LTO January 2013 Newsletter

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Volume 2 Issue 1 January 2013

Basileus Message “Happy New Year” Greetings Sorors, It continues to be both a privilege and an honor to greet you as President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Lambda Tau Omega Chapter and welcome you to the second and last year of this administration. We remain Confident, Classy, Compassionate, and Charismatic and the intent is to remain revered in that regard.

Upcoming Events Jan 6th—Pan Hellenic Council at Holy Angels Church—615 East Oakwood Blvd. Chicago, Illinois 60653 Jan 9th—New Members Orientation 6:30 PM 3114 Bonnie Brae Crescent Flossmoor, IL Jan 11-13th—International Founder’s Day Baltimore, MD Jan 15th —TPF Board of Directors and Executive Committee Meetings at St. Andrews Church 6:30 PM (Hostesses Joyce N. Jan, Marilyn and Leah ) Jan 19th— Leadership Development Officer and Committee Chairmen Training at Holiday Inn Matteson 9:00-11:30 AM. All members are invited to attend and Twenty Pearls Foundation Membership and LTO Chapter Meetings following Chapter Luncheon at 12:00 PM Holiday Inn Matteson. Luncheon is for members only! Jan 20th—MLK Service Activity 11:30 AM. See Jan Reed and Debutante Etiquette Workshop at 3:00PM see Millicent Borishade Check website calendar for other event dates

Our chapter has consistently rendered service while making a difference in the far south suburban areas of Chicago for more than 34 years. We have worked tirelessly to become a viable, valuable and visible organization within many communities. Our current membership is approximately 80 plus diverse, distinguished and talented women, who are committed to being a service to all mankind and with a focus to execute Global Leadership Through Timeless Service, as mandated by our International President, Carolyn House Stewart., Esq. In 2012 we faced new challenges that required us to mount with renewed fervor and tenacity and we kept open minds and a willingness to do tasks differently to achieve maximum success. Our theme for this administration when we started in 2012 was “The Dream Is Easy… The Journey Is Not” and I remind you that the journey continues. We have a lot of work to do and we each have a responsibility to make sure that work gets done. Our VISION when we started was to envision all of our youth that have passed through Twenty Pearls Foundation programs are meeting and exceeding Illinois State Standards an representing their communities proudly and that we continue to be the most sought after chapter in Central Region. Our MISSION and or goals was to enhance the lives of youth, increase financial literacy, health, global poverty, and domestic violence awareness in communities as well as increasing internal leadership opportunities via leadership development, programs and partnerships. Our VALUES was to serve until Global Leadership Through Timeless Service is felt across south suburban communities of Chicago, Illinois. Sorors we are moving in the right direction. In 2013 lets motivate, insight and retain the members who have joined our great chapter Lambda Tau Omega. Wishing you a safe, healthy, joyous and prosperous New Year.

Submitted by Marilyn Hamb

Chaplin’s Corner Jennifer Lyle Moore 2013 Chapter Dues Graduate Members Graduate Life Members Graduate Members (62*) Graduate Life Member (62*)

$310 $220 $290 $200

2013 LTO Officers Joyce L. Nelson, Basileus Jan Reed, Anti-Basileus Leah Hill, Grammateus Marilyn Hamb, Tamiouchos Veneeta Phelps, Epistoleus Sarah Lewis-Weaver, Anti Tamiouchos Marva Campbell-Pruitt, Anti Pecunious Grammateus

Michelle Clark, Ivy Leaf Reporter Audrey McFarlin, Membership Antionette Austin-Johnson, Parliamentarian Judy Rush, Historian Tiffany Wicks, Anti-Grammateus

How quickly the years roll by! As we usher in this new year 2013 let’s spend some time in reflection. The origin of New Year’s resolution dates pre Christian times with the Babylonians as a celebration during March but was changed by the Romans to January. January named after the god Janus was represented as a two faced figure who looks back into the old year and forward to the New Year. Most resolutions at this time were to gain moral favor and to be good to others. When the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as official religion New Years day was devoted to prayer and fasting. As we now celebrate in preparation of the New Year let us incorporate the best of both worlds. Give a fond and bitter sweet wave good bye to 2012 and a rousing “Hello” to 2013. Looking forward to a prayerful, prosperous, loving and productive year ahead we know morally that we will treat others as we would be treated. We will pray for those who are less fortunate then us, and we will know that the best is yet to come.

2013 Programs Initiative Chairmen Emerging Young Leaders – Sharee Haywood

Rashea Ratliff, Hodegos

Health – Marydale Donald

Joyce L. Duke, Philacter

Global Poverty – Caletha White and Shawn Jackson Co-chairmen

Jennifer Lyle Moore, Chaplin Pecunious Grammateus - Pending

Economic Security - Pending Social Justice and Human Rights – Barbara McCreary Internal Leadership for External Service – Lynda Tarver

By-Laws - Toni Austin-Johnson, Chairman Social - Judy Rush and Carol Harris Connection - Alice Tittle and Paula Rogers Daniels Technology - Kimberly Mitchell, Chairman Historian - Judy Rush, Chairman Protocol - Marva Campbell-Pruitt, Chairman Rituals - Pamela Martin and Carol Sharp Standards – Pending Leadership Development - Pending

Metropolitan Joint Founder’s Day - Judy Rush Pan Hellenic Council - Cheryl Cage, Kristin Hamb and Robin Akins Sisterly Relations – Toni Grayer and Rosalind Backstrom Conference - Carol Sharp June Luncheon - Pending December Luncheon - Pending

Other Youth Groups: Precious Pearls – Jennifer Lyle Moore Strands of Pearls – Melody Ferguson Emerging Pearls – Sylvia Taylor

AKABirthdays & Anniversaries Happy Birthday and Anniversary to all sorors with birthdays and anniversaries in January. Your names will be featured in the Hodegos Report for January.

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