2010 Yearbook

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2010 Blue & Gold


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he 2009-2010 yearbook is fittingly dedicated to a man who has for 38 years selflessly dedicated himself to the young men of La Salle College High School. As a teacher, counselor, coach, mentor, and friend, Mr. Devine has touched the hearts and minds of countless individuals who have come in contact with him. Mr. Devine has made La Salle the wonderful place it is for young men, helping them to mature through his compassionate and insightful guidance as a grade level counselor. He has also developed the cross country and track & field program into a PCL powerhouse that is always among Pennsylvania's elite teams, often earning national recognition. Within the running community he is regarded among the all-time greatest coaches in Pennsylvania history, and he leaves behind a legacy of unparallel success. His success has come from developing each and every runner on his team. As impressive as the accomplishments of his teams on the cross country course and track have been, his most impressive and lasting legacy are the men of character who leave his program to take their place in the world. Mr. Devine, while these words could never do justice to all you have given us ... THANK YOU!


Mr. Devine has inspired so many La Sall dents over his years as teacher, coach, and . selor.


La Salle College

High School


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4 / La Salle College LJ

High School

veryday at La Salle, we enter an environment where we are taught about all aspects oflife. Not only are academics cov.____ _. ered, but also things such as acceptance, respect, and being a man. As we move forward, the lessons learned at La Salle will become key cornerstones to our lives and the foundation of our future. At La Salle, we are taught to take everyday experiences from inside and outside of the classroom and learn from them, ultimately making us better people and growing as La Salle


gentlemen. We are reminded everyday that "Boys will be boys, but La Salle boys will be gentlemen " and this is only true because our experiences at La Salle have truly prepared us for our lives and our futures. As our days at La Salle come to an end, we leave with the knowledge that, if we hold on to these lessons, make them bedrock principles on which we live our lives, they will help us build a better and brighter future as we leave to serve. - Brendan Zipfel'lO


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hat it means to be Lasallian Over the last four years the senior class has had the great privilege of attend---ing La Salle College High School, and in those four years rarely does one hear a negative word said about the school. This is because La Salle College High School is a school people respect, it is a name people know, and it is an institution people admire. This respect was not given, but earned. We house an elite academic environment and we have donated great amounts of time, money, and energy to charity, both as individuals and as a school. Our success is not limited to the classroom, but is continued on the playing field and into the arts. Being a La Salle gentleman means preserving this respect , not just for one's own class, but for those who came before and for the Lasallian students to be.


Over four years La Salle students experience many things as Explorers.



.; La Salle College

High School


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Evolving ...Evolving ...Evolving ...




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/y Blue & Gp ld



he first day at La Salle is different from the first day at any other school. Anyone who has experienced this first day knows the feeling, a feeling so unfamiliar. As an unaccustomed student to the high school hallways, a freshman is faced with difficult challenges. A freshman panics because he is unsure of what he is supposed to do or how he is supposed to act. The first year student has many questions, but is afraid to ask because

of what an upperclassman or teacher might think. High school is certainly not another year of grade school. However, a feeling of ease comes over a freshman as he realizes that both upperclassmen and teachers are there to help. Questions are answered and problems are solved as the days, weeks, and months continue. The comfortable setting of La Salle sets in, and the first day becomes one step among many over four great years. - Da Vonte Scafe '13

Above: Da Vonte Scafe, Brendan Colgan, Gavin Teichman, Owen Kelly, David Hunt, and Tim Walker have entered La Salle to learn


La Sall ,e College

High School

Above and Below: The Freshman "rites of passage" on the first day

Left: Jack, Jason, and Joon have their picture taken with Mr. Marchese to begin their first day as La Salle students.

2010 Blue & G r;t


Above: Mike Fasano and Ted Kradzinski enjoy the Winter Formal as Sophomores Right: Senior year brings College Interview Day and lunch that follows.

"12/, La Salle College

High School

,e and Left: Over four we have witnessed the endous growth of our ,r class to become La Gentlemen

Boys will be boys, but La Salle boys will be gentlemen:' At one time or another over the past four years, our eyes have undoubtedly grazed over the wellknown plaque. That phrase is a testament to La Salle's place in our own personal transformations from the first day of freshman year, to our graduation day. We entered La Salle unrefined, unaware, and untreated. We entered La Salle with unrefined talents and gifts that just needed to be nurtured. What the school did, in turn, was mold us into gentlemen. We have become gentlemen who are in control of themselves, their abilities, and their paths in life. La Salle ex-

pertly blends the social and intellectual aspects of education to form a well-rounded individual. But La Salle does not just transform its individual students, it prepares them to transform other individuals and the world. La Salle men are designed to have an impact of some kind, an impact reinforced by the values cultivated in the school's classrooms. In the end, as we depart from La Salle and go our separate ways, take a moment to realize just how different you are from when you first arrived at this school, how truly complex you have become, how much more of a man you now are, and always will be. - Devlin Carey'lO



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•' Evolving ...Evolving ...Evolving ...




I 201 0 Blue & Gold



/,usolUaKdoptortunitiu far students aKdfaadty to3ri







15// La

Salle College

High School

\.1r.Daniel L. McGowan icePresidentfor Institutional Advancement

Mr. Mark A. Gibbons ChiefFinancialOfficer

Mr. Thomas R. Barna Assistant Principal, AcademicAffairs

Bro.James Rieck, FSC Directorof Admissions

Mrs. Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal, St11dentAffairs

Mr. Thomas Turner Assistant Dean of St11de11ts Directorof Transportation

~ally Muehlbronner, Assistant Dir ector of Admissions; Mrs. Ann Ford, iini strative Assistant; Bro. James Rieck, Admi ssions Office Director, .erator of Men of La Salle; Mr. Mark Gibbons, Chief Fin ancial Offic er; Connie Gill, Assistant Controller; Ms. Kathy Curley, Controller; Mrs. lis Wells, Hum an Resources Coordin ator.

Mr. Nicholas Coggins Directorof C11rriwl11m, Instrnctionand Assessment

Mr. James Fyke Dean of Students

Mr. Anthony Resch Directorof Athletics

Mr. Peter Sigmund ChiefInformationOfficer

Bro. Richard Kestler, Pre sident; Kathleen Smith,Admini strativ e Assistant; Cathleen Winning, Database Administrator, Mary Francis Kelly, Dir. of Alumni Affairs; Barbara Franks, Admini strati ve Assistant; Daniel McGowan, Vice Pre sident; Paul Colistra, Major Gifts Officer; Brett McAnespey, Dir . of Developm ent/Major Gifts.

201 O Blue & G c/ d


ACADEMICS - Provitwtj !Mso/1ÂŁ aJUlo~rtunitiM for students alUlfaadty to3ro Lisa Agnew Learning Specialise, David Center De bra Antosh Administrative Assistant - Student Affairs Office Greg ory Bielecki Economics 1, United Scates History Head Coach Cross Country, Assistant Coach track & field, LIGHTS Team

D en nisBloh CHAIR: ENGLISH; Introduction co Literature and Composition, Larin l, Shakespeare Assistant Coach Swimming, Gazeebo Jeanne Holt-Brabson Co unseling & Guidance Services/ID LIGHTS Team Lastenia Breen Span ish l, 4, 4H Spanis h Club, Civility Club, Bolivia Service Trip

lty & Staff Fa culty & Staff


..-.::n Faculty


Gerar d Brett College Counseling, Group Advisory 12 Moderator - Basketball, Tennis, Lacrosse, NCAA Club Assistant Coach JV Tennis Alex Brown Composition and American Literature, Introduction to Literature and Composition, Head Coach Freshman Basketball J eremy Butt Fitness Center, Integrated Science


1a /' La Salle College High School

& Staff Fa culty & Staff

Bro. Patrick Carney Algebra 2, Calculus, Precalculus Mark Chesnik Prayer, Sacred Scripture Blue and Gold Yearbook, Film Club Janice Ciccimaro Health

Joseph Ciccimaro CHAIR: FINE ARTS; Advanced and Introductory Music Performance, Honor s Advanced Music, In strumental In stru ction,Jazz Arranging and Imp rovisation, Small Ensembles Daniel Cipolla General Physics, Physics, H Engineering Club , LSC Charles Cirelli Chemistry, Chemistry lOH Assistant Athletic Director, Senior Class Moderator, LSC

Lewis Clark Christian Morality Director of Campus Ministry, Moderator Rowing, LSC Michael Clemente Italian 1, 4H, Spanish 1 Jo Ann Cohen Learning Specialist, David Center

201 0 Blue & Gold



lefsof1ÂŁandoff-Ortwutiu for students and facultyto3ri

Joseph Colistra CHAIR: SOCIAL STUDIES; AP Economics, AP Modern European History, United States History, Western Civilization Mark Collins CHAIR: RELIGION; Catholic Identity, Christian Morality, Sacred Scripture, Italian Club, LSC Jessica Coyne Algebra 2H, Calculus, Precalculus

Rita Cooney Receptionist - Main Office David Crowe Anatomy and Physiology H, Principles of Athletic Training Stephan Daubney Astronomy, Biology 10, Integrated Science Moderator Bowling



La Salle College

High School

Douglas Demeter Lasallian Spirituality and Service, Sacred Scripture Lasallian Animator, Moderator Hockey, LSC, Coordinator Morning Pr ayer, LIGHTS Team, Cross Country, Outdoor Track Joseph Dempsey AP English Langu age and Composit ion, Introduction to Literature and Composition, Head Coach Varsity Basketba ll Pama la D eRose Biology 10, Integr ated Science Assistant coach for Indoor/ Outdoor track, LSC Matt h ew D errick Composition and American Literatur e, Introduction to Literature and Composition, Soccer, Indoor /O utdoor Track, LIGHTS Team, Intram urals Patrick De vin e Junior Counselor, Group Advisory 11, Christian Life Styles Head Coach Indoor /O utdoor Track, Assistant Coach Cross Country Thomas D evlin Christian Morality, Campus Ministy, Assist ant Coach Cross Country & Track, LSC Coordinator

Faculty & Staff A

201 0 Blue & G / ld


Frances Jacob Diccicco CHAIR: WORLD LANGUAGES; Spanish 2, 2H David Diehl Economics 1 Director of Financial Aid, Golf Bro. William DiPasquale Associate Director of College Counseling, Catholic Identity, Group Advisory 12 Co-Moderator of the NHS, School Sacristan LSC

Michael Dolan CHAIR: GUIDANCE, Senior Counselor LIGHTS Team, Head Coach JV Tennis Micky Dominick Algebra 1, Algebra 3/Trigonometry, Geometry Director Spring Musical and Fall Production, LSC Native American Experience Trip Coordinator Liturgy Committee Chair Ski Club Linda Donahue Italian 2, 3, 3H, Spanish 2H

William Donohoe World Civilizations, AP World History History Club, Basketball Stephen Duncheskie Biology 9H , Environmental Science Head Coach Water polo, Assistant Coach Swimming Gerald Evans Biology 10, lOH, AP, General Chemistry Mock Trial

Elizabeth Field Composition and American Literature, Rhetoric and British Literature, Moderator Human Rights Forum, Mock Trial Bernard Fitzgerald AP United States History, Western Civilizations Mulci- Culcural Club Rosemary Gedeik Spanish 3, 3H AP LIGHTS Team, Student Council

Mr. Coggins shares his thoughts with the Freshmen during their retreat.

22 <' La Salle College ,

High School

Paul Gehman Acoustic and Electric Bass William Geiger Greek, Latin 1, 2, 3 Head Coach Tennis Terence Gillespie CHAIR: SCIENCE; Biology 10, lOH , AP Director of Summer Program, Student Council

Joseph Glacken Learning Specialist, David Center, Computer and Reading Carol Haggerty Administrative Assistant - Princip al's Office LSC Gerard Hartey AP English Literature and Composition, World Literature and Expository Writing, Blue and Gold Yearbook, Gaming Club, lntramurals

Michael Hearn Art Portfolio, Drawing l , Foundations Art, Painting 1 Art Club , Set D esign/Pa inting for the Fall and Spring Production s Christopher Holwick Rhetoric and British Literature, World Literature and Expository Writing, Wisterian Martin Jackson Psychology,Junior Counselor, Langu age Specialist He ad Coach Golf

John Janda Composition and American Literature, Introduction to Literature and Composition, Mod erator Wisterian, Wrestling Rev. Anthony Janton Chaplain, Moderator W ater Polo Kathleen John Advanced Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided De sign

Far left: Miss DeRose lays down the law in class. Near Right: "Brother, you take another picture of me and I'll ••:'

2010 Blue &

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ACADEMICS - Prov-id.injLMsol1ÂŁ Md opportwti:tiufar students Md facultyto3ro Robert Johnson Digital Multimedia Design, Fundamentals of Web Design Moderator WEXP, Sports Information Club, Chair - Academic Technology Committee John Keenan DIRECTOR: DAVID CENTER, Learning Specialise, Catholic Identity, Moderator Soccer, Chess Club, Coach/Moderator Chess Team Michael Kennedy Guitar, Bass, Guitar Ensemble

Thomas Lang Algebra 2, Geometry Machleces, Forum William Leahy Sophomore Counselor, Group Advisory 10 Head Lacrosse Coach Frank Lichtner Aquatics, Physical Education, Physical Fitness Head Coach Swimming, Intramural Coordinator

lty & Staff Faculty & Staff

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La Salle College

High School

Faculty & Staff Faculty & Staff

Donna Long Director of Library/Media Service/ Audio Visual Coordinator Joseph Lynch Composition and American Literature, Creative Writing l, Rhetoric and British Literature Academic Decathelon, Celtic Club David Manion French 2, 4H, 5, AP, Spanish 1

Dorothy Marchese Learning Specialist, David Center Bro. Anwar Martinez Christian Morality, Spanish 2H, 3 Assistant Moderator of Junior Urban Cha llenge, Mod erato r Ultimate Frisbee Club, LSC James Matthews Financial Economics

201 0 Blue &



Le!so11ÂŁ and,,Of[Mrtwutiufar studen:tsand,, /acuity to3~


William McBride German 1, Spanish 1, 2 German Club Thomas McCaffery Algebra 1, 2 Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, lntramurals John McGranaghan Junior Counselor, IU

Diana Mclnaw Catholic Identity, Sacred Scripture Moderator Freshman Mentors Barbara Miller Ceramics 1, 2, Advanced Ceramics, Sculpture 1, Advanced Sculpture Arc Club Gerald Miller AP Government and Policies, United Scates History, Vietnam Moderator Swimming

Kelly Minton Algebra 1, 2, Geometry Engineering Club Walter Muehlbronner Assistant Director of Admissions, Aquatics, Physical Education Head Coach Hockey



Mary Kay Mullen College Counseling, Group Advisory 12

Daniel Muller Woodwinds, Theory Joseph Nero Percussion Geoffrey Nicoletti Sacred Scripture, World Religions Computer Club

Mrs. Pajot-Pavlak's whole class gets an A+ just for posing for this picture.


La Salle College

High School

Mark Norman Chorus, Advanced, Freshman, Ind ependent, Public Speaking Theatre Kathleen O'Connell Adminstrative Assistant - College Counseling Marlene Pajot-Pavlak French 1, 3, Spanish 1

Joseph Parisi Psychology,World Civilizations Director of Diversity, H ead Coach Baseball Robert Peffie Algebra 1 Head Coach Soccer, Baseball Dorothy Ponisciak Chemistry, lOH, llH, AP LSC

culty & Staff u=e~lll'7




& Staff Faculty

& Staff

& Staff



Michael Ponisciak CHAIR: MA TH, Algebra 2, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics LSC Alfred Puntel Catholic Identity, Christian Morality LSC Paul Quinn Algebra lH, 2, Geometry Hock ey

Joseph Radvansky Algebra lH, 2H, Geometry, Precalculus H ead Coach Freshman Football, Tennis, LSC James Roche AP Calculus AB, BC Robert Russell AP Computer Science, Physics, H, AP Academic Decathelon , Mathletes

Far Left: Mr. Lynch wants to know who woke him up. Near Left: The Faculty Workplace is the hoppin' place to be.



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Suzanne Russo Registrar Rosina Ryan AP English Literature and Composition, Harlem Renaissance, World Literature and Expository Writing Celtic Club, LSC

Joseph Selfridge International Studies Seminar

Tina Shustack Algebra lH, 2H , Geometry, Co-Moderator NHS, Coordinator LIGHTS team Mary Jo Smith Geometry/Precalculus H Bro. James Steck World Langu age Resourc e Center

ulty & Staff Faculty

& Staff

James Tate United States History, Western Civilizations Assistant Coach Swimming, Assistant Coach Water Polo, Moderator Ski Club Gregory Teperman Strings Bro. Mang Minh Tran Computer Applic ations, Visual Basic Programming

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La Salle College

High School

Bro. David Trichtinger Freshmen Counselor, Group Advisory 9 Assistant Athletic Director, Football Moderator, Assistant Freshman Basketball Coach, Moderator Baseball Anthony Trimboli Chemistry, Integrated Science Hockey Joseph Vettori Introductory Music Performance, Advanced Music Performance, Honors Advanced Music, Instrumental Instruction, Jazz Arranging and Improvisation, Small Ensembles, Musical Director Spring Musical, Competition Jazz Band, Pep Band Daniel Williams Catholic Identity, World Civilizations Moderator NCAA Club, Assistant Basketball Coach, Intramural Basketball Director Cheryl Wolgamott AP English Language and Composition, Introduction to Literature and Composition, Rhetoric and British Literature Future Educators Club John Young AP United States History, Western Civilizations, Sports Information C lub

culty & Staff

Nancy Zoeltsch Spanish 2, 3, 3H LSC


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Evolving ...Evolving ...Evolving ...

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2010 Blue & Gold


The Student Council helps to organize and run activites from Pep Rallies, to Wi ng Bowl (Righ t) to Pit Barbeque before football games.

Freshmen Student Council Representatives

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La Salle College

High School

Student Council Showing support tor one another The Student Council for the 20092010 school year entered the doors of La Salle in September with the goals of exciting the student b~ dy and revitalizing past traditions. The 2009-2010 school year was a year of excellence. Support for our teams was unparallel and the student body's energy was the envy of the Catholic League. The senior student council took the lead on pep rallies, complete with sock'em bop-

per boxing matches. The wing bowl, super mixers, videos, dress-downs, the occasional white-out, and Fran Johnson Field Day filled the school year with fun and excitement and your student council enjoyed every minute of it. We would like to thank Mrs. Maher, Mr. Cirelli, and Mr. Matthews for all their help this year! -Will Begley'lO

Above: Matt Grover addresses the Freshman Class. Left: Matthew Grover (Vice President), Mrs. Maher, Christopher Razzano (Secretary), William Begley (President)



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National Honor Society Scholarship, leadership, character & service The National Honor Society is an organization that consists of juniors and seniors. Students admitted to the National Honor Society have displayed principles of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. This year's faculty leaders Brother William DiPasquale and Ms. Tina Shustak , student leaders, which include William McHugh, President, Patrick LaFata, Vice President, Ryan McElroy, Secretary, and Kevin Breen, Treasurer, as well as student members, have helped serve the La Salle community in numerous ways. The National Honor Society strongly emphasizes service within the La Salle

community and its primary way to provide service is by organizing peer tutoring amongst the students. Though the main focus of the NHS is tutoring, it does not stop there . National Honor Society students are involved in numerous school functions . Also, the N ational Honor Society sponsors the annual blood drive, which encourages all of La Salle to give back to the community. The National Honor Society utilizes the talents of La Salle's best students by focusing their efforts on service and improvement for La Salle and society as a whole. -William McHugh 'lO

Above: Guest Speaker, Mr. Joseph Mihali, gals the audience with tales from his yean Explorer Left: Jean-Paul Bonny, Dan Bowers, and Brady carry on an intellectual conversat the Honors Convocation


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La Salle College

High School

Left: Co-Moderator of NHS Ms. Shustack making sure our students look good too Below: Pat Lafata becomes second in command

路e: Ryan McElroy receives his sash

e: Bro. William congratulates

Kevin Breen


waiting to receive their scholastic"L's"



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Right: Dylan Ozuna helping tutor at La Salle Academy

Below: A sample of the collection from the Thanksgiving Food Drive

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La Salle


High School

Lasallian Service Corps Enter to Learn & Leave to Serve Unity in Faith Through Service In one of La Salle's most notable traditions lies an ideal emphasized in Christian Brothers' teaching: service toward brothers and sisters of Christ within our community. Through service students learn to set aside their dreams for others in order to share traits of compassion and warmth with those in financial, physical, or emotional need. With coordination in Campus Ministry, a well-organized system of homeroom service representatives, and a Lasallian Service Corps Board, students are given countless op-

portunmes to part1opate in projects. These projects range from tutoring in local learning centers (Providence and LaSalle Academy) to week-long projects in locations across the globe (Lasallian Youth Assembly in Syracuse, service work in Arizona and Bolivia, and Project Appalachia). This service is purely voluntary, with many students sacrificing already-busy schedules in the realization of God's truest mission: "Leaving to Serve" on behalf of our faith. - Timothy Plamondon '10

Above: Colin Eisenschmid and Brian Haesler working hard in Kentucky Left: La Salle students reaching out to the children of Bolivia.


2010 Blue & G a,)d


Arizona Service Trip Prayerful meditation and service Nothing defines service more than hours of back breaking work in the blistering heat of the June sun. For the first time in LSC history, students were able to travel across the country and stay at St. Michael's Indian School on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. The week of service was highlighted with the construction of a mile long fence, a complete restoration of many gardens on the school's campus, insulation of classrooms in the school, and the demolition of a large, cracked concrete walkway.

Meals were prepared by the students and every night had its own theme. The whole week also full of prayerful meditations, and every night students were able to express what they learned that day in a liturgy. On the flight home, it was clear that a group of students intended to help and improve the lives of other people, but really learned more than they ever thought was possible. -George Giovinazzo '10

Top: Getting to know the students Michael School


Above: Seniors Nick Luce and Will Beg!, hard at work in Arizona. Left: The group gets ready for take off.



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Mother's Club Thanks for everything, Mom! The Mother's Club and the Men of LaSalle are intricate parts of LaSalle that make the many events they support, such as the Mother/Son Brunch and Super Sunday, possible. Each member volunteers his/her own time to give back to his/her son's school and make LaSalle a complete family experience. At least once a month, these mothers and fathers get together to discuss events and form various committees in order to accomplish their many goals. Although the lives of

the members of The Mother's Club and Men of La Salle are demanding, they still find time to donate to the school, and it is their volunteer work th at helps to make the functions at LaSalle so memorable . Thanks to all those parents who made for another great year at LaSalle College High School. - Michael Foley'lO

Above: Nick DiGioacchino brunch

and mom


Left: Seniors and their mothers enjoy thei Mother/Son Communion Brunch at La together


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High School

Men of La Salle Thanks for everything,

Dad! Left: Pat and Conor enjoy a night out with good old dad!

Above: Mike and Kevin Foley with their dad at Father Son Banquet


2010 Blue & Gol'd


Grandparent's Day Remembering this "grand" day During a students' time at La Salle, they can experience many events. These events which take place during and after school: sport teams, academic clubs, competing groups, and the arts, allow La Salle students to spend time with friends and their parents. However, some loved ones that are not always involved are students' grandparents. Every November before Thanksgiving break, the school invites grandparents of the freshman class to come to spend time with their freshman grandson. A Thanksgiving

prayer service is held for the grandparents. The La Salle students meet their grandparents and give them a special tour of the school. A picture of the grandparents and their grandson is taken as a remembrance of this "grand" day. Grandparents Day is a fantastic tradition that lives on at La Salle and will continue to brighten the hearts of grandparents and their grandchildren for years to come. -Preston Michael Murray'13

Above: David Losier and his grandmother Left: Mike Seiner and his grandparents

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La Salle


High School

Left: Mr. Resch, Pat and Conor Resch, Corey and Floyd Schaffer, with grandmother, Barbara Resch Below: Brian Farley with his grandmother

•e: Chris Rocco with his grandparents

·e: Will Mischler with grandparents 1ureen Mischler, and Ruth Kurtz


Above: Mike Jester and his grandparents

seem to be having a good Grandparent's

Day at La Salle



Blue & Gold '



Right: Grant, Matt, Frank, and Logan closing in on the end of their high school careers

Below: Seniors gettin' fed!

Above: This is more than the senior s raised their hand s in four years

Above:"Oh, please mommy, save me from the old man with the hairy arms!"

44 ' La Salle College

High School

Above: Sinnott doin' a little dance

Senior Night The countdown

to Graduation

begins Below: Kristian Benz and Mark Ventresca do some crazy things hypnotized

Above: Looks like the party started!

Less than 100 days! Sven-jolly Healy ready to perform his mastery of hypnotism on an unsuspecting group of seniors

2010 Blue & Gold


Forum Tradition of excellence and national acclaim This year, The Forum, La Salle's Speech and Debate Team, has continued its storied tradition of excellence and national acclaim. The team kicked off the season in September, with tournaments at Wake Forest, Yale, Georgetown, and Bronx Science, placing individuals in the elimination rounds of each, including a finals appearance by senior Sean Janda . The debaters only grew stronger as the year progressed, as the team of Jim Benischeck and Josh Thorn won the Villiger Tournament at St. Joseph 's, Jim

Benischeck and Greg Porter finaled at Penn, Sean Janda reached the semi-finals of the at Emory, and Greg Porter and Brian Higgins made it to quarters of the Scranton Invitational. Juniors Will Marble and Nick Frazzette also turned in stellar performances, breaking at several national tournaments. The team looks to continue its success throughout the spring as qualifiers are held for States, Nation al Catholics, and the National Tournament in June. - Jim Benischeck'lO

Above: Sean Janda Places 3rd at Presti Barkley Forum Tournament at Emory Univ Left: 2010 PHSSL State Qualifiers

/I / i

46 /, La Salle College

High School

Left: Seniors along with assistant coach T.J. McCarrick '08 Below: PHSSL State Finals - Benischeck and Thorn Quarterfinalists in Policy Debate

e: PHSSL State Finals - Higgins and : 2nd Place in Policy Debate

: PHSSL State Finals - Brian Higgins 6th !r in Policy Debate

Above: Nick Frazzette, Sean Janda, and Will Marble Lexington (MA) Tournament - Lincoln Douglas Debaters


2010 Blue & Go'l<::I 47


Art The creative expression of our inner selves Left: Painting by Michael Brady

Above:"Votive"by Adam Stefanowicz


' La Salle College

High School

Above : Painting by Brian Malone

Below:Joe Sweeney in Drav

Garrett Nesbitt with Kevin Marble and Kikendall looking on


,: Painting by Matthew Wielgus

Top: Painting by Thomas Seminack

Above: Sculpted Potrait of Nelson Mandela by Dennis Anao


Blue & Gold


Right: Band welcomes the Freshman Class Below: Edson Gravil

Above: Jim Rose with a sax solo

Above: Eric Stone, Chris McElroy, and Chris Mele and their trombones


La Salle College

High School

Above: Nick DiGiacomo showing off their axes

and Larry Fin

BAND Pert orming


the highest levels

La Salle's music program is like no other. At La Salle, the music department provides students opportunities to perform in every way imaginable. With more than 400 students participating in La Salle's music and choral programs, one can always hear music coming from the West Wing. Some of La Salle's most successful groups include the Pep Band, which braved snowstorms to support the state champion football team, the Pit Orchestra, which provided the soundtrack for this year's musical, and the Competi-

tion Band and Lab Band, which are comprised of some of the best musicians at La Salle. These bands compete against the best high school jazz bands in the area. This year, the band was led by president Dean Ripley '10 and vice presidents Joe Moroney' 10 and Tim Plamondon' 10. As always, La Salle continues to be blessed to have some of the best musicians in the Philadelphia area as teachers, led by Mr. Vettori and Mr. Ciccimaro. - Joe Moroney'lO

Above: Martin Zefillipio stands to jam

Left: Mr. C is always willing to lend a helping mic


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Gol~ 51 r'

Right: Pat Eble is in the Christmas spirit with a seasonal tune and a sweater to match. Below: Band Assembly Rocks!!!

52 , La Salle


High School



201 0 Blue & Gold


CHORUS Unrivaled voices Part of La Salle's excellent music program is its Chorus. Chorus is mainly comprised of two parts, Freshmen Chorus and Upperclassmen Chorus. In addition, Chorus also is made up of the Belcrofters, an audition only section of vocalists made up of members who perform more challenging and complex music. Each year, the Chorus presents two concerts under the direction of Mr. Mark Norman: one at Christmas, which con-

sists largely of holiday music, and one in the spring. At each concert, the chorus performs many various styles of music, including pieces in several different languages, such as Latin and Spanish. Ultimately, Chorus is a vital part of the music program and one of the many reasons why La Salle's reputation for music continues to be unrivaled. - Will Kellogg'lO

Above: Mooney, Stone, and Schrpp sing d Junior Ring Liturgy Left: The Christmas Choral Concert

/ ,'

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La Salle College

High School

Left: Combined Chorus at Christmas Concert Below: Richie Eckert narrates

,e: Members singing at School Liturgy

路e: Mr. Marchese takes the mic for a med'his own Christmas song favorites

Above: Freshman Chorus takes their turn with a tune

201 O Blue &



PLAZASUITE A classicwork brought to the La Salle stage In Neil Simon's comedy Plaza Suite, three separate stories share the same setting: Suite 719 in New York's Plaza Hotel. In Act I, housewife Karen Nash (Michelle Hildebrandt, SBA '10) drags her husband Sam (Kevin Medved'lO) to the Plaza while the couple's house is being re-painted. She ensures that they are placed in Suite 719, where they allegedly spent their honeymoon. Much hilarity ensues when Karen's plot to save her marriage is compromised by her forgetful tendencies and revelations of Sam's secret romance with young secretary Jean McCormick (Keira Wingert, MSJA '11). In Act II, Hollywood producer Jesse Kiplinger (Vince Szczesniak '10) invites his high school flame, Muriel Tate (Sarah Killian, MSJA '12), to Suite 719 for an evening of catching-up. Old passions ignite as the housewife spills her heart out to Jesse. In Act III, frantic par-

ents Roy (Matt Volpe '12) and Norma Hubley (Corynne Peters, MSJA '11) go through many antics in an attempt to extract their daughter Mimsey (Keira Wingert, MSJA '11) from Suite 719's bathroom and drag her to her wedding with the gentlemanly Borden Eisler (Tom Mullin '12). Perfectly timed appearances by the waiter (Preston Murray '13) and bellhop (Tom Mullin '12) add to the hilarious awkwardness of each act. Despite the talents of the cast, the show would surely have failed without the efforts of the dedicated stage crew (who coordinated and executed lighting, sound, and set construction with timing and precision) and the flawless direction of Mr. Micky Dominick and Mr. Mark Norman, all of whom worked together to bring Neil Simon's classic work to life with huge success. -Kevin Medved'lO

Above: Vince Szczesniak turning on the cl Left: Curtain call for the cast


La Salle College

High School

Left: Preston Murray caught in an awkward moment between Michelle Hildebrandt and Kevin Medved Below: Kevin Meved bickering

ve: Vince trying to smooth talk Sarah Killian

ve: Kevin Medved storming out

Above: Matt Volpe and Corynne Peters worry about Matt's "injury"

17 201 0 Blue & Gold



Above: Pat and Julie compare each oth, peaches and plums in"You're the Boss"

Above : Will Kellogg is a happy -go-lucky drunk in "D.W. Washburn" who is "saved" by a group of kind people in straw hats Top: The entire cast of"Smokey Joe's"


58 / ,'./

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High School

Above: Bridget, Maggie, and Dave look st on their way to"Kansas City"

SMOKEYJOE'SCAFE A musical review of hit songs This year, La Salle's theatre department presented Smokey Joe's Cafe as its spring musical. Smokey Joe's is a musical revue of the hit songs of the song-writing duo Leiber and Stoller, who penned hits for everyone from The Coasters to the Drifters, from Ben E. King to the King, Elvis Presley. The show begins as a group of adults, who had been childhood friends, reminisce about the good old days back in their "Neighborhood: ' The 37 songs of the show then follow their story, one to which everyone can relate,

going from young love to the thrill of leaving home for the first time, to the pain of having your heart broken, to finding yourself right back where you started. The show was led by an incredible cast of leads, featured performers, and seniors. Thanks to the talents of the entire cast, crew, pit band, the director Mr. Micky Dominick, vocal director Mr. Mark Norman, and choreographer Ms. Kim Williams, the show was a smash hit!

Below: Eric Stone is "searchin" for the perfect girl. He's already found the perfect hat.

-John Corr '10

Above: They say the neon lights are bright, "On Broadway," so the guys came prepared with sunglasses.

Senior Cast Members Top: Pat Cero, Pat Monahan, Moira Gannon, Will Kellogg, John Corr Bottom: Julie Kurkowski, Tori Osbourne, Jeremy Rich, Dave Cinque, Vince Szczesniak, Dan Clark, Mike Brady, Maggie Schweppe, and Kevin Medved.



Blue & Go ,ld /'!


Right: Getting ready for another fantasic morning news report. Below: Dan Goodwin and Beau Whitman editing a feature

Above: Researching, "A Day in History"

Above: The Freshmen learning the equipment on the job



La Salle College

High School

Above: Nick Floor directing for the ancho

WEXP The explorer channel keeping us updated Below: The Control Room working bring you the morning news.

hard to

Above: Seniors Dave Cinque and Vince Szczesniak are ready to roll.




Blue & Gold ' '


TECH Advancing

Opposite The La Salle Tech Depart

in a blink of an eye

Technology is always changing for the better at La Salle. This past summer the technology department, led by Mr. Sigmund and the Lab Manager program, redesigned the server infrastructure of the school through a technology called virtualization. This technology cut the tech department's energy consumption by nearly sixty five percent, thus making La Salle a technologically green campus. In addition, La Salle on the cutting edge with wireless networking and computers. Before the school year started, the

IT Department deployed state-of-theart wireless N Cisco access points throughout the school, delivering 100% coverage for all computers. New computer labs were also installed, complete with blazing fast Quad Core processors and Windows 7庐. The IT Department was also hard at work equipping the new wing with SMARTboards and projectors. Thanks to Mr. Sigmund, the Lab Managers, and the Administration, La Salle's technological future looks bright. - Kyle LePrevost 'lO



~ 11.~L,'A \

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Senior Members Tech Department Right: The Senior Lab Managers: Kyle LePrevost, Michael Fox, Jean-Paul Bonny, David Cinque, Ryan Carey, John Weinrich, and Phillip Moyer



62 ,1: La Salle College

High School


Above:The CIO"Coach'' Sigmund Below: Colin Mcintosh, Kyle LePre William Fisco, and Michael Fox: Tech Wfa




e: Students finishing assignments in the lab

e: The main computer lab is for the seri路ork

Above: Lab Manager Brain Trust: Kyle LePrevost'lO,

Colin Mclntosh'll,John



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WINTERFORMAL Dancing the night away Left: "Here I am the Dean of Discipline and they got me on coat ch eck detail. I sho uld be b1 people!" - Mr. Fyke Below: Seniors Jean Pa ul Boney and AJ Rodriguez enjoy an excellent eveing with their dates.

Above: Jeremy Rich along with his date are all smiles. Right: Floyd Shaffer and Matt DiGiacomo get ready to go crazy at the formal. I

64 f j

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High School

Left: DanEzzo tivites

and excited for the night's fes-

Below: Cass knows just girl...stylish headwear

how to impress


ove: Freshmen get to enjoy the dance, too.

ove: Will Marble is in the house!

Above: Robert Kelly, Ryan Abbott, and their dates snuck by the first security check point

,if 201 0 Blue & G j l'd


Dodge Ball If you can dodge a wrench ... Left: Evan Cleary and Mike Casey trying to intimidate Below: Mr. Hartey is the man in charge!

Above: firing at the speed of so und! Right: The Twin Powers of the Pit


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La Salle College

High School

Left: This team looks prepared for war! Below: Begin the destruction

>ve: Cos attempts

the slow-motion



,ve: Things get out of control when the senget involved

Above: Casey openly mocking his opponent right before getting nailed.

/ I


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Wing Bowl A celebration of gluttony! Left: The reigning champ makes his entrance Below: Dave Losier flies into this year's competition

Above: There are not enough wings to satisfy Mucho Wingding! Right: The fans love the spectacle

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High School

Left: The always well-guarded "C " makes his way through the throngs of supporters Below: Gorillas, compete


are unable to

1e: Seniors Jeremy Rich, Kevin Gatti, and ck prepare to devour

,e: The torch is passed to Ryan Geiger

Above: The anticipation builds before the chicken bones fly!

201 0 Blue & G i id


Below: Engineering Club going over their plans



70 ,I;! La Salle College 1,

High School

Right: Chess Club working on strategy

La Salle Clubs There is something for everyone Below: Italian Club developing their skills in Bocce Ball

Above: In the shadow of W ard Field members of the Ultimate-Frisbee

Club play their hearts out


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Go(8 //


Right: Mr. Russell congratulating

Below: The competition


the medal winning Academic Decathlon team

is fierce when it comes to Gaming Club

La Salle College

High School


2010 Blue & GoJ'd //


Kairos A Spiritual Awakening The four day senior retreat, Kairos, remains an anticipated mystery for each class as they rise through the ranks at La Salle. The class of 2010 finally took advantage of their opportunity to grow and learn together during the 2009-2010 school year, on six Kairos retreats. The best way to see a representation of what our retreat means is to watch our senior class, month to month, as 40 more classmates embark on their own Kairos retreat. Each individual returns to the hallways with a profound respect for others and themselves. Lasallian ideals can be summarized in

their entirety through the Kairos retreat. Kairos is a time to reflect on the memories behind us and the opportunities ahead, while remembering this present day and all the gifts in our lives. Kairos, "God's Time'; allows young men to work together in an attempt to find serenity in oneself and others. Along the way, a deeper relationship with God is established. These four days at the Diamond Ridge Retreat Center has brought the class of 2010 closer than anyone could have imagined. Each one of us has grown to appreciate all that lifeoffers. - Drew Russin'lO

Above: Fr. Bernie Farley celebrates Mass a amond Ridge. Left: Big C and his group (Christian I Kevin Breen, Dylan Gavin, Nick Luce, A_ driguez , Vinny Migliarese and Gary Whit,


La Salle College

High School

Kairos 37-70 November 10-13, 2009

Kairos 37.-71 December 8-11, 2009

Kairos 37-72 January 26-29, 2010


201 O Blue & Gold I/


Right: Kairos 37-72 enjoy a great meal together. Below: Charie McDonald and Dan Wood enjoying the beautiful Diamond Ridge Retreat Center.

Above: Derek Quinn, Nolan Funchion Nick Pilla get ready for an excellent day.

Above: Kevin Clark reflects on his Kairos experience so far.

76 , La Salle College

High School

Above: Mike Bambi with some personal ti

Left: 42 seniors are given the oportunity to attend Kairos for a second time as lead ers, greatly impacting the retreatant's experience. Below: Seamus McCullough enjoying the quiet time while on retreat.

,e: No comment!

,e: Tom Swartley is deep in reflection while :treat.

Above: Mr. Devlin and his group have a great experience bonding


201 0 Blue & Gold f



Evolving ...Evolving ...Evol



Blue & Gold


Head Coach Gordon raises the AAAA State Champion trophy

A team characterized by extensive leadership, relentless passion, superior coaching, and a sense of brotherhood on and off the field, the La Salle Explorers accomplished a truly tremendous feat. After concluding their previous season with a heartrending loss to George Washington High School, the 31 returning seniors approached this season with a vengeance. Following months of vigorous training, the Explorers began their journey towards the State Title. Finishing the regular season 8-1, the team advanced to the PCL Championship, defeating St.Joseph's Prep 35-27. The Explorers then seized the City Championship with a dominating win (31-20) over George Washington. La Salle advanced deep into the PIAA State Playoffs by beating Easton and Ridley. After these two remarkable wins, the Explorers had reached their ultimate objective: Hershey. Determined and confident, the Explorers dominated State College 24- 7 despite the foot of snow covering the turf. Aside from winning a State Championship, the players received numerous, prestigious accolades: Ranked #24 in the Country, a PIAA Offensive Player of the Year, Offensive Line of the Year, 13 All-State Nominations, 7 All-SE PA Nominations, 11 All-City nominations, and 17 All-Catholic nominations. With tenacity and pride, the Explorers brought home La Salle's third state tide of 2009. - Steve Szostak'lO Above: The bone-crunching La Salle Del Left: Drew Loughery looks for an open reo

ao,/' La

Salle College

High School

Explorer mascot is on to Hershey! 2. Cam Kappo. 3. Steve Szostack. 4. Matt DiGiacomo and his parents on Senior Day. 5. Captain Ryan Saraceni

VarsityFootball The 2009 PIAA "Quad-A" Champion La Salle Explorer Football Team

Above: Senior members that provided the experience and leadership during their Championship season. Left: Seniors celebrating along with Manager Brian Havard after capturing the PCL Title

Far Left: Offense celebrates a touchdown by Jamal AbdurRahman Near Left: Senior Tight End Steve Jones heads for the end zone.

201 0 Blue &



inspires the troops! 2. Frosh running game dominates. 3. Young Explorers ready to hit the field.4.JV QB. 5.JV defense getting a taste for Hawklette.


Freshmen Football

Right: JV "D" punishes their opponents.

a2)/ La I '

Salle College

High School

Left: Drew powers through the snow Below: Kevin Forester with another interception.

Above: La Salle defense dominating with "Payne" Brady and Steve Sinnott Left: Explorers celebrate District 12 Title

Above: On the Road to Hershey! Left: Bro. Richard and the Seniors with the State Championship trophy at Christmas Liturgy.


Blue & G f d


Peifer. 4. Nathan Kurylo. 5. Emre Karatas


Above: Seniors members: N. Kurylo,). Ullman, B. Kowalski, C. McGonigle, T. Peifer, B. Zipfel, S. Kelly, T. Diasio, R. Moran, M. Casey, K. Burke, and K. Hyer (not pictured: M. Scott) Right: Kevin Burke blows by a defender

Far Right: Darius Madison makes his move Near Right: Explorers verge on the ball

84){ La Salle



High School

Left: Kevin Piotchowitz the header.

and Tim Peifer go for

After returning many key players from last year's talented team, there were high expectations for the soccer team this year. The Explorers did not disappoint, as they compiled a 15- 3-1 record on the season. Facing a schedule filled with very strong Catholic League opponents, La Salle consistently performed well. Their only two regular season losses came against the eventual state co-champions, Father Judge. The team was led by senior co-captains Tim Peifer, Nathan Kurylo, and Steve Kelly, while receiving important contributions from seniors Bob Kowalski, Conor McGonigle, Mike Casey, Ryan Moran, Kieran Hyer, Kevin Burke, Tim Diasio, Brendan Zipfel, Jake Ullmann, Nick Schreiber, and Mike Scott. After defeating Conwell- Egan in the opening round of the playoffs, La Salle fell 1-0 to Archbishop Ryan in a hard fought semifinal game. Although the Explorers did not get as far as they would have liked, they certainly matched the high expectations held at the beginning of the year. - Kevin Burke'lO

Above: Beau Whitman flips Left: Nathan Kurylo boots a goal as Kevin Pio and Connor McGonigle prepare to celebrate


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Blue & Gold

Right: Kevin Pio and Bobby Kowalski beat the goalkeeper Below: Senior Mike Scott works to get open

Above: Steve Kelly Right: Sophomore Chris Palowski waits for the pass from Craig Kikendale

Above: Kikendale works for posession Right: Explorer Soccer team ready for another match

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La Salle College

High School

I. Christopher McCrea. 2. Max Breitmayer. 3. Frosh Brian McNamara. 4. Terry McFadden on the pass. 5. Matt Basara dribbles


Freshman Soccer

Far Left: JV team sets up to attack Near Left: Frosh Vincenzo Cardi shoes off his slick moves


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& Gord



Explorer Cross-Country excels with runners like Tom Trainer, Nick Molloy, Brendan Stone, and Shawn Quinn

A large contributor to LaSalle College High School's athletic success during the 2009-2010 school year was the cross country team. Returning five of seven varsity runners from last year's team, which placed second at the PIAA State Championship, the team anticipated a multitude of success this season. Due to each harrier's relentless work ethic and phenomenal coaching by Mr. Bielecki, Mr. Devin, Mr. Devlin, and Mr. Demeter, the team exceeded the anticipated success. "The LaSalle Pack" showed the rest of the state that they were a force to be reckoned with a second place finish at the Briarwood Invitational and a win at the Carlisle Invitational, over five of the state's top ten ranked teams. The team rode this wave of momentum into the PCL Championships, where varsity won their seventh straight title and the JV and Freshman members dominated their respective races. The Varsity team, consisting of Seniors Nick Molloy, Tom O'Kane, Shawn Quinn, James Stevenson, Ryan Werner, and Juniors Seamus Morgan, Brendan Stone, and Tom Trainer, went on to also win the District 12 title, and finish 3rd in the PIAA state meet. As much success as this team has had, with hard work from the underclassman and continued high level coaching, the future of the LaSalle Cross Country team looks even brighter.

Above: Morgan gives his all Left: PCL Champs; Stone, O'Kane, Wt Quinn, Stevenson, Trainer, Molloy, and Mo

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5. Tom Trainer.

VarsityCross-Country Members of the PCL Champions: Werner, Morgan, Heck, Trainer, Quinn, Stevenson, O'Kane, Molloy, Stone, and LaMorte

Above: Trainer, O'Kane, Quinn, Molloy, and Stone lead the way Left: Shawn Qui1m likes his shoes!!!

Far Left: Varsity gets ready Near Left: Head Coach Bielecki discusses strategy with his senior runners

20路1 O Blue &



!.Seamus McCullough. 2. Tom Nolan. 3. Chris Muggier. 4. Tom Coyle. 5. Niko.

JV Cross-Country La Salle Explorer Junior Varsity Cross-Country Team PCL Champs!

I FroshCross-CountryI La Salle Explorer Freshman Team PCL Champs!


Far Right: Andrew Stone and Colin Eisenschmid Near Right: Sophomore Kevin Marble

90 路 La Salle College

High School

Left: Muggier, Christowski, Kevin Quinn, and McCullough lead the JV team Below: O'Kane, Morgan, and Quinn muddied but victorious



Left: A scenic meet in the park

Above: Senior Pat Heck Left: Explorer Cross-Country


in the lead

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!.Chris Catalino. 2. Goalie Eddie Kehan. 3. Rhodes ready to pounce. 4. Nolan Funcheion. 5. Ian and Rhodes


Above and Right: Explorer Water Polo Team gets ready to take it to their opponents

Far Right: Rhodes Worster and Brendan McGoldrick play tough"D" Near Right: Ian Thompson looks for the open shot


La Salle College

High School

Lead by Head Coach Duncheskie Polo team continues to excell

the Water

In only their second season in the PIAA, the La Salle water polo team qualified for the state playoffs. The team was lead by senior captain and all state selection Rhoads Worster, and all state goalkeeper Eddie Kehan. Other key senior contributors included captain Nolan Funchion, Phil Letcavage, Brendan McGoldrick, Tom Knab, and Shawn Warrender, who broke La Salle's single season scoring record with 90 goals. The team also received help from talented juniors Ian Thompson and Will Galbally. One of the team's biggest wins this year came in late September against state powerhouse Wissahickon. The 11-8 victory was a booster for La Salle's state playoff resume. Aside from the P.I.A.A., the team played well against several Inter-Ac teams, including two key one goal wins over Malvern and Germantown Academy. In the state playoffs, the team fought hard, but lost against North Penn and Governor Mifflin, eventual second and fourth place finishers. The final game of the season ended with a 10-7 victory over McDowell, earning 7th place in the state tournament. Overall, the 2009 La Salle water polo team managed to put together the most impressive season in the program's history. - Nolan Funchion '10

Above: Rhodes Worster gets ready to fire! Left: Coaches Duncheskie and Rieffel watch the action


Blue & Gold


Right: Phil Letcavage with a lazer fast shot! Below: The Explorer line of defense

Above: Nolan Funchion looks to pass Right: Phil Letcavage, Rhodes Worster, Shawn Warrender on their mark


Above and Right: The Water Polo Team gets ready for the season with summer practices outdoors


94 7' La Salle College

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JV WaterPolo

Far Left: JV Goalie Matt McCrudder prepares to make a save Near Left: JV with a much deserved breath during a match

I , .

201 0 Blue & Gdld 'I


Mark Schnupp helped provide Senior leadership to this year's PCL champs

ConquerinttheCoune The 2009 season was yet another successful year for the La Salle golf team. After losing nine senior players the previous year, the team responded with a winning combination of senior leadership and young talent. The Explorers were guided to a 12-1 season by seniors Mark Schnupp, Warren Resnick, Jack Ulan, and Andrew Staudt. In addition, others such as sophomores Adam Stefanowicz and PJ Acierno,junior CJDunton, and freshman Frank Worthington made key contributions. With standards set high by the 2008 team's PCL and District XII titles, the golf team confidently strived for a repeat performance. All-Catholic performances at Blue Bell Country Club by Mark Schnupp ( twotime All-Catholic), Jack Ulan ( twotime), Adam Stefanowicz (first-time), and Frank Worthington (first-time) guided the team to its third straight PCL championship and the 12th title in fourteen years. Adam Stefanowicz and Jack Ulan also tied for second lowest individual score with outstanding rounds of 76. Despite suffering a disappointing loss at Districts, the team is still extremely satisfied with its achievements in 2009 . Golf continues to be one of La Salle's most prolific athletic programs and future years are sure to continue the tradition of success.

Above: Jack lines up Left: Adam Stefanowicz lets loose

96 /1 La Salle College ;]

High School

Stoudt. 2. Warren Resnick. 3. PJ Acerno. 4. Frank Worthington. 5. Del Markward.


Above: Senior Golfers enjoy their last PCL title together Schnupp, and Warren Resnick

Jack Ulan, Andrew Stoudt, Mark

Left: Proudly holding the "hubcap"

Far Left: Drive for show! Near Left: Senior leaders of the Golf Team Warren Resnick, Mark Schnupp, and Andrew Stoudt

2010 Blue & Gold



1. Neil Laessig. 2. CJDunton. 3. Brian Stefanowitz, 4. Morgan Doherty. 5. Kevin Quinn,

PCLChampionship La Salle Explorer Golf Team celebrates another PCLtitle

All-Catholics From Left: Jack Ulan, Mark Schnupp, Frank Worthington, and Adam Stefanowitz

Far Right: Senior Golfer Warren Resnick Near Right: Another perfect day on the links

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Left: CJ Dunton and Del Markward Below: PJ and

CJon the green

Above: Adam sending his ball home Left: Coach Jackson offers some precious tips to Morgan Doherty and PJ Acerno

Above: Dutch tees-off Left: Frosh Golfers show off their gear

201 0 Blue & G ql'd


Seniors Troy Hockaday and Chris Edger helped advance the Explorers basketball team into the PAState Playoffs

The La Salle Basketball Team had one of the most successful seasons in recent memory. The season featured a 4th consecutive trip to the Philadelphia Catholic League playoffs, a semi-final game at the Palestra, a PIAA District 12 AAAA Championship and a State Playoff appearance. The Explorers turned heads in the Catholic League Red, as they stormed to a 12-2 record and finished in 1st place. Following their successful regular season, the Explorers marched into the playoffs and took care of North Catholic to advance to the semi-final round and play at the Palestra for the first time since 1990. There they faced Archbishop Carroll, the defending AAA State Champions. The Explorers lost a hard-fought battle, 51-47, but because of their first place finish in the Catholic League Red, qualified for the AAAA District 12 Championship. In the District 12 tide game, La Salle defeated Bartram 42-40, to capture their first City Tide since 1950. With the victory, the Explorers clinched the first seed for District 12 in the State Tournament and look to continue their success in the State Playoffs. Special congratulations to guards Troy Hockaday and Eddie Mitchell for earning 1st Team All Catholic Honors, as well as Head Coach Joe Dempsey for winning Coach of the Year for the Catholic League. - Chris Edger'lO

Above: PCL Coach of the Year Joe Der giving some words of advice to Eddie Left: Steve Collins and Joe Brown


La Salle College

High School

1. Troy Hockaday 2. Steve Collins 3. Eddie Mitchell 4. Brennan Woods 5. Mike Poncia

VarsityBasketball La Salle Varsity Basketball Team 2010.

Above: Team celebrates after winning Districts. Left: Seniors Troy Hockaday and Chris Edger show off the District 12 Champ Plaque.

Far Left: Amar Stukes on his man Left: Eddie Joyner with the lay up.


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Go (


1. Gerald Jardon 2. Andrew Schieve 3. Amar Stukes 4. PJ Acierno 5. Darnell Artis


I FreshmenBasketballI

Far Right: Jon Naji drives to the hoop Right: Coach Cummings and Coach Donohoe go over the play to seal the victory.

102" ' La Salle M


High School

Left: Team huddle before the game. Below: Mike Poncia drives to the basket

Above: Joe Brown goes for the layup. Left: Kevin Piotrowicz bench.

is welcomed

to the

Above: Sean Dougherty looks for the open man Left: Kevin Piotrowicz can still drain shots with a hand in his face.


Blue & Gold


1.JoeMazzi 2. Shane Springer 3.CJ Burns. 4. PJ Stermonte 5. Ryan Geiger


Above: Seniors Steve Jones,Jack Carmody, CJ Burns, and Nick Mathis after winning the PCL title. Right: Bryan Pflanz getting advice before pinning his opponent.

Far Right: Matt Ciamto exhausted after victory. Right: Casey Kent making his opponent yell "Uncle:'

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Left: Joe Mazzi celebrates the PCL title with his teammates.

Tall The wrestling team had another successful seas on. Led by captains Steve Jones , CJBurns, Nick Burns along with Seniors Nick Mathis and Matt Carmody, the Explorers were able to clinch two more tides, the PCL and the City In the PCL champiChampionship. onship the wrestlers traveled to the pit to wrestle North Catholic. The Explorers flexed their muscles and earned the victory. Later that week, the Explorers beat George Washington for the City tide. Each wrestler on the varsity team had an excellent season. With great senior leadership and hard work by the underclassmen the Explorers had great success throughout the entire year. They certainly came together as a strong team. The whole team dedicates their accomplishments and success to the hard work put in by their coach Vic Stanley and the coaching staff. - Steven Jones '10

Above: No coach is happier when they win a PCL title. Left: Senior Nick Mathis goes for the takedown.


Blue & Gold



CJgett ing focused

Below: The fantastic La Salle coaching staff getting into it

Above: Steve Jones cheering on this team. Right: PJ Steinmetz wrestler in a hold

getting a North Catholic

Above: Kieran Trainer gets prepared to make his move Right: It's time to get ready to rumble!



La Salle College

High School

I.Nate Ezzo 2. Dad Poquie 3.Jack Carmody 3. Rey Mysterio 4. Will Schoen

La Salle Wrestlers line up before the big match

Endof c1 Rivalry The great battles between La Salle and North Catholic on the mat will sadly come to an end this year.

Young wrestlers like Hensworth (far left) and Bugholtz (left) will lead the future Explorers to more titles.


Blue & Gold




Team celebrates Senior Kevin Minton's goal

The two-time Pennsylvania State Champion LaSalle Ice Hockey program continued its success in the 2009-2010 season. This year's program fielded two JV teams and the Varsity AAA team. The JV AA team won seventeen of twenty-one games and promises to be a strong competitor in the playoffs. The JV AAA team had another phenomenal season, winning its second straight league championship and going undefeated in the process. The Varsity AAA team finished season 7-1-4, at the top of their league. The team placed third in both the Mount Saint Charles and the Meadville tournaments this season. The Varsity squad of will have a bye in the first round of the playoffs and is determined to "three-peat" as both Flyers Cup and State Champions. LaSalle Hockey will graduate eight seniors in 2010: Michael Bambi , Matt Catanese, Joe Deegan, Steve Donovan, Derek Hunter, Kevin Minton, and Mark Schnupp. - Kevin Minton '10

Above: Mark Schnupp eyes the drop of the Left: Goalie Andrew King


La Salle College

High School

1. Nick Cruice 2. Neil Laessig 3. Andrew Grajowski 4. Mike Bambi 5. Matt Catanese

IJ.A Front: Neil Laessig, Mark Schnupp, Matt Williams, Andrew King, Dan Greco, Ryan Booth, Nick Popoff, Nick Master, Ron Greco Back: Michael Bambi, Frank Trocino, John Quigley, Drew Smolcynski, Kevin Minton, Tom Jaquay, Andrew Grajewski, Tim Feoli, Jason Lombardi, Sean Orlando, Matt Catanese, Joe Deegan Missing: Nick Cruice, Breandan Colgan, Derek Hunter

Left: Nick Popoff fires on the net

Above: La Salle's"Line of Doom"

Far Left: Frank "the Tank" Trocino Left: Senior Members of La Salle's Hockey program; Mike Bambi, Mark Schnupp, Matt Catanese, Steve Donovan, Derek Quinn,Joe Deegan, and Kevin Minton

2010 Blue & Gold


Breandan Colgan 2. Frank S:zamboti 3. Steve Donovan 4. Vince Forti and Goalie Dom Padova



Far Right: Steve DiPietro winning the face off Right: Chris Walker shoots and scores



La Salle College

High School

Left: Chris Heleniak crashes the Prep's goalie Below: Sean Orlando sets to win another face-off

Above: Ryan Williams in warm-ups Left: Coach Nolan pumps up the troops!

Above: Brendan Jaquay getting ready Left: Vince Forti and Kevin O'Donnal ing the defense


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Go 1


Senior Nick Molloy on the relay

Despite poor weather conditions, La Salle's indoor track and field athletes still found success. The distance runners had impressive performances throughout the indoor track season. Seniors Tom O'Kane, Dan LaMorte, Shawn Quinn, James Stevenson, Pat Heck and Nick Molloy each played an important role in the team effort. Tom Trainer, Brendan Stone, Seamus Morgan and Chris Muggler represented the strong junior class. The underclassmen, led by Kevin Quinn, Alex Chrostowski, Andrew Stone, and Tom Coyle, also progressed greatly. With much dedication and effort, the La Salle sprinters also had a large impact on the team's outstanding season. Mike Scott, a senior, and Phil Watson, a junior, led the sprinters. Sophomores Keegan Moesta, Ryan Kalkbrener, Connell Sykes and Mike DiCandido also flourished. The hurdlers, junior Cole Wisdo and sophomore Nick DiGiacomo, also helped the team throughout the season. In the field events, Dylan Gavin, a senior, and Andrew Echert, a junior, had a very strong year throwing the shot put. Beau Whitman, a junior pole-vaulter, placed first in the PCL. Our jumpers were led by John C urtis in the high jump and Corey Muggler in the triple jump. Due to an entire team effort, La Salle finished third in the Philadelphia Catholic League. - Nick Molloy'lO

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Above: Pat Heck Left: Brendan Stone taking the baton frc LaMorte

4. Tom Trainer 5. Dan LaMorte

lmxlRelay The 4x8 Relay (Tom O'Kane, Chris Muggier, Andrew Stone, and Dan LaMorte with Coach Bielecki) finished an impressive fourth place at State's

Above: John Curtis with a high jump attempt Left: Dylan Gavin heaves the shot put

Far Left: Chris Muggier Left: Corey Muggier Frosh triple jumper



I' I

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3. Chris Catalino 4. Andrew Sideras 5. Rhoads Worster


Above: La Salle Swimmers prepare to dominate the pool Right: Senior Rhoads Worster fires off the block

Far Right: Chris Szekley and Chris Catalino Right: La Salle celebrates their District 12 Title

11 114,1 La Salle College I!

High School

David Speese, Phil Letcavage, Rhoads Worster, and Andrew Sideras show off their first place medals

The 2009-2010 swim team started the year looking to improve on their third place finish in the PIAA last year. Led by captains Andrew Sideras and Rhoads Worster, the team had another dominant dual meet season. Seniors Brendan McGoldrick, Phil Letcavage, and Tom Knab helped lead La Salle to an undefeated record, including dominant wins over North Penn and rival St.Joe's Prep. Under the guidance of Coach Lichtner, Coach Duncheskie, and Coach Tate the team took their regular season success into the PCL and District 12 Championship meets where they won convincingly. This was the team's 22nd consecutive PCL championship. In addition to the seniors, the team will look for juniors: David Speese, Chris Catalino, and Chris Nunnari, sophomores: Chris Szeckley, and Eric Schultz, and a strong freshman class to have a solid showing at this year's State Championships at Bucknell University and continue the LaSalle tradition of swimming excellence.

- Rhoads Worster'lO

Above: Andrew Sideras takes flight Left: The "500 Kids" Evan Holder, Chris Szekley, and Chris Catalino

,, 'i

2010 Blue & Gold j,


Right: Frosh Dan Fleck Below: Rhoads Worster, Andrew Sideras, Chris Nunnari, and Phil Letcavage

Above: JP Kelly has his goggles on the prize Right: Coach Duncheskie encourages the team

Above: La Salle in the lead Right: Diver Joe Gorman


/1 1


La Salle College

High School

1. Will Galbally 2. Charlie"Chuck"

4. Charlie gets himself pumped 5.TomKnab

12 PCL'sin a row!

Freshmen Swimmers

Far Left: Frosh Joey McGinnis Left: David Speese after another big win


Blue & Gold / 117


Senior leadership came from Dan Bowers

After a mediocre season last year, the 2009-2010 LaSalle Bowling team was ready to improve, and with the number of good bowlers, things looked promising. Lead by captain Dan Bowers and fellow varsity members, Anthony Caporizzo, Ian Bush,Johnny Santangelo, and Matt Donnelly the team was ready to go. At the season's start, the team shocked the league with a win over Judge. However, at season's end the team missed the playoffs, but still ended on a good note. The team consisted of three seniors; Dan Bowers, Tim Diasio, and Mike Banecker. As it was their first year on the team, Tim and Mike improved greatly and lead the JV to a second place finish, while also making appearances on varsity. Overall, the LaSalle Bowling team had a great season. They doubled their number of wins from last year and gained a lot of experience. With a large number of underclassmen ready to make an impact next year, the 2011 Bowling team is ready for continued success. - Dan Bowers'lO

Above: Johnny Santangelo form

with the p•

Left: Senior members Mike Banecker, Bowers, and Tim Diasio


11 ~ d

La Salle College

High School

1. Chris Kappler 2. Christian Green 3. Tim Diasio 4. Mike Bannecker 5. Steve Duzinski


Left: Drew Voltz

Above: Coach fires the team up

Far Left: Matt Donnelly and dad before the match Left: Rich Brazukas will make those pins pay!


Blue &

Go (


Right: Dylan Gavin fires the javlin

Stridin Spring is right around the corner which means one thing : the return of LaSalle Outdoor Track & Field. The team accepts everyone who wants to compete and work hard, so naturally the team has a lot of talent each year. LaSalle earned 3rd place in PCL champs last year, but with the impressive cross country and indoor track seasons the team had this year, an outdoor victory this spring is definitely attainable. Senior captains Shawn Quinn, Tom O'Kane, and Nick Molloy look to lead the long distance runners to great success at PCL champs, while senior Mike Scott will contribute in the shorter distance events. In addition the team hopes to get points from Dylan Gavin in shot put and javelin, Andrew Eckert in shot put and discus, and Beau Whitman and Mark Angiolillo in pole vault. With the dedicated training and workouts the athletes put in, in addition to the excellent coaching, LaSalle is sure to achieve first place at PCL champs this year! - Pat Heck' 10

Above: Sprinter Kiegan Moester Left: Pole vaulter Beau Whitman psychs self up ,. /,

12p ,1

La Salle College

High School

1. Colin Eisenschmid 3.Seamus!Vlorgan 4. Chris Szeckley 5. !VlikeSummers

Runnintthe Milt Seniors Tom O'Kane and Nick !Vlalloylead the way for La Salle's Outdoor Track team

Above: !VlarkAngillilo tries out the high jump Left: Hurdler Cole Wisdo takes off

Far Leaft: !VlikeScott finishing strong Left: Pat Heck leads the pack


Blue & Go1J1' 121


Chase Digney at the Main Line Slide Regional Indoor Rowing Competition

LaSalle Rowing began the 2009-2010 fall season looking to build upon last year's spring season. Along with a core group of determined seniors: Kevin Foley, Zach Seigel, Mike Coyle, Heath Thomas, Will Begley, and Mike Lindsay, the team looks to fill the ranks of the varsity boats with talented underclassmen, such as: Dom Mirable, Mike Vecchione, Emmit Gross, and Pat Eble. All of LaSalle's boats have had success this fall, including strong finishes at the Head of the Schuylkill Regatta and Navy Day Regatta, a first place finish at the King's Head Regatta and a virtual sweep of every event at the Frostbite Regatta. The highlight of the fall season was a long awaited reappearance at the Head of the Charles Regatta in Boston in which the team competed against the fastest boats from national and international competition. The team looks to the guidance of coaches such as Bill Ernst, Mark Valenti, and Head Coach Chris Doyle to lead the team into a successful spring season in which they hope to win many races. With so many talented underclassmen, the team hopes to continue its success for years to come. - Mike Lindsay'lO

Above: Zach Seigel, Emmett Gross, and Seigal Left: Rigging the Varsity Lightweight 4

12/ I!

La Salle


High School

1.JV 8 heading to starting line 2. Second Lightweight 8 3. Coxswain Mike Coyle :~==!' f!id 4. Varsity 4 guns out 5. Nick Shafer

Varsity8 Varsity 8 with Mr. George Hines and Coach Chris Doyle, First place and recipients of the George Hines trophy at the King's Head Regatta

Above: Varsity Lightweight 8 with Coach Bill Ernst with Second Place at King's Head Regatta Left: Zach Seigal and Will Begley

Far Left: "Up over heads. Ready. Up:' Second Lightweight 8 Left: Varsity Lightweight 8 crossing the finish line in 1st place

2010 Blue & Gol d



with backhand magic 5. Mitch Abramo

SeniorTennisPlayers From Left: Tim Plamondon, Nick Luce, Tom Benz, and Andrew Morton Missing: Nick Volpe

Above: It must be nice to be 1st doubles when you can just sit back and relax (Harry Bonet and Richard Danze) Right: John Neufeld pummeling a serve for an ace

Far Right: Brian Stefanowicz gets ready to crush one. Right: Nick Luce focused!


La Salle College

High School

Senior team leader Tim Plamondon Salle Tennis to another title

driving La

With a PCL win last spring and a strong squad of returning players, the Explorers were ready to face the league again and go even further than years prior. As they have for the last three years, the Explorers seek to acquire another PCL tide and hopefully go much further, leaving a strong legacy. This year's team includes five seniors. Senior captains Tim Plamondon and Nick Luce along with seniors Nick Volpe, Tommy Benz, and Andrew Morton will provide stronger leadership than ever and the foundation needed to succeed. These players, combined with the new players and returning sophomores and juniors, will indubitably carry the team to success. Coaches Bill Geiger and Joseph Radvansky share the team's desire to succeed and carry forth through the PCL and beyond. With several league matches early in the season, the team is eager to begin its competitive season and field the best team it can. With many talented and devoted players, the team strives to maintain the winning ways of years past. - Nick Volpe'lO Above: Head Coach Geiger with Coach Rad the charismatic leaders of La Salle tennis Left: Christian Frosh!


the Fantastic


Blue & Gold


Junior hurler Joe Forcellini leads the Explorers

Following a very strong 2009 campaign in which an extra-innings loss left La Salle just short of taking the PCL tide, the 2010 Explorers look to continue the program's success. Despite the graduation of many of the 2009 team's key contributors, the Explorers still have a number of returning players and talented rookies ready to make an impact under the guidance of Head Coach Joe Parisi and staff. Senior catcher TJ Burgmann will handle the Explorers' deep pitching staff, headed by senior CJBurns and junior Brian Zielinski. Key infielders include seniors Ian Whalen, Dan Wood, Fran Martino, and junior Joe Forcellini. Patrolling the outfield are seniors AJ Rodriguez and John Sczepanski, along with sophomore Tyler Kozeniewski and other talented players. This seasoned group hopes to benefit from the experience of last year's deep playoff run and to continue being a force in the PCL. -AJ Rodriguez'lO

Above: Alex Richardson plugging in all , Wood's homeruns Left: Dan Wood, enough said

126Q ""

La Salle College


High School

2. Joe Forcellini 3.DanWood 4. Celebrating another big run 5. Majestic Ward Field

SeniorVarsityBaseball Senior Baseball Left to Right: Kieran Berkery, Dan Wood, Fran Martino, Mike Fasano, Ian Whelan, TJ Burgmann, AJ Rodriguez , CJ Burns, John Szepanski, Garrett Nesbitt, and Alex Richardson.

Left: Brian Zielinski fires to first

Above: Members of the 2010 Varsity Baseball Team

Far Left: AJ Rodriguez slams a ball into left field. Left: Fran Martino throwing a man out at home.


Blue &



1. Anthony Cognetti 2. Nolan Funchion 3. Christian Cardinal 4.JoeBrown 5. Jack Bogorowski

StateChamps! Our 2009 PIAA Lacrosse State Champions

Above: Current seniors showing off their state championship trophy Right: Dan Loiser shakin' and bakin' towards another goal

Far Right: Nick Cruice slidding past another defender Right: Wesley Meehan breaking a defenders ankles as Vinny Migs looks on.

128 /<


La Salle College

High School

Pat Resch lets his flow do all the talking

Ahead The La Salle lacrosse team faces many new challenges moving into the 2010 season. Coming off two consecutive State Championships, high expectations are abundant. La Salle Lacrosse has a history of excellence spanning the course of the past decade and before. This year's team has a combination of veteran leadership and new talent. Returning senior Patrick Resch, along with talented returning juniors Jack Bogorowski, Nick Cruice, and Zach Jones will head a tested midfield group. The midfield will be aided by freshman Sean Coleman in his first year of action. The attack will be lead by seniors Dan Losier, Steve Kelly, and Christian Cardinal, as well as junior Kevin Forster. The defense will be anchored by seniors Shane Pierce, Tim Durkin and Ryan Saraceni, along with junior Mark Difrangia, and sophomore Casey Eidenshink. After losing a strong group in the Class of 2009, new tests lie ahead for the Explorers under the leadership of Coach Bill Leahy. However, high expectations remam for a third consecutive State Title.

- Patrick Resch '10 Above: Mark DiFrangia pushing a Calvert Hall baby boy out of bounds Left: Kevin Forester looking for another goal.

2010 Blue & Gal~ 1,


Evolving ...Evolving ...Evolving ...


/ 201 0 Blue & Gol 1

Mitchell Abramo Michael Andersen Alec Arakelian Richard Atcavage Michael Avallone, III Nicco Baratta

Ryan Barr Julian Baseman James Basile William Baumher Russel Bleiler, IV Timothy Bontempi

FRESHMEN first Stq.jeYS


reshman year at La Salle College High School offers you a chance to set a new foundation in your life. The first year at La Salle offers many opportunities to develop educationally, and to grow into respectable, honorable men. The faculty and upper classmen at La Salle are two of the many groups of people that make La Salle College High School stand out . The teachers realize that coming into La Salle is a big change, whether you went to parochial, private, or public school. They willingly offer guidance to anyone who needs it through the four year journey at La Salle. The upperclassmen lead the way and are good examples for freshmen to look up to. They greatly exemplify the school motto, "Brotherhood and Respect''. The environment at La Salle is great and it helps each student become a respectable young man, inside and outside of the classroom. Freshman year is the beginning of an unforgettable four year journey at La Salle College High School, and a foundation for leading an extraordinary life. -Joe Heidt, 13

You give free tee-shirts and pretzels and everyone is happy!

Above: Anthony Checchio check out their new lockers

and Kyle S

Left: Corey Muggier gets some painting during Branch-out day.




La Salle College

High School

Anthony Borda Michael E. Bowen Ryan Bowes Vito Braccia,Jr. Matthew Brecht John Breslin

Eric W. Bridgeford Johnray A. Briones Damani Brown Steven Bushold Anthony Camp anile Jr. JohnCamusi

Nicholas Capperella Vincenzo Cardi Andrew Carlone Aaron Carreras James Carroll Michael Casey

Michael P. Catalino Michael Celani Joon Young Cha Matthew Chadwick Mark Chandler Kaherdin Charles

Anthony Checchio Sean Cincotta Jared Clapper Sean Cleary Thomas Cockill Sean Coleman

Breandan Colgan Zachary Connor Patrick Cooney Thomas Coyle Alexander Criswell Alexander Cuoci

Paul G. Curcillo, III Matthew Daly Joseph D'Angelo, III John DeAngelis Daniel DeBrakeleer Gerald Degnan


2010 Blue & Gol d ' 133 fl


Michael P. deLuca Nicholas G. DeMaria Anthony M. DeSantis Carlos M. Diaz Joseph T. Dooney Nicholas U. D'Orazio

Patrick J.Dougherty John P. Dusing Richard F. Eckert Andrew K. Eidenshink Michael C. Eife Christian A. Endrigian

Christopher M. Esposito Nathan P. Ezzo Jonathan R. Fabriziani Joshua S. Fabriziani Richard WFabrizio,Jr. Christopher J. Fagan

Brian P. Farley Connor P. Fassnacht Michael P. Fassnacht Timothy F. Feoli Patrick]. Finlay Brian R. Fischer

Matthew B. FitzPatrick Daniel W Fleck,Jr. Jacob M. Ford Charles A. Formic a John P. Forrest Lucas G. Friel

Joshua T. Gelenberg Thomas P. Gibbons James T. Gillen David B. Givens,Jr. Robert]. Gormisky Joshua Graham

Andrew M. Grajewski Mark P. Grasela Daniel]. Greco G. Matthew Greco Ronald T. Greco Kevin D. Groome


La Salle College

High School

Alexander M. Guckin Andrew P. Halton Denis E. Harp Matthew D. Haviland Melvin L. Hawkins Joshua K. Haynesworth

Joseph]. Heidt Jared T. Herrmann Nicholas A. Higgins Peter G. Hildebrandt Mark D. Himler Steven M. Hladczuk



O 3

Patrick]. Hoffman,Jr. Evan E. Holder Ryan]. Holly Nicholas M. Hreshko David M. Hunt, II Frederick]. Ilsemann, IV

Brendan C.Jaquay Joseph M.Jester Francis Johnson Gerald L.Jordan Christopher J. Kane LukeP. Kane

Philip F.X. Kearns Austin M. Kelly Owen J. Kelly Conor M. Kennedy David L. Key,Jr. Daniel L. Kiely

Brendan J.Koch Nicholas A. Kreter Brian R. Lagreca Conor E. Lavelle Dane P. Lavery Christopher A. LePrevost

Joseph Lerro Michael E. London Patrick R. Longhitano David D. Losier William C. Lucas Jesse W. Luczkowski


Blue &

Go {


Christian G. Lutschaunig Kurt R. Lutter Kevin R. Lynch Mark A. Lynch Colin P. MacCrory Sean P. Macintosh

John M. Magee Joseph M. Maginnis David J. Malone Mark N. Manero Christopher]. Manion Mark Manjardi,Jr.

Christopher J. Markmann Joseph T. Markmann Agustin T. Marty Dante]. Massi, III Nicholas M. Master Connor T. Masterson

John V. Mastronardo John R. Matthews Patrick E. May Brian T. McCann Luke E.McCann Christopher McCrea

Brett Alan McCutcheon Chad Michael McCutcheon James Kelly McDonnell Nicholas Christian McDowell Nolen R. McElwee Brendan M. McGonigle

Connor B. McHugh Samuel]. McKenzie Connor J. McNally Brian J. McNamara Christopher J.McPeak Paul L. Melchiorre, III

Christopher A. Mele Christopher M. Melillo Anthony L. Mercader Charles Meredith, V Jeffrey Mikalonis- Lieberman William]. Mischler


La Salle College

High School

Anthony G. Moffa Francis A. Monzo Robert F.Moore, III Colin P. Moran Matthew]. Morozzi Patrick]. Morrissey

Corey C. Muggier Preston M. Murray Sean T. Naessens Jonathan Z. Naji Michael C. Naples Ellis D. Nation

Johnathan M. Neufeld Thoma s F.Noonan Michael] . O'Connor Patrick M. O'Brien Sean F. O'Brien James M. O'Connor, III

Kevin F.O'Donnell Ryan E. O'Donnell Evan]. O'Hara Shea T. O'Neill Sean T. Orlando Dominic M . Padova

Nichola s D. Paglione John B. Parker Michael T. Pascali Luke L. Persichetti Vincent J. Peru to Joseph G. Picard

Kevin]. Pickell Philip G. Plourde Andrew Pochettino Joseph R. Podraza, III DadPoquie James H. Princivalle

Evan D. Quain Gerald E. Rath, IV Matthew A. Redican Kevin J. Reed Sean M. Regan Conor A. Resch


201 0 Blue & Gol d ,,'


Right: Will Mischler and Shea O'Neill hang out Below: First day is a time to get all the required gear

John L. Reyes Cody Riemenschneider Griffin]. Ripley Brian T. Robinson Christopher C. Rocco Gregory C. Rogers

Ostap Royik Frank C. Russomano,Jr. John P.Ryan Michael S. Ryan,Jr. Da Vonte L. Scafe路 Erik S. Scannapieco

Adam]. Schaal Zachary S. Scheier Andrew]. Schieve William T. Schoen Kevin E. Scott Matthew R. Scott

Michael A. Selner Scott P. Serpico Patrick J. Shafer John S. Shields Anthony L. Silvestri Trent L. Simmons

Matthew T. Skidmore Riley D. Slusarski Stephen S. Smith,Jr. Robert P. Speese Thomas A. Spiteri Paul]. Steinmetz


13 _8

La Salle College

High School

Below: John Breslin with the beat down

Anthony T. Sticco Kyle S. Stofka Andrew J. Stone Robert V Stratton Aaron J. Streets Matthew E. Strolle

Amar Jamal Stukes Joseph C. Sullivan Brett C. Supinski Robert W. Suter, III Gavin L. Teichman Dylan J.Tice-Carroll

Eric A. Torres John T. Tyrrell Edward M. Tyszka George T. Uhrich Joseph S. Vanelli, III John R. Vogel

Andrew F. Volz Chase Eric Yonder Schmalz Timothy W. Walker Connor T. Walsh Evan Walsh James K. Walcers

Ryan T. Walcers Nicholas S. Ward Sean R.Waters Colin W. Weber Benjamin P. Wi ld Ryan M. Williams

Tyler S. Winning Ryan H. Winslow Adam S. Wisniowski Alexander J.Wolanin Winston A. Wright,Jr. Andrew M. Yeamans

Joon Hyuk Yoon Martin R. Zefelippo


201 0 Blue & Go j



Paul J.Acierno Daniel E.Allerton Stephen V.Anella Michael L. Angelone Darnell R. Artis Corey A. Baiada

Matthew J.Basara Christopher A. Bell Nicholas P. Benyovszky Ethan T . Bierowski Mark N . Blanke Francis X. Blust

SOPHOMORES • he sophomore year is essential during our four short years at La Salle. Even though we now feel comfortable throughout La Salle because of helpful teachers and close friends, there are still many responsibilities given to us, both in academics and extracurricular activities. New challenges and conflicts emerge, but we are able to handle them because of past experiences as freshmen. As sophomores, there is a chance to maintain good habits that we developed freshman year, and abandon any bad habits that will not assist us throughout our Lasallian journey. We are now past the most frightening and overwhelming year of all, freshman year. Sophomore year at LaSalle is different because faces are familiar and more friendships have been established. In our second year of high school, we learn to be helpful towards others, use advice from faculty and upperclassmen, and be helpful in the school community. - Dillon Pierce '12

Above:"C-Rel" impressing his Sophomores with his vast knowledge of Ch

Above: Mr. Leahy counsels the Sop] class Left: Nick Benyovsky bringing up his cl ket for Thanksgiving Liturgy


La Salle College

High School

Charles J.Bono Ryan N . Booth Jamie L. Bouchard Matthew A. Brauckmann Max R. Breitmayer James H. Breslin

Corey P. Brown Michael F. Brunner Christian M. Bruno Colin T. Buckley Anthony R. Buonomo Craig V. Burdulis,Jr.

Sean F. Burke Nicholas S. Burt Cameron R. Byrne Ronald A. Carapellotti, Jr. Ryan T. Cardinal Andrew S. Carlin

Timothy C. Carr Joseph]. Cawley Joseph V. Cericola Chad J.Chamberlain Alexander S. Chrocowski Christian T. Ciammetti

Jason R. Cianciulli Kevin J.Ciasullo Matthew N. Cimato Brendan J.Collins Steffon R. Collins-Bryant Brendan C. Cottone

Alexander D. Cranch Brett P. Creter Alexander F. Cruz EvanS.Cruz Christopher A. Curtis Nicholas S. Daly

Michael J.DeCandido Timothy S. Decker Alexander A. DeNardo Jason D. DeNofa,Jr. Jon M. Derewicz Ricardo A. Diaz


Blue & Gold


Right: Mike Brunner jams out some Zeppelin Below: Dan O'Brien and his family at the Honors Convocation

Nicholas D. DiGi acomo Chase]. Digney Daniel E. DiMascia Michael P. DiMezza Colin]. Dingley Michael E. Donn elly

Thomas E. D'Orazio Robert M. Dougherty Sean M. Dougherty Luca A. Dragani Stephen H. Duffy John P. Dwyer

Patrick Easley Patrick]. Eble Casey R. Eidenshink Samuel]. Farris Francis X . Ferguson Nicholas R. Ferretti

Timothy]. Fickenscher John]. Fillenwarth Daniel P. Finnegan Thomas J. Finnegan Malcolm A. Flynn Patrick P. Flynn

Tyler W. Focht Vincent A. Forti Eric W. Fox Matthew A. Franzen Nikolaus B. Freedman Brendan D. Freyvogel


142 "

La Salle College

High School

Below: Fran, Charlie, and Alex help out at Auction

Brandon T. Fuller Gerard H. Gallagher, III Paolo C. Gambaro Frederick]. Gerngross Stuart M. Gibson Andrew T. Glavin

Benjamin A. Gonzalez Joseph D. Gorman Edson Gravil David] . Greene James A. Gresko Emmett K. Gross




O Oscar]. Gryn Joseph M. Guiliano Dylan S. Haley Aidan T. Hamilton Shareef B. Hampton Brian M. Handschuh

Patrick L. Hanrahan Ryan C. Healy Andrew P.Helbling Christopher E. Heleniak Ryan P.Herbert James WHill

Cormac]. Hoffman Co nor]. Janda Scott]. Jenkins Robert WJohnson William].] oyce Ryan C. Kalkbrenner

Emre T. Karatas Matthew E. Keller Colin C. Kelley JohnPaul Kelley Conor]. Kennedy George T. Kenney; III

Shane M. Kensil Casey S. Kent TylerWKern Connor]. Kerrigan Craig A. Kikendall Andrew M. King



Blue & Gold



Christopher S. Knight Alexander D. Kochanasz Michael D. Koerner Andrew]. Kowalski Tyler J. Kozeniewski Christopher J. Kramer

Anthony F.LaCorte , IV Patrick]. Lawn,Jr. Alexander J. Lintner Zachary]. Lintner Jason M. Lombardi Kevin T. Long

John]. Luskin,Jr. Brendan S. Lynch Daniel]. Lynch Christopher]. Madison, Jr. Darius A. Madison Matthew]. Magarity

Kevin B. Maginni s Paul M. Maginnis Luke K. Maguire James Patrick Mahoney John P. Maloney Kevin G. Marbl e

Clifford M. Mar s Kyle A. Martin David] . Martos ella Shashidharreddy Ma sireddy Nicholas C. Mather Thom as A. Mazza, II

Kevin D. McBride Jonathan D. McCarry Alexander P. McCarthy Alec W. McConnell Matthew]. McCrudden Fiachra P. McDermott

Jeffrey C. McGuth Just in W. McKenney Michael P. McNamara Nicholas W. McSh ane Michael P. Meeh an,Jr. Matthew R. Melsheim er



La Salle College

High School

Left: Sophomores Evans

give their unconditional


to Mr.

Below: Connell Sykes is mezmorized by the library computers

Kevin M. Menkhaus Daniel L. Mercader Devin L. Merritt Daniel P. Meyer John A. Mills Kegan N. Moesta

Kevin T. Moragne , II Michael W. Muehlberger Gregory R. Mugnier Thomas]. Mullin, Jr. Matthew R. Murphy Ryan T. Murtha

John W. Newell Michael P. Nirowski Christopher J. O'Brien Daniel]. O'Brien Colin K. O'Hara RyanM.Otis

Michael E. Owsiany Nicholas V. Owsik Dylan T. Ozuna Giovanni J. Palermo Francis T. Pantano Robert G. Pascal

Christopher M. Pawlowski Naasir R. Perry Bryan D. Pflanz,Jr. Dillon C. Pierce Michael A. Piscopo Michael]. Pizzo,Jr.



Blue & Gol~.f 145 ,,'

Left: Chris Pawlowski with the lead pass

Below: Ryan Sosnader with his proud parents

Jeremy J. Plamondon Nicholas S. Pleskunas James W. Pollino, III Nicholas E. Popoff Ryan L. Pospisil Stephen P. Price

Colin M. Pyne Kevin J. Quinn Philip F. Radomski,Jr. Alec W. Reimel Ryan F.Restaino William E. Risko

Jonathan D. Roberts Michael T. Rock Charlie J. Rodriguez Leonardo Romero Stephen G. Rose William]. Rose

Henry J. Ryan Christopher W. Ryder Andrew G. Saba Vincent M. Sacco Jordan T. Santora Jeffery A. Schiele

James D. Schlupp James C. Schuck Eric W. Schultz Jake A. Sciolla Nicholas M. Seigel Corey B. Shaffer


La Salle College

High School

Below: Mr. Brown makes sure his class i pared with a writing instrument

Peter V Shields Brian]. Shott Brandon A. Sinnott Marcus H. Sistrun Brian M. Smart Dillon J. Smith

Andrew M. Smolcynski, IV Ryan A. Sosnader Shane P. Springer Adam R. Stefanowicz, III Robert B. Stefanowicz,Jr. Michael R. Stillwell,Jr.

Scott C. Stone Richard C. Storck Dillon P. Sullivan Robert E. Summerhays Joseph C. Sweeney Connell]. Sykes

Christopher L. Szekely Alexander G. Szokolyai Patrick]. Taormina Gerard E. Thiers Michael M. Thomas William F.Toner

Alasdair P. Travers Joseph L. Vasoli Charles]. Viola Matthew R. Volpe Christopher Mark Voyk,Jr. Timothy P.Wade,Jr.

Matthew E. Wallo Ryan WWard Daniel B. Wasylenko Alexander N. Weber Alexander E. Weinrich Nicholas T. Welch

Austin A. Wilker Matth ew]. Williams Daniel N. Wiseman Francis W Worthington Gregory T. Zegalia


Blue & Gol ,

Ryan E. Abbott Jamal A. Abdur- Rahman Christopher B. Alexander Dennis F.Anao Nicholas J. Angiolillo Juliano C. Arici

D alton]. Becker Corey T. Begor Andrew P. Belcher Ryan P. Belcher Michael J.Bell,Jr. Jerry M. Bellettirie

JUNIORS • unior year is one of the most challenging and most exciting years in the educational experience at La Salle. Classes are much more difficult , and everyone is preparing to take the SA Ts. These new academic challenges accompany new privileges, as more students get their driver's licenses and take on more prominent roles on teams, in clubs, and in other activities. The many contributions of the junior class help build camaraderie within the school community. However, what might be most important is the respect, personal integrity, and brotherhood that develop to shape the lives of upperclassmen. For juniors, it becomes crucial to set an example for underclassmen about how to live by these values and to use our experiences to shape La Salle in a positive way. Being familiar with one another and having friends from different backgrounds is a critical part of junior year. Above all else, it is the time that greater bonds of friendship and brotherhood are created and recognized. - Kevin Gillespie,'11

Above: Kevin Gillespie and Adam Rotzal with their parents at the Ring Litu

Above: Bill Burger getting some good vie the football game. Left: Jamal looks for an opening in the line


141 l •:/

La Salle College

High School

Eric S. Besso Andrew G. Biaesch Jeffrey E. Biernat,Jr. Andrew P. Bilotta John P. Bogorowski Harry Bonet

Brendan 0. Boyle Matthew M. Braithwaite Richard P.Brazukas,Jr. Alexander R. Brecht Daniel P. Brennan Joseph C. Brown







William]. Burger Nicholas A. Burns Colin P.Bush lanM.Bush Craig A. Cabrey William T. Cain

Shane M. Campbell Charles W Cannon Robert Capece Anthony A. Caporizzo Cameron M. Cappo Alexander R. Carapellotti

Michael A. Casciano, Jr. Christopher]. Catalino Anthony R. Certa Kendal Lamar Chaney Ryan R. Cocron Thomas E. Coleman, III

Steven Collins John P. Corcoran M. Declan Crouse Nicholas X. Cruice Alexander D. Cunnane John F. Curtis, IV

Connor]. Daly Richard A. Danze, II Christopher]. Dearolf Donald]. DeBrakeleer, Jr. James N. DeCarlo John P. Delaney, III

2010 Blue & Gal e? 149


Right: Andrew Biaesch and Fred Mischler hang outside the library.

Below: Steve Duzinski, Chris Catalino, Tommy Smith bring up the gifts at the Liturgy

Below: Ben Thackray and Andrew Shaffer in the Lab




Nicholas J. Dema, III Robert]. DeSante Kyle Dierkes Mark]. DiFrangia Nicholas W. DiGioacchino Timothy Diorio

Stefano P. DiPietro Matthew J. Donnelly Michael Dowling Mark S. Draganescu Jonathan P. Draham Tyler J. Dunphy

Charles J. Dunton Joseph A. Dusing Stephen A. Duzinski Patrick G. Dwyer Sean T. Dwyer Andrew C. Eckert

Anthony M. Esposito,Jr. Daniel R. Ezzo Michael F. Ferrier, III William P. Fisco Terrence J. Foley,Jr. Joseph L. Forcellini

Kevin R. Forster Nicholas J. Frazzette Jeremy D. Fus Tyler A. Gaber William N. Galbally Matthew]. Gannon

150 I

La Salle College

High School




Victor R. Garcia Ryan J. Geiger Christopher G. Genesio Benedetto T. Giaimo Jeremy F. Gibbons Stephen R. Gibbons

Casey T. Gillespie Kevin P. Gillespie Patrick D. Givnish Michael]. Glatz Christian D. Green William N. Hammeke





Benjamin T. Hankinson John P. Harkins ,Jr. Michael R. Harrell Joseph C. Harvey Andrew M. Heller Alexander N. Hicks

Alexander M. Holva Andrew T. Holva Thomas J. Horn Samuel T. Hyder Michael T .Jacobsen Alexander Jaconski

Jeffrey T. Jaquay Joshua M.Jaskowiak Zachary D.Jones Edward Joyner- Mitchell Alexander J. Junod Christopher]. Kappler

Joseph W. Kelly Robert J. Kelly Ryan M . Kelly Jamison P. Kenney Patrick C. Kerr Matthew B. Killian

Michael A. Kowalski Brendan]. Kretschman Nicholas]. Krol Brian C. Kron Neil P. Laessig Alexander P. Lafond


Blue & Gol 路


John R. Lawlor William Lewis Marc J. Liberato Andrew T. Lonergan Timothy F. Longacre Patrick]. Looby

John P. Loughery Joseph M. Lukach Brian]. Lynch Gordon P. Lynch Alex Lynn Brendan M. Lyons

Charles]. Magee Kamran S. Mahmud Matthew]. Mahoney Colin E. Malone William P. Marble Edward B. Marino

Del C. Markward,Jr. Jordan A. Mayo Joseph]. Mazzi, III Brian R. McAloon Timothy]. McCabe Ryan W. McCann

Joseph W. McCreavy Christopher M. McElroy Terence McFadden Shamus P. McGowan Patrick S. McGuire, Jr. Colin A. Mcintosh

Jeffrey T. McKenna Michael H. McNally Clayton D. Melsheimer Dominic S. Mirabile Frederick A. Mischler Kyle F. Mischler

Michael A. Miskiel William F. Mitchell, III James T. Mooney, III Michael]. Mooney Seamus C. Morgan Christopher D. Muggier

152 //


La Salle College

High School

Patrick]. Mulderig Tyler M. Murkley Conor F.Murphy Joseph R. Naji Edward F.Neiling, III Malcolm H. Nichols

John P. Nicola Robert N.C. Nix, IV Timothy J. Nolan Jakob C. Noon Christopher Nunnari Stephen]. Obermeier

Patrick F. O'Donnell Kenneth]. Orlando,Jr. Nicholas J. Palermo Calvin A. Perlman Michael Minh-Hoang Pham Timothy F.Pidgeon

Kevin M. Piotrowicz Michael S. Plummer Anthony F. Polcino Michael B. Poncia David A. Power Matthew J. Pyrih

John]. Quigley Paul M. Quinn William R. Rate Benedict J. Reilly Connor J.Reilly Robert Rhodes

Marcus L. Richardson Juliano R. Rodriguez James W. Rose, III Matthew J.Rose Colin P. Rothwell Adam G. Rotzal

James P. Ryan Nicholas K. Sabia,Jr. Eric A. Samuels Michael J.Sanders John]. Santangelo Matthew Santiago

2010 Blue & Go1J



Right: Dale Weed jams outdoors Below: Gordon Lynch works the erg

Christopher]. Saponara Richard A. Sauter John R. Schatz Daniel P. Schelkun Brendan H. Schluth Robert H. Schrupp

Andrew F.Shafer Nicholas L. Shafer Jonathan M. Shettsline Tyler J. Sicilia Nicholas G. Simone Michael D. Smith

Thomas R. Smith,Jr. David P. Speese Brendan P. Stone Eric B. Stone Alexander C. Subers Curran T. Sullivan

Sean M. Sweeney Colin W Sweitzer Francis A. Szamboti Benjamin M. Thackray,Jr. Ian S. Thompson Sean P. Toner

Kieran]. Trainer Thomas E. Trainer Frank R. Trocino, III William B. Turner David A. Underwood Michael Vecchione,Jr.



La Salle College

High School

Below: Nick Frazzette with Bro. Richar, Mr. Marchese at the Honors Convocation

Left: Will Turner, Eddie Joyner-Mitchell, wait to greet at Open House

and Steve Wasylenko

Below: Tim Pidgeon and Rob Capece are on the attack






Timothy R. Vellner Vincent]. Veneziano Nicholas M. Walchonski Christopher F.Walker Christopher K. Walter Stephen P. Wasylenko

Philip K. Watson,Jr. Dale]. Weed Caleb P. Weiler Christopher A. Whiteside John S. Whitman Ryan P. Williams

Andrew W. Wilt Robert L. Winkelman Cole]. Wisdo Roger C. Woehrle Brennan R. Woods Timothy H. Young

Will Marble jams in the Pep Band

Brian J. Zielinski

2010 B lue & Gol d



Evolving ...Evolving ...Evolving ...

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Blue & Gold I

Ryan G. Andris National Honor Society, Multicultural Track & Field


Mark J. Angelone Mary, Mother of the Redeemer National Honor Society La Salle Academy Tutoring,OSC,Summer Service lntramurals, Ski Club, Homeless Outreach

Mark Angiolillo "lil'O" Epiphany Track and Field

Grant D. Atherholt Our Lady of Mount Carmel National Honor Society, La Salle Academy Tutoring,Summer Service,Lab Managers,lntramurals, Track &Field


La Salle College

High School

Sean R. Atkinson St.Jude Wrestling, lntramurals

Christian T. Bach Mary, Mother of the Redeemer lntramurals, Concert Band, Lab Band, National Honor Society

Michael J. Bambi "Bambi" Corpus Christi Hockey, Operation Santa Claus

MichaelJ.Banecker St. Philip Neri La Salle Academy Tutoring, Secret Santa, Summer Service, Campus Ministry, lntramurals, Soccer, Basketball, Bowling


Blue & Gol d'



David A. Beavers "Beaves" St.Joseph National Honor Society, Engineering Club,ltalian Club, Pep Band, Concert Band,Advanced Honors Band, Lab Band, La Salle Academy Tutoring,OSC, Summer Service, lntramurals, Track & Field

William F. Begley, IV President, National Honor Society,Spanish Club, Upperclassmen Chorus, La Salle Academy Tutoring,Summer Service,Campus Ministry, WEXP, Intramurals, Crew


Zachary M. Belinsky


"Zach'' Wisterian,Gazebo, National Honor Society, Art Club,Upperclassmen Chorus, Human Rights Forum, La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals


James R. Benischeck Saint Joseph National Honor Society, Forum (Speech and Debate),German Club, lntramurals

Michael E. Bennett St.Alphonsus La Salle Academy Tutoring,Secret Santa, lntramurals,Football,Baseball

Kristian J. Benz "Kribenz" St. Vincent Football, Crew, Band

16 9 l

La Salle College

High School

Thomas J. Benz La Salle Academy Tutoring, Tennis

Kieran C. Berkery "Berkawitz" St. Genevieve Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals, Junior Urban Challenge

Anthony G. Bianchini "Bianc" Epiphany Track & Field

John W. Biegalski "J Binks" Blue and Gold Yearbook, Spanish Club, Kairos Leader, Ski Club,Soccer, Lacrosse

Jean-PaulS.Bonny St.Helena National Honor Society, Italian Club, St. Francis Inn, Lab Managers, Gaming Club, Football, Indoor Track

Daniel M. Bowers Presentation B.V.M National Honor Society, Future Educators Club, Pep Band, Concert Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Providence Center Tutoring, Bowling


Blue & Gol /:'d'l' 161 )!/

Michael E. Brady St.Andrew Musicals, Art Club, NHS

Shane M. Brady "Payne'' Epiphany of Our Lord Football, National Honor Society

Kevin 0. Breen St. Alphonsus National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Bolivia Trip, Baseball

Craig C. Bunting St. Anthony of Padua Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Lab Band, Elder Share, Tennis

Thomas J. Burgmann St.Matthew lntramurals, Baseball

William K. Burke "Kevin" Corpus Christi National Honor Society, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Summer Service, Soccer

Charles J. Burns, V "CJ" St. Francis Wresting, Baseball

Thomas J. Campbell, IV "Tito, Tomas, T.C:' Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Kairos Leader, Pit Volleyball, Ski Club


fl ~ 1 ,J

La Salle


High School

Michael R. Camusi "Moose" Holy Martyrs Football, Pit Volleyball, lntramurals, LSC, Arizona Service Trip, Student Ambassador

Christian L. Cardinal St.Andrew La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Kairos Leader, Ski Club, Lacrosse

Devlin E. Carey Holy Martyrs Wisterian, Yearbook, National Honor Society, La Salle AcademyTutoring,Summer Service

Ryan M. Carey "Crazy Eyes" St. Alphonsus German Club, Lab Managers, lntramurals, Chess Club, Wrestling

Ryan J. Carlin St. Cyril National Honor Society, lntramurals, Football

John C. Carmody Immaculate Conception "Jack'' Wrestling

Sean P. Carr Queen of Peace National Honor Society, Multicultural Club, Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals

Kevin P. Casey St.Jude CYO Basketball, Volleyball, Operation Santa Claus, Bolivia Service Trip, Cross-Country, Indoor I Outdoor Track


Blue &

Gali? 'I



Michael S. Casey Saint Rose of Lima lntramurals, Soccer, Kairos Leader

John F. Cassidy "Johnny Cass" St. Genevieve La Salle Academy Tutoring, Summer Service, Cross Country, Hockey, Wresting, Track & Field, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen

Matthew J. Catanese $::)


Corpus Christi NHS, OSC, Summer Service, Hockey, Kairos Leader

Patrick T. Cero Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Wisterian, NHS, Forum (Speech and Debate), Engineering Club, Multicultural Club, La Salle Theatre, Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Upperclassmen Chorus, Belcrofters, Elder Share, Human Rights Forum, La Salle Academy Tutoring,

David M. Cinque St. Albert the Great La Salle Theatre, Upperclassmen Chorus, Belcrofters, Lab Managers, WEXP, lntramurals, Water Polo, Swimming

Stephen E. Ciufo "Beaven'' St.Jude Engineering Club, Concert Band, Providence Center Tutoring, Summer Service

Daniel T. Clark Wisterian,Gazebo, Forum (Speech and Debate), Academic Decathlon, Future Educators Club,Spanish Club,German Club, La Salle Theatre, Upperclassmen Chorus, La Salle Academy Tutoring, WEXP, lntramurals, Track & Field

Kevin W. Clark Immaculate Conception Senator, Secret Santa, lntramurals,

If 16 fJ ,I

La Salle College

High School


Evan J. Cleary "EZ-C" St.Anthony Football, Wrestling,Jamming, Rapping, Longboarding, Chilli~ lntramurals, Ultimate Frizbee

Anthony M. Cognetti "Cogs" Saint Anthony of Padua President,Senator, National Honor Society, La Salle Academy Tutoring, St. Francis Inn, Football, Lacrosse, T riest House

John A. Corr St.Eleanor Mathletes, Academic Decathlon, La Salle Theatre, Upperclassmen Chorus, Belcrofters, WEXP

Robert W. Costello "Rob'' Saint Stanislaus National Honor Society, OSC, Respect Life, WEXP, Gaming Club

Michael W. Coyle "Salty Mike'' Holy Family Crew, St. Vincent's Sandwich Making, WEXP

Sean M. Crane Corpus Christi National Honor Society, Engineering Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Summer Service, lntramurals

Matthew A. Crone "Crone'' St. Philip Neri Football , Freshman Vice-President

Vincent J. Cuce "Cuc'; "Cuce'' St. Alphonsus Crew, Yearbook, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, lntramurals


Blue &

1 Go~¢ 165

Adam M. Cunningham, Jr. lntramurals

Martin D 1Amico "Marty" St. Genevieve Spanish Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Providence Center Torturing, Summer Service, lntramurals, Football

Joseph A. Daly Saint Anthony of Padua Mock Trial, WEXP, lntramurals

Joseph J. Deegan, Ill St. John Bosco Wisterian, Yearbook, Gazebo, Future Educators Club, OSC,Hockey

Michael C. DeMaria "Mike" St.Andrew Advanced Honors Band, lntramurals

Brian D. Derr "Bderr, bd, derrrrrrr" Corpus Christi Student Council, NHS, SpanishClub, Italian Club, Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Secret Santa, St. Francis Inn, Bolivia Trip, lntramurals, Indoor Track




La Salle College

High School

Timothy P. Diasio Mary, Mother of the Redeemer LaSalle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals, Soccer, Bowling

Matthew M. DiGiacomo "Dedge'' St. Phillip Football, Wingbowl, Secret Santa

Donald J. Digney "DJ, Don, Digs, Deej" St. Bede Crew, Chilliii Summer Work Study

Christopher J. Dilaurenzo "DiLo" St.Jude Spanish Club, lntramurals, Baseball

James J. DiMezza, Jr. "DiMez'' St.Helena Tennis, lntramurals, Kairos, La Salle Academy Tutoring

Stephen R. Donovan Saint Rose of Lima OSC, Hockey, Youth Group


Blue & Gol /


Brian T. Dorsey "Dorsey, Snorse'' St. Rose of Lima Cross-Country, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Ski Club, Speak Up

Paul A. Dowds "Dowds Syndrome'' St.Helena Football, Mathletes, lntramurals, Student Council, Track

Timothy M. Durkin "Durk" Lacrosse, Football

Christopher M. Edger "Edge, Sledge" St.Matthew Senator, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Summer Service, lntramurals, Basketball, Triest House

Colin A. Eisenschmid



"Col, The Orangutan'' Our Lady of Mount Carmel Kairos Leader, Project Appalachia, OSC, Secret Santa, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Wisterian, Cross-Country, Indoor /Outdoor Track, Student Ambassador

John I. Ericsson "Johnny ,, St. Maria Goretti Pep Band, Pit Band, Comp Band, String Ensemble, Engineering Club

Frank A. Evans "Frank, The Tank, Estrada" Brotherhood and Respect Club

John P. Farris, II Saint Genevieve National Honor Society, Football, Basketball, Saint Vincent's Soup Kitchen



La Salle College

High School

Michael W. Fasano "Fasano, Baby, Fajano, Woody" St. Rose of Lima Senator, La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals, Cross Country, Baseball, Track & Field, Football, 3 7 -71

Samuel A. Feleccia "Samgun'' St. Anthony-St. Joseph Football, Secret Santa

Laurence P. Finnegan, IV "Larry" St. Alphonsus Advanced Honors Band, Lab Band, lntramurals

Kevin P. Foley St. Alphonsus National Honor Society, Summer Service, lntramurals, Crew

Michael R. Foley "Fol" St. Alphonsus National Honor Society, OSC, Summer Service, Campus Ministry Leader, Kairos Leader

Gregory G. Foos St. Cyril National Honor Society, Forum (Speech and Debate), lntramurals

Michael H. Fox "Foxy" Community TechServe, Lab Managers

Nolan A. Funchion St. Anthony of Padua Yearbook, National Honor Society, Kairos Leader, Water Polo, Lacrosse, Speak Up

lJ 201 0 Blue & Gold,. 169


Kevin B. Gatti "Gatti, Gatman'' Mary, Mother of the Redeemer National Honor Society, Mock Trial, Italian Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Kairos Leader, lntramurals

Dylan P. Gavin "D~Gav" Holy Martyrs Football, lndoor\Outdoor Track, NHS

Alexander D. Geck "Geck" lntramurals, Track & Field

Gregory S. Geiger Our Lady of Grace Tennis, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Web Manager

Richard P. Getts "Rick" St. Albert the Great La Salle Academy Tutoring

George J. Giovinazzo St. Genevieve Senator, National Honor Society, Summer Service, Football


La Salle College

High School

Daniel J. Goodwin, IV St.Dorothy La Salle Theatre, Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Competition Band, Lab Band, Brass Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, Upperclassmen Chorus, Belcrofters, WEXP, lntramurals

Kevin P. Greenfield "Greenie" St. Albert the Great Engineering Club, lntramurals

Matthew R. Grover "Grover" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Vice President, National Honor Society, Summer Service, Kairos Leader, lntramurals, Track & Field

Vincent M. Gryscavage, Ill "Vinnie'' St.Jude

Cosmo A. Guerra "Cos Bloop" St.Helena Football, Stage Crew

Brian G. Haesler Holy Martyrs Engineering Club, La Salle Theatre, Secret Santa, St. Francis Inn, Summer Service

2010 Blue & Go lj



Ian A. Haney Forum (Speech and Debate), Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Competition Band, Lab Band, WEXP, Crew, Track & Field

Kevin G. Harvey "K-Harv" St. Martin of Tours Football, Track, NHS, Elder Share

Brian G. Havard St. Alphonsus Wisterian, Football, Basketball, Lacrosse

Patrick E. Heck "Pat" Our Lady of Mount Carmel National Honor Society, Kairos Leader, Cross Country, lndoor\Outdoor Track

Brian P. Higgins Mary, Mother of the Redeemer National Honor Society, Forum (Speech and Debate), Kairos Leader, Gaming Club

Patrick J. Higgins "Higgs, Big Pat, BMFP, Higgy-Baby" St. Catherine of Siena Pep Band, La Salle Academy, Ultimate Frisbee Club, Pit Band, Lab Band

Troy C. Hockaday, Jr. St.Raymond Basketball

Connor Hoffman "Condor" St.Hilary Football,Junior Urban Challenge, Secret Santa, lntramurals

172 . ,.r


La Salle College

High School

Michael J. Holland "Mike'' St. Hilary Football, St. Francis Inn

Matthew J. Holva St.Mary Multicultural Club, Upperclassmen Chorus, lntramurals, Chess Club, Chess

Derek M. Hunter Calvary National Honor Society, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Bolivia Trip, Hockey,Track & Field, Pit Volleyball

Kieran T. Hyer Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Soccer, Track, lntramurals

Daniel W. Hyman "Dan'' St. Philip Neri Football, Baseball, Basketball, Art Club

Sean R. Janda St. Philip Neri Wisterian, National Honor Society, Forum (Speech and Debate), Mathletes, La Salle Theatre, Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Lab Band, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Summer Service, lntramurals

Steven M. Jones "Hick, Caveman, New Kid" Church of Nazarene Football, Wrestling, Lasallian Service

Christopher H. Kaemmer Pep Band, Track, Honors Band

,, 201 O Blue & Gold'


Christopher J. Karoly "Siege'' Epiphany Skateboarding, Scuba Diving, Tennis, Puzzles

Patrick T. Keenan St.Anthony Bolivia Trip, Cross Country, Bowling, Track & Field

Edmund F. Kehan, Ill "Keith'' St. Alphonsus Water Polo, Diving, lndoor\Outdoor Track, Homeless Outreach, La Salle Academy, Football, Basketball, Lacrosse

William D. Kellogg "Krispies" Corpus Christi NHS, La Salle Theatre, Upperclassmen Chorus, Belcrofters, La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals

James J. Kelly, Ill 'Jimmy,Jimmy James" Senator, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Providence Center Torturing, Bolivia Trip, Football, Pit Volleyball

Stephen T. Kelly "Steve'' St. Alphonsus Secret Santa, Speak Up, Soccer, Lacrosse, lntramurals




La Salle College

High School

John P. Klusek Immaculate Heart of Mary National Honor Society, Engineering Club, Computer Club, Gaming Club

Thomas R. Knab St.Joseph National Honor Society, Water Polo, Swimming

Peter J. Knowles "Knowlesy, Pater" St. Anthony of Padua NHS, Project Appalachia, Junior Urban Challenge, Basketball Manager

Robert J. Kowalski "Bert" St.Jude Project Appalachia, Soccer, lntramurals, Junior Urban Challenge

Theodore C. Kradzinski, Ill Mary, Mother of the Redeemer National Honor Society, Upperclassmen Chorus, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Basketball

Matthew J. Krol "FC Krol, Soulpatch, Camo" Wisterian, Spanish Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals, Soccer, Track & Field, Homeroom Representative, LSC Representative



Blue & Gold ( I


Nathan S. Kurylo Corpus Christi La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals,


Joseph H. Kwasizur National Honor Society, Mathletes, Engineering Club, La Salle Theatre, La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals

Patrick J. LaFata ~ ~


"Pinning Machine" Saint Helena NHS, History Club, Multicultural Club, Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Elder Share, La Salle Academy, Tutoring,OSC, Bolivia Trip, lntramurals, Wrestling, Track & Field, NHS Vice President, Ultimate Frisbee Club

Daniel A. LaMorte "Dan Dan the Party Man'' St. Ignatius of Antioch Student Council, National Honor Society, lntramurals, Cross Country, Track & Field

Kyle S. Leprevost National Honor Society, Multicultural Lab Managers, Web Managers


Philip G. Letcavage "Phil" Corpus Christi Senator, National Honor Society, OSC, Secret Santa, Campus Ministry Leader, Kairos Leader, Football, Water Polo,Swimming, Lacrosse, FreshmanBand, Lasallian Serivce Corps

Michael E. Lindsay Mother of Divine Providence, National Honor Society, Pep Band, OSC, Summer Service, Football, Crew

Dale E. Lintner, Ill St.Luke National Honor Society, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Football, Track & Field

176 •f

La Salle College

High School

Daniel S. Losier St. Alphonsus National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Upperclassmen Chorus, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Secret Santa, Ski Club, Cross Country, Soccer, Lacrosse

Andrew Loughery "Drew, D-Lock'' St. Philip Neri lntramurals, Football, Student Ambassador, Kairos 37-73

Nicholas C. Luce Our Lady of Mount Carmel Wisterian, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Summer Service, Campus Ministry, Tennis

Seamus B. MacC riory St.Dennis Student Coucil, Football

John E. Madrak Holy Child Lab Managers, Web Managers, Tech Serve

Kevin P. Mahon "Mahoone'' St.David Concert Band, OSC, Sarnelli House, Summer Service, Kairos Leader, lntramurals

Stephen P. Mainardi, II "Steve, Marinara Sauce'' St. Albert the Great Italian Club, Indoor Track, Track & Field

Brian H. Malone "Bee Bop" Our Lady Help of Christians Gazebo, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Art Club, Pep Band, Elder Share,Track & Field La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals

, r ,,,

2010 Blue & Gold 'I /1


James T. Markley "Jimmy, Jim" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer National Honor Society, Spanish Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Bolivia Trip, lntramurals

Francis M. Martino "Franchize" St.James Baseball, Football, lntramurals

Nicholas G. Mathis "Mathis" St.John the Baptist Wrestling, Band, La Salle Academy, Outdoor Track, Crew

Seamus M. McCullough St. Phillip Neri Cross Country, Indoor Track, Track & Field

Charles T. McDonald, Ill Holy Martyrs Football, Baseball, Senior Class Vice President, Kairos Leader

Ryan P. McElroy "Mac" National Honor Society, Pep Band, Pit Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Competition Band, Lab Band, Brass Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, La Salle Academy Tutoring,St. Francis Inn, Summer Service, lntramurals, Student Ambassador

/ I



La Salle College

High School

Sean M. McGann "Sean" Corpus Christi Crew, Hockey, Kairos Leader

Matthew T. McGlynn National Honor Society, Academic Decathlon, Engineering Club, Multicultural Club, Elder Share, Human Rights Forum, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Bolivia Trip

Brendan P. McGoldrick St. Genevieve Swimming, Water Polo, Secret Santa, Long Walks on the Beach

Conor J. McGonigle Our Lady of Mount Carmel Soccer, Track, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Appalachia Trip

Francis X. McGo riry, Ill "X" Our Lady of Mount Carmel La Salle Academy Tutoring, Track, lntramurals

Paul J. McGrath "PJ" Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Freshman/JV Football, JV Basketball, Operation Santa Claus

2010 Blue & Gol ~ / 179


William J. McHugh "Bill aka Bruce'' Mary, Mother of the Redeemer National Honor Society, Ski Club, Hockey, Track & Field, Saint Vincent's Soup Kitchen

Ryan D. McKenna "Flat Top" St.Helena La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Sarnelli House

Christopher J. Mclaren Stjames Spanish Club, Track & Field, Sarnelli House

Kevin G. Medved "Kedved" Nativity of Our Lord NHS, Forum (Speech and Debate), Mathletes, Academic Decathlon, Engineering Club, La Salle Theatre, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Track & Field Acafellas/Pandora's Vox (a cappella group)

D. Wesley Meehan "Wes" Immaculate Conception Lacrosse, Cross Country, La Salle Academy

Patrick G. Mellor "Pat" Cross Country, Indoor Track, Track & Field

Vincent J. Migliarese "Migs, Scaglione, my cousin, staring through you" St.Helena Football, Lacrosse

James E. Mills Epiphany Gazebo, National Honor Society, Celtic Club, German Club, Film Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Secret Santa, WEXP, Indoor Track, Track & Field

,; I

180 'I

La Salle College

High School

Maitland P. Minderjahn "Mait" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals, Ski Club

Nicholas P. Mindicino "Nick" Visitation BVM Wisterian, National Honor Society,Spanish Club, Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Respect Life, lntramurals, Lasallian Service Corps

Devon D. Minor Mt. Zion Baptist Church La Salle Academy Tutoring

Kevin P. Minton "MINTON" Our Lady of Guadalupe National Honor Society, Engineering Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Secret Santa, lntramurals, Hockey

Nicholas E. Molloy St.Jude National Honor Society, OSC, Secret Santa,Summer Service, Cross Country, Indoor Track, Track & Field

Patrick J. Monahan St. Stanislaus NHS, Mathletes, Academic Decathlon, Belcrofters, Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Brass Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, Upperclassmen Chorus, Belcrofters, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Summer Service

Ryan P. Moran St. Stanislaus Soccer, Track, Arizona Service Trip

G. Joseph Moroney


St. Anthony Engineering Club, Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Competition Band, Brass, Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Lab Band, Brass Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, La Salle Academy Tutoring,OSC,

~ ~


2010 Blue & Galp ''



Andrew J. Morton "Morty" Holy Martyrs National Honor Society, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Tennis

Philip J. Moyer, Ill St. Genevieve Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Lab Managers, WEXP, lntramurals

Quinlan J. Mulholland "Quin, Quailhog" Immaculate Conception Lacrosse, Football, Wrestling, NHS

Garrett P. Nesbitt "Nesbitt" Our Lady of Mount Carmel Hockey, Baseball, lntramurals

Sean R. 0 1Connell "Moh'' St. Eleanor Bolivia Trip, Track & Field

Brian J. 0 1Donnell, Jr. "Shark, Breezy, Bri, BOD" St.Hillary Football,Junior Urban Challenge


La Salle College

High School

Thomas V. O'Kane St. Alphonsus Senator, NHS, WEXP, lntramurals, Cross Country, lndoor\Outdoor Track

Timothy A. Peifer "Peif" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Soccer

Samuel D. Pelone St.Helena Italian Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Track & Field, Homeless Outreach, Arizona Trip, Freshman Mentor,

Onix A. Perez-Mas "The Pokemon'' St. John of the Cross Art Club, String Ensemble, Pit Band, Elder Share

Robert S. Phillips "Spillips" Our Lady Help of Christians Football, Band

Shane H. Pierce Upperclassmen Chorus, Cross Country, Lacrosse, Homeless Outreach

2010 Blue & Gold


Nicholas I. Pilla "Pilla" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer National Honor Society, Kairos Leader, Hockey, Racquetball

Joseph V. Piotrowski, IV "Joe"

St.Jude Soccer, Freshman Mentor, Operation Santa Claus

Timothy E. Plamondon "Tennis, ""Palamalamadingdong""" St.Helena Pep Band,Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Competition Band, Lab Band,Brass Ensemble Saxophone Ensemble, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Summer Service, Campus Ministry Leader, Kairos Leader, lntramurals, Tennis, LSC Board Member

Gregory B. Porter Forum (Speech and Debate), German Club

Justin M. Power ~




"Power" St.David Track, Homeless Outreach

Whitney P. Prendergast "Whit" St. Eleanor Human Rights Forum, OSC, La Salle Academy Tutoring

Andrew C. Primavera Art Club

Matthew A. Quaglia "Quags ,, Visitation B.V.M. National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Summer Service, lntramurals, Soccer, Track & Field


La Salle College

High School

Derek S. Quinn "DQQ.,, , , Uinn Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Ski Club, CYO Sports, Snowboarding, Longboarding, Frisbee

Shawn D. Quinn Saint Alphonsus Secret Santa, Cross Country, Indoor Track, Track & Field, Kairos Leader

Christopher M. Razzano "Razz, Crazz, Razzberry, Razzle Dazzle, Razzazzazzazzano, Notorious R.A.z:• St. Teresa of Avila Senator, NHS, Italian Club, Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Sarnelli House, Summer Service, Track & Field,Junior Urban Challenge

Patrick G. Resch "Darsh, Darshmouth" St. Genevieve Senator, NHS, Secret Santa, Football, Lacrosse

Warren M. Resnick St. Rose of Lima National Honor Society, Engineering Club, Italian Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, lntramurals, Golf

Jeremy J. Rich St. Titus La Salle Theatre, Pep Band, Concert Band, Upperclassmen Chorus, Belcrofters, WEXP, Gaming Club, Cross Country

Alexander J. Richardson "Alex,AJ" St. Phillip Neri lntramurals, Football, Baseball, Homeless Outreach, Baseball Manager

Dean T. Ripley Immaculate Conception NHS, Engineering Club, La Salle Theatre, Pep Band, Pit Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Competition Band, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Summer Service, lntramurals, Music Department (Student President)


2010 Blue & Gold I





Isaac H. Roberts


Project Learn, Spanish Club, lntramurals, Gaming Club


Travis J. Roberts "T-ravG" St.Andrew President, Vice President, Senator, Wisterian,Gazebo, Future Educators Club, Celtic Club, Film Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Secret Santa, Providence Center Torturing, Bolivia Trip, WEXP, lntramurals, President of the SUPER AWESOME CLUB (1 member)

Allen J. Rodriguez '~J" National Honor Society, OSC, WEXP, Baseball

Andriy Royik "Andy" Annunciation of B.V.M. Football

Andrew M. Russin "Drew" St. Genevieve Senator, Providence Center Tutoring, Kairos Leader, Football, Track & Field, Homeless Outreach

Ryan A. Saraceni St. Stanislaus National Honor Society, Secret Santa, Football, Lacrosse



186 '

La Salle College

High School

Robert Scanlon, Jr. St. David Student Council, Wisterian, Yearbook, National Honor Society, Mock Trial, Art Club, Elder Share, Human Rights Forum,OSC, Secret Santa, Respect Life, lntramurals

Mark W. Schnupp "Schnupp-a-Loop, Schnuppy" Golf, Hockey

Michael J. Schoen "Scone, Silly Mike" St.Mary National Honor Society, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, lntramurals

Nikolas J. Schreiber Soccer, Track, Academic Decathalon, National Honor Society

Francis J. Schuck, Jr. Queen of Peace Elder Share, OSC, Crew

Michael D. Scott "Scott" St.Anthony Soccer, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, lntramurals, Elder Share


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John A. Sczepanski St. Philip Varsity Baseball, Freshman and JV Basketball

Taylor C. Searle "Tay" St. Genevieve La Salle Academy Tutoring, Kairos Leader, lntramurals, CYO Basketball, Track & Field

Zachary K. Seigel "Zack'' Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Ski Club, Soccer,Crew

Thomas J. Seminack, Jr. Art Club, Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Track & Field

Floyd E. Shaffer ~

li;:S ~

"Cage'' St. Philip Neri Football, Reading, Long Walks on the Beach, Candle Lit Dinners, Mixers, Shopping, Prom Committee

Andrew G. Sideras National Honor Society, OSC, Swimming

Stephen J. Sinnott "Big Dog" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Student Council, OSC, Secret Santa, lntramurals, Ski Club, Football

Adam D. Souchik Epiphany La Salle Academy, Eldershare, Operation Santa Claus, Engineering Club, lntramurals, NHS, Italian Club




La Salle College

High School

Connor M. Spielman Mary, Mother of the Redeemer National Honor Society, Engineering Club, Spanish Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring

Michael A. Stanowski St. Genevieve National Honor Society, Engineering Club, Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Summer Service, lntramurals, Crew, Track & Field, Student Ambassadors

Andrew J. Staudt St.Andrew National Honor Society, Engineering Club, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Sarnelli House, CYO Basketball, Golf, Indoor Track, Track & Field, Homeless Outreach

Jeffrey R. Stern Corpus Christi Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa, Surf Club

James C. Stevenson "Jimmy" Central Schwenkfelder Church Cross-Country, Indoor\Outdoor Track, WEXP, Junior Urban Challenge, Kairos 3 7 -71, Sports Information Club, Respect Life, NHS, Students Run Philly Style

Galen I. Stuski "Stuuusk" Ice Hockey, Art Club

Thomas F. Swartley "Mr. Cummings, Aryan, Swartley" Mathletes, Art Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals, Track & Field

Vincent V. Szczesniak "Socks" Holy Cross Theater, WEXP

2010 Blue & Gold





Steven J. Szostak "Stak, Shustak, Bear Claw" St. Alphonsus Student Council, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Secret Santa, Football, Basketball, Lacrosse

William A. Thomas "Bill" lntramurals,

St.James Lacrosse, lntramurals

Heath C. Thomas, Jr. "Thomas,Jr." St.Eleanor National Honor Society, La Salle Academy Tutoring , OSC, Summer Service, CYO Basketball, Crew

Joshua 0. Thorn National Honor Society, Forum (Speech and Debate), WEXP

John P. Toner, Jr. "BigT" Vice President, Senator, NHS, Italian Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Secret Santa, Kairos Leader, lntramurals, Indoor Track, Track & Field Student Ambassador

Brendan P. Tramo "Brendan'' St.Jude La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Summer Service, lntramurals, Ski Club


La Salle College

High School

Justin T. Trommello "Trommello, Giustino'' Visitation B.V.M National Honor Society, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, Summer Service, lntramurals, Track & Field

Brendan P. Turner "Turner, Situation" Indoor\Outdoor Track, Wisterian, Providence Center, La Salle Academy Tutoring, OSC, NHS, Human Rights Forum, International Studies Club

John B. Ulan ''.Jack'' Epiphany National Honor Society, Golf

Jake F. Ullmann Our Lady of Mount Carmel Secret Santa, lntramurals, Soccer, Indoor Track, Track & Field

Mark G. Ventresca St.Jude Gazebo, Human Rights Forum, Secret Santa, WEXP, Crew

Timothy J. Vogel St.Andrew Chillin'


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Nicholas J. Volpe, Jr. St.Helena NHS, Engineering Club, Italian Club, Theatre, Pep Band, Concert Band, Advanced Honors Band, Competi~ tion Band, Lab Band, Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Campus Ministry, lntramurals, Tennis

Luke A. Vrancken "Chise, Da Chise, Franchise'' Our Lady of Mount Carmel Kairos Leader, Football, Lacrosse, Water Polo, Field Day Champ, Wisterian, lntramurals, Freshman Mentor, Bro. Ken's last class

Shawn J. Warrender "Dubbz" Visitation BVM Water Polo, Lacrosse, Spanish Club, NHS, OSC, Elder Share, lntramurals

John A. Weinrich St. David National Honor Society, Mathletes, Engineering Club, Spanish Club, Art Club, La Salle Theatre, Computer Club, Lab Managers, WEXP, lntramurals, Track & Field

Ryan G. Werner ~ ~

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track


Ian M. Whelan Corpus Christi Baseball

Gary J. White, Jr. "Gare Bear" Faith Tabernacle

Matthew R. Wielgus Saint Hilary of Poi tiers Wisterian, Gazebo, Celtic Club, Art Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Providence Center Tutoring, lntramurals



La Salle College

High School

Kevin M. Wilkins "WILKINS,

STC, Cowboy Collar" St.Jude Football, lntramurals, Band, 6th period movie quotes, 3rd Lunch, Operation Santa Claus

Kirk C. Wilson St. Philip Neri La Salle Academy Tutoring, lntramurals, Track & Field

Daniel T. Wood "Dan'' Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Kairos Leader, Ski Club, Baseball

John R. Worster "Rhoads" St. Ignatius of Antioch Senator, NHS, Secret Santa, Kairos Leader, Water Polo (Cpt), Swimming (Cpt), National Merit Commendation, Student Ambassador, Kairos Junior Leader

Brently N. Wright "Brent" Immaculate Conception Lacrosse

Brian P. Ziff Visitation BVM lntramurals

Brendan W. Zipfel "Zip, Zippy" Corpus Christi Soccer, lntramurals, Band, NHS, Junior Urban Challenge

Logan E. Zysk "Oso, osito, 300" St. Alphonsus Advanced Honors Band, Elder Share, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Secret Santa, lntramurals, Baseball, Homeless Outreach


Blue & Gold





La Salle College

High School

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La Salle College

High School


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Michael Bambi - Michael, dream big, never give up and do your best. No matter what you become in life you will be great at it. Just skate where the puck is going to be, not where it has been. We love you forever. Dad, Mom, and Kristina Aaron Carreras - Much success to the class of 2013

-The Carreras Family

Patrick Cero We're so proud of you Patrick! Love, Mom, Dad, and Anna.

Colin Eisenschmid - Congratulations, Colin! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments. We love you, Mom, Dad, and Matthew Frank Evans - Frankie, you have accomplished so much. We are so proud of you and we love you! - Mom, Dad, and Mom-mom Kevin Gatti - Kevin Gatti, Congratulations! We are so proud of you! - Love, Mom, Dad, Meghan and Butter

Matthew Chadwick The Chadwick Family

Brian Haesler

- Brian, Congratulations!

We are so proud of you. Jason Ciancovilli - Conservatory of music and dance. If you can dream it, you can be it. Brian Derr - Congratulations Brian! We are so proud of you and all that you have achieved. Love, Mom, Dad, and Courtney D.J. Digney - D.J. - You did it! We are all so proud of you. The future is yours, pursue your dreams and enjoy the journey. And a heartfelt THANKS to everyone at La Salle for all your help and support. Love, forever and always - your family. Tim Durkin - Tim, Congratulations!


are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Katie

- Love always, Dad, Mom, and Joe Brian Havard - Congratulations Brian on four wonderful years at La Salle. We are all so proud of you! - Love, Mom, Dad, Meredith,Jen,

and Grace

Matt Haviland Good Luck to the class of 2013! Stephen Mainardi - As Dr. Seuss said, "Congratulations. Today is your day. You're off to great places. You're off and away:' Look down and see your accomplishments, look up and see your future. - With much pride and love, Mom, Dad, and Nicole

Paul Melchiorre Mr. and Mrs. Francis Yaeger Chris Mele-

Sam's Italian Market

James Mills - Congratulations, James! You have finished four wonderful years at La Salle! We are so proud of you. - Love, Mom, Dad,Jack, and Hannah Devon Minor - Devon, whenever you feel low and discouraged, read the 23rd Psalm. I will lift you up and carry you through. - Love, your family Preston Murray Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Murray Andrew Primavera - Congratulations Andrew and the class of 2010! - Love, Mom and Dad Chris Razzano - Chris, Congratulations to you and the class of2010! We wish you continued success in the next phase of your academic pursuits. - Love, Dad, Mom, and Matt '08 Travis Roberts - Congratulations We're so proud of you.

Frank Schuck - Dear Frank, Life is a journey and only you hold the map! Congratulations! - Love, Mom, Dad, Kerry, and Paige Stephen Sinnott - Dear Stephen, Congratulations on four wonderful high school years. We are so proud of you. Happy Graduation! - Love, Mom, Dad, Matt '06, Patrick '08, and Kathleen Michael Thomas - Congratulations Heath Thomas! We are very proud of you! We wish you luck in college. - Love, Mom, Dad, Michael, Sarah, and Elizabeth William Thomas - Congratulations Billy! Love, Dad, Mom, Jim, and Summer Joon Hyuk Yoon - It's a great honor to be the first Korean student in La Salle Brendan Zipfel - Congratulations, Brendan! We are so proud of you. Good luck in college. We love you! Mom, Dad, Casey, Shannon, and Morgan


- Love, Mom, Dad, Jillian, and Brell Frankie Russomano - Congratulations on a great year, Frankie! Love, Mom and Dad.


Blue & Gol /;d



...and we will continue to!



La Salle College

High School

Printed and Bound in the U.S.A. corv COOKE PUBLISHING Warminster, Pennsylvar

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