2004 Yearbook

Page 1


La salle Family Tree'" I


. . . n the morning, sometimes . . . before dawn, La Salle MUdeniS backpack [hcir way past lhe

billowing American nag 10 class. Mr. Martin Stanczak and Mrs. Julia Maher hn\e already begun their day wilh anemion to thousands of details. Passing by the principal. Fred Assaf. the seniors know they ha\c (0 meet wilh BrOlher William Di-

Pasquale and Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen about college applic3lions. As these students pass lhe mosaic of 51. John Baptist de La Salle, they are reminded of Ihe Christian Brothers' educational mission. Classes begin wilh prayer and end in knowledge. Later all SludcnlS pass the Hall of Fame.

and they recognize La Salle's legends-Mr. David Diehl, Father Anthony J:mlon. Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro

and Mr. Stanczak. They wonder. "Can we measure up 10 these men?" The trophy case aUests to athletic excellence: Mr. Frank LichlJ1er. Mr. Pal Devine, Mr. Joseph Colistra. Mr. Manin Jackson-decades of championships. years of growth. The pmil intrudcs-portr.ails of Tex and O'Bie--looking down at tOOay's generation. reminding these students of the last century and their commitment to the La Salle Family. From the opening pra)'er to the final pmctice lap. La Salle is the nur¡ lUring environment for academic, s0cial. and athletic success. "Vinus et Scientia,"the La Salle mouo. will be carried into the 21 st century by these backpacking students. New stories. new heroes nrc :lbout to be made.

2 .. La Salle Family Tree

Mr. Gesing is the "teacher of the year- to his junior dass.

Mr. Bielecld, Chez, and Clar1de are amazed at their brother Steve.O

Mr. Young constantly chal¡ Ienolng hls students to be their best La salle always supports their teams!

La salle Family nee. 3

Those who help us to grow, our teachers

As a freshman, John Trainer dug himseff a hole earty in his high school career.

Dave Achey and sean Leimbach with a proud Bro. Bill.

Current freshmen planting their tree outside Alumni House

4 ,., La salle Family Tree


-Don't they have landscapers for this kind

of won: here?-

he LaSallian community is as much a family as it is a school becau-.c although La Salle's academic rigOf'i are well known. the community i.. responsible for facllilating Ihc \'ast personal growth of so man) within our halls. La Salle fasten. growth in so many different ways that culminatcs in the enrichment of both the character of the individual and the entire communit)'. La Salle's Service Corps bolsters charity and altruism through Providence Center. Sarnelli House. Project Home. La Salle Academy, and Ihe dozens of other opponunities our school olTers to serve others. Our academics foster curiosily. and qucnch the thi....1 for knowledge. Religion courses provide the grounds for a Christian lifestyle: the Ans dc\elop the aesthctic sense: the sciences and humanities expand our knowledge and underslanding of the world around u... Our di\'erse community of people. opinions. and backgrounds opens minds. expands points of view. teaches respect. and encourages di\ersiIY. 'The facully members teach from their books as "'ell as from their hearts. and instill in US knowledge as well as wisdom and ideals. Clearly La Salle teaches much and olTers slill more. All of these \aluable lessons. guidance. and instruction. howe\er. are merely the beginning. La Salle has planted these seeds in the minds of

each one of its Mudems and afforded them Ihe opponunily 10 cultivate all of thc abo\'c qualities and to grow into the proverbial "LaSallian Gentleman:' Like those seeds, e\ery La Salle student needs 10 grow III many different WllyS: but gi\'en the firm foundalion of Ihe LaSallian community and cducation. there is nothing a LaSallian can do but nourish. The roots of Durfalth being nourished through liturgies and retreat days.

La salle Family Tree" 5

WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY + By MID/AcL MAJOK KliCl1 Turner and Kuch a winnIng combination

The boys in the same boat with all our incoming students ~ How do you tie a tie?


+ La Salle Family nee

ntering La Salle was, of course. very different from our previous destinations of Ethiopia and Kenya. There we were among other Sudanese although not among our own relatives. America was. and still is. significantly different in every way--the people, the weather. and the lifestyle. Despite these overwhelming differences, we felt very calm: and it was due to the welcome we received. We immediately were made to feel at home. The golden opportunity 10 attend La Salle was primarily made possible by two faculty members. Mr. Michael Dolan and Mr. AI Puntel. During our first week in America, they said they would do their best to help us. We had no idea whal was in store for us: we did not know where we would live, where we would go to school. or what our new lives would be like. All we could say was "yes," "whatever." What did

we know? Our "yes" would work

greatly in our favor. Arriving in school for the first lime was a mix of joy and anxiety. Luckily. we mel Mrs. Field and

Mrs. Smith. They were our first American lcachers. tutors. and counselors. After three and a half years at La Salle. il is amazing how many relationships we have made with our fellow sludcms. faculty members. and stalT. Everyone was

h3ppy we were part of the school. These strong rcl:ltionships wil11asl beyond graduation. Lll Salle has of us. lind we hope to remain part of La Salle as long as we live. La Salle has been our ~o1l1e part

home and our friend when we

were in need. We will cherish all we have taken oul of La Salle. and we will hopefully make a difference with it. Thank you for everything you have done for us. May God bless the work of your hands. L.1 Salle. and may you continue with the same welcoming spirit you have shown us.

+ By


We will never forgelthe privilegeofaltending La Salle because it was the turning point of our woeful lives in Africa into lives which are fuJI of brightness and hope for the future. Coming to L.'l Salle was more than attending schooL it was becoming part of a family again. The La Salle community became involved in our lives and acted like our parelHs; and everyone knows whal parents do. La Salle has helped us in countless ways. Although it is im~ possible for us human beings to repay all the kindnesses we have received. we believeGod Himself will repay La Salle. I beg cvery~ one who reads this message to take a mOlllent and say, "Saint John Baptist de L:.l Salle. Pmy for Us: Live Jesus In our Hearts, Forever. Amen:'

TIme to hit the 1Kl<*s!

Wort!: hard, play hard; that',

how our guys know how to succeed.

La 5.:"111(' Family Tree" 7

~"T"rSTUDENT SERVICE LaSallian service is at a peak as students are branching Qut in ever increasing ways through travel. technology, and community outreach. Lcd by LaSallian Service Corps and Campus Ministry. La Salle's student.s are bridging the technological divide. tutoring. preparing and serving meals. advoc:lling for political prisoners and human rights issues. and coordinating charitable donations. LaSallian service takes place at school. in homeless shelters. in the communjty. and even in homeroom.

Service al La SaJle ranges from special annuaJ events. such as Freshmen Branch Out Day and Junior Urban Challenge.


weekly service opponunities, such as Samelli House and Explorer Club. The service opportunities are interactive. enabling students lO develop inter-personal skills and relalionships with the recipienls of their goodwill. LaSallian service reaches OUllO communities in varied and widespread locations throughout the Philadelphia area. including West Philadelphia and Kensington. Through their actions. La Salle's students show Iheir dedication to helping others and lheir benevolence. Of course. our StlldClllS' efforts are supported by numerous members of La Salle's faculty and staff. who organize. coordinate, and participate in these service activities. The most importanl aspect of service at La Salle is the reward studenls reap through serving others. Sludenls mature and begin to realize how fOl1unate they truly are. Sludents are also able 10 forge new relalionships with people with whom their paths would not cross without these activities. Through service al La Salle. students learn valuable lessons about diversity. tolerance. human dignily. and the significal1l problems of poverty. homelessness. and injustice facing our sociely. Students plant seeds of caring, compassion. and underslanding with those who are affected by LaSallian service. As a result of service oPpol1unities at La Salle. both the student participants and the beneficiaries of their outreach become stronger people. - Will Cummins 8 .. Sludcnt Life Divider

La Salle students and alumni along with Mr. Clark help out Thursday evenings with their friends from

sarnelll House.

$lllClel1l Life Divider" 9

The guys In St.lucia try some native food, but Steve-O just ain't diggin' it! Andrew Cotlov and Brian Clearldn take some time to hang out

sean McGinly and J.B. Worster like the hammocks!


+ people 10 People

Pat McCusker makes a new friend.

the trip of

ST. LUCIA alifetime

,., By M/\l~" BIELECKI

From July 12th (0 July 20th the LaSallinn Service Corps wenl international as we traveled to the island of 51. Lucia with the good people from SarneUi House to serve the poor and abandoned. Accompanying Mr. Clark were Joe Dwyer. Andrew Conner. and Chris Dougherty from the class of 'OJ and Tom Mahon. Colin Fitzgerald. Mark Bielecki, Luke Wilde. Mike Mintzer. and Steve Brinon frorn the class of '04. The participants performed

significant community service. proclaimed the gospel. and learned as much as possible about the culture. Our days were busy with jobs for the community, including painting the class-

rooms of a day school. making visils to

shut-ins. and teaching at a children's bible school. For a few nighls. we panicipaled in a gospel explosion. which included music and preaching from Father Kevin Mutr.ly and many of the young men of La Salle. Staying in the southern. non-commercial area of 51. Lucia. we were able to see first hand the poverty that these people face. However. the people treated us with wannth and were very grateful for any¡ thing we did for them. Their amazingly strong faith was an example to us of what it means to be a disciple. Ourtrip to 51. Lucia also enlightened us about anOlher way of life. We visited the capital of 51. Lucia and shopped in lhe marketplace. and we visited a banana fann and learned about thallifeslyle. Many wonderful memories were formed in St. Lucia. We shall never forget the people we mel. the work we did. and the beautiful scenery. The lessons learned in 51. Lucitl will always be a part of our lives. Colin Fitz just can't hide from the law even In a different country!

Yeah. painting Is cooIl

people 10 people" I I

After a hard day on the job there's nothing like hanging out on the street comer for Andrew Houchins, Charlie Gowdy, Tom Graham, Chris Greaves, and Man Howard




On September 30, the La Salle class of 2004 participated in Freshmen BranchOut Day. The entire class of 281 young men and many fathers gave lheir time helping others at difTerellllocmions. At the Greater Philadelphia Food Bank, we packed donated food for the less fortunate. Before we started lhis job. I thought it would be boring and unsatisfying because we would never see the results of our service: we would not be delivering the care boxes to the needy. But when Branch-Out Day was over and I had time to renee\. J realized thaI it didn't matter that we didn't see the results of our labor. We knew that we had helped others, and that's alilhat is important. Over the next week, hundreds of families received the care boxes we helped to make. The Branch-Out experience had a huge impacl 011 how I perceived La Sal1e, Like a tree, La Salle has its roots in learning. The students and leachers make up the trunk, and service makes up the branches. Every leaf is a person whom a LaSal1ian has louched by some means of service. By helping those in need, all mooem LaSallians live the teachings of our patron, SI. John Baptist De La Sal1e: educalion. courtesy, devotion, and service. Through serving others on Branch-Out Day, we unknowingly served ourselves. Chris Higgins and Mike Kelly are smiting a lime too much while emptyiTlg the trash.

looks like Mr. Henrick has the taughest job of the builth, while his son, Andy, and Mike Kapp stand around looking cool.

12 ., Freshman Branch-Out Day

Sean McGorry spends some time with his new friend in Germantown.

Evan LBngdane helps out In the classroom.

Germantown and Tech serve" I 3

Bro. Rich and his boys Joe Donnelly, and Brian Drennan are ~dy to do some Branching OUt!

Stanta Ctaus brings Joy to the wMd.

Mrs. Smrth and Mr. Ponisciak along with the Explorer Club hetp Sr. Nancy and St Martin de Porres School dlIing the Christmas season.

I 4 .. Facully service

Mr. Qark just Iove:s his job!

adamstown •

SERVICE leadership

By Tl\I.\J)\.\L'"





schools came IOgclher thl~ summer to participate in the Adamstown Leadership Workshop in Maryland. All of the participants. student.. and teachers alike. were members of Studenl Council :H their fespecli\'c schools, The goal of the Work· shop .... as 10 develop ide~ for the upcoming school year. In addition. the Workshop provided an opportunity for the (om13lion or new friendship<> with fellow LaSallians. The participants had many opportunities to analyze and assess their leadership strengths and wC3kncsses and 10 work on improving their !>kills to maximize their

effectiveness during the !>chool year. La Salle',!, Student Council members

benefiued greatly from this workshop and made positive contributions to the experience of the other student panidpants. Not only did they create many new ideas. they also formed many new friendships with ~tudents who share the LaSallian mission. La Salle's Sludent rcpresentati...es communicaled clearly the spirit of our school. a place where opportunity is overwhelming and freedom is alive! Even the entertainment focused on leadership skills. The students enjoyed the challenge of completing the "ropes coursc:' which was basically an outdoor obslacle adventure evcnt. Thc siudents climbed ropcs and jumped off logs. Thc activity was dcsigncd to inspire daring and the courage to try new things. In addition, the course served as a tcam-building eller· else. Each particip3nlllcedcd to depend on his teammates to progress through the course. The Workshop was a huge success. and it provided great motivation for La Salle's Student Council as the new school year began. Tim Adams is considering transferring to St.



J.B. Worstef, MaU Capaldo, Mr. Coggins, Steve Britton, Mrs. Maher, and Tim Adams are learning to be even better kiaders in


service" 15

Mr. Johnson reaching out to his students.

Mr. Johnson enjoying the beauty of God's creation.

Honoring the dedication and love of one of the great people to grace our school.


+ La Salle Family Tree

Always one to bring asmile to someone's face.

Mr.Jo~son OEDICATED teacher . . BY D"-""IU. OT0011"-"l) Gm'.GOBY POl ESTIO

"I hope thai J am known not so much for in'ipiring people's thoughts. while Ihnt is important. but for being an example of how to live for Christ:' In (hese words. Mr. Fran Johnson expressed ho" he hoped to be remembered. Chanlcleristic of the leacher he was. he Slated me obJecti\es of his Iife-Io inspire thought and to model a Christian life. For

thirteen year<;. numerou\ LaSaliians benefited from Mr. John~on's Inspir.ttional teaching and his Chrilllian e~amplc. With heartfelt respect and grntitude. the Blue and Gold staff dedicates this yearbook to Mr. Fran Johnson. devoled lcacher. sup· portivc coach. gifted musician. colleague. and friend.

After graduating from St. Joseph"s Prepalory School in 1966, Mr. John!>on slUdicd at $t. Charles Borromeo Seminary. He laler t;lught English and Religion lit Bishop Conwell High School. where he was also the cross country coach. In 1989. Mr. Johnson joined La Salle College High School's faculty. AI La Salle. he .... as a cor· ncrstone of both the English and Religion Depanmcnls. Mr. Johnson was be!ot known for his morality course. in which he blended progressi\'e theological concept.. with current e\'cnts. Outside the class· room. he ser\'ed 3l> a commumty service moderalor. a moderator of The Wi~lerian. and the assislant croSs country coach. Mr. Johnson's talents in <;inging, playillg guitar. and performing folk mtl<;ic brought pleasure 10 many. especially through Celtic Cros~road"l. an Irish-folk band which he led. In Scptember 2002. Mr. Johnson was diagnosed with cancer. He did not. how. e\cr. recede inlo the ..hell of self-pity. Instcad. he foughtlhe dlsca!>e: he spent lime \lmh his wife and children and continued to Wick jokes and play music. He taught every day unlil he was physically unable 10 make Ihe trip 10 ~hool. Be:lling the cancer into a brief remission this past summer allowed Mr. John~on to relUrn 10 leaching thi~ fall. After hi!> return. he was rarely ~ccn alone in the halls. He .....as always talklllS to collcagues. answcnng students' quesMr. Johnson in one of his favorite places, the dassnlom.

tion~. or cracking jokes. Whencver someone would ask. "How hllve you been'!" he would quickly respond. "J'mjusllrying to grow my hair back:' Hi~ absencc the year beforc made everyone realize his ~ignifi­ callt contribUlion to our school and in our li\'es. Fulfilling one's greatest hope in life is a remarkable achievement. In leslament 10 the reality that Mr. Johnson did in fact realize his grealest obJecti~e-to model a ChriSI-like life-Mr. Joseph Parisi shared lhis !otory: "The week before Mr. Johnson died. I asked him what the faculty and student'> could do for him and his family. Thc faculty mcmbers wanted to provide mcals. Mr. Johnson's response speaks \-olullics about thc person hc was. He said they had more Ihan enough food from neighbors. famil). and friends and thatlhe be'>t thing we could do for him would be 10 get a group of students to comc. clean OUI his freezer. and ta~c the surplus food to Saint Francis Inn for the homeless. E\en in the last days of his life. with SO many hardships of his own. Mr. Johnson sho'-"ed hiS Ime and compassion for Ihose in need:' In a leiter of thanks after lhe funer:!l. Mr. Johnson's mOther rcvealed that he had asked God to I:!~e him if he could no longer teach. Mr. Johnson's unnagging passion for his profession. his slUdenl~. and the needy ha... left an indelible impre!>sion on the La Salle communily ..... hich will help shape its spirit for years to come. He mdeed "inspired our thoughts" and laught U\ 10 "Ii'"e for Christ:'

La salle Family nee" I 7




ACADEMICS "If we represent knowledge as a tree, we know that things that are divided are yet connected. We know that to observe the divisions and ignore the connections is to destroy the tree" (Wendell Barry). The academic departments form the trunk of the LaSallian tree of knowledge, and our gifted leachers are the roots that nourish and hold the tree firm. Just as a tree's roots anchor the Lree deep in the ground and provide a strong foundation, our teachers inspire us to form a solid base for our future educational pursuits. Nourished by our teachers' wisdom, we learn to observe the connections between the lessons of the classroom and our daily lives. The tree of knowledge stays healthy and matures through all seasons with the help of these talented teachers. When students struggle through the inevitable storms of high school life, we call count on our teachers to hclp and guide us. Our teachers educate us beyond the academic subjccts and teach many important life lessons thal help us extensively when we leave La Salle and venlure out on our own. Special bonds are fonned in the classroom between teachers and pupils that are long lasting. These great educators model many vital qualities to Iheir students 10 help them in the growing process from fragile saplings 10 sturdy trees. Progressing and advancing slowly with time, the lessons learned by the students are deeply rooted within the fertile soil of our brains. As we progress through our high school years. our teachers cultivate our fields of knowledge and wisdom with seeds of learning and experience and encourage us to become verdant pastures of intelligence. "A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible" (Welsh Proverb). - Darren Campo 18 .. Academic Divider

Mr. Cictlmaro

croonesa little SInatra with hIS big bor<l.

Academic Divider" 19

Mr. Michael A. O'Toole

Vtce-President PJ' English 4

Dr. Joseph F. D'Angelo Assistant Principal. Academic Affairs

Brother Gerard J. Frendreis, F.S.C. Chief Anancial Officer

Mrs. Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal, Student Affairs

I Mr. Martin W. Stanczak Dean of SllJdents

Mr. Thomas Tumer Director of Transportation World Civilization

Brother James F. Rieck, F.S.C, Oirector of Admissions Molality

PRESIDENT lilSa/le #'".

Mr. Tony Resch Oirector of Athletics English 1


Mr. Peter Sigmund Chief of Information Techoology


Brother Rene Sterner -I have been a member of Ihe La salle Community I\\ice. from 1977 unlH 1980 and from 1990 unlil now. Graduations are my mosl memorable momenls. I enjoy seeing Ihe young men graduale and go on 10 do greal things. The growlh of the facuh). campus. academic programs. technology. und student service programs has also been gratifying.-

Mr. Frederick Assaf "ThiS is my founh year al La salle A few of tile many memorable momentS are my Kairos experience. my involvement willl lhe allllclic programs. and llle 'Branch QuI' days.-

20 ... Administration

Brother Rene Sterner, F.S.C.

Mr. Frederick G. Assaf


PnncipaJ Public Spea~ng

Key Concepts of Cllristianity

The Forum

Mr. Mark Angiolillo Director of Plant Operations

Mr. Edward Bongard Assistant Director of Development

Mr. Rod Brader Director of Security

Mark Gibbons comptroller

Mr. John Keenan Director of David Program

Mr. lArry King Director of Janitorial

Mrs. Gerrl Ught Director of Academic

Ms. Donna long Director of Ubraryl

Mr. John Meko Director of Development

Mrs. Barbara W'lSOtzkey Campus Store Manager



Audio·VISUaI services





MRtJULII MIHER Board of Trustees. First Row: Michael A. O'Toole '68, John C. feflningham, Esq. '68, Donna J. Bartynski, Brother Robert SChleler, FSC, Brother Stemer, FSC, John J. Meke, Jr. '86, MarkA. Gibbons '92, Michael D. Mccarthy '65; Secood Row: Joseph F. Slabinski, III '67,A.J. Gabriele, William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq. '46. Robert B. MillS, Edward R. SoIvibite '58, Vincent W. Walters '59: Third Row: carl W. Holmes, Jr., Esq. '83, James F. Basile, Esq. '82, Brother Brian Henderson. FSC, Brolller Thomas H. McPhillips, FSC '67, Joseph F. D'ArIgelo. Ed.O. '63, Harry C.J. Himes, Esq.. Sr. Matthew ArIita MacDonald, SSJ; Fourth Row: Brother Timothy J. Froehlich, FSC, Dr. Robert J. Laskowskf '70, Brother James L ButIef, FSC, William J. Markmann, M_O. '66, Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC. Benjamin J. ventresca '70 and Frederick G.Assal. Re~

AdminiStration" 2 I

Hallie Anderson English. 2.~. Mock Trial

Thomas Barna CHAIR: SCIENCE: Inlegr:lIed Science. LSC. Junior Class ModeralOf 8r. IJarl') 8artkowiak. t-:5.C. Algebra 2. Geometry. Math Analysis

Rocco Hene Music. Trumpel Dennis Illoh English 2. 4. Shakespeare. Creative.: Wriling. Swimming

Lastenia Breen Spani~h

2. 3. 3H. Spanish Club





In a very real sense Ihe e'ver Changing community of La Salle College High School h:ls been an extension of my own family. As a gradullle of La Salle, a teacher. coach and administrator here for 42 years. the father of two graduales and the grandfather of another. my life has been forMr. Diehl ready to ~p out one ever intertwined with the the many who wish to be a "family" at La Salle. Who part of his alma mater is this family? Its base has always been energetic and lalenled students. working wilh dedicated and caring leachers. supported by committed parents and loyal alumni. The face!l in the family change through the years. botlhat core concept of a group of people who are united in their efforts to learn logether. 10 grow logether. and 10 support and assist each other doesn'l change. The essence and spiril of family has always becn alivc in the people of La Salle.

Mr. Diehl we love that dol

22 .. Faculty Portrails

Mark Chesnik DlrectorofCarnpus Mmlslr)'. Pra)cr. LSC. Blue and Gold

Janice Ckdmaro


Joseph Ciccimaro CI1AIR: FINE ARTS: Music

Daniel Cipolla Physics. Italian Club. Science Club

Charles Cirelli Chcmi..lry. Lacrosse

Lc"'is Clark ChriSlian Action. MorahlY. Campus Mmistry. LSC. Moderator: Crew





Mrs. sue sayer and Mrs. Kath· leen O'Connell are always ready to help out our Juniors and Seniors with the college search.

8ro. Kevin Strong moderates the Men of 1I sane along with mak· Ing his yearty journey to Camp Neuman as a Kalros leader.

Alumni volunteers Mr. Robert Oyer and Mr. Greg 81eleckl take their job very seriousIyl Mr. AssaI can handle any job that comes his way.

F~culty PortraitS

+ 23

Nicholas Coggins Spanish 1.4. 4H. Spirit Club Modc:rll.lor JoAnn Cohen Learning Specialist. David Center Joseph Colistrll CHAIR: SOCIAL STUDIES; AP Economics, Economics, AP European History. Head Coach: Football

Man. Collins Cathohc Identity. Scripture. SADD. Italian Club Hr. Kenneth Cook. F.s.C. Catholic Identity Da"id Crowe AthlclJc Trainer. Anatomy and Physiology, Athletic Training, Integrate<! Science

lXluglas l:leilleler Catholic Identity. Scripture. LSC.lmrnmurals. Cross.Coumry. Tr:lck. Modcrntor: Basketball Megen Demeter Inclusive Educator Jowph Dempst'y CHAIR: ENGLISH; English I. 3.AP. Basketball. WEXP

)'atrick De"ine Sophomore Counselor. Chri.~tian Lifestyles, Group Advisory. I-lead Coach: Cross·Country. Indoor/OutdoorTrack Frances Jacob Oiccicco Spanish 2H. 3. AP


Hr. William DiPasquale... JumorlSeOior Coun~lor. Enghsh 3. Group Ad' isory. NHS. St. Benildc Club

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!l!!!!!!!llll!!!!l!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!l Mrs. Clark always with a bright smile In the Campus

Store. One of the new additions to our family, Mrs. Ann Dwyer, helps out in the Ilbnry.


+ Facully Portraits

Michael Oolon CHAIR: GUIDANCE. Psychology Lindo I>onohue Itulian I. 2. 3 William Donohoe World Civilization 1.2. Football. Basketball. Ba.'iCball

Stephen Duncheskic Biology 10. Integrated Science. Swimming. Head Coach: Waler Polo Gerald Eyans Biology 10, IOH. General Chemistry. Mock Trial J~ph Falcon~

Algebra 2. Math Analysis. Head Coach: Baseball




Mr. Holwlck always In a jovial mood, especially as Crew sea-

son begins.

La Salle is family in the truest sense of the word. It celebrates its successes and ltccomplishmenls togclher. and it unites in times of :.adness and hun. I have fclt lhe excitement and electricity surrounding victories. I have felt the pridc in academic accomplishmCnl/). I have seen the outpouring of love and support to its members when a loved one hall passed. My own experience wilh Ihe La

Salle family date:. back to 1990. Nervous ilnd apprehensive, J enlered the school in the fall of 1990. These feelings quickly dissolved amid the smile:. and encouragement of my new family members. Four years laler. I processed at graduation as a confident and self-assured young man. My LaSallian family had been wilh me each step, from the first day of school. the first date dance. the senior prom. the senior bl:lIlket, and graduation. When I placed a gold medal from Nationals around my mother's neck in my senior year, I had felt the power of accomplishment. That momenl in particular summed up my high school experience. Constant guidance, suppon. affinllation, hard work, and persistence led to grem things.

My La Salle experience did nOI end al graduation. Even while a slUdent althe University of Piltsburgh. J knew that my family al La Salle was slillthere for me. I remember the excitement of Thanksgiving games and how nice ;1 felt 10 see everyone. I also remember the great sense of pride I fell on those cold November mornings when I heard the alma matcr being played to golden helmets rai-sed high. The family warmth was felt as an embrace. College years passed quickly. When J received a letter from Brother Rene about lhe Alumni Volunteer Program. I felt lhall was being called back home. I was accepted as a LaSallian volunteer in March of 1998. I lived in the Brothers' Community and worked at La Slille in the English depanmenl for one year. After that year. I was convinced that La Salle was where I wanted to be. much like when I was an eighlh grader in 1990. Now I am in my sixth year at La Salle. I have grown and my responsibiliticS have grown as well. I have been a pan of the La Salle family as a student, athlete, volunteer, moderator, educalor, and now head coach. Although roles change. the feelings of family and togetherness are constant. I know that my former teachcrs and coaches arc watching me and the other younger faculty members grow. I fed their support when we t;,ke on new and more challenging endeavors. La Salle is there to congratulate us when we succeed and help us up when we fall. That is family--to know that you are supponed and guided with genuine concem.



F('lcully Portraits

+ 25

Elizabeth .'ield English 1.3. Blue and Gold. Amncsty International Hcrnurd Fitzgerald

World Civilization 2. Unitcd States History, AP United States History, Multi-Cultural Club Environmental


James Fykc [ntegrntt-d Science. Icc Hockey. La.crosse

William Geiger Llllin 1. 2H, 3H. AP Environmental Science. Cremive Writing 2. Gazebo. Latin Club. PhOlography Club. Head Coach:Tennis

Richard Geno\'ese Trombone, Tuba


Charles Gesing Algebl1l 2. Geomctry, Trigonometry, Head Coach: J V Soccer



Wt '






26 .. FaculTy PQnrailS

In the midst of college applicalion season. lhe yearbook staff asked me to comment on La Sallc as family, Not surprisingly. I immcdiately thought of the Vill,lnova application essay question about "concordia," Concordi:l is all about family relalionships at home and at school. Family or "concordia" Mrs. Mullen always welcom- means being of one heart Ing to her boys in need. bUl not necessarily of one mind, Family is about being aware of each 01 her, being there for each other in good times and bad, being respeclful of each olhcr evcnand especially - when we disagree, being honest with each other when it would be easier not to get involved, being compassionate and forgiving. being loyal to each other and to our mission. and returning to the mission when wc losc our way. In othcr words. it's all about love; and love has over a thousand faces this year. After twenty-some years here at La Salle, love has lhousands of faces, Family is the face of Mrs. O'Conncli reminding me that I still have a hundred letters to write and encouraging me to close my door so I can go home for Christrll<ls. It's Brother Bill sneaking cookies to me and making me laugh with one of Brother Kevin'sjokes. It's Bill Leah)' telling us the latest baby Emily story and Mary Jo Smith sharing her sadness about her mol her's declining health. It's eating freshly caught flounder with colleagues in Strathmere during the summer and galhering to say goodbye to Frank

Ignas as hc retires. It's standing by silently, sorrowfully, as we bury Fran Johnson and seeing his smile and hearing his song through our tears. It's teachers preparing classes. marking papers. and calling young people to strive to be the best they can be-day after day, year after year. It's Mark Chesnik and Lew Clark challenging us to journey to unfamiliar places and going with us each step of the way. H-s Belly Field reminding us of our res[XInsibility to work for justice. Family is young men searching for truth. their truth. having the courage to ask questions thaI nced to be asked, and questioning thc inconsistencies thcy sec in us. It's young men adding extr3 cheese to macaroni. making applesauce from scratch with the Foley mill. and serving the mcal to thc men at SI. Columba's Shelter in Wesl Philadelphia. It's young mcn reaching out to classmates on the fringe waiting to be accepted or working together to solve a math problem. build a robot, or meet publication deadlines. It's young men raising their helmets as they sing the alma matcr after wins or losses or using their talents to ereate beautiful music, art, and (hellier. It's patient young men who fix ourcompmers-aga;n and again. It's especially the seniors as they look back on their four years with a rangc of feelings as they prepare to leavc La Salle. It's e:tch of us as we come together from the Sudan. British Guyaml. Shamokin, Schwenksville, Roxborough. Pot\.Sv;l1e, Lafaycttc Hill, Richboro, and Olney. It is each of us who come up over the brow of the hill each day in hope. faith. and love. Thousands of images cross Illy mind whcn I think of family at La Salle (and 1bet Brolher James Rieek has captured on film almost every one of them). The images arc the faces of each of us trying every day in our own way to "Live Jesus in our heans:'


Gillespic Biology 9H. 10, AP Biology. Freshman Class Moderator

Joseph Glacken Learning Specialhl. David Celiler

Diana Guest World Civilil.alion 1.2. Sarnelli House. WEXP

Genard Hartl'Y English 2. 4. Intmmurals, Gammg Club Michacl Hearn

Foundations Art, Drawing, Painting Br. Richard Herlihy......S.C. Catholic Identity. Football


ill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ill! George Hohenleitllcr Gennan

J. 4. 5. AP, Scripture. Gennan Club. Respect Life Club. T~n­

nis Martin Jackson Psychology. Lllnguage Specialist. Head Coach: Baskelball and Golf

John Jand;1 Engli~h J. 2. Moder-ltor: Wrestling. Wisterian

Rev. Anthony JUllton Chaplain.5t Bcnildc Club KathleenJohn Computer Aided Design

Michael Kennedy Music. Guitar. Bass. Guitar Ensemble


Alumni staff: Mrs. Cathy WInning, Mrs. Ginny Mintzer, Mrs. Florence Ward, Mrs. Patricia Dever, and Mr. Chris Carabello

Maintenance: (front) John Pall, Mike Donovan, Bob Byrd, and Ben Miller. (back) Mart Angilil· !o,and Albert Loscalzo

FaCtllly Ponraits .. 27

l'aul('1Ie Kense)' Music. Keyboards IIr. Charles Lackcs, F.S.C. Spanish I H. 2. 2H.ModcrJ.tor: Football WiIIi:lm Leahy Freshman Counselor. Catholic l<lentilY. Hea<l Coach: Lacrosse

I'rallk Lichtner Aquatics, lnlramurals. Hea<l Coach: Swimming Ur, John Luczkowski, F$.C,

WorM Civilization I

Joseph Lynch English I, 3. Aca<lemic Decathlon

I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!! Dal'e Manion Spanish I. French 1.2, 2H, 4H. AP. 5 William McUride Gennan 1.2. Spanish Survey, Spanish I, Film Club, Moderator: Bowling

Carol McCloskey Spanish IH



Allinson House Staff: Mrs. Ann Ford, Mr. Walter Muehlbronner, and Mrs. Connie Gill.

28 .. La Salle Family Tree

Jason Michael Chorus, Fine Arts Su.... C), Theatre p... rfonnance Barbara Miller Ceramlc~, Sculpture,

Art Club

Gendd Miller Viclnam, AP American (i(nemmcnllPolilical Science. UnIted Siaies HI~IOry, Moderator: SWlmmmg

Daniel Muller Music, Woodwirnh. Theory

Joseph Nero \iUSIC,


Jordan Nicgonki Algebra I, Gcomclr), Football. Baseball






According 10 dictionary.com, family is defined us "two or more people who sharc goals and values and have long-lcrm commilmenls to one another." During my twenty-three ye:lrs as an cmployee of L1 Salle College High School, I have seen La Salle take on the qualities of a loving and Mr, Parisi always takes the giving family in many time to make sure his fresh- ways. Thc LaSallian famimen understand the number ly has demonstrated ..cry one quality 01 a La Salle stu- clearly its long-tcrm comdent, respect. mItment to its members o\-er the yeaN by responding to the needs of ib family members in some 'ery try¡

pain thaI our family mcmber is experiencing. Never ha:. this family spirit been more evident than with the illness and subsequent pm,sing of Mr. Fmn Johnson this yellr. The administration, faculty, staff, and students responded with a desire to do whatever was necessary to help Mr. Johnson and his family. Many offered to help by cooking food. c1e;ming. contributing money and praying. When Mr. Johnson died. it was obvious that the fceling of loss throughout the school was the fceling one has whcn a member of our 0'10'11 family passes.




When the membe~ of the L:ISalhan community have encountered the illness of a slOdenl. patent. faculty or staff member, liley ha'e responded with the lo\-e. generosity and compassion of true family members. Whenever a member of the LaSallian family faces a personal tragedy. the people of La Salle mobilize III order to help ease the Mr. Parisi back in the day.


La salle Family nee"


Getlffrey Nicolelli World Religions. Scriplure. Lap Top Technicians Ur. !'eler Ngu}'en, F.S.C. Scripture Dorolhy I'onisciak Chemistry lOH. 11 H. AI'. NHS

Michllell'oniscillk Calculus. Algebra 2. AI' SlUtislie~. MalhJelCS Alfred I'unlc! CHAIR: RELIGION: Calholic Identity. Morality. Tricstc House

Algcbra I. 2.


Puu! Quinn Socccr. Ba!,Cbali

P"' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Joseph Ibd ...ansky Algebra I. Calculus, Math Analysis. GcolllctrylPrc-Calculus H. Head Coach: Freshman Foolball James Roche Algebra IH.APCalcuJusAB. BC Rohert Russell Physics, AI', H. AP Computcr Sciencc, Acadcmic Decathlon. Mathlctcs, Robotics Club







'+' La Salle Family 'O'ee

Reflecting on my twcntyfi ...e ycars of ministry here at 1..:.\ Salle College High School, there have been many experiences that bring to my mind and heart the word. "family:' Icame 10 La Salle in 1979. after sixteen years of being a SiSler of Saint Joseph, and the adjust+ mCllls that I had to face were Mrs. Smith truly ellemplilies difficult. The sense of bethe Lasalltan spirit with her longing lh;ll I experienced at dedication to the values that La Salle was immediate. make Lasalle great The faculty tllld adrninistr.ttion welcomed and supJX)rted me in my journey to redefine myself in my new vocalion as lay teacher. My father died suddenly that same year. and I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of compassion and understanding that! rccei...ed from the LaSatlian family. In the years that followed. that sense of belonging was heightened in the joyful celebmtion of my engagement. mar-

riage, and the births of my two children. Ican still remember the brid..11 shower at the Brothers' House given by a prcdominamly male faculty (only four women were on the faculty at that time). The young men on the I-orum and their families were also a part of that family experience and shared with me the significant moments of my life's journey. I left La Salle as a full-time teacher for five years to be horne with my children, but I never really left the family. I was included in celebrations, returned for some substitute leaching, and continued 10 share the caring spirit Ihat is La Salle. Returning to the facully in 1989 was returning home. The years that followed brought many c1umges. including new buildings, new administrators, new faculty members, and more students, bUI always the same ministry of education, the mission of John Baptist De La Salle to leach minds and touch hearts. In recent years, much time and money have been spent to promote the image of La Salle. I believe that the ¡¡business" of controlling what materially makes the "best" school can sometimes overshadow what is 1-'1 Salle; namely, the studelUs, the faculty. and the staff. People truly make thai "best" school a family, a place where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and celebr.ltoo.

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-2: '

UNDERCLASSES _ _ _ _--'S __EEDS TO SA.E.Ll.N.Gl""'SI!....--



During the course of our LaSallian education, we have Illany experiences to enrich us and help us grow strong and straight as a tree would grow. In the three underclassmen years at La Salle, students leam how to cope with the harsh re.liities of life as a tree would weather a stoml. Starting from the first day of freshman year to college essay writing in 11 th grade Group Advisory, students receive the necessary water. nutrients, and sun needed for growth in this ''jungle'' called high schooL LaSallian students are guided and supported to become the smartest and strongest persons that they can possibly be. The LaSallian experience is rooted on the principle that the best teachers make the best education just as the best nutrients help a tree grow fuller and taller. LaSallian students. as fonned and nurtured by their teachers, illustrate the truth of the fol· lowing quotation from John Ruskin. Being thus prepared for us in all ways, and made beautiful, and good for food, and for building. and for instruments of our hands. this race of plants. deserving boundless affection and admiration from us, becomes, in proportion to their obtaining it, a nearly perfect test of our being in right temper of mind and way of life~ so that no one can be far wrong in either who loves trees enough... This is how the LaSallian experience flourishes in the jungle of life, through teachers preparing their willing students and helping them to be good. useful, and "deserving of admiration." - Scott Ranweiler '05

32 .. Unclerclasses Divider


always prepared for class discussions.

underclasses Divider" 33

Anthony C. Acey-Davis Anthony T. Adams James H. Mfel David J. Ansel Christopher R. Ashley Colin T. Baker Dominic Baker David G. Barba Scott Barr Colin T. Barrett Sean P. Benz Salvatore V. Bevivino Nicholas E. Bivens Bmden J. Bonner Edward D. Bonnevie Ian M. Bmciszcwski Taylor S. Brauns Mark D. Breen-Lopez Douglas J. Brehony Daniel Brophy Jeffrey P. Brown Paul S. Brown Timothy J. Brown Matthew T. Bui Alexander Buonocore Kevin 1. Burke Christopher T. Cabrey Christopher M. Cahill Geoffrey $. Cahill Ryan Cain Wesley P. Calderone John B. Campanella Scan J. Campbell Alexander J. Capetola Andrew T. Capizzi Phillip J. Cammenico

:EZ-ets,b ....... &LZ1 c)~&Ls,s,

:ÂŁ_ _18 -t.b._



We freshmen are like the tree we planlcd at the beginning or the year. We begin by putting our roots in the rich soil of the LaSa11ian community. Freshman year is a crucial timc of growth just as it is for a young seedling. The teachers. brothers. volunteers. and 01 her students aid in our developmenl by enriching and nourishing our minds and spirits. We eagerly drink up thc wealth of knowledge :llld stan to malure. Soon. we will grow into a strong forest of young Christian men. serving others and contributing to the growth of other green saplings.

34+ Freshman Class

Ian F. Casey Philip A. Cassidy William Castelbcrg. III Joshua P. Chubb Joseph Cipolla Andrew C. Clay Michael S. Cliggett Michael S. Coffey Daniel F. Connors Colin D. Conway Domonick A. Cool.. Adam B. Coombs Christopher T. Corby Colin M. Corcoran Benjamin J. Courtney Michael J. Croasdale James W. Cunningham Thomas J. Curry Frank A. DeLuccia Michael J. DeVore Andrew J. Dean Steven Dean Alexander R. Dee Kevin T. Deitz Colin M. Devlin Marco DiPrato Leonard DiWi11iams James M. Dierkes Conar K. Doherty Matthew D. DominicI.. Joseph D. Donnelly Kevin J. Donnelly Michael J. Donoghue Stephen W. Dorsey Jeffrey A. Douglas Michael Doyle

Steve-O welcomes the freshmen These Freshmen are oetting into the Christmas Spiritl

Freshmall Class .. 35

Nicholas R. Dreher Brian M. Drennen Kellian Maxwell Durkin Gregory M. Dusing Scan M. Dwyer Lukas Eddy Peler G. Endrigian, 11 Nicholas C. Faillace Roben Farley Michael C. Fazio Ryan M. Fee Michael 1. Filipczak Andrew J. Foell RyanA. Ford Daniel 1. Fomace Matthew Fraker Gregory W. Frantz David C. Fratamico Andrew M. Furlong GarTen S. Gallagher Joseph P. Gallo Tyrell Q. George Anthony E. Giannelli, Jr. Zachery C. Gilbert Matthew A. Glavin Charles S. Gowdy ChrislOpher C. Grady Thomas P. Graham Wayne T. Grasela Pctcr F. Gravinese Timothy W. Greaves J. Gray Haenn PhilipJ. Haggeny Colin M. Haley Richard P. Hamilton Ryan C. Haney

Kelly Lombard and Mr. Leahy begin to bond for the upcoming year.

Mark likes his computer

..... 36+ Freshman Class

Palrick J. Harp Timothy P. Heck David Andrew Henrich Sean D. Herben Chrislopher S. Higgins Walter Mark Hinkel. Jr. John J. Holt, JIJ John F. Hosey Andrew Houchins Matthew G. Houser Matthew R. Howard Michael S. Hughes John Anthony J. Hull Sean M. Hutchinson DavidJ. Hysek Nicholas R. Irwin. Jr. Pmrick Jackson Brian M. JeITers Daniel P. Jeitncr Taylor D. Johnson Joseph M. Kain Michael J. Kapp Conor P. Kehan Michael R. Keller Michael P. Kelly Shane J. Kelly Alexander J. Kleeman Michael F. Klenk Kevin C. Klohe Joseph J. Kotarra. III Rudolph A. Kraeher Chad M. Kurylo Matthew J. Kwasizur Gregory D. LaFaia Daniel C. Lacon Michacl S. Lagansky

Freshmen and dads take in a day of service together Mr. Tate has his Freshmen hanging on his every wordl

Freshman Class" 3 7

Alexander S. Lagner Nicholas J. Lanza William P. Larkin, IIJ Dylan J. Leighton Peler M. Levins Vincent 1. Levilo. II [ Stefan Lewandowski Paul N. Lewis Jack C. Libor Matthcw R. lillie Andrew M. Logan Kelly M. Lombard Sean M. London Maxwell B. Luce Michacl J. Maguire Sean Mahoncy Felix J. Manzi Charles Jeffrey Marek Chrislopher P, Marisco Shawn Markey. Jr. E. Michael Martinelli William P. Mascio John D. McBurnie Brian C. McCabe Manhew W. McCaffery

Bryan J. McCallion Colin P. McCann Mychael A. McCoy

Ryan J. McDeviu Evan J. McGillin Brian P. McGinnis William D. Mcintyre Edwin M. McKeon, III Slcphen M. McKinney Dennis J. McLaughlin

Eric Mcloughlin

These guys want 10 be part of WEXP In the worst way. "Ok gentlemen, smile for the camera, but as soon as Bro. James leaves you will hear my wrath."

38+ Fresllman Class

Brian P. McManus Mallhew M. Meehan John J. Mikus. III Thomas F. Minton. IV Anthony T. Mirabile Andrew T. Mockailis John J. Modestine Malthew Monteverde Richard A. Montgomery Brian T. Moore Robert A. Morton Ryan D. Murphy Mallhew S. Muscarella Brian J. Nahas Maxx E. Naseef Jakob J. Nines John P. Nucero Jonathan M. O'Connell Kevin E. O'Connell John M. O'Driscoll Kevin O'Neill Liam P. O'Neill Matthew M. Olson Manhew S. Onufrak Michael C. Palermo Nicholas J. Patcel1a Matlhew C. Paul Ryan C. Pawling lail E. Perera Joseph Perese John N. Phillips John Picard Andrew T. Pierce Gregory T. Pierce John F. Pierson George C. Piilchock

Bro. James Informs these guys that HE Is the reason they arB at La salte YO.. J know that dude...heeeeeee

Frcsllman Class" 39

John W. Piree Michael D. Power Jeffrey D. Price Justin T. Price Matthew Ragen Evan Raisner Adam J. Reale Michael J. Reber Evan Regan-Levine Kevin M. Riley Hilario Romero Kevin C. Rose Connor D. Rothwell James J. Ryan. Jr. Brandon P. Ryan Alexander C. Salwach Rober[ A. Saraceni, III Sean C. Saverio Michllel G. SheflZ. Jr. Gregory Sliner Daniel E Sman Blak.e C. Solliday Jeffrey A. Spencer David L. Spinosa zachary J. Spurlin Michael C. Stahl Matthew Stanczak Stephen C. Stem Nicholas R. Stewart Mauhew C. Slone Mark Slypulkowski Roben P. Swartley Kevin M. Tamasitis Ryan Q. Thomson Bri.1ll J. Trainer John J. Travaline

La salle students learn as they enter what it means 10 be a part of our tradition.

40+ Freshman Class

Charles P. Trinkle Daniel P. Tuck Kevin P. Turk Mark J. Vaillant John Vasoli Glenn A. Veney. Jr. William D. Visl.:ovich

lirnotlly R. Vogelbackcr Kyle K. Voigt Roben P. Waitkus John T. Wakhonski Gregory M. Walczak Brian J. Walker Andrew Walsh Joseph Patrick Walsh Seolt K. Waters Joseph A. WeilZlllan Clayton M. Wells Stephen T. WestcOlt. Jr. Colin P. Whalen James L. While John C. Whitham Brendan P. Wills limothy J. Wiuenberg ChrislOpher J. Wogan Colin R. Young Michael S. Young Alan G. Yuhas Mitchell W. Zaiss Damon F. Zysk

Yo, you want a piece of us?

This Is the last time these books will see the light of dayt

Fresllman Class . . 4 J

Colin J. Aboon Christopher J. Agnew Peler J. Anninos.1II Phillip A. Babnew Matthew C. Baiocchi Kc\'in A. Barnell Christopher P. Barr Luke R. Barren Brendan J. Beichert Daniel P. Benincasa Karl B. Beyer Patrick J. Blagrave Paul E. Bonnevie Alain R. Bonny Andrew C. Borrell John B. Brady Drew R. Brandt Alex J. Breitmayer John A. Buonomo Christopher D. Bush ChnslopherT. Byrne Bradley P. Caglia Sterling D. Calhoon John E. Campbell Darren A. Campo Thomas T. Cappa

Mauhew J. Carr Jared R. Carter Gregory H. Casey Scan P. Casey

... By DAHliEN C'\.\IPO

As sophomores. we returned to La Salle with a year's worth of experience and growth under our belts. We became less dependent on others and began to develop und anchor our roots in the lush. fertile soil of LaSlillian education. We endured many Ilew challenges on our own. just as II young tree endures the clements. Drought. heat, and snow challenge ils endurance:jusl as exums. deadlines. and homework challenge ours. Our persistence will surely payoff. but not before we face new and more difTicuh tasks, like taking the SATs and preparing for college.

42. Sophomore Class

Michael L. Celio Roben H. Chapman-Smith Matthe\\ B. Chiarello Da\ id A. Ciccaglione Alex M. Clark Michael K. Clark Timothy C. Clarke Thomas J. Cleary Ryan J. Colbum Kevin S. Collins Richard J. Conicelli Colin D. Con\\ay

w. Gresham Cooney Jeremy W. Cooper Richard W. Cosgrove Ste... en J. Costall1.8 Patrick B. Costello Thomas J. Cowhey Nicholas F. Crawford Ryan P. Creter Thomas M. Croke Gregory S. Crone Conor M. Crowe Pmrick J. Cunnane Patrick. J. Curran Ryan J. Curran Peter N. Daniele Andrew T. Davis Benjamin A. Dearden Richard J. Devine Michael R. DiLaurenzo Christopher G. Dilella Paul E. DiPaolo Richard S. DiPiero Kevin L. Diceiani Michael R. Donovan

Man, I didn't think you would have to read this much in English 2.

Mr. Quinn is the 008 teacher Masturzo is not afraid ofl

Soptlomore Class. 43

Christopher L Driscoll Thomas M. Dugan

Robert G. Ebbecke Travis G. Eddy Brendan M. Egan Michael P. Farrington Daniel M. Fasoline Gerald R. Fillman Brett C. Fisher

Joseph W. F1uehr TImothy J. Foley Chrislopher J. Fomace Christopher Michael Furgiuele Edward J. Funnan L.G. Lenward Gatison James M. Gavanus David M. Gavin Pctcr H. Gebert. Jr. Jamcs J. Gchringcr Brian J. Gibbons Jason P. GigliOiti Andrew C. Gleason

Joseph T. Grnvinese. IU Matthew H. Greenfield Joshua R. Griffith Edward L. Guarrieri Michael E. Haas Andrew P. Haefncr

J. Bmdlcy Halbrittcr Michael C. Handschuh

Peler C. Hanselmann John E. Hardwick Manhew J. Harp Kevin S. Harrigan

Thomas S. Heigh Christopher S. Heinly

look al the bright and smiling faces of our dedIcated Sophomore class!

44+ SOpllomore Class

Joseph F. Hennessey Christopher M. Henrich Dennis M. Higgins M:mhe~ S. Himlcr C. Clark Hodgson. III R. Connor Hogan Kevin J. Horgan Ryan W. Huber George M. Hudson. III Joseph F. Hughes. III William C. Hunt Christian S. Iannaronc Matthew R. Ihlcin Christopher S. Imms Patrick J. Jeffers Michael N. Joachim. IV Colden L. Johanson John Pal,ll Jones. III R. Scott Jones Stephen M. Kapp Francis M. Kasprzak Sean-Patrick Kearney John J. Keenan William J. Keenan

Graham C. Keir Thomas H. Kelly Timolhy M. Ke11y Brian D. Kennedy James E. Kcrak William C. Kerr

"AlaIn, you are amazing I"

These guys got nexts for pit


Sopll0rnore Class. 45

Mallhew B. Kershes John L. Knab Daniel L. Kostenooudcr Matthew J. Kruc Matthew D. Landherr

Evan R. L:J.ngdale John N. Lees Patrick J. Lenahen Jonathan E. Leshncr Jon D. Lester Gary D. Lewis JeffreyT. Libemtore Antonio I. Lopez

Louis J. Muiden Patrick A. Malone Joseph F. Manero. III Tyrell J. Marshall Vincent J. Martinicchio David A. Mastroieni William H. MaslUrto Christopher Mattera Douglas B. Maxv.ell John B. Maxwell Roben T. McAnhur Michael J. McCany Kevin M. McCon Roben P. McCullough

Brian S. McGill Stephen M. McGarry Andrew M. McGowan

--.. Ms. Guest checks out Macy's onlil"lfl while her students are hard at work. These guys don't realize how coo{ they realty are.

46+ SOphomore Class

Gregory E. Mclaren Sean T. Mclaughlin TImoth} R. McMahon

Kevin W. McNamara

Marc R. Menno Anthony Mieczkowsld

Colin G. Miller

Mid. A. Miller Joseph P. Millct, III Mark A. Milligan Sean W. Moloney Joseph C. Monaslero Max S. Morgan Alexander B. Muller Kevin P. Murphy John R. Mutchler Scott C. Nagy Gino M. a1icchione Basil A.G.


Joseph F. Nolan Craig J. O'Neill Kristopher R. Oslopchud.. Michael P. Padgeon. Jr. Joseph W. Pappas Gerald J. Pawlish John M. Penna. Jr. Adam E. Pelka Tyler J. Petrus Anthony A. Phillips William G. Phillips John F. Pilla. III W. Patrick Pla}don TImothy L. Plunkett Jeffrey S. Powers Eric S. Prendergasl James Prendergast

Oh no, Ican't teO Coach that I just tore my rotator cufI'. -I think I'D take a IitUe nap.-


SOphomore Class. 47

Thomas M. Prokop Christopher A. Rac2. Giuseppe Randau.o Patrick M. Regan Matthew A. Reichelt Jonathan J. Remenler Alben J. Rieck Mallhew J. Riffe Terrence M. Riley TimOlhy J. Riley Vincenl G. Ri2.2.uto Terrance D. Robinson

Stephen A. Rodgers Francis S. Rogers. Jr. Reese J. Rogers David J. Roymm Jason M. Ruppcn William A. Rush

Brian R. Sacchetta Peter J. Salatino Nicholas B. Sannuli Joseph W. Schatz limothy A. Schneider Eric C. Schoeffiing Bryant M. Schult2. Andrew B. Ser.lval1i James J. Shannon Mauhew P. Singer Leon J. Singletary James P. Sinnoll Mauhcw R. Sinnou Sean M. Smith George J. Sleffon LaMar S. Stewan Matthew Z. Stigliano Raben L. StOll

Taking It easy before the big

race. -You guys wanna see something cool, it's a drivers license

48+ Sophomore Class

Ruem C. Tan Connor J. Tallow Nicholas M. Teufel James J. Tierney Edward G. Tittenon Roben L. Toner. III Ryan J. Travers Timothy N. Trichtinger Joseph C. Tllbolino Chase J. Tucker Christopher R. Tuli John E. M. Tyszka Stephen W. Ullrich. Jr. Kevin A. Ulrich AlexanderG. Vaeth Stephen M. Vanni Joseph A. Vazquez Michael R. Venafra Andrew J. Ventresca Jonathan J. Vettori Michael A. Villari Thomas J. Wallin Thomas A. Walsh William J. Warrender Collin J. Wcssier William E. Whalon Andrew W. Wiggleswonh Andrew E. Wilkins John L. Williams Thomas G. Winning Michael J. Wojcik M. Nicholas Wright Matlhew C. Young David T. Yusavitz Jeffrey W. 2.1morski Matthew J. Zielinski

Sophomores sharing some answers, otherwise known as wgroup work."

sopt1omore Class" 49

Christopher P. Adamski John Paul Agosline Allen E. Alzona K. Ryan Anderson Michael J. Andrews

Cesare J. Angeloni Gonzalo Anlolin Sanchez Gabriel J. Anlonello Athian N. Athian Brian T. Auff Gregory J. Banecker John R. Barr, III Christian J. Barrell Ryan P. Barrell Ryan N. Barry Colin S, Behr Michael W. Berger Gerald B. Bidus Mauhew J. Bolinski Michael A. Boyle John N. Braea. III Mauhew C, Brad""cll Andrew R. Brill P:urick F. Broderick Kyle M. Buchanan Gerard F. Burke Thomas P. Callahan, II [ Brian A. Carlin R. Sean Carlin Vincent E. Cartwrighl

:i......... oj caz-s

"" BY Enl)4E DIDoNATO We entered La Salle in lhe fall of2001 as individuals unaWllre of whal lie before us. In the three years that have followed, we h:lve become united like the branches of a tree. We have grown with each other and strengthened our roots in Lll Sulle. We have malured and blossomed into extremely compelenl young men who arc fully prepared 10 assume our role next year as the school's leaders. We have begun to realize our 11:11elliS and to hamess them to improve our world. We hllve not yet fully achieved all we can but look forward 10 the upcoming year when we will finally become part of La Salle's history.

50. Junior Class

Christopher G. Carvalho Cody M. Casale Michael R. Chapman Francesco P. Chinnici Brandon K. Chong Pasquale J. Ciammeui, Jr. Stephen A. Cilibeno Cameron P. Cill1inera David G. Cipolla Christopher A. Ciufo John J. Clifford Steven J. Connolly Christopher M. Conti Andrew J. Cotlov Travis J. Cozzie John T. Croke John R. Crouse Timothy E. Cullen William J. Cummings. III Scott J. CumpslOne Kyle G. Cunningham Thayer W. Damm Christopher A. Darragh. Jr Francis R. Daulerio Borja DeGorgolas Rojas Michael S. DePaulo Matthew Z. Dempsey Patrick D. Dempsey Roben C. Devlin Brian A. DiBiagio Edward W. DiDonato Edward S. DiNola Aldo DiPrato Edward A. Diasio Kory D. Dickerson HaiH.Do

Juniors preparing to be the future leaders of the school

Junior Class" 5 I

James C. Dooney Adam R. Douglas Mallhew J. Doyle Anthony Dukes Timothy P. Dunn Dennis R. Dunne Thomas J. Edger Richard Eichert William N. Eichwald Michael J. Elnilski Raymond C. Favata Stephen P. Feeley Patrick E. Ferguson Sean R. Ford Tyler J. Ford Robert S. Forster Seall Forster Robert S. Fr3tamico Christopher J. G:lllagher Eugene J. Gallagher, III Michael J. Gazzara Jeffrey D. Gemi Ryan B. Gibbons Andrew M. Gill Brian F. Givnish Michael A. Gr.lnt Kevin W. Guckin Sean P. Guinan Andrew J. Haenn F. Joseph Haeslcr Brennan L. Hagy Wendell F. Haley-Dingle Jeffrey M. Hamilton Andrew M. Harrison Thomas J. Hartman Brian A. Heenan

DoIng some service with the Spanish Club Wait a minute is that Dukes doing some homework?

52+ Junior Class

Jason Henner Michael Henner Stephen J. Herbert

Kevin S. Heron Gregory P. Herzog Zachary M. Hess Gregory B. Hogan Donald C. Huber Andrew M. Hyall

Kevin D. Hylinski James F. Irwin Rizwan Ishmail Leonard A. Ivanoski. III

Leo P. Jackson

11K>mas Johnson Thomas M. Jorfi Kevin S. Juliff

Matthew A. Kalkbrenner Konrad J. Karczewski

John A. Keating Paul J. Kelly. IV Shane V. Kelly William S. Kessler Joseph T. Kirk Stephen M. Klenk Bernard J. Krasnisky David Chol Kuch Ian C. La Rocca Joseph C. Lacon Andrew R. Lagner

CcMin BeM, Geocve Watters, and Pat Ferguson, RUff said. -Usten, Walten:. You better be ready for Nationals!-

Junior Class" 53

Paul M. Le Gavin M. Leighton Andrew J. Lewandowski Anthony C. Limbcmkis Thomas P. Litlle Patrick R. Lombard Ryan J. Luby Michael C. Lynch Fmncis T. Lyons Alexander J. Madrak NicholasA. Manzi Timothy R. Marcinek Daniel K. Marcotinll

J. Earl Martin

Scott J. McBride James C. McCabe Patrick C. McCaffery Brendan R. McCann Ryan P. McCann PhilipJ. McCanhy John E. McCoey Michael J. McCoy Andrew J. McDennoll Gerard J. McEvilly Kevin P. McGee Michael F. McGee Sean T. McGinley Scan A. McGoldrick John T. McGowan Mauhew J. McGowan

Ed Valentino. Sean Guinan, Brian Carlin, and Mike Chap· man having fun at recess. Dempsey is talking about Abe

54+ Junior Class

Brooke B. McKim Michael R. McKinney Kevin T. McShane Thomas S. McVey Christopher R. Mehr Tyler R. Meves Brian S. Michel Shawn A. Miles Chase V. Miller Kevin \V. Miller Michael R. Mills Paul J. Molchen Daniel J. Moll Patrick W. Montgomery Christian A. Moore James P. Murphy

Bradley A. Murtha Christopher M. Nederoslek Andrew J. Nelson Sean D. O'Connell James Kyle O'Donnell Thomas J. O'Donnell Brendan D. O'Hara Michael G. O'Neill Daniel Peter OToole George R. Oliver, Jr.

Brian J, Olszak Vincent G. Paglione Paul H. Paige Luke F. Palidora Richard A. Paneuieri Michael T. Pennington Douglas M. Phelan Nicholas A. Pucci Scott A. Ran'o'cilcr Peter T. Recigno

Everycme has a Morality class.


in Mr. Clartt's

Junior Class" 55

Thomas E. Reeb Conor P. Regan Michael J. Reilly J. Blake Remley Alexander J. Rhein JohnJ. Rice

Patrick: J. Rider Sean P. Riley Joseph F. Ritinski Roben P. Roberts. IV Andrew P. Rocks Matthew P. Romagano

Erik M. Ronzonc

SCOll G. Ross Nicholas M. Rowe

M. Stewart Ryan Nicholas L. Salatino Richard D. Sahrucci Michael L. SannUli Nicholas M. Sc:lIfaro TImothy M. Schaible Christopher J. Schic"e Du\'id P. Schnupp Christopher P. Schulz. Bryan A. Schwanz Ryan J. Sciolla Rahul J. Selvanathan Joseph J. Semen John A. Sharar Jonathan Sharer

Rob Roberts finishing up some homewort before the IMlxt class Adam Douglas shows senora Breen how he got his answers tor the


56+ Junior Class

TimOthy J. Shea Christopher J. Sherrer Joseph M. Skoien Timothy J. Small Joseph M. Sobocinski Matthew C. Spencer John J. Stam Michael F. Stanczak John-Michael Staub Patrick J. Staudt Thomas J. Stone Raymond P. Su1Jcn. Adam W. Sutkus Andrew Sweeney Jake P. Swiger Michael G. Tahadjod John J. Tanney Vincent J. Tecce Andrew J. Terreri Peter A. Terrcri Andreas V. Thuy WilliamJ. Torelli Kevin P. Trainer BrettJ. Trucksess Andrew R. Tull Chinedu-Henry Ukwu Edward A. Valentino George J. Wallers John P. Whalon Daniel P. While

Christian E. Williams Ronald V. Williamson Joseph W. Winning Kenneth F. Wochele

Chin and the gang having agood laugh

Junior Class'" 57




ACTIVITIES & CLUBS The opportunity for a student to branch out of the classroom is ever present at La Salle. Students can participate in numerous extracurricular activities. From Student Council to the RC Racing Club. La Salle provides an activity to suit every stu· dent's interests. At the opening Activities Fair, students are given the opportunity to get involved. Taking advantage of this opportunity could very well change their lives forever. The LaSaliian mission involves more than siLling in the classroom; it includes getting involved in the community, school, and church. The activities Ul Salle provides enable students to fulfill the mission and to become well-rounded. caring, respectful, compassionate men. LaSallian clubs definitely promote this growth. Students at La Salle constantly change and grow from their panicipation in these activities. They learn about helping others through LaSallian Service Corps' projects such as Sarnelli House or Project HOME. They plant the roots of new friendships through clubs such as the Chess or History Clubs. They bring pride to the school through Student Council and National Honor Society. They learn talents thal may help them later in life through Forensics or WEXP. They bring the enjoyment of the ans to many through band, chorus. and art club. They explore the world through Amnesty International. World Affairs Club, and

language clubs. They celebrate diversity in the Multi-Cultural Club. They prepare for leadership roles through Forum, Academic Decathlon, and Mock Trial. These activities are wonderful examples of how La Salle truly is a family tree because every member is encouraged to develop his unique interests, and every member is valued for his unique contribution. ·Kent Jaggers '04

58 .. t\civilies & Clubs Divider

Deli sez, -Chel¡Io-

,\('ivilies & Clubs Dh.:ider

+ 59

Freshman Student Council reps.

great leadership helps . . By TIM ADAMS

"Exploring; Inside - Oul"', the Student Councilthcl1lc for 2003 -2004. was the im-

petus for new ideas :md events for La Salle students. Performing skits on the screen

and on the stage. pep rallies went high lech. In the fall, we held :1 Carnival day complete with games of chance and physical prowess during lunch periods. As always, promoting SPIRIT was the focus of the counciL The newly-formed Spirit Club assisted by increasing fan attendance at games and PIT barbecues and gOt the

crowds "inlo it" at gumes. Spirit shirts added a different twist this year. Each class received a different color shirt which listed the numes of all their classmates on

student council Distinguished members of the 2003 - 2004 Sludent Council

60. Student COLlncil

the back. Students weTC given the opportunity to wear these "spirit shins" instead of shirts and ties on specific days. Spirit Week in February consisted of many of the tradition..l events ~ the Wing Bowl. arm wrestling, and pie eating - but was enhanced with trivia competitions in homeroom all week and culminated with a school "Family Feud" contest to detcrmine the champion. In addition, we had studcntfaculty jousting competitions and a boxing match between rivals, Mr. Parisi and Mr. Turner. We changed the Talent Show 10 a "Talent-less Show". allowing students to enjoy themselves while taking the pressure of performance off their shoulders. Field Day became a reality with games and competitions that appealed to all students and created fricndly rivalries among the classes. Finally. a newcvcnt was added for seniors to cap orr their four years - Senior Night - complete with:l student-faculty basketball game and hypnotist. With a mixture of h:lrd work and determinmion. many of the objectives set in September were accomplished. Combining our ideas and spirit. we were able to stan the begin> ning of a new era, which will hopefully continue in the future. Yes these are the leaders of our school: J.B. Worster, Tim Adams, and Steve Britton. God bless us aliI


Junior Student Council SophomoreStudent Council

Anthony Phillips is such a tremendous leader he gels a picture all to hlmsetf. Seniors: front: Pat Brett, Matt Capaldo, Tim Adams, Ant Massaro, Fred Baker. Back: Eric Calvltti, Mike Whalon, John Trainer, Mike Glac¡ cum, Peter Hand, Kevin Moll, Steve Britton, Mike SulllYan, Joe Candelore, Colin Kirts, sean Adams. and J.B. Worster

Induction of the Student Council rnembef'S dur¡ ing the Opening Uturgy of the schocH year.

Sludelll Council .. 61

These guys are aU smik!s at the after party "Yeah, I'm NHS, what do you think of thaU"

Tom lyons and Joe Winning are PfOtld scholars.



Kevin and Dan

Moll tower over their mentor Bro. Bill

Honorary speaker, Carl Holmes, Esq., inspirts the crowd.

62 .. Nalional Iionor Society




and the grades . , By TOM

ODo-.:-.:u.J. "Q4.

The National Honors Society. guided by its principles of Scholarship. Cha......cter. Service. and Leadership. continued 10 be a tremendous asset to La Salle. Through the leadership of Mrs. Ponisciak and Brother William DiPasquale. as well as student of· Ocers. Tom "Tito" O·Donnell. Cnrl "Crazy" Olejniczak. Sean "Bachm:Il1" leimbach and Steve "Stevcho" Horvath. lhe NHS continued to serve the school and ib students this year.

The main SCf"\iice provided by the NHS is the peer tutoring program. Anytime a student feels he needs assistance in a par· ticular class. the HS provides the student ""ith a tutor that is willing and able to help out in any way possible. This service could not occur withoUlthe selfless gen· erosity of the society's junior and senior class members who \olunteer their free time to help fellow students in need. In addition to providing academic support. peer tutoring contributes to the family environ· ment that is the hallmark of a LaSallian school. The NHS provides several other sen-ic· es to the school. These include assistance at various school functions and the organization and running of the annual school blood drive. This year, the blood drive took place on February 26th at the conclusion of Spirit Week. As hoped. it was a tremendous success for all involvcd and allowed the LaSallian family spirit to fellch out to the broader community. With its founding principles and solid leadcr-.hip. the NHS will certainly continuc to provide wonderful service to La Salle in the coming years

national honor society senior NHS officers: carl Olejniczak, Stan Le· Imbach, Steve Horvath, and Tom O'Donnetl.

National Honor SOCiety" 63

Mr. Clark is loved everywhere he goes.





an amazingly generous response 10 the many drives we hold throughout the year

I '1

lJ la salle service corps. . . By MAliK BlI~£CKl -0+

The goal of the LaSallian Service Corp!> is 10 reach out and help those who are in

great need. The LSC affords students here at La Salle. who have been blessed with so much, many opportunities to give back to

the community. Through this service. students and facuily give of their time and tal-

ents for a variety of great causes. This year's projects for LSC have been a COI11plete success. Our school family has made

Mr. Rad shares the Christmas spirit at St Martin's luke Wilde and Mart Bielecki take a test drive for safety reasons.

64 .. La salle service Corps.

for numerous causes. including Secret Santa and the children of 51. Martin de !)orres. The La Salle community has also been actively involved in weekly service activities throughout Ihe school year. Some studenls ofTer (heir lime to tutor younger children at Providence Center or at La Salle Academy. Other students feed the poor people of Philadelphia through such projects as Samelli House. Project Home, and sand" ich making for St. Francis Inn. With these and other service opponunitics, there is rarely a day that goes by that La Salle students and facuhy aren't oul helping others and making adifference in the world. It would be impossible (0 estimate how many lives ha"c been touched through the LSC volunleers' actions. La Salle's response to the call of those moSt in need has been overwhelming and is a testament to La Salle's strong sense of Christian mission. Paul lanzilotta makes himself a sandwich wnile wortcing servH:e for Sl Francrs Inn,


• •





Mike Mintzer practices his painting skills in Sl lucia before having to come home and paint his own house.

senora Breen helping out with Sl Francis rnn.

Mrs. Maher sacrificing more of her time to make sandwiches with rito.

Freshmen and fathers prepare for their day of servIce together.

Junior Urban Challenge offers a great opportunity for our students to experience life in Camden

La Salle Service Corps.... 65

W"""tV,lN G Amnesty International . . By ANDHEW DEGNAN D4

La Salle students have expanded the

LaSallian mission of service (0 others through their efforts in Amnesty International and WorldAlTairs Club and have upheld the mission of pursuing social justice and equality. This year. juniors, Rich Eichen, Jim Murphy. and Jerry Burke. and Amnesty's moderator, Mrs. Field. partici-

amnesty international Amnesty International: Jim Murphy, Conor

Ahern, Joe Pelone, Andrew Degnan, Rich Elcllert, and Mrs. Field.

secret santa Mr. Demeter, Colin Fitzgerald, Mike MinueT, luke Wilde, Mark Bielecki, Steve Britton, Tom Mahon, and Mr. Clark pose with some of the presents for the Secret santa program.

66 .. La Salle Service Corps

Jim Murra" Joe Pelone, and ConOf Ahern debate the issues of the wOtkl.

Mrs. field explains the next task for Amnesty International.

respect life La Salle proudly participates In the annual trek to Washington D.C. to -March for Ufe" with Mr. Hohenleitner. The group poses In front of the National Cathedral.

thanksgiving food drive Stniors Tom Mahon, Will Melvin, Rory StaUb, Mark fegle" and Matt Capaldo prepare to deliver the turkeys and baskets of food 10 hetp 50 families in the St Vincent Parish of German-


La salle service Corps. 67

An has these kids totally confused. Nick Affel sharing his vast knowledge.

Now this is a picture, Bro. James.

Dan McGinty, Kevin Miller, Nick Affel, luke Wilde, Pat Keenan, Mr. Cipolla, Doug Phelan, and Ari lolosidls arlve at La sane Academy to tutor.

look at the Joy our guys bring!


+ La Salle Service Corps

joined with the students and their families for an early Th:lllksgiving meal and friendly conversation. Our lime spent together enlightened us to the differences in our

lives and allowed us to appreciate each other's lives. La Salle Academy is quickly becoming

a popular service site. so much so thai

la salle academy

tutoring .. By

LL;KE \ VU.-Dl..:.


Each week La Salle studcnlscmbark on a service mission 10 the brJnd new La Salle Academy in Kensington to tutor and men-

[or 3rd and 4th graders. Mr. Cipolla and another tcacher accompany fifteen or more

La Salle student volunteers to the school. Not all of our visils are academic endeavors. The Tuesd:ly before Thanksgiving we

there is a waiting list each week. The popularity of this program is directly due 10 the feedback that the La Salle mentOrl\ are relaying to their fcllow classmates. While all of LSC's programs arc important and valuable. our bond with this new school is special because it is pari of the LaSallian family. As a ulSaliian school with a long history and tradition, we have much to offer these younger family members; and we look forward to continuing this relationship and (0 seeing the La Salle Academy grow and prosper. Hopefully, the students of La Salle College High School will make a valuable contribution to the success of this new school and possibly cven aid in the formation of a few future Explorers.

la salle academy

tutoring Mr. Cipolla brings van loads of La salle students every week to help tutor the children who attend La salle Academy.

La Salle Service Corps" 69

Mark Bielecki and his buddy ~Taliban Bob" enjoy some interestIng conversation.

G sarnelli house

+- By Ms. DIANA GUEST Life is a continual growth process. As a child, I thought I would beALL grown up and know all the answers when I

reached my tcens. Once adolescence


rived, I looked forward 10 my young adult years as a time of fulfillment. Now in my middle years, I rcali7-c that fulfillment isn't suddenly attained on a specific day. but ralher that life is a continual journey of ups und downs during which [am to pursue the

La Salle alumni like Joe Dwyer '03 and Andrew Connor '03 take time out of their studies at college to help seniors Tom Mahon, Rory Staub,

and Will Melvin.

70 .. La Salle Service Corps.

purpose God has designed for me. J find this pursuit to require reflection and constant concentration. Especially during those days and weeks whcn I feel overwhelmed by distractions that cause mc to regress. I must regroup and focus to move on in a positive dircction. The weekly guests al Sarnelli 1¡louse have been very helpful in reminding mc of the true path to life's fulfilimenL Whcn I look into their wann and apprecimive eyes. [ lind refuge from the dcmands of our materialistic world. Evcry Thursday. while scrubbing pOtS or handing out biscuits. I am rcminded that Jesus loves each and cvery one of us. The female Catholic school teacher is no better and no closer to God than the female drug addict, who hasn't had a wcll-balanced meal or a shower since the previous Thursday. Visiting with the Samelli House guests allows reality (0 rcsurfacc and helps me (0 rcdefine and concentratc on the authentic way to find that elusive fulfillment in my own tife. Whcn we serve others, we reap far more than we sow. Ms. Guest shows the boys how to clean a pol

SeMng up a hot meal.


After dinner is a time for shared prayer.

steve Britton doing a little clean-up. Forever La Salle brothers when II comes time for service.

11m Adams and Mr. Clark enjoy some time with one of the regulars at 5amelll Hoose.

La salle service Corps .. 7 I




T J. J R this is engineering

Ian Perera marvels at his robol

mathletes Jan Bagdis, Kevin Maggitti, Rob Crawford, Ian Perera, Dan McGinly, Gary lewis, Andrew Hyatt, and Blake Remley.

academic decathalon Mr. lynch, John Rice, Andrew Thay, Dan McGinley, Ted DiNOl3, Jason Maron, Jim White, Dan

White, Matt Carr, Blake Remley, and Mr. Russell.

72 .. Academic Clubs

-Hey Robert, you hear that I'll be making robots next year at Princeton?-

-Trust me guys I shoot rockels all of the time, that truck behind us will be fine,-

science club Mr. Cipolla's gang have a good laugh as the rocket crashes Into his buck.

robotics club Mr, Russetl,Jeff Bagdis, Robert Roberts, and Ian ".,.,...

,\c<leJemlc Clubs ,., 73



IM~ l' I,

r 'N.


H 11


NG It~ n\ ,1


language clubs

german club Paul Gormlskey, Phil Babnew, and Jason Maron.

italian club John Whalon, Ray Favata, Chase Miller, Rob Crawford, Mike Young, and Doug Phelan.

74 .. Language Clubs

senora Breen has the Spanish club use their second language to help tutor.

latin club Sean Forsttlf and Matt Malloy

spanish club The Spantsh CJub poses for thetr group pKture outside the school where they help out each


Language Clubs. 75

Mr. Evans and Miss Anderson training Mure ambulance chasers.

year. club members were broken down

it's only pretend

Mock Trial. one of La Salle's more distinctive clubs. begins around October C\'cry )car and ends in February. Members recehe a fictitious law case written by law students at Temple University. This year the case was Max Ability v. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. in which Max Ability. who suffers from a (oml of aut is Ill. W:1S accused of stealing a car. The students prepare to act as thc defense to acquit him or as the prosecution toconvicl him. Mock Trial has grown a great deal in the past several years: and for Ihc third conscculi\c

mock trial These guys look pretty mean. Other schools better watch out!

76 ., Mock Trial

into two learns that wenl on to compete in Ihc Montgomery County Bar Associa~ lion's annual Mock Trial Competition. The Competition takes place in front of a real judge alld jury ill a real courtroom. The first team comprised mostly upperclassmen who had panic;paled in previous years. The second Icam .... as mostly under· c1assmen who hope to risc through the ranks of La Salle Mock Trial. This year we .....ere lucky enough to have teacher-modCf'dtOrs. Mr. Gerald Evans and Ms. Hallie Anderson as well as anomey advisor. Scon Wolpert. Esquire. '84. Artcr earning his law degree from The University of Rich· mond. Mr. Wolpert reunited with the La Salle community to offer his ad, ice on the annual Mock Trial case. We held weekly colloquies on Sundays to discuss the many intricacies of the case. Mock Trial requires a few months of commitment and hard work. but a grea! deal of fun is had by all. All aspiring lawyers arc sure 10 find Mock Trial a great way 10 le.lrn. make friends. and vic against the best competition in the area. "You call this evidencel I scoff at your evi-


Proud La salle alum Pat McCarthy shows the History Club around the campus of VMI. J.B. Worster, Gabe Famlllaran, and Chris Kirk 98nlng the most out of their trip to the Vietnam Memorial.

Bm McCloskey absorbing the Wall. Mr. Miller's Vietnam class poses for a perlect shot In front of the Washington Monument.

history club Dr. Stanton and the Histofy dub on • guided tour ofYMI.

IlislOry Club" 77


Along with preparing themselves. P'aul and Ben prepared new debaters. Breit Fischer. Ouis Cahill and Evan Regan-Levine to con-

s forum •


The La Salle Forum foren-;jcs lcarn. moderated by school President. Brother

Rene Siemer. st:lrted offits year in IrJdilional fashion: nothing particularly exciting happened. Fortunately. the year gOI belief wilh plenty of persuasion. recitation. interpretalion and. ofcourse. competition. lne plethora of returning members along with dedicated ne.....comers made the year a resounding

success. Leading the group were senio"". Paul

Gonnisky (Presidem). Alex Shaw (VicePresident). Joe McPeak (Secrelat)-) and Ben Fellmeth (Enforcer). Policy debate at La Salle continued with the efforts of Ben ·'the Leprechaun" and Paul. After a strong finish last year aI Catholic Nationals and as quarterfinaliSIS al Pennsylvania Stale Champi-

onships. expectations were high. Dedicalion. persuasion. hard work and some help frolll their coach. the Frenchman himself. Mall Puce, yielded impressive rcsulls: first pl'lce at Dickenson College, finllJists al Scmnlon, third at The La Salle Invitational and Semifinalisb at Pennsbury. Maybe Ben's luck)' chamls. pot of gold. and imposing stature had something to do with il.

debate Chris Cahill, Alex Shaw, Ben ~Imeth, Paul Gormlskey, Joe McPeak, Tom Stone, and Mike DlPaukl.

78 .. Fonlln

tinuc the policy debate legacy at La Salle. Alex Shaw shocked the world last year when he ",on the district and qualified for State finals in infornlatl'o'e speaking. This year. ho""e\er. he returned to his old and equally successful ways and panidpaled in Lincoln-Douglas Debate. Alex's unmistakable rhetorical abilities. his command of key topics. such as economics and political sei· ence. and a sprinkling of work-ethic propelled him to further successes. Among his accomplishments are linals at The La Salle Invitational and quarterfin:lls at Shikel1amy. Alex will be remembered for hi~ sharp wit. inexhaustible knowledge of movies, and passion for spades and 500 rummy. Joe McPeak is also a Lincoln-Douglas debater. In addition 10 his extensive rcse:U"Ch and preparotion for his own debates. Joe has coached Mike DePaulo. Ryan Fee and Tom Stone to success in JV·LD debate. Joe also finished last year on a high note. He qualified to PA State Finals in LD and to Catholic Nationals in Congress. His viClones continued this year with such notable perfonnances as quarter finalist at the UPenn Libert)' Bell Tournament. first place at Dickcnson College. an imprcssi\'c 4-1 record at Villager, and semifinalist at Shikellamy. If you e\er hear anyone say "altruistic" or "inheremly" in a sentence, iI's probably Joe. He will be remembered for his hard work and impressive vocabulary. We have had anolher successful year of Forum. Andrew Brill and Kyle O'Donnell are sure 10 continue the great traditions of this activity. And how could I end without wishing "Happy Binhday"to Uncle Fred?

These guys practice the "robot" for Friday'S mixer.

Paul Gonniskey makes a point.

Mr. Carr prepares his group for an upcoming competition.

interpretive speakers Mark Hinkel, Chris Schultz, Jim SlnnoÂŤ, Ruan Tan, Andrew Pierce, William Mascio, and Bro. Rene Stemer.

extempers Mr. Carr, Robert Ctlapman-Smlth, Kyle O'Donnell, Andrew SriÂŤ, Josh Griffith, Basil Nation, Anthony Phillips. Ryan Tra'm'S,.nd Paul Le.

FonlmW 79

-, wonder how much I can get for this masterpiece?-

which arc donated 10 Arcadia University's

"Empty Bowl Supper:' Arcadia's Empty Bowl Supper mises funds for domestic and international hunger relief organizations

and raises hunger awareness for its more than 600 panicipanls. The 00"" Is made by La Salle students and faculty are used 10 serve lhc guests al the supper and then are laken home as a daily reminder of lhe many people throughout the world who

art club •

By 1\ 1t'(S. BAHB.4JV\ 1\ IIU..EH

The La Salle An Club was SCi into motion by our President Peter Maxwell this year. The students mCI every Thursday af-

tcmoon in the An Room to phm and crC;lIC projects for service and for cntcrlll;nlllCnl. In early November, the Club joined with

face hunger. Also in o\cmbcr. the An Club members constructed the Philadelphia skyline that graced the glass corridor for the La Salle Auction. The display was enhanced \\, ith reproductions of famous local an sculptures. which ",,"cre placed in the hallway. An ongOing mosilic project for the David Center lind a few individual projects finished out the year. The students also designcd and constructed podiums and a cityscape for the Art Show in M:ly.

some facully members and slanl:.'<! lhe year

Mr. Hern helps out with a few tips for Pete

in ils customary fashion by making bowls


Mr. Hem admiring the WQl'k of his ciass.

80 .. Art Club

NOh no, it's the devill!lllI~ NMy mom Is goIng to love her Christmas gift"

Phil Babnew is so proud to show Mrs. Miller hIs wori<

NCeramics Is so cool!"

Art Club'" 81

Mr, Ciccimaro making beautiful music for Mass.

started the year by playing at the football games, which was a good way 10 get the freshmen integrated into the music program. Theseniors made sure thai the freshmen felt welcomed by allowing them to carryall of the heavy equipment and load and unload the van.


As the year progressed. all of the bands

improved. Fifth Period Band even gOllhe "chops" 10 play 'Won't You Be My Neigh-

bor?" The Competition Band. or varsity

band . . By RYA:'l NELLlNG

Known as one of the better Catholic high school music programs in thc coun¡ try. the La Salle Music Department completed another busy but enjoyable year. Under the direction of Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro. the music department has grown larger Ihan ever to accommodate more than 250 music students. Mr. C certainly had his hands full with all these musicians and tcaching five periods of music cach day. Yel he dealt with his busy schedule in his normal calm and reserved manner. Band officers this year were Mall Dempsey, Junior Vice-President. Shane Madden. Vicc~Presidcnl, and Ryan Nelling, President. Junior Doug Phelan scrved as band manager. The Pep Band


pep band Pep Band firing up the crowd at afootball game.

82" Band

band as it's commonly called. had a very good season and performed a chart called "Riverdance:' which olher bands don', even think about attempting. The Siage Band hurl an enjoyable year too and per-

formed at several area all-girls schools. such as Notre Dame, $t. Basil's. and Villa Marie. Ask any of the band members who

went about the great timc we had at Notre Damc and the intcresting fricnds that we made. In addition to the fun we had. we allieamed many new things about our director and about each other. For example, we learned that Mr. C's face could produce shades of red never before seen or imagined. Also, we learned thllt it's not a good idea to tell Mr. C jokes in the middlc of a class: he usually doesn't find thcm very funny. Most importantly, though, Mark drives a spons car.

We need afew more trumpets over here!

loading up the van for the long trek to Springfield.

Ok, we got more trumpets.

"So natural, so cool."

Ryan Nelling running the showl

welcoming the freshmen tt's always a great way to begin as a Freshman at La Salle being welcomed by the baod.


+ 83

Check this out, MSmoke on the Water."

Just a little sax for the fans.

La salle Chorus entertaining the guests at the auction.

Dan White and Ted DiNoia pralsrng the lord wIth their voices

84 ..


held a\ Seven Dolor<; Church. The


classmcn quartet. Men 4 Harmony. was showcased at a number of masses throughout the year including Fran John-

v chorus

+' By DAN WI liTE '05 Choral Activities at La Salle for the 2003¡2004 academic year were varied and ever¡expanding. Beginning in the fall. a new underclassmen quartet made up of !>ophomores Mauhew Kershes. Joseph Schatz. Chris Irnms and John Buonomo was initiated and had their premiere at the Christmas Choral Concert

son's memorial service. Eight gentlemen. Daniel P. White, Ted DiNala. Manhew Kershes. Joseph SchUlz. Srell Truckscss. Paul Kelly IV. and John Braea. were selected as members of All-Catholic Chorus and one junior. Daniel P. White. was a

member of both District and Regional choruses. In addition to Ihe above honors, the select Belcroflers were adjudicaled al both the Quakertown and North Penn Choral Festivals. In addition. the Full Chorus was once again invited 10 lape mass for WPVI Channel 6. courtesy of Father Anthony Janlon. Many of our gcntlemcn were participants in area musicals as well as our own spring production of Grease. WOrthy of mention are Senior Ken Gambone as "Eddie Ryan" in Gwynedd Mercy's Patent Leather Shoes and Senior Mike Valentine as "Enjolras" in Mount Saint Joseph's Les Miz.

all-catholic chorus Members of the All-Catholic Chorus raising

their voices.

Cllorus", 85

John Baptiste de La Salle would have ap-

proved-knowing. of course. that he W:IS watching La Salle's 2003 fall drama. The Nerd. After six weeks of long nights. DamIta's

piZ7.a. and Dr. Phil impressions by Nick, the

fall drama .. By Soon Boss DG & By,4.N BARBY US

Matt Stone freaks Qui at the sight of'The Hulk." Ryan Barry sprays half-chewed pasta all over the table. Scot! Ross wears a

sweater vest. Nick Gregorio gets doused in cottage cheese. Malt Capaldo drinks whiskey and smokes on school campus. 51.

Nick Gregorio Is a little too happy about paper bags.

Scott Ross, Matt Capaldo, and Ryan Barry enthralled by pie.

86 ... -rile Nerd"

cast of The Nerd pcrfonncd what Mr. Cicdlllaro called a "wacky. zany. fantastical comedic romp:' Ok. so that's not an eX3ct quote ... but we're sure someone said il. Director Jason Michael (who had just been nominated for a Barrymore award before practice sianed) spent many. many hours perfecting the timing and delivcry of Ihc sitcom-style play. while a talcnted crcw built a cornplell set. complete with a fireplace. decorations. and a bar. By the way. it was apple juice. nol whiskey. All the actors agreed that work.ing through the difficult, fasi-paced dialogue was as much a leaming ellperience as it was a challenge, and aregratcful forall the work bnckstagc (and bcfore the show) which madc the show a tremendous succcss.

The Hulk Is on the loose!

Man Capaldo and Ryan Barry ready to head out on the town. Stone shines!

SCott Ross and Ryan Barry having a little drink, acting a lot a crazy.

¡We are the bag peopfe. We've come to Pfobe you."

"The Nerd' .. 87

Dan McGinly, Pete Hand, and Mike Foell singing a tittle wGreased Lightning"

The gang working on the car, doin' a little dance!

Sean Quigg, Mike Valentine, and Dan McGinly burntn' up the quarter mile.

Greased lightning Is ready for the big show.

"Let's all go this way'"


+ Grease

La Salle's Spring Theatre greased itself up in preparation for Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey's Grease. Under the direction of Colleen Durkin Lapowsky. intense rehearsals began in early January and continued until late Mllrch. The actors and dancers diligently practiced with rigorous vocal and dance exercises. all culminating

in the premier in April. Classic favorites such as "Greased Lightnin'" and "Summer Lovin'" echoed

through the halls of La Salle for three months. The story linc involves Danny

(Senior. Michael Valentine) and Sandy (Issie Lapowsky). two teenage lovers who end a summer fling and are reunited at school. unforeseen by either. Unlike previous years' productions. Grease is a comedy; and due to such strong senior talent. the play was successful. Senior leads included Michael Valentine. who took on the demanding role of Danny. Peter Hand (Kenickie). Michael Foell (Doody). Dan McGinly (Roger). John Interrante (Sonny). and Mark Bur (Teen Angel). Accompanying the men. of course. were the llliented and beautiful ladies led by Issie Lapowsky, Danielle Breslin-Romano. Kristina Dominick. Christine Pierce. Nadja Matthews. and Megan Tokarski. The songs and d;mee permeated the eyes and ears of the eager audience. who were wowed from start 10 finish. Grease proved to be another successful and enjoyable experience for all those involved.

Spring Musical ... B\'




Stage Crew: (fronl) Tevis Weir, Dan Fasoline, Kevin Burlle, Pat 81agrave, and MaÂŤ Kwasizur. (back) TIm Makoid, Eric McCarthy, moderator John Pax, Greg Allen, Brian Kennedy, Joe Haesler, sean O'Connell, Chris Gallagher, and Dan Marcolina.

Grease", 89

So thIs is the method Bryan lowery uses to get articles.


P.. . . . . . T wisterian

With new moder31Ors and editors, The Wisterian underwent a lot of changes this year. donning color piclUrcs for the tirsl time in it's seventy-year hislOry (yeah. we're thai old). Although at times grow¡ ing pains were certainly felt. for the most part the Wis staff just took up where we

wisterian staff The "Wis" staff, our fearless authors of articles on over priced cafe 'oodl

90 .. Wistcrian

lert off last year. The News page somehow managed to make the average school day seem exciting. The Op-Ed page continued

to confront issues facing both the school and the nation. The Features page reached new heights of absurdity wilh cafeteria food reviews and ads for Mr. Bergsman aclion ligures. Finally the most popular page. Sports. continued to celebrate La Salle's many gifted athlctcs. Believe it or not, I never planned to become an editor. I am very thankful that during my freshman year. then moderator Mr. File basically forced mc to become involved with the Wis. I cnn't express how much I have enjoyed writing for it these past four years. I'd like to thank my fcllow editors. the Wisterian staff. and faculty moderators. Mr. John Janda and Dr. Kevin Stanton, for all of their hard work and for making the editing process so much fun for mc.

Chris Ross admires Ryan Curtain's new story,

·So anyway, tilts guy goes into it bar,.••

~l'm getting outta here before the beatings begin."

Eddie Guarrieri waiting for tho Mac to stop freezing. Yearbook slaff enjoying a laugh at someono olse's ellpense.

blue and gold staff Eddie Guanieri, TIm Adams, Kent Jaggen., and Will Metvin

\\1S1erianl Bille ..m el Gold. 91

Matt Olson is working hard to get the news out to the school.




Every moming in homeroom al 8:04AM. La Salle turns on its lelC\ isions to watch WEXP's daily broadcas!. Founded in 1996. La Salle's television studio. WEXP. has been a part of the LaSallian community for sc\cral years.

Serving as one afLa Salle's primary communications-oriented activities. WEXP has provided students with a venue to voice their opinions and eltprcss their artistic creativity. WEXP has left its own legacy at La Salle over the years and has continued it wilh the memorable addition of La Salle senior. Andrew Desiderio's comical rendition of Coun! Chocula. Other popular

-teelly Tynan'S got nothing on me!-

92'" WEXP

creati,'c works this year include SCOIt Ross '03 and Travis Cozz.ic¡s '03 "Diary of a Kleptomaniac" as well as senior Bill Benz's innovative sequel to the original "Chemistry Linebacker"' featuring La Salle teacher. Mr. Cirelli. In addition to all of these imaginative and entertaining features. WEXP continues to serve as an informative presentation. heryday news announcements and co\'erage of a wide array of La Salle e"ents from football games 10 mixers has remained the hallmark ofWEXP'~ daily broadcasts. WEXP continues to be a great way for aspiring students interested in communications ~md broadcasting to involve thcm~elves in an cxeiting and fun activity. Mr. Dempsey. chair of the English Depilrt¡ men!. and Mrs. Gucst. a member of the Hbtory Department. serve as moocrutors of WEXP and guide the students to usc their creative talents in making the shows. Senior member.. of WEXP are Feature Producer Bill Benz. Executi\e Producer Andrew Degnan. Anchor and Feature producer Andrew Desiderio. and Video Producer Greg Allen. Through the work of Ihe many sludenlS in\'ol\ed in Ihe lelevision studio. WEXP continue~ Ihe Sirong tradition of creatively informing and entertaining the Siudent body Ihal was begull in the basement of SI. Michael's hall eight ye:lrs ago. SCon Ross and Travis Coule getting ready to 00 on the air,

-Camera one, check-What do you mean you lost ItIe lead story?-

Alex Staurowsky and Kevin Blagrave help out some friends with their computer needs.

Computer lab up and nmning...so our students can play some games!

lab managers


It's not hard to figure out where these guys hang out on a daily basis.

WEXP I Lab Managers. 93

Mr. Keenan keeping tabs on the guys in the Chess Club.

Extreme Gaming Club

Chess Club

94 .... La salle Clubs

James Cunningham enJoying his time with the Multi-Cultural Club.

Ski Club had an opportunity to hit the slops In Vermont over Valentine's Day weekend.

Multi-Cultural Club


La salle Clubs ... 95

Fr. Bernie Fartey passing akKJg SOO1e of his wisdom through one of his many homilies during Kairos liturgies.

KAIROS An experience lifetime

or a

"" By I\U?.X I h~lr:S '04

Kairos is ajoumey in the Spirit ofOod. Mr. Chesnik. "Chez;' and Mr. Clark guide rctrcatants on a journey lhat is unexpected

and simple. Yet. the journey is powerful beyond words. It is an experience in search of self-discovery. The four-day

and allowed us a glimpse into our souls. Kairos is an ideal opportunity to experience God living among us. We shared laughs. amusement. soul searching, and yes. sometimes a tear or IWO. There is nothing to fear by becoming a beller leacher, Siudenl. p:lrenl. son. friend. and brOlher. God reveals Himself. and gives His inner strength and courage to everyone involved. Kairos Olllows everyone to be at peace, 10 bask in each othcr's light and love. The young mcn Ihat return are each other's pillars of strength, lovc, and hope. They are the faces of God-brothers. family... my saviors.

senior reu-eal is a magical lime. For three

years. ",e seniors have heard Kniros secrets whispered in the hallways of La Salle. 1bese secrets now belong to us. ot knowing of the mysteries inside them-

selves awaiting to unfold. seniors arri'e al Camp Neumann. Kaitas is a suspension of lime; one gets losl as though il is a sep-

arate space


itself. Forty young men

arrive, some as friends. some as acqUllinlances and others whose nan~ arc known only. These Slime young mell leave as bonded brothers. onc in Spirit. Mr. Chesnik and Mr. Clark, we are incredibly gratefUl for the memories and the life long experience you shared with us. You made known God's image on earth,

Group 3 Kairos 37-34: (front) Kevin McGilloway, Kevin Miller, and Conor Ahem. (back) Ant Massero, Rob Rebstock, adult leader Joe Fal¡ cone, student leader ROf)' Staub, ancl Chris Kirk.

96" Kairos

Chez and his twin brother laying down the lawl

Groop 7 Kairos 37-33: (front) Alex Himes (mIddle) Adult leader Bernie Fitzgereald, student 'eader Mark Bielecki, Dan Wood, Megen Demeter. (back) Brian Ruhlin;, Tom Mahon, and Marl!; Bur. Mike G1accum, -Sugar¡ Shane Maloney, and Ed Gtanam take some time for a snack.

Ape contemplates his life.

Group 5 Kalros 37-36 (front) John Hocker, Rob Szostak, and Bryan lowery. (back) Student leader Matt Malloy, adult leader Fran D1ccicco, Joe McPeak, Rob Ferrier, and Kevin Donohoe

Group 2 Kalros 37-34: Tom Ebbecke, Andrew Buck, Brian Palmero, Jim Toolan, adult leader lew Clark, Andrew Bono, Dave Achey, and Garret BasalY9a.


KAIROS Kairos 37-33

October 7-10, 2003

Kalros 37-34 November 4-7, 2003

Kalros 37-35 December9-12,2003


Kennedy, Vance

Cooper, Franco

Fallavollita, and Freddy Baker hang out in

Coleman lounge.

MHey Ang, how's the food up at Camp Neu-


98" Kairos

(left) Kairos 37 - 36 January 27-30,2004 (bottom left) Kalros 37 -37 March 2-5, 2004 (below) Kyle 8idus and Matt Malloy Kairos brothers

Colin Pinto, Mike McGowan, and Dave Brelnicky enjoy each others company on 37-37.

After along four days all you want to do is sleep.

The Kairos Experience Brian Neary

Bob Dyer

-Kairos gives all of us Ihe ability 10 know our true sel\'es. as well as underslancling ancl apprecialing tile pO\ver of lo\'e in our lives.-

"J went on Kairos 37-8 'vllen I was a SlllClcllt m La salle. J realized being an adult leader this

year 110W much Kairos Slil! impacts Ihe Slu(lents' lives and how great II was being tk'lCk:

Kathleen O'Connell

Kyle Biclus

~Kairos is

-rIle bonds J formed anclthc lessons [ learned on Kairos will never leave me. TIle feelings I have for tIle 10\'0 tllat is around me is truly unexplainable. 37-36 Foreverr

a lime away for adults and becomes for all ('I lime 10 reflect. listen, share. encourage. and challenge. For me rx-rsonalIy il is a spiritual renewal.-

Kairos" 99

.,. .:.F TMlh .


=11:"" ~-, ...."_, . ...."':;


- ¡.....- --;;::.;Mijffi'l

..--~~ ~--


_ _ _ _ _---'S-.IBO..N.-G IB.U.NK


Athletics playa huge role in any high school; they have the power 10 motivate, to bond, to empower. La Salle's athletic department provides a place for people to be a part of something special, the La Salle family tree. Year after year our school produces top quality teams that always seem to be on the cusp of taking home a Catholic League title. Through many hours of practice, our teams gellogether into one unit, or one family. Our athletes support and encourage one another to perform to their utmost potential. From the nervous underclassmen trying oul for the freshmen basketball team to the top varsity oarsmen on the crew learn, we are all one La Salle athletic family. La Salle's family tree extends deep; not only are our star athletes a part of this tree but also the entire school. Not everyone can perform at Ihe level al which La Salle competes, but everyone is part of the athletic community. Through pep rallies. our school spirit is energized. La Salle's fans are the best and motivate their athletes to win the big games. Seniors teach this energy and enthusiasm to the underclassmen: the cheers, the taunts, the chants are passed down from one class 10 the next as we deepen our roots and stretch our limbs. Just as our athletes and fans are part of our family tree, so are our dedicated coaches, who work tirelessly to pass their knowledge on to willing players. The people who give their time every day to La Salle's students offer more then just coaching in a particular sport: they provide coaching in life. They teach their athletes lessons they can lise after graduation. La Salle athletics help make La Salle's family tree what it is; and LaSaliians can look forward 10 this continued tradition of hard working athletes, devoted fans, and dedicated coaches. ~

I 00 .. sports Divider

Will Melvin '04

Chris Ross leads the





,.. .....


spons Divider" I


MHailla salte,our Alma Mater, Hail, all hailt M

La Salle defense In hot pursuit!

102 .. FOOtball

Kyle Whitmire headed lor the end zone.

Max Mullineaux looking lor the hole!

JoCo gets his boys fired upt

senior Chris Mulholland is ready for battle


. . BY M1Clll\EL LYNCll

The 2003 football season belonged to the seniors. as it always does. The seniors provided leadership and gamc experience. which helped the Explorers reach the plaY4 offs following a difficult start. The Ex~ plorers finished the season in 4th place ill theCalholic League Red Division. The of-

fall SPOrts

fense was led by senior receivers John Trainer. Brian Hogan. and Chris Garl.one. and running backs Max Mullineaux and Matt Malloy. The offensive line Ihal opened up holes and pass-blocked all year was led by seniors Tim Craig. OJ. Cunningham. and Jerry Dunn. Also conlribul-

ing on offense were Angelo Garafalo and Bill McCloskey. The Explorers' defense was led by cocaptains Miles Miller, linebacker, and Kevin Donahue. defensive lineman. Also making stops on defense were senior linemen Frank Jorfi. Drew Medwid. Sean Adams. and Rob Szostak. Defending the pass were the senior defensive backs Hogan. Garzone, Chris Mulholland. Kyle Whitmire, and Vance Cooper. Senior Chris Glover handled the kicking dUlies. From the "Iwo-a-days" in the August heal to Ihe cold nights of November. Ihe 2003 La Salle Explorers stuck togcther and crealed many memories.


Anever-saydie atlilude helped brtng this year's varsily learn logellier and

propelled them into the playoffs

+:... u • .. ,

Plymouth-Whitmarsh 23 27 27 West Chester Henderson 7 12 Germantown Academy 27 7 Roman Catholic 27 SI. Joe's Prep 0 37 7 cardinal O'Hara 14 27 Father Judge 25 18 Archbishop Ryan 14 21 Monsignor Bonner 7 27 North Catholic 11

28 14

Playoffs Archbishop Ryan S1. Joe's Prep

14 41

Varsity Team. Row 1: J. Ruppert, J. Cooper, A. Bonny, J. Gravinese, J. Fillman, B. Brady, C. Agnew, P. Gebert, B. Hunt, R,. Travers, M. MulllneaulC, M.lynch. Row 2: J. Rementer, M. Malloy, V, Cooper, J.liberatore, S, Adams, K. Ulrich, M. Padgeon, C. Hodgson, J. Gehringer, C. Regan, M. Haas, J. Keenan, R. Cosgrove. Row 3: M. Grant, B. HalbOtter, W. Dingle, D. Medwid, E. DiDonato, C. Mulholand, S. Calhoun, l. Barrett, J. Clifford, M. Boyle, P. Riley, D. Aleff, M. Singer. Row 4: P. Brett, B. McCloskey, D. Wilkins, J. Crouse, B. Hogan, It Whitmire, B, Masturzo, A. Rocks, G. Crone, F. Daulerio, C. Barrett, S. Guinan, T. Prokop, B. caglia, Dr. Lackes. Row 5: Br, Herlihy, T. Clarke, G. Hudson, T. little, C. Garzone, L Stewart, M. Miller, K. Donohoe, E. SChoeffling, J. Tulbino, P. Ferguson, J. SobocinSki, A. SutXus, M.lhlein, J. Trainer, Head Coach Joe Collstra, Row 6: S. McGoldrick, S. Ryan, T. Jorfi, G. Dunn, A. Garafalo, T. Cullen, T. Craig, D.J. Cunningham, B. Murtha, R. Szostak, F. Jurfi, M. Andrews, R. Forster.

Football .. J 03

Mike Lynch poses for a future 5.1. cover

Our guys look ready to play!

104+ FOOll:>a1J

Aquick burst of speed and the defense Is left In the dust

The fearless Frosh defense!

NOf1t1 Catholic doesn't know what

Coach Nicgorski shows off his killer math problems before the game.

they got

themselves Into coming to our housel



The 2003 La Salle Explorersjunior varsity football team had a very good year. With many sophomores stnning. the squad did not have much experience going into the season. The jV team also faced a lough schedule. which caused a rough start. However. they still played each game to

fall SPOrts

the best of their ability lind were competitive in every game they played. The season gave valuable game experience to many young men. who hope to use this experience to gain varsity playing time next year. In addition. the jV leam was invaluable to the varsity's game prep'H<uions.


Giving the varsity their best and helping prepare the varsity for the upcoming games. the jV players went all out in practice. La Salle can look forward to success in the years to corne as these young players move inlo the varsity ranks.


Valuable experience lortheJV learn bodes well rorthe future of La Salle football

~H '",Al'lliI"





St. Joe's Prep


Cardinal O'Hara Father Judge Archbishop Ryan Monsignor Bonner North Catholic Roman Catholic


20 14

35 14

6 22

o o o 6



The architechs of the unstoppable Freshman machine, Coaches DonOhoe, Rad, and Nlcgorski, decide where to celebrate another victoryl


+ 105

"Coach for the 50th time I can't go in I'm on crutches here!~ - Ape

The Wizard demonstrates his vast skills on his opponent.


This lear's + By RYAN DEMPSEY The 2003 Explorers soccer team envarsily joyed a truly memorable season. After an undefeated induding a 4-1 victory squad rame over Malvernstart. Prep in the EPYSA, the team so far aud iu earned national recognition.The Explorers were ranked 17th in the nation land first in Ihe eud fell the Southeastern Pennsylvania Coaches jusl short of Poll. With an impenetrable defense. the Explorers tallied fifteen shutouts and selalille Eveu dom allowed the opposition more than one goal. On offense. the Explorers were led wilh Ihat by Mike Glaccum, Philadelphia Catholic there were League North MYP and First Team AI1"The Wizllrd" broke Ihe former mauy greal Catholic, regular season scoring record with 28 memones goals and finished the season with 30 goals overalL Other team leaders included First from !his Team All Catholics Mike Whelan and Pat McCaffrey. Second Team All Catholics seasou

Hector Romero and Jim Slover. and Kevin Moll. Honorable Mention. After shutting out both North Calholic and 51. Joseph's Prep in the playoffs, the Explorers faced Archbishop Ryan in the finals. In an exciting and evenly matched game, the Explorers battled for 78 minutes of scoreless soccer. In the last two minutes of the game. Ryan scored a heartbreaking goal: and the Explorers suffered a 1-0 loss. Despite this loss, the soccer team had a great season and earned local and national atlenlion. With :1 strong core of players returning next year. the tcam has a promising future.

Chris Greaves sprints to make the play.

&O&+:'¡U' .-: 6 4 3 4 5

0 3 4 1 8 4


Roman Catholic Kennedy- Kenrick Downingtown

"'"ShiPley ""Prep


0 0 1

ArchbishOP Ryan ConweII¡Egan

0 2 0 0 0 0

"""''''''''' '''','' """

0 0

~ Gtlost Prep

SI. Joe's Prep

IllshoP McDevItt



Archbisrop Wood cardmal Dougherty BIShoP McDevitt Archbishop Ryan Conwell-Egan North QlthoIiC Fathel" Judge Archbishop Wood C8tdinal Dougherty

, 3

Noeth catholic SI. Joe's Prep


0 0


Archbishop Ryan



5 5

, 1

0 1 1

106"", Soccer


0 0 0 1

0 0 0

2003 Varsity: Rrst Row: lou Esposito, Tom Q'DOfinell, Chris Greaves, Ryan Dempsey, Colin Baker, Matt McCaffery, and Tom McVey. second Row: Hector Romero, Eric Calvitti, Tim Mareinic, Chris Schevie, Kevin Miller, Jim Slover, Mike Kueh, Joe Palitano. Third Row: Head Coach Bob Peffell, Colin Whalen, Paullanzilotta. Kevin Moll, Mike Glaccum, Mike Whalon, Chris Glover, Pat McCafferty, Fred Baker

All this cefebratlng gets me tired. Here you go Wiz, just score another goal.

No It can't be.•.Is that Franco? ..on the field!

-Thank you, thank you...I'1I be signing autographs after the

I don't know I Just like dribbling.


SOCcer" 107

look into

These guys Just Ioye each other.


ofMure C3tool;c

league champions.

SOCCER TheJYaod • rreshmao leamsare selling up fora successful fulure for

fall sports

La Salle


2003 JV: First Row: Joe Fleuhr, Drew Brandt, Chase Tucker, Billy Keenan, Brlan Sacchetta, Chris Barr Second Row: Ryan Huber, Mike Villari, Jim McCabe, Rob DeYlln, Chris Adamski, Vince Rizzuto, Andrew Lewandowski Third Row: Coach P.J. Quinn, Greg Banecker, Tim Small, Sean Riley, Bill Kerr, Chris Nederostek, Keyin Murphy, Steve Costanza, Tom HeIgh, Andrew Ventresca, Head Coach Charles Gesing.

108 .. SOCcer

Pssl.coach.. put me in the game.

See Moll that's how you kick fl.. now you try.

KeYin Miller is just flying to the goal

·GuYS,1 got Itl"

"Ugh, guys..• tht game is over it's time to go home now.·

SOCcer. 109

The guys are all here and ready to go.

Coach Demeter ami his boys showing the smiles 01 champions

I I 0"'" Cross COlllllry

Chris Johson: gut check time!

Sean McGinley and Chris Ross getting ready for thetr big race.

Coach Devine, Stevt

"You must fear us!"

Hol'vath, Joe Fodorowtcz, G<eg Poles00, Kyle Rodden, Pat

O'Neill, sean McGinley, Pat Jeffers, Chris AOSS,Coach Bleteckl, and CoachDeme-

... -..a.. their Catholic League title.


IHI~ Bo:-..... '04

Every sport lays ils claim 10 pain: crew kids offer up bllSlered palms. basketball players speak of suicide trials. and wresllers remind you of their latest ascetlcal diet. BUI cross-country runne~' pride in Ihe misery of their spon becomes, at times. fanatical. A smidgen of smugness is expressed in the team shirts: "Our spon is your sport's punishment." Cross-country runner:. love their spon almOSI as much as they purpon to hale 11. especially when lhey win. You can'l blame La Sallc¡:. cross country team for crowding the front dc!>k weekly with trophies and plaques. Thcy earned first place at the Great American Cross Country FCSlival. at the Saleshmulll Invitalion. the Manhattan

Invitation. the Eastern Statc!'> Championship, and the PA State Prep ChampionShips. Abo"c all. they earned lhe title of Philadelphia Catholic League Champions as Freshmen. Junior Varsity. and VarsilY. For the senior1>. the PeL Championship viclOry was a dream so",n in their freshman year and cultivated with perse\er.mce and passion. The Philadelphia Inquirer named La Salle the "2003 Cross Country Team of the Year:' Seniors. Joe Fedorowicl , Sieve Hor¡ vath. and Chris Ross. Junior Sean McGinley and Sophomore Pat Jeffers earned 1st Team All-Catholic Honors with Sophomore Pat O'Neill taking 2nd Team AlICmholic, and Senior Greg Potestio and

Sophomore Bob McCullough achieving Honorable Mentions. FedorowiCl . Horvath. and McGinley also took 1st Team AII-Slale honors with Ross and Jeffers going 2nd Team AII-Slale. Our cooches formed a dynamic trium\lr.lle. each addll1g their own personal touch and talent. Mr. Bielecki brought a worl.. ethic and program from Ha\erford, one of the lOp running colleges in the nation. Doug Demeter contributed a terse wit and an optimistic auilude. while Mr. Devine became a second father to us all. Reponing on La Salle's Victory. The Inquirer quoted Mr. Devine: "They knew coming in they hOld 10 win as a pack. Thi.. was a team!"

ACatholi[ League title makes for an miling Cross CounliJ season

Coach BIeJec:ld, Pat JeNers, Greg Potestio, SteYe Horvath, Kyle Rodden, Joe Fedorowicz, Chris Ross, Coach Devine, Pat O'Neill, and sean McGinley show oN their Catholic league prize.

Cross Country. I I I

BASKETBALL + By KEvIl'< II Seniors belped lead !be ,arsity basketbaU learn into tbe playoffs



This season the Ell.plorcrs relied on senior leadership to make their run through

early success included IWO tournament \ iClOries. the Archbishop Carroliiouma-

the Catholic League Northern Division. With very few combined varsity stans from 1aSI season. there was uncertainlY

sic. With the tremendous preseason. La

how they would farc. With oULStanding

coaching behind head coach Many Jack.son and La Salle's patented tenacious defense. the Explorers began their journey towards the Catholic League playoffs. La Salle started the pre-~cason off strong going 8-3 with their only losses coming to Episcopal. West Catholic. and $1. Joseph's Prep (all playoff tcams). The

ment and the Wildwood Boardwalk ClasSalle was optimislic heading into Ihe always compelith'e Catholic League season. The Explorers cominued lheir pre-season success imo the regular season. going 10-4 in Ihe Northern Division. and finishing Ihe season 18-7. Theyenlered (he playoffs as Ihe #2 seed behind Cardinal Dougheny and played Archbishop Ryan in the firsl round.

The varsity was lead by a strong group of seniors such as Nick Shattuck, Colin Fitzgerald, Kevin Miller, KevIn Ihlein, Ryan Kirk, Mike Stanton, and Kevin Moll. (pictured here)

1 12

+ Basketball

Mr, Jackson: coach, teacher, counselor, motivator, Just an all-


around sweetheart on the bench!

Shattuck is just dominating underneath!

Ryan Kirk stays awake long enough to do some serious damage

rrtz pappin' a jay!

Colin Fitzgerald is all that!

on ttlecourt

Basketball.. I I 3

Head Coach Donohoe draws up the next play.

La Salle's swaming ~d" Is a force to be reckoned with!

BASKETBALL TheJV haskelball team hada successful season working hard Ibroughout the year to provide a great look info the future ofLa Salle basketball.



The lY Basketball squad was led by head coach, Mr. "DoHa" Bill Donohoe. and assistant coach. Mr. Ed Bongard. The team had a successful season after working hard in the preseason 10 prepare for the lOugh Catholic League schedule. Led by Juniors Kevin Miller. Tom Lyons. Tom Edger, Ryan Gibbons. and Mike Ch3pman and with the help of Sophomores. Bill Warrender. Tyrell Marshall. and Doug MaxwelL the team found a way a come together after the first few games. Sophomores Connor Hogan. Colin Miller. and Joe Hennessey provided an important spark off the bench that every team needs. Hustle machines Billy "the Kid" Keenan.

Andrew Haefner, Mall Ihlein. and JP "Dude" Jones worked as hard as anyone else day in and day out and played better in practice than most (cams do in games. The season had its highs and lows. but the

mosl important thing on the JY level is to improve. and that's whm these hard work¡ ers did every day from November to February.

winter spor1s

The Junior Varsity Basketball team preparing the varsity starters of the future.

I 14

+ Basketball

No pressure. The game and season are just on the line, but that's all.

"Hey, any of you guys seen Dave recently?"

Fighting for that reboutldl

Coach Bongard is ready to suit up!

The Mure Catholic league champions have arrived.

Basketball '" I 15

Awwwyeah, the big dawg Is rastlln'!!!

I think Coach Braz needs some antacids.

1 I 6+ wrestling

Bruised and tired but still a winnerl

Junior Ed Valentino ready to move in for the take-down I

The young Courtney (below) can learn I thing or two from the senioIleadetship of Greg Teufel. (right)

WRESTLING .. By En V"U ....TI....O"05 TIus year's La Salle wrestling team "'as led by the coaching of MiLe Braciszweski and (he all-star Tony Panzarella. The lead·

spring sports

ing varsity team mcmbe~ Included seniors Greg Teufel and Tim Cooney: Juniors Ed Valentino and Andrew Cotlo\'. sopho-

mores Chri~ Henrich. Rob StOlt. Ste\C Ulrich. Tom Cleary. Lamar Stewart. and John Rementer: and freshmen Ben Courtney. Ian Bracisz\\esLi. Mike Croasdale. and Kc\in Klohe. The team was a r3theryoung one but still managed to ha\e a 17-6 dual meet record. Members of the team who recei\'cd All-Catholic Honors include Greg Teufel. Chris Henrich. Andrew Cotlov. Ed Valentino. Rob Stotl. and Mike Croasdutc. Also State· Prep placers include Chris Henrich (I ~l). Greg Teufel (2nd). Rob Stall (8th). and Steve Ulrich (8th). The only National Prep place winner (hi.. . year was Chris Henrich (3rd).


squad belps 10 build for future SUC(1SS0D

lI1e mats.

Discipline and dedication of the La Salle wrestlers help them to succeed In the tough matches of the Catholic league.

wreslling. I J 7

Coach MuehlbronIlef gels his boys ready.

The hockey program shows the dedicalion ofeach member of Iheleam10 Ihe lfildilons of La Salle and the imporlance 01 weilIing Ihe "blue and gold"

It's a mad dash lor the puck


"1,2.3, La Salle!" is heard before every game and after every practice. It signifies that each La Salle player will "be accountable" every lime he sleps out on the ice. It shows the dedication thai each player gives 10 wear the blue and gold. Training begins in the summer with workouts in the weight room and running outside. Tryouts follow lhe preseason preparation. Throughout these three days of evaluation, anticipation and nervousness grow to an extreme level. After lhe team is picked. il

goes right 10 work towards another successful season. Losing nine seniors to graduation. Coach Muehlbronncr saw many new faces as he dealt out instrnctions for each drill at practice. These fresh talents, along with the leadership of seniors Andrew Brady. Carl Olejniczak. Chris Wallin. Timothy Loftus. and Michael Parkerwerc the ingredients necessary for a productive year. This great polcntial provcd itself whcn the team jumped out 10 a strong slart with big

wins over 51. Mary¡s. DeMatha Catholic. and Holy Ghost Prep. After a mid-season lull. the team prepared for its annual goal. a Flyers Cup Championship, followcd by a State Championship. The ups and downs of the hockey season helped to form friendships ;llld produce memories ncvcr to be forgotlcn. These relationships will always be remembered. especially by the seniors moving on to their next successful step in life.

Varsity 1 Hockey. Front Row: George Oliver, fim Loft1Js, Cart Olejniczak, Coach Muehlbronner, Andrew Brady, Ken Wochele, Christ Wallin. Back Row: Coach Upski, Steve Klenk, John Williams, Gino Naticchione, l.G. Gallson, Tom Hartman, Chez Angeloni, Nick Wright, John Staffi, Mike Martinelli, Mike Parker, Coach Haggerty. Missing: Alex Vaeth.

118" Hockey

Hk:k Wright is ready to gol

-Yus¡ prepares tor his next 5a'ft.

Tom Hartman taldng care of his opponentl

Goalie TIm Loftus takes 8

TIm Loftus and Hick Wright in the heat of battMl


Ilockey'" 119

JVB Team. Matt Sinnott walts for a break away,


"04 This year's Varsity 2 ice hockey team welcomed some talented freshmen as well as an experienced coach. Mr. Fykc joined the squad after coaching JVB for several years. His focus on discipline and team play brought the players together and allowed the tcam to concentrate on ~ystem development early in the season. The team was selected from a diverse group of players including V2 veterans. Andrew Dauphinee and Travis Eddy, as well as some promising new players including Dominick Cook, JeO' Brown, and Max Morgan, The team was led by seniors Andrew Dnuphincc. Senn McGon)', Pat Rood, a.nd Nick Aft'el. The V2 team started 00' the season strong with a 7-1-2 record in ANOHEW DAl1PlliNEE

their first 10 games. The remainder of the season wasa.!.tmggle, but the team pulled together to finish strong. The development of a lifting schedule cvery othcr day helped the hockey team to become physically stronger and will continue to build a strong V2 pro~

La Salle V2 Hockey ready for action. Greg Herzog looks pretty mean


+ Ilockey

gram to support the school's V I team. The future for the Varsity 2 team and the entire hockey progmllllooks promising. and an Explorer championship seems imminent. JVATeam,

Andrew Heinrictl ready tOf hrs shift Chris Higgins lookIng tOf someone to hit

Another goal tOf JVA

Josh Chubb heading for the

JVA ready to get started.


I lockey .. J 2 I

·Yeah.. .! made that

Ang Garofalo goes for the dreaded 1 • 10 spltt

last spare.-


La !aUe

keglmroU Ihrougblbe season and look forward 10 abrigbl fulore.

By Scan RA.'-""l.lLEB '03

'"The Real American Pastime" Ah. the wondrous ~por1 of bowling! Some people say. "Bowling i.. nOl a spon:' so let me set the record stmighl. Bo\\ ling is as much a spon as any. and it takes a great mind like my comradc, Will Phillips. to master the craft of bowling. Will topped thc season ofT with a 200.5 3\Ct:lge and a spot on All Catholic 00\\ ling. first team, Other team members \\-ere also valuable assets. including Anthony Adams. who ended the season with a 170 avcrage; Jeff

Gemi. Angelo Garofalo. and SCOlt Ran\\eiler. who ended the sea$()n wilh alSO average. Ahhough the team fini ..hed second to last this )·ear. hopes are still high for next year's \ie for the championship. Will Phillips says. "We've definilely had a title coming to us for a \\hile. but next year is a guammeed pla}off run:' So all those \\-ho think bowling b nOI a spon. think again! La Salle's 00\\ lers wam and \\-ork hard for a title ju..t like all other La Salle athletes do.

Varsity Bowling Team.

TIm Makoid adds a nasty spin for a strike.

122. Bowling

Goallenm Adams klts up a goal,1

Do these guys look like they know what they're doing?"

harbinger of

things to comel"

WATER POLO "04 Under the direction of coache~. Mr, Duncheskie and Mr. Tale. La Salle intro¡ duced Water Polo as a v:m>ity spon for the firsl time this) ear. Because this is a 1>pon performed in the pool. naturally many of the members of the swim team suddenl) found themselves water polo players. The swimmers teamed up with some other ath. . By TL\l AJ)A\ts

"Ughh, coach, I think I'm gonna be sea sick'"

letec; to make a great first year. We tr.l\eled around and challenged other schools such as Mahem Prep and Penn Chaner. Although more losses were suffered than win1> celebrated this season. Ihe La Salle water polo team put up a fighL We had the speed around the pool but needed improvement when it came 10 the finer points of the game itself. With contlOued hard work. experience. and a pinch of the LaSallian spirit, the water polo teams of lhe future will certainly be successful.

1be inaugUlill season

or Mitl Willer polo brought oul many swmuners and Wilter fanatics fora seasonoflearning fromCoachesTale and Duncheskie

The new Iddltton to the La salkl ath5etic program, Water Polo, began with gNetllng practic:es In the outdoor pool to hetp teach this new sport.

\Vater Polo" 1 23

Here they are, for tile first time

ner._La salle Explor¡

"""stems Champs!!!!

Beef is tearing up tile pool!

I 24 .. Swimming

Where would this program be without the amazing leadershIp of Coach Lichtner.

Hytinskl enjoying the hours upon hours In the pool!


SWIMMING . . By JOEl. \\'ott.,... rLH U4

YEOOOOO! i.. a noi<,e Ihat emanate..

from the La Salle pool during the winter swimming season. It i., the sound of hard work. detennination. and success: it is the sound of a coach motivatlllg his team 10 strive to attain the impo!>sible--ju~t what the la Salle ..wim team docs. The ~wim team has been Pel champions for fifteen consecutive years and has not lo..t a pel dual meet since 1987. and this year continues that winning tradition. After winning the National Catholic title, La Salle swimmers focused their allention on their season-long dream of winning the pre"ligious

Easlcms. Strong !>Cnior leadership provid¡ ed by captains Kent Jagger!> and Joel Worster and senior s"" immers. Tim Adams. John Welsh. Kevin Egan. Rob Vmncken. Brian Hopkins. Pat Gallagher. and diver. Dan Wood. bolstered the team'" hope 10 accomplish the impossible. The inspirational coaching staff of Frank lichlner. Dennis Blah, Steve Duncheskie. Jim Tate. and moderator. Gerry Miller. is the team's driving force. This year's swim team i" one for the record book. Pat Gallagher and Jocl Worsler and all three relay teams have bro-

ken record... a feat thai no one expected

comlOg inlo Ihis foCason. Pat Gallagher holds five individual records. and Joel Worster set a new Pel record for the 100yard backstroke. Although the learn is losing a lot of liS lOp athletes this year. it still looks ..trong for the future with Juniors Kevin Hylinski. Trey Ciarnmetli. George Walters. and Brennan Hagy leading the pad.. These swimmen.. along with sixteen other underclassmen. are sure to be just as ~trong next year.

An UJlbeumble season thai included afillb siiaight Nalional Cathoun tiUe and t6th lOnsecutive PCL Championshi~

bul the firsllime Easterns Champs made it special.


senior seadefs of the 2003-2004 SWim team: John Welsh, Kent Jaggers, Kevin Egan, J.B. Worster, Pat Gallagher, Tim Adams, Adam DiMenna, Dan Wood, Brian Hopkins, and Rob Vranken.

Loyola Blakefield (Win) _bishop Garroiliwin) Archb1shop Wood (Win) St Joe's Metuchen (loss) Cardinal O'Hara (Win) Roman Catholic (win) Blue ChIp Invitational (win) Monsignor Bonner (win) Father Judge (win) NatiOnal Calt1ol~ (win) (5111 time) _bishop Ryan (Win) St Joseph's Prep (win) Eastems (wm) (1st time) PCL Championship (Win) (16111 time)

Swimming" 125

"Almost then! G-Po.-

KY'e Rodden is in CfUise contn:Jl.


asa tree the hasket is larlrom ourreach sometimes

. . By STEVE HOlw"n I "()4.

For La Salle's runners. the bare trees and the early sunstts of winter only mean

one Ihing-il's Indoor Track season. The name of this sport creales confusion because all training takes place outdoors in the sub-freezing tempemtures. The Mount run. the college run. and the happy medium between the two. the llrboretum run. require LlI Salle's fastest to run outside.

Thankfully. however. the weekly meels.

held at Lehigh University. Haverford College. and Kutztown niversil)'. lake place

inside: hence. the name. "indoor tmck:'

Following a fabulous cross-country season. L3 Salle's harriers hoped to cominue their success in the indoor season. Lcd by a multitude of seniors. including Joe "jF' Fedorowicz. the running Explorers man¡ aged to place 5th in the Phil:ldelphia Catholic League Championships. There

were many bright spotS along the way. such as the seuing of a new indoor 800 meter record by JE Kevin Moore. the tearn's shot putter. placed first at PeLs. Also first were the dislance medley rclay and Ihe 4x800 meier relay. These successes encouraged the team as it prepared for the Meet of Champions and the State Races. La Salle's nmners will undoubtedly represent their school well. as they always do.

Greg PotesUo must feel good about himself beating a grade school kid,

126_ Indoor Track

Dan O'Toole running for glory.

Steve Horvath is just intense!

Kevin Miner is ;ust lUlling his CJ9IKI'M'flI to sleep.


lou Esposito lUcks in to high

sean McGinley heads for the finish line in the lead.

Indoor ltack. 127

Ewww,1 don't want to

to<JcIIltIat ..... Who

knows who was henl betote me7

Kevin Moore giving everything he's gotl

128 .. OUldoor Track

"Man, I'm killing these guys."

Chris Ross In the clear.

·We can fty.•

OUTDOOR TRACK -04La Salle's Outdoor Track and Field learn loo~ed forward 10 an outstanding season after exceptional Cross Country and Indoor Track seasons. The team worL.ed very hard and met the standards of Mr. Devine's intense workouts. When April rolled around and the temperature began to rise and it became harder 10 keep up the physically elthausting training that track demands. this team kept its eyes set on the Catholic League Championships and never relented in their training. The strong leadership und outstanding work ethic did not come from one person . . By Loti ESPOSITO

but from all the seniors on the team. In the distance e...ents. major contributors were Joe Fedorowicl. Kyle Rodden. Pat O·Neill. Chris Ross. Greg Potestio. and Steve Horvath. In the Sprinting events. L.ey runners ",ere Loui.. Esposito. Neil O'Connell. Ryan NelJing. and Steve Bibu. who also contributed to the team's hurdling success. Juniors Sean McGinley. Tim Shea. Dan O·Toole. Andrew Tull. and Joe Ritinski posted times that gave La Salle something to look forward to next year. Sophomores Drew Brandl, Pat Costello. Brendan Beichert, and Pat Reagan also

posted exceptional times. In the field e....ents. senior Kevin Moore eltcelled in shot-put. discus. and ju\'elin. Kevin won a Cutholic League Indoor Championship in shot-put and continued his excellence through the outdoor season. In the long and tnple jumps. Andrew Tull bettered each of his marks from the previous year which propelled him into a class with the top competitors in the Catholic League. Overallihe year was a succc.<;s as the team finished among the league's best.

An oulslanding

Outdoor Track season fed o[tlie success of botli tlie Cross Country team and Indoor Track team.

Whether ft's a sprint Of relay, La saUe's track team can't be beal

Outdoor nack. 129

Jeff !Canol

anxiously awaiting his tum at bat

Nick Bredlblll sitting on a high curve.


awesome combinalion oflearn unitl and nalural abilill should mill this leM'S learn extremell sumss!ul


'04 2004 promises to be another outstanding year for the La Salle Explorers baseball program. The combinalion of a newly expanded coaching staff. a deep. experienced team with severnl returning senior varsity players. and a great deal of underclassmen talent should resuh in the continuation of the success experienced by the progrnm over the past few )ears. including back-to-hack Catholic League championship game appearances in 2002 and 2003. Heading up the coaching staff this )car is fonncr assistant coach. Mr. Joe Falcone. His assistants arc Mr. PJ. Quinn. Mr. Mike "Oak" O·Conner. Mr. Ed Bongard. and coach/manager 1):11 Brett. Mr. Jordan Nicgorski will also be helping with By NICK BRECIIBII..L

the pitchers aI alllevcls. Returning varsity seniors include last year's firsl team All Calholic infielder. Pal Riley; last ye:lr's second team All Calholic pitcher. David Achey: Nick Brechbill. Mike Glaccum.

spring sports

Jeff Kallof. Mike Malloy. Anthony Massaro, P:1I McCUSKer. and John Trainer. The awesome combination of tcam unity and nalural ability should makc this year's baseball team extremely successful.



3I20I04 Havortord SChool 3123104 Germantown Academy 3126104 Roman Cattloltc 3129104 CardInal O'Hara 4/1104 Archbishop Carmi 4/5104 BiShop McDevitt 4(/104 Fall1er Judge 4/8104 Penn Charter 4/12104 Archbishop Ryan 4/14104 North Catholic 4116104 51. John Neumann 4119/04 Archbishop Wood 4121/04 COnwell-Egan 4123104 Caflilnal Dougherty 4124104 Calvert Hall 4127/04 MoosigIlor Ilonnef 4129104 BisIlop McDevItt 5I03I04 Fall1er Judge 515104 ArchbIShop Ryan 516104 St. _ph's Prep 5/10/04 North Catholic

130 ... Baseball

Matt Malloy, Pat Brett, and John Trainer gel ready lor the game to begin.

Skipper Joey "the bull" Falcone all smiles before the ~me,

"I know I can steal home just give me the sign coach,"

Dave Achey ready to take the mound

Is that Nick Brechbill or Mike

Ant-man Massero keeps a mean book,


Baseball'" I 3 I

"Alright listen up, I don't want to see any

fDOlin' around out there. let's win so I can head down to the shore early."

Brfan Clearkln, Kyle Ginty, and Alex Muller ready for another round... af golf that Is.

132'" Goll

Witness the power of a Big Bertha driver!

"I'm just enjoying this day with my teammates and friends."

Picture perfect swings that even Ttger can adrmre.


By M:\llh BU:l.H hi


Last year. La Salle's golf team reinforced their reputation for great perfomlance and success. The team won their 8th straight Catholic League title, and had another undefeated season. Last year AllCatJiolic hono~ went to Chns Reedman.

Eli Pery. Max Muller, Garren Bal>alyga. Mike Parker. and Mark Bielecki, The golf squad's astounding success is due to its coaches, Head coach Many Jaclson continued to ghe many S\l, ing li~ (0 the tearn. Coach Les Burke. bener kno\l,n as "the


Cl \\ III ( <llll( ,Il{

doclor". helped keep the team's mental game sharp. while coach Diehl provided conslant shan gamc instruction. Looking fONard to another golf season. the team made its annual trip 10 Mynle Beach mer Easter break to <;harpen their game for the challenging season ahead. The team searched for its 9th slraight Catholic League title and another winning season. Rewrning seniors Garrell Basalyga. Mike Parker, Kyle GinlY. Brian Clearkin, Dennis Carlson. and Mark Bielecki hoped to lead the Explorers to vicwry. Also returning 10 the learn were juniors Scan Ford, and Andrew McDcnnotl as well as sophomore Alex Muller.

The golf team eles a 9iJJ straigbt D1iJJo~c

League tille aDd cootioued success of all-D1tbolic golfm

The gol'lng machine that Is La salle, Even with yearly graduates going onto Division 1 golf programs throughout the East, Coach Jackson just keeps pumping out titles.

Golf. 133

Paul Paige is just 900113 smoÂŤethts

-Ok, let me remember how to do this.-


TENNIS "04Based on lasl year's exciting finale when La Salle delivered a crushing defeal 10 ils rival. SI. Joseph's Prep, this year's lennis season holds greal cxpcclalions. The Explorers reclaimed the Philadelphia Calholic League Iii Ie lasl year. a [ille which had been Iheirs for many years. This year's learn hopes 10 continue this dominance in the Catholic League and finish wilh anOlher litle. Head coach, Mr. Geiger. and assistant coach, Mr. Radvansky. plan 10 guide Ihe lalenlcd group of players lowards Ihis goal. Coach Geiger is fonunate because he JOSI only four members of the learn last year. Included in the nme returning players arc Seniors. Andrew . . By BHE.....OAN I llJlON

Great expectations for this lear's seilSon m wate of iUI amazing Catholic LeaguetiUe victofj from lasllear.

Hannigan. Jason Maron, Brendan Heron. and Rob Vranckcn. With Juniors Paul Paige. Cody Casale. Ron Williamson. and Tyler Mcves. and Sophomore Chris Racl. the team has a very talented core. The

spring sports

Coach Getger provkIing the leadership for his c~mps.

134" Tennis

team will enter the -"cason confident bUI still hungry. Coach Geiger hopes this combination will lead them to a second straighl PeL tille.

"Aww, this is lust too easyl-

Ty$ef Meves takes hts eye off it for just a moment

Andrew Hannigan eyes it up.

It comes so easy to Brendan Heron he can do it with his eyes c{osed.

Coach gets excrted to watch Paige play.

Tennis'" 135

Greg casey is just a su-


Brian Neary showing off Division 1 s1tills.

Bill Warner just looks like a bad dude!


+ Lacrosse

Thayer Damm roughing it up for the ball.

Juniors Rob Forster (1en) and Ed DiDonato (righl) provide the power for La salle.


B't BHl....' ('\L-\HY '()..I.

The La Salle Lacrosse learn began another promising season on March lSI, but Ihis season had a \'cry differenl feel. Relurning team member.> had a bitter taste in their mouths after losing the Catholic League title last season. From the cooches to the playe~. the goals were the same: beal Ihe Prep. win Ihe Catholic league. and fight through the State playoffs allihe way to the State Championship game. To do this. the lellm knew il mUSI treat every game as if it were the champion,hip. The

team Irained relentle"ly "11h Coache~ Bill Leahy and Ton) Re..ch and l.new it could take on any challenge. The team was led into battle by a \ery talented and leader-oriented ..cnior class. With ~enior leaders Bill Warner. Chris Mulholland. and Brian Neary. the offense had the abilily 10 "COre al will. Other major contributors to the offensive cffon were Juniors Pal lombard. Rob Forsler. Mike lynch. Thayer Damlll. and Sophomore Greg Cascy. The dcfcll',e. led by sole <;en-

ior Ed Graham. included underclassmen. Ed DiDoomo and Jim McCabe. whostruek fear into all opponents. TIle goalie position was filled by Senior Ryan Curtin and Sophomore Mike Haas. The 2004 season promised to be a great one. Despite Ihe toughest schedule La Salle had e\cr seen. the learn had no fear. The seniors brought a sense of focus and dClemlinlllion to a team that hoped to bring the PCl title back to la Salle and achieve its que~t for the Pcnnsylvania SI3te litle.

Be:: -

Abitlertaste from lastseason is alillie inspiralion Ibis leM'S lax learn needs to redaim theircrown.

.:MMCJ • . . ,

3/16 Penn Chartef 3/18 Malvern Prep 3/19 poW

3120 Colvert HaJI 3123 West Chester East 3/27 CarloSl. 3130 Lower Mefioo 4/1


413 Cardinal O'Hara

4/6 R~[ey

Coach Leahy gets his troops ready for their next battle.

4/8 Radnor 4/13 Penncrest 4/14 Father Judge 4/15 North Caltlollc 4/17 Marple Newtown 4/19 Archbishop Wood 4/21 Archbishop Carroll 4/24 Sprtngfleld

4126 cardin~ Dougherty

4/28 Sl Joseph's

LacroSSC'. 137



New Head

Coach Holwick prepares his squad 10 return 10

Catholic League greatness-


sueh a beautiful day for a boat ride."


Row La Salle Row! This cheer of hopeful La Salle rowing fans has echoed along the Schuylkill River for years and once again carried our school's rowers to a great season. This year. La Salle rowing had :I new head Varsity coach. Chris Holwick. Coach Holwick has been a part of the crew family for years; he rowed all four years as a student in the early nineties and has cO.lched here at La Salle since he started tcaching. Coach Holwick wok the helm of a team

with :1 truly rnemomble group of seniors. who returned the tcam to its old competitive form. The seniors used their leadership and experience to motivate and teach the talented group of underclassmen. The team consisted of medal hungry juniors. anxious sophomores eager to join the ranks of the varsity, and tough freshmen led by new Freshmen Coach. Jim Venuto. The fall season began with the rowers gelling back into form and learning the style of rowing at La Salle. A tough win¡

Crew team on the river after months of sweaty erg machines.

138" Crew

ter workout followed, in which the rowers were put through a mini boot-camp run by La Salle's talented coaches to get illlo amazing shape. Finally, the season was wrapped up in the spring with the 1500 meter sprint races. La Salle has always enjoyed a tradition of excellence, and this year was no exception. The team gelled through weeks of hard work in the erg room and was able to re:lp the benefits of ils work in the heat of May. Row La Salle Row!

lach is a monster.

McDade has such a way with style.

•Yo, Meehan, wake up'"

Melvin is Just so cool!

Powers and Riley big men of the boat!


+ 139


140 .. Senior SPCUJiglll

SCniorSpOlhghlW . 141

. _0 •

.' •

>:;' M.._

SENIORS Four years ago. OUf personal seeds of opponunity were planted as we entered into the solid LaSallian tradition. Constant-

ly growing in every way, we branched out into different activities thai iJmactcd us and different groups of friends thai made us laugh. As we grew. we were taught by teachers and coaches who helped us find the path of our future. Along our wny, dif-

ferent branches of friendships grew closer and intertwined in


life while other branches turned in opposite directions. We

began to understand change. We encountered change in relationships like trees encounter the different colors of leaves throughout the seasons. We changed like those leaves until we found our own true colors. As we examined the true colors of ourselves. we stretched our limbs into the lives of others. Throughout our lives. family and friends. as well as teachers and classmates. had inOuenced the color of our personality. Coming together as a class on the senior Kairos retreat, we tore away the bark that covered our hearts and released the inner-most roots of ourselves. We learned of the different paths our classmates had taken. and the obstacles that got in their way. As seniors. our roots are finn. Although many rooLS. we are one tree of unity and life. As seniors. we understand that we are all branches going in various directions, but we have a universal root of the LaSallian spirit that is forever planted in our souls. Although the high school stage of growth has come to an end, the tree still grows strong. and the nourishment received at La Salle continues to give it strength. Soon, new seeds will be planted and new trees grown. - Tim Adams '04

142 .. $enior D,Vi{ler

Dan Yanak reflects back on his tour

years during Kalros.

senior Divick;'r. 143

Patrick .J. Abbott "Abo" Holy Martyrs Lacrosse, Water Polo, NHS, IntramuraJs -s,.

why......u.,.. r~rr til gtt l1II tflh~ flAU?y,'Ij ~M lIlt ~IIJ ~D "'" Jnf4<fs, jljd!, h~m blll~~ r>lU: -0.11'( M~lI~(lfS


David A. Achey BasebaJl, koe Hockey, Photography Club, Amr<>sty International. LSC, Kairas Leader "YtR(nUp l'Vrr Ifj sild~, '" r r~"1 ~\* .wi fr ~\1 ~ Ihnn }ull.\' lIIwd! til st.( lI~trI'W IlrJrnl of lIIf oJl r.r,'>/ III/I! J 1'"1ftJ '""'l1': -JllIIlfj


Sean F. Adams "McAdams" St Albert the Great

Student CoJncil. Football. Crew, IntramuraJs, SADO "CJwl.1I"'lJ ~l\'ll111Wlr I" l~t AJ'lII' ch.tlllfll"ll ~I'( IIlII.k fr~ 5oIIIldhi'l5lhry k.m .ltC! 00IJr IN.: ~ I/olll'" JrMllI, ~ v!sI<'Il. T!Iry k.m!o' k.m LulIllI"Wlf $lA1Il1M, '''1 h~w t.. N-' buk ~(r, !lV] k.m t..lutw,Ia Jb8 Alld lla trill. 810' lla IIID fIlll.lllor n~ t~aIllht ltiD.· -MwlwllMll,-\11

Timothy B. Adams

"Beefcake" Maternity BVM LSC, Yearbool<, WEXP, Student Council PreEjdent. Swimming, Water Polo, Tennis, Crew, Karas Leader .~ milt, 1Il<l~ _1I.lI N- ~ 1kW'",!-1fWlIJI.: -RJl!,rI!W~ElIl(O<'II

This is what our seniors do in the computer lab.

TIm Adams and Kent Jaggers share a moment as Kalros Leaders

r 144 .. Senior Ponrails

Nicholas M" Affel "Nick" k;e Hockey, German Club, LasaJ.. Academy TutOfing "Y'" ~ 1"""6 kid', .d tlultJ w!r~l, 1If1" - r..lb~

Conor D. Ahern

St. Helena Amnestylntemational, Wisteria.n, Pro~Ufe. Track, NHS, Latin Club, LSC, Kairos Leader -rw Ittffl 5IIltb'l!! /;I~ tk11lil'l!! ~J IIlt"..J JkJW!.' Clllllt, ~pJ r ldiM nrf.lll1J Itt 5.lMrllII"6~

11M lttgIo«:

-CAl SllWlIS

Gregory T. Allen -'Greg" Stage Crew. WEXP Producer, Honors Band, Pep Band -TI.AtJ trollS/ntN wJ.."IJ t~r lIIV wl.m IJ.r I"" drrliJ w~!1 oIIl '"'ldr llIW r<'.l)' 8ctl'l!!? YtJ!

TIJ.tI, wutl woVlltJI" -HoIIlltr sr...fS"'I

.James Manyok Ayuen ".Jimmy" St Peter Episcopal Church Track, Amnesty International "IN

11m 1IIln.l Jlr,oIlII'l!! u~, lilt Dll!y 1kl'l:1 rIt Nul lJ lliT rlsIPII. IW NttJ ll' luI wt rAN AUMllJlblr l'il/T~:

JMs '"


Just one thing to say... God bless Mr. Parisi!

Senior ponraits" 145

Jeffrey A. Bagdis "Jeff" Robotics Club, Math"tes, Latin Club, Lab Manager, Cross Country. Band, NHS 'I~ Kina IIll( Inn'" ltD ft''''' I~ JJIdl ~ "1If 45 til !If wwl'Jl,.\'i/ by ('I(r'P'IIt, .i<'lIltIkl"tl'1r.i1 II<' f.IV brnl' btftrr. IIld I~ ]'«I?, 111 1M IlJlrll'f!"SlI(: ~1'ilJd


Fredrick C. Baker "Freddy" St, Albert the Great Soccer, Student Council, Explorer Club, LSC ·CoIlj( 1'", lUfrrr oU ~ hml "'.. uJlI~ls hrnl)l'W W.....I dJ4"tJf, 16nI b,~ J tll!l1 dM-W, l.i'nI M~ N I '~~1 dr.l"tJf:

Garrett N. Basalyga SI. Rose of Uma Golf, LSC, Intramurals 'DCllIIlJ u "'~ ~ I\IlI!rr II

If m....u, n/j IIIAJltr rf molu,

u"oI ~ 1~1"tl1d Iv w~J!rJ ~r, It u~ Ihl"tl ~, Irr adtllV(J: ·WlI1l~lIJnIllW 117M

Jonathan A. Battista "Mex" Film Club, German Club, Vv'EXP. Intramurals, Kaires Leader -w1ln 1M0"11Ill8"u ~~ oJ thr./ll1w QrlJls jW, Ik( r..LI willi if wf.lrl111y u -(/'II"d QI Ji'Wr "''S(. wku "'*' ImWy lin' (JrulllJ Us ~~I 'J"W W'Ji"'r bm, t,'Jll( Ii'll~ lIS, w'H SQIJ I~( fillS If mmw


Andrew J. Beck "Beck" -l~ """'ll' bylC<l fAA. if)\'ll J.....1 st..,~,.j h.i ~r.>l(d lIIIU i" 4 while, 'Ji'" lII!1"lllW II: -rm1$ SIltier

Kevin J. Benincasa Holy Martyrs TraCk, ftmnesty Intematior'lal, Ski Club -Iff! by lrilk Q WIle h(, ~ lII'J frt(",u: -TIlt IIrAI/(,

William D. Benz "Bill" St. Vircent De Paul ·11

Track, Film Club, V\lEXP (.'WIJ 'll('/(r Irr ""7 1M ¥" !II( 01._ J1H 1lIw,?, r~1/l( ~murJ, Iitt 4 Jrlw lhTOllfJ~ YolII_IIlI" JIi", Md ,,""'.I.lrio I~W rllll(, ",oW ~"illlalJ:




Steve P. Bibu "Steeboo" St.~

Cross Country, Track, LSC, Chess Team, NHS -wlI.lIJ IN /,'141 If ltvr"r1 if 'J"'l C4Jl1 luI diwr -007 TiI( IwrlJ Ii Net



146 "" Senior Portraits

Kyle M. Bidus Immaculate I-leart of IV1ary Baseball, Intramurals, NHS, Spanish Club, LSC ''()If{ "t~t btAwl~ l~I'W .dr.",! ltft uJ ~!r.lD fl: IMt rvtTJ I'PI((!~. wlrlle)\~ ((!Ill( I~!IJ. sHuU"" wilm ~ wu! le, Ii'lii Qar pw Jwr le, 1T1id. J..lIlIIiIlJ1""'( iI'IIItt~I'If -N...Ltn RyA"

Mark J. Bielecki St. PJphonsus Hockey, LSC, KaJros Leader, Golf, Laun Club -w!wl )W IffIT NIIl, )\'" crfd IIIIlIlh( ttIIIU 1Tf/((J. Livt ~f lift J" ad.. IIWlW!M! W~(ll '1''''' JJ( J~( ",~tl.l crfa....J 'Ji'" IT~J((: -oW IMJIi" lIiyt'I'J

Joseph E. Bisirri "Joe" StEphrem Jazz Banel, HistOfY Club, Anime Club, Wisterian '0 IIJIID!" Is lhr sAAJrJl' d l:ryJr' Kevin M. Blagrave Presentation BVM NHS, Stage Crew, Amnesty Intemationa, Lab Manager,

Extreme Gaming Club "SJWI J ltlllh 'J"'4 Nt b.Mr4f? wllld'1'''' ........ 'P't M, lIJt.!t'Ji'" 4.... 1 bl... 'Ji'" *,,1M, tills fl: bwwIrw:


Andrew S. Bono St. John Neumann Crew, Intramurals 'A ""l" wh~ .wr-"l1 ",IIJ lllll( wlt~ his

jA,,,,, (U

Ilffl( " ' .


-'" '4'''' William G. Borrell "Billy Boy" Holy Martyrs Football, Wrestling, German Club, LSC, lntramurals

·if. IU~.LVI ~Jj btJ!, w~.l (lJr



-Q'!Il'ntl Gl~'!I S. 1'1I1~'~

Andrew P. Brady Our Lady of Ransom ~ Hockey, Baseball, NHS, LSC 'J~ 1~1s~lIIlllu M~ J" 'P"f rya le itt, lh,~ thl.w dI4!W, lh( ftitljrrJ

J!iQ bulk tf 1IIl, If( JIlij( ITJiIIrIIIiorf tltolllcltl.'rrJW (o.'l!lt5 4(f tlu bit: -TW!"{

Nicholas J. Brechbill "Nick" Mary Mott'er of the Raoeerner NHS, Baseball, Basketball 'Hll'Ninrt !I'IlfII!<tlTd, J.j! Ir,fW!Il'VtT ill. ft'II.,w 'Ji"'f J,rArl .IIJ )\~f!ll'VtT ~ "llll11: -T!It SAPId!«


Senior portraits'" 147

Chris Kirk, Rory Staub, and Matt Capaldo just hangIn' in the MPit" Mar1l. BieleckI has a friend in Jon Battista

•••+•••••••••••••••+••••••+••••••• Cole M. Brennan

St. James Ice Hockey, Skl Club, Respect Life "l\(/'\ilgnnt'l~,!.OIl ulf ~ fn ~tlll'Wl"t:l Tho, ~rr 011' 1Ifsl J.lp ~.,.r bl'fi"


-ru Al.lrls

Philip .J. Bresnahan, .Jr. "The Brez" (;()(pus Christi Crew, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Concert Bard, NHS, LSC "ll.t <lII!y oludJ"l'lt IMI Wu Is It/f.Jlj(lfIJM: -RIoIl


Patrick F. Brett "PB" Epip/lany of Our Lord Student Council, Baseball, Football. Basketban. $prit Club "lla5tb.JI WA$ lJfcr .uJ J "lIS if'...I ~l II..•'1"011 .1'\'<J.• ·TlJt S4!!Jl.1 David M. Breznicky "Dave" St. Genevieve

Bow1ing "CoiN (if



-"'. 148


bolrk !I' whAJ II ....,vd Hd Ih(Jl "J" ..Ink uoi ~fC'l hfArts, 1M Ihl"D' tIl.11 .1(1 I(j ~,.rl"

+ Senior Ponrails

T- Money sends his love

TIm Adams

and Eric Calvltti's parents should be so proud!

Wait a second, Rob Levins is awake!

Steven M. Britton

"Steve-O" Our Lady ~p of Christians LSC, Crew, Respect Life, Kajros Leader, Student Councit-VICe Presic:lent "Try !II slln- wIth W"", IN 1:Mw, Sltd] WillS Ihl nlU, MW~, ttl'flt st~, Itt u rMI,;ut bbo 1I~llr, Itt It fl.'' ',"

-""W!" Andrew .J. Buck Corp.JS Christi Providence center, Spring Track, Intramurals, PrOjeCt I-iome, Kairos Leader "lW fl/4 lJjll5h.~ IIIfJ W"""' Ih1W LIIoI....n cflhllgnnrl'l:'lllJ' W WrII 'JI7IA d.nn.. I'w.trJ ~ jljll'sI.~1 w"! l.l bU l""rdMts. rlllll IIMl ~'lT fJlJ.1Wi"iloW clrllj( 11 • .-YrIhwli

Mark I. Bur

St AJpronsus Crew, Bard, NHS, Intramurals "M.W lhr .. ~Jt rfJC"OOJ fer Ill/I! Is.n llttll' Is~' 'J""" .£M(I'S&IPI

Christopher M. Cahill "Chris" Epiphany of Ox Lord History Club, IntramuraJs 'ifrhtrr 411' "" slWJW f'lsliMl", lh~ wllld lflld tf f'l>l(<"l$ J., ltlofiJ JIt•.,v d? 0.> l/ttytfIll11llrl /lSI fill/lilt '" do fIlsl1.'IISr ·S(DllNl.o:-s

Senior ponraits

+ 149

Mark T. Caltabiano OJr Lady of the Sacred Heart Brass Ensemble, Jazz Band, Competition Band, Rt Band, Corcert Band, Pep Banet Extreme Gaming Club wat ytWr 'dlld lIf' elm )lIljr rytJ lIf. clorl: 1$ uM".)\'I'lI' r""l'l~t 5IJnl~ SIi1l.> rWlu, w; ~d lli1(ll -J! I, ·w,wy,Ilj/ MId Uf' Eric E. Calvitti "Ape" Soccer, Spirit Club, Kairos Leader ·u,JJ r<'Kl J.,q iii ~ If.p tMlu. GtI il.>y bJl'I:'J "" 8fI My ./yJ~: ·TIIt sh.iw.i/l.l,.a. Rr~roPl

.Joseph T. Candelore, .Jr. "Candyman" Visitation 8.Y.M. Respect Ufe, National I-Ionor Scx::iety, Intramurals, Student Council "WtU rryt'I:'J lsIr1b'l~ I.' brt~ hIll b~r* uIffl p;.r It~rs.llltU litr "'MINIi/. Sil F'A t>lN tIl,," slllhrlr rryl'1'J t"U", rAllllfttr (uti "'MI•..-J wNul J<"" It,,rs SllltU lltr ~IlIt.-J l.> lrbW 'P'" d~ (rW bali"",!"" rAIl" lllj! rhtlT 11M ftlli 'lWr~: -H.'....r).SillJ'$.!Il

Charles ..I. Capaci "Charlie" Epphany of OJr Lord 8asebaJI, Intramurals, Respect Life, German Club, Amnesty International ·if'f'" k.11.I, lit rriU r....r -fitU rf OrtJlllU ~Gentlemen, there better not be any money on that table.. JI so where's my cut?

The Alma Mater has never meant so much

Colin Fill is Just so happy to be in school.


+' Senior PortrailS

Matthew .J. Capaldo Our Lady of Mount ~ LSC, Crew, Student Council. Drama. NHS, Respect ute -w!lrJlITl'rIf''? 't'J"r ..rlh 11(, 1frt! J _lI.llW "'I\IIIff ·(lj(n Wll.lr

Anthony R. Cardella St. Christopher Band, FootbaJl ..,.~ _, If) ~J"~J1.fjMllJu: to> wry I"", loltb if fCMI1.I'If 11M. 'PI1I~Jl ~t'IIIl..J. llir II~}, if olIlJWJ lol}J, "'Hty, (U 'PI!Jvt 11ft • /wlJ?: 'PI (lUI lol1, "S<Irry, ~ IIW$( Soloo.'


Kevin M_ Carfagno St Philip Neri 8ovv1ing, Wisterm, PI1oto Editor, NHS, Intramurals ·LJVI 'N J«/IlJt ...!dll 11ft cmwJ.·R.t:!fIrwol!J.,EIlftrJ<"!

Denis .J_ Carlson

Golf -I J.1lt11~INk 'r~t dtvfJ W

lit till

fI'l.lh'I'If lI' flAy

wry lIMN ~PUltr lilt ~.N h.,-

+811l. RIM


ta ....-__ Senior leaders of the soccer team getting ready for the pep rally.

Senior Portrails" 15 J

Paul C. Carman III

St Agnes/sacred Heart Lacrosse, VVinter Track, Ski Club, 0Jtdcx:>r Adventure Club, Skate Boarding Group, VvEXP "1_II,t dolJ5 ~ MY ~11r, J 1I'j/j WIJ wMt 1/ W~ltl til k 4 1IlI~, Nell' IW rw/lt./!kat OW' IW hid t.l J.J 411 tlr<'>/' 11r1W tlrt wJ! I WI. N~ /MUrr 11.111' I try, J ftlfd I'll !~~, lllr SlIJl1( Mol ja!: -GI\iJ ltlltS, IliI./ n"'tS, Ltd Zt!J'flf~

T" .Jeffrey Casey "Casey .Jones" Freshman Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse, Respect Ufe "Y,'IIl


J.m111t1J 4 lI'l'~tlttl'llJl~ t.l Q.,w wlrlm 11'41 lltt IliIlJ bhl:


Andrew A. Chiarello St Helena Track. Football. latin Club. LSC ·uh. ~Jlr, nd fro'" llrr J!rl'W-1(llhlly IItt j,,'IIl1 ~ II] J<'Illlr, Iw lamflliJlrl:

Dominic M. Cifelli St. Anthony LSC,Track '1

II'blr r Jwl. ~llr ltl'1l, bcl4Jlll' tlrnt pr ll'lj!J hI] Mh [)r.lCJlI ud ¥I'IIJI~ 4W~'"

-,.a "''''I

Matthew E. Clay "Martini" Immaculate Conception Track and Cross Country. Forum, Respect Ufe, HistoryClub, Kairos Leader "yMj

lolll wIllstlt • !Jjlll, bIly 4 ~, !''IIl lolll tI'(Il (~l ~ bi'Y1wUIr 4 sih'17 SftVII, 1110.1 pr JUt rn1 ,~t 11.11

JMj! Wlllr)l""



-0<1 VI""l N~trb.\.~

Brian F. Clearkin "Clerk" St. AJphonsus LSC. Respect Life. Golf, Football, Track, Bowling, eya Basketball "01'")1"" ty's,

h.. wilh/PI; 4" 'j('l lIlrl!trJ "Jlh llu bfr J''IIl'rr ltv,",?"

-Ili'h M4rlty

Timothy B. Cooney "LiICooney" Presentation B V.M. Wrestling, LSC, Crew, Outdcx:>r Adventure Club. Respect Life, Intramurals, Kairos Leader


"[)(O"' II'd' tN JrlIfII ~.."

I 11141"'" ~111'd bchtllJ lilt, llIUIJ ""1lt.tJ; ltd- btsidt lilt, nil jIIll k rry jrlniJ.·

R. Vance Cooper "Coop" Zion Baptist Track, Football, African-American Alumni ..,J,IIAIr. fmrr 111lt, f"IIl Jh.1iLl k Iwm t.lk m"J FJnIt', rsIr.'IlId tll.lw f"IIl4,W

., ... 4 ~ '!''Il

• J';y-z



+ Senior Port railS

Michael P. Coyle St Hiary Wsteoan. AmnestylntematJonal. Band. Tennis Club 1W _ ~ II ~ yr&.... .,..J -.II ~d lW,. b~'" Mi """ lw.-lr II rNJ#rn«.· .

""" ""

Timothy P. Craig StHliary Footbal

-v..." 1IlJNy." .M11 rrml

Robert V. Crawford StDavid Pep Band Corcert Band. Pit <Xch3stra. C<lrTl:>etJtion Band. Mathlet... Sderce Club. Italian Club. M-lS -nr.vtJlt II ""~ II'I1IwllI tIw J$., "" iJItMis ~ WIlMI....l· David J. Cunningham "D.J." Corpus Ch:isti Football. Outdoor Adventue Club. hdoor Track ·l~... Uf "'..., wi ~ J'I'6h.. -Ji.., s+t


Ryan H. Curtin "Curtmac" St. PhillipNeri Lacrosse, Cross Country, WtSterian, NHS, LSC ·,yjdW ~Pn1.u um ~ IMy wJ til /It bn 1Itll' ~l lilt 1lIIC~ t1fiu. ~ iJ II&! ¥ Jdl '" JI!~ ,u;'rJ. WtjoJ fl'"v fir .II.<lrll" ~'f«llltt .,,"d.: - """ sll'd.u

Andrew D. Dauphinee Corpus ChriSti V21ce Hockey Latin Club. Hstory Club. LSC "WUtmr l.~ k1" If k IWrr, wlrll 'J"II'II .fIU ui fFI tF' .,,,,,",,

Richard A. DeGirolamo

"Dick" Epphany of OJ Lord Basketbel. htrarnxals. Track and Field. LSC

·w. MMb

.".iClIl iJ_,(lIw - ' ~1II«1l~1u.rtftT 1wmI.

AI.,.,. I I •.

.w.r. ~ _ -"'" twII ~,,~dod utM irt clllllWl ~ PlIbIMI~_ ~ ill tilts _ IJ . . . . .!" ~ lutntJ '" It I ~ " ' .. <"ab, oJ. M! G#lI Mw ~

.., .....

JfCfr]- .a,.·


James C. Deak St Rose of Lma 8asebaD. NHS. htrarnrals "StI1tr II In,,_ -dr . . . . tIf1U' • tW III 11ft It oJ ~ d .wi-

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• senior Ponrails. I 53

Dave Achey, Mike Driscoll, Angelo Garofalo, Rory Staub, and Ryan Powers looking too cool for school. This is one enthused manager.

•••••••••••••••+•••••••••••••••••• Andrew Degnan Executive Producer ofVVEXP. Co-President of Science Club. Co-President of Amnesty InternatiOnal. Pep/Concert Band. VICe President of History Club. Photography Club. Spanish Club. NHS, Basketball Manager OJ" IN fitIJJ if ~ll<lfl ,ItW( Im\lr$ <lfIry Ik,'Sf IIU..w wili," ~rr !"pred: -1A1l


Ryan Dempsey

St.Bede Soccer. NHS, Respect Ufe. Latin Club. Freshmen Mentor

"00',..,. !llff/((/. all" t.rt'll}'lJ? KId1Iltl1""rif¥~r 1II!>t«h's J~~l ~ W, wrff JI1 II"", l.1 JlAM W! ~Nd JfI J""rif¥ fr((

TIlt /k'wre 15 ,wllIIB nl1r J"" lWd. /tK II~~1 IInll


Andrew Desiderio Desi, Li'l Brother, Clancy St. Paul's Episcopal Band, Film Club, WlSterian, German Club. Intrarnurals. VVEXP "/lin

IIW~ fl. "llIIrr .. Iso> lull fruW: ·Il~.

w,'IliItifwJ lift

Adam Ro DiMenna Mad "A"

5t Bridget Swimming

154 .. Senior Ponraits

Blow that hom Neltlngl

senior LSC leaders getting ready to deliver the baskets from the thankSgiving Drive.

Luke DiRenzo

St. Geneveve VVEXP, Rim Club, Intramurals, Track and FteId, Drama, Mu~caIs. Fnsbee Tournarnent -rmY, MLl.1 VlUI"

- Sil/lllJ cnvh1!, MIA..! Vlc( (ll1il'f-I'IS9)

Adam Dick Our Lady of Good Counsel Ski Club, German Club, Intramurals, Competition Bard, Pep/Concert Bard. LSC 11u ...,rr LIllo' MI. !Jlr ...'rr !lllI' fI-,lmN:

-tJm HlollNn/

Thomas Donnelly 81. Albert the Great 0.Jtdoor Track, IndCX)l" Track, Club 8cx:::cer, NHS, Mathletes, Extreme Gaming Club. Indoor Soccer, Chess Club. lntramurals. LSC 'CI«NI ritl~llri«"l+' BAr- rItJ~IIlJll?Y(tj fM1M~ lilt krrr? OoP? R!!J~J? Rtik1r Kevin Donohoe

St. Matthew Football. Basketball. Track and Field "Will lIS if 'f'" wrrr b'1'l1 !l! IIVI' f.mrr, 1/w lIS if'f'" wrr( h'!~ '" JIt "'-oIm'W." -M~IlAJIU G~Pll/lr1

Senior Portraits

+ 155

Michael oJ. Driscoll III St. Alphonsus ereN, Football, Respect Life, LSC, eya BasketbeJl, Film Club OJ

Ii.lw ",~}ttltJ,

IW jlUl j.'IlM 10,000 'IIIfjl t"~!

J.".1 "",Ii:

-n.lIIIW £J1st.'~ Timothy Wo Duckett "Tim" Wrestling liIr wtU Is )\'4lTJ!0 -swfm

Andrew C. Dunn St. Alphonsus Amnesty International, Bane:!. NHS, Tennis, Tennis Club 'AOOIYS "" ritJk

nli wlU.1r~Jify $I'mi' J'f''J'lt ~1lJ AA.'nUll Ihr mt: ·...wi- TII~J~

Gerald Mo Dunn "Sausage" Our Lady of Good Counsel Football. Ufting, NHS, Respect Ufe, Intrarnurals °LiM 11(, f~ 11(, "" ~ .... r If "f'J WolF -(;rMr~1 (;(,,'8" s. F'olJ!/tII

Everyone is stunned by the rare talent of Joe Fedorowicz

• Kevin Blagrave, Joe McPeak, and John Interrante enjoy each other's company after NHS inductions coach, Adams says he ain't practicing today. What do you think of that?" ~Hey


+ Senior Portraits

Thomas .1. Ebbecke "Ebbtide" Imrnacu"te Heart of Mary History Club, Rim Club "o.tVt,

liltpt t<lWJ A tiN I, rmy tn-If wlull' yw. k~l't 41 Jory, 'I PI(I'(r Iib'J ;n'll,lIll k1jj: -8JO MiN(,tl (pktJ H.<Il1wuJ Jr,'" NewS Jl.AJ.t~

Kevin P. Egan St. Hi"", Football, Crevv, Swimming, Water Polo "Y~.¥I ~,~((, 1!lI,

l:rgr,' ,"", L1f( IJ A8'lroh, JI,5IW -}« Olr!

Michael F. Ellis "Ellis" Banej, Concert Band, Intramurals ' ... l\lol, In "';

I J.."'1 wolJIl

l'lI<,t'u 1",,(d ....II'J N,'I"I" S«Jtl t.> J,ll!!!! fWd II, t.> brrAJkr, 41frd, wbt.'W r. odl\'('-

II, I ~

- jllJI'lt.S /otlt)"l'ln/ 1«",""

Louis oJ. Esposito "Espo" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Soccer, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, NHS. LSC "HIln)'I{.!l' IJ 11<'1 ~ k.JIlllllll.'ll. U IS A IId~,,,j ifb~:

-810m" Hills


OlJr distlnguished National Merit scholars: Row 1: Andrew Hannigan, Mike Coyle, Ryan Dempsey, Jeff Bagdis, Rod Reber, Kevin Maggitti, and Rary Staub. Row 2: Neil 0'· Connell, Chris Mulholland, sean leimbach, Kevin lutch, Paul Gormlsky, Pat Abbott. Row 3: Conor Ahern, Andrew Dunn, Nick Gigliotti, Kevin Blagrave, Mike Glaccum, Kyle Rodden, Robert Ferrief,. Row 3: Tom Nardi, John Interrante, Nick Brechbill, Marte. Bur, Greg Potestio, Andrew Degnan, Chris Ross, and Phil Bresnahan

Senior Portrails" 157

-c.«\1 II fW _

Franco Fallavollita "Falcor" St -k>seph I St Robert Soccer , . "'"" . "-1 tWo ,. c-. lI..t,.lw Un II tW Dferrwr IJI , . , IIfr

."",,,,,, Gabriel M. Familiaran "GFam" St Jam of tre Cross Crf'NV -fWJll tlId iWy .., Jrr . . w1tJ. If. Y.. l.nt .Low wIw Jft tlllil; ~ 16I.1rn .., "l'lIi!ltJ Urt MJI '-; f'r6t lIn.u _.u ~ CoU. r_l:I. _.wy; P'- JW ~ if smv7 al wttJ. wlqfI

.lJlrlf iii Jrr ~J wit. Jl*r..u_:

Joseph P. Fedorowitz OJr Lady Help of Christians Cross-Country, Indcor Track. Outdoor Track, Arrresty htematonaJ •M'J'Irr tIIr rMJ b II'llfdrJ lj b Im4jIIr. rw."II'

•JmJSfI+'J Mark Fegley

St Po5e of LrTla Crf'NV. Spansh CU>. lain CU>. Respect l.Jfe. Kair06 Leader ..,... ra1 Wi.w ."'''-1.,. tlIlirt -"'... hI,_ eM1 .... _tLd WfrlfWr- MIll

e.-, It.....h

Benjamin A. Fellmeth Poley Debate, H"loryClub, Gerrran Club, Film Club, lntramurals til ~.'(( ...w II tJ»J,.."..

'I ..

·Rldlini M. NI.l:.llI

Daniel I. Ferrie Epphany of 0Jr Lcrd

hlramurals, German C"b, F'm C"b "Tiull"ltlfl((oIs.ro../·


'" "'"

Robert C, Ferrier Jr. 5t Patr'ck Gamng CU>. El<JIMng. Rim C"b, latin Ck.Jb. Gazebo.

NHS, nlramuraJs Michael J. Ferro St. Rose of Uma Intramura!S. Outdoor Adventure Club 'WI' lIOOf",-d (.dllIlltr". ("""'n. I(( Illlll rtsr ~r ,rlrt WiI!n; (iIII!(


b..'11 III wdlill I J., n,.~ fu iii o/l,.w

• wiM.,.....J hlll(

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 158 • senior Ponrails

Colin P. Fitzgerald "Fitz" OJr Lady Help of Christians Basketball. Football. LSC, Respect l..Jfe. Amnesty InternationaJ. Golf ·if". IitIT C f"""J aJ.,... lfl"1'\' ~"d C au ~ ,,nor~, u4,..... WirJ Nit oJ lit ~ IT~" ~. __'Iflb1 tUt uit M.....t-

-"'* ""'"'Y

Patrick T. Flood "Floodie" OJ Ladyof Guadelo<.Jpe Ice Hockey. Outdoor Adventue Club 'r~Jl¥~


Michael G. Foell

8tJarres Band. MUSICal. Drama Club. Respect l..Jfe Club. German Club. LSC "()IIIrl

Jd ""!'W mr . . "..Itd Iilr .'Ml M1 .hmt wUI .M! IloUt'

Patrick oJ. Gallagher SMrrmn'1g


tv oIn1I..ir .. "n· u""" lo'JVJ ltrf ~ri ItWo lilt lw'l/ rwt.. -BIl'IlItt RtV

Kenneth oJ. Gambone History Club. Amnesty InternationaJ. SADD. PrOjeCt H.OM.E., Film Club, Chorus, 8elcrofters "W!Ifll r "'oIS fllllr 'f"~ «J llw] ImJ l.lltSlIllJ 1Q.., l!lty flli'lt(;/ lilt 1~1l ,WI'!' .,I~'I"( rfllw:' cfloi ~JI'rllr. T~'1 diJ w wIrlrll '"" II JiffmNI "l1li "'~ !rt~ lhq WzoJ'll fill' ./J~'I"1d 1I.l.l '"""if


-A"l Dlf!llll(r

Angelo C. Garofalo

"Jello" 8t AJbert the Great Football. 8ovvIing. Cr8'v\f. LSC, Intramurals "S.!MIJIIJ

r... W -* JIa f.w., _.u.r. <iIf' - u.Jtrr.'I'l'I" arodir

Christopher oJ. Garzone

"GZONE" Res..xreeuon of 0Jr Lo-d Football "lht 1II'I;1~. ".l'l'V ~ C'I" wi.

at .dr JII'f, 1ft lc.M ... ~,.

Christopher W. Gavin "Sparky" SS Coomasard Daman Amnesty hternationaJ. Rm Club. Wstenan -if," -" Iwt ~.-l ,'" _ $1-'" III" ft,t IlI.I ""'",. t.od ."",IJIf-

senior PonrailS'" 159

Pat Abbott. Ryan Curtin, Rory Staub, Will Melvin, and Matt capaldo lovin' their "L's"

Freddy Baker has complete trust in his fans

••••••••+•••+++++••+.+++++++++.++. Erick F. Geiger Our Lady of Grace

Tennis .,.(~

prj R...Ilun 8"JI2I s11l"W!"


A. Giaimo

St. H,;ena Intramurals, Project H.o.ME E3cMt1ing, History Club, Italian Club, Habitat fex- Humanity "'HtT<V$6IlnlfJlbmJ kd




-l:IIt $IIJl~

David Gibbons u~ibbins"

Intramurals "J IYw

tlfIrlttr lilt f!1Ilt "~r Ih( IlI(~.ul/PIIl&1 (J}'IotI" !IlJ'iflf" -j/ldNiefl~~

Nicholas C. Gigliotti "Nick" uGelati" Our Lady of Mount Carrrel Hockey "l'"'t!IIIAU.. lf ..." l.,.m.m lu"

.bm-t¥. Km~ IJ ~'dlrJ. 'ill1PIlAIJ~~ OI(/Trlts 1M ..'rid: -A1!m

I 60 .. Senior Ponraits


So this Is what they do

on "Peeps to Peeps"! Neary and Doug Taylor

close out Kalros 37·35

senior Cross Country guys sing a ItttJe ditty about running.

Kyle J. Ginty FootbaJl, Golf, BoMirg, Respect Ufe, Sprit Club Michael J. Glaccum "The Wizard"

St Albert the Great Soccer, Baseball, NHS, Student Council, Intramural FCX)tball ·WiD flIlht oJ, ."..,frln.l, 'if -.til .dJ bt ~~J.rr '.1,11«, '~tdrl'1lJ lIPll.IlllJ Ju.!lll',. I~. N!Iry Ift'!J.I!lIlIi. fdltvi" 1t!1." -O.A,R.

Matthew C. Gleason Our Lady of Good COunse Wrestling, IntramuraJs, Film Club, Respect Ufe -scwt/II(J Ilkl" I.M t.\I h~ fD jJJ «.vr Ii.s llllhut" r. '" l... r~1 0ll'W Ifl tu 'ow WJ ~l d~ nyI.c. o

Christopher M. Glover "0 love" St. Stanislaus

Soccer, Football, Providence Center Tutonrg, Operation santa Claus, lntramurals, Kairos Leader ",'it sllll. lim • ...l r.. ~J '" bt llv jr.l.tlllst Fytr • ...l WI !.dl1'1!l ""-l,...atu, ",1j • JFMt

Ili'I 'If'lIlW, 1Ior f'll11l((' •A1In h'l'rJi'II

senior Portraits

+ I 61

Paul E_ Gormisky Epphany of Our Lord Forum. LSC. German Club. History Club, Intramurals '1 t~/" tJoo GfJ /II (IN!I'I:' IWII XlIll(lrull1f(1'(jf/JII,llN ~I> olblbly." 'OSUIT


Edward C. Graham Holy Martyrs lE.crosse, Football "£my MJI slit!, lit lliII t'ltr'j IlWI rr.rl!Y ltvrr • lJrJlJ(~rArl

Christopher .1. Greaves "Chris" St.Hiary Soccer, Outdoor Track, LSC. Respect Ufe, Intramurals -ifpIl fflT tl'lll'cI /Jol" t~ UIIl(, JMr1 il? "" AllJlhl'l'l !Jt(4JIl( (I'(Il t~, lI~k$I dulol6 rA~ .<Ill'r llu ptkTt Iw 1/7'J""1 (u1 liII1'JIII(" . GrA"'!f4 Slt!J'S"'I Nicholas A. Gregorio "Nick" Visitation B.Y.M Football, Crevv, Drama. VVEXP, Intramurals, SODD -Ntvtr whAl 'Ji"I ru lIT 'AN1 ilffcrd, l~t

8"'" ~rr 8'\..J wllh,1Ij1 rtW~ni

uJ 'Ji"I bl.'" ~ k 1I"tJ JI'l JMr1 ",(1/ A rtilt•Tht

M~ty M~I lJiwlI'~(!

Man, this isn't what I signed up for when they said a trip to 8t.


Chris Grea~,Fred

Baker, and Jim Slover hang out in Coleman lounge John Trainer.•. nuff said.

162 .. Senior ponraits

Peter J. Hand StBede Musical, Drama, Mock Trial, Student Council, Chorus, Yeart:x:x.::>k, Drama Club, LSC, Intramurals "ItI

ilJ ifjJ.~ tD J" l~t I~Wt . • w.dt ollw]

Andrew W. Hannigan "Will" Notre Dame de Lourdes Tennis, Football, Intramurals, SADD, Photography Club, History Club ·OOrJdi"" Is 0lIl olJMf/llbit lkl'l$- ..1111$ WlQ tD rrllfll!rtr fmll Ulli tD IIJf1t tllAl 1U~1"6 fUll$ "'-'rtJ. MIll' Wllr< ww.r - DIrt, Wilik

Brendan P. Heron St. James Soccer. Tennis. Band. Project HOME. oJ .......ho J ....,

"'1 ...Mt!ll It I'. ~1"tJ 5o'Ilt nJ\+ltllllt,dO

- o.m.I). MAltlltwl Matthew J. Hess St. Vincent De Paul Film Club, Ski Club, History Club, Outcloor Adventure Club "Ht wh~ ju.rrJ

llt Wl'll1i Ml IlUmJ W lUI!" - HOf4{{


Andrew Beck, Chris Hicks, Andrew Dunn, and Ryan Pedrotly, Kairos brothers.

Senior ponraits" 163

Christopher M. Hicks "Hicksy" St AJphonsus Ice Hockey "1M..., ". ru(. ,. JiwI, If_ ~ /01 Jrllr ~". (ftf WIIll.l,."

flit . . . .




Alexander L.B. Himes "X-Man" OJ Lady Hep of Ctvlstians "OI1~fwtlMtWllrlllf'~..... r~,.btWllrm~ItJ-I-.uvr.lIb.,.r

id" M ,., *rM tW IIlll'I frItjdns IS.. "..tII". d:dJ If eM. ~ ... i\'SII1.lrT1'l" llw -u... -MuJrW

.John W, Hocker

St MICha.. LSC, P<>spect Ue ',.I.'I't _

IUlI _" rttryIk"tJlw 1t1Tilt/.u--..11J/t: "hltJ I'll' - R.wrt F'rI'li

Brian S. Hogan "Hoagie" StCyri Footbal. Basketbal. Lacrosse. Student Cou1ci "lit . .

ridItr;M • ..,. If ...... ,... .


Alex C. Hondros St. Martin of Tours IntrarnuraJs, Outdcx:::lr Adventure Club "C.~ , ht~ 'filii fUf' Brian B, Hopkins "Hops" StKSW1 Water Polo, SWirTlrTYlg. Crew, Stage Crew, Lab Manager,

htramurats, PhotographyOub


"'WI' .... tflJrn.-jtJ ..... IIf..lr,...

Stephen G. Horvath OJ Ladyot Mt. C8<Tl'a Cross Country, hJoor Track. Lacrosse. Terns, NHS, 'IVEXR Karos Leader -r Iwo tJwp IlIIIIltJ wb.Jw wWi ll« Idrr Il'. ea- H-Uilk1J1d-. N"'" M ...-n...bllSdrr -MGIC~

William C. Hotz S1. Andrew Anime Club, German Club, Intramurals, Lab Manager,

TECHserv -u~ lOO'lb" IIl}'lliJ" fj I~.

TIw Is wily .... (_>I wrlrt·


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +

I 64

senior PQnrails

Colin M_ Hurley OJr Lady of Mt Garmel Hockey. Ski Cub, Extrerre Gaming Club -nu u1M 1Udtn, &II jJJ/u omrr Isfr.D Il( my ·~aJ.oudrtr

Kevin M. Ihlein "Stretch" St. Luke tre Evange/ost Baskelbaft. St Martins. NHS .(.lUWJ~, III if . . . . ",-


John R_ Interrante StHelena Newspaper. rtaJm CUo, LSC, cress CUo. EGG. NHS -...., bt.!w "'f If ".1Mf .e wd .ti • Mil Hr; all 1irb:1. "'f~,.UfaJda,. ~ • 1.L.R. TIII:ln

Kent C. Jaggers Corpus Ctvisti Sw>rrmng Student Courl. Yearbook. KaJros Leader, Crew, NJ-iS

Christopher J_ Johnson Cross Country, Indoor & Outdoor track, Band ·1 WlIII1 INrTJ w~_t r IItt4 l.'lN, .hnrwr I ~l'I II tilt ,u.rt Ie Irrt:

-lk'I<Nl!I1 s.-Is Logan M. Johnson StJames Crew, LSC, Ski Club -I./Vt '"

if 'P" 11m l.l ilk r-rrJW. .

!.Un a if 'J"'I wtll' II bl'( p'r'm:


Francis J. Jom "Jorf" Corpus Ctvisti Footbal. Baskelbaft .,."""'" 'f «If< •, ... .-,;. ~ .... '"r-J. u+a..,...f« - "'" ..... - DtIf

MAItWws ....,

Jeffrey C. Kanof "Jack" BasebaJ. German CUb. htram.xals. MuItic:lJtu'al CUo "In "J ....w. Y"'Il' ,..,. .. 1ifII"'I'I trybr '" ~ .. .t:

..... -

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• senior PQnrails. I 65

Splderman makes an appearance in the Campus Ministry Center

Will Melvin Is a litUe too happy for aschool day.

••••••••••••••++•••••••••••••••••• Patrick V. Keenan St.James Cross Country. LSC. NHS, Ski Club, Intramurals Daniel F. Kennedy I'Dank" $aint A1phonsus LSC, Crew, Film Club -witJ...... lllkSk, !Ifr II: 4 f"1'IItJ tJ.r"'a~. Wrt.-Nt CllIIr")'

Christopher ,J. Kirk Our Lady of Good Cou~ Crew, Kairos Leader Ryan L. Kirk Corpus Christi

Basketi:»1 "lW'lJd Ie ~rr JoIIIl(/~I't'l .. llh~: rlu lhrrt bull ltlI!(lI(fS IMllltJl~ 'P" lh~ lift. N.r I: C,,,,rr lit. N~1Il!rtr 2, o1I,g.>JJ!oltIl, ~I NWNtr J: UWolf b~( tlt.lt IIh(ll Iffi' ~m.·



166 .. Senior Ponrails

Mmmm..me like chlckenll

Steve-C, where did you gel that jacket!

Ryan Kirtl. prepares for the big game.

Colin F. Kirts St Stanislaus Crew. Student Council. LSC, NHS, Photo Club. Cross Country, Track "II j'o1rrJ liln'W II( [I.Ir ndJl.u.l J t4Jl1 JtllllllJ1hf~ ""lff~ur.w ft. rYr'] ~Wt 0Il'Wlll tf "'Y st~IJ bilk bfr...J''14 Wtr "" tIr" _Mi f'JIld1~ Ab.....J...J .. Sil'lll'... M.1.lM:1 ~"J...~-tlI: -WIlT: AwrllAll fll'<Ilcly

Michael Majok Kuch St. Vincent De Paul Soccer, Amnesty International, LSC --wIIn t /I'JIrtllW lIw fum cf lhr !,mlt rf "'Y Jti!, f slfl~ Al tlrt ~"'t1Am(J, >r~!llt ¥, a../ 11~ld ~II~( JI/'II(lIU IIIAI /wI'( lrft tlrtlr lIlA"" ",J wfr- Jam Ilia! .111111( A buk 41~1 III lIll' iWrl-:


.John N. Labosky "Bask" St Vincent De Paul Football, Crew. Intramurals, Respect Ufe -q.aD ioiJ ""n/s cf IU "rt;{!fR' Ihr S4J.lol 'jd, wI _11kt lull'( 1/((1,,.. Paul F. Lanzilotta up. Lanzi"

St. Rose of Uma Scx::cer, Track, Band, Respect Life, LSC, Intramurals, Kairos Leader 11Il' 6".u(~ 1IllW "rr AI(""'fIuIr~ l~( IhfW ff'yIr say 'Ji"l ,,,"1 dJo.-

Senior ?amaHS", 167

Sean Leimbach llBach" St. 8ede the Venerab~ Crew, Student Council, NHS, LSC, Respect Ute.


Latin Club, SADD 1llIlM'f"M 'Ir IlJl.I fIfJ wIuIl yt'II

/ttl, btfl/l/Jt I"~ vlt.' 1Illlw J.,"1 IUlltr oJ Ilwt 11M !IIIIUtr hr111l1.w.· -Dr.5nill

Robert ~. Levins "Rob" VISitation BVM.

NHS -wL:I w....JJ 'fiN. d~ if I ~ 0Il1 ~ lJjll(? W,,,,/;/ f"I SLUW WI ,..J lIo1ft ",I ~" lilt, h./ III( y.... un ,,w Iii il"6 y.IIj ~ 1O'W 'M l'n II)' .viz., il"6 1Iljj ~ My. 011, I~ by lIull ~ Imk ~r~Jr~Jt "'J JrlrllJs.-rullt<lt/rs

Timothy W. Loftus "'Tus" Maternity SVM. koeHod<ey -II IIwtI ~j, lm tM'W'j,,1IJ wil JrttW wr,'IIl{ ilrll!lff'J: ·NO

Aristides A. Lolosldis "Ari" St. George CathedraJ -nyr"6I$IN fin/. slfJ tcw,nU /flhlrr: -HilIItr Si."....

These QllYS use their free periods wisely.

Ryan PedrotIy""" the Study Com-

mons to create his next masterpiece.

I 68 .. Senior pon rails

Bryan T. Lowry Epphany of 0Jr Lord Wistenan, VVEXP. NHS, Spmg Track, ArTresty ntemational,


...,",, s.-.JOIfl!


lit lUI ".~J!It, '!'« t'¥iJt 'tfCIlIlI tW _.,. ".,..dl'll a tilt f,tl. _."., ....... ffI' kdr llfoll._llir.it!! IlIIbr tr.m, 1II'l1'lr lrlltr ~ oItrt; wd, . . cn. I _iii'! J.UI.Iar!.•"l'¥ bt. n..t JtJftlMM.llr!li _mts. H ta1 t~ Wlli lUt b/-" I~"




-104« s;nld (T1It S1.,.J

Kevin M. Lutch 51 Matthew Par"'" (Conshohocken) Lab Managers, VVEXP, WGterian, Math.,tes, NH5, Intramurals


-s-.uywi 11« led III tlb alII



Shane C. Madden

SL Arre EpscopeJ (Abngton) HonorsJldvanoed Bird, CorrpetJOOnBarO, &=eo1'lItIf Is. '/fU1 ~."" w. nr.r ls.lI8d rMbtf 4..... III w. nr.r 1I • .we I.Ut I:l dtAOl", T1Itll' II. ~ .£MlillJ. tlIttr IJ. """' lll.d u~. nnr II • _ w.llll".ftr lilt. Mil. rNJ lk.ll Is b11lll"6' nnr Is • firt £J1Itwrll1ltt:


Peter M, Magee 4lBiff" Salflt Hilary of Pottiers QfNV "''Ir • ~ Id.ttn /lI1.d. lilt Wr I ...i tW ...., tf If I ""'.'



Mrs. Demeter spends time with some of her favorites. (logan Johnson, Bill Meehan, and Mike Driscofl)

senior Ponrails

+ 169

Kevin F. Maggitti

St Bede the Vererable Mathletes. i3pans>l Club. HStory Club. St MarlIl1 Tutorng NHS .,,, ... b.wwUJ 1.u;t~l.tll.t..u.1III &.o-M'I fUJI ~ lim im..lyldr. "~"'lllt ~, ,.; ~ "JlIf- aJ IJn ftab"6 ••,"tI.rr ~ ", • ","In M tW IllIw:IJ ~ tV SU' "'. . '1rw..lIy til UIIu..._J WF w:



Thomas F. Mahon ''T-Money''


LSC. Band. cva Basketball. KaKos Leader 'ufr Is W l.,..n.ut l.t Irr t.d:n itI1flt!1J:


Robert L. Malden "Bob" Holy Martyrs NHS. LSC. Wlsterian. Ski Club. WB<R Urban ChaJ~. Kairos Leader -v.-.'" Ctw ~ ..&w l.wrnIw, '-t 1I"fr.J1ft.t tW.1~; if 'f"'l 00I,rU s.wl~

'f'M."' ...

r'Ul .......'f'MlwtY.dt.at: -JMmr x

Timothy R. Makoid "Tim"

St Trtus C<etv. Lab Managers. Stage C<etv. BowIng. lIIodeiRakoad Club Band ~ "fr ~ IiIr • Po P ", Ml1I1" !lit __ IJt lilt .",u .." 11." I .M ,.; '!" ft." lh lUI, ...n b.w ,.. lUI: -MlIC~SlU-

Matthew S. Malloy "Stump"

ResurrectJOn of OJr Lord Baseball. Football. Latin Club. Spanish Club. Operation Santa Claus. Respect ute. SADD. Spnt Club. Ka;ros Leader '1 .ln111U,(llj1l'. IJLU~ J(((li) by I.."t ~~ lit (hllbs, "'11w'It h\'Jh h( "'.. ~It) .-h(~ he- hill lilt 10M"",,:

-Gr"'2J" s, f\ll!.'ll

Shane R. Maloney "Sugar" St AIpronsus Footbal. Lacrosse. Intrarrurals "'FdIls 1fItAhn ~ .,.., """':

Matthew T. Markley Mary Motrer of The Pedeerrer Track, ntTarruaJs ."" "1<. """"'"' 1uw •• "":


.Jason K. Maron "Dewey" Tennis, Academe Decathlon, Chorus, 8elcrofters,

German Club, Intramura!s, NHS "OIr l.1 w.dl.>w I. 1M _'!m.WIl(' m'IIII<1llII lltt f'1~ltw.I~1 ""<litIr ~",.rJ Jurmr1\llllt

't4l'iJlrw U!JoIl' If (/YlI!Z4U..:

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 70 .. SCnior Ponrails

"'oseph M. Martosella, III ""'Mart" St Anthonyof Padua NHS. Track, LSC. htramurals ·AI ktr .dltYrJp w" Uvr MF .buill'S.: -orbtor SWtff ...... rJn.


Anthony L. Massaro UAntman" VStatJonBVM Footbal. BasebaJ. Basketbal. Student Counci htramurals ·AIJl.1r6 I Itt CM u: Irr


"'oseph A. Mastrangelo

'"Tree" StHelena Basketbell. Respect LJfe. Spont GUo. Intramurals '" II< ol!< ,II< .... II< - ""'" "ti'........" II< ...... II< '!S ' ~ lw !""'\l \II« td, I ....... l.W etwos""" 1.I111l''l' ~N,~, - , ilIlIlIIt'I' tIwll"l\'.vI J-l' A c.lI ~""".m j{(1I;j. 0-11.( -'tw ca.J.,.. -flJN W-.


"" 11<""....'".."." '''''''' .. "P .... ""'''11< -~-


Peter B. Maxwell

StBede Art Club. Triest t-b.Jse, Intrarrurals. Yearbcx:>k "C~T]t


Joseph D. McArthur "Joe" St. Philip Neri

Crevv, k::e Hockey

11" li.tn ~ li.MI1 r.w lhr ~Jl( .u.r""rr:

C. Eric McCarthy uC-Eric"

St Phillip Neri Stage Crevv. Respect Life, Urban Challenge. Intramurals -0..1 tUr dll' uM ~ 1/1 Jsjt, ~iJ k.W 1/1 rwllN:

William J.A. McCloskey "Bill" Football. O"ew. Track LSC. Ski Club ~ - ' InIT iIW

-I-l!..W "'J Wr DJ d.au:sr

Patrick .... McCusker ·'Pat" llKrusty" BasebaI, Footbal. Basketball "1'Ln'r ~ ktitr u. tl. _ ca kor HMtY II Wllr!' 11M. d1f ....: -DmMAtlm

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• + senior Portrails

I 71

Look out! AJelC is getting fired up 5meagol and Frodo take time out to stop in Stu·


.++•••++.+••••+.+++•••+ ••••• +•••• + Christopher B. McDade Our Lady Help of Chnstians Freshman and..N Football, Freshman. .N, and Varsity Crew ·If'I'''-tt 8'J!"d Ih~ ""~ ttfJ'h'r1W: Kevin P. McGilloway "Hipple" St. Stanislaus Hockey, Baseball. Tennis, Amnesty International, 8ameI1i House, Student Council ·r",r JUI'S £lltr· II N~

sma h1tr • ¥11W, lilt i1ItoI tfIta 11M/ . , IItrtr eM( ~.

c.lJl-tu., ... .u If wrr4, If -*, If lnIolM e.. l.u tlwlll'W ofbMtf"d l.Ut". wcrr INn .-l ...... hr lMl r...., ~ lillC .. lilt wrioI. ~ II ..w:

Daniel D. McGinly LSC, Musicals, Stage Qew. Academe Decathlon, MatHetes, nlTamJaIs ."" wi sui r. if.-uln" IR ~ fir lAir I~". 1MSIf'd Ai.wl JI4."'!" tl¥wt J-Ifr·' Mlchael.J. McGlinn ".Jose.Crazy Madness" Qew, Ski GU:l, LSC, Drama "LjrlJ"'''


+ senior Ponraits

Heavy Kevy Is goona lay da ham...


Chez and his

main man III CoooDawg

Ali and Snead ShOldd be -inside- the library studying.

sean F. McGorry Our Lady of Mt Garme< Var",ty k;e Hockey, latIn C'ub, La Sal.. Academy Tutoring, OJtdoor Adventures Club, LSC, Intramurals .N! ~llIIlsIrr; ItIlllltlJ.,. ...u11fl_IlI'1!lWoW, Jtol"rt wtIiJ"6lil ~ J..wr; umtr, 6'" W'f lu. U!'* tI,,:



Michael S. McGowan "Little Guy"



Terns, RespectlJfe Is IirtltT &. •

lot'" !IIlW Jut 1f!t.lI .. ~ .....

Alex R. McGrath UMullet" Capus Ctvisti Track. Band -y",



CMtJod:r...... ¥IT wt'Wt


w~al61 J'Il. r _ ~ (_lr.f'l":f III Hi~:

Kevin McMahon

St Geroev1eve 1W III1J htf lil ....r IEll!J:WIoll -f '-now wfA' Irr Ill' 4Wu It~ .. -nnl:/J_ o. RNlmb

senior Port rails .., I 73

Michael J. McMullen "1"8"I~ Ii'",mty;"rr _, wJtrPl' lht jl.nttrsp.

rll /It Mit I""" hNrlJr l/.t"

Robert R. McNamara St.l'Jphonsus Track, Tennis, Explorer Club, Latin Club, Amnesty International "WI

IIt(JtJ <'II' fll'lt ~ ~..uy7"

Joseph P. McPeak "Joe" Resurrection of Our Lord Forum, NHS, Wisterian, Intramurals, Extreme Gaming Club 1iltM U1fl ~ "! Ii' roo-N{lJrITlif.tI (splwT./1 Anthony V" Medoro "Casanova" St. David Respect life, Intramurals ·r ..".1 WJrry.J 11ft ••""!:

Hey, Greg, where do you think you're going with our stuff1!

frto,Oak Oawg,J.B., and Beef

enjoy some pre-game

festivities. O.J, Cunningham

doesn't look like a happy camper.

I 74

+' Senior Portraits

Andrew T. Medwid uMeds"

Gerevieve FootbaJ Lacrosse, ntramuraJs, LSC, NHS, SADD, Provdence Genter Tutamg 'Sit, '!l' ai • 11m • Irrttlr !lw ,. . _ w om:.. ilm d IrJtr I... tilt id, ~ JI WI' ,....,d • tkr¥. wlWrm' /un., u, ~ 1wU.1ll',-, ai f ~ 4ow, wrf . . rIw irnt t! l4du.:



William A. Meehan "Bill" 51 Christopher Cr8'N, Ski Club, IntramuraJs. LSC. Yearbook. K81ros Leader -dJlJrnr "'id ""''''if1lrIIl, l<' if. Ii.l~ lIll j(JlJ)jfI' '1fI1, It!I ru. It 11,(1. am 6'iiS:

-,.a ..",

William C. Melvin "Willy" 8t Luke the EVangelist CrfNV, NHS. Yeart:x:x::>k. WlSterian. LSC. KaJros Leader, Student Courl Christopher W. Miller OJ Lady of Good C<:>ura3l Wresting, BasebaJ, M-lS, LSC Wstenan -wWlJ -JlA _

Is • -.:itJt

f IttF ., III tilt ~ aI.fItS " Id .d JtJJ4,

aJllIlrr!WI'lII ~"'"

lit !l.IlIts!.',L,.-



These guys are enjoying a nice ftxpensive nutritional meal

seniOr PonrallS. 175

Kevin H. Miller Co<pus Christi Crew, Basketball, NHS "GI r~" 1M olJlfltlo"l""'" lowu. lJIf llw Itjt 1JIlwTr~: 'lin')' D.n1J nm.u.

Kevin M. Miller "K Mill" Ma!y Metre< of The Redeemer Soccer, Respect l.Jfe, NHS, St Franas m, Student Cou"ci

rt6d Irtll' ~ __ WlJIIII~.¥ lRr~-n.... \oIllIIl1I_ "., WJt!Ia Wfl. wdl:

~ 1I...w1~


Miles K. Miller

St e::t-a1es Borrorneo FootbaD, Baseball, NHS, SAOO, LSC, Spot Clt.b, IntramJaIs -v.. r...... low..,.rl/f"" 1 dw.vlt', 1'" -.It i.UIwr 0/. Jl"intf M.'


.JoltS..... rrMr

Michael A. Mintzer St StanIslaus Ice h:>ckey, Crew LSC (leader), Track, Hstory Club ..... lrw ... JJ: M """ Aati _.wbt 1I1t~: .HIIlY nnW 1LIrr.Gl

Kevin T. Moll "Moll" ax Lady of Mount Carmel Soccer, BasketbaJl. Track, Football, Operation santa Ceus, Student Council, Spirit Club ·AlIlf I'jr Jrra-.s rl. r41f1( (not, (II( Uvt lJw r<'llF-W III!"F1IIlIl!«l: .w.J, DlPrty

Paul R. Montgomery "Paul"

Sf. Bernard

Crevv. Track. Band -wIud lin '+'r u """ wlaIlin ~ u JJ: llll] "'¥Crt'J t.l .ut !Its JtIlM. u: .o/hrr WtIIMf HoW!

Kevin M. Moore

Sf Cethenne of Soena hdoor and Outdoor Track and Feld ~ llw MIJ ~ ~ lW lJfJil Cl'Io 1ItftT: .~IV

Christopher M. Mulholland "Moho" h'YnaCulate CorceplJO() Footbal, Lacrosse

..JrrJ! ldn lMIlItJ _J"," ..... llw tpil1d"...,.. If'" lMt w~ M.u If lIwI - . I _ woW ..w __ !art ,., .. 1 rJ r.st, allIts c.d.astd III lWfttW If i.cttlt - l'Ict.'I'ias.• • V!wr~

••••+ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 176

+ senior Ponrails



Max ..1. Mullineaux "Sloth" FootbaP, Lacrosse .11"~ kiI tIIm"" tM'J~~Irt.d.l.lIJwl_


-Mr. C4lul1ll

Thomas W. Nardi "Tom" St CIYlstopher Mock Trial, Sparjsh an, Wlstenan, NHS -SO- ... Itt ~.a tWy.c1t' _ ... dJ. 0!Wr5:;.u. ~ lW IIrWT 1Ol'It" ....... ~ .t. 1Jl~


1l!'U'" sUw

William M. Naydan ItBiII"

Sl Stanislaus lSC, ntrarrvals, I\HS, L.aSaIe Academy -0-1 II« Mtt. M11nr.ctt; J'l"if jmff'J lUI ......... 'Jf'4 tM:r. 0lW1

..-r" +aJ.

Im- .

~~,u, ~ ~ III tilt nJ:


R. Brian Neary "Rodger Lodge" Holy Martyrs Lacrosse, Svwnmng, Karas leader ""'WI rmyWrJ "'!lC11 II .. ~ .mui lilt RIll. N~ ftruIttJ. !If 1l/II1 MIl ~I. Sil ""'" If1"" M1 dllU.eM t.ciI'''"1''r Jw".eM t.dr",...r k.tl. Try" ."",r ai./bJ..-l M Itl.cl: .1fIt (;1ll!lfiJ DtAi


Ryan M. Nelling SlDavid Pep Band, Concert Band, CornpetrtJon Bard, Protography Club '0."" st.ty lJI lr.l. ultjJ.". 'AlI..w &IJltY II lrJ: -Gr0fY


Francis Nguyen "Crazy Franky" Mary Mother of th3 Pedeerner Spnrg Track, Ar>rre CU>, lab Manager, ntrarnurals -MAK N?", 1M, i'rnrlIrt JI~1loo II:

Michael So Nolfl "Nolfi" Holy Martyrs Ski Club, Wrestirg, Operation Santa Claus, Fim CU:>, Indoor Track. IntrarTllXals ~ ......~ ...... ~ Ifw WIIIt'llk r ItII lilt ., Wi. tJ!tn 1I1W fl'fl'l" ~ lWtI s,'¥ II lid: -:t' ~. - Tilt GIll!lW rnJ

Nell E. 0 ' Connell St ptWop Neri I\HS, CrossCocntry, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track 1iul!"ts~TW_b-".1l1UWIll~bU~""r.~W1f.~.~, 111 .wllllllilr Ill" iwU lUt flI!l. ~ ilk! tW uh.._ _'

..... """"

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• senior Ponrai15" I 77

MAT Pat Gallagher Is stunned he aced Mrs. Smith's test and he Isn't even In her class. Yes, Bill Wamer does have serious problems.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••++.+ Thomas O'Donnell uTito" St. gnatius of Antioch LSC, Lacrosse, NHS President, Intrarnurals, Kairos Leader "I bl.1w I liAS 6cJ1l ~1Id j b.."W 11141 I·a Jk, lJlt IN Willml IS .11"". I ~1Il 1Il1",," ·J"I'~rl Jo..

Patrick .J. O'Neill uDirty Pat" St. John of the Cross Cross Co.Jntry, Track

.Justin 0' Pella IHM Intramurals "T1lrru _ IILlN ,1M fI~, S4JS 'Krt! ll~!",.JtvrIf! JwI L' kcnl,,,,~ tMds 41 dtll'(,"

Paul W. Oakley uOak Dawg" St. Genevieve Intramurals, Crew, LSC "IN _""'hrr tl!IeJ Jcrh'lln $flI(( !",rfJ6 k\>trJ Ihw.wh poT .",1Im Jltr 1I1lJ ji.roItr ;((d "" 1M wild 4NI51<'llI' I/lJf'j the frtlr 111M! w.n.!'" s.ifrly h~lIIt: -<irlllift/

) 78 ., Senior Ponralts


Miles Miller, Kevin Donohoe, and Tim Adams feel like bustin' sluff!

Mr. Turner gives Alex a detention for going 55 in a 10 milelhour


Carl Olejniczak "Hoodie" St. Joseph k;e Hockey, NHS V",e President. LSC. Respect Ute, Intramurals Patrick Oline "Pat" German Club, N1athletes. Extreme Gaming Club "r.tl, DrllIk, ~JIO! k MrrTy, fer !MrI"ffifIi "rlJ .lIt: ·DIIvt Matlltm 811M

Steve Ostopchuck "Russian" St. Katherine of SIena Lab Manager. Respect Life, Wrestling ~ aU

[Itt [hlW I'II'~, J IIIW rry IIllJlii IN 1111'SI:

..Joseph Palatano "..Joey P." Epiphany of our Lord Saxer, NHS. Track, Operation Santa Claus. Bread Basketball "wlrtJI

Il!JlI.>~, slid '1""r c/lrsl ,'11[, Jld"fAlr ~r.w ~ ~JIO! J.4Mlt 1[:

-1loJ"l' s.\.mrr

Senior Portrails .. 179

Brian F. Palmero St John Bosco Jazz Bard, Competition Bard, Corcert Band, Pep Bard, Brass Ensemble, Chorus, 8elcrofters, NHS -~r r (II 'ItJ motllm I:trytr -j-]-5

Michael E. Parker "MPark" Holy Fam;1y k:;e t-Iockey, Golf, VVEXP, 'v\Iisterian, NHS, Intramurals,

SIoCiub -£wry II(W ~nr" (MItS pM iW <'llltr ~I~"'''IP noJ.. -StIIlllllli(

Ryan F. Pedrotty "Pierogi"

StBede Soccer, Tennis Joseph T. Palone St, Helen Rim Club, Vv'EXP. Wisterian, P.mnesty International, Extreme Gaming Club "I'll "" IN "",!ildr ''''-''''lltll", dlll11 wlrm 'ItJ sliory ~IJIS. T"'* 1M J"lr~ rfgrowlJtg 1I.jI, ~lII/ J wiD 11',11 "" l~~.

nb uII"" 1". Pi""r" "/' Ifrrlgmtl, hew AIt."'l 1"'i"" -Il<'IiJld~ 5<'lIk

Hmmm..do you really want to see me dance my dear?

Do you have the wisdom to sit with these 9UYS? Now that's some school spirit!


+ Senior Ponraits

Colin A. Pinto "Pinna" Corpus Christi Student Council, Baseball, Intramurals, Football, NHS '0<'"1 t.W IJft Io1Il sa!l'II$, )\1j.J111{l'tf (/In II t,llv fi&st: Gregory C. Potestio "Greg" St. David Cross-Country, 1nd<:xx/OJtdoorTrack, Wisterian,

NHS.Tnest House 'A..J WsidN, iIlfF tlf dwr tIrr "roll' II'IW"". nnr wi. ..m l«'Il" ~ oWI~ God Qllfflrr Qild ~'If'rr: - HIIlrr SlIlfS"'l

Ryan W. Powers SS. Cosmos and Damian Crew 'l/Iifttfrn p~. p n.n.r IMfr bl"'ll Q..J Mlt ¥T hl"l.l: -s.-wdlll'rlh

Matthew R, Price "Price"

St. AJphonsus Wrestlirg, Crew "Col r""!lJroly'" lhr ./JlI'rtl.lA cf por JmullS. Lfvr Ihr I!ft y.1j Ju!vr l"'1'JbIl"J.-};tIuy wvU n~1I'4W


Andrew Daupinee, Alex McGrath, and sean McGorry take in the ambiance of the library.

Senior portraits" J 8 )

Sean M. Quigg Immaculate Conception, BVM Theatre, tv\ock Trial. Drama Club, WlSterian, lntramurals, Respect LJfe, Latin Club, Chorus "I'If ~ I: '" Iftll'-6' Ill., Itfr...kd tltI w.u ~ ... fS«TJ.o.-r !"'rrl:rJ: <.rfj ~ 1-:1 IIi7

Michael J. Reale "Mike" St I-'elena

ntramxaJs. WEXP ~P"''' jjl1 1Mf1SJ- G.fP"blIIf' ~ al\r klt ~" ...r hrs.. -DrAwn

Roderick Reber, III "Rod" St~

Wresting, NHS, Fresrman Mentor

.• r.w aJ ._~••


al r II'WJIkor, • U., I~·

Robert J. Rebstock "Rlzzle, Reptilian, Robman" St I-'elena BasebeI, SAOO, Spanosh alb, St Francis m, Operation santa Claus "lJjt III: Fwrwy. IlIII: ~r.uIJ...:

Alexander J. Reif "Alex" St Beds the Venerable

Bane:!. Intramurals, Spanish Club, NHS "WQ"Y''i'lls IIW I: rmt'i'l t!I.llr, Il&!WS 'P' !lllll<'r~r'd til dot, kiJ II MtSll11!1 l''''' oI~ywkm .. -Vol. W1~

Patrick M. Riley "Future, Futch" St. Rose of Lima Baseball, Football "NsrW Is ~ lh-tdi. MIXJ l:unJ, kd Jnt •...bu.... ·WNW<1lIU

Michael P. Rockwood, Jr. "Rock" St~

Footbal, CXew, Urban Chailenge ~ Inr '"! IIJdrl 'IN Jm" Is II CfUIt II:

"'" """'"


Kyle J. Rodden St Rose of Lrna CXoss CoLnl1Y. ndoor Trad<. BasebaI, Outdoor Track, NHS,LSC 1k.JWt W -,.w liIr J.p III'm" w... .R4* w,d,I, e -

•••••••••+•••••••••••••••••••+•••• J 82

+ senior Ponrails

Hector F. Romero "Hectooor" Resurrec.:tion of Our Lord Socx::ef, Providence Genter "Vi'll WbI.-, .". WSM', uJ .- Hf fWitJ llIIl, iw ._ .IwJr t.l JlIl


llira d.'

Christopher G. Ross "Chris" Stnng Ensemble. rdoor/OutdoOf Track Ooss Cou1try. 'M soan. Forun. secret santa Ope.-aoon santa Claus


."""" ..... 'f", -n, ~'tf If tMidmy n.

Brian P. Ruhling St Albert treGreat lntrarruals,Oew. Respect lJfe.1\HS

11rtfdl-IWI'" _1It"-" "".Ib ".QQ1I1tA Ill ...· -ffflU swim-


Branden C. Shane Corpus Ch1stJ Ice Hockey, I..aa'osse, BowIi"1g. Socx::ef, Operaoon santa ClaUS, Art Club ·r. rwry IJ1I1t "" _Ird, wIn,..d:t JI.wIt. 0ItI1 wrT'J '" 1Mm: -u M.dry

Sean .J. Shapiro

Ice Hc:x:key, Explorers Club. Amnesty Internaoonal. Sarn<>I; House, NHS Nicholas X. Shattuck 'jSm~agol"

Queen of Peace Basket~l, Crew, Pep and Concert Band. People to Peo· pie. Student Ambassador 'M] F't.'lUS>W,

c..... til sw'~.

-sw*"/CA6b. UIf'Il If lilt !tuW

Alexander W. Shaw

Forun. fistOlYCiub. German Club. TresteHouse 11rt filii:' t(..."l1li Ilhrr.IIIIII:l c--, tdd 'J*tl- loJ'1.W"'.w.r 1Wl~ II: ..(;r~ 1lM.l'll s.Uw

Krfstopher .J. Shinn "Kris" Terns. Wrestbng, Fihl Ck.b 1\tor .cOf.'" ~

,-rr ,. Ws wriI ~,


b , . t( tIw,"', . •


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SC'nior PonrailS'" 183

zachary M. Taylor "Zach" Art CUJ. Stage Crf'NV. Crf'NV "So'W . . J« w" c:l llwy all' .., .c:i dy. «!1m "'- w" tIwI .wi' IIrr>l' al Ii ., IWIr ~~ 1lcrM'll sIGregory F.X. Teufel "Greg" 51 Joseph . Robert Footbal. BasebaI. WrestJ<1g Respect lJfe. LSC. ntrafT'll.<aJs

..... Dol. ..... M/

N"*"',.. f«



James W. Toolan "Jimbo, Bonase" Visitation BVM CrfNV. Wrestling, Track and Field, Water Polo, 8ameI1i HolJse ?n.fM-I &btu; ?'l ~ r.. 1iI1111: II htb:t, , ..1 r..IIllv.fut if]"I cllJI1,..., lIlr f"4r

-v 1m John A. Trainer "J-Train" "Trained 'Em" St.Matthas FootbaJ. BasebaI. Student Ccurci. Spot CUJ ""'..., 1J.c It'n1JV


1I11iW," fill -M.ctl ~


Kyle Rodden gives Andrew Chiarello some helpful tips.

"1how I can become. Campus Minister?-

186 .. S<'nior Pomails

Michael E. Valentine "Mike" 0Jr Mother of Consolation Fall OI"ama. Spmg MuscaIs. OI"ama Otb. Chorus. LSC .John M. Van Eekelen ".Jan" 51,Genevieve

Football. CrfNV, LSC, IntramuraJs, Band "1lwr QIl' .... Knr!i lo! Sllt;w. Illl tilt Il'Jl1t iffll'~rQIUlfl, ul'lilfl'lt,.oI Wr1I~fn*:jll1J.>'t:

<<<l. /'lIlfd

Robert D. Vrancken "Rob" 0Jr Lady of IV'<Jlrt Garmei SIMmmng. Terns. Lacrosse. Water Polo. Ka.-csLeader "'oul lfIrrb .w.r ~ 1IIo:.",w.rJ rIotIn.l' fr- ..u:·AIm """"

Christopher R. Wallin "Chris"

S' John the Evangel~ k::e Hockey, Respect Life. Karcs 37·33, Operation santa Claus, 8ameli House, LSC .,.dt •.,.. u., IW Q W, tW If~. ,.tr. .It'< ".. .rJ JIll irr w.r '--, '-' .fII/ItT Dr- ~ .c:

<. ""'"


Chris Ross and sean Quigg would make great spokesmen for Teddy Grahams.

senior PonrailS

+ 187

Michael ,J. Walsh "Welcher's" StMIChael ntramurals, LSC, Respect ute "Y" (,.,11 "'" ...c ~ PJl\1IV JtrJtd ~ ~I ~ i«iIH .. f-Jt1td ~ na1.ly: -SUo Kttll

William G. Warner "Cameron. Rick Smits" Lacrosse. Sarnell House. ntrarruals. KaJros Leader ·rwryUWI8'MtlMI_tnls-w,dst.llttJbl~fS'" ~11olJ, -l-'H-

JLm W.-

Tevis E. Weir "T" "Tev" "Or.T" PresentatJon BVM Wrestirg. Stage Crew. Gazebo, Robotics CU>

.,.,... ,..t "" ..... "" "",..t'" ","""" . .John E. Welsh ".Johnny" St AJphonsus Swrnmng. Crew

Michael F. Whalen "Mike" Resurrection of Our Lord Soccer, Sporn Club, Student Council, Karas Leader, LSC "Cj c~rw U~ II<'! WJ lit. sl!ffltI,lll, II<'! b'I'W L,l ~ clUJif It Wrt tM'J II III'llUNllrt • .dk!r1ad II ...",Ii JAilIrt l~, w.,.-RMiTrl! Timothy .J. Whalon "Tim" Maty Moth3f of the-.,.,.. Wrestling, Mock Trial, RC Racing Club La Sal., Academy "W( ""'" .... t~ ~ wll lIl't\'l' !cvr hi fur" -TIlt 1l.4.a

Kyle R. Whitmire

St Luke (Germantown) Football, Track, WEXP Extreme Gamng Oub, Multi-CUttxaJ Oub, INeoght Tranng

....."....... ...,"""'"•M< ""' """. Lucas ,J. Wilde "Luke" St Maroa GoretlJ Ice Hockey, LSC. KaJros Leader, Track. OperatJon santa Claus. St Luba Tnp "DroW18'~ II '" aI ~ _, JIll wrtr kt. 4- ~.'

-.., '"'

I 88 .. senior Portrails

Daniel K. Wood "Dan" St Rose of Lma Crew. DM1g Fa! Drama. Sprng Musical. Bard "Bt ....... ,(.'1' aI fK!'" ._.~ Wc.u 1.W"'..un.l.1 _ _ llw ...... "-t wUtr." -Dr. SId

.Joel B. Worster ".JB" St Rose of Lma SwirrYnng. Water Polo. Crew. Bard. Student Colra. .~ .w lw ,.,(,!: I. JWYrI" filiI z.1l1w.rp rrIInIirrr ,.,(, IIli.Iftt I'·c"":~

Daniel B. Vanak "Dan" Epiphany of Our Lord History Club, Spring Track. EGC. Winter Track ·N.WJ&...., lW~.lt

Is...., l"Iniltr~"tflW~.

Il.\I tllJ.~, - W!WIr cl.dtll N","*," I'HZ

lWt-.llfrltt ~".­

Michael .J. zakrzewski llzakawitz" Corpus ChrIso ntrarruals. LatJn CU>. Science C'U:> "tAlt ill ..., Iwt"



Summer Camp Winter Relreals .Conferenee Center

(215) 343-6552



Camp Neumann's sign says It all lor 001' seniOfS.

Krls Shinn and Eric Catvitti filled with the Kalrotlc Spirit

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• senior Porlrails" t 89

t Our seniors at one time actually used the Study Commons to studyl

Oh the Initiations Ryan Curtin, Colin Kirts, and Mike Nolfi had to endure.


How the years have changed us. From Freshman basketball, going to formals, friendships, to opening up to a world of service, our seniors have grown In the lasallian tradition of family.

190 ... senior PonrailS

Brian Hopkins, Tim Craig, Geny Dunn, and Rob Crawford targets for a prize.

Freshman soccer team full of dreams for the future.


Artwork by

Peter Maxwell '04

SCnior Portraits'" I 9 I

, . •-






'''''. JI'·


.: ..






lTRONS Charles and Carol Fee

Good Luck Mike Filipczak '07

Branden, Congratulations 10 you and the Class of 2004. We are so proud of you! Continue to work hard and follow your dreams. un'e, Mom, Dad, Kelsey and Wesley

Andy '00 Gnd Ryan '02. Mom and Dad

Colin. May God bless your journey al La Salle.

Nick. You always make us very proud. Love. Mom. Dad & Lindsey

Love, Mom, Dad. Michael (md Gavin Dachowski. Gill1H1eui & Assoc.. General Dentistry

Erb ? Mascio Builders

Congratulations Kevin and the Class of2004! We are very proud of you t - The Lu/sell Family Yeah. Joe!! Thanks for Ihe memories! Lot'e. Mom, Dad & BetJ1l1I1ll

Marabrite Inc. Mar)' Bangor

Congratulations Adam. Love. Mom. Dad. and Allison Congratulations Nick and the Class of 2004 The Gigliolti Family

Kris. Congratulations! It's been a wonderful journey. Lo\'e. Mom. Dad & Ed

Lenward and Barbara Gatisoll Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cm/way, J,:

Congrmulations La Salle graduates! Drs. Maria and Amhony Umberakis

Salon Nochea Congratulations Brendan and the Class of2004! May you find happiness and success wherever life takes you. w,'e, Mom. Dad. Colleen, and Megan

Michael Z - Congratulations to you and the Class of2004. We are very proud of you and wish you the best of luck in your college years and always. Love. Mom. Dad. Kristi", and Kare. Congratulations 10 Paul Lanzilolla and the Class of 2004. Love, Mom, Dad ami Loll Carl, Congratulations to you and the Class of2004! LfJ\'e, Mom. Dad & Kyle

Michael. May God keep you safe in all your journeys and Congratulations. Patrick and the Class of '04-"'Dare 10 bring you good fortune. Dream"

Love always. Mom, Dall. Colin and Cm';II.

The McCusker Family Thanks 10 everyone at La Salle for four tremendous years! Mike "Tile Wiwrd" Claccum We are proud of your accomplishments. Mall, bUI are prouder of the person you have become during your years at La Salle... Mom. Dad, and Emma

Mauhew. We love you, Congratulations. Your Family. Mom, Dad & Justi"! Tim Whalon: We are very proud of you. Remember to never stop dreaming. You deserve the best life has to offer. Love. Mom. Tim, Jolin. Kyle

We're very proud of you, Ryan! Congratulations. Love always, Mom and Dad

Tim Whalon: We are proud of all your achievements over the years. May you always be so dedicated and focused in the years to corne. Love, Nana and Cramps

Congratulations Mike Parker and the Class of 2004. May the lessons learned and friendships made last forever. Love. Mom and Dad

Alex. You always make us proud. Congratulations on your graduation. just one of your many accomplishments! w\'e. Dad. Mom, Jill & Sam & Shane

192 .. Palrons

NDEX Student Index

Aa PatrieI- J. Al>boll, 144. 160 Colin 1. Abbou. 42 Anthony C. Acey-D;lVi~. 34 David A. Achey. 4, 14-4. 154. 131 Sean F. Adams. 144 1imolhy8.Adam~.60.61. 71.144. 149.174, Anthon}' T. Adams. J4 Otmlophcr P Ad:Jmsll. 50 Nicholas M AfTd. 145. 118 ChnslOrhcr J. Agnew. 42 John Palll AgOSIIIW:. 50 Conor D, Ahem. 145.66.67 Gt-egoryT. Allen. 145. 174

Allen E. AlzOf\a. 50 K. Ryan AndeBOO.50 Mlchad J. Andre.... s. 50 Cesare 1. AngelonI. SO Peter 1. AnnlllO'l.lII. 42 Da"'ld J. An'iCl. 34 Gonlalo Anlol1l1 Sanchez. 50 Gabnel 1. Antonello. 50 Christopher R A~hley. 34 Athilln N. Allllan. 50. 7 Jlln1C~ Manyol- A)'ucn. 6. 7. 145 Bnan T A1.cff.50

Db PhllllpA 8abne\Oo.42.81

Jeffrey A



Manhcw C Baiocchi. 42 Fredncl C. Baker. 1.$6. 160, 162.99 Cohn T 83ker. ,14 Domml": Baler. J4 Grc-~ J. Banec\.er. SO Da\'ld G, Barba. :w Ke... mA 8~t1.42 John R Barr, III. ~ ChnSlophcr P Barr. 42 Scott Barr. 14 ChnStian 1. Bll~lI. 50 Ryan P Barrell. 50 Luke R BarTell. 42 Colin T BarTett. 14 Ry:1Il N. B:my. 50. M6.87 Garrell N HlI~alyga. 146.98. JonathanA BalllSlll. 146. 148.97.98 Andre.... J Beck. 146. 163. 98 Colin S Bchr. 50. :H Brendan J BeKhert. 42 Knill J. BenmcaQ. 146.98

Damel P Bc:nmca..a• .t2

William D. Bem. 146.98 Sun P. Benz. 34 Michael W. Berger. 50 Salvatore V. Bcvi\·ino. 34 Karl B. Beyer. 42 Steve P. Bloo. 146.98 Kyle M. Bidus. 147.99 Gerold B Bidus.50 M:u1d. Bielecki. 147. 148. 132.97.98 Joseph E. BlstrT1. 147.99 Nichola~ E. Bivens. 34 KeVin M Blagr.w('. 147.98 Patrick J. Blagra\"e. 42 Matthew J. Bahnskt. 50 Brndtn 1. Bonner. 34 Paul E. Bonne'<le.-n Ed.... ard D Bonnevie.34 Alam R Bonny. 42 Andrew S. Bono. 147. 138.98 William G. Borrell. 147.98 Andrew C. BOIttIl. 42 MichaelA. Boyle. 50 John~. Bmea. 111. 50 [an M. Brncisl.ewski. 34 Matthew C. Brad.... ell. 50 Andrew P. BrJdy, 147. I 18 John B. Br'oldy. 42 Drew R. BrJndl. 42 Taylor S. Smun\. 34 NtcholllS J. Brechbill. 147. 131. 98 Mark D. Breen-Lopez. 34 Douglas J Brehooy. 34 Alex J Breltmayer.42 Cole M Brennan. 148.98 Philip 1 Brl:snahan. Jr.. 148.98 PatnckF Breu.I48.IS4.IJO.99 Da\ld 1101 Brerntd:y. 148,99 Andrew R Bnn. 50 Ste\en M. Bnuon. 3. 35. 60. 61. Patrick F. Brodenek. SO Damel Brophy. 34 Jeffrey P Brown. 34 Paul S, Brown. 34 Timothy J, Brown. 34 Kyle M. Buchanan. 50 Andrew J. Buck. 149.96.98 Mauhew T. Bui. 34 Alc~ander 1. Buonocore. 34 John A. Buonomo. 42 Marl-I. Bur. 149.98 Gernrd F. Burke. 50

Ke\-in J Burke. 34 Chri~lopher D. Bush. 42 ChmlopherT. Byrne.-42

Cc Christopher T. Cabrey. 301 BrJdley P. Caglin. 42 Christopher M. Cahill. 34 Christopher M. Cahill. 149.98 Geoffrey S. Cahill. 34 Ryan Cain. 34 We~ley P. Calderone. 34 Sterling D Calhoun. 42 lbomas P. Call1lhan. Ill. 50 Mark T. Callabiano. \50.99 Eric E. Cal\'lItl. ISO. 149. 168. 189.

97.98.99 John B Campanella. J4 John E. Campbell. 42 &an J. Campbell. 34 Darren A Campo. 42 Jcxcph T Candclore. Jr.. I. 150 Ch3rte50J Capaci. 150,99. MattheY. J. Capaldo. 151. 148.98 Aleundcr J. Capetola. 34 Andrew T Capizzi. 34 Thomas 1'. Cappa. 42 PhillipJ. Caffimcnico. 34 AnthonyR.Cardella.151.98 Kcvin M. Carfagno. 151.98 Brian A. Carlin. 50 R Scan Carlin. 50. S4 Denis J. Carlson. 151 Paul C. Cannan. Ill. 152 Mlilthe....· J C31T.42 Jared R. Caner. 42 Vincent E. Cart.... nght. 50 Chmtopher G. Carvalho. 5\ Cody M Casale. 51 TJefTreyCasc). 152. 136 Gregory H. Casey. 42. 136. 137 Sean P Ca.<c)'.42 13n F Casey. 35 PluhpA CllSSld).35 Wilham Castelberg.lII. 35 Michael L Ceho. 43 Michael R Chapman.51 Roben H. Chapman-Smith. 43. 79 Andrew A. Ch13rello. 152. 186.99 Malthew B. Chiarello. 43

Fmncesco P. ChinnicI. 5 [ Brandon K. Chong. 51 P. Chubb. 35 PaMtuale J. Ciammetti. Jr.. 51 Da\'id A Ciccaglione.43 Dominic M. Cifelli. 152.98 Stephen A. Cilibcno. 51 Cameron P. Ciminera. 51 DaVId G CIpolla. 51 Jo~hua

Joseph Cipolla. 35 OtristOflner A. Ciufo. 51 Aiel!. M Clark,43 M,,;hael K. Clark, 41 Timothy C. Clarke, 43 M:mhew E. Clay. 152.98 Andrew C. Clay. 35 Bri:mF.Cleartin. 152. 161. 132. 10.98 lbornas J. Cleary. 43 John 1. Clifford. 51 MIchael S. Cliggett. 35 MIchael S. Coffey. 35 Ryan 1. Colburn. 43 Ke\'in S Collins. 43 Richard J. Conicelli. 43 Sinen J. Conoolly. 51 Damcl F. COt1~ 35 Chnstophcr M. Conll. 51 Coltn 0 Con.....ay_ 35 Cohn D. Conwa). 43 Domonick A. Cook. 35 Adam B. Coornb<>. 35 1imolhy B. COOrlCy. 152. 171 97.98 W Gresham Cooney. 43 R. Vance Cooper. 152. 160.99 Jeremy W. Cooper. 43 ChristopherT. Corby. 35 Colin M. Corcornn. 35 Richard W. Co~grovc. 43 Stcvcn J. Coslanla. 43 Patrick B. Costello. 43 Andrew J, COilov. 51 BcnJaJmn J. Counney, 35. 117 T1lonw. J. C"""he). 43 MIchael P CO)Ie. 153 Tro\ IS 1. COUJe. 51 TInJOlhy P. Craig. 153. 191. 102.99 Roben V.Cra..... ford. NIcholas F Crn..... ford.41 Ryan P Cretcr.43 Mil:hael J. CroasdaJe. 35 John T Croke. 51 11loma$ M Crole.41 Gregory S. Crone. .tJ John R. Crouse. 51 Conor M. Cro\\oc. 43 Timothy E. Cullen. 51 William J. Cumming~.I[I. 51. 50. 90 Scott J. Cumpstone. 51 Patrick J. Cunnane. 43 DavidJ Cunmngham.153. 174.

102.99 Kylc G. Cunningham. 51 Jame-s W. Cunningham. 35 PaIne\. J Curran. 43 Ryan J CurranA1

Index. 193

Thomas J. CUrT). 35 Ryan H. Curtin. 153. 160. 190.98

Dd lbayu W. Damm. 51 Peter N. Damele. 43 Christopher A. Damgh. Jr. 51 Francis R. Daulerio. 51 Andrew D. Dauphinee. 153. 120.98 AndrewT. Davis. 43 Richard A. DeGirolamo. 153. 98 Bo~a DeGorgoias Rojas. 51 Fmnk A. DeLuccia. 35 Michael S. DePaulo. 51 Michael J. DeVore. 35 Jamesc. Deak.51 Andrew J. Dean. 35 StC:\'en Dean. 35 Benj3min A. Dearden. 43 Alexander R. Dee. 35 Andrew 1. Degnan. 154.69.93 KOlll T !kIlL 35 Ryan E.!kmpsey. 154.99. 106 MattheY. Z. Dempsey. 51 Patnd: D. Dempsey. 51. 54 ADdn:w D.!ksidcrio. 59. 154 Richard J. Devine. 43 Robert C Devlin. 51 CollO M. De\1Jn. 35 Brian A. DiBlagio. 51 Edward W. DiDlmalo. 51. 137 MIchael R DILauren1.O.43 Christopher G. Dilella. 43 Adam R. OiMenna. 154.99 Edwal'd S. DiNola, 51. 85 raul E. DiPaolo. 43 Richard S. DiPiero. 43 AldoDIPrmo.51 l\-larco DiPrato. 35 Luke: V OiRe:n7.0. 155.99 Leonard OlWiltiams. 35 Edward A. Olaslo. 51 Ke\ In L. Olcciam. 43 Adam F. Dick. 155.98 KOf)' D Dickerson. 51 James M. Ole:..us. 35 H:lIH.Do.51 Conor K. Doherty. 35 Matthew D. DomlOlck. 35 ThomasA. Donnelly. 155.98 Joseph D. Donnelly. 35 KcvlO J. Donnelly. 35 Michael J. Donoghue. 35 KevinA. Donohoe. 155. 179.99 Mlchacl R. Donovan. 43 James C. Dooney. 52 Stephen W. I:>or..cy. 35 Adam R. Dougla~. 52. 56 Jeffrey A. Douglas. 35 Matthew 1. Doyle. 52 Michael Doyle. 35 Nicholas R. Dreher. J6 Brian M. Drennen. 36

194" Index

Mu:hael1. Driscoll. III. 156. 154, 169.98 Christopher L Driscoll. 44 1i mothy W. Duckett. 156. 98 Thomas M. Dugan. 44 Anlhon) Dules.52 ADdn:w C. Dunn. 156. 163. 9K Ckrald M. Dunn. 156. 191.99 Timothy P. Dunn. 52 Dennis R. Dunne. 52 Kelllan Maxwell OurklO. 36 Gregory M. DU\lOg. 36 Scan M. O..... yer. 36

Ee Thomas J. Ebbccke. 157.98 Robert G. Ebbecke. 44 Trn\b G. Edd). 44 Lukas Eddy. 36 Thomas J. Edger. 52 Kevin P. Egan. 157. 124. 125 Brendan M. Egan. 44 Richard T. Eichert. 52 Wilham N. Eich'o\ald. 52 ~ltchJeI F Ellis. 157.98.99 Michael 1. ElniLSki. 52 Pe\(~rG. Endrigian.l1. 36 LotllS J. EsposilO. 157.99

Ff Nicholas C. Faillace. 36 Frnnco Falla\"OlIim. 158. 168.96.99 Gabriel M. Familiar-m. 158 Roben Farley. 36 Michuel P. Farrington. 44 Daniel M. FusollOe. 44 Raymond C. Fa\·ata. 52. 74 Michael C. Fazio. 36 Joseph P. FedoTO'o\'ic;c.. 158. 156.96, 98.110. I [I R)anM.Fee.36 Stephen P. Fecle). 52 Mark Fegley. 158. 166.98 BenJaminA. Fetlmeth. 158.99 Patrick E. Ferguson. 52. j3 Damell. Ferrie. 158.99 Robert C. Ferrier.Jr" 158.99 MichaelJ. Ferro. 158.99 MichaelJ. Filipc:zak. J6 Gerald R. RUman. 44 Brett C. Rsher. 44 Colin P. Fitzgerald. 159. ISO. 166. 112.113.98. II PatrickT. Aood.159.99 Joseph W. Ruehr. 44 Michael G. Foell. Andrew J. Foell. 36 TImothy J. Foley. 44 Scan R. Ford. 52 Ty[cr J. Ford. 52 Ryan A. Ford. 36 Christopher J. Fomace. 44

DanielJ. Fomace. 36 Robert S. Forster. 52. 137 Sean Focster. 52 Malthew Fraker. 36 Gregory W. Frantl. 36 Roben S. Fralamico. 52 Da\id C. Frntamico. J6 Chnstopher MIchael FUTgmcle. 44 Andrew M. Furlong. 36 Edward 1. Funnan, 44

Gg Patrick J. Gallagher. 159. 178. 124. 125 ChrislopherJ. Gallagher. 52 Eugene J. Gallagher. Ill. 52 Garrett S. Gallagher. 36 Joseph P. Gallo. 36 KennelhJ. GamboTIC, 159.98 Angdo C. Garofalo. 159. 154.122. 99. 122 Chrislopher J. GunOOl:. 159. 102 L.G. Len'o\ard Gauson. 44 James M. Ga\-anu$.4-i Chnstopher\\. Ga... m. 52. 159 David M. Ga\ m. 44 MichaelJ. Gauara. j2 Peter H. Gebert.Jr.. 44 Janles J. Gchnnger. 44 Erick F. GeIger. 160 JelTre) D. Gcmi. 52 Tyrell Q. George. 36 John A. GI:llmo. 160 Anthon) E. Giannetll. Jr.. 36 David Gibbons. 160.99, Ryan B. Gibbon~. 52 Brian J. Glbbon~. 44 NicholasC. Gigliotli. 160.98 Jason P. GIgliotti. 44 Zachary C. Gilben. 36 Andrew M. Gill. 52 KyleJ. Ginty. 161. 13.20 98 Brian F. Gi\'ni~h. 52 Michael J. Glac:cum. 161.96.98. 106. 107. 108 Manhew A Gla\·in. 36 Manhew C. Gleason. 161.98 Andrew C. Gleason. 44 Chnslopher M. Glmer. 161.97.98. 102. 106. 107 Paul E. Gormisky. 162.78,79 Charles S. Gowd). 36 Chrislopher C. Gr.Jdy. 36 Edward C. Graham. 162.96. 98. 136 11lomas P. Gmhum. 36 Michael A. Gran!. 52 Wa)'ne T. Gmsela. 36 Joseph T. Gravinese. I[I. 44 Peler F. Gr:l\'incse, 36 Chrislopher J. Grea\·~. 162.98 TImothy W. Grea\e~. 36 Matthew H. Greenfield. 44 Nicholas A. Gregorio. 162. 99

Joshua R. Gnffith. 44 Edward L Guamcn. 44. 91 Kevin W. Gud-.m. 52 Sean P Guman. 52. 54

Hh Michael E. Haas. 44 Andrew P. Haefner. 44 Andrew J. Hacnn. 52 J. Gray Hacnn, 36 F.Joseph Haesler. 52 Philip 1. Haggerty. 36 Brennan L. Hagy. 52.124.125 1. Bradley Halbritter, 44 Colin M. Haley, 36 Wendell F. Haley-Dingle, 52 Jeffrey M. Uamihon, 52 Richard P. HamIlton. 36 PelerJ. Hand. 163.88.89,99 Michael C. lIandschuh. 44 Ryan C. Haney. 36 Arw.Ire'o\ W ll:mOlgan. I. 163. 135. 98. 134. 135 Peler C. Hanselmann. 44 John E. Hard'o\'iek. 44 Matthew J. Harp. 44 Patrie.. 1. Harp. 37 Kevin S. Ilamgan. 44 Andrew M !lamson.52 TIlomas J. Hartman. 52 Timoth) P. Heck. 37 Brian A. Ilcenan, 52 Thomas S. lieigh,.l4 Chrislopher S. Heinly. 44 JIl~on Henncr. 53 Michael Henner. 53 Joseph F. Hennesscy. 45 Christopher M. Henrich, 45 David Andrew Hennch. 37 Slephen J. Herbert. 37 Sean D. Herbert. 53 BrelXbn P. Heron. 163. 135.99. 134 Keno S. Heron. 53 Gregory P HerLOg, 53. 120 Mall~ 1. Hess. 163.99. Zachary M. Hess. 53 Cllristophc:r M.lhcL.s. 164. 163.98 Dennis M. thggms. 45 Chnslopher S. Higgins. 37 AlexandcrL.HImc:s. 164. 172. 179. 97.98 Manhew S. Himler. 45 Waller Mark HmkcI,Jr.• 37 John W. tlod"er. 164 C. Clark Hodgson, 111.45 Brian S.110gan. 164. 112 Gregory B. Hogan. 53 R. Connor Hogan, 45 John J. Holt. III. 37 AlcxC. HondTO!>.I(H Brian B. Hopkms. 164. 191 Ke\m J. Horgan, 45 Slt:phen G. UOf\'lllh. 63. 1M, 184.

Brian Hopkins, Tim Craig, Gerry Ounn, and Rob Crawford targets for a prize.


freshman soccer team full of dreams for the future.



Artwork by

Peter Maxwell 'G4

Senior ponrailS'" I 9 I

lbomas J. Cuny. 35 Ryan H. Cunm. 153. 160. 190.98

Dd Tha)'er W Damm.51 ~ter N. Daniele. 43 Chrislopher A. Darragh. Jr. 51 Francis R. Dauleno. 51 Andrew D. Dauphinee. 153. 120.98 Andrew T. Davis.-I3 Richard A. DeGirolamo. 153.98 BOlJa DeGorgolas Rojas. 51 FrJnk A. DeLuccia. 35 Michael S. DePaulo. 51 MIchael J. DeVore. 35 J.nnes C. Dcak. 51 Andre" J. Dean. 35 Slc\en Dean, 35 BenJamlll A. Dearden. 4] Alexander R. Dee.]5 AllI1rcw J. Degnan. 154.69.9] Ke\ In T. Dcit7_ 35 Ryan E. Dempsey. 154.99.106 Mallnew Z. Dempsey. 51 Palrick D. Lkmpsey. 51. 54 Andrew D. Desiderio. 59. 154 Richard J. Devine. 4] Roben C. De\lin. 51 Cohn 1'.1. Devlin. 35 Brian A. DiBiagio. 51 Ed'Aard W. DIDonalo. 51. 1]7 Mich~1 R. DiLaurenzo. 43 Chri~tophcrG. Dilella. 43 Adam R. DiMenna. 154.99 Edward S. DiNola. 51. 85 Paul E. DiPuolo. 43 Richard S. DiPiero. 43 Aldo DIPr:1l0. 51 Murco DiPrato. 35 Luke V. DIRenzo. 155.99 Leonard DlWil1iams. 35 Ed"ardA. o.asio. 51 KeVIn L. o.cciani. 43 Adam F Dick. 155.98 KOI) D. Dlckerson. 51 James M. Dlet"kes. 35 Hal H Do.51 Conor K. Doheny. 35 M:U1~ D Dominick. 35 ThomasA. Donnelly. 155.98 Joseph D. Donnelly. 35 Kevin 1. Donnelly. 35 Michael 1. Donoghue. 35 KevinA. Donohoe. 155. 179.99 Michael R. Donovan. 43 James C. Dooney. 52 Stephen \Y. Dorsey. 35 Adam R. Douglas. 52. 56 Jeffrey A. Douglas. 35 Manhew J. Doyle:. 52 Michael Doyle. 35 Nichola.~ R. Dreher. 36 Bnan M. Drennen. 36

I 94 •


Michael 1. Driscoll. III. 156. 154. 169.98 Chnslopher L. Driscoll. 4-1 limoth) W. Docken. 156.98 lbomas M. Dugan. 44 Anthony Dukes. 52 Andrev. C. Dunn. 156. 163.98 GernldM.Ounn. 156. 191.99 limoth) P. Dunn. 51 Dennis R. Dunne. 52 Kelhan Maxwell Durklll. 36 Gregory M. Du~lIlg. 36 Scan M. Dwyer. 36

Daniel 1. Fomace. 36 Roben S. ~ter. 52. 137 Sean Forster. 52 Matthew Fraker. 36 Gregory W. Franu.. 36 Robert S Frabmlco.52 Da\'id C. Frntamlco. 36 Chrilotophcr MIchael FU'l!luele.44 Andrev. M. Furlong. 36 Edward J. Furm:lIl. 44

Gg Palriek J. Gallagh.:r. 159. 178. 124.

Ee Thoma~J.Ebbcctie.IS7.98

Robert G. Ebbcctie. 44 Tmvis G. Eddy. 44 LlJkas Eddy. 36 lbomas J. Edger. 52 Ke... in P. Egan. 157. 124. 125 BIl'nc.bn M. Egan. 44 Richard T. Eichen. 52 Wilham N. Eichwald. 52 Mich3e1 F. Ellis. 157.98.99 Mieh3e1 J. Elnitskl. 52 PeterG. Endrigian. 11.36 Louis J. Esposito. 157.99

Ff Nicholas C. Faillaee. 36 Franco Fallayollita. 158. 168.96,99 Gabrid M. Famlliar:lIl. 15K Robert Farley. 36 Michllcl P. Farrington. 44 Daniel M. Fasoline. 44 Raymond C. Fayata. 52. 74 Mlch3el C. FaziO. 36 Joseph P. Fedorowicz. 158. 156.96. 98.110.111 Ryan M. Fee. 36 Stephen P. Feeley. 52 Marie Fegley. 158. 166.98 BenJamlll A. Fellmeth. 158.99 I':lIrid; E. Fel"Euson. 52, 53 Damt:ll. Ft:me. 158.99 Roben C. Ferner. Jr.. 158.99 Michael J. Ferro. 158.99 Michael J. Fihpczak. 36 Gerald R. Fillman. .\..J Bren C. Fisher. +4 Colin P. Fitz.gcrald. 159. 150. 166. 112.113.98. II Palnck T. Flood. 159.99 Joseph W. Fluehr.-I-I Michael G. Foell. 159,99.88. 89 Andrew J. Foell. 36 Timothy J. Foley, 44 SellIl R. Ford. 52 'TYler 1. Forel. 52 Ryan A. Foret 36 Chnslopher J. Fomace. 4.\

"5 Chrilolopher J. Gallagher. 52 Eugene J. Gallugh.:r. III. 52 Garrell S. Gallagher. 36 Joseph P. Gallo. 36 Kennelh 1. Gambone. 15\}. 9K Angelo C. Garofalo. 159. 154.122. 99. 122 Christopher J Ganone. 159. 102 L.G. Lcnward Gallson. 4.\ James M. Ga\3Ilus. 4.\ ChristopherW. Ga\lIl. 52. 159 David M. Gavin. 4.\ Michael J. GalZaT3. 52 Pt::ter H. Gebert Jr.• +4 James J. Gehringer. .\..l Erick F. Geiger. 160 Jeffrey D. Genll. 52 Tyrell Q. George. 36 John A. Giaimo. 160 Anthony E. Giunnelli. Jr.. 36 David Gibbonlo. 160.99. R}3n B. Gibbons. 52 Brian J. Gibbons. 44 Nichol3s C. Gigliolli. 160.98 Jason P. Giglioltl. 44 Zachary C. Gilbert. 36 Andrew M. Gill. 52 KyleJ.Gmty. 161. 132.91:1 Brian F. Givlllsh. 52 MlchaeIJ.Glaccum.161.96.98. 106.107. lOS ~latthe"" A. Gla\ 1Il. 36 Matthew C. Gleason. 161.98 AllI1rew C. Gleason. 44 Chnstophcr ~1. Glo\"I.-'(. 161.97.98. 102. 106. 107 Paul E. Gormi~ky. 162.78.79 Charles S. Qo\l.dy, 36 Chrislopher C. Grad). 36 EdwardC.Graham. Thoma..~ P. Graham. 36 Michael A. Gran!. 52 Wayne T. Gr:lscla. 36 JO'iCph T. GrJvinese. III. 44 Peter F. GrJvlllesc. 36 ChrislOpher J. Grea\.:s. 161.98 l1n1othy W. Grea\e~, 36 Matthew H. Greenfield. .\..l NlcholasA. Gregorio. 162.99

Joshua R. Griffith. 44 Edward L Guamen. 4.\. 91 Kevm W. Gucklll. 52 Sean P. Gutnan. 52. 5-1

Hb Michael E. Haas. 44 Andre" P Haefner. 4.\ Andre" 1. Haeon. 52 J. Gl'3y Haenn. ]6 F. Joseph Hacsler. 52 Philip J. J-1a,!;,!;crl). 36 Brennan L. Hagy. 52. 124. 125 J. Bradley Halbrincr. 44 Colin M. Haley. 36 Wendell F. Hlllcy·Diuglc. 52 Jeffrey M. Ilamillon. 52 Rieh:lrd P. HamIlton. 36 Pt::ler J. H31l11. 163.81:1.89.99 Michael C. IlllndloChuh• .\4 R)'an C. H:mey. 36 Andreu W Hannigan. I. 163. 135. 98. 13-1. 135 Peter C. Ilansdmann. 4.\ John E. Hardwjck.44 Malthe\l J. Harp. 4.\ Pauick J. Harp. 37 Kn in S. Ibrrigan.-14 Aoorew M. I-Iam.son. 52 'Thomas J. Hanman. 52 Timothy P. Heck. 37 Brian A. Ilctnan. 52 Thomas S. Heigh. ,*4 Christopher S. Heinly. .\..l Jason I·tenner. 53 Michael Henner. 53 Joseph F. l!cnnes,cy. 45 Chrilotopher M. Henrich.-I5 Da\'id Andrew Heonch. 37 Stephen J. Herbert. 37 Sean O. Herbert. 53 Brendan P. Heron. 163. 135.99. 13-1 Kevin S. lIeTOn. 53 Gregor) P. Her-log. 53. 120 Mallhew J. Hess. 163.99. Zachary M Hess. 53 Christopher M.llicb. 16-1. 163.98 Denms M. HIggmlo. 45 Chnstopher S. Higgms. 37 Ale'l;an(\cr L.lllmes. 164. 172. 179. 97.98 i\'lat1he" S. HUlller.-I5 Walter Mark Hmkel, Jr.. 37 John W. Hocker. 164 C. Clark Hodg'iOn.lll. 45 Brian S.I-Iogan. 16-1, 112 Gregory B. 1·logan. 53 R. Connor I·/ogan. 45 John 1. I-Iolt. Ill. 37 Aiel( C. Hondr<x. 164 Brian B Hopkms. 164. 191 Kevin J. Horgan.-I5 Stephen G. HOf\l1th. 63. 16-1. 18.\. William C. HolZ. 164 Andrew Houchins. 37 Mauhew G. Houser. 37 Matthew R. Howard. 37 Donald C. Huber, 53 Ryan W. Huber. 45 George M. Hudson. IJI. 45 Joseph F. Hughes, III, 45 Michael S. Hughes, 37 John Anthony J. Hull. 37 William C. HUn!. 45 Colin M. Hurley. 165 Selin M. HUlchinson. 37 Andrew M. Hyatt. 53 Kevin D. Hylinski. 53.124 David J. Hysek, 37

Ii Christian S. lannaronc. 45 Kevin M. Ihlein. 165. 112.98 Matthew R Ihlein.45 Christopher S. hnms. 45 John R. IntciTllnte. 165,88.89.99 James f'. Irwin. 53 Nicholas R. Irwin. Jr.. 37 Rizwlln hhl11ail, 53 LconllrdA.lvanoski.1II.53

Jj Leo P. Jackson, 53 Patrick Jllckson. 37 Kent C.lagge~. [65.96.98, 1B. 124.125 Patrick UclTcf'o.45. 124. 125 Brian M. Jeffers.?-7 DanIel P. leitner. 37 Michael N. Joochim.IV. 45 Coldcll L.lohanson. 45 Christopher J. Johnson. 165.98 Logan M. John~on. 165. 169.98 Thomas Johnson. 53 Taylor D. Johnson. 37 John Paul Jones. 111.45 R. Scotllones.45 Francis J. Jorli. 165. 99 Thomas M, Jurli. 53 Kevin S.lu[iff. 53

Kk Joseph M. Kain. 37 Mmthew A. Kalkbrenner. 53 Jeffrey C. Kanor. 16.5. 130. 98 Stephen M. Kapp. 45 Michael J. Kapp. 37 Konrad J. Karczewski. 53 Francis M. Kasprlak. 45 Sean-Patrick Kearney, 45 John A. Keating. 53 Patrick V. Keenan. 166. 98 John J. Keenan. 45

William 1. Keenan. 45 Graham C. Keir. 45 Miehoel R. Keller. 37 Paul 1. Kelly. IV. 53 Sh:lne V. Kelty. 53 Thorn:ls H. Kelty. 45 Timothy M. Kelly. 45 Michael P. Kelly. 37 Shane J. Kelty. 37 Daniel F. Kennedy, 166.99 Brian D. Kennedy, 45 James E. Kerak.45 Willi:llll C. Kerr. 45 Matthew B. Kershes. 46 William S. Kessler. 53 Christopher J. Kirk. 166. 148, 167,98 Ryan L. Kirk. 166, 10seph T Kirk. 53 Colin F. Kins. 167. 190.98 Alexander 1. Kleeman, 37 Stcphen M. Klenk, 53 Michael F. Klenk. 37 Kevin C. Ktohe, 37 John L. Knab. 46 Daniel L, Kostenbauder. 46 Joseph J. Kotarru. 111. 37 Rudolph A. K.raeher. 37 Bentard J. Krasnisky. 53 Matthew J. Kruc.46 David Chol Kuch, 53. 6. 7 Michael M:ljok Kuch. 6, 7.167.98 Chad M. Kurylo. 37 Mauhe\\ J, Kwa~ilur. 37

LI Ian C. La Rocca. 53 D. LaFata. 37 John N. Labosky, 167,99 Joseph C. LIcon. 53 Daniel C. ulcon, 37 Michael S. Lag:lnsky. 37 Andrew R. l..agner. 53 Alexander S. Lagner. 38 MUllhc,," D. Landhcrr,46 Evan R. L.1.ngdalc, 46 Nicholas J. Lanza. 38 I>aul F, Lanzllolla.64. 167.98,9') William P. Larkin. Ill. 38 Paul M. Lt, S4 John N. Lees. 46 Gav\ll M. leightOn. 54 Dylan J. LeighlOn, 38 Scan Leimbach. 4. 63, 168. 99 Patrick J, Lcnahen. 46 Jonathan E. Lcshner. 46 lon D. Lester. 46 Robert 1. Lc\ins, 168. 149, 99 Peter M. Levins. 38 Vincent J. Levito. Ill. 38 Andrew J. Lewandow~ki. 54 Stcfan Lewandowski, 38 Gary D. Lewis. 46 Paul N. Lewis. 38 Grc~ory

lcffrey T. Liberatore. 46 lack C. Libor. 38 Anthony C. Llmbernkis, 54 Thomas P. Little. 54 Mallhew R. LillIe, 38 limOlhy W. Loflus. 168,98 Andrew M. Logan. 38 Aristides A. Lolosidis. 168. 173,99 Patriek R. Lombard, 54 Kelly M. Lombard. 38. 36 Sean M. London, 38 Antonio I. Lopez. 46 Bryan T. Lowry. 169.90.98 Ryan J. Luby. 54 Ma.\ well B. Luee. ]8 Kevin M. Lutsch, 169.99 Michael C. Lynch, 54 Fnmcis T. Lyons. 54

Mm Shane C. Madden, 169,98 Alexander J. Madrak. 54 Peter M. Magee. 169.98 Kevin F. Maggilli, 170. 99 Michael J. Maguire.]8 Thomas F. Mahon. 170. 149.97.98 Sean Mahoney. 38 Roben L. Maiden, 170,98, 99 Louis J. Maiden. 46 limothy R. MakOid. 170. 122,99 Mauhe\l,' S. Malloy, 170. 130.98.

99, 102, 103 Plltrick A. Malone, 46 Shane R. Maloney, 54. 99. 170 Joseph F. Mancro. II I. 46 Nicholas A. Mallli, 54 Felix J. Manzi. ;18 Timothy R. Marcinek. 54 Charl~s JetTrey Marck, 38 Daniel K. Mm't:olina. 54 Christopher P. Marisco. 38 Shawn Markey. Jr.. 38 Matthew T. Markley, 170,99 Jason K. Maron, 170.72,74 Tyrell J. Marshall. 46 J. Earl Manin. 54 E. Michael Maninelli. 38 Vincent J. MartiniCt;hio, 46 Joseph M Mllrtosella.lIJ. 171. 9I1 Wilham P. MlISCtO, 38 Anthony L. Ma~saro, 171, I] I. 99 JOM:phA. Mastrangelo. 171,99 David A. Mastroicni. 46 William H. Mastur7.o. 46. 43 Christopher Mattera, 46 Peter B. MU1>well. 171,80.81.98 Douglas B. Maxwell. 46 10hn B. Maxwell. 46 loseph D. McAnhur. 171, 98 Roben T. McAnhur, 46 Soott J. McBride. 54 John D. McBumle, 38 James C, McCabe, 54

Brian C. McCabe, 38 Patrick C. McCaffcry. 54 Matthew W. McCaffery, 38 Bryan J. McCallion, 38 Brendan R. McCann, 54 Ryan P. McCann. 54 Colin P. McCann. 38 C. Eric J. McCarthy, 171. 80. 81, 98 Philip J. McCarthy. 54 Michael J. McCany, 46 Wil[iarn J.A. McClosley. 17 1,99 John E. McCoey, 54 Kevin M, McCan. 46 Michael J. McCo)', 38 Mychacl A. McCoy, 54 Raben P. McCullough. 46 Pallick J. McCusker, 171, 13 I, 99 Christopher B. McDade, 172, 139 Andrew J. McDermOll. 54 Ryan J. McDc\ itt. 38 Gerard 1. McEvilly. 54 Kevin P. McGee. 54 Michael F. McGee. 54 Brian S. McGill. 46 Evan J. McGillin. 38 Kevin P. McGilloway. 172, 181.98 Scan T. McGinley, 54 Daniel D. McGinly, 172. 88. 89. 98 Brian 1'. McGinnis, 38 Michad J. McGlinn, 172,98 Scan A. McGoldrick. 54 Scan F. McGorry. 17,l 181.98 Stephen M. l\kGorry, 46 Michael S. McGowan. 173,99 John T. McGowan. 54 Mauhew J. McGowan. 54 Andrew M. McGowan, 46 Alex R. McGruth, 173,98 William D. Mcintyre. 38 Edwin M. McKeon, 1[1,38 Broolc B. McKim, 5S Michael R, McKinney, 5S Gregory E. McLaren. 47 Scan T. McL<!ughlin, 47 Dennis J. Mt;Laughlin. 38 Eric McLoughlin. 38 Kevin McMahon. 174,98 Timothy R. McM<lhon. 47 Brilln P. McManus, 39 Michael J. McMullen. 174,99 Roben R. McNamarn, 174,98 Kevin W. McNamara. 47 Joseph P. McPeak. 174.99 Kevin T. McShane. 55 Thomas S. McVey. 55 Anthony V. Medoro, 174.99 Andrew T. Medwid, 175.99 Wil1lamA. MLochan, 175. 169, 139,99 M:lllhew M Meehan, 39 Christopher R. Mehr. 5S William C. Melvin, 175. 160, [66. 184.139.98 Marc R. Mcnno, 47 Tyler R. Mcve~. 55. 135

Index .. 195

Brian S. Michel, 55 Anlhony Mieczkowski. 47 John J. Mikus. Ill. 39 Shawn A. Miles. 55 ChristopherW. Miller. 175.99 Kevin H. Miller. 176. 166,99 Kevin M. Miller. 176.99 Miles K. Miller. 176. 179.99 Chase V. Miller, 55 Kevin W. Miller, 55 Colin G. MiIler,47. 114. 115 Mid: A. Miller. 47 Joseph P. Millet, Ill. 47 Mark A. Milligan. 47 Michael R. Mills, 55 Thomas F. Minton. IV. 39 Mich:lel A. Mintzer. 65, 176.98 AnthonyT. Mirolbilc. 39 Andrew T. Mockaitis, 39 John J. Mcxlestine, 39 Paul J. Molchen. 55 Kevin T. Moll. 62. 176. 112 Daniel J. Moll. 55. 62 Scan W. Moloney. 47 Joseph C. Monastero. 47 Matthew Monteverde. 55 Paul R. Montgomery. 176.99 Patrick W. Montgomery, 55 Richard A. Montgomery. 393 Kevin M. Moorc. 176. 99 Christian A. Moore. 55 Brian T. Moore. 39 Mali S. Morgan. 47 Roben A. Morton Christopher M. Mulholland, 176,99 AlcxandcrB.Mullcr.47,133 M;u J. Mullineaux. 177. 102. 103.99 James P. Murphy, 55 Kevin P. Murphy. 47 Ryan D. Murphy. 39 Bradley A. Murtha. 55 Mallhew S. Muscarella. 39 John R. Mutchler. 47

No SCOII C. Nagy. 47 Brian J. Nahas. 39 Thomas W. Nardi. 177.98 Malix E. Nasl.-ef, 39 Gino M. Naticchione. 47 BasilA.G. Nmion.47. 79 William M. Naydan. 177.99 R. Brian Neary, 177, 161. 136,98.99 Christopher M. Nederostek. 55 Ryan M. Nelling. 177. 98 Andrew J. Nelson. 55 Francis Nguyen. 177,99 Jakob J. Nines. 39 Joseph F. Nolan. 47 Michael S. Nolfi. 177. 190,98 John P. Nucero. 39



00 Neil E. O'Connell. 177. 180.99 Sean D. O·Connel1. 55 Jonathan M. O'Connell, 39 Kevin E. O'Connell, 39 Thomas E. O·Donnell. 178.63.65. 174.184,96.98 Jumes Kyle O·Donnell. 55 Thomas J. O·Donnell. 55 John M. O·Driscoll. 39 Brendan D. O'Hara. 55 Patrick J. O·Neil1. 178.98. I 10. I II Michael G. O'Neill. 55 Croig J. O'Neill. 47 Kevin O·Neill. 39 Liam P. O'Neill, 39 Justin L. O·Pclla. 178 Daniel PeterO'Toolc, 55 Paul W. Oakley. 178. 174,98 Carla. Olejnic,mk. 63. 179.98 PatrickJ.Oline.179.99. George R. Oliver. Jr.. 55 Mllllhew M. Olson. 39 Brian J. Olsz.ak, 55 Matthew S. Onufrnk, 39 Stephen K. Ostopchuck. 179, 99 Kristopher R. Ostopchuck, 47

Pp Michael P. Padgeon. Jr.. 47 Vincent G. Paglionc. 55 Paul H. Paige. 55.134 Joseph L. Palatano. 179 Michael C. PalemlO. 39 Luke F. Pa1idorn. 55 Brian F. r-Jlmero. 180.98 Rich:\rd A. Panenieri. 55 Joseph W. PappJ.s. 47 Michael E. I'-Jrker. 180.98. 118 Nicholas J. Pmeella. 39 Matthew C. Paul. 39 Ryan C. Pawling, 39 Gerald J. Pawlish. 47 Ryan F. Pedrouy, 180, 163.98 Joseph T. Pclone. 180.99 Michael T. Pennington, 55 Ian E. Perera. 39 Joseph Pcrc~c. 39 John M. Peruto. Jr.. 47 Adam E. Petko. 47 Tyler 1 Petrus. 47 Douglas M. Phelan. 55 AnthonyA. Phillips.47.61 William G. Phillips. 47 John N. Phillips. 39 John Picard. 39 Andrew T. Pierce. 39 Gregory T. Pierce, 39 John F. Pierwn. 39 John F. Pilla, III. 47 George C. Pinchock. 39 Colin A. Pinto. 181.99 John W. Pirec. 40

W. Putrick Playdon. 47 Timothy L. Plunkell. 47 Gregoryc. Potcstio. 181. 98.110,111 Michacl D. Power. 40 Ryan W. Powers. 181. 154.98 Jeffrey S. Powers. 47 Eric S. Prendergast. 47 James Prendergast. 47 Matthew R. Price, 181. 99 Jeffrey D. Price. 40 Justin T. Price. 40 Thomas M. Prokop. 48 Nicholas A. Pucci, 55

Kevin C. Rose. 40 ChristopherG. Ross. 183, 187. 110, I I r. 99 SCOI! G. Ross. 56 Connor D. Rothwell, 40 Nicholas M. Rowe, 56 David J. Roynan. 48 Brian P. Ruhling. 183,98 Jason M. Ruppen. 48 William A. Rush. 48 M. Stewan Ryan. 56 JamesJ. Ryan. Jr.. 40 Brandon 1'. Ryan. 40



Scan M. Quigg. 182. 187. 88. 89. 98

Brinn R. Silcchetla, 48 Nicholas L. Salalino, 56 Petcr J. Salatino. 48 Richard D. Salvucci. 56 Alexandcr C. Snlwach. 40 Michael L. S:mnUli. 56 Nicholas B. Sannuti. 48 Roben A. Saraceni, III. 40 Sean C. Savcrio, 40 Nicholas M. Scalfaro, 56 Timothy M. Schaible, 56 Joseph W. Schatz. 48 Christopher J. Schicve, 56 Timothy A. Schneider. 48 Duvid P. Schnupp. 56 Eric C. Schoeffiing. 48 Bryant M. Schultz. 48 ChriMopher P. Schulz. 56 Bryan A. Schwanz. 56 Ryan J. Scioll:l. 56 Rahul J. Selvanathan. 56 Joseph J. Scmen. 56 Alldrew B. Scrovnlli. 48 Branden C. Shane. 183.99 Jame~ J. Shannon. 48 Scan J. Shapiro. 183,99 John A. SharJf. 56 Jonathan Sharer. 56 Nicholas X. Sh:muck. 183. 112. I 13 Alcx:mderW. Sh:lw, 183.99 Timothy J. Shea. 57 Christopher J. Sheffer. 57 Michacl G. Shertz. Jr.. 40 Krislophcr J. Shinn. 183. 189.98 Matthew P. Singer. 48 Leon J. Singletary. 48 James P. Sinnott. 48 Mauhew R. Sir1l10tt. 48 Joseph M. Skoien. 57 Gregory Sliner, 40 James J, Slover. II r. 184. 162. 99 Timothy J. Small. 57 Daniel F. Slll:lrt. 40 Scan M. Smith. 48 Anthony Snead. Jr.. 184. 173. 99 Joseph M. Sobocinski. 57 Blakc C. Solliday. 40 Mauhew C. Spencer. 57

Rr Christopher A. Racl.. 48 Matthew Ragen. 40 Evan Raisner. 40 GiusePI>C Randazzo. 48 Scott A. Ranweiler. 55 Michucl J. Reale. 182.99 Adam J. Reale. 40 Roderick Reber. Ill. 182.99 t.,'lichacl J. Reber. 40 Roben J. Rebstock. 182.99 Peter T. Recigno. 55 Thomas E. Reeb. 56 Conor P. Regan. 56 Patrick M. Regan. 48 Evan Regan-Lc\·ine. 40 Manhew A. Reichel!. 48 Aleliander J. Reif. 182.99 Michael J. Reilly. 56 Jonathun J. Rcmenter. 48 J. Bluke Remley, 56 Aleliandcr J. Rhein. 56 John J. Rice. 56 I'-Jtrick 1 Rider. 56 Alben J. Rieck. 48 Matthew J. Riffe. 48 Patrick M. Riley. 182.99 Sean P. Riley. 56. 139. Terrence M. Riley. 48 Timothy J. Riley. 56 Kcvin M. Riley. 40 Joseph F. Ritinski. 56 Vincent G. Ri/.l.uto. 48 Roben P. Robens, IV. 56 Terntnce D. Robinson, 48 Andrew P. Rocks, 56 Michael P: Rockwood. Jr.• 182. 185,98 Kylel Rodden. 182. 186,98, I 10. I I I Stephen A. Rodgers. 48 Fntncis S. Rogers, Jr.. 48 Reese J. Rogers. 48 Matthew P. Romagano, 56 Hector F. ROlllero. 183. 106.99 Hilario Romero. 40 Erik M. Ronl.one. 56


Jeffrey A Spencer. 40 David L SplOosa. 40 Zachary J Spurhn.40 John J. Staffi• .57 Michael C. Slllhl. 40 MIChael F StanezaL. .57 MallhcYo Sunczak. 40 Michael P Slanlon. 184 Rory W St.al.lb. 184. 148. 1.54. 160.98 John-MlchaC'1 Staub. 57 Palnck J. Staudl. 57 G. Alexander Slaurowsl.y. 185.99 George J. Sleffon. 48 Stephen C. Slem, 40 laMar S. Stewart. 48 Nichola~ R. Slewllrt. 40 Malthew Z. Sligliuno. 48 Thomas J. Slone. 57 Matthew C. Slone. 40 Robe:rt L Sioti. 48 Marl. StypulkO"'~I.I. 40. 36 Raymond P Subers. 57 Michael M Sulli\'·an. 185.99 Adam W. SUI~uS. 57 Robert P SlA-anley. 40 AndTevr S~ecne). 57 Jal.e P. S'*lger. 57 Robert T, Szoslak. Jr.• 185.99

Tt Michael G. TahadJod. 57 Kevin 1\1 Tama~lti!o. 40 Ruem C. Tan. 49 John J Tanney. 57 ConnorJ TUllow.49 Douglas R. Tllylor, 185. 161.98 Zachary M Taylor. I~. 98 Vincent J. Teece. 57 Andrew J Terreri.57 Peler A TerRn. 57 G~ory EX Teufel. 186.98 Nichola~ M, Teuft'l. 49. 117 Ryan Q. Thom!>On. 40 Andrea.\ V. Thuy• .57 Jame~ J. Tierney. 49 Edwanl G. Ti1lr:rton. 49 Roben L Toner. 111."9 Jame, W Toolun. 186.96.98 Wilham J. Torelli. 57 John A Trainer. 2.... 186. 130.98 Kc\ in P Tr;l;mer. 57 Brian J. Trainer. 40 John J. Travahne. 40 Ryan J. Tmven;. 49 TImothy N Tnchtl1lger.49 Charles P Trmkle. 41 Brell J. Trucksel>~. 57 Joseph C. Tuboliuo. 49 Daniel P. Thel.. 41 Chu.o,e J Tucker. 49 Andrew R. Tull. 57 Chri\tophcr R Tull. 49 Kevin P. Thrk. 41 John E. M T) lh.49

%:1I"/G6 .~£



Uu Chincdu·Hr:nry Ukwu. 57 Stephen W. Ullrich. Jr.. 49 Kev m A UlrKh

Vv Aloe-under G V3eth.49 Michael E. Valentine. Ed~ard A Valenlillo. 57. .54. 116 John M Van Edtelen. 187.99 Stephen M. Vanni. 49 John Va.';(JIi. 41 Joseph A Vazquez. 49 Michael R. Vcnufl'3. 49 Glenn A. Veney. Jr.. 41 Andrew J. VentreM:a. 49 Jonalhan J. Venori. 49 Michael A. Villari. 49 Wilham D. Viskovlch.41 Timothy R. Vogel backer. 41 Kyle K. Voigt. 41 Robert 0 Vrancken. 187. 123. 114, 115.98

Ww Roben P Waltl,us. 41 John T Wakllonski. 41 Gregory M. Walczak. 41 BnanJ. Walker. 41 ChnslopherR Wallin. 187, 118 Thomas J. Wallin. 49 Michael J. Wabh. 188.99 Thomas A Walsh. 49 Andrew Walsh. 41 GeorgeJ. Walters. 57. :'iJ. 124. 125 William G. wamer. 188. 136.98 Wilham J. Warrender. 49 SCOIl K. Walers. 41 TeVIS E. WeIr. 188 Joseph A WeItzman. 41 CI.aytOrt M. Wells.41 John E. WeI~. 188. 124. 125.99 CoHill J. Wes~ler. 49 Stephen T W<S!COIl. Jr.. 41 Mlch:6e1 E Whalen. 188. 106. 107. 98.99 Colin P Whalen. oil Timolhy J. Whalon. 18 .98 John p, Whalon. 57 William E. Whalon. 49 Damel P While. 57 James L. WhIte. 41 John C. WhItham. 41 Kyle R. Whltmm:. 188.98 Andrew W. Wigglcswonh. 49 Lucas J. Wildc. I. 64. 188. 167.98 Andrew E. Wilkins. 49 Chri~lian E. Williams. 57 John L. William.~. 49 Ronald V. Williamson. 57 Brendan P Wills. 41. 125 Joseph W. Winmng. 57 Thomas G. Winmng. 49 Timolhy J Wiltenberg.41

i '

Kennelh F Wochcle. 57 Wogan. 41 MIchael J. WOJCik. 49 Daniel K Wood. 189.98. Joel B Worster. 60. 61. 189. 161. 174 M Nicholas Wright. 49 Chri~lophcrJ.


[}.mlel 8. Yanak. 189.98 M:mhew C. Young. 49 Colin R. Young.41 MIchael S. Young. 41 Alan G. Yuhas. 4 t Da\ id T. Yu~avitz. 49

Zz Mllchell W. Zaiss. 41 Michael J. ZakrzeMki. I. 189.99 Jeffre) W. Zamorski. 49 \iallhew J. Zielinski. 49 Damon F Zysk. 41 Facully loon \ts. Hallie Anderson. :22. 76 Mr Frederick G. Assaf. 20. 23 Mr Tholtlib Barna. 12. 99 Brother Barry Bank"" iak. 2:! Mr Rocl.:o Bene. 12 Mr GregO/) T Blelecl.i. J. 2.1. 98. 99.110.111 Mr. Dennis Bloh. 22. 98. 125 Mn. Lastenm L. Breen. 56. 22. 66 Mr Mark Che-snil.. J. 17J. 23. 96. 97.98.99 Mr,. Janice Ciceimaro. 23 Mr Jo~eph Ciccimaro. D. 19. 82. 8] Mr Damel J. Cipolla. 50. 23. 73. 98 Mr. Charlcl> Cirelli. 23 Mr. leWIS Clark. 3. 64. 66. 23. %. 97.98.99 Mr NIcholas Coggin~. 24 Dr Jo Ann P Cohen. 24 Mr. JO'ieph Cohslra. 24. 102 Mr Marl C Collins. 42. 24 Bl'OIner Kenneth Cook. 24 Mr DaVid CJO\Ioe. 24 Dr. Joseph O' Angelo. 20 Mr Dougl:llo Demeter. 66. 24. 91(. 110. III Mr"', Megen P Demeter. 169.24.98 Mr Joseph Dempse). 24 Mr Palnek De\·me. 24. 110. III Mrs. France~ Jocob Diccicco. 24. 99 Mr. David T. Diehl. 22 Brother William DiP'.lSquale. 4. 62. 24 Mr. Michael Dolan. 25. 98 Mrs. Lmda Donahue. 25 Mr. Wilham DooOOoe.2.5. 114. 115.105 Mr Slephen Duncheskie. 25. 124. 125 Mr Roben F. Dyer. 23. 97. 98. 99 Mr. Gerald E\·ans. 25. 76 Mr Joseph Falcone. 25. 96. 98, I J I Mrs. EhLabeth Fteld. 7. 66. 67. 26 Mr Bernard Fitzgerald. 26. 97.118

. Mr, James E. Fykr:. 26. 120 Mr, William A. Geiger. 134.26 Mr. Richard GeOO\esC". 26 Mr. Charles L Gesing. 3. 26 Mr. Terrence Gillespie. 27 Mr J05qlh E. GI:K.:ken. 27 \h, Diana M. Guest. 46. 27. 65. 9::\ Mr. Gerard J. Hane). 27. 94 Mr \11..:hael G. Hr'3.m. 27.80.81 Bl'OIhcr Riehard D. Ucrhh}. I J. 27 Mr. George Hohenleltner. 67. 27 Mr Chri~topher HolwlCI.. 25 Mr. ManinJock:;on. 113. 132.27.133 Mr. John D. Janda. 17 M~. Kathken John. 27 Mr John Keenan. 21. 94. 95 Mr, Michael Kennedy. 27 Mrs, Paulene Kcn..e)'. 28 Brother Charlc~ Lackes. 28. 102 Mr. William Leahy. 36.137.28 Mr. Froml. Uchtner. 53. 28.124. 125.98 MI'\. Geraldine Lighl. 21 ~h. Donna Long. 21 Br. John Lucuov. ski. 18 \ir. JO!ICph F. L) nch. 18. 72 Mrs. Julia Maher. 65. ::!O. 65. 99 Mr. 03\ id Manton. 28 Mr. William J. McBndc. 28. 112 1101.... Carol McCICbke). 28 Mr. Jason J. M1Ch3C1. 29. 85 Mr"', BarbarJS Miller. 29.80.81 Mr. Gerald Miller. 29. 77 Mr Walter MuehlbromiCr. Jr.. 28. 118 Mrl>. Mary Kay Mullen. 26. 99 Mr. Daniel Muller, 29 Mr. Ju..cph Nero. 29 Brother Peter Q. Nguyen. 30 Mr. Jordan A. Nicgor;I". 29 Mr Geoffrey Nicoletti•.\() Mr Mlch:u:1 O·Toole. 20 Mr. Joseph Pansi, 29. 98 Mr.. Dorothy PoIll'iCiak.lQ \1r. Michael Poni<;eiak,.m Mr. Alfred O. Pulllel, \(1 Mr Paul Quinn. 4],30.98 \ir. JosqXJ 1. Rad\'an~ky, 2. 64. lO.99 Mr. Anthon) Roch.20. 137 BfOlher James RIl~ck. 39. 20. 98. 99 Mr. James Roche• .3O Mr Roben Ru~seJl. ' MI">, Rosina McA\O) Ryan. 31 M~. Tina Shustael.. 31 Mr Petr'r Sigmund. 20 MI"'i. Mary Jo Smllh..10 Mr Manm SlallClal.. 20 Dr. KC\olll Slanton. 31. 77 Brother Jame:. SIeck. 31 Brother Rene Slemcr. 20. 78. 79 Mr. James Tale. 37.123.125 Brother Mang Mmh Tran. 31 Mr. Thomas Tumer. 6. 38. 20 Mr Jo-.eph Veltori. J I Mr. John Young, .1 I. 5

M..... Nancy- ZoeIL"Ch, 11. 99

Index. 197

I 98 .. Candids

<.:andICls'" I 99


+ La salle Family Tree


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