student Iife
104 •
BLUE & GOLD 11---------
-2007 c Mrs.MaryJoSmith When asked to write a dedication to a true Lasallian teacher , it b ~ mes apparent that a simple tribute is not adequate. Mrs. Smith pr vides strength to La Salle's family, both during and after school. H humble and optimistic attitude has created a unique atmosphere in h classroom, where she has nu rtured her love for teaching over the pa 18 years. During her many hours at Saint Martin's Tutoring, Mrs. Smi has portrayed the Lasall ian mot to of "Leave to Serve ." During one her Forum practices, one would be able to witness the passion ar vigor she brings to the debate team. A list of all the programs tha1 dedicated person such as Mrs. Smith influences would become ir mensely large rather quickly; however, these are just a few of the pr grams to which she brings love and success.
Mrs. Smith brings an incredible amount of fer¡r and zeal to the classroom, while conveying r true love for math to her students. She strives reach the entire class, whether the subject is adnced calculus material or reviewing the basics Algebra I. She delivers each new lesson plan as t were the most important material all year, rich to her it usually is. No student is ever un!lcome in her company, from before and after tool to countless hours cooped up in the Math nter. When not at La Salle, one could usually find : at one of her various service projects. On al>Stevery Thursday after school, Mrs. Smith ps coordinate a very special place, Saint Mar's. Saint Martin's Tutoring is just one other way which she connects with children; however, s time she works with students who do not re the chances other students do. Mrs. Smith's npassion and love for teaching does not end at Salle's driveway. [t is not difficult to imagine Mrs. Smith in the ~ as a coach of the La Salle Forum team. One uld just have to sit through one of her classes .vitness her unique skill and talents as an oraBut it is her leadership and confidence that lly encourages the team towards its many and accomplishments. Without her guide and wisdom, the La Salle Forum would not .vhere it is today. \s the La Salle community, we are truly ;sed to have someone so dedicated and so 1ngas a member of our family. If her tremenlS strength is not apparent in anything else, it I her recent fight and victory over cancer. De¡e the odds, Mrs. Smith never quit; she never her strength. It is an incredible honor to have h a fine educator, caring soul, and an encourlg coach back in La Salle's halls. Mrs. Smith y is the definition of a strong, considerate and icated Lasallian teacher. - Pat Melvin '08
• Opposite page: Mrs. Smith with Mr. Rad, Mrs. Diccicco, Santa Claus, and Mr. Ponisciak serving and caring for the children. Left: Mrs. Smith 's devotion to her students is so very clear
Left: Mrs. Smith with her small group on Kairos 37-1. Thanks for helping start something so amazing for so many! Above: Everybody loves Mrs. Smith ...even "T"
MPORTANT 'Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve." Every day, en more than one thousand young, intellitt Lasallian gentlemen walk through the 1t doors, we are not just entering to simply n scholarly academics . After all, while acanics are extraordinarily important at La e, there is more to the spirit that embodies ,alle . La Salle is a school of interaction and i compassion. It is interested in faith-based ning in which every member 's beliefs add he spirituality alive on campus . As stated, ~n we enter to learn, we enter to learn the ls and theories of science, English, math, etc. ,vever, we also enter to learn the values of 1., so that when we leave La Salle, we leave izing our learned values to serve others . leginning each day and class per iod with a yer, La Salle seems to instill faith within its
students from their first m ments here. With the simple saying of "St. John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us; Live Jesu s in our hearts, forever ," the idea of faith is always present. Besides the daily prayers, the tudents at La Salle also participate in the faith -filled retreats, concluding w ith Kairos, in wh ich we are encour aged to look into ourse lves and share with others who we truly are . Furth ermore, in La Salle's many liturgies and Masses the school community joins together to expre ss our faith in God while sharing our many talents with Him that He has bestowed upon us. Here, at La Salle, we plunge into a sea of acade mics, where we are encouraged to "explore" further into our studies, but also delve into our true selves strengthening our faith. -Mike Oliver '08
notjust grades, lasalle is faithand serv ice, too I
D3T3R get involved One important ingredient needed to succeed at La Salle is involvement . Getting involved is a key to experiencing all that La Salle has to offer. The number of extracurricular activities at La Salle is astonishing. The various activities consist of the entire student body. Whether a student is involved in sports, one of the various clubs, or on WEXP, he is meeting new people and establishing friendships . This is because no matter what a student is interested in, there is a club or activity for him . In any club or activity students can meet new people who are interested in similar things. The varied number of extracurricular opportunities including: Spanish Club, Italian Club , Celtic Club, Robotics Club , Athletics, or one of many service projects, show that there is a place for everybody . One great thing about these extracurricular activities is that a student can be involved in as many as he would like. Many students at La Salle are involved in sports or intramurals, in clubs, and on service projects every day . It is an unbelievab le thing to see. The activities are so special because they are for students and run by students. - Dan Sacchetta '08
addingto ournumbe
IST DAYOFSCHOO On the first day of school at La Salle, most freshmen do not know what to expect. Some have never been in a Catholic school before, and most have never been in an all boys ' school. As we enter through the doors, the new images and routines can be overwhelming , but there are many upperclassmen and faculty to guide us through the day. Simple things, like finding lockers or homerooms can be a difficult task, but there are many helping hands throughout the school. Anxiety is eased as we work our wa y through the day.
As the first day progresses and we meet our teachers oneby-one, it become s obvious that we will be ta ught by a bunch of great p eople this year . We also me t a lot of new faces this day . Many of these faces will be lifelong friends. At the end of the day, there is an excitement about starting at this new place. We look forward to th next day and the years to come. We are proud to call La Salle our school. - Tyler Dunphy '11 Right: Mom and Dad saving the moment
Above left: All prepared for first Above: Thumbs up! Above: Pride and tears of joy for the beginning of high school Right: Band greets the new Explorers
come class of '11
Left: Mr. Gillespie and his son share the first day together Below: Mr. Marchese and Bro. Richard pose with Dennis Anno
Left: Michael Pham with his parents
Below: Chaplain Fr. Tony passes along the messag love, service, and community that is encouraged thro St. John Baptist de La Salle
Right: Nick Mathis and his dad sign abeam Below : Senior members of the African-American Leadership group share their love of La Salle
Right:The dedication of teachers like Mr.Manion drive and inspire La Salle students especially Anthony Kent.
umofallthingsla salle
a I LA SALLE? After spending four years here at La Salle, there is one aspect of the school, among many, th t has stood out the entire time: La Salle is a very welcoming community . From the first d ay freshman year and then up to and including senior year, everyone, including the a ministration, teachers and all students, is friendly and willing to help anyone else. Thi ' welcoming aspect of La Sall permeates through and reall y can make the La Salle community a second family for many students. While all La Salle students are different in their own ways, the differences are embraced. ere is something here for everyone to participate in. Whether a student finds his mche in academic ac-
tivities, service, sports, writ ing, music, or is dedicated to a certain club , there is a place for all at this school. And along with that idea, it does not matter whether a student only takes part in academic activities or only plays a sport after school; all students are accepting of others and their interests. Here, all put forth a strong effort to make each other feel comfortable at school. At La Salle, students can be themselves while still being members of the La Salle community. And being a part of this La Salle community is special. While this school is a fine preparatory high school, it is much more than that. Each and every student has the special privilege of not simply being just a student here, but a very special and important member of the Lasallian family. - Tom Bender '08
La Salle spirit lives!! ve: Seniors watch as their "beam" is put into place 1t:
Forst, Shields, and Murtha prepare to impress col路
Above: 4 more years Above left: Mrs. Maher is La Salle!
Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC
Mr. Joseph Marchese
\.fr.Daniel McGowan VicePresidentfor titutional Advancement
Mr. Thomas Turner Assistant Dean of Srodents
Mr. Thomas Barna Assistant Principal for AcademicAffairs
Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal for SrodentAffairs
Mr. Nick Coggins Directorof Curriculum
Mr.James Fyke Deanof Sh,dents
Bro.James Rieck F.S.C. Directorof Admissions
Mr. Mark Gibbons ChiefFinancialOfficer
Mr. Anthony Resch Atliletics Director
Mr. Peter Sigmund ChiefInformationOfficer
mni House:Christopher Carabello, Robert McAnespey, Barbara 1ks, Kathleen Smith, Cathy Winning, Ray Shay, and Michael Doick
Allinson House:Mark Gibbons (CFO), Phyllis Wells (Human Resources), Connie Gill (Assistant Controller), Br. James Rieck F.S.C. (Dir. of Admissions), Ann Ford (Administrative Assistant), Kathy Curley (Controller), and Walter Muehlbronner (Assistant Director of dmissions)
1 Office: Rita Cooney (Receptionist), Suzanne Russo (Registrar), I Haggerty (Administrative Assistant to the Principal)
David Cente r: Dr.Jo Ann Cohen (Leaming Specialist), Gerald Evans (Biology, H), John Keenan (Director), Joseph Glacken (Leaming Specialist, Computer and Reading), Lisa Agnew (Leaming Specialist)
Far Right: Mr. Robert Peffle Administrative Support
By the numb3rs
Near Right: Ms. PatSchaum Administrative Assistant- Student Affairs
total # of teachers
teachers graduated from LSCHS
Christian Brothers teaching@ La Salle Above: Lasallian Volunteers Mr. William Loughery (Social Studies) and Mr. William McCullough (English) Right: Mr. David Crowe (Science and Athletic Trainer)
Gregory T. Bieleck i Economics 1, United States History, Head Cross Country Coach, Assistant Indoor I Outdoor Track and Field Coach Dennis M. Blob AP English Language and Composition, Rhetoric an British Literature , Creative Writing, Latin 1 , Assistant Swim Coach Lastenia L. Breen Spanish 3, 4, 4H, Moderator o f Spanish Club , Moderator of Bowling Alex F. Brown Composition and American Literature, Introduction to Literature and Composition, Assistant Basketball Coach Jeremy C. Butt Fitness Center, Integrated Science, Director of Strength and Conditioning Olena Chabursky Biology 10, Integrated Science, Computer Club
14 Mr. Mark D. "Chez" Chesnik iX. Spiritual Guide and all-around wizard ...aka Scripture, Prayer, and Yearbook procrastinator
total # of teachers with 25+ years of experience @ La Salle
low: Ms. Donna Long Director of Library/Media Services/Audio ,ual Coordinator Right: Library staff Mrs. Peg Doyle and Mrs. Lisa Whelan
Left: Bro. Ken Cook is always a presence whether in the Library or hallway
Janice Ciccimaro Health, Nurse Joseph Ciccimaro CHAIR: GENERAL STUDIES Music, Producer of Dramatics Daniel J. Cipolla General Physics, Physics, H, lSC Assistant, Co-Moderator of Italian Club
Charles T. Cirelli Chemistry, Chemistry 10H, Senior Class Moderator, LSC Assistant, Assistant Athletic Director Michael J. Clemente Italian 1, 4H, Spanish 1 Joseph J. Colistra CHAIR: SOCIAL STUDIES; AP Economics, AP Modem European History, United States History, World Civilizations 2
Far Right: Mr. Dominick and his small group on Kairos Near right: La Salle's Chaplain Fr. Tony Janton
Above and right: The Dynamic Duo Mr. Lew Clark and Mr. Tom Devlin help change the spiritual lives of our student body!
Mark C. Collins CHAIR:RELIGION Catholic Identity, Sacred Scripture, Co-Moderator of Italian Club, LSC Assistant Jessica Coyne Calculus, Pre- Calculus, Honors Algebra 2 Dr. Joseph F. D'Angelo AP English Language and Literature, Creative Writing 1, 2, Director of Writing Center, Co-Moderator of National Honor Society, Gazebo Douglas J. Demeter Lasallian Spirituality and Service, Sacred Scripture, LSC Assistant, LIGHTS Team, Assistant Cross Country Coach, Assistant Indoor I Outdoor Track and Field Coach, Moderator of Hockey Joseph E. Dempsey CHAIR: ENGLISH; AP English Language and Composition, Introduction to Literature and Composition Head Basketball Coach Matthew C. Derri ck Composition and American Literatu re, Assistant Soccer Coach, Assistant Indoor I Outdoor Track and Field Coach
Above: Bookstore handles the Freshman rush Far left: Mrs. Barbara Wisotskey Manager of the Bookstore Near left: Mrs. Geri Clark
Patrick Devine Junior Counselor, Group Advisory 11, Religion, Assistant Cross Country Coach, Head Indoor /Outdoor Track and Field Coach Frances Jacob Diccicco Spanish 2, 2H, AP, LSC Assistant Michael Dolan CHAIR: GUIDANCE/COUNSELING, Social Studies, Senior Counselor, LIGHTS Team, Assistant Tennis Coach Micky Dominick Algebra 1, Algebra 2/Trigonometry Part 1, Geometry, LSC Assistant, Drama Linda Donahue CO-CHAIR: WORLD LANGUAGES; Italian 2, 3, 3H, Spanish 2H, 5 Milene Donlin Biology 10, 10 H, Integrated Science
College Counseling: Far Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell ministrative Assistant) Matt Dwyer and Andrew man
right (Adwith Bow-
Near right: Mr. Gerard Brett (Assistant Director), senior Dorian Ballough, and Mrs. Sue Sayer (Volunteer)
Above: Senior Joe Migliarese and Bro. William DiPasquale (Assistant Director) Right: Director of College Counseling Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen with Brian McGinley
William Donohoe World Civilizations 1, AP World History, Assistant Baseball Coach, Assistant Basketball Coach, Moderator of HistoryClub Stephen Duncheskie Biology 9H, 10, lOH, Environmental Science, Integrated Science, Head Water Polo Coach, Assistant Swimming Coach Elizabeth Field Composition and American Literature, Introduction to Literature and Composition , LSC Assistant, Mock Trial Bernard Fitzgerald AP United States History, World Civilizations 2, Assistant Basketball Coach, Moderator Multi-Cultural Club, Intramurals Rosemary Gedeik Spanish 2, 3, 3H, Moderator of Sophomore Class William Geiger Greek, Latin 1, 2, 3, Photo Club, Latin Club, Head Tennis Coa ch
Counseling & Guidance Services/IU rs. Helen Spearing (Below) and Ms. Jeanne Holt-Brabson (right)
Left: Mrs. Spearing helping out senior Kelvin Lam
Terence Gillespie CHAIR: SCIENCE; Biology 9H, 10, AP Moderator of Freshman Class, Director of Summer Program Gerard Hartey AP English Language and Composition, World Literature and Expository Writing, Assistant Soccer Coach, Gaming Club, Blue and Gold, Intramurals Michael Heam Art Portfolio, Drawing 1, Foundations Art, Painting 1, 2, rt Club Christopher Holwick Rhetoric and British Literature, World Literature and Expository Writing, Assistant Moderator Wisterian Martin Jackson Introduction to Psychology, Junior Counselor, Language Specialist, Head Golf Coach John Janda Composition and American Literature , Introduction to Literature and Composition, Moderator of Wrestling, Wisterian
BLUE & GOLD Ill -----------
Bro. Lawrence Monroe (supervisor of Construction) with one of his Pittsburgh Central Boys
By the
faculty members that teach in multiple departments
administrator that was a Navy Seal
teachers that have prison records (just kidding)
Above: Mr. Halwick is baffled by 19 across Right: Mr. Parisi and Iggy enjoying the September sun Above: Mr. David Diehl - Director of Financial Aid
Kathleen John Advanced Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Design Robert Johnson Digital Multimedia Design, Fundamentals of Web Design, Moderator of WEXP William Leahy Sophomore Counselor, Group Advisory 10, Head Lacrosse Coach
Frank Lichtner Aquatics, Physical Education, Physical Fitness, Head Swimming Coach Joseph Lynch Rhetoric and British Literature, Academic Decathalon David Manion French 2, 4H, Spanish 1
Above: Maintenance staff: John Pax, Steve Gill, Tony Lopez, Chris Voyk, AI Loscalzo, Mark Angiolilo (Director of Plant Operations) , and Wayne Truheart Left: Mr. Larry King (far left) Director of Janitorial Services and his crew
Bro. Anwar Martinez Christian Morality, Spanish 2, 3 William McBride German 3, 4, Spanish 2, 2H, Moderator of German Club, Moderator of Film Club Thomas McCaffery Algebra 1, 2, Assistant Soccer Coach, Assistant Baseball Coach, Intramurals
Diana Mclnaw Catholic Identity, Sacred Scripture, LSC Assistant, Moderator of Freshman Mentors Barbara Miller Ceramics 1, Sculpture 1, Art Gerald Miller AP Government and Politics, United States History, Vietnam, Moderator of Swimming
Music Department: (Far Left) Paul Arbogast - Low Brass, Trombone (Left) Joseph Nero- Percussion
Above: Mr. Dennis Wasko Music, Trumpet Left: Mr. Joseph Vettori - Music, Woodwinds, Competition Band, Theory, Emsembles
Br. Michael Miller World Civilizations 1 Kelly Minton Algebra 1, 2, Geometry Geoffrey Nicoletti Sacred Scripture, World Religions, Computer Club
Mark Norman Chorus, Advanced, Freshman, Independent, Public Speaking, Drama Joseph Parisi Introduction to Psychology, World Civilizations 1, Head Baseball Coach, Director of Diversity Vishal Patel Algebra 2H, Geometry, Precalculu .
Above: Joseph Ciccimaro CHAIR: FINE ARTS Far Left: Mr. Paul Gehman Music, Acoustic and Electric Bass Left: Mr. Michael Kennedy Music, Guitar, Bass, Guitar Ensemble
Dorothy Ponisciak Chemistry, lOH, 11H, AP Michael Ponisciak Algebra 2, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics Alfred Puntel Catholic Identity, Christian Morality, LSC Assistant
aulQuinn Algebra 2, Algebra 2/Trigonometry Part 2,Geometry , Moderator of Basketball Joseph Radvansky Algebra lH, 2H, Calculus, Precalculus, Assistant Football Coach, LSC Assistant Kevin Rieffel Astronomy, Integrated Science, Physics, Assistant Water Polo Coach , Assistant Swimming Coach
James Roche AP Calculus AB, BC Robert Russell AP Computer Science, JAVAProgramming, Physics, H, AP, Academic Decathalon, Mathletes, Robotics Dr. Rosina Ryan Composition and American Literature, World Literature and Expository Writing
Tina Shustack Algebra lH, 2H, Geometry, Precalculus, LIGHTS Mary Jo Smith Algebra 2, Calculus, Geometry /Precalculus H, LIGHTS, LSC Assistant Bro.James Steck French 1, 3, Spanish 1, Moderator of Lacrosse
James Tate United States History, World Civilizations 2, Moderator of Ski Club, Assitant Swimming Coach, Assistant Water Polo Coach Bro. Mang Minh Tran Computer Applications, Visual Basic Programming Bro. David Trichtinger Freshman Counselor, Group Advisory 9
Daniel Williams Catholic Identity , World Civilizations 1, Moderator of NCAA Club Cheryl Wolgamott Introduction to Literature and Composition , World Literature and Expository Writing John Young United States History, World Civilizations 2
Nancy Zoeltsch CO-CHAIR: WORLD LANGUAGES; Spanish 1, 3H
:elow: Mr. Cipolla tests Gravity by dropping books on the heads of is Physics students
Above: This guy just walked off the street to wander the halls of La Salle Left: Mrs. Ponisciak celebrates the fact that T.J. McCarrick is her Valentine
Above: "Ahh ...Mrs. Field if that is a 'D' on that paper it's not mine" Left: For once in his life Mr. Russell is confused by a student's question.
Ryan E. Abbott Jamal Amin Abdur-Rahman Ryan Michael Abel Christopher B. Alexander Dennis F.Anao Nicholas J. Angiolillo
Juliano Carlo Arid James P. Ball James B. Beerer Corey T. Begor Andrew P.Belcher Ryan P. Belcher
ttending La Salle College High School is a great opportunity . A freshman enters with great determination to achieve his own personal goals. This first step is the beginning of a journey that will open a new chapter in our lives lasting four years. As new freshmen at La Salle, we are made aware of many opportunities. We are encouraged, and have already begun to explore these new opportunities, as well as new challenges. Freshmen quickly learn of La Salle's mission to develop and guide boys into young men of respect and leadership. La Salle hopes to encompass all aspects of life into its daily agenda. It strives to develop young men mentally, physically, and socially. This is achieved through La Salle's education, which is made possible by the faculty, who are more than willing to help whenever possible. The upperclassmen also provide a strong example of leadership, which helps guide us as we are adjusting to high school. Freshmen are also introduced and encouraged to participate in the many forms of help La Salle offers, smoothing any bumps we may encounter. Although the journey is just starting, we have already received a taste of what to expect. La Salle gives us opportunities that we must act upon in our journey. Freshmen year begins the process of creating Lasallian gentlemen. - Ian Bush '11
Countdown 4 years to go
Above: Jaylen Bond and John Quigley - ready to Branch Out Right: James Mullen and Zach Leahy enjoying the day.
Michael J. Bell Jerry M. Bellettirie Eric Besso Andrew G. Biaesch Jeffery E. Biernat, Jr. Andrew P.Bilotta
Andrew L. Blasek John P. Bogorowski Jaylen Bond Harry Bonet Brendan 0 . Boyle Matthew M. Braithwaite
Richard P. Brazukas Alexander R. Brecht Daniel P. Brennan Joseph C. Brown William J.Burger Nicholas A. Burns
Colin P. Bush IanM . Bush Matthew A. Cabrera Craig A. Cabrey Shane M. Campbell Charles W. Cannon
Robert Capece Anthony A. Caporizzo Cameron M. Cappo Alexander R. Carapellotti Michael A. Casciano David A. Casinelli
Christopher J. Catalino Anthony Certa Kendal L. Chaney Michael Dean Cimino Ryan R. Cocron Thomas E. Coleman, ill
Steven M. Collins John P. Corcoran M. Declan Crouse Nicholas X. Cruice Alexander D. Cunnane John F. Curtis, IV
Connor J. Daly Richard A. Danze Christopher J. Dearolf Donald J. DeBrakeleer JamesN . DeCarlo John P. Delaney, m
Ill LASALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 Nicholas J. Dema Robert John DeSante Sean T. Dickson Kyle M. Dierkes Mark J. DiFrangia Timothy A. Diorio
Stefano P. DiPietro Matthew J. Donnelly Michael J. Dowling Mark S. Draganescu Jonathan P. Draham Tyler J. Dunphy
Charles J. Dunton Joseph A. Dusing Stephen A. Duzinski Patrick G. Dwyer Sean T. Dwyer Andrew C. Eckert
Anthony M. Esposito Michael F. Ferrier Matthew J. Fink William P. Pisco Stephen R. FitzPatrick Terrence J. Foley
Joseph L. Forcellini Kevin R. Forster Nicholas J. Frazzette Jeremy D. Fus Tyler A. Gaber William N. Galbally
Matthew J. Gannon Victor R. Garcia Ryan J. Geiger Christopher G. Genesio Benedetto T. Giaimo Jeremy F. Gibbons
Stephen R. Gibbons Casey T. Gillespie Kevin P. Gillespie Patrick D. Givnish Michael J. Glatz Joseph F. Gottschalk
Christian D. Green William N . Hammeke Benjamin T. Hankinson John P. Harkins, Jr. Michael R. Harrell Joseph C. Harvey
BLUE &GOLD Ill ----------•
Andrew M. Heller Alexander N. Hicks Alexander M. Holva Andrew T. Holva Thomas J. Hom Samuel T. Hyder
Michael T. Jacobsen Alexander D. Jaconski J. Thomas T. Jaquay Joshua M. Jaskowiak Timothy L. Jeffers Zachary D. Jones
Edward V.Joyner-Mitchell Alexander J.Junod Johnathon Kane Christopher J. Kappler Joseph W. Kelly RobertJ. Kelly
Ryan M. Kelly Jamison Kenney Patrick C. Kerr Matthew B. Killian Michael Kowalski Brendan Kretschman
Nicholas J. Krol Brian C. Kron Neil P. Laessig Alexander Peter Lafond John R. Lawlor Zachary K. Leahy
Marc Liberato Andrew T. Lonergan Timothy F. Longacre PatrickJ. Looby John P. Loughery Joseph Lukach
OF 2011 I FRESHMEN IC Far Left: Mr. Duncheskie's freshman science class listens to his words of wisdom . Left: Colin Mcintosh gets help with his tie on the first day.
Brian J. Lynch Gordon P. Lynch Alex D. Lynn Brendan M. Lyons Charles J. Magee Kamran S. Maron
Matthew J. Mahoney Colin E. Malone William P. Marble Edward H. Marino Del Charles Markward, Jr. Jordan A. Mayo
Joseph J. Mazzi, III Brian R. McAloon Timothy McCabe Ryan W. McCann Joseph McCreavy Richard J. McCreavy
Christopher M. McElroy Terence McFadden Ryan J. McGhee Shamus P. McGowan Patrick S. McGuire Patrick M. McHale
Colin A. Mcintosh Jeffrey T. McKenna Michael H. McNally Clayton D. Melsheimer DanielG.Merenich Dominic Mirabile
Frederick A. Mischler Kyle F. Mischler Michael A. Miskiel William F. Mitchell James Thomas Mooney Michael J. Mooney
Right: Rob Nix needs a break from studying. Far Right: Colin Sweitzer and Dennis Anao hanging out on a warm spring day.
OF 2011 I FRESt
Seamus C. Morgan Christopher D. Muggier Patrick J. Mulderig James P. Mullen Tyler M. Murkley Conor F. Murphy
Joseph R. Naji Jacob R. Naseef Edward F. Neiling Malcolm H. Nichols John P. Nicola Robert N. Nix
Timothy Nolan Jakob C. Noon Christopher B. Nunnari Stephen J. Obermeier Brian T. O'Donnell Patrick F. O'Donnell
Kenneth J. Orlando Nicholas J.Palermo Calvin Perlman Matthew T. Peters Michael M. Pham Timothy F. Pidgeon
Kevin M. Piotrowicz Michael S. Plummer Anthony F. Polcino Michael B. Poncia David A. Power Matthew J.Pyrih John J. Quigley Paul M. Quinn William R. Rate Benedict Reilly Connor J. Reilly Robert Rhodes
OF 20111 FRESHMEN I Cl Far Left: Ben Gia imo needs some clarification. Left: Frosh Branch Out Day
Marcus L. Richardson Cody W. Ridgway Juliano R. Rodriguez James W. Rose Matthew J. Rose Colin Rothwell
Adam G. Rotzal James P. Ryan Nicholas K. Sabia Eric A. Samuels Michael]. Sanders John J. Santangelo
Below: Ready to get involved at the Activities Fair
Above: Kevin Gillespie why the sky is blue.
Right: Alex Cunnane counts on his fingers in math class.
Above: Colin Malone during his lunch break.
Christopher J. Saponara John N. Saponara Richard A. Sauter John R. Schatz Daniel P.Schelkun Brendan H. Schluth
Robert H. Schrupp Nicholas J. Seaton Andrew F. Shafer Nicholas L. Shafer Jonathan Shettsline Tyler J. Sicilia
Michael D. Smith Thomas Smith David P. Speese Brendan P. Stone Eric Stone Alexander C. Subers
Curran T. Sullivan Sean M. Sweeney Colin W. Sweitzer Mark Thackray Sean P. Toner Kieran J. Trainer
Thomas E. Trainer Frank R. Trocino William B. Turner David A. Underwood Michael Vecchione, Jr. Timothy R. Vellner
Vincent J. Veneziano Nicholas M. Walchonski Christopher K. Walter Stephen P. Wasylenko Philip K. Watson Timothy J. Weaver
DaleJ. Weed Caleb P. Weiler James D. Weitzman John S. Whitman Andrew W. Wilt Robert L. Winkelman
Cole J. Wisdo Roger C. Woehrle Brennan R. Woods Timothy H. Young Anthony R. Zaffino Brian J. Zielinski
Charles Aiken Ryan Andris Mark Angelone Mark Angiolillo Gabriel Antoni Maxwell Arizin Grant Atherholt Sean Atkinson Christian Bach Michael Bambi II Michael Banecker David Beavers
::LASS OF 2010
ur journey towards becoming true Lasallian gentlemen takes a pivotal turn during our sophomore year. Freshman year quickly becomes a distant memory, as we enter into a new stage in our education. New teachers, classes, friends, and experiences await us and aid us in this process. Throughout this journey, wisdom, perspective, and insight are inevitably acquired through the help of our elders and other classmates. We begin a new chapter in our lives, distancing ourse lves further from our youthful ways. Challenges undoubtedly await us; however, with ou r education and various experiences, we are certainly prepared to handle any issue that confronts us. As we go through the trials and tribulations of our high school career, La Salle gives us the freedom and integrity to learn and grow. Sophomore year builds upon Lasallian qualities and expands our knowledge, as the process of becoming a true member of the La Salle community continues. - Chris Edger '10
Countdown 3 years to go
Above Right: When C.J. Aiken wishes you a Merry Christmas you better listen! Right: Kevin Medvid, William Begley, and Ryan McElroy after the Honors Convocation
OF 2010
William Begley Zachary Belinsky James Benischeck Theodore Benner Michael Bennett Kristian Benz
Thomas Benz Kieran Berkery Anthony Bianchini John Biegalski Sean Bolger Julian Bond
Jean-Paul Bonny Greg Bono Daniel Bowers Michael Brady Shane Brady Kevin Breen
Craig Bunting Thomas Burgmann William Burke Charles Burns Thomas Campbell Michael Camusi
Christian Cardinali Devlin Carey Ryan Carey Ryan Carlin John Carmody Sean Carr
Kevin Casey Michael Casey John Cassidy Matthew Catanese Patrick Cera David Cinque
Stephen Ciufo Daniel Clark Kevin Clark Evan Cleary Anthony Cognetti John Corr
Robert Costello Michael Coyle Sean Crane Matthew Crone Vincent Cuce Adam Cunningham
Ill LASALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 Martin D'Amico Joseph Daly Joseph Deegan Michael DeMaria Brian Derr Timothy Diasio
Matthew DiGiacamo Donald Digney Christopher DiLaurenzo James DiMezza Stephen Donovan Brian Dorsey
Paul Dowds Timothy Durkin Christopher Edger Colin Eisenschmid John Ericsson Frank Evans
John Farris Michael Fasano Samuel Feleccia Laurence Finnegan Kevin Foley Michael Foley
Gregory Foos Michael Fox Nolan Funchion Kevin Gatti Dylan Gavin Alexander Geck
Gregory Geiger Richard Getts Ryan Ginsburg George Giovinazzo Daniel Goodwin Kevin Greenfield
Matthew Grover Vincent Grysca vage Cosmo Guerra Brian Haesler Ian Haney Joseph Harvey
Kevin Harvey Brian Havard Patrick Heck Brian Higgins Patrick Higgins Jeffrey Hill
Troy Hockaday Connor Hoffman Michael Holland Matthew Holva Derek Hunter KieranHyer Daniel Hyman Sean Janda Steven Jones Christopher Kaemmer Christopher Karoly Patrick Keenan Edmund Kehan William Kellogg James Kelly Stephen Kelly JohnKlusek Thomas Knab Peter Knowles Robert Kowalski Theodore Kradzinski Matthew Krol Nathan Kurylo Joseph Kwasizur Patrick Lafata Daniel LaMorte Kyle Leprevost Philip Letcavage Michael Lindsay Dale Lintner Daniel Losier Andrew Loughery Nicholas Luce SeamusMacCrory JohnMadrak Kevin Mahon
OF 2010
OF 20
Far Left: Lorenzo Quebral and his proud parents Near Left: Bro. Richard and Mr. Marchese congratulate John Toner
BLUE & GOLD Ill -----------
Stephen Mainardi Brian Malone James Markley Francis Martino Nicholas Mathis Daniel McBrien
Seamus McCullough Charles McDonald Ryan McElroy SeanMcGann Matthew McGlynn Brendan McGoldrick
Conor McGonigle Francis McGorry Paul McGrath William McHugh Ryan McKenna Christopher McLaren
Kevin Medved D. Wesley Meehan Patrick Mellor Vincent Migliarese James Mills Maitland Minderjahn Nicholas Mindicino Devon Minor Kevin Minton Nicholas Molloy Patrick Monahan Matthew Mondimore
Ryan Moran G. Joseph Moroney Andrew Morton Philip Moyer Quinlan Mulholland John Nagbrt
JMORES I CLASS Far Right: Sophomore with Mr. Chez
Near Right Matt Krol working hard
OF 2010
OF 201 C
Garrett Nesbitt Sean O'Connell Brian O'Donnell Thomas O'Kane Timothy Peifer Samuel Pelone
Onix Perez-Mas Daniel Pfefferle Robert Phillips Shane Pierce Nicholas Pilla Joseph Piotrowski
Timothy Plamondon Gregory Porter Justin Power Whitney Prendergast Andrew Primavera Matthew Quaglia
Lorenzo Quebral Derek Quinn Shawn Quinn Christopher Razzano Patrick Resch Warren Resnick
Jeremy Rich Alexander Richardson Dean Ripley Isaac Roberts Travis Roberts Allen Rodriguez
Andriy Royik Andrew Russin Ryan Saraceni Robert Scanlon Mark Schnupp Michael Schoen
OF 2010
OF 2010
Far Left: Jack Carmody and Brendan Zipfel creating in art class Near Left: Mike Camusi concentrating
Nikolas Schreiber Francis Schuck Michael Scott John Sczepanski Taylor Searle Zachary Seigel
Thomas Seminack Floyd Shaffer Nicholas Shettsline Andrew Sideras Stephen Sinnott Adam Souchik
~SS OF 2010
Below: Rhodes Worster helps decorating the tree during Operation Sant,
Above : Jeremy Rich enjoys those chips! Right: Pat Resch accepts his Student Council pin
Above: Dan Lozier preparing to speak to friends and family of La Sall,
Connor Spielman Michael Stanowski Andrew Staudt Jeffrey Stem James Stevenson Galen Stuski
Thomas Swartley Vincent Szczesniak Steven Szostak Heath Thomas William Thomas Joshua Thom
John Toner Brendan Tramo Justin Trommello Brendan Turner Jack Ulan Jake Ullmann
Connor Varley Mark Ventresca Timothy Vogel Nicholas Volpe Luke Vrancken Terrence Wallin
Shawn Warrender John Weinrich Ryan Werner Malik West Ian Whelan Gary White
Matthew Wielgus Kevin Wilkins Kirk Wilson Daniel Wood John Worster Brently Wright
Brian Ziff Brendan Zipfel Logan Zysk
Sean Abbott Victor Allegretti Joseph Aloia Niko Amato Erik Anderson RyanAnella Eugene Angeloni Michael Antoni Trmothy Asztalos Christopher Becker Paul Belcher Daniel Berger
OF 2009
unior year at La Salle is a time of great responsibility. Juniors must take on new challenges as they enter their third year. They accept their title of "upperclassmen" with pride and dedication while contributing all they can to the La Salle community. Along with the title of "uppe rclassmen" comes more leadership , academic, and service responsibility. Juniors realize the need to work harder than ever before in order to chieve success and understand the impact this year will have on the rest of their lives. This year is also a time of buil ding friendship within the junior class as a whole. After 2 years of bonding with friends and maturing with one's classmates, many juniors have developed friendships that will last a lifetime. By junior year, many trivial differences are put aside and a mutual respect is developed within the class. When this meaningful year is finished, the junior class will be able to look back and feel proud of the hard work and effort put in by each and every student. By year's end, the junior class will be prepared to enter LaSalle as seniors and become the leaders of the LaSalle community. - Matthew Stewart '09
Countdown 2 more years
Above Right: Mike Cassidy and his parents all smiles! Right: Tom O'Neill throws up gang signs while Gianni Campellone calls the cops
OF 2009
John Bernhardt Anatoly Bitny Derek Bogorowski Michael Bonavitacola Bryan Bonder John Borrell Connor Bracken William Brennan Sean Brooks Christopher Brown Todd Brown Brian Callahan Gianni Campellone Colin Canny Nicholas Carboni Sean Carlin Christopher Carlone Matthew Carmody Michael Cassidy James Catalino Christopher Cawley Michael Cline Patrick Coleman Ronald Comber Thomas Cooney Ryan Corkery Tucker Corr Ryan Counihan Brendan Craig William Crooks Christian Cruz Brendan Cummings Christopher Curran Erik Cwik Nicholas Cymbala Andrew D'Addona
Michael Dagit Trmothy Daly Anthony Daly-Leonard William Dearden Brian Delaney Ross Denczi David Dickson Mark Dieckman Joseph DiFurio Kyle DiGiacobbe Louis DiGiacomo Anthony DiNardo
Ill LASALLE COLLEGE HIGHSCHOOL 2008 Sean Doherty D. Patrick Dohony Patrick Donnelly Michael Donohoe Andrew Dowds John Drain
Alexander Dreher Patrick Driscoll Alexander Drost Brendan Duffy Tucker Durkin Ryan Eidenshink
Matthew Engle Kevin Farrington Jesse Perrino Kyle Finlay Sean Fisher Brendan FitzPatrick
Brendan Fitzpatrick Cole Fitzpatrick Ryan Fitzpatrick Samuel Flashner Anthony Foell Christopher Foley
Randall Forster William Franks Daniel Fratamico Tyler Freeman Daniel Galante Patrick Gallagher
Patrick Gavin Kevin Genuardi Stefan Gigliotti Rob Gill Sean Gillespie Jay Giunta
Zachary Good Seth Gorman Timothy Gottschalk Stephen Grasso Christopher Groff Michael Hagan
Christopher Harvey Brendan Hilsey Phillip Hopkins Westy Hopkins Jake Hostrander Tyler Houchins
Joshua Houser Neil Hubbert Matthew Jannetti Dylan Johnson Kevin Johnson Roy Kaiser
Daniel Kane Brendan Kearney Kevin Kelley Robert Kelly John Kerrigan Sean Kiely
OF 2009
OF 2009
Le~ Kevin Genuardi first place in individuals ...awesome! ow: Pat Gavin drum roll please
Below: Matt Roland receives his class ring
Left: Brendan Hilsey, Dave Omojogunra, and Roy Kaiser lend a help路 inghand
BLUE &GOLD Ill -----------
Mark Kinslow Andrew Kittka Tyler Knarr Christopher Kraeher Thomas Krolikowski James Lagreca
John Austin Lamprecht Robert Law Michael Lees Michael Leigh Joseph Leinhauser Xavier Lofton
Ryan Lonergan Robert Long Brian Lotkowski Edward Lubienski Thomas Lyons Kyle MacManus
Patrick Maginnis Thomas Maher James Mahoney Jordan Malpass Ryan Marcante Thomas McAloon
Aaron McCoy Brendan McCoy Matthew McCullough Sean McCullough Ryan McDevitt Daniel McDonald
Rory McDonald Matthew McDowell Patrick McElroy Michael McGee Paul McGee John McGinley
OF 2009
Far Right: Junior Urban Challenge Near Right: Mrs . Miller shows Mike Walsh a new technique
OF 2009
Matthew McGovern Joseph McKeehen William McKenney MichaelMcKibbin Kyle McMahon Matthew Merenich Kevin Merlini Matthew Miller James Mirynowski Dennis Mizzoni Patrick Monteith Patrick Moran
Gregory Morozzi Matthew Murtha Tyler Nase Robert Nave Drew Needham Frank Nekrasz Jared Neri Paul Nixon James Noll Michael Noone Christopher Nucero PaulNucero Matthew O'Brien Patrick O'Donnell Justin O'Hara G. Kellen O'Neill Shawn O'Neill Thomas O'Neill Gregory Oakley Kyle Olejniczak David Omojogunra James Osborne Gregory Palko Alexander Pascal Michael Patchak Maulik Patel Ryan Patrick Daniel Paul Martin Payton James Pecora
Joseph Petrellis Michael Phillips Carl Plummer Raymond Polcino Philip Posen Alexander Prendergast
MarkPyrih Joseph Radaszewski Eric Reale John Redmond Andrew Reynolds Joseph Rizzo Nicholas Rizzuto James Robinson Matthew Roland Thomas Rose Alexander Rotzal John Rush
OF 2009
OF 2009
Below: Joe Aloia with his parents at Honors Covo
Above: Bobby Long reading at the Ring Mass Right: Phil Posen works that computer
Above : Joe Petrellis : shades+ bass= COOL!!!!
Patrick Samanns Michael Schaeffer Ian Schieve Jeffrey Schill Matthew Schluckebier Adam Schmidt
Matthew Schmitz Peter Schwartz Kane Sebesky Ryan Sen Kevin Seybert Thomas Shiels
Robert Siess Ryan Smalley Joseph Smart Konrad Sobilo Andrew Speese Stephen Stanton
Matthew Stewart Todd Stokley John Stumpo PaulSzyszko Christopher Thiers Thomas Timbol
William Torres Michael Tubolino Steven Tucker Joseph Tull Ryan Tyson Ted Walker
Collin Walsh Daniel Walsh Jonathan Walsh Michael Walsh Christopher Webb Gordon Wells
Matthew White Rasheed Wilkins Bryan Williams Jonathan Wilt Brian Winning Paul Wisniowski
Christopher Wolf Andrew Zbikowski
senior studentcouncil Right - Bob Marzullo, Ryan Warrender, Patty Sinnot, Matt Alba, Jack Malone, Dan Murphy, Rob Powers, Andrew Bowman, Antoine Albert, Greg Woods, Adam Matone, Mark Franzen, Tom Barr (not pictured Nate Clapper and Austin Meehan)
junior studentcouncil Right- Mike Tubolino, John Stumpo, Bob Long, Kevin Johnson, Jim Catalino, Bob Kelly, Pat Mcginnis, Mike McGee, Ryan Smalley, David Omojogunra, Kevin Merlini, Joe Radaszewski, Nick Carboni
sophomore studentcouncil Right - Will Begley, Rhoads Worster, Joe Moroney, Tom O'Kane, Kevin Clark, Drew Russin, Mike Fasano, Steve Szostak, Pat Resch, Chris Edger
REPRESENT! NG 9-12 One Hundred Fifty Years - the Student :ouncil theme for 2007-2008 school year, was hosen to celebrate everything that La Salle has tood for over the past 150 years, a legacy that as remained in tact for such a long time and rill continue to grow along with the school for ears to come. As construction started in the summer for a Salle's new expansion projects, many peole wondered what would happen to the unity nd strength of LaSalle. However, right from 1e start of the school year, when we succeed:i our magazine goal of $115,000, we knew 1at the school year would continue on that
Above - Tom Barr and Will Begley bring up the gifts at the St dent Council Induction Liturgey
high pace and our strength and unity was at an all time high. After the first mixer, the opening pep rally, Wing Bowl, the formal, Battle of the Bands, Field Day, proms, and the numerous PCL Championships, the 2007-2008 school has been a year of success. The past year was a great year at La Salle thanks to the support of Mrs. Maher (who we drove crazy at times), the leadership and enthusiasm of the entire Student Council, and participation and support of the entire student body . - Andrew Bowman '08
Above - The Senior Student Council reading their pledge. Left - The Explorer poses with Andrew and Rob for the money shot!
,ove - Secretary Ron Abel, Mrs. Maher, President Andrew Bowman, Vice esident Rob Powers
freshman studentcouncil Left - Patrick 0' Donnell, Andrew Eckert, Stephen Duzinski, Will Hanneke, Chris Dearolf , Brendan Stone, Nick Bums, Calvin Perlman, William Turner, Jaylen Bond, Michael Bell, Steve Collins, Ryan Kelly
national The National Honor Society is a remarkable organization comprised ofJuniors and Seniors. These upperclassmen members are selected and employ the guiding principles of the Society: scholarship, leadership, character, and service. This year's faculty leaders Dr. Joseph D' Angelo and Brother William DiPasquale and student leaders, along with the myriad of members have served and helped the La Salle community in a variety of ways. The main focus of the National Honor Society is the peer tutoring. Every year the members gratefully offer their services to any student seeking extra assistance in a class. The tutors meet with the students on a weekly basis
honor society
Seniors John Diulio and Frank Farrell enjoy the after honors party
and offer aid and support throughout the yea1 However, the members of the Nationa Honor Society not only tutor, but also serve a ushers, tour guides, and greeters at severa school functions. The NHS is also responsibl for the annual Red Cross Blood Drive, in whicl the students and faculty look to improve th community . The students that make up the NHS ar some of the best and brightest, and their ac complishments in the classrooms could exten, for pages. But the NHS brings these student together and channels their energy for the be路 terment of La Salle and the outside world. - Matt Razzano 'O
Above: Kevin Minton and Mike Oliver take some time for a picture with their mothers Right: Seniors Sean Moffa and Mark Franzen enjoy the accolades
Above: Bro. Richard Kestler and Mr. Marchese congratulate Greg Woods
nhs officers From left: Matt Razzano, Mike Oliver, Mike Rongione, and Anthony Kent
Left: The procession of the honor students Below: Tom Bender and Andrew Galbally
,ve: Anthony Kent and Bro. James :k ht: Parents with ,ugh the night
Top: Mr. Patel, Mrs. Minton, and Mr. Miller enjoy the guest speaker Below: "Psst. ..Marty wake up!"
ls c SERVICE 4 ALL From Service to Solidarity- "An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." This quotation by Martin Luther King, Jr. perfectly represents the Lasallian Service Corps. As the largest and most involved club at La Salle, students rise up and reach out to the community, both locally and internationally. It is not difficult to see that students at La Salle truly live out the message of "Leave to Serve." LSC offers a wide array of weekly service opportunities, from tutoring underprivileged students at La Salle Academy, St. Martins, or Providence Center, to serving meals at Project home or Sarnelli House.
Sop omore Travis Roberts helps tuto r at Providence Center
Along with many other opportunities, U carries their work over to the weekends, whe students participate in Saint Vincent's S01 Kitchen and Saint Francis Inn. For studer who are busy with other commitments, La Sa offers many seasonal and summer service o portunities, such as Secret Santa and the A palachian trip. Last summer, 17 La Salle st dents also traveled to Bolivia, where they u dertook various forms of service and expe enced the Bolivian culture first-han As a vibrant aspect of La Salle, the students LSC offer their own talents in giving back. - Dan Murphy '
Above: Paul Nucero and Dan Murphy bring smiles to the children of Bolivia Right: Three groups of Juniors attended Urban Challenge in Camden this year
Above: Chris Wolper, Jason Rashiatore, and Matt Razzano help fix-up h1 es in Appalachia
providencecenter tutoring Senior Joe McCollum joins La Salle students and Mr. Barna each Wednesday
Far left: Baskets with collected food are placed by the altar. Near left: La Salle students along with Santa distribute gifts.
explorerclub Students that tutor during the year also enjoy sharing the Christmas holiday with the children at St. Martin de Porres
operation santa claus Seniors pose in front of gifts collected for distribution the day before Christmas
thanksgiving food drive Fr. Tony and Rev. Rayik bless the baskets to help feed numerous families in the Philadelphia area.
Ill LASALLE COLLEGE HIGHSCHOOL 2008 junior urban challenge october
appalachian servicetrip
bolivia servicetrip
BLUE & GOLD Ill ----------•
ls c JUNIORURBANCHALLENGE 'Leave to Serve." These words are comm once among students and faculty alike here at 3alle. For juniors who partake in the "Urban :tllenge," these words take on a more pow11meaning. Students leave the comforts of Salle to spend time in Camden, a place ridt with poverty, crime, and violence. The ,ban Challenge" provides a unique chance ;kim the surface of a life lived in poverty. those who partake in the "Urban Chalge," it is an eye-opening experience. Stutts come to appreciate what they have and v blessed their lives really are. The chal5e makes students realize that poverty is a cial problem in the world today and much st be done to create economic equality . Stutts come face-to-face with dozens of unedu?d or under-educated men, women, and .dren who live their days wondering ~ther they will see the sun tomorrow. \lthough the challenge is a one-night expe-
rience, the various activities the students perform while in Camden allow students to successfully influence the lives of the people they meet. Before the challenge began, students were not acclimated to such a foreign lifestyle. Students were asked to be open to such a different way of life. Students realize the difficulties of living a life of poverty in Camden . When asked about his experience on the "Urban Challenge," one student remarked, "The employees at the Romero Center, where we stayed, put into perspective just how difficult and dangerous life can be in Camden." Certainly before students experienced the "Urban Challenge" they never would have thought to be thankful for the simple things in life. One can conclude that "Urban Challenge" provides students with new insight into the world around them. - John Delucca '08
junior urban challenge december
junior urban challenge february
BLUE& GOLDIll Below: Students bringing bags of gifts for Secret Santa
Right: Working hard with the Appalachian trip
Above: Senior Austin Meehan shares his experiences with the school community during liturgy Right: Mr. Barna helping tutor the kids at Providence Center
freshman branch-outday
Left: Bro. Richard Kestler and Mr. Marchase welcome visitors from La Salle Academy Below: Taking care of the locals in Bolivia
,ve: Even the faculty have a day ~rvice (Ms. Agnew and Mr. Brett) ht: Freshmen at Philabundance ing Branch-out Day
Top Above: La Salle swimmers on a service trip Top Below: Juniors working on Urban Challenge
first place individualscores Senior Bill Maslin placed first with a perfect score!
mathletes This year the Mathletes Team came in first place in their division
secondplace individualscores Senior Mike Marra-Powers came in second place
Multi- award winning Academic Decathlon Seni rs from Left: John De Lucca. Dave Lougherty, Lance Fagan, an Kelvin Lam
ove: Will Dearden comes home with the most bling!!!
Above: Brendan Fitzpatrick proudly shows off his medals
academic decathlon
the great
Left: Mr. Shay int duces the one a only ...T.J. McCarric
Above: Only this student panel could strike fear into the heart of Dr. Lehman Right: Dr. Lehman concedes a point.
Above: Mr. Ray Shay: Introductions never looked so good.
Right: The student panel listens as路 tutely as Dr. Lehman answers yet an路 other question
Far Left: Antoine Albert grills Dr. Lehman with another hard hitting question. Left: Dr. Lehman skillfully answers Antoine's question drawing on a veritable cornucopia of knowledge
Left: Dr. Lehman explains his experience on the 9/11 Commission and the lessons that the Commission gives for the future.
Left: The questioning period wraps up with some comic relief provided by Mr.Shay.
Bottom from left : Matt Schmitz , Bobby Long, and Pat Gavin. Top: Mr. Scott Wolpert, ESQ., Nick Rizzuto, Mark Kinslow, and Mr. Evans
Team gets some legal ad,
mocktrial team Varsity team: Nick Rizzuto, Pat Devine, Mark Kinslow, Bobby Long, and Matt Schmitz
Left: Bobby Long cross-examines Mark Kinslow
Below: Matt Schmitz laces up the gloves for a fight!
ove: Nick Rizzuto ...a credible ness?
Right: Team checks out the competition
Above top: "Explain to me what you saw in the alley way?" Above: "Is this your name on the restraining order?"
BLUE & GOLD Ill Below: Antoine Albert presenting his tournament winning performance
Right: Pat Dohony getting into char路 acter
Above: John Diiulio in a heated de路 bate round Right: John Wayne enjoys Jim Benis路 check's argument
forum WINNING PERFORMANCES La Salle's Forum, commonly called the Speech and Debate :1.m,began the 07-08 season with the September Wake Forest tiversity Tournament, performing very well.The highlight of ? trip was Team President Antoine Albert, who advanced to i final round in Dramatic Interpretation. Coached by La Salle 1m Pete Eisenhower and 'Team Mom' Mrs. Smith, Antoine :l the tnterpreters have continued to achieve success throught the season, including Antoine Albert's first place victory at : Yale Invitational as well as freshman Eric Stone's qualifying the State Tournament. Steve Kemytsky '08, coached by Ray :1.y, has attained great success in extemporaneous speaking, 路ning a bid to the Tournament of Champions. The Lincoln uglass Debate squad, coached by alum Steve McElroy, lead Senior John Diiulio, who won first place at the Pennsbury con Invitational, and Sean Janda, who qualfiied for competi:l in the Pennsylvania state tournament, has made its mark in
the debate community. Their novices have also rapidly advanced to the top of the novice division. The policy debate team, coached by Br. Kevin Dalmasse, has also attained great success. Sertiors Mike McCabe and T.J.McCarrick advanced to the quarterfinal round of the Big Bronx tournament. Mike Rajnherc '08 and John Sperger '08 also achieved success advancing to the serrti-final round of the Villiger Tournament. The team 's success was further deepened with the policy debate team of T.J. McCarrick and John Sperger winning 1st place at the George Mason Urtiversity Tournament in January. The sophomores of the policy debate team of Jim Bertischeck and Josh Thom are also rising to the occasion gaining recogrtition at every tournament they attend. With only three tournaments left, the team hopes to continue its dominance in the state, as well as solidify its dominance at the national level. -TJMcCarrick '08
Above: Sean Janda speaks in terms that no one understands Left: We hope Josh is only looking at evidence
,hay congratulates John Sperger and T.J. McCarrick on qualifying to Nalls in Las Vegas
policy debate team From Left: Josh Thom, Jim Benischeck, John Sperger, T.J. McCarrick, and Coach Bro. Kevin Dalmasse
BLUE& GOLDIll ----------Below: Pat Dwyer gets up close and personal with art
Right: Collage by Colin Murray
Above: Drawing by Brian Ledder Right: Drawing by Rick Chiodo
foundations art
art PAINTBYNUMBERS Left: Folded vase by Sean Montgomery Right: Drawing by Matt Antonello
Above: Mr. Heam in the Art Room Le~ Drawing by Anthony Witkowski
,ve: Painting by Phil Iannuzzi
art club
ba nd NOTESON A SCALE La Salle has many opportunities for the aspiring young musician , based on scheduled band classes during the school day and private instrumental instruction . La Salle musicians participate in a myriad of extracurricular bands as well, including the pep band, which cheers on the football team from the stands; the pit orchestra, which provides all the music for La Salle's musicals; and the acclaimed competition jazz band, which competes against other high schools in the region. The skill of musicianship represented in the pit orchestra and competition jazz band is an anomaly among high school musicians . The pep band is the largest band at La Salle, full of enthusiastic supporters of their school, willing to dedicate many Friday
Above • Mr. Vettori leads Comp Band at the Annual Jazz Festival.
and Saturday nights to cheer on their team. T pit orchestra, masterfully conducted by Juli Tucker, performs the full professional score i the spring musical every year. The competiti band, which showcases 20 of La Salle's m, talented musicians, has enjoyed great succ1 under the leadership of Mr. Joe Vettori, shatt ing expectations several years in a row. This year, the band was led by President . lian Tucker and Vice Presidents Kevin Hugl and Bill Rooney. Thanks to the hard work a dedication of these three young men, Mr.\, tori, Mr. Ciccimaro, and the entire amazi music staff, La Salle's music department l enjoyed a fantastic year! - Kevin Hughes
Above • Sax Section performs at the Christmas Concert that Kenny G? Oh wait, no, it's Mike McCabe! Left· The String Ensemble poses for a group picture after the concert.
Above· Senior Jack Blanke playing lead guitar in Compe tition Band .
competition band
Far Left • Jamming at the Football game. Left¡ Junior Mike Tubolino tries to keep up with the band.
BLUE & GOLD Ill Below - The Bari's hit those low notes led by Senior Dan Erhard (left)
Right - Ryan Lonergan Plays a solo on the Tenor Sax
Above - Julian Tucker, president of the Band, conducts the Concert Band Right - Senior Bill "Sunshine " Rooney lays down a little funky bass line ..
liturgy band
"Long Miles" is: Brett Haenn: guitar John Shields: vocals and guitar Sam Morgan: bass Jason Rivkin: drums James McNally: guitar
band /chorus SING4 U
Above: La Salle senior chorus members Left: Choral Director Mr. Norman
Above: Matt Dwyer, Kyle Scheetz, Brian McGinly, and Dean Buonomo singing at school liturgy Left: Senior Matt Smeltzer
The tenor section!!!
la salle chorus The upperclassmen
the odd couple 1+1=2? Can two divorced men share an apartment without driving each other crazy? That was the subject of La Salle's Fall Drama, Neil Simon's classic comedy The Odd Couple. The story is about two childhood friends, a slob named Oscar Madison (Frank Farrell '08) and a neat-freak named Felix Unger (John Diiulio '08), who move into the same apartment after Felix is thrown out by his wife. What starts as an arrangement between friends soon turns into a nightmare as the two begm to realize that they can't stand living together. Their poker buddies Speed (Matt Dwyer '08), Murray (Mykk Hoffman '08), Vinnie (Sean Janda '10), and Roy (Vince Szczesniak '10) are soon caught right in the middle of the growing tension. Much hilarity ensues, including an awkward dinner date with the ditzy
Pigeon sisters, Cecily (Catherine Begley '08, MSJ) and G~ dolyn (Barbara Spencer '08, GMA). In the end, we learn the bonds of friendship are what matter most. A great deal of credit must be given to the stage and ligh crew that constructed the stage setting and allowed the sho路 run as smoothly as possible. Also, the cast and crew owe th, to Laura Free '08 (MSJ),who was an excellent prop and cosh coordinator, and Drew Needham '09, who served as stage n ager. Finally, this production would not have been pos~ without the flawless direction of Mr. Micky Dominick and Mark Norman. Both believed that they had the right perso to create something truly special. The result speaks for itse -John Diluli1
Above:The gang prays for Felix Unger after a big mistake Right: Mykk Hoffman and Vince Szczesniak try to help John walk it off!
Above: Frank Farrell and Vince Szczesniak
cast Vince Szczesniak, Sean Janda, Matt Dwyer, Mykk Hoffman, Frank Far路 rell, John Diiulio, Catherine Begley, and Barbara Spencer
Left: The Stage Crew takes a well deserved break Below: Frank Farrell gets the stink out!
ve: Frank Farrell yells at Matt er t John Diiulio struggling along
Top: Catherine Begley and Barbara Spencer share a scene with John Diiulio Bottom: "Hey everybody! It's Sean Janda!!!!
BLUE & GOLD Ill Below: Just a cast of characb
Right: "How you doin'?" Brian McGinley and Kim Whitehill
Above: Dean Buonomo as Roscoe the Director
Right: "Make 'em Laugh"
senior cast members
in t h e rain
MUSICAL NUMBERS The La Salle musical this year was "Singin' in the Rain". Origally a hit movie starring Gene Kelly, this was the first time La 11ledecided to put the production on stage. It was Colleen urkin Lapowski's twentieth and firtal production at La Salle. 1e cast and crew worked hard to ensure she will remember her st show for the rest of her years. Rehearsals began in early January, and it was a fast three .onths of dedication from everybody involved. Choral Direc,r Mark Norman was in charge of the vocal rehearsals. Mr. ,seph Vettori assisted in directing the pit band, conducted by nior Julian Tucker. Kim Williams, once again, was the dance 1oreographer. The story follows a film company that is in jeopardy as silent .ctures shift into talking pictures. Brian McGinley plays Don )ckwood, the head actor of the studio. Along with his buddy osmo Brown (Matt Dwyer), owner R.F. Simpson (Kyle
Scheetz), agent Rod Dexter (Tim Lapowski), and director Roscoe Dexter (Dean Buonomo), they have to deal with their nasty lead actress named Lina Lamont (Catherine Begley, MSJA), w hose speaking voice does not transfer well to the talking pictures. Their only hope remains with a charming girl named Kathy Seldon (Kim Whitehill), who must dub in her voice for Lina's dialogue . The show was a huge success. As usual the dancing was phenomenal, with numbers like "Moses Supposes" and "Broadway Melody" played as the big hits. There were some impressive visual effects to create the rain on stage. Ultimately, the incredible mix of young talent within the cast, crew, and staff led to the show's remarkable run. Colleen's twenty year career definitely went out with a bang, and the La Salle theater will surely miss a great director who put her heart and soul into every production. -Matt Dwyer '08
Above: Sharp-dressed men!
,ove: Seniors Tim Lapowsky and Kyle Scheetz are a couple of angry young en
Left: A masked Brian McGinley with Catherine Begley
W EXP ON THEAIR IN 4 ...3...
Left : Ryan McCann and Dave Dick son Abo e: Jeremy Rich gives the thumbs up! Righ t: Mr. Johnson on the job!
Above: James Mills and Kevin Gatti putting together the script
wexp staff
Right: Mike Coyle, Dan Goodwin, and Travis Roberts check if all is ready for the news cast.
Above: Pat McGwire on Camera ",
Left: Sound and camera check!
Below: The panic before the show!
路e: Teleprompter is ready!
ght: Ian Haney and Kelvin Lam
Above Top: Showtime!!! Above: Jeremy Miles ...Floor Director!!!
Right: Visitors always stop in to the Yearbook office because of the peaceful and clean setting. They also like to critique the work and se路 lect more pictu res of themselves for the book ...oh, the vanity!
Wisterian Editors: Left: Tom Bender Right: Jeff Murtha and Brendan Cummings
wisterian staff From Left: Brendan Cummings, Will Marble, Dave Lougherty, Tom Ben路 der, Billy Brennan, and Travis Roberts
Left: Devoted Yearbook member Rob Costello works on finishing a deadline.
Above : J.J. spots some Yearbook groupies trying to get his autograph.
,ove: J.J. Houldin sneaks in pictures while others do the work!
Left: T.J. McCarrick tries to bring re路 spectability to this dog-eat-dog world of Yearbook production.
blue and gold Final deadline leads normally loving comrades into blood-thirsty monsters
Left: Coach Sig taking all the glory f< his hardworking staff.
Above: John Sperger checks the personal files of the teachers.
Right: Mr. Johnson some problems
takes care of Above: Anthony Liberato, Brendan DaCosta, and Kelvin Lam playing gam, when they should be working!
Left: J.J.dominates. Below: Drew Palazzo showing off his muscular physique.
Left: Coach Duncheskie, Coach Rieffel, and stati路 cian/moderator Father Janton regrouping at halftime. Above: The starting six preparing for battle.
Varsity WaterPolo First Row: Coach Kevin Rieffel, Luke Vrancken, Tom Knab, Chris Nunnari, Fred Mischler, Will Galbally, Harry Bonet, Chris Catalino, Pat Maginnis. Second Row: Nolan Funcion, Phil Letcavage, Eddie Kehan, Brendan McGoldrick, Shawn Warrender, David Cinque, Coach Jim Tate. Third Row: Moderator Father Janton, Paul McGee, Will Dearden, James Mahoney, Connor Brack路 en, Todd Domanski, Connor Cunningham, Mike McGee, J.J. Houldin, Greg Woods, Kyle Finlay, Rhodes Worster, Head Coach Steve Duncheskie. Not Pictured: Ted Walk路 er, Drew Palazzo.
I LI-\ i)l'\LLC
The La Salle basketball team made the playoffs for the second straight season this year and ended up losing in the playoffs to North Catholic, who ended up winning the Catholic League. The Explorers were led by a good core group of seniors with a great supporting cast of underclassmen. The season started out with a very tough non-league schedule and the team did very well against some of the top programs in the area. In addition, they beat one of the top teams in Florida, La Salle-Miami . These tough non-league games were scheduled to get the team prepared for the grueling Catholic League North. The grueling nature of the Northern division was quite evident this year. The Explorers had ten of its twenty six games come down to one possession, with three of those games going into overtime . Some of the most memorable moments would include Joe Migliarese's game winning lay-up against Archbishop Ryan and Matt Crozier's last second shot to beat Archbishop Wood in overtime . Another one of the great moments from this season was the play-in game against Judge . The 6th man was in full effect and gave the Explorers the advantage before the tip-off. The Explorers jumped to an early lead and never looked back. They led for most of the game and came out with a 54-46 victory. La Salle had two players honored as AllCatholics, CJAiken as 2nd team and Matt Crozier as 1st team. Although the Explorers post season was abruptly halted by North Catholic, the team ended up with a very successful season in returning to the playoffs. - B.J. Fitzgerald '08 Above Right: Joe Migliarese takes his man to the hole!
Seniors Frank Pierson (right) and B.J. Fitzgerald (ab helped lead the Explorers this year
Left:PCL 2nd teamer C.J. Aiken throws it down! Below: Fantastic Frosh Eddie JoynerMitchell running the show
Above: Team gets ready for another big game Left: La Salle's sixth man pumpin' it up
Varsity Basketball 2007-08Varsity Basketball Team
Left: Senior and 1st team PCL Matt Crozier fakes his man
Below: Explorers crash the boards
Basketball Seniors From left: Matt Crozier, B.J. Fitzgerald, Frank Pierson, and Joe Migliarese
Below: Diaper Dandy Jaylen I lays one in
Above: Joe Brown with the lay-up Left: Joe Naji with the rebound
Frosh Basketball Head Coach Alex Brown sets the next play for the Freshmen
Below: Senior Matt Mooney crushes his competition
Right: Alex Prendergast causes some pain
Right : Tom Cosella with Coach Vic Stanley on Senior night
Wrestling 2007-08 La Salle Wrestling Team
w: Eric Reale poses for a picture while taking his man out
路e: Ryan Corkery mashes his opponent t: Coach congratulates Senior Dylan Johnson after ,er win
The season began in memory of 1st Lt. Travis Manion, a LaSalle wrestler from the class of 1999 who was killed serving his country in Iraq. La Salle's own tournament was renamed The Travis Manion Memorial Tournament, in his honor . Going into this season the Explorers had a lot to live up to after winning the PCL Championship last season. The team was led by Senior Captains Matt Mooney and Mike Furlong, as well as Sophomore Captain CJBums. The team began the year with a tough tournament schedule. In those tournaments, La Salle placed 5th at Nazareth, 4th at Penn Manor, 2nd at Hatboro-Horsham's Wetzel Tournament, 4th at the Devil Duals, 6th at Central Mountain Duals, and they won the Manion Memorial Tournament. A great moment of the year was when Matt Mooney won his lOOth varsity match during the Central Mountain Duals. At La Salle's own tournament the team placed 12 wrestlers including 3 champions: sophomore, Ryan Ginsburg; freshman Joe Mazzi; and senior, Mike Furlong. As for dual meets, the team started with a big win over Conwell Egan, followed by a setback to rival Northeast Catholic, dropping a tight match 33-25. The Explorers went on to win the rest of their PCL matches. The team entered the playoffs and defeated Archbishop Wood and Monsignor Bonner. Entering the championship, the team had high expectations, but lost to North Catholic, 29-20. La Salle then entered the individual tournaments starting with PCLindividuals. Here, the Explorers placed 2nd, behind North Catholic, with 3 PCL Champions in Mazzi, Mooney, and Ginsburg. Next for the Explorers was the PA individual state tournament, where LaSalle placed 4th as a team. Here, the team had 10 place-winners, including 8 national qualifiers. At National Preps the team did very well. Six of the seven wrestlers who competed won matches in a tough field of competitors. As a team, the Explorers took 17th in the Nation, with two All-Americans, Matt Mooney (7th place) and Joey Mazzi (4th place). - Mike Furlong '08
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As always La Salle's hockey program provided 3 highly competitive teams to compete against many of the top high school teams in the area. These 3 teams competed at 3 different levels, including JVAA, Varsity AA, and Varsity AAA. The hockey program will graduate 13 sen iors this year, all of whom played for a team all 4 years. Of these 13 seniors, 4 play for the Varsity AAA team including: Adam Berkie, TJ Laessig, Dan Pyne, and Kyle Zoldy . Mike Roche, Mike Rongione, Brad Hollingsworth, Frank Cassidy, Collin Miller, and Christian Baron are the seniors from the Varsity AA team, while Mike Fabiszewski, Tony DePaul, and Nick Pederson are the graduating seniors from the JVAA team. The JVAA team posted an impressive 19-2 record throughout the 2007-2008 season. While maintaining this record the team competed hard all season and captured the #1 seed in their league . After suffering a rough start, the Varsity AA team battled back and finished with a 13-7-2 record . The AA team completed their season with a dominant 8-1 win over a talented Malvern team and took 9th place in their league. After suffering a disappointing playoff loss last season, the AAA team returned with the core of the team, as well as a few new players in order to make a run at yet another Flyers' Cup . The team opened their season with big wins over rival schools, such as St. Mary's, The Hill School, and Wyoming Seminary. The day after Christmas the team looked to add to their success by winning the Mt. Saint Charles Tournament. The team defeated the top teams in the New England area and took home the 1st place trophy. Along with this accomplishment, the team also captured its 2nd consecutive Meadville Championship at another tournament in Meadville, PA. The AAA team finished the season with an impressive 26-1-2 record and headed into the playoffs with the #1 seed. They hope to continue their success with a Flyers' Cup Championship and hopefully, a state championship. - Kyle Zoldy '08
Above: Kyle Zoldy wins a faceoff to Adam Berkie. Left: TJ Laessig rushes the puck into the offensive :
Left: The AAA team celebrates after winning the Meadville Tournament for the 2nd year in a row. Below: Adam Berkie swings to pick up the puck.
Above: Dan Pyne makes yet another save, while Ryan Tyson picks up the rebound. Left: Senior members of the La Salle Hockey program
Hockey Left: The La Salle Varsity AAA Team
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Above: Mike Rongione rips a blazing slap-shot (Look at his muscles). Below: Frank Cassidy carries the puck, looking to score another goal .
â&#x20AC;˘ Hockey Right: The LaSalle Varisty AA Team
Above: The Varsity AA team celebrates after scoring a goal.
Above: Defenseman, gione, wins a faceoff.
Left: Brad Hollingsworth after mak ing a save.
Below: Collin Miller battles to control of the puck.
Far left: JV ready for the face-off Near left: Defense ready
Above : Anthony Zaffino ready for a pass Left: Clear the puck!
Hockey Left: The LaSalle JV AA Team
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Below: Greg Barksdale 1st in highjump PCL
Right: McLovin' is runnin' Dolan)
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Right: Tom Barr shot-put finished lstin PCL
Record Setting Relay La Salle Indoor Track Distance Medley Team Wins PTFCA State Championship with a National Best Time The La Salle Indoor Track Distance Medley Relay Team won the PTFCA State Title with a national best time. The relay team of Anthony Kent (400 leg), Brian Ledder (800 leg), Pat Donnelly (1200 leg), and Dan Lowry (1600 leg) cut 16 seconds off their previous best to finish with a time of 10:15.89.
w: Beau Whitman 1st in pole vault
In preparing for the 2008 Indoor Track and Field season coaches Pat Devine and Greg Bielecki, along with Tom Devlin and Matt Derrick had high hopes for a successful year. After a number of strong showings by key runners early in the season, the coaches were quickly assured that a sensational season was in the near future. The underclassmen were key contributors to the team. Freshman Beau Whitman was the PCL Pole Vault Champion. Stand out sophomores Tom O'Kane, Nick Molloy, and James Stevenson helped pace the squad and assure the coaching staff that the future is indeed bright. The juniors, led by future captains Pat Donnelly, Sean McCullough, and Bobby Long, as well as long jumper Ryan Patrick, were intricate parts of a team that came together at PCL Championships to put together solid third place finish. Certainly senior leadership was the motivation behind this team. The Class of 2008 returned four First Team All-Catholic athletes: Dan Lowry (2008 PCL Mile and 3,000 meter champion), Greg Barksdale (2008 PCL High Jump Champion), Steve Dolan, and Brian Ledder. These four athletes along with 2008 Honorable Mention All-Catholic Hurdlers, Mark Franzen and Andrew Dowds, 2008 AllCatholic in the Shot Put Tom Barr, Chris Fasy, and Tom Buoncristiano were major contributors to a successful team . The highlight of the season came from the Distance Medley Relay consisting of Pat Donnelly, Anthony Kent, Brian Ledder, and Dan Lowry. The DMR ran a record time at the Pennsylvania State Indoor Championship Meet on March 1, 2008. All four were First Team All-State and their time of 10:15.89 was the fastest time in the United States in 2008. The DMR ran the third fastest high school time ever in the United States. The 2008 indoor season certainly closed on a good note, with a definite sense of accomplishment. - Steve Dolan '08 Top Left: Tom O'Kane distance runner Left: Sean Brooks sprinter
ve: Mark Franzen 60 meter hurdler
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Over the past twenty years not much has changed for La Salle's swimming program. The team, led by Head Coach Frank Lichtner and Assistant Coaches, Dennis Bloh, Steve Duncheskie, Jim Tate, and Kevin Rieffel, captured its 20th consecutive Catholic League Championship in early March of 2008. This victory came after well-deserved accomplishments at the National Catholics (3rd place) and Eastern Interscholastic Championships (2nd place). At the start of the season, the swim team was reminded of the history and tradition that the coaches challenged the team to keep alive. From the start of the four-month season, the coaches saw something special in this year's team. Their heart and teamwork was alive inside and outside of the pool, as the team practiced hard and took on new obstacles in community service. In December, the team purchased, wrapped, and delivered gifts to a poor Albanian family in Kensington. This season was truly a ground-breaking one for La Salle Swimming. Captains JJHouldin, Todd Domanski, and Greg Woods succeeded in leading the team by example; as lap times began to drop, a sense of teamwork and friendship was established. As the year progressed, La Salle was undefeated in dual meets and headed into its final appearance at the Eastern Interscholastic Championships. Junior Ted Walker had a pair of top-6 individual finishes and Blase Szyszko placed 3rd in the 100 breaststroke. Blase went on to break both the school and league records in the breaststroke, while James Mahoney won an inspirational race at the PCL Championships. The seniors especially are very thankful for Coach Lichtner and his ability to better the team not only as swimmers, but as individuals. GOOD LUCK to next year's team, who will move onto the PIAA and new competition! And remember, "You don't have to feel good to swim fast" ... Coach Frank Lichtner. - Greg Woods '08
Top: Rhodes sums up the entire teams feelings at PC Left: Speese flexing for the biddies.
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Left: Coach Lichtner hoists up the PCL plaque for the 18th consecutive time in his career at La Salle. Below: Tom O'Neill swims with an intensity that many can not handle.
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Left: Coaches Tate and Duncheskie reminiscing about their own glory days when they were champs. They helped start the program's dominance years ago. Above: Connor Bracken gasping for air â&#x20AC;˘.... and it's only warm-up.
Senior Swimmers Seniors and tri-captains Todd Domanski, J.J.Houldin, and Greg Woods . An eclectic group of leaders who helped guide the team to its 20th consecutive PCL championship.
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Left: Todd checking his display of manpower on the scoreboard.
Below: Mahoney fires off the block
Right: Coach Lichtner with the team's winning 400 Free Relay consisting of Todd Da-man-ski, Andrew Sideras, Kyle Finlay, and Freddy Walker .
Below: Mike McGee, Tom 0'1' and Tom Knab enter the wate 1 the first of 20 laps.
20 PCLsina row Above: The team celebrating their monumental win. Left: Coach Lichtner with this two breastrokers, Great Woods, and Blaise Syzkco, the new PCL record holder.
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This year the bowling team was ready to start bowling and play the other teams when the month of November came. The team was set with four returning Varsity players and one new edition: seniors, John Fischer, Kelvin Lam, Anthony Liberato, Dan Erhardt; and Junior Jimmy Robinson. The first half of the season was slow with not too many wins, and after the holidays, tragedy struck when Robinson transferred. His spot was filled by another senior, Chris Johnson, who had vastly improved since the previous years. He stepped up and bowled like a champ, never giving up . However, the team was not able to hold up against some of the other teams in the PCL which had many more consistent players who frequently shot above 200. Even though the team did not consistently win, it still put up a valiant effort and showed that it could compete with the best of the best in the league. Other seniors on the team were Jason Raschiatore, Jonathan Weidner, and JohnMichael Dronson, all of whom rose to the occasion when they were needed to fill in for varsity and bowled well in their JVmatches. Overall, the year was a success even though the team did not make it to the playoffs . Everyone on the team improved. The team won some games, and came close to winning oth ers, but everyone had fun which was the most important thing. In the end this season was encouraging for the future leaders of the team to carry on the name and bring home wins. Even with the senior leaders departing for college, those in line to fill their spots are ready for the chance to prove themselves and do what it takes to get things done. John Fischer '08 Above Right: John "Butters" Fisher after a clutch strike Far Right: Kelvin Lam with perfect form Near right: Anthony Liberato watches a big spare
Left: Senior members of the Bowling team with Coach Faunce and Moderator Senora Breen Below: Frosh Jamal Abdur-Rahman
Above: Jason Raschiatore fires one down the lane Left: One of the Senior leaders Dan Erhard
Bowling 2007-08 La Salle Bowling team
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The La Salle Explorers are approaching this outdoor track and field season with the intention of winning the PCL championship . Coming off of their fantastic indoor season, things are looking good for the team. The Distance Medley Relay team that consisted of Anthony Kent, Brian Ledder, Dan Lowry, and Pat Donnelly set not only a new school record by 12 seconds, but also a new state record. The DMR was also ranked number one in the nation. The DMR is a glimpse at the dominance that La Salle is developing in the distance events on and off the track. The team also has some fantastic potential in some of its underclassmen athletes, such as Beau Whitman who won the PCL indoor championship as a freshman. Sophomore Dylan Gavin also shows great potential in both the shot put and the discus. Field seniors Greg Barksdale and Tom Barr are also displaying strength in their respective events. Greg, in the high jump, won the PCL championships and ended the season with a personal record of 6'6", which tied La Salle's indoor record . Tom Barr had a good indoor season placing 5th in the state in shot put, with a personal record of 53'8.25". Along with these leaders, the Explorers have many new promising prospects for the new season that will aid the team on its journey towards a PCL championship. These are just of few of the key elements that will add up to a successful outdoor season for the outdoor track and field team, and they are working towards achieving their goals . -Tom Barr '08
Above right : Greg Barksdale, PCL high jump champ, teaches John Curtis a thing or two. Right: Matt "Old Man" DiGiacomo and Andrew Russin have a little fun while they train
Above : Sam Henderson gets some tips from Coach DiAddona
Left: All stare in amazement as Sam Pelone gets ready to heave the shot put
Below: Tom Barr pushes himself to become PCL champ again
Above: Discus throwers mentally prepare themselves by posing for a picture Left: Chris Becher listens to advice from Pole Vault Coach Brian Stone
Left: Sprinters take a much needed break
Ill LJ\ .:>ALLI: LULLt:\lt:
The La Salle Rowing Team entered the fall season under new leadership . Coach Chris Doyle took the helm as the team's new head coach for the 2007-2008 year. With years of rowing under his belt and his winning attitude, he is ready to prepare the team for the upcoming seasons. The Explorers' successes in the fall quickly filtered into the dreaded, but beneficial winter training . With a precisely designed work plan, the winter produced the results needed . However, just when everything was going as planned and we were ready to head into the spring season, we received word that our boathouse had been condemned. We wondered if we would even be able to row again, but Coach Doyle worked tirelessly to find a solution. Before we knew it, Coach Doyle had us cleaning out the old boathouse and moving to our new rowing sanctuary at the Whitemarsh Boat Club . We have been warmly welcomed at our new residence, thanks to the help of our coaches, alumni, and Whitemarsh Boat Club staff. The past few years have been times of rebuilding and this year we hope to put in the final touches . With success in the fall and boatshaking erg times, this year looks to be one of the best teams in years , from the freshmen to the seniors. Most importantly, our past struggles in the Varsity 8 look to be put to a stop this year. During our training we have brought out the motto, "La Salle Crew ... Fearless" and it has been going according to plan. Hopefully, the hard work and determination will translate into much success. - Nigel Gross '08
Above top: 2nd 8 cruising along Above bottom : JVS get ready
Left: Medal winning Light 8
Below : 2V
Far left: Tom Hall and Matt Schluckebrier in 2V
Near left: Devon Teichman, Nigel Gross, and Pat McGann in the VS
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Right: Nate Meyers with his blazing serve Below: Star John Lamprecht admiring his shot
Right: Doubles teams get to know one another better
Tennis Senior members of the Tennis team from left: Brian McGinley, Mike Oliver, Ryan White, Kyle Scheetz, Sean Moffa, Brad Hollingsworth, Nate Meyers, Mike Collinelli, and Andrew Witkowski
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Coming off of a spectacular PCL Championship last spring, the tennis team was highly motivated to bring another Catholic League Tennis Title back to La Salle. Tennis at La Salle has always been successful, and starting off this year, we were very excited to carry on this tradition as well as the tradition of excellence within La Salle. The team was destined to have another great spring with seven returning players from last year's Varsity squad. Led by seniors Mike Oliver, Nate Meyers, and Kyle Scheetz, this year's team has been filled with pure enthusiasm. While it is full of experience with other veteran standouts including juniors John Austin Lamprecht and Ryan Marcante, as well as seniors Ryan White, Anthony Witkowski, and Matt Illari, there was a lot of talent from new contributors including seniors Brad Hollingsworth, Mike Collinelli, Kyle Dufresne, Sean Moffa, and Brian McGinly, as well as juniors Bob Law, Joe Smart, and Brian Bonder. It is truly because of the team we had that this season will be remembered forever! Led by veteran coaches, Mr. Bill Geiger and Mr. Joseph Radvansky, the team was ready for another challenge and sure hoped to deliver . After playing well in preseason the team looked anxiously to upcoming matches, especially St. Joe's Prep, who we defeated in last year's championship. It is true that, "Individuals win matches, but teams win championships!", and I am proud to say that the men on the tennis squad this year were a team! We were truly prepared to face any challenge. - Mike Oliver '08
Varsity Tennis Above Left: Senior Mike Oliver gets ready for a successful season
Left: 2008 La Salle Varsity Tennis Team
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Right: John Bernhardt gets ready to throw some heat!
Above: Leadoff Matt Abel waits on his pitch
Right: Frank Pierson smacks one!
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Baseball <9 INTHELINEUP>
,r members of the Baseball Team: (Bottom from left) Jason Raschiatore, Frank Pierson, Matt and Jeff Murtha (Top) Matt Day, Joe Corcoran, Mike Higgins, Andrew Wood, and Tim wsky
The 2008 Varsity Baseball Team is an experienced squad. The team is returning seven starters from last year's team, including five position players and two pitchers. With new additions and seasoned veterans, the Explorers hope to make a run for the 2008 Catholic League title. The Explorers' offense should be productive this season. The team will be able to manufacture runs from many different spots in the lineup. Seniors Frank Pierson, Jeff Murtha, Matt Abel, Andrew Wood, Mike Higgins, and Jason Raschiatore will provide offensive leadership for the team . Juniors Tyler Freeman, Kevin Johnson, and Kevin Kelley, along with sophomore Joe Harvey, look to follow the lead of the seniors, producing wins . The pitching this season is once again anchored by lefties, Matt Day and Shawn O'Neil . Both are crafty pitchers who throw strikes and dominate hitters. Other pitchers that will see time in relief are juniors John Bernhardt and Jeff Schill. Senior Joe Corcoran and sophomore Joe Harvey will also be getting the call to throw for the team. The defense this year is very solid. Expect to see Andrew Wood, Frank Pierson, Tyler Freeman and Mike Higgins making plays in the infield; with Matt Abel, and Jeff Murtha leading the outfield . Kevin Kelley, Kevin Johnson and Joe Aloia will also be seen patrolling the outfield. The Explorers expect to have a great season. The team has a strong offense, great pitching, and solid defense. With coaches and players devoted to working hard, the Explorers look to compete for the Catholic League Championship. - Jeff Murtha '08
Above Left: Jeff Schill in the stretch
·e: Senior leaders Matt Day on the mound, while Higgins plays the hot comer
Left: Tyler Freeman launches a shot
111 LJ"'\ .:J/"\LLL
After falling short in the Eastern Pennsylvania State Championship last year, the 2008 La Salle lacrosse team will look to redeem themselves this year by sealing the deal this season. Although the Explorers lost a strong senior class to graduation, they will still have the talent to take this team far in the playoffs. With the strong leadership of coaches Bill Leahy and Tony Resch, this team could be holding up a state championship trophy at the end of the season. Juniors Pete Schwartz, Randy Forster, and Westy Hopkins will lead what looks to be a strong attack unit this year. The attack will have the support of a talented and athletic midfield comprised of seniors Conrad Ridgway, Matt Lynch, and Patty Sinnott along with juniors Derek Bogorowski, Ryan Eidenshink, and Gordy Wells. Together, the Explorers attack and midfield units will form an offense which should have no trouble putting the ball in the back of the net. Returning, starting goalie Niko Amato will anchor a defense that will make it extremely difficult for opposing teams to score this year. Senior Eric Heisner and juniors Tyler Knarr, Tucker Durkin, Mike Noone, and Tyler Houchins will make up this intimidating group of defenders.The Explorers are a promising team that looks to have a great season ahead of them. La Salle Lacrosse should be fun to watch as the team works hard toward winning both the PCL and State Championships this year. - Conrad Ridgway '08
Above Right: Randy Forester fires one on the net
Right: Senior Eric Heisner
Above: Senior Matt Lynch
Left: The Explorer face-off squad
Below: Conrad Ridgway burst down the field
with a
Above : Pete Schwartz looks for the open man
Left: Patty Sinnott on the run
Lacrosse Senior members of the La Salle Explorers Lacrosse team from left: Chris Johnson , Chris van Eekelen (Manager), Matt Lynch, Dan Sacchetta, Ryan Warrender, Pat Sinnott, Conrad Ridgway, and Eric Heisner
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01 \lVLU
Manbcw I.Abel St. Catherine of Sienna Baseball, Sarnelli House, Kairos Leader
Ronald F.Abel "Ronnie" St. Albert the Great Student Council, Operation Santa Claus, Crew, Lifeguard, Wing Bowl, Pep Rally
Robcn c.Abramo "The Snowman" Crew, WEXP, Mock Trial
Brendan s.Dern "Brohern" Immaculate Conception Freshman Mentor, Diversity Committee, LaSalle Academy Tutors, Secret Santa, Kairos Leader 37-60
lassof 2008seniorsclassof 2008seniorsclassof 2008seniorsclassof 2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclass
Above: Rongione and Jimbo receive words of wisdom from their hero, the almighty Mr. Clark Right: Mike Oliver, Matt Razzano, and Sean Moffa taking a picture for no reason whatsoever!
Above: Christmas tree with Senior ornaments
Mallbcw H.Alba ''Albie" "Sang" Visitation BVM Football, Student Council, Basketball, Kairos, Sarnelli House
Anlalne c.Alben "Don Giovanni" "Twan" Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church Forum, Multi-Cultural Club, Afro-American Student Leadership Group, Providence Center, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Freshman Mentor
James H.Aleea "Jim" St. Anne Stage Crew, Pepe Band, WEXP
Damcnlc A.Amodei "Dom Kill" St. Ephrem Football, Track, Italian Club
Mall~cw J.Anlancno Epiphany of Our Lady Human Rights Forum, Art Club, NHS, Track, St. Vincent Soup Kitchen, Project Home
Erler.Au St. Alphonsus La Salle Academy, Track, St. Francis Inn, NHS
Dorian C.Ballaup St. Dorothy Chorus, Belcrofters, Intramurals
Raymund J.Barker. Jr. "R.J:' Nativity of Our Lord Network Manager, System Administrator, TECHserv
Cregary A.Barksdale "Pringles" Seven Dolors Providence Center Tutoring, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Multi-Cultural Club, Track, Intramurals, Basketball
lu c.Barnell "Barney T" "Ireland" Epiphany Triest House, Young Politicians Club
Chrlsll11 V.Baran "Le Baron" St. Philip Hockey
Thomas s.Barr St. Alphonsus Student Council, Track, Amnesty International
Chrislapher M.Becher Our Lady Help of Christians Football, Lacrosse, Track, Sarnelli House, Kairos Leader
James F.Behr "Jimbo" St. Philip Neri Crew, Kairos Leader, Sarnelli House, Operation Santa Claus
Thomas S.Bender "Bender" "Splenda" "Lenda'' St. Genevieve Football, Crew, Wisterian, Project Appalachia, Junior Urban Challenge, Latin Club, Italian Club, Triest House, LSC, NHS, Kairos Leader
Vlclar lcnvenlla "Vic" St. Albert the Great Italian Club, Debate, Intramurals, La Salle Academy Tutoring
Paul M.BHJIIIZQ. Jr. "Big Slink'' Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Crew, Sarnelli House, St. Vincent Soup Kitchen, Outreach
Adams. Berkie "Berkey" St. Eleanor Hockey, Cross Country
Philip W.Blacsch.11 "Philip J.Fry" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Wrestling, Doing work on food
Marlo J.Bianchini "Dove Luigi?" Epiphany of Our Lord Track, Soccer, NHS, Young Politicians Club
Above: Evan Dysart, Bill Maslin III, Mario and Luigi (Frank Farrell) Left: Bill Rooney and his bass are inseparable
ve: Kairos 37-57 student leaders/karate kids
Ill LA SALLEGULLl:(:jl:HluH ~GHUUL2008
l:iLUt:lSil:iULU I I
Christopher c.Birzcs Mary Mother of the Redeemer Cross Country, Track
John J.Blanke "Jack'' Mary Mother of the Redeemer Competition Band, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Operation Santa Claus, Multi-Cultural Club, Intramurals, CYO, Liturgy Band, Bus Boy
Boben E.Bolecr.111 "Bob" St. Ignatius of Antioch Project Home, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Intramurals, Bolivia Service Trip, Crew
AndrewW. Bowman "Bowman" Immaculate Conception Student Council President , Competition Band, Football, Crew, Tennis, Ping Pong Club, History Club, LSC, People To People, Yearbook
assof2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass
Right: Ron Abel vents after escaping Mr. Rad's Pre-Cale class
Above: Tom Smart, Brian Collins, and B.J. Fitz right before getting kicked out of the library Right: Pat Moran and his shepherd, Mr. Brett
Joshua A.Brooks "Josh" Multi-Cultural Club, Chorus
John R.lru111baup Track
Daniel lueskine "Brueskie" Epiphany of Our Lord Gaming Club, Human Rights Forum
Tho111u luoncrlsliano "Tom'' "Bonkers" Maternity BVM Cross Country, Track
Dean L.luono1110 "Deanoo" St. Luke the Evangelist Piano, Chorus, Spring Musical
Kevin J.Caldwell St. Philip Neri Basketball, Track, La Salle Academy, Triest House
Michael I.Campbell "Mike" Epiphany of Our Lord Soccer, Intramurals, Amnesty International, La Salle Academy Tutors
Tyler J.Caracausa "Crack" St. Rose of Lima La Salle Academy, Crew, Project Home, Wrestling, Ski Club
I I L.f\ .-:>MLLC \JULLC\lC
Christians. Carey "Christopherson" True Light Fellowship Church Cross Country, Track, Art Club, Concert Band
Michaels. Casey "Casey" St. Andrew Track
lyanJ.Casey St. Jude Crew, Track, Cross Country, Basketball, Soccer, Hanging Out, Pit Volleyball, Open Gym, Campus Ministry
Francis I. Cauldy "Cass" "Don Cass" St. Genevieve Hockey, Freshman and Sophomore Branch Out Days, Junior Urban Challenge, Young Politicians Club
Cbrlsllpher J.Cella "The Big C" St. Albert the Great Track
llchard F.Chiodo "Rick" St. Agnes (Sellersville) Art Club
W.Andrew Clammenl "Drew" "Drew C" St. Philip Neri Football, Track, Multi-Cultural Club, History Club
Ale1ander T.Clllbeno "Cili" St. Alphonsus NHS, Kairos Leader
I I -------------
lalban C.Clapper "Nate" St. Maria Goretti Crew, Student Council, Intramurals, Junior Urban Challenge, La Salle Academy Tutoring
Evan E.Clauss "Ev" St. Robert Bellarmine La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS, Operation Santa Claus, Intramurals, Crew, Gaming Club
Michael J.Collinclll Presentation BVM La Salle Academy Tutoring, Secret Santa, Tennis, Track, Operation Santa Claus
Brian P.Collins St. Hilary Operation Santa Claus, Project Appalachia, Track, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Junior Urban Challenge, Soccer, Intramurals, People To People
Stanley Evan Cooper "Coop" "Coop-a-Loop" "Scoop Daddy" St. Jude Cross Country, Track, Spanish Club, Ski Club, NHS, People To People, Building Bridges of Solidarity, Bolivia Service Trip, Junior Urban Challenge, LaSalle Academy Tutoring
Joseph T.Corcoran "Grump" St. Luke the Evangelist Baseball, Latin Club, Intramurals, Kairos Leader
Thomas J.Casella "Cos" St. Katherine of Siena Wrestling, Celtic Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS
Chris J.Covlneton "Cov" Holy Cross African-American Leadership Group, Track
Mallhew D.Crazier St. Ignatius of Antioch Basketball, Kairos, Branch Out Day
Connor M.Cunnlnpam "Kinner" St. Alphonsus Water Polo, Surfing, Snowboarding
Michael A.Curley Mary Mother of the Redeemer Crew, Football, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Freshman Mentor, March for Life, Appalachia Service Trip, Kairos Leader
Brendan M.Dacosta "Pac" Our Lady of Guadalupe Soccer, Chorus, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Track, NHS
3Classof 2008seniorsclassof 2008seniorsclassof 2008sen1orsclass of 2008seniorsclassof 2008seniorscla
Above: Dan Marrazo paints it black Right: Rodney Hardee, Dennis McBride, and Josh Brooks ready for their college interviews
Brendan M.Dalian "B-Dalt" St. Andrew Competition Band, Chorus, Theater
Nlcbalas C.Danella "D'Nellz" Visitation BVM Gaming Club, Band , Kairos, Branch Out Days, Economics
Manbcw T.Day "Boot" St. Philip Neri Football, Baseball
Alc11ndcr I. Delancy St. Genevieve Football Manager
Above: Sac slashing through the defense Left: Dr. Steve Zegalia, a scholar and a gentleman
11 ._,,
Jabn F.DcLacca "Game Face" Mary Mother of the Redeemer St. Martin Tutoring, LaSalle Academy, NHS, Mathletes, Academic Decathlon, Italian Club, Hockey, Respect Life, Wisterian
Anlbany J.DcPaal Jr. "Tony" Epiphany Hockey, Golf, La Salle Academy Tutoring
Jabn P.Dllulia St. James Forum, Fall Drama, Bowling, NHS
Slcpbcn P.Dulan. Ill St. Helena Baseball, Cross Country, Track, Explorer Club, Intramurals, Project Appalachia, Student Council, Junior Urban Challenge, March for Life
Tadd E.Da11anskl "Frod" St. Philip Neri Soccer, Water Polo, Swimming, Freshman Mentor
Tba11as I. Dauetacrly "TR'' Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Debate, Italian Club, Wisterian, Intramurals, NHS
James c.Drlscau. Jr. "Jim" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Wrestling, Ski Club, Track
Jabn路Mlcbacl Dnnsan "J.D:' St. Agnes Track, Bowling, Guitar Ensemble, La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS, Latin Club
lyleL.lufresne St. John the Evangelist Soccer
JabnT.luke "Dukie" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Wisterian, Intramurals, History Club, NHS
Manbcw C.lwycr "Matt" Corpus Christi Chorus, Fall Drama, Spring Musical, WEXP, Italian Club, Band
Evan A.lysarl "Dice" Corpus Christi Track, Mathletes, NHS, Band
luiel T.Er~ard.111 "That's How I Roll" Visitation BVM Bowling, Compettion Band, Operation Santa Claus, Sarnelli House, Kairos Leader, Respect Life Club, Ski Club, Spring Musical, Skimming
Mlcbacl s.Erlcksan "Mike" St. Cyril Hockey, Tennis, Ski Club
llcbard I. Evan "Evan" Hockey
Mlcbael R.Fabiszewski "Fab" St. Alphonsus Hockey, Intramurals
.....,, unLLL
I "1VI
La1ce J. Fagan "Lance-a-lot" Immaculate Heart of Mary Concert Band, Pep Band, Lab Managers, Academic Decathlon, Stage Crew
Francis J. Farrell "Frank the Tank" Presentation BVM Fall Drama, WEXP, Sarnelli, Trank and Field, Spring Musical (Producer), Band, Yearbook
Christopher J. Fasy Holy Martyrs Cross Country, Track, Sarnelli House, La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS, Project Appalachia, Secret Santa
Michael D.Ferrlna "Jeff Gordon" Mary Mother of the Redeemer JV Wrestling, LaSalle Academy Tutors, Italy and France Trip '06
:lassof2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclasi
Above: We now present the musical stylings of this random group of seniors.
Above: Crozier proud to rep La Salle. Left: A rare photo of the infamous La Salle Brain Tl"l
Jah1 J.Fischer "Fisch" "Butters" St. Matthew Chorus, Belcrofters, Bowling, Italian Club, Gazebo, lntramurals
Brendan B.Fisher "Fish" St. Catherine Chillin'
Bernard J.Fllzeerald "BJ" "Fitz" St. Alphonsus Basketball, Soccer, Track, The Breathing Room Foundation
Matthew A.Farkin "Fork" St. Hilary of Poitiers Lab Manager, Track and Field, Intramurals, Open Gym
Harry S.Farsi "Forst" "Frost" Our Lady of Good Counsel Italian Club, Wrestling, Branch-Out Days
MarkA.Franzen "Jamarion'' Epiphany Of Our Lord NHS, Cross Country, Varsity Indoor/Outdoor Track, LSC, Student Council, Kairos Leader
Michael J.Furlane "Fur bur" Immaculate Conception Football, Wrestling
Andrew D.Calbally "Galbs" Visitation BVM Football, Ski Club, Latin Club, Intramurals
Ill LI"\ \Jl"\LLC
Francis Jasepb Callaper "Joe" Corpus Christi Football, Gazebo, Intramurals, Baseball, Kairos
Jabn F.I. Clvnlsb. Ill "Givnish" "Bro" Our Lady Help of Christians Crew, Branch-Out Days, Student Council
Ti1na1by A.Crasela Maternity BVM
Cearge J.Creska "Krazy George" Immaculate Conseption Crew, Italian Club
Nigel B.Crass Presentation Crew, Project Appalachia, Operation Santa Claus, Art
Mallbew M.Culkis "The Incredible Gulk" St. Christopher Crew
BrellC.Haenn "Bert" "Boune" St. Rose of Lima Soccer, Long Miles
James L.Hagerty "Hags" St. Francis Xavier the Oratory NHS, Lap Top Techs, Advanced Honors Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Lab Band, Forum, La Salle Academy Tutoring
Qt \lULU
Thomas J.Hall "Tom" St. Eleanor Football, Crew
ErikE.Haney St. Helena Crew, La Salle Academy Tutoring
Radney L.Hardee "Little Rodney" Multicultural Club
Jahn Harrison. V "Johnny" St. Genevieve Football, NHS, La Salle Academy, Baseball
!008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof200I
Above: American Gladiator Mike Rongione shows John Duke what true strength really is. Left: Chrisian Carey putting final touches on his artwork
~= James McNally is a grade-a shredder.
111 U'\ .:>1-\LLC: l.,ULLC:\lC:
Ill --------------
EricR.Heisner St. Eleanor Lacrosse, Football, Boliva Service Trip, NHS
Samuel D.Henderson "Hendy" "Doff" La Salle Academy Tutoring, Explorer Club, Intramurals, Ski Club
Peter J. Henwood "Pete" St. Patrick Rowing
Andrew M.Hesson "Hesson" "Drew"
B.V.M. Art Club, Intramurals, Anime Club
:lassof2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclasi Right: T.J.'s dad is so much cooler than he is. T.J.'s dad is also not mistaken for a freshman. Below: One of these things is not like the others.
Right: Chris Becher preparing his interview
llic~aelA.Higgins "Mike" "Higgs" "Higgins" St. Titus Baseball, Spanish Club, March for Life, Intramurals
llicbael P.Hoffman "Sweet Tooth" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Football, lntramurals, People to People, Gazebo, Academic Decathlon, Fall Drama, Stage Crew, WEXP, Web Manager, GSA
Shane M.Hoffman "Hoff" St. Hilary Football, Secret Santa
William J.Halden "Bill" Holy Martyrs Ice Hockey, La Salle Academy Tutors
"Brad" St. Alphonsus Ice Hockey, Tennis, Crew, Operation Santa Claus
J1sepb I. Helad "J-Hol" St. Philip Neri Triest House, Intramurals
Harrlnn L.Hauldln "Hags" St. Alphonsus Band, Sunday Sandwich Club
Jasepb J.Hauldln "J.J" . "Jage,, Our Mother of Consolation Water Polo, Swimming, Kairos Leader, Wisterian, Yearbook, NHS, Spring Musical
• -•
• ••-•,
Kevin M.Huehcs St. Genevieve Lab Manager, Pep Band, Concert Band, Pit Band, Orchestra, Competition Jazz Band, Mathletes
Philip J.Iannuzzi "Phil" St. Genevieve Italian Club, LaSalle Academy Tutors, lntramurals, Crew
Mallhcw P.lllarl "Prince" 'J\.tari" Corpus Christi Football, Tennis, WEXP, Providence Center
Manhew J.M.lnelesc "Carl" Mary Mother of the Redeemer La Salle Academy, Lab Manager, Tech Serve
SbanI. Jacobsen St. Matthew Crew, NHS, Junior Urban Challenge, Kairos Leader
Cbrislaphcr J.Jahasan "Chris" St. Andrew Football, Lacrosse, Pep Band, Concert Band, Lab Band, German Club, Wisterian, Gazebo, LaSalle Academy Tutors
Slcpbc11 II.lalkbrcn1cr "Cockles" " Kalk" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Wisterian, Crew, Intramurals
David P.lcllcy Our Lady of Mount Carmel Stage Crew, Spring Musical, Belcrofters
1,,# ~ U~
Anlbony P.lenl St. Joseph Outdoor Track & Field, Indoor Track & Field, Cross Country, Performance Band, Competition Band, Pep Band, Pit Band, Sarnelli House, LSC, NHS, Wisterian
Slepben P.Kernytsky "Steve" St. Cecilia Track, Speech & Debate, Band,
Tb11nas c.len "Tom'' Immaculate Conception Track and Field, Lab Manager, Web Manager, NHS
Brendan ll.Kissman "BK" St. James Soccer, Tennis, Bowling
Patrick J.Knowles "Knowlesy" St. Alphonsus Golf, Soccer, Ski Club
Mallbew J.Kobler "Kohler" Corpus Christi Ice Hockey
PaulA.lush "Kush" "Couch Kushion" "Fat Kush" "Paul" St. Maria Goretti Football, Brand Out Days
Tb11nas J.Laessie. Jr. "TJ" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Ice Hockey, NHS, La Salle Weight Room, Tutoring
, ..._,, 11....1..&..
I 11\
ICIVII LUI "Lam" Immaculate Conception Bowling, WEXP, Academic Decathlon, Mathletes
Matthew D.Lamson "Matt" Visitation Spring Musical, Intramurals, Chorus
Francis T.Lapawsky "Tim" "T-Lap" St. Phillip Neri Baseball, Belcrofters, Spring Musical, Kairos Leader, Sarnelli House
Brian J. Lcddcr "T-Bone" "The Postman" Cross-Country, Track, Junior Urban Challenge, Project Appalachia, WEXP
,classof2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorscla:
Above: One of the many strange mysterious rites of Kairos Right: Seniors candle light Christmas liturgy
Mallbew R.Lees "Mah Lee" Visitation B. V. M. Football
Pblllp M.Leloir St. Eleanor Kairos 37-59, Football, Lacrosse
Furey A.Leva "FAr' St. James Football, Student Council, Baseball, Freshman Mentor
Anlbony D.Liberato St. Philip Neri Bowling, Italian Club, Yearbook, Track and Field, La Salle Academy, Branch Out Day, Intramurals
xsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof2008seniors1
Above: John Harrison on his way to becoming one of the Philadelphia's most prolific passer. Left: You will join SpanishClub, and YOU WILL LIKE IT.
Ill LA :>ALLt l,Ulltllt
t11llt1 :>l,t1UUL
Ryan M.Lindsay Mother of Divine Providence Football, St. Martin's, LaSalle Academy Tutors, Spanish Club, Latin Club, Kairos, Junior Urban Challenge
Ryan M.Lagan "Logan" "DarkLord" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Latin Club Vice-President, Intramurals, Pep Band, Concert Band
David R.Laughery "D-Lock" Corpus Christi Crew, Academic Decathlon, Sarnelli House, Providence Center, NHS, Scouting
Daniel P.Lawry Epiphany Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, NHS
Daniel Luque "Luque" St, Hilary Triest House, Sarnelli House
Cerard T.Lutes Our Lady of Guadalupe Spanish Club, NHS, Peer Tutoring, Track, Winter Track, Intramurals, Guitar Ensemble
Mallhew J. Lynch St. Bede Lacrosse, Football, Habitat for Humanity, Intramurals
Remy D.Lynn "Rem chem'' Ice Hockey, Sarnelli House
ljLUt Ot llULU I I -------------
John P.Malone "Jack" Our Lady Help of Christians Student Council, Track, Amnesty International, Celtic Club
IraEdward Manalo "Sam" Sacred Heart LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Football, Anime Club, St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen
Robert R.Mandos "Rob" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Photography Club, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Operation Santa Claus, Intramurals, Kairos, Track
Victor A.Marques "Rick" St. Alphonsus Ice Hockey, Sarnelli House, Varsity Pit Volleyball
2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof 2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof200
Above: Mykk Hoffman becoming one with his role. Left: Chiodo and his art
ie: Zoldy getting deep during Mass.
Ill LA .:>ALLt IJULLt\lt
;.::::uuo OLUt
Michael T.Marra-Powers "MMP" Epiphany of Our Lord Mathletes, Pep Band, Concert Band, Lab Band, Pit Band, Intramurals, Italian Club, Respect Life, Gaming Club, Robotics Club
Daniel P.Marrazzo "Rusty Q Shackelford"
Robert F.Marzullo "Bob'7'Robby" St. Alphonsus Ski Club, Respect Life, Junior Urban Challenge, JV Lacrosse, Soccer, Sarnelli House
Wiiiiam W.Maslin. Ill "Bill': "Gugi': "Maslino': "Mazzy Maz" Epiphany of Our Lord Mathletes, NHS, Italian Club, Gaming Club
Adam I. Matone St. Theresa of Avila Track, Art Club, Student Council
Nicholas c.Mattera "Nick': "Mattera'' St. Joseph/St. Robert Freshman Football, Freshman Crew
Dennis P.McBride "Denny Mac" St.Ephrem Football, Track, NHS, LSC, Student Council, Lifting, Intramurals
Michael V.McCabe "McCabe" Immaculate Conception Competition Band, Intramurals, Speech and Debate (Vice President), Spring Musical
OI \:IULU Ill -------------
Terence J.Mccarrick "TJ" Visitation BVM Policy Debate, Mock Trial, Student Council, Cross Country, Track, Freshman Mentor, NHS
Joseph P.McCaDum "Joe" St. Anastasia Baseball,Track,LSC,v\TEJCP
Calin M.Mccreery Epiphany Hockey
Patrick I. Mccann "Magoo" Corpus Christi Crew, Sarnelli House, Justin Timberlake Fan Club (President)
Brian W.McClnly "B -rye ,,
Musical, Tennis, Chorus, Band
Mallbcw R.McCavcrn "McLovern': "McMuffin': "Lunch Box'7'Hamm" St. Bede Golf, Kairos, Salmon Colored Fabric
Jude T.Mclcnna "Jude" St. Jude Football, German Club, Intramurals, Community Service, Kairos
Scan F.Mclcnna "The Punisher" St. Helena Crew, Pep Band, Concert Band, v\TEXP, Sarnelli House, Multicultural Club, Environmental Science
Ill LI'\ iJl"\LLC:
levinP.McLauplin "Kmac" St. Helena Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Junior Urban Challenge
Jahn F.McMenamin St. Teresa of Avila Track, St. Martin's Tutoring, Crew, Kairos, Junior Urban Challenge
James P.Mclally "Jimmy': "Santiago" St. Rose of Lima Football, NHS, Band
Austin A.Meehan. Jr. "Sauce' Immaculate Conception Rowing, Sarnelli House, Intramurals, People to People, Project Appalachia, Student Council
:lassof2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclas! Right: Dan Lowry deep in thought. Below: Mr. Fyke manages to blend both scary and comical elements of his personality while teaching.
Right: Frank Farrell and John don't seem to be getting along very well.
Michael F.Mcie St. Cecilia Chess Team, Intramurals, NHS
Patrick R.Melvin St. Luke Golf, Student Council, Kairos Leader, Sarnelli House, NHS
Shaun J.Mcnkhaus "Menk'' St. Philip Neri Basketball, Explorer Club, Ski Club, Secret Santa, Sarnelli House Sandwich Making, Intramurals
Nathan D.Meyers "Nate': "Natedawg" Holy Martyrs Tennis, NHS, Band, Freshman Soccer, Chess Team
Joseph M.Miellarcsc "Migs': "Miggy" St. Helena Football, Basketball, Kairos Leader
Jeremy A.Miies "J. Miles" "Jeremy Miles" WEXP, Gaming Club, Chess Club,Anime Club, Freshman Mentor
Colin Miller "Don Collins" Epiphany of Our Lord Ice Hockey, JV Lacrosse, La Salle Academy Tutoring
Steven J.Modrcs Immaculate Heart of Mary Ski Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring
Ill Lf\ .:>ALLC l,ULLCUC mun
ScanM.Moffa Corpus Christi Cross Country, Tennis, NHS, Providence Center, Project Appalachia, Spanish Club, History Club
Timothy F.Mandimarc "Mondi" St. Philip Neri Bowling, Intramurals, Band, People to People, History Club
ScanE.Montgomery "Monty" Resurrection of Our Lord Wrestling, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Celtic Club, Sarnelli House, Art Club, Intramurals, Bolivia Service Trip, St. Francis Inn Sandwich Malting
Mallbcw P.Mooney St. Hilary Wrestling, Track, La Salle Academy, Triest House, Academic Decathlon
Patrick M.Maran "Moran'' Queen of Peace Crew, Sarnelli House, NHS
Samuel A.Marean "Samson" St. Alphonsus Kairos Leader, Long Miles
Patrick J. Marrow St. Genevieve Football, NHS, St. Vincent's, Baseball
Robert J. Mayer "Rob" Intramural Basketball Coach, Secret Santa, Ping Pong Club, Chess Club, CYO Basketball, Branch Out Day, March for Life
DLUC OI UULU Ill -------------
Daniel A.Murphy "Murph" St. Joseph NHS, Sarnelli House, St. Martin's Tutoring, Spanish Club (President), History Club (President), Bolivia Service Trip, Triest House, Baseball, Basketball, Secret Santa, OSC,Track, Student Council
cann J. Murray "Buddy Colin': "Murdawg" Art Club, Human Rights Forum, GSA, Intramurals, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, Bolivia Service Trip, Academic Decathlon
Jeffrey I. Murtha "Murtha" Visitation BVM Baseball, Wisterian, NHS, St. Martin's Tutoring, Freshman Football, Student Council, Intramurals, Spanish Club
lrealH.Nesblll "Nez" Ice Hockey, Junior Urban Challenge, Sarnelli House, History Club
f 2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 201
Above: This is called a Physics beatdown!!! Left: Rob speaking the good word.
Mr. Jackson attempts to attain a lock of Rose's mane for his shrine
BLUE & GOLD Ill -----------
Nlcbalas T.Nocera St. Alphonsus Football, Intramurals, Spanish Club
Manbcw E.Okerson "Matt" St. Agnes Football, Italian Club, Project Home, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, CYO Basketball, NHS, St. Francis Inn
Jascpb P.Gllnc "0-line" lntramurals, Football, Basketball
Mlcbacl c.Gllvcr "Mikey" "Oliver" St. Rome of Lima Tennis, Hockey, NHS, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Project Appalachia, Operation Santa Claus, Drama
,classof2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorscla!
Above: Shawn Jacobsen has the eye of the tiger. Right: Julian shares his reflection during the Thanksgiving liturgy.
Paul S.Orner St. Teresa of Avila PC Tech, Human Rights Forum
Andrew M.Palazzo "Drew" Water Polo, Crew, Pep Band, Concert Band, Competition Band, Triest House
Nicbolas Pedersen "Nick" Corpus Christi Chess, Ice Hockey, Lab Manager, Ski Club, Magazine Drive, Telethon
Francis J. Pierson "Frankie" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Basketball, Baseball, Kairos Leader
orsclass of2008seniorsclass of2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of2008seniors
Above : John Shields "hanging" out . Left : Lou making his daily visit to Mrs . Clark.
BLUE& GOLDIll ----------•
Rebert J. Powers "Rob" St. Hilary of Poitiers Student Council, Track, Operation Santa Claus, Junior Urban Challenge, Kairos, Ski Club, Sarnelli House, St. Martin's Tutoring
Daniel R.Pyne "Pyneee Dan" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Ice Hockey, Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Multi-Cultural Club
Louis J. Raiela St. Helena Basketball, Track, Water Polo, Lacrosse, Italian Club, Kairos, Sarnelli House, La Salle Academy, Intramurals, Chorus
Michael R.Rajnberc "Mike the R" Assumption BVM Freshman Football, St. Martin's Tutoring, Policy Debate, Intramurals, Junior Urban Challenge
:1ss of 2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclass Right: R.J. knows who the real boss of the tech department is. Below: Mr. Devlin and Jim Behr's Kairos group is happy to have Jeremy Miles in their group.
Right: Christian Baron feeling the music.
Ale11nder J.Ralston "AJ" Holy Martyrs NHS, St. Martin's Tutoring, Track, Gaming Club, Intramurals
Ben T.Ramaparam "Rama'' Mary Mother of the Redeemer Track, Band, La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS
Jasen M.Raschlatare "J-Rasch, Jay" St. Helena Freshman Soccer, Freshman Band, Baseball, Project Appalachia, NHS, Triest House, Intramurals, Spanish Club, LSC, Bowling
llcbalas I. Raasch Saint Martins Lt. Nick Computer Club, Dodgeball, Japanese Cultural Club
Manhew J.Razzano "Matt': "Razz': "Razzles" St. Teresa of Avila NHS, Ski Club, Project Appalachia, Sarnelli House, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Cross Country, Track, Junior Urban Challenge
Conrad T.Ridgway "C-Rad" Visitation Lacrosse, Sarnelli House
Ja111 I. Rivkin "Jay" Long Miles, Track and Field
Michael P.Bache "Mike': "Roche" St. Jude Ice Hockey, Operation Santa, Secret Santa
Jabn M.Radden "Jrodd" St. Matthew Guitar, Drums, Football, Photography
Micbael V.llanll1ne "Rong': "Quasi Brodo" St. Robert Bellermine Ice Hockey, NHS, Student Council, Kairos Leader, Ski Club, Appalachian Service Trip, Secret Santa, Operation Santa Claus
Wiiiiam J.Raaney "Rill Booney" St. James Pep Band, Competition Band, Pit Band, Schoo l of Rock, String Ensemble, Fifth Period Band
Mlcbacl P.Rase. Jr. "Rosey" St. Phillip Intramurals, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Branch Out Day, Multicultural Club, Chilling, Eating Lunches, Pit Volleyball
Daniel T.Saccbella "Sac" St. Rose of Lima Soccer, Lacrosse, Wrestling, Secret Santa, Sarnelli House, People to People, Freshman Mentor
Ant,any J.Santora. Jr. "Ramie': "Jamie" Visitation B.V.M. Gazebo, Film Club
Richard M.Scanzllla St. Jude Intramural Basketball
lylcE.Scheetz "Kyler" St. Catherine of Sienna Tennis, Kairos Leader, Chorus, Spring Musical
BLUE &GOLD Ill ----------•
Matthew H.Schelkan "Schelk'' St. Vincent de Paul Baseball, Ski Club, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, Kairos
Ale11nder P.Schreiber Soccer, Cross Country, St. Martin's Tutoring
Jahn P.Shields "Shieldsy" Baseball, Kairos Leader, Gazebo Editor, Chorus, Belcroft, Spring Muscial, Sarnelli House
Kevin M.Shields Visitation B.V.M. Track and Field, Football, Spanish Club, Bolivia Trip, March for Life, NHS
2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof 2008seniorsclassof2008seniorsclassof 2008seniorsclassof 20(
Above:The senior-signed beam that will next be visible to post-apocalyptic apes Left: Joe Wilde, a happy camper.
ve: Nick and Todd mapping out their college interviews.
Patrick I. Slnnall "Patty" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Soccer, Lacrosse, Student Government, Secret Santa, Sarnelli House
namasM.Smart "Tom" St. John Bosco Soccer, Intramurals, Spanish Club, Operation Santa Claus, Junior Urban Challenge
Matthew W.Smeltzer "Smeltzer" Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Musical Chorus
Sca1M.Smith "Biff" "Gary" Immaculate Conception Football, Lab & Web Manager, Community TechServe, CYO Basketball
Jahn I. Sperger "Spergler" "Spergie" "Sperelicious" St. Cyril ofJerusalem Policy Debate, Lab Manager, Intramurals, Gazebo.NHS
Brian I. Splane "Splane" St. Rose of Lima Wrestling, LaSalle Academy Tutors
David 11.Szekcrcs "Dave" Corpus Christi
Matthew A.Turmlna "Matt" St. Helena Sarnelli House, Junior Urban Challenge, Crew, Track, St. Martin's Tutoring
BLUE& GOLD Ill -----------
Devan I. Teichman "Baby" "Bebe" St. Maria Gioretti Rowing, LaSalle Academy Tutors, NHS, Speak Up!, Intramurals, Ski Club, Sarnelli House, LSC, Secret Santa
James F.Thomas "Jimbo" "J-Bo" St. James Football, Track, Multi-Cultural Club, History Club
Brendan D.Toolan "Beads" Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Wrestling, Track and Field, Operation Santa, Ski Club, Project Home, St. Francis Inn, Junior Urban Challenge, Intramurals
Tristan R.Tschoepe St. Rose of Lima Competition Band, Band, Pit Orchestra, Track & Field, Intramurals, LaSalle Academy Tutors, March for Life
Julian J.Tacker "Thelonius Funk" Oak Lane Presbyterian Church Band (President), Wrestling, NHS
Timothy B.Ulric~ St. Alphonsus Football
C~rislopher vanEekelen "Eck" "Jan Buuuulli" St. Genevieve Varsity Lacrosse Manager, Varsity Football Manager, Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa
Mallhew T.Ventresca "Matt Naked" St. Jude Band, Intramurals, Spanish Club
Frank V.Wallace St. Cecilia Games, Track, Wrestling, Boy Scouts
Ryan M.Warrender "Dubbz" Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Lacrosse, Football, NHS, Student Council, Kairos Leader
Danlel J.Waters "Dan" St. John Bosco LaSalle Academy Tutors, German Club, Intramurals, Amnesty International
Ccar1c R.Weber "Gweb" "Jorge" St. Albert the Great Guitar Ensemble, Intramurals, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Mathletes
Janatban M.Welâ&#x20AC;˘ncr St. John of the Cross Basketball, Bowling, Baseball, Ski Club
Patrldc.Weitzman "Weitz" St. Genevieve Baseball, Football, Pit Volleyball, Open Gym
James I. Wblte Our Lady of Calvary Crew, President of Science Club
lyanP.W~ilc "Whitey" St. Cyril Tennis, Ping Pong Club, Film Club, Service, Spanish Club
BLUE& GOLDIll -----------
Jnepb I. Wiide "The Beast from Berlin'' St. Maria Goretti LSC, Music
Antbany I. Witkowski ''.Ant" Holy Martyrs Tennis, Chess
Christopher J.Walper "Chris" St. Titus LaSalle Academy Tutors, Operation Santa Claus, Intramurals, Appalachian Service Project, Kairos Leader, NHS, Junior Urban Challenge
Andrew R.Waad "Woody" "Baby Sang" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Football, Baseball, Intramurals
Cregary T.W11ds "Woodsy" "Gregorio" Corpus Christi Water Polo, Swimming, Kairos Leader, Band, Sarnelli House, Spring Musical, Building Bridges of Solidarity, NHS, Student Council, Junior Urban Challenge
Br11ks A.Workman St. Maria Goretti B-ball, Baseball, Poker, Music, Relaxing, Chillin '
Stephen A.Zegalla St. Helena Crew, Kairos Leader, Football, Environmental Science
lyleJ.Zaldy "Zoldy" St. John the Baptist Varsity AAA Ice Hockey, Secret Santa, NHS, Intramurals
BLUE& GOLDIll ----------â&#x20AC;˘
R.J. Barker: "We are all so very proud of you! Great Kevin Hughes: "Kevin, following in the footste job and dream big! Love, Dad, Mom, Karen, William, of your father, grandfather, seven uncles, and fo cousins was a daunting endeavor, but you fulfill1 Terry, and Nina." the challenge with academic excellence, dedic James Behr, Sr. and Family tion, humor and a great smile! Love, Mom, Di Philip Biaesch: "Congratulations Philip, we are very '80, and Jane." proud of you and all your accomplishments . Stay foBill Maslin: "Billy, congratulations on all yo cused and you will achieve your dream . Love, achievements! We are so proud of you! Love, Mc Mom, Dad, Andrew, and Elise." and Alyssa." "Congratulations Bob, we are so proud of you. We John McMenamin: "John, we are so very proud love you. Mom and Dad." you. Love, Mom & Dad. XO" Andrew Bowman: "Andrew, congratulatio ns . Your Sean Montgomery: "Congratulations Sean on yo journey continues. Love ya, Mom & Dad ." graduation. We are so proud of you. Love, Mo: Josh Brooks: "Josh, the sky is the limit, you can get Dad, Mikey, and Duggie." there. Love Mom & Dad." Tyler Caracausa: We are so proud of the person Mike Oliver: "Mike, congratulations and best you've become during your journey at La Salle. luck in the future! The Oliver-Zalewski families" Enjoy your college years, continue to work hard and success will be yours! We congratulate you and the Class of '08! Love always, Mom, Dad , Brad ('03) and Corinne." Evan Clauss: "Way to go Evan! Love, Mom, Dad, Derek, and Tyler." Evan Cooper: "We are proud of you Evan! Good luck and God bless. Mom, Dad, and Lucas. " "Congratulations Matt Dwyer (Family Tradition LSCHS) Joe Sr. '74, Joe Jr. '00, Stephen '03"
Matt Razzano: "Congratulations Matt and the Cle of 2008. Enjoy the next phase of your journey! Lo, Mom, Dad, and Chris '10." Matt Schelkun: "We're so proud of you, Matt! Lo, Mom & Dad" James F. Thomas 2008 Jonathan Weidner: "Congratulations, with Love and Pride, Mom & Dad."
In Memory of PaulJ. Arizin Class of 1946
Lance Fagan: "Lance, reach for the stars. We're so Robert Kelly: "Congratulations Rob! Mr. and M proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, and Jarod." Patrick Kelly" Sal Ferrino & Son, Masonry Construction: Proud of Sam Flashner: "Sam, the rest is commentary." our La Salle boys . Matt Cabrera: "We are very proud of you Mc James Hagerty: "James, congratulations! We are Have fun in school." very proud of you. Let your light shine and most of all, be happy. Love, Mom and Dad." "Life's a jour- Good Luck Class of 2008 - Fitzpatrick Funeral H01 ney, not a destination. We're so proud of how far you've come . We can't wait to see where you go from Karen & Gerry Corkery here. Congrats! Love, Bridgette & Erinn." So Great in '08 - The Gill Family! J.J. Houldin: "Congratulations J.J. and all 2008 graduates. We believe you can fly. Love, Mom & Dad."
Congratulations Mr. Resch! Selected to NLL Hall
of Fame
Above: Mr. Resch with his son Conor. wife Mary. and son Pat on the special night
Left: Conor and Pat stand proudly next to their dad's plaque
Below: Mr. Resch spent 14 years as a player and coach of the Philadelphia Wings.
BLUE & GOLD II -------
Congratulations Hockey team! Winners
Above: Presented with the trophy as State Champs! Right: The final buzzer celebration!
of PIHL AAA Championship
t%.. Cambria County WAR MEMORIAL _
ove: The team members hoist the trophy.
Right: The scoreboard reads ...DOMINANCE!!!
Top: Fr. Anthony Janton's dedication to La Salle and the message of St. John Baptist de La Salle was honored in his Affiliation into the Brothers Bottom: Another alum was recognized as Chris Matthews returned to La Salle for a book signing.
La Salle students have had many experiences at the school this year, but the opportunity to share this with fathers, Mothers, and Grandparents really stands out!
From the end of last school year all through this year La Salle has watched and heard the construction of our new wing and the clearing of space for new fields.
Construction adding space!!!