Belcroft Newsletter

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October 2011 Volume Twenty-One Number 2

Dear Parents and Guardians, The 153rd academic year got off to a smooth start once tropical storms Irene and Lee departed the area. The first day of classes saw 1,068 young Explorers take possession of the campus. The Class of 2015 was welcomed with a full afternoon of activities followed by an evening induction ceremony. This event was something new for La Salle and was well received by students and families alike. Special thanks go to Mr. Nick Coggins for all the planning and attention to detail.

One aspect of this plan calls for La Salle to offer a globalized education. A recent proposal to the school to engage ourselves with students from across Asia will help in this effort. Beginning in the Fall of 2012, La Salle will welcome seven to ten freshman from across Asia to a compliment of 30/40 students in four years. It is my hope that this experience will broaden our students’ world view and one day pay dividends as our boys assume leadership roles in companies with worldwide markets. You will learn more of this initiative as the year progresses.

…commitment to academic excellence and position us as a leader among Catholic and independent schools in the State. La Salle was recently informed that twenty-seven members of the senior class had been recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Thirteen boys were named as National Merit Semifinalists, which is the most among any private, Catholic, or independent school in the State of Pennsylvania. An additional fourteen boys were recognized as National Merit Commended Students. In total, 11% of the Class of 2012 was recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program. These numbers clearly demonstrate the school’s commitment to academic excellence and position us as a leader among Catholic and independent schools in the State. Over the summer, final details were completed on our Strategic Plan. This was the result of more than a year’s effort and collaboration by several groups. You will receive your copy of the Strategic Plan, which outlines our goals through 2016, with the Fall issue of the Explorer. I hope you will take a few moments to review the content of both publications.

I wish to remind you of two important upcoming events. First is the joint meeting of our parent groups on October 6, 2011 at 7:00 pm. We have invited Brother Kevin Delmasse, FSC to speak to our families about Saint John Baptist de La Salle and his vision for education into the 21st Century. I am hopeful that you will avail yourself of this opportunity to learn more of the philosophy that motivates a Lasallian education. The second is Freshmen Branch-Out Day for the Class of 2015 and their fathers set for Tuesday, October 18, 2011. This will be the first opportunity for the Freshmen Class to share their talents with the many service sights that La Salle supports. Congratulations and best wishes to our fall sports teams and coaches. I am hopeful that your son has found something of interest amongst our many clubs and activities. Sincerely yours,

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 President

For over 150 years, La Salle College High School has provided a college preparatory education for young men in the Philadelphia area. La Salle boys are taught to be critical thinkers who are well prepared academically, able to communicate effectively, and lead confidently.

Enter to Learn

Dates to Remember Spend A Day At La Salle Starting September 19, 2011 Open House Sunday, November 13, 2011

Leave to Serve

Admissions Deadlines Eighth Grade Scholarship and Entrance Exam Saturday, December 3, 2011 Seventh Grade Practice Test Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday, November 25, 2011* (for all applications) Wednesday, November 30, 2011 (for filing for Financial Aid) * Applications will be accepted up until and including the day of the Scholarship/Entrance Exam.

La Salle La Salle College College High High School School 8605 8605 Cheltenham Cheltenham Avenue Avenue Wyndmoor, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 19038 19038 215215 402402 4800 4800 phone phone 215215 233233 0284 0284 fax fax

Board Room B en j a m i n J . V entresca , Jr . ’ 7 0 C ha i r m an of the B oard of T r u stees

Dear Parents and Guardians, On behalf of the twenty-eight elected and emeritus members of the Board of Trustees , I thank you for the tremendous commitment and sacrifice that you make to send your son(s) here and I hope that the first month of school has reinforced the soundness of your decision to do so. It is amazing how quickly everyone settles into the frenetic pace of life at La Salle and how subliminally the Lasallian spirit begins its transformative process.

These transitions happen naturally but are the result of two equal forces. The first is the dedication and work invested during the months leading up to the start of school by our Administration and Faculty, and the second is the trust and willingness of our student body - both those who are new members embarking on a precarious journey and those who are returning to the nurturing but challenging environment that has become their second home. Once again, we commend and thank both groups for their immersion in La Salle. Transition is also a good descriptor of the challenges that face the Board and Administration this coming year. Last May we adopted the Strategic Vision and Plan for La Salle. This is the culmination of over two years of work on the part of all constituents to discern the vision of what La Salle will be in 2016 and the path we are taking to get there. This plan will be formally announced in the upcoming fall edition of the Explorer, and will also be permanently available on the School’s website. This year, La Salle began the journey and the results of addressing some of the early objectives are already in evidence.

As parents and guardians, you may already realize that everything that is in place here is to help your sons to explore uncharted horizons and to realize their individual potential. At the same time, they are being challenged to cultivate their Christianity and understand the responsibility that personal achievement brings. La Salle is truly a place for learning and belonging and this is evidenced by the words and feelings of our graduates as they reflect on their accomplishments and sense of brotherhood as they prepare to move on to new experiences. La Salle is also a place for parents and guardians to learn and belong. We appreciate the tremendous contribution to the fabric of La Salle that is made each year by the women and men of the Mothers’ Club and the Men of La Salle and the various booster clubs. Having been an active part of those organizations as our sons were here, I can attest that involvement in these organizations offers opportunities of a lifetime. Over the course of the year, there will be seminars and presentations planned for you that promise to be informative and enjoyable. In short, get involved and stay connected…without a doubt, it will be good for you, for your sons, and for La Salle. Best wishes for an outstanding year. Sincerely yours,

Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Chairman of the Board of Trustees

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Activity Fair

Attendance Line

The annual Activities Fair was held on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 in the gym during all lunch periods. This was an opportunity for all students, particularly the Class of 2015 to learn about all the co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities that La Salle offers. Some new clubs have been added to our list of offering – Culinary Club, Robotics, and Rugby to name a few. Hopefully all of the students will experience La Salle totally by “getting involved”.

A reminder to parents that you must call your son out of school by 8:00 am. You can reach the attendance office by calling (215) 233-2911 and selecting Option No. 1 or dial (215) 402-4819, which sends you directly to the Dean’s Office attendance line. Thank you for your cooperation.

Student Council Mixer The first Mixer of the school year was held on Friday, September 30, 2011 with about 1,200 young people in attendance. Music was provided by Solid Ground Productions. Some of the profits from the dance will go toward fulfillment of the student pledge to the successful capital campaign. Reminder To All Parents: Only La Salle young men are eligible to attend any La Salle dances! Girls’ tickets are now being sold on-line.

Magazine Drive The annual magazine drive got underway on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 with special assemblies sponsored by Great American. Hopefully all those who subscribed last year were asked to renew their subscriptions. The goal for this year is $110,000. If the students reach it, there will be a school holiday. Seniors are once again are challenged to achieve their class goal in order to wear golf shirts in the spring. This year students are eligible to win one of two trips to Disney World in the spring. Anyone who sold their quota of five subscriptions were in the drawing for one lucky winner and the top ten salesmen were eligible again in a separate drawing. Next month’s issue of The Belcroft will have a list of the top salesmen and prize winners. This drive is very important for the La Salle community. Thank you for your support.

Fall Drama Production Lend Me A Tenor October 21-23, 2011 7:30 pm In 1934, the renowned tenor Tito Merelli, known to his fans as “Il Stupendo,” is scheduled to sing the lead in Otello. The opera is being produced as a gala fundraiser for the Cleveland Opera Company. Unfortunately, even before the star leaves his hotel room, everything begins to unravel. Chaos ensues when Merelli’s wife, who has mistaken an autograph-seeker hidden in his closet for a secret lover, leaves him a “Dear John” letter. The distraught Merelli accidentally is given a double dose of tranquilizers to calm him and passes out. Saunders, the company’s General Manager, is determined that the show will go on (for his own financial sake), so he asks his assistant Max to impersonate the opera star. Max puts on the blackface makeup required for the role of Otello, and his disguise succeeds admirably – until Merelli, also in blackface, wakes up and heads for the stage. What follows is a chainreaction of mistaken identity, farcical plot twists, double entendres, innuendoes, and constant entrances and exits through many doors.

EITC The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) provides businesses the opportunity to invest in the education of La Salle students. Companies who donate through the EITC program can contribute to the academic success of students and earn a substantial tax credit in the process. Although several large companies participate, most EITC contributors are small businesses, donating smaller sums of money. The charitable contribution reduces the amount of a business’s taxable income as tax credits reduce tax bills dollar-for-dollar. If you are interested in participating in this program or receiving additional information, please contact Paul Colistra ’00, Major Gifts Officer, at (215) 402-4811or

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is alive and well at La La Salle College High School aspires to be a school rich in diversity where each member of the community is valued and embraced. Our goal is to create an educational environment where differences in race, culture, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation and learning style are accepted and understood. In creating such a welcoming environment, La Salle will be a community serving the entire Greater Philadelphia region, where the diversity of thought and background will foster the development of the whole person and serve to best prepare its students for the world beyond its walls.” La Salle’s Diversity Vision Statement


Each new school year begins with much excitement and anticipation for all. For a freshman, this can be an exhilarating and somewhat intimidating experience. Certainly, there are a variety of questions that run through the minds of these freshmen. Will I fit in at La Salle? Will there be people of similar interests? What if I am somewhat different in my thoughts, the way I present myself or even in the way I look? Will I be accepted for who I am? Recently, during their Orientation Day, freshman participated in an activity designed to illustrate both the similarities and differences in each student. From this exercise, the freshman could see that they have many things in common with one another. In the same way it was obvious that even though they share these many similarities, there are some differences. This exercise was conducted with the hope that these young men would understand that throughout our lives we will deal with people who see differences as problems; people who assume that anyone who thinks, acts or looks different is wrong. Here at La Salle, we are working to embrace diversity and see it as a positive aspect of each student’s educational experience. Diversity presents an awesome opportunity for our students to learn about themselves, to learn about their fellow classmates, and an opportunity

by Joe Parisi

to share thoughts and ideas with people who are different in variety of ways. Students were encouraged to accept differences in order to make our community a better place, here at La Salle in our neighborhoods and in the world. We know that learning about differences and accepting them as a positive can sometimes be difficult or confusing. This is where the role of the Diversity Office is best defined. Students who experience these challenges are encouraged to bring their concerns to the Diversity Office. If a student feels the need to talk about his differences, if he feels like he’s been offended or embarrassed because he is different in some way, if he has offended someone else, or even if he is just not sure how to handle a situation; there is always a place for him to discuss his concerns. The Diversity portion of the Orientation concluded that: when it is all said and done, we will all have a very important thing in common… our VALUES… Respect for others is one of the core values that will be emphasized during a young man’s four years here at La Salle. We will be respectful of each other. We will be accepting of people for who they are.

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Men of Accomplishment Thirteen Students Named as National Merit Semifinalists

Back Row (left to right): Ryan Sosnader, Daniel O’Brien, Frank Worthington, Jack Fillenwarth, Matt Volpe, Shashidharre Masireddy, and Malcolm Flynn. Front Row (left to right): Daniel Finnegan, Daniel Lynch, Clifford Mars, Ryan Herbert, Anthony Buonomo, and Emre Karatas.

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced that thirteen seniors from La Salle College High School are semifinalists in the 2012 competition for National Merit Scholarship Awards. The thirteen students is the most among any private, Catholic, or independent school in the State of Pennsylvania. An additional fourteen students from La Salle College High School were recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program as Commended students. In total, 11% of the Class of 2012 at La Salle College High School was recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

Founded in 1955, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation in Evanston, IL was established to reward academically talented high school seniors. Winners stand to receive 8,300 corporate-donated scholarships valued in excess of $34 million. Approximately 1.5 million students from 22,000 high schools across America entered the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program. About 16,000 students nationwide were named as Semifinalists and given the opportunity to compete for scholarships.

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Office of Academic Affairs THOMAS R. BARNA A S S I S T A N T P R I N C I P A L F O R A C A D E MI C A F F A I R S

Advanced Placement Results

Academic Convocation

Our Advanced Placement students continue to shine and make us very proud. In May of 2011, a total of 257 students took 560 exams, which is a record-number here at La Salle College High School. Of all the AP students, 87 percent of them earned at least one qualifying score of three or better on a five-point scale. In addition, 84 percent of all the tests taken were awarded a three or higher. These are extremely impressive numbers. Simply put, our students continue to take more tests with results well above regional, state, and national averages.

The annual Academic Convocation, honoring last year’s first honors students, is scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 7:15 pm. The faculty and administration are proud to honor these young men who have distinguished themselves by earning the Scholastic “L” by virtue of attaining a final grade point average of 3.75 or above with no grade below a “B-” based on final yearly grades. In addition, La Salle will honor its National Merit Semi-Finalists and National Merit Commended Students. La Salle will also recognize those members of its faculty who have distinguished themselves with twenty-five of completed service. They are Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro, Brother Kenneth Cook, FSC, Mr. Martin Jackson, and Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak.

With results like this, our students deserve special attention. The College Board recognizes exceptional AP students with notable designations based on the total number of AP exams they take during high school. For last year, La Salle was blessed with 98 total AP Scholars. • 8 students were named as “National Scholars”, having earned an average of at least 4 on all AP exams taken and grades of 4 or higher in eight or more of these exams. • 51 students were named as “AP Scholar with Distinction”, having earned an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. (“National Scholars” are also “Scholars with Distinction”.)

If a student had a late grade change or is uncertain whether or not he has the required GPA, he should see La Salle’s Registrar, Mrs. Russo, in Academic Affairs as soon as possible. Invitations will be mailed to the families of qualifying students. Invited students and their families are encouraged to attend this special event. We look forward to seeing you on October 13, 2011.

• 19 students were named as “AP Scholar with Honor”, having earned an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken and grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams, • 28 students were named as “AP Scholars”, having earned grades of 3 or higher on 3 or more exams. All these AP Scholars were honored at our Honors Assembly during school on September 23, 2011. Congratulations to our hard working students and teachers. The challenging AP curriculum continues to attract a very large number of our students. This year, we are running 19 AP courses which are broken into thirty-six sections and taught by twenty-one different teachers, which is about one fifth of our faculty. We have full confidence that this year’s crop of students will continue the trend of such outstanding results.

Act II Playhouse Writing Competition Congratulations to Jonathan Roberts ’12, who was one of the winners in the Act II Playhouse Ruff Draft Writing Competition. Jonathan was one of ten winners selected amongst high school students. Jonathon’s monologue was read by a professional actor at the Act II Playhouse on September 17, 2011. Congratulations to all who helped Jonathan be recognized for his creative writing!

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Men of Intellect First Honors Class of 2012 Stephen Vincent Anella Matthew James Basara Christopher Appelt Bell Max Ryan Breitmayer Anthony Robert Buonomo Craig V. Burdulis, Jr. Sean Frederick Burke Ronald A. Carapellotti, Jr. Alexander Stephen Chrostowski Kevin Joseph Ciasullo Alexander Douglas Cranch Christopher Andrew Curtis Jon Michael Derewicz Nicholas Drew DiGiacomo Thomas Edward D’Orazio Patrick Joseph Eble Casey Robert Eidenshink Samuel J. Farris John James Fillenwarth Daniel Patrick Finnegan Malcolm Ahern Flynn Matthew Alan Franzen Stuart Matthew Gibson Andrew Thomas Glavin Joseph David Gorman James Alexander Gresko Emmett Karl Gross Oscar Jefferson Gryn Aidan Thomas Hamilton Christopher Evan Heleniak Ryan Patrick Herbert James William Hill Scott Joseph Jenkins Ryan Christopher Kalkbrenner Emre Thomas Karatas Casey Steven Kent Tyler Wade Kern Alexander David Kochanasz Michael D. Koerner Patrick Joseph Lawn, Jr. Daniel James Lynch Matthew Joseph Magarity Kevin Brady Maginnis John Patrick Maloney Kevin Granger Marble Clifford Michael Mars

Kyle Alexander Martin David James Martosella Shashidharreddy Masireddy Nicholas Christian Mather Thomas Anthony Mazza, II Jonathan David McCarry Michael Patrick Meehan, Jr. Daniel Louis Mercader Kegan Nathaniel Moesta Matthew Robert Murphy Ryan Timothy Murtha Daniel Joseph O’Brien Colin Kenney O’Hara Francis Thomas Pantano Jeremy James Plamondon Henry Joseph Ryan Andrew George Saba Jordan Thomas Santora Eric William Schultz Nicholas Mark Seigel Brandon Antonio Sinnott Ryan Austin Sosnader Alexander Gabor Szokolyai Gerard Edward Thiers Michael Montgomery Thomas William Flaherty Toner Charles James Viola Matthew Robert Volpe Ryan William Ward Alexander Nicholas Weber Alexander E. Weinrich Francis W. Worthington

First Honors Class of 2013 Peter D. Auteri Julian Spencer Baseman Michael E. Bowen Matthew William Brecht Eric W. Bridgeford Johnray A. Briones Andrew Gene Carlone Michael Anthony Casey Matthew Mark Chadwick Sean Thomas Cincotta Thomas McNichol Coyle Matthew Joseph Daly Michael Paul deLuca Anthony Michael DeSantis Carlos Martin Diaz Joseph Thomas Dooney Nicholas Umberto D’Orazio Michael Christian Eife Christopher Michael Esposito Nathan Paul Ezzo Jonathan Raymond Fabriziani Christopher John Fagan Patrick James Finlay Matthew Burton FitzPatrick Jacob Michael Ford Charles Anthony Formica Robert Joseph Gormisky G. Matthew Greco Kevin David Groome Andrew Patrick Halton Joseph Jerome Heidt Nicholas Alexander Higgins Peter Gregory Hildebrandt Patrick Joseph Hoffman, Jr. Evan Ezekiel Holder Nicholas Matthew Hreshko Frederick Joseph Ilsemann, IV Brendan Joseph Koch Brian Robert Lagreca Conor Elwin Lavelle Christopher Allen LePrevost William Christopher Lucas Christian Gerard Lutschaunig Kurt Reed Lutter Mark Manjardi, Jr. Agustin Tomas Marty

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Connor Thomas Masterson John Vincent Mastronardo Patrick Edward May Luke Edward McCann Chad Michael McCutcheon Brendan Michael McGonigle Anthony Louis Mercader William John Mischler Preston Michael Murray Russell Tuseck Napolitano Johnathan Michael Neufeld James Michael O’Connor, III Michael James O’Connor Kevin Francis O’Donnell Ryan Edward O’Donnell Dominic Michael Padova John Bradley Parker Luke Louis Persichetti Joseph R. Podraza, III Evan Daniel Quain Kevin J. Reed Conor Anthony Resch Griffin James Ripley Gregory Charles Rogers Michael Steven Ryan, Jr. Zachary S. Scheier Matthew Richard Scott Michael Andrew Selner Riley Dennis Slusarski Stephen S. Smith, Jr. Thomas Andrew Spiteri Andrew Joseph Stone Robert Vito Stratton John Thomas Tyrrell Evan Walsh Ryan Henry Winslow Joon Hyuk Yoon Martin Richard Zefelippo

Men of Intellect First Honors Class of 2014 Ryan Thomas Abell Maxwell Hunter Albone Erik J. Azzarano Michael Patrick Barrett Keith Joseph Basara Kevin Charles Brady Griffin Nemo Brown Eric Claude Burgmann John Edward Carlidge Connor James Casey Anthony William Ciliberto David Wayne Cox Nicholas Anthony Dermo Harrison Edward Dittrich Charles Ambrose Donnelly John Halsey Durbin Robert Casey Dwyer John Joseph Ernandez, Jr. Tyler Michael Fallon John Jude Farris, Jr. Kevin Michael Finnegan Joseph Alexander Frazer

Sean Matthew Furgiuele John Manus Gallagher Kevin James Gay Colin John Happ Thomas Joseph Herron, III Connor McKendrick Higgins Stephen John Hudak Brendan Robert Keenan Hyeong Seok Kim Jacob Joseph Klemmer Joseph Edward Krol Nicholas Daniel Kush Adam David Lagner Keith Alan Lee Kevin Patrick Lindsay Tyler Patrick Little Charles Tiers Lloyd, Jr. Eric Christopher Lopresti Matthew Gregory Lucas William Robert Maguire Stephen David Maloney Christian Matthew Mancini Alexander Donato Marzullo Christopher Jordan Mather

Timothy McAuliffe Matthew Vincent McCarry Shane Michael McDevitt Evan Francis McDonnell Peter Christopher McDonnell Timothy David McElroy Liam J. F. McGrother Trent Anthony Melsheimer Mark Joseph Metzler Quin R. Murphy Charles Greif Newell James Harrison Palmer Jordan Paul Petrellis Joseph Achille Pinnola-Vizza Ryan Patrick Pluck Mark Andrew Reed Michael Alan Rihm Patrick Francis Ryan Oscar Ricardo Sanchez John O’Bryan Scheffey Thomas Andrew Schmitz John Francis Schoenewald, III Andrew John Schutta Aaron Paul Sosnader

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Mitchell James Soufleris Daniel Anthony Spinelli, Jr. Daniel Jennings Thomas Ryan Joseph Weathers Reid Rothwell Worster James H. R. Worthington Phillip M. Zminda


College Counseling Center Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen Director of College Counseling (215) 402-4845 Mr. Gerard M. Brett Associate Director of College Counseling (215) 402-4846 Brother William DiPasquale, FSC Associate Director of College Counseling (215) 402-4852 Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell Administrative Assistant (215) 402-4849 The College Counselors have been meeting with seniors once a cycle in Senior Advisory Class. Topics covered have been an explanation of the college search and application process, updating of transcripts, Naviance, college visits, and interviews.

College Interview Day College Interview Day will take place at La Salle on October 4, 2011 during the school day for our seniors. Over sixty colleges and universities will be represented at this event. Seniors will have the opportunity to schedule at least two appointments with college admission officers. A list of schools attending is on our website. Feedback in previous years from our students and college admission officers clearly indicates the value of this event.

Visits by College Admissions Officers Seniors will be notified about daily visits of college admission officers, Open Houses, competitions, and scholarships in the Daily Bulletin, our website, Naviance, WEXP, homeroom and college counseling bulletin boards and in advisory class. Please encourage your son to check these many sources for pertinent information to help navigate the college search and application process. All seniors are encouraged to make individual appointments with their college counselor. The sign-up books are in the College Counseling Center. Our website, is filled with information helpful in understanding the college search and admission process and includes the link to Naviance, the Web based program accessible from our webpage. The scattergrams available on Naviance are particularly helpful in determining a “good match” college list. Information specific to La Salle as well as general information can be found in the sources listed above.

Deadlines for applications – both early and regular admission – vary with each college. The student is responsible for knowing and meeting the deadlines. The College Counseling Center must be notified about deadlines as soon as possible but at least three weeks prior to deadlines. October 7, 2011 is the notification deadline for Early Action/Early Decision applications. Counselors and teachers need sufficient time to write letters of recommendation.

NCAA Any senior who is considering playing Division I or Division II intercollegiate sports must make application for eligibility clearance through the NCAA Clearinghouse. Read the directions carefully. Inform Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell in the College Counseling Center when you register so transcripts can be sent to the Clearinghouse. NCAA information is explained on the last page of our school calendar and is on our webpage, Coaches and counselors are available to answer any questions.

Financial Aid A number of sites dealing with financial aid are listed on our webpage. Go to Links and Resources on the college counseling website and look for the section on “Paying for College”. Also check out the latest newspaper articles regarding the current state of financial aid posted on our webpage. Understanding financial aid, especially current changes by lenders, is an important part of the college application process. In order to qualify for Federal or State funds, parents and students need to complete the FAFSA. Go to www.fafsa. for information and the form. Online applications are preferred. The form may be filed beginning January 1, 2012. In order to have an early estimate of eligibility for federal student aid, check out FAFSA4caster. In addition to the FAFSA, some colleges require their own financial aid form or the CSS Profile. Information and Profile forms are available on the College Board site. Forms may be filed now. Additional websites are listed at our site. Two particularly helpful ones are for an excellent overview and for scholarships. Meeting requirements and deadlines for financial aid is crucial and is the student’s responsibility. A Financial Aid Night for Parents of juniors and seniors will be held at La Salle High School in the auditorium on November 10, 2011 7:15 pm. Bonnie Lee Behm, Director of Financial Assistance at Villanova University, will present.

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BOYS WILL BE BOYS by Jo Ann Cohen, PhD

“Stephen and I just spent some time petting Bengal tiger cubs. Tonight we’re searching for alligators in one of the marshes,” I told a friend on the phone. I’d made a spontaneous visit to see my son in Florida, because he just returned from a military tour of Iraq. Stephen described his tour as his “most difficult.” Still, he seemed to have acquired a new appreciation for life. As the day progressed, I noticed that he delighted in teasing me with anxiety provoking experiences, yet he knew when to stop. When we got in the boat to search for alligators, Stephen warned me that hovercrafts do not have brakes. “The captain will spin us in tight circles to stop. The water might spray on you, but don’t worry about it.” Growing up, Stephen had been a real “boy.” He was a collection of spit fire and gentleness. His adult counterpart is less extreme, but he is still full of humor and adventure. Stephen is a text book example of how boys mature. For years, I’ve been fascinated by how brain anatomy or cortical structures differ between genders, how variations change with maturity, and the effect cortical variations have on learning acquisition. Boys have more behavioral problems and more difficulty paying attention. Boys are more competitive, and have different interests than girls do. Most boys enjoy slimy worms, gory movies, horror stories, sports, math, history and science. What girls find provocative, boys often see as boring. In school, boredom can result in

noncompliance. Males enjoy gut wrenching experiences that send most females scurrying, or at least headed for the spectator benches. With boys, practical learning is better. As we toured the brackish marshlands for alligators, Stephen was the only member of the group who opted to walk barefoot to explore a sand bar. “Come on, Mom! What is making you so squeamish?” he asked. “There are tons of poisonous water snakes in this region,” I retorted. Stephen looked at me with amusement. “Mom,” he said with obvious patience. “Brackish water rarely has snakes. Saltwater snakes think there’s not enough salt and freshwater snakes think there’s too much. They’re so uncomfortable; they just want to get over to the other side.” Stephen focused on what he had to know to survive. I’m sure he was right, but I stayed in the hovercraft anyway. The government has spent an enormous amount of money to identify effective methods of teaching the mostly male military constituency. Government has many advantages. They can enforce “punishment.” When Steve came to visit after he enlisted, we went for a car ride. He immediately buckled his seatbelt. “Thanks, Steve,” I said. “Mom, if you got into an accident and I got hurt because I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt… Let’s just say I could be in lots of trouble.” (I refrained from asking why my concern for his safety was less persuasive.) The military is concerned about teaching a specific group of individuals; whereas in

most classrooms, students vary in gender, ability, and desire to achieve. Research has shown reducing student variety helps identify effective teaching techniques. Some schools have entrance criteria, a single gender constituency, and other factors that allow teachers to focus on the best teaching techniques to use with a specific group. In that respect, La Salle students have a distinct advantage. Teachers can use teaching methods and curriculum materials best suited to boys. Effective techniques create students who are more focused and more apt to understand what is presented. Boys are better able to pay attention when teachers employ visual and kinesthetic techniques. LaSalle teachers know that boys learn more easily in an activity oriented environment. Activity makes more oxygen available to the cortex which makes remembering and learning easier. Kinesthetic learning increases blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for attention and concentration. Since La Salle is an allmale school, teachers can focus on learning techniques more conducive to boys. One of Stephen’s friends called that evening. Stephen explained that I was visiting, and we were searching for alligators. “Wow,” his friend retorted. “Your mom’s really lucky. When I came to visit, all we did was practice your jujitsu moves until you broke my ankle. Then we spent the rest of the time in the ER.” Yep, boys will be boys.

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Ministry and Service LEWIS CLARK D I R E C T O R O F C A M P U S MI N I S T R Y

Freshmen Retreats (Theme: Lasallian Identity) October 25, 2011 (1A-5A) October 26, 2011 (6A-10A) Sophomore Retreats (Theme: The Road to Emmaus) December 6, 2011 (1B, 2B, ½ 3B) December 8, 2011 ( ½ 3B, 4B, 5B) December 13, 2011 (6B, 7B, ½ 8B) December 14, 2011 ( ½ 8B, 9B, 10B) Junior Retreats (Theme: Choices) February 9, 2012 (1C/2C), February 10, 2012 (3C/4C) February 14, 2012 (5C/6C), February 15, 2012 (7C/8C) February 23, 2012 (9C/10C) Senior Retreats Kairos 37-81 Kairos 37-82 Kairos 37-83 Kairos 37-84 Kairos 37-85 Kaiors 37-86 One Day Retreat

October 4- 7, 2011 November 8- 11, 2011 December 13- 16, 2011 January 31- February 3, 2012 February 28- March 2, 2012 April 24- 27, 2012 December 5, 2011

School Wide Liturgies and Prayer Services Opening of School Liturgy September 16, 2011 All Saints Day Liturgy November 1, 2011 Thanksgiving Prayer Service November 22, 2011 Immaculate Conception Liturgy December 8, 2011 Christmas Liturgy December 22, 2011 Ash Wednesday Prayer Service February 22, 2012 Lenten Liturgy April 3, 2012 Founder’s Day Prayer Service May 10, 2012 Ascension Thursday Liturgy May 17, 2012 Student Led Prayer Services (7:35 am in Marian Chapel) Peace.Light. Hope. in HIS footsteps

Fridays During Advent Fridays During Lent

Sacrament of Reconciliation November 15, 2011 and February 28-29, 2012 Eucharistic Adoration and Daily Mass Varies On- Going Service Projects Monday Elder Share Tuesday La Salle Academy Tutoring, Triest House, and Human Rights Forum Wednesday Providence Center Tutoring Thursday Street Outreach and Sarnelli House Friday Lasallian Service Corps Saturday Saint Vincent’s Dining Room Sunday Saint Vincent’s Dining Room, Saint Francis Inn Sandwich Making

Seasonal Drives Magazine Drive for Grade Schools Thanksgiving Food Drive Operation Santa Claus Secret Santa La Salle Responds Initiative

September 26-30, 2011 November 14-22, 2011 November 28, 2011 – December 24, 2011 November 28, 2011 – December 24, 2011 Ongoing

Grade Level Opportunities Freshmen Branch Out-Day Sophomore Branch Out-Day Junior Urban Challenge

October 18, 2011 March 28, 2012 October 26-27, 2011, December 6-7, 2011, and February 1-2, 2012

Summer Service Opportunities Urban Immersion (Philadelphia) June 3-8, 2012 and June 10-15, 2012 Project Appalachia (Kentucky) June 3-9, 2012 Navajo Experience (Arizona) June 17-23, 2012 and June 24-30, 2012 Building Bridges of Solidarity (Bolivia) July 8-21, 2012 Lasallian Youth Assembly July 2012 Blackfeet Immersion (Montana) July 29-August 4, 2012 and August 5-11, 2012 Gulf Coast Immersion June 3-9, 2012 and (Louisiana) August 5-11, 2012

For additional information, please contact Campus Ministry: Lew Clark Director of Campus Ministry Mark Chesnik Assistant Director of Campus Ministry Micky Dominick Assistant Director of Campus Ministry

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Men of Service OPERATION GULF COAST 2011

A Storm, a Disaster, a Community Reborn by Matt Volpe ‘12 “This is what we need – Community. That’s the most important thing.” These simple but lasting words still ring in my ears today. Perhaps the reason they have become so much a part of me is where they came from: a stranger named Chris who happened to walk by the house other La Salle seniors and I were painting one day while in New Orleans this past summer. He didn’t know who we were or even whose house it was, but he knew we were there to help and that was all he cared about. He was the first to thank us while we worked, but he would not be the last. Throughout the week we spent this August working with Operation Helping Hands, an agency of Catholic Social Services, countless people approached us, introduced themselves, and made us realize what a unique environment the city is. Chris was our first step on a journey of discovery that showed us a new city, a new people, and a new way of looking at the world. When we first arrived at our home for the week, the Duchesne House, the Sisters who run this home for volunteers welcomed us to the city right off the bat with Mardi Gras beads and a traditional southern dinner, the kinds of things any visitor would expect from “N’awlins”. But as time went on, we learned that there is so much more to this city, good and bad, than what we had seen from outside. Sister Maureen took us on an eye-opening tour of the city after our first day of work and showed us neighborhoods of the city that have been rebuilt to near perfection since Hurricane Katrina, and others that have been literally untouched. More importantly, though, she told us stories of how it was not just buildings that desperately needed repair, it was the community. New Orleans was a city of almost half a million people until Katrina hit and the majority fled,

some never to return. The city regrew gradually, now at a population of just under 350,000. Some would say the city is thriving again, but it still bears many sobering signs of its past. On our tour, we saw scores of abandoned houses in many neighborhoods that still have spray painted messages on their doors and porches, messages left by search and rescue teams looking for survivors in the aftermath of the disaster. Fortunately, groups like Operation Helping Hands have been working for years to rebuild both the buildings and the community that were lost and it was our privilege to spend the week working with them. We spent the week working on one home on Ursuline Avenue that was already near completion and the home of Miss Viola in the Lower Ninth Ward. Most of the work we did involved scraping off rotting paint, priming wood and painting the exterior of homes. We battled with the heat, humidity, and weather throughout the week and were delayed by rain twice. But as the week went by we could finally begin to see our progress, and understand the importance of why were there. Working hard every day for eight hours, and coming home only to collapse from a long day’s work, made us deeply appreciate many things that we take for granted like having a beautiful exterior on our own homes. Although many of our tasks were not flashy or seemingly of value, and while many of us experienced a level of hard work we never imagined, looking back we can see that no tasks are too small, and the value of our work was enormous in the eyes of those we served. As the trip was also about cultural immersion, on Wednesday, we took a day off from working to see and experience the sights and sounds of New Orleans and the French Quarter. We started the day with a breakfast

of coffee and beignets at the famous Cafe du Monde, saw the New Orleans Hurricane Katrina Museum and the Mardis Gras Museum, and spent the afternoon exploring the French quarter in our own groups. We sampled many local specialties for lunch and had dinner as a group at Ralph and Kakoo’s, where even our server, Ryan, thanked us for the work we were doing for his city and his home. It seemed that the spirit and unity of New Orleans existed everywhere, even when we weren’t at work. On our final day, the two groups reunited to begin a new project for OHH, and this was when the lessons of our trip at last came full circle. Before we left, we were given a picture of an old, flooded, rundown home in desperate need of repair. The photo was nothing special until we realized that it was the same home on Ursuline Avenue that our group had just finished restoring. In the photo was a group of volunteers much like us, who had begun working on the house weeks before. We had never met or worked with them, but seeing them scraping and repairing an almost unrecognizable house made us realize that we may as well have worked right alongside of them. The home never would have looked the way it does today without that group of students to start the work, ours to finish it, and the many that came in between. Much the same, we had taken the first steps on that final day to begin restoring another home that other groups and OHH volunteers would have to finish. We returned home with a new kind of respect for the community of New Orleans, the community of service, and the community we created amongst twelve students who forever have the bonds of these shared experiences.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft October 2011 13

Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P R A C T I C A L I D E A S F O R P A R E N T S T O H E L P T H E I R C H I L D R E N .

Encourage your son to have a positive attitude.

Keep tabs on your son’s computer and cell phone usage.

Mentioning words like “positive attitude” is a good way to make many teens roll their eyes. But having a positive attitude is a foundation in building character.

A recent survey found that teens spend about two hours per day online – 80% of which is spent using a social networking site like Facebook. Another study found that half of teens send fifty or more text messages a day – roughly 1,500 each month!

Many key elements of character, including kindness, empathy and leadership, are impossible to achieve if you only look at the dark side of life. Here are some positive traits to nurture in your son: • Hopefulness. On most days, some things will go well and others won’t. Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Focus on what went well. • certain team. The next chance to try out isn’t until next year. After some disappointment, encourage him to put it behind him for now. • Laughter. Remember: Nothing is better than humor for getting rid of a negative attitude. • Seeking opportunities. Say your son loves animals. Having a positive attitude will tell him that there may be a veterinarian in your area who could use some help. Encourage your son to call a few of them and a new world could open up for him. Reprinted with permission from the October 2011 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

With statistics like these, it’s a wonder that teens get any schoolwork completed at all. Make sure that your son’s grades don’t fall by setting limits on computer and cell phone use. Here’s how: • Talk to your son about his computer and cell phone usage. Ask him how much time he thinks he spends on computer tasks that aren’t school related, and how many texts he sends a month. • Check his estimates. You can get his cell phone usage from the phone company. For his computer use, ask him to keep a log of each site he visits, and how long he spends at each one. He might be surprised!. • Be realistic. Your son really doesn’t need his phone while he’s sleeping. Consider having him “turn in” his phone at bedtime. That simple limit will decrease those texts while improving his quality of sleep. For the computer, think about a simple exchange: For every thirty minutes he reads, your son can have thirty minutes of computer time to do things not related to schoolwork. Reprinted with permission from the October 2011 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft October 2011 14

Pa re n t s St i l l Ma k e T h e Di f f e re n c e P R A C T I C A L I D E A S F O R P A R E N T S T O H E L P T H E I R C H I L D R E N .

Avoid yelling to keep the lines of communication open with your son.

Quality time makes a difference in relationships with teenagers.

If there’s one way to guarantee your on won’t listen to you, it’s to yell at him. When a parent yells at a teen, the conversation basically stops. The teen is no longer listening, and the parent is venting his frustration more than he is trying to make a point.

A recent survey found that overall, 78% of teens rely on their parents for advice. In a time when teens seem to be facing more peer pressure than ever, that’s great news.

That said, boys occasionally do things that cause parents to yell. Whether it’s missing curfew or getting a lower-than-expected grade, your reaction may be to raise your voice. The key to keeping the lines of communication open--and keeping your son listening – is to not raise your voice. Here’s how: • Respond, don’t react. Reacting – acting on your first impulse without thinking about it – often leads to yelling. It’s like when you stub your toe – your reaction may be to curse loudly. But if your son is watching, you may silently count to ten instead. Try to respond calmly in a similar way. • Realize whose problem it is. If you lose your temper over a bad grade, your son becomes more concerned with hiding from your wrath than with determining how to raise that grade. Remain calm and ask your teen how she plans to deal with her problem. • Take a break. If there is no way you can face your teen without screaming, leave the room. Come back when you feel less angry.

However, your son can’t ask your advice if you’re never around. It’s important to carve out some quality time to spend with your son. Even an hour per week can make a big difference in your relationship with your son – and yes, talking during family dinner counts as quality time. Here are some other ideas: • Set up a standing coffee date – either at the local shop or at your kitchen table. You don’t have to serve your teen coffee. Just enjoy some relaxing one-on-one time together to sit and talk. • Schedule a monthly “Teen’s Choice Day”. Let your son choose his favorite meal and activity for the day. Maybe he’ll want pizza and take in a game. Or perhaps burgers on the grill and hanging out in the backyard is more his style. • Start a project together. Repaint the living room – or redecorate your son’s room. Volunteer at a local charity together. Being asked to help make teens feel like you trust them and being active Reprinted with permission from the October 2011 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

Reprinted with permission from the October 2011 issue of Parents Still Make The Difference!® (High School Edition). Copyright © 2011 The Parent Institute®, a Division of NIS, Inc.

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft October 2011 15



ll e A u c ti o n

1 0 2


Hark Lords and Ladies! Please join the Men of La Salle and the Mothers’ Club for a festive night.

The Excitement is Building!

Saturday, November 5, 2011College High School Saturday, November 5, 2011 • La Salle PM 6:00 PM Cocktails, Hors6:00 d’oeuvres and Silent Auction Cocktails and Silent Auction 7:45 PM Dinner • 9:00 PM Live Auction 7:45 PM Followed by Dinner, MassLive and Continental Breakfast Sit-Down Auction and Entertainment

and Continental Breakfast follow the conclusion the Live Auction. ForMass more information please contact theof auction office at 215.402.4915 or La Salle College High School – The Belcroft October 2011 16


Super Gifts

Susan Dearolf and Gerard Plourde ’71

If you are still not sure what to donate - send in cash to go towards an awesome Super Gift. • $50 Donation – will go towards a piece of jewelry

Send in your reservations today to make sure you’ll have a seat at this fabulous event! The auction is the largest fundraiser of the year. It also gives you a chance to relax and socialize with other La Salle parents, purchase some extraordinary items and enjoy a fun-filled evening! You and your friends can reserve a table for 10 or, if you’re new to La Salle, you can request to be seated with other parents from your son’s class.

Online Auction Visit the online auction website where you will find gift certificates to all of your favorite shops, restaurants and salons, golf outings, items for your home and all the very popular La Salle Auction Exclusives. Bidding online is easy. Just go to the auction website, and click on the “BID” Logo. This will take you to the online auction website. Click on “SignIn” and begin. If you used the online auction website last year, enter your last name and your password. If you have forgotten your password, click on “Find existing record” and enter the requested information. Your password will be emailed to you. Everyone needs a password to use the online auction website. First time on the online auction website? If this is your first time on the online auction website and you are a current or new parent, click on “Find existing record” and follow the directions on how to create a password.

Live Auction Preview GET YOUR GROUP TOGETHER NOW! • Gourmet Dinner and Wine Party for Eight with Brother Richard Kestler, FSC

• $100 Donation – will go towards electronics • $250 Donation – will go towards a fabulous trip • $500 Donation – will go towards a surprise live item All donors will be recognized in the Program Book as the donor of the specific gift your donation was used to purchase. Visit our website to download a Gift form or Super Gift form -

Raffle Don’t miss your chance to win up to $30,000. Send in your tickets today! $100 each or three for $200 Only 1,500 tickets will be sold!

Sponsors/Advertising Become a sponsor or place an ad in the Auction Catalog to promote your business, honor your graduating son or your favorite team or club. All sponsors receive a full page color ad and tickets to the auction. Visit our website, www.lschs. org/auction, to download a brochure. If you need help with your ad design, please contact Donna Bennett in the Auction Office at (215) 402-4915 or

Volunteer Opportunities Volunteers are still needed for the auction. Please contact the Auction Office if you would like to volunteer for one the many committees that need help.

Decorating Workshops


The Decorating Committee will be meeting a few times each week to transform our school into a Renaissance Faire. Workshops will be held on Tuesday mornings starting at 8:00 am in the Dunleavy Center. Everyone is welcome. Please contact:

• Front row seats to see Jerry Seinfeld at the Academy of Music

Kathy Kelley

• Two Graduation Parties on Campus for up to 24 Guests • Parties, parties, parties…Dance, Casino, & Paddle Ball

• Week in Avalon, NJ

Anne Flynn


• Trip to London

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the Auction Office:

• Phillies Spring Training Week • Look for our new La Salle Exclusive Items

Luxury Auction Preview Jewelry, Golf at Local Clubs, Day in Harrisburg with Kate Harper, Team Photos and more!

Donations We have received some great donations but we still need your support. We are looking for donations of golf outings, concert tickets, sports tickets, jewelry, iPods, Christmas items, and wine or liquor baskets, get away weekend packages, etc.

Donna Bennett or Susan Bilotta (215) 402-4915

On behalf of the entire La Salle Community, we thank you for your generous support and participation!

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft October 2011 17

Mothers’ Club S U E MI S C H L E R PRESIDENT

Upcoming Calendar of Events October 2, 2011 Mother-Son Service Project Cafeteria October 4, 2011

Other Volunteer Opportunities 10:00 am

Senior College Interview Day During School Gym Hours

October 6, 2011 Evening Meeting with Speaker Auditorium October 13, 2011

Honors Convocation Provide Assistance Before and After the Event

October 16, 2011

Fall Family Liturgy

7:00 pm

10:30 am

Auction Decorating Needs Your Help

The Mothers’ Club is in need of volunteers throughout the year to help before, during, and after our events. Please check The Belcroft and the website each month to see where help is needed and e-mail the volunteer coordinator or one of the committee chairs listed with each event below to let her know your availability. If the activity fits into your schedule, please join us as volunteering is a great way to get to know La Salle moms in a casual and fun environment. Volunteer Coordinator Laura O’Connor

Please join us for our decorating workshops every Tuesday morning from September 20, 2011 until November 1, 2011 from 8:00 to 11:00 am at the Dunleavy Center. We will also have two Thursday evening workshops, to be held on September 29, 2011 and October 13, 2011 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm at the Dunleavy Center. You don’t have to be crafty – we’ll show you what to do. All are welcome and it is the perfect opportunity to meet others within the La Salle Community.

Christmas Shopping Spectacular

If you are able to join us, please contact:

This event is open to all shoppers, so call your girlfriends and have them mark the date on their calendars.

Kathy Clark Kelley

Mother/Son Service Project Sunday, October 2, 2011 10:00 am Cafeteria The Mothers’ Club is partnering with Mr. Chuck Cirelli and Campus Ministry on a service project for mothers and their sons to make sandwiches for the homeless and poor served by Saint Francis Inn. We meet on Sundays before the first Monday of the month to prepare the bagged meals.

Sunday, December 4, 2011 12:00 to 4:00 pm Auditorium Preceded by an Advent Liturgy at 10:30 am in the Marion Chapel organized by the Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee

Come join the fun and catch the holiday spirit while helping to support La Salle College High School. Reserve a table to sell your merchandise or just come and shop. Approximately sixty spaces will be available for merchants on a first-come-first-served basis. Register early as these tables go quickly. Look for more information in the November issue of The Belcroft. For table reservations, contact: Dana Worthington (215) 542-2139 For tickets, contact: Joanne Quinn (215) 793-9934

If you and your son would like to participate in this project, please contact: Maureen Fillenwarth (215) 997-2778

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft October 2011 18

Mothers’ Club (CONTINUED)


Alumnae Committee News

Help La Salle earn thousands of dollars. It’s Easy! It’s Free! It’s Powerful! Please log onto and register to do your on-line shopping with hundreds of merchants at the new “Online Mall”. The La Salle code is 6525176. In addition to regular shopping, you can even make purchases for travel, airlines and online services. In the event that you are already supporting another institution with eScrip, your contributions can be split. Local eScrip merchants will contribute up to 8% of the purchases you make to La Salle College High School.

The Mothers’ Club Alumnae Committee Kathy Caramenico, Donnamaria Dolan, Roseanne Duzinski, Lynn Gates, Karen Guerra, Pam Grady, Barbara Houldin, Janet McBride, Terry Millet

1. Go to

Fall In Love With Shared Treasures From Halloween items for your home to navy blue blazers and khaki slacks for your La Salle gentleman, Shared Treasures thrift shop, located at Dunleavy Center, offers fabulous seasonal items at fantastic value pricing.

3. Follow the instructions

The proceeds from sales at Shared Treasures are used to help La Salle students whose financial situations make it difficult for them to purchase needed books and supplies or meals during the school day.

Register for Genuardi’s Cash Back Program with your Genuardi’s shopping card number. When you shop at any Genuardi’s store, a percentage of your bill will automatically be credited to La Salle. It’s that easy! Please register now so that La Salle can be a winner all year long.

Shared Treasures is open on Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and on the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 am to Noon and welcomes your donations of gently used items, especially home goods and the blazers and slacks your sons have outgrown. All donations are tax-deductible.

For more information, please contact:

In the event that you have any questions, please contact:

Mary Chandler (610) 287-3264

Barbara Houldin (215) 990-2843

Request for Baskets

Ink Cartridge Recycling

We are in need of some medium, large, and extra large sizes wicker baskets to package gift items for the auction. If you have baskets that you would like to donate, please drop them off at the Dunleavy Center. If no one is there to accept them, they may be left on the porch.

Don’t throw those used ink cartridges away. The Alumnae Committee will earn cash for its support of students by recycling them. You can drop off cartridges in the recycling bins, which are located in the Main Office at school, as well as at Dunleavy Center.

2. Click on “Sign-Up”

In the event that you have any questions about the program, please contact: Kathy Caramenico (610) 608-2950

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft October 2011 19

Check The Belcroft each month for important dates and information on the Mothers’ Club!

The Mothers’ Club cordially invites all mothers to the Fall General Meeting Thursday, October 6, 2011 7:00 pm Auditorium There will be a brief business meeting followed by a presentation by Brother Kevin.

Refreshments and a social hour will follow the presentation. There is no charge for this event, but, in order to plan appropriately, we do need an accurate count of those who will attend. Please let us know if you’ll be able to join us on October 3, 2011, by clicking on the “reservation” link of the “Mothers’ Club website,, no later than October

Presentation by Brother Kevin Dalmasse, FSC Former Director of Education Office of Lasallian Mission Topic: The Lasallian Mission Leadership, vision, and a commitment to excellence are the hallmarks of Brother Kevin’s time as Director of Education. These qualities were particularly evident at the two major conferences that were part of his responsibilities, the Huether Conference and the Lasallian Association of Secondary School Chief Administrators. Under Brother Kevin’s leadership, the Huether Conference experienced unprecedented growth, annually welcoming 300 or more participants. Brother Kevin constantly stresses the need to make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate in the ‘initial’ Lasallian formation experience and will introduce the Lasallian Mission during his presentation.

3, 2011. If you encounter a problem in making a reservation, please e-mail Sue Mischler, Mothers’ Club President, at

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Fall Family Liturgy Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:30 am Celebration of Mass in the Lourdes Grotto (weather permitting)

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Continental Breakfast to Follow Auditorium $10 per person $25 per family

Please return the attached form with payment or register online via a secure server at by October 7, 2011. Please note: we will be unable to accept online registration after October 7, 2011.

Family Name

Please return registration form to: Maureen Fillenwarth 2070 Brentwood Drive Hatfield, PA 19440 (215) 997-2778 phone

Phone or Email

Address City State Zip

Number Attending

at $10 per person or $25 per family

Amount Enclosed $

I am interested in serving as (La Salle College High School students): o Lector or Intercession Reader (4)

o Altar Server (2) o Offertory Gift Bearer (2)

o I am interested in serving as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist (two parents needed).

Mothers’ Club New York Trip Wednesday, April 18, 2012 2:00 pm (Matinee) Broadway Theatre 1681 Broadway New York, NY 10019 $175.00 per person

Includes: • Bus Transportation • Ticket to the Show • Box Lunch • Refreshments/Goodies on the Bus Make checks payable to: La Salle Mothers’ Club La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

Seating is limited! Tickets are first come, first serve!

215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Buses will depart from Montgomery Mall, Montgomeryville, PA promptly at 8:30 am. Box lunches will be provided. Dinner will be on your own. Buses will depart New York City at 8:00 pm and return to Montgomery Mall at approximately 10:30 pm. Everyone will be assigned to buses. We will do our best to accommodate your party (seating on the bus and in the theatre). Reservations accepted with payment only. Your cancelled check is your receipt. Please fill out the response form completely, detach, and return with payment (photocopies accepted).

In the event you have any questions, please contact Mary Chandler at (610) 287-3264 or

Mothers’ Club New York Trip Response Form Please mail this form along with payment in full to: Mary Chandler New York City Trip 970 Turnberry Circle Schwenksville, PA 19473

Name Address City State Zip Telephone E-mail Number Of Tickets At $175.00 Each

Total Enclosed

Names Of Others In Your Party

O Yes, I Will Serve As A Bus Captain O I want to be on the bus that will drop-off at Canal Street and understand that I will be responsible

for my own transportation to the Broadway Theatre.


Upcoming Calendar of Events

Father/Son Golf Outing

Thursday, October 6, 2011 Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Study Commons – Open to All Fathers Guest Speaker: Brother Kevin Dalmasse, FSC The Lasallian Mission

Monday, October 10, 2010 Center Square Golf Club Center Square, PA Neither you nor your son needs to be scratch golfers. The scramble format (best ball) ensures that golfers at any level can compete. More importantly, we will always remember the opportunities we had to spend time with our sons during their La Salle years.

Monday, October 10, 2011 9:00 am Centre Square Golf Club

19th Annual Golf Outing

Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:30 am Lourdes Grotto

Fall Family Liturgy

What’s included: 18 Holes of Golf, Golf Cart, Range Balls, Lunch, Golf Prizes including Hole-in-One on a designated hole for free La Salle Tuition

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 7:45 am

Freshmen Branch-Out Day

In the event you have any questions, please visit the Men of La Salle website or contact:

Thursday, November 3, 2011 Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm Study Commons – Open to All Fathers Auction Set-Up and Brief Meeting

Mike Happ

Saturday, November 5, 2011

October 18, 2011

La Salle Auction

Thursday, November 17, 2010 Father/Son Banquet 5:45 pm Williamsons Restaurant As you can see, the Events Calendar is full of several different events for you, you and your sons, and your entire family. We urge you to get involved and participate in as many as possible as they are what makes our family at La Salle worthwhile for all who make the effort to help.

New Fathers Welcome The Men of La Salle were not deterred by the threat of bad weather as they hosted the annual BBQ and welcome for all new fathers on Thursday, September 15, 2011. Over 110 fathers were treated to a very special evening full of speakers, raffles, and plenty of food and drink. Thank you to all the fathers who were able to attend. The camaraderie, enthusiasm and dedication of these new and returning dads made for a great evening. We look forward to everyone’s attendance at our monthly meetings. Kevin Connor spoke to the organization’s mission and also discussed upcoming events like the Golf Outing, Freshmen Branch-Out Day, and the Father/Son Banquet. Principal Joseph Marchese talked about the adjustment of the new boys to the school over the first few days and Brother Richard Kestler, FSC spoke about being involved with activities with the boys and sports at school. A special thanks to all who participated and made this a very successful evening. The Men of La Salle encourages each of you to become involved with your son as they become part of the La Salle community.

Freshman Branch-Out Day As you drive into La Salle you see “Enter to Learn” and as you exit “Leave to Serve”. This simple and profound philosophy is the essence of the Lasallian education our boys receive. As part of molding that philosophy into the hearts and minds of our young men, we recognize the responsibility we bear to teach them the many ways in which they can serve, the value of serving others, and the many gifts and talents that they already possess, that can make a profound difference in the lives of the less fortunate. We want to encourage each and every dad of the freshman class to join us and to be a part of this day of service. Your presence will not only add to the value of your day as a result of the additional work that can be performed, but more importantly as a visible role model to our young men, your sons, regarding the value you place on serving others. And, while we recognize the challenges of taking a day off of work, we would ask you to consider this opportunity to spend a day with your son in such a powerful and rewarding manner. Last year, more than half of the freshman dads were able to join us for this worthwhile experience. In order to ensure the best planning of work sites and work teams, it is important that we have an accurate count, at least one week prior to the day. We will meet at 7:45 am in the auditorium and end at approximately 2:10 pm. Dads should wear work clothes and bring in a brown-bag lunch. Based on past experience, we can promise you it will be a great day for you and yours sons and one which will serve to strengthen the bond and build lasting memories. While you have this note in front of you, will you please register for this event by sending an email with your name and phone number to: Don Cericola

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft October 2011 23

62nd Annual Father/Son Banquet

Plans are being made to ensure that this is a fine evening for you and your son(s), a time to share and grow together. The banquet will include an excellent dinner, door prizes for your sons, 50-50 raffles, and music by the Jazz Band. The event has always been a quick sell-out, so please don’t hesitate. Seating is limited to approximately 600 in the main dining room, with the overflow in an adjacent room. Complete the reservation form and return it with your payment in the enclosed envelope by than November 10, 2011.

If you wish to be seated with a specific group, full payment for your entire group and all names must be included on one reservation form. Every attempt will be made to honor all requested seating arrangements on a first-come basis.

Thursday, November 17, 2011 Williamson Restaurant Easton Road (Rt. 611) and Blair Mill Road Horsham, PA 19044

Payment must be made prior to the event. Please mail your check and form or register online via a secure server at

5:45 pm – Check-In and Reception 6:30 pm – Dinner

In you have any questions, please contact the Event Chairman: Tim Corcoran

$35.00 per person

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

Guest Speaker Chris Matthews ‘63

Host of Hardball on MSNBC Host of The Chris Matthews Show on NBC Best-Selling Author

215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Please list the names of all parties attending and the graduation year of the son(s) attending. All names must be listed on a single reservation form and payment for all persons must accompany the reservation if you want to sit together. Reservation forms received in whole or part without payment will not be accepted.

at $35.00


Total Enclosed


Number Attending

Please return with your check made payable to “Men of La Salle” no later than November 10, 2011. Men of La Salle – Father/Son Banquet c/o Mr. Tim Corcoran 324 Woods Road Glenside, PA 19038



Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son




Circle One Father / Son


Reservation Number



Circle One Father / Son


Table Number

Reservation Contact

Phone Number


Payment must be made prior to the event. Please mail your check and form or register online via a secure server at For Internal Use

Guest Speaker Chris Matthews ‘63

Host of Hardball on MSNBC Host of The Chris Matthews Show on NBC Best-Selling Author Chris Matthews ‘63 has been following American politics since the first Eisenhower campaign. As a teenager at La Salle College High School, he became enthralled with the historic rivalry of John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. It was a time of big downtown rallies and ticker tape parades on Wall Street, when supporters wore boater hats and bright campaign buttons. Hardly a decade later was he engaged in American politics professionally. Back home from the Peace Corps in Africa, he was working in the U.S. Senate. Then came his tour in the White House as a presidential speechwriter, followed by his front-row seat as top aide to the legendary Speaker of the House, Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill, Jr. In the late 1980’s, Chris switched to full-time journalism, serving as Washington Bureau Chief for the San Francisco Examiner. In this capacity he covered some of the great historic events of the late 20th Century, including the fall of the Berlin Wall and the first all-races election in South Africa. He began his career on television in 1994 as host of a two-hour nightly program on the NBC-owned America’s Talking network. Three year later, he launched Hardball, now on MSNBC, which was the title of his best-selling handbook on real-life politics published in 1988. He has been on the air every weekday night since. In 2002, NBC inaugurated The Chris Matthews Show on Sunday mornings. In all the years Chris has been involved in the country’s public life he’s kept an abiding faith in electoral politics, his quadrennial hope that the American people will make the best judgment on who should lead. He has kept that faith through war and peace, good times and bad, through great leaders and not-so-great. He has never lost his vigorous love of democracy and how it can serve to make this country, through all its challenges, a more perfect union. He is the author of five best-selling books. They are, in addition to Hardball: How Politics is Played, Told by One Who Knows the Game; Kennedy & Nixon: The Rivalry that Shaped Postwar America; Now, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think; American: Beyond our Grandest Notions; and Life’s a Campaign. His new book, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero, due for release in November 2011, brings to bear everything he has learned through a lifetime of watching American politics in action, all the love he has for this country, its history and its hopes. La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

Varsity Sports Schedules TONY RESCH


Cross Country


Greg Bielecki ’99 Head Coach 5 PCL Meet No. 5 4:15 pm 8 Manhattan Invitational 12 PCL Meet No. 6 4:30 pm 22 PCL Championship 1:30 pm 27 PIAA District XII Championship

Bob Peffle Head Coach 3 George School 3:45 pm 4 Neumann-Goretti 3:45 pm 7 Archbishop Wood 6:00 pm 11 Bonner-Prendergast 6:30 pm 14 Roman Catholic 8:00 pm 18 Archbishop Carroll 3:45 pm

Belmont Plateau Van Cortland Park Belmont Plateau Belmont Plateau Belmont Plateau

Football Drew Gordon Head Coach 1 Roman Catholic 7 Neumann-Goretti 14 Father Judge 21 Archbishop Ryan 28 Saint Joseph’s Prep

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Northeast Plymouth-Whitemarsh Plymouth-Whitemarsh Plymouth-Whitemarsh Plymouth-Whitemarsh

Away Home Lighthouse Fields Away Lighthouse Fields Home

Water Polo Steve Duncheskie ’94 Head Coach 5 Springfield (Montco) 6 William Penn Charter 11 Pennridge 12 Wissahickon 15 Wyoming Valley West 19 Malvern Prep 22 Conference Championships 28 Germantown Academy

La Salle College High School – The Belcroft October 2011 26

5:00 pm Away 3:45 pm Away 5:00 pm Away 5:00 pm Away 11:00 am Away 3:45 pm Away 4:00 pm Souderton 3:45 pm Away

La Salle College High School Presents Ken Ludwig’s

Friday, October 21, 2011

7:30 pm

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tickets Adults $10 Students $7

Sunday, October 24, 2011

For additional information, please visit

28 The Belcroft October 2011

8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

First Class Mail

October 2011

Volume Twenty-One Number 2

The Belcroft is named in honor of the mansion that first occupied the campus of La Salle College High School. Built in 1927, the home of Clarence M. Brown now serves as the residence of the Christian Brothers Community.

The Official Newsletter of La Salle College High School President Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Principal Joseph L. Marchese Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Director of Communications and Public Relations Christopher M. Carabello ’82 The Belcroft La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor , PA 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax

The Belcroft is published by La Salle College High School during the months of September through May.

Calendar of Events October 2011

First Class Mail The Belcroft welcomes articles and submissions from the entire La Salle Community. The deadline for submissions is the fifteenth day of the month prior to the date of publication. All submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be included in the upcoming issue; rather, will be considered for inclusion in a future issue. The Editor of the The Belcroft reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and layout of the newsletter.


SAT I and II


Mother/Son Service Project


College Interview Day 8:00 am


Kairos 37-81


Golden Explorers Luncheon Early Dismissal

10:00 am 1:35 pm


Men of La Salle Meeting Mothers’ Club Meeting

6:30 pm 7:00 pm


School Holiday

No Classes


Alumni Board Meeting

7:30 pm


Testing Day * Board of Trustees Meeting

2:30 pm


Honors Convocation

7:15 pm


Fall Family Liturgy

10:30 am


Freshman Branch-Out Day Career Day *


Senior Class Photo

21-23 Drama Production – Lend Me A Tenor 22

10:00 am

7:30 pm


26-27 Junior Urban Challenge * There will be no classes for Seniors on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 or Tuesday, October 18, 2011.

Enter to Learn

Leave to Serve

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 402 4800 phone 215 233 0284 fax

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