Division 14 September 2015
Table of Contents
Lt. Governor Message……………………...…….pg.3 Upcoming Events…………….…………………...pg.4 Service Spotlights………………………………....pg.5 Major Emphasis.…………..………………….........pg.6 Trick or Treat for UNICEF………………………….pg.7 Governor's Project………………...……..………...pg.8 Paperwork……………………………………...pgs 9,10 Contact Information……………….………………..pg.11
Lieutenant Governor’s Message
Hello Division 14 Key Club,
September has come to an end and the school year is underway. This is a vital time in Key Club to making this year the best you can. Start planning events, fundraisers, and service projects now so they can be completed by the end of the year. If you are ever stuck or need some ideas please feel free to contact me at any point I would love to help. In this newsletter you will find upcoming events, service spotlights, governor's project update, and more. I hope to see some of you soon at our Fall Rally at Shaker High on October 17th (please remember to RSVP as as possible). Keep on being great Key Clubbers for we truly do make a difference. Yours in service, Chloe Peer Division 14 Lieutenant Governor
Upcoming Events
LTC Fall Rally Who: Division 14 and 4 other Divisions Where: Shaker High School When:Saturday,October 17th 9am-12pm Why :Learn all about Key Club and your role in this international organization!
Who: New York District Key Club Where: Desmond Hotel When: March 27-29 Why: Annual Leadership Training Conference. Workshops, Food, Key Clubbers, and a whole lot of fun!
Service Spotlight
This month's Service Spotlight goes to Saranac Lake The Saranac Lake Key Club helped volunteer at a Color Run that supported the local food pantry! Enter each month to have your club featured. 5
Major Emphasis: The Eliminate Project
This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 60,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch.To eliminate MNT from the Earth, more than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take US$110 million — and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family.Kiwanis and UNICEF joined forces to tackle iodine deficiency disorders, achieving one of the most significant public health successes of the 20th century. Here are some ideas on how you could help fundraise for this awesome project http: //sites.kiwanis. org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/newresources/Fundraisingandserviceideas.aspx.
Trick or Treat for Unicef Through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, Key Club has raised more than US$7 million for child survival and development programs around the world Starting in 2012 Key Club joined other Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs to Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF to raise money for The Eliminate Project. You can raise funds door-to-door, host a trunk-or-treat, zombie walk, horror fest, pumpkin smash, “Twilight” dance, haunted house or even an old-fashioned pumpkin pie baking (or eating) contest…or come up with your own idea! HOW TO TAKE PART The process is easy! You can participate in five simple steps: 1.
Decide with your club what kind of fundraiser you’ll do. 2. Order your collection boxes. 3. Collect donations. Fill out the gift form and submit it with your club’s donations. 5. Celebrate! You’re helping save mom's and babies.
Governor's Project: Hunger
THis year's Governor's project is Hunger as many of you know. With this our Governor Hanna Nichols has discovered the Giving Circle a nonprofit based out of Saratoga that focuses on communities throughout the world to help give them the resources needed to survive. THeir main project is building farms in Uganda. Here food can be grown to feed the community as well as sold and help the community in other ways. If each New York District club raises $50 (or the New York District raises $10,000), we will be able to fun farm in Uganda called “The New York District Key Club Farm�. THe Giving Circle will even be presenting at our Fall RAlly at Shaker High on October 17th. Help battle Hunger and support our District Project
Paperwork A lot of our Clubs have not been great at submitting paperwork on time. Please remember to send these in for the are vital in keeping Key Club running smoothly Election Report Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TZOEynn1hnB8py6-4Mrsh-6K0sHQq3B-qWZcWXgpF0w/viewform? usp=send_form Monthly Report Form https://docs.google. com/forms/d/1O5_eg93VuG6JcKDjlq7tQ04uoNBz0_EYUFXSI4sCX6I/viewform Evaluation Form https://docs.google. com/forms/d/1LEZ_2btMTLF4yLPvYBHqYA24tT6FIgDPQjDRAqr0L0A/formResponse 9
Completed By (Club Name)
Election Report Form
Keene Central
MRF April
Saranac Lake
Keene Central
MRF June
MRF July
MRF August
MRF September
This chart says it all...Paperwork is expected and needs to be done.
Contact Information
Division 14 Lt.Governor
Chloe Peer
chloe peer.ltg@nydkc.org
District Governor
Hanna Nichols
hannah nichols.gov@nydkc.org
District Secretary
Zainab Nithani
District Treasurer
Donna Yu
District Bulletin
Editor Angelica Mehta
District Webmaster
Tanya Hao
Executive Assistant
Matt Garber