December 2011 Belcroft Newsletter

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December 2011 Volume Twenty-One Number 4

Dear Parents and Guardians, December is always a very busy month with the sheer number of school and family activities. In an effort to put everything in perspective, the Church gives us the Advent Season, a time to take a few moments to remind ourselves of the true meaning of these coming days. Salvation was brought to simple folks on a hillside with an announcement from the angels. The Peace they promised is still ours today. I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Congratulations to the Class of 2013 who will receive their class rings on December 1, 2011. This is the first sign of their new leadership role among the student body. The first weekend in December is a busy time at La Salle with our Entrance/Scholarship Test and Mothers’ Club Christmas Shopping Spectacular. Our students will attend Mass on December 8,2011 for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and again on December 22, 2011 to usher in the Christmas holidays. Two additional events to help you place yourself in the

Our recent Open House had over 1,700 people in attendance with over 600 prospective students and families visiting our first-class facilities. Thank you to everyone who helped La Salle shine bright for all to see. I am most thankful to the entire La Salle community for your generous support of our Auction – A Reniassance Faire. Our knights, ladies, and pages join me in thanking you for this support. To all of the planning and committee members – none of this would have happened without you. Your gifts of time, treasure, and talent are most appreciated. The results of this year’s auction again look most promising and show the love of the La Salle community for this school. With the fall season behind us, congratulations are well deserved by our players and coaches for the positive

Christmas spirit are the Band Concert on Monday, December 12, 2011 and the Choral Concert on Monday, December 19, 2011. I would like to wish you and your family all the Blessings of the Christmas Season and my very best wishes for the New Year. May all Lasallians enjoy the Christmas message of the angels – Peace to All of Good Will. Merry Christmas!

sportsmanship that was demonstrated. There was no program that was not in the hunt for a championship. Our indoor season is officially underway and I invite you to take in some of these contests. A special thank you to all who had a role – either on stage or other – in our recent production of Lend Me A Tenor.

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 President

Board Room B e n j a m i n J . V e n t r e sc a , Jr . ’ 7 0 C h a i r m a n o f t h e B o a rd o f Tr u s t e e s

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Incredibly, we are already in the month of December and inevitably find ourselves juggling the priorities of closing out the “to-do’s” for 2011, getting ready for the Christmas holidays, and spending quality time with our family. Just take a quick look at the La Salle school activity calendar for December and it is easy to see how quickly the days before Christmas will fly. On the topic of working to close out “to-do’s”, we are progressing according to plan on the search for our next Principal. As you may recall, this process launched on October 4, 2011 and is scheduled to take us through the second half of January. At that time, it will culminate in the Search Committee providing Brother Richard Kestler with one or two candidates for his consideration and selection. The search process (including screening and vetting) is time intensive and we have engaged Trinity Executive Partnership to assist us with the undertaking. Over the past seven weeks, our consultant has mailed over five hundred announcement brochures, has posted the position in four major national venues, and has been in contact with nearly a hundred potentially-interested individuals from across the continental US. As of this time, they have received over two dozen applications/resumes and have begun the screening process. We expect that the Search Committee will begin its review of the recommended applicants by the second week of December and be conducting personal interviews in early January.

Feel free to reach me at ventrescab@ with any questions or comments. You should also feel free to talk with the parent and alumni representatives who serve on the Search Committee (Ronald Bean ’86 (Alumni Association), Kevin Connor ’82 (Men of La Salle), and Sue Mischler (Mothers’ Club). Since this will be the only chance to talk to you before the end of the year, I want to thank you for the time, energy and talent that you have brought to La Salle during this first semester. We are a family and the quality time you have given to La Salle benefits everyone. Also, on behalf of the Board and Administration I want to thank you for the financial sacrifices that you make to send your sons here. It is both an investment in their future and a commitment to support the ministry of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

As we journey through next few weeks, I hope you have the chance to step out of the hustle of the holiday season and life’s normal pressures to live “in the moment” of the Advent Season. This is a time for reflection and watchful preparedness for the coming of the Savior. While Christ was born millennia ago, Christmas is a chance for Him to be reborn in our hearts and minds, and that is an opportunity that is too good to let slip by. Both personally and on behalf of my fellow Trustees, I want to wish you the best of times and our sincere hope that you, and those you love, are able to enjoy a wonderful and memorable holiday, and can experience the peace and joy that celebrating the first Christmas brings. Sincerely yours,

Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Chairman of the Board of Trustees

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Office of the Principal JO S E P H L . MA R C HE S E P R IN C I P A L

Dear Parents and Guardians, There is nothing quite like seeing Christmas through the eyes of young children – the decorations in your home, the buying of your Christmas tree, the trip to see Santa, and the presents on Christmas morning. It’s been more than a few years since my children were small and eager with the anticipation of Christmas. Now, however, I am fortunate to be able to relive those wonderful experiences through the lives of my three small grandchildren who will be all abuzz as they prepare for the “big day”. However, we as adults understand that Christmas means much more than the glitter and the ornaments. We focus on the day that a little baby was born in a manger and how his arrival changed the course of humanity. Let us remind ourselves to take time away from the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping to focus on Advent – the coming of Our Savior, Jesus Christ. La Salle had a fantastic Open House last month with over 600 families making the trip to 8605 Cheltenham Avenue. It is wonderful to know that the excitement around La Salle is generating such great interest in our school. The Scholarship/Entrance Examination is on Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 8:30 am. If you know of any good candidates for our freshman class, please encourage them to sign up by calling La Salle and asking for the Admissions Office. Word of mouth is quite often the best recruitment tool, so please don’t hesitate to enthusiastically endorse La Salle with your friends, family, colleagues, etc.

Congratulations to Coach Drew Gordon and the La Salle football team for winning an incredible fourth consecutive Philadelphia Catholic League Championship. This group of seniors will always remember that they were reigning PCL champs throughout their entire four years at La Salle. What an extraordinary accomplishment! I also want to congratulate Coach Bob Peffle on winning yet another Philadelphia Catholic League Championship in soccer. La Salle won three of the four Philadelphia Catholic League Championships during the fall season and certainly set itself apart from the rest of the league. If you would like to get into the Christmas spirit, what better way than to join us for La Salle’s two wonderful Christmas concerts. Our Band Concert will take place in the school auditorium on Monday, December 12, 2011 at 7:15 pm. Then, you can join us the very next week for our Choral Concert on Monday, December 19, 2011 at 7:15 pm. Concerts at La Salle are unlike musical performances at any other school I have ever been a part of. It is truly spectacular! With Thanksgiving behind us, I think it’s appropriate for me to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the wonderful years I have had as Principal of La Salle. Coming to La Salle was a true blessing. La Salle is an extraordinary place – a community of special people – the most generous and caring people I have ever been associated with. From this extraordinary group of religious men, the Christian Brothers, to this wonderful faculty, to our talented students, and our committed parents and alums, La Salle embraces you and holds you in its heart. There is an unmistakable connection that one feels at La Salle that makes it feel like home. I am so grateful that La Salle has been my home for the past six and one-half years! Merry Christmas!

Joseph L. Marchese Principal

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Office of Academic Affairs THOMA S L . B A R NA A S S I S TANT P R IN C I P A L F O R A C A D EMI C A F F AI R S

Academic Support Resources Now that the second marking period has begun, it is appropriate to remind students and their families of the support services that are available for all La Salle students. Please keep in mind that a poor performance (grade) is typically the result of falling short in the areas of ability and/or effort. Allow me to share a personal experience that highlights the importance of serious daily study. With the admissions process for the Class of 2016 in full-swing, La Salle has been blessed with a number of 8th grade students spending a day on the Belcroft campus. Part of a visitation includes a 15-minute personal interview with an administrator. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know prospective students on a personal level. Not surprisingly, these young men typically make a very nice first impression; however, the one concern that surfaces repeatedly pertains to a part of the conversation where La Salle’s homework recommendation is discussed. The suggestion of spending 20-minutes per night per subject (a rather conservative 2-hour per night estimate) shocks many 8th graders. Now that academic habits are being rooted, it is a good time to remind students of the academic commitment expected outside of the classroom. Please encourage your son to follow-through on spending significant quality time (quite and away from distractions) on his studies daily. If your son is struggling or frustrated in a specific area, please encourage him to meet with his classroom teacher. When experiencing difficulty in any course, a student’s first response should always be to see his teacher for help. One outcome may include the development of a routine tutoring arrangement with the instructor. A student’s grade-level counselor can also help in developing a plan of action if a student’s academic struggles are pervasive or if his comfort level with the situation is less than ideal. Know that outside of his classroom teacher, additional academic support services are available. La Salle’s chapter of the National Honor Society coordinates a peer tutoring program that provides students with student-to-student help on many levels in several areas. When possible, help is arranged during the school day. NHS tutoring is coordinated by Ms. Tina Shustack and Mrs. Dorothy Marchese, our faculty moderators. Furthermore, La Salle has the benefit of running a Math Resource Room, Writing Center, and World Language Resource Center to help students in these targeted areas. They are open throughout the school day and staffed by our own teachers (whenever available). Our records indicate that hundreds of students take advantage of these resources annually. In addition to the services listed above, families may benefit knowing that La Salle’s McShain Library is opened Monday through

Thursday, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, and Fridays between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm. Our Main Computer Labs, located in the basement of Saint Michael Hall, are tentatively open daily until 4:00pm and 3:00 pm on Fridays.

Some Important Dates La Salle’s Christmas recess begins at the end of school on Thursday, December 22nd. Classes resume for 2012 on Tuesday, January 3rd. The first semester ends at the end of the day on Friday, January 13th, 2012. First semester exams begin following the Martin Luther King holiday weekend. Midterms start on Tuesday January 17th and end on Monday, January 23rd. Again, there are no classes scheduled for Monday, January 16th. The second semester begins on Tuesday, January 24th with an “A” day schedule. New schedules for the second semester will be issued to all students in homeroom on that day. Student rosters are also available at anytime by accessing the MyBackPack software through the Student Portal. Please note: freshmen who had gym in semester one, will have pool (aquatics) in semester two; students who had pool in semester one, will have gym in semester two. A reminder that it is our school’s policy that course changes are prohibited at this time.

Semester Examinations and Schedule As identified on the school calendar, examinations for the first semester will be given primarily during the week of January 17-20, 2012. This year they will spill over into the following Monday, January 23, 2012. The midterm exam schedule, although not developed for this submission, will be posted at the end of the first week of January both in school and on the website under the Academic Life tab. Although it may seem early, please encourage your son to begin preparing for exams as soon as possible.

SAT Information Attention juniors, the SAT will be offered nationally on January 28, 2012. Spring SAT dates include March 10, 2012, May 5, 2012, and June 2, 2012 (for details check out or “college links and resources” at

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Office of Student Affairs JU L IA K . MAHE R A S S I S TANT P R IN C I P A L F O R S TU D ENT A F F AI R S

Junior Ring Liturgy

Attendance Reminder

The Class of 2013 will celebrate another La Salle tradition on Thursday, December 1, 2011 with the annual Ring Liturgy and Ceremony. Presiding and blessing these symbols of an upperclassman at La Salle will be Reverend Anthony Janton ’69, our school chaplain. The rings will be presented to the students by Mr. Joseph Parisi, Junior Class Moderator, Mr. Joseph Marchese, Principal, and Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60, President.

With cold and flu season already here there may be days when your son in unable to attend school. La Salle understands this. Please remember an excused absence is one that is due to illness or family emergency. If your son is absent he should be proactive. Contacting a reliable classmate the night of the absence and/or communicating with teachers at the earliest convenient time is expected – absent students are responsible for missed work.

La Salle Responds

On a related note, it is important to clarify that outside of illness or emergency, school attendance is compulsory. A family vacation does not qualify as an excused absence. School holidays and breaks are published well in advance so as to offer parents an opportunity to plan their vacations at a time that does not interfere with attendance policies. Families and their sons cannot expect teachers to accommodate missed work/opportunities for any unexcused absence. Unexcused absences during midterm or final examinations are strictly prohibited.

La Salle has sponsored dress down days in October and November. Students pay $5 for this privilege and the funds raised are distributed to outside groups/causes. With the two days so far this year, the profits from a t-shirt sale, and the extra $1 collected at the football against Saint Joseph’s Prep, the total raised to date is over $11000. Donations have been made to three organizations: The Breathing Room Foundation, For Pete’s Sake, and The Kelly Rooney Foundation. All of these group’s missions are to assist cancer patients and their families. This month we will be purchasing turkeys for Thanksgiving dinners. We will also be able to fill all of the requests for funds submitted so far by students, faculty and staff. Look for more information in future issue of The Belcroft acknowledging the generosity of our community and the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves.

Going on Vacation? If you are planning a family vacation during days when school is in session, please notify your son’s teachers and the Attendance Office (215) 233-4140 beforehand.

Please keep in mind that attendance throughout the school year is vital to a student’s academic success. There is no doubt that the correlation between absences and grades is extraordinary. As a rule of thumb, students who miss school have grades that reflect their gaps in learning. Please support our efforts to have your son in school daily and on time. Remember, the school’s main number should NOT be used to report any student absence. All attendance matters are expected to be reported to the Attendance Line at (215) 233-4140 before 8:00 am. A note is required upon returning to school. Thank you for your help in supporting La Salle’s protocols and policies related to attendance.

School Closings for Inclement Weather School closings will be communicated via the Alert Now messaging. We will also notify KYW 1060AM radio as early as possible. Our school closing number is 333. La Salle’s website is also a source for such announcements. Two television stations – 6ABC and NBC10 – will also carry information for La Salle. In case of snow during a school day, parents will be notified via an Alert Now message, KYW radio, and the TV stations as soon as a decision has been reached for an early dismissal. We would appreciate your cooperation in NOT calling the school on these days.

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Ministry and Service LEWIS CLARK D I R E C TO R O F C AM P U S MINI S T R Y

Freshmen Retreats (Theme: Lasallian Identity) October 25, 2011 (1A-5A) October 26, 2011 (6A-10A) Sophomore Retreats (Theme: The Road to Emmaus) December 6, 2011 (1B, 2B, ½ 3B) December 8, 2011 ( ½ 3B, 4B, 5B) December 13, 2011 (6B, 7B, ½ 8B) December 14, 2011 ( ½ 8B, 9B, 10B) Junior Retreats (Theme: Choices) February 9, 2012 (1C/2C), February 10, 2012 (3C/4C) February 14, 2012 (5C/6C), February 15, 2012 (7C/8C) February 23, 2012 (9C/10C) Senior Retreats Kairos 37-81 Kairos 37-82 Kairos 37-83 Kairos 37-84 Kairos 37-85 Kaiors 37-86 One Day Retreat

October 4-7, 2011 November 8-11, 2011 December 13-16, 2011 January 31-February 3, 2012 February 28-March 2, 2012 April 24-27, 2012 December 5, 2011

School Wide Liturgies and Prayer Services Opening of School Liturgy September 16, 2011 All Saints Day Liturgy November 1, 2011 Thanksgiving Prayer Service November 22, 2011 Immaculate Conception Liturgy December 8, 2011 Christmas Liturgy December 22, 2011 Ash Wednesday Prayer Service February 22, 2012 Lenten Liturgy April 3, 2012 Founder’s Day Prayer Service May 10, 2012 Ascension Thursday Liturgy May 17, 2012 Student Led Prayer Services (7:35 am in Marian Chapel) Peace.Light. Hope. in HIS footsteps

Fridays During Advent Fridays During Lent

Sacrament of Reconciliation November 15, 2011 and February 28-29, 2012 Eucharistic Adoration and Daily Mass Varies On-Going Service Projects Monday Elder Share Tuesday La Salle Academy Tutoring, Triest House, and Human Rights Forum Wednesday Providence Center Tutoring Thursday Street Outreach and Sarnelli House Friday Lasallian Service Corps Saturday Saint Vincent’s Dining Room Sunday Saint Vincent’s Dining Room, Saint Francis Inn Sandwich Making

Senora Breen Awarded Neumann Medal Senora Lastenia Breen, a faculty member in the World Languages Department, was awarded the Neumann Medal by the Associate Members of the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute on November 9, 2011 at a luncheon held at The Drexelbrook. The medal perpetuates the memory of Saint John Neumann, the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia, who was a member of the Philopatrian Institute over 150 years ago. The award, which was established in 1985, honors an exemplary Catholic woman who has made an outstanding contribution to her family, the Church, her profession, or her country. Senora Breen was awarded the Neumann Medal as founder of Building Bridges of Solidarity – one of La Salle’s summer service opportunities. The service immersion trip is in its seventh year and provides an opportunity for La Salle students to spend two weeks performing service in Bolivia. Seasonal Drives Magazine Drive for Grade Schools Thanksgiving Food Drive Operation Santa Claus Secret Santa La Salle Responds Initiative

September 26-30, 2011 November 14-22, 2011 November 28, 2011 – December 24, 2011 November 28, 2011 – December 24, 2011 Ongoing

Grade Level Opportunities Freshmen Branch Out-Day Sophomore Branch Out-Day Junior Urban Challenge

October 18, 2011 March 28, 2012 October 26-27, 2011, December 6-7, 2011, and February 1-2, 2012

Summer Service Opportunities Urban Immersion (Philadelphia) June 3-8, 2012 and June 10-15, 2012 Project Appalachia (Kentucky) June 3-9, 2012 Navajo Experience (Arizona) June 17-23, 2012 and June 24-30, 2012 Building Bridges of Solidarity (Bolivia) July 8-21, 2012 Lasallian Youth Assembly July 2012 Blackfeet Immersion (Montana) July 29-August 4, 2012 and August 5-11, 2012 Gulf Coast Immersion June 3-9, 2012 and (Louisiana) August 5-11, 2012

For additional information, please contact Campus Ministry: Lew Clark Director of Campus Ministry

Mark Chesnik Assistant Director of Campus Ministry

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 7

Micky Dominick Assistant Director of Campus Ministry


k You

For m ak the en ing EVER donate tire La Sa Y CAN COUN lle co 10,771 T canned mmunity this Thanks Saint 's help gi Vince goods an , we w ving. With d no nt's Pa er rish in n-perish e able to ab Germ antow le items to n.

Every Can Counts

by Kegan Moesta ‘12

La Salle College High School recently held its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. The purpose of the Drive was to collect non-perishable food items which would serve as food for people who otherwise would not have a Thanksgiving meal during the holiday season. The collection lasted a week and all of the food that was collected was donated to Saint Vincent’s Parish in Germantown, where it was separated, bagged, and shipped to needy families. The event began on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 and ended on Tuesday, November 22, 2011. The Drive was extremely successful this year and yielded record breaking results. The goal for this year’s drive was to collect 10,000 canned goods to donate to Saint Vincent’s. The school well exceeded this goal with a total of 10,771 cans. Each grade did its part in collecting the cans and the breakdown is as follows: Freshman




Juniors 3,658 Seniors 2,131


red by


the La



e Corp


The success of this year’s drive was due greatly to the enthusiasm of the Lasallian Service Corps Representatives. It was these young men’s job to get each homeroom excited about the drive, and to push each homeroom to bring in as many cans as possible. Without the help and support of the many representatives the drive would in no way have yielded the results that it did. The juniors this year deserve special recognition for their efforts. The junior class collected 3,658 cans, 1,000 cans more than any other grade. Without the help of the junior class the goal would never have been reached, and for that the junior’s deserve many thanks. The most universal method of can collecting this year was the collection of money within each homeroom. About 75% of the homerooms in the school brought up a separate collection of money during the week of the drive. The Lasallian Service Corps Representatives then used that money to buy cans over the weekend, bringing in enormous amounts of cans on Monday, November 21. La Salle College High School truly did make a difference in many people’s lives this holiday season with the food that was collected, and it is because of this great success that we look forward to continuing this tradition in the future.

WEXP 100 Other 338

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 8

Philadelphia Urban Immersion Summer Service Opportunity for Sophomores

Trip Dates: June 3- 8, 2011 & June 10- 15, 2011 Applications are available at:

or in Campus Ministry For more information, contact:

Make A Difference This Summer! The Philadelphia Urban Immersion is an eye opening experience. Spend a week in the summer with fellow classmates tackling poverty, hunger, and other socioeconomic issues facing the poor in our city. You'll volunteer in soup kitchens, help out at inner city schools, social service agencies, and churches. You'll also share food and conversation with those on the streets through our Outreach Program. And you'll live together with your classmates in the heart of Center City Philadelphia.

Mr. Clark (

In short, you’ll make a difference and have fun in the process.

Mr. Dominick (

Application Deadline is December 9, 2011

College Counseling Center MA R Y K A Y MU L L EN D I R E C TO R O F C O L L E G E C OUN S E L IN G


Additions to List of Colleges

All students must send their standardized test scores directly from the testing agencies to the colleges to which they are applying. Test scores do not appear on the high school transcript.

Seniors are reminded to inform the College Counseling Center by Thursday, December 1, 2011, about any colleges they are adding to their original list. The counselors need time for processing these requests before the Christmas holidays. The College Counseling Center will be closed for the holidays from December 23, 2011 through January 2, 2012.

Keep in mind as you are preparing for semester exams that your GPA in college preparatory courses is the most important criteria in the college admission process. Keep up the good work!!

Financial Aid Information about financial aid – forms to be completed, deadlines, loans, etc – can be found at our website www. in the “Links and Resources” section on the left hand side. Scroll down and click on the “Financial Aid” link. Check out, www. and, a comprehensive site for financial aid information including Types of Aid, Financial Aid Application Forms, Financial Aid Calculators, and Frequently Asked Questions. Be aware of the financial aid forms needed for each college since each college has its own requirements and deadlines. The possibilities are the FAFSA, the CSS PROFILE, and the college’s own financial aid form. Likewise be aware of deadlines for these application forms. Given the increasing cost of a college education and the current economy, we urge students and their parents to be diligent about filing the forms in a complete and timely manner and to take advantage of every scholarship opportunity. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) cannot be filed until January 1, 2012; however, students and parents should apply for Personal Identification Numbers (PINS) before beginning the process at www. This four-digit number will serve as your electronic signature and it also can be used whenever corrections need to be made to the FAFSA. The number remains the same throughout the student’s college years and should be kept in a secure place.

College Acceptance and Scholarship Notification Copies of letters of acceptance and scholarship awards should be brought to the College Counseling Center.

JUNIORS The college counselors suggest that the juniors make plans to take standardized tests in second semester. Check out the “Test Preparation” module on Naviance. SAT and ACT sample tests and preparation packets are available. For a list of differences between the two tests please visit http:// and http://www. SAT/sat-vs-act.html. Juniors should have taken two of the same test – either SAT or ACT – by the end of second semester junior year. A complete schedule of tests and registration deadlines is available at (SAT), and (ACT). The CEEB number for La Salle College High School is 393370 and must be included on test registration forms. Advisory classes for juniors regarding the college search and application process will begin second semester. In the meantime check out our website for comprehensive information as well as a Junior Monthly Planning Calendar.

Save The Date College Information Night for Parents of juniors on February 7-8, 2012 in the Auditorium at 7:15 pm. Look for details in next month’s issue of The Belcroft.

Information about scholarships that come to the College Counseling Center is posted on on the left side under “Scholarship Information”. Seniors applying for scholarships from a college or university often need to meet an early deadline. Take note of the specific requirements. The following are scholarship search sites:,, www.finaid. com, La Salle College Counseling Scholarship List. Any grant or scholarship money is money that does not have to be borrowed or earned!

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Counseling, Guidance, and Advisory Services MI C HAE L D O L AN D I R E C TO R O F C OUN S E L IN G AN D G UI D AN C E

For the eleventh year in a row, La Salle is offering classes to prepare for the SAT that will be administered on March 10, 2012. Under the direction of Mr. Dennis Bloh of the English Department and a consultant for the College Board, the series of five (5) classes and two practice tests will be held on Saturday mornings from 8:30 am until Noon. There will also be a review session Tuesday, March 6, 2011 from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. There will be three different components of the class: Math, Verbal and Writing. The schedule will be as follows: 8:30 to 10:00 am


10:00 to 11:00 am


11:00 to 12:00 pm


The cost of the course is: $ 200.00 for Math

Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) CSX Transportation, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and RBC Capital Markets showed their commitment to Pennsylvania families at a check presentation event hosted by La Salle College High School. These businesses participate in Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program by working with the Bridge Educational Foundation. Bridge Educational Foundation provides a bridge between these Pennsylvania’s employers and students. And, in so doing, the Foundation has made a difference in the lives of more than 6,500 Pennsylvania families with students in over 500 schools spread out across 52 counties. Each company sent a representative to the check presentation and had the pleasure to announce a total of $65,375 of EITC scholarship donations for qualified families who attend La Salle along with eight other local private schools. The scholarship donations announced today are part of the Pennsylvania Pre-Kindergarten and K-12 EITC Programs. The Pre-Kindergarten initiative provides companies with a tax credit equal to 100% of the first $10,000 contributed to a pre-kindergarten scholarship organization during the taxable year, and may receive a tax credit equal to 90% of any additional amount contributed during the year, up to a maximum of $150,000 per year though the Pre-K program. The K-12 EITC tuition program provides companies with a 75% tax credit – 90% for a two-year commitment – for funds donated to approved, non-profit scholarship or educational improvement organizations businesses may donate up to $300,000 per year though the K-12 program.

$ 150.00 for Verbal $ 150.00 for Writing $ 400.00 for All Three The dates for the course are: January 7, 2011 – First Class January 14, 2011 – First Practice Test January 2, 2011 – Second Class January 28, 2011 – Third Class February 4, 2011 – Fourth Class February 11, 2011 – Second Practice Test February 18, 2011 – President’s Weekend (Snow Date) February 25, 2011 – Fifth Class March 3, 2011 – Makeup Date (If Needed)

Although several large companies participate, most EITC contributors are small businesses, donating smaller sums of money. The charitable contribution reduces the amount of a business’s taxable income as tax credits reduce tax bills dollar-for-dollar. If you are interested in participating in this program or receiving additional information, please contact Paul Colistra ’00, Major Gifts Officer, at (215) 402-4811or

Participants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mr. Dennis Bloh at (215) 402-4141 or

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Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P R A C TI C A L I D EA S F O R P A R ENT S TO HE L P THEI R C HI L D R EN .

Brain researchers say teens need sleep in order to learn.

Do you know how much your son texts?

If your son says, “I studied it, but I can’t remember what I studied,” the problem may be lack of sleep. Brain researchers have learned that sleep is part of the learning process.

Did you know that 75% of teen cell phone users have plans that include unlimited texting? These teens send an average of 70 texts per day – that’s around 2,100 each month! And one in three teens sends more than 100 texts per day – or over 3,000 each month!

During the time we are asleep, our brains consolidate what we have learned. While we are asleep, our brains actually practice new learning. Researchers studied teens that learned how to do a simple task – catching a ball on a string in a cone-like cup. With practice, the teens could do this task faster and more accurately. A few days later, researchers found that the students who got a good night’s sleep continued to do well. But students who slept for six hours or fewer either did not improve or actually did worse. Clearly, sleep matters. Whether your son is learning history or algebra or science, he needs to get a good night’s sleep. It is hard to make sure teens get enough sleep. But there are things you can do. Enforce a regular bedtime. Keep distractions (like cell phones) out of the bedroom. Encourage your son to be active, especially earlier in the day. All these will make sleep easier and will help your son’s brain remember.

In addition, fully two-thirds of teens say they are more likely to use their cell phones to text their friends than talk to them by phone. While it’s good that teens are communicating with their friends, it’s important that you: • Set limits on phone use. Make sure your son isn’t texting when he should be sleeping or doing homework. • Support school rules on cell phone use – and teachers’ specific classroom rules. • Encourage your son to talk to friends face-to-face. This uses important social skills. Teens will be unable to text their way through job interviews. Reprinted with permission from the December issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Reprinted with permission from the December issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

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Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P R A C TI C A L I D EA S F O R P A R ENT S TO HE L P THEI R C HI L D R EN .

Support your son’s growing selfdiscipline.

That doesn’t mean that your son has to be one of these numbers. Here’s what you can do:

By high school, teens should have developed some selfdiscipline. To encourage self-discipline in your son:

• Talk with your son. Discuss your views on drug and alcohol abuse.

• Avoid rescuing your son. If he gets himself into a jam, let him handle the consequences. If he forgets his homework at home, he’ll have to talk to his teacher about doing a makeup assignment.

• Know where your son is going. Make sure all parties he attends are supervised by an adult.

• Don’t do things your son can do for himself. Your teen is perfectly capable of making a snack, folding laundry, etc. If he isn’t, he needs to learn. • Encourage your son to take part in activities that develop self-discipline. Any activity – like a sport, band or a play – for which your teen needs to practice a skill is an activity that builds self-discipline. • Expect your son to develop his own study schedule – and stick to it. It’s up to your son to decide when he’ll complete his homework and to make sure it gets done. • Allow your teen choices about which responsibilities he’ll share in your home. Let him decide whether he’d rather clean the bathrooms or mow the lawn. Reprinted with permission from the December issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Talking with your son can prevent drug and alcohol abuse. A recent study has revealed a startling change in teens’ abuse of and attitudes about drugs and alcohol. From 2008 to 2009: • The number of high school-age students who used alcohol in the past month increased by 11%. • The number of past-year ecstasy users jumped from 6% to 10%. • Past-year marijuana use showed a 19% increase. Not only has use of drugs and alcohol increased among teens, but teens are beginning to look at these illegal activities in a more favorable light. 51% of high school-age students agreed that “being high feels good,” while 75% reported that “friends usually get high at parties.”

• Meet your son’s friends and their parents. That way, when your son says “Everyone’s going!” you can find out if “everyone” really is. Reprinted with permission from the December issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Are you helping your son become a problem solver? You can never anticipate all the problems your son will face in his life, but you can help him learn how to solve problems as they arise. Answer yes or no to the questions below to find out if you are helping your teen become a problem solver: 1. Do you help your son define exactly what the problem is? 2. Do you brainstorm possible solutions? At this stage, the more solutions, the better. 3. Do you discuss the good and bad points of each of the strategies? Also think about the consequences of each possible choice. 4. Do you remind your son about your family rules and values when he is choosing which solution to try? 5. Do you help your son teen come up with a Plan B if the first solution is not successful? How well are you doing? Each yes answer means you are helping your teen develop the skills to solve problems successfully. For no answers, try those ideas. Reprinted with permission from the December issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Yet, the scariest statistic might be the number of teens who agreed strongly that they “don’t want to hang around drug users” – this number has decreased over the year, from 35% in 2008 to a mere 30% in 2009.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 13

Mothers’ Club S UE MI S C H L E R P R E S I D ENT

Upcoming Calendar of Events December 1, 2011

Mothers’ Club Meeting Dunleavy Center

9:15 am

December 1, 2011 Junior Ring Mass (Event Support) Auditorium

7:15 pm

December 4, 2011 Mother/Son Service Project Cafeteria

10:00 am

Invitations have been mailed for this fabulous one stop Christmas shopping bazaar. Approximately sixty vendors will be at La Salle to sell their unique merchandise, so grab your mother, daughter, sister, or your friends and come “shop till you drop.” You can register online at www.lschs. org until Saturday December 3, 2011 at 4:00 pm. Look for the link “In the Spotlight.” Cost is $25 per person pre-registration, $30 at the door. Students are $15. The price of admission includes a light and cocktails.

December 4, 2011

Alumnae Committee Advent Liturgy 10:30 am Marian Chapel

December 4, 2011

Christmas Shopping Spectacular 12:00 pm to Auditorium 4:00 pm

For more information, please contact:

January 2, 2012 (Change of Date)

Mother/Son Service Project Cafeteria

January 5, 2012 Mothers’ Club Meeting Auditorium

9:15 am

Joanne Quinn (215) 793-9934

January 26, 2012 Winter Blues Social Auditorium

7:00 pm

Mother/Son Service Project:

12:00 pm

All mothers are cordially invited to attend the monthly Mothers’ Club meetings, which are generally held the first Thursday of the month in the auditorium. Please refer to the Calendar Events above for the dates of the meetings. Refreshments are available starting at 9:15 am and the meetings begin promptly at 9:30 am. Board members will report on recent and upcoming Mothers’ Club events. Please e-mail Laura O’Connor, Mothers’ Club VicePresident, at if you would like to join us!

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities The Mothers’ Club is in need of volunteers throughout the year to help before, during, and after our events. Please check The Belcroft and the website each month to see where help is needed and e-mail Laura O’Connor, our volunteer coordinator, or one of the committee chairs listed with each event below to let her know your availability. If the activity fits into your schedule, please join us as volunteering is a great way to get to know La Salle moms in a casual and fun environment. Volunteer Coordinator Laura O’Connor

December 4, 2011 and January 2, 2012 (Note Change of Date) 10:00 am (12:00 pm on January 2nd) Sandwiches for St. Francis Inn and Meal Preparation for Street Outreach Cafeteria The Mothers’ Club is partnering with Mr. Chuck Cirelli, Ms. Lisa Agnew, Ms. Carol Haggerty, Mr. Joseph Parisi and Campus Ministry on service projects for mothers and their sons to make sandwiches for the homeless and poor served by St. Francis Inn, and help to prepare meals for Street Outreach’s weekly trip to Philadelphia to serve dinner to the homeless. We meet on Sundays before the first Monday of the month, with the exception of January 2012. Due to the holiday, we will meet at Noon on Monday, January 2nd. If you and your son would like to participate in this project, please contact: Maureen Fillenwarth (215) 997-2778

New York Trip

Christmas Shopping Spectacular Sunday December 4, 2011 12:00 to 4:00 pm Auditorium

“Sister Act” Wednesday, April 18, 2012 There are a few tickets remaining for this fantastic day long trip to the Big Apple. If you are interested, please contact:

Preceded by an Advent Liturgy at 10:30 am organized by the Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee

Mary Chandler (610) 287-3264

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 14

Mothers’ Club ( C ONTINUE D )

SAVE THE DATE FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS Winter Blues Night Out Thursday, January 26, 2012 6:30 to 10:00 pm Auditorium

The Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee Kathy Caramenico, Donnamaria Dolan, Roseanne Duzinski, Lynn Gates, Pam Grady, Karen Guerra, Barbara Houldin, Janet McBride and Terry Millet

Christmas Treasures At Shared Treasures

All mothers are invited to a wonderful night out for some fun, friends and food. Mother/Son Communion Brunch Sunday, February 26, 2012 10:00 pm Williamson Restaurant Fashion Show Thursday, March 15, 2012 Spring Mill Manor

Do Your Holiday Shopping Through eScrip and Help La Salle! 1. Go to 2. Find the Spotlight for eScrip, currently number three, on the upper left corner of the page. Then click on “More Information”. 3. Under Mothers’ Club Announcements, Click on, “Click here to access La Salle’s unique link to the eScrip Online Mall.” 4. Welcome to the Online Mall. Click on the “add button,” next to La Salle’s name. Then click on “next.” 5. You have two options: If you are already registered, click on “the click here button.” If you are not a member, click on the orange “shop now” button on the bottom left. 6. Go to the sign up tab (above the coupon box on the upper left). Group Name: La Salle College High School, Group ID No. 6525176. Click on La Salle College High School. You will then be taken to the next page. 7. Click on the “Next” button. Fill in the information about yourself. Register your Genuardi’s Club Card number (if you have one), or click on the “next” button to add a credit/debit card number. Then click on “next” once more. 8. You will now be on the confirmation page. You will be been given an Identification Number. Print this page for your records. 9. You are now registered with eScrip. 10. Use your Identification Number every time you shop through eScrip. La Salle will receive credit each time.

This month’s featured merchandise at Shared Treasures includes a wide assortment of decorative items for the holidays. From whimsical collectible Santas to beautiful holiday trays, we have everything you’ll need to deck your halls and celebrate the season in style. Shared Treasures, your source for fabulous finds and fantastic values is open each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Dunleavy Center, as well as the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 am until Noon. In addition to holiday merchandise, we also have a terrific selection of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and accessories, home décor, books, small pieces of furniture and more! Shared treasures will be at the Christmas Shopping Spectacular with the best of our fabulous finds!” Tax-deductible items of gently used items are also gratefully accepted and can be left on the covered porch on the side of Dunleavy Center. Please consider helping out in the shop, too, if you have a couple of free hours during the month. For information, call Barbara Houldin at (215) 990-2843 or e-mail her at

Advent Liturgy We hope to see a big turnout of mothers of alumni for the Mothers’ Club Christmas Shopping Spectacular on December 4, 2011 at 10:30 am. All current parents, parents of alumni and friends of La Salle are most welcome to join us in worship. Light refreshments will be served, so please help us determine the amount of food needed by e-mailing Roseanne Duzinski at no later than December 2, 2011 if you will be able to attend the Liturgy. We welcome all mothers of alumni to join us as we work together in support of the Mothers’ Club and of La Salle. Our events are a great way of staying in touch with all of the friends you have made during your son’(s’) years at La Salle. Someone asked recently, “I have a son who has graduated, but have another one still at La Salle. Am I part of the Mothers’ Club alumnae?” The answer is a resounding “yes.” All mothers of alumni should be receiving our monthly newsletter. If you are not seeing it in your inbox, please e-mail Kathy Caramenico at She will make sure you are added to the distribution list.

For more information, please contact Mary Chandler at or at (610) 287-3264.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 15

Men of La Salle K E V IN R . C ONNO R ’ 8 2 P R E S I D ENT

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Comedy Night

Thursday, December 8, 2011 Monthly Meeting The Men of La Salle have organized a new event for 2012 and we Study Commons look forward to having you join us. On Sunday evening, February 6:30 pm 12t, 2012, we’ll host the first ever Comedy Night at the school. The evening will start off at 5:00 pm with every ticket holder Thursday, January 5, 2012 Monthly Meeting receiving a Philly famous Schmitter sandwich from our friends Study Commons at McNally’s Tavern in Chestnut Hill. After that, three comedians 6:30 pm familiar with Catholic school students will have you laughing all the way home. Stay tuned for an upcoming video with more details on La Salle Auction – A Renaissance Faire how you can join us for a great night of food and entertainment to On the evening of November 5, 2011, the school was be shared with your friends. infused with a medieval flavor in preparation for the school’s annual auction. From all accounts, the evening Merry Christmas was a tremendous success. The auction raised over As we enter this holiday season, remember to reflect for a $200,000 for the La Salle community. On behalf of all the moment on all the blessings we’ve received throughout the year. Men of La Salle and more importantly the kids who benefit Our ability to share our successes with our sons and families is a from our efforts, I’d like to say thanks to all of those gift whose value often gets overlooked. In this Christmas season, supported the evening either by donating their time and let’s not forget that it’s not only our sons who enter to learn and talents as a sponsor in putting it together or shared their leave to serve, but we as parents do also. On behalf of the Men treasury as a guest in helping us reach our goals. Your of La Salle, our dedicated board, and all who volunteer so much generous contributions are helping many families keep time to make La Salle so special, I wish you and your family a safe, their work as a La Salle student alive and available. I’d joyful, and Merry Christmas! like to add my personal thanks to Gerry Plourde ‘71, our auction co-chairman and all of the numerous volunteers from the administration, Mother’s Club, and Men of La Salle who made this special evening possible. All of these efforts together made this, our single largest fundraiser, possible, and profitable.

Father/Son Banquet The venue is warm and comfortable. Many of the faces are familiar and all of them friendly. It feels like an extension of a family gathering…a very large family gathering! On Thursday, November 17, 2011, we hosted the 62nd Annual Father/Son Banquet at Williamsons in Horsham. This year, more than 700 people attended. As a father, this was my third banquet. I’ve enjoyed every year and continue to be amazed by the camaraderie of the evening. Fathers and sons have a chance to make some shared memories and in addition the boys get a chance to connect with their friends outside of school. This year, Chris Matthews ‘62 of TV fame and La Salle High School alum delivered a keynote speech that had both fathers and sons laughing and thinking of what’s possible for them beyond the wall of La Salle. On behalf of the Men of La Salle Board, a big thanks you to all who made the evening a tremendous success.

Kevin Connor ‘82 President Men of La Salle

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 16

62nd Annual Father/Son Banquet Thursday, November 16, 2012 Williamson’s Restaurant Guest Speaker: Chris Matthews ’63

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 17

Why Santa Needs Elves

by Jo Ann Cohen, Ph.D.

All I have to do is think of Christmas, and I smell the aroma of baking cookies, feel the warmth of a crackling fire, and imagine a sea of multicolored lights …, and there is always Santa. When my son, Stephen was young, Santa was a big part of my life. About a week before Christmas one year, I drove to the King of Prussia Mall with Stephen in tow to shop for presents. Stephen was ecstatic. “Mom! Look! Santa’s HERE!” he shouted. I thought I had permanently lost hearing in my right ear. “Steve, the line to see him is interminable” Stephen looked at me with pleading eyes. “What does interbinable mean?” I let him pull me to the end of the line and Stephen enthusiastically waited, chattering endlessly, while all I noticed were the minutes ticking by. Santa graciously gave him a coloring book and crayons. We scurried off to scrutinize stores for specific items with no success, so we drove on to Plymouth Meeting Mall. Stephen continued to chatter about Santa as we entered the next mall. I was still on a mission to find presents. I found one of the items and went to the register to pay for it. Suddenly Stephen yanked my arm. “Mom! Look! Santa’s HERE!” He pointed across to where Santa was sitting talking to a young child. My heart jumped. Was Stephen going to notice that Santa looked a lot different? “I gotta see him.” I looked at my son in total disbelief. “Why? You just talked to him!” He looked at me with those plaintiff big brown eyes. “Mom, there’s no line and I can talk to him while you finish paying, and you can watch me the whole time, and it won’t

take practically any time at all.” The girl at the register interrupted him. “Ma’am, I have to find the price on this item.” So, I stood at the register waiting, while the salesgirl made a price check. I watched nervously as Stephen rushed over and climbed on Santa’s lap. He and Santa were totally immersed in conversation when I hastened across to them. Just watching the interaction, I knew Santa was in trouble because Stephen was patiently pointing to each finger schooling him. “How can you ever remember what I want for Christmas if you’ve already forgotten, and I only saw you an hour ago?” he demanded. “Have you found a way to help remember things? You know my mom helps people find ways to remember things. I put things on my fingers.” Santa’s eyes met mine, but I couldn’t tell if he was amused or annoyed. “If you can’t remember what I just asked you for this morning, how are you going to remember what to bring me Christmas Eve? “ Memory is basic for learning. If a student can’t remember what he learned in the last class, building on that knowledge becomes impossible. If he forgets what problems are assigned for homework, it doesn’t matter if he is able to perform the operation. It makes sense then, to find ways to improve memory. Psychologists divide memory into several categories. Mental math constitutes working memory. It demands a fluidity that is more complex than simply remembering facts. Working memory requires the individual to hold and manipulate information mentally in order to calculate

the right answer. Retrieval memory allows a student to access memory traces in order to answer “fill in the blank” questions such as, “Who was President of the United States during the Civil War?” Process memory is the ability to remember how to do something. For example, “What is the process of diluting an acid with water?” As students progress in school, the material they need to commit to memory becomes voluminous and complex so students need more sophisticated memory techniques. While Stephen could remember three or four things using his fingers, learning to identify the major world rivers would demand a much more intricate memory system. Memory is a very delicate. The organic mechanism in the brain that transfers immediate memory to long term memory is the hippocampus. It is located at the temples, and is at the end of the circulatory route in the cerebral cortex. Anything that disturbs blood flow to the brain will affect the hippocampus and can disrupt memory, albeit most interruptions are temporary. Fatigue, hunger, and stress also interfere with memory traces. Individuals can learn various methods to improve memory retention. At times, simple repetition is all that is necessary. At other times, techniques that utilize association are more appropriate. Sometimes, the amount of knowledge that has to be learned is so large, most individuals cannot remember it no matter what system they use – which is probably why Santa needs help from all those elves.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 18




ll e A u c ti o n 2



The annual Auction was held on Saturday, November 5, 2011. Over 400 members of the La Salle community and their guests attended the event, which is now in its 29th year. The night featured both a silent and live auction along with a variety of raffles. The $20,000 raffle prize was won by Marie Antonelli. The Co-Chairs of the event were Mr. Gerry Plourde ’71 and Mrs. Susan Dearolf. The theme for the evening was A Renaissance Faire and the building was decorated like Medieval Times. The event raised over $200,000, which will be used to provide funding for the projects of the Mothers’ Club and Men of La Salle in support of the school. La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 19

Freshman Grandparents’ Day Wednesday, November 23, 2011 The fifth annual Freshman Grandparents’ Day prayer service at La Salle College High School brought out record numbers despite the rainy weather on Wednesday, November 23, 2011. The holiday season commenced with La Salle Principal Mr. Joseph Marchese welcoming almost 400 grandparents and special guests who proudly visited with their freshman grandsons for a Thanksgiving Prayer Service lead by La Salle’s Chaplain, Father Anthony Janton, AFSC ’69. Mr. Ben Ventresca ’70, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, extolled the values that the school has to offer the Class of 2015. La Salle President Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 offered a few remarks before inviting the guests to light refreshments in the auditorium followed by family photos in the gym. The grandparents concluded their visit by touring the parts of the school including the chapel, campus ministry, computer labs, and the campus store.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 20

Men of Accomplishment All-Catholic/All-State Selections Fall 2011

Cross Country



First Team Brendan Bilotta ** Tom Coyle * Matt Greco ** Jack Magee * Andrew Stone *

First Team P.J. Acierno Morgan Dougherty Brian Fischer Joe Markmann Gary McCabe

First Team Colin Buckley Sean Burke Sean Coleman Tyler Kern Dad Poquie Tim Wade Dan Wasylenko

Second Team Kevin Quinn

Second Team Connor Kerrigan Matt Maginnis Mike Piscopo Tom Spiteri (OL and DL) Ryan Winslow

Honorable Mention Agustin Marty * 1st Team All-District 12 **2nd Team All-District 12

Water Polo

Coach-Of-The-Year Drew Gordon

All-State First Team Eric Schultz All-State Second Team Matt McCrudden

Soccer First Team Khristian Hall Darius Madison *# Chris Pawlowski Leonardo Romero

All-State Third Team Tim Decker Honorable Mention All-State Alex Cranch

Second Team Jack Dusing Craig Kikendall * All-State # All-Southeastern PA

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2011 21

Varsity Sports Schedules TON Y R E S C H ATH L ETI C D I R E C TO R

December Basketball


Joe Dempsey Head Coach 9 Germantown 3:30 pm Home 10 Philadelphia Electric 12:30 pm Coatesville Scholastic Play-By-Play 13 Souderton 7:00 pm Away 17 Plymouth-Whitemarsh 1:30 pm Cheltenham Coaches vs. Cancer 20 Springford 7:30 pm Away 23 Imhotep Charter 7:00 pm Home 27 Council Rock North 8:30 pm Gwynedd Pete Nelson Classic Mercy College 29 Wissahickon 5:45 pm Gwynedd Pete Nelson Classic Mercy College 31 Malvern Prep 1:30 pm Home

Wally Muehlbronner Head Coach 5 Gloucester Catholic 4:30 pm 8 Father Judge 8:30 pm 14 Holy Ghost Prep 7:20 pm 21 Cardinal O’Hara 7:20 pm 27-29 Mount St. Charles Academy TBD Christmas Tournament

Bowling Steve Faunce Head Coach 6 Roman Catholic 3:30 pm 8 Conwell-Egan 3:30 pm 13 Father Judge 3:30 pm 15 Bonner-Prendergast 3:30 pm 17 Holiday Tournament 8:30 am 20 Archbishop Ryan 3:30 pm 22 St. Joseph’s Prep 3:30 pm

Thunderbird Lanes Philadelphia Thunderbird Lanes Philadelphia Thunderbird Lanes Philadelphia Thunderbird Lanes Philadelphia Thunderbird Lanes Philadelphia Thunderbird Lanes Philadelphia V & S Ellwood Lanes

Hollydell Ice Arena Hatfield Ice World Hatfield Ice World Hatfield Ice World Adelard Arena (RI)

Indoor Track and Field Greg Bielecki ’99 Head Coach 10 TFCA of GP Meet No. 1 12:30 pm Lehigh University 17 TFCA of GP Meet No. 2 8:30 am Lehigh University 23 TFCA of GP Meet No. 3 6:00 pm Lehigh University

Swimming Frank Lichtner Head Coach 13 Archbishop Ryan 3:30 pm 17 Upper Dublin Invitational 2:00 pm 22 Metuchen High School 4:00 pm

Away Away La Salle University

Wrestling Richie Gebauer Anthony Panzarella Head Coaches 10 Travis Manion Tournament 8:00 am 17-18 Beast of the East TBA 29-30 Powerade Tournament TBA

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft September 2011 22

Home University of Delaware Canon McMillan

S a v e Th e D a t e La Salle College High School

Dinner Dance 2012 Mardi Gras Festival

February 11, 2012 Normandy Farms Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

Cocktails 6:00 pm Dinner and Dancing 7:00 pm

8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

First Class Mail

December 2011

Volume Twenty-One Number 4

The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.

The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Principal Joseph L. Marchese Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through May.

Calendar of Events December 2011 1

Mothers’ Club Meeting Junior Ring Liturgy

The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue.


Scholarship/Entrance Exam 8:30 am SAT I and II


Mother/Son Service Project Mothers’ Club Alumnae Liturgy Christmas Shopping Spectacular


Junior Urban Challenge


Early Dismissal

1:35 pm


Men of La Salle Meeting

6:30 pm

First Class Mail

9:15 am 7:15 pm

10:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm

10 ACT 12

Band Concert

7:15 pm


Alumni Board Meeting

7:30 pm

13-16 Kairos 37-83

The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.


Board of Trustees Meeting

2:30 pm


Choral Concert

7:15 pm


Christmas Liturgy Christmas Recess Begins


Secret Santa Operation Santa Claus


Christmas Day

Merry Christmas!

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