January 2010 Edition of The Belcroft Newsletter

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La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 www.lschs.org

January 2010 Volume Nineteen Number 5

Dear Parents and Guardians, Do you believe that a decade has passed since we were all concerned about that would happen at the turn of the century. Our computers, communications systems, etc. were all suppose to present problems. Seems we have survived very well and are now in the business of putting our stamp on this the first decade of a new century. Happy New Year to each of you! May health, happiness and success fill all your days in 2010. December was an exciting month here at La Salle. Following Thanksgiving there was the excitement of getting the school ready for the Christmas Season and the many events that precede it. I hope you had the opportunity to see the work of Santa’s Elves’ at one or more school events before the Christmas break. The activity that accompanied our Football Team and their road to a State Championship was nothing short of remarkable. December 5, 2009 was a special moment as our team knew they could play with the best. It has been 40 years since La Salle last played in a snow storm and our guys showed that they were the “storm” that afternoon; however, beating Easton in Bethlehem, PA wasn’t t he only storm that the Explorers had to overcome. December 19, 2009 featured both the State Championship game and the second largest snow storm in recent history. Many La Salle fans had to settle for TV coverage of the game, while many were able to make the trip to Hershey to be there in both body and spirit. The Explorers were more than up to the challenge and gave an early Christmas gift to all their fans. Special congratulations to each of our players and to the dedicated coaches who took us on this marvelous ride. In recognition of the three Philadelphia Catholic League Championships won this fall, Mr. Marchese granted a special holiday on December 18, 2009. I had the privilege of declaring an additional holiday on January 4, 2010 for the three State titles won in 2009. I believe La Salle is unique in winning three State Championships (Ice Hockey, Lacrosse and Football) in a single calendar year. The school was filled with cheering – even the teachers enjoyed these extra holidays. Prospects for the Class of 2014 look very strong. Over 550 eighth graders took our Entrance/Scholarship Exam. Results from this test will be mailed in early January. I wish to thank each of you for spreading the news about La Salle. You are a key player in helping families make the right decision for their sons. I invite you to continue to share your enthusiasm for La Salle during this month of final decisions for many families. In the month of January you will receive a special mailing with tuition news for the coming year. La Salle is not immune from the economic situation of the past year. We have been approached by many more families in need at this moment. School investments have suffered to the same extent as our families, but as usual La Salle has gone out of its way to help where possible and will continue to do so. January is also the month of first semester exams. This is a time to look for indicators of any academic weakness and strengths. Exams play a role in determining GPA’s and you should encourage your son(s) to take these exams most seriously. The Winter Season is in full motion and I look forward to meeting many of you at events. Join me in wishing our teams and coaches a most successful winter season. Our guys always enjoy seeing you cheering them to victory. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank you for entrusting your son’s to our care. It is a pleasure to greet your boys each day as they “Enter to Learn “. Sincerely yours,

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 President

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Office of Student Affairs Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

School Closings For Inclement Weather


An ALERT NOW message will be sent out as soon as a decision has been made to close school. A reminder to all parents to update your information (email and telephone contact information) if it has changed recently. You can do so by emailing Carol Haggerty at haggerty@lschs.org.

In the event that the fire alarms sound while you are in any of the school buildings, it is important that everyone – students, faculty/staff, parents, and guests – evacuate the building to the safety of the parking lot. Do not assume that the alarm is a test or a drill. It is critical that everyone in the building follow the appropriate safety precautions and immediately exit the building. You will instructed as to when you can return to the building.

La Salle’s website is another source for such announcements. KYW 1060AM and TV broadcasts will are also another source for information. Our school number is 333. In case of snow during a school day an early dismissal will be announced via ALERT NOW. KYW and the television stations will be advised as soon as a decision has been reached. We would appreciate your cooperation in NOT calling the school on these days. You have received information in the past about our policies for early dismissals in inclement weather. Here are a few reminders from that memo: When school districts send their buses, we announce that those students may leave. Students who drove to school from that same school district are expected to remain at school until the school day ends or classes are dismissed. In light of the above, it is prudent to check weather forecasts in the morning before deciding to allow your son to drive to school. A safe alternative is to have your son take the school district busing. The school cannot deliver messages to students unless it is an emergency. If you need to contact your son please leave him a message on his cell phone. Students may check for messages with the permission of a teacher or an administrator.

Holiday Date Dance The Winter Date Dance will be held on Friday, February 5, 2010. The event usually brings many students and their dates. The cost for the dance will be $10 per person and includes music and refreshments. Tickets will go on sale the week before the dance. Sports coat or suit, shirt, and tie are the dress attire for our male students that evening.

A Digital Christmas La Salle’s Computer Club hopes everyone had a family Christmas with lots of good eating and gift giving. Sometimes a new computer is one of the gifts, which is followed by “What do we do with that old PC?” The Computer Club fixes, upgrades, and gives away computers. The students learn the basics and, in the process, become good Lab Managers to help Mr. Sigmund. Please consider being a Santa to us and donate that old machine. For information or to make a donation, please contact Mr. Geoff Nicoletti at nicoletti@lschs.org.

ATTENTION FRESHMEN PARENTS What part will freshman year play in my son’s admission to college? What happens when the college admission committee meets? What variables are most important to gain admission? What does 9th Grade have to do with this? You and your sons are invited to hear Mr. John Dolan, Vice President for Enrollment Services at La Salle University, answer these questions on Wednesday evening, January 13, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the school auditorium. The night will focus on the importance of the first year of high school and its impact on the college admission process. During the evening, Mr. Dolan will go through a mock admission committee review of applications to college. Sixteen applicant profiles will be presented. You and your sons will admit six, waitlist two, and deny the rest. Mr. Dolan will then review the 9th grade academic profile of the admitted students,, which focuses on the importance of freshman year in high school. The objective of this experience is to demonstrate three main ideas to you and your sons: Colleges and universities only see six semesters of high school work, so each semester is important. If you have a rough start in high school, you can recover, but it will take focus and commitment. Each marking period in high school puts some schools into play for a college choice and takes some schools right off the table. Your son’s permanent record begins now! The College Counseling Department in conjunction with the Freshman Guidance Counselor invites YOU and YOUR SON to take advantage of this informative evening.

4 The Belcroft January 2010

Lasallian Service Corps Lew Clark and Thomas Devlin ’00 LSC Coordinators Sign-Up

Sunday with the St. Francis Inn Mothers’ Club Sunday Before the First Monday of the Month 10:00 am Prepare sandwiches to be delivered to a soup kitchen in inner city Philadelphia. Contact: Mr. Chuck Cirelli Monday Elder Share 2:45 to 5:00 pm Provide companionship to residents of a local nursing home. Contact: Mr. Mike Ponisiack or Mrs. Dorothy Ponisiack Tuesday La Salle Academy Tutoring 3:00 to 6:00 pm Tutor inner city children at La Salle Academy, the original site of La Salle College High School. Contact: Mr. Dan Cipolla, Mr. Micky Dominick, or Mrs. Dorothy Marchese, Ms. Pam DeRose, or Dr. Rosina Ryan Human Rights Forum 2:20 pm Meet and discuss justice issues, the release of political prisoners, and reconciliation among people. Contact: Mrs. Betty Field Wednesday Providence Center 3:00 to 6:00 pm Tutor children in a center in Kensington run by the Sisters of the Holy Child. Contact: Mr. Tom Barna or Mrs. Cathy Winning Homeless Outreach Serve a meal and provide friendship to the poor in Philadelphia. 5:00 to 9:00 pm Contact: Mr. Lew Clark, Mrs. Carol Haggerty, Mr. Will Cummings, or Brother Anwar Martinez Thursday Triest House 4:30 to 5:30 pm Assist mentally-challenged adults with physical therapy. Contact: Mr. Al Puntel Ongoing Opportunities Respect Life 2:20 pm Pray the rosary and participate in activities related to Pro Life causes. Contact: Mr. Al Puntel and Mr. Mark Collins

Saturday and Sunday Saint Vincent’s Soup Kitchen Saturday and Sunday Morning 9:00 to 11:30 am Last Sunday of the Month 12:30 to 2:30 pm Prepare and serve meals to the poor of Germantown. Contact: Men of La Salle – visit www.lschs.org Seasonal Opportunities Magazine Drive for St. Michael’s Indian School Thanksgiving Food Drive for St. Vincent’s Parish Mission Drive Secret Santa Operation Santa Claus Summer Immersion Opportunities Project Appalachia Contact Mr. Tom Devlin Building Bridges of Solidarity International Service in Bolivia Contact: Senora Lastenia Breen Native American Experience Contact: Mr. Micky Dominick Lasallian Youth Assembly Contact: Mr. Lew Clarke or Mr. Tom Devlin De La Salle Blackfeet Contact: Mr. Tom Devlin Urban Immersion Contact: Mr. Lew Clark Grade Level Opportunities Freshman and Sophomore Brach Out Day Junior Urban Challenge

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Men of Faith

Christmas Memories by Michael E. Lindsay ’10

Let us remember that we are always and everywhere in the holy presence of God. Throughout the year, we recite these word many times over the course of the day to remind ourselves that we truly are in the presence of God. During this time of Christmas, we recognize His presence even more so than usual. It is at this time of year that we witness extraordinary generosity from one another as has been shown through our participation in projects such as Secret Santa and Operation Santa Claus where we as a Lasallian community have provided over one thousand toys for children who are much less fortunate than ourselves. In addition to service projects, we have witnessed an increased showing of faith through weekly prayer services run by our peers here at La Salle. In light of all of these recent events, I have begun to wonder- What is it about Christmas that creates this palpable feeling of caring more than any other time of the year? Growing up as one of five, my father’s family lived a comfortable life, but money and the issues it brought were always an unfortunate reality with which his family had to cope. Having grown up during the Great Depression, my grandfather is very careful with money and it doesn’t take much to set him off into a lecture on the value of a dollar. My father grew up having to be mindful of the cost of things and is very careful with money. However, there was one time of year that was different – Christmas. Talking to my Dad even now as an adult, he still describes his memories of Christmas as “magical.” He recalls going to bed in the room he shared with his brother and awaking the next morning to find the living room of their row home transformed into a picturesque scene of Christmas morning that could have come from a movie. He remembers the room being full of wrapped presents with a Lionel train set whizzing around the track under the Christmas tree as he and his siblings ripped open their presents in pure joy. My dad found it easy to believe in Santa because it didn’t seem possible that his parents could have bought all those gifts. In reality, it was the outpouring of love from a father and mother to their children that was more visible at this time than any other time of the year that made Christmas so special to my father, just as God’s gift of love to us in the form of his son makes Christmas a special time for all of us. For me, Christmas has always been a special time of the year. I have fond memories of spending quality time with my family and I especially remember all of our Christmastime family traditions like the time my dad cut a Christmas tree down with a handsaw while his leg was in a cast up to his thigh. In fact, I can’t ever remember not getting a present for which I asked. It seemed like my parents always went out of their way to make Christmas more special than any other time of the year.

As one of five children myself, I don’t have to make the sacrifices my dad and mom had to make mostly because my parents still make sacrifices of their own. My dad and mom have worked extremely hard so my siblings and I would be able to have all the things that they didn’t have growing up. In fact, my dad, a teacher, has consistently worked two to three jobs my entire life. I am very aware that it is quite a sacrifice to not only send me to La Salle, but to send my brother and sister to private colleges, my sister to Merion Mercy, and my younger brother to Mother of Divine Providence Grade School. Even though they currently pay five tuitions, they still manage to make Christmas as magical for my siblings and me as their parents made Christmas for them. I am sure that, like me, each of your families has had to make sacrifices to provide all of the blessings in your lives. For this reason, this Christmas be thankful for the presents wrapped under your Christmas tree, but be more thankful for the gifts you receive everyday: your family and friends, your education, and your health just to name a few. Everyone knows that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. As John’s Gospel states, “God so loved the world that he sent His only Son so that all those who believe in Him may not be lost, but may have eternal life.” By sending His only Son, God gave us the ultimate example of love. Christmas is a celebration of this act of God’s love. When we celebrate Christmas we should not only celebrate the birth of Jesus in a manger over 2000 years ago, but we should also celebrate His presence in our lives today, especially His presence in other people around us. We should allow others to see Christ in us as we see Him in others. Christmas is the celebration of God’s love and it is for this reason that the season of Christmas brings a palpable feeling of love- a love from God and a love for each other. Amidst the chaos of the holiday, as you prepare this year for Christmas by putting up lights, finding that perfect Christmas tree, or finishing up that last minute Christmas shopping, take a moment to reflect on the origins of Christmas. As we heard in the Gospel today, in order for Christmas to even be possible, individuals like Mary and Joseph had to say yes to God in the face of great adversity. This year, take this chance during Christmas to say yes to God. Tell family members that you love them, do a selfless act of kindness for someone else, take time to talk to God. Overall, enjoy the holiday with your family and friends and carry this perspective not only through Christmas but into and throughout the new year. In these final days as you prepare for Christmas, don’t forget to prepare your heart for Jesus, so that Jesus does not only come to us on Christmas day, but so that Jesus may live in our hearts… forever.

6 The Belcroft January 2010

Men of Service

O Holy Night

Operation Santa Claus “The Year of 1,000 Toys” This Christmas, the students boys at La Salle College High School helped to turn many underprivileged children’s frowns upside-down by their participation in Operation Santa Claus, making La Salle the largest high school participant in the Philadelphia area. The “Year of 1,000 Toys” was fulfilled when over 1,000 + toys were collected for the Archdiocese 43rd Annual Operation Santa Claus. The gifts were tagged and filled a Ryder Truck that transported the gifts to the wrapping center on Monday, December 14, 2009. The 1,000+ gifts from La Salle College High School represented over 5% of the total effort on the part of all elementary schools, high schools, and parishes in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. After the gifts were sent to the wrapping center, over 50 students volunteered at the Operation Santa Claus Wrapping Center at 1818 Market Street to help wrap, tag, and bag other Operation Santa Claus donations sent from all over the Philadelphia Area. The Operation Santa Claus donations were delivered on Christmas Eve by over 70 La Salle students, 8 faculty members, and 8 parents that were divided amongst sixteen teams. Once the gifts were delivered, all of the volunteers gathered together to celebrate Christmas Mass with the Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia.

Secret Santa In addition to La Salle’s outstanding Operation Santa Claus efforts, La Salle students also participated in Secret Santa. Through Secret Santa, La Salle partnered with Committee To Benefit The Children at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children to fulfill the Christmas wishes of 52 children who are pediatric oncology or hematology patients at the hospital. Many of these children are terminally ill and La Salle went above and beyond the call of duty to make certain that Christmas is merry for these children and their families. The La Salle community raised almost $9,000 to purchase presents and successfully fill these Christmas wishes. The boys purchased all of the gifts at local retail stores and the Mothers’ Club wrapped the 300+ presents. Over 40 boys spent Christmas Eve delivering presents to these patients.

Overall Christmas Initiative In all, La Salle provided Christmas presents totaling an excess of $35,000 to needy children in the Philadelphia and over 120 La Salle students will be delivering presents on Christmas Eve – either through Operation Santa Claus or Secret Santa. One would be hard-pressed to find another Catholic school with over 10% of its entire student body working on Christmas Eve to make Christmas a little merrier for those in need.

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College Counseling Center Mary Kay Mullen Director of College Counseling

ATTENTION SENIORS Financial Aid Be aware of the deadlines for filing the FAFSA (www. fafsa.ed.gov) CSSPROFILE (www.collegeboard.com) and colleges’ own financial aid forms. Each college will have its own deadline for filing these forms. Since the forms are sent to a central site to be processed you must meet the earliest deadline from the student’s list of schools. Keep in mind that the demand for financial aid is increased because of the increased cost of a college education and the state of the economy. Meeting deadlines is imperative. Check our website, www.lschs.org/college for financial aid and scholarship information and links.

First Semester GPA Study for semester exams. College admissions will look very closely at these senior grades and interim GPA. Midyear grades for seniors will be sent after the end of the first semester to all of the colleges to which the seniors have applied.

Acceptances and Awards Seniors are reminded to inform Mrs. O’Connell in the College Counseling Center about any acceptances and scholarships or grants by bringing in the letters of acceptance and awards. Keep in mind the importance of informing teachers who have taken the time to write letters of recommendation on the student’s behalf about these outcomes.

ATTENTION JUNIORS The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) latest survey regarding the state of college admission again measured the top factors in admission decisions. The top three are: 1) grades in college preparatory courses, 2) scores in standardized admission tests, and 3) grades in all courses. The application essay, counselor and teacher recommendations, and extracurricular activities were reported as “tip factors” – factors not considered as baselines for admission but could figure prominently in differentiating similarly qualified candidates. Please keep these factors in mind as the students prepare to take their first semester exams, begin second semester courses and register in March for courses for senior year.

Feast of Mary, Mother of God Remember on Christmas morning how we found our way to the stable? It may have been the stable on the mantle or under the Christmas tree or in our parish church. We gazed at the baby in the manger just like the shepherds had done so long ago. Jesus was there with Mary and Joseph. Today we begin our new year at the Eucharistic Celebration. We thank God for Mary, Jesus’ mother, who brought the Savior into the world. Because she is the mother of Jesus, God’s Son, she truly is the Mother of God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived Jesus. Joseph was Jesus’ loving fosterfather. God chose Mary to be the mother of his Son. She was a teenager and her parents were Joachim and Anne. Mary loved God and her Jewish religion. She was probably considered ordinary by her neighbors. It would be God’s work in her that would make her so special, so blessed. God sent the Archangel Gabriel to Mary’s town of Nazareth. The angel asked her to accept a wonderful plan-wonderful for her and for all of us. Mary wanted to please God and she accepted the plan. She became Jesus’ mother. Mary and her husband, Joseph, tried to raise Jesus the best way they could and with great love. Jesus spent many happy, quiet years with Mary and Joseph in Nazareth.

8 The Belcroft January 2010

College Counseling Center (continued) The college counselors – Mr. Gerard Brett, Brother


William DiPasquale, and Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen –

Students interested in participating in Division I (and II) athletics at the collegiate level must be aware of the NCAA Clearinghouse requirements listed on the last page of our school calendar and at www.ncaaclearinghouse.net.

will begin to meet with the juniors once a cycle in advisory classes beginning second semester. The purpose of the advisories is to prepare the students for the college search and application process. The course syllabus is available at www.lschs.org/college.

Standardized Testing During first semester advisory class, juniors were introduced to the Test Preparation component in Naviance, available at our website. It contains a sample SAT and ACT that allows the students to experience both formats. Test prep packets are available for each type of test along with practice tests and tutorials for each section of the tests. Having experience with both types of standardized testing (SAT and ACT) will allow the students to determine the format where they will be most successful in followup testing. Each junior should have taken two of the same test – either the ACT with writing component or SAT – by the end of second semester junior year. Create a timeline for registering and taking standardized test keeping in mind any academic, extracurricular, or personal commitments (e.g. – athletic schedules). The complete schedule of test and registration dates and information about the tests is available at our website: www.lschs.org/college, www.collegeboard.com (SAT), and www.actstudent.org (ACT). SAT SAT SAT ACT ACT ACT

TEST DATE March 13, 2010 May 1, 2010 June 5, 2010 February 6, 2010 April 10, 2010 June 12, 2010

REGISTRATION DEADLINE February 4, 2010 March 25, 2010 April 29, 2010 January 5, 2010 March 5, 2010 May 7, 2010

For a list of late registration deadlines and additional late fees see College Board and ACT websites listed above. When registering for the SAT or ACT, the student is reminded to use his legal name, the name that is on his transcript, to avoid confusion in the college application process. Also, we recommend that students use suitable email addresses when corresponding with colleges keeping in mind the impressions they are creating. Our school code – 393370 – should be entered on the registration so the college counselors receive the test scores.

College Counseling Website In preparing for the college search and application process we invite you to become familiar with our website – www.lschs.org/college. You will find general and specific information and links to many useful sites.

College Information Nights College Information Nights for parents of juniors conducted by the college counselors will be held on February 9, 2010 and February 10, 2010 at 7:15 pm in the school auditorium. February 9, 2010 Parents of students whose last names begin with A through K February 10, 2010 Parents of students whose last names begin with L through Z If you are not able to attend on the designated night and prefer the alternate night, please notify Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell in the College Counseling Center at (215) 402-4849. These Information Nights are for parents only. Students will receive this information and more in their advisory classes.

9 The Belcroft January 2010

La Salle College High School

2010 La Salle College High School Baseball Camp

Future Stars Basketball Academy

Session One – Hitting Instruction Only June 7, 2010 through July 9, 2010 9:00 am to 2:00 pm $150 per player

July 19, 2010 through July 23, 2010 9:00 am to Noon

Session Two – Positional July 12, 2010 through July 15, 2010 9:00 am to 2:00 pm $200 per player Attend Both Sessions for $300 Open to players ten years old through players entering the 9th Grade.

Boys and Girls Ages 5 to 9 $175 per player For a camp application or additional information, please contact Marty Jackson at (215) 402-4851 or jacksonm@lschs.org

La Salle College High School Football Camp

For a camp application or additional information, please contact Coach Joe Parisi at (215) 402-4182 or parisij@lschs.org

July 26, 2010 through July 29, 2010 4:00 to 8:00 pm

La Salle College High School Basketball Camp

Discounts $150 for early registration (payment in full by June 1, 2010) 20% discount for groups of three or more

Session One June 21, 2010 through June 25, 2010 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Session Two July 28, 2010 through July 2, 2010 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Boy Ages 9 to 15 $200 per session Attend Both Sessions for $350 For a camp application or additional information, please contact Joe Dempsey at (215) 402-4153 or dempseyj@lschs.org

Boys Ages 8 to 16 $175 per player

For a camp application or additional information, please call Paul Colistra at (215) 402-4811 or colistrap@lschs.org

La Salle College High School Jazz Camp June 21, 2010 through June 25, 2010 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Boys and Girls Entering Grades 5 to 9 $250 For a camp application or additional information, please call Joe Ciccimaro at (215) 402-4904 or ciccimarojoe@lschs.org

10 The Belcroft January 2010

La Salle College High School Lacrosse Camp

La Salle College High School Running Camp

Evening Camp June 14, 2010 through June 17, 2010 5:00 to 8:00 pm Boys Ages 11 to 16 $200

August 9, 2010 through August 12, 2010 8:30 am to 1:00 pm

Day Camp June 21, 2010 through June 25, 2010 9:00 am to 2:30 pm Boys Ages 5 to 16 and Girls Ages 5 to 13 $250 For a camp application or additional information, please contact www.lschs.org/laxcamp, leahyw@lschs.org, or (215) 402-4850.

Boys and Girls Entering Grades 5 to 9 $125 per runner For camp application or additional information, please contact Greg Bielecki at (215) 402-4140 or bieleckig@lschs.org

La Salle College High School Soccer Camp July 26, 2010 through July 30, 2010 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Peak Performance Camp

Boys and Girls Ages 6 to 16 $200 per player

All-Athlete Speed, Strength, and Agility Camp June 21, 2010 through June 25, 2010 5:00 to 8:00 pm

For camp application or additional information, please contact Tom Turner at (215) 402-4821 or turnert@lschs.org

Boy Entering Grades 6 to 10 $225 per camper Discounts $200 for early registration (payment in full by May 1, 2010) $50 discount for groups of three or more $50 discount for those attending another La Salle Athletic Camp For a camp application or additional information, please contact www.lschs.org/peakperformance, colistrap@lschs.org, or (215) 402-4811.

11 The Belcroft January 2010

Academic Enrichment Programs

ACT Preparation Courses

June 21, 2010 through July 23, 2010 8:30 am to 1:00 pm $975 (Tuition) $300 (Transportation)

(Meets Monday and Wednesdays) June 21, 2010 through July 21, 2010

Pre-7th Grade Open to Boys and Girls Entering the 7th Grade

8:30 to 10:30 am Cost is $325 This twenty hour course reviews the basic principles of Arithmetic, Algebra, Probability, Statistics, Data Analysis, Geometry and Trigonometry. Students will also examine the Science problems. Strategies are introduced for handling the ACT problems involving these principles. Students will use practice ACT tests to learn principles and strategies so that they will become comfortable with the formatting and type of questions on the actual test.

Pre-8th Grade Open to Boys and Girls Entering the 8th Grade A program centering on reading and writing, math, art, science and computer skills and preparation for high school entrance examinations. Students prepare for high school entrance test through one full-scale practice test and through shorter, weekly practice units. For an application or additional information, please contact (215) 402 4165 or summer@lschs.org

SAT Preparation Course (Meets Tuesdays and Thursday) June 22, 2010 through July 22, 2010 SAT Math 8:30 to 10:30 am $325 SAT Critical Reading (Verbal) 10:30 to 11:30 am $175 SAT Writing (Verbal) 11:30 am to 1:00 pm $250 Enroll in All Three Courses for $650 All courses are open to students – male or female – from any area school. Please register for any course(s) by visiting our website, www.lschs.org, and click on the Summer Program tab and print out the registration form.

ACT Math and Science

ACT English, Reading, and Writing 10:30 am to 1:00 pm Cost is $400 These twenty-five hour courses begin with a series of diagnostic tests focusing on reading comprehension, and written English. The uniqueness of the ACT is stressed along with a general review of test taking strategies. There are practice tests given during the five weeks of the course and a Review Class prior to the PSAT and October SAT. It is strongly advised that a student enroll in both courses, however the option exists to take just one. Enroll in All Three Courses for $650 All courses are open to students- male or female- from any area school. To register for one or more of these courses, please visit www.lschs.org and under Summer Programs, download and print the registration form.

12 The Belcroft January 2010

Encourage your son to respect his school and teachers. Unfortunately, teens today are not hailed as the most respectful generation. Talk with your son about how important respect and good manners are – at home and at school. Let your son know that you expect him to show respect to his teachers. Encourage him to: Pay attention in class. The easiest way to show respect for a teacher is to listen attentively. By making eye contact and paying attention, your teen is showing his teacher that he respects and values the education he is receiving. Use manners. Your son should follow requests with please and be sure to thank the teacher for extra help. Be loyal. Outside of classes, your teen shouldn’t speak badly of his teachers – even if other kids are. Your son can show his respect by following the rule “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Reprinted with permission from the January 2010 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2009 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Avoid scare tactics when you discipline your son. When lecturing your son for the hundredth time about wearing her seat belt – and getting the “Okay, Mom” response, followed by the eye roll – it’s tempting to start screaming, “You must wear your seatbelt! If you don’t, and there’s an accident, you will be thrown out of the car and break your neck!” That reaction makes sense; however, it’s important to remember that your son doesn’t always think the same way that you do and that’s why scare tactics don’t work.

Teens understand that bad things could happen when they do something wrong, but they think those bad things will only happen to other people. Teens are better at processing concrete information – what’s going on in the here and now – than they are at thinking about abstract situations. That’s why a direct statement (“If you’re not wearing your seatbelt, I’m taking away your driving privileges.”) is more effective than a scare tactic. Scare tactics can also cause your son to lose respect for your advice. If you respond with a “scary story” every time your son tries to talk to you about a serious issue, he is likely to stop discussing them with you. Reprinted with permission from the January 2010 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2009 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Does missing just one day of school have an impact? “Missing school one day won’t make a big difference,” your son says as he pulls the covers over his head, but it will. He will miss class discussions and the teacher’s lectures. The work he misses may never truly be made up. Sure he can do the reading in her history class. But he can’t replace the class conversation that followed. He may be able to do the math problems, but he won’t see the alternate way the teacher showed for finding an answer. As a result, he’ll be behind when he comes back to class. And the farther behind he gets, the more likely he is to get into academic trouble. When your teen says that missing school won’t matter, just say, “Yes, it will. So get up now.” Reprinted with permission from the January 2010 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2009 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

13 The Belcroft January 2010

Men of La Salle Bud McGann ‘83 President

Congratulations to the Football Team and coaches for winning the PIAA State Championship! Happy New Year from the Men of La Salle! Looking ahead to 2010, the Men of La Salle have several Father and Son events planned, starting with our Father Son Bowling scheduled for Sunday March 13, 2010. The Father Son Golf Outing was moved to April 21, 201025th and the 2010 Baseball Trip has been moved to May 2, 2008. Please continue to look for updates to these and all Men of La Salle events in The Belcroft, coming to you in the mail or by visiting us on the web at www.lschs.org.

Upcoming Calendar of Events Thursday, January 7, 2010 Thursday, February 4, 2010 Thursday, March 4, 2010 Saturday, March 13, 2010 Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Thursday, April 8, 2010 Sunday, April 25, 2010 Sunday, May 2, 2009 Thursday, May 6, 2010 Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Open to ALL Fathers Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Open to ALL Fathers Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Open to ALL Fathers Father/Son Bowling Thunderbirds Lanes (Willow Grove, PA) Open to ALL Fathers and Sons Sophomore Branch-Out Day Open to ALL Sophomores and their Fathers Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Nominations Meeting Open to ALL Fathers Father/Son Golf Outing Horsham Valley Country Club Open to ALL Families Baseball Outing Baltimore Orioles vs. Boston Red Sox Camden Yards (Baltimore, MD) Open to ALL Families Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Installation of New Officers Open to ALL Fathers Year-End BBQ/ Picnic

St. Vincent’s Soup Kitchen Every weekend through the end of the school year, the Men of LaSalle will continue our service to those less fortunate in our community, by helping to prepare and serve meals at St. Vincent’s. The Soup Kitchen is located at 109 East Price Street in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. This is a great opportunity for fathers and sons to spend some time together in service to the needy in our community, while at the same time setting an example to give back. Volunteers are needed to prepare food every Saturday and serve every Sunday from 9:30 to 11:30 am and 12:30 to 2:30 pm. No experience is needed, just a desire to spend time together and help others. Please go online to sign up and help make a difference.

The La Salle College High School Swim Team The La Salle College High School swim team opened their season by swimming a very competitive North Penn squad 106 to 79. With Andrew Sideras winning the 50 and 100 yard freestyle and Rhoads Worster winning the 200 yard individual medley and 200 yard backstroke, and rounding out our two event winners David Speese who carried the 200 yard freestyle and 100 yard breaststroke as the Explorers kicked off the 2009-2010 swim season. With Seniors Phil Letcavage’s win in the 100 yard butterfly, as well as Brendan McGoldrick’s solid 100 yard freestyle, coupled with Tom Knab’s solid swim’s they led the way in supplying enough points for the win. La Salle showed it still had that La Salle firepower with an exciting 500 yard freestyle win by Chris Catalino as the team proved it still has strong fire power after the graduation of last year’s senior class. With Chris Szekely having a great 200 freestyle swim he looks like he’s ready to step in and be a force on this year’s team. So with a promising group of underclassmen, as well as a solid performance from Joe Gorman in the diving events La Salle has the strength it needs to continue its Catholic League and District VII dominance. The swimmers are training very hard and they are building towards the Christmas break and their annual meet with St. Joseph’s at Metuchen on Dec. 22nd at LaSalle University. In January the team will get into the hard part of their Philadelphia Catholic schedule with five meets all in our home pool, so come on out and see us swim. With some good fortune and a lot of hard work the team hopes to win its 23rd Philadelphia Catholic league title and 2nd District 12 championship at La Salle University in February. The coaches wish the best of luck to this year’s swimmers.

14 The Belcroft January 2010

Mothers’ Club Susan Bilotta President

Dear Mothers, On behalf of the Mothers’ Club Board, I want to extend my best wishes to everyone for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. It’s hard to believe that the holidays are over and we are already in the second half of the school year; however, because of your support and generosity, I am pleased to report that our Mothers’ Club events held since September have all been a huge success. An important part of our mission is to help build the LaSalle community and in that spirit, we welcomed mothers and guardians of the Class of 2013 to membership in the Mothers’ Club at the New Mothers Tea. We also hosted a Family Liturgy held on the grounds of La Salle on a beautiful autumn day, and just before Christmas the mothers of this year’s senior class attended our traditional Christmas tree trimming event. All of these events were very well attended and helped create new friendships and strengthen old ones. The Mothers’ Club helps to support the Saint Francis Inn through our Mother/Son Service project. This group meets once a month on Sundays. Please check the schedule in The Belcroft. Our club also helps with other events throughout the school, such as processing orders for the Magazine Drive, and also assisting with the College Fair, Honors Convocation, Open House and the Junior Ring Mass. Our fall fund raising events were hugely successful. The Sally Foster Gift Wrap sales have exceeded $8,000, with profits exceeding $3,200. The Christmas Shopping Spectacular netted $6,000 in profit. These funds are part of the Mothers’ Club’s annual gift to the school. Our biggest fundraiser, the La Salle 2009 auction, “The Golden Age of TV: A Really Big Show,” which we co-sponsored with the Men of La Salle proved to be another amazing event in a long line of memorable auctions and raised approximately $250,000. All of these events would not be possible without your support and the talent and dedication of the Board Members who chair each of them. There are many exciting events coming for the second half of the year, so be sure to mark your calendars. Mother/Son Communion Breakfast February 21, 2010 New York Trip – Billy Elliott April 21, 2010 (sold out- wait list available) Senior Mother/Son Liturgy April 28, 2010

Fashion Show March 18, 2010 It has been wonderful meeting so many mothers this year, and I hope that you will be attending our future events. Many thanks for your continued support in making the Mother’s Club such a vibrant organization. Sincerely,

Susan Bilotta President

Upcoming Calendar of Events January 3, 2010 January 7, 2010 January 31, 2010 February 4, 2010 February 21, 2010 February 28, 2010

Mother/Son Service Project Cafeteria Mothers’ Club Meeting Auditorium Mother/Son Service Project Cafeteria Mothers’ Club Meeting Auditorium Mother/Son Communion Brunch Williamson’s Mother/Son Service Project Cafeteria

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer help is welcome and appreciated at upcoming Mothers’ Club events. Please e-mail the contact listed for each event with your availability.

Senior MotherTree Trimming A special time was had by all of the 180 Senior mothers who joined in for the Senior Tree events. All ornaments were carefully boxed, and given to your sons to bring home on December 17, 2009. Haven’t seen it? Check those backpacks and back seats!

Christmas Shopping Spectacular A wonderful group of shoppers braved the cold and windy weather and shopped ‘til they dropped at the 5th Annual Christmas Shopping Spectacular. It was once again a wonderful day for all of those who attended. With fabulous vendors offering a wide variety of products, wonderful food and friendship, the day was a great way to start the Holiday season. Thanks to all our volunteers and those who brought their friends and family, purchased a tombola ticket, and supported the vendors. All of you helped to make the day a huge success! Special thanks to the Christmas Shopping Spectacular Committee: Diana Eidenshink, Anne Flynn, Megan Losier, Patrice Lynch, Joanne Lyons, and Joanne Quinn.

15 The Belcroft January 2010

Mothers’ Club (continued) Annual Fashion Show and Dinner

Mothers’ Club Alumnae Spring Renewal

Windows To Fashion Thursday, March 18, 2010 Spring Mill Manor Ivyland, PA

The Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee cordially invites all mothers of La Salle students, past and present, to join us when Sister Marie Michelle Donnelly R.S.M. will guide a spiritual renewal on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2010.

Please join us for a night of fun, friendship and fashion at the annual Spring Fashion Show! The Tombola tables will be filled with lots of gifts you will want to win and take home that night!

Sally Foster Gift Wrap

Invitations will be mailed early February, in the meantime mark your calendars for March 18, 2010. Tickets are limited, so buy them early. As always, your financial support is sincerely appreciated and cash donations are welcome. If you have any questions, are interested in volunteering or would like to donate an item, please contact:

Thank you to all those who supported the Gift Wrap sale! If you still need some gift wrap for your holiday or other gifts La Salle will continue to receive full credit for all orders placed online until June 30, 2010. Go to www. sallyfoster.com, click on support a fundraiser, reference our school’s Account No. 67725, and begin shopping! Your order will be shipped promptly to your home address. Shipping is free for all orders more than $70.00, shipping is free! Any questions, contact:

Maria Caporizzo (610) 476-4716 mcap123@verizon.net.

Megan Losier megser58@aol.com

New York Trip

Help LaSalle earn thousands of dollars, It’s Easy! It’s Free! It’s Powerful! Log onto www.escrip.com and register to do your on-line shopping with hundreds of merchants at the new “on-line mall”. The La Salle code is 62525176. In addition to regular shopping, you can even make purchases for travel, airlines and online services. There is no need to leave a credit/debit card number with escrip. No need to worry if you are already supporting another organization with escrip, your contributions can be split among several institutions. Local eScrip merchants will contribute up to 8% of the purchases you make to La Salle:

Wednesday, April 21, 2009 SOLD OUT! There is a waiting list for this fabulous day. If you are interested, please contact: Mary Beth Szostak mbszostak@aol.com

Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee News January is “bag sale” month at Shared Treasures, the Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee thrift shop. Shoppers will be able to fill a bag with selected merchandise for $10. A different group of merchandise will be featured each week, so be sure to check out the shop each week. Shared Treasures is open on Thursdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Dunleavy Center, where you’ll find fabulous finds and fantastic values in men’s and women’s clothing and accessories and household décor. We are always in need of donations, too. Please bring them with you on Thursdays during shop hours or drop them in the green box on the side porch at Dunleavy on Wednesdays. All donations are tax-deductible. All mothers of La Salle alumni are invited to attend the Mothers’ Club Alumnae Luncheon, which will be held this year on April 29, 2010 at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. Look for your invitation in the mail in March.


1. Go to www.escrip.com 2. Click on “sign-up”. 3. Follow the instructions. Also at escrip, register for Genuardi’s Cash Back Program with your Genuardi’s shopping card number. When you shop at any Genuardi’s store, a percentage of your bill will automatically be credited to La Salle. It’s that easy! Please register soon, so La Salle can be a winner all year long! Any questions, contact: Ann Marie Sanders annmariesanders@verizon.net

16 The Belcroft January 2010

Mothers’ Club (continued) La Salle College High School a “CARING COMMUNITY” Recognizing that we are one La Salle family, the main goal of the Mothers’ Club “Caring Community” is to respond to any special needs, and to celebrate the special occasions, that our students and their families and our faculty members may have. We would like to recognize joyous occasions such as births and marriages, as well as to offer support, prayers (you can ask for your intention to be included by logging on to the “Prayer Chain” article in the Mothers’ Club area of the school’s website, www.lschs. org), meals, a simple note or phone call during the tough times of illness, death, or other hardships. Please contact: Susan Dearolf (215) 572-1239 susandearolf@comcast.net

Mother/Son Service Project for St. Francis Inn January 3, 2010 10:00 am February 28, 2010 10:00 am Cafeteria The Mothers’ Club is partnering with Mr. Chuck Cirelli on a service project for mothers and their sons to make sandwiches for the homeless and poor served by St. Francis Inn. We will meet on Sundays before the first Monday of the month to prepare the bagged meals. For information, please contact: Chris Letcavage cletcavage@comcast.net

Keyboards Needed Has your child lost interest in his or her musical keyboard or perhaps received a newer one for Christmas? The Mothers’ Club will be collecting fifteen new or gently used musical keyboards for La Salle Academy, so that the students can learn how to play. La Salle Academy is dedicated to educating children in grades three through eight whose potential is limited by social, academic, or financial challenges, and whose parents desire, but cannot afford, a Catholic education. If you have a keyboard to donate, please contact: JeriBeth Subers (215) 641-0522 jbsubers@verizon.net

Feast of Saint John Neumann January 5, 2010 John Neumann was born in Bohemia in 1811. He was looking forward to being ordained in 1835 when the bishop decided there would be no more ordinations. It is difficult for us to imagine now, but Bohemia was overstocked with priests. John wrote to bishops all over Europe but the story was the same everywhere – no one wanted any more bishops. John was sure he was called to be a priest, but all the doors to follow that vocation seemed to close in his face. John didn’t give up. He had learned English by working in a factory with Englishspeaking workers, so he wrote to the bishops in America. Finally, the bishop in New York agreed to ordain him. In order to follow God’s call to the priesthood, John would have to leave his home forever and travel across the ocean to a new and rugged land. In New York, John was one of thirty-six priests for 200,000 Catholics. John’s parish in western New York stretched from Lake Ontario to Pennsylvania. His church had no steeple or floor, but that didn’t matter because John spent most of his time traveling from village to village, climbing mountains to visit the sick, staying in garrets and taverns to teach, and celebrating the Mass at kitchen tables. Because of the work and the isolation of his parish, John longed for community and so joined the Redemptorists, a congregation of priests and brothers dedicated to helping the poor and most abandoned. John was appointed bishop of Philadelphia in 1852. As bishop, he was the first to organize a diocesan Catholic school system. A founder of Catholic education in this country, he increased the number of Catholic schools in his diocese from two to one hundred. The ability to learn languages that had brought him to America led him to learn Spanish, French, Italian, and Dutch so he could hear confessions in at least six languages. When Irish immigration started, he learned Gaelic so well that one Irish woman remarked, “Isn’t it grand that we have an Irish bishop!” John died on January 5, 1860 at the age of 48.

17 The Belcroft January 2010

Mother/Son Communion Brunch Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:30 am – Check-In 10:00 am – Mass and Brunch Williamson Restaurant Easton Road (Route 611) and Blair Mill Road Horsham, PA 19044 Guest Speaker Sean McDermott ’93 Philadelphia Eagles Defensive Coordinator $25 per person $60 per family Reservations are required. No tickets will be issued. Your canceled check or credit card statement is your receipt. To make your reservation, please complete the reservation form below and mail with a check.

You may indicate a seating preference or your son’s graduation year, and we will do our best to seat you with his fellow classmates. Seating will be assigned on a firstcome, first-served basis as reservations are received. Given the large number of expected guests, we must receive your reservation no later than February 8, 2010. Please be advised that the Mass will be offered and our speaker will present in the Elkins dining room. If we reach full capacity in that room, subsequent responding guests will enjoy Mass, breakfast, and a full audio-visual feed in the Adams room. This event could sell out completely, so please respond promptly. If you would like to sit with a specific group of friends, please enclose one check for the total amount and list names of all guests on the reservation form. Tables seat a maximum of ten guests. Please arrive by 9:45 am to allow time for seating before Mass. In the event that you have any questions, please contact: Joanne Burdulis (215) 646-7827 jcburdulis@aol.com


Please return with your check made payable to the “La Salle Mothers’ Club” no later than February 8, 2010. Joanne Lyons 431 Elizabeth Way Hatfield, PA 19440 Payment must be made prior to the event. Please mail your check and form or register online via a secure server at www.lschs.org/mothers FOR INTERNAL USE Reservation Number

Please list the names of all parties attending and the graduation year of the son(s) attending. All names must be listed on a single reservation form and payment for all must accompany the reservation in order to reserve a table for ten. Name








































Table Number Reservation Contact Phone Number E-mail Total Enclosed $

18 The Belcroft January 2010

Let The Music Play by Eric Stone ’11

La Salle’s music program is having one of its most successful and exciting years in recent memory. We gave a great Christmas concert that wonderfully showcased the talents of all our students. Following the football team into late December to the state championship, our pep band has been able to experience something very new: playing in the snow. We’ve had many students not just make the Philadelphia All-Catholic Band, but score so high at the audition that a large number were given top rankings and the opportunity to participate in the Jazz Band, which only a select few are chosen for. The students who were accepted are Seniors Ryan McElroy, Joe Moroney, and Dean Ripley; Juniors Chris McElroy and Jake Noon; Sophomores Eric Schultz and Teddy Ryan; and Freshman Griffin Ripley. Even more impressive, we had several students audition for the District Band, and out of the massive amount of amazing musicians Nicholas Owsik (1st Chair Trumpet) and James Rose (3rd Chair Flute) were chosen to participate. Our Competition and Lab Bands are looking forward to an exciting competition season, also. These select groups always perform extremely well and consistently prove La Salle to have one of the best music programs in the area. Another small ensemble that has begun practicing is the pit band for the spring musical, Smokey Joe’s Café. This show is different than musicals we have performed in the past; it is a revue of 50’s & 60’s songs (all composed by Leiber and Stoller) that tells its story through the music. Because it relies so heavily on the score, it is the perfect show to display the talents of our 30 piece pit orchestra. As hard as it is to believe, it appears as though the music program at La Salle only gets better and better each year. In spite of the extraordinary musicians that graduate every year, the rising senior class always seems to rise to the occasion and make our band even better than it was. While listing the vast amount of accomplishments we have achieved already, one can only be hopeful for an incredible year to come.

19 The Belcroft January 2010

Varsity Sports Schedules Tony Resch Athletic Director


Indoor Track

Joseph Dempsey Head Coach January

4 8 11 15 17 22 24 29

Father Judge St. Joseph’s Prep Roman Catholic Cardinal O’Hara Monsignor Bonner North Catholic Archbishop Ryan Father Judge

Pat Devine Head Coach January 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 2:30 pm 7:30 pm 2:30 pm 7:30 pm

Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Home


Steve Faunce Head Coach January 5 Archbishop Wood 3:30 pm 12 Archbishop Ryan 3:30 pm 14 Cardinal Dougherty 3:30 pm 15 Lansdale Catholic 3:30 pm 18 Snowball Classic 7:30 am 19 Father Judge 3:30 pm 21 North Catholic 3:30 pm 26 Conwell-Egan 3:30 pm 28 Archbishop Wood 3:30 pm

Swimming Thunderbird Lanes Thunderbird Lanes Thunderbird Lanes Earl-Bowl Lanes Laurel Lanes Thunderbird Lanes Erie Lanes Bristol Pike Lanes Thunderbird Lanes


Wally Muehlbronner Head Coach January 6 Malvern Prep 7:20 pm 11 Archbishop Ryan 6:55 pm 13 Wyoming Seminary 4:20 pm 15-17 Meadville Bulldog Tournament 27 Bergen Catholic 4:20 pm 29 Lawrenceville School 5:15 pm

2 TFCA of GP Meet No. 4 8:00 am Lehigh University 6 Holiday Quad Meet 4:00 pm Haverford College 9 TFCA of GP Meet No. 5 12:00 pm Haverford College 16 TFCA of GP Meet No. 6 8:30 am Lehigh University 30 TFCA of GP Meet No. 7 10:00 am Glen Mills School

Hatfield Ice World Flyers Skate Zone Hatfield Ice World Meadville, PA Hatfield Ice World Loucks Ice Center

Frank Lichtner Head Coach January 5 Father Judge 3:30 pm Home 13 Monsignor Bonner 3:30 pm Home 16 Wilson Relays 8:00 am Wilson Area High School 19 Archbishop Carroll 4:00 pm Home 28 Archbishop Ryan 3:30 pm Home 30 Salesianum School 10:00 am Widener University

Wrestling Vic Stanley Head Coach January

6 Monsignor Bonner 6:00 pm 9 Zephyr Duals 8:00 am 13 St. Joseph’s Prep 3:45 pm 14 Father Judge 6:00 pm 16 Council Rock Elite Duals 8:00 am 23 Juniata Duals 8:00 am 27 Roman Catholic 6:00 pm

Home Whitehall High School Away Home Council Rock North Juniata High School Away


La Salle College High School Music Dept

Annual Parents Social & Fundraiser Date: Saturday February 6, 2010 Time: 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm Place: La Salle Auditorium $35 per ticket Cost: Casual Attire

Food, soft drinks, beer and set-ups are included; wine & spirits are B.Y.O.B. We ask that you bring a dessert! Entertainment by La Salle Music Department! Raffles and Theme Gift baskets! Make checks payable to “LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC DEPARTMENT”

c/o Mary Haney 1342 Osbourne Ave. Roslyn, PA 19001 (215)659(215)659-2596 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________ Family Name Phone #Tickets @$35 ea.

Son’s Year Amt. enclosed

(tables of 8 must be paid in advance)

8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

First Class Mail


January 2010 Volume Nineteen Number 5

The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Principal Joseph L. Marchese Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax www.lschs.org

The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through May.

The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.

Calendar of Events January 2010

First Class Mail The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue. The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.


New Year’s Day


Mother/Son Service Project

10:00 am


School Holiday

No Classes


Classes Resume


Mothers’ Club Meeting

9:15 am

Men of La Salle Meeting

6:30 pm


Alumni Board Meeting

7:30 pm


Scholarship Reception


End of Second Marking Period


Martin Luther King Day

19-25 First Semester Exams 23

SAT I and II


Second Semester Begins

26-29 Kairos 37-72

No Classes

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