Common Powerstroke Problems & How to Solve Them. con’t When the 6.4L was introduced for the 2008 model year it came
and able to produce more power, all while reducing emissions
with a slew of new problems, brought on by all the components
levels to meet even tougher standards. Both the 6.4L and 6.7L
required to meet the strict new emissions requirements. These
stand to benefit the most from diesel lubricity additives and
engines required the use of 15ppm Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel
cleaners, which keep them in tip top condition for the best fuel
(ULSD) and a special API CJ-4 engine oil to be compatible with
economy and power. I recommend a combination cetane and
the on-board Diesel Particulate Filter. The 6.4L now incorporated
lubricity additive be used at every fill up such as, Hot Shot’s Secret
a common rail fuel system that was used for
Everyday Diesel Treatment
both Injection Control Pressure (ICP) and the fuel
(EDT), it will compensate for the
supply being injected into each cylinder. With this
poor diesel fuel quality at the
design lubrication of the High Pressure Pump
fuel pumps. EDT will help with
was done solely by the fuel. This made lubricity a
more power, fewer emissions
key factor which the new required ULSD fuel just
and less frequent regeneration
didn’t provide. A small amount of water in these
of the Diesel Particulate Filter,
complex fuel injection systems could now destroy it,
and will lead to longer life and
resulting in unbelievably large repair bills, requiring
improved fuel economy. Diesel
the replacement of the entire high pressure fuel
engines are the only powertrain
system. This failure happened so often Ford started
I have ever seen Ford promote
producing a kit, with all the components needed to
the use of additives for the fuel
help expedite the repair process and that kit alone
system, and I agree 100%, the
cost $4,100 plus labor. The high pressure fuel pumps
alternative is just way too costly
also incorporated volume control valves and pressure control
and not worth the risk. For more help with your Ford Powerstroke
valves that were extremely sensitive to any debris in the fuel
problems check out my YouTube page
system. The fuel injectors are of a piezo actuated design which is
user/FordTechMakuloco where I have playlists made for each of
a very precise fast acting design but is also extremely sensitive to
the Powerstroke engines detailing common problems and how to
fuel quality.
fix them.
The 6.7L Scorpion engine was an all-new in-house Ford design in 2011, which has proven to be very reliable compared to previous generation Powerstroke engines. The fuel system components are even more precise, allowing for extremely high pressures and multiple injections per cycle making them quieter, more efficient