May 2012 Volume Twenty-One Number 9
Dear Parents and Guardians, This is to be my last letter in The Belcroft as President of La Salle College High School. Let me begin by thanking you for entrusting your sons to La Salle. It has been my privilege to have served in this role these seven years. I hope that I have learned much and shared
Congratulations to the Classes of 2013, 2014 and 2015 who will all move up a grade with promotion this June. They have big shoes to fill and will have the privilege of working with their new Principal – Mr. Michael O’Toole ’68 and new President – Brother James Butler, FSC. I wish everyone only success as the future of La Salle unfolds.
The Class of 2012 leaves La Salle with 13 National Merit Finalists and 14 Commended Students – an achievement that clearly demonstrates our academic excellence. insight to lead La Salle into a strong future. Over the years, much has been accomplished and, yet, I sense much that needs a new hand to lead the school into its future. I will look fondly on the future days of La Salle and her students. Thank you for making these seven years among the best in my ministerial career. A special thanks to all who joined in making our Capital Campaign, Fulfilling the Promise, so successful! I want to salute the Senior Class of 2012. The accomplishments of this class will long set the bar for future classes. From the recognitions for academic, athletics, extracurricular and Fine Arts accomplishments this Class has proven itself both talented and humble. In addition, to date, they have captured five Philadelphia Catholic Championships, two Pennsylvania State titles, and awards in music, speech and debate and theatre. As of this writing the Class of 2012 will take with them over $25 million in college scholarships and grants.
I would be remiss if I did not express my appreciation to Mr. Marchese for the privilege of working with him during these seven years. Mr. Marchese has offered La Salle a wise and strong direction. Much of the success of La Salle over these years can be laid at the leadership he has provided. Join me in thanking Mr. Marchese and wishing him well in his retirement. I could only move onto West Catholic knowing that La Salle was in the hands of strong and experienced leaders. I wish both Brother James Butler and Mr. Michael O’Toole ’68 every success as they assume the leadership of LaSalle. It has been my privilege to have worked with both men in the past and know that they appreciate and understand the La Salle experience. Congratulations and best wishes to the Class of 2012. Sincerely yours,
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 President
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L a S a ll e C o ll e g e H i gh S ch o o l W e lc o m e s 2 7 9 B oys to t h e C l a ss o f 2 0 1 6 S e e Yo u I n S e pt e mb e r ! Ahab George Alnemri Nicholas Daniel Ammazzalorso Mark Ronald Michael Anderson Timothy Keenan Anderson Vincent Christopher James Armetta Matthew Henry Bahr Sharif Vaishon Barksdale Christian Joseph Bello Mark Sorensen Bense Christopher Robert Bentz Mark Anthony Bernstiel Benjamin Stewart Beyerle Patrick Lyons Blewitt Frederick Charles Blunt, Jr. Michael James Bortulin John Patrick Braun Christian John Brecht Gregory Vincent Brocato Patrick Paul Burbank Christopher Miles Burger, Jr. Colin Fitzgerald Burnite David Martin Bydalek Colin Edward Cahill Nicholas J. Camusi Andrew Paul Capone Eric Thomas Carlidge Nicholas Joseph Carradorini Charles William Champion Colin Willliam Christie Andrew Paul Ciarlone Zachary Charles Clark Austin Matthew Clibanoff Sean Patrick Clinton Craig P. Coleman Matthew Nicholas Conklin Sean Patrick Coogan John Robert Cook Shawn Jordan Courtney Matthew Ellis Cross Conor Joseph Csongradi Joseph Michael CucΘ Christopher Matthew Czyzewski Ethan Thomas D’Abbene Alexander Christian D’Angelo Joseph Nicholas Dallas Gerald Anthony Dati Jackson Thomas Deal Luke Michael DeAngelis Michael Anthony DeAngelis, III Dominic Charles DeCinque Austin James DelBuono Christopher Anthony Della Donna Matthew Russell Della Donna Sam Joseph DeLuca John Walter Denny
Connor Wise Dessen Drew Hagerty Dessen Connor James Devitt Phillip Ross DiFiore Jeffery DiGuiseppe Antonio Salvatore DiNardo Brian Robert Dolan Christopher Joseph Dolan James Aloysius Donahue, IV Matthew John Duff Michael Joseph Duffin Evan Michael Dugery Brian Raymond Dulin Kevin Michael Durning, Jr. Matthew Joseph Echelmeier Matthew James Eisenschmid Winston Barry Quadir Eubanks Michael Pongracz Ewing Grant Jacob Exler Jared Ross Exler Joseph Robert Fabrizio William Earl Fahy , IV Hugh Patrick Farris Harrison McAllister Feeney Sean Robert Finlay Kevin Cornelius Fitzpatrick Fergus Kuser Flynn Braeden Patrick Foley Paul Thomas Forrest, II Kevin Matthew Fox Brian Andrew Fraga Joseph Anthony Frangiosa, Jr. Christopher William Frascatore Evan Patrick Funchion Donald Raymond Furmanski, III Jonathan Paul Fus Michael James Galbally Andrew Frank Gallo , Jr. Thomas Porter Garvin, Jr. Nicholas Andrew Gates Matthew Gentner Jonathan David Giannini Seamus Patrick Gibbons Edward Francis Goebel David James Grabowski Patrick Francis Grant Jeffrey Leon Gratz Andrew Robert Gregor Daniel Patrick Groff Jeffrey Anthony Gubicza, Jr. Angelo Rocco Guiliano Steven Clark Gundersen John Francis Hanson Samuel Mills Hardy Andrew James Hasson Charles Millard Headen, III
Phillip John Held Kyle Richard Hemcher Isaiah James Henrich Kieran Michael Higgins Christopher Ryan Higginson Patrick Lane Hinkley William Connor Hisey Brett Thomas Hladczuk Sean Thomas Hofmann Gabriel Joseph Holder James Gibbs Holyoke Thomas Edward Howard Alexander Thomas Hughes Christopher Edward Hurrey Patrick Hyunseok Hwang Eric William James Nathan James Janda Kyle Bernard Johnson Kyle Ryan Kellenbenz John Joseph Kenney Brett Shawn Kesler Christian Patrick Kiley John Taylor Knies Nickolaus Gustav Krodthoff Francis James Krug Christopher Michael Kugler Spencer Richard Kuhl Paul Bryan Lacombe John Julio LaCorte Kevin Michael Lajeunesse Jackson Thomas Lake Tyler James Lambert Kyle Richard Landis Kevin Charles Lane Owen Hwang Lanphear Andrew Francis Lepore Langston Edward Livingston Franklin Thomas Livolsi Daniel A Lutschaunig James Edward Lyons Keegan Michael MacMaster Christopher Arnold Go Magtibay Matthew James Mahoney Andrew Brian Maloney Gerald Edward Mangan Matthew John Marcante William Thomas Matthews Cody Michael Mazurek Domenico Leonard Mazzeo Conor Joseph McCracken Ryan John McCurdy Matthew Thomas McDermott Michael John McDermott Ryan Paul McDonnell Patrick Michael McEntee Liam Daniel McGowan
Kyle Joseph McGranaghan John Robert McLane Andrew Lee McNabb Ryan Martin McTamney Michael Patrick Mehlmann John Francis Meko Joseph Salvatore Mele Michael Breckenridge Meyer , Jr Christopher James Mezzanotte David Charles Michie, Jr. Gordon Clement Michie Joseph Jason Miller Brock Michael Monahan Jamel Aaron Emanuel Moore Marvin Kenyatta Moore, Jr. Liam James Moran Owen Peter Moran James David Morrissey, IV Liam Michael Mullen Daniel Christopher Murray Russell Lincoln Newell Kevin James Noonan Joseph Daniel O’Brien Andrew James Olbrich James Thomas Olsen Dante Joseph Palantino Nicholas Joseph Panetta Nicholas Anthony Parkes Jimi Taro Patrick Adam Michael Pauciello Eric Michael Pauciello Justin Michael Pauciello Connor Robert Pauly John Gerard Pearce, Jr. Joseph Robert Peluso Connor Matthew Pensabene Nicholas James Petaccio Anthony Joseph Piscopo Nicholas Christian Piscopo Evan Reed Plummer Andrew Stephan Podraza Ryan Christopher Quigley Michael Francis Raczak Nathan Edward Radomski Patrick Vincent Rafferty Michael John Reed Ryan Vaughn Reeves Sean Michael Reilly Daniel Christopher Remolde William Thomas Rietzke Joseph Andrew Rilling Nicholas Anthony Rinella Daniel Eric Rivera Shawn Joseph Robinson Victor Rodriguez Thomas William Rogers
Kevin Michael Rossi John Angelo Rowe Shawn Robert Ryan Christopher Louis Sanders Marco Alessandro Santoro Matthew Ryan Savage Domenic Francis Scarpato Colin Brady Schleeper James Daniel Schrupp Ryan Francis Schutta Drew Joseph Senour Kohler James Setley Matthew Michael Shafer Matthew Vincent Shott Jeramy Michael Sica Nicholas Leo Silvestri Andrew Joel Singer Gursiman Singh Nicholas Michael Smalley John Jacob Smart Brenden Glen Sosnader Rahasaan Akwasi Sparrow Kyle Edward Spaulding, II Shane Kenneth Stark Rondell Anthony Stevenson, Jr. Liam David Suter John Henry Sykes Nicholas David Tentilucci John Michael Thompson John Patrick Tice-Carroll Patrick James Tolen Thomas Richard Tracey Nicholas Alexander Tripodi James Russell VanCamp Richard Stephen Vanni, III Eliezer Velez Joseph Peter Venneri, Jr. Thomas Evan Visconto Joseph Vincent Vizza Sean Michael Volz Ryan Michael Wade Jared Courtland Walls Thomas M. Walton, Jr. Matthew Joseph Weber Matthew Fredric Webster Joshua Daniel Jermaine Williams Kevin Lawrence Woehrle Eric John Wolstenholme Jacob Samuel Worth Alex John Wysoczanski Michael Paul Zajac Joseph Patrick Zarkoski Andrew Francis Zarrilli Chen Zejun Gabriel John Zurga Charles Guenst Zwicker, Jr.
Board Room B e n j a m i n J . V e n t r e sc a , Jr . ’ 7 0 C h a i r m a n o f t h e B o a rd o f Tr u s t e e s
Dear Parents and Guardians, The weather has clearly announced that spring is here and the rites of passage that characterize high schools in May and June are upon us. Although it has been sixteen years since our youngest son graduated from La Salle, I still remember the mix of emotions (pride, happiness, melancholy, and yes, even a bit of relief) and the bonds of love and friendship that emerge from four years of the La Salle experience.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to commend our entire La Salle family on another year of dedication, excellence, and achievement. From our freshmen to our seniors, we have been graced with a body of young men who have grown right before our eyes and who have challenged themselves to define their goals and achieve them. In academic, athletic, and artistic endeavors, they have distinguished themselves on national as well as state, regional and local stages, and in spiritual and social aspects they have truly taken on the mantel of our Lasallian heritage. I want to specifically commend and congratulate the men of the Class of 2012. Over their four years here, they have established their own legacy and will leave their impression on La Salle for years to come. They make us all proud to be part of the Lasallian family and confident of their future as leaders and well-rounded Christian men. Over this past year, our Administration and Faculty/Staff have earned recognition, both individually and collectively, from premier businesses and organizations as well as from their peers for innovation, commitment, and accomplishment. And of course, we wouldn’t be a family without the parents and guardians. While we are not the only secondary school that has an active parent/ guardian group, we are uniquely blessed by the manner in which, by your efforts, you are permanently woven into the fabric of La Salle. You are often asked, and frequently thanked, for your presence and support, but please know that your sacrifices and efforts are recognized and greatly appreciated, especially for the joyous way in which you make them.
While the abundant and diverse championships and accolades earned in La Salle’s name over the past year signify the level of excellence to which we aspire, they don’t adequately define us. From the generations of alumni to the young men who are finishing their freshman year, there is a continuum of accomplishment, composure, humility, and empathy that mark the bond that makes us whole. The impending end of the school year brings with it a litany of “thanks” to all the people and groups who make La Salle better by their love and commitment to our school and all that it stands for. Thanks to all for your work on the Mothers’ Club, Men of La Salle, and all the booster clubs and events that support our students’ endeavors. I especially want to thank Susan Mischler and Kevin Connor for their outstanding leadership and passion as presidents of the Mothers’ Club and Men of La Salle over the past year and for their special service during the Principal Search process. This year’s rites of passage are even more poignant because we bid farewell to Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 and Mr. Joseph Marchese. These two men embody every Lasallian trait in all they do, and under their leadership La Salle has risen to its greatest heights. We will be forever blessed by their ideas and efforts, and by the compassion and love they shared with the least of us. Please join me in wishing them well and keeping them in our prayers as they, like the Class of 2012, begin this new stage of their life journey. I wish you a re-energizing and memorable summer, and for those whose sons are graduating next month I wish you lasting memories. Sincerely yours,
Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ‘70 Chairman of the Board of Trustees
La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2012 3
Office of the Principal JO S E P H L . MA R C H E S E P R IN C I P A L
Dear Parents, Students, Colleagues, and Friends of La Salle,
When I first stepped onto the grounds of La Salle College High School in late February of 2005 to interview for the job of Principal, I remember how impressed I was with the campus and the people I met – particularly the students. Little did I know by just that first encounter how much I would grow to love La Salle. When Brother René Sterner, FSC notified me that I was the choice of the Search Committee, I remember thinking that taking the job at La Salle after twenty-eight years at McQuaid Jesuit in Rochester, NY, was quite providential. I had heard of the job only a few days before the application deadline and faxed over my completed application on the very last day applications were being accepted. In previous years, I had been offered other jobs in Washington, DC and in Cincinnati, OH but turned them down for various reasons. This time, it just felt right. I was drawn to La Salle College High School and, despite being a New Yorker (and even worse – a Yankee fan), I was embraced and welcomed by the La Salle community. The best thing is that, seven years later, I am more impressed with La Salle than ever. The past seven years have been a blessing and the highlight of my 30+ year administrative career. I came to learn what it means to be a “Lasallian” and I take great pride in wearing that label. I was surrounded by an administrative team, a faculty, and a support staff that is extraordinarily talented, committed to excellence and animated by the spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. And, then there are the young men of La Salle – who, day in and day out, never cease to amaze me! Their dominance in National Merit recognition, their State Championships, their “superior” ratings in music, the arts, and forensics, their savvy when it comes to technology, and their commitment to Christian service, have set the bar so high in the Delaware Valley that few schools can be mentioned in the same breath. But, best of all, they “get it” – when so many their age have no clue about what it takes to be successful.
It’s always dangerous to begin naming names for fear of leaving people out, but I feel that I must acknowledge some who were invaluable to me during my tenure at La Salle. First, I’d like to thank Brother Richard Kestler, FSC. I have never known any President in my administrative career with as much drive, dedication, and love for his school as Brother Richard. When we both started in 2005, I don’t think either of us knew how much we would grow to like and respect each other – nor how well we would work together. Sharing the leadership responsibilities of a school like La Salle is not easy – but Brother Richard was always respectful of the line separating the duties of principal and president. I am very grateful for that and for his friendship and guidance over the past seven years – and I wish him every success in his new ministry at West Catholic High School.
Office of the Principal ( C ONTINUE D )
I wish to thank my faculty – the most generous, talented, dedicated, and hard-working people I have ever been associated with. I especially want to acknowledge the many talents and the work ethic of my Administrative Team: Julie Maher, Tom Barna, Nick Coggins, Jim Fyke and Tom Turner. I could not have been surrounded by better people. Julie helped me to understand the “touching hearts” legacy of Saint La Salle; Tom helped me to understand the importance of rigor and standards; Nick helped me with his good counsel and his acute understanding of leadership; Jim helped me understand the importance of being firm but fair; and Tom helped me to appreciate the merit of humility. Each brought his/ her own special talents to the table and yet, together, we found that the whole can indeed exceed the sum of its parts. I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to thank my two extraordinary administrative assistants, Carol Haggerty and Rita Cooney. There is an old adage for principals that the first thing a newly-appointed principal should do is to befriend the janitors and the administrative assistants. Fortunately for me, I didn’t have to befriend either Carol or Rita because they embraced me from the very first time I met them. Both of these wonderful ladies are blessed with an abundance of talents and love for La Salle. They make the Main Office a place where students want to be – and, believe me, that is rare in my experience. Each of these two ladies was invaluable to me in the performance of my duties in her own special way. They truly made my job easier and their ever-present smiles always lifted my spirits when the weight of this job began to wear me down. I could never thank them enough!
I want to thank my wife Dorothy for her constant support and especially for taking this leap of faith with me seven years ago. Dorothy and I were born and bred in Rochester, NY – the only place either of us ever lived prior to moving to Philadelphia. It was not easy for her to leave her job, her family, and her friends in Rochester to indulge me this opportunity. I will be forever grateful – and I am so pleased that she has grown to love La Salle as much as I have. I want to say: “Thank you, thank you, thank you La Salle for the experience of a lifetime.” It is so hard to leave a place that is so special! I am comforted by the fact that, while I won’t be working at La Salle after this year, I have made countless friendships here that will last my lifetime – and for that I am most thankful! Saint John Baptist de La Salle… Pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts…Forever! Sincerely yours,
Joseph L. Marchese Principal
Office of Academic Affairs T H OMA S R . B A R NA A S S I S TANT P R IN C I P A L F O R A C A D EMI C A F F AI R S
2012-2013 Registration Update The course selection process unofficially came to a close on April 17, 2012. Most recently, each returning student submitted their “parent sign-off sheet” to their counselors. This form served as verification of their course requests. If there are questions about your son’s placements, particularly in math, science, or music, students and/or their parents must contact the appropriate department chairperson as soon as possible. Now that selections are complete, the scheduling process moves forward at warp speed. Resources are currently being secured based on our confirmation numbers. Building the master schedule and rostering students is an arduous process that will take months to complete. Your help in respecting La Salle’s course request deadlines and protocol is always greatly appreciated. Eventually each student will first receive his official schedule for the 2012-2013 academic year during early August. Final Exams Final exams will begin on Monday, May 21, 2012 and conclude on Friday, May 25, 2012. A detailed examination schedule will be posted during early May both in school and on La Salle’s website. Students are expected to be in attendance for their exams at the designated times. Please remember that a family vacation does not qualify as an excused absence. Unexcused absences during midterm or final examinations are strictly prohibited. Encourage your son to begin the process of preparation. Graduation La Salle College High School’s 149th Commencement Exercises will be held on Saturday, June 2, 2012 beginning at 10:00 am in the school gymnasium. The Baccalaureate Mass, to be held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in the Andorra section of Philadelphia, is scheduled for Thursday evening, May 31, 2012 at 7:00 pm. Practice for these ceremonies will be held for all members of the class of 2012 on Thursday, May 31, 2012 at 9:30 am. Final Report Cards Final report cards will be mailed home to freshmen, sophomore, and junior students on Wednesday, May 30, 2012. Seniors will receive their final grade reports in homeroom before graduation practice on Thursday, May 31, 2012. Final grades for all students will also be available for viewing on My BackPack early Thursday evening. The entire faculty will be available on Monday, June 4, 2012,
to take care of any issues concerning grades. If your son experiences a grading concern he should take care of it on or before June 4, 2012. You should also know that the faculty is scheduled to attend an end-of-year meeting between 8:30 and 10:30 am on Monday, June 4, 2012. If you request to meet with a teacher concerning a grade, please schedule it before or after this meeting time. Also, as indicated in the school calendar/ handbook, there will be no grade changes of any kind after Friday June 8, 2012. Please be aware that teachers and counselors are not required to be at La Salle after June 4, 2012, Underclass academic honors will be awarded during a special assembly scheduled in the fall. IT Program Leaders Invited to Attend Microsoft IT US Forum in Redmond, WA Mr. Peter R. Sigmund, MCSE, MCTS, Chief Information Officer, and Mr. Braden J. Bonner, MCP, MTA, Network and Website Administrator, have been selected to attend the Partners in Learning Global Forum at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, WA. During the Redmond event, winners will be chosen and invited to represent the U.S. at the Global Forum in Athens, Greece in November 2012. The Partners in Learning Global Forum is the signature program of Microsoft Partners in Learning to honor innovative teachers and schools, and to showcase how technology can further educational transformation by being appropriately incorporated into curricula, pedagogy, and classrooms. Partners in Learning is the 10-year, nearly $500 million commitment by Microsoft to help education systems around the world. Twenty Seniors from History of Vietnam Course Visit Washington, DC On Sunday, April 22, 2012, twenty La Salle College High School seniors from the Spring 2012 History of Vietnam Class traveled with Mr. Gerald Miller to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC. This trip marked the 60th time students from La Salle’s semester long course have visited “The Wall” and other sites in Washington, DC. The trip began at the Arlington National Cemetery visiting the grave of 1stLT Travis Manion, USMC ’99. Manion was killed by a sniper in Iraq on April 29, 2007. His best friend, LT Brendan Looney, USN, died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan on September 23, 2010 and is buried beside him. Manion was a lacrosse and wrestling standout at La Salle and visiting his grave was an emotional experience for the current La Salle students. La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2012 6
The students also visited the graves of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert Kennedy, and Senator Ted Kennedy and observed the changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown. At “The Wall”, students located names of local veterans they had researched after their visit to the Philadelphia Vietnam Memorial. Due to the rain, the students spent the afternoon at the Smithsonian Institute’s Museum of American History. The Vietnam Course has been offered at La Salle for the past 30 years but next year will be part of the new Social Studies elective “Modern American History: 1960 to the Present”. Though a rainy day, this final Vietnam Course Trip was a memorable one and had the same emotional effect as the previous trips. Archdiocesan Honors Convocation On May 22, 2012, the annual Archdiocesan Honors Convocation will be held at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul and will include seven our top seniors. The seven boys, who were identified by their cumulative GPA after seven semesters are: Anthony R. Buonomo, Patrick J. Eble, John J. Fillenwarth, Oscar J. Gryn, Emre T. Karatas, Matthew R. Volpe, and Francis W. Worthington. Band Competitions On Saturday April 14, 2012, the Lab Band participated in their division competition at Souderton High School and received an outstanding rating and won the Best SightReading Award. That same day, the Competition Band was at Unionville High School and received a rating of superior with distinction, Best Trumpet Section, Nick Owsik won the prestigious Rick Kerber Memorial Wward for Best Soloist, and the band also won the Best Sight-Reading Award for their division. It was a seasonal sweep for the Competition Band who won the Best Trumpet Section, had Nick Owsik awarded as Best Soloist, and achieved Superior Ratings in all their competitions. Congratulations to Mr. Vettori and Mr. Wasko and all the student musicians for a great competition season.
College Counseling Department MA R Y K AY MU L L EN D I R E C TO R O F C O L L E G E C OUN S E L IN G
SENIORS Seniors, you are reminded to accept one offer of admission and deposit at one college or university before May 1, 2012 to guarantee your place in their freshman class. Remember to promptly decline offers of admission from the colleges you do not plan to attend. Congratulations to the Senior Class for their many successes! Thanks to the many people who assisted them in their efforts including parents, teachers, mentors, coaches, and especially the teachers who wrote letters of recommendation on their behalf.
JUNIORS Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, Mr. Gerard Brett, and Brother William DiPasquale, FSC have been meeting with juniors once a cycle in the student advisory classes and personally about the college search process. Topics covered include: • Explanation of the college search and application process • The Common Application • Anatomy of an admission decision • Transcript of all grades • Information available at • Use of Naviance • Reflection on experience at La Salle • Self-survey for the college bound • Creating a personal profile • Activities resumes • Letters of recommendation • Writing an application essay • Defining their ideal college • Creating a college list • College compare and contrast • Learning from campus visits • Types of applications • College costs and financial aid • Application process at La Salle • Career information Currently students are creating biographical, academic, and activities profiles as well as writing on topics of essays commonly required for college applications. The thoughtful completion of these assignments will help the student be prepared for the college application process. In order to earn a passing grade in Group Advisory, all assignments must be completed and turned in by the final class. You can follow your son’s progress by reviewing his grades in My Backpack. Failure to complete assignments will result in summer remediation that includes a remediation fee.
The Senior Advisory Class will start in the fall and take the students, step-by-step, through the college application process in general and specifically how it works here at La Salle College High School. Any student who has not yet visited college campuses is encouraged to do so over the summer. Written information about colleges is important, but nothing takes the place of a visit. Check out Chapter 5 “Learning from Campus Visits” in College Match, the book required for advisory class. Increasing numbers of students are applying early in the fall and that has an impact on the timing of college visits and SAT examinations. These early deadlines can range from October 15, 2012 to November 15, 2012. Check and for testing dates. Also be aware of colleges’ requirements for SAT Subject Tests ( Please note that the earliest date that your son should apply to college is September 1, 2012. Thank you to the parents of juniors who took the time to complete the forms sent to you in January: Criteria for College Selection and Parent Perspective. If you have not yet returned the forms, please send them to the College Counseling Center. This information will help us counsel your sons by keeping your input in mind. Check out the College Counseling pages on our website: The site contains a wealth of information. One year from now your sons will have registered at a college or university. Their success depends on how well they have developed their talents during these past years and how much they invest themselves in the college search and application process. We encourage them to make good use of their time this summer and return in the fall prepared to make application to colleges on a timely basis. The College Counselors follow the faculty schedule and are not in the office during the summer. We encourage your sons to see their college counselor with any questions or concerns before the end of the school year. If there is an issue that needs immediate attention during the summer please call Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell, our Administrative Assistant, at extension 4849. Keep in mind that there will be times when Mrs. O’Connell will also be on vacation.
La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2012 7
Reasons To Re-Evaluate My Trust In Jesuits by Jo Ann Cohen, PhD
Since 1981, in Medjugorje, a tiny village in Bosnia-Hercegovina, the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing to six children. A few years ago, while I was on crutches, I traveled to that small community with a priest and a handful of parishioners. Each day, we would explore the tiny community and each evening we would talk about our discoveries. One evening, the group decided to walk to the mountain where the Blessed Mother first appeared. The priest looked directly at me, “You’re coming, aren’t you?” I gathered my crutches, “I don’t know, Father. Are you going to climb the hill?” He looked at me and shook his head, “not in the dark. We’ll just walk to the edge and come back.” So, reluctantly I agreed to walk to the edge of the hill which was over a mile away. When we got to the hillside, Father said, “Okay, let’s go.” He started up the hill. I looked at him with alarm, “Whata ya mean? You’re going to climb the hill?” He looked me straight in the eye, “Never,” he said with emphasis, “never trust a Jesuit.” So imagine my reaction when Joe Marchese was appointed principal of LSCHS, and everyone said, “Wasn’t he trained by … Jesuits???”
La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2012 8
Joe Marchese has a lot of talent for a Jesuit trained Italian. When he was in high school, he delivered wedding cakes for his family’s bakery. One day he had to single-handedly rebuild a wedding cake that collapsed when it arrived at the reception hall. His experience led him to develop his baking skills. One Christmas he baked the La Salle faculty and staff the most delicious batch of melt-in-your-mouth chocolate/chocolate chip cookies they ever had. In the seven years that have passed, Joe Marchese has left his mark on La Salle. Under his leadership, we have reached a pinnacle of success in several areas despite economic stress and a nationwide drop in the number of freshmen high school students. Today’s constituency of students includes an international community, adding multicultural diversity to the student body. Academically, La Salle has attracted a greater number of National Merit Semifinalists than in previous years. In 2009, La Salle was the only high school in Pennsylvania to receive the prestigious Siemen’s Award for Technology and Science Achievement. Last year, La Salle graduates were awarded over 25.5 million dollars
in scholarships and had 100% college enrollment in 84 colleges located in 20 states. The music and art programs which have always been outstanding have won numerous awards. Information Technology has grown and the managers and assistants are becoming Microsoft Certified, making them coveted candidates for employment opportunities. La Salle athletic teams captured 80 championships including ten state championships. As a service community, each year La Salle students and faculty donate a phenomenal 40,000 hours nationally and internationally and over $27,000 to various charities. The recent capital campaign, Fulfilling the Promise, raised over $25 million building Kestler Hall, renovating McLean Hall, and allowing for land acquisition and the creation of new athletic fields including Ward Field and the Brother Gratian of Jesus Environmental Center. This initiative was supported by 1,285 alumni, trustees, parents, grandparents, foundations, corporations, and friends.
Mr. Marchese did not do this alone. He did it by directing and guiding an eclectic, talented, dedicated faculty and staff. He did it with kindness and love and by paying attention to our successes. When the football team won the state championship in Hershey during a monstrous blizzard few could attend. Mr. Marchese brought the team in front of the student body to congratulate them. When two students got perfect scores on the PSAT’s (only four students in Pennsylvania achieved perfect scores that year), he praised them and 15 National Merit Finalists in front of the student body. As we move forward from where we are toward where we are going, we acknowledge the support and love that has been showered on us. Mr. Marchese, thank you for helping us enter to learn, and giving us the opportunity to serve. We appreciate your kindness and wish you the very best.
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Warren G. Bennis
La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2012 9
Mothers’ Club S UE MI S C H L E R P R E S I D ENT
Dear Mothers and Guardians,
Mother/Son Service Project
I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your dedication to, and support of, our Mothers’ Club events and activities this year. Your volunteer efforts and generous financial support have not only enriched the La Salle experience for our boys, but have also afforded us the opportunity to form lasting memories and life-long friendships. Our school community is a better one because of you!
Sandwiches for St. Francis Inn May 6, 2012 10:00 am Cafeteria
As our school year draws to a close, I encourage you to join current and alumni families on Sunday, May 20, 2012 for a Mass and Reception that will be held in honor of Brother Richard Kestler and Principal Marchese. Our time together has flown by, and this event will be an opportune time to personally thank them for the years of service they have devoted to our boys and to our school community. What a blessing they have been! I am very happy to announce the Mothers’ Club Executive Board for the 2012-2013 school year: Lisa Denton Jennifer Princivalle President Technical Communications Beth Napolitano Vice President
Barbara Ilsemann Corresponding Secretary
Cindi Kane Recording Secretary
Theresa Schmitz Treasurer
I am truly grateful and honored to have had the opportunity to meet and work with many of you. Many thanks to all for a fantastic and most memorable year! All the best,
The Mothers’ Club is partnering with Mr. Chuck Cirelli and Campus Ministry on a service project for mothers and their sons to make sandwiches for the homeless and poor served by Saint Francis Inn. Our last service day f the school year will be held on Sunday, May 6, 2012. If you and your son would like to participate in this project, please contact: Maureen Fillenwarth
New York City Trip “Sister Act” The 2012 New York Trip was a special day as over three hundred women (and a couple of men) traveled to the Big Apple on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 to see the fabulous Broadway production of “Sister Act.” Everyone enjoyed coffee and tea while boarding their buses for their journey to New York. On the way, our dedicated bus captains delighted their passengers with sweet treats, beverages, a delicious boxed lunch, and of course a chance to win our 50/50 raffle. Attendees enjoyed some time on their own exploring and shopping and then settled in for the 2:00 pm matinee – and what a performance it was! A real toe tapping, song and dance musical full of “heavenly” energy. A wide variety of restaurants were sampled for dinner before departing for home with more beverages and a bag of special treats. The trip would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment of our committee members and of course our marvelous bus captains. We thank them and all of the attendees. It was truly a wonderful day!
Sue Mischler President
Upcoming Calendar of Events May 2, 2012 Senior Mother/Son Liturgy Gym
7:00 pm
May 6, 2012 Mother/Son Service Project Cafeteria
10:00 am
May 20, 2012
Mass and Reception Honoring 10:00 am Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60 and Mr. Joseph Marchese Gym
La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2012 10
Mothers’ Club ( C ONTINUE D )
Memorial Enrichment Fund Mini-Grants The Memorial Enrichment Fund is pleased to report the following grants have been awarded this year: Character Does Matter Funding was provided for a presentation by the Travis Manion Foundation, entitled Character Does Matter, to our freshman students.Featuring Ryan Manion-Borek, this presentation highlighted examples of service, compassion, teamwork and leadership from the life of her brother, 1stLt. Travis Manion ’99, who was killed in 2007 by sniper fire in Iraq. Geometer Sketchpad The Memorial Enrichment Fund approved the purchase of fifty licenses for the computer program Geometer Sketchpad for the use by the math department and students. The School That Never Sleeps Funding was provided for the printing of a new incoming freshman book called The School that Never Sleeps. The book was distributed to all freshmen through Group Advisory Classes and was used by the School Counselors. The intention of the book is to help incoming freshman with the adjustment to high school. It gives them advice and suggestions from upper classmen who have already experienced and adjusted to “life” at La Salle. Enough books were printed so the book can also be used for the incoming freshman Class of 2016. Sophomore Class Speaker – Holocaust Presentation The Memorial Enrichment Fund sponsored Julie Meisel, a holocaust survivor, to speak to the sophomore class as well as a group of upper classmen. Her presentation was a very emotional and touching account of her experience as a holocaust victim and her survival. The presentation touched everyone who participated and will be something the boys will not forget. Field Day Funding provided for the annual fun day of athletic competition and camaraderie, refreshments and prizes in memory of beloved faculty members Fran Johnson and Mary Jo Smith Applications for Fran Johnson grants for the 2012/2013 school year are currently being accepted from faculty and staff by the Mothers’ Club. Recommendations for speakers for the Memorial Lecture Series are welcome as well and may be forwarded to the attention of the Mothers’ Club via the school office.
Save The Date! La Salle Auction Saturday, November 3, 2012 Please check future issues of The Belcroft for more information, or contact: Gina Giuliani (215) 233-9422
Alumnae Committee News All mothers of alumni receive a monthly e-newsletter, published by the Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee, which provides information about Mothers’ Club and Committee events and activities. Mothers of the Class of 2012 will begin to receive their newsletter in September. Please contact Kathy Caramenico at if you have not received the newsletter by September 7th.
Summer Pleasures At Shared Treasures Bedeck your deck and pump up the volume on your patio with whimsical decorative accessories available this month at Shared Treasures. We are open on Saturday, May 4, 2011 as well as Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm through May 23, 2012 when Shared Treasures will close for the summer. Please hold on to any items you might want to give to Shared Treasures until September as we cannot accept donations over the summer. For information, contact Barbara Houldin at (215) 9902843 or at Congratulations to the Mothers of the Class of 2012!
La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2012 11
The Alumni Association, Men of La Salle and Mothers’ Club cordially invite you to attend a
Celebration Mass in honor of the tenure and leadership of Mr. Joseph L. Marchese Principal
Brother Richard Kestler ’60, FSC President
Sunday, May 20, 2012 10:00 am La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania Light Reception immediately following As space is limited; the favor of your response is requested by Friday, May 11, 2012 In lieu of gifts, and in keeping with a cause close to Brother Richard and Joe, a donation to the LSCHS Scholarship Fund in their honor would be a welcome gift to mark the occasion.
La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2011 12
Men of La Salle K E V IN R . C ONNO R ’ 8 2 P R E S I D ENT
Dear La Salle Fathers and Families, As this is the last issue of The Belcroft for this academic year, I’d like to say “thank you” to everyone in the La Salle community for their overwhelming support. I am humbled by the amount of time that fathers, families, teachers, administrators, staff, students, alumni – in short, the entire La Salle community devote to the mission of the Men of La Salle. In my role as President, I stand on the shoulders of giants and am grateful for the support that received from all quarters of the La Salle community. Those immediately successful on my watch include my executive Board members form the 2011-12 year.They are Don Cericola, Mike Happ, Jeff King, Gerry Plourde, John Toner, John Weinrich and Brother James Reick, FSC. The extent to which these men supported me through every phase of my term as President and regularly volunteered their talent, time and treasury to the La Salle father/son experience is beyond words. I look forward to our group continuing this tradition in the coming years. To all our father with graduating sons, thanks for being a part of the Men of La Salle. My wish for you and your sons is to that the Men of La Salle activities offered a great foundation for you to continue remembering the good times you had and sharing time together for years to come. To the returning fathers, I look forward to seeing you around campus in the fall.
Vice-President of Father/Son Activities John Brady Vice-President for Fundraising and Auction Co-Chair Ray Delaney Treasurer Jeff King Secretary Chris Gay Moderator Brother James Rieck, FSC I would also like to thank all the fathers who expressed a desire to help with our organization. Your response to our call for volunteers was overwhelming. Please lend your support to the incoming Board.
Sophomore Branch-Out Day More than 100 fathers participated with their sophomore sons in Branch-Out Day. These volunteers, along with teachers and administrators fanned out across the Philadelphia area to perform a day of service. Hopefully, this event will reinforce the LaSallian value of community service within the students.
Father/Son Baseball Outing The annual trip to Baltimore on April 29, 2012 was a huge success. Approximately ninety La Salle family and friends made the trip to Camden Yards. After the game, the group toured Inner Harbor. Ask anyone who attended for details from the day. Everyone had a great time! Thank you to Dave Lagner, who, for the tenth year, handled every detail of the day.
Have a wonderful and safe summer. All the best,
Kevin Connor President
Saint Vincent’s Soup Kitchen
Upcoming Calendar of Events Thursday, May 3, 2011 6:30 pm Study Commons Monthly Meeting – Installation of New Officers All Fathers Welcome Thursday, May 17, 2011 6:30 pm The Pit Year-End BBQ All Fathers Welcome
Men of La Salle Executive Board 2011–2012 During the April monthly meeting, the following slate of fathers was approved to fill the Executive Board positions for the upcoming academic year. They will be officially installed during the May meeting.
Every weekend through the end of the school year, the Men of La Salle continue our service to those less fortunate in our community, by helping to prepare and serve meals at Saint Vincent’s.The Soup Kitchen is located at 109 East Price Street, in the Germantown section of Philadelphia.This is a great opportunity for fathers and sons to spend some time together in service to the needy in our community, and strengthen the bond of father and son at the same time. We need volunteers to prepare food every Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 to 11:30 am, and to serve food the last Sunday of each month between 12:30 and 2:30 pm. No experience is necessary – just a desire to spend some time together and help others. Please go online to the Men of La Salle page and sign-up and make a difference.
President Mike Happ Vice-President for Board Activities Eric Fox La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2011 13
Varsity Athletics TONY R E S C H AT H L ETI C D I R E C TO R
Joe Parisi Head Coach 1 Saint Joseph’s Prep 3 Saint Joseph’s Prep 7 Archbishop Ryan 9 Archbishop Ryan 15 Father Judge 17 Father Judge
Bill Leahy Head Coach 5 Conestoga 7 Archbishop Ryan 9 Archbishop Wood 15 Cardinal O’Hara
3:45 pm 3:45 pm 3:45 pm 3:45 pm 3:45 pm 3:45 pm
Home FDR Park Home Away Away Home
Crew Tom Madden ‘95 Head Coach 6 City Championships Schuylkill River 18-19 Stotesbury Cup Regatta Schuylkill River 25-26 Scholastic Rowing Championships Schuylkill River
2:00 pm 3:45 pm 3:45 pm 3:45 pm
Away Home Away Away
Track and Field Greg Bielecki ‘99 Head Coach 4 Puma/Henderson Invitational 4:00 pm West Chester 9 PCL Trials 3:45 pm Home 12 PCL Championships 10:00 am Upper Darby 16 District 12 Field Championships 3:00 pm Home 17 District 12 Running Championships 3:00 pm Northeast
La Salle College High School – The Belcroft May 2011 18
Leave To Serve
L a S a ll e C o ll e g e C o n gr at u l at e s t h e 2 4 6 M e m b e rs o f t h e C l a ss o f 2 0 1 2 Paul Joseph Acierno Stephen Vincent Anella Rafael Alvaro Arrebola-Tenacio Darnell Rashee Artis Corey Austin Baiada Matthew James Basara Christopher Appelt Bell Nicholas P. Benyovszky Ethan T. Bierowski Mark Nicholas Blanke Francis Xavier Blust Charles Joseph Bono Matthew Albert Brauckmann Max Ryan Breitmayer James Henry Breslin Michael Francis Brunner Christian Michael Bruno Colin Thomas Buckley Anthony Robert Buonomo Craig V. Burdulis, Jr. Sean Frederick Burke Nicholas S. Burt Ronald A. Carapellotti, Jr. Andrew Scott Carlin Timothy Charles Carr Joseph Vincent Cericola Chad Jason Chamberlain Alexander Stephen Chrostowski Christian Thomas Ciammetti Kevin Joseph Ciasullo Matthew Neail Cimato Brendan James Collins Steffon R. Collins-Bryant Brendan Charles Cottone Alexander Douglas Cranch Brett Philip Creter Alexander F. Cruz Christopher Andrew Curtis Thomas Edward D’Orazio Nicholas Schermerhorn Daly Michael Joseph DeCandido Timothy Shields Decker Alexander August DeNardo Jason David DeNofa, Jr. Jon Michael Derewicz Ricardo Alejandro Diaz Nicholas Drew DiGiacomo Chase J. Digney Daniel Ernest DiMascia Michael Patrick DiMezza
Colin Joseph Dingley Michael E. Donnelly Robert Morgan Dougherty Sean Michael Dougherty Luca Alphonse Dragani John Price Dwyer Patrick Easley Patrick Joseph Eble Casey Robert Eidenshink Samuel J. Farris Francis Xavier Ferguson Nicholas Richard Ferretti Timothy James Fickenscher John James Fillenwarth Daniel Patrick Finnegan Thomas James Finnegan Malcolm Ahern Flynn Patrick Peter Flynn Tyler Wade Focht Vincent Anthony Forti Eric Walter Fox Matthew Alan Franzen Nikolaus Benjamin Freedman Brendan D. Freyvogel, Jr. Gerard H. Gallagher, III Frederick Joseph Gerngross Stuart Matthew Gibson Andrew Thomas Glavin Joseph David Gorman Edson Gravil David James Greene James Alexander Gresko Emmett Karl Gross Oscar Jefferson Gryn Joseph Michael Guiliano Dylan Stone Haley Khristian D. Hall Aidan Thomas Hamilton Shareef B. Hampton Patrick Lawrence Hanrahan Ryan Clark Healy Andrew Philip Helbling Christopher Evan Heleniak Ryan Patrick Herbert James William Hill Cormac Joseph Hoffman Conor Joseph Janda Scott Joseph Jenkins Robert Warren Johnson William Joseph Joyce
Ryan Christopher Kalkbrenner Emre Thomas Karatas Matthew Edward Keller Colin Clark Kelley John Paul Kelley George Thomas Kenney, III Shane Michael Kensil Casey Steven Kent Tyler Wade Kern Connor Joseph Kerrigan Craig Austin Kikendall Andrew Michael King Christopher Simon Knight Alexander David Kochanasz Michael D. Koerner Andrew James Kowalski Tyler Joseph Kozeniewski Christopher John Kramer Anthony Francis LaCorte, IV Patrick Joseph Lawn, Jr. Alexander Joseph Lintner Zachary James Lintner Jason M. Lombardi Kevin Timothy Long John J. Luskin, Jr. Brendan Sean Lynch Daniel James Lynch Christopher James Madison, Jr. Darius A. Madison Matthew Joseph Magarity Kevin Brady Maginnis Paul Matthew Maginnis Luke Kozicki Maguire James Patrick Mahoney John Patrick Maloney Kevin Granger Marble Clifford Michael Mars Kyle Alexander Martin David James Martosella, Jr. Shashidharreddy Masireddy Nicholas Christian Mather Thomas Anthony Mazza, II Kevin Daniel McBride Jonathan David McCarry Alexander Philip McCarthy Alec William McConnell Matthew James McCrudden Fiachra Patrick McDermott Justin William McKenney Nicholas William McShane
Michael Patrick Meehan, Jr. Kevin Michael Menkhaus Daniel Louis Mercader Devin Lamar Merritt Daniel P. Meyer John Albert Mills Kegan Nathaniel Moesta Michael W. Muehlberger Thomas James Mullin, Jr. Matthew Robert Murphy Ryan Timothy Murtha Donald Lewis Naseef John William Newell Michael Patrick Nitowski Christopher Joseph O’Brien Daniel Joseph O’Brien Colin Kenney O’Hara Ryan Masi Otis Michael Edward Owsiany Nicholas Victor Owsik Dylan Thomas Ozuna Giovanni Joseph Palermo Francis Thomas Pantano Keonwoo Park Robert Gregory Pascal Christopher Michael Pawlowski Naasir Rashid Perry Bryan D. Pflanz, Jr. Dillon Charles Pierce Michael Anthony Piscopo Michael Joseph Pizzo, Jr. Jeremy James Plamondon Nicholas Stanley Pleskunas James William Pollino, III Nicholas E. Popoff Ryan Luke Pospisil Stephen Paul Price Colin Michael Pyne Kevin Joseph Quinn Philip Francis Radomski, Jr. Alec William Reimel William Edward Risko Jonathan Davis Roberts Michael T. Rock Charlie Jose Rodriguez Leonardo Romero Stephen Gregory Rose William Joseph Rose Henry Joseph Ryan, Jr. Christopher W. Ryder
Andrew George Saba Vincent Michael Sacco Jordan Thomas Santora Jeffery Allen Schiele James Daniel Schlupp James Charles Schuck Eric William Schultz Jake A. Sciolla Nicholas Mark Seigel Corey Bolger Shaffer Peter Vincent Shields Brian Joseph Shott Brandon Antonio Sinnott Marcus Howard Sistrun Brian Matthew Smart Dillon Joseph Smith Ryan Austin Sosnader Adam Richard Stefanowicz, III Robert Brian Stefanowicz, Jr. Scott Christopher Stone Richard Carlos Storck Dillon Paul Sullivan Robert Edmond Summerhays Connell James Sykes Christopher Laszlo Szekely Alexander Gabor Szokolyai Patrick James Taormina Gerard Edward Thiers Michael Montgomery Thomas William Flaherty Toner Alasdair P. Travers Joseph Lindh Vasoli Charles James Viola Matthew Robert Volpe Christopher Mark Voyk, Jr. Timothy Patrick Wade, Jr. Matthew Edward Wallo Ryan William Ward Daniel Brendan Wasylenko Alexander Nicholas Weber Alexander Edwin Weinrich Nicholas Todd Welch Austin Allen Wilker Matthew Joseph Williams Francis W. Worthington Gregory Thomas Zegalia
8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038
First Class Mail
May 2012
Volume Twenty-One Number 9
The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.
The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Principal Joseph L. Marchese Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax
The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through May.
Calendar of Events – May 2012
First Class Mail The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue. The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.
May 7, 2012 Band Spring Concert
May 14, 2012 Art Exhibit
7:15 PM
6:15 pm
2 3 5 6 7-14 7-18 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 18 21-25 28 29-30 29 31
Chorus Spring Concert 7:15 pm
Early Dismissal Senior Mother/Son Liturgy Men of La Salle Meeting SAT I and II Junior Prom Mother/Son Service Project Arts Festival AP Exams Sprint Band Concert Alumni Board Meeting Board of Trustees Meeting Founder’s Day School Prayer Service Holiday Senior Prom Mother’s Day Art Exhibition Choral Concert Feast of the Ascension School Liturgy Men of La Salle BBQ End of the 4th Marking Period Second Semester Exams Memorial Day Faculty In-Service Day Alumni Golf Outing Graduation Practice Baccalaureate Mass Final Report Cards Mailed
1:35 pm 7:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 am
7:15 pm 7:30 pm 2:30 pm 9:40 am No Classes 7:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm 9:30 am 6:30 pm
No Classes No Classes 9:30 am 7:00 pm
Cover Art By: Chris Ciammetti ’12, Nick Daly ’12, Brendan D. Freyvogel ’12, Kevin McBride ’12, Robert Summerhays ’12 Cover Design By: Robert Summerhays’12, Jimmy Princivale’13