Belcroft Newsletter - December 2012

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Remembering the Life of

Brother James Rieck, FSC ’57 1939 – 2012

“You give us those nice bright colors, You give us the greens of summers, Makes you think all the world’s a sunny day, oh yeah! I got a Nikon camera and love to take a photograph…” Kodachrome – Paul Simon

Dear Parents and Guardians, It is hard to come to terms with all that has come to pass at La Salle since last I wrote to you. You recall the theme of that November letter (sure you do…), written when the previous month was only half over: “I will protect this house.” Two days before the eleventh month officially started, Hurricane Sandy struck. Most of our residences were plunged into darkness for a time. In some cases, only a few hours elapsed before things were back to normal. In other households, the dark and cold endured for almost a week, cooking being done on gas grills and showering at relatives’ homes or health clubs. When we did get power back, we realized how lucky we were, after being exposed to the wholesale devastation of unprotected homes on Staten Island, at the Central Jersey Coast, or in Breezy Point. In that November letter, I also wrote, “What is it that protects this storied house that is La Salle, especially as we prepare to open it to new residents, potential members of the Class of 2017, on the second Sunday of this month?” Who could have foreseen that one of the sturdiest load-bearing pillars supporting this house could have been felled in an instant by a cerebral incident of tragic consequence? Brother James Rieck ’57, the man who supervised that event for nineteen successful years, went in an instant from being that unfailingly helpful campus icon behind the lens to being helpless, from travelling throughout the Delaware Valley to tell La Salle’s story to being brought home to La Salle for the last time, as the story of his life was celebrated and the journey towards union with God was commenced.

As we enter this season, one Brother James loved more than most, we at La Salle have been invited by all we have suffered, I believe, to enter into its mysteries in an ever more full way. As we have shared the pain that characterized our bleak November, may our family now share the wonder with which the shepherds heard the angels’ song, the fulfillment which ended the Magi’s quest, the simple, untrammeled joy that filled Our Lady’s heart as she beheld her Son, our hope. A blessed and happy Christmas to you all. Fraternally,

Brother James Butler, FSC President

Vulnerability: it’s an experience none of us like, few less than me. November, nonetheless, has been the month of vulnerability for us at La Salle, as we have come face to face with our own dependence: on technology, on utilities, on medical science, on the mysterious plan of God. When we back look on that month of terrible tenuousness that we have just finished with the eyes of faith, however, just maybe we can see something different. That vulnerable, dependent homeless child who entered the world on a cold December night in occupied Palestine might attract our attention, for example, instead of being lost in the glare of artificial illumination.

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Office of Student Affairs Julia K. Maher Ass i s t a n t P r i n c i p a l f o r S t u d e n t Aff a i r s

Campus Store

Going on Vacation?

The shopping season is upon us, so shop early. After the Mothers’ Shopping Spectacular, choices may be limited, but right now we are fully stocked. Come in and browse, as we have something for everyone – young and old alike.

If you are planning a family vacation during days when school is in session, please notify your son’s teachers and the Attendance Office at (215) 402-4140 beforehand.

For your shopping convenience the store is open daily Monday and Wednesday from 7:45 am to 2:45 pm and Tuesday, Thursday and, Friday from 7:45 am to 5:00 pm. If we can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to call us during business hours.

School closings will be communicated via the Alert Now messaging. The school will also notify KYW 1060AM radio as early as possible, where our school closing number is 333. La Salle’s website,, is also a source for such announcements. Two television stations – WPVI6 and NBC10 – will also carry information for La Salle. In case of snow during a school day, parents will be notified via an Alert Now messaging, KYW radio, and the two television stations as soon as a decision has been reached regarding an early dismissal. We would appreciate your cooperation in NOT calling the school on these days.

Junior Ring Liturgy The Class of 2014 will celebrate the annual Ring Liturgy and Ceremony on Thursday, December 6, 2012. Presiding and blessing these symbols of being upperclassmen at La Salle will be Reverend Anthony Janton, our school chaplain. The rings will be presented to the students by Mr. Anthony Mieczkowski, Junior Class Moderator, Mr. Michael O’Toole, Principal, and Brother James Butler, FSC, President.

Magazine Drive Update Dan Farley ’14 was the student chosen to pick for the chance to win the car. Dan won $250 in the drawing. Two students, Nick Petaccio ’16 and Joe DeSimone ’15, will travel to Disney World in the spring for an all expense trip sponsored by the magazine company, Great American Opportunities. Chris Markmann ’13 was given and Ipad2 for being the top salesman each of the last four years. Thanks again for all those who supported the drive this year!

La Salle Responds La Salle has sponsored two dress-down days in October and November. Students paid $5 for this privilege and the funds raised are distributed to outside groups/causes. With the two days so far this year, donations total $8,600. This month we will be purchasing turkeys for Thanksgiving dinners. We will also be able to fill most of the requests for funds submitted so far by students, faculty and staff. Look for more information in future issues of The Belcroft acknowledging the generosity of our community to the needs of those less fortunate than us.

School Closings for Inclement Weather

Reporting Absences Calls for student absences MUST be made to the attendance line at (215) 402-4140 by 8:00 am in order for the Dean’s Office to have accurate roll for any given day. Your cooperation will eliminate phone calls to you from the school in reference to student absences. Students MUST bring a note signed by one of his parents to the Dean’s Office before going to class on the day he returns to school.

Save The Date A Game Plan for Life A Presentation for Parents by Joe Erhmann January 22, 2013 7:00 pm As an elite athlete, educator, motivator, coach and professional speaker for over thirty years, Joe Ehrmann develops leaders to be their best – personally, professionally and relationally – in business, on the field and in life. Many of the boys have read “The Season of Life”, a book about Joe’s life. Joe will be presenting to the entire student body on January 23, 2013. The event is made possible through the Memorial Enrichment Fund of the Mothers’ Club at La Salle College High School.

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Office of Academic Affairs Thomas R. Barna Ass i s t a n t P r i n c i p a l f o r Ac a d e m i c Aff a i r s

Academic Support Resources Now that the 2nd marking period has begun, it is appropriate to remind students and their families of the support services that are available for all La Salle students. Please keep in mind that a poor performance (grade) is typically the result of falling short in the areas of ability and/or effort. Allow me to share a personal experience that highlights the importance of serious daily study. With the admissions process for the Class of 2017 in full swing, La Salle continues to be blessed with numerous 8th grade students spending a day on the Belcroft campus. art of a visitation includes a 15-minute personal interview with an administrator. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know prospective students on an important personal level. Not surprisingly, these young men typically make a very nice first impression. However, the one concern that surfaces repeatedly pertains to a part of the conversation where La Salle’s homework recommendation is discussed. The suggestion of spending 20-minutes per night per subject (a rather conservative 2-hour per night estimate) shocks many 8th graders. Now that academic habits are being rooted, it is a good time to remind students of the academic commitment expected outside of the classroom. Please encourage your son to follow through on spending significant quality time (quite and away from distractions) on his daily studies. Reading should be a big part of his evening regiment. If your son is struggling or frustrated in a specific area, please encourage him to meet with his classroom teacher. When experiencing difficulty in any course, a student’s first response should always be to see his teacher for help. One outcome may include the development of a routine tutoring arrangement with the instructor. A student’s grade-level counselor can also help in developing a plan of action if a student’s academic struggles are pervasive or if his comfort level with the situation is less than ideal. Know that outside of his classroom teacher, additional academic support services are available. La Salle’s chapter of the National Honor Society coordinates a peer tutoring program that provides

students with student-to-student help on many levels in several areas. When possible, help is arranged during the school day. NHS tutoring is coordinated by Ms. Tina Shustack and Mrs. Betty Field, our faculty moderators. Furthermore, La Salle has the benefit of running a Math Resource Room and Writing Center to help students in these targeted areas. They are open throughout the school day and staffed by our own teachers (whenever available). Our records indicate that hundreds of students take advantage of these resources annually. In addition to the services listed above, families may benefit knowing that the McShain Library is opened Monday through Thursday, 7:30 pm to 5:00 pm, and Fridays between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm. Our Main Computer Labs, located in the basement of Saint Michael’s Hall, are tentatively open daily until 4:00 pm and 3:00 pm on Fridays.

Some Important Dates La Salle’s Christmas recess begins at the end of school on Friday, December 21, 2012. Classes resume for 2013 on Thursday, January 3, 2013. The first semester ends at the end of the day on Friday, January 11, 2013. Midterm examinations start on Monday January 14, 2013 and end on Friday, January 18, 2013. Again, there are no classes scheduled for Monday, January 21, 2013 and Tuesday, January 22, 2013. The second semester begins following the Martin Luther King holiday weekend on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 with an “A” day schedule. New schedules for the second semester will be issued to all students in homeroom on that day. Student rosters are also available at anytime by accessing the MyBackPack software through the Student Portal. Please Note: Freshmen who had gym in semester one, will have pool (aquatics) in semester two; students who had pool in semester one, will have gym in semester two. Remember, it is our school’s policy that course changes are prohibited at this time.

Semester Examinations and Schedule As identified on the school calendar, examinations for the first semester will be given primarily during the week of January 14 – 18, 2013. The midterm exam schedule, although not developed for this submission,

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will be posted at the end of the first week of January both in school and on the website under the Academic Life tab. Although it may seem early, please encourage your son to begin preparing for exams as soon as possible. Attendance for taking semester exams is compulsory.

Attendance Reminder With cold and flu season already here there may be days when your son in unable to attend school. La Salle understands this. Please remember an excused absence is one that is due to illness or family emergency. If your son is absent he should be proactive. Contacting a reliable classmate the night of the absence and/or communicating with teachers at the earliest convenient time is expected; absent students are responsible for missed work. On a related note, it is important to clarify that outside of illness or emergency, school attendance is compulsory. A family vacation does not qualify as an excused absence. School holidays and breaks are published well in advance so as to offer parents an opportunity to plan their vacations at a time that does not interfere with attendance policies. Families and their sons cannot expect teachers to accommodate missed work/opportunities for any unexcused absence. Unexcused absences during midterm or final examinations are strictly prohibited. Please keep in mind that attendance throughout the school year is vital to a student’s academic success. There is no doubt that the correlation between absences and grades is extraordinary. As a rule of thumb, students who miss school have grades that reflect their gaps in learning. Please support our efforts to have your son in school daily and on time. Remember, the school’s main number should NOT be used to report any student absence. All attendance matters are expected to be reported to the Attendance Line at (215) 402-4140 before 8:00 am. A note is required upon returning to school. Thank you for your help in supporting La Salle’s protocols and policies related to attendance.

College Counseling Center Gerard M. Brett Director of College Counseling

SENIORS Standardized Test Scores Students must send their standardized test scores directly from the testing agencies to the colleges to which they are applying. Test scores do not appear on the high school transcript. Financial Aid Information about financial aid – forms to be completed, deadlines, loans, etc – can be found at our website: www. in the “Links and Resources” section on the left hand side. Scroll down and click on the “Financial Aid” link. Check out the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), www.studentaid., and Be aware of the financial aid forms needed for each college since each college has its own requirements and deadlines. The possibilities are the FAFSA, the CSS PROFILE, and the college’s own financial aid form which can be found at each college’s financial aid website. BE AWARE OF DEADLINES FOR THESE APPLICATION FORMS. Given the increasing cost of a college education and the current economy, we urge students and their parents to be diligent about filing the forms in a complete and timely manner and to take advantage of every scholarship opportunity. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) cannot be filed until January 1, 2013. However, students and parents should apply for a Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) before beginning the process. This fourdigit number will serve as your electronic signature and it also can be used whenever corrections need to be made to the FAFSA. The number remains the same throughout the student’s college years and should be kept in a secure place. The CSS Profile, a service of the College Board, is used by students to apply for non-Federal financial aid at over 600 universities. In other words, the CSS is used to apply for scholarships and programs offered by individual colleges. The FAFSA, on the other hand, is used to apply for Federal

programs such as Federal Direct Student Loans, Perkins Loans, and Pell Grants. Unlike the FAFSA, which is free to complete, the CSS Profile costs $25 to create and submit to one school. Additional schools cost $16 per submission. Since the CSS Profile only covers a certain group of colleges, you should check the Participating Programs List before you spend the time and money to apply. Scholarship information that comes into the College Counseling Center is posted on on the left side under “Scholarship Information”. Seniors applying for scholarships from a college or university often need to meet an early deadline. Take note of the specific requirements. The following are scholarship search sites:,,,, and the La Salle College Counseling Scholarship List. Any grant or scholarship money is money that does not have to be borrowed or earned!! Additions to List of Colleges Seniors are reminded to inform the College Counseling Center by Monday, December 3, 2012, about any colleges they are adding to their original list. The counselors need time for processing these requests before the Christmas holidays. The College Counseling Center will be closed for the holidays from December 22, 2012 to January 2, 2013. College Acceptance and Scholarship Notification Copies of letters of acceptance and scholarship awards should be brought to Mrs. O’Connell in the College Counseling Center. Important Reminder for Seniors and Juniors Keep in mind as you are preparing for semester exams that your GPA in college preparatory courses is the most important criteria in the college admission process. Keep up the good work!!

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College Counseling Center ( C ONTINUE D )

JUNIORS Standardized Testing The college counselors suggest that the Juniors make plans to take standardized tests in second semester. Check out the test preparation module in Naviance. SAT and ACT sample tests and preparation packets are available. Students and parents can access Naviance through the Parent Portal and Student Portal. Click “PrepMe” to begin the test preparation. On this site students have the ability to practice taking both the SAT and ACT and determine areas of strength and weakness. Please keep in mind that all colleges accept both the SAT and ACT and no preference is given to either test. For a list of differences between the two tests please visit Princeton Review, Study Point, and Kaplan. Juniors should have taken two of the same test – either SAT or ACT – by the end of second semester junior year. A complete schedule of tests and registration deadlines is available at (SAT), and (ACT). The CEEB number for La Salle College High School is 393370 and must be included on test registration forms. Advisory classes for juniors regarding the college search and application process will begin second semester. In the meantime check out our website for comprehensive information as well as a Junior Monthly Planning Calendar.

SAT Prep Classes for the Winter For the tenth year in a row La Salle is offering classes to prepare for the SAT that will be administered on March 9, 2013. Under the direction of Mr. Dennis Bloh of the English Department and a consultant for the College Board, the series of five (5) classes and two practice tests will be held on Saturday mornings from 8:30 am until Noon. There will be three different components of the class: Math, Verbal, and Writing. TIME(S) 8:30 – 10:00


10:00 – 11:00


11:00 – 12:00


DATE(S) January 5, 2013 – First Class January 12, 2013 – First Practice Test January 19, 2013 – Second Class January 26, 2013– Third Class February 2, 2013 – Fourth Class February 9, 2013 – Second Practice Test February 16, 2013 – President’s weekend (snow date) February 23, 2013 – Fifth Class March 2, 2013 – Makeup date (if needed) COST(S) $200.00 for Math $150.00 for Verbal $150.00 for Writing $400.00 for all three Participants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mr. Dennis Bloh at (215) 402-4141 or

Save The Date College Information Night For Parents of Juniors Wednesday, February 6, 2013 7:15 pm Auditorium

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Thank You. For making EVERY CAN COUNT this Thanksgiving. With the entire La Salle community's help, we were able to donate over 10,000 canned goods and non-perishable items to Saint Vincent's Parish in Germantown and Pheed Philly.

Sponsored by the Lasallian Service Corps and La Salle Responds

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Ministry and Service LE W I S C LAR K D IRE C TOR O F C A M P U S M INI S TR Y

Freshmen Retreats (Theme: Lasallian Identity) September 26, 2012 (1A-5A) September 26, 2012 (6A-10A) Sophomore Retreats (Theme: The Road to Emmaus) April 10, 2013 (1B, 2B, ½ 3B) April 11, 2013 (½ 3B, 4B, 5B) April 23, 2013 (6B, 7B, ½ 8B) April 24, 2013 (½ 8B, 9B, 10B) Junior Retreats (Theme: Choices) February 5, 2013 (1C/2C) February 11, 2013 (3C/4C) February 12, 2013 (5C/6C) February 26, 2013 (7C/8C) February 27, 2013 (9C/10C) Senior Retreats Kairos 37-87 Kairos 37-88 Kairos 37-89 Kairos 37-90 Kairos 37-91 Kairos 37-92 One-Day Retreat

Grade Level Opportunities Freshmen Branch Out-Day Junior Urban Challenge

November 2 – 5, 2012 November 6 – 9, 2012 December 11– 14, 2012 January 29 – February 1, 2013 March 5 – March 8, 2013 April 16 – 19, 2013 December 4, 2012

School Wide Liturgies and Prayer Services Opening of School Liturgy September 14, 2012 All Saints Day Liturgy November 1, 2012 Thanksgiving Prayer Service November 20, 2012 Immaculate Conception Liturgy N/A (Saturday) Christmas Liturgy December 21, 2012 Ash Wednesday Prayer Service February 13, 2013 Lenten Liturgy March 26, 2013 Founder’s Day Prayer Service May 9, 2013 Ascension Thursday Liturgy May 9, 2013 Student Led Prayer Services (7:35 am in Marian Chapel) Peace. Light. Hope. in HIS footsteps

Monthly/Seasonal Drives Casseroles for the Homeless Magazine Drive for Grade Schools Thanksgiving Food Drive Operation Santa Claus Secret Santa La Salle Responds Initiative

Fridays During Advent Fridays During Lent

Sacrament of Reconciliation November 13, 2012 and February 19-20, 2013

September 19-28, 2012 November 13-20, 2012 November 26, 2012 – December 21, 2012 November 26, 2012 – December 24, 2012 Ongoing November 18, 2012 December 4-5, 2012 and February 12-13, 2013

Summer Service Opportunities Junior Urban Immersion May 26-31, 2013 (Philadelphia) June 2-7, 2013 and July 21-26, 2013 Project Appalachia June 2-8, 2013 (West Virginia) Migrant Worker Immersion June 22-29, 2013 (Coachella Valley, CA) Saint Lucia June 13-21, 2013 Navajo Experience June 23-29, 2013 (Arizona/New Mexico) Blackfeet Immersion July 28-August 3, 2013 and (Montana) August 4-10, 2013 Gulf Coast Immersion August 4-10, 2013 (Louisiana) Building Bridges of Solidarity TBD (Bolivia)

For additional information, please contact Campus Ministry: Mark Chesnik Lew Clark Assistant Director of Director of Campus Campus Ministry Ministry

Eucharistic Adoration and Daily Mass Varies On- Going Service Projects Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Elder Share, Cooking for Outreach La Salle Academy Tutoring, Triest House, and Street Outreach Visitation BVM Tutoring, Human Rights Forum Sarnelli House, Kids Helping Kids Lasallian Service Corps Face-To-Face Dining Room Face-To-Face Dining Room

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Micky Dominick Assistant Director of Campus Ministry

With God All Things Are Possible by JoAnn Cohen, PhD

A few years ago, one young patient came into my psychology office and curled into a fetal position on one of the big over-stuffed chairs. “What’s the problem, Elizabeth?” I said with genuine concern. “I need to know about Santa,” she said simply. “I need to know if Santa really exists.” I squinted. “What do you think?” She stared back at me. “You know we don’t have much money. My mom and dad can’t buy me presents. So if there’s no Santa Claus, where will the presents come from?” I could feel her despair as I watched her eyes fill with tears. “You know, Sweetheart, there’s a lot happening you don’t see. The world’s a really big place and there are lots of mysteries, even to grown-ups. You asked me questions about Santa. Did you ever see him come to your house?” She shook her head. “But you still got presents, didn’t you?” She nodded. “That’s because Santa exists in your heart and the hearts of all the people who love you. Can you imagine a world without Santa?” She shook her head again. “Winter would be very boring,” she offered. I smiled. “That’s because Santa is a reflection of the generosity of God.” Her eyes lit up. “He gave us Jesus,” she said pulling herself into a sitting position. I looked at her softly. “Yes, he did.” I paused for a moment. “I don’t know much about Santa, but I do know a lot of Santa’s elves,” I said matter of factly. “You DO?” She pulled herself to the edge of her seat. “I most certainly do. I see them every day.” Her eyes got wider. “Really?” I nodded. “Absolutely. I see them when I go to school each morning. They’ve been busy working for months.” Truly, La Salle is a place where Christmas elves are busy working all year long. Every Thanksgiving, La Salle collects thousands of cans of food for struggling families. Last month, students collected more than 10,000 cans. Each year students and faculty spend Christmas Eve distributing gifts for Secret Santa, a partnership with Committee to Benefit the Children at Saint Christopher’s Hospital for Children and a program which needs

about $18,000 in donations to be successful. Funds come from various sources – the Men of La Salle and the Alumni Association sponsor the program and a number of mothers and alumni make individual contributions. Funds also come from La Salle Responds - money donated by La Salle students and faculty on specific days for the privilege of “dressing down.” These donations cover about 60% of gifts for the children. Additionally, some La Salle families adopt a family and provide gifts for all of the children in that family. Most donations come from people affiliated with La Salle College High School, but, in recent years, Chris Carabello, the administrator responsible for overseeing Secret Santa, has received donations from families outside the La Salle community. Once all of the gifts are purchased and brought back to La Salle, members of the Mothers’ Club spend hours wrapping and tagging the gifts. The day before Christmas, students and faculty travel to the homes of more than 75 patients who stable enough to be released for 24 hours from the pediatric oncology and hematology departments at Saint Christopher’s Hospital in order to spend the Christmas holiday at home. The joy that radiates from the faces of these children as they open their presents is more of a gift to the gift bearers than can be imagined. It is a reminder that the most valuable gifts include love, kindness, innocence, the enchantment of the season, the joy of giving, and the appreciation of life. These are priceless. I turned to Elizabeth. “I believe Santa is very kind and thoughtful. But while Santa goes back to the North Pole after Christmas, the elves I know stay here all year long. Not only do they make sure that there are toys for children at Christmas, they spend time visiting people in hospitals, bringing food to those who are less fortunate, and tutoring children attending intercity schools. They plan deliberate acts of kindness.” Elizabeth looked at me with her big brown eyes. “Do you think they will ever change the world? Do you think that one day everyone will have enough food to eat, gifts at Christmas and someone to visit them?” I smiled. “I don’t know, Elizabeth. I do know these elves believe in God. And with God all things are possible.”

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Picture Perfect by Christopher M. Carabello ’82

An icon at La Salle College High School for almost sixty years, Brother James Rieck, FSC, died peacefully on Saturday, November 17, 2012 at Abington Hospice in Warminster, PA, surrounded by his family. He was born James Francis Rieck in Philadelphia, PA on June 6, 1939. He attended Saint Helena School in the Olney section of Philadelphia and went on to graduate from La Salle College High School as member of the Class of 1957. He entered the Ammendale Novitiate for the Brothers of the Christian Schools in June of 1957, received the Religious Habit and Name Brother James Leo in September of 1957, and pronounced perpetual vows in 1964. He graduated from La Salle College in 1962 and received Masters Degrees from both La Salle College and Villanova University. The photos in this issue are either of Brother James or taken by him. They were his pride and joy and demonstrated his eye for capturing the moment and/or a place that was part of his life for almost sixty years.

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Brother James spent the early part of his 50-year career at Bishop Denis J. O’Connell High School in Arlington, VA, where he taught social studies and religion as well as coached tennis and served as Athletic Director. In 1971, he went to Archbishop John Carroll High School in Radnor, PA where he served as a teacher, Dean of Students, and Vice Principal. In 1984, he returned to his Alma Mater and spent the next five years as Assistant Principal. He went on to serve as Principal of Archbishop Carroll from 1990 to 1993. In 1993, he returned to La Salle College High School, where he spent eighteen wonderful years as Director of Admissions. During this time, applications and enrollment were at an all-time high, and the admissions process was brought to a new level. He stepped down in June of 2011 and turned the reigns over to Kevin Dougherty ’00, one of his former students.

Brother James Rieck, FSC continued to serve as Director of the Christian Brothers Community at La Salle College High School. In addition, he served as moderator of the Men of La Salle and assumed the role of Lasallian Animator, which in the Lasallian context refers to someone within the local educational community who carries out the special responsibility of making known the essential elements of the Lasallian tradition. Brother James Butler, President of La Salle College High School, remembers his confrere. “Brother James Rieck was an excellent, influential, and ideal Christian Brother. The vocation was completely natural to him. His energy, intelligence, resourcefulness, and practicality made him an effective and successful teacher as a young man. As an administrator, he held high standards but was generous and understanding when people were in need. As his quarter century at La Salle went by,

he became progressively more adept at transforming lives by a ministry of presence. He was always there: when there was reason to celebrate, when pain was experienced, when hope was required. As you would expect with a good photographer, the focus was never on Jim. In some ways, he was almost transparent. When the La Salle family looked at him, they saw the love of God.” David Gates of Bread wrote that “a picture paints a thousand words.” If this is true, then Brother James Rieck created a library. Although he was charged with the arduous task of “capturing” students, Brother James is best known for capturing a different side of La Salle’s student body. Brother could be found at almost every game and event with a camera in hand. There is not an event or team over the years that Brother James did not chronicle with his Nikon cameras and his photos can be found throughout our campus and in every school publication.

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I used to think that Brother James was one of those people who enjoyed photography and simply liked to take photos. This may very well be true; however, I came to realize something very different. Brother James wasn’t the school’s photographer; rather, he was the school’s biggest fan. He captured those special moments, but did so with the heart and soul of an “Explorer.” He was always present to share the joy of place that was rooted deep in his heart. The students were the subjects, but Brother James was the ultimate role model. His accomplishments were great and many; yet, he chose to focus on the success of others, which further proves that his humility was surpassed only by his love for La Salle College High School. Brother’s distinct connection to La Salle and its students is perhaps most evident by his participation in Kairos – the retreat program for seniors. In Greek, Kairos means a “special time of the Lord,” and for

the last ten years, Brother James has made the trip to Diamond Ridge (formerly Camp Neumann) to share his own life experiences and help La Salle retreatants take advantage of this special time. In all, Brother served as an adult leader on over thirty-five Kairos retreats. Brother James was an avid cyclist, having participated in a number of local events including Pedal for Prevention, which benefits Fox Chase Cancer Center. A true “explorer” by nature, his travels took him around the globe from Ireland to Alaska and Hawaii to Rome. All the time, the shutter and flash of that trusty Nikon got a workout. Brother James Rieck is predeceased by his parents: Joseph F. Rieck and Margaret Rieck (nee Courtney). He is survived by his sister, Anne (Nancy) O’Connor (Joseph, Jr.); nephew, Joseph, III (Christina); niece, Courtney; grandnephew, Ryan; and a grandniece, Kathleen.

Brother, teacher, director, coach, administrator, moderator, confidant, photographer, fan, and friend are but a few of the words that can describe Brother James Rieck, FSC ‘57. However, none adequately “paints the picture” of a man who was as integral a part of La Salle College High School as any of the buildings that he photographed. No words can suffice when describing his love for God, the Christian Brothers, and his Alma Mater. No photo could possibly capture the impact he had on the lives of so many. Eternal rest, grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, Through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

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Mothers’ Club LI S A D ENTON P RE S I D ENT

Upcoming Calendar of Events November 28, 2012 Senior Mothers’ Tree Trimming Event Auditorium

7:00 pm

December 2, 2012 Christmas Shopping Spectacular School

12:00 to 4:00 pm

December 6, 2012

Mothers’ Club Meeting Dunleavy Center

9:15 am

December 6, 2012

Junior Ring Mass (Event Support)

7:15 pm

January 10, 2013 Mothers’ Club Meeting Auditorium

9:15 am

Volunteer Opportunities The Mothers’ Club is in need of volunteers throughout the year to help before, during, and after our events. Please check The Belcroft and the website each month to see where help is needed and e-mail Beth Napolitano, our volunteer coordinator, or one of the committee chairs listed with each event below to let her know your availability. If the activity fits into your schedule, please join us as volunteering is a great way to get to know La Salle moms in a casual and fun environment. The next event is where we need volunteers is: Christmas Shopping Spectacular on December 1 – 2, 2012. For details, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator: Beth Napolitano

Christmas Shopping Spectacular Sunday December 2, 2012 12:00 to 4:00 pm Auditorium

UPCOMING EVENTS Winter Blues Social Thursday, January 31, 2013 7:00 to 10:00 pm Auditorium All La Salle Mothers are invited to shake off the Winter Blues, with this wonderful night out of fun, friends and food.

Mother/Son Communion Brunch Sunday, February 24, 2013 10:00 am Williamson Restaurant Look for additional details and reservation information in the January 2013 issue of The Belcroft.

Fashion Show Wednesday, March 13, 2013 5:00 pm Spring Mill Manor Save the date for this year’s event “Springtime in Paris”. Call your family and girlfriends and save a table to enjoy a night of fabulous tombola gifts, beautiful fashions and exciting entertainment. Keep an eye out for further details and your invitation after the New Year. For information contact: Rosanne Campanella Helene Crozier (610) 322-8513 (215) 499-3463

Don’t’ forget to stop by this fabulous one stop Christmas shopping bazaar! Over sixty vendors will be at La Salle to sell their unique merchandise, so grab your mother, your daughter, your sister, or your friends and come “shop till you drop.” Lunch will be served. Tickets are available for purchase at the door. For more information, please contact: Diana Driscoll (215) 628-0699

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2012 14

Mothers’ Club ( C ONTINUE D )

New York Trip

Christmas Treasures At Shared Treasures

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Tickets for the 2013 New York trip to see “Motown the Musical” are selling quickly. A link to the flyer can be found in the “IN THE SPOTLIGHT” section on the home page of the LaSalle web site. Print out the flyer and mail in your request for tickets to the address on the form. You will need to arrive at the Montgomery Mall on April 17, 2013 by 8:15 am to enjoy coffee and tea before boarding the buses. Departure for New York will be promptly at 8:30 am. As you travel to the “Big Apple”, beverages and a delicious boxed lunch will be served for your enjoyment. Show time is 2:00 pm. Dinner reservations for your group should be made several weeks prior to April 17, 2013. For your convenience, suggestions for dining, shopping, and sightseeing will be posted on the Mothers’ Club website before the trip. Buses will depart New York promptly at 8:30 pm. Snacks and water will be provided for the ride home. Tickets are $185 per person. For information and reservations, contact:

This month’s featured merchandise at Shared Treasures includes a wide assortment of decorative items for the holidays. From whimsical collectible Santa’s to beautiful holiday trays, we have everything you’ll need to deck your halls and celebrate the season in style.

Mary Chandler (610) 287-3264

Barbara Houldin (215) 990-2843

Shared Treasures, your source for fabulous finds and fantastic values is open each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Dunleavy Center, as well as the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 am until Noon. In addition to holiday merchandise, we also have a terrific selection of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and accessories, home décor, books, small pieces of furniture and more! Tax-deductible items of gently used items are also gratefully accepted and can be left on the covered porch on the side of Dunleavy Center. Please consider helping out in the shop, too, if you have a couple of free hours during the month. For information, please contact:

We will be bringing our treasures to the Christmas Shopping Spectacular on Sunday, December 2, 2012. Please be sure to stop by for terrific gifts for everyone on your list – and a few baubles for yourself!

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2012 15

Men of La Salle M i c h a e l H a pp President

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Father/Son Banquet

Thursday, December 13, 2012 Monthly Meeting The venue is warm and comfortable. Many of the faces are Study Commons familiar and friendly. It feels like an extension of a family 6:30 pm gathering…a very large family gathering! On Thursday, Guest Speaker: November 15, 2012 we hosted the annual Father/Son Mary Kay Weeks, Banquet at Williamsons in Horsham. This year, more than Face-To-Face 700 people attended. It is truly great to see and experience the camaraderie of the evening. Not only do the individual Thursday, January 3, 2013 Monthly Meeting fathers and sons have a chance to make some shared Study Commons memories, but the boys get a chance to connect with their 6:30 pm friends outside of school. This year, Mike Missanelli, sports Guest Speaker: radio talk host from 97.5 The Fanatic, stepped in to pinch Lew Clark, hit for our previously engaged speaker, Kevin Reilly, and Campus Ministry delivered an entertaining keynote speech. I would like to thank everyone who made the event possible. Thursday, February 7, 2013 Monthly Meeting Study Commons 6:30 pm Comedy Night – “Laughing Matters” Guest Speaker: Save the Date Gerard Brett, February 10, 2013 College Counseling Center We look forward to hosting our 2nd Annual Comedy Night this year. We are going to gather three professional Auction Royale comedians and open the doors to the entire La Salle community to enjoy some favorite Philly foods and comedy. On Saturday evening, November 3, 2012, the school was More information will be published in an upcoming issue transformed into a James Bond movie for the annual Auction, which is the single largest fundraiser that supports of The Belcroft as well as on the school’s website. our mission. The Auction Committee utilized its own gadgetry as guests engaged in an electronic bidding format Merry Christmas from their personal hand held device. From all accounts, As we enter this very special season, I think it is the evening was a tremendous success as the event raised important to reflect for a moment on all the blessings we over $220,000 for the La Salle community. I would like to have received through out the year. There is no greater joy add my personal thanks to Raymond Delaney, our auction than being able to share all our successes with our sons co-chairman and all of the numerous volunteers from the and families. In this Christmas season, let’s not forget that administration, Mother’s Club, and Men of La Salle who it is not only our sons who enter to learn and leave to made this special evening possible. I would also like to serve, but we as parents do also. On behalf of the thank all of the sponsors and guests who supported this Men of La Salle, our dedicated board, and all who event with their generous contributions. volunteer so much time to make La Salle so special, I would like to wish you and your family a very safe, joyful, and Merry Christmas!

Michael Happ President

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2012 16

Over 700 Attend the Father/Son Banquet

Guest Speaker Mike Missanelli Sports Talk Host, 97.5 The Fanatic

63nd Annual Father/Son Banquet Thursday, November 15, 2012 Williamson’s Restaurant

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2012 17

The annual Auction was held on Saturday, November 3, 2012. A capacity crowd of over 525 members of the La Salle community and their guests attended the event, which is now in its 30th year. The night featured both a silent and live auction along with a variety of raffles. The $20,000 raffle prize was won by Melanie Reinhardt. Laura Savage and Ray Delaney chaired the event – Auction Royale – which was set to a James Bond 007 theme. The event raised over $220,000, which will be used to provide funding for the projects of the Mothers’ Club and Men of La Salle in support of the school.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2012 18

Freshman Grandparents’ Day Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The sixth annual Freshman Grandparents’ Day prayer service at La Salle College High School brought out record numbers on Wednesday, November 21, 2012. The holiday season commenced with La Salle Principal Michael O’Toole ’68 welcoming almost 400 grandparents and special guests who proudly visited with their freshman grandsons for a Thanksgiving Prayer Service lead by the school’s Chaplain, Father Anthony Janton, AFSC ’69. Mr. Ben Ventresca ’70, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, extolled the values that the school has to offer the Class of 2016 and President Brother James Butler, FSC offered closing remarks before inviting the guests to light refreshments in the auditorium followed by family photos in the gym. The grandparents concluded their visit by touring the parts of the school including the chapel, campus ministry, computer labs, and the campus store. La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2012 19

Mothers’ Club New York Trip Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2:00 pm (Matinee) Lunt-Fontanne Theatre 205 West 46th Street New York, NY 10036 $ 185 per person Includes: • Bus Transportation • Ticket to the Show • Box Lunch • Refreshments/Goodies on the Bus Make checks payable to: La Salle College High School

Seating is limited! Tickets are first come, first serve! Buses will depart from Montgomery Mall, Montgomeryville, PA promptly at 8:30 am. Box lunches will be provided. Dinner will be on your own. Buses will depart New York City at 8:00 pm and return to Montgomery Mall at approximately 10:30. Everyone will be assigned to buses. We will do our best to accommodate your party (seating on the bus and in the theatre). Reservations accepted with payment only. Your canceled check is your receipt. Please fill out the response form completely, detach, and return with payment (photocopies accepted). In the event you have any questions, please contact Mary Chandler at (610) 287-3264 or

Mothers’ Club New York Trip Response Form Please mail this form along with payment in full to: Mary Chandler New York City Trip 970 Turnberry Circle Schwenksville, PA 19473

Name Address City State Zip Telephone E-mail Number Of Tickets At $185.00 Each

Total Enclosed

Names Of Others In Your Party

O Yes, I Will Serve As A Bus Captain O I want to be on the bus that will drop-off at Canal Street and understand that I will be responsible

for my own transportation to the Broadway Theatre.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2012 20

L I G H T S La Salle Intervention: Giving Help To Students

The LIGHTS Team The Student Assistance Program of La Salle College High School Ms. Tina Shustack Program Coordinator Mathematics Department Ms. Lisa Agnew David Program Mr. Greg Bielecki Social Studies Department

Families and LIGHTS: Partnership in Assistance The LIGHTS Team works together with the parents of academically or behaviorally troubled students. To that end, the LIGHTS Team contacts parents of referred students early in the process. In some cases, a student will require assistance which La Salle cannot provide. In these cases, the LIGHTS Team will work with parents to facilitate the process of accessing resources in the community.

Help Us Help Your Son The goal of LIGHTS is to help referred students overcome their academic and behavioral difficulties. Ideally, parents and LIGHTS work together toward this goal by offering mutual respect and support, open channels of communication, awareness of the student’s strengths, and shared responsibility.

Mr. Lew Clark Campus Ministry Mr. Matthew Derrick English Department Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik World Languages Department

Student Referrals

Mrs. Jeanne Holt-Brabson Guidance Department

A student may be referred to the LIGHTS Team in a number of ways.

Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

A faculty or staff member may express his or her concerns regarding a student’s academic performance or behavior to a member of the LIGHTS Team. A parent with similar concerns may refer his or her son to the LIGHTS Team. A friend or classmate who is worried about a certain student may refer him to the LIGHTS Team for assistance. A student may refer himself to the LIGHTS Team for assistance.

The LIGHTS Team The LIGHTS Team, a Student Assistance Program (SAP), assists La Salle students as well as the families of those students, who face behavioral and/or academic difficulties. The team is comprised of specially-trained school faculty and staff, who meet weekly to discuss the needs of referred students.

All information about referred students is kept strictly confidential.

The LIGHTS Team works to identify problems and seek out solutions. The LIGHTS Team does not diagnose or treat students. The LIGHTS team seeks out and collates information about referred students from a variety of sources, including parents, teachers, coaches, and the school nurse, and uses the information to determine suitable strategies for helping the students.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft September December 2012 2011 21 9

Varsity Sports Schedules J O S E P H A . P ARI S I ATHLETI C D IRE C TOR

December Basketball


Joe Dempsey Head Coach

Wally Muehlbronner Head Coach 3 Father Judge 6:55 pm 12 Central Bucks South 7:00 pm 14 Saint Joseph’s Prep 7:20 pm 19 Saint Joseph’s High School (NJ) 4:00 pm 21 Holy Ghost Prep 7:20 pm 26-28 Mount Saint Charles Tournament

7 State College High School 7:30 pm State College, PA State College Tournament 8 Hazelton or North Allegheny TBA State College, PA State College Tournament 12 Imhotep Charter 7:00 pm Away 15 Boy’s Latin 1:00 pm Cheltenham Coaches vs. Cancer Event 19 New Media Charter 4:00 pm Away 22 Reading High School 5:30 pm Home Coaches vs. Cancer Game 27 Roselle Catholic (NJ) 5:00 pm Widener Pete Nelson Classic 29 Wissahickon High School 5:00 pm Philly U Pete Nelson Classic 31 Malvern Prep 1:30 pm Away

Flyers Skate Zone Bucks County Ice Hatfield Ice World Hatfield Ice World Hatfield Ice World Rhode Island

Wrestling Richard Gebauer Head Coach 8 Travis Manion Tournament TBD Home 22-23 Beast Of The East Tournament TBD University of Delaware 27-28 Battle At The Bridge TBD Woodbridge, VA

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft December 2012 22

Christmas Concerts Band Concert December 10, 2013 7:15 pm

Choral Concert December 17, 2012 7:15 pm

Free Admission

8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

First Class Mail

December 2012

Volume Twenty-Two Number 4

The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.

The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother James L. Butler, FSC Principal Michael A. O’Toole ‘68 Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through May.

Calendar of Events – December 2012

First Class Mail The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue. The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.


Scholarship/Entrance Exam SAT I and II

8:30 am


Christmas Shopping Spectacular

12:00 pm


Junior Urban Challenge


Early Dismissal

1:35 pm


Mothers’ Club Meeting Men of La Salle Meeting Junior Ring Liturgy

9:15 am 6:30 pm 7:15 pm


Advent Prayer Service

7:35 am

9 ACT 10

Band Concert

7:15 pm


Alumni Board Meeting

7:30 pm

11-14 Kairos 37-89 14

Advent Prayer Service

7:35 am


Board of Trustees Meeting

2:30 pm


Choral Concert

7:15 pm


Club/Activity Period


Christmas Liturgy

9:30 am


Christmas Break

No Classes


Secret Santa


Christmas Day


New Year’s Eve

Merry Christmas!

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