Vol. 20 No. 6
June 2012
Top 20 Under 40 Young Professionals Awarded The Lubbock Chamber of Commerce and the Young Professionals of Greater Lubbock (YPGL) honored this year’s top “20 Under 40” young professionals in Lubbock with an awards ceremony on May 31, 2012. This exciting award aims to recognize outstanding indi-
Val Brown
Justin Clark
viduals under the age of 40 who exemplify leadership in their careers, while actively participating in the community. The YPGL organization was previously under the oversight of the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance until 2006. The Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted
Suzanne Cox
Brice Foster
Meredith Imes
in favor of the merger with the YPGL, in October 2011. “The two organizations partner to increase professional and educational opportunities for young business professionals, Lubbock area businesses and aligned organizations,” said Chamber Chairman Tim Collins.
Lindsay Kennedy
The Price Group
Texas Tech University
TTU School of Law
Southwest Bank
United Spirit Arena
National Sorghum Producers
Mary Myers
Dr. Matt Paden
Keith Patrick
Rebecca Ramirez
Patrick Sturdivant
Russell Thomasson
RD Thomas
Lubbock Christian University
American Cancer Society
South Plains Community Action Association
Amerigroup Corporation
Texas Tech University
YPGL’s mission is to develop emerging leaders and attract and retain diverse young talent throughout the Lubbock region. Professionals between the ages of 22-40 interested in learning more about the YPGL and its programs can visit www. yplubbock.org for more information.
Dr. Catherine Langford
Michelle McCallick
James Vint
Texas Tech University
Coronado High School
State Farm
Carlos Morales
Caprock Home Health Services
William Murray
Dr. Jason White
Tyler Young
Amy Zientek
Jason White Dentistry
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
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