February 2016

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February 2016

Division 14 Newsletter

Lt.Governor Greeting Hello Division 14, I would Like to start off by saying thank you for allowing me to be your Lt. Governor for the past 2 terms. This position has allowed me to see how Key Clubs can make such differences in people's lives. Sadly the time has come that I will no longer be in office. This being said I am overjoyed to announce Division 14's newest Lt. Governor Silas Swanson. I know that Silas has great plans for this Division and that this following year should be a complete success. Later in this Newsletter you can find out more about Silas. Thank you for all of those who came to our February Divisional meeting. It was nice to see everyone's faces. These Divisional meetings should happen more frequently in the future and with that our Division will only grow stronger. In the remainder of this new setter you will find information about LTC, Paperwork Updates, and tons of Key Club information . Thank you guys for all of your hard work! Yours in Service, Chloe Peer

Table of Contents

LTC……………………………………………………………………………...…..4 Service Spotlight…………………………………………………………...……...5 Divisional Recap………………………………………………………...………...6 Meet Silas…………………………………………………………...……………..7 Partners and Co-sponsors…………………………………………………….....8 Importance of Paperwork…………………………………………………….......9 Contact Information…………………………………………………………..….10

Leadership Training Conference

Once a year New York District Key Clubbers get together for one big event, and this is it. At the Leadership Training Conference you can expect excellent workshops, service projects, new friends, and a time where your service really shines. This conference is all about you. So visit nydkc.org register with your club, and arrive at the Desmond Hotel on March 18th ready to walk the Red Carpet

Fundraising Features Please bring between $5-$10 to participate in these fun fundraisers! All donations go directly to charity. Miracle Minute-- During the conference, we’ll take just one minute to pass around a container you can place money in. How many funds can we raise in 1 minute? Let’s make a record! Photo Op-- What’s a more fun way to record memories than to take an awesome photo with your friends (old and newly-made!) at the Photo Op? This is one of our favorites, because we’re hitting two birds with one stone; making memories while raising money towards a good cause! Take a Bite out of Lyme--Place money on your favorite District Board members, and they’ll take bites out of a lime! This’ll be a hilarious one as you watch their mouths pucker, we guarantee you! Penny Wars--Last but definitely not the least, here’s the classic fundraiser that’s become a tradition at LTC. Throw pennies into your division’s jar and put bills into others’ jars; the division that accumulates the most pennies in their jar wins! It’s all about divisional pride! Dog Toys for The Humane Society--Bring old, unwanted t-shirts and make them into dog toys with us! Now they’ll finally see the light of day and they’ll spend the rest of their time with adorable dogs who’ll play with them 24/7!

Service Spotlight

This page looks a little empty don’t you think? That’ s because no one submitted a service project this month. Send in a few pictures and brief description of what your club did each month for a chance to be featured on this page.

Need a service project idea? Check out this entire service project directory! There are all levels of service projects, from super easy to huge events. Take a look: http://keyclub. org/Libraries/Service/Guide_Key Club_Service_Directory__Complete.sflb.ashx

Divisional Recap

Here is just a reminder of what went down at our last Divisional Meeting ● ●

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Lt.Governor Elections ○ Silas Swanson elected as 2016-2017 Lt.Governor Paperwork Refresher ○ How to fill them out ○ When they are do ○ Who should be doing them School Updates Divisional Service Project Ideas Leadership Training Conference Information Thank you again to all of the schools that were in attendance!

Meet Silas Swanson

Silas will be the Lt.Governor for the 2016-2017 Service Year! So we asked him to share a few things about himself and of course share it with you: ● ● ● ● ●

His favorite Color is Green He is an Avid Skier Involved with Adirondack Youth Climate Summit Has a twin brother Witter His Birthday is one day after current Lt.Governor Chloe

He thinks that with a very well established organization like Key Club we should take advantage of it when doing service. Community service is a great way to be involved and there is always opportunity to take action on something you are passionate about.

Partners and Co-Sponsors

Nickelodeon Nickelodeon joined the Kiwanis family as a 2013 Vision Partner of Kiwanis International with a focus on its Big Help initiative, which addresses issues in service, education, the environment and health. Learn more about Nickelodeon’s Big Help efforts, the Halo Awards program and Day of Play at pro-social.nick.com or nick. com/thebighelp.

Key Club Co-Sponsor Rustic Pathways has 30 years of experience leading exceptional international education and service programs for students. With over 130 programs in 20 countries, Rustic Pathways is the global leader in its field. Recognizing our shared values, Rustic Pathways has partnered with Key Club to provide its members with the opportunity to broaden their global perspective while performing meaningful service projects in communities around the world.


Not a single club submitted the MRF for January. The months before this were pretty scarce as well. Monthly report forms are vital in keeping our division running smoothly so please remember to fill them out. Also anytime your club raises any sort of money you need to fill out a financial report form. This always the district to track where the money is going to and helps us reach our fundraising goals. Lastly as you begin elections please submit the election report form so the District Directory can be updated and the new Lt. Governor can reach all of our clubs and club officers efficiently. Please get all of these in ASAP!

Contact Information

Division 14 Lt.Governor

Chloe Peer

chloe peer.ltg@nydkc.org

District Governor

Hanna Nichols


District Secretary

Zainab Nithani

zainab nathani.sec@nydkc.org

District Treasurer

Donna Yu


District Bulletin

Editor Angelica Mehta

angelica mehta.editor@nydkc.org

District Webmaster

Tanya Hao


Executive Assistant

Matt Garber


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