Volumes 5
May, 2014
Greetings Sorors, Happy Mother’s Day to all LTO mothers and mother figures! Mothers are sometimes described as the sweetest gift
from Gods to us. There is no way we can ever really thank our mother for all she does for us nevertheless, we must make it a habit to keep reminding ourselves of the various sacrifices she made while raising us. Sacrifices are often still made when we are adults. Mothers' Day is the best time to say in words how much we love and care for our mothers. My hope is that your special day is fantastic! Miss Prominent Pearl Cotillion 2014-An Evening of Enchantment & Elegance was held on 5/4. Miss Prominent Pearl was Jacqueline Boose. First runner-up was Symone Fowler-Canty and second runner-up was Jordyn Bush. Congratulations to these winners and to all the debutantes and escorts. In January I stated that there is a wealth of talent among our diverse chapter members. Here are some examples. Chairman Saundra Jones and co-chairman Allison Bonner Evans, along with their committee, worked very hard in planning our 2014 cotillion. They implemented several new ideas. This was a beautiful event and I appreciate their efforts. I suspect this fundraiser will be quite profitable. Planning for AKA Klassic and our Jazz event are well underway. I thank co-chairs Angela Williams and Rosalind Backstrom, along with their committee, for the progress made in implementing this event. These young sorors have everything under control! With all of her other duties, Marva Campbell Pruitt has graciously taken the lead in planning our Jazz Event. With short notice, she has hit the ground running as she chairs this committee. I truly appreciate her efforts. 5/10 – TPF & LTO Meetings 5/10 & 5/12 – Scholarship Interviews & Mtg 5/12 – Health Committee Mtg. 5/13 – Conference Comm Mtg 5/14 – AKA Day at Capitol 5/15 – Ad Hoc Committee Mtg 5/17 – Lupus Walk 5/19 – Dec. Luncheon Mtg. 5/20 – Connection Comm Mtg 5/26 – Global Pov Comm Mtg 6/2 – Bylaws Committee Mtg 6/3 – Program Committee Mtg 6/5 – Standards Comm Mtg 6/7 – EYL Swim Party 6/9 – Economic Security Mtg
Committee chairman Pat Parrish has been very organized and creative as she plans our June Luncheon. She and her committee have had plans underway to provide a luncheon that is both enjoyable implements our targeted programs. Kudos to Pat and her committee. Judy Rush and the December Luncheon committee have great plans for us as this luncheon. We will celebrate at a new and different venue with entertainment you are sure to enjoy. She has been organized and personable as she leads her committee. I am proud of the accomplishments and efforts of the chairs, co-chairs and committees listed above. We have sorors from diverse backgrounds and age groups working together to accomplish great things for our chapter. (Continued on p. 6) (Our diversity is our beauty and our strength.)
Happy Mother’s Day She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also and he praises her; many women do notable things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor for all her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate
Proverbs 31:26-31
The Precious Pearls have been busy doing community service. They partnered with the director Lucy Kokal at St. Andrew UMC and the PADS program (public action to deliver service) which is held there every Wednesday during the winter months. The Precious Pearls helped to set up for the guests that need shelter at the church. They also partnered with the Global Poverty initiative, lead by Sorors Leah Hill and Marva Campbell Pruitt. The Precious Pearls made blankets for Mantanya's Hope, a nonprofit organization that provides services to the people of Kenya in Africa. Also, the Precious Pearls donated canned goods and their favorite cereal to Respond Now, which services the South Suburban area. Sisterly, Soror June Mitchell, Chairman Precious Pearls Committee
We had two Precious Pearls attend the Teen Esteem youth skate party with Soror June Eichelberger from Xi Nu Omega Chapter. Soror June was very gracious and we had a wonderful time. Thank you for sending the invitation and here is the picture of Precious Pearls, Armina Collins and Monica Johnson. Sisterly, Soror June
On Saturday, May 3, 2014, the EYL committee conducted their Leadership Summit at Dolphin Lake Clubhouse in Homewood, Illinois. This mentor group was presented workshops on hygiene, computer safety, etiquette and other topics. The presentations were well received by the girls.
5 Easy Steps on How to Make a Motion During a Meeting Parliamentary Procedures Submitted by Joyce L. Nelson, Chairman
1. Ask to be recognized so that you can obtain the floor to speak. You can do so once the last speaker is finished making a statement. The appropriate way to be recognized is to say "Madam Basileus." Then wait for her to address you.
2. State your motion after being recognized. Your phrasing should be: "I move that we... ." Robert's Rules of Order suggest that you always state your motion in the affirmative. For instance, try not to move that the group "does not" do something.
3. Wait for your motion to be seconded. The Basileus may ask if anyone wishes to second the motion. Or a member will move to second the motion without being prompted.
4. After the motion is seconded, the Basileus will restate the motion and open the topic for discussion. At this point, the members will discuss the topic. The member who moves on a matter can speak first during a debate.
5. After discussion the Basileus will call for the question and move to vote. This occurs after the debate has ended.
6. The motion will either be voted for (in favor) or not (not in favor)
(Continued from p.1) Boule will be held July 12-18, 2014 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Chapter delegates and alternates will be chosen at Saturday’s meeting. We will choose 4 additional delegates and 9 alternates. (Our bylaws state that our Basileus, Anti Basileus, Grammateus, Tamiouchos, and Graduate Advisor are automatic delegates.) In our Spring Mailing, we received a list candidates running for international offices. We have received brochures from these candidates which are available for you to review at the May meeting. I will be asking for chapter recommendations on how delegates should vote at the June meeting. Chapter Reminders
June Luncheon payment will be accepted at the May meeting Chapter property should be stored in our storage facility. Get items to Basileus or Anti Basileus. May sure that the Basileus and Protocol Chair are copied on flyers submitted for approval. Also copy the Program Chair on programmatic flyers.
Sisterly Submitted, Jan Reed, Basileus