Division 14 May 2015 Newsletter
Table of Contents
Lt. Governor Message…………………….…….pg.3 Service Spotlight…………….…………………...pg.4 ICON/LTC……...………………………………....pg.5 Paperwork……………………………………......pg.6 Eliminate………………………………………….pg.7 Goals/About Me………………………………….pg.8 Contact Information……………………………..pg.9
Lieutenant Governor’s Message Hello Division 14 Key Club,
May has come to an end, and with that marks the end of many our sports seasons, new lessons in class, and almost the school year. I personally just finished track season, and am studying for all of my regents. It does not however mark the end of service year for our service never ends! Keep on working hard as the year comes to a close, this is where it counts the most! As the weather gets warm there are plenty of service opportunities to be found varying from community clean ups to walks for charity. Let’s end this year on a high note and complete the best service we possibly can. Yours in service, Chloe Peer Division 14 Lt. Governor
Service Spotlight / Recent Events
No one entered a Service Spotlight this month. Remember any time you have a service project send in some pictures and a brief summary of what your club did. You could be featured in the Monthly Newsletter!
Save the Date! LTC is from March 27-29, 2015
This years leadership Training Conference was a blast! With so many workshops to choose from and over 500 key Clubbers in attendance! I know I can’t wait to attend next years conference. Start planning on attending now so you can be sure to come to one of the greatest Key Club Conferences in history.
ICON is coming up, and although no one from our Division is attending this year I strongly encourage you to think about next years International Convention. Wouldn’t it be fun to go and meet Key Clubbers from around the United States?Also you get tl learn about Key Clubs service and all of the opportunities Key Club can create. THis event is something you should consider for you don’t want to miss out!
Paperwork A lot of our Clubs have not been great at submitting paperwork on time. Please remember to send these in for the are vital in keeping Key Club running smoothly Election Report Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TZOEynn1hnB8py6-4Mrsh-6K0sHQq3B-qWZcWXgpF0w/viewform? usp=send_form Monthly Report Form https://docs.google. com/forms/d/1O5_eg93VuG6JcKDjlq7tQ04uoNBz0_EYUFXSI4sCX6I/viewform Evaluation Form https://docs.google. com/forms/d/1LEZ_2btMTLF4yLPvYBHqYA24tT6FIgDPQjDRAqr0L0A/formResponse
Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus claims the lives of 60,000 innocent babies and mothers a year. Tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. Kiwanis has teamed up with Unicef to try to eliminate this deadly disease from the world. Kiwanis hopes to raise enough money to buy vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more to vaccinate against this horrid disease. It only cost $1.80 to protect a mother and her child against this disease. It will take US$110 million along with the work every member of the Kiwanis family including you and I. By eliminating this disease we are creating a bright future for many who would otherwise not have one.
Lt. Governor’s Goals / About me
As a Lt.Governor i have a few goals this year, every Divisional meeting we go over them in more detail. Here is just a quick reminder of the goals for Division 14 this service year: ● ● ●
Increase in Division Communication Increase in Report form submission ● 100% dues collection Larger attendance at Divisional meetings ● A more established Division 14
Yes I am the Lt.Governor for Division 14 but that is not all here are some random and not so random things about me. ● I run track, and play Hockey,and Soccer ● I love Ice Cream (and work at an Ice Cream stand) ● I love the TV Show Survivor ● I am a very competitive person ● I also love to dance but I am a horrible dancer ● I am currently a Junior attending Saranac Lake High Schooll
Contact Information
Division 14 Lt.Governor
Chloe Peer
chloe peer.ltg@nydkc.org
District Governor
Hanna Nichols
District Secretary
Zainab Nithani
District Treasurer
Donna Yu
District Bulletin
Editor Angelica Mehta
District Webmaster
Tanya Hao
Executive Assistant
Matt Garber
Division 14 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Division-14-New-York-District-KeyClub/1423248161313119?fref=photo