk

Robert P. Roberts Andrew P. Rocks Mallhew P. Romagano Erik M. Ronzone Scott G. Ross Nicholas M. Rowe

M. Stewart Ryan Stephen C. Safarowic Nicholas L. Salatino Richard D.Salvucci Christopher J. Samanns Nicholas M. Scalfaro

sophomore class 0 47

Timothy M. Schaible Christopher J. Schif'\"f' Christopher P. Schulz Bryan A. Schwartz Ryan I.ScioIla Rahul J. Sdvanathan

Josq>h ). S<m<n johnA.Sharaf Jonathan Sharer Timothy,.Shea Christopher ,. Shefff'r Joseph M. Skoien

Timothy I.Small Joseph M.Sobocinski Matthew C. Spencer John I.Staffi Michad F. Stanczak lohn-Michad Staub

Patrickl.Staudt Thomas J. Stone Raymond P. Subns Adam W.Sulkus Andrew SWeenq' Jake P. Swiger

Michael G. Tahadjod John J. Tanney Vincent J. Te<ce Andrew J. Terreri Peter A. Terreri Andreas V. Thuy

Chris Adlmskiand )uti,




jam JeS5ion onlhe

48 0 sophomore dass

William J. Torelli Kevin P. Trainer Brett J. Trucksess Andrew R. Tull Olinedu-Henry Ukwu Edward A. Valentino

Bryan M. Wachtu George J. Walters Matth~ H. Wem John P. Whalon Daniel P. White Christian E. Williams

Ronald V. Williamson Joseph W. Winning Kenneth I: Wochcle Christopher G. Work

Brian Carlin and his po.w chill in the.

study commons.

Mr. Ge.iger cnlighlens yel another student.

sophomore class 0 49

Patrick J. Abbon David A. Achey Sean F. Adams Timothy B. Adams NicholasM.Affel Conor D. Ahern

GregoryT.Allen James ManyukAyuen Jeffrey A. Bagdis Fredrick C. Baker Garrett N. Basalyga Ionathan A. Battista

Andrew J. Beck Terrell C. Bell Kevin I. Benincasa William D. Benz Steve P. Bibu Kyle M. Bidus

Mark I. Bielecki Joseph E.Bisirri Kevin M. Blagrave Andrew S. Bono William G. Borrell Andrew P. Brady

Nicholas J. Brechbill Cole M. Brennan Philip I. Bresnahan Patrick F. Brett David M. Breznicky Steven M. Britton

Thefutureof America, isn't

it scuyr

500 Junior class

Andrew J. Buck Mark I. Bur Christopher M. Cahill Mark T. Caltabiano Eric E.Calviui Joseph T. Candelore

Christopher I. Cane Charles I. Capad Matthew I. Capaldo Anthony R. Carddla Ktvin M. Carfagno DenisJ.Carlson

Paul C. Carman T. J<ff.., Casey George H. Cerwinski Andrew A. Oliareno Dominic M. Cifelli Matthew F..Clay

Brian F. dearkin liJl)()(hy B. Cooney R. Vance Cooper Michael Hoyle Timothy P. Craig Robert V. Crawford

David j. Cunningham Ryan II.Curtin Andrew D.Dauphinee James c. Deak Daniel J. DeCastro Richard A. DeGirolamo

JamnAyuc:n, one oflhc few students who uKSthc: study

commons to aClually study.

junior doss 0 51

Andrew J. Degnan Ryan E. Dempsey Andrew D. Desiderio Adam EDick Adam R. DiMenna Luke V. DiRenzo

Thomas Donnelly Kevin A. Donohoe Michael). Driscoll Timothy W. Duckett Andrew C. Dunn Gerald M. Dunn

Thomas J. Ebbecke Kevin P.Egan Michael EEllis louis /. Esposito Franco Fallavollita Gabriel M. Familiaran

Joseph P. Fedorowicz Mark Fegley Benjamin A. Fellmeth Daniell. Ferrie Robert C. Ferrier Michaell. Ferro

Colin P: Fitzgerald Patrick T. Flood Michael G. Foell Patrick J. Gallagher Kenneth J. Gambone Patrick J. Gannon

Angelo C. Garofalo Christopher J. Garzone Christopher W. Gavin Erick EGeiger John A. Giaimo David Gibbons

Nicholas C. Giglioni Kyle J. Ginty Michacll路Glacculll Matthew C. Gleason Christopher M. Glover Paul E. Gormisky

52 CJ Junior c[ass

Edward C. Graham Christopher J.Grea\'ts Nicholas A. Gregorio Peter J. Hand Andrew W Hannigan B~ndan P. Heron

Matthew J. Hess Christopher M.Hicks Alexander L. Himes John W. Hocker Brian S. Hogan Alex C. Hondros

llrian B. Hopkins Stephen G. Horvath William C. Hotl Colin M. Hurley Kevin M.lhlein John R.lnlerrantc

Kent C. Jaggers Otristopher I.johnson logan M. Johnson Fnocis J. 10m jeffrq C. Kanof Patrick Y. Kttnan

Daniel F. Kennedy Jon E. Keppol Christopher J. Kirk Rr.tn L. Kirk Colin F. Kirts Michael Majok Kuch

Hrom, that's "ery interesting, how much will it take for me to get your homework? Kevin I>onohue, at the pep rally: "Okay, I'm here! to be a moti\1ltional speaker."

lunlor class 0 53

101m N.labosky Paul F. Lanziloua Sean Leimbach ROOm J.l..tvins TImothy W. Loftus Arislid~ A. Lolosidis

Bryan T. Lowry Kevin M. Lutseh ShaM C. Madden Peter M. MagÂŤ Kevin EMaggitti Thomas E Mahon

Robert L. Maiden Timothy R. Makoid Matthew S. Malloy Shane R. Maloney Matthew T. Markley Jason K. Maron

Joseph M. Martosrlla Anthony LMassaro Josq>h A. Mastrangdo Peter 8. Muwell )ostph D. McArthur C. Eric J. McCarthy

Bill 1./1.. McOoskf}' Palrick J. McCusker Christopher B.McDade Kevin P. McGilioway Daniel D.McGinly Mich3dJ.McGtinn


wne rrally dOinSOUf






Junior dass

xan F. McGarry Michael S. McG<r.o.'an AI~x R. Mdirath K"in McMahon Michael ,. McMullen Roben R. McNamara

Joseph P. McPeak Anthony V. Medoro Andrew T. Medwid William A. Meehan William C. Melvin Miles K.Miller

Christopher W. Miller Kevin H. Mil1~r KtvinM.MilIer MichaelA.Mimzer Kevin T. Moll Patrick M. Monagle

Paul R. Montgomery Kevin M. Moore Chrislopher M. Mulholland Max J. Mullineaux Thomas W. Nardi William M.Naydan

R. Brian N~ry Ryan M. Nelling

Francis Nguyen Michael S. Nolf! Paul W. Oakley Neil E. O'Connell

Juniors Nick Gregorio, Chril Mulholland, and PaullaJUilotlaal the Ring Mass.

Junior class 055

Thomas E. O'Donnell Carl O. Olejniczak Patrick J. aline Patrick J. O'Neill Justin L.O'Pella Pablo Arana Ortiz-Canavate


K. Oslopchuck }ostph L Palalano Brian F. Palmero Michaa E. Parker Ryan F. Ptdrony

!=ph T.""Io",

Jonalhan D. Perry Colin A. Pinto Gregory C. Pol.eslKl Ryan w. Powm Matthtw R. Prict Sean M. Quigg

Michaa J. Reale RO<krkk Rmer Robert J. Rtbslock Alexandtr J. Reif PatrKk M. Rilq Rafael Rincon

Michael P: Rockwood Kyle J. Rodden Hector F. Romero Christopher G. Ross Brian P. Ruhling Branden C. Shane

"Nothin' louch~



56 0 junior doss

Sean I. Shapiro Nicholas X. Shalluck Alexander W.Shaw Kristopher J.Shinn

James J. S1O\'l"r Anthony Snead

Michael P. Stanton Rory W. Staub G. Alexander Staurowsky Michael M. Sullivan Roben T.Szostak Douglas R. Taylor

7..:achary M. Tarlor Gregory EX. Teufel lames W. Toolan lohn A. Trainer Michael E. Valentine lohn M. Van Eekclen

Roben D. Vrancken R. Wallin Michad I. Walsh William G. Warner Tn-is E. Weir lehnE.Welsh O'lTistoph~r

Michael EWhalen Timothy J. Whalon Kyle R. Whitmire Lucas J. Wilde Daniel K. wood Joel B. Worster

Danid B. Yanak I. Zaknewski


Yeah, boys, only one mort}Un

junior doss 0 57

580 activities divider

Matt Mem gim a thumbs up 10 his supervision

of Dave Naab and Pat Delaney for

Pro;ect Home.

activltles dlvld.r



Student Council DON'T TALK ABOUT IT BE ABOUT IT!! The 2002-2003 Studenl

Council kicked off the year with La Salle's first "Pit Bash" prior 10 the football team's 37o victory over rival Bishop McDevitt. The highlight of the warm aulumn night was President Matt McGurkin's end zone dance. Following the cookout. the firs! pep rally of the school fCilT featured such guests as "Brother Rentt" (alk/a Todd McBride), "JOt Coliwa" (alkJa Mall Andris), and "Supc:r fan" (a/kJa Super fan). Igniting La Salle's school spirit was the goal of this

year's Student CounciL AI路 The 2002路2003 Student Council members pledge their allegiance 10 La Salle.

Members of Student Council: Ptle Hanselmann, Rafael Rincon,Sun ~imbach,John BIIrrett, Chris R芦dman,Joe Cou:Ila, Mall McGurkin, Rob Brassell, John Creed, Jim Dooner, Tom McMahon, and Brian


60 0 stud",,! council

though the pep rally didn't help the players punch one in for a win, it surely revealed La Salle's Irue colors. Al the infamous Thanksgiving Day football game,Student Council leaders john Creek and Chris Reedman distributed 500 blue and gold Mclappers" to help cheer on lheir Explorers. During Spirit Wedt, pie eating substituted for the traditional Jell-O eating to test the true stomach capacities ofpast champs. "Pritto" and "Cost:I1a_" Events such as arm wmtling, quiz. bowl,Sumo wrestling. and the notorious Wing Bowl occurred throughout thisenlertaining week. However, the highlight of Spirit Week was by

far the first "YOU WON'T DO IT" competition. Another first for La Salle was Blue and Gold day. This day was filled with bloodshed, sweat, and competitive games. It came down to the wirt in deciding the first ever champion. The school year was a great success with many memorable mome-nls and innovati\'e events to inspire the cr~ativity of future Student Council m<mb<n.

Our fearless

leaders: Vice-

President John Creed, and President Malt



"Though no one is: alike. we


II"e my life by one moto IIvWKro What Would Ke~n

have to find ourselve' and try to understand how we COIn become a leader with what God ha< ble=d us with in our own lives.

""be ,.,.do?


Chris Reedman




Rob BrllsseU Senior class PI'esidclll sludent council 0 61

Ourludersof the NtiS: Brother Bill, JoeGuerra, Todd McBribe,Alu May,and Mrs. Ponisiak

Scan Leimbach accepts his academk"L"from Brother Rene.

62 CJ signs

Max Courtney humbly accepts his award allhe hono!'Sconvocalion.

National Honor Society

USING THEIR OWN MINDS TO SHAPE THE MINDS OF OTHERS generously giving their time and talents to the La Salle COlllmunity in a variety of ways. The most important contribution was the tutoring program through which members of NHS provided academic assis-

This year's members of the National Honors Society truly exhibited scholarship,character, leadership, and service

under the supervision of Brother William DiPasquale and Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak and through the dedication of

tance to other La Salle stu-

dents, thereby promoting the school's goal of educational achievement. The NHS also supported the annual Red Cross blood drive al La Salle by providing encouragement to the students who donated blood. This drive enabled La

ils members. At a ceremony in November, President Todd McBride, Vice-President Joseph



Joseph Cosella, and Treasurer Alex May inducted new members into the organization who joined existing members in

Salle studenlS to aid the larger community by helping those physically in need. The true purpose oflhe National Honors Society is to encourage sludents to reach OUI and provide a helping hand to thecommunilY both within and beyond

La Salle's walls

tOSCJlh Gucrra Seniors Brad Caracusa,


Naab, Sean Flynn, and Joe Dwyer are smilingallhe honors convocation.



tJeat honor and

privil<%ige to be" the National ~onor I:odety.


Be."l Beuder


tJeat way to get

to ,,"ow the your拢,er {!pf< at La "'lie.


Jo,"dan Jackson


Lasallian Service Corps

VOLUNTEERISM IS ALIVE AND WELL IN LA SALLE THESE DAYS Allh~ Lasallian Youlh Assembly in Jury." m~mbns ofmis

yrar's LSC Board $~n1 a week performing St'rviu projt:CIS

and tht Men of La Sallt. Seasonal collections shattered previous marks for student participation.

with sludtnls from othtT

Tht gRatat mraSUR of

Olrislian Brol~r schools. ~­ niors Bert &ndC'r. Andrnv Connor,Chris Doughtny,Sttve

LSC's SUCCtsS was student parhcipalion in 1M w«kly servia opporlunilies.lheo backbone of the' LSC. All of the aneNchooi and we'e'kend senice projects flourished. Some'servkeaetivitico-s co-xpC'rienced record turnouts; demand "..as so high that limits on the number of participants had to be set. Among the many popular programs was Sarnelli House. introduced by Mr. Clark last year and expanded this year as student interest soared. Other projects included ProvidenccoCenler tutoring. Triest House,

MilleT. Billy O'Nrill.nd juniors Mike Minlur and luke Wildt, set ambitious plans for Ihis year undrT tht' guidance of thtir tnlhusiastic moderator, Mr. lew Clark. All of IhOSt

plans were achieved, and some .....ere even surpassed. For tht

first time, La Salle's freshmen and sophomores had branch· out days. coordinated by LSC Tom McMahon playing Ihe big

guy for Operation Santa CI.us. Seniors arened for succeu 15 Ihqcook for Project Home.


51. Martin tutoring. St. Fn.ncis Inn, Rco-spC'ct Life, and ProjC'C1 HOME. Through thC'st various activities. students learned about thenmh'es. thco-ir fellow classmates. and the largco-r community. ThestudC'nlS~ as thankful for the opportuni· ties to gi\'t' service' as tlK rttipienls ~'t're to recnve the IKlp of the students-truly, II mutual· ly rewarding txl'C'rico-ncco- for all.

'Ben Bender

Adedicared bunch working with Father Kevin and Mr. Clark al Sarnelli House.



Worl1ng in the LÂŁC ha' been a real eye-opener fur me. It has: made me realize how much of a need there is: for help in the world 1oday.

My ffme al 'amelll 1-l00<e ha' laugh! me to appreciate just how bleÂŤed I real~ am.

" Andrew Connor

" Mike King

Sludenl Board, LSC slgnsQ65


getting down as Tom Ferrick pumpsoul Ihejamsand loe Dwyer keeps the beat.

Head and Tripp enjoy their lime at Sarnelli House.

Mr. Clark and some friends lake50me time OUI for a picture.

Dunner with his boy after a fulfulling meal.

66 0 slQns

Bob shows Tom Ferrick how iI'S done.

The crew relaxes afler a hard day of work.

LSC THE BEST WAY TO FIND YOURSELF IS TO LOSE YOURSELF IN THE SERVICE OF OTHERS La Salle has continuously expanded and strengthened its call 10 service in many nOliceable ways over the years. One recent addition to LSC is Ine weekly service opportunity al Sarnelli House in the Kensington section of Philadelphia. Sarnetli House, founded by the Redemptorist Order and directed by Father Kevin MUT* ray, is staffed by agroup of resident volunteers. The House is open to guests on Tuesdays for showers and on Thursdays for dinner. La Salle student volunteers assist each Thursday by setting up tables, chairs, place settings, and food tables. The

Andrew Barl)'nsk.Chris Dougherty,and Tripp Hacnn dishin'out the food al Sarnelli House.

students join the staff in welcoming each guest to Ihe House as Ihey enter, and one member of LSC assists Father Kevin by reading a Bible- passagebcforedinner. LaSallevolunteers join the resident staff in serving dinner to the hungry guests and then have the wonderful opportunity to talk with the guests during the meal. From these conversations, the students have gained new insights about life, formed some fine friendships, and created lasting memories. Sarne!Ii House is exactly that for both the guests and the studentsa house! It is a place where

everyone feels welcomed and grateful for the hospitality that Father Kevin provides. The student volunteers always return to La Salle feeling great about the dinner, the conversation, and the satisfaction of knowing that they have shared a very special experience with people who really needed them Ihat night.

Andrew Barlynski posing for a picture with hisdawg. Andrew Carnevale trains for his future profession: Flippin'




LOVE IN ACTION One of the destinations for La Salle's first Freshmen Branch-Out Day was the Greater

Philadelphia Food Bank Warehouse. This opportunity was a greal and fun experience. I have done service projects before, bUI this ont' really made me feel like' was helping people. The effort the volunteers put inlo hrlping others was impressive especially since they weren't getting paid. I gOI to spend lime with my new classmates and help unfortunate prople who can't afford food. One of the volunteers asked us a vcry important question. She asked, "What does il hungry person look like?" Most kids answered, "A homeless person, a skinny person,or a street person," But she said that they were all wrong. She explained that il hungry person could look just like me and even have a house. a car, a good The troops gather in the auditorium before heading out to their service locations.

68 CJslQns

Freshman Branch-Out Day by the numbers...

1095 Hours of Service 273 Freshmen 77 Freshmen Fathers 15 FaCUlty Members 12 Sites 1 Day Immeasurable - The Difference Made

job. and a family but run short on money one month and not be able to afford food. $0 the point was that there are hungry people everywhere you go and that's som('thing that really struck me. This was a very special experience with my new classmates and I look forward to many more oppotunities to serve at La Salle.


Giuseppe Randazzo

Working hard bUI5tilll1l5miles on the: 6r51 e:ver Branch-Oul Day.

Fathers and son5 worl'ing side:by-5ide on plinting some: benches for the: city.

The: gang II Smith Memorial Playground takes a lillie: bruit for a piclure.



Carl Pfefferle leadinglhe paaal

Projcci Home.

Bert Bmdcr gazes at tbe chocolate as Joe O'PdJa and Bill 0'NcilI diS in.


o signs

Ed Lawkss washiJII dishes, nuff said.


SERVING LOVE AT PROJECT HOME Once or twice a month on Tuesdays, Mrs. Mary Kay

knowledge about the \\'orld through hearing the experiences of these former homeless men. The men benefit from this inlrraclion as well since the students treat them with dignity and respect which the men do no! always experience. These men ha\路e known great hardship in their li\'d, but they fed better about thcmsd,'es when strangers show intcrcst and compassion. Some ~le judge these men on their appearances am but ne\路cr take the time to get to know who they really are, The students have the opportunity to see these men as fello,",' human be路

Mullen, Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell, and other volunteer tcachers help LaSalle students prepare a full course meal for the men OIl Projrct Home. Everyont' has his apron on, his skeves rolled up. and walks around the kitchen looking busy. Tht students a1Wl1)'$ have

a good time making the food. On Wednesdays. Mrs. Mullen and Mrs. O'Connell drive the students down


the food at Project Home. Before the men arrive. the students set the' tables and heal the food. During the dinner, the students serve the men and then sit down and share a



The students gain

even more satisfying. Even though the students and the Project Home guests do not have much in common, they still enjoy each others' company once or twice a month. Mrs. Mullen and Mrs. O'Connell makt this experience possible. They have performed many years of service and are ace!lent modds for the student \'01untcers to emulate. The men at Project Home and tM La Salle participants are thankful to Mrs. Mullen and Mrs. O'Connell for mak.ing this enriching experience possible.

ings. Two J1's hard at worle.

Cooking the food is always fun, but serving our guests is

tevin Tatlow Bnd Kerr couldn't possibly look mo~ pleased with him",r.


Language Clubs

ITALIAN, GERMAN, LATIN, SPANISH CLUBS German Club Alex Shaw, Mall Capaldo, Jason

Maron, Chris Heinly, Ben Fellmeth, Mike Coyle. Tim Britt,

Alex Staurowsky,Tim Kelly

Italian Club Kevin Collins, Kevin Gardner, Roberl Crawford, Nick Craw-

ford, Dan Cipolla, Rich salvucci, Nick Wrighl, Dave Gavin, Kevin Dicciani, Mr. Cipolla, and Matt


72 (Jslgns

Spanish Club John Inturantr.Se~n Ford. Jack Do-路ning,Man Romagano,Greg Kalkbrenner

Hdeniak, and Mall

I"t;a,lla,:n. ~

"Good experience of the Italian culture. Even ifyou're not Italian you C<ln still leam something."

" What C<ln I r.ay9 Ijustlove ~panish."

Andrew Karpchnk

"We eat chips, dorOOs, and a lot of other Latin foods."

Chris JaneHi

"It is like being in an Italian house, lots of food and lots offun." Rob B,'asseU


Dan Ci oUa



XTREME GAMING CLUB Ktvin Carfagno, Rob Szostak,John lnlernnle"im Toolan,Cart Oslopchuck,Andrew Dauphinee, Rob Ferrier, Tom Donndly, "rvin Blagravt, Hi Do

HISTORY CLUB Pat Oline, Rick Eichcrt,Alu Shaw, Kyle O'Donnell, Dan Yanak, Ku!n Carfagno. Ken Gambone. Ben Fcllnlclh, Paul Gormisky, Brendan lIeron, Jim Toolan, Kevin Blagnll'c, Dr. Stanlon

74 0 signs

New Clubs

CHESS) HISTOR~ FILM) XTREME GAMING CLUBS FILM CLUB Rob Szostak, SCOII lonu, Bob McCullough, Nick Caponi, Bill McCullough, Jim Toolan, Jon Sharaf,and Rob ~rdf:r

Th~ new Chtu Club has allracled many members who are competing against olher Khools in the Catholic League. The Chess Oub is moderated by Mr. Keenan

signs 0 75

Academic Clubs

TRUE SYMBOLS OF INTELLIGENCE xx = n, try solving that algebraically. This problem is just one of many the Malhll."tes are easily capabll.' of solving. with the help of a cal-

cutator! In all seriousness though. lhert are problems we do attempt without a calculator's aid. a lot of problems. In fact, the exact number is quidly approaching infinity as our amount of ('rrors approaches zero, only taking that limit from thC' right of cour$('. Mr. Michael Ponisciak and Mr. ROOtrl Russell supen'i~ the Mathlnes program hert' al La Salk,and offu insight wMr(\'(T tl芦tSsary. With $e\'(ra! new rrcruits added, subtract~.

multiplied, and divided among the

A, B, and somclimt'S c\'en Cleams, La Salle has sO(cttdtd in Iivingupto last )'tar's amazing reputation. Max Courtney, a new team mtmbC'r, gavt humorous pep talks befoTt taeh game, and Jeff Bagdis, a Tom plick prodigy, was anoth~r

SCIENCE CLUB Mall Carr, Robert Cra....ford, John McCoey, Steve Ciliberto, EViln Langdale, Brian Mi'hel, Mr. Cipolla. O"'e Gavin. Dan Cipolla, Nick Cl1Iwford, Gre-

sham Cooney,Andrew Nolan

76 0 signs

asset. Other senior members included: Austin Perera, Kyle Nagy, and the occasional appear路 ances by Tim Wilson, who due to his obsession with crossword puzzles and the chain rule's applications in the world of partial derivatives, could never quite focus enough to secure a seat on the Ateam. ReprtS(nting the underclassmen we~ members: Conor Ahem, John Braca, Isaiah Kuch. Andrew Hyatt, xan leimbach. Gar) Lewis, Kevin Maggitti. Dan McGinty, Pat Oline. 8lak~ Remley.and Alex Staurowslty.AII and all we had a great turnout and a pretty amazinE yrar. full of fun and fractions; no pit though. which "WJd ha"e betn nice.

'20-9-13-15-20-8-25 23-9-12-19-1S-14 '0



Chris Ciufo,joe Semen,Mitch Bergman, leff Bagdis,TIm Tricbtinger

Alex Staurowsky,Gary Lewis, Jeff Bagdis. Kevin Maggini,Joe Stmen,Stan Leimbach, Ma.:c Courtney, and Blake Remley

ACEDEMICDECATHALON Mr. Brian Sweeney, Jason K. Maron, Dan White, Edward DiNola, Patrick McNeela, Daniel Good, Kevin Werner,Tony Nguyen,and Mr. Robert Russell

signs 0 77

FORENSICS Bro. Rene Sterner, Director, La Salle Forum, Basil Nation, Nick Crawford, Roberl Chapman路Smith, Mr. Michael Carr, Ruem Tan ,Anthony Phillips, Nicholas Covolus, Ryan Travers, Pal McNeela,Matl Pace, Chris Carvalho, Ben Fellmeth, Jon Veil, Karl Beyer,Joseph McPeak, Paul Gormisky,Andrew Britt

Senior members of the Forum: Nick Covolu$, Mr. Michael Carr, Pat McNecla,Mall Pace, Dan Good.Jonathan Veit,and 8m. Rene Slerner Absent: Oaylon Keir

Nick Covolu$ and Jon Veil gel ready 10 verbally crush their debate foes.

78 0 signs


SETTING GOALS TOGETHER MAKES FOR A SUCCESSFUL YEAR Th... s«ond floor halls rtsounded "·...Ty day with the loud voicn of propl... giving

their informed opinions on current affairs and drmon·

slr-lling their persuasi\~ abililies. Thest proplc- art memo btrs of The La Salle Forum, moderated by Iht school's President, Brother Rent SternO'.

Stniors Jon Veit (President) and his partner, Mall Paa. were probably the hardest

working members of the' learn. Their extensive rrsearch and strategy discussions earned

them illustrious achiellements, including placing first in Policy Debate in the Philadelphia Catholic League Tournament and high rankings in Catholic Nationals and in the Bronx High School Debate Tournaments against sliff competi· tion. Ion will be remembered (or his ucellent movie choices for van rides 10 tournaments across the state and for his im-

"So what chu gol, McNeda?!"

pressive knowledge of 1960s music. Matt will be remembered as lhe French member of the learn: but be wary of calling him French: he is likely to turn into a rabid puppy. Seniors Patrick McNeela (Vice-President) and Dan Good leamed up in Extempo-

raneous Speaking. They demonstrated the ability 10 speak on almosl any IOpic of current affairs and the ",'ilIingness to do SQ. Pat's dedication to The Forum resulted in a win OIl the Scranton High School Tournament and qualification for both the Pennsylvania State

and the National Catholic League Tournaments. In addition to Dan's success, he will bt rcmembtred by the others for his iron sharp wit. Senior Clayton Keir, The Forum's historian, coached the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors of the Lincoln-Douglas team and compeled as wdi. Probably the loud~t and most talkative of the group, Clayton was asemifinalist althe UPenn Tournament,Champion at St. Joseph's Villager Tournamenl, and Octa-finalist allhe Bronx High School Tournamenl, qualifying Clayton for the Tournament of Champions and the National and National Catholic Tournaments. Clayton closed oUllhe final rounds ofboth the Calvert and La Salle tournaments with JUnior teammates, Joseph McPeak and Alex Shaw respectively. Clayton's legacy to La Salle. his younger brother Graham, has already achieved considerable

succns in JV Lincoln-Douglas. Seniors, Nicholas (o\'olus (Secretary) and Kevin "Dltka" Wrrna v..ere pannerl in Policy Debate. Although they previously placed second in the city and in the top four at the UPenn Tournament, both members "retired" Ihis )'ear, Nick did compete in congress and ....,on the Scranton Tournament_ "Ditka" voluntet'red as a judge for Ihe learn this ~ar. To qualify 10 compete, each team must provide acertain amount of judges, and Ditka served in this capacity. Judging other competitors is time consuming and can be frustrating. Although both Nick and ~Ditka" were sorely missed in thejr~re­ tirement", the team was grateful for their dedication,

ART CLUB Malt Bradwcl~G~ BanccUr,Da\'c Gavin,Shawn Miles. Peter Muwtll, Allen Abona,M.1t Himlcr,Mrs. Barban Milkr. WII~n Smith,CodyCasalc,and ~u


frlt Muwdl.nd 1M Art Oub work on printiogand pressing

-Hty, Pelt, don', run with




-Man, someday_yeah IOmeday•.I'1I be like Fmick!"

80 0 signs

Art Club

DEVELOPING THEIR CREATIVE ABILITIES For Slud~nts who cannot lil an an class into thrir f05tm; but have an iOlt'rest in ceramics or a 10\'t of art,thr La Salle Art Club satisfies thC'ir ettalive urg~! Urnkr the dirKtion oflbe lalented Mrs. Barbara Miller, the Art Oub worktd on several service proj«IS ovtr the past )'(ar. The members made mort than sixty ceramic bowls for Arcadia University's "Empty Bowl" Soup Benefit, which has become an Art Club tradition. The club has participated in Ihis event for the last three years. Art Club members created a mural depicting different Native American tribes in Room 112 and a"Wild Wtst"mural for Jack Randazzo's emllion on display

the"l.aSale"auetion this yt'ar. Whether a student paints liu Van Gogh or jusl drnw$ a greal stick figure, La Salle's Art Club is the perf«t place 10 rtlax, have a good time. and indulge one's creativt indinalions



Ms. Aprile giving some creative suggulions 10 Matt Johnson.

Clay polS arc cool!!!

Pete MUYl·eU stands proudly nUllO his Yloork

signs CJ S1


BEST BAND IN THE LAND The La Salle Band began the year's activities early and

remained busy throughout the seasons. The band members were emhusiast ie about having their first full year in the West Wing. The Pep Band started practices in the summer and inspired the fans at every football game. The weekend before Thanksgiving, the Stage Band and String Ensemble traveled to Chicago to perform as the featured band for the annual Christian Brothers Huether Conference. La Salle was part of a showcase of ensembles from New England,California, and New York. La Salle's band received a standing ovation at the final concert, allended by La Salle educators from across the countT)'. The Advanced Band provided the music for the Mrn of La Salle Father &

Trumpel Bump III

82 0 band

La Salle band rockin'out allhe Pep Rally.

Son Banquet during the Stage Band's absence. In December, the annual Winter Concert featured all the bands and rnsembles. The Christmas break provided

some time for rest and relaxat ion, which the band members would need for the second half of the- ye-ar. The Competition Band began practicing harder than e-ver for the ap-

proaching competition se-ason. The Stage Band began preparing for upcoming performances at Maria Goreui, Merion Mercy, St. Basil's, and Hudson Catholic High Schools. Preparations for the spring musical, Footloose, occupied the Band's allention in February; the Pit Band began practices for the show, which was held in April. The Competition Band's season came to a close with the University of the Arts and Cavalcade of Bands Championship Competitions. Senior Phil Davis led the band this year as President; David Light served as First Vice-President with Andy L'Ecurer as Second Vice-President. The renowned Mr.Ciccimaro was at the helm of the Department, and he was as-

The La Salle band welcoffie$the fmhmen.

sisted by Mr. "Coach~ Vettori, who is the director of the Competition Band and the saxophone instructor. Mr. Kennedy (guitar), Mr. Genovese (trombone), Mr. Bene (trumpet), Mr. Nero (percussion), Mrs. .Kensey (reeds), and Mr. Muller (sax) completed the instruction staff. Through the efforts of Mr. Cand the rest of La Salle's talented musical staff, the La Salle Band enjoys success year after year and makes an amaz.ing contribution 10 the school.


Mikt Onufrak showingtht }1)ung buck how its done.

Ryan Nelling lelling some kids play his trumpet. Jolly Ole Mr. C bringing some Chrislmas spiril 10 young boys and girls.

band 083

Band and Choir

THE NEXT AMERICAN IDOL The Chorus had an amaz-

minick, Mike Wilkins, Matt Pace, Carl PfefTerle.and David

Ing year marked by elpansi~

Light, the chorus ~I its sights

growth in the program. This )"ear's chorus included about fifty members with participation by freshmen, sophomores, Juniors. and seniors, making

on achieving a higher quality

of music. The chorus pre-

tackle the' more challenging, and mOTt (un, popular music.

miered a new composition lhis year, "So the Angels Sang; a Feslival of Carols" by senior Greg Heleniak, al the annual Christmas concert. Both the Christmas and Spring Concerts fealured a variety of music, including rock. spiritual.classical,and pop. The Bel-

Under the dim:lion of Mr.

crofters, a sdÂŤt group. learned

Jason Michad.and the leadership ofseniors Grtg"The \OKt of La Salle" Helenick, David

up with the Gwynedd Mercy Mdismatics 10 perform some a capella pop at 5e\-eral locations in the area. The chorus was proud 10 have IWO of its mem-

La Salle's chorus the largest men's chorus among area

Catholic schools and the largest in La Salle's history. T....'o quartets were formed to

"Tht Spaniard" Heayn, Mike

"Tht Cuban" A1o~ Mike DoTbcchoir doing lheir usual rouliM II



o signs

Some )'OUngn' choir members sinyos some Qlristmu carols.

-. \ ' ...~":.

beTS participate in Ihe Dimict 11 Chorus and nine of its members participate in the All-Catholic Chorus. In addtion, the chorus performed in over five theatrical productions al La Salle. Ihe Mount, Gwynedd. and Merion. The chorus had a phenomenal year and looks forward to continued success in the future.



Will Fu~and DaYe Light loot路 ing their horns at a football ","'.

"You guys playing music! 111 play some music.路

signs 085

...b managers comeoulof

their hiding for I rare







guys how thi. iJ reilly donc!"-Mr. Ikmpsq.

86 Qslgns

Lab managers and WEXP

THE GUYS BEHIND THE SCENES ·Cul to camera C....three ... 1....· 0... one ...cue anchor in C," announces the producer over the headsets from behind Ihe sliding glass window, and a typical school

day begins with a familiar blue logo on Ihe homerooms' TV screens and a"Good morning l.aSallt!" Most of the homeroom chalter ceases as the students turn their attentions to Ihe morning's broadcast and watch for their meeting limes and sports schedulrs or al kast glana up to ~ what lt1ttt day il is. ~ WEXP day begins tarly with crew memtKrs reaching the TV studio at 7:30a.m. Silting in the n(W$ drsk holding a boule of iced lea, Mr. Dempsey reads ()\'er the scrip!. Two 510dents behind the audio equip-

ment peruse our collection of three songs and look for a"new

Christian llwi••hows tM BUt ~lion how iu done.


one" play. Mrs. Guest and another student edit the script on the stage compUler and remove the stale jokes from the previous day's production, Mr, Dempsey sends tWO other crew members to record morning

footage of students entering La Salle, an unpopular task in the winter. The nervous rookie freshmen man the cameras, and the anchors take the stage for microphone checks and struggle for opening lines

morecreati\'ethan their names and ages. At 8:03 a.m" or close enough, the show begins, Occasionally, the viewing audience of over a thousand students and faculty are treated to a hilarious Scott Ross/Travis Colzie production, such as Brother Mang's Halloween rampage or Nick Co\'olus' cruising around campus in his ult Ta- modern truck, More typically, the script rolls along slowly on the prompter as the anchors read the announcemenlS, "And now some footage from last night's wrestling malch," Inevitably thai is when something goes wrong. Something a1'A'a}'S son wrong. That is what makes WEXP 50 much fun-wondering what will go wrong and how bad it will be. The prompter stops, the anchors stare mUldy into the live

cameras, and the kids start scurrying around behind the window shoutingat one another, This nurry of activity best illustrates what makes this group of students so great. Whatever mess we get into, we all get into it together. Mr, Dempsey looks forward to the day when we will produce one show without any, thing going wrong. Marbt someday WEXP will ha\'e a perfect show, bUI it will not bt nearly as 6citing or as much fun.

tustin Perera ,Llld Dan Cipolla

"Yo,back off my hard- drh'c,"



ARSENIC AND OLD LACE This year's Fall Drama was

Teddy Brewster-

Nick Gregorio

Arsenic and Old Lace, a classic 1930's farce about twoelderiyeccentric spinster sisters and their

Elaine Harper-

three equally eÂŤentric nephews.

Officer Klein-

The cast was as follows: Martha BrewsterAmelia Poolow Abby BrewsterCatherine Wigglesworth Reverend Dr. HarperSean Quigg. Peter Hand Mortimer BrewsterMikeWilkins Ryan Berry gives Mike Wilkins an offer he can', refuse.

Mike Wilkins gellin' his mack

on with these fmc ladies.

88 CJ student council

Catherine Logan David Heayn

Dr. Herman EinsteinRyan Barry It. RooneyRicky Devine Dr. WitherspoonMike Dominick

Officer Brophy'-

Ryan $cia11a Old Man GibbsJamie McCarthy, $cOlt Ross Officer O'HaraMatt Clay Jonathan BrewsterMatt Capaldo

Direction was by Mr. Jason Michael, Set Design and Construction was by Mr. John Pax, and Emily Smith Stage Managed. Arsenic and Old Lace was presented October 18th, 19th. and 20th in the LaSalle College High School Auditorium

Malt Capaldo donn', .seem to apprKialt NickG~

rio's humor.

Mati Capaldo (ears Nid GrtzOrio, "Crocodile Huntn:"

"HdIo...anybody thcrrl"

student council 0 89

OJristi Farag. Mikt Dom:inick,ud

Kd.lyKlibm gel rtady for their big nllmber

The band bU5ts out some mean Kenny Loggins


o signs

These guys can't wait for opening nightl



Spring Theater

kicked of( its Sunday shoes with the smashing hit musical Footloose. Starling work in early January, thecasl and crew

went into full-speed rehearsals for the musical extravaganza. From dance rehearsals with choreographer Kim Williams 10 stage directions from Collttn Durkin-lapowsky 10 musical tips from Mr. C, Foolloose was a proj芦t in the mak路 ing for thrtt months,but calm Everybody cUl-t'Ytt')'body OIl!

as a musical masterpiece unlike any other l.a Salle has seen in a long lime. Through the laughs, the lears, the hard work, the determination and dedication, and most importantly the good limes. FootQUI

loose was agreat sucess. The cast of Footloose enjoyed the presence of many tal-

Chuck Cranston. Along with the guys werr,of courst, the famous and numerous talented young ladies of the La Salle stage such as Catherint Logan as Ariel Moore and Megan DiPaolo as Vi Moore, who made Footloose an overall great experience for all.

ented actors and aClreSstS, including Miu Dominick as R(n

McCormack, Mike Wilkins as Willard Hewin, Grtg Hntniak as the stern Rrv. Shaw Moort, and Prttr Hand as Ihr tvil

tHchad Dominick





movN out of its hole in the wall at the oonom of St. Michael's and into the Writing Lab. The ntw workspace com-

fortably fit the entire stiJ,ff, whereas the odd "0((1芦" could fit two people and the Atari 2600 that we used to put prrvi路 ous issues togethtr. Now we have three computers 10 a person. and the pleasure of being asked by Brother Tran, daily, Connor Ahern working on '0other grcallrtide for the Wis-

tman. "Yo Todd, you typin1" -Vca._ ~al'mlypid.路

"Score one mon:' for the Wistttian!"

Brian Lowry, today the Wisterian, tomorrow the Inquim'.

92 0 signs

what we were doing in the Writing Lab. \orlS writers had the impor-

tant jobs ofbring unbi~. rt'porting the truth 10 ttKstudent body, and l.'xplaining why Brother Rene was drrssed up as Zorro. Th is Wis staffwent to all school evenls so that students would not have to go.lnstead, you could pick up the monthly issue, go through a month's events in a half-hour, and save yourself countless hours of time. Writers also uncover the complete stories on the new food service and ru-

mored ral infestation. TheSt are Ihe services we do for you the reader. The staff wants t( thank moderators Mr. File an< Mr. S""芦ney for guiding u! through Ihe publicalior process and putting their job: and reputations on the line whenever a Wis writer wen "out on a limb."

Blue and Gold

THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE OF YOUR MEMORIES Kevin Tallow aboulIa throw the computeroUllhe window!

Wbat really goes on in th(' yearbook office

The 2002-2003 Blue and Gold staff.: Kevin Tallow,Tim Wilson, Pal Healy. TomMcMahon, Kevin Gardner, Dave Naab, Pat De-


Hop on Ihe Bub Express. Pat Delaney rtpresents the Yearbook staff vs. WEXP.

51gn5 093

"Squirrels don't lib nuts!n ...-~

Halley Tate: Outdoor Adwn路 ture Oub's Official Mascot!

Tim Ind Andrew taking I lillk rest in the Poconos

What Mitt H芦boer Ind Mu Morpn don't know is !hI1 T.lt is 5000 105t!


o signs

Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure Club

GRABBING LIFE BY THE HORNS Yard sale! Tallow and Jackson: brothers of the mountain

Kevin Tatlow and Bill O'Neill hangingoUl with the only friend they melon the ski trip.

Jordan Jackson alld Dill O'Neill blocking a perfectly good view.


Mock Trial LA SALLE'S OWN FUTURE LAWYERS OF AMERICA Mock Trial is a unique experience OIl La Salle. Starting in lale October, Mock Trial requires a weekly and conscientiouS commitment and intense practices. Attracting moll.' and more intl.'rested students, the

team contmues


and first-time participants who hope to rise through the

ranks and compete in the Pennsylvania Young Lawyers

Division Mock Trial. Many

grow year

after year. This year the members ha\"(' been divided into tWQleams. The firslleam comprises primarily members from prior years and upperclassmen who will compete in the Montgomery County Schools comPf'tition in late February. The st'COnd learn is compos~ of underclassmen

II! Mr. EnrlJ ~ his mm for hllk!

members of Mock Trial are interested in becoming lawyers thl."mselves.so this activity acts almost as a pre-professional program, The teams' faculty moderators are Mr, Edward Molush and Mr. Gerald Evans. The excellent attorney roaches for the team are Scott Wolpnt, Esquire, a La Salle alumnus, and Nancy Larkin Taylor, 拢Squire, The participants meet every Sunday (rom 11:00 a.m.

The Mock Trial (;ang ,'" Fear us; ~ will hurl you!"

"Over my four year!;, I rove leamed how to be a professional ambulance chas;er."

Nick Shields 96


"I've been following this; team for four year!; now. They've had their ups; and downs;, but this; is; their year." Bryn Davis

to 1:00 p,m. and hammer out the law, the facts, and the presentation of a fictitious case written by upper-class students of The Temple University School of Law in preparation for the trial. In addition the group meets frequently during the week. The work is hard,almost like having another class workload, but e\'eryone has fun,mttlS (riends,learns valuable information, and competes 'o'\'ell (rom diligent prepa路 rauon.



Kairos AN UNBELIEVABLE EXPERIENCE "airos, the four-day senior retreal, is a time of spiritual reflection and a culmination of students' four years at La Salle. Seniors go to Camp Neumann not knowing what to expect,or what they have gotten themselves into, other than a threeday vacation (rom school. A mystery to the entire student

nets of Kaims are held dear by those who have participated and rven kept the secret from their closest friends. Forty

body except for the growing

asmall vacation from school; it

number of Kaims 2003 alumni as the year progressed. the se-

is a bonding of brothers. Mr. Chez and fo.lr. Clark bring a class of more than two hunder individuals into one tight group; young men ready to tackle the challenges set before

Some oflheguyson 37-27 hangingoul.

them in their next step towards success.

young men at a lime get to experience the mystery. be trusted with the secrets, and carry out the same discretion as those before Them. They learn that Kairos is much more than

tmick Byrnes '03 Group 6 on 37路28 lead by Chris DunneandMr. Lichtncr.

Mu: MuJler singing"Sweet Home AlabamaR on37路


Paul Bateman and ClarkiI.' enjoy a moment on re路

Ireat. "I wonder if they gOI a delay al school this morningt"


'Thi~ wa~ my first Kairo~

'Kairo~ i~

expierence and it wa~ truly worthwhile and very meaningful a~ we all CC1me together. It wa~ a po~itive ~piritual experience'

unforgettable and unbelievable; ~ ~imp~ the greatest experience ofmy life.'

Mr. Joseph Radvansky Kairos 37-30

Gregory Rothwell '03 Kairos 37-27 Kairos 37-28


a wonderful program.lt'~ very rewarding for the s:tudent~ and the leade~. It~ a wonderful opportunity to examine your relation~hip with God and othm.'

, Kairo~ wa~ agreat experience. Igot the time to study my~eIf and learn who I wa~. I made ~ome new friend~ and got c1o~er to my old friend~.' Bro. James Rieck Kairos 37-31 Kairos 37-32


Kevin Gardner '03 Kairos 37-28 Kairos 37-30

Chris Reedman gels ready for hisspeech on ]7路28. "Cril1ern Cooney and "Bird n McAnulty hang with the a.G. of Kairos

Marty Jackson and his "boys" on 37-28.

The Power of Olrist

compels you.

sports divider


Brian Donahue dudes a tackle en route to a La Salle 37· o shutout of Biihop McDniu. 1\01) Way AU-Catholic Chris GalbaJly and All Catholic Bruce Pohlotline up u an intimidating defen· si~line.

FOOTBALL H~ad Coach, Mr. Jo~ Cohstra.led the 2002 Explorers through a successful and proud season in the Catholic League Red Division. The team became a powerhouse in the Catholic League, finishing second with an 8-4 record overall; 6-1 in league play. Dominating in almost every aspect of the game, the 2002 Explorers made it through the competitive Catholic League Red Division to face Roman Catholic in the semifinals but lost 9-6,ending the Championship dreams that many thought awaited the Explorers. This year's offenst" was led by senior quarterback, Jot" Winning. Leading the offensive line were seniors Bruce Pohlot, Chris Galbally Joe Cosella, Brad Kelly. and Jim Finore, who opened up holes allowing seniors Brian Donohue, lohn Barrett, Kevin Magarity, and Sean Agnew to run. On the other sideofthe ball, the defense was one of the best in the Catholic League. With Mall McGurkin and Sean Agnew at the defensive backs positions. no recei'-er was at caSe. Having to face John BarreH at linebacker was something e'"ery opposing runner feared. On the dcfensive Iinc wcre Brucc Pohlot, Rob Bras· sell,Chris Galbally,and Bill Loughery. With this much talent the Explorers ...·ere able to stop opponents and allow the sp«ialleams and offenSl'~ unns to $Core. Specialleams can contribute immensely 10

1020 vorslty footb<ltl

the outcome of a game. Sean Agnew and Man McGurkin returned punts to help the Explorers win many game balls. Blocking for the special teams units were Brt'ndan Heck, Rory Heenan, Dave CagH.,and Colin Whitaker. Punting for the Explorers wert Brian Donohue and BrUCe Pohlol. The field goal, kickoff, and kick return units did their part to give the Explorers good field position in all of their games. This year's Coach's All Catholic T('3m included: 1st Team: senior Bruce Pohlot (C), senior Chris Galbally (OT, DE), s('nior Mott McGurkin (DB), and junior Kevin Donohue (01'). 2nd Team: senior Sean Agnew (WR), senior Brian Donohue (RB), and junior Brian Hogan (DB). Honorabl~ Mention: senior Rob Brassell (DL),s~nior Joe Winning (QB), senior Brian Donohue (P), and senior John Barrett (LB).

The succ~ss of the 2002 EJplor~rs Football Team was due [0 hard work and commitment by the players and coach~s ~ach day at practice, film study, and in the weight room. With the leadership of caplains Chris Galbally and John Barrett, the word teamwork was truly dtfined and shown whenl."Ver the leam look Ihe field. This s~nior lead~rship also inspired many und~rclassmen to make valuable contributions. Miles Miller (LB), Chris Mulholland (55), Tim Craig (OLl, OJ Cunninghan (DT), Frank Jorfi (TE), John Trainer (R), Max

Mullineaux (RB), Andrew Rocks (C), Sean Guinan (FBJ,Chrislian Barrett (OTl,and Ed DiDinato (RB) all played significant supporting roles and will return to lead next year's Explorers along the same successful path laid out by this year's senior class. Mr. Colistra's analogies, jokes, and wit definitely gave the players something to look forward to everyday after school and kepi the team motivated throughout the season. The coaches, seniors, and the underdass plarers of the 2002 Football Team will ~ forl."Ver in our memories.

tim Finore

SCHEDULE ----------------------------AWAY-LOSS





























ST. JOE'S PREP Brian Donahue walk! into the' rod tone' for ytt anothe'f touchdown Ihis


Front Row (left 10 ri&hl}; Chris CalbaJly,Kmn Magarity. Bill Loughery, Brian DonahuC'. Brendan H«k, RoT)' Httnan,l~ Winning, John Barrett,Colin Whitaker, Rob Brassell, TOftY Libullore, Bruu Pohlot. Sun AgMW.Mall McGurkin,Mall Jacobson, Pat Brell. S«ond Row: Kevin Donahue, Ed Graham, kyle Whitmire, Pal Riley,Mike Rockwood,Mila Miler, Dive ugH.. Brad ledly, Jim FinOt'l!.JM Cosdla. D.l-Cuning' ham, Tim Cnig, G~rgr «A.rwinski, Chris Mulholland, Brian Hogan. Third Row: Bill McColskty,M ike Dris£oll,Anthony Cardella, Frank Jorfi,M ikt Mclaughlin, Drew M~­ wid, Anthony Medoro, Sran Adams, Van("(' Cooptr, Mall Malloy, Mike lynch, Rob

Szostac,)ohn TraiDft",Gnald Dunn,Mike"." Eehkn. Fourth Row: Mike Pl::nnington, Scou Ranwrikr, T~ Ciameni,Conor Regan, Fran Dlulerio, Aoorf'W Rocks, john Oifford,Sean McGoldrick, Ed Valmlino,Mike Boyk, Brad Murtha, Ed DiDonato,Slewart Rpn, Brian Auff,Mikt Granl. Fifth Row: Sean O'Connell, 1M Winning, Mike Chipman, Tom Linle, Sean Guinan,MikeAndrews, Tim Cullen,Chrislian Blrrell,Adam Douglas, John Rke,Andrew Harrison,Andam Sutkus, Joe Sobocinski, Tom 10m, Pat Fttguson, Chris Ganone, Mu MullineallX.

varsity football 0 103

The La Salle Football Team's 2003 W1iors. Coach CoUSCnl talks things over with his Auinllllt before the pme.

Joe Winning Iuds the team out onto the field before one of lheir ..ma

The Freshmen FOOlbalJ Team, without pads.







~-----------------------------La salle Varsity Football reached the Catholic league Semi-finals. The team finished with a 6-1 record in the Catholic League. First Team All Catholic was awarded to Kevin Donahue (Defensive Une). Chris Galbally (Offensive Une and Defensive End), Matt McGurtdn (Defensive Back), and Bruce Pohlot (Center).

second Team All-Catholic was awarded to Sean Agnew (Receiver), Brian Donahue (Running Back), and Brian Hogan (Defensive Back). Honorable Mention for All-Catholic was awarded to John Barrett

(linebacker), Rob Brassell (Defensive Line), Brian Donahue

(Punter), and Joe Winning (Quarterback).

FOOTBALL SmiM (Apt.ins Chris

Galbally, John Barrrtl,and Bruce PohlO( II Iheroin lOSS.

Tails never fails. Junior Pal Kilty scrambles away from asack. He

just won't go dow•.

Quarterback Joe Winning drops back to pass as a McInvill dtftndeftyC's up the sack.



Four)'ear starter Min Kdlyshows


his skills IS be mu<ha

downtM lidd.

SOCCER After starling 0·3 in the pre-season, the 1002 La Salle soccer learn O'I"trcame ad"ersiIy undtr head coach Bob Ptffle and assistant JeJ( Siever. The Explorers bounced back and li~ a nationally ranked 51. Joe's Prep learn. From therr the team set their minds on one thing; winning another Catholic



onship. The regular season started with a hard fought win against Mc~"ill. By the half way poinl of lhe )'\"3r, tnt Explorers werc tied for lsi place wllh a r«oroof5-Q..2. The Explorns' first loss was again51 rival Archbishop R}'4n on October

19th. The tram ended the rtgular stason in 3rd place wilh a 9-2-3 ReDrd. La Salle was then host to the 5«ond·$«dtd team in Ihe

Northern Division,Archbishop Ryan. After giving up a goal in the second minute ofthe game, the Explorers dominated most of the match. liowever, Ihey came up short on several scoring opportunities and suffered a 1-0 loss in the firsl round of the playoffs. Throughout th(' .season, thc Explorers wcrt' led by senior captain and 1st team AlICatholic Midfielder Matt Kelly. H(' rt<('ived great help from fdlow seniors John Creed (Mid-

fidd('r), Gr~ Giagnacova (Midfielder), Kevin Feeley (Forward), and lim "Cricket" Harkins. This year's team was led in scoring by junior Mike "The Wizard" Glaccum. while Kelly led in assists. Junior Goalkeeper. Hector Romero, always came to play in big games, especially when the 2002 team earned Coach reme his200lhwin.

'John Creed

MimIC!: KlKh dispilYS his superior SOC«!' lalmt

1060 varsity soem















































Coach Peffle thinks about how good his wrestling team will be this ycar.

Front Row (left 10 right): !lector Romero,

Kevin Miller, lim Harkins, Jim Slover, Eric Calvitti, Jim Sacchetta, Tom McVey, Ryan

Dempsey,Chris Glover, Pat McCalTery. Second Row: eoath Bob Peffle,Andrew Connor,Mike Glaccum, Kevin Feeley,Greg Giagnacova, Mati Kelly, Mike Whalen, Matt O'Donnell, lohn Creed, Chris Grca,'cs. Kevin Moll, Franco Fallllvollita.

varsity socceQ 107

lust call him the Wb.•n:I.. Chris Gloyer dribbles away from the lOC«r


lim Sloyer is about to rip a -6" past midrldd, as goalie Fred


8akn 100b on.

Top Row (Ieflto right): Coach Jerry Hartey,Chris Nederotelt, Drew Panettieri, Pablo Aruna, Rob LninJ, George Walters, Louis Esposito, Michael Kuch,ChriK ScbkYe, Tim Mardnek,Coach Chuclt Gasing. Front RoW": Tim Small, Tom O'DonnC'll, Thayrr Damm, Rob IkYlin,Andn:w ~ndowslti, Chris Adamslti, Jim McCabe, Joe Palatano, Paul Lanzilona, Brendan Heron. (Not pictured: Gr~ Ib.nnC'dC'f)





ACHIEVEMENTS Va rs it v Soccc r ~-----------------------------The La Salle Varsity Soccer Team finished the regular season in third place in the Catholic LeaQue. The team's record was 9-2-3 in leaoue olav. The players who received FirsfTeam All-Catholic Honors were Matt Kellv, Mike Glaccum, and Mike Whalen. Goalie Hector Romero was awarded Second Team All Catholic. Honorable Mention for All-Catholic was given to two seniors: Greg Giagnacova and Kevin Feeley. This season Coach Bob Peffle won his 200lh game as the Coach of La Salle.

SOCCER. If you look closely, you can see Kevin MolI'spiISlains.

junior Mike Whalen tries 10 beal a defender by making him trip on his own shoelace.

Oh myGod,somoone is dandnK naked with the corner nag. Senior Greg Giagnacova might

need to see the trainer about his ankles after thai kick.

soÂŤ er 0109

VARSITY Senior leaders Chris DePaul and o.~


push each Olher through the race.

The laSalle CroM Country Team takes offas a pack althe

beginning of thera,e.

CROSS-COUNTRY For the cross country team, tht' dl'manding training nellt'T really ends. The team picks up

where they left off within weeks of school's dismissal, as they once again begin their preparalions for the peL Championships in November. The learn's hopes of winning this highly compelitive event appeared to be sJim,asonly two orthl' seven varsity runners were returning for the 2002 season. However, with senior captains Dave Chesney, Chris DePaul, and Ryan Campbell, along with varsity runners Joe Fedorowicz,Chris Ross, Pal O'Neill, Sean McGinley, Greg Potestio, and Kyle Rodden, the journey towards this goal was only beginning. The underclassman of the team boldly stepped up to the challenge and created one of the strongest learns that La Salle has ever seen. The journey began when La Salle faced its first large invitational meet of the season. The team continued its wining tradition as the top sc\'en varsity members traveled to North Carolina to compete in The Great American Cross Country Festival. The La Salle team once again rose to the occasion, and placed an unexpected second in a field of thirty teams from throughoUlthe nation. Success continued as the La Salle varsity plact'd second at the Salesianum Invitation in Delaware, second in the Easlern State

110 CJ cross-country

Championships, and once more claimed thc title of Pennsylvania State Prep Champion as Mr. Dt'vine's runners easily defeated lhe competition, including a formidable 51. Joseph's Prep team. La Salle entered the Catholic league Championships with an impressive 31-1 record, as they sought 10 reclaim the PCL title from a powerhouse Cardinal O'Hara leam. The competilion was tight, as La Salle and O'Hara vied for the victory, but in the end the learn was defeated and forced to scllle for a respectable second place finish. However, the day was not a total loss, as the underclassmen once again showed great future potential for the cross country program./(){' Fedorowicz, Chris Ross, Pat O'Neill, and Scan McGinley earned First Team All-Catholic Honors, Dave Chesney received Second Team All-Catholic, and Kyle Rodden was awarded Honorable Mention All-Catholic. In addition to these great performances. Ryan Curtin and Pat McGonigle guided the Junior Varsity team to a second place finish, and freshmen Alex Vaelh and Pat Regan finished first and second in the Freshmen Championship Race to finish second overall with the help of john Campbell and Paullkmnevie. Mr. Devine and the coaching staff of Mr. Demeter, Mr. Iraei, and Mr. Johnson should be

commended forthe amount ofeffort they put into the season,as they helped shape the La Salle Cross Country team into a reputable competitor throughout the entire East Coast. With the amount of work and dedication the runners and coachingslaffexerted, the team will undoubtedly be prepared to contend for a Pel title next year. Congratulalions to everyone on agreat season.

'Ryan Campbell

FirslTeam All-Catholic Runners this year were Joe Fedorowicz, Sean McGinley, Patrick O'Neill, and Chris Ross. Second Team All Catholic was awarded to senior runner Dave Chesney. Junior Kyle Rodden was named Honorable Mention for All-Catholic. The team finished with a 31-2 record, and a second piace finish in the Catholic League. The team won the Pennsylvania State Prep Championship.

Senior Kevin Tatlow ballies his way through the filet.

"Wejust fttllikc running!" -Forrest Gump

cross country 0 111

Doug Kelly forces his tenacious

o on his 0plXlnenl.

Kevin Moll: iii shake n'bake. R~man tosses upa fadeaway as La Salle beats Wood in the playoffs.

112 Q signs

Mr. Jackson is confused by the pathetic I'1."ffing.

VAR Je looks to dish off a


Chris Reedman ready 10 make- lhe sleal.

BASKETBALL The 2002-2003 Explorers struggled in the preseason with a 3-6 record. However, the team turned it around althe Christmas



Washington DC, placing third in its division. With this turning poine, the team began playing fearless basketball. The first Catholic league game was against neighboring rival Bishop McDevitt. After all the chants from the fans weTe complete, La Salle was 1-0 in Catholic League play. The learn relied on their senior captains Chris Reedman (3rd team AllCatholic). Doug Kelly (Honorable Mention), and center Will Furey (1 sl team All-Calholic). Fighting for 3rd place with a 43 record, the Explorers, were right in the mix of things althe break.

In the second half of the season, La Salle played even better ball with the help of senior specialist and 3rd team AllCatholic nominee, Brian Donahue. By the end of the regular season, La Salle finished in sole possession of third place and faced Archbishop Wood in the first round of the playoffs. La Salle's depth was the factor in this game. Coach Marty Jackson threw senior guards John Creed, Mati McGurkin, and junior guard Ryan Kirk on Wood's lSi team All-Catholic point guard. "Wood was D-nied" in this contest as the Explorers enjoyed a 46-29 victory. La Salle's next opponent was arch rival,#l team in the city,and the #25 team in the nation- SI. Joe's Prep. The Explorers went

back and forth with the Hawks in the first half, exchanging 3 pointer after) pointer in front of a near sold-out crowd in the Tom Gola Arena. However, the Prep outplayed La Salle in the final twelve minutes dashing the Explorers' hope of playoff success. Although La Salle had a 66-44 loss that day, the players held their heads up high for they came a long way this season.

Will Furey

pump fakes his defender.

tOhn Creed '03

Nick Shattuck eyes up the jumper.

varsity basketball 0 113



1/5 1/10 1/12 1/17 1/19 1/24 1/31 2/2

2/7 2/9

2/14 2/16 2/21


Ryan Kirk about 10 drive the

Will Furey makes his way past


the defender.

Tht' La Salle bench watches on.

1140 basketball

Mati McGurkin drives '0 the basket MI st~le.


Coach Marty Jackson sets up the Explorers' next game.

Kevin Moll breaks out of the Episcopal trap defense.

Donny in the perfect fornl anotherJ.

basketball 0 115








1/4 1/8 1/9 1/14 1/15


1/29 2/1 2/5

Toor makes a Hawklel cry for

John Barrett after sheer domi-


nance. Heinrich slaps his opponent.

Jon Cooney makes lawndale proud.

116 CJ wrestling

This Prep opponent is about to feel the wrath of Joe Cossella.

Pete severyn lockin' it up.

~ESTLING The wrestling team looked to end the three-year curse that had plagued them in the Catholic League Championship match. Despile the loss of seven graduating seniors, induding three All-Catholic champions and Iwo State Prep Champions, the team was still a favorite to win the league. La Salle was led by senior captains John Barrett (189), Pete Seweryn (130), Joe Cosella (275), and Mike Merlini (119), as well as fellow seniors Max Courtney ([ 71). Neil Griffis (2IS), Jon Cooney (140),and Jim Sacchetla (112). Freshmen Chris Heinrich (135) and Rob StOlt (103) were key members of the Varsity lineup in their first year. Rounding out the starters were Tim Cooney (112), Andrew Cotlov (125), Rob Reber (140), Ed Valentino (145). Bill Borrell (152),and Greg Tuefe! (160). Coaches Mike YBraz" Braciszweski and Anthony Penzarella led the team to its second straight undefeated regular season, with wins ranging from a perfect 84-0 win over Kennedy-Kenrick, the highest score ever in school history, to a 31-31 tiebreaker over North Catholic. The outcome of thaI match was not known unlilthe referee declared La Salle the winner on the sixth tie-breaker in the

rulebook (most near falls). Unfortunately. the result was not the same two weeks later in the championship match. In front of a packed gym on February Sth, the N.C. Falcons upset La Salle,33-28. This year, however, the Explorers were able to accomplish something that had eluded them in the past three years. Proving that the championship match was a fluke, they won the All-Catholic Individual Tournament the following Saturday wilh only twelve wrestlers out of a possible fourteen weight classes. La Salle had four wrestlers earning 1st team AllCatholic honors: Chris Heinrich, Greg Teufel, Max Courlney, and John Barrett. Seniors Mike Merlini, Pete Seweryn, Neil Griffis, and Joe Casella earned 2nd team honors. Jon Cooney was also given Honorable Mention in the tournament. La Salle also had a number of tournament place winners: Barrett with I st, Heinrich and Casella with 3rd,Courtney with 4th, and Merlini 7th.


The Explorers get pumped for their next opponent. Max Courtney and Braz celebrate victory.

Casella '03

wrestling 0 117

VARSITY ROCKEY LG, flies by the Malvern defense.

Joe Roche gets back on D,

118 (J varsity hockey

Senior Paul Kopicki,"The Enforcer"

Tom Ferrick dl芦kin'oul II chick in !he O'O"'路d.

Bart h~ads for l.he bmch.

La Sall~ ct:lebr2les another goal by1\u.

varsity hockey 0 119

The Legion of Doom Line

"The Icc Man~Tom Ferrick

Kenny lunges for the sa\'e.

La Sail\!' celebrates another



o signs

Tus, ~It's nuckle puck lime."

~Don't be a pretender; be ac<:ountable at all times." These familiar phrases were repeated throughoulthe 20022003 Varsity One Ice Hockey Season. Our team's success began way back in the hot summer months as we prepared for Ihl.' upcoming season. Every other day the players could be found on the track or in thl.' weight room where they pushed through heat and pain and fought the burn in order to be<ome stronger and faster. Dedication is the best word to describe the attitude and work ethic of this year's ice hockey team. Eight senior ice hockey players graduated last year (2002), a significant loss to the team. However this year's seniors quickly compensated for that loss by providing excellent leadership. Seniors, Andrew Bartynski, Derek Calista, Joe Roche, Mike McAnulty, Paul Kopicki, Alex May, and Captains Matt Loftus and Tom Fer-

rick, \'t'ere joined by a talented assortment of underclassmen including two juniors, four sophomores, and three freshmen. The La Salle ice hockey season is by far thc longest athletic season in the school. 11 begins on the second day of school and ends in late March. The season is grueling at times, especially when the team travels. This year La Salle competed in places as far south as Baltimore and as far north as Portland, Maine. We supported each other through all the hardships and shared the triumphs. Although this year's team has had its share of losses and low points, the season provided the players with many good memories and quality bonding time during which we became a tight knit La Sallian family (or cult). The2002-2003Varsity One lee Hockey team will never share the same ice again; however, the frkndships

formed and memories made during the season will last. When the ice hockey season ended, the seniors realized that their remaining time at La Salle was short. It was time for the next group to step up and take charge. Although the season seemed endless at the beginning, now that the seniors have played their final hockey games for La Salle, the time seemed too shorl.

The LaSalle benchlook5 '0.


Andrew Bartynski '03 Kop;oo 'OJ

Tom Ferrick,"The Secretary of Defense"



12/10 12/12


12/17 1/2




1/9 1/21 1/23 1/28 1/30 2/4 2/6

MiuGarofalohu his game fau 00.

"Oh I fdl cnn!" Mall WUtllosses il down witb authority.

122 0 bowling



Dan Htarn gracdul U(afl be.


Brendan Shane eyes up the neJl:1 strike.

Angelo Garofalo wonders, "What happened to Ihe bumpersl"

HO"ftTLING Yes, contrary to popular belief, bowling is a recognized and popular sport here at La Salle, as shown by the greal turnout the team gets every year during tyrOUlS. This year was no exception. A record sixty hopefuls who wanted to contribute to this constantly unsung

team appeared for the November tryouis. The thirty bowlers who made it through the rigors of tryOUls experienced one of the more

productive seasons to date for the learn.

Once again under the keen instruction of Coach Steve Faunce, the team hoped to show the resl of the Catholic League that it was La Salle's year. The core of the varisty squad was made up of captain Dave Heayn, Mike Moffett, Steve Rodgers, Mike Garofalo,Will Phillips, and Mall Heebner. These six constantly battled each other 10 win one of the five spots needed for each match. Solid contributions from seniors Ryan Filzpatrick and Tim Wilson, juniors Angelo Garofalo and Brendan Shane, and Sophmores ",lall Wertz

and Jeff Gemi made this season a promising one. Every match or tournament was very exciting.Atlhe Archbishop Ryan Invitational,the learn surprised many Northern Division foes by finishing in second place, the team's highest finish ever. At the Holiday tournament, the learn showed that it could compete among public school powerhouses by finishing in fiflh place among a field of twenty teams. Even though Ihe team did not make the playoffs, the solid play of underclassmen exhibited the team's pOlential to become a power in the Catholic League.

Senior Mike Moffett makes it look easy.

'Mike Moffett '03


senior Garrell MacDowell gelling ready for the fly. John Welsh, Pat, Gallagher. and Pal Healy,after the 200 relay.

One of the new guys Chris Driscoll.

The 2002路2003 swimming learn.
































Coach Frank Lichlner with his lsi Easterns champion, Pat Heal)'.

S"'I~~ING La Salle's swim team is in a class of its own. Year after year our team spends countless

hours practicing morning and night to be the best in the Catholic League. For fifteen straight years La Salle has

dominated every league meet they have been in. Thanks [0 coaches like Mr. Lichtner, Mr. Blch, Mr. Dunchcskie, and Mr. Tale, La Salle's team is what it is today.

Dowell, Jaggers, Egan and also in the 500 free by Healy. Being on a team that has this much dedication and pride in their sport was an honor for everyone on the leam. Seniors graduating La Salle know that they were par! of something special. To the underclassmen, keep La Salle swimming alive and make it another 15 years of peL dominance.

This year senior Captains

Patrick Healy and Garrett Mc-

Dowell lead a strong group of underclassmen to an undefeatKevin HyJinski swimming to a win in Bll'asl Stroke.

ed season. Some stand out

swimmers this year were Kent Jaggers, Junior Captain J. B. Worster, Patrick Gallagher, Kevin Egan. and John Welsh. New Team and league records were set this year by the 200 medley relay of Worster, Mc-

Eric Prendergast gelling rudy for his race.

'patrick Healy '03

signs 0 125

I will break you! Oooh yel! Gh'e illo me!

Stt'\'e Bibu runs lhe relay. I did ill I did it!

Some underclassmen pose for thecamcn.


o signs

INDOQRTRA Steve Iannacone wonders "Whal did 1get my.wlfintor'

INDOOR TRACK The La Salle indoor track learn has always enjoyed a rich tradition of excellence, recogniwlas one of the lOp

learns in the region, and 2002路2003 was no exception. Top slate marks came early in the season with the 4 x800 rday, consisting of 101' FedOrQwia. Neil O'Connell, Kyle Rodden. and Chris Ross, running 8: 14.5. The same quartet, sans Rodden and adding Louis Esposito for the 400 m leg, carried the baton 10 a 10:46.1 lime in the evcr-compctitve

distance medley relay. The Explort'rs competed not only in the pel but also in the Track and Field




Philadelphia, which gathered teams from the ((ogion to compete weeki), at Haverford College and Lehigh University. la Salle,always astrong presence at these meets, took home numerous medals on the track and in the field. In the field, La SaJledominatoo the shotupul. Yale-bound senior, Bruce Pohlot occupied the #1 spot in most meets due to his great conditioning and fierce competitiveness, with an early best of 54'S". Joining Pohlot in the ring was junior Kevin Moore, the defending outdoor javelin titlisl, who also put up big throws indoors with the sho!. Moore was constantly flirting with the elusive 50-foot mark. In addition to the shot. Steve Iannacone challenged the Catholic league title in the pole vault with his yearly best of


11'6". On thc track, la Salle was a distance powerhouse. The aforementioned 4x 800 squad lead the way, with big contributions from seniors Dave Chesny and Ryan Campbell, juniors Pat O'Neill and Greg Potestio, and sophomores Sean McGinley and Tim Shea. Most of these runners positioned themseil'es 10 repeat their AlICatholic prrformances from crosscountry. Sprinting was vilal to la Salle's success as well. Esposito lead the way with his leg on the state-ranked DMR. Sophomores Andrew Tull and Joe Ritinski provided Ihe depth with junior hurdler Steve Bibu. With 60m specialist Drew Brandt,just a freshman, joining them, the Explorer runners continued their winning ways. The team competed in the PCl Championshipson February 16th and the Pennsylvania State Championships at Penn State University on March lsI.

Fedorowin makes his move on his HatboroHorsham opponent.

OaveChesny hands offlo Tim Shea in the relay.

'DaVid Chesny '03


Kevin Moll sprinling the 100yarddash.(top)

Sieve Bibu hurdles the... hurdle.

Neil O'Connell sprinls 10 Ihe finish. Pat O'Neill catches up 10 Ihe Prep opponent.

128 (J outdoor track

Bruce Pohlol does the funky chicken.


- .....

Pal McGonigle and Chris DePaul lead thc pack.

OUTDOOR TRACK La Salle's Outdoor Track and Field runner Alex Vaeth, Pat Regan, John team experienced a year full ofsurprises Campbell, Pat Costello. and Brendan with a well-balanced team of full poten- Beichert 0111 posted exceptional freshtial and talent. With a great deal of the men times. In the field events, senior Bruce varsity graduating lasl year, La Salle's underclassmen stepped up to fill the Pohlot and junior Kevin Moore domimany needed positions. Mr. Devine nated the shot-put scene as well as trained the young runners with de- javelin and discus, with both placing manding workouts throughout the sea- among the top throwers in the league. son, and the runners matched the in- Senior Steve Iannacone took on the tense training with discipline and deter- PCL's best as well, finishing the season mination of their own Ihal rew can ever as one of the top pole-vauhers in the hope to match. This devout work ethic league. La Salle's sprint team, led by paid off in the end as the track and field juniors Steve Bibu and Lou Esposito team continued to be a premier team in also enjoyed a successful season. Along with freshmen Drew Brandt and Paul the Catholic League. The team was ted by senior captains Bonnevie, these short distance runners Dave Chesoy, Ryan Campbell, and Chris helped reclaim some of the talent that DePaul, fellow runner Pat McGonigle La Salle has sought among sprinters. added to the key senior talent. However, Overall the year was a success as the the junior class contributed the greatest learn finished among the league's best to our success this year as Joe Fedorow- teams. icz, Neil O'Connell, Kyle Rodden, Chris Ross, Pat O'Neill, and Greg I'olestio solidified the learn's middle and long distance talent with times ,hat rivaled the league's best. Sophomores Sean McGinley, Tim Shea, and Dan O'Toole also added to the depth of the team's success with great times in the one- and '''''0mile events. The freshmen at La Salle ensured La Salle's future track success as t.yan Campbell '03

Alex McGrath lakes a leap of failh. Kevin Moore tossin' the jardin.

outdoor track 0 129



4/2 4/4 4/8

4/10 4/14 4/16 4/21 4/23

4/25 4/28 4/30 5/2 5/6 5/8 5/12

5/14 5/16 5/20

Southpaw Nolan Waters.


BASEBALL The 2002-2003 Explorers continued the winning tradition of La Salle baseball. Led by 3 core of Seniors who were itching to play together. the Explorers enlered the season with the same goal as e~"Cry year. As Manager Joe Parisi explains. uWe want to play well enough through the year 10 make it to the playoffs. From there anything can happen." Equipped wilh excellent defense and pitching, the Explorers looked to dominate the Catholic league Northern Division. Seniors Dan Waters, Kevin McLoughlin, Rob Brassell. Doug Interrante. Drew Carnevale, Kevin Hessclpoth. Mati Madden, Tony Liberatore, Nick Shields, Brooke Solliday, Bill Loughery, Tim Galen. and

lim Harkins were reunited on the field for the first time since their freshman season. Combined with the support of an experienced Junior class, with players like Pat Riley, Amhony Massero, Mall Malloy, Pat McCusker, Nick Brechbill, Mike Glaccum, Dave Achey,and John Trainer, the Explorers played fundamental, winning baseball. Under the guidance of Manager Joe Parisi, Infield/ First base coach Joe Falcone, Outfield/Bench coach Paul lames Quinn, and pitching coach Mike O'Conner, the players thrived. The team wouldn't h(" compl("tc without the managing skills of Pat Brett and statistician Tim Holwick. Personally, J want 10 thank all my teammates and coaches for

making my last four y("ars in the La Salle baseball program the most enjoyable time of my life. I\nd from all the players and coaches, we want to thank the parents, students, teachers, and all the other fans who support the baseball program. You moti\'ated our efforts every day.


Shields '03 Dan Walers strikes lhe ball.

130 CJ varsity baseball

Coach Joe Falcone points 10 Ihe crowd. Ouch! That's golta hurt!

Kevin Hesclpolh fields thc ball oul in lerl field. Dan Watcrs riflcs a ball 10 the plale.

varsity baseball CJ 131



3/27 3/31 4/3 4/4


4/10 4/14 4/21 4/24 4/28 5/1 5/5 5/8 5/12 5/15


(lOp right) John Creed swings for a hole-in-one. (lOp) Eli Pery pauses in midswing 10 show his boyish smile. What a MOlley Crue. Matt Mcvea the Inlimidalor.

132 CJ golf



Brian Clearkin kn(Kk~ it in.

Oh Mama I'm hOlloday.

GOLF Whethl.'T from the sly greens of whitemarsh Valley Country Club, or the sunny beaches of South Carolina, the La Salle golf team has proven themselves a force to be reckoned with. Last year the team

won its seventh Catholic I.cagueChampionship,and put together another undefeated

season, almost unheard of in a game as turbulent as golf is.

Last season the learn had six players receive All-Catholic

honors: Kevin Frost and Sean Seese, 1003 relUrning seniors Max Muller, Eli Pery, and Chris Reedman, and junior Garrett Basalyga. The team also boasted the 2002 PCL Individual Runner-up Eli Pery. Although Kevin. Sean, and the other graduates were missed, the team looked to swing analysis from Mr. Diehl,putting lessons from the short game guru Mr.

Marty Jackson, and golf psy路 chology from the Doctor Les Burke to help the squad continue its dominance through the upcoming season. Major contributors to this year's leam were senior Jon Cooney, lohn Creed, Chris Dunne, Corey Durkin, Matt Meves, Max Muller, Eli Pery, and Chris Reedman: juniors Garrell Basalyga, Mark Bilecki, Brian Clearkin, Kyle Ginty, Dennis Carlson, and Mike Parker: and sophomore Sean Ford.

A tall drink of waler puts a shock on the ball.

Coach Marty Jackson sabolages

lhe score card.


Qolf0 133



Will Marych the

"Rlplor. Just look allhat face. lt

TENNIS Th~ La .$alit ttnnis team started the season with one Ihing on their mind. the Pel championship. For the last Ihr~ years, SI. Joe's Prep has taken the litle, along with some bragging rights. But Coach William Geiger and Moderator Joseph Radvansky were looking to change all thaI. The team members engaged in preseason training in our state-or-the-art training facililY to develop the slrtngth and skills n芦ded 10 regain the championship. Senior captains DarCl.'1I Moore. Bill Marych. and Bill O'Neill brought experknce and Itadmhip 10 the t~am asthq looked to end Ih~ season on a successful nOle and reslnt the winning dy-

134 0 t""nls

nasty once so commonly known 10 the relurning play-

"'.The roster was ever changing.as manyof the spotsl positions .....ert wide open. This ere路 ated a winning and delermined atmosphl.'re on and off the court and equal playing lime throughout the season. Returning Juniors Brendan ~Ieron. Rafael Rincon, and Rob Vrancken helped create a solid winning team wilh their experience and we venlured deep into the pla)'Offs. Sophomore sensations Paul Paige and Cody Casale also returnw and crtale'd a solid backbone for the team. bringing us one step doscrlot~ Pel title. The' ltarn was comprised of

solid and consistent pla}'C'rs, .....ho wiU continut the proud La SaUe tradition, as new talent is attractw each )l'ar to the winning ways of the tum. Once again, the bragging rights will become ours, and the road to the championship will lie through Explorer territory for seasons to come.

Brendan Haon I.kin路 care or business..


4/1 4/3

4/7 4/9 4/11 4/14 4/16 4/21 4/23 4/25 5/13


Paul Paige nails the overhand. Rob Vrancken at full extension. Raf tassin' up a serve and lovin' it.

tennis 0 135

The Great Wall of China: Alex May. Moho doio'a Iii' razzle dazzle.



PCl La Salle shakes hands with O'Hara after another Catholic League victory.

This year's learn hopes for a repeal performance.

136 0 lacrosse

4/1 4/8


4/11 4/14 4/15


4/22 4/24 4/29


5/6 5/8 5/11




•• --. - .......



The: senior le:aduship of La Salle: laooue.

LAC:ROSSE With the arrival of March another lacros~ ~a­ son. With snOVo- on the ground and below ttro lC'mperalures, tnt La Salle Lacrosse team Pr(part<! to be a lop controoer for the Ptnnsylvania Siale Championship. The Explorers continued theiT domination of the Catholic Leagul.',added to their outstanding retord of over ont' COffit$

hundred wins, and earn another peL Championship. II milestone len in a row. With head coach Bill Leahy's Baltimore

style offense, and Coach Rrsch's new persp«ti~ on defrnst. the Explorers were a tough learn to beal. The learn was ltd by senior midfidders Ed Lawless, Colin Whitaur, Brendan Heck. and Stan Agnew. Juniors Bill Warner and Olris Mulholland,along with sophomore transfer Thayer Damm and Mike Lynch. made valuable contributions

Our boy. out hustling PmD

A young group of altackrnt'n ht'l~ Ihe midfiddt'rs SCOft' goals. Coming back from a sC'ason t'nding injury, junior Brian Nt'ary guided sophomores Pat Lombard and transftr Rob Forstt'r. Defensivcly.lht Explort'rs were led by seniors John Barrett, Kevin Abbott, Lee Tucker, Man O'Donnell, and Chris Galbally, with help from juniors Ed Graham and Max Mullineaux,and sophmore Ed DiDonato. The goal was guarded by senior goalie Alex May. The 2003 season began full of polt'ntlal. With senior leadtrship and talent on all side'S of the fit'ld, tht' La Sallt' Explortrs kept their eyes focused on the prize - Ihe lenlh consecuth'e PeL Championship.


La Salle gelS ready 10 lake the field befort somc fierce competition.





































Salle Iighlwtight 8

rodin'the bumble Mt unL

IsthaUFritndly'sconeht'ad,oh no thai'S DI"f Nub.

- ---




Giasnlcova Ind Tom McMahon rdax u the rest of the boat puUs thc load.





-- ---

---- --- --


The future of La Salle Crew rows their way 10 the slarting line.

Senior G~ Giagnacova grls congratulated by Coach Sigmund on a good ~<

The La Salle Crew team has a wry imprnsivt learn history. The p~nt learn is looking to

regain SU(ctss thai pasl }'tars' learns ilIchic\'芦l. This


was a positive-one. With great scnior leadership and ex-

tremely hard working underclassmen. the learn came together and really formed a strong unity. The Iraining began in the fall, and Ihe season Slarted in the bitler cold of

February. The season consisted of long headracC's. intense erg and calisthenics workouts, and finally the sprint ,acts in the spring. The season was a challenge facing rivals 51. lo~ph'5 Prep and Holy Spirit. but tach boat held ils own and ended the season with wellarmd finishts.

The dedicated ~niors of Ihis ytar's squad w~~ a tough group of kids, but the underclassmen raistd the bar for the entir~ team. The future of La Salle rowing looks promising with the already impressive

underclassmen giving the seniors a run for their money. \'iith some new coaches and a good onorallteam attilude, the squad ho~ to continue the success achieved this season. The r~putation of the La Salle Crew team is a res~ted one. The team has shown why they are so respeclw this season with a very impressive showing. The team has cause for prid~ and a promising future. The varsity boats did exaClly what they needed to do this year for success, and as always, the freshman teams showed their abilities in row路 ing. La SalleerN had an overall great season. Row, La Salle,


11>< underdassmen chillingoul in the boat house.

'David Naab '03



SPOTLI CliT ----------""'" N;c!Jlsm<:< _",..-~ Adam<

Matt M<- And'" TIm -ArcIlietno<=- ArcIlibald JoM -0,.0< the \IIru!;-llam:lt Andrew "llarry-llartyr<lJ Paul :Jonew;-llat""", 1l<rt -Ernoe-1/<Mu Mrtd1<J-MJn:h-1l<Iynao ?:micJ: "PC-llyme< 1lyan """,- Can¢<' Andn>< -J.leod- eam....Ie 1lrian-0Wrme-~

.J>t """'Y-=- Cdbum .Jon



Ma>< -Ir<ano- Coo'1nq ~

I(M, -~-!lor.ln Chr1<-C-Doc:~

MlteJ erewDungon


-"0 Drtnl" Dunn<

Corq -Goo; Durtin

Joe -~eri>- o.p 1lyan -QnMWYy- F1ddl:

Kom 1.ooj ofthe Donee' Gardnu 0Y1< -Gladdce- Gladu

JJ"The '"""""'- Gnl<so <JeI """"-Goeml Gnft1< Joe


' 1'- J.lacM


Pat "Abert:ron-llle- ~eaIj .bdan -MEN<;A- JacJ:oon Andrew -Ka'!'Y" KaTJK1K"

Doug -Th<Jg- Kdtt """"'ni -llrad- Kw

MIte "l:1lUt >hart: KJng Fr.ri. -I-lang Ten" KoIlIc.Ahdrew~"


Michael "New .kr<q-l..oM< Matt"T1J!i:'~

Matt '!loomer- Madden III ~- Maoych Mi:e1linf McAr<M:y Matt "God,- McGrlr> Ian -~- McLaugtin Mi:e __ o' R.n- McLaugtin bn -Ms. UIlllY- M<:Maron 'Rob "F1IKh" McNQ~r.;I MOe -1IIW- ""'"' DaruO -Cornell" Moore 0.., -\lub &prc«- N<lab Matt -Marne- Ol:lomel Illy "IM-oo Lathe !loll' ouf ONei

""""""lla<in--" Gr<!-Qla-!len -0l=ebar1lus:h J1m-tac-~

-~,,"~ I(M,~" "filtIoo.PaUTA"WaIs!> Danid -Muddy- Wrt= Kevi\"DittJiI"1I'Jdmer

1400 spoWght on seniors





spotlight on seniors 0 141

1420 senior divider

P.C.Byrnes waits for his

nat visitor in hisoffiuin Campus Ministry.

Bird,like manystn-

iors,lwa little siesta on the couch

inCampu.s Ministry




senior divider 0 143

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors KcvinJ.Abbott 408 Ascot Road Oreland.PA 19075 215-576-1692 Kjude61@aol.com Holy Martyrs NHS. Lacrosse, Football

"93", wi"" tptUlUUY and salf w/uu 'JOt" ~t bu"", tJws., wlu" lIIi.nd dai"'b InatlAwlUultlUJS&wJu,,"~dai"'(,"WlIL" §)".


Channing K.Ackason 6606 Ogontz Avenue Phiiadelphia,PA 19126 215-924-2404 ckhiroller@hotmail.com Forensics, WEXP,lntramurals

"'?J"UUJ€' is- IWI!/Uj11WlIP"

Russell J. Adillns. IV 521 Pioneer Circle Harleysville, PA 19438 215-256-4333 phillyfiend@yahoo.com Corpus Christi Crew. Strings. Football. Drama, Latin Club

"9;/w ,,""'" imp.o;ri.anb tAulIf ino

4e- is- IlIJ.i, tA., hiullll'''' 114 ti,,,, s1;r.l~

9;/wes"etl1.i"t tllUllf is- nab f.o, luw.i7cal"l~ I1w f.o, 1zlWi7I-<J.Ilb weft"


93"",,," 'CPi%w Sh", %uk"Uno





The brain is used to store both valuable and trivial infbrmation. !--lere are two examples ofeach to the extreme. Most Useless Knowledge- ~ert ~der ~est Overall >:tudent-Joe Dv.yer

1440 senior portraits

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . class of 2003 Seal1 M.Agl1ew 711 Glendalough Road Erdenheim. PA 19038 215-402-0743 Reds5@aol.com Holy Martyrs LSC. Football. Lacrosse

"c;£,iJe' nw«€<Vf'MIht /oM. ?:if Ijowdo.,"'{, stopa",!' foof"awUI,J,onceo "" '" ifO'" COltU m.t.s& it-. n CJfWli.s, 9?;,wfle.;" '!1Jwj' <@# wjule",

Michael J. Alol1so 885 Symphony Lane 81ue Bell.PA 19422 215-643-1675 Xyzkoolkat@aol.com Track.Soccer.Chorus. Latin Club. WEXP,Spanish Club. LSC. NHS. Freshman Mentor

Matthew R Al1dris 4290 Tersher Drive Doylestown. PA 18901 215-230-7049 MZA420ANX@aol.com Our Lady of Mt, Carmel Football. Lacrosse, Intramurals. LSC


/Uk wlUJt ~S-Ofll sWinunitUf@tllR/ftibsiJuycAdtl'125i1team/' %cf,,9~wv (3//)


Pat Delaney, Pal M,Gonigle,Jot: O'Pella,and 5Ic\'(' Farrington at the Honors ConvoClllion

senior portraits 0 145

. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors Til11ot:hy S. Archibald 901 Chesterfield Drive Lower Gwynedd. PA 19002 215-793- 0818 St. Joseph's Bowling.Sponlsh Club,Ski Club "~"""f.'OII1.d" O#'l.&w,,),fime,l'a5<Y, tJ",niww wlb f'J&'s,no&eJWl~

f'J&':;, /w& enatu;A" '!Jiud" CJf.tujd

Michael W.Avilcs 1459 Oxford Circle Lansdale,PA 19446 215-361-1709 Mike311 sublime@yahoo.com Corpus Christi Spanish Club, Intramurals. Science Club

"CZjat•• clwJ.<» i:Y wI""'jat. clwOS€' UJ, /k., ami if 'JO';'''' cau""iIut_'WM'. tl.",. 'j0«''''' aU u'1A& witk me,," 93",. ~

Ryan D. Barbieri 829 Glen Road Jenkintown,PA 19046 215-887-8941 barbs8421 @yahoo.com Immaculate Conception Intramurals "9;IWvI.=aU~w.onde4ut,

du!,/Wu" f'J'II.O'H'''fWO'I'-'' '!Jilusk

DOl11inick W. Barbuto 13 Westwood Place Holiand.PA 18966 215-860-7150 lasalledrm@aol.com St. Bede the Venerable Freshman Track, Honors Band,Jazz Band, Competition Band, Stage Band, Percussion Ensemble, Pit Orchestra,Spring Musicals

"C(!.o/tI",sJ.o,. U.uuled """ 'neI~ a.nd plUJ"~ SIt"'" U::;, /k.call"'" of 'jow.tJw.&

f'J IW""ca,.s<,e"

,<d",0I,w, %w,.,


o signs

3",no",,=. f'J uu.?

f'J /oU.o""i.A", 30,.o,uI,wiU

and dal1.<» i.Ai:Y s<u"fo{{wedo",,"'!Ji. <@.!:b.

. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... class of 2003 John W. Barrett 664 Swamp Road Furlong.PA 18925 215-794-5489 JohnnyB 15@aol.com Our Lady of Mf. Carmel Football (captain). Wrestling (captain). Lacrosse, Student Council

"'Of IfO'-V caw wack tk sam"" waif w. w<"U,j"'fand losUuf' tlwb'''''' fwracrom1'lislunen,t,." ceJvris, eg""""

Andrew M. Bartynski 6032 Sheaf! Lane Fort Washington, PA 19034 215-643-5486 Minibike4@aol.com Sf. Alphonsus Sarnelli House, V-l Hockey, Freshman Football. Intramural Football

"3om.etim.e<YIfO'-V'..,,{&tdvandsometime<Y,/",'."" dUM, and wl"""IfO'-V'''''

up, il/s/,u!A,.t€/l/a5I~(L5IilJS€M1'L5/, atulu.dlRAl/~'t€ldotfH'I/, lJOU/n~ tIunJ~yo",'ft 11.e-''P'flij.aiJ". 93u,t, 4.e-9·0e<YOf". " 9?a'f 9S,iotl<v: 93lou...

Paul V. Bateman 167 Levering Street Philadelphia,PA 19127 215-487-0569 PizzNizzle@aol.com Sf. Josepha!'s Intramurals, Kairos 37-29 student leader

"9S,~@~IfO'-V"w1wif"lfO'-V90tta-C'Ulwt~ylU.WaU",~ @ tllR/ ion"""",. "'lJiaut 93aielnalY, cet~ 9';u.c/w;"

JaJnes M. Battin

935 Langdon Ave. Horsham, PA 19044 215- 646- 5648 james@motherearthorganics.com St, Catherine of Siena Tennis, Providence Center Tutoring, Play Production, Film Club

"~"'.ft /le""," fuww"

,lflli1, Y"'-" 1It'f"

signs 0 147

-----------------------~ Justin C. Beale 104 Veronico Lone Lansdale.PA 19446 215-822-0822 citizen_pain@yahoo.com AnimeClub

"\1 Cl/.I~ """'''' wo-tUof fWo"",,,,u[ fw,unon/fond \1 co,~ see-,uvouael'ulUf tAo/, W<nU deco"s", tfu"tuuw.U,uw.~""",ikcomMUf路 " "Ja.cJ" 9&uuf.e,y

Robert 1-1. Bende.'. Jr. 45 Grove Avenue Flourtown. PA 19031 215-836-7652 St. Genevieve's Beatarmy1@aol.com Crew. Footbail.lSC. NHS.Student Council. Wisterian. German & Latin Clubs " SVu1nfj""", fUU'6U!fj' i", 11"" s/'W!J"

futcAono"tl.ufr 5efU'!"'Ie-'lla,t='Y /lW!J,mul \1

o/l.'foWUlu[wlto/, \1 see-ilY/I@.

8'I,uldfr \1 tdu"lfO'"futtlz",lzom[, o,uUR.ad,lfO'" tfwu'fj/"tI""la//(i, o,ulltelpm",wuieMstond,tlud,.,<;/' \1 CO," "'!'I'i"k 'J1tup[

MitchcU Fiore"tini-Bcrgmfll1 6207 North Fairhill Street Philadelphia,PA 19126 215-276-0701 mitch@cyberecho.net Lab Managers. Musicals. Robotics. Drama

Robert F. Brassell 1399 Glen Echo Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 215-364,0158 Nuke485@aol.com Our Lady ot Good Counsel Student Council. Football. Baseball. LSC. Latin Club. Gazebo.Senior Class President

"'7;fr/lUb. downs OMI.'''lwlI''I' \1'.lac"tA"'f'wki,ulof="'I" \1'"",,,,,,,., cWr.ed, ,u/~tltis su.tf.ed,o,ul \1 tf'inki/''jOelY 8ack u. tf"" fi.I,,,,, \1 UUZlwto-d"" dw.L6,

148 0 siQns

o,ul'" dow,. luI.led m'f dod:' "Jad.9&"uk.r


.---------------~ class of 2003 Timothy E. B,-il1: 2715 Militia Raad Hatbaro. PA 19040 215-672-8942 SentryHawk@hotmail.com St. John Bosco JV Tennis. Lab Managers. German Club. Stage Crew and Sound

"sead,,,,,, a/ub cq

CI ..dem.€(.,

'tje.,i.<Y lUIs, ~ ,I.", duJ.du Uf. "

Patrick R By.... es 425 Jefferson Aveenue Hatboro. PA 19040 215-672-4709 thrddegre@hotmail.com St. John Bosco Forensics. LSC

"\':' '/MJtdd UItI,% f.w.,



wlw.r.eo nul'

4.. is- sWHo"'u/"'b fur"'!.'·

leur. tlUlIl/to !iu€/;,l/a tuatl4slPSmaUtfwbmlj muulc<udltcompte1uuul

it. "9(em'j 'tjnw.,so/. 9"sdid"

David A. Cagliil 1316 Dell Road Norristown.PA 19403 610-222-0220 Dave9485@aol.com St. Francis of Assisi Football. Winter Track. Spring Track.lntramurais

"C),W"". ,I... m.t<6U> I.""", '!"'./eel /UJo

"a'It." 'il;la/l, 91la.d.e'j

De ..ek J. Calista 28 Larch Circle Holiand.PA 18966 215-364-1909 DJCaiista@comcast.net Sf. Bedes the Venerable Varsity Ice Hockey "seeauuIUfis-filldill.fJ ollbwlza£.ljoll/atreadlj Imow-. ~oilUJ is demoor

sv.ali//fj' dUll, 'j0W alwad'/' I",,,up't. 9;ead",UJ' ''''' slwwi.//9'"d"""", t1UI~ tl."r !uWuPiu.5bas-weltas-'j"'.' ., %cl.a-ut 'il;lad" signs 0149

••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. seniors Ryan M. Cmnpbell 1720 Dorham Court Blue Bell,PA 19422 215-540-0717 Soupy 101 O@comcast.net Epiphany ot Our Lord Cross Country, LSC, NHS, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Wisterian, Amnesty International

"~b ib '«We" UJ<p taf.e, IlY deconw wJuu, IJ"'b mi'llu, luwl!/ 6een....



icholas J. Capozzi 2140 Pheasant Hili Road Lansdale, PA 19446 215-412-Q978 Soulreaver6@aol.com Our Lady of Ransom Film Club, intTamurals, Italian Club, Forensics

"~e.sWuiatI'S<l€n","Q.S<tltOlu;4i.b,~~. '>1>ealAfjM£Is I/Ww<Wfu

en..- ~ wdtiusJ,SlUf~II!/."

']adR/IlY93ladb, 911.eJ.aJ.tic.o,

HracUey D. Caracausa 60 1 West Prospect Ave North Waies, PA 19454 215-699-2420 Causa03@aol.com St. Rose of Lima Crew, NHS, LSC, Ski Club, Student Council

Andrew C. Carnevale 312 Whitemarsh Valley Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 215-619-6767 drewcarnevale@hotmail.com st. Genevieve Baseball.Student Council. Ski Club, Basketball. Sornelli House "~Olb'ul!/'fl1.b IlY ~ca-r4tl

if 1J<"b,w,;b luww- wlll!/W 1J<"b'wfJ<WUf. 'Call6€<

IJ"'bmi'l/u,'wb'lI!/b~." ~""" 93""""


o signs

--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . class of 2003 Timothy J. CatinelJa 1513 Sumneytown Pike Gwynedd.Pa 19436 215-699-6656 St. Rose of Lima Cross Country. Band. Track. LSC

David L. Chesny 200 West Evergreen Avenue Philadelphia. Po 19118 215-248-9270 chezniak8585@aol.com Our Mother of Consolation Cross Country. Indoor Track. Outdoor Track

Brian M. Chmielewski 42 Harvard Road Plymouth Meeting,PA 19462 610-275-8310 Chameriquai@aol.com

.. 'i' i"~" wan), to- tAa,,;" aft IIuf do,!" """«twa,! IV f,oouy tI~""" Ill,,". 't:speeiau,r eAltk'i£</p, 9?Jill.f' 9!i,IA1le" eAnd %H·id. eAlw, tAanl"", lOl t:£awlR.-It, c(iJ,~ - ~. andt CC;- CRJOIll?//c-t/ tluuv illspiAauon, null nut


Daniel J. Cipolla 360 Wellington Terrace Jenkintown.PA 19406 215-572-7253 dcipjr@yahoo.com Immaculate Conception NHS.SCience Club. Italian Club, WEXP.Band. LSC "'i£¥@QlIIWvz().1l:

if '1Otl/hoW./I/at- U, i~ IWWltSJ dadl/a'" ljOUl. ?J? ljOlb

sllli~ if, .e1<wuy tlze-<ytUiill'f-" 9!i/uu:.lee-talf

signs 0 151

••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . seniors Jan,cs J. Clark 356 Evergreen Rood Jenkintown. PA 19046 215-885-8988 JCSURFER5@00I.com St,James Football. LSC .Intramurals. Film Club

"?:J? 'l"'VfNU'/ f<u;uUf iI~ tit", ti91,~diAecl.iafV. aU'JOtv fu=l /.(y,w, Uv IW€("OfV ,u.alllifuf_" 9?;uddlw..

Timothy L. Clifford 9065 Springview Road Philadelphia.Pa 19115 215-676-1861 St. Albert the Great Band. Wisterian.Photography Club. Pep Band.Stage Crew.NHS

.."01t", I1es t ru.a<t /.(y luul IJOtw;eIf Uv /.(y los", IjOtw;el(.. if. tit", selwia.. 4 oil.et5-. •,


Il,-ett J. Cohcn 200 S, Acorn Place Huntington Valley, Pa 19006 215-443-8396 PHATIYKONG@aol,com Our Lady of Good Counsel Stage Crew

". _. a"de"".sinCi>tlwf.?:J lrau"'t,..,.a?taid4toi.leJ..s, ?:J ud1 IjOtva&nt tlwsecmul9'tlllk ..

Most likely to come back to LaSalle to teach, Chris Dunne

Most likely to NEVER come back to LaSalle, Mike Jenkins


o signs


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Jay C. Colburn, II 101 Cathedral Drive North Wales, PA 19454 215-361-1496 jay_colburn@hotmail.com Mary Mother of the Redeemer Honors Band, Competition Band,Chorus,Theatre "711u~i&;!Yli/",,/ood/(n tf""sold. " cetdlP

D. Bryan COl11ey 65B Conestoga Road Villanova, PA 19085 610-527-0526 DB7084@hotmail.com St. Thomas of Villanova Pole Vaulting, Crew, Swimming ··CCJ'''J/Il()~IUJll,m.aUlJ Q,p'laljiml man, duti?lJou/te..u~tlI£,U!'.save-us

Supelman. .. 9w.m.el/ $impSOIl/

A.ndrew J. Con no,' 609 Apache Lane Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 610-828-7581 Drewsuredaddy@yahoo,com Epiphany of Our Lord Soccer, Crew, NHS, LSC "~H tflt'tl!£. w<J/ldSt, CO call sunl/ ufl/eue,tlJdliIUJ

?J'lJe" lea-Uled adoat"'1j.e:

':J~9'J<?6'OI". "9<ok,~ "JwsJ,

Most Uniq __




'I ::EZ>L cIi"..:I.cI "&:II. -.1:1.


'*' ':F'

We all know that each and every one of w: i~ different in our own little waf' but ~omeone a~ unique a~ he de~e.rve~ to be noted fbr rt. Mocr Unique, TIm Oltinella



- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . seniors JOl1athal1 N. Cool1ey 717 Glenview Street Phiiadelphia.PA 19111 215-745-2949 NewJack6@juno.com Presentation 6VM Wrestling, Golf. Kairos 37-28 student leader

"%a.t.Aab ~',,"oI.d,*. sI4e&'YweUJ.I,.,o'""Utslw~,.,fUYdou.U.(!/{8.,dab ~ wU1jb.Ii.Ui/",..d.a'l,i/lOb ~ "'.., ~ sliUwiUde.a..saldi.."a",1. t1/ab'S aU ~ uJ.d 1jba,ultflOt's aU ~ slwwM 'Ia.., 9;1... 'iJifUJ,wlde..

Joseph A. Cosella, III 3512 Primrose Rood Philadelphia,PA 19114 215-676-7236 ppnfresh77@aol.com St. Katherine of Siena (Philo.) Football. Wrestling. LSC.NHS.Stage Crew. Student Council. WEXP

. Bf/le." "UI <kalA,


<"""M w.i/...." IlOW. fUU'p1e..asl... wlul ~ da..,/ab Aow. ~lJu!.matiattlum .. UJ.luJ CO do-. " "&Ia tA.. cgUe.

Maxwcll Courtl1cy 56 N. Prospect Ave. Jeffersonville, Po 19403 610-630-3999 Ischs03@yahoo.com SI. Titus Wrestling, LSC,NHS. Crew. Spanish Club. Latin Club. Mathletes, Tour Guide

.. D'l success/al fU!'ts<JIf., is OIwwlw. can- ltuJ a f.i'lIJl/f.o.tutdaliDn, wi.lktlu!/ ~icl""tllOtat.A..,!Ytlvr.aw atA',,"a. I.... " 'llJauid. 93 "nkl.e.it

Nicholas J. Covolus 444 East Woodlawn Street Philadelphia,PA 19144 215-436-6940 covolus@wister.org Immaculate Conception Lob Managers. Forensics. Bond, NHS

..a't man wlw-suluv Mutl", and io..tJe.Yil mast de- zecIUJlud/l-teci.ou..s-lo,alu/ Iz.uman sodeuJ. ,.

C]uxL...id... tI",

154 (Jslgns


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . class of 2003 Jol1l1 F. C,"eed 1473 Candlebrook Drive Dresher. PA 19025 215-628-0568 Vnboomer@ool.com St. Alphonsus Soccer. Basketball. Student Council. Golf. Lacrosse. NHS. LSC. Yearbook. Kairos student leader

"'Of tI/R/rR/So ~ 9.oa.li", i,~ tI,,> ,w;"




tilt.'iC<YU!/. "

Patdck,J. Curry 8008 Fairview Street Phiiadelphia.PA 19136 215-331-9759

David M. Cybok. Jr. 573 E. Marwood Rd Philodeiphio.Pa 19120 215-329-3228 Adidasdm 14@aol.com St. Ambrose Photography Club

Kevil1 P. Dailey 13 Bomaca Drive Doylestown. 1890 1 215-340-0928 KPDailey l@aol.com Our Lady of Mt. Carmel JV Tennis. Band. Freshman Mentor "'O{a~f.w.;~'jcu.dm;~ 5,=d, 'jo,",,,,doill'f a.Ilou~ tuUW.l,!",". ~e.o,UM.<l ~lWillso,.

signs 0155

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors B."yn C. Davis 810 Nesbitt Rood Maple Glen.PA 19002 215-641-9704 LScrew84@yahoo.com Basketball. Mock Trial. Crew

"9 tie can,.'i teack()ldalj€-l1tJ anolltet man·S tOad. .. '}7[0il1< 0wain

Philip L. Davis 200 West Upsal Street Philadelphia. PA 19119 215-849-4096 materp_d@hotmail.com Band.Stage Crew

l'a1:,.-ick S. Delancy 1 Pin Ook Lone Horshom.PA 19044 215-657-6387 psd208@yohoo.com St. Catherine of Siena Tennis.Student Council. LSC. NHS.Yearbook

"(;a.luUJul/ well- one lA. (.€ llas d-wath.ed easie.r- decau.6€-tj<Uv Ira ue-li.ued; 0

thin is


UJ, lzaue

succe.edetl. ..

9?aif''' cWllu" c8/11/mon


~ ~"L1"""C»

A cia!:!: down i~ ~omeone that can think ofajoke on command or in~ert tho~e famous one liners in the middle of da!:!:. Although Lal:alle ha~ many, only one really come~ to mind when picJ:jng the da!:!: down. John Creed

156 Q =Ior portraits

.---------------~ class

of 2003

Christopher L. Del'aul 1037 Barley Way Lansdale, PA 19446 215-362-7047 Cdnovall@cs.com St, Stanislaus Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, LSC, SADD, Student Council " &'is- ik tWlI1O' OUb,


Uy IUUiAeltt u.dlab ~(;W IIwlw

of ik. "

Philip A. DiAntonio 1109 Childs Avenue Drexel Hill,PA 19026 610- 446-7207 nosporks@hotmoil.com Sl. Dorothy Crew, WEXP, Operation Santa Claus, Thanksgiving Drive, History Club ,.~ C05i1nupmi.fulrnaHlfluJte&, and f) fo5~nUj waUePman';tIHwâ‚Ź,." %utb 'XaiJai,.

Anthony DiCicco 1861 August Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 215-357-1327 Chudafua@aol.com Our Lady of Good Counsel Football, Ice Hockey, Intramurals "CWflab's-uf"wilf.", SIlUIS{,,~"

'Inll/llt 9?Julfi,'1lo l'>

Mike Wilkins enjoyiogll

little jcllo Seniors

listening in on oneol Ihcirown

speaking on a freshrnan retreat

senior portraits CJ 157

-.-------------------.. seniors Michael P. DOl11inick 201 Holly Drive Chalfont. PA 18914 215-822-6226 mikeyd742@aol.com St.Jude Theater.lntramurals. LSC. Kairos 37-29 Leader .. dome I1U!ib see- tAilUJ5 as tlZâ‚Ź4f Q;l~and saif wAlJ. ~ dtelun- tluH95 dzat /lR.",,-~w.e~alldsmtlu1utllo.t." %k.l "Xelllwi'l

Brian M. Donohoe 3156 Cottman Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19149 215-624-9395 BrianD0505@aol.com St. Matthew Football. Basketball

Kevin A. Doral'l 619 Gilham Street Philadelphia.PA 19111 215-728-7369 Wildkat730@hotmail.com St. William Wisterian. NHS. Yearbook. WEXP. Wresting. Forum. Spanish Club. Latin Club. Science Club

"j? l.at"'9uo.laUo.,uy." %.lp/t c)'lIaldlJo ~mev.;(J.I.

Christopher R. Dougherty 493 Sunnemeade Avenue Warminster. PA 18974 215-672-4799 Rezdc7@aol.com LSC. La Solie Respect Ufe.Crew.German Club.NHS. Kairos 37-28 Leader

"j?( l'eo./ll.e.M.900d <m1.'I dect,use tl.e'l (ea~ /lwti&/tmelll. tlUUb we- ate- Q/ rollU!

lot indeed. "

SIt Me.t ~illsteill 158

o signs

-----------------. .. class of 2003

Michael I>. Dougherty 23 RemingtonPlace Ivyland,PA 18974 215-355-8054

Edward J. Downing 218 Chatham Place Lansdale,PA 19446 215-362-2433 JackDOO l@aol.com Mary Mother ot the Redeemer LSC, Amnesty International, Spanish Club, NHS "gi!a,j, o{--",,,,;,,ysco/ted, 0{-- ~'Ut sc/zaat. gi!at/, at """ wa.nts, f.o,<j",dIMfW'/'-

atel.tt· "0elU;;OI~ ot of2fW5ite& '0 won""'" w/zot, tf,,,, &.If w.o.,),d, wi,U g", l;1z<V OUk tit""", " 'f/ti.tcJv

&1 Mollv

Michael p, Dungan 860 Ronnie Lane Philadelphia, PA 19128 215- 487-7384 MDungan86O@aol.com Our Mother of Consolation Cross Country, Track, Kairos 37-29 Leader u911a~hi.end6lll/L€lSO' impOJrlanll f.(J/ me,. bu.setV.owcan.,'/,; e.u.ev Izattl'/ enouqlv4 tlLen~ 9Slte~' l€t ljOtVllUUt:e5JUl/ et~, andrlfowcan/blj-eiJ ll€/Ut/a'twWwubtlwn,. '=& (.MUll if fjOU,I (uYfj.Ot f4l1 0'1/ 'fOlVll O-UUlI, w-itfwulI fueAukv lOt

sl= ymw 5<= wilk, ",,/zot,'So tf"" point,?" 'l!'at, "€wce-

Christopher R, Dunne 4103 Devonshire Road Plymouth Meeting,PA 19262 610-941-9162 CDunney@aol.com St. Philip Nerl Golf, Bowling, Outdoor Adventure Club, LSC,SADD, Kairos 37-28 Leader

"90% o{--5<UtlVpu,usdan,.'t,<jC>;IV." 'Vo'};, 93/VU"

signs 0 159

- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . seniors Corey Durkin 477 Wyndmoor Lane Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 215-938-1577 CoreyD2789@yahoo.com St. Albert Golf, Ski Club,lntramurals

"f!J'"tb ltad "''/' fMudJe.,,, 'B !uWWd!tJU;"fb luut ytJ{W fMutf,f.es, W&. 3a",ew,/.&Y w.lwn, iJOw I~ aA,iuk- sUJ1.-sltine.-, it- fwquy zainin.,' douul/ 0111 you/. 93ld- 'B'tn,,, ItOOfjonua-

fAd u~ m..e-dou.tll>', fw.quOIIi PUfJ,iIl/', tltiU<j6'OAkf.j.owUlIco.m,e,. ,"WIUUb." 'T;/"" PlUIIU"" 9i3WtJ.tbt5 9i3a,ut

Joseph J. Dwyer 1855 Rampart Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 215-855-4521 Joeball99@aol.com Corpus Christi Basketball,SADD, Wisterian, LSC, NHS, Kairos 37-27 Leader .. rJi/$/unU!/ {<YJ1laiJe;Ofll, ii./s, uOUJ./l<'J,fj.eldJ.oill/, lLuuf



wltaillie&altead 'B luw,€lIUP

f.eu, tAf!/fjl<lSS i5 fj!Wu..tin/, U./s,tinwlQ/

mo.u€ton" u:me.-l()/{jef/(loin/''' <tJOOlr 9Jettlf

Stephen J. Dwyer 419 Shoemaker Way Lansdale,PA 19446 215-361-8646 NovaSD2000@aol.com Corpus Christi Wresting-9, 10, Band, Intramurols, Fall Show, Stage Crew

"9;/'e.-d41€/l€UCR/ l1etu.eeen" dwl9'tl/ fU!ltOtand Iwll ~tl/ IUYLOt ~nob luAellu!/b /jO-u,,'teI scaJted, ii/51 wlwblfOw c/o., wAlk /jou,;' l.€ISCfblR.th. " 3tb'fl€allb

';Jet? 31/t"eI",,~

Timothy F. Dwyer 8600 Prospect Avenue Phiiadelphia,PA 19118 215-242-4976 Novaball33@aol.com Our Mother of Consolation LSC, SADD, Intramurals

yo,u/ tellOIUla/ ~ I'li<Jlv, lJOll/ t€t"Il.(W€Ir/ 9,OnfU.l/ die.-, lJ,(Ju/ UNjOfUUl oUllw iii it '1mb VuJt. 'T;/",,/,' 'N/allil," fO"fb '10l"" - t;Jii"/~ 'i/f.<uyt "%me-on" Izl'/t&delVl/ dolj, Aauf!JQlcU;QI'f//91ow'M€t9'()fUUl/fj(JI!<uv,

160 QslQns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . class of 2003 Stcphcn A. Fa ....ington 1249 Lenox Rood Jenkingtown. PA 19046 (215)-886-8608 Steve45pa@aol.com Immaculate Conception Intramurals. LSC

.. '0'"",alwn'.l'" tmli.e.vd L"al- if ~'b1',,1- i,b tI,,,, "'o<fb. Lt.", U?SuUs. ",dl """,... '0 datb'I-diY tI'inlj'" fwl?-fuw"wilij fuu:Ru."'if '0 diY. '0 ca'b""'llUled, fwl?-fi.€aM.d ,e.,dt•. " 91lidwel 'atda,~

Jal11cs D. Fasolinc 7321 Crispin Street Philadelphia.PA 19136 215-624-0817 jimfasoline@hotmail.com St. Matthew Robotics. LSC. Science Club. Italian Club "'0 t."""'Ubtel'/wletvw/lidb '0 Uu",fur cn~lj.ebt.e....tlulll.12fWWlS s./.eep, Iz.eue,t- platpcau1s- witktu 9uIJ' wlro- tzas, tllR/ sanlb{i;zs/; mname-as,(V


ciUj., a"d,''''"'''''90>nea" a lad't 'uUfbaLalloo-o?adlUjlje"on f''''''''and. " "0f"" eoodb?w"b ""0Wb 9 V4"

Kevin P. Feelcy 326 Plymouth Avenue Oreland.PA 19075 215-887-2721 Feelix82@aol.com Holy Martyrs Soccer. LSC.lntramurals

"90uJ, '0 ca'~'I-delUl'lime. f,"""'lJOn",fuJ ,ttf."'b '0 ,,,,",,,,,fu,,J,dlJ"dt.,,,,,, tlwu<jltts-oYtef.J/l.€i.5Jamt ~ 1.u.a5lQ/mQ#l/wll.CJ"a.ut1l@~anl'wIUYwouUII':£.

tltin'" k/tiCl'/a&."J, fJe,:'UJ' Lf,e""',/CL. " "01.",

cq taLe/ul <;}!)eod,

Michael A. Fclchnan 715 Stratford Drive Philadelphia. PA 19115 215-856-0699 Felds85@yahoo.com St. Aibert the Great Film Club.WEXP,Koiros Leader «~U4U1fLu1wlf~ L~WJU)'UJ', f;)


"0f"" %w.tio,uv 90. '0.

cq signs


••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. seniors Thol11as S. Fcrl"ick 517 Georgian Road Glenside. PA 19038 215-885-5058 TFERR51381@aol.com St. Luke Ice Hockey

"'}Ila,/ lAe willdalwa'/s kab'J'UlIr. fuuJ~alld tAesw.alwa'/s "fUJll 'fOt"" fa=alldmmltAe ''''"fJ!Yafde.sUIl'J'co.wl '/OtMlo(.t lo-t/W/slaw." 'oA,.


Ryal1 K. Fields 426 Forest Lane North Wales. PA 19454 215-699-6519

Jatnes P. Finol"e 401 Cedor Lane Ambler. PA 19002 215-628-2939 wazup 1633@aol.com St. Anthony Football. Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field. NHS. WEXP.Student Council. Wisterian. People to People "c)'tJe did,.,,·~

lase tllRdJalJlR/. we- just lalbOlt1Jo!Ume-. " CVillce- <£.olllfm.uL~

Ryal1 T. Fitzpatrick 3924 Amberton Way Doylestown. PA 18901 215-348-9834 Rtitz 16@aol.com Our Lady ot Mount Carmel Bowling. Track and Field. Crew. LSC. Drama. Stage Crew. NHS.WEXP

"7SIW/ Ulce-;!Y 1ItM. alw.a'f!Y to- tlw/

"'«i/<. ..


1620 signs


lIut w.lf,as<> lui"" I...". all

-.---------------~ class

of 2003

Sean D. Flynn 8029 Seminole Street Philodelphio,PA 19118 215-247-4946 seanish4042@aol.com Our Mother of Consolation NHS, Football. Basketball, Crew

SIt b<V'fofs,mslti/li7 ~U"(MlI Q/dlUf lilU!; iodalJ,

"'fJ'lIbiltSb<vsi.mpiJ'dflt'f, 'fJ li.Ui7hOllbda'l,l<J,da'f.

m.eh.s- nllfIWW,lI al1tllUottL51 fIlif ~al.u.alf路

\? /Ul&YtllR/timkawa,/,a,ui wallba q<,ieJ",uli7wi.tlb'l0'b" seed %el'pe1i.'b

Kenneth J. FOI'd 322 Rockledge Avenue Huntington Valley, PA 19006 215-663-8379 Hexy2799@aol.com St. Hilary Football. Track and Field

ThOl11as I. Fox 7438 Palmetto Street Philadelphia,PA 19111 215-745-3234 phillyrower03@yahoo.com St. Cecilia Crew, Band, LSC "SltUtUtlkpasse.YtlwuUJktlvtei7S1lUJes. 9iUlbibis ,i.di.cule4. Seco/ld ib is uwl.entltj opp~.

'7;lwui, ibis.acceptedas tuwllf'self-euidenl."

SIt ,tlUbb SclUJp"',t.alt%

Michael A. Fragnito 8512 Widener Road Wyndmoor, PA 19038 215-836-4945 VZE3WCJ3@verizon.net Seven Doiors Baseball " S", looh Sei7 tI'i7 SUlIUY, tllR/ enJl.es., s/tIlUlieb /li<tf.ts,.

SIt"", 9'" piatf tlli7

fjaml'/tAablj.olf/ t.eauted; fwnll t/lR/oUYULi-fup_ "

CJ!licIb S!i tal"" signs 0163

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors Williilm F. Furey 1018 8arley Way Lansdale,PA 19446 215-368-0674 bbaIl1599@yahoo.com St. Stanislaus 8asketball, Intramurals,Pep 8and,Concert Band, Crew, LSC

"cr~, /ZOO""', "oo"'" q芦ib" "Winslat" '(ij,,,,,,,I,,;lf,

Stephel1 G. Gilbryelski 1566 Yeakel Way Lansdale,PA 19446 215-412-4939 TheanswerSG3@aol.com St. Anselm Soccer, Freshman Mentor, History Club, LSC

"cWoo-lwo'! '?J'''"fMcol1e<j",ma,,'! mUjIHOIle-."

'?J wo'"'b/Zeed"uplzUjAsclt=tdi"lomo,

9ComMl ,.


Christopher F. Gilibillly 857 Mourning Dove Road Audubon,PA 19403 610-539-7587 mickydz@aol.com Visitation BVM Football, Crew, NHS, LSC "eyo"'''!a,!,~ WjI1k,

'?J malt~c'UuAP, gttbikf.tt6bmi'fAb ~fMe"l!ali.& Y.<lI"路zc,lookill'J'I=." 93iU't ")od

Timothy M. Gillel1 36 Feather Court Holland,PA 18966 215-953-9288 nelagt@aol.com St. Bede Football, Baseball,lntramurals

"'?Jb's 'JO,uw leal""


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Jal'I1CS P. Gclt~Ch1CI~

11126 Hendrix Street Philadelphia. PA 191 16 215-673-6111 HawlinMad 17@yahoo.com SI. Christopher Competition Band. Photography Club. La Salle Respect Life. German Club "~

tOv.i!/ if, wlwu

...p.la'HXJmM In<Jetfub''- "

"Jolu. "9ta/l/lifuJt" Smitl.

Kcvin Gardnc,'. J,'. lOB9 Anthony Wayne Drive Warminster. PA 1B974 (215)-675-6019 kevI211_03@yahoo.com Nativity of Our Lord Italian Club. Bcwling.Kairos 37-30 Leader. WEXP. Yearbook. Outdoor Adventure Club. Crew. LSC.

Michael A. Garol-alo 9045 Pine Road Philadelphia.PA 19115 215-677-9326 St. Albert Bowling "~a(,9waf,e"",.lale. .. ~au",


Thll0thy J. Gill~vil1 3013 Meredith Lane Plymouth Meeting. PA 19462 610-272-2336 Garvtg 1113@msn.com Epiphany of Our Lord Stage Crew. Band. Photography C1ub.SADD. Intramurals

"'1;im",wdukl1,,,,slltea,,Y ~ 90...-lisl'i/l9,i'., ~ titilJ.af,if,; f".f,wl,i.le. ~ titi/lf", ~ see- 11"" sal ui't fuJiW/lY aud. d-dedeo !'or", slULtlaw. if, is. ~ f.s, tAi,. CUMâ‚ŹJ7kS~await, duf,tU"""iUt WI/Uti/lS." 9iJyntt ~auui "f)!,o,eaiY


••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. seniors Gregory J. Giagnacova 671 Andrews Drive Horleysville,PA 19438 215-256-1516 GJ691@aol.com Corpus Christi Soccer, Crew, NHS "CZjau,

044 'J€h au& a? u, wIw.& 'JO'. fl'U, inl<Y i&"

Ryan R Gill 503 Acorn Street Philadelphia. PA 19128 215-487-2775 ryguy 166@yahoo.com Immaculate Heart of Mary Crew, Intramurals. La Salle Respect Life

"'i:> "UUf fW~ C& 'jOt"" f,wtlt",., luu, 'i:> Ltdf.t alwa'l1i> C& 'JO''''' Back--up" '!I'a,,,

Gerald J. Givnish 414 Cedarwood Lane Elkins Pork, PA 19027 215-663-9093 JJG 1385@aol.com SI.James Kairos 37-27 Leader, Baseball. Tennis, Intramurals,LSC,Ski Club, Student Council.La Salle Respect

"cg u+"'y'!Y 1.VteJ,. f,@na&>luy'!Ysad,: tlwuttfib u, Wa1i> tI,,,, ksUUIW we, eu% !tad,. '-'W", pJ.a~if. tI""sUflSIIiJ,,,,and,dancM,u. tI"" wiJ•. C~oJ.ia,'J€h


W<je,t/L% and,Ja,u,fUJ<li'•. " SlAan'!'" 9aU. Tnover Marlin jll.mmin on his guitar

Mike Mclaughlin mosllikely to decorate his living room like Campus Ministry.

166 QsiQns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Christopher M. Gladu 644 Colonial Drive Horsham. PA 19044 215-628-3380 Gladde03@aol.com St. Catherine of Siena Crew,SADD, Project Home, Ski Club

"3e1f-wo.ukitYself-ac/'ie.v.ed." "0W« «jjll"'"

Dm1iel C. Good 3799 Buckingham Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 215-230-8373 shadenco@hotmoil.com Our Lady of Mount Carmel Lob Managers.Forum.Academlc Decathlon

""0/""01""1' fUWPle.""" m",a'l£o tt"" mad. Olles... .. 'acf~ 'Xe.W"110

J. Christopher GOI"l11ley 4120 Devonshire Rood Plymouth Meeting,PA 19462 610-941-9112 Sf. Philip Ner; Soccer, Ski Club, Respect Life. Outdoor Adventure Club

"'7'[o/, aU fUW/.le.lalu. tt"" sam", wad. to suaess. son"" ,,,,,,d.lo. IIlalu. tJ,ei~ OWIt.



(W'*' ~


.... :1.11

conquer the great outdoors and fellow opponentl: in the!:UJ'Viva1 challenge is a very notable quality. \Moo Ii~ to win !:Urvivor- Rob 'Brassell

~ng able to

signs CJ 167

••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors Joseph G. Grasso 1832 Howe Lone Maple Glen. PA 19002 215-654-Q571 Fivehole9@aol.com Freshman Football. Hockey.SADD.Sponish Club. Ski Club

"'7;It"'J salj tin,"" ,u.iltnlfll""aUtI,is 9",awalj. Cui iI;s. ull1.","'a~/UUY'a".",. nUJ lonUJM.(J.w.s, and """,,,d ,It"'1> ii,,,,, Ij€5,euWIj"'" 93",.9("'.".,..

Stephen M. Gray 1529 Lardner Street Philadelphia.PA 19149 215-288-7344

Philip M. Greiner 3104 Quarry Lone Lofoyette Hill. PA 19444 610-828-6920 Gthang2003@aol.com St. Philip Neri Wrestling. Soccer. Lacrosse. Crew. Student Council

.. 3lte 's. 90~ ooe'ljd'inlJ'Mfjl"I"t. slw'" fjO~ "",wJ"'iIuJ ~ Ileed. "0aluuy d.. wlwet wit"'" ~ 'n. sm,UJ do"M.... palj'" "'if licJui, ,...A",. ~ speed. ..

cq tale/ut '!JJea.d,

Martin E. Griffis 307 North Easton Rood Glenside.PA 19038 215-884-3342 St. Luke lee Hockey

168 0 signs

...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . class of 2003 Neil P. Griffis 307 North Easton Road Glenside. PA 19038 215-884-3342 St. Luke Football. Wrestling. Track and Field «

.9ls- ljow S,f.id.e;doUUll fA€! &uusfR.,,7/0r fiJ.€!, nlalfLJoUJcol1e.d mafUt splinr lew.


Joseph R. Guerra 427 Jonathan Place Philadelphia.PA 19115 215-464-5088 sonofwar517@aol.com St. Albert the Great NHS.ltalian Club. Spanish Club. Latin Club. LSC, Intramurals, Track and Field

u9£fl€l onhf mista./w,. i,51 oH€lljowdidn':/1 fwml/ fro,,1/, "

Graham E. Guthrie 636 Eagle Lane Lansdale. PA 19446 215-699-7306 Doduble@aol.com Corpus Christi Lacrosse. Freshman Football, Spanish Club, LSC

"'0 iii""", deoJ.,tlta&',.u"u"""an<b '0 1iI"""u/, flR.£td w",,,i,,,!,- SIl,tdU.,ruj' CO-l'tliU€1llat lfotl/ fuwu/.J LA,a" ii/51 dooHUIUj/' (?1.u:i'(l9~U'1I, 3 11

Joseph M. Hacl'l1'1 107 Pauline Circle Montgomeryville, PA 19446 215-368-3698 St. Rose of Lima

signs 0169

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors James P. Ha ..kil1s 819 Glenn Street Phlladelphia.PA 19115 215-698-0365 St. Albert the Great Soccer. Baseball. History Club. Respect Ute

"9;Aer.e 's. %wes. a/uttluue/s. !.efJellds.. "9("w"", 94 r.ellw,"&'wi &u, letJellds IUW-€ '" die. CJo.llo.tfP lJOU" /"eal~ a#tlt 'IDU/ U llec.uYI/9<Y Uj.:WIUj . .. Salldlot

Stevel1 E. Ha ....iga" 21 Bobbie Drive Ivyland. PA 18974 215-322-7940 Sublimesk8311@aol.com St. Vincent de Paul Guitar Ensemble. Film Club. Guitar C1ub.Ski Club. Italian Club

"'Bt's li",et",,,w,,,,,,,,,.


'W/latlws a/read" 'B /laUell'"

wa<t4Iuwwi/Uf, &'twui.e~"ufful., Ik&f' IJWs<Yis IJW'''''''9' 'Bt's.ti",<y~ "'U).(J.~OIt, it's ul1U!/UYf.Jeb9,oimf. " c:gonll9Jellt,t

Patrick J. Healy 8226 Wilson Street Philadelphia.PA 19136 215-331-8117 Sieswimmer@aol.com St. Jerome Swim Team Captain,Yearbook.LSC. Freshman Mentor. Crew

"9w,,/pdidiIgel=lal<Ys<psOO,"? 'Bt's ni.<jlr"&fa.""iI's a(.teA/wo,v. ~"'­ cem&t is fl€If£/&fa.U'/iI/s,'un-e-. 9fl.lJ fj.oodn€S5 AOtl#tlwiimeJr.as f1e.w~l/. 9low did it 9"" so lales<psoo,~?" s:l:i,. Sel/ss David A. Heay" 8608 Steeple Drive Philadelphia.PA 19128 215-483-2532 CymruHeayn@go.com Immaculate Heart ot Mary Mock Trial. Wisterian. Photography Club. History Club. Bowling. Drama. String Ensemble. Chorus. NHS. Belcroflers

"CJ latAill'} splelldid Aas. we ~ n..e/~ ae/u.wed """"'f2111f tlwse w!w. dated lie-lieu.e. tlwl some111in.lj in.side,

4 tltenll was supe'lio

93 Uta- 93alwn170

o signs

2t 14 ciltcumsianu."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Brendan M. Heck 3601 Windridge Drive Doylestown. PA 18901 215-340-9201 Bheck2@aol.com Our Lady of Mount Carmel Football. Lacrosse. NHS.lntramurals. Student Council

"'W"'M'" ,""a~ we- lefU"Lledltl,th eg,,,c"'J.eu,,,,,, tI",,", i« ,w~a,"a~, d"~,,, I.a/,il..,

mMloll.eIlory M. Heenan 1030 Oak Ridge Drive Blue Bell. PA 19422 610-279-0321 Heens4@aol.com St. Helena Football. Lacrosse. LSC. Weight Training

"9;1.", di99"'~ t/tel/' come II.", I/O uk~ tlu,,/, /<1.u. ., '£,ila.


Gregory R. Heleniak 1830 Meredith Lone Blue Bell.PA 19422 610-277-7147 GhLs03@hotmoil.com St. Helena Chorus. WEXP.NHS.Theater. Lotin Club. Respect Life. Spanish Club. Drama Club. Italian Club. Bond

"i9.1,·U<'L. %Ille, 93aile, c8sl'e.le, mme-f"

Kevin M. Heselpo1:11 4131 Franklin Way Lafayette Hill. PA 19444 610-825-3719 Keheselpoth@msn.com St. Philip Neri Baseball. WEXP. Italian Club. NHS. Cross Country. SADD. Film Club

signs 0171

- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors Timothy It. Holwick 1206 Victoria Rood Worminster.PA 18974 215-672-6685 Spooky864@aol.com St. Joseph Baseball.Academic Decathlon. Film Club. Latin Club. NHS. Football. History Club

··CJla'f. eWe-aU!_ full-men... CRoci.!" 9genaciou"


Peter N. Hondros 1121 Dyre Street Phlladelphia.PA 19124 215-744-9830 AMMO 1516@aol.com 51. Martin ot Tours WEXP .. ~ can. picUt:'l€/i,~mlJ min&a t(.l()tUluidlOu~Wat,a w.o.'tUwi.tlUJll~/lQ..le.

ami ~ can flU:U'U'. us. aUadull't dUlL wadd l1ecause- d",,/,'d, ,,,,ue.~ Wfle.c,j, it. "

'a£k 9Calld'l

RobertJ. Hughes 1406 Penllyn-Biue Bell Pike Blue Bell,PA 19422 215-542-4968

Stephen A.lannacone 249 Ellis Rood Havertown, PA 19083 610-853-2206 Bob4260@earthlink.net St. John Neumann Track and Field "9;l.t1O' tltiluJ!Y au- i nJinile-:


lIte/till-iA,It! U€ and tuunal)' stuflidiuJ'

CEJ ''''lI not-StlJIDa&JUt !.A€//uu«eAse. .,

eAtfJ(Ytt- cgi,rslein


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Douglas J. Il1tcrrill1tc 951 Cross Lane Blue Bell.PA 19422 (215-654-0462 Everyday3@aol.com St. Helena Baseball.Student Council

"\? c/'uU'lO" see-aJt e."ktlw"'/!YIUP ,ea50,~upaiJafldOl~i.b, iii"';';;' stun/" UII"'" tAal:!YaJt u<jl,;, ma~ \?'I.tfj£Ydaw,. u. ti"" nudd.l.e-of ti,,,, IUfjl,,, ""',, tat"" i/O-MIll fuuuiS/ ?wOl; t,fJU/II elj.ffv nut &If.€I. aetCf00dt I1titl<JSt mu-sil coml!/ tOlanl J " ellG-'.

Jordal1 A. Jacksol1 198 Pine Valley Road Doylestown. PA 18901 215-340-0446 Larciny 13@yahoo.com Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Hockey, WEXP, Ski Club, Kairos 37-29 Leader

"9:fau/UulIuliUYlUf-twul, stJ-lneon€ttAabtuuUvr5ulnd& SwtltlUJ-wllvtlu!! n1M""'" I~fal., U,iWHAM?/t/fWt is fjo""" 'f.lJ":"'" e.eu~ ~"". W<Y fall'f' UP


",t,ile, \? fj"£5!YtAis';';;'fjIWW.i''l'fl/fb''. 9?J1.i:"t.182

Matthcw T JilcobsCI1 3415 Friendship Street Philadelphia,PA 19149 215-331-6654 MJacobsen07@aol.com St. Matthew Football, LSC. Latin Club.lntramurals

"S(JI ~w.e.-eluf,.,

Qlu[t!te.tv dqJAl/, u,J.€/'Udwde-lbloa-sillfJ; fwf.,th i~ deeJ"" tv

f.tuw m{)IW fwu/t;S' to- lkco.mpl-el£l. .. Qlletwl1/AJ.<tet WlteOttlUlv ~ calbSlUt. \?'"", 1.o.v.eJ.. til.£S",da'f'" " 9?JJ.l.it


Christophcr A. Jal1l1ctti 434 Mark Place Philadelphia, PA 19115 215-969-4698 Bond0075k@hotmail.com Saint Albert the Great Football,Samelli House, Operation Santa Clause, Italian Club, Intramurals

u9;A0 tAinf.J1Y 'fOUl O-Wlli in,~, end uf1/owninp lj.Qu/'. 9S~ '!JiJ,wiCl~.' 911,;, c~l",f"

-.-------------------~ Jason O. Javie 122 Inverness Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 610-292-0122 JasonJavie@aol.com St. Helena Stage Crew, Spanish Club, Intramurals

"'i? 1eaM,ed.eMit}'... if 'fO'-I' wan" WIlI.e!1WUj, 'fow!ud fu,U.." "wJ"" wnw noi.se.-. ~?IJ()'UldOl""/; l'uw.tl.V, aolt,; SQ/llRiJ.OliAt. "

Michael W. Jenkins 1221 Harrison Street Philadelphia,PA 19124 215-288-0271 Andronicus666@hotmail.com SI. Martin ofTours Latin Club,Anime Club

"'JIUW and 'JO'" s!wft (aft. CWea!""""" su/focal.€6. If""u," wilt. lletU>.




CWiM!<ln. 9uM,eo, tJ..e, on-"" tf"" sum'If' w/w, c,an, de/<)' §eatf". " "if:11lfW""'l'

Matthew F. Johnson 330 Franklin Avenue Cheltenham,PA 19012 215-663-8799 Mecpal@aol.com Presentation Cross Country,Track, Project Home

"<£'ou<>alUt IJe, f.o.ued., 9Ca""'and IJe, /zmeJ,"

Andrew W. Karpchuk 22 Erich Drive Churchville, PA 18966 215-322-5571 Karpyd84@aol.com St Vincent de Paul Explarer Club, WEXp'Stage Crew, Spanish Club, NHS, Outdoor Track

"'JO'V tAe<j' ca", can'!'_ wlw- Cef.i.ew, tAe<}' e(1/•. " cf?.ol1'!. 'Wald", "if:m£<SOl.


o signs


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Clayton C. Kcir 1 Bridge Street Oreland,PA 19075 215-572-5123 yaddayaddad@hotmail,com Forensics, Tennis, Spanish Club, Senior Tour, Football, Wisterian

"9,(/1.",. '0 tlLUJ" fmd" 01. aU tlu!/ fJ.es.itUj'"

'0 '"", aee,.9,iwn,il.~, '0

can/iJ tltuJv of Ql sifUJ,/,e;OIle-, unleo$llJ'oUlcouniJ Mail !a~jtalw tltaJ,ryumi.d lIU!/aU ti\os", wiolwy, " 'ack C)&1nd"'jr '§!;""1" 9Si\""'Ji\t..

JonathaJ1 J, Keller 150 Greycourt Rood Philadelphia,PA 19115 215-969-8465 LessthanJon37@aol.com St. Albert the Great SADD, NHS, Film Club, Intramurals, Photography Club "CUI/WIll tllR/ tim€' COIJUMI t.QI dade- tlll/ L-ultaiJ

CO sa'jl,

r> WO-Il/f., w~aw-tuf'

%ulIawattlwn'z,'!Olll, lWlIaWatt?'wll'lItAi6I, de.ca/~i.bm.ean&nUJllbi<JI

IIU!/, " 'Xut '§!;yruuni.w

Bradford T Kelly 557 Exeter Court Ambler, PA 19002 215-542-8185 Birdman083@comcast,net St. Alphonsus Football

Douglas J, Kelly 557 Exeter Court Ambler, PA 19002 215-542-8185 St. Alphonsus Basketball «

J;I{ winn£I(/ ify smneo.n.€1 WIUjllecO~PLi-zeOJ IL@c{Jo,btji,uenlt.ai.eA1.J.,s;, wo/l)!vs,

Iti,y tail, at{ to- dooelop tlLelIY into- sluIJ.s.,alUt ,toe.. tlLIUW/ sluIJ.s. to-accompli«!. 1w.;,9oa1& " <:£.tb.uy 9?JVuJ,

signs 0175

. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors Matthew M. Kelly 15200 Bernita Drive Philadelphia.PA 19116 215-698-6153 MattyiceOO@aol.com St, Christopher Soccer,Student Council, Respect Life, LSC

"9,(/11""", ~ 9'" ~ i"l5bM,;(,f"w"" ~ 9""(,liY, 9olliY, 9oUa,lalW/ib~,

",1I,e.. ~ Ii,u/.m'f,uwe-ofmi'u/., 'B'n'90,ulÂŁb9''''''''fowsonlR/ofnUf900J, ti"lR/. " 9?eJ, 9W.b c-f!J,iIi, 9erl'i!As,

Michael C. Kent 180 Ridings Way Ambler, PA 19002 215-540-0245 hockey 147@yahoo.com St,Joseph LSC, German Club, Lacrosse, Lab Managers

"9;flesM,w.aM>aU taUt, ",lIab """,n~ kYactio/t. "

'a/uz" 93wwu,

Dorian M. Kernytsky 614 Burke St, Rockledge, PA 19046 215-663- 1536 erifneerg@hotmail.com St. Cecelia Art Club,Anime Club. Lab Managers. Pep Band. Concert Band

1-1. Brad Kerr 745 West Curry Drive Blue Bell,PA 19422 215-641-0709 Currll@aol.com Epiphany of our Lord Cross Country,SADD,Track and Field. Fresh Mentor. Ski C1ub.LSC

"Sf,eaM' han. 'fesI.i!AdO'f, fJ =/<vt WM'f, fwl""/<vt W/lw;w).tIP. 9;11.. illtfUW-


ianil lHUUJt i.61 lOl noil slopque.slwnM-ut.

81i&u cg"l5teil.

176 Qslgns


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Michael T. Kil1g 1383 8rook Lone Jomison,PA 18929 215491-5896 RedScapeMK@yahoo.com St. Christopher Crew, Cross Country, Gazebo, Band

ef me., ~'"e. fud?uelltLs" 11"" de.sUndee4, aldwfll""" ~'"e. dee.vUvlb fU"'p ef me.. " .. ~'"", f"""uJ, SOIUYvQluJ, fUIIUlw"ie.s" ~'"", fwp-p l1u"," fU!/IR/ in5ide.

Ryal1 1\. Kl1app 3536 Teton Rd. Philadelphia,PA 19154 215637-7417 Knapp16@aol.com St. Anselm Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure Club

Fral1cis 'I~ Kohler 1842 Howe Lane Maple Glen,PA 19002 215643-7610 ftkohler20@hotmail.com St. Alphonsus Cross Country, Ice Hockey, LSC,Outdoor Track,Spanish Club, NHS

"~;u.si d(";p,ua"pw,de.so"",,oU9",/,SOA/i"9' ~ea", ~ lIUIS <JOO<i. ~ w"Ulw.ue.do,,,,,tlwt. "

%cJ.e, 'Xo"e., 'J'U'Ol.e«pst«/e-vi," 8'ttiwllo,

Paul H. Kopicki 1353 Overbrook Road Wynnewood,PA 19096 610-896-9160 Eleglacien@aol.com Ice hockey

"9;1"" srote/, w, enI.i9Iwu/lenJ, Uv 1.0 li91,t",""I"" SteueJ.9;'1le.r.

Sig ns 0177

----------------------.. seniors John M. Kornfeind 1008 Redtail Rood Audubon. PA 19403 610 539-3029 Johnnyk315@aol.com Visitation BVM Crew. Football

..ct:;<uUl tI'i'UJ<VwnU> W. tlwse. ",I"" tudA} c",.lea.oo. ..

Jeffrey M. Kozenic\oVski 1125 Silver Lake Lone Blue Bell. PA 19422 610275-8878 Epiphany of our Lord NHS.LSC "seile':s.li..lwal1I'lM'RA_It; lJOlt/{J0tltl/dw.tU-l~ i,~ it liY/utits.-inl£llsiltj. ,.

'alu"ul '!IIe!,,,,

Just:in J. Krenski 9207 Pine Rood Philadelphia.PA 19115 215-677-7416

Isaiah Chol Kuch 5731 McMahon Street Phiiadelphia.PA 19144 215 843-5226 iKuch@anglefire.com St. Peter Episcopal Mathletes. World Affairs

..'Of 'Jaw tal"" teSlwll<iddi.ttt

fo-. lj.o'/Miel.{.

yow wiltde.v.eio~Q;luuuJ€Il/ l<Yaccomplisk ljolill/dteam..s. "

<;£e;; 93",wl'

1780 signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 AndrewJ. L'Ecuyer 825 Patterson Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 610-584-8087 4Squires@msn.com Corpus Christi Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse, Pep Band, Competition Band, Kairos Leader

"'WI,,,,,, iii", li.m.f> /.(), I'4wt' """ ,uiUalwa.f'" ~f,(wt " sflUWutb 'W. %

Edward B. Lawless 1870 Keith Road Abington,PA 19001 215-576-0949 Lax 1015@aol.com Lacross, NHS,Soccer, LSC, Ski Club, Intramurals




Michael G. Levins 265 West Linwood Avenue Maple Shade, NJ 08052 856-488-7564 Spanish Club, Explorer Club, NHS

Christiiltl S. Lewis 1318 East Barringer Street Philadelphia,PA 19119 215-224-2369 Cslewis2003@aol,com WEXP, Lab Managers

"'lfiwpte,demaJUt {AeeM"" o? speeck tty m.al"" u/"t<w fit", ~""

o? tlWtu;i'f, tlWl/' (Wod. " slQns CJ 179

••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. seniors AI1t:hoI1Y J. Libe,"at:ore 3053 Kerper Road Lafayette Hill. PA 19444 610-825-1797 TlibOO7@aol.com St. Philip Neri

'-c6 1J€1"i{ tlt€lj ikak"", 99 tim.e<Yoo;,4 100, tt."" stiU 1.e000000one- u...",,- "

David E. Light: 46 Harper Lane North Wales. PA 19454 215-616-4445 delight2003@yahoo,com St. Rose of Lima 8and, Forensics. Theatre.lntramurals. Lab Managers. Chorus, Academic Decathlon. Music at H.O.M.E,Cfounder). TechSERV

'- 'Bt':v !uJU14 f.wl,J""do- til.€' impa""iJJe" "

'Wait- '!i!isJUuf

Matthew,J. Loftus 9716 Glenhope Road Philadelphia,PA 19115 215-698-9665 Loftdog41@aol.com Maternity S.v.M. Hockey, LSC, Kairos 37-27 Leader

"?J? /jOW fwd OIU!/ sllO-b, 0/tI one- OppcnlWlilt/, ttY seizR.,ev.eupltin<f lJOW wev lu.o.nled Ul/on€l ow,n,e.n!/ wouM ljCU/ colzl.tvLe- ib /YlI iusb Cl?



• 03

Although our entire cla<;s ha~ clhanged throughout our four yea~ at l<l0llle, no one could have predicted a change Ii~ thl~!! Chua. Long- most changed

180 Q senior portraits

fR.Ji U ~?t>

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Charles V. Long 2221 Oakfield Rood Warrington.PA 18976 215-491-1241 gratefooI320@aol,com St, Robert Bellormine "''0 ljoUa- admit tAat '0 ',,"'tv li.u~ diL COUlitS€(l. $omelim.e&t it seems, lo- m~

as. f 'fJ ·/I.ius/, fw.1l9' used. c:qOUa sla'tawaf"", 90Ult /.t'talld.st.afw-a{?


'O??J dOIl':bslmu! all- mttOw1l/ljwwul, IrOlUlC{lll/ ~ /MId. "''t rU£l.ltou/' "" tt'ls ",a"",7" 9?. CJ,Vale<o

Willian, A. Loughery 303 Jocelyn Drive Plymouth Meeting.PA 19462 610-941-0996 Loughnes22@aol.com Epiphany of Our Lord Football. Baseball. Basketball.Soccer ··t::f!.o.Oi.e'Qlu[ 'If!1a.'C/lw.w.., f2ltb'jou/l/l'loudle.s.-dow",.. Iw-needl to- deal tile,.

rv.ei9fr/' a{'10lt"" r"l>nieo. ius/, let dw,.aU/aUIltU£l.'1' .. @""",9Ilaulrews.

Noel S. Lun,bo 5526 North Fairhill Street Philadelphia. PA 19120 215-549-6991 VZE425GH@verizon.net Incarnation Academic Decathlon

"?J? 'JOlt! talJl/, ljO-ltJcarv si,UJ; il ljOltJ ca", walJ,:-, lj.QU/CQ,.",dallce. .. .dt?tica,,,, 9>IO-U€lllL-



C»~ ~~5L~~_Jb.i

We are all called to be leadm: in our own right whether at home. wor!:.. or at ~chool. A ~e1ect group of=io~they get the chance 10 return to Camp r-Jeumann 10 be Kairo~ ~dent leadm:.

KairosJ7·27: Mall Loflus, Pat Healr, Jerry Giynish, lot lhI,.tr, Andrew 8artynski, Andrew

l1F.cuyu,Joe Guerra

senior portraits


••-------------------....;.~ seniors Matthew J. Madden 980 Lenmar Drive Blue BeIl.PA 19422 215-283-0161 Matt0773@aol.com Epiphany ot Our Lord Football. Baseball. SADD. LSC .Intramurals

"'0afw-'10"~lime, tllilll~a, lo/" tlti."/~4e.w.''1thill'J lJO«'u"''PI, ~ 'low w.J.t sUit /k, ftew-IoI,UJo>'Ot'" dt,f, 'I",,,,thea,,,. "UlIl"wJ,. .. ~gtwen;;

Kevin P. Magarit:y 520 Kingston Rd Oreiond.PA 19075 215-572-6708 MagarB4@aol.com Holy Martyrs Football. Basketball. NHS. LSC "C)l1ell(u",u,th",mOl~wJIO f"IO,U!YwIUl~fw-'s 6,w.,n.i&<tIUj.

Wlall'f. "UlIUI' Ill"" ca,"~ see It.e 0l''''~ wad... <£,ed,~pelut

Michael A. Malkowski 15022 Peyton Street Philadelphia. PA 19116 215-969-6604 Mike20037@aol.com St. Christopher Respect Lite. Spanish Club

c{j&''I'is-f1.eeIiIl'f, dt,f,o&eutiu/ is {o."",..... " %I'aleolt 93o'Ull'a<te

Trevor J. Martin 103 Price Avenue Narberth. PA 19072 610-668-8738 frippingwake@yahoo.com St, Margaret Crew. Football. LSC "01


., utis


{ , lJW«~ ltltllle/t.pll/CQ#1I b,...nlJR-'; IjlJlflll fUMl.

93011- 'ma,lR.If


o signs


--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Brendan

c. McDc,~n10tt

35 Summit Street Phiiadelphia.PA 19118 215-242-3120 Our Mother ot Consolation Soccer.lntramurals

"<@,.tlu.all.".luliu/.we-l.aue-dilfe='''I<'UJe-,s-路 .. cUnhuowI'"

GaYl""tt S. McDow"U 1560 Hampton Rood Rydal.PA 19046 215-884-8809 G7S7M7@aol.com Swimming r.

fJ? ~

'1111 IU}U!/Qtul ljou.,' U!/

Itete, tlrl'.1t,d.oMn/b ib malU!/ ihoUl~ tinw?"

'el-f S,ur.olk

A. t\I1cGillh1 2362 Chip Point Warrington. PA 18976 215-343-0823 chmcgill@prodigy.net SI. Robert 8ellarmine Cross Country. Crew BI~ial'1

" ~ 'It jlt6Jt fJitt& yow tllR/ sam.e- lul.uiCl!-' IH'f /atllR/'lIfjav.e.- me-- 0'1/ mlf (.usb dalJ' a?sclwot: "9uJIIU禄. 1/''';'''''''' ,u""l1as am/J.e.allt!.lwi=as-lltj.ltl 路 'B?a stramJell ~'lY lJOw {v ti.de,

fJ satj, tall拢- it."

~ wndpa- 3iIHpsml/

Michael N. McGh'11 80 1 Manchester Drive Maple Glen.PA 19002 215-643-4036 Mikeroman@aol.com St.Joseph Football. Intramurals

signs 0 185

••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . seniors I'atrick J. McGol1igle 3610 Stokley Street Phiiodelphio.PA 19129 215-848-3278 i1ikefrogs25@yahoo,com St. Bridget Indoor Track. Outdoor Track. Cross Country. Student Council. LSC

".d(lo'UJ tlu!- '00'1" '::) closedlluJ eAJes, '::)1.os~wJrlllt'" '::) ,oo"tyWUJ' 9;/"" IIW'''' wmid sfUns, tlU>IIW""tlUJ~ '::) M'1'W. SW/"IIUJ mind/w""f.lowi"'f aWluJ. " 3 f f


Matthew G. McGurkh. 10 Ronald Circle Oreland. PA 19075 215-576-0842 Gurk 13@aol.com Holy Martyrs 8asketball. Football. Lacrosse.Student Council. LSC

"'::) ca'Hu:.cefl~ (adtl/ll>, 11,,~

'::) ca""oJ, accef'~ MHuJ'llfJ· .. 9'11ie1rad ;:J<Wiat"

lal1 I'. McLaughli11 342 Fisher Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 215-887-4030 lanxc420@hotmail.com St.James Cross Country. Outdoor Track, Indoor Track. WEXP

".d(lId '::).,a'J' 'C)f.e,floma" /roup 'fuu"a,Usametl,i,,· ~ tlIM4ta,u,?' .d("d /r"'SatJ'" "«f)/r, "I,.. t/rlllt""(J.{)';~ fu>O.IUf"W'Wf' fu,~ w.1"""'J{)<"d@, a'"'Jat". rkatlrded. 'j01l wilt wcei= wwt C<J,l&i.at<SlU!-S'" .d(1I4 '::) sa'J' '3",a~ I.€M~ ~ fjm,tlU1~fjOill' /-o-""U!-... cea.t

Michael J. McLaughlil1 1260 Cherry Lane Blue Bell. PA 19422 610-277-9576 pudge985@hotmail.com Stage Crew.lndor and Outdoor Trock and Field

".d("dtlU'. Sllli&'JOt,,'Ufji=aJuiUw.lfV'JOt,,'UcuJ atuiaU'JOt" w.udMlUl alt 'Jau see i!Valt'Jat".li{a wiltwe", fu>. <£00/. a'atuuialUlclzoo""'Jat". aU".fjwwui, ta.lo,,,! 'Jal.li=a,uiAifjA'jO,,,tl..t. .. 'CPi"l. "Jiatjd

186 0 signs

---------------.. class of 2003 Kevil1 F. McLoughlin 643 Charette Road Philadelphia,PA 19115 215-969-5599 catcher237@aol.com St. Albert the Great Baseball, Football

"q;, i~''" f.oo, s!tMk S& Ib"", til.€< a I I.€< If01." 'fOp 'ca'f&< 'J.ow mi<J.f'b 'fe./, u,,~ ooe.~ ~ 'J.OI" 111.i<J.f'P9£1, sl",b. "

3"JJim", Thomas K. McMahon 2573 Cold Spring Road Lansdale, PA 19446 215-661-9684 DrEvil512@aol.com Visitation BVM Crew, LSC,Student Council. NHS, Gazebo, Yearbook, History Club,Campus Ministry, Kairos 37-29 leader

"fJb'''' easif lMJM.,., wl",,~ If"'"" 51,'1" COli""'" il'" a"d, IJOw' 00 9.o.b ti,,,, sJ.o.<:.k, IIUJAIu,t, ikob, iJuI, tI"" II{.(II" w.lyltk w/ziJ.e. is> tile- mo,~ wtz&ca,. smiJ.e., wl/.€I. I,is> sllM1&lJ/U» f.oo, 1i9.f1/' in, /zit;, seab" 'ltd¥, 311wJ.s, ('fZadd'Js/zocA) Robert M. McNamara 830 Foxwood Circle Lafayette Hill,PA 19444 215-836-7665 mbrkew@msn.com SI. Philip Neri Crew, Football, NHS, WEXP,

"%,I.€< lIuUio.l. /.eIw>u.s/!Y ". Mis> ,-J.d,aml fJ 'fOt/({, luU (/./I.€< will. ~sm_afk'lllA.all/nUfsist€lll."

'o.lm, '1'1tCH!!J.OIle.S<, >1Jie. 9&vul


M. trick McNeela 2318 Lakeview Drive Yardley,PA 19067 215-493-9041 PatMcNeela@go.com St. Ignatius Academic Decathlon, Forensics, Wisterian

"'1'1tIU.S'COf'0cilie.S< IUJAIR, "oo"'~ Ile.e,. mea.st.M.ed" ,uu,lJ/U» we. t& iud'f"'o.f wfzob Ize. COl. J.o., dtl' 0 "If fMcedeuuy, S& fittI.e, /Z"'" ik€.. b!ied,. " 9~.ul' >1Javid "0lwwaw signs 0 187

••---------------------~ seniors Daniel W. McShane 8241 New Second Street Elkins Park. PA 19027 215-635-3905 danmc714@yahoo,com SI.James Intramurals. Crew. Photography Club. SADD

"11'11"" '3 die. '3 ,w,J.dlif,eto-9o-p-eaC/!./ult"j. inllL'I sf.e£".. liI"","uj 9talld(4tA.. did. CJ lot s<Y,e,,,,u'uralld '1elluUJ litw tl., p.asseIlge~i,~ Iu.s, ca.•. ., ,ad" %Ildelj

Michael M. Merlini 3112 Brookview Place Elkins Park. PA 19027 215-635-1979 LaxDrum@aol.com St. James Lacrosse. LSC.Stage Crew. Italian Club. Wrestling

"'3 do-ll(Jt U!9"UI... tI'illlJs 'B lIaoodmle. Cuttlws.. tl.ill9s '£ucas. "iEm,wz.. 9Zeco"ds

'3 did/ratti<>."

Mat1:hew S. Meves 18 Turner Court Lower Gwynedd.PA 19002 215-628-3555 ImSaMoney 1212@aol.com SI. Rose of Uma Golf.SADD. LSC. NHS

"'3lh/ll1.'1 n.l.ielJ&tlta/'Ul1'l I1ta'"'",r-uuu;/' IW'Ik. tI.... 9W.ille.s/,{ut.Ii!J.,l1eJt.bo? aU tllat II, lIa}."" dlUl/f,. is tI... m(JI1Wt.b",Aell I.... 110 s wo-,fwd Ius llea.t.b ou/' U" a 9(J()(! causea~ld lies edzau(slAUlo.'", Me-lieU &allie. v.iclQlliou.s . ., "VillCl!.' '£aI1Jm.di


!35:sa:i.r-:i.... l.<lQlIIe students all have rome school spirit We attend the footbaD games and cheer of coon;e but are led by one distinct per>on. Most ~I S:pirit - 'Bob Miller .,~

1880=Ior portraits

Bob Milln" pumping up the crowd

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Joseph A. Micucci 2925 Belgrade Street Philadelphia,PA 19134 215-425-1351 jae_micucci@hatmail.cam Nativity BVM Ice Hackey,Spanish Club, NHS, LSC

Blaise A. Miller 137 Williams Avenue Newtown, PA 18940 215-598-3904

RobertA. Miller 64 Waadview Lane North Wales,PA 19454 267-468-0440 SirWilly 13@aol.com St. Rose Intramurals, NHS, Baseball

"'{had" '0'11.",28


lj£aV<>UIIW'Y. ca,.eab",cAi.clwn,sandwid.q, I,(Y." ~Ofrll c£jJteellI

'0 wanb

La Salle


seniors 5upporllheir team.

senior portraits



. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . seniors Stephen P. Miller 1034 Hilltop Road Southampton,PA 18966 215- 396-8051 stever2003@hotmail,com Our Lady of Good Counsel Lab Managers, Baseball Manager, LSC, WEXP

"'GlYapf"'€dLl,te- deald'f; flY lilld, tIze. de,sb u"",tlUWY; loole<we. tJ,,,, I<J.O,tU '" dw IJeue", ,uIt~(W fut'" IteaM,'f duM, ""''''9aJU!en,I'tUd" ""'''' wleemed socinJ, wnd; /i.(Jn,; loo IUWI/N tJ,a""""" aile- life. ItalY fwwl1ted easilW b,_ 'I"'" luwe-

lw.ed. 'GIl"" "" loo It~ SIuxe€ded, "9?atp/" CJ,ValJo, cgll""""O,,"

Michael A. Minni 37 Magnolia Place Phiiadelphia,PA 19115 215-969-8216 minnid@earthlink,net Maternity BVM LSC, Crew, Band <.

C(;tU~1 onlAt liln€/ sU.. ca56/com.€6' ~'li!/ wo-r/z, t61 ulilAetd..wtWH(VUY. "

evince- seomlJluulj/

Michael W. Moffett 1673 Thayer Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 610-277-5760 mmlasalle@hotmail,com St, Helena Bowling, Italian Club, Spanish Club, NHS

"'B Iwpe- til"-' 1.<>,",b'" di'f iaft.",

d""ause- 'B dOl",b9eb it,. " ":J ach 9 &mde.lt

Darcel! K. Moore 204 Somerset Circle Chalfont,PA 18914 215-822-6484 DMoore417@aol.com Basketbal. Tennis

190 0 signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Maximillian J. Muller 2160 Washington Lane Huntington Valley. PA 19006 215-947-8002 wolfboy216@aol.com Our Lady Help of Christians Golf. NHS. Latin Club

Christopher N. Naab 641 Kirkwood Avenue Jenkintown.PA 19046 215-663-0351 ChrisN2003@att.net St. Hilary Stage Crew. WEXP.lntramurals. NHS

"V'tJlf C ' . wi.nninfjl@Luinn.i.1Uf " af/lY in-alll ' .JnAA.£;, {)JlJQI

CVil~ '{;hi.,;et

David A. Naab 4013 School House Lane Plymouth Meeting,PA 19462 610-828-4261 Bubexpress@aol.com St. Philip Neri Crew. Soccer, Yearbook, NHS, LSC

"eyowsee-l1.ill/p; aIl4y",-wsa'!'. '''WI,,!,?' 'il3ut. ~ d.ten".tJ"u'¥'tAa~n.(w.%

,""'teo, alutsa'l'- '''WI,,!,,wt.?'' c(;Jeo<'f€' 'il3e-llltl/ut Sfu.,,,"

Kyle P. Nagy 1011 Valley Road Warminster. PA 18974 215-343-3182 drbrainfreezeMD@yahoo.com Calvary Church of Souderton Forum. WEXP.lntramurals. Lab Managers. Mathletes ""0/,,,,,,,, f1/W ~se- wI"" suh f"WW.f.edtjb 11,,> safw. 0{ fu wwf.ed.rte-, tAa~ itY


c~. "0f.e.u>fUu> t/,ose- wi"" ~ fuwwf.edtje- w.1k f"wwI. fut 011"""",,, tAa~ itY UOlliitt. "0/"""" f1/W tAOS£< ",fup suh fuww.f.edtje- il~ ~ w.~, t/'a~ itYfoue-." 'il3eM,a.u£o{'7!1.aiwau",

signs 0191

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors Michacl Ncspola 1749 Grandville Circle Jamison.PA 18929 215-343-7475 MikeN621@aol.com St. Robert Bellarmine Cross Country. Ice Hockey. Italian Club. Science Club. NHS "·9.10lb can,,"1 alo.J.alfS' fj.eb wJwP IfOti/ wan&,

d.u.IJ if lj<uV I!UJI :uuneli.m£l, If()lll

miql'bi''''bP.fUJ, 'I0w~,ulUJk'l(u.lleuJ." 9ZaUiIUf Ston"",

A.nthony J. Nguycn 133 Daus Drive North Wales, PA 19454 215-542-8514 tonyn03@yahoo.com Corpus Christi Academic Decathlon. Lab Managers. NHS.lntramurals

"'W/'af, ti"" SU1'I!/I!.<W IIlaI. seefe,;, i.<Y in, I,i""'eIf. CWAaJ.,tlte-ol£atl/IJWllIseJ16 @if1l0tllRA/Sl. "

<f?on/"ci"'" Andrew J. Nolan 1373 Landis Drive North Wales. PA 19454 215-793-3990 Xander204@aol.com Mory. Mother of the Redeemer NHS.Science Club.WEXP.Latin Club

"9;1/£1 on-IAl tul€t wisdOlrl/ l~ in, fUWWMUJt IfOUI futOw.! notlU:lUf- ,. SOC<ateo·

Michael A. O'CaIJaghan 82 Woodbine Way Plymouth Meetlng.PA 19462 610-940- 1254 131 g0271@aol.com St. Philip Neri WEXP.Yeorbook. Wisterian.lce Hockey

"9;/"" 6i.q.qeob ,ishin iiI"';,,; tal",,'}' lIo.n",oYait. "

192 0 signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Matthew J. O'Dol1l1ell 46 Douglass Road lansdale, PA 19446 215-997-2661 fiveods@bellatlantic.net Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Soccer. lacrosse, Pep Bond,Concert Bond, Honors Advanced Jazz Band, Competition Band, Soxophone Ensemble, NHS

"'??.emem&", tlU! {twuJ, ev.e-u/tI,i,,1''I"""" /(y tl'w...wI"" aitl" /(Y'let.. seau" ail1Jt is- tlU?/ ft«;.fJ£'S'; Cti.,ne-ItU1.'~ fUlts. "

93 wee.- sere

WiJliam J. O'Neill 35 Austin Circle lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 215-646-7796 Bajaxt03@yahoo.com Sf. Rose lSC.Stage Crew,Tennis, Ski Club. Outdoor Adventure Club

. ew.. tal"" ,id"" I!O~ /(ye.scape life" fuu, /(y P'e.ue;,~ I.i"""'atl" e.scarzi,,'1' u.s.. ..

Joseph M. O'Pella 7506 henry Avenue Phiiadelphia,PA 19128 215-482-9081 mudpie2003@aol.com Immaculate Heart of Mary Intramurais. lSC.SADD, NHS

"9W;.~, lJ<W'~lIametY, tt."'"'1"'"/<>''1et./<u;e& pttU IJ<'''''' zipl""'" up. "

"I1.e.:I" 'I"'''/<>''Iet./(Y

Devin P.Ohnta.1 205 Holly Drive Chalfont,PA 18914 215-997-2023 St.Jude Crew,lSC,Ski Club, Cross Country,Track and Field

. cq ~ lAin'},;,

0/1.€' IW ~

cUJIl'" fur u''1'''ts"" &, u, &'1' <U SlYtletY a{smaU tit u''I';' ~u'll,~ t"'ldU!A'- " 91illcenk 9/an" c{](Ujl1/

signs 0193

- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . seniors Jason 1-1. Oliver 3033 Runnymede Drive Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 610-279-5392 JHOLSHS@aol.com Epiphany ot our Lord Soccer, Intramurals, Film Club, Ski Club

"9;1.", anuci1'ali(u" ,"w"",a", lim...

?ww. \? sltllUU1 aIf tIw, s1a9'" witA ''''f

"-'f"'Y closed and d<>u", in/.(), tI"" dut" cosmo& " 9;1"" 9Zoa""

Michael J. Onufrak 8610 Trumbauer Drive Wyndmoor, PA 19038 215-233-0735 EHuttman@comcast.net St. Genevieve Bond, Bowling, Wrestling, Intromurals

"\? teet liJ"" f1I"'5"U"' lIuf UUUf II.WI'<I" tI,,,, S/W'l", tf.WJUJA tA", uWb. \?

teet liJ"" fM.5SU"' lIuf waif- <;}Jw;;;, 0'" Iwm.... " 9Za/le.u, c~,{.uulalp.," Mat'1:hew J. Pace 7115 Montour Street Philadelphia,PA 19111 215-722-3176 Pacefamily@prodigy.net Presentation BVM Forensics, Bond, Chorus, NHS

,. CWeaselu"f au"

o? tf,uttp@wAa"sefUll'al®,,,,,(MII"It.eani.mats,, eNCefZ" tf"" weaset" 9{aIlUYf,o' ,sunrv.w,"

Garyc. Palo 2283 Locust Drive Lansdale,PA 19446 610-584-0804 rtcd 14@hotmail.com Corpus Christi

"9;al""," <€Juuu;e,f diU ~ @I"cAanro. 9;f""ma," wfup9m;.s, tI""/«MAes" io- 9€1U!1la14 tf"" "''''' ud.",@w;j)jnlf l&d", andda~"," 'i'J'af.e, <l!o,u""Ji.<>


o signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003

I)erdigao 82 Heather Valley Road Holland. PA 18966 215-579-5916 Jal11CS P.

Austi 11 L P"r"ra 3267 Water Street Road Collegeville. PA 19426 610-584-6085 ausperera@yahoo.com Visitation BVM Mathletes. RC Racing Club. German Club. Forensics. NHS. Tennis

"9,vAe,vslmlt 'B """se ?WII~W.O'uJ.e,U.n9'?" c(Jal.i.f.eo,

Elias J. P"ry 622 Woodbrook Drive Ambler. PA 19002 215-619-4766 Bigpopapry@aol.com St. Alphonsus Soccer. Golf

Carl J .•'f,,(1'e,'le 7325 Valley Avenue Philadelphia.PA 19128 215-487-6490 music4pfefferie@aal.com Immaculate Heart of Mary Pep Band. Concert Band. WEXP, Chorus. Beicrafters. LSC.lntramurals

"9i1"fjOb"'luUtan'''49a.5, Aalf"'pacl"4cUjM£ll=. ib'",daJ"ouball4, W-t<.<eM.i,"J' "'''''1la••es. 9Ciub!" - 9;/"" 91>1...... 91"0t!",,,,,


.---------------------.. seniors Zachary PickcI1S 241 Foulkrod Boulevard King of Prussia,PA 19406 610-272-5527 ZPickens@yahoo.com

"90 If' de/inilio '". dUb sef, of a"'lle<Y i,~ sUuu1aMt posili.<J;~ i<> dl'" domoi'" of fwdv til'" co.si"", IwlCii.o'v and d"" sill"'(""idio,~" ?ri.aJj" &ilnaitJSi<> 9000b

Bruce G. Pohlot 6164 Hidden Valley Drive Doylestown, PA 1890 1 215-794-2668 8rucemanx@aol.com Our Lady of Mount Carmel Football. Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field. Student Council. NHS

"?Jf 'J01" 11Ild 0<1'" "wnwnb. ;USb "''''' opp.lMIi,"i"'f l<P!WoW eUeMftlwuy If""" €«eIfI wauteJ...

tuoul.tlljou,caplttl'lR/ibQltl tebl:t slip/' 7[;nu'-n.ellll

David F. Prisco 225 S. 4th Street Philadelphia,PA 19106 215-629-7456 Dprisc02003@mail.com St. Joseph Film Club, People to People, WEXP

..«Bil llf' u_l/' i.1l,!IY aw- inlillik. tit", un.w""s",and lu" 'lIl'v s urpi.di.l<f. and ?J '"v IWb suw-afw"'/'tI""/<w,,,,,v" &iI~ 'bu«lei,v

Jonathan A. naffa 4 Pacer Lane Norristown,PA 19401 610-277-4635 JRtwine@aol.com Film Club

"90", wluev '!()tvO/W'",ul sa't w/,at, 'JO,vfe.et. b'16'" dws", wluev mj,ul dmv'b n-uule-'l/, (UuJ.,tlUJ.5l!/wJuJ/l1l.atl%do.n./f"fnin4. "~l-: $e,u,s.s,-

196 0


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003

Michal" I. Ragal1 8 Church Road Ambler, PA 19002 215-643-2074

Al1thol1Y c. Raieta 279 Acorn Lane North Wales, PA 19454 215-699-4497 RiettiOO@aol.com St. Rose of Uma Respect Life. Intramurals. Basketball

"f}{'!o,.wiUu,d"d"" tluu"ibi!Yll<Ydtea/l"-" CJ,VoUe.. ,saddUlI.

GiOilcchit10 C. Ilal1dazzo 1005 Bell Lane MapleGlen,PA 19002 215-646-0748 Gioacchino 18@aol.com St. Alphonsus

"'{f;;O/.'b wluvoll'/'da,! /<Y"9~allt€(l. fJ",<?-"","'UfOllfb f.o, tlW/tlt11esb. "

Christopher D. '~eedn1al1 1032 Randolph Drive Yardley, PA 19067 215-321- 0873 Reed724@aol.com St. Ignatius Student Council. Basketball. Golf

""€auU f} lza"",d€e.""'/Ul,fuIUJ Wall",uialll, w"U f} llO"",d€e.""'lIliI1.iOl"a«t>~, w"U f} llO"",d€e."l.osbsolllewl,",,""i''''''palaCR/, w"U f} t.a"", d€e." 'JO'" liule. fuotfU!/t, w"ld f} (,au", dee'MIl'!O'w/ ollz.." tlUl'H'w/. " '{f;;au", ?7lattl",w-s- 'il3alUJ, slQnsQ197

••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . seniors Joseph M. Roche 3513 Pin Oak Lane Chalfont.PA 18914 215-918- 0464 explorer727@aol.com St Jude Ice Hockey. Art Club, NHS

"'fjt''''f,tmuJ Iw.<",li{e-t<vu.",ook, fk,odtJs,af~".fk,I,u:,e.afdo."U. "elUruvuv on",~ i••, tlt", so<"uilAac/" sf.a,Wy, lI"" S<XI"" ~i.n;y ..

CI:!0<.'.", pJ.a'l'''"J''j='''()'</P'' '051. 'afllu.

Steven W. I~odgers 202 Paddock Circle Norristown, PA 19403 610-631-0136 Rodgs2ooo@aol.com Visitation BVM Bowiing,Science Club, Mathletes


Brian S. Rodziak 9729 Laramie Road Phiiadelphia,PA 19115 215-673-8250 phillyalki4021@aol.com St. Albert the Great WEXP, Film Club, Art Club

"9;/u.s. is> 'jO<w "wmet<ta..J, lW€oUf si,1~ ",,,,ude> 'JO<. sltauU sfl'!'lU£ bujiluf f.o.lw.U a"f.o. it cat<6€> 'fIJ'" Ill",!, IUW"'.fj€k it> U"Jai<>"

Christopher M. Rose 4000 Fountoin Circle Fountainville, PA 18923 21S-766-2392 rosemanS28S@yahoo.com Our Lady of Mount Carmel WEXP, Bowling, Theatre

"'fj'''.buJ''''ff.o.lIullk, fuit>natlt".' is>ltarzfl'!'lUJUr" "t!<.,)"t, 9;/"" 9;/VIRR/ .s~

198 0 signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Gregory R. Rothwell 115 Shippen Rood Erdenheim.PA 19038 215-233-3503 Soint Genevieve Crew.lntromurols. Wisterian. Kairos 37-28 Leader. Ski Club

"'Of '0 ,_,,,,e.=~w,{inJ,iiL""", ii/e- ,t«> luw"'i&matkw,e/UU>s",. "J""",tlz", Call, t!u",J,ai,". <) V",'"" I,,,,,,,, 1000ell",." "CJ,v. ~ 9?ose.

BCI1janlin I>. Rush 325 Powderhorn Road Fort Washington. PA 19034 610-940-1127 Rush556@aol.com St. Phillips

"'O~'",all ti9"~ leUilUJ''fO''45e1f9a-Q5 lOl'1 as"lowcal"94~o'lA«d{

Cae/,. " 'I J~ 'a99~

Jill11eS S. Silcchcttil 410 West Prospect Avenue North Wales.PA 19454 215-699-5719 BiggGuyy3@aol.com St. Rose ot Lima Soccer. Crew. Wrestling. LSC.Ski Club. Freshman Mentor. Respect Life "~Ol" ,wuJ,a- Iwlida't' lal""a- llOiidatr

"Jilldtvfo-"'-o/{ wmu!...lOlu! w/,,,,,,,, LJOil/mitJhb U!l.Jai'1/COmmmulfoflJoU/lf~." 'imnui' 9?Jufleb

JOl1ilthill1 C. Sch,"oedcr 1140 Ferry Drive Doylestown. PA 18901 215-345-5395 Gandif23@aol.com NHS. Crew.LSC

"eg lf€Il.lJOn.€1 i&-anl idioo IM.tb onlit som€! UUIUWtdu- t<Jt pUl/ OllllU luJ.melJ Ul/ tlL€I nUJIr,ninrr"



••---------------------~ semors Ch,"istopher E. Schwartz 650 Artwood Drive Philadelphia.PA 19115 215-676-D319 cschwartz l@hotmall.com St Albert the Great Cross Country. SADD. Crew. History Club. LSC

"7;lu?- fjl£al.esl aa;o.mflliJz.mRAzl i~llo/; uvnwev/alliIUJ. dlllti,1I ti5in./f 090i," o(.wr. 'J0" /-aU. "evil,,,,,, se.omfJauib

Justin N. Sen 7452 Devon Street Philadelphia.PA 19119 215-242-5708 JS_OO8@Juno.com Holy Cross Crew. WEXP. 8and. Forum. Freshman Mentor. LSC.lndoor Track

"'Oryo.. fuuisometltiIUj impossid!h. 9e/,ou"o{tfl<>wo,/0{t1wS",wl.n-0U7 J _• " am,Uj i~

I'etl'r Sl'wl'ryn 175 Roberts Avenue Gienside.PA 19038 215-885-6319 Petesev2000@yahoo.com St. Luke the Evangelist

"CUll",,, Il.e pow"," 0{ {"ue-oue-u;o""""tft", loue-o{ powe." II.",w-O/tU ,uitt IUWl/P fU"U"". " 'illlmif %ulti&

Nicholas B. Shields 296 Hawks Flight Court Ambler. PA 19002 215-643-1318

"9 (lett. '0 f.e~""f IUlpp'J I.ome-/.<> see. wAo" '0 ~fuuiout. '0 le~mlf /o1Ju;.-a,ut ttiellds-luidll t/lR/ainv w, dea,'I/ nUl milul oul. 9;11.€/rR./s- so; nuu:1r.-

~ /.<> 11IIow.. olUi '0 ',," 01" til<> UUlti to Ibuiout. "'ftat, SteU"'15

200 o signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003

.. ; y• .



Nikodem Siwek 20 Helens Lane Chalfont,PA 18914 215-997-2767 siwkn304@aol.com St. Jude Crew, Indoor Track,Science Club, Ski Club, German Club

" 'i')[, itY


/.(y d~ IwnoM;, ami, w[, luw", tll.eIl. ala", /.(y Aau", tluw. and

n.o[,<!uew",tlten." '11'&u1" "0wai,~

Willian, J. Sn,art 3200 Rose Circle Hatboro, PA 19040 215-674-9109 obb5@hotmail.com St John Bosco Soccer. Respect Life, LSC, Intramurals "911tujk~{)IlC€/, som,eone-w.iUcaltl/1.0 <s~' tttilltold/addi/up. 'lJou/w nUl!w,ujtll/Scene/" 9f.onu!ll/ $imp.so.nl

Warrcl1 C. Smith 8615 Montgomery Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 215-233-1666 utopia314@hotmail.com Our Mother of Consolation Tennis, Drama.Art Club, Theatre, LSC,Concert Band "ewAatoo~yo<•.'i(),lf iJ/:Y aft Wjl,[,. cWI",loo",. 'Jow do, ;,/,':yaU 9=d "lAIAatev",~'Jow salf iJ/tV aU u~,b. 3i1.enCR/ i.<;, IW[, tA", I/JLUf- ew", need /.(y


i{ fUYl"-''''. itY 0'. tA", waif. "9?,,,,,A

Brook A. Solliday 615 Whittaker Place Lansdale,PA 19446 215-699-4225 utley6270@aol.com Corpus Christi Baseball, Football, Intramurals

"CZ:JOtv sl""'ut", 9rnut f'~o? yOt~ I.ife- 9Mpf'!./l,!, '" &ue&.Uand i,v tI"" end iJ, 1«1",," ouuAat ,',i, wa", if"" otf.~ waif lVWIUut tf.", wfwee, um"" " 'ill. 930ltwtll


••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors W. Erik Spud;11 523 Moreboro Rood Hatboro. PA 19040 215-675-1111 Erikspurlin l@hotmail.com .. ~I

taloos a pnisolled.l"a,1 UP Setb tllJ!, &jIlt. funied. deefU illside. 31""", me a 6'land lU!l(kface. atV0fUll/minda~iHsl a tUjin'f taee".

Wliluwt sla",,,

Kevil1 I{. Til1:low 1708 Penns Lone Ambler. PA 19002 215-643-5623 Ktat3@aol.com St. Alphonsus Crew. Cross Country. Outdoor Track. Amnesty International.Yeorbook. Ski Club. Freshmen Mentor

··0a"''''p'tldime. tI,ill" a lol. 9;Ilillko{ eue''1I1.iIl9 '101""'" 901. /<>~'101. will slill de.llete-lomo.t.WtlL. Cut lJOlI4 dtteams- rnaif #lot".

%b SleueJl.S1

Johl1 G.Thyberg.Jr 1121 Westbury Rood Jenkintown.PA 19046 215-884-2068 Jgthybergjr@aol.com Immaculate Conception Track & Field. Bowling. LSC.NHS.ltalian Club. Science Club.Photography Club. Stage Crew

.. ~ ca,uacce/2b/ailtlte,

~ ca,.'1

acce/,I ,w/vuJUUf".

971id.ael 'ote/on

Miltthew J. Trickel 7426 Rockwell Avenue Philadelphia.PA 19111 215-342-4711 St. Cecilia

"SlfJOI.'vd",io. ~t,is 1I0VWMtlu 'islull9' ~?'1o,.tllillk 'O'llutailu:lllfadotlv dt.'''Js, 'J0,.' te Ll'W'''J! '0 '11> latJwUfadoublA", 80's IWJ&uwt. SlfJo,.'v fMv[(!l1/ o.l-tdaiJ



dad music"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Christopher I{. Tropio 3304 Rhawn Street Phiiadelphia.PA 19136 215-335- 1964 chimmchimm4@aol.com St. Dominick Wrestling. Freshman Mentor

"?rla<~tlri"" w.o-tU i"" alwtlW4' tumU:", fwtt "

Christophe," J. Tuck 125 Westminster Drive North Wales PA 19454 215-997-2670 Tuckcj@hotmail.com Mary. Mother Of fhe Redeemer Ice Hockey

"COn- eV-elUf t4e- Wb !tav.€-' 50"W lAo/dd€-" wltefl/ 'fOtl/ U,.I..()/l/llf 'IoU! m.alub itdo"fd.€" §a,~ b W<JMty /k, fUlFl'1f- " 93o.iJ, 'I1'l.llI/.te't

Jeffrey Lee Tucker 802 Soufhhampton Avenue Wyndmoor. PA 19038 216-233-9657 Jtuck85@aol.com Our Mofher of Consolation Lacrosse. Football. Sfudent Council. NHS. SADD, LSC

"r@.pfUJ"l"'riUfda..oIwbca/l"". ~i& fuue-. " 'fJ'el"'" 9ZiduwisO/"

Jonathan M. Veit 3033 Mathers Mill Road Lafayette Hill.PA 19444 610-825-4568 Jonveit@comcast.nef Forensics. Band

"crt.atlt"Uj' COA"

e.. l<.ue4 ''''''' Izal.<ul rurtit pub U"d"""'/OOll". seeOluudOo §a,ev,,·/.Cio

signs 0


-.--------------------.. seniors Paul S. Walsh 6466 Lawnton Street Philadelphia,PA 19128 215-482-3642 Walsh016@aol.com Our Mother ot Consolation

"'}11'1 cADice ;6 wJUl.b '0 cAoase-w,Jo,. sAouU" 't dotA.. 'I""'.

'Of '0 '",col/simi /10 flaw"


'ij""" cAoice- is wAal 'JIll. clwose- /0. de-. 'Of

ljOU'le caus.ill<j ItO-IUIl'w"" 'JOt#- 'waltUjltl

willt me . ., 9at 911o,~

Daniel J. Waters 512 Wyndmoor Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 215-836- 1343 Lwaters l@comcast.net Our Mother of Consolation Baseball. Football

'·'i}Jeo".ie SII'f 'Jo« Aalle-laded. .. 'J"'" "allelU't. 'Of"''I "at#! ollil at10wed you to- mell(llf&"'~ wealute&S as 1J01 b €I-\:-fWse- lltei 1. tu te colo us ".

Edward M. Weinrich 1005 Highland Avenue Abington,PA 19001 215-885-8011 Entropylc@hotmail.com Our Lady Help of Christians German Club "~lIteUectuat, so/.w",wdiems, 9/Z1uuses '''","",lttAe",''.

SIt Me,,( lfiill slei"

Nicholas I>. Weiss 118 Matthew Drive North Wales, PA 19454 215-362-6457 Ne02934@aol.com Mary Mother of the Redeemer Lab Managers, Martial Arts Club

"'0 'Uliue-lawlleH,,,,die tUli'"9"'

204 0 signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . class of 2003 Kevin I>. Werner 2032 Hollis Rood Lansdale,PA 19446 610-222-0630 Bigkev44@hotmail.com Wisterian, Forensics, Student Council.Academic Decathalon, NHS ~. fJtt fwqzS! me- wQ/Urll".

~k 9?d'illawl"

Colin M. Whitaker 4605 Hansell Rood Doylestown, PA 1890 1 215-345-0856 Jawhit22@aol.com Our Lady ot Mount Carmel Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse, Operation Santo Claus, SADD

«ewe- CJoit

{,(JI slllJtl.; ,rLalein,,'

c1UHltjes.. Se€/ nWa&Q! &tot/leAl in6ten.tb of lw_lY dis-lan.l- SVWI UJ€"l'S!".

21'ao 3Aaluw

Michael P. Wilkins 117 Ridings Lane Doylestown,PA 18901 215-345-0185


Bill O'Neill workingon another masterpiece.

Throughout the. hall~ of Wl £aile. one. can wrtne.~ the. gifted arti~ that beautifY our ~chool. The. worKs are. a te.ctament to our truly well-rounded young men.

signs Q 205

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seniors Richard F. Wilson 366 Laurence Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 215-947-1013 Lmpbizt453@aol.com Our Lady of Good Counsel WEXP, Ski Club

Til110thy O. Wilson 2925 North Wales Road East Norriton,PA 19403 610-275-2695 PsiSyco@hotmail.com NHS,Spanish,Science, Math,and Drama Clubs, Intramurals, Bowling, Tennis, SAD.D.,Yearbook, NHS

"9rt.<uf9<UUtf<uttuu. fwwilAIJO<"; nU"1 'fO'w9uidi"9' lujl..o fwstw,,<J'. 93,.u,U '" staiM.«a't I<J, fw.a,uew wlre1fuw!"'illre "'" UQfja&/UJ.

93e- COlllf.lltJOOU&i am/Ilk ltUl.ue.-, and U1/ tHlJl fuuut, 'j.O-tll w.iU WfIWAJlt CJIYU'AteV 'jau",!,! ,.

• SeniorSeao

Agnew running for



:a._ _ c:>_

What every undercla~man ~hould ichow about La~lIe ...

1. The Five minute rule 2. www.sparknotes.com 3. NEVER step foot in the Camp~ Ministry CGnter 4 Go on Kairo~! 5.lfyou wantto study. go to the I:tudy Common~; ifyou want 10 talk, go to the library. 6. Dont take Environmentall:cience a~ ajoke c1a~.


o signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class of 2003 Joseph f. Winning 2 Ronald Circle Oreland. PA 19075 215-886-1872 Jwinn33@aol.com Holy Martyrs Football.8asketball Manager. Baseball. LSC. Intramurals. SADD

"dIfu1.wy u, wJwk 'fO':"" Wf~ o?dahuy. 7I1.tw.tmli","tid.i>tmine;y w.Iwk 'JOw diP. dlUiuui... tid...""i".es' twa" w.elt 'I'"w do- u,". 9!,aw C){"f.u.

Daniel Wisl'lic\Nski 11 Ponderosa Drive Holland. PA 18966 215-860-2438 DizmaIXC@aol.com Ice Hockey. NHS

"9I.ememlj""", !tafW' u, '" 9路().().d dtil uy, llla,!de. dt... 8e..,i

o? dtilUJ'"

dlnd """

9~d dUIUj' e"-"""di....".

Senioritis- a senior's lack of mativation to do schoolwork of any kind after his acceptance to the college of his choice. Even though some teachers may say that this "senioritis" has been evident in this class since freshman year, their true senioritis reared its ugly head this winter. Time that was once spent dill igently working in the library or study commons during free periods, has now been spent sleeping in Campus Ministry or throwing food in the cafeteria. Although senioritis is inevitable and is undoubtedly going to hit every senior sooner or later, teachers never fail to react the same way

. to their students'lack of once perfect work ethics. The seniors' constant late assigments and class pranks always send the teachers screaming. So, congratulations

- ..

are in order for these seniors, for

successfully coasting their way through senior year and graduating with doing as little work as possible.

MikeFcld路 man,loe

Dwyer. Tom M,Mllhon, and Jon

Cooney spend sometime

hanging in Campus


signs 0207

GOLD PATRON LISTINGS Frank Kasprzak, American Disposal Systems "Good luck Francis, Class of 2006"

Narkiewicz Law Offices Congratulalions Ryan Fitz and the Class of2003! Love Mom &Dad

Drs. Maria and Anthony Limberakis Mike Minni, you make us proud every day! Love Mom &Dad Jim and Sheila Monastero Only Ihe Phillies winning the World Series would be better. Love Ryan, Congratulations, Work hard; play nice, be kind, go to your Mom, Dad and Sammi destiny; fear nothing! Love Mom, Dad, John,and Michael Mike,Always proud. Mom, Dad and Tony Congratulations to Jim Sacchetta and Ihe Class of'03. Always believe in yourself and follow your dreams. Love Mom, Dad, Brian True greatness lies in your heart, not in your circumstances. Dan, Stephanie, and Matthew Brad Caracausa: You have worked so hard to achieve your many Congratulations Class of 2003! Pookie, thank you! We are D. E. successes at La Salle. Continue your focus and you will have asucLighted with all you have done these years at La Salle! Love Mom, cessful future. We love you and are so very proud of youl Love Mom, Dad,Tyler, and Corinne Dad,and Holly Congratulations Greg! Love Mom, Dad, Colleen, and Kim

Best wishes to Ihe Class of'06 from Ashley's Awolags

Dr.& Mrs. William Gibbons

Marabrite Inc. Mary Bangor, President

David: We are so proud ofyou. We wish you all the best as you begin Congratulations Chris and the Class of 2003. Love Mom, Dad,Ana new chapter in your life. Congratulations! Love Mom, Dad, and gela, Bryan, and Dylan Rebecca Christian,CongratuJations and good luck on your journey towards academic achievement. We're very proud of you and wish you sucJerry, Congratulations! We are so proud! Love Mom, Dad, and the cess in any and everything you do in life. Love Aunt Felicia & Uncle family Reggie Congratulations Matt and the Class of2003! -The Madden Family To our grandson Christian Lewis: Congratulations and good luck with your future endeavors. Love Me-mom & Pop-pop FoUow your dreams! - The Ferrick Family To our nephew and cousin, Christian Lewis: We're proud of your accomplishments and wish you all the best the future has to offer BeSI of luck, Tim Catinella! We love you! - Your family: Mom, Dad, you. Love Monica, Sonny. Bianca, Walt.Jr.,and Imani Paul,and Danny Congratulations Christian Lewis! Hard work leads to enjoyable Congratulations Matt(lus) &the Class of2003 - The Loftus Family times; as you toiled at La Salle, your college foundation was formed and friendships too. God Bless! Love Mom, Dad, Kirsten, and Shane Dick Ford &Family Mr.& Mrs. Richard Connor

Tim Garvin, we could nol be any more proud of you. It has been a Congratulations Christian, on your graduation. May you have privilege to share your La Salle College High School experience. many more. Higher education is your passport for ahappy career. Love Nana &Aunt Deborah Love Mom &Dad Congralulalions Billy and to the Class of 2003. You have made us all so proud! Love Mom, Dad,and Jess

208 0 golden patrons list

Thanks to La Salle for four great years! Trevor Marrin,'03



Abboll ,Colin,34 Abbott, Patrick, 50 Abbott, Kevin, 144 Achey, David, 50 Ackason ,Channing, 144 Adams,Scan,SO Adams. Timothy, SO Adams, Russell, 144 Adamski, Christopher, 42. 48

Affel ,Nicholas, 50 Agnew, Christopher, 34 Agnew ,Sean, 145,216 Agostine, John Paul, 42 Ahern. Conor, 50, 92 Allen ,Gregory, 50 Alonso, Michael, 145 Alzona ,Allen,'l2 Anderson, K. Ryan,'l2

Andrews, Mkhacl,42 Andris. Mauhew, 9, 145 Angeloni ,Cesare,42 Anninos,1lI ,Peter,34 Aprile .Ms. Valentine, 22,81 Antonello, Gabriel, 42 Archibald, Timothy, 146 Assaf, Mr. Fred, 21 Athian,lames,42 Aviles, Michael, 146 Ayuen ,James,S0,51 Azeff, Brian, 42



Babnew, Phillip,35

Bagdis ,Jeffrey, SO Baiocchi ,Matthew, 50 Baker. Fredrick, 50 Baneckcr ,Gregory, 42 Barbieri, Ryan. 146 Barbuto, Dominick, 146 Barlow, Matthew, 50 Barna ,Mr. Tom,22 Barnett, Kevin,SO Barr,John,42 Barr, Christopher, 50 Barrett, Luke, 50 Barrett, Christian, 42 Barrett, John, 60, lOS, 116, 140, 147

Barrett, Ryan, 42 Barry, Ryan,42,88,89 Bartynski ,Andrew,67, 147 Basalyga •Garren, 50

Bateman, Paul, 97, 147 Battin ,James, 147 Battista, Jonathan, 50, 53 Bcale,Justin,148 Beck.Andrew,50 Behr ,Colin,42 Btichert ,Brendan, 50 BelJ,TerrclJ,SO Bender, Robert,63, 70,148 Bene ,Mr. Roco,22 Benincasa, Daniel Benincasa, Kevin, 50 Benz, William,50 Berger, Michael,42 Bergman ,MitcheJl,86.148 Beyer. Karl Bibu ,Steve, 50" 126, 128 Bidus ,Gerald,42 Bidus, Kyle,SO Bielecki. Mark, 50,65 Bisirri •Joseph, 50 Blagrave, Kevin,50 Bl;lgravc, Patrick Blanco, Senor Gabe, 23 B10h ,Mr. Dennis,23 Bolinski .Matthew,42 Bonnevie, Pau1.34,39 Bonny,Alain Bono ,Andrew, 50 Borrell. William, 50 Borrell ,Andrew Boyle ,Michael,42 Braca ,John,42 Brader, Mr. Rod,23 Bradwell, Matthew, 42 Brady,Andrew,50 Brady,John Brandt, Drew Brassell, Robert, 60, 61, 148 Brechbill, Nicholas, 50 Breen ,Mrs. Lastinia, 22 Breitmayer ,Alex Brennan ,Cole,50 Bresnahan, Philip. 50 Breit, Patrick, 50 Brcznicky, David, 50 Britt .Andrew,42 Britt. Timothy, 149 Britton. Steven, 50 Broderick, Patrick, 42 Buchanan, Kyle,42 Buck ,Andrew,SI Buonomo ,John Bur, Mark, 51 Burke .Gerard,42 Bush ,Christopher Byrne, Christopher Byrnes, Patrick, 97,. 143, 149,216



Caglia, Bradley CagHa, David, 149 Cahill, Christopher, 51 Calhoun. Sterling, 33 Calista, Derek, 149 Callahan, Thomas, 42 Caltabiano ,Mark,51 Calvitti ,Eric, 51 Campbell, John, 51 Campbell, Ryan, 150 Campo, Darren,S [ Candelore, Joseph, 51 Cane, Christopher, 51 Capaci •Charles, 51 Capaldo. t.'latthew, 51 ,89 Capozzi, Nicholas, 150 Cappa, Thomas, 51 Caracausa ,Bradley, 63. 150 Cardella, Anthony, 51 Carfagno, Kevin, 5[ Carlin, R. Sean,42 Carlin, Brian, 42" 49 Carlson, Denis, 51 Carman, Paul, 51 Carnevale ,Andrew, 12,66,67, 150 Carr, Matthew, 51 Carter, Jared, 51 Cartwright, Vincent,42 Carvalho. Christopher, 42 Casale ,Cod)', 43, 134 Casey, Gregory, 34 Casey, Sean, 35 Casey."I". Jeffrey. 51 Cassel, Jan, 35 Catinella, Timothy, 151 Cerwinski ,George,SI Chapman, Michael,43 Chapman-Smith, Robert,35 Chesnik, Mr. Mark, 22, 99 Chesny ,David, J 10, 127, 151 Chiarello ,Andrew,SI Chiarello, Matthew,35 Chinnici, Francesco. 43 Chmielewski, Brian, 151 Chong, Brandon,43 Ciammetti, Pasquale, 43 Ciccaglione ,David, 35 Ciccimaro ,Mrs. Janice,22 Ciccimaro ,Mr. Joe, 22,83 Cifelli, Dominic,51 Ciliberto, Stephen, 43 Cirnillera ,Cameron,43 Cipolla, David, 43 Cipolla ,Mr. Dan,23 Cirelli, Mr.Chuck,23 Cipolla, Daniel, 151 Ciufo ,Christopher,43

Clark ,Mr. Lew, 13,23,65 Clark, James, 140, 152 Clark. Alex, 35 Clark. Michael,35 Clarke. Timothy, 35 Clay, Matthew, 51 Clearkin ,Brian, 51, 133 Cleary, Thomas. 35 Clifford ,John,43 Clifford. Timothy, 51,152 Cohen, Brett, 152 Colburn ,Jay, 153 Colburn, Ryan,35 Colistra ,Mr. Joe ,24,104 Collins ,Mr. Mark ,24 Collins, Kevin,35 Corney. D.• 153 Conice1ti, Richard.3S Connolly, Steven, 43 Connor ,Andrcw,65, 153 Conti ,Christopher,43 Conway,Colin.35 Cooney, Timothy, 43 Cooney, Jonathan. 99,116,154, 216 Cooney, W. Gresham, 35 Cooper ,R. Vance,51 Cooper, Jeremy, 35 Cosella ,Joseph, 60, 117, 154 Cosgrove, Richard, 33" 35 Costanza ,Sleven,35 Costello, Patrick, 35 Collov,Andrew.43 CoUrllley, Maxwelt,62" 117, 154 Covolus. Nicholas, 86, 154 Cowhey, Thomas,35 Coyle, Michael,51 CozziI.', Travis, 43 Craig, Timothy,SI Crawford, Nicholas, 35 Crawford, Robert,51 Creed ,)ohn,60,6I,106, 113, 132. ISS

Creter •Ryan, 35 Croke, John, 43 Croke. Thomas, 35 Crowe, Mr. David, 22, 24 Crone, Gregory, 35 Crouse,John,43 Cullen, Timothy,43 Cummings, William,43 Cumpstone, SCOtl, 43 Cunnane, Patrick,35 Cunningham, David, 51 Cunningham, Kyle,43 Curran, Patrick, 35 Curran, Ryan, 35 Curry, Patrick, ISS Curtin, Ryan,SI

Index0 2 09

Cybok, David, 155



Dailey, Kevin, 141, 155,216 Damm,Thayer,43 D'Angelo, Dr. Joseph,20 Daniele, Peter,35 Darragh, Christopher, 43 Daulerio ,Francis, 43 Dauphinee ,Andrew,51 Davis .Andrew, 35 Davis, Philip, 156 Davis, Bryn, 96, 156 Deak ,James, 51 Dearden, Benjamin,35 DeCastro, Daniel,51 DeGennaro ,Ms. Donna, 24 DeGirolamo, Richard,51 Degnan ,Andrew,52 Delaney. Patrick, 59,93,140, 156, 216

Demeter. Mr. Doug,25 Demeter. Mrs. Megan. 26 Dempsey, Mr.Joe, 25,87 Dempsey, Patrick,43 Dempsey, Ryan, 52 Dempsey. Matthew,43 DePaul ,Christopher, 110, 129, 157 DePaulo ,Mjchael,43 Desiderio, Andrew, 52 Dever, Mrs. Pat,21 Devine, Mr. Pal, 24 Devine, Richard, 35 Devlin, Robert, 43 DiAntonio, Philip, 157 Diasio, Edward. 43 DiBiagio. Brian.43 Dicciani, Kevin.35 Diccicco, Mrs. Frances, 24 DiCicco ,Anthony, 157 Dick. Adam, 52 Dickerson, Kory, 43 DiDonato, Edward, 43 Diehl ,Mr. David,24 DiLaurenzo, Michael,35 Dilella ,Christopher.35 DiMenna .Adam, 52 DiNoJa, Edward, 43 DiPaolo, Paul,51 DiPasquale, Br. Bill, 25 DiPiero, Richard, 35 DiPrato ,Aldo,43 DiRenzo, Luke,52 DO,Hai,43 Dolan ,Mr. Mike, 25 Dominick, Michael, 90, 158 Donnelly. Thomas, 52 Donahue ,Mrs. Linda. IS, 16,25 Donohoe, Mr. Bill,27 Donohoe, Kevin, 46" 52, 53 Donohoe ,Brian, 102, 103,115, 158

210CJ Index

Donovan ,Michael,35 Dooney , James, 43" 60 Doran, Kevin, 158 Dougherty , Chrislopher, 14, 65,158

Dougherty, Michael, 159 Douglas .Adam.43 Downing. Edward. 159 Doyle, Matthew, 43 Driscoll. Christopher, 35, 39, 124 Driscoll, Michael, 52 Duckett, Timothy,52 Dugan, Thomas, 35 Dukes, Anthony, 43 Duncheskie ,Mr. Steve, 27 Dungan ,Michael, 13, 159 Dunn .Andrew,52 Dunn, Gerald, 52 Dunn, Timothy,43 Dunne ,Christopher,65,66,97, 132, 133,159,216,

Dunne, Dennis,43 Durkin ,Corey, 160 Dwyer ,Joseph. 6,63, 141,160 Dwyer, Stephen, 160 Dwyer, Timothy, 160



Ebbecke, Robert, 35 Ebbecke, Thomas, 52 Eddy. Travis, 35 Edger, Thomas, 43 Egan, Brendan, 35 Egan,Kevin,52 Eichert ,Richard, 43 Eichwald, William,44 Ellis ,Michael. 52 Elnitski, Michael,44 Esposito, Louis, 52 Evans, Mr. Gerry, 24, 27, 96



Falcone .Mr. Joe, 23, 27 Fallavollita ,Franco, 52 Familiaran ,Gabriel, 52 Farrington, Stephen, 161 Farrington, Michael, 35 Fasoline, James, 161 Fasoline, Danid.36 Favata. Raymond, 44 Fedorowicz, Joseph, 52. 127 Feeley, Stephen, 44 Feeley, Kevin, 161 Fegley, Mark, 52 Feldman ,Michael, 161 Fellmeth ,Benjamin,52 Ferguson, Patrick, 44 Ferrick. Thomas. 66. 162 Ferrie, Daniel, 52 Ferrier, Robert, 52

Ferro, Michael, 52 Field, Mrs. Betty, 27 Fields, Ryan, 162 File,Mr.Dan,27 Fillman ,Gcrald,36 Finore, James. 162 Fisher, Brelt,36 Fisher, Daniel, 36 Fitzgerald ,Mr. Bernie, 26 Fitzgerald ,Colin,52 Fillpalrick, Ryan, 162 Flood, Patrick,52 Fluehr ,Joseph, 36 Flynn ,Sean,63, 163 Foell ,Michael, 52 Foley, Timothy, 36 Ford ,Mrs. Ann, 21 Ford, Kenneth, 163 Ford ,Sean,44 Ford, Tyler,44 Fornace, Christopher, 36 Forster, Sean, 44 Forster, Robert, 44 Fox, Thomas, 163 Fragnito, Michael, 163 Fratamico ,Robert, 44 Furey, WiJ1iam,85, 113, 114, 164 Furman, Edward. 36 Fyke,Mr.Jim,26,33



Gabryelski ,Stephen, 164 Galbally ,Christopher, 103, 105, 141.164 Galen, Timothy, 164 Gallagher, Patrick, 52" 124 Gallagher. Christopher. 44 Gallagher. Eugene, 44 Gambone, Kenneth,52 Gannon, Patrick, 52 Gardner ,James, 165 Gardner, Kevin,93, 98.165 Garofalo ,Angelo, 52.123 Garofalo ,Michael, 122.165 Garvin .Mrs. Theresa, 26 Garvin, Timothy, 85" 165 GarlOne ,Christopher. 52 Gatison,LG.,36 Gallo, Nicholas, 36 Gavin, David,36 Gavin, Christopher, 52 Gauara, Michael,44 Gebert. Peter, 36 Gehringer ,James,36 Geiger, Mr. Bill, 27,49 Geiger, Erick, 52 Gesing, Mr. Chuck, 23, 27 Gemi, Jeffrey, 44 Giagnacova ,Gregory, 109, 138, 139,166

Giaimo, John,52

Gibbons, Stephen, 36 Gibbons, Ryan, 44 Gibbons, David, 52 Gibbons, Brian, 36 Gibbons ,Mr. Mark Gigliolli ,)ason,36 Gigliotti, Nicholas, 52 Gill, Mrs. Connie, 21 Gill, Ryan, 166 Gill ,Andrew,44 Gillespie, Mr. Terry, 27 Ginty,Kyle,52 Givnish ,Gerald, 166 Gi\'l1ish , Brian, 44 Glaccum, Michael, 52 Glacken ,Mr. Joe ,26 Gladu ,Christopher. 167 Gleason .Andrew,36 Gleason, Matthew. 52 Glover, Christopher, 52" 108 Good, Daniel, 167 Gormisky, Paul, 52 Gormley ,Chris, 167 Graham, Edward, 53 Grant ,Michacl,44 Grasso,Joseph,71,168 Gravinese ,Joseph, 36 Gray ,Stephen, 168 Greaves, Chrislopher, 53 Greenfield, Matthew,36 Gregorio. Nicholas. 53, 55,88, 89 Greiner, Philip,6, 168 Griffis, Neil, 168 Griffis, Martin, 169 Griffith, Joshua, 36 Guarrieri ,Edward, 36 Gnckin, Kevin,44 Guerra, Joseph. 62" 169 Guest. Ms. Diana, 26 Guinan ,Sean,44 Guthrie ,Graham, 169,

H Haas, Michael.36 Haefner ,Andrew,36 Haenn •Joseph, 66,67, 169 Haenn .Andrew,44 Haesler ,F. Joseph, 44 Hagy,Brennan,44 Halbritter,). Bradley, 36 Haley-Dingle, WendeJI,44 Hamilton ,Jeffrey,44 Hand, Peter, 53 Handschuh ,Michael, 36 Hannigan ,Andrew,53 Hanselmann ,Peter, 36" 60 Harkins, James, 170 Harp, Matthew, 36 Harrigan. Kevin, 36 Harrigan, Steven. 170 Harrison, Andrew, 44


Hartey, Mr.Gerry,26 Hartman, Thomas,44 Healy, Patrick, 93, 124, 125, 141,

Iraci ,Mr.Al1thony, 26 Irwin ,james,44 lvanoski ,Leonard, 44

170,216" Heayn, David, 122, 170 Heck, Brendan, 170 Heebner, Mauhew, 36, 94 Heenan, Rory, 171 Heenan, Brian,44,,60 Heigh, Thomas, 36 Heinly, Christopher, 37 Heleniak ,Gregory, 171 Henner ,jason,44 Henner ,Michael,44 Hennessey, Joseph,37 Henrich ,Christopher,37" 116 Herbert. Slephen. 44 Herlihy, Br. Rich,27 Heron, Brendan, 53, 134 Heron ,Kevin,44 Herzog, Gregory, 44 Hesc1poth, Kevin, 131, 171 Hess, Matthew, 53 Hess, Zachary, 44 Hicks, Christopher, 53 Higgins, Dennis, 37 Himes ,Alexander,53 Himler, Matthew, 37 Hocker ,John,53 Hodgson ,C.Clark,37 Hogan, R. Connor,37 Hogan, Brian,53 Hogan ,Gregory,44 Hohcnleitncr ,Mr. George, 27 Holwick, Mr. Chris. 24" 27 Holwick, Timothy, 171 Hondros, Peler, 172 Hondros ,Alex,S3 Hopkins, Brian, 53 Horgan, Kevin,37 Horvath, Stephen, 53 Hotz, William, 53 Huber,Ryan,37 Huber, Donald, 44 Hudson, III ,George, 37 Hughes, Joseph, 37 Hughes, Robert, 172 Hunt, William, 37


Jackson, Leo, 44 Jackson ,Jordan,63,64, 95, 97,172 Jackson, Mr. Marty,2,28,99, 115 Jacobsen, Matthew, 173 Jaggers, Kent, 53 Jannf'lli ,Christopher, 173 Janton ,Fr. Tony, 28 Javie ,Jason, 86" 173 Jeffers, Patrick, 37 Jenkins ,Michael,97, 173 loachim ,Michae1.37 Johanson, Colden, 37 john ,Mrs. Kathleen,30 Johnson ,Matthew, 174 Johnson, Thomas, 44 johnson, Logan, 53 johnson, Christopher, 53 jones ,John, 37 jones, R. SCOIl, 37 Jodi, Thomas, 45 jodi, Francis, 53 Juliff, Kevin,45

K Kalkbrenner, Matthew, 45 Kanof, Jeffrey, 53 Kapp, Stephen, 37 Karczewski, Konrad,45 Karpchuk ,Andrew, 174 Kasprzak, Francis, 37 Kearney,Sean+Palrick,37 Keating, John,45 Keenan, William,37 Keenan ,Mr. john ,24,,28 Keenan ,John,37 Keenan, Patrick, 53 Keir ,Graham,37 Keir ,Clayton, 174 Keller ,Jonathan, 174 Kelly, Paul, 45 Kelly, Douglas, 112, 175

Hurley, Colin, 53

Kelly ,Mallhew, 107, 140, 175

Hyan ,Andrew,44 Bylinski ,Kevin, 44" 125

Kelly.Matlhew,37 Kelly, Thomas,37 Kelly, Timothy, 37 Kelly, Bradford, 175 Kelly-Evans, Mrs. Jane,21 Kennedy, Brian,37 Kennedy, Daniel,S3 Kent, Michael. 175 Keppol , jon, 53 Kerak ,james,37 Kernytsky, Dorian,86, 176 Kerr, Bradford, 71,176 Kerr, William,37


Iannacone ,Stephen, 127, 172 lannarone, Christian, 37 Ihlein ,Manhew,37 Ihlein, Kevin,53 Imms ,Christopher, 37 Interrante, John, 53 Interrante, Douglas, 172 Iorio ,Austin,37

Kershes, Matthew, 37 Kessler, William,45 King, Michael,65, 176 Kirk, Christopher, 53 Kirk,Joseph,45 Kirk, Ryan, 53" 114 Kirts ,Colin,53 Klenk ,Stephen,45 Knab,)ohn,37 Knapp ,Ryan, 176 Kohler, Francis, 2" 14,64, 177 Kopicki , Paul, 177 Kornfeind ,John, 177 Kostenbauder, Daniel,37 Kozeniewsld ,jeffrey, 177 Krasnisky, Bernard, 45 Krenski, Justin, 178 Kuch , Isaiah, 178 Kuch ,M ichaeJ, 53, 106 Kuch, David,45

L La Rocca, lan, 45 Labosky,John,54 Lackes, Br. Charles, 28 Lacon, Joseph, 45 Lagncr ,Andrew,45 Landherr , Matthew, 37 Langdale, Evan,37 Lanzilolla , Paul, 54, 55 Lawless, Edward, 70, 178 Le, Paul,45 Leahy, Mr. Bill, 28, 36 L'Ecuyer ,Andrew, 178 Lees,John,37 Leighton ,Gavin,45 Leimbach, Sean, 54" 50, 62 Lenahen, Patrick,37 Leshner, Jonathan, 37 Lester, jon, 37 Levins, Michael, 179 Levins, Roberl, 54 Lewandowski ,Andrew,45 Lewis, Christian. 87, 179 Lewis, Gary, 38 Liberatore ,Anthony, 179 Liberatore, Jeffrey, 38 Lichlner ,Mr. Frank,28 Light, Mrs. Gerri, 29 Light, David, 179 Limberakis ,Anthony, 45 Little. Thomas,45 Loftus, Timothy, 54 Loftus ,Matthew, 180 Lolosidis ,Aristides,54 Lombard, Patrick, 45 Long, Charles, 180 Lopez ,Antonio,38 Loughery, William, 180 Lowry, Bryan, 54" 92 Luby, Ryan,45

Luciani, Matthew,45 Lumbo ,Noel, 181 Lutsch, Kevin,54 Lynch ,Michael,45 Lyons, Francis, 45

M Madden, Shane, 54 Madden, Matthew, 181 Madrak ,Alexander,45 Magarity, Kevin, 181 Magee, Peter, 54 Maher, r-.lrs. Julia, 20 Maggitli. Kcvin,54 Mahon, Thomas, 54 Maiden, Louis,38 Maiden, Robert,54 Makoid. Timothy, 54 Malkowski, Michael, 182 Manoy,i\'!atthew,54 Malone, Patrick, 38 Maloney ,Shane, 54 Manero, Joseph, 38 Manion ,Mr. Dave,29 Manzi, Nicholas, 45 Marcinek, Timothy,45 Marcolina, Daniel,45 Markley, Matthew, 54 Maron, lason, 54 Marshall, Tyrell, 38 Martin, Trevor, t 41, 182 Martin ,j. Earl,45 Martinicchio, Vincent,38 Martoselta ,Joseph, 54 Marych, William,97, 135, 182 Massaro, Anthony, 54 Mastrangelo ,Joseph, 54 Maslroieni .David,38 MaSIUr7.0, William,38 Mathew. Paul, 182 Mattera ,Christopher, 38 Maxwell,lohn,38 Maxwell, Peter. 54, 81 Maxwell, Douglas, 38 May ,S.Alex,62,141, 183 McAnulty, Michael, 99,143,183 McArthur, Robert, 38

McArlhur ,Joseph, 54 McBride ,Mr. Bill, 29 McBride ,Scott,45 McBride, Todd. 62" 92,183 McCabe, James. 46 McCaffery, Patrick, 46 McCann ,Terrence, 183 McCann, Brendan, 46 McCann, Ryan,46 McCarron ,Alexander, 184 McCarthy, Philip,46,48 McCarthy, C. Eric, 54 McCarty.Michael,38 McCloskey, Bill, 54

Index Q 211

McCoey,loho,46 McCort, Kevin, 38 McCoy, Michael,46 McCullough, Robert, 38 McCullough, William, 184 McCusker, Patrick, 54 McDade ,Christopher,54 McDermott ,Andrew,46 McDermott, Brendan, 2, 184 McDowell ,Garren, 124, 184 McEvilly, Gerard, 46 McGee, Kevin, 46 McGee, Michael,46 McGill, Brian,38 McGillin ,Brian. 185 McGilloway, Kevin,54 McGinley,Sean,46 McGinly, Daniel,54 McGinn, Michael, 185 McGlinn ,Michael.54 McGoldrick, Sean, 46 McGonigle, Patrick, 129, 185 McGorry,Stephen,38 McGorry,Sean,55 McGowan ,Malthew,46 McGowan ,Andrew, 38 McGowan,lohn,46 McGowan .Michacl,55 McGrath, Alex, 55" t 29 McGurkin , Matthew, 13, 60, 61,114,140,185 McKim, Brooke,46 McKinney,Michacl,46 McLaughlin ,lan, 140.. 186 r-.lcLaughlin ,Michael, 2,8, 186 McLaughlin ,Sean,38 McLoughlin. Kevin, 186 McMahon, Timothy, 38 McMahon. Thomas, 5,60.64,138, 142,186

McMahon, Kevin,55 Mc~lullen, ~'!ichael,55

McNamara, Robert, 55 McNamara, Robert, 187 McNamara, Kevin,38 McNamara, Matthew, 38 McNeela, M. Patrick, 187 McPeak, Joseph, 55 McShane, Kevin,46 McShane,Daniel,97,187 McVey, Thomas, 46 Mcdoro ,Anthony, 55 Medwid ,Andrew, 55 Meehan, William. 55 Mehr ,Christopher,46 Meko,Mr.John Melvin, William, 13.55 Menno, Marc, 38 Merlini .Michael,64" 187 Meves •Tyler. 46 Meves ,Manhew, 59, 132, 188 ~lichael, Mr. Jason, 28

2120 Index

Michel, Brian,46 Micucci, Joseph, 188 Mieczkowski ,Anthony, 38 Miles ,Shawn,46"", '" Miller, Mrs. Barb,24,28 Miller, Mr. Gerry, 23, 29 Miller, Kevin,46 Miller, Miles,56 Miller ,Blaise, 140" 188 Miller ,Colin, 12,38 Miller, Robert, 5, 12, 189 Miller, Stephen,65,86.189 Miller ,Mick,38 Miller, Christopher, 56 Miller, Kevin, 56 Miller, Chase, 46 Miller, Kevin, 56 Millet ,joseph,38 Milligan, Mark, 38 Mills ,Michael,46 Minni, Michael, 189 Mintzer, Michael,56 Mintzer ,Mrs. Ginny, 21 Moffell, Michael,123, 190 Mokhen ,Paul, 46 Moll, Kevin,56, J08, 112, 115, 128 Moll, Daniel,46 Moloney, Sean, 38 Molush. Mr.Edward,28 Monagle, Patrick, 56 Monastero, Joseph, 38 Montgomery, Paul, 56 Montgomery, Patrick,46 Moore, Kevin,56, 129 Moore , Darcell, 190 Morgan, Max, 38, 94 Mulholland, Christopher, 55, 56 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay ,29 Muller, Alexander, 38 Muller, Maximillian, 97,100, 140, 190

Mullineaux ,Max,56 Murphy, Kevin,38 Murphy,James,46 Murtha. Bradley,47 Mutchler. John, 38



Naab, Christopher, 190 Naab, David,59,63,93, 138, 191 Nagy, Kyle, 191 Nagy, Scott, 38 Nardi. Thomas, 56 Narkicwicz, Kyle, 38 Naticchione, Gino,38 N:lI ion, Basil, 14,38 Nardan, William,56 Neary, R. Brian,56 Nederostek, Christopher,47 Nelling, Ryan, 56, 83 Nelson ,Andrew,47

Nespola ,Michael, 191 Nicoletti, Mr. Geoff, 23,31 Nguyen, Francis, 56 Nguyen ,Anthony,86, 191 Nolan ,Andrew, 192 Nolan ,Joseph, 38 Nolfi ,Michael, 56


Oakley, Paul,56 O'Callaghan ,Michael, 192 O'Connell ,Sean,47 O'Connell ,Neil,56, 128 O'Donnel1,James,47 O'Donnen, Thomas.47 O'Donnell. Thomas,56 O'Donnell ,Malthew,63 O'Hara, Brendan,47 Ohman, Devin, 192 Olejniczak ,Carl,56 Oline, Patrick, 56 Oliver, Jason, 192 Oliver, Georgc,47 Olszak, Brian, 47 O'Neil1,Michael,47 O'Neill, Palrick, 56, 128 O'Neill, Craig,38 O'Neill, William,64, 95,193 Onufrak, Michael, 83, 193 O'Pella ,Joseph,64, 141, 193 O'Pella ,Justin, 56 Ortiz-Canavate, Pablo,56 Ostopchuck , Kristopher, 39 Ostopchuck, Stephen, 56 OToole, Daniel, 47 O'loole ,Mr. Mike, 20

p ---Pace, Mauhew, 193 Padgeon ,Michael,39 Paglione, Vincent,47 Paige, Paul, 47. 135 Palatano ,Joseph, 56 Palidora, Luke,47 Palmero, Brian.56 Palo, Gary, 194 Paneltieri ,Richard, 47 Pappas, Joseph, 39 Parisi .Mr.Joe,31 Parker, Michael, 56 Pawlish ,Gerald, 39 Pedrolty, Ryan,56 Pelone ,joseph, 56 Pennington ,Michael,47 Perdigao, Christopher, 47 Perdigao, James, 194 Perera ,Austin, 194 Perry, Jonathan, 56 Peruto ,Iohn,39 Pery. Elias, 132, 194

Petko ,Adam, 39 Petrus, Tyler, 39 Pfefferle, Carl, 64, 70, 195 Phelan,Douglas,47 Phillips .Anthony, 39 Phillips, William,39 Pickens, Zachary, 195 Pilla ,john.39 Pinlo ,Colin, 56 Playdoll, W,39 Plunkett, Timothy,39 Pohlot , Bruce, 6" 105" 126, 128, 195

Ponisciak, Mrs. Dorothy, 31,62 Ponisciak, Mr. Michael,31 Polestio ,Gregory, 56 Powers, Jeffrey, 39 Powers, Ryan, 56 Prendergast, Eric,39, 125 Prendergast, James, 39 Price, Manhew,56 Prisco, David, 195 Prokop, Thomas, 39 Pucci, Nicholas, 47 Puntel ,Mr. AI,31

Q ---QUlgg,Sean,56 Quinn ,Mr. Paul, 19, 31



Racz, Christopher, 39 Radvansky, Mr. joe, 30, 98 Raffa, Jonathan, 196 Ragan ,Michael, 196 Raieta ,Anthony, 196 Randazzo ,Giuseppe,39 Randazzo, Gioacchino, 196 Ranweiler ,S(ott,47 Reale, Michael, 56 Reber, Roderick, 56 Rebstock, Robert,56 Recigno, Peter, 47 Reeb, Thomas,47 Reedman ,Christopher, 60. 61,99, 101,112,113,133,197

Regan ,Conor,47 Regan. Patrick,39 Reichelt, Matthew, 39 Reif ,Alexander, 56 Reilly,Michael,47 Remenler ,Jonathan, 39 Remley,). Blake, 47 Resch, Mr. Anthony,20 Rhein ,Alcxander,47 Rict',John,47 Rider, Patrick, 47 Rieck,Albert,39 Rieck, Br. James, 20, 98

Riffe. Matthew. 39 Riley, Terrence, 39 Riley, Timothy.39 Riley. Sean, 47 Riley, Patrick,56,IOS Rincon. Rafael, 56, 60 Rilinski .Joseph,47 Rizzuto, Vincent. 39 Roberts, Robert,47 Robinson, Terrance. 39 Roache, Mr.James,22,30 Roche.JoS4.'ph,197 Rocks .Andrew.47 Rockwood. Michael, 56 Rodden. Kyle, 56 Rodgers ,Stephen,39 Rodgers ,Steven, 197 Rodziak, Brian,I97 Rogers, Francis, 39 Rogers, Rcese,39 Romagano ,Malthcw,47 Romero, Hector, 56 Ronzone, Erik. 47 Rose, Christopher, 198 Ross.SooIl.47 Ross ,Christopher. 56, 129 Rothwell, Gregory. 98, 198 Rov.'e •Nicholas, 47 Roynan, David.40 Ruhling, Brian, 56 Ruppert,lason,40 Rush, Benjamin. 13. 198, 216 Rush, William, 40 Russell, Mr. Bob, 30 Ryan> M. Stewart, 47

S Sacchctta, Brian. 10,40 Sacchella ,James, 198 Safarowic, Stephen, 47 Salatino, Peter, 40 Salatino, Nicholas.47 Salvucci, Richard,47 Samanns, Christopher,47 $annuti, Nicholas,40 Scalfaro, Nicholas,47 Schaible, Timothy,48 Schan. Joseph. 40 Schie\~. Chriswpher,48 Schneider, TImothy. 40 Schoeffiing, Eric,40 Schroeder ,Jonalhan.l99 Schultz, Bryant, 40 Schulz. Christopher. 48 Schwartz, Bryan, 48 Schwam, Christopher. 199 Sciolla, Ryan.48 Sclvanathan ,Rahul, 48 Semen ,Joseph,48 Sen ,Justin, 199 Seravalli .Andrew,40

Seweryn •Peler. 6, 117. 199 Shane. Branden,S6, 123 Shannon, James, 40 Shapiro,Sean.S7 Sharaf,John.48 Sharer ,Jonath30.48 Shattuck, Nicholas.57.113 Shaw,Alexander,S7 Shea. Timothy,48 Sheffer, Chrislopher. 48 Shields, Nicholas, 96, 97,200 Shinn, Kristopher, 57 Shustack .Ms. Tina.31 Singer. Matthew, 40 Singletary. Leon, 40 Sinnolt.James,40 Sinnolt, Matthew,40 Siwek, Nikodclll, 200 Skoicn ,Joseph, 12,48 Slemmer, Matthew,40 Slover, lames,S7, lOS Slutz, Matthew, 40 Small, Timothy,48 Smart, William, 14.64,200 Smith .Mrs.Mary )0.31 Smith ,$ean,40 Smith. Warren, 200 Snead ,Anthony,S7 Sobocinski .Joseph, 48 Solliday. Brook,201 Spencer. Manhew, 48 Spurlin. W. Erik.201 Staffi ,John. 48 Stanczak, Mr. Martin.20 Stanczak, Michael. 48 Stanton, Dr. Kevin. 29, 31 Stanton, Michael. 57 Staub. Rory, 57 Staub ,)ohn·Michael,48 Staudt, Patrick, 48 Staurowsky ,G. Alexander, 57 Steck, Br. James, 30 Sterner, Br. Rene, 20, 62. Steffon. George, 40 Stewart, laMar, 40 Stigliano, Matthew, 40 Slone, Thomas.48 Stott, Robert, 40 Strong, Br. Kevin,21 Subers . Raymond. 48 Sullivan ,Michael,57 Sutkus ,Adam.48 Svizeny ,Daniel, 40 Sweeney,Andrew,48 Sweeney .Mr. Brian,24,2S Swiger, Jake. 48 Szostak. Robert,S7

Tanney,John,48 Tate, Mr. James. 30, 94 Tatlow.Connor.41 Tatlow. Kevin.64" 93, 95,111,201 Taylor, Douglas, 57 Taylor, zachary. 57 Tecce. Vincent. 48 Terreri ,Andrew, 48 Terreri ,Peter. 48 Teufel, Nicholas,41 Teufel ,Gregory. 57 Thuy.Andreas.48 Thyberg. John. 201 Tierney, James. 41 Tinerton ,Edward. 41 Toner, Robert,41 Toolan ,James, 57 Torelli, William,49 Trainer, Kcvin,49 Trainer, John,57 Tran, Br. Mang, 18,30 Travers, Ryan,41 Trichlinger ,Timothy, 41 Trickel, MatthC\y. 202 Tropio ,Christopher,2" 202 Troxell,Jacob,41 Trucmss ,Bretl, 49 Tubolino ,Joseph,41 Tuck ,Christopher,20l Tucker ,Jeffrey 1.ee,202 Tucker ,Chase,41 Tull.Andrew.49 Tull.Christopher.41 Turner ,Mr. Tom, 19.20 Tyszka.John,41



Tahadjod ,Michael,48 Tan,Ruem,41


Ukwu ,Chinedu-Henry,49 Ullrich. Stephen, 41 Ulrich. Kevin. 41

V Vaeth ,Alexander.41 Valentine, Michael, 57 Valentino •Edward,49 Van Eekelen ,)ohn,57 Vanni .Stephen,41 Vazquez, Joseph, 41 Veit , Jonathan, 203 Venafra, Michacl.41 Ventresca ,Andrew,41 Vettori •Jonathan, 41 Villari, Michael. 41 Vrancken, Robert,57.135

Wallin. Chrislopher, 57 Walsh, Paul, 203 Walsh, Thomas, 41 Walsh ,Michael, 57 Walters ,George,49 Ward ,Mrs. Florence, 21 Warner, William, 57 Warrender •WilIiam.41 Waters, Daniel.IJI.203 Weinrich, Edward, 203 Weir. Tevis.S7 Weiss, Nicholas. 204 Welsh .lohn,57.. 124 Werner, Kevin,204 Wertz , Matthew.49.. 122 Wessier ,Collin,4\ Whalen. Michael, 57, 109 Whalon ,John, 49 Whalon ,William,41 Whalon .limoth)'.S7 Whitaker. Colin. 204 White. Daniel. 49 Whitmire, Kyle, 57 Wigglesworth ,Andrew,41 \V'ude, Lucas,S7 Wilkins ,Andrew, 4I Wilkins. Michael, 59" 88.89, 204 Williams, Christi3n,49 Williams.John,41 Williamson .Ronald.49 Wilson. Richard, 205 Wilson, Timothy. 205 Winning. Mrs. Cathy, 2\ Winning.Joseph.49.205 Winning, Thom3s.41 Winning.Joseph.IOS Wisniewski,Danlel.206 \Vochele, Kenneth,49 Wojcik ,Michael.41 Wood,Daniel,S7 Wooldridge. Michael. 206 Work .Christopher,49 Worster •Joel,57 Wright, M. Nicholas,41

y Yanak ,Daniel, 57 )oung ,Mauht.'W.40,41 Yusavitz,David,41

Z Zakrzewski ,Michael,57 Zamorski ,Jeffrey, 4I Zielinski, Matthew,41 Zoeltsch ,M rs. Nancy, 31

Wachter, Bryan,49 Wallin, Thomas,4\

Ind<X 0 213

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candlds 0 215




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