Belcroft Newsletter - November 2010 Edition

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November 2010 Volume Twenty Number 3

Dear Parents and Guardians, This month ushers in the beginning of our holiday season. We celebrate the bringing in st of the harvest of our labors and the bounty of the earth. On November 1 the Church nd celebrates the feast of All Saint and on November 2 , the Feast of the Holy Souls. This year, the La Salle community will remember Greg Bono, Michael Scott and Mary Jo Smith, and pray for their families. May we all remember our family members, friends, and acquaintances who have gone before us. On Saturday, November 6, 2010, La Salle will present “An Evening In Tuscany”, our annual auction. Much of the work and planning for this occasion is now complete. La Salle owes much to the leadership of Donna Bennett, who was assisted by Susan Bilotta and Co-Chairs Mr. Steve Duzinski and Mrs. Chris Giaimo, as well as to the hundreds of volunteers involved. You can support these efforts by your attendance that evening or through the purchase of a raffle ticket. The school’s annual Open House will be held on Sunday, November 14th, 2010, from th th th 12:00 to 3:00 pm. Your extending a personal invitation to any 6 , 7 , or 8 graders will help insure the success of this very important day. Many young men who will eventually decide to come to La Salle do so based upon their very positive experience at Open House. An invitation from you can be particularly helpful to public school students who might not be aware of Open House. Frequently they are unfamiliar with the various processes that Catholic school students are informed about through their grades schools. The month of November is filled with many events not the least of which is the distribution of first quarter academic results. This is a true mark of how things are going and hopefully will be the occasion of celebration for both student and parents. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on November 17, 2010 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. This is an opportunity to meet with teachers and discuss any concerns you may have regarding your sons academics. The Men of La Salle will host their annual Father/Son Banquet on Thursday, November 18, 2010, which is always a great evening for both our fathers and sons to enjoy one another’s company and meet the fathers of their son’s classmates. I recall my first banquet with my father in 1956 and will treasure that memory forever. If you know of a student who does not have a father to accompany him, please let me know. La Salle continues a great tradition that ensures that every student who wishes may come to the event with a male staff member or another father. We will welcome the grandparents of our freshmen students on November 24, 2010. This event has proven to be most successful in the past and is an opportunity for our students to show off their school to their grandparent(s). Invitations have been mailed to the grandparents of all freshmen. In order to accommodate everyone in the gymnasium, please encourage them to RSVP no later than November 17, 2010. As November draws to a close we slow down to celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday that is unique to the United States. From turkey to pumpkin pie, our homes will be filled with wonderful aromas. May you and your loved ones enjoy all the blessings of this season and the company of family and friends gathered around your table. Happy Thanksgiving to all La Salle families and friends! Sincerely yours,

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60 President

Open House Sunday, November 14, 2010 12:00 – 3:00 pm

Scholarship/ Entrance Exam Saturday, December 4, 2010 8:30 am

Seventh Grade Practice Test Saturday, March 5, 2011 8:30 am

Admissions Deadlines Friday, December 3, 2010 (for all applications) Tuesday, November 30, 2010 (for filing for Financial Aid) Friday, December 3, 2010 (for submission of academic records and teacher recommendations)

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 0284 fax

3 The Belcroft November 2010

Office of Student Affairs Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

Student Council Elections for the Class of 2014 The Class of 2014 elected officers and senators to the Student Council in the middle of October. The newly elected freshmen are:

A second drawing from the names of all students who sold their quota of five subscriptions gave Malcolm Flynn ‘12 the same trip.

President Vice President

Jack Farris Andrew Groppo

Homeroom Senators Brendan Bilotta Raekwon Caswell Eddie DeAngelis Jack Gregor Patrick Hasson Alex Marzullo

Tom McClain Brennan O’Donnell James Palmer Liam Reeves Reid Worster

Thank you all of the teachers who encouraged the students to participate and to all those who assisted the Student Affairs Office during the drive, especially Mr. Tom Turner who always get the students “pumped” for the drive.

Class Moderator

Mr. Terrence Gillespie

A special thank you to the members of the Mothers’ Club who volunteered their time to count the returns each day, to give coupons, and to get the order and the cash to match up. We could never do the drive without your help. Thank you to all of the parents and friends of La sale College High School who supported this annual drive.

Magazine Drive Results Once again thanks to all of the La Salle Community for selling or purchasing magazines during the annual drive. As of October 11, 2010, the total returns were $95270. The profits from the drive are to fulfill the student pledge to the capital campaign. The following students sold fifteen or more subscriptions and were eligible for the drawing to win an all expense paid trip to Disney World in April: Seniors Ryan Belcher Mike Casciano Chris Dearolf Matt Donnelly Tyler Dunphy Fred Mischler Chris Nunnari Sean Toner

Juniors Andrew Carlin Dan DiMascia Ryan Herbert Andrew Kowalski Bill Toner

Campus Store Presently we are fully stocked with a variety of items and sizes. There is something for everyone of all ages, even the difficult to shop for individuals on your gift list. Come check us out, we have a variety of new merchandise, custom Belts made to order to your Son’s activity and more. Don’t wait until the last minute to do your Christmas shopping, our stock becomes limited. For your shopping convenience the store in now open Monday and Wednesday from 7:45am to 1:45 pm and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7:45 pm to 5:00 pm. If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call us during normal business hours,

Freshmen Keith Lee

Sophomores Julian Baseman Russell Bleiler Matt Daly Chris Markmann Pat May Kyle Stofka The winner from the drawing was Ryan Belcher ’11. Each of the students had an opportunity to “catch $$” in our Money Machine.

Financial Aid Financial Aid (Christian Brothers Grant Program) Families of students presently attending La Salle College High School classes of ’12-’13-‘14 are reminded that they must reapply each year for a continuation of financial aid. The deadline for filing with the School and Student Service Program and copies of your 2009 Tax return is December 30, 2010. January 15, 2010 is the deadline for copies of your final pay stubs for 2010 to be received by SSS. Contact Mr. David Diehl or Mrs. Ann Ford at 215-2332911 for further information.

4 The Belcroft November 2010

Office of Academic Affairs Thomas R. Barna Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs

Awards Assembly

Information to Consider

La Salle recently celebrated student achievement during a school-wide Awards Assembly held on September 24, 2010. It was during this gathering that students from various areas of the academic and extracurricular programs were recognized for their outstanding performance from the 2009-10 school year. Academically, acknowledgments were given to students earning outstanding cumulative GPA’s and high recognition through the National Merit Scholarship Program. Extracurricular areas honored included service, fine arts, and athletics. Additional recognition was given to specific extracurricular areas related to academics. This included highlighting the contributions in our winning Forensics, Academic Decathlon, and Mathlete teams. Students who earned various levels of Microsoft Certifications were also recognized. Mr. Marchese offered introductory remarks while Brother Richard concluded with words of congratulations and gratitude.

With the first marking period ending, it is an opportune time to remind your son(s) that not handing in the required work and missing deadlines is unacceptable. A La Salle student is expected to do all assignments, both written and unwritten, and seek help from his teacher when he encounters difficulty. Preparation for class is viewed as important as class itself. Remember, having the proper attitude and behavior toward academics makes an enormous difference. The ideal is that as a student progresses through high school, he begins to take more ownership of his education and learn to better deal with problems he may encounter. Generally speaking, students who attend to these issues do well in their studies and enjoy school. With so much of the focus on grades at this time of year, it is important to explain a few policies and review some academically related items.

Progress Reports Academic Announcements The first marking period ends on Thursday, October 4, 2010. Teachers will be reporting grades on Tuesday, November 9, 2010, the first day of the second marking period. Report cards will be issued in homeroom on Friday, November 12, 2010. Please Note: La Salle does not require the students to return a signed report card. It is the responsibility of each student to see that the report card goes home. If you have not seen your son’s report card by Monday, November 15, 2010, you should be suspicious. Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for early evening on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. If you would like to meet with your son’s teacher(s), please send word to the instructor through your son or contact him or her for an appointment. The teacher will assign you to an appointment time. Conferences are by appointment so that waiting is minimized. Individual conferences are planned to last ten minutes. This sign-up protocol has been explained to your son and includes the expectation of his direct involvement. Conference nights are primarily for students with D’s and F’s, but anyone may make an appointment or have a conference with a teacher via telephone which may prove to be more convenient. Parent conferences can be most helpful in dealing with any academic difficulties your son(s) may be experiencing. Bringing your son to the conference is a great idea.

As a result of using online grade reporting through MyBackPack, written progress reports are no longer needed and consequently will not be mailed home. Students and parents are now able to review current grading information on their convenience at any time. Please consider monitoring your son’s progress on a regular basis. It should be noted that occasionally a student who is doing adequate work will fail to turn in a major assignment or report near the end of the quarter assuming they cannot fail. This is not the case. Remember, parents always have the option of contacting the teacher to see how their son is doing (report on progress) no matter how their student is doing. Certainly the best form of a progress report is to engage your son on a regular basis by asking probing questions about the learning taking place.

Contacting Teachers Our faculty members know they are responsible for returning phone calls and e-mails; preferably within 48 hours of receiving them. La Salle provides each teacher with a voice mailbox and an e-mail address for getting messages. If your son is experiencing a problem, your first call should always be to the teacher. If it is a serious concern, consider contacting his grade-level guidance counselor as well. Additional subject area advice or middle level concerns can be adequately handled by the department chairperson in each curricular area.

5 The Belcroft November 2010

Office of Academic Affairs (Continued) Thomas R. Barna Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs

Dos and Don’ts of Contacting a Teacher and Interpreting Grades When you contact a teacher, please keep the following points in mind: a) Don’t assume that everything your adolescent son tells you is objectively accurate. They have a tendency, as we all do, to leave out details that do not support their argument or to exaggerate those that do. When a student does not do well, in most cases the problem is usually either his level of effort (performance) or his level of ability (aptitude). b) Don’t call the department chair or administration until after you have spoken with the teacher and/or counselor. c) Do remember that teaching and learning involve an exchange. For learning to take place, both the teacher and the student have to actively engage in the process. Successful students are generous, open, and trusting to working with all types of teachers in all types of subject areas. Successful students nurture academic relationships with their peers and teachers. Furthermore, successful students recognize that attendance and participation is compulsory. d) Don’t expect high grades for average effort. Do not expect average grades for poor effort. Students who do all their work in a timely manner and who seek help when it is needed and offered will generally achieve at the highest level to which they are capable. e) Don’t make comments like “I expect A’s” or “I expect B’s.” Your expectations along with the expectations of the teacher have to be matched by the efforts AND talents of the student. What you and the teacher have a right to demand and expect is your son’s best EFFORT. f) Don’t be too quick to assume that a course is too difficult for your son. Students get frustrated easily because they are young and inexperienced. An avoidance response is often initiated for any uncomfortable situation. Discuss the matter with the teacher and together you can usually make a better decision as to how the student can handle the class and subject. These instances often provide a young man with an opportunity to grow and develop especially in a nurturing environment like ours.

g) Do encourage your son to advocate on his own behalf. This is part of the maturation process your son must undergo, and we want to assist you in teaching him how to handle that growth process. Sadly, there is a trend in American schools for parents to overadvocate for their children. It is not appropriate for parents to intervene for the student except as a last resort. It is never appropriate for a student or his parents to badger a teacher for grades. The student must learn to be his own best advocate in school and in life. h) Do remember that the ONLY GRADE THAT GOES ON THE PERMANENT RECORD/TRANSCRIPT IS THE FINAL GRADE. Every other grade you see on a grade report is a report on the student’s progress so far. In essence, quarterly grade reports are nothing more than formalized progress reports. The final grade of a course is the one that counts when contributing to a student’s official transcript.

Final Grades in One Semester Courses As we approach the Christmas holidays and the end of the first semester please keep in mind that some courses on your son’s roster may be one-semester, halfcredit electives that end at the mid-year. For example, a freshman may be finishing Computer Applications or Health in semester one; thus, the final grade for these courses is the semester grade and that grade goes on his final transcript. Seniors typically have several onesemester courses on their rosters such as Vietnam or Creative Writing. Seniors who fail a semester course have to make it up during the second semester in order to receive their diplomas in May. Seniors with two final full-credit failing credits may not receive a La Salle diploma. Underclassmen with two final full-credit failures may not return to La Salle. This has been and continues to be our academic policy to which there are NO EXCEPTIONS.

Grade Changes Unfortunately, we occasionally experience the need to change a grade because our teachers are now reporting grades electronically. Alas, technology always comes with quirks. When a teacher changes a grade on a report card, he or she must also submit a written ‘change of grade’ form to the office of Academic Affairs. It is only then that it is changed in the administrative system. Grade changes are especially important at the end of the year. All grades become final by Friday, June 10, 2011.

6 The Belcroft November 2010

Lasallian Service Corps Lew Clark and Thomas Devlin ‘00 LSC Coordinators

Sunday St. Francis Inn Sunday Before the First Monday of the Month 10:00 am Prepare sandwiches to be delivered to a soup kitchen in inner city Philadelphia. Contact: Mr. Chuck Cirelli Monday Elder Share 2:45 to 5:00 pm Provide companionship to residents of a local nursing home. Contact: Mr. Mike Ponisciak, Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak, and Mr. Joe Radvansky Tuesday La Salle Academy Tutoring 3:00 to 6:00 pm Tutor inner city children at La Salle Academy, the original site of La Salle College High School. Contact: Mr. Dan Cipolla, Ms. Pam DeRose, Dr. Rosina Ryan, or Mr. Dan Williams Human Rights Forum 2:30 pm Meet and discuss justice issues, the release of political prisoners, and reconciliation among people. Contact: Mrs. Betty Field Triest House 4:30 to 5:30 pm Assist mentally-challenged adults with physical therapy. Contact: Mr. Al Puntel Wednesday Providence Center 3:00 to 6:00 pm Tutor children in a center in Kensington run by the Sisters of the Holy Child. Contact: Mr. Tom Barna or Mrs. Cathy Winning Thursday Homeless Outreach Serve a meal and provide friendship to the poor in Philadelphia. 5:00 to 9:00 pm Contact: Mr. Joe Parisi and Mrs. Carol Haggerty

Saturday and Sunday Saint Vincent’s Soup Kitchen Saturday and Sunday Morning 9:00 to 11:30 am Last Sunday of the Month 12:30 to 2:30 pm Prepare and serve meals to the poor of Germantown. Contact: Men of La Salle --- visit Summer Immersion Opportunities Project Appalachia (Kentucky) Contact Mr. Tom Devlin Building Bridges of Solidarity International Service in Bolivia Contact: Senora Lastenia Breen Navajo American Experience (Arizona) Contact: Mr. Micky Dominick Lasallian Youth Assembly Contact: Mr. Lew Clarke or Mr. Tom Devlin De La Salle Blackfeet (Montana) Contact: Mr. Tom Devlin Philadelphia Urban Immersion Contact: Mr. Lew Clark Seasonal Opportunities Magazine Drive Thanksgiving Food Drive for St. Vincent’s Parish Mission Drive Secret Santa Operation Santa Claus Respect Life Events Grade Level Opportunities Freshman and Sophomore Branch-Out Days Junior Urban Challenge

7 The Belcroft November 2010

Men of Service Freshmen Branch-Out Day October 19, 2010 On Tuesday, October 19, 2010, the freshman class participated in Freshmen Branch-Out Day. The students, along with 120 fathers and a number of teachers, performed a day of service at fifteen different sites in the Philadelphia Area. The day marked the ninth consecutive year that the freshman class at La Salle College High School has “branched out” in service to the community. The sites included: Artman Home St. Mary’s Villa for Children St. Charles Senior Center Our Mother of Sorrows School St. Ignatius School St. Vincent’s Parish (Face To Face) De Paul USA Siloam

Ambler, PA Ambler, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA

Lutheran Settlement Home Visitation School SHARE St. Ignatius Nursing Home St. Cyprian School Philadabundance Holy Innocents School

Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA

All participants assembled in the auditorium at La Salle College High School prior to departure for the sites. The service included painting, light constriction, cleaning, and various other duties. Each group spent approximately four hours at each site (9:30 am to 1:30 pm) and returned to La Salle to participate in group discussions about the day as well the integral role that community service has within the Lasallian mission.

8 The Belcroft November 2010

College Counseling Center Mary Kay Mullen Director of College Counseling

Financial Aid


A Financial Aid Information Night for parents of La Salle’s juniors and seniors will be held on November 17, 2010 at 7:15 pm at Mount Saint Joseph Academy. Bonnie Lee Behm, Director of Financial Assistance at Villanova University, will present. This evening is filled with important information regarding the current financial aid situation.

Any senior who is considering playing Division I or Division II intercollegiate sports must make application for eligibility clearance through the NCAA Clearinghouse at Read the directions carefully and inform Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell in the College Counseling Center so transcripts can be sent to the Clearinghouse. NCAA information is explained on the last page of our school calendar and is on our webpage, Coaches and counselors are available to answer any questions.

A number of sites dealing with financial aid are listed on our webpage. Go to “Links and Resources” on and look for the section on” paying for college”. Also check out the latest newspaper articles regarding the current state of financial aid posted on our webpage. Understanding financial aid, especially current changes by lenders, is an important part of the college application process. In order to qualify for Federal or State funds, parents and students need to complete the FAFSA. Go to for information and the form. An online application is preferred. The form may be filed beginning January 1, 2011. In order to have an early estimate of eligibility for federal student aid, check out and In addition to the FAFSA, some colleges require their own financial aid form or the CSS Profile. Information and Profile forms are available at or the CSS Profile link on our website under “Paying for College”. Forms may be filed now. Additional websites are listed at our site. A few particularly helpful ones are and for an excellent overview and specific information, and for scholarships. The link to scholarship information sent to our office is “La Salle College Counseling Center Scholarship List”. Last year’s senior class earned 25.6 million dollars in documented scholarship aid. Don’t miss out! Encourage your sons to take advantage of the opportunities available on our webpage. Meeting requirements and deadlines for financial aid is crucial and is the family’s responsibility.

Seniors Please note that it is your responsibility to forward from College Board any October, November, December SAT or ACT scores to the colleges to which you are applying. Also be sure to fill out the standardized test section of the college application where it asks for any tests you have taken or plan to take in the future.

Additions To Lists Of Colleges Seniors are reminded to inform the College Counseling Center by Wednesday, December 1, 2010, about any colleges they are adding to their original list. The counselors need time for processing these requests before the Christmas holidays. Copies of letters of acceptance or scholarship awards also need to be brought to the College Counseling Center.

Juniors Juniors should make plans to take standardized tests in the second semester. The Junior Grade Level Counselors have introduced the juniors in Advisory Class to the SAT/ACT preparation module on Naviance. This is available at “About College” and “Test Preparation” on the Naviance site or directly through the Parent Portal. On this site students have the ability to practice taking both the SAT and ACT and determine areas of strength and weakness. Parents of juniors are invited to the Financial Aid Information Night mentioned above. Also, College Open Houses, Fairs, and Information Nights are listed on our webpage. These are an excellent introduction to the college search process. Juniors are also invited to meet with college admission representatives who visit the College Counseling Center during the year if they have a free period or the permission of their teacher. The sign-up book is in the College Counseling Center.

Important Reminder To Juniors And Seniors As the second quarter begins, keep in mind that the GPA in college preparatory courses is the most important criteria in the college admission process.

9 The Belcroft November 2010

Men of Intellect College Interview Day October 5, 2010

On Tuesday, October 5, 2011, the Class of 2011 at La Salle College High School's participated in the College Interview Day. Held in the gymnasium, 73 admissions representatives from 59 colleges and universities attended the event. Seniors were scheduled for over 1,050 individual appointments with the colleges of their choice. In the exchange, seniors presented their transcripts, had the opportunity to provide additional personal information, and asked questions about the colleges and universities. The admission representatives benefitted from getting to know the applicants and La Salle College High School beyond the applications, transcripts, and high school profile. “College Interview Day went extremely well for me. It was a great experience to be able to interview with schools where I am applying. I got learn more about the schools as well as my chances for admission. The coolest thing of all about my day was conducting my interview with the admissions counselor for Seton Hall, completely in French. It was awesome." Tyler Dunphy ’11 “College Interview Day was beneficial to me because it gave me an opportunity to meet face-to-face with the admissions representatives. I was able to let my personality come across, present my credentials, and show that I could be an asset to their college or university." Christopher Alexander ’11 To view additional reactions from College Interview Day in a video produced by Mike Sanders ’11, please visit the following link to the Media Gallery:

10 The Belcroft November 2010

Practical ideas for parents to help their children. Research highlights five key tasks of parenting teenagers. There's no question – being the parent of a teenage boy can be hard work, but according to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, there are five key tasks for parents: 1.





Love and connect. Teens feel like everything in their world is changing, from their bodies to their friends to their school. Your love and support should provide your teen with a firm foundation. Monitor and observe. Stay tuned in to what your son is doing, and with whom. Just as important, be sure he knows you're tuned in! Guide and limit. If there is a single message for parents, it might be this: Loosen up, but don't let go. Teens still need limits, and you're the one to provide them. Model and consult. Your example is even more important now. Show your son what a loving parent, a responsible citizen, or a good neighbor do. And answer his questions in ways that are truthful, but still recognize his level of maturity. Provide and advocate. Teens need a network of supporting adults. So work with other parents to provide the opportunities teens need to thrive. If your son needs preventive care or treatment – for medical or mental health issues – be a strong advocate.

Reprinted with permission from the November issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2010 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Encourage creativity to boost learning. Most little kids love learning. High school students, however, can find learning dull. Part of this disconnect might have to do with the kinds of work that are expected of students. Elementary-aged children are asked to complete projects that allow them to be creative and take intellectual risks. It's more difficult to find ways to creatively write a 10page paper on the Louisiana Purchase or innovatively solve a chemistry equation. There is often only one correct answer for high school students to find. So remind your son of his younger self's love of learning by asking him to help you solve problems around your home. There is no pressure of being incorrect, and your son will be using creativity and reinforcing important real-life science and math skills. Reprinted with permission from the November issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2010 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Research shows it's important for teens to get enough sleep. Sleepy students have trouble learning, are less likely to join sports teams and are more likely to feel depressed. Research shows it's just as important to get a good night's rest after a day of learning as it is the night before a test – learning earning continues to take place while you sleep! But the sleepiest students – teens – have trouble getting enough sleep. Their natural rhythm is to sleep late and stay up later – the exact opposite of the typical school day.

11 The Belcroft November 2010

That doesn't mean your tired son is doomed to yawning until he's thirty. Here's what you can do to re-set that clock and help your teen wake up ready to learn:

Encourage your son to stick to a bedtime routine. Experts say dimming the lights at night and avoiding computers right before bed can make it easier to fall asleep. Don't let your son sleep all weekend. Your son shouldn't sleep more than two hours past his normal wake-up time. His body will be too confused when he has to wake up early again on Monday – and that'll kick off another weary week. Suggest exercise. Sports, running and other activities – at least a few hours before bedtime – will help your teen sleep soundly.

Reprinted with permission from the November issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2010 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Are you staying connected with your teenager? Staying connected with your son is important during the high school years. Are you doing all you can to keep your connection strong? Answer yes or no to the questions below to find out:

R-E-S-P-E-C-T shows your teen how to behave respectfully. Remember the famous Aretha Franklin song? It tells teens all they need to know about the things they can do to demonstrate respect for themselves and others. R Reach out to others. Learn about their thoughts and beliefs. It is harder to disrespect someone once you understand what he believes. E Enjoy differences among people. They make life interesting. S Show respect for rules and laws by following them. P Put on your best manners. One of the easiest ways to show respect for other people is by treating them with courtesy. E Eat right, get plenty of sleep and exercise. All of these are ways to show respect for yourself. C Care for animals, plants and the environment. Respecting and protecting the environment is a responsibility we all share. T Treat property that does not belong to you the same way you would treat anything you own. Reprinted with permission from the November issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2010 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

___1. Do you spend one-on-one time with your son on a weekly basis? ___2. Do you plan to eat together as a family as often as you can? ___3. Do you have televisions in common areas instead of bedrooms? Take sets out of bedrooms and put them in places where people watch together. ___4. Do you ask your son to give you help when you need it, especially when it's something he's good at? Working side by side is a great way to stay close. ___5. Do you attend school events even when your son says it isn't important if you come? How well are you doing? Each yes means you are keeping the connection between you and your son strong. For no answers, try those ideas. Reprinted with permission from the November issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2010 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

12 The Belcroft November 2010

Mothers’ Club Susan T. Gillespie President

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Christmas Shopping Spectacular

October 31, 2010

Sunday December 5, 2010 12:00 to 4:00 pm Auditorium Preceded by an Advent Liturgy at 11:00 am organized by the Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee

November 6, 2010 November 11, 2010 December 1, 2010 December 2, 2010 December 5, 2010 December 5, 2010 December 5, 2010

Mother/Son Service Project 10:00 am La Salle Auction 6:00 pm Mothers’ Club Meeting 9:15 am Senior Mothers’ Tree Trimming Event 7:00 pm Mothers’ Club Meeting 9:15 am Mother/Son Service Project 10:00 am Alumnae Committee 11:00 am Christmas Shopping Spectacular 12:00 pm

Look for your invitation in the mail to this fabulous one stop Christmas shopping bazaar! Over forty vendors will be at La Salle to sell their unique merchandise. So grab your mother, your daughter, your sister, or your friends and come “shop till you drop.” A limited number of vendor spaces are still available. For table reservations, contact: Dana Worthington (215) 542-2139

Volunteer Opportunities The Mothers’ Club is in need of volunteers throughout the year to help before, during, and after our events. Please check The Belcroft and the website each month to see where help is needed and e-mail Mary Frances Kelly, our volunteer coordinator, or one of the committee chairs listed to let her know your availability. If the activity fits into your schedule, please join us as volunteering is a great way to get to know La Salle moms in a casual and fun environment. If you able to assist, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator: Mary Frances Kelly

Mother/Son Service Project December 5, 2010 10:00 am Cafeteria The Mothers’ Club is partnering with Mr. Chuck Cirelli on a service project for mothers and their sons to make sandwiches for the homeless and poor served by Saint Francis Inn. We meet on Sundays before the first Monday of the month to prepare the bagged meals. If you and your son would like to participate in this project, please contact: Therese Rose (215) 654-8989

For tickets, contact: Joanne Quinn (215) 793-9934

Attention All Senior Mothers! Senior Mother Tree Trimming Wednesday, December 1, 2010 7:00 pm Auditorium Spend the evening with your fellow Mothers of the Class of 2011, trimming the tree with your son's personalized ornament and enjoying light refreshments, while Christmas music fills the air. Invitations to this special event are on their way. Please respond to: Cindi Kane

SAVE THE DATE! Fashion Show Thursday, March 31, 2011 (Please note change of date from school calendar) Spring Mill Country Club Ivyland, PA

13 The Belcroft November 2010

Mothers’ Club (Continued)

Sally Foster Gift and Gift Wrap Sale

Mothers' Club New York Trip

Thank you to everyone who supported the Gift Wrap sale in September. Do you still need some gift wrap or gifts for the holidays? Please order online by December 1, 2010 for standard delivery before Christmas. La Salle earns 40% of all proceeds while you enjoy great products. La Salle will continue to receive full credit for all orders placed online until June 30, 2011. Think of Sally Foster for graduation gifts.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:00 am to 11:00 pm

Go to, click on support a fundraiser, reference our school's Account No. 67725, and begin shopping. Your order will be shipped promptly to your home address. If your order is more than $50.00, shipping is free. Please invite family and friends to join in this great fundraiser. For more information contact: Eileen Smith

eScrip Help La Salle earn thousands of dollars. It’s Easy! It’s Free! It’s Powerful! Please log onto and register to do your on-line shopping with hundreds of merchants at the new “Online Mall”. The La Salle code is 6525176. In addition to regular shopping, you can even make purchases for travel, airlines and online services. There is no need to leave a credit/debit card number with eScrip. In the event that you are already supporting another institution with eScrip, your contributions can be split. Local eScrip merchants will contribute up to 8% of the purchases you make to La Salle College High School. 1. 2. 3.

Go to Click on “Sign-Up” Follow the instructions

Register for Genuardi’s Cash Back Program with your Genuardi’s shopping card number. When you shop at any Genuardi’s store, a percentage of your bill will automatically be credited to La Salle. Please register soon, so La Salle can be a winner all year long. For more information, please contact: Jeanette Baldini

The 2011 New York Trip will be taking us to see the fabulous Broadway production of "Memphis". You will need to arrive at the Montgomery Mall on April 13, 2011 by 8:15 am to enjoy coffee, tea and sweet treats before boarding the buses. Departure for New York will be promptly at 8:30 am. As you travel to the "Big Apple", beverages and a delicious boxed lunch will be served for your enjoyment. Show time is 2:00 pm. If you are interested in making dinner reservations for your group traveling to New York, we suggest you make them early. For your convenience, suggestions for dining, shopping, and sightseeing will be posted on the Mothers' Club website sometime before the trip. Buses will depart New York at a time to be determined with an expected arrival at Montgomery Mall between 10:30 and 11:00 pm. Snacks and drinks will be provided for the ride home. The website incorrectly noted the show was sold out, but tickets are still available. Although online registration is no longer available, tickets can still be purchased by printing and mailing the form on the website. Tickets are $175.00 per person, but quantities are limited and going fast! For information and reservations, contact: Celeste LePrevost 29 East Benezet Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 248-1153

Musical Keyboards Needed The Mothers' Club will be collecting new or gently used musical keyboards for La Salle Academy, a school dedicated to educating children in grades three through eight, whose potential is limited by social, academic, or financial challenges, and whose parents desire, but can not afford, a Catholic education. Last year this collection was very successful and LSA was deeply grateful to our school community. Only a few more keyboards are needed to provide each student with individual instruction. If you have a musical keyboard to donate, please contact: JeriBeth Subers (215) 641-0522.

14 The Belcroft November 2010

Mothers’ Club (Continued)

Alumnae Mothers’ Committee News We welcome all mothers of alumni to join us as we work together in support of the Mothers’ Club and of La Salle. Our events are a great way of staying in touch with all of the friends you have made during your son’(s’) years at La Salle. Someone asked recently, “I have a son who has graduated, but have another one still at La Salle. Am I part of the Mothers’ Club alumnae? The answer is a resounding “yes.” All mothers of alumni should be receiving our monthly newsletter. If you are not seeing it in your inbox, please e-mail: Kathy Caramenico

Shared Treasures “Shared Treasures,” your source for fabulous finds and fantastic values is open each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Dunleavy Center, as well as the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Merchandise changes weekly, so be sure to stop by often and shop from a terrific selection of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and accessories, home décor, books, small pieces of furniture, and more! Tax-deductible items of gently used items are also gratefully accepted and can be left on the covered porch on the side of Dunleavy Center. Please consider helping out in the shop, too, if you have a couple of free hours during the month. For information, call: Barbara Houldin (215) 990-2843

Advent Liturgy We hope to see a big turnout of mothers of alumni for the Mothers’ Club Christmas Shopping Spectacular on December 5, 2010. The Alumnae Committee will once again host an Advent Liturgy, offered by Father Anthony Janton in the Marian Chapel at 11:00 am. Light refreshments will be served immediately following Mass. All friends of La Salle are most welcome to join us in worship. Please help us determine the amount of food needed by e-mailing Terry Millet at no later than December 1, 2010 if you will be able to attend the Liturgy. Donations For Saint John’s Hospice The Alumnae Committee will be accepting donations of toiletries and socks for the clients of Saint John’s Hospice in Philadelphia. Please bring any donations to Dunleavy Center whenever Shared Treasures is open.

The Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee Kathy Caramenico, Donnamaria Dolan, Lynn Gates, Pam Grady, Karen Guerra, Barbara Houldin, Janet McBride and Terry Millet

Reminder to Parents of Freshmen Freshmen Grandparents’ Day November 24, 2010 This year’s Freshman Grandparents’ Day Prayer Service is scheduled for Wednesday, November 24, 2010. This will be a full day of school and students should come prepared with assignments and/or for any scheduled Immediately following the 10:00 am prayer service, test. the freshmen will be joining their grandparents or special guests for light refreshments. All freshmen are required to return to classes beginning at 12:00 pm. No early dismissals will be permitted. Thank you for your cooperation.

15 The Belcroft November 2010

Men of La Salle John P. Toner ’82 President

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Freshman Branch-Out Day

November 4, 2010

As an example of the Lasallian philosophy, “Leave to Serve”, the freshman class participated in their first Branch Out Day on October 19, 2010. Along with the students, over 120 fathers participated in Branch-Out Day activities. They spent a day of service throughout the Philadelphia Area. Our La Salle family, including the freshman class, their fathers, and the teachers and administrators, donated over 1,000 hours of service during this event. We would like to thank all the people who gave their time and talents. A special thanks to Lew Clark and Tom Devlin for all of their efforts to organize the day’s activities.

November 6, 2010 November 18, 2010 December 9. 2010

Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Open to All Fathers Auction Set-Up and Brief Meeting La Salle Auction 6:00 pm Father/Son Banquet 5:45 pm Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm

We urge you to get involved and participate in as many events as possible as they are what make our family at La Salle so very special.


61 Annual Father/Son Banquet November 18, 2010 Williamson’s Restaurant Horsham, PA 5:45 pm Check-In and Reception 6:30 pm Dinner Each year, the Men of La Salle sponsors a dinner that has become a long standing tradition at La Salle. Plans are being made to ensure that this is a fine evening for you and your son(s). The banquet will include an excellent dinner, door prizes for your sons, 50/50 raffle, and music by our exceptional Jazz Band. The event has always been a quick sell out, so please don’t hesitate in making your reservations. We will be limited to six hundred seats in the main room, with an adjacent room for overflow. Seating will be in order of registrations received. Table reservations are also available. Our guest speaker this year will be Randy Logan, Dean of Students at Saint Gabriel’s Hall and former All-Pro Strong Safety for the Philadelphia Eagles. Please see the registration form below or the link on the school website to register for the banquet. The web address is If you have any questions, please contact the Event Chairman: Porter Bush

Men of La Salle Golf Outing Just hours prior to tee time on Tuesday, October 12, 2010, the weather was quite threatening; however, the rain, thunder, and lightening all cleared in time for the 18th Annual Golf Outing. This year, more than fifty golfers spent the afternoon at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. All of the golfers enjoyed the opportunity to play a round of golf at one of the area’s most historic and beautiful courses.

Saint Vincent’s Roman Catholic Church Volunteer Opportunity From now until the end of the school year on all Saturday and Sundays, the Men of La Salle will be providing services to Saint Vincent’s Dining Room, the soup kitchen on 109 East Price Street in Philadelphia. Each weekend between 9:30 and 11:30 am, fathers and sons are asked to volunteer for food preparation in the kitchen, preparing meals for over two hundred men and women who are served lunch. We also need volunteers to serve lunch from 12:30 to 2:30 pm the last Sunday of each month. The Men of La Salle have a long history of serving the less fortunate at Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. It is a great experience for you to share with your son and it does not require a significant time commitment. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the web at, then select Saint Vincent’s Volunteers or contact: Joe Banecker (610) 828-0344

61 Annual Father/Son Banquet st

Plans are being made to ensure that this is a fine evening for you and your son(s), a time to share and grow together. The banquet will include an excellent dinner, door prizes for your sons, 50-50 raffles, and music by the Jazz Band. The event has always been a quick sell-out, so please don’t hesitate. Seating is limited to approximately 600 in the main dining room, with the overflow in an adjacent room. Complete the reservation form and return it with your payment in the enclosed envelope by than November 13, 2010.

If you wish to be seated with a specific group, full payment for your entire group and all names must be included on one reservation form. Every attempt will be made to honor all requested seating arrangements on a first-come basis.

Thursday, November 18, 2010 Williamson Restaurant Easton Road (Rt. 611) and Blair Mill Road Horsham, PA 19044

Payment must be made prior to the event. Please mail your check and form or register online via a secure server at In you have any questions, please contact the Event Chairman: Porter Bush

5:45 pm – Check-In and Reception 6:30 pm – Dinner $35.00 for Fathers $30.00 for Sons

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

Guest Speaker Randy Logan

215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Saint Gabriel’s Hall Former All-Pro Safety, Philadelphia Eagles

Please list the names of all parties attending and the graduation year of the son(s) attending. All names must be listed on a single reservation form and payment for all persons must accompany the reservation if you want to sit together. Reservation forms received in whole or part without payment will not be accepted.



x $35.00


x $30.00 $

Total Enclosed


Please return with your check made payable to “Men of La Salle” no later than November 13, 2010.



Circle One Father / Son


Men of La Salle – Father/Son Banquet



Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son


Mr. Porter Bush 7826 Spring Avenue Elkins Park, PA 19027



Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son


Reservation Contact

Phone Number


Payment must be made prior to the event. Please mail your check and form or register online via a secure server at For Internal Use Reservation Number Table Number

Keynote Speaker Randy Logan

Assistant Dean of Students, Saint Gabriel’s Hall Former All-Pro Safety, Philadelphia Eagles Randy Logan is a native of Detroit, MI and attended Detroit Northern High School. His high school career includes All-City Honors in 1967 and 1968 and All-State Honors in 1968. He earned a scholarship to the University of Michigan, where his honors included USO Representative serving the Armed Forces in Korea (1971), Consensus All-American (1972), Kodak All-American (1972), University of Michigan Most Valuable Player (1972), and participation in the Rose Bowl, East West Shrine Game, and the Hula Bowl. During an eleven year career as a strong safety for the Philadelphia Eagles, he was selected to the Pro Bowl in 1979 and 1980 and served as the United Way Television Spokesperson in 1980. His 1978 team finished with a 9-7 record and earned a playoff berth for the first time in years. In 1980, he played on the Eagle’s team that lost in the Super Bowl to the Oakland Raiders. He retired following the 1983 season having never missed a single game in his 11-year career. His 159 consecutive games played is second all-time in Eagles history. Randy continues to demonstrate the same work ethic he employed during his playing career as the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at Saint Gabriel’s Hall, a reform school for 12 to 18-year old boys in Audubon, PA, which is run by the Christian Brothers. He interacts with the 200-210 boys and encourages them to do positive things and make it in society. Randy and his wife, Janice, make their home in Norristown and have three sons: Jonathan, Jordan, and Wesley.

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

18 The Belcroft November 2010

Appreciation Can Transform Us Into Vessels of Love by Jo Ann Cohen, PhD

As a psychologist, I have appointments evenings and Saturdays. A few years ago, I was caught in a snow storm while leaving my Havertown office. The snow had fallen rather quickly that evening, reaching over a foot. My car was parked in the back of the office, and the thought of driving home was disconcerting. It had grown cold in the few hours the snow accumulated, and I shivered as made my way down the snow covered walkway. Amazingly, turning my car around and heading toward the street was easy. I stopped at the end of the driveway just as a snow plow cleared the main road… and left a pile of snow in front of me higher than my front bumper. I backed up and tried to ram my car through the packed ice and snow but got stuck midway through. The icy mixture made the car door difficult to open. I shook my head as I surveyed the situation. Not good. I opened the trunk, grabbed a shovel, and started to dig my way out. I was wearing sneakers and a light jacket. Worse, I had hurt my hip when I was young, and shoveling was painful. This was going to be quite an adventure. I had hardly dented the massive pile of snow when a blue VW pulled up. A young man walked up to me, “Give me the shovel. I can do this.” Within ten minutes, he had removed the snow from in front of my vehicle. I hardly had time to scramble across the snow bank, crawl inside my car, find my purse, and grab some money. “Thank you!” I said holding out my hand. “I can’t take that”, he said handing me the shovel. My eyes grew large with surprise. “Please!” I couldn’t believe he was refusing money. “No, I saw your ‘disabled person’ decal, and I realized you needed help. My mom is disabled. I would like to think someone would stop and help her if she needed it.” I looked him in the eye. “You need to take this,” I said. “It is only a small part of the appreciation I feel for what you did. I would still be here an hour from now in freezing wet sneakers shaking from the cold.” The appreciation I felt for that young man was, and still is, immeasurable. Appreciation is an incredible feeling. It brings with it a sense of relief and is the foundation of the newest mode of treatment in clinical psychology. Positive Psychology is the work of Martin Seligman, a well-respected researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. Positive Psychology focuses on positive emotions and the development of a strength-based character. Seligman’s work demonstrates that it is possible to be happier – to feel more satisfied, be more engaged with life, have higher hopes, and laugh and smile more, regardless of one’s circumstances. He believes we should appreciate everything. When something feels negative, we should be thankful that it inspires us to move toward what we want. When something feels positive, appreciation is easy. I can’t help but think that the first settlers must have felt an overwhelming sense of appreciation for the help they received while trying to survive in an unfamiliar wilderness. Appreciation is the basis of our Thanksgiving Holiday. The first celebration of Thanksgiving took place in the autumn of 1621 in Plymouth Colony. Fifty Pilgrims along with ninety Wampanoag tribesmen held a three day celebration that included singing and games. The Pilgrims wanted to thank the Indians for their assistance. We have kept the tradition of Thanksgiving alive through the centuries. It is one of the few holidays to transcend religious affiliation. Appreciation bypasses opinion and judgment. It encourages us to overlook small frustrations. There is no better time to experience the feeling of appreciation than when we focus on love… love of family, friends, life, and love of God. Feeling appreciation aligns us with who we have become. Thanksgiving is a holiday that can transform us into vessels of appreciation and love.

20 The Belcroft October

L I G H T S La Salle Intervention: Giving Help To Students

The LIGHTS Team The Student Assistance Program of La Salle College High School Ms. Tina Shustack Program Coordinator Mathematics Department Mr. Greg Bielecki Social Studies Department Mr. Lew Clark Campus Ministry Mr. Doug Demeter Religion Department Mr. Matt Derrick English Department Mr. Mike Dolan Guidance Department Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik World Languages Department Mrs. Jeanne Holt-Brabson Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Mr. Tony Resch Athletic Director

The LIGHTS Team The LIGHTS Team, a Student Assistance Program (SAP), assists La Salle students as well as the families of those students, who face behavioral and/or academic difficulties. The team is comprised of specially-trained school faculty and staff, who meet weekly to discuss the needs of referred students. The LIGHTS Team works to identify problems and seek out solutions. The LIGHTS Team does not diagnose or treat students. The LIGHTS team seeks out and collates information about referred students from a variety of sources, including parents, teachers, coaches, and the school nurse, and uses the information to determine suitable strategies for helping the students.

Families and LIGHTS: Partnership in Assistance The LIGHTS Team works together with the parents of academically or behaviorally troubled students. To that end, the LIGHTS Team contacts parents of referred students early in the process. In some cases, a student will require assistance which La Salle cannot provide. In these cases, the LIGHTS Team will work with parents to facilitate the process of accessing resources in the community.

Help Us Help Your Son The goal of LIGHTS is to help referred students overcome their academic and behavioral difficulties. Ideally, parents and LIGHTS work together toward this goal by offering mutual respect and support, open channels of communication, awareness of the student’s strengths, and shared responsibility.

Student Referrals A student may be referred to the LIGHTS Team in a number of ways. A faculty or staff member may express his or her concerns regarding a student’s academic performance or behavior to a member of the LIGHTS Team. A parent with similar concerns may refer his or her son to the LIGHTS Team. A friend or classmate who is worried about a certain student may refer him to the LIGHTS Team for assistance. A student may refer himself to the LIGHTS Team for assistance. All information about referred students is kept strictly confidential.

November 2010 Volume Twenty Number 3

Calendar of Events November 2010 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 9-12 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 23 24 25 26

Feast of All Saints Early Dismissal End of First Marking Period Men of La Salle Meeting School Holiday SAT I and II La Salle Auction Faculty In-Service Day Second Marking Period Begins Alumni Board Meeting Kairos 37-76 Mothers’ Club Meeting College Financial Night Report Cards Issued Open House Second Semester Tuition Due Reconciliation Services Parent/Teacher Conferences Father/Son Banquet Thanksgiving Prayer Service Freshmen Grandparents’ Day Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Holiday

1:35 pm 6:30 pm No Classes 6:00 pm No Classes 7:30 pm 9:15 am 7:15 pm 12:00 pm

5:30 pm 6:00 pm 10:00 am No Classes No Classes

Varsity Sports Teams The regular season has concluded for all of our fall sports teams, so Varsity Sports Schedules will resume in the December issue of The Belcroft for our winter sports teams. The Golf Team concluded their season by winning the District XII (City) Championship. The Cross Country Team has qualified for and will compete in the PIAA State Championship Meet on Saturday, November 6, 2010 in Hershey, PA. The Water Polo Team has advanced for a second consecutive year to the PIAA State Championship Tournament. The top-ranked Football and Soccer Teams are in the Philadelphia Catholic League Playoffs. A final summary of our successful falls sports season will likewise appear in the December issue of The Belcroft.

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