02_energy lab design strategy

Page 1


design strategy 01

energy lab empower: invent, industrialise lucas ward


design strategy 01

Energy Lab Empower: Invent, Industrialise Lucas Ward Master of Architecture Plymouth University 2014


Part 01

01. Project Introduction Urban Strategy Masterplan Project Thread Project Synopsis 02. Existing Context The City The Site Site Photographs Site Model Industries Waste Schools Transport Infrastructure Political Social Economical Proposing Power State of the Industry 03. Site Analysis Analysis Diagrams Urban Grain Current Uses 04. Precedent Studies Building Study 01 Building Study 02 Building Study 03 Building Study 04 Building Study 05





Part 02

05. Architectural Proposal Building Proposition Building Progrgamme Industrial Processes Biomas Gassification Hydrogen Recovery Liquid Hydrogen Hydrogen Fuel Cells Hydrogen Fuel Stations Combined Process Innovation Technology Infrastructure Interaction Site Masterplan Core Ideas Concept Design Concept Models Concept Development Model Exploration Process and People Inside Personal Interaction Iside-out/Outside -In Programmatic Plans Energy Lab Model 06. Bibliography Printed Websites




project introduction

urban strategy masterplan project thread project synopsis

1.1 The architectural and urban approach that has been taken with the ‘empower’ project is a product of the social, economic, and political condition of Cieszyn.

urban strategy We came to the project with backgrounds in social and industrial design with the intention to produce a proposal that responded to the social needs of the city whilst providing a viable route for economical growth. From a political angle the strategy aims to provide the citizens with a more active role in their town, and provide spaces (virtual and real) for discussion. From a social angle the strategy aims to create connections, both physical and virtual to make living in Cieszyn easier, and to meet basic human needs. From an economical and urban angle, the strategy aims to provide a framework to encourage creative industries to push more traditional industries into an era of innovation- creating jobs and stimulating the economy.



masterplan The aim of the ‘empower’ Urban Strategy is to identify clusters of opportunity from which to form networks of knowledge and material exchange. The Master Plan aims to test the implementation of several of these clusters at the site of Hajduka square. At an urban scale, it can be seen there is a concentration of activity in this area. The Master Plan takes the same approach as the Urban Strategy at this smaller scale; 1. locating clusters of activity and opportunity 2. understanding processes within the clusters 3. designing spatial interventions to complement and enhance existing functions on site 4. ensuring these interventions will help to meet the wider aims of the urban strategy and vision for Cieszyn


1.3 The project follows and builds upon the energy lab thread from the Empower: Inevent and Industrialise Urban Strategy.


project thread

1.3 Energy Lab is the development of the ‘Cieszyn Energy Innovation Centre’ proposed in the Empower: Invent, Industrialise[E:I/I] Urban Strategy and sits as one of the main buildings in the Industrial Cluster of the E:I/I masterplan. Energy lab builds upon the need for improved physiological conditions in the city identified by E:I/I, in particular the need for a cleaner local atmosphere to. Energy Lab focuses on providing a viable alternative to coal fired power stations for both heat and power by bringing industry and education together in a creative environment that democratises technology in response to the basic human need for a clean, healthy, breathable environment and opens up the development and direction of energy provision in the city to its citizens. Waste streams from industries producing biological matter such as the local brewery, paper mills, cardboard packaging factory and

project synopsis saw mills will be utilised as raw material for energy production the procurement of this waste could be through a resource exchange or industrial symbiosis agreement, energy for material facilitated through the alliance set up as part of the urban strategy proposition. The production and subsequent use of Hydrogen is an industrial process that has the capability to use multiple forms of input, provide multiple forms of end product and output multiple forms of by-products. A process of waste matter from Industry types mentioned above converted to Hydrogen gas and subsequently Liquid Hydrogen as a storable energy source for use directly as a fuel for vehicles or through fuel cell conversion to electrical energy for heat and power will provide the core function of CEIC. Energy Lab seeks to change the way both Industrial Architecture and energy production is understood and their relationships with the public, the spaces they

occupy and the places they make using technology as a mediator. The project treats both the architecture and industrial processes as forms of infrastructure and technology instead of imoveable objects. Technological process infrastructure provides locations of fillable space that use localised inputs and outputs for specific potential development opportunities based on the ability to analyse the process for all inputs and outputs, of all types including heat, energy, wastes, recyclables in all stages of production it is possible to purposefully spread out the process so that it can be consciously manipulated, branched off, opened up and exploited in a precise manner turning inter-connections into interfaces that users can plug into for work, research, development, prototype and commercialisation. The spaces are ultimatley

designed by the technology that can support them and vice-versa creating a symbiotic relationship between architecture and technology that can be hacked by the user. Regarding the architecture as an infrastructure to fill the specified spaces as well as the infrastructure to support those spaces at a building physics level removes the feeling of permanence in the building allowing the users the freedom to adapt the architecture to their desired needs. Cieszyns transport system has already been identified as an integral part of the E:I/I network as a front line in providing information, Energy Lab will build on this, firstly, to provide the fuel for local busses and electricity for local trains and secondly as real world testing grounds of commercial transport power applications and will ultimately capitalise on the exposure of these technologies to people.


existing context

the city the site site photos site model current uses industries

wastes schools transport infrastructure energy political

economical social state of the industry


the city Cieszyn is a polish town in upper Silesia, with a rich history of industry, culture, religion and conflict. Its central european location and its rich resource base has seen it on the edge of many territories and thus its nationality and governance has often been under dispute. Historically it has been part of the Austro-Hungarian empire as an entire town, divided it has been under Polish/Czech & Soviet Union governance. In 1920, the border between Poland and former Czechoslovakia shifted and the town was divided into two parts, with the left-bank becoming the Czech town of ÄŒeskĂ˝ TesĂ­n a nd the right bank remaining as Cieszyn. Fundamentally, this division meant that many of the amenities of thetwo towns were badly divided, leaving one side lacking. and an emotional, cultural and physical disconnect between the two sides.


2.2 The site is currently used as a carpark and is situated to the north of Cieszyn Zamek. The site is a transitional point between the old town and the industrial district. A Brook and railway tracks pass through the site as well as a main access road to the local brewery and power stations. Cieszyns main historic and heritage centre over looks the site, access to this is poor and will be adressed in this proposal. Main roads in and out of the city as well as the border with the Czech republic are adjacent to the site. Access to other Empower: Invent/ Industrialise sites is available along footpaths within a few minutes walk and will be readily accessible with new transport infrastructrure.


the site The site is predominantly flat with only a 0.6m height difference. There is also a small house and work shop and public toilets on site, these will eventually be demolished and replaced with the same accommodation provisions but in a new integrated hydrogen powered building supplied by the Energy Lab.



site photographs


site model The site model was built in order to better understand the sites topography, particularly the relation ship between the Zamek plateau and te site and the brook and train lines, Model scale 1:200



industries Local and regional industries cover a wide spectrum of markets and products at varrying scales from the unique and local to internatioanl corporations. These can all benefit from partnering with the Alliance in order to share expertise and develop enrergy solutions tailored to there own needs, with Energy Lab benefiting form financial investment and sponsorships and advertising. Business partnerships can provide access to real world testing and implementation of new technologies as well as wider networking opportunities.


waste The city’s industries have been mapped and those producing suitable waste for use in the Energy lab as feed stock have been identified for the first stages of production, it is hoped that as the buildings technology develops over time the scope of useable waste streams will widen.



schools Local educational institutions can provide fresh, un-inhibited thinking and design without the financial pressures and time-scales of business partners. Energy Lab will inspire the next generation to remain in the area with a potential research, entrepreneurial and vocational opportunities and encourage students to take up studies in the core areas of Chemistry, Physics, Information technology and Design in line with regional developments aims in these areas.


2.8 An improved city transport infrastructure will provide the physical connections and public exposure to the Energy Lab necessary for the strategy to be successful. As primary users of these services, pupils and students will become familiar with the new physical and digital network and spaces, engaging with the future of Cieszyn from a young age. New bus routes and buses operating on hydrogen fuel and fuel cells as well as smaller train stops at key locations across the city will act as testing grounds for new technology and as ubiquitous technologies. A hydrogen fuel cell in a bus is a high tech real world application of technology developed in Energy Lab however a bus is perceived as a low tech environment ,of course buses are very complex but are common place therefore the barriers of complexity are broken down through familiarity. Using ubiquitous commerce and


transport graphic interfaces, and subtle colour changes operational information on the buses technology, efficiency, fuel rates and other key information packets can be displayed this information is both explicit and implicit and users will store this through exposure on the transport network. When visiting Energy Lab regardless of how much prior technical knowledge the user has they can understand how the building works through being exposed to a scaled down version of the technology.


infrastructure Overground district heating supplied by the coal fired powerstation. Existing utilities infrastructure will be renovated with priority given to the district heating system and offering the current operator Cieszynska Energetyka to partner with the alliance with the ultimate goal of replacing out dated coal powered technologies with systems developed inside Energy Lab recognising that heating and power cannot be solely provided within the Energy Lab site. Energy Lab will however aim to power all other E:I/I sites as part of the strategies wider awareness and informal education aims.


2.10 As the main tool for the implementation of the voivodeship development policy, the strategy specifies the scope of actions being taken by regional authorities and is a reference point for planning, zoning and programme initiatives and documents executed at the regional and local level, also by groups of professionals. The first Slaskie Voivodeship Development Strategy was adopted by the Sejmik of the Slaskie Voivodeship in 2000. After five years, as a result of changing economic and social conditions and new principles of running regional policy after Polish accession to the European Union, the Strategy was updated in the ‘2000-2020 Slaskie Voivodeship Development Strategy’ document. In 2008, regional authorities again updated this key strategic document of the region. The vision of development formulated in the Slaskie 2020’ Strategy stresses the necessity to improve the quality of public services and the economic development of the region, at the same time being a continuation of already implemented paths of


political development of the voivodeship. On the basis of this vision and with a time horizon set for 2020, strategic objectives have been set, followed by specification of the directions of actions and undertakings. The Slaskie Voivodeship will be a region ensuring a high standard of public services, having a modern and technologically advanced economy, and a significant partner in the process of European development.

2.11 Another group of areas at risk of marginalization consists of urban areas and urban areas of former industry centres, the growth rate of which significantly decreased. They are affected by impoverishment of the population and a decline in investment. The problem of concentration of poverty, social pathology, and loss of economic functions increasingly affects also some districts situated in the most dynamic cities. The challenge in regard to the above areas is the use of restructuring instruments and the instruments of recovery for large urban areas, support for a comprehensive revitalization and restructuring of the socioeconomic areas in the smaller spatial scales. This challenge involves the introduction of a national urban policy as an important element of regional policy.


social The areas at risk of marginalization processes include also some border areas particularly vulnerable to adverse events associated with the low national territorial availability, cultural and social differences and the drain of endogenous regional potentials by foreign regions. The regional policy towards these types of territories addresses measures designed to reduce barriers, increase economic cooperation, political and intercultural dialogue and to increase the competitiveness and attractiveness in both economic and social terms, enabling a full use of endogenous development potentials.

2.12 The contribution of Polish regions to achieving national development objectives varies. The main creators of growth and employment are the regions with competitive and innovative economy, and especially the largest and the most dynamic urban centres located in their area. The uneven pace of development and threats arising from the increase in disparities between and within regions , social groups or sectors of the economy require the economic policy to address the challenges related to the elimination of backlog and support for improving the competitiveness. Therefore, in addition to the support for growth poles, it is important to create conditions for balanced territorial development. The development of factors capable of spreading the development processes should take place in two dimensions: by expanding the largest positive impact areas of the voivodeship centres and by strengthening the absorption capacity in areas of the voivodeship - in the sub-regional cities, poviat cities and rural areas.


economical One of the major drivers of economic growth and the spread of development processes is a modern transport infrastructure, understood functionally as a condition to open other possibilities of using resources and development opportunities. Poor transport accessibility of some Polish areas, especially the cities where social and economic functions are concentrated and the most important government authorities are located, is one of the major barriers to development.


proposing power

The replacement method of energy production needs to be both viable in terms of maturity and ability to work immediately in its current state of technological and commercial advancement and yet be in a state of infancy to allow for it to develop and evolve freely. The production and subsequent use of Hydrogen is an industrial process that has the capability to use multiple forms of input, provide multiple forms of end product and output multiple forms of by-products. There are also many cyclical stages and internal recycling possibilities. A process of waste matter from Industry types mentioned above converted to Hydrogen gas and subsequently Liquid Hydrogen as a storable energy source for use directly as a fuel for vehicles or through fuel cell conversion to electrical energy for heat and power will provide the core function of the Energy Lab. Utilisation of the by-products from the core production will be left to the needs of individual user groups, many of these byproducts are highly pure raw elements or synthetic compounds,


where not used, they will be either recycled back into the core process or sold on to other industries as appropriate. Multiple existing renewable energy sources such as Solar and Hydro can be used to provide initial and supplementary power, some sub-processes can produce the energy source for other subprocesses.


state of the industry

Overview. Fuel cells are becoming well established in a number of markets where they are now recognised as a better technology option than conventional internal combustion engine generators or batteries. As such, shipments of fuel cell systems in 2012 continued to grow, almost doubling versus the previous year to reach a total of 45,700 units. The first half of 2013 has continued the momentum in new orders for fuel cell systems showing growth for the industry. Transport. The majority of fuel cell buses shipped in 2012 were destined for European locations, thanks to demonstration projects initiated with funding allocated by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) – the public-private entity responsible for the distribution of EU Framework Programme funding for hydrogen and fuel cells. In December 2012 the FCH JU published ‘Urban buses: alternative powertrains for Europe’. The report collates findings from 40 companies and


government organisations on eight powertrain technologies available to urban buses from 2012 to 2030. Fueling Stations 27 new hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) were opened worldwide in 2012, bringing the total number of HRS in service to 208 as of March 2013, with 80 in Europe, 76 in North America, 49 in Asia, and three elsewhere. Comparing against a total of twelve new HRS opened in the previous year gives an annual increase in new HRS openings of 225%, indicative of the market preparation for the impending commercialisation of FCEV. Electrolysis Electrolysis can also complement renewable electricity as an energy storage mechanism to balance the variability inherent with renewable sources. Large centralised electrolysers can take the role of dispatchable power plants to aid supply-side management, ramping up to meet peaks in supply. Small distributed electrolysers could also enable demand-side management, dependent on the capability of the

grid to transport excess electricity and the amount of hydrogen storage available at the sites. Even without its use as a transport fuel, hydrogen is rapidly becoming recognised as an important energy storage medium. On site generators On-site generation of hydrogen, whether through water electrolysis or natural gas reformation, is an exciting alternative to the bulk delivery of hydrogen by tanker to refuelling sites – a model that is not far removed from the conventional fuel distribution system. In June 2013 Air Products introduced a new high-output offering to its PRISM line of on-site hydrogen generation systems. Running on natural gas, the system combines proprietary reformer technology with pressure swing adsorption and can produce 4,500 standard cubic metres of hydrogen per hour. Liquid Fuels Liquid fuels offer a compelling alternative to compressed gaseous hydrogen, particularly when considering fuel distribution and ease of use. As the name suggests, direct methanol fuel cells us the fuel as is – SFC

Energy’s range of products continue to be the most successful commercially [2013 Data - FCT, LBST and TÜV SÜD]


site analysis

diagrams urban grain current uses


analysis diagrams

industrial and cultural corridors



high volume of educational institutions



exploitation of the border



utilising waste streams



Road Network



Railway Tracks



Paths Edges Landmarks Districts





The history of the site means that the grain can loosly be characterised into traditional 18/19th century tightly packed terraces, and later industrial shed typology.


urban grain

proposed terrace

existing terrace


In order that spatial proposals sit legibly within their given sites, appropriate existing urban grain examples from the site have been applied.

proposed mix proposed shed

existing mix existing sheds Filling the site right to the borders with a small shared courtyard, the terrace typology is outward looking and dense. To achieve the same effect two terraces have been continued

to enclose a courtyard and emphsise the adjacent public space. The sheds sit in the centre of its site, with service areas all around in order to maximise external circulation.



current uses The site sits in a transition area between the industrial district and the city centre and the railway line and one of the most important histrical sites in Cieszyn. Therfore the functions of the surrounding buildings are varied. Adjacent buildings are documented in the following pages.



08. Surgery [ dentistry, x-ray, gynaecology, ear nose and throat, hearing aids]

21. Zamek Cieszyn [pod wieza guestrooms]

24. Restaurant

26. Haridressers


25. electronics Shop

27. Public toilets

29. Residential

31. Motorcycle shop

33. Babies’ and Children’s clothing and accessories



Linemans cottage with kiosk vendor


34. Cooperative Store

35. Clothes shop

36. Window repair and fitters

38. Hairdressing, cosmetics, beauty products service and retail



precedent studies

proposition programme gassification hydrogen liquid hydrogen fuel cells

fuel stations processes innovation technology infrastructure interaction

masterplan core ideas concept design concept models development model exploration

process/people inside personal outside - in plans

4.1 The Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (MOCAK), designed in order to achieve balance between past and the future, built in pavilions of the former Schindler’s Factory, opens an important chapter in cultural life of the city. The area designated for the new museum coincides partly with the industrial pavilions of Schindler’s Factory. The industrial roof-lines of the existing buildings have become a motive, a visual element carried through the entire project, evoking, in this case, the continuity between preexisting and new construction.


m.c.a. krakow Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow, Poland Claudio Nardi Architetto 2007-2010

top lighting acheived through overhead glazing on a main circulation route

large structural elements

large openings used for natural lighting

contemporary interpretation of industrial archetype

4.2 The river Danube fascinates in Budapest for its fast flow on its trajectory down­ward from the Schwarzwald to the Black Sea. While the Danube both separates and unites Buda and Pest, the CET aims at reestablishing visual contact at this point between the two sides of the river. Newly planned inviting terraces will visually open the once hermetic Közraktárak to the University and the Gellért Hotel. Hopefully a watertaxi system will be re-introduced to create direct connections for the people between the two sides as well. The body of the CET landmark building is developed along the flow of the Danube. Its architectural and urban expression evolves with the direction of the flow. The CET’s origin stems from the side of the city centre, grows in size between the two parallel existing buildings of the Közraktárak and then culminates at the south side, the side of the National Theatre and the new Cultural Centre, in a striking landmark build­ing. [ONL]


cet building CET Building Budapest, Hungary ONL 2011

large over arching structure with intiguing design

suspended lamp lighting holds a subtle industrial feel

large main space looked in on from both sides

this image begins to reveal the feel and materiality of the main lab floor especially when viewed from the higher levels.

4.3 The Financial Times Printworks was commissioned to accommodate two state-of-theart printing presses, publishing and production facilities. Until the Printworks was decommissioned, the presses were fully visible to commuters from the East India Dock Road through a long glazed screen.

f.t. printworks Financial Times Printworks Docklands, UK Grimshaw Architects 1988

large over arching structure with intiguing design

[Grimshaw Architects]

Allowing the public to freely see and interact with the internal activities and exhibiting the processes is a strong idea that I will use in my own design.

suspended lamp lighting holds a subtle industrial feel

large main space looked in on from both sides

this image begins to reveal the feel and materiality of the main lab floor especially when viewed from the higher levels.



ibc innovation factory

The IBC Innovation Factory is the result of a refurbishment project of the paint manufacturer GORI’s factory from 1978, which set new standards for factories at the time. In the spirit of the original factory, schmidt hammer lassen architects, in collaboration with International Business College (IBC) Kolding, has created the settings for a groundbreaking and creative learning environment, aiming to become the world’s best. The ambition is to be a training camp for future innovators.

IBC Innovation Factory Kolding, Denmark Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects 2009

With the acquisition of the GORI factory in the summer of 2010, the IBC gained access to a unique physical environment characterized by an impressive pioneering spirit and vision. It was the first factory plant in Denmark to unite production and management in one large room, allowing visual connection between the two,” explained Founding Partner at schmidt hammer lassen architects, Mr

John Foldbjerg Lassen, and he continued, “The large paint tanks were decorated by the French artist Jean Dewasne, in the conviction that art in the workplace would inspire employees and provide a better working environment. The same idea inspired the incorporation of badminton courts and Ping-Pong tables on the production floor for the employees.


stimulating environment

informal collaborative work spaces

overlapping spaces

[Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects]


google data centre

‘Thousands of feet of pipe line the inside of our data centers. We paint them bright colors not only because it’s fun, but also to designate which one is which. The bright pink pipe in this photo transfers water from the row of chillers (the green units on the left) to a outside cooling tower’ Google has been working for years to optimize our data center designs in order to minimize our environmental footprint. A good example is at our Douglas County, Georgia facility where we built a water processing facility and treatment plant in order to make sure our water usage didn’t take fresh water away from the local community[google]


googel data centre Douglas County, georgia, USA Undisclosed design team

brightly coloured infrastructure is both playful and practical for identification

services are completely exposed and run along ciriculation routes

integrated support services and core processes

energy lab


design strategy 02

energy lab empower: invent, industrialise lucas ward


design strategy 02

Energy Lab Empower: Invent, Industrialise Lucas Ward Master of Architecture Plymouth University 2014


Part 01

01. Project Introduction Urban Strategy Masterplan Project Thread Project Synopsis 02. Existing Context The City The Site Site Photographs Site Model Industries Waste Schools Transport Infrastructure Political Social Economical Proposing Power State of the Industry 03. Site Analysis Analysis Diagrams Urban Grain Current Uses 04. Precedent Studies Building Study 01 Building Study 02 Building Study 03 Building Study 04 Building Study 05





Part 02

05. Architectural Proposal Building Proposition Building Progrgamme Industrial Processes Biomas Gassification Hydrogen Recovery Liquid Hydrogen Hydrogen Fuel Cells Hydrogen Fuel Stations Combined Process Innovation Technology Infrastructure Interaction Site Masterplan Core Ideas Concept Design Concept Models Concept Development Model Exploration Process and People Inside Personal Interaction Iside-out/Outside -In Programmatic Plans Energy Lab Model 06. Bibliography Printed Websites




architectural proposal

proposition programme gassification hydrogen liquid hydrogen fuel cells

fuel stations processes innovation technology infrastructure interaction

masterplan core ideas concept design concept models development model exploration

process/people inside personal outside - in plans


building proposition

Energy Lab is a multi user energy production and research destination at the apex of two new axes. The site includes a new station stop, new access to Zamek, a fuelling and distribution centre, a new square with ground floor retail, business and food outlets. lett-able office space for business start-ups, accomodation for visitors and private housing. These elements provide ‘in-house’ testing grounds for real world applications of technology and will be Cieszyns first urban block to be hydrogen powered. The Energy Lab has four main areas; Delivery and storage of feedstock wastes, Energy Lab Floor, Public interaction, educational, research and office spaces and a fueling and distribution centre. These key areas are connected by and supported by with circulation and services, a large spine wall.


The building also provides a through fare between the new station stop and Zamek. The main facade between the Energy Lab Floor will provide external workshop face and reveal the inner workings of Cieszyn’s energy production. Industrial archetypes have been used to act as a reminder to the buildings function as an energy provider and that Cieszyn’s Industry has not been lost.


building programme

Industrial Spaces:

Office and Research Spaces:

Delivery Bays Storage Hoppers Panel Store Panel Preparation Panel Loading Motor Room Gas Store Water Treatment Facility Augers Conveyor Belt Network Solar Fuel Lab Solar fuel growing Cloakroom Applied Devices Workshops Fuel Cell Array Energy Lab Floor Liquefaction Centre Cryogenic Storage Tanks Fuel Cell and Electrolysis Fuelling Pumps Communications Room Server Room Air Handling Plant Air Filtration/ Oxygen Extraction Pump Room Fuelling Station Plug-in Pods Plug in workstations

Private Offices Management Suite Conference Room Kitchen Ticket Office Rail Staff room Staff Room Solar Fuel Research Electrolysis Research Reception Training and Induction Suite Basement Carpark and Service Zone


Public and Semi Private Spaces: Public Interaction and Showcase Cafeteria Observation Tower Spine Wall Circulation Water Filtration Bridge Lecture Theatre Main Reception Station Waiting Rooms Station Platforms Colonnade Bus Stops Zamek Bridge Walk Exhibition Space Classrooms Viewing gallery Power Array Tower


industrial processes

The demand of hydrogen grew as the world´s consumption of refinery products increased by ever growing industrialisation. The demand for better and more abundant automotive fuels called for better yields from the limited feedstock crude oil. In turn the demand for hydrogen grew. For previous generations, the idea that we could use solar energy to produce electricity or fuel may have appeared as a remote vision. But today, harnessing the power of the sun has become a reality; photovoltaic solar panels are an increasingly common sight. Scientists are now working towards another great breakthrough: mimicking photosynthesis, nature’s way of making fuel from sunlight, on a commercial scale.


Recent scientific breakthroughs mean that, in the laboratory, it is now possible to mimic photosynthesis and to use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce fuels. A future where we could run our cars and factories on clean, sustainable fuel is not just a vision. There is increasing momentum in the global scientific and engineering community to develop the chemistry and technologies that will make fuels from sunlight to limit the impact we have on our planet. Alan J Heeger Professor of Physics and of Materials Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of California at Santa Barbara


biomass gassification

Poritaqu iscipsam quiamet odita demque pos et omnite numqui vitibus ma dolore verum non reperum quatibus, iducilique qui offic tor sinimpore velisci comnis volor acit ut quam, sitibusae p


Poritaqu iscipsam quiamet odita demque pos et omnite numqui vitibus ma dolore verum non reperum quatibus, iducilique qui offic tor sinimpore velisci comnis volor acit ut quam, sitibusae p

Large scale hydrogen plant in Australia



hydrogen recovery

The use of the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) process has seen tremendous growth during the last decades mainly due to its simplicity and low operating costs. Major


applications have been the recovery of high purity hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide as well as the generation of nitrogen and oxygen.

Large scale pressure swing absorption plant in Germany Capacities range from a few hundred Nm続/h to large scale plants with more than 400,000

Nm続/h. The hydrogen product meets every purity requirement up to 99.9999 mol-% and is achieved at highest recovery rates.



liquid hydrogen

For highest density and economy space storage, hydrogen must be cooled and liquefied. Industrial hydrogen liquefaction uses a variety of processes with helium, hydrogen or gas mixtures as coolant.

There are two dominant methods for the efficient storage of hydrogen: in tanks under high pressure at ambient temperature, and in insulated vessels at low pressure and extremely low temperature (–253 °C).

The hydrogen feed to the process is first cooled by liquid nitrogen, then further cooled in multistage heat exchangers, where the cooling power is provided by turbo expanders. Liquefaction is finally accomplished by throttling in a Joule-Thomson valve. The liquid hydrogen is stored in an insulated tank for further distribution.

Cryogenic liquefied hydrogen (LH2) has the advantages of a much greater energy content per unit volume and a smaller volume requirement for storage. The challenge for long-term storage of cryogenic hydrogen is to reduce the evaporation rate, which means insulating the storage vessel.


Cryotanks are doublewalled metal vessels with a vacuum between the two containers and use of a special form of insulation.

Liquefaction for Highest Density Hydrogen Solutions, Linde Kryotechnik AG


hydrogen fuel cells

A fuel cell is like a battery in that it generates electricity from an electrochemical reaction. Both batteries and fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy and also, as a by-product of this process, into heat. However, a battery holds a closed store of energy within it and once this is depleted the battery must be discarded, or recharged by using an external supply of electricity to drive the electrochemical reaction in the reverse direction. A fuel cell, on the other hand, uses an external supply of chemical energy and can run indefinitely, as long as it is supplied with a source of hydrogen and a source of oxygen (usually air). The source of hydrogen is generally referred to as the fuel and this gives the fuel cell its name, although there is no combustion involved. Oxidation of the hydrogen instead takes place electrochemically in a very efficient way.


During oxidation, hydrogen atoms react with oxygen atoms to form water; in the process electrons are released and flow through an external circuit as an electric current. Fuel cells can vary from tiny devices producing only a few watts of electricity, right up to large power plants producing megawatts. All fuel cells are based around a central design using two electrodes separated by a solid or liquid electrolyte that carries electrically charged particles between them. A catalyst is often used to speed up the reactions at the electrodes. Fuel cell types are generally classified according to the nature of the electrolyte they use. Each type requires particular materials and fuels and is suitable for different applications.

Fuel cell basics, technology types, Fuel Cell Today


hydrogen fuel stations

Solar electrolysis. Using clean, renewable, solar electricity (produced onsite) to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen demonstrates the completely renewable potential of fuel


cell technology. In fuel cells, the hydrogen and oxygen are recombined, producing electricity for vehicles, and the same amount of water that went into the system in the first place.

Hydrogen fuel cell bus



Combined Process Research on hydrogen production technologies, biomass conversion, solar fuels and applications and distribution there-of has enabled me to combine these processes into a multi stage production line with various input and out puts alongside the core input of waste feedstock and hydrogen output. This setup will act as the foundation for future innovation and invention and is not a fixed solution. It has been purposefully designed to allow future additions as well as to be completely replaced eventually. These processes and technological infrastructures are proven methods and have the capacity to produce 1000’s of litres of hydrogen a day, this core production can remain unaffected whilst research, development and advancement takes place and subsequently replaces the original equipment proposed here.



pharmaceuticals liquid nitrogen

future waste input

storage tank


heat recovery

storage tank

storage tank

synthetic fuel


purification and bottling

carbon dioxide



hopper 01

gasification 01

gasification 02


separator 02

filtration 01

filtration 02

filtration 03

filtration 04

storage tank

pressure swing absorption

industrial uses

packaging wastes

saw mill wastes

hopper 03

commercial applications

hot gas

hopper 04







cooling 04


fuel truck distribution storage tank



bio-oil tank

heat exchanger

further distilations

nitrogen generator

new technology


big engines



hydrogen fuel cell



generator power distribution board

dc electric current

self power


e:i/i sites


ac converter


product development

photo-catalytic hydrogen

water tank

hydrogen production

thermo-chemical sunlight

reed beds

storage tank

hydrogen power cells

wind turbine

u.v. filtration

river water


ionic compression

new research posts

rain water


oxygen tank

cryo-truck distribution

air cars and generators


artificial photosynthesis pyrolysis


small engines

distribution centre

busses, lorries and light rail hydrogen

storage tanks

proton electrolyser

saleable nitrogen

scale down for in situ applications

low pa pressure tank

mechanical compression vapouriser

liquid hydrogen

big engines



potential link up

stage 01 compression

high pressure tanker distribution

small engines


hydrogen tank


syn gas tank


city and urban scale

storage tanks

improve effeciency

synthetic fuels

heavy oils


future waste input

energy lab empower: invent, industrialise

cooling 03

gas recirculation conveyors

industrial waste resource streams

mechanical compression

ionic compression

hopper 02 delivery

cooling 02

cryogenic storage

dryer paper pulp

cooling 01

fertilisers purification and bottling

brewery wastes

high pressure storage


storage tank

multi-stage heat exchanger

fuel and power production

oxygen photo-biological water

distribution and application

5.4 The replacement method of energy production needs to be both viable in terms of maturity and ability to work immediately in its current state of technological and commercial advancement and yet be in a state of infancy to allow for it to develop and evolve freely. the production and subsequent use of hydrogen is an industrial process that has the capability to use multiple forms of input, provide multiple forms of end product and output multiple forms of by-products. there are also many cyclical stages and internal recycling possibilities. Utilisation of the by-products from the core production will be left to the needs of individual user groups, many of these byproducts are highly pure raw elements or synthetic compounds, where not used, they will be either recycled back into the core process or sold on to other industries as appropriate.


innovation Multiple existing renewable energy sources such as solar and hydro can be used to provide initial and supplementary power, some sub-processes can produce the energy source for other subprocesses.


technology By setting up the current hydrogen production process as the first stage of a technology, regardless of how long the production method has been accepted as the norm, it is now viewed as something that wants to evolve as technology ‘naturally’ does, and in general, technology is regarded in the public eye as something creative, innovative and of the future. By analysing the process for all inputs and outputs of all types including heat, energy, wastes, recyclables in all stages of production it is possible to purposefully spread out the process so that it can be consciously manipulated, branched off, opened up and exploited in a precise manner turning inter-connections into interfaces that users can plug into for work, research, development, prototype and commercialisation.





infrastructure Architecture and Technology work together, informing each other, working closely together but also allow each other to adapt to changing circumstances bought about by advancement. The architecture must facilitate the process as a technological infrastructure supporting its want to evolve and therefore the building fabric is designed to accommodate as many future scenarios as possible by providing a constant ‘zero point’ and highly flexible open layout in both the X,Y and Z axis for each. The technology infrastructure must facilitate its own self evolution and support parallel technologies that feed in to it and out of it. Together they must facilitate a user environment conducive to knowledge sharing, collaboration, innovation and invention, for the democratisation of technology and ultimately facilitating total inclusivity of technology.



interaction Human to technology interaction is classified in two ways; explicit and implicit. Human to technology interaction will have to exist in two simultaneous states Hierarchical, with sub categories of Top – down and Bottom – up, and democratic, each opperating across three simultaneous levels; low tech, high tech and no tech Through ubiquitous commerce technology is made to appear everywhere and anywhere, the seemingly high tech will be integrated into the everyday, the seemingly low tech, busses, trains, key civic and tourist locations, park lighting, information boards, interactive exhibitions and other E:I/I sites. A passive education to help facilitate a cultural shift in favour of new technologies and their real world applications and integration into daily life, working again to democratise technology.



site masterplan

micro production units fuel cells H H

hydrocarbon H C C H gases H H transport companies


communities with ideas

communities with solution


businesses with ideas

businesses with solution


students with ideas

students with solution


inquisitive tourists

informed tourists



brewery waste paper pulp

wood chippings dry cardboard/



people - in

synthetic fuel

hydrogen fuel hydrogen gas


people - out





core ideas 01. Balancing democratic access to technologies with a simultaneous hierarchical approach and allowing both systems, and the actors involved, to learn from one another. 02. Spaces form around the technology as needed for as long as needed, actors are able to interact with these with different levels of purpose some may just be accidental encounters others direct and informed. 03. Spaces support core idea 01 so that core idea 02 can evolve and grow and not become static.







sketch showing a 3d matrix that allows free placement of movement, processes and pods whilst all tying back to a ‘zero point’ with the spine wall


concept design


concept section showing a full array of production equipment and plug in pods with research, support and circulation bounding it. a clear spanning structure and south facing envelope provides

mounting locations for solar renewable energy devices and solar fuels research.



concept long section showing a full array of production equipment and plug in pods.



Concept plan showing zones that could support a temporary pod based on expansion potential and localised outputs.

Core process and subsequaenly the most permanent would located closest to the wall with newest and most temporary being furthest form the wall and closest to the public realm



Concept diagram showing the movement and overlap of actors and core funtionalty



Concept sketch showing an over arching structure providing the main energy lab floor with a clear opperating space and southern spaces wrapping around to gain from maximum sunshine hours.



concept models Concept site model showing main axes with changes in mass. Axis one shows change from city[lower] transitioning to the industrial district [larger] and axis two shows changes from station stop and street front [lower] to rear of site and Zamek [larger]. The main industrial processes are represented by the large volume bisecting the transitional mass of city and industrial from the apex of the axes to the main street and orientated north - south. Model Scale 1:500.

industrial processes volume

01. city to industrial quarter axis

02. station to zamek axis


5.11.2 Concept model rationalising the site axis of city to indstry as a linear form. The model expresses four zones defined in edge with bisecting circulation, and levels of permeability and accessabilty in facade material, ranging from solid to open. A spine wall clearly defines one side and is a common element shared by all four zones. The spine wall will act as circulation for both people, processes and support services. The four zones depicted are; a private and enclosed support services area for raw material delivery, a semi private main industrial production floor, a public interactive educational zone and a semi public processing and distribution centre.


processing and distribution

interactive education

main porduction floor

delivery and support

spine wall


concept development Sectional isometric sketch showing; energy production processes and technologies [blue]; circulation and spine wall [red]; clear spanning structure [orange] and plug in pods [green]. Pods are placed in the optimal location for the activity they contain by determining the localised outputs of process technologies. A three dimensional regular grid of 2400mm provides maximum flexibility and design potential for plug in pods whilst maintaining a standard material dimension for most effecient construction of pre fabricated panels.


5.12.2 Sectional isometric sketches showing an initial location and setup of a temporary pod and then the act of dismantling and reassembly in a new configuration and location with new services and technology placed on the lab floor and external surfaces.



model exploration Development model used to test an idea for a main facade onto the street. This model is inspired by the Helsinki Univerisity Main Library by Anttinen Oiva Architects, the use of thick walls and a rigid facade would provide the strong industrial easthietic I am persuing yet the larger softer curved openings reveal a more welcoming side. Model Scale 1:100

large, flowing openings

rigid orthoganal facade

heavy construction aesthetic

Š Mika Huisman


Helsinki University Main Library Kaisaniemenkatu, Helsinki, Finland 2012 Anttinen Oiva Architects

5.13.2 Model exploring views between spaces. Openings in the main facade allow restricted views of key elements, structural openenings provide a clear threshold between servant and served spaces yet maintain visual connections. Model Scale 1:50

views from servant spaces into main lab floor

glimpse of chimney tower through facade openings

main lab floor with people interacting with processes

large exposed structure



Day Natural light

Night Artificial light

Sectional element model of spine wall, exploring the use of a heavier pre cast concrete external wall with a lighter, more permeable inner wall partioning circulation from the lab floor. Upper walkway levels with openings allow for light to pass down and servives to run vertically, services will also be suspended from below and exposed. Model Scale 1:50 top lit space

lighter translucent partition

heavy concrete construction

opening in floor deck for light, ventilation and services

Caja Granada Savings Bank Spain 2001 Alberto Campo Baeza


5.13.4 Model exploring Inter building connectivity using external, underground and bridge connnections providing users different experiences of the same space whilst providing clear distinctions between public, transition and private areas. Model Scale 1:100

walkway through building

landmark and focal point

vertical circulation

bridge connection between zamek and train stop

underground lecture space inter-building circulation

Univeristat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona


5.13.5 Site model showing; initial massing and site layout; heavy and light weight materiality and key routes and nodes. Model Scale 1:500

landmark and focal point

industrial aesthetic

main axis through site

connection to community lab and pre fab lab


5.13.6 Section model through main energy lab floor. This model test the three dimensional matrix for pod and plug in spaces. Temporary columns and beams are set out on a 2400mm grid. Core processes [blue] are set out closest to the wall with support and services plant [orange/red]

set out as needed. plug in spaces [green] and pods are located within the matrix where the technology best supports there needs. The fold out pages documents a sequence of pods and plug in spaces being located within the energy lab. Model Scale 1:50 spine wall

core production processes and technologies

temporary structure

new technology introduced into core process

support and service plant

2400mm grid for temporary structures



5.13.6 Section model through main energy lab floor. This model test the three dimensional matrix for pod and plug in spaces. Plug in spaces [green] could consist of in-situ research area, workshops and demonstration zones.

Furniture for these spaces would be designed using the 2400mm module and fractions/multiples of, in order that furniture and fixings could be used both in a plug in pods and on the lab floor. Plug in spaces would also use real time data and interactive displays Model Scale 1:50 plug in workstation using four floor modules

researchers carrying out in-situ studies

temporary structure for optimum test device location core process and technology

lab floor plug in space

plug in pod accessed from spine wall


5.13.7 model exploring possible human scale interaction with the energy lab as a building but also its technological infrastructure. The smart card is both digital and analogue, physical tools such as screwdriver head and a spanners would act in a ‘swiss knife’ manner along with digital access and storage capabilities.

The smart I.D. card would allow users varying levels of access and interaction depending on user background and purpose in the energy lab as well as time spent in the building and using its equpment. Ubiquitous technologies and near field data points would transmit data to and from id card to data diplays and control panels ‘unlocking’ more ‘advanced’ options as well as helpful information based on skill level Model Scale 1:1

user info displayed graphically for quick identifacation

connector for door, computer and data storage

smart id card provides user with access to spaces and data

plug in pod access doors



hopper loading bay stage 01 gasifier separator

stage 02 gasifier


distillation column



storage tank

multi stage filtration

bio-oil tank

synthetic gas tank storage tank compressed gas tanks pressure swing absorption towers

oxygen tanks

compressed alkane gasses

ionic compressor

hydrogen gas tanks hydrogen power cell stack

micro process setup

low pressure hydrogen tanks

core technological infrastructure and production processes within the energy lab


plug-in units supported by localised process outputs and technological infrastructure

university researchers in-situ group discussion

smart i.d. card unlocks detailed process telemetary and control g.u.i.

weekly, open workshop event hosted by ‘fablab’

day visitors using real-time data interactive display panels

plug-in units supported by localised process outputs and technological infrastructure school workshop

phd researcher presenting prototype design

impromptu stop off on new route connecting zamek and train stop

young entrepreneur event organised by community brain

construction lab technician over-seeing pod construction


key and actors and public interaction within the energy lab

workshop stations provide multiple digital and analogue tools


inside the energy lab

View from second floor research spaces and classrooms, overlooking the energy lab floor with views through the roof to the observation and cooling tower


large north facing windows span full width of the energy lab

solar thermal and p.v systems along with photocatalytic and solar fuel arrays mounted onto south facing roof areas

hydrogen power cell array at the apex of technology and pedestrian routes aims to self power the energy lab

tower provides roof array observation, exhaust heat capture and recircualtion and serves as a visual reminder of the function of the energy lab

process pipework, supporting plant and pod connections use the full volume of spine wall for circulation

panel store

scaled down energy lab process acts as a show case for on site commercial applications and an interactive installation using organic waste from cafeteria and internal offices for hydrogen production

Perspective section through the energy lab

underground parking allows for maintenance access to supporting plant rooms , water treatment facility, substation and lecture spaces

plug-in units can be custom designed and placed around process technology providing spaces above and below


personal interaction

students configuring plug-in pod

real time data on process performance

phd researcher leading a school field trip

community brain field expert using interacive display to look up todays peak demand output

workshops taking place in a stimulating and immersive environment


Individual smart id cards support all user backgroundsand optimise implicit interaction within the energy lab



Public installations and interactive education



Workshops taking place in a stimulating and immersive environment



‘zero point’ people, process and infrastructure circulation



temporary work, research and activity pods integrated into localised building and technology infrastructure



during the day workshops and activities will spill out on to the street underneath the large overhanging canopy of the roof



at night the idustrial towers becomes illuminated sculptures on the energy lab floor


programmatic plans

energy lab public circulation lab support management research testing water support plant scale 1:300


ground floor

first floor

second floor


looking north

model scale 1:200 base: 850 x 900 mm


energy lab model

model showing whole proposition on site topography model, the design has developed since model construction however these have just been minor amendments to the envelope

looking south


looking east


looking west


looking to Zamek, through main axis, from the new station stop


looking to station stop, through main axis, from base of Zamek

main enterance from new square and city

overview of new square




7.1 Dr D Carter, J Wing, Johnson Matthey PLC, Fuel Cell Today [May 2012], Fuel Cell Basics Dr D Carter, J Wing, Johnson Matthey PLC, Fuel Cell Today [2013], Fuel Cell Industry Review Linde, Linde AG, Hydrogen Linde, Linde AG, Hydrogen Recovery by Pressure Swing Absoption

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Linde, Linde AG, Liquid Hydrogen

http://www.archdaily.com/18890/ kaputts-proposal-for-the-new-artsand-culture-house-in-beirut/

The Royal Society of Chemistry[2012], Solar Fuels and Artificial Photosynthesis Science and innovation to change our future energy options

http://ad009cdnb.archdaily.net/ wp-content/uploads/2013/11/527 98338e8e44ef004000091_the-newwarehouse-depot-heinrich-b-ll-architect_110ci20120827d0062_bildgr-e_-ndern.jpg

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http://www.konecranes.com/ equipment/hoists/electric-wirerope-hoists http://smartmovewithcxt.com http://www.pilkington.com/en-gb/ uk/products/product-categories/ thermal-insulation http://shl.dk







http://www.aoa.fi/ http://www.oosterhuis.nl/quickstart/index.php

http://www.google.com/about/ datacenters/gallery/#/tech

http://www.architekt-boell.de/ home.aspx

https://sites.google.com/site/ mcoath/home


https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=0h-RhyopUmc http://www.electronicsnews.com. au/news/hydrogen-from-sunlightwater-and-rust http://www.rsc.org/ConferencesAndEvents/RSCConferences/ DD13/index.asp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocatalytic_water_splitting#Photocatalyst_systems http://www.ted.com/conversations/18081/elevating_photosynthesis_to_ou.html http://www.technologyreview. com/news/423569/a-greener-artificial-leaf/ http://www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/

http://www.wilmotte.com/en/projects/program/5/Sport-facilities http://www.biofuelstp.eu/hydrogen.html http://energy.gov/fe/science-innovation/clean-coal-research/hydrogen-coal http://www.nrel.gov/hydrogen/ proj_production_delivery.html https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=lH3eryW-7KU http://highlowtech.org/ http://www.upf.edu/

energy lab

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