1 minute read
Art Response by Milena Ramirez
from Reflections 2022 Issue # 1
by Child Life and Creative Arts Therapy Department, Mount Sinai Kravis Children's
Artwork by Lauren Burkes-Moore, 19
Art Response
Lauren Burkes-Moore, 19
“Normally when I paint I just go on a whim and see what comes out from a piece or it’s pulled from a literal dream of mine. Those often turn out the best instead of forcing an idea on paper/canvas. For this painting, I was technically reminiscing on a time when I was in the hospital back in 2017/2018. At that time I was extremely sick and I had to relearn how to walk, talk, draw, etc. I remember wanting to see outside the window after being cooped in the room for a long time. I knew it was winter/spring at that time and all I wanted to see were some snow and flowers or even some green leaves peeking through the snow. Now that I think about it, this is kind of a melancholy piece since most of the time flowers don’t often bloom in the snow. So this piece was just like a bit of what I wished to see at that time.”