LSS Leader Fall 2011

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Are you looking for a way to help secure your family’s future while making a gift to charity? It’s possible to achieve these goals and enjoy valuable income and estate tax savings with a Give it Twice Trust. This trust may work well to create equal inheritance for your children while helping LSS. A typical estate plan will transfer a portion of the estate outright to children. Then an IRA or other assets are transferred to fund a term of years charitable remainder unitrust. Since the unitrust is tax-exempt, no income tax is paid when the IRA is distributed to the trust. The full IRA value is invested and pays income to your children for up to 20 years. At the end of this time, the trust remainder is distributed to charity. For more information, please call Keith Phillips, major gifts officer, at 614.228.5200 or email at

Tracing its roots to 1912, LSS is a nonprofit social service agency affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and recognized by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. LSS provides human services for all people according to their needs. These services include: food pantries, emergency shelters, affordable housing, retirement services, and outreach ministries.

Yes, I would like to help LSS and its programs

I want to help those in need by giving to Lutheran Social Services, so it may continue to support the mission of Here’s my gift of: $1,000 Please Use it for: The greatest need

Creating a Better World by Serving People in Need.


Other ____________________ I am interested in making an estate gift Check here if you are a Thrivent member




Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio Newsletter

Fall Quarter

Give It Twice

Inside President’s Message pg. 2 Providing Help Through Job Skills pg. 2 Striking Out Hunger and Homelessness pg. 3 Answering Prayers Through Food pg. 4 Give It Twice pg. 4


Method of Payment: Check Visa Mastercard AmEx Discover



Part of the mission of LSS is to identify unmet needs in our community. One such need is providing emergency food aid for the community outside of our pantry programs. So when local company Teleperformance Corporation purchased two truckloads of food from Feed The Children, a national organization that distributes food and other commodities to nonprofit organizations, we knew just what to do. Two distributions were set up in areas where the need was great - St. Peter Catholic Church in Worthington and Westgate Park in the Hilltop area. Families, who pre-registered, received boxes with a three-day supply of non-perishable food items including soup, spaghetti sauce, pasta, peanut butter and canned fruits and vegetables. There were also two truckloads of fresh produce on hand that families could choose from. In addition to these special distributions, the Sullivant Ave., Caldwell and Fairfield County food pantries have been hosting famers markets where families can get fresh produce to supplement the food they receive from the pantry. So far this summer, the produce Volunteers from Lord of Life Lutheran has included plums, serve at a farmers market on the sweet potatoes, westside of Columbus. cucumbers, zucchini,

carrots, summer squash and much more. Through both of these types of distributions, nearly 5,500 people received food that may have otherwise gone hungry. That equals an additional 144,424 pounds of food distributed to the community. One farmers market attendee told an LSS staff member “I was just wondering this morning how we were going to get enough food for the rest of the month, and then I overheard a guy talking about free fruits and vegetables in the church parking lot. This is an answer to our prayers.”

2 011

Answering Prayers Through Food

From Homeless to Small Business Owner When Maria came to Lutheran Social Services of Northern Ohio (LSSNO), she and her two daughters were homeless. Her marriage had just ended in divorce and she had recently lost her job. With all her family living in another country, she and her daughters had no where to go and were staying in a vacant house owned by a church. Hopeless and scared, Maria came to LSSNO after trying several other organizations. “LSSNO was a big help because other

places only help so much; they don’t give you that personal level of caring,” said Maria. After working with staff, Maria and her daughters moved into an LSSNO transitional housing unit for six months. During her stay, Maria received case management services that helped her find employment and eventually permanent housing. Maria said it was a blessing because LSSNO set requirements that gave her a sense of responsibility that made her confident and equipped her to become self-sufficient.

“It wasn’t a hand out, but instead the program equipped me to become independent and gave me self-esteem,” Maria said. Maria, who is only a few classes short of attaining her Master’s degree, has since received more responsibility at her job. She also started her own cleaning business and works part time trying to grow that business. “LSSNO opened doors for me. They gave me the encouragement to do something other than just living at the poverty level.”

Name on credit card (please print)__________________________________________ Card number: ____________/____________/____________/____________ Expiration Month:______________________Year_______________ Signature_____________________________________________________________

Please make your check payable to Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio 500 W. Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. 245 • Worthington, Ohio 43085 Name _____________________________________________ or donate online at: Address ____________________________________________ Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. City/State/Zip_______________________________________ You will receive a receipt. Phone ( )______________________ Email_____________________________


Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio Lutheran Social Services of Northern Ohio · Lutheran Social Services of Southern Ohio

Creating a Better World by Serving People in Need


President’s Message

Sign up to Receive The Leader by Email In an effort to be better stewards of our resources - both monetary and natural - LSS is now offering The Leader newsletter in email format. If you would like to receive the quarterly Leader by email, please go to leaderform-optin. asp. Thank you for your support! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Dear Friends, “Go and do likewise.” This is a powerful statement that Jesus makes to his disciples. Go and show mercy to the weak, heal the sick, care for the poor and hopeless – be mirrors of me to the world. With your gifts, your time and your prayers, Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio strives to follow this commandment through our

programs and services. By providing food to the single mother with hungry children, giving the homeless man a place to rest his head while he searches for a job and offering hope to the family who lost their home to a tornado – these actions are all a reflection of the love Christ has for all of us. On behalf of all God’s children served by LSS’ many programs and services, thank you. Your tremendous support encourages me and our staff. We’re in this together, and together we will continue to “go and do likewise.” Blessings,

The Rev. Larry A. Crowell President and CEO

Providing Hope Through Job Skills Due to the success of Fairhaven Lawn Care, LSS has started another social enterprise. The company, which provides painting services, will employ homeless veterans and offer them stable employment and the chance to learn marketable job skills. Ultimately, the goal is for employees to become self-sufficient once again. Sherwin-Williams has provided training assistance to all employees and an LSS employee will supervise all jobs. We hope to employ up to six veterans and will be painting both commercial and residential properties in central and southern Ohio. Any profits from the business, which is fully insured, will support Faith Housing of Fairfield County’s homeless services. To receive a free, no obligation estimate for your home or business painting project, please call 740-653-2012 and ask for Eddie Rapp.

For information on retirement living, please visit our website


The Leader is written, designed and produced by the Communications Department of Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio. Copyright © 2011, Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio. 500 W. Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. 245 • Worthington, Ohio 43085 (614) 228-5200 •

Mark Your Calendars!

Striking Out Hunger and Homelessness

With Hands and Hearts and Voices

This year’s LSS Day with the Clippers was a success! Tickets were sold out a whole week before the event, showing once again what great support we receive from our church and individual supporters. At the gate, attendees were greeted with LSS seat cushions. These proved to be popular, with every single one being given away before the start of the game. Before the game, Pastor Aaron Layne, LSS board member and pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Westerville, spoke about the organization to the crowd. Then first pitch nominees Alexus Wright, First English Lutheran Church in Lancaster, Kaleb Jolliff, Trinity Lutheran Church in Marysville, and Logan Skarsten, Epiphany Lutheran Church in Pickerington, each threw out first pitches. “We sold out of tickets and had a number of sponsors who really stepped up, even in these difficult times,” Rose Craig, LSS vice president of development and communications, said. “It was amazing to see fans walking around with LSS seat cushions throughout the stadium and raising awareness for our organization. I am very grateful to everyone who supported us in helping to strike out hunger and homelessness.”

A celebration of service and annual meeting Sunday, September 25, 2011 St. John Lutheran Church 6135 Rings Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 4 - 4:45 p.m.

v For more information on this and other events, please call (614) 228-5200 or go to

LSS Day with the

Support for certain LSS programs is provided by:

Clippers a huge success!

For the most up-to-date information, please visit our website at

Please use the enclosed gift card and envelope to make a donation to help LSS and its programs.


President’s Message

Sign up to Receive The Leader by Email In an effort to be better stewards of our resources - both monetary and natural - LSS is now offering The Leader newsletter in email format. If you would like to receive the quarterly Leader by email, please go to leaderform-optin. asp. Thank you for your support! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Dear Friends, “Go and do likewise.” This is a powerful statement that Jesus makes to his disciples. Go and show mercy to the weak, heal the sick, care for the poor and hopeless – be mirrors of me to the world. With your gifts, your time and your prayers, Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio strives to follow this commandment through our

programs and services. By providing food to the single mother with hungry children, giving the homeless man a place to rest his head while he searches for a job and offering hope to the family who lost their home to a tornado – these actions are all a reflection of the love Christ has for all of us. On behalf of all God’s children served by LSS’ many programs and services, thank you. Your tremendous support encourages me and our staff. We’re in this together, and together we will continue to “go and do likewise.” Blessings,

The Rev. Larry A. Crowell President and CEO

Providing Hope Through Job Skills Due to the success of Fairhaven Lawn Care, LSS has started another social enterprise. The company, which provides painting services, will employ homeless veterans and offer them stable employment and the chance to learn marketable job skills. Ultimately, the goal is for employees to become self-sufficient once again. Sherwin-Williams has provided training assistance to all employees and an LSS employee will supervise all jobs. We hope to employ up to six veterans and will be painting both commercial and residential properties in central and southern Ohio. Any profits from the business, which is fully insured, will support Faith Housing of Fairfield County’s homeless services. To receive a free, no obligation estimate for your home or business painting project, please call 740-653-2012 and ask for Eddie Rapp.

For information on retirement living, please visit our website


The Leader is written, designed and produced by the Communications Department of Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio. Copyright © 2011, Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio. 500 W. Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. 245 • Worthington, Ohio 43085 (614) 228-5200 •

Mark Your Calendars!

Striking Out Hunger and Homelessness

With Hands and Hearts and Voices

This year’s LSS Day with the Clippers was a success! Tickets were sold out a whole week before the event, showing once again what great support we receive from our church and individual supporters. At the gate, attendees were greeted with LSS seat cushions. These proved to be popular, with every single one being given away before the start of the game. Before the game, Pastor Aaron Layne, LSS board member and pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Westerville, spoke about the organization to the crowd. Then first pitch nominees Alexus Wright, First English Lutheran Church in Lancaster, Kaleb Jolliff, Trinity Lutheran Church in Marysville, and Logan Skarsten, Epiphany Lutheran Church in Pickerington, each threw out first pitches. “We sold out of tickets and had a number of sponsors who really stepped up, even in these difficult times,” Rose Craig, LSS vice president of development and communications, said. “It was amazing to see fans walking around with LSS seat cushions throughout the stadium and raising awareness for our organization. I am very grateful to everyone who supported us in helping to strike out hunger and homelessness.”

A celebration of service and annual meeting Sunday, September 25, 2011 St. John Lutheran Church 6135 Rings Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 4 - 4:45 p.m.

v For more information on this and other events, please call (614) 228-5200 or go to

LSS Day with the

Support for certain LSS programs is provided by:

Clippers a huge success!

For the most up-to-date information, please visit our website at

Please use the enclosed gift card and envelope to make a donation to help LSS and its programs.


Are you looking for a way to help secure your family’s future while making a gift to charity? It’s possible to achieve these goals and enjoy valuable income and estate tax savings with a Give it Twice Trust. This trust may work well to create equal inheritance for your children while helping LSS. A typical estate plan will transfer a portion of the estate outright to children. Then an IRA or other assets are transferred to fund a term of years charitable remainder unitrust. Since the unitrust is tax-exempt, no income tax is paid when the IRA is distributed to the trust. The full IRA value is invested and pays income to your children for up to 20 years. At the end of this time, the trust remainder is distributed to charity. For more information, please call Keith Phillips, major gifts officer, at 614.228.5200 or email at

Tracing its roots to 1912, LSS is a nonprofit social service agency affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and recognized by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. LSS provides human services for all people according to their needs. These services include: food pantries, emergency shelters, affordable housing, retirement services, and outreach ministries.

Yes, I would like to help LSS and its programs

I want to help those in need by giving to Lutheran Social Services, so it may continue to support the mission of Here’s my gift of: $1,000 Please Use it for: The greatest need

Creating a Better World by Serving People in Need.


Other ____________________ I am interested in making an estate gift Check here if you are a Thrivent member




Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio Newsletter

Fall Quarter

Give It Twice

Inside President’s Message pg. 2 Providing Help Through Job Skills pg. 2 Striking Out Hunger and Homelessness pg. 3 Answering Prayers Through Food pg. 4 Give It Twice pg. 4


Method of Payment: Check Visa Mastercard AmEx Discover



Part of the mission of LSS is to identify unmet needs in our community. One such need is providing emergency food aid for the community outside of our pantry programs. So when local company Teleperformance Corporation purchased two truckloads of food from Feed The Children, a national organization that distributes food and other commodities to nonprofit organizations, we knew just what to do. Two distributions were set up in areas where the need was great - St. Peter Catholic Church in Worthington and Westgate Park in the Hilltop area. Families, who pre-registered, received boxes with a three-day supply of non-perishable food items including soup, spaghetti sauce, pasta, peanut butter and canned fruits and vegetables. There were also two truckloads of fresh produce on hand that families could choose from. In addition to these special distributions, the Sullivant Ave., Caldwell and Fairfield County food pantries have been hosting famers markets where families can get fresh produce to supplement the food they receive from the pantry. So far this summer, the produce Volunteers from Lord of Life Lutheran has included plums, serve at a farmers market on the sweet potatoes, westside of Columbus. cucumbers, zucchini,

carrots, summer squash and much more. Through both of these types of distributions, nearly 5,500 people received food that may have otherwise gone hungry. That equals an additional 144,424 pounds of food distributed to the community. One farmers market attendee told an LSS staff member “I was just wondering this morning how we were going to get enough food for the rest of the month, and then I overheard a guy talking about free fruits and vegetables in the church parking lot. This is an answer to our prayers.”

2 011

Answering Prayers Through Food

From Homeless to Small Business Owner When Maria came to Lutheran Social Services of Northern Ohio (LSSNO), she and her two daughters were homeless. Her marriage had just ended in divorce and she had recently lost her job. With all her family living in another country, she and her daughters had no where to go and were staying in a vacant house owned by a church. Hopeless and scared, Maria came to LSSNO after trying several other organizations. “LSSNO was a big help because other

places only help so much; they don’t give you that personal level of caring,” said Maria. After working with staff, Maria and her daughters moved into an LSSNO transitional housing unit for six months. During her stay, Maria received case management services that helped her find employment and eventually permanent housing. Maria said it was a blessing because LSSNO set requirements that gave her a sense of responsibility that made her confident and equipped her to become self-sufficient.

“It wasn’t a hand out, but instead the program equipped me to become independent and gave me self-esteem,” Maria said. Maria, who is only a few classes short of attaining her Master’s degree, has since received more responsibility at her job. She also started her own cleaning business and works part time trying to grow that business. “LSSNO opened doors for me. They gave me the encouragement to do something other than just living at the poverty level.”

Name on credit card (please print)__________________________________________ Card number: ____________/____________/____________/____________ Expiration Month:______________________Year_______________ Signature_____________________________________________________________

Please make your check payable to Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio 500 W. Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. 245 • Worthington, Ohio 43085 Name _____________________________________________ or donate online at: Address ____________________________________________ Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. City/State/Zip_______________________________________ You will receive a receipt. Phone ( )______________________ Email_____________________________


Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio Lutheran Social Services of Northern Ohio · Lutheran Social Services of Southern Ohio

Creating a Better World by Serving People in Need


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