LTO April 2013 Newsletter

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Volume 2 Issue 4 April 2013

Basileus Message Joyce L. Nelson, Ed.D Greetings Sorors, Someone very dear to me shared this with me because she reveres me as a WINNER. I hope after you read this, you too see yourself as one. Enjoy!

WINNERS VERSUS LOSERS The Winner is always part of the answer, the Loser is always part of the problem. The Winner always has a program, The Loser always has an excuse. 4th—7th Central Regional Conference Indianapolis, Indiana 9th—Twenty Pearls Foundation Board and Lambda Tau Omega Executive Committee Meetings at St. Andrews Church Homewood, Illinois in Fellowship Hall

The Winner says, “Let me do it for you”, the Loser says, “That’s not my job.” The Winner see an answer for every problem, the Loser says, “It may be possible but it is too difficult.” When a Winner makes a mistake, she says, “I was wrong’, when a Loser makes a makes, she says, “It wasn’t my fault.” Winners makes commitments, Losers makes promises.

13h—Twenty Pearls Foundation Membership and Lambda Tau Omega Chapter Meetings at United Christian Church— Country Club Hills, Illinois

Winners say, “I must do something’. Losers say. “Something must be done.”

21st—Miss Prominent Pearl Cotillion

Winners are a part of the team; losers are apart from the team.

Winners have dreams, losers have schemes.

Winners see the gain; losers see pain. Winners see possibilities; losers see problems. Winners believe in win/win; losers believers for them to win someone has to lose. Winners see the potential; losers see the past. Winners are like a thermostat; losers are like thermometers. Winners choose what they say; losers say what they choose. Winners use hard arguments, but soft words; losers use soft arguments, but hard words; Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things; losers stand firm on petty things but compromises on values. Winners follow the philosophy of empathy; “Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you’, losers follow the philosophy, “Do it to others before they do it to you.” Winners make it happen; losers let it happen.

The Members of Twenty Pearls Foundation, Incorporated congratulate and wish Sorors Millicent and Kimberly a successful Miss Prominent Pearl Cotillion.

Don’t forget to pay your repast fee $35

We serve food that is Um Um GOOD!!

Meesha Townsen Lora Alexander-Flaherty Submitted by Carol Sharp

April 4-7, 2013 Indianapolis, Indiana Don’t forget to bring your white for Soror Lois Merritt’s Ivy Beyond the Wall tribute, documents (constitution and bylaws, manual of standard procedures, protocol and Roberts Rule Order) and passport book with you to the conference. In addition please down load from CRC website all hand-outs prior to attendance and bring with you. The bus attire is the pink or green shirts with “The Dream Is Easy… The Journey is Not”. Plan to arrive at the bus at 6:00 AM. We plan to pull off at 6:30 AM. Location: Burlington Coat Factory in Matteson, Illinois

Chaplin’s Corner Let Your Mouth Speak Wisdom Have you ever said something to someone and wished that you could retrieve it as soon as it left your mouth. Have you ever texted or E mailed something to someone and wished you had worded the text differently. If you have you are guilty of being human. Too often we do not stop and think about what we are saying and to expedite our desired outcome we do not go within and tap our unlimited source God and use that wisdom that is always there. We all use spell check but how about using “wisdom check”. “Wisdom check” is not found on your phone, computer or keyboard, it is not an app you can buy; it is found within and a prerequisite is wisdom and understanding. It may be that everything you need to say is not always going to be received the way you intend however if you slow down meditate, reread and put yourself in the place of the receiver let God will do the rest. “My mouth will speak wisdom: the meditation of my heart shall understand. Psalm 49:3 Submitted by Jennifer Lyle Moore

Joyce L. Nelson, Ed.D President

Congratulation Sorors on your accomplishments. The following Sorors will be recognized at the 2013 June Luncheon and will receive the certificate above. Saundra Jones - Retired 2012 Carol Sharp - Retired 2012 Millicent Borishade—Promotion 2012 Ashley Gardner - Married 2012

As Governor State University Expands, So Does AKA As GSU prepares to break ground this month on student housing and readies itself for the incoming freshmen of 2014, it is also readying itself for Alpha Kappa Alpha as well and hopefully for Lambda Tau Omega Chapter. After months of trying by the Regional Director, through the assistance of Soror Tina currently employed by GSU, attending the organization fair in September 2012 ( Sorors Joyce, Jan, Marva, Tina and Toya), a meeting was finally arranged for Soror Toya to meet with the Assistant Dean of Student in March. A plan was mapped out to provide the university with necessary documentation and information from the Regional Director and the chapter so that a bid could made to the Provost for an Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority undergraduate chapter chartering well in advance of the 2014-2015 academic year. This is great news for our chapter as we have been waiting a long time for this opportunity. This would make AKA the first chapter chartered in the University’s history and the first undergraduate chapter for Lambda Tau Omega Chapter. Submitted by Toya T. Harvey, Graduate Advisor

Don’t Forget to VOTE April 9, 2013 Villages will be voting on municipal positions. Check to see who is running in your village and make your VOTE count.

Marva Campbell-Pruitt

Membership Update The viability of LTO is based upon our membership. The committee in conjunction with our Standards Committee will disseminate a Membership Satisfaction Survey to assist in determining the best characteristics of LTO. Our goal is the development of retention strategies to improve upon membership experience. Those members with suggestions that are not addressed in the survey, should feel free to provide them to Soror Audrey McFarlin. In fact, all input is welcomed!!!! Sorors, Please formally welcome Soror Jacqueline Ford back to the LTO. She has reactivated and we are pleased to have her back! Soror Jacqueline can be emailed: Submitted by Audrey McFarlin, Membership

How to Bring Committee Reports to Chapter Meeting on Your IPad So- you finally got that IPad. Or you've had it for a while and want to maximize your use of it during chapter meeting. But you don't have any G's (3,4,etc.), and you can't access committee reports during the meeting. Or you just find navigating between reports too difficult! Here's a way to download them so that they are easily accessible. It will require a little work prior to the meeting, but once you get the hang of it, you'll love it!

1. Go to the App Store-Download Adobe Reader-it's free! 2. Touch Documents- then go to the upper right corner where you will see edit. Touch on it.

A little folder with a plus sign will appear. Touch on it. A box will appear where you can create a file where you can put your documents. I name mine by the month, eg. " April chapter meeting" 3. Go to our website and open a committee report-they will need to be done one at a time. I haven't figured out a faster way to do this. This is the only part that takes time. 4. While the report is open, go to the top right and touch on " open in Adobe Reader". You will be sent to Adobe where you will see the report. 5. Touch Documents again. If you touch edit again, you will see a small circle next to the report. If you touch on it, it will turn red and at the top of the screen you will see a folder with an arrow. Touch it and it will allow you to move the document to the folder you created earlier. Repeat steps 3-5 for each report you want to have for the meeting. Now for those of you who are using an Android device, I don't know if you can do this, but you might want to try and see. If you need additional help, don't hesitate to call me. Submitted by Lynda Tarver

Hodegos Highlights submitted by Rashea Ratliff

Birthdays Soror Ashley Gardner


Soror Audrey Mc Farlin


Soror Jennifer Moore


Soror Paula Daniels


Soror Andrea Turner


Soror Cheryl Cage


Soror Bernice Deloney


Wedding Anniversaries Soror Sarah Lewis- Weaver & Honey- Do Steve

April 1st

Soror Leah Hill & Honey- Do Arthur

April 10th

Soror Natalie Chadwell & Honey- Do Charles

April 24th

AKA Anniversaries Soror Audrey Carter Soror Jeanette Rogers Soror Sharon Cruse- Armstead Soror Laura Willis-Moss Soror Michelle Clark Soror Arlethia Wright Soror Michelle Moore

April 1954 April 1967 April 1971 April 29, 1979 April 14, 1990 April 4, 1993 April 23, 1995

Soror Sandra Perkins- Butler Soror Jan Reed Soror June Mitchell Soror Sonya Bowen Soror Mary Reeves Soror Donna Fowler- Canty Soror Equesta White

April 1965 April 1969 April 1979 April 6,1987 April 4, 1993 April 17, 1994 April 28, 2012

Please continue to pray for the following sorors and their families for the loss of loved ones and those who have been recently hospitalized and or feeling ill. Soror Toya Harvey

Soror Tinisha Morris

Soror Muriel Lee

Soror Lynda Tarver

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