Student Life
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Welcome to La Salle. La Salle College High School, a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young men of varied backgrounds, is conducted in the tradition of St. John Baptist de La Salle. Through a broad and balanced, human and Christian education, La Salle College High School guides each student in the development of his unique God-given talents and fosters a commitment to academic excellence, service, and leadership.
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II; Social Explorers
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We are Social Explorers. In the mere four years that the Class of2014 has been on La Salle's campus, the use of social media in our lives and especially in our classrooms, has transformed how we communicate and problem solve. Students are using applications such as Twitter, Facebook. and Snapchat to collaborate across a wide range of subjects. La Salle students have also embraced social media in the way they stay up to date with the day to day events of the school. La Salle's Facebook. Twitter, and Instagram feeds help keep students current on their classmates' accomplishments, both on and off the field.
Social Explorers
Michael R. Detweiler '14 #dedication
II Dedication
As we prtp:lre to gr:aduare La Salle College High School as class, we begin:l. new chapter in our lives. Over the past four years, La Salle has been 3. home [0 m3.ny of us and we have evolved from simple classmates on day one [0 the brothers we are today. As brothers we will protect and love c30ch other for the rest of our lives. yet we are missing one brother. Mike Detweiler starred at La Salle College High School in early September 2010. He was the kind of person that was welcome in any group. because his humor and his constam jokes were always present, but they were never n the expense of others. In the hallways he always had a smile on his face, and contrib¡ uted in every class. He embraced the philosophy of La $:l.lIe and its virtues: education, kindness, love, faith, and service. During the summer after freshman year, Mike was diagnosed with cancer. A two year cycle of good news and then much worse news began. Mike came to terms with his sickness, and did nor place the blame on anyone. He struggled into and through school each day instead of sitting at home and waiting. Thar would have been the easy thing ro do, but rhe easy path is almost nevet the right path. He w:tlked through the h:tJlw:tys with an eye patch, a nausea parch, and the same happy smile he always had. In class Mike continually asked questions, and furthered his education despite the circumstances. He was an inspiration to all of those around him, especially those who knew him well. On July 5th, 2013 Mike passed away, barely 17 years old, after finishing his junior year at La Salle. Mike's death was a tragedy, because to call it anything else would be an unforgivable understatement. What Mike has t:lUght us is that no one should live with regrets or sadness because no one knows how much life he will be given. We all have to make do with what we have, and try to leave behind something substantial,jusr like Mike did. We will all remember Mike as the laughing, happy kid he was. He made La Salle a special place for all of us, and ac~ cepted his fate wirh an unparalleled bravery that most of us only aspire ro h.ave. Although he may not be physically w.alking down the .aisle with us at graduation, he will certainly be there with us in spirit :md in our hearts, Mike, you left La S.alle.a better pl.ace than it was, and for that among many ocher re.asons, you may be gone, but we will never forget you. Thank you, brother. • Michael Flanigan '14
rAl..l--------""" Mik, '.....Ing fun with family ,t Disney World.
1. Mlk. g.ts dropp.d off for his first day of school at L. S.lIe. 2. Getting re.dy for a day on the slopes. 3. On his first day of c1.u .t L. S.II., Mike pos.s with form.r prlnclpal, M.rchese. 4. Mlk. shows his 10.... forth. birds.1 Lincoln Fln.nclal Fi.ld.
La Salle's acadelMic progralM ettCOlMpasses over 11 departlMettts attd features over 145 course offerittgs, ittcludittg 20 Advattced ---I+-rPlacelMettt courses. Adedicated faculty attd staff ettsures that La Salle studettts are Jlrepared for ttot ottly the task at hattd, - - I f - j but also the challettges that lie ahead. fhe class of 2014 boasts two Natiottal Merit SelMi-Fittalists attd 22 Natiottal Merit --: COlMlMettded studettts, as well as lMatty outstattdittg perforlMattces Ott Advattced PlacelMettt exalMS attd acadelMic COlM etitiotts.
L-R: Brett Fotey '00 (Director of Annual Giving). Chris C.r,bello '82 (Director
FRONT ROW L-R: WiIIlter Muehlbronner (Assistant Director of Admissions).
of Communications and Public Relations), Cathy Winning [Database Administrator}, Bob MeAn'spy '66 (Director of Alumni Reliltlons), Dan McGowan (\Ilct! President of Institutional Advancement). Milur. Diehl IDevelopment Anodatel. Mlch••1Moser (Senior Major Gifts Officer)
Ann Ford (Admissions Assistant) SECOND ROW L-R: Kevin Dougherty '00
(Director of Admissions and Flnilncial Aid), Phyllis Wells {Human Rnourcu Coordiniltorl. Connie Gill/Assinant Controller} THIRD ROW L-R: Kathy Curley ((uMfullerl. Mark Gibbons '92 (Chief Fln.lnd.l Officer' MISSING FROM PHOTO: Patrlda Finlay IAdmiulons Aulstlnt)
Mr. Thom., 8.rn. Msilt;lnt Principal Academic Affalrl
Mr. Nlcholu Coggins Director of Curriculum. Instruction, and Aneument
Mr. Kevin Dougherty '00 Director of Adminions and Financl.ll Aid
Mr. Fyke ()eoan of Studenu
Mr. M.rk Gibbons '92 (hief Finanel.ll Officei'
Mrs. Jun. Maher Auillant Pnneipal Student Affairs
Mr. Danlal MeG_an Vice Prnidenl of InstItutional Adv;lncement
Mr.Joseph Parisi Director of Athlelics
Mr. P.tlr Sigmund '8S Chief Inf()f'mAlJon OffICei'
Mr. Thomas Turn.r Diffl:tor of Ttanlportation Assiltant Dean of Sludents
Daniel Cipolla Science. Department Chair Students are beginning to use social media as .. way of working together to solve complex problems In science. The science teachers are thrilled that our students art! discussing our subjects outside ohhl' classroom, and finding ways of helping each other to understand some very challenging concepts.
V.mud Abrilms
Social StudIes; D,re<lor of Diversity; Assistant Coach: Outdoor Track and Fjeld LlUi Agnew
Learning Specialist: David Program; LSC
Deb,. Antosh Administrative Assinant: Student Affails Gregory Bielecki '99
Social Studies; Head Coach, (lOSS Country; Heild COolch; Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field
Dennis Bloh English; Moderator: Gazebo; Assistant (oKh: SWImming Braden Bonn.r '07 Network and WebSite Admlnlstralor; Moderolltor: Photogrillphy Club; Co·Mode'iIItor: Tech SeN; CoModerillto" Student ub MiII""'gen Jeilnne Brabson G!J~nce Counsdor Lilstenla Breen World langUillge; l.SC; Moderilltor: Spantsh Club; Moderiltor: Sommer Service - BolIVia
Geulrd Brett DIrector of Col~ Counseling; Heilld COKh.: Vaf$lty TennIS.; Moderator. Vartlty Basketball AI•• Brown Enghsh; ASSlUilnt COKh; VillrSlty Bnlo:etball Jeremy Butt Soence: DIrector of StrHlglh iIInc1 CondrlJorung Christopher C.rabello '82 OffICe of InstrtlrtJOnaJ Advancement: Dlrectorof CommunlUtlOrlS ",ncI Public ftelauons; Moder"'tor: Basketbalt Moder"'tor: Golf
Paul Quinn '95 Mathematics. Department Chair Students use social media as II way of connecting to their classmates. Discussion boards and Facebook allow students to communicate outside of the classroom on something as complu as working through problems Of' as simple as keeping classmates informed as to what happened in class while t~ were absent.
Brother Patrick Carney Mathematics
BlIrb.,.ChllSnlk Learning Specialist: David Program; Co·M(X/erator: Student Mentors Program
Mark eh.snlk Religion; L5C; Assistant Director of Campus Ministry
Janl,. Clcdmaro Health; SCI'lool Nurse
Joseph Cicc:!milro '57
Musk; Aniltanl Director oflM Mu~ Progr'Rt Producer: Fall DramA; Producer: Spring Musical O,nl.l (lpoll. SCIenCe; lSC M~illor: ~ollor
u Salle Academy Tutors.; Co-
Engineering Oub
Chut•• Clr.1Il SCience; lSC; Assistant DirKtor of Athleti,,; Mod~ator: Student Council Lewis Clnk Religion; Director of Campus Ministry; LSC Coordinator; Moderator: Crew
Brother C.rl C1.yton Guidance Coumelor; Modera!or: Alumni AsSOciation Mlchul Clemente '89 World Language; Co-Moderator: Italian Club JoAnnCohen Learning Specialist: David Program Joseph Collstr. '64 Sodal Studies
Gerard Hartey '93 English, Department Chair Social media allows English classes to continue learning when the class period is over. Through blogs. discussion boards, access to the web, along with other tech tools, students are able to continue discussions on classroom topics. Social m~ia has created unique ways to introduce and conclude lessons. Also, the new te<hnology also helps students to understand the material better by alloWing them to collaborate in an u:tremely accessible fashion. Social media has enhanced and expanded the English classroom.
Milrk ColUns Religion; LSC; Co-Moderator: Student Mentors Program; Moderator: Student (ouncil Brother Kenneth Cook
Library Assistant Rilil Cooney
Recept,onlu: Main Office D.vldCrowe Science; Athletic Trainer
K.thyCurk,. BuSiness OffICe: Controller Douglas o.meter '93 ReligIon; LS<; ASSISIant; Cross Counlry; Assistant Coach; Outdoor TIKk and Field Joseph Dempsey English; Head CO<Ich: Varslly Basketball Mlltthew Derrick '02 English; ModeratOI': Band; Intramurals; Head Coach: Varsity Rugby
Thomlls o.vlln '00 Social SludleS; LSC; Aurnanl Cross Country, Assistant COKh:Ouldoot TrKk lll'ld F~ Ffancis JHob Dkdc:co World lllngUllge; LS< MaufaDlehl Office of Inslltul10nal Advancemenl; ~pment Associate Brolher William DIPllSquale Associate Dire<torof College Counseling; lSC; sacristan
It Academics
Gerald Miller Social Studies, Department Chair Social media use In social studies in continually growing. Each teacher tries to USE! it In different ways. One way social media has been@Ktenslvelyusedlswiththe11thgradelocaIHistory project, This year 14 groups each averaging 4 to 5 students set up both a google community page which I was able to join and follow
their progress even leaving comments If needed. They also shared their projects on Facebook and some even connected with former La Salle students who told them of their past experience. In A.P. Human Geography Jim Tate and students set up a Webinar. As social media grows, the question will certainly become will it really help student learning, or will It faU into the fad bin as Open Classroom did.
Micky Dominick Mathematics; Assistant Campus Minister; LSC; Director: Fall Drama; Director: Spring Musical Linda Don"hue World Language; Co-Moderator: Italian Club William Donohoe '96 Socia! Studies; Head Coach: JV Basketball: Head Coach: Freshman Football Peg Doyle Library Assistant
Stephen Duncheskle '94 SCience; Assistant Coach: Varsity Swimming; Head Coach: Varsity Water Polo Jason Eisele Social Studies; Assistant Coach: Varsity Volleyball Gerald Evans Science; learning Specialist: David Program; CoModerator: Mock Trial Elizabeth Field English; Co¡Moderator: NHS; Co-Moderator: Mock Trial
Patricia Finlay Admissions Assistant; Moderator: 6u~fness Club 8ernard Fitzgerald '77 Social Studies 8rett Foley '00 Office of Institutional Advancement: Director of Annual Giving Danlelle Forsythe Mathematics; CO-Moderator: Mathletes; Moderator; MultiCultural Club
Diana McInaw Religion, Department Chair Social media most definitely can be and should be tied into the learning experience today because students seem very comfortable and experienced at all types of social media. It can enhance the learning experience as It brings a wider variety and broader range of teaching strategies and subje<t content.
Rosem.ry G.delk World langullge; Moderator: Student Council P"ul Gehman Music
William G.IlIer '72 World language Connlnee Gill Business Office: AssIstant Controller
StevenGllI Fk/hlies TlttnCI Glllupl. '82 Soeoce; OlrKlor of SYm~ Progf,l,m Gin. GluUllnl DirKtOl" AuctIon; CiilImpus Store Joseph GlackIn learning Sp«ialist David Progl.m, Modfl"ilOr: Bow!illg
e.rol H"!iI!i1lrty Adm,nlStlallW ASllSt.lnt to 1M Pril'Kipal; L5C; CoModflator: 8Jw ond GokJ G.t.rd HIney '93 EnglJsh; Inltamurals.; M~atorwmlog Club
Michael Hearn Fi~ Ans; Co·M~r'llor
Art Club
Patrick Heasle, MathematICS; ~ator Football
'" Academics
William Geiger '72 World Language, Department Chair From the Smiillrt Board to the online textbook. language teKhers are making vast inroads into the realm of technology, and we're finding that it can be a major enhancement to our textbook. From short vid@Ochpsto movies to dialogue, the new Spanish book has it all. These are some of the many ways language teachers are
using the technology of their disciplines to enhance instruction.
Christopher Holwlck '94 English; Co-Moderator: Wisterion; Co-Moderator: Blue ondGold
Stephen HorvlIth '04 World language; Assistant CO;lch: Cross Country;
Assistant Coach: Indoor/OUldoorTrack and Field Martin J.ckson Director of Guidance; Head Coach: Varsity Golf John Jilndil English; CO-Moderator: Wlsterian; Assist"", Coach: Tennis
Rey. Anthon, Janton '69 Chaplain; Moderator: Water Polo Joseph Jaworowski World language; Moderator: Chinese Oub Robert Johnson DirK-tor of Multimedia Technology. Moderator WEXP, Co-Moderator: Spofts Information Club Stephen Joneno FiKilities
Uilrryking Custodial SY~SOf John Kellnan '80 Director oftM D.Jvjd Program; ModeratorChess Club and Chess Team Thomâ&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Uilng Mathematics; Co-Moderator: Mathletes; Moderator: Soccer William leah, Guidance Counselor. Head Coach:Var~ty lacrosse
Michael Hearn Fine Arts, Department Chair As far u the art department is concerned. social media in the classroom takes place in the portal discu~on board ~es. generally to gather ilnd share reactions and fHdback to key concepts to a new unIt or Specific e••mples illustrating a principle in art. The portal is also u~ to collect Writing from the students In the form of descriptive characterizations of artwork they have studied, and opinion responses back~ up by their findings.
Frank L1chtner
Ph)'s. Ed.; Head Coach: Varslly Swimming Donna Long
Oirectorof libra')' and Media Services Miguillopn DlreclO, of Security Albert losClb.o Facilities: Maintenance Supervisor
Joseph Lyndl
english Jame, Marsteller DlrKtor of F«llltle'§ Mary Ann Martin
Mu!oic Robert McAnelpey '66 Office of InSltlUllonill "dv"nce~t: Directorof Alumni RelalJons
WlIIlilm McBride World language; Moderator; German Club; Moderator: Film Club Mlch,e' MeC'be '08 Religion; Assistant Coach: S~h and Debate Thomu MeC'''ery '01 Mathematics; Intramurals; Assistant Coach; Varsity Soccer Rye" McOowell '01 Science; Co·Moderator Robotics
II Academics
Joseph Ciccimaro '57 Music, Department Chair Music students use social media as an exchange of musical Ideas which can expand their outlook beyond their own exposure.
Matthew McGovern '09 La Salle Alumni Volunteer John McGrllnaghan Guidance Counselor
DIana MclnllW Religion Anthony MieczkowskI '06 Science; Moderator: Student Council; Head Coach:
Varsity Crew
Barbara Miller Fine Arts; LSC; (o¡Moderator; Art Club Gerald Miller Social Studies
Kelly Minton Mathematics: Co-Moderator: Engineering Club
Michael Moser
Office of Institutional Advancement: Senior Major Gifa Officer
Walter Muehlbronner
Phys. Ed.; Assistant Director of Admissions; Head Coach: VarSity Ice Ho<key Mary Kay Mullen
Associate Director ofCoUege Counseling; l$C
Dilnlel Muller Music Brother Raymond Murphy Guidance; library Assistant
Gerard Brett Director of College Counseling Social media Is integral to College Counseling. We communicate with the juniors and seniors via La Salle's Facebook and Twitter accounts. We are constantly updating our College Counseling website and Naviance with the latest information and relevant news articles. By using social media we have been able to Interact with students in iii medium that they are familiar with and that they visit on a regular basis. This has allowed us to Increase their awareness of important college admission deadlines.
Jesska Nedzwecky Mathematics; Assistant Coach: Varsity Rugby Joseph Nero Music
Geoff Nlcolettl Religion: Modefiuor: Computer Club
Mark Norm.n Fine Arts; Director of Chorus; AssiSlolnt Director: FilII Drama; Assistant Director: Spring Musical; Assistant Coach: Tennis
Klthleen O'(onnell Counseling; lSC Ylshal Patel Science; Co-Moderator: Robotics John Pax Facilities Roblrt Piffle Mathematics; Head Coach: Varsity Soccer
Administrative Assistant:
Dorothy Ponlscllk Science Michael Ponlscllk Mathematics Alfred Puntel Religion; lSC Plul Quinn '95 Mathematics; Assistant Coach: Varsity 8<Jseball
1\ Academics
Anthony Resch Guidance Counselor: English; Assistant Coach: Varsity Lacrosse Patrick Rose Computer Drafting Robert Russell Science: Computer Science; Moderator: Academic Decathlon Suzanne Russo Registrar
Rosinill Ryilln English; lSC; Moderator: Celtic Club Kurt Schollln Information Literacy Pamaliill Seeley Science; lSC: Assistant Coach: Cross Country; Assistant Coach: Indoor/OutdoorTfack and Field Rillymond ShillY '00 Director of Web Communications; Director of S~h and Debate; Moderator: Web Managers; Co-Moderator. Tech ~rv
Bridget Shop. Mathematics Tina Shustack Mathematics; Co-Moderator: NH$ John Smith Custodial Services KiilIthl â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘n Smith Executive Assistant to the President; $ecretiillry of the Corporation
John Keenan 'SO Director of the David Program Technology has augmented the tools students can use to facilitate learning. The David Program encourages students to use Emall, One Note, Google Docs and to communicate with faculty and other students. Students are Introduced to Audio Books to complete reading assignments. Graduates are welcome to use Facebook to stay In touch with David Program faculty. Technology has Increased the avenues available to help students learn and communicate throughout the time they are at La Salle and even after they enter college.
N.ry5mlth World Language; Coordinator of International Students Program; Moderator. French dub;
Moderator: Internalional Studies Club Gregory Snyder
SUSlin Spause Campus Store Robert Suttman Music
JamesTate'94 Social Studies; Moderator: Ski Club: Moderator: Water Polo: Assistant Coach: VarSity Swimming Gregory Teperman Music William Torres '09 La Salle Alumni Volunteer Wayne Trueheart Facilities
Joseph Vettorl Director of the Music Program Dennis Wasko Music Phyllis Wells Business Office: Human Resources Coordinator Daniel Williams Religion: LSC; Co-Moderator: NCAA Club: Moderator: Fencing Club: Intramurals
Cathy Winning Office of Institutional Advancement: Database Administrator; Moderator; Providence Center Tutoring Barb Wbotzkey Campus Store Cheryl Wolgamott English; Moderator: Creative Writing Club
John Young '83 Social Studies; LSC; Co-Moderator: Sports Information Club Robert Ianneo Mathematics; Assistant Coach: Basketball Nancy loeltsch World language; lSC
With H separate teaIMs a.,d a particlpatio., rate of over 60~ !'--_ H:...;of the stude.,t body, it should be .,0 surprise that the 2013-2014athletic caIMpaig., co.,ti.,ued i., the school's traditio., of success. Highlights i.,clude a 3rd straight state chaIMpio.,ship a.,d 26th straight PCL title for SwiIMIMi.,g. Jaseball wo., Its 2.,d state chaIMplo.,ship i., 3 years, a.,d Mr. Joe Parisi ear.,ed Coach of the Year ho.,ors I., his last seaso., as head coach. fhe Ice Hockey teaIM wo., its 4th co.,secutive Flyers Cup ChaIMpio.,shlp, ear.,l.,g It a., appeara.,ce I., the state chaIMpio.,ship gaIMe, a.,d Mr. Joe PeIMpsey ~_K-l...,wo" Coach of the Year ho.,ors for Jasketball after the teaIM's historic ru., to the PIAA state chaIMpio.,ship gaIMe. PCL titles ~-H-l were wo., by ~olf. fe.,.,is, Lacrosse, a.,d Volleyball, which IMade its varsity debut at La Salle I., the spri.,g of 20 14-.
NI~holu Rln.lI. '15 biowl put. d.f.nd.r with the blocking h.lp of Amlr Furm,n '14 .nd K.lth '15.
II ple""l Br."'" '14, Nkholu '15, A!JMr funnan '14. ' " Bin Frusco '14 ...Ik h.nclin h&nd wtth on•• nother u tMy grMt..tMir opponenu, F.ber Judg....... the ~ tOllS.
Coach Gordon
'" Football
Right: QUilrterbilck Kyle Shurmur '15 looks for his receIver down the fIeld. hr right: 8111 Fruno '14 chllrges through the defense.
Brennan O'Oonnellln many ways, I believe that this season was more about just football. To me, it was about going out onto the field, and fighting for every touchdown, every first down, every yard, every inch. It was about coming together, and working as a team to achieve all that we could be capable of. Michael Koller I coudn't have asked for a better four years. The lessons I learned and the friendships' made will remain with me forever. La Salle Football is not just a sport. It's a lifestyle. It will always be a part of my life and I will never forget the many amazing memories.
Above: Miltt R.cuck '14 gets rl!lldyforklckoff.
34 28 28
Falling shorr of a "sixpeat" could reasonably be referred to as a "dynasty problem. Though the 2013 La Salle football team did f:Jll short of a sixrh srraight Catholic LtOlgue ride, no one can deny their outstanding record ofrecent dominance in the Catholic League. In fact, most obstrvers would s:l.y tbt fact [bat L:a Salle even had the opportuniry to pursue a sixth straight tide is success tnough. Regardless of the different result, for both the Explorers' fans and supporrers in rhe communiry, the 2013 LOl Salle football team will long be revered for its chOlracter, leadership, and tenaciry. A difficult nonleOlgue schedule began with a home matchup agaillSt suburban rival North Penn and a difficult matchup against Public LeOlgue powerhouse Imhorep Charrer. In the league portion ohhe schedule, La Salle yet again faced its greateSt threat in St. Joseph's Prep High School. Not even rbe leadership of seniors Zaire Franklin, Bill Frusco, Nick Buckley, Levi Hardy, Ryan Coonahan, lind Steve Hudak could match the Hawks' dynamic offense. The Explorers gave St. Josepll's Prep two gritty games before falling in the Catholic League championship by a score of30-20. As with most dynasties, La Salle will be reloaded and ready next year. Under the leadersbipofKyleShurmur,Jimmy Herron,Jordan Meacbum, Nick Rinella, and Ryan Brady, tbe Explorers will be at the forefronr of the championship chase next year. -Daniel Spinelli '14
7 40 14
28 3S
35 14
~~ :~
B.low; Mldfl.ld••s O.... ld Price '1••nd O.nnyThomlli '1. p•• ~ •• IO h••dbutt. f.ltlngb.ll.
II Soccer
RIght: Danny Thoma. '14 dribbles up th.fl.ld, hb f... t f..t serving him well In hIs end.nor, Far right: Go.1IlIe Anthony D'Angelo '14 antlciJYtes the opposing oHense,
Chris M.ther After four years of playing La Salle soccer, my final year on varsity was the most rewarding and fun season I've played, and I could not be more thankful to have shared that experience with my fellow teammates and coaches.
Ben hblszewskl Playing varsity soccer at La Salle this year was an absolutely amazing time, and if I could do it all over again I wouldn't change a single thing about our season.
Above: Defender Andr_ I(nowles '14 prepares to klc:k a bAU upfield to his tnmmatu.
4 I 8 3 2 2 I 2 0 0 3 5 3 2 7 4 3
o o o o o
The 2013 soccer se:lSon W:lS an exciting and eventful season for the reigning Catholic League ch:tmpions despite an early exir from tbe pl:tyoffs. With only two returning naneu, the team was fairly new. The season staned Out with a six game winning streak with an exciting win over our cross st:lte rival in the De Lasalle Cup, Pittsburgh Central Catholic. During this streak the team reached a national ranking of 10. The team overc:.,ne injuries to finish the regular season at 13-4-0 with 3 of their losses in overtime. The Explorers went inca the playoffs as:l four seed, but fell in dle first round. The team was led by AllCatholic senior selections Matt Lucas, Connor Casey, Dave Price, Nick Dusing, :lnd Nick Carradorini. Other contribucars wen~ seniors Ben Fabis:;:ewski, Andrew Knowles, Sean O'Kane, Amhony D'Angelo, Alexander Mar::ullo, Chris Muher, and Ryan Weathers. The 2014 team looks strong with returning contributors ltd by 1st team All-Catholic junior Tyler Colasamo and 3rd team selection sophomore Nick Carradorini, along wirh orher underdassmenjunior Man Pizzo, and sophonlores Bren Hladczuk. Kevin Lane, and Ryan Reew:s who will hopefully pur the Explorers back on rop. -Andrew Knowles '14
2 3 1 1 1
o 2
o o 1
S••n Prlnd....n. '1S .nd Br.nd.n Prlc. '17 milllnt.ln. I••d ov.r Wood., th.y run out ofth. dl,..c:t sunllghlillnd Into the ofth. woods.
liII Sail. Cross Coxont..,. damonst,.tln9lU ,trtf't~ In
II Athletics
Right: As the hot sun ",UI down overhead, Caplaln 8r,ndan 8ilotta "4 maku on, 11111 (hug, for Ih, finish lin,. Fu right; With hil f,lI_ lummllltS dost In light. Nick LaMort' Is IIbl, to the ,n,rlilY to (IIrry on lind finish the
Andr.w Garoppo It was hard running miles in the cold, heat, and rain, but after it's all over, if you asked anyone on the team, we'd all say we loved it.
Mik. Bishof Sure, cross-<:ountry was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it made me a tougher and more resilient runner.
Above: Pushl"9 hlmMH 10 lhellmit. Keith l . . '14 Itrldn loward the finish II....
CROSS· COUNTRY Cross coulllry is not just a sport, it is a brotherhood. For every time you step on the line you're nor only running for yourself. bur also for your teammates." The La Salle Cross Country team is truly a brotherhood· :l family. We h:lVe been blessed with, as we all on tile team say, "Tile greatest coaching staff in the countr{ • Mr. Bielecki. Mr. Devlin, Mr. Horvath, Mr. Demeter, Mr. Seeley, and Mrs. Seeley. We have such a special coaching staff • where everyone on the team is cared for and lOlled. Our team is, we:.tll care just as much :.tbout the 16;00:lS we do the runner at 26:00 minutes. There are so many definitions of success in peoples' minds. Sometimes people judge the success of a seuon based offof the scoreboard. Howeller, the La S:l1le cross coulltry family has a different view of success. We believe in rhe process· ~Perftct the process,~ as Mr. Bielecki always says. If we all do rhe ~litde rhings~ and work hud and give It our all everyday· now that's success lrl our eyes. Accompanied with th:1£ hnd work and dedlc2tion everyday at practice, is 2 whole lor oflaughs.1 don't think an)' other team could 52)' they have as much fun as we do and as many b.ughs ellery day. we have a special ream. \Ve really are 2 family. At PCLch2mpionships this ye2r we put it all out there on all three levelsofcompelluon. The freshm2n starred the day off great with a big win in the freshm2n nce. Then theJV boys. led by RY2n Mitchell and Corey Driscoll, won the JV race in dnmnic f.tshion. Fi· n21ly, the l:1St nce ofthe d2y was the V.usity, which was led by senior Brenden Biloct2, who fought hard and came in 2nd III 2gre:ot race. Tht following wtek Bilott2 and sophomort P2t Gnnt both qualified for the PIAA Stare Cross Counlry Championship$ due to their 2maz· ing performances in the Districts meet. The v:lrsit)' te2m as a whole nn great raday, and an addjtion21 outst2nding pcrform2nce c:ome from jUnior Ryan Mitchell, who only mi.sud qualifying for stares by a few spors. I fed so blessed and honored to be 2 P:lrt of 2 tum :os $pccial as this one. The La S211e Cross Country tum is:o family, where we all JUSt look our for e2ch other :ond care for e2ch other. \Ve:lre 55 brothers. wYou don't choose your f.tmily. w They are God's gift to you, as rou arc to them. ·Matt McCarry '14
Below: The tum huddlu In the pool befo.e e g.-me, giving euh othe. support end wo.ds of encou•.-gement to help them win.
TOIl ~,Ieft to rtght; Luke CMchridt.1obby IhnwltaoritI"
Nkk o.rmo. JB 8qdy. Nick StKhel,. row: tuorrison Sd'oultz, K~ Md.
u Jordon.. 2nd
o-t Mlenle..»mmy
Moftasttro, Vince Evoermen,. Tom COnroy. Seen MulBgen. ]rd row: Joe Rilling. John TlIoInpson, Seen FWiIey, Luu
s.tMa. Mark Erwlan4,. Pete Manocco. Uam 0\If'fy.
retlonf"-ri. 4th Row: Even Witt, John KJtIn. Jake s.nnem. lobby Nick Conroy, Mike Oou9IMftJ, Jkk GueM.
Mr. Ouncheskle~h:::k.::S~I::h~s.,-
II Athletics
Right: Hlnlson Schultz '15 IClns thl pool to find the memMu of hi, tilim thlt Irll oplln Ind Ibl. to c.tch his pus. Fir right: Puning up his hindi on
defenlll, gOlIl, Jimmy,ro '151howl th. oPpollni ttlm th.t nothing will b1.ble to i't p"lt him.
Bobby Bematayftz Despite losing 13 seniors, the water polo team was still able to make a run and get into the PIAA State Tournament. I'm proud of what we, as a team, have been able to accomplish this year.
Nick Dermo The season was one to remember. We were a young team, but we played great. made awesome memories, and there is no doubt that the team will continue the tradition of improving each year.
AbovI: AI thl bill II tOSHd .rourtd thitHolI,lobby "mltlvitz '141w1ml.1 f.n II h. Cln to k. .p up with thl f"tp"cedglm•.
I. 5
15 8 6 13 11
,.,. 6
This yen's squOld w;u truly unique. Clptained by seniors Nick Dermo, Bobby BenlOlUvitz, mdJB BrOldy, we COlme into the season losing almost all of The team thar achieved our .success the previous year. This year we were a young Team, only including one senior and six junior starters. We began the yur with three tough losses to some of the best U':ams in the .state: Wilson, Governor Mimin, and Cumbetland Valley, However, CO:.l;ch Duncheskie repeatedly told us to stick with the program, and thar we did, We improved a gren deill from where we stured Olnd hild big wins ag":.linsr Wissahickon and Pennridge, We had to pby, for the first time ever, iI play-in gilme for the stilee pbyoffs. In iI se;uon-de.fininggame, we filced Governor Mimin again, iI tum who beat us by over 10 gOills at The beginning of the yur. We pulled off the upset, winning by a score of 13-9. As COilch Duncheskie said, -It was the biggest win in La Salle Water Polo history,M After that, we went on to the stare Tournament, and hOld to play the number one: seed, North Allegheny. Although we didn't win, we stayed with them. and proved to the rest of the stUe that thIS teilm WOlS no joke. Although we didn't pbce 0lS highly 0lS we haw in previous years, there is no doubt thilt this reat was a big success, and we pro\'ed that it iSn't about the destination, it's about the journey. -Vince Evermiln 'IS
1 7 27
8 1l 13
13 8
Below: Before the)' enn ettempt to swing Ihelr dubli, Reid Worster .nd G.r)' M( Kope out the (ourse to delermlne their str.teg)'.
Far Right: Junior Gary McCabe1lkt$ a swing and advance$ the ball. Right: Mr. Jathon gives $enior Reid Wor$terthe evll 'ye through his sungla$$'$ for a $core above par.
Joey Reuter I could not be more honored to be part of this team. It wasn't an easy road to the State Championships, but I wouldn't change a thing about my final season on the golf team.
Reid Worster This year's golf season was futl of ups and downs, but the senior leadership led us to the best team finish in the PIAA ever. I am honored to be a part of such an amazing team.
Above: Afterobservlng his spot, Jack Quirk know$ nactly whatty~ of club 10 us, for his nnt$hol.
#LSEag lesAnd Bi rd ies
226 237 223 233 236 208 224 230 21B 237 242 232
262 291 287 223 225 231 283 247 267 259 420 240
255 2S0
266 248
The varsiry golf team was led by remming seniors Jack Gregor, Reid Worster, Joey Rueter, and David Cox. These seniors, and re:tumingjuniors :md sophomores. are the reason for the successful season we had this year. We started the season off Strong with high expectations. Towards the end ofthe regular season we struggled. but rallied when we needed it most. The Explorers looked to become Philadelphia Catholic League champions for the: third straight year. We accomplished our goal by winning the PCL:l.t Lu Lu Country Club by five strokes over Cardinal O'Hara. That day, seven of our eight players received fitst team All-Catholic honors. The season continued as we won the District 12 championship by twenty-five strokes over Archbishop Wood. The team progressed to the State Championship at Heritage Hills in York, PA. \Ve looked forward to competing in OUt first State Championship. The Explorers finished third and did nOt reach their goal of winning; however, our finish will be something to build upon for next year. -Jack Gregor '14
aelow: The vlIrllty lind Junior vlIrilty tellml c:ome together 'or. huddle to prepllre tIMml.I....1 for the PIAA St.t. Ch.mplonlhlp gllme.
Coach Dempsey hk"e"â&#x20AC;¢..;th";,,."'-
Right: Lupfng the defenden, J,llIen Herdsman '14 rUth,s to a layup. Far right: Speeding past Sonner's defense, Mltk Serrelt '14 dribbles up the tourt.
Sean Greenberg This past season was great and it was really an amazing experience to make It to the State Championship, even though we weren't able to get the title.
Dom Cuoci This basketball season was a great success. I was able to be with great guys and coaches while we made a good run together to the PIAA State Championship,
Abo....: Panlon.t.lyleaplng o....r the, Da...ld Krmpotlth '15 attempts to store a basket with little time left on the dotk.
33 52 50 58 43
48 55 55
The 2013-2014 l2 Salle Basketball team had a fantastic year with .. great amount of unanticipated success. The team was led by a starring fi\'e offour underclassmen and one Senior, all of whom saw little or no playing time last season. With many doubters through¡ out the city, this year's Explorers were able to put together an historic season. There were many memorable highlighrs of the season. The team ventured out to Happy Valley to start irs season in a highly competitive tournament. Surring the season with a nonleague record or8-I, the Explorers were on fire heading into Catholic league play. In the regular season, the team fell shorr to state-wide powerhouses Neumann-Goreni. Roman Catholic, and Archbishop Carroll, while also experiencing a rough loss to St. Joseph's Prep, The loss to St. Joseph's Prep, however, was avenged in an electric home-court first round CadlOlic League playoff game. The win against St. Joseph's Prep catapulted the te3m to the prestigious Phi13ddphia Catholic league Semi-Fin3ls at The P3lestra, After a tough loss to Roman Catholic in the PCl Semi-Finals, the team experienced unprecedented success in the P1AA AAAA playoffs. The team beat Centr31 High School, Conestoga, Cedar Crest, lower Merion, 3nd Chester to find iuelf in La Salle's first ever State Championship basketball game, In the State Championship at the Hetshey Giant Center, the Explorers faced a very experienced New Castile High School team. It was a compt:ritive game to the finish, but the Explorers were not able to finish with the gold. The La Salle community came home from Hershey with irs heads held high, as the team was able to put together a SeaSon tll3t no one expected, The team, as 3lways, was supported by the best student section in the state, and a loyal fan base of parents, relatives, and friends of La Salle College High School. All eyes will be on next ye3r's Explorets as they look to have yet :l.llother successful se:l.son, -Mick Barren '14
B'low: Th, ".m w.l,h.s. m.l,h••nound,d by both tuml' prowtJs on th' m.t.
'" Wrestling
Right: Santino Pelusl'lS prepares for a tough match against Father Judge. Far Right: Awrestling natural, AntoniO Pelusi '14 handles his opponent with eale.
Mark Rounbehler It was an honor for me to be able to be apart of this team. I will truly miss my team members and also the coaching staff who have taught me many valuable life lessons throughout my four years at La Salle.
Bill Fru$co We accomplished a lot this season. We were a close group of kids and had a great year. I just wish it wasn't over.
AboYl!: Anthony Piscopo '16 gets some encouraging high fives from his tummatlts bltfore the match.
The LaS311e College High School wrestling team is well known for irs dominance. Despite falling short this year in the PCL finals match, against rival Farher Judge, the Explorers still found a way to show their dominance. Hard work, dedication, and rhe will to strive for greatness are some of the things that thcse wrestlers have been taught by the ourstanding coaching staff. Despite being plagued by injury all season, the Explorers managed to POSt a 7-8 mark on the yur. They found more success in tournamentS, posting wins in the Travis Manion Memorial Tournament, Mad Mats Tournament, rhe PCLScerional Tourn:amenr, the Distrier 12 individual tournament, and the narional Beast of the East and Manheim Holiday Tournaments. This season was one to remember. la Salle had some down rime after losing the PCL. During that time. the Explorers battled rhrough grueling practices every day for two weeks in preparation for the post season goals. Eleven wrestlers advanced from the PCl individual rournament to the District 12 rournament, where the Explorers again moved all deven of those wrestlers on to the North E3st Regional Tournament. La Salle was fortUI}:!.te ro h3vc two St3te qualifiers leaving regionals, especially after having none the previous season. Junior Greg Konieczny finished in rhird place in an overtime thriller in the match to go to srates while senior Antonio Pclusi. finished in second. It was both ofthese young men's fitsl rrip [0 Hershey and rhe Srare Tournament. Greg Konieczny fell a rn3rch short of placing in the rournament. Pelusi finished off his career at La Salle with a sixth place finish in the SUte tournamenl and a career record of 144-40. As for next season, the Explorers will be without seniors Mark Rounbehler, Sal Anderson, Pat McGinley, Anronio Pelusi, and Bill Frusco. All five rhe seniors gready contribured ro the success of this team. The Explorers will look ro their future leaders Greg Konieczny. Santino Pelusi, Andrew McLaren, and Anthony Piscopo to fill rhe shoes of rhe graduaring seniors for the next season. ·Antonio Pelusi ·14
eelow: The whole IlIIm ,.thers 0... ~forl the H.tlo........... th.m .
...f1.r wl...... the Cup for 1M fourth ,..r I.... r_. th• • hol. cOHhlng n.ff po.. with 1M trophy before tn.y 1.,« thelCi. i ... g
Coach Muehlbronn~.~r~h~k.~s~t~h~iS~.
ll; Ice Hockey
Right; COMor Lloyd '15 shows off his shtlng skills by m"lnl"lnlng b"l"nc. on only on. sk"" 1$ h. cel.b,,,"s a go,,1. Fa' right; Corbin Gunafson 'lS catches a puck just b.forelt slips right through his, d.nylng yetanoth.rgoal.
Chri5Jastrzembski After a rough start to the year, it was great to see the boys regain their focus and dominate the league and beat rivals Holy Ghost Prep and 51. Joseph's Prep in overtimes to win another Flyers Cup for the trophy case.
Andrew Romano Another great year for the La Salle Hockey Team. With a lot of new faces on the team, the battle to continue the winning tradition was harder than any other year. The team came from behind in both the semi-final against Holy Ghost Prep and the final against St. Joseph's Prep for its 4th consecutive Flyers Cup Championship. Although we weren't able to win the state championship, it was still an impressive year for us.
Abov.; team leaders Eric Bonl and Andrew Romano accept the Cup Trophy after beating 'lvals, St. JOlieph's Prep.
ICE HOCKEY Th. hock.y leam plies on top of .ach other In eel.brallon of d.fullng rivals, St. Joseph's Pr.p, In the Flyers Cup.
1 0 2
3 3
4 10 3 9 3 13 10 6 7 4 8 3
o 7
o 2
The 2013-2014 La Salle Varsity AAA Ice Hockey team once again had another grut season. The team proved itself after losing nine seniors fronl the last year. This year, the team would be led by seniors Andrew Romano, Collin Charys::yn, Collin Gustafson, Kevin Charys::yn, and Eric Bo::::i. Looking to continue their dominance, rhe varsity team got off to a slow start, having a record of 4-4-2 in their fitst 10 games. The team, however, was able to rurn it atound and finished the season with an overall record of 18-10-2, which included wins over top progums in the Mid-AtlantiC Prep Hockey League. La Salle started the season with a huge target on irs back after winning the Flyers Cup the previous three years. Every team in the league would want nothing more than to defeat the Explorers and put an end to their Flyers Cup reign. Despite the slow starr, the Explorers came together as a team and finished the regular season as the third seed. The team entered playoffs with one thing in mind- to win the Flyers Cup for the fourth straight year. After defeating Holy Ghost Prep by a score of2-1 in double overtime in the semi-final tound of playoffs, the Explorers were JUSt one game away from winning [he Flyers Cup once again. The Explorers went on to defear rival St. Joseph's Prep by a score of5-4 in overtime to win the Flyers Cup. Five days later the Explorers traveled to Penn $t:l.te for the State Championship. In a very fast paced, defensive game, the Explorers loS! by a score of2-1. - Collin Charyszyn '14
o 3 I I I
2 S 1
I 4
Ice Hockey
Aft.r th. mitch, John Mu.ll.r '15 J.ff VeUn.r '15, Jo. Frlngloll'16, Ind Din Farl.y '14 writ. down Icorll to com par. and,.. how th., pl.c.d .monglt
CoKh McOoweIllikes this.
'" Bowling
Right: Jeff V.lIn.r '15 wlltchu the bllU roll down the like • stlltU•. hr right: R"dy to stlrt, John Mu.lIer '15 unlu.s his sho.s lind stlrts ch.nging into his p,op.r bowling .ttl,e.
Shllne McDevitt Being on the bowling team this year has been a rewarding experience. I've gained lasting friendships as well as skills I can apply outside of bowling. I wish these guys the best of luck next year.
Kevin Fox Being on the bowling team is such a good choice because it lets me to not just have fun bowling, but to also be a part of my team and represent La Salle.
Above: Leunchlng the ball down th. 'en., Jo. Franglosa '16 watch.s Int.ntly as It ,oils.
1 4
3 3 3 1 4
1 1 1
If you are looking for a group of guys with passion and perseverance, motivadon ;l;nd dedic:ltion, unrivaled physic.:ll ;l;nd mental strength, and not to mendon dashing good looks, then look no further than the 2013-2014 La Salle Explorers Bowling Team. The was headed by Coach Rod McDowell, along with assistant cO.:lches Paul. Will. and Bernice, and the moderator Mr. Glacken. For the second yeat in a row, the varsity team was led on by four All-Catholic bowlers. This year's group of distinguished bowlers included juniors John Mueller and Ted Decker, as well :1$ sophomores Joe Frangiosa and Kevin Fox, rhe anchor of the team. Senior Shane McDevitt and junior Jeff Vellner also saw significant playing time on the varsity team. TheJunior Varsity team consisred ofseniots Dan Farley and Erik AZ2;ar:mo, sophomores Andrew Capone, Jon Giannini, and Ethan D'Abbene, and the lone freshman Ryan Ruane. Overall, although there were a few rough patches, the Varsity team had a solid year finishing 35-29, which was good enough for 5th in the PCL, and the JV ream showed major improvement each and every week. Unfortunately tbough, rhe season came to an abrupr end with a loss to Catdinal O'Hara in rhe first round of rhe playoffs. Still, much was gained from rhis past year, and rhe fumre looks vety promising for the Explorers, as five bowlers with Varsity experience will be remrning for the 2014-2015 season. -Erik Azzarano '14
, , o
o 4
4 4
o 4
, , 3
2808 2698
a.low: AI Co.chn Dunch.lkl••nd T.t. w.teh with fOC:UI, Hurlson SchulU '1.5, John Kl.ln '11, Tom Conroy '1.5, G.b. L.b.n. '15, NIck Conroy '1" .nd Ll.m Duffy '11 vlgorOUlly ch••r tum on.
Th. ~ s.J.... wftft tum potnfor. photo .ftH winnlrtg Jtd C:0fl1oK_
PlAA .5t.t. Ch.mplonlhlp.
Coach Uchtnerlike~5~t~h~;5~.
'" Swimming
Right: Pushing through the pilln i1nd exhilustlon, Greg Roger, '15 dots the physicilily uylng butterfly Slroke. Filr RIght: La Sillie swimmers stilnd ill the reildy to start the rilee.
Colin Murtha Deciding to manage the swim team this year was one of the best choices I've ever made. Being around kids with such dedication, drive, and optimism never ceases to inspire me.
Colin Happ This season was truly up in the air at the beginning of the year. We had lost 13 seniors and didn't know how we would stand on the state level. We showed that La Salle was still one of the best teams in the state and will always be a competitor for the title.
Above: At a normal swim priletlce, the wholelnm Unes up before diving Into the Willer for some laps In the pool.
92 1ST 1ST 1ST
In swimming, as in every sport, each season is a liuledifferenr. Every year there is a new set of challenges to overcome, but with each challenge comes an even greater reward. This year has been a very special one for La Salle swimming. It starred Out unsure, yet with high hopes and e"pecr:nions as does every season. It was going to be very difficult to pick up the slack after losing such a large senior class from the previous season, yet the team was up for the challenge. As the season progressed, we could all see rhe resulrs of our coundess hours in the pool paying off. Our dmes conrinued to get faster 2nd faster, and we began to surprise everyone, from our coaches to our parenu to even ourselves, with how well the team had come together. By the dme rhat PCls and Districts rolled around, we knew we were ready ro do what we had to do. Both meers were phenomenal and we were able to bring home the 26th consecutive PCl tide, as well as yet another District championship, bur in the back of our minds we were all wondering what was going to happen a moneh later when the sure championship rolled around. At this poine, the unsure feeling that we had in the beginning of the season was far gone. Having twelve swimmers qualify for the stau championship in indillidual ellenes is an amazing feat that lIery few other teams in rhe state can accomplish. A big contributing factor in our confidence was the leadership ofthe seniors and that all three qualified for states. In the lIery first client of the meet, the medley relay rook first, crushing the prellious Stare record and reclaiming the tirle for la Salle. The relay set the [One for the resr ohhe meet, and from that point on it was dear that we were ready tQ go. Two first place and one second place finishes in the relays later, as well as some phenomenal performances in the indillidual Clients, and we had done it. We had accomplished what we had worked for all season. The countless hours in the pool. the pain ofChristmas training, and rhe bleached hair and burnt skin had all been wonh it. We had pulled off rhe rhree peat, the hat trick. One of the greatest achievementS possible in any spon was now OUts. -Kyle McElwee '15
a.low: As And ••w GlI'OPPO '14 f1nish.1 up his Illp In th. ,.11IY, Mark 04l511ntll "4 ,.uh'l out to .K,I.."lh, b.ton and Itrld•• to mltnt.ln th,l. I,.d.
TM wttoM Irwt- TrKk t.lIm lhoortls oN Ih,", _long In_ thlt ~td 1M whole track.
'" Indoor Track
Right: '.rrylng a ste.dy Iud, MI<hael Phayr.'lS pl<ks up lh.pue. far Right: Fo<used solely on the hlghjump,J.<k CuUdge '1. wlnus In antldpatlon u he lull's over the b'r.
Stef.n Sutton God never blessed me with a brother at home, but I have been blessed with this team instead. It's during the brutally cold track practices where you realize how this sport is so much more than what it seems and that even though the cold windy days are tough to get through. amazing things can happen with hard work. Mike Bishof Indoor was where I first fell in love with the sport and my team. We worked hard every single day, and this was shown through our commitment to each other, our coaches. and most importantly to track. Joining this team was best decision of my life.
Above: A n.tur.llongjumper. Mlk. Koller '1. h.ngs in Ihe .Ir n he brues for imput.
M MThere is no such thing.:ls b.:ld weather, only soft people. This phrase. stated by Coach Bielecki in the face of any adverse conditions, W.:lS certainly pUt to the test during this season of Indoor Track and Field. Mother Narure brought on unfavorable wearher, yet the L1 Salle Track and Field team persevered and conrinued to work hard rhrough rhe many snowstorms and countless days of frigid temperatures to achieve outstanding results in every .:Ispect oftile sport. The season culminated with rhe Explorers taking 2nd in the PCL. wirh many srate qualifiers. Ar the end of February the entire ream came together (albeit reluctandy at first) to shovel the snow-covered track. The memorable and surprisingly fun experience led to a strong sense of camaraderit; among the arhletes, and twO lanes were cleared in time for a final "Polar Bear ~ meet. The Explorers gave an outstanding performance at the State meet wirh Charles He.:lden '16 placing 9th in the 60m and 13th in the 200m, breaking the school record wirh a rime of 22.72! Ilrendan Hilotta '14, won both the mile and 3k at peLs and placed 6th in the mile at .states. The DMR ream consisting of Patrick Grant '16, Mike Bishof'14, Stefan Surron 'IS, and Brendan Bilotta placed 2nd at .states. Levi Hardy '14. Tabriz Bumpas '15, Shane Lewis '14, and Charles Headen '16 narrowly missed rhe school record for rhe 4x200 with their incredible race. Finally. Eddie Eason '15 tied for 7rh place in the pole vault at states. All of the success and PRs would be impossible without thc dedication and suPPOrt from all of tbc coaches and captains. Together. the team worked hard throughout the season and achieved outstanding succcss! -Keith Lee '14
Indoor Track
II Sports Collage
1. Tyl.r Colilwnto. MilU Lucils. Andrew Knowl.s. ilnd Nick DUlilng.1. Mkk BiI"ett. 3. Sal Andr.rlion. 4. Jo.y R.uter. S. Br.ndan Bilotta. 6. Jimmy Herron. 7. JV Crew. 8. Nick Rln.UiI. 9. Zillr. Franklin, 10. St..... Schmlu. 11. C~ch Dunc:h.liklâ&#x20AC;¢. 12. TylerColic:la, 8.n Filblu'Wlikl, 13, Kyle Shurm.r
sports Collage
II fans Collage
1. The Pep BInd brings the student sectIon to Ufe i1t the footbilll gilmes. 2. Th. f.~tl.,ely costumed uud.nt section, i1ppliluds the bilskltbilll plilyers i1t SUent Night. 3. TImmy Loughery i1nd J.T. Rels get the crowd going i1t iI footbililgilme. 4. Student section i1t the PIAA BiI5eketbilll Stilte Chilmplonshlp. S. Lil SilUefilns weil' pink i1nd spin their 'i1l1y towels to support Brust Cilncer Awuenus. 6. The new Explorer i1nd AI... Milr.J:ullo. 7. The old Explorer ilnd iI young fan shue iI fist bump-lil Slllefilns start youngl8. Silm Vecchione i1nd Silm French show off their horse muk. 9. Th, crowd goes wild Ifter I touchdown wllh their pink tow,ls In support ofbr'ilst cilnc,r. 10. Filns cury Ih,lIk,nus ofthelr hero, Mr. Mu,hlbronner, i1t th, Flyers Cup Chilmplonshlp. 11. Th, student section rOilrs forth, hock,y tum i1t the Flyers Cup Chilmplonshlp.12. Llilm R.evts. Pat CI.rk, Tyler llttl., Mark Meeks, Adam llgn.r, Max Albonâ&#x20AC;˘. 13. Th. Explor.r r.llIlts the crowd.
Fans Collage
With over 65 clubs and activities offered at La Salle, there is always sOlMething going on after school. Clubs like the Robotics fealM and the Engineering Club continuously push the IilMits of technology. Students on Mock friallearn both the rigorous delMands of preparing for a case and the nuances of cross ~~l-+-exalMination. fhe newly forlMed Model United Nations Club welcolMed other Model UN clubs to La Salle's calMpus for its first ~--H-l ever conference, which was hailed as a great success! fhe nUlMbe:-r-!--I and variety of clubs and activities offered at La Salle ensure that ~~IJ-l-:the studetlts relMain engaged IOtlg after the end of 8th eriod.
left: The old .nd new m.scots sit Iide by Iide .s. w.y of pessin; down Ihe tltl. of -E.plor.r· f,om one ;ene,.llon to the nnt. B.low: S.nlo, stud.nt coundl m.mlHr Rob GUlies le.d. the peck.t the (hrlstmu liturgy. I.ylng • andl.ln f,ont of the .It., d~o,.t.d with polnHul••.
1I.low; Stud",t cow"cll se<.etlry 111,.,,1'8" O'Donn.11. VIc. P,.sld."t St..... Hud.k, ."d P,..sident Juk tlke. tl"'e owt f.o", d."d"glt p,OIll to glt. picture with the lIloth.rof 1Il SliM her...lf, Mrs. "'Iher.
Fro"t ,_, +eft to right: Mike(hl.,Ido""., Qui"" O'Neill, MIn (1Irk. P.t loftvs, P.t Newton, O....ld lonles, Mr. (0111",. row:Tolll (ipolll, MIn Hlldik, ll8m Kelly, J_ MHhl", Nick Mllsel, AI.. Slslo
II Student Council
Fro"t ,_,lett to right: Mrs. Gedelk,Jotll. Cook., A"dr_l~,A"tho"y Pbcopo, Ale. W,socullSkl, Hugh, Tim A"d«I0". a.c:k r_: Joe(uce, Cody Muurek, Jimmy MomsSl)', (hris(zyewskl, J.mel Moo,.., K....ln Fo.
Below: At lhesludenl council pep relly before Ihe LII Silil. '0'1. St,'s P••p foolbllll gllme filmed by 6ABC, thelitud.nts go wild to show their schoolsplrlt.
L.ft: The milKot lind president "lids thestudenl H<tion In cheering for LII SIolle's footlNll tellm In II tighl g._ ag.lnst St. Joseph's Prep. Below: A hug. crowd comes CKlt tOf" the 1.5t Lenten prllyer Hrric:. of tlte ....50n. orgllnlled by student council.
#LeadershipAndService har is Srudem Councilf It is more th:m just :t col· lection of Sludenrs. It is more th:tn JUSt sitting in Mrs, Maher's office e:tting c:tndy :tnd shooting the brene. S(Udem Council is the heanbe:lt of Student :tctivity :!round L:t S:tlle College High School. Whether it was pumping lift inw the: srudem section at :l footb:lll g:tme, or r:tising O\'er $4,000 for childhood nncer, Student Council h:ts b«n very :tCli\'e this re:lr. Yes, there W:lS no \Ving Bowl, :lnd we f:tiled 10 m:lke:t field d:ty video, but throughout Ihe )'e:!r e\'Cnts such :IS M:tnu:try, the Turkcy Bowl. Tnvi.1. Night, .1.nd Volley for Service ha\'e brought in generous don:ttions for chnity .1.nd pUt smiles on:tll L:t S:llle students' f.l.ces. \Ve, the seniors ofStudefll Council, h.1.\'e leuned 50 much throughout the re:tr. .1.nd we wish the beSt ofluck to those who will follow in our footsteps. -J:tck F:trris '14
Brennan O'Donnell Through student coundll was able to represent and lead the student body. I learned how to negotiate with teachers, as well as stand up for the student body when planning events.
.......~~ left to right, front row: Mr. Mj.eczkowskl, F'lIn:l Wagner, Collin GIo"90. Oint Ormsby, Nick Vent'.KII. aKk row: Tommy Albefuoft, Jeremy Puntel, MIIU 0.55_. Jllke Jordon, lrien Prk.
Left to right. ',ont ,ow: And,_ G.roppo. Mlk. FI.n;g.n, Frilnklln, Andr_ PolOI<, nm McElroy, O...1d Price, A.w WOrSI.'. 8Kk rOW: M,. 0,.111, JKk Cllftldge, Rob Glnle5, Selin O'Kllne, ar.nnlln O'Oonnell, "'kk Not Pktured, ",.tt RKUk, JKk £_11, Andr.w Knowlli, Jilek F"fls, Hud.k
Student Council
#Leadership he National Honor Society is comprised ofjuniors and seniors who have- distmguished rhemsdves in ____=..I the areas of scholarship, ch:aractC'r. leadership. and
service. ~ch Spring. a ceremony is hc:ld to officially accept newly mviud members into the La Salle Chapter of this narianal organi:arion. The principle suvlce performed by the mc>:mbcrs is rutOring uudenu who arc having difficulty with one or more
oftheir sub~cu.
Right: Ms. Shun,ck. . ...". .- .......,-... (o-mod.r'lor of th, l. 5.11.'r of th, N.-Ion.l Honor Sod,t,• • Iongsld. MNI. FI.ld,
.ddt.uu th. n.w m.mMn.
Jeremy Punt.1 The National Honor Society formalizes the group of emergent, situational leaders who have dIstinguished themselves In both scholarship and service. I look forward to working with my peers in the NHS as it Is an energiZing experience that gives me a new appreciation for the engaging passions and intellect of my classmates. Rl9ht: TM frl,nd• .Ind f.lmlll,. of n_IndudH • .Ind m.lmber. oflh'NHS:Mlk'Cron.5t_ Sch.ln.ll, Mitt Conw.lY, Sl.on,••• nd Chriltl.ln Pkofulli PO" fo,.1 pk1u,. .It th' ••uptlon th.t .ho"ly followlcl the Indu<don.
l\ Activities
Rl9ht: Junlo, Eddie E....on be.lm. with 'llclt'mlnt'l h' .leupt. hll offkl.ll NHS m.mberlhlp pin from prlndpal M,.O'T_Ie.
Left:Treuu,er Den Spinelli light. his uondle. u Secret..., M,tt McC...ry give. hi. ,en.etkln on Hrvke.
p,••identGriffin 8,_" ,"d
Vke Mid, &'....ett Ie.d the IncludH.lnto thelncluetSon Hrvlu.
EId.rS....,. Eider Sha,. Is. _kly 5erYk. pr09r.m 'or nu6enu to intfl'Kt with .Id.rly r.sldents" two loul r.tlr.ment 'KIIItI.s. S.lnt JoHph VIII. In F*rtown .nd the Art~n Home In Ambl.r. R••ldents ""')I h......mbul.tory. h••tlng. 'Ibkln. or
m.mory Inial.
Ministry and Service
#LeaveToServe I the beginning of Ihis school reu. the Direclor of Campus ~'Iinlstry. Mr. Clark. look on the initiali~ 10 rwrgani:e and refocus (he Luallian Service Corpt'. \Vith a fresh SlUt came a new
the -Minlstry :lnd Service
Tum: Wllh help from the .enior kaders Will Delancy. Tommy JO)'CC. Mike Koller. Keith Lee, Man McCarry. and Andrew 5l:huua. an upansi"" group of sludenls
left: Prepilrln'il .ome delldous food to help the hungry while "0lunteerln9 ilt Pneed Philt)'.
from every grOlde Will formed to t~ke on the miuion. The M,n,stry and Service Team c:uria OUtlhe mWlonofSt. John Baplist de La Salle by coon:lin:r.ring multiple Krvice drives and pro)Ccu throughout the yeu and creating a true Kn$C of $ Junice ;and brothcrbood among (he school community. Tilt group. guid..d by the KnlOI"$. found suuu. in ....viuli::;..d Ad""nt and Lent..n puyer Krviccs. La Salle Responds dress down days. Ihe \Varmlh pfO\'iding c10lhu for Sr....e( Out....ach. ;and ,he Thanksgiving Can Food Drn-c with a rccord'Kuing 11.000 ilems donated. Under the direction of Mr. CI:r.rk. Mr. Devlin, Mr. Chunlk. :lnd Mr. Dominick. lhe learn was able 10 uplOle new mer hods such as using social media. 10 get Ihe school invol\'ed. Through all of the wOlk. lhe team forged a bond of brotherhood thai c;an only be Ken;ar La Salle. - Keilh Lee '14
Matt McCarry The commitment to service at La Salle Is inspirational. Students take time
out of their busy schedules to help those who need it most.l feel blessed to have had the opportunities to serve alongside my classmates while at La Salle these past four years.
SUHt Ovtrnch The Str..t Outreach progn,m Is iI unique opportunlt)' for III Sollie students to InterilCt with IhoH n"lng on the str..ts of Phlladelphlil. Students gl", _tfood. drink.. ilnd dothln'iJ, but most Importilntl)'. the, foster friendships with those th.t â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘e molt "ulne'ilble.
Vlsitiltl_IVM Pilrtic:lpilnU of the .fte. uhool progrilm often help with homeworlf. ilnd get Inyoh/ed In org.nlJ.ed plio)' ildl"ltles. More th.n .n)'thlng elH. tn.,. p.o"id4 students with po~lth/e role models ilnd eJfilmples ofwut tM gift of iln eduCiltion e.n pto"lde for them.
Ministry and Service
#ThanksgivingFoodDrive lit Ministry and Service
#LaSalleResponds Ministry and Service
This Ylllr's L.b B.nd U<lldld I.peet.tlons ..... Ith Its StlUU performlln<ls throughout the yur. The performllnce .t Chllmplonshlps Indld with II Superior r"lng for the b.nd lind â&#x20AC;¢ , ..tTrumpets .wud.
With only eight senlon 10 Iud thl Compltttion IlInd Ihh )'Hr, thelMnd's youlh did nOl diuoppoint. lind lellden .....Ithln tlHl underluumen Ime"ed during the ,.U. Throughout thl (Oursl of thl (_petition JIllSOn, thllMnd _n th.u 1..1S..opho",s ......uds, thrH Bast Trombonn nrtllrds, 0"' Ilrt Rhythm .w.rd,.nd oM len Tnlmplts 1I.....lIrd. Th.lMnd endld Its suson .ecel.,lng Superior .....Ith Hono.s" Ch.mplonshlps.
A~ f.elhmlln Tyler Dowling wttlps CKlI. blazlnglnlmpll solo during his first (OIftpltltlon.
Right: Senior Tom McGHhn decked CKlt in i'Hn for the Chrlstmlls concert. A ~ TlMt Competition Band's mylhm section k_ps U", t>.nd In sync during the perlorm.m:e o'lhel, dosing '"MIf'lUllnO.'"
'" Activities
Below; S.",lor,ofth, Pep Bilnd ill their lau gilme reildy to cheer on the footbillt tum at.lnl1 St. )o5eph', Prep
Right; Griffin Brown j.mmln'out toaBlues Brothers chilrt during IheJilZz Bilnd A..embly.
AbcwiI; SiIflior tenor Ulxophone, K,vin Gay ilnd Stephen Schmitz ~ilJlng ilt the Musk Sodill. This yeil"S tMme...Welov, Mu,k!
he mUSIc program:l.[ L2 $211e is truly 2 special place. It is home to a fourth ofthe student body and allows e2ch student to re2ch his potenti21. \Vith six different b2nds throughout the school day and two extracurricular competition bands, u Salle offers so many opportunities to play rour heart OUt 2ny W2Y you W;lm ro. In the band room, friendships grow,l;lughs thrive, and t21ents de\'Clop. The time J ha\'C spent in the band room has been amazing. The Music Departmem is what dro\'C me to malte the decision to transfer to La S21le, 2nd I cannOt im.tgine myselfwithout it. Thjs yur 2S Band President, lied the Pep Band in oppressi~ hen 2nd subzero temperarures, pbyed in the higheu .1.1tended musinl in La Salle history in 42nd Streer, witnessed the: Pep B.tnd's debut 2t Gwynedd Mercy University buke:lb.tll g:.l.mes, and so much mOrC. J will.tlways v.tlue and hold dear my time in the b.tnd room and the facl thu it has become more than jUst .1. place: to make loud noises. It's now a second home, .tnd I'll never (orget it. -Connor M3rtin '14
Above; The La SilUe (ompetftlon Jan Bilnd', tJ\lmpet s.ection l1i1rtecl offth, competition ,.ilson with iI Best Trumpets Overilll ilward ilt their tlrst competition of 1M y'ilr.l.iItt to Right: Thomlos Schmitz '1 ii, Joe D11lli11'16, john MHO '16. Tyler Oowflng '17
left; Don't liIlIJoe Miller whilllO dowh,n it comes to sax soloing: he's got it co....rild.
#sixthperiodband 'lit Activities
#freshmanband Activities
'110.; Aft., Introducing th. chorul, Mr. Norm.n to conduct th.m through lOng.
#LSPipes ;a S.1l1c's Chorus program consins of three different componems; uppcrdusmcn chorus, under-
c1usrncn chorus. :and the BeICt'Ofrcrs. Thcst thl"« scparuc groups come together twice a year in the Chrisrmu and. Spring Chon.1 Concerts [0 showcase'
their talen! and perform a
group of songs.
whether they be dusic Christmas cuols or current radio hits. Taing chorus (or four YCOIrs was the Msi decision of my life. Over the fun, I h,lI\rc met $0 mOlny fnends and Ituned 50 much ",bout music. The twO concerts we h:ad this year were a huge success rhOlnks (0 cvcryonc involved, p2rricularly thanks [0
the ludcrshlp afMr. Norman. For me, Chorus h;u been an oullet whenever I h.llvc nceded one throughmy high school Utter. I'm sure (\'cry chorus
member would agree Ihat singing for La Salle h25 been one of the: beSt ufKrie:ncc:s during his lime: at L:a Salle:. • Patrick Ryan '14
Right; With th. It.tU. ofSt. John '.ptllt d. L. 5.11., ••tchlng o.... rh•• d, Andr_ Plrrong '15 Iingi' 5010 In l.tln,
Phil Zmlndll Joining the chorus was one of the best decisions I made at La Salle. I was able to meet with a bunch of great guys who all came together to create amazing music with Mr. Norman at the head of it alI.I definitely became a better musician thanks to my time in La Salle's choral program. Right; Th. whol. chona IIn1l5 ~. N..o A L1nl. Chrhtmelfrom the muskel Mom••t th••nnu.1 ChriJtmu ChOru5 cone.rt.
l\ Chorus
Abo.,.; At the ,nnu,1 Iprlng eone.rt, Mr. Horman leadl the 8elaoftlr,ltI ,Inglng the d,.. lc ·Ouke ofbrl."
lift: AfUrdoln9 It fOf' so many r-us, Mr. Norm.n hu bKom•• prof,"ion,1 Me for the chorus conc.rtl.
Abo....: After Dfll ofth.lut chorus dasses, Mr. No"..." 91U a plaur. with his , ....orit. stud."u: Derek BItzer '14, Rya" eoo"aha" '14, Bob B, "4. Tommy Joyce '14, Br'''Non O'Donn,lI '14, A"dr_ GJl,oppo '14, Nkk BlKkl.,. '14. Dennis fol.y'14, and sam H.rdy'16.
Right: Ke"ln Finnegan .nd Ryan .. 'awye,. defending â&#x20AC;˘ telf-pro(lalmed Innocent man In le,,1 Da"II' original play ~"t the Crollroadt-,
II Fall Drama
#StudentOneActs L.ft:Th.c.stofth.1stAnnu.1 L. Sail. Stud.nt On. Acts. From I.ft to right: Mlk. Mullin, Ain' G.t.s, Chris McK....ln. fl)'.n Su. John Connol)'. Ann Marl' M.lonl)'. Chrlstl.n KII,)', Ktyln Finnegan, .nd Vito $(... ttl,
B,low: K....ln Finnegan dlscuss.s th. tlrms ofthl QSI .nd how th.)' will with th••n.gatlons thrown at fl)'an Sa.,
his year, the La S21le College High School Thutcr Progum neared audicll(:c$ to tWO performances of five oneact pl.ays. The production was direCted by Mark Norman. Mike McCabt. BiU Torres. The night btgan with the comedy ~The PhiLtdtlphia· written by David Illes futuringJohn Connolly "IS, Ryan Sax, and Gwynedd student Ainc G;I,tes. John and Ryan portr2ycd disgrundcd cusromen who struggle to order what they crave beau$(: in "Philadtlphi:.J." they always get the opposiu:. Next in the production wu "Sure Thing" also from the writing of David l\IC's.
"Sun: Thin{ displays a man's quest for a successful darc as a bell rcurs (he characters after each mistake. "Sure Thmg" fe;arurcd Mike Mullin '14 and Ann Marie Maloney of Gwynedd Mercy High School. A (h2ngc in mood followed as the drama -At The Crossroads- was performed by Kevin Finnegan '14 and Ryan Su:o The comedic mood was r«:sublished with another of David Ives's plays entitled -\Vords. \Vords. \Vords.- The Story testS the hypothesis that three monkeys working on typewriters will eventually produce Hamlet. The story is about three nmous authors Milton (Mike Mullin '14). Swift (Chris McKeVItt '17). and Kafl:.a (Aine Gatu) who :are forced to produce Hamlet without knowing about Hamlet. The Festival concluded with -BIrth of America- featuring Vito Scuni '15. Kevin Finnegan '14, and Christian Kiley '16. The production was a complete success as it showcased both the writing and acting ulents of many of our students. • Mike Mullin '14 Vito Sc.uttl The One Acts this year were a great oppurtunity for students to showcase their talents in unique ways, It was great giVing people a chance to write their own plays, and it was certainly a fun learning experience acting In them.
Ann M.n. M.lonl)' IGMA '1") Ind Milt. Mullin appt.r II two It... nglrs m..tlng f~ th. flnt tim. In -Sur. Thlng.-
Aftlr btln9 ... nabl. to com. up with .n1 good Id.... Chris McK.... ttt, Aln. GallS (GMA '141•• nd Mlk. Mullin UUR troubl,ln the _rkplaCi.
Fall Drama
II Art
1. Illn SchwllrU.2. Andrew Durkin. 3. Levi Ollvll. 4. Nick Tentllucd ILehj lind Chllrles Chllmplon {RIght). 5. Nlcholu Cooper. 6. Peter OeWltt. 7. Jonllthlln Btust. B. Dllnny hrrlngton. 9. Amlldeo OeLucII. 10. Colin Burnlte (Left) Kevin 8111nke (RIght). 11. Cillvln Nuulme. 12. Dnld Mltchle Jr. 13. Art Club.
#DigitalAge ike the world around it, La Salle's studem newspa-
per, The Wisterian, hu finillly cnn:n:d the digiral age. Followmg the cue of most ncwspllpe:rs and periodic.tls, The \ has funneled its wriutn and visual content online. ow, C\~ry nudcnr has ",link in hUi porul to the \Viz's hade issues as well u a blog of current news stones. It is now cuicr than ewr for u Salle students (0 share their opinions and comment on the news. None of these ad\~nccs """Ould h:n~ b«n possible without the lc:adcrship of Mr. Janda and Mr. Holwlck. as well as the foreSIght of senior co-editor in chlcf, Brendan Keenan. Through their \\.'Ork with Mr. Shay. the Wi: hu been :Iblc to broaden its technological reach. With.:l. toLal of46 published
articles. the Wiz blog has surpused expe:curions. A plethora of young and enthusiastic writers will surely keep the Wisterian in its role as both a commenter and supporter of the school. -Daniel Spinelli '14
O.nlel Spinem '14
Thomas HowIird '16
8rendIIn Keen.n '14 J.nod Stukes '17
_ _ "7
P_ _ '17
CoIe .......n·17
Nkhollis C.musi '16
Chris J.strzembsld '14 MlngzIllyuo. Ton "7
Hugh forrls "6
JKk Gropn '15
Angelo '16
5taphon Poul "7
Anthony Boyto "7
Chris Mogtlboy "7
JKob Lublnskl'17
Kyle McGronaghon "6
O11.n '17
Ald.n Kelly '17
Wisterian Writers 2013·2014 Chris JilStrzembski For another year, the Wlsterian crew continued the tradition of writing on various topics, ranging inside and outside of La Salle. Also. the Wlsterian portal site was launched. so that anyone can view the articles. It was a very exciting year for the Wisterian,
Marc.. G...... ·'7
hI ;~fl (All ~ook All
f.. g\( 11 "'to p ~
-"bon: Using hll i1lrb.ndlng prow.n, CoUn Murthil '1S II ilbl. to milke hll cilme'illevltilt. ililf It were child's pl.y.
#TheChronicie he2013¡2014rurbookthemeof~Soci:lIExplorersseems fitting for this }Oear, being c\'cr-preKnt in the meetings: tuting fellow ,bum:nes to identify StUdenn in photos, using Faccbook to communiutc with the many people who contribute to yeubook that are not on the su.ff, and compiling a long list of tweers (0 usc on the pages. Throughout this rurbook )'ou will find subtitles [llrncd imo hashrags. commems com-cncd into 140-chu:lcrcf tweets, :and boxes for pictures transformed into Insu.gurn snapshots. The Blue :lnd Gold this year accomplished a
subsunri"l go:al of compiling one yearbook. without:l scpuatc supplement. to be senl our to La Salle students in c:lIrly summer 2014. With the help of modcf;lfor Mr. Holwick. the staff-led by Editor-inChief Phillip Zminda and myself- operatcd under major crunch-rime to delivcr a complcte, uniquc, and remarkable ycarbook. In )'earbook, we Icarn whar it means to crcate somcthingtangiblc togethcr, making use ofprograms like InDesign and Pho[Oshop [0 create a physical reptesenratlon of rhe school year herc at La Salle. -Thomas Schmitz '14
B.low: Vililrbook mod.rilto, M,. Holwlck workl dlUgently to .nlure thilt ev.ry lingle pilg.looks good Is I.nt to pr'II,
Colin Murtha Once again, the Blue and Gold staff has fulfilled their goal of capturing the spirit and lives of the students of La Salle through theIr activities, events, and memorable moments from the the 2014 year.
Abon: Kn_n notorloult)r'1 the King ofVililrboolt. Phil Zmlndil "41h-. off his coUe<tIOfl of yearbooks put. from whkh he gatherllnlplriltlon.
IIue .nd Gold Stilff Lett to Rl9ht: Phil Zrnlndil"4, Thomas S<hmltt "4, Colin Munhil '15 81ue ilnd Gold Contributors: U.m Reev.s "4, John Connolly '15, K.rr '17. Moderator. Mr. Christophe, Holwlck '94
Blue and Gold
#CrisisAndDebate n S.uurd.1Y March 22. La S...Uc's Global Stud· its Club hosted In ht Annual De La Salle Modd United N.1tions Conference led by mrsc1f :and junior Christi,)n Hob;m. Over 100 people .and more than:l do:;:.en schools from around the Philaddphia region panicip.ued In the evem, which marked La 5 ..1I('s fiut time hostmg a Mood U conference. At the conference, students clCp.andtd their geopolItical knowledge by rcscuching countries ;md debating intcrn:ltIonal issues from those countrits' perspectives. The: conference: was ch.urtd br La Salle: faculty members Joseph Colisrra, Joseph Jaworoski. Bernard Fir::::gc:rlad. Nuy Smith••lInd retired ("cully member Joseph Selfridge. The: first conference in La S"lIe's history wu:a success, .along WIth other Modd UN conferences hosted by PhiiOli' ddphia arta schools throughoul [he ytar, and we hope thai nut ytar's conference will bt even morl" of an achie...ement. -Brendan Keenan '14
Below: Vice Pre,ldent (hrl~tJen Hob"n welcome5 putlclp"nu 10 Ihe 1$1 Annu"l De L"s..lIe Model UN (onf,r,nc,
Christl." HolM" Model UN was a great way for each student to develop his public speaking, along with his critical thinking, and deCision-making skills.
Mod,1 UN_m"" L,ft to Right: Collin Glongo '15, Thorn.. Cr"wI.., '11, I"n Schw"rU '14, unglton Mon-bon, J"c!t GIKktn, .ruct U'16, .r,nd"n Keen'n '14, Thorn.. Zhu, Connor Hlgglnl'14, Ch"rlie Ch,n '11, Thom... Howud '16, Thorn.. Schmitz '14,Chrbtl"n HOHn'1S
II Activities
Abow: Ir_d,n Keenen ot9"nlzt1l the country placard. for 'M con'_nee
Abow: The defenle listens to thoe opposing (GUns"'s witrteu for ~(urecy. Someone yell ·objectlon- elreedy!
he 2013·2014 MocK Trial [urn was able to sup it up without the le:.ldership oflas[ yeu's seniors. This yur. seniors Bundan Kern:.ln, J:.IKe Iknse, Connor Higgins, and myself \\."OrKrd with the underclusmen [0 develop the te<lm's cue <llong with e<lch indio vidual's unique sc[ ofskills. Th,s years COlSC WU:.l civill:.lwsuit filed by tM Estate ofJordan Simon :.IVinst the defenmm, RufT«1 Grouse High School.. The pbintiffs burden wu to prove [h:.ll [M rrack athlete's high school KrK'W or should h:.l\'C known about her use of EPC, a perferm:.lnce enh:.lncing drug. befol'C she ~rdoscd on it. \Virh a sm:.lll rum this )'eu, both the seniors and underclusmen worKed diligently wirh the hdp of Mr. EV:.Ins :.Ind cO:.lch Muio Diclerico to pl'Cpare [heir case and compete In Norristown, missing the beginning of the Super Bowl to accommodate an eight·hour pr.1ctiee! -Thom:.lS Schmitz '14
Pat Metnt" Although the team was eliminated before advancing to the Montgomery County Finals this year, we learned much more than just how to win a competition. With the help of our great coaches, we gained experience for the future. We not only learned the ways of the law but also how to apply these skills into our everyday lives.
Abo": left to Right. Top Row: K.... ln Roul"6, Connor Hj.gglns "4, Jeke Benle "4, Ed Molloy'17. 'etrlck Mc£ntH "6, lefl: to Ritht.lottom Row: Connor ~HMne "6,I,encSen KlMMn "., ThonuIs Schmitz',.
Rloght: Connor Higgins end Jeke BenH, the dynamlcduo
#TechnologicalProgress hroughour the 201)·2014 school rUt, a lor of prog· fUS
h2.S beetn made in tht
of technology
Salle College: High School. With the htlp of the Lab Manager Progr.1.m. students arc able to learn side by side: wlIh Mr. Sigmund. Mr. Bonner, ;md student luders $ French and Jordan Pc:rrdlis while: working on the: school's computer network. Since recclving over 300 student ubler devices from Microsoft In August of 2013. La Salle: has integnted technology mto :lI greater role in daily school life. To :l!ccommoo.uc: such a maui\-'C inc~sc. in student devitt's. many nuworking components
h:lvc been upgudcd. Throughout this upgrOllding process. students in the Lab Manager Program ha\'c been "ble to Jutn moTC~ about technology than ever before. Lab Managers thiS y<::lIf pl.aycd a crucial role In lnsullingthcsc upgrades and making th( school's n(twork fut(t. By allowing stud(ms to g.tin h.tndson (xpc::r1(nc( m t(chnology, La S.tl1( has bf:gun to bridge: th( digital divide: [hat (xisrs bf:tw((n (ducation and uchnology. making for a much mor( ad· vanc(d lurnmg (nvironm(nt. -Sam French '14
AboY.: S.nlor itud.ntlud.r ofth.l.b M.ln.lg.r Progr.lm, S.lm Fr.nch "4, shows two n.w studtnu how to log Into th. s,st.m
Jordln Petre1ll5This year, the Lab Managers focused highly on providIng a fully wireless campus to support our new 1 to 1 freshman device program. We implemented over fifty new access poInts to support the bandwidth demand of the new tablets, and we hope to develop our wireless capacities even more next year,
AboY.: .HI,d.ln PItt,.lUs "4 W.lS Inurum.nul this In helping und.,k.u....n l.Ib M.I_g." IHm tlHl 'Op.lS Right: Th.l.l »11. s.n." tM b,.lln ofth. school's lnfr.luructu,.
II Lab Managers
B.low: You'r. J• .llous Sh.ln. McD.lvltt "4 to UH two (omput.,..It one- with thos. M.ln.lg.r p.rtu.
Abov.: M.rk Rounbthl.r Inl.rYl.w.d forth. wr.nUng tum In th. WEXP studio
fttr four grt<l.r yurs. ir's $;I.d for mt to S2y goodb~ [0 WEXP. Each morning, about 20 studtnts n::port to school around 7:15 and starr working on producing rht show. whelhtr it's typing tht script on the teltprOmpler. getting guesls for futures. finding videos to play. or deciding who anchors the show. all under (he eye of Mr. Rob Johnson. This year. I was the Sports Director and Executi\oc Producer. Be· fore the snowstorms. the \VEXP team and I had in place Friday sportS shows, random srudent anchors on some Fridays. and weather reports from senior Steve Hudak. WEXP was also invol\ocd ourside of the d:aily morning show. Members of the crew filmed dif· ferent mont:agcs :md fe:aturcs for the show :and the school website showing wh:u La Salle offers. and I started the @L:aSalle_Sporrs Twitter account to provide regular upd:ues on :all the school's teams. WEXP hopes thn e\'eryone enjoyed our content from this ye:ar. whether it was our April Fool's Day show. Steve's multiple weather reports. or junior Connor Trotmo interviewing ~Big Red Andy Reid~ played by Mr. McCaffro promote the Turkey Bowl All-Sur Game. To p:lraphrase Ron Burgundy... Slay dusy, La Salle. ·ChrisJastrzembski'14 Furgulele I know it looks like we don't know what we are doing, but that's because we don't know what we are doing.
Abov.: WiEXP b~U". Produc.r Chrll Jastn..mblkl Mc:urld. pr.nI9loullnttf"nshlp with KYW N-s; ••dlo. RighI: WEXP ~tJ.cksllg•. ~
n..••·1 much mort th.n goes Inlo produdng 1M lhow th.n wh.l)'Ou I n bthlnd tM dttk.
Abo".: n.. t.mld WEXP, WM•• _WI Is d.liv••IId. ur. .n ... blgun, .nd futu ••I'.' dr.amld.
#SolarPower his yeu, the Engineering Club finished the project we began bst yur, which was creOiring an off-the-
grid sol:n lighting system upable of lighting the rehefon $1. Michael's HaiL This proJect required a lot of work on the put of dub. We rese2rched light dispersion p;lHcrns for different t~s oflighu. nsearched weather pomerns for our local area. and ukubted how muth power we would need [0 gener.ue In order to run our syllcm. \Ve then had [0 find the v:arious puts th:u we would need for our sysrem. and finally we had rodesign. build, 2nd wire: the synem up. Since our system is entirely off-thegrid and ulf'susumcd, It is .1lso possible (0 create other Copies of the system for use in other areas around the schooL Our dub moder-nots Doln Cipolla and Kelly Minton have been invaluable sourct.S of knowledge and direcrion u we crured our s)'stem, whi,h should be insulled and in use by the end of the school year. - Mark Reed '14 Abo.,.: Muk AI,d .nd Andrlw Doyll fix the wlrls under the nlW sol.r p.nel 'or the Khool
Below: Mr. ClpoU. showsJoe DISimone how to USI thl ellctrlc s.w
Erik Azuulno This past year, the members of the engineering club worked on a project that would ultimately save the school a lot of money In the long run. We were able to successfully complete the solar panel project in April after over eighteen months of hard work and dedication.
(ngi_ring Club left to lUghi': OevMt Def Grosso 'I S, Jowptl Spiendldo " S, And.- Doyle '14,
W1"'-m F.hy '16,Joftn eun-", '15, Nkk Sltftstri '16, o.nief Hunt ",, Muon Comtoh '15, Jurtln Seflp '16, MMil flMd '14, And.- PerTong " S, Jowptl o.5i~ '15, Ulm MeUM '17, ErHl A.l:unono '14
It. Engineering
Abo....: No one in the EnglnMring Club knows JM)w to 11M!' drill Huer th.n moderetor Mrs. Minton.
Abo'tlt: Just some minor tlxlng up to do.
he Robotics tum was new this year at La Salle and offered students hands-on experience in the fitld of robotics. Early in the year, the team antnded an e\"Cnt sponsored by Comcasr about tobotics competitions. Then in tarly January, La Salle's first ever Robotics team was formed and the team atlended the firSt kickoff tvtnt. Throughout the six-week build period, we learned many valuable and practiul skills in the fitlds of mechanical engmeerlng, tlectriul engineering. and computer science. At the end of the build period, [he tum competed in two regular .season events in which we wen[ head-tohead with ovu fifty other .schools throughoul the Iri-state arn. AI Ihe second competirion, our ream won Ihe Rookie All-Star and Highcst Rookie Seed awards which allowed us to go to the regional competition 2nd compete for a spot al Narion2ls. The team would like to thank Ihe mentors Mr. Gerngross, Mr. Patti, and Mr. McDowell who all provided us with amazing resources and invaluable experience. As a rookie ream, we 2ccomplished a grear deal in :1 small amount of time and we are al· ready looking forward tocompeling ag; next year. - David Cox '14
Below: T••m IMp.ctlng robol b.for. the start of comp.tltlon.
Anton Bllrun Robotics was a great experience for me and everyone else on the team. As a fjrst-year team, La Salle won the Rookie AU-Star Award and went on to compete well in competition. I look forward to seeing what this team can do next year.
Right: D..... Co. m.k" an adJustmentto the te.m robot during tn. wmpetitlon
RobotksT••m l.ft to Right: Mr. Ry.n McDo....II. Matt ltaczllk '14, Marll B.nH·la, F"'ke 5.Ionlolo '15, Connor McElroy '17, Nkll MaiHI·17. Andr_ Doyl. '14. C_nor Devitt '16, nm BOSHrt 'IS, Mkh4ll!1 Mulllglln '17. Kyle Mulllglln '17, Se.n FItIfNltrick '11, Dllvid Co. '14. Not Pkturad: Mr. Vlsh.1, Victor Din, Mlluh_ Ruff. Chrlstoph.r 5t.ln
#internationalstudentsclub '/It;
#skiclub Activities
#computerclub :,
#chessclub Activities
Fro'" the very first day for the fresh"'ell to the filial exa",s for the jUlliors, the ullderclass",ell have certaillly "'ade their "'ark both 011 alld off La Salle's ca",pus. The fresh"'ell were the very first class at La Salle where every studelit was givell his OWIl _~ tablet. As the sopho",ores wellt further ill their studies, they grew ",ore serious about service, alld the jUlliors elljoyed such ",i1estolles as receivillg their class rillgs alld beillg illducted illto the Natiollal HOllors Society. The ullderclass",ell provided the Class of 2014 with both co",petitioll alld support 011 the fields, the courts, alld the stage.
Gregory Agnew David F. Alexander Samuel B. Alher Ndwlas J. V. Armetta Sean C. Atcavage Harrison T. Baker Robert S. Barker Brett M. Baskin Anton Z. Bauer Zachary J. Beavers Michael R. Be<attinl Richard M. Becker Jovan Q. Berry Colin T. Beveridge Macallan M. Bibeau Scott P. Blanke Colin T. Blewitt Colin B. Borneman Anthony M. Boyle Jameer Bradley Steven C. Bradly Brian Brunner
Enk C. Buchanan Christopher D. Cahill Mlchaell. Capaldi Daniel J. Capreri Antonio S. Carannante Nicholas C. Cardamone Connor J. Casey Christian B. Cataruaritl Thomas J. Cawley Ling Charlie Chen Timothy l. Chesnlk Michael J. Chiaradonna Ross J. Choate. Jr. Thomas G. Cipolla Alec C. Clark Matthew R. Clark Sean M. Clifton lIam A. Collins Nicholas P. Conroy Nicholas M, Cooper
'" Freshmen
Ryan P.Corr Thomas l. Crawford Priest A. Cross Michael L D'Angelo Nicholas A. D'Angelo Jack W. Davies Patrick M. Deacon Joseph R. Deangelis Joseph J. Degnan Carson M. Delaney Alex P. DeiPo Matthew R. DeMerlis Francis J. Depman Cristian A. DeSimone Joseph A. Devine Anthony P. DIAndrea Victor S. Diaz Sean P. Diehl Gianni W. DiGregorio Richard V. Dobbs, III Michael J. Dodaro Joseph M. Dolan Charles E. Dolaway Thomas J. Donnelly Matthew C. Doohan Michael A. Dougherty Tyler M. Dowling liam J. Duffy Brandon R. Edwards MarkJ. Ercolani Thomas P. Farrell,llI Thomas G. Fasano Ben T. Fedgechin Sean D. Fitzpatrick Sean M. Fitzpatrick Thomas J. Flavin, IV Jack R. Fontana Christopher S. Forst Colin E. Fowler Edward V. France, III Christopher J. Freedman Aidan J. Gaab
Gregory W. Galbreath .Iohn T. Galbreath Nicholas B. Gatto Joseph H. Gerngross sean M. Gimpel Anthony J. Giuliani Marcel L Gleaves Michael P. Greatti lucas J. Gregory Timothy R. Groff John R. Guerin Patrick N. Guinosso Robert M. Halligan Sean W. J. Harkins Joseph S. Harris Seamus A. He<:kard Frederick l. Helmick, III Jack C. Henry Connor J. Higginson Maxwell R. Hinkle Christopher J. Hladczuk Craig R. Hladik Matthew S. Hladik Carter W. Hoekstra Zachary M. Hogan sean R.Holly Braden F. Hood Joseph W. Howard Michael T. Hudak James D. Hughes Daniel M. Hunt Gavin M. Hyer Ryan M. Jackson Arnav Johri Kade P. Jones Henry S. Kaechelin Uam D.Kane Matthew R. Keeton lJam J. Kelley Aidan P. Kelly Timothy P. Kelly, Jr. David T. Kenn@dy
Benjamin D. Kenzakowski William Forrest Kerf, III Christopher F. Kim Kolbe M. Kirlin John 1. Klein Michael B. Klein Thomas J. Kolonls, 1II John C. Kreisler, Jr. Steven P. LaGuardia Jacob S. Lambert Thomas M.laMorte Michael B. Landry Corey K. Lavery Kevin R. Lawn Jonah M. Lebiedzlnski Cole B. Lerch Christopher R. Lewis Dun Steven Li Junlin Jay Li Alexander D. Linse Christopher 1.loftus John A. Loftus, III Patrick 1. loftus, Jr. Austin L. Lordi Jacob A. Lubinski Lanfeng Christian Lyu Peter O. MacoreHa Daniel J. Madden, Jr. Mark M. Magarity
C. Joseph Maguire Ethan A. Maguire Sean 1. Mahoney Nicholas C. Maisel Alessandro Maldonado Joseph M. Mancuso Michael M. Marconi Joseph E. Marino Peter N. Marrocco Austin R. Master Colin J. McAllister Sean M. McClellan Brendan M. McCool
John A. McCormick liam M. McCrudden Jack H. McDonough Conor T. McElroy William L. McKernan, IV Thomas C. McKevitt Uam D. McLane Matthew R. McLaren Drew A. McLaughlin Trevaughn E. McNeill Joseph W. Meehan Brendan J. Meeks Cole J. Meenan Shane M. Meenan Corbin B. Melle John N. C. Miller Michael K. Mlrsch Brian J. Mischler Edward K. Molloy Riley J. Monahan Edmund B. Moore, III Zachary P. MorelSki Kieran B. Morgan La"9ston R. Mormon Peter B. Moses >amuell Muehlbronner Jonah J. Mulcahy Kyle J. Mulligan James L. Natale David E. Needle Peter R. Nelson PatrKk R. Newton Joshua T. Nolan
Spencer L. Norris Ethan E. Nonon
... Freshmen
Patrick M. O'Brien liam J. O'Mara Quinn T. O'Neill Gregory O. Obermeier Nicholas K. Ormsby William J. Oxenford, III Stephen J. Paccione Joseph J. Paldino Stephen G. Paul Matthew O. Paulus Vincenzo A. Pelusi Nicholas P. Perri Zachary M. Pesto Brendan S. Petrilli Matthew C. Pires Joseph p, Pluck, III Jack R. Pogyor Tyler R. Pohlig Brendan T. Price TImothy T. Price luke N. Ratchford Quentin H. Rawson Michael P. Redican Hugh J. Reilly, III Brandon P. Reis John J. Rhoads Brennan T. Rietzke Sean F. Rietzke Nathaniel C. Rihm Robert H. Roak Charles L. Robertson, IV Frank Robinson, Jr. Michael P. Rooney Joseph M. Roth Ryan C. Ruane
Griffin T. Rush Anthony M. Russomano luke V. Sabia Owen J. Sacco Mario S. Saldutti Jake R. Sannem MIChael 1. Santangelo Harry W. Scanlon Joseph E. Scardino Kevin E. Schleinkofer J. Brent Schoeller Dylan J. Schwartz Bruno M. Shiffman Michael S. Shreiner Alexander F. Sislo Andrew M. Sitler Anders T. Skjeveland Alex A. Skowronek Charles A. Sloan Samuel C. Smith TImothy J. Smith Thomas M. Sottile, Jr. Stephen R. Staruch Christopher C. Stein Mark L. Stoots .k>nathan M. Strausser Jarred A. Stukes Greggory S. Sywulak Michael A. Szewczak Mingzhiyuan Jordan Tan Patrick A. Tatlonghari Daniel J. Tento Sean M. Terry Kyle P. Tokiwa Christopher V. Tomlinson, Jr,
II Freshmen
Alexander R. Topalovkh Nicolas J. Torres Manhew J. Tur luke F. Ullmann John A. Vanelli Mario A. Varani luke R. Ventresca Connor S. Wagner Noah C. Walker Nicholas J. Wall Benjamin T. Wallace David l. A. Walters Albert A. Washco Connor J. Waters Austin M. Weathers Nathan D. Weber Matthew D. Weikel Michael J. Wells Kyle P. Whalon Cole P. White Bradley A. Williamson Evan T. Wilt Andrew G. Winkler Zachary J. Wolanin Demere C. Woodson Sean P. Wozniak Brennan F. Yeabsley Robert W. Yeabsley
David R. Zonies Robert J. Zurad
Ahab G. Alnemri Ammanalorso Mark R. M. Anderson Timothy K. Anderson Vincent C. J. Armetta Matthew H. Bahr SharifV. Bark~dale
Nichola~ O.
Michael J. Behr J. Bello Mark S. Ben~e Chri~topher R. Bentz. Mark A. Bern~tiel, Jr Benjamin S. Beyerle Patrick l. Blewitt Chri~tian
Frederick C. Blunt. Jr. MKhael J. Bortulin John P. Braun Chri~tian J. Brecht Jack W. Breen Gregory V. Brocato Jared M. Bunch Patrick P. Burbank Burger, Jr. Colin F. Burnite David M. Bydalek Colin E. Cahill Nicholas J. Camusi Andrew P. Capone
Chri~topher M.
II Underclassmen
Eric T. Carlidge Nicholas J. Carradorini Charles W. Champion Colin W. Christie Andrew P. Ciarlone Zachary C. Clark Austin M. C1ibanoff sean P. Clinton Craig P. Coleman Manhew N. Conklin sean P. Coogan John R.Cook Shawn J. Courtney Matthew E. Cross Conor J. Csongradi .Joseph M. Cuce Christopher M. Czyzewski .Joseph N. Dallas Alexander C. D'Angelo Gerald A. Dati Jackson T. Deal luke M. DeAngelis Michael A. DeAngelis, III Dominic C. OeCinque Austin J. Del Buono Christopher A. Della Donna Sam J. Deluca Kyle R. DeMerlis
John W. Denny Connor W. Oessen Drew H. Oessen Connor J. Devitt Phillip R. DiFiore Brian R. Dolan Christopher J. Dolan James A. Donahue. IV Michael J. Duffin Evan M. Dugery Brian R. Dulin Kevin M. Durning, Jr. Matthew J. Echelmeier Matthew J. Elsenschmid Winston B. Q. Eubanks Michael P. Ewing Grant J. Exler Joseph R. Fabrizio William E. Fahy, IV Hugh P. Farris Harrison M. Feeney Christopher J. Ferguson sean R. Finlay Kevin C. Fitzpatrick Fergus K. Flynn Braeden P. Foley Paul T. Forrest, II KevmM. Fox Btlan A. Fraga Joseph A. FranglQSa, Jr. Christoph('f W. Frascatore Evan P. Funchion Donald R. Furmanski,lII Jonathan P. Fus MKhael J. Galbalty Thomas P. Garvin, Jr. Nicholas A. Gates Matthew Gentner Jonathan D. Giannini seamus P. GIbbons Edward F. Goebel David J. Grabowski
Patrick F. Grant Jeffrey L Gran Andrew R. Gregor Daniel P. Groff Jeffrey A. Gubicza, Jr. Angelo R. Guilial"Kl Steven C Gundersen John F. Hanson Samuel M. Hardy Andrew J. Hasson
Charles M. Headen, III Philip 1. Held Kyle R. Hemcher Isaiah 1. Henrich Kieran M. Higgins Christopher R. Higginson Patrick L. Hinkley William C. Hisey Brett T. Hladczuk
Sean T. Hofmann Gabriel 1. Holder James G. Holyoke
Thomas E, Howard Alexander T. Hughes Christopher E. Hurrey Patrick H. Hwang
Eric W. James
Nathan J. Janda Zhiwei Alfred lin Kyle B. Johnson
Kyle R. Kellenbenz Brett S. Kester Christian P. Kiley John T. Knies Nickolaus G. Krodthoff Francis J. Ktug Christopher M. Kugler
Spencer R. Kuhl
Kevin A.lacon John J. Lacorte Kevin M.lajeunesse
Jackson T.lake
Tyler J. Lambert Kyle R. Landis Kevin C. Lane Owen H. Lanphear Andrew F. Lepore Yuan Bruce Li Langston E. LivingstOn Franklin T. Livolsi Damel A. lutschaunlg James E.lyons Keegan M, MacMaster Christopher A G. Magtlbay Matthew J. Mahoney Andrew B. Maloney Gerald E. Mangan Matthew J. Marcante William T. Matthews Cody M, Mazurek Domenico L. Mazzeo Cooor J. McCracken Ryan J. McCurdy , - '.. Matthew T. McDermott Ryan p, McDonnell Patrick M. McEntee liam D. McGowan Kyle J. McGranaghan John R. Mclane Andrew L. McNabb
Ryan M. McTamney Michael P. Mehlmann John F.Meko Joseph S. Mele Michael B. Meyer, Jr. Christopher J. Mezzanotte David C. Michie, Jr. Gordon C. Michie Joseph J. Miller Brock M. Monahan Jamel A. e. Moore Marvin K. Moore. Jr. liam J. Moran Owen P. Moran James D. Morrissey, IV Uam M. Mullen Sean P. Mulligan Daniel C. Murray Russell L. Newell Kevin J. Noonan Andrew J. Olbrich James T. Olsen Dante J. Palantino Nicholas J. Panetta Nicholas A. Parkes Adam M. Paudello Eric M. Pauciello Justin M. Pauciello
Connor R. Pauly John G. Pearce, Jr. Joseph R. Peluso Connor M. Pensabene NlcholasJ. Petacdo Anthony J. Piscopo Nicholas C. Piscopo Evan R. Plummer Andrew S. Podraza Michael F. Raczak Nathan E. Radomski Michael J. Reed Ryan V. Reeves Sean M. Reilly Daniel C. Remolde William T. Rietzke Joseph A. Rilling Nicholas A. Rinella Daniel E. Rivera Shawn J. Robinson Victor Rodriguez Thomas W. Rogers Kevin M. Rossi John A.Rowe Shawn R. Ryan Christopher L. Sanders Marco A. Santoro Matthew R. Savage Domenic F. Scarpato CoUn B. Schleeper James D. Schrupp Ryan F. Schutta Drew J. Senour Kohler J. Setley Matthew M. Shafer Matthew V. Shott Jeremy M. Sica Nicholas L. SilvestrI John J. Smart Taylor B. Smith Brenden G. Sosnader Rahasaan A. Sparrow
Shane K. Stark Uam D.Suter John H. Syltes Nicholas D. Tentiluco Troy L Thief-olf Coty 1. Thomas John M. Thompson J. Patrick nce-Carroll Patrick J. Tolen Thomas R. Tracey Nicholas A. Tripodi James R. VanCamp Richard S. Vanni, III Eliezer Velez Joseph. P. Venneri, Jr. Thomas E. Visconto Joseph V. Vizza Sean M. Volz Ryan M. Wade Jared C. Walls Thomas M. Walton, Jr. Matthew J. Weber Matthew F. Webster Joshua D. J. Williams Eric J. Wolstenholme Alex J. Wysoczanski Michael P. Zajac Joseph P. Zarkoski
Andrew F. Zanilli Ruidong Thomas Zhu Gabriel J. Zurga Charles G. Zwicker, Jr.
Peter G. Abdalla Thomas P. Albertson, Jr. Reid A. Anderson Richard C. Andrews, III Benjamin F. Auerbach James P. Austin Michael T. Bantner Alekander J. Barker Andrew S. Barnish Virnest l. Beale Bruce J. Bean Jeffrey M. Beatty Richard E. Beaver, III Joseph J. Borek
Timothy R. Bossert Uam B. Boyte Samuel C. Bradly Ryan P. Brady Frank V. Brlgidi Ryan V. Buchanan Brian P. Buckley Hunter J. Bujnoski TabrlZ J. Bumpas EriC S. Bunting William F. Burdulis Justin T. Campanella llilm J. Campbell Andrew J. Capaldo Joseph A. caponi Peter D. Carenzo Tyler P. Carroll NICholas V. Catallno luke A. Chadwick Ian M. ChallingsWOfth Samuel M. Chatzlnoff
It Underclassmen
Joseph A. Checchlo Christopher D. Ciliberto Spencer T. Coats Tyler J. G. Colasanto Peter E. Collins Sean 1. Collins Mason N. Comtois John M. Connolly Thomas Conroy Matthew J. Conway Michael J. Corcoran Patrick T. Corcoran Daniel O. Corr James T. Corr, Jr.
Matthew 1. Coughlin Michael 1. Crone Justin T. Cross Tyler M. Crouch Kevin C. Crozier John G. Curran Anthony 1. Dadario Christopher C. DalFarra Dillon C. D'Andrea Jason P. Dandy Santino T. O'Angelo Joseph K. Oanlels Theodore Decker David M. Del Grosso Anthony 1. DeNofa Joseph D. DeSimone Matthew S. Dessner Edward l. Devlin Michael A. DiCristofano Joseph M. DiGiovanni Ralph E. Dilemmo
James 0, Dougherty Owen J. Dougherty Michael F. Doyle, III Zachary l. Drake Corey O. Driscoll Bryan J. Dunton James W. Durkin, Jr. Julian D. Durkin Edgar J. Eason. III Daniel P. Ericsson Vincent P. Everman, III Sean P. Felix Christopher M. Filice J. Carter Fillman Matthew W. Flack, Jr. Jake D. Flagler Christopher O. Fraga, Jr. Colin R. Friday Howard V. Gadsby, IV James A. Galasso Craig l. Gambol Collin Glongo John J. GIKken Ryan K. Gorman Fletcher R. Grady Austin J. Grezeszak Wilham M. Gries John R. Grogan
II Underclassmen
Corbin M. Gustafson Jason T. Hahn John C. Hamilton Daniel M. Hardcaslle Sean l. Heck Stephen J. Hee Charles W. Hemcher, til James P. Herron, III Christian J. Hoban Colin F. Hoffman Conor P. Hogan Jared M. Hood Kevin T. Hughes Maxwell R.lmmerman Thomas 1. Johnston, Jr. Grant S. Jones John F. Jordon, IV Joseph R. Kaiser David A. Keeton Aidan J. Kerrigan Eric L. Kindelan Charles F. Kindt. V Anthony 1. Knesis Brian R. Kondan Gregory W. Konieczny Kevyn S. Kowakzyk Kyle T. Kowalczyk David M. Krmpotich
Colin P. Krouse Gabriel G. LaBella Robert J.Lastowski Daniel J. Lauer Noah J. Letcavage Dean leva Nicholas Q. Lintner Connor D. Lloyd Matthew J.lombard Douglas J. MacMaster, IV Matthew P. Magee Graham H. Maguire Daniel J. Mahoney Matthew A. Maisano Christian D. Marble Timothy P. Markiewicz Daniel J. Martino Michael A. Martoselia Peter S. Mastrocco Gary M. McCabe lance R. McDermott Wilham J. McDonnell. III Kyle F. McEIWi!e Ian J. Mcintosh Andrew P. McLaren Robert S. Mclaren William S. Mclaren Patrkk J. McNally Shane T. McNamara Jordan A. Meachum Patrkk C. M~nan Travis J. Miller Ian T. Mitchell Ryan E. Mitchell james H. Monastero
... Underclassmen
Anthony J. Morabito Kevin M. Moran Evan G. Morgan William H. Muehlberger, IV John C. Mueller Conall P. Mulligan Michael P. Mulligan Colin P, Murthi.\ Ruben C. Narine Justin R. Naylor Thomas J. Nowak Gavin M. O'Brien Andrew P. O'Donnell Colin T. O'Malley Clint Ormsby Frank S. OSlerman, Jr. Brandt l. Parlanli Ryan Pasquarello Nicholas C. Pedano Santino G. Pelusl Andrew R. Perrong Dean M. PersicheUi Michael J. Phayre Christian X. Picofazzi Matthew E. Pizzo John J. Prendergast Brian J. Price Michael A. Price Sean P. Princlvalle Samuel J. Profit Jeremy Puntel Nicholas W. Quigley John R. Quirk James R. Raquet John R. Razzi
Brendan M. Reguera Jacob D. Reinhardt Alexander T. Riordan Victor M. Rivera Brett M. Roberts Kyle D. Rodier Paul B. Rotzal Matthew A. Ruff Nicholas C. Russomano Manhew G. Sacchetta Andrew J. Santangelo Antonio J. Santilli Felice M. Santoro Michael F. Savage. III Conor M. SCafidi Shane Scannapieco Stephen V. Schanes Matthew J. SChargel Patrick N. Schlupp Alexander J. SChnell SCott Schroeder, Jr. Harrison S. SChultz Vito J. SCuttl Donte l. sellers Justin C. Senyk Kyle P, Shurmur Robert S. Skowronski Dytan B. 5memo Nicholas J. Sontag James P. Soulges Michael J. Sparks Joseph A. Splendido Nic~s E. Stachel Auslln C. Stein Justm T. Stout
l\: Underclassmen
William B. Strausser Matthew T. Strosser Maxwell J. Stui'll Kyle Sundheim Stefan R. Sutton Kevin J. Tavolaro Connor J. Tramo Joseph R. Treacy MIchael A. Valued Jeffrey A. Vellner Nicholas Ventresca Brent K. Wade Franz S. Wagner Keith F. Wagner Rodney C. Walker, Jr. Matthew F. Wallace K. Najee Walls Sean T. Walsh Nicholas J. Washeo Benjamin G. Weiss UamG. White
Connor A. Williams Shawn N. Witherspoon Casimir M. Wolanin, Jr.
The Class of 2014- is 255 strottg as it readies itself for graduatiott attd beyottd. COlMittg frolM 101 differettt grade schools, the settior class has forlMed a bottd that epitolMizes the settse of brotherhood at La Salle. These settiors will be attettdittg 97 differettt colleges itt 26 states, attd have eartted over ~g4- lMilliott ~__.. .;i;.;.;.ttscholarships attd grattts. These figures are a testalMettt to the strettgth, skill, attd deterlMittatiott of the Class of 2014-.
Class of 2014
Ryan Thomas Abell
Joseph Henry Albert, III
Gazebo: 10, 11, 12; Engineering Club: 11; Intramurals.: 9, Italian Ctub: 10; lSA Tutoring: 9, 10; Summer service:
right. once is enough.
'You only live once, but if you do it
Mae West
10.11; NHS: 11, 12; Robotics Club: 11; Ski Club: 9, 10, 11. 12;Tennis(N 10;
Varsity II, 12 Co-Captain)
MaXW8n Hunt., Albone
salvatore Robert
lSA Tutoring: 11. 12; NHS: 11, 12; SpanishOub: 10. 11. 12: Crew (9:N 10)
And.non "Ability is what you're capable of OOn'9. MotivatIOn determInes what)lOY do. AttItude determines haw well you do it.- Coach Riehle Gebauer Summer Service: 10, 11¡ Wrestling tN9;Varslty10. 11. 121
John Jasper Angiolillo
Adam Charle. Arcadia
"OH YEAAHHI" -The Kool-Ald Man
-I don't measure a man's success by
Intramurals: 10, 11; Stage Crew: 11, 12
how high hedimbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom: George Patton Summer Service: 10.11;lSC: 11; Baseball (9; JV 10; Varsity 11, 12)
Erik J. Azzarano
Michae' Patrick Barrett
"True humility is not thinking less of yourself; It is thlnlung of yourself
, can do aU things through Chnst who strengthens me~ Philippians
less: - C. S.lewis
Art Club: 9, 10. 11. 12; Engineering
History Club: 9.10, 11; lSC:9. 10. 11 12; NHS: 11, 12; Student COlJncll. 10 11.12;Football(9:N10;Varslty1112 Basketball (9: N 10; VarsIty II. 12)
dub: 11, 12.; Intramurals: 10: LSA Tutoring: 12; Summer servia: 12; NHS: 11, 12; Football (Manager 11, 12); Bowling (12)
tit Seniors
Text Message
Edit Anton T. Barun
Keith J. Basara
MHome is behind. the world ahead, and there afe many paths to tread
·You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.· • Shawn, Fired Up Celtic Club: 10; French Club: 11, 12; lSA Tutoring: 9, 10, tl, 12 NHS: 11. 12; Soccer (9); Tennis (N 10)
through shadows to the edge of night. until the stars are all alight: • Pippin Took. Lord of the Rings Computer Club: 11, 12; Engineering Club: l1,12;NHS: ll,12;Robotks Club: 10. 11, 12; Rugby (Varsity 11, 12)
Christopher James
sean P. Bennett
"There is a road. no sunp4e highway, be~n the dawn and the dark of night. And if you go. no one may follow. That path is for your steps alone: - Jerry Garcia Inlramurals: 9.10,11.12: lSC: 11
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us: • Ralph Waldo Emerson Kronum Club (Co-FOllnder): 11, 12;
Intramurals: 10, 11; Volley for Service: 10,11
John E. Sense
Robert F. Bematovltz
have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
"Whatever you do In this tife, it's not legendary. unless your friends are there to see It: - Barney Stinson, How JMet Your Morher Band: 11, 12; Chrous: 12; lSC: 11, 12; Summer service: 10, 11; Water Polo (9,10,11, 12 Captain)
You can steer yourself in any
direct10n you choose. You're on your own, and you know
that you know. And you are the guy who decides
where to go: - Dr. Seuss Band: 9, 10,11, 12; Creative Writing Club: 10, 11; Film Club (President): 9,10,11, 12; Forum: 9; Gazebo: 11; Summer service: 10; Mock Trial: 9, 10, 11, 12; WEXP: 9,10.11,12; Cross Country (JV 9)
Brendan Christopher Bilotta 1'he only person you are destined to become 15 the ~n you deci~ to be,· - Ralph Waldo Emerson lSC:9, 10, 11, 12; Summer service: 10; Ski Club: 9; Indoor Track (Varsity 9,10,11,12l;OutdoorTrack(Varsity 9, 10, 11, 12); Cross Country (Varsity 9,10,11,12)
MlchHI And.... Bishof Ctvility Club: 10. 11, 12; Gel1'l'\an Club: 9; Intramurals: 9. 10. 11; LSA Tutoring. 9.10, 11;lSC::9, 10,11, 12; Summer Service: 10; Multi-CutlUral Club: 9. 10: Ski Gub: 9, 10. 11, 12; Spamsh Club: 9. 10. l1,12;lndoorTrack(N9; Varsity 10, l1,l2);OutdoorTracklN 9; Varsity 10. 11. 121;CrossCountry (Varsity 12)
Class of 2014
Derek William Bitzer
Kevin MlchHI Blanke
'tf people aren't laughing at your dreams, they arenl big enough:
·Without deviation from the norm,
• Johnny Manziel
Chorus: 12; Intramurais: 10. 11. 12; LSC'11, 12; Lacrosse (Varsity 10, II, 12l
Band: 9,10,11,12; Intramurals:9. 10, 11; lSA TutOring: 9,10; Summer Service; 11
John Francll B"nkomeyor
JoMthon Stephen Blust
progress is not possible.
"Good. better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is beUet and your better lS best." . Tim Duncan Summer Servk:e: 11; Hockey IN 9. 10, l1;Varsity 12)
~Why tiptoe
through hfe, just to arrive safely at death?" -ludacrlS Banet 9. 10; Celtic Club: 9; lSC: 12; Summer Service: 10; Football (9; N 10l;OutdOOfTrack(N9. 10); lacrosse (Manager 9. 10)
Roman J. Bond
Eric M. Bozzi
"Don't postpone Joy: • Cynthia Greenberg
"All hockey players are bilingual; they speak English and profanlty.~ • Gordie Howe French Club: 9. 10. 11, 12: Ultimate Frisbee: 12: Hockey (JV 9,10,11: Varsity 12)
lab Manager: 11, 12; lSC: 10, 11; Robotics Club: 12; WEXP: 10. 11; Web Manager: 11, 12; Crew (9; VarSity 10,
John William Brady. III
Kevin Che.... Br8cIy
"They s.aid it wouldn't be easy. But they didn't say it would be Impossible:· Unknown LSC: 11, 12; Spanish Club: 9.10; Student Ambassador: 12; Water Polo (9; N 10; Varsity 11, 12); Swimming (Varsity 9, 10. 11. 12)
"Fate rarely calls upon us al a moment of our dlOOslng" ·Opllmus Prime Bane!: 10; Computer Oub: 9. 10. 12 (Co·Presk!en lab Manag«: 10, 11. 12; Tech Serve: 9. 10. 11
Text Message
Edit Peter Jame. Brooks
Griffin Nemo Brown
"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints; - Billy J~ Intramurals: 9, 10; lSA TutOring: 10; Summer Service: 10, II; l.5C: 9, 10, II, 12; MultI-Cultural Gub: 9; NHS:
'You can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another. - Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Abo
11.12; Ski Club: 10, 11, 12; Football (9; Varsity 10, 11, 12); Rugby (Varsity n, 12): Outdoor TrKk (Varsity 10)
Band: 9, 10, 11, 12 (Vice-President); Creative Writing Club: 12; Engineering Club: 11. 12; NHS: 12 (President); Baseball (9; N 11)
Nichol.. J. Buckley
Eric Claude Burgmann
·Everyone's weird: ~ Gordie lachance, Srand By Me Belcfofters: 12; Chorus: 12; LSC: 12;
Lacrosse IN 9; Varsity 10. 11. 12l
"If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way." - Napolean Hill Intramurals: 11; lSC: 9; NHS: 11. 12; Soccer (9; N 10, 11; Varsity 12); Baseball (9; N la, 11; Varsity 12)
Michael Alexander Campo
-I like to picture Jesus In a tuxedo
Summer Service: 11; Football (9; Varsity 10, 11, 12); Basketball (9);
Irwamurals: 12; Italian Club: 10. 11; Rugby (Varsity 12); Crew (N 10, 11)
Micha.1 G.rard Capr.ri T-shin, because It says Iwant to be formal, but I'm here to party." . Cal Naughton, Jr., Talladega Nlghrs Summer Service: 10, II; Student Ambassador: 12; Student Mentors: 12; Football (9;N 11;Varslty 12); Indoor Track (Varsity 9. 10, 11, 12); OutdoorTrack(Varsity9,10,11,l2)
Mich••• Edward Carenzo
John Edward Cartidge
"Being in (anlral sometimes means
'The purpose of our lives Is to be
being able to give control to others, Beaing an expert doesn't mean
h.1ppy." . Dalai lama Intramurals: 9, 10; lSA Tutoring: 10, 11,12;lSC: 10, 12; Summer Service: la, 11; NHS: 11, 12; Student Ambassador; la, 11, 12; Student Council (Senator): 11, 12; Soccer (9); Indoor Track (N 9, 10; Varsity 11, 12); Outdoor Track (JV 10, 11; Varsity 11, 12)
having all of the answers all of the time."· Mike Rugnetta Band: 9, 10; Computer Club: 9,10,11;
lab Manager: 9, 10, 11, 12 (Director ofTechnology); WEXP: 9,10,11,12; Tech Serve: 9, la, 11, 12
Class of 2014
Connor James Casey
RHk_n R. eal.all
"If you're trying to achieve. there will be roadblocks. I've had them;
MA word to the wise ain't necessary • it's the stupid ones that n~d adVice." - BIll Cosby Intramurals: 9,10. 11; L5C: 9; MultI Cultural Club: 9. 10, 11; Student Council: 9; Rugby (VarSIty 10, II, 12): Football (9; N 10, 11;VarSlty 12); Outdoor Track (Var$lty 9. 10}; Wrestling (N 9)
everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't tum around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it. or work around it: . Michael Jordan Aeronautics (Iutr 9; CheiS Club;
9,10; lSC: 9.10,11, 1:t Summer
Service: la, 11; NHS: II, 12; Spanish Club: 10, 11; Soccer (9; JV 10; Varsity 11,12);lndoorTrack{N9. 10. 11l; Outdoor Track (N 9. lOt. Volleyball (Varsity 12)
Collin John Charyszyn
Andrew Ryan Cavanaugh
'You think you can win on talent alone? Gentlemen, you don't haW' enough talent to wIn on talent alone: - Herb Brooks Hockey (Varsity 9. 10, II, 121
Kavln William Charylzyn
Vlncant J. Clula..
''Why'd you wanna play college hockey?' - Jack O'Caliahan
~Rule .1- no touching of the hair or
face, and that's It'· - Ron Burgundy,
'Isn't It obvious? For the girls.'· Ralph (ox"· Miracle Hockey (VarsIty 9,10,11,12)
Anthony William Ciliberto
Michael Anthony Cincotta
"And all this time I thought I was the coollest: - Josh Nichols Intramurals: 9, 10, 11, 12; Italian Club: 9,10; LSC: 10, 11; Summef service:
·It isn't knowing that your fflends
Ski Club: 9,10,11,12; Rugby (Varsity 12); Football (9; N 10;Varslty 11, 12); Baseball (9)
have your back. It's knowIng that you kave yourfnencts' back.. That's the best part: G,Hn 5u~t Hooligans Celtic Oub: 10; Intramurals: 9, 10, l1,l2;lSC:9. 10. 11 12;Summ« Service: 10, 11; Rugby fVal'Slly 11, 12); Footban 19J
10; Robotics Club: 11, 12; Student Ambassador: 12
l\ Seniors
Text Message
Patrick B. Clark
Joseph Thomas Colbert
"Is this the Krusty Krab?
-I used to be an adventurer like you once, then I took an arrow In the knee.- - Guard, Skyrim Suml'l"lH 5emce: II; Ski Club: 9, 10, 11.12 (President): Baseball (9:N 10, II; Varsity 121
No, this is Patrick,", Patrick Star Band: 9. 10. 11; Italian Gub: 9, 10; LSC: 10. 11; Summer service: 10;
Crew (9: N 10: VarSity 11, 12)
Zaln. A. Collins
Ryan Joseph Coonahan
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." - Harvey Fierstein Chess Club; 10; Summer service: 11; Rugby (VarsIty 12); Football (9;
-Never tell anyone how good you are; Just show them: - Deacon Palmer LSC: 10, 11, 12; Football (9; Jl/l0: Varsity 11, 12); Basketball (9); Baseball (9:N 10; Varsity 11, 12)
VarsIty 12)
Kyle James Corley
Tyler John Coni.
"I've never lost a game; rjust ran out of time."· Michael Jordan Intramurals: 9,10; Summer Service:
(Varsity 10)
·Truth is you don't know what Is going to happen tomorrow. life is a crazy ride, and nothing Is guaranteed:· Eminem lSC: 11, 12: Robotics Club: 10; Football (9); Volleyball (VarsIty 12)
David Wayne Cox
John N.Cuc6
Academk Decathlon: 10, 11; Engineering Club: 11. 12; lab
'There should be a 'captain' in there somwhere,-, Jack Sparrow Italian Club: 10, II; Summer $ervice: 10, 11;MockTriaI;9, 10; Stage Crew: 9,10,11,12; lSC: 9,10, 11, 12
11; Rugby (Varsity 9, 10, 11, 12); Soccer (Manager 9); Outdoor Track
Manager: 11; Summer Service: II; Mathletes: 11, 12; NHS: 11, 12;
Robotics Club: 12 (Captain); Ski Club: 9,10, II, 12; Golf (Varsity 9, 10,11, 12)
Class of 2014
Casey John Cumpston.
Pierce Dutton CunnNn
Summer Service: 10, 11; Hockey (JV 9,10,11)
"I like to think of Jesus as a mischievous badger: - Cal Naughton. Jr., TaIJadp9Q Nighu lab Manager: 12; Sum~ ServICe: 10; Hockey (Varsity 10, \1 12l
Dominic Robert Cuoci
Alexander James D'Abbene
"Heroes are remembered. but legends never die." - Babe Ruth, TM Sondlof Basketball (N 9; VarSity 121; Baseball (Varsity 9, 10. 11, 12)
'New game plan: pass the ball to the EYEtahans! Mike Ortka Kd'''9oOO
Screaming Intramurals: 9. 10. 11. 12; lSA
Tutoring: 10. 11, 12; Ski Club: 9.10.11 12 (Vice-PresldenU: Crew 110; JV 11 Outdoor Track (Va~lty 111
Brendan S. Daly
Anthony Joseph D'Angelo
"May the road rise to meet you May the wind be always at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face And the rain fall soft upon your ftelds And until we meet again May God hold you In the palm of His hand¡ - Irish Blessing Summer Service: 10; Ski Club: 9,10, 11,12; Football (9; N 10; Varsity 12); lacrosse (N 10)
(ehle Club: 10; Italian Club: 12;
Soccer (N 9, 10; Varsity 11, 12)
Levi Davis, III
Thomas M. Davey ~ou're
"We keep mOVing forward. opening new dOOfS. and doing new things. because we're cunous. and curIOSIty keeps leading us down new paths: Walt DIsney Band: 9. 10, 11, 12; Creative Writing Gub: 11, 12; Gazebo: 11, 12; lSA Tutollng: 10, 11, 12: lSC: 9 11.12; NHS: 11 12; Student AmbasS.ldor: 10, 11,12; Student Mentors: 12 Crew (9); Indoof Track IN 10; Varsity l1,12);OutdOOl'Track(N 10;Varslty 11,12)
so wise. You're like a little Buddha covered in hair: - Ron
Burgundy, Anchormon Civility Club: 9; SpanISh Club: 9
'" Seniors
Text Message
Edward John OeAngeli.
William Jo.eph Degnan
"They've done studies, you know.
¡You miss 100% of the shots you
Sixty percent of the time. it works every time:, Ron Burgundy,
don't take: - Wayne Gretzky lntramurals:9, 10, II, 12; lSC: 12
Anchonnan Summer Service: 10, 11; Student
Ambassador: 9,10,11,12; Student Council: 9,11; Soccer (9; N 10, 11); Rugby (VarSity 1" 12)
Gregory Jame. Del Buono -Doing nothing Is very hard to do. You never know when you're finished: - Leslie Nielsen
AeronauticS Club: 9, 10; Chess Club: 10, 11; Ski Club: 9; Rugby (Varsity 11)
William Michael Delaney -life is a beach, I'm just playin' in the sand,-, lil' Wayne Intramurals: 11; lSA Tutoring: 10, 11; l5C; 9, 10; Crew (9); Indoor Track (9; NIl); Outdoor Track (9; N 11); Cross Country (N 9; Varsity 10.11,12)
Amadeo Deluca
RUey Donnelly Denton
Summer Service: 10; LSC: 10, 11; Crew (9; Varsity 10, 11, 12 Captain)
Celtic Club: 9, 10; French Club: 10, 11,12; Intramurals: 9,10,11,12; lSA Tutoring: 9,10; lSC: 9,10, 11, 12; Summer Service: 10, 11; Rugby (Varsity 10, 11, 12); Crew (9)
Nichola. Anthony Oermo
M.rk DeS.ntll, Jr.
"'The inner machinations of my mind
~e've got everything
are an enigma: - Patrick Star L5A Tutoring: 11, 12; lSC; 10; Summer Service: 11; NHS: 11, 12: Studenl Ambassador: 11, 12; Baseball (9; Varsity 10, 11, 1.2); Swimming (9): Water Polo (N 9, 10; Varsity 11, 12 Captain)
we nÂŤd right here, and everything we need is enough." - Jack Johnson Summer Service: 10, 11; Crew (9); Indoor Track (9; Varsity 10, 11, 12); Outdoor Track (9; Varsity 10, 11, 12): Cross Country (N 10; Varsity 11, 12)
Robert Casey Dwyer
Langston A. Ellison
"life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonoa get.¡
"It seems impossible until it 15 done' Nelson Mandela Basketball (9; JV 10; VarsIty 11, 121
Forrest Gump
Celtic Club: 9, 10; Civility Club: 9, 10, 11; German Gub: 11; l5A Tutoring: 10.11; Summer 5ervke: 10, II; Spanish Club: 10. 11, 12; Rugby
(Varsity 12)
John Joseph Em.ndez, Jr. "j see no reason why the bd,ef that we are InSlgOlflcant or fortuilOOS should leMen our faith for faIth is the belief that by dOIng our best we shall succeed in our al/Tlsthe Impro....ement of mankind." - Rosalind Franklin, Molecular BIophysicist Creative Writing Club: 12; lntramurals: 10, 11: lSA Tutoring: 11. 12; lSC' 10, 11. 12; Summer¡ 11; NHS: 11. 12; Student Ambassador: 9.11
SenJamln Scott Fabllzewlkl
John Patrick Ewell "'love coUege.~ - Asher Roth
Chorus: 12; L5C: 12; Summer Service: 10,11; Stage Crew: 12; Student Council: 12; Crew (9; Varsity 10); Football (9; Varsity 12); Indoor Track
"love the life you live. live the Ufe you love,", Bob Marley lntramurals: 9, la, 11, 12; LSC: 9, 10; Summer Service: 11; Kronum Club: 11,12 (Co-Founder); Rugby (Varsity 9,10);Soccer(9;JV 10;Varslty II, 12l; Volleyball (Varsity 12)
(Varsity 12); Outdoor Track (Varsity 11,12)
Tyler Michael Fallon
Daniel E. Farley
"Reject common sense to ma the ImposSible posSible'" . SImon the Di9ger Computer Club: 10,l1;BowIlng ,VaDity 11, 12)
)'Ollrself. everyone else is already taken: . Oscar Wilde ln1ramural~ 9.10.11,12; Football (9; N 10, 11; Varsity 12)
lit Seniors
Text Message
John Jude Farrl., Jr.
Danl.1 Chari•• F.rrlngton
I ,
"T. T· T- Today,junlorl
"If opportunity doesn't knock. build W
Madison Intramurals: 10, 11; L5A Tutoring: 12; Hockey (Varsity 9, 10. 11. 12)
a door.- - Milton Berte
Intramurals: 9, 10, 11, 12; lSA Tutoring: 10.11, 12; LSC: 9. 10, 11,
12; Summer Service: 11: NHS; 11. 12; Spanish Club; 11, 12; Student Ambass.ador: 9.10.11, 12; Student Cooncil:9, 10, 11, 12; Soccer (9): Indoor Track (N 10); L.acrosse UV 9, 10,11)
KlIYln Micha.1 Finnegan
Michael D. Flanigan
"Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened: • Dr. Seuss
"We need to remember what's
Band: 9, 10, II, 12; lnuamurals: 9, 10.11.12; lSC: la, 11; NHS; 11, 12;
work. Or waffles, friends. work. Doesn't maner, but third,leslie Knope, Porlu and Rea~tJOO
Student Ambassador: 11, 12; Theatre: 9, 10, 11, 12; uttimate Frisbee: 10, 11. 12
important in life: friends, waffles,
Celtic Oub: 9, 10;Civi!ityClub: 10. 11; l5A Tutoring: 9, 10, 11. 12; LSC: l1;Summer5ervice: 10;NHS: 11, 12; SpanishOub: IO,ll,l2;5tudent Ambassador. 11, 12; Student Couocll: 12; IndOOl'Track (Varsity 11. 12); Outdoor Track (Varsity 10, II, 12); Cross Country (Varsity 12)
Dennl. Patrick Fol.y
Jam•• T. Foley
"Nothing left to do but smile. smile, smile."· Jerry Garcia Chorus: 11, 12; lntramurals: 9,10,
·50 you're telling me there's a
Frisbee: 9
chance... YEAHl" - lloyd Christmas, Dumb and Dumber Celtic Club: 9,10,11,12 (CoPresident); French Club: 11, 12; Intramurals: 9, 10, 11, 12; lSC: 9,10, l1;Summer5ervlce: 10, 11: Sports Information Club: 11, 12; Student Council: 10; Wlsterlan: 11
Mkh. .1Chrlstophar FOil
Nkhola. Warnn FOil
11, 12;lSC:9, 10, 11, 12; Ultimate
~'all show me the fool who says dreams don't come true. because they do: • Allen Iverson lSA Tutoring: 10, 11, 12; Summer 5efVtCe: 10, 11; Football (9): Lacrosse (N 9, 10, II; Vars.rty 12l
Class of 2014 Zaire N. Franklin
Joseph A. Fruer
"Rememberr - Drake German Club: 12; Mulo-Cultural Club: 10, 11, Student Council: 12 (Senior Class Preooent); Football (Varsity 10, 11, 12 Captain); Outdoor Track (VarSity 12)
"The world is yours.- - Nas (Nasir Jones) Intramurals: 12; lSC: 11, 12; Rugby (VarSity 10, 11, 12 CaptalnJ; Football (9; N 10); Indoor Track UV 9)
Christopher Evan Frazzette
Samuel James French "The most Important thmgs In lIfe aren't things:· Anthony J. O'AngekJ lab Manager: 9, la, 11, 12lCoPresident): lSC: 9,10,11, 12; Summet' Service: 10. 11; Ski Club: 9; Tech 5erve:9, IO,11,12lCo·Pre~denU Photography Club: 12,: Crew (9: Varsity la, 11, 12)
"The man who said nothing is impossible obviously never tried to nail Jello to a tree: - John Candy Engineering Club: 12; Forum: 9; LSA Tutonng:9, 10, 11. 12; lSC 9. 10,11, 12; Summer Servke: 10, 11; NHS:
11, 12; Stage Crew: l1,l2;Student Ambassador: 12; Student Mentors: 12; Indoor Track (Varsity 10, 11, Il); Outdoor Track (Varsity 10. 11, 12)
William Tyler Frusco
Sean Matthew FU'1lluele
·Ufe Is a garden; JUSt dig It: • Joe Dirt lSC: 12; Football {9; JV 10: Varsity 11,
-Don't do anything that may Jeopardize everythlng.- Bt>rnle Fitzgerald Aeronautics Club: la, 11; Band: 9, 10, 11,12: Bekrofters: 11. 12; Chorus: 9, 10,11,12; Engineering Club: 11: lSC: 9,10; Summer5ervice: 11; NHS: 11, 12; WEXP: 10, 11, 12; Theatre: 9, 10, 11. 12,:Tennls {N 10, 11; Varsity 121
12)jWrestling (Varsity 10. 12)
II Seniors
Amir L. Furman
Nicholas A. Gal. .
MDon't take life serioUsly. You'll nevet"
-Orne you enJOY wasting was not
escape it alive anyway,"· Elbert Green Hubbard Rugby (VarsIty 11, 12); Football (N 10; VarSitY 11. 12)
wasted: - John It>nnon lSC: 10, 11, 12; Summer SelVlCe: 10. 11; Ski Club: 9: Crew (9; N 10)
Text Message
John Menu. Gellegher
Andrew J. 6.roppo, Jr.
"I'm not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat." - Michael Jordan Engineering Club: 11, 12;lntramurals:
"I might walk slow, but I never walk back,· - Abraham lincoln lSC: 9, 10, II, 12; language Club: 9, 10, 11, 12; Football (9); Indoor Tra<:k (Varsity 11, 121; Outdoor Track (Varsity 11, 12); Cross Country (Varsity 12); Golf (Varsity 12)
10,11; LSA Tutoring: 11, 12; Summer ServiCe: 10, 11; NHS: 11, 12; Rugby (VarSity 11, 12); Basketball (9); Baseball (9)
Bailey Patrick Gaul
Kevin James Gay
-In this life, people willlOYt' you and
"Goodbye. everyone· 111 remember you all in therapy:' Plankton Band: 9,10.11,12; Forum: 9,10,11. 12 (President); Intramurals: 9.10, It 12; lSC: 11
~ple will
hale yoo, and none of that Will have anything to do with you.". Abraham Hicks lSA Tutoring: 11, 12;LSC: 12; Crew (lO;N 11)
David Anthony
Rob.rt E. GIIII••, III
Geppert, Jr.
lSC: 9,10,11.12; Summer Service: 10,11; Ski Club: 9,10,11.12; Football (9; Varsity 10. 11. 12)
-It's hard to soar with eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys: - Unknown lSA Tutoring: 10, 11; l5C: 9,10, 11, 12; Summer Service: 10, 11; Spanish Club: 10, 11; Student Council: 10, 11,12 (Vice-President); Student Mentors; 12;Volleyball (Varsity 12)
Richard James
S...n Mich••1GrHnberg
Glullenl, III
·Usten, smile, agree. and then do whatever you were going to do anyway:· Robert Downey, Jr. Engineering Oub; 12; LSC; 10; Basketbdll (9: Varsity 10, 11, 121: lacrosse (N 9, 10)
·You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You afe what you make yourself to be: - Lou Holtz
LSC.; 11, 12; Multi-Cultural Club: 9,10,
Class of 2014
Joseph Michael Kelley
Joseph Brien Kennedy
-Never give up. never back downl" - Unknown
-Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over If you Just sit there." - Wlil Rogers Band: 9, 10, 11, 12; Creative Writing Club: 12; Intramurals: 9, 10, 11; lSC: 9,10,11,12; Summer Service: 10, 11; Stage Crew: 11, 12; Rugby (VarSity 10)
Civility Club: 9, 10, 11, 12; L5C: 10, 11, 12;$ummer$ervice: 10, 11;
Spanish Club: 9,10,11,12 (President);
Student Ambassador: 12; Student Mentors: 12; Soccer (9; JV 10, 11; Varsity 12); Outdoor Track (JV 9, 10); Volleyball (Varsity 12)
Jacob Joseph Klemmer
Andrew Dennis Knowles
·Our greatest glory is not in never falling but In rising every time we fall; never give in to failure." - Confucius
-God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers."· Unknown Celtic Club: 9; Intramurals: 9,10, 12; lSA Tutoring; 9,10,11,12; lSC: 9, 10, 11. 12; Sports Information Club: 12; Student Ambassador: 9, 10,11,12; Student Council; 9,10, 11, 12; Student Mentors: 11, 12; Soccer (Varsity 9,10,11,12 Captain); lacrosse (JV9, 10; ManagerVarsity 12)
Band: 9, 10, II, 12; Celtic Club: 9, 10, 11, 12; Creative Writing Club: 12;
Intramurals: 11; lSA Tutoring: 12; lSC: 9,10,11, 12j Summer Service: 10,11; NHS: 11, 12; Student Mentors: 12; lacrosse (N 9, IOJ; Rugby (Varsity 11,12)
Michael Joseph Koller, Jr.
Dnld Joseph Kotesenskl
"Every strike brings me closer to the
~Did you
set it to Wumbor - Patrick Star Intramurals: 9, 10, II, 12; Summer Service: 10; Rugby (Varsity 12)
next homerun." - Babe Ruth lSC: 10, 11, 12; Multi-Cultural Club; 10; NCAA Club: 11, 12; Ski Club: 9, 10, 11, 12; Student Mentors; 11, 12; Football (9; N 10;Val"5ity 11, 12); Basketball (9); Baseball (9); Indoor Track {Varsity 9,10,11,12); Outdoor Track (VarSity 9, 10, 11, 12); lacrosse (Nl0,11)
William J. Krodthoff, III
Joseph Edwerd Krol
~Your future hasn't been written yet, No one's has, Your future is whatever you make of it. so make it a good one."· Or. Emmett Brown, Back to the Future Computer Club: 9, 10, 11, 12 (president); lab Manager: 10, 11, 12; Robotics Club: 11;WEXP: 9; Tech Serve: 11
-A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work," • Colin Powell lSA Tutoring: 10, 11, 12; NHS: 11, 12; Baseball (9; N 10; Varsity 11, 12)
Text Message
Edit Mlch..1Frank Kurkowski
Nathan Daniel Kush
"Believe deep down In your heart that you're destined to do great
"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize IVlould have been more specifiC: - Lily Tomlin Band: 9.10.11,12; Intramurals: 12; l5ATutoring: II, 12;NHS: II, 12; Summer Service: 10; Basketball (9;
things: - Joe Paterno Intramurals: 9,10,11,12; LSA
Tutoring: 11, 12; LSC: 11. 12; Summer Service: 10, 11; Spanish Gub: 10; Football (9); Baseball (9)
Adam David Lagner
Nicholas E. laMorte
"I put my clothes on while I'm eating salad, call that salad dressing."
Chess Club: 11; LSA Tutoring: 9.10, 11;l5C: 11, 12; Summer Service: 10; NCAAOub: 12; Spanish Club: 10. 11. 12; Ultimate Frisbee: 9, 10; Indoor Track(N9,10.11.121;OutdoorTrack (N 9. 10. 12); Cross Country (N 9, 10. 11; Varsity 12)
- UI'Wayne Civility Club: 10, 11; Intramurals; 9, 10: LSA Tutoring: 10, 11, 12; Summer Service: 10. 11; Spanish Club: 10, 11; Crew (9); Soccer (9); Cross Country (N 10, 11)
Matthew R. Laudadio
J.mll Vern•• IAwlmore
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size ofthe fight in the
"I don't shy away from any questions. I'm not scared of any question. I'll give you an answer. A lotof people are scared of haVing actual opinions out there. People are so scared of criticism... I'm not scared of people disliking me,· - Ronda Rousey Football (9; JV to; Varsity 11); Indoor Track (JV 9, 10; Varsity 11); Rugby (Varsity II)
dog."· Mark Twain
Ski Club: 12; football (JV 10); lacrosse (N 10; Varsity 11, 12)
Alexand.r C. LeGr.nd
"You thought Morgan Freeman's name would Mt appear in this yearbook. You have been misled." -Unknown Aeronautics Club: 9; Band: 9, 10, 11,
~Let us always meet each Other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love: • Mother Teresa LSA Tutoring: 10, 11. 12; l5C: 9,10,11, 12: Summer Service: 10, 11; NHS: 11, 12; Student Ambassador: 12; Indoor Track (N 9. 10, 11. 121; Outdoor Trao (N9,10, l1,l2);CrossCountryUV9. 10, 11, 121
12; fencing Club: 9; lntramurals: 9, 10; Multi-Cultural Club: 9.10; Rugby (VarSity 11, 12)
Class of 2014 Corey A. Lerch
Shane Steven Lewis
"When you're good at something,
-Fear is not real- It Is a cholce.- Will Smith Intramurals: 9; lSC 10; Multi-Cultural Club: 9.10; Indoor Track IVarSlty 9. 10. II, 121; Outdoor Track (Variity 9, 11.12)
you'll tell everyone. When you're great at It. they'll tell you." -Walter
Payton lntramurals: 10. 11, 12.; L5C: 9,10. II, 12; Summer serviCe: 11; Football (9; N 10; Varsity 11, 12); lacrosse (9)
Kevin Patrick Lindsay
Tyler Patrick little
·I'm pretty sure there's a lot more
"The price of success l~ hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose. we have apphed the best of ourselves to the tuk at hand: -Vince Lombardi Forum: 9; Intramurals: 9, 10, 11, 12; l5C: 9,10.11.12; Summer Service10,11; Crew (9; VarSity 10. 11, 12 Captain)
to life than being really, really. ridiculousty good Iooking_ And 1
plan on findIng out what that is,· Derek Zoolander,loolander Band: 9.10,11,12; lSC: 9,10;
Summer Service: 10. l1;NHS: 11,12; Crew (9; Varsity 10.11.12)
Charles T. Lloyd, Jr.
Joseph F. Looby
·You have not failed until you have quit trying." - Usher
"I'm very important. Ihave many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rIch mahogany: - Ron Burgundy, Anchorman Multi-Cultural Club: 11, 12 (President);Theaue:9,lO.11.12; Football (Manager VarSity 9, 10, 11. 12); Basketball (Manager Varsity 9. 10,11,12)
Intramurals: 9. 10, 11, 12; lSA Tutoring: 10, 11; lSC: 9,10,1'; NHS:
11, 12; Outdoor Track (Varsity 11, 12)
Eric C. Lopresti
Robert C. J. Lorenzo
¥Yhen In doubt. follow your heart.
-Rule number 76: no l!'KCUseS -~ay bke a champion: -Jeremy Grey. WeddlM} Crashers Inttamurals: 9. 10. 11; lSC: 9; Sum~ 5ervi<e: 10. 11; Hockey I.N 9) Lacrosse IN 9. 10); Rugby IVarslty 111
Words (an be false. Images and soonds can be manipulated, but the heart is always true.·' Of. John Oft Bekrofters; 10. 11, 12; Chess Club: 9.10; Ch6s Team: 11, 12 (Captain); Chorus: 9,10,11, 12: Gaming Club: 9, 10;lntramurals: 10, 11; L.5C: 9.10,11. 12; Sommet" 5ervKe: to, 11; Theatre: 9.10,11,12
II Seniors
Text Message
Picard Christophe Losier "I just want to be successful."· Drake Football (Varsity 12); Indoor Track
(VarSIty 9, 10, 11, 12); Outdoor Track (Varsity 9, 10, 11, 12)
Timothy Cherles Loughery "Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact," • William James Intramurals: 10. 11; l.SC: 11. 12: Summer Service: 11; Student Ambassador: 12; Ultimate Frisbee: 10; Outdoor Tradt UV 9. 10)
Matthew Gregory Lucas
Colin R. MacDougall
"Always drink upstream from the herd." - Will Rogers LSC:9, 10; Summer Service: 10, 11;
-You are, and always have been, my dream..: - Nicholas Sparks. The Notebook
Chinese Club: 11; NHS: 11, 12; Soccer (9; Varsity 10, 11, 12)
Creative Writing Clob: 12; l5C: 11, 1l; Multi-Cultural Club: 11; NHS: 12; lacrosse (Varsity 10, 11. 12)
William R. Maguire
Julian Bond Maher
·You miss 100% of the shots you
"Is mayonnaise an instrument?" - Patrick Star lntramurals:9,10,\1
don't lake,"' Wayne Gretzky Inttamurals: 9, 10; Summer Service:
11; Crew (9); Football (9;JV 10, 11; Varsity 12); Rugby (Varsity 11, 12)
Joseph Adam Maiale
Stephen David Maloney 0\ don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what hIs grandson will be: Abraham Uncoln Celtic Club: 10; Film Club: 9, 10; Intramurals: 9,10,11,12; lSA Tutoring: 9,10,11,12; lSC: 9,10,11, 12; Summer Service: 10, 11; NHS: 11,12; Spanish Club: 10, 11, 12 (Vice President); Student Ambassador: 9, 10,11,12
Class of 2014
Christian M. Mancini
Connor V. Martin
-I got swag far sale and I'm giving
lntramuraJs: 11; LSA Tutoring: 11, 12; lSC: 11, 12; Summer service: 11; NHS: 11,12;Crew(9;N 10)
"let your life be your Inspiration.· - Jake luhrs, August Burrn Red AeronautiCs Club: 10; Band: 10, II, 12 (President- Pep Bandl; Summer SeNice: 11; Spanish Club: 11
Aexander Donato
Evan Joseph Masclone
"It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that definM us Rachel Dawt'S, Batman Begms Gazebo: 10, 11; Intramurals: 11; Itahan Club: 9, 10
people bargains." - 2 Chalnz
··Cause it takes tWO to t.1n90_ or something like that: - Billy Madison lSC: 10, 12; Ski Club: 9; Student Ambassador: 11, 12; Student Counol 9; Rugby (Varsity 12); SoccerUV 9. 10; Varsity l1,l2);lacrosse(N9,10; Varsity 11)
Christopher Jordan Mather
William Vincent Mathis ·Who do you think you are? I am!" Pete Weber, Professional Bowler Band: 9, 10,11,12; Football (9); Indoor Track (N 10; Varsity 11); Outdoor Track (JV 10; Varsity 11)
·'l'm a misunderstood genius'
• Calvin 'What's misunderstood?'· Hobbes 'Nobody thinks I'm a genius'
- Calvin" - Bill Watterson, Colvin and Hobbes lntramurals: 10. 11; lSA Tutoring: 11,12; Summer Service: 10. 11; NHS: 11, 12; Ski Club: 9,10,11,12; Student Ambassador: , 1, 12; Student Mentors: 12; Kronum Club: 11, 12; Soccer (9; N 10, 11; Varsity 12); OutdoorTrack(JV 10)
Nicholas Alexander
Nicholas Alphonso Mazzei
"We Will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles,· - Thomas Edison Chess Oub: 9; IntTamurals: 9. 10, l.5A Tutoring: 9.10, 11 12; UttllTlate FTisbee: 9
·I'm gonl'\a live until I die.·· Frank Sinatra LSC: 9,10,11,12; Student Mentors: 12 (leader); Football (9; N 10; Varsity 12)
Text Message
Timothy McAuliffe ~Sing
like no one is listening,love
like you've never been hurt. dance like nobody's watchIng. and live like It'S heaven on earth:· Mark Twain
AcademIc Decathlon; 10; Band: 9, 10,11, 11; Bekroftl"l'S: 11. 12; Chorus: 9,10,11, 12; El'I9ineE'ringClu~ 11; Forum: 9. 10, 11, 12 (President-
Michael Edward McBryan, Jr. "One man can be it crucial
ingredient on it team, but one man cannot make a team: - Kareem Abdul·Jabbar lSC: 10: Swimming (VarsIty 9. 10, 11, III
Speech); Intramurals: 11, 12: lSA TutOring: 11; l5C: 9, 10; Summer service: 11; Mathletes: 10, II, 12; NHS: 11, 12; Student Council: 10
Matthew Vincent McCarry ·Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that:· Dr. Martin luther King, Jr.
Thomas Aquinas McClain "Imma be what 1set out to be Without a doubt undoubtedly: • Emlnem Summer Service: 11; LSC.: 9, 10; Student Council: 9, 10; Football (9; VarSity 10, 11, 12); Baseball (JV 10)
Intramurals; 10, 11; lab Manager: 12; l5A Tutoring: 10. 11, 12; l5C: 9, 10, l1,l2;Summ«Service: 10. l1;NHS: 11,12 (Secretary); Ultimate Frisbee:
10, 12; Crew (9); Indoor Track (Varsity 9,10, 11. 12 captain); Outdoor Track (Varsity 10, 11, 12 Captain); Cross Country (VarSity 9, 10, 11, 12 Captain)
Matthew Thomas McCool
Shane M. McDevitt
~Screw tomorrow-let's go big tonight!· - Marshall Eriksen, How I
"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you." - Tyrion lannlster, Game
Mer Your Mother
Intramurals: 10; lSA Tutoring: 9,10; lSC: 10; Summer Service: 10, 11; Crew (9; JV 10;Varsity 11, 12); Indoor Track (jV 10)
of Thrones Forum: 9; lab Manager: 9,10,11,12; Crew (10; JV 11); Soccer (9; JV 10);
Bowling (Varsity 12)
Evan F. McDonnell "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.~ • Douglas Adams Band: 9,10,11,12; French Club: 9,10, 11; Summer Service: 11; NHS: 11, 12; Ski Club: 9,10,11; Crew (9; JV 10)
Pater Christopher McDonnell "And in the morning, I'm making waffles'- - Donkey, 5hrek lSA Tutoring: 9; lSC: 10, 11, 12; Summer Service: 10, 11; SlUdent Ambassador: 12; Outdoor Track (jV 9); lacrosse (JV 10, 11)
Class of 2014
Tlmohty David McElroy
Thomas Justin McGeehan
·Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose
"I got place~ 10 go and people 10 see... actually. don't.-· Bruno Shiffman Band: 9.10, 11. 12
sight of the shore:· Andre Glde
Sand: 9,10,11; LSC: 10, 11, 12; Summer Service: 10, 11; Student Ambassador: 11, 12; Student Councjl~ 10,11,12; Student Mentors: 12; Football (9; N 10)
John Matth_ McGranaghan
Patrick William McGinley "Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems. because I'm tired of solving them for you,· - Andrew Romano
"11'1 three words I can ~um up everythll'\9 I've learned about hfe: It gOM on: . Robert Frost Jntramurals: 9, 10. 11, 12; lSC: 9, 10,11, 12;Summer5ervice: 10. 11; Student Council: 10; Ultimate Frisbee: 10, 11; Tenms IN 9. 10. 11; Varsity 12};lndoorTrackUV9,10, 11); CrossCounlry(N9,10,l1)
Wrestling (Varsity 9, 10. 11, 12)
Uam J. F. McGrother
Mark Francis Meeks, Jr.
MSmeli ya laterL Gary Oak, Pokemon Italian Club: 9,10,11, 12; lSA Tutoring: 11; Summer Service: 10, 11; NHS: 11. 12; Stage Crew: 11, 12; Theatre: 12; Outdoor Track (JV 10, 11)
"Today me will live in the moment unless It's unpleasant, In which case me wlU eat a cookie.- CookIe Monster LSC: 9,10,11,12; Summer5ervlce: 10, 11; Multi-Cultural Club; 9; Crew (9; JV 10; Varsity 11, 12); Football (9)
Ryan Patrick Meeks
Trent Anthony Melshalmer
"If you don't run your own life,
somebody else will:· John Atkinson
ErlQineering Club: 12; L5A Tutonng: 11, 12; lSC 11; Summer Service-: 10, 11;5occer(9);lndoorTrack (N 10):ucrosse(Varsity9.10.11,121
lSA Tutoring: 10, II, 12; lSC: 9, 10, 11,
12; Summer Service: 10. 11; Student Ambassador: 11. 12; Wisterian: 11, 12; Football (9: N 10)
.. Seniors
Text Message
Edit Mark Joseph Metzler
Gregory Maxwen Meyers
~He's 1051
"Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself Is true power." • lao Tzu Stage Crew: 11, 12; Crew (9;]V 10)
his son. Fabio!· - Dory,
HistoryClub:9,10,11,12; Intramurals: 9,10; lSA Tutoring: 9,
10,11, 12; lSC: 9, 10. 11, 12;Summer Service: 10, 11; NHS: 11, 12;Student Ambassador: 9, 10, 11. 12 {Head Ambassador); Student Mentors: 12; Crew (9; N 10); Basketball (Varsity 11, 12 Manager)
Douglas Edwin Michie,
~! .. v4
·We do not need magic to change the wortd. We carry all the power we inside ourselves already; we have the power to imagine better."
"The man who ~ a mountain begins by carrying away small stones:· Confucius lacrosse (JV 10)
- J. K. Rowling Art Club: 10. 11, 12 (President);
Belaofters: 10, 11, 12; Chorus: 9, 10, 11, 12; Summer Service: 11; Theatre: 11, 12; Crew (9);Watet" Polo (9; JV 10, 11)
Michael Joseph Mullin
Quln Robert Murphy
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and
"Know thyself."· Socrates Intramurals: 9, 10; lSA TUlonn9: 9, 11,12;SummerService: 10, 11;lSC: 9,10,11, 12; Muttl-Cultural Club: 10; Football (9); Baseball (lV 11)
I-I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." • Robert Frost
Bekrofters: 10, II, 12; Chorus: 9, 10, 11,12; Intramurals: 11, 12; lSC: 10; Summer Service: 11;WEXP:9, 10, 11, 12;Theatre:9,10, 11, 12;Wisterian: 10
Sean T. Nader
Calvin Jaye Nazulme
"The stone that the builder refused, will atways be the head corner stone."· Bob Marley LSC: 11
"Success isn't given. It's earned on the track. on the field, With blood, sweat, and the occasional tear: • Nike OutdoorTrack(Varsity9, 11, 12)
Class of 2014 Charle. Greif Newell
8rennan Thoma.
"'f you can't make it good, at least make it look good."路 Bill Gates Inttamurals: 9. 10, 11. 12; l5A Tutonng.: 9,10. 11. 12; Summer Service: 10, 11; NHS: 11, 12; Studtmt Ambassador: II, 12; football (9;N 10); Tennis (N 9; Varsity 10, 11, 12 Captain)
O'Donnell 路Casuallunch or after-work drmks You're not taking these boys to see The Devil Wears Prada. Robbl(>,l Loll'l! YouMan Chorus: 11, 12: l5C 9,10, 11, 12; SummerSel'\tiCe-10,l1 Student Ambassador: 11, 12; Student COUncl 9.10,11,12; Rugby/VarSIty 12); Football (9: N 10, 11; V.U1Ity 121
Sean P.O'Kane
Aidan M. O'Neill
leaders aren't born.: they are made. And they are made just like anything else. through hard work. And that's the price we11 have to pay to achieve that goal. or any goar路
"You can n~ cross the ocean untIl you lose Sight of the shofe Chnstopher Columbus CeltiC Club: 9; Intramurals; 9, 10, 11, 12: lSA Tutoring: 11, 12: lSC. 9,10; Summer Sefvlce: 10, 11: Football Baseball 19; N 10, 11; VarSIty 12)
- Vince Lombardi Celtic Club: 10. l1;lntramurals: 10,11. 12; LSC: 9; Summer Service: 10, 11; Student Council: 11. 12; Soccer (9; N 10, II; Varsity 12)
Alexander Thoma. Panetta
James Harrison Palmer "la, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauM luxe, (alme et volupte"路 Charles
"AlrIght, I've been thinking when life gives you lemons, you don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?" - Cave Johnson, CEO, Aperture SCIence Intramurals: 9,10,11: WEXP: 12: Forum: 11, 12; Indoor Track (9r: Outdoor Track (9); Cross Country (9;
Baudelaire Belcrofters: 10,11, 12;Chrous:9, 10,11,12; Creative Writing Club: 12;Gazebo: la, l1;LSC: 10, 11, 12; SWimming (9; JV 10)
William Lane 'aul
Christian Neumann Patton
lSC: 10, n, 12; Ski Club: 11, 12; Rugby /Varsity 11, 12)
'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.- - Psalm 23:4 lSA Tutoring: 9; LSC: 9: SUmmer Service: 10, 11; Crew UV 10}; Soccer (9)
Text Message
Edit Stephen Joseph Peel
Antonio Stefono Pelusl
-I ain't often right; I've never been
"I will persist. Iwill win_~ - Anonymous Wrestling (Varsity 9, 10, 11, 12 Captain)
wrong. It seldom turns out the way it does in the song. but once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places If you look at it
right,-· Jerry Garcia Band: 11, 12; LSC: 11, 12; Summer Service: 10; Stage Crew: 11, 12; IndoorTrack(JV9,10);OutdoorTrack (N 9, 10); Cross Country (]V 9, 10)
Jordon P. Petrellis "Get busy livin', or get busy dying:
• Andy Dufresne. The Shawshonk R~mption
9, la, 11, 12; IntTamurals: 11,12;labManager:9,10, 11,12
(President): Stage Crew: 9, 10, 11, 12;
Joseph Achille R..s P1nnola-Vlzza ·Crew is life; ~hjng else is Just details: Band: 9, 10, 11, 12; Summer Service: 10; NHS: 11, 12; Student Ambassador: 11, 12; Crew (9;VarSlty 10,11,12)
WEXP:9,lO;TechServe:9,10, 11.12
Ryon Potrlck Pluck
Ma"hew James Podraza
"Eeyup." • Peter New
MNe Hoy Meanoyyy·· Doodle Bob, Spongebob Squarepoms Theatre: 9, 10; Football (9); lacrosse (JV9,10,ll;Varsity 12)
Creative Writing Club: 10, 11, 12 (CoPresident); lSA Tutoring: 11, 12; LSC 9, la, 11
Andrew J. Potok
David Alexander Price
"I'm blessed. and Ithank God for
MOur deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear Is that we are powerful beyond measure: • Marianne Williamson Intramurals: 9,10,11,12; LSC 10; Summer Service: 10, 11; Student Ambassador: 10, 11, 12; Student Council: 10, II, 12; Kronum Club: 11, 12 (Co-Founder); Soccer (9; N 10; VarSity 11, 12)
every day, for everything that happens to me."· UI' Wayne
lSC: 10.11, 12;Summer5ervice: II; Student Council: 12; Rugby (Varsity 11)
Class of 2014
Petrick J. Quigley
Metthew Stephen Reczak
"00 not go where the path may
lead; go instead where there is no
'Remember, licking doorknobs Is illegal on other planet)!" . Spongebob Squarepanu Forum: 10; Robotics Club: 12 Student CounCIl; 12; Student Mentors: 12; Football (9; N 10, 11; Varsity 12): Indoor Track I,N 9 OutdoorTracklN9.10)
path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson FrenchClub:9,lQ.l1,12
Mark Andrew Reed ''Venn is twenly. large IS large In fact, tall is large. and grande' Is Spanish for large. Venll IS the- only one that doesn't mean large It s also the only one that $ In italian. Congratulatlons l You're stupId '" three languages, Can I pay In euros? . Paul Rudd Band: 9. 10. 11; Italian Club: 9; LSA Tutonng: 9; lSC: 9. 10, 11. 12; Summer Service: 10. 11; NHS; 11. 12; Student Councd: 9: Yearbook: 12; Crew (9: Varsity Ill; Water Polo (9)
"00 not take life too seriously. You will never get out of It aiM!. Elbert Hubbard
Engineering Club: 11. 12; lSA Tutoring: 11, 12; Stage Crew: 12
John Tyler Reis
Roger A. Reynolds, III
¡Work hard, play hard,"
-Being perfect is being able 10 look your own friends in Ihe eye and know that you dldn't let them down because you told them the Iruth. And that trUlh Is you did everyling you could: . Coach Gary Gaines LSC: 11; Basketball (Varsity 10, 11. 12 Manager)
Intramurals: 9,10,11,12; lSC; 9,10; NCAA Club: 9; Student Ambassador:
11,12; WEXP; 9; Ultimate Frisbee: 10. t t, 12; Rugby (Varsity 11); Baseball (9;
JV 10, 11)
Mlcheel A. Rihm
Andrew Joseph ROlnlno
lab Manager. 9; LSC: 11; lacrosse
-God gives his hardest battl~ to hIS toughest soldiers: . Unknown lSC: 12; Summer service 11; Muttl-Cultural Gub: 12: Student Ambassador: 12: Hockey (VarsIty 9. 10,11. 12)
(Varsity 9. 10,11, 12)
... Seniors
Text Message
Edit David J. Rosa
Blaka 5. Rosann
-It's good to have critics, because that's what motivates you and helps you take your game to another level. They tallked about Michael Jordan and said he didn't have a jump shot. They say the same thing about me- I can't throw the football and all that. Say whatever you want about me. It makes me strive harder:' Michael
"Too bad, so sad, greedy Gus-life lesson-the reality principle does like to disabuse us of our whims.· -Unknown Chess Club: 9.10, 11, 12; Computer Club: 10, II, 12; WEXP: 12; Forum: 11. 12; Wrestling UV 9)
Va Intramurals: 11
Mark Josaph Rounbahlar
Josaph E. Ruetar, Jr.
·See ya later, Jobin!· - Peter IOaven,l love You Man lSC: 11; Ultimate Frisbee; 10; Indoor
difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man'sdetermlnation:· Tommy lasorda lSC: 9; Summer Service: 10, 11; Soccer (9; N 10, l1);Wrestling UV9, 10; Varsity 11, 12)
Track (Varsity 9); OutdOOf Track (Varsity 9); Golf (Var5ity 9, 10, 11,12)
Mlchaal Ryan Ruff
P.trick Fr.ncts Ry.n
Chess Club: 10, 11; Creative Writing Club: 10, 11, 12; Football (9)
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight In the dog.- - Mark Twain Belcrofters: 10, 11, 12;Chorus:9, 10, 11,12; lSA Tutoring: 9,10,11,12; lSC: 10,11,12; Summer Service: 10, 11; NHS: 11, 12; Student Ambassador: 10, 11, 12; Student Mentors: 12; Ultimate Frisbee: 9,10; Rugby {Varsity 10, 12); Baseball (JV 10, 11); Indoor Track {JV 9,101: Outdoor Track (N9)
Ose.r Rie.rdo S.nehez
John O. Schaffay
-Just breathing can cure you from future diseases and stress related problems. I love you all- please just listen and smile today 4 me: -lil' B Band; 9, 10, 11; Intramurals; 11; lSA Tutoring; 10, 11, 12; Spanish Club; 11, 12;5tageCrew: 10, 11. 12; Crew (9; N 10); Rugby (Varsity 11, 12)
-00 I"IOt worry about your dIfficultIes in mathematiCS. I can assure you mine are still greater: • Albert Einstein Computer Oub: 9; Engineering Club: 11, 12; lSA Tutoring: 10, 11, 12; L5C: 10,11,12; NH5: 12; Baseball (JV 9; Varsity 10. 11, 12)
Class of 2014
Stephen R. Schmitz
Thomes Andrew Schmitz
·Be the person who your dog thinks
"The guy next to me looks kind of familiar." Band: 9,10, 11, 12; Intramural~. 10,11, 12; MockTrial: 9, 10, 11, 12 (Co-Captalnl: NHS: II, 12; Student Ambassador: 12; Yearbook.: 10, 11, 12; Global Studies Club: 12
you are."· Unknown
AeronautICs Club: 9, 10; Band: 9, 10.11,12; Rugby {VarSity 11, 12): Outdoor Track (N 9, 10)
Bred Robert Schneider
John Frends
!hefe may be people that have
more talent than you. but there's no
"You can't RIDE a quesadJlla l - Rabblt, StlWm Powtred Gtrafft Band: 10, 11, 12:CreativeWntlng Club: 10; FOl'um: 10; NHS: 12; WEXP: 9; Theatre: II, 12
excuse fOf anyone to work harder than you do."· Derek Jeter Basketball (9); Baseball (9; VarSity 10, 11,12)
Metthew Oevid Schrupp
Andr_ John Schutte
·Until the possible becomes the actual, it Is only a distraction." - Qui-
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13 lSC: 9,10,11,12; Summer Service: 10.11; Chinese Club: 10, 11, 12; NHS: 11,12; Crew (9; varsity 10, 11, 12 Captain); Football (9)
Gon Jlnn, Star Wars Chess Club: 9,10,11; Gaming Ctub: 9.10,11; lntramurals: 10, 11; Stage Crew: 9,10,11,12
Ian Schwartz
Ryen Mett_ Sless
·You must accept people for who they are, but also for who they CIfe not:· Bill Torres
-00 what you can, where you are, what you have,- - TheodOl'e Roosevelt lSC: 10; Rugby (Varsity 12l;Crew (9. N 10); Football19;N 10;Varslty 11, 12) With
Engineenng Gub: 12; Internahonal Studies Forum; 12; Intramurals: 10,
11;lSC: 10,I2;SummerSefvice: 10; St.1ge Crew: 12; Student Ambassador. 11; tndOOfTrack (N9, 101; OutdOOf Track (N 9; Varsity 10)
II Seniors
Text Message
· Edit Kyle Lee Slifer
Christopher John Smith "That makes no sense constructionwise, but that's never stopped me before!- • Raocow Computer Club: 9, TO, 11; Gaming Club: 10, 11; Intramurals: 10, 11
Riley A. Smith
ZIIchery Gr.y Smith
-Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you Band: 9, 10. 11; Crew (9); OUtdoor Track (N 9); lacrosse (N 9, 10, 11; Var~ty 12)
-Onty those who dare to fait greatly can ever achieve greatly: - Robert F. Kennedy Intramurals; 9, 10, 11; Ski Club: 9, 10, 11, 12; Rugby (Varsity 12l; Crew (Varsity 11, 12); Basketball (9; N 10)
Aaron Paul 505nader
Mitchell J.mes Soufleris
·Whatew-f happens in this life, It's not legendary unless your friends
"Alii can do is be me, whoever that Is'- Bob Dylan Intramurals: 9,10,11,12; lSA Tutoring: 9,10,11,12; LSC: 10, 11, 12; Summer Service: 10, l1;NHS: 11, 12; Student Ambassador; 9,10,11,12; Lacrosse (JV 9; Varsity 10,11, 12)
want most: - Anonymous
are there to see it: Barney Stinson, 4
How I Mer Your Mother German Club: 10: LSA Tutoring: 9; LSC: 10: Summer Service: 10. 11; NHS:
11,12; Student Ambassador: 11, 12;
Student Menlors: 11, 12; Crew (9, 10;
Varsity 11, 12)
Daniel Anthony Spinelli, Jr. ·So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past: - F. Scott Fitzgerald. The GfNtGatsby CteatlVe Writing Club: 10. 11, 12
{PresidentHorum: 9, 10. 11, 12
Kevin M. Stef.nski "When we measure to our ability we are competitive; when Wi! surpass that ability we are champions'-Unknown LSC: 11; Indoor Track (JV9, 10); OutdOOfTrad(JV9, 10. 11);Cr0S5 Country (JV 9. 10, 11; ViltSlty 12)
(PresIdent); Gazebo: 10, 12; L.SA Tutoring: 9. la, 11, 12 (leader); NHS:
11, 12 (Treasurer); WEXP: 9, 10, 11, 12 (Executive Director); Wisterian: 9, 10.
11,12 Ctditor-in-Chief); Yearbook: 10, 11; Basketball (Varsity 9, 10, 11, 12 Manager); Outdoor Track (N 9); Cross Country (N 10)
Class of 2014
Messages Kolby K. Stein
Nicholas Michael Stlcco
Rugby (Varsity 12); Football (9; JV 10; Varsity 11, 12)
me, you'd better wake up and
'If you even dream of beating apologize." - Muhammad All l5C:9, 10,11, 12: Summer Service:
10,11; Acceptance for All Club: 9.10, 11, 12; Ski Club: 9, 10. 11. 12; Rugby (Varsity 11); Football (9)
Christopher B. Strausser
Daniel Jennings Thomas
-I don't need to write that down; 111
'"Why do today what you can do In
remember it
Aeronautics Club: 9; French Club: 10, 11; Intra murals: 10, II, 12; lab Manager: 11, 12; Ski Club: 9; WEXP: 10,11; Tech Serve: 11, 12; Web
lS(;9,10.11,12;Soccerl9.JV10. Varsity II, 12); Bast>balJ (9; N 10); TenniS (JV 11; VarSIty 121
Managers.: 11, 12
Blaine David Turek
Tam.r C. Turner
¡Walt, so you live in New Jersey? Why do you even go here?l$(: 10, 11, 12; Soccer (9;JV 10, 11; Varsity 12)
¡She said she love me- I said babygirl fall In line." - 2 Chalnz French Club: 10, 11, 12; Intramurals: 11,12; L5C: 10; Summer service: 11. Rugby (Varsity 12); Football (9;JV 10; Varsity 11, 12); IndoorTrack (JV 9)
Michael Angelo Vargas
SarnuelPeterVecchkMoe tnttamurals: 9; Itahan Oub: 9; lSC: 9,10,11.12; Student Ambas~or; 12; Ultimate Frisbee: 9. 10; Crew (9: Varsity 10. 11, 12 Captain)
II Seniors
Text Message
Edit Thomas Preston Walk.r
Ry.n JOMph We.then
"Don't act like you're not
-Never let the fear of striking out get in your way: - Babe Ruth Soccer (9; N 10; Varsity 11. 12)
Impressed:¡ Ron Burgundy, Anchorman \.5C; 11; Crew (9; Varsity 10, 11, 12); SWImming (Varsity 9,10)
Reid Rothwell Worster
J...... H. R. Worthington
"It's never crowded along the extra mile;' Wayne Dyer Forum: 9, 10. 11, 12; Intramurals: 9, 10,11; LSA Tutoring: 9, 10, 11, 12; LSC:
"life goes by pretty qUickly; if you don l stop and look around. you
9,10,11,12; Summer Service: 10, 11; NHS: 11, 12; Student Ambassador: 9,10,11,12; Student Council: 9,
might miss it: - Ferris Buel1er EngIneering Club: 11; LSA TutOring: 10,12; Summer service: 10, 11: NHS: II,l2;OutdoorTrackUV9,10, 10; Cross Country (N 9, 10. 11; Varsity 12)
11, 12; Water Polo (Varsity 9, 10. 11 Manager); Swimming (Varsity 9, 10 Manager); Golf (Varsity 10,11,12)
Jlnyoung Yoon
Lov.n C. Young
'Sleep well. play well, eat well." - Unknown Chinese Club: 11, 12; International
"This is stupid: ~ Andrew Hussie
Students Program: 11, 12 (President)
Aeronautics Club; 9; Computer Club: 10;lSC 10; Stage Crew: 11,12; Football (9)
Phillip M.tth.w Zmlnd. 'Why not just say goodbye to the
bad thIngs? Say goodbye to all the ltmes you felt lost. to aU the times it was a "No¡ instead of a 'Yes", to
all the scrapes and bruises, to aU the heartache. Say goodbye to @wrythlngyouwantedtodofor the last time. The good things will always be here waiting for you: lily Aldrin. How I Mer Your Mother Art dub: 10, 11; Chorus: 11, 12; Creative Writmg dub: 11; French Club; 11;Gazebo; 11; NHS; 11, 12; Theatre; 10, 11, 12 (lead); Yearbook: 11, 12 (Editor-in-Chief); Crew (9)
Class of 2014
L·R: Nlc:k Maoa. Tom M(Claln, Nick lucklay, Nkk StIC(D, o.nnlJ Fal.,..
Mlck 'a"att, .nd And,_ PotH damonltrate the Iplrlt of brotherhood at l.5aIl•.
T'hom.s .nd 51_
khmfb ItOp fOl' • photo before aLi S.I~ klotball
• '"
L·R: Nkl109mlo. Rf'Id Worner, ,.~,c:. (unnn", Kalth saWr1I,.nd 0 ..... Cox .ppr_ of this
study Wluion.
o.r...."-' _III his nand up rovtlMa' Llughlng ~tt.n.
'" Seniors
Text Message
Brand.n 0.1, Is .mued by Jam., Palmer's perform.n,. on the plano.
S.m Vf'(chlone geu Into ttl.- Chriu.-s spirit.
Eddie D.Angleis ,how. off his (ilulklng skills on
tM Gulf Summe, S...k. trip to
O,I•• nl.
Bill Mathis Is about to kick out .. Ustyg._ U La $.Illl"sOpen House.
Chris Jntrumbskl 'pprov.s of his mlll,t
Th. Poor M'...·s Sup~r.
Will 0.1'....' dKld.s to
cou... t ty." c.... II"'CI h. hurd 1hlt .\1." c.... counls. p.lmtr down thl hO\lM with hll d.ulClll ~rforma...ct.t the Aw.rds ASHmbl,.
A...dr_ Po'~ ....d .,........... O'Oon",11 behind the SClnts.1 WfXJI'.
Text Message
L·R: L....I Hardy, lal,.
Fr.nldin, Shil". Lawls, 'nd Chrb LMI., uke some rein: together in th, U1f.1tf'l.a.
L..IDiI"ls~t" crowd with. soI.o '11~ Ja.z.z
Abovr. 0." Spinelli tKill,," • book ,.ant from
'rolh., J'rMJlutler.nd Mr. O'Toole nth, Honors COft't9UtIOl'l.
Tyler Ounn1nt- T)1e' Fallon. 'nd Caley Cumpstone .... MYI"g w.ytoo mudl fun Ie.minll c.lculus.
Members of the (1.11 of 2014 wlten the)' were wee
MdI: Films tfMI st.,e with 8renn.n O·Don_Il.s 8r_ _ n begins his sl.nd up routi.... t L1l1thlng M.lten.
len FillXu.-,kl.nd Nkk Dusln,,.t down 11 theSenlor hom.
... Seniors
Text Message
Rylln Abtollllnd Mlck
allrr.l'.,. rudy to gilt things flo1ng.t gr,ldllition.
Mike Mullin hll. II tough commute without hll liell"H.
John Blank.mllye, II , ••II)'lInjo)lI"9 this MIni.
We are Social Explorers. La Salle College High School has always prided itself Otl its atlt\osphere of brotherhood atld respect atld the 201 HO 14 school year was tlO differetlt. Whether it was itl the statlds at sportitlg evetlts or itl the seats at theatre, chorus, or batld perforlt\atlces, La Salle studetlts were always there to support each other; acktlowledgitlg the It\atlY atld various taletlts of the studetlt body. The setlse of colt\lt\utlity atld brotherhood was palpable at each school gatheritlg itl the gylt\, the chapel, atld the auditoriult\, atld itl each atld every classroolt\, each atld every day.
B,low: Mr. CI.... (ookin' his d,UdO\ls burg,n fo, Itud,nu on Ur~n Imm,rslon
ervice IS mOrc about commllment than anything else; commitment (0 following the eumple of ChrISt 2nd helpmg 211 rh,lI ....' t :art able to. It is wdl known thu urvice is an intcgul pan of the Las,al¡ experience. Summer service gives uudents the opportunity to nrc for communincs all across the g1o~.
For me personally. I have gone on two sum-
mer service trips. the most rtcent of these being the Caribbun miuion [0 Sr. Lucia. \Vhile St. Lucia is known for irs luxurious reson destinations, mere is a large majority ofthe isbnd that is stricken by po'-' crry. \\'c .....ere invohocd with v.uious projects across the isl.and includingruroring, food distribution. and bUlldmg (UIOranan. In :addition to this, exposure ro the people and the culture in St. Lucia wu a once in ;II Iifenmc experience, ;md g;....e to me fu more than I could e\'l.'r hope to glVI.' to thl.' peopll.' ofSt. Lucia. -Li:l.m Rcc\'cs '14
Right: On UrNn Imm,rslon, Sun HKk (h.ll,ng'la )'ounggirl to a gam, of numbers.
Phil Zmlnd. Doing a summer service trip to Arizona this past summer was one of the most fulfilling, rewarding experiences I have ever had. To see the degree of poverty in an area unfamiliar to us and to make a difference in the lives of the people there was fantastiC, and I am so glad I decided to go, Right: Urban Imm,rslon Group 41.k,. K,ni( ,rollp photo in f.ont of the e,n Franklin Brldg, Abo",,: Stud,nu on the Na",a}o Nation Exp'mnce tak, In the b,.athtaklng ,n",lronment tMt Is the Arl:rona d'Mrt.
It Summer Service
lett: lilngnon Ellison "4 SWilpS wortl time for plily time to gl"e his new friend. plggybHk ride In Boli"liI.
left: Doug Mkhle"4 kn_. how to bring 'I smile to the kid. ofSt.ludil'" tacH.
Summer Service
#ProjectAppalachia til: Activities
#OperationGulKoast Activities
1. Nkk I(rocfthoH I. tM definition of II lediu' mlln. 2.neuTllktASeme. J.le S.lIe 5Oph_e. lind IMlr dllte. put the brllke. on 1heln1en,e group dllndng to get II photo
\J1nTe~ FOIU1AL #FormalButFun
Following 8 Followers 512 Favorites 123
> > > > >
4. Senior. Mlln McCllrry lind l(el1h le. with their dllt.' reed)' for their Illn l.lI S.lle fOrmll1. S. Joe Gerngrou Ittempu 101r)'out .omeof hi. new movu with 1h,l.dI1l5.6. At the behen of the underdllumen. '1udent council Pre.ldent Jilek Film. nlunU hi' e.o1lc dine' move.
@JackFarris_14 Sure, Ididn't want to embarrass anyone by danong, but (orne on people, I'm real~ not that bad'
Winter Formal
[Cancel] @Colin_Murtha
Junior Prom was amazing - one [or the agesl Ijrprorn
1. Juniors Matt Sc:h.rgel. 8 •• ndt Pnl,ntl. Jam" Durkin, and Colin Murthll showing th", true tolon on the dane. floor. 2. Gr.nt Jon.s uks hlld.t. to dil"n or eNoll,ng" h•• lo.n nm •••nllng much1 You mllb th, (,II. 1. Mike
Ooyl•••sJuS! told h. (an .«".11, d.n<tl
<#DanceTheNightAway < Following 13 < Followers 460 <
Favorites 98
4. Juniors .nd th.l. dilt.s Ip.n1 the night trying 10 figu •• out just how romeo"el" the 80s might d"nc•. S.l. S.It. nud.nts and th.'rd.t.s .rrl.... • t th" prom. 6. Th, theme ofth. night: ·110.... th.80s-
Junior Prom
1. flI.I .lnnlUll Sillnt l..I SilU.llturgy fOl" th. 201]2014 "hool )'Ur. 2. '.It Tic:..c.fTOll'16 tp~nol, Nkk SonUlg '15, Joe MIII.r·16. Ry.ln Sil.. Mlk. Mullin '14, Phil %mInd.. "4, M.ltth•• kh.lrg.l '15, Colin O'Malley '15, .lnd John Connolty '15 provide the musk fOl"the liturgy. 3. S41nlOl" H.lrry Dktrich Iftds the contrtog.ltlon In the ''''Y''r of the Fillthful durinl theChristtnils IltvrlY
> #CelebratingOurFaith > Following 1 > Followers 1162 > Favorites 425 > --l-U~f1eS
4. Mr. O'Tool. d.lI",rs.l spilKh.l1 the 5t.l..I5.1n. IltvrlY. 5. Ftth.r Jtnton pints uhes on It.,1 O.l.,ls'forth..d,.I symbol ofovrChristl.lnlty. 6. JunIors tnd th• .lnnu.l1 5umm.r S41rvlc. Commlsslonlnl Mus.
Tweet @Ischs Students, Parent>, and Faculty gather fa< the Summer Service (ommisliolllng Mass lleaveToServe I
II Liturgies
Cancel @Jonah_Lebiedzinski Branch Out Day really showed me the joy in helping others. All of the people who we helped were just happy to see that we care.
1. Freshmen de.ning upthe SI'HU III Our Moth,r 0' s.orr_s.l. Kevin uwn, J-.ah leblech:lnskl••nd Ky'. Mu1Ug;ln work totlth.,
On lIr"nth Out D.y. l. Beautifying thl gard,ns
< < < < <
our D~
#GrowingTogether Following 3 Followers 302 Favorites 132
... The crew.t 5t.lgnlilius Nursing lind A,habUitetlon Centlt,ln Philadelphia. S. Cl•• nlng .round thl Vletn.m Memorl.l. 6. Th, d.ds decide thlY can '"k. on mort work than thl boysthlnkl
Branch Out Day
1. Nkk u.Morte unnot btll..... the amount of good food Willl.mson's hfls to offer.~. The boys .nd theIr flth.r IlwI)'s look theIr best.
Men Of lASAlle #MenOfService
Following 7 Followers 43 Favorites 6
> > > > >
l. The M.nofll SaUel_rdOffkenlOll-1014. 4. Kevin JI""1y fIdvlMs the students Of! what h m.ens to be. uSaIIl.n gent~,,"n. S. President of1he ~ oil. Salle RIo)' Delflnt)'. 6. Orioles Part! It 'emden Yards- home to the .nnu.1 Fflthe,.Son laMb.1I Outing.
@Adam_Lagner It was agreat time spending aday with abunch of friends and their dads at the game.
1\ Men ofLa Salle
( Cancel} @Mark_Meeks 'Yo Steve, Ithink we're walking Ihis runway better than I11()\I of these models."'tu' 'bowtie 'modcls
1. Mark M... kJ and 51e" Sc:hmln....studs. 1. Pr,delttlt of Mother's Club Presld'tlt L..ur. St"lg•. 3. l,S.IIi.n gentlemen and 1"'1, proud mom." poHlo•• qukk phOloilt the Moth.,Son Communion 8,ukfut.
< < < < <
MOIHBRS ClUB #SupportSystem Following 96 Followers 57 Favorites 8
4. TtMI 2013·2014 Mothe'" Club members don th.l. hIgh h••1s fo,th, I_.el pktur•. 8roth.r JllmlS In the Moth.'I' Club? 5. Proud mom Llu Oenton and her son RUe, Denton '1. shue .. nntlm,"t.t moment.t the annual filshlon show. 6. Seniors.nd th.. l. moms d191nto the II1"m.d wunam$On's cuisine .t thl annutl Senlo. Mothlr·Son liturgy In April.
Mothers' Club
11) Steve Hudak, John Blankmeyer, and Blaine Turek share a tender moment while hypnotized as bine Collins awkwardly fourth wheels. (2) As part of the 100 Day celebration, a hypnotist comes and gives thf! wholf! class a good time. Kevin Hurley instructs the volunt. .rs to fall asleep after being hypnotized.ll) Kevin Hurley attempts to converse with a drowsy Steve Hudak about his favorite animal.14J Instructing them to cheer more to deepen thf! hypnosis, Kevin Hurley speaks aside to the audience. [5) Agroup of seniors pose with Alex Panetta, voted "Best Volunteer" by the audience.
Following Followers Favorites
II Senior Night
255 10
> > >
Cancel @AaronSosnader If you skipped Seniol Night, that was probably the worst decision of your life.
[61 AI' prof.ulonal, ka.lln Hurlt)' (o.chas Dr. Hudak and Nuts. ',natt_through th. plllnll.klng birth ofT.muTu,,,.,'s n.wborn chihuahua child. 17) Alth. "lllm_t.l.dill.' man. AI•• slow d.lncu wlth th, gltl th.t's b•• n ,,1I,ln9 him -th.look- from ,c,on the dub.1I night, .. mk st.nd. [II Th. 'tol"nt• .,s
't. unabl, to .,sl,1 the urge to .hlne. and bUll .. mov. on 11.9'.19) A group of nnlo'l .r. 10 . .dIed .bout the h)'pnoUU'I,how thu th..,.
.Ustand on lOP ofth.l,chalrs to get tIMlHst vi•• poulbla.[lOI Ch. .rinll tham on. Chrlsti.n M.ndnl, RUIt)' o."lon, Mllrt o.Sant;,.nd Rkh
61l, "',th•••ncour'g' the volu"tnN to .ct rldiculo",ly.
Senior Night
II Student Life
1. St..... P"I'14 rodts ~t"t Opecn H~ .... l.l-R:Tom Jo)'Ce '14, Will 0......., '14, and Paul Roml '15 Ih_ off their _arel for their ...ortr; on Urban Imrnenlon.l. joeMillet"¡16. levi Oa"b '14, and Tom McG"han '14 keep h (001 at the La SaleAudlon. 4. o.,ek Bitz... '14 tries not to let his schoolwork drive him ern,. S. SenlorsCo,.,.ltrch, Bill fnlsco, Z1Ilre franklin, and lev' Ha,d, I'''d the charfln the Pep lUll,for6 AIC. 6.. ~lUi ... )'OUr hand If you don't want to tak' this AP 'Il:am.~ 1. Collin Glongo, Brian Pike, and Connor WlIII"ms strike a pose at the Junior hom. e. John McGranaghan, Wilt Delane" end lrend.n Keenan .re the -Prote<ton oftne Throne- at Field Oa,. t. B,lan Mischl., '11 geu the crowd pumped up n. pecp raU,. 10. M,. Chtsnlk presides O"er .notherthtllllng Gllbll Guess It Field 01,. 11, Oan Spinelli '14 adds a righteous stand up routln' to hls.lreld, Impr.ul"'e repertoire. 12. The Explo,er pOstS with on. of s.....'al Pel 'hubc:aps' won Ihls ,ear. 13. Mr. McGovern '09 stops for a photo with his good friend, Guftlb" n th'l. ble Auction.
Student Life
#ArguingAndSuccess t
the Y:alc UnlvcrSlty tourn:llmcnt the junior policy dcb.uc
rums of Conar Hogan/Jack Grogan and John Curran/
--_!...~ Eric Kinddan were declared co-champions. ~nior Kevin
Gay wu named (OP speaker and Andrew Durkin placed fourth overalL Senior :lind President of the tu.m, Danid Spinelli, had an enormously successful season and was the o\'ef211 champion of Lincoln-Douglas Dehue :11( the St. Joseph's Uni\'culty Tournament. Senior Tim McAuliffe led the speech tam this rear and wu a Semifinalist in Original Oratory and a Quat. (crfinalist In Prose/Poetry :1[ the prcsngious Emory Uni¡ '-culry tournament. At the Penn tournament, senior Reid Worster ;advJ.nccd to the Semifinal Round of Exrcmpon. ncous Spukmg. and Junior John Curran advanced to the Semifinal Round ofCongressional Dtb;lu~. At Stues, Grog;ln ;lnd Hog;ln were the numbtor one over;lll seed and finished u the tOP rwo speakers, respectively. The learn of Gay/Durkin lost in fin;lls of the same tournamenr. D;ln Spinelli C;lme in third in Lincoln-Dougbs, and Junior Connor Williams ;lnd McAuliffe ruched the finals in Persuasive Speaking. Junior Man Schugel wu a finalisr in Congression;l] Debate, Addirionally, fout students (Gay. Durkin. Spinelli, and Grogan) qualified ro rhe N;lrional Speech :I.nd Debate tournamenr in Kans:l.$ Ciry. Fin:l.lly, in rhe local Phil:l.dclphi;l C:l.tholic Forensics Lugue the re:l.m took home irs third straighr over:l.lI Speech :I.nd Debare City Ch:l.rnpionship. â&#x20AC;˘ Kevin G;ly '14
Right: Eric Klnd.I"" .nd John (un.n ~.k In Ylctor)' with .w.rd.
Jack Grog~ln The team had one of its most successful seasons From Policy Debate, to Uncoln~Douglas, to Speech e...ents, e...eryone In ol...ed helped ele...ate the team to national prominence, while racking up tons of indi idual awards at the same time.
RI9ht:Wlnn.r.oflh.... InYlt.tlon.' R.ld Wor.t.r, Andr.w DurkIn, Juk Grog.n, (onor Hot.n, D.n Spln.lIl. lit.yln .nd Connor
It. Speech and Debate
Abon: Polley Dtb." man.r. Conor Hogan, lit.yln John Cunan, Jack Grotan, Colin Hoffman, Eric IUnd.lan, Chrlnlan Marblt, tnd Andr_ Durtdn atthtlr first tournamant oftlla ,.aratWan For.1t UnIYtrllt,.
TheT..m; Lefe to Rlght; Puntel "5, Fred Blunt "6, Atex Panetta '14, Kevin Gay '14, Shawn Roblnlion '16, Matt S<;hergel '15, Diln Spln.1ll "4, Jilek Grogan " S, ConOf' Hogan "5, Nkk Pettaedo '16, nm M<;Auliff. "4
Speech and Debate
Abo.,.: As chor_graphar Andy La., James Durkin l.adI1h. chorulln the famoullap-Nsed "'udl1lon Numbe,. Right: ...Ithough 11 may 1M dlHkult10 dance In IhOM gr..n costumes. Mar" Lawler (MSJAI. Colln MunNo. Rachel las Iura (MSJA). and Luk. O'... ng.111 h look ...y. Right: IrNdway.ur lilly LawtM. pleyed by Joe Mele, ..renMle. the .hy "'lIentown lNgeant girt plt9!1y Sawyer. played by Erica Clionclulll (M5J"'I, and encourage. her to audl110n for the musical Pntty
It Spring Musical
l.ft:J_ M.I. ,ln9' the dauk ~Dam.,~ as )lo~,"g women danu around him. ,ta)lln9 trua to the ,on9', tit la,
his year's spring musinl w;as 42nd Strett, writttn by Mich;ad Stew;art ;and Muk Br;amblt. The music;al tells tht Story of musical director Juli;an Mu,h (Vito Scuni 'IS), who nics to pUt on .a show during the Depression. With the show Ixingltd by· w.ay wiz Billy L.awlor Uat Mde '16) .and w.ashtd.up div.a Dorothy Brock (Been Bo}'den 'IS, MSJA) :and supported by Brock's dadd{ Abntt Dillon Uohn SchoeneW2ld '14). the show seems to be coming togethtt. Howtver, e\-erything ch.angu when e.agtr Bro.adw.ay newcomtt Peggy S.awyer (Er· ic.a Ci.anciulli '14, MSJA) finds her w.ay into the CUI. Wilh the hdp of the entirt CUt of P~ny L.ady, the talented young girl becomcs .a gre.arer ,tU she could ever h.ave im.agined, 42nd Street W2S .a show full of ()\.' d:ance numbers, up routines, humor, .and dr.lma. The up in the ,how i, some of the most difficult OUt Ihe~, and with mosr of the cut h.aving no experience with tap, it undtrsrood the show ~'Ould Ix.a ch.a!lenge, LuckIly, all the work pUt into the ,how p.aid ofT. The show sold our every night, .and broke .an .all-time utend.ance record 2t L.a S.alle. By highlighting the school's diverse t:alent pool through the songs, d.ances, music, SCI, .and .acting. L.a Salle's production of 42nd Street crtated;l wholt ntw world on sugt, and btcamt ont of the most SUCCtssful shows in La S.alle's history. ·Phil Zmind.a, '14
Joe Mele Being involved in La Salle's production of 42nd Street was an incredible experience. With the help of our dedicated production staff, the cast and crew were able to put together a phenomenal show that would go down in La Salle theater history, having the highest attendance record of any past production.
The Cast of 42nd Street
42nd Street
Below: Determined to win the m-'<h, J.,ed Bun<h prep.,e. to hIt .Iow b.1I <om In; .thlm.
11 Tennis
Right: L1kea wall, Charlie Newell blocks the opponent's hit and sends It rlght bilCk ilt him. Fitr right: Eric: Bunting eilSil)' hits batk a high ban tomlng toward him.
Franz Wagner With losing many senior starters from last year, the team knew we had to dig deep within ourselves and find the strength to come together in order to have a successful season. Now, we have a pel title.
Sean Furgluele The tennis team is a dose group of guys who all share a passion for the sport. It just so happens that we're extremely good at it. too.
Above: Ryan Abell looks giddy he prepares to swing his rKket.
4 5
4 2
2 5
5 3 4 5 5
5 5 5 2 1
The La Salle Boys Tennis team had an outstanding season. This year, there were sellen Starters to lead the team consisting of Peter DeWitr, Ryan Abell. Charlie Newell. Franz Wagner, Eric Buming, Luke DeAngelis. and Jared Bunch. Tile staners led tbe odler members of the ream-John McGranaghan. Russell Newell, Nick Ventresca, Eric Thomas, Scan Furgiude, and Mike DeAngelis- for a successful season culminating in a league title. The team won the Pennsyillania Catholic League Championship oller St. Joseph's Prep 5-0 and went on to win District 12 City Championships againstCenrral High School 2-1. Ryan Abell and Charlie Newell made dleir way to the finals oftile Districr 12 Doubles Championship; Peter DeWitt won rhe District 12 Championship in Singles and adllanced to the quanerfinals of the PIAA State Championship. All seven starlers on the tum receilled first-team All-Catholic honors for their excellent performance, dedication. and hard work. while Peter DeWitt was named the MVP in rhe Carholic League. Overall, rhe guys had a great season and La Salle Tennis has high expectations for next year. â&#x20AC;¢ Peter DeWitt'14
o o 4 1
o o 2
o o 1 3
til: Lacrosse
Far Right: Zuh Dn,ke evades a defender. Right: Cody Mnurek watche. play on the fl,ld, wailing for his opportunity to strlk,.
Matt laudadio This season has been an uphlll battle to say the least. We started out looking like we might not make the pel playoffs, but with everyone's hardwork, we are able to be one of the eight teams still chasing the gold in Hershey.
Blaine Turek We worked hard year round to achieve that hubcap. With aU our ups and downs, Iwouldn't want to play with any other group of guys than the ones I played with this year. la Salle lacrosse rallied together in the end to create a memorable season.
Above: Nick Buckl,y hustling to get to the play.
8 0
2 5
5 6
6 9
2 3 0 2 4 12 0
7 6 3 16 12
6 4 11 2 6 0 0 6 4 7 5
o 19 20 11
o 3 4 17 8 9
The 2014 Explorers looked to rebound off an unforgettable 2013 season with a gtOUp of ambitious seniors ready for a repeat as Sure Champs. Alongside an unbelievable group of underclassmen, senior captains Steve Hudak, Mart Laudadio, Mike Rihm, and Nick Buckley, looked to get this ream back to the promised land-a trip to Hershey for another state ride. \Vith incredible goaltending by Colin MacDougall alld a high powered offensive arrack led by Aidan Kerrigan and Mitch SouOeris, this young tum blossomed <It the right time. A couple ofreally tough losses carlyon to Malvern Prep, Calvert Hall, and The Hill Academy had La Salle bartle-ready when the beginning of May came around. Z.1Ich Drake's gO.1l1 with 8.8 seconds left to beat St. Joseph's Prep in the PCL Championship game sparked a Lt Salle run deep into May. LaSalle is currently two days away from the state quarterfinal match .1Igainst Penncrest, and is eager to see rhe team's hard work throughout the year payoff in June. - Nick Buckley '14
W.,d Field: bom. to the ~ s.u. bploretS ""HlI T.lm.
hr Right: Gunning down the m,n trying to ste,1 stcondbu•. Nur Right: Nick Oumo rudl.s nth. pl,t•.
Adam Arcadia I'll miss this team next year because the guys are very close, and we love playing together. These past few seasons playing for La Salle have taught me that in order to succeed, hard work is essential.
Brad Schneider We had a ton offun playing together throughout the season. The team fell short of a hubcap this year, but we feel that we can acheive our ultimate goal of winning the state championship in the summer.
AboY.: Bred Schneld.r nlils off his tumm,tt, ,Yoldlnge b.d situ.tlon.
BASEBALL PJtch,! Oom Cuocl dlt.M; ,lin)' oppon.nt with his .sign'tur. bnb,lI. .:
8 15 14 3 11 6 9 12 4 8 6 15 7 1 11 1 0 7 S 9 4 S
• J
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Coming inro rhe 2014 season, La Salle Baseball faced rhe challenge of defending their first Catholic League title in eight yeats. The Explorers, led by a yeteran lineup of six seniors and four juniors, were up ro the rask. La Salle featured strength in all four phases of rhe game - hining, base running. pitching, and fielding - allowing the Explorers ro cruise to a 12-3 regular season record and easily capture first place in the Red Diyision. Offensively, rhe team enjoyed resounding success, led by First-Team All-Carholic captains Nick Dermo and Dom Cuoci, along with four addition:!l All-Catholic position players in Jimmy Herron, Brad Schneider, Ryan Coonahan, and Brian Buckley. The Explorers' offense was able to handily ourscore opponents with a combination of speed and power for the entirety of the season, yielding the best offensiYe Output in the Catholic League. FirstTeam All-Catholic srarters Dom Cuoci and John Scheffey highlighted the pitching staff - with Cuoci picking up League MYP and Pitcher of the Year honors - along wirh solid work Out of the bullpen by tOp relief pitcher Joe Krol. Though Carholic League Champion Neumann-Goreui fdled the Explorers in [heir queSt for a le2gue ririe, La Salle was able to claim their third consecutive AAAA DistriC[ 12 Ciry Championship, and rheir superior regular season propelled them to their rhird consecurive berrh in rhe P1AA Srate Playoffs, where they captured their second state championship in three seasons. -John Scheffey '14
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1\ Outdoor Track
Far Right: Ed Molloy races to the finish line. Near Rlghl:Track II hard work, bullt'salso pretty fun accordIng to Keith Ln.
Mike Koller The track team was always a special home for me. Even on my worst day. the team was always there to cover my back and challenge me to push my own limits.
Levi HardyThe team this year was very successful with a great season; it's hard to have a bad one when you have such great coaching under Coach Bielecki. The track and field famity has given me so much, and I am honored to be a part of it.
Above: Andrew G.,oppo determined to remain In the front of the pack.
OUTDOOR TRACK Coming off of a successful indoor season, the Explorers had an even more promising outdoor track and field season. Having won tides at PCL and Disttict 12 Championships last season, the team wenr on to win Districr 12 Championships again this year, as well as boast some individual standouts. A rare feat occurred in which three arhleres qualified in the 100m finals ofPCLs (sophomores Charles Headen and Marvin Moore, and senior Levi Davis, III), two of whom placed (Headen lst, Davis 6th), Senior Levi Hardy impressively ran the 400m Intermediate Hurdles at Colonial Relays in 56 seconds, earning 1st place, At Penn Relays, the 4xlOO and 4x400 u':ams ran times of 44.28 and 3:31seconds, respectively.
Sophomore Charles Headen broke a decades-old record in ehe 100m sprint ae a blisttring
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10.75 seconds, whilejumpers Eddie Eason 'IS, Tabri.: Bumpas 'IS and Alex Sislo '18 posted state meet qualifying marks in pole vaulr and triple jump, Bumpas and Sislo ranked at ht and 2nd place at District Champs. "Perfect the process," seasoned coach Greg Bielecki always says. Indeed, the process of h:lrd work and dedic:ltion to the SpOrt instilled by routine, intense practices, and the will to win led to the Explorers' success on and off the track this season, and rhe ~perfecr process" will hopefully get the Explorers another championship neXt season. . Levi Davis '14
Outdoor Track
left: Seeing how dose the competition Is, Evan Funchlon pushes th,lightw,ight a to push up the stroke rat•. Far I,ft: After wInning the va race at the City Championships, Joe Plnnola· Vlua '14 lifts up the plaque the boat won with pride.
Pat Clark La Salle Crew, class of 2014, has done things no other class before them has done. Iam proud to call every single one of them my brothers.
Abcrtfp: The stem .. of the 2nd Varsity' worllsln unison to push their boat down the ri.... r.
Sam Vecchione I learned just as much on the water as Idid in the classroom. Skills like communication, teamwork, and perseverance simply cannot be learned to the same extent as they were on the river and in the erg room.
CRElN La Salle crew began its fall season wirh a bir of chaos because of the vacancy of rhe head coaching position. However. that situation was quickly fixed when chemistry reachet and former freshman coach Mr. Mieczkowski was appointed head coach. The team, already familiar with Coach Mitch and his coaching style, was excired ro find our rhat he got the job. The Explorers worked hard under Coach Mitch and wenr on to have one of the most successful fall seasons the ream has seen in years. The team finished the fall season with a tenth place finish:lt the prestigious Head of the Charles Regatta and a first pl:lce finish.:u the Head of rhe Schuylkill Regart.a. The team would continue to work h.ard all winter in anticipation of having a su((essful spring .season. Afrer four months oftough indoor wimer training the finally hit the river. The Explorers' hard work paid off, with many boats thriving throughout rhe season. This hard work and dedicated training eulmin.ated with wins at the Phil.adelphia City Ch.ampionship by rhe Varsity 8 .and rhe Lightweight 8. The ream will lose a srrong senior class ofsixteen rowers, cigln of whom were recruired to row in college. However, rhe should still see nothing but success nexr year under the guidance ofCoach Mirch and his staff. -Tyler Little '14
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~ Crew
Below: The whole VB .nd Couh Mleczkowlkilift up lhe Irophy 1.lumphenlly efte. winning the City Ch.mplonlhlp.
Coach Mieczkowski likes this.
Filr left: No olle UII stop 8lU Frusco Olleil he sets his eyes 011 the 51oilllille. Neilr left: WIII5I Stilphl!lI SehmlU endes illI 0PPollellt ilnd 51ets to the 51oillllll! iI' hi. teilmmilte. block for him.
Tamar Turner Rugby not only taught me a new sport but allowed me to come together with my brothers just one last time. Although we came up short, the rugby team's second season was still a great year, and Iwould not trade that experience for anything.
Above: R...kwoll CuweUgou illithe WilY to the house for the try.
Peter Brooks Our season may not have ended as well as we would ha\le wanted it to, but it was a great one regardless. We all became closer both as teammates and as La Salle brothers.
RUGBY The 2013·2014 La Salle Rugby teOlm hOld 01 greu year and WOlS undefeated in regulOlr Se:.l.son pby. Throughout the se:.l.son the te:.l.rn f:.l.ced Allentown, SOllesianum, and Conesroga in scrimmOlges, before beating Cardin:.l.l O·H:.I.ra, Bonner, St. Joseph's Prep, Gregory the Greu, Olnd Second Ciry Troop in the regular season. Coming into the second seuon of the sport's existence at La Salle, mOlny experienced players from rhe team lut season teamed up with new and inexperienced players to form this year's squad. Members of the team quickly went from teammates to brothers, going to war with each other every Sunday until early MOlY, There were a few games that stick OUt above the rest from this seOlson. The first WOlS the game deemed the "Mud Bowl", which was a matchup OlgOlinsr Monsignor Bonner on Meehan Field. The conditions were incredibly sloppy, but the La SOllle team had "slipped and s[ided~ their way to victory. Anothet big win canle against St. Joseph's Prep in the first ever match-up between rhe teams. The Explorers won in dramatic fashion, bearing the Prep in injury time. The season was sadly Cll[ short in the State Quarter Finals:.l.s La Salle fought hard but suffered a diuppointing loss. Overall, it was a famastic season and dle future looks bright for La Salle Rugby. -Joe Fra2er '14
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1\ Rugby
atlow. Thing. gt! Inttn... in tht
~ Coach Derrick likes this.
F,r L.ft: Owen Mor,n gets his h.nds uptoblock, Nur Left: Ben hbinewskl.nd Tyler Cosd. block '1S's spike,
Riley Denton As a first year athletic program, we weren't expecting a nearly undefeated season this year. But with a lot of hard work, dedication, and great coaching, the yolleyball team was able to pull off a successful opening season, exceeeding my and everyone else's expectations.
Aboye: Nick Dusing sets hIs for the n..1spike
Joe Kelley I didn't know how much work volleyball was actually going to be, but it paid off in the end as we brought home the PCl Championship. The team really came together as a whole, and it turned into a great season with these guys,
VOLLEYBALL The inaugural PCL Boys Volleyball season could not have gone better for rhe Explorers. Since ir was the program's firSt year, both the J V and Varsity rums (wirh the ell:cepdon of tWO players) had little [Q no experience in the SpOrt. However, the team had an insatiable will to learn and ger bener, which showed during rhe season. The ream was led by caprains Nick Dusing '14 and Ben Fabiszewski '14 along with Eddie Devlin '15. After scrimmages with Sr. Joseph's Prep, Roman Catholic, and Lansdale Catholic, it was clear that La Salle Volleyball was a strong team. This sentiment continued into the regubr season, where the Ell:plorers went 13-1 in the C:ttholic League, only losing one match ro Archbishop \Vood, who they defeated rhe following week in a home game. When the pbyoffs started, both La Salle and irs rival Archbishop Wood received a bye into the semifinals. Wood played a rough game against Roman Catholic. who they had failed to defeat during the r(gubr season, but defeated during the semifinals ro advance, La Salle easily won their semifinal game over Cardinal O'Hara three games to none. In the PCl Championship held at Cairn University, La Salle took the early lead, winning game one. Wood fought back in game two, but La Salle kept its composure and won the second and third games, winning the PCL Championship 3-1. Three days later, La Salle lost to George Washington for a state-seeding march, then to Central York High School, the favored sran: champions, bringing La S::dle's grear season TO an end. The players, however. are hopeful about La Salle Volleyball's bright future, - Eddie Devlin '15
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Billow: Nick OU$lng end Connor CUllY look 0.. to $111111 RlIlIY OIl..ton'l "lIrtlUII II rull)' .lIlt'l cruklld up to N.
Coach KUllan likes this.
1. Let the g.mes beglnel the student body errlvesln the "udltorum forthll O~nlng Ceremony. 2. Thelophomore ch"mplonllquare off against the freshmen In the TU!l-of-Wer chanenge.). Harry Dittrich's only gOII: do not drop the buon, 4. Blind-folded'l pretty difficult
#WinOrShame Following 152 Followers 1165 Favorites 64
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S. The Pit, where hot dogs are elten, the band jams out, students rein, and teachers get felenllessly put In the dunk tank. 6. Mrs, Ponlsdak's two-time senior homeroom champs of 10D. 7, Zllre Franklin and Mike Flanigan
l\ Field Day
Cancel @TimLoughery_S get your popocorn ready ladies and gentlemen, it's about 10 be ashow IIschs IfiddDay
e. Celebrllling viclor)' in Tug-of-Wu. 9. Field Oil)' (o"'~tltlon or World', Strong.51 Mllnl10. Outdoor g.mes IIren't the only thing to do lit Field Oil". These kids ulIlocked Into Iln Intenn gllmeo'T...s Hold 'Em
Field Day
ltf1;JOI DIAndr•• l"joys1he rendition of ~8ulld MI Up Buttercup· by 'Colon,'.nd th, Boys'
B,low: Connor Higgins 'Inds I quiet tlmlto think
Below: LI.den of KllrOI]7-96 De~k Iltnr, a.n hbbuwlkL Tom WII"r, Andr_ Kn_ln. Brenn'" O'Donnell. Aeld Worst..., Andr_ G.,oppo, lind Hm f,.nch
Kairos 37-93
tt Kairos Retreats
Kairos 37-94
B.I_l.h; John Sllnk.m.,.r Ih.res hll ItOry whll•• I"d.r on the retr"t
Kairos 37-95 .
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Kairos 37-98
Kairos Retreats
• 1. Thomal Schmitz Ilrlnadll hll dlte with a romantic plano ballad.l. Ja<k Furll: King of Prom. l. Mr. Turner fill he wal milling out on allthl pleturel. Conlequently, he thought hl'd photobomb onl.
senl~~ P~~M #Fancy Following 0 Followers 255 Favorites 731
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•. Blake ROlenn and hll dati. S. Phil Zmlnd. and Alfie McCrtalhufflln' off to prom. 6. Studlntl crowd thl dance floor once It open•. 1. Jack Grlgor Introducel hll d.tlthl Invl.lbll girl
ll; Senior Prom
•. Sean Gr.enberg. NIck Dermo, J_ KUK, Andre... Oor.n, and Brad Schneid,. enJorln9 50"11 ••fr.-hm,nll. 9. Whll', mot. stylllh th.n riding In, 'roUe, to promll0. Tom W.lker, Matt McCool, 8en F.bbl.....skl. Tom Schmitz and th,l. dlt.s
48 Tweet @Thomas_Schmitz18
Oelpjte the lack of professional snowboarders at La Salle prom. we had ice cream, so we won.
Senior Prom
1. The whole senior dilu iluembl.s In the pit on th.lilst dily of school for on.lut pictur. togelher. 2. Chorus members Phil Zmlndil, Mlb Mullin, Doug Michie, Sun Furgh,••l., Pill Ryiln, TIm McAuliffe, ilnd Eric Lopr.stlll'}' 10 hold lack th.irtun IS th.y sing "One Brud, On. Body·. 3. Honor.,)' m.mber ofth. dilu of 201. Mu. Milh.r shows off h.r n.w high uhool dlplomil. 4. Th. Gold.n hplortu p,.sent iltthe grilduiltlon cer.mony Wil.... to th.ircrowd of ildoring filns.
Following 108 Followers 256 Favorites 63
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S. Sillutiltoniln oiln Spin.lIi encourageslhe Clau of 201.10 "burn the ships· In his mo...lng sp.ech, 6. Stud.nt council president ilnd Villedlctorlan Jilek Filnls descrlb.sln his sp.ech hb uperi.nct ilt Lil Silli. ilnd Iheimpact that La Sail. had on him during his tim. ilS a student. 7. Yurbook .dltors Phil Zmlndillnd Thomil' SchmlU show off how to USI thl filncy boxes they gol for grldUII'On, using them ill dlplomil holdeu.
'" Graduation
24 Tweet
Can't beli"'" it's over. Wouldn'ltrade these past 4years for the world. n's been agood run, ~. IleaveroServe
'."Ident Brother James 8ut~radd••n.,
the n.well group of L. S.ll••Iumnl.lnd thei. f.mmes.'ter they hilY.I ,e<::.lh,ed their dlplomill. 9. MSut Ilrst.let met.h .. ,.W.t- -Mr. Flt'z5ler.ld. 10. Principal O'Toole poSitS with Marshall John E.nandu ~",d Vlu·M.lrsh.1I Grlffin Br_n.t the
AWirds C.r,mon,.
Class of 2014
Michael Bishof Congratulations Mikey! Love always, Mom, Dad and Christina Michael Chiaradonna The Chiardonna Family Zaine Collins Congratulations Zaine! Four short years ago you entered a boy and you are leaving a young man with Lasallian character. We are very proud of your growth. We wish you all the happiness and success in your future. We love you dearly and we are your BIGGEST FANS! Love, Mom, Dad, Bailey and Koda Kyle Corley Congratulations Kyle! We are all so proud of all your accomplishments. Love, Mom, Dad and Katlyn Dominic Cuoci Good Luck and God Bless Dominic CUQci and the Class of 2014.
Remember to reach for the stars and follow your dreams! Love, the Cuoci Family
Tyler Fallon Congratulations Tyler! Love, Mom, Dad and Tori
Alexander D'Abbene
Michael Fox Michael, Congratulations!! We are so proud of you! We love you! ROW TO THE STARS! Mom, Pop-Pop and Mom-Mom and the Vernacchios
Alex, You're a gentleman of integrity and compassion -- a true Lasallian! We're so proud. Use your gifts. Dream big. Serve well. Live with passion. Congratulations! Love and prayers, Mom, Dad and Ethan Eddie DeAngelis Congratulations Eddie! We are all so very proud of you and wish you the best of luck in college. Love, Dad, Mom, Joey and Geena XO Peter DeWitt Congratulations Peter DeWitt and the Class of 2014. With love, Mom and Dad Langston Ellison Congratulations Langston, we love you! Mom, Dad and Oliver
Zaire Franklin 'We ALL are proud of you, Zaire." In loving memory of Shelice N. Highsmith, mother and Juanita Bailey-Highsmith, grandmother. Chris Frazzette Chris, Congratulations on the past 4 year. We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad and Nick'll Andrew Garoppo Congratulations Andrew!!! Dad, Lauren and Stephen
David Geppert David, as we stand beside you at this juncture, between high school and college we are so proud. You exemplify a person of great integrity and promise. Our love for you is without limit. As you go off to facing life's new challenges remember the lessons of your childhood. Trust the guidance you have received to act as your rudder. Stay focused on your goals, have fun, dream big and believe. Love, Mom and Dad Keith Lee Keith, We are so proud of all your accomplishments at LSCHS. We wish you all the best in your next four years. Success is yours for the taking. We love you, Mom, Dad, Tricia
and Bridget Alexander LeGrand Congratulations Alex! We are so very proud of you! Mom, Dad and Tatiana
CJ Lorenzo Congratulations CJ - We celebrate your past accomplishments and now prepare for a future that is rich in health, happiness and
your dreams and always remember that we love you and we are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad and Matthew
much success! We are
G. Maxwell Meyers Montgomery Podiatric Associates, Inc. We are proud of you Max! Love, Mom. Dad and Gabi Rose, Michael, Noah and Lila, Carla, Steve, Emily and Jax and all the dogs!!
so proud of you! Love. Mom, Dad and Tim Colin MacDougall Congratulations, Colin! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Wishing you much success in your next chapter in life. Love, Mom and Dad Connor Martin Congratulations Connor and the Class of 2014. Sending you to La Salle was the best decision we ever made for you. Follow your dreams and we have no doubts you will be successful in
music and in life. Love, Mom, Dad and Kyle Nicholas Mazzei Nick, your years at La Salle have flown and we have watched you grow into a fine young man. Follow
Antonio Pelusi Antonio, We couldn't be more proud and we couldn't love you more! Congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad
Andrew Romano You will never know how proud we are of you. We love you. Always follow your dream, Mom and Dad
Austen Mollick To an incredible son, wonderful big brother and a friend
Black Rosenn You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you
to many. We are so
choose, you're on
proud of the boy you once were and the confident and caring man you are. Keep smiling that boyish grin! Love, Mom and Dad
your own, and you know what you know, You are the guy who'll decide where to go, Dr. Seuss
Quin Murphy Congratulations Quin! We are proud of you. David Needle The Needle Brothers Dan'9B, Paul '02, David '17
Kevin Stefanski Dear Kevin, We are very proud ofthe goals that you have achieved. We wish you continued success in your life. Love, Dad, Mom and Megan Daniel Thomas Congratulations, Dannyl Love, Mom, Dad, Sarah, Maria, Irene, Grandmom and Pop Brent Wade Brent, We are always SO proud of you. Love you, Dad, Mom and Rusty Phillip Zminda Phil, We are so proud of you and your accomplishments at La Salle. Love, Mom, Dad and Allie
Mark Rounbehler Mark, thanks for (4) great years. Continue to work hard. The
best is yet to come. Love. Mom, Dad and Gabrielle
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