LTO November 2014 Newsletter

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Volume 9

November, 2014

. Congratulations to Sorors who were winners in our chapter elections held on 11/8: Grammateus Leah Hill

Hodegos Krista Butler

Graduate Advisor Toya Harvey

Membership Chairman Judy Rush Ivy Leaf Reporter (2 candidates tied) Sharon Brown Paris Winston

Nominating Committee Valerie Pace Toni Grayer Karla Barton Leah Hill Jeanette Rogers

Our membership also voted to accept amended TPF Bylaws and amendments to 6 LTO Bylaws. These updated documents will soon appear on our website. Kudos to Sorors Kim Mitchell, Rose Butler Hayes and Joyce Nelson for your leadership in getting these tasks completed. In addition, thanks to the tellers who worked tirelessly counting and tabulating votes: Sandra Butler, Arlethia Wright, Amber Smallwood, Jackie Toler, Casandra Watson, Linda Varnado, Sheree Haywood, Tinisha Morris, and Alice Tittle. At the November meeting, nominations were taken for individual Regional Awards. This election will take place at the December meeting. We will also vote to fill the offices of retiring Board of Directors. 11/22 – Emerging Pearls, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” 11/24 – Global Poverty Mtg. 11/27 – Thanksgiving

If you did not attend Jazz in the AKAnoon you missed a treat. This fundraiser was well attended and Terisa Griffin’s performance was outstanding. Congratulations to Soror Marva Campbell Pruitt and her committee on a job well done. This event received numerous positive reviews.

1128 – Protocol Mtg. 12-6 – Strands, Nutcracker Ballet 12/8 – Bylaws Comm. Meeting 12/9 – TPF Bd. & Exec Mg

The Cotillion Committee hosted a very successful parent information session on 11/10. Fabulous activities have been planned for debs and escorts. The committee is still recruiting prospective debs so please share information about our cotillion with families you know.

`12/13 – Dec. Luncheon 12/13 – Target 3 Pre Launch Activity 12/15 – Cotillion Planning Mtg. . 12/17 – Standards Transition Mtg.

Reminders:  To avoid a break in service, assessments and dues must be paid by the end of December. See Soror Angela Bailey if you have questions about assessment balances. (continued on last page of newsletter) (Our diversity is our beauty and our strength.)

November 2014

Thankful for our Lambda Tau Omega Family

Psalm 106:1

Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Tina Hughes-Burke: 2014 Chaplin: God is faith

Congratulations Sorors of Lambda Tau Omega! With your help, Initiative V: Social Justice and Human Rights collected 240 articles, including hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and warm socks. These winter accessories benefit women, men and children of the South Suburban Family Shelter. These items were presented on November 20th to the shelter, located in Homewood, IL. Due to the efforts of Soror Erica, LTO was awarded $200.00 from Walmart to purchase winter accessories for the residents of the shelter. Great job Soror Erica!

The Strands of Pearls had a great time learning money matters from Economic Security Chairman Soror Renee Collins. Thanks Renee for your leadership and instruction. We welcome you back soon to learn more about money and how it matters as we develop into responsible young ladies.


On 11/8, seven members of the Chicagoland Basilei Council gathered at the Sheraton Hotel to meet and greet 60 members of the Directorate. I was able to attend this gathering. Each Basileus introduced herself and shared a little about her chapter. Each Chicagoland chapter contributed to a gift bag for each Directorate member. LTO added granola bars and packets of peanuts. Directorate members were very appreciative of the snacks and other gifts we provided. Basilei Council members were offered lunch at this gathering. It was great to meet many of our Alpha kappa Alpha leaders.

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For officers being installed in December, dues must be paid prior to installation. Officers and committee chairmen should submit an end of year report at the December meeting. Vouchers for 2014 must be submitted prior to the end of the year.

(Our diversity is our beauty and our strength.)

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