2013 March Belcroft

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March 2013 Volume Twenty-Two Number 7

Dear Parents and Guardians,

They’ve been rather a nuisance, haven’t they, the series of little clipper storms that have bedeviled our area with snow every three or four days since the second semester began? A little bit of hype, ultimately overblown, leads to a half inch or an inch of fresh snow on cars and grassy surfaces. With temperatures right around freezing, a little ice forms underneath the snow, so it’s a little sweeping, a little scraping, some more defrosting, and an extra ten minutes in the morning before we can go anywhere. A real nuisance. Then there was the morning of Valentine’s Day, recall? Another of those

The ultimate perspective we try to teach a La Salle man, of course, is the one

storms fell on a windless night so that dawn saw every bush and bare tree

he begins each day and each class with: that God is present here, recognized

appear coated in white, glistening as the sun rose on a still morning. It didn’t

or unrecognized, in the people and events of our lives, guiding our journey

last for long, but while it did, it was magical, the thought on many lips and

with His providential care. Sometimes you can feel that presence easily

hearts at La Salle, “If Brother James Rieck were here, the pictures he would

and profoundly. In other instances, God’s presence has to be viewed like a

have taken!”

Pointillist painting: you have to step way back to see what the real picture is.

It all depends on how you frame things, doesn’t it? A repetitive nuisance or a momentary wonderland: it all depends on perspective. Perspective is one of the best lessons we can teach a young man in his high school years. A sports cut, for example, can be construed as the decision of an incompetent or prejudicial coaching staff, men who clearly don’t get what our travel team or private skill coach has been saying for years. Or it can be presented as

Regardless, God is here, a reality the Season of Lent and the Easter mysteries ask us to attend to in a particular way. As Spring begins and Easter draws near, let us be grateful for the presence of God in our families and in the La Salle family. Let us ask God that we may never lose perspective on the precious value of this gift. Fraternally,

an invitation to spread your wings, try new things, learn coping skills and resilience. A teacher who “just doesn’t like me” can become a common foe or a human textbook from which you can learn an important lesson. A lot of people you meet in life, you may not click with. Some of them may even be your bosses. You don’t have to like them or build a personal relationship with them against all odds. You just have to work with them, meet expectations successfully, and eventually move on to a more congenial situation. Some nights in life, you’re going to have four hours of homework and three tests the next day. Don’t whine; deal with it. Sit down and get busy. Sometimes, you’ll get a free evening. Relish it, but don’t waste it. Do something that gives you life. You can lament the fact that Brother James isn’t here to take the picture, or you can get a camera, practice, take some photos, and fill a gap.

Brother James L. Butler, FSC President

Calendar 2013-2014 A complete printed calendar will be sent to all families in August as usual, but we present this to assist with families planning their own calendar for the next year. In reviewing its academic program and calendar, La Salle continually seeks to maintain and improve the quality and continuity of instructional time while at the same time respecting the needs of our families. One important and exciting development is the importance of student orientations. As the calendar below indicates, we have expanded both our underclass and freshman orientations, allowing for more time for information on school expectations and regulations as well as for important reflection on Lasallian Mission and Community. Please note dates and times for orientations in late August for next year. At the same time, we seek to maintain strong instructional continuity. We continue to appreciate the deep support of our families as we all strive to make this the best community for our young men.

August Monday 26 Tuesday 27 27 Wednesday 28 Thursday 29

January Opening Faculty Retreat Faculty Tech Training Frosh Orientation I 11:00 am to 3:00 pm (and Photos) Frosh Orientation II (Reception, Retreat, 7:30 am to 3:00 pm and Mass) Upperclass Orientations and Photos Sophomores 8:00 am to 10:00 am Juniors 10:00 am to Noon Seniors Noon to 2:00 pm

Opening of School Liturgy and First Day of Classes Back To School Night Honors Convocation

October Wednesday 16 Thursday 17 Friday 18

PSAT Testing Day (No Classes for Seniors) Freshman Branch Out Day (No Classes for Seniors) Career Day (Sophomores and Juniors) School Holiday

November Friday 1 Sunday 10 Monday 11 Thursday 28 Friday 29

Classes Resume First Day of First Semester Exams Last Day of First Semester Exams Martin Luther King Day (No Classes) Faculty Retreat Day (No Classes) Start of Second Semester

February Friday 14 Monday 17

Faculty In-Service (No Classes) Presidents’ Day (No Classes)


September Tuesday 3 Wednesday 11 Thursday 26

Thursday 2 Monday 13 Friday 17 Monday 20 Tuesday 21 Wednesday 22

All Saints Day (No Classes) Open House Faculty In-Service (No Classes) Thanksgiving (No Classes) School Holiday (No Classes)

Saturday 1 Friday 14

6th and 7th Grade Practice Test School Holiday

April Friday 11 Tuesday 22

Last Day of Classes Prior to Easter Break Classes Resume

May Mon/Fri 5-9 AP Exams Friday 9 Senior Prom (No Classes for Seniors) Mon/Fri 12-16 AP Exams Friday 16 Last Day of Classes Monday 19 First Day of Second Semester Exams Friday 23 Last Day of Second Semester Exams Thursday 29 Baccalaureate Mass/Ascension Thursday Saturday 31 Graduation

December Saturday 7 Friday 20

Scholarship/Entrance Exam Last Day of Classes Prior to Christmas Break

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Office of Student Affairs Julia K. Maher A ss i s t an t P r i nc i pal fo r S t u d e n t A ffa i r s

School Sponsored Busing

Going on Vacation?

Information on private transportation to La Salle College High School from Bucks County, Delaware County, Upper Montgomery County, and Philadelphia will be mailed to families who are already using this service in early spring. Anyone else who would be interested in this information, please contact Mr. Tom Turner, Director of Transportation at (215) 233-2911.

If you are planning a family vacation during days when school is in session, please notify your son’s teachers and the Attendance Office at (215) 402-4140 beforehand.

100 Day Celebration Thursday, February 21, 2013 marked “100 Days Until Graduation” for the Class of 2013 and the seniors were treated to dinner and entertainment by hypnotist Kevin Hurley. This year’s big day is scheduled for Saturday, June 1, 2013.

Winter Dance The Annual Winter Dance, sponsored by the Student Council, was held on Friday, February 22, 2013 with over 800 guys and gals in attendance. Music was provided by DJ Miro and a great time was had by all.

La Salle Responds The fourth paid dress down day this school year was held on Friday, February 22, 2013. Collections so far this year have totaled almost $16,000. A list of the organizations/ charities who have benefitted from the generosity of the La Salle school community will be published in the May issue of The Belcroft as well as listed on our Web site.

Clothing Drive for People of Bolivia April 8 – 26, 2013 Señora Lastenia Breen, a member of the World Language’s Department, is asking for your generosity towards the people of Cochabamba, Bolivia. They are in need of clothing for all age groups, including newborns and toddlers, but can take any and all gently used clothing – no winter, bulky, or size XL clothing). She has a specific need for new underwear and socks for boys ages 6-18. This summer, a group of students along with three faculty members will travel to Cochabamba and distribute clothes and food donated by the La Salle community to children in hospitals, shelters, orphanages, countryside schools, and the poor working class. They will also help construct, paint, and cement rural schools. Collection bins for donated clothing will be located outside of the Main Office from Monday, April 8, 2013 through Friday, April 26, 2013. Please be generous as this clothing is critical to the students’ efforts in Bolivia. If you have any questions, please contact Señora Lastenia Breen at breen@lschs.org or (214) 402-4142. Thank you for your generosity.

School Closings for Inclement Weather School closings will be communicated via the Alert Now messaging. The school will also notify KYW 1060AM radio as early as possible, where our school closing number is 333. La Salle’s website, www.lschs.org, is also a source for such announcements. Two television stations – WPVI6 and NBC10 – will also carry information for La Salle. In case of snow during a school day, parents will be notified via an Alert Now messaging, KYW radio, and the two television stations as soon as a decision has been reached regarding an early dismissal. We would appreciate your cooperation in NOT calling the school on these days.

Reporting Absences Calls for student absences MUST be made to the attendance line at (215) 402-4140 by 8:00 am in order for the Dean’s Office to have accurate roll for any given day. Your cooperation will eliminate phone calls to you from the school in reference to student absences. Students MUST bring a note signed by one of his parents to the Dean’s Office before going to class on the day he returns to school.

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Office of Academic Affairs T h omas R . B a r na A ss i s t an t P r i nc i pal fo r A cad e m i c A ffa i r s

2013-2014 Registration and Course Selection Each family should have received a registration letter in January from Academic Affairs announcing that preparations for the 2013-2014 school year are about to begin. This letter, by design, came on the heels of Bro. James’ annual tuition update. As explained in the mailing, this year’s registration requires a $300 annual fee (with $250 going toward a student’s next year’s tuition). A student will not be allowed to participate in the course selection process unless this financial obligation is complete. If a student does not plan on returning to La Salle for September, this too needs be made known at this time. As explained in the February Belcroft, Academic Affairs sets aside the month of March for this purpose. Each student will spend February deciding what courses best meet his wants and needs. He will then spend time in March evaluating this selection with his counselor(s). As soon as a student’s selections are approved by their appropriate counselor, a “parent sign-off sheet” will show up in your son’s Naviance account under “course requests.“ This form will serve as a verification of his requests for next year. Each student, along with his parents, should review this document to make sure that the courses listed are those he needs and/ or requested for next year. If there are any problems or errors, the student should see his counselor as soon as possible. Please pay close attention to your son’s selections relative to strength of schedule and course load. An unfortunate recent trend noticed by Academic Affairs and counselors includes students taking on way more than they can handle. Please work with your son on developing an understanding of his personal limits and overall realistic expectations. The selection process ends school wide on Wednesday, March 27, 2013. Students and/or parents have until Friday, April 5, 2013, to request changes by working through the appropriate teacher and/or counselor. It is during the months of April and May that resources are secured, the school’s master schedule is created, and the rostering of students for classes begins. It absolutely necessary for students to use the resources allotted during the weeks of course selection; please help us meet these deadlines. If you have questions or concerns

about placements in World Language (Mr. Geiger), Math (Mr. Quinn), Science (Mr. Cipolla), Social Studies (Mr. Miller), or English (Mr. Hartey) please contact the appropriate department chair in these areas. Other, more specific concerns in placement should be forwarded to the appropriate department chairperson or AP teacher. The scheduling of students at La Salle takes months to complete. It is an arduous process since we are attempting to build individualized rosters for approximately 1,050 students. Thus, once a roster is complete and the school year begins, that is the student’s roster. We are unable and cannot honor requests for specific teachers, lunch periods, or early dismissals (unless supported in advance by compelling educational reasons). Remember that the start of school is not the time to create or recreate a roster – we simply do not have the resources to schedule our students at that time. Your support of our efforts here is always greatly appreciated.

Graduation As is the custom at La Salle, we would like to know if there are any graduates of the Class of 2013 who have members of the clergy in their families who would like to participate in the Baccalaureate Mass scheduled for Thursday, May 30, 2013, at La Salle University in Philadelphia. If you have a family member who is a priest, and he would like to concelebrate the Mass at graduation, please contact Mrs. Suzanne Russo by Friday, April26, 2013 at (215) 233-2911, ext. 4896..

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Classical Languages Bill Geiger ’72 Chair, World Languages Department In addition to the exciting and varied course offerings in La Salle’s World Language Department, an ancient language is standing tall alongside them. Latin, which has had a long history at La Salle, is covered by a three-year course sequence, possibly beginning in a student’s sophomore year with Latin I. Students can elect to take Latin in any of their sophomore, junior or senior years, but students tend to get the best background with more than one year. In addition, and AP option has been introduced for the third year student. The Latin classes at La Salle are using Power Point and Smart Board demonstrations to bring the culture and language of the Romans to life. Latin I looks at the everyday life of the Romans by way of studying the family of Cornelius, a wealthy Roman senator. Latin II continues the story, emphasizing new vocabulary and grammar, and AP Latin looks at the works of the famous poet Vergil, The Aeneid, and at the war commentaries of Caesar. Since March is registration time at La Salle, freshmen are urged to look at Latin as their sophomore elective. But whether for one year or three, Latin provides a solid background in vocabulary and grammar for students to sharpen their own language skills. Emphasis in Latin I and II is placed on the language itself, and each chapter features a unit on English vocabulary building. From the Latin verb scrībere, for example, which has the bases scrīb-, script-, students would learn words such as inscribe, conscript, conscription, inscription, describe, indescribable, prescribe, proscribe, etc. In class we often use the metaphor of a tree with the bases as the “roots” and the derivatives as the “branches.” However it is viewed, Latin can give a firm base for students wishing to increase their knowledge of English vocabulary and English grammar. And the culture of the Romans is always interesting to view.

Academic Excellence Class of 2013 First Honors* January 2013 Mitchell Winslow Abramo Julian Spencer Baseman Russell Schaeffer Bleiler, IV Timothy Justin Bontempi Matthew William Brecht Eric W. Bridgeford Johnray A. Briones John Anthony Camusi Vincenzo Antonio Cardi Andrew Gene Carlone Aaron Jacob Carreras Michael Anthony Casey Matthew Mark Chadwick Jeffrey David Cimbalista Sean Thomas Cincotta Sean Michael Coleman Thomas McNichol Coyle Alexander Lorenzo Cuoci Paul G. Curcillo, III Matthew Joseph Daly Daniel Joseph DeBrakeleer Michael Paul deLuca Anthony Michael DeSantis Carlos Martin Diaz Joseph Thomas Dooney Nicholas Umberto D’Orazio John Patrick Dusing Michael Christian Eife Christopher Michael Esposito Nathan Paul Ezzo Christopher John Fagan Brian Patrick Farley Matthew Burton FitzPatrick Charles Anthony Formica John Paul Forrest Robert Joseph Gormisky G. Matthew Greco Alexander Michael Guckin Andrew Patrick Halton Joseph Jerome Heidt Jared Thomas Herrmann Peter Gregory Hildebrandt Mark David Himler Steven Michael Hladczuk

Patrick Joseph Hoffman, Jr. Evan Ezekiel Holder Nicholas Matthew Hreshko Frederick Joseph Ilsemann, IV Francis Peter Johnson Luke P. Kane Conor Michael Kennedy Brendan Joseph Koch Brian Robert La Greca Conor Elwin Lavelle Christopher Allen LePrevost William Christopher Lucas Christian Gerard Lutschaunig Sean Patrick MacIntosh John Martin Magee Mark Manjardi, Jr. Agustin Tomas Marty Connor Thomas Masterson John Vincent Mastronardo John Robert Matthews Patrick Edward May Luke Edward McCann Nolen Richard McElwee Brendan Michael McGonigle Connor Bradley McHugh Paul Louis Melchiorre, III Christopher A. Mele Anthony Louis Mercader William John Mischler Colin Patrick Moran Preston Michael Murray Russell Tuseck Napolitano Johnathan Michael Neufeld James Michael O’Connor, III Michael James O’Connor Ryan Edward O’Donnell Shea Timothy O’Neill Dominic Michael Padova Luke Louis Persichetti Joseph R. Podraza, III Evan Daniel Quain Gerald Edward Rath, IV Kevin J. Reed Conor Anthony Resch Griffin James Ripley Gregory Charles Rogers Michael Steven Ryan, Jr.

Zachary S. Scheier Matthew Richard Scott Michael Andrew Selner Scott Patrick Serpico Riley Dennis Slusarski Stephen S. Smith, Jr. Thomas Andrew Spiteri Anthony Thomas Sticco Andrew Joseph Stone Robert Vito Stratton Joseph C. Sullivan John Thomas Tyrrell George Thomas Uhrich John Richard Vogel Evan Walsh Nicholas Sergei Ward Joon Hyuk Yoon Martin Richard Zefelippo

Class of 2014 First Honors* January 2013 Ryan Thomas Abell Maxwell Hunter Albone Erik J. Azzarano Michael Patrick Barrett Anton T. Barun Keith Joseph Basara Peter James Brooks Griffin Nemo Brown Eric Claude Burgmann John Edward Carlidge Anthony William Ciliberto David Wayne Cox Pierce Dutton Cunneen Brendan Daly Levi Davis, III Nicholas Anthony Dermo Harrison Edward Dittrich Charles Ambrose Donnelly John Halsey Durbin Andrew Brian Durkin Robert Casey Dwyer John Joseph Ernandez, Jr. Tyler Michael Fallon John Jude Farris, Jr. Kevin Michael Finnegan

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Michael D. Flanigan Christopher Evan Frazzette Sean Matthew Furgiuele John Manus Gallagher Kevin James Gay John Patrick Gregor Colin John Happ Patrick Quinn Hasson Thomas Joseph Herron, III Connor McKendrick Higgins Christopher F. Jastrzembski Brendan Robert Keenan Joseph Brian Kennedy Jacob Joseph Klemmer Michael Joseph Koller, Jr. Joseph Edward Krol Nicholas Daniel Kush Adam David Lagner Keith Alan Lee Kevin Patrick Lindsay Tyler Patrick Little Charles Tiers Lloyd, Jr. Eric Christopher Lopresti Matthew Gregory Lucas William Robert Maguire Stephen David Maloney Christian Matthew Mancini Christopher Jordan Mather Timothy McAuliffe Matthew Vincent McCarry Shane Michael McDevitt Evan Francis McDonnell Peter Christopher McDonnell Timothy David McElroy Liam J. F. McGrother Trent Anthony Melsheimer Mark Joseph Metzler Quin R. Murphy Charles Greif Newell Brennan Thomas O’Donnell James Harrison Palmer Joseph Achille Pinnola-Vizza Ryan Patrick Pluck Mark Andrew Reed Liam Charles Reeves Michael Alan Rihm Patrick Francis Ryan

Academic Excellence Oscar Ricardo Sanchez John O’Bryan Scheffey John Francis Schoenewald, III Andrew John Schutta Aaron Paul Sosnader Mitchell James Soufleris Daniel Anthony Spinelli, Jr. Daniel Jennings Thomas Reid Rothwell Worster James H. R. Worthington Phillip M. Zminda

Class of 2015 First Honors* January 2013 Peter Gerald Abdalla Thomas Paul Albertson, Jr. Reid Andrew Anderson Michael Thomas Bantner Richard E. Beaver, III Ryan Vincent Buchanan Brian Patrick Buckley Eric Steven Bunting Christopher Dane Ciliberto Spencer Thomas Coats Mason N. Comtois Thomas William Conroy Matthew James Conway Patrick Timothy Corcoran Daniel O’Connor Corr Michael J. Crone Tyler Matthew Crouch John George Curran David Michael Del Grosso Joseph Domenic DeSimone Edward L. Devlin James D. Dougherty Michael Francis Doyle, III Zachary Leo Drake James William Durkin, Jr. Edgar J. Eason, III Christopher Michael Filice William Manton Gries John Richard Grogan Jason Thomas Hahn Christian James Hoban

Colin Francis Hoffman Conor Patrick Hogan John Fletcher Jordon, IV David Andrew Keeton Eric Liam Kindelan Anthony John Knesis Gabriel Gaspare LaBella Robert Joseph Lastowski Connor David Lloyd Graham Howard Maguire Christian Daniel Marble Daniel Joseph Martino Michael Anthony Martosella William Joseph McDonnell, III Anthony Joseph Morabito Kevin Michael Moran John Carl Mueller Conall Patrick Mulligan Clint Ormsby Frank Shane Osterman, Jr. Andrew Roman Perrong Christian Xavier Picofazzi Matthew Emmit Pizzo Brian James Price Sean Patrick Princivalle Jeremy Puntel John Raymond Quirk Victor Manuel Rivera Paul B. Rotzal Matthew Gerard Sacchetta Patrick Norrett Schlupp Scott Schroeder, Jr. Justin Christopher Senyk James Paul Soulges Joseph Armand Splendido Justin Tyler Stout Matthew Timothy Strosser Kevin John Tavolaro Joseph Raymond Treacy Franz Stefan Wagner Rodney Clint Walker, Jr. Sean Thomas Walsh Benjamin Grant Weiss

Class of 2016 First Honors* January 2013 Ahab George Alnemri Mark Sorensen Bense Christopher Robert Bentz Frederick Charles Blunt, Jr. Michael James Bortulin Gregory Vincent Brocato Jared Michael Bunch Nicholas J. Camusi Eric Thomas Carlidge Matthew Nicholas Conklin Conor Joseph Csongradi Joseph Nicholas Dallas Luke Michael DeAngelis Michael Anthony DeAngelis, III John Walter Denny Connor James Devitt James Aloysius Donahue, IV Michael Joseph Duffin Evan Michael Dugery Joseph Robert Fabrizio William Earl Fahy , IV Paul Thomas Forrest, II Michael James Galbally Thomas Porter Garvin, Jr. Jonathan David Giannini Edward Francis Goebel Patrick Francis Grant Andrew Robert Gregor Daniel Patrick Groff Gabriel Joseph Holder James Gibbs Holyoke Thomas Edward Howard Eric William James Nathan James Janda Kyle Ryan Kellenbenz Kevin Michael Lajeunesse Kevin Charles Lane Owen Hwang Lanphear Christopher Arnold Go Magtibay Matthew John Marcante William Thomas Matthews Matthew Thomas McDermott

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Patrick Michael McEntee Michael Patrick Mehlmann Owen Peter Moran James David Morrissey, IV Andrew James Olbrich James Thomas Olsen Nicholas Anthony Parkes Jimi Taro Patrick Adam Michael Pauciello Eric Michael Pauciello Anthony Joseph Piscopo Nathan Edward Radomski Michael John Reed Joseph Andrew Rilling Daniel Eric Rivera Shawn Joseph Robinson Victor Rodriguez John Angelo Rowe Marco Alessandro Santoro James Daniel Schrupp Ryan Francis Schutta Nicholas Leo Silvestri Brenden Glen Sosnader J. Patrick Tice-Carroll James Russell VanCamp Thomas Evan Visconto Matthew Joseph Weber Matthew Fredric Webster Eric John Wolstenholme Alex John Wysoczanski Michael Paul Zajac Joseph Patrick Zarkoski * First Honors were awarded to those students who achieved a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.75 or above and no grade lower than a B- during the first semester of the 2012-2013 academic year.

College Counseling Center Gerard M. Brett D i r e c t o r of C oll e g e C o u ns e l i ng

College Counseling Website of the Month http://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com

SENIORS Keep Grades Up Admissions decisions are contingent on the successful completion of all course work. Admissions officers reserve the right to question poor second semester performance and, in some cases, to reverse an admissions decision that has already been made. We have examples of students whose grades dropped second semester resulting in their receiving letters from the college or university they planned to attend informing them their acceptance will now be re-considered.

There Is Money Out There Our college website, www.lschs.org/college has links to numerous scholarship search sites as well as a variety of posted scholarship opportunities. Don’t miss out!

Financial Aid Forms Be sure to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. Many colleges have priority deadlines – many of which have passed. This application must be completed in order to apply for state, federal, and institutional financial aid and deadlines must be met. Before filling out the FAFSA, register for a PIN at www.pin.ed.gov. This will serve as your electronic signature. It is important to fill out the form completely and to estimate if necessary. It is better to meet the deadline and make changes later than to miss the deadline and potentially miss out on financial aid. You can file the FAFSA online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. We strongly encourage everyone to fill out the FAFSA. At the very least it will make your son eligible for several low interest loans such as the Federal Stafford Loan (www.staffordloan.com). If there are extenuating circumstances that a college financial aid officer at a college where your son has been admitted should know, do not hesitate to report these changes or circumstances to the colleges. Certain colleges may also require either their own institutional financial aid form or the College Scholarship Services (CSS) Profile www.collegeboard.org/profile. Be aware of colleges’ requirements and meet the deadline

Return All Reward Letters In March or April, your son should begin receiving merit and need based grant awards and financial aid packages from the colleges to which he applied. After he compares award letters, he should pick which college he wants to attend and return the signed award letter to the chosen college. Pay close attention to deadlines for accepting the award package. Deadlines are usually within two weeks after receiving the award letter. If he misses a deadline, he may risk losing a scholarship, grant, or loan assistance. Communicate with faculty and the College Counseling Department. Please encourage your son to thank the teachers who may have written letters of recommendation on his behalf. Also, please remember to bring copies of all college acceptance and scholarship letters to Mrs. O’Connell in the College Counseling Center.

Decline Admission Offers To Other Colleges After he has chosen and committed to a college, your son should write a note declining admission to colleges where he has been accepted but will not be attending. This will allow students on a wait list to be accepted and awarded the aid previously held for your son.

Submit Deposit And Housing Application Once your son knows which college he wants to attend, he can submit a housing application and deposit if he will be living on campus. He needs to do this as soon as possible because most rooms are assigned on a first-come first-served basis. The National Reply Date is May 1, 2013.

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College Counseling Center C O N TI N UE D

Do Not Double Deposit Each year some seniors have a difficult time making up their minds about which college to enroll in after they have been accepted. Students may NOT send deposits to more than one college. This is called “double depositing” and is an unethical practice. Should the colleges involved determine that a student has “double deposited,” your son’s admission may be jeopardized. This practice is unfair to other applicants. The “double depositor” is taking up a spot that could go to another student, who will instead be wait-listed or turned down. It is an acceptable practice to deposit at one college and maintain your name on a wait list at another. However, indicating to two colleges that you will be attending by sending deposits to both should not be considered.

NCAA Students who are planning to participate in Division I or II athletics in college must complete the online NCAA Clearinghouse Eligibility form and request that a transcript be sent. See Mrs. O’Connell in the College Counseling Office. Transcripts will be sent to the NCAA upon request and again after graduation. The Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete and the Eligibility Quick Reference Sheet are useful tools in navigating the process.

JUNIORS Thank you to the parents of juniors who attended College Information Night in February. The college counselors appreciate your interest and support. If you have not yet done so, please send the college criteria and parent’s perspective forms to the College Counseling Center as soon as possible. A wealth of information is available on the Internet about the College Search process. A good starting site is our comprehensive webpage: www.lschs.org/college. The College Counselors are continuing to meet with juniors in Advisory Class once a cycle and in person. Encourage your son to make an appointment with his college counselor. The class is divided alphabetically by student’s last name: Brother William DiPasquale, FSC

By the end of this semester your son will have met in class and in person at least twelve times with a college counselor. He will be offered information and support. His level of engagement will affect the outcome of the process. The syllabus for the College Advisory classes can be found on the Student Portal. There are weekly reading assignments in the College Match textbook. The first Junior Questionnaire Packet is due March 27, 2013. According to our current seniors and recent graduates, visiting college campuses is most important in making a good decision. It is most informative if the visits occur while students are on campus so we strongly encourage visits during this second semester. Possible dates for visits are Monday, March 18, 2013 and the Easter Break. Information about making a college visit and questions to ask on a college visit is available in Chapter 5 of College Match, “Learning from Campus Visits.” Students should send a follow-up email to the college admissions office after the visit. Since many admission decisions will be based on the junior year GPA in college preparatory courses we suggest that students take their academic responsibilities most seriously. While participation in activities is a factor used to tip the scales in the admission process, primary focus is on the student’s GPA. Course registration for senior year is in progress. The parent signature forms are due by March 27, 2013.

SAT/ACT Take advantage of the test preparation module “Prep Me“ in naviance. Short sample tests of the SAT and ACT can be taken to determine which of these two formats is best suited to each student. Full length practice tests and tutorial packets are available at this site. Registration deadlines and test dates for each test are available on our webpage. SAT/ACT results need to be sent by the student from the testing service to the colleges and universities where he will apply.


Mr. Gerard M. Brett F-Ma Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen Mc-Z

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A Changing World by Jo Ann Cohen, PhD

One year, my son Stephen decided we should go to the movies for my birthday. We piled in the car and traveled to King of Prussia. We stopped afterward for a bite to eat, and Stephen saw a sign on the next building that read, “Puppies for Sale.” “Look!” he screamed with enthusiasm, “didn’t you say you’d buy me a puppy?” He dragged me to the door. “Aren’t they adorable?” Stephen had his eye on a blond bundle of fur. “That’s him! That’s the one I want!” A few minutes later, he and his new friend were cuddling in the back seat. “What do you want to call him?” I asked Stephen. “Don’t have a choice,” he retorted. “Think about it, Mom. Today is your birthday AND Saint Patrick’s Day. We have to name him Patrick.” And so, Patrick it was.


atrick turned out to be a lucky find. Not only is he a delightful pet, he is a tremendous asset as a counseling tool. As a psychologist, it is always a challenge to find ways to work with children. Instead of fearfully entering the office, Patrick welcomes newcomers in the waiting room. He walks them patiently into the therapy room, and then jumps up on the couch to listen intently to what they have to say. With adults, he is likely to fall asleep, but with children he usually wants to be petted. He can be a source of comfort or a vital distraction from fear and sadness. He is immensely popular, and patients will often bring a treat for him and his companion, Annie. Both dogs went through special training and were awarded certificates as “Good Citizens” by the American Kennel Association.

Patrick welcomes patients with nonjudgmental acceptance. His consistent love improves self-esteem. He is an every ready audience for children, especially those who have reading problems. He will sit at attention, listening with rapt enthusiasm as they read aloud. He can create an almost instantaneous bond and revitalize motivation. Patrick is a reminder that we have grown tremendously in how we approach counseling and learning. A common concern among educators is how to prepare students to be productive members of an ever-changing society. Much of that change is due to technology, but technology is only part of the issue. Today’s instructors are continually seeking methods to help students understand a plethora of data. Graduates are expected to be better prepared and better educated than ever before. Moreover, they are expected to understand how they learn. Today’s students are required do much more than memorize facts. Computers, calculators and telephones have changed the complexion of what is needed for occupational success. With the growth of technology, students can look up factual information instantaneously. What is expected from students today is considerably different than what was expected twenty years ago. Today’s students write more papers, read more books, and are more globally aware than those of earlier generations. Grammar and spell check have made finding and correcting errors quicker and easier; it has also diminished tolerance for them.

Just as Patrick changed the therapeutic atmosphere from apprehension to delight, teachers seek to get students more Using Patrick as a therapy tool is symbolic of the changes motivated. The one-room school house provided structure and that have been initiated in all venues. Animal assisted helped students learn basics; today students are encouraged therapy (AAT) has become an important asset in treating the handicapped, learning disabled and elderly. AAT uses trained to find more creative and individually effective techniques to master the voluminous, complex material they are responsible animals to enhance an individual’s physical, emotional and social well-being, thus improving self-esteem, reducing anxiety to learn. In order to engage and involve students, teachers have and facilitating healing. The use of AAT reportedly dates back transformed the learning atmosphere, inspiring students to become an active part of the educational process. to the 1940s, when an army corporal brought his Yorkshire terrier to a hospital to cheer wounded soldiers. There was such a positive response that the dog continued to comfort others for 12 more years. La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 10

L I G H T S La Salle Intervention: Giving Help To Students

The LIGHTS Team The Student Assistance Program of La Salle College High School Ms. Tina Shustack Program Coordinator Mathematics Department Ms. Lisa Agnew David Program Mr. Greg Bielecki Social Studies Department

Families and LIGHTS: Partnership in Assistance The LIGHTS Team works together with the parents of academically or behaviorally troubled students. To that end, the LIGHTS Team contacts parents of referred students early in the process. In some cases, a student will require assistance which La Salle cannot provide. In these cases, the LIGHTS Team will work with parents to facilitate the process of accessing resources in the community.

Help Us Help Your Son The goal of LIGHTS is to help referred students overcome their academic and behavioral difficulties. Ideally, parents and LIGHTS work together toward this goal by offering mutual respect and support, open channels of communication, awareness of the student’s strengths, and shared responsibility.

Mr. Lew Clark Campus Ministry Mr. Matthew Derrick English Department Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik World Languages Department

Student Referrals

Mrs. Jeanne Holt-Brabson Guidance Department

A student may be referred to the LIGHTS Team in a number of ways.

Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

A faculty or staff member may express his or her concerns regarding a student’s academic performance or behavior to a member of the LIGHTS Team. A parent with similar concerns may refer his or her son to the LIGHTS Team. A friend or classmate who is worried about a certain student may refer him to the LIGHTS Team for assistance. A student may refer himself to the LIGHTS Team for assistance.

The LIGHTS Team The LIGHTS Team, a Student Assistance Program (SAP), assists La Salle students as well as the families of those students, who face behavioral and/or academic difficulties. The team is comprised of specially-trained school faculty and staff, who meet weekly to discuss the needs of referred students.

All information about referred students is kept strictly confidential.

The LIGHTS Team works to identify problems and seek out solutions. The LIGHTS Team does not diagnose or treat students. The LIGHTS team seeks out and collates information about referred students from a variety of sources, including parents, teachers, coaches, and the school nurse, and uses the information to determine suitable strategies for helping the students.

LaLaSalle SalleCollege CollegeHigh HighSchool School– –The TheBelcroft BelcroftSeptember March 2013 2011 11 9

Ministry and Service LEWIS CLARK D IRE C T O R O F C A M P U S M I N I S TRY

Freshmen Retreats (Theme: Lasallian Identity) September 26, 2012 (1A-5A) September 26, 2012 (6A-10A) Sophomore Retreats (Theme: The Road to Emmaus) April 10, 2013 (1B, 2B, ½ 3B) April 11, 2013 (½ 3B, 4B, 5B) April 23, 2013 (6B, 7B, ½ 8B) April 24, 2013 (½ 8B, 9B, 10B) Junior Retreats (Theme: Choices) February 5, 2013 (1C/2C) February 11, 2013 (3C/4C) February 12, 2013 (5C/6C) February 26, 2013 (7C/8C) February 27, 2013 (9C/10C) Senior Retreats Kairos 37-87 Kairos 37-88 Kairos 37-89 Kairos 37-90 Kairos 37-91 Kairos 37-92 One-Day Retreat

Grade Level Opportunities Freshmen Branch Out-Day Junior Urban Challenge

November 2 – 5, 2012 November 6 – 9, 2012 December 11– 14, 2012 January 29 – February 1, 2013 March 5 – March 8, 2013 April 16 – 19, 2013 December 4, 2012

School Wide Liturgies and Prayer Services Opening of School Liturgy September 14, 2012 All Saints Day Liturgy November 1, 2012 Thanksgiving Prayer Service November 20, 2012 Immaculate Conception Liturgy N/A (Saturday) Christmas Liturgy December 21, 2012 Ash Wednesday Prayer Service February 13, 2013 Lenten Liturgy March 26, 2013 Founder’s Day Prayer Service May 9, 2013 Ascension Thursday Liturgy May 9, 2013 Student Led Prayer Services (7:35 am in Marian Chapel) Peace. Light. Hope. in HIS footsteps

Monthly/Seasonal Drives Casseroles for the Homeless Magazine Drive for Grade Schools Thanksgiving Food Drive Operation Santa Claus Secret Santa La Salle Responds Initiative

Fridays During Advent Fridays During Lent

Sacrament of Reconciliation November 13, 2012 and February 19-20, 2013

September 19-28, 2012 November 13-20, 2012 November 26, 2012 – December 21, 2012 November 26, 2012 – December 24, 2012 Ongoing November 18, 2012 December 4-5, 2012 and February 12-13, 2013

Summer Service Opportunities Junior Urban Immersion May 26-31, 2013 (Philadelphia) June 2-7, 2013 and July 21-26, 2013 Project Appalachia June 2-8, 2013 (West Virginia) Migrant Worker Immersion June 22-29, 2013 (Coachella Valley, CA) Saint Lucia June 13-21, 2013 Navajo Experience June 23-29, 2013 (Arizona/New Mexico) Blackfeet Immersion July 28-August 3, 2013 and (Montana) August 4-10, 2013 Gulf Coast Immersion August 4-10, 2013 (Louisiana) Building Bridges of Solidarity June 16-29, 2013 (Bolivia)

For additional information, please contact Campus Ministry: www.lschs.org/ministry Mark Chesnik Lew Clark Assistant Director of Director of Campus Campus Ministry Ministry chesnikm@lschs.org clarkl@lschs.org

Eucharistic Adoration and Daily Mass Varies On- Going Service Projects Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Elder Share, Cooking for Outreach La Salle Academy Tutoring, Triest House, Street Outreach, and Visitation BVM Tutoring Human Rights Forum Sarnelli House, Kids Helping Kids Lasallian Service Corps Face-To-Face Dining Room Face-To-Face Dining Room

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 12

Micky Dominick Assistant Director of Campus Ministry dominickm@lschs.org

In HIS Footsteps Lenten Morning Prayer Services Friday Mornings During Lent Student-Led Prayer Services In The Chapel 7:35 – 7:50 am

All Are Welcome La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 13

Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P R A C TI C A L I D E A S F O R P A RE N T S T O HE L P THEIR C HI L D RE N

Today’s high school students must learn critical thinking.

Do you know how to talk about the tough issues?

There is a big shift going on in schools today. Compared to the days when many of us were in school, schools are shifting to a focus on deeper learning and even more critical thinking. This means students will not only have to call up a fact, but also understand how that fact relates to other ideas.

Your son is always going to face some tough issues, and the way you talk about these topics can make a big difference. Answer yes or no to the questions below to see if your talks are helping your son face challenges:

It’s one of the ways schools are preparing students for college and careers. It will also mean a change in the way your son studies. Here are some tips to help your son move beyond memorization:

2. Have you told your son you expect him to be honest when discussing tough issues?

• Challenge your son to form opinions – and defend them. If he says the town should put up a stop sign in front of the school, ask him why he feels that way. Then encourage him to write a letter to local authorities outlining him ideas. • Help your son see other sides of an issue. Say, “I understand why you feel that way. But there are other people who might say ... .” • Give your son the reasons behind the limits you have set for him. For example, studies show that more boys are injured in cars after midnight. What a great reason to establish a curfew before then! • Talk about the advertisements when you’re watching TV. How are they trying to persuade viewers? Are they effective?

1. Do you bring up the challenges your son is facing without waiting for him to begin a conversation?

3. Do you create everyday opportunities to talk with your son? Some days, you may talk about TV shows. Other days, you may open up a bigger subject. 4. Do you know you aren’t going to solve big problems in one talk? It may take many days or weeks before you find a solution. 5. Do you communicate your values to your son? Remember: Values are caught, not taught. How well are you doing? Each yes means you are having positive talks with your son about tough issues. For no answers, try those ideas. Reprinted with permission from the March 2013 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2013 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Reprinted with permission from the March 2013 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2013 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 14

Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P R A C TI C A L I D E A S F O R P A RE N T S T O HE L P THEIR C HI L D RE N

Discipline can keep “spring fever” in check!

Fend off ‘senioritis’ and crack down on attendance this spring.

As spring approaches, your son may catch “spring fever,” where he’s antsy and ready to be done with school. Now is the time to reinforce family rules and remember these discipline strategies:

Your son may be ready for summer break, but there are still several months to go in the school year!

• Discuss risks. Talk about your family’s values so that your son can make informed decisions in uncomfortable situations. Remind him of the serious consequences of “slacking off.” • Set rules for checking in. Always know when your son is, who he’s with, what he’s doing and when he’ll be home. Together, agree on a way for him to check in with you. He could send you a text message when he goes somewhere new. • Pick your battles. Before engaging in an argument, decide if the issue is worth it. Not picking up his room, for example, is much less of an issue than skipping a class. Reprinted with permission from the March 2013 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2013 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Promote homework success with strategies and organization. Your son sits down to do his homework, but he soon realizes that his physics book is in his locker, and he can’t find that worksheet anywhere. To promote homework success, help your son: • Develop reminder strategies. Create a checklist of things he needs nightly for homework and have him tape it to the inside of his locker. Use sticky notes to mark the spines of books that need to come home.

Every spring, high school students, especially seniors, are plagued with senioritis, a lack of motivation and general disinterest regarding school. They may want to skip class, and paying attention is a challenge. Even if your son isn’t a senior, he may still be affected by this apathy. All high school students, no matter the grade, experience senioritis to some degree every spring. Be sure not to let senioritis affect your son’s attendance. Maintaining good attendance in the spring is more important than ever! Keep in mind that: • Testing often occurs in the spring. This means that your son will learn critical information every day that will help him excel on both standardized tests and classroom exams. • A partner can help your son stay motivated. Have your son enlist someone – maybe a friend, teammate or sibling – who is also feeling antsy. Together, they can develop a plan to pay attention in class every day. • School is your son’s job. You aren’t able to skip work when you don’t feel like going, and your son isn’t allowed to miss school. Reprinted with permission from the March 2013 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2013 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

• Keep his study spot organized. Not being able to find a ruler while doing geometry homework will only make your son frustrated. Give him the responsibility of keeping his study space clean and well-stocked. He’ll always know where to find that highlighter or threehole punch, and he’ll be able to focus on studying. Reprinted with permission from the March 2013 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2013 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 15

Mothers’ Club LISA DENTON P RE S I D E N T

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Mothers’ Club New York Trip

March 7, 2013

Mothers’ Club Meeting Auditorium – All Are Welcome

9:15 am

March 13, 2013

Fashion Show Spring Mill Manor

5:00 pm

April 11, 2013

Mothers’ Club Meeting Auditorium – All Are Welcome

9:15 am

April 17, 2013

New York Trip

All Day

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer help is welcome and appreciated at upcoming Mothers’ Club events. Volunteers are needed to assist with set up for the following upcoming events. Please e-mail Beth Napolitano if you are available to help. Volunteer Coordinator Beth Napolitano beth100@comcast.net

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Only a few tickets remain to see the newest show on Broadway, “Motown the Musical”. Tickets are $185/person. Buses will depart from the Montgomery Mall promptly at 8:30 am. Box lunches will be provided. Dinner will be on your own. Buses will depart New York City at 8:00 pm and return to Montgomery Mall at approximately 10:30 pm. For additional information, please contact Mary Chandler mary.chandler@aol.com (610) 287-3264

Senior Mother/Son Liturgy Wednesday May 1, 2013 7:00 pm Gymnasium Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this memorable evening at La Salle.There is no cost to attend this event for seniors and their Mothers/Special Persons. Look for more information the April issue of The Belcroft.

March 12, 2013 - Fashion Show set up from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Spring Mill Manor March 13, 2013 - Fashion Show clean up from 9:30 pm to 11:00 pm at Spring Mill Manor

Annual Fashion Show and Dinner Wednesday, March 13, 2013 5:00 to 7:00 pm Cocktails and Tombola 7:00 to 9:30 pm Dinner and Fashion Show Spring Mill Manor Ivyland, PA Come join us for “Springtime in Paris,” which promises to be a night of fun, friendship, and beautiful fashions at the annual Spring Fashion Show! The Tombola tables once again will be filled with fantastic gifts you will want to take home that night! Invitations have been mailed. Tickets are limited, so please buy them early. You may register on-line by visiting the events calendar on the school website. As always, your financial support is sincerely appreciated and donations are welcome. If you have any questions, are interested in volunteering, or would like to donate an item, please contact: Rosanne Campanella Helene Crozier rcampanella3@verizon.net crozierfamily@aol.com (610) 322-8513 (215) 499-3463

Also, please keep an eye out for a request for your son’s baby picture. Information will be sent home shortly requesting you to send a baby picture of your son (the toddler years or younger, no larger than 4”x 6”, preferably by himself). We will match his baby picture with his graduation picture from the photographer and display the pictures in the main hallway of the school. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions please contact: Donna Bennett bennett1552@comcast.net

The Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee Kathy Caramenico, Donnamaria Dolan, Roseanne Duzinski, Lynn Gates, Pam Grady, Karen Guerra, Barbara Houldin, Janet McBride and Terry Millet All mothers of alumni should be receiving our monthly newsletter. If you are not seeing it in your inbox, please e-mail Kathy Caramenico at kcaram@yahoo.com. She will make sure you are added to the distribution list.

Shared Treasures Is Ready For Spring The shelves at Shared Treasures are newly stocked with terrific selection of great merchandise, so be sure to stop in check out these fabulous finds at our always-fantastic prices. Shared Treasures is open each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Dunleavy Center, as well as the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 am until Noon. Tax-deductible donations of gently used items are also gratefully accepted and can be left on the covered porch on the side of Dunleavy Center. Please consider helping out in the shop, too, if you have a few free hours during the month; volunteers work either 9:30 am to 12:30 pm or 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 16

LaSalle College High School Mothers’ Club Invites you to join us for

“Springtime in Paris” Annual Fashion Show & Dinner

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Cocktails & Tombola

7:00 pm – 9:30 pm Dinner & Fashions

$55 per person Spring Mill Manor 171 Jacksonville Road Ivyland, PA 18974

Répondez, S'il Vous Plaît Friday, March 1, 2013 Kindly reply by March 1, 2013 Please register & pay by credit card online at www.lschs.org/mothers

Or complete this form with check payable to LaSalle College High School Mothers’ Club Mail to:

Judy Meeks 574 Hawthorne Lane Harleysville, PA 19438

For questions please contact Judy Meeks at jameeks7@comcast.net Name: ___________________________ Telephone # _____________________ Chicken Chardonnay ______ Penne Pasta Primavera ______

Men of La Salle M i c h a e l Happ President


Father/Son Bowling

To provide financial assistance and support for the continuing education of LaSalle College High School students who have lost a primary wage earning parent, through Fundraising events that help connect Fathers and Sons.

Sunday, March 10, 2013 2:30 pm

During this academic year, our organization is providing full or partial tuition support for six boys, totaling almost $109,000. Clearly, we rely on the generous financial support of the entire La Salle community. Additionally, we need the time and commitment of fathers to continue the important mission of our group. I encourage you to become involved. Come to our monthly meetings. Attend one of our Father/Son events. Get involved! The list of our upcoming events is listed below. If you have any questions about the Men of La Salle, please feel free to email me at mol@lschs.org

Upcoming Calendar of Events Thursday, March 7, 2013 Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Study Commons Guest Speaker: Mary Kay Meeks, Face to Face

Come and join other La Salle dads with your son for an afternoon of fun and camaraderie at Facenda-Whitaker Lanes in East Norriton. The event includes bowling, food/ drink, and prizes. For more information or to register for this event, see our flyer in The Belcroft and on the La Salle website.

Father/Son Baseball Outing Sunday, April 21, 2013 Join us for a fun-filled bus trip to Baltimore where the Orioles will take on the Los Angeles Dodgers. This yearly trip always proves to be a great time for all involved and after the game both fathers and sons can enjoy the Baltimore Harbor and grab a bite at any one of the great restaurants, including Dick’s Last Resort, a unique interactive restaurant environment where their staff bring more than food to the table (like a side of torment). A day full of memories and laughs will be your souvenir of time spent together. For more information or to register for this event, see our flyer in The Belcroft and on the La Salle website.

Sunday, March 10, 2013 Father/Son Bowling Commitment for Next Year 2:30 pm Facenda-Whitaker Lanes Commitment forms will again be distributed the March meeting. All are welcome to take part in the various events Thursday, April 11, 2013 Monthly Meeting and become more involved in the Men of La Salle. There Nominations Meeting are many senior dads involved now, and we need a lot of Study Commons new faces to help. Consider volunteering for a committee Sunday, April 21, 2013 Father/Son Baseball Outing or chairing an event. You will get more out of it than you Camden Yards realize. New officers are needed for next year. Consider Baltimore Orioles vs. giving some time to plan the events that you and your son Los Angeles Dodgers can be involved together. Thursday, May 2, 2013 Monthly Meeting Saint Vincent’s Soup Kitchen Installation of New Officers Study Commons Every weekend through the end of the school year, the Men of La Salle continue our service to those less Thursday, May 16, 2013 End-of-Year Year Barbeque fortunate in our community, by helping to prepare and 6:30 pm serve meals at Saint Vincent’s. The Soup Kitchen is located The Pit at 109 East Price Street, in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. This is a great opportunity for fathers and Parent Annual sons to spend some time together in service to the needy 2nd Annual Comedy Night – Thank You in our community, and strengthen the bond of father and Thanks to all those who came out to support the 2nd son at the same time. We need volunteers to prepare food Annual Comedy Night at the school this past month. every Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 to 11:30 am, and to Some Philly favorites were served up along with a three serve food the last Sunday of each month between 12:30 professional comedians, Joey Callahan, Chip Chantry and and 2:30 pm. No experience is necessary – just a desire Christine Rich, all courtesy of Mike Dougherty Productions. to spend some time together and help others. Please go A special thanks to our student MC’s, Mike Eifee and online to the Men of La Salle page and sign-up and make Jake Vogel. a difference.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 18

Pas s i n g T he Baton Parent Annual Fund 2012-2013

Will you support Professional Development for the dedicated Faculty and Staff of La Salle? W h e r e do e s t h e mon e y go ? Postgraduate Studies Seminars and Workshops Regional and National Conferences Ensuring that our faculty and staff are teaching cutting edge and up-to-date curriculums to the young men of La Salle!

P r of e ss i onal D e v e lopm e n t F u nd 2 0 1 1 / 2 0 1 2

19 Faculty/Staff Members Pursuing Masters Degrees or Continuing Education Credits 13 Faculty/Staff Members Attending Conferences in Their Area of Expertise 3 Faculty/Staff Members Attending AP Workshops 6 Faculty/Staff Members Attending Lasallian Conferences W i ll y o u h e lp mak e u p t h e gap ?

Pass the Baton on to the men and women directing your sons with a gift to the 2012-2013 Parent Annual Fund! Your support will help provide continuing education for our dedicated Faculty and Staff – what a great way to honor the efforts of those directing your young Explorer! To make your gift via our secure online gift form, please visit www.lschs.org/gift T h ank y o u fo r y o u r s u ppo r t ! La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 19

Attention All La Salle Fathers and Sons

Challenge your Father or Son to a game! Whether you can bowl or not, it’s a great way to spend time together!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Registration 2:00 p.m. • Bowling 2:30 - 5:00 p.m.

$25.00 per person includes shoe rental and sumptuous buffet. Please register and pay in advance (see below).

Prizes for high game(s), strike on Red Pin, 50/50 Drawing and more! SPORTS & MEMORABILIA SILENT AUCTION – This special added attraction is back by popular demand and

will continue throughout the event. Featured items will include memorabilia from Phillies legends from the 1980/2008 World Series. Also included will be classics like Yogi Berra and Willie Mays, as well as modern day sports legends like Michael Jordan. This is a great time to buy gifts for Easter, Fathers Day, Birthday or Graduation. All proceeds will go to The Men of LaSalle organization. Accepted payments will be credit card, cash or check.

Facenda-Whitaker Lanes 2912 Swede Road • East Norriton, PA 19401 • www.facendawhitaker.com • 610-272-6547 Note: Bowlers may only register and pay at the door if event is not sold out. Please register online No Later Than March 6th. You may pay at the door (if event not sold out), but please email Joe Borek, joeborek2002@yahoo.com with a heads-up ASAP.

Go to www.lschs.org/molbowling

SPEND A MEMORABLE DAY THAT BONDS A FATHER AND SON FOR A LIFETIME! Spring training for major league baseball is upon us and the Men of La Salle have already secured our date for the annual Father & Son baseball trip to Camden Yards in Baltimore. This annual event is one of the most popular events on the school calendar as it provides you with the opportunity to spend a unique day with your son regardless of whether you are a baseball fan or not. This event is also meant to include grandfathers, uncles, cousins and those boys who may not have a father (we will not exclude any mothers that may be interested).

Men of La Salle

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Orioles will be hosting the Los Angeles Dodgers!

$66.00 per person (sitting along the third base line), includes ticket and transportation. Game time is 1:30pm and the day will begin at LaSalle with a Mass in the gym at 9:00am. Buses will leave the school parking lot at 10:00am sharp to provide enough time before the game to explore the stadium and collect batting practice balls hit into our section. Seats are in the sunny lower boxes along the left field foul line. After the game, time will be allotted to venture over to the Inner Harbor for a bite to eat and other entertainment. Buses will leave from the Aquarium exactly at 7:00pm.

125 tickets reserved — first come, first served!

Don’t be left out. Reserve your spots and pay online via credit card today! Go to www.lschs.org/molbaseball by April 12th to assure your reservation(s). Questions? Call Dave Lagner, 610.547.4451 or email DLAGS21@aol.com.

Brother Aloysius Lumley, FSC Memorial Golf Outing Monday, May 6, 2013 Cedarbrook Country Club 180 Penllyn Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422

11:30 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm

Registration Lunch Shotgun Start Dinner to Follow

Shamble Format $175 per person The price includes green fees, lunch, and dinner. Register as an individual golfer or with additional players. For additional information, please contact Marty Jackson at (215) 402-4851, or jacksonm@lschs.org.

Number of Golfers at $175 each $

Total for Golf Hole Sponsor at $100 each Lunch Sponsor for $500 Putting Green Sponsor for $500 Driving Range Sponsor for $500 Cart Sponsor for $500 Halfway House Sponsor for $500 Dinner Sponsor for $1,000

$ $

Total Sponsors


Total Enclosed

Dinner Only at $50.00








All sponsors will have their signs displayed prominently on the golf course. Please include a business card or indicate below the information that you would like included on the sign.

Please make all checks payable to the La Salle College High School Golf Team. Return registration form and check to: Marty Jackson La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038

manup The La Salle Lacrosse Team is looking forward to an amazing year.

The program began the year with the induction of the Head Coach Bill Leahy into the Pennsylvania Lacrosse Hall of Fame, which was a well deserved honor to the leader of our outstanding program. Last year, the team only said goodbye to six seniors and will see the return of a number of key players including offensive starters Matt Rambo, Sean Coleman, Adam Schaal, Jeff Cimbalista and Brian McNamara. Returning defensively are George Uhrich, Andrew Grajewski, Andrew Eidenshink, Brendan McGongile, Conor Resch as well as Stefan Bergman, Chris Rocco, Mike Pascali, Vince Peruto, Will Mischler, Nate Ezzo and goalie, Nick Hreshko. Once again, La Salle is fortunate to have a strong group

killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan on September

of underclassmen supporting our seniors. Juniors Trent

25, 2010. Looney and Manion, roommates at the U.S.

Melshimer, Michael Rihm, Steven Hudak, Colin McDougall,

Naval Academy, were laid to rest side-by-side at Arlington

Mitch Souflouis, and Derek Bitzer return to the team along

National Cemetery. It will be a special day for all involved.

with a group of talented sophomores.

The team will be taking on a few of the top ranked teams

This year’s schedule will again showcase games against

in the Nation when they participate in the Katie Samson

the best teams in the Nation. The team will be once again

Tournament at Radnor High School on April 27, 2013

be playing DeMatha High School in the third annual Travis

and heading to Garden City, NY. Other big games include

Manion-Brendan Looney Memorial Lacrosse Game, which

Conestoga (April 19, 2013 - Home) and archrival Saint

is played to honor the memories and contributions of 1st

Joseph’s Prep (May 3, 2013 – Away).

LT. Travis Manion, USMC ’99 and his close friend LT (SEAL) Brendan Looney, a DeMatha graduate. Manion, a standout lacrosse player and wrestler at La Salle, was killed by a sniper while serving in Iraq on April 29, 2007. Looney was

2013 promises to continue the excellence of the La Salle lacrosse program and another great championship run for your Explorers.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 23

Extraordinary Extracurriculars Indoor Track and Field Team Wins Philadelphia Catholic League Championship

the day (for which he would earn co-meet MVP honor), as he ran an 8:46.88 and shattered his old meet record. Matt Greco continued his remarkable comeback from by running a best 9:08.46. With the meet title then decided, the Explorers brought home the 4x400m relay title in 3:34.11 as Jack Magee, Levi Hardy, Luke McCann, and Andrew Stone all ran amazingly strong for the third running event of the day for each of them. The 4x800m relay of Pat Grant, Mark DeSantis, Michael Phayre, and Evan Quain finished off the day with a solid 3rd place finish in 8:38.06.

4x800 Meter Relay Team Runs Fastest Time In America

The La Salle College High School Indoor Track and Field team captured the program’s first Indoor Philadelphia Catholic League championship since 1999. The team was led by an outstanding group of senior leaders, and turned in one of the finest all-around team performances in school history. By a score of 136-99 the Explorers outdistanced a very good Cardinal O’Hara team. The day began at 9:30am with a true program highlight when the 4x200m relay team of Corey Muggler, Sean Waters, Levi Hardy, and Luke McCann captured 2nd place and shattered the school record as well as qualified for the PA State Championship with a time of 1:34.36. That phenomenal race was then followed by the foursome of Patrick Grant, Michael Bishoff, Evan Quain, and Brendan Bilotta capturing the Distance Medley Relay title in a very strong 10:53.92. The early momentum was then built on with the outstanding performance of the trio of Tom Coyle, Andrew Stone, and Jack Magee who ran great mile races to finish 1st, 2nd, and 4th, in 4:20.57, 4:22.05, and 4:26.15 – all PA State Championship qualifying times. With all the excitement on the track the Explorers were quietly turning in an excellent day in the field. To start the day, Luke Persichetti captured the title in the Shot Put with a great throw of 53’2.5” and sophomore Keith Wagner picked up 4 points by finishing 4th with 39’8.5”. On the runway, senior Corey Muggler gamely battled through a fever to finish 2nd in the Long Jump with a State Qualifying mark of 22’1.5” and junior Mike Koller jumped a personal best of 20’0.25” to grab an unexpected 5th place. Koller then added a 3rd place in the High Jump clearing 6’0”. As the meet moved in to the afternoon, the Explorers held a 19 point edge with several pivotal events remaining. The first of those key events was the 2nd and 4th place finishes of Eddie Eason and Chris McCrea in the Pole Vault, clearing 12’0” and 11’6”. Then, on the track, Andrew Stone and Jack Magee turned in their second outstanding performances taking 1st and 3rd in the 800m in 1:58.79 and 1:59.98 – both under the State Qualifying Standard. Back on the runway, Corey Muggler continued his memorable day by winning the Triple Jump and breaking his own school record, while sophomore Tabriz Bumpas contributed a remarkable 40’9” jump good for 6th place and more important points. It was back to the track as the Explorers tried to mathematically wrap up the title before the hard-fought relays would begin. Seniors Tom Coyle and Matt Greco more than did their part in the 3,000 meter run. Coyle put an exclamation point on the day by capturing his second PCL individual title of

The La Salle College High School 4x800 Meter Relay Team of Jack Magee ’13, Andrew Stone ’13, Brendan Bilotta ’14, and Tom Coyle ‘13 turned in one of the greatest races in school history on Saturday, February 2, 2013 at the New York City Armory. The foursome took home the title in the prestigious high school invitational 4x800m race of the Armory Collegiate Invitational. La Salle came into the event with a season best of 8:17 and faced three teams in the Top 10 in the country, and three more in the Top 20. On the first leg, Jack Magee ran a tough and gritty race against stiff competition to turn in a 1:59.3 split. Jack handed off to Andrew Stone in midpack and having La Salle in the race. Andrew immediately took off, and had moved into 3rd place just 200m into his leg. He then continued to roll all the way up to the leading team by 500m and continued on to take the lead. Andrew handed off to Brendan Bilotta in the lead after turning in a phenomenal 1:54.5 split. Brendan then proceeded to run an incredibly poised, smart, and tough leg. Brendan remained patient as the teams around him went out quickly in the first 400m, but with 400m to go Brendan made a move all the way back into 2nd place. His split of 2:00.0 was a personal best of over 3 seconds. Brendan handed the baton to anchor leg, and the defending PIAA 1600m State Champion, Tom Coyle. Tom immediately closed on the leading runner and positioned himself perfectly. He remained composed when the anchor leg from West Windsor Plainsboro South went by, and Tom immediately moved to follow him. As they came into the final 200m Tom began to make a move, and solidly pulled away in the final 100m for a convincing win and an excellent split of 1:54.5. The four runners combined for a new school record of 7:48.36. Their time is the 5th fastest time in the history of Pennsylvania, and is currently the fastest time in the in the United States!

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 24

Extraordinary Extracurriculars Swim Team Wins 25th Consecutive Championship For the last 24 years, the Swim Team has been a great source of pride for our school having won the Philadelphia Catholic League (PCL) Championship 24 years in a row. The Swim Team won their 25th consecutive Philadelphia Catholic League Championship on Saturday, February 16, 2013. La Salle scored 1,014 points, more than double the number of points of Saint Joseph’s Prep who finished second. The championship meet, which was held at La Salle University, featured eleven events of which the Explorers won all but two. La Salle won all three relays and finished first in six of the individual events. Later that same evening, La Salle captured the District 12 (City) Championship by capturing all three relays and sweeping (first, second, and third place finishes) six of the individual events. Led by head coach Frank Lichtner, this group of Explorers is a humble team who tries to achieve its best in the pool and out. From morning practices before school, to rigorous academic school days, to afternoon practices, to service projects with the community, this team of thirty young men, including three sets of brothers, is a close knit group of student athletes. The LaSalle Swim Team upholds a tradition of excellence established years ago by the many swimmers who came before them. They exemplify the true meaning of hard work, good sportsmanship, and dedication to their sport and each other. There are not many teams who can say that they have won 25 consecutive championships of any type – in any sport – in any league. It is a distinction that separates this team from the rest. The team will now focus its attention to defending their title at the Pennsylvania State Championships, which will be held March 13-16, 2013 at Bucknell University. Congratulations to the swimmers and coaches for their 25 years of swimming excellence in the Philadelphia Catholic League.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 25

Varsity Sports Schedules J O S E P H A . P A RI S I A TH L ETI C D IRE C T O R

March Baseball

Joe Parisi Head Coach 13 Chestnut Hill Academy 15 Frankford High School 23 Haverford School 25 Cardinal O’Hara 27 Archbishop Ryan 30 Archbishop Carroll

3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Away 11:00 am Away 3:45 pm Home 3:45 pm Away 11:00 am Home

Lacrosse Bill Leahy Head Coach 19 Central Bucks East 7:00 pm 23 DeMatha Catholic (MD) TBA 30 Garden City High School 2:00 pm

Away University of Maryland Away

Tennis Gerard Brett Head Coach 18 Cardinal O’Hara 19 Holy Ghost Prep 20 Lansdale Catholic 25 Bonner-Prendergast 26 Upper Dublin High School 27 Father Judge

3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm

Amar Stukes ‘13 Becomes Sixth Member of La Salle’s 1,000 Point Club Amar Stukes ‘13 became the sixth basketball player in the history of La Salle College High School to score 1,000 career points on Sunday, February 10, 2013. With 2:33 remaining in the second quarter against Archbishop Carroll, Stukes drove to the basket and scored his ninth point of the game. An overflow crowd that featured a student section dressed in costumes and observing “Silent Sunday,” erupted when Stukes scored the milestone point. Stukes lead all scorers with 26 points. He joins Tom Gola ’51 (1,392 points), Craig Conlin ‘85 (1,202 points) Chip Greenberg ‘82 (1,135 points), Joe Meade ‘97 (1,098 points), and Matt Mihalich ’76 (1,080 points) in reaching 1,000 career points. Stukes, a 4-year starter entered the season with 586 career points. His 20.3 points per game lead all scorers in the Philadelphia Catholic League and placed him in the Top 10 among all players in the Philadelphia Area. A 6’2” shooting guard, Stukes has committed to play for La Salle University next year where he will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the Explorers and the highly-competitive Atlantic 10 Conference.

Home Home Home Away Away Home

Rowing Tom Madden ’95 Head Coach 17 1st Manny Flick 24 2nd Manny Flick 30 Saint Augustine Invitational

Schuylkill River Schuylkill River Lake Lenape

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft March 2013 26

Ult i mat e S u mm e r E x p e r i e nc e s


La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax www.lschs.org



Academic Enrichment Programs Pre-7th Grade, Pre-8th, and Pre-9th Grades June 24, 2013 to July 26, 2013

Jazz Camp Boys and Girls Entering Grades 5 to 9 June 17, 2013 to June 21, 2013

SAT Preparation Courses Math, Critical Reading, and Writing Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays June 25, 2013 to July 25, 2013


Writing Enrichment Meets Mondays and Wednesdays June 24, 2013 to July 24, 2013

Positional July 8, 2013 to July 12, 2013

Rocket Camps Boys and Girls Grades 5 to 9 June 24, 2013 to June 28, 2013 July 8, 2013 to July 12, 2013

Basketball Camps Boys Ages 9 to 15 June 24, 2013 through June 28, 2013 July 8, 2013 to July 12, 2013

Microsoft IT Academy Boys and Girls Grades 13 to 18 June 10, 2013 to June 21, 2013 July 8, 2013 to July 19, 2013

Football Camp Boys Ages 8 to 16 July 22, 2013 to July 25, 2013

Lacrosse Camps DIGITAL DESIGN Boys Ages 11 to 16 Digital Images with June 24, 2013 to June 28, 2013 Adobe Photoshop Boys Ages 5 to 16 and Boys and Girls Grades 7 to 12 Girls Ages 5 to 13 Monday to Thursday June 17, 2013 to June 21, 2013 June 24, 2013 to June 27, 2013 Peak Performance Camps Boys Entering Grades 6 to 10 July 8, 2013 to July 11, 2013

Baseball Camps Boys Ages 8 to 15 Hitting Instruction July 1, 2013 to July 3, 2013

Running Camp Boys and Girls Grades 5 to 9 August 5, 2013 to August 8, 2013

Advanced Image Editing with Adobe Photoshop Boys and Girls Grades 7 to 12 Monday to Thursday July 1, 2013 to July 11, 2013

Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro Soccer Camp Boys and Girls Grades 7 to 12 Boys and Girls Ages 6 to 16 Monday to Thursday July 29, 2013 to August 2, 2013 July 15, 2013 to July 25, 2013

DAY CAMP Future Stars Day Camp Boys and Girls Ages 4 to 13 June 17, 2013 to August 16, 2013

Enter to Learn

Web Design with Adobe Dreamweaver Boys and Girls Grades 7 to 12 Monday to Thursday July 15, 2013 to July 25, 2013

Leave to Serve

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax www.lschs.org

All camps are held on the campus of La Salle College High School. For a camp application or additional information, please call (215) 233-2911 or visit www.lschs.org/summer

8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

First Class Mail


March 2013

Volume Twenty-Two Number 7

The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.

The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother James L. Butler, FSC Principal Michael A. O’Toole ‘68 Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax www.lschs.org

The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through May.

Calendar of Events

The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue.

First Class Mail

The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.


6th and 7th Grade Practice Test

8:30 am


Communion Breakfast and

10:00 am

Hall of Fame Induction


Kairos 37:91


Early Dismissal

1:35 pm

College Information Night (for Juniors)

7:15 pm


Mothers’ Club Meeting

9:15 am

Men of La Salle Meeting

6:30 pm




Father/Son Bowling

2:30 pm


Alumni Board Meeting

7:30 pm


Fashion Show

5:00 pm


End of Third Marking Period


Faculty In-Service Day


Beginning of Fourth Marking Period



7:30 pm



7:30 pm



7:30 pm



2:00 pm


Lenten Liturgy

9:30 am


Holy Thursday

No Classes


Good Friday

No Classes


Easter Sunday

No Classes

“ I am the resurrection and the life.” John 11:25

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