January 2011 Belcroft Newsletter

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January 2011 Volume Twenty Number 5

Dear Parents and Guardians, As the New Year and then a new semester unfold, I wish you and your family all the best in 2011. May the New Year bless you and this Nation with gifts of Peace, Joy and Success. We are grateful to our students for their extraordinary generosity in supporting Secret Santa and Operation Santa Claus. They raised more money than ever before and collected over 2,500 gifts for patients of St. Christopher’s Hospital along with families identified by Catholic Social Services. More than 10% of our entire student body could be found delivering presents on Christmas Eve. The two Christmas concerts – Band on December 13, 2010 and Choral on December 20, 2010 – were performed for very appreciative audiences. Many thanks to our band directors Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro and Mr. Joseph Vettori, and to Mr. Mark Norman, our choral director, for bringing the beauty of Christmas and the magic of its music into our lives. Over 500 eighth grade boys came to La Salle on December 4, 2010, to take our Entrance/Scholarship Exam. We are grateful to Brother James Rieck, the Admissions Office staff, our faculty, staff, students, parents, and alumni whose continuing efforts made this day such a success. I ask that you please keep up your support and encouragement of La Salle during the registration of the Class of 2015 as you are our best cheerleaders! Congratulations to our football team for repeating as Philadelphia Catholic League and District 12 (City) Champions and for returning to Hersheyrpark Stadium on December 18, 2010 to defend our PIAA State Championship. Despite a tough loss to a big and strong team from North Allegheny High School, our team won several difficult contests in route to the championship game and finished the season as the top-ranked team in the Delaware Valley. Special thanks to our coaching staff and student athletes for this achievement. The quality of character and performance could be seen in both our wins and losses. We will complete the First Semester with exams from January 18-21, 2011. Please encourage your son(s) to begin preparing early. Reviews for exams which cover an entire semester are key parts of a college preparatory program. Reviewing, studying, answering practice questions and even some old-fashioned “drill work” should begin as early as th possible in January. January 17 is a federal holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King. La Salle joins the rest of the nation in honoring this great American. His message of non-violence in one of our country’s most critical moments did much to spur us to action and to awareness. We at La Salle wish all of you the best in 2011! May your hearts be filled with faith, hope, and love and May Jesus Live In Our Hearts…Forever! Sincerely yours,

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60 President

The presentation is for parents and adults as Josh will be speaking to the students during the school day. Josh is the host of the television show Jump Shipp, author of "The Teen's Guide to World Domination", named a “CNN Young Person Who Rocks”, and was listed on INC. Magazine's 30 Under 30 List. Josh has established an international reputation as a teen communication expert who can get through to any teen. He's spoken at dozens of colleges and universities and to over 1.5 million teenagers live. He is a recognized teen expert for such media outlets as MTV, CNN, and FOX. Josh offers up a healthy dose of advice that he calls "in your face, but on your side." He counsels teenagers on everything they care about and it’s all done in a youth-friendly, humorous tone that is more of a hilarious survival guide thana preachy sermon. Josh certainly knows a thing or two about survival. Abandoned and abused as a child, he was able to triumph over the tragedy. He attributes his personal growth to the support of a great foster family, dynamic teachers, and enriching school programs that opened his eyes to his true potential. "Josh Shipp has the ability to get through to ANY teen and point them in the right direction. It's an incredible thing to witness." Harvard University

The event is made possible through funding provided by: Mothers’ Club and the Fran Johnson Enrichment Program Men of La Salle David Geppert Recycling, Inc.

3 The Belcroft January 2011

Office of Student Affairs Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

School Closings for Inclement Weather

Winter Dance

School closings will be communicated via the Alert Now messaging. We will also notify KYW (1060AM) radio as early as possible. Our school closing number is 333. La Salle’s website is also a source for such announcements. Two television stations will also carry information for La Salle – 6ABC and NBC10.

The Winter Dance will be held on Friday, January 21, 2011. This event usually brings many students and their dates. The cost for the dance will be $15 per person and includes music and refreshments. Tickets will go on sale the week before the dance. A sports coat or suit, shirt, and tie are the dress attire for our male students that evening.

In case of snow during a school day, parents will be notified via an Alert Now message, KYW radio, and the TV stations as soon as a decision has been reached for an early dismissal. We would appreciate your cooperation in NOT calling the school on these days. You have received information in the past about our policies for early dismissals in inclement weather. Here are a few reminders from that memo: 1) When school districts send their buses we announce that those students may leave. Students who drove to school from that same school district are expected to remain at school until the school day ends or classes are dismissed. 2) In light of the above, it is prudent to check weather forecasts in the morning before deciding to allow your son to drive to school. A safe alternative is to have your son take the school district busing.

Campus Store We hope everyone had a joyous Christmas and a restful break from the daily routine of school. The Campus Store has all the necessities to start the Second Semester – all required paperbacks for English and Religion. We also have a full supply of stationery as well. The Campus Store will be closed during Mid-Term Examinations (January 18-21, 2011), so please make sure your sons come prepared with pencils and pens. We are open on Monday and Wednesday from 7:45 am to 2:00 pm and Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:45 am to 5:00 pm. Any questions, please call (215) 402-4859.

3) The school cannot deliver messages to students unless it is an emergency. If you need to contact your son please leave him a message on his cell phone. Students may check for messages with the permission of a teacher or an administrator.

Going On Vacation? A Reminder To All Parents If you are planning a family vacation during days when school is in session, please notify your son’s teachers and the Attendance Office at (215) 233-4140 before you depart.

Reporting Absences Calls for student absences MUST be made to the attendance line (215-402-4140 or 215-233-2911 with a prompt) by 8:00 am in order for the Dean’s Office to have accurate roll for any given day. Your cooperation will eliminate phone calls to you from the school in reference to student absences. Students MUST bring a note signed by one of his parents to the Dean’s Office before going to class on the day he returns to school.

Football Banquet Monday, January 31, 2011 Williamson Restaurant 500 Blair Mill Road Horsham, PA 6:30 pm (Arrival) 7:00 pm (Dinner) No Charge for Parents and Players (included in Touchdown Club Dues) Additional Family and/or Guests $25/person

4 The Belcroft January 2011

Office of Academic Affairs Thomas R. Barna Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs

Semester Examinations and Schedule

Some Important Dates

As identified on the school calendar, examinations for the first semester will begin after the Martin Luther King holiday on Tuesday, January 18, 2011, and finish on Monday, January 24, 2011. The midterm exam schedule, although not developed for this submission, will be posted during the second week of January both in school and on the website under the Academic Life tab. Please encourage your son to begin preparing for exams as soon as possible.

Classes resume for 2011 on Tuesday, January 4, 2011. The first semester ends at the end of the day on Friday, January 14, 201. First semester exams begin after the Martin Luther King holiday. There are no classes on Monday, January 17, 201. Midterms will start on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 and end on Monday, January 24, 2011.

A Note Regarding Weather In the event that inclement weather forces a school closing on an examination day, students will take the previously untaken exams in sequence the next day that school is open. For example, if the exams scheduled for Tuesday January 18, 2011 should be cancelled due to snow, these exams would be given on January 19, 2011, and the January 19, 2011 exams would move to the next school day which in this case is Thursday, January 20, 2011. Changes such as these that alter the exam schedule while it is going on will be posted on the website. Attendance for all examinations is compulsory.

The second semester begins on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 with an “A” day schedule. New schedules for the second semester will be issued to all students in homeroom on that day. Remember that both semester rosters are always viewable through a student’s MyBackPack account. Please note: freshmen who had gym in semester one, will have pool (aquatics) in semester two; students who had pool in semester one, will have gym in semester two.

Report Cards Report cards for the second semester will be handed out in homeroom on Monday, January 31, 2011 as indicated in the school calendar.

Final Failures Attendance Reminder With cold and flu season arriving there may be days when your son in unable to attend school. Please remember an excused absence is one that is due to illness or family emergency. If your son is absent he should be proactive. Contacting a reliable classmate the night of the absence and/or communicating with the teacher at the earliest convenient time is expected. Absent students are responsible for missed work. On a related note, it is important to clarify that outside of illness or emergency, school attendance is compulsory. A family vacation does not qualify as an excused absence. School holidays and breaks are published well in advance so as to offer parents an opportunity to plan their vacations at a time that does not interfere with attendance policies. Families and their sons cannot expect teachers to accommodate missed work/opportunities for any unexcused absence. Unexcused absences during midterm or final examinations are strictly prohibited. Please support our efforts to have your son in school daily and on time. Remember, the school’s main number should NOT be used to report any student absence. All attendance matters are expected to be reported to the Attendance Line at (215) 233-4140 before 9:00 am. A note is required upon returning to school.

PLEASE NOTE: All students who fail a semester course, must remove the failure in order to return to La Salle in the fall. Seniors who earn a final failure in a semester course are ineligible for graduation unless the failure is made up. First semester grades of seniors will be sent to the colleges to which they have applied in the first week of February.

Upperclass Registration La Salle families can expect to receive a letter and return envelope announcing upcoming registration. This letter will be mailed during the week of our return from the Christmas Break. As it has been in the past, there will continue to be a non-refundable registration fee. The deadline for registration fees is Monday, February 7, 2011. Please return the registration envelope even if your son does not plan to continue at La Salle. Enrollment confirmation for 2011-12 is the first step toward a successful course selection process. It is extremely important that the Office of Academic Affairs receive this information so that educational resources can be secured as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your cooperation here. Expect to read more about course registration in the February 2011 issue of The Belcroft.

5 The Belcroft January 2011

New Beginnings by Jo Ann Cohen, Ph.D.

Aaron Copland was born in Brooklyn in 1900. He was a modern composer who folk songs into his musical compositions creating pieces that are highly accessible to the incorporated general public – quite a feat for twentieth century composer. One of his lesser known works is Laurie’s Song from Tender Lands. Laurie is a young woman about to graduate college. Her nostalgic reminisces of growing up, and her anticipation of the future comprises the essence of work: “Once I thought I’d never grow tall as this fence. Time dragged heavy and slow. But April came and August went before I knew just what they meant. And little by little, I grew up. And as I grew, I came to know how fast the time could go. Once I thought I’d never go outside this fence. This space was plenty for me. But I walked down the road one day, and just what happened, I can’t say. But, little by little, it came to be, that line between the earth and sky came beckoning to me.” Unlike Copland’s more popular Appalachian Spring or Lincoln Portrait which use quasi-traditional chord progressions, Laurie’s Song uses what musicians refer to as a “tone row.” That means the notes used in the melody do not comprise the traditional scale, but rather create a hauntingly strange melody. Simply put, Laurie’s Song is not something you will find the normal person humming while walking down the street. The melody feels awkward and lacks a familiar direction. Copland uses the tone row to create the feeling of discomfort and awkwardness that is similar to what we feel when we try something new. It is the uneasiness many of us feel New Year’s Eve. What will the New Year hold? New Year’s signals only one type of beginning; new beginnings are everywhere. What defines our future is not what happens, but rather how we respond. Our life is defined by our actions. It is easy to look around and see that many things which happen to us contribute to our life. It is much harder to see how what we are doing contributes to our life. Our ability to embrace the New Year and new beginnings is an indication of how we approach each day. Seeing the positive aspects of every situation is in our individual jurisdiction. Laurie’s Song tells us a great deal about how she looks at life. “What makes me think I’d like to try to go down all those roads beyond that line above the earth and ‘neath the sky? …Oh, who knows what will now begin? Oh, it’s so strange. I’m strange inside! The time has grown so short, the world so wide!” Laurie sees life as a channel for discovery, an opening to sweetness, and a chance to explore the exotic. Laurie’s mission is to press on to success and to explore every nook and cranny in the process. For her, life is cherished for its expansiveness. Laurie’s passion is infectious. The New Year gives each of us a chance to start over again - a chance to change and to recognize the value and potential of every day. We need to look forward to the future despite anything that happened in the past. Let us decide to embrace life with joy and appreciation.

6 The Belcroft January 2011

College Counseling Center Mary Kay Mullen Director of College Counseling

First Semester GPA Study for semester exams. College admissions will look very closely at these senior grades and interim GPA. Mid-year grades for seniors will be sent after the end of the first semester to all of the colleges to which the seniors have applied. Acceptances and Awards Seniors are reminded to inform Mrs. O’Connell in the College Counseling Center about any acceptances and scholarships or grants by bringing in the letters of acceptance and awards. Keep in mind the importance of informing teachers who have taken the time to write letters of recommendation on the student’s behalf about these outcomes.

JUNIORS College Admissions Process The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) latest survey regarding the state of college admission again measured the top factors in admission decisions. The top three are: • • •

grades in college preparatory courses scores in standardized admission tests grades in all courses

The application essay, counselor and teacher recommendations, and extracurricular activities were reported as “tip factors” – factors not considered as baselines for admission but could figure prominently in differentiating similarly qualified candidates. Please keep these factors in mind as the students prepare to take their first semester exams, begin second semester courses, and register in March for courses for senior year.

Standardized Testing During first semester advisory class, juniors were introduced to the Test Preparation component in Naviance, available at our website. It contains a sample SAT and ACT that allows the students to experience both formats. Test prep packets are available for each type of test along with practice tests and tutorials for each section of the tests. Having experience with both types of standardized testing (SAT and ACT) will allow the students to determine the format where they will be most successful in follow-up testing. Each junior should have taken two of the same test – either the ACT with writing component or SAT – by the end of second semester junior year. Create a timeline for registering and taking standardized test keeping in mind any academic, extracurricular, or personal commitments, e.g. athletic schedules. The complete schedule of test and registration dates and information about the tests is available at our website: www.lschs.org/college, www.actstudent.org, and www.collegeboard.com. TEST DATE


January 22, 2011 March 12, 2011 May 7, 2011 June 4, 2011

December 23, 2010 February 11, 2011 April 8, 2011 May 6, 2011


Financial Aid Be aware of the deadlines for filing the FAFSA (www.fafsa.ed.gov), CSSPROFILE (www.collegeboard.com), and colleges’ own financial aid forms. Each college will have its own deadline for filing these forms. Since the forms are sent to a central site to be processed, you must meet the earliest deadline from the student’s list of schools. Keep in mind that the demand for financial aid is increased because of the increased cost of a college education and the state of the economy. Meeting deadlines is imperative. Check our website, www.lschs.org/college for financial aid and scholarship information and links.

The college counselors – Mr. Gerard Brett, Brother William DiPasquale, FSC and Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen – will begin to meet with the juniors once a cycle in advisory classes beginning second semester. The purpose of the advisories is to prepare the students for the college search and application process. The course syllabus is available at www.lschs.org/college.

February 12, 2011 April 9, 2011 June 11, 2011

January 7, 2011 March 4, 2011 May 6, 2011



For a list of late registration deadlines and additional late fees see College Board and ACT websites listed above. When registering for the SAT or ACT, the student is reminded to use his legal name, the name that is on his transcript, to avoid confusion in the college application process. We also recommend that students use suitable email addresses when corresponding with colleges keeping in mind the impressions they are creating. Our school code – 393370 – should be entered on the registration so the college counselors receive the test scores.

7 The Belcroft January 2011

College Counseling Center (continued)

Athletes Students interested in participating in Division I and II athletics at the collegiate level must be aware of the NCAA Clearinghouse requirements listed on the last page of our school calendar and at www.ncaaclearinghouse.net.

Since alcohol is still the number one drug of choice for college students a majority of the time was spent informing students about the effects of alcohol through factual information and experiential activities.

College Counseling Website In preparing for the college search and application process we invite you to become familiar with our website – www.lschs.org/college. You will find general and specific information and links to many useful sites.

Research suggests that anywhere between 70%80% of college students drink alcohol; however, 20% of the students do not drink alcohol, and of those that drink the majority drink in moderation. Furthermore; the average number of drinks a college freshman consumes in one week is 5½.

College Information Nights College Information Nights for parents of juniors conducted by the college counselors will be held on th th February 8 and 9 at 7:15 pm in the auditorium.

With this information in mind, a social norms approach was taken in educating the students. (Social norms are perceptions people hold about what is normal and acceptable behavior). Seniors were presented with factual information in an attempt to dispel any myths they might have about alcohol consumption in college.

Anecdotal evidence also suggests that the first six weeks of the first semester are critical to a firstyear student’s academic success. Because many students initiate heavy drinking during these early days of college, the potential exists for excessive alcohol consumption to interfere with successful adaptation to campus life. The transition to college can be difficult and about one-third of first-year students fail to enroll for their second year.

February 8, 2011 Parents of Students whose Last Name Begins with A through K February 9, 2011 Parents of Students whose Last Name Begins with L through Z If you are not able to attend on the designated night and prefer the alternate night, please notify Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell in the College Counseling Center at (215) 402-4849. These information nights are for parents only. Students will receive this information and more in their advisory classes.

College Transition’s Program As part of their college preparation, seniors participated in a College Transitions Program. The program was developed by the Counseling Department in conjunction with La Salle University and the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. Sessions were held during senior group advisory classes. The goal of the program was to educate seniors and provide them with strategies so they could make informed decisions in college during pressurized social situations. Situations involving, alcohol, drugs, the internet, relationships, use of free time, etc…. Here are some highlights of the program: •

Students participated in an interactive presentation by Magisterial District Judge Christopher Cerski of Cheltenham Township entitled: o Student Conduct: Choices, Consequences and The Law

With this information in mind students developed their own personal rule for the start of college. The rule was based on their values and hopefully incorporated some of the knowledge they learned during the Transitions classes. That rule will be mailed to them in the summer prior to the beginning of their college career. The Transitions program has been in place for the past for the past eight years. Changes and additions are made based on current data and the dynamics of the group we are working with in any given year. Hopefully, these classes and the information provided will help the young men adjust to the challenges of college life.

College Transition’s Program Team Mike Dolan Jeanne Holt-Brabson John McGranaghan

8 The Belcroft January 2011

Lasallian Service Corps Lew Clark and Thomas Devlin ‘00 LSC Coordinators

Sunday St. Francis Inn Sunday Before the First Monday of the Month 10:00 am Prepare sandwiches to be delivered to a soup kitchen in inner city Philadelphia. Contact: Mr. Chuck Cirelli Monday Elder Share 2:45 to 5:00 pm Provide companionship to residents of a local nursing home. Contact: Mr. Mike Ponisciak, Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak, and Mr. Joe Radvansky Tuesday La Salle Academy Tutoring 3:00 to 6:00 pm Tutor inner city children at La Salle Academy, the original site of La Salle College High School. Contact: Mr. Dan Cipolla, Ms. Pam DeRose, Dr. Rosina Ryan, or Mr. Dan Williams Human Rights Forum 2:30 pm Meet and discuss justice issues, the release of political prisoners, and reconciliation among people. Contact: Mrs. Betty Field Triest House 4:30 to 5:30 pm Assist mentally-challenged adults with physical therapy. Contact: Mr. Al Puntel Wednesday Providence Center 3:00 to 6:00 pm Tutor children in a center in Kensington run by the Sisters of the Holy Child. Contact: Mr. Tom Barna or Mrs. Cathy Winning Thursday Homeless Outreach Serve a meal and provide friendship to the poor in Philadelphia. 5:00 to 9:00 pm Contact: Mr. Joe Parisi and Mrs. Carol Haggerty

Saturday and Sunday Saint Vincent’s Soup Kitchen Saturday and Sunday Morning 9:00 to 11:30 am Last Sunday of the Month 12:30 to 2:30 pm Prepare and serve meals to the poor of Germantown. Contact: Men of La Salle --- visit www.lschs.org Summer Immersion Opportunities Project Appalachia (Kentucky) Contact Mr. Tom Devlin Building Bridges of Solidarity International Service in Bolivia Contact: Senora Lastenia Breen Navajo American Experience (Arizona) Contact: Mr. Micky Dominick Lasallian Youth Assembly Contact: Mr. Lew Clarke or Mr. Tom Devlin De La Salle Blackfeet (Montana) Contact: Mr. Tom Devlin Philadelphia Urban Immersion Contact: Mr. Lew Clark Seasonal Opportunities Magazine Drive Thanksgiving Food Drive for St. Vincent’s Parish Mission Drive Secret Santa Operation Santa Claus Respect Life Events Grade Level Opportunities Freshman and Sophomore Branch-Out Days Junior Urban Challenge

9 The Belcroft January 2011

Men of Service Secret Santa The La Salle community works in conjunction with Committee to Benefit the Children, a non-profit social service organization founded to assist the oncology and hematology patients at Saint Christopher’s Hospital for Children. This year marks the eighth year that La Salle has taken part in the project, which fills Christmas Wish Lists for the pediatric hematology and oncology patients along with their siblings. La Salle provided gifts for 175 children – 60 families. Forty boys delivered presents on Christmas Eve and were assisted by various fathers and alums. The boys were divided into six caravans and each caravan contained one boy dressed as Santa along with five or six “elves”. The caravans made six to nine stops on Christmas Eve in a geographic area that stretched from Reading, PA to Camden, NJ. A group of alumni formed a seventh caravan that made the remaining stops. This year the La Salle community raised $8,000 from various resources, including La Salle Responds, and used the funds to purchase the gifts. Five seniors went shopping in early December and purchased a majority of the items. In addition, the project identified various donors who could sponsor an entire family. The collection efforts provided 1,665 total gifts to the project, including sixteen bikes and a number of high-ticket electronic items. The gifts were stored in the garages behind the Brothers’ Residence and most of them were wrapped by the Mothers’ Club. They were then bagged, tagged, and prepared for distribution on Christmas Eve. The students and drivers assembled at 8:30 am in the auditorium on Christmas Eve, loaded their vans, and departed by 9:30 am. Most returned around 2:30 pm after completing their stops. In addition to Secret, Santa, over 100 other La Salle students delivered presents on Christmas Eve as part of Operation Santa Claus. They departed La Salle around 9:30 am and delivered presents to families identified by Catholic Social Services. La Salle collected an additional 1,000 gifts for this project and provided the largest number of volunteers. The La Salle community collected well over 2,500 gifts for sick and needy children and, in total, almost 150 students (14% of our entire student body) delivered presents on Christmas Eve to needy families in the Delaware Valley. You would be hard pressed to find another school anywhere that makes that type of commitment or effort. To view the piece aired on NBC10, please visit the following link to the Media Gallery: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/localbeat/Santa_and_Elves_Philadelphia-112440974.html

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Practical ideas for parents to help their children. Review your son’s schedule to make sure it's reasonable.

Three New Year's resolutions will lead to success in school.

Colleges and employers look for "well-rounded" students. So it's important that your son be involved in some extracurricular activities; however, if he's running from club meetings to basketball practice to a debate tournament, without any time for dinner (let alone homework!), your son may have too many commitments. To determine if your son may be overscheduled:

It's the start of a new year, and that's a good time to take stock. Are your son’s grades where he – and you – would like them to be? If not, it may be time to make some learning resolutions. Here are a few:

• •

Look for signs of stress. Is your son more irritable or tired than usual? Has he lost his appetite? Does he seem to have trouble concentrating? Review his habits. Does he constantly stay up late to finish homework? Does he often forget where he's supposed to be? Discuss his schedule. Does he feel like he has too much going on? Does he have any "free time" during the week to relax?

If you and your son agree that he's overscheduled, it's time to take action:

• •

Help your son set priorities. Ask him to rank his activities in order of "most important" to "least important." Remember that "homework" should be at the top of that list! Have a discussion about which of the "least important" activities he'd be willing to take a break from or drop completely. Remind your son that his health – and school – come first.

Reprinted with permission from the January issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.




Get to class, on time, every day. Teachers can't teach students who aren't in class. And if teens consistently miss a class, or if they arrive late, they're going to miss something important. Read. A study by the National Endowment for the Arts found that on average teens spent exactly seven minutes a day reading outside of school. Not surprisingly, reading scores also fell. So encourage your son to spend time reading something he likes – a story about sports, a thriller or a magazine. It doesn't matter what he reads, just that he reads. Cut down on screen time. A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that most teens spend seven or more hours a day on media use. Not surprisingly, those with the highest media usage had the lowest grades. So get your son to turn off the TV and put the phone on a shelf for an hour or two. Instead, use that time to read, be active or just daydream.

Reprinted with permission from the January issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

11 The Belcroft January 2011

Help your son make a world of difference right at home. Many teens seem to think that they have to be famous in order to make a difference in today's world. However, the small actions teens take every day can change the world – by affecting one person at a time. To help your son make a difference, encourage him to:

Volunteer. Giving back to the community will help your son feel like he's making a difference. Your son can check with Campus Ministry for opportunities in the community. Be kind. If your son treats others politely, he will feel better about himself. Something as simple as a smile could brighten someone else's day. Become politically active. Even if your son isn't old enough to vote, he can stay informed on issues that affect teens. He can even write letters to government officials about ideas he has to improve the community.

Reprinted with permission from the January issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Ask your son questions to build his critical thinking skills. To survive today's world, teens need to have and use critical thinking skills. Teens need to make important decisions about drinking, driving and their relationships with other teens. They need to consider the effects of what they do. The only way for teens to gain those important critical thinking skills is to practice thinking critically. You encourage your son to think critically when you:

Reprinted with permission from the January issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Your teen's motivation starts with you.

Whether he acts like it or not, your son wants to know that you love him and that you think he is important. Knowing this will motivate your teen to succeed in school and in life. To show that you care:

Talk to him. Simply asking your son about his day tells him that he matters to you. Ask what the most interesting thing he learned was, or who he sat with at lunch, or even just what he thinks about the TV show you're both watching. Spend time with him. Try to carve out a little bit of one-on-one time with your teen – just you and him. Avoid distractions. Don't allow phone calls, email, or text messages to interrupt your time together. Consider turning something you already do into "together time” – like exercising or preparing dinner. Say "I love you" or "I'm proud of you." Just try not to embarrass him in front of his friends!

Ask questions. Talk about hypothetical situations or things you see on television. What would your son do in that situation? Why? What other plans of action can he think of? Discuss the pros and cons of each. This helps your son learn to think critically about his actions and the consequences of those actions. Ask for advice. Planning to plant a garden this spring? Ask your son what plants he thinks you should choose. Having a problem with a coworker at work? Tell your teen about it, and ask him what he would do in your shoes. And keep in mind that you're still the parent – you don't have to do what your son suggests. Asking his advice just gets his mind working, and encourages him to contribute to your life. Ask about his political ideas and spiritual beliefs. This can be a sensitive topic in some families. If you choose to discuss these issues, remember that your son is trying to form his own ideas. Avoid attacking his thoughts or telling him why you think he's wrong. Question calmly why he chooses to hold those beliefs.

Reprinted with permission from the January issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

12 The Belcroft January 2011

Mothers’ Club Susan T. Gillespie President Dear Mothers and Guardians, Welcome back! On behalf of the Mothers’ Club Board, I want to extend my warmest wishes for a happy and healthy New Year! We hope you enjoyed family time and traditions and return refreshed. We are so appreciative of your support throughout 2010, and hope, like us, that you enjoyed making memories together and with our sons. We had the distinct privilege of welcoming mothers and guardians of the Class of 2014 to membership in the Mothers’ Club at the New Mothers Tea. We hosted a Family Liturgy held outside in the beauty of La Salle’s historic and newly renovated grotto, and just before Christmas the mothers of this year’s senior class attended our traditional Christmas tree trimming event. All of these events were very well attended and helped create new friendships and strengthen old ones. The Mothers’ Club helps to support the Saint Francis Inn through our Mother/Son Service Project. This group meets once a month on Sundays. We are thankful to those who have been so helpful and welcome any who wish to join in! Please check the schedule in The Belcroft. Your Mothers’ Club assists the administration throughout the year. We provide the atmosphere, the refreshments and many opportunities for fellowship. We helped in processing orders for the Magazine Drive, assisted the College Fair, the Honors Convocation, Open House and the Junior Ring Mass. And if you stepped in the school at all throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons, you witnessed the wonder of our “elves” as dedicated volunteers miraculously decked the halls, throughout La Salle’s campus buildings! Our fall fund raising events did not disappoint; The Sally Foster Gift Wrap Sale, the hugely successful Christmas Shopping Spectacular and of course, our magnificent Auction, “Bella Luna, An Evening in Tuscany”, which we co-sponsored with the Men of La Salle. The support was amazing, from ads, to tremendous donations, to attendance, and countless volunteers; the annual Auction remains La Salle’s single largest fund raising effort. Together, we’ve accomplished so very much already in a difficult economic environment, thanks solely to your faith and unwavering support. These events help to fund the Mothers’ Club’s annual gift to the school. We extend a heartfelt invitation to the many exciting events of our second semester, so be sure to mark your calendars.

Winter Blues Night Out January 27, 2011 Mother/Son Communion Breakfast * February 27, 2011 Fashion Show * March 31, 2011 New York Trip – Memphis April 13, 2011 (Limited Tickets Available) * Please note that these dates have changed, and are different from your magnet! It has been wonderful meeting so many of you this year, and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. We are so grateful for your continued support in making the La Salle Mother’s Club such a vibrant addition to our La Salle family. Sincerely yours,

Susan Gillespie President

Upcoming Calendar of Events January 2, 2011

January 6, 2011

January 27, 2011 February 3, 2011

February 6, 2011

February 17, 2011

February 27, 2011

Mother/Son Service Project 10:00 am Cafeteria Mothers’ Club Meeting 9:15 am Auditorium All Mothers Are Welcome Winter Blues Night Out 6:30 pm Mothers’ Club Meeting 9:15 am Auditorium Mother/Son Service Project 10:00 am Cafeteria Josh Shipp Presentation 7:00 pm Auditorium Mother/Son Communion Brunch 10:00 am Williamson Restaurant

13 The Belcroft January 2011

Mothers’ Club (Continued) Volunteer Opportunities

Mother/Son Service Project

Volunteer help is welcome and appreciated at upcoming Mothers’ Club events. Please e-mail the contact listed for each event with your availability.

January 2, 2011 10:00 am February 6, 2011 10:00 am Cafeteria

Christmas Shopping Spectacular A wonderful group of shoppers braved the cold and windy weather and shopped ‘til they dropped at the 5th Annual Christmas Shopping Spectacular. It was once again a wonderful day for all of those who attended. With fabulous vendors offering a wide variety of products, wonderful food and friendship, the day was a great way to start the Holiday season. Thanks to all our volunteers and those who brought their friends and family, purchased a tombola ticket, and supported the vendors. All of you helped to make the day a huge success. Special thanks to the Christmas Shopping Spectacular Committee of Diana Eidenshink, Anne Flynn, Megan Losier, Patrice Lynch, Joanne Lyons, and Joanne Quinn.

The Mothers’ Club is partnering with Mr. Chuck Cirelli on a service project for mothers and their sons to make sandwiches for the homeless and poor served by Saint Francis Inn. We meet on Sundays before the first Monday of the month to prepare the bagged meals. If you and your son would like to participate in this project, please contact: Therese Rose trose@turnberrysolutions.com (215) 654-8989

Musical Keyboards Needed

Haven’t seen it? Check those backpacks and back seats!

The Mothers' Club will be collecting new or gently used musical keyboards for La Salle Academy, a school dedicated to educating children in grades three through eight, whose potential is limited by social, academic, or financial challenges, and whose parents desire, but cannot afford, a Catholic education. Last year this collection was very successful and La Salle Academy was deeply grateful to our school community. Only a few more keyboards are needed to provide each student with individual instruction.

Sally Foster Gift and Gift Wrap Sale

If you have a musical keyboard to donate, please contact:

Senior Mother Tree Trimming A special time was had by the 200+ mothers of seniors who joined in for the Senior Tree Trimming event on December 1, 2010. Right before the Christmas break, all ornaments were carefully boxed and given back to your sons to bring home on December 16, 010.

Thanks to everyone who already supported La Salle by participating in the Sally Foster Gift and Gift Wrap Fundraiser. But remember, Sally Foster has more than just Christmas items so keep on shopping! La Salle will continue to receive full credit for all orders placed online until June 30, 2011. This is such a simple, but fabulous way to enhance the education of our students. La Salle earns 40% of all proceeds while you enjoy great gift and candy selections and fabulous gift wrap products. Go to www.sallyfoster.com, click on support a fundraiser, reference our school's Account No. 67725, and begin shopping. Your order will be shipped promptly to your home address. If your order is more than $50.00, shipping is free. Please invite family and friends to join in this great fundraiser. For more information contact: Eileen Smith eileensmith7@verizon.net

JeriBeth Subers jbsubers@verizon.net (215) 641-0522.

Mothers' Club New York Trip Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Limited Tickets Are Still Available There are a few tickets remaining for this fantastic trip to the Big Apple to see Memphis. Tickets are $175.00 per person, but are limited and going fast! For information and reservations, contact: Celeste LePrevost cprevost8@comcast.net (215) 248-1153

14 The Belcroft January 2011

Mothers’ Club (Continued) First Annual Winter Blues Night Out

Alumnae Mothers’ Committee News

Thursday, January 27, 2011 7:00 to 10:00 pm

We welcome all mothers of alumni to join us as we work together in support of the Mothers’ Club and of La Salle. Our events are a great way of staying in touch with all of the friends you have made during your son’(s’) years at La Salle. Someone asked recently, “I have a son who has graduated, but have another one still at La Salle. Am I part of the Mothers’ Club alumnae? The answer is a resounding “yes.”

For more information, please contact: Diana Eidenshink deidenshink@chtandcompany.com

Mother/Son Communion Brunch Sunday, February 27, 2011 10:00 am Williamson Restaurant Please note that this event was originally planned for February 6, 2010. Please disregard earlier communications for that date.

eScrip (The Year of eScrip) Help La Salle earn thousands of dollars! Please log onto www.escrip.com and register to do your on-line shopping with hundreds of merchants at the new “Online Mall”. The La Salle code is 6525176. In addition to regular shopping, you can even make purchases for travel, airlines and online services. In the event that you are already supporting another institution with eScrip, your contributions can be split. Local eScrip merchants will contribute up to 8% of the purchases you make to La Salle College High School. Register for Genuardi’s Cash Back Program with your Genuardi’s shopping card number. When you shop at any Genuardi’s store, a percentage of your bill will automatically be credited to La Salle. Please register soon, so La Salle can be a winner all year long. For more information, please contact: Jeanette Baldini jmbaldini@comcast.net

Annual Fashion Show and Dinner

All mothers of alumni should be receiving our monthly newsletter. If you are not seeing it in your inbox, please e-mail: Kathy Caramenico kcaram@yahoo.com

New Year and New Finds At Shared Treasures January is “bag sale” month at Shared Treasures, when you can fill a bag with men’s, women’s and children’s clothing for only $5.00. We have also restocked our shelves with beautiful home décor items, so be sure to stop by often. Shared Treasures, your source for fabulous finds and fantastic values is open each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Dunleavy Center, as well as the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 am until Noon. Taxdeductible donations of gently used items are also gratefully accepted and can be left on the covered porch on the side of Dunleavy Center. Please consider helping out in the shop if you have a few free hours during the month. Volunteers work either 9:30 am to 12:30 pm or 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. For information, please contact: Barbara Houldin bag553@aol.com (215) 990-2843

Advent Liturgy Thanks

In Celebration of Timeless Style Thursday, March 31, 2011 Spring Mill Manor

Many thanks to Father Janton for celebrating our Advent Liturgy, to Brother Bill DiPasquale, FSC for his assistance as sacristan, and to Kathy Caramenico and Terry Millet for chairing this special event.

Save the date for a night of fun, friendship and fashion at the annual Spring Fashion Show. If you have any questions, are interested in volunteering. or would like to donate an item, please contact:

Donations For Saint John’s Hospice

Ellen Cericola (215) 343-3275 cericolas@verizon.net

The Alumnae Committee will be accepting donations of toiletries and socks for the clients of Saint John’s Hospice in Philadelphia. Please bring any donations to Dunleavy Center whenever Shared Treasures is open.

WINTER BLUES LADIES NIGHT Thursday, January 27, 2011 7:00 PM La Salle College High School


Come Out for a Cozy Night of Fun, Friends, and Food. Soup, Salads, and Light Food Hot Beverages, Wine, and Dessert VERY CASUAL ATTIRE FLANNEL PJ’S AND SLIPPERS WELCOME Complete the attached form and return with a check for $20 made payable to: La Salle Mothers’ Club RSVP: Diana Eidenshink, 8206 Thomson Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027 ******************************************************************************************* WINTER BLUES LADIES NIGHT AT LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL January 27, 2011 NAME EMAIL

Mother/Son Communion Brunch Sunday, February 27, 2011 9:30 am – Check-In 10:00 am – Mass and Brunch Williamson Restaurant Easton Road (Route 611) and Blair Mill Road Horsham, PA 19044 Guest Speaker Neil Hartman Anchor and Reporter for Comcast SportsNet $25 per person $60 per family (for those with two or more sons attending La Salle) Reservations are required. No tickets will be issued. Your canceled check or credit card statement is your receipt. Given the large number of expected guests, all reservations must be received by February 18, 2010. To make your reservation, please complete the reservation form and mail with a check. You may indicate a seating preference or your son’s graduation year, and we will do our best to seat you with his fellow classmates. Seating will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis as reservations are received. Please be advised that the Mass will be offered and our speaker will present in the Elkins dining room. If we reach full capacity in that room, subsequent responding guests will enjoy Mass, breakfast, and a full audio-visual feed in the Adams room. This event could sell out completely, so please respond promptly. If you would like to sit with a specific group of friends, please enclose one check for the total amount and list names of all guests on the reservation form. Tables seat a maximum of ten guests. Please arrive by 9:45 am to allow time for seating before Mass. In the event that you have any questions, please contact: Eileen Smith (215) 313-3196 Eileensmith7@verizon.net

Neil Hartman Anchor and Reporter for Comcast SportsNet Sports fans throughout the Greater Philadelphia region have known Neil Hartman well for many years. With a career spanning nearly three decades, the veteran sportscaster was one of the original anchors hired by Comcast SportsNet in 1997. A multiple Emmy Award nominee, he is a two-time regional winner for best sports host. Neil has also been recognized as a Philadelphia Magazine “Best of Philly” sports host as well as “Sportscaster of the Year” by the National Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association. Prior to Comcast SportsNet, he was a TV sportscaster in Springfield, MA and Toledo, OH. Making the major media market jump to Philadelphia, he worked as a sports anchor and host at WPHL-TV and KYW-TV as well as at WIP and WPHT radio. A special moment for Hartman was working in production for ABC Sports covering the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. He’ll never forget sitting next to Al Michaels when the famous quote “Do you believe in miracles?” was born as Michaels commented on the U.S. hockey team’s historic gold medal win. Growing up in Connecticut, Neil played high school baseball and basketball. He went on to Ithaca College and majored in television-radio with a minor in speech. When not in front of the camera, Neil donates his time and emcee skills to many non-profit organizations including the Coaches vs. Cancer program of the American Cancer Society. He enjoys running, golf and time with his wife and two children. Favorite Book “A Prayer for the City” by Buzz Bissinger, about then-Mayor Ed Rendell helping turn around Philadelphia Favorite Musician Bruce Springsteen (great concerts!)

Best Sports Vacation Wrigley Field with my family to watch the Phillies.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUT HERE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return with your check made payable to the La Salle Mothers’ Club and mail no later than February 18, 2011 to:

Payment must be made prior to the event. Please mail your check and form or register online via a secure at www.lschs.org/mothers

Sandy Muggler 38 Stardust Drive Holland, PA 18966 RESERVATION CONTACT






TOTAL ENCLOSED $ Please list the names of all parties attending and the graduation year of the son(s) attending. All names must be listed on a single reservation form and payment for all must accompany the reservation in order to reserve a table for ten. NAME

































18 The Belcroft January 2011

Men of La Salle John P. Toner ’82 President

Upcoming Calendar of Events

La Salle Basketball

January 6, 2011

February 4, 2011 6:00 pm Cafeteria and Gym

February 3, 2011

February 25, 2011

March 3, 2011

March 13, 2011

Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Study Commons Guest Speakers: Lew Clark and Tom Devlin Campus Ministry Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Study Commons Guest Speakers: College Counseling Father/Son Night at the Philadelphia 76’ers 7:00 pm Well’s Fargo Center Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Study Commons Guest Speaker: Joe Marchese Father/Son Bowling Facenda-Whitaker Lanes 2:30 pm

Happy New Year I would like to thank everyone who helped to make our fall events successful. We opened the year with the New Father’s Welcome Barbeque. Our other events included Freshman Branch Out Day, Fall Golf Outing at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club, Falther/Son Banquet, and the La Salle Auction. As we turn the calendar to a new year, I would like to remind everyone that we have much to look forward to in the coming months. For senior families, they will be finalizing graduation plans and college selections. For junior families,, the college selection process will likely shift into high gear, while the boys become the student leaders of the school community. For the underclass families, they will continue to solidify their place in the academic, athletic, and social aspects of the school. During the next several weeks on those cold and snowy mornings, we all will be watching and listening with great anticipation for our favorite number, 333. If you have not had a chance to attend a Men of La Salle event, I encourage you to come out to one of our Winter events with your son. It is not only a great opportunity to spend time with your son, but you will definitely have a great time connecting with the other dads that are part of the La Salle family.

Now that another successful football season has come to an end, it is time to support the defending PIAA District 12 Champion basketball team. You can find their complete schedule on the school website. The Men of La Salle will be hosting a “tailgate” prior to the home game on February 4, 2011. Come early to school and make your way to the cafeteria starting at 6:00 pm for some pre-game food, drink, and 50/50 chances. We will all then cheer the Explorers onto victory over Father Judge.

Night At The Sixers February 25, 2011 7:00 pm Well Fargo Center Bring your son and join the Men of La Salle to watch the exciting 76’ers compete against league rivals, the Detroit Pistons. The admission includes an all-you-caneat pass. Please see additional details in this issue of The Belcroft. Seating is limited, so reply quickly.

Father/Son Bowling March 13, 2011 2:30 pm Facenda-Whitaker Lanes Come and join other La Salle dads with your son for an afternoon of fun and camaraderie. The event includes bowling, food/drink, and prizes. Please see additional details in this issue of The Belcroft.

EITC The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) provides businesses the opportunity to invest in the education of La Salle students. Companies who donate through the EITC program can contribute to the academic success of students and earn a substantial tax credit in the process. Although several large companies participate, most EITC contributors are small businesses, donating smaller sums of money. The charitable contribution reduces the amount of a business’s taxable income as tax credits reduce tax bills dollar-for-dollar. If you are interested in participating in this program or receiving additional information, please contact Paul Colistra ’00, Major Gifts Officer, at (215) 402-4811or colistrap@lschs.org

BRAND NEW FATHER & SON ADVENTURE Another event has been created by the Men of La Salle to bring the fathers and sons together to share a wonderful evening as the high school years quickly pass by. This is a brand new event never tried before so we are looking for all you Dads out there to grab your sons for an exciting night together. This event is also meant to include grandfathers, uncles, cousins and those boys who may not have a father (we will not exclude any mothers that may be interested).

Men of La Salle

Friday, February 25th The Sixers will be hosting the Detroit Pistons!  $30.00 per person

The Sixers will be hosting the Detroit Pistons at 7:00 PM. We have reserved ONLY 50 tickets for the game as this is the first time for this event. Each ticket will include a bar code that provides them with all the food they can eat at the concessions stands in our area. How can you beat that?! Please contact Dave Lagner as soon as possible to include you and your son on this exciting trip. AND, there are no other school functions on that night.

We’ve reserved only 50 tickets and expect them to go fast—12 have already been sold! Registration Form

Form submitted by: Name _________________________________________________________________________________

1. Name________________________________________________________________________ 2. Name________________________________________________________________________ 3. Name________________________________________________________________________ 4. Name________________________________________________________________________ 5. Name________________________________________________________________________ 6. Name________________________________________________________________________

Phone _________________________________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Attendees x $30.00 = Total Enclosed $ _________________________________________________________________________________

Please return payment to “Men of La Salle” to be received no later than Feb. 11th. Please return payment and Registration Form to: Men of La Salle “Night at the Sixers” c/o Dave Lagner 509 Hamilton Rd.. Lower Gwynned,PA 19002 215-646-2143 Email: DLAGS21@aol.com

Attention All La Salle Fathers and Sons

Challenge your Father or Son to a game! Whether you can bowl or not, it’s a great way to spend time together!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Registration 2:00 p.m. • Bowling 2:30 - 5:00 p.m.   $25.00 per person includes shoe rental and sumptuous buffet. Please register and pay in advance (see below).

Prizes for high game(s), strike on Red Pin, 50/50 Drawing and more!


Facenda-Whitaker Lanes <NEW LOCATION

2912 Swede Road • East Norriton, PA 19401 www.facendawhitaker.com 610-272-6547 Father/Son Registration Form Sunday, March 13, 2011

1. Name____________________________________________________Circle One Father/Son/Other 2. Name____________________________________________________Circle One Father/Son/Other 3. Name____________________________________________________Circle One Father/Son/Other

Form submitted by: Name _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Bowlers x $25.00 = Total Enclosed $ _________________________________________________________________________________


Please return payment to Men of La Salle to be received no later than March 7th. You may pay at the door, but please email mschluth@alstin with a “heads up” ASAP. Thanks.

4. Name____________________________________________________Circle One Father/Son/Other 5. Name____________________________________________________Circle One Father/Son/Other 6. Name____________________________________________________Circle One Father/Son/Other

Please return payment and Registration Form to: Men of La Salle Father/Son Bowling Mike Schluth Alstin Communications, Inc. 121 S. Broad St., STE 1600 Email: mschluth@alstin.com Philadelphia, PA 19107 Cell: 215-620-2825

La Salle’s Music Program Hosts… El departamento de música de La Salle acoge…

outh of the Border Annual Parents Social and Fundraiser Saturday, February 5, 2011 7:30pm to 11:00pm Auditorium $35.00 Casual Attire Food, Soft Drinks, Beer and Set-Ups are Included Wine and Spirits are BYOB We ask that you bring a dessert! Entertainment by the LaSalle Music Department Raffles and Theme Baskets Make all checks payable to: LaSalle College High School Music Department c/o Myriam Weiler 68 Harrison Avenue Glenside PA 19038






22 The Belcroft January 2011

Varsity Sports Schedules Tony Resch Athletic Director


Indoor Track

Joe Dempsey Head Coach

Greg Bielecki ‘99 Head Coach

January 6 9 14 17 19 21 24 28 30

January Nuemnaa-Goretti Archbishop Ryan West Catholic Roman Catholic Cardinal O’Hara Lansdale Catholic St. Joseph’s Prep Archbishop Carroll Bishop McDevitt

7:00 pm 2:30 pm TBA 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 2:30 pm

Away Home Away Home Home Away Home Away Away

5 8 14 15 29

Holiday Invitational

4:00 pm Haverford College TFCA of GP Meet No. 4 8:00 am Haverford College PCL Regular Season Meet No. 2 5:30 pm Haverford College TFCA of GP Meet No. 5 8:30 am Lehigh University TFCA of GP Meet No. 6 11:00 am Glen Mills School



Steve Faunce Head Coach

Vic Stanley Head Coach January

January 6 11 13 17 18 20 25 27

Monsignor Bonner Nuemann-Goretti Father Judge Snowball Tournament Archbishop Wood Archbishop Ryan Roman Catholic Cardinal O’Hara

Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Away

3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 7:30 am 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm

5 8 15 22 26

Janaury 7 12 19 26 28 31

St. Peter’s Boys High School 4:00 pm Hatfield Ice World Archbishop Wood 7:20 pm Bucks County Ice Center Wyoming Seminary 4:00 pm Hatfield Ice World Princeton Day School 4:00 pm Hatfield Ice World Hill School 5:00 pm Hill School Rink Lawrenceville School 5:00 pm Lawrenceville Rink Archbishop Ryan 6:55 pm Flyers Skate Zone

Swimming Frank Lichtner Head Coach January 4 14 18

Archbishop Carroll Father Judge Archbishop Ryan

Zephyr Duals

TBA Whitehall High School Central Dauphin Duals TBA Central Dauphin East PCL Six-Team Match 8:00 am Home Roman Catholic 6:00 pm Home St. Joseph’s Prep 4:00 pm Away


Wally Muehlbronner Head Coach


6:00 pm Away




Home Home Away

4:00 pm 3:45 pm 3:15 pm

The 2010-2011 swimming season got off to a great start with the Explorers defeating the teams from Monsignor Bonner and Roman Catholic High Schools. The team is led by this year’s senior captains Chris Catalino, David Speese and Chris Nunnari. This year’s Explorers, who are coming off a season where they th ended the season ranked 30 in the nation, are hoping to improve in this year’s rankings. This year’s juniors J.P. Kelly, Chris Szekely, Eric Schultz, Luke Maguire, Ryan Pospisal, Scott Stone as well as Ryan Murtha will be counted on to provide much needed depth and points as we swim toward the state meet. Also adding to this year’s strong team is a strong group of talented sophomore’s. Swimmers like Evan Holder, Joe Maginnis, Brendan Koch, and Sean Reagen. This year’s team hopes to capture its 23rd consecutive Philadelphia Catholic League title as well rd as its 3 consecutive District 12 (City) Championship. The team will face next face St Joseph Metuchen at Christmas and then participate in the prestigious Wilson Relays on January, 15, 2011. By the end of the 2010-2011 season the team hopes to be in top form for the state championship meet at Bucknell University, in March.

January 2011 Volume Twenty Number 5

Calendar of Events January 2011 1 2 3 6 11 13 14 17 18-24 21 22 25 27 31

New Year’s Day Mother/Son Service Project School Holiday Mothers’ Club Meeting Men of La Salle Meeting Alumni Board Meeting Scholarship Reception End of Second Marking Period Martin Luther King Day First Semester Exams Winter Dance SAT I and II Second Semester Begins Winter Blues Social Report Cards Issued

10:00 am No Classes 9:15 am 6:30 pm 7:30 pm

No Classes 7:30 pm

7:00 pm



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