Something For Everyone: Extracurriculars at La Salle

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TECHNOLOGY CLUBS COMPUTER LAB MANAGERS are part of a nationally-recognized

WEB MANAGERS assist the Director of Web Communications in

program that is one of a kind. The program functions like a sports

various web projects throughout the year. The Web Site Managers

team and allows tech students to work side-by-side with the Chief

primarily work on projects for the La Salle College High School

Information Officer and Network Administrator to run the network

Web Site, but also are committed to participating in web-based

and website at La Salle College High School. The ultimate goal of this

Community TechServe projects for non-profit organizations in need

“team” is to make La Salle Technology the best of any school in the

of web site assistance.

country. Students gain priceless experiential learning that goes hand in hand with any certifications that they have earned through the school’s advanced Microsoft IT Academy. ENGINEERING CLUB is structured to familiarize students interested in a career in engineering with the role of engineers in Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, and Mechanical Engineering. The club will also review core curriculum for engineering programs at local universities. Two guest speakers and at least one field trip will be included.

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STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Student Government Association or Student Council is comprised of a four-member executive board, class officers, class senators, and faculty moderators. The Student Council, under the direction of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer oversees the individual class councils and coordinates all council activities. The Class Council is headed by an elected Class President and Vice President for each of the four classes and elected homeroom senators. Activities organized at this level include intramural teams, proms or dances, Field Day, and other activities planned by the class and the Class Moderator. Any student may participate in or help with the various class activities. ACTIVITIES SPONSORED BY THE STUDENT COUNCIL INCLUDE: • school dances; • pep rallies and other spirit activities (like Field Day); • maintaining school communications; • helping at Freshman Orientation; and • Student-Faculty Events.

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STUDENT PUBLICATIONS WISTERIAN, the school newspaper, provides an opportunity for students to report on news around the La Salle College High School community. Consisting of news, features, sports, and editorials, the Wisterian promotes better writing in a variety of disciplines and offers aspiring writers the satisfaction of being published. BLUE AND GOLD is the school’s yearbook. It strives to capture the events of the year through photographs and words. Staff members have the opportunity to develop skills in decision making and time management. In addition, students explore their own creative talents through writing, photography, and page design. GAZEBO, the school’s literary magazine, offers all students an opportunity to publish creative writing. Once works are submitted, the staff of the Gazebo begins the publishing process. The staff members are actively involved in material selection, editing, and copy preparation. The reward for the staff culminates with the distribution of the literary magazine twice a year.

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SPEECH AND DEBATE PROGRAM Speech and Debate (Forensics) offers students unique opportunities

achieved from the Tournament of Champions (hosted by

to develop public speaking skills in the areas of persuasion,

the University of Kentucky), the National Catholic Forensics League,

argumentation, discussion, and interpretation. Through participation

and the National Speech and Debate Association. In 2018,

in an on-going program of weekly interscholastic contests at local

Patrick Kelly ’18, placed 2nd in Informative Speaking at the National

and mid-Atlantic area schools, students develop poise, confidence,

Speech and Debate Association. Locally, the team remains a

and listening skills. “Leadership Through Speech” is the motto of

dominant presence having won the State District 11

the National Catholic Forensic League.

title consecutively from 2005-2018.

In the last ten years, the team has been recognized with seven

MOCK TRIAL has students “trying” a case by taking the role of

Debate School of Excellence Awards – twice by the National

attorney and/or witness against a team from other schools.

Speech and Debate Association (2009, 2014) and five times by the

This affords the students an opportunity to see the case from the

National Catholic Forensics League (2008, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015).

perspective of the prosecutor, defense attorney, witness, and

In the last three years, the team has been recognized with national

the accused.

success at the invitationals hosted by Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, George Mason University, and Saint Joseph’s University. Additionally, multiple awards have been

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THEATRE PROGRAM surrounding high schools,


La Salle’s theatre program is recognized as one of the top programs

The Drowsy Chaperone (2018)

in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Producing two shows per year, the

The Producers (2017)

theatre program offers students the opportunity to become involved

Crazy For You (2016)

in and learn every aspect of the theatre from performance; playing

Spamalot (2015)

as a member of the pit orchestra; to every aspect of designing and

42nd Street (2014)

running a show. One of the unique aspects of the program is that

Swing! (2013)

the student gets the responsibility of truly managing a full scale

City Of Angels (2012)

With over one hundred La Salle students along with girls from

Chicago (2019)

production. EACH FALL, LA SALLE PRESENTS A DRAMA. RECENT PRODUCTIONS INCLUDE: Student-Produced One Act Plays (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) One Act Plays (2013) Barefoot In The Park (2012) Lend Me A Tenor (2011) Blithe Spirit (2010) Plaza Suite (2009) Arsenic and Old Lace (2008)

STAGE CREW Stage Crew is open to all students at La Salle College High School and supports the theatrical productions with set design and construction, lighting, sound, and logistics.

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Inspired by three centuries of the distinctive spirituality of the De La Salle Christian Brothers, La Salle College High School educates the whole person, developing young men in their unique talents and strengths.

groups: The Belcrofters (performing ensemble), Upperclassmen Chorus, Freshman Chorus, and an A Cappella Group. Aside from concerts, these groups perform at many functions in and around La Salle. Smaller ensembles enhance our school liturgies

A comprehensive Music Program provides diverse offerings that promote a sense of individual responsibility. Music is considered to be an integral part of a student’s education. Recognizing that students come to La Salle with diverse musical backgrounds, the music department offers courses at a variety of levels to provide an appropriate course of instruction to all. LA SALLE GRADUATES CONTINUE THEIR EDUCATION AT SOME OF THE TOP MUSIC PROGRAMS IN THE COUNTRY INCLUDING: Carnegie Mellon School of Music

University of Miami

Manhattan School of Music

Indiana University – Jacobs School of Music

University of the Arts Berklee College of Music

Temple University – Boyer College of Music and Dance

Johns Hopkins Peabody Institute

University of North Texas College of Music

Curtis Institute of Music

University of Rochester Eastman School of Music

Oberlin Conservatory

La Salle’s expanding choral program has four very active performing

by providing music. Chorus is open to anyone in or outside the band. The performances are at the Music Department’s concerts, community liturgies and at some community events. Normally, individual practices or group practices will be held during the day and/or during scheduled class time

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BAND The Music Department at La Salle College High School is comprised of many bands. The Honors Advanced Band, Advanced Band, Freshman Band, Intermediate Band, Guitar Ensemble, and String Ensemble are all rostered classes, who practice during a scheduled period along with private lessons for each instrument. In addition to music classes, there are other bands in which students can participate. Practices for these bands are held during the day or once or twice a week after school. The Music Department extends all its opportunities to anyone who wishes to roster for a band or simply take music lessons. LA SALLE’S HIGHLY REGARDED AND COMPREHENSIVE MUSIC PROGRAM IS UNMATCHED AMONG HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE DELAWARE VALLEY. OVER 250 INSTRUMENTALISTS PARTICIPATE IN FIFTEEN PERFORMING ENSEMBLES THAT INCLUDE:


Advanced Honors Band

Competition Band

Lab Band

Freshman Band

Brass Ensemble

Pit Orchestra

Music Business and Technology

Guitar Ensemble

Trombone Ensemble

Advanced Band

Pep Band

Saxophone Ensemble

String Orchestra

Trumpet Ensemble

Concert Band

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ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS, RECREATIONAL, AND SPECIAL INTEREST CLUBS ANIME (pronounced AH-nee-may) is a term for a style of Japanese

ASIAN CULTURES CLUB members meet monthly to discuss the

comic book and video cartoon animation. Anime is as unlike most

varied ideals and culture over Asian meals, Asian table games

American cartoons like “Batman” and “Spider-Man” and is the

and challenge other clubs to ping pong, badminton and Jianzi

prevalent style in Japanese comic books. These differences are


evident in the artwork, storytelling, breadth of material, and cultural nuances exhibited by the characters. Anime Club members will watch selected anime on streaming sites, and share ideas for club activities, such as making Japanese-themed food and crafts (sushi, bubble tea, origami, etc.). ART CLUB offers the students an opportunity to express and develop their creative abilities. Students can explore a variety of themes through community service, group, and individual projects. Past projects have included “Poor Man’s Supper,” mural and sculpture installations around the school for school events, and permanent artwork for display on campus. Students in the Art Club can also organize field trips to attend workshops and museum installations. Membership is open to all grade levels.

ATHLETES HELPING ATHLETES is a student-run organization comprised of La Salle students that host special needs students from our community at some of our varsity sports events. We welcome these very special “captains” and honor them prior to games. BADMINTON CLUB is a great opportunity to play a very enjoyable, yet highly competitive game. The equipment of rackets and birdies are supplied, so students need only to bring themselves. The Badminton Club meets and plays in the Auditorium during community time and occasionally after school. BAGGO CLUB Just because summer is over is no reason to let your beach skills get rusty. Come with your friends and hone your toss. Memorial Day weekend will be here before you know it.

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CHESS CLUB/TEAM is open to all students at La Salle College High

CLASSICS CLUB teaches educates students on the influence of the

School. Any student who has a desire to play and learn chess is

classical world. Everyone is familiar with Greek and Roman myths

encouraged to participate. The young men who participate in the

and legends – Hollywood loves stories like the fall of Troy – but the

club have experience that ranges from having never played to those

influence of the ancient Mediterranean societies on our everyday

who compete in national competitions. Chess Club members may be

lives is wider than most imagine. Students learn that the Greeks gave

eligible to compete on the Catholic League Chess team.

us democracy, theatre and the Olympic games; the Romans brought

CHINESE CLUB watch Kung Fu movies, play Chinese chess, and wrap dumpling as well as write Chinese names in a calligraphy. The Chinese Club provides monthly opportunities to have a bite of China. Students also learn about the history, geography, economy, and political environment of modern China. CLASSICAL CARTOONS CLUB allows students that enjoy classic and present day cartoons to come together and view, learn the history of, and discuss some of the best cartoons ever produced. The club is exclusively organized by students who collaborate with each other to present the history of the cartoon episodes, show the episode to the group, and facilitate discussion among the club members.

us roads, leisure centers and our regular diet of gladiatorial contests between rival sports teams. The aim of the Classics Club is to allow our students to reflect on ancient cultures in an informative and comparative, but fun way. In addition to basic factual presentations, students will have the opportunity to appreciate well-known films with a more critical approach and to visit some of the excellent exhibitions in our area. COOKING CLUB meets monthly in the Mothers’ Club Kitchen. Students learn how to prepare and cook delicious recipes and enjoy them when finished.

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ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB is dedicated to learning and educating

FENCING CLUB meets on a bi-monthly basis and is designed for

our school community about environmental issues, cultivating an

the student who has an interest in the sport of fencing. A visiting

awareness and appreciation for the environment in our community

“Master” fencer teaches the basic fundamentals of the sport.

members, creating opportunities to enjoy nature, advocating for

Students will experience low intensity workout sessions as they are

personal environmental responsibility, increasing the sustainability

introduced to the initial frameworks of the sport. Those that develop

and environmental friendliness of our campus, and taking actions

a higher level of interest are encouraged to attend a local fencing

to leave a positive environmental impact on our local community,

academy to elevate their skills.

region, and world. Of particular interest for the club is exploring and caring for the Brother Gratian of Jesus Environmental Studies Area, a 6-acre space on the campus of La Salle College High School with trails, streams, and a variety of woodlands. EXPLORERS, INC. (Business Club) is a student group wanting to learn more about entrepreneurship, business leadership, personal finances, and business concepts. Explorers Inc. meets monthly in addition to managing Project Paperback, which is the club’s business project where students acquire experience with all aspects of a small business: marketing, advertising, sales, finance, and inventory management.

FILM CLUB members will watch a wide range of films and discuss them critically based on cinematography, technique, artistic merit, level of characterization, historical/cultural relevance, and topics of student choice. The choice of films will sometimes focus on a particular genre, director, screenwriter, or performer. FRENCH CLUB is open to all students. The young men who participate in the club will learn and experience genuine language use, as well as an integrated approach to understanding and appreciating the French culture. Members have the opportunity to explore French music, videos, and cuisine.

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FUTURE LAWYERS CLUB provides student-driven opportunities

INVESTMENT CLUB seeks to afford the students with a unique

to explore and discuss a wide range of legal questions and issues,

experience in managing an actual investment portfolio. While the

from choosing to be a lawyer to global legal concerns in our modern

students will begin trading a virtual portfolio they will advance to

world. Field trips to local courthouses and other law-related

managing the Investment Club’s endowment, funded primarily by

events are available throughout the year. The club meets during

La Salle alumni working in the financial services industry with initial

community time and students should bring their curiosity and

seed capital provided by Ironview Capital Management. Education

problem-solving skills.

modules provided via the program include, but are not limited to:

FUTURE PHYSICIANS CLUB is open to any student with an interest in the field of healthcare. The club brings in health care professionals from various specialties, including orthopedics, anesthesiology, physical therapy, general practice, cardiology and interventional radiology. Meetings are held during assigned community time. GAMING CLUB gives students an opportunity to gather with their friends while playing board, video, and card games. Students compete against each other and have fun in a relaxed atmosphere. HUMAN RIGHTS CLUB will explore a variety of human rights issues throughout the world and discuss alternative Lasallian methods to help alleviate some of these problems. The club completes a service project each spring.

macroeconomics, corporate finance, accounting, security analysis, portfolio management, derivatives and personal finance. To start, the Investment Club will divide participating students into industry sector groups which make up the Standard Poor’s 500 Index. The Investment Club will initially trade U.S. publicly traded equities, but may move onto debt instruments and funds as the program matures. IRISH CLUB is for anyone interested in learning more about the ancient Celts and how their culture is still evident today. The Celts lived not only in Ireland, but also in Scotland, Wales, and Brittany. Club activities include attending concerts, movies, plays, and rugby and soccer games. Members also learn a few Irish phrases and visit restaurants, art museums, and the Irish Famine Memorial. In keeping with the Lasallian ideal to serve others, the Irish Club participates in a community service activity each year.

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ITALIAN CLUB introduces students to Italian-American culture. Any

MODEL UN is designed to introduce students to the larger

student or member of the La Salle College High School community

international community through participation in Model United

(you do not have to be Italian or be taking the Italian language) with

Nation conferences, attending events hosted by the World Affairs

an interest in Italian culture may join. The club attempts to introduce

Council of Philadelphia, and working with students across the world.

its membership to the many facets of Italian-American life including food, entertainment, sports, and history. Activities include tasting Italian food, learning to play Bocce Ball, seeing classic Italian movies, and learning the history of Italians in our area.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY is composed of juniors and seniors who have distinguished themselves in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Each Spring, a ceremony is held to officially accept newly invited members into the La Salle chapter

MATHLETES offers an opportunity for students interested in

of this national organization. The principle service performed by the

mathematics to use their problem-solving skills in a competitive

members is tutoring students who are having difficulty with one or

setting. The team participates in the Philadelphia Archdiocesan

more of their subjects.

Mathletes, which holds monthly competitions in different areas of Mathematics as well as a national math league which has monthly competitions conducted through the mail.

OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CLUB is a group of La Salle students who love hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing, fishing, or other outdoor nature related activities. Members will meet during

MULTICULTURAL CLUB meets on a regular basis in an effort to

community time to plan adventures, discuss issues facing the

explore and appreciate the diverse backgrounds of our students.

environment, have a concern for conservation, and love to fish. No

Activities include visiting local neighborhoods for Sunday Mass,

experience is necessary, just a love of the outdoors. Members who

reaching out to other schools with a similar club, and discovering

enjoy angling can help design four fishing outings. Each outing will

the different cultural and ethnic holidays celebrated by our diverse

be planned out in advance, and members will need their own fishing

student body.

equipment, but experience is not necessary.

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PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB provides students with an opportunity

and team building skills, and compete and cooperate in alliances

to confer about the various aspects of photography including

and tournaments.

composition, lighting, shutter speeds, aperture, digital videos, printing, matting, and presenting their work. The club will meet as informal instruction for various purposes and have structured lessons on skills and techniques such as portraits or cropping photos. Club time will also be used to get out into the community and hone student skills. After school outings may include a wide-variety of locales in the city, such as Valley Green or Morris Arboretum. Students may also work on photography projects such as family portraits, photo journalism assignments, and “A Day in the Life” projects. Student work could help supplement the yearbook, website news items, and press releases with photos of students and school

SCIENCE FAIR students may participate in the Montgomery County Science Research Competition and the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science. La Salle serves as the sponsoring school and serves the role of filing the necessary paperwork. Students are encouraged to seek outside experts in their area of research interest. SKI AND SNOWBOARD CLUB provides an opportunity for those who enjoy the sports and want to ski and snowboard at various resorts on the East Coast with others from La Salle. Trips may be scheduled several times throughout the ski season.

day activities. The club will also serve as a supportive venue for

SOCIAL STUDIES HONOR SOCIETY (Rho Kappa) offers interested

sharing students’ photography. The club could look for appropriate

students the opportunity to deepen their appreciation for history and

venues to publicly share student work, such as the Arts Festival.

the writing of history. Society members will engage topics in local,

ROBOTICS allows students to work with their peers, teacher, and adult mentors to earn valuable life experiences with robotics, technology, and science. The club encourages students to design, build, and program robots. In addition, students apply real world math and science concepts, develop problem solving, organizational

state, regional, national, and international history through a program which includes topics and projects ranging from the histories of La Salle and individual programs at La Salle to issues of broader significance. The Society will also seek to bring topics and speakers on relevant contemporary and historical issues to campus for the

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benefit of the community. In keeping with the school mission the

SPORTS INFORMATION CLUB allows students to work directly with

society seeks to serve the entire community through discussion

WEXP and the web site to cover all levels (V, JV, FR) of La Salle sports.

and practice.

Students who sign up will be assigned as the beat reporter for a

SPANISH CLUB explores the diverse cultures of Spanish speaking people in order to enhance the language experience and promote

specific team. Scores, game stories, pictures, and video will all be a part of this sports journalism experience.

cross-cultural understanding. Activities include tutoring students in

STEP BROTHERS DANCE GROUP promotes creativity, confidence,

Spanish speaking elementary schools, viewing movies from different

and opportunities for social interactions through the art of dance.

parts of the world, translations of Disney stories, and playing games

The group collaborates students at Gwynedd Mercy Academy in

with Spanish vocabulary. There is an excursion to a restaurant

order to learn different dance styles such as Latin dancing, ballroom

which serves Latin American cuisine.

dancing, and line dancing.

SPANISH CONVERSATION CLUB gives students an opportunity

STUDENT AMBASSADORS are the “voice and face” of La Salle College

to practice Spanish skills with students and teachers in a relaxed

High School, and are called upon to act as a guide for alumni and

setting. The club’s gatherings focus on communicative activities,

benefactors as well as prospective students and their parents at a

and students often find themselves using Spanish without even

variety of school-sponsored events such as Open House(s), Mornings

thinking about it. Meetings are open to students of all levels

At La Salle, entrance exams, scholarship receptions, reunions, and

and are a great way to make new friends and explore the Spanish

other events. Student Ambassadors are expected to learn various

language and culture.

facts and figures pertaining to the institution as well as properly convey the mission, philosophy, and message of La Salle College High School. Juniors, sophomores, and second semester freshmen are invited to apply to be Student Ambassadors in the spring and

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previous participation will have no bearing in the selection of the

WEXP (TV Studio) is designed to give students an introductory

following year’s Student Ambassadors. Applicants should have

experience in the world of mass media. Students gain knowledge

strong communication skills and must be in good academic and

in the areas of audio and video production as well as on-air

disciplinary standing currently and maintain that status throughout

talent. WEXP produces a morning show in addition to other

the school year. Additional qualities in consideration include: proper

feature broadcasts.

appearance, good presentation skills, the ability to work with others, emotional stability, initiative, and motivation.

WORLD SOCCER CLUB hosts various soccer events including after-school viewing parties for Premier League and Champions

STUDENT MENTORS are a small group of junior and senior students

League matches as well as outdoor kick-arounds. The club aims to

that are selected to work with freshmen to help them get acclimated

bring together those with a passion for the world’s most popular

to life as a La Salle College High School student. Mentors help with

sport whether that be through playing it or watching it. Futsal games

freshmen orientation, work with freshmen homeroom teachers, and

on the tennis courts and a Fifa Tournament are als part of the

provide relevant discussion/information to the 9th grade students

club’s activities.

over the course of the school year. ULTIMATE FRISBEE CLUB provides an outlet for both a fun and competitive environment for students. The club meets during community time as well as weekly after school in the fall and spring for practices and to scrimmage. There is also a competitive arm of the club that competes with other high schools in the Philadelphia area. In 2019, La Salle’s Ultimate team was the Plymouth-Whitemarsh Tournament Champions and finished second in the Philadelphia Cities Tournament.

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MINISTRY AND SERVICE PROGRAMS The signs at the entrance and exit of the campus stand as a constant


reminder of the school’s mantra. “Enter to Learn” establishes the

Each October, the entire freshman class along with many of their

belief that learning is a lasting endeavor. “Leave to Serve” inspires a

fathers and 20-30 members of the faculty/staff, perform a day

lifelong commitment to service, especially to those in need. Together,

of service at 21 different “under-served” sites in the Philadelphia

they guide young men on a path that brings creative and generous

Area. For almost 20 years the freshman class has “branched out” in

responses to the world. La Salle College High School students live

service to the community. In total, over 450 members of the La Salle

their faith through their actions, recognize the inter-connectedness

community collectively provides over 1,600 hours of service to these

of the world, and act on their obligation to remedy injustice. Through


its many highly impactful service programs, La Salle fosters an awareness of local and world communities and the importance of taking responsibilities on both platforms.

SUMMER SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES During the summer of 2019, over 300 rising juniors and seniors representing almost 60% of the school’s upperclassmen –

The Office of Lasallian Mission and Ministry seeks to build a living

participated in one of sixteen voluntary summer service projects

faith community by providing religious experiences and service

located in nine states and four countries. In addition, members of

opportunities for both students and faculty. Liturgical programs are

the senior class attended the Lasallian Youth Assembly, a gathering

celebrated at significant times throughout the year. A yearly retreat

of Lasallian students from high schools in the United States, Canada,

program is organized and conducted by the Office of Lasallian

and Italy.

Mission and Ministry and assisted by many faculty members and student leaders. Rooted in the spiritual and educational vision of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, La Salle empowers students to serve those in need.

LASALLIAN SERVICE Lasallian Service Corps (LSC) is open to all four levels of students and offers students a variety of opportunities to be of service to the wider community outside of La Salle College High School. Some special projects include tutorial services to elementary schools, Secret Santa, and providing services for those in special need. All of these services are fostered in the spirit of faith and zeal which marks a Lasallian school and include specific prayer, reflection, and dialogue among participants with the assistance of the Mission and Ministry Staff. SEASONAL AND ONGOING SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDE: Athletes Helping Athletes

Clothing Drive

Elder Share

Face to Face

Freshman Branch-Out Day

FSC Week

Homeless Outreach

La Salle Responds

Manna on Main Street

Operation Santa Claus

Pheed Philly

Poor Man’s Supper

Secret Santa

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Triest House

Tutoring at La Salle Academy

Tutoring at Visitation BVM

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Crew (V, JV, F)

Baseball* (V, JV, F)

All of La Salle’s interscholastic teams are members of the

Cross Country* (V, JV, F)

Crew (V, JV, F)

Philadelphia Catholic League consisting of seventeen member

Football (V, JV, F)


schools. La Salle is also a member of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic

Golf* (V)

Lacrosse*† (V, JV)

Athletic Association (PIAA), making fifteen varsity sports eligible to


Rugby (V, JV)

compete for State Championships.

Rugby 7s (V, JV)

Tennis* (V, JV)

Soccer (V, JV, F)

Track and Field* (V, JV, F)

Water Polo (V, JV)

Volleyball* (V, JV)

League Championships, and eight District 12 (City) Championships.


La Salle is the only school to have won a Philadelphia Catholic

Basketball (V, JV, F)

* Defending Philadelphia Catholic League Champions

League Championship in every sport.

Bowling (V, JV)

During 2018-2019, La Salle College High School captured two Pennsylvania State Championships, nine Philadelphia Catholic

Ice Hockey† (V, 2JV) Indoor Track* (V, JV, F) Intramurals Squash (V, JV) Swimming* (V) Wrestling (V, JV)

† Defending Pennsylvania State Champions

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INTRAMURALS Intramurals provides the opportunity for students to participate in athletics apart from the inter-scholastic competition. All intramural activities promote teamwork, provide opportunities for physical development, foster student-faculty social interaction and expand students’ skills for lifetime activity. If a student participates in two intramural sports in the same year, he will earn a ½ credit toward his physical education requirement.


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WHATEVER YOU DO, DO IT WELL. Walt Disney 1901-1966

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 402 4800 phone 215 233 0284 fax

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