2007 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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swim team's great success can thank Mr. Bleh for much. Mr. B10h showSjuSl as much zeal in directing LaSalle's Fall Drama, which combined with his love of theatre and fervent dedication turn out wonderfully each year.

Mr. Bloh is such a man that teachers from other schools will, if encountered by a LaSalle student. tell of Mr. B10h's brilliance in the areas of literature and theatre.

One who takes Mr. Bloh's classes al LaSalle should lake to heart the message he will often give: "Every person I encounter is in one or more ways better than me at

something and. therefore, all people deserve my respect and care." Rarely does one find genius and dedication topped with humble charily as one does when they come into Mr. Bloh's presence. Never will one be turned away by Mr. Bloh when one needs help or a compassionate friend. Thank yOll Mr. Bloh. The Dedicated LaSallian. for all yOll do 10 keep La Salle full of excellence. Let us all try and foHow Mr. Bloh's example in dedication and charity to our fellow neighbors. Brendan Wills '07

2 ~ 1007 BLUE &GOLD

Abm¡e:Mr. Bloh, dedicated (eacher. coach, and


Left: Mr. Blob with Chris OiLelb '06, during "ShUC'Spc'al"C' RC"oisilw

~hC'rsals for


Eklow: Mr. Bloh, a1"~)'5 wilh a smiling face: for his studC'nts and co-workC'rs.

AIxn-co: Mr. BIOO. Mr. UchmC'r. Mr. MiIIC'r, and Mr. DunchC'slcic= prc=parC' for anornC'r }'C':Ir of dominance in me pool.

Lel't: Mr. Bloh with Gal'l"C'tt Gallagher. one of the many students who has been affectc=d by such a positin~ influen芦 in their li,路C',s.


Right: La Salle f.loculty pull their blents 10 help those in necd, Below: Coaches like Kevin Dougherty '00, share experiencc :md wisdom ",ith our student-athletes,

Abo"e: The Tuckers sharing a proud moment ",ith their son, as many La Salle parents do, Right: BrotherJames Rieck. a shining example of the Lasallian motto, "Touching hearts and minds"

4 4. 1007 BLUE &GOLD

CAST OF Every great show needs a diverse cast of characters. Likewise, life here at La Salle would feel incomplete without the scores of characters that compose our

community. Though each person has different backgrounds, perspectives, and motives, all these cast members cohere to create a sense of camaraderie through-

out the school. Take a moment to consider the student body. There are musicians, mathletes, athletes, academic decathletes, actors, activists, artists, scholars, scientists, public

speakers, poets, ping-pong players, writers, Republicans, Democrats, dancers, vocalists, volunteers, filmmakers, photogrnphers. and evell a few lab managers, too. Eve!y student is unique ill his own right. This overwhelming diversity is one of the aspects that makes La Salle a nice school. However, what makes La Salle a truly excellent school is how all these differing individuals form a harmonious community. There is no sense of competition here, but rather, a pervasive atmosphere of support in which everyone is mutually respected for what he does. No matter what role a student plays, he is bound to find his niche at La Salle. Everyone is encouraged to make friends, hone his talents, and become his own fully-developed character. As the curtain closes on another great year, this cast truly deserves a standing ovation. - Matt Stone '07


and that anyone who stirs up trouble is ousted from the [library] show. Lastly, we here at La Salle adhere to the motto, "The show must go on," so when an actor feels queasy or suffers from stage fright, or the set begins to crumble, La Salle has two fine nurses on call and a top-notch maintenance crew to fix things up. It takes more than just great actors to make a great production, and La Salle's behind the scenes staff manage to pull the show together each and every time! - Steve Dean '07

6 if. 1007 BLUE &GOLD

Abon, Tun mn~~Crew Chief

Below: Cafe staff help feed our growing boys!

Above: Servi..e Qppon:unirics loring together studenls, faculty, and staff to help those in need. Left: Faculty members. like Doc D'Angelo, are always willing 10 take time oul to provide guidance.


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... .




what we s r. a desire to serve, a chance to learn and stil time to have fun.


Right: Mr. Demeter belps Mike Brady undersr:md his schedule. Below: "Aww, Mawww!"


FiRST DAY OF SCHOOL he first day at any new school is overwhelming, even more so when you are a freshman, and the lowest on the food chain. It is hard enough to find your first classroom in an unfamiliar school, and the mass amount of people in the hallway further complicates the situation. Every way you turn, there l.lre kids walking, running, talking, yelling, pushing, shoving, laughing, slamming lockers, stacking books, and zipping book bags. The hustle and bustle of the school forces you to get right into the flow of

10 11. 2007 BLUE &GOLO

action. As the day passes, you realize thl.lt there is nothing drastically different from your previous school, except for the people and the setting. The school welcomes you so that you become accustomed to the way things work at La Salle. As you gain more confidence, you become more comfortable with the kids and the surrouncUngs. The first day of school is seldom perfect, but the best thing you can do is relax and try to survive until the next one. - Patrick Resch' 10

Far left: freshmen got to stick together! Left: Fr.janton, Mr. Marchese, and Bro. Richard willing to get dirty on the first day.

Left: Mrs. Maher welcomes the d.lss of'lO.

AbO\'e: "So, do)!Q.l! know where you arc going?"

Above: Mrs. Gedeik and Mark Schnupp e)l:pericnce the first day at La Salle. Left: Bro. Richard Kestler and Mr. Marchesc with frcshmen whose fathcrs and grandfathcrs attended La Salle.


Right: La Salle students experienced the Vietnam Memorial "Moving Wall" when it tnveled to our campus. Below: Matt Dominick per路 fonus at the auction.

Abo\le: La Salle in all color

Opposite Page Bottom:Jurtior Nigel Gross on Urban ChaUenge in Camden

12 C,Z007 BLUE &GOLD

Far Left: Matt Howard and Greg Moroni are 2111 smiles. Near Left: La Salle Pride

Left: Some in the band decide to take their act on

the road.

Above: Mrs. Cathy \Vinning and heT small group on Kairos.



hen asked what it means to be part of La Salle, it is important to examine what La Salle is. La Salle is a wonderful mixture of things. This school is a mixture of many distinct people from different backgrounds. At La Salle, the assoronent of people is harnessed in a positive way. These differences are the building blocks for what makes up a brotherhood. Here, we celebrate differences, we do not reject them. La


Salle is a place where members of the championship football team can eat at the same lunch table with members of the debate team. La Salle is a place where young men from the city can become friends with young men from the suburbs. "Ve accept each other regardless of our distinct backgrounds. This is what it means to be a part of La Salle. Our high school is a special place. It is a cast of unique characters that comes tOgether to create a fumily. - Dan Connors '07

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out of guidance we can only do be t

room. with their



Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC


Mr. Joseph Marchese


front Row (left to right): Mrs. GW A. Evans, eFRE-, Mr, Thomas R. Barna-, ,\lr.joseph Ragg,),.. '73, Mr. Austin A.. Meehan '79, Brother Robert Schieler, FSC. Brother Richard Kestler, FSC '60, Mr. Al). whrieJe, Mr. Robert P. Monn '69. Mr. Ernest M. Rehr '7}, Mr.J~ph March~·, and Mrs. Catherine A. Cassid)', Second Row (left to right): Mrs. Julill K. Abhe"-, BrotherJames L. Butler, FSC, Mr. Robert). McCreight, Sr. "I, Mr. V'met:nl W. WaJu:r5 '59, Mr. Mark A. Gibbons '92*, Brother Edward Gallagher, FSC, Mr. joseph H. DoD2hue '58, Mr. Robert 8 ..Mills, DC:IIconJocl M. Ziff, Deacon Alvin A. Clay, Brother Andrew Bartle)', FSC, William A. Whiteside,)r., Esq. '46, MT.Joseph F. Sb,binski, ru '67, and Mrs.Judith Paul. Top Row (left to right): Brother Robert Sch:acfer. FSC '85,John C. Fenningh:am, Esq. '68, A'lr.JamesJ. Clark, Brother Gerard Molyne:lW:, FSC, and Mr. Edw:ud R. Solvibilc '58. Missing from photo: BrolherTimolh}' Ahem, FSC, MJ".)ames D. Danella, BrolherTimothy). Froehlich, fSC, Mr. Carl W. Holmes, Esq. '83, Mr. Tunotby P. Hughes '72, Sister Matthew Anit:l MacDonald, 55), Mr. Benjamin). VentreSCa '70.• Service Atembcrs

16 ir. Z007 BLUE &GOLD

Mrs. Gail Evans Vice President for Institutional Adv,mcement

Mr. Thomas Turner Assistant Dean of Students

Mr. Thomas Barna Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs

Mrs. Julia Maher

Mr. Nick Coggins

Mr. Martin Stanzack

Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

Director of Curriculum

Dean ofSrudents

Bro. James Rieck RS.C. Director of Admissions

Mr. Mark Gibbons Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Anthony Resch Athletics Director

Chicflnfonnation Officer

Mr. Peter Sigmund

Alumni 1路louse: Cathy Winning, Mary Francis Kelly, Florence Ward, Kathleen Smith, and Barbara Franks. Standing: Christopher Carabello, Robert McA.nespey, and Paul Colistra.

Allinson House: Walter Muehlbronner (Assistant Director of Adl1lis路 sions), Connie Gill (Assistant Controller), Ann Ford (Administrath'c Assistant-Admissions Office), Brett Gordon (Controller)

Main Office: Rita Cooney (Receptionist), Suzanne Russo (Registrar), Carol I-Iaggeny (Administrative Assistant to the Principal).

David Center: Or.Jo Ann Cohen (Learning Specialist), Gerald Evans (Biology, 1-I),John Keenan (Director),Joseph Gbcken (Learning Specialist, Computer and Reading), Lisa Agne..... (Learning Specialist)


Right f,1aintenance Staff: \Vayne Truheart, AJ l.oscalzo, John Pax, Chris Voyk, and Mark Angiolillo (Direct,or of Plant Operation) Missinlr- Steve Gill Below Music Department: (Front Row) Richard Genovese, Joseph Ciccimaro, and Paulette Kensey (Middle Row) Michael Kennedy. Joseph Nero, Rocco Bene, Joseph Vertori, and Paul Gehman (Back Row) Mark Nonnan and Daniel Muller

18 'lI. 2001 BLUE &GOLD

Bro. Barry Rankowiak Algebra lH, Geometry, ,\-Lith Analysis, Bascb'lll Moderator

Gregory Bielecki Economics I, Political Science, United States J-1islOl"y, Cross Country, Indoor/Outdoor Track

Dennis Bloh AJ) English Language and Composition, Rhetoric :md British Literature, Creative Writing, Latin 1, Swimming

Lastcnia Breen Spanish 21-1, 4. 4H, Spanish Club, LSC

Jason Brokcnshirc Chemistry, 1-1, Integrated Science Alex Brown

Composition and American Urcr:J.turc, Introduction to Literature :md Coml>osirion,


Jeremy Butt Fimcss Center, Integrated Science

Mark Chcsnik Prayer, Sacred Scripture Yearbook Moderator



Above: Tony Lopc~ takes care of Campus Security

Janice Ciceimaro Health

Joseph Ciccimaro Chili!"; Finr Am Music, Theater Production Manager

Daniel Cipolla Integratcd Scicnce. Physics, J-I LSC, Italian Club

Charles Cirelli Biology 10, Chemistry, Asst. Dir. of Athletics, LSC, Student Council


Michael Clemente Italian 1,411, Spanish I Joseph Colistr'3 Chair: Social Srlldiu Economics I, AI', AP j\lod~m Euro. History

Mark Collins Chaff: Rdigioll Catholic Identity, Sacred Scripture, LSC, SADO, lulian Club Bro. Kenneth Cook Catholic Identity, Lib~ry Assistant

O:lVid Crowe Anatomy and Physiology H, Principles of Athletic Training Joscph D'Angelo AI' English LlIlguage :md Literature, Creati\路c Writing I, Basketball Moderator, Dir. of'Vriting Center

Douglas Demeter Lasallian Spirituality and Service, Sacred Scriprure, LSC, Frosh Mentors, Cross Country, Track, Urban Challcnge, L1GIITS Joseph Dcmpsey Chair; English AP English Langua!,'C and Composition, Introduction to Litcrature :md Composition, Ilcad Coach: Basketball

Patrick Devine Sophomore Counselor, Group Advisory 10, Christian Lifestyles, Ilead Coach: Cross Country, Indoorl Omdoor Track Fr:mcesJaoob Diccicoo Spanish 1, 21-1, AP

David Diehl Dirwur of Final/rial Aid Economics I, Golf Michael Dolan Chair; Guidal/r( Senior Counselor, Tennis

20 11. 2007 BLUE &6010

Right Counseling & Guidance ScrvicesIJU: Ms. Jeanne Holt-Brabson and Mrs. Helen Spearing Below College Counseling Dcpanment: Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen (Director of Collcge Counseling). Mr. Gerard Brett (Assistant Director), 1\1rs. Sue Sayer (Volunteer), Mrs. Kathleen O'Con路 nell (Administrative AssistantCollege Counseling), and Bro. William DiPasquale (Assistant Director).

Below: Senior Mitch Zaiss :md Mrs. Mullen al College Inlen.-iew In}'


Far Right: M.s. P:u Schllum (Admininr,ui\-e Assistanl Student Albin; Office)

Near Right:~lr. M:m l>c:.rrick (L:a Salle AJumni Volunteer)

Above: Mrs. Smith with her person..1 friend ...S..nta Cl:lIus! Left: La Salle Faculty sweat service:!

Abo~'e: Bro.

Kod..lr: (Bro. J.. me:s Riede) turns the: tlIble:

on the: photographer! Right: Bro. "lang h..s" thing for sne:oong into photos.

22 ir.l007 BLUE &GOLD

Micky Dominick Algebr:a 1, Geometry, LSC, Theme Linda Donahue CtJ-Cbilfr: llWIJ Lnngllilgt's

It:lli3n 1, 3, 31-1, Sp3nish 5

M.ilene Donlin Biology, H, Integnted Sci~ntt William Donohoe "路orld Ci\1liurions I. 1, B:asketb<lll

Stephen Duncheskie Biology9H.IO, Ilc:ad Coach: \\'<lter Polo, 51o\'immmg Genld Ev:.tn5 Biology, H. Da\1d Centcr. Mock Trial

Joseph Falcone Algebra 2 Freshmen, InrroduclOf)' Cnk"Ulus, '''lath Analysis, Baseb311 Elizabeth Field Composition and American Lirerature, Introduction to literatUre :and Composition. Amnesty Intemational, Mock Trial

Bem:llrd Fitzgenld AP United States History, World Ci\1liutions 1, . Basketooll, HislOf)' Club, ,\lulti-Cultural Club



Ri~ffel t~lIs ;II t;lll~

about wh~n h~ was a stud~nt at La Sall~ ...and how el'eryday som~ kids put him in :II locker!

James Fyke En\'lronmental Scientt. AP. Integrated Science, Hockey. 51. Katherine Drexel Program

Rosemary GedeiL: Spanish 1. 3 William Geiger GreeL:, utin 1.1, 3. Photo Club. utin Club. I lead Co2ch: Tennis


Terence Gillespie

Chil1r': Srinut Dtrrrroro!Su",,,," !TrJgril", Biology 911. 10, AP. Student Council Gerard Hancy \P English L:rngwge: and Composition. World Litcrature: and Exposiml') Writing, Yearbook, Soccc:r. Gaming Club

A1..ichac:l Hearn An Portfolio, Drawing I, Foundations An, Pamting I, An Club, Stage Crew Bro. Richard Herlihy Calholic Identity, Asst. Dir. of Athletics

Christopher Hol~icL: RhctOTlC and British LitcT:l:rurc, World Litcr.l[urc and Expository Wriung, Head Coach, Crew Martin Jackson Introduction to Psycholog}', Junior Counselor, Language: Specialist, HClld Cooch: C'.olf

JohnJanda ComposItion and Themes in LII~ra[Ure, Inlroducrion to Literature and Composition, \\lislerian Moderator, \Vrestllng Moderator

KathlccllJohn Ad\"3.nced Computer Aided Design, Computcr Aidcd Design

RobcrtJohllS01l Digital.\tultimedia Design. Fundamenuls of \ Veb Design• .\ lodeT:l:tor \\'E.XP William uahy Freshman Counselor, Group Advisory 9, HClld Co:ach: UCTOSSC

Frank Lichmcr Aquatics, Physical Education, Physical Fimess, Head Coach: Swimming Joseph Lynch Rhetoric and British Literature, Academic Decatlulon. \\'isterian l\loderator

24 C. 1007 BLUE &GOLD

Left: The 'Frank Lichtners' of Halloween 2006 Below: Mr. C enjo)'s I.hejuz. Assembly

Abo,'e Far Left: Fr. jant'On and Bro. Richard welcome Bishop D:lOiel "1O,"as AboH~ Middle: Mr. Bieleclci with friend :md fofTller teamate Chris \\fard '98

Above: "Yo. Butt!!!!" Far Left: Bro. Richard and Mr. Marchese welcome Richie and Kim from La Salle Academy 210ng ",ith the President Sr. je2lnne McGowan Neat Left: \\'h:n dedication! E,'en while eating Mr. Cipolla takes time to hdp one of his students.


Bookstore Staff: (Left to Rigbt) Mrs. Clark and I'trs. Wisonkty (Manager).

Below Right: The picture Mr. Turner didn't want La Salle to sec...his mug shot! Below: Mr. Miller in front of the rrnelling Vietnam \\tar Memorial, the "'Vall That Heals" that he helped bring to campus in October.

Far right: Mr. Lynch is checking to see if he missed any [ext messages while in class. Ncar Right: The gende tones of AIr. Falcone's \-oicc are like a lullab)'c for Mr. Chcsnik

26 C. Z007 BLUE &GOLD

David Manion French 2. 4H, Spanish 1

Bro. An\\'1tr Martinez. SpanISh 2

William McBride Gennan 2, 3, Sp:mish I. Film Club, Gennan Club. 8o\\ling ,\ loder:a1or Thomas McCaffery Algebra I,

ScK-ct.r, Baseball

Di:ma Mclnaw Christian ,\Iorali(}'. \\'orld Ci\iliulions I.

LSe Barbara MilicI' Ceramics I, Ad\"anced. Sculpture 1. Adv:l.nced, An Club ModeralOr

Gerald MilicI' AP Governmcill and Polilics, United Stales History, Viem311l, Swimming Moder:uor Kelly Mimon Algebra 1, Geometry

Above: Mr. Devine :md his boy S[~'e Dorsey hanging in the hall

Geoffrey Nicoletti S:l.cred Scripture, \ \'orld Religions, Computer Club

in between classes. Mark Norman Chorus, Ad\-anced. Frcshm:m. IndeJ>endem. Fine Arts Sur"q', The:ure Perfomlancc, Chorus. Theatre

Joseph Parisi D,rt(ftlr Of Dirrrnty

Imroduction to Psychology. World Ci\i!iZ2tions I, I lead Coach: Baseball Bro. Roben Peach Composition and American



Dorothy Ponisciak, Chemistr)', 1011, 1IIl,Al),

NilS Michael Ponisciak Algebr.;r,l, AP Calculus AB. AP SUtlsrics LSC, .\bthle:tes

Alfred Punte! Catholic Ide:nll[}', ChnsDan .\lor.;r,li[}t, LSC

P:IIUI Quinn A.lgebr.io 1, AJge:br.;r,1rrrigonometry Part I, Geometry, Hod:C)', Ping-Pong Club. B2SCb:JII

Joseph Rad\-anslcy AJgebr.;r, 1, GeometrylPre-e:.lculus H, Introductory Calculus, .\bth Analysis, Tennis, Football, LSC Kevin RieKei

AstronolllY, Integrated Science, Gener.;r,1 Ph)'Sics, Physics, \\':I(er Polo, Swimming

j:,lInes Roche

AlgehJ":\ III, Ai> C3lculus AB, BC, Introductory Calculus Robel1, Russell AP Computer Science, JAVA Programming,

Physics, II, AP, Robotics Cluh, Mathlctes, Academic Decathalon



Composition and American Lner.;r,rure,

World Literarure and Expository Wnring, Celtic Club Tma Shustack

,\lgebr.;r,l,lll. Algebra 1ffrigonometr')' Pan 1, \bth Anal)'Sis, LIGHTS

Mary)o Smith Chlltr: ,Hllthnmttla

\lgebra lH, Gcometr')'. Geometr')'lPre-Calculus II, L1GIITS. Forum. LSC. Bro. James Steck French I, 3. 5, S!Âťnish I.

Lacrosse .\1oderalOr

2811. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Campus Ministry Department: Mr. Tom Dc\路lin (Assistant Dircctor) and Mr. Lew Clark (Dircctor) handle the work (or God!! Below: Mr. Demcter on Junior Urban Challengc

Abovc: Mr. Collins is rcady ro slice some meat (or St. Francis Inn sandwich making. Left: S!)caking of God's work. ..look at who Fr. Tony chills with!


Right Janitorial s~ff: AI, Bill, Odette, Mark, Larry King (Director ofJanitorial Services), Berkley, and Geraldo. Below Library staff: Mrs. Peg Doyle, Mrs. Lisa Whelan, and Miss Donna Long (Director of Library/Media Service§/Audio Visual Coordinator).

30 «.1007 BLUE &GOLD

JamesTarc United States Ilistory, vVorld Cil'ili7A1tions 2, Ski Club, Outdoor Club, \Vater Polo. Swimming

Bro. Mang Minh Tnlll Computcr Applications, \'isu:ll Basic Programming, Tcnnis

Joscph Vcnori Music, \Voodwinds, Compctition Bands, Theory, Ensemblcs. Hcad: Compctition Band Cheryl Wolgamott Introduction to Litcrarurc and Composition, \,yorld Litcraturc and Expository \ Vriting, Forum

John Young Unitcd States History, World Civilizations 1 Nanl,.)' Zoc1lSch Co-ChiliI': II't:JrM l..JlIIgungu

Spanish 3, 31-1, Srudcnl Coullcil

Above: Fitzer Butt docs more work than her master!

Above: Give Mr. Velton a mie and it rums into a scene from "Jersey Boys'" Right: Class, you with me? You with me, class? You with me? This is my watcr bottle!



Mrs. Zoeltsch week in Bolivi:a

sl~eps off:a


uft: "Th:ank }'ou. w~'re Bobbi and M:art}, Culp, :and ""e're go"n:a sing for rou !" Bdow: Ye:ah, I'm Brother Pe:ach.,.rou gol :a problem ",,;th Wt!



- ...... ~.,

Abo,'c: Mrs. Mcln;aw just shows up for the pierure, she's not really in the Ping-Pong Club! Right: "You think

32 Co 1007 BLUE &GOLO


c:an bocce! I'll show rOll bocce!" - Mr. Cipoll:a

Left: At the beginning of each year Mr. Dempsey picks a fight with one kid to set the tonc. He leanted that from his nu路 merous years in prison!

Below: Air. Dominick gets some tips from Fr. Stan on rappin' bout)esus!

Above: Yes folks, a rcallive movie star resides in our book store.

Left: "Ok, now raise your hand ifyou like me.... - Mr. Fyke


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I •

e many clubs





chance to shine outside of the classroom.






radition, Unity, Strength" was chosen as the lllOttO to represent the direction and aim of the snldent leaders of the La Salle community for the 2006-2007 school year. Through continuing and building upon the many great traditions of the school, the leaders of the student body felt it important to fuBy display the sense of unity and strellbrth that exists amongst alll1lcmbers of the La Salle community. Spirit, enthusiasm, and pride in all facets of the school were evident from the start

of the year, beginning with huge fan support for fall athletics and activities. Excitement for the school community was sparked with fresh, new, and entertaining student produced pep rallies feaNring anything from boxing matches to eating stunts. This year's leaders continued La Salle traditions with activities like Field Day, Pit BBQ's, and pep rallies. However, they made their own mark with a unique and new approach to the 3rd Annual Batde of the Bands,

which included a three stage setup featuring the talent of eight La Salle student bands. 'Nith such success in these events, it was evident that student support and pride extended through the entire spectrum of activities. It was a fun, successful, and unified school year thanks to the support and participation of the entire La Salle community and the leadership and enthusiasm of its Student Council leaders. • Andrew Dean '07

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SEniOR STUDEnT

counCIL First Row - Kelly Lombard. Second Row - Kevin Turk, Gnay HaeM, Andrew Clay (Senior Class President), Dan Connors. Third Row - Ben Courtney, PatJackson, Andrew Dean,Jack Forster. Fourth Row - Chris Grady (Senior Class Vice-President), Ben DiFranco, Matt Paul, Chad Kurylo, Chris Cahill.


counCIL First Row - Tom Bur (president), Robert Powers (Vice-President). Second Row (L to R) - Andrew Bowman, Dan Murphy, Pat Melvin, Matt Razzano, T.j. McCarrick, Greg \Voods, Steve Dolan, Mike Rongione.

361l. 2007 8LUE &GOLD

I;ar Left- T.). McCarrick receives !lis pin from Mr. Marchese Left - Student Council President Dan Connors. Vice President Andrew Dean, and Secretary jack Forster leading me St'udent Council Oath.

•••• • • ••• • • ••• • ••• •••• • ••• • ••• • • ••• • ••• • • •••• • • ••• • • •••• • ••• • • ••• • • • ••••• • SOPHomORE STUDEnT counCIL First Row - David Omojogunna (President), Ryan Smalley {Vice· President). Second Row - Tim Daly, john Stumpo, Paul Nucero,justin O'I-lana, Drew Need· ham, Nick Carboni, Robert Long, Man McGovern.

FRESHm,::m STUDEnT counCIL First Row - Anthony Cognctti (Pl'"esident) Matt Crone {Vice-President). Second Row - Pat Resch, Greg Porter, Seamus Maccro!")', Pete Gallo, Sean janda, Steve Szostak, Seamus McCullough. Adam Cunningham, Paul Dowds, Kevin Clark.



BEAUTIFUL MINDS he perpetual Illotion of La Salle College High School makes it something alive in itself. In its hallways, students flow in and out like the passage of blood through the arteries of the circulatory system. Dominated by the pressure of time they trickle and surge in-between classes; clinging to the walls they collide, diverge, and saturate the school with energy so that just as no living thing can function without a spring of nourishment, so would La Salle srumble and jolt itself into exhaustion without a healthy


student body to keep it alive. The National Honor Society is a great example of how La Salle students help to maintlin a healthy academic environment within their school. Not only do the members of the NHS assist and supporr those most in need of help and enoour-Jgement within the student body, but they also represent the high standards of determination and character thatdeline a well-rounded person. They can be seen volunteering at school events, handling the everyday hustle and

hustle of it busy academic life, and observing, with sacred reverence, the honor

code that they represent. However, the Society isn't just a function of the students that belong to it. The moderators of the society are equally important, and without their constant attention and management the society would go to the dogs. Regllrdless, it hasn't yet and won't soon do so. God Bless America. - Greg LaFata '07

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• f'lHS OffiCERS From Left to Right. Bro. William DiPasqUllile (Co-Moderator), Mike Power, Josh Chubb,John Picard, Greg LaFata, Mrs. Ponisciak (Co-Moderator).

Above: Aiike Power receives his NHS officer stole from Bro. Bill. Left: Ben Ramapumm is welcomed to the NHS by Mr. Marchese.

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Left: Greg laFata leads the NHS oath. Below; Tom Bender (right) celebrates after the ceremony with his brother Bcrt '03 and his father.

Above Left: A Family Affair: Chris Grady with his mothCT, brother Mark '01, and father '70. Above, Fr. Tony begins the i\'"HS induction Liturh'Y flanked by l'\TJiS officers. Left: Juniors cnjoy the aftcr-ceremony festi,;ties.



PASS IT FORWARD very morning when students arrive at La


Salle College High School they arc

greeted with the familiar sign, "enter to le'lrn". Upon departure when the school day is done, students are asked to "'leave to serve". Service was one of the highest ideals that St. John Baptiste de La Salle

preached; he sacrificed his own wealth and status to serve the poor in his community. Service is also an integral part of

lifc at La S:\lle High School; there arc few schools can boast such an active service program. It begins in late September, when freshmen leave the safety

of La Salle with their dads to help people and groups in the Philadelphia area. This gives srudents the taste of service they need, the motivation they need to get them truly involvcd with service. From that point, service just explodes into acti\·ity. Kids get involved at La Salle Academy :ll1d Providence Center to help young inner dty students; others go to Sarnelti I-louse and St. Vincent's in Philadelphia. This activc involvcment in Lasallian Scrvice Corps eventually translates into senior leadership of Lasallian scrvice and parricipating in

service trips, such as the trips to Bolivia and Kentud.],. La Salle service is a pro-

grnm that builds on itself, tcaching students the importance of community service gradually, year by year, and get· ring students actively involved in the program. The Class of 2007 would like to extend its heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Maher, Mrs. Haggerty, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Devlin for their hours of toil in organi7.ing service for the students at La Salle. - Charlie Trinkle '07

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PROLJIDEnCE CEnTER TUTORln0 Almost every Wednesday a grOup (If u Salle students along with Mr. Barna hop in a van and help tutor the kids of Kensington.


TUTORln0 Mr. Cipolla continues to take numerous students to share IUlowledge with our Lasallian family.

40 11. 1007 BLUE &GOLD

OPERI'lTIOf'l Sl'lf'lTI'l CLI'lUS Left: Large numbers of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents spread the Christmas spirit.

Far Left: Anthony Kent, Dan Murphy, Kevin Turk, A.J. Ca"'Jbclo '20, Steve Dean, John Picard, and Mr. Devlin buy gifts for the children.

Ncar Left: Santa brings smiles!

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THl'lf'lKS6IlJlf'l6 FOOD DRllJE Families in St. Vim::cnl Parish receive the bounty collected from each homeroom and money collected to purchase turkeys.

EXPLORER CLUB The ChriSbnas 1):J.rty for the children of St. Martin's carries the connection made each week through tutoring to :II whole new level.




SI'lRnELLI HOUSE La MUe. Sam~1Li regulars: Pat Harp, Ih,'c 820rba, Mr. Nonnan, Rob Morton, ThorneD Schon (visitor from Gennany), Chris Grady, Max Lucc. Phil HaggcrT)',

and Phil Cassid)'.

••• • • • • • • ••• • • • •• • • • • ••• • ••••• • • • •••• • • •••• • • • •••• • • • •••••••••••••••••••• • I'lmnESTY InTERnl'lTlOnl'lL Members of Amnesty International: (Front) Jack M:llonc, Brendan Fill.p:aniCK, Billy Brenn:m, :and A'bon Antonel-

10 (Back) Charlie Trinkle, Man: Nasdf, Steve Dean, Pete Levins, Nick Dreher, and Mrs. Field (Moder-uor)

PROJECT HOmE Mrs. Mullen, Ms. Holt-Brabson, aDd Mrs. O'Connell work side-by-side with

students to cook for the homeless.

4211. 1007 BLUE &GOLD

TRIEST HOUSE Mr. Puntel rakes volunteers, like Chris \Vogan and Jason Raschiatorc, to hell) with physical rehab for mClll'ally challenged adults.

••••• • •••• • ••• • ••• • ••• • ••• • ••• • • ••• • ••• • • ••• • • ••• • • • ••• • • •• • • ••• • • ••••• • • • RESPECT LIFE The annual trip to Washington D.C. by the Respect Life Club to participate in the March For Life.

SRlnT FRRnCIS Inn Various groups throughout the ycar help make sandwiches for distributioll at SI. Francis Inn in Kensington.





nJuot: 10th 1006,:1 group of LaSalle stu-

dents embarked on a week-long ser\;ce trip to Kentucky expecting to learn about hard-work :md service. The group consisted of seniors Charlie TrinIcle, Pat}ad:son,JeffOouglas, Pat Harp, Zach Spurlin; juniors Chris Birzes, Tom Buoncristiano. ,\hrk Franzen, Chris Fasy, R}"an \\'arrender, ,\bn Lynch; and

sophomores Jordan Malpass, Chris Nucera, and Paul Nucera. The students were led by campus ministers Tom

De\'lin and Le",' Clark. The team tnt\,eled to Phelps, KentucL:y to assist the Habi1'3t for Humamty Foundation in repainng houses of families that could not afford to pay for help. They were di\;ded into tWO groups:lIt different sites; one putting up dry-wall, insulating, and spackling a house that had burned down, and the other hangmg siding and refurbishing a basement in another house. The guys worked vigorously for long hours and spent the rest of the day recu-

per:ning and bonding together. While \'olunteering their service, the La Salle boys took in the sights of an Impoverished runl society in need of tremendous help. Project Appalachj:ll was :I wonderful educational experience th2t, in the words of Charlie Trinlde, "helped LaSalle students to tear down walls of ignorance and to build bridges of empathy and friendship with the people in KentucL:y." - Chris Fasy '08

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'1 PPI'ILI'ICH Il'In SERUICE TRIP On break from the work week, La Salle student volunteers take a hike through the Appabcian Mount:lins.

Above: At the conclusion of the service nip La Salle student5 along ,,;th Mr. Clark and Mr. Devlin ~ ,,;th me Habit2t For Humanity orpnizen.

Left: Mr. Clark supervises Paul and Chris Nucero as they work on one of the houses.

44 &. 1007 BLUE &GOLD

JUniOR URBRn CHRLLEn0E On two occasions during the school year interested juniors tnl\'cl to Camden for overnight retreat and service at the Romero Center, directed by Mr. Demeter.

• • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• • ••• • ••• • ••• • • ••• • ••• • • • •• • • •••• • • ••• • •••• • •• • • • ••• • • • ••• BOLlLJIR TRIP Front Row: Mrs. Zocltsch, Jim Alcgo,

Drew Needham, Tom Rose, Joe Gallo, Rjch Hamilton, and Mark Breen-Lopez.

Back: JOIl O'Connell, Mrs. Breen, Kevin Burke, Chad Kurylo, Jack libor, Ryan McDevin, and Jeff Price.

The La Salle faculty and students helped

bring food and clothes ro different vil~ lages along with helping the children in Cochabamba.


!=lC!=lDEmlC CLUBS

HIGHER LEARNING Left: The Academic DecatJJlon tcam gets prepared for another competition.

• • • • • • •••• • • •••• • • •••• • •••• • • • •••• • • ••••• • • ••• •• • •• •• • • • • •••• ••••••••••••• I'lCI'lDEmlC DECI'lTHLOn Front Row: Dave Loughery, Kelvin um, and jim Dierkes. Back Row: Mike Hoffman, Matt Mooney, Stef Lewandowski, j.A. Hull,jim White, and Will Dearden

Above: "Oh, those crazy bus trips!" Front: Paul Wisniowski,jim \.\'hite, Will Dearden, and Pat Monaghan. Back: Mr. Lynch (Moderator) john Corr, joe Marzoney, j.A. Hull, Kelvin Lam, Dave Loughery, Mike Hoffman, Man Moolley, Stef lewandowski, jim Dierkes, and Man \Vhite.

46 «. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Mr. Russell (Moderator) poses with the award winning Decathlon tealll .

• • • • • ••• • • •• • • ••• • ••• • •• • • ••• • • •• • • ••• • • ••• • • ••• • • • •• • • • •• • • ••• • • • ••• • • • •• ml'lTHLETES The Abthletes posing with hardware of their own! Front Row:Jirn White, Ian Percra,Jim Dierkes, andJoc Cipolla. Back: Bill

Maslin, Mike Marra-Powers,John DeLucca, George Weber, and Sean Janda

The celebratory pizza and soda part}' after another Mathlete victory!




Mr. Cipolla (Left) teaches the lralian Club the fundamentals of Bocce Ball.

•••• • • • ••••• • • • ••• • • • ••• • • ••• • • • • ••• • • • •••• • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • ITRURn CLUB The Italian Club is all about their culture

of food and games.

LRTln CLUB From Left: Matt Murtha, Mr. Geiger (moderator), J.A. Hull, Andrew Speese, Tom McAloon, and DylanJohnson.

48 «'1007 BLUE &GOLD

Left: The Spanish Club enjoys some food! Blow: Mrs. Breen and Dan Murphy prepare the feast.

••• • • • •• • • ••• • • •• • •• • • •• • • ••• • • • •• • • ••• • ••• • ••••• • • ••• • • •• • • ••• • • • ••• • • • •• SPf'lnISH CLUB The Spanish Club enjoys some outdoor rccrc:arion \lith Senor3 Breen.

6ERmf'ln CLUB From Left:Jim Bcnischcck,John Stumpo :and Mr. McBride (Modcr3tor).



AND JUSTICE FOR ALL a Salle's Mock Trial team worked vcry hard throughout the winter and had a successful year. The tcam participated in the Mock Trial program, sponsored by the Young Lawyers section of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. This program enables high school students throughout Pennsylvania to experience


a rcal court rrial. At'3se is created for the program, then the srudents take miscase and argue it in front of a judge and jury in a courtroom. The case this year was a ci\il case, and the argument was whether

the defendant was liablc for monetary damages against the plaintiff. La Salle's team competed against North Penn High School and Mount Saint Joseph Academy, and ended up being eliminated in a very close competition. The moderators of the La Salle mock trial program are Mr. EV:lIls and l\-lrs. Field. Also, three La Salle alumni, SCOtt \,volpen, J\1:lrio Diclerico, and Matt Quigg, helped to prepare the tcam for the impending trial. The participants in this year's mock trial defense team were

T.J. McCarrick, Pat Gavin,

Bob Long, M.an Schmitz, Mark Kinslow, and Jim Cramer. The plaintiff team's participants inciudedJC Wilt, Nick Rizl.Uto, Antionc AJbert, Brian \¥illiams, Bob Scanlon, and Roy Kaiser. The mock trial team consisted mostly of underclassmen, so next rear LaSalle will have the experience necessary to advance very far in the Pennsylvania Mock Trial Competition of2008. - Bob Long '09

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• mOCK TRII'lL TEl'lm Bob 5c:mlon, Bri:m \Villi:;r,ms, Bob Long, Nick Rinuto, Antoine Albert, T.J. McCarrick, M:;r,rk Kinslow, Roy K:;r,iscr,j.C. Will, and Pat Gavin.

Above: Plat Gavin pretends he's on "Boston Legal" examining the witness,Jim Kramer. Left: Pat Gavin, T.J. McCarrick,Jim Kramer, Bob Long, and M:att 5cmjez prepare for their C:IoSC.

50 1l. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Abovc:J.C. Wilt :lnd Roy Kaiscr try not to gct intimidated by the OppOSiJlg council. Left: AJum Mario DiClerico, Esq. gives somc last minutc tips toJ.C.

• • • • ••• • •••• • •• • •••• ••• • ••• • • • ••• • ••• • •••• • •••• • • ••• • • ••• • ••• • • ••• • • • ••• • • Left: Nick Rizzuto cross-e:\:amincs Anmine Albert



.' 'C

Bobby Long feels victory ill his gr;asp!

Left: Nick RizzutO, Antoine Albert, :mdJ.C. W.lt review the evidence.



THE POWER AND THE GLORY he La Salle Fonnn, morc commonly


known as the Speech and Debate Team,

started strong in the 2006-2007 school year, building on great success at NFL and CFL nationals. At the Sail1tjoscph's University Villigcr lburnament, the Policy Debate team of Mike McCabe '08 and 1:]. McCarrick '08 fook second place out of over 40 teams. Another Varsity Policy Debate Team, John Sperger '08 and Mike Rajnherc '08 took first place at the Delonnc Catholic Tournament. In early J:muary the team traveled to George Mason University in which the three Lincoln Dougl::ass Debaters

performcd fantastically.John Dilulio '08 venuto '08 and T.R. Doughcrry'08 in took third place, while Sean Janda '10 Public Forum Debate,john Dilulio '08 :mdJ.C. Wilt '09 were ranked in the top in Lincoln Douglas Debate, T.]. Mcten. Ln l:ateJanuary, the elite members of Carrick '08, Mike McCabe '08, John the Forum attended the Barkley FOnJffi Sperger '08 and Mike Rajnherc 'OS in Invitational at Emory University in Policy Debate, and Jim Benischeck '10 Georgia. Antoine Albert '08 took 5th at in Informative Speaking. Among other this tournament of over 100 competi- teammates contributing to our great tors, mirroring his success al nationals success this year are, Chris Harvc)' '09, the summer prior. Recently both state John K1usick '09, Greg LaFata '07, Matt and national qualifiers have taken place Janeni '09, Pat Dohoney '09, Lorenzo and among those qualifying are: Josh Quebral '10, Steve Kernytsky '08, Dave Thorn '10 and Sean Janda '10 in Duo Omojogunra '09 and Pat Cera '10. Interpretation, Antoine Albert '08 in -TJ. McCarrick '08 Dramatic Interpretation, Victor Ben·

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SJU lJILLl6ER TOURT"lRmET"lT PI:ace winners: Mike McCabe, Ev:an

Regan-Levine, Antoine Albert, Scan Janda. :and TJ. McC:lrrlck.

2006-07 SPEECH/DEBRTE Chris H:uvey, John K1usek, Evan ReganLevine,Josh Thom,jim Hageny, Loren"1.0 QlIebrol,jolm DiIlIlio, Steve Kemytsky, Se:anj:and:a, T.]. McCarrick, Antoine Albert, Patrick Dohony, Mike McCabe, M:att jannetti, jim Bcnischcl;;k, T.R. Doughcny, D:ave Omojogunra, :and A1.ikc R:ajnherc. Not pictured:].C. Wilt, Pal Ccro, Victor Benvenuto, :and john Spcrgcr.

521f.1007 BLUE &GOLD

Far Left: Antoine Alben with his "silver key" after making the final round al Emory's presligious Barkley Forum Tournament Ncar Left: Evan Regan-Levine sei7.ing life

Above Left: Debaters at George Mason, ).C. Wih,john Spcrger,john Dilulio, M.ike McCabe, A'like Rajnherc, Sean janda, and 'I":). McCamck. Above Righi: AnlOine contemplates... Left: 2007 NFL National Qualifiers: Anloine Albert, EV:In Regan-Levine, Mr. Shay, Mike McCabe, and -r. j. McCarrick.



Right: Mrs. Miller helps Brendan McCoy with his project. Below: Justin Price ccnamics for senior portfolio

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Right: Drawing I students Dan Galante, James Robinson, Jesse Ferrino, and Anthony Oi Nardo

Fu Right: I:,m Perera works wonders with a glue gun.

Near Right: The an room gaUery

541l. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Far Left: George Pinchock watercolor for senior portfolio Ncar Lcft: J ustill Priee prepares...a man in sand!?!?

Above: Mr. Heam critiques Ryan Haney's work. Left: Mike Croasdale acrylic for senior portfolio



CREATING THE SOUNDTRACK FOR THE YEAR his school year was a successful one for the LaSalle music program in a variety of ways. All year long, the band could be found at functions such as the LaSale, the Founder's Gala, and alumni reunions, performing for different members of the LaSallian community. This year marked Mr. Vcttori's first as direcwr of the music department, replacing Mr. C. who is still at LaSalle but taking more time to relax. Student leaders of the music department indud-


cd band President Man Stone, VicePresidents Felix l\olanzi and Alan Yuhas, librarian Kevin Hughes, and secretary Julian Tucker. Music students at LaSalle started working hard early, going to wcekJy Pep Band practices throughout the summer before school started, honing their skills for performances at LaSalle's football g:.lmes. Next, the band greatly impressed the school community at their ye~lrly Christmas concert, showing off just how good (and

large) a music department the school has. Music students continued to work hard through the rest of the year. For one thing, the competition band had another highly successful season, excelling at competitions and performing for LaSalle students and area girl's schools as well. Also, LaSalle students could be heard playing in the pitorchestra of this year's musical, Babes in Anns. - Alex Salwach '07

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COf'lCERT Bl'lf'lD The concert hand performs for the Christmas Concert.

L1TURC7Y BI'lf'lD Andrew Pierce, Alex Salwach,Jaclr. Blanke, and Chris Wogan are several mcmbers of thc hand that hell) with Liturgical events.

56 ~ Z007 BLUE &GOI.D

Far Left: Chris Cahill on the drums Near Left:]im Algeo is peppin' it up!

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PEP Bl'mD You can always (;Ollnl on the Pep Hand to get the funs ready for a game.

Far Left: The hom section at the jaz.z as· sembi),.

Near Left: Matt Stone, Will Mcintyre, and Mike Youllg.



Left: Mr. Ciccimaro and Mr. Venorij The men behind the music Below: We be jammin

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FRESHml'lf1 BI'lf1D From the very beginning the freshmen learn to playas olle.

Far Right: Seniors Andrew Pierce and Charlie Trinkle singing at the Chrisnnas

Concert Ncar Right: Frcshm:m members of the chorus: Pat Cera, \ViU Kcllog. and Jcre~ my Rich

58 "" 2007 BLUE &GOLO

Left: Junior Rory MeDon:.lld :.It the Ring Mass. Below: The entire 1...:1 Salle ehorus al the Christm:.ls Coneen.

••• • • ••• • • ••• • • ••• •••• ••• • • ••• • • ••• • ••• • • ••• • • ••• • • • ••• • ••• • ••• • • • •••• • • •• THE BELCROFTERS The Bc1erofters nise their \'oices for the Christm:.ls Liturgy.

Senior members of the Chorus: (Bottom from left) Chip Hinkle, Charlie Trinkle, Andrew Pierce, P:at De\'lin. Back row: Chris \\'ogan,J:.Irnes "''hite, Ste\'e Dean, Man: N:aseff, Mike Doyle, Malt Slone, and wm Mascio.


FI=lLL DRl=lml=l



n a change from 1005's solemn drama, A

work of the st3ge and lighting crews led K~in Burke '07.

.\1Im for All StllJons, U. Salle's dramatic society decided to mount a production of


the 1936 Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy lou Con'r Td~ It fVith Jou. Shown O\"cr a four night period, the successful sho\\ drew:tn unprecedented number of people. It fe3tured an all-star cast including Mau Naseef '07, La Salle's resident

Im'ers, Alice Sycamore (Emily McBryan)

thespian, as well as se\-cral newcomers such as Ben Courntc}t '07 and Evan Regan-Le\'ine '07. The production was m3de especially successful by the hard

The pia)' revah-cd around No-a )'oung and Ton}' Kirby (Enm Reg3n-Levine '07) and the conflicts beN,een their "'":list· Iy different families. The 5)'camores are

an oddball mix of misfits living together and pursuing an eclectic mix of hobbies_ Grandl>a S)'camore (.\la:u: Naseef '07) leads this str.mge f.unily gIVing out pithy bits of ad'ice and heartfeh wisdom_ The Kirb)'s. however, are straitlaced and con-

,-entional. Anthony Kirby Oohn Dilulio '08), Tony's father, is a Wall Street busi· nessman who belie'-es that a man's pn· mary concern should be his business and not the pursuit of useless frivolities, as is ad"ocated by Grandpa Sycamore, The ob1.ious conflict between th~ two familjes almost ruins Ton)' and Alice's relationship, but Tony's deternlin:toon and his father's conversion to the Sycamore famil)"s mindset brings them together for a rousing and heartw'3nning finish, -Evan Regan Levine '07

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "Th.. Cost" l"lembers of the cast of l'tlu elm', 7Qkt~ It With lou: (From Left) John Diulio, Matt Dwyer, Catherine Begley, Ben Courtney, Nadine Thompson, Mary Mug Belir, Man: N:asecf, Emily McBryan, and Evan Regan.Lcv;nc

Abow:: Matt I>w}~r, Ben Coutner (in nusk), and Nadine Thompson, Left: Here come the G-.\1en:John Walsh, Drew Need· ham, and Greg Porter!

60 ... 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Left: That uneas)' feeling when worlds collide. Below: "Oh, yeah, that's nice!"


Above: Man and Mary M:oIfg

Left: Andrew Pierce in his Sunday !Jest!

Left: Gr.101JY.1 Man:

uft: Doug Brehony's Russian €hncc instructor desires Ben's jacket!



BABES IN ARMS hey Call Us Babes In Anns. La Salle musical theatre returned for its 39th full-length production this year with Lorenz Hart's :lnd Richard Rogers' Babt! in Arms. The songs "My Funny Valcntine n and "The Lady Is a Tramp" come from the 1939 classic. Rehearsals started in early January and the cast worked rigorously three times a week to ready themselves for their St. Patrick's Day weekend opening. The Story follows Val (Matt 00-


minick) as he tries to save his, and his ap-

prentice's, summer Revue from their callous boss Mr. Fleming (Andrew Pierce), and impress the talent sCOut Steve Edw:lrcls Ooe Kain) with their show. The cast was led this year by sen· iors Matt Dominick, Andrew Pierce, Will Mascio, Joe K.,in, Matt Stone, Dan Brophy, Maxx Naseef, and Charlie Trinkle. Ladies from Gwynedd Mercy Academy and Mount SaintJoseph's Academy, along with others, joined the cast to help

with the show. The most notable female members of the cast were Katie Redmond (GMA), Brianna Roth (GMA), and Katie McCool (MSJA). The show went off wonderfully with incredible vocals, dancing, and cosruming. Audiences loved the show from beginning to end. It was clear that Oahu in Arms, and the La Salle theatre, was a great success this year. - Andrew Pierce '07

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE eRST "They call us babes in arms, but we are babes in armor." Stick it to the Man.

Fllr Right: Student Musical Director Alan


Near Rjght: The guys have a bright idea... or not.(WiII Mascio, Matt Stone, Dan Brophy, Charlie Trinkle, and Katie Redmond,)

621l. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Far Left: "The lady is a rramp." That's the namc of the song! Near Lcft': "\Ve're rough guys..."

Above: Oh dIe cute couple. (Matt Dominick and K.1t'ie McCool) "Baby I've lived." "Baby you don't know whalliviog is."

Left: Lee (Ma;u.: Naseef) is furious his portrait has been destrOyed.




·YOU STAY CLASSY, LA SALLEEXP is all about working hard and playing hard. \\le are the schools Media Center, which In3kes us responsible for everything from the morning TV show to converting tcachers' video files and everything in-between. The morning TV show is broadcast live e\'ery day from the studio locatcd in the basement of S::aint Mich::ael's Hall. The fifteen minute broadcast provides experience for approximately 25 students, who work ::as producers, directors, sound en· gineers, and live \'ideo switchers. Other assorted jobs in the Nledia Center also


keep the students busy.

One of the best aspects of the Media Center is its open and friendly atmosphere. The door is almost always open,

not just for members of the club, but to anyone who wants to walk in and say

hello. Mr. Johnson, OUf moderator, has his office next to dlC door SO he is always happy to assist with any spedal requests

from anyone or let someone in, in the unlikely event of a locked door. The Media Center is a great place to [earn about technology and have fun too.

- Kevin Burke '07

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WEXP The anchors get ready for the morning edition ofWEXP.

Above: ScriptwriterJim White. Left:: ProdUCTion AssistanT Kevin Kloe, Video Editor Chris Cahill, and Tech SUpport John Stumpo.

6411. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Left: Show Director Matt White calling the shots!

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Left: Cameraman Mathis and Floor Director James Alego.

Left: It looks like it's a little too early for Mr.JoIUl-


Left:: The crew gets the audio and video up and running.



WONDER BOYS WISTERIRn EDITORS Wisterian Editorial Board: Steve Dean,

Evan Regan-Levine, Chris \Vogan, and Man Stone.

• • • • • • •••• • • ••• • • • • ••• • • • ••• • • •••• • • • • ••• • • • •••• • • • ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• YERRBOOK Members o(the Blue and Gold Yearbook Staff: Tom McAloon, George Pinchock,

Braden Bonner, andJA. l-lull

The Yearbook Office often welcomes esteemed dignitaries such as Mr. Rad (Left) and Mr. Falcone (Above) who help to calm the deadline tempeSt that comes with

each yearbook publiation.

66 «'1007 BLUE &GOLD

New Assistant Yearbook Moderator Mr. Hartey (Far Left) tries to c::alm the brutal Machiavellian despot of a Moderator aka M.r. Chesnik aka Director ofYearhook Operations

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WISTERIl'ln Wisterian StafT:Jim White (Associate Editor), Steve Dean, Chris Wogan, Evan Regan-Levine (Editorial Board Chair), Mike Young (Assodatc Editor), Jeff Murtha, and Man Stone.

C7l'lZEBO Evan Regan-Levine and Steve Dean go over the IICW edition of the Gnebo Literary Magazine.




Top: La Salle's beautiful labs in full usc Right: M.r. Shay has finally lost his mind, a pity.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LRB mRr\RC7ERS Right: The 2006-2007 La Salle College High School Lab Managers

Left: Senior Colin Haley shows sophomore Bryan Bonder what server work is all about. Top: Kevin Hughes and Ry:m McDevitt are working hard on a faculty laptop

6811. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Left:Jolm Madrack is showing a student the imricacics of InfomlatiOIl Technology

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• compUTER TECHS Left: Mr. Nicoletti shows his computer technicians how to ovcrclock (heir CPUs.

Left: John Stumpo :and Mike McKibben are read)' to hear Mr. Nic's talk on Y2K

Left: "Now Man, this is a computer. \Ve usc it for adv:mccd processes like accounting dal1lbascs and solitaire..."






• • • • •••• • • • ••••• • • ••• • • • ••• • • • •• • • • • ••••• • • •••• • • •••• • • • • • •• •••••• •• •• •••• UTI'lH TRIP Above Left: Connor Rothwell, Andy Galbally, and Bob Swarney Above Rjght: TlIylor Bnrouns takes a breather. Righ~ La Salle's Ski Club makes the trek cross country to Utah.

Far Right: Taylor still resting!

Near Right: A perfect day slopes.

70 11'.1007 BLUE &Gala


hit (he





t_ J r Far Left; Rothwell poses before falling down the mountain! Ncar Left: La Salle SIIOW boarders in full-effect!

Above: "!-Iello, my !lallle is Jim and I'll be your ski instructor today." - Afr. Tatc

Left: The majestic mountllins of Utah.


AN AMERICAN JOURNEY he African American Student Leadership is a group of African American students from grades nine to twelve who


come together to discuss and explore

ideas on how to broaden and diversify the La Salle experience. This year's leadership group has made fundamental progress ill making La Salle more culturally aware through the pivotal work of La S:llle's Multicultural Director, Nlr. Parisi. OUf goal is to recruit intelligent and talented ethnic students from low income urban families, to come to La

Salle and help tiS in our continuous efforts in enhancing the cultural experience at La Salle. We feel that a more diverse student bodY:11 La Salle will bring different and significant view points to cbss discussions, faculty conversation, and the overall discussions taking place in the La Salle hallways. Every year the African American Student Leadership group has a luncheon that brings together influential members of the faculty, African- American alumni, and members of the Student Government. The

luncheon provides the students with an outlet to voice their opinions and discuss their issues to leading members of the La Salle community, who can provide a solution. VVith the persistence and motivation shown by the students in the leadership group, along with the support of Mr. Parisi, Mr. Marchese, and Brother Kestler, we will reach our goals to enhance the La Salle community. - Christopher Covington '08

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RFRICRn RmERICRn STUDEnT LERDERSHIP Members of the African American Srudent Leadership convene each year at the Christian Brothers' residence for a luncheon with administf;ltors, faculty, alumni, and a guest speaker.

Above: Alum Dean Owens '02 returns to share some of his La Salle experiences with the students. juniors: Rodney Hardee, Greg Barksdale, Chris Covington, Antoine A1bert,josh Brooks, andjeremy Miles.

721l.1007 BLUE &GOLO

Left: Guest Speaker Josh Baer, ESQ. '87 shares his keys to success for life.

• • • • •••• • ••• • • •• • • ••••••• • •• • • ••• • • •• • • ••• • • ••• • • • ••• • • • •• • • ••• • • • ••• • • • •• DREl'lm IS I'ILlUE Mr. Joe Rogers spoke 10 the entire school community on the dream of Martin Luther KingJr.

Left: The power of the mesS:llge comes through loud :lind c1e:llr :liS Mr. Joe Rogers recitcs the famous oratories of MLK.

Left: Snldents and Faculty show their appreciation to Joe Rogers following his "Dream is Alive" speech.



The minds of La SaJle students continue to be developed through activities after school.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CHESS CLUB Members of the Chess Team and Club: (Front Row): Ian Perera, Ryan McDevin, :md Lorenzo Qucbral. (Back Row): Mr.

Keenan, Nick Pederson, Mike Aiele, Nate Mcycrs,)crcmy Miles, John Brumbaugh, and Mr. John Kcir. (not pictured: A.j. Ralston and Anthony W'ltowski)

Above: Nick Pederson :md A1.ike Mde go at it. Left: Mr. Keir helps Nate Meyers "ith strategy.

74 'lI. 2007 BI.UE &GOlO

Left: Senior Chess team members Ryan McDevitt and Ian Pen::ra ","Ork on strategy before heading out to crush their opponents.

•••• • • ••• • •• • • ••• • ••• • ••• • •••• • ••• • ••• • • • ••• • •• •• • • • ••• • ••• • • ••• • • • •••• • ••

The GlIming Club td:es II moment for photo befon:: heading back to the Xbox.


Left: WlIiring for your shot at gaming grelltness CliO seem like an eternity.

Left: MSee, jeremy, I used swim mo,'e to get pllSl four SOIT)' O·ljne and smash }'our QR."





One of the spt.·cial things about u Salle is m:n there is a place for e,ocryonc.

• • •••• • • • • • ••• • • • • • •• • • •••• • • • ••• • • • • ••• • • • ••• • • • •••• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• ••••• CELTIC CLUB (Back ro",'): Joe Oi Furia. Erik Cwik, Mike Hagan, Stcfim Lewandowski, and Ryan Fitzpatrick. (First Row): Steve St:mton, Tom Casella, Scan Mont-

gomery, Nick Kr.lchcr (President), Phillip Hopkins. (nm piCfurcd:Modcratoni Dr. Ryan and Mr. Joe Lynch.)

mULTI-CULTURf'lL CLUB Mr. fin brings together students from various backgrouds ...ith numerous activities, one of which is the cdcbnuion of cultural delicacies out by the gaubo.

76 ... 1007 BLUE &GOLD

InTRl'lmURI'lLS The lntTamura! prO!"'l':J.m at L:l Salle offers the students :J. ch:l1lcC to participate in basketball, football, wifficball, and dodgeball. Mr. Hartey (Far Left) orWJn·

izcs the dodgeball tcams in the grotto field then witnesses the likes of D:ln Fornace and AJcx Lagner (Near Left) pummel defenseless peers.

• • •••• • • • •• • •••• •••• •••• • ••• • ••• • • ••• • ••• • • •• • • • • • •• • • •• • • ••• • • • ••• • • •• •• • PHOTO

CLUB From Left: Rob Mandas. Ahrk Ventresca, Mr. Geiger (Moderator), KC\1n IGohe, Bill Brcnmm and Steve Dean,


CLUB In the Study Commons tile tables and chairs are pushed aside for a !)ing-I)Ong table so these guys can smash each other wllilc Moderator Mr. Quinn awaits a real




A SPECIAL MOMENT IN TIME incc this past September, 240 seniors have traveled to the Diamond Ridge

Conference Center, formerly Camp Neumann, to experience the Kairos retreat. Kairos is the experience of the Spirit of God, and during this four-day senior retreat, students have the opportunity to reflect on this spirit within themselves and in others. Since freshman year, the class of 2007 has overheard rumors and seen seniors mentioning the power of Kairos during underclassmen retreats and throughout the hallways of La Salle. During the course of this year, six different Kairos groups have experienced the powerful effect of the retreat. Each senior that attends this retreat Right: Group 6 from Kairos 37·5] (Front): Colin Conway, AJexSalwach,J.T. Walchooski, and Brian McGinnis. (~lid­ die): Liam O'Neill, Mr. Cipolla (Adult Leader), and Mike Doyle. (Back): John Pierson (Student Leader)

Far Right: Joe Gallo tllkc§ some alone rime to think on Kairos Near RighI: Kairos Leaders 011 37-55, COllor Rothwell (Across) Dan Connors, Mike Kapp, Mike Cliggen, Mike Maguire, Greg Dusing, and Dan John",n.

78 if. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

has different expectations before leaving, however Kairos exceeds all expectations. This retreat is something that must be experienced to be able to appreciate. Through the experience students come to understand its importance in our lives. All retreat groups arrive in the same fashion - forty young men enter Di:lmond Ridge, some friends, some acquaintances, and others may not to be able to match a [:lce with the name of a fellow retreatant. After those four days, these young men return back to their lives, their families, and their friends, but they are changed. Kairos changes lives for the better. The time spent with their groups, the teacher leaders, and the student leadcrs is filled with peace, love,

joy, forgiveness, tears, laughs, companionship, and unforgettablc memories. Mr. Clark and Mr. Devlin, we arc extremely grateful for all of the time, the energy, the memories, and the passion you have for this program. Thank you for sharing it with us all. We also thank all of the teachers that took the time out of their schedules to attend Kairos, opening their hearts and their lives to us. Thank you for guiding us in a way to allow God to reveal Himself to us during our retrcat and in our lives thereafter. Kairos is a place where lives are shared, friendships arc mended, trust is formed, and we carry this into our futures ... by Living 4th! - Brian Nahas '07

Far Left: Fr. Farley shares the Liturgy with the retreatants. Ncar Left: Ryan Murphy shares what K..1iros has meant for his small group.

Above: Alive with the Spirit of Kairos Left: Kairos Brotherhood!



•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• KRIROS 37-51 September 26-29,2006

KRIROS 37-52 November 7-10, 2006

80 1l. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

KI'IIROS 37-53 December



KI'IIROS 37-54 January 30 - February 2,


KI'IIROS 37-55 February 27 - March 2, 2007


821l. 2007 8LUE &GOLD




oaches who demand the best from us and the fans come to cheer us on. The field IS our stage.



-'ttt CO


o ou. Above: John Harrison pbnning what to say to Ted Silary after this gre:n pass. Right: Bill Casrlcberg, viewing the caTnage he reaked upon the other team.

Above:joe Migliaresc. readies to take the db long. Right: Rob Sarecini demonstatcs to Sophomore Pete Schwartz how to walk ()ffthc field like a star.

841l. 2007 BLUE &60LO

Left: Capt:lins confront the Hawks Abo,'c: Scniof"$ cnd La SaUc football carccrs with ch:lrnpionship


Enter into a new year and exit as

CRAMPIONS "Start strong, finish stronger." This is the motto that the Explorers internalized and undoubtedly li\·ed out in the 2006 football season. Under first year head coach Drew Gordon, the Explorers were led to a successful 10-3 season and shocked the high school football world with:l 14-7 win over the St. joe's Hawks, reclaiming their rights to the peL title for the first time since 1998. The LaSalle defense proved itself again as one of the best in me area retuming many experienced starters. Led by senior defensive linemen john McBurnie, Dom Baker, Zach Gilbcn, and Scott Waters, senior line· backerj8 Campanella and junior linebacker

Andrew \\'ood, and a secondary comprised of seniors Rob Saraceni, Greg Frantz, Sean Sa\'erio,jack Forster, Fr:mk DeLucci:l and junior 1\1att Day, the LaSalle defense continued in its stingy ways. The high-powered Explorer offense picked up where it left offlast ye:lr. Le:lding the way on the line were seniors D:ln Connors, Bill C:lsrleberg, Chris C:lbre)', D:ln Smart, Max Luce, Mike Stahl and junior Matt Lees. Senior backs Chris Ashley, joe Perese, and Kevin lamasitis gained yards on the ground, while through the air junior QB john Harrison found targets in senior wide-outs jack Forster, Andrew

Dean, and junior joe 1\ligliarese. Senior kicker Rran Cain was solid on special te:lllls. The Explorers started off strong, h:lndling meir opponents and going undefe:lted in their firstse\'en contests. Despite ending the regul:lr season with three consecutive losses, the Explorers persevered:ls they swept through the playoffs with a thrilling overtime win against C:lrdinal O'I-Iara, a rome of Rom;ln Catholic, ;lncl the momenlOUS victory that brought the peL championship home. • Andrew De:\n '07

Abo"~:Jaek Forc:st~r's

jersey number says il all!

Left: Vierof)'. How good it feels!

IA S,llE COllfGE HiGH SCHOOL if. 85

-'-' ttt

co Io ou.

Right: Coaches B~" :and Drew Gordon share another rille together. Below: Migliarese dodges dc(endcJ'$.

VIIRSI1V FOO1':lllll 86 Co !007 BLUE &GOLO

Above:Your 2006 Explorers.



Left: QB Drew Loughcrty calling out the signals. Below: Conor Poston fighrs for that extra )"'N!.

Below: The Freshmen gather around Manager Brian Havard for inspiration.

Aoo,"c: Dan \\'ood on the sweep! Left: Coach Rad: The architect of La Salle Football


VIIRsrrv SOCCER Bottom Row(left to Right): Bob Manul-

10, B.J. Fitzgerald, Brendan Da Costa, Tim Greaves, Dan Sacchetta, Nick Lan;,.a, Ryan McDevitt, Chad Kurylo, Ryan Patrick, Wayne Gnasela Top Row(Left to Right): Coach Peme, Colin \Vhalen, Hibl.rio Romero, Dan Smart,

Brian McManus, Colin Baker, Greg Dusing, Brian Moore, Evan McGilIin, Greg Walzack, Matthew McCaffery, Shane Kelly, Mike B:mecker, Assistant Coach Bob Peme

The La Salle Soccer Empire strikes

AGK TO BACK The 1006 Explorers entered the season with high expectations as they returned nine starters from last year's peL championship squad. They marched undefeated through the preseason with victories ovcr rivals Sf. joseph's Prep and state-powerhouse Cumberland Valley. Their exceptional play earned them the recognition of being the nnd ranked team in the nation. During the first game of the rebrubr season the Explorers' luck took :l turn for the worse. Greg Dusing, one of the tcam's captains and, suffered a seasonending injury in a game against Northeast Catholic. The Explorers ended up

Above: L:mza's sheer SI)ecd!! Right: Dusing &mily celebrating the victory over Ryan.

88 iL 10018lUE &OOlO

losing the game, but used Greg's injury motivation as they progressed further into thc season. They then went on a nine braille undefeated streak propelling them imo the playoffs. The vctcran leadership of captains Colin \Nhalen, Colin Baker, and Matt McCaffrey helped laSalle earn their spot in the PCL Championship ag:tinst Archbishop Ryan, with victories over Northeast Catholic in the quarterfinals and Roman Catholic in the semifinals. In the championship, the Explorers outplayed the Raiders of Archbishop Ryan to a 4-1 victory with goals from Chad Kurylo, Colin Baker, and J\1att McCaffrey. :IS

LaSalle's unbeatable defense was led by seniors Brian McManus, Ryan McDevitt, Greg Walczak, Nick Lanza, and Shane Kelly, with Evan McGillin's outstanding play in goal backing them up. LaSalle's veteran roster included fifteen seniors. seven of these seniors earned All-Catholic recognition. Colin Baker smashed La5alJe's season and 01reer scoring records, and Colin \Vhalen earned All-State acknowledgement. The Explorers finished out the season with a record of 19-2-2 and look forward to a bright future with many more championships to come. - Chad Kurylo '07

Left: Soccer team captures the championship for the second year in a row. Left: The most handsome senior class yet!!

Above: Chad Kurylo conscntrates on playing another perfect ball. Left: Matt McCaffery shooting down another teams hopes for a win.


Above: Colin Whalen dazzles his opponents with moves. Right: Shane Kelly's DALL1Nl'r.'N!

Above: D.). Fit-L clears the baU from danger. Right: Colin Baker showing his tcnacit"), in the boll:.

90 11. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

uft:JV rfiling for the serond half. Below: Malt Stewan takes on his opponentS with open c)'cs.

Below: The outst':mding Frfihman team.

Above: La Salle Soccer look.~ to h:wc a promising future.

Left: Coach Da Costa and Coach Derrick look to moti路 vate the Freshmen to yet :mother vict0f)'.


CROSS COUrnRY Cross Country Vanit)~ TIDl Heck, D:m Lowery, Ed BonllC'ie, Phil Wood, Colin Barnn, Steve Dorsey, and Gco'1l" Pinchocl<

Abo"c: Senior TIm Heck gi'路es it his all! Left; George Pinchock fights riU the end. Far Left: CO:.lch Devine passes on his thanks to Tim Heck after four gn"lIt P:lIrs.

92 C.l007 BLUE &GOLD

JUNIOR VARSITV CROSS cournRV Junior Varsity Catholic Champs: Bobby Long, Kyle McMahon, Pat I)onnelley, Kevin D.Jordan. Scan McCullough, Brian Callahan, l\hrk Franzen, StC\'c Dolan, Collin Conway, Scan Moffa, Mike Power, Tyler Knarr, Matt It,zz.ano, Anthony Kent, Brian Leddcr, Chris Bi...res,Tom Buoncristiano, Matt Hui, Chris Fasy, Pat Monteith, Evan Cooper, Dyb.n Leighton, 8ill L.'1rkin, Christian Carey, Kt.'Vin O'Neill, and Pat O'Donnell

Cross Country completely dominates in their

RUN TO GLORY After three golden years of cross-country dominance in and out of the Philadelphia

C.,tholic League, once again lASalle entered the 2006 cross COUlltry season with a repum路 tion to uphold. A freshman, junior varsity, and varsity sweep at the early Salesianum In-

vit:ltional solidified th:lt this years squad possessed the ability to win another peL title. The LaSalle varsity squad of seniors Colin Barrett, Ed Bonnevie, Steve Dorsey, Tim Heck, :lnd George Pinchock, junior Dan Lowry, :lnd sophomore Phil Wood formed a powerful pack that was a threat to any team in the area. As the weeks passed, impressive pcrfonnances at the Eastern States Championships in New York and the PCL Northem Division Championships showed the team

was strong :md focused. Everyone camed out their respective roles to sweep the freshman, junior varsity, and varsity team titles al the Philadelphia Catholic League Championships. Shawn Quinn, Tom Q'Kane, Dan LaMorte, Ryan \-Vemer, and Patrick Heck led the freshman charge, alluding to yet more future success for the program. Senior Mike Power, juniors Chris Fasy, Tom Buoncristiano, and Brian Ledder, and sophomores P::ltfick Donnelly, Tyler Knarr, and Scan McCullough were the fran路 trunners for the tlIlented junior varsity group. The team success was met by individual succe.ss as well, with sophomore Phil \-Vood putting on a show with his individual PCL victory in a school record 16:(H at the fumed

Belmont Plateau. First-team all路Catholic honors were attained by Bonnevie, Barren, Dorsey, Heck, Pinchock, Lowry, and Wood. \-Vood also earned second-team all路state honors. The team W:lS mnked among the st:lte's best, peaking at PANS. The mnkingwas a result of a mature and professional spirit, cultivaled by none other than the multi-faceted coaching staffofMr. Devine, Mr. IJilccki, Mr. Demeter, and l\'lr. Devlin. This year's crop of seniors will be the first to gmduate with four consecutive Catholic League tides to their names, but given the raw ulK:oming tatent, the zealous (and quirk)') coaching staff, and the IT.ldition LaSalle runners now find themselves a pan of, they won't be the last. - 'rim Heck '07

Abovc: Stevc Dorsey finishes strong Left: Phil Wood is congratulated by Scan McGinley after breaking Scan's school record.


Above: Bobby Long spom the shades! Right: Mark Franzen enjoys running cross country because he loves thc wind flowing through his hair.

Above: Anthony Kent gives all he's got Right:JV Medalists: Coach Devine, Sean McCullough, Pat Donnelly, Mike Power, Tyler KnalT, Tom Buoncris* tiano, Chris Fasy, and Coach Devlin

9411. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Rctow-: Freshman Champs: Coach Dcmctcr, Kevin Casey, Dan Lamort, Seamus McCoUough, \Ves Meenan, Tom O'K:ane, Rrian Dorsey, Pat Heck, Pat Mellor, RY:1Il \Verner. Pat KeelUlt, Nick Molloy, Sh:lne Pierc::e, Jeremy Rich, Sean Quinn, and Coach Devlin

Left: Sc:;ln Quinn, Tom O'K:ane, and D:ln Lamont finish 1-2-3 Bclow:Tom Q'Kanc sprints to finish


Sean Quinn wins it aU!

Left: ...and here:: comes Dan Lamont


round up the




Wil,ER ~OLO Front Row: Eddie Kchan, Brendan Me路

Goldrick, Drew Palazzo, Pat Maginnis, Will Dearden, Rhoads Worster, Tom Knab, and Nolan Finchione Second Row: Kyle Fi.nlay, Mike Fazio, James Mahoney, Ben DiFranco, Paul Magee, Connor Bracken. Back Row: Coaches Tare and Ricffel,lohn Holt, Brendan Wl1ls, Todd Domanski, Ted Walker, J.J. Bouldin, Greg Woods, Brian Jeffers, Coach Dunchcskic, :md Fr. TonyJ:mton

Water Polo continues progressing towards

EXCELLE CE The LaSalle water polo program has come a long way from its humble beginnings four short years ago. The team has grown to be onc of the most competitive and well respected teams in the area. The season began with tough fought losses to Nlalvern Prep and Loyola, in a preseason tourn;lmcnt. However, the team rebounded from this rough St;lrt in linc fashion. In the season opener against The Lawrenceville School, the Explorers suf~ fered a hard fought [ass to one of the top ranked teams on the east coast. Although

the Explorers lost the match, the way they played motivated them for the rest of the season. Throughout the season, the players pushed on through key wins and hard fought losses, always having the Eastern Prep School Water Polo championship in mind. The season ended on a positive note with a win over Friends Central, but the most fulfilling part came at season's end, when the team found out they had made the A bracket of the Eastern toumamenr, a step up from last season whcn they qualilied for the B division.

Above: Greg Woods is ready to pounce!

Coach Ounch sets up a play during a timeout.

9611.1007 BLUE &GOLD

All could not have been achieved without key efforts by the senior class of Ben Difranco,John Holt, Make Fazzio, Brendan Wills, and BrianJeffers. In addition to the senior class, other outstanding performances were turned in by juniors Greg Woods and JJ HouJdin, and sophomore goalie Teddy Walker. The team ended the year achieving its preseason goal of competing with the best schools in the East. The season brings great optimism for future for LaSalle watcr polo. - BrianJeffers '07

Above: Ted Walker keepin' watch over the goal. Left: J.J. stirs up some waves for the opponent.


LefT: Ben DiFranco looks for the 0l)en man.

o ro

Above: Brian Jeffers gets in someone's face

Left: WiJls readies his shot.


..J ..J

cr co rL.I..I


cr CO

Abo\-e: Mike Topely runninlf the sOOw. Rilfhc Clay Penec:lle lays it in for two!

Above: TJ. Brown makes the tough pass.

981(. Z007 BLUE &GOLD

VI\RSliV !3I\S:<Eil3l\ll Front Row: Mgr. Bryan Williamson, Mg.-. Dan McDonald, Mike Topely, Anthony Acey-Davis, Greg Dusing, T.J. Brown, Sean Benz, From\.; Pierson, Mgr. Ryan 0'· Connell, Mgr. Kevin O'Connell Back Row: Coach Donohoe, Coach Dempsey, Todd Stokely, Clay Pcncarolc, Man Cro7.i· cr, Co). Aiken, Nick Jaskula, Joe Mjgliaresc, 8.]. Fitzgernld, Tom Cooney, Josh I-Iouscr, Coach Campclri, Coach Shcedy, Coach Fir.t;gcf"Jld

Explorers remember a season fun of

BOOP DREAMS As the 2006-2007 basketball season beg:m, Head Coach]oc Dempsey and the La Salle Explorers were determined to make it to the Catholic League Playoffs for the first time in three years. The team worked hard in the off-season to get ready for the upcoming year. Before the season even started, the team was ready to go out and prove themselves as a playoff caliber team. The La Salle Explorers got off to a quick Start. 'nley wcrc led by a Strong core of seniors in Sean Benz, Anthony Acey-Davis, TJ. Brown, and Greg Dusing. The team went 8-4 in their nOn-leagllc schedule winning the \.vissahickon Holiday 'Iaurnamem and the

first annual Christian Brothers Classic, hosted by La Salle. ToumamentMVP's included Clay Penccale, Frank Pierson, and Mike lapley. Man Crozier, a first year transfer from Conwell Eagan,Joe Ntigliarese, c.J. Aiken, the highly regarded freshman, along with seniors Sean Benz and Anthony AceyDavis all played important roles in the big man positions for the Explorers. Returning Second Team All-Catholic Player, Clay Penecalc, played strong and consistent throughout the }'ear to lead the team in scoring. 111c point guard position was fillcd by tough, quick-footed juniors Mike Topley and Frank Pierson.

\·Vhen the season came (Iown to crunch time, the Explorers played tough and pulled our crucial wins at North Catholic and at Father Judge to force a playoff play-in game against Father Judge, for the fourth place seed in the Northern Division. The Exp[or~ ers beat Father Judge to make it to the playoffs for the first time in three years. In the playoffs, the Explorers pushed:1ll undefeated Cardinal Dougherty team to its limit. but fell just shy of victory. The Explorers finished their season 1612 and are already looking forward to next ye:lr with their strongt.'Orc ofunderclassmen. • Greg Dusing '07

Above: Senior leaders of thc basketball [cam: T.J. Brown, Anthony Acey-Davis, Sean Benz, and Greg Dusing left: Coaeh Dempsey giving some pointers to Matt Crozier.


Right: Mgr. Ryan O'Connell, Explorer announcer Wah Kaminski '62 and Mgr. Kevin 0' Connell. Below: Dus for a trey!


Above: Coach Dempsey and his assistants work up the next play.

100 1l.1007 BLUE &60LO

Below: Grace and Guts!

This season theJV (left) and Freshman (below) worked hard to develop the fu路 turc star Explorers.

Above: FroshJohn S7..cepanski with the layup. Left: c.j. Aiken I.hrows it down against McDevitt.


SCHOOL 11.101

VIIRSI1Y WRES1WIGEY The 2006-07 peL Wrestling Champions!!!

Right: Kevin Klobe brings pain! Below: Pinned!!!!!!!

Far Right:John Whitham tortures his opponent!

Near Right: Ready to rumble!

102 .. 1007 BLUE &GOLD

SHIIOR WRESllERS Senior wrestlers: John 0'路 Driscoll, John Whitham, J .A. Hull, Ben Courtney, J:lflles Cunningham, Andrew Furlong, Mike Reber, and Kevin K1ohc.

La Salle Wrestlers finally go

OVER -raE -rop Entering the 2006-2007 wrestling season the La Salle wrestling tcam had notcapmred

a peL Championship in 10 years. Though the team had made it to the championship march in both of the last two seasons, they had come up short each time.I-IO\,,'cver, with a Strong team under the leadership of Coach Stanley :lnd Captains Kevin KJohe, Ben Courtney, and Nljke Reber, this year was different. The varsity squad started off strong with a 2nd Place finish at New Hope and a victory over Hatboro-Horsham. These

strong showings were early signs that the tcam was improved and ready to make a run at the title. The team also had strong showing at scv~ eral other tournaments in whieh it competed, finishing first at both La Salle and Radnor, and a taking second at the Chrisonas City tournament. The team also went undefeated in the PCL throughout the regular season, securing themselves a number one seed in the pbyoffs. In the playoffs, La Salle easily advanced to the championship with a 49-20 victory over CmlinaIO'l-Iarn. This set the Explorers up for a re-

match of last year's championship match against Nonh Catholic. The team emerged victorious with a final score of 33-20. The La Salle wrestlers continued their winning streak by capruring the peL individual title one week later. They also scored a third place finish at Pennsylvania Private School States the following week, with twelvc wrestlers placing and qualifying for Nationals. Thc team finished the season with a strong showing at Nationals, placing 17th out of 122 schools. - Andrew Furlong '07

Above: Third rime's the chann Left: Ben Courtney makes his move.

lA S~llE COll.EGE HiGH SCHOOL 11. 103

AM :~OC:(EY Row I: R. Lynn, 1] Llessig, M. O'Brien, E. Mcloughlin, M. Martinelli, R. Denczi, R. Tyson, D. Pyne Row 2; M. Sc::hacffer. M. Schnupp. T. Krulikowski, T. Minton, V. Marques, A. Schmidt, A. Berlde, S. Gigliotti, R. Evan, P. Gallagher, A. Pascal. K. Zoldy (missing, M. Mcrcnich)


Right: Coach inspires the AAA team they set their sights on a state tide!


Above: Tom Minton ready to 't\ID anouler faccofl'. F:lf Right: E"plorers cclcbr.lfc another victory!

Near Right: The maesrro of the hockey mach.ine... rour name is Wally!

1041f. 2007 BLUE &GOLD


BLUE Kneeling: Mike Erickson, Ryan Smalley, Taylor Brauns, Mike Klenk, Colin Miller, Nick Golden, Garren Nesbitt. Standing: Coach Nolan, Mike Roche, Rob Farley, Kevin Riley, Matt Catanese, Josh Chubb, Chris Higgins, Mike Rongione, Nick Patcclla, Austin Bn1Iuns, Frank Cassidy, Scan L.ondon, Sam Flashner, Coach Haggerty, Coach Horgan. Missing: Br:lod Hollingswonh

La Salle Ice HockeyTeams are all about the

SLAPSH07 The La Salle Icc I-Iockey Program enjoyed a tremendous amount of success in the 2006-2007 Season. La Salle boasts four highly competitive varsity tcams. One team plays at the A level, two playa AA schedule, and one team pbys in a Varsity AM leabruc, which consists of many area high schools. The La Salle hockey program graduated elc\'cn seniors this year, all of whom were members of either the Varsity AAA tcam or the Varsity AA (Blue) team. Graduating members of the Varsity AA (Blue) team include Taylor Brauns,Josh Chubb, Rob Farley, Chris I-liggins, A'like Klenk, Sean London, Nick Patcella, and Kevin Riley. Mike Martinelli, Eric McLaughlin, and Tom Minton arc the graduating seniors from thc

Varsity AM team. The Varsity A tcam competed at a very high level. Though the team is generally young, each of the players gained valuable experience playing at the varsity level this season. Varsity Ai\ (Gold) finished their season comfortably atop the AA North standings_ Likewise, Varsity AA (Blue) also finished their season ncar the top of the rankings in the AA South Division. The Varsity AAA team, led by Coach Wally Muehlhronncr, opened their season with a huge 6-0 win over out-of-statc rival Saint Mary's from New York. Later in the month, La Salle AAA bcgan regular scason pl3y, and opened with a perfect 8-0 record before Christll13S. The day 3fter ChristlllaS,

the team packed and Icft for:\ tournament in Providence, Rhode Island, where it compet~ ed against some of the premier hocke~' prepanltory schools in New England. The team took third p1:tce in the tourn:\ment. La S:\lle renlrned home only to leave for a similar tournament in Meadville, Pennsylvania several weeks later. This time, however, La Salle finished with a perfect 5-0 record, winning the tournament. La Salle AM finished its regular season with a record of 12-0-0 earning the top seed in the Flyers Cup Playoffs. The tcam looks to continue its success in the coming yeus and will do so with a talentcd corps of rerurning players. - Tom .Minton '07

Above; Senior I-lackey Players: Eric McLaughlin, Tom Minton, Mike Martinelli, Chris j'liggins, Mike Klenk, Kevin Riley, Taylor Brauns,Josh Chubb, Rob Farley, and Nick Patcella Left; Goalie Garrett Nesbitt and Josh Chubb ofAA Blue


1\11 GOLD Row I: R. Lynn. T. Wallin, N. Carboni, G. Angeloni, K. Seybert, C. Wolf, G. Antoni Row 2: M. Mercnich, J. Deegan, C. Baron, A. Pascal, T. Krulikowski. V. Marques, P. Gallagher, M. Antoni, B. Nesbitt, M. Schaeffer, R. Counihan Coaches: Fykc, Muchlbronncr, Schaeffer

Above: Tom Krolikowski looking for someone to hit! Right: "'You lookin':ll me?!?!" - Alex Pascal

Above: 'llIylor Brauns on the att:lck. Right: Goalie Remy Lynn following the lIOOon.

10611.1007 BLUE &60LO

1\ 1EI\I.1 Front - K. Minton, M. Cline, M. Oliver, D. McBrien, N. Pedersen, T. Sheils, R. Keczely, F. Evans, N. Pilla Back - B. Cnig, I-lead Coach P.J. Quilm, A. Drost, D. Hunter, M. Kohler, T. DePaul, M. Fabiczewski, X. LoftOIl, S. McGann, B. Eddy, J. Cassidy, Asst. Coach PatcclIa, BiUy McHugh, Asst. Coach Graham


Left: Alex Drost, Tom Shiels, and Tom M..imon

Above: Derrick Hunter

Left: Varsity A team led by Coach P.J. "Youngblood" Quinn


Above: Matt Uui, faster than a speeding buUct in those tights. Right: Urian Moore chuckin' da shot put!

Above: Anthony Kent bookin' on his leg of the rela),.

Right: Frosh Ryan Werner leads the pack.

10811.1007 BLUE &GOLD

Greg Buksdale pl:.tced

second in the high jump at PCLCh.:.tmps!

La Salle Trackgoes the

IIS7.NCE Months of training throughout the rela- Juan Camilo, and Greg LafJta, juniors Brian tively wann winter months culminated in a Ledder and Pat ,\tomieth, and sophomores long and exciting day at the PCL challlpi~ Pat Donnelly and Sean McCullough filled in onship meet for the L3 S311e Indoor Trnck the gaps of the strong team performances in Team. the middle distmce :md sprint events. The La The hard work throughout the season Salle team once again gave its beSt effon, this culmin:ned in a successful meet for the time exceeding expectations to score 3 forllli~ te311l. Sophomore Ryan P3rrick placed d3blc 95 points, finishing 3 dose second to third in the long jump. 10m B3IT and Brian CardinaIO'l-Iar:l. Moore scored high in the shot pur. Phil In addition, the -1- X 800 relay team of Colin Wood, George Pinchock, and Sreve Ihrretr, Tim I-leek, 1);111 Lowry, and Phil Dorsey earned three of Ihe top four spots Wood placed 2nd at the Pennsylvania State in the 3000 meters. Seniors Mike Power, Championship, and a mere three days later,

3rd place al the Eastern States Championship. After placing second at PCL Ch3mps, junior Greg Barksd31e proceeded to the state meet for the high jump. Sprinter j\l:m 110ward 31sa proceeded to the state meet 1'0 sel new LaSalle school record in the 200 meters. The 2007 season will go down as another year in which the team embraced a particular mindset that allowed it to once again accolllplish more than expected. - George Pinchock '07

Above: MarL: Fnnzc:n cruises through the 60 meter hurdles. uft: Sean McCullogh sets the pace!


rCl C:MWS The 19 year reign continues in the peL!

La Salle continues swimming dominance

WIT. PRIDE Another year for La Salle Swimming means another success story. The year had a promising start with six new talented freshmen and a very strong returning class. Coaches Frank Lichtner, Dennis Bloh, Stephen Duncheskie, Jim Tate, and newcomer Kevin Rieffel, used their expertise to condition and prepare the team for wh::at was to become a very successful season. The year starred with wins over powerhouses Loyola Blakefield, Malvern Prep, St. Joseph's Metuchen, and NOM Penn, all of which are said to be among the top swim tcams in each school's respective league. \,vitn :llmosr 40,000 yards of swimming per week and

dose to 20 hours in the pool per week, the La S:ll1e Swim Team continued to strengthen their abilities in the pool while also strengthening their friendships outside of the pool. As the year came to an end, captains Brendan v''ills and Brianjeffers, along with other seniors Mike Hughes and Garrett Gallagher, led the tcam to the (9th straight victory over the Sf. joseph's Prep Swim Team, which brought the swim team's PCL winning record to 152. Furthermore, the team took 5th place for the second year in a row at the 107th annual Easteros. Seniors john Holt, Brian jeffers, Brendan \Vilis, Garren Gallagher, and Vince Levito, along wilh juniors J.J. Bouldin, Greg

Above: Teddy "Sky" Walker Right: Seniors Briall Jeffers 2nd John Holt enjoy the 51)Oils of victory.

110 11.1007 BLUE &GOlO

Woods, and Todd Domanski, Sophomores Teddy Walker, Blase Szyszko, and Mjke McGee, and finally Freshmen Andrew Sideras and Rhodes Worster, all had tremendous swims, scoring most of the points for La Salle. Finally, for the 19th year in a row, La Salle continued its PCL championship winning streak by toppling all of the competition by at least 200 points. \Vith so many impressive swims by La Sal1e, especially the underclassmen, it is certain that next year will tell yet another success story for the La Salle Swim1eam. - Benjamin DiFranco '07

\ \ \ Below: "The Life Aquatic with Coach lichtner!"

Left: Greg Woods and smiles at Champs.


Szyszko all

Rclow: La Salle swimmers shoot from the block!

I I I \






Above: Sophomores Tom O'Neill and Mike McGee wait for their shot! Left: Senior Vince Lcviw gees psp.:hcd.


Right: Coach Lichtncr, the master motivator!


Below: Conor Bracken back-stroking

The 2006-07 peL Swimming Ch:lInps.

112 1l.1007 BLUE &GOLD

Left: Walker off in die relay! Below: The future of La Salle swimming: Audrew Sid eras, Brendan McGoldrick, Tom Knab, David Cinque, Rhodes \Vorsrer, and Phil Lcrcavagc.

Below: The 400 freestyle relay champs (from left) Vince Levito, Ted Walker, Andrew Sideras, and Todd Domanski

Above: The 200 freestyle relay champs; Garrett GalIaghcr,lamcs Mahoney, Brcnd:1O \Vills, and Ted \Valker Left: "Son, way to go!"



... _I


Right: La Salle Keglers ready for battle!

Below: The Lam-.\bn gemng props for:ll big strike.


Abo,'c Left: Anthony Liberito in deep Zen-like oonsentration.

114 if. 1007 BLUE &GOLD


VIIRsrrv 130WlING Mr.McBride (Moder-nor) john DiIulio,john Fisch~ er, Anthony Adams, Dan Galante, Ad:am Coombs, Kelvin Lam, Chris johnson, Colin Devlin, Mike Fazio, Anthony Liberato, and Coach Faunce

La Salle Explorers show who are the

KING PINS "The Month of Novembcr"

Thursday. This year the team was led by

Every year at LaSalle, the mOlHh of

seniors Mike Fazio and Anthony Adams,

November brings excitement into the

with juniors Kelvin Lam,john Fischer, and Anthony Liberato 31so playing key roles in aiding the tcam. The team start-

eyes of the bowlers. The 200612007 season brought nothing less, with everyone on the team wondering how La Salle would do this year. Bowling season always brings excitement with the team looking forward to pr:tctice every Mond3y and matches every Tuesday and

ed the first half of the season slowly because of the tough league competition, but as the second halfof the season start路 cd the La Salle bowlers began to make:1 push. The tcam won a number of brames

during the second half, but it was not enough to make the playoffs. Although the team did not make the playoffs, the improvement made over the course of the second part of the year was encour~ aging. Overall, the season was a success because of the strong team effort and the vast improvement made from the beginning of the year to the end. - Anthony Adams '07

Above: Anthony Adams with perfect strike fonn! Left: Senior members of the Rawling team: Colin Devlin, Adam Coombs, Mike Fa7.io, and Anthony Adams.


OUTDOOR lRIIC!( The Outdoor Track and Field team wanns up for the season ahead.

We believe God made us for a purpose, but He also

MADE US FA57 The La Salle Explorers arc coming into this

door state championships this year. The reby

year's outdoor lI"Jck and field se:lson with one common goal: win a Catholic League title. Last year's outdoor season ended vcry well as the Ex-

consists of selliors 'lim Heck and Colin Barrett, junior Dan Lowry, and sophomore Phil \,Vood, all of whom will also contribute in various individual events. As always La Salle will excel at the distance events. The Explorers rerum seven first ream All-Catholic numers from this year's cross COlUltry season, consisting ofthe four previollsly mentioned runners in addition to seniors Steve Dorsey, George Pinchock, and Eddie Bonncvie. Nor only are the L'l Salle runners strong, but the throwers and jumpers are exceptional as well.

plorers fell only one and a half points short of

league champions, J"\onsignor Bonner. Then, in this year's indoor track and field championship, the Explorers were runners up once again, this time [Q G\rdinal O'Hara. The team renlrns many talented runners from the previous seasons, starting off with :I vcry strong4x800 relay, which took second at in-

Above: "Big Red" sprints it out! Right: The ja\'elin hurlers develop their technique.

11611. 2007 BLUE &GOLO

Junior Greg Barksdale has been emerging as ~l tOp high jumper, while classmate, Tom BaIT, stands out in the shot put. Also, sophomore, Ryan Paoick, hopes for a successful season in the long jump pit. Finally, nationally ranked senior, Brian Moore, hopes to continue his success throwing the javelin. All of these athletes, along with all of the other stars of the La Salle Outdoor Track and Field ream, hope for another successful season this year. - Ed Bonne\~e '07

Right: CO:llch Devine puses :lIlong his words or wisdom to the team. Below: J union Greg Barksdale and Jim Thomas get lTady.

Below: Pole Vaulters prcp:llre their appl'"O:lIch.

AlNwe: Coach Demeter organizes the troops. Left: Senior Chris Cabrcy puts c,路cryc.hing he's got into thc diskus throw.


Right: E\-an McGilIin and Scott Walcrs push thcmselves 10 thc limit. Bclow: A beautiful dar for a r..cc.

Varsity 8: Colin Corcor..n, Nigel Gross, Eric Hanc)', Greg Pierce, Ryan Pawling, Co:I(::h Hol\\ick, Andrew Moebius, Rob Abramo, Pal McGann, and Liarn O'Nc:iU

118 Co Z007 BLUE &GOLD

Members of the Fall Crew team.

La Salle Crew boats against the

CURREN., Over the past three years, La Salle's crew tcam has secn many fast boats, earning a spot at Stotesbury, the country's most prestigious regatta, medals in the lightweight eight, freshman eight, and junior varsity eight. Untillasr fall, however, the team could not seem to find the speed necessary to be a serious competitor in the Varsity eight event. This year's upper c1assmen hope to change that. Coming off an extremely successful fall,

including first place finishes in Navy Day and Schuylkill Banks regattas, the varsity eight,

which is returning six rowers and a coxswain, has the power, dedication, and focus to place themselves among the tOp competitors in the

country. The competition, especially rivals SLjoseph's Prep and lvlonsignor Bonner, will not nuke things easy, but the team has put in long hours of training throughout the summer, fall and winter. This }'ear's crew brings an clement of dcpth th:lt the tcam has not seen in a vcr}' long timc. There are over twelve top rowers all competing for seatS on the varsity cight. In addition, there is an especiall}' strong

lightweight program which shows promise to improve on last year's 5th place finish and is constantly pushing the heavyweights. Behind the leadership of senior captains Andrew Mocbitis and Ryan Pawling, and the expericnce of coaches Chris Holwick, Matt Henwood, and Bill Ernst, the crcw team hopes to capture thc Catholic League Title and Stotesbury mcdals in both the varsity eight and lightweight eight. - Colin Corcor:lll '07

Above: 3rd Varsity 8, Coach Holwick. Devin Teichman, Paul Bcnyovszky, Jim Behr, Pete Henwood, Austin Mccan, Tom Hall, Mike Bon:.lvitacob, Paul Brown, Matt Gulkis, and Coach Henwood. Left: (Varsity 8) Rob Abramo, Tyler Nase, Eric Haney, Andrew Mockaitis, Greg Pierce. Ryan Pawling, Colin Corcoran, Nigel Gross, and Pat McGann.


VIIRsrrv 1ErWIS Coach R....dvanskr, Man Il~ lan, i\1..ike Oli,'cr, Mark Breen-Lopez, Kyle Schcctt., Mike Young, Dave Spinosa, Coach Geiger, Ry:m Marcanre, Nate Meyers. Kevin

Dcitt,John Lamprecht, Andlony A1..irabilc, Ryan White

Isay ...anyone for La Salle

TENNIS? This ye:Jr's Explorer 1ennis team hopes to continue the great tradition of La Salle Tennis

by adding another Catholic League Title. Aher just falling short in !:lst year's final to St. Joe's Prep, the motivation of this year's team is at an ,111 time high. Returning with the core of last year's runner-up team, La Salle looks prime for a Catholic League Title. Lcd by returning senior Captains M:lrk Breen-Lopez, Adam

Coombs, Anthony Mirabile, and Dave Spinosa, juniors N:lte Meyers, Mike Oliver, and Kyle Scheetz, and sophomores John A. (Crunch) Lamprecht alld Ryan Marcante, La Salle is full of experience. Other importallt contributors to the team are senior additions Kevin Deitz and Mike Young, and Juniors Matt IIl:tri, Ryall White, and Anthony Witkowski. Coaches Bill Geiger and Joe Radv:msky set

Above: Kevin Dcitz works the backhand. Right: Anthony Mirabile waiting 011 thc sc....¡c.

120 C.1007 BLUE &GOLD

the team up for success with their constant hard work and inspiring words of wisdom. To prepare us for our PCL schedule, we face early tests against Springfield and Holy GhOSt Prep. La Salle's Championship run begins in April, looking to build on the previous year's experience and collect another PCL Title for the Explorers. • Anthony Mjrabile '07

Left: Coach Gcigcr and Coach Radvansky ohscn'c thc grcatness they havc spawllcd.

Below: Mark Breen-Lope1. returns a shot.

Below: Seniors Mike Young. Mark Brecn-Lopez. Dave Spinosa, Kevin Deitz, Anthony Mirabilc

Abovc: SophomorcJohn Lamprecht gives a glympsc into the future of La Salle tennis domjnation. Left: Mjkc Oliver drills his sen.路c.


GOLF (Front): Jack Ulan, Andrew Sraudt, Warren Resnick, I\lark Schnupp, Brian De路 laney, Kevin Seybert, Greg Palko, Kevin Genuan:li, and Kyle DiGiaccobbe. (Back):

Coach Jackson, Damon Zysk, Tony DePaul, Man McGo\'cm, Zach Spurlin, Reed Irwin, Rob Waitkus, Kevin lurk. and Pat Melvin.

Cinderella story, outta nowhere, now La Salle

GOLFERS The 2007 Golf team is looking to bring home their third peL championship in as many rears. Under the direction of coaches Mr. Martin Jackson and Mr. Dave Diehl, this team wants to pick up where they left off last year with solid performances from the return~ ing players. Nt-Catholic players from the last few seasons include seniors Kevin Turk, Robert Waitkus, Anthony Giannetti, Reed

Irwin, and sophomore Kevin Genu:lrdi. Phil Cassidy, Zach Spurlin, and Damon Zysk are the other returning seniors. Mr. Jackson has been heard mentioning that this is one the deepest teams tOP to bottom since he started coaching the golf team. They hope to show this strength in the Catholic League, as they face some of the top teams in the arca. The sports teams this year have exceeded expecta-

Above: Phil Cassidy is on his final hole, he's about 455

yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2 iron. Right: Anthon)' Giannetti drops it on the green.

1221J. 1007 BLUE &GOLD

tions, and the golf team can continue this success for the Explorers if they keep up the mental attitude and hard work that has helped them win the peL championship the past fWO years. Could this team be the one to break La Salle's own record for PCL titles in one year? - Kevin Turk '07

Right: Just be the ball, be the b~lI, be the baIl!

Below: Turk pnctices 1'0 someday be路 come a member of Bushwood Country Club.

Below: Senior members of the Golf tC;lm: Damon Zysk, Z~ch Spurlin, Reed Irwin, Rob Waitkus, and Kevin Turk.

Rob Waitkus (AbO\'e) and Reed Irwin (Left) are A11Catholics in perfect fonn.


VIIRSIiV I3I1SEl3l1ll Front Row: Jeff Murtha, Frank Pierson, Greg Frantz, Scan Save rio, Joe \Veitzman, Man Abel,

Kevin Kelley, Tyler Frcc~ man, and Kevin O'Connell. Middle: Mike Higgins, Frank Deluccia, Jason R..3schitore, Man

Day. Back: John Berll路 hardt, Matt Howard, Mike Martinelli, Dan Lacon,

Andrew Wood,Jeff Schill, and Shawn O'Neill. Right: AlJ-Ol.tbolic catcher Selln Saverio.

Above: Coach Falcone models his design for new team unifomlS. Far Right: I-lead Coach Mr. Parisi gives instructiol) in Florida, "There's no crying ill La Salle baseball!"

Near Right: Fr:ank Ocluce::ia waits on his pitch.

12411. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

SErJlOR IlI\SEBI\LL Front Row: Fnnk Deluccia, Greg Fnnn, Scan Save rio, Joe \Veinman. and Kevin O·Conneil. Back: Matt Howard. Mike Mancoclli, lind Dan Lacon.

Come on La Salle, knock the cover offthe

BASEBALL The 2007 La Salle baseball tcam returned se"cn members from :II highly successful 2006 rClun. The Explorers, under the direction of coach Joe Parisi, looked to rerum to the ch:unpionship le\'el of two years ago. The pitching staff was led by returning varsit)' seniors Joe \Vietzman, Greg Frantz, and Dan Lacon, and supported by junior Man Day, as well as, sophomores Shawn O'Neill, John Bernh3rdt, and Jeff Schill. The defense was led by returning 1st team All-Catholic

catcher Sean Savcrio, senior Frank Deluccia, juniors Frank Pierson, Andrew Wood, and .\tike Higgins, and sophomores Tyler Freeman and Kevin Kelly. The outfield com· prised of seniors l\like A1artinelli :lind .\1an Howard, and juniors Matt Abel, Jason Raschiatore, and Jeff Alurtha. This year's team had a good mix of experience and youth and was excited to return to Disney's Wide \:Vorld ofSpons for its annual spring tnlining trip. They took on teams from all over the

country such as national powerhouse Cah·en Ilal1 and perennial Public League contender Frankford. After returning from Florida, the te:un jumped into its Catholic League schedule with lough games against Nonh Gtholic, Archbishop Ryan, and Conwell Egan. The team looked to improve upon last rear's semifinal exit and rerum [Q the tide game. - Kevin O'Connell '07

Abo,·c: John Bernhardt gets some innings :IImong the palm trees of Florid:ll. Left:JeffSchill onc of thc young stud :lnns for the Ex· plorers.


VIIRSI1V LIICROSSE Seniors: Rob Saraceni, Jack Forster, Mike Kapp,

Kelly Lombard, Mih Stahl, Mike' Kelly, Coach Leah}" Tim Vogdlnckcr, Clay Wells. Tom Gnhm, J.B. Camp.mella, 'iell: Gorsky, and Andy Heinrich. (not pictured 1":J. Brown)

Explorers give glory to the Creator's

GAME After:l run to the Slate semi-finals last year, the 2007 La Salle lacrosse team is out to finish

the deal. Despite losing key starters .\Iike I lass, Greg Casey. and Steve K2pp. La Salle is nOllacking In talent. After slaclcing up with four tnnsfers and lots of young talent, this team has the leadenihip and the depth to venture even further this year. Once again, L3 Salle is lead by Coaches Bill Leahy and Tony

Resch, a combination that has other teams worrying. This year could be the YC3r that La Salle once again hoists the Stale Championship trophy.

Jack Forster :md CI:l~' \\'ells lead:l midfield that is experienced, but :It the same time roung. Players like TJ Brown, Connd Ridgeway. :md TIm Vogelbacker prm;de depth and speed to a t'efl potent anack. Anchored by senior Andy Ilenrich, a youthful attack should hat"c no problem putting the ball in the back of the net. Sophomores Peter Schwarz, Randy Forster, and Westy Ilopkins will all get their chance to shine. The loss of Alike I-lass in net is significantly softened by sophomore Niko Amato, who looks to start where Mike left off. In front of Niko Amato is the corncrsronc of

Above: Nick Gorsky, Clay Wells, and Andy Heinrich on the attack Right; Tim Vogelbackcr alludes the opposition.

126 11. !007 BLUE &GOLD

the team. the defense. The defensIve combination of Rob Saraceni and Kelly lombard strikes fear into the heans ofopposing teams, while JB Campanella and Tucker Durkin add speed and size to this formidable group. Overall, the team looks to have :lnother impressit'e year. \Vith both the peL and State Championships in sight, it should be a great season to be part of La Salle Lacrosse. - Kelly Lombard '07

Right: Nick GorsL.-y looks for the open man. Below: 2006 PeL I...:Icrosse champs!

Below: T.J. Brown eyes anotht'T goal.


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': Abo,'(:: Superman Jack Forster looking for the open shot, Left:J.B. Campcnella wins another f:lce·off!


128 ... 1001 BLUE &GOLD

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c one, our ope

re hmen.

ill s e p omores for act and the third act continues wi h our JUniors.


Charles Aiken Ryan Andris Mark Angelone Mark Angiolillo Gabriel Antoni Grant Atherholt

Sean Atkinson Christian Bach Michael Banecker David Beavers John Begley \,yillialll Begley

t is a privilege to be a freshman at La Salle College High School. A freshman enters La Salle with great ambition, anticipating four terrific years. It is the start of a journey that will consist of the some of the fondest memories in life. As freshmen, we learn about La Salle's mission, which encourages us to make the most of all the opportunities the school offers. The mission calls for a young man to develop into a well-rounded person, a person of integrity and respect. These traits are gained through La Salle's education, which focuses on all phases of life. The faculty and upperclassmen shed great light on us, as we get used

freshmen Zachary Belinsky J:tmes Benischeck Michael Bennett Kristian Benz Thomas Benz Kieran Berkery

Anthony Bianchini John Biegalski Sean Bolger Jean-Paul Bonny Greg BOlla Daniel Bowers

Michael Brady Shane Brady Kevin Breen Gregorio Buccafuri Craig Bunting Thomas Burgmann

130 11. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

to the new ways of high school. The teachers give guidance in and out of the classroom. Likewise, the upperclassmen do the same by guiding and showing leadership in extracurricular activities. Freshmen are introduced to the m:tlly fonns of help L:t Salle has to offer, which helps us feel very much at home. Finally, as we go through the emotional and physical changes in life, La Salle allows us dle freedom to learn and grow. Freshman year begins the process of creating Lasallian gendemen. - Tim Plamondon' I0

William Burke Charles Burns Thomas Campbell Mich:lel Camusi Devlin Carey Ryan Carey

Ryan Carlin John Carmody Sean Carr Ke\'in Casey Michael Casey John Cassidy

Left: Freshmen showing somc school spirit

Below: C.). Aikcn hittin' the books Below Right: Ilhil Letcavagc: Punked OUI swimmer

class of 2010 Matthcw Catanese Patrick Cera David Cinque Stcphen Cillfo Daniel Clark Kevin Clark

Evan Cleary Anthony Cognetti Kyle Connolly John Carr Robcrt Costello Michael Coyle

Jamcs Cr:lmer Scan Crane Matthew Crone Vincent Cuce Adam ClInningh;l1ll M:lrtin D'Amico


Joseph Daly Joseph Deegan Michael DeMaria Brian Derr Timothy Diasio l\tatthew DiGiacamo

Donald Digney Christopher DiLaurenzo James DilViezza Stephen Donovan Brian Dorsey Paul Dowds

left: Mr. Parisi gives his Freshman class a show everyday.

freshmen Timothy Durkin Christopher Edger Colin Eisenschmid John Ericsson John Farris Michael Fasano

Sal1luel Felcccia Laurence Finneg-J.n Kevin Foley Michael Foley Gregory Foos Nlichacl Fox

Nolan Funchion Peter Gallo Kevin Gatti Dylan Gavin Alexander Geck Gregory Geiger

132 ".1007 BLUE &GOLD

Richard Getts Gcorge Giovinazzo Daniel Goodwin Kevin Greenfield Matthew Crover Vincem Gryscavage

Cosmo Guerra Brian Haesler

bn I-bney Joseph Harvey Kevin Harvey


Brian Havard

Left: Ryan Sar:l.ceni and RJ. Toner pmy for a good year. Below: Kieran Berkery lOST on the first day. Below Right: Ryan O'Connell oonccntr.HCS

class of 2010 Patrick I-leek Brian Higgins Patrick Higgins Jeffrey Hill Troy Hockaday Connor Hoffman

Michael Holland Matthew 1-101"3 Timothy I-Iuber Derek Hunter Kieran I-Iyer Daniel Hyman

Se:mJanda Christopher Kaemmcr Christopher Karoly Richard Keczely Patrick Keenan Edmund Keh:m


William Kellogg James Kelly Stephen Kelly Andrew Kinsella John K1usek Thomas Knab

Peter Knowles Robert Kowalski Theodore Kradzinski Matthew Krol

Nathan Kurylo Joseph Kwasizur

Right: John Begley, Bill Thomas, and Craig Bunting waiting for class to be over. Below: Freshmen experience the power of L:l Salle's technology

freshmen Patrick LaFata Daniel LaMorte Kyle Leprevost Philip LetC3vage Michael Lindsay Dale Lintner

Daniel Losier Andrew Loughery Nicholas Luce Seamus MacCrory John Madrak Kevin Mahon

Stephen Mainardi Brian Malone Junes Markley Fr..U1cis Martino Nicholas Mathis Daniel McBrien

13411'. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Seal1lus McCullough Charles McDonald Ryan McElroy SeanM~nn

M.atthew l\lcGlynn Brendan McGoldrick

Conor McGonigle Francis McGarry Paul McGrath William McHugh Ryan"" IcKenna Christopher J\1cLaren

Kevin ,\ ledved D. Wesley Meehan Pamck j\lellor Vincent l\ligliarese James J\li11s Maitland /\linderjahn

Nicholas J\ lindicino De"on fro linor Kevin Minton Nicholas Molloy Patrick Monahan Matthew Mondimore

Ryan Moran G.Joseph Moroney Andrew Morton Philip Moyer Quinlan Mulholland Garrett Nesbitt

Sean O'Connell Thomas O'Kane Ryan O'Connell Brian O'Donnell Brian O'Grndy Timothy Peifer

Samuel Pelone Onu Perez.-Mas Daniel Pfefferle Robert Phillips Shane Pierce Nicholas Pilla

Joseph Piotrowski Timothy Plamondon Gregory Porter Connor Poston Justin Power Whimey Prenderg:asr


Andrew Prim:wera Matthew Quaglia Lorenzo Quebral Derek Quinn Shawn Quinn Christopher Rnzano

Patrick Resch Warren Resnick Jeremy Rich Alexander Richardson Dean Ripley Isaac Roberts

Right: Pat Ccro working o\'cmmc. Below: Freshmcn jam!

freshmen Allen Rodriguez Andrew Russin Ryan Saraceni Robert SC::llllon Mark Schnupp Michael Schoen

Nikol:ls Schreiber Francis Schuck Michael Scott John Sczepanski l:1ylor Searle Zachary Seigel

Thomas Scminack Floyd Shaffer James Sheridan Nicholas ShettSline Andrew Sideras Stephen Sinnott

I \

1361L 1007 BLUE &GOLD


Adam Souchik Connor Spielman Michael Stano.....ski Andrew Staudt Jeffrey Stern Galen Sruski

Thomas Swuuey Vincent Szczesniak Ste\路en Szost:l.k Heath Thomas \ Villiam Thomas Joshua Thorn

John Toner Brendan Tramo Justin Trommello Brendan Turner Jack Ulan Jake Ullmann

Connor Varley Mark Ventresca TImothy Vogel Nicholas Volpe Luke Vmncken Terrence \;\,'aJlin

Shawn \Varrender John \Veinrich Rran \Verner Malik West Ian Whelan Gary Vlhite

Matthew Wielgus Kevin Wilkins Kirk WIlson Daniel Wood John \路\'orstcr Brian Ziff


Sean Abbott ViCfOr Allegretti Joseph Aloia NikoAmafO Erik Anderson Ryan Ane]]a

Eugene Angeloni M.ichael Antoni Timothy Asztalos Ethan Barrett Christopher Becker Paul Belcher

so hom re eeon ae

he meaning of the word "sophomore" has much to do with this ycar's sophomore class at La Salle. The meaning of sophomore is "wise fool", and with respect to our class, it is a true definition. As our class moves forward through high school, we are progressing ;lnd learning morc. However, we can still be considered foolish. This combination of newty acquired wisdom and foolishness creates a unique class. Wc ;Ire in the

sophomores Daniel Berger John Bernhardt Anatot)' Bimy Dcrek Bogorowski Mkhacl Bonavit"Jcola Bryan Bonder

John Borrell Connor Bracken Austin Brauns \VilIiam Brennan Sean Brooks Christopher Brown

Todd Brown Brian Callahan Gianni Campellone Colin Canny Nicholas Carboni Sean Carlin

138 ÂŤ'1007 BLUE &GOLD

process of becoming men, bur we still hold onto youthful ways. Our unique status creates a class filled with enthusiasm to learn more and continue the LaSaltian spirit. As we move towards our junior year, we will bring with us our 'wisdom and spirit, and do our part as part of the cast of L;lSalle. - Joe l1Jbolino '09

Christopher Carlone Matthew Cannody Michael Cassidy James Catalino Christopher Cawley M.ichael Cline

Patrick Coleman Ronald Comber James Connolly Thomas Cooney Rp.n Corkery Tucker Corr


P:ml Nucero, Dilvid Omojogunn. and Matt Roland al the Honors Con\oo. Bdow:Joc Sman, his name SllyS it all. Bdow Right路: R)'an Lonergan playing his S\l.\:.

cla55 of 2009 Ryan Counihan Brendan Craig \.Vl1liam Crooks Christian CrU7. Brendan Cummings Christopher Curran

Erik Cwik Nicholas Cpnbala Andrew D'Addona Michael Dagit Timothy Dal)' \.\'illiam Dearden

Brian Delaney Benjamin Demers Ross Denczi Da\;d Dickson MarL: Dieckman Joseph DiFurio


Kyle DiGiacobbe Louis DiGiacomo Anthony DiNardo Sean Doherty D. Patrick Dohony Patrick Donnelly

Michael Donohoe Andrew Dowds John Drain Alexander Dreher Patrick Driscoll Alexander Dros[

Mrs. South's Sophomore Geometry class ill the zone.

sophomores Brendan Duffy Tucker Durkin Brendon Eddy Ryan Eidenshink Matthew Engle Kevin Farrington

Jesse Ferrillo Kyle Finlay Scan Fisher Brendan Fi[zPatrick Brendan Fit7.patrick Cole FiD.patrick

Ryan Fit"Lpatrick Samuel Flashner Anthony Foell Randall Fors[cr Michael Franklin \oViltialTI Franks

140 1l. 2007 BLUE &GOlO

Daniel Fr;lt:lluico Tyler Freeman Daniel Galante Patrick Gallagher Patrick Gavin Kevin Genuardi

Stefan Gigliotti Rob Gill Sean Gillespie Jay Giunta Zachary Good Seth Gorman

Left: Dan Berger honored. Below: Drew Needham gets into chamcter. Below Right: Greg Palko finishes up an assignment.

class of 2009 Timothy Gottschalk Thomas Grady Stephen Grasso Christopher Groff Br:mdon Hacnn Michael Hag:lIl

Christopher Harvey Brend:lll I-lilsey Phillip Hopkins West}' Hopkins Jake I-lostrander Tyler Houchins

Joshua Houser Neil Hubbert Matthew Jannetti Dylan Johnson Kevin Johnson Roy Kaiser


Daniel Kane Brendan Kearney Kevin Kelley Robert Kelly John Kerrigan Sean Kiely

Mark Kinslow Andrew Kittka Tyler Knarr Christopher Kraener Thomas Krolikowski James Lagreca

Below: Dennis Mizzoni, Vietor AJlegretti, Mike Leigh, and Brian Lotko\\ski h:n路c a laptop lunch. Right: Mark Kinslow, Eric Realc, Man Stcwarl, Zach Good, AJex Drost, and Ryan Patrick hang.

sophomores John Austin Lamprecht Robert Law J\lanhcw Lawrence Michael Lees Michael Leigh Joseph Leinhauser

Xavier Lofton Ryan Lonergan Robert Long Brian Lotkowski Edward Lubienski Thomas Lyons

Patrick Maginnis Thomas Maher James Mahoney Jordan Malpass Ryan Marcame Thomas McAloon

14211.1007 BLUE &GOLD

Aaron McCoy Brendan McCoy Mattnew l\tcCullougn Sean McCullough Ryan McDe\>ln Daniel McDonald RoT)' AIcDonald Matthew AteDowell Patrick MCÂŁJro}' AIjchaelA1<:Gee Paul 1\ 1cGee John l\lcGinley

Alatthew j\ IcGo\'em Joseph AIcKeehen \Villiam J\lcKenne)t 1\ Uchaell\ IcKihhin Kyle 1\le:\1ahon Matthew Alerenich

Ke\>ln ,\ lerlini Matthew Miller James Mir}'nowski Dennis Mizzoni Patrick Monteith Patrick Moran

Gregory Morozzi Matthew Murtha Tyler Nase Robert Nave Drew Ncedh:lJtl Frank Nekrasl.

Jared Neri Paul Ni:'<On James Noll Michael Noone Christopher Nucero Paul Nucero

I\latthew O'Brien Patrick O'Donnell Justin O'Hara G. Kellen O'Neill Shawn O'I\'eill Thomas O'Neill

Gregor}' Oalde}' Kyle Olejnicz.ak Da\>ld Omojogunra James Osborne Gregory Palko Alexander Pascal


I"tichael Patchak Maulik Patel Ryan P:ltrick Daniel Paul Martin Payton james Pecora

joseph Peo-ellis Michael Phillips Carl Plummer Raymond Polcino Philip Posen Alexander Prendergast

Right; Mike Walsh pushes himself to the limit! Below; Tim Daly and Gordon Wells experience the W21L

sophomores Mark Pyrih joseph Radaszcwski Eric Reale John Redmond Andrew Reynolds Joseph Riz.zo Nicholas Rizzuto James Robinson N1atthew Roland Thomas Rose AJe.'I{:mder Rot-I.al John Rush Patrick Samanns Michael Schaeffer Ian Schieve Jeffrey Schill Matthew Schluckebier Adam Schmidt

14411.1007 BLUE &GOLD

Matthew Schmitz Peter Schwartz. Evan Scorpio Kane Sebesky Ryan Sen Kevin Seybert

Thomas Shiels Robert Siess Ryan Smalley joseph Smart Konrad Sobilo Andrew Specse

Stephen Stanton Matthew Stewart Todd Stokley john Stumpo P;lul Szyszko Christopher Thiers

William Torres Michael Tubolino Steven Tucker joseph Tull Ryan Tyson Ted "'/:llker

Collin Walsh Daniel Vlalsh jonathan Walsh Mich:tcl W:llsh Christopher Webb Gordon \'Vells

Manhew \'\'hite Rasheed \-\'ilkins Bryan \Villiams jonath:lll Wilt Brian \oVinning Paul Wisniowski

Christopher \oValr Philip Wood Andrew Zbikowski


M:mhew Abel Ronald Abel

Robert Abr.tmo Brendan Ahern Matthew Alba Antoine AJbert

James AJgeo Domenic Amodei Matthew Anronello Eric Au Dorian Ballough Raymond B:lrker

eing:l jun.ior at L:l Salle means that students are now considered "upperclassman," no longer the kids who rum to elders for advice, but maturing young men who are becoming leaders. AJthough the true leaders at La Salle are the seniors, juniors have lIlore of a say in the La Salle community and more of an influence on the younger students at La Salle. Juniors face an academically challenging year, during which many students learn that they will need to work harder to find sue路 cess and realize that college is a lot closer than they think. Junior year is :llso a time when the class as a whole becomes closer. After two years, many students have become

Juniors Gregory Barksdale Ian Barnett Christian B:lron Thom:ls Barr Christopher Becher James Behr

Thonus Bender Victor Benvenuto P:llIl Benyovszky Adam Berkle Philip Biacsch Mario Biallchini

Christopher BirLes John Blanke Robert Bolger Andrew Bowman Joshua Brooks John Brumbaugh

1461f. 2007 BLUE &601.0

friendly, and one finds it impossible to walk through the hall. ways without greeting someone with whom you have be路 come close. By the time you are a junior, you realize that one of the best parts of the La Salle experience is being able to have man)' different friends, with different personalities. When all is s:lid and done, juniors can look back on both the h:lrd work they have put into their academics, and the friendships that they h:l\'e made. They arc prepared to enter La Salle as Seniors, knowing that they arc ready to be the leaders at La Salle. - J.j. Houldin '08

Daniel Buesking Thomas Buoncristiano Dcan Buonomo Kevin Caldwell Michael Campbell Tyler Cara('ausa

Christian Carey Daniel C:lrr J"lichael Casey Ry:m Casey Francis Cassidy Christopher Celio

Left: Greg Woods :lnd his p:arcIUS. Below: Anthony Kent stretching for cross-count')' Below Right: Rings arc in!!!

class of 2008 Richard Chiodo

",v. Ciammetti Alexander Ciliberto Nathan Clapper Evan Clauss Michael Collinclti

Brian Collins

S. Evan Cooper

Joe Corcoran Thomas Casella Chris Covington Matthew Crozier

Connor Cunningham Michael Curley Brendan DaCosta Brendan Dalton Nicholas Danella Matthew Day


Alexander Delaney John DeLucca Anthony DePaul John Dilulio Stephen Dolan Todd Domanski

Thomas Dougherty James Driscoll John-Michael Dronson Kyle Dufresne John Duke Matthew Dwyer

From Left: Dean Buonomo. Matt O....'Yer. Kyle Scheen. Brian McGinJy, Mart Smelner. and Brendan Dalton sing at the Ring Liturgy.

Juniors Evan Dysart Daniel Erhard j\lichael Ericksoll Richard Ev.m Michael Fabis7.cwski Lallce Fagan

Francis Farrell Christopher Fasy Nlichael Ferrino John Fischer Brendan Fisher Bernard Fit'Lgerald

Matthew Forkin I larry Forst Mark Franzen Michael Furlong Andrew Galbally F. Joseph Gallagher

1481l. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

John Gimish Nicholas Golden Timothy Gr:lscl:l George Gresko Nigel Gross N1:'ltthew Gulkis

Brctt Hacnn James Hagerty Thomas Hall Erik Haney Rodney Hardee John Harrison

Left: Pat McGann and Connor Cunningh:un looking for trouble! Below: Kyle Zoldy is Fire on Ice Bclow Right: A'ligs ce1ebr::ates!

class of 2008 Eric f-Ieisner Samuel Henderson Peter Henwood Andrew Hesson Michael I-Liggins Michael Hoffman

Sh:lne Hoffman William Holden Bradford Hollingsworth Joseph I-Iolod joseph I-Iouldin Kevin Hughes

Philip Iannuzzi Matthew 11lari Matthew Inglcse Sh:\wnjacobscll Nicholasjaskub Jonathan javie


Christopher Johnson Stephcn Kalkbrcnncr Dlwid Kelley Anthony Kcnt Stcphen Kern)'tsky Thomas Kcrr

Brcndan Kissman Patrick Knowles Matthew Kohlcr Paul Kush Thomas Lacssig Mjchael Lag:ms"1'

Right: Antoine Albert brings smiles to the front office. Below: Matt Day and his family enjoy the victory.

Juniors Kelvin Lam Matthew Lamson Tim Lapowsky Brian Lcdder Matthew Lees Philip LeNoir

Furey Leva Anthony Liberato Ryan Lindsay Ryan Log;tn David Loughery Daniel Lowry

Daniel Luque

Gcrard Lutcs Matthcw Lynch RCIllY Lynn John Malone Ira Edward Mamllo

150 if. 2007 BLUE &GOLO

Roben Nlandos Victor Marqucs Michael Marra-Powers Daniel Marrazzo Robert Marzullo William Maslin

Adam Marone Nicholas Mattera Dennis McBride Michacl McCabe Terence McCarrick Joscph McCollum

Colin McCreery Patrick McGann Brian M<.:Ginly Matthew McGovern Judc McKenna SeanlYtcKenna

Kevin McLaughlin John McMenamin James McNall)' Austin Meehan Michael Mele P:mick Melvin

ShaUll Mcnkhaus Nath:llt Meyers Joseph Migliarese Jeremy Miles Colin Miller Steven Modres

Scan Moffa Timothy Mondimore Sean Montgomery Matthew Mooney Patrick Moran Samuel Morgan

Patrick Morrow Robert Moyer D:miel Murphy Colin Murray Jeffrey Murtha Joseph Nardi

Brent Nesbitt Nichol.l.s Nocero Matthew Okerson Joseph Oline Michael Oliver P:IUIOrner


Andrew Palazzo Nicholas Pedersen Clayton Pcnecalc Francis Pierson Robert Powers Daniel Pyne

Louis Raieta Michael Rajnhcrc Alexander Ralston Ben Ramapuram Jason Raschiatore Nicholas Rausch

Right:J.]. handles the Wisterian table. Below: JuHan Tucker is welcomed to NHS

Juniors Matthew Razzano Conrad Ridgway Jason Rivkin Michael Roche John Rodden M.ichael Rongione

\VilIiarn Rooney J\tichael Rose D;.l.lliel Sacchetta Anthony Santoro Richard Scanzillo Kyle Scheetz

l\latthew Schelkun Alexander Schreiber John Shields Ke"in Shields Parrick Sinnott Thomas Smart

1521l.1007 BLUE &GOLO

Matthew Smclt"拢er Sean Smith John Spergcr Brian Splanc David Sz.ckeres Matthew'f.'1ormina

Devon leichm,m James Thomas Brendan Toolan Michael Toplcy Tristan Tschoepe Julian Tucker

Timothy Ulrich Christopher Van Eekclcn Matthew Ventresca Frank Wallace Ryan Vlarrcndcr Daniel \路Vaters

George Weber Jon:lthan Vleidncr Patrick \-\'eit7.man James White Ryan \Vhitc Joseph Wilde

Anthony \Vitkowski Christophcr \-Volpcr Andrew Wood Grcgol)' Woods Brooks "'"orkman Stcphen Zegalia

Kyle Zold}'

Left: John Harrison takes in(crvlcws af(cr dlc championship.


1541(,1007 BLUE &GOLD



..... the production


confidence h


I the cur

bow h we now can

e ake

e ha given u ythlng.



AII~IIY Accy·I.,ls

"Ace" St. Benedict Basketball, K.iros Leader

AllblY A•••s UAntonio" Bowling

1.I1UIscl "Dave"

St. Alphonsus and Christ Ascension Crew, Latin Club, Gennan Club, LSC, History Club, Respect Life, Urban Challenge, Indoor Track, Football C~rlsl,p~CI As"cy

5t.Jude football, Track

Above: Jeff Douglas shares his talent for painting with the people ofAppalachia. Right: Braden Bonner revuls the proper way to distribute towels

156 if. 2007 BLUE &60LO


Cln.lner "Baker" M.ary, Mother of the Redeemer Soccer, NHS

. .,.lelUer "Bake" St. Albert the Great Football

I"Nlaru "Da\'e" Queen of Peace Crew, Sarnelli House

JlllCllarker St. Philip Neri Crew

Abo\'c: Young :lind Baker juSt hanging out!

Left: "Ok. Marco. if you W:lnt to impress college recruiters smile like this." Bro. Bill and Marco DiPr.lIto



ASS OF 2 0 0 7 = = =

sun Bill St. Alphonsus Track, Band, Drama Club

C.II.Bllrcn "Barrett. Barren Top" St. Hilary Cross Country, Indoor/Outdoor Track, Sarnelli I-louse

SCllBcl1 St. Vincent de Paul Basketball, Multi-Cultural Club

SII"IIIC Bnl,II' "Tore" La Salle Academy, Ski Club, Skateboarding

Ilc••11S BIYels Our Lady of Mount Carmel Crew, LaSalle Academy, Project Home, WEXP

BraclB.llcr Lab Mangers, TechSERV, Yearbook, Football Manager, Band, \¥EXP

E"I1~"'.nlc St. Philip Neri Cross Country, Swimmjng, Track, Band, NIlS, LSC

TlylllBrulS St. Agnes Hockey, Ski Club, Providence Center TutOring, Latin Club

15811.1007 BLUE &GOLO


SENIOR QUOTES Anthony Accy-D:wis - "The greatest accomplishment is not in never failing but in rising :again when you do." - Vince Lomb,lrdi Anthony Adams - "You can achieve :mything if you put your mind to it,"

Paul Brown - "Live life, there is plenlY of time to sleep when you're dead:' T.]. Brown - "Excusc me, Flo, what's the soup de jour, ir's soup of the day, mmm, that sounds good, I'll have that:'

David Anscl- wl'd r.uher be hated for who I ,1111 than loved for who I ;lIn naL" - Kurt Cobain

1\I:m Bui -"Knowledge sl>caks, but wisdom lis-

Chris Ashley - "Are you with me gang?" -IVlr. Radvanski

Alex Buonocore - "The greater pan of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and nor our circumstances." -1'l'l:trtha \Vashington

tens." - Jimi I-Iendri:-.:

times. The other half wilJ be wasted." Bill Clstlebcrg: ~ "It's nOt the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog," -Vince Lombardi Josh Chubb· "It's not so much how hus)' you are, but why you are busy. The bel: is praised; the mosquito is swatted." - M:lrre O'Conner Joe Cipolla - "If it's stupid and it worh, its 1101 smpid." -Murphy's Laws of Comba! AJ1dre~

Colin Bakcr-"That's what she said." Dominic Baker- "Soul Shine. iI's betlcr than sunshine, it's better than moon shine, it sure is

Kevin Burke -~Personalit}' has the power to open doors, but charncter keeps them open." - Unknown

better than r:Iin,"

Cby. Look for the ridiculous in c\'erything :md you II ill find it.

Mike Cliggctt - "All I need in life is someone something to do, and something to look forward to." - Joseph Sianery

IO love,

Dave Barba - W\Vhat lies behind us and \l'h:lt lies before us is nothing compared to what lies within us." James Barker -"For long yOll live and high you fly, and smiles you'll give and lears rou'lJ cry, and all you lOuch and all you see. It's all your life will ever be." - Pink Floyd

Chris Cabrey -"There arc only three slmrts: bullfighting, motor racing, and rnounuineering; all the res! arc just games." Chris Cahill - "I shomed our, '\Vho killed the Kennedys?' when after all, it was you and me." -The Rolling Stones GeoffCahill-"TRUST NO ONE,"- Cigarcne Smoking Man

Dan Connors· "Through all the happiness and sorrow, I guess I'd do it all ag'Jin. Live for today and not tomorrow, ir's still the TOad that never ends." - Ony OslmunJe Colin Conway - "See, we got it all wrong. \Ve're all trying to be something, when all we really need to do is be."

Scot! Bur -;'Life is n duel of the iron mic," Colin Barren -"Obstacles don't have TO StOp you. If you nlll inTO a wall, don'r mrn :around and givl:: up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

Ryan Cain -"I want to be remembered as the guy who gave his all whenever he was on the field. ~ -\Valter Payton \Ves Calderone - "For who? For what?" -Ricky \\'atters

Dom Cook - ~Rule #1: I'm Numbcrone." - Joe Din Adam Coombs - ~So today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earm. ~ -Lou Gehrig

Tore Bl:\ivino· "Skateboard!" Nicholas Bivens - "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, knick-knack, paddy-whack, give a dog: a bone."

Juan Camilo - "A word to the wise :lin'! necessary-it's the swpid ones th\lt need the advice." -Bill Cosby

Chris Corby - "Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves COlllC when life seems most challenging." -Joseph Campbell

J,B, Campanelb - "You are what y011 cat." Braden Bonner -"I ha\'c nC\'cr let my schooling interfere with my education."- Mark 'l'\l'ain Ed Bonnevie· "Celebr:lte we will. Life is short but sweet for certain." -Dave Matthews 'Elylor Brauns - "Pay attcntion tention now... Pay :mention!"

110',1' ••

,\like Canlpbell - "The inner mechanisms of TIIy mind arc an enigma." - Patrick Starr Scan Campbell - "Let me be me." - Randall Cunningham


Mark Breen-Lopez - "Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take c:lre of itself. You have enough to worry about today." - Mattbew 6:34 Doug Brehony -"I shall be tdling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: -P'IO roads diverged in a wood, and I TOok the one less tT:J.veled by, and that has made all the difference. " -Roben Frosr "The Road Nor Taken" Dan Brophy. "Bottoms up for this time, won't you let me be Bottled up in this time, won't yOIl rescue me I thought it up JUSt in time, it's all I could see You should h:we been there las! nighl and heard what the Big Dipper said to me." -Built to Spill

Alex Caperula - "Do what you fed, the more absurd the better, don', be aft-Jid whatever you got. show-flaunt your IlCfWl1ality let 'elll know yOIl stylo," - 3 11 Andrew Capizzi ~ ~There arc no unachei\'ablc goals, there arc no ullsavable souls, there arc 110 unbeatable odds, there are no unbclieveable gods, Each night when the day is through, I don't ask lIluch, I just want you." - O:a;y Osbourne Ian Casey - ~Nolhing is o\'cr until we decide it is! \Vas it over when the German's bombed pearl I hrbor? No!" - Bluto, "Animal I-louse" Phil Cassidy - "What will you do with your '""orld Series bonus? About half of the money will be spent on Irish whiskey, WOlllen, & good

Colin Corcoran - "E:-.:perience is simply lhe name we givc our mist'Jkes." - Oscar \\'idle Torn Curry - "The first step in life is to get wrist control." Frank DeLuccia - "Excellence is the result of caring more than otllers think is wise. risking more than others think is safe. dreaming more man others mink is practical, and expecting morc than others think is possible." - Unknown Mike DeVore - "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear." -/\lark"'\I'ain Andrew Dc-,m - "Its alright to feel b'ood. It's alright for nothing to be wrong. "nle deepest dream WI:: ha\'e eould be tomorrows song."-3 11 Ste\'e Dean - "An enemv is merelv a wasted friend." , . Alex Dec - ~ [ wish I was a headlighl, on a north bound min," - The Grnteful Dead


SENIORS ' _ A S S O F 2 0 0 7 = = =

Mark Ircc.·LI,cl Holy Martyrs Mock Trial, Crew, LSC, TelUlis, NBS, K3iros Leader

"'llaslrd••, "Doug" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Fall Drama, Spring Musical, Art Club, Intr3muraJs

lulcl I",~, "The Hackmaster" HolyCross An Club, Spring Musicals, Fall Dramas

ra.II"•• "Trey" St. Philip Ner; Crew

TI"I~,I" •• "T]." St. Luke the Evangelist Basketball, Lacrosse Man~c.I.1 liThe Asian"

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track, Project Home,NHS


Senior Football Players up before the big Vrnc at the world famous La Salle Pcp Rallies!

160 il.1001 BLUE &GOLO


,SS OF 2007

AlclI'~CI ....ICIIC

Corpus Christie LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Providence Center Tutoring

IcYl.I"ke St. Philip Neri WEXP, Stage crew, TechSER~ Cross Country, Track

C~IISI.,1Ic1 CUrcy

"Knock" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer FootbaU, Track C~llslI'~CICa~111 "Leprechaun" St. Genevieve

\짜EXP, The Wisterian, NHS, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Project Home, Track & Field, Student Council, Pep Band, Concert Band

Ccllft'cyCulII "Cahill" Epiphany of Our Lord Italian Club

.ynCal. "Kicker, Automatic" Immaculate Conception Soccer, FootbaJl, Band, Outdoor Advenrure Club, Intramurals, VVEXP

Far Left: Jim \Vhitc, Matt Stone, and Chip Hinkel praise the Lord through song. Left: Steve Dorsey well in the clear.




Weslcy Cal'crllc IfWes" 55. Colman]ohn Neuman

Indoor Track, Concert Band

JlnCa.111 St. Matthias Indoor Track and Field, Outdoor Track and Field, Cross Country, Band

JI~I Ca.,alclla

"JB" Corpus Christi Football, Lacrosse

ScalCa.,kll .lSOUp" St. David LSC, Wisterian, Track, Yearbook, CYO

Mlchcl Ca.,kll "Campbell" St. Peter

Ski Club, History Club, Intramurals

A1clII.cr C"Cllla "Alex, Cube, Cap" Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Band, Spanish Club, Intramurals, NHS, Film Club

ll.rcw Ca,lnl Ice Hockey, Wrestling, [ntramul1lls,

Guitar Ensemble, WEXP P~IIII, Cara.clici

"p]" St Francis of Assisi La SalJe Academy, Latin Club, Wisterian, lntramurals

16211". Z007 BLUE &GOLD


ISS OF 2007

luCalcy «Fat Ian, Biggs, Chocolate Thunder" St. Cecilja Football, NHS, Intramurals, Track r~lII, CUII.y

"Philly" St. Alphonsus Freshman Football,]VFootball, Golf Team, Junior Urban Challenge, Kairos Retreat Leader

Wlllla. Callclkrl "Berg"

St. Ephrem Football, Freshman Mentor, Freshman Tours JIS~.a C~.~~

"Josh" NHS (Secretary), I-Iockey

JISC'~ Clplla

"Cippy,]oe" Immaculate Conception LaSalJe Academy Tutoring, \VEXP, Italian Club, Freshman Mentor, Mathletes, NI-IS, The \i\!isrerian, Community Techserve

a"rcwClay "Diceman, Clay" Immaculate Conception Freshman Football, Indoor/Outdoor Trnck, Violin! String Ensemble, Senior Lab Manager, Class President

Mlchcl Cllacn "Cligg" Corpus Christi Mock Trial, Football, Track, Respect Life, Wisteri:1I1, Chess Club, NHS, Ski Club, Project Home

la.lcl CI••lrl "D.C. Bags" St. i\llargarer Student Council (president), Football, Outdoor Track, Battle of the Bands




C.IIICMW., "Nodder" St. Luke the Evangelist Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Project Home, -IS, "'listerian, Belcraft

•••IIdC.. "Dam" St. Albert the Great Ice llockey, Guitar Ensemble


"Coombs" Epiphany ofour Lord Tennis, Bowling, Ultimate Frisbee, Ping Pong C~rb1."C1C,,,,

"Corby" St. Vincent lee hockey, NBS

Right: Justin Price decides to give God :r. run for the moncy :Uld crc:ucs his OWII human being

Below: Chris Grady and Chad Kurylo are lookouts while the "Explorer'" stcals from the school.

164 ir. 1007 BLUE &GOLD


(ISS OF 2007

clnl C"C".. Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Crew,NHS



11 CliniC'

"Ben" St. Titus Wrestling, NHS, Student Cowlcil, LSC, Water Polo,

Kairos Leader, Yearbook, Bolivia Service Trip, Latin Club, Liturgy Comm..ittee

.Ic.aclCrnnaJc "Mike, Crawsy" St. Jude Wrestling, eyO, History Club, Free Periods, Cruising, Intramurals, Ping-Pong

J•• cs Clllllp•• "Jazzy" HolyCross Wresding, Gaming Club, Multi-Culmral Club

"Hmmmmm, should I ask this babe to dance?" ponders Chris Cahill




n••asCllry "Spicy" St. Cyril Intramurals,\NEXP, Gazebo

Frill lellcell "Grizzly"

St. Rose of Lima Baseball, Football, NHS, LSC, Kairos, Intramurals

MldlClleVllc "Devo" Our Lady Help of Christians Crew AI~rc.lcu

"Red, Teenie" Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Football, Student Council, NBS, LSC,Junior Urban Challenge, Kairos Leader, Baseball, Ski Club

SlnCllcl1 "STEVEDEAN" St. Matthew 'Wisterian, \¥EXP, Lab Manager, Middle States Committee, Amnesty International, Gaming Club, TechSERVE, LSC, Sarnelli House, NHS, Gazebo, Ping Pong Club AlcllI~cr Icc

"Alex" Hockey, St. Martin's Tutoring, La Salle Academy, Ski Club

Inillehz "Deitz, Skeeter" Our Lady ofM,. Carmel Freshman Soccer, Freshman andJV Baseball,IV and VarsiryTennis, Kairos 37-52

C.llilellil StThomas of Villanova Football, Band, Chorus

1661r. 1007 BLUE &GOLD

t<J,fi; SENIOR QUOTES Ben COUTUlCY - "A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others rnrow at him or her." - David Brinkley Mike Croasdale - ""Veekcnds don't count un-

less you spend them doing something completely pointless." -Calvin & Hobbes

James Cunningham - "Accept it, Love it, and Embr.lce it." -James

Kevin Donnelly "You might be right, Imighr be Cr.t:.:y, bUl illllight be j\lst be a lunitic you're looking for," -Billy Joel

for gIrls" - Bot:n

Mike Donoghue "Take your time, think a lot. \Vhy, think of everything you\'e gOI, for you will slill be here tomorrow, but yO\lr dreams may nOl." • Cat Stevens

Greg FranrL - "I know I can be what I wal1lto be if I work hard at ill'lI be where I W';\l1na be:' -Nas

Steve Dorsey - "J-lard Ihings take time to do, (ll1l>ossible things take a little longer." - Percy Cerutty

lorn Curry - ~The first step in life is to gel wrist COntrol."

Frank DeLuccia - ~Excellence is the result of caring mOTC than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is pnctjcal, and expecting morc than othcr5 think is possible," - Unknown Mike DeVore -


is rcsist:lnce ro fcar,

mastery of fear - not absence of fear."

Mike Doyle· "Success is not final, failure is 110t filial: it is the courage 10 cominue that countS, ~ - Winston Churchill Nick Dreher - "True terror is 10 wake up one morning and discover your high school class is running the country." - Kurl Vonneb'Ut Brian Drennen - "Arc you feeling the feeling that I'm feding? Dreams arc like fish fOU gots 10 keep on reeling," -G. Love


Andrew Dean - "It's alright ro feel good. Its alright for nOlhing to be wrong, The deepest dream we have could be tomorrow's song." - 311 Ste\'e Dean - "An enemy is merely a wasted friend." Alex Dee - "Jwish I was a headlight, on a north bound train," - The Grateful Dead Kevin Deitz - "One of the few rare things in the world is surfing and how it c;an bring people together no matter wh:Jt race, creed, or color. "'Ve arc all under the one sky, in order we stand, we share the weather, and that's our baml together. \VC are the surfing tribe." - Wayne Pnrick Murphy Bcn DiFranco "Du bist das schonst.: kind von allen, Jeh halt sic wie mein eisen blut," Marco DiPratO "Alii ask is a chance to prm'e that money can't make mc happy." - Unknown Len Di\Villiams "If all of the ignorance in the world passed a second ago, what would you $:IY? \'\!ho would you obey? I am here to S:l.y that peace is now." - E.d Kowalczyk "LIVE" James Dierkes -Green Day

~\ Velc;ome to


Conor Doherty - "If you thought that you were making rour way to where the puzzles and P:lg:ms lay, I'll puth rogether: Ir's a strange ilwencion," - Beck

Max Durkin - "I'm slill brcalhin' right? RighI. So, uhh, yeah, It's all good." Greg Dusing - "Don'l he timid, only lI1ake a move if your heans in it, live the phrase sky's the limit.~ - The NotOrious BJG Scan Dwyer - "I want to share something with you: The three Iinle sentences mat will get you through life, Number I: Cover for me, NUl11~ ber 2: Good idea, Boss! Number 3: It was like thal when I got here," -I-lamer Simpson Lukas E.ddy - "Half the people in lhe world arc below average," Pete Endrigi:m "It's my job. it's what I do." Nick Faillace - "Well in the end my friend we will all be together again, c1utchin onlo my hand, in a valley we'll staml, JUSt li\-in' again." -O.A.R. Mike Fazio - "The god's envy us. Th~'y el1\')'us because we're mortal, because any momenl might be our last. E\'erything is mo~e beautiful bec~lIlSC. we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you arc now. \-Ve will never he here abrain." - Achilles. ~Troy"

D:lve Fratamico ~ ~Ifyou're coasting, you're going downhill." - Unknown Andrew Furlong - "Don't walk behind me, I m:lY not lead. Don't walk in from of me, I may 1101 follow. Just walk beside me and be nw friend." . Garren Gallagher - "It's the same everyday, and the w:\\'e won't break, Tell you 10 pray while the devil's on your shoulder." -PearlJarn Joe Gallo thing."


worry I'll think of some-

Anthony Giannetli - "'Happiness is a long walk with a pulter." - Greg Nornlan Zach Gilbert - "Either we heal as a team, or we will all die as illdividuals...Thal's Life" - "/\ny Gil'en Sunday" Man Glavin - "Live up 10 ~'ollr dreams and gin:." - Dave Marthews Band Nick Gorsky - ~The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more iml>orrant than his own person:l.1 s:afery, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better mel1 than himself." - John Stuart Mill Chuck Gowdy - "\Ve gOl110 food, no jobs .. , our per's heads arc falling off!" Chris Grady - "Do not follow what the path may lead. Go inslead where there is no palh and leave a trail." -Ralph \Valdo Emerson Tom Graham· "Open minds lead to open doors." \ Vayne Grasela - "It is better to deserve honors ami nOt have them than to hal-e and 110110 deserve them." -Mark l\\'ain

Mike Filipczak - "Every stOry has its bad parts, you just have to get past them to get to the good bits," - Anonymous Andrew Foell- "Don't sweat the petry things. and don't pet the sweaty things." Ryan Ford - ·'Somethings you need to work for appreciate" - David Draiman


Matt Dominick "Some day I hope rou get the chance to lh'e like you were dying," - Tim McGrow

.lack Forster - "I gO! myself an iPod, my neighbor gOt iPod mini, everyone know iPod mini




1e1d•• IIIIFI.IC. "Chaci" Water Polo, Swimming, NBS, Student Council, Scantiness

••,c.IIPI••• Mary, Mother of the Redeemer NHS, Competition Band, Musical

LCllar~ 1111I11..s

Epiphany of Our Lord Academic Decathlon, WEXP, Intramurals, NBS, History Club

J••cs IIclkcs St. Eleanor NHS, Mathletes, Academic Decathlon, lntramurals

C.lllllllcrty St. Ignatius of Antioch Swimming, NBS, Cross country

••n~cw 1••lllck "Matty D, Dom"

St. Jude CYO, Chorus, Band, La Salle Academy, Sarnelli House, Spanish Club, Ski Club, Intramurals, Spring Musicals, Belcrofters, NHS

Mrs. O'Connell helps Alex Lagncr, Chris Wogan, Ryan Haney, :,md Will Viskovich sOIlIld somewhat appealing to colleges.

1681l. 1007 BLUE &GOLD


Int.....elly Corpus Christie Cross Country, Indoor & Outdoor Track, Intramurals, LaSalle Academy Tutoring

Mlc••ell• •e St. AJphonsus

Basketball, Soccer, Intramurals, K.1iros 37-51, LSC

Sle,.e.ltrsey "Dars" St. Rose of Lima Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Sarnelli House, Ski Club, WEXP

JeffreY".lIas "J eft" St. Stanislaus Ski Club, Film Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Chess Club, [ntramurals

Mle"elleyle "Doylie" Holy Martyrs Theater, Chorus

Ilc.",s Ile.el "Nick" Visitation B.\ZM. AJrulesty International, Celtic Club, Explorers Club, Intramunlls, Crew, Latin Club

Far Left: The Minton family celcbnnc Tom's success

Left: Andrew Clay offen; us his good side.




.,10 lrelHI "Sri , Dren , Dre" St. Tims La Salle Academy, Crew, Intramurals, LSC, Junior Urban Challenge

lemlllllkil "Durkin"

St. Philip Ski Club, Intramurals, Band, Drama Club

CIC(tIJ IISII. "Duce" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Soccer, Basketball, NI-IS

Seolwyel liThe Dwyer" St. Andrew Intramurals, Project Home

Right: Brian McManus expresses his sensitive artis-

tic side Below: Andrew Capini: a little too dose for comfon

170 ~ 2007 BLUE &GOLD



LlkuE", Hockey, Lacrosse

PCler EllllriIIU "Drigs, Fat Pete" St. Gregory Annenian Apostolic Church SADD, La Salle Academy, St. Francis Inn, Intramurals, Multi-Cultural Club

IIcllllas Fallacc "Nick" St. Albert the Great SADD, Spirit Club, Intramurals, LSC

IIKrlFaricy "Rob" St. Cyril lee Hockey, NHS

Abo'"e: Chris Muisco shares some of his story with the school communhy during Liturg}'

Left: Brian Nahas 2nd Gny l-I:IIcnn plan for the weekend





Mary, Mother of Redeemer Water Polo, Bowling, Nl-IS, Guitar Ensemble .lc~1C1 FIII,czu

"Flip" Our Lady of Grace Hockey, Band, Intramurals, Pit Band, Pep Band,

Concert Band

AI.rcw FICII St.]ames Baseball, Intramurals, LaSalle Academy Tutoring

I,IIF". St. Luke Track, Ski Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Providence Center TutOring and Sarnelli House

IIIIcl F"lIcC "Dan"

Visitation B.Y:M. Art Club, Roller Hockey, Stage Crew, Nl-IS JI~I FlIllcr

"Jackson, Captain Jack Sparrow" Grace

Football, Lacrosse

"Who says th:u La Salle's class too large?"

1n 1l. 2001 BLUE &GOLD





CfqwyFrUb "Frantzy" St. Stanislaus Football, Baseball

llYN Frlllllia "Frary, Frat" St. James

Crew, Cross Country, LSC, l'\THS

AHrcw F.rIHr "Furbur" St.]ames Wrescling, Football

Clrretl ClllaPcr "Rat" St. Genevieve Swimming, Student Council


"Geronimo Joe, GaUo" St. Anthony Baseball, Pep Band, Concert Band, Bolivia Service Trip

.....'ClaMcIll "'Gena" LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Golf Team, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, Outdoor Adventure Club

f:ar Left: Grady, Mcuughlin, and Turk celebrate with a champion in ,\lax Luce. Left: High School pressures can take YC:lrs off of your life. Just look at Abxx Nascefhc was once a spry young mall!

lA SAllE COllEGE HiGH SCHOOL i(, 173



ZacWyellkn "Ronaldoo" Our Lady of Asswnption Ski Club, WF.,XP, Foorball, Lacrosse Manager

IlanK. e1n11 "Thumb" Our Lady of Guadelupe Baseball, Spanish Club, La Salle Academy, Triest

House, Sarnelli Ilouse, Film Club, I\THS

IlclllluCtltkJ "'Nick" Our Lady of M t. Carmel Lacrosse, Football, Yearbook, LaSalle Academy


"Gowdy, Chuck" St Jude Competition Band, Concert Band, Varsity Baseball Manager, LaSalle Academy, NHS


"Chris, Biff"

Our Lady Help of Christians Student Council, LaSalle Academy, 'Wisterian,

Yearbook, Football, Intramurals, People to People

DeusClUuI "Toone, Bone" Holy Martyrs


WIJIC C1ISC" Maternity B.\1.M. Soccer

Pctcr C11,IICIC "Pete" St. Rose of Lima Hockey, History Club



~o7i~ \..( IWO SENIOR QUOTES Pete GI":1\'tnt.'Se • A life spent lI1:1king 1ll1St2L:es is nO[ only 1110rc hononblc, but more useful than:J life spent doing nothing." - George )krnoud Sh:l\~ M

lim Gren'es· "But ('vcn in the gloom :and despite :lil windings of the road he knew whither to go, he did not nher, as long as there W:lIS:I path that led lOVo~rds his goal.~ - J.R.R. Tolken Gny Hacnn - "'lJghc:st health, highest happiDrentun Borek High ness, 2nd hlghcst tides. Tides Memorial Fund M

Phil HlIggcrt), • "Life isn't f2lf. h's JUSt f:llrer dun death. that's all,"


Greg laFata - "Falcon PUNCH!!~ - Caplllin Flllcon

j.A. Hull - ""'here all thinbhke, no one thlllks \'ery much," ~'Valter Lippm20nn

Dan Lacon - "E\'eryone has them."

Selin HUlchinson . "It IlIkes a big mlln to cry, bm it t::Ikes a bigger man to 11lugh 111 thllt mlln," -jack l-bndy

Alex Lagner - "rr is our choices thai show whn we uulv2ore, f.ar more than our abilities." - J,K. Rowling

Nick INin· ",,"e'll all noal on, good news is on the way," - ,\Iodest ,\Iouse

Nick Lanza· "If I don't see you \1Iround ahoo keep on trucking." -Old School

J\ like Hughes· "LI\'e e\'eryday as if it were your


little ("1lpt:lll1 m

Pat jackson· "\\'ait, I an wnle an)'thmg here and you'll pUI it m the YC2.rbook:"

ColinHaley ·"Go. go space monk~!"

Brianjeffers - "But Ifhe an't sleep how will he ever dream?" - Pearl jam

Rich Hamilton - "Lights will guide }'Ou home." - Coldpl:ly

D20n jeitner - "The dislllnce between genius lind insanity is measured only by success."

R)'lln II:mey - '" feel like I'm sleepmg. Can you Wilke me? You scem to have II broader sensibility. I'm just li\'ing on nerves and feelings ",im:l

Dllnjohnson· "Some oflifc's greatesilessons are learned during a stTuggle." - J\lr,Jackson

weak lind Iny nund and commg to people's p;l.rties fumbling deaf dumb and blind," -jeff Bud:lq'

TaylorJohnson - "Some people want it to hal)pen, some people w;sh it would h~ppen, others make it happen," • ,\ lichaeljord2on

Tim I-leek .. It iii m)' beJief, .. lhat [he truth is generally preferable to lies." - Albus DUlllhledore

joe Kain - "1\l3ma always wid me nOl to look into the sights of the sun, .. but mama, that's where the fun is, ~ - A guy from New jcrsey

D:l\'e Henrich· "Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up ii's nc\'cr as good as it secllIs. and when you're down )'ou think you'll ncver be up again, bm lifc goes 011." - "Blow"

Mike Kapp - "Dump on fools with a 'luickncss and they got no cure for this siclml.'S$." - ElISY E

Orlan Leighton - Peter: ~Oh my God, Brilln there's a message in my A1phll-bits, it says, 'OOOOO~'"



those 20re cheerios"-Family Guy

Pete Le\;ns - "\\'e muSt pa.ss through solitude lind difficulty, isolation and silence. in order to rellch forth 10 the enchanted pl20cc ....here we C'.In dance our dwnsy d2once, 20nd ring our sorrowful song." - Pablo Neruda \'ince Leviro - "Success is not final, f2iture is nOI f2UI: 1\ is the courage to continuc that counts," - \Viosmn Churchill StefJn Lewandowski - "Enter to learn, Lean: to serve. n

Scan Herbcn· "Fcclin' good's good cnough ... " ·Witlem Dafoe, PlulOon Chris Iliggins. "Thc mass of men lead li\'cs of quict desper-oltion."· Ilenry David Thoreau Chip ILinkcl· "Let music never die in me, for· c\'cr let my Spirit sing. Let all our mict$ join as one to praise the giver of lhe song. AWllke, wllke~ Let music live!" • joseph Martin "The AWlikening" john Iiolt . "We got no food. We got no jobs. Our pets he1lds are f.alling oW" -Dumb :md Dumber Andr~

Houchins· "F..:n. drink. and be merry. for lomorrow we die."

hbu Houser· "Triumph is IllSt "umph" lidded to


,\hn Howard· "There is alwll)'5 gOlllg to be someone who is better thlln you, bUI there is no rCtiQn someone should work harder rn20n you." ·Derekjeter

Mike Kelty - "All our dreams can COlllC true, if we ha\'t~ the courJgc to pursue them. ~ - \ Valt Disney Shane Kelly - "Shoot for IheAloon, Ifyou miss, you're still amon~t the stars:' Mike Klenk _"Everybody is somebody. . Anonymous


Kevin KIohe - ~Only those elements time cannot wear ....ere made before lI1e, and beyond time I stand. Abllndon all hope: ye who enter here." • Dante Rudi Kraeher - "\\'hoe\'er appellls to the law against his fellow man is either ~ fool, or a cow· lIrd, 'VhOC"erannot t1lke are of hunselfwith· out that law is horn."

Paul Lewis - "The on Iv limits in life are the OI1t~S you put on yourself, Failing to preparc is preparing to f:!it." - Anonymous jack Libor· "It's rhythm you know go with the flow you don't stop move like:l jellyfish." - jackjohnson Andrew Logan. "If you 3re going to win :lny battle, you h3\'e 10 do one thing, You ha\'c to make the mind run the bod),. Ne\'cr let the body lell the mind what to do.. , thc body is nc\'cr tired if the bodv is nOI tired." -General George Pll'nonjr, Kelly Lombard - "History will be Iound to me, for I intend to write it." -Sir Winston Churchill Sean London - "A good friend will comr: lind bail you out ofj:!i!. ,.but a true friend will be Sltang not to you :>a);ng, "\\'ow, th20t was fun'"

Chad Kurylo - WAnd when your deepest thoughts are broken, keep on drcal11in' boy, ause when you stop drcllmin' It'S lime to die, ~ -Blind ,\Ielon .\bn KW2.Sizur - "They say golf is like !ife. but don't believe Ihem, Golf is more compliated th20n th2ot." -Gardner Dickinson




TI_yClutes "'Greavesy" St. Hilary Italian Club, History Club, Soccer, l\'HS

UllYlacu "Gary" St. Rose of Lima Ski Club, Samelli 1louse, Triest House. Student Council, Cross Country, Kairas Leader



Immaculate Conception

Football, \Vrestling, lntramura)s, Kairos Leader

Cllillalcy "Haley" Immaculate Conception Crew, Football, Competition Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Lab Manager, Track, Pit Orchestra, TecbSERV

Above: Clurlie Trinkle, Ste,"c Dean, and Man Stone sen'c meals lilt SamcUi House

Right Colin Wh:a.lcn co:aches one of the soccer pl:ll)"crs

from La S2Uc Aadcmy

176 c.Z007 BLUE &GOLD




"Rich, Rip Hamilton" Immaculate Conception Crew, Film Club, Gaming Club, La Salle Academy, Italian Club, Bolivia Trip, Outdoor Adventure Club

Iyulucy St. Genevieve Lacrosse, Football, eya Basketball, Kairos Leader, Junior Urban Challenge

'alrlck III' "Pat" [mmaculare Conception Crew, Student Council, Sarnelli House, LSC, Respect Life, Liturgy Committee, Middle States Planning Team Rep_, Appalacian Service Trip

TI.It.y Icck "Heck, Nukes" Our LadyofMt. Carmel Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, NBS, Project Home, Sarnelli House

Above: McCaff looks for a little help on his test

Left: Ace, Cotton, and T.J. Mr. Brett look good.


to make




.aYl~ lelrlc.

"Goose" St. Gene\rleve Lacrosse, Hockey

SCUlerkrt "Seansk]" St. Jude \\'restling, CYO, Iii tory Club, Cruising,IGlling lime, Paintball

C.rbt.,..litIIa "'Chris" t.IVl1liam Hockey, Track

Walter IIlkcl "Chip" Our Lady Help of Christians Chorus, Band, Belcrofters, Competition Band, ,,visterian, Liturgical Cantor, Spring Musicals, Cross Country, lrack

J.kll.11 Epiphany of Our Lord Water Polo, Swimming, Secret Santa AI~rc. ludlll

"I [ouch" Corpus Christi Football, LaSalle Academy, Providence Center, Italian, Spanish Club

"~c.lIIIser "'~latt"

St. John of the Cross Basketball, Track

..1tk....I1~ "The People's Champ" Baseball, Indoor Track, Sarnelli House

17811.1007 BLUE &GOLD


ISS OF 2007 .le~lellllhs

"Hughesy" St. Katherine Swimming JI~I AI"II, 1111

"] A" St. Jude Football, Wrestling, Track and Field, Respect Life, LSC, NHS, Larin Club, HiSlOlY Club, Wisterian, Yearbook, Mutlti-culrural Club, Academic Decathelon

Sellllle~llsll "Hutch"

St. JosephiSt. Robert Basketball, Baseball, Indoor and Outdoor Track

IlrI.l,sek St. Cecilia

LllslrllS OUf

"Big boy" Lady of Hope


"Reedawg" St. Genevieve

Ski Club, Samelli House, Golf, Baseball

Pllrlek JlSksll "Flash, McFly" Corpus Christi Student Council, K.liros Leader, Outdoor Track, LaSalle Academy, Appalachia Service Trip, Junior Urban Challenge

IrlllJerrell "Jeffy" St. Rose Swimming, Water Polo, Yearbook, Kairos Leader




Inlel Jeltle, "Dan"

St. Joseph/St. Robert La Salle Academy, NBS, Outdoor Track, Intramurals

Inlel JIIIISII "Dan" Presentation B.Y:M. Celtic Club, Track, Ski Club, Kairos, Junior Urban Challenge

Tayll' J'~IS'I

St, Vincent De Paul Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, Intrarnul1ll Sports, St. Martin's Tutoring JlSe,~lall

"Joe" Presentation B.V:M. Honor Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Spring Musical, Kajros Leader, Yearbook, Chorus Manager, NBS

Mlehella" "Ernest"

St. Genevieve

Lacrosse, Intramural Basketball, SADD, ItaLian Club

Michel Icily "Mike, Kelly" St. Robert Lacrosse, Project Home, La Salle Academy, Spanish Club


"Kels" St. Albert the Great Soccer, St. Francis Inn, LaSalle Academy Tutoring

Mieheillel' "Dank" Ice Hockey

180 1(,1007 BLUE &GOLD



OF 2007

Ic,IIII,.c St. Jude Wrestling, Yearbook, Photography,


Id,I,Ulldcr "Rodo, Rudimentary Angle" Band, Forum, NBS, La SaJle Academy, Amnesty International

e.ullryl, Corpus Christi Soccer, Student Council, Building

Bridges of Solidarity, Ping Pong Club, Ski Club

Man.cwlwulZll "New Kid" St. Stanislaus Stage Crew, Concert Band, Pep Band, Intramurals

Crcrary Lafata "Joe McCool" St. Helena

Forum, Track, NHS, Celtic Club

lallel LaCil "DeL" St. Helena

Baseball, Multi-Cultural Club, History Club, Latin Club, Respect Life, German Club, SAD.D

A1C1mcr Lllicr "L" St. Helena NBS, Intral11urals, L3S3lJeAcademy, Junior Urban Challenge, Science Club


St. Joseph/St. Robert Sarnelli House, Soccer, Multicultural Club




WIIIIUI Larkll "Bill" St. Alphonsus Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Freshman l\lentor, NHS,

Providence Center Tutoring, Respect Life, Intrarnu.raJs

IyIuLclPt_ "'Die-Iahn The best 5 rappers in the world"

Our Lady of Moun, Cannel

PclcrLcrin "Pete" Visitation BVM Freshman Crew,JV Crew, Yearbook, Student Council, NHS, Latin Club, Celtic club, Amnesty International, Chorus, Belcrofters

Vllcell LcYitI "Levito, Vince Van Gogh" Visitation B.\T.M. ;.JHS, Swimming, Cross Country, Outdoor Track,

Pep Band, Concert Band, Stage Band, Jazz Band, Kairos Leader

Right: Dan Connors makes his move. Belo": AC\;Idcmic teamwork af its finest.

182 .... 1007 BLUE &GOLD


i\SS OF 2007

Slefal LewlI.lwskl "Master" Present3tion S.VM. Providence Center, Project Home, Academic Decathlon, Environment.,1 Science, Nl:-IS

"11Lewis IILewis" St. Stanislaus lee Hockey, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, NBS, People to People Student Ambassador, \i\'ork, Guitar, Friends

JaekLl"r "Jack" Sr. joseph/St. Robert Track

al.rewLIIII "Drew" M:Hy, Mother of the Redeemer

Concert Band, Pep Band, Theater Band

Above: Pat Harp in Appalachia.

Right: Ian Casey, Brian Tr.tillcr, and Andrew Pierce assist in puning up the U\Vali that Heals."




lellyL"Ar~ "The Kjller, The Thriller, The Whire Gorilla"

Our 1\lother of Consolation Lacrosse, Student Council, NHS, Yearbook, \i\'isterian, Trieste House, LaSalle Academy, Secret Sanrn, SADD

SCUL•• ~•• "London" St. Albert the Great Hockey,Junior Urban Challeoge

IImrcll LIce "Far M.ax,l\lax" Our Lady of M t. Carmel Football, Yearbook, LSC, NHS, Latin Club

Mleuel_lre "Scoobs" Queen of Peace Outdoor Track, Latin Club, Sarnelli I louse

ScoMn.ley "Mahones" Corpus Christi Basketball, Volleyball

FeillMHzl "Felix the Cat, Papa Lix, Felice" Immaculate Conception

NI IS, Band (Vice-President), Honors Advanced Band, Competition Band, Pep Band, Pit Band, Concert Band, Lab Band, Intramurals

Qrlst_1IIrhcI "Chris" Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church Babysitting, Freshman Alcocor, Spanish Club

SUnllarkcy Holy,\larryrs Film Club, Intramurals, Amnesty International

184 iJ.1007 BLUE &GOLD


SENIOR QUOTES t\Ia.l Luce "Lotsof people want to ride with you

Ted .\kKeon-

the hmo, bUI what you "':Int is someone who will uke the bus with you when the limo breaks down." - Opr.ah Winfrey

Dennis ,\ IcLaughlin - "Gi\'e me, uhh, lite cola," - Fai\':!


,\1jke M:lgulre - "Action ma~' nOI ~d",,)'S bring

happiness: but


in no happiness without

action." - Benjanun Disraeli

Felu Manzi - "uperience is nOi wh:n happens a m;l.n, it is ",hat ill man does with ",h:lIt h2ppens to him." -Aldous J luxley

Eric McLoughlin - "Yoo\'e gOt to le:am to sur· vi\'l: a defca.t. Th:n's when you de\e1op character. ~ - Richard Nixon ,\tc;:.\lanus "I'm out!"


Chris ,\larisco· "If .... e qUI! \·onng. will they all go 3W':Iy? Ah...Good limes,"

Shawn Markey - "Either )'ot! rCpe;lf the ~me a::ln\'cntional doctrines ~'erJbody is saying, or you will say something true, and it will sound

like ii'S from


,\lan ,\leehan - "God bless, peace, I'm out!" John Mil."US - ~We mae ali\ing by what we get. but we make :a life by what lole gi\e. ~ - Winston Churchill Tom Minton -"A word 10 the Wise i~ not necessary-its the stupid ones who need the ad\ice,"

- Nwm ChomsL:y

Mike.\brtinelli· "Sixty percent of the orne ...n works en~ry time."

Anthony ,\ lirabile - "'tS not the size of the dog in the fight, bUithe size of the fight in the dog."

JOII O'ConneU - "All we h:lve to decide is wh:lt to do with the time thar is gt\'en to us." - j.R.R. lollcien John O'DriscoU - MKnowledge speaks, hut wisdom listens." - Jimi Hendm Liam O'Neill - '"I walked into a club the other night and) noticed a gur with a leather j:acket. that guy W:!S cool. then) noticed:l guy lol'ith a leather \-est, not cool. It w:!s then) diSCO\'ered the secret lO coolness... lt:':lIther slee\·cs. I own leather slCC"es.M K~in O'Neill- '"1lIe right to be hellrd docs nor automatica.lly include the righllo be uken serio ousl)'.- - Huhen H, Humphrey

\lan Onumk - MI don't know where I'm goin', but I ,USt found out lol ho) alii. So the wind must keep on blowin', and I'll do whatever I ca.n" - ,\ bu Onumk

- JB ,\1Jke Palenno·

Will Mascio - "So SlOp pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mount3ins, C';l[ more ice ere:""n, go barefoot often, swim more rh'ers, ,ntch more sunsets, laugh more and crl' less, Life muSt be h\'ed as we go along, The station will collle soon enough," - Roben Ilascings John Me-Burnie ·"Your chal':lcler doesn't shine most when things ue going good, but when things aren't," - BigJohn Brian McCabe - "Ability is what you're capablc of doing, Moti\'ation dctcnnines what you do, Attitudc dctcrmines how well you do it," -Lou Iioln Matt McCaffery - "It works 60% of the time, all the time," - Anchomlan Bry.m McC:1l1ion • "Nlake them sa.y uughhh" -Master P Colin McC:1nn - "Person:ality an open doors, bur only chaNCIer ca.n keep them open," - Einstein Ry.m McDevin - MCouNge is contagious. \\'hen a brave man rakes a stand, the spines of others :.ue often stiffened." - Bill}' GNham

Andrew ,\lockaitis - "Commitment in the f:lcc of confliCt produces character." - Anonrmous ,\lodestine - MDon't settle for wh:u rou can li\'e with, settle for wh:lt rou can'tli\e withom." Man Monte\'Crde- "Spiral out, keep


Rich l\lomgo/llcry - "\ Vho's clown with OPP?~ Brian Moore - "The onl)' one who can heat is me," - Michael Johnson


Rob Morton - "Rcmembcr wherc }'ou carne from, where you're going, and why you created the mess you gOt yourself into in the first place," - Richard Bach Ryan Murphy - "I can't believe it, reading and writing actually paid off." -ilomer Siml)S(ln Matt 1\ luscarella - ") define nothing. Not beaut)'. not p:ltriotism. I t:l.ke e:lch thing:ls it is, withou! prior rules :about wh:at it should be, M - Bob Dylan

~Stllr low,

hit 'em

hard,~ -


l'.'ick Patcell:l - ",\ Iv choice is wh:lt , choose to do, lind if I', causing no hann it shouldn't bother)'ou. Your choice is who}'ou choose to be and if you're causing no harm then you're alright with lIIe," - Ben II:uper Man Paul - "Illy friends they were few, but to me they wcre true, All we were trying 10 do was to juS! make it through, Always thought for the fUr\lre bUI we shouldn't ha\'e cued, All the best things in life, we shared them right there," -G, Love

Jail Pcrcr.J - "Any road followed predsely 10 ilS end leads precisely llowhere, Climb the mountain a liule hit to the [CSt that it's a Illountain, From the top of the mountain, yOIl cannot scc the lllount1lin," - Frank Herbert Joe Perese· "Try nOt to become:i man of success, but rather to become a man of \';tlue, ~ - Albert Einstein

Bri:ln N:lh:ls - "ChampIOns are made from something deep inside them -a desire. a dream, a \;sion." -~luhamlll:adAli

"lau Naseef - MThere's nothing rou ca.n do If )'ou're too scared to try." - Nickel Creel.:

E\':l.n McGiliin - "Kids you tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is, n~·er tr}." - Homer Simpson Brian McGinnis - ")'11 be back round again, Yes, I'll lol':l.lk III time lol ith }'OU old friend." - Da\'e Matthe...~ Band William ,\klntyre - MI try 10 find who I am bur wind up lost in the end."

Jakob i':ines .MO Capt:l.in! My C:lptain! Our fe:arful trip is done. M- W:all Whitman John Nuccro - "Dream until \'OUr dream comes true." - Aerosmith ' K~;n O'Connell - "Dar\.: clouds may hang on me sometimes. but I'll work It OUl." - D:I\'e Manhelol~ B:md




E. Mlc~ICIManllclll "Marty" Visitation B.VM, Hockey, Baseball, KaitOS

WIlli..MlCcl. Visitation B.\T.M. Forum,]unior Urban Challenge, La Salle Academy, Spring lvlusicals, Chorus

Jdl.clllilc "Burnie Big" Assumption B.V:M. Football, Baseball, Student Council, History Club

IIIalMcCaH St. Eleanor Outdoor Track, Providence Center Tutoring, NHS, Mathletes

Man~cw McCaffery

"McCafP' Our Lady of Grace Soccer

Iryn McCalll.1 UDical" St. Helena

A senior starting lineup for the Catholic League Championship game,

18611.1007 BLUE &GOLD



CllllllcCol "i\1.cCann" St. Albert the Great SADD, Latin Club, Ping Pong, Multi-Cultural Club, History Club, Outdoor Club, lntramurals

.yo IIcIcItlt "Micky D" St. James Chess Team, Soccer, IHS, LSC



Soccer, Crew, Sarnelli House

Irlo IlcClllis "M-igs" Corpus Christi Crew, Hockey, Yearbook, Respect Life, Amnesty Lnternational

Willi..MelltJre "\NiH" St. Helena

Spanish Club

EntlMclel1 "Teddy, Lobster" Football, Lacrosse, Multi-Cultural Club, SADD. [ntramurals, LSC

Far Left: All the excitement oflhe I-Ion路 ors Conn)Cation hu tired out Mike Cliggen. Lcft:Joe Kain gin's that Rock n Roll Cow Bell player pose.

LA SAttE COttEGE HiGH SCHOOt 110 187



Ie••ls .clul.ll. St. James

Track and FieJd, Latin Club, Football, Yearbook, \iVisterian, La SalJe Academy

Ellc.clllpU. "Glock" St. Albert the Great Ice Hockey, Spanish Club, SADD

1111I.c.u.s "Bmac" St. A1phonsus Soccer, Lacrosse, Ski Club

••n.c,.cd•• "Meehan"

St. Christopher Crew, Krtiros 37-51, K,1iros 37-52

J••••lkls "J /WK" St. Hilary


n•••s.l.t•• "Tom, Mint-Daddy" Ow· Lady of Guadelupe Ice Hockey, NHS, Tutoring, Middle States, Saint Vincent Soup Kitchen

K:t.iros 37-51 Student Leaders: Phil Cas-

sidy, Ryan Haney, Matt Stone, Mike Power, Joe Kain, Brian Jeffers, and Vince Lcvito

1881l. 2007 BLUE &GOLD



allMl,.I,ullc Sacred Heart Tennis, Yearbook, St. Martin's, La Salle Academy,

String ensemble

AHrcwlllckaltis "l\1ock, J\1ockaitis" St. Martin ofTours Crew (Captain), Ski Club, CYO, Snowmaking, Hunting


"JMod" Corpus Christi Ski Club, Film Club, Intramural" La Salle Academy

IIaltllc:wlllltncnc "1\1onty"

Epiphany of Our Lord Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track,

Film Club, Wisterian

Ilc~a,~ "1I11_cry

"Rich" St. Jude Samellj House, Inrramurals


St. Catherine of Siena Soccer, Track and Field

Far Leh: DOin Connors, John McBumie, and Andre,,路 Dean get ready ror the I)cp

Rally Rumble! L.e:ft: Nick Gorsky with !.he dusic graduate post..



ASSOF2007== Ilkl1l1ll1n "Rob" Holy Martyrs Crew, Sarnelli House


"The Indian" St. Rose of Lima Pep Band, Concert Band,]azz Band, Bowling, Hockey, Incramurals, Respect Life, LaSalle Academy, Ping Pong Club


"Muskett" Corpus Christie LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Providence Center Tutoring

Irian Iallas Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Crew, NHS, LSC, Sarnelli I-louse, Operation Santa Clause, Lasallian Youth Leadership Conference, People to People

Right:John Holt sits on tlle penalty bench to think about what he just did. "Yeah, ah, my mom told me to take this box ofnot-stolen items from the school to our car." - Phil Haggeny

190 1l. 2007 BLUE &001.0



IImlaseer Fall DI<lIna, Spring Musical, YVEXP, AIlU1CSty

International, Forensics, lntramurals

Jab••I.el "Diggler" St. Genevieve


J•••••m. Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Track, Srudent Council, Stage Crew

Jnal.u "Ctllell "O'Connell" St. Eleanor Service Trips to Bolivia, Spanish Club, Latin Club

Above: Greg Dusing finishing ~ p:lpcr that was duc last period!

Left: Seniors celebrate as Catholic League Chaml)s!




lul.Utllell Our Lady of Good Counsel Basketball, Baseball, Crew, SADD, La Salle Academy,

NHS J.~. nrllCll1

"Trinks" Our Lady of Grace Football, Wrestling, Working

L1a."'elll Saint Helena Crew, Standup for Life, LSC, \NEXP, Intramurals

lul....clll "K.a." St. Philip Neri Cross Country, Indoor/Outdoor Track, \iVEXP, Community Tech-Serve, Project Home, Junior Urban Challenge



"Frak Attack, Frakenstein" St. Genevieve Lacrosse, SarnelJi House, Golf, eyO, Ping Pong .Ie~ael raler••

J/P-MO" Queen of Peace Football, CYO Basketball, Baseball

.Ie~"al raleella

Our Lady of Guadalupe Providence Center, Ice Hockey, Ski Club, Crew .an~e.rlll "Matt"

St. Robert Bcllarmine Crew, Student Council, LSC

192 4.1007 BLUE &60LO

John Phillips - "Through the cons, :1nd on, :md on, we'll keep on oying, we'll just kt:ep on smiling, and whatever will be, wilJ be, until the end of timc. n _ Quecn Greg Pierce - "A nce is not won in the water. A race is nOI won on nice day, ill5tead a r.lce is to show what you have accomplished in practice. n _ Unknown John Pierson - "If you ain't first, rou're last. n - Ricky Bohby George Pinchod: - "The ones who an: crazy enough to think th:H they can ch:l.Ilge the world arc the ones who do. n - www.apple.comlrhinkdifferent John Piree - "Take on lhe love and the good kanna. n_31 [ Mike Power - "Good rhingscollle to those who wait, not to those who wait too late." - Bill Withers Evan Raisner - "£:teh to his own way, I'll go mine. Best of luck in what you find, bUi for your own sake remember times we used to know. n _ Ian Anderson Adam Reale - "I don't "':Ill! to achie\'e immortality through my work - I w:mt to achieve immon:lliry through nor dying. n _ Woody AJ[en Mike Reber - "Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday:n Evan Regan-Levine - "I wouldn't trade one minute of this <-...·ening for all the rice in China. n -Tony Kirby Kevin Riley - "Golden Gir[zu.!!n Hilario Romero - "Being perfect is not about mat scoreb03rd OUl there. It's not abour winning. It's about you :lnd your relationship with yourself, your family and your friends. Being perfect. is about heing able to look your friends in the eye and know th:lt you didn't let them down because you told them the truth. And that truth is you did everything you could. n -"Friday Night Light5" Connor Rothwell - "And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth frOlll Tlly hand that our fect m:ly swiftly cury OUl Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee, and teeming with souls shall it c\·er be, In Nominee Patris, Et Filii, Et Spirirus Sancti." -The Boondock Saints Brandon Ryan - "Where there is little laughter mere is little success." - Andrew Carnegie Jim Ryan - "I can't believe! :lte the whole ming. n _Anonymous

SCotl Saladik - ~You've got to trust your instincts, and let go of regret. n- 311

are made on, :1nd our little life is rounded with a sleep." -William Shakespeare

AJex Salwach -"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're ),ours." - Richard Bach

Dan Tuck - "Sometimes the songs that we hear arc JUSt songs ofour own. n - Gr:l\eful Dead

Rob Saraceni - "This fasr life soon shalterS, 'cause after :111 the lights and screams, nothing but my dreams matter. n -Tupac Shakur

Kevin 1urk - "Go ahead, wear your hair any way you'd like. JllSt tell them I said it was okay." - Anoll)'lIlouS

Sean Saverio - ~Yeah, I called her up. She g'J\'e me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. n - "Dumb and Dumbcr n

John Vasoli - ~Chickity-Check yourself before you wreck yourself:' - Bcastie Boys

Mike Shertz - "I blOW where I'm going and I know the tTUlh, and I don't have 10 be what you want me to be. I'm free to bc what! want!' -l'vluhammad Ali Greg Sliner· ~There are IWO kinds of fools: ont' S:I)'5, 'This is old, therefore it is good;' tlle other says, 'This is new, therefore it is bettcr.'~ - William Ralph Inge Dan Smart· "Are you trying to tell me Jesus Christ c:m'l hit a cUf\'ehal1?n .Major Lcagtle Dave Spinosa - "I've failed over and ovcr and o\"erag:aill in my life, and that's wh)'! succeed." • MichaclJord;m

Will Viskovich - '·Live every week like ii'S sharkweek." -Tracy Morgan Tim Vogel backer - "Creat people serve olhers. n - Fr. Farley Kyle Voigt - "It is good [0 have an end to journey [Owards, but it is the journey thar matters, in the end. n _ Ursula Lc Guin Rob \Vaitkus - ~Find some inspiration. It's down decp inside of you. Amend )'Ollr situation, your whole life is ahead of you." - Dave Matthews Band J.T. Walchonski ~ "Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do yourdury in all things. You c:ln never do more, you should never wish l"O do less." -Robert E. Lee

Steve Stern - "Dreams arc like fish, yOIl galta keep reeling. n _ G. Lo\'e

Greg \ ValC7,3k - "Revenge is the sweetest jo)'."

Nick Stewart - "Iligh school is like toilet paper, you only miss il when it's gone."

Brian \Valkcr - ~Surviv:ll of the fittest, only the strong survil·e."

Matt Stone - nl-lappiness is always a by-produel. .. hut it is not something th:lt can be dem:lnded from life, and if )'OU are not happy )·ou had better stop worrying about it and sce what treasures you can pluck from your own bnlnd of unhappiness. ~ - RobertSOn Davies

Andrew 'vValsh - "You're more and less than you firSI had believed. you've so much to give and there's so much )'ou need. n _lllrice

Mark 5typulkowski - ~A man does whaL he must-in spire of pcrsonal consequences, in spite of obstacles and d:lngers and pleasures-and that is the basics of all human lllorality.n - J FK Bob Swartley - "Make the most of yourself, for thar is all there is of you." -Emerson Kevin Tamasiris - "But there is suffering in life, and there are defeatS. No one can 3\'oid thcm. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing whar you're fighting for." Ryan Thomson -~Nobody knows wnat's in him until he tries to pull it out. If there's nothing, or very little, me shock can kill a man. n - Ernesl Hemingway Brian Trniner "Be happy while you're living, for you're a long timc dead." - Gr.ln<!mOlll Charlie Trinkle - "\Ve are such stuff as dre:lffis 4




l,uPlwllll St. Cecilia Fall Crew, Spring Crew, NBS, Intramurals

IlaPererl BVM MathJetes, Chess Team, Art, Computer Games, Photography


"Joepe" Resurrection of OUf Lord Football, Basketball,lunior Urban ChaJlenge, Student Council, Kairos, Track, Active participanrin 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D

J'~I nllll" "JP" Our Lady Help ofChristi.ns Boy Scouts, WEXP, Intramurals, CYO

"JPic" VIsitation BVM NHS,LSC AI~rew Pierce

"Drew" St Stanislaus Amnesty International, ForwTI, Fall Drama, Spring Musical, Sarnelli House, La Salle Academy, Imramurals, Yearbook, Pep Band

We understand why the reacher is not in

this picture. He/she is probably hiding from this bunch!

1941l.1007 BLUE &GOLD


;\SS OF 2007

CrclIIJPlcrcc St. Alphonsus Soccer, Basketball, Crew, SarnelU House, Junior Urban Challenge, Cya JI~I PlcrSlI

"Pierson" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer BasebaIJ, Incramurals, Ski Club, Kairos, People To People

klllC Pllcock St. Mary Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Respect Life Club, NHS JI~IPlr"

Corpus Christi Football, Track, Providence Center, Project Home

Mlchclhwcr "Mick" St. Margaret Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Band, Project Home, Freshman Mentor, Kairos Leader, NHS Officer

Jcllicy Prlcc St. Christopher Service Trip to Bolivia, Secret Santa, Intramurals


Left: The Pack is Back with the senior class Left: Chris '"Vogan sport.'i the hoodic!




Jlslll Prlcc "Price" St. Alphonsus Wrestling, Boy ScoutS, Ski Club, Upper Dublin Soccer, Intramurals, 3D, History Club

I'll Ilia Visitation B. Y.M. La Salle Academy, Ski Club, Ultimate Frisbee Club, FootbaU, Lacrosse, Soccer, Intramurals, Outdoor Track,]unior Urban Challenge, Latin Club, NHS, Respect Life, LSC

E'UIalSiCI St. Alphonsus Art Club, Concert Band, Intr:uTIurals, NHS, Pep Band, Wisterian

AWIlcalc St. Helena Competition Band, Pep Band, Concert Band,jazz Band, La Salle Academy, Track


"Reber" St. Alphonsus

Wrestling, Ski Club, NHS

EYIIlqu-Lc,IIC "ERL" The \iVi.sterian, VVEXP, Music, Debate, Tbeater, Mock Trial, Community Tech Serve, NHS, Lab Managers

1961f. 1007 BLUE &GOLD



letl.lllc, Queen of Peace Hockey

lIWila-. 'lLano" Resurrection of Our Lord Soccer

C'.lIl1lDcU "C-/\1an n St. Vincent de Paul Cross Country, FoorbalJ, Intramurals, Celtic Club, Ski Club



"James" St. Stanislaus Ski Club

Jam it up at




ASS OF 2 0 0 7 = =

Brll~'I路YII St. Catherine of Sienna Stage Crew

SClnSalulk "Scotty"

Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Ski Club, Spanish Club, Intramurals, Kairos, Junior Urban Challenge, St. Martin's Tutoring, Crew



Our Lady of Czestochowa Music

.Ikcn SIIICCII "Shaloh, King, Tin Man" St. Stanislaus Lacrosse, Football, Secret Santa

SCII SIYerl1 Mary, i\1other of the Redeemer FootbaJl, Baseball, LSC

MlcklclSkcnz "Shenz" Epiphany of Our Lord ki Club, Intramurals, Sa,rnelli House

CrcIIIYSlIlcr "Greg" Visitation B. v'M. Band, Pep Band

InlclS.ln "Potptart"

Saint]ohn Bosco Football, LSC, lntramurals

19811.1007 BLUE &GOLD



IIWhlllUy Corpus Christi

JclrRy S,""r "Spence"

I'rltTIlmUT:l1 Basketball, Intramural Volleyball, Intramural Dodgeball, Chess Club

IaYNs,IIIA .Mary, Mother of Reedeemer Yearbook, Tennis, Foorball, Secret Santa, LSA, Urban Challenge, Intramurals

ZICUry S,.rlil Golf ,Junior Urban Challenge,

Habitat for Humanity, Crew, Ski Club

Michel SII~I Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Lacrosse, Football MIIl~e. SlIIelD

St. Philip Neri Crew, Intramurals, LSC

Far Left: Jack ForeSler helps guide lhe: future of l:I Salle Left: Alb: Sah',ach pumps the bus!




Sle"elSlell "Steve"

Corpus Christi Track, Ski Club, La Salle Academy .le~II'1 Slewlrt

"Stewy" St. Robert Lacrosse, Cross-Country, Ski Club, NI-J:S


Ui\latt" Imm3culate Conception Concert Band, Competition Jazz Band, Chorus,

Belcrofters, Theatre, Musicals, TechSERV, SarneUi House, Bolivia Service Trip, %sterian, Amnesty

International, NHS, 1,,1athletes, Kairos Leader

Milk StnllklWSkl IiStypman" St. Martin of Tours Lab Manager, Conununity TechSERVE, VVEXP, Chorus

.lkrtSWlIlle, "Bob" Corpus Christi Ski Club, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Providence Center Tutoring, Intramurals, Ice Hockey (Freshman), Outdoor Adventure Club

leril TuuRII St. Charles BorTomeo Football, Lacrosse

."1 TUIUII "Ry Thomson" Assumption B.VM. Football, Freshman Mentor, Intramurals, Kairos

Illn Tliliel "Tr:l.in" St. Matthias Football, Triest I-louse

200 11.1007 BLUE &OOLO


SENIOR QUOTES Scott Waters -"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."

-111cooorc Roosevelt Joe \ Veitzman - "I can .. .1 will." • Anonymous Jim White - "The mind of man is capable of anything-because everything is in it, all the past as well as all

the future." - Joseph Conrad

John Whitham • "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." -j\ lark Twain

Brcnd:ln \¥iIls - "To stay or to go, it amounted to the same thing. A minute bier [ turned back toward the

beach and starred walking." - Mcursault. The Stranger

Tim \Vittcnberg - "A man tells so many stories thaI he becomes his stories, and in th:1[ way, he becomes immortal." - Big Fish Chris Wogan - "Everyone always tells us we need to find ourselves, hut reallv all we need lO do is let OUTselves find us." - Chris \VOg:lll

Colin Young -"Live and learn from fools and from sages," Mike Young - "Shoo[ for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." -Lcs Brown Alan Yuhas - "Life is a far too importam thing to ever talk about seriously." - Oscar Wilde Mitch Z.1iss - "Don't go <luOteless!" - J\Jlr. Fitz Damon Zysk - "Co to a place that's really perfect, your own happy place. Go there and all your anger will dis· appear, rhen putr." - Chubbs Peterson, "Happy Gilmore"



I\SSOF2007=== JI~I Tllolile

"Trav" Mary, Mocher of che Redeemer Crew, Foocball, Track

CUrlcs Trilkle "Charlie, Trinks, l\1r. Kairos" St. Helena Kairos Leader, Amnesty lntemational, Cross Country, Track, Gazebo Editor, \\lsterian, Samelli House,

M1S, Freshman .\-lentor, Urban ChaJlenge, Projeec Appalachia

IIIIclTKl La Salle Academy, Ski C1ub,Junior Urban Challenge, Art Club, Hiscory Club

InilTlIl "Turk" Sc.James Golf, LSC, Samelli I louse, La Salle Academy, Yearbook, Studenc Council, People-co-People

Right: Seniors gCI the full effect ofthc "Wall that Heals n The Wh:dcn family looking sharp!

202 11. Z007 BLUE &GOLD




St. Ancll0ny Soccer, Surf, Skateboarding, Dancin', and French Class

Willi.. Vlsk"lc~ "Cotton" St. Ignatius Amnesty International, fntramurals, Writing Club

TI....yVIICI~ICkcl St. Genevieve Soccer, Lacrosse, Project Home, La Salle Academy,

!<.airos Leader

lylcV.11I Mary, Mother of the Redeemer

Sici Club, Multi-Cultural Club, Amnesty International, Band, NBS

IIkl1 WalIklS llLank'J St. Helena Golf, Basketball, Band, K.1iros Leader J.~. WalCHlSkl

"JT Chonski" St. Martin of Tours Football, Lacrosse, Yearbook, lntramurals

E:u Left: They say you rough iron lGiros, but no one bclic\'cd until Lhey had to go down [0 the creek and catch dinner. Left: "Thank you, A'lr. Marchese, but I'm still a little upset over the shaving I.hing!路 ~ Dall Connors




CfCflIY Walczak "Walz" Assumption B.VM Soccer, Crew

IrIulalkcr "B\Valk" St. Alphonsus LSC, Basketball,junior Urban Challenge, CYO


St.john Bosco Indoor Trackt Outdoor Track, NHS, Kairos, lntramurals, Laptop Technicians

kIlllalelS "Ty Cobb/Scooter" Our J\lother of Consolation Crew, Football

JlCe,~ lellz.u

"j Dubbs" St. Genevieve

Baseball, LSC

Cla"•• lells "Clay" Our Lady of Mount Carmel Lacrosse, Yearbook, LaSalle Academy

Cell. Dale. Resurrection of Our Lord SOL"Cer

JUICC fftItc "Jimbo" St. john Bosco Academic Decathlon, i\lathletes, \Visterian, \VEXP.

Chorus, Belcrofters Pandora's Vox, Pep Band, Concert Band. i'o1usical Theatre, Middle States Action Plan Team

204 11. 1007 BLUE &GOLD


i\SS OF 2007

JIb...... "J \Nh.it" Our Lady Help of Christians La Salle \ VrestHng, Soccer, Intramurals, Yearbook, Sandwich i\1aking

IrcHuWll1s Swimming, Water Polo, NHS, Student Council, Freshman Mentoring, Scantiness

TI....' wmClllcrt

"'I\vin" St. Ignatius of Antioch \짜EXP, Yearbook, LSC, Football, Lacrosse

CUlslIPcrlhpl "Chris" St. Albert the Great Competition Band (piano),Jazz Band, Chorus, Belcrofters, VVisterian, Triest House, Respect Life, Kairos Leader, Outdoor Track

clnl'lll, Crew, LSC

.1cUc1'"1I "Ish Kobibble" Corpus Christi Pep/Concert Band, Lab Band, Competition Band, Italian Club, Wisterian, Tennis, NHS, LSC

Flir Left: Mr. Hutt's K:.iiros group choppin'lIwlIY!

Left: Brian Moore makin' some moves




AJuYnu SL Rose of Lima Band (Vice-President), Competition Band, Pep Band, Pit Band, Concert Band

_"*HZaIu "i\iirchy Z"

Corpus Christi Soccer, Basketball

.... Zysk "Zysk" St. A1phonsus WEXP, Golf, Mock Trial, Respect Life, People To People Student Ambassador

Right: Mc8umie gets ready for St. Joe's Prep

Below: J.T. kicks back in the libr:uy in front of the firepl:u:e to enjoy:.l good book.

206 ~ 2007 BLUE &GOLO




There is onc person that the class of 1007 will miss ;1\ gradu-

arion this year. His name is Joshua Wilker. Maybe many of you reading this do not know who [ am writing about, but he is one person that I will never forget and will 31ways miss. NOI only was he Illy cousin, but he was also my best friend. \.yhen he was

diagnosed with leukemia


whole family seemed to break

down, except for him. No rmner wh3t he was going through he fought through it, whether it was all the chemotherapy he re路

cdved or the numerous shots and stays in hospitals. Josh


durc<1 it all. The whole family seemed to get through this time JUSt

by watching the cournge he showed us. Even amidst all the

chaos in his life, he passed the entrnnce exam to get into La Salle and got accepted here, He was going to go to school with me for the first time and I was e~trelllely e~cited about it, Then things took a tum for the worse and Josh lost his hanJe with leukemia. I do nOt know how I got through this time because he mlly was my best friend, but I feel he had somcthing to do with it, I also believeJosh watches O\'cr me and the rest of the senior class. It was so special for him when he gOI accepted to LaSalle, and he is, and will always he, a member of the La Salle family. ~

\ Villiatll Casrelbcrg '07




Chris Cahill, 'Ne love you and are so proud of you. Congratulations on your achie\'ements at La Salle. Good luck in your great ad\'enture ahead~ Love, l\lom, Dad, and Katie Congrarulations] .B. \ Ve are so proud of you. Love ,\10111 and Dad Congratulations Tom Curry and the Class of2007! 1\ 10m, Dad, and Austin

Co ations to the Class of 2007 and Taylor! Thanks for always staying focused and driven. Love, Mom, Dad, and TJ ('05)

E.\'L\.'R May this yearbook full of memories and honors achieved be with you while aiming for your dreams Love, Gran

Rudi, Thank you for always doing your best. 'Ve are SO very proud of you. Lo\'e, Mom, Dad, Chris, and Erin


Best to the Class of 2007 From the Larkins

Stefan, "Though our feet are earthbound, Lenny, Congr:ltulations! 'Ne are so proud our heart and soul have wings." of the person you are and all that Take flight. you've achieved. \Ve love you~ Love, Mom .Mom, Dad, Danielle, Adrienne, ~lI1d Lauren Congrarulations Felix. \tVe love you~ Keep on drumming. Love, Mom and Dad. Mike, Congratulations and best of luck in the future! The Filipczak - ~Iokarski families To Marthew, Congrarulations! You did it! Love, 1\10111, Dad, Tom, Patch, and Congrars Phil! Love Mom, Dad, Aileen, Lisa, and Kaiti

JP. Eric, Congratulations Andy and the Class Best of luck, reach for the stars! of loo7! \\'e are very proud of you! Love you always, Alom, Dad, Kevin The Heinrich Family Jr., and Margo

E.\<L\.'R Dan, Congratulations to you and the Ad eas res conficiendas - Cheers! Class of 2007. \tVe are ,-cry proud of ~lom and Dad you. Love, Dad, .\1om, Bill, and Elizabeth

208 ... 1007 BLUE &GOLO

"\Vharever life you wear it will become you" (e.e. cummings) Uncle Ed '69

Rob, Team \ V is proud of you and the Class of2007 Colin, May the luck of the Irish be with you forever! Love, Mom, Dad, Michael, and Gavin

The Flashner Family Good luck Class of 2007 The GiII- Sclunid Family M<. and Mrs. Neil F. Kiely B1's Billiards at Plymouth Square Shopping Center The Atkinson Family Francis J\1artino Insurance

Charlie NlcDonald & Family The Ullmann Family Bes[ wishes from \Veinrich Bakery, \Villow Grove


Abbmt, Sean E., 138 Abel, Matthew K., 124, 146 Abel, Ronald E, 146 Abramo, Robert C, 118, 119,146 Acey-Davis, Anthony C, 156,177 Adams,AnthonyT,156 Ahern, Brendan S., 146 Aiken, Charles]., 130, 13 I AJba, Matthew H" 146 Albert, Antoine G., 50, 51, 52,53,72,146,150 A1geo,James H" 45,57,65, 146 Allegretti, Victor P., 138, 142 Aloia,Joseph R., 138, 145 Amato, Nicholas R., 138 Amodci. Domcnic A., 146 Anderson, Erik)., 138 Andrist Ryan G., J 30 Anella, Ryan A., 138 Angelone, Mark]., 130 Angeloni, Eugene W., 106, 138 Angiolillo, Mark A.,jr., 130 Ansel, David J., 156 Antonello, Matthew j., 42, 146 Antoni, Gabriel J., 106, 130 Antoni, M.ichael P., 106, 138 Ashley, Christopher R., 156 Asztalos, Timothy M., 138 Atherholt, Grant, 130 Atkinson, Sean, 130 Au, Eric F., 146

BBB Bach, Christian T, 130 Baker, Colin T., 88, 90, 157 Baker, Dominic 157 BaUough, Dorian c., 146 B~necker, Michael j., 88, 130 Barba, David G., 42,157 Barker,James).,157

Barker, Raymo ',. r., 146 Barksdale, Gregory A, 72, 117, 146 Bamen, Ian G., 146 Baron, Christian 106, 146 Barr, Scott, 158 Barr, Thomas S., 36, 146 Barren, Colin T., 92, 158 Beavers, David A., 130 Becher, Christopher M., 146 Becker, Christopher M., 138 Begley, \.villiam E, 130, 134 Behr,James E, 119, 146 Belcher, Paul T., 138 Belinsky, Zachary Martin, 130 Bender, Thomas 5., 39,146 Benischeck,james R., 52, 130 Bennett, Michael, 130 Benvenuto, Victor, 146 Benyovszky, Paul M.,Jr., 119,146 Benz, Kristian J., 130 Benz, Sean P., 158 Benz, Thomas]., 130 Berger, Daniel, 138, 141 Berkery, Kieran, 130, 133 Berlde, Adam S., 104, 146 Bernhardt,John].,124, 125, 138 158 Bevivino, Salv~tore Biaesch, Philip n, 146 Bianchini, Anthony G., 130 Bianchini, Mario)., 146 Biegalski, John 130 Birzes, Christopher c., 93, 146 Bimy, AJlatoly N., 138 Bivens, Nicholas E., 158 Blankc,john].,56,146 Bogorowski, Derek]., 138 Bolger, Robert E., [1], 146 Bolger, Sean P., 130 Bonavitacola, Michael Alexander, 119, 138





Bonder, Bryan A, 68, 138 Bonner, Broden j., 66, 68, 156,158 Bonnevie, Edward D., 92, 117, 158 Bonny,jean-Paul,130 Bono, Greg R., 130 Borrell,John S., 138 Bowers, Daniel M., 130 Bowman, Andrew "V., 146 Bracken, Connor R., 96, 138 Brady, Michael E., 10, 130 Brady, Shane .M., 130 Brauns, Austin)., lOS, 138 Brauns, Taylor 5.,70, 105, 106, 158 Breen, Kevin 0., 130 Breen-Lopez, Mark D., 45, 120,121,160 Brehony, Douglas]., 61,160 Brennan, William P., 路n, 77, 138 Brooks,joshua A., 146 Brook.'l, Sean K., 72, 138 Brophy, D:lI1iel, 62,160 Brown, Christopher.J., 138 Brown, PaulS., 119, 160 Brown, Timothy)., 127, 160,177 Brown, rlodd 1-1., 138 Brumbaugh,john R., 146 Bucc~furi, Gregorio]., 130 Buesking, Daniel, 147 Bui, Manhew T., 93, 160 Bunting, Craig, 130, 133 Buoncristiano, Thomas, 93, 94, 147 Buonocore, Alexander .I., 161 Buonomo, Dean L., 147 Burgmann, Thomas.!., 130 Burke, Kevin]., 45, 64, 161 Burke, \,Villiam K., 131 Burns, Charles]., 131

CCC Cabrey, Christopher T, 117,161

Cahill, Christopher M., 36, 57,64,161,165 Cahill, Geoffrey S., 161 Cain, Ryan, 161 Calderone, \iVesley P., 162 Caldwell, Kevin]., 147 Callah~n, Brian)., 93,138 Camilo,juanj., 162 Campanella, John B., 126, 127,162 Campbell, Michael]., 147 Campbell, Michael K, 162 Campbell, Sean]., 162 Campbell, Thomas]., 131 Campellone, Gianni A., 138 Camusi, Michael R., 131 Canny, Colin G., 138 Capetola, Alexander.J., 162 Capizzi, Andrew T, 162, 170 Caracausa, Tyler j., 147 Caramenico, Phillip)" 162 Carboni, Nicholas]., 37, 106, 138 Carey, Christian 5.,147,

153 Carey, Devlin E., 131 Carey, Ryan M., 131 Carlin, Ryan ]., 131 Carlin, Sean P., 138 C:lrlone, Christopher M., 139 Carmody, john c., 131, 137 Carmody, Matthew D., 139 Carr, Daniel P., 147 Carr, Scan P., 131 Casey, Jan F., 29,163,183 Casey, Kevin P., 95,131 Casey, Michael S., 131 Casey, MichaelS., 147 Casey, RyanJ, 147 Cassidy, Francis X., 105, 147 Cassidy, John, 107, (J 1 Cassidy, Michael W., 139 Cassidy, Philip A, 42, 122, 163,188 Castel berg, William, In, 84, 163


Catalina, James P., 139 Cawnese, Matthew J., )05, 131 Cawley, Christopher]., 139 Celio, Christopher J., 147 Cero, Patrick T., 58, 131, 136 Chiodo, Richard F., 147 Chubb,)oshua 1', 38,105, 163 Ciammetti, Andrew, 147 Ciliberto, Alexander T, 147 Cinque, David M., 113, 131 CipoUa,)oseph,47,163 Ciufo, Stephen E., 131 Clapper, Nathan C, 147 Clack, Daniel T., 131 Clark, Kevin w., 37,131 Clauss, Evan E., 147 Cby, Andrew c., 36, 163, 169 Cleary, Evan.l., 131 C1iggett, Michael S., 78, 163,187 Cline, Michael D., 107, 139 Cognetti, Anthony M., 37, 131 Coleman, Patrick E, 139 Collinelli, Michael]., 147 Collins, Brian P., 147 Comber, Ronald j., 139 Connors, Daniel E, 13,36, 37,78,163,182,189,203 Conway, Colin D., 78,164 Cook, Domonick 1\., 164 Coombs,Ad:llll 8.,164 Cooney, Thomas, 139 Cooper, Stanley Evan, 93,


147 Corby, Christopher T, 164 Corcoran, Colin M., 118, 119,165 Corcoran,Joseph T., 147 Corkery, Ryan W., 139 Corr, John A.. 46, 13 I Corr, Thomas E, 139 Casella, Thomas]., 76, 147 Costello, Robert W, 131 Counihan, Ryan D., 106, 139 Courtney, Benjamin J., 36, 60,61,102,103,165 Covington, Chris]., 72, 147 Coyle, Michael W., 131 Craig, Brendan E, 139 Cramer, James P., 131 Crane, Sean M., 131 Croasdale, MichaelJ., 55, 165 Crone, Matthew 1\., 37, 131 Crooks, "''iUiam L., 139, 145 210 'll. 2007 BLUE &GOLD

Crozier, Matthew D., 147 Cruz, Christian A., 139 Cuce, VincentJ., 131 Cummings, Brendan E., 139 Cunningham, Adam, 37, 131 Cunningham, Connor M., 147,149 Cunningham, James \ ,(, 102,103,165 Curley, Michael 1\., 147 Curran, Christopher P, 139 Curry, ThomasJ., 166 Cwik, Erik E, 139 Cymbala, Nicholas, 139


D'Addona, Andrew j., 139 D'Amico, Martin 1'., 131 DaCosta, Brendan M., 88,

147 Dagit, Mjchaelj., 139 Dalton, Brend:m M., 147 Daly,)oscph A., 132 Daly, Timothy P., 37, 139, 144 Danella, Nicholas C, 147 Day,M:mhewT.,I24,147, 150 Dean, Andrew]., 36, 37, 85, 166,189 Dean, Steven, -J 1,42,59,66, 67,77, 166, 176 Dearden, Vlilliam G., 46, 96,139 Dee, A1ex3nder R., 166 Deeg-.n,)oseph)., 106, 132 Deitz, Kevin T., 120, 121, 166 Del:mey, AJexander K., 139, 1-18 Del:tney, Brian M., 122 DeLucea,)ohn F., 47, 1-18 DeLuccia, Frank A., 124, 125,166 DeMaria, Mich3el C, 132 Demers, Benjamin E, 139 Denczi, Ross E., 104, 139 DePaul, Anthony)., )r., 122, 148 Derr, Brian, 132 Devlin, Colin M., 59, 63, 166 DeVore, MichaelJ., 166 Diasio, Timothy, 132 Dickson, David]., 139 Dieckman, Mark R., 139 Dierkes,James M., 46, 4-7, 168

DiFranco, Benjamin N., 36, 96,97,168 DiFurio,]oseph '짜., 139 DiGiacamo, Matthew M., 132 DiGiacobbe, Kyle D., 140, DiGiacomo, Louis 0.,140 Digney, Donald)., 132 DiIulio,]ohn P, 52, 53, 60, 61,148 DiL:mrenzo, Christopher, 132 DiMezZ3,jamesJ., 132 DiNardo, Anthony J., 54, 1-10 DiPrato, Marco, 157, 168 Di\Nilliams, Leonard, 168 Doherty, Conor K., 168 Doherty, Sean P., 140 Dohony, D. Patrick, 52, 140 Dobn, Stephen P., ill, 36, 93,148 DOlllanski, Todd E., 96, 113,148 Dominick, Matthew 0.,12, 63,168 Donnelly, Kevin]., 169 Donnelly, Patrick M., 93, 94,140 Donoghue, Mkhac1]., 169 Donohoe, Michael P., 140 Donovan, Stephen, 132 Dorsey, Brian T., 95, 132 Dorsey, Stephen ,,y., 27, 92, 93,161,169 Dougherty, Thomas R., 52, 1-18 Douglas,Jeffrey A., 156, 169 Dowds, Andrew P., 140 Dowds, Paul A., 37, 132 Doyle, Michael, 59, 78, 169 Drain,John E, 140 Dreher, AJexander E., 140 Dreher, Nicholas R., 42, 169 Drennen, Brian M., 170 Driscoll,james C,]r., 148 Driscoll, Patrick 0., 140 Dronson, ]ohn-M ichael, 1-18 Drost, Alexander J., 107, 140,1-12 Duffy, Brendan P., 140 Dufresne, Kyle L., 148 Duke,)ohn T., 1-18 Durkin, Kellian Maxwell, 170 Durkin, Timothy, 132, 140 Durkin, Tucker

Dusing, Gregory M., 78, 88, 170,191 Dwyer, Matthew C, 60, 61, 148 Dwyer, Sean M., 170 Dysart, Evan A., 148

EEE Eddy, Brendon S., 107, 140 Eddy, Lukas, 171 Edger, Christopher M., 132 Eidenshink, Ryan C, 140 Eisenschmid, Colin A., 132 Endrigian, Peter G., il, 171 Engle, Matthew S., 140 Erhard, Daniel T, ill, 14S Erickson, Michael S., 148 Ericsson, John I., 132 Evan, Richard B., 104, HS Evans, Frank A., 107

FFF Fabiszewski, Michael R., 107,148 Fagan, Lance]., HS Faillace, Nicholas C, 171 Farley, Robert, 105, 171 Farrell, Francis]., 148 Farrington, Kevin E, 140 Farris, John, 132 Fasano, A1ichael '\1., 132 Fasy, Christopher J., 44, 93, 94,1-18 Fazio, Michael C, 96, 172 Feleccia, Samuel 1\., 132 Ferrino,JesseA.,54,14O Ferrino, Michael D., 148 Filipczak, MichaeIJ., 172 Finl:lY, KylcM., 96,140 Finnegan, Laurence P., 132 Fischer,John].,148 Fisher, Brendan B., 148 Fisher, Sean P., 140 Fitzgerald, Bernard]., 88, 90, 148 Fit"L.Patrick, Brendan A., 42, 140 Fitzparrick, Brendan E., 140 Fitzpatrick, Cole E, 140 Fitzpatrick, Ryan K., 140 Flashner, Samuel P., 105, 140 Foell, And,ew J., 172 Foell, Anthony T., 140 Foley, Kevin P, 132 Foley, Michael R., 132 Foos, Gregory G., 132 Ford. Ryan A., 172

Forkin, Matthew A., 148 Fornace, DanielJ., 77,172 Forst, HarryS., 148 Forster,]ohn P., 36, 37,85, 126,127,172,199 Forster, Rand:lll A., 140 Fox, Michael H., 132 FnlnkJin, Michael C, 140 Franks, '짜illiam C, 140 Frantz, Gregory 'V., 124, 125, 173 Franzen, Mark A, 93, 94, 148 Frat:lmico, Daniel M., 141 Fratamico, D:lvid C, 173 Freeman, Tyler R., 124, 141 Funchion, Nolan A., 132 Furlong, Andrew M., 102, 103,173 Furlong, Michael]., I-J.8


Galame, Daniel D., 54,141 Galbally, Andrew D., 70, 148 Gallagher, Francis]oseph, 148 Gallagher, Garrett 5., 3, 173 Gallagher, Patrick]., 104, 106,141 Gallo,joseph P., 45,78, 173 Gallo, Peter, 37,132 Gatti, Kevin B., 132 Gavin, Dylan P., 132 Gavin, Patrick]., 50, 141 Geck, Alexander D., 132 Geiger, Gregory S., 132 Genuardi, Kevin M., 122, 141 Getts, Richard P., 133 Giannetti, Anthony E.,jr., 122, 173 Gigliotti, Stefan E., 104, 141 Gilbert, Zachary c., 174 Gill, Robcrt M., 141 Gillespie, Scan T., 141 Ginsburg, Ryan L. GiO\'inazzo, George]., 133 Giunta,jay A, 141 Givnjsh,]ohn F. X, ill, 149 Glavin, Matthew A., 174 Goldcn, Nicholas M., 105,

149 Good, Zachary)., 141, 142 Goodwin, Daniel]., 133 Gorman, Seth]., 141 Gorsky, Nicholas A., 126, 127,174,189

Gottschalk, Timothy]., 141 Gowdy, Charles 5., 174 Grady, Christopher c., 36, 39,42,164, 173, 17-l Grady, Thomas E, HI Graham, Thomas P., 126, 174 Grasela, Timothy A, 149 Grasela, Wayne T., 88, [7-J. Grasso, Stephen A., 141 Gravinese, Petcr E, 174 Greaves, Timothy W., 88, 176 Greenfield, Kevin P, 133 Gresko, George]., 149 Groff, Christopher N1., 141 Gross, Nigel B., 13, 118, 119,149 Grover, Matthew, 133 Gryscavage, Vincent M., llI, 133 Guerra, Cosmo, 133 Gulkis, M;ltthew M., 119, 149

HHH Haenn, Brandon G., 141 Haenn, Brett G., 149 Haenn,]. Gray, 36,171,176 I-hesler, Brian, 133 I-hgan, Michael)., 141 Hagerty,]ames L., 52, H9 Hagge,ty, Phil;pj.,42, 176, 190 Haley, Colin M., 68, 176 Hall, Thomas]., 119, 149 Hamilton, Richard P., -J.5, 177 Haney, Erik E., 118, 119, 149 Haney, Ian A, 133 Haney, Ryan C, 55,168, 177,188 Hardee, Rodney L., 72,149 Harp,Patrick].,41,177, 183 Harrison,John, V; 84,149 Harvey, Christopher C, 52, 141 Harvey,]oseph R.,Jr., 133 Harvey, Kevin, 133 Havard, Brian G., 4, 87, 133 Heck, Patrick E., 95,133 I-leek, Timothy P., 92, 93, 177 I-leisner, Eric R., 149 Henderson, Samuel D., 149 Henrich, David Andrew, 126,178

Henwood, Peter J., 119, 149 Herbert, Sean D., 178 I-lesson, Andrew M., 149 I-Liggins, Brian P., 133 I-Jjggins, Christopher 5., 105,178 Higgins, Michael A., 1H, 149 Higgins, Patrickj., 133 I-hll,jeffrey M., 133 I-lilsey, Brendan M., 141 Hinkel, \Nalter Mark,]r., 59,161,178 Hockaday, Troy c., 133,

117 Hoffman, Connor, 133 Hoffman, Michael P., 46, 149 Hoffman, Shane M., 149 Holden, William]., 149 I-Iolland, Michael]., 133 Hollingsworth, Bradford, 149 Holod,joseph R., 149 Holt,johnj., m, 96,110, 178,190 Holva, Marthew J., 133 Hopbns, Ph;));pj., HI Hopkins, 'Vesty 5., I-J.I I-Iostrander,]ake A, 141 Houdlins, Andrew, 178 Houchins, Tyler J., 141 Houldin,]oseph]., 96, 97, 149,152 Houser, Joshua R., 141 Houser, Matthew G., 178 Howard, Matthew R., 13, 124,125,156,178 Hubben, Neil P., 141, 145 Huber, Timothy j., 133 Hughes, Kevin M., 68, 149 Hughes, Michael S., 179 Hull,john Anthony j., 46, 47,48,66,102,103,179 Hunter, DerekM., 107, 133 Hutchinson, Sean M., 179 ,133, Kieran Hyer I-Iyman, Daniel ,.v., 153 H ysek, David]., 179


Iannuzzi, Philjp]., 149 lIlari, Matthew P., 120, 1+9 Lnglese, Matthew J.M., 149 Irias, Luis M., 179 irwin, Nicholas R.,]r., 122, 123, 179

JJJ Jackson, Patrick, 36, 179 Jacobsen, Shawn R., 149 janda, Sean R., 37, 47, 52, 53, 133 jannerti, Marthew A, 52, 141 jeffers, Brian M., 96, 97, 110,179,188 .leimer, Daniel P., 180 johnson, Christopher .1., 150 Johnson, Daniel W., 78, 180 Johnson, Dylan P., 141 Johnson, Kevin G., 141 johnson, Taylor D., 180


Kaemmer, Christopher 1-1., 133 Kain,]oseph M., 180, 187, 188 Kaiser, Roy A., 50, 51, 141 Kalkbrenner, Stephen M., 150 Kane, Daniclj., 142 Kapp, M..ichacl]., 78, [26, 180 Karoly, Christopher, 133 Kearney, Brendan M., 142 Keczely, Richardj., 107, 133 Keenan, Patrick T., 95, 133 Kehan, Edmund E, 96, 133 Kelley, David P., 150 Kelley, Kevin v., 124, 142 Kellogg, William D., 58, 134 Kelly,James.l.,134 Kelly, Michael P., 126, 180 Kelly, Robert A., 142 Kelly, Shane]., 88, 90,180 Kelly, Stephen T., 134 Kent, Anthony P., 41,93, 147, ISO Kernytsky, Stephen P., 52, 150 Kerr, Thomas C, 150 Kerrigan,]ohnJ,,1+2 Kiely, Sean E, 142 Kinsella, Andrew P., 134 Kinslow, Mark R., 50, 142 Kissman, Brendan R., ISO Kittka, Andrew 'V., 142 Klenk, M.ichael E, IDS, 180 Klohe, Kevin C, 6+, 77, 102,103,181 Klusek,john P., 52,134


Knab, Thomas R., 96, 113, 134 Knarr, Tyler, 93, 94, 142 Knowles, Patrick]., 150 Knowles, Peter J., I H Kohler,~latthcwJ..107,

150 Kow,lski, Robert)., 134 Kradzinski, Theodore C, 134 Kraeher, Christopher R., 142 Kroeher. Rudolph A., 181 Krol, .\Iotthew j., 134 Krulikowski, Thomas l\1., 1Q.1, 106, 142 Kurylo, Chad.\ 1., 36,45, 88,89,164,181 Kurylo, Nathan S., J H Kush, P,ul A.• 150 Kwasizur, Joseph 1-1., I H Kwasizur, .\1anhew]., 69, 181


Lacon, Daniel C, 124, 125, 181 Laessig, Thomas j .,Jr., H)..I-, 150 LaFat:l, Gregory D., 38, 39, 181 LaFata, Patrick]., 134 Lagner, Alexander S., 77, 168,181 Lagreca, james M., 142 Lam, Kelvin, 46,47, 150, 153 LaMorte, Daniel A., 95,134 Lamprecht, john Austin, 120,121,142 Lamson, Matthew D., 150 L,nza, Nichol,,)., 88,181 Lapowsky, Frnncis T, 150 Larkin, \Villiam P., 11193, 182 Law, Robert \ V., 142 Lawrence••\1anhe" T,Jr.• 142 Ledder. Brian]., 93,150, 153 Lees, .\lanhe\\ R, 150 Lees, .\Lichacll-I. Leigh, .\ Lichae1 G., 142 Lcighton, Dyl,n)., 93,182 Leinhauser,joseph L., 142 Le:"JOlr, Philip 1\1., 150 Leprevost. K)'le S., I H Letca\'age, Philip G., 113, 131,134

212 C. Z007 BLUE &60LO

Leva, Furey A., 150 Levins, Peter M., 42,182 Levito, VincentJ., III, III, 113,182,188 Lewandowski, Stefan, 7,46, 47.76, \83 Lc";s, Paul N .• 183 Liberato, Anthon)' D., 150 Libor,j,ck C, 45,183 Lindsay, i\1ichael E.• I H Lindsay, Ryan M., 150 Linmer. Dale. 134, 13 7 Lofton, Xavier V, 107, 142 Logan, Andrew M., 183 Logan, Ryan 1\1.. 150 Lomb3rd, Kelly .\1.• 36, 126,184 London, Sean .\1., IDS, 184 Lonergan, Ryan R., 139, 142 Long, Robert E, 37, 50. 51, 93,94,142 Losier. Daniel S., I H Lotkowski, Brian, 14-2 Loughery, Andrew, 87, I H Loughery, David R, 46, 150 Lowry, Daniel P., 92, ISO Lubienski, Edward R., 142 Luce.Maxwell B.,42, 173, 184 Luce. Nicholas C, 1H Luque, Daniel, 150 Lmcs, Gerard T., 150 Lynch, Matthew J., 150 Lynn, Remy D., 104, 106, 150 Lyons, Thomas M., 142

MMM MacCrory, Seamus B., 37, 134 ,\l3drnk,john E., 69. 134 l\laginnis, Patrick A., 96,

142 Maguire, Michael]., 78, 184 J\laher, Thomas E., 142 !\lahon. Kevin, 134.\lahoney.JamesJ .. 96,113, 142 .\1ahoney, Sean, 184 .\lainardi, Stephen P., 134l\lalone, Brian H., 134 Malone,]ohn P., 42, ISO l\1aJpass,Jordan .\L., 142 M:malo, Ira Edward. 150 1\landos, Robert R., 151 Manzi, Felix]., 184 Marcanre, Ryan N., 120, 142

Marisco, Christopher P., 171,184 Markey, Shawn, Jr., 184 MarkJey,J:uncs T., I H I\brques, Victor A., 104, 106,151 ,\Iarra-Powers, 1\ lichael T., 46,47,151 Alarrazzo, Daniel P., 151 Alartinelli, E. Michael, 104, 114,125,186 ,\1artino, Francis, IH .\l3rzullo, Robert E, 88, 151 ,\1ascio, \ Villiam P., 59, 62, 186 ,\1aslin, \\'ilJiam \V., W, 47, 151 .\Iathis, Nichola G., I H ,\latone,AdamN., 151 1\ bnera, icholas G., 151 ,\lcAJoon, ThomasJ., 48, 66, 142 ,\ teBricle, Dennis P., J 5 J .\IcBrien, Daniel]., 107, 134 MeBurnie,John D., 186, 189,206 l\ 1cCabe, Brian C, I S6 McCabe, i\liehaei V, 52, 53, 151 l\ IcCaffery, Matthew \ V., 88,89,177,186 A1cCallion, Bryan]., 186 McCann, Colin 1'., 187 McCarrick, lerencc]., 36, 37,50,51,52,53,151 McCollum, joseph P., 151 McCoy, Aaron L., 143 McCoy, Brendan E., 143 McCreery, Colin Nt., lSI McCullough, Matthew P., 143,145 McCullough, Seamus M., 37,95,135 ,\1cCullough, Sean G., 93, 94,143 '-'lcDevitt, Ryanj.,45, 74, 75, SS, 165, 187 .\1cDeviu, Ryan .\1., 68 l\1cDonald, Charles, 135 ,\1cDonald, Daniel]., 143 A1cDonald, Rory A., 59, 143 AlcDoweLl,i\latthew D., 143 AlcElroy, Patrick K, 143 L\tcElro)', Ryan P., 135 J\lcGann, Patrick X., 118, 119,149,151 AleGann, Sean .\1.,107,135 AlcGee,.\lichael]"jt., III, 143

McGee, Paul P., 96,143 McGillin, Ev,n)., 8B, 11 B, 187 McGinley,john C, 143 i\lcGinly, Brian \\Z, 151 J\1cGinnis. Brian P., 78,187 AlcGlynn, ManhewT., 135 .\1cGoldrick, Brendan P., 96,113,135 M.cGonigle, Conor ]., 135 i\lcGorry, Francis X., 135 McGovern, l\Latthew J., 37, 151 ,\lcGovern, J\latthew R., 122,143 McGrath, P:mIJ., 135 McHugh, \\'illi,m)., 107. 135 .\Iclntyre, \Villiam D., 187 !\1cKeehen,Joseph .\1., 143 McKenna, Jude T., 151 .\1eKenna, Ryan D., 135 McKenna, Sean E, 151 McKenney, \,yilliam E., 143 ;\1cKeon, Edwin l\1., LlI, 187 McKibbin, Michael Paul, 69,143 McLaren, Christopher J., 135 McLaughlin, Dennis)., 173, 188 McLaughlin, Kevin P., 151 McLoughlin, Eric, 10+, 105, 188 McMahon, Kyle Devon, 93, 143 McM.anus, Brian P., 88, 170, 188 MC/\lenamin,John E, 151 McNally, James P., lSI Medved, Kevin G., 135 Meehan, Austin A.,Jr., 95. 119, 151 ,\1eehan, D. \Vesler, J 35 Meehan, Matthew M., 188 Mele, Michael E, 151 Mellor, Patrick G., 135 l\lelvin, Patrick R.• 36, 122, 151 .\1enkhaus, Shaun]., 151 .\terenich, Manhew G., 106,143 .\lerlini, Kevin, 143 .\1eyers, Nathan D., 120, 151 .\'ligliarese,Joseph M., 84, 86,149,151 .\ligliarese. Vincent]., 135 Mikus,johnj., OJ, 188

Miles,jeremy A., 72, 74, 75,

Muscarella, Matthew S., 190


151 Miller, Colin, 105, 151 Miller, iVbtthew, 143 Niills,James E., 135 Minderjahn, Maitland R,

115 Mindicino, Nicholas P., 135 Minor, Devon D., 135 Minton, Kevin, 107, 135 Minton, Thomas E, Jv, 7,

104,105,169,188 Mirabile, Anthony T, 120,

121,189 Mirynowski,James D., 143 Mizl.Oni, DennisJ., 142,

143 Mock.1itis, Andrew T, 118,

119,189 Modestine,John J., 189 Modres, Steven j., 151 Moffa, Sean M., 151 Molloy, Nicholas E., 95,

IJ5,137 Monahan, PatrickJ., 46, 135 Mondimore, Matthew P.,

135 Mondimore, Timothy F.,

151 Monteith, Patrick D., 93,

143 Monteverde, Matthew, 189 Montgomery, Richard A.,

189 Montgomery, Sean E., 151 Mooney, Matthew P., 46,

47, 151 Moore, Brian T, 88,189,

205 Moran, Patrick H., 143 Moran, Patrick M., 151 Moran, Ryan P., 135 Morgan, Samuel A, 151 Moroney, G.joseph, 135 Morozzi, Gregory J., 13,

143 Morrow, Patrick J., 151 Monon, AndrewJ., 135 Monon, Robert A., 42, 190 Moyer, Philip]', 135 Moyer, Robert]., 151 Mulholland, Quinlan, 135 Murphy, Daniel A, 36, 41, 49,151 Murphy, Ryan D., 79,190 Murray, Colin]., 151 Murtha,jeffrey K.., 48, 67,

124, 151 Murtha, Matthew C, 143

NNN Nahas, BrianJ., 171, 190 Nardi, Joseph P., 151 Nase, Tyler A., 119, 143 Naseef, Maxx E., 42, 59, 60,

61,63,173,191 Nave, Robert L., 143 Needham, Drew M., 37, 45,

60,141,143 Nekrasz, Fr'lIlk, 143 Neri, Jared A., 143 Nesbitt, Brent H., 106, 151 Nesbitt, Garrett P., 105, 135 Nines,jakobj., 191 Ni.'(oll, Paul D., 143 Nocero, Nicholas T, 151 Noll, James E., 143 Noone, Michael P., 143 Nucero, Christopher M.,

44, 143 Nucero,john P., 191 Nuccro, Paul A, 37, +4-,


000 O'Brien, Matthew, 104, 143 O'Connell, Sean R., 135 O'Donnell, Patrkk T, 143 O'Hara, justin M., 37,143 O'Kane, Thomas 95, 135 O'Neill, G. Kellen, 143 O'Neill, Shawn P., 124, 143 O'Neill, Thomas B., 143 Oakley, G,egory j., 143 O'Conncll,jonathan M.,


45,191 O'Connell, Kevin E., 124,

125,176,192 O'Connell, Ryan P., 133,

135 O'Donnell, BrianJ., 135 O'D,iscoll, john M., 103,

192 Okerson, Matthew E., 151 Olejnicz.\k, Kyle 0.,143 Oline,joseph P., 151 Oliver, Michael C, 107,

120,121,151 Omojoh'lJnra, David 0., 37,

52,139,143 O'Neill, Kevin, Ill, 192 O'Neill, Liam P.} 78, 118,

192 Onufrak, Matthew S., 192 Orner, Paul S., 151 Osborne, james B., 143

Palazzo, Andrew M., 96,

152 Palermo, Michael C, 192 Palko,GregoryB. , I22,141,

143 Pascal, Alexander]., 104,

106,143 Patcella, Nicholas]., 105,

Prendergast, Alexander A.,

144 Prenderfr-lst, \.Vhitney P,

135 Price,Jeffrey D., 45, 195 Price, justin T., 54, 55,164,

196 Prim:lVcra, Andrew, 136 Pyne, Daniel R., 104, 152 Pyrih, Mark M., 144

192 Patchak, Michael E, 1+4 Patel, MauJik, 144 Patrick, Ryan M., 88,144 Paul, Daniel '1:, 144 Paul, Matthew C, 36, 192 Pawling, Ryan C, 118, 119,

194 Payton, Nbrtin J., TV; 144 Pecora, James D., 144 Pedersen, Nicholas, 107,


Quaglia, Matthew A., 136 Quebral, Lorenzo 52,


74, 116 Quigg, Ryan j., 196 Quinn, Derek S., 136 Quinn, Shawn D., 95.136


152 Peifer, Timothy A., 135 Pelone, Samuel D., 135 Penecale, Clayton, 152 Perera, Ian E., 47, 54, 74, 75,194 Percse,joseph,194 Perez-M:ls, Ollix AJcxander,

IJ5 Pctrellis, Joseph A., 144 Pfefferle, Daniel R., 135 Phillips,John N., 194 Phillips, Michael]., 144 Phillips, Roben S., 135 Picacd,john, 38, 41, 194 Pierce, Andrew T, 56, 58,

59,61,183,194 Pierce, Gregory T., 118,

119,195 Pierce, Shane H., 95, 135 Pierson, Francis]., 124, 152 Pierson,john E, 78,195 Pilla, Nicholas I., 135 Pinchock, George c.. 55,

66,92,195 Piotrowski,Joseph, 135 Piree,john "V., 195 Plamondon, Timothy, 130,

135 Plummer, Carl M., 144 Polcino, Raymond J., 144 Porter, Gregory B., 37,60,

135 Posen, Philip]., 1+1Poston, Connor R., 87,135 Power,Jllstin, 135 Power, Michael D., 38, 93,

94,188,195 Powers, Robertj., 36,152

Radaszewski, Joseph J., 144Raieta, Louis]., 152 Raisner, Evan, 196 Rajnherc, Michael R., 52,

152 Ralston, Alexander J., 152 Ramapuram, Ben T, 38,152 Raschi:l.tore, Jason M., 124,

152 Rausch, Nicholas N., 152 Razzano, Christopher Nt.,

136 Razzano, Matthew J., 36,

93,152 Re:l.le, Ad:lmJ., 196 Reale, Eric C, 142, 144 Reber, Michael]., 102, 103,

196 Redmond,john C, 144 Re~n-Levil1e, Evan, 52, 53,60,61,66,67,196 Resch, Patrick, 10,37,136 Resnick, \""arren M., 122,

136 Reynolds, Andrew G., 1+4Rich,jercmyj., 58, 95,136 Richardson, Alexander j.,

136 Ridgway, Connld T., 152 Riley, KevinM., 105, 197 Ripley, Dean, 136 Rivkin,jason K., 152 Rizzo,Joseph F., 144 Rizzuto, Nicholas c., 50, 51,144 Robens, IS:I:lC H., 136 Robinson,James M., 54,



Roche, Alichael P., IDS, 152 Rodden,John M., 152 Rodriguez, AllenJ., 136 Roland, Matthew E., 139, 144 Romero, Iliklrio , 88, 197 Rongione, ,\Iichael \~, 36. 105,152 Rooney, \Villiam)., 152 Rose, Michael P.,Jr., 152 Rose, Thomas)., 45, 1++ Rothwell, Connor D., 70, 71,78,197 Rorz.al, AJe.,<ander R., 1++ Rush,JohnJ.,H-I Russin, Andrew M., 136 Ryan, Brandon P., 198 Ryan,James).,Jr., 197


Sacchetta, Daniel T, 88, 152 Sal,dik, Scott E., 198 Salwach, Alexander c., 56, 78, 198, 199 Samanns, Patrick)., 1++ Samoro, AnthonyJ.,Jr., 152 Saraceni, Robert A., [11, 84, 126,198 Saraceni, Ryan A., 133, 136 Save rio, Sean C, 124, 125, 198 Scanlon, Robert)., 50, 136 Scanzillo, Richard M., 152 Schaeffer, Michael C., 10-1-, 106,1-l-l Scheetz, Kyle E., 120, 152 Schelkun, Matthew IJ., 152 Schicve, lan, 144Schill,Jeffrey E., 124,125, 144 Schluckebier, Alatthew E, 144 Schmidt, Adam .\1., 104, l-l-l Schmitz., Matthew)., 50, 145 Schnupp, ,\Iark \\'" II, 10-1, 122,136 Schoen, .\ lichael, 136 Schreiber, AJexander P., 152 Schreiber, NikolasJ., 136 Schuck, Francis)., 116 Schwartz, Peter j., 8-1-, 1-1-5 Scon. .\Iichael D., 136 Sczepanslci,John A., 136 Searle, Taylor, 136 Sebesly, Kane T., 145 Seigel, Zachary K., 136

214 ~ 1007 BLUE &GOLD

Semin3ck, ThoI1l3sJ.,Jr.• 136 Sen, Ryan 5., 1-1-5 Seybert, Ke\~n 1:,106,122, 145 Shaffer, Floyd E" 136 Sheridan. James C.• 136 Shertz, Michael G.,Jr., 198 Shensline, NicholasJ., 136 Shields,John P, 152 Shields, Kevin .\1.,1-1-5,152 Shiels, ThomasAt.,I07 Sideras, Andrew G., 113, 116 Siess. Robert D., 1-1-5 Sinnott, Patrick K., 152 Sinnott, Stephen 136 Sliner, Gregory, 198 Smalley, Ryan R., 37, lOS, 145 Smart, Daniel E, 88, 198 Sman,Joseph ,\1., 1l9, 145 Smart, Thomas .\1., 152 Smeitzer,1\latthew \ \'., 153 Smith, Sean .\1., 153 Sobilo, Konrad P., 1-1-5 Souchik, Adam D., 137 Speese, Andrew P., -1-8, 145 Spencer, ] effrey A., 199 Sperger,John 1-1., 52, 53, 153 Spielman, Connor I\t., 137 Spinosa, David L., 120, 121, 199 Splane, Brian R., 153 Spurlin, Zachary J., 122, 123,199 Stahl, Michael c., 126, 199 Stanczak, Matthew, 199 Sranowski, Michael A., 137 Stamon, Stephen l~, 145 Staudt, Andrew)., 122, 137 Stern,JeffreyR.,137 Stem, Stephen c., 200 Stewart, .\1:Jtthew C., 91, 142,143 Stewart, licholas R., 200 Stokley, ToddJ., 145 Stone, Matthew c.. 57, 59, 62,66,67,161,176,188, 196,197,200 Stumpo, John E., 37, 69, 1-1-5 Sruski, Galen. 137 Stypulkowski, .\Iark. ZOO Swanley, Roben P., -0, 200 Swartley, Thomas E, 137 Szczesniak, Vincent V, 137 Szekeres, Da\;d ,M., 153 Szostak, Steven, 37, 137

Sz}'szko Paul B., 145

TTTM., 200

lamasitis, Ke\~n Taonnina, Matthew A., 153 Teichman, De\'on N., 119, 153 Thiers. Christopher A., 1-1-5 Thomas, Heath c., 137 Thomas,James E, 117, 153 Thomas, \\!illiam, 13-1-, 137 Thomson. Ryan Q., 200 Thom,Joshua 0., 52, 117 Toner,John, Ill, 117 Toolan, Brendan D., 153 Topley, Mich,el c., 153 Torres, \ViIliamL 145 Trainer, Brian)., 183,200 Tramo, Brendan P., l3i TravaLine,JohnJ., 202 Trinlde, Charles P., 40, -1-2, 58,59,62, 176,202 Trommello, Justin T, 13i Tschoepe, Tristan R., 153 Tubolino, Michael P., 145 Tuck, Daniel P., 20Z Tucker,JulianJ.,4, 152, 153 Tucker, Steven M., 1-1-5 Tull,Joseph R., 145 Turk, Kevin P., 36, 41,122, 123,173,202 Turner, Brendan P., 137 Tyson, Ryan C, 104, 145

UUU Ulan,John B., 122, 137 Ullmann,Jakc E, 137 Ulrich, Timothy B., 153

VVV Van Eekelen, Christopher, 153 Varley, Connor \V., 137 Vasoli,John,203 VentrC5C2, ,\lark G., 137 Ventresca. Matthew T., 153 \~skO\;ch, \ \!illiam D., 28, 168,177,203 Vogel, Timothy)., 117 \'ogelbacker, Timothy R., 126,203 Voigt, Kyle K., 203 Volpe, NicholasJ.,Jr., 137 Vrancken, Luke A., 137


\ Vaitkus, Robert P., 122, 123,203 \Valchonski,John T, i8, 203,206 W,lczak, Gregory M., 88, 204 \ Valker, Brian L 204 \Valker, Frederick rv,96, 97,110, Ill, 145 \ VaHace, Frank V, 153 \Vallin, Terrence,M., 137 \Valsh, Andrew, 10-1\Valsh, Collin, 1-1-5 \\'alsh, Daniel)., 145 \ Valsh,Jonathan \ \~lIiams, 60,145 \Valsh. ;\lichael B., 1;J4, 145 \Varrender, Ryan M .• 95, 153 \Varrender, ShawnL 137 \ Vaters, Daniel J., 153 \\'aters, Scott K., 204 \Vebb, Christopher, 145 \Veber, George R.. -1-7,153 \Veidner,Jonathan M., 153 \Veinrich,JohnA., 137 \Veitzman.Joseph A., IN. 125,204 \Veitzman, Patrick C, 153 \Vells, Clayton M., 126,20-1\Vells, Gordon M., 14-+, 145 \ Verner, Ryan G., 13 7 West, Malik E., 137 \Nhalen, Colin P., 88, 90, 176,202,204 \-Vhelan, Ian M., 137 \ Vhite, Gary J., jr., 137 \·Vhite,jamcs K., 153 \~'hite,James L., -1-6,-1-7, 59, 64,63,67,161,204 \ Vhite, J.\1atthew, 46, 65, 145 \ Vhite, Ryan P., 120, 153 \ Vhitham, John c., 102, 103,205 \\!ielgus, :\latthew R., 137 \\'llde,Joseph 11.,153 nrl.1kios, Kevin ,\t., 137 \ Vilkins, Rasheed T., 145 \ VilLiams, Bryan P., 50, 145 \ Vilis, Brendan P., 96, 97, Ill, 205 \\!ilson, Kirk c., 137 \ViIt,Jon,th,n C., 50, 51, 143 \ \'inning, Brian 8., 145 \ Visniov.'Ski, Paul K., 46, 1-1-5

WItkowski, Anthony K., 153 WIttenberg, Timothy J., 6, 205 Wogan, Christopher J., 43, 56,59,66,67,168,195, 205 \.volf, Christopher R., 145 \,yolper, Christopher j., 153 Wood,AndrewR., 124, 153 \.vood, Daniel T, 87, 137 Wood, PhHip R., 92, 93, 145 \.voods, Gregory T, 36, 96, 111,1+7,153 \,yorkman, Brooks A., 153 \,Vorster, john Rhoads, 96, 113, 137


Young, Colin R., 157, 205 Young, Michael 5., 57, 67, J 20, 12 I, 205 Yuhas, Alan G., 62, 206


Zaiss, Mitchell 21, 206 Zbikowski, Andrew N., 145 Zegalia Stephen A., 153 Ziff, Brian P., 137 Zipfel, BrendanW., 137 Zoldy, Kyle)., 104, 149, 153 Zysk, Damon E, 122, 123, 206 Zysk, Logan E., 13 7

FACULTY Agnew, Ms. Lisa, 17 Barna, Mr. Thomas, 14, 17 B,lrtkowiak, Brother Barry, 19 Bene, Mr. Rocco, 18 Bielecki, Mr. Gregory T:, 19,25 Bloh, Mr. Dennis, 2, 3,19,

112 Breen, Mrs. Lastenia L., 19, 45,49 Brett, Mr. Gerard, 21,22, 177 Brokenshire, Mr. Jason, 19 Brown,l\1r. Alex, 19 Butt, Mr.]eremy, 19,25,205 Chesnik T Mr. Mark, IS, 19, 26,66,67 Ciccimaro, Mrs.janice, 19 Ciccimaro, Mr. joseph, 18, 19,25,58

Cipolla, !vir. D:ll1ieIJ., 14, 19,22,25,32,48,78 Cirelli, Mr. Charles, 19 Clark, Mr. Lewis, 29, 44, 154 Clemente, Mr. Michael, IS, 20 Coggim, Mr. Nicholas, 17, 22 Cohen, Dr. Jo Ann P., 17 Colistra, Mr. Joseph, 20 Collins, Nir. Mark C, 20, 29 Cook, Brother Kenneth, 20 Crowe, Mr. David, 20 D'Angelo, Dr. joseph, 7, 20 Demeter, Mr. Douglas, 10, 14,20,29,117 Dempsey, Mr.]oscph, 20, 33 Devine, Mr. Patrick, 20, 27, 117 Devlin, Mr. Thomas, 29, 41, 44 Diccicco, Mrs. Frances Jacob,20 Diehl, Mr. David T, 20 DiPasquale, Brmher \,Villiam, 15,21,38,157 Dolan, Mr. Michael, 20 Dominick, Mr. Micky, 23, 33 Donahue, Mrs. Linda, 23, 172 Donlin, Mrs. Mitcne, 23 Donohoe, .Mr. \-Villiam, 23 Duncheskie, Mr. Stephen, 3,23,96,112 Evans, Mrs. Gail A., 16, 17 Evans,Mr.Ger:lld,17,23, HI Falcone, Mr. joseph, 23, 26, 66,124 Field, Mrs. Eliz:lbcth, 23, +2 Fitzgerald, Mr. Bernard, 23, 76 Fyke, A'lr.James E., 23, 33 Gedeik. Mrs. Rosemary, 23 Gehman, Mr. Paul, 18 Geiger, J\!lr. William A., 23, 48,77,120,121 Genovese, Jvlr. Richard, 18 Gillespie, Mr. ~Ierrence, 24 Glacken, Mr. joseph E., 17 I-Iartey, Mr. Gerard)., 24, 67,77 Hearn, Mr. Michael G., 24, 55 Herlihy, Brother Richard D., 15,24.54 I-Iolwick, Mr. Christopher, 24,118,119 jackson, Mr. Martin, 24, 122 Janda, Mr. john 0.,24 jamon, Fr. Anthony, 9, II, 24,39,96,112,171

john, Mrs. Kathleen, 24 johnson, Mr. Robert, 24, 65 Keenan, Mr. John, 17, 74 Kennedy. Mr. Micbael, 18 Kensey, Mrs. Paulette, 18 Kestler, Bro. Richard, 8, II, 16,24,25, HI, 152 Leahy, Mr. \,\'illiam, 24,126 Lichtner, Mr. Frank, 3, 24, 112, 113 Long, Ms. Donna, 30 Lynch, Mr. joseph E, 2+, 26,46 Maher, Mrs. julia, ) I, H, 17 Manion, Mr. Da\~d, 27 Marchese, Mr..1oseph, 8, II, 15,16,22,25,37,38,41, 203 Martinez, Bro. Anwar, 27 McBride, Mr. \Vi1IiamJ., 27,49 McCaffery, Mr. Thomas, 27,89 Mdnaw, Mrs. Diana, 9, 27, 32 Miller, Mrs. Barb:u3 S.• H, 27,54 Miller, Mr. Gerald, 3, 26, 27 Minton, Mrs. Kelly, 27,169 Muehlbronner, Mr. ""alter, Jr., 17, 104 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay, 14. 20,42,201 Muller, Mr. Daniel, 18 Nero, Mr. joseph. 18 Nicoletti, Mr. Geoffrey, 27, 69 Norman, Mr. Nbrk, 18,27, 69 Parisi,Mr.joseph,2i,124, 132 Peach, Bro. Robert, 27, 32 Ponisciak, Mrs. Dorothy, 28,38 Ponisciak. Mr. Michael, 28 Puntel, Mr AJIi·ed 0., 28 Quinn, Mr. Paul, 28,107 Radvansky, Mr. Joseph)., 9, 28,31,66,87,120,121 Resch, Mr. Anthony, 17, +3 Rieck, BrotherJamcs, 5, 22, 17 Rieffel, Mr. Kevin, 23, 28, 96 Roche, Mr. james, 28 Russell, Mr. Robert, 28, +7 McAvoy, Dr. Rosina Ry:m, 28 Shay, Mr. Raymond, 22, 53, 68

Shustack, Ms. Tina, 28 Signmnd, Mr. Peter, 17, 68 Smith, Mrs. Mary jo, 22, 28,

140 Stanczak, Mr. Martin, 17, 32 Steck, BrotherJames, 28 h'\te, Mr. james, 31, 71, 96, 112 leperman, A'ir. Gregory, 18 Minh, Brother MangTran, 22,31 Turner, Mr. Thomas, 15, 17,26 Vettori,Mr.Joseph,18,31, 58 \-Volgammott, Mrs. Cheryl, 31 Young, Mr. John, 28 Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nancy, 31, 32,45 . COLOI'IION "Ibe 1007 mllr & GoIJ ,,-;os I>ubli~hed lor lhe students of La SaUe College High Schnol. \\'yndlf1()Qr, PI\ and 1ll~lluf:tc­ lUred by Coo\:e Publisillng COl1lllan)', \\'anninslcr, PA. RcprCSCnt:llh'c to Blur &Gofd is Lis:t ,\1, Buscaglia. I'rofeuional photogT:lphy was supplied by Oa,·or, Bensalem. PA in digital forlll. All additional photograph)' w:lS supplied by the yearhwk 'taff. The enlire boo\: was provided digilOllly 10 Coo\:e Pubhshing Company by mc HIlle & Gold slaff usmg Quark XPrcss and Adobe PhOioshol1 software on PC computers. The 216 texl luges were primed by offsct hthogr.tphy on 901b. Auo gloss tCXl stue\:.• The cover is Ganes i1185? ;\"edium Blue PrinT grained, embosscd, and 101' stamped with bnght gold my19r foil o,'er 1601'[, hinder's board.· The end" sheets arc 651b. nt"er stod:., CouVr Opaque Smooth, white, printcd in bbc\: :tnd /il294 (blue) of the Pamoue ,\Iatchmg System.• Thc 216 pJgc boo\: is SCt in the Janson Text TYpef.lcc using plain, bold. and italic Vllnations. Additional typograllhy til Ih,s edition in" dudes Aachen Rnld, Arnold Bllec\:lin. Baileywic\: I bPI'>' Grnrns. Berliner GroICS\:, Birch Std, Blur, BOlon, Challparal Pro. F~rao. Ilardwood, IlckeriCtl Neue Condensed, Kon Tiki, ,\helmllt:. ,\Iinistr')' Senpt, Ncw Garden, Nue-n. Std. Poplar SlIl, and Profumo, which are ~lll'osl:>Cril't or OP'Co T~'pe fonts. All digit:tl photog....phs were placed iow the page documentS by lhe school. All photogr~phs "·ere then adjusted and re1in\:ed by Coo\:e Publishing Companr.• Complete pages were collected wilh Raster I'hotograpluc Print dri\ers. proofed on I-II' and Epslln tmlKlsilion ink jet printers and imaged to llblcs through RA,\II'AGE WorL:f1ow technology on Fuji CTP prinling plales.• All p;tges "'ere printed by offset lithography Oil Ileidelherg presses, folded and stll)'th-scwn. rounded and bJcked, c....sh lined with headbands ~nd footbands. and c:dilion hound in hardbac\: co"ers.• The Bltlr & Gold hall a press run of'JOO l'opics ~nd w~s sold to the snHlen! bod)'.




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