2006 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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MR JOSEPH COLISTRA HAS BEEN A ROCK IN A TIME OF CHANGE hile it is safe to say that every member of the La Salle community is famlliar with Mr. Joseph Colistra '64, orily a select few know of his distinguished legacy. Mr. Colistra's admirable career began in 1968 when he returned to his alma mater to teach history and coach football under the wing of the legendary Tex Flannery. Aside from history, he also taught AP Economics and held the chair of the History Department. When close colleagues and friends were asked what first comes to mind to describe Mr. Colistra, all agreed it was his dedication. Whether it be teaching, coaching, or as a family man, Mr. Colistra puts forth every ounce of energy into it. According to one of his closest friends, Mr. Ciccimaro, "Mr. Colistra is the greatest!" Mr. Ciccimaro highlighted everything, from his serious demeanor in the classroom and on the field to his unique sense of humor. Reminiscing on Coach Colistra, both Mr. Diehl and Mr. Stanczak recalled beating a Marvin Harrison Ilndianapolis Colts I led Roman Catholic en route to the 1989 Catholic league championship as Coach Co!istra's crowning moment. This dominance continued with powerhouse football teams in the 1990's culminating this year when he broke the all-time coaching victories previously held by his mentor and former coach.

In Mr. Colistra's career he has impacted thousands of individuals in the classroom, football field, Bro. Richard Kestler presents Mr. Colistra with the game ball after he broke the all-time coaching victories record

for La salle.

:2: La Salle College High School

and colleagues. His devotion to learning has helped influence former students to return to La Salle as teachers. Faculty members such as Mr. Murphy, Mr. Donohoe, and Mr. Bielecki all commented on the impact Mr. Colistra had on them when they were students and this is reflected in their own teaching methods. This year many changes have occurred at La Salle but one change is ending a 38 year career. Mr. Colistra retired from coaching the Explorers at the end of this season. For all the victones and championships we thank you, but your influence on defining what it means to be a La Salle student continues.

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When change occurs, sometimes it is sweeping. Of course each year introduces a whole new class of freshmen to the La Salle family, but who would expect an entire administration to take over. Brother Richard Kestler, FSC '60 becomes the third president of La Salle College High School. He returns to La Salle alter most recently serving as President of West Catholic High School in Philadelphia. Mr. Joe Marchese enters as principal. Alter serving 2B years as a faculty member and administrator at McQuaid Jesuit High School in Rochester, NY, Mr. Marchese will take on this new challenge of leading our school community. Mr. Marchese knows all about success as he has a resume of 300 coaching victories and won three New York state championships in basketball. The third new member of the administration is Mrs. Gall Evans who became the school's first Vice-President

New to La salle: Bro. Richard KestIef, Geraro Brett, Mickey Dominick, Dorothy Marchese, Tom Devlin, and Joe Man:hese Mr Marchese weets his first freshman class at La sane

4la Salle College High School

of institutional Advancement. If that wasn't enough change, four new members came to the faculty. Gerard Brett,assistant college counselor, Tom Deviln '00 assistant Campus Minister, Mickey Dominick, math department and Dorothy Marchese,Learning Specialist in the David Center. This doesn't even begin to amount to the other changes that are a regular part of a year. Freshmen discover their new environment and new acquaintances, Sophomores experience the change of more expectations, Juniors are in the midst of their most important year while balancing more responsibility in the classroom and leadership roles, and of course the Senior class who prepare for the future while absorbing their final year at La Salle. Yes...change is in the air.

seniors Matt Zielinski, Basil Nation, Mike WojiCk, and Vince Riuuto join Bro. Richard for a sweet photo opt.

Big Freshman, John Marcinek ready for school!

La salle's Trinity: Bro. Rich, Mr. March-

ese, and Vice-President Gail Evans

La Salle College High School 13

WEXP always have tileit' cameras ready.



Mr CIpolla and Mr Evans welcome the Freshmen.

G La Salle College High School

Change occurs with the beginning 01 every new school year, but when one attends La Salle College High School a lot remains the same. One can expect certain things at La Salle, an education in the tradition 01 St. John Baptist de La Salle, dedicated teachers, strong athletic programs, diverse activities. spiritual growth and service to be the mainstay 01 our schooL From the experience 01 a Ireshman's Iirst day until the moment of graduation a student becomes aware 01 what it means to be a part 01 a Lasallian community. A Lasallian education is based on touching hearts. When one considers what aspect of La Salle is always present. the dedicated and caring laculty always stands out. Our teachers continually challenge students to strive lor excellence.

Athletic programs have always prided themselves on success of! and on the Iields 01 play. No matter the season La SaUe student athletes always strive to carry on tradition. It does not matter what type of interest a student has. From Language, Academic, Gaming and Multi-Cultural Clubs to Theater and Forum whatever a student is looking lor La Salle helps everyone to lind their place. A Catholic school prides itself on carrying on the spirit and teachings of Jesus Christ. At La SaUe this is ever present through our Liturgies, Retreat Programs, and Service programs. Through all four years every student experiences these expressions of our laith and this helps them to understand just how special La Salle is.

La Salle Hockey showing what they're


ÂŤ changes

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From a new administration to a new student council, from new laculty to new students: La Salle College High School has seen a year has 01 many changes. Students settled in lor a fresh start at La Salle. Freshmen were just beginning and seniors were preparing to take their leave - but everyone planned on getting the most out their experiences. Academics and activities both saw changes. There was the development 01 new clubs, and some students lound themselves in class with dillerent peers and teachers. Each morning we arrived and were greeted by Brother Richard Kestler, and each day we took a lew steps lorward and, sometimes a lew back, but we were all progressively working towards improvement. Reflecting over the year there were many events lor all students that made this year memorable. For the freshman, perhaps it was the "crazy-tie" competition or maybe it was simply the first day at La Salle. For sophomores, Branch-Out Day or retreats were important. Juniors began on their path to graduation starting with the always brilliant ring ceremony and preparation lor SAT's. And the seniors, preparation lor graduation: a moment which willlorever stand out in the memories 01 the last lour years. Through it all the experiences at games. activities. trips. service projects, or Liturgies to

celebrate our special Lasallian community, we all had a chance to realize what makes our school so special. Studentlile at La Salle College High School has changed. but it remains the place where memories are made.

- Braden Bonner '07 . . La Salle College High School

La Salle College High School &

Dan Galante gets ready for his first day.

-I'm going to eat this every single dayl?I?"

The Class 01 '09!

1 0 La Salle College High School

firstda ofschoo1 and book discussions. wailing in line for books for our classes. and

he first day of high school can be a difficult lime for many. At La S:dle this tcnsion is eased when upon exiling our cars and lell\ling our parents we are greeted by the welcoming smile and handshake from Bro. Richard Kestler and Mr. Marchese. We might calch up with classmates from grade school or guys we mel al summer enrichmenl programs or even through IryoulS for teams. Then comes the faculty and the SlUdenl Council making all the freshmen feel 3t home. During the first homeroom period people who will be 3 pan of each day of school will smile, perhaps hiding those feelings of uncertainlY in a new school. The day nies by with piclures

coming together as an entire class to be introduced to the adminis路 tration and learn first hand from Mr. Stanczak how 10 sing the "Alma Mater" loud and proud. This day only gelS better as we follow in the traditions of classes past in the trcc planting ceremony. We are truly a part of a great tradition.

Finally after everything has been said and done comes Ihe best part ... lhe introduction 10 the cafe food. Teachers mingle and inlroduce themselves. Lunch p;tnners set up for the year ahead. With all the tension that comes along with this day when it is over it's lime to begin the four year journey through L:l Salle. We are now Explorers! -Wf1N, we even oellockersl~

"M, mom you can let go of my hand now'-

La salle's famous freshman t-shirts.

La Salle College High School :IL1

schools __tirit r & faith 111'r


piri. and fail. go

hand 10 hand at La Salle. Each year brings new enthusiasm throughout the school. It is inspired by our commitment as a community of faith within gatherings thai express our beliefs as a Catholic institution and infused with the Lasallian ideals. This proud tradition carries over into the overall spirit of the school.

Whether it is in collections for Thanksgiving or Secret Santa or cheering on athletic teams. La Salle stands proud. Through our various Liturgies one can grasp this spirit within the faculty and student renections or inspired homilies by Fr. Tony Janton, we witness how truly blessed we are to be a pan The Explorer wants 10 hear some noise!

Matt that hat is so you.

1 2 La Salle College HIgh School

of La Salle. It exists in the personal spiritual growth by annual retrealS and culminates with senior year and Kairos. Classm:Hes are no longer a face in the crowd but now friends. This energy nows through the studem body as the "Pi!" comc~ alive as we cheer for victories piled up over the course of a year. Of course this enlhusiasm is even more inflated by the rowdy pep rallies organized by the Sludent Council. Administration, faculty, staff, and studenlS unite in the spirit of La Salle. Many things change as each year passes oolthespirit and failh of La Salle College High School is ever present.


Father Janlon and Deacon Clay help 10 incIucI the new administration.

Miller and LG ready for the pep rally.

Fr. Tony, Fr. Kevin of samelli House, Mr. BIoh, and Mr. Resch giving thanks.

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:a."la Salle College High School

The faculty at La Salle College High School is one of those elements that stands out in our memories of our four years. Some faculty members have taught our fathers and brothers, and many are themselves alumni who have returned to teach at a place they love. From year to year the faces. names, and classes change. but the dedication and devotion is always present. This sense of caring doesn't pertain only to the classroom. We are lucky enough to have many teachers as our coaches and moderators. We see them at games and dances. They join us for Freshman and Sophomore Branch-Out Days. They add their talents and sense of tun to Pep Rallies and Field Days. And they share of themselves on retreat days and especially on Kairos. Our faculty helps us to change: to develop in academics, problem-solving, artistic gifts, and spiritual growth. They help to influence us in all aspects of our daily life. When we see alumni return on breaks from college so they can stop in and talk with their former teachers, we understand Why. These dedicated men and women have made a lasting impact on us beyond the papers, books, equations, and experiments. ALasallian education bases itself on "touching hearts: and we are blessed to receive this gift through our teachers year alter year, day by day.

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Mrs. Gail A. Evans Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Mr. Thomas R. Barna Assistant Principal, Academic Affairs

Mrs. Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal, Student Affairs

Mr. Mark A. Gibbons Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Martin Stanczak Dean of Students

Bro. James Rieck, FSC Director of Admissions

Mr. Anthony Resch Director of Athletics

Mr. David Diehl Director of Financial Aid

Mr. Peter Sigmund Chief Information Officer

Mr. Thomas Turner Director of Transportation




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Bro. Richard KesUer, FSC President

1U La Salle College High School

Mr. Joseph L Marchese Principal

&. Faculty

Main Office Staff: Mrs. Rita Cooney; Receptionist, Mrs. Suzanne Russo; Registrar, Mrs. carol Hagger1ry; Administrative Assistant - Principal's Office

Allison Office: Wally Muehlbronner; Assistant Director of Admissions. Connie Gill; Assistant Controller, Ann Ford; Administrative Assistant - Admissions Office, and Brett Gordon; Controller

Office of Institutional Advancement:

Technology Department:

Top:Kathleen Smith, Christopher Carabello, Bob McAnespey, Ed Bongard, Ray Shay, Andrew Monaghan, and Kathy Brunner. Sitting: Mary Frances Kelly, Gina Crawford, Bro. Richard Kestler, Gail Evans, Florence Ward and Cathy Winning

Director of Academic Technology


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Mrs. Geraldine light



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m First Row: Bro. Gerard Molyneaux, FSC, Ernest M. Behr, Gail A. E.. ans, CFRE, catherine A. cassidy, Edward R. Sotvibile, Harry C, Himes, Esq., James J. Clark, John C. Fenningham, Esq., Joseph J. Ragg, Jr. second Row: Robert B. Mills, William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq., Benjamin J. Ventresca, Bro. Richard Kestter, FSC, AI J. Gabriele, Julia K. Maher, Thomas R. Barna, Joseph L. Marchese, Sr. Matthew Anita MacDonald, SSJ, Timothy P. Hughes.Third Row: Vincent W. Walters, Joel M. Zift, Mark-A. Gibbons,Austin A. Meehan, Bro. James L Butler, FSC, Joseph F. Slabinski, III, Joseph H. Donahue, Carl W. Holmes, Esq..Absent: Bro. Timoltly Ahem, FSC, Br.Andrew Bartley, FSC, Alvin A. Clay, James D. Danella, Br. Timothy J. Froehlich, FSC, Judith A. PaUl, Bro. Robert SChieler, FSC.


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College Counseling Office: Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen: Director of College Counseling, Bro. William DiPasquale and Mr. Gerard Brett; Assistant Directors of College Counseling, Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell; Administrative Assistant - College Counseling, and Mrs. Sue Sayer; Volunteer.


c: .-I:1J 111

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Counseling and Guidal"lCe 5ervices/IU: Mrs. Helen Spearing and Ms. Jeanne Holt-Brabson

College Interview Day


Hallie Anderson Composition and Themes in Literature, Cre:ltive Writing 2, World Literature and Expository Wriling, Film Club, Gazebo Uro. Barry Bartkowiak Algebra 2H. Geometry. M:llh Analysis Rocco Rene Music. Trumpet

Gregory Bielecki Economics. Political Science. United Stales History. Cross Coumry, IndoorlOuldoor TI"'Jck Dennis 810h AP English Language and Composition. Swimming

Lastenia Oreen Spanish 3. 4. LSC. Spanish Club

1& La Salle College High School


Coach Rad: Child Protegee



Mr. HoIwick and his "Flock of Seagulls" dO

Exduslve Picture of Mr, Evans during hIS brief SO's "Miami VICe" phase






I' I'


Jasoll Urokellshire Chemistry,lnlegrated Science. Wrestling Alex Urn"-n American Literoture and Composilion. Composiuoo and Themes III Literalure. Basketball Je~my

Uull Filness Center

Mark Chesnik Pn)er. Sacred Scnplure. Blue and Gold Janice Ci<:dmarn Heallh Jostph Ctttimaro CIIA1R: FlNEARTS; Music.1beater

La Salle College High School 1 0

Dr. Ryan enjoying class with her seniors.

"No, please Mr. Jackson I'll do better on my next report card!"

La salle faculty: Working hard or hardly WOf1(ing? You be the Judge.

Danil'1 Cipolla IllIegratcd Scicnce. Physics. halian Club. LSC Charles Cirelli Biology. Chemistry. Assist:Ull Athletic Director. Lacrosse. LSC. Student Council

Michael Clemenle Italian l. 4H. Spanish I

Nicholas Coggins Spanish I. 4H. Student Council, Lasallian Animator

Joseph Colislra CHAIR: SOCIAL STUDIES: AP Economics. AP Modem European History. Head Coach: Football Mark Collins Catholic Identity. Italian Club. SADD

2 0 La Salle College High School

Maintenance Staff: AI Loscalzo, Ben Miller, MarX Angiolilo; Director of Plant Operalioos, John Pax, Chris Voyk, and carl Plummer.

Janitorial Staff: Marl<., Berl<.ley, Wayne, Larry King; Direct()( of Janitorial Services, Bill, Lynn, Dawn, Donald, Odette, and Geraldo, .



Mr. "Hot" Rod Brader maintaining traffic control.




8ro. Kenneth Cook Catholic Identity. Assistant Director of Diversity Da"id Crowe Anatomy and Physiology H. Principles of Athletic Training. Athletic Trainer

Joseph O'Angelo AP English Language and Literature. Creati"c Writing 1. Director of Writing Lab. Theater

Douglas Demeter Lasallian Spirituality and Service, Sacred Scripture. Cross Country.lndoorIOUldoorTrack.. LIGHTS. LSC. Freshman Mentors

Joseph I)cmpsey CHAIR: ENGLISH; AP English Language and Composition. Head Coach: Basketball Patrick Devine Sophomore Counselor. Group Advisory. Christian Lifestyles. Head Coach: Cross Country. IndoorlOutdoor Track

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campus Ministry Team:

... .....LI1 .c: .-

Assistant Campus Minister Mr. Tom Devlin and Director of Campus Ministry Mr. lew Clark


La Salle's Chaplin Rev. Anthony Janlon ministering 10 the Soc-

Mr. Clark with Mr. lynch and Mr. Holwlck during the Opening Year Faculty servIce



Frances Jacob Diccicco Spanish 2. 2H. AP Michael Dolan

C1iAIR: GUIDANCE. Senior Counselor. LIGHTS. Tennis Micky Dominick

Algebra 1.2. Geometry

Linda Donahue CO-CHAIR: WORLD LANGUAGES: Italian 2. 3. 3H, Spanish 2H William Donohoe World CivilizatiOns 1. 2, Foolball. Basketball, Baseball

Slephen Duncheskie Biology 9. H. SWimming. Head Coach: Water Polo

2 2 La Salle College High School

Mrs. Maher before she was giving out candy in the Student Affairs Office

Mr. Roche we IoYe those lamb chops!


:::r cu

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__ I


Mr. Parisi thought he was tough even back in the day!


Bro. James Steck with the members 01 his band the "Frere Jaques'路


E"ans Biology. IOH. General ChC'mislTy, Mock Trial

JOSf'ph Falcone Algebra 2. Math AnaIY~IJl. Blbehall Elizabeth Field American Literature and Composilion. Introduction to Literature and ComPOSItion. Mock Trial. Amnesty Internallonal

Bernard Fingerald AP United States History. World Civilizations 2. Basketball. History Club. Multi-Culluml Club

James Fyke Environmcmal Science, AP, Integrated Science. Hockey,

Lacrosse Paul Gehman Music. Acoustic and Eleclric Bass

La Salle College High School 2 3

E rcIC1 C l-

e. -c .-;> rc c

David Program Staff: Learning Specialists Mrs, Dorothy Marchese, Ms. Usa Agnew, Or. Jo Ann Cohen, Mr. Joseph Glacken, and Director of the David Program Mr. John Keenan

William Geiger Greek, Latin 1. 2, 3. Latin Club. Tennis

Richard Geoo\'ese Music. Trombone. Tuba

Terence Gillespie CHAIR: SCIENCE: Biology. 9H.AP. Direccor of Summer Program. Smdcnl Council

Gerard Harley Composition and Themes in Literature. World Literature and Expository Writing. Gaming Club. Soccer Michael Hearn Art Portfolio. Drawing I. 2. Foundations An. Painting I. An Club

8ro. Richard Herlihy Catholic Identity. Assistant Athletic Director

2-"la Salle College High School

路Oon't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"


Mrs. Haggerty and Mrs. Cooney doing their part for Thanksgiving Mr. Brokenshire demonstrates what happens to students who act up in his


.. -







Christopher Holwick American Litcntlurc and Composition. Introduction to literature and Composition. Head Coach: Crew Marlin Jackson Psychology. Junior Counselor. Language Specialist. Head Cooch:Golf John Janda Composition and ThClllCS in Literaltlrc. Introduction to Litemture and Composition. Moderator: Wrestling. Wisterian

Kalhleen John Advanced Computer Aided Design. Computer Aided Desigll Diana Kelly World Civilizalions 1.2. LSC Michael Kennedy Music, Guilar. Bass. Guitar Ensemble

La Salle College High School 2 5


Mrs. Clark should be paid eKtra in the book store for babysitting these twn!

Mrs. Barbara Wisotzkey. Campus Store Manager Mrs. Whalon; Library staff and Ms. Ooona long Director of L1Drary

Mrs. Peg Doyle; Library slaff

---------------Paulette Kensey Music, Keyboards Bro, Charles Lackes Spanish 2. 3. LSC, MoocrJlor of Football and Alumni Associalion William Leahy Calholic Idcnlily. Freshman CounM:lor. Group AdYisory, Head Coach: Lacrosse. LIGHTS

Frank Lichlner Aquatics. Physical Education, Physical Fitness. Head Coaeh: Swimming Joseph Lynch American Lilerature and Composition. InlroduClion to Literature and CompositiOfl, Academic Decalhlon. Wisterian David Manion French 2. 4H. Spanish I

2 & La Salle College High School

. .....-.--_.,



Lasallian Volunteers '05路 '06: Tom McCaffery, John Doherty, Andrew Monahan, and John Gill

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CJ .


Mr. Chez is reunited with his boy Monaghan.

Mrs. Patricia Schaum; Administrative Assistant - Student Affairs Office

William McBride German 1.2. 3. Spanish I Barbara Miller Ceramics t. 2, Advaoced. ScuJplure J. 2 Gerald Miller AP Government. Unlit'<! Stales HistOl'y. Vieln3f1l

Gregory Milts

Astronomy, General Physics, Integrated Science Daniel Muller Music. Woodwinds. n,eory Colin Murphy Algebra I. Geomctl)'. Trigonometry

La salle College High School 2 7

Dunch lookm' sweetl

Mrs, Mullen taking calls





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-Thai's righi, babyl"

Mr. Sigmund at his first Holy Communion.









Joseph Nero Music. Percussion

Geoffrey Nicolel1i 5.lcred Srnpcure, WOfId Religions Mark Norman Chorus. Fine Am Survey, Thearre

Joseph Parisi P.,ychology, World Civilizations I l>urolhy Poni.sciak Chemistry. IOH. 11 H, AP Michael Poni.sciak Algebra 2, AP Calculus AB, AP Statislics

2 & La Salle College High School

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! !!!!"

-Excuse me 500, are you going 10 eallhe rest of your sandwich?"

La Salle faculty joining together to begin the year In service.

Alffftl Punlel CHAIR: RELIGION: Christlan Mornlil). Sacred Scnplure Paul Quinn Algebra I. I Y. Geometry Joseph Rad\'ansky Algebra I. Geomelry/Pre-Calculus 1-I.lmroduclory Calculus. Malh Analysis

Jame:'! Roche Algebnl I H. AP Calculus AB. BC. IntroductOf)' Calculus

Robert Russell C++ Programming. JAVA Prognlmming. Physics. II. AP Rosina McA\"oy R.\'an Composition and 1bemes m Literature, World Ll1eralUre and Expository Writing

La Salle College High School 2 9


Mr. Fyke is just a cuddly teddy bear



Mr Resch shares with the schOOl his


Coach Rad hones his stand-up rouline on his seniors.


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Tina Shuslack Algebra 2H. Algebra 2/Trigonomeuy. Math Analysis_ Malh Applications Mary Jo Smilh Algebra 2H. Geomeuy Y. Geomc:tty/Pre-Calculus.

Introductory Calculus Bro. James Steck French 1.3. 3H. Spanish 1

James Tatt UflI\cd Slates HIstOry, World Civilillltions 2 Gregory Teperman Music. Strings

8ro_ Mang Minh fun Algebra 2. Computer Applicauons. Visual Basic Programming

3 0 La Salle College HIgh School

- ' - - ~

• ." . . . . . _


•...and the '1 reason Canada is better

than the USA..•ME!!!!!!"


"Hey Bro. Bill can we get your picture?"

George Hudson is happy when Mr. Turner Is by his side.

Josepn Venori Music. Woodwmds, Compell1ion Baods.1bcory, Ensembks

Cher, I W~galllolt Inttoducuon to Llter,uure and Composition. World Literature and ExPOSllory Wriling. Public Speaking

John Young United Stules Hislory. World Civilizations 2

Nancy Zoellsch CO-OIAIR: WORLD LANGUAGES; Spanish 3, 3H

La Salle College High School 3 1

Kevin McCoort, Doug Maxwell, Ed Guarrieri, and Chris Barr know they've come to La salle lor one mam reason.

Joe, Bill. Brad, Matt, and Colin as freshmen cheenng on the Basketball team.

Gresh Cooney, Tim SChneider, and lou Malden ready for their first day

Proud papa Mr. Vettori with Jon on his lirst day at La salle.

Tom Cappa gets ready to row l

3 2 La Salle College High School

Mr. Turner introduces Murph to something called a book!


-- _


Ed Is teaching the faculty a thing or two about computers even as a Freshman. Tyler Petrus and Basil Nation are put to work Of\ their first day.

This is the dream team of homerooms!

"No laMar, that's not your ball, it's mine and you better give it back!-

Now Seniors iI's time to leave and change the world!

La Salle College High School 3 3


Changes. We all go through them. Some people hate change, while others welcome it, but one thing is certain: none of us can avoid it. Throughout our four years at La Salle, we seniors have changed in ways that we may not even realize. We have changed in appearance. maturity, knowledge, perception of others and our-

selves, and in countless other ways. There are, however, some memories which will never fade. We will always remember "the good 01' days" of high school. the friends we made, the times that made us laugh, all the things we learned... Okay, maybe not everything. Looking back when we were VIP's and got hustled for our free lunch, or when we were freshmen and did not know where our classes were that ended in a 20; we are totally different people now. We have grown into leaders. into college students, into intelligent young men. A wise man once said. "Your past is what makes your future ... " The past four years at La Salle have affected our future in ways we can not even imagine. Through the help of our family. friends and teachers, we started our lives in the direction that we want to go and are now ready to make that next step. Our next journey is our choice. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we will always be connected. Another thing that is never going to change is that we have become brothers for life. Congratulations La Salle, Class of '06. Let's go out and change the world. - Edward Guarrieri '06 3 4 La Salle College High School

La Salle College High School 3 5

Colin Joseph Abbott St. Genevieve Intramural, Mock Trial, Spanish Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS

Christopher James Agnew Ags Holy Martyrs Lacrosse, Football, Operation Santa Claus, Sarnelli House

Peter Jerry Anninos, ill St. Alphonsus La Salle Academy Tutoring, Community Techserve, Amnesty International, Intramural

Matthew Charles Baiocchi Vinnie the Goose, Bambino St. Rose of Lima Lacrosse, Water polo, Tennis, SADD, Junior Urban Challenge, NHS, Ski Club

Ed Guameri working hard in class

3 & La Salle College High School

"Mr. Chez, we both know you're fraU路

2006 Stephen Paul Baker Bake Immaculate Heart of Mary Baseball, Football

Christopher Paul Barr Chris S\. Joseph Soccer, Sarnelli House, SADD, Crew, Track, Tennis

Luke Richard Barrett Meat S\. James Football, Track and Field, Wrestling, LSC

Brendan J. Beichert Sir Brendan Epiphany of Our Lord Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Sarnelli House, S\. Francis Inn, SADD, Cricket Club

Daniel P Benincasa Holy Martyrs Film Club, [ntramural, Guitar Ensemble, Spanish Club

Karl Beyer Our Mother of Consolation Drama Club. Wisterian, WEXP, Gazebo, The Scourge, Film Club, Sarnelli House, Ultimate Frisbee, German Club, Intramural

Patrick J. Blagrave Bluggy Presentation B. Y.M. Stage Crew, Amnesty International! World Affairs, Wisterian, Band, NHS

Paul Edward Bonnevie S\. Philip Neri Water Polo, Cross Country, Swimming,

Crew, Student Council La Salle College High School 3 7

Alain Richard Bonny Ezel St. Helena Football, NHS, St. Francis Inn, La Salle Academy Thtoring, Yearbook, People to People Ambassador

Andrew Craig Borrell Squirrelmaster Holy Martyrs Wrestling, Novice Crew, Film Club

John Barry Brady Epiphany of Our Lord Golf, Football, La Salle Academy, Kairos Leader, Academic Decathlon, Intramural

Alexander James Breitmayer St. Rose of Lima Lacrosse, Band, Spanish Club, Ski Club

John Americus Buonomo Johnny St. Luke the Evangelist Chorus, NHS, Spring Musical, Art Club, Ski Club, Intramural, Ultimate Frisbee Club

Christopher Douglas Bush Bush St. Luke the Evangelist

Bradley Patrick Caglia Cags St. Francis of Assisi Football, NHS, Junior Urban Challenge

Sterling D. Calhoun Corinthian Baptist Church Football, Track, Multi-Cultural Club, Lab Manager

3 & La Salle College High School

2006 John Edward Campbell Epiphany of Our Lord Cross Country. Indoor Track. Outdoor Track. SADD. Student Council. Amnesty International

Darren Anthony Campo S1. Rose of Lima L.S.c.. Intramural. NHS

Thomas Theodore Cappa Tom S1. Alphonsus Crew. Track, lntramural

Matthew Joseph Carr SI. Alphonsus Bowling, Wisterian. L.S.c.. Science Club. Italian Club. Academic Decathlon

Jeff Uberalore and Jim Gerringer up 10 no good.

Jim Shannon takes some time 10 reflect on his Kairos retreat


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Jared Ryan Carter Baseball, Basketball, Advanced Honors Music Program, Competition Band

Gregory Heysham Casey

GT Lacrosse, Freshman Football, Intramural Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee Club

Sean Patrick Casey St. Jude Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Indoor Track, Varsity Outdoor Track, Service Trip to Bolivia

Michael Lee Celio Celio St. Albert Football, Pep and Concert Band, Jazz Band, Track, History Club, German Club

Doug Maxwell dnvin' to the basket.

MTo be honest I'm really not Interested In your schooL..1 just thought you were


4 0 La Salle College High School

2000 Robert Hugh Chapman-Smith RCS La Salle Forum

Matthew Blaise Chiarello St. Helena Track, Film Club, Italian Club, Amnesty International

David Andrew Ciccaglione Alex Michael Clark St. James LSC, NHS, Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field, Spanish Club, Freshman Football

Michael Kenneth Clark Immaculate Conception Intramural, Cross Country, Film Club, Spanish Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, St. Frances Inn, Yearbook

Timothy Charles Clarke Tim, T-Bones St. Helena Football, LSC, NHS, Crew

Thomas Joseph Cleary Wrestling

Ryan James Colburn Colbizzle Mary Mother of the Redeemer Band Vice-President, Competition Band, Lab Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Honors Advanced Band, String Ensemble, Pit Orchestra, National Honor Society La Salle College High School""

Kevin S. Collins SI. Cecilia La Salle Academy Tutors, Spanish Club, Science Club. Intramural, SADD

Richard James Conicelli Rick James Mary Mother of the Redeemer Competition Band, Honors Advanced Band, Samelli House, Lab Band, Pep Band, Student Council, Band Vice-President, Intramural

Colin Daniel Conway Our Lady of Guadalupe Ski Club, Ice Hockey, Sarnelli House, La Salle Academy

William Gresham Cooney, Jr. Gresham Holy Martyrs Basketball, National Honor Society, Spanish Club. Science Club, Intramural

senIOrS behaving lor once al the comer table

4 2 La Salle College High School

:a006 Richard W. Cosgrove Rick Football,

SI. Jude HS, lndoor Track, Outdoor Track, Student Council

Steven James Costanza SI. Anthony Soccer, Football, Band, Conservative Ideals Club

Patrick Brendan Costello P-cos SI. Joseph Cross Country, Indoor Track. Outdoor Track. Baseball, Latin Club, Sarnelli House. LSC

Thomas Joseph Cowhey, IV SI. Alphonsus Golf,NHS

-Yeah, I'm 1ookr1' at you babyl"

lJ, Wallin tries to gel his work Oone for next penod,

"let's see hOw powerful this baby Is:

La Salle College High School 4 3

Nicholas F. Crawford Duffman SI. David Jazz Band, Pep Band, Italian Club, Spanish Club, Ultimate Frisbee Club, La Salle Academy, SI. Marinfs Tutoring, NHS

Ryan Patrick Creter SI. Alben the Great Baseball, SADD, La Sail ian Service, Kairos Student Leader, lntramural

Thomas M. Croke, V Tom SI. Luke the Evangelist

Gregory Steven Crone Craig SI. Philip Neri Football, Intramural, SADD, NHS

Villari is "King of campus Ministry"

oS . . La Salle College High School

2006 Conor McNichol Crowe SI. Katherine of Siena Crew, An Club, Junior Urban Challenge, Building Bridges of Solidarity, Intramural

Patrick J. Cunnane SI. Luke the Evangelist Tutoring, Intramural, Community Service

Patrick James Curran SI. Mathias Freshman Football, Intramural, Film Club

Ryan James Curran Ry-Ry SI. Bede The Venerable Tennis, Intramural, Student Council, S.A.D.D, Respect Life

Tom Winning and Chris Orlscoll:cool in Ihe pool!

Brtan Kennedy and Tom Heigh after WOWIf'Ig the coIIeoe InteMewers.

Joe Montesero and Mike Celio off to class.

La Salle College High School 4 5

Andrew Thomas Davis St. Genevieve La Salle Academy, Spanish Club, Extreme Gaming Club, Intramural Be~a.mjn

Arthur Dearden

Sly St. Agnes Swimming, Water Polo. Student Council, Wisterian, Cross Country

Richard Joseph Devine, III Ricky Courpus Christi Band. Film Club, Student Council, WEXP, Intramural, Fall Drama

Kevin Luke Dicciani D Immaculate Hean of Mary SADD, Italian Club, intramural, Kairos Leader

Michael R. DiLaurenzo DiLo St. Jude

Christopher G. DiLella St. Lucy Band Manager, Production Manager, NHS, Fall Drama, Spring Musical, Cantor, Chorus, Belcrofters, Pep Band, Drama Club, Building Bridges of Solidarity, Intramural

Paul E. DiPaolo Buffy Our Lady of Good Counsel LSC, SADD, Kairos Leader, Track

Richard S. DiPiero Rich Immaculate Hearl of Mary Ice Hockey, Intramural

4.8 La Salle College High School

2006 Michael Raymond Donovan SI. Rose of Lima Ski Club. Wrestling. Crew, La Salle Academy. People to People

Christopher Lynch Driscoll St. Anthony Water Polo Captain. Swimming. Lacrosse, Football

Thomas Michael Dugan SI. Luke the Evangelist Wrestling, Football, Crew, Band, Ski Club

Robert Gerard Ebbecke Ebbs, Ebbward Intramural, Film Club, Sarnelli House

Steve Kapp, and John Williams ready for another great pep rally.

-AM, Brother, I'm Gresham tomey.my mothef wor1cs in the office~

Sinnott showmg off his guns to the ExpIorer1

La Salle College High School 4 7

Travis Grant Eddy SI. Rose Ice Hockey

Brendan Michael Egan Our Lady of the Sacred Hean Golf. HS, SADD, Conservative Ideals, Right to Life

Michael P. Farrington Immaculate Conception Ice Hockey, NHS, History Club, Intramurals

Daniel M. Fasoline Fas SI. Matthew Intramurals, Stage Crew. Crew, Tech Serv

Andrew Gleason ponders what possassed him 10 have his head shaved like



. . . . La salle College HIgh School

nm Clar1l;e can't believe why Gleason would do thai to himself.

2006 Gerald Richard Fillman J-Philly, X-Factor SI. Luke the Evangelist Football, Track and Field, Student Counsel, Crew

Barrett C. Fisher, IV Policy Debate Team, WEXP. Mock Trial. Ski Club, Outdoor, Adventure Club

Joseph Wendell Fluehr D.E. ativity of Our Lord Soccer, lndoor/Outdoor Track, Chess Team, SADD, Samelli House. NHS, LSC. Ski Club

Timothy J. Foley, Jr. T.J., Fols SI. Alphonsus Football, Basketball, Baseball, lntramurals, La Salle Academy, NHS, Tour guide

Christopher Joseph Fornace Pep/Concert/Jazz Band, Stage Crew, Mathletes, I ntramurals

Christopher Michael Furgiuele SI. Andrew Lacrosse, Art Club, Spanish Club, Yearbook, Sarnelli House, SI. Francis Inn

Edward James Furman, Jr. Saint Dunstan's Episcopal Church Mock Trial. Founder- Conservative Ideals Club, Ski Club, History Club

Lenwood Gatison, II

LG Ice Hockey, Track and Field, La Salle Academy, African-American Club

La Salle College High School 4 &

James Michael Gavanus Visitation B. Y.M. La Salle Academy, History Club, Photography Club

David Michael Gavin Holy Martyrs Art Club, ltaJian Club, National Honor Society, lntramurals, Science Club

Peter Hagan Gebert, Jr. SI. Rose of Lima SADD. Lacrosse, Football, Kairos Leader

James John Gehringer, ill Bigcat SI. Jude Football, Lacrosse, Track and Field, Student Council, Italian Club, Academic Decathlon, Mock Trial, Intramurals

Jim Kerek and sean Moloney Jammln'

the sax.

5 0 La Salle College High School

Alain Bonny's moment of fame

Senior Quotes Colin Abbon • "Weaseling 0/11 a/rllings is imparlom to leart/.lt' s wlla! separates lis/rom rhe animal... except llle weasel." -flomer Simpson Peter Anninos. III - "Go cOl/fidemf)' in the direction o/yol/r dreams. Live fhe life YOI/ hm'l' imagined." -Henry Dm'id Thoreau Mallhew Baiocchi . "Whoever said 'I/olhing is impossible' lIe\'e,. tried 10 flail jella to a tree:' Stephen Baker· "/ call accept/ai/ure, but I can'r accept 1101 fl)'ing." -Michael Jordan Christopher Barr - "001/" rake life 10 seriously. You'/I "cI'er get Old a!il'e:' ·Va" Wilder Luke Barrell - "The trials allOday fuel the triumphs a/romorrow:' Brendan Beichert . "Fare. il seems is 1/01 wi/how a scnse of irollY," - Morpheus, The Matrix Daniel Benincasa - "I was horn 10 lise my eye.f. Dream with 'he SIllI alld the skies. Tofloaf away i/l a lifelollg song. III fhe miSI. where melody flies:' -Nick Drake Karl Beyer - "/11 order 10 exiSf jllsf once i" fhe world, if is necessary NEVER agai" fO exist." -Alberl Camlls Patrick Blagrave - "Whallies behilld liS alld wllat lies before liS are lilly matters compared to what lies wiIMIIIIS." -Ralph Waldo Emerson Paul Bonnevie - "Celebrate we lI'ill,/or life is sharI. bllf sl,'eetfor cerfaill." ·Da\'c Malfhews Band Alain Bonny - "YOII kllow very well who yOiI are, dOIl'r let fhem hold )'OU down, reach for Ihe stars," -Notorious B.I,G, Andrew Borrell - "Time is an illusion. LUllchtime doubly so:' -Douglas Adams John Brady - "Nel'er surrender, it's all aboul thefailh you gal," ·2 Pac Alexander Breitmayer - "~I can remember a reporter asking me for a quote, alld I dOll't kno\\' what a qllote was. Ilhought it It'(lS some kind ofsoft drink:' -Joe DiMaggio John Buonomo - "EI'erything has its beauty, bur 110f el'eryolle sees if." -Confucius Christopher Bush - "People who work silfing down get paid more Ihan people who work slanding up." - Ogden Nash Bradley Caglia - "The fish who keeps 011 swimming is theftrsl to chillupslream," -3/1 Sterling Calhoun - "You mighl as well lake my autograph I/OII' because it's gomw be worth something ill a couple years:' John Campbell- "Illformarion is /lOf knowledge," -Albert Einstein Darren Campo - "Breathe, brearhe ill rhe air. Do,,', be afraid TO care. Leal'e, bllt don 'I leal'(' me, Look aroufld, choose .1'011/' 011'11 ground." - Pink Floyd Matthew Carr - "The fil'ers are filII ofcrocodile Ilasries and he who made kif/ens plff snakes ill fhe gras,~, He's alol'er of life bllt a player ofpawfls. - Yes, Ihe king all his sunsel lies wairing for dawn!" -/011 Anderson Jared Carter - "The good neighbor looks beyond Ihe extemal accidents and discel'lls Ihose inner qualifies thm make all men human and, Iherefore, brolhers." - Martain Lllfher Killg Jr, Gregory Casey - "Who would stealfifty bagged IUllches.. .1f was probabl)' thaf damn sasqllmch." - Billy Madison Sean Casey ~ "The will to win is imp0rlan!, bllt Ihe will fO prepare is vital." - Joe Paferno Michael Celio· "/fopporlunity doesn'f knock, build a door." - Millon Berle Robert Chapman-Smith - "Walk the path ofJesus. wimess if hell free:es the mind leases realit)' cracks to pieces," - MF Grimm Manhew Chiarello· "Those who know do 1/01 speak. Those who speak do 1101 know," Alex Clark - "A smooth sea nel'er made a skillful mariner." - Unknown Timothy Clarke - "Ilhink that Ihere is more 10 life Ihall being really, really ridiCIIlously good-looking. And I plan Of/finding ol/f what 111m i,~." - Derek Zoolander Thomas Cleary - "There is flO fafe for I/S, bur Ihose who are swallowed by ignorance (ire few alld l1/is~' a Sfep will fall into fhe rapid river calledfale." - Tite Kllbd Ryan Colburn - "Tr)' /l01, Do, or do IIOf, There is I/O Iry:' - Yoda Richard Conicelli - "Whether it's the best of fimes or fhe worst oftimes, it's Ihe onl)' lime we'l'e g01:' -An Buchwald Colin Daniel Conway - "The moSI impOrfallt wind offreedom is to be whaf )'01/ really are. YOl/lrade ill your realilyfor a role. YOII give up your ability to feel, alld in exchallge, pllt Oil a mask," - Jim Morrison William Gresham Cooney. Jr. - "The tesl ofafirsl-rale infelligence is fhe ability to hold two opposed ideas ill the mind af the same time, and still retain fhe ability to flll/(;rioll:' - F. Scott Fir:gerald Steven James Costanza - "Real knowledge is 10 k"o\l' Ihe extent ofolles ignorance." - COllfucius Patrick Brendan Costello· "When you get fO the elld ofyol/r rope, tie a knOf and hang on." - Theodore Roosc\'elf Nicholas Crawford - "I bel Einsfeinllll'lled himselfinlo all sorts of colors before he im'ellfed the light bl/lb." - /-lamer Simpson Ryan Creter - "Besides pride, loyalfy, discipline, hearl, and mind, confidence is fhe key fO all the locks." -Joe Pm('l"lIo

Brian Joseph Gibbons Our Lady of Good Counsel SADD. Lacrosse

Jason P Gigliotti Lacrosse

Andrew Craig Gleason G-Bon Our Lady of Good Counsel Pep Band, Jazz Band. Compelition Band, Intramurals, Kairos Leader

Joseph T. Gravinese, ill Gravy SI. Francis of Assisi Football. Kairos Leader

Matthew H. Greenfield Greeny SI. Robert Bellarmine Baskelball, Cross Country, HHS, LSC Leader

Joshua Robert Griffith Griffis, Greazy SI. Anthony Ice Hockey, Chess, lntramurals. Ora et Labora Service, Student Council, WEXP

Edward L. Guarrieri G Our Lady of Consolation Lab Manager, Yearbook, Tech Serve, Basketball (Manager). lntrarnurals

Michael Edward Haas Haas Epiphany of Our Lord Lacrosse, Student Council, lntrarnurals 5 2 La Salle College High School

2006 Jonathan Bradley Halbritter St. Catherine of Siena Intramural Sports, Conservative Ideals Club

Michael C. Handschuh St. Genevieve Student Council, Tennis, National Honor Society

Peter Cornelius Hanselmann 51. Genevieve

Student Council, NHS, Tennis, Kairos Leader, Intramurals

John Eberhardt Hardwick St. Cyril Band, Concert Band, Intramural Sports, La Salle Academy Tutors, Pep Band

Matthew J. Harp Ski Club, Amnesty International

Thomas S. Heigh Tommy Heigh St. Cecilia Asst. Coach/Manager of Freshman Soccer, Varsity Lacrosse, La Salle Academy Tutoring, SI. Frances Inn, v.I.P tour guide

Christopher Scott Heinly Epiphany German Club, Film Club, History Club

Joseph Francis Hennessey, III Henny St. Albert the Great Basketball, Freshman Student Council, Intramurals

La Salle College High School 5 3

Matthew S. Himler St. Catherine of Siena Art Club, NHS

C. Clark Hodgson, ill Epiphany of Our Lord Football, Tennis, Spanish Club, lntramurals

Kevin Joseph Horgan Corpus Christi Hockey, NHS, Latin Club, Spanish Club

Ryan William Huber Hubes Concert Band, Jazz Band. Pep Band, Intramurals, Lab Band, Soccer, History Club, Spanish Club, Samelli House

Tom Cleary Is goona make this guy pay]

5 4 La Salle College High School

Seniors helping the freshmen on their first day.

2006 George M. Hudson, ill Slash Upper Room Missionary Baptist Church Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track. African-American Alumni, Multi-Cultured Club, Chess Club

Joseph F. Hughes, ill Sl. Luke the Evangelist Crew. Samelli House

Christian Samuel Sharp Iannarone Ice Hockey

Matthew Robert Ihlein Easy E, Stick Sl. Luke the Evangelist Football, Basketball

KaJros was a great experience for Ihese


Mrs. Mullen is so proud 01 MIke Hess a-Jd Basi Nation.

loo Malden preadung to the masses

La Salle College High School 5 5

Christopher S. Troros Sl. Mary Cross Country, German Club, History Club, Chorus, Belcrofters

Patrick J. Jeffers Sl. Ignatius of Antioch Freshman Soccer, Cross Country, Track, Swimming

Michael Nicholas Joachim, IV Sl. Andrew Ice Hockey. Providence Center, Latin Club

Colden L. Johanson Cole Sl. Alphonsus Crew Wrestling Sarnelli House

John Paul Jones, ill R. Scott Jones Sl. Alphonsus Crew, Film Club, German Club, Junior Urban Challenge, Yearbook

Stephen M. Kapp Sl. Genevieve SADD, German Club. Lacrosse, lntramurals

Francis Michael Kasprzak, Jr. Paddy Sl. Philip Neri La Salle Academy tutoring. lntramurals, Spanish Club, HS

5 8 La Salle College High School

:aooo Sean-Patrick Kearney John J. Keenan SI. Anthony Football, Tennis, Track, Spanish Club, Intramurals

William J. Keenan BK, Billy the Kid Epiphany of Our Lord Soccer, Basketball, Intramurals, Book Club

Graham Curtis Keir Band, Competition Band, Srrings, Forum

Who let this crew Inlo the dance?

~Attentlon Mrs. Maher, Steve Kapp Is stealing our council money!"

Allthony Phillips In acaptivating performance.

La Salle College High School 5 7

Thomas Harper Kelly Gennan Club, Cricket Club, Intramurals

Brian D. Kennedy BK SI. Alphonsus Stage Crew, Band, WEXP, Academic Decathalon, Triest House, Amnesty International, Intramurals

James Edward Kerak Lab managers, Pep Band, Competition Band, Anime Club, Gennan Club

William Charles Kerr Bill, BK Immaculate Conception BYM Soccer, NHS, La Salle Academy, lntramurals

Max Morgan and Alex Muller are pumped to to be hanging WIth Eddie G!

5 & La Salle College High School

'Oh, wtlall've always wanled...another hair

2006 John L. Knab, III Knab SI. Joseph Baseball, Samelli House, Spanish Club. Latin Club

Daniel Lewis Kostenbauder Kost SI. Genevieve Freshman Football, Ice Hockey

Matthew Kruc Kruc Our Lady of Mount Carmel Music

Matthew David Landherr Landy lntramurals, La Salle Academy tutoring, Sandwich making, Operation Secret Santa. Branch out day. Junior Urban Challenge

Evan Robert Langdale John Nicholas Lees Visitation B. Y.M Crew, Spanish Club

Patrick John Lenahen Milk 51. Genevieve

Gaming club, Spanish Club, lntramurals, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Mock Trial

Jonathan Eric Leshner Jon,Lesh Bowling, La Salle Academy tutoring, Lntramurals La Salle College High School 5 9

Jon David Lester Lab Manager, African-American Leadership Group, A+CHOS, Basketball Manager, Track and Field, An Club

Gary David Lewis SI, Vincent de Paul Mathletes, NHS, JV Tennis

Jeffrey Thomas Liberatore Eddie Balls SI, Philip eri Varsity and Freshman Football, Baseball, HS, Music. Community service

Antonio Israel Lopez A'Lo SI, Michael JV Wrestling, Robotics, Spanish Club, Stage Crew, Lab top Tech, Anime Club

WIlen you hang wrttl Fyke. you feel tough

GO La Salle College High School

2006 Louis John Maiden Holy Martyrs Crew. NHS, LSC

Patrick Andrew Malone SI. Cyril of Jerusalem Soccer, Orchestra

Joseph Francis Manero, III SI. Luke the Evangelist Football, Crew, Forum

Tyrell Justin Marshall ReI First Baptist Church of Crestmonl Varsity Basketball, Track & Field, African American Club

The seniofs are such great thinkers.

Mr. Yenori and his son Jon.

Tyrell runn!n' the play.

La Salle College High School &1

Vincent J. Martinicchio SI. Teresa of Avila Cross Country, Wre tling, Outdoor track. Indoor Track, WEXP, National Honor Society

David Anthony Mastroieni SI. Jude Film Club, Italian Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Tennis. Intramural

William H. Masturzo Beezer SI. Genevieve SADD, Trieste House, La Salle Academy, Freshman Mentor, Tennis, Football, Yearbook

Christopher Mattera SI. Robert Urban Challenge, Trieste House. Intramural Sports, Project Opportunity, Club Soccer

Douglas B. Maxwell Dougie Fresh SI. Bede the Venerable Lacrosse, Basketball, Student Council, SADD, Freshman Football

John Brendan Maxwell Juan Grande, Maxbad, Big Daddy SI. Bridget Film Club. Celtic Club, Multicultural Club

Michael Joseph McCarty SI. Dominic Hockey

Kevin Michael McCort SI. John Bosco Crew, Spanish Club

& 2 La Salle College High School

:a006 Robert Patrick McCullough Bobo SI. Philip Neri Film Club, Student Council, Junior Urban Challenge, Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track

Brian S. McGill SI. Anthony of Padua Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track, ational Honors Society

Stephen M. McGorry Steve-a, McG Our Lady of Guadalupe SADD, LSA, Mock Trail, NHS, Sandwich Making, Sarnelli House, Intramural

Andrew Michael McGowan SI. Helena, Center Square Ultimate Frisbee. Crew, Cross Coulllry. Academic Decathlon, Intramural, Ski Club, Outdoors Club

Gregory English McLaren Sean T. McLaughlin Gangles Our Lady Help of Christians Crew, Wisterian. Photo Club, Gazebo, Sarnelli House, NHS

Timothy Richard McMahon SI. Genevieve Ice Hockey, Sarnelli House, Latin Club

Kevin William McNamara Mac SI. Philip Neri Ice Hockey, Spanish Club

La Salle College High School & 3

Marc Robert Menno Mary Mother of The Redeemer

Anthony Mieczkowski Sl. Franci of Assisi Crew, Sarinelli House, HS, Intramural

Colin Gregory Miller Milhouse SI.Rose Basketball, Basketball, HS, History Club, Intramural

Joseph Paul Millet, ill Corpus Christi Crew, Mock Trial, WEXP, Freshman Football, Celtic Club

Mark Andrew Milligan, Jr, Sl. Rose of Lima Soccer, Spanish Club, Celtic Club

Sean W. Moloney Band,

Sl. Helena HS, Ultimate Frisbee

Joseph Campbell Monastero Mono Sl. Rose of Lima Chorus, Novice Crew, Mock Trial, Film Club, Musical

Max Scott Morgan Sl. Alphonsus Ice Hockey, Kairos Leader


Salle College High School

Senior Quotes Gregory Crone· "YOII always think )'0/1 can beal rhe game straigh, up. 'hat's 1101 me.llold )'011 I'm always gomw look/or thaf

edge. always." - Rounders Conor Crowe· "The credit IN/ongs to those who are aewall)' ill the arena, who s/riw! I'llliaml)'; 11'110 know tire greal emlll/siasm. ,he greal de\'Otiotls and spend themselves ifl a wOrilly ('ollse; who o/the be:u. know 'he Irillmph ofhigh achie\'ement. and who at worst. 'f'lley/ai/./ail while daring greatly so that 'heir place shall "Cl'er be with those cold and timid sOlils who knew neither \'ictory nor defeat:' - Theodore RooSt'w>l, Patrick Cunnane· "Quoles are/or those who can', think imel/igeml)' enough to come lip 'Wilh their own slUffto say." - Pal Cwmane Patrick Curran· "A word to the wise is sufJiciem. a word to the/ool is IUllleCt!ssory:' - Proverb Andrew Davis - "Practice makes perfect, bllf IIoMy's perfect, so why praclice?" - Billy Joe Arms,ron,,? Benjamin Dearden - "What's wrong? lVere Jail billen by a sheep?" - Good Burger Kevin Dicciani - "I know il seems hard somelimes bill remember one ,hing, Ihrough e\'ery' dark IIighl, Ihere's a brighl do)' afler Ihal So no mailer how hard il gel, Slick )'ollr chesl 0"', keep YOllr head lip, and lumdle il:' -Tupac Shakllr Michael DiLaurcnzo - "Pictures are beller 'han words, because some words are hi!: and hard 10 wulersland." Christopher DiLella - "Finding Ihe right work is like disco\'('rillg JOllr OWII sOlll in IIII' world:' - Sir Thomas More Paul DiPaolo - "Freedom well, Ihat'sjllst some people talkillg )'ollr prisoll is walkin,r: Ihrollgh Ihis world alone:' - The Eagles Richard DiPiero - "Coing one more rollnd when JOU dOf,'1 thillk )'OU can: ,hOI'S whOl makes all 'he difference iI/ life:' - Rocky Michael Donovan - "Dreams are likefish, YOll'\'e g0110 keep all reeling:' - G·w\'e Christopher Driscoll - "Good judgment oflen comes from experience, hut often experience comes/rom badjudgmem." Roben Ebbecke - "Don't worry ohout the world coming to all elld toda)'.It's already tomorrow;1I Australia:' - Charlie Brown Brendan Egan - "I know ill my heart that mall is good, that \I'hOI is righl will e\'e"tlloll)' trillmph, and there's purpose alld worth to every life:' - Ronald Reagan Michael Farrington - "I IIm'en't failed: ,. ve just fowllllO,OOO ways thai do'" I work," - Bell Frtlllklin Daniel Fasoline - "If we couldn't laugh at wllot didn't make sense, we wOlildn'1 knoll' hoh' 10 react to mOSI of life:' - Coll'i" & Hobbs Gerald Fillman - "Thae he goes, one ofGod's prO'OI)peS, A high-powered mlltant ofsOll/e /...ind lIel'er seen cOlI.'iideredfor m(us production. Too weird to lil'i! and too rare '0 die." - Raoul Duke, Fear alld Loailling ill Las Vego,\' Barrett Fisher, TV - .. II's gal cachet lx/by. It's got cachet lip Ille )'illg-)'al/8." - Geurge CO;)'f(III:(1 Joseph Fluehr - "Ama:iflg how we all wall! this life a lillIe more ever)'day, II's cra:y how lI'e pick ourselves up jus' 10 let liS dowlI allYway. The olle thillg lito' YOII' re missing is 101lllgill' On Ille log right /lext 10 )'011, So pick lip 'hal precious something alld relaxfor a deliclltefew:' - OAR Timothy Foley. Jr, - "Ama:ing how we all wallt Ihis life a lillie more el'eryday. It's cra:y hall' we pick olirse/l'cJ lip jusllO lei Wi down anyway, The one thing IhOi YOI/' re missing is lOlli/gill' on Ihe log right lIe.\t 10 )'011, So pick III} that preciolls something ami relax for a delicate few," - OAR Christopher Furgiuele . "IfeverYlhingfeels lInder comrollhell you're not goinglast elloll,flh:' - Mario Andreui Edward Funnan. Jr, - "After off Ollr hard \\'on victories earned IhrollSh Ihe pmiellce and ('Ollrage ofel'ery' cili:en, lI'e COIIIIOI. must not, tllrn back. We willfinish Ollr job, How could we do less? We're Americans:' - Ronald Reagall Lenwood Galison, II - "They jllst can'l sland the rein, oflhe occasional pain.jrom a man like me who goes againsl the grain:' -Tllpac Shakur James Gavanus - "Qllote me as sa)'ing I was misqIlOled.'· David Gavin - "The Constitulion only guarantees Ihe American people the right 10 pursue happiness, YOIl hOl'e to catch il yourself." -Benjamin Franklin Peter Geben, Jr.• ·'1 sa)' goodbye myfriend, my exi(s here, My road·s so long, a million miles or so, Too milchlor me. I gOlla go. My nm'igators her,."-Moe James Gehringer. U1- "II's not ,h,. wiff to win thm matters, el'ery'one has Ihaf, it's the will to work to win thai matters" -PoIlI "Bear" Bryan Brian Gibbons - "liS nOt OWl I like to fight ... llSjlLSlthat r m good 01 ;1:' -Greg Tellfel Jason Gigliolli - "0 my God: Oplim"s Prim,. is J"'wish?" Andrew Gleason - ·'Harry, we're in a hole, .. "'e're just gaili/o hal't! to dig Ollrsel"es oul:' -Dumb and Dumber Joseph Gravinese. 111 - "Throllgh battle IlIe IOlIglr get IOlIglrer and lire weak get weaker:'

Alexander Benjamin Muller White Rice Our Lady Help of Christians SA DO, History Club, Intramural, Book Club

Kevin P. Murphy St. Joseph Soccer, Indoor/Outdoor Track, SADD, Chess Club, Freshmen Mentor, LSC, Samelli House, Outreach, St. Vincent, Ski Club

John Richard Mutchler Immaculate Conception Lacrosse, Cross Country, Samelli House, La Salle Academy, St. Vincents, History Club, SADD

Scott Clark Nagy Our Lady of Grace Ski Club, German Club

Costello and Gambell i0oi< like they're college bound.

GG La Salle College High School

Yo man, I like to sponge

2006 Gino Michael Naticchione G St. Rose of Lima Hockey, Band, Gold, Lacrosse, Football, Soccer, Ping Pong, Ultimate Frisbee

Basil Alan George Nation Forum, Student Council, History Club, Multi-Cultural Club, Latin Club, Gazebo

Joseph F. Nolan, III Visitation BVM

Craig Joseph O'Neill Craig Mack St. John of the Cross Instrumental lnstruction

Basil collecting his thoughts on Kalros.

Fr. Farley and his group Of) Kairos.

"I'm so happy I cafl dancer

La Salle College High School &7

Kristopher Robert Ostopchuck SI. Katherine of Siena Lab Manager, Yearbook

Michael Patrick Padgeon Padge SI. Catherine of Siena Football, IV Wrestling, JV Lacrosse, NHS, People to People, Latin Club, SADD

Joseph William Pappas SI. Stanislaus Mock Trial, SADD, intramural, Sarnelli House

Gerald Joseph Pawlish, Jr. immaculate Conception History Club, SADD, Multicultural Club, Extreme Gaming Club

John Michael Peruto, Jr. Johnny SI. Joseph's Church SADD, La Salle Academy tutoring, italian Club, SI. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, Multicultural Club

Adam E. Petko Epiphany of Our Lord Track

Tyler John Petrus Peach SI. Joseph Intramural Volleyball and Football, Photography Club, Academic Decathlon

Anthony A. Phillips Triumph Baptist Church Forensics, Providence Center. LSA, WEXP, Student Gov., Theatre, Multicultural Club, AA Student Leadership Group, Wisterian

Ge La Salle College High School

2006 William G. Phillips Will SI. Titus Baseball and Bowling

John F. Pilla, ill Mary, Mother of the Redeemer NHS, Band, Sarnelli House, SI. Martin's Tutoring, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Track and Field, Yearbook, Italian Club

William Patrick Playdon

Tex Crew, Sarnelli House, La SaJleAcademy Tutoring, Service Trip to Bolivia, Freshman Soccer

Timothy L. Plunkett Saint Catherine of Siena Band, Belcrofters, Chess Cub, Chorus, Intramural, Lab Manager, Musical Theatre, Pep Band, Ski Club, Tech Serve

Brad Cagrta. Chris Driscoll, and Joe Padgeon-' goodl

Matt Riffe and his dale haVing a good time at the Winter formal.

Fr. KeYIO has the senIOrS captivated.

La Salle College High School 6 9

Jeffrey Samuel Powers S.S Cosmos and Damian Crew and Spanish Club

Eric Smith Prendergast St. Eleanor Water Polo, Swimming

James S. Prendergast Prendicon Sl. Luke the Evangelist Amnesty [memational, World Affairs Club, Art Club

Thomas Prokop ProKop Corpus Christi Football, LSC


never noticed what nice eyes you


7 0 La Salle College High School

Grahamn Keir rips some Zeppelln1

2006 Giuseppe Randazzo, Jr. Joe SI. Alphonsus Film Club, Intramural, N Tennis

Patrick Michael Regan Regz SI. Cecilia Cross Country, Track, Basketball, Karios Leader, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Samelli House

Matthew A. Reichelt Roomchelt Assumption B. Y.M Intramural, Chorus, Film Club

Jonathan James Rementer Redeemer Lutheran School Wrestling, SADD, Football. Ski Club, Intramural. Mock Trial

.You want a piece of us?"

Rebert Dlapman SrnI1tl and Basil Nation ate all smiles!

Joe MIllet and Steve Powers he\ptng out at the auctlOfl.

La Salle College High School 7 1

Albert J. Rieck Newman SI. Stanislaus Intramural, LSA. German Club

Matthew J. Riffe SI. Christopher Hislory Club. Mock Trail

Terrence M. Riley T-Bags Queen of Peace Hockey

Timothy James Riley SI. Rose of Lima

Vincent George Rizzuto SI. Alphonsus Track, Soccer, Sarnelli House, Tech Serve, llalian Club

Terrance Dale Robinson, II T-Time Photography, Spanish Club

Stephen Andrew Rodgers Inspector Gadget SI. John Ice Hockey

Francis S. Rogers, Jr. SI. Helena Lab Manager

7 2 La Salle College High School

2006 Reese James Rogers St. Genevieve Computer Interns, NHS, Latin Club

David James Roynan St. Robert Indoor Track, Film Club, Providence Center, Yearbook, Kairos Leader

Jason M. Ruppert Rup St. David Football, Soup Kitchen, Triest House, Intramural

William Andrew Rush Memo St. Philip Neri Crew, SADD, Spanish Club, Urban Challenge, Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure

Free grub and refreshments...can't beat


Anthony working hard.

Matt Sinnott and Mike Hass inspired by La salle

La Salle College High School "73

Senior Quotes Mallhew Greenfield - "Any kind ofexperience 'hal sets )'0/1 back menrally makes yOIl stronger." -Chase Utley Joshua Griffith - "The opportunity for the brotherhood presents itself el'ery rime you meet a human being." -Jane Wyman Edward Guarneri - "/' Illlel'er leI them stop me..." -12asl Michael Haas - "The "eater... here if comes... I dare you. I dare yOIl... STRIKE THREE YOUR OUT!" -Ham Porter (Sandlor) Jonathan Halbriller - "£I-eryolle is guilry a/the good they did not do." -Voltaire Michael Handschuh - "That's quire /II1jorm/wle:' 'T m sorry lolm./ don', remember." Peler Hanselmann - "EI'eryjob is a selfportrait a/the person who does the job. Autograph your work with excellence," John Hardwick - "And I soid. 'fley Lama. flow h01l1 a little somerhing, you know for the efforr?' And he says, 'There won't be any money, bllt whell you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness: So I got that going for me, .. which is nice." -Carl SpackleI', Caddy,~hack Matthew Harp - "Stay busy, gel plenty ofexercise and don'l drink too much, Then again don'r drink too lillIe." Christopher Heinly - "I walk alolle illihis world... alolle I \l'alk... except for grilled cheese sandwich in my pocket." -Frankey, Boy Meets World Matthew Himler - "You call't change Ihe wind, bur )'ou call change the sails." Kevin Horgan - "YOII know, ifyoll take el'erylhing I'l'e accomplished and condense it down into a single do)'. it really doesn't look that bad." -George Coslon:a George Hudson, HI- "No molter what I go through, When hear thai voice in Ihe back ofm)' head, AliI will have 10 say is Ihank you THANKS MOM" Joseph Hughes. III- "LI, L2, RI. R2, left, down, righl. up. left, dO\l'II, righi, liP" -Grand The/I Auto Christian lannarone - "In this great/tIttlre. )'011 can'tforget your past:' -Bob Marley Matthew Ihlein - "I wasjwN a boy when the infidels came 10 my \'iI/age in Ihei,. black hawk helicopler. The)'fired Oil the oi/fields

and Ihey iii lip like the eyes ofAI/ah. All I collld do was watch as my goats were cOllswned by the fiery black dealh. El'er since that day I Pllt a Jihad on them. And ifyoll don't belie\'e me I will pur a Jihad on YO/l too." -Gary, Team Christopher Imms - "Conjidellce...Ihril'es on hOllesty. on hOllOI'. 011 Ihe sacredness %bligarions. onfaith/ul prorecrion and on unselfi!"h performance. Wirhollithem it connor exisr." -Franklin D. Roosevelr Patrick Jeffers - "Go wondra/I.\" crearure! Moullf where science gllides. Go. measure earth. weigh air, and slate Ihe tides; Instrucl the planels ill whal orbs 10 /"1m. CorreCI old lime. alld regulafe the SUI/" -Alexander Pope Michael Joachim. IV - "You call't be a/raid ofpeople who are willing to hllrl yOIl. Because ifyoufear life. yOIl will never live:'· Chester Bennillgloll Colden Johanson - "., Alld in Ihe end. the love you lake is equal fa the love )'OU make." -The Beatles SCOIl Jones - "SUfi'S up. mmhmm, looks okay. The world slIn'ives into another day. And r m thinking aboul Elcrnity. Some kind of ecstasy got a hold 011 me." ·Bl'llce Coc/ebul'll Stephen Kapp - "Dis is illcredulolls" -Pete Johnson William Keenan - "I/you're a cowboy. and you're dragging a gil)' behind your horse, I bet it would make )'011 mad ifyo/llook back and Ihe guy wa,~ reading a maga:ille." -Jack Handy Thomas Kelly - "Do yOIl wallf me 10 getllaked lind start Ihe revollllion?" -wnce. Orange County Brian Kennedy - "Know whor's weird? Day by day, nOlhing seems 10 change. 8111 pretty S001l. e\'el'}'lhing's differem." -Calvin and Hobbe.~

James Kerak - "Tl'lle strength lies illihe obilir)' 10 believe ill yourself' ~ Sasuke Uchiha William Charles Kerr - "II is 1101 enough fhar we do Olll' best: sometimes we hOl'e to do whal is required:'· Sir Winston Churchill John L. Knab. III . "We are what we do repeatedly, excellellce. Iherefore, is II0t all aCI but a habit." -Aristolle Daniel Kostenbauder - "And when your deepest Ihoughls are broken, keep 011 dreaming boy, cause whell )'ou stop dreaming ils time

10 die." -Blind Me/Oil Matthew Kruc - "Why gel il done today, when yOIl call pitt it off IIllfillOmOrrow" Mallhew Landherr - "Is our children learning?" -George W. Bush Evan Langdale - "Three things connor be long hidden: Ihe SUII, rhe moon, and fhe trllth:' -Buddha John Lees - " For the Ihillgs we htn'e to learn before we COl/learn fhem, we learn by doil/g Ihem.'· -Aristotle Patrick Lenahen - "The benefits ofhelping people is belleficial:' -George W. Bush Jonathan Leshner - "You'll always miss 100% a/the shots )'OU don' I take." -Wayne Grerzky Jon Lester - "The besllhings in life oren' I things."

2006 Brian Raymond Sacchetta Sac Sl. Rose of Lima Soccer, Lacross, Student Council, NHS, Spanish Club, Ski Club

Peter James Salatino SizJune Bowling, Urban Challenge

Joseph Wolf Schatz St. Matthew

Timothy A. Schneider Holy Martyrs Film Club, Spanish Club, Intramural, Ultimate Frisbee Club

5eolors together forever!

Senior IeacIers of the bowling team

IJ. Foley. future member of the BIoe Man Group

La Salle College High School 7 5

Eric Charles Schoeffling Schoeff SI. Titus Football, Track and Field, Yearbook

Bryant Michael Schultz Schultzy St. Cecilia Wrestling, Sarnelli House, German Club, Latin Club, NHS

James J. Shannon Jimbo SI. Ignatius of Antioch Basketball, Cross Country, Crew, LSC, LSA, Sarnelli House, SADD, Celtic Club

Matthew P. Singer SI. Rose Football, Crew, Wrestling, Samelli House, Spanish Club, Ultimate Fresbee

The party rolls on in!

7 & La Salle College High School

2006 Leon James Singletary, ill Epiphany of Our Lord Concen Band, Pep Band, Web Manager, Intramural, Multi-Cultural Club, An Club. Gazebo, Theater

James Patrick Sinnott Jimbo SI. Helena Forensics, Lacross, lee Hockey, Football, Student Council President, Fall Drama

Matthew Robert Sinnott Matt "Tsunami" Sinnott Mary Mother of the Redeemer Ice Hockey. Forensics, WEXP, Student Council Vice President, Samelli House

George Steffon SI. Leo Intramural, Stage Crew

Doc just wants to be one of the guys.

•You mind If we CIanCe wrltl yOlJf dates?"

These guys have senous problems.

La Salle College High School 7 7

Matthew Zachary Stigliano Stigs Epiphany of OUf Lord Crew, Ski Club, Piano

leMar Sean Stewart LDot SI. Terese Wrestling, African American Leadership Group

Robert Stott SI. John Bosco WEXP. Wrestling, Wislerian

Ruem C. Tan Rem, The Asian Invasion SI. Cecilia's Church Forensics, Spanish Club, Student Council

Connor Joseph Tatlow Tatters SI. Alphonsus Sarnelli House, Freshman Football, Wrestljng, Tech serve, JV Tennis, Yearbook, Intramural

Nicholas Michael Teufel Teufs SI. Joseph Ice Hockey

James J. Tierney OUf Lady of Good Counsel La Salle Academy, Samelli House, Junior Urban Challenge

Robert L. Toner, III SI. Alphonsus Intramural, Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, Film Club, Ultimate Frisbee, Band

7 & La Salle College High School

2006 Ryan Joseph Travers Timothy N. Trichtinger SI. Joseph Latin Club, NHS

Joseph Charles Tubolino Tubes, Tube-man MMR Football, Ski Club, Italian Club

Christopher Robert Tull Jethro SI. Luke Indoor & Outdoor Track & Field, Film Club Photo Club, History Club, Conservative Ideals Club, Spanish Club, HS

-I wonder what these guys are cooking up In ceramics class?"

Mr, N~'s WOOd ReligiOn class Ieanuog wisdom for the ages.

8iII Masturzo, J.P. Jones, Tom W1oolng, and their leader Paul DiPaolo on Kairos.

La Salle College High School 7 9

Senior Quotes Gary Lewis· "Nobody who e\ er gm'e his best regret1et! iI" -George Halas Jeffrey Liber.llore - "This game is/arty-eight minutes/or ,he next forty-eight years afyour 1;"(,5"

-\~rs;ty Blues Antonio Lopez - "Man)' are the wonders, none is more wonderful ,Iran wha1;s man:' Louis Maiden - "So toss away slllffyou 1~'on'l need in the end. hut keeps K'hol's important and know who's ),ourfriend" -Pllish Patrick Malone - "/ ge170 miles 10 the gal/on 011 ,his hog" -Jim Carry Joseph Manero. III - "uad me.follow me. or gel 0/11 ofmy way" -George S. Patton Tyrell Marshall - "There's no way I can pay JOu back. bill my plan is 10 sho"' JOlt that IlInderstand and you are appreciated" -TllfXIC Amaru Shakur Vincent Maninicchio •.,/ firmly believe Ihm any man'sjinest hOllr. the grearesr!uljillmem ofall that he holds dear, is the moment Il'hen he has worked his heart alit in a good cOllrse and lies ('xhall,wed on the field of boule-victorious" -Vince Lombardi David Maslroieni • "So before we end, and then begin, we'll drink a toast to how it',~ been afew more hOllr~' to be complete.. , afew more times thaI I can say, I'l'e IOI'cd these da)'s:' -Billy Joel William Maslurzo· "Calise in the end 1\'1' can all call afriend its something thatl\'e know is true," -oA,R, Douglas Maxwell- "I can act:eptfai/llre, blltl can't accept not trying." -Michael Jordan Michael McCa.r1Y - "A Thousand open ears, and slill nor a \l'ord to so)':'

Kevin McCon - "Yollr revolution is Ol'er, Mr. Lebowski Condolellces. The bums lost. My ad,'ia is to do what )'our partn!s did: get a job sir The bllms will always loser -The Big Lebowski Roben McCullough - " You' llfind afortllne, thollgh il M"ill not be the one ),ou seek, Blttfirsr yOIl willtra\'el a long road.fraugJJl wi,h periJ. I can not tell yOJl how long this road wiJ/ be, but fear not the obstacles in YOllr pathJorfate has \'OllChsafed )'our reward. Though the road may wind, YOllr hearts grow M'eary', still follow 'hem, to YOllr sal\'arion:' -Blind Seer Brian McGill - "Mane)' can't bit)' yOIl happiness, bitt it daes bring yOIl a more pleasamform ofmiser)':' Stephen McGorry - "A man is a sllccess ifhe gets lip all the mOrtling and goes to bed at night and in bern:un does what he wants to do, "-Bob Dylan Andrew McGowan - "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got afllll tallk ofgas, halfa pack ofcigareffes, it's dark, and were wearing sunglasses:' Sean McLaughlin - "Ne,'er forgel your tmefriends and ne\'erforget 10 be one," Timothy McMahon - 'Do yOIl remember the days done paM and how 1I'l' always waf/ted the good times to last? The time we spend hanging our is how we leamed who' life was abow:' -The B01/1/ei1/1-: Souls Kevin McNamara - "Enjoy life, There's plenty of time 10 be head:' -Hans Christian Anderson Anthony Mieczkowski - "No matter how ma1l)' rimes )'Oll sOl'e the 1I'0rld, it always manages to gel back jeopardy again, Sometimes I jllst wam it to sta), slll'ell! YOII know.for a little bit? I feel like ,he maid,! just cleaned lip this mess! Can we keep it clean for, , .for ten mitlwf's.'" -Mr,lncredible Colin Miller· "Mondays? I prefer the fim da)'s!.. , weekend' Waititlgfor the weekend" -Will Farrel Joseph MilicI. III • "Savor the flm'or" -Ra)' ZalinsJ..y Mark Milligan. Jr. - "We're too closefor missiles, I'm switching '0 gllns:' -Top Glln Sean Moloney· "And this was scarcely odd, because they'd elIten e\'eryone," -Lewis Carroll Joseph Monaslero - "Bill! won't let this get me... I "'illfight:' -Something Corporate Max Morgan - "Life is one bis: road with lots ofsigns, So when you're riding rhrough the ruts, don't complicate YOllr mind. Flee from hart!, mischiefand jealollsy. Don't Imry your thoughts: pili YOllr I'ision to realit)'. Wake lip and Ii\,e:' -Bob Marley Alex.ander Muller - "(Alld we be) Taking care ofbl/sine!:s, every da)'. Taking care ofbusiness, every way, Taking care ofbllsiness, it's all mine, Taking care ofbllsiness and working overtime. Work Ollt.''' Kevin Murphy· "If)'o// really "'Wit something ill this life yOIl ha\'e to workfor it, Now, quiet! They're abollt to anllounce the 10ffery Illlmbers," -Homer Simpson John Mutchler - "This ((I1I8"t me a lesson bllt I'm not .'1111'1' what it is" -Jolm Macellroe Scott Nagy· "It is heffer to fail ill originality than to .'II/creed in imitatiol/:' -Herman Me/l'ille Basil Nalion - "Destiny is lIot a matter of choice: i, is liar athillg to be waitedfor. it is a thing to be achie\'ed," ·William Jennings Bry'an Joseph Nolan, IU - "/' m sick offollowi".'": my dreams, mall, /' mjllst gonna ask them where ,hey're going and hook up with them later." -Mitch Hedberg

:a006 John Edward Michael Tyszka St. Hilary Intramurals

Stephen W. Ullrich, Jr. "Woody" Our Lady of Good Counsel Wrestling, Baseball

Kevin Anthony Ulrich St Alphon u HS, Trieste House, Football

Stephen M. Vanni St. Ephrem

Mr. Butt's group on Kaims.

Ryan Cretei' and his dad share amoment with the RookIe.

Colburn lays down the bass

La Salle College High School &1

Joseph Andrew Vazquez Our Lady of Mount Carmel Intramural, Community Service, Art Club, Band, Urban Challenge

Michael Robert Venafra Afro, Venef Nativity of Our Lord LSC, Samelli House, La Salle Academy, Intramural, Italian Club, Tennis, SADD, Ski Club, Secret Santa

Andrew Joseph Ventresca SI. Jude Student Council, Soccer, Basketball, Yearbook, NHS

Jonathan Joseph Vettori Crew, Lab Managers

Michael Adam Villari VoLar, Lloyd Christmas, Gomez SI. Bede Baseball, Soccer, Secret Santa, Intramural

Thomas John Wallin T.J. SI. Andrew Crew, Freshman Soccer, NHS, German Club

Thomas A. Walsh SI. Paul Crew, Spanish Club, Conservative Ideals Club, Wisterian

William James Warrender Visitation B.Y.M. Baseball, Basketball, Student Council, NHS, LSC, Kairos Leader

8 2 La Salle College High School

2006 Collin James Wessier Wess E.A.O. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Tennis, Intramural, Urban Challenge, Ski Club

William Edward Whalon

Andrew Warren Wigglesworth Wiggs SI. Bridget Intramural, Ski Club, Outdoor Club, Secret Santa, German Club

Andrew E=ett Wilkins SI. Jude Football, Tennis, Student Council, Film Club, Tutor, Intramural

Fr. KtlYln and his devoted samelli group.

Ty Marshall jams on his funky guitar.

"Hey, where are you guys going with all that stumM

La Salle College High School & 3

John Leo Williams Holy Martyrs Hockey

Thomas G. Winning, Jr. Cecil Holy Martyrs Football, Swimming, Trieste House

Michael John Wojcik Band, Pit Orchestra, Concert Band, Brass Ensemble, The Wi sterian, Amnesty International, Tech serve, NHS, Science Club, History Club, lntramural

M. Nicholas Wright Wrighty, Nasty, Fresh Prince Corpus Christi Ice Hockey, Student Council, Italian Club, SADD

Bishop BUrbidge spends some time with

the seniors.

..... La Salle College High School

Ryan Creter prepares to give his talk on Kairos.

Senior Quotes Craig O' eill· "And now the question/or )'011, is nor whm would Jesus do: but where will )'011 be when the era:y machine comes partying ,lIrollgh:'· Stephen Lynch

Krislopher OstQpchuck - "What?" Michael Padgeon - "The game oflife is a lot/ikefoo/oo/l. YOll

hOl'e 10

weide YOllr problems. block )'Ollr fears. and score yOllf points

lI'hen )'011 gel Ihe oppOrtllnil)':' - Unknown

Gerald Pawlish. Jr. - "Erer)'lhing mltsl end sometime. Don', bum the do)' away." - Dart! Matthews John Penno. Jr.• "Hated by many -Io\'ed by 2/5 - Respected by AU:' -SG. lP. CS Adam Pelka - "There's gonno he some sl/lff)'our gonna see rlw"s gomla make if hard to smile in the future. b//l1hrollgh 'whafever

Jail see. through all the raill and all the pain. )'011 gotta keep your sense of humor. YOII gOlf(l be able to smile /hrOlI,':h all ,his" -Tupac Tyler Petrus - "I've had a dream,., a slice of cake, milk ill a glass, a .\'hOl'eI./wo bowling balls, a sock monkey, some beak all pikes, a cheese-sleak, 0 bed to sleep ill 01/ roofOVl'r my bed. Whm else do I need?" -Me Anthony Phillips - "£verybo<Jy call he great.. ,becallse anybody can .~ef'\'e. YOII dOIl't hm'e to JUII'e 0 college degree to serve. YOII don't hm'e 10 make yOllr subject and l'erb agree to sen'e, YOII only need a heanJIIII ofgrace and a .1'0111 generaled by 101'e:' "Yes, if )'01/ wam to say rhat I was a drum major, say rhat I was a drum majorJar ju,~tice." -Dr. Martin Lllrher King Jr, William Phillips· "Somebody's gotta win and somebody's gotto lose and J beliel'e in leuillg the other person lose." -Pere Rose John Pilla. III . "When I was a child I had afe\'er. Now J gar thatfeeling once again, Jcan'r explain, )'OU would 1I0rllllderslOlld. Tllis is nOI how I am. J how! become comJortably numb." - Pink Floyd William Playdon - "Callrion: Do nOl apply 10 broken or irritated skin, Keep awayfrom eyes. Amid inhalarion. Discom;nu(' lise if rash del'elops:' -A wise man Timothy Plunkett - "Whencwr youji"d yourselfon the side ofthe majority. it's time to pallse and reflecr." - Mark T'lmin Jeffrey Powers - "I'm going 10 go on all ol'(',."iglll drllnk, and i" 10 days I'm goi"8 to .'leI 011110 ftnd the shark Illat all' myfriend. and desrroy it:' -Ste\'(' Zissou Eric PTcndergasl- "I am in earneSI; I will 1/01 eqllimcare; I will nOl eXCllse; I will 1101 relreal a sillgle inch: and II\'ill be heard,"· Willimn Llo)'d Garrison James Prendergasl ~ "If I;\'ing is seein?, I'm holding my breath, III wonder, I wonder, whar happens next? A new world, a new day, ,.to see!" - A New World TIlOlllas Prokop - "You dOl1'lneed a wearherman to tell which way the wind bloll's." -Bob Dylall Giuseppe Randazzo, Jr.· "PortaloJ" Patrick Regan - "Some people walll it to happen. some people wish it would happen, orhen.' make il happen" -Michael Jordan Mauhew Reichell - "To lell you/he lrIoh. FI'e said it before. Tomorrow I starl in a flew direcliol/" -Glister Jonathan Remenler - "Clolhes make Ihe man. Naked people hOl'(' liltle or I/O influence all society:' -Mark Twain Albert Rieck· "Theftrsl days are rhe hardest da)'s, dOll'l youl~'orry al/)'more. When life looks like Easy Streel there is dallger or YOllr door." •The Grateful Dead Mallhew Riffe - "'maginarion is rile beginning ofcreation. YOIf will imagine what YOl/ desire, yOIl will what )'0/4 imagine, and at last yOIl create whal yOIl will." -George BerfUml Shaw Timothy Riley - "YOII mighl hear lallghing, signing. swinging madly across rhe Slln. hilt its nOI aimed 01 anyone./or rhe sky there are no fences." -Bob Dylan VlIlccnl Rizzulo· "Worrying is like a rocking cllair.lt gives yOIl somelhing to do, bllt il doesn'l gel you an)'where:' ·\/on Wilder Terrance Robinson. U - "Don't rely on anyone bill yourself." Slcphen Rodgcrs - "I, is what ir is:' Francis Rogcrs. Jr. - "Look o\'er Ihere, a dl)' icefaclOl)'! Good place 10 ger some rhinking done:' -Taking Heads Reese Rogers· "Ifeveryone is thinking alike. ,hen somebody iSII'rlhillking." -George S. Palton David Roynan· "Ifyou callt laugh 01 yourself. life's go"lIa seem a whole lot longer thall you'd like:' -Garden Slale Jason Ruppert· "II pays 10 be nice and it does liar cost a thing:' -Uncle Joe Jordan Brian Sacchellll - "Well ~'ome say life will beat )'011 dO\llIl, Break your heart, steal your crown. SO !'I'(! started OI/f./or God knows wllere I glless 1'/1 know when I get there:' -Tom Petty Peter Salatino - "YOIl eilher 80"na gel down or yOIl go",/O lay down, and if yOlilay dowlI )'011 gOlll1a stay dowll." -Beans Joseph Schalz· "People jusl d01l1 I/nderstaud the thollghl and plllrllling thaI goes into procrastillmioll." Timothy Schneider - "There are things known and rhere are lhings IInknoll'n, alld in berween Ihere are rhe doors." ·Jim Morrison Eric Schocffiing - "Commilmenl in Ihe face of c01Jj1icl produces character:' Bryanl Schultz - "Whal'S rhe lise ofa good quotation ifyoll can't change ilr ·DoclOr Who

Matthew C. Young St. Luke Kairos Leader, Cross Country, Intramural, Spanish Club, Football, La Salle Academy

David Patrick Tanney Yusavitz Yusi SI. Vincent De Paul Crew. Football, Chorus, Belcrofters, LaSalle Academy, Soup Kitchen, Sarnelli House, Photo Club, NHS

Jeffrey Walter Zamorski St. Stanislaus Baseball, Tennis, LSC, intramural

Matthew J. Zielinski Z Our Lady of Good Counsel Baseball, Student Council, LSC, NHS

The "Prtw surfacing at Explorer football.

Be La Salle College High School

Senior Quotes James Shannon路 "Weill wont back down ... r\'i? gOljusl one life. In a world ,hat keeps on pushing me around, gonna suuul my ground. and I wom back down." -Tom Petty Manhew Singer - "Hilmor is the great Illing. the saving thing. The mif/llte it crops up. all our irritation and resell1metlls slip ol\'oy. and a sunny spirit takes their place:' -Mark Twain Leon Singlclary. III - "Try not 10 become a man ofsuccess. bill rather fry 10 become a man alm/ue:' -Alben Eif/Sleill James Sinnolt - "DOn/lise time or words carelessl)'. Neither can be relriewd:' -H. Jackson Bro"'". Jr. Mallhew Sinnolt - "YOIl can chonge ),our nome but you cant run away/rom yourself' -Bob Dylan George Sieffan - "~Just because I dom care doesn', mean! don/understand." -Homer Simpson Mallhew Sligliano - "As he saw his life nm awayfrom him, thousands came along. chanting wordsfrom a song, Please we hm'e 110 regrets," -Phish leMar Stewart- "When people carefor yOIl and cry for yOll, tlu路y can straighlen Ollt your SOld," -Langstoll Hughes Robert $tot!- "Ellery lIew beginning comes from :lome Olher beginnings end:' -Semisonic Ruem Tan - "Theyall said lhat I was I/lcky. bill they ditill" know lliat God was my reason for success" -Bamboo Connor Tatlow - "Life should be a journey to the gral'e with the intention ofarriving safely in an atlracth'e al/d II/ell preserved body. bill rather to skid in sideways. YOllr body thorol/ghly used lip, IOtally \\'orn 0111 and screaming, Woo hoo, What 0 ride," -Anthony Pamarella Nicholas Teufel- "" is so much beller 10 hm'e mOlley thal/lO not ho\'e money," - Greg Teufel James Tierney - "If we are ever to enjoy life. now is the time. not tomorrow or next year.. , Today we should al"'o)'s be our mosl wonderful day:' -Thomas Drier Robert Toner, III - "Humor isjusl another defense againstlhe Imiverse:' -Mel Brooks Timothy Trichtinger - "E= Mc2 by me" - Tim Trichtinger Joseph Tubolino - "Say what JOu want, say what yOll mean. question JOllrself. are JOu really ",hat Jail seem." -Dispalch Christopher Tun - "'t's nOl who )'011 art! underneath, it's what )'011 do that defines )'ou:' -Batman Begins John Tyszka - "You win some. )'011 lose some. bw YOIlIi\'e to fighl anolher day." -Craig's Dad on Friday Stephen Ullrich, Jr, - 'WO, light speed's to slow: go 10 ludicrolt,f speed:' -Spaceballs Kevin Ulrich - "Thor which does not destroy me only make.f me .ftronger." -Friederich Nietzclu' Joseph Vazquez - "Live for Today.for IOmorrow is always QnOlher day:' Michael Venafra - "Troubles lhey may cOllie and go, bill .~ood ,imes Iheir the gold." - OMS Andrew Ventresca- "Tomorrow is place to place yoltr betler days," Michael Villari - "Amazing holV we all wam lhis life a Iitlle more el'eryday, Its era!)' how Wi' pick ourselves up jllst 10 let liS dowl/ anyway. The one Ihing thai you're missinG is lOl/llging ol/Ihe road right I/c,xt 10 )'011. So pick up thar preciou,f something and rela:c for a delicme few," --o.A.R. Thomas Wallin - Lloyd: Mary, level with me, Tell me, what arl! my chances? Mary: Not Good Lloyd: Not good as ill Olll' in a hl/ndred Mary: More like one in a million Lloyd: so )'oll're felling me I gOi a chance? - Dllmb and Dllmber Thomas Walsh - "'n the end it doesn't e"en matler." William Warrender - "A winner is someone who rec08ni:es his God-gi\'en lalents, ,,'arks his tail off 10 dewlap them imo skills, and lIses these skills to accomplish his goals:' -Larry Bird Collin Wessier - "'ttookfour years to learn iI," Andrew Wigglesworth路 "Rules arf! not necessarily sacred, principles are" -FOR Andrew Wilkins - "I always turn 10 lhe sport pagesfirst, which records people accomplishments, Thefrom has nothing bw mali's failures," -ChiefJustice Earl Warren John Williams - "The ultima,e mellsure ofmati is nOi where he stands in moments ofcomfor' alld cOIl\'enience, bl/t where he stands alties of challenge alld contro\'ersy:' -Martian Lwher Killg Jr, Thomas Winning, Jr, - "'Ifeels just /ike home, where all the stray dogs room:' -Widespread panic Michael Wojcik - "rhe key to happiness is self-delusiol/, dOli" Ihink ofyourselfas {/II organic pain collecior racing toward oblil'ion." - SCOtl Adams Nicholas Wright - "When I was 12,1 used 10 think I was a genills and nobody had noticed, If,here is sllch a gellif/s.1 am one, and if there isn't then I do II0f care, -John Lennon David Yusavitz - "Don'f compromise yOllrself, )'011 are all YOI/' re gal" . Janis Joplin Jeffrey Zamorski - "Weaselitlg 0111 ofthin8s is importa!lllO learn! '(s what separmes IIsfrom the animals- except the I\'easel." Homer Simpson Matthew Zieljnski - "Nothing isforfree, the cost is hard work"


BB La Salle College High School

The only thing certain in life is change. This saying applies especially to the transitions between grades during high school. From incoming freshmen to rising juniors, the progression made by La Salle students will define them for the rest of their lives. Coming from all dillerent schools and backgrounds, freshmen encounter constant change from the day school starts to the day it lets out. Making new friends, setting academic goals, and trying to become more independent are just a few of the situations facing the newest members of the La Salle community. High school can be a challenge, but the open environment of La Salle cushions the change. Sophomore year is one of increased confidence and security. No longer are you a lowly freshman who cannot lind your classroom. These changes also include more work and responsibility as students. Most sophomores will rise to the challenge and push themselves to do their best. With college just around the comer, juniors have to change their habits to meet expectations. Increased class work is ollset by more lree periods, which are probably spent lounging in the cafeteria with friends. The changes faced junior year will shape the student. Although change is constant, it is a good thing. From the first year to the third, La Salle lets its students change into what they choose to be. - Kelly Lombard '07

La Salle College High School Be

Mike Young lakes it easy during a free period.

Junior year is an exciting lime. So much has

We've begun to look forward to change... like getting our drivers perIllit, taking the SAT, and picking out colleges

happened up until this point and so much more is

yet 10 come. Change is all around. We look and act differently. Some are driving to school. More opportunities are opening up. In light of all this change, Juniors are expected to step up. Whether it is in athletics or the classroom there is a different reel 10 this year. Some have taken on larger roles in the play. computer lab. clubs. band, and weight

room. Freshmen and Sophomores arc looking up at the Junior class to lead by example and seniors are observing the talents that will be needed for nexl

year. With Junior year comes more pressure in the classroom. Everyone from parents to teachers preach that this is !.he most important year academically and, of course. lhe SAT's are righl around the corner. Responsibilities are mounting and while this is a challenging time for the class. the change is a positive step in the right direction.

2007 JUNIORS CLASS OF 2007 JUNIORS CLASS OF 2007 JUNIORS CLASS OF 2007 JUNIORS Anthony C. Acey-Davis Anlhony T. Adams David J. Ansel Christopher R. Ashley Colin T. Baker Dominic Baker

David G. Barba James J. Barker Scolt Barr Colin T. Barrelt Sean P. Benz Salvalore V. Bevivino

Nicholas E. Bivens Bmden J. Bonner Edward D. Bonnevie Taylor S. Brauns Mark D. Breen-Lopez Douglas J. Brehony

Daniel Brophy Paul S. Brown Timothy J. Brown Mauhew T. Bui Alexander J. Buonocore Kevin J. Burke

Christopher T. Cabrey Christopher M. Cahill Geoffrey S. Cahill Ryan Cain Wesley P. Culderone Juan J. Camilo

9 0 La Salle College High School

Joe Kain and George Pinchock bonding. Juniors hanging out at the African-American luncheon

CLASS OF 2007 JUNIORS CLASS OF 2007 JUNIORS CLASS OF 2007 JUNIORS CLASS OF 200' John B. Campanella Sean J. Campbell Michael J. Campbell Alexander J. Capetola Andrew T. Capizzi Phillip J. Caramenico

Ian F. Casey Philip A. Cassidy William Caslclberg.lll Joshua P. Chubb Joseph Cipolla Andrew C. Clay

Michael S. Cliggett Daniel F. Connors Colin D. Conway Domonick A. Cook Adam B. Coombs Christopher T. Corby

Colin M. Corcoran Benjamin J. Counney Michael J. Croasdale James W. Cunningham Thomas J. Cuny Frank A. DeLuccia

Andrew J. Dean Sleven Dean Alexander R. Dee Kevin T. Deilz Colin M. Devlin Benjamin N. DiFranco

La Salle College High SChool DS.

Marco DiPralo Leonard DiWilliams James M. Dierkes Conor K. Doheny Matthew D. Dominick Kevin J. Donnelly

Michael J. Donoghue Slephen W. Dorsey Jeffrey A. Douglas Michael Doyle icholas R. Dreher Brian M. Drennen

Kellian MaAweU Durkin Gregory M. Dusing Sean M. Dw)路er Lukas Eddy Peter G. Endrigian. II icholas C. Faillace

Roben Farley Michael C. Fazio Michael J. Filipczak Andrew J. Foell RyanA. Ford Daniel J. Fomace

John P. Foniler Gregory W. FranlZ David C. Fr.tlamico Andrew M. Furlong Garrell S. Gallagher Joseph P. Gallo

Anthony E. Giannelli. Jr. Zachary C. Gilben Mauhew A. Glavin Nicholas A. Gorsky Charles S. Gowdy Christopher C. Gmdy

Thomas P. Graham Wayne T. Grasela Peter F. Gmvinese Timothy W. Greaves J. Gmy Hacnn Philip J. Haggeny

Cohn M. Haley Richard P. Hamilton Ryan C. Haney Patrick J. Harp Timothy P. Heck David Andrew Henrich

& 2 La Salle College High School

Sean D. Herben Christopher S. Higgins Walter Mark Hinkel. Jr. John J. Holl. III Andrew Houchins Matthew G. Houser

Matthew R. Howard Michael S, Hughes John Anlhony J. Hull Sean M. Hutchinson David J. Hysek Luis M. lrias

icholas R. Irwin. Jr. Patrick Jackson Brian M. Jeffers Daniel P. Jeitncr Daniel W. Johnson Taylor D. Johnson

Joseph M. Kain Michael J. Kapp Michael P. Kelly Shane J. Kelly Michael F. Klenk Kevin C. Klohe

Rudolph A. Krnehcr Chad M. Kurylo

Mauhew J. Kwasizur Gregory D. LaFat:t Daniel C. Lacon Michael S. Lagansky


Matk Hinkel hard at work.

Justin Price with his proud parents.

La Salle College High School 9 3

Alexander S. Lagner icholas J. Lanza

William P. Larkin. III Dylan J. Leighton Peter M. Levins Vincent J. Levito. III

Stefan Lewandowski Paul N. Lewis Jack C. Libor Andrew M. Logan Kelly M. Lombard Sean M. London

Man. ell B. Luce Michael J. Maguire

Sean Mahoney Felix J. Manzi Christopher P. Marisco Shawn Markey. Jr.

E. Michael Maninelli William P. Mascio John D. McBumie Brian C. McCabe Matthew W. McCaffery Bryan J. McCallion

Colin P. McCann Ryan J. McDevitt Evan J. McGillin Brian P. McGinnis William D. Mcintyre

Edwin M. McKeon. III


Jack Filrsler Is" In our hearts!

e4 La Salle College High School

AnthOny Mirabile is all over that cheese steak!

Dennis J. McLaughlin Eric McLoughlin Brian P. McManus Matthew M. Meehan John J. Mikus. III Thomas F. Minton. IV

Anthony T. Mirabile Andrew T. Mockailis John 1. Modestine Mauhew MOTlteverde Richard A. Montgomery Brian T. Moore

Robert A. Morton Ryan D. Murphy Matthew S. Muscarella BrianJ. Nahas Maxx E. Naseef Jakob J. Nines

John P. Nucero Jonathan M. O'Connell Kevin E. O'Connell John M. O'Driscoll Liam P. O'Neill Kevin 0' eill

Manhew S. Onufrak Michael C. Palcnno Nicholas J, Palcel1a Matthew C. Paul Ryan C. Pawling Ian E, Perera

Joseph Perese John N. Phillips John Picard Andrew T. Pierce Gregory T. Pierce John F. Pierson

George C. Pinchock John W. Piree Michael D. Power Jeffrey D. Price Justin T. Price Ryan J. Quigg

Evan Raisner Adam J. Reale Michael J. Reber Evan Regan-Levine Kevin M. Riley Hilario Romero

La Salle College HIgh School 9 5

Connor D. Rothwell James J. Ryan, Jr. Brandon P. Ryan Scott E. Saladik Alexander C. Salwach Robert A. Saraceni, III

Sean C. Sa"erio Michael G. Shertz. Jr. Gregory Sliner Daniel F. Smart Blake C. Solliday Jeffrey A, Spencer

David L. Spinosa Zachary J. Spurlin Michael C. Slahl Mauhew Stanczak Stephen C. Slem icholas R. Stewart

Matthew C. Stone Mark Stypulkowski Robert p, Swartley

Kevin M. Tanl35itis Ryan Q. Thomson Brian J. Trainer

John J. Trav:lline Charles P. Trinkle Daniel P. Tuck Kevin P. Turk John Vasoli William D. Viskovich


Mr Stanczak and Ryan Haney.. separated at birth?

Juniors expenefIClllg adifferent WOI1d on lXban CtIaJIeoge.

Be La Salle College High School

Timothy R. Vogelbacker Kyle K. Voigt Robert P. Waitkus John T. Walchonski Gregory M. Walczak Brian J. Walker

Andrew Walsh SCOIt K. Walers

Joseph A. Weitzman Clayton M. Wells Colin P. Whalen James L. White

John C. Whilham Brendan P. Wills Timothy J. Winenberg Christopher J. Wogan Colin R. Young Michael S. Young

Alan G. Yuhas Mitchell W. Zaiss Damon F. Zysk



Mike Filipczak and Matt Dominick up 10 no good.

Joe Cipolla getting WEXP ready lor another show.

La Salle College High School 9"7

Harvey SChmidt Is ready for Sophomore


The big change for us is not being freshmen anymore... We are glad to move up another grade

Changes by David Bowie would be a fining theme song for this school year. nOI jusl for sophomores. but freshmen. juniors. seniors. and facully alike. For the sophomores this IS our second year of change. Though It may not seem as dramatic as last year. there are some new things we have welcomed and learned 10 adapt to this }car. Even our morning has changed with the inSlilution of prayer and the pledge. As sophomores we have had more responsibility placed on us and become expected to work al a higher level compared 10 last year. Sophomores can', help bUI observe the new freshman class and be dumbfounded thai. yes. that was us just a year

ago. Not only do we realize changes in ourselves and amongst our fellow classmates. bUi in the faces of our new faculty. Now is lhe lime to seule. grow, and prepare to become upperclassmen as we change again and continue our journey at LaSalle. • Anthony Kenl 'OS


Ronald F. Abel Roben C. Abramo Brendan S. Ahem Matthew H. Alba Antoine E. Alben

James H. Algeo Domenic A. Amodei Matthew J. Antonello Eric F.Au Raymond J. Barker. Jr. Gregory A. Barksdale

Ian G. Barnett Christian V. Baron Thomas S. BaIT Christopher M. Bec~r James F. Behr 1llomas S. Bender

Victor Benvenuto Paul M. Benyo...szky. Jr. Adam S. Berlc.le Philip W. Biaesch. n MarioJ. Bianchini Christopher C. Bines

John J. Blanke Robert E. Bolger. III Andrew W. Bowman Joshua A. Brooks John R. Brumbaugh Daniel Buesking

De La Salle College High School

Nigel Gross, Shawn JaCObsen, and Mike Curley looking for trouble. Pal Melvin hitting the books.

CLASS OF 2008 SOPHOMORES CLASS OF 2008 SOPHOMORES CLASS OF 2008 SOPHOMORES C Thomas Buoncristiano Dean L. Buonomo Kevin J. Caldwell Michael K. Campbell Tyler J. Camcausa Christian S. Carey

Dlmicl P. Carr Michael S. Casey Ryan 1. Casey Francis X. Cassidy Christopher J. Celio Richard F. Chiodo

William Andrew Ciammelli AlexanderT. Ciliberto Ntlthan C. Cltlpper Gerard M. Clark Evan E. Clauss Michael 1. CoUinelli

Brian P. Collins S. Evan Cooper Joseph T. CorCOI"J.n Thomas J. Cosella Chris 1. Covington Christian 1. Crawford

Connor M. Cunningham Michael A. Curley Brendan M. DaCosta Brendan M. Dalton Nicholas C. Danella Manhew T. Day

La Salle College High School 9 9

Alexander K. Delaney John F. DeLucca Anlhony J. DePaul. Jr. John P. Dilulio Stephen P. Dolan. 111 Todd E. Domanski

Thomas R. Dougheny James C. Driscoll. Jr. John-Michael Dronson Kyle L. Dufresne John T. Duke Mauhew C. Dwyer

Evan A. Dysan Daniel T. Erhard. III Michael S. Erickson Richard B. Evan Michael R. Fabiszewski Lance J. Fagan

Francis J. Farrell Chril>lopher J. Fasy Michael D. Ferrino John J. Fischer Brendan B. Fisher Bernard J. Fill-gerald

Mallhew A. Forkin Harry S. Forst Mark A. Frnnzcn Michael J. Furlong Andrew D. Galbally F. Joseph Gallagher

John F. X. Givnish. 111 Nicholas M. Golden Timolhy A. Grasela George J. Gresko Nigel B. Gross MaHhew M. Gulkis

Breit G. Haenn

James L. Hageny Thomas J. Hall Enk E. Haney Rodney L. Hardee John Harrison. V

Eric R. Heisner Samuel D. Henderson Peler J. Henwood Andrew M. Hesson Michael A. Higgins Michael P. Hoffman

:a00 La Salle College High School

Shane M. Hoffman William J. Holden Bradford Hollingsworth Joseph R. Holod Joseph J. Houtdin Kevin M. Hughes

Philip J. Iannuzzi Matthew P. lIIan Matthew J.M. Inglese Anthony C. Ivanoski Shawn R. Jacobsen Nicholas J. Jaskula

Jonathan D. Javie Christopher J. Johnson Casey P. Jones Stephen M. Kalkbrenner David P. Kelley Anthony P. Kent

Stephen P. Kemytsky Thomas C. Kerr Brendan R. Kissman Patrick J. Knowles Matthew J. Kohler Paul A. Kush

Thomas J. Laessig, Jr. Kelvin Lam Malthew D. Lamson Francis T. Lapowsky Brian J. Ledder Matthew R. Lees



. - -

;I' - \;





-- -









,~ t.. Man Okerson gets some tips from Mrs. Smith.

Man Smeltzer and Evan Cooper enjoy a night out with theW dads.

La Salle College High School 1 0 1

Philip M. leNoir Furey A. Leva Anthony D. Liberato Ryan M. Lindsay Ryan M. Logan David R. Loughery

Daniel P. Lowry Daniel Luque Gerard T. Lutes Matthew J. Lynch Remy D. Lynn John P. Malone

Ira Edward Manalo Roben R. Mandos Daniel J. Marchese Viclor A. Marques Michael T. Marra-Powers Daniel P. MamlZZO

Raben F. Marzullo William W. Maslin. UI Adam . Malone icholas G. Mattera Dennis P. McBride Michael V. McCabe

Terence J. McCarrick Joseph P. McCollum Colin M. McCreery Patrick X. McGann Brian W. McGinly Manhew R. McGovern


Nick Rausch and Evan Clauss enjoying the spoils of hard work.

Harvey and his fellow sophomores representing!

1 0 2 L3

sail. (01109. High School

Jude T. McKenna Sean F. McKenna Kevin P. McLaughlin John F. McMenamin James P. McNally Auslin A. Meehan. Jr.

Michael F. Mele Palrick R. Melvin Shaun J. Menkhaus Nathan D. Meyers Joseph M. MigJiarese Jeremy A. Miles

Colin Miller Sleven J. Modres Sean M. Moffa Timothy F. Mondimore Sean E. Montgomery Mauhew P. Mooney

Palrick M. Moran Samuel A. Morgan Patrick J. Morrow Roben J. Moyer Daniel A. Murphy Colin J. Murray

Jeffrey K. Munha Joseph P. Nardi Srenl H. Nesbiu Nicholas T. Nocero Mallhew E. Okcrson Joseph P.Oline


Mr. Evans and his 1st period sopho-

mores having a laugh.

La Salle College High School 1 0 3

Michael C. Oliver Paul S. OOicr Andrew M. Palazzo Nicholas Pedersen Clayton Penecale Fr.mcis J. Pierson

Roben J. Powers Daniel R. Pyne Louis J. Raieta Michael R. RaJnherc Alexander J. Ralston Ben T. Ramaporam

Jason M. RaschialOre Nicholas 1 Rausch Matthew J. Razzano Armand M. Rhone Conrad T. Ridgway Jason K. Rivkin

Michael P. Roche

John M. Rodden Michael V. Rongione Wilham J. Rooney Michael P. Rose. Jr. Daniel T. Sacchella

Anthony J. Santoro, Jr. Richard M. Scanzillo Kyle E. Scheetz Mauhew H. Schclkun Harvey E. Schmidt Alexander P. Schreiber


RICh Evan knows where it路s at!


La Salle College High School

Julian Tucker rnaUlg beautiful mtJSlC.

Francis E. Serrao Keith A. Shepllrd. Jr. John P. Shields Kevin M. Shields Patrick K. Sinnott Thomas M. Smart

Matthew W. Smeltzer Sean M. Smith John H. Sperger Brian R. Splane David M. Szekeres Matthew A. Taonnina

Devon N. Teichman James F. Thomas Brendan D. Toolan Michael C. Topley Sean M. Trudeau Tristan R. Tschoepc

Julian J. Tucker Timothy B. Ulrich Christopher Van Eekelen Matthew T. Ventresca Frank V. Wallace Ryan M. Warrender

Daniel J. Waters George R. Weber Jonalhan M. Weidner Patrick C. Weitzman Jacque P. Whaumoosh James K. White

Ryan P. White Joseph H. Wilde Anthony K. Witkowski Christopher J. Wolper Andrew R. Wood Gregory T. Woods

Brooks A. Workman Slephen A. Zeg:llin Kyle J. Zoldy

La Salle College High School :L05

The transition between grade school and high

school is an exciting experience. Though the period of adjustment can be difficult and frustrating. it also

We've experienced the biggest change of all... co:mingto a new school and :making a new start

"Alright let's hear that alma mater loud and proudl"

can be rewarding. This period is a lime of change, when friendships are made, or friendships are broken. TIle relaxed summertime quickly vanishes, leaving an adolescent rat race in il5 place. Once integrated. however, high school is do-able, not much harder then grade schooL Maneuvering the overcrowded hallways. perhaps the biggest change for those from smaller grade schools. becomes second nature. the hallways themselves. scenery. The intimidation of upperclassmen lessens. maybe having an occasional conversation with them. proving thal they're actual people. Many people help lessen the pain from this transition: friends, family, and teachers. The transition between high school and grade school is a defining moment. it's sink or swim, but luckily there are other people to rely on and confide in, and to offer their guidance. • Sam F1ashner '09

FRESHMEN CLASS OF 2009 FRESHMEN CLASS OF 2009 FRESHMEN CLASS OF 2009 FRESHME Scan E. Abboll Victor P. Allegreui Joseph R. Aloia Nicholas R. Amato Erik J. Anderson Charles J. Andris

Eugene W. Angeloni Ryan T. Ansel Michael P. Antoni Timothy M. Asztalos Bryan S. Barker Ethan J. Barren Christopher M. Becker Paul T. Belcher Daniel Berger John J. Bernhardl Michael Alexander Bonavit<lcola Bryan A. Bonder John S. Borrell Connor R. Bmcken Austin J. Brauns William P. Brennan Sean K. Brooks Christopher 1. Brown

Todd H. Brown Alexander M. Byrne Brian J. Callahan Gianni A. Campellolle Colin G. Canny NicholasJ. Carboni

:1.08 La Salle College High School

Pita and TIta路 brolherty 1oYe! 8rottlef James is letting Ihese guys know who go! them here.

CLASS OF 2009 FRESHMEN CLASS OF 2009 FRESHMEN CLASS OF 2009 FRESHMEN CLASS OF Sean P. Carlin Christopher M. Carlooe Mallhew D. Carmody Ryan M. Cary Michael W. Cassidy James P. Catalino

Chrislopher J. Cawley Gerard M, Cleary

Michael 0, Cline Patrick F. Coleman Ronald J. Comber James L Connolly

Thomas Cooney Ryan W. Corkery Thomas F. Corr Ryan D. Counihan Mich3e1 M. Cowan Daniel J. Cramer

William L Crooks Christian Alexander Cruz Brendan E. Cummings Christopher P. CurrJ.n John L, Curr.rn Erik F. Cwik

Nicholas Cymbala Andrew J, O'Addona Nicholas J. O'Aleandro Michael J. Dagit Stephen C. Oallam TimOlhy P. Oaly

La Salle College High School 10"7

Amhony J. DeAngelis William G. Dearden Brian M. Delaney Benjamin F. Demers Ross E. Denczi icholas D. DeSantis

David J. Dickson Mark R. Dieckman JOStph W. DiFurio Kyle D. DiGiacobbe Louis D. DiGiacomo Amhony J. Di ardo

Sean P. Doheny D. Patrick Dohony PatricL M. Donnelly Michael P. Donohoe Andrew P. Dowds John F. Drain

Alexander E. Dreher Patrick O. Driscoll Alexander J. Drost Brendan P. Duffy Michael J. Duffy Brendon S. Eddy

Ryan C. Eidenshlllk Mallhew S. Engle Kevin F. F:lrringtoll Jesse W. Fields Kyle M. Finlay Sean P. Fisher

Brendan A. FitzPatrick Brendan E. Fitzpauick Cole F. Fitzpauick Ryan K. Fitzpatrick Samuel P. F1ashner Anthony T. Foell

Christopher D. Foley Randall A. Forster MIchael C. Franklin William C. Franks Daniel M Fratamico Tyler R. Freeman

\rancentW.Furlong Damel D. Galante PatricL J. Gallagher Patrick J. Gavin Kc-.路in M. Genuardi Stefnn E. Gigliotti

1 0 & La Salle College HIgh School

Sean T. Gillespie Jay A. Giunta Zachary J. Good Seth J. Gonnan Timothy Joseph Gottschalk Thomas F. Gr.ldy

Gavin R. Grant Stephen A. Grasso ChrislOpher M. Groff Bmndon G. Hacnn Michael J. Hagan Christopher C. Harvey

Brendan M. Hilsey Phillip J. Hopkins Jake A. Howander Tyler J. Houchins Joshua R. Houser Neil P. Hubbert

John F. Hunsicker. III Matthew Anthony JannClli Dylan P. Johnson Kevin G. Johnson Roy A. Kaiser Daniel J. Kane

Brendan M. Kearney Kevin V. Kelley Robert A. Kelly John J. Kcrrigan Scan F. Kiely Mark R. Kinslow


~Wow. I'm loSt already and it's only 00路 entation!"

Ed Lubinski shares his thoughts with the class.

La Salle College High School 1 0 9

Andrew W. KittLa Christopher R. Kraeher Thomas M. Krolikowski James M. Lagreca John Austin Lamprecht RobenW. Law

Mauhew T. Lawrence, Jr. Michael H. Lees Michael G. Leigh Joseph L. Leinhauser Xavier V. Lofton Ryan R. Lonergan

Roben F. Long Brian Lotkowski Edward R. Lubienski Thomas M. L)ons Kyle P. MacManus

Patrick A. Maginnis

Thomas E. Maher James J. Mahoney Jordan M. Malpass Ryan N. Marcante John T. Marcinek Thomas J. "1cAloon

Aaron L. McCoy Brendan E. McCoy Matthew P. McCullough Sean G. McCullough Seamu~ J. McDennotl Ryan M. McDevitl


Freshmen enjoYlIlg the c:ooK out.

First day of school and already breaking the no cell phone rule.

1 1 0 La Salle College High School

"Mom, I cIOn't wanllo go!!!"

Daniel J. McDonald Rory A. McDonald Matthew D. McDov.'ell Palnck K. McElroy Michael J. McGee. Jr. Paul P. McGee

John C. McGinley Matthew J. McGovern Joseph M. McKeehen William Edward McKenney Michael McKibbin Kyle Devon McMahon

Manhcw G. Mercnich Kevin Merlini Matthew Miller James D. Mirynowski Dennis J. Mizzoni Patrick D. Monteith

Patrick H. Moran Gregory J. Morozzi Michael J. Morrow Matthev.' C. Murtha Tyler A. Nase Robert L. Nave

Drew M. Needham Frank Nekrasz Jared A. Neri Paul D. Nixon James E. Noll Michael P. Noone

ChrislOpher M. Nucero Paul A. Nucero Matthew O'Brien Patrick T. O'Donnell Justin M. O'Ham G. Kellen O'Neill

Shawn P, O'Neill Thomas B. O'Neill Gregory J. Oakley Kyle O. Olejniczak David O. Omojogunm James B, Osborne

Gregory B. Palko Alexander J. Pascal Michael F. Patchak Maulik P"..ltel Ryan M. ?:ltrick Daniel T. Paul

La Salle College High School ......

Martin J. PaYlon. IV Jo!>Cph A. PClrellis Michael J. Phillips Carl M. Plummer Raymond J. Polcino Philip J. Posen Alexander A. Prendergast Mark M. Pyrih Joseph J. Radaszewski Eric C. Reale John C. Redmond Max A. Resnick

Andrew G. Reynolds Joseph F. Rizzo Nicholas C. RizzulO James M. Robinson Matthew E. Roland Thomas J. Rose

Aleunder R. ROl23.1 John J. Rush Michael J. Rybicki Patrick J. Samanns Thomas M. Scary Michael C. Sch:leffer

Ian Schieve Jeffrey E. Schill Mauhew F. Schluckcbicr Adam M. Schmidt Matthcw J. Schmitz PClcr J. Schwartz

Evan J. Scorpio

Kane T. Scbcsky Ryan S. Scn Kevin T. Seybert Thomas M. Shiels Robert D. Siess

Kyle B. Silva Ryan R. Smalley Joseph M. SOlan Ian R. Smilh Konrad P. Sobilo Andre\\< P. Speese

Shawn M. Sianley Slephen P Staman Manhew C. Siewart Todd J _Slokley John E. Slump:> Paul 8. Szyuko

.... ,.. La Salle (oll"ge High School

Michael R. Tate Matthew F. Teesdllie Christopher A. Thiers Christopher Todd William J. Torres Michael P. Tubolino

Steven M. Tucker Joseph R. Tull Ryan C. Tyson Frederick Walker, IV Collin Walsh Daniel J. Walsh

Jonathan Williams Walsh Michael B. Walsh Christopher Webb Gordon M. Wells Ransford B. Whaumbush Matthew While

Rasheed T. Wilkins Bryan P. Williams Jonathan C. Wilt Brian B. Winning Paul K. Wisniowski Christopher R. Wolf

Philip R. Wood Andrew N. Zbikowski


Yeah, these guys look excited to be here.

Bro. Rich welcoming his first class 01 freshmen as La salle president.

La Salle College High School 1 1 3


What helps us to change and grow? One could definitely answer the opportunity to express oneself and their talents in a supportive environment. La Salle prides itself on offering programs that suits all interests. No one is lell out. For four years each student can look and lind whatever extracurricular activity out there that fits a personality. Listening to WEXP in the morning and hearing the list of coming events, seeing posters taped to the walls in the hallways, or walking around at the Activity Fair at the beginning of each year one can see that La Salle is inclusive of all talents and levels. Whether this talent is acting or singing, student government or service. there is a creative outlet for you. Incoming freshmen to departing seniors standing together working on proj-

ects is a tremendous sight. Academically inclined students can work to become a part of the National Honors Society or Academic

Decathlon squad. Students proud of their heritage can join the African-American Association or Celtic Club. The artists can match their skill to activity including music, acting, or stage crew. Those who have the gift of speech there's the Forum or Mock Trial. Of course those who just like to enjoy a hobby there is Ski Club and Gaming Club. The one program that includes the most opportunities is the Lasallian Service Corps. Service is so important to our development as not only Christians but as human beings, At La Salle everyone can get involved so come and share your gifts!

1 1 4 La Salle College High School

La Salle College High School 1 1 5

pUllins Ihelr lalenls 10 work 10 lead

student council Student Council Executive Board: Matt Sinnott: Vice-President, Mrs. Maher; Student Council Moderator, Mike Haas; Secretary, and Jim Sinnott; President

ne La Salle". the Student Council theme for Ihe 2005-2006 school year, was chosen 10 emphasize the direction in which the student leaders wanted to take the La Salle community. Wilh new leadership in Ihe school's administration. the student body had the opponunity 10


show the unity that exists between the students and the faculty and staff. The community of La Salle really came together right from the beginning of Ihe school year when $1 0.000 dollars was raised to aid in the clean-up effon in New Orleans after Hur~ ricane Katrina. The first pep rally cenainly pOI the spark into La Salle football and soccer fans with both teams having outstanding seasons helped by the 12th man in the stands. La Salle traditions were COIl~ linued including Field Day, Wing Bowl. and the Battle of the Bands with a new Film Festival. For the first lime the Student Council embraced lechnology using WEXP), as well as lhcirown Web site, 10 keep the siudent body informed. The face of the March mixer changed with Ihe addition of a band along with Ihe tradi~ tional DJ. It was a greal year at La Salle thanks to the participation of Ihe entire community and the leadership and enthusiasm of the Student Council. ~ Man Sinnoll '06 - Jim Sinnott '06

1.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.1111111 senior student eouneD Front Row: Mr. Coggins; senior Moderator, Mall Sinnott. Andrew Venlresca (President), Jim Sinnott, Mike Haas, Ryan Travers, Basil Nation. Rick Cos~ grove, Ryan Curran. Top Row:Jim Gehringer (Vice-President), Paul Bonnevie. Nick Wright. Ruem Tan, Doug Maxwell, Brian Sacchetta

11& La Salle College High School

junior student council Arst Row: Mr. Cirelli; Junior Moderator, Dan Connors, Andrew Dean, Nick Lanza, CMs Grady (Vice-President), Chris Cahill. Top Row: Jolln McBurnie, Chad Kurylo, Kelly lombard, Ben Courtney,

Gray Haenn, Brendan Wills.

gphomore student council Front Row: Mrs, Zoeltsch; Sophomore MOderator, Tom Barr (President),Aodrew Bowman, Ron Abel, Furey leva, Ryan Warrender, Matt Razzano, Dan Murphy (Vice-President), Top Row: Pal Melvin, Brett Haenn, Dennis McBride, Rob Powers, TJ Mccarrick, Mike Rongione.

freshman student council Front Row: Tyler Freeman, Victor Allegretti, Adam Schmidt, Ryan Smalley (President), David Omojogunra (VicePresident), Evan SCorpio .Top Row: Tim Daly, Pal McElroy, Mike Walsh, Paul Nucera, Nick Carboni, Mike Cassidy, Jim catalina. Not Pictured: Mr. Gillespie,

Freshman Moderator.

La Salle College High School 117

sharins their knowledge tutoring others


he National Honor Society is a tremendous organiz:lIion , . that revolves around the principles of Scholarship. Leadership. Character. and Service. Under the faculty leadership of Mrs. Ponisciak and Brother William DiPasquale. and the student leadership of officers Rich Cosgroves. Gresham Cooney. Lou Maiden. and Brian Saccheta. lhe National Honor Society cOll1inues to serve the LaSalle community in various capacities throughout the school year.

The primary focus of Ihe Nalional Honor Society is the peertutoring program: at any point in the year, students seeking aid in a panicular subject receive generous assistance from NHS members. In addition to providing academic suppon. members of the National Honor Society also serve as ambassadors and ushers for numerous school functions and are responsible for organizing and overseeing the annual blood drive. Each year the Red Cross and LaSalle College High School team up to collect blood from students and faculty members alike. allowing the LaSalle community to reach oullo people on an immense scale. The faces and names may change from one year to Ihe nexl in the NHS bUI one thing that always remains is the tradition of excellence that carries on. - Rick Cosgrove '06

Right Gresh Cooney and Lou Maideo lOOking smart!

Far RighI: Join NHS, get a free meal!

111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111 national honor sociel! National Honors Society Officers: Mrs. Ponisciak; Moderalor, Rick Cosgrove. Lou Maiden, Gresh Cooney. Brian Sacchela, and Bro. William OiPasquale;


11& La Salle College High School

Juniors proud to be membefs of NHS.

Top: Mr. Marchese starts off the evening with a little joke. Bro. Richard congratulates Dave Mastrolenl


Kelly Lombard and Mr. Marchese share In a secret handshake 01 the NHS brothert100d

Bro. Tran enjoys the festivities with Mr. Mirabile and his son Tony.

La Salle College High School 1 1 9

sharioJ their love for others throu.uh service

lac Mr. Dominick

helps tutor al La salle Academy.


eave to Serve." The last words you see when you leave La Salle. It is easy to notice that many students at La Salle truly live that message. The L:t Salle Service Corps is one of the most involved and active clubs at La Salle. It is the one activity that never stops even when the school year is over. One of the best qualities about LSC is all of me opponuni-


ties that are available to the students at La Salle. As soon as you enter La Salle as a freshman. you are already involved with LSC by participating in the branch out days. The opportunities continue and range from all different type of service projects. There are seasonal service projects such as Secret Santa and the Thanksgiving Collection or other students give up their time on Tuesday's by tutoring younger children at La Salle Academy or Wednesday's at Providence Center. Students also look forward 10 serving the poor in Kensington at Sarnelli house on Thursday's or going into the streets and serving them during 3n Outreach on Friday's. The service opportunities at La Salle are endless and this is why many La Salle students get involved. There are many reasons why service is such an imponant part of the La Salle community. It gives students a chance to give back for everything they have been given. It allows students to reach out to others and offer their own talents or just their time in order to help someone else. - Manhew SinnOll '06

11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.1111111 salnelli house

seniors Man Harp, Vince Rizzuto, Brendan Beichert, Pal Costello, and Colin Conway help serve Ihe meals at Samelli


1 2 0 La Salle College High School

amneslIinlernational From Left: Matt Antonello, Dan Waters, James Prendergast, Charlie Trinkle, Pete

levins, Matt Slone, Steve Dean, Mike Campbell, Nick Dreher, and Mike Wojcik

rtUecllife club Respect life members boarded a bus and headed down to Washington D.C. for the annual March For Ufe procession.

la salle academy tuloring Each week students and faculty head 10 La salle Academy in North Philadelphia to help totOI' those in need.

La Salle College High School 1 2 1

Righ1:Members of the Community Tech路 Serve Team bridging the digital divide in Philadelphia. Below:5ecret santa brings smiles.

Top: samelll Crew at Kairos: Seated: Mr. Clark. Vince Rluuto. Pat Costello. Fr. Kevin, Chris Barr, and Kevin Murphy. Standing: Joe Fluer, Colin Conway, and Matt Sinnott.


Members 01 Junior Urban Challenge December 13路14, 2005

1 2 2 La Salle College High School

Joe Cipolla Shares hIS knOWledge with a student from La salle Academy.


providence center tutoring •


Almost everyWednesday Mr. Barna and Bro. Chanes take a van load of studeots ttl Providence Center to help the Children

secret santa Steve McGooy, Bob McCulloogh, Chris Driscoll, Mr, Monahan (lasaJlian Volunteer), Mr. Gill (lasallian Volunleef), Pat Costello. Mike Villari. and santa With


lasallian youth assembly The annuaJ summer yOUth assembty attended by Mr. Clark, Mr. Devlin, and several juniors and seniors took place at Goucher College i1 Baltimore, MO.

La Salle College High School Jl.23

L •



different country to serve



Mr Devlin beglns ll1e """" day





Sean casey, Will Rush, Conor Crowe, Man Slone, Chris Dilella, Ben Courtney Mrs, 8I'een (rolling' on her Vespa), Joe Hughes, Pat Playdon, Mr. Devlin, David \'Usa""

1 2. . La salle College High School

aSalle is well-known for the wide scope of service activities available to studems. Senora LaSlema Breen, however. extended the gamut of La Salle's service 10 the intemationallevel Ihis year. Senora led Building Bridges of Solidarity. a service trip 10 Cochabamba. Bolivia wilh the a..sislance of Campus Minis· ler Mr. Tom Devlin and her husband. Mr. Mike Breen. Senora spent months organizing the trip and over Christmas vacation the

group of thineen students and three mentors finally set out for Bolivia. For IwO weeks. La Salle sludems traveled abroad 10 sen.'c others. making this a lrip a truly watershed moment in school

history. While in Bolivia. the group panicipaled in a number of service projects. They painted both the Copacabana School and the Sewenghani School in addilion 10 laying down concrele, painting blackboards. and weeding Ihe school grounds. Senora and her volunteers also visited a regions of counlry· side called Viloma and Minapompa, where they distributed c101hes and food to the local Bolivians. The group also had the opportunity 10 experience Ihe rich Bolivian culture and lifestyle. The students had the chance to sample local delicacies and see perfommnces like the Folk Ballet or Ihe traditional Andean musical en~m­ bles. Students also climbed San Pedro Hill in Cochabamba to see Ihe famous '"Cristo de la Concordia", and had the chance to interact with some young B0livians, visitmg the local discOiecas on New Years' Eve, Everyone involved with Building Bridges of Solidarity considered It a great success. The Bolivian people benefiled greatly from the service projecls, and the student volunteers profited from learning about a new culture and language. Their incredible experiences on Building Bridges of Solidarity will remllin wilh them forever. - Mall Stone '07

11I11 11111.11111.11111.11111.1111111

Pat and Conor prepamg bags of liCe.



Pat helping out the locals.

La Salle arrives in Bolivia!

La Salle College High School 1 2 5

for these clubs, the skill is all in their heads

Having a good

academic clubs

time on a class trip to the I<EMA ._est,


Inc and II

""""' " "" Oeca_.



academic decathlon ArsI Row: Lenny OiWilhams. Jim Whtte, Man White, Jim Dierkes. second Row: Palchak, Colin Murray, Tyler Petrus, 8i11 Tomes. Third Row: Jim Gehringer, lack

Good, John Delucca.

1 2 & La Salle College High School

mathletes Sitting, Chris Rlma<e and _00 Webbef. Standing: Mr. Pooisciak. lao Perera. GaIy ~, E... Ilysart, John Ilelucca, Jim Dierkes, Mike Marra-Powers, Brian McCabe, BJ Maslin, and Mr. Russell.

Go on a PhySics trip with Mr. Cipolla yoo gella dress down and wear cool Shades!

see the box, now yOU CIOn'L

La Salle College High School 1 2 7

these clubs are sp.eaking a whole new language

langlJa 8 clu s _Club Pall,,'"

is t1.ItOlTlg at l.uls Moooz MMn EIemeotart school. TomWa1sh and Kevin CoIins helPlflllIods with !hell" homework

1.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.1111111 Mr Cipolla and the guys making some prtzells.

1 2 & La Salle College High School

italian club

latin club

Danish club

La Salle College High School :1.2&

for mock trial, •

L all in the

success IS

cross examination

mock trial

aSalle's Mock Trial teams enjoyed a lively and challenging season Ihis year. Except fora few returning veterans, mosl of the team members had little previous

experience. Nevertheless. the partici-

pants had the opportunity (0 leam a great deal about trial procedure. rules of evidence, and good rhetorical :ll1d crilicalthinking skills as they prepared and presented the prosecution and defense of a murder

triaL The Mock Trial Program. sponsored by the Young Lawyers Section of the Pennsylvania Bar

Association. annually provides students throughout the slate with the opponunity 10 experience 3Uthentic trial situations as they present and argue a fictitious case before a real judge and jury in a real coul1room setting. With thc able assistance of La Salle graduate. SCOIt Wolpert. Esquire. anomey/coach. and faculty moderators. Mr. Evans and Mrs. Field. the tcams

worked very hard on lheir presentations and skills. Thc members of Team I were seniors, Man Riffe, Ed Funnan. Joe Monastcro. and Colin Abott: junior Mike Cliggeu: and freshman J.C. Wilt, Team 2 members included junior Rudi Kraeher: sophomore. TJ. McCarrick (the only veteran on this team): and freshmen. Nick Rizzuto. Pat Gavin. Man Schmitz. Amoine Alben. and Ryan Marcante. Although neither learn advanced beyond the preliminary round. the competition was fierce: and La Sallc's Mock Trial members perfonncd admirnbly as both lawyers and wilJlesses. Since many of the underclassmen who panicipated this year have expressed a desire to return to lhe team next year. the prospects for fUlUre success look bright. All of the team members should be proud of their dedication and hard work. • TJ. McCarrick, '08

Mock Trialleam listens in for lips

on the neKt case, Far Right

Frosh J.e. Wilt teaching senior Colin AbbOtt a lesson Of two.

1.11111.11111 mock trial Mock Trial Team: Front: Rudy Kraher,Matt Schmitz, Nick Rizzuto,Antolne Albert. T.J. McCarrick, and Colin Abbott Back: Matt Riffe, Ed Furman, Mike Cliggetl, J.C. Wilt

1 3 0 La Salle College High School


Antoine AIl}ert practicing for his next


Lelt: La Salle grad Scott Wolpert, Esq. coaches the Mock Trial team. Above: Matt and Ed 90 over strategy.

seniors Ed Furman and Matt Riffe listen intently.

Coach ScottWolpert Instructing the guys on trial methods.

La Salle College High School 1 3 1

forum thrives on speakinJ their minds


he Forum is La Salle College High School's Speech , . and Debate leam. The Forum has a long proud history of speech and debate in which this year's team continued. The Forum competes in four leagues The National Forensic League (NFL), The National Catholic Forensic League (NCFL), Philadelphia Catholic Forensic League (PCFL). and The Pennsylvania High School Speech League (PHSSL) under the guidance of Mr. Raymond Shay. The season really stated to pick up during the month of November at The Scranton Tourna-

lJ. Mccarrick

QUestions Michael Rajnherc in a practice debate be!Ofe NFL districts

memo The sophomore team ofTJ McCarrick and Mike McCabe along with seniors Breit Fisher and Joe Manero locked out final round of varsity policy debate. The JV team of Sperger and Rajnherc came in first place in JV policy debate. Also sophomore John Dilulio placed third in JV Lincoln Douglas debate. The forum has done well at lhe Varsi· ty and Junior Varsity levels in both speech and debate, continuing the proud tradition of winning. Atlhe MLK Meyers Invitational Tournament. La Salle came in first overall due 10 the contributions from freshmen to seniors. Robert Chapman-Smith and Basil Nation came in firsl in varsity Public Forum Debate. Senior Anthony PhilJips placed first in Manin Luther King Jr. Decla· mation and Sophomore Antoine Alben placed third in Oral Inter· pretation first in MLK Poetry. Senior and president Ruem tan came in fifth in Dramatic Performance. During the month of Jatluary the Forum was invited toAt· lanta, Georgia to compete at the Emory Invitalional Tournament where the team went up against fierce competition and did well. From the long bus rides to the center of Pennsylvania to the plane ride to Atlanta and even to Wyndmoor the Forum has continued its tradition of excellence. - Basil Nation '06

1.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.1111111 forum John Dilulio, Mike McCabe, John Sperger, Jim Haggerty, Basil Nation, VIc BenvenutO,Evan Regan-leVine, Antoine Albert, Robert Chapman Smith, lJ. Mccarrick, Anthony Phillips, J.e. Witt, Chris Kraeher, Ruem Tan, Mike Rajnher"c, and lR.

1 3 2 La Salle College High School



bhl hI'>!,*'" 11."", wo.f boo' «"'''1100'''''1)'

Left: Allioine Albert performs ·Spanlsh Blood" by lMgstoo Hughes. Below: John Sperger searches fO( evI· dence


Speech Events Team: Man Janne"i, Ruem Tan, Antoine Albert, Basil Nation, Robert Chapman Smith, Maxx Naseel,


James Haggerty, Anthony Phillips, Chris Kraeher, and Will Mascio



Michael McCabe gives rebuttal arguments at the La $aile Tournament

Oebale Team: John Dilullo, John Sperger, Mike Mccabe, Basil Nation, Vic Benvenuto, Evan Regan-levine, Robert Chapman Srnittl, IJ. Mccamck, J.e. Win, Mike Rajnherc, and lR.

La Salle College High School 1 3 3

expressing themselves thr~ugh

various mediums


•Just watch me, 1'1 shOw you how It's IDle,"


Art Projects: Agtfl for any occasion!


Mr, Hearn watches his class master an· other skiD.

:L3-.l.a Salle College High School

Mr. Hearn offers his artistic abilities to the stage crew.

Whether iI's ceramics or drawing our guys have the skills to succeed.


Just a dab'U do va!

The talented ones behind the magnifi-

cent sets for"A Man For All 5eas00s~

La Salle College High School 1 3 5

Freshmen blowin' their hornsl

sharinJi their musical gifts with our community

band Ale. 5a!Wa<Il bassin • It up] Far RIght CIYistmas """"" jam

Rya1 Colburn. RI::I< COfllcelll, and ArOew Gleason jammin' at the Pep RaIty.

Lessons play a big pM in the band.

1 3 & La Salle College High School

concert band

I!.U band

Christmas greetings from the La Salle band

La Salle College High School 1 3 7

Right: Pep Band gets the crowd fired up! Below: The Maestro sean Moloney.

Bob Toner and Ricky Oe~jne get ready to rock the Jointl


Righi: Trumpets blare at the Christmas




Rick Connecci puts a hurtin' on the skins!

1 3 & La Salle College High School

How does he see what he's playing?

Sharinp th! gif .of vOices In key

chorus Far Left: Chorus harmonizing. Left: Chris Oilella feeling the moment.




Left Mr. Marchese giving the Chorus a well deserved hand.

Above: Mr. Nomlan is the man!

La Salle College High School 1 3 &

he fall drama this

year. Raben Bolt'sA Man for All Seasons, , . tells the story of the famous connie! between Sir Thomas More (Chris Dilella) and his King. Henry VUI (Jimmy Sinnot). While the factual

events and circumstances are described by the all-purpose narrator,

expressing oneself on the stage

"a man for all seasons"

Jailer Anthony Phillips laking the


1.111I1.11111 the cast Front Row: Nadine Thompson, Catherine Begley, Barbara Spencer, Paul lewis, Chris DiLella, Drew Pierce, Matt Dwyer, John Ollulio, Mary Marg Behf, Riley

Capus. Back Row: Maxx Naseef, Drew Needham, Anthony PhilliPS, Jim Sinnott, Karl Beyer, Dan Brophy, Undsey Budnik, Doug Brellony.

1 4 0 La Salle College High School

the Common Man (Drew Pierce).

the play's focus is more on the interaction between characters and the outcome of their individual

moral conflic(S, Unable 10 acquire a divorce for the king. the corrupt politician.

Cardinal Wolsey (Paul Lewis), is replaced by Thomas More who reluctantly accepts thc chain of office. As the play progresses everyone is placed under pressure from the king. More's rival and fellow lawyer, Cromwell (Maxx Nascef). and long time friend the Duke of Norfolk (Doug Brehony) must acquire More's acceptance of the king's separdtion from the church. The ambitious Richard Rich (Karl Beyer) is recruited by Cromwell to perjure himself against More to gain the political power he desperately seeks. More's wife. Alice (Mary Marg Behr), daughter. Margaret (Riley Capus). and son-inlaw, William Roper (M<llt Dwyer), <Ire also engaged to help sway More's personal moral decision. which they are unable to do. More, under pressure from his friends. family. and leaders to compromise his own moral standards as well as pressure from the church and the Spanish ambassador, Chapuys (John Dilulio), to stand ttis ground. becomes trapped between the two conflicting sides. As everyone around him buckles to the king's will, he is imprisoned and eventually executed for acting according to his own conscience. This year's fall dr.lJl1a met with much praise under the leadership of Mr. Dennis Bloh and the direction of Dr. Joseph D'Angelo and Mr. Mark Nonnan. - Karl Beyer '06


Jimmy Sinnott looks like he's in pain.

Chris Dilella explains his problem to M3IY Marg Betv

Mm, Kan, and Doug Interrogate Und-



Paul lewis and Chris Dilella in confer-



La Salle College High School 1 ...1

his year. the La Salle Spring Musical production staff

, . chose


While the original

cast called for only twelve peo-

a musical for the senses and the spirit

"godspell" r""

Mieczkowski as the 路Strongman" Intimidating Tlm Plunkett the 路Sword路 swallower"

ple. Director Colleen Durkin Lapowsky decided to do the show

with sixty-six aclOrs. lbe theme of the show was "Cirque de LaSallevalion:' The roles and the look of the actors were altered to b芦ome circus performers. everything from a liger 10 a strongman. The cast began 10 practice the

songs in December under the direction oflhe La Salle Choral Director. Mr. Mark Norman and practices took place continuous-

ly until the show in March. The dedicated La Salle stage crew designed an excellent sel. and colorful costumes completed the production.

With the assistance of Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro and Mr. Joseph Vinori, Lhe La Salle band was in the pit under the direction of student conductor. Sean Maloney. Choreographer, Kim Williams. added 10 the excitement .....ith outstanding tap and ballet numbers. The cast was led by Chris Dilella. who msplred cast and ere'" alike, with his talents as an actor and singer in the lead role of Jesus. He was ably suppor1ed by. among others. Tim Plunkett. John Buonomo. Man Dominick. Lee Singletary, and Malt Smeltzer. The vocal talents of the ladies from Gwynedd. Merion Mercy. and the Mount also added to the show. especially Melanie Field, Julianne Kelly, and Katie McCool. "Day by day" the cast worked, never "tumed back," and learned their lessons well. which was "all for the best."' All the laughs,tears, and sweat thaI went into the production of Godspel I helped make the musical a great experience. - Tony Mieczkowski '06

1.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111 the cast for ~odsl!ell"


La Salle College High School


Tony Mieczkowski flexes his muscles tor the part 01 the -Strong man- either that or he wants to be the next Incredible Hu.. Mati Dominick just wants to sell you some""""",.

John Buomono stands oul as the Starecrow.


Maxx Naseel the Me!

-God Save the PeopIe-路 That sayS it all!

La Salle College High School 1"*3

helping to spread out the resources of technology

Jim White, Andrew Capizzi, and Rob Stott wor1l.ing 00 a script

media center

his year serves as the len year anniversary of the founding of WEXP. Designed for announcements, it soon became more. growing into a venue for creative students with an interesl in communications. Soon. the feature was born. Features ranged from sports reports to funny skits. WEXP was no longer just announcements. and no longer just a club: it had become something seriously large. Times do change. and WEXP


entered a slump. Fewer and fewer features were produced and more and more students began to disregard WEXP. Then marc computers were made available for digital editing, blue screens were added, and wireless live streaming became available for the show. The technology grew immensely. Preuy soon WEXP had become a branch of the La Salle Media Center. The Media Center now does more than a morni og show and has done many special video projects for such segments of the school community as the Alumni and Mothers' Club and has given more attention to sports teams and clubs. A photo server was added with the new technology, so that every piclure taken,is now just a click of the mouse away. One lhing that has kept the Media Center going is its board of direclOrs. Composed of five students. each student on the board is in charge of different aspects of the Media Center. In addition. each member of the Media Center is also crucial. Ten years ago WEXP was created to keep sludems in fanned and entertained. Now. the La Salle Media Center keeps the entire La Salle community in louch with every aspect of the school. - Chris Cahill '07

1.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.1111111 Standing from Right: Chris Harvey. Evan Regan-Levine, John Phillips, Tim Whilenberg, D.J. Walsh, Andrew Capizzi, John Stumpo, Kevin O'Neill, Chris Cahill, Kevin Burke, Malt While, Joe Cipolla, Ryan Kaln, and Jim While. Seated: lach Gilmore, Rob Slott, and Steve Dean.

:& _ _ La Salle College High School

The WEXP crew review a feature for the show. Frank Farrell on the mike: Check-check

Far left: Chris Cahill taking care of business in the Media Center. lach Gilmnore, Floor DIrector, helps get the camera guys ready lor the show.

111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111 "board 01 the media center" Matt Sinnott, Kevin Burke, Chris Cahill, Evan Regan-Lopez, and Frank Farrell

La Salle College High School 1 4 5

Chez is a little too obsessed WIItI himself.


memories are made here

yearbook """"""'"

Yearbook members: Nd<_.""~ lombard, Max Luce, Anthony Mirabile,

--. Anthony Kent


11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.1111111 senior l.earbook members

Eric SChoeffling, Anthony Phillips, Ktis Ostopchuk, Ed Guarrlerl, Andrew Ventresca, Bill Masturzo, and AIairt Borvly

1 . . & La Salle (oll"ge High School

Yeartlook freak = Braden Bonner

Ed Guarrieri and Kevin Dicciani laughing at some old yearbook photos of teachers. Chez snowing Ed Guarrieri which photo of himself he wants in the yearbook.

Ed Guarneri working...

While Chez is sleeping...

La Salle College High School 1 4 7

Mr. Sigmund in his second home, the server room.

Jon Vettori fixing problems on the servers.




LA SAl ( . f ( ;.


Steve Dean, Andrew Clay, COlin Haley, and Braden Bonner wOrking to keep the schools network up and running.

1 4 & La Salle College High School

Mr. Sigmund lelling the lab Managers abOut his days as acrew coach.

When Ed is nol in yearbook, he is busy fixing


fixine a ~rob

em the tech way



Mr. Sigmund and Ed G. are

always woOOng 10 make the tech program at La salle beller.

"Let's hope everything still works guys:

111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111 head lab managers From left: Andrew Clay, Kris Ostopchuck, Ed Guarneri, Peter Sigmund, Jim Kerek, Braden Bonner, Francis Rodgers

La Salle College High School 1 4 9

Right A needed rest In the lodge for these guys. Below: Mr. Miller contemplating challenging Oooble Oiamood!

Above: The majestic slopes Right: These guys look ready lor some skiing!


Chaperones enjoy the slopes too!

1 5 0 La Salle College High School

It all begins here!

1_ •



• racing


slopes of sugarbush

ski club

111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111 sid club

La Salle College High SChool 1 5 1

enhancing our education throuRh divers. y

african-american student leadership Basil Nation offers his help

and advice to the underdassmen

aSalle's former VicePresident, Mr. Michael O'Toole. along with several alumni. established the African American Student Leadership Group in 2002. The purpose of the group is to promote social and cultural aware路 ness and foster diversity within


La Salle for the explicit purpose

of improving community relations. This year the AASLG has played a pivotal role in improving La Salle's diversity through ils continuous work with La Salle's Director of Mullicultural affairs. Mr. Joseph Parisi. The hope is to recruit talented, motivated. and contributing ethnically diverse and lower income students to La Salle. The group believes that a diverse student body wilt enhance educational discussions in the classroom, create a microcosm of our world, and honor St. John the Baptist de La Salle's mission for his schools. Every fall the group has a luncheon and a banquet in the spring that serves as an opponunity for the students to discuss various diversity matters while additionally providing an outlet for the students 10 meet with pasl African American alumni. In addition, La Salle graduates thirteen African American students this year, the largest graduating class of color in La Salle's history. With the continued persistence of the students as well as the outstanding suppon of Mr. Parisi, Mr, Joseph Marchese. and Brother Richard Kestler. the group will surely achieve its mission. - Anthony Philips '06

1.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.1111111 seniors George Hudson. laMar Stewart, L.G. Gattison, Jared Carter, and Jon lester enjoy lunch together.

1 5 2 La Salle College High School

Alum TIm Richards returns to La Salle as Mr. Marchese's bodyguard.

Bro. Richard poses with Christian Carey

Julian Tucker and Antoine Albert enjoy the time together.


Every one pays attention when TIm Richards speaks.

Mr. Parisi, Director of Multi-Cultural AJfaIrs, speaks at the annual AfricanAmencan Student luncheon

La Salle College High School 1 5 3

for this team it's all in the strategy

chess Far_ M!" John Keir pnMdes 8 wealth

ai_for the chess learn Mike Mele readies himself lor a




The Chess team competes against varioos schools in Philadelphia.

1 5 . l a Salle College High School

staying after

school to

play games Evan Clauss and Anthony

Wiltkowski enjoy the Game Cube!



extreme gaming club Front Evan Clauss, Anthony Wrtiowskl. Back: Joe Rim, Brendan Rsher, Sieve Dean, Pat lenahen, Roy Kaiser, VIctor Allegretti, Ryan Corker. Colin Abbott. ana Mr. Hartey; Moderator.

111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111 chess team sealed: MauJik Palel and casey Jones.


StaMmg: Coaches Mr. Kelf and Mr. Keenan, Graham Keir, Ryan McDevItt, Mike MeIe, No Pederson, and Ian Per-

era. Missang: Nate Meym.

La Salle College High School 1 5 5

multi-cultural club Drew Ciammetti, Jim Thomas, John Dilulio, Antoine Albert, Kyle Voight, Alllhony Phillips, Basil Nation, Jaque Whambush, and Dan Marchese

celtic club Sean Montgomery, Tom Casella, Nick Dreher, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Jack Malone, and Stelan LewandowskI. Sealed: Dr. Rosina Ryan (Moderator).

history club Front Row: Jacque Whaumbush, Ryan Huber. Back Row: Mike Gelio, Matt Riffe, Rob Ebbel;ke, and Mike Venafra.

:1.5& La Salle College High School

SADD Front Row: Rob Ebbecke, Chris Barr, Steve McGorry. and Kevin Murphy. Back Row: Ryan Huber, Vince Rizzuto. Mike Venafra, Andrew Ventresca, and Nick Wnghl

wislerian Kelly lombard, Colrn Conway. Sieve Dean, Mr. lynch, Chris Wogan, Matt Slone, and Jim WMe.

gazebo Robert Chapman-Smith, John lees, Sean Moloney, Joe Hughes, and Tom


La Salle College High School 1 5 7

Bob Toner and Bnan Kennedy enjoy a walk on the paths of MaJvem

Fr. ..-.

Tooy has Kalros liWrgy in the great

Fr. Bernie Farley sharilg his sto-y dIKing Kairos


Kairos leaders: Pal Ae9an, Pete Gebert. Matt Kruc, Bill Warrender, Kevin McNamera, Andrew Gleason, and Barry Bnldy

115& La Salle College High School

Alex Clark jams wtule Bob McCullough waits lor his time to Sing hIS song!


s a student enters La Salle as a freshmen he begins 10 hear

about cenain experiences he will ha\'c

during his lime at the school.

One of those experiences is Kairos. Kairos is a three day spiritual retreat that seniors attend throughoullhc year. For lhe three years before he becomes a senior.

a student asks himself questions about Kairos. Why dothe seniors love il? How can it be a life changing experience? These are questions thai can only be answered by the from his experience on kairos. Kairos is different for everyone and can only be truly understood when a slUdent completes it for himself. II is

more than jusllhree days ofT from school. It is a way to grow closer (0 classmates and friends but. morc imponantly. (0 develop a beller relationship with God. Kairos gives the studenllhe ability 10 lake a break from the craziness of senior year and to e:tamine his life. It allows him to examine relationships and the past and to think about his future. Kairos is an unbelievable experience that one can never truly understand until he has experienced it for himself. The seniors of La Salle's class of2006 are graleful for Mr. Clark

and Mr. Devlin for the work they put into the Kairos retreats. Many students who have experi· enced Kairos describe it as "in· credible" and "something I will never forge':' What will Kairos be for you? This is a question only you can answer when you experience it for yourself. So if you haven', been on Kairos. you have something to look forward to senior year. And for those of you have experienced it, always remember to live the 4th! - Matt Sinnott '06

seniors have a spiritual • experience of a lifetime

kairos On Kalres there is no rest for the sleepy!

11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111 Mr. Gill's small group on Kalros: Mike Wojick, Basil Nation, Dave Roynan (student leader), Pele Gebert, Mike Kelly, and Sean Mcl..aughlin

La Salle College High School 1 5 &

Far lett: Super Fan makes a special appearance on Kairos 37-48 lett: Bill Warrendef and Ryan Creter have

agreat time 00

"'"... Far RIght Jimmy Sinnott eurtem路 ",teshow messed up he is

on """'" Coad1 Rad~ group on Kairos 37-48


11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.11111.1111111 Kairoa 37-45 September 20-23, 2005

1 8 0 La Salle College HIgh School

Kairos 37-46 October 25-28, 2005

Kairos 37-47 November 29路 Oecember 2, 2005

Kairos 37-48 January 31 - February 3, 2006

La Salle College High School 1&1


From year to year in the La Salle sports programs while much stays the same, there is usually a degree of change that occurs. New star players replace graduated seniors, New coaches influence their teams as players move from freshman to junior varsity or even to varsity level performance. There are new challenges to win titles or break long standing records. Playoffs and championships are there to be won and lost.

This year celebrated the revival of La Salle football, PCL titles in cross-country, soccer, and swimming and the defense of titles in lacrosse, baseball, golf and tennis. The year also brought about change that signaled the end of the 38 year coaching career of La Salle's all-time winning football coach, Mr. Joseph Colistra who closed out his illustrious career with a tbrilling 14-13 Thanksgiving Day victory of St. Joseph's Prep. Above all, the hard work and dedication that is instilled into our athletes by coaches, moderators, teammates, peers, and parents provide life-long lessons in teamwork and leadership. PCL championships are only a brief moment in time, but the change that occurs in each athlete through the dedication and pride of being a part of the tradition of La Salle athletics, lasts a lifetime.

:LG2 La Salle College High School

La Salle College High School :LGa

The seniors after Dilating 51. Joe's Prep.

Alain Bonny Striking a pose.



has been a very

special year tor our team and I am proud of these

young men an<l what they accomplished~

Coach COI~tra

OB John Harrison eyeing up his receiver,

.......... Chris Ashley on the run,




W· ..... W· . . .

GIrmIRtIMt. AcadIalJ' W-47-7

IIDI1tt .1.1 CdIlIIIc


W· . . .



ILL• • • a.-


St. .......... Prep


Aid....:op Ry8II


....... -


Aictdltll:op Ryen

W· ....

....... .-

St. ............ Prep

200Sla Salle Explorer fooltlall Team.

:l.G4la Salle College High School




AReturn to Glory on the Gridiron Coach Joe Colistrnled the 2005 Explorers to a successful 9-4

lime 14路13 Thanksgiving Day en<!路 ing a seven year winless streak.

Schoeming. Matt Ihlein. and Jerry

record while breaking the school record for the mOSI wins by a foot-

La Salle's defense was among the beSt in the competitive Catholic

ball coach. The Explorers camed a

League Red led by Seniors George Hudson. Joe Tubolino, Jeff Liberatore. Kevin Ulrich. and Greg Crone. Qnlhe offensive side of the

Many underclassman played significant roles in shaping the oulcome of the 2005 season among Ihcm, Chris Ashley (RB), Jack Forster (WR/DB), John Hamson (QB). and John McBumie(DL), The 2005 Foot:ba11Team will 301ways have fond memories of lhe season and e,'eryone associllied with the program will never be ror-

spot in the Catholic League Red

Playoffs :Uld beal Archbishop Ryan in the fin.1 round 28-3. Although the dream of a championship ended with a loss (0 Cardinal O'Hara. the Explorers displayed their leam ....'Olio:: and detennination

when they conquered the nationally ranked SI. Joe's Hawks in over-

ball. Jim Gehringer. Brad Caglia.

Clark Hodge5Ol1. and Tom Prokop opened up holes for Mike Padgcoo. Chris Agnew and Alain Bonny. Hauling in catches were Drew



Wilkins. Rick Cosgrove. Eric

- Eric Schoeming '06

Coach Oom preaching the word.

Jack Forster on an Interception againstlhe Prep.

La Salle College High School :L&5

18 George Hudson IookJng bad as


.. _ _ br..........

GeorgeH'-' and SCott Waters

making a joint ladde.

RB Chis Ashley ready to tum oul a long


1 & & La Salle College High School

La Salle's Defense blowing up the play while Jack Forster looks on In delight

Mike Donohoe, Jim Conelly, Tyler Houchins, and Kevin Farrington headlO!l

out tca-the c:ointoss.

Coach Rad ra!IyIog the troops.

The Defense came ready to play.

Mike Donohoe on his way 10 the endzone.

The Defense all lined up and ready to go.

La Salle College High School 1&"7

Our Fancy Footwork Was the Key to aChampionship Season No one needs 10 tell the LaSalle 2005 PCl Championship Soccer learn that the road to a championship is ever easy. The Explorers learned firsthand cll.aclly how difficull it was 10 be a champion. bot in the end it was all \Ooorth il.

After a slow start to the season that included three straight lies

and two loses it seemed doubtful that the Explorers would be playing in November. It was at this point Ihal learn leaders felt the

need to addres!'i problems with comrnunic:nion on and off the field. With their problems behind them. and things beginning to change for the bellCr. the learn finished the regular 'icason un路 beaten and never looked back in the playoffs defeating Father Judge. Roman Catholic. and Archbishop Wood in the pel Championship game. Much of the learn's success is llttributed 10 the strong defensi....e play of Chris

Four Wood defenders were no match for Colin Baker.

JlIliOr Matt McCaffery serves a perfect bal.

Greg Walczak shows off the hardware.

:aoe La Salle College High School

Todd, Chris BaIT. Brian Mc路 ~13nus. Greg Dusing. Shane Kelly. and Greg Walczal.. LaSalle's highpower offense was ted by Cohn Whalen, Man McCaffery. Mike Villari, and Colin Baker. Baker scored 30 goals in the season including two in the championship game. Contribution~ from seniors Joe Fluehr and Brian Sacchena werecruciat dur路 ing the Explorers championship

ruo. . Andrew Ventresca '06

Senior Mike Villari dominates opponents with his super natural speed.

Junior Colin Whalen just plays with his defender.

"Good""'" we able III

lMlItOIIIll-.., ond lind a way 10 w1n.11IIInk we proved Ihat 1lIIs year."

Coadl_ I


Defender Shane Kelly keeps the ball clear from danger.

-- ..., ---....

Cu. . . . . ....,


• ~1. .-1-1

..... T· ...


T· ...



..... --...- ..... ..... CIr*IIIDM ... 'tV

ArtWIIIaf ....







"Un'lt.lI ....

Whalen looks to play another perlect ball.




, aJIt

.-M W·1-1

2006 Catholic league Champions: Coach Tom Mccaffery, Ryan McDevitt, Wayne

Grasela. Andrew Ventresca, Kevin Mur· phy, Evan McGillen, Billy Keenan, Bob Manullo, Joe Fluenr, Vince Rizzuto, Matt Mccaffery, Shane Kelly. Brian sacchela, Chris Barr, Hilario Romero, Colin Whalen, Mike Villari, Sieve Costanza, Tom Smart, Chris Todd, Mark Milligan. Brian McManus, Greg Dusing, Greg Walczak, Chad Kurylo, Nick lanza, and Coach Peffle.

La Salle College High School 1GB

Getting ready lor the Pel Championship.

Seniors are happy their lour years of hard wort< have paid off.

No one call stop Colin Baker.

The freshman team after a big win.

1 7 0 La Salle College High School

Senior Brian Sacchetta turns the comer aganlst a Wood defender.


goes my attempt at a bicycle


"I choose you!!!"


Fut1n Pel ~-_.


Freshmen warming-up befen a game.

La Salle College High School 1 7 1

And they're off!!!!!!!!

Senior Bob McCullough sprints for the finish line.

"111e ~ came 1IlgeIhor extemeIy hanl.

and _

Our_ - . brought US 10 IIle next level. Coach Devine Senior members of the Cross-Country team: John Campbell, Bob McCUllough, Pat Regan, Pat Costello, Sean casey, Pat Jeffers, and Brendan Beichert.

Pal Regan chugs along.

Members of the Varsity Cross-Country team: Coach Bielecki, Freshman Phil Wood, Coach Demeter, Junior Ed Bonnevie, Sophomore Dan lowery, Junior Tim Heck, Seniors Bob McCullough, Sean Casey, and Pat Jeffers, Junior Steve Dorsey, and Head Coach Devine.

:-'72 La Salle College High School

Powerful Determination Helps Run to Another Championship The 2005 cross country entered the season without many changes from last year's champi-

McCullough. Steve Dorsey. Dan Lowry. and Sean Casey. Pal Jeffcrscamcd all-stale honors as .... ell

onship tcam. The team returned Pal Jeffers. Bob McCullough. Tim Heck. Sean Casey and Eddie Bonnevie all of which ran varsity last

as being the PA Stale Prep Champ. in a meet and course record lime. Catholic League Champs began with an excellent perfonn-

year. The team continued their

ance by the freshmen finishing

reign as PA Siale Prep Champs by

2nd. led by Sean McCullough. Pal

defeating Malvern Prep and all-

Donnelly. Bobby Long. Brian Callahan and Jesse Fields. Not 10

stale honors were given out to Bob The len-~ke, contemplative, guru of La Salle rumers: Coach Pal Devine.

lei anyone down the Junior Varsity did their job and three-pealed. led by junior Colin Barrett. sen-

iors John Campbell. Pat Costello. and Pat Regan. along with sophomore Tom BuoncriSliano. In the varsily rJ.ce. seniors Bob McCullough (2nd). Pat Jcffers (5Ih), Scan Casey (8th), and Slcve Dorsey (14Ih). along wilh sophomore Dan Lowry (6Ih) pUI all 5 of La Salle's scoring runners in Ihe lOp 15. The other top perfonncrs in Ihe race were freshmen sensa-

tion Phil Wood (2200). TIm Hecl: (26Ih) and Eddie Bonnevie (40th). - Bob McCullough '06

Taking it the SIghts at Belmont Plateau while off on a Irttle jog.

Brendan Beichert focused on the race at hand.

TIm Hedl: leads by example!

La Salle College High School :-'73

Pat Jeffers- guts and gIofy!!!

Frosh Jesse AeIds nmlll' hard!

Casey leads ... pad< II1rough ... WOOCIS at PA Prep


This is the sight laSalle's opponents atll most lamiliarwith, lralling behind the II

team In the catholic league.

:L7 . . la Salle College High School

Sophomore Mati Smeltzer giving it his


Junior Greg LaFata decldes to begin raeing cars instead of people!

Jesse lOoking COOl in thai ClaSh for the finish.

2oo5.N Catholic league Champs!!!

freshman Dan Fraiameco Intimidating his foes!!!

2005la Salle Cross-CountryTeatn.

La Salle College High School 1 7 5

Experience Continues to Build for aWinner in the Water The LaSalle water polo learn has g~ largely unnoticed. Thai was unlil this year. The season started off roughly with frustrating losses to Haverford and Penn Chaner llnd narrow WIOS ov'cr Upper Merion and Friends Cen-

lral. Injuries plagued the learn and twO heanbrealing ovenime losses 10 Malvern Prep. but a win at Friends Central the following week brought newly restored confidence for the Eastern B Division Championship al Haver-

fOTcl. An easy victory over the Hun school brought on the number one ranked 51. Joseph's of

Baltimore. An eleenic almosphere and a STunning victory o\'cr St. Joe's brought LaSalle to the championship match agamst 51.

Benedict's. St. Benedicl's was quickly surpassed by the strength and stamina of the Explorers both on offense and defense. Following the tournament. the Explorer water polo learn had an explosive amount of confidence

5enicN" leaders of the 2005 Watllf Polo learn: Ben Dearden, Chris Dnscoll, Paul BonnevIe, and Eric Prendergast.

-caddIeS welcome today 11¡" :15.-

Ene Prenc\efgast stopping everytfllflg that comes his w;ry

:-'7& La Salle College High School

going into the final game of Ihe season al Episcopal Academy. LaSalle foughl hard to hold off Episcopal and defeal lheir first Inter-Ac team. TIle slaning varsity. which Included Chris Driscoll. Eric Prendergast. Paul Bonnevie. Greg Woods. John Holt Brian Jeffers. and Ben Dearden. played the best game of their careers 10 bring the LaSalle water polo pr0gram to a whole new level of compelillon. • Eric Prendergast '06

"Now what did coach want me to do with this?"




Guys having some fun in the pool.


2005la salle Water Polo team: Top Row: Coach Duncheskie, John Holt, Connor Cunningham ,Ben Dearden, Eric Prendergast, Brendan Wills, Greg Woods, Chris Oriscoll, Coach Tate: Secood Row: Brian Jeffers, JJ Houldin, Paul Bonnevie, Mike Fazio, Orew Palazzo; Third Row: Ben Ditraneo, Kyle Rnlay, Mike McGee, James Mahoney, Ian Smith, WlII Oearden; InPool: Connor BraCken, Tcd Walker.

Connor Cunningham trying to stay afloat.

The team bonding in the outdoor pool.

La Salle College High School :-'77

The Maxwell cheering section.

senIor players: Tyrell Marshall, Doug Maxwell, BIlIWarrender, Bill Keenan, and Matt Greenfield,

let's see who wants it more!

Varsity head coach Mr. Dempsey leads the Explorers,

:-'7& La Salle College High School

,..and Doug deliversl

Hard Work and Determination Leads La Salle into aBright Future Head coach, Mr. Joseph Dempsey. led this varsity basketball learn into a continued rebuilding season. The squad had a lough preseason schedule. play-

lain) and Tyrell Marshall. led the Explorers on lhe court with the help from several underclassmen. The other semors. Doug Maxwell. Matt Greenfield (co-

ing against notable. ranked learns

captain). and Billy Keenan, con-

such as AbinglOn Friends. Germantown Academy. Penn Charter and $1. Joe's Prep. As the regular season ap-

tributed valuable minutes and helped players to gel better. Sophomore All-Catholic. Clny Penacale. quickly became the "go-Io-guy" leading the Explorers in points per game. Other key contributors included Anthony

proached. the team began (0 play extremely well together. Two seniors, Bill Warrender (co-cap-

Acie-Davis. Joe Migliarese. TJ. Brown, Greg Dusing. With two season ending injuries to vital players. Sean Benz illld Mike Tapley, the team quickly came together to prepare for the rest of the season. The Explorers Slaned off the tough Philadelphia Catholic League season with a record of 2-0 and had numerous close games with opposing tcams. A highlight of the 2006 season was a spectacular gnme in which

the Explorers gave the Northern Division Champion. Cardinal Dougherty learn their first loss during the regular season. The Ln Salle Explorers engaged in a great and competitive season and, even though they fell shon of the playoffs. they becnme better players as the season went on. With a continued innux of new talent. Ihe future of La Salle basketbal1 looks bright. • Bill Keenan '06

lJ. Brown working to gel open.

Tyrell Marshall and Greg Dusing gel the word from coach.

left: Bill Warrender puts up a Ire.

La Salle College High School :-'7&

Righl:ArmOfld RhOfle lade away jumperl

0- UP!!!

Below: B.J. Rtzgerald shaken-bake

Coach Donohoe makes sure the guys understand the next play.

1 & 0 La Salle College High School

Keith Shepard with a lay up.

Matt Teesdale drawing the double leam

Coach Brown gets the Freshmen reatly.

Mike Oooohoe does his best Jordan Im-


Jim Connolly keeping an eye on the ball.

freShman Team: Front Tucker Carr, Rasheed Wilkins, Josh Houser, Brendan Duffy, Mike Donohoe. and Mike Cassidy. Back: JIm Connolly, Jake HostranOer, Todd Stokely, Tom Maher. Ty\efFreeman, Alex Byrne, Matt TeesdaIe, Tom Cooney, and Aaron McCoy.

La Salle College High School:a.B:a.

Our Fancy Moves led to aReturn to PCl Championship Match This past season marked cooch Vic Stanley's second as head coach of the Explorers. and for the second year in a row. the team made it all the way to the Catholic

League finals. losing to Northeast Catholic. In addition to its fine

league performance. the team look second in the PeL Lndividuals, the La Salle Invllaliona\, and the New Hope-Solebury Classic.

While the team says good-bye to five varsity wrestler's. the future looks bright as nine varsity wrestlers return for next year. and over fony more are in the pipeline. 1lle team was led to many victories last season by captains. ConnorTatlow. Kevin Klohe, Ben Courtney, Steve Ullrich, and Rob StOll, not to mention lop-notch coaching by Coach Slanley and

Freshman John McGinley gives opponents a preview of what to expect the neKt four years.

Rob Stott puts a huron' on his foe!

AAother victory for Ben Courtney!

1 & 2 La Salle College High School

his assistant. Anthony Panzarella. For the season. La Salle had nine All-Catholic performers: freshmen John McGinley and Ryan Corkery, sophomore Malt Mooney. juniors Mike Reber. John Whitham. Kevin Klohe. and

Andrew Furlong. and senior Sieve Ullrich. Klohe. Ullrich. and Ben Courtney placed al States and all qualified for Nationals.

While the seniors provided valuable leadership for the team, talenled freshman and sophomore classes should k.eep the program rolling, and the juniors are poised to provide the leadership. Congratulations to the whole learn and especially to the seniors. • Ben Courtney '07

Coach Vic gives some final instructions to Cole before his match.

let's get ready to rumble!

Kevin KIohe shows in these two pictures hOw to mangle an opponent.

La Salle Wrestlers: Bottom Row' Rob Stott, Ben Courtney, KeVin K1ohe, aocl Steve~. Second Row: Andrew Barrel, Andrew Hesson, Mike Fu1ong, Colin canny, Jack Rush, sean Herbert, Mike Femno, and Pat Driscoll. Third Row' Brendan TOOlan, Tom Dugan, John Walsh, Julian Tucker, Matt Mooney, Kyle OigicObe, James Cunningham, Matt Singer, Harvey SChmidt, JOhn Borrell, Dan luque, and Justin Price. Fourth Row: Coach Brokenshlre, Phil Hopkins, Harry forst, J.A. Hull, John McGlnly, Mike Reber, John Whitam, Mike CrOBSdale, Andrew furlong, Ryan Cor1l.ery, Jon Rementer, Cole Johanson, Andrew O'Adona, Eric Rheale, Dylan Johnson, Tom Cleary, and Coach Stanley

La Salle College High School 1 & 3

The Boys of Winter Skating to aStrong Season !-Iard work is what La Salle Ice Hockey is all about and that means working hard for the long

seven month season. The learn practices and works oul three times per week along with a heavy game schedule. Overcom-

ing the demanding physical requirement resulted in the team's extremely successful season. In the early days of September the tcam looked very young but talented led by two strong seniors.

John Williams and Nick Wright.

The team welcomed many new, young faces. Despite the lack of experience. the La Salle team still

had a superb chance of reaching the Flyer's Cup Championship

and even the Pennsylvania State Championship. The season started with great victories in early games against teams such as DeMatha. Ryan, and the Hill SchooL The team had an up and down middle of the sea-

La Salle hOCkey is about fighting for the loose puck. John Williams ready for the face-off!


- - =. - - =

Senior Photo: Front: Kevin McNamara, John Williams. Middle: Stephen Rodgers, Mike Farrington, Jim Sinnott, Nick TeUfel, Terry Riley, Rich DiPiero. Back: Christian !annarone, Josh Griffith. Nick Wright, Max Morgan, Joe Horgan, Matt Sinl"lOtt.

:L• • La Salle College High School

son. winning big games and tying olhers, but fought through it and gOI back 011 the top. The team entered Ihe Ice Line Chrislmas Tournament in West Chester and had a great run at the championship, making it to the semi-finals bUI suffering a heanbreaking, shootoul loss to SI. Mary's who went on to win it aiL In Mid-January the La Explorers took a long bus ride 10 Meadville, Pennsylvania for Ihe Meadville Invitational

Toumamelll. The Explorers made it to the championship game losing another heartbreaker to our rivals from Western Pennsylvania, Mount Lebanon. The team endured an extremely successful season with a great chance 10 win the Aycr's Cup and Pennsylvania Slate Championships. The season has forged friendships and great memories lhal willlaSI forever. ·Nick Wright '06


La salle AM Varsity ready 10 gel il on! Vic Marques just wants to cross check someone!

"I am so proud of 10M hanl tile learnS played thnlughout tile SOlIIIOIl. and ngIm great hope tor tile future at

La 5aIIe hockey " Coach Muehlbronner

Varsity AM 05·06 Front: Ross Denczi, Kyle ZoldY, Christian Baron, Dan Pyne, Victor Marques, Tom Minion, Mike Martinelli. Back: Coach Haggerty, Eric Mclaughlin, Rich Evan, Adam Berkle, Chris Higgins, John

Williams, Nick Wright. Andy Henrich, Frank CaSSidy, Chris Corby, Coach Brittingham, Stephan Gigliotti, Coach lipski, Coach Muehlbronner. Best wishes to Seniors John Williams and Nick Wright and many thanks for your commitment to La Salle Hockey.

Varsity M 05-06 Front: Josh Griffith. Taylor Brauns, Coach NoJan, Moira Nolan, Coach Brittingham, Coach Haggerty, Mike Klenk, Christian lannarone. Middle: Nick Palcella, Josh Chubb, Kevin Me Namara, Max Morgan, Matt Sinnott, Terry Riley, Kevin Riley, Joe Horgan, Rob Farley. Back: Mike Farrington, Paul lewis, Stephen Rodgers, Jim Sinnott, Sean london, Richard 01 Piero.

La Salle College High School


Chris Higgins searches out his next victim!


Junior Varsity Ak Front: Chris Wolf, Man Kohler, Brendan Eddy, Man McGovern, Tom Shiels, Nick Pedersen, Mike Cline, Ryan Smalley, John Delucca. Back: Nick Carboni, Coach Marinari, Mike Oliver, Tony DePaul, Colln McCreery, Christian Crawford, sam Flashner, Nick D'Aleandro, Mike Roche, Team Manager Joe Roche, Austin Brauns, Mike Fabiszewski, Mike Erickson, Coach Patcella.

Varsity A: Front Matt O'Brien, Gino Angeloni, Brent Nesbitt, Remy lynn, Brad Hollingsworth, Nick Golden, Mike Antoni, Ryan Tyson. Middle: Coach Fyke, Mike Rongione, Mike Schaeffl!f', Colin Miller, TJ Laessig, Alex Pascal, Kevin Seybert, Bill Holden, Coach SChaeffer, Coach Muehlbronner. Back: Coach laessig, Adam SChmidt, Pat Gallagher, Ryan Counihan, Man Merenich, Tom Krulikowsld.

1&& La Salle College High School

, ..

... ..;:;:-

Dan Pyne eagle eyes the actionl

Kevin Riley with amighty wrist shot!

La Salle roughing up the opposition in front of the net!

Coach Wally getting the A team ready 10 play.

Adam SChmidt eyes up the pucK!

Pumped uP lor the playoffs!

La Salle College High School ..8 7

Track Team Heads Indoors for More Competition As the cold arrived. the La Salle track and field team donned

jumped to new heights (pun intended). Aimosl every Saturday the La Salle team headed out to Lehigh. Haverford, Ursinus. or Glen Mills 10 compete in different events in the weekly "association meets" held by the Pennsylvanin Track and Field Coaches Associalion placing in the lOp three in some of these competitive events week in and out. Top perfonners included Freshmen Ryan Patrick and Phil Wood. Sophomores Dan

their gloves. hats. sweatshirts, and much morc to brave the oncoming wimer. The distance runners hit the roads and the bridal path along the Wissahickon, the sprinters and hurdlers headed Qut 10 the tr.lck for some speed work.

and Ihe throwers and jumpers made their way to the sand pits. The long and bitter hours of hard work paid off however. ;IS individuals and relays ran. threw, and

Tom Baar gets ready to loss the shot put.

Tim Heck and Pat Jeffers finish strong,

Sean Casey takes off!

:L. . . . La Salle College High School

Lowry and Anthony Kent, Ju~ niors Tim Heck, Colin Barrel. Steve Dorsey. Ryan Howard. and Sean Hutchinson, and Seniors Bob McCullough, Pat Jeffers. Sean Casey. Kevin Murphy, and Rick Cosgrove. The dedication displayed by the athletes of the track team brought them much success during the indoor track season. - Pat Jeffers '06

Dan Lowery gets a pep talk from Coaches Devine and Devlin

Matt Howard ready...set..

Distance guys: D~ Lowery, sean casey, Phil WOOd, and Colin Barrett

Anthony Kef'll gets a chance 10 study results from his races.

The 4 x 200 Relay team: Kevltl Murptly, sean Hutcllenson, Ryan Patrick., and Matt Howard

La Salle College High School1Se

400 free relay champs: John Holt. Eric PenOeigast. TedWalker,inl Ben Dtmten

Coach Frank holds up his 18th Pel DlamptOf'lS/llp

_ don' _Ill 1110I good III IWlm f88t.

Cooch I.JcI1In8r

Blaise Szysko plows ahead!

Gallagher ready to go!

Senior SWimmers: Chris Driscoll, Paul Bonoevle, Ben Dearden, Tom WinnIng, and Eric Prendergast hOld their fourth Pel liUe.

:aDO La Salle College High School

The Dynasty Powers On and Gears Up for More Success in the Future The 2005路2006 swimming season showed signs that the La Salle swim team has regained its dominant form aftcr a year of rebuilding. MenIal and physical toughness were qualities Coach Frank Lichtner would remind the lcam about during 6: 15 morning and Christmas workouts. The learn acccJXed lhis challenge with dedicalion and commitmenl. and their hard-work clearly paid off with bIg wins ovcr elite learns

Loyola of Maryland. Saint Joseph's Metuchen. and Malvcm

Prep. With the support of assistant coaches Steve Duncheskic. Jim TalC. Dennis Bloh. moderator Gerry MiJlerand super-fan F:llhcr Anthony Janton. the lcam went into the biggest mect of season. the Easlcms. and came out with an impressive 51h Place finish. As a resull of the counlless hours of lime spenl together in the pool. the team became very

close. and Senior Co-Captains Eric Prendergast and Ben Dear路 den. as well as other seniors Chris Driscoll. Tom Winning. :llld Paul Bonnevie provided important leadership. The team also had major contributions from juniors Garrell Gallagher. Brian Jeffers. John Holt. Vince LevilO, and Brendan Wills. sophomores Todd Domanski and Greg Woods. and Freshman Ted Walker. Chris Foley, Blase Szyszko. and Mike

McGee all of whom did well at Eastcms. The learn also had yet another dominant pcrfonnance at peL's, winning the event for lhe 18lh Conseculive year. Next year's talented returning team will cer1ainly look back on this season as a reminder of the hard-"'ork and dedication thaI has led to success. - U. Houldin '08

Garrett Gallagher with his buddy Coach Bloh

Coach Ouncheskie shares his pride in FrO$h Mike McGee

Coaches UChtnef and Tate~ wiOOlng puts asmile on your lace.

La Salle College High School 1 9 1

ChrIs Onscoll anchonng the 200 treestyte relay

GaneIt GaJOgher ready to< Ole 200


Brian Jeffers checking out his time in the 500.

JamesMahoneyandAndrewSpeeserelaKing between races.

200 free relay champs; Ted Walker, Brendan Wills, Chris Driscoll, and Gar-

rett Gallagher.

:a02 La Salle College High School

Greg Woods, Paul McGee, and James Mahoney taking in the Pel's

Ed Bonnevie, Ian Smith, Ted Walker. and Cooor Bracheo • THUMBS UP!!!

18 years in a row and counting Pel Champs La salle Explorer Swimmll'lg

Freshman Ian Smith proud of his bme.

Juniof Conor Dougherty launches al the end ollhe medley relay.

La Salle College High School 1 & 3

La Salle Bowling Strikes Out on Their Opponents The 2005路2006 bowling learn

wem one step beyond the accomplishments of last year's learn. Overall. the learn posted a winning record. highlighted by winning lhe Hohday Tournament at Thunderbird Lanes in Willo.... Grmc. This year's \'arsity team consisted of seniors Will Philips and Jonathan Leshner. Juniors Anthony Adams and Mik.e Fazio

and sophomore Kelvin Lam. 1be

acti\e junior varsity members ""ere senior Mall Carr. Junior Adam Coombs. sophomores John Fischer. Anthony Liberato. and John Dilulio. and freshman Mati Engle. The junior varsity learn greatly impro\'ed as Ihe season progressed while the varsity was on lop of their game all year long with many close and exciting matches. The learn made it 10 the first round of the playoffs. only 10

Team rallymg upl

Jon Lesmer ready to let lOOSe!

Kelvin Lam Sbikes a pose!

194.la Salle College High School

lose to Archbishop Wood In a great match. Overall. the year was filled wilh many exciting moments. Most notable among the memories are Mall Carr and his "THE FAZl" chants after Mike Fazio would bowl a strike or pick. up a spare. and Jon Leshner's outbursts which pumped the tearn up before and during every match. Both teams - varsity and junior

varsity- played ""ell and look forward to great thmgs '" the years to co~, despite the departure of three senior bowle~ Will Philips, Jonalhan Leshner and Man Carr. Cooch Steve Faunce's po:<>itive insights and bowling tips greatly helped the leam during the course of the year. Looking forward. next year's bowling season should be one of La Salle's best. Anthony LiberalO '08 4

Will Phlllips powers up!

La Salle strikes em' out!

senior Bowlers: Matt Carr, Jon leShner, and Will Phillips

Anthony Adams Iookin' for the sPare.

Explorer Bowting Team: Front Row: Anthony liberato, Mati Engle, Christian Carey, John FISher, KelVin lam. Middle Row: Mike Fazio, Adam Coombs, Kellen O'Neill, Will Phitllps, Jon leshner. Back Row: John Dilulio, Mati Carr, Dan Galante, Tim Mondimore,lees, Dan Erhard, Anthony Adams, Not pictured: Coach Faunce, Ryan Murphy.

La Salle College High School 1 9 5

AYear Full of Surprises, Success) and Hope For Outdoor Track La Salle's Outdoor Track and

Field team experienced a year full of surprises and success. Fresh off an impressive indoor season. the track and field learn had very high hopes for the upcoming outdoor season. Leading the way for the Explorers were senior captains. Pal Jefiers and Bob McCullough. All year they provided the leaden>hip and experience that the learn needed. Also junior distance run-

ners. Steve Dorsey and George

Pinchock looked to have an Oulstanding outdoor year in the one and two mile evenls.

Throughout the outdoor season. La Salle's middle distance team had numerous weapons in-

cluding. senior Sean Casey. juniors Tim Heck and Colin Barrett. Sophomore Dan Lowry. and freshman Phil Wood. The Explorers sprinters also looked to continue their success led by senior Kevin Murphy and junior Sean HUichinson. Joining

SCott Barr, aslar in the making!

TIme to stretch and talk fOf the runners al Valley Green.

Brian Moore, one of the best javelin throwers in the country. practices for the season.

:aDe La Salle College High School

them were Matl Howard. Ryan Patrick and hurdle specialist. Greg Lafata. In the field events, junior Brian Moore looked to defend his javelin title this season. Moore was also at the top of the discus and shot-put throw as well. Not far behind Moore were Tom Barr. Eric Schoefning. Luke Barrett. and James Gehringer. On the jumping side of things. freshman Ryan Patrick was looking to have a strong first season. Also pole-

vaulters. Ryan Travers and Gerry Fillman looked to have another good season. Lasl1y. Senior Rick Cosgrove was expected to rebound from an unfortunate injury and return to the top of the league. Overall. the year was set up for success. The coaches worked the team hard. and the runners and throwers proved it this outdoor season. - Sean Casey '06

Everyone stops to watch Tom Barrthrow the shot put

Pole vaulters practicing their approach.

Hurdle drills help get the team ready lor the season!

Bob McCullough is up to something!

leading the pack through Valley Green are Coach Devlin, Dan lowery, Pat Jeflers, Bob McCullough, Coach Bielecki, and Sean Casey.

La Salle College High School 1 & 7


VB finish first in the lower SChukill Re-



.N8 getting (eady fO( some FalII1CII'Ig.

"The 108m hall _ _ IessIy oInI:e ~ and hallllle poI8fltI8/ to be one rI IIIe best In 8CI1OOI hlSIllry" Coach HoIwIcI< SenIOl" members of Crew: Cooor Crowe, Jeff Powers, Anthony Mieczkowski, Joe Hughes, IJ. Wallin, Jon Vetton, Dave '1lJsavrtz, Kevm McCort, sean Mclaughlin, Pat P1aydon, and Scott Jones.

Brian Drennan coxswain during Fall C<ew

Merr'Itltn of La Salle Crew FaU Team celebrating a su:x:esstul regatta.

1 0 & La Salle College High School

Our Tireless Dedication Begins to Show Results When Mr. Chris Holwick was named head coach of the La Salle Crew learn in August of 2003. he inhented a program that had veered from the winning tradition it had established in the mid路 nineties. At the 78th annual Stotesoory Cup Regalia of 2003. the largest scholastic race in the world. three out of four La Salle boats were eliminated in the semi-finals. Only the freshman eight advanced to the final. in which they placed sixth.

One year later, the tearn's tireless dedication finally began to show results on race day. The first medals of the spring season came from the second varsity lightweight eight and the undefeated JV single. rowed by Jim Barker. at the Catholic League Championship. A week later. lhe freshman lightweights edged out SI. Joseph's for a gold medal finish at the City Championship while Barker again placed first. The leam's success continued

at the most imponant race of the year with three out of four boats advancing to the Stotesbury fi路 nals. TIle JV eight finished si.'(th while the lightweight eight finished just under a boat-length ahead of rival St. Augustine for a bron7.e medal. Finally. the fresh路 man eight edged Rorida's Winter Park for an unbelievable silver medal finish. This year lhe lightning quick junior class returned in addition to a small but dedic:ned group of

senior leaders: COIlOr Crowe. Joe Hughes. Cole Johanson. Scott Jones. Kevin McCort. Sean Mclaughlin. Pal Playdon. Jeff Powers. Jon Vettori. TJ. Wallin. and Dave 楼usavitz. This spring will be an exciting season because La Salle now has the power, the experience and most imponantly. the altitude to re-establish the program as a dominant force in the world of scholastic rowing. - Sean McLaughlin '06

left: 2nd Ughtwelllht 8 after agreal victory Below: Pal McGann and Nigel Gross soaking up a win!

3I'd 8 Illltmo their boat in the water.

A beauttful day for a racel

La Salle College High School 1 9 9

APCl Championship is aChallenge, but One la Salle is Ready to Meet Over the pasl number of years. La Salle's VarsllY Tennis Team has consistently experienced

winning seasons. and this year's leam looked to continue that lradilion. After winmng the Catholic League Championship in 2004. the learn fell short of

their goal last year after a defeat to the cvcnlual champions from Archbishop Carroll in the semifi-

nals of the playoffs. This year's

Varsity learn set a goal of relUm-

iog the PCL Championship Tennis title to La Salle. The tennis learn returned (OOT

players from lasl year's Varsity Team. The learn was led by Senior uptain Will \Vhalon. Junior Adam Coombs. and Sophomores ate Meyers and MIke Oliver. Along with the returning Varsity players. newcomers contributing 10 the tcam included Seniors Mall

Adam Coombs gets ready for practice.

Jt.rior Anthooy Mllilbile bnrtilg the weather at the begimiog of the season. Coach GeIger QrMg a pep talk to Ryan Marcante.

2 0 0 La salle College High School

Baiocchi. Ryan Curran. and Bill MaslUrzo. along with Juniors Mark. Breen路Lopez, Tony Mirabile, and Da\'e Spinosa. The team ~as also helped by newcomer; in Sophomore Kyle Sheetz and Freshmen John Lamprecht and Ryan Marcante. The tennis team is lead by veteran coaches Mr. Bill Geiger and his assistant. Mr. Joseph Radvansky. The team faced early tests in

non-Pel matches against Penn Charter, Plymouth Whitemarsh, Holy Ghost Prep. and Springfield. La Salle's path to the PCl crown began in mid-April. as it looked to defeal rival 51. Joe's Prep as well as defending champ Carroll. Earning a PCL Championship is a challenge. buIll is one that La Salle was ready 10 meel, as It prepared to achieve its goal. - Will Whalon '06

Senior Man Baiocchi awaiting the serve.

"Okay guys, now we're going to run a power trap inside, you with me...oh, wail, it's tennis season.路 Coach Rad

Coach Bill Geiger and senior members of the temis team: Rob Ebbecke (Mgr.), Wil WhaIon, Matt Baiocchi, Bill Masturzo, and Ryan Curran

Will is ready for the season to start.

Varsity Tennis Team: Front: Dave Spinosa, Will WhaJon, Mike Oliver, Kyle Sheetz, Matt Baiocchl, Ryan

Marcante, AnttlOny Mirabile, and Coach Geiger. Back: Rob Ebbecke (Mgr.) Adam Coombs, John Austin, Ryan Curran, Bill Masturlo, Nate Meyers, and Ma~ Breen-I.ope.z

La Salle College HIgh School20:ll

La Salle Explorers begin the road 10 another Pel Ctlampionship.

Sophomore Man McGovern lookin' to chip in!

"This is going to be an excttlng year we have SO many laIll11led galle<s thalli_ill be fun to watch. Coach Jackson Senior Brendan Egan watches a perfect shot.

SeniorTom Cowhey drives for show!

senior Members of the Golf Team: Alex Muller, Barry Brady, Tom Cowhey, and Pat Cunnane Nol Pictured: Brendan Egan

2 0 2 La Salle College High School

Our Will to Win Drove Us to Victory The 2006 La Salle Golf season had much promise with four returning All-Catholics. Alex Muller and Tom Cowhey represented a strong one路two punch. along with returning seniors. Barry Brady. Brendan Egan and

new addition. senior Pat Cunnane. In addition to the seniors. the tcam had great depth from

younger players such as Kevin Turk. Rob Waitkus. and Anthony Giannetti, not to mention juniors

Reed Irwin. 2ach Spurlin. and

Phil Cassidy. and sophomores Pal Melvin. Malt McGovern. and Pat Knowles. Showing enormous potential :Ire freshmen Kevin Genuardi. Kyle Di Gia-

cobbe. Greg Palko. Brian Delaney. ,ll1d Kevin Seybert.

Spring/Easlcr break for the Go home ball! Your home is in the cup! You too good f(l( your home?!

Golftearn means travel to Myrtle Beach. Ihe best "vacation" of the

year, During this trip, the team played thiny-six holes of golf each d'ly, and began [0 unify as a team. This yearly Iripenables the [cam to become more close-knit. and the Golf team becomes more like a brotherhood. The Golf team looked forward to another fabulous season of taking on any and all Challengers under the leadership of he'ld coach, Mr. Martin Jackson and his assist.mt. Mr. David Diehl. -Barry Brady '06

Senior Barry Brady workin' that iron!

Rob Waitkus approach shot...on the green!

Sophomore Pat Melvin with perfect form.

La Salle College High School 2 0 3

Expectations Run High For aTitle Repeat The 2006 La Salle baseball

team returned six slarters from a team thai finished the 2005 season as the # I ranked learn in South-

eastern Pennsylvania. TIle Explof+ ers. under the guidance of head c0<1ch Mr. Joe Parisi, looked to repel'll a.~ champions of the Philadelphia Catholic League. The pilChing staff was led by reigning PCl ~onh MVP Mati Zielinski and featured seniors TJ. Foley, Mike Villan. and Will Phillips. and promising juniors Dan Lacon and

Joe Weitz.man. All three outfield positions were filled with returning starters as seniors Bill Warrencler (Right Field) and Sieve Ullrich (Left Field) patrolled the eorncrs while retuming lSI team Allemholic outfielder Mike Villari covered ground in center. Seniors Ryan Creler (3rd Base) and Will Phillips (Shonslop) protcclcd the left side of the infield while fellow classmates Jeff Liberatore (2nd Base) and John Knab (1st base) took care of the right side. Junior

Sean Saverio (Catcher) rounded the starting nine as he directed the pitchers from behind the plate. The junior class provided power ofl" the bench in Mati Howard and Greg Frantz. This year's highly路 experienced team was excited to return to Aorida for its second annual spring training. This year. the Explorers lraveled to Disney's Wide World of Spons and took on teams from Texas. Nonh Carolina. 11l1d Maryland from March 813. After returning from Florida. OUi

lhe team jumped into its Catholic League schedule with tough games against Conwell-Egan. Archbishop Ryall, and Father Judge. Duplicating last year"ssuccess would prove to be a lough task, but as Coach Parisi put il best in 1995 when asked if the Explorers could repeat as champions afler taking the lille in 1994, "We"re the only team that can."" - TJ. Foley "06

Jeff liberatore's looking to crush one!

Varsity Baseball Team: Front Row: Jeff Murtha, Joe Weitzman, Bill Warrender, John Knab, Man Howard. second Row: Charles Gowdy (Mgr.) Steve Ullich, Will Phillips, Dan lacon, Mike Martinelli, Frank Pierson, Greg Frantz, Kevin O'Connell (Mgr.) and IJ. Foley. Top Row: Mike Villari, Frank Delucia, Sean Saverio. Jeff Liberatore, Jared carter, Ryan Creter, Mati Zielinski, and Micky ~What have ya done to Mickey!"

IJ. Foley and the team ready for some Florida Baseball.

2 0 4 La Salle College High School

Bill Warrender waits on his pilch.

Jared Carter showing off that sweet swing!

MBased on our success in 2005 and how hard the returning players worIUJd in he off season our expectations

tor 2006 seasoo are h~h,路 Coach Parisi

Mike Villari throwin' some gas!

sean saverio: BackstoP!

Far Right: Coach Quinn trying to earn his pay. Above: Words of wisdom from JoFa to Warrender left: Right side of the infield rock solid with John Knab and Jeff Liberatore

La Salle College High School 2 0 5

Greg Casey looking to score another Steve Kapp workin' hard for a GB!




"The coaching staff hopes to

squeeze as much orange Juice out of thiS team as pos~ble.

The on~ ques1lon Is

how ripe is the orange?~

Coach Zen Leahy It's the same old boring no-hum celebration after another Pel championship.

When the dust clears it's another save for Mike Haas!

senior LAX members: Tom Heigh, Chris Agnew, Doug Maxwell, Jimmy Sinnott, Steve Kaap, Mike Haas, Greg Casey, and Chris Driscoll

2 0 & La Salle College High School

Power and Speed Drive this Dynasty With the loss of se\,cnteen seniors and three All Americans

record. the Explorers saw no reason why this year would not be

from last years squad. the 2006 La Salle Lacrosse season, is projected 10 be a difficull challenge.

like the las!. They expected 10 again defend another Catholic League title and to find them-

but there is no Coaching slaff or learn more ready. After finishing another phenomenal season in 2005. by winning yet another

selves in the mix in the EPSLA playoffs.

Pel Championship. finding themselves in the EPSLA finals for the second year in a row and finishing with a 29-3 overall

nOI rebuilding: they were reloading. with a relUm of three All

Even with (he [ass of lasl year's senior class. La Salle was

Slate selections in Greg Casey. Jack Forster and Mike Haas. The

learn again was po",cred by an e:t1remely explosi\'e offense lead by seniors Greg Case)'. Ste\'e Kapp and Chris Agnew. assi.';led by a very good corps of underclMsmen. '" hich includes juniors Jack Forster. Tim Vogel backer. Mike Kapp. Clay Wells. Nick Gorsky. and Andy Henrich. and sophomore Conmd Ridgway. The defense. though loosing the entire starting lineup from last year. also returned a huge

amounl of talent. senior) Doug Maxwell. Tom Heigh. and Chris Driscoll. juniors Kelly Lombard. Rob Seraceni. and TJ Brown. The Goalie will again be three year starter Mike Haas. along wilh the very talenledJimmy Sin路 nou. The 2006 season was ex路 Iremely tough one for Ihe La Salle Lacrosse: tearn. bul no Icam wa~ more ready 10 lake on Ihls challenge. - Mil.e Haas '06

Sophomore Conrad Ridgeway gettin' reaety to rip one.

Ale Tom Heigh and Jimmy Simott reaJIy in lhe game?

Jack Forster: SConng Machine!

La Salle College High School 2 0 ' 7



IW. I.tf). 141

Paul E. DJ~. 4(j RKhafdS DJPlau.46.I&4 M;uro Dlf'na(o. 92 I...c'Orwd OIWllh;um. 92.126 Kevm L. OI.:uaru.36. 146. 147 Oa... Kl J Dll;k.~. 108 Mark R, Di«kman. 108 );lIne,M DIt'r\es.92.126, 127 JO'oCph W. DIFllrio. 1011 Kyle D, DIGIIlCObbe. lOS Loul~ D, DIGiacomo. 108 AllIhony J. DINardo. 108 Cooor K Dohe"y.92 ~an p ~"y. 108

D P:und; Oobony. 108 Sltphen P Dolan. III. 100 Todd E. 00.:KnanU1. 100 Mailhew 0 DODlUuck.. 92. 97.142 14.\ Kev,n J DolmtIl).92 Pam.;l M Donrrll). 108 M"-"-'I P Donohoe. 108. 167,181 MIChwI J Donopue.92 M...i lxl R Oooo\'aIl..n SII:'phrn W ()(wsey. 92. 171 ~ R Dougbert).IOO Jeffre)" A Dougl;ts.92 AIldrcv. P ()roo,o lb. 108 \11.:hael Doyle. 92 John F Drolln. 108 Aln&lldcr E. Dreher. 108 /'wKhola-~ R Dreher. 92. 121 Rnan M Drennen. 91. 198 Chn~lophcr l. Dri!;Coll. 4S. 47. 69. 123. 177, 190. 192.205 Jnnlt'~C Dn...., oII,Jr. 100 f'alnd; 0, Dri'Coll. lOR John·".1I~hacl Dronwn. 100 Aleunder J Drosl. 108


Rrendan P Duffy. 108 J Duffy. 108


Kyle L nufre<nc. 100 ~ M nu~iIIl. ·n. I~ JotmT Oule.lOO Kclhm Mu.. ell Duri.m.92 G ~ \1 Ousml!.92.169. 179 Mall~ c.1>Ilo)er. 100. 140 Scan M o..)"er.92 EOMiA 0)....".100.121

~hducl R Fabtste\Osll. 100 Lance J. Fal!an. 100 ~k:~C. FaJllacc. 92 Roben Farley. 92 Francis J. Farn:'lJ. 100 Ke"'ill F FarringlOll 108.167 Michael P FarnnglOll, 48.18" Daniel M. Fasolme. 48 Chmlopher J. FIlSY. 100 Michael C. Fa~io. 92. 177. 19.~ MI(:hacl D. Femno. 100 k~sc W Fields. 108. 113. 174 MIchael J Fihpcl.al. 9~. 97 Gerald R. FiJlmJUl. 49 K)'leM Finlay. lOll. In Brend:ul B Fisher. 100 Brell C Fi~. 49 ~art P FIWr. 108 JohnJ FISCher.100.IQ5 Ikmard I. FilZl:~. 100. l!'Jl BrendartA. FiuPaulct. lOS Brrodart E. Fiupamd... 11m C('>Ie F FilZpa1rick. 108 R)., K Fi~l. lOS 5.lm1.lC1 P FbsItncr. 106. lOll JO'iCph W Auehr.49. 122 AIldrrA J. Foell. 92 Anthon) T Foell. 108 Chn<lopher D. Foley. lOll Timothy I. Foley. 4.l49. 2{).1

R)'anA Ford.92 MallhcwA Forklll.l00 Chn.olopher J. R!m;>ce. 4'>1. 1~7 Dalllel J. Fomace,92 llarryS Fonol.lOO Jolin P. For<ler, 92. 94. 1M. 166.205.

Chri~opherC. Grady. 92.117 Thonw F GDdy. 109 Thomas P Gnham.92 Gao in R. Grant. 109 'Timothy A. Gnstla. 100. 169 W.llyroe T. G~la. 92 StepheflA ~. 109 Joseph T Gf.ll... ~.1Il,:52


'Timoth)' W Gre.llve'>. 92 Maune.... H Greenfield. S2. 178 GcorgeJ, Greslo. 100

Joshua R. Griffilh. 52. 1114

Chn'lopher M GrofT,l09 Nigel B.Gross. 99.100. 199 Edward L. G",amen. .'2. .lJ. 34.16. 52. 146.147.148. WI Mauhew M G",lk,s. 100

Gre!OI) W n.nlZ. 92.104 MmA Franzcn.l00 Damel M ml;lrTIICo. 108. 17.1 [b... sd C. Fmamico.92 T)IerR. FlttI1W1. 108.117 Cltn~opheJ MIchael F"'l'Ill.ICle. 49 Afldrcv, M Ful"lonJ;.92 \1Khael J. Furiool:' 100 Vlram W Furlong. 108 Ed..'ard J Furman. 49. IJO. 111

Brmdon S EM). 1m Eddy. 48 Daniel D. Galartle. 10. 100.


Andre.... D. GalbaJl)'. 100 F JO'<Cl'h Gallagher. 100 Garrell S. Gallagher. 92. 190. 191. 192 Palrick J. Gallagller. 108 Joseph I'. Gallu. 92 L.G. L.en .... ani Galison. 13,49. 1~2 James M Ga...anu,," SO Da"ld M Ga. Ill. ~

ChnSlophcr 5 lIemly." Ene R Helmer. 100 5.lmuel D.llmdcnon. 100 Josqltt F Ilcnroesx)'. S3 [b... id Alldrew HnulCh. q2 Peter J. Hcn .... ood. 100 ~an D, Ilcrbcn. 93 Aflt1rew M Heswn. 100 Christopher S HI8g111~, 9J. 186 MichaelA. Hlums.loo Breflllan M Hll.scy. 109 Munhew S, Ihmler. 54 Waller Mark Ihnke!. Jr. 'B C. Clark Hodgson. Ill, 54 Michael f' Hoffman, 100 Shane M 1I0ffman. 101 Wilham Holden. 101 Bradford HoIhn8~...onh. 101 Joseph R, 1I01od. lUI JohnJ Ho!I. 111.91. 177. 190 Philhp J lIoplm~. 109

Kc>IIIJHOflall.54.I&4 Jale A. Ho..uarlder. 109 Andrcv. HouchlrtJ>.93 T}1er J Houcluru.. 109. 167 JosephJ. HouIdIll.IOI. 116. In. 191 Joshua R. Hou.<er. 109 MlIlthewG. Hower. 93 Matthew R IIO'1'oard.91. 189. 2Q.l 1\e1l P Hubben. 109

RyanW Iluber.54 (icQq!e M Ihsd.on. Ill. :\4.43, 55. 1:52. 1:51.166 Joseph F lI",gnes. Ill. 9. ~~. 61. 124. 125,198 Ke""n M tlllghe~. 101 Michael S llughei.91 JOlin Anlhony J.llull. 9~ John f, Hunsicler. 1lI. 109 Scan M ""'I~hlllSOll. 93.189 [bo KI J H)sd.93

MIChael E. Haas. 52. 55. 73. 116.205.

Traol~ G.

2 1 0 La Salle College High School

Charles S Govrd)". 92. 20J


RandaJIA Forsler.IOK r.hcllael c. FT'lIllk.lin, 108 Wilham C. Franks. 108

1l.0b0:n G Ebbed.e. 47. 157.201

L",la, Edtly. 91 Brefldall \1 Egan. 48. 202 R)"ane Eidt'nshml.10ll PelerG, Endnl!lan.ll. 92 Mllnhew S Engle, 108. 195 DamelT Erhard.ltl. 100. IlJ5 Mkhael S, Erickson. 100 Richard B f:,... an. 100. 104

PatncltJ.Wi"'In.,lOS ~r H Gcbm. Jr.. 'iO. ISII lamesJ Gehnn,er• .l9.SO. 116. 126 1(c.,.1ll M. GenuarUl. 108 Anthon)' E. GIannelli. Jr. 92 Bnan J, Gibbons. S2 Jason P, Gll!hotu.:52 Siefan E. GighlMu. 108 Zachary C.Gilben. 92 Sc-an T. Gillespie. 109 Jay A. Giunla. 109 Jolin F. X. GlvllIslI.llI. 100 Mallhe... A. Glavlll. 92 Andre..' C. Gle3SorJ,35. 48. 52. 1.16, 158 Nicholas M Golden. 100 Zachary J. Good. 109. 126 Selh J. Gorman. 109 NlchoIasA. ~ly. 92.146 Timoth) Joseph Gouscltalk. 109


Brandon G. It-enn. 109

BrenG H;amn. 100. 117 J, Gny H.lICIln. 92

MKh.llC1 J 1Ia,an. 109 James L. H.lIgen). 100. 1.12. 133 Pllthp J. H.agnty.92 J. Br3dIe) Hatbotter. 14.:53 Cohn \1 Hale). 92. 148 lllomasJ llall. 100 RIChard P lIamllton.92 MIChael C. HandSl:huh.:53 Erik. E. Haney. 100 Ryan C. HarIC). 92. 96 Peler C. Hanselmann,:5J RodneyL. Hardtc.loo John E. Hard ....lck. 53 Malthew J Harp..'n. 120 Palrick J Harp. 92 John Harnson. V. 100. 166 Chri~o~rC.H~·e~l09

'Timothy l' Heel.92. 111. 172. 188 Thomas S. Heigh. 45. 5l 205. Z06

Chmuan S lanlWllnl'. :'i~. 1&4 P1uhp J lamtUZZl. 101 Manltew R Ihloem. ~'i \t31thc\o. P lJIaIi. 101 Ot~S


\brme.... J.M Ingk~. 101 luIS Irw;. 93 t'ok:hoIl..'l R. lrv.lfi. Jt 93

Anthon)' C, IvannU..l. 101

Pamd bclson. 93 Sha"'n R JlICobscn.99. 101

Manhew Anlhony bnllt'llI. 109. (3) NlcoolasJ.Jasl.:ula,101 Jonathan D, In'''le. 101 Palnck J. JetTe" . .56. 171. 172. 188.


197 Bnan M JcffeN.9.t 177. 192 Damcl P Jenner. 9J

MIChxl N Joachim. IV. 56 Colden L .JohanMln. 56 ChnSlopher J. JoIuuon. 101 Dmuel Johnson.9.1

o,-lan P. Johmon. 109 Ke>"m G. Johnson. 109 Taylor D. John§On. 93 Casey P J~$. 101 John Pul J~s.lIJ. 56 R.Scon Jones. 33. 56. 198

Jo'\Cph M Kam. 91. 93 Roy A. KalliC'r. 109 Stephen M KalI;brt:nner. 101 ~K:uw.".I09

Slephen 1\1. Kapp. 47. 56. 205. 206 !>hehac:1 J. Kapp. 93

FnnclS M Kasprzak. ~ Brend3n M Kearney. 109 Sean·Patod;, Kearney. 57 John J. Kecnard7 WilhamJ. KC'C1W\.57.169. 178. 179 Gratwn C. Kelr.43. 57. 70.154.155 TlIom.ts H Kelly. 58. 159

Michac:1 P Kelly. 9.' RobmA. Kelly. 109 Shalld. Kelly. 93.169 David P. KeUey. 101 Kevm V Kelley. 109 Bnan D, Kenncdy.45. 58.158.160 Amhooy P. Kelll. 9. 98.101. 146. 189 James E. Keral. 58. 149 Slephen I'. KemylSky. 101 lltornas C. Kerr. JOI Wilham C. KelT. 58 JohnJ. Kerrigan. 109 Sean F. Kiely. 109

Man: R KUlSlow.I09 Brendan R Kissman. 101 Andrew W KIUu, 110 MIChac:1 F KIen};.9.1 Kevm C. KIohc:. 93 John L Knab. 59. 2f).t. 205 PalnCk J. K_1e$. 101 Matthew J. Kohkr. 101

Daruc-I L ~baudn. 59 ChnSlopber R. KrwheT. I 10. 132. lJ3 Rudolph A. KrwheT. 93. 130 Malthl:w J, KNC. 39. 59. ISS Yllonw M KJ\lhkowsb. 110

John AllStln Lampredu. 110 MAlhew D. Lamson. 101 Malthew D. Landhm.59 E\'ItI R LanJdak.59 'Kholas J. Lanu. 94. 117

Ryan 'l. Marcante.IIO. 200. 201 DanICI Marchese. 102 John T Marcmel. 110

Fnnc:lsT Lapo..sly.IOI

ChnSiop/'lCr P \hnSC'O.94

William P. Larl.m.llI. 94 Roben W Law. 110 Manhe... T u,,·rencc:. Jr.. 110 BrianJ Ledder. 101 John N Lee~. 59. 66 Manhew R. Lee~. 101 Michll<:llt. Lee5. 110. 195 Michael G. Leigh. 110 DylanJ Leighloo.94 J~ph L. Lemhau.>er. 110 Poind: J. Lenahcll. 59 Ptllhp M Lef\ou. 102 Jonathan E. Leshner. 59. 194. 195 Jon 0 ~. 60.152 Furey A, l.e\<a. 102. 117

Sh..",n Made). Jr., 94 Viclor A. MlUque5. 102. 185 Mlclulc:l T. MarTa·Powen. IOC!. 127 Danll:1 P. Mamtl,ZO. 102 1}rell J. Mlll"Shall. 34.43. 54. 61.1711. 179 E. Mlchll<:1 Maninelli. 94. 2().t Vincenl J. Manmicehlo. 62 Roben F. MarLullo. 102 WillilUll P. MaSCIO. 94. lJ3 Wilham W. Maslin. Ill. 102. In Dayid A. M3JltOieni. 62. 119 Wilham H Mastuno. 62. I~. 201 Adam N ~bl(lnf'. 102 Chn~opher \lauen. 62 'IChoWG. \tattera.102 Dougl;u B. Max..-ell.

Pdcf\l ~1rn;.9-t.121 VUlof;CflI J Lc:'Iouo.1I1. 94 Siefan Le-¥o'3l'ldolo ski. 94 Ou). D, Le-¥oIJ.60. 127 Paul N Le-¥oUi. 9-t. 123. 140. 141 Anthony 0, Liber-llo. 102. 194. 195 kffrey T Llbenlore. 39. 60. 160. IDl. 20>

C. uhof.9.:l Ryan M LUMhay.102


Xa\I~V Lofton, 110 Andn:,.. M Logan. 94 R)an M Logan. 102 Kelly M. Lombard. 88. 94.117.119. 146.157 Sean M. London. 9.l Ryan R LonerJan.110 Roben F Lollg. 110 Arlloolo I l..opel.. 60.ISO Hnan Loclo",sl;.j, 110 DlIvld R Loughery. 102 DanICI P Lo¥ol). 102. 111. 189. 197 f..d ... -ard R Lub~. 109. 110 Max.. elJ B Luee. 9.:l I~ DanICI L.uque. 102 Genrd LuIeS. 100 Matthewl Lynch, 102 Remy D, L)'fIIl. 102 1lIomao 1101 Lyoos.IIO

ClIad M KW)'Io.93. I J7

PawA Kush. 101 Man/Ie'" J. Kwasl.lur. 93

Kyle P Mx\bnw;. 110 Palnel;. A. Magmnls. 110 Mlchae.! J. Maguire. 94 Maner. 110 JalTl<"s J. Mahoney. 110 Sc:m Mahooey, 94 Loul~ J. Maiden. 32. 55. 61. 118 John P. Malone. 102 Palriel.: A. Malone. 61 Jordall M. Malpass. 110 Ira f..d",wtl Manalo. 102 Roben R Mandos. 102 Thoma~ E.

ThonlasJ.L.ae ig.Jr.101 Gregory D. LaFala. 93. 114 Daniel C. LacOIl. 93. 2~ Michael S. Lugansly. 93 AI...... ander S. Lagner. 94

JamesM. Laa:n:ca.ll0 Kelvm Lam. 101. 194. 195

Jo5eph F. MMICro.lII. 61. ISO

Fc:hlll \bnzi.94

20> John B. Mll",ell. 61 1lJonw; J \kAIoon. 110 DaulIli P McBride. 102. 117 John 0, McBurnM:. 94.117 Bnan C. \icC• . 94. 127 Mld\alel V. McCabe. 102. 132. I H MallhewW McCaffery. 94. 168. 169 Bryan J. McCallion. 94 Cohn P. McCann. 94 TerenceJ McCanicl.:.102. 117. IXI.

132. 133 MlchaeLJ. McCany.b2 Joseph P. McCollum. 102 KeVin M. McCon. 32. 62.1911 Aaron L. McCoy. 110 Brc:r>dan E. McCoy. 110 Cohn M. McC~l). 102 Manhew P McCullough. 110 Robm P. McCullough. 63. 113. 171. 172.197 Sean G. ,teCuJloogh. 110 Seamus J.l\kDennou. 110 Ry-an J Mcl>e\-ln.94. 169

R)anM \1cDe....lL 110 DanM:ll \1cDonaid. 111 Rory A McDonald. 111 '1auhew D. McDowel1. 111 PalTKl K McEtI'O). III. 117 P'amcl X. Mc<Jann. 102. 19'9 M)CI1aeIJ.McGee.Jr.. 111 Paul P McGee. III Bnan S. McGill. 63 Evan J McGllhn.94 John C McGmley. III Brian W McGinly. 102 8rion P. McGmni5. 9-1 Slephen M. MeGorry. 54. 63.123.157 Mantle... J. McGovern. 63. 202 MUllhew R. MeGo>em, 102 Ar>dre", M. McGowan. 63 William D. Mdmy·re. 94 J~ph M McKeehen. III

WIlham Edwin/ McKenney. III Edv.UI M. \leKeon.lII. 94 JIMic:T McKenna. 103 Sean F McKenna. 103 MlehaelMeKlbbln. 111 Gregory E. McLarm. M Sean T. McLaughhn. 61. 63. 159. 198 Denm5 J. I-.kLaughhn. 95 Enc McLoughhn. 95 KeYIn P. Mclaughlin. 103 Kyle Devon McMahon. 111 limOlhy R. 1-.1cMahoo.63. 1511 Brian P. McManu~. 95 John F. McMenamin. 103 JWIlC5 P. McNally. 10~ Ke>1n W. McNamara. 63. 184 AUSlin A. Meehan. Jr. 103 Manhew M Meehan. 95 MIchael F. Mele. 103 Patrick R.I\1eh·m. 9'9.103.117,20.\ Shaun J. Menlhaw.. 10J \l:uc R \lenno.64

Matthew G. \k=ilCh. III K""in MeTlim. III ....:llhan D. MC')'~ 103.201 Anthooy \heczkOO-'»'1.61.M. 142. 141.

198 JOK'p/l M Migliarne.IOJ John 1. Mlluj;. 11I.95 Jtrem) A. Miles. IOJ CohnG. Miller. 13. 64.67, 160 Joseph COhn Miller. 1m Maunew MilleT. 111 Joseph P. Millel. 111.64 Marl.: A. Millig3ll. 64 Thoma5 F MinIon. IV. 95 ArllhooyT, /-lir:lbile. 94. 95.119.146. 200.201 James D. MIryn<>W5ll. I II J)enni~ J M'LZOllI. III Andrew T. MoclalllS. 95 John J. MOOe~une. 95 SIC'\'C'n J Moores. 103 Scan M. Moffa. 103 Sean W Moloney. 64. ns J~ C Monastem. 45. 60S Timothy F Mondimore. 10.~. 195 Patrie.. 0, Monteith. III MaIm.:. MOOIC\'erde. 9~ RlChardA Monlgomery.9'i Sean E. \Ionlgllmer). 103 Maune... P. Mooney. 103. IS', 197 BnanT MOOK.95.196 Pauicl.: H. M<nn. 103 Patrick M. Moran. 111 Max S. MOI];DII. 64. 116. 184 Samuel A. Morgan. 10J Gregory J. MoroUl, 111 Michael J Morrow. III P-~trick J. MolT'()\\. 10J Roben A. Monon. 95 RobenJ. Moyer. 103 AlC~Dnder B. Muller. 66. 202 Dan",1 Murphy. 103. 117. 197 Kevin P Murphy. 32. 66. 122. 157. 169.


La Salle College HIgh School 211

Ryan D Murph~.!}~ Cohnl, ~.. 'urrny.IO~.126 Jcffrey K. Munha, 103, 2().1 Mantte\\ C. Munha. III Manllew S, Muscarella. 95 John R. Mutchler. 66

Jose-ph W Pappas. 68 Aluandcr J Pascal. III NI~holas J Pat~lIa. 95 MIchael F P:uchal. Ill, 126 Maullll'31el. III

R)'arl M. Palnd. Ill. 189 Damd T. Paul. I II M:utlwew C. Paul. 95


BnanJ. ~w... 95

P. r-a.rdJ. 10~ TlIerA. 'a.oe.111 Ma.\Ji E. Nasa-f,~. 140. 141. 143 GmoM r-iOll.I<;~hlf,)''C'. 67 ~

Basil A,G,



IH.152.15!} Roben L !'Oa'e. III Drew M Needham. 111. 14(} Frank Nd:rnsz. III bredA. Ncri. III Sretu H. Ncsbm, 10.1

Jakob J. r-imes. 95 Paul D. 1\IXon. III 'KiloI~ T J~ph

'occro. 103

F. "'obn.67

James E.

r.:oIJ. III r.:oont. III

\1IC~1 P

Cl1rl9:~ M

.... lJC'ero. II L 117

John P ....UC1:'ro. 95 Paul A "'ucero. III

R)an C. ra"'linll. 95 Gn-aId J. ""90-hsh. 68 Manln J Payton. IV. II::! 'lChoI..s Ptdm.cn. 104

OaylOn ~nccak. 10.1. I().I lanE ~9S.127.15S lo.sc-ph~.95

John M Perul<). Jr.• f>ll Ad:un E. Pc1ko. 68 Jose-ph A. Pclrelhs. III lyler J. Peltus. 33. 68, 126 Anlllony A. Phillips. 68, 7,1, D2. lJJ. 140,141.146.152, IS) Wilham G. Phillips. 69. 19S. 204 Jolin N Plullips.9S MICl'LacI1. Pllllhps. 112 John Pl.:ard. 9S Andm<- T Picrtt.9-'i Grqar) T 1'lcttt.9:'i FranCIS J PIerson. IO·t 2().$ John F Ple~ 9S Jolm F Pilb.lII. 69 GcorJc C Plocood. 91. 9-'i John W Pirce. 9~ W Paln"l Pla)don. 61. 69. 124. lB.


MalthewO·Bricn. III Jonathan M O·Connell.95 KC",n E O·Connell. 95, 2().l Palnd T O·Dllllnell, 107. III John M 0·Dnscnll.95 JUShn \t. O·H~ III Cfal, J. 0·...1.'111. 67 G. Kelkn O·'cIII. III KnmO·'cdl. 9~. 19~

LwnPO' L11.9~ Sha""T1 P, O· .... clll. III Thoma B O·'clll. III G~

J. Oakley. III \bnhc.... E.QI,;crson.IOI, HU KykO.OleJnlcm. III J(l)Cph P OhllC. 10.' MI"hacl C.Oh,er. 104.201 DaVid 0 OmojQllunrn. III. 117 Manttew S. Onurml, 95 Paul S. Orner. 104 JIll1lC\ S. Ckbomc. III Knslopher R. C<lopchLKk. 68. 146. 148.


\1K:hx1 P. Pad,«ln. Jr.. bll, (fl. 166 A","", \1. Pabao. I().I. In MIChael C Pakrmo.95 G~ory B Pallo. III

2 1 2 La Salle College High School

C3.l'l M f'IUlT\Jl1('r. 112 llmOlhy L. P1un"etl. 1. )J. 69.142.143 RaynKHldJ. Pokino.112 f't1ilipJ Poscn.112 MKh3c1 0 POI\-·cr.95 Jcff~S. f'<>o.o·ers. 70.198 Robe" J. !'{Jy."('I"). 1().1. 117

Alcx.oocr A. Prcodcrpsl. 112 ErieS, 1~

Prmderg~.10. P6.ITI.190

P'mIdapsl.66. 70.121


Monhc.. 1. Rauaoo. 117 Ad:lm 1. Reale. 95 EncC.Rcltle.112 MIchael J. Reber. 95 John C Redmond. 112 PlIlriclM Rc,an. 71, 15t.171 Eun RI',an-f.eo.-u"IC. 95. 132. t:\3 Matlhcw A RetC1"IC1l.71 JooathanJ Rrmc:nICT. 70. 71

MaxA Re<;nid... 112 A~G, R~-nokJ".112

Amww:l \1 Rhone. 1()4. 180 ConradT Rxlg"<II).I04. 206 Albert J RIeCk. 72 \1anbeYo J, Riffe. ffJ. 72. 130. I ~I. 1S6 Terrmcc: M RIle). 72. 184


TimothyJ. Riley. Kcvm M Rlley.9S. 187 Ja.'lOO K. RIIlm, 1()4 Joseph F RIZZo. 112 N,choll\$C R,uuIO. 112, 130 ViOCClil G. R,uulo. JlllTle5 M Robm'iOfl. 112

Temu"lCe 0 RobmKln. n. 153 MK:h3c1 PRoche. 104 John M Rodden. I().I Slcphm A. Rod,en. 72. I~ franciS S RoterS. Jr.. 72. 149 RCCiC 1. Rorcn. 73 \1aru.c.. E. Robnd,I12 HtlM10 Romno. 9S \l,,,hacl V Ron,lOIll'. 104

WilhamJ. Rooocy.l04 ~hchacl P R~. Jr. 104 Thomas] Rose. liZ Coonnr D ROIh\\ell.96 Alcx:lnderR RotzaI.lll David J Roynan. 13. 158 Ja~ M Ruppe". 73 John J Rush. 112 WilliamA Ru h.73. 124. 125 Jamc~ J R)"all. Jr.. 96 Bnndon p, Ryan. 96 MI<;~I J, R)btch. 112

Jeffrey D.I'nc1:. 95 Jllslln T Pncc. 93. 95 Thoma \t. ProLop. 70

D3.l'lId R. Pync:. 104. 1116 M;ulr M Pynh. 112

JoscphJ R~'sll.112 LOlliS J Ra.eu, I().I Evan RaJSMJ,!}5 \IIC~I R. Rajlthcrc. I().I. '-'2. 1-'3 A~xandcr

J. Rahron. 11).1 Ikn T, R.unapunm. 11).1 GIIlSqlpC Randazzo. 71 J:0.500 M.- R:I$c1llat~. 104 NlChoIa$ 1'1 Raus.:h. 102. I().I

Bn;ll1 R San:hctta. 75, 116. 118. 169. 170 Damel T SllCChcna, l().l Scotl Saladik, 96 Pelcr] Sliiall/IO. 75 AleundcrC. Salwllch. 96.136 Palnd J. Samarms. 112 Nicholas B Sannull. 112 Antholly J. Saliloro. Jr. 104 RobenA. ~i.lJI.96 Scan C. $aveno. 96. 204. 205 RlChanI M Scannllo.l()4

ThomasM Sc3r).112 MIChael C. Sctuocffrr. I J2 Josqth W SchalL. 75 K)1e E. Sc~ 1().l.201 \1atlhe-vo H Schclkllll. 1()4 Ian SchlC"t:. 112

Jeffrey E. SchIll. 112 Manl"lCw F. Schluclebier. 112 Adam M Schmidl. 112 Harvey E. Schmldl, 98, I().I, ISJ Manhcw J. Schm117_ 112 Timothy A SchneIder. 32. 75 ErleC. Schocffilll,. 76.146, 16-'i AIe~ander p, SchrelbeT. I().I Br)an1 M, SchullL 76 Pet('\" J Schwaru. 112 EvanJ. Scorp.o. 112.111 Kane T. Sd:Jcd). 112 RyanS.Scn,112 Franc:i~ E.

Smwl. 105

KC\ In T. Sc)-ben. 112 Jamn J, Shannon. 39. 7.1. 76 Keuh A Shepard. Jr. 105. ISO MIchael C. Shenz. Jr.. 96 John P Shlcld~. 105 KC"1n M ShIelds. 105 Thomas M. ShIels. 112 Roben D, SIC' . 112 K)leB.Slh·a.112 Manhew P SlIlg.rr. 76 LeonJ, Slngleuuy. 77 James P StMOCl. 47. 116.. loW. 141.




205. 206

\1outhcvo- R Slilnott.12.1.1.

n. 116. 120. Patnek K SlilnOIl.I05 Gregory Shncr. 96 R)an R Snulle). 112. 117 Damd F SnlMl. 96 Joseph M. Sman. 112 Thomas M Sman. 105 Motti>C", W Smeltzer.lOl. lOS. 173 Ian R. Snulh. 112. 177. 19~ Konflld P, Sobilo. 112 Blakc C. SollIday. 96 Aod.R:w P, SpecSI'. 112. 192 jcffrey A Spencer. 96 John H. Spe'l!CT. lOS. 1J2. 133 03, III L Sptnosa. 96. 20 I

Bnan R Spbne. lOS bctwy J. Spurlin. 96 \1K:hx1 C. Suht 96 Mallhev. Stanezal.. 96 S~"T1 M SWlIey.1I2 Stephen P Slanlon. 112 G«lrge J. Sieffon. 77 Stcphcn C. Stem, 96 LaMnr S. Stewan. ).l43. 78. 152, IS3

MauM-we. Slcwlln.112 Nicholas R Slewan.96 M:llthew Z. SIJgliano. 78

ToddJ Slolley.112 MlItmc.. C. Slone:. 96. 121. 124. 142.

m John E. Slumpo. 112 Robcn L Slou. 78.182 Mart SI)1'l1llovo 1.96 Robcr1 P S..-anll'y. 96 Dnld M Sll'l;.ere 105 Palll B Sz)'..no. 112. 190

Kevm M, 1".unasitis. 96 Ruem C. Tan. 78. 116. 132. 133 Maltl1c.... A. Taormina.. 105 MIchael R. Tate. 113 Connor J T;llloYo.78 M.:atthcw F. T~. 113. 181

N TelClvnan. \05 Nicholas M Teufel. 78.184 O1mtopheT A. 11ucn. 113 James F Thomas. l()j. 197 Ryan Q. Tbolmon. 96 Oc\'OO

James J. TlCmcy. 7B OInSlopherTodd.l13 Robe" L. Toner. III. Brc:nd:m D. Toolan. 10.5

Michael C. Topley. 10.5 Williwn J. TOrTeS. 113. 126 Brian J. Tnllller. 96 John J. Travalinc. 96 Ryan J. Traver<. 12.79. 116 TImothy N. Tnchnnger. 79 OwIoP.Tnnlk.96.121

Sun M Trudeau. IOj TrislafJ R. Tschocpc. IOj Joseph C. TubollllO. 79 MIChael P Tubohno. 113 Dalucl P. Tuck. 96

Juhan J. Tocler. 10·1. IOj. \.53 Slcvm M Tucker. III ChnstOJll- R. Tull. 79 Joseph R Tull. 113 Kevin P. ThO:. 96 Ryan C.1)'son. III John E. M. l'yszka. 81

Slephen W Ullrich. Jr.• 81. 183. 20J Kevin A. Ulnch. 81 Tuoothy 8 Ulnch.IOj

Otnstophcf Van Ed.c,",. l()j SlqJhcn 1101 Vanm.81 John VtiOh. 96

Josc:p/t A. Vazqucz. 82 MIChael R. Ven.:afra. 82.1.51 Alldrew J. Ventresca. 82.116.146. 1.51.

168. 169 MallhewT. Ventresc.... 10.5 Jon:uhan J Vellon. 32. 61.l12. 148. 198 MlChac:l A Villan. 44. 82. 123. 169. :!OJ.

John 1'. WaklKllnki. 97. 146 Gregory M Walczak. 91 8ri,'111 J. WalJ,;er. 97 Fredenck Wliller. IV. III Frank V. Wallace. 105 Thomas J. Wallm. 82. 198 Thom:u A. Wahh. 82 Andrew Walsh. 97. 117 Collin WlIl.m. 11.1 DlImelJ WaIsIt. 113 Jonathall Williams Walsh. III MIChxl8 Walsh. III

Ryan M WarrtndeT. 105. 117 W"rlhlllJl J. Wam:nder., 179.204.205 Daruc:1 J W:\leB, lOS. 121 ScO(l K. Walel"l. 97. 166 O1nslopher Webb. 113 George It Weber. 10.5. 127 JOrl3than M WCldner. 105 Josc:ph A. Weilzman. 97. 2().:1 Patrick C. Wcilzman. 105 Cla)IOll M Wells. 97 Gordon M. Wells. I J3 CoIhn J WC»ICT.83 Cohn P Whalen. 91. 169 Wilh;un E. WlIaIon. 83.199. 200 Jxquc: P. Wbaumbush. 105 JUnsford 8 Wb;lumb.rsh. 113 J<lltlC$ K. Wlme, lOS. n6 James L. WhIIC'. 97 MllIIhcwWhIIC. 113. 126 R)·an P. While. \05 Jotut C. Whnh:tm. 97 Andre...• W. Wigglcswonh. 83 JOSC'ph II. Wilde, 105 Andrew E. WilkinS, 83 Rasheed T. Wllkms. 113 Bf)an P Willllll11S. 113 John L Wilhams. 47. 84. 159. 184 BrnKbJt P. Wills. 97. In. 192 Jonathan C. Will. 113.l30. 131.132.

iJJ 8nU! 8 WIMm&:. 113 ThomasG. Winmng.45,84.159,190 Paul K. W"tSnlO"·P.I. 113 Anthony K. \\'itlO\Oo·ski. 105 TtmOlhy J Winenbcfl.97 O1nMophcr J Wogan. 97 Micbacl J. Wojcll. 84. Ill. 1.59 Christopher R. Wolf. 113 Christopher J. Wolptr. 105 AlKlrew R. Wood. 105 Philip R Wood. 113. 171. 189 GregoryT. Woods. 105.177. 193 Broo~sA. WorJ,;man. 105 M. NicholaJ Wrichl. 84. 116. 1.57. 184


Wilham D Vislovich.96 Timoth) R Vosc-lbaclcr.97 Kyle K. 'br.l. 97

Manbcw C. Yount!. 86 Colm R YOIIllI.97

Mtdlacl S.

"'OW!J. 91


Roben P. Wallkus. 97

Mitchell W. zal~S. 97 Jeffrey W. Z:unorsll. 86 Andre.... N. ZblJ,;owski. 113 SrcphC'n A. ZtgaJlli. 105 M.:atlhcw J. Zielinski. 86 Kyle J. ZokIy. 105 Damon F. Z)"sl. 97

DlIvKl T. YUSlI\"UZ. 86. 124. 12.5. 198

Ms. LlsaAgJIC'Vo. 24 Ms. H.alhC'ArldC'rsoo.18 Mr. Thomas B~.16.123. 214 Brother Barry B:tI1kowial. 18 Mr. Rocco Bern:. 18 Mr. GregOfy T. BiclccJ,;i.15, 18. 171. 197 Mr. Dennis Bloh. 13. 18. 191 Mrs. Lastema L. Breen. 18. 124. 123 Mr. Gerard Bren.18 Mr. Jason 8rokenshlre. 19. 183 Mr. Ale", 8rown, 19 Mr. Jeremy 8uI1. 19. ISO. 151 Mr.MmChcsruk,19.J6.146.147 Mrs. J.:II'IJCt: Cia:mlaro. 19 Mr. JOSC'ph Ciccmwu. 19 Mr. DmICI J. Cipoll~ 20 Mr.CharksCU'Clh.20,117 Mr. Lc>o IS C1ar\. 22. 122. 123 Mr. MlCbacl Clemente. 20 Mr. Nicholas Coggms. 20.116 Dr. JoAnn P. Cohen. 24 Mr. Joseph Colislra. 2.~, 20. 16J Mr. Mark C. Collill~. 20 Brother Kell1lClh Cool:, 21 Mr. Da\".d Crowe. 21 Dr. Joseph D·Angelo. 21 Mr. Douglas DemelC:r. 21. 111 Mr. Jose,*, Dempsey, 21, 178 Mr. P:1lricJ,; De.-I...... 21. 171. 172 Mr. Thomas De.-hn. 197

Mrs. Frances Jacob DK:eicco. 22 Mr. DlI,·1d T. DIehl. 16 Brot1lC'rWilham DtPasqU3le. 18. 118 Mr. MIChael Dolan. 22 Mr. MICky Dormmck. 22.120 Mrs. Llnd.a Dooahuc:. 22 Mr. \VillilUTl Donohoe. 22.180 ~Ir. Slephen DunchC'sk.e. 22. 171, 191 Mrs. Gail A. Evans. 16 Mr. Gtnld Evans. IS. 19.23 !'olr. Joseph Fakonc. J.5. 23. 205 Mrs. E1i7.abc1h Field. 23 Mr.8em:trd Fitzgcrald, 23 Mr. James E. F)J,;e, 23 Mr. Paul Gehman. 23 Mr. William A. Geiger. 24. 201 Mr. RlChMd Geno>-esc. 24 Mr. Te=nocGrlksplC. 2'Mr. Joseph E. Glaclen. 2~ Mr. Gcr.trd J. Ilaney. 2~

Mr. Michael G. Hearn. 24. 25 8rother R,chard D. Hcrllhy. 24 Mr. Christopher Hol... ic~. 2~, 198 Mr. Mar1in Jal:kson. 25. 202 Mr. John D. Janda. 2.5 Fr. Anthon) JanIOll. 10. 13.22.33 Mo. Kathlttn John. 2..' Mr John Keenan. 24, 15.5 Ms. Dt:ma KC'lly. 2.S \lr. MIChael KC'lIllCdy. 2S M~ Paule'lle Kcnsq. 2S Bm. RKhMd KestJcr. 10. 16. 11. 153 8rothcTCh:lOO 1...Ickf., ~6 Mr. Willwn Leahy. 26. :!OS Mr Ff2IIl,; LlChlller. 26, 19\ Mn. GtTaId,..... Light, 11 !'ok Donna Long. 26 Mr. Joseph F. L)'lICh. 26 Mrs. Julb Maher. 16.23.116 Mr. D.tvid Manion. 26 Mnl. Dorolhy Mun:IlesC'. 1,24 Mr, Joseph MaKhese, I. 10. 16.29 Mr. William J. Mc8nde. 27 Mrs. 8arbara S. Mdler. 21 Mr GcraMMtlkr. 21. 15O Mr G~gory M.Il.'!. 27 Mr WaJlff Muc:hlbronntr. Jr., 11, 29, 1&5.186.181 Mrs. M~ Kay \1ullen. 18. 2fl Mr Damel \lullcr. 21 Mr. Colm Murph). 27 Mr. JoscpIt !'-.. ro. 28 Mr. Geoffrey Nicolclll. 28 Mr. Mart Nonnan. 28 Mr. Joseph Pan"i. 23. 28.153.205 Mrs, Dorolhy Ponlscial. 28,118 Mr. Michael Ponisciak. 28.127 Mr. Alfred O. Pllmd. 28. 29. 153 Mr.l'...ul Quinn. 29. 205 Mr. Joseph J. Radv:uuly, 19.30, 167 Mr. Anlbony Resch. 13. 16. J() 8rother JlIlI1C'S Rice... 16 Mr. James Roche. 23. 29 Mr Robert Russell. 29. 127 Dr Rosma McA~O)' Ryan. 29 Mr Raymond Shay. 17 \15. TI1I1 ShustacJ,;. J() Mr. Peter SigmUnd. 16.28. 148. 149 Mrs. Mary Jo SmJlh, 30 Mr. Manln Stancul:. 16 8rorher JIffiI"!; Sled, 23, ~O Mr. JlUlles T'~IC. 30. In. 191 Mr, Gregory Tepennan. 30 Brolher Mang Minh Tr~n. 30 Mr. Thomas Tumer. 16,32 Mr. JosqJh V"lIOfl. 31 Mn. Cheryl Wolgammotr. 31 Mr John Young. 3 I Mrs. t>ancy ZoellSCh. 31. 117

La Salle College High School 2:1.3

Karl BeyerVW surfing!!!


warrt some 01 this, do you... OO YOU,,! • Joe Hughes: School Bully

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." Matt Sinnott sings a love song lor Barrl

I heard aIod gave Bill Befgy 50 bucks to do this to Mr Barna

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214< La Salle College High School

Mrs. Kathleen Smith, son Sean, Phil Haggerty and Mrs. Haggerty have a great time, until the cops show Up! ·1 gave blood, it feels great!" - Paul OJ-


Mr. Sinnott and his son Matt enjoying an evening together.

The 2006 8UJe & Gold is published by the students of La Sane CoIIeoe High School, Wyndmoor, PA, • 81w & Gold Is produced by Cooke Publishing Company, Devoo, PA, Representative to Blue & Gold is Usa M. Buscaglia • Professional photography IS supplied by OaVor Photography, Bensalem, PA. • The 216 text pages are printed by offset lithography on 90JJ Aero GlOSS text stock.• Two forms are printed in natural color.• The cover Is Sturdite #78346 (Blue), mill graIned and flat stamped with bright gold mylar loll over lOOp!. Binder's board.• The endsheels are 651b. cover stock, Cougar Smooth, White.• The text 01 the book, provided on disk by the Blue & GoIdstaff, is set in the Times typelace using plain, bold and Italic variations.• Additional typography in this edltioo includes Aachen, American Typewriter, Bermuda Squiggle, BIackoak, Boton, Craw Modem, Dogma, IieIvetica Neue Condensed, Kontiki, Madrone, Serpeotllle, Times, lapl Dingbats styles, which are all true Adobe Postscript "'" fonts.• All typography, Ia'jou1s. grapNcs, """'" and rules are prepared WIth Macmtosh computers USIng Microsoft Wool, Adobe Illustrator, and ouarUPress applications. All typefaces are true AdObe Postscript fonts • All photographs are laser scaooed ·00line- in Adobe Photoshop and placed into page documents before prootlng.• Complete pages are COlleCted WIth Rasl81' Photographic Print dnvers, proofed on HP and Epson Imposition Ink jet printers and imaged to plates through RAMPAGE Wor1dIoW technology on fujI C1P printing plates.• All pages are printed by offset 11thographyon Heidelberg presses, folded and smythsewn, rounded and backed, crash· lined with headbands and footbands, and edition boond Into hardback covetS.• Blue & Gold had a press run 011 ,000 copies.

Yeah, )am for us Joe Manero!

Laughing at yOUr son when he's passed out! Mrs. Cooney. Mother ollt1e Year!!

La Salle College High School 2 1 5

.••T h e D!l:oZ"e T h e y S't;ay 't;h.e Saz:a.e!

2 1 0 La Salle College High School


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'I~' DllYUK no 1M M_ - '.3.06

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