Belcroft Newsletter April 2013

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April 2013 Volume Twenty-Two Number 8

Dear Parents and Guardians, I am writing this letter at what is rather a fun moment. The date is actually March 12th. In a couple of hours, the 115 cardinal electors will go into the conclave. The first vote will follow shortly thereafter. By the time you read this letter, the identity of the new pope will be settled and old news (If it’s not, it’s probably time to replace the penne arrabiata on their menu with tuna noodle casserole in an effort to persuade the electors to speed things up a little!). Come April 1st, the media will have done their thing, communicated the

Similarly, they didn’t know how things were going to turn out, Peter and Andrew, James and John, at work on the Sea of Galilee, upon hearing some carpenter from Nazareth summon them: “Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” On Good Friday it must have seemed that things had turned out very badly indeed. Yet, come Sunday morning, whatever their precise experience of that metaphysical event we call the Resurrection was, one thing is clear: it is because Peter believed that Jesus was alive that the disciples believed, that the Church believes, that we believe.

chosen cardinal’s C.V. to the world and ransacked his closet for any skeletons.

Isn’t that the reason – the profound, ultimate reason – that the partnership

For the moment, though, we don’t know how things are going to turn out.

between parents and educators in a Lasallian school accomplishes so much

Still, when you think about it, even by the end of the school year, we’ll

good for the young men entrusted to our care? It’s because we believe,

hardly know how things will turn out, ultimately be judged from history’s

believe that Jesus is alive, not only as an article of faith, but within and

perspective. Will the 266th pope be a rock star like John Paul II or earn more

among these teenagers as they stumble along the path to adulthood. It’s

modest, mixed reviews? Will he begin well but end tremulously like Paul VI?

because we believe that La Salle becomes not just an educational alternative

Will the tragedy of unfulfilled potential and optimism dashed be his as it was

but a sacred place, a sign of faith in the promise made to our sons and

for John Paul I, or will he confound minimal expectations to surprise everyone

students through the prophet Jeremiah: “For I know well the plans I have in

with the fresh vision and preternatural ability to radiate God’s love which

mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to

John XXIII brought to the world?

give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I

Those of us who nurture or educate teenagers often have occasion to reflect on that mystery, don’t we? We don’t really know how things are going to turn out. In the last school I served at, I asked for a multi-year study of the top twenty finishers on the entrance examination who actually enrolled. Only 50% were in the top twenty at graduation. Why? An entrance exam

will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you.” Maybe we do sort of know how things are going to turn out after all. A blessed Easter season to you and your families,

demonstrates aptitude but is blind to work ethic. Likewise, many in that top 20 at graduation never make much of themselves, while some students much closer to the bottom of the class become extremely successful and even more

Brother James L. Butler, FSC

generous. Why? You don’t get graded very much on your team-building skills,


your ability to create buy-in for a vision or close a deal. But these traits count a lot “in the real world.” Surely, in matters both large and small, as parents you don’t really know how things are going to turn out. Should you let him play rugby? Won’t he get mauled? Is he ready for three nights away on a ski trip? For that girl? And then there’s senior week…. As far as college goes, should you encourage him to think big, stretch his wings, reinvent himself in a new part of the country or play it safe, stay modest, close to home, and enter the work world at age 22 without $200,000 of debt? Likewise, when he falls, should you rush in and pick him up or leave him there on the ground for a while to figure out both the cause of the problem and the solution for himself?

u lt i m at e s u m m e r e x P e r i e n c e s


La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax



academic enrichment Programs Pre-7th Grade, Pre-8th, and Pre-9th Grades June 24, 2013 to July 26, 2013

Jazz camp boys and Girls entering Grades 5 to 9 June 17, 2013 to June 21, 2013

sat Preparation courses math, critical reading, and Writing Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays June 25, 2013 to July 25, 2013


Writing enrichment Meets Mondays and Wednesdays June 24, 2013 to July 24, 2013

Positional July 8, 2013 to July 12, 2013

rocket camps boys and Girls Grades 5 to 9 June 24, 2013 to June 28, 2013 July 8, 2013 to July 12, 2013

basketball camps boys ages 9 to 15 June 24, 2013 through June 28, 2013 July 8, 2013 to July 12, 2013

microsoft it academy boys and Girls Grades 13 to 18 June 10, 2013 to June 21, 2013 July 8, 2013 to July 19, 2013

Football camp boys ages 8 to 16 July 22, 2013 to July 25, 2013

baseball camps boys ages 8 to 15 hitting instruction July 1, 2013 to July 3, 2013

lacrosse camps boys ages 11 to 16 June 24, 2013 to June 28, 2013 boys ages 5 to 16 and Girls ages 5 to 13 June 17, 2013 to June 21, 2013 Peak Performance camp boys entering Grades 6 to 10 July 8, 2013 to July 11, 2013 running camp boys and Girls Grades 5 to 9 August 5, 2013 to August 8, 2013 soccer camp boys and Girls ages 6 to 16 July 29, 2013 to August 2, 2013

day camP Future stars day camp boys and Girls ages 4 to 13 June 17, 2013 to August 16, 2013

diGital desiGn digital images with adobe Photoshop boys and Girls Grades 7 to 12 Monday to Thursday June 24, 2013 to June 27, 2013 advanced image editing with adobe Photoshop boys and Girls Grades 7 to 12 Monday to Thursday July 1, 2013 to July 11, 2013 Video editing with adobe Premiere Pro boys and Girls Grades 7 to 12 Monday to Thursday July 15, 2013 to July 25, 2013 Web design with adobe dreamweaver boys and Girls Grades 7 to 12 Monday to Thursday July 15, 2013 to July 25, 2013

all camps are held on the campus of la salle college high school. For a camp application or additional information, please call (215) 233-2911 or visit

Office of Student Affairs Julia K. Maher Ass i s t a n t P r i n c i p a l f o r S t u d e n t Aff a i r s

Senior Night

Student Council

On Thursday, February 21, 2013 , the Seniors marked 100 Days to Graduation (Saturday, June 1st) with a dress-down day, dinner, and entertainment by hypnotist Kevin Hurley. The seniors and faculty/staff who attended had a great time!

Student Council Elections for 2013-2014 will begin in April and conclude by mid May. Students have the opportunity to run for Executive Officers (seniors only), Class Officers, and/or Senators.

Swing! Congratulations to the cast, stage crew, faculty/staff who were involved with the production of “Swing”. The following students, faculty and staff did a wonderful job bringing us four memorable performances: Seniors


Sophomores Freshmen

Johnray Briones

John Cuce

Kevin Blanke

Joe Dallas

Aaron Carreras

Alex DiGiacomo

Dillon D’Andrea

Luke DeAngelis

James Carroll

Justin Dillman

David Del Grosso Nick Gates

Mark Chandler

Chaz Donnelly

Ralph DiLemmo

Angelo Guiliana

Matt Daly

Kevin Finnegan

James Durkin

Kevin Lajeunesse

Dan DeBrakeleer Sean Furgiuele

Julian Durkin

Ryan McCurdy

Richard Eckert

Collin Giongo

Joseph Mele

Chris Frazzette

Kevin Groome

Kevin Gay

Christian Hoban

Joseph Miller

Mark Himler

Joe Kennedy

Max Immerman

Matt Shafer

Colin MacCrory

Eric Lopresti

Anthony Knesis

Nicholas Silvestri

Sean MacIntosh

Connor Martin

Kevin Moran

Patrick Tice-Carroll

Patrick May

Tim McAuliffe

Colin Murtha

Mike Zajac

Nick McDowell

Liam McGrother

Colin O’Malley

Chris Mele

Douglas Michie

James Raquet

Will Mischler

Michael Mullin

Ryan Sax

Preston Murray

Stephen Peel

Matt Schargel

Sean Naessens

Jordan Petrellis

Vince Scutti

Griffin Ripley

Ricky Sanchez

Nick Sontag

Anthony Silvestri Matthew Schrupp Kyle Stofka

Logan Young

John Tyrrell

Phil Zminda

Evan Walsh Colin Weber Martin Zefelippo

Faculty/Staff Mr. Ciccimaro Mrs. Cooney Mr. Dominick

Field Day La Salle’s 10th Annual Field Day is scheduled for Friday, April 26, 2013. For the last nine years this event has been a huge success due to the planning and execution done by the Student Council. The enthusiasm of the faculty, staff and the student body for the day has been great. Students are able to “compete” in games of knowledge, dexterity, and athleticism while interacting with faculty and staff who run the events and/or accompany the students around the campus. Two favorites of the students have been the ultimate frisbee and dodge ball – competitions sure to return again this year. The day will end with a final assembly which will feature a tug-of-war between homerooms on each level and the walk/run on the track in memory of deceased faculty members Fran Johnson (2004) and Mary Jo Smith (2010). It should be another great day for the entire La Salle community!

La Salle Proms Junior Prom Saturday, May 4, 2013 Auditorium Semi-Formal 7:00 – 10:30 pm $35 per person $70 per couple

Mr. Hearn

Senior Prom Friday, May 10, 2013 Spring Mill Manor Ivyland, PA Formal 7:00 – 11:30 pm $80 per person $160 per couple

Mr. Norman Mr. Vettori

All ticket prices include a basic picture package, dinner, and music. Semi-formal attire means a shirt, tie, sports coat or suit, Formal attire is a tuxedo.

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Office of Academic Affairs Mr. Thomas R. Barna Ass i s t a n t P r i n c i p a l f o r Ac a d e m i c Aff a i r s

National Honor Society The school’s National Honor Society induction ceremony will be held on the evening of Wednesday, April 10, 2013. The Office of Academic Affairs is excited to report that 72 new members are scheduled to be inducted into the La Salle College High School chapter of the National Honor Society. Father Anthony Janton ’69 will preside at the Eucharist and induction. Personal reflections on the characteristics of Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character are expected to be presented by the society’s senior officers: Jason Yoon, Nicholas D’Orazio, Carlos Diaz, and Ryan O’Donnell. The Moderators of the National Honor Society are Ms. Tina Shustack, and Mrs. Betty Field. CLASS OF 2013 Gerald Rath

Anthony Silvestri

Colin Weber

Ryan Abell

Michael Flanigan

Matthew McCarry

Maxwell Albone

Christopher Frazzette

Evan McDonnell

Erik Azzarano

Sean Furgiuele

Timothy McElroy

Michael Barrett

John Gallagher

Liam McGrother

Anton Barun

Kevin Gay

Trent Melsheimer

Keith Basara

Colin Happ

Mark Metzler

Peter Brooks

Thomas Herron

Charles Newell

Griffin Brown

Stephen Hudak

James Palmer

Eric Burgmann

Brendan Keenan

Joseph Pinnola-Vizza

John Carlidge

Jacob Klemmer

Mark Reed

Connor Casey

Michael Koller

Liam Reeves

Anthony Ciliberto

Joseph Krol

Patrick Ryan

David Cox

Nicholas Kush

Oscar Sanchez

Levi Davis

Adam Lagner

John Scheffey

Nicholas Dermo

Keith Lee

Thomas Schmitz

Harrison Dittrich

Kevin Lindsay

John Schoenewald

Charles Donnelly

Tyler Little

Andrew Schutta

John Durbin

Charles Lloyd

Aaron Sosnader

Andrew Durkin

Matthew Lucas

Mitchell Soufleris

Robert Casey Dwyer

Stephen Maloney

Daniel Spinelli

John Ernandez

Christian Mancini

Reid Worster

John Farris

Christopher Mather

James Worthington

Kevin Finnegan

Timothy McAuliffe

Phillip Zminda


2013-2014 Course Registration Updates Aside from the immediate priority of finishing our current academic year strong, planning for next year’s academic start is in full swing. When a student finishes submitting his course requests, his counselor will review and approve the selections. As soon as a student’s selections are approved, a “parent sign-off sheet” will appear in your son’s Naviance account under the “course requests” heading. This form will serve as a verification of his course requests. The student and his parents should review this document to make sure that the courses listed are those he needs and/or requested for next year. If there are any problems or errors, the student should see his counselor(s) as soon as possible. Returning the signature sheet to La Salle is the responsibility of each student. It

will be collected by your son’s counselor. The process will end with you son submitting the sign-off sheet before or on Wednesday, March 27, 2013. Students will have until Monday, April 15, 2013, to entertain changes and finalize any lingering selections. On a related note, you should know that your son has been educated about the course selection process. He should be aware that all placements are approved by his teachers and reviewed by the respective department leader in that subject area. If you have questions or concerns about placements in World Language (Mr. Geiger), Math (Mr. Quinn), Science (Mr. Cipolla), or Social Studies (Mr. Miller), please contact the appropriate department chair in these areas. Other, more specific concerns in placements should be forwarded to the appropriate teacher or counselor. Moving forward, the scheduling of students will take months to complete. It is a complex process since we are attempting to build individualized rosters for over 1,000 students. Thus, once a roster is complete and the school year begins, that is the student’s roster. We cannot honor requests for specific teachers, lunch periods, or early dismissals (unless supported by compelling educational reasons). Your support of our efforts here is greatly appreciated. The Office of Academic Affairs is planning to mail students their official roster for the 2013-2014 academic early in August.

Graduation As is the custom at La Salle, we would like to know if there are any graduates of the Class of 2012 who have members of the clergy in their families who would like to participate in the Baccalaureate Mass scheduled for Thursday, May 30, 2013, at La Sale University. If you have a family member who is a priest, and he would like to concelebrate the Mass at graduation, please contact Mrs. Suzanne Russo by Friday, April 26, 2013 at (215) 233-2911 (ext. 4896).

National Spanish Exam Last year 143, 641 students took the National Spanish Exam. La Salle participated for the first time and had five gold, nine silver, and nine bronze medalists in 2012. Among those, the highest achiever at La Salle, James Palmer ‘14, was one of twelve juniors in the United States who were recently awarded an all-expense-paid study trip to Costa Rica for the summer of 2013. In addition to his qualifying score, James was required to submit a fiveminute video interview and an essay (both in Spanish) as well as his transcript and letters of recommendation in order to win the award. James also placed second in the Advanced Level of the Montgomery County Association of Teachers of Foreign Language Oral Proficiency Contest held recently at Plymouth-Whitemarsh High School.

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College Counseling Center Gerard Brett D i r e c t o r o f C o ll e g e C o u n s e l i n g

College Counseling Website of the Month

Summer Programs link. Many of these programs take place on college campuses locally, nationally, and internationally.

Juniors are reminded to be aware that April 5th is the deadline for the May 4, 2013 SAT. Many selective colleges require or recommend SAT Subject Tests for admission or placement. If you plan on applying to one of these selective colleges consider taking the SAT Subject Tests on June 1, 2013 with a May 7, 2013 registration date. The ACT registration deadline is May 3, 2013 for the June 8, 2103 test. Remember to register for the Writing Section when taking the ACT. See the Standardized Testing tab on our website for details.

SENIORS All seniors who receive any scholarship or grant awards from any college (whether or not they intend to enroll) must bring a copy of the award letter to the College Counseling Center as soon as it is received. In order for a student’s name to appear in the Graduation Program as a scholarship recipient, he must follow this procedure. Be prepared to enroll at ONE college by that college’s registration deadline. May 1st is the date viewed by the collegiate community as the universal reply date for regular admission. You will be required to send an admission and/or housing deposit to confirm your enrollment intentions. Under no circumstances should you enroll and deposit at more than one college! After the student has committed to a college he should write a letter informing all other colleges of his intention to enroll elsewhere. This is an obligation to be taken seriously. It enables other students who may be “wait listed” to move up on that waiting list. Students who are waitlisted who wish to still be considered for admission should immediately respond to the college that they wish to remain on the waiting list. Students should also speak with their college counselor and email or send the local college representative for La Salle College High School a note letting the college admissions officer how strongly they wish to attend that particular college. Students should also send their 3rd quarter report card to the college. However, something to consider is a recent quote from a college admissions officer who talks about colleges not ranking students on their waiting lists. Instead, decisions about who will rise to the top are often a function of what admissions offices perceive as “deficiencies” in their upcoming freshman class. There might be, for example, a surplus of aspiring engineers and not enough potential English majors, or too few students from Florida, or there might be an unexpected shortage of oboe players. A final transcript will be sent in June by the College Counseling Office to the ONE college where your son is enrolling so it is important that seniors notify Mrs. O’Connell of their final choice. Please be aware that we have many examples of colleges that have reconsidered or rescinded admissions decision do to a slump in senior year grades. We encourage the seniors to inform teachers about their college plans and to thank them for writing letters of recommendation on their behalf.

JUNIORS Mark your calendars!! Villanova University will host the Main Line College Fair on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm at the Pavilion on the Villanova campus. Admission counselors from over 300 hundred colleges and universities will be present to discuss entrance requirements, curriculum offerings, and financial aid. The event will provide students and their families the opportunity to gather information about colleges and universities from across the country. Visits to college campuses are most important in finding the right match. Make every effort to visit campuses while college classes are in session to get a realistic view of campus life. Students should make a reservation online through the college admission websites or call the admissions office. Students should remember to email the Admission Office after the tour and interview.

Also check out the Prep Me tab on Naviance for sample SAT and ACT questions, full sample tests, and tutorials – an excellent way to prepare for standardized tests at no cost to parents and students. Standardized test scores play a significant part in college admissions and scholarship competitions. Students hoping to play intercollegiate sports should check out the NCAA Eligibility tab for a clearer understanding of the recruiting process and the NCAA Eligibility requirements. Contact coaches and the college counselors with questions. As mentioned at Information Night for Parents of Juniors, another good source of information is The Winning Edge, the StudentAthlete’s Guide to College Sports published by Octameron Press. With the costs of college education increasing, now is a good time to investigate scholarship programs at the Scholarship Information link. For comprehensive information about financial aid, check out College Links and Resources. An early estimate of eligibility for federal and state financial aid, the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), can be calculated at the FAFSA4caster site. Please avail of the Net Price Calculator tools that all colleges provide on their websites. Parents of juniors are reminded to return to the College Counseling Center the Parent’s Perspective forms if they have not already done so. Juniors are reminded of the importance of thoughtfully completing their Junior College Questionnaire Part 1 (due March 27, 2013 and Part 2 due May 17, 2103) for Group Advisory Class. These questions are a building block for the college search and application process. They are a step-by-step way of managing the process in an effective way. The syllabus for the College Advisory classes can be found on the Student Portal.

Important Reminder As the semester progresses, students are reminded that GPA and rigor of curriculum are the two top criteria for admission to college. Spring is the time for renewed motivation and best effort. It is also time to think about asking a teacher, preferably from junior year, to consider writing a letter of recommendation for senior year college applications. Remember that writing letters of recommendation is a very time-consuming and is a voluntary service on the part of our faculty.

Transitioning to College An Evening Program for La Salle Seniors and their Parents

Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:00 pm Auditorium Presentation by Kathy Byrnes, Associate Vice President for Student Life at Villanova University The evening will focus on: Initial Transition to College Life • College Experience in General • Keys to Success • Personal Decision Making • Building Relationships • Developing Grit • Best Practices

A list of academic and community service summer programs for sophomores and juniors is available on our College Counseling website at the Pre-College La Salle College High School – The Belcroft April 2013 6

getting out of your Comfort by Jo Ann Cohen, PhD

As a senior in high school, I had an English teacher with a dynamic personality. She believed education was an opportunity to stretch in every possible way. She specialized in nontraditional assignments. One day we entered her class to find that she was requiring each student to apply to some contest. There were ten of us in this small seminar class and she pulled out at least two dozen contests as she made her request. “There’s nothing here I find interesting,” I told her. “Like here’s one on the outdoors. I don’t like camping. In fact, I hate spiders and snakes.” She laughed, “then pick another one or decide that you won’t take the prize if it is offered. The point here is for you to learn to present yourself in a situation when you do not feel competent.” Convinced I would never win a 10 day survival camping trip, I grabbed the application which asked all kinds of questions about how to survive in specific conditions, and I began to research the impossible. I read about starting a fire in the rain, erecting a tent in the wind, and tying knots. I learned first aid. My knowledge was limited to what I read. To my chagrin, I was chosen as one of the semifinalists and invited for a personal interview. Being chosen from a paper application was amusing, but I was certain that I would never be selected once they saw my skills did not exist. When I told my English teacher, she just laughed. “What you do now is totally up to you and your parents,” she told me. “As far as I’m concerned you got an “A.”’ Totally mystified I went on to the next phase of the contest which was scheduled for a full day in April. The group that had been chosen was divided into smaller groups and given tasks. I was about to learn the difference between technical knowledge and practical experience. Each of us was surrounded by “watchers.” These were people who followed us around with a clipboard and in my case documented each and every failure. I figured my “watchers” had a hard time not laughing. As I made toast, my bread fell into the fire.

The food I made in the Dutch oven was burnt on one side and raw on the other. Unaware of what poison ivy looked like, I ended up sitting in a patch. And just when I thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, I overturned a canoe drenching both me and my partner in icy cold water. As I packed my wet clothes and prepared to go home, I tried to figure out what I was feeling. I never thought I would win the contest, so I wasn’t dreadfully disappointed. I was surprised, however, that my book knowledge paid off so poorly. I certainly appreciated the opportunity to be with a very competent group of people. None of them had their food fall into the fire, and while I tentatively walked through the brush terrified I might meet a snake, they fearlessly tread anywhere they wanted. It was about ten days later when a letter arrived in the mail. I recognized the logo on the return address. I opened it gingerly and slowly pulled it out of the envelope. “I am pleased to inform you…” I read the sentence again. There is was in black and white. I had been chosen for a ten day survival trip. I thought of calling up the organization and telling them they made a mistake. Someone sent me the wrong letter. Five days later, I had the opportunity to talk to someone from the organization. “How did you make these selections?” I asked diplomatically. The woman smiled. “Well, I guess you know it wasn’t made on competency. There were lots of contestants who had much better skills.” I looked at her completely baffled. “How did you make it?” She laughed. “You were fearless and persistent,” she said smiling. “Success is an attitude.”

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Ministry and Service L E W I S C L AR K D IRE C TOR O F C A M P U S M INI S TRY

Freshmen Retreats (Theme: Lasallian Identity) September 26, 2012 (1A-5A) September 26, 2012 (6A-10A) Sophomore Retreats (Theme: The Road to Emmaus) April 10, 2013 (1B, 2B, ½ 3B) April 11, 2013 (½ 3B, 4B, 5B) April 23, 2013 (6B, 7B, ½ 8B) April 24, 2013 (½ 8B, 9B, 10B) Junior Retreats (Theme: Choices) February 5, 2013 (1C/2C) February 11, 2013 (3C/4C) February 12, 2013 (5C/6C) February 26, 2013 (7C/8C) February 27, 2013 (9C/10C) Senior Retreats Kairos 37-87 Kairos 37-88 Kairos 37-89 Kairos 37-90 Kairos 37-91 Kairos 37-92 One-Day Retreat

Grade Level Opportunities Freshmen Branch Out-Day Junior Urban Challenge

November 2 – 5, 2012 November 6 – 9, 2012 December 11– 14, 2012 January 29 – February 1, 2013 March 5 – March 8, 2013 April 16 – 19, 2013 December 4, 2012

School Wide Liturgies and Prayer Services Opening of School Liturgy September 14, 2012 All Saints Day Liturgy November 1, 2012 Thanksgiving Prayer Service November 20, 2012 Immaculate Conception Liturgy N/A (Saturday) Christmas Liturgy December 21, 2012 Ash Wednesday Prayer Service February 13, 2013 Lenten Liturgy March 26, 2013 Founder’s Day Prayer Service May 9, 2013 Ascension Thursday Liturgy May 9, 2013 Student Led Prayer Services (7:35 am in Marian Chapel) Peace. Light. Hope. in HIS footsteps

Monthly/Seasonal Drives Casseroles for the Homeless Magazine Drive for Grade Schools Thanksgiving Food Drive Operation Santa Claus Secret Santa La Salle Responds Initiative

Fridays During Advent Fridays During Lent

Sacrament of Reconciliation November 13, 2012 and February 19-20, 2013

September 19-28, 2012 November 13-20, 2012 November 26, 2012 – December 21, 2012 November 26, 2012 – December 24, 2012 Ongoing November 18, 2012 December 4-5, 2012 and February 12-13, 2013

Summer Service Opportunities Junior Urban Immersion May 26-31, 2013 (Philadelphia) June 2-7, 2013 and July 21-26, 2013 Project Appalachia June 2-8, 2013 (West Virginia) Migrant Worker Immersion June 22-29, 2013 (Coachella Valley, CA) Saint Lucia June 13-21, 2013 Navajo Experience June 23-29, 2013 (Arizona/New Mexico) Blackfeet Immersion July 28-August 3, 2013 and (Montana) August 4-10, 2013 Gulf Coast Immersion August 4-10, 2013 (Louisiana) Building Bridges of Solidarity June 16-29, 2013 (Bolivia)

For additional information, please contact Campus Ministry: Mark Chesnik Lew Clark Assistant Director of Director of Campus Campus Ministry Ministry

Eucharistic Adoration and Daily Mass Varies On- Going Service Projects Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Elder Share, Cooking for Outreach La Salle Academy Tutoring, Triest House, Street Outreach, and Visitation BVM Tutoring Human Rights Forum Sarnelli House, Kids Helping Kids Lasallian Service Corps Face-To-Face Dining Room Face-To-Face Dining Room

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Micky Dominick Assistant Director of Campus Ministry

L I G H T S La Salle Intervention: Giving Help To Students

The LIGHTS Team The Student Assistance Program of La Salle College High School Ms. Tina Shustack Program Coordinator Mathematics Department Ms. Lisa Agnew David Program Mr. Greg Bielecki Social Studies Department

Families and LIGHTS: Partnership in Assistance The LIGHTS Team works together with the parents of academically or behaviorally troubled students. To that end, the LIGHTS Team contacts parents of referred students early in the process. In some cases, a student will require assistance which La Salle cannot provide. In these cases, the LIGHTS Team will work with parents to facilitate the process of accessing resources in the community.

Help Us Help Your Son The goal of LIGHTS is to help referred students overcome their academic and behavioral difficulties. Ideally, parents and LIGHTS work together toward this goal by offering mutual respect and support, open channels of communication, awareness of the student’s strengths, and shared responsibility.

Mr. Lew Clark Campus Ministry Mr. Matthew Derrick English Department Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik World Languages Department

Student Referrals

Mrs. Jeanne Holt-Brabson Guidance Department

A student may be referred to the LIGHTS Team in a number of ways.

Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

A faculty or staff member may express his or her concerns regarding a student’s academic performance or behavior to a member of the LIGHTS Team. A parent with similar concerns may refer his or her son to the LIGHTS Team. A friend or classmate who is worried about a certain student may refer him to the LIGHTS Team for assistance. A student may refer himself to the LIGHTS Team for assistance.

The LIGHTS Team The LIGHTS Team, a Student Assistance Program (SAP), assists La Salle students as well as the families of those students, who face behavioral and/or academic difficulties. The team is comprised of specially-trained school faculty and staff, who meet weekly to discuss the needs of referred students.

All information about referred students is kept strictly confidential.

The LIGHTS Team works to identify problems and seek out solutions. The LIGHTS Team does not diagnose or treat students. The LIGHTS team seeks out and collates information about referred students from a variety of sources, including parents, teachers, coaches, and the school nurse, and uses the information to determine suitable strategies for helping the students.

LaLa Salle Salle College College High High School School – The – The Belcroft Belcroft September April 2013 2011 9

Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P RA C TI C A L I D EA S F OR P ARENT S TO HE L P THEIR C HI L D REN .

Involvement makes a real difference!

Encourage your son to read often.

Study after study has shown that your involvement in your son’s education has a huge effect, from preschool through high school – and beyond! Working with the school shows your son that:

If you want a teen to read well, then you have to encourage him to read a lot. It’s just as simple as that.

• Education is important to you. • You support the efforts his school makes. • You want to make the school a great place to be. After all, your son spends almost as much time at school as he does at home. As the year winds down, make sure your involvement doesn’t slack off. Here’s how: • Continue to keep an eye on your son’s progress. • Encourage your son to get help before the final exam if his grades start to slip. • Try to attend a meeting of one or both of the parent organizations. Your continued involvement really does make a difference! Reprinted with permission from the April issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2012 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Reading, like anything else, is a skill – and it gets better with practice, but today’s teens often don’t (or won’t) take the time to practice their reading skills. Here are ways to encourage your teen to read more so that he also reads better: Focus on quantity, not quality. Sure, it would be great if he wanted to read all the Greek myths, but if it’s the latest story about one of his favorite baseball players instead, don’t worry. Keep lots of reading material handy. Get magazines, comic books or how-to books on things that interest him. Cut out an article you think he might enjoy. Give it to him and then discuss it with him later or read a book he’s reading and then talk about it. Try nonfiction. Some boys just don’t enjoy reading fiction, so look for nonfiction articles on topics that might interest him – anything from outer space to outdoor activities. Try humor. Boys enjoy reading things that are funny. Their sense of humor may not be the same as yours, but if they are motivated to keep reading, humor can be a great thing! Reprinted with permission from the April issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2012 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft April 2013 10

Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P RA C TI C A L I D EA S F OR P ARENT S TO HE L P THEIR C HI L D REN .

Should you be “friends” with your son online?

Teenagers have a lot of responsibilities on their plates! It’s important to talk to your son about being responsible.

According to the Pew Internet Project, more than half of all teens use social networking sites. Answer yes or no to the following questions to find out if your son is safe online: 1. Do you know if your son is a member of a social network? (If you don’t, try a Google search of your son’s name.)

Part of being responsible is fulfilling all of your commitments. Another part is being able to say no when you absolutely can’t handle anything else.

2. Have you learned about the privacy settings on social networks? Help your son decide what parts of the information he shares online should be made public. 3. Have you reminded your son to be careful about what images he puts online? A picture on the Internet never goes away. 4. Have you told your son that if he isn’t friends with a person in the “real world,” he shouldn’t be friends with him online? 5. Do you have rules about using social networking sites? How well are you doing? Mostly yes answers mean you are protecting your son online. For no answers, try those ideas in the quiz. Teach your son the responsibility of saying “no”. Get good grades. Go to practice. Don’t miss that meeting. Go to work. Spend time with your friends. Spend time with your family. And don’t forget about your chores!

Teens often think that taking on as many commitments as possible is a great way to prove that they are responsible; however, in reality, they end up overloading themselves and not giving their all in any activity. They may be doing a lot of things, but probably aren’t doing any of them really well. Responsibility isn’t just about showing up for a commitment – it’s also doing your job to the best of your ability. If this sounds like your son, sit down with him and make a list of all of his responsibilities, then work together to rank the items. Put things he “must do” at the top, and things he “doesn’t really need to do” at the bottom. Encourage him to star or highlight his favorite activities. Over the summer, when your son has more free time, he can think about which activities he’d like to eliminate next year. Help him realize that sometimes saying, “I’m sorry, I just don’t have time to help you with that,” is the most responsible act after all. Just make sure he realizes this doesn’t apply to his chores! Reprinted with permission from the April issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2012 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft April 2013 11

Mothers’ Club L I S A D ENTON P RE S I D ENT

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Senior Mother/Son Liturgy

April 11, 2012

Mothers’ Club Meeting Auditorium – All Are Welcome

9:15 am

April 17, 2012

New York Trip Depart from Montgomery Mall

8:30 am

May 1, 2012 Senior Mother/Son Liturgy Gymnasium

7:00 pm

Volunteer Opportunities A special “thank you” goes out to the large number of volunteers who assisted with this year’s Mother/ Son Communion Brunch and Fashion Show. These large events would not be successful without a lot of help from many hands. Your efforts are very much appreciated! Volunteer help is always welcome. Please email our volunteer coordinator, Beth Napolitano at, if you can help at one of our upcoming events.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunity Senior Mother/Son Liturgy and Dinner May 1, 2013 We need volunteers for set up in the morning and serving at event in the gymnasium. To help out with this event, please contact Susan Martin at

Mothers’ Club New York Trip April 17, 2013 8:30 am Departure from Montgomeryville Mall We’re ready to load the buses and head to the Big Apple. Only a few tickets remain to see the newest show on Broadway, “Motown the Musical”. Buses will depart from the Montgomery Mall promptly at 8:30 am. Box lunches will be provided. Dinner will be on your own. Buses will depart New York City at 8:00 pm and return to Montgomery Mall at approximately 10:30 pm. For additional information, please contact Mary Chandler (610) 287-3264

Wednesday May 1, 2013 7:00 pm Gymnasium This is a special event for both seniors and their moms as they prepare for graduation. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this memorable evening at La Salle. There is no cost to attend this event, but it is reserved for seniors and their Mothers/Special Persons only. Invitations will be forthcoming, and reservations can be made on-line by visiting the events calendar on the school website. For more information, please contact Donna Bennett Please keep an eye out for a request for your son’s baby picture. Information will be sent home shortly requesting you to send a baby picture of your son (the toddler years or younger, no larger than 4”x 6”, preferably by himself). We will match his baby picture with his graduation picture from the photographer and display the pictures in the main hallway of the school. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions please contact: Donna Bennett

Bolivia Service Project Senora Breen will be travelling to Bolivia with a group of LaSalle students this summer. She asks that if anyone has donations of children’s clothing (especially newborn size), please drop them off in Room 118. Thank you for your generosity.

Mothers’ Club C ONTINUE D

Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee

Ink Cartridge Recycling

Kathy Caramenico, Donnamaria Dolan, Roseanne Duzinski, Lynn Gates, Pam Grady, Karen Guerra, Barbara Houldin, Janet McBride and Terry Millet

Don’t throw those used ink cartridges away. The Alumnae Committee will earn cash for its support of students by recycling them. You can drop off cartridges in the recycling bins, which are located in the Main Office at school, as well as at Dunleavy Center. In the event that you have any questions, please contact

Shared Treasures Is Ready For Spring The shelves at Shared Treasures are newly stocked with terrific selection of great merchandise, so be sure to stop in check out these fabulous finds at our always-fantastic prices. Shared Treasures is open each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Dunleavy Center, until the end of the school year. We will not be open Saturday April 6, 2013 due to the Easter holidays, but we will be open Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 9:00 am until Noon. Tax-deductible donations of gently used items are also gratefully accepted and can be left on the covered porch on the side of Dunleavy Center. Please consider helping out in the shop, too, if you have a few free hours during the month; volunteers work either 9:30 am to 12:30 pm or 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. For information, call

Kathy Caramenico (610) 608-2950 All mothers of alumni should be receiving our monthly newsletter. If you are not seeing it in your inbox, please e-mail Kathy Caramenico at She will make sure you are added to the distribution list.

Kathy Caramenico (610)-608-2950

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft April 2013 13

Men of La Salle M i c h a e l H a pp President

Thank You

Upcoming Calendar of Events

As I have mentioned in the past, many people lend their time and talents to the Men of La Salle. I would like to take a moment to thank a few of the volunteers whose dedication has made our recent events and our ongoing service successful. Comedy Night Frank Mazzeo, Walt Denny, John Brady, Eric Fox, and Porter Bush Father Son Bowling Joe Borek

Thursday, April 11, 2013 Monthly Meeting – Executive Board Nominations Meeting Study Commons 6:30 pm All Father’s Welcome Sunday, April 21, 2013 Father/Son Baseball Outing – Orioles vs. Dodgers. Thursday, May 2, 2013 Monthly Meeting Installation of New Officers Study Commons 6:30 pm All Father’s Welcome Thursday, May 16, 2013 Year-End Barbeque The Pit 6:30 PM All Father’s Welcome

Father/Son Baseball Outing

Face-To-Face Joe Banecker Over 110 La Salle dads and sons had a great time at the Bowling last month and close to 300 people from our La Salle community enjoyed our 2nd Annual Comedy Night in February. At this past month’s meeting, representatives from Face-To-Face came to provide a deeper look into the workings and mission of their organization. The Men of La Salle continue to assist Face-To-Face as part of our mission of service to the community. Joe Banecker continues to be our liaison with this operation. The next time you see one of these guys, please take a moment to thank them. As always, I encourage you to become involved with the Men of La Salle. Besides fulfilling our primary mission of providing tuition support for students who have suffered the loss of the primary wage earner for the family, we also sponsor social and service events that provide opportunities for you and your son to share together. Please attend one of our upcoming events listed below. If you have any questions about the Men of La Salle, please email

Sunday, April 21, 2013 Join us for a fun-filled bus trip to Baltimore where the Orioles will take on the Los Angeles Dodgers. This yearly trip always proves to be a great time for all involved and after the game both fathers and sons can enjoy the Baltimore Harbor and grab a bite at any one of the great restaurants, including Dick’s Last Resort, a unique interactive restaurant environment where their staff bring more than food to the table (like a side of torment). A day full of memories and laughs will be your souvenir of time spent together.


(formally known as Saint Vincent’s Soup Kitchen) Every weekend through the end of the school year, the Men of La Salle continue our service to those less fortunate in our community, by helping to prepare and serve meals at Face-To-Face. The Soup Kitchen is located at 109 East Price Street in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. This is a great opportunity for fathers and sons to spend some time together in service to the needy in our community, and strengthen the bond of father and son at the same time. We need volunteers to prepare food every Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 to 11:30 am and to serve food the last Sunday of each month between 12:30 and 2:30 pm. No experience is necessary – just a desire to spend some time together and help others. Please go online to the Men of La Salle page and sign-up and make a difference.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft April 2013 14

SPEND A MEMORABLE DAY THAT BONDS A FATHER AND SON FOR A LIFETIME! Spring training for major league baseball is upon us and the Men of La Salle have already secured our date for the annual Father & Son baseball trip to Camden Yards in Baltimore. This annual event is one of the most popular events on the school calendar as it provides you with the opportunity to spend a unique day with your son regardless of whether you are a baseball fan or not. This event is also meant to include grandfathers, uncles, cousins and those boys who may not have a father (we will not exclude any mothers that may be interested).

Men of La Salle

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Orioles will be hosting the Los Angeles Dodgers!

$66.00 per person (sitting along the third base line), includes ticket and transportation. Game time is 1:30pm and the day will begin at LaSalle with a Mass in the gym at 9:00am. Buses will leave the school parking lot at 10:00am sharp to provide enough time before the game to explore the stadium and collect batting practice balls hit into our section. Seats are in the sunny lower boxes along the left field foul line. After the game, time will be allotted to venture over to the Inner Harbor for a bite to eat and other entertainment. Buses will leave from the Aquarium exactly at 7:00pm.

125 tickets reserved — first come, first served!

Don’t be left out. Reserve your spots and pay online via credit card today! Go to by April 12th to assure your reservation(s). Questions? Call Dave Lagner, 610.547.4451 or email

Art Department Michael Hearn B a r b a r a M i ll e r

Poor Man’s Supper The Poor Man’s Supper isn’t a new or original idea, but we are proud that La Salle has made the supper a tradition during our Lenten season. Most programs such as this are held during the time of the fall harvest and is known as the “Empty Bowl Dinner” in others areas. But no matter what you choose to call the evening the result is still the same. The night is very rewarding and we are glad La Salle decided to start having our own dinner four years ago. Maybe it is the sense of attachment the students gain from making the bowl and claiming it for themselves. Perhaps it is the conversation of friends, the caring for others, or a sense of community it develops. But for whatever reason, many people deserve our thanks for making this evening such a success. We had a wonderful crowd and almost ran out of soup. So any donations for next year would be greatly appreciated. The collection of items was also very successful, which was a wonderful surprise for Mrs. MeeksHank and the people at Face-To-Face. All the students involved did a great job from set-up to clean up.

Montgomery County High School Art Exhibition The Art Department would like to thank the following students for submitting their art work to the 35th Annual Montgomery County High School Exhibition and Competition. The show ran from March 3-12, 2013 in the Fine Arts Center Art Gallery. Nicholas Ward received second place in mixed media and Kyle McElewee received an excellence in ceramics. Other students who participated were: Amadeo DeLuca, Brian Farley, David Givens, Dante Massi, Jonathan Neufeld, Antonio Pelusi, Edward Rausch, and Eric Torres. Congratulations and thank you to all who participated.

Congratulations to Brian LaGreca, a senior at LaSalle, for organizing the evening. Brian was responsible for the creation of bowls, making sure there was enough food, and organizing the students to work the event. We could not do this event without all the people involved who have donated their time, made food, or donated to Face to Face. One story in particular stands out. The woman is a colleague who is a grandmother of a four year old. You never know who will be affected by your actions but this tickled my heart. The child was visiting her grandmother for the evening when she noticed a collection of bowls on the kitchen counter. Her grandmother explained where she had gotten the bowls and the purpose for the dinner. The next morning they were saying grace before breakfast and the grandmother asked the child what she was thankful for. The child replied, “I’m thankful for pretty fruit loops and a pretty bowl to eat them from.” Out of the mouths of babes.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft April 2013 16

Speech and Debate RAY M ON D T . S HAY ’ 0 0

National Forensics League (NFL) District Championships

Pennsylvania High School Speech League (PHSSL) State Championship

Kevin Gay ’14 and Andrew Durkin ‘14 were named NFL District Champions in Policy Debate on Saturday. Kevin and Andrew will join Conor Lavelle ’13, who qualified in Lincoln Douglas Debate on Friday, as representatives of La Salle and the Valley Forge District at the National Forensics League Finals in Birmingham, Alabama this June.

Congratulations to sophomores Jack Grogan ’15 and Conor Hogan ’15 on winning the Pennsylvania High School Speech League (PHSSL) State Championship in Policy Debate.

La Salle was awarded the Overall Debate Team Sweepstakes Award, more than doubling the second place school in the Debate category. La Salle was second place by 1 point in the Overall Speech and Debate Team Sweepstakes Award. Additional strong performances that contributed to the Team Awards were: Rob Gormisky ’13 3rd Place and alternate to Nationals in Lincoln Douglas Debate Jack Grogan ’15 3rd Place and alternate to Nationals in Student Congress Rob Gormisky ’13 and Dan Spinelli ’14 4th Place in Policy Debate

Junior Andrew Durkin ’14 and sophomore Colin Hoffman ’15 also had an extremely strong showing in Policy Debate finishing fourth in the State. (Colin filled in commendably for junior Kevin Gay ‘14 who is normally partnered with Andrew but was in the Pit Band for SWING!.) Senior Rob Gormisky ’13 was one ballot shy of another State Championship for La Salle, finishing Second in Lincoln Douglas Debate on a 3-2 decision. Junior Dan Spinelli ’14 also had a great tournament in Lincoln Douglas Debate, finishing Fifth in the State. Senior Arthur Bailin ’13 advanced to the Semifinal Round in Extemporaneous Commentary, placing between 7th and 12th in the State in that event. (For those of you who know Arthur, you know that this achievement may be even more remarkable than two sophomores winning a State Title.) Overall, La Salle was the PHSSL District 11 Team Champions for the 11th consecutive year and had twenty Student Qualifiers representing La Salle and District 11 at the State Finals. Twenty District Qualifiers from one school is a remarkable number any year but it is especially remarkable this year considering the fact that we were without four of our best students who are also very talented musicians and actors.

Dan Spinelli 5th Place in Lincoln Douglas Debate Reid Worster ’14 Finalist in Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking Arthur Bailin ’13 Finalist in International Extemporaneous Speaking

Thanks again to everyone for their help and support this weekend as we hosted hundreds of students, judges, and coaches from around the Valley Forge District, which includes the Philadelphia, Scranton, Allentown, Harrisburg, and State College areas.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft April 2013 17

Varsity Sports Schedules J O S E P H A . P ARI S I





Joe Parisi Head Coach 1 Father Judge 2 Saint Joseph’s Prep 5 Roman Catholic 8 Cardinal O’Hara 9 Cardinal O’Hara 11 Cardinal O’Hara 15 Archbishop Ryan 17 Archbishop Ryan 20 Holy Ghost Prep 23 Father Judge 25 Father Judge 29 Saint Joseph’s Prep

Tom Madden ’95 Head Coach 7 3rd Manny Flick 13 Saint Andrew’s School Invitational 14 4th Manny Flick 20 Central Catholic Dual 21 5th Manny Flick 27 Philadelphia Catholic League Championships

3:45 pm Away 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Away 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Away 11:00 am Home 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Away 3:45 pm Away

Track and Field

Lacrosse Bill Leahy Head Coach 2 Episcopal Academy 5 Gillman School (MD) 8 Lansdale Catholic 9 Archbishop Wood 10 Archbishop Ryan 17 Bonner-Prendergast 19 Conestoga 22 Father Judge 23 Cardinal O’Hara 24 Conwell-Egan 27 Haverford School 29 Archbishop Carroll

Schuylkill River Saint Andrew’s Schuylkill River Pittsburgh Schuylkill River Schuylkill River

4:00 pm Away 7:00 pm Home 3:45 pm Away 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Away 3:45 pm Away 4:00 pm Home 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Away 11:00 am Radnor 3:45 pm Home

Tennis Gerard Brett Head Coach 2 Bonner-Prendergast 3:30 pm 8 Archbishop Wood 3:30 pm 9 Archbishop Carroll 3:30 pm 11 Episcopal Academy 3:30 pm 13 The Mayoy’s Cup 14 The Mayor’s Cup 15 Saint Joseph’s Prep 3:30 pm 17 Haverford School 3:30 pm 18 Roman Catholic 3:30 pm

Greg Bielecki ‘99 Head Coach 1 Philadelphia Catholic League Meet No. 1 5 Colonial Relays 6 Colonial Relays 6 Council Rock Invitational 8 Philadelphia Catholic League Meet No. 2 13 TFCA of GP Spring Invitational 15 Philadelphia Catholic League Meet No. 3 20 CB West Relays 22 Philadelphia Catholic League Meet No. 4 26 Penn Relays 27 Penn Relays 29 Philadelphia Catholic League Meet No. 5

Home William & Mary William & Mary Council Rock Home Coatesville Home CB West Home Franklin Field Franklin Field Home

Swimming Repeats as Pennsylvania State Champions Home Home Away Home Arthur Ashe Arthur Ashe Away Home Home

The La Salle College High School Swim Team earned its second straight Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) State Championship on Saturday, March 16, 2013 at Bucknell University. The Explorers compiled 290 points, 72 more than second-place Hershey, to win the Class AAA Boys’ Title at the PIAA Swimming and Diving Championship Meet. La Salle posted a second-place finish and two third places in individual events during the second day of the state competition. Freshman Greg Brocato came in third in the 100-yard freestyle in 45.22 seconds, and Michael McBryan was third in the 100 breaststroke (56.12). Evan Holder nabbed a fourth in the 500 freestyle, touching up in 4 minutes, 31.37 seconds. The Explorers capped their day with a runner-up finish (3:04.73) in the 400 freestyle relay.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft April 2013 18


53 53rd Annual Alumni Scholarship Golf Outing

Monday, April 29, 2013 Philadelphia Cricket Club

6025 West Valley Green Road Flourtown, Pennsylvania


GOLF For additional information, pleasecontact Bob McAnespey at (215) 402-4808 or

8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

First Class Mail

April 2013

Volume Twenty-Two Number 8

The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.

The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother James L. Butler, FSC Principal Michael A. O’Toole ‘68 Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through May.

Calendar of Events

First Class Mail The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue. The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.


SpeakUp Series


Classes Resume


Alumni Board Meeting

7:30 pm


National Honor Society Inductions

7:15 pm


Mothers’ Club Meeting

9:15 am

Men of La Salle Meeting

6:30 pm

7:00 pm

13 ACT 16-19 Kairos 37-92 17

Mothers Club New York Trip


Father/Son Baseball Outing


SpeakUp Series


Field Day


Grand Reunion

7:00 pm


THEN… THEN… Save The Date! Save The Date! Grand Reunion Saturday, April 27, 2013 Grand Reunion 6:00 pm Saturday, April 28, 2012 La Salle College High School 6:00 pm $65 per person La Salle College High School $65 per person

Grand Reunion for the Classes of 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, Grand Reunion 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, and 2008

for the Classes of 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982,

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