Belcroft Newsletter - October 2010

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La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

October 2010 Volume Twenty Number 2

Dear Friends and Guardians, It’s been almost a month since school began and life around campus is in full motion. Our boys are busy in academic pursuits from early morning until after school (and hopefully even longer,) and the campus is filled with the sounds of coaches and boys in their various outdoor programs. Our students have conducted their activities assembly and the fall theatre production has begun rehearsals. If your son is still undecided about an afterschool program, he might want to discuss this with his counselor or a teacher. To fully benefit from the La Salle experience, he should be engaged in after-school programs. The annual auction, which is the major fundraiser for La Salle, will be held on Saturday, November 6, 2010. I have no doubt that you will enjoy our “Evening In Tuscany” and the opportunity to meet friends and new families to the La Salle community. This year’s co-chairs, Mrs. Chris Giamo and Mr. Stephen Duzinski, along with their wonderful committees have worked hard over the summer to provide wonderful gifts and live auction items for bidding. May I suggest that you get together with friends to select items of interest by reviewing the Auction Booklet, which you will receive in sufficient time to make your selections. La Salle always welcomes strong fan support at our games. You add much to the excitement of the game and the support you give to our players is much appreciated. In the Philadelphia Catholic League, La Salle enjoys a wonderful reputation for our positive support. I recently was made an honorary member of the La Salle Pep Band – an honor I cherish. You can look for me behind the band. May the remainder of the fall season be injury free and reward the boys and their coaches for all their hard work. Tuesday, October 5, 2010, will be a big day for the Class of 2011, as over fifty colleges and universities will visit campus for individual interviews with the seniors. The seniors will want to present themselves in their best light this day. I am pleased to announce that one of our own – Dr. John Gimpel ’84 – will be this year’s speaker at our annual Honors Convocation on October 14, 2010. Dr. Gimpel currently serves as President and CEO of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners. In his capacity, Dr. Gimpel administers national assessments for medical licensure and competency evaluation. Congratulations to our students who will be honored that evening. For those who do not know, La Salle College High School is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its move to our Wyndmoor Campus. In the fall of 1960, 834 young Explorers took possession of 8605 Cheltenham Avenue. Little did anyone know that this would be our longest residence and most successful home. Today, our campus draws student from across the five counties of southeastern Pennsylvania as well as one county in New Jersey. It seems the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers no longer present obstacles to those seeking a Lasallian education. Congratulations on this Golden Anniversary milestone. May this academic year be a successful one for your son. If there is any way in which La Salle can assist in this goal, please know that we stand ready to help. Sincerely yours,

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 President

Open House Sunday, November 14, 2010 12:00 – 3:00 pm

Scholarship/ Entrance Exam Saturday, December 4, 2010 8:30 am

Seventh Grade Practice Test Saturday, March 5, 2011 8:30 am

Admissions Deadlines Friday, December 3, 2010 (for all applications) Tuesday, November 30, 2010 (for filing for Financial Aid) Friday, December 3, 2010 (for submission of academic records and teacher recommendations)

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 0284 fax

3 The Belcroft October 2010

Office of Academic Affairs Thomas R. Barna Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs

Advanced Placement Results Once again La Salle’s Advanced Placement students did extremely well on last year’s (2009-2010) exams. A total of 256 students took 564 AP exams with 82% achieving a qualifying score of 3 or better on a five point scale. These numbers are extremely impressive. Simply put, our students continue to take more tests with results well above regional, state, and national norms. Congratulations to our hard working students and teachers. La Salle’s advanced placement curriculum continues to be an extremely large and remarkably successful part of the overall academic program.

Honors Convocation The annual Academic Convocation, honoring last year’s first honors students, is scheduled for Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 7:15 pm. The faculty and administration are proud to honor these young men who have distinguished themselves by earning the Scholastic “L” by virtue of attaining a final grade point average of 3.5 or above with no grade below a “C” based on final grades. La Salle College High School will also honor its National Merit Semifinalists and National Merit Commended Students. Finally, La Salle will also recognize tow members of the faculty – Mr. Dennis Bloh and Mr. Geoff Nicoletti – who have distinguished themselves with 25-years of completed service. The speaker for the evening will be Dr. John Gimpel ’80. If a student had a late grade change or is uncertain whether or not he has the required GPA, he should see La Salle’s Registrar, Mrs. Suzanne Russo, in the Office of Academic Affairs as soon as possible. Invitations have been mailed to the families of qualifying students during the final week of September. Invited students and their families are encouraged to attend this special event. We look forward to seeing you on October 14, 2010.

John R. Gimpel, D.O., M.Ed. ’80 Dr. John Gimpel is a 1980 graduate of La Salle College High School. In 1984, Dr. Gimpel was named the outstanding senior in the Department of Biology and graduated with honors from La Salle University, where he received a B.A. in Biology. After graduating from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) in 1988, Dr. Gimpel completed a rotating internship and residency training in Family Medicine at the Hospital of PCOM and Chestnut Hill Hospital in 1991. He also later received a Masters in Education from La Salle University. Dr. Gimpel currently serves as President and CEO of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME), which is based in Philadelphia and Chicago.

The NBOME creates and administers national assessments designed for medical licensure and other high-stakes physician competency evaluation. Over his twenty year professional career, Dr. Gimpel has remained clinically active as a family physician, and was named to “America’s Top Family Physicians” by the Consumer’s Research Council of America. He has held teaching and administrative positions at a number of prestigious academic health centers, including PCOM, the Georgetown University School of Medicine, and the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, where he served at Dean of the medical school and Vice President for Health Services. Known for his passion and commitment to the teaching, learning and assessment of doctor-patient communication, the doctorpatient relationship, humanism in medicine and medical professionalism, Dr. Gimpel is a regular lecturer and presenter at medical education meetings internationally. He has also published extensively, having authored over thirty published, peer-reviewed manuscripts and textbook chapters. Dr. Gimpel has received numerous teaching awards and national honors, including the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Humanism in Medicine Award, the Phillips Medal for Public Service from the Ohio University, and the Meritorious Service Award from the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) of the United States. In addition, Dr. Gimpel was named a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International for his commitment to community service. John and his wife, Eileen, reside in Lafayette Hill. When he is not attending to NBOME business, Dr. Gimpel can regularly be found coaching one of his three children on the golf course.

4 The Belcroft October 2010

Men of Intellect First Honors Class of 2011 Ryan Edward Abbott Ryan Patrick Belcher Andrew George Biaesch Jeffrey Ervin Biernat, Jr. Andrew Philip Bilotta John Paul Bogorowski Brendan Owen Boyle Richard Peter Brazukas, Jr. Alexander R. Brecht Craig Alexander Cabrey Robert Capece Alexander Ronald Carapellotti Christopher James Catalino John Patrick Corcoran John F. Curtis, IV Connor Joseph Daly Christopher Joseph Dearolf Donald James DeBrakeleer, Jr. John Patrick Delaney, III Michael Dowling Tyler Joseph Dunphy Sean Thomas Dwyer Andrew Charles Eckert Daniel Raymond Ezzo Nicholas James Frazzette Jeremy David Fus William Nicholas Galbally Christopher George Genesio Benedetto Thomas Giaimo Casey Thomas Gillespie Kevin Patrick Gillespie Alexander Michael Holva Samuel Thomas Hyder Joshua Michael Jaskowiak Alexander Joseph Junod Christopher John Kappler Robert James Kelly Jamison Patrick Kenney Neil Patrick Laessig John Ryan Lawlor Joseph Matthew Lukach Charles Jackson Magee

Matthew John Mahoney William Patrick Marble Brian Richard McAloon Timothy James McCabe Christopher Martin McElroy Dominic S. Mirabile Frederick Anthony Mischler William Francis Mitchell, III James Thomas Mooney, III Michael John Mooney Patrick J. Mulderig Joseph Ryan Naji Kevin Michael Piotrowicz Michael Bruno Poncia John Joseph Quigley Paul Michael Quinn William Rutledge Rate James William Rose, III Matthew Joseph Rose Adam George Rotzal John Joseph Santangelo John Rudolph Schatz Andrew Francis Shafer Michael David Smith Thomas Robert Smith, Jr. David P. Speese Brendan Patrick Stone Eric Barrett Stone Curran Thomas Sullivan Sean Michael Sweeney Thomas Edward Trainer Vincent Joseph Veneziano Nicholas Michael Walchonski Christopher Francis Walker Ryan Patrick Williams Andrew Warrick Wilt Cole Joseph Wisdo Brennan Robert Woods

First Honors Class of 2012 Stephen Vincent Anella Matthew James Basara Christopher Appelt Bell Max Ryan Breitmayer James Henry Breslin Anthony Robert Buonomo Craig V. Burdulis, Jr. Sean Frederick Burke Ronald A. Carapellotti, Jr. Joseph Vincent Cericola Alexander Stephen Chrostowski Kevin Joseph Ciasullo Alexander Douglas Cranch Christopher Andrew Curtis Timothy Shields Decker Jon Michael Derewicz Nicholas Drew DiGiacomo Thomas Edward D’Orazio Sean Michael Dougherty John Price Dwyer Patrick Joseph Eble Casey Robert Eidenshink Samuel J. Farris Francis Xavier Ferguson John James Fillenwarth Daniel Patrick Finnegan Malcolm Ahern Flynn Matthew Alan Franzen Stuart Matthew Gibson Andrew Thomas Glavin Joseph David Gorman David James Greene James Alexander Gresko Emmett Karl Gross Oscar Jefferson Gryn Aidan Thomas Hamilton Christopher Evan Heleniak Ryan Patrick Herbert James William Hill Conor Joseph Janda Scott Joseph Jenkins Robert Warren Johnson

William Joseph Joyce Ryan Christopher Kalkbrenner Emre Thomas Karatas JohnPaul Kelley Conor James Kennedy George Thomas Kenney, III Shane Michael Kensil Casey Steven Kent Tyler Wade Kern Andrew Michael King Christopher Simon Knight Alexander David Kochanasz Michael D. Koerner Andrew James Kowalski Christopher John Kramer Patrick Joseph Lawn, Jr. Alexander Joseph Lintner Jason M. Lombardi Kevin Timothy Long Daniel James Lynch Christopher James Madison, Jr. Matthew Joseph Magarity Kevin Brady Maginnis John Patrick Maloney Kevin Granger Marble Clifford Michael Mars Kyle Alexander Martin David James Martosella Shashidharreddy Masireddy Nicholas Christian Mather Thomas Anthony Mazza, II Kevin Daniel McBride Michael Patrick Meehan, Jr. Daniel Louis Mercader John Albert Mills Kegan Nathaniel Moesta Thomas James Mullin, Jr. Matthew Robert Murphy Ryan Timothy Murtha Daniel Joseph O’Brien Colin Kenney O’Hara Francis Thomas Pantano Jeremy James Plamondon Nicholas Stanley Pleskunas Stephen Gregory Rose

5 The Belcroft October 2010

Henry Joseph Ryan Andrew George Saba Jordan Thomas Santora James Daniel Schlupp Eric William Schultz Nicholas Mark Seigel Brandon Antonio Sinnott Brian Matthew Smart Ryan Austin Sosnader Adam Richard Stefanowicz, III Richard Carlos Storck Alexander Gabor Szokolyai Gerard Edward Thiers Michael Montgomery Thomas William Flaherty Toner Charles James Viola Matthew Robert Volpe Ryan William Ward Alexander E. Weinrich Nicholas Todd Welch Francis W. Worthington

First Honors Class of 2013 Mitchell Winslow Abramo Alec Manuel Arakelian Julian Spencer Baseman James Anthony Basile William Ryan Baumher Timothy Justin Bontempi Michael E. Bowen Matthew William Brecht Eric W. Bridgeford Johnray A. Briones Anthony Brian Campanile, Jr. John Anthony Camusi Vincenzo Antonio Cardi Andrew Gene Carlone Aaron Jacob Carreras James Joseph Carroll Michael Anthony Casey Matthew Mark Chadwick Mark Lewis Chandler Sean Thomas Cincotta Sean Michael Coleman Thomas McNichol Coyle Paul G. Curcillo, III Matthew Joseph Daly Daniel Joseph DeBrakeleer Michael Paul deLuca Anthony Michael DeSantis Carlos Martin Diaz Joseph Thomas Dooney Nicholas Umberto D’Orazio Andrew K. Eidenshink Michael Christian Eife Christian Armand Endrigian Christopher Michael Esposito Nathan Paul Ezzo Jonathan Raymond Fabriziani Joshua Samuel Fabriziani Christopher John Fagan Brian Patrick Farley Timothy Francis Feoli Patrick James Finlay Matthew Burton FitzPatrick

Jacob Michael Ford Charles Anthony Formica John Paul Forrest Robert Joseph Gormisky Ronald Thomas Greco Kevin David Groome Andrew Patrick Halton Denis Edward Harp Joseph Jerome Heidt Jared Thomas Herrmann Nicholas Alexander Higgins Peter Gregory Hildebrandt Mark David Himler Steven Michael Hladczuk Patrick Joseph Hoffman, Jr. Evan Ezekiel Holder Nicholas Matthew Hreshko Frederick Joseph Ilsemann, IV Luke P. Kane Conor Michael Kennedy Brendan Joseph Koch Brian Robert Lagreca Conor Elwin Lavelle Christopher Allen LePrevost William Christopher Lucas Christian Gerard Lutschaunig Kurt Reed Lutter Sean Patrick MacIntosh John Martin Magee Joseph Michael Maginnis Mark Manjardi, Jr. Agustin Tomas Marty Connor Thomas Masterson John Vincent Mastronardo John Robert Matthews Patrick Edward May Luke Edward McCann Chad Michael McCutcheon Brendan Michael McGonigle Connor Bradley McHugh Paul Louis Melchiorre, III Christopher A. Mele Christopher Michael Melillo Anthony Louis Mercader Charles Montgomery Meredith, V

William John Mischler Robert Francis Moore, III Colin Patrick Moran Preston Michael Murray Johnathan Michael Neufeld Sean Francis O’Brien James Michael O’Connor, III Michael James O’Connor Kevin Francis O’Donnell Ryan Edward O’Donnell Sean Thomas Orlando Nicholas David Paglione John Bradley Parker Luke Louis Persichetti Joseph Giovanni Picard Joseph R. Podraza, III James Henry Princivalle Evan Daniel Quain Gerald Edward Rath, IV Kevin J. Reed Sean Michael Regan Conor Anthony Resch Griffin James Ripley Gregory Charles Rogers Michael Steven Ryan, Jr. Zachary S. Scheier Matthew Richard Scott Michael Andrew Selner Anthony Leo Silvestri Riley Dennis Slusarski Stephen S. Smith, Jr. Thomas Andrew Spiteri Andrew Joseph Stone Robert Vito Stratton Joseph C. Sullivan John Thomas Tyrrell John Richard Vogel Timothy William Walker Connor Thomas Walsh Evan Walsh Nicholas Sergei Ward Colin William Weber Ryan H. Winslow Joon Hyuk Yoon Martin Richard Zefelippo

6 The Belcroft October 2010

Office of Academic Affairs Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs

Please be advised that our Fall In-Service Day, previously scheduled for Monday, November 15, 2010, has been moved up to Monday, November 8, 2010. There will be no classes on Monday, November 8, 2010. Classes will be held on Monday, November 15, 2010.

Activity Fair The annual Activities Fair was held on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 in the auditorium during all lunch periods. This was an opportunity for all students, particularly the Class of 2013 to learn about all the co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities that La Salle offers. Hopefully, all of the students will experience La Salle totally by “getting involved”.

Student Council Mixer The first Mixer of the school year, a “Super Mixer”, will be held on Friday, October 15, 2010. Approximately, 1,300 young people will be in attendance. Music will be provided by Solid Ground Productions. The profits from the dance will be go toward fulfillment of the student pledge to the capital campaign. A reminder to all parents: Only La Salle boys are eligible to attend any La Salle dance.

Magazine Drive The annual magazine drive got underway on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 with special assemblies sponsored by Great American. Hopefully, all those who subscribed last year were asked to renew their subscriptions when the students called. The school’s goal for this year is $110,000. If the students reach it there will be a school holiday. Seniors are once again challenged to achieve their class goal in order to wear golf shirts in the spring. This year students are eligible to win one of two trips to Disney World in the spring. All who sold their quota of five subscriptions were in the drawing for one lucky winner and the top ten salesmen were eligible again in a separate drawing. Next month’s issue of The Belcroft will have a list of the top salesmen and prize winners. This drive is an important event for the La Salle community. Thank you for your support.

Attendance Line Parents must call your son out of school by 8:00 am. You can reach the attendance office by calling (21) 233-2911 (Option No. 1) or (215) 402-4819, which sends you directly to the Dean’s Office attendance line. Thank you for your cooperation.

Campus Store The Campus Store is conveniently located across from the Gym. To better serve the needs of our students and the La Salle Community at large, we will be extending our store hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The new store hours begin on October 1, 2010, Mondays and Wednesdays: 7:45 am to 1:45 pm. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 7:45 am to 5:00 pm. The Campus Store accepts cash, check and credit cards (Visa and MasterCard from parents only). A majority of required paperbacks, especially the difficult to find titles, are available throughout the school year. We offer a wide variety of logo wear along with a various novelty items. Be sure to stop in and check out what’s new! If you have any Questions, please do not hesitate contacting the store at or (215) 233-2911, ext. 4859.

Class of 2015 The admissions process for the Class of 2015 is well underway. Brochures were mailed in August to prospective candidates. We are again asking for your assistance. Word of mouth is one of the strongest ways that many parents and students hear about La Salle. So, can you help us by spreading the good word to 7th and 8th graders about all of the wonderful opportunities available to young men at La Salle? We are especially interested in having 7th and 8th graders from public schools attend our Open House and spend a day with us this fall. Thank you for encouraging new families to investigate La Salle for their sons. Open House

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scholarship/Entrance Exam Saturday, December 4, 2010 7th Grade Practice Test

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spend A Day At La Salle Any School Day Starting In Late September

Prayer List Parents and alumni are asked to submit the names of deceased alumni who will be remembered at a special Mass to be celebrated by the Christian Brothers on All Soul’s Day – Tuesday, November 2, 2010. The Mass will be said in memory of these deceased alumni. Please submit the name of any deceased alum that you wish to be remembered to Cathy Winning at or (215) 402-4810.

7 The Belcroft October 2010

Lasallian Service Corps Lew Clark and Thomas Devlin ’00 LSC Coordinators Sign-Up

Sunday with the St. Francis Inn Mothers’ Club Sunday Before the First Monday of the Month 10:00 am Prepare sandwiches to be delivered to a soup kitchen in inner city Philadelphia. Contact: Mr. Chuck Cirelli Monday Elder Share 2:45 to 5:00 pm Provide companionship to residents of a local nursing home. Contact: Mr. Mike Ponisiack or Mrs. Joe Radvansky Tuesday La Salle Academy Tutoring 3:00 to 6:00 pm Tutor inner city children at La Salle Academy, the original site of La Salle College High School. Contact: Mr. Dan Cipolla, Ms. Pam DeRose, Dr. Rosina Ryan or Mr. Dan Williams Human Rights Forum 2:30 pm Meet and discuss justice issues, the release of political prisoners, and reconciliation among people. Contact: Mrs. Betty Field Triest House 4:30 to 5:30 pm Assist mentally-challenged adults with physical therapy. Contact: Mr. Al Puntel Wednesday Providence Center 3:00 to 6:00 pm Tutor children in a center in Kensington run by the Sisters of the Holy Child. Contact: Mr. Tom Barna or Mrs. Cathy Winning Thursday Homeless Outreach Serve a meal and provide friendship to the poor in Philadelphia. 5:00 to 9:00 pm Contact: Mr. Joe Parisi and Mrs. Carol Haggerty

Saturday and Sunday Saint Vincent’s Soup Kitchen Saturday and Sunday Morning 9:00 to 11:30 am Last Sunday of the Month 12:30 to 2:30 pm Prepare and serve meals to the poor of Germantown. Contact: Men of La Salle – visit Seasonal Opportunities Magazine Drive Thanksgiving Food Drive for St. Vincent’s Parish Mission Drive Secret Santa Operation Santa Claus Respect Life Events Summer Immersion Opportunities Project Appalachia (Kentucky) Contact Mr. Tom Devlin Building Bridges of Solidarity International Service in Bolivia Contact: Senora Lastenia Breen Navajo American Experience (Arizona) Contact: Mr. Micky Dominick Lasallian Youth Assembly Contact: Mr. Lew Clarke or Mr. Tom Devlin De La Salle Blackfeet (Montana) Contact: Mr. Tom Devlin Philadelphia Urban Immersion Contact: Mr. Lew Clark Grade Level Opportunities Freshman and Sophomore Branch-Out Days Junior Urban Challenge

8 The Belcroft October 2010

College Counseling Center Mary Kay Mullen Director of College Counseling

College Counseling Center Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen Director of College Counseling (215) 420-4845 Mr. Gerard M. Brett Associate Director of College Counseling (215) 402-4846 Brother William DiPasquale, FSC Associate Director of College Counseling (215) 402-4852 Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell Administrative Assistant (215) 402-4849 The College Counselors have been meeting with seniors once a cycle in Senior Advisory Class. Topics covered have been an explanation of the college search and application process, updating of transcripts, Naviance, college visits and interviews.

College Interview Day College Interview Day will take place on October 5, 2010 during the school day for our seniors. Over fifty colleges and universities will be represented at this event. Seniors will have the opportunity to schedule at least two appointments with college admission officers. A list of schools attending is on our website. Feedback in previous years from our students and college admission officers clearly indicates the value of this event. Seniors will be notified about daily visits of college admission officers, Open Houses, competitions, and scholarships in the Daily Bulletin, our website, WEXP, homeroom and college counseling bulletin boards and in advisory class. All seniors are encouraged to make individual appointments with their college counselor. Please encourage your son to check these many sources for pertinent information to help navigate the college search and application process. Our website,, is filled with information helpful in understanding the college search and admission process and includes the link to Naviance, the Web based program accessible from our webpage. The scattergrams available on Naviance are particularly helpful in determining a “good match” college list. Information specific to La Salle as well as general information can be found there.

Deadlines for applications – both early and regular admission – vary with each college. The student is responsible for knowing and meeting the deadlines. The College Counseling Center must be notified about deadlines as soon as possible but at least three weeks prior to deadlines. October 8, 2010 is notification deadline for Early Action/Early Decision applications. Counselors and teachers need sufficient time to write letters of recommendation.

NCAA Any senior who is considering playing Division I or Division II intercollegiate sports must make application for eligibility clearance through the NCAA Clearinghouse at www. . Read the directions carefully. Inform Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell in the College Counseling Center when you register, so transcripts can be sent to the Clearinghouse. NCAA information is explained on the last page of our school calendar and is on our webpage, www. Coaches and counselors are available to answer any questions.

Financial Aid A number of sites dealing with financial aid are listed on our webpage. Go to “Links and Resources” on www.lschs. org/college and look for the section on paying for college. Also check out the latest newspaper articles regarding the current state of financial aid posted on our webpage. Understanding financial aid, especially current changes by lenders, is an important part of the college application process. In order to qualify for Federal or State funds, parents and students need to complete the FAFSA. Go to www.fafsa. for information and the form. Online application is preferred. The form may be filed beginning January 1, 2011. In order to have an early estimate of eligibility for federal student aid, check out In addition to the FAFSA, some colleges require their own financial aid form or the CSS Profile. Information and Profile forms are available at and in the College Counseling Center. Forms may be filed now. Additional websites are listed at our site. Two particularly helpful ones are for an excellent overview and for scholarships. Meeting requirements and deadlines for financial aid is crucial and is the student’s responsibility. A Financial Aid Night for Parents of juniors and seniors will be held at Mount Saint Joseph Academy on November 17, 2010 at 7:15 pm. Bonnie Lee Behm, Director of Financial Assistance at Villanova University, will present.

9 The Belcroft October 2010

Teen Depression by Michael Dolan

The La Salle community was saddened to learn that one of our recent graduates had committed suicide. We continue to pray for him and his loved ones in the wake of this tragedy.

Other “indirect” indicators which may warrant concern: • Disheveled appearance (more than normal!) • A precipitous drop in grades • Anger outbursts/fights • Drug and alcohol use/abuse • Frequent absences & tardiness to school

Parents occasionally ask our counselors what indicators they should be look for in their son’s affect and behavior that indicate that he may be suffering from a mood disorder, such as depression or bi-polar illness.

• Difficulty with decision-making

Here are some of the warning signs or symptoms to look for if you suspect your son has a depressive mood disorder:

• High-risk behaviors (risky driving or other dangerous behaviors)

• Feeling sad, hopeless, and blue • Gain or loss of appetite or weight • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much • Loss of interest in things he once enjoyed • Feeling worthless • Loss of energy and fatigue • Strong feelings of guilt • Trouble thinking or concentrating • Thoughts of death and suicide (if such thoughts are present, get help immediately!) If he has exhibited at least four of these symptoms during the previous two weeks, professional help should be sought.

• Difficulty completing assignments or college applications • Harming self (cutting, punching walls, etc.)

Those suffering from bi-polar illness fluctuate between extremely depressed and extremely high phases. The symptoms listed above describe indicators of the depressive phase. The “high” phase is characterized by mania, euphoria, and grandiosity. Typically, bi-polar illness begins around the ages of 18–21, but can occur at an earlier age. We know that there is a correlation between mood disorders, such as depression and bi-polar illness, and suicidal thoughts and actions. The good news, however, is that these disorders are very treatable. Many people who experience such disorders receive help and lead positive, productive lives. If you suspect that a mood issue exists, please make a call for help. If you have any questions or specific concerns, you are encouraged to contact: Mr. Michael Dolan Director of Guidance and Counseling (215) 402-4847

10 The Belcroft October 2010

Board of Trustees Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Chairman of the Board of Trustees

New Members of the Board of Trustees The following men and women completed their terms as members of the Board of Trustees:

Brother Gerard Molyneaux, FSC

The Board of Trustees experienced a significant “changing of the guard” as five members completed their terms of service. La Salle College High School welcomes the following new members to the Board of Trustees:

Judith Paul

Mimi Kehan

Ernest M. Behr ’73 Catherine A. Cassidy Austin A. Meehan ’79

La Salle College High School owes much to the guidance of these individuals during a period of strategic planning and expansion and greatly appreciates their thirty years of combined service to the Board of Trustees. In July, five new members joined the Board of Trustees. These new members mark a new era for La Salle’s Board of Trustees. Firm in confidence in the school’s direction and strengths and committed to the expansion of horizons and the embracing of peers, the Board of Trustees has broadened its diversity and welcomed more educators to its roster. The perspectives of these Trustees has already influenced the Strategic Vision/Planning process and will be a visible benefit over the next three years.

Mimi Keehan is the Executive Director of Arbour Square and The Birches of Harleysville, which are independent and assisted living facilities for seniors located in Harleysville, PA. Mimi is responsible for marketing, sales, resident life, dietary, business service, maintenance, and housekeeping for 144 units of independent living and 75 units for assisted living as well as memory impaired living. She was previously President and CEO of McGettigan Partners, a leading national project management company for global meetings, incentives, and communications events. She holds a M.S. from Saint Joseph’s University. Mimi is Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors at Gwynedd-Mercy Academy Elementary School as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, Philadelphia Hospitality, and Woodside Travel Trust. Mimi was an active volunteer and advertising chair for the La Salle Auction as well as a member of the Parents Advisory Council while a parent at La Salle College High School. Her son, Edward, is a member of the Class of 2010.

Candy Markmann Candy Markmann is Adjunct Professor of History at La Salle University. She also serves as an academic counselor in the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences at La Salle University. Candy holds a B.A. from La Salle University and an M.A. from Temple University. She is currently pursuing a doctoral

degree in American History from Temple University and has chosen Saint Katherine Drexel: Educational Reformer as the topic for her doctoral dissertation. Candy began her career as a registered nurse and holds a R.N. from St. Joseph’s Hospital for Nursing. Her husband, Dr. William Markmann, is a member of the Class of 1966 as well as a former member of the Board of Trustees. Her three sons, Joseph ’92, Stephen ’95, and William ’98 are all graduates of La Salle College High School, where she was an active parent having served as a member of the Mothers’ Club and Swim Team Parents Association. Candy was also a member of the Presidential Advisory Council at Mount Saint Joseph Academy as well as a member of the Parent’s Association at La Salle University.

Courtney Portlock Courtney Portlock is the Director of Diversity and Community Life at Episcopal Academy. She serves as an administrative resource for Episcopal in the school’s effort to fulfill its commitment to excellence and community building as well as works with the Head of School, Academic Dean, other administrators, faculty, parents, and students to sustain an equitable and inclusive community for all members of the Episcopal family. Courtney also represents the school in the regional and national Independent School community, through such organizations as Steppingstone Scholars Incorporated, the Multicultural Resource Center of Philadelphia Independent Schools (MCRC), The Independent School Consortium (ISC), the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) and the Association of Delaware Valley Independent Schools (ADVIS). She holds a B.S. from the University of Pittsburgh and a MS.Ed from the University of Pennsylvania. She is a board member of the Junior League of Philadelphia Board and Summerbridge of Greater Philadelphia as well as a Young Partner of Community Partnership School.

James H. Stewart James Stewart is President of Malvern Preparatory School, where he has been a member of the faculty and administration since 1970, having previously served the school as Head of School, Assistant Head of School, Athletic Director, and a Spanish Teacher. He holds a B.A. from La Salle University, an M.A. from Middlebury College, and an M.A. from Villanova University. He was a member of the faculty at La Salle College High School for two years when he taught Spanish from 1968-1970. Jim served as Director of PAIS for seven years and the President and Director of PAPAS for a combined eleven years. He has served as member of the Board of Trustees at Malvern Preparatory School since 1975. He also served as Director of Operations for the Aronimink Swim Club for over thirty years.

Arlene Yocum Arlene Yocum is Executive Vice President and Managing Executive of Client Sales and Service for PNC Asset Management Group. She is responsible for supporting the delivery of fully integrated wealth management solutions including planning, investment management, trust, estate and private banking products and services to individuals and their families. She received her B.A. degree from Dickinson College and her J.D. from Villanova School of Law. Arlene serves as Director of Protection One, Inc., an alarm monitoring and servicing company headquartered in Lawrence, KS, as well as Director of Key Energy Services, Inc., an oil well servicing company headquartered in Houston, TX. Arlene also serves as a Trustee of the Philadelphia Community College Foundation and is a member of the Dickinson College Regional Cabinet. Additionally, Arlene is a member of American Bankers Wealth Management and Trust Conference Board.

11 The Belcroft October 2010

Avoid yelling to keep the lines of communication open with your son.

Quality time makes a difference in relationships with teenagers.

If there’s one way to guarantee your on won’t listen to you, it’s to yell at him. When a parent yells at a teen, the conversation basically stops. The teen is no longer listening, and the parent is venting his frustration more than he is trying to make a point.

A recent survey found that overall, 78% of teens rely on their parents for advice. In a time when teens seem to be facing more peer pressure than ever, that’s great news.

That said, boys occasionally do things that cause parents to yell. Whether it’s missing curfew or getting a lower-thanexpected grade, your reaction may be to raise your voice. The key to keeping the lines of communication open-and keeping your son listening--is to not raise your voice. Here’s how: • Respond, don’t react. Reacting – acting on your first impulse without thinking about it – often leads to yelling. It’s like when you stub your toe – your reaction may be to curse loudly. But if your son is watching, you may silently count to ten instead. Try to respond calmly in a similar way. • Realize whose problem it is. If you lose your temper over a bad grade, your son becomes more concerned with hiding from your wrath than with determining how to raise that grade. Remain calm and ask your teen how she plans to deal with her problem. • Take a break. If there is no way you can face your teen without screaming, leave the room. Come back when you feel less angry. Reprinted with permission from the October 2010 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2010 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

However, your son can’t ask your advice if you’re never around. It’s important to carve out some quality time to spend with your son. Even an hour per week can make a big difference in your relationship with your son – and yes, talking during family dinner counts as quality time. Here are some other ideas: • Set up a standing coffee date – either at the local shop or at your kitchen table. You don’t have to serve your teen coffee. Just enjoy some relaxing one-on-one time together to sit and talk. • Schedule a monthly “Teen’s Choice Day”. Let your son choose his favorite meal and activity for the day. Maybe he’ll want pizza and take in a game. Or perhaps burgers on the grill and hanging out in the backyard is more his style. • Start a project together. Repaint the living room – or redecorate your son’s room. Volunteer at a local charity together. Being asked to help make teens feel like you trust them and being active Reprinted with permission from the October 2010 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2010 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

12 The Belcroft October 2010

La Salle Auction November 6, 2010 The Excitement is Building! Bella Luna! An Evening in Tuscany is only a month away.

requested information. Your password will be emailed to you. Everyone needs a password to use the online auction website.

6:00 pm Cocktails and Silent Auction

First time on the online auction website? If this is your first time on the online auction website and you are a current or new parent, click on “Find existing record” and follow the directions on how to create a password.

7:45 pm Sit-Down Dinner, Live Auction and Entertainment

Live Auction Preview Gourmet Dinner and Wine Party for Ten with Brother Richard Kestler, FSC

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mass and Continental Breakfast follow the conclusion of the Live Auction Co-Chairs Steve Duzinski and Chris Giaimo Send in your reservations today to make sure you’ll have a seat at this fabulous event. The auction is the largest fundraiser of the year. It also gives you a chance to relax and socialize with other La Salle parents, purchase some extraordinary items and enjoy a funfilled evening. You and your friends can reserve a table for ten or, if you’re new to La Salle, you can request to be seated with other parents from your son’s class.

Two Graduation Parties on Campus for up to 24 Guests Avalon Lobster Deck Dinner for Ten Party at the Boat House for up to 75 Five Days, Four Nights in a Luxury Villa in Jamaica (Sleeps Six) Comedy Night Other Exciting Live and Luxury Items Masters Golf Tournament Tickets Jersey Boys show and a night in Philadelphia Private Mass with La Salle’s Own Father Tony Janton VIP Tour of Washington, DC Beautiful Estate Piece of Jewelry And much, much more!

Invitations have been mailed. If you did not receive one, please contact the Auction Office at:


(215) 402-4915

Team Photos

Online Auction Visit the online auction website where you will find gift certificates to all of your favorite shops, restaurants and salons, golf outings, items for your home and all the very popular La Salle Auction Exclusives. Bidding online is easy. Just go to the auction website,, and click on the “BID” logo. This will take you to the online auction website. Click on “Sign-In” and begin. If you used the online auction website last year, enter your last name and your password. If you have forgotten your password, click on “Find existing record” and enter the

Golf at Local Clubs Day in Harrisburg with Kate Harper Look for our new La Salle Exclusive Items Donations We have received some great donations but we still need your support. We are looking for donations of golf outings, concert tickets, sports tickets, jewelry, iPods, Christmas items, wine or liquor baskets, get away weekend packages, etc. Super Gifts If you are still not sure what to donate send in cash to go towards an awesome Super Gift. $50 Donation – will go towards a piece of jewelry $100 Donation – will go towards electronics $250 Donation – will go towards a fabulous trip $500 Donation – will go towards a surprise luxury item

All donors will be recognized in the Program Book as the donor of the specific gift your donation was used to purchase. Visit our website to download a Gift form or Super Gift form - donations Raffle Don’t miss your chance to win up to $30,000 Send in your tickets today! $100 each or three for $200 Only 1,500 tickets will be sold! Sponsors/Advertising Become a sponsor or place an ad in the Auction Catalog to promote your business, honor your graduating son or your favorite team or club. All sponsors receive a full page color ad and tickets to the auction. Visit our website, to download a brochure. If you need help with your ad design, please contact Donna Bennett in the Auction Office: (215) 402-4915 Volunteer Opportunities Volunteers are still needed for the auction. Please contact Maryann Bush, Volunteer Coordinator, if you would like to volunteer for one the many committees that need help. In addition we are in need of someone who would be interested in learning how the bank works and working the bank the night of the auction. Maryann can be reached via email at or by phone at (215) 884-7716. Decorating Workshops The Decorating/Construction committee will be meeting a few times each week to transform our school into Bella Luna! An Evening in Tuscany. Workshops will mainly be held on Thursdays and Fridays. Everyone is welcome. If you would like to help, please contact: Ellen Cericola Karen Monzo Questions If you have any questions or need more information, please contact: Donna Bennett or Susan Bilotta (215) 402-4915

13 The Belcroft October 2010

Auction Director Donna Bennett Please join us on Sabato, Novembre 6, 2010 when the Mothers’ Club and Men of La Salle come together to present Bella Luna! An Evening in Tuscany at La Salle College High School. Let the Chianti flow! Enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres while bidding to win any of hundreds of items in the fabulous silent auction, where you’ll find everything from affordably priced necessities, to exclusive “La Salle” items, to luxury goods that will delight those with the most discriminating tastes. Next, guests will enjoy the view of the vineyards from their Tuscan Villa while feasting on gourmet fare. The action then moves into high gear for the evening’s finale - the Live Auction, where it will take a lot of “crushing of the grapes” to bid for the right to take home the extraordinary and unique!

at Even if you plan to attend the auction, ONLINE bidding gives you a chance to taste test and win an item that you might not get on auction night. Start previewing the online auction items after September 15, 2010 and you’ll be moon struck by our selections. If you participated in the online auction last year all you need to do is sign in using your last name and password. If you forgot your password an email will be sent to you. If you are new to the online auction site, but not to La Salle, you will need to look up your record by your last name and create a password. The first online auction begins September 30, 2010. Don’t miss your chance to BID & WIN!

And don’t miss your chance to cast your own shadow at this year’s Bella Luna! An Evening in Tuscany. Please consider donating a gift, becoming a sponsor, placing an ad in the program book, volunteering for a committee, or purchasing raffle tickets

Donations Our pickers with baskets have helped ensure that we have already received some wonderful donations, but we are still in need of donations of golf outings, concert tickets, sports tickets, jewelry, iPods, Christmas items, etc. Donations can be dropped off at the Main Office during school hours.

Fabulous Gifts We have created a vineyard to harvest the live auction with some exciting items, tickets to the hottest fall concert, Masters Tickets, name the driveway, front row seats to graduation, and more!

Not Sure What To Donate? Consider donating towards a fabulous Super Gift for $50, $100, $250, or $500. Details and gift forms are provided on the Auction web page at auction/donations

Luxury Auction It’s time to ripen your choice as you bid on items such as designer jewelry, electronics, tickets to the Phillies, Flyers, Eagles, and Sixers, team photos, and more.

Win Two Tickets To The La Salle Auction Bring your donations to Back To School Night on September 23, 2010 and your name will be entered into a drawing to win two tickets to the La Salle Auction (a $180 value). Drawing will be held on September 24, 2010 and the winner will be notified.

Live Auction Chairs Luxury Auction Chairs Mary Rose Lynch Jackie Toner Eileen Maginnis Dana Worthington Jennifer Princivalle Online Auction We sent the pickers with their baskets out to gather gift certificates to all your favorite stores, restaurants and salons. Also, the online auction will feature some of the very popular La Salle Auction Exclusives. If you can’t attend the auction on November 6, 2010, you can still go online to BID & WIN

Sponsors And Advertisers In The Auction Catalog As we take time to let the wine ferment, think about becoming a sponsor or placing an ad in the Auction Catalog to promote your business, honor your graduating son, or cheer on an entire sports team. All sponsors receive a full page color ad and tickets to the La Salle Auction. Premium Sponsor Levels Platinum Sponsor – $5,000 Golf Sponsor – $2,500 Silver Sponsor – $1,500

Bronze Sponsor – $1,000 Black and White Advertisements Full Page – $500 Half Page - $350 Quarter Page - $250 Business Card - $100 Visit the auction website to download a brochure at Advertising Chairs Alice Barr Mark Chadwick Raffle Tickets Win up to $30,000 $100 Each or Three for $200 Return raffle tickets by September 23, 2010 for a chance to win $500 in the “Earlybird Drawing”. Only 150 tickets will be sold. Look in the Fall issue of the Explorer for your tickets. Need additional tickets, please contact the Auction Office at (215) 402-4915. Raffle Chairs Mike and Monica Casciano Decorating As the sunflowers are blooming, the Decorating Committee will be holding workshops on Thursday and Friday, mornings and evenings, starting midSeptember. This is a set schedule. More information to come as it becomes available. The first morning workshop is tentatively scheduled for September 16, 2010 at 10:00 am. All workshops will be held at the Dunleavy Center. You don’t need to be artistic or crafty, just willing to help out. Men are welcome too! Decorating Co-Chairs Ellen Cericola Karen Monzo Come to our La Salle villa, as volunteering is a great opportunity to get involved and meet other parents. The following is a list of all the Auction Committee Chairpersons. If you are interested in helping on one of these many committees, please contact the Auction Office at (215) 402-4915 or visit the web site to sign up at

14 The Belcroft October 2010

Mothers’ Club Susan Gillespie President

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Gift Wrap Fundraiser

October 3, 2010 Mother/Son Service Project 10:00 am Cafeteria October 5, 2010 College Interview Day During School Gym Hours (provide assistance during the day) October 7, 2010 Evening Meeting with Speaker 6:30 pm Auditorium October 14, 2010 Honors Convocation (provide assistance before and after the event) October 17, 2010 Fall Family Liturgy 10:30 am October 31, 2010 Mother/Son Service Project 10:00 am Cafeteria

Keep shopping online and support La Salle College High School through the Sally Foster Gift and Gift Wrap Fundraiser. La Salle retains 40% of the proceeds from total sales while you enjoy unique gift and candy selections and fabulous gift wrap products! Get a start on your Christmas shopping and order online by December 1, 2010 for standard delivery before Christmas (buyers do not need the student sales kit to view products and place orders). It is so simple to view products and order online. Go to and select “support a fundraiser” in upper right corner. Then select “give credit to school or group” and enter La Salle’s Account No. 67725, so that La Salle College High school will receive full credit for your sale, then follow the easy step-by-step ordering instructions. All orders will be shipped directly to your home and shipping is free for orders over $50.Thanks for supporting this fabulous fundraiser and please invite family and friends to participate.

Volunteer Opportunities The Mothers’ Club is in need of volunteers throughout the year to help before, during, and after our events. Please check The Belcroft and the website each month to see where help is needed and e-mail the volunteer coordinator or one of the committee chairs listed with each event below to let her know your availability. If the activity fits into your schedule, please join us as volunteering is a great way to get to know La Salle moms in a casual and fun environment. If you able to assist, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator: Mary Frances Kelly

Mother/Son Service Project Sunday, October 3, 2010 and Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:00 am Cafeteria The Mothers’ Club is partnering with Mr. Chuck Cirelli on a service project for mothers and their sons to make sandwiches for the homeless and poor served by St. Francis Inn. We meet on Sundays before the first Monday of the month to prepare the bagged meals. If you and your son would like to participate in this project, please contact: Therese Rose (215) 654-8989

For more information, please: Ellen McCann

Eileen Smith

Ann Marie Sanders

Christmas Shopping Spectacular Sunday, December 5, 2010 12:00 to 4:00 pm Auditorium Preceded by an Advent Liturgy at 11:00 am organized by the Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee This event is open to all shoppers, so call your girlfriends and have them mark the date on their calendars. Come join the fun and catch the holiday spirit while helping to support La Salle College High School. Reserve a table to sell your merchandise or just come and shop. Approximately forty spaces will be available for merchants on a first-come-first-served basis. Register early as these tables go quickly. Look for more information in the November issue of The Belcroft. For table reservations, contact: For tickets, contact: Dana Worthington Joanne Quinn (215) 542-2139 (215) 793-9934

15 The Belcroft October 2010

Mothers’ Club (Continued) eScrip Help La Salle earn thousands of dollars. It’s Easy! It’s Free! It’s Powerful! Please log onto and register to do your on-line shopping with hundreds of merchants at the new “Online Mall”. The La Salle code is 6525176. In addition to regular shopping, you can even make purchases for travel, airlines and online services. There is no need to leave a credit/debit card number with eScrip. In the event that you are already supporting another institution with eScrip, your contributions can be split. Local eScrip merchants will contribute up to 8% of the purchases you make to La Salle College High School. 1. Go to 2. Click on “Sign-Up” 3. Follow the instructions Register for Genuardi’s Cash Back Program with your Genuardi’s shopping card number. When you shop at any Genuardi’s store, a percentage of your bill will automatically be credited to La Salle. It’s that easy. Please register soon, so La Salle can be a winner all year long. For more information, please contact: Jeanette Baldini

Request for Baskets We are in need of some medium, large, and extra large sizes wicker baskets to package gift items for the auction. If you have baskets that you would like to donate, please drop them off at the Dunleavy Center. If no one is there to accept them, they may be left on the porch.

Musical Keyboards Needed The Mothers’ Club will be collecting new or gently used musical keyboards for La Salle Academy, a school dedicated to educating children in grades three through eight whose potential is limited by social, academic, or financial challenges, and whose parents desire, but can not afford, a Catholic education. Last year this collection was very successful and LSA was deeply grateful to our school community. Only a few more keyboards are needed to provide each student with individual instruction. If you have a musical keyboard to donate, please contact: JeriBeth Subers (215) 641-0522

Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee News Shared Treasures Shared Treasures has opened for another year of fabulous finds and fantastic values! We are open each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Dunleavy Center, as well as the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm. Please stop by and shop from a terrific selection of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and accessories, home décor, books, small pieces of furniture and more! Tax-deductible donations of gently used items are also gratefully accepted and can be left on the covered porch on the side of Dunleavy Center. Please consider helping out in the shop, too, if you have a couple of free hours during the month. For information, please contact: Barbara Houldin (215) 990-2843

Advent Liturgy We hope to see a big turnout of mothers of alumni for the Mothers’ Club Christmas Shopping Spectacular on December 5th. The Alumnae Committee will once again host an Advent Liturgy, offered by Father Anthony Janton in the Marian Chapel at 11AM. All friends of La Salle are most welcome to join us in worship.

Donations For Saint John’s Hospice The Alumnae Committee will be accepting donations of toiletries and socks for the clients of Saint John’s Hospice in Philadelphia. Please bring any donations to Dunleavy Center whenever Shared Treasures is open. We welcome all mothers of alumni to join us as we work together in support of the Mothers’ Club and of La Salle. Our events are a great way of staying in touch with all of the friends you have made during your son’(s’) years at La Salle. Someone asked recently, “I have a son who has graduated, but have another one still at La Salle. Am I part of the Mothers’ Club alumnae? The answer is a resounding “yes.” All mothers of alumni should be receiving our monthly newsletter. If you are not seeing it in your inbox, please e-mail Kathy Caramenico at She will make sure you are added to the distribution list.

The Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee Kathy Caramenico, Donnamaria Dolan, Lynn Gates, Pam Grady, Karen Guerra, Barbara Houldin, Janet McBride and Terry Millet

Check The Belcroft each month for important dates and information on the Mothers’ Club!

The Mothers’ Club cordially invites all mothers to the Fall General Meeting Thursday, October 7, 2010 6:30 pm Auditorium There will be a brief business meeting followed by a presentation by Benjamin Ventresca.

Refreshments and a social hour will follow the presentation. There is no charge for this event, but, in order to plan appropriately, we do need an accurate count of those who will attend. Please let us know if you’ll be able to join us on October 7, 2010, by clicking on the “reservation” link of the “Mothers’ Club website,, no later than October

Presentation by Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ‘70 Chairman of the Board of Trustees Topic: Strategic Plan for La Salle College High School The Board of Trustees of La Salle College High School, in conjunction with representatives of the faculty and administration, has spent the past fifteen months fact-finding and defining key elements of the Strategic Vision. The focus of the recent Board Retreat was the Strategic Vision and Plan, and in October and November, the Board of Trustees will be reviewing both of these with key stakeholders (parents, students, alumni, and faculty) to set the stage for the formal writing of the Vision for La Salle in 2017 and the Strategic Plan to bring the school to that Vision.

4, 2010. If you encounter a problem in making a reservation, please e-mail Susan Gillespie, Mothers’ Club President, at

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

CORRECTION TO DATE Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Family Liturgy Sunday, October 17, 2010 10:30 am Celebration of Mass Outdoors (weather permitting)

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Please return the attached form with payment no later than Friday, October 8, 2010 or register online via a secure server at Please make all checks payable to: La Salle Mothers’ Club Return forms to: Terry Maginnis 1512 Friends Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 680-5590

Continental Breakfast to Follow Auditorium Please bring a blanket or lawn chair $15 per family

Family Name Address City



Phone Email Number Attending

at $15 Per Family

Amount Enclosed $



Exp Date







Mothers’ Club New York Trip Wednesday, April 13, 2011 2:00 pm (Matinee) Shubert Theatre 225 West 44th Street New York $175.00 per person

• • • • •

Includes: Continental Breakfast Prior to Departure Bus Transportation Ticket to the Show Box Lunch Refreshments/Goodies on the Bus

Make checks payable to: La Salle Mothers’ Club La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Seating is limited! Tickets are first come, first serve! Buses will depart from Montgomery Mall, Montgomeryville, PA promptly at 8:30 am. Box lunches will be provided. Dinner will be on your own. Buses will depart New York City at 8:00 pm and return to Montgomery Mall at approximately 10:30. Everyone will be assigned to buses. We will do our best to accommodate your party (seating on the bus and in the theatre). Reservations accepted with payment only. Your cancelled check is your receipt. Please fill out the response form completely, detach, and return with payment (photocopies accepted). In the event you have any questions, please contact Celeste LePrevost at (215) 248-1153 or

Mothers’ Club New York Trip Response Form Please mail this form along with payment in full to: Celeste LePrevost New York City Trip 29 East Benezet Street Philadelphia, PA 19118

Name Address City




Number Of Tickets At $175.00 Each

Total Enclosed


Names Of Others In Your Party


Yes, I Will Serve As A Bus Captain


I want to be on the bus that will drop-off at Canal Street and understand that I will be responsible for my own transportation to the Shubert Theatre.

19 The Belcroft October 2010 15

Reading Disorders Boys’ Brains and ADHD How are they classified?

What can be done to help students diagnosed

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 with dyslexia and other language processing disorders? 7:00 pm Reading disorders are the most commonly diagnosed learning disorders. Reading disorders Room 204 are often accompanied by ADD/ADHD or another learning disability. Of all the disorders identified, reading disorders most seriously affect academic success. When treated early, Presented by reading disorders can seemingly disappear, but reading problems can reappear when a Dr. Jo Ann Cohen and Jerry Evans student progresses academically and the material becomes more complex and voluminous. It’s normal for students to occasionally forget their homework, daydream during class, act without thinking, or get fidgety What beWe done to help students have reading Can medication help? during acan lecture. all know boys who can’t sitwho still, who never seem to difficulties? listen, who don’t follow instructions no matter how clearly they are presented, and who blurt out inappropriate comments. Sometimes these students are labeled as What has science uncovered about how the brain functions regarding reading? troublemakers or criticized for being lazy and undisciplined. But maybe the problem is that they have trouble paying attention and that trouble is because of how they process information. This workshop will help you learn how cortical differences Join Dr. Jo Ann Cohen and between Deficit boys and girls affect Disorder reading ability, andADHD explainor Inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity can also be signs of Attention Hyperactivity or ADHD. Mr. Jerry Evans for an interactive various methods used to diagnose and remediate thehis ADD as it was previously called can lead to problems in every part of his life. It can affect your son’s ability to learn, presentation on: It will help parents identify techniques to improve ability to get along with others and his ability to find and hold difficulty. employment. reading comprehension. Ever notice that more boys than girls have trouble paying attention? About ten percent of the population is diagnosed Joinare Dr. males. Jo AnnWhy? CohenHealth and Mr. Jerry say Evans an interactive with having problems learning and out of that group almost 80% experts thatinADHD workshop disorder to learn techniques that help students (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is the most common behavioral diagnosed in childhood. Whilefunction we once the academic arena. Dr. Cohen is a believed it disappeared in childhood, we now know that peoplemore of alleffectively ages can in suffer from ADHD. licensed psychologist specializing in neuropsychology. She is a Learning at theof David Programimpulsivity, at La But there are other people who believe it is over diagnosed. Just because a child Specialist has symptoms inattention, College School the Director of the Lihn or hyperactivity does not mean that he has ADHD.Many other Salle conditions canHigh cause theseand symptoms. Center for Psychology in Havertown. Mr. Evans has been a Tuesday, October 26, 2010 Dr. Jo Ann Cohen and Mr. Jerry Evans will give a presentation on “Boys’ Brains at and will allow science teacher La ADHD”. Salle for This morepresentation than twenty-five years. you to learn the physiological reasons why students who have ADHD have trouble paying attention, and it will identify Dr. Cohen and Mr. Evans have presented internationally 7:00 pm what parents can do to help their sons perform better. at numerous conferences including the International La Salle College High School Boys School Coalition, the National Catholic Education Dr. Cohen and Mr. Evans are faculty members at La Salle and have been making presentations at the conferences though Association’s Annual Convention, Pennsylvania Room 204 out the United States for the past five years. Join us to learn strategies for helping all students study more effectively Association of Independent Schools, the National especially boys who have problems with attention and concentration. Association for Developmental Education, and La Salle College High School. They are the coauthors of the book For additional information or to register online, please visit Cortical Differences Between Genders and How They Affect Learning. Does402-4160, Music Make You Please RSVP by Friday, October 23, 20090 by visiting the website, callingTheir Jerryarticle, EvansWhy at (215) Smarter? was first published in National Teacher Magazine or returning the attached form. for November/December 2008 and was recently printed in the Philadelphia Association of Church Musicians Journal.

Reading Disorders – How are they Diagnosed and Treated?



Please return all forms to: John Keenan La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 Please RSVP by Friday, October 23, 2009

20 The Belcroft October 2010

Men of La Salle John Toner ‘82 President

Upcoming Calendar of Events

New Fathers Welcome

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Study Commons Open to All Fathers Guest Speaker: Benjamin J. Ventresca

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

18th Annual Golf Outing Whitemarsh Valley Country Club

11:00 am

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Freshmen Branch-Out Day

7:45 am

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Study Commons Open to All Fathers Brief Meeting and Auction Set-Up

Saturday, November 6, 2010

La Salle Auction

The Men of La Salle were not deterred by the threat of bad weather as they hosted the annual BBQ welcome for all new fathers on Thursday, September 16, 2010. All fathers were treated to a very special evening full of speakers, raffles, and plenty of food and drink. Thank you to all the fathers who were able to attend. Over ninety fathers were in attendance and were able to receive the Men of La Salle lapel pin blessed by Father Janton. The camaraderie, enthusiasm, and dedication of these new and returning dads made for a great evening. We look forward to everyone’s attendance at our monthly meetings. John Toner spoke to the Men of La Salle’s mission and discussed upcoming events like the Golf Outing, Freshman BranchOut Day, and the Father/Son Banquet. Joe Marchese talked about the adjustment of the new boys to the school over the past couple of weeks. Brother Richard Kestler spoke about being involved with activities and sports at school. A special thanks to all who participated and made this a very successful evening. Having and wearing the lapel pin carries a level of responsibility that was acknowledged by the new fathers. The Men of La Salle extends a sincere welcome to each of you to become involved with your son as they become part of the La Salle community.

Thursday, November 18, 2010 Father/Son Banquet 5:45 pm Williamsons Restaurant The Events Calendar is full of several different events for you, your sons, and your entire family. We urge you to get involved and participate in as many as possible as they are what makes our La Salle family so very special.

Men of La Salle Golf Outing Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Whitemarsh Valley Country Club Lafayette Hill, PA 11:00 am


12:30 pm

Shotgun Start

$250 per golfer Join us at the 18th Annual Men of La Salle Golf Outing, now at one of the most historic and beautiful courses in the area, Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. The rate for an individual golfer is $250, which includes golf, cart, driving range, lunch, tow hour open bar, dinner, gifts, and competition prizes. Space is limited, so respond soon via either the enclosed flyer or the direct mailing. Open to fathers, friends, and corporate foursomes. Registration begins at 11:00 am with a shotgun start at 12:30 P.M. The format is “Foursome – 2 Best Balls”. Every golfer gets to play their own ball and the scoring will be handicapped; however, one does not need a handicap to play. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. Questions should be addressed to: Tim Corcoran (215) 653-7440

Freshman Branch-Out Day October 19, 2010 As you drive into La Salle you see “Enter to Learn” and as you exit “Leave to Serve”. This simple and profound philosophy is the essence of the Lasallian education our boys receive. As part of molding that philosophy into the hearts and minds of our young men, we recognize the responsibility we bear to teach them the many ways in which they can serve, the value of serving others, and the many gifts and talents that they already possess, that can make a profound difference in the lives of the less fortunate.

21 The Belcroft October 2010

This is what Branch-Out Day is all about – an opportunity for each one of our young men in the freshman class to spend the day in a variety of service projects throughout the community. Helping, learning, exploring – but most of all giving of themselves. This year’s event will be held on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, which brings us to the point of this note. We want to encourage each and every dad of the freshman class to join us and to be a part of this day of service. Your presence will not only add to the value of your day as a result of the additional work that can be performed, but more importantly as a visible role model to our young men, your sons, regarding the value you place on serving others. And, while we recognize the challenges of taking a day off of work, we would ask you to consider this opportunity to spend a day with your son in such a powerful and rewarding manner. Last year, more than half of the freshman dads were able to join us for this worthwhile experience. Based on past experience, we can promise you it will be a great day for you and yours sons and one which will serve to strengthen the bond, and build lasting memories. In order to ensure the best planning of work sites and work teams, it is important that we have an accurate count, at least one week prior to the day. We will meet at 7:45 am in the auditorium and end at approximately 2:10 pm. Dads should wear work clothes and bring is a brown-bag lunch. While you have this note in front of you, will you please register for this event by sending an email with your name and phone number to: Don Cericola

61th Annual Father/Son Banquet Thursday November 18, 2010 Williamson Restaurant Horsham, PA 5:45 pm Check-In and Reception 6:30 pm Dinner Each year, the Men of La Salle sponsors a dinner that has become a long standing tradition at La Salle. Plans are being made to ensure that this is a fine evening for you and your son(s). The banquet will include an excellent dinner, door prizes for your sons, 50/50 raffle, and music by our exceptional Jazz Band. The event has always been a quick sell out, so please don’t hesitate in making your reservations. We will be limited to six hundred seats in the main room, with an adjacent room for overflow. Seating will be in order of registrations received. Table reservations are also available.

Our guest speaker this year will be Randy Logan, former All-Pro Strong Safety for the Philadelphia Eagles. After completing his All-American career at the University of Michigan, Randy played eleven years for the Eagles. He was selected to the Pro-Bowl in 1979 and 1980. As a member of the 1980 Eagles, he played in Super Bowl XV. Before Randy retired after the 1983 season, he never missed a game in his eleven year career. In fact, his 159 consecutive games played streak is second all time in Eagles history. During his long playing career and after, Randy has used his strong faith to guide his work. Currently, Randy is the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at St. Gabriel’s Hall. Saint Gabriel’s System, a division of Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, directed by the De La Salle Christian Brothers, is a nonprofit social service agency that has been providing care and services to at-risk youth for over one-hundred years. It is without doubt that his presentation will be one you won’t want to miss.

Volunteer Opportunity Saint Vincent’s Roman Catholic Church Beginning this month, on Saturday and Sunday, and continuing until the end of the school year on all Saturday and Sundays, the Men of La Salle will begin providing services to St. Vincent’s Dining Room, the soup kitchen on 109 East Price Street in Philadelphia. Each weekend between 9:30 and 11:30 am, fathers and sons are asked to volunteer for food preparation in the kitchen, preparing meals for over 200 who are served lunch. We also need volunteers to serve lunch from 12:30 to 2:30 pm the last Sunday of each month. The Men of La Salle have a long history of serving the less fortunate at St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. It is a great experience for you to share with your son and it does not require a significant time commitment. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the web at then go to parents then Men of La Salle or contact: Joe Banecker (610) 828-0344

22 The Belcroft October 2010

Signature Sponsor

      — $2,000 —  

Corporate La Salle Partners

      — $1,500 —  

“Blue & Gold” Package

      — $1,250 —  

Tee Sponsorship

— $100 —

  

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23 The Belcroft October 2010




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Make checks payable to: Mail to: Tim Corcoran, 550 Pinetown Road, Suite 236, Fort Washington, PA 19034

Men of La Salle 2010 Golf Outing ● Tuesday, Oct. 12 ● REISTRATION FORM Please RSVP no later than Sept. 30, 2010  Field is limited to the first 80 “paid” golfers. 

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Make checks payable to: Men of La Salle ● Send RSVP & payment to: Tim Corcoran, 550 Pinetown Road, Suite 236, Ft. Washington, PA 19034 Note: Reservation without full payment will not guarantee a spot. Registration Contact: Tim Corcoran Email:

Oct. 12, 2010

Event Schedule





  

Nineteenth Hole

    

Golf Package

   (2 hour “Open Bar”)  

— $250 — 

Dinner Only


— $ 75 —

La Salle Theatre Presents Noel Coward’s

Blithe Spirit October 21 – 24, 2010 7:30 pm Tickets $7 for Students $10 for Adults Entertainingly Funny! Charles and Ruth are happily married, or so it seems, until the local medium, Madame Arcati conjures up the spirit of Charles first wife Elvira, who returns to win back his love, and have him join her on the other side for all eternity. Winner of the 2009 Tony Award for Best Revival, and a record 5th Tony Award for Angela Lansbury, Blithe Spirit is an evening of laughter, and what Coward originally penned as an unlikely farce. For more information on Blithe Spirit and other La Salle theatre related news, please visit www.lschs. org/theatre

25 The Belcroft October 2010

Men of Accomplishment Water Polo Team Makes A Splash! by Chris Catalino ’11

During the 2009 season, the La Salle Explorers Water Polo team set a precedent for all La Salle water polo teams to come. It was during this season that the Explorers managed to earn their first spot in the Pennsylvania State Tournament. Although unfamiliar with the layout of the tournament, the team managed to pull off an exciting seventh place in the state. The Explorers were excited to have gone somewhere no other La Salle water polo team had done before. The 2009 team finally proved that La Salle could play with the best teams in the PIAA. Entering the 2010 season, the Explorers have high goals. Although happy with their seventh place finish in 2009, the team hopes to improve their final PIAA standing this season. On August 18, 2010, the Explorers regrouped at the high school to start their preseason training. Coach Duncheskie quickly got the twenty-six returning athletes back in shape with daily weight lifting and swimming. The next week, the Explorers headed to La Salle University for a one week clinic conducted by Tom Tracey of American Water Polo and Dan Sheridan, Villanova Water Polo team’s head coach. Here, the team reviewed their offensive strategies, learned new skills, and continued to strengthen their conditioning. The players got a valuable second

look at their offense and even their individual techniques. Over the course of the two weeks following the clinic, the Explorers had the chance to face both the Haverford School and Penn Charter in scrimmages to help implement the skills and offenses they had been practicing in preseason. The team had a chance to work out the knots in their offense before heading into the regular season. With the addition of six freshmen, the team is complete. They realize that nothing will be given to them just because of their success the year before. With no pool to call home, this team will be traveling for every game. The Explorers recognize they have a tough schedule ahead of them including four tournaments before they head into conference championships in late October. Led by seniors Ian Thompson, Will Galbally, and Chris Catalino, the team knows they will be well tested and experienced. The Explorers hope to having another ground breaking performance in November at the PIAA State Championship held at North Penn Four La Salle students traveled to Los Angeles to participate in the 2010 USA Water Polo Boys Sports 2010 Junior Olympics. Eddie Kehan ’10 and Ian Thompson’11 played for the Princeton Tigers 18 and under team, while Matt McCrudden’12 and Ryan Barr ’13 played on the Tigers 16 and under team. Both teams placed in the Gold Division and the 18 and under team brought home a silver medal. Ian Thompson continued on to play in the Men’s National 20 and under Championship in Orange County, CA, where the Tigers placed eighth in the tournament.

26 The Belcroft October 2010

Varsity Sports Schedules Tony Resch Athletic Director

Cross Country


Greg Bielecki ’99 Head Coach October

Bob Peffle Head Coach October

6 9 13 23 28

5th PCL Meet Manhattan College Invitational 6th PCL Meet PCL Championship District 12 Championship

4:15 pm

Belmont Plateau

10:00 am 4:30 pm 3:30 pm

Van Cortland Park Belmont Plateau Belmont Plateau

1:00 pm

Belmont Plateau

Football Drew Godon Head Coach October 1 Roman Catholic 7:00 pm 9 Neumann-Goretti 7:00 pm 16 Father Judge 2:00 pm 23 Archbishop Ryan 1:00 pm 30 St. Joseph’s Prep 7:00 pm

Home Away Thomas Williams Park Home United German Hungarian Club Away Home Away

Water Polo Plymouth-Whitemarsh South Philadelphia Super Site Abraham Lincoln Plymouth-Whitemarsh Plymouth-Whitemarsh

Golf Marty Jackson Head Coach October 5 PCL Championship 8:00 am 12 District 12 Championship 9:00 am

1 Archbishop Wood 3:30 pm 2 Lower Merion 3:30 pm 5 Bishop McDevitt 3:30 pm 8 Archbishop Ryan 3:30 pm 12 Conwell-Egan 6:00 pm 13 George School 3:45 pm 15 Roman Catholic 3:30 pm 19 Lansdale Catholic 3:30 pm

Raven’s Claw Golf Club Island Green Country Club

Steve Duncheski ‘94 Head Coach October 2 North Penn Invitational TBD North Penn 5 Upper Perkiomen High School 3:45 pm Away 7 Springfield (Montco) 4:45 pm Away 8 Souderton Area High School 4:45 pm Away 9 Wilson Invitational TBD Wilson Area High School 12 William Penn Charter 3:45 pm Away 13 Germantown Academy 3:45 pm Away 16 Upper Merion Invitational TBD Upper Merion 20 Perkiomen Valley High School 4:45 pm Away 21 Pennridge High School 4:45 pm Away 23 Conference Championship Tournament TBD North Penn

20 The Belcroft October

L I G H T S La Salle Intervention: Giving Help To Students

The LIGHTS Team The Student Assistance Program of La Salle College High School Ms. Tina Shustack Program Coordinator Mathematics Department Mr. Greg Bielecki Social Studies Department Mr. Lew Clark Campus Ministry Mr. Doug Demeter Religion Department Mr. Matt Derrick English Department Mr. Mike Dolan Guidance Department Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik World Languages Department Mrs. Jeanne Holt-Brabson Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Mr. Tony Resch Athletic Director

The LIGHTS Team The LIGHTS Team, a Student Assistance Program (SAP), assists La Salle students as well as the families of those students, who face behavioral and/or academic difficulties. The team is comprised of specially-trained school faculty and staff, who meet weekly to discuss the needs of referred students. The LIGHTS Team works to identify problems and seek out solutions. The LIGHTS Team does not diagnose or treat students. The LIGHTS team seeks out and collates information about referred students from a variety of sources, including parents, teachers, coaches, and the school nurse, and uses the information to determine suitable strategies for helping the students.

Families and LIGHTS: Partnership in Assistance The LIGHTS Team works together with the parents of academically or behaviorally troubled students. To that end, the LIGHTS Team contacts parents of referred students early in the process. In some cases, a student will require assistance which La Salle cannot provide. In these cases, the LIGHTS Team will work with parents to facilitate the process of accessing resources in the community.

Help Us Help Your Son The goal of LIGHTS is to help referred students overcome their academic and behavioral difficulties. Ideally, parents and LIGHTS work together toward this goal by offering mutual respect and support, open channels of communication, awareness of the student’s strengths, and shared responsibility.

Student Referrals A student may be referred to the LIGHTS Team in a number of ways. A faculty or staff member may express his or her concerns regarding a student’s academic performance or behavior to a member of the LIGHTS Team. A parent with similar concerns may refer his or her son to the LIGHTS Team. A friend or classmate who is worried about a certain student may refer him to the LIGHTS Team for assistance. A student may refer himself to the LIGHTS Team for assistance. All information about referred students is kept strictly confidential.

8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

First Class Mail

October 2010 Volume Twenty Number 2

The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Principal Joseph L. Marchese Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through May.

The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.

Calendar of Events October 2010

First Class Mail The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue. The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.

3 5 5-8 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 22-24 23 26-27 31

Mother/Son Service Project 10:00 am College Interview Day Kairos 37-75 Golden Explorers Luncheon 10:00 am Early Dismissal 1:35 pm Men of La Salle Meeting 6:30 pm Mothers’ Club Meeting 7:00 pm SAT I and II Columbus Day No Classes Men of La Salle Golf Outing Alumni Board Meeting 7:30 pm Testing Day No Classes for Seniors Board of Trustees Meeting 2:30 pm Honors Convocation 7:15 pm Mixer 7:30 pm Fall Family Liturgy 10:30 am Freshman Branch-Out Day Career Day (Sophomores and Juniors) No Classes for Seniors Senior Class Photo Theatre Production – Blithe Spirit 7:30 pm ACT Junior Urban Challenge Mother/Son Service Project 10:00 am

The Fifth Annual Christian Brothers’ Service Awards Dinner November 13, 2010 6:00pm

The Ben Franklin House Philadelphia

Honoring our 2010 Brother Jubilarians

75 Years Br. Patrick Phillips fsc 65 Years Br. Hugh Albright fsc Br. Thomas Caldwell fsc Br. Francisco Martin fsc Br. Hilary McGovern fsc Br. Nicholas Sullivan fsc

60 Years Br. Timothy Dean fsc Br. Brendan Garwood fsc Br. Charles Gresh fsc Br. Philip Whitman fsc

50 Years Br. James Bednar fsc Br. Philip DePorter fsc Br. William Fealy fsc Br. Eric Henderson fsc Br. William Johnson fsc Br. Richard Kestler fsc

40 Years Br. Lawrence Shine fsc 25 Years Br. Charles Huber fsc Br. Anthony Nguyen fsc Br. Leonard Rhoades fsc

Benefiting San Miguel School Camden NJ

La Salle Academy Philadelphia PA

San Miguel School Washington DC

For further information: Christian Brothers Development Office • • 301.210.7444

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