Explorer Magazine - Summer 2005

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Summer 2005

Dawn of a New Era

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Returns to La Salle

Page 8

All attendees must be twenty-one or older to attend. No Admission Fee!

Join us for a summer time thing… …as we mix it up at the Whitebriar! Saturday, July 30, 2005 4:00 to 8:00 pm No Cover • Drink Specials • Free Parking Whitebriar 260 20th Street Avalon, New Jersey (609) 967-5225

For additional information, please contact the Alumni Office at (215) 233-2350 or alumni@lschs.org. www.lschs.org

1 Explorer Summer 2005


Farewell From A Friend Bro. René Sterner, FSC bids farewell as President

by Michael O’Toole ’68 Page 8

Page 3

A Man For All Seasons Michael O’Toole ’68 concludes thirty-five years at La Salle by Jeremy Cooke ’99 Page 6

Dawn Of A New Era Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 returns as President of his Alma Mater

Comings and Goings

Salute to the Class of 2005

Flying High

Meet Joe Marchese by Christopher Carabello ’82 Recollections of Fred Assaf by Thomas Barna, Vice Principal Page 11

Page 12

Joe Mihalich leads the Purple Eagles of Niagara by Stephen Daly ‘74 Page 30

We Are The Champions! Catholic League Championships in Cross Country,  Swimming, Golf, Lacrosse, and Baseball Page 15

Graduation 2005 Page 14

Departments Editorial Notes Page 2 Letter From the President of the Alumni Association New Hall of Fame Display by Robert T. Szostak ’72 Page 16

Photo Gallery • Communion Breakfast and Hall of Fame Induction William dePasquale ’51 John E. Glaser ’58 • Career Day • Grand Reunion • 50-Year Reunion (Class of 1955) • 45th Annual Alumni Golf Outing Pages 18 – 23

Class Notes and Photos Page 24 Announcements Page 31 Alumni Sponsors Page 32

2 Explorer Summer 2005

Editorial Notes In July, a new administration will assume the helm at La Salle College High School and with it, the birth of the Office of Institutional Advancement, which will be responsible for development, annual and planned giving, alumni relations, special events, marketing and communications, public relations, and a myriad of other duties. During the past year, La Salle has conducted an extensive analysis of its development and marketing programs. In response to the findings in these studies, and in an effort to meet its strategic priorities, La Salle College High School has embarked on one of the most comprehensive marketing programs ever undertaken by an independent school. The program will include improved media relations, the development of a Style and Identity Manual, new and exciting publications, the launch of a web communications portal and eLearning system, and a variety of other means to promote our message and enhance communication with all our constituents. During the coming months, the Explorer magazine will undergo an extensive redesign. The fall edition will launch a new look, focus, and direction as the magazine is a critical tool in carrying out the strategic marketing plan of La Salle College High School. I encourage Alumni to submit articles or photographs for publication in the Explorer and take an active role in all of our communications efforts. I would like to thank Michael O’Toole ’68 for his thirty-five years of service to La Salle College High School and the mission of the Christian Brothers (four as a student leader and thirty-one as a dedicated teacher and administrator). As his former student, I can personally attest to his skills and passion. Mike O’Toole is a gifted teacher and, like his mentor Gerald Tremblay ’53, is an “educator of educators.” I am proud to have known him as colleague and honored to follow in his editorial footsteps. Mike’s efforts are responsible for the evolution of the Explorer magazine and most of La Salle’s other publications. More importantly, he is a man of character, class, and conviction. In an effort to complement Bro. René’s farewell message (found on the following pages), former members of the Forum were solicited for thoughts and recollections. Dozens of his former students responded and all spoke fondly of Brother’s dedication, discipline, and debate skills; however, the overwhelming comment was something that I have experienced first hand: “From Bro. René you learn a great deal, but never know that you are being taught.” One of the remarks came from Matt Canning ’99, who readily admitted that Bro. René described him as a “defiant little pest.” Although I have never met Matt, we apparently have something in common. I won’t miss Brother’s green pen or frozen bottles of water, and I certainly won’t miss his papers spread across the board room table. I will miss his wit and uncanny knowledge of almost every subject matter known to mankind. Bro. René is a brilliant man who helped to change the face of La Salle and has left a permanent mark in our long and storied history. The entire La Salle Community joins in thanking Bro. René Sterner, FSC and Michael O’Toole for their years of dedicated and passionate service and wishes them well in their new endeavors. Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Editor

President Brother René Sterner, FSC Vice President Michael A. O’Toole ’68 Alumni Association President Robert T. Szostak, Esq. ’72 Editor Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Contributing Writers Thomas Barna, Vice Principal Jeremy Cook ’99 Stephen Daly ’74 Michael O’Toole ’68 Raymond Shay ’00 Editorial and Production Assistance Florence Ward Cathleen Winning Photography Mark Chesnik David DeBalko Davor Studios Wally Muehlbronner Niagara University Media Relations Brother James Rieck, FSC ’57 RNews.com Robert Szostak ’72 Address Explorer La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 Phone: (215) 233-2350 Fax: (215) 836-4502 E-Mail: alumni@lschs.org The Explorer is published quarterly by La Salle College High School. The Explorer welcomes letters to the Editor concerning alumni, school, and topics published in the magazine.

3 Explorer Summer 2005

Farewell from a


On Saturday, June 4, 2005, 253 young men graduated from La Salle College High School, joining our 12,000 plus alumni. This year’s Senior Class is the largest in La Salle’s 147 year history. Joining them at graduation were 38 members of the Class of 1955. Of the 253 graduates 47 were sons of graduates, 7 were sons of fathers and grandfathers who were graduates and one – Paul Kelly is a fourth generation graduate. The Class of 2005 was an exceptionally talented group of young men and included seven National Merit Finalists, one Semi-Finalist, and 24 National Merit Commended students. The Class earned in excess of $15,000,000 in scholarships and grants and were accepted into over 100 Colleges and Universities. During their senior year they won Catholic League Championships in Cross Country, Swimming, Golf, Lacrosse, and Baseball, were Finalists in Tennis and Wrestling, made the Catholic League Playoffs in Soccer and Football, and the Flyers Cup Semi-Finals in Ice Hockey. Our Lacrosse team also played in the championship game for the Eastern Pennsylvania State Championship. La Salle also had numerous participants in the All-Catholic Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra, and Chorus. Several choristers made the Pennsylvania District Chorus and one made the All-State Chorus. La Salle’s Novice Debate team also won the Novice State Championship in Debate. La Salle will welcome Brother Richard Kestler, FSC as its third President in July of 2005. Brother Richard is no stranger to La Salle, having gone here as a student, served three tours of duty as a classroom teacher, an Assistant Principal for Student Affairs, and Director of Alumni Relations. Brother Richard also served La Salle as its Chairman of the Board when he served as Provincial of the Baltimore District of the Christian Brothers.

Brother René Sterner, FSC at La Salle College High School Presidency By The Numbers • $150,000,000 in scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors • $17,000,000 increase in La Salle‘s endowment • $10,000,000 in financial aid to La Salle students • 26,749 square feet of additional school space • 220 students received National Merit Recognition • 126 issues of The Belcroft • 50 years as a Christian Brother • 46 years as a Speech and Debate Coach

• 18 years as a teacher and administrator • 14 years as President • 11 international students were admitted from economically distressed nations • 10 State Champions in Speech and Debate • 4 buildings renovated or constructed • 2 successful capital campaigns: Legacy For La Salle and Forever La Salle • 1 Remarkable Career

4 Explorer Summer 2005

Farewell From A Friend (continued)

La Salle also welcomes Joseph Marchese as its new Principal. Joe comes to La Salle with many years of administrative experience at McQuaid Jesuit High School in Rochester, NY. Joe was the unanimous selection of La Salle’s Principal Search Committee. While there is much enthusiasm for our new Administrators there is also a touch of sadness as so many of La Salle’s current administration move on to other assignments. I will be taking a year sabbatical. After twenty-four years as a chief administrator (ten at Calvert Hall and fourteen at La Salle), a year to study, travel, and visit will be a welcome change. The unread books have continued to pile up.

“Brother is recognized in the recollections of his students as a leader with the patient yet stern belief in their ability to exceed their preconceived academic limits and embrace the classical.” Arnold A. Foley, Esq. ’81

brought great success to our 2001 – 2004 FOREVER LA SALLE Campaign, as well as a steady growth in La Salle’s Annual Fund. As of press time his successor has not been named. La Salle’s PRESIDENT’S MEDAL was awarded at the 2005 Graduation to Mr. Fred Assaf and to Mr. Michael O’Toole for their years of dedicated service to the La Salle community. The implementation of La Salle’s Strategic Plan continues. As of June, 2005 most of the non-physical plant recommendations for additions in certain areas to faculty and staff, and a significant increase in financial aid for student assistance were accomplished. Other aspects of the plan will take longer because they involve major fund raising and the construction of new facilities. These will take a few years of capital campaign(s) to complete. More articles will appear on the Strategic Plan in upcoming editions of the Explorer magazine. La Salle Academy in North Philadelphia, located on Second Street, right across from St. Michael Church, has concluded its second year. This school for academically at-risk boys and girls who desire a Catholic education but are economically

La Salle will also miss the very dynamic presence of Fred Assaf who has served La Salle so ably as Principal for the past five years. His presence has bridged the always existing tension ”Brother taught me, ‘Success isn’t about just being better than between continuity and change and challenged La Salle both technologithe next person, it’s about doing something special, cally and in better serving the community something of which I can be proud, something memorable.’ beyond La Salle. His gifts and talents will It’s some of the best advice I’ve ever received.” be missed but the Pace Academy community in Atlanta where he will serve as Gabriel L. Bevilacqua, Jr. ’94 Headmaster will be richer for his presence. Michael O’Toole ’68 will disadvantaged will, when complete, have grades three through become the new Principal eight. In the fall of 2005 the school will have grades three, four, at Holy Ghost Prep and takes with him thirty some years of five, and six. The school has an extended school experience at La Salle. Mike’s contributions in the classroom, day – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and an extended school year in activities, in administration, in faculty in-service work, and in –September through the end of July. The results continue to be publications have made him a true renaissance man in impressive, e.g., average daily attendance is 98.7%, a record not even matched here at La Salle. The average family income “Bro. René’s dedication to the Forum has given students many is $13,000.00 and all students qualify for the Federal Lunch Program. One important way in which you can help this Lasallian opportunities throughout the years. Although the primary purpose project for the neediest of God’s children is through your United of the Forum is to develop one’s speech and debate skills, the Way Campaign gift. Many of you work with firms that strongly friendships formed as a result of the Forum are much more important.” encourage United Way gifts. Nicholas J. Covolus ’03 La Salle Academy’s United Way numbers are 15142 if you work in southeastern PA., 239079 if you work in Chester County, and 584659 if you work in Burlington County. If you are uncertain please call the Academy secondary education. at 215-739-5804 and ask to speak to Sister Jean McGowan, SSJ. The Academy’s presence in Brother Gerry Frendreis, FSC, after eleven years as St. Michael Parish is significant to all of us associated with La Chief Financial Officer also moved on in January of 2005 to Salle for it is here that Archbishop Frederick Wood and Brother accept a similar role with the Christian Brothers Conference in Teliow first opened the doors of Christian Brothers Academy in Washington, D.C. Brother’s many financial skills will be put to 1858, a venture that would within three years be renamed La good use on a larger national scale. He has been succeeded by his long-time Assistant Mr. Mark Gibbons ’92. Mr. John Meko ’86, Salle College High School and La Salle College. It was a beginning from which we all have benefited. La Salle’s Director of Development has accepted a position at the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. We wish John much success in his new venture. John’s leadership and direction

5 Explorer Summer 2005

Brother René Sterner, FSC and his father, Willard Sterner

If you have not yet made your contribution to the 2004 – 2005 Annual Fund, please do so promptly. Your response to date has been very good. If you wish to have your gift included in your Class listing, you need to make your gift promptly. Your generosity enables La Salle to achieve its mission of assisting all deserving young men seeking a La Salle education. In closing I thank each of you for all of your support over these past fourteen years. Brother Emery Mollenhauer, FSC of La Salle University tells me that it is the longest tenure as head of a Brother’s secondary school in the history of the Province. While it may have been the longest it has also been the most enjoyable, made so by a loyal and generous alumni. Let me close as I have done so often at La Salle’s graduations with that wonderful set of lines from T.S. Eliott. It’s what being an EXPLORER is all about: “We shall not cease from Exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and we know the place for the first time”. T.S. Eliot,  “Four Quartets”, Little Gidding, Quartet No. 4

Happy exploring!

6 Explorer Summer 2005

A manforall


By Jeremy Cooke ’99

Michael A. O’Toole ’68 completes his service as Vice President at La Salle College High School and became Principal of Holy Ghost Prep on July 1, 2005. He was awarded the President’s Medal at La Salle’s Commencement on June 4, 2005, and the inaugural Michael A. O’Toole ’68 Medal for Creative Writing was awarded to Timothy Cullen ’05. Jeremy Cooke ’99 caught up with his former teacher to discuss his career at La Salle. Michael O’Toole didn’t get the job at La Salle the first time around. Not long after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, he explored the idea of coming back to teach at La Salle. In the meantime, he worked at a Philadelphia law firm, at a research job in Washington, D.C., and for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, helping to devise a drug coding system. He even logged several months in New York, in the film and camera department of Macy’s famous Herald Square department store during the Christmas season. The second time La Salle called him, right in the middle of a coding problem one day, he recalls. Now preparing to make another major transition in his life, Mike recalls how his interviewer in 1974, Brother Edward Gallagher, explained that initial reluctance in hiring him: “We weren’t sure you were going to stick around.” But stick around he has – for thirty-one – in capacities that reveal La Salle’s trust in his variety of talents. As Mike takes over the reins this summer at Holy Ghost Prep, he says he heard a similar refrain during his latest round of interviews. This time, it was from the HGP search committee, wondering aloud whether he was really willing to pick up and leave La Salle. “I absolutely did not think I’d be there this long,” he says over lunch earlier this spring at a deli on New York’s Upper West Side, a favorite home away from home. I knew “Mr. O’Toole” primarily as the newspaper adviser, but also as a sounding board for my writing and academic aspirations and as an advisor for Governor’s School candidates. A shrewd guide and verbal sparring partner, he nonetheless had your best interests in mind. In his most recent role in external affairs, he has been a strong ongoing connection to the school. While in New York, the departing Vice President is also sharing notes with a private school administrator friend he met during his year-long Klingenstein Fellowship at Columbia University during 1994 – 95. The experience from that sabbatical year was just one of the ways Mike says he was able to stay a part of the La Salle community while still growing professionally. “I needed to get out there and gain some fresh perspectives,” he explains of his decision to take a year off from teaching. When he returned, he was ready to take on new tasks, from academic technology to diversity to curriculum management and an unusual one that landed on his desk in 2000 – construction management. The year-long distance from teaching also included consulting projects at both public and private schools and enabled him to return with a deeper insight into the mission of his own school.

7 Explorer Summer 2005

Daniel O’Toole ’05 and Michael O’Toole ’68 at Graduation on June 4, 2005. The upcoming fall semester will mark the first time since 1960 that a member of the O’Toole Family has not been a student or teacher on La Salle’s Wyndmoor campus.

Mike describes five-year (or so) cycles that have shaped his career: getting involved in a new area of school life, learning as much as possible about it, implementing and nurturing some proposals and programs, and then starting to look around again for new challenges, both within and outside of La Salle. This career pattern of expertise and new challenges is one he can trace back to his own education at both at La Salle and Penn. A job offer from a Central New Jersey school almost pulled him away five years ago, for example, but La Salle offered him the Vice Presidency: “There was always something that drew me back in.”

“The last five years have been exciting-and challenging,” he says, “whether working with parents of students from the nearby Philadelphia neighborhoods or overseeing the construction of the West Wing.”

At core a dedicated teacher, he has taught every level of English class, recently returning to the AP senior lit class. He has also chaired the department, coordinated the writing curriculum and academic technology, directed the academic summer programs, and chaired the school’s 1995 – 96 regional accreditation process. He’s advised students on the Wisterian and Gazebo, put together the last six years of issues of Explorer, and initiated La Salle’s presence on the world-wide web.

Exploring this latest move, he says he was very impressed by his new school’s strength of academic achievement. He’s also excited to see what can be done with a smaller student body in a community whose religious mission focuses on cultivating leaders to be in touch with “the poorest of the poor.”

Now preparing to be a principal, he looks back especially at his leadership of La Salle’s summer programs as a hands-on course in overseeing everything from curriculum, scheduling and budget to hiring faculty, guiding students, and arranging transportation. He recalls patrolling the campus on his bicycle, picking up tips from then Principal Dave Diehl ’55 and experimenting with different daily intro activities. Morning assemblies, for instance, proved to be less than ideal, he says, while program-wide silent reading time kicked off the day with a better tone.

With his house in nearby Elkins Park, he’s always been about ten minutes away from La Salle, and has spent countless hours there beyond the regular school day. “Just ask my family,” he adds.

Once an expanded summer program was established, Mike responded to the desire of the school in increasing diversity at La Salle. And he did it in typical Mike O’Toole style. He began a strong personal involvement in the Northwest Philadelphia neighborhoods, worked with school and community leaders to learn about the needs of potential students, and established new pathways to draw them in. His involvement included a five-year stint playing the piano at children’s liturgies at St. Vincent De Paul Church and has extended to his service on the board of Face to Face, a community services organization in Germantown. His initiatives such as the Northwest Scholars Program and the African-American Alumni Group have helped to increase diversity among the student body and awareness of La Salle in the larger community.

But after such successes in connecting La Salle to the outside community, his thoughts and interests have turned once more to the heart of academic life, a key area for a man whose personal interests range from the books of Jonathan Kozol and Kazuo Ishiguro to the musical works of Gustav Mahler and Awadagin Pratt. And that academic search led him to Holy Ghost.

Still, Mike admits he will miss what has become his home-awayfrom-home for so many years.

He says he’ll also miss the La Salle student and La Salle teacher, who he says bring unique attitudes to the classroom and student life. Teaching at La Salle can been tiring and exhausting, he acknowledges, but it’s usually been rewarding and enjoyable. “To me La Salle has always been a bright place with the power to change the lives of students.” As he prepares to leave, I ask him what he considers important in high school education. He highlighted several areas. Developing complex and critical thinking skills is at the core of a strong college preparatory education. Ten years after the explosion of the internet, digital technology remains “an important nut to crack in teaching and learning.” The cultivation of student leadership skills and the emotional growth that goes with them are vital, especially when it comes to community service. Volunteering can be a transformative experience, so that students can think of themselves as true advocates for those in need. And remain committed to fostering inclusivity at the school in all its forms – racial, ethnic, social and economic. Mike will start his duties at Holy Ghost a month after his son, Daniel graduates from La Salle. He has been looking forward to getting settled in his new home, and maybe even returning to his piano studies, but – always the seeker when it comes to new areas of learning – he’s got another topic in the back of his mind: “I’m interested in exploring literacy studies·” Not the first year, he says, but sometime soon after that.

8 Explorer Summer 2005

Dawn of a



By Michael A. O’Toole ’68

On July 1, 2005, Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 returns to his Alma Mater as the third President of La Salle College High School. Recently, Bro. Richard sat down with Mike O’Toole to discuss the challenges that face La Salle today. What does it mean that La Salle is a “Lasallian” or “Christian Brothers” school?  To be a “Lasallian” school is to belong to something very special. Lasallian schools are part of a worldwide educational network spanning every continent except Antarctica. Lasallian schools cross all levels of education from elementary to university and include schools for dependent and delinquent youth. Lasallian students come from all economic classes and faiths. A characteristic of Lasallian education is openness to all. A Christian Brothers’ school is Lasallian in its mission and in those served. Brothers work with all classes of students to share the Gospel message and to ensure a quality education. Brothers add a unique element to the mission of their schools. Brothers’ schools strive to “touch the hearts of youth” and to make real the Gospel message. How would you place La Salle in the universe of secondary schools? I am smart enough to never rank any school against another. If a school does its very best to influence its students for good, there is no worry about its ranking among peer schools. For almost 150 years, La Salle has always done the very best for all its students. You can find very few men who would say they are disappointed with their La Salle education. No doubt that La Salle points with pride to the accomplishments of both current students and graduates.

9 Explorer Summer 2005

What have been your own most formative educational experiences? I’m a Brother today because of Brothers who greatly influenced me early in my La Salle education, but I prefer to reflect upon a non-classroom experience that formed my outlook and sensitivity. While on a visit to Central America, I had the opportunity to work first hand with the native people. Their strong faith and simplicity of life were formative for me. Again while visiting the Philippines; I again was impressed with simplicity of life and strong faith of the people. The experience of these peoples influenced the way I was to look at my future life. Tell us about the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and its relation to La Salle College High School. The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools happily serves at La Salle. The service of a Brother is primarily given to the poor and marginalized but never exclusively. La Salle High grew from humble beginnings at Saint Michael’s Parish and prides itself on serving all classes of students. La Salle gives both staff and students the opportunity to both learn from and serve those less blessed. God has a plan for each of us and part of this is to use wisely the gifts He has given. Explain briefly your view of the President/Principal model. This will be the third time I will serve as President of one of the Brothers schools. I hope by now that I have it straight. The President and the Principal work together to create an environment that makes life at La Salle both enjoyable and successful for all members of the La Salle family. As principal, Mr. Marchese will supervise the daily operation and programs of the school, including staff development and the supervision of the students. These responsibilities bring him into all aspects of school life. A good working relationship is essential between these two individuals. I can assure you that I feel that Mr. Marchese and I will work very well together. As President, I see my role as working with the community both outside and inside the school. My main responsibility will be to see to the implementation of our recently adopted Strategic Plan. I hope not to be excluded from the daily life of the school and to interact with many students during the course of my day. I will also serve as moderator of the Mothers Club and be a presence to many other groups in the school. I also look forward to representing La Salle at meetings of other independent schools.

Which Christian Brothers had a strong impact upon you during your student days?  To be honest, the variety of men I experienced at La Salle was key to my deciding to become a Brother. I was attracted to their life and the things they were able to accomplish. Two stand out as men I would try to imitate. Brother George William, my freshman homeroom moderator and teacher of English, daily impressed me with both his strength and gentleness. Brother Claude Demetrius who had me for the upper classes was again a giant in my life. Among our lay teachers, two stood out and I recall them fondly, Mr. John Moore and Mr. Gerald Tremblay ’53. I still live by the motto – “Boys will be boys but La Salle boys will be gentlemen.” The goal of all our teachers should be to transform us from youths into men. In your view, how has La Salle changed since your student days? How had it not? Obviously, the Belcroft campus and the physical plant are different from my days of classes atop “cardiac” hall at 20th and Olney. The student body also has changed with more coming from the suburbs than in my day. Academic programming seems to cover a more complex area but I’m not sure it is any more demanding. I recall several of my classes that simply helped form me, public speaking and art/music appreciation, and hope that La Salle still encourages such. And yet, I realize that many of today’s academic programs are more challenging than anything I experienced. La Salle hasn’t changed in that it still calls for the very best in its students. The name La Salle still stands for excellence and character.

Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC ’60  with former Alumni Association President C.T. Heckmann ’84 (left) and the late Bill Whelan ’55 (right)

10 Explorer Summer 2005

Dawn Of A New Era (continued)

You lead a fairly busy life. What do you do for leisure? On a rainy Sunday afternoon I love to look at an old time black and while film. I always have enjoyed events associated with the life of the school community. Landscaping and gardening, and activities associated with camping always relax me. You most likely will see me planting some flowers with the change of seasons. On the quiet side, I enjoy model trains and stamp collecting. Usually, I make some time each day for personal relaxing reading. La Salle proudly boasts 12,000 alumni. What is the best reason they should stay connected – both physically and financially to La Salle?  Most of the men that I associate with find being part of something larger is important in their lives. I can think of nothing as meaningful as helping other young men continue their La Salle education. Many younger alums are involved with their children’s little leagues and establishing their careers. As one moves on in life, there is more time to give to organizations and parish. At special moments, celebrating La Salle reunions and celebrations begin to make greater sense. This year marks the 45th anniversary of my graduation from La Salle and I thoroughly enjoyed joining my classmates at the school this year.

For most of us, we stay a part of things that are meaningful in our lives. I believe the same holds true for today’s La Salle student. On a more mundane level, I will need our alums to continue and in some cases increase their support of La Salle. La Salle has need of their support if it is to remain true to its mission. If La Salle is to fulfill all the aspects of its newly adopted Strategic Plan then each of us has to do our part to make this “dream” come true. What are the major challenges facing La Salle today?  I believe the first challenge of the school is to share with its students the faith tradition that has been the bedrock of a Lasallian education. La Salle must be a place that opens opportunities. Our academic life must keep pace with today’s and tomorrow’s possibilities. We must continue to develop a program of extra-curriculars and athletics where students always feel that they are well-rounded and that they are well-coached and competitive. Like all independent schools, La Salle is challenged to remain true to its mission and purpose. With almost 150 years of tradition, La Salle must face today’s students and bring to them the same message that sparked careers and successes through these years. While I attended La Salle, we didn’t know much of the Lasallian world aside from the Brothers schools that we competed against. Today the opportunities to expand this awareness are one of the key challenges facing La Salle. On a practical level, La Salle continues to need its alumni support. Without this support, La Salle could lose its edge on the variety of young men served. A dedicated faculty knowledgeable in their academic areas and able to touch the hearts of youth is critical for our success. I invite both students and staff to reflect on the excellence of character and performance that have always been hallmarks of our graduates. Finally, La Salle must follow the Strategic Plan already adopted that sets a clear course for our future.

11 Explorer Summer 2005

Comings and Goings Meet Joe Marchese by Christopher Carabello ’82

Joseph Marchese, a 28-year member of the faculty and administration of McQuaid Jesuit High School in Rochester, New York, will become Principal of La Salle College High School on July 1, 2005. Joe will join a short (only seven since the 1940’s) but distinguished list of gentlemen who have served as Principal. A native of Rochester, NY, Joe is currently Middle School Administrator for McQuaid Jesuit High School, a school program which he originally implemented. Prior to his current position, he served as Assistant Principal for Admissions, Assistant Principal for Students Affairs, and teacher of science. Joe is a 1968 graduate of McQuaid Jesuit High School. He holds a Certificate in Educational Administration from SUNY-Brockport, a Master’s degree in Education and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Rochester. Joe brings a strong background in teaching, administration, and athletics. He was also the Head Varsity Basketball Coach at McQuaid, a position he held for nineteen years since replacing Houston Rocket’s Coach Jeff Van Gundy in 1986. He recently achieved his 300th career victory and his accomplishments include eight Joe Marchese and his family celebrate his 300th win as Sectional Championships, five Western New York Regional Championships, a Head Basketball Coach and three New York State Championships. He was named New York State Coach of the Year in 2003. “It’s definitely a bittersweet emotion. I’m very excited about La Salle and the people who made me feel so welcome,” said Joe. “But of course leaving McQuaid and the people, faculty,  students and my basketball players, all of whom have been outstanding people to be around, will be difficult. I’m going to miss them.”   Joe added, “I’ve always loved administration and this is an unbelievable opportunity with a great school. La Salle did everything they could to encourage me to take the position.” When asked if he will miss coaching Joe  said, “I will remember every game and every team I coached. Those three state champions, particularly the 2003 unbeaten nationally ranked team will stand out the most.” Joe is a gifted educator and communicator. He, his wife Dorothy, and their four children the youngest of whom, Daniel, will be joining the Sophomore Class at La Salle next year look forward to becoming part of the La Salle Community.

Recollections of Fred Assaf by Thomas Barna, Vice Principal

It was spring 2000 when Fred Assaf first arrived on the Belcroft campus. A new millennia had arrived and somehow we all survived the impending doom of a Y2K Armageddon. During this time, a period of change and optimism blew up the drive on Cheltenham Avenue. No one really knew much of the man named Fred Assaf, but there was little doubt he would make his mark at La Salle College High School. So often a first impression defines a person as a whole. After a few minutes, everyone knew him by his unmistakable laugh, his electric charm, and his dedication and love for his family. As months passed, it was Fred’s wife Martha and their five young boys that would become his noticeable mantra. Seeing Fred, Martha, and the boys at every La Salle function became commonplace. Fred will be remembered for being a number of things, particularly, a feverish multitasker. He worked very hard and very long advancing ideas that he believed would position La Salle at the top of all catholic independent schools. Over these years it became clear that Fred was a school leader who felt at home with the ‘big idea’. He worked well at communicating aggressive dreams to all constituencies in an attempt to build a better La Salle. On occasion he fell short, more often he reached heights greater than anyone could have ever expected. Fred was never afraid to take a chance. While here, he fast forwarded advances in technology making sure La Salle’s teachers and students had the equipment and training to make learning occur at a higher level and a faster pace. La Salle quickly became a regional model for wireless campuses and a national one for our faculty laptop initiative. SMART Board technology was made available in every classroom. Significant service learning initiatives were nurtured under his leadership and Branch Out Days became a calendar event as underclass Fred and Martha Assaf with their sons Jack, Hank, Mick, Sam, and Tommy dad’s spent a day of service with their sons each year. Technology was being used to bridge the digital divide of social injustice in ways even colleges couldn’t dream. La Salle’s TechServe program was even offering our own student’s an opportunity to earn college credits and free tuition from one of our nation’s best universities. Fred’s working personality changed the paradigm when it came to functioning with groups. Parents and students were permitted access to plenty of his time. It is generally accepted that no school administrator ever has or ever will be able to match Fred’s ability to be in two places at once all the time. Somehow, Fred made it work, got the job done, and always had time for a smile and a laugh. His spirit for the job was contagious. Fred has written his chapter in the archives of Lasallian history. Our community is thankful for having the opportunity of Fred’s leadership and owes a significant part of our future success to those years he has spent with all of us.

12 Explorer Summer 2005

Inspired by three centuries of the distinctive spirituality of the Christian Brothers, La Salle educates the whole person, developing young men in their unique talents and strengths.

13 Explorer Summer 2005

La Salle College High School – Class of 2005 Christopher P. Adamski John Paul Agostine Allen Alzona Kellen Ryan Anderson Cesare Joseph Angeloni Gabriel Joseph Antonello Athian Athian Michael Jeffrey Andrews Brian Thomas Azeff Gregory J. Banecker John Richard Barr, III Christian John Barrett Ryan Patrick Barrett Colin Stout Behr Michael William Berger Gerald B. Bidus Matthew Joseph Bolinski Michael Andrew Boyle John Braca, III Matthew C. Bradwell Andrew R. Britt Patrick Felice Broderick Kyle Michael Buchanan Gerard F. Burke, Jr. Thomas P. Callahan, III Brian Andrew Carlin R. Sean Carlin Vincent Edward Cartwright Christopher Glen Carvalho Cody M. Casale Michael Roy Chapman Francesco P. Chinnici Brandon K. Chong Pasquale John Ciammetti, Jr. Stephen A. Ciliberto Cameron Paul Ciminera David Gaetano Cipolla

Christopher Anthony Ciufo John Joseph Clifford Steven John Connolly Christopher Mark Conti Andrew J. Cotlov Travis James Cozzie John T. Croke John Robert Crouse Timothy Edward Cullen William J. Cummings, III Scott James Cumpstone Kyle G. Cunningham Thayer W. Damm Christopher A. Darragh, Jr. Francis Robert Daulerio Matthew Z. Dempsey Patrick Daniel Dempsey Michael S. DePaulo Robert Charles Devlin Edward A. Diasio Brian Anthony DiBiagio Edward William DiDonato Edward S. DiNola Aldo DiPrato Hai Hoang Do James C. Dooney Adam Robert Douglas Matthew J. Doyle Norman Anthony Dukes Timothy Patrick Dunn Dennis Robert Dunne Thomas John Edger Richard Turner Eichert William N. Eichwald, Jr. Michael James Elnitski Raymond Christian Favata Stephen Paul Feeley

Sean R. Ford Tyler Justin Ford Robert Smith Forster Sean Michael Forster Robert S. Fratamico Christopher James Gallagher Eugene Joseph Gallagher, III Michael J. Gazzara Jeffrey David Gemi, Jr. Ryan Brendon Gibbons Andrew Michael Gill Michael A. Grant Kevin W. Guckin Sean Patrick Guinan Brian Francis Givnish Andrew Junker Haenn Frederick Joseph Haesler, III Brennan Lee Hagy Wendell Haley-Dingle Jeffrey M. Hamilton Andrew M. Harrison Thomas James Hartman Brian Anthony Heenan Jason John Henner Michael Edward Henner Stephen Joseph Herbert Kevin Seamus Heron Gregory Patrick Herzog Zachary Michael Hess Gregory Bernard Hogan Donald Carl Huber Andrew M. Hyatt Kevin Douglas Hylinski James Francis Irwin Rizwan Ishmail Leonard A. Ivanoski, III Leo Patrick Jackson

Thomas Johnson Thomas M. Jorfi Kevin Shane Juliff Matthew Allen Kalkbrenner Konrad J. Karczewski John A. Keating Paul James Kelly, IV Shane Vincent Kelly William Stewart Kessler Joseph T. Kirk Stephen Michael Klenk Bernard John Krasnisky David Chol Kuch Joseph Charles Lacon Andrew Ryan Lagner Ian Christian LaRocca Paul M. Le Gavin M. Leighton Andrew J. Lewandowski Anthony Constantine Limberakis Thomas Patrick Little Patrick Ryan Lombard Ryan John Luby Michael C. Lynch Francis Thomas Lyons Alexander J. Madrak Nicholas A. Manzi Timothy Robert Marcinek Daniel Kirk Marcolina Joseph Earl Martin, IV Scott James McBride James Colombo McCabe Patrick C. McCaffery Brendan Richard McCann Ryan Patrick McCann Philip James McCarthy, IV

John Edward McCoey Michael John McCoy Andrew James McDermott Gerard Joseph McEvilly, Jr. Kevin Peter McGee Michael F. McGee Sean Thomas McGinley Sean Anthony McGoldrick John Thomas McGowan Matthew Joseph McGowan Brooke McKim Michael Roy McKinney Kevin Thomas McShane Thomas Steffa McVey Christopher Raymond Mehr Tyler Raymond Meves Brian S. Michel Shawn Alan Miles Chase Vincent Miller Kevin William Miller Michael Robert Mills Daniel Joseph Moll Patrick William Montgomery James Patrick Murphy Bradley Adam Murtha Andrew John Nelson Sean D. O’Connell J. Kyle O’Donnell Thomas Jeffrey O’Donnell Brendan O’Hara George Robert Oliver, Jr. Michael Gregory O’Neill Brian Joseph Olszak Daniel Peter Castaldi O’Toole Vincent G. Paglione Paul Houston Paige Luke Frederick Palidora

Richard Andrew Panettieri Michael Thomas Pennington Douglas Michael Phelan Nicholas A. Pucci Scott Andrew Ranweiler Peter Thomas Recigno, III Thomas Edward Reeb Conor Patrick Regan Michael J. Reilly J. Blake Remley Alexander Johnathan Rhein John James Rice Patrick John Rider Sean Patrick Riley Joseph Francis Ritinski Robert Perry Roberts, IV Andrew Patrick Rocks Matthew P. Romagano Erik Michael Ronzone Scott G. Ross Nicholas Miles Rowe M. Stewart Ryan Nicholas Lee Salatino Richard Daniel Salvucci Michael Louis Sannuti Nicholas Michael Scalfaro Timothy Michael Schaible Christopher Joseph Schieve David P. Schnupp Christopher Peter Schulz Bryan Anthony Schwartz Ryan J. Sciolla Rahul J. Selvanathan Joseph Jaroslaw Semen John A. Sharaf Jonathan Sharer Timothy J. Shea

Christopher James Sheffer Joseph M. Skoien Timothy Joseph Small Joseph M. Sobocinski John Staffi, III Michael F. Stanczak John Michael Staub Patrick Joseph Staudt Thomas J. Stone Raymond Patrick Subers Adam Wayne Sutkus Andrew T. Sweeney Jake Patrick Swiger Michael Tahadjod John Joseph Tanney Vincent Tecce Andrew J. Terreri Peter A. Terreri Andreas V. Thuy William John Torelli, III Kevin Patrick Trainer Brett James Trucksess Andrew Robert Tull Chinedu Ukwu Edward Anthony Valentino George James Walters John Philip Whalon Daniel P. White Christian E. Williams Ronald V. Williamson Joseph William Winning Kenneth Fredrick Wochele, III

Acceptances and Destinations for the Class of 2005

Excellence in Service Initiated in 2001 in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania, Community TechServe received the 2005 Leading Edge Award from the National Association of Independent Schools. This innovative program helped more than 15,000 citizens of Philadelphia overcome the “digital divide.”

Excellence in Athletics • Cross Country – Catholic League and State Prep Champions • Swimming – Catholic League Champions (17th Consecutive) • Lacrosse – Catholic League Champions • Golf – Catholic League Champions • Baseball – Catholic League Champions – Ranked No. 1 in Southeastern Pennsylvania   Excellence in Academics • 253 Seniors from 84 grade schools and 63 zip codes • 7 National Merit Finalists and 1 National Merit Semi-Finalist • 24 National Merit Commended Students • 87 Senior Members of the National Honor Society • 99% of the Class enroute to 89 Colleges and Universities • Earned over $15.2 million in Scholarships and Grants

Excellence in the Arts • University of the Arts Tri-State Band Competition – First Place Award for Overall Excellence – First Place Award for the  Saxophone Section

Albright College Arcadia University Arizona State University Bates College Bloomsburg University Boston College Boston University Cabrini College Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University The Catholic University of America Chestnut Hill College The Citadel Clemson University Colby College Colgate University The College of New Jersey The College of William and Mary Daniel Webster College DeSales University Dickinson College Drexel University Duquesne University Eckerd College Elizabethtown College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Florida A&M University Fordham University Franklin & Marshall College George Washington University Georgetown University Gettysburg College Goucher College Gwynedd Mercy College Haverford College Holy Family College Ithaca College Johns Hopkins University King’s College Kutztown University Lafayette College La Salle University Lehigh University Loyola College in Maryland Loyola University New Orleans Manhattan College Manor College Marist College Marquette University Neumann College New College of Florida

Northeastern University Northwestern University Occidental College Ohio State University Pennsylvania State University System & Honors Philadelphia University Princeton University Providence College Purdue University Rhode Island School of Design Rochester Institute of Technology Rollins College Saint Bonaventure University Saint Joseph’s University Savannah College of Art & Design Seton Hall University Shippensburg University Syracuse University Temple University Trinity College Tulane University United States Coast Guard Academy United States Merchant Marine Academy United States Military Academy University of Chicago University of Delaware University of Maryland University of Minnesota University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh System & Honors University of Rhode Island University of Richmond University of Scranton University of Wisconsin Ursinus College Vassar College Villanova University Wake Forest University Washington College Wesleyan University West Chester University Widener University York College

14 Explorer Summer 2005

Graduation 2005: Photo Gallery Saturday, June 4, 2005

Three Generations of Explorers The Trainer’s – Jim ’54 and Jim ’05, The Lombard’s – Jerry ’79, Jerry ’58, and Pat ’05; The Marcolina’s – Dan ’76, Dan ’05, and Pierre  ’48; The McCarthy’s – Philip ’70 and Jamie ’05;  The Gallagher’s – Eugene, Jr. ’76 and Eugene III ’05; The Kelly’s – Paul III ’74 and  Paul IV ’05; Missing are The Dunne’s – Robert ’79 and Dennis ’05

15 Explorer Summer 2005

We Are The Champions! On Sunday, November 7, 2004, La Salle’s Cross-Country Team successfully defended its Catholic League Championship by placing five runners among the top eleven finishers for a team total of 31 points. Sean McGinley ’05 took individual honors and set a new La Salle course record for Belmont Plateau. The championship was the fifth for Coach Pat Devine.

On Sunday, March 6, 2005, the La Salle Explorers captured their 17th consecutive Catholic League Championship in Swimming.

La Salle’s Golf Team captured the Catholic League Championship on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at the Golf Course at Glen Mills. The championship was the Explorer’s eleventh in twelve  years. Sean Ford ’05 fired a 1-over-par round of 72 to take individual honors.

On Friday, May 24, 2005, the Lacrosse Team defeated St. Joseph’s Prep by a score of 13-2 to win the Catholic League Championship. The Explorers were lead by League MVP Pat Lombard ’05 who scored three goals.

On Wednesday, June 1, 2005, the La Salle Baseball team defeated Conwell-Egan by a score of 4-­3 to win its first Catholic League Championship since 1994. The Explorers were lead by League MVP and Inquirer Player of the Year, Matt Zielinski ’06, who threw a complete game on four days rest.

16 Explorer Summer 2005

Letter from the President of the Alumni Association

Although we strive to live by the deep-rooted cannon of the Christian Brothers to Live Jesus in our hearts, forever, few things in life are never-ending. After all, we are human with limitations set by nature and God. Our Alumni Association was founded over 35 years ago to support the philosophy, goals, and objectives of La Salle College High School. In fulfilling this charge, we dedicate ourselves to the 325 year mission of the Christian Brothers. Our purpose is unified and true, for it serves to blend our past with our present into our future. Our purpose is, irrefutably, forever. The Christian Brothers established our La Salle in 1858. Over 147 years and 14,000 Alumni later, La Salle has produced a host of diverse leaders in the Church, Community and Nation. Our involvement, stewardship and profound loyalty to cause distinguish us as, perhaps, La Salle’s proudest achievement. We stand as living testament to the spirit and success that La Salle has fostered for generations of young men from the Philadelphia Area. The notion of Hall of Fame caliber bears an unreachable mystique marked by glory and greatness reserved for the venerable few who rise above the ordinary measures of the common man. At La Salle, we confer upon our most renowned brothers the distinction of Hall of Fame standing, a symbolic ritual that transcends our mortal limitations. We embrace the noble character of the men we recognize by our display of honor for the Lasallian generations to preserve. While the moral fiber and individual deeds of these honored men may fade with the passage of time, their collective will, their unwavering character and their gracious service intrinsically represent the fortitude of our purpose. It is this resolve that inspires infinite consequence beyond the measure of our bounded lives. Recognizing the significance of our Hall of Fame tribute and display, two years ago we knew that our long-established display cases would, after housing 47 famed inductees, run out of space. We undertook a thoughtful expansion project. We chose not to simply accentuate our inductees as individuals. Instead, we decided to present a dynamic view intended to perpetuate Saint La Salle’s fundamental dedication to building a society that is more human, more Christ-like and more just.

17 Explorer Summer 2005

Our Hall of Fame is a symbol of unparalleled excellence. Our inductees are, indeed, courageous captains of industry, military and government leaders, professionals, sports stars, orchestra directors, Priests and Brothers, educators, coaches and men of distinction. Their calling in life seems to surpass the deeds of lesser known Alumni. Yet, when we view our more celebrated Alumni in this unified fashion, we begin to see in each of them a true sense of the Christian Brothers’ heritage shared by all of us. Through our ritual of Hall of Fame convocation, we give voice to the ultimate values by which we were all empowered. The Brothers and lay faculty prepared us for life. We received, and our boys continue to receive, the best education in the world. Through personal relationships at all levels, La Salle has exceeded the awesome pace of an ever changing world. La Salle’s culture of Christian fidelity, academic and athletic excellence, spiritual fulfillment and selfless service have remained constant throughout our history. After challenging us to reach our fullest potential, La Salle has enriched each one of us with a sense of Hall of Fame integrity. As one of our school’s most distinctive strengths, we uphold the Lasallian traditions with zeal in our hearts. Although our Hall of Fame attributes are earned and not bestowed, our faith based foundation will always ground the direction of our very active lives. It was with great satisfaction and pride that we blessed and dedicated our new Hall of Fame display. As you ponder this timeless memorial, find comfort in knowing that it will accommodate future inductees over the course of the next two decades. Even nicer, we must certainly acknowledge, that its impact shall be forever. By virtue of our La Salle education, the Hall of Fame embraces all of us. We have thus given La Salle our gift of this tradition as witness to the strength of our common bond. Robert T. Szostak ’72 President

18 Explorer Summer 2005

Communion Breakfast and Hall of Fame Induction Sunday, March 6, 2005

Hall of Fame Celebrants – Fr. Anthony Janton ’69 and Fr. Robert Breen ’45

William dePasquale ’51 is congratulated on his induction by fellow inductee Marty Stanczak ’60

William dePasquale ’51 performing with La Salle’s String Ensemble

Alumni Association President Robert  Szostak ’72 presents the William  J. Whelan ’55 Alumni Service Award to Philip Cassidy ’70

The Flannery Family in front of the new Archive Display paying tribute to John “Tex” Flannery ’40

Sixteen members of the Hall of Fame in front of the new Hall of Fame Display

Hall of Fame members Tom Lynch ’58 and Ken Shaw ’60

John Glaser ’58 accepting his induction into the Hall of Fame

19 Explorer Summer 2005

Career Day: Photo Gallery Thursday, March 10, 2005

Keynote Speaker – Rod Von Lipsey ’76

Michael Kennedy ’72

Michael Donohoe, DC ’79 and Anthony Viggiano ’72

Brian McGeehan ’95

Tom Kolsun ’85

George Winslow ’82

Paul Kelly ’74

Ken Booker ’84

20 Explorer Summer 2005

Grand Reunion: Photo Gallery Saturday, April 23, 2005

21 Explorer Summer 2005

50-Year Reunion: Photo Gallery June 3 – 4, 2005

22 Explorer Summer 2005

45th Annual Alumni Golf Outing Monday, June 13, 2005 – Blue Bell Country Club

Bob McCreight ’71, Fr. Robert Breen ’45, and Peter Moore ’71

Riley Smith ’79, George Johnson, Jr. ’79, George Johnson, Sr., and Steve Johnson ’82

Class of 1963 – Hon. Maurino Rossanese, Ed Drach, Joe Turk, and Lou Galzerano

Former Principal Bro. Edward Gallagher, FSC with his former student Phil Cassidy ’70

Brett Gordon ’98 and Andrew Rakowski ’98

Bud Hansen III ’86 and Bud Hansen, Jr.  ’54

Four Decades of Explorers – Chris Carabello ’82, Bill Benz ’72, John Fenningham ’68, and Sean Seese ’02

Class of 1943 – Jim Logue, Joe Gerngross, Frank McCrossen, and Jim Maloney

23 Explorer Summer 2005

Winning Foursome – Class of 1998 – Ed Bongard, Jeff Huntzinger, Brett Gordon, and Andrew Rakowski

Larry Wentz ’55 and Dr. Jim Richard ’56

Class of 1981 – Butch Farris,  Pat Loftus, Neil Fitzpatrick, and Ward Fitzgerald

Joe Slabinski IV ’01 and Joe Slabinski III ’67

Chris McDermott ’75

Rich Sherman ’85

Class of 1983 – Mark Gola, Dave Martosella, Dave Riley, Jim Carroll

Seventy Years Apart – Walt Small ’38 and Patrick Melvin ’08

24 Explorer Summer 2005

Class Notes


John McHale ’42 and his wife, Genevieve, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary with their four children and eleven grandchildren on Superbowl Sunday, February 6, 2005. Charles Wynn ’46 and his wife, Beverly, traveled to Australia to snorkel and sail the Great Barrier Reef. Highlights of the trip included crossing the continent by train. Eugene McLoone ’47 was a member of the Oxford Roundtable On Financing Education at Oxford College in England.


Vincent McDermott, MD ’50 has retired from office and hospital practice, but will still continue caring for patients at St. Mary’s Catholic Home. He will volunteer weekly at the Community Health Practice, a free clinic for the uninsured in Camden, NJ. Ed Schmid ’50 is still working in the paving industry, enjoying his grandchildren who are close by and thankful for all La Salle has meant to him. He apologizes for not being able to attend his 55-Year Reunion and wished his “best” to his classmates. Charles McMahon ’51 stopped teaching three years ago, but still has an active research group. Pete Waters ’52, after several granddaughters, finally has a grandson, Kevin  D. McLarnon, and candidate for the Class of 2022. Jim Osborne ’58 was elected as Treasurer of Radnor Township, PA.

Class of 1945

Class of 1951 joins to celebrate the induction of William dePasquale ’51  into the Hall of Fame on March 6, 2005  A Shore Thing Mass and Dinner Sunday, September  11, 2005 Golf Outing and Luncheon Monday, September  12, 2004 Greate Bay Golf Club Somers Point, New Jersey

Class fo 1958 joins to celebrate the induction of John E. Glaser ’58 into the Hall of Fame on March 6, 2005

25 Explorer Summer 2005


James Pressler ’61 is a Pediatrician for Settlement Health in East Harlem, NY and is married with two children. Joe Minarik ’67 has retired from the federal government to become Senior Vice President and Director of Research at the Committee for Economic Development (CED) in Washington, DC. He had served for eight years as the Chief Economist in the White House Office of Management and Budget (during the Clinton Administration) and four years as the Chief Economist and Policy Director for the Democratic Staff of the House Budget Committee under Rep. John M. Spratt (D-SC). Jack Barrett ’69 recently began working for Catholic Charities of Syracuse, NY. He will be administering a HUD Grant designed to secure permanent hosing for the chronically homeless.

Class of 1960

Class of 1965

The Honorable James R. Matthews,  Chairman of  Montgomery County Commissioners,  is  sworn into office as a member of the Pennsylvania Convention Center Authority Board of Directors by The Honorable Richard J. Hodgson, Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas Judge, on January 27, 2005. Both men are  Alumni from the Class of 1966.

26 Explorer Summer 2005

Class Notes (continued)


Ed O’Brien ’71 is a Partner in McConnell Energy Solutions developing large solar energy arrays. Mark Sutton ’72 has been promoted to Senior Director of Franchise Development for Choice Hotels in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Carl Graf ’73 has  joined Metro Development Company, a Philadelphia-based regional real estate development and management company, as a Partner and CFO. Mike Driscoll ’76 has three sons  –  Michael ’04, a freshman  at Georgetwon University, Chris ’06 a junior, and Patrick ’09 an incoming freshman.

Class of 1970

Class of 1975

Mark Zielinski ’77 graduated from the FBI Academy (219th Session) in Quantico, VA. Richard Catrambone, PhD  ’78 was the 2004 recipient of  the Georgia Institute of Technology’s “Class of 1940 W. Howard Ector Outstanding Teacher Award,” which is the highest teaching award given a the institute. He is an Associate Professor of Psychology and teacher of undergraduate and graduate courses at Georgia Tech. His research focuses on ways to improve teaching and training materials, educational technology, and human-computer interaction.  Michael Donohoe, DC ’79 has joined Philadelphia Chiropractic and Rehabilitation in Levittown, PA as Clinical Director.

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Kevin Funchion ’82 is pleased to announce the opening of Triton Capital Management, LLC, a registered investment advisory group in Wayne, PA. John Meko ’86 is the Vice President for Development at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, PA. Michael Korman, USN ’87 is serving in Iraq as Command Master Chief for the Civilian Police Assistance Training Team in Baghdad. Charlie McGowan ’87 was recently appointed as the Director of Sales for the Mid-Atlantic Region for Brighton Best Manufacturing.

Class of 1980

Class of 1985

Peter Tantala, P.E. ’88 was reappointed to the International Property Maintenance and Zoning Code Committee for the International Code Conference. Paul Wynn ’88 married Julia Bellrose on October 23, 2004 in Newtown, PA. Rev. Anthony Janton ’69 and Rev. Anthony Gruber, an uncle to Paul, con-celebrated the Nuptial Mass. Kirk Marcolina ’88 was best man and Mark Wynn ’79 was a groomsman. The couple honeymooned in Belize and now reside in Brooklyn, NY. Paul Kane ’88, a journalist with Roll Call, received the Everett McKinley Dirksen Awards for Distinguished Coverage of Congress at the National Press Foundation’s Annual Awards Dinner in February.

28 Explorer Summer 2005

Class Notes (continued)


Richard Durso ’92 married Suzanne Cordie in May. Rich recently received his CFP (Certified Financial Planner). Drew Morrisroe ’92, President and CEO of CTN Solutions in Lafayette Hill, PA, is a recipient of the prestigious “40 Under 40” Award sponsored by the Philadelphia Business Journal. The award recognizes forty individuals under the age of forty who are proven performers in their respective industries and communities.He was profiled in the April 8, 2005 issue of the Philadelphia Business Journal. CTN Solutions provides network infrastructure, application development, and web development services to small and mid-sized organizations throughout the region. Michael Tantala, P.E. ’94 earned his license as a Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Class of 1990

Class of 1995

Tom Flannery ’95 and his wife, Erin, recently relocated to Silver Spring, MD, where Tom is employed by GEICO in their IT Department. Michael Monaghan, USN  ’95 is on an extended overseas deployment on board the fast attack nuclear powered submarine USS Los Angeles. He will stop in Guam, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan while on a mission that includes reconnaissance, intelligence, and special operations support. Matt Fineberg ’97 has announced his candidacy for a seat on the Board of Commissioners in Abington Township, PA. Kevin Brewster ’99 recently joined the Cheltenham Township Police Department after spending a year working on the Broad Street Subway in North Philadelphia as SEPTA Police Officer. He graduated from the Philadelphia Police Academy in November 2003 after earning a B.A. in Criminal Justice from DeSales University.

29 Explorer Summer 2005

Steve Shaheen ’95, is currently a student at  Harvard Business School. Recently, Chris Matthews ’63 , aired his show “Hardball” from the Harvard campus. Steve had the opportunity to  attend the show and meet Chris.


Joe Dwyer ’00 is a Financial Wholesaler for Lordabbett Company Investing in Jersey City, NJ. Chris Glavin ’00 has opened Huddelson LLC, an online educational resource job center for those in the K-12 education system. The  web site,  www.k12academics.com,  has links to schools, districts and training certification, school profiles throughout the USA, teacher tips, and a job database complete with postings and resumes.  Josh Borkowski ’01 participated in an academic exchange/ fellowship program for five months in Florianopolis, Brazil, studying agroecology with students at UFSC in Florianopolis. The Fall semester was spent taking classes and participating in field research projects related to the subject area under the supervision of faculty from Berkley and the Instituto de Biologia.

Brett Thompson ’01 is majoring in English at Arcadia University and will  spend the fall semester studying in Wales. He is the Co-Editor of Mosaic, Arcadia’s independent literary magazine. Terry Wilkin ’02, a member of the  Men’s Rowing Team at Syracuse University, was honored as Scholar Athlete of the Week in December. He is majoring in political science and Friday, August 5, 2005 The Bay Course Seaview Marriott Resort and Spa Absecon, New jersey

speech communication and has been selected to the Athletic Director’s Honor Roll each of his first four semesters.

30 Explorer Summer 2005

Flying By Stephen Daly ’74


For Joe Mihalich ’74, currently the Head Basketball Coach at Niagara University, this past season was a very special one. Joe led the Purple Eagles to their first NCAA tournament appearance in thirty-five years, since the days of the great Calvin Murphy. Since taking over at Niagara in April of 1998, Joe has been on something of a roll. He is the first head coach at Niagara to begin his career with seven consecutive winning seasons, and has twice been named the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference coach of the year, including this past season.

But Joe’s was no overnight success story. As far back as his sophomore season at La Salle High School, he says, he knew wanted to be a head basketball coach. He also realized, early on, that he would never be a great player. Yet he worked hard on his game and went on to La Salle University, where he played under Paul Westhead, helping the Explorers to two NCAA appearances and one Big Five title. He graduated in 1978 with a degree in mathematics and education, but there was never any question where he was headed in his career. He spent the next twenty years as an assistant coach, first under the legendary Morgan Wooten at DeMatha High School in Hyattsville, MD, then back at La Salle University, where he stayed for the next seventeen years, working with Lefty Ervin and later Speedy Morris. It was during those years as an assistant that he learned the intricacies of the game, scouting other teams, recruiting players from around the country, putting in his time, waiting for his shot at a head coaching position, which was a long time in coming. “You learn from all the coaches you work with,” Joe says. “Then you bring to the game your own skills and talents. Eventually you start to develop your own philosophy and style. The key is being a great teacher and having a passion for the game. If you don’t have that, you shouldn’t be coaching.” He is, by nature, an optimist. But he is also a realist, and there were many times during those shadow years when he would lie awake at night and think that maybe he was destined to be an assistant coach his entire career, that maybe his dream of becoming a division-one head coach was never going to happen. “But I never stopped believing,” he says. “And I was lucky.” That ability to dream, to believe in oneself, he says, is something he learned during his four years at La Salle College High School. La Salle had such an effect on him, Joe says, that he and his wife Mary made sure all three of their sons – Joe, Tony and Matt – went to a Christian Brothers’ school, St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in Buffalo, which according to Joe has very much the same spirit and guiding principles as La Salle College High School. “La Salle instills in you a desire to achieve, but in a healthy way,” he says. “It teaches you to dream, to set goals for yourself, to want to accomplish something with your life. The quality of the people I went to school with, the people who taught me there – it was the best four years of my life. ”

Joe Mihalich ’74 leads the Purple Eagles of Niagara to the NCAA Tournament

31 Explorer Summer 2005

Announcements Births We Welcome

Deaths We Remember

To Michael Funchion ’82 and wife, Vivian, a girl, Sophia Elizabeth, on January 10, 2005

Frederick Betz ’28

Barbara Albanese, wife of Mario ’47

John F. Hagerty ’30

Peggy Belcher, mother of Brian ’69, James ’72 and Thomas ’75

To Carl Holmes ’83 and wife, Elizabeth, a girl, Avery Marie, on April 26, 2005

Charles Schreader, MD ’30 Roger O’Brien ’32 Edward J. Grubb ’36

To Martin McDonnell ’83 and wife Margo, a girl, Caitlin Martina, on February 17, 2005

Robert E. Walton ’36

To Jim Donahue ’86 and wife, Karen, a girl (finally), Mary Katherine, on April 30, 2005

John P. Campbell ’40

To John McFadden ’88 and wife, Jennifer, twins, Maile Genevieve and Sean Holt, on December 30, 2004 To Dan Rakowski ’91 and wife, Joy, a boy, Matthew Jude, on February 19, 2005 To Patrick Randles ’91 and wife, Whitney, a boy, Sean Patrick, on March 4, 2005 To Tom McDonald ’92 and wife, Lori, twins, Kaitlyn Teresa and Connor Vincent, on June 1, 2004

Robert J. Butler, Jr. ’39 William R. Sterner ’41 Thomas L. Kearney ’42 Thomas M. Redanauer ’43 John J. McCoy ’44 Robert L. Pigeon ’44 (father of Robert ’67, Joseph ’68, grandfather of Robert III, Thomas ’92 Andrew ’95 and Edward ’01) Richard J. Devine ’45, father of Richard ’72 Donald H. McGill ’45 Joseph P. Grace ’46

To Brian Romano ’94 and wife, Megan, a boy, James Patrick, on March 8, 2005

Nicholas Maguire ’46

To Jim Tate ’94 and wife, Kathy, a boy, James Christopher, on April 15, 2005

Robert J. Sorensen, MD ’46

Retirements We Appreciate ”Gentleman George” In June, George Hohenleitner retired after thirty-six years as a member of the faculty of La Salle College High School. George taught Religion and German, and coached Tennis. He was a quiet man, whose gentle and prayerful demeanor affected five decades of La Salle stundents.

Bernard Schreiber ’46

Thomas Ignas, father of Thomas ’75 and brother of Frank Ignas Michael Maicher, Long-Time School Photographer Mary Naab, wife of George Naab ’38 Sally O’Brien (wife of Charles J. “O’Bie” O’Brien and mother of Charles J. O’Brien ’56, grandmother of Patrick McFadden and Michael McFadden ’94) Stanley Peffle, father of Soccer Coach Bob Peffle Josephine Smith, mother of John Whalen ’67 Mary Rita Sommar (mother of Albert ’62, James ’64, Kevin ’72, Michael ’74, Brian ’77 and Timothy ’80)

Walter C. Maslowski, DDS ’47

Ella Sontheimer, wife of Edward Sontheimer ’39

John J. Bradley ’48

Harry Williamson

William J. McNeill ’49 Thomas A. Harverson ’50 Joseph P. Kearney ’50 Charles J. Mohr ’50 George Nuss ’50 Michael F. Avallone, DO ’51 Fr. Charles E. Murphy ’51 Richard J. Mullin ’57 Matthew Ledwith ’58 Charles J. Mooney ’60 Anthony E. Martin III ’65 James P. Mooney ’72 Eric Chesna ’89, brother of John ’73, Scott ’77, Mark ’80

Auf Wiedersehn

Thomas Grebis, father of Thomas ’94 and Bryan ’96

Erik J. Mitsch ’96 Terrence McCann ’03

32 Explorer Summer 2005

Thank You to our Alumni Sponsors Adventures In Success Tim Erb ’66

DII Computers, Inc. Tom Drummond ’84

The Avallone Family Michael ’51, Michael, Jr. ’77, John ’81

Deloitte & Touche, LLP Stephen A. Gardner ’72

Gary Barbera Automotive Group Geno Barbera ’77 The Beck Family Lloyd, Jr. ’74, Lloyd III ’98, Ryan ’01, Andrew ’04 William J. Benz, Esq. ’72 Blank Rome, LLP Denis James Lawler, Esq. ’66 Blue Bell Country Club Elmer (Bud) F. Hansen, Jr. ’54 Elmer F. Hansen III ’86 Fr. Robert Breen ’45 John M. Burtnick, Sr. ’64 Joseph Camardo ’70 Carabello, Mansell, and Knouse Dental Associates John F. Carabello, DMD CBIZ Accounting, Tax, and Advisory, Inc. Andrew J. Malone, CPA ’78

Dunphy Ford Jay Dunphy ’54 Kevin Dunphy ’83 McCrea Dunton Charles J. Dunton, MD ’70 Bob Durney ’57 Eastern Mortgage Services, Inc. Philip E. Cassidy, Jr. ’70 The Foley Insurance Agency Tim Foley ’66 Gerry Foley ’74 Foundation Capital Management, Inc. Chuck Minnich, MSFS, CLU, CHFC ’85 Gabriel Building Group Sam Gabriel ’80 Michael J. Gallagher, DDS ’70 Garrison Printing Company William B. Fynes, Jr. ’65

Chestnut Hill Dental Group Robert F. Gallagher, DDS ’42 Robin F. Gallagher, DMD ’67

GMAC Commercial Mortgage Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ’61

City Champs 1950 Thomas J. Gola ’51

Vincent Giordano Company Guy Giordano ’72

Class Of 1966 Robert F. McAnespey ’66

Kindt, Kaye & Wentz, Inc. Larry Wentz ’55 Ed Wentz ’99

Corr, Stevens & Fenningham John C. Fenningham, Esq. ’68 Country Club Editions William D. Vare ’49 Commerce Bank Creative Financial Group S. John Gorman IV ’67 Brian C. McGeehan ’95

Liberty Personnel Services, Inc. Boyd A. Kelly ’93 Liberty Property Trust Ward Fitzgerald ’81 Live Jesus In Our Hearts Anonymous ’52

Thomas C. Lowry PC & Associates Thomas C. Lowry, Esq. ’71 Magarity Ford and Chevrolet Bill ’63, Greg ’65, Joe ’70, Mark ’72, Mike ’74, Jake ’78, Chris ’96 The Markmann Family Joe ’43, Joe Michael ’65, Bill ’66, Jim ’79, Dan ’81, Joe ’92, Steve ’95, Bill ’98

Redring Solder Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Schmidt Chiropractic Michael F. Donohoe, DC ’79 Slabinski Funeral Homes Joseph F. Slabinski ’67 Signature Homes J.T. Maloney ’43 Tim Maloney ’96 Timoney Knox, LLP Scott H. Wolpert, Esq. ’84

William L. McKernan, CPA David A. Stagliano ’93

Tracey Mechanical, Inc. John W. Wozniak ’77

The McLaughlin Family Bernard ’23, Jim ’57, Michael ’01, Ian ’03, Dennis ’07

Trenchtech, Inc. Dave Martosella ’83

Mellon Webster & Shelly Joseph A. Cullen, Jr. Esq. ’91 M. Mark Mendel, Ltd. Bob Szostak ’72 Morgan Stanley Jack Williams ’73 Owen L. Murray ’61 Orleans Homebuilders Michael Vesey ’77 Orthopedic Surgery And Rehabilitation Associates William J. Markmann, MD ’66 William C. Hamilton, MD ’66 Walter W. Dearolf, MD ’74

U.S. Roofing Corporation Ryan P. Tyrrell ’91 The Urbanski Family Tim ’63, Andrew ’02 Jim Ward ’55  Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Brian D. Trymbiski ’96 Wharco Realty Group John J. Whalen ’67 Patrick J. White, DC ’69 Williamson Caterers Bob McCreight ’71 Joe Williamson ’80

Narducci, Moore, Fleisher & Roeberg Peter E. Moore, Esq. ’71

Williamson Hospitality Services Jim Osborne ’56 Dan McGill ’78

Pennsylvania Orthopedic Associates David E. Reinhardt, DO ’84

Windsor Wood Service Don Hughes ’80

Miriam and Frank Pfluger ’50 Plexus Ventures, LLC Robert P. Moran ’69 Quality Mailing Services, Inc. Wm. Timothy McAndrews, Jr. ’83

Wood Mode Cabinetry Chuck Walsh ’68

33 Explorer Summer 2005

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Specialty License Plate

Available to Alumni, Faculty and Staff, Parents (Past and Present), and Students

Only $35.00 Please contact the Alumni Office at (215) 233-2350 for an application or email alumni@lschs.org

La Salle College High School

The Loggia and St. Michael Hall A Limited Edition of Five Hundred Prints By Robert A. Knight ’48


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Please contact the Alumni Office at (215) 233-2350 or email alumni@lschs.org

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