Portfolio Eliška Valtrová

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FA ČVUT Department of spatial planning Studio Head: Henry Hanson IV. Studio Assistants: M.Masoun, M. Sarvašová, J. Richtr

ATU Benešov

ATU Benešov Eliška Valtrová Eliška Valtrová Summer 2013/2014 FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

Husova st.





Outdoor gym -

Pedestrian underpasses • Expand existing Firstpedestrian underpass under the train platform to oppoclass site part of the town. road





class road - E55

apartment house


Masaryk square Venue of cultural events and farm markets.

Tyršova street Parking spaces as a barrier for movement of the people.

Tyršova street Commercial street.

Parking Missing parking for

Parking Not well used parking space.

Overpass To far from where is needed (train station, Tyršova st, Jiraskova st.).


Underpass E55 Narrow underpass. Pedestrians and cars are separated by provisional concrete panels.

t rail

t rail cor rido

Masaryk square - venue of cultural events and farm markets

Inner Park Not well use public space within block of flats (homeless, drunk people)

rail corridor

Train station parking Parking spaces as a barier for movement of the people comming from train station and crossing Nádražní st.

Train station underpass Train underpass connect only one part of the Benešov. People cross railway on the ground. Existing overpas is cca 250 m away.

Industrial & storages areas Spatial impermeable barier

Crossing E55 Dangerous ground level crossing for people. One of the two connection to the Konopiště park.

IV. transit

Konopiště chateau Point of interest for visitors and magnificant sign of Benešov.


Redesigned public space

First class road E55

Konopiště park Leisure activities for local people (jogging, dog walking, walking).


Children playground

Place for sitting outdoor (cafe, restaurant)

Shopping house with new connection to inner park

Underground parking house In need of lack of parking spaces (esp. for residents)

Public space Area for new public space.

Parking house current status: car park proposal status: parking house reason: reducing parking spaces on Tyršova street in favor of pedestrian

E55at • Create new pedestrian underpass the beginning of the train station as a new connection.

Underpass E55 Extend existing underpass for pedestrian line next to road

Konopiště park Leisure activities for citizens of Benešov (jogging, dog walking, walking)

Konopiště chateau Point of interest for visitors and magnificant sign of Benešov.


Benešov residential area

rail corridor

Crossing E55

Lookout tower (lift + stairs)


IV. transit


Husova st.

+ uses terrain + can include basic facilites (WC, refreshment) + space for designing (lookout tower) + independent on transport flow - not fluent with the terrain First class road E55

+ fluent movement - against terrain structure - feel of danger - interrupt transport flow during contraction

Pedestrian overpass (above I. class road)

Sport + leisure facilities (caffe, toilets, drinking water, shower)

Overpass ramp

Konopiště park

Table of content Analysis & Outcomes from analysis


rido r

Legend Linear barrier - railway (IV. transit rail corridor) - first class road (E55)

Non valuable industrial buildings & storages Non valuable industrial areas

Valuable greenery

Transformed area


Valuable public spaces

Constraints and Potentials


boundaries of the solving area

Valuable buildings Problematic, not well used areas

area: 30 200 m2 current status: industrial and storage place in residential area

Centre of the outdoor sport activities

location: area between Konopiště park and centre of the Benešov

Legend Linear barrier - railway (IV. transit rail corridor) - first class road (E55)

Natural character

Industrial & residential character

Comercial & residential character Boundaries of the solving area scale 1:5000

Valuable buildings


Proposal solution - Large context

Boundaries of the solving area scale 1:1000

Proposed new paths Area of transformation

Proposal solution - Crossing E55

Konopiště chateau 500 m / 10 min parčík + lavičky invalida

Legend Existing paths used by people

Skate park High school of engineering and construction

Climbing wall

Proposal solution - Area of transformation

Existing paths used by people

Legenda / Legend

Obousměrný provoz Two - way traffic

Jednosměrný provoz One - way traffic

Železnice Railway

Analysis - Area around Tyršova st. - Transport system

Masaryk square

Public space Pubic partner well accessible

Pubic partner accessible with restrictions

Tyršova st.

Inaccessible private space Public partner not well accessible

Administration & production

Accessible private space

Jiráskova st. Jiráskova st.

ATU Benešov Analysis - Area around Tyršova st. - Parter

Proposal solution - Area around Tyršova st. - Proposal development

Proposal solution - Area around Tyršova st. - Master plan & section

Proposal solution - Area around Tyršova st. - 3D

Proposal solution - Area around Tyršova st. - 3D & section

Table of content FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

Eliška Valtrová

Group analysis

Legenda / Legend Veřejná doprava - linka 1 Public transport - route 1

Outcoms from analysis

Veřejná doprava - linka 2 Public transport - route 2 Železnice Railway Autobusová zastávka - linka 1 Bus station - route 1 Autobusová zastávka - linka 2 Bus station - route 2 Vlaková stanice Train station

Strengths 1)

To u


t tr



Public transport

2) hs


t pa


c Cy

Pedestrian accesibility of servicies (economy) Natural areas around the town - short distance to Konopiště park (leisure) positive satellite and compact city (residents)

Veřejné parkování Placené parkování Účelové parkování Parkings with a designated use

celkový počet parkovacích míst total of parking places plocha area

Transp o movem rt ent



Pedestrian connection to Konopiště park (trafic barriers, not straight way)


Trafic situation on the Tyršova street („linear car park“)


Low quality of „small“ architecture and city furniture


Lack and bad solution of greenery


Gre ry

Mo tra des o nsp f ort

Surce: Google maps and workshop observations

ATU Benešov


19,068.75m2 - 25,425 m2

hlavní veřejné prostory main public spaces hlavní pěší trasy main walking Ulice užívané k parkování Streets used as parkings

Analysis & Outcomes from analysis

Eliška Valtrová

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

Pedestrian connectivity between strong points of Benešov Konopiště chateau

Train station

Masaryk square

Point of interest for leisure and culture.

Point of interest for movement and transport.

Point of interest for comunity and economy

Based on group goal: People as a Priority To build an infrastructure that will make people less dependent on cars and more eficient movement through bike, foot and public transport.

LEGEND Natural surrounding Dwelling and factory surrounding Public and economic surrounding

Cross points First class road E55 Railway

ATU ATU Benešov Benešov


Eliška Valtrová Valtrová Eliška

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

ATU Benešov E55

Constraints and Potentials orrido

rail c

t cla ss r oad -E


it r

r s an ail rid

r co Masaryk square Venue of cultural events and farm markets.

Tyršova street Parking spaces as a barrier for movement of the people.

Tyršova street Commercial street.

Parking Missing parking for apartment house

Parking Not well used parking space.

Overpass To far from where is needed (train station, Tyršova st, Jiraskova st.).


Underpass E55 Narrow underpass. Pedestrians and cars are separated by provisional concrete panels.

.t IV

Inner Park Not well use public space within block of flats (homeless, drunk people)

nsit IV. tra

Train station parking Parking spaces as a barier for movement of the people comming from train station and crossing Nádražní st. r

Train station underpass Train underpass connect only one part of the Benešov. People cross railway on the ground. Existing overpas is cca 250 m away.

Industrial & storages areas Spatial impermeable barier

Crossing E55 Dangerous ground level crossing for people. One of the two connection to the Konopiště park.

First class road -

Konopiště park Leisure activities for local people (jogging, dog walking, walking).

Konopiště chateau Point of interest for visitors and magnificant sign of Benešov.

Konopiště chateau Train station Masaryk square

Point of interest for leisure and culture. Point of interest for movement and transport. Point of interest for comunity and economy or


Legend Linear barrier - railway (IV. transit rail corridor) - first class road (E55) Non valuable industrial areas

Valuable public spaces

Non valuable industrial buildings & storages Valuable greenery

Valuable buildings Problematic, not well used areas

boundaries of the solving area

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

Eliška Valtrová

+ uses terrain + can include basic facilites (WC, refreshment) + space for designing (lookout tower) + independent on transport flow - not fluent with the terrain

ATU Benešov Proposal solution - Large context ail c nsit r

+ fluent movement - against terrain structure - feel of danger - interrupt transport flow during contraction

IV. tra


r orrido



First class road -

Crossing E55 Shopping house with new connection to inner park

Underground parking house In need of lack of parking spaces (esp. for residents)

Public space Area for new public space.

Parking house current status: car park proposal status: parking house reason: reducing parking spaces on Tyršova street in favor of pedestrian


E55at • Create new pedestrian underpass the beginning of the train station as a new connection.

Pedestrian underpasses • Expand existing F rs pedestrian undert clplatform pass under the itrain to oppoas site part of the town. s roa

Underpass E55 Extend existing underpass for pedestrian line next to road

Konopiště park Leisure activities for citizens of Benešov (jogging, dog walking, walking)

Konopiště chateau Point of interest for visitors and magnificant sign of Benešov.

.t IV


Transformed area Centre of the outdoor sport activities

area: 30 200 m2 current status: industrial and storage place in residential area

location: area between Konopiště park and centre of the Benešov

it ns

il or Masaryk square - venue of cultural events and farm markets

Redesigned public space


Children playground

Place for sitting outdoor (cafe, restaurant)


r co


Legend Linear barrier - railway (IV. transit rail corridor) - first class road (E55) Valuable buildings

Boundaries of the solving area scale 1:5000

Comercial & residential character

Industrial & residential character

Natural character

Boundaries of the solving area scale 1:1000

Area of transformation Proposed new paths

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

Eliška Valtrová

+ -

Benešov residential area

Lookout tower (lift + stairs)

Pedestrian overpass (above I. class road)

Uses terrain Can include basic facilities (cafe, toilets, drinking water, shower) Space for designing (lookout tower) Not luent with the terrain Not enough space on residential side

Sport + leisure facilities (caffe, toilets, drinking water, shower)

+ +

Overpass ramp


Konopiště park

Overpass above E55

Underpass + -

Fluent movement Against terrain structure Feel of danger Interrupt transport low during constraction

ATU Benešov

Proposal solution - Crossing E55

Eliška Valtrová

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

Area of transformation - industrial buildings & storages

Outdoor gym


parčík + lavičky

Konopiště chateau

High school of engineering and construction

Skate park Climbing wall

Legend Existing paths used by people Existing paths used by people

ATU Benešov

Proposal solution - Area of transformation

Eliška Valtrová

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

Legenda / Legend Obousměrný provoz Two - way traffic Jednosměrný provoz One - way traffic Železnice Railway

ATU Benešov

Analysis - Area around Tyršova st. - Transport system

Eliška Valtrová

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

a st. čkov Vnou

Masaryk square

Pubic partner well accessible Pubic partner accessible with restrictions Public partner not well accessible Administration & production function Accommodation function Rezidential function Public space Accessible private space Inaccessible private space

Tyršova st.

Transport entrance

Husova st.

Pedestrian entrance

Jiráskova st.

Jiráskova st.

Husova st.


žní st.


ATU Benešov

Analysis - Area around Tyršova st. - Parter

Eliška Valtrová

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

Section Tyršova street

Proposal plan of solving area around Tyršova street

Location of problems in large context

Section Tyršova street

Section Tyršova street + Park

ATU Benešov

Proposal solution - Area around Tyršova st. - Proposal development

Eliška Valtrová

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

LEGEND Proposed buildings

Public park

Private Areas

Pedestrian walkway


One-way street

Private garden

Pedestrian walkway

Jiráskova street Pedestrian walkway

Seating area

Park Pedestrian walkway

One-way street


Pedestrian walkway

Tyršova street

Valuable buildings

LEGEND Residential

ATU Benešov


Proposal solution - Area around Tyršova st. - Master plan & section



Eliška Valtrová

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

ATU Benešov

Proposal solution - Area around Tyršova st. - 3D

Eliška Valtrová

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

Pedestrian walkway

Sitting area

Pedestrian walkway

Two-way street

Pedestrian walkway

Tyršova street





LEGEND Residential

ATU Benešov




Proposal solution - area around Tyršova street - 3D and section

Eliška Valtrová

FA ČVUT, 2013/2014

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