Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
My sincere thanks to each of you for allowing me to serve as Basileus of this awesome sisterhood, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. The strength of this organization is the unwavering commitment of its members to the core mission of service and fostering bonds of sisterhood. The theme of my administration: “Heart to Heart (Sisterhood and Service)-Many Hearts Beating as One,” is representative of the bond which has sustained our sisterhood for more than a century. This year has gotten off to a fast and busy start. Sorors, you are to be commended for your commitment and willingness to serve. I am overwhelmed by the awesome response to my request for Newsletter submissions. As you can see, the articles have an abundance of valuable information. As you read this Newsletter, I hope that you will find the information beneficial. Please visit the Event Calendar to keep abreast of committee meetings, activities and workshops. You have a lot of choices for involvement in committees. Committee participation allows you to understand chapter operations, shows you the processes involved in chapter operations and teaches you the process for introducing change via the By-Laws Committee. All of our lives have been filled with changes and choices. In our childhood, everything was new, fresh and meaningful. We wanted our teen years to be over so that we could be adults. In young adulthood, there were many changes and choices: college, marriage, the birth of children or the choice of a job. In middle age and even in our “golden years,” there are still changes and choices. Yes, life is filled with changes and choices. Just remember that God is Faithful and he will take you through all the changes. Our bonds of sisterhood can be strengthened by our willingness to show understanding, forgiveness, and love for our each other. Speak a kind word to a soror, you never know what kind of hurt or difficulty she is experiencing. A kind word or a smile might encourage her along her journey. Lastly, always pray for each other. Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God’s gift of himself. Ask and seek, and your heart will grow big enough to receive him and to keep him as your own. Wherever God has put you, that is your vocation. It is not what we do but how much love we put into it. Thanks for putting love into the service that we provide to the community. Sisterly, Soror Barbara, Basileus
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
Program Committee
Soror Marilyn Hamb, Program Chairman
Standards Committee Pearls of Wisdom Soror Lynda Tarver, Standards Chairman Stroke 2016: Prompt Treatment Saves Lives Soror LaVerne Barnes LTO Tech Byte
Soror Tiffany Wicks, Technology Committee
PEARLS OF WISDOM to ENCOURAGE, MOTIVATE AND INSPIRE GROWTH Soror Jeanette W. Rogers, Chairman Soror Rose Butler-Hayes, Co-Chairman The Leadership Development Committee 82nd Central Regional Conference
Soror Cynthia Robinson, Conference Chairman
Lambda Tau Omega Chapter Retreat
Soror Jeanette W. Rogers, Leadership Development Chairman
LTO Spiritual Oversite
Soror Tina Hughes-Burke, Chaplain
January Birthdays
Soror Krista D. Butler, Hodegos
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016 PROGRAM COMMITTEESoror Marilyn Hamb, LTO Program Chairman Lambda Tau Omega kicked off our 2016 Launching New Dimensions of Service Programs in high style on January 9th! Target I Educational Enrichment Chairman and ASCEND Lead Coach is Soror Audrey McFarlin. Joining her are Sorors Cherie Allen and Kwalee Kemp for AKA 1M Backpacks and Soror Melody Ferguson for our Think HBCU initiatives. We have Soror Toni Grayer at the helm for Target II Health Promotion and Soror Renee Collins will charter us once again on Target III Family Strengthening. Target IV Environmental Ownership is led by Soror Tiffany Wicks and the reigning champ for Target IV Global Impact is noneother than Soror Casandra B. Watson. Our LTO Mentoring groups joined the Target Chairmen kicking off Cultured Pearls with new leaders, Soror Damika Davis and Soror Cemioan Woodley. Steering Strands of Pearls are our Silver Sorors: Soror Vanessa Byrd and Soror Laura Willis-Moss. Our Emerging Pearls affectionately known as the “Baby Pearls” are being nurtured by Sorors Deshirnette Walker-Marshall and Soror Rosalind Backstrom. Last but not least our newest LTO Program, The Power of 2 will be ushered in by Soror Stephanie Farrow. These brave leaders have undertaken the task of leadership for our 2016 Programs!! We have much work and service ahead of us Sorors! Please mark your calendars for our International Community Impact Days. We’ve completed the first of the year, MLK Day of Service driven by Soror Renee Collins and the Family Strengthening Committee. This phenomenal program was a joint collaboration with Theta Rho Omega Chapter, the LTO ASCEND Scholars and the LTO Connections Committee. Our keynote speaker, Mr. Dwayne Bryant, provided us with food for thought as we reflected upon our contributions to upholding the King legacy. Soror Audrey McFarlin and the LTO ASCEND Scholars performed skits, dramatic readings, provided video presentations and served as the emcee for the event. The teaming and planning resulted in a wonderful day of celebration and service. Canned Goods and seasonal wraps were donated by those attending and we registered our youngest voter, an ASCEND Scholar! KUDOS to all those preparing and partaking in the day of service! Soror Toni Grayer and the Health Promotion committee are planning the February 5th Pink Goes Red for Heart Health. Stay tuned for more details! Please mark your calendars for the remaining International Community Impact Days ICIDs). 1. February 5, 2016: Pink Goes Read for Heart Health 2. April 9, 2016: AKA/NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Awareness Day 3. May 21, 2016: AKA 1908 Playgrounds Mobilization Day 4. June 20, 2016 : The Longest Day (Alzheimer’s Association partnership) 5. July: Mental Health Awareness Day (Observance to be held at Boule 2016) 6. October 16, 2016: Childhood Hunger
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016 Martin Luther King Jr., International Community Impact Day
On January 18, 2016 over 75 guests and sorors poured into New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church on the coldest day of the year to celebrate the life and legacy of our Civil Rights Leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The International Community Impact Day, entitled ‘A Change is Gonna Come’ was a collaborative effort with Target III: Family Strengthening, the ASCEND Scholars, Theta Rho Omega Chapter and the Connections Committee. The ASCEND Scholars performances were phenomenal! Tabitha Adams acted as the program narrator. Dylan Westbrook-Chatman provided a timeline collage of Dr. King’s life and achievements while Sam Cooke’s ‘A Change is Gonna Come’ played in the background. Morgan Harvey moved the audience with her prose; Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Pattillo-Beale, one of the Little Rock Nine. She provided a perspective of the Civil Rights Movement from the viewpoint of a sixteen year old – reminding the audience that adults were not the only ones impacted by the Civil Rights Movement. Nikkia Ferguson, Armenia Collins and Griffin Carter performed a skit about discrimination based upon the color of your skin. They emphasized Dr. King’s dream that one day, we would not be judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of our characters. Griffin summed up the Scholar’s performance with a poignant, heart felt video of the Civil Rights Movement. If you missed the MLK program, I encourage you to watch Griffin’s video which has been upload to the chapter’s website. He did an awesome job! The guest speaker, Dwayne Bryant, President of Inner Vision International, Inc. enlightened, motivated and educated the audience about Dr. King’s life and his hopes for Black people. He shared the importance of being the change we want to see in the world; remaining focused on God; and making the commitment to achieve OUR dreams. Morgan Phelps paid tribute to Dr. King’s legacy with her song selection U2 MLK. The Connections committee registered 3 young adults, including Dylan, our ASCEND Scholar. We collected 185 nonperishable food items and seasonal wraps at the MLK Community Impact Day! Great Job Sorors! These items, in addition to those collected at the January chapter meeting were delivered to Respond Now on January 22, 2016. Target III: Family Strengthening committee delivered 251 items! Thank you Lambda Tau Omega Sorors for your support of the committee and the south suburban community. WE make a difference!
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
Save the Date: You asked for it! Target III: Family Strengthening committee is delivering it! The financial empowerment survey results from the December meeting revealed that more than 50 sorors wanted to learn more about estate planning. Lambda Tau Omega has partnered with the Money Smart Week to provide a class on Estate Planning 101. It will be held Thursday, April 28th at 6:30pm at the Homewood Library. Soror Renee Collins, Chairman - Target III: Family Strengthening Committee
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
Standards Committee Pearls of Wisdom Soror Lynda Tarver, Chairman CHAPTER SELF- ASSESSMENT FORM
During the Chapter Meeting in January, 2016, you completed the CHAPTER ASSESSMENT FORM. Question 1 stated, “Chapter has had representatives at a Boule within a six-year period.” YES or NO. Question: How do you know this? Answer: Your document-Standards Resource Guide – “Chapter Self-Assessment Form,” page 1 of 4 Chapter documentation requires: a “List of chapter officers who attended last Boules and “Copies of registration forms/receipts.” SOROR CODE Of ETHICS:
Each year, Sorors are asked to sign a copy of “Soror Code of Ethics.” Question: Where can this Soror Code of Ethics be found for review? Answer: Manual of Standard Procedure. Take time to become familiar with the content before signing…next time. You can find a copy on page 71 in your Manual of Standard Procedure. OFFICER/CHAIRMAN TRANSITIONS
Sorors, if you have not met to transition materials to incoming officers and chairmen, please let me know so that you may obtain a copy of the transition forms before you meet. Completion of the transition form is the only way we are able to keep a record of who is in possession of LTO materials. Standards Committee Meetings: Please check the Website Event Calendar.
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
Stroke 2016: Prompt Treatment Saves Lives As we begin 2016, many of us are planning resolutions that include, losing weight, exercising more, eating better and reading our bible more, to name a few. But what many do not understand is that many of the resolutions that we set should lead to an improved physical, mental and spiritual life. This includes methods to prevent or decrease the risk of fatal and nonfatal disease. This should also include exercising at least 60 minutes a day at least 3 days a week; eating a well-balanced diet that includes less fast food and junk food but more fruit, vegetables and grains. Let’s talk about a disease that with the right and timely information can possibly be prevented and if not, with rapid assessment and treatment can help save someone's life. Here are few statistics: ● Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. ● More than 140,000 people die each year from stroke in the United States. ● Stroke is e leading cause of long term disability. ● Strokes can and do occur in all ages. Nearly one-fourth of all strokes occur in people under the age of 65. ● On average, a stroke occurs every 40 seconds in the United States. ● High blood pressure is the most important risk factor for stroke. ● Stroke death rates are higher for African Americans than for whites even at younger ages. According to these statistics it would seem that a stroke is inevitable. However, if you are aware of the warning signs, help can be expedited and serious complications alleviated. The following are the warnings signs of stroke: ● The most commons sign of stroke is sudden weakness of the face, leg or arm, often on the same side of the body. ● Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech ● Trouble seeing in one or both eyes ● Sudden trouble walking, dizziness or loss of balance ● Sudden or severe headache with an unknown cause. If you or someone you know have any of these symptoms, call 911 for emergency medical help. With rapid identification of stroke symptoms, medical management and/or treatment can be started right away and that may help save a life. Let’s remember that as we focus on healthy lifestyles we should direct our efforts to bringing peace and wholeness through physical, mental and spiritual healing. Yes, this includes exercising, eating a healthy diet, proper sleep with ample rest and an inspired, disciplined, spiritual life. Let 2016 be the year that we resolve to prevent illness and promote well-being by becoming more informed and purposeful toward being healthy. Happy Healthy New Year Sorors! Soror LaVerne Barnes,M.D., Family Physician
Volume 1: Issue 1
LTO Tech Byte
Signing Up For Committees 1. Log In to www.ltoaka.org
2. On the Members Only Home Page Click Sign up for a Committee
January, 2016
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
3. Please sign up for one or more of the following committees: a. Mentoring Group b. Programs Committee c. Standing Committee d. Ad Hoc Committee e. Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc. Committee
4. Press the Button Viewing the LTO and TPF active Committees Click on the Committees link in the left LTO Member Menu sidebar.
On the Committees Page you may click on any pink highlighted link to view the committee chairmen, members, and past meeting dates. Submitted by: Soror Tiffany Wicks
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
PEARLS OF WISDOM to ENCOURAGE, MOTIVATE AND INSPIRE GROWTH Our Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan-Wilson, stated in the Launching New Dimension of Service handbook for graduate advisors that “Growth, development and mentorship are at the forefront of our mission.” In keeping with that charge, Lambda Tau Omega Chapter’s Leadership Development Committee is excited to help plan activities that will ultimately assist in the growth, development and empowerment of our most important asset – our members. Members who are knowledgeable about the operational procedures, processes and programs of the sorority and chapter will be better positioned to more effectively represent the goals and values of the sisterhood. As a committee, we will endeavor to provide information, experiences, tips and tools to help empower members on their Alpha Kappa Alpha journey. The following are some of the topics to be addressed: Standards of Protocol for Effective Chapter Meetings Understanding and Effectively Using Our Constitution and Bylaws and the Manual of Standard Procedures Financial Procedures Launching New Dimension of Service Ethics and Conflict Resolution Sisterly Relations Team Building Community Engagement and Service The Leadership Development Committee will facilitate the planning of these activities, but will look to you, our members, for input and suggestions for other topics and to serve as presenters in your areas of expertise. Together, we can support, inspire, nurture and instill in each other a desire to acquire the Pearls of Wisdom needed to keep Lambda Tau Omega “Ivy Strong”. The committee will end each newsletter presentation with a Pearls of Wisdom tip. JANUARY’S PEARLS OF WISDOM TIP is for Committee Chairmen: As a committee chairman, we encourage you to take the time to recognize and thank committee members for successfully completing projects or appropriately handling challenges. Receiving recognition is a powerful motivator and stimulant towards further personal development. A simple letter of congratulations or a mention in the chapter newsletter can be an impactful motivator. Valiant attempts, though not successfully executed, deserve recognition as well. They often help sorors, who experience failed attempts, to stay positive and keep striving toward future successes. PUBLIC
Volume 1: Issue 1 January, 2016 CRITICISM OR SCRUTINY FROM A CHAIRMAN, PRESIDENT, OR ANYONE ELSE, IS NEVER AN OPTION. Public criticism defines weaknesses in the giver more than it does in the receiver. It is important to note that leadership development is not restricted to training courses or workshops. Recognition of projects, delegated tasks and other responsibilities are all forms of learning and development and are worthy of highlighting when carried out well and provides encouragement when a brave effort falls short. Consider giving the following type of recognition to a committee member who has excelled with an activity and modify this example to give encouragement to a soror who has not quite “hit the mark”. It can make the difference between them wanting to try again or not. Sample Letter of Recognition Dear Soror__________: My warmest appreciation to you for presenting an excellent workshop for our parents at the tea on (date) at ________________Restaurant. Presentations, such as yours, serve to create and foster positive relationships between the communities we serve and our chapter. They are also great motivators to inspire stronger involvement and participation from other chapter members. Sisterly, Soror ________ In conclusion, being a member of Lambda Tau Omega Chapter is not just about the social life. It is also about service, philanthropy, creating positive relationships and most importantly, it is about a commitment to excellence. Your leadership development committee is excited to provide support to the chapter as it continues “Launching New Dimensions of Service” with EXCELLENCE!!!
Sisterly, Soror Jeanette W. Rogers, Chairman Soror Rose Butler-Hayes, Co-Chairman
The Leadership Development Committee
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016 82nd Central Regional Conference Confidently Launching New Dimensions of Service and Sisterhood in the Windy City Hyatt Regency, Chicago March 3 – 6, 2016 Registration Price List: Early registration: $185, extended until February 3, 2016 Late registration: $235, last day to register is February 7, 2016
*The events listed in the table are in addition to fees listed above.*
Undergraduate Luncheon
Step Show Ticket
Step Show After Party
EAF Breakfast
Conference Luncheon
Additional Gala Ticket
Spiritual Send-Off Breakfast
Graduate Advisor Training Institute Level I
Graduate Advisor Training Institute Level II
Financial Officer Certification
Honey Do Activities (Note: does not include Gala )Gticket)
Rooms are still available at:
Swissotel Chicago 323 East Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60601 https://resweb.passkey.com/go/akaoverflow Cut-off date for reservations is February 3, 2016. **Stroll attire will be presented at the February membership meeting**
Save the Date: 67th Boule - Saturday, July 09, 2016 - Thurday, July 14, 2016 08:00am 05:00pm Boule registration opens on Wednesday, January 27, 2016, at 12 Submitted by: Soror Cynthia S. Robinson, Conference Chairman
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
Tax Talk It’s that time of year again! As you receive your tax documents, be sure to keep them in one central location so you will have everything when it is time to prepare your tax return.
Tax Tip #1 The Affordable Care Act requires all individuals to have health care insurance. This year your health care provider will mail proof of insurance in the form of a 1095A, 1095B, or 1095C. Be sure to take these documents with you when you go to see your tax professional.
Tax Tip #2 The state of Illinois will not accept returns until March 1, 2016. The decision comes as fraud prevention efforts from last year’s tax season illustrate the positive impact that additional delays and scrutiny have had in combating tax return fraud and identity theft. Sisterly Submitted by, Soror Jacqueline Toler
Lambda Tau Omega Chapter Retreat January 9, 2016 The Leadership Development Committee ”Kicked Off” the New Year with our Chapter Retreat which was held on Saturday, January 9, 2016 from 10:00-1:00 with ninety sorors in attendance. Soror Toya T. Harvey explained the function of the Leadership Development Committee which is to provide activities/workshops which aid in the growth and development of all sorors, especially those interested in Leadership Positions. The topics covered for the day included: Twenty Pearls Foundation By-Laws and Standing Rules, Helpful Hints for Officers and Committee Chairman and Budgetary Guidelines. These topics were chosen as a refresher and to present information to our aspiring leaders/officers. The
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
Chapter’s Regional and International Leaders were recognized and gave a description of their Committee Responsibilities. Those Sorors were: Joyce L. Nelson E-Team/I-Team, Jeanette W. Rogers, Illinois Connections Committee, Lynda Tarver International Risk Management Committee, Sonya L. Bowen, International Protocol Committee, and Toya T. Harvey, International Buildings and Property Committee. Our Basileus, Soror Barbara J. Pearson-McCreary gave her Vision Statement for 2016. Our Guest Speaker for the Day was Soror Kiahna W. Davis of Chi Chi Omega Chapter, Indianapolis, Indiana. She is a member of the International Training Committee. Her topic was “Being A Good Leader at the Local, Regional or International level”. Her question to each of us was ”What kind of Leader are You”? Are You A Super, Dedicated or Committed Leader? She encouraged members to get involved in the chapter activities, and sign up for committees immediately. Growth comes by attending and participating in activities sponsored by the sorority: such as Conferences, Retreats, Leadership Seminars and Boule. If you want to be a leader, you can do it. It requires perseverance. The final thought is “To Get Involved.” A Sisterly Relations Activity was conducted by Soror ChaVale Conner and the Sisterly Relations Committee. , Soror Lynda Tarver and the Standards Committee conducted the evaluation for the day, the results are forthcoming. A special thanks to all of the presenters and participants for the day. We would also like to commend Soror Onquanette Nowels-Pierce and the Social Committee for their support. Submitted by: Jeanette W. Rogers, Chairman Leadership Development Committee
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
LTO Spiritual Oversite The Power of Forgiveness Forgiveness is one of the most powerful responses that we could ever have, yet the steps in forgiving others may be difficult. Forgiving others is very hard. The love of Christ is the only way we can set free those who have deeply wounded us. The love of Christ gives us the only context we have for believing God has forgiven us. There is perhaps no greater gift you can offer God than a heart that knows the power of forgiveness and decides to set others free. Forgiving shows that the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus are operating in our lives. It is time to access this life-changing grace of forgiveness. Is there someone who has offended you? Are you able to release the person in forgiveness? God gives us divine power to forgive. We who have received the freedom of forgiveness have the power to set one another free. This is a power that truly sets the captive free and can affect the whole world. Forgiveness defeats darkness on a massive scale because it involves the resurrection power of Jesus. Nothing can defeat the greatness and glory there is one act of forgiveness.
Scriptures for reflection: “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Colossians 3:13). “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). “O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me” (Psalm 30:2). “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).
Tina Hughes Burke, Chaplain
Volume 1: Issue 1
January, 2016
Krista Butler, Hodegos