September 2009 Edition of The Belcroft Newsletter

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La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

September 2009 Volume Nineteen Number 1

Dear Parents and Guardians,

With summer now behind us, it is that time of the year in which parents take special delight. Yes, they are returning to school. Your son will soon be busy with homework and lots of activities. Of course, there is that other side of which you will now hear more often – “Mom (Dad) I need a ride or have to be picked-up at … “. After a busy summer, with over 700 elementary students enjoying academic classes and camps, our campus is beginning to take on its usual look. Construction is just about complete and “punch lists” has become common terminology. A completely new school will welcome our 290 newest Explorers and our returning upper classmen will finally be able to settle into a “regular” pattern of moving throughout the various buildings. It is hard to believe that just two years ago we undertook this $38 million project. I hope you join me in stating that the effort was well worthwhile. I want to welcome our newest Explorers as they begin what will be an adventurous journey. The beginnings will be challenging with lots of new classmates, new teachers and teaching styles, and lots of older students. Encourage your son to give it some time and assure him that he will be able to manage this challenge. I look forward to welcoming the Class of 2014 on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 and seeing their development over the next four years. Our upperclassmen return after almost three months of vacation. Hopefully, many of them had a summer job and learned the value of hard work and the meaning of an “earned” dollar. They will certainly look forward to reuniting with their classmates and getting back into a routine. This summer was a trying period for many of our students with tragedy striking several of our families. Know that our school is always there to help our students during these periods. Should you sense that further help might be useful, please do not hesitate to speak to our staff about any concerns. Our Fall athletic season looks most promising and the boys have been working hard on their various conditioning programs. Join me in wishing them and their coaches a most successful and safe season. If you find your son is not involved in an after school program or service project, you want to encourage him to do so or suggest that he speak with his counselor. For your son to feel fully part of the La Salle family, he should be successful in academic growth as well as the development of his personal skills, spiritual side, and social life. I thank you for the confidence you have placed in us by choosing La Salle as the home of your son’s growth in the coming year. Your confidence in us only strengthens our teachers and staff as they work toward your son’s success and happiness. If we can help you along the way, be certain to contact us. Our parent groups are always a great place to exchange ideas and support one another in your role of parenting. I hope you will also find help in your reading of our monthly newsletter – The Belcroft, which bears the name of this property when it was purchased by the Christian Brothers in 1958 as the site of the future La Salle. You will find lots of interesting articles and information about coming school events in this publication. May you and your family enjoy a most successful 2009-2010 academic year. Sincerely yours,

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 President

Open House

Admissions Deadlines

Sunday, November 15, 2009 12:00 – 3:00 pm

Friday, December 4, 2009 (for all applications)

Scholarship/ Entrance Exam Saturday, December 5, 2009 8:30 am

Seventh Grade Practice Test Saturday, March 6, 2010 8:30 am

Monday, November 30, 2009 (for filing for Financial Aid) Friday, December 4, 2009 (for submission of academic records and teacher recommendations)

Applications Please complete the enclosed application and mail it in the envelope provided to the Admissions Office at La Salle College High School or apply online via the school’s website at

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 0284 fax

3 The Belcroft September 2009

Board of Trustees Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Chairman

The Board of Trustees of La Salle College High School works in association with the Institute of The Brothers of the Christian Schools to define and carry out the mission of the School in the tradition of the Christian Brothers. While the Board has specific duties as delineated in the By-Laws, its core responsibilities are to protect the mission, to define the strategic vision, and to direct the financial plans and resources of the School. As intended by the Province, La Salle’s Board is a governing Board of limited jurisdiction. In keeping with good Board practices, and even more importantly in harmony with the goals of Lasallian Ministry, our Board works together collegially with the President and his administration to set long-range directions, to offer advice and support as requested, and to monitor progress and effectiveness. The Board has no authority in the day to day administration or management of the School – that is strictly the responsibility of the President. Since the establishment of La Salle College High School in 1982 as an independent school, the nature and role of the Board has continually evolved. This evolution is quickening as the Institute and the newly-formed District of Eastern North America continually re-examine their models for perpetuating the vision and legacy of St John Baptist de La Salle. Throughout this process, we serve at the direction of the Provincial Head of the Institute with the commitment to continue our formation in the tradition of the Institute. Our goal is to fulfill our responsibilities with vision and compassion, and to serve as a reflection of the tradition of St John Baptist de La Salle to the stakeholders of the School, both now and in the future. La Salle’s Board of Trustees is comprised of men and women who bring unique expertise and perspectives to the challenge of leading and governing a progressive school that is guided by Roman Catholic principles and steeped in a rich Lasallian tradition and heritage. In addition to the elected Trustees, three senior members of the Christian Brothers Community are assigned by the Provincial Visitor to represent the Institute in accordance with the By-Laws. The President of the School is an Ex-Officio member of the Board. As part of the Strategic Vision approved by the Board in May 0f 2004, the President of the Alumni Association was added to the Board as an Ex-Officio member.

The Board is a working board. The work of the Board is primarily performed at the Committee level, and the purpose of the quarterly Board meetings is to elicit a discussion that draws on the skills and knowledge of the Trustees to address selective issues. The Committees officially meet four times a year, but through their task forces and sub-committees individual Trustees meet on an almost-weekly basis. La Salle College High School is an outstanding place of learning and growth whose history is surpassed only by its potential for the future. The Board seeks to foster that potential by governing with a keen understanding of the needs and interests of each of the stakeholder groups that make up La Salle. We welcome your insights and ideas. Feel free to write to me at or contact any of the Trustees by finding their email address in the Board directory on the La Salle website. Last May, the Board acknowledged the significant contribution of seven women and men whose term of board service to La Salle ended in June. Six of these Trustees served for six or more years, which included a period of significant change at La Salle, and their vision and personal commitment has made a lasting imprint on our School. They played key roles in the development and implementation of the Strategic Vision that was approved by the Board in May of 2004. Included in this group is Mr. Al Gabriele, who served for six years as a trustee and then five years as the first lay Chairman of the Board. These are: Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC Brother James L Butler, FSC Brother Timothy Froelich, FSC Mr. A. J. Gabriele Mr. Anthony Gillespie ‘68 Mr. Timothy Hughes ‘72 Sister Matthew Anita MacDonald, SSJ Mr. William A. Whiteside, Esq. ‘46

In addition to the voting members, members of the Administration are invited to participate in the full Board and Committee meetings, and as part of the 2004 Strategic Vision six faculty members volunteer and are assigned by the Chairman and President to serve on one of the four Committees. Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Chairman Board of Trustees

4 The Belcroft September 2009

Office of the Principal Joseph L. Marchese Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians, The renovation project at La Salle is complete. After twenty-seven months of noise, dust, and disruption, your sons will walk into a new, state-of-the-art facility that they can proudly call “home”. We are very thankful to Keating Construction for getting this ambitious project done on time and under budget. If you have not yet had a chance to visit the “new” La Salle, I encourage you to take a walk around the building. You will see new offices, classrooms, conference rooms and courtyards – and you will be able to observe this in the comfort of a completely air conditioned building. We are truly blessed to have a facility like this and the financial support of alumni, parents, benefactors, and friends that made this dream a reality. I would like to draw your attention to some very important dates in the month of September. On Tuesday, September 8, 2009, we will have Freshman Parent Orientation Night at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. This is an excellent opportunity for parents who are new to La Salle to get answers to common “nuts and bolts” questions. Also, on Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 7:00 pm, we will have our “Back to School Night”. Please take advantage of this opportunity to follow your son’s roster and meet his teachers. You will not only get an overview of each of your son’s courses, but you will also get to hear about each teacher’s expectations and preferred contact information. There are also two special social events for new parents in September. The Men of La Salle “Freshman Fathers Welcome” is on September 17, 2009 at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria and the “New Mothers Tea” on September 20, 2009 at 1:00 pm in the auditorium. These are excellent opportunities to get to know the parents of some of your son’s classmates. Two years ago, La Salle implemented the AlertNowmessaging system to inform parents about school emergencies and weather-related delays and closings. Please make sure that the Main Office has your updated contact information (telephone numbers and email addresses). If you are the parent of a returning La Salle student and have changed your contact information, please forward that information to Mrs. Carol Haggerty ( as soon as possible. Finally, we at La Salle College High School understand that we are in a “shared mission” with you, our parents, in providing your son with the very best Catholic college-preparatory education possible. With that in mind, the importance of communication and dialogue cannot be overstated. Along those lines, and as explained in a letter you should have received in mid-August, we are trying something new this year by allowing for real-time online review of student grades through a software program called My Backpack. Our hope is that this new initiative will give students and parents upto-date information on student progress so that students can be proactive about maintaining good grades. This new feature can be accessed through either the student or parent portal of our La Salle website In addition to this new feature, the La Salle website contains a wealth of information for both parents and students. You will find useful information like the school calendar, sport schedules, faculty contact information, the Daily Bulletin, The Belcroft, and answers to your FAQ’s. Please make use of this excellent communication tool. Everyone here at La Salle is extremely excited about this new school year. We are very thankful that you have entrusted your sons to our care and will make every effort to give your sons the very best high school experience in the Delaware Valley. Sincerely yours,

Joseph L. Marchese Principal

5 The Belcroft September 2009

Academic Affairs Thomas R. Barna Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs

Welcome to a New Academic Year! As summer fades, the academic rhythms of a new school year arrive. The Office of Academic Affairs is proud to offer another exciting year of educational opportunities to all of our students. Academically, this year is expected to be as rewarding as ever. Momentum developed from last year’s success shows no sign of weakening. Guided by our school’s recent reaccreditation, we continue to move toward reaching several lofty goals set by our Lasallian community. As a reminder, these benchmarks are in the specific areas of Lasallian Values, Academic Performance and Initiative, and Communication and Critical Thinking. Expect significant work to continue this year in these areas. The administration and faculty are confident that the collective effort of our school community, in due time, will develop an even more complete Christian gentleman and college bound learner. Not surprisingly, our most recent academic data continues to suggest that La Salle has much to be proud.

Academic Adjustments for 2009-10 Curricularly, there are a few changes in our program of studies for 2009-10. One addition includes the development of a coupled freshmen-level Algebra and Introduction to Literature and Composition course. Special sections of these two courses will meet an extra three class periods of our six-day cycle. They will be offered for students who struggle in the areas of Math and English. Consequently, freshmen taking these courses will likely defer the start of their World Language until sophomore year. Ultimately, this is another example of La Salle’s ongoing commitment to our learners. German (Course No. 439) will also return to the World Language lineup as an introductory one-year elective course available to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Finally, La Salle has added a 0.5 credit elective course in the area of Social Studies. International Studies Seminar (Course No. 624) will offer an investigation into global interactions between nations. It too will be offered to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. All course details, as well as academic policies, are outlined in La Salle’s Program of Studies and available through the school’s website under the Academic Life tab. Several Technology courses will continue to be offered in the areas of programming, networking and application. Microsoft certification classes will continue their scheduled rotation. This year, Windows Server 2008 (Course No. 290) will be offered in the first semester and will be followed by Windows Active Directory 2008 (Course No. 294) during the second half of the year.

The advanced placement curriculum continues to offer a broad spectrum of opportunities for our students. Although La Salle will continue to offer sixteen Advanced Placement courses, the numbers of students scheduled to participate in AP coursework show yet another increase this year. As validated by winning the highly selective 2009 Siemens Award for Advanced Placement, our young men continue to perform at the highest level. The beginning of the year is always a good time to remind parents and students of La Salle’s Math Resource and Writing Centers. The popularity of these help centers is high. By design, these learning spaces are for students looking to get extra academic support in the areas of Mathematics and English. Both will be open during school hours and are staffed by La Salle teachers in these respective areas of study. Last year, nearly 200 students were served in these two areas. We are proud to announce that this year a World Language Resource Room will be added. Brother James Steck, FSC will use his multilingual skills and decades of teaching experience and oversee the operation of the center. This area will also be available throughout the school day and staffed by our World Language Department. It is La Salle’s hope that similar rooms in the disciplines of Science and Social Studies will also be made available to students this year. Finally, it is always with regret that we are unable to schedule a few courses due to low class size and/or interest. Placing our teaching resources in areas of need is a realistic dilemma that we encounter annually. We can not always run classes with fewer than ten students. Thank you for your understanding. Overall, the changes described are reminders that an ambitious and dynamic curricular program is alive and well at La Salle College High School.

6 The Belcroft September 2009

Academic Affairs (Continued) Introducing “My Backpack”

World Language Department

Beginning this year students will have the opportunity to view their grades online. Parents will also have access. Results of grading opportunities will be posted regularly. Digital gradebooks will be available through the student and parent portals of La Salle’s website. By now, you should have received a mailing explaining the process in elaborate detail. Obviously it will take some time for everyone to become comfortable with this new technological tool. Your understanding in this particular area is appreciated.

The teachers of the World Language Department look forward to our move to renovated classrooms and a new office, both of which will be located on the first floor. We welcome the return of Ms. Marlene Pajot-Pavlak as a full time member of the department. We are also pleased to have Brother James Steck, FSC back from sabbatical and look forward to his assistance in the Resource Room.

Please keep in mind that written progress reports will no longer be issued at the midway mark of each academic term since access to a teacher’s digital gradebook will provide each family with an ongoing report on progress. Parent-teacher meetings will also evolve as a result of open access grading. A first quarter Parent-Teacher Conference Night has been set for November 17, 2009. Meeting with teachers after this date should be done on an “as need” basis. Grade level counselors and learning specialists can be helpful in coordinating such a meeting.

Some Dates to Remember This year students report to school according to the following schedule: Freshmen report to school at 8:00 am on Tuesday, September 8, 2009. Orientation will begin with students arriving for homeroom at this time. A full day is scheduled. Dismissal will occur at 2:15 pm. Orientation for transfer students is also scheduled for this day. Parent Orientation is scheduled for that evening and begins at 7:00 pm. The entire student body will report for class on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 (“A” day) beginning with homeroom at 8:00 am. Be sure to bring a copy of your first semester roster.

Spanish Program This year, we will complete the transition to the textbook series, Avancemos, at Levels 1, 2, 3. Returning students are reminded that they will be using their workbooks from last year. Students will be expected to purchase lost materials. These materials need to be available for homework assignments from the very beginning of the school year. • Students, mostly sophomores, entering the Level 2 Program should have the following stored at home: Practica Por Niveles 1, Lecturas Para Todos 1, and the CD of Textbook 1. Incoming freshmen entering the Level 2 Program will be issued these materials at the beginning of the school year. • Students, mostly juniors, entering the Level 3 Program should have the following stored at home: Practica Por Niveles 2, Lecturas Para Todos 2, and the CD of Textbook 2. All students can access review materials at the publisher’s website: Choose Avancemos 1 or Avancemos 2when prompted. Incoming freshmen who will be taking Level 2 may find the Home Tutor section particularly helpful. All returning students could use the Home Tutor, Online Review, and Conjuguemos areas to prepare for their return to school. Our Level 1 classes completed the Level 1 book through Chapter 5. Our level 2 students have completed all of the Level 1 text and the Level 2 text through Chapter 3.

7 The Belcroft September 2009

Office of Student Affairs Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

School Dances

Magazine Drive

School dances are held several times throughout the school year. Two mixers are scheduled for the fall – Friday, September 25, 2009 and Friday, November 20, 2009. Attendance is restricted to La Salle students and female students invited from the other Catholic private academies. A limited number of tickets are available for each dance. Tickets can only be purchased in the Student Affairs Office at published times. NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED TO A DANCE WITHOUT A TICKET. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR THE NIGHT OF A DANCE. A student who is in possession of or using alcohol or illegal substances may be turned over to civil authorities. The student will be suspended, put on disciplinary probation, and be subject to expulsion.

Plans for the annual Magazine Drive are well underway. Letters will be sent asking for your support of the student body’s only fund raiser each year. This year’s profit goes to fulfilling the student pledge to the capital campaign.

Smoke-Free Campus La Salle is a smoke-free campus. Smoking and the use of smokeless products in the buildings and on the campus of La Salle College High School is strictly prohibited. Students are required to refrain from smoking and the use of other forms of smokeless tobacco products on campus and while traveling in school vehicles.

Busing At La Salle A reminder to all students who ride district or private buses to La Salle – STUDENTS ARE ONLY PERMITTED TO RIDE ON THE BUS FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN REGISTERED. Insurance coverage is only for the students who live in the various school districts or who pay for private busing. No permission will be granted to change a bus or ride a bus for which one is not registered.

Students will be given copies of last year’s sales so subscribers can renew. If you have already renewed on your own, you can extend subscriptions at any time. The drive will begin on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 with Magazine Drive Assemblies. The first day for collections will be Friday, September 25, 2009. Other days for returns are: Monday, September 28, 2009, Wednesday, September 30, 2009, and Friday, October 2, 2009. Your involvement in the drive will go a long way in helping the students reach this year’s pledge to the capital campaign. Many thanks in advance for your support.

Student Council News Student Council elections were held last spring for the 2009-2010 officers and senators. The members of the Student Council are: Executive Officers President Will Begley ‘10 Vice-President Matt Grover ‘10 Secretary Chris Razzano ‘10 Officers/Senators Class of 2010 Steve Sinnott, President

Class of 2011 Jerry Bellettirie, President

Class of 2012 Pat Eble, President

Charlie McDonald, Matt Pyrih, Vice-President Vice-President

Jason DeNofa, Vice-President

Kevin Clark Brian Derr George Giovanazzo Dan LaMorte Phil Letcavage Pat Resch Drew Russin Bob Scanlon John Toner Rhoads Worster

Pat Flynn Robert Johnson Alex Kochanasz Kevin Long Kevin Maginnis Mike Mars Kevin McBride Ryan Murtha Vince Sacco Bill Toner

Andrew Biaesch Rich Brazukas Chris Catalino Chris Dearolf Tyler Dunphy Steve Duzinski Sam Hyder John Lawlor Fred Mischler Tom Smith Brendan Stone

Installation of Student Council will take place at the Opening School Liturgy on Friday, September 18, 2009. The Moderators for the respective classes are: Mr. Charles Cirelli for the Class of 2010, Mr. Nicholas Coggins for the Class of 2011, Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik for the Class of 2012. Freshman officers and senators will be elected in October. The Moderator for the Class of 2013 is Mr. Terrence Gillespie.

8 The Belcroft September 2009

Office of Student Affairs (Continued) Junior Ring Measurements

Music Department

The representative from Jostens will be here on Thursday, September 24th during the lunch periods for ring measurements and orders. Information packets will be distributed to the Juniors at their orientation on September 16th . The Ring Liturgy is scheduled for Thursday, December 3rd at 7:15 pm in the school auditorium.

Joe “Mr. C” Ciccimaro ’57 Joe Vetorri

Watch for news from the Student Affairs Office and the Student Council in future issues of The Belcroft.

The beginning of the 2009-2010 school year is in sight. For the La Salle Band, that means practicing and preparing for the upcoming year. Starting in late July, the Pep Band has been rehearsing once a week, going over both old and new songs, in preparation for the football season. The La Salle Band welcomed the new incoming freshmen at these rehearsals, who got their first look at life at La Salle and in the La Salle band. This was a great way for the freshman to really get their feet wet prior to starting school in September. In addition to the freshmen, the band welcomed back all of the upperclassmen, returning to school with more responsibility. These include the new senior band officers: President Dean Ripley, First Vice President Joe Moroney, and Second Vice President Tim Plamondon, who are the new leaders of the La Salle Band. The officers will be conducting at football games and making sure everything band-related goes smoothly. Overall, we are looking forward to another great year in the La Salle Music Department.

Vicariate Youth Board Congratulations to Anthony Caporizzo ’11 on his selection to the Vicariate Youth Board of The Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Anthony was selected amongst hundreds of high school leaders who are active in their parish or school ministries. Anthony is one of nineteen students who traveled to Bolivia this summer on an international service project and his experience is one of the many things that allowed to be chosen for this amazing leadership team.

Campus Store Barbara Wisotzkey Gerry Clark The Campus is now located in the new addition and is directly across from the gym. The store hours are Monday through Friday – 8:00 am to 1:30 pm. The Campus Store only accepts cash or checks and is there to serve the needs of the students as well as the La Salle Community. All required paperbacks, especially the difficult titles, are available throughout the school year. There is an ample inventory of the “old favorites” and the store has many new styles is T-shirts and sweatshirts along with a variety of novelty items. Please plan to stop by the Campus Store on Back to School Night. If you have any questions, please contact or (215) 233-2911, ext. 4859.

9 The Belcroft September 2009

Building Bridges of Solidarity by Eric Stone ’11

Service is a tenet of a La Sallian education, both within one’s own community and the community at large. It allows students to use the skills La Salle teaches them in a way to help, impact, and change their world. La Salle has many service opportunities ranging from tutoring in the inner-city to volunteering at the Sarnelli House to participating in organized service trips to various places in need of help. A group of students to help build houses in Appalachian Kentucky or assist schools in need of new technology in association with the University of Pennsylvania through our TechServe program. However, I recently underwent a different experience: the summer service trip to Bolivia. After I applied and was accepted to the program, Señora Breen held the first meeting. As I walked in the room, I saw some familiar faces of friends but mostly faces of students I had never met before. We all got acquainted and became somewhat more comfortable with the kids we did not know. The year progressed, and I still did not think that this group would become very close. That fact did not bother me too much during the months and weeks leading up to the trip, and all the while we received our shots and medications and took the necessary measures to go to South America. Not before long, the date of departure arrived, and I was excited to have a good experience with a couple of my friends. We all met inside the terminal and wished our families goodbye. We students, led by Mr. Carabello and Mrs. Russo, then began our journey to Bolivia.

playing with one little boy named David after we finished our work. He did not say one word the entire time we were at his school, but, when some other students and I began to play with him, his face lit up with joy. It was clear then that even when we did not think we were doing service, we were still making an impact on people’s lives. On outings like these, those with a lot of communication between the natives and us, we really were able to see how truly amazing these people are. They have so much less than us, but seem to be so much happier than even the wealthiest people I know. Over the course of the two weeks, we served so many different people and communities by painting, cooking and feeding the poor, giving out clothes, and much more. Each day was like an adventure, in which we got to learn more about Bolivian culture and how to serve others.

During the long flights and layovers, we became more and more comfortable with each other. Some made quick friends with others, and others were more withdrawn. When arrived at our final destination of Cochabamba, we were very tired but excited for the next two weeks. We settled very quickly and began our experience quite appropriately, with a visit to the institute where Señora Breen began teaching during which we learned about Bolivia’s history and attended a mass. The next day we jumped right into serving others and we went to a school to paint classrooms and hand out clothing to the students. I enjoyed these types of outings the most, because we really got to interact with the children who were very welcoming and fun to be around. I can still remember

More importantly, however, this trip served us as much as it did the people we were helping. Not only did it change me personally, but it also changed the group as a whole. As I pointed out earlier, none of us were close to everyone else at the beginning of this experience, but with each project we took on, we became closer and closer as a group. We were brothers at the end of this trip. Only a group with a bond as strong as we had could have accomplished what we did. We put aside what might have separated us back at home and came together as brothers to help a cause greater than any individual, which is exactly what La Salle teaches. This entire experience proved to me how service can change so many lives: not just the lives of the people in need, but also the lives of the people serving.

10 The Belcroft September 2009

College Counseling Center Mary Kay Mullen Director of College Counseling

The college search and application process can be a challenging experience for students and their families. Our goal in the College Counseling Center at La Salle is to educate your sons regarding the process and to support them in their efforts. The College Counseling Department consists of three college counselors and an administrative assistant – Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, Director of College Counseling; Brother William DiPasquale, Associate Director of College Counseling; Mr. Gerard Brett, Associate Director of College Counseling; and Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell, Administrative Assistant. Each of the counselors will be responsible for one-third of the senior class and one-third of the junior class for college counseling. The alphabetic division of the class of 2010 is as follows: Brother William DiPasquale, FSC – Mr. Gerard Brett – Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen –


The College Counseling Department exists in addition to the Guidance Department. Mr. Michael Dolan, senior counselor, and Mr. Patrick Devine, junior counselor, will work with the juniors and seniors with grade level academic issues and personal issues. As you know, one of the greatest strengths of our College Counseling Center has been and will be our teamwork. This teamwork allows us to share insights about the process, about the latest happenings in the field, and about our students. This past summer, members of the College Counseling Department visited college campuses and met with admission officers and attended state and national conferences regarding the college admission process. In order to bring clarity about the college process in general and specifically at La Salle, we encourage you to become familiar with our site on the La Salle College High School website – The link to Naviance, an important college research tool, can be found there. In early September we will send the parents of seniors information about our “Question and Answer Evening for Parents of Seniors” on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 7:15 pm in the school auditorium. In order to facilitate the organization of that evening, a form will be included for you to respond with a list of questions you have about the college process.

The College Counseling Center will communicate with your sons in advisory classes, on our website (www.lschs. org/college), the Daily Bulletin (posted each day on the La Salle website), the daily WEXP morning news program, in homeroom, on the college and scholarship bulletin boards, and in person. Please encourage your sons to check these many sources for pertinent information to help navigate the college search and application process. PLEASE NOTE The SAT registration deadline for the October 10, 2009 test is September 9, 2009 with a late registration deadline of September 23, 2009. Students can register for the October SAT at Registration deadline for the October 24, 2009 ACT is September 18, 2009 with a late registration deadline of October 2, 2009. Students can register at Please remind your sons to enter La Salle’s CEEB No. 393370 when registering.

College Interview Day College Interview Day for Seniors at La Salle College High School will take place on October 6, 2009. Admissions officers from approximately sixty colleges will be on campus to conduct interviews with our seniors. Look on our website,, in September for the list of colleges attending. Feedback from our students and college admission officers clearly indicates the value of this event.

Early Action/Early Decision Any student planning to meet an early deadline must alert the College Counseling Center as soon as possible. Counselors and teachers need sufficient time to write letters of recommendation to meet those early deadlines.

NCAA Clearinghouse Eligibility Any student interested in playing intercollegiate sports must meet NCAA Clearinghouse standards and file an eligibility form with the NCAA. The academic requirements are listed on the last page of our school calendar as well as on our website These requirements have been increased for Division 1 collegiate programs. Please become familiar with the changes. Any questions can be directed to the athletic director, coaches, and guidance counselors. The NCAA website is www.

11 The Belcroft October 20 September 2009

L I G H T S La Salle Intervention: Giving Help To Students

The LIGHTS Team The Student Assistance Program of La Salle College High School Ms. Tina Shustack Program Coordinator Mathematics Department Mr. Greg Bielecki Social Studies Department Mr. Lew Clark Campus Ministry Mr. Doug Demeter Religion Department Mr. Matt Derrick English Department Mr. Mike Dolan Guidance Department Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik World Languages Department Mrs. Jeanne Holt-Brabson Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Mr. Tony Resch Athletic Director Mrs. Helen Spearing Montgomery County Intermediate Unit

The LIGHTS Team The LIGHTS Team, a Student Assistance Program (SAP), assists La Salle students as well as the families of those students, who face behavioral and/or academic difficulties. The team is comprised of specially-trained school faculty and staff, who meet weekly to discuss the needs of referred students. The LIGHTS Team works to identify problems and seek out solutions. The LIGHTS Team does not diagnose or treat students. The LIGHTS team seeks out and collates information about referred students from a variety of sources, including parents, teachers, coaches, and the school nurse, and uses the information to determine suitable strategies for helping the students.

Families and LIGHTS: Partnership in Assistance The LIGHTS Team works together with the parents of academically or behaviorally troubled students. To that end, the LIGHTS Team contacts parents of referred students early in the process. In some cases, a student will require assistance which La Salle cannot provide. In these cases, the LIGHTS Team will work with parents to facilitate the process of accessing resources in the community.

Help Us Help Your Son The goal of LIGHTS is to help referred students overcome their academic and behavioral difficulties. Ideally, parents and LIGHTS work together toward this goal by offering mutual respect and support, open channels of communication, awareness of the student’s strengths, and shared responsibility.

Student Referrals A student may be referred to the LIGHTS Team in a number of ways. A faculty or staff member may express his or her concerns regarding a student’s academic performance or behavior to a member of the LIGHTS Team. A parent with similar concerns may refer his or her son to the LIGHTS Team. A friend or classmate who is worried about a certain student may refer him to the LIGHTS Team for assistance. A student may refer himself to the LIGHTS Team for assistance. All information about referred students is kept strictly confidential.

12 The Belcroft September 2009

Parent involvement in high school is critical for success.

Make mornings more tolerable for your son and entire family.

In elementary school, it’s easy to get involved with your child’s education. You can chaperone field trips or volunteer in the classroom. In high school, however, your son may discourage your involvement. Nevertheless, your involvement is still very important because when parents are involved in high school:

Getting a boy out of bed in the morning can be a chore and during those first few weeks of school (when your son is still on a summer schedule) it can seem nearly impossible!

• Students are better readers. • Student attendance improves. • Student dropout rates go down. • Students have more positive attitudes about school and learning. So what can you do? Don’t worry because it is possible to maintain your involvement in your son’s education without causing him to die of embarrassment. You can: • Stay in touch with your son’s teachers. Meet them at least once during the year. Then communicate through notes, email, or phone messages. • Talk about school. Ask your son what he’s learning in his classes. Listen to his responses. • Attend school events – especially if your son is participating in the event. This shows your son that you think school is important and that you care about his education. • Encourage regular study hours. Be sure that your son has a quiet, comfortable place to study. • Provide help and offer to proofread a paper before your son hands it in. It’s a great way to see firsthand what he’s reading and thinking about. Reprinted with permission from the September 2009 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2009 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc

However, you can teach your son to tolerate mornings. Learning how to get up on time is important. It’s a time management skill that your son will use every day as an adult and if your son is motivated in the morning, he’s likely to carry that motivation through the day – in all of his classes. To help your son get up on the right side of the bed every morning: • Start with a smile. When your son’s alarm clock goes off, walk past his room and say “Good morning!” Your upbeat mood might be contagious. • Encourage breakfast. Eating forces your son’s body to wake up and the food powers his brain, which will make it easier for him to learn and pay attention in that first period class. Provide some type of breakfast – even if it’s just a banana your son grabs as he heads out the door. • Suggest a shower – starting with cold water. The shock of the temperature will open the eyes of even the sleepiest son! Or allow your son to turn on the radio – a song with a fast beat could get him moving. Reprinted with permission from the September 2009 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2009 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc

13 The Belcroft September 2009

Use “drive time” to teach your son a lesson about respect.

After-school activities can help your son become responsible.

It’s important to look for opportunities in your son’s everyday life to teach him about respect and if you can find something he can really relate to, you have a golden teachable moment.

It’s the beginning of the school year and your son may be thinking about signing up for a few after-school activities. These can be a great way to build responsibility, but not if they’re all fun and games.

Most sons dream about getting their driver’s license and as they get closer to earning it, they pay close attention to others drivers. For parents, this is a great time to help sons think about showing respect. Suppose a driver cuts you off as he races to get into the turn lane. You could lose your temper. Or you could talk about it with your son. Is that driver showing respect for the others drivers on the road? Do not be surprised if your son thinks you should have responded in kind. He may even say, “You allowed him to disrespect you.”

Researchers at Wake Forest University have learned that boys can use after-school clubs to become more responsible adults.

It’s that kind of thinking that gets sons into trouble. Now is the time to remind him that not every slight needs to be addressed. If you had chased after the others driver, you might have put yourself – and others on the road – in danger. Helping sons see that it’s okay not to respond can be a powerful lesson.

Talk about this issue with your son. If she starts a project for a club, he needs to finish it. If he signs up for a team, he commits to go to every practice. When he makes that early morning workout, it will get easier the next time.

Reprinted with permission from the September 2009 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2009 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc

Encourage your son to take responsibility for belongings. When your child was six, you overlooked the occasional forgotten lunch. But now he’s 16 and still forgetting his gym clothes at home or his history book at school. Your son’s scatterbrained behavior is frustrating you and hurting his own school success. To help your son learn to be responsible for his belongings: • Avoid “rescuing” him. If he has a biology test tomorrow, but has forgotten his notes at school, don’t drop what you’re doing to drive him back to the school. Tell him to figure out a solution. He could walk back to school or call a friend and ask to study together. • Figure out why he’s so forgetful. Is your son only absentminded when it comes to his English homework? He may be having trouble in that class. Set up a conference with your son and his teachers to see if extra help is available. Reprinted with permission from the September 2009 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2009 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc

Sometimes in life, we all have to do things we don’t want to do. After-school clubs can be a great way to learn that lesson. A student who writes for the school paper must meet his deadlines, even when he has a big test. A young actor who is cast in a play can’t miss a rehearsal or everyone’s performance will suffer.

Tell your son he’s building “responsibility muscles.” They’ll get stronger each time he follows through. Reprinted with permission from the September 2009 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2009 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc

14 The Belcroft September 2009

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The Golden Age of T V: A Really Big Show THE 2009 LA SALLE AUCTION N O V E M B E R 7, 2 0 0 9 Auction Co-Chairs: Joe Karoly & Karen Guerra Auction Director: Lisa Henrich For more information please contact the auction office at 215.402.4915 or

LaSalle Auction Save Date AD.indd 1

La Salle Auction 2009 The Golden Age of TV: A Really Big Show Saturday, November 7, 2009 Co-Chaired by Karen Guerra and Joe Karoly “I Spy” Enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres while bidding to win any of hundreds of items in the fabulous silent auction, where you’ll find everything from affordably priced necessities, to exclusive “La Salle” items, to luxury goods that will delight those with the most discriminating tastes. Next, guests will feel like “The Honeymooners”while feasting on gourmet fare. The action then moves into high gear for the evening’s finale – the live auction, where “It Takes A Thief” to bid for the right to take home the extraordinary and unique! “Ozzie and Harriett” say don’t miss your chance to be part of this fun and nostalgicevening. Please consider donating a gift, becoming a sponsor, placing an ad in the program book, volunteering for a committee, or purchasing raffle tickets. Fabulous Gifts We have created a “Dragnet” to pack the live auction with some exciting items, tickets to the hottest fall concert, Masters Tickets, name the driveway, front row seats to graduation, and more!

5/20/09 12:05:06 PM

Luxury Auction You need to “Get Smart” and bid on items such as David Yurman jewelry, a flat screen TV, tickets to the Phillies, Flyers, Eagles, and Sixers, team photos, and more.

Online Auction We sent the “Brady Brunch” out to gather gift certificates to all your favorite stores, restaurants, and salons. These items will be featured on the Online Auction along with the very popular La Salle Auction Exclusives. If you can’t attend the auction on November 7, 2009, you can still go online to BID and WIN at Even if you plan to attend the auction, ONLINE bidding gives you a chance to accomplish “Mission Impossible” and win an item that you might not get on auction night. Start previewing the online auction items after September 15, 2009, and you’ll be “Bewitched” by our selections. If you participated in the online auction last year, all you need to do is sign in using your last name and password. If you forgot your password an email will be sent to you. If you are new to the online auction site you will need to find your record and create a password. Click here to visit the Online Auction Site https://lschs. The first online auction begins October 1, 2009. Don’t miss your chance to BID and WIN!

15 The Belcroft September 2009

Donations “My Three Sons” have helped ensure that we have already received some wonderful donations, but we are still in need of donations of golf outings, concert tickets, sports tickets, jewelry, iPods, Christmas items, etc. Donations can be dropped off at the Main Office during school hours. Not sure what to donate, “Let’s Make A Deal”, and consider donating towards a fabulous Super Gift for $50, $100, $250, or $500. Details and gift forms are provided on the Auction web page at “Kids Say The Darndest Things” Win two tickets to the 2009 La Salle Auction. Bring your donations to Back To School Night on September 24, 2009 and your name will be entered into a drawing to win two tickets to the 2009 La Salle Auction, a $180 value! Drawing will be held on September 25, 2009. “The $64,000 Question” Can you become a sponsor or place an ad in the auction catalog to promote your business, honor your graduating son, or cheer on an entire sports team? All sponsors receive a full page color ad and tickets to The 2009 La Salle Auction. Platinum Sponsor – $5,000 Golf Sponsor – $2,500 Silver Sponsor – $1,500 Bronze Sponsor – $1,000

Auction Chairs

Committee Chairs

Karen Guerra Joe Karoly

Advertising Tim Foley Mimi Kehan Bank Porter Bush Catalog Mimi Saraceni Barbara Houldin Clean-Up Nick Sabia Construction Mike Montgomery Correspondence Donna Bennett

Decorating Ellen Cericola Karen Monzo Exclusives Peg Havard Patty Karoly Gift Baskets Donna Benz Mary Beth Szostak Gift Computer Entry Julie Schuck Gift Gathering Laura Murphy Gift Processing Susan Schluth Dawn Melsheimer

Black and White Advertisements Full Page - $500 Half Page - $350 Quarter Page - $250 Business Card - $100 Visit the auction website to download a brochure Raffle Tickets – Win up to $30,000 - $100 Each or Three for $200 Return Tickets by September 25, 2009 for a chance to win $500 in the “Wild Wild West”. Only 1,500 tickets will be sold! Tickets will be mailed home in September! Decorating “Father Knows Best” (or not), but the Decorating Committee will be holding workshops every Tuesday from 9:00 to 11:00 am and every Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in September and October. The first morning workshop will be on September 15, 2009 and the first evening workshop will be on September 17, 2009. All workshops will be held at the Dunleavy Center. You don’t need to be artistic or crafty, just willing to help out. Men are welcome too! Volunteers Needed Make it a “Family Affair”. Volunteering is a great opportunity to get involved and meet other parents. The following is a list of all the auction committee chairs. If you are interested in helping on one of these many committees, please contact the auction office at (215) 402-4915 or visit the web site to sign up at

Gift Distribution Mark and Theresa Pyrih Karen and John Fisco

Luxury Items Jackie Toner Dana Worthington

Raffle Mike and Monica Casciano

Online Auction JeriBeth Subers

Reservations Maria Caporizzo Susan Dearolf

Gift Production Christine Funchion Sue Mischler

Parent Volunteers Maryann Bush

Hospitality Roseanne Duzinski Joanne Quinn

Phonathon Mark and Alice Draganuscu

Lock Box Pam Brecht, Chris Letcavage Amy Worster

President Men of La Salle Bud McCann

Live Auction Eileen Maginnis

President Mothers’ Club Susan Bilotta

Team Photos Sara Kerr Technology Joe Gavanus Marianne Harkins

16 The Belcroft September 2009

Mothers’ Club Susan Bilotta President

La Salle Mothers’ Club 2009-2010 President Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Technical Communication Past President Moderator

Susan Bilotta Mary Frances Kelly Julie Schuck Susan Dearolf Susan Mischler Karen Guerra Trish Sinnott Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60

The Mothers’ Club of La Salle College High School would like to welcome the following members to its Board for the 2009-2010 school year: Kathy Belcher Joanne Burdulis Barb Chrostowski Diana Eidenshink Anne Flynn Susan Gillespie Sarah Kerr Meg Losier Mary Rose Lynch Eileen Maginnis Micki McShane Sandy Muggler Joanne Quinn Mimi Saraceni Kathy Sullivan Valerie Ullmann Dana Worthington

Donna Bennett Maria Caporizzo Ellen Derr Meg Eisenschmid Christine Funchion Peg Havard Celeste LeProvost Beth Luce Patrice Lynch Terry Maginnis Mary Meehan Ann Otis Therese Rose Eileen Smith Mary Beth Szostak Victoria Vann-White

Donna Benz Ellen Cericola Roseanne Duzinski Karen Fisco Christine Giaimo Cindi Kane Chris Letcavage Janet Lynch Joanne Lyons Susan Martin Karen Monzo Gina Pollino Ann Marie Sanders Jeribeth Subers Jackie Toner Amy Worster

Upcoming Calendar of Events September 9-18, 2009 September 17, 2009 – October 2, 2009 September 20, 2009 September 26, 2009 October 3, 2009 October 4, 2009 October 4, 2009 October 15, 2009 November 1, 2009 November 5-7, 2009 November 7, 2009 November 15, 2009 December 1, 2009 December 3, 2009 December 6, 2009 December 6, 2009

Gift Wrap Sale Magazine Drive New Mothers’ Tea Mothers’ Club Alumnae Lawn Sale 9:00 am to Noon Mothers’ Club Alumnae Lawn Sale (Rain Date) Fall Family Liturgy 10:00 am Mother/Son Service Project-School Honors Convocation (Event Support – Volunteers Needed) Mother/Son Service Project La Salle Auction Set-Up (Event Support – Volunteers) La Salle Auction (Event Support – Volunteers) Open House Senior Tree Trimming Junior Ring Mass (Event Support – Volunteers) Mother/Son Service Project Christmas Shopping Spectacular

Dear Mothers and Guardians, On behalf of the Mothers’ Club Board, I extend the warmest of welcomes to all new and returning families to the La Salle community for the 2009-2010 school year. I feel honored and privileged to have been selected to serve as president of the Mothers’ Club. You have my commitment to continue the outstanding work done by my predecessors and make this year a productive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. The Mothers’ Club has two main goals: to foster a sense of community and service among its members; and to raise funds to help the school meet its financial obligations. Accomplishing these objectives will take the efforts of many dedicated and talented people. I encourage you to participate in any of the various opportunities the Mothers’ Club offers. No contribution of your time is too small and the satisfaction you will gain from knowing that you helped enrich the LaSalle experience for our boys will be worth everything. There is also the added benefit of developing new friendships and spending time with other mothers who share your same hopes, feelings and concerns. You will find that having the chance to converse with each other is an invaluable resource. Detailed information about the Club’s activities can be found in each monthly issue of The Belcroft, but I want to draw your attention to several important dates and events. All new freshman mothers should mark their calendars for the New Mother’s Tea, which will be held on September 20, 2009. This is our kickoff event where you can mingle with other new moms and make new friends as well as address members of the La Salle faculty with questions. Our biggest event of the year will be the 2009 LaSalle Auction on November 7, 2009. This year’s theme is The Golden Age of TV: A Really Big Show.We will be holding an on-line auction beginning on October 1, 2009 as well as a silent and live auction the night of the event. Please make sure to get your tickets early, as this is the year’s signature event. As always, it promises to be a memorable night of fun and another great way to meet your fellow LaSalle parents. Please don’t hesitate to contact me by e-mail at if you have questions or need more information. Best wishes to you and your families for a successful school year as we begin our work together. Warmest regards,

Susan Bilotta President Mothers’ Club

17 The Belcroft September 2009

Mothers’ Club (Continued) New Mothers’ Tea

Mothers’ Club Gift Wrap Sale

Sunday, September 20, 2009 1:00 pm Auditorium

The La Salle Mothers’ Club is pleased to sponsor a Sally Foster Gift Wrap fundraiser. Information, samples and order blanks will be mailed to you by the first week of September. Sally Foster provides an extensive selection of high-quality gift-wrap, from all-occasion paper to holiday wrap and ribbons. Your son(s) may turn orders in to his homeroom from September 9, 2009 through September 18, 2009. For added convenience, orders may be placed at Please reference La sale Account No. 67725, so that La Salle will receive full credit for your order. Internet orders can be placed up until January 15, 2010. These orders will be delivered directly to your home. On-line orders are subject to sales tax; however, shipping is free for orders over $70. Thank you for your support.

All freshman mothers as well as mothers of new students are invited to join us for this traditional welcome. Look for your invitation in the mail! Come “get to know us” during a lovely afternoon where you will meet new friends and rekindle old acquaintances. A lovely lunch including tea sandwiches and pastries will be served along with tea and coffee from our special silver services. We look forward to meeting all new mothers as we welcome them to our wonderful La Salle community. You will find the experience warm and rewarding as you learn about the many La Salle events and activities that take place during the school year. For information, contact committee members: Meg Eisenschmid (215) 518-8572 Ellen Derr (610) 417-3993

Volunteers Needed If you can help tally orders during the Magazine Drive, September 25, 2009 through October 2, 2009, please contact: Kathy Belcher (215) 694-5254.

Mother/Son Service Project The Mothers’ Club is partnering with Mr. Chuck Cirelli on a service project for mothers and their sons to make sandwiches for the homeless and poor served by St. Francis Inn. We will meet on Sundays before the first Monday of the month to prepare the bagged meals. Our first meeting will be on Sunday, October 4, 2009 at 10:00 am in the cafeteria. If you and your son would like to participate in this project, please contact: Chris Letcavage (215) 368-2833

If you have any questions, please contact: Megan Losier Eileen Smith

Save The Date Christmas Shopping Spectacular Sunday, December 6, 2009 12:00 to 4:00 pm

18 The Belcroft September 2009

Mothers’ Club (Continued) Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee News

La Salle College High School is a “Caring Community” Recognizing that we are one La Salle family, the main goal of the Mothers’ Club “Caring Community” is to respond to any special needs and to celebrate the special occasions that our students and their families and our faculty members may have. We would like to recognize joyous occasions such as births and marriages, as well as to offer support, prayers (you can ask for your intention to be included by logging on to the “Prayer Chain” article in the Mothers’ Club area of the school’s website, www.lschs. org), meals, a simple note or phone call during the tough times of illness, death, or other hardships. To make the La Salle community aware when help is needed, please contact the Caring Community Chair: Susan Dearolf (215) 572-1239

Genuardi’s Supermarket and eScript Again this year, the La Salle Mothers’ Club is participating in the Genuardi’s Community Cash Back Program. You may register directly by using the eScrip website, www. Please reference the La Salle Account No. 6525176. Each year registration must take place in order for La Salle to receive the cash back. You may also register any credit/debit cards with eScrip to earn up to 5% for La Salle when you shop at merchant partners such as Eddie Bauer, American Airlines, and hundreds of others. A complete merchant list is available on the eScrip website. Any questions, please contact: Ann Marie Sanders (610) 888-0112

Everything old will be new again when the Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee brings back a Mothers’ Club event from the 1970’s. Then, it was called the “Giant Garage Sale.” Now, it’s billed as a Lawn Sale, but the concept remains the same – bargains galore. Current, past, and future members of the La Salle community, along with our friends and our neighbors, are invited to come to Dunleavy Center on September 26, 2009 (Rain Date is October 3, 2009) between 9:000 am and 2:00 pm to browse and buy. Who knows what treasures you’ll find? Donations of gently used clothing (men’s, women’s and children’s) and accessories, items for the home, jewelry, furniture (household and office), sporting goods…you get the picture, we’ll take just about anything in good shape… Just drop off your items on the covered porch at Dunleavy Center. Pickups can be arranged by contacting: Barbara Houldin (215) 990-2843 Keep those donations coming, because we’re so sure that you’ll love bargain shopping that we’re opening Shared Treasures, our very own thrift shop, right on campus. Shared Treasures will open on October 8, 2009 at Dunleavy Center and will be open every Thursday during the school year from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Donations will also be accepted whenever Shared Treasures is open. All mothers of La Salle grads are also invited to participate as members of the Mothers’ Club Alumnae and to continue the friendships they have made during their son’s years at La Salle. Next up will be the first “Girls Night Out”of the new school year, to be held at Dunleavy Center on September 10, 2009 at 7:30 pm. Ladies whose last names begin with the letter A-M are asked to bring a bottle of wine to share and those with a last name beginning with N-Z are asked to bring an hors d’oeuvre. Please e-mail kcaram@yahoo. com so that we can plan appropriately. The Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee Kathy Caramenico, Donnamarie Dolan, Pam Grady, Lisa Henrich, Barbara Houldin, Janet McBride, and Terry Millet

Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee

Shared Treasures Lawn Sale Saturday, September 26, 2009 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (Rain Date – Saturday, October 3, 2009) Dunleavy Center 8709 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania (adjacent to the First Church of the Brethren) Offering something for everyone including clothing, accessories, jewelry, furniture, and decorative items.

Thrift Shop

offering more Fabulous Finds and Fantastic Values! Thursdays beginning October 8, 2009 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Dunleavy Center Please park behind Dunleavy Center.

Questions or donations? Please contact Barbara Houldin: (215) 990-2843

Fall Family Liturgy Sunday, October 4, 2009 10:00 am Celebration of Mass Outdoors (weather permitting)

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Please return the attached form with payment no later than Monday, September 28, 2009 or register online via a secure server at Please make all checks payable to: La Salle Mothers’ Club Return forms to: Peg Havard 1325 Arthur Avenue Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 628-9282

Continental Breakfast to Follow Cafeteria Please bring a blanket or lawn chair $15 per family

Family Name Address City



Phone Email $15 Per Family Number Attending Amount Enclosed $

Number Signature



Exp Date





The Mothers’ Club cordially invites all mothers to the Fall General Meeting Thursday, October 8, 2009 7:00 pm Auditorium There will be a brief business meeting followed by a lecture sponsored by the Mothers’ Club.

Refreshments and a social hour will follow the lecture. There is no charge for this event, but, in order to plan appropriately, we do need an accurate count of those who will attend. Please let us know if you’ll be able to join us on October 8, 2009, by

Featuring Priscilla Singleton Director of Council for Relationships Topic: Mother’s Essential Lessons for Adolescent Sons  “Grown up” writes Barbara Ehrenreich, should mean more for a boy than “gone away”. Priscilla Singleton will explore a mother’s role in her son’s journey to autonomy, discussing the lessons only mothers can teach their sons regarding intimacy and loving relationships, meaningful use of a mother’s loving refuge, and the differences between separation and abandonment, connection, and entanglement.

clicking on the “reservation” link of the “Mothers’ Club website,, no later than October 1, 2009. If you encounter a problem in making a reservation, please e-mail Susan Bilotta, Mothers’ Club President, at

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Mothers’ Club New York Trip Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:00 pm (Matinee) Imperial Theater 249 West 45th Street (between Broadway and Eighth Avenue) $190.00 per person

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Includes: • Coffee/Tea Service Prior to Departure • Bus Transportation • Ticket to the Show • Box Lunch • Refreshments/Goodies on the Bus Make checks payable to: La Salle Mothers’ Club

Seating is Limited! Tickets are first come, first serve! Buses will depart from Montgomery Mall, Montgomeryville, PA promptly at 8:30 am. Box lunches will be provided. Dinner will be on your own. Buses will depart New York City at 8:00 pm and return to Montgomery Mall at approximately 10:30. Everyone will be assigned to buses. We will do our best to accommodate your party (seating on the bus and in the theatre). Reservations accepted with payment only. Your CANCELLED check is your receipt. Please fill out the response form completely, detach, and return with payment (photocopies accepted). In the event you have any questions, please contact Mary Beth Szostak at (215) 582-7416 or

La Salle Mothers’ Club New York Trip Response Form Please mail this form along with payment in full to: Mary Beth Szostak New York City Trip 1260 Tresster Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034

Name Address City




Number Of Tickets At $190.00 Each

Total Enclosed


Names Of Others In Your Party

O Yes, I Will Serve As A Bus Captain O I want to be on the bus that will drop-off at Canal Street and understand that I will be responsible

for my own transportation to the Imperial Theater.

23 The Belcroft September 2009

Men of La Salle Bud McGann ‘83 President

Men of La Salle 2009-2010 Bud McGann ’83


Joseph Eble ‘75

Vice President of Father/Son Activities

Porter Bush

Vice President of Board Activities

Joe Karoly

Vice President of Fund Raising

Kevin Harvey


Steve Duzinski


Paul Benyovszky ’78

Past President

Brother James Rieck, FSC ‘57


Dear La Salle Fathers and Families, Welcome to what promises to be an exciting 2009-2010 school year for all returning and new La Salle families. On behalf of the Executive Board of the Men of La Salle, I want to congratulate the new La Salle fathers on joining=2 0all the current fathers as Men of La Salle. The Men of La Salle is a completely self funded organization who assists La Salle in meeting its financial obligations via a variety of contributions. However, our primary purpose is to provide financial assistance to any La Salle student who suffers the unfortunate passing of their principal means of tuition support. Our second important goal, fostering the relationship between fathers and sons and fathers and families via our events, helps fund our primary mission. Below you will find a full list of this year’s events. Since 2003, including last year, the Men of La Salle has provided tuition assistance to our boys of $314,950 and much more since inception in 1945! Many thanks to Paul Benyovszky ’78 and Brother James Rieck ’57 our 20082009 President and Moderator respectfully, as well as the entire board and volunteers. In addition to meeting our primary mission last year the Men of La Salle made numerous ot her contributions including donations of $60,000 to the Capital Campaign and $35,600 to the Endowment Fund. On this page is a list of our monthly meetings. I encourage every father to join any meetings you can, participate where and how you can in events, and if possible volunteer for something. It is another rewarding way to participate in your son’s life and the La Salle community. I hope you will invite your family and friends to support our boys as well by participating with you in our events and activities throughout the year.

The events coming up quickly include our first general meeting on September 10, 2009, our New Fathers Welcome on September, 17, 2009, the Men of La Salle Golf Outing on October 5, 2009, and the most popular event of the year – the Father/Son Banquet on November 19, 2009. You’ll also want to mark your calendar now for Saturday, November 7, 2009, which is our annual auction held jointly with the Mothers’ Club and a night not to be missed! This year’s theme is The Golden Age of TV: A Really Big Show. Please stay tuned to the Belcroft for updates throughout the year. Information will also be posted on the La Salle website and the Men of La Salle page under the Parentstab. Make this the year to be here! I look forward to a wonderful year and am honored to be serving you and your sons as part of the Men of La Salle this year. You may reach me directly at if I can be of assistance. Best wishes for a great year. Sincerely yours,

Bud McGann ‘83 President Men of La Salle

New Fathers Welcome Thursday, September 17, 2009 6:30 pm School Cafeteria The evening will include music by La Salle’s award winning jazz band, welcomes from Brother Richard Kestler, FSC and Joe Marchese, a brief presentation on the role that we play in our sons’ education and overall development, and how the Men of La Salle can contribute to that process. This is a great event which will provide an excellent opportunity for a good time, a few laughs, meeting other fathers of incoming and current students, and learning about just one of the ways to become an active participant in your son’s educational experience at La Salle College High School.

24 The Belcroft September 2009

Men of La Salle (Continued) 17th Annual Men of La Salle Golf Outing Monday, October 5, 2009 Center Square Golf Club Skippack, PA The 17th Annual Men of La Salle Golf Outing is planned for Monday, October 5, 2009. We expect this event to sell out and will make every effort to accommodate all who are interested in playing. We recommend you get registered as soon as you receive your registration form in the Belcroft. The format is a “Four Person Shamble” taking the best drive and playing your own ball to each hole and is open to fathers, friends and business associates. The event includes lunch, shotgun start at Noon, cocktail hour, dinner and awards/prizes. If you interested in volunteering or have any general questions, please contact: Steve Young

Monthly Meetings Location: Study Commons Light Dinner Available at 6:30 pm Meetings Begin at 7:00 pm Thursday, September 10, 2009 Thursday, October 1, 2009 Thursday, November 5, 2009 Thursday, December 10, 2009 Thursday, January 7, 2010 Thursday, February 4, 2010 Thursday, March 4, 2010 Thursday, April 8, 2010 Thursday, May 6, 2010

Men of La Salle Sponsored Events 2009-2010 New Father’s Welcome Thursday, September 17, 2009 17thAnnual Men of La Salle Golf Outing Monday, October 5, 2009 Freshman Branch-Out Day Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Father/Son Banquet Thursday, November 19, 2009 Father/Son Bowling Saturday, March 13, 2010 Sophomore Branch-Out Day Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Basseball Outing TBD Father/Son Golf Outing Sunday, May 2, 2010 (tentative) BBQ/Picnic Thursday, May 27, 2010

25 The Belcroft September 2009

Megabytes by Michael Fox, MCP, MCTS ’10

As the summer ends and most students are preparing to return to La Salle for the new school year, the Information Technology Department is hard at work finishing the projects they have undertaken this summer. Several important projects were implemented over the summer, including the energy saving virtualization of several servers and a total overhaul of the network topology, not to mention the usual problems associated with managing a network. Virtualization has recently been a tremendous buzzword around the information technology industry. Mr. Sigmund recently attended Tech-Ed, one of Microsoft’s industry conferences, where the major focus was virtualization due to its cost saving benefits. Essentially, virtualization allows several virtual servers to be run from one physical server. This year, we have been able to both virtualize half of our twenty servers using Microsoft’s new Virtual Machine Manager. Using this software, we have been able to remove ten physical servers, resulting in remarkable energy savings. Our second major project has been the network topology overhaul. This renovation removed excess complexity from the network in an effort to reduce future problems. This project was very focused on the future of the network, as it will improve the experience of both the users and administrators of the network. The changes from this project were mostly behind the scenes, but there were also physical changes. The server room was restructured, which resulted in the installation of a new server rack and the reorganization of wiring. Along with this rewiring, Wireless N was deployed campus wide, putting La Salle on the cutting edge of wireless networking. The third major project was deployment of faculty laptops. Working with Lenovo, the team was able to facilitate the purchase of 130 new laptops for faculty and staff use. Keeping our faculty on the latest equipment is important for maintaining our tradition of being on the cutting edge. The deployment of these laptops required the team to prepare each laptop individually for each faculty member. This process has given our team hands on experience in dealing not only with computers, but with the users, which is important real world experience. In keeping with La Salle’s Partnership with Microsoft and the leadership we have shown in the past, two of La Salle’s labs have been upgraded to Windows 7 Professional. A continued undertaking is the summer team’s work with construction. Unlike many other companies, who would have an outside company put in new networking equipment, La Salle’s summer team installs and configures all new networking equipment. With the final stages of construction in McLean Hall, the summer staff is

responsible for the installation of the final pieces of networking equipment to match the new construction. Of course, none of these projects could have been accomplished without our experienced team. This year’s team has the most Microsoft certifications of any La Salle Information Technology Team to date. Among our certification achievements is our first Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator, Kyle Leprevost. Every member of the team has at least one certification, and the team as a whole has fifteen certifications, not counting Mr. Sigmund’s certifications. Fifteen certifications would be an achievement even in a business environment. The team has been able to comprehend and solve extremely complex problems, as well as handle themselves professionally in dealing with Microsoft’s advanced technical support team on the most advanced issues, some of which have even stumped several of their support technicians. The hard work of the Information Technology Team has allowed us to accomplish several impressive projects this summer, and we look forward to seeing our improvements used by both the faculty and students in the coming school year. Office of Information Technology Peter Sigmund, CIO, MCSE, MCTS Braden Bonner, MCP Joe Petrellis, MCP, MCTS Chris Becker, MCP Michael Fox, MCP, MCTS Kyle Leprevost, MCSA Colin McIntosh, MCP Will Fisco, MCP

26 The Belcroft September 2009

Varsity Sports Schedules Tony Resch Athletic Director

Cross Country


Greg Bielecki Head Coach September

Bob Peffle Head Coach September

9 16 19 23 26 30

First PCL Meet 4:30 pm Second PCL Meet 3:25 pm Briarwood Invitational Third PCL Meet 3:40 pm Carlisle Invitational 4th PCL Meet 4:30 pm

Belmont Plateau Belmont Plateau Belmont Plateau Belmont Plateau Carlisle, PA Belmont Plateau

Football Drew Gordon Head Coach September PlymouthWhitemarsh PlymouthWhitemarsh PlymouthWhitemarsh PlymouthWhitemarsh

Golf Marty Jackson Head Coach September Father Judge Northeast Catholic Archbishop Wood St. Hubert’s Lansdale Catholic

4 8 11 12 15 18 22 26 29

Central High School 3:00 pm Holy Ghost Prep 3:45 pm Bonner-Prendergast 3:30 pm Archbishop Carroll 11:00 am Father Judge 3:30 pm Archbishop Ryan 3:30 pm Northeast Catholic 5:00 pm Roman Catholic 11:00 am St. Joseph’s Prep 3:30 pm

Home Home Away Home Away Home Archbishop Ryan Home Fairmount Park

Water Polo

4 Plymouth- 7:00 pm Whitemarsh 11 Malvern Prep 7:00 pm 18 West Catholic 7:00 pm 26 St. Joseph’s Prep 7:00 pm

8 9 14 21 25

3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm

Home Away Away Away Away

Steve Duncheskie Head Coach September 1 1-12 15 17 22 24 29

Viking Invitational Episcopal Academy Wissahickon High School William Penn Charter School Pennridge High School Haverford School

4:00 pm 4:00 pm

Away Home

3:45 pm


4:00 pm


4:00 pm


LaSalle College High School Touchdown Club

Trivia Night & Social Friday, September 25, 2009 7:30 pm -11:30 pm

(Trivia starts promptly at 8:00 pm)

Flourtown Country Club 150 McCloskey Rd, Flourtown, PA Live Entertainment By,,,

Tickets: $35 per person

Six Pack

Cash Bar Available

includes Food, Beer, Wine, Soda

Book tables of 8/10 people per table or be paired with other LaSalle football supporters! Attire Casual

Tickets/Information Contacts Tickets Purchased Qualify to win 4 tickets to Eagles vs Tampa October 11, 2009!

Michelle Killian Laura Murphy 215-233-3348

Come out and support the reigning AAAA Catholic League Champs!

8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

First Class Mail

September 2009 Volume Nineteen Number 1

The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Principal Joseph L. Marchese Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

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The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through September.

The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.

Calendar of Events September 2009

First Class Mail The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue. The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.

7 8 9 9-19 9-11 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 23-2 24 25 26 30

Labor Day Freshman Orientation/Photos Freshman Parent Orientation Alumni Board Meeting First Day of Classes – “A” Day Gift Wrap Sale Senior Photos Men of La Salle Meeting Patriot’s Day ACT Student Photos Senior Orientation Junior Orientation Sophomore Orientation School Liturgy New Mothers’ Tea Magazine Drive Junior Ring Measurements Back To School Night Activity Fair Lawn Sale Awards Assembly

8:00 am 7:00 pm 7:30 pm

6:30 pm

8:20 am 8:20 am 8:20 am

7:00 pm 9:00 am

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