The Wisterian: May 2023 Edition

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Vol. LXXX VIII No. 5| May 2023

Class of 2023 Edition


It only took a look around campus, meeting some of the teachers, and seeing the clubs they moderated to know that La Salle was the place for John Connaghan

"After shadowing and learning about the various opportunities the school had to provide, I decided it was the place that I wanted to go, " remarked John "The academics, athletics, friendly staff, and numerous clubs at La Salle could not be beaten anywhere else, making La Salle the best option by far "

Once arriving at La Salle, John took advantage of all the opportunities presented to him He took nearly all honors and A P classes and was a member of many different clubs and activities at the school

"At La Salle, I participated in Mock Trial, Future Lawyers, and Robotics all four years, " said John "I was also inducted into the National Honor Society Junior year In addition, I tried rowing Freshman year "

John also enjoys doing other activities outside of the walls of La Salle

"I really enjoy playing ice hockey in my free time, and I was a member of the Boy Scouts " he said "Despite all the schoolwork and all the clubs I was involved in at La Salle, I was still able to make time to do the things I liked La Salle fosters individuality, which is one of the many reasons I am so glad I chose to come here "

John is still trying to figure out how to implement these activities in the next chapter of his life

"Only time will tell how I integrate any of these clubs into my future," said John "I may be involved in clubs in college, and they may help me decide what my major will ultimately be I think, more importantly, I can use what I took away from each activity to be better prepared for whatever life has in store for me "

As mentioned, John has learned many valuable skills participating in these activities Each activity has given him a different life skill to apply to any career he chooses

"Mock Trial helped me with public speaking and arguing my point of view to other people," he expressed "Robotics helped me to think with an 'engineering mindset ' Also, I have learned countless things from Boy Scouts, ranging from first aid to leadership to developing social skills Finally, hockey helped me to learn to work as a team "

La Salle has prepared John for life beyond the four walls of the classroom and has challenged him

"La Salle has given me opportunities to take harder classes and explore new areas through A P s and things like the Diocesan Scholars Program, all of which have prepared me for college courses, " John explained "La Salle has also helped me to learn about time management, which is invaluable in life "

John's most significant takeaway from attending La Salle is to " put yourself out there" and seek new experiences, even when they are difficult John has done that throughout his entire high school career All these experiences at La Salle have helped him grow

"I feel that I have learned a lot that I can apply elsewhere," he remarked "Whether it be skills, knowledge, or simply meeting new people and learning about their experiences, I feel that my time at La Salle has made me a far more well-rounded and informed person "

Regarding his college search, John has decided to attend Schreyer's Honors College at Penn State University He chose Schreyer's for a variety of reasons

"I wanted to go to a place that would challenge me to grow, just as La Salle did," John mentioned "I also wanted smaller class sizes, which I will have through Schreyer's honors classes Overall, I just wanted to be somewhere where I knew I could explore what I wanted to do and be pushed and helped along the way to do so "

John considered several majors but chose pre-med, though he has not given up on his interests in engineering, physics, and neuroscience

"I was drawn to pre-med because it allowed me to explore these interests with a very general curriculum as well as the interest I have in becoming a doctor since I always enjoyed helping people in Boy Scouts "

Applying to colleges was a challenging process for John He applied to other colleges and faced adversity before attending Schreyer's Honors College

"I originally applied early decision to Amherst College and was rejected, so I had to figure out where to go after that," he admitted "I decided on Penn State because of the amazing honors college they have that I was accepted into It will give me access to the plethora of resources Penn State has while keeping the feel of a smaller school "

La Salle significantly impacted John's college selection process He explains the considerable impact some people at La Salle had on his decision:

"Mrs Diehl was a massive help to me in trying to figure out where I wanted to go, " John expressed "She helped me analyze why I was rejected from Amherst and laid out some advice for what to do differently in terms of the college application process She encouraged me to apply to the honors college at Penn State because it met all the criteria that I wanted in a college, influencing my decision "

Looking back at his time at La Salle, many influential people and significant moments helped him along the way

"Mr Bielecki '99, Mr McDowell '01, and Mr Cipolla were all amazing teachers that stood out to me from the already great teaching staff at La Salle," he revealed "They helped me explore my interests and expand my horizon In terms of influential moments, Branch Out Day and Kairos stick out as the most influential They helped me grow closer to my classmates "

John lived out the mission of La Salle and its motto

"La Salle taught me to act with thought and as a gentleman through the motto 'Boys will be boys, but La Salle boys will be gentlemen,'" he said "No school puts quite a focus on character development like La Salle did, helping to shape the person I am today "

John explains in detail how some of his teachers put him on a path to success:

"Mr Bielecki is a wonderful teacher," John expressed "Mr Cipolla is both a great teacher and a very insightful person Mr McDowell helped me a lot along the way in robotics and is a wonderful teacher himself Mrs Diehl and Mrs Palopoli were both massive help in the college process Mrs Mariani may have given me a lot of work, but she improved my writing significantly and was very insightful when she ran Future Lawyers "

John mentioned that Mr Cassidy and the mock trial moderators were also very influential during his time at La Salle

"Mr Cassidy was very helpful with internships and helped with my interview skills," he remarked "The mock trial moderators and volunteer coaches are all lovely people, and I cannot thank them enough for the time they put in to help us There are so many people I could thank because of how great everyone is at La Salle "

Now that his time at La Salle is coming to a close, John has advice for underclassmen who still have many more decisions to make in the future

"Take the time to explore and try new things," he suggested "Even if you do not like them, you have tried and learned from them, and that's what is important Also, push yourself to do the difficult things because they tend to be the most rewarding "

Since his search for a college is finally over, John advises the current junior class that is beginning or has already begun their search

"Take the time to look at and explore as many places as you can within reason, " he recommended "There are a lot of amazing options out there Don't be too discouraged if it doesn't work out perfectly You can do great things anywhere you go if you push yourself "

John uses one particular word to describe his experience at La Salle

"It was enlightening, both spiritually through things like Kairos and physically through the various clubs and activities La Salle offers," he reflected "I have learned so much here at La Salle and had my eyes opened to many different things through many different experiences As an Explorer, I have been able to choose the path that I will be most successful on "

Page Two The Wisterian
La Salle College High School
John Connaghan '23



Four years ago, if you had asked Luke Hess what his future held, he probably would not have been able to tell us He would be unable to detail his time spent learning in the classroom, his enjoyment of playing football with his friends, and perhaps even graduating from La Salle College High School As graduation fast approaches, the four years spent at 8605 W Cheltenham Avenue have been fulfilling Luke has made some significant decisions, leading him to a unique path cultivated in an environment like La Salle

When Luke came to La Salle, he found that he could cultivate his passion during his time at the school Luke participated in Football and Volleyball, was a member of the National Honors Society, and was a Kairos leader Luke says these roles added essential skills for him to use going forward “During my time here at La Salle, I learned the aspects of hard work, commitment, and service unto others I think my most beneficial experience was being a Kairos leader, as I learned a lot through the experiences of others as well as my own on the retreat, ” said Hess

Luke also says that he built his character through the challenges he faced La Salle is known for its rigorous curriculum and challenging courses, but the school is also known for how it allows young men to prepare themselves for the outside world Luke elaborated on this, agreeing that La Salle was a “tough but fair” school

“I feel that I am ready to take on whatever challenge awaits me in the real world The classes I have taken have taught me some great academic ideas, but La Salle really prepared me to live a good life I know a lot of things through experiences in service, such as building a better moral compass None of this

would have been possible without La Salle,” expressed Hess

After graduating, Luke will attend Penn State in the Fall of next year Luke wanted a college campus where he could obtain an excellent education while getting to know many new people Luke feels that Penn State is the best personal fit for him

“I am excited to attend Penn State I think it is a great fit for me Knowing what I have learned from La Salle, especially from the college counseling office I can see myself doing well there They really prepared us to handle college and the stress that the entire situation can bring I am really looking forward to the next four years of my life and beyond thankful to La Salle’s college counseling department,” said Hess Luke will be majoring in business next year, a major he is excited about and looking forward to succeeding in Luke took various business classes at La Salle and studied in the newly founded business concentration Luke thinks the program inspired his newfound love for business

“I took a few classes this year at La Salle that made me realize business was my passion I loved personal finance and getting a deeper understanding of what my future could be La Salle allowed me to find my passion through their various programs that sparked my interest in business- and for that, I am forever grateful,” said Hess

When asked to look back at La Salle, Luke fondly recalls his time here He remembers meeting some of his best friends, being taught by great teachers, and having fun at one of his favorite places

“I really enjoyed my time here Looking back, La Salle helped


There are nearly 300 seniors in La Salle’s 2023 graduating class One of those is Sarkis Zeibari from Ambler Sarkis has thoroughly enjoyed his time at La Salle and will miss his Lasallian community, but he is excited to continue his academic career at Cabrini University in Radnor, PA

Everyone at La Salle has a unique path to enrolling here Sarkis explained his path to La Salle and how he decided to attend La Salle as a prospective student

“I heard a lot of great things about La Salle from many people, including my brother, who was a student here during my application process, ” senior Sarkis Zeibari said

After deciding on La Salle as his high school, Sarkis quickly got involved with many activities and clubs at La Salle He has been deeply involved in La Salle’s Swimming and Water Polo teams, serving as a team manager for both programs

“I have managed the swim team for four years and the water polo team for two years Both teams have been very enjoyable,” senior Sarkis Zeibari said

The ability to manage these two teams at La Salle has provided Sarkis with additional managing opportunities after he graduates

“Next year, I will be managing the swim team at my future college, Cabrini University,” senior Sarkis Zeibari said

In addition to continuing his managing career, Sarkis will major in education at Cabrini

“In grade school, I had a great tutor who really helped me His help made me want to help others learn as well Also, seeing my teachers teach in the classroom inspired me, ” senior Sarkis Zeibari said

Like every other senior, Sarkis faced a tough decision after receiving all his college acceptances He listed a few reasons why Cabrini was the winning school for him in the end

“A few factors contributed to my decision to enroll at Cabrini I really liked the small campus and how easy it was to get around In addition to that, Cabrini has a great community of people, just like here at La Salle,” senior Sarkis Zeibari said La Salle creates unique memories for every student Sarkis expanded on some of the memories he has made at La Salle

“I have made many good memories while managing the swim and water polo teams, but my favorite memory will always be remembering the people who care about me here at La Salle,” senior Sarkis Zeibari said “I would like to especially thank Mr Keenan for helping me with everything at the David Center ”

As Sarkis moves on from La Salle, he is ready to offer thoughtful advice to the underclassmen preparing for their college admissions process

“I would say it is important to look at a variety of colleges Do not be scared of anyone or anything at any college because everyone is very welcoming Also, if you have questions, do not be afraid to ask anyone here at La Salle Our College Counseling department is great, ” senior Sarkis Zeibari said Congratulations and best of luck to Sarkis and the entire class of 2023 as they leave La Salle and transition to college!

me so much It allowed me to meet friends, some of whom I will call best friends for life, while also getting such a great education I really will miss La Salle and all the memories I have made during my time here I am forever thankful and grateful that I chose to go here, said Hess

Page One The Wisterian
Luke Hess '23
*US News and World Reports Top 50: National, Liberal Arts, or Public Colleges/Universities


La Salle is considered a special school that sets students on a path they never thought possible La Salle helps students choose their path in life by creating an excellent environment for learning and growth and a tight-knit community for students and alums alike

For Patrick Cresko, La Salle left an early impression on him After attending the open house in 8th grade and being a VIP for a day, he decided to take the entrance exam The entrance exam was the most significant factor in Pat's decision to attend La Salle because of the scholarship offered to him Little did he know, the decision to choose La Salle impacted the rest of his life because of the school's support system for finding out who you are and what path you would like to take in life and through the friendships formed through brotherhood

Pat is a member of the National Honors Society and investment club He is also actively involved in mission and ministry and homeless outreach He wants to continue community outreach and service in college and is considering tutoring

Pat is in various honors and A P classes at La Salle that help him practice time management and good student-teacher relations These skills have taught him to remain calm under considerable academic pressure

Pat will utilize these skills in the fall at Auburn University, where he will be majoring in professional flight to become a commercial pilot He decided to attend Auburn when he saw the university's flight facilities while touring the school, which are some of the nicest in the country Pat also met the flight instructor, Tom Moor, a former United States Airforce and Delta Airlines pilot, for the better part of 20 years He impressively received a scholarship to Auburn, yet says it was just a bonus and that he would most likely have chosen Auburn regardless

Pat credits La Salle's College Counselling office for helping him decide on Auburn College Counselling helped Pat with all his college applications, explained all the pros and cons of e

ach university that he applied to, and helped him decide on the best college for him

They helped Pat feel confident in his college choice and made the application process as painless as possible

Although Pat is ready to move on to the next chapter of his life, he acknowledges all the fun times that he has had here at La Salle, such as traveling to St Andrew's School in Delaware for crew races, making friends both from classes and while at practice, and going on Kairos

Kairos was an incredibly influential time in Pat's four years at La Salle because that is where he says he stopped being friends with the people there and instead became brothers with them Pat bonded with his Junior year retreat leader, Mr McCabe, and says he is grateful for how he helped him continue to grow into the man he strives to become

"It's about the growth at La Salle and that formation of your identity," Pat remarked "That formation is different for everyone because everyone is realizing who they are and who they want to be Everyone's path is different, and La Salle makes it easy to find yours "

Pat is also grateful to his parents for all they have done for him throughout high school and to Joe Leyland, his former crew coach

Pat advises students to complete their college applications earlier rather than later He believes promptness will make the entire process much smoother He also recommends submitting test scores because while getting into schools test-optional is possible, it is undoubtedly more challenging

It is evident in speaking with Pat that La Salle left an indelible mark on his life, four years he does not take for granted

"If I described my La Salle experience in one word, it would be rewarding," Pat expressed "The experience you get at La Salle takes it one step further than education La Salle provides you with opportunities that you wouldn't have anywhere else "


Jack Gorovitz '23, having been transformed by his experience here at La Salle and equipped with invaluable skills and insights, will attend Purdue University next year and "begin a new exciting chapter" of his life

Throughout the past four years, Jack involved himself in many academic and extracurricular pursuits that have made his experience at La Salle memorable and significant His athletic ventures included rugby and La Salle, which he played all four years at La Salle Jack plans to continue playing hockey for Purdue's club team Jack was also a member of the Lab Band, Competition Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, and Pit Orchestra while at La Salle and was elected Vice President of the band program in his junior year He contributed to the band's "winning national jazz events " by showcasing La Salle's musical prowess

Regarding academics, Jack thanks La Salle's "excellent educators," particularly Mr Cipolla and Mr McDowell '01, his physics teachers, who he says " were two of the best [he] ever had " More generally, in all of his classes, Jack believes that "La Salle has challenged [him] through [its] rigorous academics" and by instilling attributes such as "discipline" that help one venture throughout all stages of their life Jack has become a more capable student because of La Salle's expectations of its student body The academic and extracurricular aspects of La Salle, along with its culture and moral teaching, have wholly enriched him

Jack says that "La Salle has provided [him] with friends and relationships that will last [his] whole life " He sees how crucial it is to have empathetic, caring people in society, which La Salle students should be The sense of "brotherhood" in La Salle's community enabled Jack to persevere through times "when life was getting hard " Jack particularly enjoyed Kairos, which "provided [him] with perspective on [his] relationships with friends and all people "

Looking to the future, Jack has prepared himself for college and has high expectations for how his experience there, like his experience at La Salle, will shape him After numerous college visits, conferences with La Salle's college counselors, and careful consideration of academics, Jack confidently chose Purdue as his home for the next four years "Drawn to this line of study because of [his] interest in new and innovative technology," Jack will be majoring in engineering because of his love for mathematics After visiting Purdue, Jack appreciated the college's academically inclined students and beautiful setting

Jack's college counselors helped him " put [his] best foot forward" by "walking [him] through the necessities for applying to college and what to look for in colleges," which can be a daunting and often problematic process without proper guidance from experts One insight his counselors have given him is the importance of "get[ting] everything done with time to spare before the deadline" to ensure that one ' s work is comprehensive and of high quality

Overall Jack excitedly anticipates his new academic experience at Purdue University His experiences with rigorous academics, unbreakable brotherhood, and the wisdom imparted to him by teachers and counselors at La Salle have adequately prepared him for the next chapter in his life

When asked about the imprint La Salle has made on him, Jack remarked, "This brotherhood is something that will live with me for the rest of my life and is a connection between me and other La Salle alumni, whether I knew them during my time at La Salle or not "


The purpose of The Wisterian is to inform the student body of news and opinions of relevance to the school community The views expressed are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect official school policy

Mr Matthew del Rio Mr. Rob Johnson
Mr. John Young
Ronan De Stefano ‘23 Aidan Maloney 23 Liam Mote ‘23 Brendan Olimpo ‘23 Dan Rovi ‘23 Dan Van Thuyne ‘23 Mike Vesey 23 Jacob Crowell-Alvarez ‘24 Jack Kramer ‘24 Nick Wilson 24 Jackson Trymbiski ‘25 Liam Mote '23 James Kramer '25 Ethan Tran '24 Jack Gorovitz '23 Patrick Cresko '23

The Wisterian

The Class of 2023

Russell Abraham - Ursinus College

Donald Adams - Colorado College

Gabriel Alden - Rosemont College

Zachary Bache - University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Thomas Ballay - Tulane University of Louisiana

Maximillian Banmiller - United States Naval Academy

Paetrus Banmiller - Boston College

John Barna - Syracuse University

Sebastian Barnes - Purdue University

Robert Barth - University of Pittsburgh

Brett Bean - James Madison University

Luke Bernal - College of CharlestoN

John Bernstiel - Penn State University (University Park)

Anish Bhadra - University of Pittsburgh

James Bielinski - Full Sail University

Brian Blanche - Washington College

Andrew Boles - Rollins College

Mark Boyd - Lynn University

Matthew Braccia - University of South Carolina

Leyton Bracken - Lynn University

Andrew Brill - Belmont University

Colin Broderick - Villanova University

Matthew Buchanan - Saint Joseph's University

Jonathan Burkholder - The University of Tennessee

John Busenbark - James Madison University

Michael Capperella - West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Aries Carangi - Miami University (Oxford)

Jacob Carlson - Messiah University

Joseph Cavalcante - Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Dylan Cawley - Susquehanna University

Paul Cervellero - University of South Carolina

Jake Chandler - Penn State University (University Park)

Nicholas Cipolla - Auburn University

Conor Clair - Penn State University (University Park)

Evan Cohen - Cornell University

Nicholas Colletti - Alvernia University

John Connaghan - Penn State University(University Park)

Christopher Convey - Penn State University (University Park)

Kevin Corso - Auburn University

Jeffrey Craig - University of Mississippi

Patrick Cresko - Auburn University

Colin Cummings - Villanova University

Matthew Dalfo -University of Pittsburgh

Gavin Damon - Wake Forest University

Dante DeFruscio - Arcadia University

Brendan DeLeo - University of South Carolina

Darold DeNgohe - James Madison University

Marc DeSimone - Penn State University (University Park)

Ronan DeStefano - Trinity College Dublin

Ryan Desmond - West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Paul DiPrinzio - Penn State University (University Park)

Jason Dill - Penn State University (University Park)

Ryan Dittrich - Duquesne University

Luke Doherty - Penn State University (University Park)

Kirk Dolaway - College of Charleston

Christopher Dolich - University of Miami

Brian Donahue - Saint Joseph's University

Jack Duffy - Hampden-Sydney College

Colin Dunlap - University of Maryland

Jon Dunston - Virginia State University

Thomas Eble - University of Pittsburgh

Jack Farren - Penn State University (University Park)

Anthony Fedoruk - University of Notre Dame

Patrick Ferguson - Villanova University

Michael Fileppo - Bryant University

Alexey Filkov - Penn State University (Abington)

Charles Fiorini - Penn State University (University Park)

Sean Fitzgerald - Penn State University (Abington)

Tristan Folk - Catholic University of America

James Friel - Auburn University

Aidan Fry - University of South Carolina

John Gallagher - University of South Carolina

Calvin Gauker - Purdue University

David Getts - Penn State University (University Park)

Colin Gibbons - Penn State University (University Park)

Matthew Giordano - University of Notre Dame

Joseph Gleason - Clemson University

Daniel Glennon - University of Pittsburgh

Harrison Glover - Boston University

Evan Golato - University of Massachusetts

Connor Goldfarb - Bucknell University

Philip Goldfarb - Ursinus College

Jack Gorovitz - Purdue University

Samuel Gray - The University of Tennessee

Jonathan Guza - University of Notre Dame

Joseph Halferty - Providence College

Shane Hannan - Villanova University

Chase Hannon - Miami University (Oxford)

Sean Hansell - Saint Joseph's University

Kameron Harry - Gwynedd Mercy University

Ryan Hasson - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ

Tristan Helmick - Lafayette College

Nole Henry - Catholic University of America

Lucas Hess - Penn State University (University Park)

Malikai Horn - West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Jonathan Hrlic - University of Denver

William Huntley - Penn State University (University Park)

Owen Huy - Penn State University (University Park)

Marco Indelicato - Catholic University of America

Alexander Ippoliti - University of Maryland (College Park)

Delano Jackson - West Virginia University

Aidan Jaggers - Penn State University (University Park)

Conor Jennings - Penn State University (University Park)

Timothy Jennings - Penn State University (University Park)

Kevin Johnson - Penn State University (University Park)

Mekhi Johnson - Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Charles Johnston - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ

Matthew Jones - Lehigh University

Harrison Karsch - Susquehanna University

Paul Kass - University of New Haven

Liam Keenan - University of Pittsburgh

Jarrett Keesler - Mount St Mary's University

Kieran Kelly - Penn State University (University Park)

Matthew Kennedy - Drexel University

Patrick Kennedy - Villanova University

Ryan Kennedy - Villanova University

Thomas Kennedy - Penn State University (University Park)

Adil Khan - Rochester Institute of Technology

Chase Kilpatrick - Duquesne University

Andrew Kim - The College of William and Mary

Charles Kingsbury - Penn State University (University Park)

Cole Kozlowski - Rutgers University (New Brunswick)

Gavin Kramer - Duquesne University

Nathan Kress - Commonwealth University (Bloomsburg)

Thomas Kuczynski - Saint Joseph's University

Eric LaMorte - Penn State University (University Park)

Kevin Lafond - Saint Joseph's University

Matthew Lagowski - University of Delaware

Nicholas Landes - Drexel University

Nolan Lauer - University of Mississippi

Brenden Leahy - Penn State University (University Park)

Colin Leary - Ithaca College

Christopher Leddy - Penn State University (University Park)

Michael Lee - Washington College

Tyler Leyden - Saint Joseph's University

Jase Lising - University of Southern California

Alexander Lorenz-Schol - Temple University

Ryan Lorenzo - Penn State University (University Park)

Noah Lubinski - University of Maryland (College Park)

Andrew Lyons - Catholic University of America

Michael Malloy - University of Pittsburgh

Aidan Maloney - Penn State University (University Park)

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The Wisterian

The Class of 2023

Aiden Maloney - Penn State University (University Park)

Benjamin Mangle - Penn State University (University Park)

Dylan Marco - York College of Pennsylvania

John Markowski - Penn State University (University Park)

AndrewMarsden - Penn State University (Altoona)

Sean Martin - Penn State University (University Park)

Michael Martino - Penn State University (University Park)

Riley McCabe - Saint Joseph's University

Patrick McCann - James Madison University

Brian McCloskey - Arizona State University (Main Campus)

John McFadden - The University of Alabama

Luke McFadden - Saint Joseph's University

Patrick McFadden - Drexel University

Sean McFadden - East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

Ryan McGinley - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ

Aidan McHugh - University of Pittsburgh

Daniel McKeon - Gwynedd Mercy University

John McLaughlin - Villanova University

Michael McNulty - Elon University

Aidan McPaul - Penn State University (University Park)

Sean McShea - Penn State University (University Park)

Nolan Mehler - Penn State University (Harrisburg)

Ryan Meyer - Boston College

Michael Michalak - Catholic University of America

Caleb Millan - Duquesne University

Brady Miller - Penn State University (University Park)

Matthew Millevoi - University of Scranton

Matthew Mitchell - Penn State University (University Park)

Evan Mollick - University of Notre Dame

Max Monzo - Iona University

Nolen Morasco - Penn State University (University Park)

Joseph Morgan - Penn State University (Abington)

Cabot Morrissey - University of Notre Dame

Joseph Morroney - University of Pittsburgh

Liam Mote - Villanova University

Maxwell Muller - University of Miami

Dylan Murphy - College of Charleston

Shane Murphy - West Virginia University

Justin Muttreja - Syracuse University

Isaiah Nesbitt - West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Vincent Ngo - Thomas Jefferson University (East Falls Campus)

Carson Niedzielski - West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Connor O'Brien - University of Delaware

Brendan O'Connor - Boston College

Mark O'Mara - Penn State University (University Park)

Brendan Olimpo - Saint Joseph's University

Robert Olszewski - High Point University

John Organsky - The University of Tennessee

William Oscar - The University of Tampa

Samuel Otis - Penn State University (Brandywine)

Adam Owad - Penn State University (University Park)

Christopher Paccione - Saint Joseph's University

Andrew Park - Ursinus College

Tahir Parker - Washington College

Collin Parkhill - Penn State University (University Park)

Jack Paster - Penn State University (University Park)

Pratham Patel - Boston College

Stefan Pegues - Springfield College

Daniel Pelham - Duquesne University

Keir Pemberton ll - St. John s University

Ryan Perre - University of South Carolina

Timothy Petrilli - St. Bonaventure University

Matthew Porreca - Gettysburg College

Steven Porreca - University of Pittsburgh

Benjamin Profit - Duquesne University

John Rathgeb - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ

Colin Reckner - Saint Joseph's University

Liam Reilly - Penn State University (University Park)

Joshua Reno - Clark University

Luke Riethmiller - Marist College

Brendan Ring - United States Merchant Marine Academy

Cole Ritchie - College of Charleston

James Romano - Penn State University (University Park)

Thomas Rosato - Saint Joseph's University

Edwin Ross - Loyola University Maryland

Gavin Ross - Elizabethtown College

Samuel Ross - Millersville University of Pennsylvania

David Ruck - Clemson University

Nicholas Ruibal - Villanova University

Christopher Ryan - University of Georgia

Patrick Ryan - University of Pittsburgh

William Ryan - Boston College

William Sadowski - College of Charleston

Aidan Schnapf - Fairfield University

Timothy Schuler - Villanova University

RobertSciscio - Duquesne University

Nathan Selgrath - Penn State University (University Park)

John Serroni - Thomas Jefferson University (East Falls Campus)

Carter Servais - The University of Tampa

Luke Seweryn - West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Braden Shanahan - Indiana University (Bloomington)

Grant Sharp - Alvernia University

Jack Shea - Penn State University (University Park)

Elio Shiffman - St John's College (Annapolis)

Horace Simmons - Drexel University

Matthew Simpson - Penn State University (University Park)

Will Slamm - University of South Carolina

Alex Sleptsov - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ.

Justin Sloan - Villanova University

Jake Small - Penn State University (University Park)

Timothy Smith Jr. - West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Matthew Smith - Virginia Wesleyan University

James Soley - Temple University

Ryan Sorge - Villanova University

Donte Spizzirri - University of Virginia (Main Campus)

Benjamin Stevens - The University of Tennessee

Liam Strain - Drexel University

Joseph T-Toe - Texas Tech University

Alessandro Tarsi - University of Pittsburgh

Dominic Tarsi - Penn State University (University Park)

James Tate - Montana State University

Anthony Thoonkuzhy - Penn State University (University Park)

Thomas Tingley-Kelley - Penn State University (University Park)

Nicholas Toriello - Penn State University (University Park)

Tomás Torres - Villanova University

Joseph Turano - Elon University

Daniel Van Thuyne - Penn State University (University Park)

Jack Vandegrift - Mount St Mary's University

Luke Varillo - Auburn University

Brendan Vega - University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh)

Michael Vesey - Wake Forest University

Vincent Villano - West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Chase Vitulich - Haverford College

Luke Wagenhoffer - Penn State University (University Park)

Matthew Wagner - Fairfield University

Sean Ward - Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Ryan Warner - James Madison University

William Wescott - Penn State University (University Park)

Christian Westawski - Penn State University (Harrisburg)

Christopher White - University of Notre Dame

Kevin White - University of Notre Dame

Nicholas White - Lipscomb University

Nicholas V. White - Saint Joseph s University

Timothy Whittock - The University of Tennessee (Knoxville)

Matthew Wiley - Duquesne University

Peter Williamson James Madison University

Francis Wolos - Penn State University (University Park)

Jason Wolstenholme - Penn State University (University Park)

James Wynne - Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology

Joseph Young - James Madison University

Sarkis Zeibari - Cabrini University

Page Five The Wisterian



Since being released in late December of 2022, the BMW XM, BMW's new bespoke M Performance sports utility vehicle, has been met with much criticism regarding its performance, price, and, most of all, styling This review will elaborate on how some aspects of the XM, such as its styling, are attractive and revolutionary Others, such as its performance relative to competing performance SUVs of the same price point, must be better with prospective customers ' expectations

In recent years, BMW has experimented with revolutionary exterior design changes to an array of its offerings, from the three series sedan, which now features a massive double-lung-shaped grill when configured in its M Performance trims, to the new IX, which looks like a cyberpunk minivan This trend has continued with the new XM, arguably to the greatest extent that BMW has daringly tried Starting with the front, the XM features a massive, light-up grill with extensive blacked-out elements that come as standard Unexpectedly, the headlights are hidden among the blacked-out portions of the front and are not the sleek, thin daytime running lights closest to the hood According to BMW, the front of the XM is well-styled, considering the model should appeal to extroverts While shocking, the front's mystique, aggression, and modernity are precisely what a bespoke performance SUV should accentuate

The overall angular nature of the XM's side is striking, as well as the futuristic rims and signature stripe below the window line featuring a golden M Performance designation badge, all of which attractively reflect the XM's performance focus The side styling continues the unapologetically aggressive theme of the XM, initiated in the front, which is befitting of this car The stripe contributes to the sporty proportions of the car and hides the massive size of the doors The XM's rear continues the aggressive ethos of the XM present on the side and the front

Regarding its most notable elements, the rear features two sleek taillights with an aggressive upward curvature and stacked quad exhaust pipes A BMW badge is not present in the center of the back below the rear window, but instead, another M badge to


The 30 Major League Baseball stadiums are all different ballparks with one comm purpose: to serve as a house for 30,000+ fans to come and enjoy America's past However, these stadiums are more than just a place where baseball enthusiasts g watch the game They are a second home that encompasses countless memories for m years I will be reviewing three of my favorite MLB stadiums: The Pittsburgh Pir PNC Park, the San Diego Padres' Petco Park, and the Philadelphia Phillies' Citi Bank Park,

Firstly, we have PNC Park, home of the Pittsburgh Pirates Located in downt Pittsburgh, the Pirates' stadium has one of baseball's most scenic backdrops The stad is now in its 23rd year of operation for Pirates baseball However, given the stadiu pristine condition, it is difficult to tell Because PNC Park is downtown, the stad usually attracts a large crowd for Pirates' home games, even when the team is subpar for the food at PNC Park, there are various options, including all of your fam ballpark favorites, but one fan favorite is Primanti Brothers, a famous Pittsbu sandwich store Overall, PNC Park is one of the best ballparks in Major League Bas because it offers the total package From being readily accessible to having great views food, this park has it all!

Another park worth mentioning is the San Diego Padres' Petco Park, located i city's downtown area The Padres have a fantastic atmosphere, perfect for an MLB While less walkable than the Pirates stadium, San Diego is a much larger market, with fans traveling to games from further away The fantastic Southern California weather helps to attract over 30,000+ fans a game during the season Much like the Pirates, the Padres offer many great food options The ballpark provides all the baseball stadium favorites, but when I was at the Padres stadium, I noticed many fans having their famous nachos In addition to their food, Petco Park has a scenic outfield backdrop with the "Western Metal Supply Company" building occupying the left field section Overall, Petco Park provides one of the best fan experiences in Major League Baseball because of the atmosphere, food, and scenery

Lastly, there is Citizens Bank Park, home of the Philadelphia Phillies While very different from the previous two ballparks, Citizens Bank Park offers one of the sport ' s best venues to get out and see a baseball game In its 20th year of operations, Citizens Bank Park has made many improvements This year ' s notable improvement is the scoreboard in left field It is nearly 80% larger than the previous one and the 3rd largest in baseball In addition to the new scoreboard, Citizens Bank Park has excellent food options throughout the stadium, including various Philly cheesesteak venues Citizens Bank Park also features "The Yard," an area for young kids to play around during the game Citizens Bank Park's family-friendly atmosphere makes it one of the best baseball stadiums

The three stadiums are very different, but each one offers various appealing features If I had to choose one of the three to attend a major league baseball game (disregarding the teams playing), I would select PNC Park The proximity to downtown Pittsburgh and the outstanding family-friendly atmosphere make for the best venue in all of Major League Baseball

assert the performance focus of the XM While I find both the taillights and exhaust designs attractive, the exhaust, to me, is the most appealing aspect of the rear as it is unique to the XM in BMW's lineup and contributes markedly to the XM's menacing styling in the rear and with the rest of the car The XM's interior, like the exterior, features aggressive styling cues

Inside the XM, there is much to appreciate in terms of aesthetics The leather and luxurious seats are sporty and designed to keep occupants in place when the XM careens through corners While lacking a sunroof, the ceiling features a unique geometric pattern illuminated by the ambient lighting throughout the XM cabin Additionally, high-quality materials such as gloss carbon fiber are abundant inside the XM, highlighting the dual theme of performance and luxury The XM has enough space for the typical SUV buyer, with five seats and a large trunk The XM, while featuring futuristic, revolutionary styling and great luxury features, lags behind other options in its price segment and below due to its relatively mundane performance

Weighing in at 6,062 pounds with 644 horsepower, the XM reaches 60mph from a dead stop in 4 1 seconds This performance is excellent when considered by itself but not when considering the $159,999 starting price of the XM For example, BMW's own X5M, starting at $122,222, does 0-60mph in about 3 7 seconds Additionally, Audi's RSQ8 performance SUV, with a base price of $125,000, does 0-60mph in 3 6 seconds, giving an idea of what rival brands offer The XM, while a fast SUV, needs to justify its price when considering other similarly priced options

In conclusion, the BMW XM is styled as the ultimate M SUV but does not perform as such Instead, one should buy the XM instead of the X5M or any other alternative if the XM's unique, bold styling is a primary appeal to them that would justify forgoing other options with similar or better performance at a lower price

Page Six The Wisterian
Enjoy the
beauty of
The BMX XM is as stylish as SUVs get
PNC Park


Zach Bryan Skyrockets to Stardom with "American heartbreak"

In the past year, a new country music superstar, Zach Bryan, has risen to stardom, riding the momentum of his first studio album, "American Heartbreak " The album dropped on May 20th, 2022, and Bryan has skyrocketed to the top of the country music scene in the eleven months since then American Heartbreak is a heavy, 34-song album that makes you want to cry, laugh, and sing along, all due to the variety of the tracks, the production quality, and Bryan's lyricism

Song variety is a crucial element of any good album Without it, the music gets stale, with the listener feeling like they have repeatedly listened to the same song However, this is not the case with "American Heartbreak " Listen to the songs "The Good I'll Do," "Something in the Orange," and "She's Alright," then, after you finish wiping your tears, listen to "Whiskey Fever," "Highway Boys," and "Heavy Eyes " The contrasting themes and tones in these songs are massive The first three are tear-inducing, while the latter three make you want to dance and sing along This variety is present throughout the album and is the main reason the 34 songs stand out; someone can listen from top to bottom without fatigue or boredom

The overall song quality is notable In most albums, there are a few filler tracks, meaning they aren ' t as good as the rest of the work but are there to fill out the record And in a 34-song album, this is very much expected However, "American Heartbreak" is different Every song tells a story and has a way of connecting to the listener especially "She's Alright" will stick out to anyone who has lost a loved one, as Zach sings to his late mother; "Tishomingo" will stick out to anyone who lost a significant other; "The Good I'll Do" will stand out to anyone who still has that special someone; "Oklahoma City" will appeal to homesick listeners

Compared to "American Heartbreak," Morgan Wallen's most recent album, "One Thing at a Time," is a tier below About a third of the 36-song tracklist has filler quality None of Wallen's tracks reach the level of Bryan's closing song, "This Road I Know " It is a beautiful poem that can pull at their heartstrings and bring about a happy or sad emotional reaction, depending on how the listener interprets it "American Heartbreak" shows that Bryan truly cares about his work and what he releases to the public, as seen

WWE2K23 Flies Off the Top Rope

WWE2k23 is the latest game in the WWE2k franchise for the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 This game promises to bring hard-hitting action with new and improved mechanics like never before The team at 2k took the franchise in the right direction with last year ' s entry Even so, 2k23 looks to be a much-improved game than its predecessor 2k23 has been out for a month and the Steiner Row Pack is active The game version is Patch 1 08 at the time of this review The question now stands: does WWE2k23 prove to be a world-champion wrestling game?


WWE2k23 plays like WWE2k22 It has the same control scheme, which changed since WWE2k20 Offensive success relies on hitting combos with light and heavy attacks and grapples It can vary from being fast-paced with moves and reversals to being slow with struggle-to-hit moves Wrestlers can also hit moves from the corner, off the top rope, on the apron, on a ladder, on a table, or from springboarding in the ring Defense requires quick wits with reversals, blocking, and dodging Reversals flip the tables on the opponent, getting out of their move and hitting one back at the opponent Dodging and blocking help gets players out of a tight situation by evading or defending their opponent ' s offense Another defensive move that can turn the tide is combo breakers

Breakers happen when players hit the same button as the opponent during a combo For example, the breaker will be active if both players hit the light attack button If a player hits the wrong button, that player cannot defend the combo Returning from WWE2k19 are paybacks Paybacks help turn the tide of the match Each wrestler has two paybacks that can be assigned These allow you to play dirty with poison mist or brass knuckles or fight back cleanly with a spirited comeback WWE2k23 has many match types, from the standard one on one, tag-and-trios matches, and fatal four ways to extreme rules and the all-new War Games match WWE2k23 undoubtedly hits on the gameplay However, there are some issues with players being unable to reverse some moves

Rating: 8 5/10

Game Modes

WWE2k23 has a lot of game modes, with some returning from previous games

MyGM is here once again from WWE2k22, now improved There are more brands to choose from WCW is joining the mix with GM Eric Bischoff MyGM allows players to sign wrestlers to their roster and compete to be the best brand in Wrestlemania

MyUniverse allows players the creative freedom to do whatever they please A rehauled rivalry system makes rivalries much easier and more streamlined This year ' s MyRise mode follows two stories: The Lock (male) and The Legacy (female) MyRise allows you to create your own WWE superstar and follow their careers The stories this year are better than WWE2k22, with more branching decisions that impact the story and take your career in many ways MyFaction returns from WWE2k22 and remains the same

One of the best game modes in WWE2k23 is the returning Showcase mode Showcase mode has been in the game since WWE2k19 This year ' s version features cover athlete John Cena and his biggest matches over his two-decade-long career The twist is that you are John Cena's opponent Play as Cena's greatest rivals, such as Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, and Roman Reigns,

through the singularity of each song

"American Heartbreak" is filled from top to bottom with memorable and relatable lyrics Lyrics are often a song ' s most indelible element, the ingredient that makes listeners feel connected to the music and the words they scream along with when listening

"Something in the Orange" features some of Bryan's best lyrics The entire song is a metaphor, and it is up to the listener how they interpret it The metaphor lies in the lines, "Something in the orange tells me we ' re not done" and "Please turn those headlights around " Lines speaking about how she will never return or how he hates her amplifies the metaphor The orange he refers to represents a sunset or a sunrise A sunrise would infer that this love is just getting underway, but a sunset infers it is ending And depending on how the listener interprets the sun, they will also see the turning around of the headlights They could hear it as him telling her to turn around and come home or him telling her to turn around and leave

Another metaphor-rich song is "'68 Fastback," which compares how Bryan felt mistreated to the mistreatment of an old car On top of "Something in the Orange" and "'68 Fastback," the album has countless great lines One line from "The Sun to Me" stands out: "Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you " Every song has at least a line or two that makes the listener feel something, whether it makes them want to burst into tears, laugh, or sing along

The best way I could describe this album is that it is appealing no matter your mood It has heartbreaking songs such as the aforementioned "Something in the Orange," "'68 Fastback," and "She's Alright"; Bryan delivers faster, more upbeat tracks like "Heavy Eyes," "Whiskey Fever," and "Ninth Cloud"; he sprinkles in singalong jams "Billy Stay," "Poems," "Closing Time," and "From Austin " Due to its length, it would be impossible to review each song, and for this reason and because the album offers so much, I recommend everyone listen to this album and find out what sticks out to them If a full 34-song album is too much, any enjoyer of country music or music, in general, can find a few songs that speak to them

and take down John Cena Overall, the game modes are well thought out and keep the players busy Each one delivers, allowing users to play WWE2k23 in many different ways, and brings twists to the returning game modes

Rating: 9 5/10

Graphics/Sound Design

WWE2k23 looks similar to WWE2k22 in terms of graphics However, the lighting is much better here The lighting reflects off the superstars better here, making them pop The superstars look better in 2k23, with updated face and body scans Each move seems and sounds realistic Each action is visually and audibly great, from basic punches and kicks to suplexes and DDTs Finishers have looked the best so far in the WWE2k series with updated versions of the moves For example, Roman Reigns received a much-needed update with his finisher, the Spear, which looks more devastating than before Created superstars no longer stick out like a sore thumb with an improved creation suite One gripe, though, is the game can look outdated with old gimmicks, like Dominik Mysterio not being in the faction Judgement Day in the base roster While most of the moves (a good 95%) look great, some actions are too slow or fast, making them look awkward, especially in the ring

Rating: 9/10

Overall Thoughts

WWE2k23 overall hits on everything you'd expect from a good wrestling game It improves on the WWE2k formula and adds some much-needed twists to make it fresh and new WWE2k23 is an excellent improvement on 2k22 and is one of the best games in the series

Zach Bryan soars to new heights
Page Seven The Wisterian


Classic Film Review: All the President's Men

"All the President's Men" (1976) is a film adaptation of one of the most pivotal events in American history: the Watergate Scandal, in which the Nixon administration attempted to cover up their greenlighting of a burglary of the Democratic National Committee, a presidential attack on American democracy This scandal's reveal to the public was the final nail in the coffin for public trust in government after Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers However, connecting the burglary to the president was an arduous task that risked the careers, reputations, and even lives of journalists who had the gall to take on the most important man in the country But, despite this risk, Washington Post journalists Carl Bernstein, played by Dustin Hoffman, and Bob Woodward, played by Robert Redford, were able to expose the truth to the public It took countless hours of deciphering cryptic clues from a secret FBI informant, finding witnesses willing to risk their careers and lives to testify on record, and lastly, outmaneuvering federal agents on their trail

There is a conceivable world in which this film never gains the traction it did It could have met the ill fate of a niche film only viewed by avid lovers of American history since, mechanically, it is tedious, lengthy, and demanding of the audience's attention But being an entertaining film was never indeed its goal Instead, the film's main goal was to make the viewer understand the sheer grit and resilience it took to get the truth out

Massive amounts of information are thrust upon the audience without a tint of filtering for the audience's comprehension No camera focus occurs when presented with the journalists' packed notebooks; the characters whisper crucial information, but the reveal only happens after multiple scenes of red herrings

The facts and historical accuracy never feel as vital as conveying the tedious struggle of an investigative journalist Dispelling any romanticism associated with

Drake Misses the Mark

Aubrey Graham, who many know as Drake, has established himself as one of the greatest musical artists ever He has released albums such as "Take Care," "Views," "Scorpion," "Nothing Was the Same," and "If You're Reading This It's Too Late," which have all gone platinum Just recently, at the end of 2022, Drake dropped a collaborative album titled "Her Loss," which had multiple songs ascend to the top of the charts and delighted many of his dedicated fans

He recently embarked on the It's All a Blur tour with 21 Savage On April 7, Drake released his first song of 2023, "Search and Rescue " As a huge Drake fan, I was very excited to listen to the track, but like many other fans, I felt the song did not live up to Drake's elite standards

Throughout this track, the lyrics show an emotional Drake that was not seen much on his most recent album Admittedly, they are a nice departure from the shallow lyrics in "Her Loss " Drake expresses his desire for someone to come and rescue him from the unhealthy lifestyle that he has been living He does not care to be with someone famous, but rather somebody empathetic to help fix his lifestyle Drake also discusses his regret about his past relationships and how he handled them His vulnerability is reminiscent of songs like "Marvin's Room" and "Chicago Freestyle "

"Search and Rescue" also continued

and confirmed the speculative discord between Drake and famed artist Kanye West During the song, Drake plays snippets of Kim Kardashian, Kanye's exwife, with whom he had a very public divorce, speaking with Caitlyn Jenner and mulling said divorce The snippets certainly show Drake at his pettiest Drake is known for his electric and catchy beats but misses the mark on this single The melodic piano and deep bass do not quite work together It sounds almost AI-generated, and its mood largely falls flat The instrumentation and production do not live up to the bar Drake set during the prime years of his career I view the beat as an essential part of the song, so its lackluster quality severely hindered the single, as it did for many other fans

For many artists, "Search and Rescue" would be an excellent addition to their catalogs, as it checks two of three boxes However, due to the standard he has set for himself, it is fair to call this single subpar

the job was the greater priority

And dispelling any ill-conceived romanticism, they did indeed In one scene, Woodward and Bernstein appear on the front porch of their most crucial witness's house This witness has vital information directly linking the White House Chief of Staff to the Water Gate burglars With his testimony, they could prove that the burglary was not just some petty third-party robbery but the Nixon administration directly tampering with an election

But this witness was at the most fragile moment of his life; he was out of a job for refusing to participate in Watergate, and his wife was pregnant If he were to testify and the public deemed it slander, his reputation would be in shambles, and any chance of employment would be out of the window The two reporters realize this when the witness's wife eerily tells them as they enter their house, " you can destroy lives " Similarities between the reporters and the very politicians implicated in this moral dilemma become evident In their search for the truth, they compromise their humanity, akin to the compromise the Nixon administration made to do what they solemnly thought was best for the welfare of their country

A reporter has the solemn duty to be a medium between the public and the truth and to get this truth to the people Journalists need more than sheer determination; they must also forego their emotions and commit to this solemn duty no matter the consequences As you can see, there is an apparent reason why Theodore Roosevelt referred to journalists of Woodward and Bernstein's ilk as gnawing muckrakers These reporters would have to compromise their morals and act as prying busybodies But is that not ironically nobler? Is not a person more extraordinary when sacrificing their mind, body, and soul for their cause? Then again, Nixon did the same thing And thus, the moral dilemma persists -Ethan Tran '24

The Sopranos' Timelessness

Although it has been more than two decades since the first episode of The Sopranos aired on HBO, its influence on the television industry and popular culture has been unparalleled Many TV shows have come and gone since then, but none have captured the essence of human nature quite like The Sopranos It is the best TV program ever for three significant reasons

First and foremost, The Sopranos' characters are among the most fascinating and complex in television history Each character, from the main character, Tony Soprano, a tormented crime boss battling with anxiety and depression, to his family members and associates, is portrayed realistically and authentically David Chase, the show's creator, spent years developing these characters, imbuing them with distinct backstories, motivations, and weaknesses As a result, the viewer is dragged into their life, rooting for them, sympathizing with them, and even detesting them at times The Sopranos characters aren ' t just stereotypes of gangsters; Chases created fully realized characters with aspirations, desires, and demons

Secondly, The Sopranos has a captivating, multi-layered, intricate, and thought-provoking story The show is more than simply a look at the world of organized crime; it is also a look at the human condition, diving into topics like family, loyalty, power, and mortality Tony

Soprano's struggles to be a crime boss, husband, father, and therapy patient drive the plot The show expertly weaves together many subplots and themes, culminating in a gratifying and emotional climax The writing is insightful and intelligent, causing the audience to think and feel

Finally, the cast of The Sopranos delivers fantastic performances, particularly James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano Gandolfini's portrayal of the character is superb, displaying his charm and cruelty The rest of the ensemble is as excellent, with Edie Falco, Michael Imperioli, and Tony Sirico providing depth and realism to their parts The Sopranos' acting is so outstanding that it's easy to forget these are fictional characters

To summarize, The Sopranos is the best TV show ever due to its captivating characters, storyline, and outstanding performances The show has left a lasting mark on television history, inspiring numerous imitators and raising the bar for what a TV drama can accomplish The Sopranos is still as relevant and fascinating after all these years, a testament to its lasting greatness If you have not seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it

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