Belcroft Newsletter - November 2011

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November 2011 Volume Twenty-One Number 3

Dear Parents and Guardians, Ready or not, the holidays are coming. This month is a time to celebrate the harvest and family life. Thanksgiving is a special season that draws us close to one another and invites our expressions of thankfulness. La Salle is mindful of the generous support of its alums and parents who sacrifice to provide a Lasallian education for their sons. We particularly remember our deceased alums and those they leave behind.

neighbors and friends of younger students who might have some interest in the La Salle community. Know that they are welcome to stop by that afternoon. Parent/Teacher Meetings will be held on November 16, 2011. A careful review of your son’s progress will help you decide if your attendance is necessary. For students suffering from adjustment issues, this is the perfect time to meet his teachers and seek their help in directing his energies.

November brings an end to the fall sports season and ushers in our indoor sports. Once again, our extracurriculars proved to be extraordinary as our fall teams are to be congratulated for their achievements and for once again representing La Salle so well. November brings an end to the fall sports season and ushers in our indoor sports. Once again, our extracurriculars proved to be extraordinary as our fall teams are to be congratulated for their achievements and for once again representing La Salle so well. The mantle is about to be passed to our indoor coaches and players. Join me in wishing our players and coaches another great season and one filled with good results. November 5, 2011 is a big evening here on campus as we celebrate our annual Auction – A Renaissance Faire. All proceeds from this event are shared jointly by the Mothers’ Club and Men of La Salle, which allows them to carry on their mission for our boys. Your generous support makes all of this possible. Special recognition goes to our Auction Co-Chairs, Mrs. Susan Dearolf and Mr. Gerard Plourde ’71, and to all of the auction committee members who have been working tirelessly since the spring to make this evening a success. I look forward to seeing many of you there. November 13, 2011 is equally important as we welcome prospective students and their families to our campus for our Open House. Many of our students will be present to represent their school and its many aspects. Likewise, many parents will be present to share the La Salle story and its unique charism with perspective families. I invite you to share this message with

The 62nd Annual Father/ Son Banquet this year will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2011. Chris Matthews’ 63 will be our guest speaker. Chris is a distinguished grad and the host of the nationally syndicated show – Hardball. I wish to thank the Men of La Salle for carrying forth this event. As a young student, I recall attending this evening with my father and I am certain that today’s fathers and sons will long remember the evening. The end of the month will see Santa’s elves begin the process of transforming our campus to welcome the Savior of the world. May we remember to teach our students to be ever thankful for blessings counted and uncounted and, most especially, for the people who enrich our lives. Happy Thanksgiving!

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 President

Enter to Learn

Dates to Remember

Admissions Deadlines

Spend A Day At La Salle Starting September 19, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011* (for all applications)

Open House Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 (for filing for Financial Aid)

Eighth Grade Scholarship and Entrance Exam Saturday, December 3, 2011

* Applications will be accepted up until and including the day of the Scholarship /Entrance Exam.

Seventh Grade Practice Test Saturday, March 3, 2012

Leave to Serve

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 402 4800 phone 215 233 0284 fax

Board Room B e n j a m i n J . V e n t r e sc a , Jr . ’ 7 0 C h a i r m a n o f t h e B o a rd o f Tr u s t e e s

Dear Parents and Guardians,

be individually presented to you, and other stakeholders, for questions and comments before one or more of them are recommended to Brother Richard for his consideration. We are following a process that has been fine-tuned by Trinity and that process is scheduled to span fourteen to sixteen weeks. Given this, we would hope to be wrapping this project up by mid-January.

In early October, the Principal Search Committee met to formally launch the search process for the next Principal of La Salle College High School. All members of the Committee were in attendance and we were joined by Mr. Richard Sbarbaro, who is one of the partners in Trinity Executive Partnership. Trinity is the search firm that La Salle has engaged to lead us through this process and to do the “heavy lifting” that will be needed to come to a successful conclusion. The members of the Committee (and the group they represent) are: Ronald Bean ’86 (Alumni Association), Brother James Butler, FSC (Board of Trustees), Kevin Connor ‘82 (Men of La Salle), Kathleen Curley (Staff), Stephan Duncheskie ’94 (Faculty), Sue Mischler (Mothers’ Club), and Bob Moran ’69 (Board of Trustees). I have been asked to serve as Committee Chair and have asked Kathleen Smith to serve as the Committee Secretary. This search is building on the commendable work done by the Search Committee that worked last spring to identify a good candidate for Brother Richard’s consideration. While the end result was not successful, the work products generated (Positioning Statement, Candidate Qualifications and Expectations, and the Criteria for Principal) were excellent and now form the foundation for this search. Those elements began with their corresponding documents from the principal search that was done in 2005 as part of the search that successfully brought Joe Marchese to La Salle. During the spring search, these were reviewed and redefined through a highly collaborative effort involving all stakeholders, especially the administrative team, the faculty, and the staff. We are using them without modification for this search.

Given the importance of hiring the best candidate by next January, and taking into account what we learned through the spring search, and after consultation with our counterparts across the USA/Toronto Region, Brother Richard decided (and I fully support) that bringing in outside expertise is the most prudent approach. After additional investigation and vetting, we agreed that Trinity Executive Partnership was the best choice for this support. Trinity has extensive experience in executive recruiting for Catholic institutions, and has specific experience and strong references within the Christian Brothers network. Most significantly, they are highly esteemed by Brother Mike McGinniss, FSC ’65, President of La Salle University, and continue to support La Salle University in these endeavors. As with the last effort, the Search Committee is charged with the responsibility of evaluating the best candidates and with recommending one, or more, finalists to Brother Richard Kestler for his consideration. Trinity will be responsible for the search for, and initial screening of, candidates as well as for all investigation of credentials, suitability, and veracity. It is our expectation that after reviewing those candidates that pass their screening the Committee will identify a number of individuals for in-depth interviews leading to second interviews with two to four finalists. These will

As part of the process we, the Committee members, have signed non-disclosure agreements. This is to protect the process and to safeguard the identity of candidates. However, we have agreed that I will keep you posted on the process on a periodic basis. Given the nature of the search process and the constraints of the agreement, there might be stretches of time (the next six weeks are a good example) in which there won’t be much to report. However, at those times I will happily send you a brief email to that effect. Thanks to the vision and commitment of the Christian Brothers and to the outstanding work and commitment that you give to La Salle each day, we are in a tremendous place and our future is stronger than ever. Like his predecessors, Joe Marchese has set an incredibly high standard as Principal, and all of our stakeholders deserve nothing less than the best available person to fill that position. On behalf of the Committee I can assure you that the importance of getting this right is foremost in our minds and our responsibility to you and to the future of La Salle will guide us. Thanks for your interest and support. Sincerely yours,

Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Chairman of the Board of Trustees

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Office of Student Affairs JU L IA K . MAHE R A S S I S TANT P R IN C I P A L F O R S TU D ENT A F F AI R S

Student Council Elections for Class of 2015 The Class of 2015 elected officers and senators to the Student Council in October. The newly elected members from the freshmen class are: President Dan Martino

Vice President Andrew Perong

Homeroom Senators Joseph Caponi Dan Corr Ted Decker Matt Desner Sean Felix

Nick Pedano Sean Princivalle Ryan Sax Mike Sparks

Class Moderator Mr. Terrence Gillespie

Magazine Drive Results Once again, thanks to all of the La Salle Community for selling or purchasing magazines during the annual drive. As of October 15, 2011, the total returns were $94,608. Profits will help to fulfill the student pledge to the capital campaign. The following students sold fifteen or more subscriptions and were eligible for the drawing to win an all expense paid trip to Disney World in April: Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen Chris Curtis Matt Daly Connor Higgins Colin Belcher Dan DiMascia Nick Higgins Pat Corcoran Kevin Crozier Ryan Herbert Anthony Moffa Chris Knight Kyle Stofka Andrew Kowalski Bill Toner Greg Zegalia The winner from the drawing is Kevin Crozier ’15. A second drawing from the names of all students who sold their quota of five subscriptions gave another student the same trip. The winner is Anthony Moffa ‘13. A special thank you to all of the teachers who encouraged the students to participate and to all those who assisted the Student Affairs Office during the drive, especially Mr. Tom Turner who always get the students “pumped” for the drive. Thank you to the members of the Mothers’ Club who volunteered their time to count the returns each day, to give coupons, and to get the order and the cash to match up. We could never have the drive without your help.

La Salle Responds The first “paid” dress down for the school year was held on Friday, October 28, 2011. For those of you new to La Salle, we sponsor six of these days each year with the money collected being donated to charities. Any student or faculty member may submit applications to benefit a charity that they are connected with. Last year, we raised over $27,000 which was donated to thirty different organizations. Please encourage yours sons to participate since they get to dress down and can help make a difference in someone else’s life. When students donate $5 they are normally given a paper wrist band. In October, they were given a more permanent one – a rubber band which reads “Live Jesus In Our Hearts – Forever”. Extra bands may be purchased in the campus store for $1. All profits from this sale will go to La Salle Responds.

Columbus Day Parade A number of La Salle students used their day off on Monday, October, 11, 2011 to participate in the Columbus Day Parade. The boys marched for the Order of the Sons of Italy (Valley Forge Lodge No. 1776), which chartered in 1971 and is the largest lodge at the parade each year and one of the largest in the State of Pennsylvania. The boys were given the honor of carrying the regional flags of Italy down the parade route which stretched down Broad Street to Marconi Plaza just past Oregon Avenue. It was a true celebration of Italian Heritage.

Campus Store The holidays are rapidly approaching, and we are fully stocked with a variety of new items. We have something for everybody and now carry Under Amour, Nike, Champion, and more. Don’t wait until the last minute to do you Christmas shopping as our stock is limited. For your shopping convenience, the store is open on Monday and Wednesday from 7:45 am to 2:45 pm and Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:45 am to 5:00 pm. We will be to open on November 13, 2011 for Open House, in the morning on December 3, 2011 for the Entrance Exam, and on December 4, 2011 for the Mothers’ Club Shopping Spectacular. If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call us during business hours.

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The Way Ever since I was a young boy running around in diapers, my parents have strongly emphasized my Armenian heritage. For generations and generations, the Armenian bond between all families Armenian is something that cannot be broken. To this day, my father reminisces about his vast memories with his Armenian friends, who he now refers to as brothers. In fact, as a symbolism of brotherhood, a tradition was started generations ago between a number of large Armenian families where males are expected to receive a small tattoo of an Armenian cross on their wrist. As tradition, this legacy continues today as my father and brother are marked with the cross. When I turn eighteen, I too, will be expected to receive the sign of brotherhood. The night in itself is special because whatever day I choose to get my cross, my Armenian “brothers” and cousins will accompany me to the tattoo parlor, a nice dinner, and an exciting night out.


y simply stating the tattoo legacy, it is apparent how close we are as Armenians; however, that is nothing compared to the annual events that are planned by the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) or the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America (ACYOA). Both of these

organizations help to organize massive events where Armenians from all over America can come and spend a weekend together. For example, during the fall and spring, one weekend is designated to be known as “Sports Weekend.” In the past couple of years, this event has been held in Boston, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. Wherever sports weekend is held, the competitors are housed by other Armenian families in that area, so they can actually experience an Armenian environment. During this weekend, a combined 300 Armenians from Boston, New York, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Detroit, and Chicago compete in various sports tournaments ranging from volleyball to basketball to even dodgeball. Although there is a competitive edge to this weekend, nothing beats the strong Armenian heritage behind the entire event. As an entire group, 300 Armenians attend Church Sunday morning to show their appreciation for their background In addition to this weekend, other big events are organized to keep the Armenian community close nit such as the Homenutemen Olympics and PAND. Homenutemen Olympics are more sports tournaments, except this event is held in the summer. The Homenutemen Olympics are on a much larger scale, as thousands and thousands of Armenians all the way from California to Florida attend this week. It is truly a memorable

by Christian Endrigian ’13

experience every single summer I attend. Lastly, PAND is an extremely popular event as Armenians from the east coast come to Philadelphia every December 30th to January 2nd to celebrate New Year’s together. AYF rents out a big portion of a hotel to house all of the Armenians that congregate to Philadelphia. I have participated in PAND the past five years, and can truly say I love being Armenian due to the moments like these. Looking back on the past six to seven years where I have participated in Armenian events as well as attend an Armenian camp most of the summer, I realize how blessed I actually am to be Armenian. My heritage makes it possible for me to come in contact with people all over the country. Through these events, I have created a certain bond with Armenians resulting in some of them to become my lifelong friends.

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Ministry and Service LEWIS CLARK D I R E C TO R O F C AM P U S MINI S T R Y

Freshmen Retreats (Theme: Lasallian Identity) October 25, 2011 (1A-5A) October 26, 2011 (6A-10A) Sophomore Retreats (Theme: The Road to Emmaus) December 6, 2011 (1B, 2B, ½ 3B) December 8, 2011 ( ½ 3B, 4B, 5B) December 13, 2011 (6B, 7B, ½ 8B) December 14, 2011 ( ½ 8B, 9B, 10B) Junior Retreats (Theme: Choices) February 9, 2012 (1C/2C), February 10, 2012 (3C/4C) February 14, 2012 (5C/6C), February 15, 2012 (7C/8C) February 23, 2012 (9C/10C) Senior Retreats Kairos 37-81 Kairos 37-82 Kairos 37-83 Kairos 37-84 Kairos 37-85 Kaiors 37-86 One Day Retreat

October 4- 7, 2011 November 8- 11, 2011 December 13- 16, 2011 January 31- February 3, 2012 February 28- March 2, 2012 April 24- 27, 2012 December 5, 2011

School Wide Liturgies and Prayer Services Opening of School Liturgy September 16, 2011 All Saints Day Liturgy November 1, 2011 Thanksgiving Prayer Service November 22, 2011 Immaculate Conception Liturgy December 8, 2011 Christmas Liturgy December 22, 2011 Ash Wednesday Prayer Service February 22, 2012 Lenten Liturgy April 3, 2012 Founder’s Day Prayer Service May 10, 2012 Ascension Thursday Liturgy May 17, 2012 Student Led Prayer Services (7:35 am in Marian Chapel) Peace.Light. Hope. in HIS footsteps

Fridays During Advent Fridays During Lent

Sacrament of Reconciliation November 15, 2011 and February 28-29, 2012 Eucharistic Adoration and Daily Mass Varies On- Going Service Projects Monday Elder Share Tuesday La Salle Academy Tutoring, Triest House, and Human Rights Forum Wednesday Providence Center Tutoring Thursday Street Outreach and Sarnelli House Friday Lasallian Service Corps Saturday Saint Vincent’s Dining Room Sunday Saint Vincent’s Dining Room, Saint Francis Inn Sandwich Making

Seasonal Drives Magazine Drive for Grade Schools Thanksgiving Food Drive Operation Santa Claus Secret Santa La Salle Responds Initiative

September 26-30, 2011 November 14-22, 2011 November 28, 2011 – December 24, 2011 November 28, 2011 – December 24, 2011 Ongoing

Grade Level Opportunities Freshmen Branch Out-Day Sophomore Branch Out-Day Junior Urban Challenge

October 18, 2011 March 28, 2012 October 26-27, 2011, December 6-7, 2011, and February 1-2, 2012

Summer Service Opportunities Urban Immersion (Philadelphia) June 3-8, 2012 and June 10-15, 2012 Project Appalachia (Kentucky) June 3-9, 2012 Navajo Experience (Arizona) June 17-23, 2012 and June 24-30, 2012 Building Bridges of Solidarity (Bolivia) July 8-21, 2012 Lasallian Youth Assembly July 2012 Blackfeet Immersion (Montana) July 29-August 4, 2012 and August 5-11, 2012 Gulf Coast Immersion June 3-9, 2012 and (Louisiana) August 5-11, 2012

For additional information, please contact Campus Ministry: Lew Clark Director of Campus Ministry Mark Chesnik Assistant Director of Campus Ministry Micky Dominick Assistant Director of Campus Ministry

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Men of Service What the Elders Have Taught Me by Christian Endrigian ’13

In the beginning of sophomore year, I was looking to get more involved in the close knit La Salle community. After always hearing about the amount of service La Salle does, I knew I wanted to be a part of that experience. Elder Share is a weekly service program held at La Salle that connects the students of La Salle to the past generation. As we visit either the Villa or the Artman Home, every Monday is truly unique in its own way. We either connect with the residents on a one to one basis, or as a group we all join in to play a huge game of bingo. Essentially, whatever we are told to do, we do it, and we do it to the best of our ability. Since Elder Share happened to be the first extracurricular activity I got involved in, I was nervous for my first visit. I found myself stuck in a van with seven other kids I did not know, but we all had the same purpose to support the elderly for the betterment of our community. During my first time at the Artman Home, we were told to assist the residents in playing bingo. It sounds so simple, but this was truly an eye-opening experience. I entered this program being selfish and thinking to myself, “How hard is it to play bingo?”Following this thought, I presided to sit down

next to an extremely elder woman known as Shirley, full of humor and joy. Before the first number was called, I got to know her on more of a personal level; however, one thing she said to me will always remain in my mind. She said, “You’re young. Enjoy it. Because look at me. One day this will be you getting the help.” Completely distraught, I did not know how to respond. Then, as the first number was announced, I sat there thinking Shirley would know where to put it. Instead, she was completely off, leading me to fix it for her. I would later find out that she had very poor vision due to old age. I could not believe what I was witnessing first hand. I walked out of the Artman home a totally different man, even though it was my first visit. To this day, I continue to attend Elder Share in hope to give the residents something to smile about every Monday. I want to keep this unique program alive at La Salle and I hope the legacy will continue. I have met some of my best friends through this program, and we all share a certain bond because every Monday we want to carry out the message of St. John Baptist de La Salle and help the less fortunate

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College Counseling Center MA R Y K A Y MU L L EN D I R E C TO R O F C O L L E G E C OUN S E L IN G

Financial Aid


A Financial Aid Information Night for Parents of La Salle’s Juniors and Seniors will be held on November 10, 2011 at 7:15 pm in the Auditorium. Bonnie Lee Behm, Director of Financial Assistance at Villanova University, will present. This evening is filled with important information regarding the current financial aid situation and the financial aid application process.

Any senior who is considering playing Division I or Division II intercollegiate sports must make application for eligibility clearance through the NCAA Clearinghouse. Read the directions carefully and inform Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell in the College Counseling Center so transcripts can be sent to the Clearinghouse. NCAA information is explained on the last page of our school calendar and is on our webpage, Coaches and counselors are available to answer any questions.

A number of sites dealing with financial aid are listed on our webpage. Go to “Links and Resources” on www.lschs. org/college and look for the sections on “Financial Aid” and “Scholarships”. Also check out the latest newspaper articles regarding the current state of financial aid posted on our webpage. Understanding financial aid, especially current changes by lenders, is an important part of the college application process. In order to qualify for Federal or State funds, parents and students need to complete the FAFSA. Go to http://www. for information and the form. The online application is preferred. The form may be filed beginning January 1, 2012. In order to have an early estimate of eligibility for federal student aid, check out www. and In addition to the FAFSA, some colleges require their own financial aid form or the CSS Profile. Here is a list of colleges that require the CSS Profile. Additional websites are listed at our site. A few particularly helpful ones are and for an excellent overview and specific information, and for scholarships. Click Scholarship Information for information on individual private scholarships that are sent to our office. Last year’s senior class earned 25.5 million dollars in documented scholarship aid. Don’t miss out! Encourage your sons to take advantage of the opportunities available on our webpage at www. Meeting requirements and deadlines for financial aid is crucial and is the family’s responsibility.

Seniors Please note that it is your responsibility to forward from College Board or ACT any October, November, December SAT or ACT scores to the colleges to which you are applying. Also, be sure to fill out the standardized test section of the college application where it asks for any tests you have taken OR plan to take in the future.

Additions To Lists Of Colleges Seniors are reminded to inform the College Counseling Center by Tuesday, December 1, 2011, about any colleges they are adding to their original list. The counselors need time for processing these requests before the Christmas holidays. Copies of letters of acceptance or scholarship awards also need to be brought to the College Counseling Center.

Important Reminder To Juniors And Seniors As the second quarter begins, keep in mind that the GPA in college preparatory courses is the most important criteria in the college admission process.

Juniors Juniors should make plans to take standardized tests in the second semester. The junior grade Level counselor has introduced the juniors in Advisory Class to the SAT/ACT test preparation module on Naviance. Students and parents can access Naviance through the Parent Portal and Student Portal. Click “About College” and “Test Preparation” to begin the test preparation. On this site students have the ability to practice taking both the SAT and ACT and determine areas of strength and weakness. Please keep in mind that all colleges accept both the SAT and ACT and no preference is given to either test. Parents of juniors are invited to the Financial Aid Information Night mentioned above. Also, College Open Houses, Fairs, and Information Nights are listed on our webpage. These are an excellent introduction to the college search process. Juniors are also invited to meet with college admission representatives who visit the College Counseling Center during the year if they have a free period or the permission of their teacher. Please sign up for the college visit in Naviance prior to attending.

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Counseling, Guidance, and Advisory Services MI C HAE L D O L AN D I R E C TO R O F C OUN S E L IN G AN D G UI D AN C E

SAT Prep Classes Winter 2012

Judge Christopher Cerski

For the eleventh year in a row, La Salle is offering classes to prepare for the SAT that will be administered on March 10, 2012. Under the direction of Mr. Dennis Bloh of the English Department and a consultant for the College Board, the series of five (5) classes and two practice tests will be held on Saturday mornings from 8:30 am until Noon. There will also be a review session Tuesday, March 6, 2011 from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. There will be three different components of the class: Math, Verbal and Writing. The schedule will be as follows: 8:30 to 10:00 am


10:00 to 11:00 am


11:00 to 12:00 pm


For the fifth consecutive year, Judge Cerski will speak with all of our seniors in their advisory classes. He will present the legal ramifications of underage drinking and other high-risk behaviors. He also is arranging his schedule to speak with our parents one evening during the fall. Judge Cerski is part of our Transitions Program, which are classes designed to: 1. Help teenagers make a successful transition to college and to reduce the negative consequences of high risk behaviors. 2. Teach skills that have been shown to reduce the consequences of high risk drinking. 3. Delay drinking and other high risk activities. 4. Increase awareness of the consequences of high risk behavior.

The cost of the course is: $ 200.00 for Math $ 150.00 for Verbal $ 150.00 for Writing $ 400.00 for All Three The dates for the course are: January 7, 2011 – First Class January 14, 2011 – First Practice Test January 2, 2011 – Second Class


January 28, 2011 – Third Class

It is time to order the Blue and Gold – the 2012 yearbook. Please visit the school website to order the 2012 edition of the Blue and Gold. The cost for seniors is included in the graduation fee; therefore, seniors should only go to the school website if they wish to have their yearbooks personalized and/or if they are including a Gold Patron message (a great option for our Seniors’ parents)!

February 4, 2011 – Fourth Class February 11, 2011 – Second Practice Test February 18, 2011 – President’s Weekend (Snow Date) February 25, 2011 - Fifth Class March 3, 2011 – Makeup Date (If Needed) Participants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mr. Dennis Bloh at (215) 402-4141 or

Underclassman may purchase yearbooks for $65.00 for underclassmen and they must be ordered in advance. Orders will be accepted through December 1, 2011 only. Books will arrive in May, 2012. In the event you have any questions please contact: Mrs. Carol Haggerty Mrs. Pamala Seeley

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Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P R A C TI C A L I D EA S F O R P A R ENT S TO HE L P THEI R C HI L D R EN .

Research highlights five key tasks of parenting teenagers.

Research shows it’s important for teens to get enough sleep.

There’s no question – being the parent of a teenage boy can be hard work, but according to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, there are five key tasks for parents:

Sleepy students have trouble learning, are less likely to join sports teams and are more likely to feel depressed. Research shows it’s just as important to get a good night’s rest after a day of learning as it is the night before a test – learning earning continues to take place while you sleep!

1. Love and connect. Teens feel like everything in their world is changing, from their bodies to their friends to their school. Your love and support should provide your teen with a firm foundation. 2. Monitor and observe. Stay tuned in to what your son is doing, and with whom. Just as important, be sure he knows you’re tuned in! 3. Guide and limit. If there is a single message for parents, it might be this: Loosen up, but don’t let go. Teens still need limits, and you’re the one to provide them. 4. Model and consult. Your example is even more important now. Show your son what a loving parent, a responsible citizen, or a good neighbor do. And answer his questions in ways that are truthful, but still recognize his level of maturity. 5. Provide and advocate. Teens need a network of supporting adults. So work with other parents to provide the opportunities teens need to thrive. If your son needs preventive care or treatment – for medical or mental health issues – be a strong advocate. Reprinted with permission from the November issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

But the sleepiest students – teens – have trouble getting enough sleep. Their natural rhythm is to sleep late and stay up later – the exact opposite of the typical school day. That doesn’t mean your tired son is doomed to yawning until he’s thirty. Here’s what you can do to re-set that clock and help your teen wake up ready to learn: • Encourage your son to stick to a bedtime routine. Experts say dimming the lights at night and avoiding computers right before bed can make it easier to fall asleep. • Don’t let your son sleep all weekend. Your son shouldn’t sleep more than two hours past his normal wake-up time. His body will be too confused when he has to wake up early again on Monday – and that’ll kick off another weary week. • Suggest exercise. Sports, running and other activities – at least a few hours before bedtime – will help your teen sleep soundly. Reprinted with permission from the November issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

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Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P R A C TI C A L I D EA S F O R P A R ENT S TO HE L P THEI R C HI L D R EN .

Are you staying connected with your teenager? Staying connected with your son is important during the high school years. Are you doing all you can to keep your connection strong? Answer yes or no to the questions below to find out: 1. Do you spend one-on-one time with your son on a weekly basis? 2. Do you plan to eat together as a family as often as you can? 3. Do you have televisions in common areas instead of bedrooms? Take sets out of bedrooms and put them in places where people watch together. 4. Do you ask your son to give you help when you need it, especially when it’s something he’s good at? Working side by side is a great way to stay close. 5. Do you attend school events even when your son says it isn’t important if you come?

Encourage creativity to boost learning. Most little kids love learning. High school students, however, can find learning dull. Part of this disconnect might have to do with the kinds of work that are expected of students. Elementary-aged children are asked to complete projects that allow them to be creative and take intellectual risks. It’s more difficult to find ways to creatively write a 10-page paper on the Louisiana Purchase or innovatively solve a chemistry equation. There is often only one correct answer for high school students to find. So remind your son of his younger self’s love of learning by asking him to help you solve problems around your home. There is no pressure of being incorrect, and your son will be using creativity and reinforcing important real-life science and math skills. Reprinted with permission from the November issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

How well are you doing? Each yes means you are keeping the connection between you and your son strong. For no answers, try those ideas. Reprinted with permission from the November issue of Parents Still Make The Difference! ® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute ®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

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Mothers’ Club S UE MI S C H L E R P R E S I D ENT

Upcoming Calendar of Events November 5, 2011

La Salle Auction Auditorium and Gym

Attention All Senior Mothers! 6:00 pm

November 6, 2011 Mother/Son Service Project Cafeteria

10:00 am

November 10, 2011 Mothers’ Club Meeting Auditorium

9:15 am

Senior Mother Tree Trimming Wednesday, November 30, 2011 7:00 pm Auditorium

November 13, 2011 Open House 12:00 to 3:00 pm

Spend the evening with your fellow Mothers of the Class of 2012, trimming the tree with your son’s personalized ornament and enjoying light refreshments, while Christmas music fills the air.

November 30, 2011 Senior Mothers’ Tree Trimming Event Auditorium

7:00 pm

Invitations to this special mothers’ only event are on their way.

December 1, 2011

9:15 am

Mothers’ Club Meeting Dunleavy Center

December 1, 2011 Junior Ring Mass 7:15 pm (Event Support) December 4, 2011 Mother/Son Service Project Cafeteria

10:00 am

December 4, 2011

10:30 am

Alumnae Committee Liturgy Marian Chapel

RSVP to Mary Frances Kelly

Christmas Shopping Spectacular Sunday December 4, 2011 12:00 to 4:00 pm Auditorium

December 4, 2011 Christmas Shopping Spectacular 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Preceded by an Advent Liturgy at 10:30 am organized by the Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee

Volunteer Opportunities

Look for your invitation in the mail to this fabulous one stop Christmas shopping bazaar! Over sixty vendors will be at La Salle to sell their unique merchandise. So grab your mother, your daughter, your sister, or your friends and come “shop till you drop.” A limited number of vendor spaces are still available.

The Mothers’ Club is in need of volunteers throughout the year to help before, during, and after our events. Please check The Belcroft and the website each month to see where help is needed and e-mail Laura O’Connor, our volunteer coordinator, or one of the committee chairs listed with each event below to let her know your availability. If the activity fits into your schedule, please join us as volunteering is a great way to get to know La Salle moms in a casual and fun environment. Volunteer Coordinator Laura O’Connor

Mother/Son Service Project

For table reservations, contact: Dana Worthington (215) 542-2139 For tickets, contact: Joanne Quinn (215) 793-9934

Sunday, November 6, 2011 December 4, 2011 10:00 am Cafeteria The Mothers’ Club is partnering with Mr. Chuck Cirelli and Campus Ministry on a service project for mothers and their sons to make sandwiches for the homeless and poor served by St. Francis Inn. We meet on Sundays before the first Monday of the month to prepare the bagged meals. If you and your son would like to participate in this project, please contact: Maureen Fillenwarth (215) 997-2778 La Salle College High School – The Belcroft November 2011 12

Mothers’ Club ( C ONTINUE D )

Buy through eScrip

Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee

Help La Salle! 1. Go to

Kathy Caramenico, Donnamaria Dolan, Lynn Gates, Pam Grady, Karen Guerra, Barbara Houldin, Janet McBride and Terry Millet

2. Find the Spotlight for eScrip, currently number 3, on the upper left corner of the page. Then click on “More Information”.

Shared Treasures

3. Under Mothers’ Club Announcements, Click on, “Click here to access La Salle’s unique link to the eScrip Online Mall.”

“Shared Treasures,” your source for fabulous finds and fantastic values is open each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Dunleavy Center, as well as the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 am to Noon. Merchandise changes weekly, so be sure to stop by often and shop from a terrific selection of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and accessories, home décor, books, small pieces of furniture and more!

4. Welcome to the Online Mall. Click on the “add button,” next to La Salle’s name. Then click on “next.” 5 You have two options: If you are already registered, click on “the click here button.” If you are not a member, click on the orange “shop now” button on the bottom left. 6. Go to the sign up tab (above the coupon box on the upper left). Group Name: La Salle College High School, Group ID# 6525176. Click on La Salle College High School. You will then be taken to the next page. 7. Click on the “Next” button. Fill in the information about yourself. Register your Genuardi’s Club Card number (if you have one), or click on the “next” button to add a credit/debit card number. Then click on “next” once more. 8. You will now be on the confirmation page. You will be been given an ID#. Print this page for your records.

Tax-deductible donations of gently used items are also gratefully accepted and can be left on the covered porch on the side of Dunleavy Center. Please consider helping out in the shop, too, if you have a couple of free hours during the month. For information, contact: Barbara Houldin (215) 990-2843

Advent Liturgy

For more information, please contact: Mary Chandler (610) 287-3264

We hope to see a big turnout of mothers of alumni for the Mothers’ Club Christmas Shopping Spectacular on December 4, 2011. The Alumnae Committee will once again host an Advent Liturgy, offered by Father Anthony Janton in the Marian Chapel at 10:30 am. Light refreshments will be served immediately following Mass. All friends of La Salle are most welcome to join us in worship. Please help us determine the amount of food needed by e-mailing Terry Millet at no later than December 1, 2011 if you will be able to attend the Liturgy.

Mothers’ Club New York Trip

Donations For Saint John’s Hospice

9. You are now registered with eScrip. 10.Use your ID# every time you shop through eScrip. La Salle will receive credit each time.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Tickets for the 2012 New York Trip to see the fabulous Broadway production of “Sister Act” are selling quickly. Do not miss the bus! Order your tickets now. Print out the flyer found in this issue of the Belcroft and mail in your request for tickets to the address on the form. You will need to arrive at the Montgomery Mall on April 18, 2012 by 8:15 am to enjoy coffee and tea before boarding the buses. Departure for New York will be promptly at 8:30 am. As you travel to the “Big Apple”, beverages and a delicious boxed lunch will be served for your enjoyment. Show time is 2:00 pm. Dinner reservations for your group should be made several weeks prior to April 18, 2012. For your convenience, suggestions for dining, shopping, and sightseeing will be posted on the Mothers’ Club Website sometime before the trip. Buses will depart New York promptly at 8:30 pm with an expected arrival at Montgomery Mall between 10:30 and 11:00 pm. Snacks and drinks will be provided for the ride home. Tickets are $175.00 per person; quantities are limited and going fast!

The Alumnae Committee will be accepting donations of toiletries and socks for the clients of Saint John’s Hospice in Philadelphia. Please bring any donations to Dunleavy Center whenever Shared Treasures is open.

Mothers’ Club Alumnae We welcome all mothers of alumni to join us as we work together in support of the Mothers’ Club and of La Salle. Our events are a great way of staying in touch with all of the friends you have made during your son’(s’) years at La Salle. Someone asked recently, “I have a son who has graduated, but have another one still at La Salle. Am I part of the Mothers’ Club alumnae? The answer is a resounding “yes.” All mothers of alumni should be receiving our monthly newsletter. If you are not seeing it in your inbox, please contact: Kathy Caramenico

For information and reservations, contact: Mary Chandler 610) 287-3264 La Salle College High School – The Belcroft November 2011 13

62nd Annual Father/Son Banquet

Plans are being made to ensure that this is a fine evening for you and your son(s), a time to share and grow together. The banquet will include an excellent dinner, door prizes for your sons, 50-50 raffles, and music by the Jazz Band. The event has always been a quick sell-out, so please don’t hesitate. Seating is limited to approximately 600 in the main dining room, with the overflow in an adjacent room. Complete the reservation form and return it with your payment in the enclosed envelope by than November 10, 2011.

Thursday, November 17, 2011 Williamson Restaurant Easton Road (Rt. 611) and Blair Mill Road Horsham, PA 19044 5:45 pm – Check-In and Reception 6:30 pm – Dinner

If you wish to be seated with a specific group, full payment for your entire group and all names must be included on one reservation form. Every attempt will be made to honor all requested seating arrangements on a first-come basis. Payment must be made prior to the event. Please mail your check and form or register online via a secure server at In you have any questions, please contact the Event Chairman: Tim Corcoran

$35.00 per person

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

Guest Speaker Chris Matthews ‘63

Host of Hardball on MSNBC Host of The Chris Matthews Show on NBC Best-Selling Author

215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Please list the names of all parties attending and the graduation year of the son(s) attending. All names must be listed on a single reservation form and payment for all persons must accompany the reservation if you want to sit together. Reservation forms received in whole or part without payment will not be accepted.

at $35.00


Total Enclosed


Number Attending

Please return with your check made payable to “Men of La Salle” no later than November 10, 2011. Men of La Salle – Father/Son Banquet c/o Mr. Tim Corcoran 324 Woods Road Glenside, PA 19038



Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son


Reservation Number



Circle One Father / Son


Table Number

Reservation Contact

Phone Number E-mail

Payment must be made prior to the event. Please mail your check and form or register online via a secure server at For Internal Use

Guest Speaker Chris Matthews ‘63

Host of Hardball on MSNBC Host of The Chris Matthews Show on NBC Best-Selling Author Chris Matthews ‘63 has been following American politics since the first Eisenhower campaign. As a teenager at La Salle College High School, he became enthralled with the historic rivalry of John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. It was a time of big downtown rallies and ticker tape parades on Wall Street, when supporters wore boater hats and bright campaign buttons. Hardly a decade later was he engaged in American politics professionally. Back home from the Peace Corps in Africa, he was working in the U.S. Senate. Then came his tour in the White House as a presidential speechwriter, followed by his front-row seat as top aide to the legendary Speaker of the House, Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill, Jr. In the late 1980’s, Chris switched to full-time journalism, serving as Washington Bureau Chief for the San Francisco Examiner. In this capacity he covered some of the great historic events of the late 20th Century, including the fall of the Berlin Wall and the first all-races election in South Africa. He began his career on television in 1994 as host of a two-hour nightly program on the NBC-owned America’s Talking network. Three year later, he launched Hardball, now on MSNBC, which was the title of his best-selling handbook on real-life politics published in 1988. He has been on the air every weekday night since. In 2002, NBC inaugurated The Chris Matthews Show on Sunday mornings. In all the years Chris has been involved in the country’s public life he’s kept an abiding faith in electoral politics, his quadrennial hope that the American people will make the best judgment on who should lead. He has kept that faith through war and peace, good times and bad, through great leaders and not-so-great. He has never lost his vigorous love of democracy and how it can serve to make this country, through all its challenges, a more perfect union. He is the author of five best-selling books. They are, in addition to Hardball: How Politics is Played, Told by One Who Knows the Game; Kennedy & Nixon: The Rivalry that Shaped Postwar America; Now, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think; American: Beyond our Grandest Notions; and Life’s a Campaign. His new book, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero, due for release in November 2011, brings to bear everything he has learned through a lifetime of watching American politics in action, all the love he has for this country, its history and its hopes. La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Men of La Salle K E V IN R . C ONNO R ’ 8 2 P R E S I D ENT

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Freshman Branch-Out Day

Thursday, November 3, 2011 Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Open to All Fathers Auction Set-Up and Brief Meeting

As an example of the Lasallian philosophy, “Leave to Serve”, the freshman class participated in their Branch Out Day of service on Tuesday, October 18, 2011. The day was a success with over 400 students and dads participating in Branch-Out Day activities. Fathers and sons spent a day of service throughout the Philadelphia area. Our La Salle family, including the freshman class, their fathers, and the teachers and administrators, donated over 2,000 hours of service during this event. We would like to thank all the people who gave their time and talents. A special thanks to Lew Clark and Tom Devlin for all of their efforts to organize the day’s activities.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

La Salle Auction

Thursday, November 17, 2011 Father/Son Banquet 5:45 pm Check-In 6:30 pm Dinner Thursday, December 8. 2011 6:30 pm

Monthly Meeting

We urge you to get involved and participate in all our events as they’re great opportunities to explore what makes our family at La Salle a great resource for everyone involved and deliver tremendous service to the community at large.

62nd Annual Father/Son Banquet Thursday November 17, 2011

Men of La Salle Golf Outing Mother Nature could have not provided a better day then she did at this year’s Father/Son Golf Outing held at Center Square Golf Club in Worcester, PA. Over eighty golfer’s attended and enjoyed the event as Father/Son teams joined to play the two-man scramble format. This year’s winning team was Mike and Morgan Dougherty followed by Rob and Brandt Parlanti (second) with Tony and Anthony DeNofa a close third. There were numerous prize holes on the course, including that sought after chance for a Free Year’s Tuition. Unfortunately, the Golf God’s would not give that up this day as nobody was able to score the hole-in-one to claim that prize.

Williamson’s Restaurant Horsham, PA 5:45 pm Check-In and Reception 6:30 pm Dinner Each year, the Men of La Salle sponsors a dinner that has become a long standing tradition at La Salle. Plans are being made to ensure that this is a fine evening for you and your son(s). The banquet will include an excellent dinner, door prizes for your sons, 50/50 raffle, and music by our exceptional Jazz Band. The event has always been a quick sell out, so please don’t hesitate in making your reservations. We will be limited to six hundred seats in the main room, with an adjacent room for overflow. Seating will be in order of registrations received. Table reservations are also available. Our guest speaker this year will be Chris Matthews ‘63, host of Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC. Chris is a La Salle alum and will look to share his thoughts on what makes our school such a great starting point for students and their families. Please see the registration form below or the link on the school website to register for the banquet. The web address is If you have any questions, please contact: Tim Corcoran

Lunch was served after the outing along with the awarding of additional prizes for other friendly competition events: Closest to the Pin Father’s (Dan Flagler) and Closest to the Pin Sons (Dan Sacchetta) and Longest Drive Father’s (Mike Happ) and Longest Drive (Sons) Morgan Dougherty. Additional prizes were raffled to complete the day.

Volunteer Opportunity Saint Vincent’s Roman Catholic Church From now until the end of the school year on all Saturday and Sundays, the Men of La Salle will be providing services to St. Vincent’s Dining Room, the soup kitchen on 109 East Price Street in Philadelphia. Each weekend between 9:30 and 11:30 am, fathers and sons are asked to volunteer for food preparation in the kitchen, preparing meals for over 200 who are served lunch. We also need volunteers to serve lunch from 12:30 to 2:30 pm the last Sunday of each month. The Men of La Salle have a long history of serving the less fortunate at St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. It is a great experience for you to share with your son and doesn’t require a significant time commitment, just a spirit of helping. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the web at www., then select Saint Vincent’s Volunteers or contact: Joe Banecker (610) 828-0344

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft November 2011 16

WhyWorry? by JoAnn Cohen, PhD

One of my hobbies is music. I’m not exactly a dilettante, but I have a Master’s degree, and I regularly cantor in various area churches. On 9/11 of this year, I was scheduled to cantor at Saint Denis in Havertown, where Ralph Purri is the Music Director. Ralph is President of the Association of Church Musicians in Philadelphia. He is not only a fine organist and skilled tenor, he is a composer. His composition of the new mass translation was recently published.

Since I am capable at singing music at sight (a skill most musicians take for granted), I typically arrive at church a few minutes early to see what’s scheduled. Church music is rarely difficult, and I am familiar with most of the music anyway. So, a few minutes before 8:00 am, I walked into church to see what was scheduled. To my consternation, in front of my folder stood The Mass of God’s Merciful Love the new mass translation composed by Ralph Purri. “Is it even possible that Ralph would expect me to sing this entire thing today?” I thought as I consulted the music list. There is was… Gloria, Mass Parts – Purri. My stomach dropped. In panic mode, I began to examine the music. No Kyrie, skip that page. Sprinkling Rite – skip that page. Gloria - five pages of new music, none of it repetitive. (I could feel my pupils expanding.) I continued to turn pages…Gospel Acclamation, Responsorial, Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Great Amen, Lamb of God… I glanced at my watch - less than five minutes to go! I still needed to review the announcements, find the mass intention, put the numbers on the board, look at the hymns… Physical alarms were going off. I could feel my body responding to stress. It’s one thing to sing a new piece, but to sing it unrehearsed while the composer is playing the accompaniment? I began to examine the music more closely, tapping out each measure. “It’s a lot of stuff, but it’s not difficult, I told myself.” I was so absorbed. I didn’t notice Ralph standing right next to me. “That,” he said, nodding at the music I was perusing, “is for you.” I sighed. “Lots of new music today,” I said, hoping he didn’t notice that my eyes were six times their normal size and perspiration dripped from my forehead. Ralph brushed past me to glimpse at the schedule. “Oh, that’s not right.”He

tapped his finger on the podium. “We’re not doing the new mass parts today.” I paused not sure what to say. “Darn, Ralph. Here I am having a panic attack for nothing.” He grinned. “As a psychologist, you should know that 78% of everything you worry about never happens.” Anxiety is a common complaint. While it can motivate (I need to study for a test we’re having tomorrow.), when anxiety gets out of control, it impedes performance. (I’m so nervous, I can’t think straight!) Symptoms that occur for an extended time can become debilitating. The individual may experience headaches, gastrointestinal distress, difficulty sleeping, and/ or problems with attention and concentration. With adolescents, the most common symptom is irritability. Often students have situational anxiety – anxiety that presents during tests, for example. Anxiety can significantly interfere with learning. Ongoing anxiety can be difficult to diagnose, because symptoms are similar to ADD/ ADHD, and depression. Many people try to ignore their anxiety and think the symptoms will disappear. This works if the anxiety provoking situation is time limited. If anxiety is ongoing, and it is ignored, the symptoms usually worsen and the individual may also develop depression. With treatment, Generalized Anxiety Disorder is one of the easiest psychological disorders to resolve. One way to avoid anxiety from becoming overwhelming is to put issues into perspective. Ralph’s observation, that 78% of everything we worry about never happens, is something we should always keep in mind.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft November 2011 17

Water Polo By Eric Schultz ’12

Due to inclement weather in early September La Salle’s first two games against Upper Merion and Upper Perkiomen Valley were postponed. However, that did not stop the team from hitting the weight room and getting ready for their regular season opener with Perkiomen Valley High School. La Salle went into their first game fairly confident. However, confidence was not enough to defeat Perkiomen Valley as La Salle lost their opener 12-13 in a heartbreaking first loss.

After a heart-stopping overtime win against arch rival Souderton High School at the 2010 PIAA Water Polo State Championships last year, the La Salle Water Polo team ended up turning in a 6th place finish in the team’s final tournament. This season is a new year for La Salle Water Polo as they advanced into regular season play in September. Lead by captains Matt McCrudden and Eric Schultz, the team knew last season’s success would be difficult to live up to, but an unrelenting and determined group of seniors in Alex Cranch, Tim Decker, Joe Gorman, Chris Madison, Matt McCrudden, Ryan Pospisil, Eric Schultz, and Scott Stone planned to improve the team’s 6th place finish from last year. After a blow-out win at Episcopal and a strong performance against Haverford in two friendly scrimmages in August, the team felt confident about achieving their goal as they proceeded into the regular season.

The team’s two captains stressed to the team that without failure there is no success. With their loss to Perkiomen Valley on their shoulders, the team got ready for their next match against Souderton the following day. No practice was conducted during the time between the two games but it was evident that the La Salle Water Polo team would “show up to play” as Co-Captain Eric Schultz told Coach Duncheskie earlier that day. La Salle put the past behind them and battled through an intense back and forth match with Souderton to take a “W” back to Wyndmoor. After the first quarter the scoreboard read 6-5 with La Salle leading; after the second quarter 8-8; after the third quarter 10-10; final score La Salle 15 - Souderton 12. The Explorers showed talented play from juniors Evan Holder, Brendan Koch, and Sean Regan.

With a very tough September schedule the team lost close games to Wilson, Governor Mifflin twice, and North Penn. La Salle felt they had the talent but the games were just not going their way. Despite a stellar performance by senior goalie Matt McCrudden the Explorers fell to the Knights of North Penn by only two goals. After the seemingly endless stretch of losses, the team won the next and last five in-conference games. A fourth quarter gamewinning goal by Alex Cranch capped a win against Wissahickon. The following week, in a five overtime game against Wyoming Valley West, Tim Decker scored the final suddendeath goal to finish off an Explorer win. With only a few out of conference games left on the schedule, the 2011 La Salle Water Polo team, lead by captains Matt McCrudden and Eric Schultz, is thrilled and determined to give it everything they have in the 2011 Eastern Conference Championships at Souderton Senior High School on Saturday October 22nd and move on to the 2011 PIAA State Championships at Cumberland Valley in November. Coach Duncheskie, Coach Cunningham, and the rest of the team feel extremely confident heading into the championship season not as the favorite. Everybody knows that “nobody roots for Goliath”.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft November 2011 18

Freshman Grandparents’ Day Prayer Service Wednesday, November 23, 2011 10:00 am This will be a full day of school and students should come prepared with all assignments or for any scheduled tests, etc. Immediately following the 10:00 am prayer service, the freshmen will be joining their grandparents or special guests for light refreshments. Freshmen are required to return to classes beginning at Noon. No early dismissals will be permitted. Thank you for your cooperation. Invitations have been mailed to the grandparents of all freshman. RSVP by November 16, 2011.

20 The Belcroft November 2011

8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

First Class Mail

November 2011

Volume Twenty-One Number 3

The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.

The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Principal Joseph L. Marchese Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through May.

Calendar of Events November 2011

First Class Mail The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue. The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.

Enter to Learn

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8-11 10 11 13 14-22 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 30

Feast of All Saints Early Dismissal End of First Marking Period Men of La Salle Meeting School Holiday SAT I and II La Salle Auction Mother/Son Service Project Faculty In-Service Day Second Marking Period Begins Alumni Board Meeting Kairos 37-82 Mothers’ Club Meeting College Financial Night Report Cards Issued Open House Thanksgiving Food Drive Second Semester Tuition Due Parent/Teacher Meetings Father/Son Banquet Thanksgiving Prayer Service Freshman Grandparents’ Day Thanksgiving Day School Holiday Senior Mother’s Tree Trimming

1:35 pm 6:30 pm No Classes

10:00 am No Classes 7:30 pm 9:15 am 7:15 pm 12:00 pm

5:30 pm 6:00 pm 10:00 am No Classes 7:00 pm

Leave to Serve

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 402 4800 phone 215 233 0284 fax

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